HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-07-02 AgendaSubject to change as finalized by the City Clerk. For a final official copy, contact the City Clerk's Office, 356-5040. AGENDA SPECIAL FORMAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 2, 1997 - 7:00 a.m. Civic Center ITEM NO. 1. CALL TO ORDER. ROLL CALL. ITEM NO. 2. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS OR AMENDED. PRESENTED Approval of Official Council Actions of the special meetings of June 16 and 18 as published, subject to corrections, as recommended by the City Clerk. Minutes of Boards and Commissions. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Senior Center Commission - May 21 Iowa City Public Library Board of Trustees - May 22 Iowa City Airport Commission - April 17 Iowa City Airport Commission - May 8 Iowa City Planning and Zoning Commission - June 5 Broadband Telecommunications Commission May 12 Recommendation to Council: The City Council not accept a franchise modification proposed by TCI, which was to reduce TCI's local office hours on Saturday and add staffing assistance to cover Mondays. Design Review Committee - June 16 Recommendations to Council: Reassess the location for the Transit Interchange Facility due to design impact and safety concerns of the facility. Disapproval of the Design for the Transit Interchange Facility. Projecting signs continue to be prohibited. If projected signs are permitted, the Committee supports staff recommendation with the following modifications: · the width (thickness) of projecting signs be no wider than four. inches and _~ · projecting signs~illuminated July 2, ~1997 City of Iowa City Page 2 Permit Motions and Resolutions as Recommended by the City Clerk. (1) Consider a motion approving an Outdoor Service Area for HMDS, ,~nc., dba S,ohQ~s 1208 Highland Court. (~orrespondenc~ (1) (2) (New) Loretta Kantor - Hickory Hill Park William Talman Lexington Avenue [response from Marcia Klingaman included] (3) Vickie Abrahamson - Airport [response from Ron O'Neil included] (4) Robert Willis - economic development (5) Kathryn Wallace- Senior Center (6) Alice Kintz - Senior Center (7) William Fischer - noise (8) Austin Winniford- skateboarding (9) Terry Lee and Janiece Thein - temporary sidewalk (10) Lorna Dykstra - temporary sidewalk (11) JCCOG Traffic Engineering Planner: (a) Designation of One Additional Metered Space on the South Side of 300 College Street (12) Civil Service Commission submitting certified lists of applicants for the following position(s): (a) Kennel Assistant (b) Community Service Officer e. Applications for Use of City Streets or Public Grounds. (all approved) (1) Glenn Ehrstine (Summit Apartment Coop Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration) - June 29 (2) Casey Hayse (Evert Conner Rights and Resources Center Seventh Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act Celebration March) - July 26. f. Applications for Use of City Plaza. (all approved) (1) Jeff Pitzen (Ambulatory Vending of tapes) - 1997. (2) Daryl Woodson (The Sanctuary's 25th Anniversary Concert) July 5 END OF CONSENT CALENDAR. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE IOWA CITY CIVIC CENTER FRONT ENTRANCE RENOVATION PROJECT, DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SAID HEARING, AND DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PLACE SAID PLANS ON FILE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. COMMENT: This project includes the replacement of cracked ,and crumbling concrete steps and sidewalk, replacement of splintering wood benches, replacement of non-ADA compliant handrails and curb ramp, and replacement of planter at the Civic Center front entrance. The architect's opinion of probable construction cost is $43,000 with funding from the General Fund of Government Buildings Maintenance. July 2, '1997 Page 3 ITEM NO. 3. ITEM NO. 4. City of Iowa City CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DESIGN PLANS FOR PHASE I THE RAISED-PLATFORM AND RAMP ADJACENT TO TACO BELL. Comment: On June 3, the City Council approved the design plans for the exterior alterations to Suite 160, Old Capitol Mall (Taco Bell), subject to the future review and approval of the raised plaza area adjacent to the Taco Bell project. The architectural firm of FRCH has submitted an application on behalf of Heitman Retail Property for approval of the design plans for the raised platform and ramp adjacent to Taco Bell. The Design Review Committee will review this application at its June 30 meeting. Action: CONSIDER A RESOLUTION FINDING IT NECESSITY TO INSTITUTE EMERGENCY PROCEEDINGS FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE LIBRARY ROOF AND AWARDING CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST CONTRACT FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE LIBRARY ROOF, Comment: The recent hail storm caused significant damage to the Library roof. Although the City had planned to replace the roof next year, the damage caused by the hail storm necessitates that the roof be replaced immediately. The delay of a public letting could result in serious loss or injury to the Library and its patrons. State law provides that a city may avoid the public bid-letting procedures if the delay of advertising and a public letting might cause serious loss or injury to the city. Darrell L. Smith, a registered professional engineer, has certified that emergency repairs are required for the Library roof. The City received a bid from T & K Roofing of Ely, Iowa in the amount of $212,729. City staff find this bid to be reasonable. T & K Roofing should be able to start work by Monday, July 7, 1997. This resolution finds it necessary to institute emergency proceedings for replacement of the Library roof and authorizes the Mayor to sign and the City Clerk to attest a contract with .T & K Roofing. Action: /~/,~-~_//~ f-v~,-) page 1 ITEM NO. 3 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DESIGN PLANS FOR PHASE 1 THE RAISED-PLATFORM AND RAMP ADJACENT TO THE TACO BELL. Nov/Moved by Thornberry, seconded by Vanderhoef. Who is here on behalf of the Committee? Karr/You also have a handout in front of you. Nov/Okay. David Schoon/The Committee met on Monday afternoon and recommended approval of the design plan as presented. You have a copy of the plan in your packet. If you have any questions, I would be happy to address those. Vanderhoef/David, are they talking about putting the tables out for outdoor service area? Schoon/At this time, I don't know if that is Taco Bell's plan to actually put tables out there or not. If they do put tables on this raised platform area, that is on private property. So it would not be required to meet the sidewalk cafe regulations and if they served alcohol, it would then need to meet the outdoor service area regulations. Vanderhoef/Okay. Originally on their first plan, they had shown those drawn in but hadn't really addressed it and as I look at this plan, I don't see how that would work. Have you measured it out to see if that is a possibility? Schoon/They have talked about it as a possibility. Some of the store fronts, or I shouldn't say- Part of the building now along Clinton Street, if they do move ahead with this facade renovation, they could move that back to where the present fire hallway is which would give them some additional space which may mean they would be able to work in some tables out there. Vanderhoef/Okay but we are not approving anything like that at this time? Schoon/No. Vanderhoef/I just want to be clear that we are not. Schoon/If they do decide to put tables out there, it would not require council approval. Vanderhoef/Okay. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #3 page 2 Kubby/Would they have to have enough room so that door could remain accessible to people with disabilities? Schoon/Yes. Kubby/So if there is not enough space, that is- Vanderhoeff That is what it appears but I don't know that. Kubby/So in approving this, are we, indeed, saying this design is acceptable all the way down the street? Schoon/No, you are just approving Phase 1 of the raised-platform area which is figure 3 in the plans you have. Nov/And this covers the area from the eastside entrance to the comer on Washington Street? Schoon/What you are approving does not. It is just approving Phase 1 which is in figure 3 of the plans you have which is about 100 feet of the Taco Bell entrance. Norton/The railing design might be similar, I take it or something like that. Schoon/Yes. The idea is that it would be consistent along- Norton/So there is some sense in which we are placing a general concept? Schoon/Correct. If they continue this general theme all the way down to Washington Street, one would assume the council would approve it. Kubby/Are they- We have this picture that has the Mall looking totally different on that side. Is this similar to what they have envisioned for what that side of the Mall will be like? Schoon/The architect stressed that this is their first attempt at a design to present to Heitman Properties. Heitman Properties hasn't approved this yet as their design for the facade renovation. Kubby/But they are going to do something? Schoon/Their plan is to do something. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #3 page 3 Norton/I am not quite sure how much they are into the r.o.w. actually. That first paragraph of the letter seems to me to be a little hard to understand. Schoon/It will not be in the r.o.w. at all. Thomberry/I went to Heitman and saw their several pictures in color and different angles. It looks really kind of nice as opposed to the big blank windows. Norton/It is certainly a change. I agree. Nov/Okay, any further discussion? Roll call- (yes). We have approved this. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page ! ITEM NO. 4 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION FINDING IT NECESSARY TO INSTITUTE EMERGENCY PROCEEDINGS FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE LIBRARY ROOF AND AWARDING CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST CONTRACT FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE LIBRARY ROOF. Nov/We need a motion. Moved by Kubby, seconded by Norton. Now, we have an explanation from Dennis Mitchell, Assistant City Attorney. Mitchell/As set out in the comment there, we sustained some serious damage to the library roof as a result of the recent hailstorm. This resolution allows us to get in there to have somebody replace the rood as soon as possible. I do also have- If you have any questions regarding this, I can answer those as best I can. Also Jim Schoenfelder and Susan Craig are here also. Kubby/We got information- Well, we really didn't get any information except what the cost is from the one company and then we were contacted by another one saying that they were the original roof contractor and they have a proposal that is less than half the cost. What's up? I mean, are they both technically appropriate strategies for repairing the roof for what our purposes are? Mitchell/Jim may be able to answer that a little better than I can. But they are two different styles of roofs and the style that- It is my understanding on like the Rec. Center Project and Civic Center Project our consultant, Shive Hattery and Van Winkle-Jacob, those two particular cases, had recommend that we go with that type of roof. What has been proposed for the library roof is the same type of roof that we have on the Rec. Center and that is why T & K Roofing was the low bidder on both of those projects. The bid amount that they bid is actually less per square foot than what we paid on those two projects. Kubby/So we are trying to get away from the flat roof?. Mitchell/Well, I don't think it is a (can't hear-all talking). I think it- Well, I should probably get Jim up here to explain it. Nov/Let's get an explanation. Jim Schoenfelder/The two types of roofs that we are talking about are different proposals. One that T & K proposed is what is called a modified bituminous type of roof. It is, and I am not a roofing expert. We usually have consultants come in and do this but I am trying to explain the best I know about the roofing system. To give you an idea, it is more on the order of the old build up type of roof with a lot This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 2 of different- It is a different application but it is a bituminous type of material. The material that is on the- Kubby/What does that mean? Schoenfelder/It is a tar, using felt. Kubby/I like those three letter words. Schoenfelder/The existing roof that is on the library now is what is called a single ply, generic term of single ply, roofing which is a thick plastic sheet over the top of the roof. That is the roof membrane itself. That particular roof is what is called a loosely laid which means it is not adhered to the insulation of roof below but it is held down by the rock that is put on top of it. So they are completely different types of systems and the last three major roofing replacements that we have done here, our consultants have recommended and staff has gone along with the modified bituminous type because it appears to hold up much better to traffic on the roof and in all these cases we have mechanical equipment on the roof and we have people walking to and from that equipment on the roof and the single-plys do not seem to hold up as well from that traffic because they appear to puncture. And we suffer damage on that the single-ply much easier than we do on the bituminous. Norton/Jim, in the original Rec. Center and I have made this comment having been around here loath these many years and have seen all the roofs on the schools replaced. The Rec. Center, we spent all kinds of money to replace the Rec. Center roof, this roof. You know, I said somebody had the caveman had it right to start with and we have messed it up since then roofwise. But the build up roof was the first roof, wasn't it, on the Rec. Center? Was that a build up roof?. Schoenfelder/On the Rec. Center, yes. Norton/That gave us trouble in the early days? Schoenfelder/I don't know the history on that roof. Norton/I am just curious. This change, did we go from a build up to this membrane roof and now back to the modified build up? Schoenfelder/Not on the Rec. Center, no. I think the Rec. Center has always been a build up roof and then we went ahead and replaced the entire roof with a modified system which is slightly different. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 3 Norton/Is the membrane system bound to shrink and get brittle and one thing or another? Schoenfelder/Well, we have got three membrane roofs that I know of or different types of membrane roofs. We have one on the Senior Center which is a hypelon, I think it is a CSPD and those are chemical names for what is up there. We have one on this roof which is, I think, it is maybe EPDM or some type of modified rubber system. And we have got the one on the library, it is PVC and we have got another PVC that is on the Streets and Sanitation building. Those are the only two buildings that we have experienced a shrinkage on which has been considerable. I think the library roof once already has been slit around the edge and a two foot piece installed all the way around because it was shrinking back from the edge of the roof, actually tearing the flashing off the roof and that was done, I believe in 1990 or so and it has already shrunk up again as much to start and I have some photographs here. If you want to see them, I can pass them around. It is already pulled back on the roof again and that is partially part of the problem. The age of that roof, it is starting to deteriorate. We had the same problem on Streets and Sanitation where the roofing literally tore the side of the building, tore the fascia off it stretched so hard. So those particular types we have had bad experience with shrinkage. Lehman/What is the life of a built up roof?. Schoenfelder/The warranty that we are getting is ten years but typically 15-20 years without major problem. Lehman/I guess I ask that because frankly I have a little problem with the proposal. We are talking about changing the style of the roof completely and I realize and I don't question for a moment that this is an emergency sort of situation. It needs to be done pronto. But we have one bid for a membrane roof which has lasted 18 years. It has lasted 18 years, admittedly, with some difficulties. But it is 18 years and the proposal that they have given us is a 15 year warranty. Now the bituminous or built up roof you say has a ten year warranty, costs over twice as much money. I have a little problem with that. Nov/I also share your concerns. However, when they did an inspection damage for hail, the other roofs had no damage at all. Lehman/I don't think that is relevant. Thomberry/Naomi, I have been with Burger King for 27 years and we have always had flat roofs and I have been in Oklahoma, Colorado and Iowa. I have always had the This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 4 membrane type roof. You are correct in saying there is some shrinkage, especially when it comes up to meet the HVAC and the sides. But this is over a period of time and the weather has a lot of do with it, especially when it is not covered well with rock. There are now different type of membrane that you can put on walkways on a- I call it a rubber roof or a slopped roof. A slope one is where they put it on with a mop and the hot tar. But I would like- With the University using the membrane roof or rubber roof or whatever the material is, why did they go with that instead of the slop roof, tar type roof?. Do you have any idea? Schoenfelder/I don't have any idea, maybe the particular circumstance of that. Thornberry/Do you know, the two new HyVees that are being built in Iowa City. One is already open and one on First Avenue is not open yet. Do you know what type of- And they have flat roofs, is that correct, Dennis? They do and I was wondering what type of roof they were putting on? Kubby/I haven't seen tar. Thornberry/I don't know if that roof is sealed and on yet. I imagine it would be. It is quite a ways- Nov/Who are you? Ken Baragary/I am Ken Baragary. Nov/No, no. Mr. Baragary, we have all of your information. Sit, please. Thornberry/I have a question if he knows the answer to. Nov/I know, but we have read all that stuff. Thomberry/Is it a membrane roof on HyVee? Nov/Yes, it is. Thomberry/That is the answer that I wanted and- Nov/But this is not a p.h. There will be no public comment. Thomberry/Naomi, all I have is a question. Kubby/Four council members want to hear from various people to get information. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 5 Nov/I would like to hear from our people first, please. Thomberry/That is fine. It is just that I had a question that if he knew the answer to, yes or no or rubber or slop. I understand that it is a membrane type rubber roof. Nov/Yes. Norton/I have another question. Can somebody tell me how this roof repair is going to relate to the future shape of the library? Nov/I would like to hear from Susan about how this affects the library before we get into anything else? Susan Craig/Well, it only affects the library when it rains and it is been affecting the library seriously ever since the hailstorm in May. Webave gallons of water that comes in every time it rains. We have a lot of duct tape right now holding major pieces of roof together and if there is a major thunderstorm when the library is not open, I or the building manager goes down there and gets the buckets out. People are getting sick because there is so much mildew in the building. The ceiling is being- You know, we are losing ceiling tiles fight and left. It is a major hazard. We have plastic over certain parts of the bookstacks that if it might rain, people are instructed to let it down at night. Everybody knows where the buckets are. The Children's Librarian asked if we could drape the whole children's room. Thomberry/Susan, what you are after basically is a dry roof. Is a roof that is going to keep the library- Craig/I want a roof that is dry that will keep the library contents safe and I want it done ASAP. Thomberry/I have got the same thing and I have got buckets until I got my roof fixed because I did get some hail damage also. A lot of other things damaged, too. What you are after basically is a roof that is going to keep your library dry. Do you have a choice as to what type of roof that you want? Craig/ I turned to the city experts and you have paid for engineering studies that show that the type of roof that was placed on the Rec. Center was the best kind of roof to get and you paid good money for those studies. I assumed that they were correct and that is the proposal that we went with. We have dealt with T & K. They did the roof repair which was just three years ago in 1990 and did satisfactory work. They guaranteed it for two years and it met its guarantee. The This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 6 amount of money that they ask for in this proposal was less than we had put in the CIP for this year for roof replacement. It all seemed reasonable. Kubby/Does it affect if we ever get an expanded library issue on the ballot and it passes? Does it affect what happens to that roof line? Craig/There are so many options right now about how the roof line would change that I don't know. Norton/That was my question. You are not sure how it will relate to the future shape of it? Vanderhoef/What kind of mechanicals are up there that take traffic back and forth? Craig/ It is not just mechanicals. We have a fire exit that goes across the roof and we do have a lot of ballast rock ballested on the roof now. But we have all- There are four air conditioning units up there that take traffic and it has considerable traffic the last two summers because as we repaired the air conditioner. And then the routine maintenance, I think, is quarterly. The fire exit, two fire exits off of the second floor go across the roof and then down the stairs between the Old Penney's building and the library. So we go out there and shovel in the winter time, shovel the fire exits. We don't shovel it if it is an inch of snow but if it is 6 inches or 12 inches we do. Lehman/These are typically not used? Craig/They are typically not used but we are required to maintain them to go out there. Lehman/I know that. Literally there is no traffic on those unless there is a fire. Craig/That is correct. We are maintaining them. Thomberry/We maintain the HVAC. Lehman/I have got six of those units on my roof. We have them serviced twice a year. Thornberry/I change my filters on those things monthly but we now have a walkway plan that we can get to everything we need to get to and this can be a raised walkway even on a membrane roof. Kubby/I would be interested in looking. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 7 Thornberry/I will also attempt to understand, not being an expert, just being around them a lot. It is not just rubber laid down with rocks put on it. It is also sealed on the side so that it goes up so that water cannot get down the side. It is not just thrown on there and put rock on it. Nov/The attachment was not done originally. It could be done with an attached roof next time. The original one was not- Thomberry/I am sure it was. It was attached to the flashings and anything that goes up. Nov/Yeah but not attached all the way. Norton/I think this is a really tough one. I don't see how we can become roofing experts precisely here. It seems to me if we got that nickel advice that says let's go with the- Thornberry/Well, with a 15 year warranty on this thing and the last roof had a 15 year warranty and 17 years out they had a problem with it and they came back and did it under warranty even though it was out of warranty. Norton/Do we actually know the money difference, Dean, here? For example, we have got an open piece in this one expression, don't we? Thomberry/Pardon? Norton/We have an open part of the bid, don't we? We don't know the difference in price we are talking about here either, do we really? Thornberry/I think so. Norton/I didn't think we did. Nov/No, there is an open part. Kubby/If we believe and our folks can tell us that both strategies are responsible technical strategies. Looking at money, especially less than half the cost is a response- We should be open to looking and it may have to go up a little bit if we want walkways which would be prudent. Thornberry/I do, too. And if you get one or two or three engineering firms that say that have better experience with one than another, we can also get two, three, four the other way because we can buy experts. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 p~e8 Lehman/Well, I have a question, Susan. I don't know if this is for you or not. Apparently the Van Winkle-Jacob firm inspected the roof and there is no doubt in my mind that their inspection report is probably 100% right. Craig/You can come and man the buckets if you think there is not a problem. Thornberry/We are not saying there is not a problem. Lehman/Well, no. We got the report. I don't think there is any question we need that roof. I think we probably all agree with that. As part of that report, there is loss prevention data bulletin, dated April 1995, relative to PVC or the membrane roofs. Did Darrell Smith, the person who did the inspection, has he seen the two proposals that the city has, the one for bituminous and the one for the membrane roo~ Craig/I can't say. I believe that all he did was deliver a judgment on the condition of the roof. Nov/He said it is an emergency, that is all. Lehman/Yeah and I am sure that is correct. I guess I have a real tough time with, you know, a project that is over twice the amount of money that gives less guarantee and I guess if this gentleman tells us that we need the roof and need it immediately, he gives us this data that is, I think, maybe somewhat out of date. But he does gives us data relative to membrane roofs. I guess I would like to have known how he would compare the two proposals. It seems to me that one is replacing the present membrane while maintaining the underlayment, the insulation, whatever. The other is tearing everything off down to- I don't know if you have rafters on buildings like that. Totally replacing everything and then putting a bituminous surface on it. One is a totally new roof. One is replacing what would appear to be a replaceable part and both of them give rather substantial warranty. The real difference being one is over twice as much money as the other. Schoenfelder/Just to answer a couple of questions. Darrell Smith is the person that is doing the consulting and design of the roof that we are going to be putting on the Civic Center. We do have a single-ply roof and he is strongly recommending that we go to the modified bituminous roof. The reasons are it doesn't hold up as well with the traffic and we have a lot of equipment up here also. We had him, because he was doing work for us now, go over and do the look on the library roof. He didn't make any recommendations one way or the other but it is my assumption This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 9 that if he is doing the roof for us here and strongly recommending we go to the modified, he would recommend that also there. I can't speak for him. Another factor on these proposals is on the one proposal from D.C. Taylor that appears to be half the cost, there is a line item there that says if they find damaged insulation they will replace that on time and materials. We don't know, at this time, how much damage there is, if any, to the insulation. On this roof, for example, we have the time to do the survey. That is what Darrell Smith is doing. he took four samples. He found because over the years, even though we have a good guarantee on this roof, that all the minor leaks that we have had have soaked the insulation and have destroyed the insulation. We have to go in and replace all of that. We don't know if that is the case over there. With the T & K Proposal, that gets replaced anyway. That is in the cost. Nov/I have to assume that if the library has water and the library has mildew inside, it is difficult to say that the insulation doesn't have it. Baker/Of course it doesn't have to be the whole thing. Nov/If you are going to say half of it is damaged, I would recommend replacing the whole thing. What risk the other half?. Schoenfelder/Also there was nothing on the D.C. Taylor proposal about replacing any cap flashing that might have been tom or deformed by the material pulling away. Maybe that has already been repaired. I don't know but that is taken care of in the T & K proposal. Also on warranties. The warranty is to repair and fix the roof. But if you have damage inside the roof, we are left repairing that and I am just telling you experience. I am not telling you technical data. On the roof, our experience here in this building, for example, has been we have had a lot of minor leaks. They were easily fixed. The people come out and fix them right away, granted. But once you notice the leak, the damage is done. We had a computer system here, some of the boards on that were destroyed. It took out HVAC system down for a while. We had to bear the cost of getting that fixed. That was from a minor leak that was done from some damage of somebody walking around the roof. That is not to say it is not going to happen with another type of roof but it happens more frequently on these. On the Senior Center, for example, we went up and had to tear the roof 8 foot away from the sides. That is a single-ply roof, a different type of roof. A single-ply but a single-ply. All the insulation was damaged there. We pulled that out, put that roof back. The roofing contractor was on the job with the general contractor. They took all the precautions they could to keep that roof from being damaged. They have walking paths up there. When they left the job for two months, we continued to have leaks and in that period of time, This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 10 the number that sticks in my mind of 73 small holes from that process. That is the experience we have had. Kubby/In my mind I am also weighing- I mean it is a risk either way because we don't know what is going to happen if the library issue gets passed, a multi-purpose building gets passed. We don't know what is going to happen to that roof. What does it look like to spend $212- to have it tom off and modified in some way in the short term? And is that worth the risk of the flat roof with the guarantee? I don't know. Those are the kinds of things I am weighing in my mind. Craig/ I don't know. I can't answer your question, Karen. But that is the money that you had budgeted this year to replace the roof. So, I mean, we could have gone through the public bidding process and ended up spending that much money or more. I mean- Kubby/Right, I understand that it is budgeted but it is still dollars. It is still General Fund dollars. Nov/Now, I have a question on the public bidding process. If we had written specifications for a public bidding process, would we have specified the two layer and tar system, the built up system? Kubby/Sounds like it. Nov/That is what I am- Schoenfelder/The only thing I can say is we would have brought in the roofing consultant as we do on all of our other projects. The last three times we have done it, they have recommended that. And we have used different consultants. We have had Shive Hattery on the Rec. Center. Then Van Winkle-Jacob on this particular building. Vanderhoef/Can you tell me if there is any difference, for instance, if we did complete that second floor on the library about tying into you? The membrane roof versus the two stage. Any difference? Schoenfelder/I don't know that there would be. Vanderhoef/Additional cost to go through that process? Schoenfelder/Whatever material you chose at this stage of design, you would have to tie into that material more likely with the same material. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 11 Nov/No, we are not saying that. At least I don't think so. If you are going to add upwards, on top of a roof, if there a difference based on the type of roof you are adding upwards? If you are going to put another story on? If you are going to put another story on, is there an advantage? Craig/We are not completing the second floor. You would raise a lower piece of the roof up to the level of the higher roof and then you would have one roof in which this one is easier to- Vanderhoef/Tie into and be leakproof and all of that kind of thing. Norton/Easier to tie into which one? Kubby/I would like to hear from D. C. Taylor answer that question. Norton/Which one is easier to fie into if you raised? Thomberry/Well you can tie into either one. Nov/They will both answer if you have to hear from them. Thornberry/If I were a betting man which I do on occasion as you know, Mr. Norton on the golf course. I would say that any flat roof is going to leak sooner or later, period. Nov/Okay, all right. Which roof would be acceptable or not acceptable in terms of adding an extension to the second floor? Baragary/Either one. My name is Ken Baragary, I am regional manager olD. C. Taylor Company and I understand the manner of decorum here and I will restrict my comments to that question. Either system because you are joining two separate entities with different movement. There will be an expansion joint or a control joint. So either system will require about the thing. Nov/What about the system that will have a floor above it? Does either system work if you are going to put a second story onto the first floor? Baragary/You mean come in and completely remodel? Nov/Just add a floor, another level? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 12 Thomberry/You got a roof, you got an addition, you got another roof. Baragary/Okay, you are going to build right up to that other floor. What I have seen when they have done that is usually build a super structure around it and then come in with building the trusses up. Again, either system will lend itself to that. The single-ply that we have proposed will be a little bit easier because it doesn't require a torch or a tar kettle. Workman can easily patch that with membrane. Kubby/Thank you. Jim Agne/With T & K Roof. It appears the major issues with council are the warranty and the cost. Would that be correct? Audience/(Can't hear). Nov/We are to answer that question, yes. Agne/What was the question again about raising? If you are going to build another roof over the existing roof, is that the question? Well, no matter what roof is on the bottom, you are going to have to tear it off and build a new super structure on top of it and then put a new roof on a the new addition. Whether it is a single-ply, whether it is a modified , neither are easier or harder to tear off and replace. It is really not an issue. The bottom roof is going to have to be torn off. Nov/Okay, would you sign your name, please. Karen, do you have any other questions along that line? Kubby/No but I guess one of my responses is whether or not an expanded facility happens, you have kind of indicated that we would at a minimum do the expansion. Nov/If the other one passes, yes. Baker/Even if the other one doesn't pass. Norton/Either way. In other words, the cheaper alternative may look better given the fact that in either case, there is a relatively short life for this enterprise. Kubby/And in between the time we can, if we want to make a policy decision about what kind of roof the library should have we can do so. But it seems prudent that if we are headed in a direction that there is going to be that added square footage no matter what happens. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 13 Thomberry/Can we get into the question of timing? Do you have a question? Atkins/I have several questions. Thomberry/I do, too. As far as timing is concerned, I think we need to get this thing done today. It is imperative that we get- Are either proposals quicker? I mean, timewise? Kubby/We know T & K. They can start July 7, that is soon. Norton/I want to reiterate before Steve comments that we are not sure about the actual cost on the two proposals because we don't have two quite equivalent proposals. One of them has got an open ended feature in it. I am concerned about that. Go ahead, Steve. Vanderhoef/I guess I would really like to ask what the cost might be to replace all of the insulation if that is what they find needs to be done and work that in. Kubby/The worse case scenario. Vanderhoef/The worst case scenario. Nov/That was $16 a square foot. Jim, do you know how many square feet we have? Schoenfelder/I want to talk or answer one thing about insulation on the roof. With the T & K proposal and with their add alternate on there, they would be replacing all of the insulation which would bring the insulation value of that roof to about a R20- 23. The current code requires an R21. If we are putting a membrane over the existing roof, that was designed to the older standard. I am not sure what is up there because I haven't had time to evaluate it. It might be an R13-15 which wouldn't meet the current code. That would be another factor. Kubby/Do you have in the proposal what that cost is just for the insulation because let's say that is going to be equivalent? Schoenfelder/I think the add alternate for the tapered added insulation was $29,000. In the neighborhood of $29,000 for the entire roofi Thornberry/Could we assume then that D.C. Taylor would be spending the same amount for insulation of necessary and it looks like it is going to be necessary? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 14 Nov/They gave us a per square- Schoenfelder/I don't know that it is necessary. It is just a consideration. Vanderhoef/This would appear then to be- Thornberry/Steve- Atkins/My turn yet? Thank goodness. I have a half dozen questions. I would caution the council about negotiating proposals with the audience and I think that is what we are doing and it is only going to lead to trouble. Have we clearly established the fact that we an emergency? And I think that as much as we hate it, everything we are arguing about is the strength of the public bidding process. You write a tight spec, you put it out, you let them bid, you open them up and answer that. So we do, Susan, have an emergency. We got to get it fixed right away. Okay, I think that is clear. Secondly, we are discussing a change in product. One is different from the other. Jim or Susan, how many proposals did we get besides T & K for the double? Just one? Craig/(Can't hear). Atkins/I just wanted to know that. For that proposal, we only received the one and that is not speaking ill of that particular proposal. We are- They appear to be- Both appear to be reasonable responsible technical strategies. But we are adding in expanded facilities, all sorts of elements to this process. I think it is going to make it that much more confusing. We have our professional engineers who have made a recommendation. I think the recommendation is what is up in front of you fight now. Because of additional information and a possible lower cost product, if that is the direction you want to go, I think that you simply have to pull back, send the staff back out again, and we have to get proposals on this different product so that you can compare them. That would allow T & K also an opportunity to put a proposal together. But that extends the problem, the emergency issue. Kubby/Why do you recommend that process? We didn't use that process- Atkins/I am not recommending it. I am recommending what we have in front of you right now is the T & K proposal. Kubby/Right but if we want to look at something that looks more cost effective, especially because we know it is going to be taken off and have to be replaced in three years. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 15 Atkins/We don't know that. Kubby/People have indicated that there is going to be expansion at the current site whether or not a multi- purpose referendum gets on the ballot and passes. Atkins/That is a policy decision you all have to make. I am not arguing with you Karen. Nov/There has not been a decision. There has been a discussion. Kubby/But it has been a consistent discussion and commitment to the library. Atkins/My concern is before you award this proposal, if you are not satisfied then you send us back out and we will put together a proposal on a different product and let you compare the numbers. But the bottomline is that messes up the emergency process. Norton/A different product, the modified tar? Atkins/I don't know. I would ask Jim to say ask the consultant to put together some specifications so we could get a proposal together. What we want someone to bid, what will it cost to replace that insulation. I want those- Kubby/I understand that but you were suggesting that we go and do a semi-competitive thing which we didn't do that originally when the staff too the recommendation the consultant to do this other roof. We went to a company that we have worked with before, that we have worked well with before to say give us a price, we need to move forward. Why wouldn't we use that same process if we chose a different kind of roof to compare two different kinds of roofs? Atkins/As long as they get a legitimate number on the two different products. Dilkes/Karen, I think he is also suggesting that we have control of the specifications, not a company coming to us with a certain set of specifications and telling us what that prices is going to be. Nov/My concern is that if we do a set of specifications and we start comparing the prices, we should have competitive bidding on both styles and not just compare the two people- Atkins/That is fine, Naomi, that simply- Kubby/No, we need to move faster than that. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 16 Atkins/I think you need to move faster. Nov/I think we are already dealing in the council designing a roof and that is not the best idea. Arkins/I don't think there is any doubt about that. Kubby/But it doesn't have to be what the staff recommended and do it as immediate as Monday and do the competitive bidding process. There is a lot of ground in between there. Atkins/I think Karen is correct. There is ground. It is just the risk issue- Kubby/We can take a short term break. I mean we are talking about a lot of money. Even though it is already budgeted, it is still money. I believe that council has consistently talked about adding that space onto the library. It is going to have to get torn off. I want to do it- I want to protect the library materials and keep the integrity of the collection. I want to do it fast but I want to do is cost effectively. Thomberry/Can't argue with that. In the interim, where are we going to get 123 people with umbrellas to stand up on that roof?. We have to get going. Atkins/The emergency is today and the emergency will be tomorrow and the next day and the next day. Thomberry/It has been since the hailstorm but we don't need any more damage than we already got. Atkins/The emergency has not changed. It is the public award process is what it is. If we simply- If it were a smaller contract, I would have authorized something, go fix it. Nov/Okay, is this Mr. Blando? Edward Blando/I think on behalf of these gentlemen here who are all roofing contractors and some of whom are Iowa City-Johnson County residents, they have, I think, allowed me or given me the authority to propose to you an alternative plan which would eliminate the emergency and that is a couple of these gentlemen make an attempt yesterday to look at the roof, go up on the roof and to view it and give an idea of that the extent of the problem is. They were not allowed to go on the roof itself. But they did go to an adjoining building and overlook the roof. They also have talked to Mr. Smith who is the consultant. It is their information that there This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 17 may be somewhere 50 -70 small holes in the roof. Their best estimate at this time is that the emergency could be eliminated with an expenditure of less than $2500 and that would give this council time to consider alternatives, time to go through the bidding process. To go into a project of this magnitude without competitive bidding is, I think, a disservice to this council and to the tax payers of Iowa City and Johnson County. To say that to allow this to go ahead with a single estimate, actually you don't even have a bid. You have got an estimate upon which you propose to offer a contract. An emergency would allow you to take, to eliminate some of their bidding time, notice and so forth. But it seems to me a great disservice to eliminate competitive bidding to say we are not going to give you 40 days but here is the specifications. Can you guys come in and give us a bid within a week? That didn't happen. That should have happened. That is the service to your tax payer. Now, like I said, we have people here who for less than $2500 can- Let me just finish. Can eliminate your emergency and take care of it. Nov/We understand. Blando/They are also here and are authorizing me to say that as tax payers and concerned citizens, they are willing to donate up to 50 hours of labor to eliminate the emergency to take of this. I think it is a, like I said, certainly by declaration, you can not create a real emergency and that is what I think you are trying to do and I think when you have an alternative which is better than the plan, I think you would be foolish not to take it. Nov/Thank you. Does the council want to do a one week bidding process? CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 97-102 SIDE 1 Craig/(Can't hear). Thomberry/That is the goal right now and to put in a temporary repair while some bids come in to me sounds pretty reasonable. Atkins/Well, we are into a debate just when an emergency is not an emergency. Nov/We know this is an emergency. This is not a debate. Atkins/Thank you. Kubby/I would like to hear from Larry. What are you thinking about? I know it is early. Baker/When I got this job years ago, I didn't know I would learn so much about sewer. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 18 Norton/Now about roof, right. Craig/(Can't hear). Nov/I can remember the days when sewer was pronounced sorer. Thomberry/That is a long time ago. Nov/That was a long time ago. Baker/Until the last gentleman got up I was totally confused. We can stop the leak immediately, give us a week or two week, whatever to put a proposal together based upon clear specs. Arkins/We do not know whether you can stop the leaking immediately. This is a recent proposal. If you are saying- If the council is saying you want to go back and you wish to take the risk associated with extending the emergency, that can be done. Susan is going to have to spend a couple of more nights with buckets. I mean that is kind of the bottomline of the thing. Thornberry/Only if it rains. Atkins/Only if it rains. Norton/It is going to rain. Atkins/If you want more proposals and you want a different product and you wish to see those kinds of things done, declare it so and we will buy Susan some buckets and we will get it done for you and we can get it done in a reasonable and timely fashion. It will require a quick turn around with respect to contractors. Nov/How do you feel and also Dennis, how do you feel about the legality of accepting volunteers hours for repairs? Mitchell/I think that is- Kubby/Community service. Atkins/Personally, I don't think you should do that. I think that if you want some quick repairs, we can go out and get a contractor, get up, take care of the spots for $2500, whatever the number is and get it done. The big issue is how we are going This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 19 to handle this thing, what kind of product you wish to see put on there given all the other implications that you have laid out expanding the library, not expanding the library, going up, going out. Dilkes/With all respect to Mr. Blando, I think it is really not a good idea to accept representations that is going to cost $2500 to get on this roof to repair it and stop the water when we have got a staff that has been looking at this and trying to figure out this problem and hasn't come to that conclusion. And then we are going to walk away from here and it is going to take probably a good amount of time to put this together. Atkins/I want Darrell, our consulting engineer, to make that call. Dilkes/Exactly. Atkins/I would rather have him do that. Nov/I agree. Mitchell/One thing I should point out. I think it is going to take a lot longer than a couple of weeks, though, if we go back out and try and get some more bids because we are going to have to hire Darrell to come up with the specifications for- Apparently maybe even two different styles of roofs and compare these things. So, because of the time frame we were working under, that is part of the reason it didn't happen. So, if you are going to do that, maybe Susan has got something to add on this but you know, I think we might be better off having somebody make some temporary repairs and then actually go through the bidding process. I am just concerned that if we take too long that, you know, we might have a lot more damage to the library than what it is going to cost to repair it. Craig/The two roofing contractors that have been on the roof, T & K and D. C. Taylor both said it would take tens of thousands of dollars to repair the roof. It was at that time that we decided since we knew we needed a new roof and we had the money in the budget for a new roof, we should not waste the repair money, we should proceed as quickly as possible to replace the roof. I don't know if you can fix it for $2500. I don't know anything about roofs except I don't want mine to leak. But it just- I went in there catching the drips that are all over the building and I can't believe you could do it for $2500. And I would also hesitate to have volunteers up on my roof. Thomberry/Susan, just a quick question. Ira roofer came and said you have some roof problems, could I take a peek and see what the damages are for a quick repair and This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 20 it is an emergency exit also and you have HVAC up there, why wouldn't you let somebody up there to look? Craig/I was not here yesterday. I left town Friday morning, 6:00, for a conference and I got home last night at 11:00. So I am coming into this pretty cold. So, I probably would have let them. Lehman/I guess I am not happier with this than the rest of us are but I really- I guess I totally agree there is an emergency. I really hate to see this thing postponed one more day or even one hour. It has got to be done and you know, as much as I would like to think that we could temporarily repair that roof and get two weeks or three weeks or whatever to put the proper bids, I am not at all sure that we can do that. I think that the report that we have clearly establishes that there is- I hate the word emergency. But I think it is important that this be done as quickly as possible and I agree with you, Karen, that because of the potential of changes in the structure of that building, with an expanded library, I hate to see us put any more into it than we have to. But at the same time get a roof that is solid, that has integrity, one that has a guarantee on it from a firm that we are familiar with. I guess I would prefer to put this out for bid but I am willing, this councilperson is going to do something and get on with it right now. Norton/Which method though, Ernie? Lehman/I am not willing to spend over two times the amount of money for a roof that may or may not be there three or four years from now, particularly on the lower portion. Norton/You want to go back to the membrane? Lehman/After 19 years. I just put a new roof on my building three years ago and I talked to a local contractor last night who I- Well, Tom Werderitsch and Tom builds lots of buildings. He has about equal respect for the two kinds of roofs. He had a real problem with the disparity in price and thought that for basically the same warranty, you are going to have a tough time justifying spending that kind of money for a roof that is warranted for about the same period. Norton/I share that but how do you deal with the uncertain, unknown portion of that. Lehman/I think Jim said you are talking maybe $26,000 again to replace it all? Norton/I don't think that- This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 21 Audience/(Can't hear). Norton/That is a serious question. Atkins/Folks, I caution the council you really (can't hear). You are also negotiating with the audience and I would really be very cautious- Nov/We are not going to hear from the audience again. We have given them the time that we have had to given them. We have to move on. Now we are going to either defer this vote and let the staff recommend something else or we are going to vote on this particular issue now. Kubby/I would recommend that we defer this vote. That we have another special meeting. The point is that within a very short time we come back, we get some complete numbers for the different style of roof from the company (can't hear) that we have worked with before. Because it maintains the interest in moving fast in this emergency and we can compare the final numbers of both styles. Atkins/And it is not just from D.C. Taylor. There may be other contractors that also have interest in that same kind of product. It is not T & K and D. C. that are up here. Kubby/It is more than- we didn't ask any other roofers besides T & K for the original one. Why would we- Atkins/If you are sending us back, let's go back and try to get as much as we can, Karen. Nov/Let's do what we can. Back to the 14th. Baker/How much? Atkins/A couple of weeks. Nov/The 14th is the next time we are meeting. If we are going to do this, we are going to do this on the 14th. Kubby/15th in our formal meeting. Thornberry/How much are we going to allocate for plastic to cover the library? Nov/I understand the 15th is a formal meeting but we would have to have it on the work session for the 14th. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 22 Thomberry/I understand working in a downpour in the inside of a building and it is not fun and she has got a lot of property to protect and something has to be done before it rains next time to eliminate any more damage. Is there anything we can do in the meantime within the next two weeks? Atkins/I would assume part of the- I have sufficient authority in my own budgeted authority to say go get somebody to take a look and get some quick patches up there. But whether it does any good or not, I don't know. Thomberry/I don't know either but it is better than nothing because we know what we have go now and it is a lot of leaks. It is a lot of water every time it rains. So something has got to be better. Atkins/We have sufficient authority to take that action on our own without your approval. That is up to these folks. Nov/We have been spending about five weeks in terms of putting buckets and plastic around the library. If we spend another two weeks doing that kind of thing, the work doesn't come to an end, correct? Now, let's vote. Craig/(Can't hear). Atkins/Susan, come to the microphone. You know, this is an emergency, when is it an emergency? It is a legal term we use to try to proceed with this project. You are not happy with the cost. You wanted a different product to look at because you are not happy with the cost. You want a different product. We are going to go back out. We are going to talk to other contractors. That is not just D.C. Taylor. Four or five of them sitting right there. Nov/There has to be an allowance for everybody to put their two cents. Atkins/To put their two cents in. Thomberry/I am not saying, Steve, that I have got to have another product. I would like to look at the two products. They do the tar thing all over. It is just that when geez, Carver Hawkeye does a membrane and the new HyVees do the membrane, is it that bad? Nov/Well, it is a different style of building. Thomberry/Not really, it is a flat roof. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 23 Council/(All talking). Craig/ We have had leaks in the building since the building opened. I mean the roof- They don't teach it to you in library school but you learn pretty quick. And we have covered leaks. We have had under the first warranty we did good work with D. C. Taylor. They came back lots of times and repaired things and fixed things. We started to have major leaks several years ago. At that time the state of the building and what we were going to do with it was very uncertain and we spent a fair amount of money, almost $25,000 getting repairs done where they put that piece around to make the shrinkage not so tight. This leaking that we have now is not like the leaking that we have had for the last 18 years. This is a serious situation. You know, we are putting at jeopardy- I mean, it is full of books which are paper which- Kubby/We also have to think about that $100,000 plus. That although budgeted, it is still a lot of money when it may be the roof may get tom off in a very short period of time. We have to look at those timing issues and the investment issues while still protecting the collections. Thornberry/I would like to make a motion to defer. Norton/It has already been moved, hasn't it? Kubby/No, second. Audience/(All talking). Nov/No, we are going to clear up the cost issue later. We have a motion to defer. Moved by Thornberry, seconded by Kubby. Dilkes/I think you need to defer this to a date certain in the near future. Once you declare it to be an emergency, it needs to be treated as such. Thomberry/To the 15th of July, the next available meeting. They have had leaks since day 1. Kubby/But it is a different magnitude. Thornberry/I understand that. I have worked with buckets. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 24 Norton/May I? I understand that that motion entails the fact that the city can do whatever they can to head off the current emergency? Thornberry/That is correct. Norton/They may have to throw an umbrella over the place. Atkins/I have sufficient authority to do that. Norton/A lot of umbrellas. Nov/It has been moved and seconded that we defer this vote. We have discussed it. There will be no further discussion. This is a motion. This is it. Do you want to defer or not defer? Kubby/I am prepared to vote but there are some other specific directions. We need to make sure that we all agree to so staff knows what to do between now and the 15th. It may be clear but with us you never know. So it is good to restate it so that we know what we decided and staff understands. Nov/We said it. Go ahead and say it again. Kubby/That we are going to get- We are not putting it out for bid but we are going to look at this other- Atkins/We are going to take it as close to the bidding process as we can, forma detailed proposals in a timely fashion for the 15th. Jim, Dennis, Susan, before you get out of here, I will have to visit. Kubby/And in the meantime, the library will allow roofers to get on the roof to look at it so they can start seeing what the damage it, I assume. Atkins/We are going to seek other proposals. I think we have to afford an opportunity for perspective contractors to look at what they are going to have to do. I think that is an obligation on out part. Nov/And we are going to allow more than two styles of roof to be proposed if someone wants to. Atkins/We will contact Darrell Smith. We will tell him that we would like to look at an altemative proposal. Both proposals will go out and then a company could bid both of them if they would like. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 #4 page 25 Nov/That is the general idea, thank you. Is there any further discussion? Thomberry/This is going to include insulation if necessary? Atkins/My understanding is that the T & K proposal had incorporated the insulation and what we are hearing, it did not in the other one. It will be clear, Jim is nodding his head, insulation if necessary, will be replaced at this cost. Thomberry/Because if we do put on the addition and it has to be redone, the insulation will still be good as long as it hasn't leaked into the insulation. That can be reused. Nov/It will all be there. Any other comments, Steve? Do you understand everything we have said? Atkins/Sure. Nov/Thank you. All in favor, please say aye- (ayes; opposed: Novick, Baker). Karr/Two opposed? Nov/I heard two, yes. Okay. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 2, 1997 F070297 July 2, lf~97 City of Iowa City Page 4 ITEM NO. 5. ITEM NO. 6. ITEM NO. 7. CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS. a. Consider a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to appoint Lea Supple to the Airport Zoning Commission as a representative of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Term expires May 1, 2000. CONSIDER A MOTION TO ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS STRATEGY WITH COUNSEL IN MATTERS THAT ARE PRESENTLY IN LITIGATION OR WHERE LITIGATION IS IMMINENT WHERE ITS DISCLOSURE WOULD BE LIKELY TO PREJUDICE OR DISADVANTAGE THE POSITION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY IN THAT LITIGATION. Action: ADJOURNMENT. CITY OF 10 WA CITY City Council Meeting Schedule and Tentative Work Session Agendas, June 27,1997 June 30 - July 6, 1997 Telecast Live on Cable Channel 4 July 2 7:00a SPECIAL FORMAL COUNCIL MEETING WednesdayI Counc// Chambers July 4 7:00p CITY OFFICES CLOSED Friday