HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-20 Council Minutes '-1 'I (I Ct . 1 - Inlormal Council Sosslon JanuDty 30, 1990 In/armal Councl~mo: January 30, 1990, &:30 p.m, In tho Council Chambors. Mayor John McDonald prosldlng. ~mombers Prosont: McDonald, Courtnay, Kubby, Horowitz, laraon, Ambrlsco, Novick. Slaffmambers ~: Aikins, Holling, Karr, Mansnold. !aoe-reeordIOg: Aoel 00.10 Side I 201.END, Side 21.END; RoollJO.3O Sldo 1&2 all; RooI 00. 14 Side 1 1-430. RooI oo.to, SIdo 1 McDonald atated that ropresonlaUvos 01 EnvIronmonlal Advocalos roquesled discussion with Council regarding tho Clty's proposod yard waslo plan. Jack Robinson, reprosonUng Envlronmonlal Advocaloa, raised tho lasuoa 01 eqully, roductlon 01 tho sourco, and aducatlonaJ plan. RobInson alalod tho equity Issuo Is Important ~om tho IncenlJvo.dlalnconUvo aspect 01 tho recycling program. Robinson atalod " would bo pollUvo lor othor Iuluro recycling programs to oncourago poople 10 rocycle. Robinson Itatod an IncenUvo plan would go along with roductlon altho aource auch as oncouraglng pocplo to lei grass lay. RobInson atalod thero Is a noed lor a coordinator 01 recycling programs. Tho coordinator would work with volunloora, app~ lor granla, help dOVOlop markola lor rocyclod malerlal., and koep alaff updated on what allematlvoa aro avallablo. Robln.on lu9gOllod adding an additional amount por Ion onto tho landnll tipping 100 as a way 10 dovolop fundi lor thai coordlnalor poslUon. Robinson also auggoslod acallng down tho yard wasto plan unUI tho City aoes how much yard waste Is genoralod. Robinson slated a wlndrowor may not bo noodod n thoro Is noltho volume 01 yard waslo. larlon notod thalli Is Stato law that Iowa City has 10 nollly othor lurlsdlctlons regardIng purchalOs auch as tho wlndrowor. Roblnaon ataled thalthore aro lour local larmora willing 10 tako tho leavel. Horowitz quoaUonod how many loavoa a larm could lako beloro tho DNR raises quos lions regarding tho compostlng ayslom on tholr larm. Robinson emphaslzod ho would lIke tho City 10 promolo recycling, work on block coordlnalor concopt., and aol up aomothlng lor curbsldo recycling. Robinson auggostod tho City oslabllsh volumo.based ratos. Nalhan Shophord Inlormod Councllthallasl wook tho DNA pul oul rovlslons 10 Chaptor 101 01 tho Iowa Admlnlstratlvo Codo concornlng tho gonoral requlromonta rolaUng 10 lolld waalo disposal. Shophord slalOd thoso lIovlslons IpoclRcaJly addroSltho Issuo 01 source roductlon, omphaslzo publlo oducaUon, and donno wasto roductlon. Shophord alatod thai tho donnltlon 01 wasto roducllon Includos but Is not IImllod to home yard wasto composUng. Shophord alalod the rovlslons go on 10 atala thallho goal 01 tho Comprohonslvo Plan 01 each planning aroa Is 10 roduco tho amounl 01 matorlals through tho practlco 01 waslo volume reducUon II lho aourco and through rocycllng. In addlllon, tho revlslona OulIlno thai tho allomallvo aolld waste managomonlaysloms ahall bo ovaluatod according to tho wasto managomonl hlorarchy. Shophord alatod tho rovlslons go Inlo doplh aboul publlo oducallon, 'A comploto ana~ala 01 allornatlvos ahalllncludo al a minimum a dolallod doscrlpllon 01 a publlo oducallon program lor sourco roductlon and rocycllng by rosldoncos, larms, buslnossos and Induslrlos. Tho publlo oducatlon program musl addross al a minimum houlOhold hazardous matorlals, tlros, motor oil, load acid batlorlos, back yard composllng, and mothods 01 malorlals soparal/on and I 1 I I I , I , , ) ! ! " J i I, I ~ i t] 'I Cf n ,::' - -- , !' Mlnutos Iowa City City Council Inlormal Council Sosslon January 30, '990 Pogo 2 recycling. Publlo educallon stratogles, osllmatod costa and matorlals musl bo doscrlbod fully In Iho plan.' Shephord stated Envlronmonlal Advocatos would lIke 10 seo publlo education budgoted In tho planning procoss. Horowitz nolod thai tho Slato Is nol requiring tho onvllonmonlal Impact chaptor and tho pubno InlormaUon chapler during this ftlll phaso. Courtnay ataled tho City Is alroady addrosslng many 01 tho Issuos slalod In thoso rovlslons. Shephord slaled tho rovlslons also Include that 'Stralegy should Includo but nol bo limited to public moeUng. durlng planning and Implomenlatlon Ilagos and other lonns ollnlormatlon dissemination auch as workshops and advortlsemonll...tha Comprohonslvo Plan musllncludo dosCllptlons 01 programs dovolopod 10 oncourago back yard compostlng 01 yard waste and 10 lnvosUgato tho feaslblllly 01 conltal compostlng lacllltlosthal will 01 a minimum Includo yard walto compostlng".also must bo ldonllftcaUon 01 markots or outlota lor any compost gonorated al a central composl laclllty.' Shophord asked Councllmombors how thay 1001 about adopting a policy 01 waslo roductlon at tho sourco. McDonald slalod that's tho direction Council Is Q'J'ng In. In rOlponso 10 Shopherd's concerna aboulthe yard wasle program, Horowitz stalod tho CIIy does not know tho exact volumo 01 pooplo who aro going 10 laltho gross clippings lay and thore noods 10 bo a plan In placo. Kubby stalod pooplo should be glvon opllons through publlo education. Robinson ralsod concorns that slaff and Councll dldn'tlook al allernatlvos. McDonald nOlod thai tho City 01 Iowa City has a deadllno 01 July Is1 lor Implomontlng the program. Larlon Inqulrod aboultho Issuo 10 use volumo.basad rato. or dlstrlbuto cosll across tho onUro communlly for tho yard wasto program. Larson atalod volumo.basod ralos aro altractlvo In thai they glvo pooplo an Incontlvo nollo put yard wasil on tho curb. larson askod City Managor Atkin. II thoro Iro probloms assoclated with tho volumo.basod systom. Aikins slatod tho CIIy can stili malnlaln curbside sorvlco with volumo.basad as long as Council undorslands tho Implications. larson Inqulrod about tho mochanlcs 01 a volumo.basad systom. Aikins slatod tho bag systom Is tho mosl popular lor soparatlon 01 yard wasto. Aikins slalod thai consumors would nood 10 go oul and purchaso a soparale bag lor tho yard wasto. larson slalod that under tho presont proposal tho City rnay miss tho opporlunlly almo boglnnlng 01 the City's rocycllng efforta to adopl a program thai pushos sourco roductlon. Aikins atatod II Council docldas 10 use volumo.basod ratos, thay neod 10 glvo dlroctlon 10 him and City slaff. Aikins slated thoro wllI.t111 nood 10 bo alloasl ono compostlng pad bocauso tho City cannol run tho risk 01 onilround atorago 01 grass clippings al tho Landfill. Councllmombors dlscussod volumo.basod rates, compostlng, and disposal 01 housohold waslo. Kubby suggoslod that II tho bag systom woro u.od 10 use recyclablo popor. Atkins statod papor bags aro vory oxponslve. Ambrlsco askod II a 100 Is paid In addition 10 lho purchaso prlco 01 a bag lor tho volumo.basod rata syalom. Atkins slalod YOl. Councllmembora dlscussod tho yard waslo program. Kubby nOlod thai ono/ 15 porcIni ollho volumo told lhal comos Into tho Iowa City Landfill Is from 10....'8 City resldenco; and yard waste I; III to 20 porconl 01 thai. Kubby I8ld thoro noods to bo a discussion rogardlng how othor jurisdictions aro going 10 pay lor tho yard waslo program. Atkins statod tho baslo prlnclplo al tho landfill with rospoct 10 othor Jurisdictions Is Ihallho olhor Jurisdictions musl bring to tho landnll cloan yard wasto. Aikins slalod ovorybody Is troslod oqually and. lhaltho City Is rosoarchlng a surchargo lor Industrial wasto. Kubby slatod that a 100 should bo chargod thai ronocls lho oporatlng of tho compost plan, Aikins slolod lho whole nnanclng schomo al Iho landfill has 10 bo dona ovor. Councllmombors dlscussod loos and chorgos assoclalod with tho yard waslo program. i I II I I I" i I '-1 ' I (I n :, - - - . MlnulOl Iowa CIIy City Councll Inlormal Council Sosslon January 30, 1990 Pago 3 Joe BoIkam ltaled that volume-baaed gBlbago ratOl aro going to bo tho norm In tho futuro. Solkam atated volumo.basod ratol Hko olhor utility sorv1cos mako I groal daal 01 IOnse. Horowitz slated tho Technical AdvIsory CommIlIoo CO/lIldored use 01 volume.baaed computorlzed garbago trucks, but did nollool thai syltom was approprlato lor this perl 01 Iowa. BoIkam ltaled tho Clly should CO/lIldor using conlalnora Instoad 01 bags. BoIkam railed concorlll about the projocted volumo rat.. and askod ff tho C!Iy has a lpeclfto nil by community 01 landfill ulora. Bolkam askod wlhal percentage 01 rosldonllln Iowa City lei out grill clippings on a regular bait. Staff and Councl1mombora Italed tho exact ftgurel aro dlfftcull 10 pro/oct. Kubby asked 10 addroutho Issue 01 a coordlnalor. Horowitz Ilatod that the CIty and County are moetlng on February 7 10 dlscusl Issuos rolaUng 10 lond wasle managomonL Atkllll "Iatod thai staff has discussed thelssuo 01 a coordinator pollUon along with ECICOG, JCCOG, and tha County. Kubby Ilaled thai Counclllhould discuss tho Issuos rolaUng 10 tho yard wasl. program. McDonald slaled Council has tho authority 10 mako poIlcy doclslolll rolaUng 10 tho yard wasto program. Kubby ralsod ccncel/ll aboultho way Council has troalod Envlronmonlal AdvocalOl roprolOnlaUvol. ~: ~ Rool 90-10, Sldo 2 Atkllllltatod ho hu rocommondod $4,000 lor tho Historic ProsorvaUon Commll1oo'l doslgn brochuro and $8SO lor tho RIvorfronl Commlsslon's requesllo doslgn brochuroa 10 promoto oomo oltholr actlvltlel. Councllmombora dlscuasod hlslorlo preservaUon, dlstrlctlng, and nolghborhood consorvatlon. ~ Kubby asked tho CIIy Managor 10 Includo In his budgol proposal tho CIIy doparlmonl requosls. Atkins slated the landnll budllOI now ronocts Joyco DoLong's onglnoerlng position as 100 porconl altho landnll. AikIns slated thoro was a requosllor an addlllonal onglnoor thai ho did nol rocommond. Aikins noled thero aro so many outslandlng policy quostlons with respoct 10 capltallmprovomonl projocllthal ho was roluctanllo rocommond an,addltlonal onglnoor. Atkins slalod thore was also a roquosllor a conslructlon Inspoctor 10 Improvo tho City's sldowalk Inspection program, drlvgway curbculs, and snow romovallrom sldowalka. Atkins oxplalnod those dutlos aro traditionally handlod on a complalnl basis and that hu eppoarod 10 WOlk saUalactorlly. Ambrlsco askod litho City could use granlto In curb roplacemonlln hlstorlo districts In tho proposed norlh end. Aikins slalod ho Is nol sure tho City could oblaln thoso malorlals, and concroto Is oaslor 10 ropalr. Kubby Inqulrod aboultho Asslslanl City Englnoor making moro money than tho City Englnoer. Mansnold oxplalnod Ihat thoro was a vacancy altho City Englnoor position allho tlmo tho budgot was propared, and tho Asslslonl . I , I I I , ; I j, " I, n 'I Cf n LI - - Mlnutos Iowa City City Councu Inlormal Councll Smlcn January 30, 1990 Pago 4 City Englnoer Is an omployao who has boon with tho ClIy lor a whllo. Atkins Ilatod that lall/Y has now boon corrocted. In response to Horowitz, AtkIIlI alalod tho ConstructlOll, In'pecfor was nol budgoled for. Atklnl alatod a numbor 01 policy quosUons wtIl ultlmato~ have 10 bo addrollod including alOllllWtlor, malntonanco, ftnanclng, and pay.as.you1l0 with respect 10 road uso IalC. Courtnay Inqu/rod about tho capital OUUay lor Ildowalk and drlvoway roplacemonL Alklnl allied tho budgOI ranocta tho Clty's Iharo lor thoso ropalra. Ambrltco Inqu~ed about charging tho coata 01 orncoa 10 tho budgOL AIkins llaled offlces aro chargod undor govommonl buildings and $70,000 It budgolod lor both tho Planning and Pubno Works. , I I I I I ! i I ! i I I ; I , I ! Alklna atated thoro aro no aubalanUaI changoa In thlt budgot Horowitz askod why tho Clly Managor did nol budgot a $48 requo.t by tho DopartmonL M8IlInold alalod thai $48 was a soparato accounlthat wu nol traditionally budgolod lor. ~alntonance . DaDO 111 Atkins ataled $4.eoo It budgOled lor ronovatlng 1/00 gralos, $3,eDO Is budgotod por yoar for annual surface ropalr conI/act, and $12,000 II budgoted lor ropalr 01 tho I810ty zono In and around tho plaza p!~y arOL larson noted concoms regarding tho I810ty 01 tho plaza lounlaln. Ambrlsco compllmonted malntonanco pooplo who worked In tho plaza aroa. Atkins slalod '1,000 has boon budgeled 10 ropl6CO benches and ,tablos. In rosponso 10 Kubby, Alklnl stalod tho proposal In tho budgol was 10 roclasslly a poslUon Irom Malntonanco Workor 11I10 thai 01 Senior MAlntonanco Workor. Ambrlsco noted thai a bonch located on tho west lido 01 Cllnlon Streol, next 10 Old Capllol Mall, Is 100 c1oso 10 tho curb. Courtnay nolod thai tho now wator laucel ay.lom helped the Adopt-A.Bod program tromondously. I , I II \ r .Enorav Consorvallon . DaDo ItA Atkins alaled thai Jim Schoenfoldor Is aUII omployod on a parl.tlmo basis and thai tho Enorgy ConservaUon Progrom 1aV0S tho City a 101 01 money. I . Atkins alatod tho Tratno Englnoorlng budgOlls 97 porconl financed by road uao tax. AikIns slalod al/oelllghls cosltho City $2eD,ooo por yoar 10 oporato. Horowitz nolod tho Ooparlmonl roquosl was lor $1,403 moro than what tho City Manogor reprosontod. Aikins oxplalnod tho dlfforonco rolalos to tho cosll assoclalod lor Iltoot atrlpe paint. Councflmombora dlscussod the noed lor and 10caUon 01 altoolllghUng. Kubby notod thai atall Is proparlng an updalo 01 tho Clty'a al/ool lighting map. Atkins nolod " costs approxlmatoly $1,000 por yoar por IIghl. Aikins alatod tho Clty'l strool IIghl budgOlls all chargod through road use t=x. Larlon nolod ho Is wall/ng lor Inlormatlon rogardlng nolghborhood parking. i I I , I I i [I 'I LI n s - - MlnulOl Iowa City City Council Informal Council Sosslon January 30, 1990 Pago 5 Strool Svstom ~co. Daoo 12~ Horowitz roforrod 10 tho budgol, pago 125, 'Ramp Ildowalka aro buUlln con/unction with Itrool ropalr work. Thoro Is noli lpoclllo plogram lor ramped Ildowalk construction.' AWn. Ilatod thalloctlon wu nol wordod opproprlaloly and thai $20.000 II budgoled lor tho curb and guttor plogrom. AIklnI noled thai $25,000 It plOPOled lor brlck ropllctmonL Kubby askod II thai monoy would bo used for ropaJrlng Itrools and/or historic prOlorvatlon In nolghborhoods. Kubby asked IItholl was I poaslblllty for ostabllshlng I lpoclal laldng dlslrlcllor ro-br1cklng Itrools. Atklnl ltatod tho sell IUpportlng munlclpal Improvomonl dlslrlcl could bo OItabllshod. AWns lilted SummR Strool nolghbolhood II trying 10 rllum tho historic charactor to tholr nolghborhood. AlkJn. ltaled thoro aro a numbor 01 IhIngs tho City can do to give that nolghborhood hlalorlo ch8llctor. Aikins notod thl budgol a110 Includo. $24,000 lor additional perl.Umo poraonnollo do the brlckwork. larson uked lithe City has anything tho CIIy can legally uso road tax monlOl for that the City It nol plOIonUy fundIng. Aikins Italed no. Kubby asked ff SL Clemenll Straol was budgotod lor. AWllIlllled tho SL Clomonts Strotl projoct II budgotod undor capital projocta and II propolod 10 bo fundod with road UIO lax. Aikins notod thai Council wlU rocolve a separato 11.1 01 capital projocta. Horowitz askod whon Councll will dllcuss tho Summll Strell propolal end any other dlltrlctlng plens. AWns Itatod tho Summlt SlIaol prolect Is an opporlunlly to gol Inlo tho Idea 01 neighborhood concopts. Councllmembora and ltaff discussed re-bllcklng of Itrools. AmbrllCO nolod thoro II a nood 10 nnd I way 10 roduce tho amounl of traffic on Summit SltooL Alklnl noled thai Bud Slockman had roquostod two additional positions In malntonanco and Inow routoa which woro not k,cludod In tho budgoL Atkins Italod ho was roluctanllo mako thoso rocommendation. unUl Counclllalks aboultho gonoral eorvfce, growth and dollvery and how tho City II going to moolthoso kinds 01 challongo. lor tho fuluro. Councllmombors dlscussod the nood lor addlUonal inow romoval. i , , , I I i ' I . I I I " I I I ! ' I I Aikins staled tho City will bogln assuming greator rosponslblllty for Ralston Crook down through tha Washington Street Park aroa. Kubby asked II road uso laxos can bo usod lor both capital exponlos and poraonnol. Alklna Ilalod yos. Alkllll nolod that $2eo,000 wa.s budgolod for tho ovorlay program. larson nolod thoro la a 40 porconljump In rovonuo Irom road use tax. Courtney askod II the transll IYltem Is being chargod road usa lax on luel. Aikins Ilatod no, the translllyslom Is bolng chargod a fodoral tax. Courtney askod litho City usos proporly tax 10 subsidize the bUI systom 10 pay tho fodoral lax thai gool 10 tho fodoral govornmontthal gives thai monay back to tho CIIy In road usa lax. Aikins explalnod tho lolal road usa tax reservo has Incraasod from $200,000 to $300,000 10 grealor than $1 million. Kubby rolorrod 10 budgel, pago 121, tho porformanco moasuros ""mlled FY88 and FY89. Holling oxplalnod thai whon the CIIy roduced one position, II was thai posltlon'l responsibility 10 malnlaln Itaffio rocords and counls. Thoso accurato counls alo no longor kopl. , 1 i I , I I , I i I , [I 'I cl t] b Mlnutos Iowa City City Council Inlormal Council Sosslon January 30. 1990 Pago 8 Forollrv . DaDO 12g Alklns Italed ho did nol rocommond tho requoltlOf' an addlUonal full.tlmo omployoo. Aikins noled tho Forollty 0lvIa1on doos a prolty good job with tho crow thay currontly havo. Aikins noted thai tho contracting IOrv1co has boon reduCed. AIkIIlI alalod lhalthoro aro plans lor an oxtollllve Arbor Day program . Iowa City Ro-1.8al, I algnltlcanl troo p1anUng program. Aikin. atated Tony Robinson will bo talking 10 aroa aerv1co clubs regllldlng thai program. Comolorv . DaDO 132 Alklna ltaled $2,000 Is budgoted 10 C9nUnuo to Improve the roadway Into tho cematory end $4,000 was tlNQoted to removo ubellol, otc., Irom tho cemotory building. Horowitz asked why the City owna and malnlalns tho comolory and luggOlted tho City aolltho Cllmolory. Ambrlsco asked how much tho Clly charges lor a cemolory ploL Karr alatod chargos dopond on tho location and rOllrlctlona on tho 101. .1 I , Aikins noted thai tho Cometory Division doos have a POrpelual Caro Fund 01 $80.000. Courtnoy raised concoms regarding tho condition oliho wall along Qovemor Strool by tho cemolory. Aikins Ilaled CtJsIlo roplaco tho wallis an osUmatod $72,000. f2!1co AdmlDlllLAlfon . DaDO 1~ j I , I I 11 I I j I. ! ! . Alklna alalod tho algnlncanllncroasoaln tho budgOlod aro asaoclalod with tho ccal 01 training. Aikins explained tho Chlol 01 Police Is propollng to oslabllsh the law onlorcomonl notwork training through tho UIO 01 cablo lV. ' ~ I I , I I I I I J I I Aikin. alatod tho budgOI ronoCla tho InlUaUon 01 tho community aorvlco otncor concopl and II Is the Intonl 01 this program 10 create a poslUon In tho Dopartmonllo allow community sorvlco orncers to assumo more routlno tlmeoCQnlumlng dulloa. Slaff and Councllmombora dlscussod tho communlly I8rv1co orncer concopl. In responl8to Ambrlsco, Aikins alalod tho community sarvlco orncer uniform would bo dlfforonl Irom tho pollco uniforms. In rosponsa 10 Courtnoy, Aikins slaled thai one poaltlon would bo used on the day ahln and ono position on the next ,shift. Atkins slalod Ihoro Is a primary nood from 7:00 a.m. 10 mldnlghL Kubby Inqulrod aboul the noed lor poople 10 III at tho pollco dosk. Atkins slatod Ills proposod In tho budgollor one dlspatchor. Atkins slated slaff has proparod 8 soparalo prasontatlon lor Council aboultho wholo communications syslom plan, Including Inlormallon aboutlolnl usa 01 tho dlspalchor centor and Ironl dosk. Courlnoy noled thai ho Is not convlncod thai a 4x4 vohlclo Is noodod lor tho community oorvlco otncor. Ambrlsco askod about tho usa 01 pollee on walking patrol. Atkins ststod tho Pollco Chlol Is commlltod 10 Ihe concopt 01 putting otncors on tha slreol. Ambrlsco Inqulrod about tho Pollee Doparlmonl accrodllallon program. Atkins alalod tho accrodllallon Is somelhlng Ihe City I. going 10 work loward. Councllmombers and slaff dlscussod tho community sorvlco otncor concopt, Pollco Doparlmonl, and dlspatchors. In rosponao 10 laraon, Atkins slslod whon somoono calls 911 a dlspalchor handlos lhal call as I i , i : I I I I i , ....y .. -...... y ---- n 'I (I n ' ,-, - - MlnutOl Iowa Clly City Council Inlormal Councll Session January 30, 1990 Pago 7 an omergoncy call. Courtney askod " changes In tha budgol will allow onough ftoldblllty so tho pubUo Is takon caro 01 on a tlmoly basis lor routlno buslnoll. Alkfns slaled staff has prepared. prelOntaUon tor Council on tho wholo dispatch concopL Alkfns noted ho romovod tho requOIllor MDrs, mulU-data tonnlnaJs, unlll Council looks altho whoIo communications syslom. Courtnoy inquired about tho throo radar un", proposed. Alkfns slaled tho Pollco Chlol wanll 10 equip all cars with radar units . throo aro proposed In 1991 and lour aro proposed In 1992. AtkIns noled thoro aro no substantial changos In this budgoL , I I Horowitz staled $208,000 was romoved from tho roquOltod budgot Alkfns slalod thai was lor tho MDrs, mulU-data tormlnals. Courtnay asked " tho City neods 10 spend $9,000 lor a night scope. AUdns stated tho nlghl scope would be usod by pollco on slako-oula. Alklns slalod ho will obtain addlllonallnlormaUon regarding tho noed lor . nJghl scope. I I I I. II I I Coinmunl~Buroau . D.OO 1~ Atkins slalod tho budgolls lor tho DARE, Orncor Frlondly, spoclal programs, community rolatlons, and sChool crossing guards. Atkllll slatod tho big Incroaso In 1992 Is lor tho addition 01. now orncor . a crlmo provontlon orncor. Slaff and Councllm,mbora dlscussod the noed lor a crlmo provonUon orncor. LIllrarv . Daoo 1.lZ Atkins nolod Councllmombora rocolved corrospondonco Irom Tom Golman rogardlng tho library budgol proposals. Kubby dlsltlbuted additional InlormaUon rogardlng tho library's Inlormatlon dosk actlvlty. Atkins notod thai Golman made a prosentaUon and roquoslod 3.75 full.tlmo omployoes al an annuallzod cosl 01 aboul $95,000. AtkIns oxplalnod tho procm used 10 rovlow dopartmonlal roquosls lor addlllonal omployeos. Atkins slaled tho decisions relating 10 recommendaUons lor additional omployoas Is a maUor 01 balancing tho nood throughoultho CIIy. Ambrlsco askod Golman 10 commonl on tho Ubrary Board's function 10 prlorltlzo tho noods throughout tho City. Qolman oxplalnod Ills tho Ubrary Board's lunctlon 10 roprosonl tho Intorosl 01 the City with rospect 10 tho library. larson askod II coblo Iranchlse rOV9nuos could bo used to mako additional funds avallablo 10 tho library. McDonald stalod Council can mako tho decision 10 lako tho Iranchlso 100 monlos and allocalo II any mannor. McDonald Ilalod a provlous commltmonl was mado thalthoso funds would bo utlllzod In tho cablo aroa. Slaff and Councllmombors dlscussod tho ovorlapplng In lorms 01 tho cabla Inlormallon Ipoclallsl position and tho library Inlormallon systom. larson Inquired again aboulthe use 01 cablo Iranchlso 100 10 fund library noods. McDonald slalod lhal ho would ralhor mako doclslons on allocations 10 tho library basod on using goneral rovonuo and Ihon schodule additional Council discussions rogardlng lho usa 01 Iranchlso loos. ; ! , i " , ,-, ,I (I n FI r- - - - MlnutOl Iowa City CIty Councll Inlormal Council BoISIon January 30, 1990 pago 8 Ambtlaco asked whal addltlonal porconlago Incroaso In proporty taxe. would be needod 10 fund tho Dbrary'. bu;lgel requosllot eddlOol\il .mployets. AlJtJn. IlIlod 0.7 p;rcanllncroase In property taxlll would cover tho approldmalo $98,000 budgol roquolL Atkllll Slalod tho rulo 01 thumb It .ech one porconllncr....1n proporty tax would equal $1 ~,ooo. Councllm.mbora ar.d slln dlscuased tho Incro..ed uso 01 tho Ubrary and tho need lor additional positions. AIklnI omphulzed tho CIty nooda 10 lltablllh IOIllI way 10 alloctlvoly do an ovaIuaUon 01 tho growth 01 IIrvlcGS. Kubby Inqufred about tho poslUons roqullled about tha Ubraty. Golman oxplaJnod tho roquelll .,. lot tho chlIdran'. position and circulation needl. Alklnl askod Susan Craig, Aulslanl Ubrary DIrector, 10 proparo sddlUonaJ Inlormatlon lor Councllmomborl regarding IIIII'. roquOlIl. AlkIna IlIled an Inlormal CounclllOlllon IIlCheduled lor February 5 and budgOI mooUngs lCheduled lot Fobruary 15 al 5:30 p.m. ~: Tho mooUng Idjourned II 8:35 p.m. I ~u~~-t' u, - J , I ".f, i I , . i 1'1 I I j ! ., I I I ! I I I 1 ~~l ,<' I , , . \ i I 1 ~ I I ! j'l j , ~ ! i'l ~ ~ ~ I , , , ! i I I ! ! , I 1 / I j i I " , j ^, ,. I, I i , I I I CI 'I (L,.O Cf CIIy Council Qoal-5otUng SOlllon January 31, 1990 : January3I,I990,I:00p.m.atthoHlghlandor. MayorJohn McDonald prosldlng. ~: McDonald, latlon, Horowitz, Novick, Kubby. Courtnay, Ambrlsco. ~: Alldns, Holling, Karr, Smith. Qlbm.frwnI: TIm Shlolds and Jim laukOl. Taoe.toeotd.tSt: ROOlllO-I5, Sldas I & 2j ReOlllO-l5, Sldos 1 & 2j ROOlllO-I7, SldOI I & 2j RoolllO-18, Sldol I & 2. TIm Shlolds prosonlod Inlormallon about hJa rota with tho Instllule 01 Publlo Malra and Ilatod he would bo lacllllalor 10 the Council', gOal'IOlllng dlscullkln. Shlolds 'kossed discussion 'hould romaln Inlonnal, open and conltrucllvo. Shlolds askod about por'onal background Inlormatlon, how oach Councllmombor gollnvolvod In CIly Council, and what oach Councllmombor hoped 10 gain Irom tho goal'lOllIng discussion. Each Councllmombor prosented brlol Inlormallon abouttholr poraonal backgrOUnd and whSI ho or sho hoped 10 obtain from tho dllcusslon. Shlolds summarized thai Councllmombora wantod: - .".-- '"_._-~.....,..,..--.. 1 , , . bo"or undoratandlng 01 oach 91horj . . discussion 01 loam rolatlons and loam procoII; discussion 01 directions . oconcmlo dovolopmonl . onvlronmOnlj discussion 01 major Issues. Murej discussIon 01 budgolj discussion rogardlng roglonal porapoctlvoj discussion 01 spoclno goals . 101 now oulllnos; Council rolo In oconomlo dovalopmOnlj and , IIslonlng 10 oach olhor. . " , . I 1 . I ! , : , , I I ; ~: TIm Shlolds askod Councllmombors 10 Idonllly and then rank Iho koy Issuos noodod 10 bo addrossod. Tho koy Issuos IIslod by Councllmombors woro: I , I I ! ,I I 1, 1. 2. wator qualltyj oconomlo dovolopmont rolo; , , I I I I I I i I I I , I i ! 1 i I, i II I I i r:: ! I I . . j t I I , . I ) I ( , ~ i j I 'I I , I , " , I , I j I j , " , I , p I ! , ; n 'I (I ./ n . - - Mlnutos Iowa City City Councll Qoal.sotUng Solllon January 31, 1990 Pago 2 3. ' DOVIronmenlal regulaUons vls.a.vls dovolopmenl; 4. IlowardlhJp 01 onvlronmonl; I 5. affordable housing; I I e. preservallon olllelghborhoods; I 7. gonoral rovonuo lourcos . ovor-rollanco on Ilnglo lourco; l 8. public Input; 9. chlldron'. activities: 10. public trans"; ! I 11, Intomatlonal trado oxchango: i I 12- Central Buslnoll Olllrlcl oxpanllon; I ---- ":-r"~-- .,--c",_.' lolld wasle plannlngj . r~-" 13. I .. "--f' " I 14. Informal moetlngs; ~ I i I i ~ I I 15. commllmenllo prlorltlOl: . , I , .. I ! : j 18. comp~lng with F.dorallSlllo mandalos; . .' ,I' , I , .. . I i . 17. malnlaln/ng phyaloaJ appoaranco 01 downlown; I I " ; . . ~,.- ./ , , , ' i I 1 18, City land uso: I I , , I " I , 19. provontlon 10rvlcos . loclal; , , . ! 20. enhancing rolatlonshlp with, Unlvorllty of Iowa; ! I, 2t. hlslorlo prr.eorvaUon; i j' , 22. aM comploxj 23. alrporl dovelopmonl and IUPPOrl; 24. buslnoss rolontlon and oxpanslon: 25. community rolnvostmont; 26. annoxatlon; . ,- . '.~,.- .......... I' I I , I j I ! 1 , I I i I' , , I I, i i i i [I 'I (I . I . 1 Mlnulos Iowa City City Council Qoal-5otUng Solllon January 31, 1990 Pago 3 27. 11IX-oxompt Ittaleglos. ClIy Managor Alldlll IlItad tho lollowlng Issuos Ihould also bo addrolSod: . preloM, prolocl, and onhanco community: . continuo dovolopmonl 0110caJ loadorshlp. 11m Shields laid tho million Ilatomont 01 Councll and Ciy Ilalllhould bo 10 prosorvo, protoct and onhance tho community. Councllmombors and staff dlsculled the lour 10 lIvo porconl growth nscaJ policy and rovonuo lourcol. Shields noled the Councll agreed thallhoro Is a nood 10 look al additional rovenuo lourcOl ~ thl lour 10 lIvo porclnt nscal policy Ihould romoln In placo. Councllmombors ranked the lollowlng kay IlIuas 01 having hlghost prlcrlly: . allordable housing; . Contral Buslne.. District; . economic dovolopmant role: . envftonmenlallssueS/regulaUon.slawardshlpi . lolld wasle; . nolghborhood prosorvaUon: . publlo trans II. Councflmomberl and staff dlscussod oach 01 those Issuos glvon hlghoSI prlorlly. ~: Councllmomboro discussed Issues concornlng affordablo housing Including the affoct 01 City policy on the COil 01 houllng, mlddla Incomo housos, Impact 01 CIIy regulation on dovolopmont 01 zoro 101, ronlal housing, Code donnlUon, asslslod housing lor slnglos, and roglonal rolatlonshlp.. Councllmomber3 agrood to continuo to oxploro loaslblllly 01 expanding allordable housing. Councllmomborl dlscussod IlIuos concornlng oconomlo dovolopmonl rolo Including tho Clty'a role, lupporllCAD, Itaff Involvomonl, rogulal/ons, and CIIy Industrial park. -"", "-" I I I i ! I ! I' I I . I ''If' I I ; i 1 11 , I I ' , , i' ".' ..,'~ I I I I I Ct 1 (I 'I ,~' Mlnulel Iowa City City Councll Goal.stlUng SOIlIon Januaty 31, 1990 Page 4 CouncJlmombora dl.cussed 'ssuoa concerning tho Conlral Buslnoss Dlllrlct oxpanslon, Including Is thoro a nood 10 move across Burlington Slroe~ malnlalnlng mlxod USOS, tho art conlor, .oparllo laldng dlltrlct, nF, tl,)undarlOI, rovlow 01 land use poIlcy-rezonlng, and Involvemonl 01 clUzOIll. &UAm: Councllmombora dlSCUlled IssUOI concerning loIld waste Including mooting mandalol, clUzon Inpu~ and yard wasto. ~: Councllm.mbora discussed IIlu.. concomlng onvlronmenlal Issuos Including Itawardsh/p, wal.r quality, wator purlftcaUon, budgOll, rlvflrbanks . usago, lobbying 1.0. Stato policy, rolltlOlllhJp to oconomJo dOVOlopmon~ ftoodplalns, woUands, subdMslon rogulaUonl, slall and/or commJaslon capaclty. Councllmombora agrood 10 Inltlale a joint moeUno with tho Planning & Zoning Ccmmlsslcn. , i . I I , ; ~: Councllmembora discUSSed Islues concemlng publlo Iranslllncludlng tho transporlaUon policy . locIaVoconomlc and the cooporallvo Sludy. }. Courtnay asked about the llalul 01 tho soccor'loftball nold plans. Atkins stalod that he had cautioned Truoblood about the timing 01 the rolorondum. Atkins said Council will rocolvo more Inlonnatlon. Courtnay noted thai people are dumping ulod appliances at Goodwilllndustrlos. Atkins slated he will lonow-up on thai problom. Tho moeUng adlourned al 8:20 p.m. !, I , ! "..... , I I , , , , I I . I I 1 I , lr:m II , , 11 I. I . II ! I , , j \ , , . , 'I ~ , , I' J . ; I 1 I j \ i~ ~ n " (I ., :, - - OFFIClAI. COUNCIl. ACTIONS . 2/SI9O The COlI of ~....1oIloomg Il/OCMdIllQlllld clUne II' . ~ COlI killhII Cllendltyw kiI Nld P'~1l1on II' . Iowt Cti CMCI, ''0, illig, 7:30 p.m 1/ tilt CMa <:tn.. Mayo/ MeOonIId ptNldlng. CoIrlcIniImbn plnert AmbrlIco, CMlrt. HOIOWb, KubI7t, l.IIIOtI, McDonald, NQo;fQ. AbHtt Ncnt The MftCt P/OdIknId FtbruIIy 14, 1000. II 8AWTE TO HOSPITAlJZED VETEMNS DAY. The IoIowtlg hcMUII WIlt pIINnlld lith CdcII.. of IjlpICIIlIon killhIIr IIIcIta IIld UIIU1ct 10 lhI DAR.E. Propn bv M'tO' McOonaIcl, Pellet CNII \'M1I1Ili.. IIld 0fIIc<< Oct.,.,. PIII1cII McOte, DIn HIWICl, I\rtmOnd Pechout, DMI YIIlDuaMIdotp, Ill. Tom ~ Ottg OUSlMlOn, CIlIIIoa, CozN, ON Htlcll, KnWy FrlId CIlIcllen, DI1In II'Id DIIne 0Iual. MMe! IIld HCOndId 11III ....1oIlowIng llmlllld rlCOllVlllndllJo In lilt c:on..r. CIJIIldtI be IICtMd, Of tppIOYtd, IIldIOf Idopld II 1IIlIIlCIIcI: Appovll of 0tlIclII CoIrd Aalcnt of tilt IllQ\AI rnHCklg of 1123. II publIII1td, IIlbjGd II) CCIIIdJcn, II IICOlMlDnClGd bv tilt Cti ClIft. MNIt of IIoItdIII'Id CommIuIons: 8d. of UlIIIy Trust.., . 1121; IINIIIIot1 Ccmm. . 1/17: 8d. of AdjuIttrottt . '/10; PAZ Com,", . 1/17: Dnlgn RMw Ccmm. . 1/15; HLmIIl /llgIt1 Ccmm. . 11m. Pm MOlIont WId R~: ClIsI E IItGI Pm killtt.y.. 13, 1201 N. Dodgt. ClIsI 0 LIquot UctnIo IOf Mill", Tip, I~ ~ 8tr1II. ClISI 0 LIquot lJcenH lot R. T.... 820 8. Chon. Clue C LIquot UctnIo kiI John', Otocwy,Inc., 401 E. Mark... OIAdoot 8IMct Atll ~pplltlllon kiI R. T. OnI'a',Inc., 820 S. ChOl\ ClISI C LIquot lJcenH kiI DoJIlTlGI, 11. E. Wllh/ngton. RES. 8l).I7, ISSUE DANaNO PERMIT. CoIrIIpondence: 1m BrI/ldI regWlg tilt D.AR.E. PIopn. Blooming PIIIr1t WIlIhOIM, Inc., ItquIIlIng lIltlldlflllon of IIInIlIOl'llce 10 HIN Rood. CI1III <:tn. IIgIIdng . QIIIllfrom .... 0Inn0a FMlItIon which WI Mcl . 8lAc1d1 0WIICh Propn. MImO from tilt 011 S4IYIct CommIItIcn ~ . Cdod lsI of tpplIctrQ killIlt poeaJon of ~1nInCt WCIk. I . 81IMII. LblI AnnII ngWIng IIInII UI'Itce 10 IOIAIlWIII Iowa Cltt. aM. Irvln IIQUIIlIng \he rood, ~1dIIJonatf known II "TODd flood,' be named 'N1pOItcn Rood.' ApplIcIlIon IOf U.. of 8~1Ot1 IIld PubIlo 0I0lMldt: Jeckle FOIdlce, DoItndoII lot U" rot ponnluIon 10 pickel II .... Emma 00Idman CInIo cMIng the potIod of 1/29 lIvoug/l me. 8pprMd kiI potIod of 1/2911rough m MMe! IIld HCOndId to III . pub/lo hoaMg rot mo. on III 0ItIInInct IIIlOndlng .... Zoning Ordlnanct bv chlnglng lilt UII regufallont lith condIlIona kiI, 7~ 1qUII' IooIIIIC1 of land locelocllll&41 Lower MUICIlInI Roed from ns.o 10 co.l. The M'tO' docf.vod tho ITlOlIon CIIlIId. , , I I I i i , , i I i I . ! I i I , ! i I, , II I I, I , I CI " cl -/ LI 0lIIclII Aalone FtbNIIy.. 1m PlOt a MMd Ind MCCInClId to III . PlAlIo IIHmg lor mo. on 1/1 ordnInct t/lIt91g lIltlpllng clSIrl. F. DIM 10 BIIU Fe DIM. TIll MIyllt decInd lilt mcdon CIII1ec1 MO\1d Ind MCQIdId lhIl lilt onhnet I/llWng lilt Zoning 0IdnInct by ~ lilt ... ~ cI CtIIItl pIllpII1Jn IocIlId . 1014 Ind 1018 HudIon Am.oe rrom RS.. to CC4, be gt1tn h ~. lor pIIIIgt. ~ MI'{Of dIdatId lilt mcdon dlllIllCl. MMd Ind MCCInClId lIIIl lilt onhnet ImtIdlg lilt ZoNng 0IdnInct by CClnCIIOnItf ~ lilt loti rIQ\AIJOnI cI CttIMl JlIOPIfIJM IoeIlId . I1Ill Hcttwood IlMYInIIIom /ISola to RlA044, be gt1tn IIQOfld ~. lor puugt. TIll MIyllt decInd lilt moaon CIII1ec1 MMd Ind MCQ IdId to III . PlAlIo IIHmg lor mo. on 1/1 llIdInInct IIllI/1lIng lilt Zoning 0tdInInct by chInghg Iht UN tIg\UllonI eI. PCl1lon eI PIOI*ti, glnlllItf bMdod by FOIl., Ro5d to UlIIlCflh, Dubuque 8UllllO lilt '11I, UlIIon IlNorIO lIltlOlAll, Ind 11Io IncWng PIOI*ti wtIt clltIlIlnImId IltNl boIwIIII Till 8pllctwly II1d FOIl., Road, 110m AS" 10 flS.5. TIll MI'{Of dIdatId lilt mcdon CIIItod. MO\1d II1d MCCInClId to dII., 1/1 0IdInIncI ImIndIng UlI Zoning 0ItInII1cI by CIlIngIng IhI UN rlQUllllonl eI . PCl1lon cI PIOI*ti, QWlIItf bolr1dIcl by FOIl., RoId 10 IhIIlCflh, Dubuque SlrIllIO UlI'UI, 1hI1ow. IlNor 10 UlIIOlAlI, Ind 11Io hcUIng plOl*1'f wtIt ell/1 lmI/llOd ItIIGl botwIIn Till 8PHdw1y II1d FOIl., Road, 110m AS" to AS.o. TIll MIyllf decInd lilt mcdon CIII1ec1 LtMd II1d MCCInClId lIIIl UlI 0IdInIncI VICItIng UlIlmIInId Ill" betwtIn FOIl., RoId II1d TIII8pllctwly, WIll eI Dubuque 61t11C be gt1tn IIQOfld ~. lor puugt. TIll MIyllf docIItld UlI mcllon CIIlfId. MMd II1d MCCInClId 10 dII., 10 mil . IIIOltIon ~ UlIIN/ IlIII cI Scca'. 6Icond AdcIJon cI Jc/non Colny,Iow& TIll MIyllf dodItld UlI mcdon 10 dII., CIII1ec1 MOVId II1d '1COfld1d 10 1ppI'0YI 111I tIQOfIlInIlldl6ln eI lilt PAZ Convrlalon on. oondIIonII... pennllot . ~ lIICtfofnllc pin non/1 cll-ao Ind WIll eI Dubuque StIIII. TIll MIyllt decInd UlI mcdon CIIlfId. lIClIIId YIIllf, 840 6t. II/rII Dr. IjlpIIIId Ind IIqUIIlId ColIlCI bin cllltlllcllllIIIln bIIng UIId by IIwn ~ P. ~ 710 DIIne ~,1jlpIIIId II' '*"'" IUIJon ~ 10 NlIlltilg . 330 E MMtIl. 8Irruii FIIr, e KnolWood Ln.1jlpIIIId rd1g CCIm'liIfQ IllIdI by PrclOII<< JoM F. KImI6i cbtlg. PlAlIo IIHmg 1/8 tIIIINt 10 lilt CorIMIe DIIllInd b pcllI'llII IItIel ~ Ion cay, II1d queelJonId wI1al UlI cay hu done 10 lrTmtigll. UlI 1lIIIl.,. JIIn ~ 301 Till 8pllctwly, IjlpII/Id Ind quIItionId Who wMl be M 101 UlI uppIo II1d povtng eI TIlII 8PHdw1y . II1d WIIon UlI p/IllllfllllOYld, AbIgII VI/1AIII/l, 5 WOOdIInd MOlI1dI Rd., IppOI/Id IIQIIdng UlI pIOpONd Till 8pllctwly ~1fTIIfQ ~ In 111I ClP. TIll MIyllf IIVlOImd II1IIol1oWog vllCll1Clel: PAZ Convn. . two VICII1CItIlot Myw lInnIlndIng 5/1/95: MIyOl'. Y~ E/IlIllOvtI1n . two VICIIlCIoIIOIIIv"'YIII llllllllndlng BIS/D3. ThoII~. WI be IllIdIIl lilt 3tolO mooting cllhe car CMcI. i , I I j I , I ! I , 'I I I I' , I I i j I I I I LI . 1 (I. . I ~r' 0f\'daI ~ FIllNaty e, 1m PlOt 3 R~ d lhI ~ CotmlIalon /lOC1d II 1oIowt: (I) Hr.ing II'Ifewtd by ~ II1t COII1mIIU ll\Idt by JoIrl F.I<InnIctf, Dnctor d Iht 1nIlN. d t!ydtllllo IItMtId1, II1t UtWtrItj d low, . Iht JItWf t. 1m Ctf ColIlCI moetng, Iht ~ ~ IKClMltndIto Calm to ccnaldtt Iht ecnctmt bjlI1tMd by KIMtctt, JlII\ICIAott hit IUggtItJon lor a IIuctf d need poltttltl ., Iha ~III d Iblon ., Iht CorUllt IleMricr Ind d IptCIlo local CIOndlJona ., Iha PIfWlIla AIN and clhIt ftood.pt0n8 IINI ., Iowa Ctf. I2l TIla ~ CommIulon rtOOmIIItI idllO CMcIlIIIl.., ~11ht dtUIWy d ~ let REAP MdIng let ICqUIaaJori d 1*1 or II d Iht IjlprOQnalllf 20 ICtM d Iorlllld WIllIndIlIIIl d TItItI loll PII1l and IOIAII d Till SPHCtwti. (3) TIla Ihtrort ~ IICOmIIlIOdIto ColIlCIlIlIllhllowl AI'IM to BlIIngton Slrlll IICINlJonaI ltaI IppIlcMIon, ~ IlbtMtId to IDOT, bot rtYlIId tnd tbMlld lor II1t I'nl rcund tf REAP IImlg. (4) TIla IlNIttronl CommIulon ttcQlImInClIto CMcIto land 1/1 opInlollor 10 lhIlowa LNguI d MII'iclptI".. doIIne~ Iowl Cly'a ecnctmt IIloU rtN willi quaJIy, .. lAsla Ind 1ppNt1llCt; IbJcn d II1t CoraMIe ROIOlYCIr and lhI COIlIIquerC JlIcIlIemI lor downIttNm dtvt/cpnaIc In Iht needplUl, IIId lhI COIl to ctIta to IImM eo chltnlcala !rom /MIcIpII Wltll IuppIIII · pIOpOOfd 'odIfal IIgJs/@njlUllt, II IhtH conctms illite to nail Itttp 1ogIIIat/on and to liMg lhIlIlllI 10 lhIlIllrl/on d local ItIlI IIgIllt/orl. (5) TIla RNIIt~ CommIulon IICCmmIoclIIo CoIrldII/Ial . CCIl1rnIrC d no oppoII/on ccnctmIng lhI lemporfIY lHCtfom/l( platt (CU.e903) bot IorwIIlltd to lhI JcMacn COIIiy lIOIIlf d SupIf'/IIorI. MOYId IIld IIOOI1dOd to Idopl RES, tOot" RESOI.UT1ON IN SUPPORT OF TliE IOWA CITY RIVER CO/lRJDOR TIWI. mo AlmtOIlllATION FOR TliE MAYOR TO SIGN A ClAAHT APPUCAllON TO BE SU8Mrrno TO TliE IOWA DEPA/ITJ.lENT OF NATUfW. RESOURCES. MOYtClInd IGC<<ldod to II1lII1d Iht ~ to Inclode Iht MiyOI Pro 11111 or cry Mgr. TIla MiyOI dIcltr1cllht ~ to II1lII1d canfGd. I.IOYId Ind IIOOI1dOd to Idopl RES. tOo". APPROVINo, AtIIllORlZlNO THE MAYOR TO SIGN mD TliE CITY CURl( TO ArnST m AGREEMENT BY mD BEMEN THe CITY OF 'I1NA CITY AND SIWINON mD WILBON lNo. TO PROWlE ENGINEERING SEfMCES TO DETERMINE TliE EXTENT OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION AND NEceSSAAYREMEDlAnoN WORKAT THE IOWA CITY 1ANDflU. MMIl and IIOOI1dOd to Idopl RES. DG-ro. AUTHORIZING TliE SUBMISSION OF A HOUSING ASSISTmce FUND PRClOIlAM APPUCATlON TO TliE IOWA FINANce AUTHOMY (lFAJ FOR FUNDS TO ASSIST IN TliE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCT1ON OF SIX SINGlE. FAMILY HOMES IN THE PROPOSED SYCAMORE VIEW SUBDMSION AND AllTHOIllZlNG TliE CrtY MANAOER TO SIGN TliE CONTRACTS FOR TliE SYCAMORE VIEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. MOYOd Ind IOCClndod 10 Idopl RES. 80-21, AMEND- ING BUDGETED posmoNS IN TliE DEPA/ITJ.lENT OF HOUSING AND INSPEcnON SERVIce mD AMENDINO TliE ADMINISTRATIVE PAY fUN, I 'I I , I I I i I I, : I , I, I i i , I i I ,-= -,=-" ..,.....,... ""-'-'--''''''C"--''~ -;-c... ~ -~ -,---'.,.., ,- - - , .qj .,1.,;: ',I , , ",:' I n(,..".,; . ,.J. . . , .;, i I , ' , , I I I n 'I (I -/ {'-I - - 0ftldII AcllcnI FIbNaty .. l8'JO PlOt 4 MMIl IIld MCOndId 10 IdjoIrn t; 15 lun. TIlt M'fOr dIclnd lhe mclClan CIII1Id. A /l'lQt1 compIeCI ~ 01 CoulCIICltdltIII on III n lhe oIIIct oIlhe CIy ClItl if .p. "e... I/JOHN MCOONALD. MAYOR ~- ~K~CtIY~ 81l1lrMl1d tor ~Q}(e.'DO ' W I I ; I _._1 I I I .j.. I I ,_,_, 1 I, I I I t I , I' I I I I "'T'~~ t , f \ , , i , \ , 1 j- i f ! I \ I , , i r I , I ! '-1 ' 1 cl ' / '-I .- COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF COUNCIL AcnvmES Fobruary 8, 1990 Iowa City Councll, rog. mlg" 7:30 p.m. altho CIvIo Contor. Mayor McDonald presiding. Councllmombora prosonl: Ambrlsco, Coutlnay, Horowitz, Kubby, larson, McDonald, Novick. Absenl: Non.. Slanmombo" prosonl: AlklnI, HeRIng, Gonlty, Kan, W1nkolhako, Ockanlels, Schmoller, Schmadoke. Council mlnutOllapoiocorded on T.po ll().21, Sld.s I and 2; ll(). 22, 8ldo I, 1.140. Tho Mayor proclaimed Fobruary 14, 1990, u SALUTE TO HOSPITAlIZED vmAANS I I i , i j I I . I i I , J I I I I I I I j I I, i 1 I ! I I I j J j I , I i . I , I , I ! I j . I I ! i , I , I ; i j i i j !' iJ , DAY. . . Tho loIIowIng IndMduals wore prelOnted with certlflcalos olopproclaUon lor tholr ollorls and asslstanco 10 the DAR.E. Program by Mayor McDonald, PoIIco Chlol Wlnkolhako, and orncor Ockonlol.: Patrlcla MeGoe, Olane Howell, Raymond Pochous, David VanDusseldorp, Ct. Tom Boyd, Greg Gustavolon, Ch.rlotto Cozlno, Gina Heick, Kontucky Frlod Chlckon, Brlan and DIano Qr"ll. Moved by Ambrlaco, locondod by Coutlnay, thaI tho lonowlng 1I0ml and recommond.. UOIlI In tho CcIlIonl Calondar bo rocolvod, or approved, and/or adopled u amonded: ApprOVal 01 OIIIclal Councll ActIOIlI 01 tho rogular mooting 01 1/23/90, as pubDlhed, .ublOCllo corrocUon, as rocommonded by tho City Clork. . Mlnutol 01 Boards and Commissions: Bd. 01 Ublary Trulle.s _ ,II2SJllO; RIvorlronl Comm. ,1/17/90; Bd. 01 Adjustmenl-1/tOl9O; P&Z Comm. -1/17/90; Doslgn RovIow Comm. - 1/18190; Human RIghts Comm. -11/27/89. Pormll Motions and Rosolulfonl: Approving a Clu. E Boor Pormlllor Hy.Voo Food Sloro',Ine. dba Hy.Vo, 13, 1201 N. Dodge. Approving a Class C Uquor Uconse lor Bovorly K. Nutchlor dba Mlko'. Tap, 122 Wright StrooL Approving a Clas. C Uquor UconlO lor R. T, Grunlllno. dba R. T. '., 828 S. Clinton. Approving a Cia.. C Uquor Uconle lor John'. Qrocory, lno. dba John', Grocery, 100., 401 E. MarkoL Outdoor Sorvfco Alea appncaUon lor R. T. Grunts', lno., 828 S. Clinton. Approving a Clas. C Uquor Uconso lor Motll,lTD dba lJo.Jamol, 118 E. Washington. RES.ll().17, Bk. 103, p. 17, ISSUE DANCING PERMIT. ' Corrospondonco: TIm Brandt regarding Iho DAR.E. Program. BloomIng Pralrlo W8IehoulO, 100., roquesUng the extensIon 01 translllOrvlce 10 Holnz Road. Crisis Conlor rogardlng I granl Irom tho Oannel1 Foundation which will fund a Sulcldo Outreach Program. Momo Irom tho CMI Service Commission lubmllllng a cerlrned IIs1 01 appllcanl. lor tho posItion 01 Ma/ntonanco Workor I - Slrooll. Unda Annis regarding translllOrv1ce 10 loulhwosl Iowa City. C,M. Irvin requostlng tho road, traditionally known u "TOld Road,' bo named 'Napoloon Road.' Application lor Use 01 Slrools and Publlo Grounds: Jackie Fordlco, Dolondor. lor Ulo, lor pormlsslon 10 plckol altho Emma Goldman Cllnlo during lho porlod 011/29 through 2/28/90, Ipprovod lor porlod 011/29 through 2/3/90. n 'I (I 'I FI - ~_ -------J . - Mlnulos Iowa City City Council Fobruary 0, 1990 Pago 2 Larton Mlod that Councfl had rocolvod requolts tOl oxtonded Iranslt 10rvico and quostlonod tho procoaa tOl handling such roquost:. Tho CIty Managor ltaled thai oad! roquolt Ii handlod on a CIIO-by-W' basis and thai tho Transll Managor doel review .ach rGquosl and roports back 10 Council and 10 tho IndMdual maklng tho requolL Kubby IIkod thai Council lit down and discuss curronl oporlUonI ollranlll Novfck laid thai I route ana/yIlo mlghl bo In ordor. A/lIrmaUvo roll call volo unanlmoul, 7/0, all Councllmombora prolonl The MayOl doc/arod tho moUon carrled. Moved by Larson, locondod by Ambrlaco, 10 101 I public hoarlng 101 2J2OI9O, on an ordinance amOndlng tho Zoning Ordlnanco by changing the uso regulaUOIlI with conditions lor a 7eoD Iquare loot tract 01 land Iocalod II 1841 lowor Muacatlno Road Irom RS.5 to CO. I. Tho MayOl doc/ared tho motion carrled unanlmMly, 710, all Councllmombors prosonL Moved by Larlon, locondod by HOIowItz, 10 101 a pubDo hoallng lor 2J2OI9O, on an ordinance changing tho lponlng 01 Santo Fe DrIve 10 Santa Fe Drive. Tho Mayor doc/ared tho motion carrlod unanlmoul~, 710, all Councllmombora prOlonl Moved by Larlon, locondod by Ambrlsco, , thai tho ordinance amondlng tho Zoning Ordinance by changing tho uso regulaUoIll 01 certain propertlos located al tOI~ and 10tO ,Hudson Avenuo from flS.lllo Cc.2, bo given nlll voto lor pasiago. Tho Mayor doclarod tho moUon doleated unanlmoully, on, all Councllmombora prosanL Moved by Ambrlsco, IOcondod by Courlnay, thai tho ordinance amondlng tho Zoning Ordinance by condlllonal~ changing tho UIO rogulatlolll 01 cortaln proportles located al 1102 Hollywood Boulovard Irom flS.1210 RM""4, bo glvon IOcond volo lor passago. Horowitz nolod thai the laslllno 01 tho agonda commont alatod thai no commonls woro rocolvod at a publlo hoarlng hold 1/9 and wanlod tho rocord 10 ahow thai commonls woro rocolvod by lottor prior 10 tho publlo hoarlng. A/lIrmaUvo roll call vole unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombora prosont. The Mayor doc/arod tho motion carrled. Moved by larson, locondod by Novick, 10 101 a publlo hoarlng lor 2/20190, on an ordinance amondlng the Zoning Ordlnanco by changing tho usa rogulaUons 01 a portion 01 property (traCII 2 and 3), gonoral~ boundod by Fosler Road 10 tho north, Dubuquo Slroollo tho oast, tho rowa Rlvor 10 tho louth, and also Including proporty wosl 01 an unnamod alrool botweon Tan Spoodway and Foslor Road (Ponlnsull aria), Irom RS.8 10 RS.5. Tho Mayor doclarod the motion carrlod unanlmous~, 710, all Councllmombors prosont. Movod by Ambrlsco,lOcondod by Horowitz, 10 dolor an ordlnanco amondlng lho Zoning Ordinance by changing tho UIO rogulatlona 01 a portion 01 proporty llracts 2 and 3), gonorally boundod by Foslor Road 10 tho north, Dubuquo Slroolto the oast, tho Iowa Rlvor 10 tho aoulh, and also Including proporty wosl 01 an unnamod altool botwoon Tah Spoodway and Fostor Road (Ponlnsula aroa), Irom RS.8 to AS.5. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unenlmously, 7/0, all Councllmombora prosonl. , f I I , I ; , I I, , II I I I, I [I 'I q. . I (I Mlnutos Iowa City City Councll Fobruary 8, 1990 Pago 3 Moved by larlon, aocondod by Horowitz. that tho ordinance vacating tho uMamod sllool bolWOon Fostor Road and Taft Spoodway, wesl 01 Dubuquo Sltool (Ponllllula aroa), be given locond vote lor pasaage. AIl1rmallvo roD call voto unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombora presenL Tho Mayor dodared tho moUon carrlod. Moved by Courtnay, locondod by Horowitz, 10 dolor 10 moI9O a rosolutlon approving tha nnal plal 01 Scott'a Second AddlUon 01 Johnson Counly, rowa. ActIng City Ally. Qontry alatod that Ooan Oakes hed approachod hor thai ovonlng thai thoro was a mlscalculaUon on tha atormwator managomenl requlromonll and requtltod a dolormonl unlll tho noxllormal moeUng. Tho Mayor doclared the moUon 10 doler carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councll. membora presenL i , . , . Moved by Ambrlaco, loconded by Courtney, 10 approve tho rocommondaUon 01 tho P&Z Commllllon on a conditional use perm~ lor a lomporary ready-rnlx planl north 011-80 and wosl 01 Dubuque SlIeoL Horowitz ralsod concem. regarding tho possible oxtollllon olthla uso permlllor collltructJon 01 tho brldgo and rostoraUon 01 the land back 10 III orlglnal atala after complotlon 01 tho prolo~ The ActIng CIIy Momay alated thai I tomporary ponn~ was lomporary only. PPD Director Schmolaor romlndod Council thai this wal I County mal10r and was on tho agondo lor rocommondaUon only. He nolod that tho use would havo 10 bo romovod al the end 91 the pormll po~od and thai tho proporly ownor could do as he/aho wished with the proporly provldod II waa In compllanco with tho County's Zoning Ordlnanco. Ho also nolod thai a lomporary planl was Iocolod along ScoI1 Boulovard lor thlal paving prolect and polntod out that the planl has since boon romoved and no algns oxlst whore It had beon provlously localod. Tho Mayor doclarod tho moUon carrlod unanlmousty, 7/0, all Councll. mombora preaonl. II i i i' loonard Yoggy, 840 SI. Anno Dr., appearod and roquosled Councll ban chomlcal. I.~al are baing used by lawn companies. Pat Gilpin, 710 Olane Ct., appoarod ro a parking alluatlon adjaconllo his building al 330 E. Markol. Tho City Mgr. reporlod Itaff had rosoarched the problom and a aolutlon Ihould bo available 10 Councll .1 their noxt lormal moollng. Samuol Fahr, 8 Knollwood lane, appoarod noUng commonts mado by Prorossor John F. Kennedy during a publlo hearing 1/9 rolatlvo 10 the CoraMllo Dam and lis potonUal effect upon Iowa City, and quosllonod what the City has done 10 Investigate the mal1or. The Mayor slalod the City Engr. had conlactod the Corps 01 Englnoors rogardlng the roporl and was lold tho roporlls being rovlowod by tho Corps Itsoll and Is nol avalleblo 10 tho publlo. Tho CIIy Mgr. alatod tho roporl would nol be available lor publlo commonl unlll Ap~1 or May. Horowitz alalod tha Corps Is welling lor tho City 10 ask Ihom 10 gollogothor and discuss this. ActIng CIIy Ally. Gonlry concurrod and alalod a lormal roquosl noodalo bo addrossod 10 tho Corps to como and mool with Council. Tho CIIy Mgr. Ilalod lhaltho Corps did Indlcato 10 lho CIIy Engr. that II ao roquosted thoy would bo happy 10 mool with Council and oxplaln the Issues 01 tho 100 yoer flood, bul nollho roporlllsoll. larson aletod ho would bo willing 10 discuss tho mallor with tho Corps since thoy havo ollorod 10 101 an oxporl como In and Ihod aomo light on tho alluallon. KubbV alatod thoy could como back In May with moro apoclncs. Slall will lollow. , I , I I I , , LI ' I cl ,:' n - - , . Mlnutos Iowa City City Council Fobruary 6, 1990 Pago 4 up. Fahr nolod thai this Impactod more than the Idyllwlld tract as there" more land In tho noodplaln within the city. Joan Qllpln, 301 Tan SpeodWly, appeared and quostloned who would L-o paying lor the upgrade and paving 01 Tan Speedway" and whon tho pial It approved. The Mayor oxplalned that althl prosonl Umetho proloct would bo normally fundod II an 8IIessmonl proloct. larson nolod lhaltho 8IIellmenl mothod It tha normal mothod used, but thai a doclslon has nol beon made bocauao tho Improvomonll have nol boen Ichoduled. Tho City Mgr. Ilated " was dllftcuh 10 predict unUl luch time 01 the dovolopment and thor. aro a vartaty ollssuos laken Inlo CO/lIlderaUon. The Mayor IlIlod thai all affoctod property owners would have an opporlunlly 10 objoct 10 the assossmonl proloct. AblgaU VanAllen, 5 Woodland Moundl Rd., appelled regilding the proposed Tan Speadway Improvomenll Ichodulod In tho CIP. Tho Meyor announcod tho lollowlng vacanclos: P&Z Comm. . two vacanclOllor nvo. year lorms ondlng 5/1/95: Mlyor'l Youth Employmonl . two vacanclos lor throo.yoar lenns ondlng 5/8/93. Thoae eppolnlmenll will bo made at the 3/20190 moollng 01 the City Council. Councllmembor Kubby announcod that a group called 'Citizens To RovIvo the Town MoeUng' will gotlogothor Sunday, 2/25, Irom 4 p.m. 10 7 p.m., al 10 S. Qllborl SL She encouragod overyone 10 attond and lidos would bo provldod. Ambrlsco volcod his dlssatlslactlon wflh a nude dance porformance done on Channol26 on 1/2S and asked lor the supporl 01 tho Council, Managor and Ilan 10 prohlbllthlstype 01 actlvlty on cable. Ho Ilated he had rocelved many calls roglldlng this and asked that minimum Itandards and practlcos bo established. Kubby staled that tho City musl be Catefulln eslabllshlng such Ilandards. AssI. City Mgr. Holling eald 'thll a new agreomenl has boen drano~ which lalks about programming guldollnes which will be doveloped by P.A. T.V. and the City Ihru Broadband Tolecommunlcatlons Commission. Ho nolod thai CIIy Itall would bo working wllh tho groups 10 oslabllsh guIdelines and Council would rovlow thom. Acting City Ally. Gontry laid thai one thing thai might bo lockod at closoly, which lallod In this case, Is 10 have tho program recordod. In this situation the program was nol recorded In Its onllroty, Horowitz romlndod ovoryone 01 the moollng with tho Counly, other communllles within tho County, and private haulera on 217 al 7:30 p.m. althe County AdmlnlstraUon Building rogardlng landfill and lolld war.te managomonl. I I . i I ! .' i , I i , , I , 'I I I I I' I Acllng CIIy Ally. Qontry notod a momo from tho City Mgr. rolatlve 10 roplacomonl and readvorllslng 01 lormor AssL City Ally. Bill Suoppel'l poslUon and askod Council permission 10 go ahead and proceod with rocrultmont and filling the lob as outlined In tho momo. Council agrood 10 proCoed. Rocommondallons 01 tho Rlvorlronl CommissIon nolod aslollows: (1) Having rovlowod by vldoolapo the commonls mado by John F. Konnody, Dlroctor 01 tho Inslllute 01 Hydraullo Rosearch, tho Unlver.lty 01 Iowa, althe January 9, 1990 City Council mooting, the Rlvorfronl CommissIon rocommonds 10 Council to consldor tho concorns oxprossod by Konnody, parllcularly his auggosllon lor a etudy 01 fiood potonllal In tho conlon 01 alllallon In tho Coralvlllo Rosorvolr and 01 Ipoclflo local condlllons In tho Penlnlula Aroa and othor "ood. n . I cl ,.:, , 1 ' - - Mlnutos Iowa City City Council Fobruary 8, 1990 Pago 5 prone aroas In rowa City. (2) Tho AIvorlronl Commission recommonds 10 Councllthal alaU Investlgato tho dOllrablllty 01 applying lor REAP funding lor acquisition 01 part or all 01 the approximately 20 aaoa 01 lorostod weUanda well 01 Torron Mill Park and south 01 Tall Speedway. (3) Tho AIvorlronl Commlulon rocommends 10 Councllthalth. Iowa Avenu. 10 Burlington StrHI rocroatlonaJ trail application, provloualy aubml"od 10 IDOT, bo revised and aubmlttod lor th. nrsl round 01 REAP funding. (4) Tho AIvorlronl Commission recommends 10 Council 10 IOnd an open lo"or 10 tho Iowa loaguo 01 Munlcfpalltl.. dollneatlng rowa Clly's concorlll about river walor quality, "' lasl. and appearance; alllatlon 01 the CoraMllo Rosorvolr and th. consoquonl probloms lor downstroam dovolopmenlln tho ftoodplaln, and tho. cosllo cltlOI 10 romove ag chemicals from munJcfpal water auppllos If proposed ledoralleglslallon passOl, as those concema rolale 10 nnor atrlp legislation and to brlng tho lo"or 10 the a"onUon 01 local Ilato Ioglllatora. (5) Tho AIvorlronl Commlll!on recommonds 10 Councll thai a commonl 01 no opposition concomlng th. lomporary roadyoflllx planl (CU-8903) bo lorwardod 10 tho Johnson County Board 01 Superv1aors. In response 10 Council quostlonstho City Mgr. alltod thai recommondatlon 13 Is 110m III on lonIght'a agonda and recommondatlon 12 Is a roquOII lor ataff work and ho would roport back 10 Council within two weeks en the oldani 01 thai work. Horowitz auggOlted thai rocommondatlon 14 bo addroaaod with a porsonal conlact althe upcoming loague 01 Women Volers loglslaUvo lorum achedule lor m4. Tho Clty Mgr. Ilalod thai Council ahould dlrOcl tho Chairperson 01 the RIvorfronl Commission 10 a"ond the lorum. Latson nolod thai recommendation 11 would bo .ddressed by asking a " ropresontaUvo !rom the Corps 10 apoak 10 Councll. Moved by Ambrlaco, leconded by larson, 10 adopl RES. 9().18, Bk. 103, p. 18. RESOLUTION IN SVPPORT OF THE lallA CITY RIVER CORRIDOR TRAIL AND AUTHORIZ. ATION FOR THE MAYOR TO SIGN A QRANT APPUCATION TO BE SUBMnTED TO THE lallA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. The City Mgr. auggosled thai the rosolutlon be amondod 10 aulhorlze tho M4yor Pro lem or City Mgr. to algn on bohalf 01 the Mayor as tho Mayor would be out 01 town. Moved by larson, aeconded by Novick, 10 amond tho roaolutlon 10 Include tho Mayor Pro tom or City Mgr. Tho Mayor declar~d tho motion 10 amond carrlod unanimously, 7/0, all Councllmombora praaonL AItIrmaUve roll call vole unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombora prOlonL The Mayor declarod the rOlolutlon adoplod as amondod. Moved by Ambrlsco, aecondod by laraon, 10 adopt RES. 00.19, Ok. 103, p. 19, APPROVING, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN AQREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND SHANNON AND WILSON INC. TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF QROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION AND NECESSARY REMEDIATION WORK AT THE lallA CITY LANDFILL Horowitz auggosled thai tho acope olaorvlco Includo a brlonng with abutting proporly owners 10 dlsculI oach phase 01 tho contracL Tho CIIy Mgr. atalod II could be wrlllen Inlo the conltact and would Incroasa tho amounl 01 compensation. ActIng City Ally. Qentry oxplalnod thai the contract dees Includo language thai would enablo City olUclala or any othor officials wo chose 10 Invlle 10 mool with tho nrm as noodod. Sho alalod thai this could be done al a publlo mooUng and proporly ownors Invllod. Horowitz askod why thoro was no amount apoclDod In tho contract lor romodlatlon 01 conslructlon and cloanup and quostlonod wholhor , i j , I i I ] II I I ! . ; , ~ ~ t...1 . I (I ,:' I:" - - Mlnutos Iowa City ClIy Council Fobruary 8, 199\1 pago 8 tho City would be Incurtlng those COlli. ActIng City Ally. Gontry oxplalned thai would bo negotlatod with tho aecond allge dopondlng on how the lIrst atago had prccoeded. Sho nolod thalthay wouJd mako a doclslon on how 10 procood on tho lecond IlIg. aftor thay had gollon ' I tho Inpullrom tho llrIl allgo and explored aIlomaUvos. Tho City Mgr. oxplalned thai we aro going Ihru I cllIcovoIy prcco.. and what Is found may bo 01 minimum consequoncea or I I aomothlng of tromondous mognnude requiring IomO epoclfto OnglnoOMg decision. In rosponso I 10 Kubby, Public Workl DIrector Schmadeko outlined the Woo atagoa, including tho hlMg 01 i , a contractor lor tho remediation. AlftrmaUvo roll call volo unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombers I , prosonL Tho Mayor declared the resolution adopled. j I Moved by Ambrlsco, aeconded by Courtnay, 10 adopl RES. 00.20, Bk. 103, p. 20, ! , ! AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A HOUSING ASSISTANCE FUND PROQRAM APPUCA. nON TO THE IrmA FINANCE AUTHORITY (IFA) FOR FUNDS TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOp. MEt-{r AND CONSTRUcnON OF SIX SINQLE.FAMIL Y HOMES IN THE PROPOSED SYCAMORE I V1W SUBDMSION AND AUTHORIZINQ THE CItY MANAQER TO SIQN THE CONTRACTS FOR j I THE SYCAMORE V1W HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. In reapOlllolO Kubby, the CIIy Mgr. atatod I , thai the nllng 01 tho appncaUon do.. nol commn the City, to a eorlaln kind 01 dovolopmonl. ! I AlftrmaUvo roll call vola unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmembarl prosonL Tho May~ declared tho I II ruolutlon adopted. ~ I .1 I - , Moved by Ambllsco, aecondod by larson, 10 adopl RES. 00.21, Bk. 103, p. 21, , I " . AMENDINQ BUDGETED POSmONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSINQ AND INSPEcnON I " , I SERVICE AND AMENDING THE ADMINISTRATIVE PAY PlAN, onmlnaUng a Housing i I I Coordinator and ono Housing Inspoctor and Cfoatlng a Housing Administrator and Sonlor j I I ' , Housing Inspoctor, AlftrmaUvo roO call volo unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombora prosonL Tho i : , , I ' I , i Mayor declared tho rosolutlon adoptod. ' i i i , ' , I i I , I' I : ! Movod by Ambrlsco, aoconded by Novick, 10 adjourn 9: 15 p,m. Tho Mayor doclarod , , I I ! , tho moUon carrfod unanimously, 7/0, all Councllmombora proaenL I j I I I ' i I. I I ' I . !! i ' I j 1 I I , I JOHN MCDONALD, MAYOR j I ' I i j I , I I , , l , ATTEST: j , MARIAN K. KARR, CItY CLERK ! I i' ;r CI ' I ,q l:~::' . ' . . -- COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF COUNCIL ACnvmES Fobruaty 20, 1990 Iowa City Council, rog. mlg., 7:30 p.m. altho CIvIo Conlor. Mayor McDonald prosldlng, Councllmombor. prosonl: Ambrlsco, Courtney, Horowitz, Kubby, lar.on, McDonald, Novick. Absonl: Nono, Slaffmombor. prosont: Aikins, Holling, Gontry, Karr, Schmolsor, Fosso, Brinton, Schmadoko, Mansnold, O'Mallay. Council mlnutOllapo rocordod on Tape 00.22, Sldo I, 204. End & Sldo 2, All; ll().28, Sldos I & 2, All. Tho Mayor'. Slato ollho City Addross was dolorred unUl Council'. special mooting 012/27. Tho Mayor proclalmod Fobruary 18-24, 1990, as SERTOMA'S FREEDOM WEEK. Tho Mayor announcod Ihat 110m 41(11, lollor. opposing tho rozonlng 01 1841 Lowor Muscallno, would bo dololod Irom tho Consonl Calondar and accoptod as parl 01 tho publlo hoarlng, 110m 15b. Movod by Ambrlsco, 1I0condod by Horowitz, that tho lollowlng Iloms and rocommondallons In tho Consonl Calondar bo rocolvod. or approvod, and/or adoplod as amondod: , , I I i Approval 01 OIDclal Council Actions 01 tho rogular moollng 01 2/6/90, os publlshod, sublocllo corroctlon, as rocommondod by tho City Clork. Mlnutos 01 Boardl and CommlsslollS: Human Rlghls Comm. . 1/22100; Housing Comm. . 12/12/89, 119/90; P&R Comm. . 1/10/90; CMI Sorvlco Comm. . 11/29/89; Hlslorlo Prosorvatlon Comm. . 1/10/90; P&Z Comm. . 2/1/90; 8ro~dbend m~com. munlcatlons Comm. . 1/17/90, Pormll Motions and Rosolutlons: Approving a Class E Uquor Uconso lor Nosh. Finch Company dba Econoloods 1473, 1007 Broadway. Approving a Class E Uquor Ucenso lor Waloroon Co. dba Wolgroons, 1848 Sycamoro. Approving a Class E Uquor Uconso lor Amorlcan Drug Stores, Ino. dba Oaco Drug Sloro 1448, 201 S. Clinton. Approving a Class E Uquor Uconso lor Hy.Voo Food Sloros, Ino. dba Hy.Voo Food Storo, 601 Hollywood Blvd. Approving a Class E Boor Pormlt lor Hy.Voo Food Sloros, Ino, dba Hy.Voo Food Storo, eol Hollywood Blvd. Approving a Class C Boor Pormlt lor Doll Marl Corp. dba Doll Marl 12, 1920 Lowor Muscatlno. Approving a Class E Boor Pormll lor Hy.Voo Food Slores, Ino. dba Druglown 11, 621 Hollywood Blvd. Approving a Class E Uquor Uconso lor Hy.Voo Food Storos, Ino. dba Druglown II, 621 Hollywood Blvd. Approving a Class B Boor Pormlt lor Rlgol 01 Iowa, Ino. dba Qodfathor's Plna, 631 Highway 1 Wost. Approving a Class E Boor Pormltlor Hy.Voo Food Slores, Ino. dba Hy.Voo Food Sloro 12, 310 N. 1st Avonuo. Approving a Closs E Uquor Uconso lor Hy.Voo Food Storos, Ino. dba HyoVoo Food Sloro 12,310 N. Flrsl Avonuo. Approving a Closs C Uquor Uconso lor Qrlngo's 01 Iowa City, Ino. dba Qrlngo's, 115 E. Collogo Slroot. Approving a Class C Boor Pormll lor K1auso Gontlo Corporallon dba Kum & Go 1104, 1104 S. Qllborl Slroot. Approving a Class E Boor Pormlt lor Qulk Trip Corporal/on dba Qulk Trip 1509, 323 W. Burllnglon Stroot. Approving a Class E Boor Pormlllor Supor Splrlls Shop, LId. dba Supor Spirits Shop, 5 Slurgls Drlvo, Sullo 2000. Approvlng a Class E Uquor Uconso lor Supor SplrUs Shop, LId. dba Supor Splrlls Shop, 5 Sturgis Drlvo, Sullo 2000. Approving a Closs E I I , " I I , ! . , i I i , i I I n 'I q ,;:,' Lf ~, - - Council Actlvltlos Fobruary 20, 1990 Pago 2 Boor Pormlt lor Clarol & Frlond., Inc. dba Clarot & Frlond., 212 E. Markol Slroot. Approving a Class E Uquor Uconso lor Clarol & Frlond., Ino. dba Clarol & Frlond.. 212 E. Markol Strool. RES. 00.22, Bk. '03, p. 22. REFUND CIClARmE PERMIT. Sotllng Publlo Hoarlngs: RES. 00.23, Bk. t03, p. 23, TO SET A PUBUC HEARING ON THE OPERATING BUDQET ESTIMATE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY', 1990. THROUQH JUNE 30. 1991, AND THE PROPOSED THREE.YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN WHICH INCLUDES THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROQAAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 1991.1993. Resolution.: RES. 00.24, Bk. 103, p. 24, ACCEPTING THE WOnK FOR THE PAVINQ AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR CAMERON SUBDMSION. , I I ! Corrospondonco: Nora Loonard Roy, Co.Chalrporson ollho Safoly Commltloo 01 tho Dlsltlctwldo Paronts' OrganlzaUon rogardlng tho lack ollldowalks north 01 Roclloltor al Flrll Avonuo. Momorandum Irom tho CIvlI Sorvlco Commission lubmlttlng a COrllnod IIsl 01 applicant. lor tho position 01 Cashlor/Parklng Systoms Division. Momorandalrom tho Trnfflo Englnoor: Altoratlon 10 loading Zono In tho 200 Block 01 North Qllborl Slrool; Parking Prohibition on Giblin Drlvo; Stop Sign on Bakor Slrool at Bradlord Drlvo; Stop Sign on Arthur Slroot at Bradford Drive. David Panthor roquostlng a parking ramp bo built on Iho Markol Strool parking 101. Applications lor City Plaza Uso Pormlts: Sigma Alpha Mu lor pormlsslon to havo a fund ralsor to bonoUl Amorlcan Hoarl Association by bounclng a baskolball on City Plaza on 4/16-20/90, approvod. Applications lor Uso 01 Stroots and Publlo Qrounds: South Alrlcan Itudonls lor pormlsslon 10 parado Irom tho cornor 01 Washington and Clinton 10 Old Brick on 2/2/90, epprovod. Kubby nolod tho roquosllrom Iho Dlslrlctwldo Paronl.' Organization (DPO) lor Ildowalks norlh 01 Rocho.lor al Flral Avonuo and quostlonod tho noxt ItOp. Tho City Managor slalod ho would bo proparlng a momo rogardlng various opl/ons and lotting lorlh lho spoclal assossmonl option. Ho also Ilalod ho would bo conlactlng Iho DPO. Arnrmatlvo roll call volo unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombora prosont. Tho Mayor doclarod lho mol/on carrlod and ropoalod tho publlo hoarlng as '01. Tho Mayor notod a lottor In tho 2/18 packol roquostlng a chango In tho Iowa City zoning ordlnanco Irom UvIng Word Christian Followshlp 10 allow rollglous Inslltullons 10 bo Includod In Soctlon d, Spoclal Exompl/ons 01 Soctlon 38-23 01 tho zoning ordlnanco. Movoe! by Kubby, socondod by Horowllz, thatlhls Itom bo roforrod 10 tho Planning and Zoning Commission al Iholr 3/15 mool/ng. Tho Mayor doclarod Iho mol/on carrlod unanlmous~, 7/0, all Council. momborl prosonl. , ! I , II . I i I I , i . " I ; I . ! I. I i , , j I l , ';- 1 i , I i I I I , I I I , I I t] . 1 q ,:::' C, . - - Council Actlvll/os Fobruary 20, t990 Pago 3 Movod by Ambrlsco, IOcondod by Kubby,lo sola publlo hoarlng for 3/20, on an ordlnanco amondlng tho Zoning Ordlnanco by changing tho uso roguleUons of a one aClo Itacl of land Iocatod al114 S. Flrsl Avonuo Irom P to RS.5 (Irono Polsang). Tho Mayor doclarod tho moUon wrlod unanimously, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. A publlo hoarlng was hold on an ordlnanco amondlng tho Zoning Ordlnanco by changing lho uso rogulaUons, with condlUons, for a 71500 squaro footllacl 01 land locatod all 041lowor MuscaUno Road from RS.5 to CO. I (Rox Brandslattor). Movod by Ambrlsco, socondod by Courtnoy, to accoptlottors 01 objoctlon Irom: Mr. & Mrs. Bud Hoffman; Charlotto & Richard Robbins; lylo Potz; Jill & Paul VanDorpe; Don & Bornadlno McChrlsty. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unanimously, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosonl. Tho lollowlng IndMduals appearod: Don McChrlsty, 1004 DoForosl; ChBllotto Robbins, 1016 DoForost; Sarah Hoffman, 1819 DoForOlt; and Rox Brandslattor, ownor 01 tho properly. Tho Mayor announcod thallhoro had boon a mlsundorslllndlng on tho propor filing 01 objoctlons 10 a rezoning and for thai roason Council WIluld nol bo lakIng any action on tho rezoning ordlnanco unllltholr noxt rogular mooting on 3/20. Larson nOlod thai tho filing 01 an adoquato numbor 01 objoctlons would roqulro tho Council to approvo lho ordlnanco by a 6-1 majority rathor than tho normal 4-3 majorlly. Movod by Horowitz, socondod by Ambrlsco, 10 continuo tho publlo hoarlng unlll 3/20. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unanimously, 7/0. all Councllmombors prosont. Movod by larson, socondod by Kubby, 10 dofor 10 3/20, an ordlnanco amondlng tho Zoning Ordinance by changing tho usa rogulatlons, with conditions, of a corlaln proporly locatod at 1041 lowor Muscatlno Road from RS.5 to CO.l (Rox Brandslattor). Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unanimously, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. A publlo hoarlng was hold on an ordlnanco changIng tho spoiling 01 Sanlo Fo Drlvo to Santa Fo Drlvo. No one appoarod. Movod by larson, socondod by Horowitz, that tho rulo requIring ordlnancos to bo consldorod and votod on for passago at two Council mootlngs prior to tho mooting al which Ills 10 bo nnally passod bo suspondod, tho flrsl consldoratlon and volo bo walvod and tho ordinance be valod upon lor socond consldoratlon at this tlmo. Affirmallvo roll call vola unanImous, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. Tho Mayor doclarod lho motion carrlod. Movod by larson, socondod by Courtnoy, thai tho ordlnanco changing tho spoiling 01 Sanlo Fo Drlvo to Santa Fo Drlvo, bo glvon socond vola lor passago. Affirmatlvo roll call voto unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod. City Engr. Rick Fosso Introducod tho lollowlng ropresonlatlvos Irom tho Corps 01 Englnoors that woro prosont to answor Council quostlons rogardlng tho CoraMllo rosorvolr, sodlmonlallon In tho rOlOrvolr, and tho rovlsod walor conlrol plan: Goorgo Johnson, chlol 01 tho hydraulics branch; Bill Koollnor, chlol 01 lho rogulal/on soctlon; and Rogor Less, prolocl managor lor tho rovlsod walor conlrol plan. Allor discussion, Council rocossod brlony. A publlo hORrlng was hold on an ordlnanco amondlng tho Zoning Ordlnanco by changing Iho usa rogulatlons of a porllon 01 proporty, gonorally boundod by Fostor Road 10 tho nOrlh, Dubuquo Stroot to tho oasl, tho Iowa Rlvor to tho soulh and also Including proporty wosl of an unnamod stroot botwoon Tall Spoodway and Foslor Road (Ponlnsula Aroa), from RS.O to , . , i ; , I 'I I I I, i , n ' I (I ,::/ h - - - Council ActIvltlos Fobruary 20, 1990 Pago 4 RS.5. ActIng City Alty. Qontry Ilatod thai a valid prolosl had boon mod on both tracts, 2 and 3, thai would requlro a throo.fourths majority volo by Council. Movod by Kubby, aocondod by Horowitz, 10 Incorporalo tho 1/9 Council mlnuloa Inlo Iho rocord 01 this publlo hoarlng. Tho Mayor doclarod tho moUon carr/od unanImously, 7/0, aIr Councllmomborl prosont. Tho lollowlng pooplo appoarod: Prolossor John F. Konnody: Casoy Cook, Planning & Zoning Commission mombor: and Abigail Va.'lAIlon. Movod by Ambrlsco, IOcondod by Horowitz, thai tho ordlnanco omondlng tho Zoning Ordlnanco by changing tho uso rogulaUoIll 01 . portion of proporty, gonorally boundod by Foslor Road 10 tho north, Dubuquo Sltoollo tho oast, tho Iowa river 10 tho loulh, and also Includ!ng proporty wost 01 an unnsmed Iltool bolwoon Taft Spoodway and Fostor Road (Ponlnsula Aroa), from RS.a 10 RS.5, bo glvon nrsl volo for passago. Kubby Ilatod thallho provfous ordlnanco votod on by Counclllncludod tho Idyllwlld tract and would havo had all throo tractl, I, 2 and 3, zonod RS.5. Sho nolod thallho ordlnanco had boon amondod 10 oxcludo tho Idyllwlld tract and Iho had volod against Iho amondod ordlnanco. Sho Indlcalod Iho would bo voting for Ihll ordlnanco 10 assuro thai tracts 2 and 3 woro rozonod 10 RS.5. Horowitz also Ilalod Iho did nol wanllo loavo out tho Idyllwlld Itact or Iract 4. Sho said Ihal Ilnco tho ordlnanco Is doallng with two tracts only, Iho would havo 10 volo to havo thom downzonod 10 AS.5. Affirmallvo roll call volo unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. Tho Mayor declarod tho motion carrlod. Movod by Courtnoy, locondod by Ambrlsco, that ORD. 9().3447, Ok. 32, p. 2, AMENDINQ THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY CHANQING THE USE REQULATIONS OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1102 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD FROM RS'12 TO RM'44, bo passod and adoplod. Affirmallvo roll call voto unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. Tho Mayor doclarod Iho ordlnanco adoplod. Movod by Larlon,lOcondod by Courtnoy, thai ORD.1lO-3448, BK. 32, p. 3, VACATING THE UNNAMED STREET lOCATED BElWEEN FOSTER ROAD AND TAFT SPEEDWAY, WEST OF DUBUQUE STREET (Ponlnsula Aroa), bo passod and adoplod. PPD Dlroctor Schmolsor oxplalnod thai tho proporty was originally ownod by Iho County prior 10 Iho City annoxstlon and thai tho road bolng vacelod would romaln In tho ownorshlp 01 tho County. Richard Smllh, roprosontlng tho Elka Club, appoarod 10 oxpross Inlorosl In Iho road alnco II adjoins tholr proporty. Tho Acting City Allornoy atalod Iho did nol antlclpato dlffi~ulty doallng with Iho County In disposing 01 this proporty by qull claim dood. Joan Qllpln, Casoy Cook and Doan Oakos, appoarod for dIscussion. Alfirmallvo roll call vola unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosonl. Tho Mayor doclarod lho ordlnanco adoplod. Movod by Ambrlsco, aocondod by Horowitz, 10 adopl RES. 90-25, Ok. 103, p. 25, SElliNG FORTH REASONS FOn THE DENIAL OF THE REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1014 AND 1016 HUDSON AVENUE FROM RS.e TO CC'2(Kon Ranshaw). Affirmatlvo roll call volo unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmomborl prosont. Tho Mayor doclarod tho rosolutlon adoplod. , , , I ! , , I I I 'I I I. , I , I [I 'I (I ,:; ,-, - Council Acllvlllos F obruary 20. \990 Pago 15 Movod by Ambrlsco, loconded by larson. 10 adopt RES. 00-26, Bk. \ 03, p. 26, EXTENDING THE EXPIRATION DATE FOR THE APPROVED AMENDED PREUMINARY PLAT OF HUNTERS RUN SUBDMSION, PARTS FOUR THROUQH NINE. Affirmatlvo roll call veto unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. Tho Mayor docllllod tho rosolutlon adoplod. Movod by larson, socondod by Ambrlsco, 10 dolor Indonnlloly a rosolutlon epprovlng tho nnal pial 01 Seolt's Second Addition 01 Johnson County, Iowa. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unanlmous~, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. Tho City Mgr. roported on tho lOlling 011\ wons at tho City landnll and stalod tho rosults Indlcalod thai tho wator was salo. Ho Ilatod tho noxt slop would bo two.phasod. Follow.up losllng would bo dono, and dopendlng on tho recommondatlons Irom tho Slato Hyglonlo lob, a procoduro would bo ostabllshed lor sovoral months 01 additional data. Ho slalod tho Publlo Works Dopt. has ontorod Inlo a conlroct with Shannon & Wilson lor furthor goologlcal and hydrological sludlos. A aocond phase 01 tho conlractlnvolvos rovlewlng alllnlormatlon, mako rocommondallon as 10 tho oxtont and tho naluro 01 ony romodlal octlon Ihal might havo to bo lokon altho landnll. Ho concludod by staling thai tho City Is working vory closoly with tho Doparlmont 01 Natural Rosourcos (DNR). Kubby quosUonod spoclno Information about whal tho 51110 and Fodoral foollngs aro lor corlaln chomlcals thai woro lound. THo City Mgr. ropllod thai approxlmaloly 129 chomlcals aro tostod lor and appllod agalnsl a standard. Informallon Is avallablo lor rovlow on Iho rosults and tho standards. Tho Mayor askod that DNR corrospondonce bo Ivallablo lor rovlow with the rosults. Kubby said It was hor undorstandlng that tho City was sllll offorlng bottlod walor to tho ownors around tho slto. Tho City Mgr. slatod oach ownor had boon given thai option. Horowitz saId thai In speaking with property ownors, thoy had Indlcalod tholr approclatlon lor porlodlo lostlng roallzlng tho slow now 01 groundwalor. Loonard Yoggy, 040 51. Anno's Drlvo, eppoalod rogardlng tho City building a now woll. Council stalod tho projoctls Includod In tho budgot. Tho Mayor announcod tho lollowlng vacanclos: Board 01 Ubrary Trusloos . one vacancy lor an unoxplrod torm ondlng 7/1/03. This eppolnlmont will bo made altho 4/3/90, mooting ollho City Council. Movod by AmbrlSCO, aocondod by Horowitz, 10 mako tho lollowlng appolnlmonts: roo appoInt Susan Uchl, 611 Brooksldo Or. and appoint Eloanor Sloolo, 7115 E. Markol, 10 Iho Hlslorlo Prosorvatlon Commission lor throo.yoar torms ondlng 3/29/93j ro.appolnl Roborl Duano Allison, 1203 Rochoslor Avo. and appoint Darroll WrIght, 19 Forost Qlon, to tho Boards 01 Trustooa lor Pollco and Flro Rotlromontlor lour.yoar lorms ondlng 4/1/94j ro.appolnt Robort Lohnortz, 6 Forost Glon, and appoint Carrlo Norlon, 920 Qlntor Avo., 10 tho Mayor's Youlh Employmonl Board lor lhroo.yoar lorms ondlng 3/27/93j appoint Lyra Dlckorson, 324 Posl Rd., 10 tho Civil Sorvlco Commission lor a slx.yoar lorm ondlng 4/1/96j appoint Dlanno Rucinski, 1 BOO Calvin Ct. 117, 10 tho Broadband Tolocommunlcatlons Commission, lor a throo.yoar torm ondlng 3/13/03 and ro.advortlso tho unoxplrod torm ondlng 3/t3/91. Tho Mayor doclarod lho motion carrlod unanlmous~, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. , , , \ , , , I I I I, i I. , , , , I , , , , o 'I Cf e EI Council AclMUos Fobruary 20, 1990 Pogo 6 Horowitz roporlod on hor City ,oprosonlaUon allha Co/obraUng CuUural Olverslty Gamos at tho Unlverslly 01 Iowa tho pasl weokond. Ambrlsco rovlowod budgOI changos dlscussod by Council al tholr Informal mooting tho provlous evonlng and romlndod cltLtons 01 tho publlo hoarlng schodulod 2/27 on tho FY91 budgol and capllal tmprovomonlt. Novick nOlod thai tho CIty was aboullo Instltulo tho RELEAF program and encouraged pooplo 10 planl troos In honor 01 Atbor Oay and dlscouragod cltlzonslrom bumlng loaves. Kubby roporlod Iho had rocolvod a phone call1rom a c1t1zon complaining about cablo lolovlslon chargos and a lalo 100 01 $25. Kubby will fumlsh addltlonallnlormatlon. Kubby requosted an updato on CoraJvfllo's Rocyclo Day. Tho City Managor slaled ho had nol boon Inlormod on tholr plans but would lollow up. Kubby ronowod an Invitation 10 a lown mooUng schoduled lor Sunday, Fobruary 24, alIOS. QllborL Sho said oloctod olficlals Irom tho Iowa City City Council, School Board and Johnson County Bd. 01 Suporvlsors had boon Invllod. Ambrlsco wlshod Mayor McDonald a Happy Birthday. Movod by larson. socondod by Ambrlsco, 10 approvo tho rocommondatlon 01 Iho Human Rlghls commission Ihal David Brown or an approprlalo allornoy bo hlrod to handlo two casas schodulod lor publlo hoarlng. Tho Mayor doclared tho motion carrlod unanimously, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. A Publlo Commonl Porlod wes hold 10 rocolve CllIzon Commonls on tho Program DoscrlpUon 101 tho proposod uso 01 $59,000 In ronlal Rohabllllatlon Granl Funds lor 1990. Anno Rawland, Chalrporson 01 tho Commlttoo on Community Noods, appoarod and slalod thai tho program doscrlptlon lookod nno bul nolod tho monolary allolmonl had boon docroaslng. Movod by Ambrlsco, socondod by Courtnay, 10 adopt RES. 90-27, Bk. 103, p. 27, AUTHORIZINQ THE FIUNQ OF A PROQRAM DESCRIPTION FOR 1990 RENTAL REHABILlTA. TION GRANT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $59,000 UNDER SECTION 17 OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSING ACT OF 1937, INCLUDINQ ALL UNDERSTANDINQS AND CERTIFICATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, AND DESIQNATlNG THE CITY MANAQER AS AUTHORIZED CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER FOR THE GRANT. Afflrmallvo roll call voto unanimous, 7/0, all Council. mombors prosont. Tho Mayor doclarod Iho rosolutlon adoplod. Movod by Novick, IOcondod by Kubby, to ondorso and sUPporltho 'Iowa City Roloar Program as rocommondod by tho City Forostor. larson quostlonod why Iho Iroos woro bolng planlod noar schools ralhor than on City proporly. Aikins olatod tho CIIy alroady had a program lor planting In tho slrool rlghl.ol.way, school districts aro also holdors 01 publlo land, and tho Foroster wanlod 10 Involvo as many chlldron as posslblo. Kubby notod Ihal a numbor 01 schools aro noar and ul/llzo clty.ownod parks, Sho askod that whon Iho City starlod lalklng about roduclng horblcldos, achools bo conlaclod aboul roduclng on tholr proporllos. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unanlmous~, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. Movod by Courlnoy, aocondod by larson, approving I Tonlallvo Agroomonl botwoon tho City 01 Iowa City and tho Pollco labor Rolal/ons Organization 01 Iowa City. Tho Mayor doclarod lho motion carrlod unanlmous~, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. , 'I i I , i , I' CI 'I Cf' ',:' . Cf - Council Actlvltlos F obruary 20, 1990 Pago 7 Movod by larson, aecondod by Ambrlaco, to adopt RES. go.26, Bk. 103, p. 26, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A UMITED RELEASE AQREEMENT CONCERNING THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT AQREEMENT WITH SOUTHWEST ESTATES SUBDIVISION, PART FOUR. AffirmaUvo roll call volo unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombors prosont. Tho Mayor doclarod the resolullon adoptod. Movod by larson, aocondod by Courtnay, to adopl RES. go.29, Bk. 103, p. 29, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A LEASE FOR BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR THE RENTAL OF SUITE 300 IN THE SAVlNQS AND lOAN BUILDING FOR USE BY THE PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT OFFICES. Kubby quostlonod an offico apace plan. Tho CIIy Mgr. stalod that Publlo Worka, Planning and Program Dovolopmont. and Asslstod Housing aro throo agonclos currontly ronUng apaco and thai tho goal was 10 houso ovoryono undor one rool. Ho addod that cable tolovlslon also ronls additional apaco. AIl1rmaUvo roll call volo unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombora prosont. Tho Mayor doclarod tho resolution adoplod. Movod by laraon, aocondod by Novick, 10 dolor 10 m7 tho rosolutlon aulhorlzlng tho Mayor 10 sign and tho City Clork to allosl an agroomonl botwoon tho City 01 Iowa City, Publlo Accoas Tolovlslon, Ino. and Horllago Cablovlalon, Ino.lor Funding, Oporatlon and Manogomonl 01 tho Local Publlo Access Function. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unanlmousty, 7/0, all Councllmombora prosonl. Movod by Ambrlsco,aocondod by Kubby,to adopt RES. 90-30, Bk. 103, p. 30, AMENDING THE BUDGETED POSmONS IN THE LANDFILL DIVISION OF THE PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND THE AFSCME CLASSIFICATION PLAN, by adding one Malnlonanco Workor I . Roluso/landml. AffirmaUvo roll call vola unanimous, 7/0, all Councllmombora prosonl. Tho Mayor doclarod tho resolution adoptod. Movod by Ambrlsco, aocondod by Courlnoy, 10 adjourn 10:40 p.m. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unanimously, 7/0, all Councllmombora prosont. , , ! , I i I I, Ii I I I, I 9-~ ~"~"') -I! -IdtJ MARIA K. KARR, CITY CLERK I I i I , n I:' :1 LI h - - - - CouncU BudgOI Sosslon Fobruary 15, 1990 ~: Fobruary 15, 1990, 5:40 p.rn.1n tho CouncU Chamber.. Mayor John McDonald prosldlng. ~: McDonald, Ambrllco, Courtnoy, Kubby, Novick, Horowitz. larlon (6:25 p.m.). ~: AIklIll, Mansnold, Karr, tamblo, Holling, ShaWor, Craig, Smith. rODO.rocorCW!: Roolll().20, Sldo 1, 269.END, Sldo 2, All; Roolll().23, Sldol I &2 All; Roolll(). 21, Sldos 1&2, All. Atkins oxp/alnod Council rocolvod Asst. CIIy Mgr. Holling'. Fobruary 9th momo rogardlng dodlcalod accoss channols. Kubby Inqulrod aboul tho Iowa Clly Publlo Ubrary's programming and Iho Intoractlvo programmIng, Holling oxplalnod thallho library Informal/on aorvlco Is a kind 01 oncyclopedla typo sorvico and tho Intoractlvo spnclallslls a porson whoso rosponslblllly Is 10 progrom tho Inloracl/on sYllom on Channol29. ChaMol 29 has a I/sl 01 City govornmonllypo Inlormol/on avalleblo thai can bo accossod by tho vlowor by lolophono and tho Inloracllvo spoclallslls 10 oxpand upon tho database and to lurthor dovolop tho wholo sYllom. In rosponso 10 Novick, Holling oxplalnod tho agroomonl bolwoon PATV and tho pubno Ubrary with rospoctlo use 01 tho facUlty Iltha library lor a community program conlor. Holling oxplalnod PATV will oporato Indopondonl~, not as parl 01 tho library oporal/ons. Holling oxplalnod thai tho Council agreed to lund the original bond Issue lor tho now IIbrlry wllh tho undorslandlng tho Communlly Proorommlng Conlor would bo a parl 01 tho oporatlon. Ho oxplalnod tho notion 01 having a prlvato non.pronl organization program tho pubno accoss channol. Tho library Is Involvod In proorommlng III own accosa channol. Kubby Inqulrod aboul the rosponslblllUos 01 tho Intoractlvo lpoclallsL Holling said thoso rosponalblllUoa Includo oxpandlng tho InlormaUon databaso. Shaffor oxplalned, as an oxamplo, pulling tho low Ilsl on the Intoractlvo ayslom. Horowitz askod " n Is poulblo through tha Inloractlvo accosl 10 accosl Inlo tho library's oncyclopedla typo Inlormatlon. Shaffor oxplalnod thoso systoms aro currontly oxcluslvo. Horowitz askod " oqulpmonl oldstslo translor whaltho library doos Inlo tho Inlormetlon ayslom. Shaffor statod soltwaro and hardwaro would bo noodod. Horowitz ralsod concorns aboul not knowing whoro the nbrary Is going In tho Muro with tholr channol. Horowitz suggoslod lhal PATV could bo tho City's publlo channol corporal/on and could conltact with PATV lor 10rvlces lor tho Ubrary, Sonlor Conlor. 010. Holling oxplalnod tho Inloractlvo syslom usGS a dllloronl kind 01 dalabaso comparod to Inlormal/on Ivallablo al tho library. Susan CraIg, Asslslanl Ubrary Dlroctor, oxplalnod tho Ubrary's channolls moro dodlcalod to programming and II would bo dltncun 10 provldo bolh an Inlormal/on function Ind programming on one channol. Novick suggostod that organlzal/ons such as tho Sonlor Contor contact Publlo Access TV to g~1 programs lapod. Tom GOlman, Iowa City Publlo Ubrary Board 01 Trultoos, notod Ihatlho libraI}' Inlormal/on Is nol glvon out ovor tho tolovlslon, but glvon oul ovor lho tolophono. Drow Shallor commonlod Ihal Bob Hardy, tho producl/on coordlnalor, works wllh Susan Rogusky 01 tho Sonlor Conlor alallto vldoolapo Sonlor Contor programs and workshops. Novlck askod , ! II . .' I l' ! ; I I , I , j ! :r~ 7 rl I:' ':, LI ,-, - - - ~. Minutes Iowa City City Council Informal Council Sosslon Council Budgot Sosslon February 15, 1990 Pago 2 why tho Sonlor Conter wanll to 101 up tholr own oqulpmonL Holling oxp/a1nod tho CIIy currontly has a limned arnounl 01 equlpmonL Holling explained thore Is enough UlO In tho communlly 10 nocessnale duplication 01 equlpmon~ but he would advise that oqulpmonl and facllltlos nol bo avanablo 10 tho gonoral pubno. Councllmembor. discussed PAW. use 01 tho library laclllly. Councllmombors dlscussod tho cablo tolovlslon Iranchlso leo. McDonald noled tho appllcallon ollhe Iranchlso 100 rovonuo Is up to tho dlscrollon 01 tho City Council. Kubby Ilalod Iho supporls lundlng tho lull.lImo Inloracllvo spoclallst poslllon. Horowitz slalod a long.rango look al whoro tho City Is going Is noodod. Atkins suggostod Council mako It a mandalo 10 tho NPO. Holling slalod a discussion Is noodod with tho library rogardlng Iuluro plans In programming. Horowitz slalod tho School Dlslllctshould also bo conlaclod rogardlng tholr use 01 tho publlo accoss channels. IOWA CITY PU~RV . PAGE 178: Council distributed copies 01 Eggors' memo rogsrdlng dotalls 01 tho UbrllY Board'. rovisod proposal lor FV91. Tom Golman explalnod tho Ubrary Inlllally roquoslod In addlllonal3.76 employoos and camo back with a rovlsod proposal lor two lull.tlmo omployoos this yoar and 1.76 employoos tho lollowlng yoar. Qolman nolod tho Ubrary also roducod othor budgot requosts. Susan Crelg revlowod budgol roquosts as outllnod In tho momo. Horowitz askod 11 tho Ubrary purchasos a computor, aro olhor IIbrarlos In tho aroa conlaclod. Craig oxplalnod tho Publlo Ubrary rocelves an oducaUonal discount with rogard 10 purchasing mlcrocompulors and CoraMllo and tho school systom do nol use comparablo softwaro. Kubby nolod thai sho Is In supporl 01 tho rovlsed proposal Irom tho Publlo Ubrary. Novick askod whore tho monoy comes Irom litho City Council docldod 10 put $29,940 back In tho budgOL AIkIIlI ropllod thai tho CIIy Council will havo 10 discuss the source 01 funds. Horowitz slalod duplication 01 sorvlces and porsonnol should be avoldod. Aikins nOlod that tho Ubrary's amonded proposal did removo one poslllon subjecllo tho quosllon rolatlng 10 dupllcaUon 01 sorvlcOl. Susan Craig slatod Inlormatlon Is tho Ubrery's lob and Ubrary staff aro trained and hlrod as proloaslonalslo dollvor Inlormallon. Craig oxplalnod the Publlo Ubrary doos croalo Inlormallon, but budgol constrolnls koop tho Ubrary Irom sharing that Information In an lulomalod lormal wlth tho publlo. Horowitz askod why tho Ubrary cannot ask tho Inloractfvo programming systom to automato lhallnformsllon. Craig oxplalnod thoorotlcally tho Ubrary could, but tho Ubrary's type 01 Inlormallon Is bolng accessod by pooplo through a compulor, nOlthrough a lelovlslon. Roy Juslls, Broadband Tolocommunlcallons Commission mombor, stalod thai ho lell tho Council was conluslng tho dllforenllaclllllos, tho capablllllos 01 lochnologlos, and tho typoa 01 equlpmonllhat alroady bolongs to Ihe organlzallons. Horowitz askod II Council should continuo to Inveslln an Informallon spoclallstln bolh aronas. Juslls statod thoro aro two dlllorontlob doscrlpllons and Iho Inloractlvo spoclallstls dllloronl Irom lho Informallon spoclallst. Juslls notod Ihat somo monoy should bo usod 10 ostabllsh a program guldo 10 ollor Inlormal/on about tho various programming channels. , I , I ; I , II .. i I I ,. , i , ' I , 1-7 , J ,-, I:' :, LI f=' - - - - Mlnutos rowa City City Council Informal Council Soaslon Council Budgol Sosslon Fobruary 15. 1990 Page 3 Alklnl alaled thoro 110 I number 01 changoa In tho Flro Dopartmont budgollncludlng tho addition of a pubno InlormaUon and educatlonNalnlng officor. AlkIna alaled the Flto Chlof has oxpressed an Intoroslln contraltzJng the procosa 01 training and oalabllshlng a moro lonnal program 01 publlo InlormaUon. Aikins explained tho Flro Doparlmont'. proposod budgOI continuos tho Clty'a $12,500 contribution 10 Johnson County for tho CUy'a parUclpallon Inlo tho Hazardous Matorlals Rosponse Toam; tho addition 01 one woathor alorlalron por yoar for tho nolllthroo yoara; and tho addition 01 a now sorvlco . dofibulalorl. Aikins oxplalnod tho Flro Chlol wanlod 10 Includo one aulomatlo dofibulalor on oach ploca 01 firo oqulpmonL AlIdns oxplalnod tho Flro Dopartmonl obtalnod one donbulator through a granl and tho additional purchase 01 dofibulalors would allow one dofibulator 10 oach slatlon and two 10 tho downlown slallon. Atkins oxplalnod tho Flro Chlol has also roquoslod purchaso of IOlfoCQnlalnod broathlng apparalus, coltlng $9,000. Aikins statod thoro aro also a numbor 01 minor additional equlpmonl roquosts. Kubby Inqulrod Iho neod for an oxorclso blko. Atkins stalod tho Flro Dopartmonl wantod one In tholr room and 01 each 01 tho outlying Ilatlons. Atkins nOlod ho ollmlllltod the vldoo camora equlpmonl requosl 110m the budgot. AikIns also nOlod thai ho romovod tho vldoo oqulpmont roquosl Irom tho Sonlor Conlor'a budgOL Atkins oxplalnod thai Bud Qedo, Ronlor Conlor Commission rr.omber, wants 10 put tho vldoo oqulpmonl roquosl back In tho budgOI and roduco rundlng 10 fix tho Sonlor Contor collings. Kubby alatod thai firo oducatlon ahould bo coordlnaled with tho schoolayslom. Slaff and Councllmombora discussed tho nood lor a publlo Inlormatlon and oducatlorVtralnlng offlcor. McDonald nolod thai thai poSition usod 10 oxlSl, but was onmlnalod In 1978. Alklns oxplalned thai Chlol Donnor wants 10 havo a fun.tlmo IndMdual 10 add conslsloncy In tho training procoas. Courtnay quostlonod tho nood for a full.lImo tralnor. Courtnay alalod thai thoro Is nol a nood lor a apoclallzod Individual 10 do tho pubnc oducatlon In aohools. Ambrlsco Ilalod ho would Uke additional Inlormatlon ~om tho Flto Chlof rogarcllno this position. I I , I I , " , I . ' , I , I I I' , ; Atkins alated thoro aro no subslantlal changOl In tho propolod budgOL Alklns nolod ho ollmlnalod tho roquosl for a run.tlmo fronl dosk clork and slalod thoro Is a noed to rovlow tho oporaUons altho AnImal Conlrol Shollor for a yoar or ao boloro doclslonl aro made rogardlng additional staff. Council brlofly dlscussod oporatlons of tho Animal Conltol Sholtor. Aikins nOlod thoro aro no subslantlal changos In tho proposod budgol. Novick Inqulrod aboul Iho subslantlallncroaso In tho housing pormlts and Inspoctlon rocolpls Irom FYllO 10 FY91. IOmblo oxplalnod Ihoso rocolpls aro for coplos of plans, rosoarch, 010. Atkins slalod ho will oblaln moro Inlormal/on aboulthoso figuros. Staff and Councllmombors rovlewod building r~'l '-1 I:' :1 LI Cf - - - . Mlnuto. Iowa City CIty Council Inlormal Council Session Council BudgOI Sosslon Fobruary 15, 1990 pago 4 pormlll and Inspoctlon rocelpla; ltalllng fovola and building InspoctJon and housing InspocUon; and tho AIIltlod Housing Program. Kubby Inqulrod about.alary changes lor Boothroy. Aikins .Ialed ho has nol propo.ed 8trIlaJary changos lor Boothroy. In responso 10 Ambrlsco, Atkins .taled Ron Hondollon Is currently ruMlng tho Asslstod Housing Program. ~: Kubby Inqulrod about tho oroslon on ltaJls al Hickory Hili Park. AtkIns slated Ihere aro plans 10 mulch 10 .tablllzo tho trell 'Yltom. Kubby asked litho CSO'e could bo usod to pollco Hickory Hili. Aikin. statod thoro aro a low ehangos In tho Rocroallon budgot. Aikins stated ho ellmlnalod tho roquo~llor a numbor 01 malnlonanco rolalod poslllons bocauso all malntonanco actlvlllos 01 tho Clvlo Conlor, Roo Conlor, ole., noed addlllonal scrutiny. Aikins nOlod Truoblood has roquoslod $5,000 lor slructural ropalr 01 tho Roo Contor building. Atkins noted ho ellmlnatod tho roqu081 lor wolghl room oqulpmont. Horowllz raised concorns thai thero Is no storago .paco available to sloro oqulpmonl usod In chlldron'a Ihoator programs. Aikins slated thai thoro may bo spaco avanablo at tho U Smash 'Em building. ~: Aikins statod he Is rocommondlng tho parl.llmo park Inspoctor. Horowllz rolorred 10 tho Park.' ob)octlvo, '1) To Improvo turf aroas by maintaining a program 01 sound agrlcuhural practlcos, Including lerllllzallon, wood control, aoratlon and soedlng.' Horowllz .Iatod Iho would lIke Iowa CIIy to lako the load In docroaslng lorllllzaUon and Incroaslng tho typo. 01 grass usod. Atkins slatod It would be approprlato lor the Parks and Rocroatlon Commission 10 glvo City Council a policy poslllon rocommendallon on that. Ambrlsco slatod n Is Imporlanl lor tho parka 10 maintain a good, healthy lul1. Horowllz alatod buffalo grass has boon rocommondod. Atkins slatod thai budgol roquosls rolallng 10 tho now park havo boon eliminated. Aikins atalod tho Sonlor Contor would lIke to mako a now promol/onal film and gol sonlor clllzons moro actlvoly Involvod In tho vldoo procoss. Aikins slatod Councllmombora will rocoivo I rocommondatlon Irom tho Sonlor Conlor Commission and slall rogardlng Ihoso requosts. Kubby nOlod that oxtorlor building painting Is noodod. Larson InquIred aboul tha vldoo oqulpmonl budgot roquost. Aikins stalod tho Sonlor Contor wants 10 have sonlors moro actlvoly Invoivod In tho community programming access process and also wanls to mako tholr own promollonal 11Im. Councllmombors and slall discussed tho video oqulpmont needs 01 tho , I I I I , 11 .1 I , I ,. I ! , I i , I , . ! , , , ! I :' , :L-'/ '-1 P :, L, n - - - - - MlnutOl Iowa CIIy City Council Inlormal Council Session Councn BudgOI Session Fobruary 15. 1990 Pago 5 Sonlor Conlor. Novick SuggOllod rocommondlng 10 tho NPO they buy .mall hand.hold Camcordors. HaDIng .uggOlled tho Senior Cenlor ltaff nood 10 roly more hoavlly on CIIy Ilaff 10 IMlp train tho~ 111ft 10 do thoso kinds ollhlng.. HolDng elated tho equlpmonlthal we aro proposing purchasing undor tho Broadband Tolocommunlcatlonl SpocIallll'. budgol would be avanablo 10 tho Senior Contor. City Councnmombors discussod tho now Sonlor Conlor parking pormlls. McDonald rocommondod thatlnltlal~ I warning bo Ulod lolling parklng 101 user. thai tlckols will bo Issuod offoctlvo April I, 11l9O. Atkins .talod ho would Iiko 10 postpono dllcusslons aboul tho parking, wator, and .owor dopartmonls. Atkins suggostod Council adopl thoso budgots and amond thorn, II noodod, upon V1tosh's rolurn. AikIns also roquollod lomporarl~ pollponlng dIscussions 01 tho rofuso and landnll budgots until a memo Is complotod on Iho proposod pre,pald bag program. AikIns also nolod that ho rocolvod Iho DNR rogulaUons on financial assuranco lor tho landnll. Atkins slatad tho CIty IIts 10 guarlnloo tho landfill's porpolual caro and malntonanco. Aikins slalod ho will sChodulo discussion 01 roluso and landfill at Councll', Informal moollng. Council and slaff brloUy dlscuuod tho closuro, posl-closuro and porpotual malnlonanco 01 tho landfill and sharing tho nnanclal rosponslblllllos with othor lurlsdlctlons. Novick nolod thai JCCOG has dlscussod tho nood lot a coordlnalor. larson stalod Ihallltho coordlnalor Is on City atafl, loos Irom tho landfill could be usod lor hlS/hor salary. Aikins omphaslzod thai roluso colloctlon Is a IocaJ Iowa City Issue and landnn Is a roglonal Issuo. AWns slated thai tho CIIy should havo a dlroct hand In making doclslons and rocommondaUons rOlatlng to landnll managomonl. ~: Aikins stalod tho goneral altporl oporatlons has a $70,000 proporly lax subsidy as proposod. AIkins stalod tho alrporlln lis routlno oporaUolll has nol changod dramallcally. Staff and Councllmomboll dlscussod tho $140,000 doficll balance as II rolalos 10 Iho Dano 101IIomonL Aikins nollld tho A1rporl Commission Is upsol about tho use 01 tholr $140,000 10 pay Into the Dano 10lUomonL Aikin. slatod tho law slatos oxpendlluros Irom thai accounl musl bo a Wllllon warranl or ordor 01 tho A1rporl Commission and ho Intorprotod Iho doclslon Council made In oxocullvo losslon rogardlng paymonl 01 tho Dano sotllomonl a. an ordor 10 pay thai amounl. Atklnlllalod Council can: I) add $140,000 as" now expense 10 tho budgot, or 2) fund by way 01 QO dobl tho projocts proposod In tho CIP, Ambrlsco askod whoro Iho a'rporl oblalnod $140,000 cash roservo. Aikins oxplalnod thai at the ond 01 oach year IIlho alrporl did nol spond tho onUro omounl 01 monoy, n wonllnto a resorvo account. McDonald notod thai parl ollho monoy como Irom tho alrporl loos. Courlnoy Italod tho A1rporl Commission conlonds thoy nood 10 hovo 8 cash balanco 10 provldo lor malchlng granl lunds. Aikins notod ! I i, I . I : , I I I' .r~'l [I I~' ~I S ' 1 . Mlnutos Iowa City City Council Inlormal Councll Sosalon Council BudgOI Session Fobruary 111, 1990 Pago 8 ho Is recommondlng tho usa 01 GO monlol verlus cash because tho money was usod 10 purchase proporty, Courtnay nolod the Jncomo ~om p.ymonll 01 larm opor.1Iona could bo used 10 pay on tho GO bond.. Councllmombora dlscuued using tho airport'. '140,000 rGSorvo monlo.. Atkins omphallzod tho law ro.dl '.han bo dlsburled only on Wlltton warranll or ordor. 01 tho commission.' larson Italod tho lottor 01 tho law would requlto tho CIIy Managor 10 gol Wlltton mandato or ordor. AtklllI statod tho account It limply I negaUVO balanco and that account hasn' boon zoroed ouL Atkins Ilated tho munJdpallty has thll dlscrotlon on how much 01 Its budgot will bo for .Irpotl purposGS. In responso 10 Kubby, Aikins slalod that tho A1rporl Commission lubmlllod a IlsI 01 capltallmprovomonl projocts 10 tho cny. Aikins slslod Council noods to mako a doclslon rogardlng pulling monoy back Inlo tho alrporl accounl. McDonald stalod tho A1rporl Commission will bo prolonl al Monday'l Informal Council discussion. ~: Aikins Ilalod bus rldorshlp appoara 10 havo lovelod oli; tho budgot as proposod Is tho Imallosl Incroaso In transltlubsldy In somo tlmo; bultho aubsldy II oxpeclod to continuo to grow. Alldns Ilalod Councllmombors rocolvod tho Iransll roport. Aikins notod thai speciallzod sorvlcos aro growing al a festor ralo than routlno transit aorvlcos. Aikins roporlod that Joff Davidson will put a route analysis Inlo tho work program lor transportation plaMlng and thai Dav'odson has roqueslod somo Councll discussion tlmo rogardlng tho nood lOt additional routos. Atkllll prosonlod Inlormatlon rogardlng capital oqulpmonl purchasos and nolod that In FYll8 a numbor 01 buSOI will nood to be roplacod. Atkins Itatod options avallable 10 Council lor equlpmonl purchasos aro 10 sol asldo money now 10 accumulato a cash rosorvo or wall and nnanco tho purchaao all at one tlmo. Atkflll statod ho has boon In contact with Maty Nouhauser rogardlng loglslatlon 10 aulhorlzo moro trans" levy. AtklllI nolod anclhor option for capital oqulpmonl purchasos Is 10 soli gonoral obllgaUon dob~ but thai would probably be subject 10 rolerondum becauso II Is consldorod a non-ossontlal govommonl purpoao. Councllmombora dlscussod the option to 1011 tho gonoral obngatlon dobl and ff Transll would wlthsland a roforondum. Ambrltco askod about tho transll oqulpmonl and malnlonanco, $578,874 (pago 274). Holling oxplalnod thai tho trans" oqulpmonl malntonanco Is a dlroct char go back. Larson askod lItho proposod budgol would moan that errl oxpanslon 01 10rvlco would havo to wall unlll Juno 01 noxt yoar, Atkins slltod thai would bo Council'. docislon. Atkins slatod thalli Council woro 10 expand sorvlco, tho subsidy would oxpand In a slm!lar fashJon. Aikins notod thai Iowa City doGS have nolghborhoods thai aro curronlly not rocoMng transit SOrvlCOI. Councllmombors dlscussod tho possibility 10 expand routos. McDonald notod that Davidson Is also working on a dO','Olopmonl plan rOlatlng 10 the throo oporatlng bus Iyslems. Ambrlsco Italod JCCOG has provldod a ICOpo ollOrvlcos outllno. I , I , I i 'I I " I I, :r-7 [f. I~' :1 C, ,:' r - - - Mlnulos Iowa City City Council Informal Council Sosslon Council Budgol Sosslon Fobruary 16, 1990 Page 7 Novick Inqulrod about the budgot proposal lor a Iloam.eJeanlng machine. Atkins Ilatod thai II a $3,000 oxpenlo . $2.~OO of Fedoral rovenue monlOl and S600 01 IocaJ malchlng fundi. Kubby alalod thai tho Trans" budgol has boon operating closo 10 the Councll'a poncy thai 30% 01 Transll'a oporaUng oxpensos comos Irom Transllfaro boxos. Ambrlsco sald thai tho 30% Is nol a policy. Kubby nolod that Slato and Fodoral grants havo docroasod. Atkins nolod that ho lookod at tho proporty lax roporlfor Transll as a porconlago 01 tho lolallaxlng obllgallonl. Courtnoy nolod to tho City Managor that thoro 15 curronlly a dlspulO botwoon Strooll and Transit porsonnol as II rolatos 10 tho anowslorm. Atkins slalo~ It Is tho City's gonoral oporallng policy lor snowslorms thai slroola will bo cloarod 24 hour. from tho conclusion oflho Ilorm. Kubby stalod that lhoro aro dllloroncos In lho doscrlptlon of proJocts and tho schodulo 01 pr%cts by yoar and lundlng aourcos as It rolatos 10 funding codos. Aikins stalod the Capllallmprovomonl Program Is a plan thai may bo amondod. Atkins stalod Ihal slall trlod 10 lake advantego of any kind 01 Slato and Fodoral aid ond doos Iholr bosl to fulfill any kind 01 mandatos Irom Slato or Fodoral rogulatlons. Aikins oxplalnod thoy try 10 alablllze tho Ill)( consoquonco, whonovor pracllcal uso tho pay.as.you-go policy, and bulltlnlo Iho throo.yoar program Is a $2 million 01 uncommlllod GO dobt. Council dlscussod Iho $2 million 01 uncommlltod QO dobl. Aikins nolod thallI Council dooa not uso tho Ill)( dollars,thon tho Ill)( asking can bo roduced. In rosponso to Horowitz, Aikins slatod tho proposod lax Incroases wore 4.3%, 4.8%, and 6.7% and with tho provlous plan Indicating Incroasos 01 4.3%, 6.3%, and ~.8%. Alklnl slalod thoro aro two phllosophlos In budgoUng: 1) you can build In excess and allow It 10 bo roducod, or 2) do a responslblo job and budgol basod on rOal noods. Kubby askod whal aro conltlbutlons. Atkins statod contributions aro dovolopor contrlbuUons such as walor or sowor mains. Stall and CouncUmombors rovlewod Ihe Capllallmprovomonl Projocts as proposed. PARK ROAD STORM SEWER. Ambrlsco Inqulrod aboulthe Park Road Ilorm aowor. Aikins oxplalnod two proporty ownors havo complalnod rogardlng tho storm aowor ruooff from Park Road which empl/od Inlo Iholr back yard. Aikins slaled Ihoso proporty ownors wanl II corrocted and want 10 soo constructod a storm sowor 10 the rlvor. Aikins slalod lormor Councllmombor Larry Bakor, previously commonlod tho Councll's position Is thai thIs pr%cl should be a special assossmont. Aikins slatod allho price 01 tho projoct, It would IIkoly bo cheaper 10 buy Iho two housos. Atkins stalod Council noods 10 discuss policy rolal/ng 10 Iho proposed proloct nol fundod as listed on pago 17 01 Iho proposod Capital Improvomonts , 'I , I " I I I j' ..r..1 fJ I~' ~I S ~I Mlnulos Iowa City City Council Inlormal Council Session Council Budgol Sosslon Fobruary Hi, 1990 Pago 8 Program. Kubby askod lItho objoctlve ouUlnod In tho Parks budgotlo Improve walking trolls In Hickory Trail by Oclobor I, 1990, Is dlfforonl Irom the proposod ayslom ronovatlon (page 17). Atklns statod yos, tt rolo,. 10 hard lurfaclng. Kubby inquired about tho Bonton Strool Improvomonll (pago 17). Alkllll slaled thai " rotalos 10 the dry walor nOWl thai tho clly has In Itorm IOWOrs and requlros tho Inlloductlon 01 stormwaler Inlo tho lloatmonl process 10 Improvo thai now. Aikins staled ho will obtain addltlonallnlormatlon. WATER MAINS: WASHINGTON AND MADISON. Horol'oitz oskod II this will bo alloctod by tho Unlvorslty 01 Iowa vacaUon 01 stroots. Aikins slalod ho doubls 11. ST. CLEMENTS STREET PAVING (pago 9). Kubby Inqulrod about tho schodullng 01 tho SI. Clomonts Slloot paving projoct. Atkins stalod that lho SI. Clomonls Sllool projoctls proposod lor FY92 and will bo paid lor by road uso lax. Horowitz askod litho City Is going to build In tho budgot capacity for fulfilling tho mandato 01 Fodoral purification on wator. Atkins roforrod Councllmombors to tho walor troatmonl plant Improvomonls (page 2). AtkIns slatod tho Clty's walor troalmont planlls old and Is not doslgnod to moet now atandards. AikIns slalod the now Ilandards and now wator quality moans lho City may nood to Introduco now lloalmonl procossos which the Clly currontly doos not havo. CURB RAMP INSTALLATION. No Council commonl. WATER MAINS. Kubby asked why a blggor plpo Is neodod. Atkins oxplalnod bocauso of tho age 01 tho plpo, thoro Is a now capacity In tho nolghborhood, and It will sIgnificantly Improvo tho wator prossuro In tho downtown. NEW DEEP WELL Atklnl oxplalnod tho wator resources plan and pency has 10 bo addrossod and a new doop wollls Incorporatod Into tho planning procoss. Atkins notod that two locations havo beon IdonUnod, Highway 8 and Rochoslor Avonuo. In rosponse 10 larson, Aikins slalod thai tho City's walor sal/snos standards current~ doslgned and tho City 10 going through oxtonslvo anaJysls 01 tho walor. Atkins omphaslzod tho Oily futly compllos wllh tho regulations althll polnlln tlmo. larson slatod he can11maglne anybody drinking tha lap wator In Iowa City aftor soolng tho level 01 postlcldos thai Is In tho lop walor, Novick askod what OP slands lor. Atkins stalod thai OP stands lor oporal/onsl rovonuos. Kubby askod 1111 Is possible to uso tho woll wator In tho sprlngtlmo lor resldonllal.reslsuranl uso. Aikins stalod thore Is a possibility 10 hook up a splckol. Kubby slalod Iho City should apoak out agalnsl pollution or surface walors. WATER PLANT CHEMICAL BUilDING AND WATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENT. Aikins alslod Council Is awaro 01 thoso projects. Novick aSkod what CO moans. Aikins slatod conlrlbutlons Irom tho dovolopor, , I , I I . Ij .1 I : I ! i 1 I' ! :[,-7 LI e .~I S _ ~L Mlnutol Iowa CIIy CIIy Council Inlormal Councll Selllon Council Budgol Session Fobruary 15, 1990 pago D WATERMAlN INDUSTRIAl PARK. Atkins slatod thallhlsls part 01 tho City's commltmonllo BDI 1Inanclng. NAPOLEAN PARK RENOVATION. Atkins slalod thai tho park Is badly dOllgnod. McDonald Inqukod eboulthe $250,000 proposod a1locaUon. Atkins slslod " Is an establlshod park, alttactlvo, homo 01 girls sonban, and could bo bG"or doslgnod. WlLlOWCREEK PARK PARKING LOT. Kubby Ilalod II soccor flolds aro movod 10 tho south Itoalmonl planl park, thoro may not bo tho nood lor addltlonol parkIng lots. AikIns slalod Wlllowcrook has parklng probloms. Horowitz Ilatod tho City should oxploro tho usa 01 plasllc bumpors anywhoro tho City has parking loll. Aikins notod ho has a strong orlonlatlon 10 nolghborhood parks. larson askod how doclslons are made to usa bonds or GO lundlng. Aikins Ilalod that slaflltlos 10 koop tho dobl fairly conslant and whon bonds aro marketed It Is Ilslod as parks and rocrootlon Improvomonls. REPlACE CEMETERY STORAQE BUILDING. Courlnoy askod IIlho comolery building will bo big onough 10 sloro tholr oqulpmont. Aikins Ilalod YOl. WNTF NORTH PLANT AEHA9, Aikins nolod that tho building oxtorlor noods work. Kubby askod why this was nol part 01 a provlous financlal commllmonl. Aikins oxplalnod tho provlous nnanclal commllmonl lor tho north plant rohab had alroady boon maxlmlzod. Novick askod whal SP moalll. Atkins slalod spoclal assossmont. SOUTHGATE EXTENSION. Horowitz noled thai tho plans aro 10 oxtond Southgalo Avonuo 10 lust wolI 01 Crandlo Railroad. Horowitz askod whal happons on tho othor sldo 01 tho Crandlc Ralltoad. AtklllI slalod tho narratlvo In the lold doos nol road corroctly and thai oxtonslon lhould run fiom Walorlronl 10 Qllbort. Aikins alalod ho wlll propare addlUonal Inlormatlon. Kubby asked why the prO/oct Is bolng fundod with gonoral obllgallon bonds and road uso. Atklnlstalod thai tho original GO bond noodod somothlng 10 balanco II out. larson askod who ownlthO land adlacentlo Southgale. Aikins alalod Konnody owns thai proporty. larson suggoslod working wllh tho proporly ownor 10 eslabllsh tho now road. KIRKWOOD AVENUE: GILBERT TO DEFORESr. Horowitz alatod tho Transporlatlon Plannor Is doIng an arto~aI colloctor sllool plan lor tho Iowa City Urbanlzod Aroa. Horowitz suggostod thai tho wording bo changod Irom ~ 10 [gW,2. Horowitz statod Iho word roconslruct should bo romovod. Horowitz omphaslzed Iho doos nol want tho Council 10 consldor Iho concopl 01 oncroachmonl 01 lour lanos all tho way down KIrkwood. Atkins slalod tho projoct will nol bo devolopod until Council rovlows tho prolocl plans. Aikins slatod that primary omphasls II Ihalthe slroot noodslo bo ropalrod and Ills an east'Wflstthoroughlare. Horowltz omphaslzod thai traffio pallorns nood 10 be .Iudlod al'd thoro aro a 101 ollrafDo quos lions thai nood 10 bo Insworod. Ambrlscc nolod thai ho Is nol sure that tho ono.way strools aro approprlalo lor today's Iralflo. Aikins statod Council could a~lthorlzo preliminary work and I I I , I , " .' , I I' :[-1 . n I:' ::1 c, c, - ' - - - - - Mlnutos Icwa cny CIIy Council Inlormal Council Solllon Council Budgol SOIlIon Fobruaty 15, 1990 Pago 10 pro!lmlnaty plw could bo prolOnted 10 Councll. Alkfns stated the proposed $90,000 allocation could be moved 10 FY92 and K p1Wllo proparod Ollly, tho budgol could be IIllGnded. BRIDGES: SECOND AVENUE AND BROOKSIDE DRNE. Ambrlsco askod K IhIs rolor.lo two dlfforonl brldgOl. Alklna .taled YOl. OVERPASS ON CAPITOL STREET. Horowitz /ntJulrod about ropalr. noodod on tho overpass localod on Capitol Stroot AIkIns .Ialod tho railroad Is rOlponllblo lor IhoIO ropalrs and tho City may nood 10 .uo thom. Ambrlsco notod lhalthal raJ!ro.d was roconUy .old. ~: ! . Novick Inqulrod aboul nowaplpor vondlng machlno.. AikIns Ilalod thai ho can complolo propalaUon 01 a momo Culllnlng tho IssuOl and opllon.. Novick proposed pUlling nowapapor vondlng machlnOlln tho CIP 10 buy modular unlll. Aikins .Iatod ho will complolo proparatlon of a momo and prosonllllo CoUncillor conlldoratlon. Kubby Inqulrod aboul dlsculllons rolaUng 10 CMc Contor rOmodonng. McDonald nolod thaI Council wfII 001 mool on Saturday and tho noxt Council m06t1ng Is schodulod 101 Monday, Fobruaty 19, 8:30 p.m. The mooting adlourned al 9:43 p.m. ! I \ ' f i , I I I I ,I , :["1 "" : I , I I i I ' I i I I i I I : I I i I , I I .! i \ ! IF 1! : j : I 1 I 11 , , f : i . i , ; ! I I ! I I , , j I i ) I I i , , , . , " I . . '-1 I:' =1 C, h _0 _ _ _ _ Inlormal Council SOlslon Fobruary 19, 1990 ~: Fobruary 19, 1990,6:45 p.m, In tho Council Chamboll. Mayor John McDonald prosldlng. ~'mombor. Proson!: McDonald, Courtnay, Kubby, Novfck, Horowitz, Larlon, Ambrlsco. Slaffmombors e(gUOl: HolI/ng. Schmolsor, Donnor, Karr, Klmblo, Craig, O'Mallay, Mansnold, O'NolI. ]aDo.rocordQl/: Rool 9().25, Sldos 1 &2, All; Rool 00.26, SldOl I &2, All; Rool 9().27, Sklo 1. END, Sldo 2, END",,91. Rool 9().25. Sldo I A. Schmolsor oxplalnod tho proporly was provlous~ ownod by Iho Iowa City Communlly School Dislrlct and was aold aovoral yoara ago 10 Irono PoiSIng. Schmollor Ilaled tho proporly had nol boon rozonod at that tlmo and II was Councll'a requosl 10 Inltlalo rozonlng tho properly. 'I i 'j I . I. I r B. Schmol"r oxplalnod tho 101 has romalned undovolopod alnco 'I was oslabnshod In 1963 and tho Planning & Zoning Commlsslcn and ataff rocommondod that this oppJlcallon bo approvod. Horowitz askod IIllaff ralsod tho Issue roglldlng Itylng 10 zono thai proporly RS.8for mulUplo lamlly dwolllngs. Schmolsor alated thallssuo was dlscussod, but tho properly doea nol havo aurnclonl squaro lootage. Horowitz askod II tho appJlcanl could Isk for a varlanco undor tho AS-8 zoning. Schmolsor slatod YOl, thai Council doos havo tho prorogatlvo 10 ask tho Board 01 AdjuSlmonl 10 consldor aomolhlng auch IS thai. Schmolsor oxplalnod that at Councll'a roquost, the applicant could purauo action boloro tho Board 01 Adjuslmonlto roquosl a varlanco. Novlck askOd II Council has tho ability 10 rozono tho proporly 10 RM.I2. Schmolaor Italod Council would havo 10 rolor Iho mallor back 10 tho Planning & Zoning Commission for roconsldoral/on. Novick atalod thai a mulU-unlt zoning would bo a bollor buffor than CO.l zoning. Council dlacussod tho Impact 01 Irarno undor dllloronl zonlnga. Schmolsor Ilalod allssuo la wholhor tho Icl Is lultablo for a alnglo.famlly dwolllng. Horowitz auggoslod thai affordablo housing. modular conslructlon . could bo put on tho proporly. i i " , I-r '-1 I:' :1 C, '-I , - - - - '- Informal Council Sosslon Fobruary 19, 1990 Pago 2 Ambrlsco Inquired about the T. Wong's Sludlo. Schmol.or oxplalnod It was his undorslandlng that T. Wong'a Studio was originally oslabllshod as a home occupation with the properly ownor IMng In the dwolllng. Schmolsor staled thalli tho ownor movos out. Ills no longor a homo occupation. Council dlscussod 1II0gal usos 01 proportJOI. Horowitz statod thalsomoone Is living on tho lop nocr and Is conducting buslnoss In tho garagost1813 Lowor Muscatlno Road. In rosponso 10 Larson, Courlnoy alalod onforcemont rolatlng 10 UIOS usually Is done on a complalnl basis. Larson nolod that he thinks" Is bad busfnoss lor tho CIIy 10 foltho law bo vlolaled. Kubby Inqulrod about corrospondonce Irom area nolghboro rogardlng wldanlng lowor Muscatlna Road. Schmolsor atatod thallntormatlon was misinformation. C. LOWER !r!USCATI~ ROAD fllQM.BH TO CO.I. (Rox Brandsta"or) Schmolsor slalod that whore thoro sre protosls 10 a rozonlng application. It has boon Councll's policy 10 nol glvo nrst consldoratlon on tho same nlghl as tho publlo hoarlng. Schmolsor nolod tho applicant askod for expodllod action. Schmolsor statod thai as a rosult 01 Councll's discussion rolatlng 10 tho acknowlodgomont 01 potltlons objoctlng 10 a parllcular rozonlng and tho roqulromenlfor a notary publlo 10 sign off, atall has noUned tho nolghbors thai 10 call1nlo quosUon a 3/4 majority 01 Councllto ovorrldo tho objoctlons olthD properly owners, they must havo thoso lellors acknowlodgod by a notary public. Schmolsor slalod stall will bo changing tho form 10"OIs 10 proporly ownors so Ihal Informal/on Is contalnod In thoso 10110rs. In rosponse to Novick, Schmolsor explalnod thai II 20 porconl 01 lho aroa alloctod wllhln 200 foet 01 tho proporly petitions 10 be rozonod objocts, II roqulros an oxtraordlnary majority vola of City Counclllo approvo the rozonlng. Schmolsor oxplalnod that Council may wanllo conllnuo tho publlo hoarlng for two wooks. McDonald askod Council to dolor action at Councll's formal Councll moollng. i I I I , I " , .' , ! I. i D. No Council commont. E. QfM. No Council commont. F, ENmwas. No Council commont. G. .I~! ....-... ..... ~ . . . ~ -- n I:' :, C, FI - - - -. - Inl00mal Council Session Fobruaty 19, 1990 Plgo 3 lHiliAMED mm:.BE1WEE~AFT SPEEDWA;~~gl~gs~;~~~~=~~~~ ~ Schmolsor notod thai Council rocolvod corrospondonco Irom Gontry rogardlng tho oxtraO/dlnary majO/lty volo requlromont. Gonlty slalod Mr. Donahuo plans 10 objoct and 11 ho does, thoro will bo 20 porconl and trlggor tho 3/4 porcIni malorlty volo. Gonlty also nolod thai Council rocolvod tho corroct Exhlbll A showing Tract 1 dolotod. Ambrlsco rolorrod 10 tho agonda commonl ro: Councll mlnutos 01 tho Januaty 9, 1990, public hoarlng and strossod tho Impollanco ollncorporaUng thoso mlnulos Into tho pubno hearing In ordor 10 avoid duplication. J. ROAD AND TAFT SPEEDWAY. WEST OF DUBUQUE STREET. (elD!lm!Ja Aroal Schmolsor nolod lhslthls II nnal consldoraUon 01 tho vacotlon 01 the unnamod sltoel. , I I I I " I. OJ No Council commonl. K. j ~ ! " I Schmolsor stalod thai" Is Councll'a policy thai upon tho donlal 01 any rozonlng roquosl thai Council adopts a resolution solUng lorth roasons lor tho donlal lor tho rocord. I I , L Schmolsor oxplalnod thai prollmlnaty plats are valid lor a porlod 0118 months unloss tho appllcanllo roquosll an extonslon 01 thai porlod lor anothor 18 months and thoro Is approval by City Council. Larry Schnllljor, MMS Consullants, slalod tho nnal pial has boon submltlod. M. Schmolsor slalod this "om was dolorrod al Council's lasl mool/ng duo 10 probloms rolatlng 10 slormwalor managomonl and thoso probloms sUII havo nol boon romodlod. i I i I f :r-t [I I~' 9 5 q Inlormal Council Sosslon Fobruary ID. 1990 Pago 4 Novfck Inqultod abcultho agroomonl with SouIhwosl Ellalos SubdMslon. Gonlly o~plalnod thai whGn local bulldor. and landing InsUluUonl gollnto tho 10COndary morlgago markol, tho IocaJ pracllco olal1ornoya giving altornay'l oplnlonl and buying proportlos was thai thoy would ovorlook tho obligation 01 tho .ubdMdor requked undor the SubdMdor's Agroomonl and tho Slormwator Managomonl Easomonl Agroomont u . lion. ~ would Ihow up as I non on tho proporty titJo rovlowj howovor, tho IocaJ allornays would .lmply Ignoro II, knowing II wu no major problom. Once they gotlnlO lecondary mortgago markots, altornoy. Irom outsldo tho community woro nol nearly u rocoptlvo 10 over.locklng IhIs Don. Gonlly Itatod thotln ordor 10 Ity 10 accommodalo IhIs, alaff hIS como up with a parUaI roleaso which only roloasel tho lubdlvldor Irom conltructlon roqultomonll, bultho Don attachOllo tho escrow. Novfck IIkod K CO/lIlIuclIon will occur aoon. Oonlty allied yo.. Kubby Inqulrod aboullho covorago on tho Ilormwator draJnago basin. Gonlty oxplalned thai tho dovolopmont carl' bo c:omplutoly roloasod In lorms 01 tho COIltructIon purpolOllrom public works roqulromonts unUl all tho loll 110 contltucted In tho aroa and tho groundwaler covor II oatabllshed and mowablo. Gonlly lilted tho CIty does nol roloaso tho agroomonlln tOlms 01 tho oasomonl and tho roqulromonll lor malntonance and mowing, eJ!snIng out plpos. 010., ItJII romaln on tho proporly. Horowitz oskod ~ Wloto tho Dmlled roloaso agroomonl. Qonlty Ilalod thaI ahu draftod tho original cIocunKtn~ bulal1ornay. lor tho .ubdMslon rOWtolo tho draft. Horowitz roforrod to p8lagroph throe 01 tho Igroomon~ "Tho ClIy acknowIedgOl tho lacmty horoln has now boon subllanUally complolod. Tho groundcovor lor othor MUlo paris 01 Southwoll Ellalol SubdMslon I. not yol OIlabhhod and thai lor IhIs rOllon tho .ubdMllon agroomonl consUlutOl a non and cloud on tho property dOlctlbod above.' Horowitz liked" Qonlty agrood with thai provision. Gonlly llalod thol ~ c:anncl be comploled In lorms 01 conltructlon unUltho groundcover has boon ollabllthod and II mowablo. Horowitz asked" language was Iltong onough 10 pormll a lion and cloud en tho proporly. Gonlty Ilated YOl, ~ II limply by roason 01 bolng rocordod In tho Rocordor'l 0IlIc0. em!: Rool 0()'25, Sldo I Holling InbocluCed ChrlaUno Evanlon, Chair 01 PAN. Horowttz rolorrod to tho proposed agroomonl and askod litho agroomont holdl PAN 10 what tho CIty It being hold 10 vll.a.vls tho Horllago Cablo FranchllO AgroomonL Horowitz Iskod K PATV bocomos tho City'. InIltumonl lor onlorclng thai contlact with Horltlgo Cablo. ChrlsUno EvlllllOn .tatod no,thal PATV Is providing managomonl 01 tho publlo acce"lorvlcoa. Horowltz omphallzed tho noed to malnlaln I plpor trail as It rolalo. 10 Itylng 10 flguro oul w1horo lhll Igroomonl dovolalls In with tho City'. franchlso agroomonl. Laraon askod II this conltact IImIla In any way tho City'. rlghlto rogulato conlonl 01 tho community accoss channol. Evanson Ilalod II will be tho .amo as II hal boon and thaI PATV II providing a publlo lorum 10 tho peopIo. wsen IIkod litho ClIy woro 10 OIlabllsh guldollno. that aro moro Iltlngonl than tholO thai aro now In offoct, would that be In vlolIlIon 01 tho conltact; do guldollnOl havo 10 bo approved by both PATV and tho CIIy: and whal happons II thoro II a connlct botwoon PAN and tho City roglldlng tholO guldoUnos. Holling stalod Iho onus Is on both partlos to I I I , Ii , I " I I I' r-s CI I~/ ~I b' CI ~ ' Inlormal Council Sosslon Fobruary 19. 1990 Pago 5 como 10 an agroomonl. laraon alalod thatthll agroomonl doOl 001 glvo tho City tho power 10 docldo whothor 10 rogulato tho conlonl 01 tho publlo ICC... chaMOI. Courtnay asked v.tlon do tho guldollnos gol discussod. Evanson Ilalod thalthoso guldollnoa aro PI! PAW. .gonda and tho tlmollno Is 10 complolo thoso guldollnos withIn IIx months aftor oxocuUon 01 tho conltact. Councllmombora dlscussod guldollnOl lor tho publlo accoaa channol. Evanson oxplalnod that tho blggOlI challongo I. going 10 be publlo oducatlon and lolling pooplo obout publlo accoss. Ambrlsco askod how ono rosorvos Umo 10 usa tho publlo aCCOII channol. Evanson oxplalned thai a 101 01 pooplo go through tho training. Evanson llalod thai also aomoono can bring In a lapo, I.e. one thai a nallonal group has produced, and pUl " on publlo accosl. Evonson explalnod thallI you wanllo mako a ahow and uao tho equfpmonl, you havo 10 lako a claso nral. laraon Inqulrod about tho IgroomonL Holling alaled tho documonlls pal1ornod oxtonslvoly aftor an agroom~nl thai now oidsls botwoon tho City 01 Davis. California Ind tho non.prollt organlzallon thoro. larlon asked litho City will hlvo any say rogardlng the guldollnos aboul programming on publlo accoss. Holling Slolod It will requlro \haltho City and PAlV bolh opprovo Ihoso guldollnos. Larlon aSkod whal happens II thoro Is a dlsagroomont. Holling stalOd Ihalthoro aro two options: 1) go back 6nd Ity to work aomolhlng out until ovoryono ogroos on It. and 2) PATV would havo to faco tho roallzatlon Ihat thoy could nol oporalo undor tho guldollnos roqulrod by tho City and disband. laraon stalod ho Is nol comlorlablo with tho Idoa that tho powor doGS not rosl with one 01 the two bod/os. Gonlty atatod aho originally draftod 1110 bo approvod by tho City. Councllmomborl and Ilall dlscussod oslabllshmonl and approval 01 guldollnes. McDonald askod litho conltact noods 10 bo approvod beforo PAlV has tho opportunlly 10 formulale the guldollnGS. Evanlon stalod the conltact has 10 bo approved bolole PAlV can bogln tho managomonl of publlo acco... larson ralsod concorns thai thoro may bo probloms If Ihoro aro philosophical dlsagroomOnll oidsllng botwoon Council and PAlV. A'l1brl!co :I:led that alvavd iimc~ali ihould havo tho u"'mato doclslon rolatlng 10 tho publlo accoss channol. Evanson alalod thallho publlo ICCOSS channollsn~ somoth/ng tho City Council Is rosponslblo for on a day-lO.<fay basis. Ambrlsco slatod Iho City does approvo tho franchlso agroomonl with Horllago Cablo lV. Doylo Dotroll statod thai II was hor undorslandlng thai whon Iho original franchlso agroomonl was establlshod, thoro was a stipulation thai I non.prom organlzaUon was supposod to lako ovor managomonl oflho publlo access channol, Dotrollllatod thai" was the Inlonlthal public accoss bo managod by an Indopondonl body and Council would rolor complalnls to that managing body. Ambrlsco aSkod II appllcanls 10 use tho channol aro scroonod. Doltoll oxpla/nod poraons cannot advortlso a local business, cannot raise monoy, cannol slandor a localllguro, cannol lIbel anyono, and cannot produco anything on tho channol which moots tho community standards lor pornography or obsconlty. Dolroll slatod Ihal PAlV would wantlho producors to tollthom whalls bo/ng producod and oach producor has to sign II slatomonl uylng thoy undorsland tho guldollnos. Councllmombors discussed publlo accoss guldollnos. Kubby slalod thai Council should look al whal Is tho function of publlo acco.. and how this contract facllltatos publlo IICCOSS bolng avallablo and bolng used. Kubby slotod II Council roally wants PAlV to bo an Indopondont non.prolll organization 10 lacllllalo Iho publlo accoss, thoy should bo rosponslblo fOl croatlng thoso guldollnos. McDonald aSkOd II PAlV Is undor any doadllnos. Evanson oxpllllnod thoy would lIke 10 assumo tho managomonlln April. McDonald alalod lurlhor discussions should bo schodulod at anothor Inlormal Council mooting. Council dlscussod Iho nood lor IIddltlonal discussions. L Cochran slatod thai Council could voto on " , ! . I I. .r.s '-1 I:' :1 h ' I -' - - - ..... Inlormal Council Sosslon Fobruary 19, 1990 Poge 8 tho agroomonllonlghl, thon work on dolalls 01 \ho guldollnos. Kubby Ilalod atlssuo I, I'Iho shall opprovo thoso guldollnos. Ambrlsco slalod IssuOl nood moro 01 an airing, Ncvfek and Horowitz atated thoy wore roacly 10 vole on tho contract. larlon ralsod concornl rogardlng lho guldollnos. Gontry notod thai guldollnos can control tlmo and VI.lblllty, not conlonl and tho contonl cannotlncludo obsconlty undor tho Flrll Amondmonl. Horowitz Ilelod thai guldollnos can bo workod out. Movod by CourtnOy,locondod by Horowitz, 10 adjourn 10 oxocutlve IOSslon 10 discuss Itratogy In mallora thai aro prosonUy In litigation or whoro litigation Is ImmInonl, whoro nl dllclolure would bo Ilkoly 10 projudlce or dlsadvanlago tho position 01 the govornmonlal body In thai IIl1gallon (WIlliams lawsuIValrport). Afflrmallvo roll call voto unanimous, 7/0, all Councl1momboll presont. Tho Mayor doclarod tho mollon carrlod and adjourned 10 oxocullvo losslon, 7:55 p,m. Council rolumod 10 opon ao::Ion, movod by larlon, secondod by Kubby, 10 accopl tht rocommendatlon by Ally. David Brown lor a 10lUomonlln tho Williams lawsull. Tho Mayor doclarod tho motion carrlod unanimously, 7/0, all CouncUmomborl prosont. AIRPORT DISQV~SION: Council road correspondonce rocelvod Irom Unda Qontry 10 RIchard Blum dotod FobruDIY 19, 1990. McDonald Ilatod Council Is moollng wI\h AIrport Commission momborl 10 discuss 01 the alrporl capllal rosorvo monlos lor tho Dane IOlUomonL Blum, Chair 01 tho Airport Commission, alalod that al Issue Is tho proprloty 01 the CIIy Managor and Finance Dltoctor laking fundi which aro undor control 01 tho Alrporl Commission lor uso lor any purpolO. Blum slaled thai ~'8S an Impropor acUon and 1II0gal. McDonald Ilaled thoro noods 10 bo moro communlcallon botweon the City Council and AIrport Commission. larson omphaslzod thai the CIIy Managor would nol do anything 1II0gal. John Ockonlols, Alrporl Commlsslcn mombor, stalod thai City slaff should havo contactod anyone on tho AIrport Commission rogardlng tho use 01 tho alrporl resorvos. Blum stalod thaI anothor Issuo Is tho approprlale use 01 tho monoy. Atkins oxplalnod thai nothing 1II0gal had boon dona and tho accounl romalns al a negallvo balanco. Aikins oxplalnod tho City chargod ayalnsltho a1rporl capllaJ rosorve accounl I porllon 01 tho cosllo pay tho Dano condomnallon award and tho doc/slon romalns II 10 whothor Council choosos 10 use thoso funds 10 pay this award or roplonlsh tho amounllrom somo olhor sourco ollunds. Tha City Council, slaff and Alrporl Commission mombora dlscussod us. 01 Iho alrporl roservo monlOl. Blum omphaslzod tho only logal way 10 apond tho monoy Is with Alrporl Commission authority to do ao. Laraon alalod thai Alklnl agroosthal tho Alrporl Commission Is tho only one thai can authorlzo oxpondlturo 01 thaI money, ho mado tho bookltooplng judgmonllo allow tho Dano 101tIomonllo bo paid, and II Is now up 10 tho Alrporl Commission 10 ral/Iy thaI doclslon. Atkins slalod tho City had 10 chargo II agalnsltho approprlale accounllo onsuro propor publlo dlsclosuro. Ockonlols alalod \ho monoy In tho accounl was alroady commll1od 10 tho FAA. Kovln O'Malloy oxplalnod Iho City nogatlvoly nnancos many auch Improvomonls and funds II through tho samo way. i I . , I, , I " I i I, , I J.t [I '/:, :, h I:' - - - - Inlormal Council Sosslon Fobruary 19, 1990 Pago 7 Blum oxplalnod thai tho mQney Is In the rosorvo account bocauso the AIrport CommIssion has 'aqulrrlod "away.' Blum slalod II monoy \Vas nol aponl at tho ond 01 tho yoar, It was transforrod to tho Ilrporl capllallmprovomonts lund. Horowitz slalod that II tho monoy has boon approprlaled lor a spoclno purposa and thaI monoy Is carr/ad ovor, thon tho publlo accounlablllly has 10 bo malnlalnod lor tho spoclno use 01 tho carryovor monoy. Blum slatod tho rOlorvo accounl was oslabllshod bocaUIO monoy was savod and historically the AIrport Commission has nol boon ablo 10 antlclpalo FAA funding. Blum statod monoy Is noodod lor an FAA matching fund. The Alrporl Commission and Councllmombors dlseuasod tho nood lor tho avallablllly 01 matching funds. Kubby askod II tho Alrporl Commission has any money 'squlrrled' away lor posslblo lawsuits agalnsltho airport. Blum slatod no. Blum stalod tho Dano lull was nol egalnsltho alrporl. Blum slalod tho ontlro procell by which II camo 10 bo paid was somothlng tho alrporl rocommondod against. Horowitz slatod that lithe a'rporl wasn'tthoro, tho CIIy would not havo gol1on Inlo the suit. Courtnay slalod tho CIIy Council originally made tho doclslons that causod tho lawsull, notlho alrporl. Larson slatod thaI al Issuo Is wIhothor the alrporl ahould pay lor II bocauso ills rolalod to tho oxlslonco 01 tho alrporl or whothor tho City Council should IInd somo othor placo In tho budgollo pay lor II bocauso II was basod on a mlslako modo by Iho City Council. Blum oxplalnod what tho Alrporl Commission Inlondod to do with Iho cepllal rosorvo Improvomonl monlos, Blum alalod thai tho Alrporl Commission had hopod 10 bo plckod lor a $3OO,()()0.$400,OOO FAA granl and tho Alrporl Commission has oppnod to tho Slalo lor corlaln othor granls. Blum stalod thai tho Alrporl CommIssion Is also concernod aboultho Issue 01 fuol clorago. Blum oxplalnod lho airport owns and has on lis land some luelslorago tanks thai do not comply with slalo rogulallons. Blum olalod thai monoy will probabty bo noodod to romovo thoso lank. and put In now onos. Horowitz suggoslod tho airport work with the City In projocts rolallng 10 loaklng undorground lanks. O'NolI slalod thoro Is going 10 nood a substanllal Investmonllo como up 10 EPA slandards lor such tanks. CIIy Councllmombors and Alrporl Commission mombors dlscussod tho nood lor avallablo lunds 10 malch FAA grants. Blum slatod Irom his polnl 01 vlow " dOllsn' mal10r whothor monoy Is sitting In an alrporl accounl or whothor thore Is a rosoluUon on nlo that says that atluch limo tho alrporl can completo a 90/10 FAA granl malch thai X amount 01 dollars aro pro.approvod. Horowitz askod II thoro was any way tho Alrporl CommIssion and tho Flnanco Doparlmenl can ostabllsh a mochanlsm In Iho Iuluro that II tho alrporl neods lunds, tho alrpOrl could dobllll oul 01 0 City account. Blum stalod monoy could be oarmarkod lor tho alrporl. Kubby askod how lawsuits are paid lor by tho alrpOrl. O'NolI oxplalnod tho alrport's liability Insuranco Is a small policy and tho proporty allho alrporlls undor tho Clty'o solf.lnsuranco program. Kubby suggoslod tho Alrporl Commission 'squlrror away funds lor lawsuits. Courlnoy nolod the City doos nolsol asldo monoy lor lawsuits. larson Inqulrod about lundlng alrporl capital Improvomont proJocts. Larson askod II tho alrporl's capltallmprovomonl projocts ahould bo lundod In tho same manner Iho City lunds Its othor capital Improvomonl projocts. Atkins slatod yos. AIkins oxplalnod tho capllal Improvomont projocts should bo submlttod In conjunction with alllho other projocts and tho City would assign lIa sourco ollunds. larson askod litho City Council would approvo or dlsapprovo tho alrpOrl's capitol projocls. AIkIns stalod Ihat Council should approvo or dlsapprovo all capitol projocls bocauso Council has 10 aulhorlzo lho dobl and/or olhor funds. , I I I 1 I II I .. ' I I I I I' I , , :I..~ n oJ I:' :1 h =1' . - - - - - Informal Ccuncll Selllon Fobruary ID, IDllO Pago e Alldns noled thai tho AIrport Commission II appolnlod by Council and thoso appolntmonts II ronoctlvo 01 tho pollclOI 01 CIIy Council. Blum nOlod tho appolntmont procm Is to avoid pollUcIz/rto tho Commission. Blum notod thai provlous~ thoro was a political loading of Alrporl Commlsslorvnombors 01 pooplo who woro antl.alrport. O'Nollllalod \ho airport has a dlfflcull tJmo slaglng tho alrport'l capltal Improvomonl prolocll becauso thoy aro unsure 01 tho FM funding. AlkIns omphaslzod thai Councfl should bo actlvoly Involved In tho CIP procoss. CouncIlmombora dlscullod tho use 01 the AJrporl Commission resorvo fund lor paymonl 01 tho Dano 10lUomonL Alklnsllaled thai n Councflls golng 10 pay $140,000, It should probab~ be paid oullhls nseal yoar. Alklns alalod that a portion could be appllod to the upcoming nseal yoar, bulthal would bo I now oxpondlluro lor tho budgel which Is currontly unddr consldoraUon by Councfl. Aikins Ilaled thore wore two OXpolllO chargos, one agalnsltho CI~'s risk managomonlloSl rosorvo, and one agalnsltho airport capllal rosorvo. Blum slatod thoro was nevor any discussion with the alrporl rogardlng paymont 01 thai lawsull and tho airport's capnaJ rosorvo fund Is a cepltal Improvomont fund, nol a loss managomonl conUngollCf fund. Kubby Italed thoro ahould bo dlsculllon on whal responslblllly Alrporl CommIssion has 10 pay lor ludgmonll such as tho Dano solUomonL Larson stalod thoro noods 10 bo an agroomonl rogardlng how much 01 tho $t41,ooo, II any, Is going 10 bo allocatod. Blum nolod thai thoro may nol bo $14t,OOO In tho account. O'NolI atatod that thoro was Ipproldmalo~ $141,674 and $32,013 has alroady boon paid out 01 thai accounl. McDonald asked n tho airport usor 1001 lor operating or capltallmprovomonl. Blum slatod thoso monlos aro Intermbcod. Councllmombors dlscullOd tho aIrporl's uso or monlol lor capllallmprovomonl prolocts. Atkins slalod tho City dobltod tho alrporl's roservo accounlas a negative balanco and Council nooda 10 docldo how thoy aro going 10 cover that nogallvo balanco. McDonald askod n tho A1rporl Commission has discussed tho Issue. Blum slatod no. Blum stalod thai the Alrporl Commlsllon would authorlzo thai amounllo bo oxpendod n Council would pass a resolution thai pr..autllOllzos tho oxpondllure 01 X amounl 01 monuy agalnstluluro Fodoral and Stata granll. In rosponse 10 Councfl, Klmblo slatod thai tho way Alkllll has proparod tho proposod budgot kooplng Immodlato funding lor tho Dano proporty Irom tho alrporl rosorvo, It would nol alloel proporty Ialloa lor this yoar, n would nol alloel the Qonoral Funds balanco lor Im9t and II would allll allow tho luIuro funding 01 tho pr%cts. Klmblo statod thoro IH dobtlssuo planned lor Docembor 1991. Blum slalod thai the City Council should nol ask tho Alrporl Commission 10 ompty thai accounl out. Blum alalod an approprlato compromlso would bo lor Councfllo use thai monoy, butthon say thai othor monoy can and will be made avalloblo. McDonald atalod tho Issuo 01 pro. authorizing fundi 10 bo mado avallablo lor matching granls Is a separalo Issuo. Blum stalod thai ho has nol hoard Council uk tho AJrporl Commission 10 authorlzo I apoclDo amounllo bo oxponded fiom tholr accounL Horowitz askod Blum 10 authorize tho Imounlthat has boon dobllod fiom tho accounl. McDonald stalod that authorlzal/on Is noodod 10 aI/ow tho City 10 uso tho funds lor tho tlmo bolng. Ockonlols slalod tho Issuo Is conlrol 01 alrpOrl funds. Ambrlsco askod tho Alrporl Commission 10 consldor aondlng Council a lollor authorizing Council 10 utlllzo thoso funds, larson atalod tho Alrporl Commission noods 10 aond a lollor 01 authorization saying tho Itansfor Is okay and thon Council neods 10 addross tho Issuo rogardlng roplacomonl of thai $140,000. Blum slalod Councflls spoclncal~ asking Iho AlrpOrl I , i I I I 'I I .; I , I I j' I-t n ,:' :1 h LI - - - - Inlormal Councn Soulon February 19, 1990 pago 9 Commlnlon lor $141,000 with no assurancol lor ropaymont. wlon askod Alklnl what happens" tho AIrport CommIulon does nol roloase the $141,000. Aikins Ilatod tholO monlol would havo 10 com, Irom III unapptoptlalod rOlorvo Itld would roduco tho City'. working capital lor tho upcoming yoar by whalovor amounl II doclded upon. Atkllll Ilalod that addltlonaladjultmonll would bo nooded In tho City', Involtmonllncomo. McDonald alalod thai Council Is nolln laver 01 Increallng tho lax uklng 10 roplaco tho amounl 01 monay. Roolll().26, Sldo 2 Council rovlowod Atklnl' Fobruaty 18, 1990, momo regard~ budgel adlustmonll dlscusaod by Councn. Atkins askod CouncllII thay Intondod to lax lor tho $140.000 allJlOll rolOrvo fund roplocomonl In FY9t. Councllmomborl slalod no. Alklnl nolod that ho has proposed tho alrJlOll financo capllal prolocls by bonds. Courtnoy alatod thallort IIabWty bonds could be usod. Aikins Ilalod judgmonl bondl could bo aold. Courtnay nOlod thallomo 01 tho alrporl properly Is going 10 croalo Incomo. AtkIns alalod tho olrporl has petitioned Councillor rozonlng and Council noodllo addrOll a number 01 oconomlo dovolopmonlllluol. Aikins notod thai one 01 tho financial Inltrumonls tho CIIy has avallablo Is a nolo. Atkllll also Ilatod tho ClIy cotlld allO borrow Itom ntoll thai Is 110m cash rOlorvOl and ropay II back over lomo Ichl'dulo. Council addrossod tho lOUCMlng budgOllssuos: I. UBAARY STAFF REQUEST/AMENDED BUDQET TO FINANCE. Novick askod II tho ataffing compromllol anow peoplo 10 rosholvo bookl. Craig Italod thai any allff addition 10 tho Circulation Doparlmonl will holp got bookl back on tho aholves. Aikins oxplalnod that 10 fund thll roquosl, tho propolod lax adjultmonl will havo 10 go up and tho fun COil 01 tho Ilaff will have 10 be addod. Atkins 1IIIed tho $30,000 COllin FY91 bocomOI I $78,000 COllin FY92 and 93. Atklnl had proposed $190,868 ovor lasl yoar's oxpendlturel and Council II consldorlng adding an additional $30,000 10 thai amounl. Ambrlsco Ilalod this yoar'slncroase would bo approxfmaloly $140,000 over lasl yoar'l budgOL McDonald nolod that the majority 01 Councllagroos with tho Ubraty alaff roquosVamondod budgOI IJ proposod. 2. MOVE ST, CLEMENTS STREET FROM FY92 TO FY91. Atklna atatod rood use lax would bo usod. larlon aSkod II all 01 tho road UIO lax fund would be used. Aikins alalod no. Alklnl oxplalnod a pay.IJ,yoU1l0 policy I. bolng usod lor as many 01 tho road usa proJocts as poulblo. Councllagrood 10 movo tho SI. Clomonll Sltool proloct Irom FY92to FY91. , I , i I ( ii 'j Ii i I. 3. KIRKWOOD AVENUE PROJECT . CONCERN OVER THE PROPOSED FIRST YEAR DESIGN EXPENDITURE. $90.000. Alklnl oxplolnod thoro a number 01 concorns rallOd ovor tho firll yoar dea'gn oxpondlluro 01 $90,000. Alklnsllalod thoro aro allll quostlons rolatlng 10 tho oldonl ollmprovomonll noodod, larlon Ilaled ho obloClod 10 Ipondlng a largo sum 01 monay prior 10 tho atudy 01 traffio now In tho aroa. Novick laid Council Ihould rovlow tho roporllrom Joff Davidson on tho gonoralllrool plan boloro monoy Is Iponl on tho doslgn. Atkins Ilalod thai doslgn optlonl can bo proparod lor Council i ~? I " I I [I ,:":1 h C - - - -' Inlormal Council SOlllon February '9, 1990 Pago 10 consldoratlon. Horowlll 'talod aho would Igroo with tho ovorlay for tho 1101 bolWoon Gllbort SlIeot and Qllborl Courl. Atkins alalod ataff could do lomo prollmlnary planning. Horowitz omphaslzod aho would lIke 10 soo Cnuncll gol tlod Inlo tho concopl of loavlng throo lanos thai oxlsl now the way they 118 and Incroaso 10 four Ian.. 'rom Gllborl 51100110 Gllbort CourL Courtnoy Ilalod that tho throo lanos aro Ughl and thai may bo bononclsllo wldonlng an additional 1001 or lbe Inchos on oach aldo. AtkJns oxplalnod thai Schmadoko haa ralsod concorns thai Iho Ilrootls dotorloralod and II Improvomonla aro 10 bo mado, wldonlng ahould bo consldored. Horowitz rallOd concorns rogardlng tho wording, 'roconstru~'L' Atkins atatod ho will rowork tho languago. In roaponlo 10 Horowitz, Atkins oxplalnod tho proposod $90,000 can bo zorood out and moved 10 FY92. 4. AIRPORT CAPITAL RESERVE. $'41,000. 5. AID.TO.AGENCIES BUDQET INCREASE. $8,000. B. FIRE TRAINING/PUBUC EDUCATION OFFICER. $41,000. Donnor oxplalnod thai whon ho arrivod and lookod ovor the doparlmonl, thoro woro throo aroas 01 crlUcaJ donclonclos: I) obsoloto oqulpmonl, 2) very poor radio ayslom and lack 01 dlspotchors, ond 3) lack 01 adoqualo training program. Donnor oxplalnod Iowa CIIy Is tho only major city In Iowa wlthoula fire trainIng officor. Donnor slalod tho City lacks adoquale training for lis omployoos. Donnor nolod thai In tho pasl lour yoars thore havo boen live accldonlal dlsabllltlos. Courtnoy askod how training Is bolng handled now. Donnor slatod omployoos aro training oach other. Horowitz askod II thoro Is any polontlaJ for a training officor 10 loach othor nre dopartrnonls. Donnor stalod given tho nood 01 tho City's traIning program and publlo oducatlon, he Is nolsuro thai porson WOIJld have tho tlmo. Novick Inqulrod about publlo oducatlon. Donnor oxplalned currontly publlo oducatlon elforls aro centorod out 0' Slatlon 3 and Ills difficult for tho oulsldo publlo 10 coordlnalo tho publlo oducatlon offorls with tho Aro DopartmonL In rosponse 10 Kubby, Donnor stalod thai tho Flro Dopartmont avorogos I eo publlo oducatlon ongagomonts por yoar. Ambrlsco oskod whit poraon would nil tho poslUon. Donnor oxplolnod tho porson would bo soloctod from tho 1I0utonant's rank and would be loft In that position for two 10 throo yoars. In rosponso to Novick, Donnor saId an ontry lovol position would thon be hlrod to roplaco thaltloulonant's poslllon. Kubby slalod thai thoro noods to bo communlcal/on wllh tho Ichool syslom II thoro Is a publlo oducatlon nronghlor. Council agrood 10 go ahoad with tho firo tralnlng/publlo educotlon officor roquosl. I I I ! , , , , I I I, t II , " 1 ! j. t' , I,f n I:' :/'h II - - - - - Inlormal Council Sosslon F obruary 19, 1990 Pago 11 7. SENIOR CENTER. TRADE CEILING REPAIR FOR VIDEO EQUIPMENT. $7,roD. Atklnl explalnod that Son/or Contor CommissIon mombora will appoar at CounclI'a publlo hoarlng on tho budgot. Councllmombora Inqulrod about tho lowering 01 colllngl. Atklnl ataled thore Is a concorn about tho noIse at tho Sonlor Cenlor. AtkIns alalod coiling ropalr. are gonoral ropalra 10 make tho collings moro alltacllvo and 10 roduco noIso. Courtnoy nOlod Ihoro Is alao an enorgy aavlngs. Rogardlng Iho vtdoo oqulpmont roquosl, Larson stalod thoy are asking lor dupllcallon 01 whaltho City has alroady plld lor by Horllago. Larlon omphaslzed tho Sonlor Contor needs 10 gol tlod Inlo whaltho communlly alroady offorl In lorms 01 vldoo oqu/pmonl. Atkins Ilalod ho will oblaln addlllonallnlormatlon rogardlng the coiling ropalra. 8. STAFF POSmON . REFUSE COLLECTION/LANDFILL, COMMUNITY EDUCATION, ETC. Horowitz suggoslod Council consldor a communlly Involvomonl poslllon In tho proposed budgOI with tho Idoa that that position bo ltansforrod ovor to JCCOQ. Horowitz Ilatod thai position ahould not bo Included In with tho landfill onglnoorlng rosponllbllltles, Councllmombors dlscussod tho community Involvomonlalall position and III rolatlonshlp 10 ECICOG, JCCOG, tho Counly, Iowa City and aroa communllles. Aikins omphaslzod thai smallor towns should also bo paying lor sorvlcos provldod by the alaff position. Larson stalod tho sian poslllon should bo budgolod from tho Isndnll budgot so ovoryono using tho landfill will pay lor tho position. Atkins noted thai whalovor Is proposed In roluso and landfill will probably nood 10 bo amondod In abe months. Councllmombora dlscussod tho nood for tho sla" poslllon. Aikins slalod tho porson wllllpond tlmo In rosldontlal rofuso colloctlon Initially. Horowitz slatod litho porson Is fundod 01 tho JCCOG lovol, II noods 10 bo dllcldod whoro tho porson will bo housod. Novick said thoro aro two logical cholcos for funding lor tho position: lItho Enlorprlso Fund. landfill loos, or 21 a County.wldo lax. Aikins slalod parl of tho proposal on financing the landnllfor tho Iuluro Is a spoclal assossmont on a por caplla basis. Horowitz Ilatod Council lOoms 10 agroo thai the position should como loonor than noxt yoar, Courtnay slatod ho did nolthlnk Council noods 10 pultho position In tho budgol. McDonald slalod Council Is going 10 bo moving In this dlroctlon soon. 9. INDUSTRIAL PARK. FUNDING AND CITY SPONSORSHIP. $200,000. Atklnsllatod tho proposed $200,000 from cash resorvos bogln tho procm for an Industrial pllk. Atkins nOlod that 160 acros may be avallablo for tho Industrial park. Horowitz askod II Councllmombors aro sura lho City should got Into :n Indusltlal park. Novick alatod sho Is not convlncod Ills up 10 tho City 10 Inltlalo an Induslrlal park. Aikins slalod ho has contacted both BDI and ICAD and nollhor one had any Itoublo with tho concopt. Councllmombora dlscussod City sponsorship 01 an industrial park. Courtney omphaslzod II Council wants any fuluro Industrial dovolopmonlln Iowa City, tho City 01 Iowa CIIy will havo to do II. McDonald Inqulrod about the tlmelablo for an Industrial park. Aikins oxplalnod that staff has contactod properly ownors and will be able 10 negoUale and sol a price lor a conlract purchaso 01 tho proporly. The $200,000 Is Intondod lor devolopmont purposos Including walor.sowor.slroots. Aikins stalod thai ultlmatoly thoro Is potontlalfor a ono.hall million dollar Invostmonlln tho Induslrlal park. Courtney stalod thallhe Induslrlal park could bo lundod with a lax Incromonlal financing whoro proporly lax thai comos In on tho land goos speclDcally 10 rollro Ihe dobt. Novick ralsod concorns aboul monies avallablo for tho oxtra pollco, nrll, 010. sorvlces " I , I I I i I' T.t '-1 "I~) ::'1 h ,-, ' - .Il _ _ Inl00maJ Council Session Fobruary 18, 1090 Pago 12 nooded. Councllmombor. dlscussod tho Indusltlal park concept. McDonald Ilalod " Is llong.lorm lnvostmonL McDonald Ilalod a majorlly 01 Councllmomborslndlcalod thai Ilaff should prccoed with tho Induslrlal park as proposod. Aikin. Ilaled based on budgOl discussion., lax IncroBSOI aro now projoctod al 4.3% '0( FYllI, 5.3% for FY92, and 8,2% '0( FY93. ~: Roolll().27, Side 2 H1slO(Ic PrOlorvlUon: Susan Uchl (re.appolnl) Eloanor Sloolo Boards. PoDco and FIre: Duano Allison (ro.eppolnt) Darroll Wrlghl Mayor's Youth: Roborllohnortz (ra.appolnt) Clrrlo Norton , I I , .1 CMI Sorvico: Lyra Dlckorson Broadband Telocommunlcatlons: Olano Auclnskl (3-yoar lorm) Ro.advorUso unoxplrod lorm Tho mooUng Idjoumod alll:3O p,m. "'-"","-~""'-~"-'.""-"-~'- ,-~- , , ~. ; 1 ki . . ., ~ , ',. '. I . ; '1 I I i 'j ....-.'..............i"',;..,..;.." . , ,\ I I I i I ! i ! I , I I I I I , I I I I 'l , ~1..I." II . I ! \ 1 1 \ I I I ! I II l; , , i i I ' , i : I' I , i I .. , i I i, I , , .I'~,r I I 1 ~ - "r, .& " I I I I.