HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-4-2013 Ad Hoc Diversity Committeer CITY OF IOWA CITY MEMORANDUM Date: March 1, 2013 To: Ad Hoc Diversity Committee Members From: Marian K. Karr, City Clerk Re: Committee Packet for meeting on March 4, 2013 The following documents are for your review and comment at the next Committee meeting: Agenda for 03/04/13 (page 1) Minutes of February 25 (pages 2 - 8) Correspondence from Immigrant Voices Project: Proposals for Diversity Comm. (page 9-12) Draft Recommendations/Report (page 13) THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND ALL MEETINGS AD HOC DIVERSITY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, March 4, 2013 Harvat Hall in City Hall 410 East Washington Street 4:00 PM 1. Approve February 25 minutes 2. Adoption of recommendations to City Council 3. Public Input 4. General Board discussion 5. Meeting Schedule Council Work Session April 9 6. Adjournment Ad Hoc Diversity Committee, February 25, 2013 MINUTES DRAFT AD HOC DIVERSITY COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 25, 2013 HARVAT HALL IN CITY HALL, 4:00 P.M. Page 1 Members Present: Cindy Roberts (left 5:40), Joe Dan Coulter, Orville Townsend, Sr., Joan Vanden Berg; LaTasha Massey, Kingsley Botchway II (arrived 4:30) Staff Present: Dilkes, Karr, Markus Others Present: Charlie Eastham Co -Chairperson Roberts began the meeting at 4:12 P.M. with the February 20, 2013, meeting minutes, asking if there were any changes or amendments to be made. Coulter moved to approve the February 20, 2013, meeting minutes as presented. Townsend seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0; Botchway absent. DISCUSSION OF DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS: Roberts began the discussion by asking them how they would like to approach this review. Townsend stated that he would like to discuss a possible change with the PCRB section, on page 12, item 6. He noted the section that reads: accomplish through a committee appointed by City Council or a Council designee. Townsend suggested adding: "If at that time it is felt that there are still problems and that the process isn't working, it is recounnended that the Police Citizens Review Board be eliminated. It is further recommended that if the City Council chooses to create a new system, that several members from the minority communities be involved in the process." Roberts then asked the group for their thoughts on Townsend's suggested wording of this recommendation. Coulter moved to approve the addition to the above -referenced recommendation, as discussed. Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0; Botchway absent. The discussion then turned to the staff changes and updates for the PCRB section. -a- Ad Hoc Diversity Committee, February 25, 2013 Page 2 Coulter moved to approve the staffs' suggested changes to the recommendations for the PCRB as specified in the late handout of February 25, 2013. Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0; Botchway absent. Townsend then brought up the section regarding the high school visits. On page 14, item 2, where it says: during a meeting with students at a city high school; Townsend suggested they make this "students at City High School" or "students at a high school." Karr asked what the preference was here. Members agreed to have this worded as "...students at a high school" to keep things neutral. Roberts then asked about the police section and whether or not they are going to incorporate examples into this section. Vanden Berg stated that she still believes they need some type of introduction as to why they are giving the recommendations that they are. She believes this will give some clarity to the recommendations being made. Vanden Berg distributed and reviewed her handout (Introduction / Needs Assessment) with Members, briefly clarifying the additions and changes she has made here, noting that this can serve as a cover letter, of sorts, for the police section. Coulter then spoke to anecdotal examples and the use of officer names in the recommendations or in Introduction / Needs Assessment, stating that he does not believe they should get specific with groups or individuals, or instances. Instead they should summarize what they have heard in the public information gathering sessions. For instance, Coulter noted that he would not mention Officer Bailey by name, but instead would say something like "some officers," keeping the statement broad. Townsend stated that he disagrees with Coulter's comment, that he believes Officer Bailey is doing a fantastic job and that the goal behind Bailey's position is to foster community relationships. Massey suggested they sum it up with whatever Bailey's title is, that this would eliminate his name but would still point out the success of this position. Coulter suggested they change the wording to: "positive comments regarding the Iowa City Police Department's community relations officer". Some discussion ensued here, with Members sharing their input on this wording change. Roberts shared that she believes when they present these recommendations, including the Introduction / Needs Assessment that they need to let the Council know how positive Officer Bailey's position has been to the southeast side of town. Members continued to struggle with the wording on whether or not to remove Bailey's name. Coulter stated it as: "At public information gathering sessions, they consistently received extremely positive comments regarding the Iowa City Police Department's Community Relations officer." Coulter moved to adopt the two paragraphs under #2 (the second and third paragraphs of the Introduction / Needs Assessment) as reviewed above. Townsend asked for some clarification on this, stating that he believes they need to show the `serve' part of law enforcement by using Bailey as an example of the mentality they are encouraging. Members continued to discuss this portion as they attempted to show the positive side of having the position of a community relations officer. Dilkes interjected at this point, stating that she is not concerned about the Ad Hoc Diversity Committee, February 25, 2013 Page 3 mentioning of the officer's name here. She then reiterated what she believes the Members are trying to get at with this recommendation and/or Introduction / Needs Assessment. The discussion then turned to the use of anecdotal evidence in these recommendations and/or Introduction / Needs Assessment. Coulter stated that he believes they need to remove anything that would point to a specific or personally- identifiable incident. This led to a discussion among Members on how to word their recommendations, with Vanden Berg asking Coulter how he would word this. Coulter stated that when talking about police policies, or a lack of consistency in carrying out these policies, he believes they should cite what policy they mean and how it is being imposed inconsistently, without referring to a specific incident. Townsend stated that he believes since the public gave them this information, in public settings, they should use that information. Coulter then questioned the timing of these incidents, asking if any of them were recent. Roberts reiterated that the examples they have from the various public settings are very important for the City Council to hear, that they should know what the public is saying. Townsend added that if there was going to be a problem with using this evidence as part of their recommendations (or Introduction / Needs Assessment) , he believes the City Attorney would have told them there was a problem. Dilkes stated that she does not believe there is a legal problem here. Botchway then stated his concerns with the second paragraph of Vanden Berg's. He questioned Introduction / Needs Assessment, the first statement, asking what it is referring to. Vanden Berg clarified what the citizen was referring to with multiple squad cars being sent for minor incidents. Roberts then shared an incident where she called the police, a non -emergency call, and three squad cars showed up. She questioned what the policy is on calls like this, stating that she wished she had had the foresight to ask the officers if this was normal policy to send three cars on a non -emergency call. Dilkes suggested a change to the introduction on this suggesting adding: "Participants in the public information gathering sessions shared multiple concerns about a lack of consistency of how officers carried out police policies. The following continents were shared with the committee." Karr stated that she will distinguish between the Committee's public forum and the subcommittee information gathering sessions when finalizing the recommendations. Members continued to discuss the issue of multiple police cars being dispatched to a location, as well as specific wording for the recommendation itself. Massey suggested they bullet some of the points they are making in this section. Others agreed, stating that that will help to clarify this section. The Members moved on the fourth recommendation, with Botchway stating that here too they should bullet the points they are trying to make. Karr noted that on page 15, at the top, she has some questions on how the Members want # 3 worded. Members agreed the item was covered in another recommendation and could be deleted. Vanden Berg will send the electronic master version of the introduction distributed to Karr for revising and distribution at the next meeting. The discussion turned to the issues raised by Immigrant Voices and what changes the Members want to make to their recommendations in light of the February 21 email response. Members reviewed each of the 9 points contained in the email. Coulter spoke to the issues raised at last week's meeting, stating that the preference for these immigrant individuals who do not speak OW t, W� Ad Hoc Diversity Committee, February 25, 2013 Page 4 English fluently is to have an interpreter. He spoke to how an interpreter would be used, whether they would be on the police staff or be under contract with them. Botchway reminded Members that they are making recommendations, not mandates, so they can word their recommendations such as "train police officers to learn different languages", for one, and also ask that the ICPD find a way immediately to deal with this communication issue. Massey stated that what she took away from the conversation with Immigrant Voices is they would not mind having an officer and an interpreter present. They understand that there may a need for it to be someone besides the officer. The issue of having several officers present, when they don't speak Spanish or whatever language is needed, is what they consider `over -policing' in the minority communities. This led the conversation back to what is the regular policy for these types of calls. Dilkes noted at this point that she spoke with the Police Chief about the issue of interpreters, and that they do have a protocol for interpreters. There is a state law about informed consent and if a person is unable to understand English, they would be unable to give informed consent and understand what they are doing. Townsend noted that this is another point about educating the public on what the normal policy and procedure is so they know what to expect when dealing with the police. Members continued to fine-tune the wording for this piece of the recommendation. Townsend suggested how they should approach this, so that both the public and the police can be a part of the process. The next issue is having a third -party file the complaint, in addition to being there to support the claimant. Karr and Dilkes noted that this is already part of the ordinance, with Dilkes clarifying that it needs to be a person with personal knowledge of the event who files a complaint. Massey noted that she specifically remembers Misty stating at the last meeting that individuals do not wish to remain anonymous, but that they need that third party to carry out the complaint process with them. The Committee continued to review the recommendations. Minimal changes to wording were addressed, with Townsend questioning again whether or not the actual complainant mist be present for the complaint interview. He understood the immigrant community to say that they wanted a third party to do all of this for them, that they do not want to be present themselves. He stated that they need to stress in the recommendation that the person must be present at the proceedings, that they cannot just send a third party to represent them. Dilkes stated that this is more of an education piece, not an actual recommendation. Moving on Dilkes spoke to Members about the memo she shared with them recently about the ICE requirement, where any time an individual is fingerprinted by the police that the fingerprints nnust go to ICE. She explained how this issue plays out with immigration enforcement and what is beyond the City's control. State and federal laws come into play here. Looking at the sixth item of the email, Botchway noted that this is covered in Coulter's wording/hand-out. On the seventh item, this will be covered by the upcoming surveys, as will the eighth and ninth items. Townsend spoke to the issue of buses arriving earlier than expected at stops and not sticking around for riders. He suggested they add that the buses cannot leave until the designated departure time at each stop. Roberts stated at this point that she would have to leave the meeting shortly for another appointment. Karr asked if March 4 will work for everyone for the next meeting, with another draft of the recommendations to review. This was agreed to prior to Roberts' departure. The Members then moved on to review Coulter's suggestions. He began by reviewing item F — Ad Hoe Diversity Committee, February 25, 2013 Page 5 community outreach and communications, programs and services, and language interpretation skills. Botchway stated that this should really go under the `training' area, with Massey adding that they should do this as an i.e, or e.g. under `training.' Coulter suggested they review the fifth item. Botchway, however, stated that he believes the wording is fine the way it is. Coulter reviewed this with Members, pointing out how the report would be developed in collaboration with the Human Rights Commission, the City Manager, and the constituency offices of the City. Markus noted that the perspective on this issue is that it is very expansive. Coulter stated that it is, but that they have heard extensive feedback from the public and this is where it is being addressed in the presentation. Markus responded to some of Coulter's wording, noting that the City has no control over the School District, or the Library for that matter. Members continued to review the various issues they received concerns on, that had nothing to do with either transportation or law enforcement. Housing is a top issue, according to Members. Coulter suggested they add the departments of the City that would be impacted by these various issues and delete the other items, such as the Library and the School District. Massey suggested that a future committee be formed to look at housing issues. Dilkes added that it could be included in the report but not that it be a recommendation. Massey then suggested they strike item five and have an addendum that suggests that housing and other issues be looked into by future commissions or committees. Majority agreed that they should strike number five. Dilkes asked Coulter for some clarification on the information gathering (44c), where he has put `immigrant status.' She noted that this seems contrary to the notion that status should not be asked about. Members discussed how this should be approached in reporting. Markus spoke briefly to who all would be asked to vet these recommendations, noting that ultimately the Council should make this decision, along with the Human Rights Commission's review. Moving on to transportation recommendations, Karr referenced page 9, # 4, and clarified the time issue had been identified but questioned the wording Members wanted for the report. She clarified earlier discussions regarding the use of cell phones, noting that all cell phones should show the same time. Members spoke to how they can approach the time issue and expected arrival times at the various stops. Botchway next spoke to the survey issue and the updating from the email on this. The last part to review would be the translation piece. Vanden Berg asked if they will want the survey information results released to the public, or just how this information will be reported. Botchway and Karr reviewed the language, which will be added to the final draft. Members spoke briefly to adding many of the same education pieces from law enforcement to the transportation piece. Karr noted that she will make these changes to the final draft. Members wrapped up their discussion of the wording additions and changes to be made to their recommendations. Discussion continued about follow-up meetings with the public to continue to get feedback about such issues. Botchway asked if there would be a reconvening of some type of committee to make sure that these recommendations are being implemented. He stated that he believes they should have this as a general statement at the end of their presentation, that the Committee recommends that after a year either another committee or this one be given the charge of looking into whether these changes have been made. The discussion briefly centered on an equity report, with Markus suggesting they say that in the first equity report the City Manager will include a status report on all of the recommendations made by the Ad Hoc Ad Hoc Diversity Committee, February 25, 2013 Page 6 Committee, as approved by the City Council. Members agreed to make this the fifth recommendation in this section. A final wrap-up of recommendations included a discussion by Members of having timeframes on some of these recommendations. Markus addressed this, stating that they can also use the City's web site to show updates, once the Council has made their final approval of the recommendations. Townsend added that he would like to have this information from the Police Chief, as well, with timeframes on when recommendations will be met. Massey brought the discussion to page 17, noting that they were going to add the other issues they heard from the public here, such as housing and employment. Massey will provide what she has written as the introduction to the transportation recommendations with Karr, who will incorporate it into the final draft. TENTATIVE MEETING SCHEDULE: The next meeting of the Ad Hoc Diversity Committee will be held on Monday, March 4, 2013, at 4:00 P.M. at City Hall. ADJOURNMENT: Townsend moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 P.M. Coulter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0; Roberts absent. MIO 03/04/13 z z 02/25/13 z X X z X X X X 02/20/13 z X X z X X X X 02/11/13 z X X z X X X O w 01/31/13 z X X z X X X X 01/14/13 z X X O O X X X 01/03/13 z X X X X X X X 12/17/12 z X X O X X X X 12/10/12 z X X O W X X X O W 12/3/12 z X O w X X X X X 11/19/12 zX X O W O W X X X 11/15/12 z X X X X X X O w 11/13/12 z X X X X X X O W 10/29/12 z X O w X o w X X X 10/22/12 z X X X O w X X X 10/15/12 z X X X X X X X 10/8/12 z X X X X X X X 09/24/12 z X X X X X X X 09/17/12 z X X X X X X z 09/10/12 X X X X X X X z 08/29/12 O X X X X X X z W �1 0 M M 0 M M 0 M M 0 M M 0 M M 0 M M 0 M M z cd Ax Uc4 d 4 � off °u 4 MIO Marian Karr From: Immigrant Voices Project<immigrantvoicesproject@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:49 PM To: Marian Karr Subject: Re: Proposals for Diversity Committee Hi Marian, Hopefully the examples and descriptions provided below help to clarify details for the Diversity Committee. 4. Avoid local police involvement in immigration enforcement, where not required by federal law There have been complaints of law enforcement officials who upon interactions with immigrant community members ask about their immigration status. Sometimes these questions are: "What kind of visa are you here on?" "Do you have papers? " Legally there is no law in the state of Iowa that requires local law enforcement to engage in conversations regarding immigration status with local residents. Inquiry of immigration status is only in the jurisdiction of federal officials associated with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). When local law enforcement officials engage in such behaviors, it is intimidating to our immigrant friends, and often is perceived as some sort of discriminatory act on behalf of the officials. Residents need to know that if they call upon local law enforcement for help or to report a crime that they will not, under any circumstance, be questioned about their inunigration status. It is important that all people in our community feel safe calling upon officials, this makes our neighborhoods safer and helps to prevent crime. If officials insist on engaging in immigration enforcement, community members will not trust law enforcement and may avoid calling them at all costs. 6. Pursue means of assessing trends in local law enforcement interactions with area immigrants, such as number of minor violations in neighborhoods with large immigrant populations, and traffic stop statistics (the current proposal already has something similar) As outlined on page 12 of the current recommendations regarding an annual report to the City Council, it is recommended that records be kept transparent and accurate about the number of arrests, race, ethnicity, etc. We would like to see that the stats collected by officials include the types of infractions people (especially, minority and irrunigrant populations) are receiving, and in what parts of town. For example, what is the typical violation given to somebody on Foster Road near the entrance to Forest View Trailer Park, and what percentage of those tickets are issued to minorities versus Anglos? These sorts of stats would help us understand the balance, or lack thereof, in the kinds of infractions police are stopping people for and who is being issued violations. From more detailed information we could better inform the community on how to avoid committing such traffic violations and/or assist in law enforcement in dealing with trends that seem to be targeted towards a certain group of residents, etc. From more information, both sides are able to take appropriate actions to alleviate conflict. Marian, let us know if you have any more questions or comments. Again, please do let us know if the Diversity Committee plans to introduce any/all of our proposals to their final recommendation. Sincerely, Misty Rebik on behalfoflnvnigrant Voices Project On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Marian Karr <Marian-Karr@iowa-ci .org> wrote: Good evening Misty, The Diversity Committee met earlier this evening and wanted you to provide more information or clarification on items # 4 and #6 highlighted below. Examples would be helpful. Please respond as soon as possible so I can include in the packet of meeting materials going out later this week. Thank you, Marian From: Immigrant Voices Project[mailto:immigrantvoicesp_roiect(a cimail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:08 PM To: Marian Karr Subject: Re: Proposals for Diversity Committee Misty Rebik (myself) Muklrtar Adarob Marcela Marquez On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Marian Karr <Marian-Karrna iowa-citv.org> wrote: Thank you Misty. Could you also provide me the names of the individuals who spoke last night for the minutes? � c= From: Immigrant Voices Project[mailto:immigrantvoicesproiect(cbgmail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:59 AM To: Marian Karr Subject: Proposals for Diversity Committee Hi Marian, Here are the proposals that we spoke about yesterday to the City's Diversity Committee. Attached you will also find a memo that IVP leaders had given the Diversity Committee at the Pheasant Ridge Public Forum. This memo explains in detail the issues that have been identified by the group, and the proposed solutions. Again, we hope that these proposals will be included in the Diversity Committee's final proposals for the City Council. Proposed Changes: 1. Consistently use interpreters in interactions involving people with limited English language abilities, and seek interpretation services that do not cause unreasonable delays. 2. Allow complaints to be logged by 3rd party advocates- not anonymous, but that an organization advocate could be actually file the complaint for a person wishing to file a complaint with the Police Review Board or the general office. 3. Hold ongoing meetings with groups of immigrants, such as the Immigrant Voices Project and other community groups. 4. Avoid local police involvement in immigration enforcement, where not required by federal law 5. Consider implementation of a municipal ID, to provide a low-cost ID option to all Iowa City residents and avoid unnecessary confusion in police interactions. 6. Pursue means of assessing trends in local law enforcement interactions with area immigrants, such as number of minor violations in neighborhoods with large immigrant populations, and traffic stop statistics (the current proposal already has something similar). 7. Expand weekend and week -day bus service to accommodate those who work 2nd and 3rd shift. 8. Add an additional bus route that would come from the Pheasant Ridge area to the Kirkwood/Sycamore Mall area without delay at the downtown hub. O//Ovo 9. Increase number of stops per hour in neighborhoods that are heavily dependent on bus service- like Forest View. Please let us know if the Committee will decide to include any/all of these proposals in their final report to the City Council. Also, please don't hesitate to contact IVP through this email. Sincerely, Misty Rebik on behalf ofbmnigrant Voices Project IWIM DIVERSITY COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL March 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Background................................................................. 1 II. Introduction and Recommendations for Law Enforcement ............ 4 (Police & Police Citizens Review Board) III. Introduction and Recommendations for Transportation Services ..... 27 IV. Oversight, Implementation and Further Study ........................... 31 a. Equity Report b. Housing and City Employment c. Public access and updates Page 1 In June 2012 the City Council passed Resolution 12-320 (attached) establishing an Ad Hoc Diversity Committee to study City transit and law enforcement operations as they relate to minority populations. Members appointed to the six month Ad Hoc Committee were: Bakhit Bakhit (resigned 1/31/13) Kingsley Botchway, Chair Joe Dan Coulter Donna Henry (resigned 9/17/12) LaTasha Massey (started 9/24/12 replacing Henry) Cindy Roberts Orville Townsend Joan Vanden Berg The City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk, or their designees staffed the meetings. Over the course of six months, the Ad Hoc Diversity Committee held 22 Committee meetings. Several public information gathering sessions were held to meet with local community members from diverse backgrounds to discuss and receive feedback about transit and law enforcement operations. November 15, 2012: Iowa City Public Library (Full Committee Meeting) January 8, 2013: Pheasant Ridge Neighborhood Center (Sub -committee) January 9, 2013: West High (Sub -committee) Waterfront Hy -Vee January 10, 2013: City High (Sub -committee) The Spot 410 EAST WASHINGTON STREET* IOWA CITY, IOWA 52240-1826 • (319) 356-5000 • FAX (319) 356-5009 Page 2 Prepared by: Susan Dulek, Asst. City Atty., 410 E. Washington St., Iowa City, IA 52240 (319) 356-5030 RESOLUTION NO. 12-320 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN AD HOC DIVERSITYCOMMITTEE TO STUDY CITY OPERATIONS AS THEY RELATE TO MINORITY POPULATIONS WHEREAS, the population of Iowa City is becoming increasingly racially diverse; and WHEREAS, on May 15, 2012, City Council passed a resolution of intent to establish an ad hoc committee to study City operations as they relate to minority populations with a view toward promoting just and harmonious interaction between local government and minority segments of the community (Resolution No. 12-260). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, THAT: 1. The Ad Hoc Diversity Committee is established. 2. The Diversity Committee shall consist of seven (7) members to be appointed by the City Council. Members of other City boards and commissions may serve on the Diversity Committee. Members must be residents of Iowa City. 3. Applications for membership on the Diversity Committee shall be announced, advertised, and available in the same manner as those for all City boards and commissions. 4. City Council shall select the Chair, who when present will preside over all meetings, and the Vice -Chair, who will serve as chair in absence of the Chair. 5. The City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk, or their designees, shall staff the Diversity Committee. 6. The Diversity Committee shall determine the frequency and conduct of its meetings. The meetings will be open to the public in accordance with Chapter 21 of the Iowa Code. 7, The Diversity Committee shall have an organizational meeting no later than September 10, 2012. 8. The charges of the Diversity Committee are as follows: A. To study the operation of the City's transit system, including but not limited to the downtown interchange, as it relates to minority populations with a view toward promoting just and harmonious interaction between City government and minority segments of the community. B. To study the operations of City law enforcement, including but not limited to the Police Citizen Review Board (PCRB), as it relates to minority populations with a view toward promoting just and harmonious interaction between City government and minority segments of the community. Resolution No. 12-320 Page 3 9. The Diversity Committee shall submit a written report to the City Council by March 10, 2013, that responds to each of the charges listed above and that contains recommendations, if any, with respect to each of the charges. 10. Absent further action by the City Council, the Diversity Committee will dissolve on March 10, 2013. Passed and approved this 19th day of - June , 2012. ATTEST:/I,i, CITY t :r Ap ove City Attorney's Office Page 4 Police Citizens Review Board and Law Enforcement Introduction / Needs Assessment (3-1-13) As a result of the input received at public information gathering sessions, a public forum, and Committee meetings the following themes emerged: 1. Lack of awareness and faith in the Police Citizen Review Board The majority of citizens participating in the community sessions had never heard of the Police Citizen Review Board (PCRB). The few number of community members who did know about the PCRB said that it was "a joke." 2. The importance of relationship -building and "customer service." At public information gathering sessions, we consistently received extremely positive comments regarding the Iowa City Police Department's Community Relations officer. (e.g. "He knows us." "He gives us good advice." "He understands.") Students gave additional examples of other officers who smiled and said "hi" to them. Students noted how they appreciated when officers know their names. However, students also cited examples of officers who "just look at you like you are about to do something bad" and felt that some officers assumed the worst of them without knowing who they are. Community members also commented that they would like to have an opportunity to visit with police officers directly, and they like to see officers at neighborhood gatherings. 3. Participants in the public information gathering sessions shared multiple concerns about a lack of consistency of how officers carried out police policies. The following comments were shared with the committee: ➢ Two young ladies indicated that they were stopped by a police officer. They stated that the police officer approached the car and began asking them questions; at one point the officer asked if they had drugs in the car. The young ladies asked the officer why they had been stopped and he indicated that the license plate light was not working. Both young ladies questioned if it was standard procedure for an officer to inquire if they had drugs in the car when the stop was based on a malfunctioning license plate light. They also questioned if it was appropriate for the officer to not inform them of the reason of why he stopped the car. ➢ It was reported that multiple squad cars frequently respond to calls made to a minority community member's home for minor incidents. ➢ Similarly, they observed that additional police officers are often called in for traffic stops. A A gentleman who does not speak English shared that he was pulled over for a traffic stop. The officer called for an interpreter, but additional officers were also called to the scene. It was questioned whether additional back-up was needed just because a translator was needed. ➢ At one of the student group sessions, a student shared a story of how an officer used unnecessary force with an African-American student after a party had been shut down. The student wasn't doing anything and the police officer got rough, and wrestled the student to the ground. Page 5 4. Lack of community understanding of rights and responsibilities. Questions, particularly from the immigrant community, were asked about how our law enforcement system works here. ➢ What are their rights? ➢ What are their responsibilities? ➢ How are fines determined? Participants at the forums stated that they would appreciate more opportunities to learn about how our system works. Page 6 DRAFT Recommendation Police (3-1-13) I. Recommendations for the Police Citizen Review Board A. Issue: The majority of citizens participating in the community forums were unaware of the Police Citizen Review Board. Recommendation: Increase Public Awareness of the Police Citizen Review Board and the process by which to file a complaint. 1. Distribute literature regarding the Police Citizen Review Board in the community so that information is readily available to the public. 2. Prepare a video to be shown to a variety of local organizations and on the City Cable Channel 3. Increase police officer involvement in community activities to share information about Police Citizen Review Board. B. Issue: Of those who had heard of the Police Citizen Review Board, a major area of concern was that the current system is structured so that the police department is policing itself. The high level of public suspicion related to the Police Citizen Review Board is such that many citizens feel that if they participate in process the outcome will prove disadvantageous to them. Recommendations: The committee proposes the following changes in the process and procedure for the Police Citizen Review Board to address the issue of public distrust. 1. The person filing the complaint will have the option of requesting that a member from the Police Citizen Review Board participate in the complainant's interview with the police department. (See recommendation # 3 from PCRB) 2. It is recommended that the Human Rights Coordinator serve as an advocate and provide education about the process. Once a complaint has been received, the Human Rights Coordinator will be informed and will send a letter to the person filing the complaint to offer support through the process. The Human Rights Coordinator will be available to address any questions or concerns that the individual may have and will extend an invitation to participate in the complainant's interview with the police department. 3. It is recommended that the City Manager participate in the interview with the police department and officer in question. 4. The complainant will be offered an exit survey. 5. Terms for the Police Citizen Review Board should be limited to two four-year terms. Page 7 6. It is recommended that the performance of the Police Citizen Review Board be reviewed and evaluated one year after changes have been implemented. Citizen involvement will be critical to the process; this could be accomplished through a committee appointed by City Council or Council designee. If at that time it is felt that there are still problems and that the process isn't working, it is recommended that the Police Citizens Review Board be eliminated. It is further recommended that if the City Council chooses to create a new system, that several members from the minority communities be involved in the process. Committee Response to the Pending Recommendations to Council from the Police Citizen's Review Board: 1. To change the name to Citizens Police Review Board. (June 12, 2012) - It is recommended that the name be changed to the Citizens Police Review Board. 2. To remove the language regarding Formal Mediation within the City Code and from the Standard Operating Procedures. (June 12, 2012) - It is recommended that the language regarding Formal Mediation within the City Code and the Standard Operating Procedures be removed. 3. To offer as an option, the ability for a Board member to accompany the complainant during the police investigation interview process for a PCRB complaint, at the complainant's request. (June 12, 2012) — It is recommended the person filing the complaint be given the option of requesting that a member from the Police Citizen Review Board participate in the complainant's interview with the police department. 4. To change the Board's 45 -day reporting period to 90 -days. (October 9, 2012) - It is recommended that no changes be made at this time regarding the 45 day reporting period. The recommended changes in procedures may impact the time needed to process a complaint. Page 8 II. Recommendations for the Iowa City Police Department A. Issue After receiving comments from the public, it is the belief of the committee that the police department is currently functioning under a "control and monitor" approach to dealing with our minority citizens, which has led to mutual feelings of distrust. A publication from the National Institute of Justice on Police Integrity dated January 10, 2013. (See attached) states the following: "Current research finds that the management and culture of a department are the most important factors influencing police behavior. How the department is managed will dramatically affect how officers behave toward citizens. And how officers behave toward citizens will affect whether citizens view law enforcement as an institution with integrity." Organizations that place priorities in the following areas will do better at maintaining integrity: Accountability of managers and supervisors Equal treatment for all members of the organization Citizen accessibility to the department Inspections and audits Quality education for employees. Defining values and principles and incorporating them into every facet of operations may be more important than hiring decisions. Diligence in detecting and addressing misconduct will show officers that managers practice what they preach." Recommendations Changes need to be made in the department to create a more positive culture that focuses on a "protect and serve" approach. 1. Replace the recruitment video The committee reviewed the Police Department's Recruitment video and believes that it is a reflection of the current culture in our police department, which is leading to much of the public's concerns about negative treatment. It is recommended that the current recruitment video be removed from the website and that a new video that emphasizes a public service be created. More importantly, the culture underlying the video needs to be changed to one that is more of "protect and serve" 2. Encourage more relationship -building activities with the police officers and members of the public Chief Hargadine shared with the committee a list of outreach activities in which his officers were currently participating. Most of the activities listed were committees, and not meetings that were open to the general public. It is our recommendation that the police officers be more visible in all parts of the Iowa City community, but especially in the minority communities. This can be accomplished by participation in community and neighborhood events, but also through the day-to- day interactions with individual community members. During the meeting with students at a high school several students stated that they would like police officers to be more friendly and talk with them. The expectation should be clear to all officers that they are to provide good customer service to all members of the community-- which includes greeting all citizens in a friendly manner, respectfully sharing information and using all contacts with the public as an opportunity to develop relationships and build trust. Page 9 3. Research the viability of restructuring the Police Department to adopt a Community Policing model. Attached is a description from the US Department of Justice on the key principles of a Community Policing Program. Community Policing is more than a single program or a Community Relations Officer; it is the transformation of a traditional police department. Police departments who adopt a community policing model, transform from being a closed system, designed to react to crime to an open and proactive department designed to prevent crime. It is recommended that the City of Iowa City continue to research the viability of the Police Department receiving additional training and administrative support to adopt a Community Policing approach. B. Issue: There is a lack of mutual understanding between some police officers and members of the minority community. Recommendations for officer education: 1. All Police Officers need to receive information / education so that they are less likely to make assumptions regarding our minority populations. During the public meeting two young ladies shared that a police officer stopped them. He approached their car and began asking questions. At one point he asked if they had drugs in the car. They replied "no" and then asked why he stopped them. He stated that the license plate light wasn't working. It is questionable that this is standard department procedures and It is recommended there be more training and accountability to assure that procedures are followed. Officers need to handle situations consistently for all community members. This expectation needs to be clearly communicated and officer behavior needs to monitored. Recommendations for Community Education 1. Additional education and information needs to be provided to members of the minority community for them to gain an understanding of their rights and responsibilities. Information - sharing and outreach is particularly important for people who are new to our community. 2. Strengthen community partnerships with community and neighborhood organizations to provide education opportunities, disseminate information. 3. Develop partnerships with the schools and community youth groups to implement a Police Cadet Program, which introduces youth to the field of law enforcement. This will not only help young people gain an understanding of police work, but would also be an opportunity for minority youth to become interested in the field of law enforcement, a "grow your own" strategy to get more diversity on the police force. C. Issue: Data that reflects what is happening in the Iowa City Police Department with our minority population is not being collected or shared in a meaningful manner. Recommendation: See "Oversight, Implementation, and Further Study" Section III Page 10 Committee Response to the Pending Recommendations to Council from the Human Rights Commission: The Human Rights Commission recommends to the Iowa City City Council that a committee be established to review the Police Citizen Review Board. That committee can be compromised of city staff, councilors or community members, but must contain at least one human rights commissioner. The review board would investigate the strengths and challenges of the current Police Citizen Review Board model and consider whether it is the right model for the city. In reviewing the strengths and the challenges of the current Police Citizen Review Board, the review committee would determine whether the current structure best serves the city. (March 20, 2012) — NO ACTION 2. The Human Rights Commission would support the City in pursuing a municipal issued identification card, implemented in a manner to protect the safety of undocumented persons. (December 18, 2012) - SUPPORT INSERT PDF Commun'l Polli'IClrl De--e-ined IkF d 1 ♦ �i T F.. iit The Primary Elements of Community Policing Other Government Agencies Community Members/Groups Nonprofils/Service Providers Private Businesses Media Organizational Structure Organizational /. Problem Transformation I Solving Page 12 Community policing is comprised of thr lkoq Community Partnerships Collaborative partnerships between the law enforcement agency and the individuals and organizations they serve to develop solutions to problems and increase trust in police. Organizational Transformation The alignment of organizational management, structure, personnel, and information systems to support community partnerships and proactive problem solving. Problem Solving The process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of identified problems to develop and evaluate effective responses. Page 14 Other Government Agencies Community Members/Groups Nonprofits/service/ Community Providers I\ Partnerships Private Businesses Media — -- Community Partnerships Collaborative partnerships between the law enforcement agency and the individuals and organizations they serve to develop solutions to problems and increase trust in police. Community policing, recognizing that police rarely can solve public safety problems alone, encourages interactive partnerships with relevant stakeholders. The range of potential partners is large and these partnerships can be used to accomplish the two interrelated goals of developing solutions to problems through collaborative problem solving and improving public trust. The public should play a role in prioritizing and addressing public safety problems. Other Government Agencies Law enforcement organizations can partner with a number of other government agencies to identify community concerns and offer alternative solutions. Examples of agencies include legislative bodies, prosecutors, probation and parole, public works departments, neighboring law enforcement agencies, health and human services, child support services, ordinance enforcement, and schools. Community Members/Groups Individuals who live, work, or otherwise have an interest in the community— volunteers, activists,. formal and informal community leaders, residents, visitors and tourists, and commuters—are a valuable resource for identifying community concerns. These factions of the community can be engaged in achieving specific goals at town hall meetings, neighborhood association meetings, decentralized offices/storefronts in the community, and team beat assignments. Nonprofits/Service Providers Advocacy and community-based organizations that provide services to the community and advocate on its behalf can be powerful partners. These groups often work with or are composed of individuals who share common interests and can include such entities as victims groups, service clubs, support groups, issue groups, advocacy groups, community development corporations, and the faith community. Private Businesses Media For-profit businesses also have a great stake in the health of the community and can be key partners because they often bring considerable resources to bear in addressing problems of mutual concern. Businesses can help identify problems and provide resources for responses, often including their own security technology and community outreach. The local chamber of commerce and visitor centers can also assist in disseminating information about police and business partnerships and initiatives, and crime prevention practices, The media represent a powerful mechanism by which to communicate with the comntunitl: They can assist with publicizing community concerns and available solutions, such as services from government or community agencies or new laws or codes that will be enforced. In addition, the media can have a significant impact on public perceptions of the police, crime problems, and fear of crime. Page 15 i Organizational Transformation 11 Organizationa Page 16 Agency Management • Climate and culture • Leadership • Labor relations • Decision-making • Strategic planning • Policies • Organizational evaluations • Transparency Organizational Structure • Geographic assignment of off lcers • Despeciallzation • Resources and finances Personnel • Recruitment, hiring, and selection • Personnel supervision/ evaluations • Training Information Systems (Technology) • Communication/access to data • Ouality and accuracy of data The alignment of organizational management, structure, personnel, and information systems to support community partnerships and proactive problem solving. The community policing philosophy focuses on the way that departments are organized and managed and how the infrastructure can be changed to support the philosophical shift behind community policing. It encourages the application of modern management practices to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Community policing emphasizes changes in organizational structures to institutionalize its adoption and infuse it throughout the entire department, including the way it is managed and organized, its personnel, and its technology. Agency Management Under the community policing model, police management infuses community policing ideals throughout the agency by making a number of critical changes in climate and culture, leadership, formal labor relations, decentralized decision-making and accountability, strategic planning, policing and procedures, organizational evaluations, and increased transparency. Climate and culture Changing the climate and culture means supporting a proactive orientation that values systematic problem solving and partnerships. Formal organizational changes should support the informal networks and communication that take place within agencies to support this orientation. Leadership Leaders serve as role models for taking risks and building collaborative relationships to implement community policing and they use their position to influence and educate others about it Leaders, therefore, must constantly emphasize and reinforce community policing's vision, values, and mission within their organization and support and articulate a commitment to community policing as the predominant way of doing business. Labor relations If community policing is going to be effective, police unions and similar forms of organized labor must be a part of the process and function as partners in the adoption of the community policing philosophy, Including labor groups in agency changes can ensure support for the changes that are imperative to community policing implementation. Decision -malting Community policing callsfor decentralization both in command structure and decision-making. Decentralized decision-making allows front-line officers to take responsibility for their role in community policing. When an officer is able to create solutions to problems and take risks, he or she ultimately feels accountable for those solutions and assumes a greater responsibility for the well-being of the community. Decentralized decision-making involves flattening the hierarchy of the agency, increasing tolerance for risk-taking in Page 17 Page 18 problem -solving efforts, and allowing officers discretion in handling calls. In addition, providing sufficient authority to coordinate various resources to attack aproblem and allowing officers the autonomy to establish relationships with the community will help define problems and develop possible solutions. Strategic planning The department should have a written statement reflecting a department - wide commitment to community policing and a plan that matches operational needs to available resources and expertise. If a strategic plan is to have value, the members of the organization should be well -versed in it and be able to give examples of their efforts that support the plan. Components such as the organizatiotfs mission and values statement should be simple and communicated widely. Policies Community policing affects the nature and development of department policies and procedures to ensure that community policing principles and practices have an effect on activities on the street Problem solving and partnerships, therefore, should become institutionalized in policies, along with corresponding sets of procedures, where appropriate. Organizational evaluations In addition to the typical measures of police performance (arrests, response times, tickets issued, and crime rates) community policing calls for a broadening of police outcome measures to include such things as greater community satisfaction, less fear of crime, the alleviation of problems, and improvement in quality of life. Community policing calls for a more sophisticated approach to evaluation—one that looks at how feedback information is used, not only how outcomes are measured. Transparency Community policing involves decision-making processes that are more open than traditional policing. If the community is to be a full partner, the department needs mechanisms for readily sharing relevant information on crime and social disorder problems and police operations with the community. Page 19 Organizational Structure It is important that the organizational structure of the agency ensures that local patrol officers have decision-making authority and are accountable for their actions. This can be achieved through long-term assignments, the development of officers who are"generalists;' and using special units appropriately. Geographic assignment of officers With community policing, there is a shift to the long-term assignment of officers to specific neighborhoods or areas. Geographic deployment plans can help enhance customer service and facilitate more contact between police and citizens, thus establishing a strong relationship and mutual accountability. Beat boundaries should correspond to neighborhood boundaries and other government services should recognize these boundaries when coordinating government public-service activities. Despecialization To achieve community policing goals, officers have to be able to handle multiple responsibilities and take a team approach to collaborative problem solving and partnering with the community. Community policing encourages its adoption agency -wide, notjust by special units, although there may be a need for somespecialist units that are tasked with identifying and solving particularly complex problems or managing complex partnerships. Resources and finances Agencies have to devote the necessary human and financial resources to support community policing to ensure that problem -solving efforts are robust and that partnerships are sustained and effective. Personnel The principles of community policing need to be infused throughout the entire personnel system of an agency including recruitment, hiring, selection, and retention of all law enforcement agency staff, from sworn officers to civilians and volunteers. Personnel evaluations, supervision, and training must also be aligned with the agencies community policing views. Page 20 Recruitment, hiring, and selection Agencies need a systematic means of incorporating community policing elements into their recruitment, selection, and hiring processes, Job descriptions should recognize community policing and problem- solving responsibilities and encourage the recruitment of officers who have a"spirit of service," instead of only a"spirit of adventure:'A community policing agency also has to thoughtfully examine where it is seeking recruits, whom it is recruiting and hiring, and what is being tested. Agencies are also encouraged to seek community involvement in this process through the identification of competencies and participation in review boards. Personnelsupetvision/evaluations Supervisors must tie performance evaluations to community policing principles and activities that are incorporated intojob descriptions. Performance, reward, and promotional procedures should support sound problem -solving activities, proactive policing, community collaboration, and citizen satisfaction with police services. Training Training at all levels—academy, field, and in-service—must support community policing principles and tactics. It also needs to encourage creative thinking, a proactive orientation, communication and analytical skills, and techniques for dealing with quality -of -life concerns and maintaining order. Officers can be trained to identify and correct conditions that could lead to crime, raise public awareness, and engage the community in finding solutions to problems. Field training officers and supervisors need to learn how to encourage problemsolving and help officers learn from other problem -solving initiatives. Until community policing is institutionalized in the organization, training in its fundamental principles will need to take place regularly. Information Systems (Technology) Community policing is information -intensive and technology plays a central role in helping to provide ready access to quality information. Accurate and timely information makes problem -solving efforts more effective and ensures that officers are informed about the crime and community conditions of Page 21 their beat. In addition, technological enhancements can greatly assist with improving two-way communication with citizens and in developing agency accountability systems and performance outcome measures. Cotnmunication/access to data Technology provides agencies with an important formu by which to communicate externally with the public and internally with their own staff. To communicate with the public, community policing encourages agencies to develop two-way communication systems through the Internet that allow for online reports, reverse 911 and e-mail alerts, discussion forums, and feedback on interactive applications (surveys, maps), thereby creating ongoing dialogues and increasing transparency. Technology encourages effective internal communication through memoranda, reports, newsletters, e-mail and enhanced incident reporting, dispatch functions, and communications interopera6ility with other entities for more efficient operations, Community policing also encourages the use of technology to develop accountability and performance measurement systems that aretimely and contain accurate metrics and a broad array of measures and information. Community policing encourages the use of technology to provide officers with ready access to timely information on crime and community characteristics within their beats, either through laptop computers in their patrol cars or through personal data devices. In addition, technology can support crime/ problem analysis functions by enabling agencies to gather more detailed information about offenders, victims, crime locations, and quality -of -life concerns, and to further enhance analysis. Quality and accuracy of data Information is only as good as its source and, therefore, it is not useful if it is of questionable quality and accuracy. Community policing encourages agencies to put safeguards in place to ensure that information from various sources is collected in a systematic fashion and entered into central systems that are linked to one another and checked for accuracy so that it can be used effectively for strategic planning, problem solving, and performance measurement. Problem Solving Page 22 The process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of identified problems to develop and evaluate effective responses. Community policing emphasizes proactive problem solving in a systematic and routine fashion. Rather than responding to crime only after it occurs, community policing encourages agencies to proactively develop solutions to the immediate underlying conditions contributing to public safety problems. Problem solving must be infiised into all police operations and guide decision- making efforts. Agencies are encouraged to think innovatively about their responses and view snaking arrests as only one of a wide array of potential responses. A major conceptual vehicle for helping officers to think about problem solvingin a structured and disciplined way is the SARA (Scanning; Analysis, Response, and Assessment) problem -solving model. Scanning: Identifying and prioritizing problems Analysis: Researching what Is known about the problem Response: Developing solutions to bring about lasting reductions in the number and extent of problems Assessment: — Evaluating the success A of the responses Using the crime triangle to — focus on immediate conditions (victim/offender/location) Page 23 Scanning: Identifying and prioritizing problems The objectives of scanning are to identify a basic problem, determine the nature of that problem, determine the scope of seriousness of the problem, and establish baseline measures. An inclusive list of stakeholders for the selected problem is typically identified in this phase. A problem can be thought of as two or more incidents similar in one or more ways and that is of concern to the police and the community. Problems can be a type of behavior, a place, a person or persons, a special event or time, or a combination of any of these, The police, with input from the community,. should identify and prioritize concerns. Analysis: Researching what is known about the problem Analysis is the heart of the problem -solving process. The objectives of analysis are to develop an understanding of the dynamics of the problem, develop an understanding of the limits of current responses, establish correlation, and develop an understanding of cause and effect. As part of the analysis phase, it is important to find out as much as possible about each aspect of the crime triangle by asking Who?, Wirat?, When?, Where?, How?, Why?, and Why Not? about the victim, offender, and crime location. Response: Developing solutions to bring about lasting reductions In the number and extent of problems The response phase of the SARA model involves developing and implementing strategies to address an identified problem by searching for strategic responses that are both broad and uninhibited. The response should follow logically from the knowledge learned during the analysis and should be tailored to the specific problem. The goals of the response can range from either totally eliminating the problem, substantially reducing the problem, reducing the amount of harm caused by the problem, or improving the quality of community cohesion. Assessment: Evaluating the success of the responses Assessment attempts to determine if the response strategies were successful by understanding if the problem declined and if the response contributed to the decline.. This information not only assists the current effort but also gathers data that build knowledge for the future. Strategies and programs can Page 24 be assessed for process, outcomes, or both. If the responses implemented are not effective, the information gathered during analysis should be reviewed. New information may have to be collected before new solutions can be developed and tested. The entire process should be viewed as circular rather than linear meaning that additional scanning, analysis, or responses may be required. Using the crime triangle to focus on immediate conditions (victim/offender/location) To understand a problem, many problem solvers have found it usefil to visualize links among the victim, offender, and location (the crime triangle) and those factors that could have an impact on them, for example, capable guardians for victims (e.g., security guards, teachers, and neighbors), handlers for offenders (e.g., parents, friends, and probation), and managers for locations (e.g, business merchants, park employees, and motel clerks). Rather than focusing primarily on addressing the root causes of a problem, the police focus on the factors that are within their reach, such as limiting criminal opportunities and access to victims, increasing guardianship, and associating risk with unwanted behavior. TargeWlctim Eck,Iohn E. 2003." Police Problems: The Complexity of Problem Theory, Research and Evaluation' "In Johannes Knutsson, ed. Probinn�Oriented Policing. Froin Innovation to Mainstream. Crime Prevention Studies, trot. 15. pp. 79-114. Monse}; New York: Criminal Justice Press and Devon, U.K.: will= Publishing. Page 25 About the COPS Office The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) is the component of the U.S, Department of Justice responsible for advancing the practice of community policing by the nation's state, local, territory, and tribal law enforcement agencies through information and grant resources. Rather than simply responding to crimes once they have been committed, community policing concentrates on preventing crime and eliminating the atmosphere of fear It creates. Earning the trust of the community and making those Individuals stakeholders In their own safety enables law enforcement to better understand and address both the needs of the community and the factors that contribute to crime. COPS Office resources, covering a wide breadth of community policing topics—from school and campus safety to gang violence—are available, at no cost, through its online Resource Information Center at wvw.cops.usdoj.gov, This easy -to -navigate website Is also the grant application portal, providing access to online application forms. S& COP; U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services 145 N Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20530 To obtain details on COPS Office programs, call the COPS Office Response Center at 800.421,6770. Visit COPS Online at www.cops.ijsdoj.gov. ISBN: 978-1-935676-06-5 e/051229476 August 2012 Page 27 DRAFT Recommendation Transportation (3-1-13) Transportation Introduction / Needs Assessment During the course of community information gathering sessions and committee meetings we repeatedly listened to issues regarding miscommunications between the Iowa City Transit Department and community members about: • rules and regulations while being a passenger, • procedures for disruptions • the role of Transit Bus drivers in regards to their position when en route Community members and local organizations who serve and work with diverse populations also expressed frustration with: • long bus rides due to lack of information • missing the bus due to time interpretations • delays in riders with cross-town destinations due to the downtown interchange We continued discussion with community members to find that citizens felt as though the current transit system is not set up for citizens who work in all types of employment which is evident by the limited hours and days that bus services are unavailable particularly for late evening and weekend service needs. Other concerns such as the cleanliness of high volume bus stops and the lack of community outreach to assist youth and new residents about acceptable rider conduct were mentioned. Page 28 A. Service/schedule Issue: Pursue additional transit needs for certain areas of the community and minority populations as it relates to service and schedule. Recommendation: The committee proposes the Iowa City Transportation Department work on providing additional transit needs as specified below: 1. Sunday Service options a. Assessing the Free Downtown Shuttle as a potential revenue route to offset additional bus services or researching how to develop a free shuttle service in other areas 2. Expand time on Saturdays 3. Increase start times for weekday services a. Specifically for certain routes that service areas where there are swing shifts such as the Heinz Road Area. We are also suggesting that Transit Services contact management of the business in that area that may be able to assist with surveying the bussing needs of their employees. 4. Public forum input suggested there may be issues with buses leaving a bus stop early. Current transit policy requires drivers not to leave a stop early. The central bus facility uses an atomic clock for the purpose of drivers to sync their clocks/watch. Recommendation: Transit office place a clock at the downtown interchange that syncs with a clock we post on bongo and City website. This would allow drivers and riders to routinely sync their watches, etc. with the transit time. B. Education Issue: Lack of education about acceptable behavior on public transit and understanding how to use public transit. Recommendation: This committee recommends the Iowa City Transit Department look into alternatives to notifying the public about acceptable behavior expectations and procedures. Specifically, the committee recommends: • Creating a document/pamphlet outlining the procedure followed by the Iowa City Transit Department when there is an incident on the bus o This information should be displayed on the bus, website, Downtown Interchange, and schools. Create youth liaison by partnering with local schools to find students in leadership roles to help drivers with incident is involving other youth o Youth liaisons can be rewarded with free bus passes and/ or other incentives to help maintain order during school times. o Youth liaisons would be trained in peer mediations and de-escalation techniques and bus safety protocols. Page 29 o Youth liaisons need to be current riders This committee recommends the Iowa City Transit Department increases their community outreach efforts. Specifically, the committee recommends: o Creating a video with local youth/community members that explains how to appropriately use city transit services. The video would address, but is not limited to, the following suggestions: • How to understand transit maps/schedules • How to understand and use the website • Provide access to online language translator • How to understand and use Bongo o Providing an interactive informational kiosk at the Downtown Interchange • How to understand transit maps/schedules o Connecting with local schools, neighborhood associations, etc. to inform the community on ongoing changes and improvements in transit services. o Iowa City Transit Department staff participate in ongoing culturally and linguistically appropriate diversity trainings as the community continues to grow. This committee recommends the Iowa City Transit Department create a survey addressing current transportation needs of the community. Specifically, the committee recommends questions assessing: o Community needs for Sunday and extended Saturday service o Community needs for extending service both AM & PM on weekdays o Assessing needs for low-income areas o Broad outreach and publicizing of survey In addition consideration must be made for individuals not being able to access the survey electronically (access to hard copy) and translation needs for different languages and email distribution. Note: This survey needs to be implemented and analyzed in 2013. Subsequent surveys should be completed every two years. All survey results should be accessible to the general public. C. Environment Issue: Improve overall environment of Downtown Interchange and high volume bus stops/shelters. Recommendation: The committee proposes the Iowa City Transportation Department work on providing additional transit needs as specified below: o Pursue additional seating in downtown interchange o Increase number of shelters o Increase frequency of maintaining bus stops (e.g. litter, overall appearance) D. Communication Issue: Improve communication between other transit services in Iowa City/Coralville vicinity. Page 30 Recommendation: The committee proposes the Iowa City Transportation Department work on providing additional transit needs as specified below: Establish radio communication with the other transit services in order to provide transfer options Trip planner to include all local transit services and assist riders to travel throughout the Iowa City/Coralville area Review current services for streamlining and/or duplication of services with other transit services Page 31 a. EQUITY REPORT That the City of Iowa City (City), City Manager provide an annual report to the City of Iowa City Council (City Council) and the public concerning the status of law enforcement, public transportation, and other City services or programs as these City services relate to the needs and concerns of the City's racial/ethnic minority, immigrant, juvenile and elderly, disabled, poor, veteran, and other special populations. This annual report of the City Manager shall be called "The City of Iowa City Annual Equity Report" (Report) and shall involve and include the following: 1. The Report format and composition shall be developed by the City Manager in consultation with the City Council, the City of Iowa City Human Rights Commission, and any other committees determined by the City Council. 2. The Report will include the most recent data and information available regarding the Iowa City Police Department: a.) stops and arrests, b.) incarcerations, c.) offences/infractions, d.) complaints, e.) administrative procedures and practices, e.g. personnel, recruitment, training (e.g. culturally and linguistically and interpretation skills), performance reviews, f.) community outreach and communication programs and services, g.) other pertinent information. 3. The Report will include the most recent data and information available regarding the Iowa City Transportation Services Department: a) routes, stops, and frequency of service, b.) occupancy/ utilization, c.) coordination with other public transportation services, including public schools and colleges, d.) users/ridership communication services, e.) use of surveillance technology, f.) disruptions of service, g.) complaints, h.) administrative procedures and practices, i.) other pertinent information. 4. The Report data and information (whenever available and aggregated to protect individual/personal identification) shall include: a.) race, b.) ethRisity, nationality, G.) stains, c.) gender, d.) juvenile/adult status or age, e.) disability status, f.) geographical location, g.) socio-economic status, h) veteran status. b. HOUSING AND CITY EMPLOYMENT Comments were received regarding housing and city employment issues not related to the scope of the work of this Committee. c. PUBLIC ACCESS AND UPDATES After adoption of the recommendations by the City Council the recommendations should be available to the public via the City website and timeframes identified for each and progress updates provided to the site. Ad I loc Diversity Committee, City of Iowa City Recommendations Revised from Feb. 25 2013 Committee Minutes March 4, 2013 Submitted by Joe D. Coulter Committee Member That the City of Iowa City (City), City Manager provide an annual report to the City of Iowa City Council (City Council) and the public concerning the status of law enforcement, public transportation, and other City services or programs as these City services relate to the needs and concerns of the City's racial/ethnic minority, immigrant, juvenile and elderly, disabled, poor, veteran, and other special populations. This annual report of the City Manager shall be called "The City of Iowa City Annual Equity Report" (Report) and shall involve and include the following: 1. The Report format and composition shall be developed by the City Manager in consultation with the City Council, the City of Iowa City Human Rights Commission, and any other committees determined by the city Council. 2. The Report will include the most recent data and information available regarding the Iowa City Police Department: a.) stops and arrests, b.) incarcerations, c.) offences/infractions, d.) complaints, e.) administrative procedures and practices, e.g. personnel, recruitment, and training, including cultural, linguistic interpretation and communication skills, performance reviews, f.) community outreach and communication programs and services, g.) other pertinent information. 3. The Report will include the most recent data and information available regarding the Iowa -City Transportation Services Department: a) routes, stops, and frequency of service, b.) occupancy/ utilization, c.) coordination with other public transportation services, including public schools, d.) users/ridership communication services, e.) use of surveillance technology, f.) disruptions of service, g.) complaints, h.) administrative procedures and practices, e.g. personnel, recruitment, and training, including cultural, il linguistic interpretation and communication skills, i.) other pertinent information. 4. The Report data and information (whenever available and aggregated to protect individual/personal identification) shall include: a.) rac%thnicity, b.) citizenship, c.) gender, d.) juvenile/adult status or age, e.) disability status, f.) geographical location, g.) socio-economic status, h.) veteran status. 5. The Report, as determined by the City Council, may contain data and information, as specified above, regarding other City Departments and Services. EQUITY REPORT (From the 2/25/2013 Ad Hoc Diversity Committee Agenda and Minutes) BELOW a, EQUITY REPORT That the City of Iowa City (City), City Manager provide an annual report to the City of Iowa City Council (City Council) and the public concerning the status of law enforcement, public transportation, and other City services or programs as these City services relate to the needs and concerns of the City's racial/ethnic minority, immigrant, juvenile and elderly, disabled, poor, veteran, and other special populations, This annual report of the City Manager shall be called 'The City of Iowa City Annual Equity Report" (Report) and shall involve and include the following: 1. The Report format and composition shall be developed by the City Manager in consultation with the City Council, the City of Iowa City Human Rights Commission, and any other committees determined by the City Council. 2. The Report will include the most recent data and information available regarding the Iowa City Police Department: a,) stops and arrests, b,) incarcerations, c.) offences/infractions, d.) complaints, e,) administrative procedures and practices, e,g, personnel, recruitment, training (e,g. culturally and linguistically and interpretation skills), performance reviews, f.) community outreach and communication programs and services, g,) other pertinent information. 3. The Report will include the most recent data and information available regarding the Iowa City Transportalton Services Department: a) routes, stops, and frequency of service, b,) occupancy/ utilization, c.) coordination with other public transportation services, including public schools and colleges, d,) userslridership communication services, e,) use of surveillance technology, f.) disruptions of service, g.) complaints, h.) administrative procedures and practices, L) other pertinent information. 4. The Report data and information (whenever available and aggregated to protect individuallpersonal identification) shall include: a.) race, b,) 4*4 , nationality, 0. immigrant status; c.) gender, d.) juvenile/adult status or age, e.) disability status, f.) geographical location, g.) socioeconomic status, h) veteran status, p Census.gov r Arserm Cory i Survey American Community Survey ® Abhutthe survey Guldan fofor Data Users Data B Documentatlon T 11 Methodology T I Libra Question Corner for Survey Respondents Why is the Census Bureau caning N you darrt mad hack your form or if you leavequeshas Dant we may mlyou Pore <Prey Near> Language Brochures Questions and Answers about the American Community Surrey in 11 languages. [lo f %rmall §)J1 Arabic PA CMnese English EngSsh Frangais French Kreydlayisyen H,%lan Cre,ie -N � IN Korean Polski Wish Portugues Portuguese Py[Wne Russ! En espaiiol Spanish Viet Idgg Vietnamese *>f A What is the AmericanMiespondrgetCommunity Survey? The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing statistical surrey that samples a small percentage of the population eNery year.. gidng communties the information they need to plan imestmenls and services Learn more Learn ways to respond to the ACS or get help with the survey Learn more about how we protect your prM1acy, why you were selected; why is important to participate; My we ask speck questions and more in About the Survey. Stat leaming about the ACS with three tips about the data. Find addtiannt information about geography in the ACS, comparison guidance, and user speck handbooks. Learn more in Guidance for Data Users iYem Esterelcs Re'eased ACS Peasu1h90ynassCChanae9 EEOSpeclal Release New-4tespond0nline Respond Online ► Its sale, sec ureand conbdemiial. ► It's economical. ► It's greener ► k's user-fnendhy. Find out more about responding isi WalchHowto 00 Respond Online <Prey II Pause ► Play Next) d Current Data Profiles Quick LhkstoNation orState 1 level Profiles UnBedSlates • � ' 71 Data by Topic People • Age and Sex I Aging • Ancestry • Disabhty • Commuting to Work • Education • Employment • FamilylRelalionships . Health Insurance • Income and Earnings • Language • Origins • Population Change • Poverty . Race and Ethnicity • Veterans Housing • Finaocial ChataClelislics. '� • Physical Characlerstics Call Us General 1-888-9238282 Questions as they appear in the questionnaire. Where was this person born? ❑ In the United States - Print name of state. ❑ Outside the United States - Print name of foreign country, or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc. Is this person a citizen of the United States? ❑ Yes, born in the United States 4 SKIP to 10a ❑ Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas ❑ Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents ❑ Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization - Print year of naturalization ❑ No, not a U.S. citizen When did this person come to live in the United States? Print numbers in boxes, Year Source: ACS 1(2009)KFI MEETING FEDERAL NEEDS These questions provide essential data for setting and evaluating immigration policies and laws. Knowing the characteristics of immigrants helps legislators and others understand how different immigrant groups are assimilated. Federal agencies require these data to develop programs for refugees and other foreign -born individuals. Vital information on lifetime migration among states also comes from the place of.birth question. USCENSUSBUREAU C@nSS Helping You Make Informed Decisions 2018 COMMUNITY BENEFITS Education Data are used to allocate funds to public and private nonprofit organizations to provide employment resources aimed at making the foreign -born economically self-sufficient. Social Services These data are used, in conjunction with the Public Health Service Act, to assist states and local agencies with developing health care and other services tailored to the language and cultural diversity of the foreign -born. Government The U.S. Department of Homeland Security uses citizenship data to project staffing and other resource needs to complete the naturalization process for noncitizens. Under the Voting Rights Act, these data are required to evaluate voting practices of governmental subdivisions (e.g., states, counties, and school districts). Employment Data about place of birth and citizenship are used to evaluate the effectiveness of equal employment opportunity policies and programs under the Civil Rights Act. www.census.gov ilidted States USCENSUSBUREAU 20' Helping You Make Informed Decisions Q