HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-22 Bd Comm minutes ~o,0) / t] [I , I MINUTES IOWA CITY AIRPORT COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1990 IOWA CITY TRANSIT FACILITY MEMBERS PRESENT: Pat Foslor, Richard Blum, John Ockonlols, Robart Hicks MEMBERS ABSENT: Anlonla Hamilton STAFF PRESENT: Ron O'NoD ~: Chairperson Blum callod tho mOOllng 10 ordor al 7:00 p.m. A quorum 011110 Commission was presenL ~: Tho mlnulos 011110 Novombor 20, 1990, Commlsalon mooUng woro approvod as prasonlod. O'NoD prosonlod tho list cl oxpondlluras fer Docombor, 1990. Dolalls lor somo 01 lI1e oxpendltures wo,e oxplalnod. A mot/en was made by Ockonlels 10 approve tho Osl cf expendlturos. II was soconded by Hicks and passed 4.0. O'NolI slalod that ropalrslor lI1e men', ' rostroom In tho lormlnal building may bo as much 81 $1,800. Ho wlllsollcll othor bids 10 raplace tho plumbing I~ 1110 rosl/oom. Ho will also solicit cosls 10 Install air hand dryorsln the rostroom.. , I L No Itom. wore prosonlod. , ' a. Sol publiC hearIng. corportlo hangar. 31, 32.33,34. Fcslor mado a motion 10 sol a public hoarlng on January 15, 1991 al 7:00 P.M. 10 discuss tho loasos lor corporale hangars 31, 32, 33, 34. Tho mot/on was soconded by Ockenlol.. AI roll call volo, 1110 rosolutlcn was accoplod 4.0 wllh Hamilton bolng absonL b. Loaso wllh 10wI City Llndscaplng. O'NoII prosonlod 1110 proposod ono yoar loose botwoon Iowa City landscapIng and tho Alrpcrt Commission. Icwa City landscaping loasos approxlmaloly .5 aClO 01 Alrport property lor slorago cl malorlals. Hicks mcved 10 accopl a rosolutlon lor a ono yoar loaso with Iowa Clly LandscapIng. Foslor socondod tho motion, and al rcll call volo tho rosolutlon was acceplod 4-0 wlll1 Homllton being absont. i' I I' ! , > o. AlP Grant 13,10.0047.02, Englnoo,'ng Sorvlcoa. O'NolI oxplalnod Ihallho advortlslng lor onglnoorlng sorvlcos for tho AlP grant was complolad. Throo nrms will bo Inlorvlowod. I , 9ftJ , ,I tJ. 0 2 Alrpcrt Commission Docombor 12, 1990 Pago 2 O'NoD quostlcned tho Commlsslcn as 10 how thoy would rocommond to procood. Ho urgod thallntorvlows bo conduclod as scon as possible. Tho Commission dlroclod O'NolI 10 schedulo lnlorvlows with tho firms and Inlonn tho CommIssIon 01 tho schedulo. Tho Commission mombors will parUclpalO In whalevor Inlorvlows tholr schodulos pormlL d. Airport Manogement Dullea. Blum mot with tho City Manegor, tho Mayor and tho City Attomoy on what ahould bo oxpoelod Irom tho AIrport Managor In tho futuro 110m an admlnlstraUve stanqlolnL Blum alalod that whon O'NoA was hltod, tho Job do~Uon lor tho managor was changed. Tho Commission al tho Umo \hought \hat bocauso \he compBanco proJOel was comploled, thore would bo 1051 admlnlstraUvo dullel. Tho job dos~tlon was changed 10 ronact moro oporaUcnaJ dutlos. this II dona to holp roduco tho oporaUonal budgot. Blum alated that tho Legal Dopartmont Is not going 10 bo ablo 10 provldo the Ccmmlsslon with as much assistance as In \ho pasL Documonts which woro gonoralod by tho Logal Departmont In tho past wlA nood to bo drafted by \ho Alrpolt Managor and aubmlUod lot rovlow by tho Legal DopartmonL Blum stalod that becauso tho Alrport has boon succossfulln tho past two yeara with stato and lodoral grants and other prcJocts, tho admlnlstrallve duUos aro moro oxtonslve than was oxpoelod when O'NoD was hlrod two yoara ago. Blum will dralt a momo 10 \ho Council with changos In tho lob dGscrlpdcn proposod by \ha Commission. ~: Blum roportod that tho Icwa Public Airport Asscclatlon mot In Iowa City on December 14, 1990. Ono 01 the main tcplcs d1scussod was tho Stalo Alr Expo 10 bo hold In Iowa City on August 25, 1991. Several dotalls must bo conllnnod,lnc/udlng tho IDOra proaumpllon 01 the Commission', rolo In tho ovonL Also dlscussod was tho Stalo sponsorod woathor tralnlng. One dass will bo hold In Iowa City In lalo Fobruary ot oarly March, 1991. Ockonlols commonted that tho rosoluUon 10 accopt tho luol tank bid \hat was rolocted by tho City Councllalalod that tho Alrport Ccmmlsslon rocommondod apprcval 01 tho bid. Tho Commission roJected the U.S.T. bid proposal and wanlod tho resolution 10 ronoel that rOlectlon. Ockonfols rGquoslod tho U.S.T.lsaue bo placod on the agOnda lor tho noxt meotlng. ~: O'Nollalaled thai rovlslcn 01 Choptor 4 01 tho City Code 01 Ordinances Is continuing. Olhor cllIos In Iowa havo boon conlactod and havo rosponded by IOndlng coplos 01 tholr zoning ordlnances as they portaln 10 tholr airports. January 15, 1991, tho City Ccuncll and the Jchnson County Board 01 Suporvlsors will conduel tholr annuallolnl mooting. Ockonlols auggoslod lhat tho Beard consldo, appointing an ox clflclo mombor Ircm Johnsen County 10 Iho Alrport Commission. , I I' I i. I I \ " 9~ / t] [I ,3 . \ Airport Commission Docambor 12, 1990 Pogo 3 Iowa City Flying Sorvlco Is now also Iocatod at tho Codar Raplds Alrport. It Is canod Codar Rapids Flying Sorvlco and provldos aviation sorvlcos lor Pago AV-lol. Tho WaHAart dovolcpmont Is sUII schodulad to begin oxcavallon and grading In tho spring 01 1991. Tho oasomont with tho Alrport Commlsslcn lor an aroa otland lor slormwalor rotonUcn Is sUIl roqulrod. The Loran.C nonpreclslon Instrument approach Icr runway 2411 schoduled to be In operation In 1991. ~: Tho next regularly scheduled Alrport CommissIon meoUng II scheduled for January 15, 1991, at 7:00 p.m. ~: Ockonlols movod 10 adjcum tho moollng at 9:02 p.m. Fcslor soconded and the motion passod 4.0. ~ Chairperson laclZ.18,rrin ......-..,. '<.~ '. ",." ... ! i , I I, " ,I r . ' i ,I: I I . : . ! i . I i, Ii , I , " !I i. i I, I , I 9~ "'~'"".''''~'~~i,;.,:_j',j , . i / [I [I Y . MINUTES IOWA CITY AIRPORT COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARV 8, 1991 - 12:00 P.M. IOWA CITY TRANSIT FACILITY MEMBERS PRESENT: John Ockonlols, Antonia Hamlllon, Richard Blum, Robort Hicks MEMBERS ABSENT: Pat Fcslor STAFF PRESENT: Ron O'NoU ~: Chalrporaon Blum callod tho moollng to ordor at 12:12 p.m. A quorum 01 tho CommIssion was presont a. AlP C3rant 3.19.0047.02 - Blum Indlcalod thai tho agonda was IImllod to tho subJoct 01 choosing an onglnoering nrm to assist with tho ImplomonlaUon 01 the pending AlP granl. Blum pArtlclpalod In Inlorvlowlng two 01 tho three nrms solectod Icr Inlervlewa. He commonlod that tho credentials plOsenled by all 01 tho Ilrms wculd Indlcato that all aro capablo 01 asslsllng In tho project. Ho suggeslod that tho Alrport Manager present a rocommonclallon on one 01 tho nrms. O'NolI revlowod oach cl the nrms with the Commlaslcn, Indlcallng streng points presenlod by each nrm. Ho stated that a1thcugh tho nrms woro clcso In ablllly, ho would rocommond Inlllallng riogcllatlona lor a contract with Heward R. Groen Company, basod parUally on tholr rocont oxperience with an ldonUcaJ pr%ct at the Iowa City Municipal Alrport In 1989. Ockonlals proposod a rosolutlon to authorlzo tho Commlsslcn Chairperson and V1co Chalrpor. sorVSocrOlary to enter Inlo nogoUallons lor a contract with Heward R. Green lor onglnoering and InspocUcn sorvlcos lor AlP project 3-19.0047-02. Tho moUon was secondod by Hamlllon and at roll call voto, tho motion passod 4.0 with Foslor bolng absent O'NolI will contact Heward R. Oroon company and attompt to have a contract lor review by tho Commission at their regular meoUng on January 15. 1991. . Blum stalod that ho drafted tho 1992 budgel proposal roquoslod by tho Commission 10 reclassify tho AIrport OporaUons Manager position and 10 roquost a pormanont part.Umo malnlenanco porscn. Ockonlols statod that tho CIIy Council will havo tho nrst roadlng on tho proposod zoning chango concornlng hollports, hollstcps and hollpads at tholr rogular mooting en January 8,1991. ~: Hicks movod to adJoum tho moo ling. Ockonfols socondod tho motlcn and tho moollng was adJoumod at 12:31 p.m. Iac1oS,m1n 9/J , I' , , . , I . I I I. 1 " " I' I I I I , I, I ; , I I' I, I , I . I :l I I " i , I 11l\ ~(J' , / [I [I 5 MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD REGUlAR BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 20,1990 SECOND FLOOR ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Ellon Buchanan, Lois Ccx, Tom Golman, Anno Hargravo, Jorl Hobart, Kalhorino W.cyors, Anno Sponcor, Jay Sloln, Kant Swaim STAFF PRESENT: Joanallo CllI1or, Susan CraIg, Lolly Eggors, Martha Lubaroll, Dobblo Salos, Carol Spaziani Grog Dougarfon, Allco Halo, rosprosonldl/ves cl Pro Ufe and Pro Fomlly organlzatlcns OTHERS PRESENT: .QAlJ..IQ.QBW; Tho moollng was callod 10 ordor at 4:03 p.m. ~: Dougarlon rood 110m a proparod slolomont IndlcaUng Ihroo aroas In which ho clalmod tho ICPL slall was allomptlnglo cons or hIs group. Tho throo aroas woro tho bullotln boord, tho pamphlol rack and Iho display cosoa. Ho cllod oxamplos whoro ho loll hIs group was consorod and oxcopUcns made fer groups who hold cppcslng vlows. Rocommendallcns woro modo to Iho Beard to dovolop a mcro cloarly donnod polley rogardlng Iho display 01 malorials and dollnlllcn 01 what was consldorod to bo 'nllammalory'. Tho Boord Proaldonlthankod hIm fer his slalomonlj dlroclod thai a copy of his slalomont bo glvon to an B08ld mombors: askod lho Dlroclcr 10 proparo a rosponso 10 Iho chargos: said Board would ccnsldor tho mallor and polley changes, II roqulrod, atlho January 24 moo ling. ~: A moUon was made and socondod 10 approvo Ihe mlnutos. HobarVSponcor. ~: Nono. . ~: ^ short discussion was hold rogardlng roportlng 01 oxpondltures via Iho library's Visa card. U was foUthot a moro dolallod slalomonl cl Visa card oxpondlluros should bo provldod for tho Boord each monlh. Eggors wllllako Ihls undor odvlsomont and dotormlno Iho bost woy to lacllUalo gOlllng Ihls Informatlcn 10 lho Beard. Tho dlsbursomonls woro approvod. SlolnIHargrovo. ~: 1. Eggors ropcrtod thai sho wculd lIke 10 toko vacation In March, loavlng Friday, March 1 and rolurnlng Mcndoy, April 1. 97 '.~., ~,~;_: ~":. i' I I I' t , " I I I I I .-- , , . ,: , ;,1 j' , . I I ! I' Ii ; , I . " , I I I j ,I I i , I , (, , , ! i I \ / [I [I b MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD DECEMBER 20, 1990 PAGE 2 2. Eggors requostod thai tho Foblunry Board mooUng bo hold on Thursday, Fobruary 21, Insload 01 Fobluary 28. Tha Board approvod tho changa. Cox will ptoslda as Buchanan Is out ollcwn. 3. Thoro aro no donnlto datos yot Icr olthor tho Issuanco 01 tho City Manago(. proposod FY92.94 Flnanclal Plan 01 lor the Ubrary Beard'. budgot seaslcn wllh the City Council. Tho lallor may net bo unUI allor tho Board's January moo ling. 4. Tho d!scusslon prcvckod by tho Dlroctc(s poslUon papor 'FInancial Straloglos Icr tho 90'.' was conUnuod In Docombor with Dovolopmont Dlroctor Salos, Board Mombor Buchanan and FoundaUon Prosldont Moyors. Tho group doc/dod to 1) draft a Financial Gools statomont lor discussion at tho January Beard moollng, 2) look lor woys 10 Incroaso undorstondlng aboul tho scopo 01 rosponslblllUo. 01 tho Dovolcpmont Olnco with Board, Foundallcn and Frlonds membora, and 3) rolnslato tho polley 01 having rogular Iclnl moo lings 01 tho throo Beards. 5. Eggors noled that sho trIed 10 omphaslzo tho range 01 tho library's publlclprlvalo partnorshlps with local buslnosso, In hor 1990 roport ptoparod lor tho Clly Managor. 6. Beth tho now lolophono systom and tho socond noor offico romcdollng aro In tho advancod planning stago, with somo hope thoy could bo ccmplotod by March 1. ~: Prosldonl Buchanan ropcrtod on tho succossful 90th blrthdoy party lor Irving Wobor at JCPL on Docombor 20, 1990. Many 01 his books woro sold and 135 pooplo como 10 grool Mr. Wobor. II was a posltlvo ovont lor tho ICPL. II was anncuncod that Eggors has boon oppolnlod 10 tho Icwa Clly Schcol District Straloglc Planning Commllloo. Spaziani dlslrlbulod a ptoposod schodulo lor tho lOth Building annlvorsary colobrallon lor Juno 17023. Sho prosonlod a budgot and askod tho Board to apprcvo oxpondlluros lor $775. A motion was modo and approvod 10 authorlzo thIs oxpondlturo. SlolnIMoyors. CraIg announcod tho dalo (Fobruary 22) and program lor tho annual Slall broakfasl and requostod up 10 $600 lor oxpondlturos. A mollon was mado and approvod to authcrlzo thIs oxpondlluro. Mcyors/Cox I I j: " . " , , . . ! I: " ! I ;' , 17 ."~" "I ...~ 'i".;:;. ! 1 I, , I I I , - _ / [I [I ;-, MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD DECEMBER 20, 1090 PAGE 3 Solos prosonlod tho followlng roports on tho Frlonds,tho FoundoUon ond tho Dovolopmonl OIl1co. Sho oxplolnod that altho roquost 01 the Dlroclcr and tho Bcord and Foundollcn Prosldonts sho Is trying 10 Incroaso tho Boords' aY/oronoss 01 tho lull rango cl hor rosponslbllltlos. . Proloct Holiday: Becks woro collocted and dlstrlbuled In various ways Including glvoaways 10 tho IIvo outroach progmms: Colloctlons woro crganlzod through tho ClrculaUcn Doportmon~ J. C. Ponnoy'e, Manlo's Pizza. Approxlmatoly 1,000 books wont 10 Prcloct Hcllday. Baby Book Prcjoel: Tho tonlnUva kick oil data for this Dovolopmont Olnco prcjoct Is VoIontlno's Day. Frlonds havo volunloorod to proparo tho packots and dlstrlbulo thom 10 bolh hospitAls. Funding has boon obtalnod from Hills Bonk and IInal markollng plans oro bolng wcrkod on with tho bank and tho Dovolopmont Olneo. Solos roported en tho slolus cf tho Foundation's sustaining lund and tho monlos raised through various molllngs. Sho roported en tho Indlvlduol ollorts 01 Foundatlcn Boord mombora thrcugh lollors and phone coils. Sho Is oIso oxplorlng ways to Incroaso tho ondowmont through buslnoss sollcltotlon and Individual board scllcllotlon. Tho piano campaign Is winding to a closo wlth 11 koys loft. Solos wlll stop as 01 DocOmber 31 and 10ntaUvo plans aro bolng modo for a rocoptlon In Fobruary. Tho socond annual family concort, a Iclnt prcjoet 01 tho Dovolopmont ornco and ICPL, Is plannod fer Juno Oth with Bill Harloy, a nollcnolly known slory tollor and slngor. BegInning January 0, 1091,tho aoccnd Wodnosdayof ovory mcnth will bo Ubrary Pizza night at Mazzlo'e. Monllon tho library whon you crdor a modlum or lorgo pizza and procoeds ($2 lor modlum and $3 fer largo pizzas) wlll go tho IcundaUon. In summary, Salos roltoralod lI1at undor hor dlroeUcn tho Dovolopmont Orneols coordinating all giving to tho library. Whothor groups, or Individuals glvo mcnoy, or gilts In kind, In honer of or In momcry 01, rocord kooplng and Initial rospcnso Is done by tho Dovolopmont OIl1eo. Eggors slatod that tho mlnutos cf oach ccmmllloo mooting shculd koop tho Beard Informod. Tho Ccmmllloo will bo moollng ovory tHo 10 fcur wooks. Buchanan roportod on 1110 schodulo fo, 1110 sUlVoy on how pooplo gollo tho IIbrory. Board mombors woro askod 10 spond ot loast tHo hours odmlnlslorlng sUlVoya and lalklng 10 library usors during tho wook 01 January 28 ' Fobruary 3. Buchonan wllltostlho sUlVoy prior 10 tho actual sUlVoy porlod. . \.--li y 97 ..! ." , , I I I I I' , I " t' , !, I, ,I t I , I I. I I , ,I , . ' I, / t] [I 8 ' \ i MINUTES I LIBRARY BOARD DECEMBER 20,1990 I I PAGE 4 I' .,. , I Eggors polntod out a low orrors In tho numborlng 01 mtlons. Thero was somo clorlflcallon lor Boord memboll as 10 how soel/on 401.7 rolatod 10 401.3 and the dlllorence botwoon tho Gtanla lunda'and Gilts & Bequosts Fund. Tho Enlorprlto Fund was dlscussod. It provldos Incomo that allows tho library 10 own or loaso the pubUc and Inlomal copy machlnos as won as fund all tho suppDos, papor, malnlonanco, ole. nocossary 10 maintain thom. . Tho rovlslons 10 tho FInancial Policy woro approvod. CclC/Sloln ! " . !: I: ,! I' . A discussion was hold en tho approprlolonoss 01 tho Job DosCllptlon 000 tho odvlsoblllly 01 rovlslng 1110 moro occurololy roDoct the duUos 01 Bcord mombors. Some chonges woro roccmmonded In tho wording 01 Duties and Rosponslbllllloa, but Iho Board did not como 10 an agrooment allo whother or net to clarify Ita role In raising lunds lor th,o Dbrary. Eggorl win rovlso tho doscrlptlon In accordanco with tho Board's rocommondallcnl and prosontll agofn. Mooting was atljournod at 6:00 p.m. Golman/Moyors Noxt maotlng Januory 24, 1991 a14:00 P.M. IZ.IOOO,MIN , , . : . j, I . \ ~ , . I. I I I; .. t i I I t ! i " I, ! I, , I' I' I I I I 97 ,_,./ t',,>; f~ .,i- ............ ......,.'l..,.,_;>,....,..".,.. ..,.,.."'. "--<~~':\!>;,-'i\ , , , - n q / LI - 1\10) . C>~AI"f" MINUTES BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1990 - 5:15 P.M. CMC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Troy Slovons, Joyco Pallon, Paul Casolla, Dlano Rucinski Doug K1aoson Shallot, CorreW, Helling, Brau KrIslln Evanson, Dowoy McGulro, Joan Dunham, Kevin Wallin Nono. . ., Nono. LmQF MAmaS PENDING COMMISSION/COUNCIL DlsPosmON: Trlonnlal rovlow and cable TV relranchlslng/renowal nogotlatlons. ~: Evenson gavo Iho CPC'sslx monlh roport, nollng high usago and more promloro programming. Tho PATV Board docldod 10 purchoso anothor Amigo compuler, allowlng more grophlc opllons lor producors and for charactor gonorallon. PATV oloctod now ofllcors and dlscussod CPO guldollnos. Evonson was ro-electod as Chairperson. Evonson concludod wlth the monllon 01 PAWl stralogy moollng dalos being January 18 and 19. Joon Dunham Irom tho ECO roportod that lochnlcally all Is well and thoy aro working on program dovolopment In collaboration wlth ' other groups. Tho Horllago roport enlallod Ihe robulld 01 the Iowa City cablo syslom whIch wlll bo fibo, optic (pondlng Iranchlse ronowoQ and also TCI's rostructurlng wlth Horltogo. It appoars this may only allact Horllego's corporalo orncos and not tho lowo City coblo syslom. McGulro suppllod figuros of tho Iowa City Public Ubrary AV Lab's Octobor/Novombor actlvltlos. Shollor roportod Ihaltho dran RFP for tho rolranchlao consullonl(s) and tho proposod FY92 coblo budgot havo boon complolod. Shallor also dlscussod Horltago's ralo Incroaso lollor sont from Blough as woll as rocoMng a potltlon by a consumor agalnsllho Incroaso. Sharror rocolvod olght complaints this month. Shallor concludod wllh discussion on tho Wolcomo Wogon sqcl/on 01 Inlormallon Sorvlcos. Shallor roquostod Input Irom tho BTO on how to and whothor to conllnuo using Wolcomo Wogon sorvlcos, as thoy aro a pronl organization. Tho bononts 01 Including such scroons could also bo rospod by tho whole community. Discussion contlnuod on tho rolranchlso/ronowol procoss wlth Sharror supplying a list 01 concorns and quostlons lor tho CommissIon to consldor ond add to. Rucinski quostlonod tho franchlso lrans!or agrooment botwoon TCI and Horltago, asking wholhor tho City's ogroomont Is now wllh TCI or Horltogo. Shalfor slolod thai this Is on area lhat noods to bo clarlllod. Discussion contlnuod on whot happons 10 oxlstlng malorlals 01 tho coblo systom IIlho City awords tho Iranchlso to anothor fg "' L.,.... .\~ I I' ..- ; :! . , I. , j' , 1 r 'I I , j , I, j I' i , . ';' . t-, In' / - - , \ I Broadband Tolocommunlcallons Commission I Docombor 19, 1990 I Pago 2 I I r I company. Shalfor slalod thai mallor would bo cll/lnod during Iho slmullanoous formal and ,.- Inlormal proem. I , ~: , , The mooUng was callod to ordor at 5:15p.m. " I. , , ; ~ I: i' It was moved by Casolla,socondod by Ruclnskl, 10 approve the October 17, 1m, BTO mlnutos. ! I Unanimously approvod. I 1/ , ; Nono. " , Nono. ! i' fAlY.BEeQBI: Evenson gavo Iho CPO's six month roport, noUng hIgh oqulpmont usago, ospoc/ally with the camcordors, more promlore programs, although loss %-Inch odlt usage. Ovorall, the roport Ihewod that tho Conlor'ltranslllon did not scaro away producors. At tho last PATV mooting, It was doc/dod by the Board to purchaso anothor Amlga compulor, having one lor producing . graphIcs and anothorlo, croatlng charac/o, gonoratod mossages botwoon programs. Also atlho PATV moeUng, orncors woro oloc/odj Evonson Chalrporson, Doug Allalro V1co Chalrporson, Paul Masko Troasurer, Carl Orgron Socratary. Tho CPO programming guldollnos woredlscussod. Evonson askod whother tho Clty'l Legal Dopartmont had boon able 10 rovlow tho CPO's guldollnos. Shalfor ropllod that Anne Burnsldo, now Assistant City Allornoy, will bogln rovlowlng Iho guldollnos In January. Evenson announcod PAWl stralogy moetlng will be hold on January 18 and 19. Casolla thankod tho CPC lor adding tho chroma koy lunctlon. I , . , .1: Nono. I I I; " llilAL.BEfQBI: ~: Joan Dunham roportod that tochnlcally allsooms to bo woll. Dunham conllnuod thalthoy aro working on progrom dovolopmont and hcpe fer collaborotlon with olhor groups In tho .Iuluro. Dunham concludod lhattho ECO will bogln promoting withIn lho school syslom through a monthly calondar 01 ovonls. I ;. I , I I I' ""'..""" .,..""...... - 9f . ---~ '_..............~,i.~~ , I t / tJ I I , Broadband Tolocommunlcatlons Commission Docombor 19, 1990 Pogo 3 HERIUGe BE~tlRt: Shallor roportod lor Blough on tho robulld In Iowa City which will bo fibor optic. Shallor conllnuod wfth discussion on TCI's rostructurlng wflh Horltago which Involvos a fivo-yoar managomont plan. According to Blough, IhIs wfllaffoct Horllogo's corporalo orncos and that tho Iowa cablo sysloms wfll romaln ollonllaJly tho samo In lorms 01 porsonnol and pollclos. Howovor, Horltago'. rolo Is .IIU unclear. Shaffor loh that Ihlsls an Issuo Ihal noods to bo monltorod u tho process continuos. RucInski askod whal TCI'. IocaIlnvolvomont would consist 01. Pallon brought up a complaint from an Iowa City rosldont trying 10 oblaln cablovlalon. Shaffor suggoslod thai Pallon should havo Ihls porson contact him. ~: McGulro roportod on tho Iowa City Public Ubrl/Y'. AV Lab Octobor/Novembor actMlIos. Tho AV Lab made 33 now programs, 80 camcordor chockouls, and 140 porsons usod lab. ~: Shaffor roportod that ho had Just complolod a draft RFP lor tho rofranchlslng consultants. Holling wfli rovlow tho proposal and wfll modltt u neodod. Shoffor also Includod In Iho Commission packela copy 01 tho FY92 proposod budgot for Iho Cablo DMslon and askod lor any quosllons In rogard to Ihls. Shaffor announcod that Iho cablo ornClls havo moved 10 821 South Dubuquo and aro rocoMng now productJon oqulpmont lor Improvod local productJons. Shaffor notod that ho has rocolvod a ralo Incrouo lollor Irom Blough and also a pollllon complaInIng about this ralo Incroaso Irom a Hortlago subscrlbor and olhors. Shaffor dlslrlbutod coplos 01 tho Annual Roport. Shaffor roportod olght complalnls, Including: tho dlrnculty golllng cablo burlod, cablo company not qucllng actual cosl, chargo lor dlsconnoctlon, and also Horllago hos boon conducting a tochnlcal audll wfth porsonnol not woarlng or having adoqualo Idontlncallon. Somo 01 tho omployoos havo not boen woarlng 10 badgos, causing concorn. Tho nnoJ complalnl was In roloronco to Channol29 nolshowlng school cancollallonsln bod woathor. Shaffor conllnuod by discussing a Wolcomo Wagon mallor Ihsl noods 10 bo addrossod. Ho oxplalnod that Inlormallon Sorvlcos hu a soctJon on tho systom promoting Wolcomo Wagon. Tho problom Is that tho Wolcomo Wagon Is a profit ontorprlso. Tho quostlon Is, what hoppons II anothor pront organization approachos Govornmont Information chonnol and domands spoco like Wolcomo Wagon. Tho mollor 01 whothor and undor whal conditions such scroons should bo Includod on Channol29's Information Sorvlcos Is a pollcy.rololod mallor thai tho BTe may want to hovo Input Inlo. Casolla commonlod on lho poo, rocopllon ho has boon rocoMng from KOCR. ~: Shaffor suppllod a list or concorns and quostlons to tho Commlsslonors In roforonco 10 tho rolranchlslng procoss. In rovlowfng tho past Trlonnlol Rovlow roports, Cosolla loll a nood lor addlllonallnformotlon Irom Horllogo Cablovlslon. II was docldod thol Casolla and Stovons wfll sond a loltor to Blough roquostlng addlllonallnformotlon. Shsffor commonlod thot with tho robulld using fibor optics, somo 01 tho past Issuos will bo rosolvod such as channol spoco. Rucinski quosllonod tho Iranchlso ogroomonltranslor from Horltago 10 TCI, osklng whothor tho I I I I , , I I I I' I , , , I " , " i " q8 / t] , e Broadband Tolocommunlcallons Commllllon Docombor 19, 1990 Pago 4 City'S agroomonlls with TCI and not Horflago. Sharror sold this Is an aroa thai noods to bo clarlfiod, but 10 his knowlodgo tho Ironchlso has novor boon transforrod 10 TCI. Rucinski oxprossod concorn wllh tho roputollon 01 TCI and will supply Inlormatlon on TCI 10 tho Commission. Casolla "kod what hspponslflho City awards tho Iranchlso to anothor company. Is thoro a salo of tho flseal assols? Shaffor rospondod thot nonionowal of a franchise can bo accomplis hod only by moollng cortaln crllorta establlshod In Iho 1984 Cablo Act Tho City moy conduct a formal and Inlormal ronowal procoaa slmullanoous~ 10 allow lorlhls opUon. ~:' Evanson addod that Ihls spring a noods us..smonl will bo conductod In con/unction wllh a UnIvorslty class. PATV will bo ovaIuallng all access channols In tho noods aswsamonL Evanson concludod Ihat Iho CPO lundra/slng has bogun. ~: Movod by Casolla, socondod by Paflon, 10 adjoum. Unanlmous~ approvod. Adjournmont 01 8:OS p.m. Rospoctlully submlttod, ~:.~ Broadband Tolocommunlcallons Spocfollsl \bIcIZ.19,mln .. ...~>-.,..',. ,.,",..-.. .,' "I:: ..'.. I ! , I ~ 'I I' ,/ " I ! i ! , ;'., I: " I I , I . , ;1 . " j, I , , , I 981 . "''''~'-A""",,,,; , \ '. .\0 ) / t] , .3 NO aUQBuM MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION DECEMBER 5,1990.5:30 P.M. SENIOR CENTER CLASSROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Loron Horton, Doug Jonos, Al Robal. 1J Stroh, Dawn Willis Rogor Brunor, Susan Buckloy, Joo Facklor, William Slolnbroch, Robort Wachal STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Molody Rockwell, MI/Y Jo Noff Korolo Fullor Rockwoll callod the moollng 10 order at 5:43 P.M. "was nolod Ihat a quorum was nol prosonL Robal askod that tho Octobor 19, 1990, Commission mlnutos bo corroctod to nolo Ihat ho was prosonL Rockwoll roportod thai the Frlonds 01 tho Iowa RIver Sconlc Troll (FIRSl) mot on Novombar 30, 1990. Torry Dahms and Casey Cook, co-chalrs 01 FIRST, Inlond 10 concontrato on tho 1I0a south 01 Burlington Stroot on tho east sldo ollhe Iowa Rlvor 10 Napoloon Park with the possibility 01 connoctlng to now soccer ftolds near the now sawago troatment plant, and on the wost sldo 01 the rlvor to Slurgls Forry Park, possibly connoctlng with Ryorson's Woods. Rockwolllndlcalod thai some mombers 01 the tho Parks and RocroaUon Commission lIelntorostod In tho C/eallon 01 an Interprotlvo trail In Ryorson's Woods. Sho noled thai REAP funds soom to bo awardod primarily to largo and comprohonslve plans. Rockwoll roportod Ihat mombors 01 FIRST havo volunloorod 10 work with IndMdual proporty ownors, ospoclolly thoso botwoen Burllnglon Stroot and Highway 8. ~: Jones reportod that tho Johnson County Resourco Enhancoment Commlltoe had dlscussod tho Whlsporlng Moadows SubdMslon. Commlltoo mombors oxprossod tho nood to control tho Indlroct as woll as tho dlroct ollocts or dralnago Inlo tho wotlsnds. He roportod thai a subcommlltoe was formod 10 address this Issuo and dranod a loltor to tho City Council. Jonos slaled thai the Commlltoe also dlscussod having a Joint silo visit with tho City Council. Rockwoll roportod thot tho City hed hired Lon Dr~ko to study tho aocondory Impocts on tho wotlands In tho Whispering Moodows Subdivision, and 10 dovolop a molnlononco pion lor the park aroa. Jones slalod tho Commllloe olso dlscussod tho nood to acqulro and/or proloct nolurol aroos, and to dovolop a vldoolape lor prosonlatlon to sorvlco orgenlzotlons. Karolo Fullor roportod that tho Johnson County Consorvatlon Board ho. ollocolod fund. lo'r tho complotlon or an Invonlory 01 nalural aroas In Johnson County and a dovolopmont plan to prosorvo thoso aroas. Sho sloted thai tho proloclshould bogln In Januory 01 199t wllh opproxlmotoly six months noodod lor complotlon. Jonos roportod thot thoro Is now a sloto.wldo listing of consorvotlon orgonlzotlons bolng dlslrlbulod by the Iowa National Horlloge Foundotlon, i I: , I I . .. . , I, , , I 99 / r, , y Mlnutos Iowa City Rlvorlront Commission Docombor 5, 1990 Pago 2 fLOODPLAIN POLICY WIEW: Rockwoll notod thol during tho past yoar, tho Commission had oxprossod concorns about noodplaln dovolopmont and an Intorost In rovlslng tho Floodplain Ordlnanco. Sho nolod thot lovoral othor IlIlos roqulro componsalory Itorago. She ukod lItho Commission would bo Inlorestod In Ichodullng a prosonllllon by a 110ft mombor 01 the Public WOrkl Dopartmont to dlaculI Iho Floodplain and Stormwolor Managemont Ordlnancol. litho CommissIon wore Inloroslod In pursuing an Ordlnanco rovlslon, Iho advllod tllO lormallon 01 a subcommllloo to addroll this Iasuo by rovlowfng ponclos that havo boon oslabllshod In othor munlclpallUos and Ihen making a rocommondatlon 10 tho onllro Commission regarding proposed Ordlnanco changos. Jonosslalod that componsatory Ilorago rolalos to Itormwalor rolontlon and may not app~ to Ihe Iowa Rlvor Valley, but ho nolod that It mlghl bo a valuable concopt In tho Cloar Crook walorshod ar08, and possibly appllcablo In Iho Old Man's Crook and Willow Creok areas In tho ovont those aroas aro dovolopod. Rockwoll roportod thottho Parkl and Rocroatlon Dopartmont hod roquoslod CIP lundlng 01 ovor $85,000 to dovolop tho p8lk. Sho Ilalod thot nogotlallons wlllloko placo with Profosslonal Mulftor to dolormlno how much parking aroathoy may want 10 loose on this City proporty. This 110m was doforrod tor discussion whon a quorum Is prosont. Thllltom wu dolorrod unUl 8 quorum II prosonL Rockwoll roportod that Wachal has ollorod to run u Chair and Brunor 10' V1co.chalr, but nolod that both havo exprossod a wllllngnoss to step uldo It anyono olso Is Inloroatod In olthor position. ~: Horton roportod that. tho Johnson County Hlslorlc Prosorvatlon Commission will lurvey all hIstorical sitos In Iowa City In anticipation 01 dovoloplng a County Roglslor 01 Hlslorlc Placos. Ho Ilalod that tho survoy will toke placo April through Juno, 1991. ~: Karolo Fullor roportod tholtho Johnson County Consorvallon Board lools thoro II a nood lor troll dovolopmont In Johnson County. She nolod thot updotlng tho Stanloy Plsn Is a logical placo to Ilart. Rockwoll stotod thot at Its Oclobor mooting, Iho Rlvorlronl Commission oncouragod cooporatlon botwoon tho Boord and Commission In this area. Thoro was a consonsus lor roprosonlaUvol 01 tho two groups 10 moot In March 1991 to discuss how a cooporatlvo olfcrt to updato tho Slanloy Pion might bo Implomentod. I I , I , 1 I , , " I I , , " , I , I I. , , I , , I I , I , , i I, I I , '. . I , I " 9' ',~ t. ,. .:~,. ~ , / t] , 5 Mlnuto. Iowa City Rlvorfront Commlaalon Docombor 5, 1m Pago 3 ~: Tho moollng wu adjournod at 8:21 P.M. Mlnuto. submlttod by Mary Jo Non. ~12.a ,'\ I I t 'f ~,. I: " '. , , .. iI " I' ,i , , , j' I I , 1 I i'. :.', 'I i' 1 " i'I. ~ : , ' .' l' I " .' I , i . '" u, T~~:~r;- , . I: /: " .( " ., ;' i: I, i ,t; , I , r " -': ;., I ';1 H. I: i ! , !, , ; ,,'j I I, I , I I: , 1 . I: "I, , " I " ..~..__.....~....,,-. 99 ' ."-~-~'.'-w...':j'f . ...""........-- . t I " / t] I b lIVE) I i r- I I " MINUTES , I . I IOWA CITY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT , I I , NOVEMBER 14, 1990, 4:30 P.M. I' I ". CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS I MEMBERS PRESENT: JoR Barta, Emlo Galor. Cllthorlno Jchnson, Mlko Mo.s/or, John I , Pol/on , I MEMBERS ABSENT: Ncno I. , SPECIAL COUNCIL TO THE BOARD: John Hayok . , . STAFF PRESENT: Melody Romu, Mary Jo Nolf OTHERS PRESENT: John Moreland, Jim BllIdIey, Dan Boyle, Dean Spina, John Kammermoyor, Ulono Holbrock, Clemons EtdMJ, WUUam Dull, Jan DuD, MIchael Hart, Nick Russo, Martl MIanl, Jim Pcnlo, Jim Clark, Keith WO'lorcamp, Brian HulchlnlOn, Jtm Larew, Kormlt Shokor, Pat Eckh8lllt, Slophanle Slavfn, Edith Dorby, Cam Campboll, Duane Moore, Lany Walert, RIchard Minor, John Saddler, Chuck Hun, RIchand Broon, Torry Hale i' ~: Chalrporacn Pellcn caIIod the mOIling to Otdor at 4:36 p.m. I I I I I I i I i , I' I , Messler moved 10 approve the minute. cltho Octobor la, 1990 moellng. Jchnscn soconded. ' Tho mollon canfod 4-0. ~: 1. ~. Publlo hearfng on a requeslsubmllled by John More/and, Jr. lor a special ' excepdon 10 permit dwelling units abovo tho ground "oor cl a prfnclpal use In tho CC-2 zone Icr property localod al I~S6 FIrat Avenuo. Rockwell revlowod tho stall roport datod Novombor 14, 1990. Sla/I rocommended approval 01 tho proposod special excopdon to permit up to len dwelling units abovo the ground Iocr Icr property localod 01 1556 Flral Avenuo, subject to the prcporty owner 1) providing signs which daslgnale the parking spacos a1localod lor rosldonUaI use, 2) providing security IIghllng lor the parkfng area, partlculatly althe rosldondal entrances 10 the building, and 3) complying with the clf'ltroot parking rogulallons as requlrod by Clly Ordlnanco. I \. I ~ ~: , :' , ~ slalod thai thoro Is domand Icr apartmonts In tho aroa. He nolod that tho accoss 10 and visibility clthoso lots which % 101 back Irom tho main thoroughlaros rosullln lowor ccmmorclal ronl polonUal, 10 thoro Is a nood for addldonal Incomo Irom tho rosldontlal unlls abovo tho ground noor. Ho sald lI1althls dovolopmonl wculd bo sImilar 10 hIs clhor dovolcpmonl In tho aroa which was a subslanUaI Improvomonlto Iho nolghbcrhocd. ' . , I , i " /~ , I t] I ,-" lowI City Beard 01 Ad/ustmenl November 14, 1990 Page 2 ~: Barta noled lI1al the similar development by Moroland In tho area has deno wan and was compallblo with other uses In 1110 aroa. In responso 10 a que'doh from Pelton, Rocl<waU Indlcatod that she has not rocolvod any calls from no~hbort. Pellon stalod 11111,1110 appllcanl had mOllho standard,'or a special oxcopl/on. Mosslar notod lhat 1110 proposod donslty Is loss lI1an allowed by OrcInanco. 111110 parldng rogulltJonllfO me~ Mossltr laW no rwon to dony lI1e application. MQIlQfi: JohlllOn movtd to Ipprovt SE-8013, I rtqUllt IUbmll1ld by John Mortland, Jr., lor I .pIClIlucepUon to permit up to *' ctweIllng unIl1lbovt \hi ground 1l00r lor property 10CIt1d 111551 FIrat Awnua, lub/lCt to \hi property OWIlll' ' 1) proVIding IIgl11 w!IIch dtI/gIII" ItIe pnJng IptCM IlIoe1lId lor lllldentllll UII,2) proVIdIng IlCUrlty IIghUng lorlhl pnJng 11II, pII1Iculllfy IIItIe lllldentlllanlrlncel to tilt building, IIId 3) complying wlth \hi oII..1rMt pnIng regullUolII U flqulrld by City Ordll\ll1C1. BIItI MCOIldId.~ , I I I, 1. J:i22i. Public hoaring on an appeal subnllllad by John Kammormeyor, MoD., and Northaldo NO~hborhood Assocladon by John Kammermeyor, M.D., clll1e ZOning Codo Interptetallon Panerl doc/slon 11111 a hallpad II I ponnltted prlnclpaJ use In lIIe Commercial Ofllce (CO-i) Zone. RockweU revfowed lI1e conclusions roachod by 1110 ZOning Code IntorprelaUon Pillet. (Galer anlvod a14:52 p.m.) Hayek rovtowod his mornoran<lJm on applicable proceclJl8I and jurlsdlctlona/ lsauo.lor 1110 Board to consider In lIIel.9002 appeal case. Polton asked that counsollcr fle oppollanl provldo an oponlng stalomont, to be Ionowod by a ltalomonl by 1110 counsallor appelloo. JI!I1..Bracllov. counsel./2Uho eDOollqoJ, slated that his clients aro John Kammormoyer, who has his office noar tho proposod landing spot and also owns noarby property, and 1110 Norlhsldo No~hborhood AssoclaUcn, which Is a group Inloreslod In presorvfng 1110 charactor and conllnulty 01 tho Norlhalde NO~hborhocd. Bradloy oxplalnod a Cedar Raplds nrm had boon rotalnod 10 roprosonlll1o appoDants, because repeated attompts by Kammermoyor 10 bo roprosonlod by attomoys from Iowa ClIy woroluUIe. Kammormoyor was told that conftlcts ollnlorest provonted roprosontaUon clll10 oppoUanls. Brelloy stalod flat SocUon 1.2 011110 Iowa City Codo provldos lI1alln any case whore a provision 011110 Code Is lound 10 be In connJct wlll1 a provision 01 any oll1or ordinance or soctlon 01 1110 Cedo, tho provisIon which ostabllshos tho hlghor standards lor tho promoUon and prolocl/on 01 tho hOalth, safoty, and woUare 01 tho 'public should provall. Ho stalod Ihat concoms 01 tho appellants do go 10 those mattors and to tho Inion I 01 tho City Councll whon tho Codo was onacted. Bradloy stalod ~ Is approprfato lor Iho Board 10 consldor 1110 public hOal,lh, Safoty, and wollaro whon rovIowlng tho Ordlnanco. Bredloy nclod lhal a prlnclpal uso mayor may not bo a pormllled uso. Ho staled 11101 a pormlllod uso Is aJlcwod In tho zonb In whIch It Is spoclllcnJly IIs1od. Ha nolod that Dan I i , , i , /DO / t] , 8 Iowa City Beard 01 Adlustmenl Novombor 14, 1990 Pago 3 , Boyle, Morcy Hcspltal's counsel, Indlcolod In a poslllon papor that the heliport Is an Inlogral part cl Mercy Hospltal's emergency modlcal servleo laclllUes, and thus Is a principal hospital use and thus a pormlllod hcspltal use. Bradley staled that II this logic wore correct, then It wculd apply 10 any Induslty, resear.ch laclllty, holel or commercial usa which considers hallports to bo an Inlogral part cllts business. Ha staled thaI this poslUcn runs absolulely contrary to tha Codo provisions which do net list heliports as a permitted principal use. Bradloy strossod that the Code dees not denna honports as a part 01 any emorgency medcal sorvlcos to bo provldod by a hcspltal. Bradloy slaled that the Code says that II 1I10rols 8/lY conflict botween regulations olll1e zcna In which the use Is aIIowod 8/ld addlUonal rogulaUons 011110 OrdIn8/lCG, then the most rostrlcllve regulations shall apply. He indicated the only way tha Zcnlng Codo Inlerprolalfon P8/lel could have anlvod at Its doclslon was to adopt Mercy Hospital's poslUon that 'omorgoncy modlcaJ sorvleos' 8/ld "emergoncy care syslom. are the same. He stalod lI1at the Zoning Code InterpretaUon P8/lel must have adoptnd Morcy Hospital's novolll1oory that a hollpad Is not lust part 01 an emorgency care system, but Is the emorgency system roforred to In tho Ordlnaneo. He said that the only way Morcy Hospital can argue that a heliport Is a pormltted use Is to Inlor It Is Includod as part olll1e 'emergency modlcal servlces"In the deflnlUcn 01 the word 'hospital.' Bradloy noted lI1at this Is a strained deflnlllon cltho word 'hospital,' 8/ld Is an example 01 using language In a way 10 get the deslrod rosulL Ho omphaslzed that Mercy Hospltal's approach allows lI1e hospital 10 avcld asking lI1e City Council 10 revlow the Issuo and also avoids Umely dovelopment 01 all portlnont InlcrmaUon. Bradley statod that the hearings held In 19821ndlcole lI1at the InlormaUon which pertains to Ihe protecUon 01 the health, solety, 8/ld welfara 01 the public was heard. He ncled lI1at tho Zoning Code InterpretaUcn P8/lol basod Its conclusion en tho erronoous premise that ch8/lglng facts change the accoplable InlorpretaUon 01 the Ordinance. Ho believed this to bo Immalorial. Ha omphaslzed that emorgoncy medIcal sorvleos are only a part clll1e system, and one cannot be equated with lI1e oll1er. He staled It Is not appropriate 10 Jeopardize tho neighborhood unnecessarily whon lI1ere are proeodures 8/ld controls set lorth In the Ordinance 10 allow Icr consldoraUcn 011110 public saloty, health, and wellare. Bradley noted that helicopter servlce Is provided Icr 1110 area through tho University 01 Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, which allows landing lor Morcy Hospltat's paUents, cr Immediate trealment can be provldod In tho University Hospitals' lull trauma cenlor 10 allow paUonts to bo slabUlzed thon tr8/llpOrtod to Morcy Hospital. Bradloy understoodrMorcy Hospital's desire 10 cbtaln a largor markol share, but he stressed Ihal he does not benove II1ls Is 1110 way to achlovo the desIred resulL Bradloy strossod that denial 01 Mercy Hospital's argument avoids unnecessary dupllcotlcn 01 medical servleo.. He quesUonod that II tronsportoUcn Is such an Inlegral part cl a business lI1at tho hellpcrt bocomes a principal use, why would the Ordinance require a special exception In some zones? He ncled that a spacial exception Is required In zones that generally cccur In wide opon areas In the lrioge portions clthe City. Therefcre, he doubled that the Intent 01 the Ordinance was Icr heliports 10 be allowod unrogulalod .. 1/ In ccngestod areas, such as In lho aroa around Morcy Hcspllal. lao ,,"' I I I ,. / tJ , 9 Il7IVl Clly Board 01 Adlustmont November I.. 1990 Page. ~cv1e. counsel lor Mercy Hoscltal. stalod 11181 R was brought 10 his al1Ontion luSI prior to lI1e public heartno lI1al ex parte communication was sontto mombers cl lI1e Beard 01 Adjustment by City Councllmembor Susan Horl7lVltz. He had not hod Ume to analyze lI1e documont In Its totality, but he bollevod II contalnod misleading Inlonnatlon. Ha noted lI1at on October 23, 1990. 1110 City Allamay sont . memorandum to the BcaJd and 01110". including tile City Counc/l, stating thai ex parta communication Is Improper. Ha nolod 1I1a1 the Il7IVa Court 01 Appeals recontly rulod thai the tmportance ollhe prohibition against ex parte communlcaticn II emphasized In tile Iowa AanlnlstJatlve Procedures Act Ho noted that tile court Indcatod tllere lU1I COIl1l'IIIng conslclelltions,lnc/udng basic lalmess, tIIa! demand tllalex parte communlcaticn should not occur betwoen Interested parties and a body ICIlng In I Judclary Iundlon. Boyle requestod tIIlt tile Board put tile meller olll1e Horowitz Ieuer out 01111 mind. BoyIt llated II1It Morcy Hospl1alls proposing to bulId I he~rt on lIIe II1Ird ftoo( rool 01 tile emergency 1er.1C8S wing which houseltlle emer;oncy care lacllIty on Its IIrst noor. HI noted ilia! no hellcoptol1 wtI be kept It 1111 hoapItaI and tIIat fuellno Mrvlces would not be col\l1nlCtlld at Mercy Hospital. He raportod that emergency palterrts would be dellverod to Morcy Hospital by 1Jr Care which 18rveS lI1e University Hospltala, and by Ule Guard which serves SL Luke'. Hcspltalln Cedar RapIds. Boyle alrossad tllallhe hencopter would 18rvell1e same purpose and functlon as ground emergency transportatlon. Boyte statod lIIat no cne had claJmad that what was propcsed was I hospital ayslem. He Indclltod 111m Bracley was referring to a definition developed by lI1e Amertcan Hcspltal Assoclatlon which has certaJn standards and dennlticns 01 servlces relallng to hospltala. Boyle said that the tenn 'emergency cat8syatom' denotes I system which lncIudelllle ablDly to recolve patients at a hospital Iac/llty. He noted lI1at "II unlcrtuna18that everyone keeps relerring to the heliport as a means 01 transportation, and not as thellblDty to recalvl paIlents. Boylllndlcated lI1at Mercy Hoapltalls proposing an emergency entrance lor IIr patienllln lI1e same manner that an emergency entranco currently exlsls lor patienls received by ground ambulance. Boyle reportod that the Zoning Code Inlerprelallon Panellookod at the definition 01 hospltallncludod In SoCllon 36(4)(h)(31 01 the Iowa City ZOning Code which Includes related Iac/lltios which are an Inlogral part 01 the hospital facl1lty. Boyle atI1ted that he benoves entrances to recolve omor;oncy patients are Integral parts 01 emer;ency care laclUtIos. Boyle sltossod 111m this hoaring was not about whether Morcy Hospital noods emergency alr access. It was nollor tho Board or City Council to delennlne what typos clsorvlcos Morcy Hcspltal docldes 10 prcvlde 111 paUorrts. Boyle also stressed that the appoal was not about whothor Mercy Hospital has met the standards requlrod lor a spocIaJ excoption use, alll10ugh ha noted Morcy Hospital will prolent InlonnaUon on this mellor. Boyle staled thatll1e hoor1ng was not about whother Indlvldual members 01 the Board I/O porsonally In lavor or opposed to tho proposad use. He stated that It was not rolevant " there was nolghborhood opposlUon, beceuse this was log ally Insulllclent to cvertum the Zoning Code InlorprotaUcn Panel's decision" the Beard delennlnes that the doclslon was othorwfse corroct. Boyle stressed that the sole Issue was to dolennlne lithe Zoning Code InlorpretaUon Panol corroctly Inlorpreled tho Iowa City Zoning Code. IdO ,-. / t] I~ [I Iowa Clly Beard 01 Adjuslmont NcvoO\bor 14, 1990 Pogo 5 ~: prooononlLl2!.Jhe Aooo~ Il2lln.Ksmmormoyor. 8llOO1!Bnl. nctod ho Is an Iowa City a1lorglst who was bom In Iowa City. His cNloo Is Iocalod c1ogonally across tho atreot Irom the Morcy Hospital emorgoncy ontranco. Ho also owns a duplox on the block. Hla lathor resldoa In an apartment aboVlI his modIcaJ oltlco. Kanvnormeyer atalod thai he lools tho Zonfng Code InterpretaUon Panal decision was lnepptOprfale and has . pellOnaJ Impact en him. His lalha~a bodtoom wtndow Is oyo level with the proposod hellpad. Kammormeyer aald he win be working at his cltlco during tho day and many evenings as wID his oNloo atalf. He atalod that lor reuons 01 aaloty, noise, vlbrallon and tho Ukoly decrease In property vlIlues, he Is concemod about Iho proposod hollpad. Ho lndlcatod Ihat Morcy Hospital's claim that 1hI, II . principal uso 18 Incorrect. ,Doan Solna. counsol..12Ll.l1o 8llOOnant. prosontod an aOrial phOlograph 01 the Morcy Hcapltal area to be doalgnatod u exhibit 28. Kammormoyor Indlcatod thai this photograph loIrly represents the Morcy Hcspltal erea at this time, except that 1110 cpon ere. 10 lI1e aoull1 cl Morcy Hospital Is now an oNlce building and parldng ramp. Kammormeyer notod lI1at lI1e labols en lI1e map wero made by himself and cthor Northsldo nolghbors to Idontlfy landmarks In lI1e area. I k staled that she was born and ralsod In Iowa City. Sho reportod that lI1e Norlhsldo Nelghborhcod Aasoclallcn was Icrmod In 1987 by a amaR group 01 residents wllI1 an Inlerestln prosorvlng lI1e quality and charactor 011110 neighborhood. Sho stated that tho aerial photograph relerrod to as exhibit 2818 an 8CCUreta representation 01 the erea around Mercy Hospital and noted that sho Ilvosllvo b10cka lrom Morcy Hospital. Spina atatod that tho Zoning OrdInance should be lookod at as a whole and that the Zcnlng Code InterpretaUcn Panollookod al only a narrow portlon cl the Zcnlng Ordinance. Spina bellovod that whon Intorprotlng tho Zoning Ordlnanco, ccnsldoratlon should also be given 10 the purposes that tho City Ccuncll sought 10 serve, the laglslellve Inlon~ the Undoriyfng pollclos, and the censequoncos 01 various Interpretallcns. Ho aald that the Zoning Code Inlorprelatlcn Panollccusod cnly on the hollport as being an Inlagral part clthe hospital. He Indlcatod that by Icllowlng dec/alons 01 the Iowa Supreme Court and applying the Doctr1ne 01 wt Procedlng Antecodent In analyzing the dofinltlon ol'hoapltal' In the Iowa City Code, thon the lorm, 'Which ere an Intagral part cl the laclllty,. would apply only 10 'atalf officea' and not to 'omorgency modlcal aervlces.. He Indlcalod that the Zoning Codo Intorpretatlon Panel's doclslcn was an orroneous application clthe dofinlllon clthe lorm 'hospllal.' Spina stalod that the 'systoms' approach adoplod by Mercy Hospllal In Us Initial letter 10 City stalf, rosullod In tho Zcnlng Codo Inlorpretatlcn Panol doclslcn. Spina polntod out that II Mercy Hcspllal'slnlorprolatlcn 01 tho Zoning Ordinance Is corroct, lhen othor typos 01 facllltlos that m~ht be Inloroslod In having a hollport would be able 10 construct cne without having a closo Inspo9t1on 01 tho lacts and without conslderollon 01 safoty and nclso ccncorns. Ho slrossod thai mosl aroas In tho Clly whoro hellpads aro pormlttod only by spoclol oxcopllon, aro localod In outlying aroas 0' Iho City. Ho noled lholtho CO- I~O .... ; , I , , , : / tJ ,~/I . Iowa CIIy Board cl Adjustment Ncvember I". 1990 Pege6 I zonos ara scattered Ihtoughout the CIIy. It made IIll1e ao/lSO to him 10 allow hallpads by spoclal exception only In the larger and more expansive areas 01 tho City and 01 tho same timeloglslatlvoly &now hellpads 10 go Inlo Ihe hoavlly congestod area around Marcy Hcspital wlthcul tho conI/cis providod Ihrcugh the spacial oxcaption procm. Spina naled thai tho Zoning Code Inlerptetaticn Panol doclslon Indlcalod that In order for Mercy Hospital to maintain Modcaro plll1lclpallon. Morcy Hcspltal must maintain emorgoncy modIcaI fac/lllle.. SpIna ldvlaod tllat IhIsl1 noli raqulromont 01 ModIcara par1lclpation. HI pmenlod Inlonnallon. referrad to u Exhllll 6. tllallndudod tlll rulos 01 Modlcare ~n. Splnl .lated tllal tlle Iowa City CMdI wu net aIlent regarding heliports. The Zoning OrdInance speciftcally IIlerencel hellportlln SlC\lon 38-55 u provlaIonal usn. ThII Indcales thai the ClIy Council determined Ihal h81lportlltt UM8 Ihat 110 unique and dlfferen~ and whether 01 net henportl should be a11owod Is a mBll8f that the City Council roforred to the Board cl Adjustmont 101 Its ICN\Iny and review Ihtough the spacial exception ptOCOSI. Spina stalod tllat III hollport Is allowed u an Intogral usa 01 a hospltalln tlle Co. 1 zone. then other paraJlols could be found In tlle community. HI statod tllat chlldcaro lacllltios are allowed by special exception In s&veral zonos In the CIty. Under the analysis usod by Morcy Hospital. an employor could say thai because employoos are part clthe business syltem, a chl1dcare laclllly would nood to be permlttod on.sIte u a part cllhe system. Spina .~osaed tllal this approach would unravel much 01 the nne planning which Is contalnod In the Zoning OrdInance. He emphUlzod that the City Council did not remaln a1lont on the Issue cl heliports. He bellaved thallI tho proposod heliport Wlro constructod, It should cnly occur attor Morcy Hospital hu had the opportunity to oblaln an amendmont to the Zoning Ordnance. Spina indicated that based on rocords that have boon uncoverod In the past two wooks, It appeared Ihat the amencmenllo the Zoning Ordnance concemlng henports occurred alter the City Issued IncIuslllal rovenue bonds lor Morcy Hospital. He sta!l)d that It appeBlOd the CIty rocolvod assurances lrom Morcy Hospital alter the 1982 bond Issue, and thallhls was rolaled 10 thelntonl ollhe City Councllln adopting Ihe 1983 Zoning OrdInance wtth spoclflo language rolatlve to hollpads. '-Iemenl EWIlIJormer CJ\Y.9ouncfl mombQ~ ltatod that his rocolloctfcns aro Ihe lame u expressed In a lettor Irom lormor Council momber David PorroL Erdahlltalod that It Is Important to lock at the ovoraJllnlent ollhe Zoning Ordinance, not just bits and p1ecos u was dono by Ihe Zoning Code Interpretation Panel. It was his understanding Ihalln Iowa. tllo Ieglslatlvo Intont Is not analyzed by dolormlnlng what was on the mind 01 the Council membors at a time a decision wu made or by whal wu safd on tlle rocord, but by lOading the languago 01 tho Ordinance u a whole. It appoarod 10 Erdahllhallta" mombars have rolnlorpletod tho moaning ollho Zoning Ordinance, and by doing 10 are Joglslatlng In a mannor that was net Intonded by Iho City Council. He noted thai the Inlontion ollhe Ccuncll wu clear on tho lace 011110 Ordinance when" Is read as a whclo. Erdahlslatod that tho rolo 01 the Board 01 Adjuslmont Is to ensure thai Ihere Is domocrollc InpuL Ho wu glad to 100 Ihal clUzons havo beon glvon an opportunity Icr appollale porUclpatlcn on this typo ollmpartanl decision. '0' I~O / n 2 2 Iowa Clly Beard 01 AdJustmonl Novombor 14, 1990 pogo 7 Erdahl stalod that whon a hollport Is dlscussod. consldoraUon should ba glvon 10 1110 public hoalth, aatoty, and wollaro. Thoso coneorns wore abdlcalod 10 tho Alrpcrt Managor by the CIty Councl/ln 1983, but only as II concomod ono stop I/Ights. Erdahl.trOS54d Ihat thera Is nothing In tho Ordlnanco thai shows II was the Intont clll1a Council 10 abdIcato rosponslblllty Icr the pub:lc hoalll1, .a/ety, and wellare to the Alrport Managor. Erdahl nolod 1I1a1 when the Council discussed the Zoning Ordnance In 1983, " had Jult IInIshed wtIh lI1e Indualltal revenue bonds let Mercy Hospital. Morcy Hospital had witl1drawn Its request let a hOIlpad at that time. "was Erdahl'. undorstandlng lI1at Mercy Hospital did net 1001 " could get a majority 01 Councll.upport Icr the revenue bonds lIlt pursued the hellpad issue. He recallod thai the Council was Intcnn~ by .ta" that Morcy Hospital could not construct a heliport without Council approval. There was a d1"eronce cl cplnlon bomeon counsellor Morcy Hospital and Iha City rogardlng this Issue, but he stressed 1I1a1 lI1e City Council was concernod about tho issue 01 a hellpad aI Morcy Hospital. Erdahl recaJ1ed that when lI1e 1983 ZOning Ordlnanca was d1acuased,there was spoclno discussion rooardlng Morcy Hospital. Erdahl stalod lI1at tho Council membors lelt lI1at they wore allowing hollports In .pacific zcnes with certain minimum requlromonts and ncted 1I1a1ln tNO 011110 II1roo zcnos, heliports would only be allowed aftor Board cl Adjustment approval. Erdahl stalod that he was stunned that tho ZOning Codo Intarptetalfon Panolsald lI1at tho Councllloglslalod by silence on lI1e Issuo. Ho slressod thallho Council was not sllont on tho Issue and It was his undorslandlng that lIthe Councllspoko spoclncaJly about an Issue and IImIIod a use to a spoclflc 8188, thl. was not .1I0nco and the use was net baing allowed by sllonce In any other aroa. Erdahlstatod that It dano. roascn that the Council would cnly allow hollpada by spacial excapllcn with rostrtctJonsln large ouUylng aroas while also allowing heliports withcut any restrtcUons In the downtown area. Erdahlslreasod that lI1e Board should look aI how lI1e OrdInance redonaJ~ nls togother when anaJyzJng 1110 Counclrs actJons. Ho nolod thai a court would give the loglslal/vo body crodlllor actJng reasonably and rallcnal~. He omphaslzed that lI1e Ccundl sot lorth heliports as a principal use with restrlctJons In .padnc zcne. .0 when the Ordinance Is ,ead as a whole, It Is clear that the Ccuncll was net sllont en this Issue. Ho exprossed a hcpa IIlal the Board would flnd that the Council clearly did net Inlend to allow hollports In any 01 the areas where II dld not spoclflcally .ay heliports could bo located. Spina dlsUngulshod the caso (1976) as a dlfforont sltuallon 110m the pre.enl caso. He sllassed lI1al the Iowa City Zoning Ordinance spoclncally addressed heliports. He stalod thalll2llm2lls1anda lor the concepl that rostr1cUcns 01 a zoning ordinance shculd net be oxlondod by Impllcadcn whon thelO Is an amblgulty, which Spina sllossod Is not true In the prosont caso. Spina prosented to the Board a lotter 110m the Unlvorslty cllowa Hospitals and Clinics 1I1i11 statos thai 1110 opdon Is BVallablo 10 transport padonta Irom 1110 Unlvorslty cllowa hellpad to Morcy Hcspllal. In response 10 a quesllon ~cm Boylo, Spina Indlcatod that II1ls lottor was roeolvod within the pasl tNO wooks. Spina nolod that exhibit Sin tho appollant's paekollo tho Board domonstratos thai Morcy Hospllalls nol roqulrod to havo air aeeoss In crdor 10 malnlaln an omorgoney sullo and exhibit 6 domcnsllalos that air aeeoss Is nol a roqulromontlor Modlcaro partlelpallcn. He l()tJ ...' / tJ. I? .3 Iowa City BOard 01 Adjustment NovonNbor 14. 1990 Pago 8 Staled ~at EJchlblt 8 domonstratos ~II ~ero Is no rutolllnce 10 'amergoncy sorvlces' Included In 1Il0 accroditadon procoss. Spina suggoslod lIlal EJchibit 10. a leltor 110m 1Il0 FAA rOOardlng lis Inspectfon 01 Ihe Proposod slle bo rovlowed In conjunctfon Willl a leltor 110m Lyla BlIlbor 10 Susan Horowitz which Indcates thai ~o FAA Is aware Ihlllts favorable loiters aro often mlsusod In zoning maltOl1. Spina nolod ~II EJchlbll 11, an appllcatlon to tho FAA 110m Mercy Hospital tor approval ollila hel~ In 1979 ahows Ihat more conalderallon was given to lI1e Impact on 111. IIITOUndIng area lllhat tIm.. SpIna Itattd II1lllnlormallon provldtd by Morcy Hosp/tallndcatoa hi vlrtuaJJy every hespltalln Iowa hu a hoIlpad In a ruslcltnllaJ d1sb1ct. u shown by EJchlblt 12. Splnastrussed that~. nurrbtt 01 expected IIIghta neods to be considered as does Ille proxlmlty to actual resldontlal USGS. Ha strussed 11111 many 01 those areas also Include IIIght palhs over ruraJ.agrlcuItural8l8as. John Kammermoyer Stressed thai Morcy Hosp/la/ does not have a trauma centor, pedlatr1cs Intenalve care unit. bum unl~ nellosurgery unit, 0( stall on clIty In ~e emargency room 24 hours a day. He noted 11181 those IacII contradct Mercy Hospital's claim that emorgency air access Is an Integral part ollis cperallon. Kammermeyer nolod lI1at Mercy Hospital c1laa not haw tha ability 10 truat tho suMvort 01 a hellcoptor crash nor does It hava ~e support ola majority ollis own physIcIana. Kammermoyerlndlcalod that he believes Mercy Hospital's proposal Is a disservice 10 lI1e publlo because II orroneously convoys lI1e Implllsslcn Ihat Mercy Hospital has ~e lull range cl omorgency services genorally assoclaled with emergency air access. II n stated 11111 he apeclaJlusln pulmonary medlclne and cr1dcaJ care, and practices at Mercy Hcsp/tal. Dull lives 8ppfOXlmalely S70, leet from Mercy Hospital. His office Is approximately 550 leet 110m Mercy HOSpital. Dun, cftod incidents whoru ho has had patients translorred 110m boll1the Iowa Clly airport by ground ambulance and 110m 1110 Unlvorslty 01 Iowa hellpad wllI10ut compromising the care olll1e paUonts. Dun expressod concom lI1at lI1e Zoning Code InlorpretaUcn Panera decision was basod on the deftnlUon 01 the Amorlcan Hcspltal Asaoc/aUon for 'amargency medical systems. ' He ncled that the Panellncorroctiy concluded \halthe terms, 'se~cos' and 'systoms,' 818 synonymous and then compounded lI1e error by saying thai an 'emergency medical servlce,olncludlng transportatlon, Is an Integral part cl Mercy Hcspltara oporaUons. Dull noled Ihat this community has an omorgancy medical ayslem 01 the University 01 Iowa Hospitals which provides both air and ground transportaUon and olten provldos emergency treatment at the scone. He stressed that Morcy Hospital must walt lor paUonts 10 reach Its facfllty In order to provlde emergoncy services. He emphasized tho loCI lI1at Morcy Hospltal.s emergoncy room IsstaJfed only 64% of lI1e weok demonstraleslls Intont Is to provide emergoncy "MOOS and net an omorgoncy modlcal ayalom. Dun notod 11101 tho Zoning Codo InlorprolaUon Panol concluded that tho dllloronco In nolso botwoon air and ground lransportatlcn Is a dlHorenoo In door.. mthor than a dlHoronoo In kfnd. Ho strossed that tho ground ambulanoo turns oH lis slrons within a law blocks cl Morcy Hospital to mlnlmlzo the Impact en ths no~hborhood while a hollcoplar would slay en tho landing pad lor approxlmatoly Ion mlnutos with oach n~hl. Dull slrossod thai most haart altacks occur al nIght and n~ht n~hts glvo 1110 porcopUon cl a groatar nolso lavol . . ~ Ib() .... .. J U / LI L ,I Iowa CIIy Bollld 01 Adjuslmont Ncvombor 14, 1990 Page 9 bocauso 01 tho reductlcn In backgrcund nclso thai occurs at night. He Indica led that tho sound 01 a hollcoptor alloo 1001 " sImilar /0 the scund of a Jackhammer at threo foeL Ho said thai this typo 01 nclso could result In dysfuncUonol sloop palloms lor tho nolghbors. DuD nolod that Morcy Hospital concluded that most hollpads In Iowa are Iocalod In rosldondal areas. He stressed that many cllowa'l hospitals are located on olthor the outlkllta o. town Of are lurroundod by hospital proporty, such as the Unlveralty 01 Iowa Hospitals. He ell'4lhaslzed that aft acce.. to the majorfty 01 hospl~ In Iowa bears no stmllartty 10 the neighborhood sltuadon surrounding Morey Hospital. He ClXpressed the beDo' that no parent would bellovo that havfng tho hollpad In thJs area would result In a 1818 envlronmont lor a child. In Iact, he stressed that the loct that a hellpad was avon proposed In the neighborhood where lamlllessdll live, sleop and play, brfngs now meaning 10 Morcy Hospll8l'slogo, "We treat you Uke lamlly.' Spina rovlowed a loiter from Dcnald Trunke, Chalrporscn of tho Dopartment 01 Surgery ollhe Unlvoralty ollcwa Hospltals,lndlcadng that Ilia nol nocossary lor a hospital to have a helicopter syslom. It was Trunke's understanding that Morcy Hosplt~ cnly provides cne 01 the sorvfcas generally assoclaled with emorgency air access. Trunko's lollor caJlod for the modlcaJ community at largo 10 cooporate with acclely to furthor roduce tho escaJallcn cl hospital costs by avoiding tho duplication cl aorvlcos. I statod that she disagreed with the Zoning Code InlerprataUon Paners doc/slon because It was basod on misleading Information and no cutslde verfficallcn ollnformatlcn was soughL She noled that orrcnoous Inlorprotatlons wore made by the Panol which resultod In erronocus concluslcns. On page five 01 Its decision, tho Panol used the words 'seMeo' and 'syalom,'lnlerchangeably. Dull strossod that a 'syatem'ls a nelwork cllervlces, and a 'servlce'ls a part cl a syslem. Sorvlce can be tranlpQrtaUon, home care, or relerral sorvlces. Transportallcn Is a aoparale sorvfca and stands by Itsellsoparalelrom other services. Dull notod that ground ambulance transportation Is not an Integral part 01 Morcy Hcspltal.s oporatlon. Dull stalod that the conclusion on page nine 01 the Panol's decision that emorgoncy modlcal SOMeoS Include transportation 10 and from the hospital Is noljustlfiod by tho evidence prosentedj no evldeneo 01 Industry standlllds was provided In the doclslon. Unsubstantlalod claims by Morey Hospital and the porscnaJ opinions 01 Panel members wera not sufficlont to reach this conclualcn. Dull noled that Doug Boothroy polntod cut In the decision that In crder 10 provide a service to the public, pallents must somehow be mportod 10 the hospital and thus the Panel concluded thai emergency medical services by commcn sonse, necesslly and Implication must Include transportation. Dull conlends that thIs conclusion WIIS Invalid because ovldence on Mercy Hospital's cul/enl oporatlcn shows that Its grcund ambulance transportation Is provided by other community ogenclos. Dull strossod that the ccnlonllcn that transportation Is an Inlogral part 01 Mercy Hospllal's cperot/on Is Inconslslont with Its curronl melhod 01 oporallon. Dull slalod Ihal Morcy Hospllal provldod no data 10 domonslralo lhal3-4 IIIghls a monlh wculd be a roasonablo ost/male regarding the froquoncy of nights. The Infcrmat/cn Dull I~() ...' I I, / t] 2 5 Iowa Clly Board 01 AdjuSImOnl NcvombOr 14. 1990 Page , 0 had recelvod showed lha13.5 n~hlS a day would be a mora relScnable expect1Uon. She roforred to a lettar !rom Bany Spear. D~OC1Ot cf Ma1t<<ltlng lOt 51. Luko's HcspltaJ In Codar Rapids. to Ihe Dlroctcr cl Markoting 01 Morcy Hospital Unda Mustcn.lndlceting thai Spear would be Inlerested In Increasing revonues from their helicopter sorvlcos. Tho Jollor dlscussod working out scme typo cf arrangemanl In elder 10 transport all 01 Dr. Campbolra pationts. DuD Indlcalod Ihat Ihls ahows an Inlonl to have a hellcop18r landing SOMce rather than an emergency transportallon seMce. She noled that Dr. Campbon Is not 111 emergoncy care phyalclan and transportation cl ell 01 his patients would not be an amotOency seMce. She auggesl8cl ~at the Board could restrict ~a number cl nights to 3-4 per month to address ~Is concom. Cui referred 10 ~e survey provlded by Morcy HospItaIlndIcaIlng that the majority 01 hospitals In Iowa hava emergency air 1CCOSI1oca18cl1n residential lt8as. She nel8cllhllt the Unlveralty 01 hi Hospitals we cIassIfted IS beIno IoCIled In lrealdential area. but ahould net be. She stressed that In many of ~e altuationa, the lIIght path Is located ovor open no Ids. It would be erroneoua to conclude ~Il c~er hospitals In Iowa arelocal8clln the middle olresldentlaJ neighborhoods In I mannor such u Mercy Hospital. CuD atated that tho Panel dlsmlssod aalety as a concem which was not Its rosponslblllty. Shelndcatod that mombo,. 0111Io AIrport Commission said that there wore many areas whOle a helicopter could salo~ land In the 818a around Mercy Hospital In the avent 01 an emergency, such as street Inlel1OCtlons. She statod that this option Is nel conslderod sele as lar as neighboring residents 818 concemed. Dull stressed ~at the operation 01 a helicopter around Mercy Hosp/talromalns a threal to the residents and Is an unrosolved Issue. DuD stalod thai othor Issuos that were raised Includo: 1) who will monllor whether the henpad Is used Icr emorgency transport only, 2) who wiD menllcr compliance with rostr1ctlons, and 3) who wiD be liable In Ihe avent 01 an acc/donL Dun emphasized that Morcy Hoepltal has nover provided transportation as part ollla emorgency care service, 10 transportation Is not an Intogral part 01 Morcy Hospltars emorgency mocllcal service. DuD ncted thai the decision was In error and should be roversed by the Board. slated thai he has safety concems and also I loels atrong~ about the pIOSOMtion 01 the Intog~ty 01 the Northslde Nolghborhcod. In a memorandum datod October 2, 1990,from UncIa Gen~ to Slove Alldns concemlng the Panera doclslon, Gen~ indicates that one concluaJon clthe Panol was thai Morcy Hospital must malntaln the service proposed In ordor to continue 10 rocelvo ,led oral modlcaJ Iunds. Hart Indlcalod that this Inlonnation was Inaccurato. Hart nolod that one problam with 11Io Panors doc/slon was that It used the Amerlcan Hospital AssoclaUcn's dennltion lor 'emergency rilodlcal systom' In a mannor which was out 01 conloxL He stroased that the Amorlcan Hospllal Association's dennltion 01 'hcspllal omorgency dopartmenr Is a soparalO deftnlllon and doos net Include lransportallon. He urged roccnslderation 01 the Issue .because the declslon was basod In part on orronocus InfonnaUon. , I I I. Hart strOlsod that Mercy Hospital Is an Integral part cl tho community, bul he wlshod Mercy Hospital would 1001 more responsible lowarcls Ita community and the concoms 01 Ita ne~hbors regarding hoolth and safoty. He Indlcalod that the University cl Iowa I()() / t] ,9 b r Iowa Clly Beard 01 Adjustmont Novo~rl4, 1990 pago 11 Hospitals hollpad has boon comparod to tho prcposod Morcy Hcspltal hollpad. Howovor, Hart omphaslzed that Iho Unlvol1l1y 01 Iowa hollpad Is 109 1001 high with tho glldO path alwoya ovor 1,000 loot In holghl unllllt Is dlroctly ovor tho hospital. Ho nclod thai gonoraJ~ the glldO path Is to tho wost ovor non.rosldontlal aroas and ovon so, noise Is 11111 a complaint lrom nolghbort. Spina prosented Exhlllt 13, which Indudod memorandums to UnIvol1lty 01 Iowa Hospltall AIr Care pOols edvIslng them to avoid spedfto lIOas to minimize complaints. He noted that Ihls would not bo possible with the propolOCl Morcy Heap/tal IRe. stated Ihat he had prov\Ously roprosenled the POets AasOc/aUon In a lawsuit and In the courao 01 this roprosenlallon mot with FM ctllc/a1s. RullO Indicated that high density uses are not aIlowOd In the dear zOnGa 01 airports bocause this Is an lIOa which runs thO greatost risk 01 having an accident occur. Ho indicated that he Is at a loss to undOlltand why high denslty devolopment would not bo allcwod In an airport cloar zone, but would bo allowed so closo to a hellcopl8r landing pad. He stated thai maldng provisions lor amargency landing silos en the north sldo presupposes that there wculd be power lelt In the hollcopl8r to control a landlng. He strossod that this Is not aJwa)t the case with a hollcoplor. Spina stated that Mercy Hospital contends that since 1 972 there has not boen a crash on a helicopter landing pad. Spina thon showed a vIdoctapo 01 a crash 01 a medical caro hellcopler In Omaha. Nobraska In January 011988. Spina stressed that the risk to tho surrounding nolghborhood was consldored by tha City Council In 1983 which decided a heliport was too groat a risk lor thls resldenllallocalo. I stalod that O\tlo attanUon had boen paid to the ground space which wculd belmpactod by the proposed hollpad. She stressod that the FM leaves grcund spaco concoms to tho Iccal governmont and stressed that within tho ton-block radius 01 Morcy Hcspital, tho donslty 01 human population Is high by Iowa standardS. She dlod such structures as Horace Mann School, W1l1owwlnd School, and the CEO on Dubuque Street Milani noted that Daum, Stanloy, CourTIer and Burge residence halls are localod In the len.b1cck radIus arcund Mercy Hospital as are 15 lratomlty/sororlty hcuses and tho Mayflower Apartmonts. She Indlcol8d that Ecumonlcal Towers as well as numorous gathering places such as churches, thoalors, ~ars, and the Iowa Memorial Union are also locoled In the area. Mllanl exprossed the dosll8that Morcy Hcspltal be as concomod with Its Immodlale neighbors as It Is with lis patlonts located In Iowa and Washlngtcn counlloa. Sho rood a quoto Ircm Daniel Wanklovlch rooardlng the Idea cl community and Its value to poople. She askod that the Beard consldor the true meaning 01 the word 'morcy" In Ita decision. Spina presentod a letto, to the Board 'rom Palrlck Gilpin whose cftlco and slora are Iccated within epproxlmale~ 300 loel cl tho prcposed hellpad. Tho lollor Indlcatod that Gilpin will normally have largo amcunts 01 nammablo malorlals In tho sloro al any glvon tlmo. Spina stressed that Mercy Hcspllalls also Iccaled close 10 a gas statlcn altho Inlorsoctlon of Gllbort and Blocmlnglon stroots. J.m!W.ponto. 430 e. OavonllOr\, slaled thai ho was appoarlng as a reprosonlallvo from tho Horaco Mann Paronl Toachor Organization, spokosporson lor tho loadors 01 Brownlo 100 y I I I ,. / t] e ,--, Iowa CIIy Boanl cl Adjustment Ncvombor 14. \990 Page 12 Troop 1220 and as a residant 01 the neighborhood. Ponlo stressed that tho purpose cl the Zcnlng Oldlnanco Is 10 proloct Ihe public heal1h. safely. and general wellaro throughout the City. He presenled the Board with a letter !rom the Horaco Mann Parent Teacher Organlzaticn which expressed Sllfoty c:oncoms. espedaJly regarding tho prcposod use 01 tho playgrourd space at Horace Mann School as an emargency landing lite. It also expressed c:oncom rogarding the d1atraC1lon helicopters would causo whon trawling cverl10ad and the danger this would presont to school chlla'an crcsslng strools. PonlO presented a Iellor 10 the Board 110m Brownie Troop 1220 axprosslng opposition to the construcllon 01 the hellpad. Ponlo expressed his own porsonal concoms regardlng safety, vtbration and lI1e posaIbllIly 01 dknlnlahlng IVOporty values. He exptossed concom with U,e potential damage to w1nclows and plaster In his own homo which would not be coverad by his homoowno(s InSlK8l1co. He Indcatod that the proposed hellpad would be 01 no value 10 U,e dtiuns ollewa City, but would only 10M residents cl cU,er corrvnunlti81 who curronlly can be selVed by u'e University cl Iowa Hoap/Ials. ~ staled u,at salety was ona 01 his main concoms. He cllod a honcop!er crash In Webslar City on March 4, 1980, which occurred near a hospital. He indicated he has questions regarding how much Ilme would be. available to land In U,e evonlol an emorgoncy. Ho noled that as a pcllco otftcor, ho has boon awaro 01 a number 01 acc/cIonts which I/e causod by dlstractlons such as hellcoptors cause. Spina reviewed exhibit 18, a Dsllng 01 hellcoptar acc/donts Issued by u'e National TraIllc Safely Boanl. He suggesl8d Ihal U,e Board should consider how accidents 01 this sort would have Innuoncod the City Coundlln Its declsJon.maldng process. ~erCamD. IlDDtlllser lor lI1e IIDDenant nolod u,at because 01 time constraints his presentation would lack some details. He reported that property assessmont Is speclnc to pIOportles and u,at propertles would be altocted d~erenlly by a hellpad depending on the~ usa. He staled thai generally whenever thel8ls a loud nolso resultfng lrom a speclnc usa 01 proporty, lhel8ls a decrease In nelghborlng prcparty values. The Iraquency and dlrecllon cllhe noise alfoct the Impact on property valuos. Spina played a tapa to the BcBtd made at lI1e Oakdalo ~r ClIO laclDty 01 modlcal helicopter noises. He remInded the Board that a ten doclbal penalty would be added 10 all II1ghts that occur durfng the nlghL ~ stated that Morcy Hospital has lndlcolod thet nights would cnly bo occurring approxlmalely onco per wook. He said that this doos net sound llko an Integral pBlt 01 the hcspltal cporaticns. I I statod thalthero Is much d1sagreemenl cvor u'o Impact the proposod hollpad would hava on prcperty valuos. Ho said that 1110 quostion Is nol whethor or not Morcy Hospltalshculd havo a hollpad, but rathor whoro II should bo locatod. Ho obsorvod that lItho hollpad woro localed at the Iowa City Alrport, tho patients wculd havo a shorter ambulanco rldo Irom tho Alrpcrl to Morey Hospltnlthan ho would have ~om his own homo. He Indlcalod that he does not soo that a burdon Is bolng Impcsod on these noodlng 10 uso the hollcoplor lor transport 10 Mercy HospllaJ i I , i , , ICO / t] ,? 8 Iowa City Board 01 Adjustmont Ncvombor 14, 1990 PBOa 13 under tho current arrangements. Ho stressed that he does not think thore could be any moro evldonce presenlod that wculd bo moro lavorable to tho appoal. )<ormll S~e~er. 239J:i19hland.~ staled that ho oporates Central Rexall Pharmacy on tho north sldo 01 tho city. Ho exprossed concoms with Ihaldea 01 an emergoncy landing on such busy streets In tho area such as Dodge or MarkoL He nolod that overhoad uUIIUos could also present probloms lor an emergency landing. Shokor reported thai ha Uvesln Unlverslty Halghts and has been awakoned out 01 a sound sloop by the University 01 Iowa Hospitals honcople,. He expressed concem en the long.term effocts 10 structures on the north sldo. slated that ahe Is the Prosldent 01 Frlonds 01 Hlstorlo proservaUcn and closlred to prolect Ihe Northslcle Neighborhood. Sho expressed concom with the ellects 01 vlbroUons on structuros. Sho staled that she bollevos this Is an Issue that ahould be conslderod by the City Council because It concoms Iho salety 01 the citizens 01 tho Northslde. She strossod that aho bolloves no Inslltullon, no matter how beneftclallts service, should be able to nogloct the envlronmenL She urgod that the Zonlng Code InterpretaUcn Panel's decision be overtumod by the Board. OooonenlH/Jhe Acoenl statod that he benavos an alr accoss facility Is an IntogroJ part cl Morey Hospltal.s emorgoncy medical sorvfca laclllty which Is a prlnclpal use cl a hospital by Zoning Ordlnanco deftnlUon and theroloro Is a permltfed use In the Co. I zone. The Iowa Suprame Ccurt has sot scmo guldeltnes as 10 how a zoning ordlnanco should be Interpreted. Boyle stated thai zoning ordlnanco provlslcns must be strlcUy construed In lavor clthe Iroo use clland and shcold not be extendod by ImpllcaUon 10 prohibit a use not clearly prohlblled. He staled that whQn the Zcnlng Ordlnanca clearly stales the dennlUcn 01 a term, that doftnlUon Is controlling. Boylo staled that Morcy Hcspltal has had an emorgency modlcallaclllty lor years and must do so In order to be nconsad as a hospital In the Stale 01 Iowa. Boylo noled that lI1ere are cartaln requirements lor Medicare reimbursement which require that as a part 01 Medicare eligibility, a hcspltal must provide emergoncy servlcos 10 anycne who walks through lis door. Boyle stalod that a pormlllod use Is a principal uso which Is allcwed In a zono In which It Is IIstod. He stated that a prlnclpal uso Is the primary use clland cr a structure as dlsUngulshod from an eccosscry use. He said the dollnlllon 01 a hospltalls that 01 an InstlluUcn providing health services whIch Includes rotated sorvlcos such as laboralcrles, omergency servlcas, and stalf olllcos which are an Integral part 01 a facility. Ho notod that the appellant arguos the Doctrlne cl Last Preceding AnlecedenL Boylo stated that this applies to relaled lacllltles which Include tho emergency medlcallaclllty. Bcyle strossod that the Zoning Code Interprelallon Panel concluded that transportaUon Is needed lor patient care and thaI thero musl be a means 01 accessing the laclllty. Ho stressod that tho purpose 01 ground emergency lranspcrtatlon has the same purpose as emergency air access. Boylo Indlcalod that In Icoklng al the Iowa Supremo Court rules, a zoning code provision cannot bo oxlendod by Implication 10 prohibit a uso net cleorly prohibited. Boyle slressed thai nowhere In tho Iowa City Code Is an omergency medlcallaclllty prohibited In a hospital. , . IfJO , / t] t? q lew~ City Bolllll 01 Adjustmont Novombor 14. 1990 Paoe 14 Boyte statOO thatthore IS notlllng In any law that would require I hospital to have air accoss. This Is a modem method 01 transpcrtallon and Morcy Hospital Is proposing 10 have a laeility 10 enable illo receive patients using this form 01 transportaticn. He stressod Ihalln ordor lor an amergoncy pallonllo be troa/ad. Ihe patianl musl first be transportOd 10 tho omorgency room. Boyle emphasized lIIat the Zoning Code Intorpnllallon Panallound thai by common IOnu. neeosslty, and ~n. an emergency modcaIlOrvIce laclUty must Include a laclDty 10 recolve paIlents. Boyle noted that \hi Panellllr1her correctly found that no law ImIts emergency transportatlon 10 ground ~tlon. Boyle t8VIewed the surv&y condudad by Morcy Hcspltal which was desk;lned to determine how many lewa hospitals had lit accoss either on.aIlo or wIIhIn one block 01 the laclllty. He reported that over 95 percent 01 hcspltalt had air ICCOU elthGr on.1Ite or wIIhIn one block clthe emergency facility. He exproasod I beDelthet many oltheae hospllals with lit accou 118 located wltIlln roaldontial aroas In the cenla/1 01 communities. He indicated tIlat the panel was aJao correct In delarmlnlng that omergency vohlcles 118 exempt from the Iowa City Nclae 0ItI\nanCe. Boyte stated that I! the Iowa City Zoning Code Is Iookod at In lull, tIlere Is no prohibition against helicopters In any zone dlstrtct. He atrossod that It Is hlslnterpnltaUon that In tile Ihree zones which restr1ct hellpads to spoclalexceptfcn IlIGS, tills Is only when the hellpad It not an Inlogral part 01 the principal use. He statod lIIatln response to Spina's analogy to I child cate laclDly at a manulacturing plan~ there Is no dellnltion 01 manulacturlng plant Includod In the Zoning Ordinance, and II there Vf8re,lt would not Include a child caro Iaclpty. In relarance to the lettor lrom David Porrel, Boyte 8SSertod that at no limo did Morcy Hospital Indlcato 10 tho City that It would nollnclude the SlrUcturalSupport lor a hellpad In the emergoncy wing. He acknowlodged that when I heRport was proposed In 1982, lIIare wore objoctfcns wltIlln the community. Ho Indlcatod thai because Morcy Hospital was prImArIly Inlereslod In receiving bonding, thelaclllty docldod not to build the hellpad at that tlmo. Boylo stressed that at no time did Meley HcspltaJ mako any promises 0' statemonts tIlat It would not build a hollpad In tho Mura. In regard to tho Inlontlons 01 Porrot and Ehrdahl, Boylo stated that tho Intonticn cl individual Councll porsons Is 01 no consequonce. Ho omphaslzed tIlat no rostrlctlons woro placed on having hollpads In tho CO-I zono as an Inlaoral part 01 a hospital's omorgoncy modcal services lacllII'f. Ho nolod that tho Zoning Codo InlorprotaUon Panel was made up cllhroo City staJf porsons with both Schmeiser and Bootllroy prosent at all times durlng tho draltlng 01 tho 1983 Zoning Ordinance. Boylo stressed that the City had lull knowledgO that tIlo omorgoncy wing was being buill so thai" could support a hellpad In tho Iuturo. Ho emphaslzod that tho City has had tho opportunity to amond Ita Zoning Ordinance to ban hollports In all dlslt1cta and this has not boon dono. Ho stated that tho Zoning Ordinance shculd nol bo exlondod to Impllcato a use cloarly nol prchlbllod by tho Zoning Ordinance. Boylo nolod that /ho Zoning Codo Inlorprolallon Panol concludod lhalsaloty was net fer tho City to consldor al /hIs limo. Ho strossod that air nlghl cporaUo,ns aro conlrollod by tho lodoral gcvornmonl and tho City has no authorUy to prohlbll flights cvor tho city as /()() y , I I I ,. , , i, ,I , I / tJ .3 [I lewa CIIy Board cl Adjustmont Novomber 14, 1990 Paoo 15 Icng as 11I0 nights llIko placo wllllln altillldo Umltatlons proscribod by tho FAA. Ho IndlcalOO that It would bo Imposslblo lor 11I0 Beard 10 nnd lIIat 11I0 Council evor Inlondod 10 ban whal Morcy HcspllaJ Is conlomplallng bocauso tho Zcnlng Ordlnanco Is sllonl en thl, baue. Boyle ralorrod to a conoom that was exprosaod at tho Novembor 1, 1090, Planning & Zoning Commission mootlng regarding DobIllty In the event 01 a hoUcoplor accIdonL He statod lIIat every Insuranco poncy Issuod In Iowa II an aJI1lOr1la policy which would cover tho crash cl a helicopter. He also nolod that In tho event 01 an accldon~ both the air transpoIter and the hoap/tat would have iuD coveraoe. Boyle relteratod that he lound no ambiguity In lIIe Code. ~ stalOO that heDcopter transpoIt Is 11I0 future 01 what Is coming to tho world and to this country. She sll8ssod that heliports aro not Incompatlbla willi commerclal.ornoo zonos. 1 I I. , . Slavin Ihowod a slldo presontation to 11I0 Board and emphaslzod the noOO 10 provldo alr aecoll, partfcularly Icr cardiac pationts. Sho statod Ihalthe estimalo residential cllcur to live landings per month Is basod on curront nood at lIIe hospital. Sho reportoo that patienll are currendy transportod to lIIe Iowa CIIy Alrport and then are transportod 10 Morcy Hcspltal by grcund ambulanoo at addIlIonal time and exponse. Slavin emphaslzod that all Iowans doserve air accoss to tho hospital ollllolr cholco by the method 01 transportaticn olthelt chcloo. Slavin continuod lIIat It Is a proven lact that Immodlate l18a1m8nt can deC/oase the length cl a heap/tal stay and reduoo tho numbor 01 complications, so In 11I0 long.lerm, health caro bocomos much loss exponslva and moro bonenclallor tho pallenL Slavln statod that haUpada aro an Intogral part 01 hospitals and shewod slldoa cl hcspnaJs willi hellpada In order to domonstrate the proximIty clthaso laclllllos to resldontial nolghborhoods. Sho sll8ssod that the prcposod hePport would not have Iroquent use. On the Issue olsaloty, Slavin stalod that the data prcvldod by Spina was from the year 1988 whIch was tho last year 01 high accident roles. She statod thalthore has never boon an eccldenl on a landlng pad. Helicopters are mlsporoolvod bocausethere are so low 01 them compared 10 airplanes and the gonoral publlo has IIttlo InlerecUcn with hollcoplers. She. emphaslzOO that hOllcopters are clton Involvod In hlgh.risk rescue sltuatfons so more modla attenUcn Is given 10 their accldonts. Slavin ,oportod that tho FAA deoa lock at the safoly 01 the pooplo on the ground. She nolod thai tho prcposod hollpad Is locatod Immedlalely above the omergency room and strossod lIIat this Is whore hcspltal hollpads neod to belocalod In order 10 mlnlmlzo transport timo. Slavin presonted data In ,egard 10 the risk 10 the nolghbors cltho heliport. She slalod that basod on the ostimato 014 to 5 landings por month, nolghbors would bo exposod 10 10.14 hours cl hollcoplor nclso por yoar. Sho slalod thai a hollcoptor accldont wculd occur ovory 2,275 yoars 10' this spoclnc location. Sho roportod that a building or resldonoo strlko wculd cccur onco ovory 80,525 yoars with tho prcboblllty 01 an Injury 10 ground porsonnol occurrfng cnco ovory 90,592 yoars. Sho stressod thotlhoso statistics roPoct known locts and oxporlonoos. i , IbO / t] .3 " Iowa City Board 01 AdJustmenl November 14. 1990 PllOe 16 On lI1e Issue 01 doar zonos, Slavin S18lod lllat there are slope rDqulrements which are parallel 10 airport clear zonos. She stressod Ihat 1110 approach to a hollport cannel be In Ihe palh 01 a building, Slavin roportod that \IIore II a groat deal cl manouverabllity with hellcoplers and thoro Is an ability to maintain alUtudo unlll \lie hollcOplor Is dlrocUy ever Ihe doslrod landing site. Sha suggoSlod thai 1110 night path could be doslgnod to minimize nolsa and intrusIOn on Iho neighborhood. She nolod Ihallhere are spoc/liC proceduros lor constructlon 01 horipada so lhat the cperallon wID net be llI1real to lI1e community. Slavin stated IhaI smallllght.welght hollcoptOl1lfe used lor emergency modIcaltransport. She noled Iha1lI1e smaner heUcoptel1 produce much IesI nclH and vtraUon Ihan one generally associates wIIh I helicopter. She ollerod to presont I demonstradon to lI1e Board on hollcoptor nolsa. Slavin stressed lI1at pilots have Ihe authority to delermlno when nights will occur baSOd on weD condltlonl. She reported that no air traIl\C contrails needod lor helIpOrts because only one htllcoptOl usesll1e hellpad 1\ I dme. She noted lI1at lor safety purposes, ho~ are lighted wi 111 dlstlngulshlng IIghtlng. Slavin noted that helicopters also allow lor ~Ick ar.1v8I It IccIdonl scenes and can allow a pallent to be stabilized qulcldy. She repolttd that II.savtng surgery can be perfonnod on a non.vIlr8Ilng platfonn wlll1ln a hollcopllf If necessary. SlavIn ,eporttd lI1at In lI1e avent cl a c1saster, belle' dllllor rellol will be avaJ\a.blo If II hospitals have air accoss. She prosonted a video to lI1e Board regardng thO Importance 01 hollcoplol1ln dlsastor planning. Slavin reported lI1at property valuos cl nelghborlng proportlos are Ukoly 10 be unallocted. She noted lIlal henpada gonerally Increaso lI1e value 01 \llO IaclDdos where 1I10y are located. She referred to reports kom 1962 and 1975 which demonstrated that thore were no ellects on nelghborlng prcporty valuoa, even at a Ilme 01 higher accIdont ratos and noise levels. She stalod that sho wanted 10 be able to prosont facts on the Issuos and to avcld fears lI1at are baaed on tha unknown. I PI I ,oportod that In 1971 a state-wlde trauma program was Inldated In IlIInoll. He Indcalod lI1at his departmont Is lIlellconslng body for heDpads. He slated lhat In 1977, when the FAA began rowrlllng Its heliport design guide, a study was conduc1Od on hollcopter accldenta. This study lound that oul 01 approximately 27 million heDcoptOf landings. there wore no accIdonts that resultod In fuol spillage whan the hollcopter came to rost on thO landlng pad. Moore reportod that he helped 10 rewr1lo tha FAA heliport design guldo and a pOrtIon ollhls document addrossos tho Impact on proporty valuos. Ho staled that the 1975 study which examined tho effects on nolghborlng proporty values may also be the best nolso sbJdy that was conducted because II nolso was, In Iact. a problem with hollcoptell, this would be ,enoctod In a dolerloradon In proporty values. Moore revlowed the certlncallcn proCOSllor hellpada In illinois. Ho stated that the applicant who wishes to conslruct a hollpad contacts Moore's agoney which then locks at the proposod slto and dalermlnos If It Is approprlato. Ho stated that onco a slta Is dotennlnod to be approprlale, his agency holps the applicant fin out tho appllcaUcn to both his agency end tho FAA requost lor air spaco. Ho said that a notlco wculd thon bo published In tho local media and noUnalUon would be senIle tho ownell 01 conl~uoua proportles. Mooro stressed Ihal his agency oxplalns to tho applicant that thoro Is a nood for approvallrom Iho Iccal govommontal body 10 show community support for tho proJoct. '.' /I() I, / ,[I :3 2 Iowa Clly Board 01 AdJustmonl Ncvombor 14, 1990 pego 17 Mooro oxplalnod that hollcoplors aro rotary wfng aJrcratt and In tho ovont 01 an omorgoncy, from a holght 01 1,600 1001 con go In any dlroctlon ovor a mllo beforo landing. Two clllos In illinois, Quincy and Champalgn, consldor heliports to be accessory usos. In rogard 10 concorns oxprossod ovor using an aroa park as an omorgoncy landing silo, Moore slaled It Is Important to glvo thcught 10 the porcontago 01 Umo that a park Is actually occuplod. He slatod /hat d1stractlcn rosulllng lrom the noise cl a hOllcoptor has beon shewn net to be a problom. He saw probloms II govommont begIns to try 10 regulate distractions In dally 010. Mooro slatod that the ellects 01 vlbrallon on structuros shouldn't be a problem because II damago was likely to occur, then buildings located near aJrports would have apoclal structural doslgns. ~ slaled /hat sho had beon a paUent seen by Dr. Campbell prfor to hor naod Icr emergency care. She roportod that when she noodod emorgency care, /ho University cllowa would not aJlcw the hollcoptor 10 land on their hollpad. She said /hat the helicopter was !creed to land at the airport and she was then brought In by ground ambulanco. Sha strossod /hat this Is a difficult rfdo lor a crIl1cally IJ porson and emphasized that time Is crIl1cal. She notod that Iowa City needs the support 01 pallents from southem and southoast Iowa. Sho reportod that she lives along a hellcoplor roulo botween Oltumwa and Iowa City and daled that It Is not a problom as lor as nclse ,and vlbraticns are concomod. I I I I slatod that he treats aculoly III patlents dally. He nolod that changos In C8ldlao care allow lor surgery to be avcldod II pallents can recolve m'odleation as soon as possible alter a hoart attack. He reportod that Mercy Hoapltal has clinics In southeaslom Iowa and Indlealod thalthoso pationts want to come 10 Mercy Hospital when they require emorgency COlO. He bollovod lorclng paUents to use /he University 01 Iowa hellpad cr the airport rosults In denying pationts rapid accoss to a hospital. Campbell slalod that he supportod the straUneallon 01 health COle, howavor he does care Icr C8IdIac pallents who would require thls type 01 servfco. Campboll reportod that 70% cl Mercy Heap/tal's pationts come from outside cllowa City and there Is a nood to provide those pationts access 10 tho hospital. He nclod that /he doclslcn 10 ny Is made locally by tho pilot altor assosslng tho woathor wfthout kncwfodge about the Iype cl pationlto be transported. He stressed that cardiology sorvlcos aro provided on a 24.hour basis and Indlealed that rapld sorvlco Is avallablo lor many 01 the othor subspoclalUes. He said that tho slluatlon Is similar to the Unlvarslty 01 Iowa HCspllals, In which sial/Is available at all limos, but not always prosonL In regard 10 the conlonllon that most 01 the hollcoptor nights would occur at night, Campboll reported /hat mosl heart attacks occur between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Ho slalad /hal both the Unlvorslty cllowa Hospitals and SL Luke's In Codar Rapids aro Icealed near studont dormitories wfth hIgh population donslUes. Campbellstressod that patlonts should havo a chclce about what hospllal they recolve trealment from. Ho also nolod that lhero Is an additional $200 cost for lransport by ground ambulanco Ircm tho alrpcrt. He rocallod /ho ease 01 a patlont 01 hIs, who whon lold lhat air transport was not posslblo to Morcy Hospllal, chose a ground ambulanco In crdor 10 roach Morcy Hospital. Tho pationt did net survlvo. /00 '-' / n a 3 Iowa CUy Board cl Adjustmont NcvembOr I.. 1990 Page 18 ).anv Waters staled Ihal he had boon askod by Mercy Hcspilal to Invesllgale hew a heliport would allecl proporly values. Ho Indlcalod that he had rovIowod heliports Ihroughcul the slale and witnessed no delerloraUon In properly around heliports. He stalod thai In Iowa City. he does not knew cl any appralsert who have ever assigned nogalive value to a properly on the west side cl the City bocause 01 tho Unlvol1lty oflcwa Hospitals heliport. Walol1lnd1calOd that his cfllco Is within five blocks cfthe proposed henport and his heme Is wllhln tan blocks, He statod Ihat he had doc/dod that the effect on his own property valuoa Is immaterial when one consklors the boneftt that patients will dortvt. He also notod that there Is a atallatlcally low rtsk olllCcldents occumng. ~ etated that he Is a pilot with the SL lllke's helicopter prooram. He reported thallnlllally the service was provided as a community sorvice with no costs Incurred by patients. He statOO that he also conducts safoty or1entallon lor thoso who will be worldng with the hencoptol1. He stressod that n Is the pIIors rMflOllslblllty to detormlne " a mght will occur and thls Is done objoctlvely with concern only lor safety Issuos. I slaled that the helicopter service lor the City 01 Codar Rapids was startod In 1972. He reportod that 90% 01 the servlca's 40,000 night hours have occurred ovor tha City. He Inclcalod that complaints generally occur In the laJI and spring and cnce the complainant has had the purpose clthe hellcoplers explained, there are generally no moro complaints. SlIddIer roportod that tho only mochanlcal problems thoy havo laced since 1972 Is one engIne IaIlure with a sale landing In a parldng lot and a broken Ian belL ~ staled thai he Is the modlcal director lor Iowa County Ambulance. He stressed that there are rural areas with less access to lechnlcal modcallacllltios. He roportod that paUents who como 10 Morcy Hcspltal by hellcoptor are currentiy Inconvenienced by having to land at the Icwe City airport. and "they land at the Unlvel1lty 01 Iowa. b'eatmenl clton takes placo thore Instead cl Mercy Hospital. Huss emphasized that transport timos 110m rural areas can be slgnlllcanL He nclod that the present circumstances place a hurdle In lront olthoso with a prior allilladcn to Mercy Hospital and that thoy deserve access to Mercy Hospital. He made an analogy to the sltuadon 01 setting up a roaclllock In front 01 a compedlcr. hi I statod that Mercy Hcspital'slntondon Is 10 provide air access to pationts who choose 10 come to Morcy Hospital. He reportod that 65-7~. of Morcy Hospltal.s patients come from outside clthe Iowa CIIy-CoraJvllle area, with more than halt 01 the padents 110m tho adlacent eight coundes. Breon stressod that Morcy Hospital Is the primary provider 01 medical care lor Johnson, Washington, Codat and Iowa coundos.. He nclod that physlclanslrom Morcy Hospital have sot up clinIcs In those communities and have establlshod rolaticnshlps with both padents and physicians In those communllloa. For this reason, he stressed that It Is then no surprise when these padents desire to come 10 Morcy Hcspltal when they roqulre emergency care. Broon st410d that the primary Issue 10 consldor Is padent carO. Ho noled that Mercy Huspllal will not profit 'rem this servlco because mcst of thoso padonts would be ccmlng to Mercy HcspllaJ oven without tho air access. He strossod that Mercy Hcspllalls not Intorosled In buying a hollccplor and Is not Inloroslod In bocomlng a trauma conlor. Tho -' IbO y / t] .3 y Iowa Clly Board 01 Adjustmont Novomber 14, 1990 Pago 19 hospltol'slnlont lalo build a hollpad Icr salo swift accosslcr pallonts who chocso 10 como 10 Morcy Hospital and might risk tholr I/vos by lakfng grcund ambulanco. Brocn roportod thai Morcy's mlaslcn slnco 1873 has boon 10 provldo caro 10 pallonts. Tho addlllon 01 omorgoncy air accoss conllnuos lis fino tradlUcn and Is conslslont willi tho caro ollorod by hospitals 01 Morey's slzo and comploxlty. Ho strossod that Morcy Hospital Is a community sorvtco, but nclod thai lis community lncIudos southoaslom Iowa. Boyle atalod that IhlI Board's purpose Is to ulUmately dotermlno lIthe Zoning Codo Inlarpretatlon Panera doclaJon was correaL He statod ft Is Morcy'a poaltlon that undor tha Zoning Code doftnlUon 01 hospital, the propo,od omargency air access facility Is an Inlogral part 01 the hospltal'a emorgoncy caro lacfDty and as such Is a pennlttod use In tho Co. 1 zena. BGlLtln!I Bralley strossod that air accoss Is provldod by the University cllowa Hospitals with a landing paltom which Is ncllocatad ovor a congoslod lltlIa. Tha proposod Morcy Hospital facility would rosult In the dupllcaUcn 01 modlcal sorvlces. Ho stalod that Mil/or's losllmony which doscrlbod tho servtco which Is available In Cedar Rapids and Iowa City domonstralosthat this Is a dupllcaUcn 01 mOdlcal servlcos. While Saddler Indlcatod thora wora low complaints about the hollccplor sorvlce In Codar Rapids, Bradloy nolod thai those hol/coptars raroly fly undor eoo loot In holghL In regard 10 property valuos, Bradley asked that tho Board morely examlno tho two exports CIodonllals. Ho slaled that thero would bo a dotrlmentallmpact on prcporty valuos In tho flight path aroas. Bradloy Indlcalod that ho was glad thai Mrs. Dorby had tho opportunity 10 altand tho moeUng. Sho was IMng proolthalthe current system doos work. Bradley notod thai Moore gllVo an outline Icr tho corl/ficaUon process In illinois. Bradloy slatod that thlSlypa 01 ptOcossls what tho appel/ants bel/eve Morcy Hospital should go thrcugh In ordor to rocolve approval from a govommontal body. Bradloy nctad that Morcy Hcspltal has boen Iryfng 10 avoid this process through the uso 01 an Incorrect IntorprotaUcn 01 some 01 the language In the Zoning Ordinance. He statod that data which Indlcetos that accidents have net occurrod on landing pads Is Immalortal because the concom Is with the area around tho hoDpad. Ho quesllonod tho value 01 takJng an unnocossary chance In a congoslod aroa whon the sorvlce Is already avallablo lor tho community. ' In rogard to Slavln'slosllmony, Bradloy stalod thalli was groat salostalk which Includod much Inlonnallcn that has no appllcallcn to this decision. He slatod thai he has never boen able to find a salosporson lor an Industry that ftnds much wrong wfth the Industry. Ho stalod thai Slavin Is prcmoUng tho uso 01 hollcoplers In ofllco areas and II this were to occur, Icllcwfng Morcy Hcspltal.s logic, II would opon up largo parts cltho City 10 hol/pads. Bradloy Indlcalod thallrom his dlscusslcns wfth medical porsonnel, he has boon tcld thai a largo porconlago 01 hollcoptor costs aro when poople are takon Irom tho hospital back to tholr hcmo area. Ho slalod that Slavln'slostlmony glvosthe Impression that no allornaUvo Is available, bul Bradloy stressod that an altomatlve 10 tho proposal oxlsts and Ills working. In regard to slatlstles, Bradloy slaled thallI an Increase In tho use 01 hollcoptors doos occur, tho gross number cl accldonts will also Incroaso. He nolod thai tho oppononts 10 lho appoal cfforod 10 domonsfralo sound cl a hollcoplor 01 1,000 1001 which Is net comparablo 10 whalls bolng proposod. Ho Indlcolod lI1alllll1o dangor leo ...' / tJ .3 5 Iowa Clly Board 01 Adlustmonl Novomber 14. t090 Page 20 01. hollpad Is so low. II Is d1t11cu11IO IOconclle IIlls wllh lIIe high Insuranco coverage whiCh Is usual lor IIIls typo 01 oparallcn. BllIdloy stressed lIIat Morcy Is nOI a trauma conler and wculd nol bo able 10 provide help In dlsasler situations. Ho also noled thallllere are nol lIIal many hollcoplers In easlem Iowa. Bradley stalod lIIat he ogrOIl willi Boyle lIIat lIIe Zcnlng Ordnance Ihould be slric1tf construed, but ho s~ lhalllle gonorallnlllntion olllle Zoning Ordnance Is Ihe protection 01 \he public health. lIIely and wellanJ. He Italed 11I81 evonll \hero wore conlllcllng pro~sIons In lIIe Zoning Code, lIIe provteIon which provldea the higher standards lor the prol8cllon clthe gen8fll hea/lh, lII.ty and we~lte ahd prevail. He noted thai In lIIe event thl! there Is a connlcl between III. rtgUlatlons 01 the zone and lIIe roguladcna 01 tho crdnance, the most restrlctlve regulatlons shall prevail. He atalod Ills dIlftculllo boIleve In tho corroclnosa cl Boyte'alnl8rpretation that lIIe only roslrlctJcns on honpads wllO those requiring special excepllona In soma zon8l, because this would Ieavo henpads UMlstr1ctod In congOSlod areas. Bradley atalod that ~ the Interprol8tfon ollho Zoning Ordnance presenlod by Morcy Hospital Is correcl, Ihon he hu concerns aboUl what wID happen whon the exploslon 01 use 01 hellcoptel\ arises as pcodIctod by the experts lor Morcy Hospllal. He stalod lIIat John Kammonneyor spoke with his Insurance agont and recolvod a Iellordalod Novembor 13, 1990, which connnned lIIat thorels no coverage und8l' his policy lorstructural damage resuJUng from vlbnlUons from a hoDcopter. Bradey noted that this could be a sorlous problem lor older homes on the north side which Include masonry and plaster work. Bradley auggostod lIlat the Beard neoda 10 look a1l11e statuto as a whole and to examine the serles ollaulty promlsosthalthe Zoning CodelnlorprotaUon Panel usod In making lis dotennlnaUcn. Ho assortod that the onty way the Panel could have anfved at Its conclusion was by dolonnlnlng that 'omorgoncy mudlcaJ soMcos. are the same as .emergency care systems,. Bradley clarinod thai separate deflnlticns oxlsllor each lonn. He stalod that medical services and transportaUon are two separate servlcos thaI work alongside cne another as parts 01 a I)'Slem. He presentod 10 the Beard a patition In support 01 the eppoal with approxlmalely 6S0 signatures. r oxplaJnod that there are varlouslevels clsound and that the sound Ctealod by a hOllcopter Is Invasive. Ha stalod that thore would IIkoIy be speech Inlorforence as wOII as conversation and activity Interloronca from the sound producod by a helicopter. Holbrook atalod thaI rosldonts 01 tho north side have a wide range 01 Incomes. She stalod thalthoy did not have lIIe moans 10 have outsldo exports make a prosontallon to tho Board. She Indlcatod thot tho rosldonts are pa~ng lor an allomey out 01 tholr cwn lunda because they beneve strongly In maintainIng tholr neighborhood. Sho statod thai she Is glad tho rosldonts 01 tho north sldo havo taken this ollort 10 protoct tholr noighborhood. Sho made an oIDclaJ apology to Bo~o and tho Board 01 AdJustmonllor !ho outburst at tho provlous mooting by John Tcllman who was not a momber 01 tho Ncrthslde NolghborhoodAsscclallon. I()D ..... , I I I. I , '/ tJ.3 b Iowa City Boord 01 Adjuslmont Novomber 14, 1990 Pago 21 Ponlo stalod that this was an omatlonallssuo with much roar on tho port cltho nolghbors. Ho statod that It Is unlcrtunalo thai many nolghbors havo boon modo to laolthol thoy should loof guilty lor opposIng tho pre/oct bocauso It Is as "thoy aro aonlnst saving Ilvos. Tony Hala statOO that an BlUst hlrod by Morcy Hospital drow a skolch cl oxpanslon pions sovoral yoars ago and dolotod tho houso which Hale lIvos In. Ho nclod that tho hospital has had to I1x tho area houslnQ the magnotic scanner sevoral timos. He boUevod Ihls domonstralod that Morcy Hospital deos not havo tho bostlnlorosls cllls nolghbors In mind. He notod that tho north sldo Is a historical nelghbortlood lor Iowa City. Halo said that he has lIvod In his currant homo slnea 1974 and has soon Morcy Hospltal alter the race olll1e neighborhood. Campbollstatod thai air emorgency access doos not represont a dupllcatJon CISOMCOS bocause It Is morely access and not an actual modlcaJ IOrvIco. Ho strouod that tho heUcoptor pad 118011 will net prcvldo a sorvlco bu1 will meroly Incroaso accessibility to the hospital. He statod that Iroodcm 01 cholco Is a human right and hurdles shculd not bo put In the path 01 poople byIng 10 rocolva modica/ care at the laclllty cl tholr cholco. Boylo statod that Weslercarnp did net onor evldenco 01 an Invostlgation on which 10 base his opinion. Boyle nolod that Wators vlsllod sitos In other communities with hollpads and dlscoverod no diminishment In prcporty values. He strouOO that the study conductod In Weslpor1. Call1cmla also dlscoverod no decroase In proporty valuos. Boylo strossod that these are not the Issues 10 be usod as determining lactort In tho Boord's decision. He nolod that while thero aro many dlstractfcnsln IIle, the dlstractfon Irom a hellpad at Mercy Hospital will be minimal bocauso II will bo limited to cnly throe to lour landings por mcnth. Boyle clarlflod lI1at he did not state that a hol1coptor would bo allowod In ovory zone In the City. He statod that In ordor Icr a use to bo allowod In a zcne It would neod 10 qualify u elthar a prlndpal, eccessory, cr spoclal excopllon use. Ho exprossod his strong dlsagreemont with the appollanrs donnltion 01 "ospltal,' and statod that rolatod Iac/llties shculd bo Intorprolod to rerer to all olll1e lerms In the sentonce. Bcyle Indlcalod that II a prcporty owner could domonstrate that structural damaoe resullod Ircm vibrations ~om a hollcopler asseclalod with Mercy Hospital, thon a propor damage dalm wculd oxlst against both the hospital and the hallcoplar service. Boylo stalod that the appollant mlslntorprelod both Morcy Hcspltal.s argumont and tho Panol's dodslon. Boylo said that the Panal did not confuso 'emorgency modIca/ sysloms' with 'omorgency care lacllltles' and nolod that he doos net contend that omergoncy modlca/sorvlcos rolalos 10 all aspocts 01 omergoncy care. Boyle exprossod his appredallon Icr tho apology Ircm Mrs. HOlbrook. Ho Indlcalod thai he did not doubt tho moWos or bollofs 01 tho cltlzons cl tho Ncrth Sldo, bul bollovod that the motives 01 all clthe supportors 01 the eppeal may nol be as puro as thoy would llko othorsto bollove. ~: Messler asked lhat somoone explain tho curronl arrangomonlthat currontly exlslod betweon tho Unlvorslty 01 Iowa Hospllals and Clinics and Morcy Hcspllnl fer air accoss. Broon statod that no wrlUon ogroomenl oxlslod althls time. He noled that on rare IDO .... , , I , . ! , I , /. [I .3 :-, Iowa City BolId 01 Adjustment Novomber 14. 1990 Page 22 occasions thero havo beon transfers from the University cf Iowa Hospitals. Campbell aOlOed thai no wrltton aglOOmonl exlslod. He Indlcaled thai once a pallenlls In the University 01 Iowa facility. tile physicians thare will leollIablo lor that patient's care and will Inltiale treatmenL thus rOSU'~1lQ In dolays. Barta asked lor a clarification of hew Iono It takes 10 transport a pal/onl by ground ambulanca from the Iowa City Alrport to Morcy HCspltal. Campbell respondod thai II Iakos awroxlmatoly 1()'12 minutes to lead a pa~ont and then, with additional time allowed lor I/WpOIt and unloadlllQ, there Is . llltal 01 approxlmate~ 30 minutes. Barta asked ~1I10 raspond to the letter written by the Dlroctor 01 MaIlIeUIlQ lor SL Luko's to Lklda ~Ion regardlllQ the l1ansportlllQ 01 all 01 Dr. CampboD's paUents. CimpboD noled that thelellor was wrltton by ilia Dlroctor cl MaIlIetinO lorlhal hospital. He staled that he Is also a momber 01 the Sl Luke's Hospital stall. In rosponse to a quostlon from Barta. C~I stated thai currenlly approxlmalely one padent per month Is transported by air and he would antic/palethat " the hellpad wore constructod, there would be approximately 4-5 padents por month nnsportod by alr \ransporL Johnson askod lIthe condlUcns Usted by the FAA In Its lettar to BlOon dalOO June 28, 1990, have boon mel by the hcapltal. Moore IOspondod tIlatthe condltlons have been mel Barta asked IIthelO Is much maneuverability fer a helicopter at a low helghL Moore statOO that a hellcoplor doaconds apptOxlmalely 18 leot per mlnuto and that a pilei can quickly c1etennlne a Iccatfcn lor an omorgoncy landing. In responso to a quesdon from Barta, Moore statod thai II the winds welO loss than ten miles per hour from the north. he would atIempt an omorgency IandIIlQ 10 the south or southoast because there 818 parking lots In that 8188. Polton noted that thelO are church steeples/ power lines and lrees Iocatod In lI1e area surrounding Mercy HOSpital. He askod II ,"80S would noed 10 cut down In order to ensulO an ullcbslructod landlng zono. Moore staled that this would not bo necessary beceuse a claar area Is cnly requllOd to be two dmes lI1e rotary area clthe largest hellcoptor expocted 10 use 1110 lacUlty. Pelton askod " lI1e lighting on 1110 hellpad would be on at all dmos or only when a hollcopter was oxpectod. Moore responded lhalln IIIIncls lI1e nghts 818 left on at an limos, but he nolod that they can be situated so as net 10 Inlorfere wlll1 adjacent uses. Ho explalnod lI1attho beacon Is a IOladllQ light lI1at shines upward at a soven doglOe anglo. In response 10 a question frem Pellon, Moore stalOO lI1at Iho beacon would not need to be en lull timo becauso 01 the Inlroquent number ollandlllQs that would be oxpectod. He slalOO that tho ulllmale c1ec/slcn wculd be up 10 Morcy Hcspltal. He suggoslOO thalll1e light could also bo shielded. Brocn statod lI1at II koeplllQ lI1e light 011 whon It Is not noodod would not be a safety hazard, that would bo 1110 approach Morcy Hospital would take. Barta asked 111110 Ins lallation clll10 hollpad would altect luIuro construction In 1110 aroa, such as ImposlllQ holght restrlct/cns. Breon slaled that II1Is wculd nol bo a problem lor 1110 hospital and Indlcatod that ho Is unawaro 01 any dovolopmont plans 01 othOIl. In response 10 a question Irom Pollon, Broon slalod lI1at 1110 curronl ground ambulance service Is provided by lI1e Johnsen County Ambulance Company. Spina slalod thai he had asked tho Johnson County Ambulanco Company lor statistics on tholr calls. Ho slalod that In 1989.1990 thoro woro 55 calls lor air caro lranspert. Ho stalOO thaI bocauso 01 the Increaso In Morcy Hospital's speclallzod stalt, ho wculd oxpocl an Incroaso ,In the /()D ...' / 0' .3 8 Iowa City Boord 01 Adjustmont Ncvombor 14, 1990 PlIOe 23 uso 01 the hollcoptor as tho spoclallzation Incroasos. Broon stalod that he would sland by tho osUmalo 01 4.5 landings por month and Indlcatod that he lolt this was a high estimale. ~: Moaslar statod thai lor him tho Issuo came down to tho operative wcrds cl 'permlttod use.' He was cl the oplnlon that a use must be dOafly prohibited by the Zoning 0nlInanCG In ordor lor h not to be a permitted use In a apodl1o lcne. Howover, he nctod that In light 01 how this Zonlng Ordinance was prepared, the omission 01 the use In question Is In lact a clear prohlblllon ollIS use In the CQ.l Zcne. Ho stated that Gentry's initial oplnlon In August 011990 seomod to come dosor to dofinlng this use appropl1aloly as an accessory use. Galer rocognlzed that thore was a need lor alr transpor!aUon, but he quostloned II the use 01 a hollcopler was a pormlltOd use. He stated that the Zoning OrdInance does not apodftcaIly prohibit the use cl alr transportallon 10 the hospital, but It dcoan't speclncalty allow alr transportation elthor. He staled that he Is cl the opinion that II a usa Is 10 be elthe, dlsal1owod cr a1lowod, It should be spoc/fically stalod In the Zoning Ordlnanco. Johnsen staled that Issues relal8d to the public health, salaty, and wellaro are not dlrecUy rolatod to the wortllng 01 the zoning, but are IndlrecUy relalod when one consldolllhe evonts proCO<llng the Councll's consldaratlon ollhe Zoning Ortllnance, She stated that the Zoning Ortllnanco was croatod as a single document with secUcns spoclfically listing honpads as bolng allowed by special excopllon being comploted at the same lime as zonos which did not menUcn hellpads. Sho strossed thai In Its final analysis, the City Council knew that Its ulllmale rosponslblllty was to promole tho health, selaty and wellare 01 the gonoral public. Barta stressod that Erdahl and the leller 110m David Perret cloarly stated that the Intent 01 tho Councll was to prohibit Mercy Hcspltallrom construcUng a hellpad on Its site. ' Pelton thanked all 01 the parties lor their cooperation, partJclpallcn, and mutual respoct In allowing all to speak. He stressod that Morcy Hospital provldos a high quality cl sorvlco, but that this was net the Issue belora the Board. Ho staled that omergency ,modlcal SOMCOS aro Inlogral to Morcy Hospital's operatlcns. Howovor, he sald that transportation Is not necosaarlly Inlogral as shown by the curront arrangoment existing lor grcund ambulanco service. He suggeslod that transportation could be an accessory use to the hcspltal. Polton noted that lor this roason, he could net conclude that emorgency modlcal seMcos Includo helicopters. He staled that this would be an ImpllcaUcn that goes beyond the scope 01 lonlng law. poltcn'expressod his agroemenl with tho Northsldo Nelghbcrhood AssoclaUon that tho Panel used tho dofinlUon for an omorgoncy modlcal syslom which Is not what a hospital Is, Ho staled that tho Panollmpllos many things that aro not In the Zoning Ordinance. Pollen strossed thot becauso hollpads are allowod by spacial oxcoptlcn In throo zcnos, tho Panol could not Imply that thoro Is sllonco on tho part cltho Council by not spaclUcally pormltting hOllpads In somo zonos, ond pormltting or prohibiting hollpads In cthor zonos. IbO , y I I I I, , i , I , , / CI 3 q Iowa City Board cl Adjustment November 14. 1990 Page 24 potton strossod thai the Board cannol allow Inlnds to dlctalo local zonlno laws because local zcnlng law Is to be basod on local no ods. Ho Indlcalod thai he could net agree with the Panel thai the diHoronco botween grcund and air transportation was a dlHorenco In dogroe, because he bolloved II was a diHeronce In kind. He nolod that tho sound produced by IhO two typOs 01 transportation Is diHorenL He emphaslzod Ihalthe vibra~on created by a hoDcoptor Is also a dmoronce In kind and notod that Iroquoncy Is ncl relevant to tho laaue. Polton atalod tha11he Board provided an open forum to both aldol on thIllasue. He alated that Issuea auch as noise, aaloty, vtntlon, and Ihe enjoyment 01 neighborhood integrity wore crIIlcaI to the dedalon. P,1ton IXpIISItd his blllel that willie th, ptOhlbltlonllnduded In th, Zoning Ordnance CIMOt be extonded by ImpUcaUon, It would be InlPplOpllale to say that the ZOning Ordnance ahould be extended by implication to aJlow . use clearly not aIIoWod. M2lJ2ti: J111"'" mow<! to grant \hi Ippell, 1-9002. aubmltted by John Kaml1llrmtytr, MoD.. and till Horthlldl Neighborhood AIIoctlllon by John Kaml1llrmtytt', MoO.. to overtum \hi October 2. 1990, declllon by \hi ZOnl~ Codl InllrpllllUon PI/lIllhlt . hellpad II . permltlld, prlnclpal UN In thl Co.1 Zone. JohnlOn MConded. ~. . PelIon reportod to the public Ihat the appeal was granl8d. He alated that the d8clslcn could be appealed to the District Court within 30 days from the dale Ihe Board', d8c/slon Is ftltd with Ill' CIty Clerk. ~: Masslor movod 10 adjoum 11I0 mooting at 12:11 a.m. Galer locondod. The mollon can10d unanimously. John Polton, Chalrporson Malody Rockwell, Board SoC/otary M1nu18a aubmlttod by Mary Jo NoH. ,,., 411OA."" ~ I' i , i , ' , i ; I i, I, " . :' , I , ; ; I~O . ...."''t.....t , ~\ ~~) / t] Y (I DRAFT MINUTES DESIGN REVIEW COMMmEE DECEMBER 10, 1990 - 4:30 P.M. IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETING ROOM B MEMBERS PRESENT: Kay Amort. Clark do Vrios, Judlll1 Dews, Bruco Hauport. Margarot Nolson, Nancy SOlborllng, Don SInok. Barb Walors, Craig WolI MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Goorgo Naglo Holling, Ne" ~: Chairperson Nolson callod lI1e mooting to ordor 014:35 p.m. Nolson askod 11111010 are plans to hlro a now Economic Dovolopmonl Coordlnalor. Holling rospondod Ihallho City Managor has not yot mado a doclslon on whothor or nollo nil 1110 vacant poslllcn c, 10 look 01 othor allomal/vos Icr lulftlllng 1110 position's dutios. Ho Indlcalod that thastafl asslstanlfcr the Doslgn Rovfow Commlttoo mlghl be elthor hlmsoll or Lorraine Saeger. Ho notod lI1at lithe position Is flllod by a rull.time Ita" porson, 1I10n lI1at porson wlll tako cvor as staff assistant 10 the Commllloe. Wolt nomlnalod and Soiberllng socondod de Vries Icr tho poslllcn 01 ChallpOlScn. de Vrfos docl1nod to accoplll1o nomlnallon. (Walers arrlvod at 4:39 p.m.) de Vrfes nomlnatod Nelson lor Chalrporson and Dows Icr V1co.Chalrporson. Wolt seconded. The mctlcn carrfod 8.0. Helling roported thai the lounlaln was doslgnod as a partlclpalOry lounlaln. He relarrod to a momorandum to the CommlUoo dalod DocombGr 4, 1990. He nolod thai a cosl osllmale Is nol avallablo lcr a chlorlnatlorvllltratlon syalom which might roqulro oxcavation In crdor 10 be Inslallod. Solborllng roportod thalsho had contac1od lI1e doslgnor 01 tho lounlaln and he had suggoslod clarifying wholl1or or not tho Icunlaln actually nla tho doftnlllon 01 wading pool. Holling tlalod that boll1 1110 City Managor and the City Attomoy have oxprosaod tho opinIon thai tho lounlaln nts tho Stalo's donnltlon 01 wading pool and Is thus lubjOct 10 tho requlromonts lor a swfmmlng pocl. He Indlcalod 11101 the City wlll allompl 10 gol a rulo change In ordor to have tho lountaln oxemplod Ircm the roqulromonts. SOlborllng roportod thai tho doslgnor 011110 lountaln had Inlcrmod hor thai a flllor could bo submorgod In tho holding lank and had also Indlcalod that porlodlcally cloanlng tho walor would bo a good Idoa. Sho slalod that Informallon should bo avallablo Irom tho doslgnor on how this should bo dono. Solborllng slalod 11101 sho had also lalkod 10 1110 doslgnor regarding tho mannor In which Iho walor flows oul cl tho founlaln, which Is noltho ollocl thai was originally Inlondod. Sho suggoslod lhalln lho spring this problom could bo oxplorod. I I I I I I I I I I' I , . ,. . I, , I , I . I, , i' , , :1 Ibl I t] Y', " M1nulos Doslgn Rovlow Commlttoo Docombor 10, 1990 Pogo 2 Wolol8 askod oboultho CIIy's logalllablllly In tho ovonl cl an accJdonL Holling slalod Ihal tho lounlaln Is Clty.ownod and oporatad and pooplo aro allowod Inlo tho lountaln. Ho statod thoro has alwoys boon a ccncom by tho CIly'slogal sla" rogardlng liability assoclalod with tho Icuntaln. Ho notod thatthlslssuo has boon dlscussod at City Council mootings and tho ultlmalo doclslcn was 10 101 UIO slluatlon romaln as It currontly oxlsts. (Hauport arrlvad at 4:50 p.m.) Nolson roportod thai sho had submlllod tho ennual roport 10 lorraine Saogor. Holling Indlcatod thai tho Commllloe will neod to revlow Its objoctfvos lor whal noodsto bo coollnuod or addod to tho Commlttoo's goals and objoctfvos boloro tho final Program DIvision Stalomont Is submlltod 10 the Ccuncll with tho budgot roquosL Wolt askod II thoro Is a policy rogardlng plant rop/acomont In tho downtown. Haupert rospondod that tho Parks & RoC/eallon Dopartmont prunos the exfsting Iroos, picks up trash and loavos, and performs othor malnlonanco tasks, but he nolad that Ann Hmo has takon ovor tho planning 01 the BIOa. Selborllng Indlcalod thatsho bolloves thoro should bo a lormal malnlonanco policy lor tho downtown aroa bocause It Is tho hoart 01 tho community. Haupert stalod thai bocauso the City Is not willing to commltlunds 10 tho downlown aroa. thoro Is no polnlln dovoloplng a plan. ~o notod that Adopt.A-Bod look cvor tho planning luncUon and bocauao Ills all volunloor, ho doubts that a plan will bo dovolopod by tho volunloors. He nclod thai the downlown aroa has probloms such as the poor soli, ralsod bods, cancplos, and tho podoslrfan lmIIIc that limits what can be done In tho aroa. Hauport suggoslod thai an obloctfvo could bo to asslsl with dovolcplng a policy rogardlng planllngsln tho downtcwn aroa. Holling Indlcatod thaltha orfglnal Inlonllon 01 tho objecUvo might hava boon to lormulalo II policy which might, In tum, rosult In tho allocatlcn cllundlng neodod to Implomont tho policy. Solberllng suggoslod that the Chambor cl Commorco and the City could work logothor In lormulallng a policy. Wolt respondod that the Chambor doos not currontly havo tho lunds to Improve tho downlown aroa. He stalod that ho bollevos thai malnlonanco 01 tho publIc aroa, such as tho downlown, could bo lundad by tax rovonuos. He suggosled that tho Commllloe could recommond to tho Council that lundlng bo allocalod lor p1anUng and lor the proper malnlenance cltho plaza. Holling roportod that tho City Managor Is proposing thatlunds be allocatod for tho purchaso 01 a bank 01 nowspapor vondlng machlnos. Ha nctod that II this proposal Is approved, the Design Review Commlllee would then assist In tho soloctlon procoss. Ho nclod thai this concopt does ncl appoar 10 bo a violation 01 law. Hauport stalod thai tho loasllnlruslvo typo cl vondlng machine holds six dllloront nowspapers. Ho suggosled thol tho downlown hclol might bo willing 10 put such a machlno In Its lobby. Ho ropcrtod thai approxlmaloly lour yoors ago such a machlno cost $2,500. Ho Suggoslod thai the City could conduct a 101l0ry lor whero each nowspapor could bo localod within lho dcwnlown aroa. Holling roported Ulallltho nowapapora are glvon lho cpportunlty to vond Ircm a Clty.cwnod machlno, lhon Ihoro Is no nood 10 allow thom 10 uso tholr cwn vondlng machlnos. Nolson suggoslod Ihallhoro could bo a nowspapor kiosk which would also prcvldo omplcymont and a wldor soloction. Holling nolod lhollho ordlnanco /()/ y i I I , , i , , I , I / t] Y e M1nulol Dos~n Rovlew Commlttoo Docombor 10, 1990 Pago 3 would allow lor mobllo vondlng. He Indlcalod that II availability becomos a problom tho City wlll ba rosponslblo lor flndlng an allomaUve solution. ~: Tho mooting was adjoumod at 5:10 p.m. I Z. t Odnl.mln --~~""""""<'".,'. il'.......,..H. ';," I~I .....-.~,t>'U.:ki.JJ I, ... , I . , , I I j, I " I' ! I) r , , i, I' , . , I I I; I: I I, I, II I I i I I I I I 1 '1 I, , , I, I I li~1 .\v- / t] Y .3 DRAFT Affordablo Housing Task Forco January 9, 1991 i , I , In : Wednosday, January 9,1991,7:00 p.m. In tho Iowa Clly Public Ubrary, Rocm A. Slovo AUdns, Chair, pros/ding. I I , , , , I. t Carol Barkor, Bon Mooro, Jim Knapp, Anna Wagnor, Mlchollo Drolsmolor, Judy Galluzo, Dick Dlbaon, Kolth Jonos, David Clark, Pat Jonson, Regor Gwfnnup, Pclly Pagllal, Dick Myors, nm Krumm, Gary Smith, Bob Jackson, Jack Koborg, Ooorgo SIarr. BOlay Kononck. &gjtt: Patty Mlllor, Jim Harrtt, David Bunllng, Sharon Mathlou, Joan Undloy, Annlo TutUo, Duano SwartzOndrubor. John Crulso, Craig Willis. ~: Slophon AlJdns, Don Schmolsor, Doug Boothroy, Marianno Milkman, Menlca Meon, Dalo Holling, Ron Honderson, Dick Frantz, Jill Smith. , , Tho Docombor 6, 1990 mlnutos wore epprovad as submlllod. Atldns stalod tho throo Itoms lor discussion on ton~ht's agonda aro: Building Codo -Iowa City, Land DovolopmonVZcnlng Codo -Iowa City, and tho Memorandum Ircm Chair concomlng luluro agonda. , I j I 1 I , Dick F,antz stated ha has boon wfth tho City 01 Iowa Clly lor 15 yoars as a building Inspoctor or sonlor building Inspoctor. Frantz sold tho purposo lor tho Building and Regulatory Codos aro 10 provldo a minimum sot 01 standards to saloguard 1110, 11mb, hoalth, proporty and public wollaro by regulating and conI/oiling tho construction, quallly 01 malorials and malntonanco cl buildings wfthln tho City 01 Iowa Clly. Frantz said tho regulalory codos onforcod by Iowa CIIy tor slnglo lamlly dwolllngs Includo tho Unllorm Building Codo, tho Unllorm Plumbing Codo, tho Unllorm ,Mochanlco/ Codo, tho NaUcnal Eloclrlcal Codo, and tho Modollmago Coda. Frantz oxplalnod Iowa Clly Is mandalod by tho slalo law to onlcrco olthor tho st~!o building codo or 10 adept lis own coda and Iowa City has choson 10 adopt lis own building coda wfth local amondmonts 10 suit tha noods 01 Iowa City. Frantz sald tho Unllorm Building C,odo, which Is adopled by Iowa Clly, Is adoplod by ovory stato wost cltho Mississippi, tho Building Otnclal AasoclaUcn Codo Is adoplod In tho oasl, and tho Southom Building Codo Is adoptod In tho south. Frantz Inlcrmod tho Task Forco thai tho Building Code doos nol rogulalo tho slzo 01 buildings In Icwa City and thoro's also no roqulromontlor buildings to bo built wllh basomonls. Frantz oxplalned tho Building Codo requlros thai ycu havo a kltchon with a sink, a bathroom wllh a walor closot, a lavalory spaco and a tub or showor. Frantz slalod thalllthoso slondards 010 mot, a 300 squOlo loot houso could be buill undor Iho Building CCdo, bullho Zoning Codo doos roqulro 400 squaro loot. Frontz stalod lhallhe size and cosl 01 tho hcuso Is rogulalod by consumors. Frantz nolod I, I I Id~ / tJ H Y Allordllblo Hcuslng Task Fcrco January 9. 1991 Pao02 that tho avorago cost cl a houso In 1979 was $54,000, and tho avorago coSI 01 a houso In 1990 WSJ $113,000. FfanlZ ,'arod thaI In his 15 yoars cl working tor tho City, thoro havo boon vory low chango. In tho Building Coda Ihat would alloct rogulallons 01 a slnglo lamlly dwolllng, as far as construcUon WSJ concomod, cthor than tho addlllon 01 smoke dolOC1ors, a window In tho basomonllcr ogross and tho onorgy Coda mandalod by stalo law. ClaIk askod lithe CIty's Building Code Is moro roslrlcUvo than tho stale building Coda. Franlz statod, no. In rosponso to Dick Gibson, Fronlz stalod Ihero aro no provisions In tho City Codo thaI 818 moro rostrlctlve than tho stale codo. Boothroy explalnod that It Is basically tho same coda with local amendmonts. ClaIk askod II thoro Is a dllloranco In tho local plumbing codo. Franlz ltalod, no, and thai nons 01 tho Clly'slocal Codas, plumbing, mochanlcal cr olocltlcal, aro mora strfngonlthan tho stato codo. Knapp Inqulrod aboul County enforcomonl 01 bulldlng codos. Franlz oxplalnod thoro Is no onlorcomont 01 tho building Codas by tho County, the County dcos taka a port< lost and an InlUaI building porml~ and 10 his knowledge, stala law roqulras tho County 10 adept and onlorce tho Coda. Atkins llalod a commcn complaint Is thai wo as a city have chosen 10 onfcrco the Code. Franlz oxplalnod that tho Codas are thoro 10 proloct tho consumor and tho community Ilsol'. Franlz nolod thai tho City 01 Iowa Clly does 15 dllleronllnspocUons on a Ilnglo lamlly dwelling Ircm tho tlmo thoy tako out a building pormll unUlthoy mevo Inlo tho houso. ClaIk nclod thai whon ho slartod building housos with a building contractor In Iowa City In 1964, ho built botweon 75 to 100 housos por yoar. ClaIk nOlod that Warron Buchanan WSJ tho building Inspoctor thon and ho ran tho onUro dopartmonL ClaIk askod why tho Clly hSJ choson 10 have a much largor Inspoctlon slall and havo Incroasod admlnlstraUvo costs to tho polnl whero thoro aron'lthal many moro building pormlts Issuod than 30 yoara ago. Frontz explalnod that last yoar the City cllowa City Issuod 138 building pormlla, and In 197911 was tho samo. AIkins oxplalnod sovoral things havo changod, Including tho lact thai tho City 01 Iowa City II subJoct 10 groalor liability alloday'1 llandards than 20 yoara ago. Boothroy emphaslzod tho City 01 Iowa City doos have liability lor sloppy InspocUon or lack ollnspocUons. Atkins slalod the City has choson 10 t have a Coda and lItho City Is going 10 have a codO, It shculd onlorco thai codo to tho rullost exlonl 01 tho law or tho City will bo sub/oct 10 I/ablllty. Atkins sl8lod bocauso Iowa City has an oxcollont houslng mart<ol and bocauso 01 the lact thatlhore's tumovor and a geed markol, homos aro going 10 bo kopl up. Atkins nolod Ihat onforcomonl 01 a building codo Is tho law and tho City doos not want 10 partfally onlorco laws. Dick Myors slalod thai tho Incroasod housing acllvlly Is partfally duo 10 rontal proporty In Iowa City. Dick Myors slalod that tho County will probably adept a building codo onco multl.lamlly units aro allcwod In tho County. Atkins nolod also that within Iowa City thoro aro gonorolly oxcel/onl bulldors. Boolhroy stalod thai wllh urban ronowal and olhor typos 01 proJocls bolng buill In Iowa Clty,lnspoctors aro noodod bocauso cltho hlghor lovol 01 comploxlty Irom what occurrod 20 yoars ago In torms 01 construcUon. Frantz nolod that lasl yoar $44,000,000.00 worth 01 wert< was done In Iowa City, not Including Unlvorslty ~nstrucUon, and only $14,000,000.00 was lor slnglo lamlly dwolllngs. Frantz stalod thaI tho Clty'slnspoctlon slall doals with moro than just slnglo lamlly dwolllngs. Gwlnnup said glvon tho lact thoro aro no Inspoctlons 01 tho Ccunly, why aron'llhoro moro ccmplalnts aboul conslructlon probloms. Frantz stalod ho dcos rocolvo complaints Irom pooplo building In lho Ccunty about problomsthoy hnvo had wllh lholr hcusos. Frantz slnlod thai ho has /02.. , , tJ Lf 5 ' Allcrdablo Housing Task Fcrco January 9, 1991 Pago 3 alsc rocolvod calls from pocplo In Com/villa asking how Iho Ccrolvlllo and rowa City Building Codos dlllor. CI8I1l askod Mocro, oxcludlng land ccsts, what Is tho d1l1oronco In coslln building a lIke hcuso In tho City and tho County. Bon Mooro stalod thai his nrm builds tho same hcuso In tho City and In tho County. Clark askod II a lair stalomont Is that tho Iowa City Building Coda did nollncroaso costs of tho housing markolln Iowa City. Alldns stalod h doos In that tho Building Codo Is part 01 the cost cl a house. Bocthroy stalod that In 15 yoars, tho Unltcnn Building Coda has nol changod, whoroas the cosl 01 housing has changod and, thoroloro, thero are othor lactors Involved, such aa blggor houses and moro amenlllos. Boothroy stalod thai the City Is dOallng with the same rulos and rogulallons aa II was In 1975, oxcopt lor the Enorgy Codo, smoke detectors and the window In the basomonL Moore slatod that addlllons 10 tho Building Codo have boltorod tho house lor salety. Mooro slatod that ovory lime a now provision In tha Code comos ou~ It onds up bononllng housing construction. Knapp slatod thai tho quality builders In the arell do net CUi the quality 01 tholr housos lust bocauso thoy are not Inspoctod lor Code roqulromonts. Knapp stalod thai ropulablo contractors build good products. Frantz nolod thai the pormll foos lor an avorage house rango $500 10 $700. Knapp askod II tho pormllleos cover the costs Incurrod by tho Building DopartmonL Frontz slalod thai last yoar tho , Building Dopartmont look In $90,000 10 ccvor tho~ budgol. In rosponao 10 Clark, Frantz slatod that building pormll costs aro basod on tho squaro foolago 01 a now houso jusllakon 011 naUonal standards. CI8I1l askod It permit loos could be Ioworod lor housos cosUng loss than $75,000. Alldns slatod thai that Is a policy that tho City Council could addross. Mooro compllmonlod Iowa City stall lor tho profosslonallsm shown by tho Housing Inspocto;,. Gwlnnup slatod thai ho builds tho samo way In tho County as ho deos In tho City. Gwlnnup nclod thai somollmos tho Iowa City Building Codo roqulromonts add 10 tho cosl 01 a construction job. Frantz nolod thai ho doos nol havo tho authority 10 10000n Codo roqulromonts. Monica Moon, City 01 Iowa City Sonlor Plannor, prosonlod InformaUon obout tho Land DovolcpmonVZonlng Codo. Meon dlstribulod tho handouts: Land Dovolcpmonl Pcllclos and Rogulatlons, Tablo 01 Ccnlonts cl tho Comprohonslvo Plan, Planning and Zcnlng Application Rovlow Prccoss, and Foos lor Rovlow cl Planning, Zoning and Board 01 Adjuslmonl Applications. MonIca explalnod thai bolero building permits aro cbtalnod,land noods 10 bo proporly zonod and rulos and rogulaUons lhalapply 10 tho dovolcpinont 01 thai land nood 10 bo compllod with. Meen slated that tho Clty's rulos and rogulatlons nood 10 bo conslslonl with tho adoptod policy 01 tho City by moans 01 tho City's Ccmprohonslve Plan. Tho Comprohonslvo Plan Is a compendium 01 policy slalomonts that gUldo tho growth and dovelopmont cltho community. Moen oxplalnad that tho Ccmprohonslvo Plan Is gonorally doveloped lor a 20.yoar tlmo IrMlo 10 glvo both prosonl and luluro govomlng bodlos and lho devoloplng community some notlco as 10 whal tho City Plannors have In mInd as lar as tho dovulopmonl ollho community. Moon rovlowed tho lablo 01 conlonts ollho City's Comprohenslve Plan and presonled tho Comprehonslvo Plan Map. Moon explalnod Iho Comprohonslvo Plan Map Is a composllo 01 Iho varioty 01 doclslons and pollclos thai havo boon mado and adoptod by tho City's govornlng body. Moon said tho Comprohonslvo Plan Mop ... I~:t / t] H b Aftordablo Housing Task Forco January 9, 1991 Pago 4 Is Idonll!lod as a land uso map. and Is codod In dlfloronl colcrs to ldonUIy commorclal dovolopmonl, proposod rosldontlal dovolcpmonl and Industrfal dovolcpmonl. AWns nolod thai tho Task Forco can requost a copy 01 tho Comprohonslvo Plan Map Irom tho PlannIng slBft. Moon oxplalnod thai thoro aro a varfoty cl mochanlsms thai can bo usod 10 onlcrco tho pollclos that havo boon adoptod In tho CcmplOhonslvo Plan, Including tho Zoning Ordlnanco. Subdivision Ordlnanco, Largo Scalo Dovolopmont RogulaUons, and addIUonal requlromonts that aro oppllod In cortaln clrcumslancos. Moon presonlod tho City zoning map. Meon IIBIod tho zcnlng map nooda 10 paraJloltho dovolopmont decisions In tho Comprohonslvo Plan. Moon oxplalnod tho Zoning Ordlnanco purposo Is to plOmolo tho publIc hOalth, saloty and gonoral wollate and Is a rogulatcry mochanlsm that d1ctalos hew tho land Is goIng 10 be usod. Moon laid tho ZonIng Ordlnanco Is tho !Irat rogulalory mochanlsm thai ostabllshos how lar a buildIng noods to be Itom tho rlghl-ol.way and dlctalos tho donslty 01 devolopmont. It also delormlnos whalland usos aro pormlnod In cortaln zonos. Meen explalnod thalwhon a dovolopor Is Inlorosled In a ploco cl proporty ha or she neoda 10 dolormlno hew tho Comprehonslvo Plan antlclpalos whalthe land Is going 10 bo used Icr; nooda 10 go to tho Zoning Ordlnanco 10 seo what zono tho tract Is doslgnalod asj and noods 10 underatand thai tho particular zone 1'111I dolormlno what land usos aro permitted and tho donslty 01 dovolcpmenlthat can be ach/ovod en tho tract. Meen slalod thallI ycu havo a slzeablo tract 01 land that you Inlond 10 broak up Inlo smallor parcels, you nood 10 gol a subdivision pial approved. Moon explalnod thai tho subdivision rogulallcns aJlcw land 10 be brokon dewn Into . smallor building slles. Moen stalod tho purposo 01 tho subdivision rogulaUons Is 10 assuro scmo consistency Itom one dovolopmonllo tho noxL Meen stalod thai ovory dovolopmont Is obllgalod 10 comply wfth the same rulos and rogulatlons and, therelore, thoso rogulaUons cftor the City some assurance thai thoro Is gclng 10 be somo conslsloncy Itom one dovolopmonllo tho noxl. Tho subdlvlslcn rogulaUons also allow tho City 10 ovaluale tho proposal on tho particular tract or land so thai thore Is nol only conslsloncy Irom ono dovelcpmont 10 anothor, but that tho Inlomal design and on.slte Improvomonts aro such thai they aro attractlvo and solo. Meen I18lod thai subdivisIon regulations assist tho City In that tho City Is rosponslble lor malntonanco clstrools thai are dedlcalod 10 the community and tho Inlra structuro thai Is going 10 bo placod In tho ground. Moon oxplalnod thai ono way thai City slBft has oasod tho subdlvlslcn procoas has boon through tho pro.appllcollon requlroments. Moon oxplalnod thai tho pro.appllcatlcn prcco.. Is usod when tho dovolcpor has a nctlon cl a particular dovolopmenl and thai poracn can como In and sll dewn and slaft con ldonUIy scmo 01 the Issuos on tho slto and 011. alia thai may Innuonco tho dovelopmonl. Mcon explalnod thai onco tho proporty Is zonod and sUbdlvldod, a largo scalo, ncn.rosldonUaI dovolopmonl approval may bo noodod Icr olflco, commorclal, and Industrfal dovelopmonl on tracts 01 alloasl tHo acros In size. Moon oxplalnod that tho largo scalo non.rosldontlal dovolopmenl requlromonts assuro cocrdlnaUcn and adoquato provlslcns 01 facllltlos. Moon slalod that a preliminary largo scalo ncn.rosldonUaI plan Is effoctlvo lor a 24-mcnlh po~od and tho dovolopor noods 10 ccmo In Icr lInal plan approval within 24 months or tho plan noods to be ro.rovlewod. Moon stalod thai tHo thIngs 10 lacllllalo dovelopmonl and mako It easlor fer tho approval of devolopmonl plans aro tho largo scalo non.rosldontlal plan 118011 Is ftoxlblo and tho ffnal plan can bo admlnlstratlvoly approvod. Mcon oxplalnod that II tho lInal pion lolls withIn tho paramotors cl tho preliminary plan lho final plan can probably be approvod within 24 hours. I'P-. y / tJ Y ;-, ^"ordablo Housing Task Forco January 9, 1991 Pag05 Meon oxplalnod thoro Is tho largo scalo rosldonUal dovolopmon~ which appllos to mulll.lamlly dwolllngs built en two acros or moro, or In cases with a building that conlalns 30 or moro dwolllng units on a silo loss than two acros. Moon noted that tho large scalo residential development plans are cnly elloctlve lor a two year portod. Meon explalned additional rogulaUons oxlsl, Including tho design standards lor public works Improvemonts that actually set out In groater dolallread cross socUons, sldowalks, waler dlslr1buUcn, slonn sowor, sanitary sower, etc. and all subdivisions In large scale developments would have to comply with thoso standards as well. Moon slatod lI1at therals a stonn water managemont ordlnanCCl which applies In Instancos 01 any rosldonftal developmont 01 two acros or more or commorclal, Industrfal, or InslltuUonal dovoJopmonts 01 one acro or moro. Moon slatod tho purpose olll1at roqulroment Is 10 mlnlmlzo and ollmlnate dangors ollloodlng to 11I0 and property. Moon slalod the requirements 6peclly that thoro neods to bo provisions lor cn.slle delenUon cl stonn water. Moen said tho purpose 01 that requlromentls 10 capturo whalover storm walor lI1at may bo generaled on the subdivision cr particular development and thai slonn water Is releasod at a slower rate Into the CIty's stonn walor syslom. Moen slaled that boloro nnal plans aro approved, the CIty's Public Works Department has to approve plans to stonn waler managemenL Meen slatod thai tho Clly has also adopted requirements lor grading and excavation. Moon explalned lI1at the grading and excavallon ordlnanco Is In rosponse to the pollclos In lI1e Comprehensive Plan and encourage lI1e senslUve dovelopment 01 topographically or environmentally, sansltlvo land. Moon slalod the purpose cl the crdlnanco Is 10 safeguard human IIfo and property and 10 pretect envlronmontally sonsltlvo areas. Moen slated the ordlnanco appllos 10 lands cl consldorable slcpe, wet lands, lIood hazardcus areas and tracts 01 land thai are Iravorsod by somo kind 01 walorway. Moen explalned that there are overtay zcnes which apply to portfons 01 proporty In tho community that mortt addlUonal protocUcn lor rogulatory moasuroslncludlng tho CIty's hlstortc preservallon district and the rlvor corrfdor. Moon slatod that development In those particular areas should be regulated beyond the typical regulations In the Zoning Ordlnanco. Moon slalod that In the Summit Street hlstortc dlstrlct, In addition 10 requirements 01 tho Zoning Ordlnanco ycu would also nood 10 meot the requlroments cl tho Hlstortc ProsorvaUcn Ovortay Zono that basically Indlcales that " you undortake any typo of acUvlty on tho property that Is gclng to bo visible Irom the public ways, that thcso particular plans nood to bo rovlowod and approvod by tho CIty's Hlslcrtc ProsorvaUon CommIssion. Moen statod that with regard 10 the rtvor corrfdor, It oncouragos a dovolopmont 01 a 100 loct bullor betwoon tho rlvor bank and tho dovolcpmont with a 30.1001 solback. Moon ncled thaI the flood plain regulotlons area sol ollndopondont regulaUons. Moon rovlowod Inlormallcn aboultho plan dovolopmont cvorlay zonos that allows somo floxlblllty In tho uso 01 land. Moon explalnod that tho plan dovolcpmonl housing cvortay zono allows latlludo 10 cluslor dovolopmont In exchango lor loavlng portions 01 tho dovolcpmont In cpen spaco. Moon rovlowod tho procoss for gottlng an application 1II0d and through Iho Planning and Zcnlng Commlsslcn. Mcon notod Itlakos 22 days from tho appllcallon phase tc approval. Moon slalod I'~ y I , ' , tJ H 8 Altordablo Housing Task Forco Janulll'f 9, 1991 Png06 thai In tho Planning Dopartmonl thoro Is a sonlor plannor, two othor full.lImo plannors and a hall. limo stalt porson. Moon nolod thai Task Forco mombors rocolvod tho handoul'Foos lor Rovtow 01 Planning, Zoning and Board 01 Adjustmonl AppIlcallons'. Knapp askod It thoro aro any dovolopors curronUy Iooklng al maldng land avallablo lor altordablo housing. Moon statod, yos, thalslalf has roconUy approvod a prollmlnlll'f pial In southoasllowa Clly whoro Ills an\lclplllod that aItordablo housing will occur. A mombor 01 tho Task Forco askod II thoro Is anything thai dovolopors can oblaln as lar as easing thO squaro lootago requlroments or requlroments lor groen areas. Moon stalod thai one 01 tho things the City can do Is asSlslln tho cosl 01 some 01 thO Inlra structure. Moen oxplalnod lor tho dovolopmonl occurring In tho southom part 01 Iowa City, thO City mado tho declslon 10 losson tho capital commltmonts by thO dovolopor and ngrood 10 partlclpalO In subsidizing somo 01 the cosl 01 tho Infra structure to assuro thai modoraloly priced housing will bo construelod. Clark askod II zoning has an oltoc1 on land valuos. Moon stated, yos. Moon oxplalned thalli you woro going 10 havo Infra structuro thai wasn'l avallablo provlously, thon tho valuo 01 tho land wllllmprovo and II you'vo golland thai Is stalod lor rosidonllal devolopmonl vorsus commorclal devolopmonl, thon tho80 propor1fos will havo a d1spBlato valuo. Gibson askod Clark II a lotal absonco 01 zoning mlghlload 10 lowor dovolopmonl costs. Clark nolod thalli thoro was so much land zonod lor a cortaln typo 01 use and thai land Is only owned by a lew pooplo, they havo control 01 tho markeL Clark askod II zoning rulos conflict with onabllng moro aItordablo housing. Moon stalod thai thoro aro a 101 01 noods 10 be balancod In tho community and tho zoning rulos nood 10 bo lookod al nolluslln tho conloxl 01 aItordablo housing, bu1 al whaltho City as a wholo Is Intondlng 10 achlovo. Moon statod thai an altematlvo lor devolopors Is thai In areas thai BI8 zonod lor slnglo lamlly detached dovolopmon~ dovolopors could uso tho planned dovolopmonl concopl, whero you can depart Itom whal would nonnally be ponnllled In thai partlculBl zone In clusler dovelopmonlln oxchango lor loavlng Bl8as lor opon apaco. Atkins statod thai porsons can go 10 tho Zoning Codo and oltor amondmonlS 10 bo ablo 10 do tho things conlomplated. Clark statod thai thoro BlO aroas zoned RS.a thalslalf In tho Planning and Zoning Commission havo recommondod 10 bo dovolopod at RS.5, and thai Is adding to tho problom. Atkins nolod thai Clark Is a member 01 tho Planning and Zoning Commission. In responso 10 Mooro, Aikins oxplalnod thai tho Excavallon and Grading Ordlnanco was part 01 tho discussion and dobale rolaUng 10 tho commltmonl by Councllthal they wero going 10 address onvironmental Issuos as II relalos to developmonL Atkins slalod bulldors on land thai Is c1asslOod as onvironmentally sonsltlvo now musl go through lonnal onglneorlng approval procoss with rospocllo tho grading 01 thai land. Aikins stalod thai tho roqulrod oxcavaUon and grading doos add 10 thO cosl 01 dovelopmenl 01 tho proporty. Mooro ralsod concoms aboultho losl ground thai cannot be dovolopod on becauso 01 the slonn water managemenl requlroments. Atkins explalnod thai tho ledoral govommenl has passod now rogulaUons thai wllllmpacl on tho slonn waler requlromonts, bulltom the broad porspoctlvo tho particular slonn waler relonllon ponds can bonom 10 tho community as a wholo. Aikins agrood thai tho slonn walor roqulromonl doos romovo ground Itom dovolopmonl. Moon nolod thai thoro aro aroas thai havo a colloc1lvo dotonUon basin or BlO adjaconl 10 tho Iowa Rlvor whoro tho stonn walor could bo plpod 10 dlrocUy. Atkins slalod tho paco 01 1110 City's dovolopmonl also has a groal doallo do with dlclatlng tho flood stonn walor Bloas, y lOP-. " rl H q - . Allordablo Housing Task Forco Janulll'f 9, 1991 pogo 7 Knapp askod II tho City mado any concosslons 10 tho dovolopor 01 Whispering Moadows. Moon slatod thalln that patUcular dovolopmon~ tho Clly did nol adhoro to tho sltfc1 pollclos 011110 Comprohonslvo Plan and In oxchango lor tho concosslons thoro was a guaranloo thai a cortaln number 01 housos would be sold as altordablo housing or modoraloly priced housing, Knapp askod If tho City could roqulro thai BlOas such as WhIspering Meadows be oponod up 10 . compollUon Instoad 01 lust using ono builder. Atkins staled n would be d1lf1culllo mandalo thai. AWns noled thai 1110 charac10r 01 Iowa City Is such that vory low pooplo own mosl 01 tho land and tho dovolopmonl paco occurs at tho lpOed al which th080 peoplo docldo 10 pineo thai land on tho markeL Knapp stalod a markel should be croalod thai Is moro compoUtlvo. Carol Batkor statod she Is tho dovolopor 01 WhIspering Moadows, and II tho dovolopmont doos nol mooltho 50% roqulromont on housing being dovolopod al or below tho maximum FHA londlng IImll, thoy havo 10 relmbursO tho costs 01 tho City thai wore advanced. Barker stated thalthoy IImlled building to retaln control 01 the cosl 01 the building. A mombor 01 tho Task Forco statod doveloplng the ground Is one thlng, and building housos anothor thing, and a compolltlve markol could be crealed 10 gol roasonably prIcod housing. Knapp naled thai Systoms Unllmlled havo rocolved special excopUons and asked II this could be dona the same lor eldorly housing unllS. Moon oxplalned thai In any particular uso thore are c1rcumstancos whore the requlromonts may be more rigorous as thoy aro Imposed on one proporty than anothor, and tho Board 01 Adjustmonlls a ftve mombor body thai Is created 10 evalualo whother or not tho rogulallons as Imposed on a property aro moro rigorous than tho averago property. RelaUng 10 Sysloms Unllmlled, Boothroy noled that tho Stalo had amondod the zoning code 10 allow IL AWns nolod thai Task Forco mombors rocolved his Docombor 26, 1990 Memorandum rogBld1ng futuro agonda. Atkins noted thai the NaUonal Allordable Housing Act will require thO City In order 10 malntaln Its ollglblllty lor cortaln community developmenl monlos and 10 become ollglble lor now lederal monies, will nood 10 proparo D Comprehensive Housing Altordablllty Strategy, and tho Task Forco can playa relo In tho proparaUon 01 thalatratooy. Atkins nolod thai the Task Forco has choson a lalrly dallborato approach InvoMng becoming more educatod on Issues rolaUng 10 housing In Iowa City, and the Task Force Is now lacod with the problem thalthoy noed 10 move more quickly II thoy would llko 10 playa rolo In lonnulatlng tho Comprehonslvo Housing Allordablllty Stratogy, Atkins staled thai 10 movo moro quickly tho Task Forco will noed 10 bo moro spoclflo with roo BIds 10 recommondoUons, pollclos and procoduros. Atkins askod Task Forco mombors how they would IIko 10 proceod. A mombor 01 the Task Forco stated tho Task Forco could conUnue and schedule ono or two moro spoakors, or becomo more acUvo and actually pul speclno Idoas on the Iablo. Jack Koborg stated thai he would prelor the Task Forco becomo active and glvo Inpulln response 10 tho ledoralloglslaUon. Koborg omphaslzed thai Issues now nood 10 bo doflnod. Mooro slated thai the Housing Commission would IIko moro direction Irom the Task Forco, Clark stalod ho would IIko 10 addross the problom and proposo solutions, Slatr askod II tho Comprohonslvo Housing Allordablllty Strategy will complololy rostructurO all ollho housing asslstanco programs curronUy bolng 0110 red. Atkins staled, yos. AIkins statod Ihal tho Comprohonslvo Housing Allordablllty Slratogy roqulros a f1vo yoar plan: oach yoat thoro musl bo lIP- .... , I I ,. 1 I. , . I , , , tJ S [I Altordablo Housing Task Forco Janulll'f 9, 1991 pago 8 a porlonnanco report and updato on thai plan: and tho City has 10 addross spoclno Issuos Including homelossnoss, low Incomo lamlllos, omorgoncy sholtor, lranslllonal housing, chBlSc10rlsUcs 01 the housing markot, encouraging publlo housing partlclpanlS 10 bo Involvod, solllng 10M Investmonts willing to be mado, and ldonUlylng rulos, rogutaUons and pollclos thai altoc1 aItordable housing. AWns staled thai tho Comprohenslvo Housing Allordablllty Stralogy will need 10 go 10 a publlo hOarlng and tho City Council adoplll1o policy. Atkins askod II Task Forco mombors 1001 thoy BlO knowledgoable enough 10 ollor Idoas. Knapp askod whaltho polenUalls lor sddlUonal govommonllundlng, Alklns stated that lithe City does a good job In planning, the City could rocolve more donors. Milkman oxplalned that tho locus has changod and tho lodoral govemmonlls looking al malch progrBtns, that Is the City could gol moro monlos bul musl match IL Milkman staled part 01 tho plan noods 10 domonstrato whore the rosourcos aro In the community. Altordable Housing Task Forco members discussed how 10 proceed. Clatk stalod thai tho Task Forco needs to recolvo a new chargo. Jonson stated thai a brainstorming 8Osslon should be hold to throw out new Ideas, AtkIns stated thai any Ideas will go Inlo the wrltton mlnulos and will be reviewed by City Council mombors, Gibson stalod thai the oducaUonal precoss was woMwhllo 10 glvo porsons a ba80 knowledgo at which to go 10M and mako doclslons. AWns ollored to spoil out a now charge to pro80nllo Task Forco mombors. AWns staled tho now cl1B1go can bo doflnod withIn a missIon stalomonl and al tho noxl mooUng on Februlll'f 13, Task Forco membors should come prepared 10 ollor Ideas. Myers asked Illdoas should be calagorlzod and small groups lonned. Atkins staled thO noxt mooUng can bo used lor bralnslonnlng. Knapp noted thallonner Prosldenl Jimmy Cartor Is lontatlvely scheduled 10 be In Iowa City April 26, 1991, 10 spoak aboul allordablo housing and habltallor humanity. Gwlnnup askod II Atkins rocolved a response from Hunter Rawlings. Gibson noted thai the Unlvorslty Is proJecUng lower sludonts: the Unlvorslty's resldonco hall systom musl support all 01 Its own capital and oporallng costs: and they calculale thai they did nol have onough domand on resldenco halls 10 afford 10 keep opon tho dormitory. AtkIns staled an Issuo Is thai tho University could create the domand by requiring studenlS 10 live In the donnllory. Gibson staled thai a very largo proportfon 01 sludonts de Ilvo In thO donnllorlos, A membor 01 the Task Force askod II thoro's a backlog lor roquosts lor marrlod sludonl housing. Gibson stalod, no. Task Forco membors discussed University housing. pagllal asked whalls going to happonlo the empty donnllory space. Atkins slalod the Unlvorslty wlllllkoly nol do anything 10 the building thai would prohlbllthe relum 10 housing. Kononck asked why thoy wero oldor sludents living In tho Mayflower. A mombor 01 tho Task Forco oxplalnod 1110 Mayflowor was a prlvalely ownod laclllty when thoy purchased II and they Inhorllod a cortaln number 01 occupanclos. ~: MoeUng adloumod at 6:50 p.m, "'''''.... I () ,., y ,. , I I. , . , I I