HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-12 Bd Comm minutes ,. .:'.1 ':1 " I .,-, '. MINUTES SENIOR CENTER COMMISSION APRIL 16, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: MOly Goaslond, Bud Godo, Joan Hood. Juno Plopor, Harold Stagor, Ruth Wagnor MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: GUESTS PRESENT: Gorry Busso, Vlnco Mauror, Duono Moans Botto Molsol, Joyco Pholps Evolyn Oaks, Council 01 Eldors 1t:II80DUQJ10~S/MINUT~Q DISCUSSION Godo callod tho moollng 10 ordor at 3:05 PM and wolcomod Evolyn Oaks. Tho mlnutc, worc cpplovod 05 lM!Iod. Thoro was no public discussion. wnQB CE~eR U~DATe . Molsol Molsol said Allan Monsanlo 01 tho Council 01 Eldors had brought hor Informollon about an automoUc door oponor lor tho Inside door on tho north sldo ramp ontranco, and tho Housing Inspoelor had said II was logol 10 uso. Tho cosl ror this door Is aboul $1700. Sho said sho had spokon 10 Marlonno Milkman, who Is tho sloll porson for tho Commlltoo on Community Noods which monitors Community Dovolopmont Block Grant monoy. Sho oxplalnod thoy havo glvon monoy 10 both tho Rocroallon Contor and tho CMc Contor lor handlcappod accosslblo doors. Molsolsald sho has oppllod 10 CCN rOI runds lor thIs prolocl. Molsol updatod tho Commission on tho wotorprooflng/luckpolnllng ollho building, Sho oxplalnod that whon thoy alo finlshod, tho Flro Dopartmont will spray Iho building to soo lItho loaks on tho ground floor In Eldorly SOMCOS aro fixod. Sho said whon this projocl Is complolod, tho outsldo trim will bo palntod. This will bo anol tho mlddlo 01 May. Molsolsald a loplocomonl lor tho wookond lanltor has boon found and bogon working April 14. Molsol stotod thaI a now rosoarch pr%cl on markollng coroaJ'ls bolng conduclod at tho Conlor. Molsol oxplalnod that tho woman doing tho rosoarch has a background In markollng and fundralslng lor non.prom organizations. Sho has agrood 10 advlso on a markotlng projocl or donato 10 hours on advising on a Foundallon. Molsol rolayod thaI slall has docldod thai tho ono work sludy sludonlapprovod In tho budgot will bo ono with vldoo oxporlonco. Tho yoar's work will culmlnalo In a vldoolapo sultablo lor tho Spoakor's Buroau to show 10 gloups whon thoy spook. Molsol said that tho Council 01 Eldors has suggostod thai olfocllvo July " 1990, voluntoors from out of tho county will nood 10 voluntoor 6 hours por month 10 bo ollglblo lor a parking pormll. litho voluntoors hours fall bolow 0 hours conslslonlly, tholr pormlls will bo rovokod. Molsol said that 0 discussIon on this policy will bo on tho noxt agonda. .. t," _-."'0 )' "","C.l" ..", 99;" o ::1,1 ,:1 " I 8 Sonlor Conlor CommIssion April 16, 1990 pago 2 Molsol said sho sont a momo to tho NutrlUon Advlsory Board rogardlng tho policy on political condldatos .nd olfico holdors. Sho Invltod thom 10 tho May 21 mooUng 10 discuss this. ~E~IOR CENTER ~8~~ENTATlONS . Slog or Slagor said ho allondod tho CIty Council mooting and talkod aboul tho flvo yoar goals. Ho Invllod thom to tho Round Tablo Discussion on April 30. COUN!(JL OF ELDER~ . Oaks Oaks roportod thai tho plans lor Oldor Amorlcons' Doyon May 16 woro lormollzod. Sho an. nouncod thai ton candldatos woro running ror olght Spols on tho Council and tho olOellon will bo on th:t d=,(. Tho mornlng ac\l',r\Uoa v.illlncludo: Mako Your 0-..." Vidoo; Goldon pa::porta; DrMng Slmulalors; Gall Lossons; Wildllfa and Envlronmontal Programs; Computor Lossons; Agoncy Opon Housos; and othor programs. Tho altornoon program Is goIng to bo a musical talonl show. Oaks also said bumpor stlckors and t.shlrts will bo avallablo lor salo on that day. Oaks saId tho Board 01 Suporvlsors Is going 10 pay agaIn this yoar for a booth allho Johnson County Fair. BOUND TABLE DISCUS~IQ~ . Hood Hood saId sho and hor commllloo will mool brlony on tho day 01 tho discussion to go OVO( tho goals and quos lions, Sho said tho coffoo and cooklos woro ordorod, Tho lormat will bo: tho nvo yoar goals prosontallon, group discussion, and loport.back Umo al tho ond. Sho oxprossod tho hopo thaI thoy would gol good suggosUons and Ihattho discussIons will bo poslllvo and upboal. ~. Molsol Molsolsald staff had dlscussod ways 01 using Rogbral.s 0 lundralsor. Sho possod out coplos 01 a ploposod loltor to sond 10 food plovldors lor Ihot day suggosllng Sonlor Conlor volunloors provldo tho manpowor In a jolnl vonturo which will bo profilablo 101 both portlos. SIBgor movod Ihallho Sonlor Conlor alaff purauo RaDbral posalbllltloa a. a lundralaor. Qoaeland aocondod. Tho motion carrlod. CABLE TV UPDATE1ACTIOt:j. Rogusky, Bartols Rogusky passod oul shoots on which vldoo oqulpmonl noods woro prlorlllzod and prlcod. Sho Invllod tho Commission to a domonstrallon 01 odltlng oqulpmont at tho Contor on Wodnosday, April 16. Tho shoot provldod lor two opUons In solocUng noodod oqulpmonl. OPTIOttA . Wilh Two Monitors $5,044 . With Ono Monitor $4,764 1. Panasonlo SVHS odlllng systom which Includos two AG.l060 odlllng rocordors wllh a V1doonlcs ProEd controllor. 2. Two Mllshublshl CS.1346R 13 Inch vldoo rocolvors. 9'1;(. , :, 1 ':1 ., I q r . . , , Sonlor Contor CommIssion April 16, 1990 pago 3 3. Ono MPC MX-300 AMC.l dynamic hoadphonos, Ono M267 Suro Audio Mlxor. Ono WHEELIT EFp.17 folding vldoo produellon cart with pnoumotlc tlros. 1110 column assombly, Bogon 3126 Mlcronuld hoad, l068.T oloctrlcal powor slrlp. OPTlOti.D . With Two Monitors $3,679 . With Ono Monitor $3,399 1. Panasonlo SVHS odlUng syslom whIch Includos two AG.1960 odlUng rocordors and ono AG.A95 odlt conlrollor. 2. Mltsublshl CS.1346R 13 Inch vldoo rocolvors. 3. Ono MPC MX-300 AMC.l dynamic hoadphonos. Ono M267 Suro Audio Mlxor. 31.27 TrIpod Dolloy Bogon. Optional oqulpmont Includos ono oqulpmonl bag, ono Panasonlc AG.VP 212 baltory for AG.450 camcordor, ono smallllghl, ono producUon IIghl (TH 0 hoad mounlod In stand). ($275) Bartols and Rogusky wont ovor tho list and oxplalnod oach 110m and answorod quostlons. Molsol said slall agrood that sho should spoak wllh Drow Sharror, Cablo TV Spoclallsl, aboul holplng tho Contor pay lor tho odlUng oqulpmont as thoy aro Inloroslod In showing our programs on tho govornmonl channol. Shallor said ho was going 10 mool wllh tho Asslslanl City Monagor 10 "nd oullf tho cablo TV dopartmonl will bo In tho noxt addition 10 Iho Clvlo Contor or not. II Ihoro Is spaco In tho now addIUon.(nottho ono Ihoy arB doing now), II would bo al loasl a yoar bofola ho would bo buyIng any oqulpmonl. II thoro will nol bo room lor cabin TV In tho noXl addition, ho will bo outhorlzod 10 "nd a spaco downlown, and ho wllllmmodlaloly slart buying oqulpmonl, Molsolsald whal thoy agloed to Is II thoy are goIng 10 bo In tho now building, tho Conlor mlghl as woll go ahoad and buy lis own oqulpmont as II would bo alloasl a yoar boloro ho would buy any. II thoy aro nol goIng to bo In Iho now addition, ho will "nd a placo and would glvo tho Contor rOlJr hours a day ror odiUng os thoy wanl our programs. Molsol said a yoar's wall or ovon longor will joopardlzo our program and" tho CommIssion docldos wo want 10 conUnuo In tho dlroctlon wo havo startod, wo should go ahoad and buy whal wo nood. Thoro was gonoral discussion on tho dlsadvanlagos 01 Iho odlUnD syslom as Ills now and on Iho IImllod Umo avallablo lor odll/ng which koop Conlor programs Irom bolng shown In a tlmoly mannor. Bartols said ho was foarfulthallho mom onium which has boon built up In tho vldoo program would bo gono without mora tlmo avallablo 10 gol programs on Iho aIr. Ho said tho plograms which havo boon on havo boon woll rocOlvod, and Ihal Bob Hardy wants mora and mora of our programs as wo produco moro programs than anyono. Molsol said this vldoo program has dona mora lor oulroach to tho community and for showing a posltlvo Imago, thus stlmulaUng Inloroslln tho Conlor, Ihan anylhlng olso wo havo dono. Slagor aald ho was In lavor of tho vldoo program and wanlod to procood with II. Ho said ho would IIko 10 son Iho oqulpmonl bul agrood Ihal ho would Irusllho /udgmonl 01 tho City Cablo TV prorosslonals on dOlormlnlng which of Iho odll/ng sysloms would bollor moo I tho noods 01 Iho Son lor Conlor Program. 99:<' . tJ ::' 1 ,:, E' rl ' Sonlor Contor Commission April 16, 1990 pago 4 It was movod that tho Sonlor Contor Commlealon buy tho oqulpmont IIstod undor OpUon A with two monitors plus tha auxiliary Itoms 5-8 II tho eta II and cablo TV proloealonols docldo that Option A Is ovorythlng It Ie doscrlbod to bo at tho domonstlaUon on Wodnosday, April 18, 1990. Stagor/Goasland. Allor discussion It was docldod 10 smond tho motion as lollows: II Drow Shallor, City Coblo TV Spoclallst,ls glvon pormlsslon to purchoso odlUng oqulpmont al 01 July 1, 1990, and guaranloos tho Sonlor Contor lour hours a day 01 odlUng Umo, tho moUon to purchaso oqulpmont Irom tho Sonlor Contor gilt lund Is null and void. Wag. nor/Plopor. Goasland quoSliotiod tIlo iliilvoomvnt and cald :hO \'IlIIltcd to know why tho Comm!M!Qn fools It Is not bononclal to purchoso our own oqulpmont and why tho Contor noods to dopond on City cabIn oqulpmont ovon II thoy do buy tholr own oqulpmonl. Sho said In hor mInd tho CommissIon olthor wants to do this or thoy don'l. Sho saId that tho Commission and stall aro constantly looking at kooplng tho sonlor clUzon population curront and allvo and loarnlng and modorn. Sho said this Is a porfoCI opportunity 10 do II. Sho omphoslzod that tho Commission was looking at oqulpmont costs at tho Contor lor othor things OOlllor and as Molsol statod that lhls was 101 ooch group's own IndMduallntorosl, 1.0., photography darkroom, coramlcs, woodworking shop. Sho said that vfdoo oqulpmont would do tho samo thing. In addition, sho saId that programs on cablo glvo tho Contor tho opportunity to promoto and provldo InfQrmatlon and sorvlcos to thoso In tho community and lor othor sonlol cltlzons who cannot physically como down 10 tho Contor. Sho strossod that sho thInks that tho Sonlor Contol Is ahood 01 Its tlmo. Sho sold that tho CommissIon Is 10 bo commondod lor ovon consldorlng this. Sho said that sho lhlnks tho Conlor noods to PUISUO It, noods Its own oqulpmont, and II that Is not how tho Commission fools, that thoro should not ovon bo a moUon al this mooUng. Tholo was gonoral discussion contorlng around tho posslblo loasons tho City Council donlod tho Commission's roquostlor tho v1doo oqulpmont as woll as tho uncortaln status 01 tho City CBblo TV departmenl. Godo callod for a voto on tho amondmont to tho motion on tho floor and clarmod that pass ago 01 tho amondmont would doloy tho program unUI July. Tho yoto on tho amondmont was ayos . 2, Mya . 2and 1 abstontlon. Tho amondmont lallod. Tho CommIssion votod on thu moUon to buy oqulpmont. Tho moUon carrlod, all ayos. ~N DISCUSSION Slagor oxprossod his dlsploasuro at not bolng ablo to posta Sonlor Contor pastor on a Unlvorslty bulloUn board. Evoryono agrood that It was not a lavoroblo policy lor outsldors, built was tho Unlvoralty policy. Goasland sold Ihoro woro olhor ways to publlclzo tho Conlor In tho Unlvorslty community, such as roUromonl packots, Crodll Union and labor union packols, otc. Molsolsold sho was always Invltod to spook at lho Unlvorslty Pro.Rotlromonl somlnars. -,., ~ 9:f-, o .' 1:/ i~' . , Sonlor Contor Commission April 16, 1990 pago 15 Molsol said ovoryono was vory compllmonlary 01 tho Sonlor Conlor's booth al tho Buslnoss PM 10copUon. ADJOURNMENT MooUng adjournod at 15:11 PM. Mlnutos ploparod by Joyco Pholps, Sonlor Contor Soclolary. Mlnulos approvod by Gorry Busso, Sonlor Conlor CommissIon soclotary. II 99:<-