HomeMy WebLinkAboutWillow Creek Trail - Open House Design ConceptJohn son Joh nso n C ou nty GI S Web Pri ntin g Pri nte d : 7/22/202 2 Th e informatio n pre sen ted here in is inte nded to be an accura te re prese ntation of existing r ecord s. John son Co un ty a ssumes n o liab ility for e rrors or omissions. Users relyin g o n this informatio n do so a t their own risk. 0 0.04 5 0.090.02 2 5 mi 1 i n ch = 147 feetWillow C ree k Tr a il Re pl a ce ment Page 1 of 2 8-FT Wide Trail 10-FT Wide Multi-use Trail Connect to Existing Trail 5-FT Wide Sidewalk Connections to Teg Drive 5-FT Wide Sidewalk Curb Ramps 5-FT Wide Sidewalk Curb Ramps Johnson Joh nso n C ou nty GI S Web Pri ntin g Pri nted : 7/22/202 2 Th e in formatio n p re sen ted herein is inte nd ed to be an accurat e rep resentation of existing re cords. Johnson Co un ty assumes n o liab ility for errors or omissions. Use rs re lyin g o n t his in formatio n d o so at their own risk. 0 0.0 3 0.0 60.0 1 5 mi 1 i nch = 1 4 7 fe e tWillow Cre ek Tr a il R epla cement Page 2 of 2 10-FT Wide Multi-use Trail 5-FT Wide Sidewalk Curb Ramps 10-FT Wide Multi-use Trail 10-FT Wide Multi-use Trail Connection to Teg Drive Sidewalk Curb Ramp Connection to Willow Creek Drive Connect to Existing Trail