HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-21 Transcription Page 1 Council Present: Alter,Bergus,Dunn,Harmsen, Taylor, Teague, Thomas Staff Present: Froin,Kilburg, Goers, Fruehling,Platz,Knoche,Havel,Davies, Ogden, Clark USG: Zeimet, (USG) Liaison,LeFevre, (USG)Alternate Liaison 1. Call to Order: Teague: It is 6 p.m. on March 21, 2023 and I'm going to call the Iowa City City Council Meeting to Order. [ROLL CALL] Teague: All right. Well, welcome to your City Hall, to everyone that's here in the audience and to those online welcome as well. 2. Proclamations 2.a. Transgender Day of Visibility Teague: (reads proclomation)And to accept this proclamation,we have two individuals that will come forth. On behalf of the Iowa City Pride, Luck Markstone will be accepting and then from United Action for Youth, it will be Harry Winter Epstine in that order. Welcome and please come and say a few words, and I'll give you both this proclamation. Markstone: Thank you. My name is Locket Kiche. I uh—mix Locket Kiche I teach at Grant Wood Elementary here in Iowa City,teach 6th grade. And I am among so many young queer kids and transgender children in my classroom. And visibility is incredibly important for us, and this day is also important as well. Um, I want to make sure that as individuals you are pushing for not just tolerance of trans individuals,but acceptance and support and inclusivity because it's crucial, especially at these times, even more to support our children because they're all we have. Um, I just want you to recognize also that a lot of the time when transgender people are murdered,they will often be dead named and they will often be misgendered and, tun, forgotten, as we have noticed for many,many years. And tun, individuals of color are more likely to face those threats. Trans women of color are at the top of murders in our nation right now and they've always have been. Um, and I just want you to recognize that there's no one way to be trans and, tun,we are here and we are experiencing total craziness in our lives and everything is chaotic. Um and I don't know whether I'll be able to teach pronouns to my kids,you know,things that are just normal. So thank you for having this day and thank you for having me and us and on behalf of Iowa City Pride and Iowa City and all the kids in my heart that I've taught and haven't taught yet,we appreciate you. Teague: Thank you. Epstine: Hi there. I've never done this before, so please bear with me. Um, as our Mayor,um, said,my name is Harry-Harry Winter Epstine. Um, I'm a trans woman and I'd just like to This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 2 say that obviously in the wake of the countless bills of anti transgender legislation, it means- it means truly a lot to see people in positions of power, actually,you know, seeing us,recognizing we exist and appreciating our existence. This proclamation, I mean, it means a lot to me and I'm absolutely certain it means to—a lot to many many other people. And I'd just like to say,um,mainly on behalf of myself,um, I- I suppose on behalf of,um,United Action for Youth,thank you. And please-please never stop seeing us. Teague: Thank you. I will tell you that this proclamation meant a lot for this council to be able to present in this community at such a time as this. So, uh,we will uh, say that you are loved and you are seen, and we'll continue to be a beacon voice in unity with you all. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 3 9. Community Comment Teague: We're at item number 9,which is Community Comment. This is an opportunity for those in the community that want to speak on any topic that is not on our agenda. Um, and there are sign-in sheets at the back or you can sign in up front and we'll welcome you. At this time, you have a three limit-three minute and limit. Welcome. Ross: Hello. Teague: Hello. Ross: My name is Brandon Ross and I apologize for blowing up last time and I promise not to raise my voice tonight. Teague: We're happy to see you. Ross: It took me about 20 years since I last did that in council so, I'm not going to scream at you. So thank you so much. I'm grateful that,uh,you are here and that you did pay attention. I apologize to some people online. Uh, and I appreciate all that you're doing.With that I would like to say that I'm uh, for democracy,uh, I am for everybody's rights. I'm anti- fascist and uh,uh,very much so. I would like to say that in lieu,uh,that I disagree with a sign- signage that says that Iowa City stands with Ukraine, and being of Ukrainian descent myself,uh, I have to say that whenever you see that it's not really telling the story of who is Ukraine. In 2014,there was,uh, a violent coup,uh,that made our January 6th moment look like a picnic. Over 200 people were killed in Ukraine,uh, and over 200 were injured. The government was chased out. This was a right-wing nationalist group, which included fascist groups Svoboda,Right Sector, and Azov. They took over the government and chased out the democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych. And then they installed a rogue president who is Poroshenko. The same groups then began attacking Donbas, starting with,uh, a massacre which killed 47 people,Mariupol. This went on increasingly for eight years. And- and in late 2021, it even got worse. Funding these people within and giving weapons was the US government,which included not only some from Barack Obama,more so from Donald Trump who funded these same people, and then,uh,right now Biden all the way up until Russia intervened or engaged or whatever you warm call it, invaded. Uh,this was going on along Russia's border and along Mariupol's bor-Donbas' border, and 16,000 people died in those eight years. This war is nine-years-old,not one. Okay? I support people of Ukraine,but I do not support the fascist right-wing nationalist that took over the government. I support democracy. I do not support the overthrow of the government. I do not support the US supporting of the overthrow of that government,which they did. I do not support the arming of that government,which the US did for eight years until Russia came in. And it's important to know these things. To know that when you say I support Ukraine,you're only supporting, if you're supporting the government, only a minority of people who have taken over. Please call for peace and negotiation... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 4 Teague: Thank you. Ross: From your leaders. Teague: Thank you. Ross: Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Teague: Anyone else like to address a topic that is not on our council agenda?Welcome. Kretkowski: Hi there. Teague: Yes. Kretkowski: Amy Kretkowski. Kret-kowski. Alter: Thank you. Kretkowski: Just like it's written. Sorry,Kretkowski. I'm not going to take the heat for it, it's my husband's name,not mine. Teague: What city are you from? Kretkowski: I'm from Iowa City. Teague: Welcome. Kretkowski: And I'm here to- I heard some of the,uh,the work session,not all of it. Um, and so I'll address just the stuff that I heard. Thank you very much for taking a look at the,uh, the memo that I sent. Um,hopefully you'll get a chance to not just look at the cover sheet, but also the broader memo that was provided,um, in advance of the Parks and Rec Commission meeting,that didn't happen. So maybe you take a look at that. But thank you for taking a look at that. Um,uh,the one thing that I heard said was that,um,that the request for qualifications,um, covers many of the issues that I pointed out in the memo. Um, and I think the fust, uh,point was that hiring someone with an engineering degree, um,to be the uh, consultant would take care of that. I would disagree with that. I don't think that hiring someone with an engineering degree is the same thing as hiring a structural engineer to do a full, complete evaluation to figure out what's wrong with-with the pool. Um, also,the-there was a point made about why that I- I said why are we focusing on non-pool users?My-my point was not that we shouldn't focus on non-pool users,but it seems to me that the RFQ is emphasizing non-pool users over pool users. That was really the point. Um, I also- I've gone through the raw survey,uh,response materials and I would encourage all of you to do the same,to go through that raw information because I- I couldn't find and if you can tell me where-where it is in there, that's something-that people are saying that they're not comfortable getting into that pool. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 5 I'd like to see that because I- I could not find that in the raw survey responses. Um, I do believe that any- any new design process needs to have broad public input and that it shouldn't be done just with these limited focus groups and the material that was in the master plan. About the pool not being ADA compliant, I would encourage you to look at the audit that was completed in 20- 2018 and I will send you if you don't have it, I'll send you copies of that. What is not ADA compliant,really not ADA compliant, is all this stuff leading up to the pool,the restrooms, and the walkways. That's what's not ADA compliant. There are some things that I'm sure now since this was done,were not- are not ADA compliant,but that's not-that's not the focus of the ADA audit. Finally,um,having the current design be one of the proposed designs is not limiting. Ask the consultant to come up with four designs, five designs. Teague: Thank you. Kretkowski: Thank you. Teague: Anyone else like to address a topic that is not on our agenda?Welcome. Downer: Hello. My name is John Downer. I'm a long time Iowa City resident and I'd like to follow up what Amy was saying about the,uh, configuration of City Park-Park Pool. It's ideal for swimmers, for water polo players, for a lot of kids. That design,the footprint does not need to change. Okay. It could be modified and I'm in favor of repair as opposed to replacement. Thank you. Teague: Thank you. Eh, do you want to leave your name in that basket? Thank you. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 6 11.Regular Formal Agenda II.a.Mercer Park Aquatic Center& Scanlon Gym Exterior Accessibility and Lighting Improvements 1.Public Hearing Teague: Item l La. is Mercer park Aquatic Center and Scanlon Gym exterior accessibility and lighting improvements. I'm going to open the public hearing and we're gonna start with comments from Ben Clark. Welcome. Clark: Okay. Thank you. Good evening everyone. So,um, our project has three objectives here. One is to replace a bunch of old pavement and then improve,um, accessibility, and then also replace,um,the original lighting to the exterior of the building. Here's a picture sho- showing,um, some of the pavement in front of the building. It's,um,kinda past its useful life here. Uh,the sidewalk entrance to the building heaves a lot in the wintertime. It's a trip hazard. We've had a number of calls about that. Wek've got some damaged pavement around the- around the outside of the building, excuse me. Um, in front of the building, um,there are some deficiencies with ADA parking. Sorry,here. Uh,no van accessible spaces,the signs aren't quite up to code. We've got curb ramps and then also grades are a little bit too steep some places. For lighting,we're going to replace these two pole lights with an LED fixture. We'll replace some of the canned lighting around the building with, um, a bollard style LED fixture. Quite a bit of energy savings with these LED fixtures. And then the way we're going to bid the project is we'll have a base bid that includes all of the pavement in front. And with that, that'll allow us to change some of the grades to make them ADA compliant, and then if budget allows,we'll do the additional paving in the parking lot. And then we have a second alternate for the sidewalk around the exterior of the building. Um, so to schedule would be to take bids in April, it will be in front of you towards the end of April to award- award the project. Construction can start as early as May. It'll be done towards the end of September. And then we're gonna have a few different phases to try to keep the entrances of the-the building open as much as possible. There- There will be a two-week shut down and we're trying to coordinate that with,um, maintenance to the pool. So the estimates 305,000,we've got an Alternate 1 would be 12 and then 39 for Alternate 2. So with that, do I have any questions? Alter: What accounts for the- I mean,those three,um,the very last slide that you had of the bit est- of the estimate, and then the two alternatives were significantly lower. I'm assuming that that means certain pieces would be taken out. Clark: Yeah. So, the- The area in front, this is the base bed. So that's-that's the work that needs to be done to sort of adjust the grades in front of the building. And so that would be our base-base amount of work. And then the-the fust alternative is just, um, fixing some stalls down on the parking lot. Alter: Okay. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 7 Clark: And so if we're not able to award those within our budget,you know we can always come back and do that as a separate project. And that would be the same with the second alternate, is the sidewalk around the back of the building. Alter: Thank you. From: You can think of alternatives as add-ons to the project if- if,um budget allows. So not-not central to the core of the-the project,but if we get good bids,we'll-we'll do a little extra. Bergus: Just as far as the timing of this happening this year, is there any consideration relating to potential changes of the footprint of this,um, Mercer Scanlon facility. Clark: Um,Are you talking about maybe a proposed building addition in front? Bergus: Yeah. Clark: If that were to happen, it- it really wouldn't this would still need to happen in order to change the grades for entrance to the building. They might take out a little bit of the new pavement. I don't see it hap-happening too much. Bergus: All right. Thank you. Teague: Any other questions for Ben? Thank you. Anyone from the public like to address this topic?Please come forward at this time. Seeing no one in person or online, I'm going to close the public hearing. 2. Consider a Resolution: Teague: Can I get a motion to approve,please? Harmsen: So moved,Harmsen. Alter: Second,Altar. Teague: Council discussion? Dunn: Well,this is in my neighborhood. I step out my front door and I- I see this facade and I- I'm very excited to-to see more improvements, increases to accessibility,um, and I think everyone here,would-would you say about the same,but this is very close to my heart, so thank you for- for staff and working for this, and I hope we're able to get some good bids and get the rest of the project is taking care of. Harmsen: Quick question. Will this coincide with any of the other work that I think we're looking at for Mercer like the tennis courts,pickleball,baseball? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 8 Fruin: Separate projects. Harmsen: Okay Fruin: Yeah. Teague: Okay. Roll call,please. [ROLL CALL] Motion passes 7-0 This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 9 1I.b. $7,710,000 General Obligation Bonds Teague: l Le., $700,000, General Obligation Bonds resolution instituting pro-... Harmsen: You missed l l.b. Teague: Okay. Sorry about that. I did. We're going to take a step back and go to Item number I l.b. All right, so this is $7,610,000 of General Obligation Bonds. Resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action for the issuance of not to exceed 7,610,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City of Iowa City, State of Iowa. 1. Public Hearing: Teague: And I'm going to open the public hearing. And welcome to our Finance Director. Davies: Good evening,Mayor and Council. So I'm actually going to be covering items l l.b. through l Lf. which will cover the entire bond issue which is about 9.7 million. It's made up of the 7.6 million of Essential Purpose and then three $700,000 issues of General Purpose Bonds. So last council meeting the bond hearing was set. We're here on March 21st for the for public hearings on the bonds and then also the pre-levy authorization resolution. On April 11th we'll be holding our rating call with Moody's. On April 18th, we'll come back with resolutions to direct the advertisement of the sale and to improve our official statement. May 2nd is when we'll receive and open bids. May 16th,we'll be back again with another resolution authorizing the issuance of these bonds. And then on June 1st,the sale of the bonds will close. This particular issue covers a lot of different projects. That's the entire list of what we're funding with GO bonds this issue. As you can see,the largest of that is the Gilbert Street Bridge and then also the fire apparatus which I believe is replacing three different firetrucks. So we also have a few parks and some of the recreation improvements and some improvements to some of the fire stations. So this is included as part of the 2023 amended budget and the five-year capital improvement plan. It's incorporated into our current and future tax levy projections. And as it always is, it's sold in a compe- competitive bidding process. As I stated earlier, this presentation will cover all items, l l.b. to l l.f. Any questions? Bergus:Nicole, in your memo,you mentioned,um, a reverse referendum for those,the $700,000 bonds. Can you just explain what that is. Davies: I'm not sure that I can because I'm not sure that it's ever happened. Um, I believe if enough people petition then it would have to go to vote. Bergus: Okay. Thank you. Teague: Any other questions for Nicole?All right. Anyone from the public like to address this topic? Seeing no one in person or online, I'm going to close the public hearing. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 10 Teague: Can I get a motion to approve please? Seeing no one in person or online, I'm going to close the public hearing. 2. Consider a Resolution: Teague: Can I get a motion to approve please? Thomas: So moved, Thomas. Bergus: Second Bergus. Teague: Moved by Thomas seconded by Bergus. Council discussion?Roll call,please.[ROLL CALL]. Motion passes 7-0. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 11 ILe. $700,000 General Obligation Bonds Teague: Item l Le. is $700,000 General Obligation Bonds. Resolution Instituting proceedings to take adi- additional action for the issuance of not to exceed $700,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City of Iowa City, State of Iowa. I'm going to open up the public hearing. 1. Public Hearing Teague: Anyone like to address this, er,topic from the public? Seeing no one in person or online. I'm going to close the public hearing. 2. Consider a Resolution Teague: Can I get a motion to approve,please? Taylor: So moved, Taylor. Dunn: Second,Dunn. Teague: Moved by Taylor, seconded by Dunn. Council discussion. So I guess since we're going through this really quickly,just for those that are paying attention,we're doing a lot of s- the same amount, $700- $700,000 General Obligation Bonds and that's because we couldn't put them all in one lump sum,the max is 700,000 General Obligation Bonds that we can do in- in one time, so I just wanted to make note of that. Goers: For- for general corporate purposes,yes. Teague: Yes. Goers: And that's why the fust one was for a central corporate purposes. Teague: Yes. Yes. So for anyone that's tracking and trying to figure out what we're doing. All right. Roll call,please. [ROLL CALL] Motion passes 7—0. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 12 ll.g.ARPA Non-Profit Capital Grant—Preliminary Funding Recommendations Teague: Item l l.g. is ARPA non-profit capital grant preliminary funding recommendations. Ah, can I get a motion to approve please? Dunn: So moved Dunn. Alter: Second,Alter. Teague: All right. Did I read the fust part of that? Goers: You read the item title but not the resolution part. Teague: Yeah,there's a-uh, I'll-yeah. So I'll just read the tit-uh, the resolution,the resolution of proven preliminary funding recommendations on the-under the American Rescue Plan Act, funded non-profit cap-uh, capacity building capital grant program. Um, and it was moved by... Goers: Dunn,Dunn and seconded by Alter. Teague: Great. All right. And we're gonna welcome,uh,Rachel Kilburg, our Assistant City Manager. Kilburg: Hi, everyone. Um, I'll just provide some brief background and then talk a little bit about the item before you. So,uh,back in December under your direction,uh, City staff launched this Non-profit Capacity Building Capital Grant Program. And if you refer back to that, ah,update memo that Cassie presented at the work session,that was one of your initial spending, ah,priorities that you established for ARPA funds. So $3 million was allocated to the program. The purpose was to fund transformative capital projects that would ultimately help an agency,uh, increase their capacity to serve the community. Just due to,uh,kinda the complexity and length of time it takes for capital projects to take place,this program followed a little bit of a modified application process. So we fust issued a request for statements of interests. We received eight letters of interest from different agencies in the community, and then a review committee consisting of myself, some staff from NDS, ah, and two council representatives,which was Mayor Pro Tem, uh, and Councilor Bergus,uh,reviewed those applications,um, and then, ah, determined to invite a subset of those in for kind of an informational project interview. Um, so those interviews were conducted,um, and then, ah,that review committee agreed upon these two preliminary funding recommendations before you. So the fust would be a $1 million award to free medical clinic. Ah, in short, that adds about 7 to 8 additional clinics spa- specialty care clinic spaces,um,make some ADA accessibility improvements, and then build out some dedicated dental operatory space to enable them to expand,uh,that service. Free medical clinics original crest was actually less than that. Um,but after we, uh,the-the review committee,um, interviewed them about the project,uh,we believed that their requests was insufficient to really meet what that current demand was,um, and This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 13 would lead to capacity-building. So the clinic reported that there was a three-month waiting list for chronic care and a one-year waiting list,uh, for dental services. They anticipate that once some temporary pandemic related expansions to the Medicaid program, end,uh, I think you-this spring,um,that will likely increase that demand. Um, and they've kind of done some surveying of the community as they've gone through their strategic plan and have found there's a perception out there that you can't get into a free medical clinic,uh, due to those waiting lists. Um, so that's the fust, ah,preliminary funding recommendation. And then the second would, ah, fund $2 million to neighborhood centers of Johnson County. And this would see a capital campaign to enable them to acquire and renovate a new community center, ah, in a targeted neighborhood located where they serve families. Um, so the project would add,um, at least 50 early childhood,um, education childcare slots, some after-school programming classrooms, a computer lab, some multipurpose family meeting rooms, a kitchen, and then space for some of those satellite Community Services to come in. A library, a Food Bank, other social service agencies,uh, in the community. So this financing model will allow what they originally proposed would allow them to kind of face scope the project depending on the outcomes of their capital campaign. Um,they-they originally requested a $3 million reward,but as the review committee was kind of weighing all our options, um,we ultimately recommended a $2 million award just,uh, in order to be able to fund kinda two transformational projects. And believing that that $2 million, ah, seed fund was still, um, significant towards their capital campaign goals. Um, so the resolution before you,um,would kinda signal approval of these preliminary funding recommendations and then that would authorize,uh, staff to go back to both of these agencies, flush out kinda a full proposal,um, develop those ARPA grant agreements, and then that would come back before you for final approval probably separately. Happy to take any other questions. Teague: Hearing none,thank you. Anyone from the public that would like to discuss this topic? Please come forth now. Seeing no one online or in-person council discussion. Thomas: Well, these are, I think,uh, certainly two transformational projects. I'm really thrilled with them. Um, you know, I think as you know, I'm very keen on the idea of neighborhood centers. And as this is Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County, it's sort of a subset of this more general concept that I'm,uh,very strongly supportive of And that is the idea of having places within our neighborhoods,the neighborhood service centers. And,um,this certainly is a wonderful expression of a hearing the program, it's really very impressive array of activities that are associated with this particular project. So it's really great to see. I hope that,um, in my mind these sorts of projects may be models for future such centers. Um, once we have an idea of how they operate and function and cost and their value. Um, so I'm very,very supportive of this item. Harmsen: I think just speaking for myself,but also for my,uh,better half,who is the other kind of doctor in the house,um,provi-providing and supporting free medical care is- is, uh, so important to- especially in our- in our society that has a for-profit medical system for many people that leave so many people out in the cold,um, and,uh,without the care they need. And so increasing the capacity,um, for both the,what we think of traditionally as This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 14 medical care, and then,uh,just kinda breaking up the dental care part of it, which is incredibly important, it should be part of health care. I don't know how people, ah,that's it's kinda weird that we don't think of those as one kind of,you know,kind of in the same- same category or bucket. So, ah, it's good that we're able to,um, to use this money for those kinds of things. It's just so important, ah,to help people in our community to have access to the kinds of,uh, transformational health care. Um,you know,being healthy- if you- if you don't have your health,you don't have anything,right?Kind of an old saying. And so,um, and thank you to the people who do that work,uh, day in and day out at the free medical clinic. Taylor: I echo,uh, Councilor Harmsen's comments. If you've never been or toured the free medical clinic, I would encourage you to do so. It's just an amazing facility and this can only help improve that. Ah, expanding their services is- is amazing and as a health care professional,that is important to me to-to know that,uh, there is a service in our community that can help to provide,uh,health care, ah,to the citizens that can't always make it or don't have insurance for, ah,the big institution in this community. Teague: Um, I'm happy to,uh, support this,uh,these two agencies. I think the Neighborhood Center of Johnson County,um,has proven,um,within the community how they can really reach out to a diverse population, ah,which is within our city. Um, and then the free medical clinic, I have to say I'm excited about this one because when I fust came to Iowa City, I had to get my wisdom-my- I had some tooth pain. I had to get my wisdom tooth pulled and it was Dr. Parrott that I actually did pull my wisdom tooth. And so,um, just thinking about,um,what he's contributed,this was a way to,well,you know,honor some of the work that people have done. So super excited to do this. Bergus: I'll just very briefly speak to the process of the selection. Thank you,Rachel, for your- your summary of that. I really just want to emphasize that,you know,having been involved in other,you know, selection processees and groups like that,uh,really commend Rachel's leadership on this and the level of organization and care that went into both soliciting the statements of interest and then kind of working with applicants to flesh out,you know,what they could be,bringing folks in for interviews. And I think empowering,um,those of us on council who got to participate with like really robust sort of,uh,way to consider the factors and to come to consensus. So it was just a really excellent process and makes me proud that we took that level of care for allocating these funds. And the other thing I would say is just encourage you to look,um, at the other projects that were submitted too. I think this process of dream big and tell us what you could do with 143 million. Um,really surfaced some amazing ideas. And I think,you know,uh, certainly with the way that-just the last few years and how we've been thinking about transitions and change and resilience and things that need to happen in our community,um, it made me really excited and hopeful for the future that our,um,non- profit agencies are thinking so strategically and towards the future. So I hope we can help find more resources. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 15 Dunn: Uh, I'll make my comments brief. I think I'm gonna look at this a little bit different. Um, I want to emphasize to folks in the community that this is an investment that's going to absolutely return on its- on its dollar amount,right?Every, every dollar that we put into preventative medicine or poverty reduction pro-programs is going to reduce the amount of taxpayer dollars,whether it's from the state, local, federal government that are spent on emergency care,which is often much more expensive. Um, as a poverty reduction thing, ah,making it so that already limited income folks don't have to spend their limited income to survive. I see no other- other option than to than to vote for this. This is- this is good policy. And thank you for the staff that prepared this and thank you to the,uh, incredible folks in our community that-that work to make these programs possible. Alter: I just want to echo,um,what Council Bergus said primarily. First of all,Rachel, thank you so very much,um, and to all staff who worked so hard to put this together and also who conceptualize not just like,well, let's do a standard RFP,but really to say, let's invite people to say what can be transformative,what can be visionary and,um,when we got back even- eve- even, and especially projects that we didn't fund I think those are seeds for what we can do and when I say we, I mean,the City supporting the efforts of others over time,but really we just got some amazingly visionary projects that took that, sort of, suggestion of think big and run with it what could happen?And I have a lot of confidence that,that kind of spirit, no-now that those collaborations and that kind of thinking has started, it's not going to get stuffed back into a closet somewhere. So I just wanna say it was a really amazing,uh, group to work with and,um,just thanks again for everybody who was involved in it and yeah, I mean, I echo what everyone else said. These are going to be incredibly important projects for the community. Teague: Roll call,please. [ROLL CALL] Motion passes 7-0. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 16 12. Council Appointments 12.a. Civil Service Commission Teague: All right. Item number 12 is Council Appointments, 12.a. Civil Service Commission. This-there is one vacancy to fill an unexpired term upon appointment through April 6, 2026. Council discussion. There are three applicants and no gender. I don't know if I actually know that. Fruehling: Yeah,there's one male and one female on the commission. Teague: Yeah. So no gender-balance needed. Harmsen: I would just throw out after looking through those, I thought that Ashley Jennings jumped off as probably the best fit for this, at least from these applications, although they were all good applicants, of course. Thomas: They were I- I-know- if I read the applications correctly, she was- she was the one of the three that had a preference for working on civil service. Taylor: Right. Thomas: Which I was,you know,when you see someone who that's their- their preferred appointment, I always give that some- some weight. Teague: I- I can support Ashley as well. Bergus: And I,uh, as I sometimes do when they're older applications, I gave this applicant a call to say,hey,you applied 10-and-a-half months ago. Are you still interested?And she said, yes. Alter: So responsible,that's awesome. Teague: All right. So can I get a motion to a point Ashley Jennings to the Civil Service Commission? Dunn: So moved,Dunn. Bergus: Second,Bergus. Teague: All in favor say aye. [BACKGROUND] Any opposed?Motion passes 7-0. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 17 15. City Council Information Teague: We're at item Number 15, City Council Information. Dunn: I just have a cool thing that I can share. The other week,the student representatives from USG came down to the capital to lobby on a number of bills and I got to take them up to the-the dome,which was a great,uh, experience for them and myself. Um, I would highly encourage councilors to reach out to them and,uh, learn more about the legislation that they're trying to advocate for. One,uh,piece of which the checklist was actually approved by the-the House. So hoping for passage in the Senate and,uh,better outcome for our renters, especially students. Teague: Great- great news. I will mention next Tuesday it,uh,will be the south district marketing-market,ribbon cuttings and I believe it's at 04:30 PM so that'll be exciting. Bergus: Um, I just want to give folks a formal heads up. I guess I've spoken with all of you except for Pauline and John we're meeting later this week that,uh, at the date of our budget public hearing,which is April 4th that we just set this evening,um, I plan to be proposing an amendment,uh,to the allocation in the budget relating to the shift that I've been talking about for community safety,um,Based on the open police officer positions that we have now and other opportunities that we have for enhancing neighborhoods and other- other ways to create safety in the community. So I just wanted to make sure everyone had a heads-up about that and if you wanna with me more about it at any point, please do. Teague: I also make mention that this Friday,um, at the Englert Theatre,the,um, Inside Out Reentry is having a fund raiser-their biggest fundraiser,um, and it's gonna be called the Mystery Hour and they have Joh-Jeff Houghton coming as their special guests. He's a comedian and a talk show host and from Springfield,Missouri. So should be pretty interesting. Bergus: And he's from Iowa City. Teague: He is from Iowa City, yeah. Dunn: One other thing,uh, if people are still interested in,uh,you know, advocacy and volunteerism for,uh,the Ukrainian cause. There is going to be a volunteer event at the Coralville Public Library and meeting room B,uh,hosted by some native Ukrainians as well as the Iowa International Center,um,to make trench candles to try to raise some funds for Refugee Services here in the United States and,uh, in Ukraine. Teague: Any other items? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023. Page 18 Dunn: Also that's going to happen on Wednesday,the 29th, 03:00 PM-04:00 PM, sorry, critical details. Teague: Great. 17.Adjourn Teague: All right, Item Number 17, can I get a motion to adjourn from the formal meeting back to our work sessions. Taylor: So moved, Taylor. Alter: Second,Alter. Teague: All in favor say aye. [BACKGROUND] Any oppose?Motion passes 7-0. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council regular formal meeting of March 21,2023.