HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-07 Agenda j , , , \ \ ~ _ _____ LJ_ ___ _fl. -' ~ ~-~-.~'" ~ -..r-----------.;;aIJ. -.,- - - ~ -I - .r'-' --- - ..,~ - --...... -....- ~. ~ . . '" '.1 I '~I' 't"1 ,Ct . " . .'. " " , ' , . '. . . . " . ~. -I "'.' . '1 _ _ -, .1.,' ,~ I I I I I i I I 1 , I 1 ! I i I \,~--~._-~.....~~~,_...._.. . / / t^\ /' } .... '.. ., -. . . ~--.:::.._.---_. :1 I. IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1993 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER 410 EAST WASHINGTON .......".. "'.-,,. .-,.......- --.".-.--- , I .1 I , I I I I 1 II I. I I: "Ii !i . F !! '. ~, I, _ I Ii . "{: 'it '. , i' !1 r; I n :'1.. i II' , :j I I J 11'. r 'I" ' , , , '. " ~, . ;. . , . i , , '. ! ' " , , ( '. (',. \1 ~,. - - "l ..;~ r ...' :/ ,I ' ,1...-/ '. .;"1' /,"':/' . :' . . '. . '.: ' '. ' ~. '-"J V': . " . t _ _ ~ . - 0 . , . / / . i,."\ 1 1. .....-.------- AGENDA IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. DECEMBER 7, 1993 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS ~,;", 11/1/'/ ' mx(.[,.c:( 1uf.td(j"et.. :hd-~Mv 't:uil }(k4t!-rr -/!(t,w ITEM NO.1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL. ITEM NO.2. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS. a. Presentation by Project GREEN. ~ ~a;v b. Prasentation of Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. :f /J lffUft'tA ae~' c. Presentation of Hospice Award to the City ~4~ "'1"' ITEM NO.3. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED OR AMENDED. a. Consider approval of Official Council actions of the regular meeting of November 23, 1993, as published. subject to corrections. as recom- mended by the City Clerk. b. Minutes of Boards and Commissions. (1) Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of November 18, 1993. (2) Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of November 10, 1993. (3) Board of Adjustmant meeting of November 10, 1993. (4) Library Board meeting of Novamber 18. 1993. (5) Committee on Community Needs meeting of Novamber 17. 1993. . c. Permit Motions as Recommended by the City Clerk. (1) Consider a motion approving a Class "C" Liquor License for Yen Ching Restaurant, Inc., dba Yen Ching Rastaurant, 1803 Boyrum. (Renewal) (2) Consider a motion approving a Class "B" Beer Permit for Pizza Hut of America, Inc., dba Pizza Hut #402005, 1921 Kaokuk St. (Renewal) (3) Considar a motion approving a Special Class "C" Liquor License for Pizza Hut of Amarlca, Inc., dba Pizza Hut #402041 , 127 Iowa Ava. (Renewal) :..LllL_ .I. -i i , I I 1 , ! i I , i , ' fi j: ~ ,: ! 1 II il I) I" , 11' " " i: " " - It ,. :1 . ,. '-':':~l:':;-" pi I;" pi I: " I Ii I " I :j :'.:' !' I i If ': , i , "'IIt'I'. - --"'" -----... ~...... ~ ..-'..... - ~ ......-.........----------,~... .... -- -' .... f"',':i"l"~~~/""'-I'" ,,'t . ,,~.,', ,".' " ., I , . . ,'. ;' . '/. _ ,''"'- ' ,i. " ,_' '. '. , " I I , ! i , t , i !. ! #2a page 1 Courtney/(#2a) Presentation by Project Green. Emilie Rubright/I am here as co-chair of Project Green steering Committee to make a brief report on the progress of College Green Park. I would like to report to you that the project is very close to completion. To date we have paid the general contractor $157,700, bought $50,000 worth of furnishings and paid $34,619 worth of design, survey fees, construction and administration and supervision, bringing the current total to $242,319. The major elements of the park are in place. What remains to be done is to have some signage in place for it and to replace some of the trees that we lost over the summer. The contractor, Selzer- Werderitsch, will be replacing the trees in the spring in May. I also want to thank you all for your support for this project. Several of you have made personal contributions to this and we certainly appreciate that. We have received some interesting letters since the park has been finished. One particular one from the Willowwind School children who said that while it was very hard to wait for the project to be done, they love it. And one little boy said that he could hardly wait to be tall enough to use the basketball court. We want to let you know that we have scheduled a rededication party for the park on May 15 which is a sunday from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. May, as you know, is the birthday month for Iowa city and this May we will be 155 years old and so we thought it might be fitting to put that on your calendar now and plan a celebration in May that we can celebrate our 155th birthday and hopefully put the pain of the flood of '93 behind us a,nd kind of regenerate ourselves and dedicate ourselves to the future and at the same time remember Chauncey Swan and the founders who laid our city in 1839 including College Green Park which has never been anything but a city park. Pat Boutelle who was sort of the construction supervisor through all this for Project Green has just a few comments that she wants to make and thanks to you. I will turn you over to pat. Pat Boutelle/Doesn't seem as though it was five years ago that we first carne to the city council to ask permission to renovate this park. And now that we are almost done and I think it is a good example of how volunteer groups can work with the city staff and city council to accomplish something that really is-has a major impact in the city. Throughout this project Terry Trueblood and his staff have been just very fine to work with. It is a little bit different for us as volunteers to go through all the processes that are necessary doing a city project and this was really a good working relationShip for us and we were very pleased and want to thank him and also Mr. Yucuis, the Finance Director, who was a great assistance to us in keeping all of these numbers straight. In addition, because we had such an ; ~. . . , ' ! i' \ ,I Ii Ii il " I' II' 1\ , , i ;.: I 1': I' I'! II il 'i ,\ II" 'I i "Iff'''. - - ..,~- --~.....~ ..-'.....--- ., , I ., ," ..' . , ,I, . .--, '-I -, . . ., . . ,':/ ',I...- ./ '(,.. . . '.., " " " I'" , /. ; " I ' , , . ' .; '. "j.. M '_. '." ~ ' .,-.~ \'. ". . / " \ 1 '------ #2a page 2 , i I I I I 1 I 1 ~ ! ~ i! 1; ii ~ 1 ;J f ~ ~: i! ! I unusual year, part of our gazebo which is our major architectural element in the park spent its summer floating around in city park and the rest of it was stored at the city transit building and we would like to thank the transit authorities. In particular one of the staff there, Barry O'Connor, who rustled up equipment for us and donated one of his Saturdays to help us waterproof the gazebo. The optimists, the Noontime optimist Club, as you may remember were responsible for purchasing the playground equipment and installing it in College Green Pa~k and that, too, has been a really successful feature in the park. As you may know they are selling Christmas trees which is where they get their money. So, thank you optimists and if you don't have your tree, please support them. In addition, although we intended to do a great deal more personal volunteer work in this park than it turned out that we were able to do, we did have a number of volunteers who waterproofed all of the benches and who did the waterproofing on the gazebo. The weather didn't permit us to erect the gazebo and I have to admit that when we went down and watched the contractor put it up I was just a little relieved that we didn't do it ourselves. It looks very nice. We are pleased to make this a part of he city and hope that it will last another 150 years. Thank you. Courtney/Thank you. KUbby/I do have two questions. One is who actually signs off for the final okay that everything on the whole contract has been complet~d to our satisfaction. Is it project Green or is it- Boutelle/It is Gross Gardener (sp?) Associates who are the architects and the designers for the project and they do this in conjunction with Project Green and Parks and Recreation. !, II I. 'Ii Ii i: ii, I l' :I ij, , ; ! ~ i I; I , I,: I ' II . I' , i .'1 , I;' , i ,I !' i I , II l , " , , I ~ , jl I I " , II I : I : I : ' !I" Ii i I I l I , I 1 , ; . i I , , I I I I I I i Kubby/signs off to say everything is completed to our satisfaction. Boutelle/Gross Gardener recommends that the project be approved. We have had a couple of inspections We have not had the final inspection. I think the only thing left if I am not mistaken that requires approval is some of the landscaping, growing things. We have already signed off on the hard surfacing and many other elements in the park. Is that not correct. Kubby/Is the Chataqua plaque back or will it be back. Boutelle/No. The chataqua placque isn't back yet. That is part of the signing program. We are going to be installing , , d i '. .! , , - -- '" ,'1 j I, :r , " \. , )i~' ! " ~". - \ I I ',' - "l-----" -::- .. ~.... ,.. . , . t.' " . r ' - -' - " j , 'I " It' ",",' .' .,:/ .~' / .:(,;". ", .,' - , l '. ' I . . ". , I . " " ,'r. , : ! ~ ,- " ~ -' .. 1< ... <, '.,,,- .( .'--.:.:.,:,-:::..::::::::...;..--- ~, '- #2a page 3 plaques in the park to recognize the donors. We have many many donors in the city and we are going to reinstall the chataqua placque and the sign naming the park. Kubby/Thank you. ....~.,~" '__.C', "_.' ,:.. ,," """,." -..,.' ,.. ,.",. ->.", ~., '''-'.' .......-'" ,- -~._..,...--. I ! I I : ) I' , I [, , II ~ '. I , I , I i I " " ,. II Ii II i! I ! Il: 'i i i< , i.1 , if 'H " I , , i: , 'I" , , '" , .j ,.':.~ l:, I J_ ': ~-'" "'-j~'-':" 'I . , , I -/ -/ 'It ,." ..:/ ;'-- ,. ':' I.. ' ' ~. . '~. ': :,' M :' _ . . '. ,:, ',.. .' . ,:".' , / / ,>^) \.. 'i,' ,,~-~-_.~~_.- "- .._~-...... .....--- -~ -'- #2a page 4 courtney/(#2b)(presentation of Distinguished Budget presentation Award and certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.) I i :.( J , i !, : '~ " .....:.,,~..'~., ......,_..... ",!, i" \'i' \ I I I '" II i , , , I' "I II' " I I Ii I II i II 'Ir Ii: - Ii " , , II:' ,~, [I 1;' 'I I' II li' ;1 ' : ! '.: !' ,-II .'.'1) 'I: , , ',.. ' :j , l ii, II, I ! , .-'. ;',' Ml;-, I I " I " ,'f' I,'; ." r I, ,.'j' .<- " . \\1 _\'1 ~~ ~' ~'----;' r--=~ .' . . ,", ':, 1<. :::" /--:C, . ./: ' . . ,_ , ,".V ' -, ," i J' J , . ' ,:":-- .~ ---.,:-. ......-- --- , ' ,..[:" " ' -'-""''''... '..,'''......-.......-.. - . ~...".'~,... ..'. I "'.,- .....,,'.....;.;.,:;.... .~.-" " i: i i. 'I , '1 11,1: .)1 I I: ~ II i 'Ii': It" III ~ I .1;1 /1' r I j" ,.j:;. " ,.' ii ~ t ' , I I',; , , i. ~ . ( , ;', .J:, ""Il('". - ,."- , :,. I. ' , ') ":,' , i /, ., .'-: " ; , , \...: _,'I ~~ -----...,-, ~-- ~ ,........ -- ~ --- '"'QIIIJ..-~-----.....--~ "'If . ...-- .. _77 ~h--+1. . ./':"/.,'. "/~': . ' " ," ': ': '", I~--I' ", . ,I.~ _ '\ .' . . . . -., -,' ' / '/ ^'1 ;' , ' ' ", ~~:::. ~::.::.--~, --....---.. ~'- #2b page 1 courtney/(#2b)(presentation of Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.) lA1.1A ..~.. ."." -. ,. -.,-,,-.~~. .... ......- . - ,.... .... " \ ---~. -- ,.. !: , , I, , [ L , i' I I I i I , ; , I III I Ii! ji: ,. j! ;/ il - \. ';i'.::, i.' , !: i ',,1'- il \) ""IIt'". - - .VI.-'.-"-'-- '1----...- ~-- ~ ...-,' ........ -- '- . . . ". , . " ( '- ~ -" - ,.--- ' ----'--1-~t7tt~ " ' .,'"/ ~ ,,1'. , . , '\':.' i. " . '., \' ' '. ' , " , , ~ ' . , " ~' _ . ~ ,I -' .' '. ,/ " , '. "'. #2c page 1 Courtney/(#2c)Presentation of Hospice Award to the city of Iowa city. Peg MCElroy Frazer/Thank you, Darrel. As the executive race director, I have had a little additional add to my race director title, I would like to convey my appreciation for the city of Iowa city's support, encouragement, and participation in the 17th annual Parson's technology Hospice Road Races held Sunday, October 24. A record 4,800 people registered for the event and our first person to cross the first line was 13 year old jacob Smith of Iowa City, clocking in a time of two minutes and forty five seconds in the had mile Hawkeye Hippo Hustle. Sue Horowitz was spotted on both the one mi16 fun run and at the delightful hospitality reception conduction by Trinity Episcopal members for the benefit of our finish line volunteers. Sue, you were 291 over all, 149 for females, and 2 in your age division. Courtney/Let's try harder next year. Fraser/Impressive. Very impressive. She was in the one mile KGAN Koala Classic. Twenty four states were represented and four foreign countries and Bruno, you can give us all the scoop about the course ambiance made possible by course hoopla director Mark Ginsberg, five great bands, and the fabulous neighborhood hoopla of Vern and sally Robinson and some kind of spectacular miracle weather. Bruno, that half marathon time is very impressive, 1:42:15 and you were 183 in the entire filed. Bruno's speed was matched by three elite men and two elite women breaking the previously held 10K course record of our elite athletes. Our youngest was not born when he registered. Patrick George was one month old on Hospice Day and our oldest was 83 year old Lillian Sederstrom of East MOline. They were well attended to by over 650 community volunteers known to attract letters from allover the country saying that this folks are so professional do they do this everyday. And, oh yes, the fund raising. Over $149,000 was raised for the agencies of United Way as our lead agency. Our goal was $150,000. Ted Pacia raised over $9,000 alone. Hospice kids raised over $5,000 and we are now joined by the sororities and fraternities in challenge and they brought over $6,000 in their first year. Now my favorite report: there were no injuries. Traffic control director and sheriff's deputy, Joe Lalla, assisted by the Iowa city Police Department Lt. Fort, Joe Meyers, captain Harney, the Engineering Department, Rob Winstead and Rick Fosse, and superb signage by Jim Brachetl along with volunteer sign director Nina Sailor with some great help from her husband Ken. All of these folks and many others contributed to the safety and to the success. On behalf of the board and staff of the Iowa i I ; i, (I I I Ii ! ! i! ii I::, !i' ii' I Ii I,' , II i'.', - " II i', 'I I , I [, I,! ,! \ I } " 'i - , , ;f , , I '. " .' i \,,!' \;" ~". - i I - "l--~ n...._~ -.'_ - ~. .... --. ... - - - ~~ ~ ." I ., f " ' y" ,'. . ,/ I, ,i;..I' /-" I::) . ' . .. , , .~ . ""l'~' ~_.":, 'w .;;.V'!, JII . '.,".", .' / / I r /) / ' ... ,;. -"- .-\ '---:-..----.- "." -'--..::. ------.... "- #2c page 2 city road Races I would like to thank the city for their involvement and Sue and Bruno for your outstanding performance. Now get training. There are 328 until the next race, Sunday, October 30, 1994. Thank you. Courtney/Thank you. A great job again. Horow/October 30. I will put that in my calendar right now. Fraser/October 30. ......,.. .........-.. , , '.... .do:, , i i ! , Ii II .1 II II: ,! r Ii " ~ 1,1 " , '!i " t: n 'if I, I I I, , , , , . '/ ,,' I"~ " 'i." i :1 ! i I " 1,0' ., , , "1 ,. I 'I , " .' \ '. ~ " ,. - - "l - ,..- ~. '.' ':/'1 ,1...-/', :/-/'"Ct", '."..', , . , " , , ': ' " '" ' ,.""_ . ,'... ~l'" .' ' , : . / /",- J' I I. -, 1 . ..... ~~-- '- '. #2c page 3 CourtneY/(#2d)We have two other presentations not listed on the agenda. The first one is from the employees activity committee at Mercy Hospital. I might call Gina Greenwood, Kim Kilpatrick, Sandy Peters, and Michelle Farrel. Gina Greenwood/on behalf of the employees at Mercy we would like to present to the City of Iowa city a donation for the restoration of city Park damaged this summer during the flood. Pigott/Great. Courtney/Just for everyone's information the donation is in the amount of $1,000. KUbby/Thank you very much. Courtney/! understand this was that money that normally would have been spent for employee's picnic in city park and it wasn't held. Thank you very much. A fund drive near and dear to me. ._aJ , ' 1'1 . , i' , , 1:; , I , ./ Ii ! I II Ill: I! : ~ ;j I! - . i II 'i , li,~ I' ~: i I: Ii f' r ,"":.1 i.JI' -:! l; i /'", ..,'. 'I I, , " ! I ",' I I ,I , I /, . J :. : '~, I '" \oo......~.". . . . . . I . . . , .' .' :I I" . :1...-,' t 1 I~t - " .,' '", , ., '. ' .", r: ':~,'"_'. _. t _. ... / / /" , ),.' ':-" -1 -- --~ ----- ~" #2d page 1 Courtney/ We have two other presentations not listed on the agenda. The first one is from the employees activity committee at Mercy Hospital. I might call Gina Greenwood, Kim Kilpatrick, Sandy Peters, and Michelle Farrel. Gina Greenwood/ On behalf of the employees at Mercy we would like to present to the City of Iowa city a donation for the restoration of city Park damaged this summer during the flood. Pigott/ Great. Courtney/ Just for everyone's information the donation is in the amount of $1,000. Kubby/ Thank you very much. Courtney/ I understand this was that money that normally would have been spent for employee's picnic in city park and it wasn't held. Thank you very much. A fund drive near and dear to me. --......,...,." ---...-- ;.. i i \, I' I: /: 1: ii i II ,I , If Ii Ii Ii ii Ii " - " :1, , p ~ , l I. i I , I I I ,. ~ II I 'f II.'. I I; ),', I,' ,; :'1'; ,'.'/ !~ . "1 I I i! "Ii, .' ~ ., . :" I, i i ,. }' , ., '>i' p. - I I i - ~~ --~........ -'.. ...----- ,., "'. . ..... ..... - --- , ' - ',:" 't ' '. , , 'I...- :/,.. " .:/ I. "/ ' ti '. '. . "~'~',,' ;,_ . c....., " ,.' . / /~" , . ',. , ---, .........--- --, #2e page 1 CourtneY/(#2e)The last item for special presentations. This is a letter addressed to myself. Several years ago a group of business persons from Amagasachi, Japan visited Iowa city. The visit led to a special friendly relationship between people in two communities which has broadened and deepened as time has past. Upon hearing of flooding in Iowa City this summer, members of the Amagasachi business comnlunity took up a collection and mailed a check for use in Iowa city Flood relief at the discretion of the Iowa city Amagasachi Friendship Association. The association has decided the restoration of city Park is a most worthy project as it will benefit a large number of Iowa Citians, especially members of the younger generation. On behalf of the Iowa City Amagasachi Friendship Association I am very pleased to herewith to turn over to the Parks and recreation Foundation a check in the amount of $1,000 which we received from our very good and kind friends in Japan. Signed Olef Davidson, chairman of Iowa city Amagasachi Friendship Association. These are the kind of checks we like to get. Keep the cards and letters coming. I think the total now Terry with these is approximately $16,000, over $17,000. So we have jumped $7,000 in the last two weeks. We are picking up steam. ..--........-.....--.. ---'-" '-,- (i , ' 1; i J: I: II! " :[ I I I I ii, 'I',' I ~ " I: i. ;:/,i. 'I": ., ,I ' ~: i,l ,\: . .... il'lr J. r II I; " I ,{ , , "IIJf"~. ---- - 'I.3-31Q 93 - 319 "l - --~-- , ", , . ( , . . - ',":" J- ", 'I' / ttl '. ," '. '. ~."': .'1,' J, l'~ ,," '_ " .~.' t , . . .' A.,~. .\_ I _.,' ~ I.,...:: ,,' . , . '" ,. / , \1 , t. '-....--.. Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Paga 2 93.3/7 d, Metions. 1<e5olutl cm..:s : (11 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST THE RELEASE OF A LIEN REGARDING A PROMISSORY NOTE EXECUTED FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 412 DOUGLAS COURT, IOWA CITY, IOWA. Comment: The owners of the property at 412 Douglas Court received rehabilitation assistance through the City's Housing Rehabilitation Program in the amount of $3,000 on September 28, 1989. The lien was amended on October 10, 1990, for the amount of $2,B73. The lien was paid off on December 1, 1993, and can now be raleased. (2) CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, AND HAWKEYE STATE BANK FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 229 SOUTH SUMMIT STREET, IOWA CITY, IOWA, Comment: The City's Hcu.ing Rehabilitation Program was contacted by Hawkeya State Bank requesting that the City approve a subordination agreement for tha owner of 229 South Summit Streat. This owner received $7,300 in 1991 In the form of a deferred payment loan through the City's Rental Rehabilita- tion Program. Hawkeya State Bank is about to loan the owner. $126,500 to payoff the land sales contract, The appraised value of the property is $158,000, which provides adequate security to protect the City's interest as a second lienholder, which was also the City's original position. (3) CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AMENDATORY AGREEMENT #8 TO ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERN. MENT RELATING TO FRONT-END FUNDS FOR PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT NUMBER IA05P022008. Comment: Amendment #8 is for the Front-End Funds in tha amount of 1 % of the Total Devalopment Cost of $18,429 for the Public Housing project IA05P022008 construction of 20 detached convantlonal units. ......'-........-. -, , , 1 : , ' I,' I " I,: " Ii II " - , II. " " Ii 'I' " ;, !: I I , " " I, , h: , I II Ii l; I " I II I'i Ii Ii I, ! I ) II " I :1 , " ,I " ~". ---- - "l ~---,.,,- , , I ", : I' : -f 't-'" -t ' .," , _ :1 ,.L.. _ ="-, , - ,1~' ., I, .. '. ~';_ , ',. 1,_,: ~, '.~ ' ,'/', . / . '1 Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Page 3 (4) CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF 13 - 3Z() AMENDATORY AGREEMENT #9 TO ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERN. MENT RELATING TO TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST FOR PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT NUMBER IA05P022008. Comment: Amendment #9 is for the Total Development Cost in the amount of $1,842,900 for the Public Housing project IA05P022008 construction of 20 detachad conventional units. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF , (5) I '13-32.1 AMENDATORY AGREEMENT #1 0 TO ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS I CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERN. i I I , , MENT RELATING TO FRONT.END FUNDS FOR PUBLIC HOUSING I ,. PROJECT NUMBER IA05P022009, , !,' , ., . , " ~ I 1 Comment: Amandment # 1 0 is for the Front.End Funds in the II amount of 1 % of the Total Development Cost of $11, 7B5 for the Public Housing project IA05P022009 construction of 13 detached " ' 'I !i '" conventional units. 1'1 II' " ( '" (6) COrJSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ( I' , I : '~ J,'I q3. 3lZ. AMENDATORY AGREEMENT #11 TO ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS ., I,' j!1 I; CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERN. . I ~ MENT RELATING TO TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST FOR PUBLIC I 1'1 \1 HOUSING PROJECT NUMBER IA05P022009, Ii I Comment: Amendment #11 is for the Total Development Cost in' the amount of $1,178,550 for the Public Housing project I IA05P022009 construction of 13 detached conventional units. 'I' II' " I , (7) CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF i 'i3 ~ 323 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT KC. 9033E, PROJECT NO, IA06.E022.904, Comment: The Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract KC9033E covers the 627 units of Section 8 Existing Housing Certificates, HUD has offered a Cost Amendment increase of $170,000 Contract Authority for two years with a maximum Budget Authority of $340,000. The amendment provides additional contract and budget authority to cover increasad Program expendituras to maintain tha Program at the number of units originally approved by HUD. This amandment does not represent any new Certificates for tha Program. The maximum annual Contribution amount will be $2,745,372, Ii ---- -, \. " ~". - - ""1~---~"'\4I- -'.. - . ..' ," ' . . , ., "" :,' I .1...-/' L'I' ,', Id . ". . ";' .' ';., M' I~":" :' r~_ :,;' ..,"D, .: L, ' ' / j,' " '1 {. - .wL I.', ',I i " ' I,; '0', """..". - - "1-~--; ~....~ - ------ .. ,..,... -. ....-- -- . , . r . ,~ ." :., . . :1 I . ,"1...-/ . t-H' '[, ': ',' ..' ", , ," ,", ' . :, :."_ c_ _"', t,-1},' " ' ".', ,/ Fl ;, . " -. ---.,.- ..........- -~ ~ Aganda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting Dacember 7, 1993 Page 5 f, Applications for Use of Straets and Public Grounds. (1) Application from Royce Nelson for permission to usa city streets for a Toys for Tots Parade on December 18,1993. (approved) (2) Application from Joanne Higgins for permission to use city streets for the Old Capitol Criterium Bike Race on May 1, 1994. (ap- proved) J#w / (~-N....:-,;t-Aht) ,I ~ ;./~ ~ END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO.4- P~ANNING AND ZONING MATTERS. , 4Wd!i a. Consider setting a public hearing for January 24, 1994, on an amand- ment to the Iowa City Comprehensiva Plan by revising the Fringe Araa Policy Agreement between Johnson County, Iowa, and Iowa City, Iowa. Commant: This hearing would be held jointly with the Johnson County Board of Supervisors. At its August 19, 1993, meeting, by a vote of 4- 0, the Iowa City Planning and Zoning Commission racommended approval of this agreement, The County Zoning Commission racom- mended in favor of the agreement at its August 9, 1993, meeting, by a vote of 4-0, , " i Action: m l ~/ /.k-u, MO D10.1) b. Consider setting a public hearing for January 4, 1994, on an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance to redefine "family cara facility/family home" by Including "community supervised apartment living arrange- ment." Comment: At its November 18, 1993, meeting, by a vote of 4-0, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of a proposed amendment to allow unlicansed, but state-regulated, supervised housing for persons with disabilities in all residantial zones. The Commission's recommendation is consistent with that of the staff. Action: IkD / 1~~u.kJ I ' tiH, .rl.tt-<tJ - .1 ....11 I i I , I, " , II: Ii II r: I:' , Ii ~ il II I ,I Ii' It' ., l r: !.i, i.: I: '.r III I " " i I, ,'i , ~-----....;'" r.' '. :,'-1' . :i; 't"':", , 1'1" ',. '.. .',.' " .,"::o-rl','_' ' '.", . ". ' . . ," ,- - '-.~ , . / / i/~\ /' 1 {. . ~ .~, Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Page 6 - c. Public hearing on an ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance Section 36- 58, Off-Street Parking Requirements for Multi-Family Dwellings; Sections 36-11 (g), 36-12(g), 36-13(g) and 36-14(gl. the special provisions sections of the RM-12, RNC-20, RM-20 and RM-44 zones; Sections 36-17(c)( 1) and 36-20(c)( 1), the provisional use sections oftha CO-1 and CB-2 zones; and Sections 36-19(d)(5) and 36-23(d)(3), the special exception sections of the CC-2 and CI-1 zones. Comment: At its November 4, 1993, meeting, by a vote of 6-0, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance raquirements pertaining to 1) tha number of off-street parking spaces raquired for multi-family uses; 2) the screening requirements when parking spaces are located on the ground floor of or under a building; and 3) the requirement that accass to individual multi-family dwelling units shall ba from enclosed lobbies or corridors, except for townhouse-style units. The Commission's recommendation is generally consistent with the staff recommendation contained in staff memorand_~j Octo er 15 and November 4, 1993. Action: 6Y1 d. Public hearing on an ordinance amanding the Zoning Ordinance to affirm the single-family character of the RNC-12, Neighborhood Conservation Residential, zone and to restrict the number of principal buildings permitted on a lot in the RNC-12 zone. Comment: At its November 4, 1993, meeting, by a vote of 6-0, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the proposed amandments to the zone, The Commission's recommendation is consistent with the staff recommendation contained in a memoran- dum dated October 27, 1993. Action: Y\(~ ~... (~II',p- , \' j' I I i i i i I , i I I \: direr I Ii !i ili I I , i; \, ii " I' II' , .. ,: I' I, ('~ .' h I II! , I ;, I ,I I I I i d . y ,. ,.'. '" .." . I' I , '1' -/. 't-8 '-t" " . , ' . :/ .~, "../. " ." . " ". , . .. ,", ,'., ,. .', ',: . " M .'_ . _ "... . I ..0" , / " .. --"~ ! , , I I I I I ,. , I I l " f i I #4c page 1 Courtney/(#4c)Open the p.h. on this item. Larry Svoboda/I am not a resident of Iowa city but I do have income property in Iowa City and I would like to address this issue tonight. I am a full time landlord and I not only participate in the maintenance and operation of my property but also development of it. There is basically three issues that I would like to address tonight and the first item is that of the parking. The question of parking. I have currently four buildings or five total buildings that are currently built under the regulations of one and half spaces per unit for each unite that is under 800 square foot. Those units happen to be three bedrcom units and the system works. I know it works because I go a step further in my units and I not only lease the apartments but I lease the parking spaces as well and I lease them to the individual people that are in the building. So I have a pretty good handle on knowing how many parking spaces that are required in the three bedroom units each year. Three out of the last four years I have actually come out right to the parking spaces as far as requests for parking. I am not including visitors parking but I am just saying that the people that live there. This last year I broke with that rule and I had one building where I had more requests than I had parking and in one other building I had one less request than what I had for parking. So I am saying that is a pretty good record and that is over about a five year period. I do SUbmit there is a tremendous parking problem in Iowa city. I don't think it is with the new buildings that are built under the current code the way it is. Parking problems have generated over a number of years in this community and they have been generated by older dwellings that have been converted to rooming houses over the past years and into apartments where there is no parking that was ever provided on those spaces. consequently that is where I think the parking problem originates. I deal primarily with the RM-44 zone in my particular apartment complexes and so that is where I think this is the most critical issue. Most of the RM-44 lots or the lots that are in the RM-44 zone that are currently not developed and what I mean by that are not developed with new buildings are irregular and small lots and over the years the city has put payer upon layer of zoning regulations in these areas that have made it next to impossible to do anything with these properties as far as developing them yet. And yet in these zones I feel that there has been-there must be a need for the development of the property of we wouldn't have them zoned RM-44 in the first place. I guess I would like to see some kind of level playing field established in the city of Iowa city with regard to what our parking requirements or what our needs are and what our requirements should be. I am not here to try to pick on any particular individual situation but I' I ~: I I , i I II r. , , , . , l i'l ~ if Ii' ~ ' I I 1,1 \[ I {: I; d "'IfIt"". --~ '1.~- ._~..... . r.~"/':/ I. . J~/', :t-#:''', fl ", . '. ',:'. " ': " M .......;.. _. ,,-...,' . . " ,/ "1 U4c page 2 recently we instituted a CB-5 zone where a building was built behind the Firestone Tire and it is a beautiful building. It adds to the property tax base in our community and I think it is really a neat structure but in all areas except for one I don't feel that building was developed from what I consider to be a level fail playing field as far as competition for those of us that are in the apartment business that are concerned. The reason I feel that way is basically that building is an apartment building in a commercial district and it has very little to do with the commercial structure. I don't know how many of you are familiar with that building but if you look behind the facades that are on the front of the building which is very shallow. It is commercial but it is very shallow. It is parking for the apartments that are above. I don't see how on one side of the question the City of Iowa city can say if you are in an RM-44 zone you are going to have to have three and four parking spaces per unit and yet in a CB-5 zone you can build a building and buy parking spaces in a phantom parking ramp. Phantom parking spaces that don't exist. The two are just not compatible in their concept at all. The second part of this resolution that I am in great disagreement with is the balcony part of the resolution. If you pass this ordinance I would almost venture to day it would probably be the first city that I would have nay knowledge of that has a anti-balcony and anti-open stairway ordinance. I guess I don't know what is wrong with that type of structure. Bill Clinton has one on his house, he has a balcony. And I guess if it is okay for Bill it should be all right for Iow~ city. KUbby/Excuse me. So we can clarify that. Is that an accurate interpret-the stairwells I understand but the balconies. You can have a balcony on an apartment that you enter to from the apartment. Svoboda/The stairways on certain situations and the open walkways can also become a balcony. On my particular buildings they serve a dual purpose. They serve as a balcony as well as an open unenclosed stairway. Pigott/But this wouldn't prevent balconies. Svoboda/Okay. I understand that. The, I scratch my head in this and the only thing I can come up with is that it must be a question of esthetics. It certainly can't be a question of health, safety and conservation of energy. I think the advantage of an open and unenclosed stairway are first of all you don't have to heat it. You don't have to light it 24 hours a day. So there is a great energy conservation. Safety wise, if it was my daughter and I had a choice to send her to an apartment building that had an enclosed ; I : : i ~ " r I: , ,Ii I ! :1 J Ij , !l ( r .' ,\; :1 ,.' f: " I:! " I ,f:l , I , , , " I Ii Ii '1 I, ./; ii ,. - ~ ~ f , 1 ~ , ( . , 1 ( ! i i I I - "1~- --~.... ~ ..-'....."- , ' . , ,J. ,'. ....' . ( ~ - - -, . . , ': . ':/ I ' .1...-/. t7l. Ij. . ',':, '., '" . .,.. I , '. .', ':'. . 'I'M' ...,'_ '_' ~I" ' .' . ';. ' #4c page 3 stairway vs. one that is open, she can drive-I have-the specific female tenants that I have can drive into their parking lot at night. They can look from their car windshield at the open stairways and they can look at the open walkways and they Can see that it is safe to go from their car to their apartment building or to their apartment or without interference of somebody mugging them in a hallway or the fear of being raped in a hallway doesn't exist because they don't have that problem in this type of structure. But I think that is a real big point. Health wise there is also a big question. We live in a student environment and whether you like it or not students have a tendency to overindulge. They come home at night and they have a tendency sometimes to vomit of defecate in the stairways or in the halls and it is much easier problem to take care of on an open and unenclosed stairway than it is in the hallway. It creates a much cleaner and safer atmosphere. I guess the only thing I would question is what can you say good about an enclosed walkway. I think the question here boils down to esthetics and it certainly doesn't outweigh, in my opinion the other points that I have just brought out. If it is a question of esthetics why not just limit the stairs. Allow them but limit them to any side of the building except the street side so you don't have to look at them. I have got to or three buildings around town that I think you would have to really look very hard to see that the stairways are open and unenclosed and I think they are aesthetically acceptable. Some of them I can understand that there is some resistance to them in town because some developers haven't done a very good job of designing them but I think there were some design features that were promoted by the P/Z Department. I think we could probably solve the problem. Something else I want to bring up too that you don't probably realize as a council. But the UBC which has been adopted and is continually upgraded and adopted by the city inspection department has what they call one half the diagonal rule. And what that basically says is that the fire escapes in an apartment building have to be no closer than one half of a diagonal line drawn through the building. That is not a problem on a large structure but on a small structure of which you would find in a lot of these RM-44 areas. You cant build it like that. If you try to enclose a stairway and put it through the center of the building and then you draw the diagonal and measure the distance you are going to have stairways sticking way out of the building and you just can't fit it on a smaller piece of property. So it becomes a moot point. You just can't do it. If you enclose the stairways the builders and developers I think are going to be ingenious enough. In fact I have got one on the drawing board right now where if you have to enclose that stairway you can do so. What yo are going to end up with is one side of the , , Ji Ii II Ii II a , ,., ii' I; i'L , I, i i{ I. " I,~ d I ! II I I) I, r d - ...t.....-__..tI_ - ~,. - T '1~- --~..... ~ ~-I.......- ~. ....-- ft. - -T~"'-'" f.. .' :/'1 ',1..:./', Cr . '1;-' '. , ' ," ' '.' .'. \;:'",::, M:: ~~_, "':l' l ,J,'", ,," J. .,'" ,,',' H4c page 4 building that is three stories tall, a solid way with the stairways enclosed and probably the most boring and unesthetic thing that you can look at and you are going to have a feeling like you are looking at one of the walls of the penitentiary rather than a decently designed apartment building. If you pass this ordinance I feel that this is the straw that may break the camel's back as far as any possible future construction in a RM-44 district. And I think what you are going to do it preserve some of the bad and eliminate some for the good. And I now there is a lot of problems that some people have with newer apartment construction but I think if it is done aesthetically it can be an enhancement to the community. You can add to the tax base. you can house more people efficiently for less money. If you save a lot of these old buildings which have outlived their usefulness in some of these areas you have-you are not only preserving the building but you are preserving asbestos in the basement which most of them are loaded with. You are preserving asbestos siding on a lot of them. You are preserving houses that have little or not insulation in them. The cost of heating these houses are enormous and I know that because I have owned some. In fact I have an older building now that has ten efficiency apartments in it that houses ten people and I have a new fifteen unit apartment at the corner of Church street and N. Dubuque street that house 48 people and I can heat that large building for $15 month less on the average than what it costs me to heat that older building. You may wonder what that has to do with balconies and parking lots but I am saying another layer of bureaucracy or another layer of regulation and we might as well forget it because it is not going to happen. There is going to be no more construction. The last thing that I want to cover here I guess and then I will end my presentation is timing and publication. I just happen to discover that this was a p.h. 0 this issue tonight when I stopped down to the building department to deliver a form down there and just accidently found out about it and I try to stay up on these issues. And the timing and publication of some of these things I think really need to be addressed by the council. This was something the last time I had talked to people in city hall was going to be an issue that might come up later in the year next year. Suddenly it is before us. In this mean time I have purchased a piece of property which I want to upgrade, in my opinion upgrade, build a new building on. I have subscribed to and incurred over $3,000 of engineering costs on this thing already just getting ready to put it in it's final draft to present it to the city building department and the thing might be blown out of the saddle tonight. So I think that if we are going to have these changes all for the time in the zoning ordinance that there should be a lot more publication and time for us to either saddle our horse and . , , ~ !, , II' Ii W I ',' " :' I ,'t' l I I, /' II I I, '. " I , I,! d Ii II .I '1 " I: ! ~......... ""'IIIt"". - --~--- .~-- '& ..-, ...... - ~ ,... ..........---------...,~ ... ......... "~~-'-J , ( ", . . .", " , " :. -"1 . -::/ ' . l-" '- t " " . .' '/ . J..' "/., I - . . ._, -. ' " j r," 'I' . . . ':' '. .:' ~ " . "-- . . .' ..~". ',":", . '. :..., " #4C page 5 get out of town or whatever we need to do because this gets to be a real deterrent to anybody who wants to invest in this type of business. That is all I have to say. Courtney/Thanks, Larry. Any other discussion on this item. Joe Holland/Mr. Mayor and council members. I am an attorney here in Iowa city and I became interested in this issue over a year ago and started writing to the zoning commission at that point exclusively about parking. The reason I became interested is I represent landlords who own property in the near souths ide of town which is where this sort of development that Mr. svoboda is talking about as predominantly occurred. The issue at that point was parking and how it affects both the landlords and the tenants in the area. I brought along some photographs tonight. I showed these to the zoning commission at their p.h. and I understand Mr. Svoboda's comments about pUblication and the opportunity to come before the council and be heard. This issue was discussed at two separate zoning commission meetings so it is not something that has been on the fast track. As I said I think my first letter went out to the city staff in December 1992. So it is not an issue that is a sudden surprise sprung upon either the city or upon landlords in Iowa city. With your position I would like to approach the council and pass around same photographs that I have mounted showing what the parking is like in the near souths ide Iowa city. These photographs are representative of South Van Buren, South Johnson, Bowery street in that vicinity. I think probably the council has heard enough over the years to know the area that we are talking about. There is one photograph which has a posted arrow I pasted on. The arrow points to a fire hydrant that is blacked by a number of vehicles. My interest was initially aroused, as I say, by landlords approaching me what do I do about my parking lot that is filled with vehicles from ather landlord's tenants. But from there is became far me more of an issue of quality of life bath for people in the city in general and also for tenants that live in those areas. I don't know haw many of the council members saw the article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette which quotes some tenants. You won't find any tenants here tonight because by and large tenants are pretty unorganized bunch. But if I could I would like to read just briefly a little bit from the beginning of this article. This appeared in the Gazette, Sunday, October 10 by Timothy Connors. University of Iowa student Mary Blane and her roommates have three cars. Unfortunately their apartment complex on the corner of Bowery and Van Buren Streets has provided them with only one parking space. In accordance with the Iowa City ordinance the complex has eight parking spaces for it's four apartments with a total of 13 bedrooms. Four of those ~ Ii Ii ii, " I W , Ii I, . - I' :i " I, " " r I' II 'I 1:1 I I II ,I " , 'I , I - - (,' . I,' . . ',-:--,' I' '_' '> _", I ',' - . ":/ I . 1...-/. J I _"",I. , ,,,. . " . \ 1 . ,- ,) ~ I . I, .,"" , .:. ',. 'l-'~~': \,_ ,". :~' . ~- . "".' ',' " , #4c page 6 ! ! I ~ , " l! i Ii 11 11 spaces are reserved for tenants of the five bedroom apartment above Blane. What this article doesn't say is that 0 ne of those spaces is a handicap space which is available to tenants only if they meet the legal requirements for handicap sticker. We have to park two cars on the street Blane said but only seven or eight legal street spots are available in the vicinity of her apartment. hose are usually taken. So Blane and her roommates must live with a dilemma. Either risk a ticket by parking in front of a fire hydrant or across a sidewalk or squeeze in the nearest legal spot which is often blocks away. The reason that this is happening is because of the type of apartment buildings being built under the current parking requirements. Four and five bedroom apartment can be built in this instance with eight parking spaces. Mr. Svoboda has a plan on the drawing board that he has been working on. I have a plan that I put together it is for a five bedroom apartment that occupies less than 800 square of space and on a typical city lot in that area which is 60 X 150 feet you could put eight of those units with 12 parking spaces/ one handicap. So you have 11 parking spaces for some 40 bedrooms. That is legally permissible under the current ordinance. I agree that if you adopt these amendments to the ordinance that it is going to change the character or construction. It is going to decrease the density on those lots. Historically those areas have been built up with three bedroom apartments. I don't know how old these apartments are that Mr. Svoboda was talking about that have three bedrooms. That is not the current trend. The current trend is to five bedroom apartments. And unless the council does something that trends is going to continue. Where do the people go that need parking. You can see from those photographs where they go. They park in the aisles, they park in the yards, they park in front of fire hydrants, they park anywhere they can. I don't begrudge those people. For years I lived in an apartment on South Clinton street and had a car that I parked 0 the street. I had to move it because of street storage. I never knew where or when I would find a parking space when I moved. So I do have some first hand experience with what these people go through. It also ties up city staff time. The city has to do a fair amount of ticketing and towing in response tot he situation that has been created. It also creates problems with snow removal. Take a drive some winter day down through South van Buren street in particular. I take some issue with the comments that Mr. Svoboda made about the desirability of outside entrances. I really brought this up as just a minor side issue when I spoke in front of the zoning commission. I think in fact it is probably an energy waster. You have every apartment in those buildings have exterior entry. During the winter you open that door and the cold air comes in. You open u the door in the summer and the hot air comes , , I ft , I' I: I' Ii ", Ii 1:, I! ", " I I' ,. !: ,: J ! ,,~ Ii I \ I I i 1 , I II ,I " " , ~ ~ I: .1 """'11I("''''' ----- -..---...-, --... ~ ~..... '-a ;' ...... , .' 'j . '. .' . ' i '. "'1 ,'i:/ . r ' ,.,:). . ", " ," . , .. ::.. ,I'. ,r_ ., rV . , . ': ,'..;. ~. . ~'';'''. I '.' _ ~_ ' " . ' " " #4c page 7 in. If you have a hallway or vestibule it operates as an air lock. I can't prove it but I suspect it is a much more energy efficient building. certainly more comfortable for the tenants than having that blast of cold air come into their apartments. The other thing that has happened as a result of this type of construction and if you drive sown and look at these you see these buildings are towers. They tower above the street. I say if you are careful you could stack four levels of five bedroom apartments on each side of the building on a 60 foot lot. It dominates the landscape. It has destroyed the character of a to for the neighborhoods where the older apartment buildings, the ones containing two and three bedroom were built on a two and half story basis so they were not that much more dominant than the existing construction. The newer buildings tend to be extremely tall. I think that the proposal that the staff came up with and was modified at the request of the zoning commission is a reasonable approach to this. I can't disagree with what Larry said. It is going to change the character of construction. Whenever you tinker with the zoning ordinance, fine tune it or make a massive overhaul like in 1983, it changes the character. that is the intent of the zoning ordinance. I am here to pitch to the city council to adopt this ordinance and try and deal with the situation that has become a problem and is going to continue to be a growing problem. If you don't take action the demands upon the city parking system, those streets in that area, are going to become ever increasing. So I hope that you will take the recommendation of the zoning commission. They did think this through and voted 6-0 in favor of it. It is an issue whose time has come and I hope you will look favorably upon it. , , l, II: fl " 11 , r ii II I: I;' I I ~ ,I" " " ,; I: I! '( '" " I II II " ! Courtney/Thanks, Joe. Throg/Can I ask a question. I am not exactly sure how to phrase this but I think I direct it both to Joe and Larry and I guess the essence of my question is I am wondering whether there is any way to structure zoning ordinances with regard to parking that put parking or auto use on a level playing field with bicycle use or transit use. Is there any way to structure incentives within that kind of a zoning ordinance to accomplice that level playing field from your point of view and Larry, too. Holland/It us difficult to structure I think any ordinance to create that level playing field because the simply fact of modern life is that most people want a motor vehicle and part of what has happened is that the grocery stores, the service facilities, the types Of places that people need to patronize have moved out form the d.t. area. The d.t. area now is largely bars and restaurants and what I am talking Ii , \.."" '- - i , ., -.. - ~-.~. ~- ~ r ,., ~ ;'111I." ~... ........--------T~ ... ... --- ... - f' . _'.-., '.' ' .:,' :/;1': ,;1...-/. " ,LI .Id ".' :/, ,:'. ': ';..' _, .,~ ~;1.,. " '. '~ #4c page 8 about is the apartments that are clustered around d.t. and I don't know that there is a way to get around that through a zoning ordinance by regulating the amount of on site parking. I find it somewhat curious. The ordinance requires a certain amount of parking spaces to be associated with an apartment building but there is no requirement that those parking spaces be kept for tenants. There is also no provision that the landlord can't charge for those parking spaces. You heard Mr. Svoboda say he leases those parking spaces. I tell you one of the reasons he doesn't have demand is the tenants don;t want to rent the parking spaces. They will take their chances on the street. An I think the same thing will happen in terms of a zoning ordinance until you can provide the facilities wither at a closer distance or have a mass transit system that people are more comfortable using. Iowa city has probably got one of the best that I am aware of but American's are in love with automobiles and I don't know how thorough the zoning ordinance you can chance that passion for having a car. For instance, in this newspaper article, I don't know how many roommates are in this apartment but they have three vehicles. I assume I think they are in one of the smaller units in that apartment complex. either two or three bedroom but everybody has to have a car. I haven't broke down to a ratio in these apartments of a 20 bedroom apartment requires 8 parking spaces if they meet the right requirement. That is .35 parking spaces per bedroom. And the higher you go you do what I talked about, a 40 bedroom apartment complex you are down to like .28 ratio. But still those people want to have cars. The current ordinance encourages lots of apartments on a site with few parking spaces but that doesn't stop the people form bringing those cars in as you can see from the photographs. That is a long winded answer. I don't think a zoning ordinance is a very effective tool to do that unfortunately. Throg/Okay. Thanks. Kubby/At our informal meeting we had directed P/Z and staff to look at and also incorporating at a later date into these sets of ordinances a formula for bicycle parking spaces that a lot of apartment owners already provide some of that but not all of them are not insufficient numbers as we see the trend towards more people biking on a regular basis. What would you think of that idea. Holland/I think it is a good idea in particular in the areas that you are talking about or I am talking about because we are not talking about a three or four mile bicycle commute. Basically a mile form an apartment complex to the University. I think those are the people that more than people like me might use a bicycle more because of the - j---r--......-.~ , j, , , ! ' , . i , I, I, I I ; i , i ; I i, , ' ! , , , , i \ " I II 1\ I: ii I" " ii, ,. I: p I I: , 1" " " I,' I!i I. , iii I,! II I II I J I, II " d '.f , - ~-""'1------.....- --..-- ~ -'... - - -- ~............--------"""l~.... . \ ..~- . ...-..........-~...... ;....---- I I .' ,_0' ~ . , .,.. ' . : , ' :' ,;"./, '1...-/ u :C..:'~.. .. ...' " "'.. - I,. . 0t ~ ..'..,U" , ; , ''t... . - . ~". ,-.... .. .' / '., , #4C page 9 physical proximity. So I think that is a good idea. I am not sure what the formula is but I think it is good to look at that. When the staff came up with this proposed ordinance they looked at what other communities had done and they may be able to look at college communities like Ann Arbor. I think they used Athens, Georgia as examples of how they may have dealt with bicycle related issue. Kubby/I think that is one way of beginning to answer the question. CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 93~l02 SIDE 2 1 I Ii I I I Ii ! ! n ! ! I KUbby/Again to create a attitude as well as provide a physical means by beginning that process. Svoboda/Maybe Karen can correct me if I am wrong but the area that he is talking about I think was a lot of those apartment buildings were built when there was a smaller parking requirement on the ordinance than what there is now. The S.Johnson/Van Buren street area I think was put together with lesser requirement of parking at the time a lot of those buildings were built. I guess the point that I am trying to make is I didn't try to say that my parking scheme was perfect. It does wor.k out perfectly for me but I would be a fool to try to sell that to you here because you are not going to buy it. But it is better, much better than what now exists in those RM-44 districts that do not have newer buildings because they are the ones that really cause the parking problems. Most of them have no place to park. And so I am saying that by making it possible to build in these areas, put up a newer building, even though you may not have perfect situation with the one and half spaces per unit, the way the ordinance is set up now it is a lot better than what exists at this time in those areas and to me that makes a lot more sense than leaving the status quo go. I mean to change it. Because if you do change it you might as well roll up the carpet in those areas because you are not going to get construction. It is just that simple. it is going to be tough. Most of the lots up there are 40 foot wide maybe, 80 foot deep. They were built during a different time period when the lot size didn't mean a whole lot and by the time you put in side yards and put your new building in, you set back in and everything you haven't any place left to park the cars. So it just isn't going to happen. It is practically impossible right now. Courtney/Any other pUblic discussion on this item. Karr/could we have amotion to accept the correspondence. , , l: I J, I, Ii II I: - il ,,' " I' '1' ! II " II " . il i: ..' I " 1:1 (. " " " I' , II I, ! I , , , I 1 I .. , i 1 J, :1 1 I i " ~ /, i , I I " i . i , i 1 .. I , I I , I ! : , I I i ;i -- .i, ,I .'1 I " :'( i 'I ;.1 " ., ,\ 010_"--'" .' : '.' "I' '/: cl . '1'"":" , " . ~." . .:- ,- "."'.V .'. : . "', '" ~. '- .. ,~ .' -- ' , / //\ ;' .I \. 't..' ~--:- ..:..:::::-_~--- '- \ #4c page 10 Courtney/Movect anct seconded (Kubby/Pigott) to submit the correspondence on this item into the record. Discussion. All in favor (ayes) Close the p.h. ---,--""~,,~,,,., ~.-_., ,.'"'.."...,,.... --..... '-'-. Iii! Ii II l'li II 'jr t' " I,' \ "I'i:, Ii I.. H , I .1 1 I '. i," " . i) I I , , I I ":1' ~ :1 ., , .'; f ,. :'f ',' , i .1 .... " ,. , , .['; I '": -... "'fIt'". - - ""'~- ._~... . f . j , ' . - , ':/ ,I '</' l:f . ::t . , ,', ", . ' , . I' "., . I . r : ,.~ ~ '_'., ~, "., - - I . , ' .. . / // .\ . , , I '~. '- Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Page 7 e. Consider an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance by changing the requirements for hard-surfaced driveways that are accessed via an unpaved alley. (First consideration) Comment: On October 21,1993, tha Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 5-0, recommanded approval of amandments, as proposed by staff, to Zoning Ordinance Sections 36-58, Off-Street Parking Requirements, and 36.4, Dafinitions, changing the requirements for hard-surfaced driveways that are accessad via an unpaved alley. Tha Commission's recommendation is consistent with the staff recommen- dation contained in a memorandum dated October 21, 1993, No comments were received at the Council's November 23, hearing on this item. Action: Yn L&/1J,yw Id(!"/J11 ! ; " I . -J1J4- % i I I I: ! 'I Ii! f. Consider an ordinance vacating portions of the northern half of Lafayette I ,I 'I, Street and the eastern half of Maiden Lane. (Second consideration) , " 11 (VAC93-0003) " :; n I 'I; , Comment: At Its October 7, 1993, meeting, by a vote of 4-0, the " I,' jl i'i Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that a 395 square foot " portion of the Maiden Lane and Lafayette Street rights-of-way located I I' .. .1 east of Gilbert Street and south of development at 702 5, Gilbert be " I d vacated. The Commission's recommendation is consistent with the I I staff recommendation includad in a staff report datad October 7, 1993, ,! No comments were recalved at the Council's November 2, 1993, , , hearing on this item. II n~~ l/.!no J~lJGUI1 , Action: I' ~ , d ! , ! , .'1 'I',! ., ~,. - - "1-----'" --:- -~..... " ' ,. .', . ~~~L'l;:I" '" '; '.; r:",'.<'.'-:2J,'.;::.-;<--:r~ J~-_.'-" :'.""~"',~, " " , / , ' . , " 1 J " Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Page 8 g. Consider a resolution approving the final plat of Windsor Ridge - Parts One & Two, a 35.75 acre, 34 lot residential subdivision with 12,95 acres of open space located north of American Lagion Road and west of Taft Avenue, (60-day limitation period: December 13, 1993) Comment: At its November 4, 1993, meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 6-0, recommended approval of the final plats for Windsor Ridge Subdivision, Parts One & Two, Three and Four, subject to conditions listed in a memorandum dated November 23, 1993. The Commission's recommendation is consistent with the staff racommendation included in the staff report dated November 4, 1993. It is anticipated that the legal papers, construction plans and landscaping plan will be approved prior to tha December 7, 1993, Council meeting. The condition concerning trail construction and parkway dedication in Outlot B has been incorporatad in the resolutions for final plat approval of Windsor Ridge - Parts One & Two, and Part Four. Each of the three final plats must ba considered by separate resolution. Action: Y'l\.CD) nfn~Ju f /J/17 . llff") ~ ~ I h oj, ; ~GU.i.PO h. Consider a resolution approving the final plat of Windsor Ridge - Part If Three, a 19.59 acre, 22 lot residential subdivision with a 5,27 acre private open space area located north of American Legion Road and west of Taft Avenue, (60-day limitation period: December 13, 1993) Comment: See item g. above. /.:2//7 , Action: #dtZ .J.h_ d<M.J.v i, Consider a resolution approving the final plat of Windsor Ridge - Part Four, a 13,71 acre, 22 lot residential subdivision located north of American Legion Road and west of Taft Avenue, (60-day limitation period: December 13, 1993) Comment: See item g. above. IfJ'l Action: dfJIg /,LI./J..tw) "J,,, I , i i , I I I I i I' I I,. I' , , !, " Ii I i t' ill" " 11' 'I Ii ;" i;' I: ,"i , '. II i I, I , 'II , [I "j ii I' [I .. " :i , " '[ l' " , ;, ! , I I I. I I I I , il ":"......,.... 'IlIIIf"rr - "----"'l.--"... ~~ ~ "l-' "." -- --~ .......--~--- -Jf'".... ,...-........ P'"------" -,..........-.... .--....--- _~.,....- ~-~ . '.' - . ,. '. .'. :1'1 :::,.' L~ ' ' I~- . ,," .', ." 1 I ' , , :' .':"""_~'..'.' _ ". ~ ~,.. 0, ", .' / / // \ . 1 j" .'1 ,'.- ..... ~-- --. Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Page 9 ITEM NO, 5 - PUBLIC DISCUSSION. Atp; IfD.b) ITEM NO.6- PUBLIC HEARING ON CONVEYANCE OF A VACATED ALLEY TO GREGORY MCDONALD, Comment: On September 14, 1993, the City vacated the alley located west of Gilbart Street and north of Kirkwood Avenue between 210 and 230 Kirkwood Avenue. Gregory McDonald owns the property located on either side of the vacated alley and has offered to purchase the vacated alley for $1,800.00, The City does not need the vacatad alley for the provision of City services or utilities and the sale of the alley will make the site more conducive to redevelopmant and provide the City the opportunity to obtain a conserva- tion easement along Ralston Craek, Tha City will retain the conservation easement which would run parallel to and to the top of the bank of Ralston Creek through both the vacatad alley portions and that proparty already ownad by Gregory McDonald, Action: ~tV ,~/ ITEM NO.7. q3~ 32.b CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A QUIT CLAIM DEED CONVEYING A VACATED ALLEY TO GREGORY MCDONALD AND ALSO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONSERVATION EASEMENT. Comment: See item above. Action: JJn~! ~d'r 7){ cO/. 0 . /1!tJU?Jthr-" I 4~fl"~/~ ;I 1(1-() "lIte&. "I , i I I 'J ...... '."."" ,., . '..,. .-". ...."~ : : ________'_L:__ '~J 1II1. .~ .1 J I , , I i I J i I i , I' r: II ,. I I I, i " i , i II, j. \ \, i , , ' , ' , I I I I k I i:: 'I' ,t' I, :1 'J j I Ii .Ii I' : / ;i " , _ ill ~". - i I 1 I I ! ~ .' L I 7. I ; - ~-~-:----~--~ ..-'.......- ~. ....-- -- - "i~ . .... ---' ... -.. ,.... , ! " " . ,..... f'~'" '. ," ' ',,'.' : .:i I . ,L/" ,t I.. ,.1,:, ' , ' ',~ ',.::; M :,','..:_:' ,~.' J,',..", ,': :. ' / "1 #5 page 1 Courtney/(#5)Public Discussion. Jim Murphy/Well, for those of you that don't remember I am Jim Murphy and for those of you that have a particularly good memory several years ago the city of Iowa city required me to remove two semi-trailers that I use for business storage for the business that I have up on Dodge and Church street, Woodstock Furniture. And by I don't know, some sort of pure chance several months ago I happened to notice that one of our major retailers in this community was making use of semi-trailers for business storage and that was during the summer and actually a few days ago-again, more by chance than anything else I revisited the same retail and discovered the same was also true. I don't know if any of you would like to take a guess as to who this might be. Any takers. Actually it happens to be Walmart, the nation's number one retailer and most successful retailer. And a of this morning WalMart had-would you like to guess how many. Kubby/six. Murphy/A little low. Kubby/ 13. Murphy/Close. Actually they had 14 semi-trailers being used for storage. One of them was actually a Walmart trailer. The rest of them were from a leasing company I believe up in Cedar Rapids and they were sort scattered around the southeast side of the building. Um, this really aggravates me actually. ' Here we have the nation's largest retailer using 13 plus one, 14 semi-trailers. This is not a seasonal thing. It is something they did during the summer. I would like to see emergency equipment or fire truck or something else like that get through that maze they have created down there. In fact,if you want to look into something else try visiting their store this Saturday and see how folks would get out of there if there were an emergency with all the end caps, isle displays and other things that they haVe got in the place. My particular reason for being here is kind of three fold. First off I would like to see you folks make Walmart do what everybody else has to do. The second reason that I am here is I think there is actually probably a safety problem down there. And the third reason is I would like you to take a look at the city government that you have got that enforces very vigorously regulations on kind of economic gnats like myself while the community's 800 pound economic gorilla wanders around doing pretty much as it pleases. Thank you for your time. Courtney/I am not quite as amused as some up here but if we had been made aware of this. Did you make somebody aware of I , , " 1: ~ 1 II: 1 Ii II :: it I' ,.. ,I 'jo I;' L 11 I " , C I I; j .. I,: , I I q I , 11 ,I " " i :/ . , ' . , , .,., "' . 1 .' " :/ I" , L/ . CJ :I J,. " ' , "', '.. ".: .. , .:.;' M ',' ,t,;'- . :', r~_ '.. \" P: . ',.', . '. / :':/'\1 , '," ....._u_._ -- #5 page 2 this who refused to do something about it. That is my first question. Murphy/The city voluntarily made itself aware of my circumstances when I had that type of storage and my question is why does the city seem to be able to locate and of course deal with small individuals and have such a tough time. Courtney/You are quite certain that there wasn't any complaint lodged against your situation. Murphy/I have no clue. I was never told if there was a complaint lodged against my particular situation. Courtney/There may not have been but we have a complaint on this one. If it violates the same zoning ordinances and so on we will deal with it. Murphy/Okay. It will also be interesting to see how long it takes to have it dealt with particularly because this is the Christmas retail season. But my point is that this is gross. This is 14 semi-trailers down there. This is not one or two. Okay, I mean, the city it is their responsibility from a pUblic safety point of view, etc. It is not my responsibility. In fact it is really pure chance. I don't know why I happened on to it. I was not looking for it. And I don't know what the other retailers in town do. But it is the city's responsibility from a safety point of view, from a fairness point of view and we are not talking about one or two things here. I mean we are talking about an absolutely a-we are talking about 14 semi-trailers. Go down and see that. Courtney/I understand. Murphy/It is impressive. courtney/I understand. Throg/Could I make a comment on this point. I noticed that you referred to zoning ordinances, Darrel, and I assume that they would apply. I assume also that Walmart is located in a different zone than Jim's sore so I am wondering first of all whether there might be any violations of the zoning ordinances. Then I am wondering whether there might be any violation of any other ordinances of regulations in the city. Courtney/Well, that is something we need to check. But I took it as an implication that the city had refused to do anything about this and I wanted to clarify that this is the first knowledge I have had of it. I wished you would have called , , , , , , !j ~ " J, , II: II " , ,: 1 ii, i I, i !: r \. I i . :1 - 1 " , ij' i I I' , " I ! I' , i 'I I I< , I i I, I i I f , I j I , 'i I I ! I , 1 I i iI I ,. , ,! ( , , " ~ . , .. ' . J " C. .: :/ I . L/ t-f' ,;].; . " ". ,- . , '. , \, \ ' "I"! .,' '.. ' . . ,. ,'" .. ,.... ,. _. _,:.' . I . . , . ~-- #5 page 3 and we could have checked into it before tonight so we could give you some answers. Nov/ The city manager will check into it. Courtney/Any other items for public discussion not included on tonight's agenda. John Balmer/ I live at 10 Princeton Court. My reason for being here this evening is light. As this is one of the last meetings that Mayor courtney and Mr. McD will be participating in I thought it would be appropriate to come and acknowledge their service to this community and recognize such. First of all I would like to say I think both of you made a wise decision to not to run again. Now that may sound unusual coming from me as those of you who know me and my affiliation with you two. But I feel that it is healthy for a governmental agency to have chance and healthy for the individuals also. And I am sure you both will agree to that. I want to also say you have certainly served your constituents well and you have presided over this city very ably and with dignity and I think you can leave this body knowing full well that the city is in good hands and that you have kept it financially solid, maintaining it's AAA which is something to be very proud of. Not many communities can say that. So the city is in very good hands and things will continue on very ably. I would also say that as you gear up for your private life hopefully that your expertise will be used at some point in the future. I think that this is a mistake we make with former members of any governmental agency that we don't call upon them for future roles. obviously you need to recharge your batteries and your families are very pleased that you are taking this final step tonight, I am sure. But I think it behooves the community to utilize you as a resource and I hope that you will certainly keep an open mind towards that. My congratulations for your years of service and for your future service to the community. Courtney/John, with no mayors left on our street how are we going to get our street plowed now. I don't understand. Balmer/I don't know. We are going to have to work on that. Courtney/Thanks, John. McD/ Thank you very much, John. I appreciate the nice words. you remember back a number of years ago the council I joined you were sitting on that particular council at that time and I had some pretty good teachers and you were one of them. Thank you. (i : I , , , I I \ !: " , , , I I I 1 L ;,. ',. I: 'I ! Ii II b' 'I' I' I I"~ i, !"~ I' , , ': '.'i II !I jI , , ;1 ~,. - , i I : I I I I I I \ 1 - '1---- ~.. - -...... \.& ,,-'........- i' ,'. "..','.,' - /. '\ - - . :': :/. .' ,,1l..../ ' ~ 1, ,,:~I.'''.' .'''.., '. '/ ... : ',~.' \ ~ . f...;......., ~~~. . " ,', #5 page 4 Tom scott/I live at 419 E. Fairchild street. Jane Jacobsen, Dick Blum, John Kammermeyer, Juanita Vetter, Loren Horton, John Seward, John McD, Mary Neuhouser, David peret, John Balmer, Larry Lynch, Clemons Erhdal, Kate Dickson, Bill Ambrissco, Larry Baker, George strait, Ernie Zuber, Darrel Courtney, Susan Horow, Randy Larson, John Balmer again, Karen Kubby, Naomi NoV, Bruno Pigott, Jim Throg. A rather impressive roll call of citizen public servants. Tonight I would like to make a few comments about John MaD and his departure on the city council. A public servant to me truly describes John McD. From his ten year active involvement in the civic organization, Iowa city Jaycees, his two year tenure on the Iowa city P/Z commission and his 12 year service on the Iowa city council for a total of 24 years of dedicated public service to your fellow citizens. Your sacrifice, dedication and leadership was truly evident during your six years as mayor. The time and effort that you spent on behalf of this city and the leadership that you displayed as mayor will never be totally known. The hours you spent with individual council members, listening, discussing and sharing of views and yes, even at times talking an Ernie Zuber out of resigning from cQuncil. You truly felt, jOhn, that it was your responsibility as mayor to guide discussion, make sure all views were heard, those of your fellow councilors as well as the publics, to facilitate reaching consensus or agreement, to bring discussion to closure and to vote the issue up or down. Yes, we all have egos but you do not display yours nor did you allow yours to interfere with your working relationships with city boards and commissions, with city staff, with your felloW councilors, or with the public. Why haven't you. Because in my opinion humility or humbleness is an important attribute in leadership. And John McD you have been a leader for this city. I also want to say at this time a thank you on behalf of a lot of people to Linda McD, a wonderful partner, mother, and wife. To kim and Jim, Doug, to Kelly and scott, Reed, ttyan, Marty and Devon for sharing your father with this city for the past 12 years. And John a big thank you for your service because we will miss you up there. McD/ Thank you Tom Larry Baker/As unaccustomed as I am in speaking in the public. you have to excuse me I am a little stiff from getting out of Tom's back pocket to get up here. I consider this both a happy and a sad time. Also a little bit ironic. people that know me well will recognize that I appreciate irony in all of it's forms. If you will give me a little bit of indulgence. The first part of my presentation is a little bit tongue and cheek but I do have something serious to say at the end. The first comment that I would like to make is that one of the reasons that I am up here tonight is because 811 , , I ii' ~ II: II 'I' L: I': ii " ,.. " :j' I " I; I' I! I:'i' !;' " !; 'il \: , I'i , " ," Ii , ~ !' I i I ~ ' ;/ II il ; ). ',I . , . ' i.' :/'1' L/:' t-/' ,/d, ,.,',' ',/ "; , . :;"N'.. ;:,.' , '" ~' '1:~ . ,r . .' . '1 , #5 page 5 I have got two left wing friends still left and by the time I get through I will only have one because basically the purpose of this is to congratulate both Darre1 and John for the work that they have done and to thank them for their public service. And that by itself is enough for Gary Sanders to call me tomorrow and tell me he is not speaking to me again. My other left wing friend I am married to so we have a contract and she puts up with a great deal. I normally would have done this at the last meeting which would seem appropriate but I understand that the last meeting is not going to be televised and I realized that a lesson that I think that I have learned that maybe Darre1 and John never learned you always save your best material for the camera and so if you will grant me a little indulgence I will try to be brief. Courtney/The last meeting will not be long enough for you to do that. Baker/I would like to point out first of all that I am changing my image. I have a new pair of glasses and I was going to make a joke about where I got them but I decided that I have better give a straight plug here that if you are interested in very very reasonably priced glasses there is a shop down on Clinton Street that you can purchase them. Also I have got many thousands of dollars invested in stocks and bonds and Darrel has been a great-no, I am sorry, that is not me. But if you have the money to burn certainly I would recommend Darre1. So I come here to thank you for your service and to hopefully lighten things up a little bit. I would like to tell a couple of stories about each one of you. Tom reminded me about that Ernie thing and I wish he hadn't because that eliminated half of the nice things I was going to say about you John. But then you had to remember that period. First of all I would like to thank Darre1 for his help and I don't think this is what my left wings friends would understand that Darre1 Courtney is the reason that we do not have local option sales tax in Iowa city. I don't even think Darrel appreciates this. But if you remember the issue it came before the council years ago. Darrel and I were the only two council members to vote against putting it on the ballot. Now regardless of the reasons. One of the things that I find very helpful in a public discussion is that I debated that in the subsequent weeks. I would say look it is not just a left wing of Iowa city that opposes a local option sales tax. Darrel Courtney voted against this and he is hard line conservative d.t. businessman so obviously we have a pi-partisan consensus with the local option sales tax. And I think that made the difference, Darre1. So one of your legacies is that you helped defeat that sales tax.John, I am still bothered by that reference to Ernie again. I am going to eliminate a , \ l' ~ II, Ii I, I:: ;1 ij: Ii 1\ I, " ( " i" I f I,: 'i I I 1 II '} I, I, {. ,\ - .- ~,. _--"'l---~ ....- ~ - '......- , ' I' . .' - . - ' ." \ ':.., :/ I ,It../, Vf, 1&0.,: . ..' :. ": .; ~ ',:. ' .....,:...' " ~J . . -' ", ;. , . 1 #5 page 6 couple of things again. I have got with me a package here. This I am going to give to the press later. You didn't know it but when I was on the council before and in subsequent years, even when I was not in town. I was on sort of a sabbatical in another state. I had people on the council keep information for me. This is a compilation of all of the backroom behind the scenes deals that you made as mayor and as leader on the council. It is about 700 pages, single spaced, back and front. I will give it to Lisa and any other members of the press later that would like to see that. The second thing is that you taught me a valuable lesson, john, and I appreciate it and I think it is a lesson that we all can benefit from. I am going to try to change the details of this story so we don't give away the particular issue and the particular individuals involved. I know John will remember this. Early in my term when I carne on the council and John was a model for me. I was one of the members of a four member majority who would not grant an expansion or an increase in the city budget for a particular city service. Very controversial at the time. It was a strong three votes for it, four votes against it and John and I would talk and say in the best interest of the city even though I, being the most liberal member of that four member majority, would sort of normally or naturally gravitate to supporting this particular issue I was holding the line on fiscal responsibility. And we held the line for a solid year and John was backing me up all of the way and then he carne up for reelection and suddenly he discovered some merits of this proposal that weren't there before and he carne to tell me that you know I think that I might have been wrong on that particular issue and Larry, I am going to leave you out there on your own now. I think the public really deserves that particular budget increase and I think you will understand. It was a lesson I learned and I think we can all appreciate how flexible you need to be on the job. I would like to give you some presents as you leave. John, Marian has one present for you. It is not really for you. It is something I would like you to put in your desk drawer there. marian have you go that. I am going to like take over your position and try to be the model of moderation. I was on a particular local access program and under each person's picture they identified them, Larry Baker such and such. On my particular program I was Larry Baker the token moderate. And there seem to be some confusion in the press lately about exactly where I go so I figure in the middle what the heck. To both of you I have given a one year subscription to the prairie Progressive. I think you will appreciate that. And for both of you I have given a life time subscription to RM Newsletter on the E- Mail system if you have been getting that on your home computers. But more importantly I am going to-I have talked to KXIC video programming and they feel there is a need for , ! ! J L , I , ' , i. i I. , ' i: , . i j i I \ ': J,. f. J' ~ II, Ii !: li, ( 1\ I: I: 'I'i' ,: II I' I '.: ! i I,; 11 I ! I J I' I ' ii 4 J, i :1 ~ 1IIJ//I/f///It',,~ - --"" -----.." -~..... ~ ",~'.....f - - ~ ~... ....----------r~ ... ~ ___. r -~~~-.,....-, \ I " . I' '" I'. ',' . f":'f' I" ' ,.' " I , ,', , , ' ',',:/ .. "{.,;.' ' '1,', " '. " .', ; "tlM .' -'.' -", . '. , .. / ! , ' , 1 .\,' '-- ...._, --"'--. #5 page 7 an alternative political program and we are going to get you this. There is one difference between you and the current or X-council member who has a program. The we see it would be appropriate that in your particular program there will be no phone in calls because you don't really want public input anyway. You just want to get there and talk. So talk to KXIC they will get that program for you. Now that out of the way let me reiterate something Tom said for both of you. I come from a perspective of having served on a council. I know the commitment that is involved, the time, with what you give up with regard to your family. John, you have served 12 years. Darrel, eight. I think you are both to be commended. You did not do it for the money. You certainly didn't do it for the public adoration because you know that every time you take a vote you have managed to make somebody mad. You have both in your own ways served this community well. You and I have disagreed on many issues but I was very pleased to serve with you before and I think the City of Iowa city owes you a debt for that commitment that you have made and I think that that commitment can be a model to the other council members presently and in the future. So, once again, I would thank you for your service and hope that you take ~ well deserved rest. Mc~/ ~hank you, Larry. Courtney/Just remember we do live in your district. John, we know how to get our street plowed now. Thanks, Larry. Any other items for public discussion not included on tonight's agenda. , , . I i I. , " ..............- , , ! Iii II " , :i II :1 Ii' :! ,lr 1\, H , :.~ ,.. " ..' , I;! . ','Ij I I.', ,J , , ,: .,'t , . , , . : . , i , ' , I 'I iI , , , ""'f///f"'''''' ...... -------....-, -----.... - - - ~.... ~ .,,- r ....... - ~. ....-- - ~'~ - ... ---. ... ~. ,...- ...., - I ~ " , , '," ", " ',: :/ /' Lf cf' ,,;-~,' ':...... ' l I, I: V -, ' ':' ,'., ' ',-, '-', '! ,.' '\ ,.,' 1 #6 page 1 Courtney/(#6)Open the p.h on this item. Tom Scott/I signed in once. My name is Tom Scott. Now I will represent the P/Z Commission. There was a question asked about the possibility of a trail included in the easement on the east side of the creek. That was discussed by the commission and the problem with the trail on the east side is that it ends up on Gilbert Street and has no where to go. It was the feeling of the Commission that the topography on the west side is far more conducive to a trail, path, bicycle or walking, either one, than what the east side was and I think as you indicated that the specific language included in the recommendation from P/Z that a trail not be put in on the east side. You can't cross the creek once you are on the east side unless you do it the street immediately north and if you go north of that the bridge is gone on that short stub street that Lafayette and you have to go underneath the railroad viaduct and ride or walk on Gilbert Street and that was the reasoning behind the Commission's indication of keeping a trail off of the east side and the east side of this particular portion of the property is extremely steep also. Horow/Tom, I appreciate this-Mr. Mayor, excuse me, may I comment on this. I appreciate your comments on this. I can see the rationale on the whole thing but it raises in mind the question whether or not the commission or the council has any plans for a trail along Ralston Creek on the west side. We really have not even talked about it and it is a mute point because that is already owned by somebody else. Scott/And I don't remember but I-my understanding was there is a conservation easement on the west side presently that the city has. Kubby/Did we get that when we did the widening of the creek in the early '80s. Scott/The commission was told that we had one. Now that is all I can tell you. I don't know when it was acquired. Horow/This is another example of something that I would love to see and that is having the Commission, the P/Z commission work with the Riverfront and Natural Areas Commission and/or Trails FIRST in terms of taking a look at the tributaries into the Iowa River as to where easements are needed and where the potential could be for trails of whatever kind that feed into the major trails along this line or the Iowa River. It would mean two commissions getting together and actually talking about it. Franklin/Well, there are two things related to this. One is that ; , , i i i, j, I' il i. II I H I 1\' i, j!' I' , ., I I'i 1\ I . ~; . ~ , I ! ,. , ( I ill I, Iii I j 'I i' I I .1: I :i i Ii , 1.- I I I I ii 'j. " I I, ., , \,,1 " ~". _ ,- "l~~" ~.......~ ;.'......- f: " . ;,:.J':~~/: r,-, Ft".' . . '.,:' -. -.' . " / I'\" /,/ ., ,I,' ., , -. ~- '-~.--- -"- '''- #6 page 2 we have acquired a conservation easements at least in two spots along the west side of Ralston Creek when we did the COBG projects that Karen was referring to. And then in relationship to what you are saying Susan, I have made a request to the Transportation Planning Division of JCCOG to put together a bikeways plan for Iowa city and FIRST, the Riverfront and Natural Areas commission and P/Z would all be involved in that effort. Horow/ Good. I realize it is tangential to this issue but I wanted to get that in there. Thank you. Courtney/Any other discussion on this item. Close the p.h. . .---~_..~-,.._..,.,......' " ._'-~'.' ," . " 11.,." I I I I I i, " i; " I: I I , i. " Ii I ., .. i ,I II, ., j' I' 1" Ii .- " I " ., - II ',' '.,' .' .' ""r.',', i ... " ," I, ," il , , I " I.' f. ,'I". I i \,' " lfIfJPr -- - '1 -, . , t.'.. '.1,1" ,I~/' ,'. 't-" ,Ct', ',' .'. .. <, . . ' , . : .', ~ e,', ._ I., '.. ,~I,', / >", , !' \. .j' ',' -- -.---.-- -... Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Page 10 ITEM NO.8- ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES. a. Previously Announced Vacancies. (1) Airport Commission - One vacancy for a six-year term ending March 1, 2000. (Pat Foster's term ends.) (2) Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment - One vacancy for a five-year term ending February 26, 1999. (Catherine Johnson's tarm ends.) (3! Board of Adjustment - One vacancy for an unexpired term ending January 1, 1997. (Larry Baker's term.! (4) Board of Appeals - One vacancy for a five-year term ending December 31, 1998 (re-advertisament). These appointments will be made at the January 4, 1994, meating of the City Council. b, Current Vacancies. (1! Broadband Telecommunications Commission - Two vacancies for three-year tarms ending March 13, 1997. (Terms of Tim Finer and Joyce Patton end.) (2) Assessor's Examining Board - One vacancy for a representative of Iowa City for a six-year term ending December 31,1999. (Alan Bohanan's term ends.! These appointments will be made at the January 18, 1994, meeting of the City Councii, ITEM NO, 9 - CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS. a, Consider an appointment to the Senior Center Commission for a three- year term ending Dacember 31,1996. (Mary Geasland's term ends.! Action: /U. ' tlJI.LlJi:tt ~ 0) /1U; ~~tI;~.w ITEM NO. 10 - CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION. --~ ,&(1/ r-a~ ~, . 1 I I I i I i I i , , I , ! i ; I , , , ! ; I " I, " I Ii I 'I II: Ii II !i '." ,: 'J Ii \. " I ':i , !t I' I (: , -,:. I I' I IL I I i' .J , i " , II " ".........""IlI!'"". - '-'1 -- ~-..... ~ ..-, "'Ii''' -- '-' -..--~~- ..,~ . ........, ..~ -\-y- .. ,- - -, ~~ - JIfI!'fT\ f'."".' :1 I' . L/ :, ',I f .'.', '~"I'~t. ' ,',' ''',',' .' : " " ~ .' ", . , ~. -'1" . i .' . ".. , / ',-\ . '{. #10 page 1 courtney/(#10)City council Information. Kubby/I had a bunch of stuff for out informal meeting. many small things and some big things so I am going to go through them as quickly as I can. one is a reminder to the public that this Friday, December 10, the library will be closed for inservice for staff. So you can drop your books off but you can't enter into the library. Secondly, We got a petition from concerned emergency providers of Cedar Falls about our leaf pick up program and safety issues. And I talked to Bud Stockman and asked if there had been any close fatalities or any reports of safety concerns and his answer was they had not encountered anything because our policy is that we put leaves not on the street but on the curb. So I don't know that we need to do anything with this but that it is just noted. Nov/ We might write to them, tell them that we haven't had these problems because we require that leaves not be in the street. KUbby/Right. So if your leaves are in the street you get a letter saying you have to take them out of the street. Then we make you take them out of the street onto the curb and then we will pick them up. And if you see a pile of leaves on the street don't drive through it. To me that is kind of-first of all politeness that someone put them in a pile. Secondly, in case there is concrete blocks in there or children playing. It makes sense. I have been talking with a couple of people about eh possibility and this is something that I guess I want to talk about during budget time but want to see what people think of it. That is keeping the Rec Center open later on one night a week like a weekend night. Like a Friday night. So that kids and teenagers can have some possibly structured activities and unstructured time at the Rec Center. Possibly in conjunction with Big Brothers/Big sisters kids who are on waiting lists with volunteers who might commit one Friday night a month to play basketball from 9:00 P.M. to midnight or whatever and that would be a cost in terms of keeping the building open, keeping it heated, cooked, staff, lights, etc. I don't know really where to- Courtney/They currently have lock ins about once a month that do go till one o'clock. Kubby/That is a great idea and I guess it is just an expansion of the success of that once a month program. It is not over night is it. courtney/No. It is a lock in from B to 11. you are in until it is over. , : ,,, '1_ - ..""",.,., _--------~-.-....- ~--~ ~-I......---~ ----~. ...-- . . ' (. I " , , , . I' 'j / . It' , , . " i ~ ,/ '. ,t.... . '( =1 . ',' ':", , , ~ :,.. '.' ;, 'M '. . '1 . _' , .". . . . / " #10 page 2 Kubby/So I guess I am interested in expanding it. And getting more community volunteers involved. Atkins/Raising it at budget time makes sense. Courtney/That is for 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. That particular program. KUbby/I wanted to let people know because we had talked about this and I had talked about it at council time that we have some dates now for our lift equipped buses to be on display for the public. It is going to be December 17 and 18 in the parking lot next to the library. This way people can come down and see how the lifts work so they can get comfortable with the new mechanisms and also will give our staff practice in using the mechanism with different kinds of mobility devices and with people standing on them. So come on down to see out new buses. Kind of an exciting new thing. A couple of months ago I think it was I had asked the city attorney for an opinion about a conflict of interest possibility in that I was asked to do some classes in arts and crafts at the Rec center and Steve brought this to my attention that other council members hadn't seen this memo. I thought it was in the packet but it must have been just stuck in mind. I went back and saw there weren't any holes in mine. If anyone wants to see it I have a copy here. Instead of making copies for everybody and wasting paper is that okay that I just leave it if you want to see it it is here. , i Ii , I I I I. I, r, i' 1 ; I' I I' I 1 ; " . I. J I j , j , , , 1 i J I Horow/What is the bottom line. Kubby/The bottom line it is not a conflict. I would have to make a bunch of money for it to be a conflict and I am not going to be making a bunch of money. I was talking with someone this weekend about trailer park tenant rights and so I guess I have some legal questions about what are the differences between a mobile home court tenant in terms of their rights under the Tenant Landlord Act and someone who is living in an apartment building or house and is it different if they own the trailer or if they don't own the trailer and what possibilities do we have if they don't have the same protection to afford them the same protection. This one person was concerned about eviction times were different and it seemed discriminatory because it is the basis of the housing vs. any merits to having it different. Gentry/I know there is a separate chapter for mobile home parks. I will have to look into it. I could answer some of them off the top of my head but not all of them. Kubby/I guess as we talk more about affordable housing and the I---,~_- . -~ ; i , , , , I, II ~ Ii 11 - 'I II' I.' P I' /! I " H I,: II .' I I 11, j' " " , ~". _ - ""&'l~-:--...- . . :'" ":;1 ,L/." "/ ,.:1,' ".' ..'. ': '. '.' 1'" f ',J tI " ,.. , ' ~. ~ ' J , -. " / i, '\ . 1 " "I #10 page 3 possibilities of maybe rezoning more land for trailer courts and are facilitating that type of housing and I want to look into the different tenant landlord relationships. Gentry/Most of it will be state law. Kubby/What do we need to do to okay the Regina traffic study request. Just say there are people that are interested in doing that. Atkins/It is underway. We just normally follow up. Kubby/So if it is a request we do it. Atkins/The letter was sent to me and I directed it to Jim and Jim Brachtel has already spoken to the principal. If he hasn't I am sure he will shortly. We do those routinely. Kubby/And is that the same with the Greater Iowa city Housing Fellowship request that they pay money in lieu of taxes for their property but that money be earmarked for affordable housing issues. I think that is a really wonderful gesture on their part and it is a good idea to earmark it. Atkins/When I bring it back to you I am assuming you would approve the resolution. Some sort of an authorization for me to sign the thing. Kubby/We also had a memo about the auto registration. I am not interested in going forward with this. It sounds pretty complicated and not worth the staff that the county would have to pay. Atkins/I think also what we have to do is stay on top of it. We will look and see if there are any other angles on the thing. The intent or the spirit of what you would try to accomplish makes sense. But the practical aspects of it make it very difficult. Joe F'owler our Parking Transit Director also being a former police officer I think understands that whole process pretty well. Kubby/I just have a few more. One of them is a memo from the city manager to the director of public Works about water conservation and looking at meeting with various public groups to provide them with information and I guess I want to even though there was a fairly intensive discussion at the last council meeting about this I want to acknowledge that some of that public information and exchange and initiation on the part of the city is being done by the people at the Water Plant. We have someone in the audience, Carol sweeting, who is an employee at the Water Plant who does a lot with in talking about water conservation I ! i I , , , j: ii' ~ Iii Ii 11 Ii )1 I,' I:; 'I' " .. " ., ;1 .~ ,. " :\ 1.: iJ 1,1 " i I J 'I i ,~ I; 'r I 11 , , _1iI!L -........""'IIl",,~ .-'1 --. ...- QII.. '_... -- --. ......---~--- ~~ ... ~......_. .. I. I' .' " ; ~'I 'I . L/, './ I . .,=t '. ': ' . " I." I, :. . t . ~ ' ';..'. '. " ',. ~~, . '. '.. , , , 1 L #10 page 4 issues. So I guess what I want to do is to acknowledge those things that we are doing and to expand on those ideas because they are really good ideas and to figure out a way to hook up with providing information on they can get hooked up with Iowa Illinois programs for energy conservation which are also water saving conservation ideas. And then along with that issue I want to suggest that we take a tour of the old Water Plant. Since we are talking about it, it has been a long time since I have been in the Water Plant. I wanted to know how many council members would be interested. Throg/I think it is an excellent idea. I would enjoy doing it. Kubby/Maybe we could. I don't know when the appropriate time is because January is getting really booked. McD/Karen, that is a good idea. I think this is something you might want to consider. It is something I really don't have a good answer why but this is something that we have sort of gotten away from the past several years. I can remember back and john can attest to this also that we use to do this quite frequently. Yes really and they proved quite beneficial. That we would bring a bus over and we would take a little bus out around to some of the various projects that we were involved in or going to be getting involved in and sometimes standing there looking at something has much more of an impact than reading a sheet of paper. So this is something that you might want to think about doing and making it maybe something sort of a regular thing because we use to do it quite frequently, didn't we John. Kubby/I think maybe touring the water plant and then touring the proposed site of the new water plant would be-And lastly, I wanted to since only one council member has contacted me about my ideas about the process selecting our next mayor since our mayor is leaving and we do this every two years and I am kind of at a loss as to how to approach this because I want the process to be more of a public process and I was challenged two years ago when I complained about the inexplicitness of the process and the behind the scenesness of the process to come up with an alternative and so I did but I have gotten no feed back about it and one of my ideas was for people who were interested in being mayor to make a statement in some form in public before as a group before the nominations and discussions take place because I have only had feedback from one person. I don't really know what people are thinking and I am really glad the other two people who will be on council that are here to night. So I guess I want some feedback about what people think the process should be and where to go from here. pigott/As a new councilor I can't say what the past process was I I ! I i - - .......................--- \ ' i , , I ~; I I , I II: i , , I I I " !: " i if I " I ~ ! I I ~ : I I , , i - , i " , , !.i i : I. , I f: i " 'I ., I' II -:, \: 'I ; ! I. " I j I I 1 ~ : I IJ.' I , . 1 I {, II ~ Ii " I I , ' . " i .i ~. 1 1 I, - " , , !" I, ~ I Iii II I ii II, " r I:' i; " II ,. 1" :\ ;, J !: '! II I: I ~! It d I II , '1 II Ii ____ ~"1---'" ~...... 'l.& ...-' ...... ",..." .......------.....--~~ .... - "",--'''''''''- -,-----y--.. .......--...----..... . .! '. f ' . \ I" . . . . , ~ " I LI " I~ ' . :1 . "i ' ,,/', ' " . . , " I, ", . 'I ~ ' . : " w' .', ' ," '\ I ' , v . t .. . . > ' / /,- \ 1 {.- #10 page 5 like but I can tell you what I would like as a councilor who is not interested in running to be mayor to see out of any other candidates. One of those things is during the public meeting, during perhaps the council time stating that they are going to run and the positive reasons that they are running. Their qualifications, their priorities for the city of Iowa city and why they think that they would be a good mayor just as anyone does in a job interview. It is a public position. It is a position which helps set our agenda as well as it really has a good deal of interaction probably with council members. And I think that it would be good for me to hear in public and I think good for the public to hear on camera what the mayor would like to achieve. McD/lf I may Bruno, as someone that has sat in that chair three different times and as someone who has been part of this body for 12 years, the process as it exists where you go into an organizational meeting and make a decision as to who will sit in that middle chair, who will represent the city. As we all know the mayor's position is a lot ceremonial, represents the council, represents the city. I guess I don't really know what would be gained since that decision is made by the seven of you sitting around this table. CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 93-103 SIDE 1 McD/On why I should be sitting in that middle chair. I think if there is interest among more than one council member I think it is important that you visit with your colleagues that are going to be making that final decision. I think it is fine to talk about it at your organizational meeting which I think would be an appropriate place to do it. I see nothing inappropriate about talking about it before hand. I think inevitably this will happen and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. But because of the way in which we operate and the decision belongs to the seven people that sit around this table, I don't think there is a lot to be gained by having a month long public campaign because many times, as you well know too, after an election, the press is on this usually right away. Knowing that the mayor's term is up, the press will start talking to individual council members. Are you interested. Individual council members might say yes or no I am. If you are not interested they will usually ask you is there someone that you are interested in having sit there. So I think it is done publicly. But I think the important thing is to remember that the decision is made by the seven people that is ,- "" I " ,': ..' . (.' ; " I ,'. : _' . , " I I / 1 /. ' . ,~~ ~I ,l' . t.;.. \' '/ ~~' J . \ , ' . "~ '''., .,' ~ , ,,', ""'. '...',' .:~,. . . , . , ./ /,,'1 ) " #10 page 6 i I , ! ~ I I j ~ , i , \ I, i I ! I I sitting around the table. pigott/I agree that it is. I just wanted to respond really quickly and first statement that it is largely a ceremonial post. It does have ceremonial aspects and probably large amounts of time is ceremonial. But it is also a great facilitating role and it is a role which helps to set the agenda and I think that those aspects of it are real important. Secondly, you mentioned that the mayor represents the city. I think in that aspect alone it is really important because of that. Because when people are asked on the street who is your mayor it is .eal important in that regard. And third, what is to be gained knowledge of what the people who would like to be mayor by the general public would like to see it. That is why I would like to see that happen. Kubby/I guess I want to hear if anybody else has any thoughts on it. , , , , , , ' , ' .. ~ " l' )1; II I' , , ii ' ii , I' I I: ' il, I i I' , I .;-( I' I I 1','-" !j I: I: I; " Ii II , I, " I 1 i, I I I Ii I) i I I , ,. Courtney/Not me. I am staying out of it. I think the process worked just fine. Horow/Karen has a problem with the process. I don't have any problem with it. courtney/I think if you want the public to be more intimately involved in electing the mayor then you ought to get together with the Charter Review Commission and change the charter. Kubby/That is not exactly what I am talking about. Although it may be something that someone wants to do at some point. I am just thinking-last year I made a commitment to come up with an alternative process and I fulfilled my commitment and I don't just usually complain about something. I come up with an alternative. Horow/I appreciate that but I don't- Kubby/Bven this discussion is so much more than happened two years ago. Just to make it a little more explicit about where people are coming from. So, I guess, I have given each council member who is going to be here in January an indication that I am interested in being mayor, why I think the process should be different, what I think the role of the mayor is and how I think I can fulfill that role. And we will just leave it at that and ask people to ask me questions if they have any either publicly or privately. That is all I have. Thank you. Pigott/I have a number - ;1 ~~ " , ~,. - - "'1---';"~ ..~....-'-~ -J.. - . ..' '. . , .' ! ., './ I,> ,L/. ", '/.'/' '/l...,;: ,'''''/' ", " ;, '~'. .,. M ",', " . J~ "' ~~. '. " ,.-",.' / ',- \ , 1 ....- #10 page 7 Throg/Wait. I was waiting to hear if anyone else had any comments on that last point that we were just discussing. But I can make a brief comment. It seems to me that it is really quite important. What do I know. I am just a novice here. My sense is that the people of this community need to have a sense of what their mayor stands for or what the potential mayors stand for. What they will be pushing for in terms of an agenda and how they will be dealing with other counoil people while on the council. That doesn't mean to me that the process itself needs to be changed dramatically. But it does mean to me that it would be very valuable for the people of this city to have each of the potential mayors state publicly before we vote what their agenda is likely to be, what they see for the city and how they are going to handle the process on the council. Pigott/I agree. Okay. I had a couple of things. A question, I suppose. I was approached by a couple of people who asked regarding the banners that hand from say the Field House and the Union and asked regarding whether they are in compliance with city law. How does this relate to maybe awning questions which have been put forth and we have been asked to consider. Courtney/The banners are regulated by the sign ordinance. They need to comply. Nov/But do they need to comply on University property. Atkins/No. Gentry/No. You are talking about University property. Pigott/NO. I was talking about Field House Bar and the Union. I am sorry. I didn't make it very clear. I was talking about the Field House Bar and Union. I don't know how we regulate the banners that they put up. I am sorry, you are right, it did seem like the university. And I just don't know the regulations. A couple of people in the public asked whether or not we do have regulations in that regard and what those were and if I could get a memo about that that would be terrific. Okay. Gentry/Doug and I will work on that. Kubby/In terms of an awning question, I mean, it has kind of been resolved in the sense that our Housing Inspection has said that the people had signed is okay. But do we want to make any changes to be more olear for the future and I don't know if that part of it has been resolved. Horow/We would have to send that baok to P/Z. That would be I, I, Iii I :1 ! i) It, '. , II' r: I! " 'Ii ,. I I; :1 ! ~ II I,i .1 '1 j, I I I II Ii. ! ,. ii \ . , ... . , " " .:. . ,,/ I ' ',Lf' " '1 I :~I".',' ", '. , ": " ~" ~.' J, . '\','. 'I'D>,' .... . . ',' ~" / '1 I ';' 1 #10 page 8 another thing on their agenda. Throg/All I know is that if you stand under it you don't get protected from the elements. So it doesn't strike me as' being an awning. Nov/ It would be easy to define the word awning in such a way that it really looks and acts like an awning and it is just a simply definition. Gentry/I think Doug mentioned that, didn't he mention that it is time to take another look at it in his memo. Kubby/So, will he be making some specific recommendations to the appropriate citizen commission or can we ask him to do that. I agree, it is not going to take very long to refine that definition. 1;1 Ii, Ii! -!i Iii I" ~ . " . '/i,,: ' 1'1 ': 'I :1' ,i " .ri ';: : " '; il !I I I , Gentry/That may be something that he and Marsha or Anne are looking at as we do the code which is happening within the next three weeks. Nov/Sounds like a revision. A housekeoping kind of revision. GentrY/Maybe fine tuning. Pigott/second thing I wanted to ask about was in regard to Kirkwood Avenue again. I was approached by a couple of people that asked about the near run ins or what is happening about that and asked whether or not council would be willing to consider some sort of signage since things have changed. You know, there is no stop sign at Kirkwood. And I don't know that this is something-I would like to know what possible verbiage that we could- Horow/I have had a lot of calls on this too. Part of the rationale has to do with the fact that it is a shake down period and that you anticipate this distress until such point people get a little bit use to it. I think the other angle of it is that it is only one part of subsequent steps that we said that we were going to take in terms of the traffic management in the whole general area. summit and Burlington, Governor and Burlington. So, it is a very uncomfortable situation while we are going through it. Believe me. But I think we have to-the question to me was could we put a sign facing south on Summit that says cross traffic does not stop. Pigott/Right. n IJ " Ij , " ! I , ! il , , Horow/Now whether or not that is something that a manual-whether or not that will cause more problems or less problems, I :i , , ""IIIf'"'. --- "'1-----'" ~...... ~ ..-'....... -- -- ----~. .,.- - - . , (', '" ,'. 'i I"" .'/~-" ,',". '. . ' ':; I ,1.-/"'" " . "",', ,,: ':' ~, . ", I " , . j . , . : , ' , ',i ~ '. . '. .... , '..,...... \ '. I , " J #10 page 9 don't know. Nov/It would probably explain to the people who haven't been there before what is going on. However if I drive on Kirkwood these days I think people have caught on. There are far fewer cars on Summit waiting to get in than there are on Dodge. Horow/One thing I did this morning was called Jim Brachtel and asked him if we could put black paint or whatever on those right left hand arrows that turn heading south on Summit. Because people are trying to cue up in two lanes. They see the white arrows that are still there and he said yes that they can do that. What he needs is a sunny day. Too cold to do it right now. That is one thing. I know what you are going through because I get a lot of phone calls. Throg/I noticed that we have been cOllecting traffic counts near there over the last several days. Have you also been counting pedestrians crossing the street. I know we talked a little bit about that last time. Ii 11 ii I" ii, I; ,i \i , , I f Ii I, II i! I II i I ! I , : i II , I' 'i i , .~ , I Atkins/I couldn't tell you Jim. I will have to find out for you. Pigott/Another item I wanted to mention was something that we received but it may have received publicity but I just thought it would not hurt to mention it again that as we all get our new telephone books it pays to recycle the old ones. Outdated books can be dropped off at HyVee Stores. There are specially marked bins out there from November 30 through December 27. Finally, I wanted to say you know I didn't get my packet until Saturday morning and it was at that time that I realized, knowing the thickness-actually the thinness of the packet, that Darrel courtney had an underlying agenda. Courtney/And it is already 9:30. Pigott/Darell Courtney's underlying agenda'was to get us out early on one of his last televised meetings. And I understand it but it is not going to work Darrel. I did want to, on a more serious vein, though that because it is the last televised meeting that I appreciate all of the work that you and John McD have done as a person who doesn't always agree with the opinions of all of the council members, the one thing that I can think that everyone should agree on is that people who take time out of their lives to serve our city and state deserve a lot of commendation for working for the public and I think both John McD and Darrell Courtney have done a really good effort. Eight and twelve years is a long time and I really appreciate your service to our city. j .L - ,. - , ' i - "'1~- ._~....~ ;'.....----- { r. ",.", . . : . ':1 'I . L/. . 'I I (J ,". .. .' , : ::' "', <I' ~. . .':, J' . .'~ :~,.' D, '.".' ,- . . . " ' . . . , . 1 , "( ...... --~ #10 page 10 Nov/ We all agree. Thank you both very much. Courtney/And with that you are on. Nov/ Okay. I am going to back track a little bit for Karen on water conservation. I picked up some information ont hat topic. publication is already done by EPA, already available in bulk for however many we need. So we can avoid reinventing the wheel. We can hand out information. And also I worked a little bit on a public forum. And because library rooms have been scheduled way ahead of time and our government camera people are scheduled way a head of time, the onlY time available for that that would not conflict with council meetings is February 3. So, everybody mark your calendar, February 3, 7-9 P.M., Thursday evening, Room A at the Public Library. Jim Throgmorton is working on finding a couple of University professors who will talk about this issue. I have asked Chuck Schmadeke to send somebody from our Water Department and somebody from HR Green. League of Women Voters has agreed to supply a moderator. So we will have no more than four panelists and a moderator. We will have a discussion from the panel followed by questions and comments from the public and we will get it done by 9:00. I have asked Bob Hardy to be prepared to make extra copies of this for people who are not available to make it that evening so that it can be loaned from the library video collection, can be shown at neighborhood meetings and whoever else is interested in talking about things like this. Kubby/So Naomi, it is not just a discussion about water conservation but about the issues of needing a new water plant and what the regs are and what kind of decisions we are needing to make. Nov/ Yeah, a complete discussion of water issues or whatever. But conservation- I was just saying that I picked up some information, printed matter that would work for schools and anyone else we would want to give printed matter to. Now, publicity for this particular meeting needs to be available to me by December 18. Can you handle that because in order to get this into the League of Women Voter's Bulletin we have got to meet a December deadline. They are doing one bulletin for both January and February. I have contacted our person who is doing neighborhood association bulletins and I will give that information to her. So the pUblic will be informed about his. They will get it through the newspapers, E.A. bulletin will carry it and if anybody has any other ideas about how to do it, contact me and I will get the information out. Also I have been to a meeting in Orlando with the National League of cities and I have picked up some ideas that I would like to share with council , , i , , , Ii I " , II: 1\ I , II! I 'I I (' . ii. I, W '; I " I ,. " I I 1\ " I- , ,: , I , f i ;1 , : J II I,! i ! !I , , I , I q , I " j I , I I , I !I , ; II I !, I i 1 I ( i i. I I , , , ! , 1 " I i , ! , I I I ! i .\ .::11 ~ I I ""If"" - '" - "'1---..,-; ~..... ~ -'... r---.-------q(lII'.... - ""'" . .. ~~~ ... ---. ... -.. IT"" \ . ..' t,> '.. " _ ',_ . : ...i I,Ll jd '1'. 1 , ,'''' " '. ~.'l'" .; ~ " 'I,' _ ' ''':''';'. , '''':''~ :'. . ,', ' , . ", I / .. /,. \ . 1 ~. --. HID page 11 members and with city staff. If we can get everybody together at that December 20 meeting and give me some time then that would be fine. If not let us schedule some time in January that we can do this. Horow/What are we doing December 20. Kubby/Directors. Nov/Meeting with different department heads and city council. Okay. That is it. Throg/Good jOb, Naomi. I am working on inviting other people to take part. I guess I would also like to say that there is a new show on Public Access T.V. called Community Forum. They have invited some members of staff to take part in a show on water. They have invited me to take part in the show as well. I don't know is staff has had time to respond or not. It is my understanding that it would be purely informational meeting or show that is designed to help people understand what the current planning has been, what the city sees as being necessary and what other kinds of questions have been raised by people. Atkins/I haven't heard about it yet. Throg/I guess I would like to bring up maybe three or four points. I don't know if this is the right sequence for doing these things. First of all I received a letter from a group of your current and past students, meaning my current and past students, about the carnival ride operation and the letter raises many negative questions about it. Horow/I received one too and we have sent out a letter to them. Throg/Okay. courtney/If you want it on the consent calendar for next time give it to Marian and she will get it in. Atkins/Is that the letter from the Preventative and Environmental health Students, unsigned. Came in that way. Throg/I can't tell if it is from that set of students. It is clearly from students. Atkins/Susan got one and we sent them a letter. Maybe you could share a copy with the rest of the council. Throg/The second point I would like to make has to do with your memo, Steve, your memo about public Works review of design standards for new subdivisions. I think that is a fine .. . , i i 1,1 I I, I, I\! II ,.. " II Ii " Ii Ii' !r ;1 I:; 1\ ,I:' '~ '. ~ ; , !: ' 1-; , " , , i" I il :~ I , II Ii 'J :1 , I r I i I II " , , " I ' I I I i ;i "'.....,.. 'II/f/f'''. ,'.. -----.~~-~ ...-... ;'-". -- ~".......----------r~.... ~__...... ....~.- .. r r. .. \ ,', _, ", .' I '. i '" ' , .....1 t ' ,. , ' ' , ;:1 'I ' L/ . . "(...1.:1 . . .. ,'. : .. , " , .' '/,' '. . '. ' . , " .,.>. ' ;. " M .' _ .J" '. , ,- ,. . 1 #10 page 12 idea. I guess I would encourage some form of public participation in that process. Atkins/I think once we begin getting our ideas sorted out I think that is inevitable, Jim, because this is really breaking new ground and I think that is very appropriate. Throg/There is plenty of literature that suggests that the design of suburbs can be-or subdivisions can be altered dramatically in ways that could be quite beneficial with regard to traffic and so on. Atkins/That is fine. When I get the report back. Kubby/Although what they are talking about now is how to make them consistent among city, not radically changing design standards. So you might want to be talking to staff about some of your specific ideas. I ! ! 1: /, " . " f' , 'I \ ! ,: ! , , I Atkins/Well, we aren't talking about street widths and things of that nature that can have some change in character. I don't know how it is going to shake out, Karen. It may come down to something where it is a very simply design policy. It could be something far more substantive. I really kind of said to Rick have at it and see what happens. Okay, we will report back to you on it. Throg/Thanks. My second point has to do with your memo about the JCCOG Performance Evaluation of the Iowa city transit System. Again, I would urge public participation in that process and I also find myself thinking about the Windsor Ridge. I found myself thinking about Windsor Ridge and city High and the parking problems at City High and the fact that Windsor Ridge is not transit accessible. It seems to be that if we approve new subdivisions that cannot accessed by- I am not directing this towards you steve but if we approve subdivisions that cannot be accessed by transit then we are necessarily exacerbate traffic problems throughout the rest of the city. Which leads me to a third point having to do with a report that I came across from the u.s. Department of Transportation which I would like to kind of move along to Planning and to Jiff Davidson about the-it is called the Impact of Various Land Use strategies On Suburban mobility. Basically what it means is you can revise land use patterns in suburbs in such a manner as to reduce the growth and traffic. So Jiff will understand when he sees the report. I will make sure he gets it. And lastly I guess I would like to make a comment and a question about city High parking. There is a letter in the current packet from Chad Clark about the problem there and I guess I want to say I feel like I personally erred a month ago when we first discussed that because I didn't ask whether we had heard from all of \ \ - , I , ; , i: I, II; Ii , 'I it , II ,.. " ll, :: I! " Ii r . I' :: i" ", II 1', " Ii I 1" , 1'( , I , " r I , , " ,I , , I ,i " ..' ~". - 1 j !I Ii ., ~ p ~ r \ - '1 -- ~...... " ' , I '., . . ,-' -,' , , .; I L/'" 'd ,,''-~ ' "",'" . . . '. " , ',' , , . - -, . ': " ~,' .,'. -', ,...:.- , . . ':. #10 page 13 the affected parties with regard to that issue. So I feel like I acted in ignorance at that point. I guess I also like to say that we collectively, the people who write letters and us, need to move beyond blaming and begin focusing on what specifically the problem is and on solutions to the problem rather than throwing mud at one another. So I don't know where we stand with regard to any kind of collective action with regard to City High. know there was a meeting at city High a little while ago. But I don't know what else we have done in terms of the city taking an initiate with regard to the city High parking problem. If you could enlighten me on that that would be- Atkins/I am not so sure I can right now because I am not sure exactly how it is settled down. Courtney/I don't want to get into a long debate on this but I am of the opinion that it is not the city's place to take an initiative on this. This is a school board problem and the school board needs to come up with the decisions. The kids are caught in the middle on this thing. They offer programming that requires kids to come and go and they have not kept up with their own parking demands and with us restricting parking it just moves it out into neighborhoods further and to me the solution is for the school board to build them some parking. Throg/I guess I would like to suggest that maybe the difficulty is all the parties are trapped in the middle unless all the parties come together and discuss what the problem is and try to deal with it together. Horow/Jim, Karen and Darrel and I were at that meeting and the Student Senate ran it which we were happy to have them do that. They were very good. was surprised they did not ask for us to do something. They chose to work from the Student Senate in terms of working up some programs of say 'Adopt of Street' or 'Adopt a Neighborhood'. It seemed to me that they were working internally. Correct me if I am wrong Karen and Darrel. They really did not ask that anything be done and the reason I emphasize that was because it seemed to me had they done this, had they actually asked either the school board of the city to sit down they probably would have worked with us better. I was a little bit surprised but this is a maturation process. Kubby/I kind of disagree that they didn't ask for anything. They had said there is a group from the student senate that wants to solicit input and we want people from the neighborhood and we want people from the city to sign up to be on this committee. Put my name down and I haven't heard from them. But because of that letter it will initiate me to do follow .. i' Ii II: I, it rl :1' '1' ., Ii I' /, il H I' " " "I f: ,. Ii Ii \1 (, I d I i I ) Ii " Ii :i ~:.II."''''IJII''"''. - "-"1-- --- -- ~ 11I:-.'...... - -- ...........-.........-------- ~~ - ...-- p " .'. .' ,'" ' ' .' , .' :1 I' . u, ,.,-:-1 "l...-t . ' . ' . , . ,", 1''''- "". , " " ' " : .~ ~. '''. -' . .~. " . . :.', / I, \ .' J , #10 page 14 up. To say what happened, did you have a meeting and didn't call me, how can we be involved. Courtney/They haven't had a meeting yet. Horow/I didn't see it as our role to impose the city to corne in with solutions because this was being run by the student senate. It seemed to me to be more prudent for them to take that action. KUbby/Letting them know that we are interested in participating actively in a community process to find positive solutions is one way of participating and initiating that participation. courtney/I think it is more of not what they want us to do, what they want us not to do and that is not to restrict anymore parking around City High. Nov/ I will tell you what one city did in another state. I am not advocating that we do this but when the neighbors complained ,about high school students littering on their streets and their yards the city sent a staff person, cleaned up the streets, and billed the school district. Courtney/Anything else. Nov/ It does give you a little giggle. They said it worked. Horow/The issue that I would like to raise to bring back on the table is the vote about North Dubuque street. I have been thinking about this. It seemed to me the reason-we all probably voted yes or no for different reasons. My reason was I was very much concerned about the displacement of water. But after I got thinking about this I don't know where the water would go, whether the new channels in the river would be higher or would go somewhere else. That to me means there needs to be some sort of a conceptual study done by the staff or by someone before I really should make up a decision about this. I would like to see whether we couldn't-first of all I would like to know steve, when would thl.s section of Dubuque from Park street to B'Jaysville Lane be reconstructed. When would that normally be done anyway. Atkins/I don't know. Courtney/I think that is a piece of information that I didn't have when I made the vote that I made. I Horow/I would like to ask that the staff come back to us with a memo with more information about this. I guess my question to this board tonight would you be willing to join me in I ~" ~ '.C - - '..... ..... ~ \ ~. - I , I i I , I" ! : Ii I' I 'I i I. Ii 1(' I ~ .j., " r I'! ., Ii I I, I ! 'I '" i ;i -,.,~ - '. / ' . (,' ., . - II " , '. ':; I, L/ . I.d ", , ~V,; "" ~ :" :'.' ,:,: ' _ '~r - .It . I . \ - ." .I '1 .f l' ......-.~.- #10 page 15 reconsidering that vote. Pigott/I would like to see us before we reconsider the vote for this specific grant of money to talk about what the problem is and in some ways what you are asking for is just that. And then go through a list of alternatives in resolving that and this may be one of those alternatives or there may be another way to approach it. And so that is how I would like to see us approach this issue. Instead of specifically voting on what we had talked about that evening. Instead let us get a run down on the problem and the possible ways to deal with it. Then we can move from there. That is how I would like to see. Nov/ We need one more piece of information, the deadline date on that application. Atkins/ I think it has come and gone. I will have to check. Nov/ That is what I think, too. Throg/But it is a recurring grant, isn't it. Atkins/I don't-this is for flood related. ' This was an emergency appropriation. We will check tomorrow to find out. My understanding was they wanted projects and they wanted them now and that was the one that they looked at and suggested. There is always that risk and we will check it out. I was just trying to think of an option for you that even applying for the grant if it is possible. We still have to do some of these things anyway. I am just talking about preserving our rights to see if we can get some of the funding. I will check those things tomorrow. I will let you know. Horow/If we can acquire some of the money to assist on this it would certainly be useful but I just-I think we need more information before we make that decision. Kubby/Or even using some of those moneys if we don't want to elevate Dubuque street. If a majority decides they don't want to do that for Iowa River bank stabilization and sand removal. Atkins/I am not so sure. It has to be - this was an unusual grant program. Kubby/Because it was an arterial into Iowa-into d.t. Atkins/Economic development. That is the way they framed the issue. It wasn't a FEMA related kind of thing which I think we could do. , i I , '! '- i. , , ; I i; , Ii I , , I , , If I i " Ii II: I !l , :; , I ., I Iii i " . I " " ~, j !: , I " r i i: I j I I:, . , I I . J , :I 1 II,' ! :f . I ;1 ,I', .. -- . . . , ('. ',' ",:",' '1/" ,". " . I Ll"" .. ~' , , _',._,:t_ L, . -',. '.,,' I" '. ' ' . , ,..1., . , ". " . . '. oJ'~, .' _ _ , '-1 .!, " - #10 page 16 Horow/What I am interested in though is procedural aspect of this. Because there was a vote taken, being a member of the majority on the vote, I would like to know whether we can bring the vote back to the table for reconsidering. Gentry/The answer is that Robert's Rules will not apply because the only way you can bring it back under the traditional rules that you are talking about is at the same meeting or the next meeting. And we are obligated to follow Robert's Rules. So what you would do is present something different to the council. Start over. Atkins/You are shaping the issue differently this evening right now. I f I " ~ ! I Gentry/But a motion to reconsider is not appropriate. Horow/That was my question. That is all, thank you. McD/ A couple of comments that I would like to make since this will probably be the last opportunity that I will get to do so. A couple of comments, maybe a couple of observations. Many many people that I owe an awful lot of thanks to. All the encouragement and support they have given me over the last several years. I think the people that have been most important has been my wife, Linda, my children, my parents, my brothers and sisters that live in town, throughout it all they have for better or for worst they have all stuck with me for this little thing that I wanted to do that ended up lasting a lot longer than what we ever thought it would when we started out. And for that I thank them and I wanted to thank them publicly. Throughout these last several years the job is an interesting jOb. The people that have served for awhile I think can attest to that. I think our newer members are finding out by the day how interesting it can get. I think one thing that is important and one thing that I would like to say to the public I certainly want to thank all of you for all of your support that you have given me all through these years. I think that the seven people that sit at this table whether it be these seven or whoever it might be. You have to remember that usually have about seven differently philosophies that sit around this table. Political philosophies. And I have served with a number of people throughout the last 12 years that have what you might classify as conservative, liberal, socialist. Because they might happen to have a different political philosophy than what you might it doesn't make them bad people. I think we have been very fortunate in this oommunity through the years, long before I got here, of the people who have guided this city and made the d~cisions that make the city that we have today. And that process, since we operate under a representative government, that process is a give and take ; , i I , . i . " I , II' II " I; I' I" I) r' if I' I' I ~. : . I; IL , ii Ii. , ,,; I " f; I Iii I II I ., ( . I I :i " ,i ~..,.... .".". ----- --"" ~ ,,-- ~ ..-, z.-." -- ~ ..............-------.~... ....- - ...-..~ \ .. . '.' ../r. , : ., ' I 1'/ '-, I' ", . " . , '. ':1 . 1"- '.!.,.. , . ,. I. , , , , ,'," . I -.,' '7jj , , , ' , l. t' ~ . - I ',_ ,....., . " , #10 page 17 process and it has worked very well for our community and I think that we see the fruits of those efforts of all those people every day. I think that as we go through the governing process since we have just corne off a campaign and there is always a lot of campaign rhetoric, it happens every time there is one. I always smile at the one that is probably used the most often about accessible and open government. I don't know in this community, I can't speak for other communities because I haven't had experience there. But out of all the people that I have served with I don't know a one of them that hasn't been accessible. That hasn't welcomed input. And that is why I would like to encourage you to, as things corne along and issues come up, the people that sit around this table want to hear from you. They want your opinion. They want your views. That is how we make decisions because of information that we receive. You have to remember that your views might be a little different than what theirs might be but again that is part of the process. But I think that you should certainly take every opportunity that you get to express those views and express those opinions because this is what we want to hear. This is what we need in order to govern effectively. I want to thank the city staff and employees. I can't imagine, maybe it exists or maybe it doesn't, finer group of people anywhere. A more dedicated group of people. It is always interesting I think when anyone runs for office the first time. To say you are going in and cut the fat. Surely there has go to be a lot of fat. Well I can tell you quite honestly that we operate with a pretty lean mean machine. And the people, no matter their occupation might be, the commitments that they make to this community and I think one of the things that I find very interesting and one of the things that I have been so appreciative of through the years is we do get a lot of different calls on different things. can say that I have never gotten one call in 12 years from anyone about a city employee that was rude or unkind or wouldn't listen to a particular problem a person talked to them about. Maybe they weren't able to solve their problem and obviously they can't all of the time. But I think that really says something for the people that make up this community. They are here to serve and they just do a tremendous job. It sure makes our job a lot easier up here sometimes because of the efforts that they put forth out there. Again, I thank the public very much. I thank all of you for all of your encouragement and support and help through the years and I will probably miss it some. But when we sit here at 10 o'clock at night sometimes I don't think I am going to miss it that much either. I guess one thing to my colleagues that I have had the pleasure of serving with now and to the ones that are taking office, I would just like to leave you with a few words and they were relayed to me. They were said originally by a former , , ! i I, I' Iii , i Ii IF Ij i\ I, :, , ii ( 1.1 '1':: . ,. II f: 'ii j.: Ii 'i \ I II. } i 11 '.......,......,.". - ii, , .i , \".: " - ..., ~-. -..,....... ~ ..-r..... --- - -------.........-...- ---~...,~ ... ..........-. .... -~ f'" ..., \ :/, </l . '~~l': ct <]', ,', '" ',:,)8 , / 1"1 ~( "-..-._-. #10 page 18 council member, former mayor, Mr. Loren Hickerson, back in the early '70s. The charge that we are given, it is important, our work is important. But I think that what you want to remember and what you should try to remember and something that I have always tried to remember is that be careful not to take yourself too seriously. What you do is important but remember that this city operates pretty well before you got here and it is probably going to operate pretty well after we are gone. So thank you for all of your help. Courtney/I knew I should have made him go last. He stole all of my comments. I was going to make up a long laundry list of things that I wanted to see get done and things that didn't get done and admonish the next council not to do this and not to do that but I figure if I haven't said things in eight years no sense in saying them now. I do remember though coming in one of my very first votes was a failure of John McD. He was at the time had put together a nice little coalition to bail the bus system out and they had worked long and hard for months and months on this deal and they were going to take money from the parking system and give it over to the buses and I was a young little rookie coming in and figured it would be pretty easy to get me to go along with the flow. I always prided myself in being a fiscal conservative. I get accused of being a conservative all the way up and down the line but I think I have made a lot of liberal votes in 8 years but they have not been when it comes to fiscal items like that. And as far as I am concerned bus system still owes the parking department over $300,000. And with interest it is growing everyday. I think that I can't say it any better than John and I would like to thank the citizens, family and staff. Nov/ And we thank you. ; I, " I ! , 1\ 'I ii' 11\' I:!, Ii: 1'\ 'II',: I. I': : I'; I; I; I II I Ii " :1 " ;1 ,. " i I" I !I "1' . "/". , -::.-.....--"'lIIIIlf""r~............. ----- '1 ~. ~ - ~ :;-........- -- ''-~ --..------- -T~ ... -..... -- - ... ~- ~ -~.........-- ..-.......---... , >, , '. " " . I :' , .:1 I :L/, ' (-',' Ft ' . , '. ' " " '; , ',~ > '.. ,......;.' -, ' " / />', " 1 , <. ,~.'>_ 'i - --- , -....._~~---.~-- Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Paga 11 i , I ITEM NO. 11 - REPORT ON ITEMS FROM THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY. a. City Manager. .b", -' j&;; / b. City Attorney. k~-, I II Ii , Ii - 'i 'I h Ij: " ii 1 " " \. , q .~ " ,.. ., V " II I; 'I " II I';' q II '. r } II J; 'I I j , , i ITEM NO. 12 - CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEDICATION OF TWO OPEN '13. 32? SPACES AS "DEDICATED PARKWAYS" IN HUNTERS RUN SUBDIVISION, PARTS 3 AND 6. AND DECLARING THE "PARKWAYS" OPEN FOR PUBLIC AGCESS AND USE. j: Comment: The City Council long ago (early 1980s) agreed to accept tha open spaces in Hunters Run Subdivision as "parkways" and then maintain them as part of our City-park system, sea attached memo from City Attorney. Staff mambars have inspected the areas, and find them acceptable for the City to take over as parklands. Staff recommends approval. Action: VILlI) / lk-z-tJ I' ~i.dl % : I " , ., , , I .. . .-.......~.........,._._,.._~_.... '" .....~ ., t.) II , ' , I : " :1 I' :,', }~/ '" ( I,. '!;t ": " , " "'. ' . _' . I'" , / / //~ , ,L. "" .t '.~- -..- .. ~ ~ --".:.:..._---.-- , '''~... , HIla page I CourtneY/(Hlla)City manager. Atkins/After all of those nice things when are you going to give me a schedule for January. I am not letting you out of here until I get my schedule. Courtney/I have to go back one more item. I got to get it on the record. There is a special formal meeting, 7:30 A.M., Friday, December 17. If it lasts more than ten minutes I am going to impeach some people. Go ahead. Atkins/I have no items to report to you other than I need a calendar for January before we get out of here tonight. I I 1 I i '. :;' -'-~-...,~....^~.-... " .,-..,'" ,'" "~'".' , e"., , , , , II, " '~ ---....-- .-." i . I, I' Ii 'i II II it i: :1 . il.. '11. I.' :1 I: I .i: I' . 'Ii j:' . 1,:1 '" .- I I ; , , i :{" " ~ , . ,. " : ~. ';', ';:.~"J.... " ,t :':.: : - '" :" '; 'I L/' "11' 'IiI', " ..',,' ", \. ' .' " ., ~ " I ' : ' ".. .,' '..'~ -~.' " '.' J~ \"'-, ",' ,,~-...~_. -- -'- . -::._~----- ~.... '. Hllb page 1 Courtney/(Hllb)City attorney. Gentry/I just want to join in thanking both of you for all of your years of effort and thanks to your family for letting us enjoy you and share you and use your services. We will miss them. , , /J " }, " , ., .,.;.. ........... .., ..,,,' ,. ,'" ~..' ,,',,' " -..-.-....-- . I I i' , : , i' " f 11 ri' " II II .. q, I' , ",I': ',' . . ~ , ! I I I I. l' i ! \ I! ., ; I',: . 'I"; . i 'If! ";0'" " ' 1 J , I .1 11, I 'j":-. il " , I " , ~ ~ ......,. - ,'; " - "'~- ~.... \.& ..-'.......- ---~. .... - - --,~- ... __ _. T ... ., 'T .... " . J . I . 'I !.. ':1 I' , L/.' ,'I" r . :,.i " " " ,', '. '~. '.~ ':, M' ~. . .3, : ':1 D',: .' ", ....' Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Page 12 ITEM NO. 13 - CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE '13, 32 ~ CITY CLERK TO ATTEST A RELEASE CONCERNING STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FOR MT, PROSPECT, PART VI AND A THIRD AMENDED ANCILLARY AGREEMENT CONCERNING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OBLIGATIONS FOR MT, PROSPECT ADDITION, PARTS V-VIII, Comment: The Ancillary Agreement concerning stormwater management obligations for Mt. Prospect, Parts V-VIII transferred the lien created by Subdivider's storm water management obligations to Parts VI-VIII, It did not relieve Subdivider's obligation to construct a storm water management facility in the event the City elects not to construct a regional facility for the area, The Subdivider's obligation continues to constitute a lien and a cloud on the title of each lot in the Subdivision. The Release and Third Amended Ancillary Agreement remove the cloud on the title to the lots in Mt. Prospect, Part VI while protecting the City's interest by transferring the lien to Mt. Prospect Part VII and VIII. Action: 7J( ('~/dt~ % ITEM NO. 14 - CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING AN AREA OF THE CITY F IOWA Cf.3 - 3"0" CITY, IOWA, AS AN URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA WHICH SHALL BE KNOWN AS THE BLOCK 62 URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA. (Pass and adopt) Comment: On May 11, 1993, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 92- 256, a resolution supporting the concept of granting a ten-yaar one hundred percent property tax exemption on the actual value added by the improve- ments to the former Press-Citizen Building. Prerequisita to granting property tax exemption, the City must adopt an urban revitalization area and an urban revitalization plan. At the Decembar 17,1993, Council meeting, the Council will consider a resolution adopting the urban revitalization plan for the area. Action: }W IJ../ ),u<l~0 h.-I- i?) 7 \: V t'MI./!;r % . ITEM NO, 15. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE REGULATION OF RATES '13 - 31.01 CHARGED BY CABLE TELEVISION OPERATORS FOR THE BASIC SERVICE TIER AND RELATED EQUIPMENT, AND FOR CABLE PROGRAMMING SERVICE TIERS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT, (Pass and Adopt) Comment: The Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 and ragulations adopied by tha Federal Communications Commission permit a franchising authority such as the City of Iowa City to regulata basic service ratas and charges for cable television in the franchise area. The first step the City must take is to adopt an ordinance for rate ragulation, Action: 1)( (~ / ;./u{1 ( 'p'i- W ~ Ik// - - : i ! , , I; II I!. 'I' I, 1\, r~ I I I i , I I , ,: I , I ! I :' I , I, I, 'I j!l .i I I I II . " I ~ r ,i i , , ~,- - - "'1----"-: '"W\...... ~ 11/4-....... ...---~---- ..... .... - - . , I . I I I ' -;, '-1 ' " , ' ,J. ',<', :1, .:L..;" :"~r . ,,;~..I .' .' . . : ',," . -- ,- / . /,', .:. , .......-.-----. #13 page 1 CourtneY/(#13)Moved by McD, seconded by Horow. Discussion. Throg/I got to admit I don't understand this. Courtney/I don't either. Gentry/It is relatively simple. We, as a city, wanted to look at using a regional approach to storm water management in these areas. And MMS has been so backed up and Public Works and Engineering has been backed up that the city has not made a decision yet whether to go regional or not. In the mean time the developer has in their subdivision papers obligations that put a lien or a cloud on the title so that when they try and sell them the title opinion of the attorneys file an objection and that the sale won't go through unless you remove the cloud. So what we keep doing is shifting the lien to the remaining parts of the subdivision so we are not really giving anything up. It is taking Chuck Schmadeke and his people-it is just taking us longer to come to a decision and it is also going to be part of your CIP discussion, isn't it Steve. Atkins/Yes. Gentry/so, you sort have been delaying and I mean the whole process has just gotten delayed. 50- Kubby/But it doesn't mean that they can build. Each sUbdivision will have to deal with it's own water detention if we decide not to do a regional thing. ; i i i , " i: \ II III, I," , i , " f: ,., .!; I ., I I Ii I, Gentry/Correct. KUbby/This does not let them build on the land that would be possible piece mill water detention area. Gentry/Correct it does not. Kubby/So if we do a regional thing and they have some extra land that they could possibly build on then- Gentry/Then it is to their favor. But if not there will still be land reserved for us to use. Either us to use regionally or them to use individually. Nothing has really been given up. We don't lose anything. We wouldn't recommend it if we did. Horow/I didn't think so but I kept waiting what happens when we get to the final part. Gentry/We can't go any further. This is the last transfer. Courtney/Any other discussion. ", i.,. ...u....._.d_..". , .\,,' . .:/' I,'" I '. .r i "~I. \\1 " """,- .~~, I \ --- -- ~ "'" -----... -;; -- ~.... , , I, ," "I' ,Li.' ., f' ',,-t. , , "", ' '. . , ,.1. , ,t. . : . ", ~, ,. -" - . .' . 1(, ~'-.. {:. ''-~--=-:.-::.::::::-:---..... " , #13 page 2 Roll call- The resolution is adopted. _'.U',__ ---.........",...:.......;.""...> ...' '-,. ~ -"',-, '.~; .;.,......<..,..-........ " " I: , ! I, I: [I I ,. , I: I' I: , I , , Ii I' i,1 I', II .1 I, Ii ., 1i ~ I :1 ,'.- II. , I': ! l - i F " " i , !' i1 j' " I 'J'" I " " , i I I :;.1 " ~,- - - "1---~ --.",- .. , " . '. : . :' ':1 I'Ll'" '. 1'./' Ij' " :" ,,' ." .' , .' I ": " ~. '\. --' ~,,, . '.,' '. ' / F~ \..'t - """-'--, ~- Agenda Iowa City City Council Regular Council Meeting December 7, 1993 Page 13 ITEM NO. 16 - CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9.1 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA ENTITLED "CITY PLAZA" BY REPEALING SECTION 9,1-7m ENTITLED "NEWSPAPER-VENDING MACHINES" AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SUBSECTION 9,1. 7m, TO BE TITLED AND .CODIFIED THE SAME. (Second consideration) Comment: At the request of the City Council, the City Attorney has revised an ordinance to require the use of space in City-owned modular vending machines for all newspapers and advertisers sold via vending machines in City Plaza, These modular units would be handled by a lottery system if the number of requests exceeded the number of units available. Otherwise, the units would be provided on e first-come, first served basis upon payment of a minimal fee based on actuel administrative costs, As drafted, the revised ordinance contemplates only one unit/space per newspaper/advertiser. ~/ 7( lt~d.J Action: ~tA! (',{/ I; fuMy ~ ITEM NO. 17 - ADJOURNMENT, 7n C f) /1;1t1t/( )tI.'/~ dd~ 1 ;/&'7 71Wf 13-; I" ,I . , ! i , I,' 'I! ! Iii -Ii, li!i -. 11'. ',,'ii: I:: I: 1,1 '-'I},' ,'II I I I L I' ' .!' i, , !' ii ,I:" -'. ':'"......,...'III/IIf/f",,~ ..... ---~~-. ~""'~.;r......-------- , , . \ ' . . : " -17K.- . , , , ,",. ':' I, }--I'.':':- .'1~.','..'.';" j', : " ~ .. -" - ,.. / "1 .~. - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: December 3, 1993 TD: City Council FROM: City Nanager RE: Work Session Agenda and Heating Schedule DecBlber 6. 1993 HO CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION Decl!lllber 7. 1993 Tuesday 6:30 . 7:15 P.M. City Council Work Session. Council Chambers 6:30 P.N. . Review zonin9 matters 6:50 P.M. . Council agenda, Council time, Council committee reports 7:10 P.M. . Consider an appointment to the Senior Center Commission Monday ! I ,-, 7:15 P,M. Iii I, l' Iii Ii I, 'I 1:: \: DecBlber 17. 1993 Friday 7:30A.M. . Special Council Meeting. Council Chambers Separate agenda posted DecBlber 20. 1993 Monday HO CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION DecBlber 21. 1993 Tuesday HO REGuLAR COUNCIL MEETING DecBlber 23, 1993 Thursday CITY HOLIDAY . CITY OFFICES CLOSED " -~ ~ II a I!': r. I: ! - ~ " I! 1,1 ) I, , ! 1 J I,' .1: I Special Council Meeting - Council Chambers Executive Session (COllective Bargaining) 7:30 P,M. . Regular Council Meeting. Council Chambers , :1 il I I December 24. 1993 CITY HOLIDAY . CITY OFFICES CLOSED December 31. 1993 CITY HOLIDAY . CITY OFFICES CLOSED Friday Friday January 3. 1994 5:30 P.M. Monday City Council Organizational Meetin9 - Council Chambers Separate agenda posted - City Council Work Session - Council Chambers Agenda pendln9 6:30 P.M. January 4, 1994 Tuesday 7:30 P,M. Regular Council Meeting - Council Chambers PENDING LIST Appointments to the Airport Commission. Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment, Board of Adjustment and Board of Appeals. January 4, 1994 Appointments to the Broadband Telecommunications Commission and Assessor's Examining Board. January 18, 1994 ii -. - - .M. '