HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-05 Info Packet 1:' ., 5 8 "~'4"";"""'~".d.j..i.3~ ,'.;,,-.....>1.....-.. -,. -.~.'i"'i, 1 """'"'"'' 1 "j . -,.,,,,~ ", r I I I t I . 1:' -, 5 q InfOl'1ll4tton Packet Page 2 Jsnuary 2~, 1~9l Letter frolll Sandy SnOll, 10111 Clly Swim CIUD, regsrdlng propo'ed Increase ,2,25 In pool fees. . Feasibility Study for Reglonsl Arts and Cultural Center/Convention Center JJ ~ Project. Supportive Information frOlll Johnson County Hlstortcal Society requesting .~27 $2000, Public Llbrsry Information to support their request for additional personnel. Senior Center Information to support request for IlIOney for. 10th snnlverssry. Clttzens Summary of FY92 Budget. J:H 1.29 - ...tlLJ I I I i I \ J , '''-''~''o;iji;,i.;,;"",I.Iij..",,&....","'-'''''''.'''- H -......-..... t.., ;:"".'l~ .; ~i,..~ !';;" ~ ,~I i 0" ",;1 i ',,;;;;,>;..\.' ,...._'t~,.,;j"4;_i." "',~,.:i ;..;1 i : .f. '_'L~/ ,;..~j. 'oj..-"-"',,,!,-,, $')':-""-' I r .-... I .. I, , I; , -, :i I~ " . I: i , I I i ~ I' ,'-or '. i. j! I I ,- i j- i i J I: .; I' , j I', I I I. ,. I' I 'I ':;'1 . , . I', " I, I t i I . : , I I I , . I 1:' 'I b [I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM l' DATE: Janulry 25. 1991 TO: City Council FROM: City Hanlg.r RE: Inforlal Ag.ndu and Htltlng Schedule I , , Janmy 28. III I HondlY 6:30 . 9:30 P.H. Council Chamb.rs " InforNI Council Ht.tlng . Discussion of FY92 Propoltd " Budg.t/lnput 'rOl bOlrd. and commissions Janum ~9. Inl TUlSdl~ 6:30 . 9:30 P.H. Council Chamb.rs I i Informal Council HI.tlng . Discussion of FY92 Propos.d Budg.t Flbrulry 4...1W Hondl~ i' I 6:30 . 8:30 P .H. . Council Chamblrs 6:30 P.M. . City Conflr.nc. Board. S,plret. aglnda postld 7:00 P.M. . Informal Counctl Heating - Ag.nda P.ndlng Flbruary 5. I~ TUlSdlY 7:30 P.H. . R.gular Council H..tlng . Council Chamb.rs fENDING .ill! Stonwwatlr Managem.nt Rlvl.w Sails/Solicitation on City Plala Appolntm.ntl to Airport Commission, Broadblnd TII.communlcatlons Commls. slon, Historic Prmrvatlon COlllllllllon . F.bruary 19, 1991 Appolntm.nt to Broadband T.l.communlcltlon. Commlsllon . Hlrcn 5, 1991 i i l' Ii i' t I , :' t , " I I, I I '>'.'~-"."~J"'.',,,., ~..,.~.., ",.,,'-'~' ~Ol 1:' ., b 'I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM I Dolo: Januruy 22, 1991 I t To: Clly Boards and Commlaslons i I Community AgOne/OI From: """ 9,;4.,)z,c OrI'.tZ__ Ro: FY92 B'OI l:' , , ! I I I .-- On Monday, January 28, 1991 beginning a18:30 pm., tho Clty CouncD halloluldo Umo during tholr budgol dellboraUona 10 provldo an opportunity lor bollds, commissions and communlly agonclollo dscuas budgel propoaala. "you aro 10 Inloroltod. p1oaso plan 10 allond tho mooUng 01 January 28 In tho City Council Chambers, . il . , .' l. I' \,i i' , bdm 1-4 co: City Council CIIy Managor Director 01 Flnonco ,. I I. , I , . I i I; " I I I I " f ~ J ., ! I. I t, i , i I "'~---'-4~~.w..W..i1.,hI"':"''''''''''~~ u,_.....I"".._;..,...;..'"'.,.. !~O~i . I I I I :J ,J ., b. c . City Council Budgot Sosalon Janusry 19, 1991 CIIv Council BudQOI SoasloQ: Januory 19, 1991, 8:00 a,m., Council Chamborl. Mayor John McDonald prosldlng. Council Prosont: McDonsld, Ambrlsco, Horowitz, Kubby, Latson, Courtnoy, Novlck. Staff Prosonl: Atkins, Holling, Kerr, Yucul., Mansnold, Eggorl, Craig, SmJth. Taoo.rocordl~lI: Roor 91.2, Sldo 2, 1.End: Rool 91.7, Sldo 2. I.End: RooI91-8, Sldos t & 2, All; Rool 91,9, Sides 1 & 2, All. ~: City Managor Atkin. prolontod an ovoNfow of tho proposod budgoL Atklnl roforrod Councflmomborsto tho gonoral fund yoar ond balance, proposod nnanclal plan FY92.94 City 01 Iowa City, pago 17. Aikins stalod thai ngure.ln tho roport will bo amondod as moro InlormsUon I. obtalnod and ovary yoar tho stelo loglslature Is In losslon during Council's budgol dlseuislons and tho slate loglslaluro may oslsbllsh somothlng that would chango tho Clty'l budgol nguros. Atkin. statod the budgol plsn strOllOS tho plannIng aspects moro so than provlous yoars. AIkins said tho pollclos and tho program. aro rocommondod 10 Council 110 shown In tho summary momorandum and In tho budgol dOl.'Umontand the Importanco 01 this budgotls tho plan. Atkins emphasllod with this plan thore I. vOry IIttlo room for any now InlUatlvos. Atkin. cauUonod City Councllmembers against any such major commltmonts for tho luturo which would Involvo cost. 01 a rocurrlng naturo, soloct now prolocts csrelully, parUculll~ projocts which might roqulro substantlsl commitment Irom tho City's resorves, and conlractusl commltmonts. Atkin. slatod that any commltmonts Council makos as part 01 tho tradlllonal budgot procoSl can cause nnsnclaJ and pollUcaJ concorn.. Aikins noted the puro lund balanco decroasos drometlcal~ Irom FY90 10 FY94 proposod. Aikin. stalod tho City II spondlng moro Ihan thoy aro taking In. Aikin. proposod paying cash for tho City's sharo 01 tho bus roplscemonlln FY95, Rocrostlon Conler Improvomonls, and tho CMc Contor addlUon. Atkins slatod this budgotl. a dollboralo policy plan to use tho City rosoNos, to avoid dobt and malnlaln a gonorallax policy. Aikins ststod an Important olomonl of tho budgot plan I. tho usa of 1010rvOS and wllh tho laxing policy thoro Is a commllmonllrom .Iaff and Councillor tho IUlure, In rosponso to Kubby, Atkins slstod tho puro lund bslanco Is puro cash with no commltmonl on thoso monlos. AikIns oxpla'nod thai nro oqulpmonl, bus roplacomonl and CMo Contor projects are lundod Irom othor rosorvos that sro budgotod throughout. Aikin. slatod thsl spondlng Iho City's resorvo. for capital proJocts moans thai tho City doos nollncur dobl. Aikin. slatod It doos limit tho budgol noxlblllty. Aikins nolod thst this budgel policy Is Intondod 10 guard tho City's crodll rellng and maintain AM status. Atkin. nolod tho City Is at Iho $8.10 tax limit. AIkins notod thai Moody's has askod whal kind of msrgln doo. Ihe City have 110m olhor laxing aulhorlty. Aikins elalod thoro aro a numbor 01 unknown factors Ihal will Impact on tho City's budgot. AIkins said Ihe airport land acqulllllon Is 0 concorn and slall Is making Iho assumpllon Iho City will Jo3 'Y I , . I I j I , I' . I:J., b 3 CIty Councfl Budgot Sosslon January t9, 1991 Pago 2 conUnuo 10 rocolvo lodoral ald. Atkins statod thslll tho City woro 10 nnanco a hoavy slrpo" land acqulslUon, tho City would Iikoly nood 10 borrow to covor tho oxponso. Anothor unknown foctor Ia tho bUl roplscomonL Atkin. oxplslnod that tho bus roplacomonl policy Is thai by FY95tho City w1JJ 101 uldo S8OO,ooo In a bus roplacomont rosolVo whlch Is tho Clty's 25% Jhlllo 01 $3.2 million 10 roplaeo 13 bum. In rosponso 10 Horowltz, Atklns.tatod tho 13 busos will bo oqulppod with Uft oqulpmontto mool tho Amorlcans with O!sablllUos Act regulaUon.. Atkins oxplslnod thsl tho Ilzo ollho bus ftool wiD nol chango and tho City Ia lusl golUng rld 01 tho old buso.. Horowitz ltated Iho JCCOG Itanaportallon Jubcommlltoo has dlscussod tho polonUal 01 usIng regular busOI and " thoro aro known rldors who nood lift buso., thoro would be anothor bUJ Iystom coming Iftlr tho rogullll buso.. Atkins Ilstod tho City USGI SEATS. Atklnl nolod thai busos oqulppod wlth lift oqulpmonl could chango tho rogulOl Ichodullng 01 routos. Atkin. Italed tho fod.ral govommonl dlsagrood with tho argumonl thai tho City hua lupplomontaIY ltansportsUon 10rvfco 10 tho ftxod routos would nol nood 10 be changod. Atkin. oxplalnod thai tho Clty'l achodulo caJIt lor bu. roplacomonl In FY94 and FY96 and FY95 wu usod lor tho budgot planning. HOIowItz askod with tho ox/sUng budgot, con tho City bring In anothor vohlclo lor Inctoasod 101Vlco. Atklnl Itstod no. Atkin. Ilslod changos In tho CDBG onUUomonll. anothor unknown. Atklnl oxplalnod thai tho now fodoral monlGS avsllablo Is callod tho homo Invoslmonl partnorshlpl. Atkin. nolod thsl tho major clslms and lossos havo boon wildly nuctuatlng and tho CIty has accumulslod a rosolVO to tako caro 01 tho.o nuctusUons. AtkIn. notod thstll monoy In tho roSGIVO lor major clalml and lossoa II nol ulod, II could bo Itanslorrod back 10 tho lund balanco torne Umo In tho noar luturo. Atkins nolod thst a Judgmont bond I. ovallsblo whoro tho City can ral,o cash II thoro II a mslor loss. Novlck askod II tho City can gonorato cash Irom IIxOI. AWnl Itatod thoro Is tho dobllOMCO levy which Isllmltod 10 5% 01 :Issossod valusUon. Courtnoy Ilalod thoro I. also a loparsto lort lovy. Atkins statod tho concorn Is thatlnsuranco cosla can Incroaso and lomo claim. lako 4.5 yoars to 101tlO. Atkin. nolod also thoro was a chango In tho ponslon law whoro. tho Itato chsngod tho ponslon law lor pollco and nro In tho mlddlo of tho budgol procoss. McDonald rslsod concorns thol ponslon chango. dono by tho Ilato loglslaturo throw tho Clty'l budgol out 01 whsck and Ion City Council and Ita" In tho poIIUon 01 opposing III own City omployoos. Atklnl oxplslnod thst tho ponllon schodulo ws. changod, Tho City wiD now havo to go through an sctuarla/ ItUdy 10 dotormlno how much tho City hOllo conltlbuto to rulftll tho stato law roqulromonla. Aikins Ilatod tho City will havo 10 ronguro all 01111 conltlbuUon. Into tho pons Ion lund, Atkin. nolod thai curronUy tho CIIy'I pon.lon plana aro In good Ihspo. Aikin. Itstod tho ponslon changos do Incroaso tho commllmonl tho City will bo roqulrod to sot moro monoy asldo. Atkin. notod tho slalo I.ltylng 10 pul tho pollco and nro ponslons Inlo lPERS. Aikins slatod anothor Issuo alloctlng omployoo. 'I hoalth Insuranco, Atklnl oxplalnod tho City hsd 10 como up with approxlmstoly $400,000 In thll budgollo pay lor Incroaso.. Novick statod thatlho City doos nol havo 10 onUroly lund Insuranco al thatlovol. Atklnl ststod that y,os Is doos bocsuso Ills colloctlvoly bargalnod. Ststl and Council dlscussod tho lovol ollundlng lor omployoo Insuranco. McDonl'ld Italod thsl tho City would havo 10 run Into vory lorlou. probloms boloro tho City would bo ablo 10 go In and hovo hoalth In.uranco as a nogotlablo 110m, Holling notod that co.paymonl ollnsuranco Is an "'UO on tho bargslnlng lablo but ho would profor to discuss II wllh Council In oxocullvo losslon. Atkins slalod anothor unknown Isctor Is tho land nil romodlal sctlvlly. Atkin. statod tho City doos nol know whal tho londnll romodlal activity cosls will boo Atkins notod thatlho oqulpmonl mSlntonanco, tho In.houso account, Is going 10 nood a lot of work In tho noxt couplo 01 yoarl. Atkins slatod tho City has monlos SOl asldo 10 roplaco oqulpmont bullho oporatlng cosls havo boon nucluatlng. Flnslly, an unknown lactor Is tho r.ommunlty Inltlatlvos .thoso Ihlngs thai could Ja3 '-' ,:1. ., b Y City Council Budgol Sosalon JanuaIY 19, 1991 psgo 3 bo InIUstod by tho community that would dlroctly atrocttho Clty's budgoL Atkin. stalod tho Ichool may be golno out lor a bond Issuo and tholr borrowing would Indlroctly stroct tho Clty's Clodll. Yuculs nolod thai tho school district ha. boon discussing a $5 million bond Issua lor capital ouUsy. Atkins notod thsl ovollspplng dobl doos havo an offocl on tho City's crodll ratos and budgol planning. Kubby askod how much 01 tho FY8t conUngoncy was actually sponL Atkins Itstod thai tho conUngoncy wu overaponl and a big oxpondlluro with tho data procolSlng lor .1IS. In rosponse 10 Ambrlaco, Alkfns Itslod thai tho Dano Iswault 1'1II paid out ollnsuranco and conUngoncy rosorvo. Courtnoy Inqukod about golUng monoy bock Irom tho AIrport Commlaalon. Atkins ltalod thatlssuo may be up lor dlspulo. Atkins slstod ho bollovo. tho monoy should bo usad 10 roplsco tho monoy tho City advanced bul tho AIrport Commlaalon may look alii dlfforonUy. Alkfnsstated thai Yuculs Is ploparfng a bill 10 sond to tho AIrport Commission. McDonald slstod thai CounCU noodslo Ichodulo a d1sCUlslon with thO AIrport Commission. McDonald Italod thst at thl. mornlng'l budgol mslon, ho would IIko to rocolvo InrormaUon Irom Council 10 docldo whst aroas nood to bo dlscussod In moro dotall and sot asldo thoso Issuos and schodulo soparato mooUngs. Kubby atstod thalli would bo a good Idoa to InCloaso tho conUngoncy funds 10 mora than 1 %. Councflmombors dlscussod tho arnounl 01 tho conUngoncy lund. Atkins nolod 8 dollborato policy will bo noodod lor building tho rosolVo. back up and tho City will nood somo tax suthorlty In tho luIuro 10 rosloro thoso balancos. Atkins nolod a grost concorn I. thai tho City doo. nol havo any roal moan. 10 addrosaltl growth. Courtnoy askod why tho City would bo con.ldorod financially woakor whon tho City Is building now rosolVo lunds and thO lotal numbor or dollars In tho rosolVos will bo groslor, Atkins stalod thoso lunds aro oarmarkod but II thoro 810 no now msjor InlUaUvos, thon tho budgol will work as plannod. Atkin. notod ho bollovo. tho City noods moro puro cash on hand. Horowitz rslsod concorns about tho nobulou. amounts 01 monoy noodod to fund tho provlslonl ostabllshod by tho Amorlcan. with DlsablllUo. Act and tho Groundwator ProloctJon Act. Atkins Itatod ho Is unoasy about tho Amorlcan. with Dlsablllllos Act bocauso It I. II gonoral lund commllmonl but cost. assoclalod with tho landfill csn bo oblalnod by ralslng tho Upping 100. McDonsld askod II tho valuation chsngos aro consldorod whon tho budgotl. bolng proparod. Aikin. Itatod yos, tho assoSlOd vsluaUon Is lookod at In lotal. Aikins nolod that thO slalo rollback lactor saYI It cannot bo Incrossod moro Ihan 4%. Mansnold oxplalnod thai thoro Is a lOO'l6 valuaUon whon tho City Assossor comos oul and doos a closo to markot vsluallon. Thon, lor rosldonUal homos, tho slslo lakos all tho rosldonllal valuo. and thoso stalowldo valuo. can oqual oulto no moro than 4%lncrosso por yoar. Msnsnold statod thl.ls how thoy como up wllh a porcontago, IIko 1lO'l6, and Is csllod a rollbsck lactor. Larson askod what I. tho policy bohlnd thaL Ambrlsco stslod tho rollbsck fsctor was ostabllshod bocsuso lows has a rurally-conlrollod Ilsto loglslaluro. Courtnoy askod what wss lasl yoar'l osllmalo lor tho fund bslanco. Aikins statod ho will havo to look It up. McDonald askod II a clUlon summary I. bolng proparod. Aikins statod yo.. Horowitz askod how con thoro bo a 5'l6lncroaso whon tho City I. at Its maximum $8.10 lax lovy. Aikins oxplslnod lhallho City has an unllmltod amounllt can lovy for bonofits and lort; City , , J.o3 . 1:1., b 5 City Councll Budgol 8osalon JanuaIY 10, 1991 Pogo 4 chargos as much as II can 10 tho 58.10 gonorollWf; and any monlos thsl mlghl bo IWf ovor In thoso parUculGl occounll C4Il bo lollod bsck Inlo s cssh baJlIIlCO. Atkins oxplalnod thstll a IpoclallWf Is usod, tho monoy can only go bock 10 thol spocfallWf and usod only lor thsl parUcular purpolO. Atkins ltatod thai tho City cannollWf Irom any 01 tho othor lovlos Un/OIl II Ia al tho $8.10 mllldmum Iovy. Horowitz askod whsl tho City has In tho gonorallund thsl can be lAkon ouL AtkInIllated 1011 and benonll. Yuculs oxplalnod thai tho omployoo bononll contrlbuUona In tho gonoral fund 110 Inctoasing $7ro,ooo and tho Clty Ia covorlng moro In tho gonorallund In tho propoaod FYll2 than " Ia doing this yolt. sian and CouncfImombers dlsCUllod vaJuallons. AtkInI Illtod thaI Councfl hu vory DlUo 10 lay In valuallons becaulO tho slato can como In and ordor tho CIty 10 ro.vaIuo propot1y. Atkins nolod tho margin 01 noxlblllty wlthln tho $8.10 I. conUnulng 10 cIoso. Novlck notod thoro Is a malntonlnCO IWf. Courtnoy askod whal 1011 ollnctoaso did tho City nguro lor tho assossmonl \lib yoar. Yucul. Ilated tho CIty used 3% por yoar lor tho noxt two yo~. Yuculs nolod thaI County AslOllor Dan Hudson hot lold tho CIty " wID probabty bo apploxlmstoly 1l1%. McDonald llaled thoro aro going 10 bo lomO big InctOISOSIn IndMduaJ plOpOt1y lax rslosln Iowa City. ~: Yuculs rolonod CouncflmombGrlto tho gonorallund nnanclal plsn lummaIY, pogo 35, Flnancfal Plan FY92.04, City 01 Iowa City. Yuculs prosontod an overvlow on gonoralfund rovonuoa and hlghllghlod tho mslor Itomsln tho FY92 budgoL Yuculs nolod thai tho rovonuos aro prolodod al $20,870,000. In FYll3 and FVll4, rovanuo. aro prolodod at spproxlmsloly a 5% Incrosso In oach 01 thoso yoars. Yucull explalnod thsl gonorallund monIoa aro oblalnod by 82% propot1y taxOI, 11% road uso laxol, 5.6% Ilalo Iundlng, 1 % Inlorosllncomo. and 20% Irom 100', anos and mlscollanoou. chargos. Yuculs oxpfalnod thai propot1y laxos Includo IhrOO dlnoronl aourcos: gonorallund IWf al s maximum 01 58.10. $9.9 million, omployoo benonllWf lolallng $2.3 mllUon. and tho 54' on lransll'Wf. bringing In $6.17,000. Yuculs notod thai property lax rovonuos aro about 512.8 mallon lor FY92. Novlck asked whon tho Iranslll...., Ia going up Irom yoar 10 yoar. Is " basod on proporty valuaUona. Mananold nolod thai tho Iransll Iovy I. alroady sl tho maximum rato. Ambllsco askod whal happonod 10 tho bank Iranchlso lax botwoon 1990 and 1991. Atkin. explalnod thoro was an ovorlspplng paymonlln thai nseal YOGI. Courtnoy notod ho has loon tho bank annual roportl and bank oarnlngs did not dOC/oaso Iasl yoar. Atkins notod tho bank Iranchlso lax Is a slslo.wfdo rovonuo, nollocal. Yucul. nolod tho laxsblo assossod valuaUon usod In FY92 Inctoasod 1.8% and numbers Ihould not chango Ilgnlncantly. Larson . askod II tho omployoo bonon" I...., wonl up bocauso tho City ralsod tho ralo. Yucul. statod no, 111./uSI ba.od on nood. Yuculs rolonod Councflmomborllo psgo 236, omployoo benontslund, Flnanclal Plan FY92.94, City 01 Iowa City. Yuculs oxplalnod tho blggolllncroaso Is hoalth Insuranco. Mansnold notod Ills golUng closor 10 IWflng all omployoo bononts through tho omployoo bonontsl...." Yucula rolonod 10 tho omployoo bonoRI cosll budgolln tho gonorsllund paid Irom gonorallax IWf (pago 236) and oxplalnod that In FYll2. $S84,000 was paid oul 01 tho omployoo bononta I...., 10 tho gonorollund. Ambrlsco notod thaI tho Slolo Highway Pstrol ponslon has a shortfall 01 S30 million. Ambrlsco askod II tho City Is looking sl an unfundod contlngoncy ond nol knowing how msny Rro or pollco porsonnol will roUro on disability. Atkin. Ilolod tho City Irlos to koop IlIlr~ curronl aClusrlol~ snd ho Is nol thsl unossy aboulll bolng sn olomon' 01 unlundod IIsblllty bocsuso thO City Is a govornmonl and Is horo lor In porpolulty. Council and slsll dlscussod budgotlng lor omployoos. Kubby sskod lItho City should budgol lor moro thsn a normsl rotlromonl whon consldorlng pOllco snd nro roUromonl funds, Holling ~a3 .... , ,:,., b b City Council Budgol Sosalon January 19, 1991 Pago 5 oxplalnod thSI ordinary roUromontllall' out 01 50% and can build up 10 6O+%. HOlling nolod thai tho disability bonom has como down Irom 66.213% down to 60% 10 try 10 dlscoursgtl pooplo who 810 n08llng normal roUromonl Irom gOlllng oN on dlsablUty. Vucull IIOled Ih4I on 4CIuary tskoslnto accounl whal numbOI' .hould bo USod 10 koop tho Iund SOUnd. Yucufs llotod tho ftguros usod In tho budgot aro lust tho Clty'l sharo going Into tho poIIco and lito ponllon fund. Atkins notod thoro Is a soparalo board thsl govoms tho poDco and lito ponslon Iund. AIkIn. Ilstod thai tho clty'l pollco and lIro pona/on Iund Ia IOUnd and tho DablDUol 8/0 known. HoUlng nolod ho has a m.gaz/no and information ho can c1rculsto which prosonllln'ormaUon on tho assoll and DablllUo. 01 ponslon Iund.from .tSlOlo It.lo. Novlck liked II poop!o who roUtod al 50% or 60% gOI COSI~I.Qvfng lnctollOI. HODlng llolod " dopondl upon whon thoy roUto. Vuculs oxplalnod tho proposod budgotlncroasos tho laxsblo ..lOlled vatuo by 3% OOch yoar. Vucuf. IlItod tho IOCOnd largost contrlbulor In tho gonoral Iund Is rosd uso laxol. Vuculs oxplslnad tho tola! road uso laxos 110 pr%ctod 10 bo $3, I million, compared to $2.5 mUIJon In FV91. YuculI oxplslnod tho blggoSI roason for thsllncrosso Is tho chango In tho conlus bocauso It Ia ftgurod on a por capito basis. HorOWItz s.kod " tho lodoral govornmonl haa tho oblllty 10 withhold road uso lax. AikIns slalod thaI It Is a ItSlo low. Larlon rslsod concorns thai tho rosd uso IaJc win bo sNOClod by tho loworlng 01 consumpUon 01 gas. Vuculs oxplalned thSI tho road uso taxo. In tho gonoral Iund aro ulod 10 psy lor tho Ilrool ayllom, molntonGnco dOParlmon~ tral1lo onglnoorlng dopatlmont, and Itrool.rolslod cspltsl pro/octs. Novfck asked II rood UIO 10m can bo Ulod lor nowly con.tructod rosds luch as In BDl. Aikins IISlod YOI. In rosponlo 10 Larson, AlkIns Itatod thslltroot mslntonatlco and traMo onglnoorlng aro G8% ftnoncod by this fund. Atkin. nolod It I. tho gonoral oporsUng policy Inlornal~ thai tho City avoid chargollhtough tho gonora! Iund whonovor practlcsl. Vucul. oxplolnod thsl tho road uso lax In FV92I. olUmalod 10 bo $2.287 million. AikIn. It.lod thst thoro Is cash svalloblo In thsllund and tho City will doublo It. strool ovorlsy program this yosr. Vucul. Ilstod tho noxt compononlln tho gonorallund I. Ilslo Iundlng which lotals $1,18 mllUon and conslsll 01 lour compononls: porlonol proporty roplscomonllax, liquor pronta, munlcfpal as,'slanco, and tho bank Iranchlso loos. Vucul. oxplalnod tho porsona/ proporly roplscomonl lax snd bank franchlso fOOl havo boon straIght IInod al FVOl lovols bosod on rocommondsUons from tho Iowa Munlclpallly Losguo. Yucu/. noted tho porlonsl proporty roplacomontlaJc Is ostsbllshod al.pproxlmatoly $388,000 and tho bsnk Iranchlso 100. al $45,500. YucuIs Itstod tho liquor profits and munlclpslasslslsnco aro basod on tho ralo por capita and both hsvo Incrossod duo to chango. In tho 1990consu.. Yucul. slalod tho liquor prom. for FYOl woro S298,OOOand Incroasod 10 $340,000 In FY92. Yucul. IISled Iho municipal asalslonco Incroosod Irom $335,000 In FV9210 $388,000 In FV92. Novfck sskod whoro dool municipal osslslanco como Irom. Yuculs slatod tho stalo. Yuculs ststod ho csn obtsln sddlUonallnrormstlon on oach 01 thOIO Iundl lor Councll. Horowitz Inqulrod aboul tho uso of tho liquor prom. mon/o.. HorOWItz askod II that monoy could bo usod lor programs thst aro dlroclJy ImpaClod by liquor conlumpUon. AtkIn. Ilatod yos, thai Council con chooso to oormark thoso Iund.. McDonald oxpls/nod lor a numbor 01 yoars tho City did nollund MECCA: MECCA modo tho argumonlthsl monoy rocolvod Irom liquor prom. and Ihould bo usod for Its alcohol programs, and thoroforo Iho cl~ docldod to conlrlbuto monlos 10 MECCA. Ambrlsco nOlod Ihallho abuso 01 slcohol has also Impactod on ollorts by tho pollco and firo dopartmonls. Horowitz notod hor concorns aboul roollgnlng tho distribution 01 thoso lunds. Lorson stalod It Is dllncultlo look at which agoncy should bo lundod rlaJ. . ,:" , b ,--, City Councfl Budgot Sosslon JanuaIY 10, 1991 Pogo 8 by tho County, City or Unllod Way. Larson stalod that Ihoro oxlSl1 a historic pallom 10 why co"aln agonclos sro lunded with cortaln monlos. Horowitz askod IIlho County rocolvos monlos from tho slalo Irom liquor profits. Karr stalod yos, Ills basod on tho Uconslng bocIy. Courtnoy fnqulrod about tho hOloVmotoltax and askad why thoro Is a pr%ctod docroaso Irom 1991 to 1992. Mananold oxplalnod that on tho lourth qus"or 01 tho last low yoarl tho Iund hu como In about $40,000 ahOlt. Mansnold oxplalnod In tho nrst qUDtler 01 FYGt tho City rocolvod about $40,000 In doUnquonl foes paymont bu1 tho City has no way of knowing II thai was lor tho most roconl dollnquonl quartor or 1111 was lor tho pasl two yoars. McDonald askod II monJo. rocolvod In tho lourth quartor, AprO, May and Juno aro down. Mansnold Ilalod yo.. Sian and CounCUmombers d1scullod tho motol.hotollax rocolpls. In rosponso 10 Ambrlsco, Mananold alatod thai Aloxl.lnn does contrlbuto to tho holol.motollax. Courtnoy nolod that tho Unlvorslty 01 Iowa Iowa Houso doo. not psy; howovor, tho ConvonUon and Visitors Buroau has rocolvod In.klnd aOMCOS 110m tho Iowa Houso managomonL Courtnoy nolod tho room ralo. In tho aroa hsvo conUnuod to go up. Mansnold alated lasl yoar tho City budgolod . 5" Incroaso lor osch . yoar, Courtnoy alalod thoro II asyatom In placo lor monitoring thl. and thst ono 01 tho pooplo doslgnstod to bo sblo 10 chock books was Rosomsry V1tosh. Courtnoy atalod thai wo may nood to do moro chocking. Horowitz askod II bod and brosklasl. conlrlbuto to tho tax. COUrtnoy slalod bod and broskfasl buslnOlSos aro paying Into tho holol.motoltax. Kubby Inquired about UDAO paymonts In FYOI. Yuculs ststod thoso woro lunda Ion ovor Irom FY90. Kubby askod whattho.o fund. woro sponl on. Aikins stalod Ihal UDAG monlos woro usod 10 pay ICAD duo., . .haro 01 tho Highway 1 North projoct, and Pstt Csln'a I8lary. Kubby askod Councfllo oxploro whal othor unlvorslty communlUo. aro doing 10 obtain moro non.lax contrlbuUons Irom tho unlvorally. Atkin. stalod thai whalovor tho City can gol oul 01 tho unlvorslty would hsvo 10 bo nogollstod. Aikin. nolod thai a Big Ton City Managors As.ocfaUon hs. roconUy boon formod and can discuss tho Issuo. McOonsld slatod for tho City 10 accomplish anything with tho Unlvoralty, It has 10 bo dona through a nogoUallon procOll with tho local Unlvoralty admlnlslrsUon. Courtnoy notod that tho achool district doos nol pay lor nro protocUon olthor, Novick slalod thaI tho City should look at all lax oxompl proportlos. Yuculs notod thai tho Unlvorslty 01 Iowa conltlbutos through Iho omployoo bonoftla and nro conlrlbuUon (S 120,000) and tho nro oqulpmonl roplacomenl resorvo lund (SI0,800). Yuculs notod thai tho Unlvorslty 01 Iowa contrlbuUon was a tots' or about S600,OOO In FY92. Atkins slatod thaI contribution I. basod on a lormula. Yucul. stated II wss based on aclusl oxponsos In FV91, Novick Ilalod thai lormulalnvolvos squsro loolago. Aikins notod thai Council rocolvod his January 10, 199t, momorsndum rogardlng supplomonlal oxpendlluros Inlormatlon . FY92 Flnanclsl Plan. Stall snd Councllmombora rovlowed supp/omontal oxpondlturo Informetlon as oulllnod In Iho momo. Economl~lcomont. ooco 3. Aikin. statod two Issuos sro Iho purchaso 01 tho Industrlsl palk and tho contribution 10 ICAD. Horowitz atatod sho noodod Inlcrmalfon sbout ICAD a.lt rolslo. to Coralvlllo's Industrial park plans. Atkins slalod Ihat Iho CoraMllo Industrial park Is nol mun/clpally-ownod snd Iowa City Is lolling ICAD Ihat It Is roady to pay ono.hall million dollsralo build tho Induslrlal park. Atkin. notod an Incroaso from S40,000 to $74,000 In one yoar I. a big e203 .... I:J ., b 8 City Council BudgOI Sosslon JanuaIY 19, 1991 Psgo 7 InClOSSO. Novlck askod II thoro Is a possibility 01 tho Clly 01 Iowa City nol doing an Industrial park. Atkin. slatod yos or what could occur I. thatlho soli borings 01 tho proporty would bo unacceplablo and tho City would thon not purchaso the proporty. In rospon.o to Kubby, Atkins Itstod Council ha.lo YOlo on tho agroomonllo purchaso tho lond. In rosponso to Larson, AtJdns oxplalnod tho proporty ownors wantod a threo.yosr payoulln a balloon psymenl. Atkins slstod also In tho agreoment tho City can pay II all oil In FY92. Ambrlsco slalod ho thoughl Council had votod lor thIa In oxocu1lvo session. Atklnsltalod thaI Councfl suthorlzod him 10 pullogothor tho agroomonl and Councll will havo 10 actually approve tho contraClIn opon IOSslon. Atkins oxplalnod tho City msdo an ollor 10 purchaso, nolln wrlUng, and CouncU has 10 approvo tho purchuo contract Aikins stalod thalli Councfl says no to tho proposal, thon ho will havo 10 go back 10 tho proporty ownOIl' aUomoys and loll thom that Council has changod their mind and thon tho proporty will probably go back on tho m&lkol. Atkins notod thai alllorm. havo beon agrood 10. Novlck inquired about oporaUng costs. Atkins staled thoy should be minimal and Itrooll will be maintained by tho City. Atkin. slaled II Is Intondod for Iho land to bo lold and onco tho land Ia sold, tho proporty ownors will have tho rospon.lblllty 01 malntonanco 01 tho proporty. Novlck ststod thaI thoro was discussion aboul the City malnlalnlng ownorshlp 01 tho land. AI~Jn. Ilalod thst can bo up 10 Councfl. Horowitz Inqulrod aboUlICAD. Atkin. slatod thsl It 1.leAD'a goal 10 fund tho projoct al $1.25 per csplta. Aikins notod lhallCAD'slolal budgol I. about $200,00Q.$2SO,OOO and tho City 01 Iowa City Is s subslantJalfundlng pardclpanL Ambrlsco slalod thsltho City 01 Iowa City has fundod ICAD st $40,000 slnco FY83. Ambrl.co stalod thallI tho City I. going to bo a lTIajor contributor, ho would 11:<0 10 havo moro say on how tho monoy I. sponL Ambrl.co notod his dismay on monlos sponl lor lorolgn travol. Amb"lco Itstod thallCAD ahould concontralo more on the Unltod StatGS. Horowitz dl.agroed and stslod thero should be greslor Involvomonlln tho Intornstlonal aroa. Ambrl.co nolod his concorn. rolaUng 10 tho rosults during tho pasl olght years 01 funding. Courtnoy statod ho has nol aoon thai much Industrial dovolopmont within tho Iowa CIIy limits. Larson slatod ho I. satisfied with tho $50,000 lundlng rocommendaUon. McDonald slatod thsl discussion will be Ichoduled with ICAD Prosldonl Marty Kolly. Horowitz slalod thoro I. no rolstlon.hlp botwoon lOAD, JPTA and ECICOG and thero should bo moro ola roglonal thrusl on oconomlo dovolopmonL McDonald notod thai tho malorlly 01 Councilmombors agrood on tho $50,000 commltmont. Kubby askod II discussion on tho Industrial psrk will bo schedulod. Aikins slsled discussion will bo achodulod whon tho Logal Doparlmonl f1nlsho. tho conlrsct. flnanco. Daoo 4. Atkin. stalod ho has rocolvod roquosls from Yucul. and Ihoro aro a 101 01 things which noed 10 bo dono In tho dopartmonl rolatlng 10 stalling. Atkins recommondod thsl porsonnol requosts bo removed from Iho budgol and It Is tho deslro 01 tho DlroClor 01 FInance . 10 spend moro Ume In an ovorall rovlow 01 tho dopartmonlstarnng prior 10 rocommondstlon.for tho slalllng poslUons. Atkin. nolod ho has nol soen any dramstlc lall-oll In the Inlernal controls. Atkins nolod thai tho dopartmonl does nol use a 101 01 soclotarlo. becaulO 01 tho Word Procosslng aystom. Ambrl.co oskod how many lolsl employoos doos tho City 01 Iowa City havo. McDonald statod thoro aro approldmaloly 468 lull.tlmo omployoo.. Atkins slatod ho doo. nol think tho City I. ovor.slalled. Aikins notod ho I. a big supportor 01 now lochnology which Improvos omployee morolo and a bollor work onvlronmonl. Kubby Inqulrod aboul now hardware and work ststlons. Atkins statod thai a. much a. Iho City can, II u.o. work stations whon now equlpmonll. purchasod. Atkins notod thoro aro no dramaUo chango. In the financo budgot. Novick notod that Word Procosalng has roquostod a aocond shill 01 workors. Yuculs slatod that 01a3 y '. . , , . IJ ., b q City Councfl Dudgol Soaslon January IS, 199\ psgo 8 Word Procosslng II curronUy 10sUng oul using lomporary workora who work al homo and aro paid by tho hour. ~ty CouncfI. 0000 ~. Courtnoy Ilotod Councllmombers 010 on moro nsUonal policy commlttoos and thoro Ia Inlorosllo bocomO mombera 01 .Ioorlng commlttoos and thorofOlo tho Itavol oxpondlturo ahould be dlsCUllod. McDonald Itstod lhallncfoasod oxpondlturoslor Itavolla worthy 01. IOplratO d11CU111on. Courtnoy allO Inqu~od about ralsoa lor City Councflmomberl. Th. majority 01 CouncfImomberl ogrood thai lallIy lneroasoa lor Councllmombers lhould bo dlscullod vdlon IrIvoI oxpondllurosllo dlsculled. Blllt.Msnaaomonl. DOOO O. Horowitz ralsod concorn. about tho Italnlng 01 tho City omployooa In lorma 01 tho Amorlcanl with DllsblllUoa Act and loRd wasto managomonl EPA roqulromonts. Horowitz nolod thai Ulor. aro alllludlnal bOlrlorl asaodatod with tho Amorlcans with DlaablllUol Act and tho EPA roqulrol thai oach publlo buDding la going 10 be Dsblo lor dl.posal of any molorlala thaI Silt dangorous. Atkins Itsted thaI rtsk managomonl I. Inlended 10 pay lor Inluranco pramlums. Horowitz Ilalod Iho thoughl rllk mansgomonl was monlos usod 10 anUclpsto probloma, urton raquostod thsl his lonor lonl 10 tho City Manegor and Torry Truoblood'. rosponso be 10IWardod 10 City Councflmombors. 9ovornmanl Wnos. Daoo 5. Atkin. atstod thoro woro a numbor 01 proposal. 10 do work In and around tho CMo Conlor and ho dolotod tho.o propo.aI. Irom tho budgol unUI thoso changoa could bo Incorporatod with tho CMo Contor rarnodollng. In responso 10 Loraon, AIkin. oxplalnod govornmonl buildings la part 01 tho parks and rocroaUon doparlmonL Larson notod ho has a problom with budgoUng $4,500 lor. planler al tho ontranco 01 tho CMo Contor, McDonald Inqulrod sbout tho Umolsblo for Iho addlUon and ronovatlon 10 tho north court 01 tho CMo Conlor, AtkIn.llalod thai bids, could bo handlod Isto thl. yoar and construction noxt yosr, AlkInsltalod tho north court renovoUon will bring PubRo Works and Planning 10 tho CMo contor, Kubby roquoatod thslln addlUon tho gCMIrnmonl bulldlnga budgollncludo monloslor a smsll Ilgn, f2In 10 bo put on tho lido 01 tho CMo Contor building on Gllbort Streol. Kubby Ilatod thai tho pubDo noodslo know whoro tho Pollco Dopartmonlls localod. Horowitz Ilslod thai tho aoalllocalod In 11I0 Council Chambora noed 10 bo rocovorod and tho drapo. cloanod. Stall and Councllmombora dlscuasod ronovaUon of tho Council Chambora. Aikin. slslod thai tho ronovsUon of tho Councll Chamborals 100 o~ponslvo 10 convort II 10 ornco apaco. Atkin. nolod a goal al tho CMo Contor I. to mako ovory room hsndlcsppod accosslblo. Kubby Inqulrod aboul tho pollco lockor room ronovatlon. Aikin. atslod thai thoy could nol sllord II with tho Inltlsl phaso 01 ronovaUon sod thoro aro It III plana 10 do It. . . Aikins atatod this I. tho accounllhatl. usod whon thoro Ia nol any placo olso 10 pul thoso oxpondllures In tho budgol. Horowitz askod 1111I0 figuro. ronoct tho propolod Increaso 10 JCCOG. Atkin. slslod tho JCCOG numbora aro proloctod a 1111I0 low. Larson alslod thai a column nood.to bo addod lor FYSI. In response 10 Larlon, Horowitz notod thallasl YOOl'1 aid 10 agonclo. funding was S239,8ro. Kubby statod thst a 10pOlalo discussion I. noodod lor aid 10 agonclos funding. McDonald statod thai discussion can bo Ichodulod lor tho Fobruary 5 moollng. Karr nolod thai on Fobruary 5 Is Ichodulod 10 sot tho publlo hosrlng. McDonald Ilstod Ihal any changos Ihat would Incroaso tho budgol would havo 10 bo docldod by tho Fobruary 5 sOltlng 01 tho publlo hoarlng, Atkin. Ilalod that Morgo Ponnoy /11' Is vory comlortsblo with Iho proposod "guros. Kubby askod what Is tho proposod $250,oe& 1u/" JD3 ...,..- y I I , I I " , I Ij . , .., [I City Council Budgol GOlllon JanuD/Y 10, 1991 Pago 0 lnetoaso por YOM lor airport oporsUons boSod on. Atklnsltslod III. JUSIIn tho oporoUng budgot Courtnoy Inqulrod oboul tho FY92 nguro lor tho ConvonUon Buroau lhowlng 0 dOCtoslo Irom 10Sl yoar. McDonald askod " addiUonaJ InlormoUon can bo rocolvod aboul tho holol.motol tax d1abllr.omonls. Atkln. oxplalned tho holo/.molol 11IX monlo. aro usod 26% lor tho ConvonUon and V1altorl Buroau, 50% lor publlo loloty, 10% lor pOlldand ocqulslUon, and 15% lor tho IWImmIng pool. McDonald Italed CounclIlhould dlacua. thoso aJIoCIlfont. McDonald nolod thallomo of Iho monloa aro used 10 fund a poUco olllcor. Horowitz askod " monIoa aro usod 10 fund crossing guards. McDonald Italod no. Courlnoy noled thai tho u.o 0111Io10 monlo. aro lOt by 11IIo law. McDonald ukod " tho City It 1111I maximum. AlkJnI IlIlod tho Clty has 2% mofO 10 go. McDonald Ilatod thaI Councllmombers nood 10 d1sculI tho hotolil1Olol tax. I . Horowitz ItAlod thaI monoy lhould be lncIudod for tho googr.phlcaJ mspplng ayalom. Atkins Ilalod h.ls walUng 10 rocolvo addlUonal InlorrnlUon Irom tho County. EDglnoortna. cooo 8. Atkins notod thai tho Englnoorlng Copartmont has requestod two addlUonal ltalf and ho has roloclod that and tho FYG2 budgol doo. nol roquosl tho two eddlUonal posIUon.. AlkIns .Iolod ho has rocommonded an ovaJusUon procoss be dono as to how tho Cily chargos various aOMcol 10 socuro tho nnanclal.upport 01 capital pr%cll. Atkins alotod thalllsll also wanla 10 mako .uro thsl wo do nol sdd addlllonsl.tsll and thon tho bollom lalIs oul 01 tho StAlo and 'adoral aid program.. Atkin. nolod thslthoro Is 'onon lonuous nnanclal rolsUonshlp with ltalo and ledoralfundlng 01 capital pro/OClS.' Atkins ltAted thsl " we aro ablo 10 Ichlovo whal tho doportmonl want. 10 achlovo by sccounUng lor thofr cost. In pro/oct dovolopmonl, ho think. thoy \\in bo Iblo 10 lusUIy Ilall and how 10 psy for It. Kubby nolod thallI Illmporlorllto colncldo utility pr%m with othor lurlsdlctlons' noods. ~. McDonald notod thsl discussion noods 10 bo .chodulod aboul tho mlcrophono ayllom In tho Council Chambors. . Horowitz askod about tho coStl assoclslod with dovalopmonl south 01 BurUnglon 51100L Atkins stslod It Is nol ronoclod In this budgot Atkins slalod thoso cosll will hovo 10 be buill Into tho budgOI whon tho south 01 BUllington 511001 plsn. and pollclo. aro propar.d. Atkins nolod thai tho Msldon Lano projoct has boon lurnod ovor 10 Karin Franklin. Horowitz alslod thai $15,000 01 Conllal BuslnOll Dlslrlct oxpondlturo. ahould be oblslnod Irom lomo 01 tho bu.lnossos In lown. Councllmombers and alall dlscussod vandall.m and oqulpmonl roplocomonl co.tsln tho Ploza aroa. Courtnoy ststod II would bo difficult 10 oblsln conlllbuUon. Irom buslnolloaln tho Ploza aros lor vandalism. Ambrlsco .talod thai wo .hould bo moro onus on tho two or oslabllshmonls thsl croalo tho probloms In tho downtown aroa. Ambrlsco compnmonled tho Contral Buslnoss Dlslllct Itall with tho lob dono. ~norQy Coordlnstor. Dseo Q. Kubby nolod Ihsl an orchlloclls nol monUonod. Mansnold slatod archllocturalsorvlco. sro In tho OIP. Holling slslod all lundlng lor archllocluralsorvlcos Is chargod back 10 tho pr%ct. Novick askod " Iho Enoroy Coordinator Is II *t1mo position. Holling Ilalod yo.. Kubby Inqulrod sboultho now shroddor and mulchor. Kubby slalod thsl tho now shroddor and mulchor could bo usod In tho smollor parks. Atkin. slslod thallho shroddor and mulchor can bo hookod on Iho back 01 a truck and pullod Ihrough olhor parks. Ambrlsco Inqulrod aboul oqulpmonlstorsgo, Aikins slslod oqulpmonlls storod In City Park. , I I . i I ! .. , " I :' Ja3 . 1:" , ..., , 1 City Council BudgOI Sosslon JonuaIY 19, 1991 Pogo 10 ~nalnoorlna. ooao 8. Aikin. stalod thsl tho convorllon 01 Dghla wID be undorwoy lor tho noxt sovorsl YOIIs and will roduco tho Clty'l onorgy costl. Courtnoy Inqultod about budgoUng lor school dJSl11Cl" sa/Diy nashJng light!. AtkIns Ilalod lhSI ho Is assuming thSI could be chOlgod agalnsl road uso laxos. Ambrlsco askod II tho City Is mandatod 10 uso lod/um Vlpor light! lor 111001 IIghUng. Alkfn. slalod tho City has 10 convtrt 10 thoso Ughll undor llato rogulsUons. In rosponso 10 Ambrlsco, AtkIn. llaled ho has rocolvod complalnll about tho lodIum vspor Ughla rolsUng to color and brlghtnoss. In rosponlo to AmbrIsco, AlkIna llalod thai tho Ughll aro moro onorgy oltlcfonl and lust as 1810. Horowitz Inquftod about tho lCtual coSII 01 tho Dghls. AlkIna ststod ho wID IInd out thoso coSII. mwLMalnlonanco. 0100 Q. Ambrlsco Inqulrod about tho anow romoval and othor sctMtlos by 111001 malntonanco C10W1. AlkIns oxplalnod lovoral SctMUol undor\lkon by 111001 malntononco C1OW1lncfudo ropalr 01 111001 potholo., curb and gullor WOIk, brick SIlOOI roplacomon~ Ioal coDoctlon, building rocycllng Ihods, Itorm Inlol ropalr, ropalr olSllooll, and lnow romoval. Atklnl statod ho could obleln Ipocfncalrom Bud Slockman rolauno 10 work donG by 111001 malnlononco. Ambrlsco Inqulrod about tho snow romovsl. Atkin. ststod thoro aro nino snow romoval d1StrlCII, UUllzlng 18 porson. In two groups working 12.hour shills. Atkins Italod tho roluso C10W1 also aro callod In 10 lupplomonl tho nino routo.. Atkin. ItSted ho would IIko 10 havo nino pormonont ftxod routos with 18 porsons. Tho goell. also to onsuro tho brick 111001 rostoraUon. an oxpandod curb ramp and gullor roplscomonl program, and loa' colloctlon oxpanslon. Atklnl noted thai C10W1 will also b. doing moro Sllool ovorlsy work this yoar, Atkins noted thsl thoro aro 212 mDo. 01 slloot! In Iowa City. Larlon askod II alloys aro plOWod. Atkins statod no. Novlck Inqulrod aboul snow romoval on brldgos. Atkin. ststod thst thoro Is no Ilorogo room on brldgos. Councllmembors dl.cussod complalnt! rocelvod aboUllnow romoval. Kubby Ilstod thSI sho dool nol soo a budgolllno Itom tor tho loal vacuum equlpmonL Atklnsltalod I1II undor roluso and landfill. Yuculs stSlod It I. psld lor In tho equlpmonl roplacomonllund. . Forestrv. osao Q. Kubby stSlod thsl II tho City Is going 10 hovo 350 hours 01 part.Umo omploymonl, can thoso hours bo mol by lull.tlmo omployoo. with bononll. Atklnt Ilatod thoro aro two IuIl.Umo employoos. Horowitz slstod her concorns aro thst thoro aro moro lubdlvislons with lleos, a nood lor rovltallzlng 0' nolghborhoods, and thoro Is dolayod malntonanco In parkl. Horowitz quosUonod whoro thoro Is onough money In tho budgOI lor lorestry. Atkins ststod thoro aro approxlmatoly 14,000 slloollloo. tho City I. rosponslblo 'or. Atkin. notod that In now subdivisions, It I. difficult to plant In tho psrkway bocauso Ihoro 110 uUIIUo. locatod In tho .parkwsy, McDonald stalod thSI as 1100. maturo In subdivisions, It II not going 10 Incroalo tho worklosd for loro.try bocsuso thoy aro nol planlod In tho psrkwsy. Courtnoy notod ho rocolvod a lot 01 complalnt,'rom tho 0011 lido 01 Iowa City during tho sowor proloel bocsuso a 101 ollloos woro romovod and woro not roplacod. Aikins notod thot Torry Robinson, tho City Foro.tor, has requestod a socond crow. Novick roquoslod a compsrlson IIS1 01 Iowa City por capita oxpondlturos on 1100.. Novick askod II thoro Is a connoctlon botwoon tho populsUon and 11001 exponso. Atkins stalod no, thai you havo you look al tho oxlsUng onvfronmont 01 tho community and whal tho community's psrtlcular doslro. aro. Novick ststod Iho would IIko to know how Iowa City stands In rolatlon 10 othor communltlos. Aikins stolod ho can obtsln addltlonsllnlormaUon. Comotorv. DODO lQ,. AIkin. nolod thoro aro no substantial changos In sorvlco but thoro Is a proposod 100 study and schodulo. Novick askod why Iho City doos nol chargo cost. ascoclalod with comotorlos. Aikins slalod thallssuo has boon dobatod by Council bororo. Courtnoy nolod ~d3 ..... I I I~ . , -, 2 City Council Budgot Sosslon JanuaIY 19, 199t psgo 11 that tho City'. comolory cosls 110 hlghor bocauso tho City uUllzos a hlghor psy .calo. Councllmombers dlscussod comolory chargos. McDonold .tolod comotory chargos and loos can bo dlscussod during tho Psrks and Rocroatlon Commission foo discussion. f2!1co S,mlco.. Daoo to. Kubby .Ialod that sho would IIko 10 havo a discussion about whalls tho best placo lor tho Clty'a monoy for .ubstanco abuso provonUon. Horowitz Itatod .ho would also lIke 10 dlscuSl tho provonUons 01 mugglngs and 1001 patrol. In tho downlown and nolghbOlhood aro... McDonald .latod the quosUon 01 pollco porsonnol noodsto be discussed. Atkin. .talod the Pollco Chlol did . .talftng rovlow and hlllldonllnod Iongor torm nood. with rospoct 10 the gonoral oporaUons within tho POllco DepartmonL ".lkln. notod tho Pollco Chlol I. commlnod 10 tho CSOl and 1001. strongly about tho narcoUca olftcor, Aikin. .tslod thSI addlUonal InlormaUon rolslod 10 .Islftng will bo prosontod 10 Council upon tho rovlow 01 ovorall Pollco Dopartmonl.tarnng noods. Atkins .Ialod that thoro 110 othor dopartmonla .!alftng noods which nood 10 be rovlowod. Aikin. couUonod Counclllhot addlllonsl porlonnel aro major rocurrlng oxponso.. Courtnoy stalod that discussion was hold st tho NsUonal Loaguo'. mooUno. about lowns rocoMno monlo. confiscstod Irom sold proponJos rolstod to narcoUca arro.ts. Aikin. notod tho City onco rocolvod a csr. Larlon Itstod thsl ho hal had cllonl. got proporty lorfoltod undor tho stalo lorfolluro law. Courtnoy slatod ho would IIko addlUonsllnlormsUon on rocoMng monlo.. Atkln..talod ho will try to find out addltlonallnlormaUon. Rolalod to pollco .orvlcos, Atkins .talod thoro Is stili tho commltmont lor tho communlcaUons aystom. Courtnoy askod " tho City Is goffing rid 01 tho do.k clork. Atkins .Iated tho position 01 tho dosk clork will bo ellmlnatod and tho poslUon or tho dlspalchor oxpandod 10 Incorporato tho actMUos 01 both dlspalch!ng and dosk sctMtle. Into one poslUon. Atkins 'Iatod tho goal I. 10 havo two dlspalchsr. In tho communlcaUons contor. Atkin. .Istod tho dlspslch contor Is going 10 bo s now communications contor and thoro will al.o bo a mlnloCOmmunlcaUon. consolo at tho Iront dosk. Courtnoy askod II tho dlspalchor'. position Is a hlghor.pald poslUon than dosk clork. Aikin. .tslod yo., and wllh oroator ro.ponslblllty. Aikins nolod thot tho MDT mobllo dala lormlnol will allow officors 10 accoss compulor Inlormatlon Irom tholr car.. ~. Aikin. slstod thai a portion or tho dl.polch lunctlon was movod Irom tho pollco 10 fira dopartmonllo assign tho cost moro dlroctly and havo tho Unlvorslty sharo. A firo .laUon location .tudy I. plsnnod. Aikins oxplalnod tho firo .tallon locaUon study will bo dono In. hou.o, costlno approxlmstoly $500. Aikin. oxplalnod thai firo .lsUon rolocaUon doos nol moan tho City noods 10 build a now nro .Istlon, but tho City could havo thom bonor localod. Courtnoy askod how much tho firo .tsUon location .tudy will cosL Atkins slalod $500, Ambrlsco askod lIadvortlsomont,'or the now Flro Chlol position havo boon mado. Atkln.statod that that I. bolng dona rlghl now. Horowitz Inqulrod aboullho $27,500 oxponso for now proloctlvo oqulpmont. Aikin. slalod thai I. oqulpmonllor ovoryono In Iho Flro Dop8llmonl. &lIm!1 Control. DOOO 12. Ambrlsco a.kod how tho animal conltollaclllty Is coming along. Atkins .talod that gonorally tho rolatlonshlp botwoon CoraMllo and Iowa City .oom. 10 bo workIng. Ambrlsco askod " .taffing Is adoquolo. Aikin. stalod slaffing Is adoquoto. ~. Atkins notod thoro wos a roquost lor oddlllonal porsonnol which Is nollncludod In tho budgot. Atkins nolod Ihoro has boon a dramallo Incroaso In tho volumo 01 aCIMty snd tho complaint. aboul housing Inspoctlon havo docllnod. Atkin. notod Ihot a rovlow 01 ratos will bo noodod In tho futuro. Larson askod "tho City Is golllng tho cosl 01 Its Inspoctlons J()3 , y Ij . , --, .3 City Councu Budgot Sosslon JanuaIY 19, 1991 pago 12 back In foo.. Atkin. atalod no. Novick askod how many housing Inspoctors aro thoro. Aikins Slslod throo. Atkins atalod thoro Is a part.Umo housing Inspoctor paid for by fodoral monlos bocauso thoro Is a dllforonl sot 01 InspocUon standards lor tho City's asslSlod housing program. Larlon Slslod ronlors should bo psylng tho costa lor In'poctlons. Ambrlsco nolod thsl tho Aparlmonl ONnors AssoclaUon wanlod 10 aprosd oul tho Iroquoncy ollnspoctlons. Laraon ataled ho hu objoctJona 10 the sub/ocUvo naluro 01 Inspoctlons. Laraon stalod tho InspoctJon foos oughllO be ral.od 10 whal tho Clty'l cosls aro. ~. AlkIn. .Istod thsl Council will wanllo talk about tho rocroaUon foo Ichodut.. Kubby Inqulrod aboUl tho rollor akslo roplacomonL Councllmombort dl,cus,od tho rollor akaUng program. AtkIn. atstod thai an Issuo I. tho malntonanco 01 U10 RocroaUon Conlor. AIkInI oncouragod Councllmomboralo approvo malnlonanco 01 tho RocroaUon Contor. Horowitz Inqu~od about tho Morcor branch roc contor. Atkin. atalod hi. lon.year momo noods to bo d1acussod. Horowitz ralsod concorns Ihat toonagora and toonsgors' paronts do nol wanllo usa tho downlown RocrosUon Contor. In rosponso to Horowitz, Courtney statod that tho Moreor Park AquaUc Contor was buill and doslgnod ao II could bo addod onto. Horowltz atalod thai Ichodullng and spsco noodslor rocroatlonal aorvlcos nood to bo dlscussod. Courtney nolod that tho Parka and RocroaUon Commlsslon'l hlghosl priority I. gym spaco. urton prosonlod InlormaUon sboul tho baskolbsll program. AIkin. slstod thai Councllmombora aro raising Issuos for tho noxt docado and have 10 address priorlUos lor tho noxt Ion yoars. Courtnoy Inqulrod aboul tho docroasod uso projoclod by tho community schools. Cou"noy notod thsl South East Junior HIgh has added a awlm tosm and aro practicing at tho Morcor Park AquaUc Conler. Courtnoy ststed ho doos nol undoratsnd how tho school district can ask lor a 1" docroaso In tho usa 01 tho pool whon thoy havo addod a wholo now program. Aikins ata:~d Truoblood has boon In contact with tho school dlstrlcl and tho achool dlslrlcll. claiming a conlta~!ual rlghllo roduco II by 1'l6. McDonald stalod ho assumos that tho usago I. bolng monltorod. Mansnold Ilalod thaI contractually tho school dl.trlct has tho ability to roduco It. usago by I'i. AikIns slalod ho will chock on IL flLks. DIOO 1 Q. Kubby alated thsl whon tho City purchasos playground oqulpmont, trash rocoptaclo',eto., sho I,'nlorostod In lOOking Into purchasing rocyclod pla.tlo product.. Horowitz slatod II coals throo 10 RYo Umos moro 10 purchaso rocyclod plasUo products and It would bo a policy mallor II Council agroos 10 pay Iho Increasod cost.. McDonald Inqulrod about malntonanco and upkoop 01 rocyclod plasllo products. Aikin. atalod that It Is his undorslsndlng thoy can bo mslntslnod as woll. Horowitz sskod Ihaltho six trash rocoptaclos bo doslgnod for rocyclablo product. to bo thrown Into thom. Atkins and Councllmombors dlscussod tho cosl, soparsUon and sorting, and plck.up 01 thoso trash rocoptaclos. J.Ibrlrv. DIOO ta. Atkins notod a big chango I. the $50,000 cosllor Iho notworklng 01 all ollis mlcrocompulors. Horowitz notod thai tho library mlnutos 01 a provious mooting dlacussos library oxpanalon and a branch Ilbrsry. Aikin. alslod !hall. psrt ol!ho library's building commll1oo plana. Atkin. statod Council will nood 10 go Ihrough tho ton.yoar momo and docldo prlorlUos. LIlIon Inqulrod aboullho omployoo roquosl. Aikin. stslod It was lor tho gonoral growlh In aorvlco. altho library. Eggors alatod thallho Ubrary Board wanls 10 moot with City Council. McDonsld slalod Ihal a discussion can bo schodulod. olb3 y , I I . I:J . , --, Lf Clly Council BudgOI SOlllon JAnuary Ill. IOGI Pogo 13 McOoNlld nOIOd thallllho majOIlly of Council wanls 10 InCtoaso tho 4.9%. thot doclslon has 10 bo modo prior 10 Fobtuary 5. 111110 1Il8/0II1y 01 Councfl docldos lhaI4.9% will bo tho /lmlt, thon dl.cltSllon con bo basod upon rollloeallons undor thai coIling. AmbtllC:l askod whal a 1% chango WOUld lmOunllo. AIlIIns II410d thai S130,000 Is. 1% Incroaso. Coutlnoy askod what o~oct doOlIho lSIOumonl of 10% versus 3% haw. Mansllold II8IOd " win alfOct noxl yo81's budgoL CoWlCllmombors IIId 11&/1 dlClll.Od 1110 lChodutlng ollurthor budgol dlscusslon.. Alldna II8IOd thlt Council noOdl 10 dIacuu boards and commissions' roquosts, onlorprlao fund., 1111 ollasuOlIIId nolol'lrom todatl moOllng, tho Ion.yoar momorandum, and tho roquosllrom Iho Atta Conlor Commltloo. McDonald nOIOd thallho Atta Conlor Commllleo has roquostod a moollng wfth CIty Councflmombotl. AmbIlsco askod Whon Council wID dlacusa 1110 $4 million park lOuth ollowl ClIy, Courlnoy llalOd 1ha11l1. Patks and RocroaUon COmmissIon wanls 10 dl.cuss thaI wfth Councfl. AIldnt nolOd th4lth11 budgollncludos $3 mUllon bond projoclJ for noxl YOSt, nothing In FY93. and S2 million 8VD11a1l1o In FY94 lor bond fl(ojocll. KUbby nolod that thoro WIllI' anything In tho Sonlot Conl~ roquesl aboul wanUng 40 hours 01 ma/nlonanco workora Insload 0115 hours. AlkIn.1141od lI1oro II an InCtoaso In thoro bul nollo tho O~lonl roquostod. Kubby llatOd thaI tha I4ndIiD WIll noed to bo dlscussod soparaloly. Atkins otaled budgotsosslons wfg be IchOdulod on Janll4ly 28 and 29 and February 4, Atkins nolod thOI bOard. and cornrnlQlons will bo IChoduIOd on January 28, CoUllnoy stalOd Council will wanllo know tho Counly'sllnal budgOI projoCllons boloro making lInal decfslons, Kubby loft moollng, 12:30 p.m. AmIlrlsco askOd II1110ro has boon dIscu.llon by Ita/I regardIng an InCtoaso In tho larobox lor ItansIL Atkins Il8tOd Translt DItOctor Lundo/llays It wfll drlvo rldorshlp away, Courtnoy Inqu/rod aboul tho uso 01 othanol.b1ondOd gasos. HoUlng llalod ho con obtain InlormaUon aboul It, , i , . ~. Novtck InqulrOd aboultho roplacomonl 01 oxlsllng chaJrllhal havo no sldo 1lIllI, AlkInl llalod thaI chairs lor oldorly cllonllln tho hoallh 10Mco. sullo nood 10 bo rap/aead bocauso tho oldorly cannol gOI up Irom thom. Horowitz notod Ihatlho would IIko 10 got moro In.kfnd conlrlbuUonslrom tho Un/vora/Iy as It rolalollo tho $8,000 roquosl lor work study ltudonll altho Sonlor Conlor, Alkfns ltalod tho big Itom,'n Iho Son lor Conlor budgot roquost fncludo 1110 Iumlturo oqulpmont rOplacomonl, work Iludy Itudents, and tho tonth YOat annlvorsary budgOI roquosllor $5,000. Councllmombora dlscussOd Iho $5,000 lonlh YOSt annlvorsary budgOI roquost Alldns nolOd thallho nro alarm syslom I. Importanl also, Councllmombors agrood 10 schOdulo discussIon aboUllho $5,000 budgot roquosllor Iho tonth yoaT annlvoraoty, ~. Atkin. stated thaI tho Iranlll fl(egram Irom an oporallonal slandpolntl. not Intondod 10 chango, Alkfns IlalOd Ihoro Is nol oxpandod 10rv/CO Includod In tho budgOL McDonald askod II oxpandOd soMco Is bolng 100kOd al. Alkfn. slatod II Council wanlJ oxpandod soMco, Ihoy should dlrocl slall. Larson Ilalod that Council sllll noods 10 discuss tho expansion roquo.t. McDonald slatod Lundoll can make a pro.onlallon 10 Council. Horowitz slolod that stall o?a3 .... P , I .., 5 \ , , , City CouncU Budgol Soaslon JanuaIY 19, 1991 pago 14 and Council nood to look altho roulo structuro, AtkIns notod thsl LundoU hu Ilftod thai tho moro changos modo on routol, tho mora II anoels rId or ship. Novlck noled thai a good pOol Ilud'( for .tudylno rldorshlp OCCtJrred whon tho CUr changod tho Manvfllo Holghll rOlllo whon tho Woo" Avonuo brldgo was dosad. Novlck llatod al.o noodod Ia a comparlaon Iludy 01 whal has happonod 10 minimum wsgo 0110 whon tho Clty'l bullarollasl wonl up. Novlck Italod lho Ia Intoroslod In lomo bus lara lnctoaso.lolI than tho minimum wsgo InerOIl.. Cour1noy Il4lod lome dsy tho City will havo 10 Incroaso larol. Laraon 118led ho levorl I blggor faro Inctoaso. Councllmombers dlacuued laro Inctoasos, rldor.h1p, and parldng ratol. MooUno adlOUmod all:oo p.m, ,1 " , 1 \CcllIl.lt,mk1 " I , , Iji I I I ! I I i I I I; " i " i l- i i :1 I I, . I, I. , I , J.o3 ' ............., f~/~ :',,',' "'", ~i;.., ,-i;.., .. 'i' " ....,...., ~, ,( < , , ..~'.J;""'~'" ,I ,:, ' , --, b City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM I r ... DATE: Jlnmy24, ml TO: City Counctl FROM: CIty Hlnag.r R E : Council Trav.1 Exp.nm ! i , " , . , Th. attach.d r.pr,slnts our accountIng r.cords for CouncIl travII, Th. FY91 r.prlslnts .xp.ns.s through D.cember 1990. ~ ~' i' . , FY91 (to D.c.mb.r 1991) $ 4,603 FY90 10,639 \ FY89 5.290 FY88 4,976 "'" , '" .-_...._,.-.--~--- FY07 5,959 , FY86 6,702 .1' FY05 5,408 I I . I , ~t i I '. l: ':- I , :. , f" I I ...~;l,.l".{<.-;);,i.>,,..ii,...,;.:.,,.;:,,,.., ;"~ ,:. "_r~"" ""m.,~ I :ldt/ ! I "'" ,~, ,.' , '0', . I I I P . I -, ,-, I F~'1' C,ty ~"~,i1 7(o..vel!C:&'l4elt:bol\ . 1,1' QT~ F'l'\ I . 311.\ I ~ St,+ 30, (q~b ~ &/I'... I.... IU wau.,." -.nI "' I I , '1.1I " ,". '-III Ut.. I i r I "'.. 1m r-., .....,.. "'. _,. .... .... "'.. lilt ,.........,. ... ..... ... -- ..... 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"... , "'~ '1111_ ._~ RA\1t' , , . . I: - -.--... ._- m,-u NlIl. ." IltC 1111'" 1111 IICI 1116 un e'(eif ytlC'(jo lOW 0"0' fr. lr<;l ::al\.hl~f.1i'l(l"1l1 :1~11l:'II111 . It 1.H n....., lfJW'_ , . AN. "''', "-lI(I 'I "'I ..,..a, ~. ~lI(I 1&91/11 1II..I....rOol..,f. . I' H"8' ft.., 'a . ,lA, -----;\ ~'" --l~~ ~:i~1 1nnL" lII'II....IOol, M. I . .:Ii!:Oo. . _ _ D.I.L ._. _ ~ I~ C " C(Uo; I 'I/lHI "". IIll4l .' .' OCII'lrtlOol IIOJfl il. ( lUll Jt l.'l "'l.LIIL..LU!W.. --.- -------...---- . ....-. f=~ gb 1(,ONel I t6~eo.~,~ ~~ '70)- 1;4111 ": ' I I I I , I i , I' I , 1 i , t, , ,. , I j ,. rJ. {J~ 1:' ~ , 8 ,3 F\( ~S C~ (0",\1'.1 Tr~I/f.jl.l,Co.t,'o;. ---- 1/11 Ille.. 'I" '110 (lot-Ill IU4 ""......... -- I I I' ....... - -6Ir. I'~(I - . '<<I 44. 6 -Jr I , . I I (1'10111111:. '01 1101 IIICI4. "AlIIII' Itll till Mill Vl_ IWC Dllcmll", fit flN _ - 1ll0000mn . It \" AI' 1 II'r'('~"1!,, 1 1110 /IS~'- 'IU I.. 1It1'11l I, - I/Q.Ifl ""'/ '1.9f- 41..\ "I -... i _.~:"......_. ---..- ,.,'".' .."" ,,,.u ...-- c: I :t'S48 0 r~ ~ ~ C\~ I.C\W~ I TiM I t~ I ' - " .,. rJ~~ I I I I I: I I , :t , j, I I I . j,:'-~_:" ' , "" I~' ., 8 y City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ; I ! i I' I ." I . , I ! I ! I , . ,. , Dalo: January 22, 1991 To: Clly Council From: Clly Managor Ro: Snow RornovaJ - Bridgos I spoko wllh John Sobaskl, our AsaL Buporlnlondonllor Sltoots and SanlIaUon, aboUltho quolUon of Inow romovaJ on br!dgOI. Ho lndlcalod thai wo do In lact provIdo tho lamo lovol 01 snow romovaJ on br!dgoa 81 we do on olhor IlroOll, Tho quosllon aroae as 10 why tho strool plow operator may havo fillod tho blado whon crossing a brldgo. ThI.1I orton a judgmonl call on tho p8l1 01 tho drlvor In dOlormlnlno tho amounl 01 snow and wholhor II would In lact bo lorcod olf 01 tho brldgo onto the Maca below, many Umo. anothor thoroughlaro or railroad tracks. Othor Inslancos would Involvo tho drlvor lifting tho b1ado " ho 1011lhoro was lomo typo 01 obsllllctfon ahead, luch as a podoltrlan. Gonorally apoaklng those clrcum.tancos aro somewhal lroquonl and thoro aro 1Ike~ ,10 bo clrcumslaneas, whon tho b1ado may bo nl1od, tho sPOod wfth which tho snow II plowed may be dlmlnlshod, and/or othor judgmonts mado by tho drlvor, I , ,. I I !pI'" co: Chuck Schmadoko Dud Stockman John Sobaskl /kp~_-:' I' i' I I , ;' , ! i J. , 1:'" 8 5 City at Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: January 22. 1991 TO: CIty Council FROM: City Hlnag.r RE: P.ndlng Dmlopcll.nt Issues An application sublltted by Iowa City Landscaping to r.lone property located at 1013 Hudson Av.nue (rom RS-8 to CI-l, A pre-applIcation concept plan (or a 23-lot resldlntlal subdIvIsion located on a 7.43 acre tract o( land north o( HIghway 1 WIst an Wllblr Streit Ixtended. k" .:.~ .'lit r(t,::,/' t-...._ I 1 ";'''i~,,~::<( _':",i',-:j l~~:-\'J:*,,'> ""_'l-<>~.". ~.. ."''''', ,6' ',"'..,.'.... :1.0 "".~,~,,",' I I I: ... I: I I I , I I ,I ,I ~ , I ,. i I: , '.' I' \' l' " - ,- I, ,. I , , .. i , I: ' . " I I !j \ i' I , I. , , I i r' I I I .... l:t ., 8 b City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM I r , ~ , i i 1:' " 8 ~I ' City ot Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: January 24, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: ctty Hlnaglr RE : T.ntatlv. Oates I, Brown Bag Seminar (Publtc Library) - "Offlc. R.cycllng" - Noon, F.bruary 12. 2, Busln.ss P.M. (Oatn-Bosworth) - Holiday Inn - 4:30 P.M., F.~ruary 2B. 3, Business P.M, (University 0' Iowa Ltbrarles) . 4:30 P,M.. March 2B, ~ . "-+"4i.h;, 1". ;.-,~t" ;;:;..._; J,j. ',? ;.......~,.i_I1".~..'~. .-,..,.," 'if__.,-",,",," ..>~,.j .,;~ " 6l~ ~.~'"...,.'"...,.~_. . I I r I , . i ;1 , I ., .: , 'f I' !. \ I I J I I . ' 1__ PH H"_'_ I 1.. r i I !; r I I, I i. I I. I I I . , , .1 I Ij " 8 8 City of Iowa City MEMORA'NDUM I I I I 1 I' ! ... Deto: JanuaIY 25, 1991 To: City Councll , " From: CIty Mwgor Ro: RogInI Proporty In a roconlloltor 10 you, a rosldonl of Woodrldgo Avonuo appoarllo mI.understand tho IsaUOl ISsocfstod wtth my mOlllOlandum 10 you 01 Docomber 3, 1990 concomlng tho Roglna proporty, I would Dko 10 tako I rnomonllo c1arlly thalloltor. I WI' p8l1Jcularly concernod about tho lCCUtaUon thai tho Iasuo hsd beon "ummarily dlsmlssod" by way 01 my momorandum 10 you, j' . As I havo Indlcatod, tho Iasua 01 changIng tho Italul 01 wator dolonUon aroas 10 parkland Is being rovlowod. n Ia nol'llmply changing' aslndlcslod In tho AnclIUX loltor, I bollove thoro 10 bo roa!I'SUOI concornlng Muro tand IcqulslUon. and/or tho usa 01 tho land whothor n be parkland or waler delenUon. Tho loiter Iurther Indlcatos 'assuming no logal conSltalnts, you aro urgod 10 procood.' UnUllhoso lagal consltaJnts havo beon IdonUned, any doclslon on your part would sppoar 10 be prosumptuOUl and wtthoul saUslactory loga! rosearch may havo long- Ilandlng conaoqUOncol. As WI awa!1 tho now lodorol rogulsUonl concomlng Itormwater mwgomonl and dolonUon and II you wore 10 ovor consldor any typo of debllOl addlUonalland purchasOl, tho land classlncaUon may hovo a boarlng on roforonda roqulromonts. i I i: , I I , Tho I,suo 01 tho Councll rovlowlng tho rocommondatlon. 01 tho Commission has boon prosonled 10 you snd can be doan wtth sl any Umo you 1001 propor, Addlllonal~, I havo rocolvod Inqulrlo. Irom othor nolghbors askIng 10 appoar boforo tho Council. I advlso thom as all others wtth a similar Intoros~ limply dlroct an 110m 01 corrospondonco 10 tho City Council's a\tonUon. I hsvo assurod thom thai thl. ma\tor would bo placod on tho agonda al a Umo convonlonllo thom. I havo rocolvod no such corrospondonco. I' I I , I t. ....,.,. ,xd? . I \ I I ! , ! ~ , i I j' I I ,:, ',I 8 q 2 At you know, 10 loa or nollo lOa \and Ia 1~1ctJy . prlvalO maUor 01 Roglna. Tho dMlopmonl guldoDnoS/rogulaUona wIJI bo appOod u you d1toct II and whon tho ownor would choose 10 procood. I I, co: UncIa Nowman Gonlly Torry TMbIood Mr. & MIl. WiIIlIm AncIIux . 318 Woodrldgo Avo, bdm5-2 AIlachmonl ~ .....'-.,.;;;..;;.~....,i.:\4.00.ib;...i."---~...'w "........._~.;,..'......,.,.......".... ,,,",~,,,;,::, ,- -I d l~- F ~ I I' 1 I I ...-. t--. - -~'"_.._. -.,.- I I: I , , I r \: ,- f I I: " I " I, ! I " '''r ,j.. ',,,', ~.,: . 1>,....."'<"'"..-- I J~?J . ,I I '''1,< . ,:, " q [I RECFIV~~ ''''''4100\ i;.L Mr. Ind Mn. Wlllllm J. "ndm A A'll J I, JII Woodrldll Avenue ~ ,1'1 ^ (;<J 1M'"' .... CO, ... "'" ~ / \;\IiJ IIonorablo John MCDonald January 12, 1991 Mayor ot Iova City Iova Clty Civic Con tor 410 Iova Avonuo Iovs Clty, Iova 52240 Dosr Hayor HcDonsldl AI you'ro svsro, ho~oovnora In tho Wlndlor, Woodrldgo and North Sovonth Avonuo sroa have boon concornod vlth tho probablo dovolopment ot sdJoinlng Roglna Educatlon Conter proporty. Sovoral nolghborhood mootlngl havo contlrmod a unlvorlsl undorltsndlng and sccoptanco ot Roglna'l dOllre to dllpolo ot unulod proporty, partiCUlarly 9.8 scroa north ot Woodrldgo and Sovonth Avonuo. . " Our concorn contorl on tho conlldorable Impact ot pOlllbly connectlng thll sroa vlth North Flrlt Avonuo by an SCCOII Itreot Sl lllultratod In sn oarly dovolopmont plan, Wo'r. nsturally s blt anxloua ovor tho potontlsl ot Incroasod "through" trsttlc on olthor ot tholo winding nolghborhood Itroeta snd tho pOlalhlo lOll ot butter sroas to IIlclcory 11111 Parle. At tho auggoltlon or Councll Homborl snd City Ststt, tho nelghbor- hood addrollod concorns vlth tho Clty Plsnnlng and PUblic Worlel Departmonta. Wsllel through tho adJolnlng vstor dotentlon sroa, cUlmlnatlng In sn apposranco botoro tho Psrlel and Recrestlon Commllalon producod a unsnlmoua rocommendstlon (1 abltalnlng), that thla area bo Includod sa psrt ot II1Cleory Hill Parle. Similarly tho Ismo ItStUS VSI rocommendod tor Scott Doulevsrd "Psrle". . I I '1 , . At tho lamo Octobor mootlng tho Psrle Commlallon, on tholr ovn Inltiativo, rocommondod a comprehonslvo Itudy or 1I1cleory 11111 Parle. Furthor, the Commilllon recommondod that City proporty contlngloul to tho Parle, spocltlcally tho dotontlon aroa, not'bo laid. Havlng partlclpated in s number ot tholo meotlngl, vo tolt tho Commlsalon'l rocommondationl vore csrotully atudlod snd voll coordlnatod. Tboy voro sonlltlve to potontlsl tratrlc snd ocologlcal Impact vlthout encumborlng Reglna'l ablllty to msxlmlze tho vsluo or unusod campUI, I thlnle you can undorstsnd our dlssppolntmont snd trustratlon at learning tho concorns ot ovor slxty aroa tamlllos and tho unsnlmous rocommondations ot tho Paries and Rocroatlon Commission had boon summarily dlomlssod or at loast undotormlnahly dolayod by a Docembor 3, 1990 momo trom tho City Hansgor to tho Councll, i. I I i' i . " . o?,()f . I I I I ! 1:' ., g , , Dasod on indications this past vook that Rogina has docldod to soll tho land to tho original dovolopor ot the sccoss stroot concopt vo roquost tho Council undortako tho tollovlnq actions I 1. Dotormlno tho legal implications ot .imply changing tho statUI ot vator dotontion aross to park land. Nhon procurrod through tho todoral program, park and rocrostionsl usn voro roportodly oncouragod tor thoso acquisitions as domonstratod In both rotontlon aroOl today. Assuming no.logal constraints, vo urge the Council to Includo both tracts as HICkory Hill snd Scott Doulovard Park.. i I I I I r ." I I I . " . " " I Tho quostlon ot tuturo comotary noods posed by the City Hanagor vould aeom to .upport rathor than dolay the roclassltlcatlon ot thla proporty, glvon that this sroa la east ot Rslston Croek snd vould guarsntoo s nstural sroa tor the park to oxpand Into It vsrrantod by lator comotary roqulremonts. 2. Chartor an Jntornol study ot Hickory, Hill Psrk and adjoining proporty to plan tho long torm noods and opportunltlos tor Iova City'S only natural psrk oros. The absence ot a comprohonalvo plsn vas notod by tho Commlaalon In developing their osrllor rocommondatlons. For porsonal roasons, vo slnceroly hopo tho Reg Ins Education Conter has mot and surpasaod tho tlnanclal gosls oatabllshed tor selling thla part ot tho campus. Immodlste snd long torm cspltal neods are crltlcsllY Important at thla tlmo. No aak thst the Oouncll to saaln rovlov In osrly leaslon the orlglnsl recommondatlons ot the Psrks and Rocreatlon Commisalon snd proceed vlth somo senaltlvlty to protecting tho long torm Intogrlty ot Hickory Hill Psrk Dnd trsttlc Ilmltstlons ot tho neighborhood. Slncorely yours, ~ ~}~~ Dill and Jenny AncYaux \' I I I, I' I , ;1 , ....,~,'..',.,q ...... ,.;l'-' r'"'' .....-."' ." ....-,.." . I, , I I I O?~r I I I I , , I I I .. ..:t I_I ., 9 c . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Osts: Decomber 3. 1990 To: City Councfl From: City Managor Ro: RogInI Proporty/Hlckory HilI Updlte AI you may recaJJ, roprosonlaUvo. from tho neighborhood Idjolnlng the Regina proporty Ippoarod belore tho Parka and Rocreallon Commlstlon. The Commlulon has volod the lollowlng recommtndlUons. 1, ~:on~~":~~b~~:o~::~~~:a~ sl2lmIIm!w. I have askod the OIpar1menl 01 PubDc Works 10 resoarch this msUor to detormlne tho logallssuo. assoe/atod with luch I chango In proporty slatu.. AddlUonally, the comotory al.o adjoin. the park and n nocoSlary II lomO Umeln the future, a portion 01 parkland may be roqulrod lor our cometory, although .uch I docl.lon Is wolllnlo tho Muro. UnUI wo know tho full legal ImpllcaUons 0' tho chango In doslgnatlon a. rocommondod by tho Commission, tho change In properly Italu. should be po.tponod. '2. I:f1IIhck to en.ure Mure Dr~~0';:'8;D;~;'I;. -;';;~h;;~~~. No Iund. wore Ipproprfaled 10 pursuo such a ltudy, I would rocommond 10 you thai bofore commlsllonlng tho ItUcly, other Issuo. assoe/slod with tho City budgOI, and In particular the Parkt and RocrlsUon budgOI bo cons/dorod. 3. I , This J. a maUor for tho City Counclllo consldor at tho Umo any propo.al would bo pUl forth. I arn nol awero QI any epoclRc roquost lor purchaso 01 City proporty In conjunction with tho Roglna proporty. 4. Tho CommIssion also votod 10 cooporalo with tho nolghbors In tho wrlUng 01 a REAP granl appllcaUon lor tho potonUalacqulslUon 01 tho 9,0 acro parcol ownod by Roglna HIgh School. I bellovo thai tho proporty ownorlln tho aroa .to Iully awero that tho land doos bolong 10 Roglna and that thoy ero froo 10 dlsposo ollho proporty as thoy 100 fiL . co: Chuck Schmadoko Torry Truoblood b,\updal, . O?{)9 y i , ! , I I I , I I:J " q 3 City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dato: JanuaIY 25, 1110 I To: CIty CounclI From: CIty ManagOf Ro: Putchaso 01 PI/Ill & Rocroallon Equipment Wo roconlly purchasod IOVOraJ pIcnlo \Ibloa, cooldng grlUa, and rolalod pIIkI oqulpmonL AI a plIot prO/oct WI hove purchasod a plcnIo tabl. made 01 rocyclod matorlal. Thai table Ia 10 be pIICOd al one 01 our parka and WI wID ovalutto III uaolulnou and durability. "coslapproldmalo- Iy thtoo Urn.. thai 01 our rogu/ar pIcnIo tablo purchaso. (SI35-$4I2) Iihl&ttqUlp , --,..........,-.cc"".v. ,,' ~,i'o""'- ," '<"" -""-'!. , ....>'.........,...,.,'-..... ! i I I I I I I I , " 0</ . ,--- I, I. ,- ,.. I ! !: .; I i I , i , I I :' , I I' It I I I I I '~""'. I., :J . 1\ q y Januaty 22. 1991 -. ...... c/n' OF 10 WA CITY Mfa. M.vtan MaclOOd 3018 Washington SL Iowa ClIy, IA 52245 Doar MtI. MacLood: I askod OIlr Trllflo Englnoer, JIm Brachlollo advise mo u to lI1e rogulaUons concemlng the Installatlon 01 · Ilop a1gn, All olll1e signs lhal 1110 City InSIa/l. musl conlonn 10 the ManUal on UnUonn TraMe Conltol Dovlce. (MUTCD), Tho MUTCD Is a documenl dovo/opod by tho IOdollil govemmonl and BdcplOd both In tho laws or tho ltalo of Iowa and 1110 clly ordinance. 01 Iowa City, Tho MUTCD has W81I'anls lor 1110 InslaDadon olllop signa and yfold signs, which the CIIy Is roqulted to obSOIVO. This Is 10 prOVldo unllonn appllcadon 011110 law and U.uro somo meuure 01 Uabmly proloClfon lor 1110 City GovommonL Improporly Instal/Od signing COUld exposo tho CIty 10 IUch lability, and aCCOrdingly sign rocommOndaUona 10 the Mayor and City Council 810 baJed on thole rogulaUons, Tho City doo. usa ,'op .Ign control 10 prolOClIho rlghl.or.way ollis arterial and col/OClor strools. AI you havo noted, the City doe. nol use Slop Ilgn or yfold sign control 10 rogulalo the rlghl.ot. way alll10 InlersocUon 01 all of lis rosldenUaI strools. Tralflc laws sdpulale thaI whon two cara arrive Ilmullanoously al an uncontrolled Inl0raOctlon, tho car 10 the rlghl shall havo 1110 rlghl-o/. way. AI you Indcalo In your loner, dolonslvo driving Is a/waye a gOOd praClfce, The Ovoruse and mlsappllcaUon 01 Slop and ylold sign. should bo avoldod. Overuse olllop signs can causo drlvora 10 genorally lose tholr rospoCllor slop signa and drlvors will choose tho Iocal/ona where Slop sign. are rospocled and local/ons whero Slop sign. 81e d1srogllldOd. I do nOI boIJove we wanl to promolo a plell.and'choose altlludo among drivers. Slncoroly yours, 1 btmlCltod co: Mayor and City Council Jim Brachlol tlYlt U"". , '" l lIAlNl"OTO" IT. IOWA tin IOWA 1111I.1111 @ 'NONI III~ 111,,," 'AIIII', 11101111 . -</1 " I I I I " t I , , , I I I I I ... ': , ~ I L , I I , .. 1 I. . " ! ! l:t . , q 5 REeF I'IED 'PI ~ 1991 3018 Elul WuhlngtOn St. Iowa City. Iowa 3224& January 6, 1991 Mayor, City o( Iowa City 410 E, Washington Streel Iowa City. Iowa &2240 Dear SIrt We have Uved In Iowa City (or three )'Wa. and (or three )'em I have been worrying about a hazardous problem. I should have YITIUen sooner. but I hope that you will consider doing aomethlng aboul this: There are many InteraecUona In thJa city wbere there are neither stop or YIeld signs at the comm (or either streel. We have UYed In DIne dUJ'erenl communJUes through the years. and have never before encountered this problem. When I approach an InteraecUon. It there Is no Slop or yfeld sign for me. I have always asswned the cross street has one, 1 (ound out after having been nearly hit a couple o( Urnes that In Iowa City that Is nol necessarily the case. I have worked (or two years at the PreucU School of Music, which haa 430 students, most o( them quite small. Behind that Is the HOnlce Mann Elementary School. In that enUre area o( town, there are many streets With no stop or yield signs. What a potenUaJJy dangerous sltuaUonl The IntersccUon I nearly got hit recenUy was Uie comer of FaJrchUd and VanBuren. an area that Is highly traveled by &Cbool chUdren and cars despite the (act that It Is brick. At that poInt FaJrchJld Is nearly to North Market Square, a Playground used by neighborhood chUdren and by the preschool at PreucU. Another place I have been almost hit was In the area east o( Oovemnor and north o( BlOOmington next to another city playground not (ar (rom Hickory HW. There are many wise ways 10 save money, but omJtUng street signs at comers Is not one o( them. Please consider placing sTgna on every comer In town. O( course, a stof or yfeld sIgn does not gwuuntee that a driver wUllllop or yfeld. but 11 bet these signa are obeyed over 00% of the lime. , It Is a good thing 10 be a carerul. defensive drfvel'llt Is a bad thing 10 be turned Into a frightened driver who Is never sure which crossroads have sIgns teUlng other drivers to stop or yfeld. Sincerely, ~~~c( CCI City Engineer, Press.CrUzen Marian 0, MacLeod dJl y , 1 , I, I I , ., !, I:J " q b January 25, 1991 ..., ""''flI.'' CITY OF 10 WA CITY Hs. Anna Gay 506 South Dodgl Iowa City, Iowa D.ar Hs, Gay: PI.ls. forglv. the delay In Insw.rlng your I.ttlr of Octob.r 30 In which you .xplaln the problem a bin on oPln burning would cause for you. Our City Forlst.r has don. .om. rls.arch and found In organlla. tlon which coll.cts acorns'scross the Stat. of Iowa. Th.organllltlon Is cIII.d Tre.s For.v.r and Is hlsded by David Crotl of 5190 42nd Str'lt. N.E., Cldar RapIds. HI. phon. number Is 373-0650, 52240 This organllltlon coll.ct. acorns stlt.wld. and soIls th.m to the Stat. and to prlvlt. nurseries for the propagation of olk tr..., 'have. Informld Hr. Crotl of the amount of acorn. you have .ach Ylar, and h. was d.llght.d to rlc.1va the Information. H. will no doubt bl In touch with you. , 'f you have any qu.stlons rlglrdlng this matt.r, pl.as. call m. at 350'5010. Slncer.ly your., cc: T.rry Robln~on, CI ty Forester CI~IC CUT" , 1111, WAIMINOTON IT. IOWA CITY IOWA '"""111 @ 'MONI 11111 11101111 'UIIIIIIII,,," &./~ '-"-'.~""'-...,.~.,..:,.",.,."",I'J..,""""~'- ...... ~., i", .' , ~..,~.,';'..I I r I I .." ,. , ! i , I , i I , I I I 1 I I, I, I I: '. I (' I ':, , t i (, I I . I I p " q ,", ~ , I I i I I I I I - );hAIr ~~)?)tm ~ : ~~ I ~~1nH,., ao ,1110 ~ 'Wu d.1~'h'med ~ /.v.M. t'J.'I %. h~ ;{,'s ",6~u.\S ~cit ~~ m~ dt~ ~ (lIo;-c1l1bW- tt~ .Q,.4 I/~ ~ A\I.I}~~aIl., ~JWlI~ ~ ~~ s,"DI~ >>1u(f ~O.\U. r Q."~ s~oit' 'Iu<<t ~ 4. ~ l ~ I ~ as I~c; QI.l 'feu. ~I t, ~~ ~ !UMIl~ ~,t1es, ~J llil~d. .1 f.'tM~ ~ o.lt>>.MJ.\.~. WL Cl ~Wt: ~ LW '1M! \\awwt\, '~ bll~ ~~s ~CUJl4.. ~^'~~~~~~~' Sl~! ~ J..etNJr.Jo.tlftA..JW1J/~~ ~ ~ ~~h\f-& ,t3.JJ..O M"kiW~' )1W4 0..\41 ~ ~ M 4dJ\~ ' ~ a. ~ 0..: ~ , i.Ut.Aa..lll ~ >>llL1t<l C4 ~o ~s. d~ - o.u~ M islf . ../~~ MA. Sfd,d- ~ ~, ~1cQ UA~ i\LC&WwJ.u.I~ou. ~ Sew.l """'. ~ ~. ~ ~ it 0. ~ \ 1m h ~ft Utf t( ~tsS:Y, ~~~ l~~ &itZ4 I . -J ~~-~~--1L l\~ I ~O~ J.&d~ 't'1 rS~P-LJu~ L . s..wC\. ~, J" .5J.."qo ~-P4.tf ""."-.-,, ", ,.,.,..-.,~-,.. .;, "..~-,:--.. -~,... ,,~~ ""'l I I , I , L , '0 " , I !; I' i i , I I ;1 , I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 Ol-/~J i I "'01 , I ! I I I:' 'I q 8 \ i I I I I CITY COUNCIL MAYOR F.T. ADMINISTRATOR COUNC I L FT/ PT r ........ I Des Holnes Sl0.950 $16,425 Yes P.T. Davenport SlO,400 536,000 Yes F'f ~~or ;' P. . 0 ncl1 i ! Sioux City 56,864 59,610 Yes P.T. , " . I :1 . Dubuque 55.564 58,320 Yes P.T. I i ~ 'f I, 10lla City 55,012 56,011 Yes P.T. i Ames 54,500 55,100 Yes P.T. I Bet tendort 5MOO $15,000 Yes P.T I i ;,' i j' Burlington 5MOO 54,200 Yes P.T. Council Bluth 5MOO 545,000 I/o H ~~~~11 .' Clinton 52,400 56,000 Yes P.T, , · Harsha lItolln 52,000 Sl8,OOO Yes P. T. Hason CI ty SI,800 $34,600 No H Ha~or .--,.-, - .----..'.-.--..----- . Co ncll Museatlne SI,800 53,300 Yes P. T, I I I, 1 · Have recently hired F.T Administrator snd 11111 be reevaluating ths salary ot ths Hayor. i " j: " I , , '. i i i I , I. i I I I tl./3 . .'.-~.....,..,.~<.,..,..!~,._..........,,_.. '-""'" ,- -,., .".~-,~ .-..,.,",., ..,..,~- . i I I I 1:1 ., q q . ~~ ~iJ. euJUII.I~ IlIn '!.t1r r:,u.uJil I I ,. FOREOTRV P fi R CAPITA f;XPENDITlJRIlO G.U~ Q~! Am". low. City 111,0,91111 121,0,780 1100,000 111111,003 Ilb3,D~4 12~O,OOO 1117,00 1730,000 D.vlnpor.t W.tlrloo-FV90 Council Blufh DubuqUI W.tlrloo-FV91 Bur II no ton Cld.r Rip I d. 49,:\ClO 110,000 '10,000 70,000 ~O,OOO 110,000 70,000 20,:\00 110,000 12.3'1 le.44 . . I' I F le.~7 le.87 12.73 13." ,I . I 11,.10 Ib.70 , I . Am'l doo. not h.vI . Forlltry budOlt th.t I. 1.llly dlfln'blo .1 It II comblnld wIth othlr dlp.rtmlnt., .ccordlno to M.tt Popplr tho p.r.on Involvld In tho proor.m. DUI to thll h. Wdl not ,bll to provldl .ny .ccur.tl flourl. for thl proor.m. .",; ;" . _'C'.._ '''~ ..0...0'..-........ .~..~-""'..,"/J~.;:; , , I I: j' i I' ;1 . ~'''. ' rJ.1l/ I "'r-- f. j. I, , I J .;j n n I c. - - R F r.r 1" t' ~ '\\1 ? 5 1991 Rodnoy D Shutt January 24, 1991 520 S. Oovornor St. Iova City, Iowa 52240 Hr. Stovo Atkins, City Hanagor And City Council Hombors lava Civic Contor 410 E. Washington St. lava City, lava 52240 ~rt;A ~ ~'~~~~. IJJA (f#d-~ ~Jf)1~tdJ}.L I' I Doar Sir. , .. Ploaso allov mo to roglstor my oPPolltlon to lomo or tho Idoal proposod by Hr. Coello Kuonzll, ot al rolatlng to dlmllhlng trarrlc ontorlng Summit Stroot. To rOltrlct trarrlc on Summit Stroot would undoubtodly Incresso the value or the propertlos or tho anolntod living on Summit Street, but it vould croato trsrrlc snnoyancol ror hundrodl or othor citlzenl; Ir sddltionally, tho Sunmit Streot Bridgo vera closed and another erocted on Oovornor, It vould greatly Incroalo tratric on Oovernor vhlch alroady excoedl that on Summit. Eliminstlng 9 properties on Oovernor would loso tho city tholo proporty taxol snd lose tho exlltlng pilings ate. on tho SUmmit Stroot Bridgo that vlll lovor the cost or s rebuild, al oppolod to S brsnd now brldgo on Oovornor St, AI It exlltl, the trsrric going South to tho Ihopping contor snd Highway 6 can rlltor through on Summit St. snd taka lomo load orr Dodgo which alrosdy carrlol conlldorablo or tho downtown load going louth. Ir tho ontlro Esatlldo trarrlc load Inward or 1st Stroot(tho next railroad crolllng availablo) ts addod on to Dodgo which bottlonockl at Bovery (only one lsno going on South It vlll rosult In s congoltod,lmbalancod,oxponllvo tax loalng solution. Aglln,nolthor Dodgo nor Summit csn connoct vlth Kookuk, unless 10 or 20 moro proportlos aro condomnod ror s straight run pSlt Kirkwood to Hlghvay 6. As It II, lomo or tho Southbound load goo I down Summit and Dodgo and ontor Kookuk rrom tho Esst snd Welt. I use thOle alternatives dally, both Northbound snd Southbound and rarely Is thero any Ilgnlrlcant congoatlon, oven at rUlh hour. Tho only pOlslblO improvomont,ln my mind vould bo a trarric light ror Northbound trarrlc orr Kookuk (In ordor to turn lort) st ruoh\ hour, and that need il not great. In short, it vould sppoar that tho property-vsluo intoroatl on Summit Stroet vish to dimlnllh tho pUbllc'1 ability to 100 tho property thoy tsko such prldo In, snd Inatosd go loversl blocks out or tholr way to go south or north to and rrom Ilighway 6. In ardor that thoy may benerit, thoy vlsh othors to be aggravatod, taxed more or have their proporty condomned and not bo ablo to lOa their rlne homes. Hy homo Is as old ss any on Summit, and I alroady havo moro trarrlc palt my place than on Summit. I vlsh to bo advtsod lr this mattor come. up ror 8orloU8 consldoratlon on any ruture councll'l agonda. , I i: , I I , I , I, I. , , Beat rogard8, cc, 2 - Hayor John HcDonald Jerr DavldlQl l.,l JI..,II ~/S ......,,~ 1:' i~ [I " - Iowa City Fire Department S.rvlng Wllh Pnd. & Professionalilm 410 East Washlnglon 51. Iowa City, Iowa 52240 (319) 356.5260 " ! January 21.1991 M1O~~ ~ President Hunter R. Rawlings III The University of Iowa 101 Jessup Hall Iowa City. Iowa 52242 Dear President Rawlings: Today Is my IaSI day as Fire Chlefln Iowa City. I have resigned to lake the Job of Chief In Boulder. Colorado. During my tenure here I have had the plcasure of working with several dedicated University offitlals in an eITort to Improve fire 13fety on campus. While we have made progress In many areas, IIe:lve Iowa City deeply concerned lIIioutthe existing fire risk at the University of Iowa. , Fire and life safelY codes el'oll'e over lime. In many Inslal1ccs.lhey ~ changed to corrcct deficiencies found through biller exJlCrience. As a resull, mosl buildings built to meet existing minimum stan~ds 20, 30, 40, or 50 years ago arc not as safe as buildings being designed and buill today, This fael can be altered by taking advantage 01 e.lsting knowledge and teehnolosy which haS proven effccllve In Increasing safety and reducing risk. My concern Involves the lack of sarety In University residence halls and academic buildings. People tend to underestimate fire risk and overesllmate our ability 10 control fire, Even though lhe buildings In question mctthe e.lstlng codes at the lime they were bull~ the fire risk crcated by these buildings far exceeds Arc o.:partment capabilities. ^ brier analysis rollows: ~ ,- I L ! I I . High numbers or raise alanns In residence halls reduce the credibility or alarm systems. Students tend to dismiss any alarm u "Just another raIse alann" Invcstigatlons or ralal residence hall fires by lhe United Slates Are Admlnlstrallon Indicate that firefighters. campus officials, and students letlhelr guard down In residence halls becaUlC or the high rrequencyor pranks and raIse alarms. The University or Iowa residence hall system e.pcrlences over 400 raise alarms pcr year, . . Students living In unprotected residence hall~ cannot control the risk crc:llcd by olhers living In Ihe building, and lhey Ignore allempls to warn them or possible d.108cr. One carelelS acl by a neighbor h." Ihe polenllallo claim Innocenl victims throughoulthe rcsldence hall. ,- , i . . 0./ ~ '.> '~,. - :t 1:' i? U [ ~ I' ! , The sile, (uello.lCling, and wide open connSUliltion of many bullllings on campus virtually suarantee fulUrc fl/1l Iliwtm. The complacent sniludc of profeslOrs and studcnts alike only compounds the problem. I In many cases, ufety violations are allowed to continue for convenience's salce. For examplc, the Chcimbtry.lloI.viy building stllllw fiammable liquids stored In exll paths desplle repealed warnings from our dCpastmenl and the Slate FIre MaiWJ's Office. I lItJe the Unlvenlly to develop Ilong.tenn plan to Improve lire ufely on campus Includinsthe InstaJlaUon of lutomatic lire sPrinkler systems (or the rilajor buildings on campus, especially the residence halls. FIre alarm systems alone do not address ufety concerns on campus. FIre alarm sYltems have too Iiule credibllily to be etrectlve-tlarms are ignored by facullY, staff, and students alike. The Iowa Oly FIre Dep,uiment, while one of the best In the SlalC, lacks the extensive ICIOUI'CCS neceswy to effectively cornball major fll'C In the Jarse unprotected bulldlns on campus. For a1moslthe same price u ~ling, $.90 to $ 1.50 per square fOOl, fll'C sprinklers can be rclrofiued Into a bulldins. ThIs COlt, whllc IUI, is stlllless expensive than IlligaUon which always results from I nre Involvlns I dc.1th or Inj~. For ~ampJe, all non.sprinklercd residence halls on Qmpus can be retront whh sprinklers (or between 51.4 rilllIlon and 52J million. Damage awards for I single falaJlIy In I rcsl_ hall nre can renJlstially be expected to equal or exceed the cost of prolcctlria the cnlirc residence hall system with fll'C sprinklers. As I discuss my concerns with nrc chle(s and lire prol<<llon enslneers across the country, Ills apparent thal many govcmmenlallScnclcs arc aJreoady movlnsto rMlCO their lire risk. Throuah an leI of ConalCSS, the fedcralsovemmcnt now requires its employees to Slay in sprinklered hOlels or sprlnklcred motels while traveling on business. We know thC problcm anil wc have the solution. I slrona1y recommend the phasing In of fue sprinkler systems In all major Universlly buildings. Thank you for your Ume and COIIllderation. . I .. .' .[ j , Zt.P.[;>J~ FIre Chief oc: '~"r" ~1~a.,W..... l.uTy KIMcy, Iowa elly Fire Marshal Roy 'Marshall, Iowa Fire Marshal Malvin Pomerantz, O1aInnan, B<XIrd of Resents ! I " i ! I , :' . ! rJJlJ 1:1 i~ C' .3 R E ell, t ;. ; ~ :5 199~ Tho City Council 0/0 Hayor HcDonald Civic Center Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Doar Counuii H~mbora: Ginco I will be unablo to attand tho January 22nd moetlnl on loot burnlnl, 1 wonted to hove thla chanco to raiao my concerna about tho loouo, 1 fool that 10 It now standa, 1.0, 11mltod burnin, timoa, thoro 10 a fair compromllo botwaon tho obJoctlona on both 11doa in that one cannot burn Indlaorimlnatoly nor 10 ono totally banned from burn- In,. Tho two major objootlonl rllaod to burning Iro health probloml and ooolo,lcal conlldorltlonl. You hive heard the llauel roiaod by tholo for bonnin, bumln,. On the oppolinl lide, 1 would liko to point out that it can bo very difficult to bag larlu amounta of loavos Ind hlul thom from tho book of tho houlo to tho curb-aido It cne ia oldorly, hlndicapped, dobilitatod, haa ooronary problema, arthrith or lutfora from lowor blck pain. Tholo cat~llorios onoompoaa I arootly llrlor numbor of citi:ona than thODO who aut- for from roapiratory problems. On tho few daya that burnln~ 10 In prolroaa, meaaurea can bo takon by thoao with rOlplratery prob- loma, whoroaa thoro is no moona of roliof for those who must carry many bundloa of luvoa. This oan bo a particularly challonginl proJoct if tho yard ia larso. unovon, or loa In tho caao for moot houaoo with walk-out baaomonta) thore ia ,rade which mokea tho curb-lido of tho houlo uphill. From an ooololical atandpolnt thoro oro doairablo conaidorotiona to burninl yard WOlto in ono'a lardon. It lido in riddinl tho aoil of inaeota, woeda and baotoria 00 that ono oan havo a hoalthy crop tho following yoor. Thia ia olpocially oaaentiol whon tho lardon ia amall and rotation of plantl cannot eoaily bo dono, which probably ia tho norm for city dwollora. Tho r~oultinl aah io an oxc~llont fortili:or, Thil romovoa tho nood for tho uso of artificial wood, inaoct and diooaa~ control or artifioial torti- Ihors. Pllaol maintain the balance botwoon tho two oidoo 01 it atanda and do not allow one aido to havo oomploto dominanoo. ;Wif Valda Gobhart 8 Woatlloto Cirolo Iowa City, Iowa 62246 0</7 ....", ......",. ,.......,...., I I r , , I ! , I I I I I i 1 I i .! j' I- I I. , I I t , I I I: , I I I I I I, , I, , I y 1:' i? CI Y I , I ! REe E I',~ ~ 125199\ I I I I I William 0, Perkins III I: .~-. Porkadaddlus I 222 Ronalds sl. Iowa Clly, fA 52245 i , ,. " Dear City Council, It Is wllh my regrol to Inlorm you that I will not be reapplying for a vondlng permll durIng Iho 1991.1992 , It seems that the hands on time neoded to be successful In operating a cart In the vondlno mall far exceodod my expoctatlons. Due to prior educallonal obligations It Is not feasible for me to continue 10 opera to, I would like 10 thank the City council and the various commlllees for giving mo tho chance to operale In Iowa city. I espoclally would like to thank ,...for her patlonce,support and advice boforo and during operation In Iowa City. ,\.1: ':.Jl:{ -:1;>'.1 '.:7:'U~1.'.:(i.r:;rrr r I. i Slnceroly, /2 ;-;;. .;;:1!(i I.' ' r ft(,tttMH.Za tuKU(/~ William 0, Porklns III , t . ,. l, I , , " I f' I I, , , I I .--.._"'.,:-.,1,:....,:.~..!,"-'''''''..-. ~/8 ,-,.':., ",.- . ", ,~, ..---~"., ...".;, ,-,-' -" . . -...-.....",. . . I ./ 1:' 2 [I S ~; ~ HIADQUARTlR. IOWA HATI OUARD 0"10' 01 Th. Adlutan' O.n.,al Co,.p COodg. 1100 NOI1ftwtll a...., 0'... JOllnII0ll.IOWI101)I.ttoa January 17, 1991 oJ~h;:...!- L~~. hOUSING & UlSPECllOlj fjEhVII:~.. lOW;' Cln~ IDYU. I '.cllltl.. .nd Con.tructlon Offlc. Kr. llch.rd Fr.ptz 10vI Clty Clty Council 410 !I.t V..hInston Str..t 10VI City, 10VI 52240 Dur Kr. Frantl: V. h.v. r.c.lv.d . 1.lor.odus frol KIJor r.ul Schild frol our 10vI City Nltlonal euard Atlory conc.rnlnl a conv.r.atlon vhlch you hlva hid conc.rnlnf the plvlna of thl plrklnl ar.. on th. Vllt .Ida of our flolllty, KaJor SChl d .t.tld thlt you Irl r.qu..tlns Infofl.tlon on thl .t.tu. of th. proJ,ct. t .pololla. for tha l.ck of Infor..tlon b.lnS p....d your vay .nd viII rill you In on the proJ.ct .t thl. tll'. Durlna Octob.r of 19S7, v. r..ov.d an .b.ndonid h.atlna 011 .tor'I' t.nk on the Vllt ald. of the 'flory. At thb tl., It VII dllcovmd th.t .h.n had b..n . r.l.... of fu.l frol the t.nk, Aft.r notlftcltlon to th. lov. D.p.rt..nt of N.tur.l ...ourc.. (DNa), .011. laa,dl.t.ly .urroundlna the t.nk vert naov.d frol the alU, To rurthar d.uflln. th. lXunt of the fu.l r.l...., . hydroS'ololla.l conlultant v.. contr.ct.d to .Iapl. th. .011 .nd v.tu In the .n.. 'nI. .upl. Infofl.tlon .hcv.d fuel lev.lI lu. than th. .llow.bl. l.v.ll .t th. .It. vlth th. .xc.ptlon of ant .upl.. Thtl l&apl. .hov.d I contllln.nt vhlch v.. .lltl.r to s..olln. .nd vhlch V'I found In .n .r.. which could not of COl. frol our t.nk. Th. contaaln.tlon dl.aovlr.d durtna our .tudy opplm to hive orlslntud off our alu. 11Ib Inforl.tlon' hu bun p....d to the Dill vlth U.lted rllpon... Enolond II our htllt l.tt.r to the DNa .nd th.lr r'lpon... Th. I.tt.r of .011 .nd sroundv.t.r contllln.tlon .t the .It. I,plct. our pl.na Cor p.vlns the .It., Th. oif.llt. contlllnttlon th.t VI' dl.cov.r.d h.. Ilar.t.d und.r I portion or our p.rklnf lot. V. pr...ntly hlv, aroundvat.r lonltorlna v.ll. .t the Itt. vhlch vou d b. dl.turb.d due to .n .ddltlonal .urf.c. b.lnf pl.c.d on th. lot, Thl. probl.1 could b. .ll.vl.t.d by rlpllolna.l th. ..nhol.. .nd VIII c.p. .ft.r the .ddltlon oC the nlv .urf.c.. Our frlltllt concern arbu frol th. C.ct th.t .ub.t.ntlalloth viII 10.t Ilk. y n..d to b. r.lOv.d wh.n the contllln.tlon .t the .Itl I. .ddr....d. V. .r. h.v. b.ln unlucc...ful In .tt'lpt. vlth th. Dill to r.qulr. the .dJ.c.nt proparty ovn.n to conduct IOU .nd aroundv.ter lonltodna .nd th.r.for. h.v. r..ch.d . .t.l...t. In the proJ.ct, V. h.v. ar..t r"lrv.tlon. In .p.ndlna .ny .0nl'l .t the .It. until the cl..n up r.qulrl..nt. h.v. bl.n ut.blbh.d. v. hop. th.t you c.n undlr.t.nd our po.ltlon .t thl. till .nd v. viII kl'p you po.tld of .ny further .rfortl .t the alu .nd, vhln .vlllable, . Ich.dule for oompletlon of our .sr....nt to p.v. the .It., If you h.v. .ny co..ent. or qu..tlon. you a.n cont.ct I' .t (51') 242.5225. Th.nk you Cor your undoncandlna. tt:J; ~ Q D.vld a. ROI.n ~ LI.ut.n.nt Colonll, IA 0 11 F.clllth. KanaSlllnt Clear . olJ9 . I i . I I I I. P 2 [I. b HIADQUARTIR. IOWA NATIONAL GUARD 0"'0' 01 TII. Adlul.n, O.n"11 CO/lp cnoJg. 1100 HOfIft..1I SIIItf 0... Jo/IIIIIOft. 10.. IOIJ'.11Qa J.nu.ry 24, 1990 F.cllltl.. .nd Con.tructlon . Hr. V.rllt Schrunk Iovl Dlplrtl.nt ot Nlturll Rllourcl. VIlllc. Stltl OlllcI Ilda. 900 !ut Crand 0.1 Holn'l, Iovl 50319 D.u V.m., On Octoblr t3, t9.7 tvo undlraround hl.tlna 011 .torlal t.nk. Vlrl rtlOY.d It our 10VI City l.clllty. Onl of thl tlnkl h.d b.ln ll.klna Ind I lit. ..,......nt v.. Inltlltad to dlttnln. thl I.tlnt at loll Ind Vltlr contillnltlcn. Th. rllultlna Itudr VII forvlrdld to your of tic I lor rlvllY. Thl Itudy tound Ilnl'll cont..lnat on In thl vicinity of the 1.lklna tlnk vhlch t'plrld to non.d.tlot.bll r"ultl dOYnar.dllnt ot thl Iplll lourcl, Ilthouah I Ilanltlclnt IcurCI ot cont'.lnatlon V'I dllcov.rld tn . aonltorln, v.ll th.t VII not dovnaradlant tro. th. IpUl location. Th. dlatlnot odor 0 &"olln. v" .pp.r.nt durtna thl Inltl.l borlna ot thll v.ll. Thl ttndlnal ot the .Itl 1111111.nt polntld tovlrd .n ofl',lt. contlllnatlon ,0urcI .Iarltlna tovlrd. our prop.rty. Altlr rlvllv ot thl lite 111111.lnt, Thl Iovl DNa Ellrtlnay Rllponal Slctlon dllp.tchld FIIld Ottlcl .6 to VCII rltrollUl, vho . locltld to thl Vllt ot our Iltl. VOII rltrollWl t. I bulk pltrollUl dlltrlbutor who Itorll tUI1. In both .bov. .nd bllov around t.nka. Thl FIIld Of tic I rlrlonnal did not find I 10urcI of cont'llnatlon .t VOU .t th.t till. Hr. Hlkl Clrlnalr, frol your dlp.rt.lnt, rlqullt.d th.t VI rllllpll thl .It. to r.chlck thl orl&tnll rllult.. !nclolld '1" th. l.t.,t round ol ...plll lro. thl v.lll 'plolllld by Hr. C.rlnllr. Th. r.lult. 11'1 1IIIllr to th. orlalnal llapltnr d.t. .nd Itlll point to I Ilanlttc.nt lourc. ot cont'.ln.tlon .t v.l .2. AI .Intton.d on th. l.bor.tory r.port tor v.ll II, th. cont.llnlnt. do not I.tch Itlnd.rdl lor h.ltln& otl, . RlqU"t th.t th. 10vI D'p.rt..nt ot Nlturll Rllourc.. tollov up thl hydroa.olo&lcll .11.,lllnt p.rlon.d .t th. lit. to d.t.nln. th. 'XICt lourc. ot th. p.trollWl cont.lln.nt. Croundv.t.r Inlorl.tlon It th. .It. ol VOl. r.trollWl Ihould nov b. Iv.l1.bll du. to St.t. l..k d.t.otlon r.qulr'l.ntl. Th.r. II knovn aroundy.t.r contlllnatlon .t thl Iltl .nd th. Iovl ArlY N.tlon.l Gu.rd h.. .p.nt .I&nlllc.nt .onlll to d.t.nln. the .0urCI, All Inlon.tlon lrOG our ortalnll lit. .11',II.nt Ind lollov up IlIpllna l..d, to In outlld. 10urCI ot contlllnatlon th.t II .ncro.chlna on our prop.rty, It you h.v. .ny cOII.ntl, qu"tlonl or n..d lurth.r Inlon.tlon you c.n cont.ot .. .t (515) 2~2.5557, Th.nk you for your "'I,t.nc., SlncmlYI Curtll L. H.dl.n !nvlroNl.nt.1 Splcl.lllt IOVI Anay N.tlon.l Cu.rd c:(/9 y I , I I , . i , , . :1 I i, :, .;j fI '~l I L - , :A. TC~~y L D~ANITAo.llO'fl.o,olI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1.A~~y J. WlLION. ~'lClOlO llRllflm.HAJ.l. Jun. 19, 1990 I RtCE/~ED JUN I 9 fACIIITIEJ' ~ 1990 'NJTRIICTlOli Hr. Curtis L. H.ds.n C'IP Dodg. 7700 N,\I, BUY.r Drlv. BuildIng AS Johnston, low. 50131 SUBJECT: Groundw.hr AlIIlysh AI1I'I Natlon.1 Guard, Iowa CHy, low. IDHR Spill 'IOO87-1~IA-I005 LUST No. 7LTY37 Dur Hr. H.dun: \II hlYt cOftlpl.ted our r.vllw of the .p.trol.1lI Conhlln'Uon Study" dat4d April " 1988 don. by Tmacon .nd an.lyUcal rosults of groundwater "Ipllng d.t.d Janu.ry I, 1990 (or thl Iowa Amy National Gu.rd hcUlty fn Iowa CHy, Iowa, B.s.d on an .valu.tlon o( this, r.sults In conjunction wIth the findings frol thl sH. U1.u.ent report, H ~ould 'ppllr th.t the contalln.tlon found In lonltorlng w.ll tltO (2) orlgln.~.d (rol an of~-slte sourCl, Therefor., no further acUon by the Iowa ArT/ N.tlonal Guard Is r.qulr.d .t this UI" It yoU hm any qUIIUons. plllse f..1 free to contact Verne Schrunk at 515/281-6704. Slncer.ly, ~~ES1ON ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SECTION JRHIJJlph","DSEN CCI FI.ld O("c. 6 Tlrracon Consult.nts E.C" Inc, P.O. Bo. 37382, Om.ha, NE 68137 WALLACE ITATEO'''CE DUILDINO IDEa MOINES. IOWA eD310/S1S.Z0l.S14S r:f?19 . -,,- ! ....'/',,". ....~~...i'v-i;~< ....:..~_',t..'...'"- '~"'''''''_'A....~,,,..,,_,~,,.-_ M.,~.." , . ,~: ; " ~ , ,.. y . I Ii I i I I I .,. ~ I. ! I tl I. , .> i I , , f: ! I I I , I : I; j I , ~ $ : I. j . tl I i I:' 2 [I 8 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Il.1rb.1ra CroM, rh.D. SUpl!rinwndml (319) 339-6890 Fn Nurmr 500 S. Dubuquo Strtd JOWl Clty,lA smo (319) 339~ Septcmber 4,1990 John Lundcll,Clty TralUporlallon Director CIty o( Iowa Clly 410 Ii Washington lows CIty, lA 52240 Dear John: ~" ~ I hAvc recl!ntly hAd a phonc convcrsation with John Nolan a rcsldcnt o( Iowa City whose daughtcr attcnds South EASt Junlor High School, Mr, Nolan's . daughtcr takes tho Iowa CI!y bus to and (rom school and expressed a concern regarding the dlslanco tho bus stops arc away (rom South Easl Junior High School. The school district cncourages young people to utilize Ihe City transportallon systcm. It Is deslrablo thai bus stops be located as convcnlcntto thc schools AS they possibly can. Any consldcratlon IhAt you can give whcn developing routcs and bus slops to localo Ihese stops closer to the schools w1l1grcatly be apprC!Clated, I would be happy 10 (urther discuss this particular conccrn with you directly, Plesse (c.'C!1 (ree to contAct me at 339-6800 If you would like any addlllonal In(ormatlon. Slncercly, It)) c aid L. Palmcr E'xC!C\ltivo Director o( Administrative Services ~ ~.,'''~, .' -, '"-;',,, ....>. . ;.\e> .,-, ,~'" '. ! I .-- , I ;: .1 . I " I j ~ ! . . '. ! . . ~ .:) n q I I. _ - - \ \ 1 I I I I' i '1..t\ea.. ~ CITY OF IOWA CITY , " Soptombor lB, 1990 Mr. Jerry Palmor ExacuUvo D~octor 01 AdmlnlsltaUve Services Iowa City Community School Dlatrld S09 South Dubuque Stroel Iowa City, Iowa 82240 Ro: Transll Servfce to South Easl Junior High School Doar Jerry: This leUor Ia In rosponlo 10 your phono converaaUon with John Nolen regllldlng translllorvlco to South Ea.1 Junior High School. CurrenUy tho Iowa City Transll Towncrell Roule ltavols within one block 01 tho achoollrom B:oo a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and mOl a high numbor 01 Itudonts. Tho plck.up and drop-o" 10CllUon Is at tha comor 01 WIlliams 511001 and Wayno Avenuo, .' 1 I II would not bo prudenllo rorouto tho Towncrost bu. closer 10 South Easl lor tho lollowlng roasons: 1. Tho Townero.1 blis Is allocated 30 mlnutos on ooch trlp to loavo and arrlvo back downtown. III. alroady dlfllculllor tho bus 10 malnlaln thl. Ichodulo, pllltlcularly durlng tho Nlh hours, 2, Tho Ilnglo largolt non.rosldonUaI gonoralor oltransll trip. on this roulo Is tho Towncroll Modlcal ComplOx. II would bo dllficull to travel clolor 10 tho Ichool and lUll adoquatoly SOIVO tho modlcal complox. A high numbor 01 oldorly passongors who havo difficulty walking uso tho bultO go soo tholr doclor, For tholr bono fit, tho City hallnstaDod a bu. passongor waiting Iholtor on Williams StrooL 3. Durlng \ho boglnnlng and ondlng hours 01 oach school day, tho 0100 along Bradlord Drlvo Is vory congostod with automobllos and school buso., Honco II WOI.Id bo dllflcult and potontlally dangorous 10 aUompt to manouvor a 40' transll bus through tho tratflo. Tho sldo slrools around tho school 010 olso narrow and fillod with parkod cars. j' I I , I I CIYIC CUTlI , I" t WilMINGTON If, IOU CITY IOWA 11I11.111I @ , NG MI ""l 1110111I 'U""IIIl,llll ~() , ~~'"....."',.' I I I:' j~ , [I i I Mr. Jorry Palmar I I Soptombor 18, 1990 Ii I Pago 2 ...... Iowa clly Transllls ahYay. soarchlng lor way. 10 bettor seIVo trlp gonoralors such as Ichooll, Howovor, atlllls Vmo I bollovo Ills In our bosllntorollt 10 maintain tho prosont bu. route which I /ravols wllliln ono block 01 South East JunIor High. I' I , , , Thank you and ploase foollroo to contact mo at any Urno with any furthor quo.Uon., commonts, ~ I or suggo.Uons, l " q Slncoroly, I: ~ ',' John A. LundoD i' Tran.lt Manogor IxtNl.5 i '1 I', , . . r . I I II ; I, I, I i , I . ~'h,""" . , " ~, ~(J, , I I I I ...........~.,-"',',."'"...:.l.,',.\..,.;,..,...,,-~,~- '-".,."',,-, -'-ii"~ I I:' jJ , , , - .' " .. I I ~ .,.; ,I 4l "'t 58~ Ihr Of ftcers, 0 I I'l'll J ,t' i ! ! e1 ~d\U4Y\ I No.nT .Jo +h~~ -H1e I I . t I .., ~t1- +h'fee. ofltce.ys who CO-me -10 ' I ! 2k ).UI\.{ I I Q3'1 De.wtt( 51. tI'\ Det.. ~,,/lqO. I' 1htC.t we..y.e (OI.l.l,feDltt5J Co.l"~1 Q.rIJ.. ht1rFu.t, 7),<<1 fool:.. rYlL d,.~)'lrt.&s 6e.ri~~J a.ntl mAd ~ll(e. m~~bl'\ 0.. :z: Wt.ft I I . 6L\ h wi Dv...r C,.YU...tirll ~ SUlSt. " " . i of 'fI'si~, 1htLf wert. ~rtJ.-t , , I corflfort -10 us, , T. reJJJ o..ryeti4.k ~rM' .' j' W'iYl~ b WIiJ'Y. i . I " : 0<<' Si n(U~J . , , ()tv/ 9nt~ ! '...,......_~._...- ....' ....---..-- . Joy H~Yri~ T ! :. I I ~,~~ . I .. I I ." i j, '1 , j; . i 1 , , I , , \ \ . . \ , ;1 , I. t, , j, . I I, ~J > . .;, , . ~..." ,..;~-,~"..~- """"""..:.1,,;..,\ i . ~ .1 -, , .1 I - - I :r I_I i? 1_ South East Junior High School 'r.nk Wild, Prlnclp.1 D.brl Wr.lm.n, Allocl.l. Principii J.n.ury 14, 1991 ISO 1 Bndrord Drlv. low. CIII' low. 82240 hl.phon'l IIm....n Sit, H.tt John.on lov. City Pollc. D.partllnt CI vie C.nter tov. City. IA 52240 De.r Sit, John.onl Th.nk you YlI'J luch for beln, on. of the ,puken .t our South !..t Carur D.y ltlt Prld.y. OUr Initial feedb.ck II th.t It 1111 .n extrel.ly ben.Hcld d.y for our 8th ,radl ItudtnU .nd thoy nOlI h.vt lore of .n .pprocl.tlon .nd .n .lIlrene.. of your c.reor .re.. Vt .110 lI.nted thll to be I 1I0rthwhll. .nd pl....nt .ftlrnoon for you .nd hope that prov.d to be tht cu.. Pl.... feel frlt to ,IvI U. . call If you h.vI Iny ,u'I'ltlon. IIhlch could hIVe Ilproved your Ift.rnoon .1 . Cuur D.y Ipuker .t South !lIt. Th.nh '11ln for your hllpl Slnc.rely. /.'\ ~ll alA :I~.JI Bill Thorn., eoun..lor ~ 1(..t,t- Ruth Kibei.. R'llltrar ~. CC I Prank V.rd u~Jw~ U\ . ..__.,.,.......,............,.",...__..--.. ...-~".....4.........."..,.-._."..- """',," ".~.."...._, .. I' ..... I' o , Ii . !: , , , ., I' i I; f , I' , !, . I I' I I -'r I' I , , I . I .\ I I I:' i:J , 3 - Calendar For 1991 1 2 34@6789 10 11 1.l13 14 15 16 17 18 QjJ20 21 22 23 111 25 26 27 28 29 30 I I I I I I I I I' I . , I J , i COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE Janucry robr.lcry l'r'=2':~ III Mil III III III III III In wel Itl 111I M nr III 1'01 III III III 110 III III ~2 345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 @ 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 29 30 31 April IVI WIN III I" 111 nr III 1 (2)3 4 5 6 7 8 ,9...10 11 12 13 14 15 Q!)17 18 19 20 "21 22 J! 24 25 26 27 28 29 @) I July I III MIN IllI III I'll III IIr ! 123456 1.7 8 (D10 111213 14 15 1eL17 18 19 20 21 22 (ij)24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 . Cdobor IVI waN III III III III III (1)2345 6 7 !.. 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~16 17 18 19 20 21 ~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 CW 30 31 1 2 34@6789 10 11 12.. 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~20 21 22 23 24 25 ,26 27 28 May 181 W81 hi III In IU III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 @ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 @ 29 30 31 August 1111 wal IVI IU 1li0 nr III 1 2 3 4 5 @ 7 8 9 10 11 12 1114 15 16 17 18 19 W21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 101 waw IVI IU IliU nr III 1 2 34..l.6789 10 ,11 CW 13 14 15 16 17 18 J1. 20 21 22 23 24 25 @ 27 28 29 30 , " June IU III IVI III 110 IU IIr 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 {i) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I~O 24 @26 27 28 29 , September . IU Mil l1I\ IU IKO AI III . 12@4567 i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' I 15 16 @ 18 19 20 21 i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 29 30 ! . I I December I 181 III 1111 Ila IIU III III I I I i , , I j, , i I . , I I I. I I I I 1234567 8' 9 @11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 , , , I , , I 02d3 . I:' P , y - FROHI DATE I REI Tho Hayor at Iowa City city Council Hombors Tho city Honogor at Iowa City Karon II, Chappoll, Chair Arts Committoo, Iowa City Aroa Chambor oC Commorco January 25, 1991 Rogional Arts and Cultural Contor/ConCoronco Contor Cor Downtown Iowa City ~ IOWA CITY ~ Al~~MBER OF % COMMERCE 325 E, WM/n1\Oll P.O, Box 2358 IOWIOry, lowI 522.. 319.337.9637 I I ." I TOI \' t .' t \i j! j t ~ . t I , I i , Tho Iowa City Aroa Chambor ot Commorco's Arts Committoo 10 roquosting time on tho city Council'S InCormal budgot mooting agonda to dlocuoo tho progroos oC tho proposod downtown Rogional Arto and cultural Contorl ConCoronco Contor and tho nood Cor 0 Coaolbillty study Cor thlo projoct. In Octobor, 1989, tho Arto Commlttoo submlttod a propoool to tho city Council Cor on Arto Facility os part or a mlxod-uoo building on tho last pioco oC urban ronownl land in downtown Iowa City. Tho idon woo unanimously nndorood by tho council nnd tho committoo woo nakod to work on gathoring data and croating 0 concroto plan Cor ouch 0 building. Subcommlttooo woro rormod and havo boon vary activo In pulling togothor statistical inrormation, conCorring with local arto organizations, holding public rorumo, mooting with local oity and county agoncioo, talking with school districto and othor possiblo usoro oC ouch a building, conducting oito visits, and working with lIanson Lind Hoyor architoct, stophon Hackonzio, to dovolop a oot oC concoptual drawings and a program. Each mooting and public Corum hao holpod to shapo what thlo community wants and noodo In ouch 0 building. Our initial idoa or on arts racility within II mlxod-uno building hOD boon broadonod to oncompaos 0 roglonnl arta IInd cultural racility inVOlving not only tho arts but closoly rolatod cultural orgnnizlltiono ouch ao Publio Accooo Toloviolon IInd tho Johnson County lIiotorlclIl socloty. Wo hnvo modo II cloar commitmont to othor oogmonts or II mixod-uoo building, liS woll. Dnsod on strong oupport within tho community lit largo, within mllny oC tho arto organiZlltlons, IInd within tho oity govornmont, a conCoronco contor IInd oizablo rotllil opaco aro 1I1so port oC tho ovorllll pllln Cor thio building. Phaso I oC our projoct (gnthorlng dntll IInd crolltlng concoptual drllwingn) hno boon complotod nnd documontrc~ln~'lhell6wl Cry, CorlMlle, ,nd )ohnson Counry Arel ; ~ I' , , I i .' II F,'~ ....j;.,;"Ht.;",,~....~i"~,::rJ:.,~._.._il-i.v..i-..- ' --.....H~....H',,~.~, ~~... ..;f._ ~ ,.)" -,.:'" ",,',", ','..jl . ",'. ~ ~~T' . Ij 2 , 5 thio pllckot will bring you up to dllto on our work in this oroa. Tho pookot contains not only tho concoptulll drllwlncJII and lIrchitoctulll progrllm but 0100 our ClISO Stlltomont, 0 list oC tho Corty lIrts/culturlll orgllnizlItions thllt wllnt to bo port oC this ClIoility, lInd tho community pooplo involvod in guiding this projoct. Tho Committoo is now moving into Phllso II oC tho projoct lInd looking lit oporlltionlll lInd administrlltivo strlltogios liS woll oa funding atrlltogioa, It ia imporlltivo thllt outaido consultllnta bo involvod in thla phlloo lInd thllt finllnoing Cor o Ceosibility study involvinq outsido consultllnto bo our noxt atop. Tho City Council, tho Arta Committoo lInd tho Chombor oC Commorco, os woll 00 tho community lit lllrgo noodo to havo tho kind oC dotll lInd inCormlltion auch 1I study would qonorste in order to moko 1I wise dooiaion lIbout tho Cuturo oC a Rogionlll Arto lInd Cultural Contor/ConCoronco Contor in downtown Iowll City. Wo aro appollring bOCoro tho City Counoil to roquost $35,000- $40,000 to Cund 1I COllsibility study Cor this projoct. Wo hove discusaod this noxt step with City HlInllgor, Stophon Atkina and hllvo tlllkod inCormally with sovorlll conaultlng Cirms lIbout COllsibility atudioo. Wo would oxpoct 1I COllsibility study to include operlltinq projoctions Cor tho Cirst Civo YOllro, projoctod copitlll, conatruction lInd oquipmont costs Cor such 1I bulldinq, subsidy nooda, Cundraising coasibilitr' and 00 on. Wo would oxpoct to work olosoly with tho City n dovolopinq a COllsibility atudy that would oddrosu both tho City's lInd tho Committoo'o noods lInd concorns. Wo lIro lit 1I point in tho dovolopmont oC this projoct whoro ouch 1I study is 1I nocoaaity Cor all concornod lC this is to bo a succossCul and mllnogooblo addition to our community. I r I i , ., d , i: i' I. , I ~ , , I I: j' , I , 'I I I ~~ ~"H'_ .;."~ ,<.,"l~.'!J ;Ilv'~" "e-' ..,,'.>,~ ,...,~- .- ._.,..,...>,."....~.~._',.,'..~.. "^'-""L .1'.; '-",,' .-'."-'+- __"..!' \ r -...... "':""'..4 . I I 1:' j'J , b - ' lova City Aroa Chambor or Commorco Artl Commlttoo Phaso II Survoy 1/24/91 lova Clt Aroa' Arts Cultural Or anlzatlons Intorostod i Sharod uso or mult purposo cultural rac 1 ty Accoss Iova City (vidoo) Artists Concopts Ltd. Arts and Crarts (UI) Darn Colloctions Doadlng Ouild or Iova City Chambor Slngors or Iova City Crart ouild or Iova City Tho Drawing Logion Eastorn Iowa Rocordor socioty EUlonspiogol Puppot Thoatre Flbor Arts (Ull Fino Arts Council (UI) Iowa City Chorolsiros Iowa City Chorus or Harmony Intornational Iowa City Classical Oultar Socioty Iowa City Community Dand Iowa City Community String orchostra lows City Community Thostro (ICCT) Iowa City Oirla Choir Iowa City Indopondont pisno Toachors Iowa City Music Study Club lows City pUblic Library possiblo Future Use Iowa City Youth Orchostra preucil School Iowa City/Johnson County Arts Council (Arts Contor) lows-Japan Cultural Allianco Johnson County Historical Socioty ~ Hod tsgo Museum Kllla Mandall North Liberty Community Band Old Capitol Chorus Public Accoss TOloVision (P,A.T.V.) I Iowa City/coralvillo/Johnson County .,'- ~ -....j..'..i~'.,;O! .,:.4i.....;..~"''''",,'"..'''--- ..._...~........~,.,.....'~... -'". ,.~., '-''','' Rivorsido Thoatro Robort A. Loo Community Rocroation Con tor Unitod Action ror Youth (U.A.Y.) Visual Arts Alllsnco Tho Woaving Studio WOllspring Con tor ror Dance Wost Drsnch Juggling Club Willowwind School Women's Caucus ror thq Arts Tho Young Footlitors Uso or somo or contralizod servicos E. Iowa Chsptor, Organ Historical Socioty Iowa Artissna Oallory ~~ ,,_." ",:, .-,.,,_'\ ,,.'1 I r .., f , i , r '. " .. I ; 'I , I I I i' - , , ! , I , L ! " , , I I [ ~ , " i !, I, , j, I I . , I I 1:' i? , ,--, CASt! S'f'ATl!Mt!NT A nelllllnal Culturnl Cenler: Ca~lone rllr luwn Clly'~ Downtown CullUral Dl~lrlel The ailS arc l'llallllthe economic and cultural dmlllpmentllr lhe grenler Iowa Cllr communhy' and ~u"oun,lIng nren,. Cultural e.'perlcnce~ arc an Inlegral flarl or our communhy ~ charncler. and IlCCnule lhat chnracter ~hlluld be reco~nllCll, malnlalned and nUllurcd ror rutllle gcncrnllnn~, II'e [lnll'o~ thc cSlabllshmenl of a mullldlsclflllnar)' eulturnl cenler,lo be houscd in a rnl~cd.use (nelllly or plOrcs,lunal d~IBn. Ihat \l'lIuhl he the cap,lone for IIlWll CIl)"s downtown cull ural IIlslllcl, The luwn Clly Downtown Culturllll)lslrlcl concept c:ln be an Imporlant markellng tU1I1 rllr olerall economic IImlopmenlor thc area, This dlmlct could Include: Ihe lown City Public L1hrary1thc Robell ,\. Lee Communhy Recrc:llll1n Cenler, the Scnlnr Cenler, Cllllege Oreen Park. Rll'cr, dc Thealle, Ihe State IlIstorlcnl SuclCI)' ur lown, the UI Museum nr Nnlurnl/llsllIry (Including Illwn IInlll' and Old Caphlll. Mnn)' hlsturlcall)' slgnlncanl buildings nllo could be Included In Ihe dlslr CI, such as the Rock bland Depot, Ihe John,,'n County Cllorthlluse, IIcnry Sabin SChOIlI, the 10\1'0 Clly Prcu-Chlzen oulldlng, orell'er)' Slluare, Old Orick, and Ihc Carnegie oulldln8 (rurmerly the 10\l'n CllY Public Llbrar)'). The Arls Commlllce bcllm~ the lIecade or the 19?(k Is a lime rllr Innovallve leadership and vlllon that will recognllc nnd pruvlde ror the community', m:lny culturnl a'-'eIS, Including Ihe ailS. A mlxed.u,e, mullldlsclpllnary raclllty as a rocal point ror the dO\l'nlown cullUral dlslrlcl will help Inlegrate lh~e alSelS Inlo the communhy's lire. Innnvalh'C plllgrammlng In the cultural center \VIII plllI'lde cnmmunlly rcsldcnts and rcglonal vllllurs willi a wide \'arlety or arts 0011 cullural e'rcrlenccs nnd educnllunalopporlunlllcs. The ccnter's programs 11'11I complemenl nnd lupplcmenl universlly, communlly eollegel scholll nnd lither CilY lInd prh'nle cullural flllllrammlng, The r.1cllllY will be accelslblc to people 0/ nil nge~, pllpulallnn~.lncomcs anI artl~llc cxperlence. A well plnnned and lI'ell plmd cultuml ccnter will meel many long-time necds: Cenlrallzll1g the arl' and other culturnl endea\'Ur~ will nllllll' the con~olldntlun IIr culluml r.r~cnlm' scrvlccs,lmprnve emclency IIr u(lCrntlnn, hellcr ullllze \'lIlunlcer~' time, nnd slgnlncnnlly help soh'e ~p:lce nnd orgnnlzatlonal rruhlems. Locating arls and cullural spaces clo~e IlIgclher In Ihe center will cncourage Interdl~clpllnary error15 Ihalgenerate grenler sharing and Interchange among the arts and their pr9vlders..and rosier arllstlc grolYlh, ^ \'ldetl/bru:lllea~lln8 coml'onenl, providing puhllc nms.~ lelemllng. will nl~o entllurnge alll~tlc exploration In the medium and ulend Ihe oUlreach or the cultural cenler'~ programming. oy jntegrnllng cullural enlerl'rLsc (Ihe vllunl, IlIcrnry and ~rrllrmlng nrts: arL~ education nnd other hl~torlcal/cullural programs) wllh commercial enterprl~ (rclalllng, housing, conrerence rncllltles and/or omccs) In a buildIng or ml~ed u~e, \'IIllur~ and Ihe community allarge will he encouraFed to Interrace with Ihe oriS on n regulnr ball~. In turn, the surr.rlse and dellghl or arts nn' cullural aCllvltlc~ nnd e~hlblts will nllrnetlhe public nnd will build on Iowa City's already thriving buslne~' nctl\'lly. The ploposed cullurnl centeruservlng Ihe cllmmunlly nnd jlllnlng cummerce and cullure..wlll dramntlcnlly benent cCl1nomlc and cullUral growth. and hns mry chance or becoming n model rllr Ihe nnllon, I I I' " , . I I' I' I, I 'Iowa Clty/Coralvllle/Johnson CUllnly 11/28/90 l- I I ~~ .................; ,:' 2 I, 8 \-24-9\ I I l' 001 lova City Aroa Chambor of Commorco Arts 65 mOlllbars) Exocutlvo Commlttoo for t~ Co-chairsl Karon Chappell - Assoc. Diroctor, Contor for Intor- national and Comparativo Studios, UI Doborah Burgor - Coordinator, proJoct Art, UI Ilospltals and CUnics (UIIIC) , , ,. Dosign co-chalrsl Ron Clark - Co-foundor and Artiatic Dlroctor, Rlvorsldo Thoatro, HPA In Dramatic Arts shlrloy Wyrick - Artlstl sculpturo , dravlng, HrA In Art Plnanclal Stratoglos co-chalrsl Robort Slork - prosldont and CEO, Plrst National Bank W. Richard Summorvlll - prosldont and CEO, Iova Stato Bank Pundlng and Pundralslng co-chalrsl appolntmonts bolng mado organization and Administration co-chalrsl Kovln O'Brien - Oporatlons Hanagor, HcDonalds Rostaurants, lova City, Ovnor, HcDonalds, Williamsburg IA Joyco Summorvlll - Dlroctor, Dopartmont of Patlont and auost Rolatlons, UIHC Public Avaronoss co-chalrsl Wallaco Chappoll - Director, Hancher Auditorium Patrick arady - Vice Prosldont, Corpora to and Community Dovelopmont, Plrst National Bank pUblcatlons and Communications co-chalrsl Alan Swanlon - Vice presldont, Communications and Administration, UI Poundatlon appointment to bo mado 'e I' I ), , I I: I, I , i Consultants patt Cain - Roaoarch Dovolopmont Coordinator, UI Sponsorod programs K. C. Cook - Commorcial Roal Estato Appraisor, Homber, Iova City Planning and Zoning Commmission John Hess - Executlvo Diroctor, PUblic Accols TOloVlslon (P.A.T.V.) Stophon HacKonzio, AlA, principal and Director of Doslgn, Ilanson-Lind-Hayor, Archltoct8 · Iova Clty/Coralvlllo/Johnson County I :' i I' I I ~~ . ,. -,...~I . , ! I ! ~t.~ I:' j~ I q Commlttoe H'mbor8 OOllgnl Ponny Parkl Andrlsho~ - Artlltr multlmodla, MFA In Art John, Fltzpatrlc~ - Coordinator. Artl Program. of Codar Rapids School Systolll Gloria Galask - Activo In Iova City Community Tholtro and Rlveraldo Thoatre, MFA In Music Rudolf Galask, H.D. - Profoa.or of OB/OYN , Hlcroblology, UI Collego of Hedlclno Christiano Knorr - Hanaglng Dlroctor, Iova Artllan. Oallery and coramlc artllt Donald HacParlane, H.D./Ph.D. - As.oc. Profol.or, Internal Medicine, UI Collego of Hedlclno Emily Hartin - Paat prosldont and Roprelontatlvo, Iova Clty/ Johnson County Arts Council land Artl.tl painting' Iculpturo Botty HcKray - Paat prosldont and Roprolontatlvo, Iova City Community Thoatro ' Barbara Nilausen-K - Artlstl gOldlmlth and dellgnor, HPA In Art Wallaco Tomasini - Profossor and Director, UI SchoOl of Art and Art Ilhtory Stephon Wast - Ovnor and Prosldont, Wast Hu.lc Company, Inc. and Huslcian ..'..,.....<;t.:,<.;..,j,.~:.~ ~,..,,'...,.;.' ,.--,...,..-, ...... "-~,,,,,",''''-'. .~...:.~...'^. .- /""'-"~"" ,,",'.' , 0.0 I I I I I: i , i I I I ,.0 I I I t: I, I ,I i' -,~ .. . j: I , ( , i j I I ,I I I , f I j J J i I; j' I " , I, i I ~~I "01' :t ,J I~ r, , c. - - Exooutlvo Summary Tho Iowa City aroa 10 0 culturally rich community whooo cOllllllunity non-prOfit arts and cultural organizations havo strugglod for yoars to find adoquato opacoo or hovo survlvod in non-adoquato opacoo. This projoct--to build a roqiondl Arta, cultural and Conforonco Cantor that will bo mora visiblo, accossiblo and attractlvo to tho comMunity at largo--hao boon opoarhoadod by tho Iowa City Chambor of Commorco Arts Commlttoo, now In its fifth yoar, and involvoo community and unlvoraity roprooontatlvos of tho arts along with buoinoos and profoosional pooplo. , Thoro io a nood for a focusod oroa for tho community'S and rogion's arts to promoto dialog, gonorato idoas, promo to porsonal and community oxprossion and provldo ontortainmont, onlightonmont and arto oducatlon for all ago~. Bocouoo tho community at largo, tho buslnoss community, and tho arts can bonofit tromondously by tho conoolidatlon of community arts and cultural activltios and a conforonco contor undor ono roof, tho construction of a community arto; cultural and conforonco contor is proposod. aonoral Assumptions I -Tho Contorts varioty o~ appoal will onouro that it io an activo pooplo ploco -Tho Contor will oorvo tho community at largol Iowa City, Coralvillo, Johnson County and othor towno and rural oroas in closo proximity -Tho Contor will bo locatod in 0 mixod-uoo building to bo sited in downtown Iowa City, proforably on tho 64- 10 urban ronowal sito at tho southwost cornor of Linn and collogo stroots, on tho walking mall -Tho Contor will includo arto and cultural facilitioo, a conforonco contor, rotail spacos and othor building , us os such as officos or housing -Tho Contor will gonorato omploymont in tho businoos soctor and in tho arts -Tho Contor will incroaso tho numbor of oroa rosidonts and out-of-town visitors in tho downtown aroa os woll as provido both daytimo and nlghttimo activltioo -Tho Contor will llkoly contributo to tho municipal- ity'S incomo through taxation -Tho Con tor will oorvo 00 a capotono to tho propoood ~ "'" ,., \ ~4 T y . I I' I' .... , , , I ! ! 'I i , i \ \, ! . , ;J , I. I , I r~~\ I , r>>.~, ! '....."t.--l . ... I - - ..J ' -' ,,;:,I 1 , I _ _ IOWA City Downtown Cultural District -Tho Contor will incroaso Iowa CltY/CorAlvillo's visibility aD a touriot and businoss destination -Tho Conter will work In concort with Iowa CitY/Coral_ Villa'S Economic Dovolopmont Plan by hi9hll9htin9 tho artistic and cultural climate of this community and it's quality of lifo, as woll a8 focus on tho 'arts as a viable economic forco within tho community . . ~-~""';j"'"".,:,~;,,,,,,,,~~,-,~ ". ~"'~""~' ,,'., .'.,.....jl~"'...:.... . ", ..,',~, ,'. ,.'~",-,..,... ~."".. -."..,,", I. _.. J , I, ,. " " I~ ., !' i I , .. fr l' i I , / , i .. r I I " I, I I I' " I " !j j' i' I i l. " I i, !: i I, I I , I I I I I I y - - :J :J 1_' a '_ 1_ .. I MIll Cenw PrOl1Il1l SlInnwy, g'2~~ I i , I I I NSF Comment. , I I: ! .-.... I A. CUL TUIWJ1lERFOIlMNQMSUAI. ARTS m75 ! '~Ms G*Y ~ m~~ I oConrn\l'ltt IfstlncIl t.Wun 3500 m'rWt.~l/'C8spaces i llllljct Itcnoe oIl11lf3clS oIl,p.mses) 'lI>>Soa! Pobmarco 1QI1Prcecenu1l1 6950 '250-Soat F1edllo ~ IQI 3US 1Qcl-lloxt,pe " , I ! .2SQ.Soa! Pobmarco HaNh.ObUn XQl I, , , 'TtIt.islal S~~WSSI 4500 , I , ~ 8750 tIso .1hi)1O\ 'Shlp Spxe 3rm I~W. ~ & ccsun.a/qI o8aOJlIQO 3950 db,~, cteuiog, Slaage '. '; B. EDUCATlOO 24m I' , , oClwtOClll~~ Roams 6>> oflnWlSpa moo 1nsbI.m1tUl. choral, d.1nce. & Iltal<< 'SWo Clwrcons 10m O'awng,lCUI*Ie, ~. pre maki'9, ! " fbn. jMtylnltlalsnlti'9. des91 C: BUSINESS omca rnl~ 5020 '" 'Tklal Ob'hl:JNbl CenItt <<0 'Ms Faciy MwOOfll<<1 770 . '\luI~Msllwoom" soo oflo.tldorC hi Oowps a:o .TlItMb1 Mwoomett (pIAic WSlI m oBord Room' (lOll 30) ((10 .SNtadSeMcos g10 I<<IIIWI, ~ canler. ~1(tIc das9\ ~.lwilItoard, ~. D. RETAIL 16000 ' , I Pro\I4kwl k1 kriovaMctUI QII Witts b~lI kI r. wknI fd'(. popns Yd ~COISkloted. ! , I ..HSE.. multfQl~r J.QSf.. ! ,TOT AI. CULTURAL COOEIl , I BUlLDII<<I GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE 87595 1.35 ,llW3 I i , kWlos mochanUl, CUSllWl. ~ ~ , I , 'I Iulilgwab,arddttWlbn I , oOTlfER POSSIBLE BUILDIHQ ca.lPONEHTS I I: , , oCcrlna Certll I I, .HoIeI cr <Xftce 01 ~ I I ' 'Rosllllll1llrool-lql) , I I Rov, 1/91 JJ."~..: '~"'''.. ~.~ i"._! ...... . , I I I -, ,J I:J 3 1- ,_, _ - 1111 ClHILR'S CIIHC(I"UAL utSIGH PW Ihl' n.,1I "'OWII by lour lurUYI tn~lcll" polenllll UI. lor lhe 10llovlny 'PIU by uh Inll Cullur., orYlnlllllanl, lh, hlghllghtl 01 Ule Center'l ConcePlu,llItllgn Pl'n ue: · vhu,l Iftl glll.rlu on Ihr.. 10 lour In.h, Including tnll.IIUlon .n~ vhu,l UII p.rlor.,ne. Iple. lh. Cfntr,l .ntr,ne. Inlo lh. gll"rlu will b. on Ih. ground l.nl ,nd will uhnd to lh. p.rlor.,net h,lh' hW.h lo provld. , ll. bUw"n the., · vllu,I ,rtl 'lhlbltlon IPICt Inl.gr,ttd In p.rlor.,net hili 10bbl'l ,nd In sludlo-cllllroOl lpletl · th", lully .qu'Pp.d P.rlonllnet fllIIl, Including: on, SOO-llIl prolc.nl. p.rloralnc. hili wllh lull IIYloIl, on, 250-1',l 11'llbl. p.rlol'1llnc, h,ll (bllc~ bOll, In~ on. 250-I"l ludllorlua/r.cllll hlll/p.rlorl,ne, hilI · houllng lor Johnlon Counly fI.rIlIJ' HuuUII 'lhlblllonl Ind pr'plrlllon Ind ' Ihorl-ltrll Ilorlg, Iplet (1I1lh II or Ilorlg, 01'.11l.) t houllng lor lh. Public AcC'II T.I.vlslon C.nl.r wllh t.l.vlslon Itudlo Ind control c.nl.r, .dltlng Ind clbl.clltlng I.cllltl.l, Ind IInlg.I,nl olllc'l '. four Ilrg. r.h.,rl,l roOls thlt Cln .110 b. ul.d lor p.rlorl.nc.1 .l P"~ tl..1 · two .'d-Ilz. r.h.,rl.I/p.rlorllnc. rOOl1 t lObby .r"1 In conJunction vlth plrforl,nc. .nd 'khlbltlon IPIC. t .upport UOII for uhtblllons .nd p.rforllnc.: pllnl/conllrucllon/collUl. IhoPI, dr.lllng rooll, gr..n rooll, storlg. for Ic.n.r,y/collua'l/prop,rtl'l t t.n III11 roolS for r.hllrlll/cllllrOOl/prlctlcI cublcll. t ..v.n Ild-.lz. VllU11 .rll Itudlo-cl.lsroOlI (both for cl'II.. Ind Indlvldull ul.rl) t tlc~.t offlc. .nd Inlorlltlon c.nl.r to I.rv. the Irtl And olhlr COllunlly-b'lld .v.ntl .nd .ctlvltlll · rull orrlc. f,cllltl.. for the t.nl.r'l .dllnlltrlllon .nd Ilv.r.1 .,Jor .rtl groupl . · Ih.r.d Ilrvlc.1 IPIC', In~ludlng on. Ihlrld orflc. IPIC. for s.,IIIr Irts/cultur.1 groupl, ucr.ltrl.1 pool, copy c.nl.r, grlphlc dUlgn Ind publlclly, .ulIg. c.nt.r, IlIltchbo'rd, .nd '~Inlltr.tlv. .IItlng IP'CI t Itor.gl Ip'C. ror .,ch .rll II n..dld .nd Ipproprllt. · p.rfor.,nc., rlhl',rl,l Ind le.tlng rOOI IPIC'S IIlrld for vld,o Ind c.bl. trtnslhs Ion , Tho rot'lIfng sp,CO 11111: t bl houlld In till but r.lI11 trtll or thl bUlldlnguon Ihe first Ind mond levIls...nd In olher Irlll vlell.d II I.porllnt to ret'll Ictlvlty Tho conforence clntor portIon 11111: · provld. hauling ror lid-sir. conl.rencel/conventlonl Ind occupy, .,Jor portion or one l.v.1 of the bUilding (20,000 to 30,000 squlrl f'It) t IIhly b, loclled on the lower I,vII,nd h'vI I poulblt tie-In to th, conler,nce trtl or Ihl flolldlY Inn flohl'l lower-Ilvel conrlrlnet Itclllllu · hlv, exhibition Ind l"lIng lplCU 01 vlrylng Ind pOlllbly IdJulltblt slrel I/W~I \1 ~ ~Iavo ICCOII, by rentll, to p,rlorllnee hllllreu 01 lhe Iris IIClllly , '-:\'.:;' ,1;y . --."'-",,,j~.-,.,..,,~.i.'''''_'''''''''''' '. ....'.i' ,'.....:..; ~ ,-,.". ......., .. I I I: i I I I I I ." , , " I, I , I , I I " , I I I i '. ,- , i: I , I , i. I " ! , t :' , !' . I I I I ~ ,,' - . l~~-".'''''. I:' i? I? Y ,",. -"___~_""~~'."'~e~_"""__'__'.'" I ' ) ~J \ rUPLIc. L!~~'f DlrJ9 ..... ,.-------. , , , , , ;-.--, , , " , '" \1 ! ) I , I .. ) , , ~\?N.Al. 'ULiU~L eM'\ " if:J I..-LW-- CJ CJc::::J ~ I P^,,"INC1 IW-1r Site Plan o 15 30 60 Fl- '-'II ___ 120 I North ~ Concept Plan Regional Cultural Center 10W01 City, 10W01 Hansen Lind Mcver Inc. . ,....~......_~,~....,......."".,.............~.. -- - ."'_.......J<>>i...'...;~....-------~'- . ".. j : t I 1 I I . ... - ~ L ' ,-' i? L J rUM-Ie. 1..1r,t:AI:.Y ~c!J R'Ul1ONAJ.. CU!.7UI:AL Cet-m.~ D! O! IUH(1. r-.AMr Site Plan 30 . . 60 . 120 North ~ '" ncept Plan Cultural Center Iow~ ell}', Iow~ nscn Lind Mc\'cr Inc. , .,~.~.. I , CO\.Lt~ 6m:.r OLD 1.11$;\"'-'1' '" .~--'''--~(.-""".j~",;J..h.r~....~lbj.i.l~,",;.'''''''''''';'~.LiI''''-----''-'-' . I " , r , , I " ,I Ii ,! I; , I . p I' , t i. 1'. r I ii, I !: .. " !' I I, I' I' i I. !. l i ,; , cJJ~ I' ! I I ! I i . \ , ! I I t _, , I J , i , i I , ", , , I . 1 . , . , ';\ , I ... - - I_I i? I: b ~XI?TIN&i Htrret.. UI' ~e.TAI~ I.OWY ltWItN& ~ 7\-loP ~7i?~t 61A~~eR,( f~eXI~ p~e. 1 /-tAu.. I Levell o 8 16 32 64 r .....-- ' ,..~_'_ . - '-"~____.""-4'_~--'" . .-....--........:...".,t'."..,..'*.i--"'","II.--'~-"~~"',~,.....--.- ....,,~ ....-~'_........__..........~-- --- .- ~ ~!..1"~~;1 . I I I I , I I I ... "'", -,;:, 1:.1 ' 1- '- _ UP Re.TAI~ !.VOOy ~OP ~%'- ~t 6,A~~eRY fLexlf't.e:. P~e. 1 1-lAt.L I VI~t- i '. ~ I , i Levell 16 32 6~ . "f:'."- "UJ..41~~.,-~_.._.'" ...". ~t...." ..,.-....,-.........,;....~,.",...._......, ~-'>.....,.,',;".->~ '. ..,-'"'"",, ,'..,'.->', .,. ""'.' :.'~ ,",; ;,:. ,.~,.__A y I I -.. I' , ,. . .' , " d .~ :( I I I I . i I i . i: , , I I I - - j- - ~ - ~ I I I i I I I , , , I , ! " , I, t, I Ii r I ;" ,. !; I (I ., ! I. , I, I I . I .... - - ~ (j 1-' i? '- I.J I ' . ~IN~ !<aiM?! ~tAR7AL. . UP fCOr) / PR INK COU~ II If " I CC?fUH ?H~ COMH~nY HI?TVRICAL. HU~LlM MetHA.NICALI e.L~ICAL. ?1UDIO aA??RlXM? O,'lnl'~r 1, 1~90 Concept Plan " Regional Cultural CelUer JOh'J ellr, IUII'J IIJnJI'n LillIl ~h')'~r 'nl, ....._-,,,....'-"_....._-'-'- ._'.'---,,.,..--......._"'"',,,.-.'.. .'"',.~ .~,". '-"" '" "'....,.'-:''',-.. {' ~, --. _...--..<<')O.k............;..W...4,~+...~;;.;,i1..~:itJ".J~~ 1 , . , , ! , I , I : I ... - :J a ,-, i? '- ' , N~ 1<CVM?/ R,7AL- -reL.e.VI,t;N 71UDIO ceNTa:: (fuel-Ie. kt.to/J) , /1 " COMHUNnY HI7TVRICAL- HU~lb1 ?TUD\O aA~RiXM? " Concept Plal1 onal Cultural CeIlter IO\\'~ CII)'. IOll'J lI~nlL'n Lind ~"'\'~r Ine, , ...-" . ,'...--....."'-,"".-;.......",>..i-'.:.t>~..~.......-.-' .......~.... , '. " . "- . UP . DRAFT Doos not Includo Conforenco Con tor vhich viii most likoly bo locatod on lovor lovol. , Lower Level rfJd o S 16 32 .....- , ----- -- .'.....,~-,;....,..-:., ~'. "";. LJ.'~,",I,""" -,;.....-....- 1\ 1 r 1 I I -~ , , ! q I " I' I ~. . ; I' , , , t . I j' I, i T ..-- --..... I, , . I I ;l- I " I , I I. 1 ;f , I I, ~ I, , I ' I i I , , I , I I] i? 3 [( . . ""","..,-",,' I I BU?IN~ OffiCe:- . A~IUH ~HeA~~LI u ~eNe. 7ror<M1e, r----l I mp I I I I I I I UPP~R re~MANte. HALl.- '. Concept Plan Regional Cultural Center Oclob~r 1, 1990 10ll'J C!I)',loII'J Ihnl~n Lind ~I~)'cr Inc. . ,. . ""{ tJ~Jj~~{~:~l~'J\H' :.r""; . . "'~~". "';'!. ':; i : . ...__.._......_.....',.~"" -.~....,.,..."""-,.-,~.',j",',,- ,";'--"-~- "'~"'~--' -~'__".""""""'_H"__"'-'''''-''''''- . l:t e .3 ' I UPPeR ~y UPP~R re~MANtt HALL- umR ~~U:RY . " Concept Plan al Cultural Center , I- ; , ,. ; I , I I; !, I . l' I t I , , I' l"- I, i I j i Mezzanine Level loll'~ Cll)'.lol\'~ H~nlcn Lind .\lmr Inr, , o 8 16 F.....--: ..., oJ. , '''''~~'''''---;;.>'~~''''''''~'' "'.' . 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"~:ii.;t;)';;,"1}".~':':.:.f~,:,.." '",' ,', ,'~U;\'t'i;~.b~"'1jtj',;L.~lr':",--",, .,.,. '.' ".',' '. ; , ,., . ""; fi jlJ~~:~fiil: J!r~}~Li;'~8 iEi'f~A < iiY'; "-1'-'..,:~'~'~",,",,, .',;. \.,i" -I:i>.'~",-wr""i'<'--"'----'- . " I I I I:' 2 3 y n.wa:. , (Fa?P/VRINK f OUTllCO~ LOef;Y) [j Z~ AU Re:JAIL- l<rrCH, fCVD/VRINK M w [I]~' If lC::n=JDD 11 ! . l MeCHANICA~ m..~T pe~Ntt HA (P~IUH) 10 P~KI !<AMP Oclot'u 1, 1990 Concept Plan l\egion~l Cultural Center IOIl'J CII)'./OII'J f1JnlCn LlnJ ~r.'wr Inc. , . ...--..-..--..p- '._"'~""~_._~_' ....N< ,... . . -..~ ""-""-,_,,..,,. .....'...',.,"'... ......, ~-~ ......, hI,' .",' ,.-' ,', ' ...., .' ',.''-,''" ' '~:-.. :',: ',;' "~'IJ,"": .)(.....: t """"1;"; .;". 'i'khHIl;i",i;u,ii.,i. ' I ","O-:'dl.~t:.\#f\"", . " '.ji!t~~~,",;.1 ! , . I , ! ,. '. I : , I:' i? 3 5 \ I I .-- i , :! jj . I, , I, I '- , I \ , " , , I ,! I' i. , . _.,____'____"_."_",....__m_ . Concept Plan : nal Cultural Center Level 3 ,I , i 1 , " I' , I, . t ,i I i , , I , , 1 I i , 1 'I I I i I' '; ~Ut~ " 10 PfRKIN61 RAMP , ' . ,.-. --....~j,:a;~~'.li':l,.:.....-\..j.;~t"~,;.,'.'"'--~~.. o U6 3,2 A ",H p,- ,- ~ ""~''''';'-'o;.~'__'''-;~''''''-!''''' ~ ,'j- ;-,~;, :.-:i~;""'''-'''-~~'- j i I I I IOIl'J ell)', fOIl'J limen L1nJ ~I~w In" , ,:1 i~ 3 b . , ' " Concept Plan Regional Cultural Center' O~lul'~r 1, 1990 1011'1 CIII', JOlI'l , Ibn~cn LlnJ ,\h')'cr In:, -.....__........_,~..". ."....~,_.",......'.4."....~'_'...-~."'..,... -........,......~'~>jj'l;.1 !, '-;,,' ';,' -I:~: '\''-'');ll' '.:;"c,',::,\>:_\ :\:1 ~\ . ,f."t!-,.__(.l....-,c;,,~,,:,'.',."':.~'.t f.'~'!""',,>-"f\._/h, '{'! I ' ''''..~'~,. :'4}"f,f"",.,I:;' ..'\",., " " '-l"'~It?if,{;"i I "',-f.i , j' i ' , I ' ,=', i~ 3 ,..., 2~-7rAr AuprrORIU -f; U!vel. 1 1 ~ruDlO / I 'U ~ ~lafJ. 'Z ~H~~L/ -y 1-1 He.-"TINt, eu~1 ~ Me:: ~AIL I '~:~J , , 10 1..0001 I (,Nl ~~!l'\~ MeeTI~ trA ...~ ttN,L MU~ ~ ~ew 1:'1. Am~ CRINK HeTI 7TUDIO J LDJJeR -"-10 " Concept Plan al Cultural Cen ter . I , I I ...... j' 1 , . . " , i :\ ,! ii ., I. , , , , , , , ~ , I' I ! ,. , !. I r'. ;m._, ~~, I I ..! , 1 i I ! j' , ,. , I . I , I I i , ! 1 ,I \ I: i , . I. , I I I Vertical Allocation low~ CIIl'llo\\'~ Ibnscn L1nJ ~Imr In:, , _.....~- -.....,..........1. _I ) . ,<~ ....,........~" .. " /"'. <,'l '. ~' . , . I I ,:' 'i? 3 '. a . . RFcr IvrO:A'1 24 199' J.nu.ry 20, 1091 T.rry Tru,Dlooo. Dlr,ctor 01 P.rka .na P[cr..tlon 220 South Glltlfrt 5t, lOll. City, IA 522~0 Dur Ttrry, I Ul malng you this I.ltft 01 InlorlUt Ion r,glralng th. pool 1m propolfa lor th, lOll. City ~Im CluD'e ue, 01 M,rc.r P.r~ Aqu.tlc C.nt.r. Th. ~Im CIUD voulCl Ilk' to hlv, th, opportunity to alsculs th.e, lasu" vlth th, Plrke .na R,cr'ltlon C~leslon It th,lr F,oru.ry 12 If.tlng. 10 I hlv, a.nt copl,e 01 thle "tltr to th. ctmotrs 01 th. Conl:llnlon. Btcaua. v. only lounCl out .bout the I.. propoe.1 Vh.n prlnt.a In th. Pr.al Cltlz.n, th. lesu, afY ccmt belor. th, City Council prior to thla F,oru.ry 12 Commission mt.tlng. For this r..son. . copy 01 thle I.tt.r hiS be.n Dent 10 St.v. Atklne .na City Council mtlllbtrs for th.lr Inforaatlon prior to plellng this budg.t Ittm. I w.nt to begin by st.tlng thlt th. lOll. Clly ~I. Club Is proua to be .blt to practlc. .na hold competition In. qu.llty f.clllty Ilk. the ".rc.r P.rk Aqu.tlc C,nt.r. P,opl. from .11 .round th, et.t. .nd IrOl surrounding at.t,. Vho attlnd th. heta WI hoat .t this facility .r, UInta .na Ilr4lrmed with the pool. In I.ct, lOll. ~llIIIllng. Inc.. IIhlch II compoaeCl 01 .11 01 the Unlt.a Statts Mmlng t.Ule In lOll. with th. .mptlon 01 th. I.r IItst.rn p.rt of the etlt., Is conslCltrlng requtatlng to hold th. IlUIIIIltr ch~lonllhlp mt.t h.r. In ",rc,r P.rk pool .ach y..r. Thll la the blooest mt.t 01 the e.aaon .nd vould bring In a,v,r.1 hunClt,d IVI~re from .round the at.t. for thr.. CIIya In AUQUlt, Th. SIIlm ClUb Is .110 apPr.cl.tlv. of the alslst.nc. ana supporl II' h.v. r.c.lycd from th. stafl .nd 1~lnlstr'llon 01 Ih. Parke .nd R.cr.atlon Dtpartmtnt. Th. conc.rn th.t will b. addressed In thl. lett.r II the r.ntal fe. currently bolng p.ld lor use 01 the facility and th. IIIIP.ct of thle I.. on th. .blllty 01 th. SIIIM Club to contlnu. to op.r.t. .nd th. propoa,d Incr..a. In "'S from 115Ihour to 130lhour ~rlng the 6130-81~ ',Ill. PtrlOCl In the sulllt.r lIh.n we ue. a 60 mtt.r tr.lnlng dlst.nc., Hletorlcally, th. Swllll Club had been an 10111 City Recreation program with co,chlng st.ll hind by the City. It Is my underlt.ndlng through dlscuaelon with forlller Club members th.t the a~Jnlstr.tlon .nd stafllng 01 th. program boclmf too gre.t . Iln.nclal and p.p.rllOrk C1r.ln on th. R.cre.tlon Division, .nd 10 lias turn.d ov.r to . par.nt bo.rd, becomlr.g th. 10\1' City SIIlm Club. At th.t point, .nd until 1988 wh.n the ".rc.r Park F.clllly boclm. op.ratlonal, th. Club tralnea at the R.creatlon C.nter and City Park Pool at no f.e lor pool rental. When th. SIIIIll Club lllOy.d pr.ctlc. to ".rcer Park Aquatic Center. declalon lI.a iliad. to charg. a r.ntal I.. 01 II5Ihour for .ach hour of pr.ctlce (10 houre p.r lIa.k lllOat 01 the y..r and 20 hours p.r 1I..k ~rlng June and July) and for Ille.ts. On January 16, 1991 II. found out by reading an article In the 10\1' City Prees Cltlz.n that. proposal had p.eaod the Parks and R.creallon Commission to r'la. the pool rental from 116 to 130/hour, which w.s I.t.r cl.rllled to b. lor the aummer 50 met.r r.ntal only, V. w.re not Inlormed that thla fee Incrtm was to bo brought b,'or. the Parka and R.creatlon Commlaslon, or vould h.v. Illentlon.d our concerns prior to thel I I I' , I , , I , , I. I I ; I I , I' I I I I J~ "'']" ,:t 2 3 q December ~eetln;, We hope that no final action will De ta~en raisin; the fees before we have ha~ a chance to discuss this Information with th. Commission, The Iowa City ~Im Club 80ard of Directors haa b.en concern'd with th. 'l5Ihour lie as beln; too high slnc. It was I~osed In 1968 bmus. It has cauaed the Club to operat. at a deficIt. Tn. additional Durd.n of a 130/hour f.. durin; the summer months will mean that we will exhault our res.rv.s III thin thrle to live yms, lie WOUld not De abl. to opmt. at that point, II. hav. trl.d In QOOd faith to us. .very meana at our disposal to Incr.as. our revenue to cov.r these pool COSta, but have had difficulty finding enough tundlnoto coyer Ih. additIonal '0000 pool mtal lplus the .751l1lOnth r.nUl fee for the small office space) that wos not pres.nt In our budpet unlll 1988. lie have rals.d r.;lltratlon fe.a by about 30\. Incr.as.d our me.t profit by running more swim me.ts, found local corporate sponsors. held candy aales, and had swimmers sponsored to swim 200 laps for cash In our annual Swlm-a-thon, If the pool rental fer were rala.d Irom 115thr to .30 when the pool Is cloled for SWiM meets, the funds raised through meet profit IIOUld evaporate, Ev.n IIlth thel' measures, lie have a '1600 deficit proposal In our annual budget, Unfortunately, because of the Increas. In registration fees, lie have se.n a decrease In the nulllber of swlllllltrs. which 11111 result In an Increase In our deficit abov. the level projected, \Ie seem to be at the point where charging swimmers more to swim with us 11111 not result In Increaaed rev.nue btcauae of the drop In numbers It causes, Our fees range from 1251month for the beolnnlng swimmer training 4 tlmas per week to 1451month for the high Ichool age swlnrner tralnlno 10 hours per week, In addition to the monthly fees parents also pay 125 per y~ar to United Statea SIIlmmlng, which covera Insurance and other b.neflts, and an average of 120.130/month In swim meet .ntrles paid to other clubs to attend meets around Ihe state, \Ie off.r SCholarships to lOll Income families to make It possible for more swimmers to partlclpale In this sport. How Is pUblic acms IIml ted by SwIm Club pool use? Smull our swimmers compete at 50 meter distances for summer meets, It Is necesaary for them to train at thla distance. \/hen the Hercer Park pool Is set up for 50 meler trainIng, thm la a small section left at the shallow end of the pool. This arrangement Is only used during the summer at 6130-8.30 In the morning. The pool Is generallY open at this time only to lap swimmers, who hm been very vocal In their dlepleasure at being excluded from ualng the pool, Although the rec center pool Is available, I can certalnJy understand how peoplo who are In the habit of ualng the Hercer Park facility all year IIOUld be unhappy with the pool being closed to their uae during this sullllltr p.rlod. It lias not ~eauest to hay, th, 0001 closed to laD 1IIIlmmers. Indeed, the lap swlmm.rs average about flv. per day at any given time and could eaally share the facility IIlth our program, The ~Im Club would be happy to reaerve one or two lanes at the 60 meter distance for lap IIIlmmers, or they might prefer to swim the width of the pool at the shallow end IIhlch Is more similar to th.lr usual lap length. Our IlIIllIIlIers use this aectlon to cool dOllll alter races during meets and It functions well for at lent 'ten III I lIIlIers at a time, ' During the rest of the year lie train at a 25 yard distance, using the deep end of the pool. this luvea 213 of the pool open to the general pUblic. On a typical night bet~een 6130.B130 p.m when the SWim Club Is training there are either 10 to 30 other melllbers of the public using the faCility or city swim leasons which typically require the shallow .nd of the pool. Although there are tlmas IIhen our needs ov.rlap, as IIhen lifeguard training requires use of a fell lanes I' , , , i. 'I I .. I, , :' , JJS -"-"-"""",_..".'~""~'. --"~""""" .'", , ,- ~ "'.,.1.."",., ,J i? y [I of dUp lIatrr, I Irrl thai lie have 1I0r~ea out I echrClllr thai nlcrly mesh.s th. school district, rrc programs, public, and S11lm Tt~ usr of thr pool, The Swim ClUb dOrs not apprlr to rrstrlct public access to thr H.rcrr Plr~ facilities, , I I I I ! " I f , HOII aoes thr 10111 City S1111t Club hrlp to mrrt tn. recrutlonll nrras of thr chllllnn In this city? Whllr JOlla City hIS I IIrll-aevtlopra Rrd Crosl 811llmllng program \/hlch trains III Irvrls 01 DIIlmrn, the focus Is on lIalle 811llmllng and safety training ana don not drvrlop all 100Jr stro~es usrd In cClr4lttetlve DIIllII1Ilng, Th.se are the eame stro~n necmary for high school 811llmllng and for the nrll Junior hlOh DIIlm teams, To be cCXllprtetlvr at th. high school level In the etate, a II/llllllrr nuds to hOYt had yme 01 training In Itroke technique and competetlve Itarte and turns that Is only available thrOUgh a United Stales 9.lllII1Ilng club like the 1000a City &JIm CIUII, Indeed. Coralville hll responded to this need by sponsoring and SUbsidizing their 0IItl Unll.d Stites &JllII1Ilng club for \/hlch they hm hired a coaching staff and provided pool epace. The &JIm Club aleo provlaes a goal-orlentea, dleclpllned. healthy, and fun activity for our youngsltrl to occupy their free time In a lIay that can extend thrOUghout their lives. this serms to be the very definition of a 000d recreational program, HOI/ does the 1000a City S11lm Club benefl t 1000a City? By host Ing an averag. of four meets each year, the 10110 City S11lm ClUb brlnos a great deal of mon.y Into this city. Each meet brings In 300-500 DIII/Ilntrs from other tOllnsllho stay In hotele. eat In our restaurants. shop at our malls. and generally Ipend their IIlOney here In our City. In 1989 lie hosted a cha,or.plonDhlp lIleet that brought II/llllllen from 7 dl fferent states to 1000a City for four days, 1000a &.IllIlIllng, Inc, would II~. to hold the state ch~lonDhlp mrrt at this facility each lIlIllller. The Chamber of Carmerce granted us '1000 In 1989 for bringing In business to the city. In addition to the monetary ben.1I ts. the accomplishments of our DIIllII1Iersllhen publicized around the state and the mleN.It, aro a posltlv. reflection on our ccmunlty. l/hatllOuld be an equitable pool rental fee that the 1000a City Svlm Club could realistically afford to pay? \/hen compared to oth.r similar non-prOfit recrutJonal organizations using public facilities the Ite for 1I/IIlllllng 119000 per year) seems greatly out of line. To my knO'Jledge the rickers, Little League, Babo Ruth, and youth softball leagues dO not pay a rontal charge for the us. of facilities thai are built, developed. and maintained by the city. Although the level of t.chnlcal expertise necessary doel not allOll us to ule parent or volunteer coaches, the entire coaching staff Is hired and paid by the Mm Club InVOlving no use of pool stafl on dick. V. are In the procm of surveying other II/IIll clubs In the area to eee IIhIt they are paying In the way of pool rental fees. lie have not had time to receIY. returns frOlll all of ths lurveys. but the follOlllng Information has beon recelvedl Ylnton - '0 rental of city pool Cedar RapidS - IIO/hour rental of city pools Vaterloo - 10 rental of school district pools Horrlson, Illinois - '700/year rental of city pools Hontlcello - 10 rental of city pool Huscatlne - 10 tOlln pool rental lasslst with purchase of equipment) Coralville - program run by city .' , ! r , I I , !, 1 , :1 , t """ :;;s , .......<",.... ~-. :J ,;j y , I I '_, While I have not recelveo Information from the other clubs yet, In dlscu~slon IIlth people frall Ceoar hils ano o.s Holm their pool rtntal lias etaled to be '2500 and '5000 Per ym rupectlvely, As you can see. our fee of II5Ihr Is quite a bit higher than any of the clubs surveyeo. Ino '30/hr ~Id be astronomlcll Iy higher. Ve ~Io appreciate kn~lng how either the II5Ihr or '30/hr fee lIere cllculateo lor our ym-rouno use. The 511lm ClUb ooel not expect to use the lac II Hln lor no renta' fee.t .//. bUt . lIIaxla fee of 'IO/hr (wnlch cor.plres to the hlgnest fee surveyed I ~IO seelll much lOre rullellc ano ~Io aJ I~ us to operate IIlthout a crippling budget deficit. Alternatives to Consider. I. Vlthdrall propolal to Increase fe.s frall 'l5Ihr to '301hr Ino Ineteld reellce the rantal fee to 'IO/hr to all~ the &.11m Club to continue to function. 2. Return &.11m ClUb to Rec, Center anO City Perk pOOls for training at no renlal fee as WIS the case prior to 1988. &.11m ClUb will rent H.rcer Park for llleets only. H~ever. this ~Id mean use of R.c, Center during &.11m Club hours ~Id be unaval Jable to the general public. IIhtre practice at Mercer dots not preclUde pUblic use. 3. Cont Inue with current '15Ihr fee structure, but assist 511111I Club to reDuce deficit by providing tllO assistant coaches from city-palO pool staff. Svlm Club ~Id continue to hire ano pay the head cOlch. Level of competetlve II/Im training ~Id be a priority for the coaching staff. ~. Eliminate the pool rental fee and Instead require the clUb to purchase an annual (or seasonal) y~th 11/111I pass for each II/Immer. This way the fees paid to the city 1I000Id rise IIlth our rising membership and ability to pay. Ve have many current and former membersllho would lIke to discuss thlSlllllter with the Commission and/or City Council. Ve take this proposal very seriously as It threatens our continued existence. I Would be happy to anll/er any qulltlons that you might have about this Issue, Plene feel free to call me at home (351-77~41 In the evenings If you llould like further Information. Thank you' for your consideration In this matter. Sincerely. ~t~'/ Sandy Sh~ President. Iowa City SWim Club 2806 EastWOOd Drive Iowa CI t y, IA 52245 cel Stephen Atkins, City lIIanager Members of the Pirks and Recreation Commission I~a City Council r!4P.S . t' ., .." I I' I' , ! I I I _, I . .. .. , !,l i' , " , l: , I (, I, i' I , !I , I. i i. I I , . ... :t ,=' j:J Y '- - n,-i.; c~,J., '/;r/l/ Fonalblllty Stu4y Rogional ~rtD And Culturural contort convantlon Con tor Projoot o IOWA CITY ~ Al~~MBER OF % COMMERCE m E. W~lIon P.O, Box 235e low~ 01)', low~ 52244 319033709637 I !: ...... " .' .. I :i ., , i. I I, , , , rhlloo I of tho projoct hno boon concludod. 1010 nro now moving into Phnoo II which focuaoa on oporntionnl nnd ndmlniotrativo otrlltogloo nnd Cunding ntrntogloo. I'hnoo II shllll Includo a foaoibillty Dtutly conductod by nn objective, highly qunllCiod nnd woll rocommondod outsldo firm. Tho Coaslbllity study will confirm our commlttoo's work to dntll IInd Bot tho stngo for tho Clnlll phnao of tho projoct-- doaign, ccnotructlon nnd opnninC). ~ ,t ~.j I' , ~ i. . i 00000 of FOOllillJitv Dtud:i A foasiblllty otudy would contnln throo cOIllI'onontol II) Uongo (oporntlonal , ndmlnlotrlltivo plnllnlng) b) Financial (projoctlono of construction nnd oporntlng oKponnon) c) FundrnlsinCj (pr010ctlonll of tho nron nml community's nblllty to support projoct) 1010 will 1) work in clooo concort with tho City nnd City Hnnngor to bo Duro that 1111 city ns woll nll Commlttoo concorno nnd noods in thooo throo IIrOIlB nro mot, 2) hnve our Admlnlotrlltlon IInd oporntlono IInd Fundrnlslng Sub- Commlttooo work cloooly with tho conoultlnCj firm In dolnCj much of tho IOCjwork nnd Cjnthoring of tho stntisticnl dntn IInd information to quarnntoo tho throo scgmonts dona for II rOllsonablo coot, I <, , , l' , . It'A.,..;t,,,,,,,~,,l;,-',,,,,,'..,i,,;,, ~..............-. '.....,':..,.."...,,; ,1,.,.,",'-"."....... .....,..."".'.~".-,',,,.,' "'", :'. ,0_.';, _,..,i,'.'...',...,',.,,'., 1 'j ~ eZJ..1 1 . '....~-It..,'" ,- '"'.' ,."- ;( ....m; ;..,.,~.;:,{~:-;;::;~1,l , I; i' I , 1 r, i I, I, I I , . Hhy a Foaa~Y_~l 1010 havo boon nblo to domonotrnto through our work in !'hnoo I with lIanoon Lind Hoyor thllt tho nooda of tho nrtu communi ty IInd oC tho communi ty nt lnrgo cnn bo mot on tho lIpOC I Clu pnrcol of urb1ln ronownl lnnd, I,ot 64-1n. IHth tho ronultll of n foaslbllity ntudy, tho City nnd tho Committoo con than mako wloo nnd prudont dociolonn rOljnrdinlj tho C!nonclnl IInd oporatlonnl commi tmonts noodoll for ouch n projoct, ServIn, the low~ Clly, Cor~lvllle, ~nd )ohruon Counl)' Aru . I t I J ,=' i~ Y 3 guoDtiQns to bo ftddrOD~~d ~Aoh Oogmont of tho Foaei~!ll~ Otudv and Includad In ~n~ ~!nal ROR2[t Uaago FoaDiblllty -"ow will tho building bo uDod? -Who will uoo tho bulldinq? -What populations will bo sorvod? -What staffing will bo noodod to run tho building? -What programs will bo gonoratod by tho staff vorous uoor groups? -What will tho ongoing rOlationohip bo to City, county, . and privato soctor of tho difforont oogmonts of tho building (arts/cultural contor/conforonco contor) -What aro tho difforont modols of govornanco availablo for running such a CClRtor? Financial Foasibllity -What aro tho projoctlono for conotruction and oquip- mont COOtD? -What aro tho projoctions for tho first fivo yoarD of oporatlng CODtS? -What will bo tho lovol of oarnod incomo? -What will tho ditforonco bo botwoon oornod Incomo and building oporatlnq costo? -What taxation issuoD must bo otudlod? FundraiDing Foasibility -What fundraising mochnniomo must bo ostabliahod to rniso tho monoy for construction? -What fundraising machanioms must bo ostablishod to raiso tho monoy Cor oporating costs ovor tho first fivo yoaro? -What SourCOD of funding aro availnblo for such a projoct? -What is tho fundroiolng campaiqn strategy and timo- lino? i , r'" I What Kind or consult~rm Aro Wo LookinQ For~ Wo aro looking for on oxporloncod outsido firm that haD workod with publicly finnncod projocts and with projocts that havo doalt with both arts communitios and with businoss communi tios. To this ond wo hnvo consu1tod with a locnl accounting firm, City Hanagor, Stovo Atkino, tho /Intionnl Endowmont for tho Arts, partnors for Livablo PlacoD in Wnshington D.C., tho Hinnosota Arts Councll, tho Iown citY/Coralvillo Visitoro and Convontion Duroau, tho Intornntional Aooociation of Conforonco Contors, nnd tho Wr.ST^F pUblication, nil lid IUD for tho ^rtn, Tho following conoultnnto hnvo boon ouggootodl Tho /Iorth Group, Inc. of /low York City Tho Wolf Organizntion, Inc. of Doston, j I; i' I ! , I , I jl i I I, I I , i I ...........'''"'~"I<-.-i'''"",'~4>.....-..~.-. .'...._,~.... ''''"''d'' '~".,,,,~,, JJ.~ I I .>. I I . I I] i~ Y y Tho Stovons Group of Hlnnoapolis, Tho Arto Dovolopmont corporation of Hlnnoapolio Ms. Joann Ricci of Grand Rapids, Hlchigan. rannol Korr Forstor Accounting Firm of Chicago Camlroo, Ltd of Chicago Tho Rabourn Aosociatlon of Carlsbad, California. ,; :t I' , ~mlltes of Cost Dasod on proliminary contactn with aroa aD woll as national tirms, and in dopth dlocusoiono with tho lIorth Group, Inc., wo aro contidont that tho coot broakdown of tho lIorth Group, Inc. listod bolow will bo similar to bids wo may rocoivo from othor firms. " , " 'i I .' H . Consulting:.......... t", f.............. .$33,000 ($1,000 a day for two porsons) Travol ............... t . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 4,000 ($660 round trip for two pooplo from Now York for 6 visits) Par Dlom ....................,........... 2,200 (Room and Doard in Iowa City 0 $100 a day for two poroon%no room) Thoy havo suggostod that thoy can accomplloh tho throo oogmonto of n foasibllity otudy with Db visits during a poriod of flvo months with a total of 22 days in Iowa City. Tho North Group io able to provido thoso sorvlcos to us at thin roasonablo foo contlngont on our committoos continuing to provido support, advico, and timo in gathoring statistical data. .1 I' , I I I ! r I! " -~;~il~.n'I>'''''''''''---' ".. .~~ . ""'"..', ,..", ,,,,;,,. . .'.,..,',;'. . '.".'" ',,~J;MI\4J~ """'1"" t ;,.Jl", ,.;,~J~ !t.t .1..r, , ~r"',/l...\."'~.' ,lie,if . . - , , . i I 1 I I: ,J f " L I I, !r I I: I' I' I .....-.........., "',.:,.:.,..~;,';~>....:,.'..l""'''--.'' . j " I I I -- ; , , j I . . " " i' 'j I y ,J 2 ~ 5 o 1ch"',r.\ Or IA ~ /(/1(,,1 So ('i'~ IIJfhl I I , . I , o1J7 y ,:J d. Lf b ,. MODEL OF TIlE PROPOSED RENEWAL OF THE COD qt0 I FIGURE 12 I~ "'1 ....- ""."" .'. . I ~ - ,=' i"J Y ,..., - }-'j- ~~' nv ~:(( tGtt ' ~,_ -+"IA. 1(..., J(../I J.../.r .it,."'...!.... ;.c;.~.... .z... ,:(,-,,'1 :r.j'~ '1,,_I--A'...d'-- , ~~o(.t. tJ;'.,{::.d~/h~ "(7'" '0 _.u.. .( . dl , "",..-I ) ,...: _....t... !_ J ;t~/...... if', ~ ..~.. ....c _.~ of ~ _.......f tI.:J.;.; 1:"..,ll_.( "III,~ _ 11...""".. ,..- ..... ,...J ....."... All"" ,( ""' ...,Al( ... ~'" ._. ....i4 , 1-J.11,~~r.tf,. 9;",,1. a..7......41,lI~~-P('~l..... f ~tJ ,;t c:....-Jl( '1I~'..'>4. .wf'l-~ ",;1..." ...,~ r-".I-L ,..,,rJ, ((.,:...111I/. oII"U1 ,(I {,,,... .5...1..J.. .tZ-_;K.;; If.;t,, t;f.J. t..~(,,!:/. ""r ......,.. ...1..'....,( .r.jJ:Iv,tW~ ' .A~,.M ~~..;q.".... 1,11, 9 (.....:.l . ' , J. ,,(1.,,,:#0 ,..I..../. ....,..,1.. l ../~ ",..",.il ..I6,t.( ~ ,...~ IrJ.J. r'*y'....,a...... ."tJ flJ."...."'1 f. I 1:"..t,d, oW""" 'I Il'.if~..b 1;11.. ,fl'l,... " . . ..JI.-<.:) J",;.." 1/1":1. "" " ".t.~,v .tl:~r ~. .' ~t*1 1''' " ." ., ~-A.IN,,~.I <-( I" '" "II (,."f),rt,j.t",."c ~.,. " " .. It .t"""'Io" I", ,', . . . 'tf."I') /1 r, ,., . " . ,(/(/,,.,(/ /"", ..., ", J.~ I'~ . 31' v~..~ .0. of J,.ij,i. IJj/........1I ..~j.;'".':.,I..I-I~' "" "I &1.$ 'I"''';~ ... fJllt ...4 4 ~ 'ii.' ~/'.I(.ttf, J../"'lty~ , r (/i;!i.~JdII>"4 1&1<1 t....l ....,lJJ,..:~ 1''' Ii ....)'-( ,..ft...",( :i;- .t/.. "~.I. ~,rJ It,.1 ~ ~:.....(. r( 1....,r.,uJ(,... (I ,~..(t,...... /' f. ,1...11.,,(, J...,J ....,__ ' . I ......*""...~........~...;;~...",'" ~,;!), h-it;,- ;,;.;,."",~IO.'_'i- iof''''.....l , t .'L.J ,-, ('...... I ;':""/4.l ,,,- /I_J 1 . .~ .'" ,(to!. G..1v ~~f.I,(,di...~ - . /j;J:" ~ ;t @It/ . l. 11"':"1 \ , I I I I I i j i f I , \ I 1 I r~~ \' .i ;i . ! .- .m" r I i I y I:' e ..., 8 l I , I I I r I ." , I I I , I I j I . !t !' , , , , i :110 VII"II"T1U:I:T,I'.ll. IMIX iIOIIl ntll,II,\'IIJ,r..IIIM',\ ~"u Q'IoIL\'.\f,\Ol Officers and Directors of the Johnson County Historical Socloty 1990-91 d 'I I , , Presldenl Emily Roberu Vice presldenl john Hayek Secretary Sarah N. Davis Treasurer T.Palricla Dee R,R, ,. Box 102 Ion ClIy 120 II2E. ValhlnClon 10nClIy 40HlhAve. CoraIvllI. 617121h Ave, Core1v1I1. 68302221 m.9606 >>405017 m.~28 J I I I , J , I"~ , Offlcers Directors .j Joyce Barren lOll Voodlatm Ion ClIy "N~14 I Mildred Bidlack 1616 5th $1, Coral YUle )~-4)84 Bob Burn, 15 Eedtord CI. 10ft Clly 351.1249 I: Geol'ie Dene R.R.7. Box I 10ftClly )~.ml jonnlter E11'Wflh 732 Dearborn Ion ClIy 338-8980 L Helen ROle lord Box 287 Lon. Tree 629-5248 ! ICellh Hemlncwy R.R.2. Box 169 10nClly 643-2483 Loren Harlan '367 Henover CI, Ion Cily "1.~2 , M.L. Hull 626 Brooklend Parle Dr, Ion City m-4~O I l. C.E. PeterlOn 107 Post Road 10nClIy ))8.7096 " I " -i i' ! I j, IllocuUvo Dlfoctor , I, Law-Ie Roblnron R.R. 7. Box H 10nClIy 679-2704 I i I .-..'....'.........,'. t':.,L~.;.~,'~.,...~. ...~_.. ,." ^ . ~_..,"" OJ?] ,"','''' "'",. . ~. ", "',>.' "C """__'~ -' '(..",""..,''''..'''......,4,._~..._ . ,:t i? Y q .. w n"'1 0 ita ,rOHNSON J': !', ,lQ COUNTY I ~.In HIS'l'ORICAL .-- .:" - _J~1!~L SOCIETY '- 'liD .'.....11 HTIII:I;r,I'IJ, IU'X .100' mll,\I.\'IIJ.I~ 1II~'.1 ~.... ~1I11o 'lll.If". Proposed Budget for the Heritage Museum and Johnson County Historical Society FY 1991-92 Income ,John:on County ldem~Nhlp, Stata, federalarenll Donations City ot Ion City CUy ot CoralVille Interest Shop fales Total Income $2OCOO,OO 8015,00 5080.00 1000,00 2000,00 2000,00 700.00 U $42095.00 IllpendltufGS Administrative ~II $1500,00 Annual tundraJllna 200,00 Brochures, a4vertlllna 100.00 CollectlolU care 1000.00 CUrator falary (318 Ume) 5Oi0,oo Equipment (copier, computer) 1100.00 Exhibit expenfes 600.00 In,urence 1600,00 Interns 130,00 Malntenance.buUdlna/arounds 1000,00 MembershIp development ~,OO Mllleum dlrector (tuIlt1me) 16185,00 Newletter A Pl'Olrem publications 9(0,00 Prot, member,hlps (lnclucllna Chamber) 600,00 Plannlna8c board development 200,00 Securlty Iysllm 205,00 Starr development 900,00 Utilities 2900,00 Volunteer coordInator (J 1111me) U6~ TotallllpondlturoB S42095,OO -'."~'"-'''~''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' "..... ':":.~""" ',.',,'.'r,'.,.;',: . ""'. ,.'. "\,',.',,, I I I I r ..- I , ,. , I' i n , ~ Ii " ., , , , , ,- ,fJ;7 . "d".'... 1'- I I, I , , I: I I: f. !. , I I " !' , I ! !. , I I , ,=' 2 5 [I .. . n.. 1 Q i 18 .JOHNSON .. '" I COUNTY ~ . J_~~l ~6~rg:JCAL I I I" I :110 l1I'TlI HTIft:t:'I'.I'.II, IMIX IlOltI mU.II,I'II.I.I:.IIIII',\ aUlI<lI11OlI.\I.\7:\lI More iDourtIiOJOhnson ~ & Heritage Museum Some Programs Orc.f.d by the Socloty in 1990 D.t. P"l..a fUl. JIll. I 0 rl4l~ rul: O!lollToWIII 01 JolwonCounl, If., 1 10WlluN: A Lut Look If., 26 014 '11m.. r.mUllr r.m: Hlltorlo Slloll Ifl' l6 IUllllolllllnc' A rour 01 JOhlllOll Count, IlrN Oot.9 rodlllt rul: Olioll roWIII 01 JolwollCounl, 001. 29 'PJIt4lllUO .. Hlekory SUeu: 011I Room Soliooll 001. 13-110',24 A 0., lu OIll'Room IoIlooI ',...al.. .1 AtI....ac. 10Wl Cit, Sudor C.nl" 200 1I000!tOCllfry Hill 119 SllonSflqule.lll.M1II UO lIn1on. StlltOll rOWlllblpl 160 Ulli""il, Club'DI" 1M m 1I000taomtry XIII IZ1 X.rllIl' IfllllUlII au ;,1 ., I " ; tllru April opt,," April opt,," IUN 'Ima. rhol: 1'0 r'lII 01 PhotOtrlptl, III Jolwon Coullt, rhe rlllllllt 01 lilt 10" Rhu: Hlllor, 01 lilt Cllllrill. DlIll'rojoo! 'r"'nll Irocnlllt ,..1: Socr.oIlWlC 'or E"ryolll , I: , I I I I , Elhlblts Pf.s.ntfd at the H.filag. Mus.um in 1990 ,.nntMnl .lbiblll iIlclu4. .1900', 'CIlooIrOOCll,IM dllph" aboul Iolwon Count, IIlttory, Facta about the museum and U1. Socl.ty: ! I, I I' lI.umU, contlna.. 10 crow: II..... Yl.lhU.. contiNI" 1011..: V111ll11oll ~ IrOll\ 19n 10 1919, V111IlUoll btI4,t.td, In 1990,I1UN tlood dllUl.olOlN the IalltuIlllor 011I IlIOnUl: tilt ,toOll4.tloombiblllltll 41d nol rlOptAanlll OoIOWl,J ollrrtnll, haw 61 a IllI1lIbtll Ifombllllllp ~ Irom 1989 to 1990, I ,I , C.Utollou COntiNi' 10 Incr....: curl/nU, haw Ippror, ~..w it.1IIt III colltotloll 6llid 11\0" tllln 300 it.1IIt 10 coll.otlon III 1990, Aboul aOOO 1t.11Il ",r.lo'llnIuM Ilood" IlMIlcr.nl', naluralllltlon plptll: IIlINllrOlllllll Airport Lunoll: 1 no "Inat plrlor 011'1\: 100 III" pl.t. NItti", IrOll\Ooo..toWIIlol,1900J, I, lal"uU..U.u dontlod In 1990: . "'-'~""-""""~''''"",''~'''''.-'''''''''- . "<,., ~? ,] 2 5 'I ...... AIel ,.1Iido r..UIMh GaIItuo. WI W. lIoloon~s.Joo I~.~ llol'~ ...... 'Ilonlll, I.. .... H...... I. lotio I MNI.. L1IaIl.W RltMt4Io.,.. ........ All... "'Ilanlo r- AI'tIIa I..... llW.~lIH I , ... Al*a ......1. !aPrt ...... LoWoo~ lllotCJC.~ I Clnt . "11M All r..IllIIfuIo IIlot.MI. ........ ",~........ s.......~. ' ...,...... _,u_ n-. Uarl r,.., 1~1to..... O""'....N.s.ww , I Cod AIIaolaI I.... rNbOo CNclu .-... NIl,. ...... ""'~ 0.... MMao ...... L\lo IIlot.MII Lowlo"'~ ,....... ... I , W. w..,.,...w._ W.1'lWIlo rail'" ......1.1>>, ~~ I I IMa AoItrito ...,........T,r~ ... ..... I' .latIlaAM f;:'r Do r. t.:..~z.c t1:.~....... I "-I.AM .n. 11..0,. ",... I I.. ... ....1. ",... ...,. lift. h.al ~ ..., u.......1ltult I... Au II. laM elC. .11--.",... .... .. CAlli...... ........ w..~ ~..... a.~ 111..... ...,1.... W,....... DoN.. ~ QWaI..... .... ''''''/..~. n-....... e"tItltlor~ HCoW ...,. lift. 0.0. a..q IIad.ow IoMlt .......... I.......... Dr,' lIft.l.walI....... !lMJUa Do 1_ ........ ... "-l./MIl r-la t:.. '1;"... ....~..... .... HWlM...... a...w. LaV. r..1la 10M. AtullIItwu W_11Iullia ...,. lift. 0.0....... f:.1' II... l"-l.... Dolt II. ..... Van Do '"'" ~a CMollpulul i ICuoio . Oaltaoo ....... IaA. ,. ~-::!i= 0 ........ IWIac~ lI:Sr..l , 1r.latI.NIt~ ~= "'- Do 110",," r,w,a..laI WtllM'IhiI~""'" 1loraa1,. rra..1lICtM a..., I....... ...., . 11M ' ..." Clttol UW'-4?I~tt ........ac.- ""'Ila~1I,IonUl \lowtt .IlaUo 0., Ill,' lIft.lUdwI.III17I.II.c..1, 1lloaM. TIt,....... hollUlac. .'Ww~ 1WaII/, w.x-. c:w... ac.- l:::'~ Dr.1.D. CltIl ...,. lift. Doow IlaKII, CwUo AN"", IlI70n 1I:lt, W CWo ...... II. Ila"""'" I" I_c.w ~ r,.... ..., A. 0Ml000 ~=II- w.., D.1caa1Mo ..., ..... VItIIII.II,.... =~I."'-O", "-1lIIlllatI Dr,'''''' T.T. ...,~ ~"III. ...,U...O""IIIull I. r- ~........u.r 0o?I a-..w ~ w.o.... rw.. c........ ..w. IloNaM 0- w.; oIItoaJo w.o.... ~~~= 0.0 . Lamlot.... Ill, .11... W,T, II......~ ...,. lift. It,........ loWoatl___ ""'="aaM =lIeiwI ""'lWillM IooIIIou ...411I....,..." ~. 1'- DoN lor kIiIlloh-.ll ..... A...... ~~1oHloc CItu. ~iIIar w.-h-.II \'INN..n. ..... ...,. lift. IL lIil1ar '--1-...1I VMu ....... ...... v, II..,., I LoaIo lIi11ar lllMllo s_ .... . ......n. D.Iloo IaA. .1lWtojo II...... ""'LrIolllllar I/o.llaw,o/, ToIt l...u. hti.w~ .............Ir..,tft ....V\ikloA.lIlIIat I/o. CouIi = .... AM"'~ w.. ....11_ .....lIl11ar Dr. .11... ' I."..", ......1. ..... Moo. '" II.,: Ll.\lC.lllllar Dr, .11... Dot. I."..", ...,. ..... JOlIIlI..... w.. ti::: I .,.. 0.0 .1I.w.1loIr.u ....~.1Iauo ,.... 00nWl0a a- ...1.1 "-' ...,...... ...w.. IC. ",..,.. ..........1. ...... D.. 1 """""1 ~I.w-. A.Ie.T,.. 0 Ir.lat . W\IIloa DpIIl\II ...,U...IlooUi. ...11..., ..., II... a...w..Iat......... L1"'1lJNa """ I .......1. ""11II ~~'~""'" ,.. llwpo H"""......""lIr i. 1IoIl....D~ .111...... '- a.~ .1Iu4111.... 1aa1lt """ I o.o.Aolt/1ll j..~, c:w...11I... Dolil IIl1WtM .....1hW c.. r. c....... Iloooo 1..1.. IlI,U...W,I.II_ lI...w.uriatV... I 0... TIIri c:.~ lI'oIAo o..1tItIoM ...,. II... 1IldIor411,... 1I.a-V...w... Dr.I,W,~ .&11- J..U", I/o.llruV,,'. ..., ...... 0... c..,.., lItIoorlln .........., H,.. ..... ...... w... 0 M'~.. ~11n JaIIt.1ltItrM HooWl& ..., .11... 'Ill' Ore V,,*rlIoo( ~ cw.. . CMol'!.UI ..../11. H...._ '--I. v...... ..... a.,... "Mt4. H"" II....... ,"". _H",,~ l"-l' .u.. v.... ~IC\t- au, I,..... au, 11.._ tr.!:.i1 H,",~ ~'VlurioWalc~ r:=.l1l~a..1 Ilot,,~ Ila&.\laaoW"- u~:~ "Mt41. w.w I ""- 0Ilatu0 .....1. WoJ\ar ...,......"" ICoM 11..- u....... 0aWr .....JalltIIl"'I:IIoooJWaII AllIiP.... a.- IU."... ItNo I Olla !l"7 It w.n..o !ItrU' VIIwWo c.- Dr,'''''' 11',.."..... !<IMr ...... t::i a.w... 1lau-....I_A.CIiI\oo IC,CtnlWlo c:.r...u.. 110",_ ,.. lIujorio w..... ........~ t:Lv,. JMIl 11./- CltuI.I~I'" ""'ClIoI"w_ U40 N. c..Nu ~ JaoIllau Dr, a.w.. .. r~ \Wola Wool " ~~~.......c:..1Jlo "Mt4.11Illl7wJ_ ~f:.~~ ~ lI. \l\&No I O'...A./~ tT.1.1l1II.. I ..1....1- c.., Dr,'''''' ,1./..w-. c.1. '1_ PoIa_ IlolI JwWW.. ~.c- Dole Ie. "'.....1.".... ""'* .. rtooIu ladle """'-. 1./, c.n.u 1IIIle.laMaleo 110 WilIIooI ",klo IlaaI.W\Il Qoo r, CaolIoI WIiIo.I"J_ .......J..,""' r..u... II. Vr'IIIJ-. Me. ..., .11... 0.0.1_ CtItuo I n.-. r,...... .....Il...II...WlIIIoIoo L1,..IlIaaoe. 1II"""'II~.Ila"'" AlIao ... H..., wuu... UooIe en.. 1...1OIIIar~ lift. W,I. .... """'. a.- WIlaao H..., c.u... N:fc=t, 0...11. .....w..w '11. .11... r- '11""" 'A1aI.no =~ I... , DoN IlW PriealIIW~1 , t:UooIeIe.ICNtltI rua IL ,.u~I_' n.'~Y.... :' ~ .ll:t: 0... IloWaltL- I'AIt . y.... 0 T_ ..." tie 1Cto~=1lINor = ....... 0.... Dorlauo yooltr ..,uw....O'tIe W::r:;: KWIaco, ..... Cahto y.... I' ,.1IWe Ore '", w... "" IConU., hill',,,, lIldIor4.o_y.... a.u.W_IConUor ~:}~~;~ 1I,Ito I. %ou" :.1t:~o- w.. H~ IlaIM 1...1. ou...... H..., I. w.,.. .1oilIu::,: I .11,' W... "-II' A., DoItao IaMIICau Lawia.o.o . 0 )l~ 9 C Ii I. i 1\::...11... IlaMIIlIlloola. II", W... /lor ICau .... .11... ltbMI ""'" I IIIItIoI 11.1 rlIaaoJ o....u, c...lIM 1I,1liw1lk. ....""'/lolct" CMol. r.a, IlourtI l4""A.Koluoo loll',' II.... 1Cop" ~'.. P.l.lv . . . . DleN 1lrNlil. 1lolI. leltK..., 1looN. av, I. """"""I ..., .11... ClooIIao o.n, ~/,LolI..u, II" .11... D1M...... I.., ~ IL-'I' C1Ie,IaI.. ....,,""', II.AlItaolWrb ,/itJl7 I.. &Dill o..u Drorp II. ...... ....... .....1&o?i ~ r. 1luA... Ilalao......... v...IC.R-Q JW.n I. 0-1, 1,- .11..., I.". Iloullu a. H-U y ) ,:j L :J I C. :J C I I I I I ! " I I , , Locntcd In Ihe historic Coralville Public School (built In 18701. the lIerUnge Museum fcnturea: . An authcntlc turn.of.thc.century c1wroom . Johnson County history Cllblbl18 · M\I5cum shop , In CoraM"e, JO/lOIU Flrsl Auenue 10 lis Inlcracc/lon willi FlflJI StTtC!t. Aluscum Is 3 blocks wesl on flIlh StTtC!t. 1110 PUlb Street eoralYlllo, Jon ll2241 (310)3111,11738 , I I i j j I I ! , , JJ7 !. ~7. t..", I y 1:1 i~ 5 .3 , I t:xpcrll'nrl' hL.'or}J allhe , I I I I Heritage Museum I I ! I I' I ! , I I I I I I I I , I , . I , Sit In n IDlh.ccntury schow'. desk , Rend from McOulrcy'. PrImer . Explore Johnson count~'. history U\rough IntefllreUvc cxhlb II . / I f'rtf admltl/onl f'rtf pGllclng ^ mUlCum gin lho~ orren a Vllrlcly o~lnll. ! p>al ('IUda aOO boo a aboul Johl\lOll unly, to!ulCum 1I0UII: Wed, . SAI. t pm.5 pm 8unday I p1n,4 pm ,. I Cloacd 8undAYI Dccc:mbcr,rtbrulll)' .' , To nrTlInge for lIlVOUP lour. cI1 351.5738, ' I j,. I i nlC IIcrllnge MUlCllm I 1I1000001cd onc mile lOulh and U\fce blocks well of 1,80 Exll 242 In Collllvl1lc. 10Wll, ~ i' , I I Tho Hor.age MUIMIII oporllod by l/le JolWon CoInV H1IlClIclll 8ocloly, . nonprofit Clgnlllon dodCllod 10 prOIOMng IhI hlltory d JohnIon CoInV. I, ~7 I '-"-"""''''''''""""" I:' i? 5 y 'wn~nl'/ oIIfllUII aql UIU~O puI'Iwullo.td puOlll.lnp, UJJJO "q1JUfJJ Illnpuo) ~lapos'lI.I. '~lunOJ uosuqorlO UOII1'l aqllU1UmJd 01 pall.llP'P UOllRludJo IUOJduou 1~IUIJd. II ~UllOS II.lJJOIIlll ~lunOJ UOIIIllOr a'll Ill"'" "'D '''" 'aoIY"""I,,"O.) ,... II'" 1'" 'U-:4"I" IIUU III .\\L:1I1008 r:IVOnIO.LSIH .\\I.NDOO NOSNlIOr ".11'" JlIlI:olNCI~ (~lllNT,'III"1\"III'AI,H<"ll:n' 1',(l,lklX MM' ("Il",I,\'IIJ.1~ 11111'", a~~~1 ...____..~w'._., ",--~' ~ -..,.' i i I I I r I I I , I I .. I , ~ ,: , 'I! j' I t' " l'IHU'r. HT,UII' 111mI'. dJ.7 i I' , I I I I I I 'I I I I I, I I .,'~ ,.., ...... , :, i? 5 S ~I I , ! 1 ~ J r I i I " \, "~IIIII'~I''''r JII'U1.NIl"1IUlI1"1 hhl.Il)', , h,l\flhnlnl my "k'lli/Jmh1pQllJltll)' hrh,w Jlhl 'I'flollll' "'I' III .lnh'(Il/1ko 1I1l111lhurhlll, \lII.. "-__h, " -" _ TrlrrlNIlI\' 1.1,,,.. "'__.., '" = 11110_",_._= ""--"---r ) i , I I I f _,. f j . 1'411... ....,.~I'-l.,.,h'"". hI''''' )011'"1/1 0",,,1)' 1IIJ/""IlII'~Nlrl)', 11l"~lllk'..,. - , ~ , - 'I ; _N'lr _11,,_ i '1t'''''IU''_IlIl1lJklll iii 1M', Cl f'llIIllhur'N fl,ll,IMI' I, "'NI." II" 'MI, rJ "'run 11100,001 ' rlllllllt' 4n '~"'''""A' Miff." I _ _ , o brnd,rtorllllO,OOI .---- I, I I t. " . ..,.....;',;:,.,;",. ,='tJ5b - ~ 1>1( b/'c.. llt(",'( FOnM I,ADDENDUMA I/,rhl Wldl sorvlcos 10 Iho public up 00% and sloll poslUons up 21 V. bl dlo Insl Ion yoars,'I has bocomo o slrugOlo lor survlvo!, Soo porlorrnonco moosuros tA duoUOh 3, Choplor 2 ollho SRl/ll slntlcd In JanuR/Y. 1000, For loosons 1101 comp/ololy UlldOlSlood. clrculodon 11101 mOlllh lurnpod 20% nnd InCloosol hovo conUnuod 10 oVO/DgO 20% 10/ UIO lost nino monlhsl Tho LIbrOly slllll hnndlod 220,000 rnoro IronsocUons limn In UIO S0ll10 po/lod UIO YOM boloro. ~ In ordor 10 MAINTAIN diD Library's quollly ollorvlco 10 Iho publlo 01 dtomoUcony Inc/ooslng rolos 01 usa wo nood 10: I. noduco Iho walt 10 chockoul molorlntl 10 no longor Ulan to II1lnulos 01 buslosl po/lods nnd 5 mlnuloslho romalnlno lImos, ConlInuo 10 plnn/plovldo storyhours and JlIoornll1s plus oulrooch ncl!vlllos 01 nolghborhood conlors and schools dosplto conUnuod Imoo InClonsos In Iho uso 01 chlldron's collocllons nnd Informollon sorvlcos. '2, nosloro Umo 101 publlo to gol now books 10 3 dnystnllol librnry rocolvos) 101 rosorvos ond bosl sollors ond 10 14 doys lor 011 OdlOl Itoms, Tho library's rolo 01 ocqulslllons has Incroosed 25". ovor Iho 1051 Ihroo YODls to occommodolo Incroosod usooo. '4, nolurn 10 our FY08 ond FYOO rolo 01 roloronco quosllonl hnndlod by our Inlormnllon Spoclnllsl and rosloro limo ovolloblo lor spoclol sorvlcos 10 aocondnry school.ooo chlldron, 3, 6. Moro pooplo ora roquosllno loons Irom olhor Iibrnrlos ond moro homobound borrowors ora roquosllno mOlorlols, Thoso bolh roqulro Incroosod clorlcol support, noqulros on oddlllonol chock,oul polnl 01 ClrculnUon Dosk. 1,0 library Clork (,5 oddod FYOI) noqulros ,25 libra/Ion II (,75 oddod In FYOI) noqulros ,5 Llbrnry Clork (procosslng) and ,5 LlbrOllml1l (cololooor) noqulros ,25 I.lbto/lnn II and oddlllonol 40 hours 0 wook 01 tornporory sloll (100 Addondum C), noqulros ,25 Llbrory Clork, I r , I. I, , " l: , I I , , , I I I, L t; I I I ! f: I I' I t I , I, I I i I )18" , 1 I I I I -, ,;j S ,--, 1- L - , \ 0, Wo can rospond to aorno 01 our growlll by Incrooslng 1110 nurnbor 01 volunloorl ulod. Broodwoy nolghborhood conlor ond 0 Imoor numbor 01 cOllullunlty 10sldonUal Inslllullons havo IncrODlod UIO numbor 01 oulroach locollonl rnqulrlng somo library aorvlcos. 7, Olvo bollor sorvlco 01 AV Dosk and Irnprovo Chonnol20 plogromrnlng, ~ Form I, Addondum ^ Pogo 2 noqulros .25 LlbrlllY Clork 10 assumo roullno losks ond Iroo Cornmunlly Sorvlcol Coordlnolor (.5) and hor olllalllnl (,5), noqulroa 1,0 Lib/lily' Clork Irorn _ ~ 10 Iroo AV,DopL slol/ 10 rnonogo ChOMOI 20, Also romovos 10rnporlllY omployoos 110m dlrocl sorvlco 10 publlo ot ^ V Dosk. (Soo Addondum A. pogo 3) From true monlos: 3,0 posll/ons (1.75, 1I0ms I, 2 and " 01 3. woro pllll 01 UIO Llb/ory's FYO I roquosl) From DTSIIranchlso loos: .L2.Jmill2Il1 4.0 poslllons 'lIoms 2 and 4 addross aroas 01 high prloflty "I 1110 Ilbrllly'a cUllOll15.yonr pion. Iblll}\lclllfml,LE . ..........~-.r.;t;~.;.~ ...,"~,'~ ''-'-'~:;;_'''' ..."_..' , .-'.......'0;...0;,.- , ~8 ;. ,~~.,'~~- ,.. \ I , I I I I I I r I ...'. i , ;' 'r :i I " t: I ;1 I' , I.' I .' , ---!' I. , , " I I t r I j I. I I, I, I I -t .... ,:J e 5 8 Iowa City Public Library since 1980 Percent Increases In Resources and Services from FY80 to FY91 (est.) Stall FTE Positions ~ - - , . I ~ Books & AV Added Annually Annual Checkouts , ~ Annual Visits I Questions Answered I ' , Annually , 0% I 100% 120% 140% 20% 40% 60% 80% i I . Services - FY80-S9 . Increaso FY90 & FY91 (os I,) ~ Rosourcos - FY80-89 ~ ~ ...... ~-.... .. .' ,~ '. ....,,'., .' ..,- '...~ ,.." , I I , I I t'l . I , I , , , I ! , , , , i I I I ~ it ~ ii ~ {~ :! ... iI ~ ~,~ ~ ~ I ~ t' I ~ i ~ .- I ,=' i? 5 q SUMMARY OF LIBRARY REQUEST FOR 3,5 POSITIONS \ j I I I .,.'... i, 2.0 UORARV CLERKS Ublll/Y Clarki porlOlm 1110 mOil ballo dul/ol 01 library 10MCO " working ollho Chockoul DOlk, procolllng library malO/lal., and providing IUpport lor hlghor paid Ilall, A 25% IncroDlO In c1rculal/on which hat occurrod Ilnco our E.X21llolfing roquosl wa. lormulalod and col/ocl/on growth .I/mulalod by prlvalo conlllbul/onl nocoSlllalo Ihoso oddlllono/ poslllon., :j . I ~ I' , <- l,! ',': < '," . ~ ";" ,;~ C >',', , J..,,' ,1.5Clorkl woro ,oquOliOd bul nol lundod lor FVot, .. .' '. t~. ^.":'.' '.',.' .' ,>' .. :,: ''-'''.;' ., " '~'; ~,,;,";' .. .'.- . " .j.' , .,..,,1'.,.. Ell. Salory Cosl: $35,300 I' 1,9 UORAnrAN II W1ihoul Incroallng a curronl pollllon Irom hall. 10 lul/'I/mo. Iho IIbrory's oblllly 10 COlologuo now malO/lall. ono,fourth 01 which aro purchasod wllh prlvalo lund., will bo lovoro~ rOllrlclod. Ton houri oach \\'in also bo oddod 10 cul/onl holf.llmo IIbrarlnn. In tho Informol/on ond Youth Sorvlco. DopOllmonlllo abso,b growth In 1I10S0 orOBS ond bogln oulroach IOMCOS lor chlldron os collod lor In tho library'. flyo,yoar plan, I i;:~"~,(\^ '\', '. "'::"':' ".i.::},~~,:~.~,.> ,~f':"';'~~:L' '>".'~ H:25 roquollod bill ';01 ;unilodlor FYOI. ;\,; ;';,.'; ,;tJUYQ\::, " :k>:d, \~~;.t~!; ?'..:--.'t \ ;.\!;t" ";':'::<:~~',':}~':,,; Ell, Solory Cosl: $20,400 .5 UORARY CLERK Allho CIIy'. roquoll, tho IlbrDIY ho. roducod /I. Inlllal ,oquosl from ono 10 ono,hollllmo Ubrory Clork 10 bo lundod Irom c:ablo 'ronr.hlso rovonuo, Thll polll/on wll/ parl/olly lupportlho ocllvll/ol 01 Chonnol20. one ollho Clly'llwo coblo chonnol., I i. , , .. I Eot. Salary Cosl: $01000 lundod Irom 'ranchlso rovonuo , I I: h " , I '. , I, I: I .'.........,'^""."';~.,.."'" ,""".,.~--....-. :.~~ I ! I f' I '-;40,,,--,. , I I i ! I I I i I j ! I:' i? b [I C:~II'~( (~"It.. y'; rltl 10TII YEAR ANNI VERSARY Opportunity to present a posJlfvc Imag" to the genm, community on the challenges and choices available at the Senior Center. I. Publish commemorative Issue or book a, 19,000 copies or 24 page Insert In PresS-Cltlzen- b. Same as the Recreation Center- 15,000 copies - $2,559 $6,500 $1,500 $2,050 2. 1,000 new brochures 2,000 Design Review r1gured S4,000 ror 1,000 copies, J, City Services Directory -.-.-... 4, Baloons, banners, pencils, posters $1,000 5. Honor 10 year volunteers' tea & gl (t 6. Communlly Open House - Living History Farm Readers Theatre-S58 Dance SC photographic exhibit: Activities 1981-1991 - $2,000 .--..... Family Album Grant. $ 12,000 Exhibit and Opening Goal: To broaden understanding or the nature or the American Family and the Iowa experience, In particular, Its conttnulty and changes over several generations . using literature and history as a lens ror Interpreting personal experience. Res~urces: Marilyn Nlckelsburg - Humanities Scholar Loren Horton - Historian Bob Hardy' Cable TV Tony Tommasl- Readers Theater Plus others .""".,.,,, , 'c, ,~""..,,_.,.-,".., ~9 ... I I I: .~,~ ! I . I Ii , j' . . I , I: ., I I !. , , I , . I ,J .~. b " CITIZENS' S y - ""):~~ 1992-94 PROPOSED FINANCIAL PLAN CITY OF IOWA CITY JIII\UlIry 1991 c130 v , ..., - ;:, L wi ,:.I t: I.J C JanulllY 21. 1091 ~ ~, I - ""'\:.t\o... CITY OF IOWA CITY City Council City 01 Iowa Clly Mayor and Councllmombors: Ro: FY92 BudgOI Proposals In tho proporatlon 01 tho FY02.FY04l11roo-yoBl nnanclal plan. wo oxperionced a dllllcull balancing procoss betwoon whal aro tho noeds 01 our community as oxprossed through proposed chang os and oxpanslons 01 municipal 10rvlcos by dopollmonl droctors. how 10 Oddross tho many and variod capllal pto,oct proposals being put lorth by our community IntorOl1 groups and thoso oxponsOI mandatod by 1110 ltalo and ladoral govornmonts, Accomplishing this balancing wfthln tho laxing authority provldod 10 munlclplll govommonts by tho Stalo 01 Iowa croalos a clllllcull IInanclal planning l/tuatlon, A m~or concem wlll1 rospect 10 tho budgOI proposals you wfll addtoss In 1110 noxllow yoars Is whllo 1I10ro Is lulllclonl dobl capacity lor capital proJocts, oach now pro,oct Ctllalos cporaUonal oxponsos whIch aro oxponsos IImlled by slato laxing authority regulations. In lis Ilmplosllorms, wo havo tho debt capacity 10 build many 011110 var!ou. pro'octs: howOYor, tho ability 10 cporato and finance day.lo-day oporatlons assoclatod with tho capital Oxpondlluro II In sorlous quosUon, In addlUon 10 thoso now pr%cts and mandatos, I bollovo 1I10ro II ovon a groalor, moro critical Issuo as our now CGnsus lIguros win domonstrato, that Is how do wo addross tho needs 01 our community's growth and oxpoctatlons wfll1 roapoct 10 baslo sorvlces, glvon our Ilmltod financial authority. Your pollclos wfll1 rospoct to how 10 nnanCG our community's growth noeds will bo a critical Influonclng lactor on your ability 10 plan and thorororo whorovor practical. anticipatory financial planning sitOlogies musl be undortaken, In my revlow 01 tho FY92 budgot proposals, tho number 01 porsonnol roquosled was sevoroly reduced. Dopartmonts submilled roquosts lor 25 lull.Umo porsonnol wfll1 an annual oporotlng cosl or $700,000. Each dopartmont was ablo 10 ldonUfy lis sorvlce growth noods and mOaSuro tho so noeds with rospoct 10 porsonnol and oll1or budgol changos, For oxamplo, 1110 library has roquostod now porsonnol basod upon a s~n,"canllnctoaso In library usogo and oll1or laclors, Whllo cortalnly tho additional staff would be holpful, II nol nocosslllY lor thom 10 conUnuo 10 periorm 01 a lovol 01 sorvlCG tho publlo has grown 10 oxpoct. Similar moasuromonts can also bo appllod 10 proctlcally all City sorvlcos. Our Division 01 Stroots wfthln tho Doportmont 01 Public Wcrks has soon In 1110 last docedo tho numbor 01 mllos olslroots 10 bo malntalnod Incroaso Irom 184 mllos 10 212 milos, During tho samo docada, our roruso collocUon program has nol only dramatiCally changod by supporting numorous sourco soparatlon and rocycllng Inll/allvos, bul also tho population Incraasu has brought now rosldontial roluso customors, Wholo now no~hbo,hoods ora being croalod and thoy additionally ora raquosUng 1I10lr sharo 0' municipal sorvlcos, Rocont 1111411 "".1'"0'0" ".,11. IOU rill, IOU 111....11' "'", ""1111' ,.. 11111 '".1111 $0 '-' .. , , I ,J 2 b ,3 2 roquOl1s for ItanSltlOMco oxpanllon aro commonplaco and yotfrom 198010 1990 tho property tax lubsldy lor Iranlll opomdons has grown dramadcally, Whothor II be almo ltallsllcs, now nOlghborhoods, mJlos of Strools, 010., all City IuneUons oxporloneo an looollSo In domand for sol\lfcos by a growfng community, Tho FY92 budgol plan roprolonls fow soMco OXpanllon1 and tho roductJon In poraonnol roquOl1s was undorlakon for a numbor 01 roasonl, including: 1) a concorn lor tho ollalllllhmonl 01 IpClndng panoml thai wo cannollulftD In MulO yom: 2) RmJlod taxing authorltyj 3) tho domands and expoctaUons as IdonUftod In our lon-yoar projoctlons and 1110 compoUtlon lor mlourcollhal IUch pro,octfons aoalo: and 4) tho evor-lnaollSlng llalo and ledora! mandated programs, There are many Issuos which wlU havo e dramado Innuenco on our MulO and Ume mUll be devolod 10 rovlow tholO ISluos_ II may be nocossary 10f' tho City Council 10 undorlako D dollbora!o policy whoreby cor1aln projoct InJ\l4tlvOI may, In fad, nood 10 be 10rmaDy lablod untU IUch dine thai our nnanclal capabffily wlthln our curronl taxing Iystom win Improve, I rocognlze thlals a vory dlsappolnlJng and frustratlng policy poslllon lor the City Council and our community: howover, IlOe little allomadvo unloss thore Is a dosh 10 pursue lome allomalo 10Urco 01 ftnanclal IUppoll. In ordor lor luch lupporllo lucceed, you will need 10 comprohonslvoly IOvlow our SOMceS 10 moolthe domands 01 a growing community, dolormlne the publlo'l wllnngnolS 10 pay, wolgh those consldomUons agalnsl the ImpllcaUons 01 DddlUonal rovonuo for tho local govommon~ and dlscusltholo ISlUOI nol only with 1110 rOlpoctfvo community consUtuont groups, but allO our nolghborlng ,urlsdlctfonl which play a rolo In publlo lupport lor any chango In revenuollax authority, The nnanclal plan has boon baJancod for a thrOO-YOM porlod, and tho CIty's sllato 01 proporty taxes lor an average rolldonUal home would InaollSO by 4.9% In FY92, 5,8% In FY93, and 8,2% In FY94, This Is an annualized InClOaso 01 5,4% during the throe YOM plan, Many loos and chargos will also nood 10 be adoptod 10 mool now rogulallng ruqulremonts 01 tho stalo ond fedoral governments. Slncoroly, IJ/;;yJt(,f59tct~.... ' ~I;~~~~ ~~n;J I City Managor , i' ! , I. , i .23tJ 1 I:' i? b Lf 3 /,.:",' ',,;;":: ,...~""~"- .'...,..,.;..-.. I" , , ! I; i' I ! I I 'I ; I ,. I , , , I I I I i I JJ;! 'I~ . I I , I:' i? b 5 FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 I I Aclual Budgel Proposed ProJecled Pro/ecled I I I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I' -" $79,933 $182,214 $194,831 S2OO,2~ $206.167 , Ronocta tho IIve'YOIt conlract purchaso 01 land IOf a ptoPOlod Clly-ownod Indulltfal pltk. , Peymonl ollCAD mombollhlp, Provfoully hsd boon nnwod by UDAG ropaymont fund., Proposod budgot InerOI'O' lMual mombollhlp from S40,OOO 10 SSO,OOO, , Thl. budgol rOptOlonla tho cosl 01 providing Itall.upport 10 tho Oollgn Rovlow CommlUoo, I I ,I C'TY MANAGER I' $216,696 $244,32S $283,141 $267,879 $284,962 · No .ubllanUaI changOl, · BudgOllncludo. tho co.1f for tho logal a"'llanco provldod lor conlrsct nogoUaUon. with omployoo unions. i: HUMAN RELATIONS SIB21060 $188.410 $104,043 $205,122 $217,594 · POllonnol Admln/sltalOf 11M. OJ slslllo tho CM! Sorvlce Commlsl/on. , Includo. costs lor assol.menl centors lor Pollco and Flro command OffiCOlI, I: f , t II I !' I' I, I I 4 --""'~"'''l .; -""". eEO "",<,,"M" I ... I:' 2 b b FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 Actual Budget Proposed Projected Projected 'j i NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES I I I I so $S6,460 S56,903 $60,429 $64,454 I' I , Thll budgol roprolonll\ho nowly Clo.lod ollleo 01 NOlghborhood SOMCOI, I FINANCE ADMINISTRATION :i , , $218,378 $210,281 '218,101 $231,732 $247.389 , Provldol $2, I 00 fot Iho City InlonnaUonal nOWl/ollor now pall of \ho now uUllly bill. , Thll budgal roprosonll\ho ollleo of \ho DlrOClor of F1nanco, IS woll a.\ho Ilan IUpport lor \ho proparaUon IIld mlllagomonl ollho budgoL .. I' ACCOUNTING $269,345 $291,303 '317,203 $332,757 $354,254 .. ',--' -----,-----, , I' I , , No lub.londe! chango In IOMCO, , Tho City'. comprohon.1vo annual nnlllclal roport ha. belon rocognlzod \ho laslllx yoar. by \ho Govornmonl Flnlllco OlftCOII AllocIaUon IS worIhy ol\holr annual award lor oXCGllonco In "nonclel roportlng, - i I I i ! , ! I' I: i' I , I , CENTRAL PROCUREMENT & SERVICES $160,197 S171,190 '171,017 $187,754 $195,427 , No lubllanUa/ chango In IOMCO, -~""""--"""""',...;.,..'"d"'-""<""-" " "'.<~, "..,--, .'''., rJ30 ' . '" ", ""i'''_ , :' I , I I I I I 5 , :, ,;:J h~' ~, I '_ _ FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 \ i Actual BUdget Proposed Projected Projected , I I TREASURY I I .~"... $361,135 $360,631 $395,903 $421,785 $449,748 , No lubllanUaI chango In sorvlco, I I , f: I, WORD PROCESSING t, $138,nI $139,890 $ t 55,528 $191,163 $174,385 .; , OporaUonal COlla for tho City'. canltal WOld ptOCOllIng ayalem, Roprolonla 24-hour avaDabllity for I' propllaUon of routlno bulInO" corrOlpondOnco, grsphk:l. .podal roportt, mlnutos of boards snd comml..lons, , , DATA PROCESSING $217,387 $283,402 $298.107 $299,723 $344,384 j , I: I . · This budgol ,oprosonts tho conltal InformaUon Itorago and procosslng for City oporDUons, RI~K MANAGEMENT , ! , $395,626 $818,789 $440,152 $478,288 ~,227 !. I: d I ! , I , I " I r I' · Comprohon.lvo program of fn.uranco, prlmlllly proporty and nablllty covorsgo, '-'-'''''''""'''''_~'-lo'''i_'~'''''''-'' '.' .-.,~~<",! :J30 1" l. I i I. 8 , ' ,~_. , ,=' i~ b 8 I i I I , I FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 I I Actual Budget Proposed Projected Projected l' ,.- GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS I , I $183,854 $214,687 $231,739 $239,831 $252,244 I , ! I ' Building rental for omco speca for tho dopartments or Publlo Works and Planning. , · Represents lI1e cosllfor building oporaUons and malnlenance el the CMo Conler, CIVIL RIGHTS . , , $38,325 $47,074 , $48,759 $Sllon $55,404 , The Civil RIghts Coordlnalor lorves at 110" 10 1110 Human RIghts Commission, . $2,523,806 $2,406,279 $3,559,98D $2,212,951 $2,e05,139 . ]' I: , I i , NON.OPERA T'ONAL ADMIN'STRA TION · this budgollOpresenlsll1e accounting for many City budgolltems 11101 cannol be approprfaled within lI1e budgel program structure, AId to AgenclOl Johnson County Council 01 Governments Convontlon Buresu Clvlo Cenler remodel Contingency Transit Levy Trsnslt (General Levy) Alrpor1 (General Levy) $278,650 $290,483 150,000 58,501 ',422,500 215,000 857,022 892,831 88,500 160,500 81,426 225,760 878,435 710,382 88,760 S350,007 171,735 84,497 237,038 698,391 942,164 87,000 I I' I f i , 'I i " I I I 7 . ..."..,.. /l.3tJ , "'.""'.". ,.,;,t , , ) I ,:1 i? b q I i I I i I i I i , FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 , Actual BUdget Proposod ProJected Projected I I j: I -' PLANNING & PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION I I $107,157 SI211,1I711 1145,512 '1&3,015 "62,e62 I . · TIll. budgol rOPfOlonll lho gonoral mwgomonl 01 Iho cornmunlly'. planning and dovolopmonl rOlJlOllllbllll/tl, URBAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT "54,OOlI "73,149 '181.033 '1114,110 "95,999 , Thl. budgol rep/OIonll,'a" ,uppor\ lor numorou. CIty Council appolnlod clUzon boardl and commission.. " ENGINEER'NG , " '1 ,. I $234,106 , . $368,732 $308,745 $437,357 $451,4011 , No .ub.lanUaI chango In IOMeo, PUBLIC WORKS ADM'N'STRAT'ON I , {, f I, f I '101,238 '107,318 $1114,735 '121,1148 . 130,087 , RoprOlOnlllho Dlroctor'. ortlco. conltallnformaUon and IUpport lor Iho Dopartmonl 0' Publlo Work.. II i I, I I I 8 '''''''''''''~:'' .,i' ,,-',-, .'"'" , 0230 . I:' 2 -, [I $90,595 $120,681 $113,94& $118,036 $125,437 \ i I I I " I -' , , J i I~ ", I' FY90 Actual FY91 Budget FY92 Proposed FY93 Projected FY94 Projected CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT MAINTENANCE · Budgol rOptolonll tho CIIy'. rOlponslbUlUos for tho malnlonance of 25 block. In and 1I0und tho downtown 1108, whlch Incfudoa over 400 troo., 2.500 Ihrubl, lrllh rocopl'c/ol, ele. · FY92 ptovldo. for tho ropa/nUng of tho fountaln, · Trllh rOCGplaclOl ropl.comonl. $2,875: troo/.hrub ropl.comonl. $3,150; Umbor ropl.comonl- $1,000, ENERGY COORDINATOR .! I' I $28,285 " $20,485 $23,133 $24,423 $251957 , No lub.lanUaJ chango In ,ol'llco, , ThII budgOI nnanco. tho offlco of the Clly'. parloUmo Enorgy Coordinator, i: 9 , I; i " , , , I I. Ii " I ! ! , I I, , , I I I, I I , I I .. '" "', .~.. '--"'."'. :130 , .';. ,,.,;,,.... I I I . I I, I' I J ',,;j --, ' , , -' i ! , , I I , I I I I I i I I FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 I r Actual Budget Proposed ProJected ProJected .., I TRAFF'C ENGINEERING I $642,02' $640,525 S5n,~8S $706,23' $747,279 I , , , , Clly mllnlalnl ovor 2,200 111001 Ilghll II an annual onorgy COil 0' ovor S2S0,ooo. · Trl/llo EnglnoOrfng POllOMoI Inlllllltldlor ma/nllln Iho .lgna/lzOd InloraOCllont lIvoughout 1110 City, · ThIt budgollt IInancod prtmltlly ~om 1110 Road Uso Tax. , 1ncr01l011n tho COI' 0' IlIoel,."o palnllto OXpoctOd 111110 Slalo and Fodoral govornmonla now rogulal. 1110 typo 0' pl!nllha' can bo UIOd. · ThlI dMaIon 01 the Depltlmon' 01 Public WOIkl1t 1110 r"/lOIlslb/o 1011110 InslaJfallon and mllnlonanco 0' PI/king and ro/alod lIalllo conllo/ Ilgnl, · A 'our100l replacomonl program 'I plannOd whoroby an morcury vspor Ughla WIn bo roplscod WlIh 1110 moro ottldon' IOdlum vapor at an annual COil 0' sa,7oo, $1,'18,312 STREET MAINTENANCE I I i i , I L , I I , 51,713,017 ",838,702 51,718,880 51,805,8S8 , This budgOI I. primarily nnancOd by Rosd Ule Tax. , Work r"ponIIbIllUo. 0' 1110 20 emplOYOlI In 11111 elMs/on 0' 1110 Departmonl 01 Publlo Workl Ine/udo Ilroo' malntonanco and reconsltuclJon 'or ovor 180 mllos 0' SIlOOls,SIlOOllWOOplng, lnow romoval,loal collocllon, Ilorm lowor malnlonanco, and IldOWalk ropalr allllool crossIngs. , Now program 0' brick slloOI ropalr ($25.000) and assumod /Ospons/blllty 'or 1110 'ormor C08G progrsm 01 curb ramp Inllallallon ($20,000). , SlIool rOlurtse/ng . $200,000 por yosr, , Thl. budgot propoII' provfdes 'or 1110 addlllon 0' two Iull,Umo porlonnol. SlIoe' mlleago hal Incrossod 'rom 18410212 mil.. In!ho last docado, Will croalo pormanont now Inow romoval rou'o, In addU/on to moollng now program InlllallvOl, ,. i l' , ,I j j ! 10 . ...'..~",... """"'.'; o?3o , - :t ,=' e , c $184.257 $148,797 \ I I FY92 FY93 FY94 I' I Proposed Projected Projected .~,... I FORESTRY ; i , , , St51,483 $158,982 $168,303 t 'i ,! , I' FY90 Actual FY91 Budget , No lubltanUII chango In 10Meo, CEMETERY $168,207 $m.GOB '170,1" $100,518 $168,11111 " , Fool lor comolory .orvlco roprOlonl.pproxlmaloly m 011110 operoUng budgo~ wlll1 an .vorogo 0170 burl.11 por yoar, , Comolory crew 1110 ''''Itlln groundl mllnlonanco alll10 CMo Conlor, CI1auncoy Swan pllklng aro., Rono Park, and Clly waler Ilorago 1I0as. I' , , I, , . POLICE ADMIN'STRAT'ON $205,141 $213,024 '212,838 $224,090 $238,825 I , · thIs budgOI ,oproaonla 1110 Chlor. olftco, i: I " I " ,; I I: , I, I , I i 11 ~''''''''''';''O'~~ I '",;, i. "",''''-'-- c2J() ,-.,..,<'...c,",.... , ,=' i~ -, 3 , , A thIrd CommunIty Sorvk:u OIIIcor (CSO) hll bean propolOd 10 .ulll unlformod OIllCOIIII won II rollovo thom of moro routlno .ct/vtUo. 10 allow coneonlllllon on crfmo provonUon and rotponso, , FY92 will oxpand tho Inlllllallon of radar unlla Into all markod unlla, Eech radar unit II S I~, · Currontly, 45 offtcollullgnod 10 pallol, . , , i , i I I ....., I I I I FY90 FY91 FV92 FV93 FV94 Actual Budget Proposed Projected Projected POLICE PATROL r I $2,090,330 12.270,458 $2.475,728 $2,627.158 S2, 789, 775 , i . " I' POL'CE INVESTIGATION S255,428 $328,206 $2911,583 $318,060 S32G,lI 0 , No aubslanllaJ chango In IOMCO, , Six doloctJves as"gnod 10 !hI. dlvlllon, .,~ ..~ '''. POLICE RECORDS 5343,795 $417,373 $335,053 $353,508 $378,701 , Provldos 24.hour Informlllon and dlspalch nood. for pollco officora, , Inllllloatho plannIng of the now communlcallon conlor equlpmenl, IncludIng now conlolos, compulor.aldod dlspatch, E.911, and mobile dalltormlnals, I , I: " ! ,,".i'''''''--'"''" .".., I I I 02301 , I (, , ;1 , , i I, , I i i 12 ...~~\i:/Uo.'.H...._"'~.. "''-''','--1'" t,,'-.i' I:' i? --, Y FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 I Aclual Budget Proposed Projected Projected I I POLICE COMMUNITY SERVICES I' .'~ .. $90,060 $89,995 $148,831 SI39,tl6ll $148,054 , Thll budgol ronoc1l\ho COlla lor Clty,nnancod school Clo..lng guards. $34,600, 1 :, , FY92 prov!dOllor tho In/UatJon ola Ctlmo ProvonUon Program Ihtough \ho proposod Crlmo ProvonUon Orncer, " Thll program It latgolod al ocUvo no~hborhoods and clUzon pal1lclpaUon 10 roduce \ho opportunity lor crlmo, I FIRE SERVICES ,I I' . 52.438,552 S2,tl6ll,714 $2,988,G88 $3,145,591 $3,337,547 , Thll budgol provldoa S14,800 al an annual paymonllo \ho County lor \ho aroa>Wfdo hazardous malorlals responso loam, , InIUalaa a tlro IlaUon locaUon aludy, , A now woa\hor a1ortllron wlll belnstallod annually ala coil 01 $13,000 oach, !. , , ,- ANIMAL CONTROL $148,696 SI98,285 $228,313 $235,593 $248,558 , Roprosonta \ho oporatlonal COlli 01 \ho Iowa Clty.coraMllo AnImal Shollor, 13 ,.....~"'" "-'''''0 , ',,:.~~ ,,:..~ u....,-',,'" .230 ",~",,,,,'N" """'.",,""'--' ,=' ;:: -, s FY90 Actual FY91 Budget FY92 Proposed FY93 Projected FY94 Projected HOUSING & INSPECTION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION I' ! $92,ll3B $164,309 $1111,115& $120,191 $127,872 , No lubllanUal chango In 10Meo, · ThII buclgol rOpt..onlllhe olllcG ollho D1toctor 01 Hauling and InlpoctJon Sorvlcol, , I , BUILD'NG INSPECTION $1 1l4,1 80 $217,71l4 '228,&14 S233171lO $249,878 .,. " · Bundlng In.poctlon '001 provido llO% 01 tho colli roprolonlod In this budgoL HOUSING 'NSPECTION I- I. I, $127,392 $1'42,812 '187,318 $174,1591 $187,219 , No lubtlanUaJ change In lorvlce, , Budgol roproaonll the cosll uloclalod with lhelnlpocIJon ollho .ppro~lmalo~ 12,000 housing unlit In tho city lub/oct 10 houllng codo onlorcomonL · Housing Inspoctlon '001 coyor .pproxlmalo~ 80% 01 tho InlpocIJon costl, as roprosontod In Ihll budgol, I t , I, i I: " I , " , " I , 14 0230 "-"..., """" "",-,,,.' ,I". '.'-. ..'.-..... . l:t i? -, b i I FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 I Actual Budget Proposed Projected Projected I I I: RECREATION ....'.. $ '/228,079 $1,297,469 SI,431,ooe SI.492,1l51 $',626,912 I ThIs budgol roproaonlltho many and V8I1od rOCtoaUDn program IponIorod through tho Dopartmont 01 Palks end RoctoaUon. , , I I SovoraJ capnaJ projocllllO plannod lot tho RoCtoaUDn Conlor/lncludlng roplacomont 01 coDing In gymnasium ($22,500)j air condlUDn W/Ct.1Is room ($4172S)j paln~ plutor, r.palr tho pool (SI o,ooo)j omorgoncy Ughllng ($2,400); and $10,000 lot Iltuc1uraJ ropal/.. r PARKS $588,999 $600,157 $551,187 $685,317 $719,801 I I I I , i I I , ConUnuo $ I 0,000 por YOII budget fot replacemenVaddlUDnaJ purchuo 01 playground equlpmonL LIBRARY $1,1l38,172 $ 1,652,658 SI,799,480 $ 1,874,696 $ 1,969,273 I $55,000 lor computor notworklng. $107,157 $112,291 $128,774 $131,924 $135,929 I I. 1: I' I I PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION , Roprosonts Iho offico 01 tho Dlroclor 01 Parkl and Rocroatlon. , Tho Dlroclor IOrvOS as ItaR to tho Parks and Rocroatlon Commission and tho Parkl and Rocroallon Foundation. I :1 , I , 15 ,~30 . ~~ .,. \..".: '" ".'..- ~.., , -, ,J ..., ~, 1- '- FY90 Actual FY91 Budget FY92 Proposod FY93 Pro/ecled FY94 Pro/ecled SENIOR CENTER $299,&34 $349,357 un,054 $370,603 $392,873 , Tho Sonlor Conlor CommIIlIon .ervo. In an .dvlaOfy rolo to Iho CIty CounclI and Iho 8on/o( Conlor CoordInalor .orvo. u .lall 10 Iho CommI..1on. · Tho County govommonl provldo. m 01 tho funding lor tho Conlor, · Indudol $8,000 lor usa 01 unNorllty work Iludy .ludonll, $18,000 lor 'oplacemenl 01 carpo~ $5,200 for roplacemonlfumlluro, and $2,400 lor . now aro a/ann tyltom. PARKING OPERATIONS $2,056.468 $2,202,378 $2,100,070 . $2.305,085 $2,310,820 , Sludlol undorway 10 dolormlno tho noed for addlUonal pllldng ramp., POLLUTION CONTROL $51088,909 $7,187,322 $'.922,024 , $6,087.062 $8,I93,n4 WATER SERVICE $2,870,811 $3,010,011 $2,968,901 $3,139.817 $3,269,179 · A comprehon.lvo walor rosources plan 10 dolormlno nood and dOllrablllty 01 addlUonoJ capacity and lulnlllho now foderal mandai.., 18 ,.."...'"".., .i30 '--"""'" .... I j I I' I ...'. I " I , ,. ii .' i' , , ' 1" I: I, I I , , I I I, I, i; f I " " I t I' I, I i I . I] i? -, 8 i FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 ! I Actual Budget Proposed Projected Projected I I r I -' REFUSE COLLECTION $753,967 $1 1081 ,GQ9 $1,170,872 $ 1,536,594 $1,594,342 , · ROlldonUaJ retule conocUon rlto. will be Increllod to $7,80 por month for FY92. I ;1 , " j: LANDFILL $ 1,2851940 $1,636,178 $2,773,848 $2,0011224 $2,170,736 ,J 'I I , , , Incroaso por ton Upping leo to S31 for FV92. i , AIRPORT $ 199,878 _'__J $In,591 $187,918 $169,392 $187,811 · Proporty lax .ub.,dy lor FY921. plannod 10 bo $60,500, '111,. doo. nOllncludo co'1 01 land Icqul.IUon and debt.eMeo, I ,. $2,265,408 $2,138,833 $2.399,818 $2,538,459 $2,891,948 . , i ; ~ , ! i I 1. 1: I. I I' TRANSIT · Rldorshlp prolocUon. roprolont a modosllncroaso, I ! I, i I, I I, I I 17 . ;'--" .J.30 '.:,-''''''''-'-' ,,~, i, ". ,:' .' -,' -, ,. '", i~ ..,: ,I '_' -i i ."_'" , ,=' ,:J ..., q - FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 Actual Budget Proposod Projected Projected JOHNSON COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS I I. r -" ADMINISTRATION I \, I I 535,959 $39,0S8 $45,835 $48,426 $51,339 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING i , .' .. .. , $92,888 SI01,919 S107.414 '113,424 '120,993 HUMAN SERVICES COORD'NATION i ~ i' 143,417 147,783 $50,803 $&3,600 $S8,888 , ' ' , , SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT I !' -0, $33,427 $43,588 148,425 549,838 ,. I: , I I , 1 , I ' !; " , i, , /, 10 ........'....;;.."".."',",..;,;"~;~.-;...'" ,"'~.;A.....,.'. ~ "'0,--.., ''-'-''- \,~ .."........-.. ,,,i,,. rP.JfJ r , , I ~ ,:J e 8 [I FY90 Actual FY91 Budget FV92 Proposed FY93 Projected COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS ENTITLEMENT: Rooloven Nolghbolhood Cpon Specs Dovolopmont (MYEP) Broedwey SlIool Nolghbolhood Cenlor Housing RohablllleUon (lncludos Ronlal Rohab and SocUon 312 AdmIn) OrOllor Iowa CIty Houllng FonOWlhlp . rranslUonal Houllng Youth Hornos SltucIurod Communlty 1nd0pondonlLMng Sorvlces . TrwlUonaI Housing ESA Small Ropa/r Program Houllng Downpaymonl AlI/ltanco saoc Small Buslnols Alllllanco Hoovor School Accaaalblo PlaygroUnd - Phaso 3 Ooodwlll RonovaUon ' Accosslblllty and expansIon AId 10 AgOne/os Oonoral Progrem Admln/lllaUon Planning & Progrem Devolopmont coao Oman BUllnosl Asllllance Conllngoncy 19 . -, '""'1" :",' y FY94 Projected I I I' I $23,000 $28,000 $200,000 $13,800 $211800 $17,800 $11,000 56,000 ,,' $9,000 I' $27,000 I $81,000 $9S,000 $9,200 $2,000 $ 2Q.3QQ $850,000 i I !: I ! , I I i ~ , I, , I i i JYJ , y ,=' i~ 8 " FY90 FY91 FV92 FY93 FY94 Actual Budget Proposed Projected ProJecled \ , , EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE I I 511382,662 51,387,473 SI1780,323 S 1,888,5S9 51,734,232 I' I -' · Malntonanco 01 City noo~ with !ho oxcopUon 01 Transll vohldol. ! I 'J I TRANSIT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE I' , ,. I 5549,384 $578,874 $845,oot S60e,012 $730,965 , Malntonanco 01 Publlo Transit nooL i! . I , , BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS .' I, 5190,407 $184,878 $280,838 $1371378 5144,247 r.'..-- ---'-'-'-,"- · Thl. budget nnancod by cablo lolO'llalon Iranchlao 1001, I , " I I; " , I I I Ii , '.'..-----"'....... .'~"'-,~.......,.",; 'fI.': ),!.. "~..,;,.3";,,li.,,i.-;;.;.,,~"....-... . ~~'.., ,~....; "';'...i'\~' l.~, ..!A :,,; ,,',';', '..',I,.~;, \;#>..--'~ ,:J3O I I, I I I 20 ... - :J I:' i9 tI '- I I I I i I r I ... CITY PROPERTY TAXES { FOR AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ! Actual Actual PIOPOlod Plopo.od Plopo,od , . fml fYil Em Em ~ , I' AVEAAGE RESIDENTIAL ASSESSED VALUATION 1.1-88 S60,4n 101069 m.878 101.90 $73,228 " I' 1+01 $78,422 , 1.1.92 sn.684 ROLLBACK FACTOR .~ ,7984ij J94~ .7Q ,B026Q2 , i t, TAXABLE VALUAnON $56,025 $57,950 $56,529 $60,233 $62.350 i , , TAX lEVYlSllOOO 12.02Q J1t2a JW ~ aw i I I I -';'-- PROPERlY TAXES mw lZ2W lWJ! Jmig BY I Chango 110m Prior VOlt 2.0% 4.3% 4,0% 5.8% 8.2% : I I; i' I I, '. I I, I ,! , l' I I , .", ~ - . " ,.' tP.3~ -"H.e:",., ',,-,>;.~.,~ ",~",~,~,,"''''''~~~ 1",.')';";1',. .'1-"""-,, ,;",,"'..' , ,=' i~ 8 3 City of low. City MEMORANDUM DATE: February I, 1991 TO: Clly Councll FROM: Chy J\.tn'ltr RE: lIIurlll in lnfor.atlon Packet H.lorandul fro. thlllayor ralndinlal.nd. ..tn1al tor Nin. Larl' .2.3/ Citl.. lIIyorl' II.tlnl. H'loranda tro. tb. City IIInlllrl a. Syc'lore Vilv b. Dovatovn Pll.1 Fountlin Llttlr tro. thl City H.n'l.r to St.phlnll !ttlnl.r of V.lt Hllb School. Lettlr tro. City H.nlllr to Aay Ind Hlchl.l Kolin r'llrdinl Illnllll.tion~.15 It Rochl.t.r .nd Alhvood. Lettlr fro. th. Alllltlnt City HanlSlr to LI,&uI of low. Hunlcipllitlll r'l.rdlnll'llll.t1v. Ictlon to II.nd the Opln H.ltloll Lav. IIIt.ri.l tro. th. Humin S.rvic.. Coordlnltor r'l.rdlol Hua.n S.rvic. AI.ncy fundinl. L.tt.r fro. Rodn.y Shutt rll.rdinl SUIIlt Str..t. .23<1 L.tur fro. City ot VIl'1IIilllon, South Dlkotl, .xpru.ina 'Ppreciation for!J39 1111aUnc.. Invitltion frol Council tor Childr.n Ind Youth, CIl.nd.r for F.brulry 1991. Aa.ndl for Conf.r.nc. Bo.rd H..tina. TO COUNCIL ONLYI ,.... --....- "~"~i.:~'" ,',~: ,.' .~. .,1,.,:,,,. "'...~,~.," ',.'" '~ ,', .;... ",,' , "",'" , .2~O ~I/r ~~J. 3 I I I u. ,,,_,~,, , I I' ,.. . i I ,! r . , I j 1 I , , ,- I, , , , " i I I: j' I i I I :, i ! I t , I , I:' e 8 y AddItions Information Packet February I, 1991 H.Hertal distributed al Infonnal 2/4/91: Copy of reponse from City Manager to Jean Robinson regardIng series of questions concerning the Gulf War and the CIty's financial situation. Neighborhood letter from residents In S, Seventh Ave./ Sycamore and S, Governor/Walnut/Kirkwood entitled TO OUR NEIGHBORS, OUR NEIGHBORHooOS ARE THR!ATENED. Article What Causes a Pothole? . Memo from CIty AUy.and rulings re University of Jowa sewer rates. I ~,",t'-t4:~,,"N--'-" -""....~~",..:,,~,' ~,:,,' -'".'it' C,'" ",..".~,,",,"-' . -. ......_j"'..,~ "iO-i,...- ,', i),.',"'~ ~I' L;, i'" ':'l'';,,;,I,~;;.~,.,i'''''''''''''-~'-' 1 I Ii -- I: ,. i' ; , .H~ !-". 'j il ., )17 11 , I; t ~qi l. I . :1 I ...J:1L I ~! "J' '. I , I I . ! .' L ; 'i-' ';..._.__[___r.' I . . , , " I, .' , ; , , I I; " I I ; ,. I f i. I, f " I. f: , I. I I I I I .. . , I I:' i~ 8 5 City ot Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: Januuy 31, 1991 TO: City CouncU, City IlJn'IU, D.part..nt Dlrectoft FROM: Kayor RE: Nina Lara. Clt1u Kayore' Aa.nda Katulal I thouaht you would b. Int.r..t.d. ~" l~vv ,/ , "--"~~l,;.-:ori.~'!-i~'l..';o.~-'~'- ._'_....,~---~" ........."'" ,,':" t 1 I' ...,.. 'I ii ; ~ I, , ; ~ l' ! I. J"'-- ''" .-------- l: , I I , " I' I I , , ! , I i' , i j, r;?JI I .....- - !. i I , I i I I I I:' iJ 8 b - \ i I I I r ! ..- , , Urban Mayors , " 1 " " I ~ i, ii II' I , , , i" I I Ii , Press for Partnership I " I' i I' " I , ! I , . . t~ --- 'T..--..-.--.. t , , , I,' , I . , ;1 ' I. I r " January 29, 1991 , I ! , i' I i , i, I I ...----.......,....."'...'"'.Ie:.",'ri-'~114......."'~-- . ~... ""I.., " '.....: ].", ,')," .,.- ,,",, ~ ,,.;,, ,,<. .".." .zJ1 "~"'r , ! I. , J=' i~ 8 ,,.o, ~ I I I I I ! I' ! Mayors of Iowa's Nine Largest CIties Tuesday, JonUllry 29, 1991 \1:4S a.m, . 1:15 p,m. Host: Mayor John "POI" Dorrinn, Des Moines I:IS p.m, ']jrIIUDOlta,lolI to Slott 1_ ,1:30 p.m., 2:10 p,m.' - . , Speokcr Bob Arnauld (D) Dovcnpon I Majority Leodcr Woync McKInney (0) - Woukec Minority Leodcr Harold Van MOlIncn (R) . Oskolooso 1 Locol Oovcmmcnl Commlllcc Choir Bob Ovonky (D) . Coralvlllc i , Locol Oovcmmcnt Vice Choir 8111 Bcmou (0) . Ncvodo Ranking Mcmber Dill Royer (R) - Essex Stalc Oovcmmcnl Choir Ocnc 8lunsluIO (0) . Semnton Statc Oovcmmcnl Vlcc Choir Tony OlJlgnono (0) . Des Molnct Rnnklng Member Dolllc Carpentcr (R) . Wctt Des Molnct Dlscusslon uader. Mayor 77lom 11011, Davtllpol1 2: IS p.m. ' 2:S5 p,m. . Senotc Presldcnt Joe Wclsh (D) . Dubuquc , Majority Leodcr Dill Hutchins (D) . Audubon , i' Minority Leodcr Jack RICc (R) - Moscow , , Locol Oovemmcol Choir AI MilIcr (D) . Vcnlu", I I Locol Oovcmmcnt Vice Choir Elaine Szymonlak (D) . Oct Moines I I' Ranking Mcmber Shcldon Rhtmcr (R) . DcWlll , Stotc Oovcmmcnl Choir John KIbble (D) . Emmctsburg I Stotc Oovcmmcnl Vlcc Choir Jcon Uoyd.Jones (0) . lown City I" Ranking Mcmber Jock Nyslrom (R) . Boone I I . Dlscwslon uader. MIl)'Or John "Paf4 Donfan, Des Moina j 3:00 p.m. . 3:30 p,m. Mmb1r with GOI'tmor Rmll.flad . GOI'tmon Con(trtnct ~ I .. Dlscusslon uader. Mayor Berni, McKlnlty, Waterloo I ,. ! 3:30 p.m, . 4:00 p,m. Sec IcparDte oulllne oC press conCcrence dclllll , 4:00 p,m, Opening Slatcment: Mayor Larry CunlJ, Ames I ~ I 4:30 p,m. (letllm to &n~nJJY SlIltt! I. , I - ~'~'- . :23/ I .' ! I I I. i , I I" I I .. , . , i , ! , . , ' ,:t iJ 8 8 - Urban Mayors. House Leadership January 29, 1991 legislative Dining Room 1:30.2:10 p.m. DUcumoIl Ltader. Mayor 71lom Hart, Davenport Dlsawlon Topics: . The nccd (or chY'Slale partncrshlps . Home Rule. the cities' view o( mandates . The nccd to rcvlse the budgct oppeals process . Fiscal OcxlblUty (or JOClII governmcnt Legislators Invltcd: Speaker Bob Arnauld (D) - Davenport Majority Leader Wayne McKInney (D) . Woukce MInority Leader Harold Van MlUlncn (R) . Osknloosa Local Oovernment Commlllce Chair Bob Dvorsky (D) - ComlvllJo Vice Chair Bill Dernau (D) - Nevoda Ranking Mcmber Dill ~oycr (R) . Es.Icx Slate Oovcmment Commlllee Chair Ocno Blanshan (0) . Scmnton Vice Chair Tony D!.Ilgnano (D) . Des Molncs Ranking Member Dollie Carpenter (R) . Wcst Dcs Molncs 1..,.,......"'....-...,.........",".......,.....,.-. .._.,.,~..,',..,,,';,." ," .".".....~-- . """'~' .~" ,..' .- i :: ,',. ,; ..~"~ ,; ~, r}3/ ",,,,<.~....-" r T , I:' i~ 8 q , . ..._-"''''''...,.j.;.'..,,.-'''...,.~.-.., .. ".... , . ~'. ... -e' " ;,'.. .' '. ,,'. ;...j,,".','...'.."..- ~I y , '. i j. i I . ..t'~u , 't' r , , I' I o. I' I:' e q [I ,. Urban Moyors . Governor Drnnstnd January 29, 1991 Oovemor's Conference Room (Room 9) 3:00 - 3:30 p,m, " Dl.rcwsfon Ltadu: Mayor Btmll MCKlnlty, Watmoo . PRESENTATION AND SUMMARY OF "URBAN MAYORS PRESS FOR PARTNl!RSHIP" PAPER . nIB NEED FOR CITY-sTATE PARTNERSHIPS Flscallmpact estimates Affect or the SllIle AdmlnlslrDllve Rules Process on cities Improved StatcJLocal coo(lCmllon Changing the budget op(lCals process PrCJCrvlng home rule authority IncrellJlng llseal OexJ'blUty for 10011 govemmenl The housing dnemma . ENTITI.EMENT ORANTS Directing Illite dollanto cities over 40,000 In populatIon CompetItive gronl proccu (1,0" REAP) Dl\Ig FundlngID.A.R.E. progrnnu -"......",'., ..~",',. ',l"",r"~ ,'".,"" \ i I I I ...,.. i i ~ ; " , _,, " I , 'T'- . f, , I , , ' i , i; j i ~ I I , :! , .. " , i, ,p3J : ,..,,,..~~.. ! \ 1:1 i? q 'I Urban Mayors Press for PartnershIp I I' January 29, 1991 .. . Iu Jowa'al4rger tides face the chaUcnSCS o( the '9Os, a relhlnking and (undamcnl4J change In llale.loc:aI reladollJ mustlOke place. lowa'l .lale government - the Oovcmor, emul/vc , , , branch agcncles and mernben or the Oeneralluacmb~ - must collJldcr lowa'.lIIAyon u parrnm. i i , I I I , We arc not another ".pcclallntercat"lh4t must be IllARaged, IIIASSlIgcd and IllAnlpulaled, and our existencc b not ror the absorpdon or mandaled COSlllhat.lalC poUcy leaden arc unwilling to fund directly, We arc problem IOlven on the fronl Une, and we arc fighllng dally (or Jobs and economic dcvclopmen~ clean waler, affordable housing, ICIS lOUd wasle, drug. Cree , neIghborhoods and downtowns, and 181 poUcy that muCloensc. I I, , I I , Unfonunalely, .lale poUcy u a whole hlnden u much u II helPJ us address the crillcalls.suCl r o( the '9OJ. We arc u!dng (or a .trong pannenhlp with '1OIe government _ a partnenhlp I. , thai requires meaningful colUuJlatlon on Is.sUCl, .Inccre collJlderatlon or the Impact or new , , , '1OIe IaWl and reguJatlollJ on how we oeM our clllzclll, and recogn/Ilon thaI Iowa', nine l; Iargc.lt urban areu playa crlllcal and dynamic role In the economIc health or our greal.lale, , , liD"" Rult Erosloll , .1 The Iowa ColUlltullon (Article III, SectIon 3M) sranll home rule power 10 Iowa', municipal governments. Adopted by Ihe cltlzclU or Iowa In 1968, Ihb sranl or aUlhorlly b Ihe backbone , I I j " .1- ',131 , . - :t I:' i? 9 c .' of local 80vcmmenL It aUows clliuns, through their locaUy-elected reprcscnlltMJ. \0 lhapc and delermlne their local offoln with the Importanl exception of laX poUey. Simply pu~ If we lIS mayors. together with our city coundls, WIIIlIIO take action, we mAY do SO If .l4le law Is sIIen~ or If our actIon Is nOllnconsblenl with .talc law, Wc don't need (nor do we expect) thc pennlsslon of the Oeneral Assembly 10 act. I I I' I .-.'.. , I' I. , I. I ii' I , Over the JllIII deClld~ bome rule power has been eroded by .I4IC officiAls. Thc "backbonc' of homc rule Iw been reshaped ond b now hardly recognizable. Wc orc oCten powerless and Cruslmled as thc .Ize and Ilrength of ItalC govemmenl ihwaru our local e<<OrlllO deal with locallssueJ, Thc Oeneml Assembly has convenlcnlly forgollen 'homc rulc' and bides behind a vcD Inlended 10 'prolect" citizens from UI -/hI my ptOP/I who voltd UJ lnIo Oflkl, Wc face thc ultlmalc 10.11 of our greal poUllcaJ I)1lem every two (or four) yom: our neIghbors. local , : bUllness leadera and peoplc whom our decisions affect dally havc the rigbllO VOle. Wc , " '" ,\ ~ I , ,. i I' I , ' welcomc IhIs absolute evaluation of how we've done, bUI our .uccess Is constrained by Ignomncc of home rule. 1bIs hardly ICCDlI flllt, W, recommtnd /hllollowing: I. I I i I 1, LIvt by /hI InItfll o/'hom, rule.' Local. sJrouJd blltft to local oJJ1dalt. SoludotU to lssuu 0/ Slaltwftk conctnllhal afftet clJlu should b, lorgtd JO/nl~, , jf .2- 023/ ,. ''''."",' I , I' I ! 1- ,. , I, I' I' i, ,=' i~ '13 Growing MandaJu " A "mandalc" (rom Ihc atale 10 local governmenl can best be described os taking Ihc wy way ouL By requiring dJiu 10 fund ltale cnundaled poUcy, llale leaden duck the critical question o( how tnluJnctd or ntw proira1Tl1 wi/J b, paid lor, Oflcn. we agrt' wllh Ihc policy obJectJvcs of IIUlny IIUlndatcs. However, Uke the atale budgc~ we (ace competing needs and musllel priorities. For example, we ore ocule~ awarc oC the j' need Md deslrc 10 reduce Ihc WlISlc IlrelllD ond Ihe Cact our utJUlfes mUSI provide clean WDler. Wc orc alncere In our deJlrc 10 provide our cmployeeJ with thc besl compensation and benefits package we can. Becausc budgeting prlorltleJ musl be IC~ we reJenl act/OM thaI place III In a position oC being antl-cnvlronmen~ antl-cmploycc, antl.houslng and pro-property tax. Competing priorities and budgel Umlts mean we can'l be aU things 10 aU people - even though we would Uke 10 be. AU 100 oflen. the ltale passes a IIUlndale, then elthcr hands III an empty oog 10 fund I~ or lurns a cold Ihoulder and provldel no bag al aU, I , I I I , I' I i W, mommtnd th'lollowing: J, q th, stat, rtqUlru munlcipa/lJiu to tnhane, an trlrting program or StMe, or to crtat' a IItW ant, th, stat, should tflhtr fund fl or g{v, IU taxing aUll/orily to rou, /'tVtnuu to mitt th, splriJ and Itlttr 01 th, law, I " l' I , I I, I .3. ,231,[ "~'''..'',.~.." ~'" ,< ",.'~'~'''~' ,- -.... , I:' i~ q y, ' : , 2. IPhtn Q stalt agtncy " a sUtlll bUlInCftasltWl powttful burraucracy " wrlres a new ruk or rrguladon, /ht stalt agtncy s1rouId bt rtqU/rtd 10 Includt a flrcallmpact staltmtlll. IVhaI wUl /I cost tht ddztlll 0/ IOWII~ munlc{palJtlu 10 comply wfIh thI c1Iangt In rules' Art Ihm ItJI ('OS/~, tqUQl}; t/ltctivt alttmam'tJ7 FIscoI FtuibUIIy We arc lenllo 6ghllhe wUCJ orlhe day with anns handcuffed behind our backs. Although nOI by our own design, we lead wllb our chins. We are moving upstream In an increasingly IWilt river or challenges, and we (eel the llate Is unwIIUng 10 even lOSS us an oar 10 help, Slale tax policy, as II relates 10 local sovcmmen~ Is outdaled. ineffective and politically unacceplablc. Cities arc (arced 10 rely on the unpopular property lax 8.1 the p~ source or revenue. With I general fund 1C't'Y capped II $8.10 per $1,000 or lWCUCd value. we must look at (I) other aUlhorfzcd levies (emergency, debllervlc", employee benefllJ and capllaJ Improvemenl) and (2) local option taxCJ 'Iuch 8.I1he one cenlllllCJ laX. In (aet, tho tOlal property lax rale In IU lilac or 10000" largCJt cltle. exceeda $8.10, and the avtTllgf tOlal property lax rate among the nine Is $13.75, based on the current flscaJ year (July I, 1990. Juno 30, 1991). Actual rales ar~ 8.1 rollows: Des Moines $15.39, Cedar Raplda $11.64, Davenport $14,73, SIoux City $14.58, Waterloo $18.44, Dubuque $12.30, Council DlurtJ $15.77, Iowa City $12.13 and ArnCJ $8.76. Only one or the nine 'eviCJ below the $8.10 geQeral rund mnxlmum Ie\)' (Arne. al $5.35). (This Is not only a larger, urban city wuo. On a .4. JJJ ,,' ..' .:.~ " c-,.- j."-,.,,,. ",'.'< ,...." . . ""~' ,... .... ~.'.. , .1 , I' . ~ I' ! I I I: , I I I I. I , I' ! i i , j, i I I I , I) i~ q 5 statewide bula, the 10lAl Ic\y In over 52 percenl or Iowa', 952 dlles now Cllceeds sala, and 85 percenl or those Ic\y ror spedal pwposet) I' I " AJ an allemallvc 10 unacccplDbly h1gb property 1DXes, we hDvc aU lurned 10 the IocaJ option , weslD!. Six or lowa'llafBCJl dlles hDvc lucccssruJly Jumped through tho hoops and banlers I ~ erected by the General Assembly and hDve Imposed the tax: Dubuque. Counell Blulrl, I, Dovenpol1, Ames, Sioux Clly and Walerloo. The Ihree relllDinJna dlles (Des Moines, Cedu . , ,:1 " RapIds and Iowa Clly) have placed the Issue on Ihe baUol and IosI - In part because or the I' , II t I I, i I - 5 . "0,,,,,,.. ..". "~"~'~' :l3J , I.. I ' , , I, r , , ! . .. , , , ' . , , , , . I:' i~ q b W, ~mmtnd th, following: .' I, PtovId, munldpaliJltJ with lftQttf lariJudt, /twtt mtrktIon1 QN/ a /ongtt ntt1lU of focal option tt1X4 Mayan and coundI mtmbm tlft bat sulItd t() dtvls, th, optimum mix of tlUt$ and M'tnuu for thdt dIy. t. 2. B, hontst with Iowa /arptIym and t/lmlnat, th, anlJldal $8.10 propmy tax limit, tluu allowing ddt1 to ImPOSI fXOptI1y tlUa al IIltl adtqUlJl' to JUppon IoctJI smicu. q nol tOlal mnDva( ddt1 should at tlllSt 61 abt, to ImPOSI addJdonaI sptdalltvlts to flrranCl Slat' , ,. I , nUmdillu. (If local option till ecpadly lr Improl'td 41 rte<<nmtndtd In knn I abo,'I, dtfu would tlktly lItO'" all'll)' from tIr, unpo[N/ilr propmy tax. AI IIlr now, thm lr no nttan/ngfu1 a1/tm4dvt.) " , " J. EMbk munldpalltlu t() emft an acctptabl, strGltg to rtqUb [Nb1Jc and prival' not1Oft proj1llnstirudons to pay for pollet, /Tn strVlc, and othlr basic uMctJ. Ytar afttr Ytar, till, tlnnpl proptity ilrivu th, OVmlU ptOJ'lfty lax lilt' hlghtr with midmdal tflXJX1'lm pleking up an IntqUltpbl, slra" of th, lab lor basic dJy smicu. 4. EJ/mlnat' ,h, bUftauemtic, 'lralilr tlran lhou, · aft,r th, fact, Slatt-!mpostd aiptal proem of local budgtl.f. Allowing a lrandfld of dtJs'n/tn 10 elratltngt Ioco1 budgtlJ at th, end 01 th, . proeus lr an InsuII to th, d,libtradollJ oflocatty.tltc/td ol/ldilll. .6. '".'0<-,..'..',.. ,": ,,;.,.'.,.~ '. J3/ -...,....,-.."-',;,.,"',l-'......~t,.',__..~..,,. . ""',",. .-;. .' .....,.. ~, , -..,.,. , I I , I , I I I 1 I' ! I . " " , ., " j' , , .' \-- I, I. I I , I, ; i I: j' ! , I IJ , I, !' , I , I. , r i I I . .... ,=' . i? q ,--, I I I .' En,lronftlln141 Partntrshlp I I I I I I' ~. We arc Itrongly commJued 10 the 10ng'lerm goal or lcavlng our ddCJ and the envlronmenl I ,,, beuer places than we round them. The Deed ror . Itronger jlIftnenh/p with .1A1c SO'fCmmenl IJ cridcal on envlronmenl4J lssuCJ, and In no arcalJ It In grcaler need or rccOllJtruaSon. , " .' ! ! Arler all, our nine dtICJ &eM as home ror 27 pcrccnl or lowansj 76 pc~nl or lowallJ reside ) I, if- In dtIes. We bailIe daJJy with the challenge or clean waler (we provide I~ we treallt~ solid , ,. .f "', wasle (we coDecl I~ we must reduce I~ and we dlJposc or It) and underpound ltorage tanb " ,. I (we own Ihelllt bwln~CJ localed In our cldCJ own them, and we mWI llx the problem), among olher Issues. , , " The rcalJl)' or Ihe .ltuallon IJ thai the Il4le mwl do morc than 1C1101'Iy goaIJ, lca\'C dtICJ hanging and then expect dtICJ 10 be IUCCCU(uL The illlle mWI devote III resource. and expertise In addldon to acting as a partner with cities and bWlncsscs 10 10M environmental problems, rather than limply act as . regulator. I I I, I , I , , I W, rtCommend th'lolJow/ng: 1. Focuslo<<ery prof/IJ and a grealer shart 01 SIal' general fund 1TIOIIIa lor alsting environmt1llal proltction progrrIms. WhU, WI rtCognlz, and tmpathlz, wiIh tht SIal') cumnl budget woo, Ih, Job wUI nOI gel don, wilhoul SIal' support. Year a/ltr year, WI haw dttlIJ wiIh similar budgel rutrlcWIU allh, localltveL Our heads and heart.r art IlOll4ck1ng In knowltdgt and , I I, I I: i' , ! . :' , duirt; our ruourcu art 11m1Jtd. , I , !, , i .7. i:..,. ,". :131 r , ........~.,~l>.,;;;..;'1-.";,'r, ",~;\~":,,,.,~,. .., .......- ' -"'h'.,,",, '~',"" ,,~'A ..,......,.~ .;.<,.,;."..,..,,,......,.. . ,:' i? q 8 ' . . ., , ' ,8. I ~t.lJ,~m,'fo:.~..'o'.l'~.:c~'....;':.r;;;'~:i~;;~..~;;:"'L~~".i," -~..'- -"""'i"';';~~~'''- ~"'i",< "~,,,;;i~; _~~"':;;t:..'., .:,;,;.".....-..... 11" - ','- ..'----.- I I I , , i I I: " I f I , , I r:f13/1 , I I l' I i. I I, I I I -. ~ J:' j~ q q City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM I r Dale: Janul/Y 29, 1991 To: ClI)' Councll From: ell)' Managor Ro: Sycamoro VIew <' " I wanlod 10 alar! you, \hat you may holt the CII)' would nol.oU hom011n tho propolod Sycamoro VIew projOClIO CII)' omployool, WIlllo I1I1 a d11l1cu~ logal opinion 10 1WIIIow, Dana did a thorough /OIl 01 ,ovIow1ng tho law and ~ II his oplnlon lhaltho .a10 ollholo home. al Sycamoro Vlow 10 CII)' omployoos would consUtuto a connlct ollnlorolL ~ Is somowhal dlsappolnUng In thai publlo omployoos would bo procludod fiom p8lllclpaUng In this typo 01 prolOCl and .ppltanUy would a110 not bo ablo 10 p8lllclpalo In Iuluro prolocts duo to tho Slalo law, Again, I wanlod 10 101 you know In thai you may holtlrom thOSD thai wore donlod partJclpaUon and mlghllook lor lomo IocaJ 10glsIallvo rollol, bdm2.1 I: , .f I' /Jejll(.~..~, I I I I I I ! l' -'--- .---...- co: Dana ChrlsUanson I I; " I i I , 1 , I i' , ., I I , i , I I I, i I I .,.~..'.,'.'.f"",,',J,; ..~ ,;."...- ."-'''''''; ca3 ;".,~ ""..',-.~..... "' ~'- ,;~.t:; y ,:' ,3 [I [I - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 0010: JanuOl'f 31, 1 Gill To: CIty CounclI J 'i From: Clly Manlgot , " I Ro: DownIO'Mt Plaza Fountain RoplOtonlllNo MII'f Neuhausor hulntroducod IoglslaUon whlch would oxompl our fountain Irom tho ro.trIcllvo .lIto Iawt coneomlng awImmIng IIld wading paoli, Tho loglalaUon would appoar 10 pormlllho conUlluod UIO 01 our doImlO'Mt lountaln It wo havo known IL WhOa thlsloglslaUon doo. appoar to 10M our Immodlalo ploblom, loxpocl we wln conUnuo 10 hoar concorns aboul tho potonUaJ lot an accldontll tho lountaJn Is 10 be usod lor wadlng purpolol, At you know, wo havo boon .uod lor tho loct thai I chnd Ion on 01 playground oqulpmont uUllzlng Illn I mannor lor which M wu IIItondod, obvloualy our oxposuro wlth tho dO'MttO'Mt wading poovrountaln I. Ukoly to be aomowhat groalor. ,~ bf/OlIUIn co: Tony Truoblood /~1tt.~ f I I i' I I: I !. ! ! , II , I, I / Ot3 "--""'. ..." . ".-." "... ',.....,.1, , , I IJ "3 [I . I JanuBly 29. 1991 - --..., ~ , . 1..... CITY OF 10 WA CITY , Ms, Slophanle Etllngor Wesl High School 290 1 Molrose Iowa Clly.1A 52248 Doar Slophanle: In responso 10 your mosl recenlloUor whoro you exprOUGd Inlorosl u a loonago Illprosontatlvo on tho City CouncU, u Ilndlcaled In my 08l11or IoUor, thoro 110 opIlonl avaJ1alllo 10 you, I do wanllo lake a momonllo remind )'OU 1h~llhe City Council II a clJly oloctod body and governs by way 01 local ordnances and Iho~ pr1mBly IoglslatJvo aUlhor1ty bolng provided lhrough llalO statute, ThorOrOlll, to be a mombor 01 tho City Council requ~os nol only your eloction but also complOIOIy laU,lyIng tho roqulromonts 01 tho Stale law In order to porform tho duUos 01 tho Clly Council mombor, M Ilndlcalod II you woro Inlorosled In soma Inlormal paItIcIpaUon II would bo holplullor you to delall your Inloroslln how you mlghlliko to partJclpalO In local govommonl affalll, As I monUonod there are numerous boards and commissions thaI aro rosponslble lor tho proparaUon 01 rocommondaUonl 10 tho City Council. Thoso boards and commlsslons aro porfodlcally advortised In the local nowspaper whon vacancies occur. Whno each has 10rno apocIfio stalo stalulory lunctlon thore Bfe othot1thal Ctealed unlquoly lor Iowa City, It Is IIkoIy thaI these boards might give Inlorostlo you. Also, tho poopIe eppotnlod 10 tholO boards and commissions ArO roqulred 10 be ollgiblo oloclot1ln tho City 01 Iowa City, I have enclosed a copy 01 our Board and Commission &Mual roport IlldonUfios nol only tho boards, tholr mombot1hlp, bul also a dOlerlpUon oltho~ actlvltlos, As vacanclos occur and depending upon your Inlorosl and/or qua/lOcations you may wish 10 submll your appnceUon or oncOurage your 1r10nds 10 do tho samo, Thank you again lor your Inloroll. Tl'.; speclfio aclvortlsomonllor boards and commissions can bo confirmod by contacting our CI~' Clor1l'a office al358.5040, A roprosontaUvo can lndlcalo to you which positions are currenUy ~ing advortlsod, Slnceroly YOUII, ~ City Managor co: City Councll/ City Clor1l !p1.1 (IY" UNTil' III l WAlNIN010N II IOWA (In IOWA "'11,'111 '-...... .'" ,~ ".,....- @ 'NUl (111) ,,"'.., rullllllllj3~ y , I I I I \ I' ! , " i I I , i I I , " ; I I ,. , , 1:1 ,3 [I 2 Janul/Y 31,1001 -- ~.,..._- ~ CITY OF IOH'lf CITY Nrrf & Mlchaol Kolon 230 WIndsOr Olivo Iowa City, IA 52245 Doll Mr. & MIl, KoIon: A"achod II a copy 01 Ih.ltaltlo onglnoo/lng roport In rosponso 10 your roquest lor IlgnaJlzaUon II Rochosler and Ashwood, Tho Clty'l Traltlo Englneor undorlakOl luch rovlowa In ordor 10 dotormlno whothor !ho crtIorla 01 tho Stalo'.Ir.lne conltol rogullUOIlI can bo uUanod, You win noto 110m tho momorandum thai tho Traltlo Englnoor hu .dvIlod tho IlIto regulatlonl cannol be I.Usnod and thoroloro I Italtlo .Igna! lhould nol bo InslaUod, A copy 01 thll roport " lorwardod 10 tho City Council lor tholr InlormaUon. Slncoroly yourl, d~~~~ Slophon ~, AlkInI City Managor Ip3-3 A"achmont co: City Council Jim Brachtol, Trarno Englnoor R. J. W1nkolhako, Police Chlol CUIC Cl~lIa . III l UlMlNOlU IT. IOWA CllY IOWA 1111101111 '~-....-.~...., ~.._..."~,--,,., @ ,,<'.. ' '.ONIIlIIlIlIoIIII 'UIIIlIIII,1I11 ~JS y , I' I I I ..~'.. . I , " . , I . ,I: I , ,. I: I , , " , !' I I:' ,3 [I 3 2 F,om . polley polnl 01 vlew, th. CIly has ctlOltn 10 ut. Ills 1RW00chln leu 01 ntfic Ilgnll In.laJIabon., Ills my und.rstanding lhallh'lICCidenl 1111 OCCIIrOCllnvoMng . chid on . blcyde In September 01 Ihia year II II1laolalod .v.nL Allor ~ Ill. fttld codon. 01 111. Inf'rseaion, .ome improv.mtnl coukl be gained by remow.g Ihe omamtnllJ tree on lit nOI1h .Ide Ind .asl olltl. Inloraoc1lon, this WOUld Improv. the ~tlIuty 01 . podlllllan WIling on Itl. norlh ald. 01111. Inloraoc1lon 10 CtIllllo Itl. lOuth 101' we.lbound vehlclol, " Bas.d upon lit warrants lor IraIftc Ilgnll1zallon u required by lit MUTCD, traIIIc algnaJl.hould nol be In.tantd IlIh1s Ume. "you Itqult. IddItIonIl commenl 01' Inlonnlllon. pitas. don'l hllltale 10 contact me, bc5-5 , , .! I' I .-.'-"'...,....,....,'.;,....,'#~."'"'.....'''' I I ot35l -,."....t i i I I' I) j' I I. , I i ! i , :, , I I' / , / I I , I ....",...,~ ". ,~;: '" ",~,; .',," ",..,~ , I i ',,', ;..: ;.,.-" , \ i I I I ". , j , I:' :3 [I 'y City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM y Dala: January 28, ,egf To: Sieve AVdnI, CIly Manager F,om: Jamos Bflchlll, TfIIIlc Englnolt AI: Rocheller Avtnut/AshwOOd DrIYt Roquosllor Signalized Con~ 11 School CrolSWllk Tho 1nl01l0Cll0n 01 Rochaller Aveooo tJld Ashwood Ottvo hu bHn INcItd 10 dolormlne W nlllc a1gnall would be lflpop.late, A 12-holr ~1Iftc counl was conducted 10 ""uu" vehlcullr II1d podoslIIan R/1Ic that now usos flo 1nI0fl8C1lon. Tho IntlflOCbl'. ICCIdtnI experience was rovlowod lor Ihe past 12 monlhs. ThIa dall has boon compat1ld to ~ crilorla 01 tho Manual on Uniform TfllIlc Con~oI DovIcos (MUTCD) 10 dOlonnlno If ~aIflc slgnall IrO now W8II'anlod, Tho 11 Wllfr8I\ls 111l1t11 MUTCD Idontillol aro: " Minimum vehicular volutnO 2, Inlorruplfon 01 continuOUI tratflo 3, Minimum podesltlan voIumo 4, School Cl'OSIIngs 5, Progreaslve movomenl 8. Accldonl expetlonco 7. Systoms 8. Comb/naUon 01 warranta 9. 4 hour voIumel 10, Poak hour dolly II. Poak hour voIumo A lun oxplanallon or Iho 0011 thai was gathorod lor comparison agalnsl the critorla 01 110 11 wananta II avaRablo, (Dale lor Warrant" 0 - poak hour dolay . was nol galhorod, InspoctJon 01 the tralllc volume OOIl/ndlcalod Ihatlhe peak hour dolay critol1on would nol bo mOL) None 01 lt10 WBr/8/l1s noted abovo woro mOl lor Inslallallon 01 traffio Ilgnals, Illhould bo nolod thai Waf/ant'4 (School Crossings) Ilalollhal'A trafflo controlllgnaJ may be wlltrantod al an oslabllshod Ichool crossing whon a tralfio onglneerlng atudy 01 tho Iroquency and adequacy 01 gaps In tho vehicular traffio Itroam as rolalod 10 the numbor and I/zo 01 groups 01 Ichool children al flo school crossing lhows lI1althe number or odoqualo gaps In tho lralllo Itroam durlng tho perlod When tho chlldron aro using tho crolslng Illesathan tho numbor 01 mlnulel In lI1e .amo petfod.' Iowa City has choson to uso adu~ croaalng guards althose IocaUons whore thoso crltorla aro moL h Is leh thai adultlupeMsIon Is I~rlor 10 8 mochanlcal syslom. this achool crossing Is suporvlsod by an adult crossIng guard dutlng crossing Umos, 0235 '\ . I I I , i I I , I I ! I' , , I I I . , , : , I i , I i . , . ;, J ,- n s ' , 3 - - ,,~, . I A , Janu.,., 25, lD91 ~ ...,....~ . .. .. ...,~ .'t~", . -~~it....- ~ f':Jmlma7. ~ .. ..,.. . . LOIguo 01 Iowa MunlcIpallIJo. A1t.nUon: Kent Sovom. OlIoctOl 01 Loglslatlvt SOIVlco. 100 Court Avenuo, SuIt. 209 00. Molnot, Iowa &0309 DOl' Ken\: ......:~ CITY OF IOWA CITY , The CIty 01 low. City woukIli1co \0 puI1UO 1og1sl111Yt ICtlon ~ would amond tho Cpon Mootlngs Law 10 allow clty counclls 10 moolln .xocullvo ..aslon 10 dIICUIIllIateglo. r.IaUng 10 tho nogoU.1Ion ollranchlao .groomonll wlth publIo uU1l\IOI 01 olhor Oflllllot 101 which . Iranchl.." roqulro<l /of oper.1Ion withln lho clty. WI wUllOO1l be In nogoUaIlont regarding lho lorma and condlllont 01 I now cablo lolovtalon Iranchllo, Wo antJclpalO being put II tho aamo dbadvanligo II which wo found ouraotvot a low YOIl1'go whon wo woro nogoUatlng .lranchlao agroomonl with lowa,UlInolt au & Eloctrlo Company lOll u\IllUollranchlao. Roplo..nlatlvo. 01 lhal company woro In .ttondanco al CounclI d1acuat1onl1n which tho alall and CIty Attomey provldod oxtoMIvo InlormaUon and aoughl policy guklaneo and prloIlllzlllon 101 tho negoUaUon plocoal. Wo leal tho cunonl rOllllcllon ~ roqultol such IlIatogy ....lonIlo be hold In an open mooUng p1acolthO IocaIwplyorslrltopayora at . donnllo dlsaclvanlago, Tho City AIIomoy hat agroo<l 10 draft loglslallon and our aroa 1og111a10f1 may be dng to sponlOllL Wo would cortalnly Ipproclalo tho .upport and assistance 01 tho lalguo,lncludlng any Inl00maUon you may have regarding othor cIIIoI oxperlonclng Ilmnar plobIoms, Atri othor holplul hlnll 01 luggosllont you moy havo would also be approclolod, , Plouo 101 mo know your thoughts on thlll..uo and Indlcalo to whal oxlont tho Leaguo may wilh 10 be Involvod. Wo would Hko to InlUato aetIon II lOon II polllblo, A1lo, I will rovlow tho malorlal rogardlng Chaplor 400 you provldod althe IPElRA mooUng on JanUlaty 24 and will lorward our collCGrnllo you In tho noar MUll. Thankl 101 your conUnuod 1IIIIIaneo and .upport. Slncoroly , Qk Oalo E, HolRng , Asllllant City Managor bdm2-7 co: City CouncH CMI SOMeo Commission Broadband Tolocommunlcallonl Commission @ 'MONllll~ ,,,,11I1, ,UllllIlI.,"" 023~ I' CIVIC elNTlI I 1"1 WAlNIN010N n IOWA cln IOWA 11111,1111 ".,,','.!..' .'... ~ I' I , , " i I t, , I j I I' , r I , J \ . :1 , . f' f I:' '3 [I b ~ 19~~~;~~~G~~~~fGMrnments f-~~ 'Ill' DolO: Fobruary I, 1991 To: Iowa City City Council Flom: Margo Ponnoy, Human SOMCOI Cooldlnalol r# Ro: Iowa Cily/Johnson Counly RoplolontaUvol' Commlnoo Rocommondallons fOl FY92 Human SOMeo Agoncy Funding , On FrIday, January 25, 1991. tho lollowlng Cily and Counly loplosontaUvos mOl In an opon mool/ng: MayoI John McDonald for th910wa Cily Council, and Bolly Ockonfols ond Dick Myor. 101 Iho Boa/d of Suporvlsors, Charlos doPlosso, Planning Challporlon fOl Unllod Way, Anno Car/oil Vandonbolg, Allocal/ons ChaIr pOISon fOl Unllod Way, Mary Anno Maddon, Exocutlvo Ol/octol of Unilod Way, Carol Thompson, ollOtlOl of tho oopartmont of Human SOMCOS In Johnson Counl'f, and Margo Ponnoy, Human SOMCOS Cooldlnalol, also partlclpatod, You will find allachod lor Council consldo/al/on, Iho locommondallons of this Comminoo fo/ tho Cily's lundlng of human sOMeo agonclos In FY92, os wall os hlghllghlS or tho ogonclos' FY92 budgols and lunding prosontal/ons. Also anachod 010 challs of tho his lOry of human SOMCO agoncy funding for Cily, Counlyl and Unitod Way; Agoncy ol/octolS' Salary Rocommondal/ons and Bonofil PolnlS; ond tho Unllod Way Planning Olvlslon's final agoncy lanklngs, Thoso plovldo an ovorviow only, ond will bo mosl holpful if usod In conjunction with YOUI FY92fundlng loquosl books. 1I0ms onachod fOl YOUI eonsldolallon Includo tho following: FY92 Funding Rocommondations: I. Agonclos thai 010 curronlly fundod by bolh CIIy and Counly , , , , , . . . , , . , . , II, Agonclos thai alo loquosllng now funding from tho CIIy and ero currontly County lundod .., I . . : . . . , . . . , . . I , . , . t . , . t t . . I I I . . . . . 12 PAGE 11/, An agoncy that Is curionlly fundod by tho CIIy and by tho Counly through lis Oopartmonl of Public Hoallh ,.,."."..".."."." 14 CIIy of Iowa Cily funding fOl FY90 and FY91, Agoncy Roquosts 101 FY92, and Funding Rocommondations lor FY92 ,..., , , .. , , . , , , " . , " , . . . .. . , , . 15 Johnson Counly Funding for FY90 and FY9t, Agoncy Roquosts for FY92, and Funding Rocommondations for FY92 , . , . . , , , , , . . . . '.' . , , , . , , . . . , . , , , t 6 ....,.,---....'j.o~,J,' 0l~7 r '"",.,..,'~ . .'i.!" > .'-..~~-'_. "'.1.' . " ." ... I ! I' I .-- , . , " , I' .- I , , i I < " I I j, , I: j' , , I < < I " I r I ! I i I , ! I I I 1 1:1 :3 [I ,-, - 2 Unltod Way Funding lor \IN.FY90 and lJW,FYOl, and ^ooncy Roquosll lor lJ'wY.FY92 I" 1.1 I" fl'" I I'. I.... Illl. "' 'III' t.. I I'll" I I till'" I 17 Unltod Way Dollgnalod GMng ler lJW,FYB8,\JN.FY89, lJW.FY90 and lJW,FY91 ",. 18 A Compllllon 01 CurronlLocaI Support, , " " . , , , , .. . , . . , , , , , . , . , " , , " . , . 19 Rocommondod Sallly SlIUcturo Chart (July 1084) ",.,.."""".".....,." 20 Rocommondod SallIy Structuro Chart Updalod 10 lncIudo a 4% Incroaso lor Each VOII Slneo 1984 I . . I . , . . , I . . , , I I I I I I . . I It. . . . . I . , . . . . , . . I . . . .. 21 Sonafit Point Chait. . , . . " . , . '" , . I , . . "I I I , . I.' . . I . I' . I I' . , . . I . .. I I I I 22 Unltod Way Planning DMslon'. Agoncy Ranklngs ,...,..".".,...",."..,. 23 In making rocommondaUonslor Iowa City'. FY92 human IOrvleo agoncy funding, \ho bASic goal has boon 10 IUpport agonclos wI\h \ho funda nocola8/'f 10 maintain curronl sorvtcos and 10 provldo \hoso 10NlCGalo Inctoaslng numbors 01 clIonlS, The agonelos \hal rocoWo City 01 Iowa City funding lor \holr opor8Uons have boon oxtromoly Cloallvo In ellompUng 10 hold down IocoI costs whllo mooUng oxpandlng ellonl noods, Thoy havo oXlendod \ho~ funding buol by sooklng addlUonal 11810, lodoral and granl IUPPOrt. Thoy haVO oxpandod \ho~ ollorlllo conoct 100.ler .0Nlco Irom \hoso clIonls who havo \ho ability 10 pay. Thoy have onhancod Inlor'agoncy cooporoUon \hrough jolnl vonlurol and aharod rOlourcos, And \hoy have rostructurod programs 10 provldo lOll cosily IONIco modols: IUblUluUng group counlollng sOlllonllor ono-on-ono counsollng whonovor poSllblo,lor ownplo. Yol, ovan VI1lh a11.\hoso cosl contalnmonl ollorts. \ho nood for lomo addlUonaJ local funding roma/ns. Tho Commllloo concludod \hal \ho egonelol' roquosll woro rouonablo and consorv8Uvo, Commllloo rocommond8Uonslo both Iowa City and Johnson County call lor mooUng thOID roquoall u ,.,11 nnanelally loaslblo .0 thOlo agonelos can conUnuo 10 ollor \hair Importanl aorvlcos 10 tho many porions who nood thom, Now funding II proposod for \ho Emorgoney Housing Pro,ect: Ills nol curronUy fundod by \ho City, A1\hough this agoney rocolvol support Irom Unltod Way, Johnlon County ancllocal churchol, III funding balo Is nol adoqu810 10 mooltho dramaUo Incroase In \ho nood lor lomporaty aholto, In our community, Tho Commlttoo II proposing \h811owa City add III support 10 \hIs agoney 10 holp onsuro \ho conUnuaUon 01 \ho Emorgoncy Housing Proloct's Importanl work. PI08S0 soo pago 1201 \ho allachod roport lor a do.crlpUon 01 \ho Emorgoney Houllng Pr%ct'l roquoaL Tho Commllloo's rocommondaUon allo calls lor roollabUshlng Iowa City'. conUngoney fund lor human soNlco agoney support. Through FY87, tho CI~'s funding lor human 10Nlco agonclol Includod an amounl \hal was 101 esldo 10 bo usod 10 holp agonclo. whon mld.fundlng yoar omorgonclos arOIO, In FYB8, Council was lorcod by nnanclaJ constralnta 10 ellmln810 \ho conUngoney fund, this yoar, whon \ho nnanclal rOlourcos 01 our agonelos 010 Ilrolchod 10 \hln, \hoy aro particularly vulnorablo 10 mld.yoar chango. \hat would causo aorloul dlsrupUon 01 soNlcos, litho conllngoncy fund con bo rooslablllhod, It will agoln bo usod only In casos 01 omorgoney, and any roquosllor conllngoney lund aupport would bo coordlnatod with roquosll Irom Unltod WaY'1 unalloc810d rOlorvo and from tho County. ...,."....,.,'...,."-,,...'. JJ7 -, I "^' ..... I' , " .. I I. . i j I i. ! i I , ,:t 3 [I 8 \ I 3 Council wtIl dlIcuaslho Commlttoo rocommondaUons on FobtullY., 1991, "CouncIJ dolormlnos lhal no Iddltlonal CommIlloo 0( Councll.oaslonlllO nOodod,lundlng ftguros dolormlnod lItho FobtullY 4 mooUng wtIl bo UlIIlzod In tho CUy's budgol moJdng prccoal, /I you have ItI'f quo.llont 0( do,/(o .ddIUona/ malorlal, ploaso call mo .1 3M-5242. -- i: I , ;1 , ~,1IWIlO " !, i~ I; , . , ! I I , ,I '. II I; .'f I; I. I f,} ~ ! . ! , I. i ; ,. ,. ,. ! I I; r I ,I , I,' 1 , , i I' I , I. I; ., , ; , . .--............~;.-,j~~ "~~...."t""\.,;"'j.,:j."l.;."I..........~_. .. " '~._-......""...'A,',.-,L,.->,: ~37 .J_"~"''''~__'' ,;.,>,.i.,;.J.\...."-." I "~'~-~\1 I' , , I:' ,3 [I q COI9llnEE RECOI9lENDATlOHS TO TilE CITY COUNCIL OF 1000A CITY FOR FUNDING IIUHAH SERVICE AGENCIES IN FY92 I. REQUESTS FOR CONTINUED 1000A CITY FUNDING (AND FOR CONTINUED COUNTY FUNDING) A. ~: Recolllllended Funding $28,000 Funding Current Funding FY92 Request Recommendation lova City $ 26.500 $ 28,000 (+5.71) 528,000 (+5.71) County 13,000 15,000 (+15.41) 14,000 (+7.71) United Way 13.592 16,000 (+17,71) Tohl'lncolllO $102,292 $115,500 (+12.91) ~Proom: Big Brothers/Big Sisters provides oppor- tunltle~tlonal, menhland physical development fer at- risk children Iged 6-14 froll slngle'plrent fllllllles. This Is ICCOII- pllshed through IIltches III de IIlth Idult volunteers In the cOllllluntly for long.tel'll one,to,one friendships. Professional casellorkers provide on- going support for the volunteers, the chtldren and their flllt1les. The GAP progrllll, a Joint effort of Big Brothers/BIg Sisters and 4,/1, Is offered for children IIho are IIlltlng to be mltchedl youngsters 1I00t lIeekly for nine lIeeks In sllall groups IIlth adult volunteers for eduCltlonal, rectutlonll and Socllllelrnlng experiences.' ~cln~hlnaes erooose4: 1. 51 sallry Increlses are proposed for all staff. : This Is In excellent progrlm lIeetlng a rell need. Reintroduction of the GAP program has provided Imporhnt service to chtldren on the 1I11t1ng list. This Igency continues to do In excellent Job of fund.ralslng In order to lIeet some of Its needs. A funding Increue of $1,500 Is proposed, Director's 5111ry: Within the updated suggested range from the 1984 Sllary study. , '. Director's Benefit Points: 81,5 '.....~ ..--.."..,. '.. ~.~l",. ""-~,......,,-,,. ...." ,,' "'-.> '~''- ~ "".'0 d-37 ,.' ... I I I r i' i' I I, i I I i I ), I' , :' , , f, I . ! i I 1 I:' ,3 , (, S. W1.1.LW1IJ:: Reconllnded funding 522,050 fundlnr Current funding fY92 Request RecolllllendJ Ion IOva CIty $ 21,000 $ 22,050 (+5.~) $22,0$0 (+5.01) County 42,000 44,100 (+5.~) 44,100 (+5.OS) Un Ited lIay 44,321 46,521 (+5,~) Total IncOGlt $205,216 519S,120.(-3.51) \ I I I: I I .1 , " " I tCannett grant funding ends. ~: The Crisis Centor orrers a Crisis Interventlen Progra. that Is available to anyone lfho calls or COIllOl In, It provides short tem crisis counseling I suicide Intervention, prevent ton and postventlonl Infomatlon and referral I and a message relay servtce for the duf utlllztng the TOO (TelecolllllUnlcatlons Device for the Deaf), It also Includes community education and outreach. The Crlsts Center food Sank gives Individuals \prlm.rl1Y pel'lll.nent Johnson County residents) elllergency and supp olllental food. Tho Crtsls Center E"l'gency Assistance Progralll helps people with emergency needs such II sholter, clothing and transportation, ., I' j- t I, 2, Cannett grant funding Is completed, Allocallon of expenditures among the Crisis Center's three progms Is shWed. This produces changes that appear greater on paper than they are tn practice, A range of salary Increms combines with a starr reduct ton of ,5 fTE (full.lIme equivalent) to yteld a 21 decrease In salary expendt tures. 3, : The Crisis Center continues to make strides tn Integrating tts services. Its 24 hour telephone avallablll. ty Is very Important. A funding tncrease of Sl ,050 Is proposed to support existing programs. Director's Salary: Within the updated suggested rango from the 1984 salary stUdy. Dlrecior's Senertt Points: 51.5 I " I, ,- I ; I I. I j i I , 2 ! i , , I. i " ,. ~37 '..'~ ., , ,=' '3 , , , C. Domest~nlorventton PrOorl:!!1 RecGalllOndod Funding $28.400 Funding Current Funding FY92 Request Reco.llNndltfon Iowa City S 26,400 S 28,400 (+7.61) Ceunty 35,200 37,200 (+5.71) United lIay 30,729 31,610 (+2.91) Total IncOOle S201,815 1204,724 (+1.41) ~: The DOlllestlc Violence Intervention Progrlll lIIakes cOlllprehenslve services avalllble to those affected by dOlestlc violence In Johnson County. This progrlll provides: safe sholter for vlctlllls of battering (and their children); short. tal'll counseling, advocacy and referral for both shelter residents and other vlctlls of abuse; progrlms for children of bltterln9 famlllOS; COlllllunltyeducltlon on the Issue of domestic violence; and outreach to vlctlls ~hose batterers have been arrested under the landatory arrest law. $28,400 (+7,61) 37,200 (+5,71) ~cant~anaes ProDose~: I. A decreua of expenditures for direct aid Is projected IS this agency limits such support to vlctlls of battering and their families. 2. A salary rate Increue of 61 for all staff comblnos with a starr Increase of .36 HE to prOduce a 161 Increase In salary expense, : The DOlestlc Violence Intervention Pr09ram hIS consistent y prOVided the communtly with high qUlllty services at a very reasonable cost. The budget sublllltted relllllns conservative, The cutblck In direct aid expenditures Is very approprl. ate, This agency hu been utilizing sOllie of Its scarco resources to aid IndiViduals In noed who are not lIIelllbers of Its target Population: vlcttllls of violence. The agency has neither the funds nor tho staff to take on this addltlonll mission. A funding Increm of S2,000 Is proposed to lIIalntaln existing servtces. Director's Sallry: S607 below the updated suggested range for FY9!; within the updated suggested range for FY92. Director's Benefft Points: 60 . 3 . ..'., ;1.37 ~'--"'."~"""-"';~" -, ~ <,' :"".,"' ,~....".-- I l' I . ,I . I: ,I I I !. I ji I. I , , 'I , I I. , - :. , :t '-'::1 c' I I I i I I I D. tldJ[Jv Services Aaoncvl Recommended Funding S45.000 I' .,. I , Fundln~ Current Funding FY92 Request Recommenda Ion lova City , S 39,150 S 4$,000 (+14.91) m,ooo (+14.91) County 10,000 28,500 (+185,01) 28,500 (+185.01) , I , United lIay 20,781 25,000 (+20.31) Tota I IncOll\e S/58,448 S205,938 (+30.01) ~: The Elderly Services Agency currently offers flve programs to residents of Johnson County IIho are agl 60 and older, Program I Is the Chore and Respite Care Program that provides services to enable elderly persons to remain In their own homes. Pro~ram 2 has two components: RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) lIIatches seniors IIlth volunteer opportunl t Ies throughout the community, and Outreach seeks out and assists elderly In need 0' services. Program 3 also has tllO components: Shared Housing lIIatches elderly people IIlth others who 11111 shire their homes In return for rent or services, and the Frail Elderly Progrlm coordlnUes support services for high risk/high need clients. Progrlm 4, Coordinated Ifome carel provides clse coordination for recently hospitalized or seriously I I elderly people. Progrlm 5 Is the Housing Repair Program that enables frail elderly people In Iowa City to remain In their own homes safely. A sixth Program Is proposed for FY92. The Residential Accessibility In Rural Johnson County Program 11111 prOVide lIlOdlflclllons to the homes of disabled elderly people so thlt they 11111 be Ible to enter their dwellings, and move about IIlthln them, safely. ' , ,- !. I, , I I ~cant ~hanaes PrODosed: 1. Increuod local funding Is requeHed for the Coordinated lIome Care Program to augment tho funding available from lferltage Agency on Aging. 2. Johnson County funding Is requested for the proposed Resldenilal Accessibility In Rural Johnson County Program, 3, A range of salary Increases results In an Increaso of 5.21 In salary expondltures, : This agency prOVides an array of excellent services to a large number of elderly people In our community to help them remain In their homes as safely IS pOSSible for IS long as possible, The Coordinated lIome Care Program hIS significantly enhanced Inter-agency cooperation on many very difficult cases. IIhlle 38X of the funding needed for the Coordinated lIome Care Program 11111 come from Heritage Agency on Aging, Significant local funding Is also needed to keep the program fully operational and providing Its exempllry services, A funding Increase of S5,850 Is reconrnended. ,. i L , , 4 :<37 I:' :3 , ,3 Director's Sallry: IIlthln the updated suggosted range from the 1984 salary study, Director's Benoftt Points: 74 Eo ~evo Area Cormlllnltv Action Prooramt: Recommendod Funding $6,000 Fundlnl Curront Funding FY92 Requos t Recolllllonda Ion Iowa City S 4,000 $ 6,000 (+50.~) $ 6,000 (+50.~) County 20,000 21,500 (+7.5X) 21,500 (+7.5X) United lIay 16,000 17,000 (+6.3X) Total Income. S127,500 $495,430 (+288.6X) .for projects that Include Johnson County and for which local funding Is requested. D8IcrfR1jon 0' Prooral!l: IIACAP Is requesting Iowa CIty funding for two programs. The Head Start Resource Centor Program Is an extension of the fedoral Hoad Start Program; It Is primarily funded through a major throo year federal grant. It provides speclaltzed homo based services, Itrlp around chtld care, Interagency cue lIIanagemont, enhanced sochl services and a resource center located at the Broadway Street Neighbor- hood Center. The Ilouslng Stabilization Program provides advocacy and Isslstance to homeless fallln ies and thoso at rhk of homelessness, secures and operates translttonal hOUSing before the houstng becomes put of the foderal Transltlonal HOUSing project, and prOVides direct financial assistance through programs such as LlltEAP and Project Aide. ~can~hanoes ProDose4: 1. HACAP Is requesting funding from tho City of Coralvl11e. 2. A range of salary Incroases and a staff Increue of 4;37 m result In an Increase of 96X In salary expenditures. : The Increased funding requested will be used to enhance two programs. The /lead Start Resource Center Program's services would be extended to prOVide: sunrnor operat ton of tho /lyrtle Center, caro In privata day mo homes for at.rlsk llead Start children after regular Head Start hours, and full day servlcos In day caro homes for non.ffead Start chlldron from at.rlsk famlllos. The /lousing Stablllzat Ion Program's efforts to socuro hous I ng unl ts for use as transttlonal housing would also bo expanded, A funding Inctease of $2,000 Is proposed to enhance these servlcos, Director's SalarYI IIACAP WIS not Included In the 1984 salary study. Director's Beneftt Points: 69.6 5 ~37, y , I i I r I I I . . , , I , , , 1 ,I I . I I. I I ;1 , ! I ! , I ,="3 I Y F, ~IVOr'l Youl~o~ent Proorl~: Recommonded Funding $33,000 Funding Current Funding FY92 Roquost RocolIIDfndlt Ion Iowa CIty $ 3z.o00 $ 33.000 (+3.11) m,ooo (+3.IX) County 14,300 15,000 (+UX) 15,000 (+UX) United WIY 9.000 10,000 (+II.IX) Tohl IncolIIt $235,915 5254,900 (+8.OX) ~Ion or Prnn.,M: The Hlyor's Youth Employmont Progral provldos ~ youth and young adults In Johnson County through seven progral.. The In,School COIIponent offers work experience to youth during the school year In the public and prIvate sectors. The SUlllDor Component offors youth a slx.weok work-earn. learn progrlm In conservation. The Transition Progrll provIdes special help to those with exceptional employmont problems, Tho Young Adult Progral Is a 15 week, full.tllllo SUlllDor progral for those Iged 18 to 24, The Youth Apprentlcoshlp and Career Explorltlon Program offers teens tho opportunity to explore non.trldltlonal occupatIon.. The Hlsslsslppl River Conservation Corps Is a JoInt effort of tho shtes of 10WI, illinois and Wisconsin; It offers full.tlme sUlll1ler employmont. Tho /follloless Youth Job Placement Vocatfonal Education Progral offers traInIng, vocatIonal edUcation and exploratIon opportunities In conjunctIon with Youth /fomes, Inc. I. An Incrolle of 30X In the cost of administration Is projected, 2. A rlnge of salary Increases and a staff Increm of .33 fT[ yield a 15X Increa.e In total sallry expenditures. : This agency places youth and young adults In Jobs preparing them for the world of work and IncreasIng thetr family Income. A funding Incrello of $1,000 Is proposed, Director's Salary: Wlthtn the updated suggosted rango from tho 1984 salary stUdy. Dlroctor's Bonoflt Points: 83 6 ", '~'-<'''"",, ..-.,~ ,~~.. - ~ ,/137 I r : I I i I I ... , " ,I i' i I I I I I I I' I' , I I I I, , I , , I I, I I i i , I) :3, , 5 G. . , RecoalOnded funding: 113,500 funding Current funding fY92 Reque.t RecDnIOndltlon lova City $ 11,000 1 13,500 (+22.7S) $ 13,500 (+22.7S) County 184,000 204,000 (+10.91) 200,000 (+8.7S) United Way 13,500 20,000 (+48.IS) Total IncOIO $1,703,846 $1,755,383 (+3.OS) 1l1w:.l..Dllo1L0' Pr/lllrJII: HECCA'. pr09ra.s are Outpatient Treatltnt Resl~Preventlon, Employee Assistance, and Gamblersl Assistance. Outpattent TreUllOntlncludes usmllGntand evaluation IS well as a regimen that Is les. .iructured than re.ldentlal service.. Services to adolucents, IS well II Inrol'lllatlon, crisis Intervention, and rererral .ervlces, are Included. Resldentlll TrellllGnt Include. detoxlflcatlon/crl.ls .tablllzatlon, re.ldentlal services and hllf.wlY services. Prevention provides work.hop., presentations and In-.ervlces on substance abuse prevention. The Employee Assistance Progrll provides contracted services to help local employees deal vlth I wide variety of personal Issues. The GalOb1ers' Assistance Progral orrers outreach, usement and treatlltnt to Individuals with glllb1fng proble.s. I. Host staff are projected to receive I sallry Increase of 4S. That Incrauo Collblnes with shlfh In staffing to produce an Increase In overall salary expenditures .of 6S. : HECCA' Is providing very h'lgh qUlllty .ubstance I use treatment an prevention services to a large nu.ber of Johnson County residents. This agency Is io be commended for Its out- standing eHort In COllecting fees for It. services frail those clients who have the resources to lake pa)'lllont. A funding Increase of $2,500 Is proposed to Illntlln existing service.. Director's Salary: Within the updated suggested range from the 1984 sallry study. Director's Benefit Points: 91.7 7 e237 I I I I I I , , i I \, I I I ... , , ,I , : I I f I ,. I' r . ; ~ i '" l:t '3 , b 1 I , t I I f I I I H, : Recommended funding $25.000 I I ~ fundIng [, Current funding fY92 Reques t Recolllllendatlon Iowa City $ 20,000 , S 30,000 (~50,OXJ $25,000 (+25,OS) County 20,000 30,000 (+50.OX) 25,000 (+25.OS) I United lIay 36,782 45,000 (+22.n) I , , Total IncOGle $340,466. 5258,448 (.24.11) . .Includes $98,034 for the new facIlity. ~: Helghborhood Centers of Johnson County has " ~rovlded services to residents of Phemnt RIdge Apartments (fol'lll8rly , i f110w Creek/Hark IV) and other residents of Johnson County sInce 1973. , In 1988, a nel9hborhood.based prograll WIS also Initiated for the Cedal'llood Apartments/Broadway Street lrea. Services Include recre. atlon, education, outreach. food and nutrition, counseling and SU~POI'tl and child me. Hany activities are offered for children (bot pre. school and sChool,aged) and teens. ~ClnlJkbanQes Prooosed: I. Costs assocIated with the BroadwlY Street buildIng wl11 slabl- I .- I llze, i. 2. A range of salary Increues and a staff Increase of 1:18 FTE ,I result In an Increase of 14,51 In salary expenditures. I I : Hetghborhood Centers of Johnson County I , cont Inues to provIde hIgh qual Ity support services at Its Phemnt Ridge Center and It the new Broadway Street 'Center. IIhlle providing servIces to both neighborhoods through the Slme agency hel~s to IIlntmlze expenses, some additional expendttures have beenlnevlta Ie to staff and oporate two facf1ltles. A funding Increase of $5,000 Is proposed, ' Director's Salary: Within the updated suggested range from the 1984 \, salary study, II Director's BenefIt Points: 62 ! , t ,I . I 8 ~ I I , , , I """".--"-~"" "".. 0137 ! "~~''''''''T_,'-< L~ y I) .:3 I ,-, I. aaoe VI~vocacY Proaram: Recommended funding $12,000 fundIng Recolllllendatlon I I I I' ..- Current funding fY92 Request 10lla City County United lIay 'Total Incollle $ 11,500 11,727 15.144 $128,348 $ 12,000 (+4.31) 12,000 (+2.31) 15,750 (+4.01) $ljO,850 (+1.91) $12,000 (+4.31) 12,000 (+2.31) I I , ~: Tho Rapo Vlctl. Advocacy Prograll provides crisis Intervention, peer counseling, advocacy ~nd Infol'1llatlon to vlctllls of sexual abuse, their fallllles and significant others. It also 1I0rks tOllard the prevention of sexual assault and harassllent through publIc Information and educatIon programs. ll9.nJ!jcant Chanaes Prooose~: 1. The proposed salary Incruse Is 5' for all staff. : This agency Is to be comended for securing grant funding to help Illeet the cOlllllunlty's need for Its excol. lent services. A funding Increase of $500 Is proposed to lIalntaln existing servIces. Director's Salary: IIlthln the updated suggested range froll the 19B4 salary stUdy. . Director's Benefit PoInts 99.5 J. 1WlJ.w1: Recolllllended funding $4.200 . , I " fundIng Current Funding fY92 Request Recommendation 10lla City. $ 3,300 $ 4,200 (+27.31) $4.200 (+27.31) County B,OOO 9,700 (+21.31) 9,700 (+21.31) United lIay 17.015 17.000 (.0.11) Total Income $79,211 $82,300 (+3.91) ~: The Red Cross has three areas of actIvity In Johnson County. Health and Safety Services Include education In health/safety and child me, blood pressure screenIng, fIrst aid statIons. support services to blood collection and lIater safety programs, and provisIon of AIDS educatIon materials.. ServIces to Military famtl les Include assistance In reunitIng famtlles IIlth members I I' I: , :' , 9 ).37 . _-....,.~-. . 1):3 I 8. In the anned forces during times of falltly crisis, IS lIell as other support for anned services personnel and theIr famll les. Disaster ServIces Include the prOVision of emergency food, shelter, clothing and other essentials fer victims of natural disasters. ~cant (banaes Prooose~: I. An BI Increase In salary expenditures Is proposed. : Red Cross Is provIding Important services to residents of Johnson County. particularly In the area of disaster relief. HOllever, Its funding base Is not adequate to maintaIn the services It off.rs. An Increuo of $900 Is proposed to help Insure this agency's financial stability. Director's Salary: $1,296 b.loll the updated suggested range for FY911 $373 beloll the updated suggested range for FY92, DIrector's Benefit Points: 53.5 K. ~: Recomended funding $46,000 Funding Current Funding fY92 Reques t Recomendat Ion 10111 City $ 43,000 $ 48,000 (+11.61) 546,000 (+7.01) County 62.000 9B.000 (+58.11) 68,000 (+9.71) United lIay 17,500 28,000 (+60.01) Total Income $508,055 $524,416 (+3.21) ~: United Action for Youth offers tllO programs: 1) Counsel~tlon and 2) Proventlon. Counseling, outreach. Intervention and creative arts opportunitIes ar. provided for youth In Johnsen County. Many of the youth served are alienated from more traditional youth services. and UAY often Intervenes with It.rlsk youth who mIght otherwise become Involved In JuvenIle delinquency. Preven. tlon of substance abuse, unplanned teen pregnancy and child maltreat. ment are emphasized. ~can~hanaes Prooose~: I. A $32,210 decrease Is projected In Income from grant sources. 2. A $15.236 Increase In fee.for.servlca Income Is anticipated. 3. A range of salary Increases comblnos with a staff Increase of .9 FTE to produce an Increase of BI In salary expendItures. : United Action for Youth Is provIdIng Important servlcos to a large numbor of local young people. ^ projected decline In the avalhbtllty of federal and state grant 10 /137 I i I r I ! ! I I I' ; , , . I ; I L , I I . I I I. '. I , I :' I (, 1]3 I q , funding hIS the potential to seriously Impact the programs offered by this agency. A funding Increase of $3.000 Is preposed to help Illalntaln exIstIng servIces. Dlrecter's Salary: Above the updated suggested range frolll the 1984 salary stUdy for both FY91 and FY92. Director's Benefit Pulnts: 62.5 l. r , ;,' . , , . ,. I, I' ", r II I , !' i. ! ! , ; 1 t " r t i , f I t ;1 . I' , !' "-,,,,,,,,<..,- , ,..,~ _rfJ.37 . \.,1 q." . ~ <' I I 1 ",.);~"..."., . ._,.,.,.~ ~'... h_,"_' ~ ,. .~-, ~ . ;~ ,,,C_, ." -, 1 i I j I I __ I i I j '. . : -, '3- I~ n 1- - , - - I I ! I I I II. REQUESTS FOR NEil lallA CITY FUNDING (AND FOR CONTINUED CaUl/TV fUNDING) I' I ..~. .. I A. : RecOlllllended Funding SI,BOO I Current FundIng fY92 Reques t FundIng I Recolllllendat I on I Iowa City $ 0 $ 1,000 (IIA) $1,000 (IIA) , , . , County I,BOO 3,000 (+66.7X) 3,000 (+66.71) I I i . United lilY 5,500 7,000 (+27.31' I i Total IncOlQ 573,673* S52,625* (.20.61) 'Total IncOGle projected for the current year Includes S31,216 In Elltrgency Shelter Grant funding; total Income projected for next year Includes only $6,450 In Emergency Shelter Grant funds. The amount for next year OX Increase when the next Emergency Shelter Grants are IIIIrded. : The Ell8rgency ffouslng Project prOVides temporary housing and oOd, as lIell as advocacy services, to those In Johnson County who cannot provld. for themselves. ClIents Include single IItn and women, couples, and families with chtldren. Hany of the Individuals served are referred by other local agencIes. Some of those who are sheltered are local people experiencing heuslng crlsesl some are people who CIIIle to 10lla City and cannot ftnd a place to staYI some are stranded here by an ellOrgencYI and some are true transients. Clients are trelted IS guests. 1194!lJcant~ana.s P-roDose4: 1. The Emergency ffeuslng Project Is roquestlng 10lla City and Coralvt11e funding. 2. A 631 Increase In salary expenditures results from the addItion of .75 m staff and a range of salary Increases. : This Is a valuable service that treats Its c lents we 1 and saves t e resources of referring agencIes. IIhl1e the churches have continued their support, It Is clear that additional SDurces of funding are necessary to help this agency meet the slgnlft. cantly Increased need fer I ts services. The agency Is workIng hard to broaden the base of support for Its operation. Nell City funding of $1,000 Is proposed. Director's Salary: Not Included In the 1904 salary study; well beloll the 10llest range. Director's Benefit Points: 0 12 27 ~ . . '.' I' ~ ; I I i I i I I " .\' I , I I I I I I I. i, f ! I i' . j, , ! ] ,:) I:J ' , I .:] _ , - B. ~: Recommended fundIng SO Fundlnl Current fundIng fY92 Reques t Recolllllenda Ion Iowa City S 0 S 5,000 (1lA) S o (1lA) County 59,000 75,000 (+27.11) 65,000 (+10.21) United lIay 10,000 Is.oOO (+80.01) Total IncolllO S976,210 SI,I91,75B (+22.11) r \ I I I ... , " j; ! Descrl~roaram: Youth 1f0000os provides five prograllls In Johnson County. Yout Emergency Shelters I and II . short.tel1l out,of.home care counseling and supervisIon for children who are runallays, homoiess or child abuse vlctlllls. Courtllnn Residential Treatment Center. residential, long.tel'1ll care for girls who are emotionally disturbed or behavIor disordered IS a result of abuse, neglect or other family problems. Structured Community Independent living. assIstance for foster care or homeless adolescents to shblllze them IS self. suffIcient adults. Pursuing Adventures In learnIng . day caro/day t~eatment for pre-adolescents with behavior disorders. Parent Support Servlees . parent education, group recreation, and supervision for families at risk of chl1d abuse. i! i' I i j' ' I: 1. Youth Homes Is requesting Iowa City and Coralvt11e funding. 2. Hajor nell grant funding hIS been secured to expand the Structured Community Independent livIng Pr09ram. 3. A broad range of salary Increases and tho additIon of 10.5 FTE staff posItions yield an Increase of 241 In salary expenditures. : Youth Ifomos provides a range of hIgh quality programs to our communIty. Its shelter services are of particular Importance. lfowoverJ financial considerations prohibit a recommendation for nail CIty fun Ing at this time. Director's Salary: Above the top of the updated suggested range for FY91 and FY92. Director's Benefit PoInts: 69.5 , ; I \: , i , ! . )1 , , l' , 13 t , , ,j.~7 , ., ., ,~ ""-'." 1:1 :3 I? 2 III. REQUEST FOR CONTINUED IOIIA CITY fUNDING (AND FOR COUNTY FUNDING THROUGH ITS ) I I I' I' ..-.. . . RecOIIIllOnded fundIng: 56,500 Current FundIng fundIng fY92 Reques t RecOCllll8ndat Ion Iowa CIty 5 2,000 5 6,500 (+225.01) $6,500 (+225.01) DO~artMnt or Pu lie Hulth 6.000 13,600 (+170.01) United lIay 8.500 17 , 500 (+105.91) Total IncolllO $39,748 564,900 (+63.31) " , .' ., j' 1IwJ:.1DlliuL1w.W: ICARE offers tllO programs. The DIrect ServIce Progra~tllOtlonal, financIal and practical support to those who have AIDS, A1DS.Related cOIllpl ex , or who are HIV positive. It Includes a Buddy Program and support for the families and loved ones of cltents. The Education and Prevention Progralll provides educational services and materials to the cOlllllunlty to Increase awareness and reduce hIgh risk behaviors. 1. A 741lncreue In expenditures for both programs Is projected. 2. 'A full.tlme prograM assIstant wIll be added. 3. A 151 salary Increuo for the one current staf'person Is proposed. : lie have barely begun to understand the Impact that AIDS lay hay, on our community and Its hUMan service resources. ThIs agency works to IIOderate that Illlpact by provIding some of the support needed by clIents through a prograll of volunteer buddies and through other support services. It also works at preventing the spread of thIs dIsease. Although 'the agency Is still quIte new and has not yet secured an adequate base of support, Its staff and board Ill8l1bers have been quite successful at fund raising projects. HOllever, It Is clear that fund raisIng alone wIll not be enough; IllOre stable support Is also needed. Johnson County Is funding ICARE through Its Ilealth Department. A fundIng IncrelSO of 14,500 Is proposed. Director's Salary: Not Included In the 19B4 salary study. DIrector's Benefit Points: 51 " I. , I' I , :' " \, , , , ,I , ItfundllcllyrtC.1p l. i i 14 ,j37 :, .:J IJ j I ~ _ - - . ,:, a ': y 02:11 1:1 :3 2 5 UIlITED WAY I HUHAIl SERVICE AGENCY FUIIDIN~ I: I funding Allocated I Increase Incruse . Assn Retarded CitIzens S18, 212" 520,739u 13.91 $24,900 54,161 20,1~ I Big Bros./Blg Sisters $12 ,747" $I3,59Zu 6.61 $16,000 n,40B 17.71 . Boy Scouts 54,B36 55,000 3.41 57,667 n , 667 53.3~ i, I Cimp Fire 52,433 52,SOO 2.81 55,000 52,SOO .100,01 Crisis Center 539,755" 544,321" II.SI 546,521 52,200 5,01 Dental Svs. Children 56,998 5B,OOO 14.31 $16,000 5B,OOO 100.01 DOlllestlc Violence Int. 527,721" S30,729u 10.91 . S31,610 5B81 2.~ Elderly Services AJCY' SJ7,58Su nO,781" IB.2I 525,000 54,219 20.31 Emergency Housing rj. 54,479 55,SOO 22.81 57,000 $I, SOO Z7,3~ 4 C's 5B,1I3" 59,913" 22.21 512,200 n,2B7 23.1~ free MedIcal Clinic 546,172" 5S6.563" 22.SI 563,B78 57,315 12.~ Goodlll11 S3B,B60 S42 ,000 8.11 5S0,OOO 58,000 19.01 HACAP/Headstart 515,923 $16,000 O.SI SI7 ,000 $1,000 6.3~ Handlcm 56,80B" $10,369" 52.31 SI7 ,000 $&,631 64,01 Hillcrest $3,4S7, 54.000 15.71 5S,OOO 51,000 25.01 1CARE 57,2171 5B,SOO, 17.81 S17,SOO 59,000 105.9~ Indefendent Living ~14,961 SlS,OOO 0.31 m,ooo 50 0,01 Lega Services $\9,941 520,000 0.31 522,500 52,SOO 12.5~ ,. Lutheran Social Servo $l6,B72 SI7 ,000 0.81 520,000 $3,000 17.6~ I I- Mayor'S Youth Employ. 57,975 59,000 12.91 510,000 51,000 1 J.I~ , MECCA $12,259 $I3,SOO 10.11 520,000 56,SOO 48.1~ ' I Mental Health Center 50 50 IIA SB,94B 58,948 IIA i lIelghborhood Centers 531, 274" 536,78Z" 17.61 545,000 58,218 Z2.3~ I , Ripe Victim Advocicy $14,398" SlS,144" 5.2~ m,750 5606 4.01 Red Cross S15,244 .. SI7 ,015 u 11.6~ SI7 ,000 .m .O.I~ School Children's AId 55',496 55,SOO 0.1'; 59,600 54,100 . 74.S~ Speclil Care Dentil n,999 53,000 0.01 55,DOO 52,000 66.7'; United Action/Youth 516,902 SI7 ,SOO 3.SI 52B,OOO $10,500 60.01 VIsiting lIurse Assn. 5S1,541 553,700 4.21 5S4,OOO 5300 0,6'; Youth Homes 56,931 $10,000 44.31 S1B,OOO 58,000 80,01 lOTAL 547B,I09 5S31,648 11.21 U 56S1,074 5119,426 Z2.S~ I , .UWFY90 allocitlons for most agencies were reduced sl'~htlY because State One Gift Campilgn rundlng went directly to the agencies Instead of pass ng through United lIay. ttlncludes salary adjustment fundtn~. 'ICARE . Includes 52,500 mld.year undln, Increase. I " 'ltlDEPEllDEIIT L1VI"~ . Salary adjustment undlng has not yet been disbursed. , I " 17 ~3? ,...,...... .~ . :1 ,:) IJ h I .J - ... 1 I I I I ut/JT[O IIAY I' I ..-. DESICflATED CIVIt'C oe~ed Designated D'~'d Des Ignaled Aaencv UlIm9 Ul!El2L-. Alliance for the Hentally 111 $466 S1,914 52,422 Assn. for Retarded Citizens SI,534 S1,667 S1,860 $91B I ,I Big Brothers/Big Sisters SI,411 $2,483 $4,18S 52,261 , " Boy Scouts ' SI,746 SI,530 12,326 $2,2B7 " " C. Internat tonal Programs SI,300 $2,626 S1,050 SI,092 Camp fire 5329 $243 $276 $273 Crl s Is Center $2,846 $6,369 $6,148 S7,87B Dental Services for Children $609 5432 $m . 5554 " Domestic Violence Intervention 53,782 $5,506 $7,378 $12,911 I' Elderly Services A~enCy 52,382 $2,306 SI,m 53,263 Emergency Housing roject SI,I51 $765 52,B78 $2,969 4C's $1,052 SI,025 $505 $795 , : l' free Hedlcal Clinic SI,830 $2,271 $2,277 $5,050 Coodwt11 $688 SI,442 52,549 51,370 IfACAP/HOIdstart SI,468 SI,649 S1,6BO SI,543 IIandlcare S1,468 SI,I53 53,360 $2,B62 l' lIt11crest $160 $2BI 5165 $131 1I0splce $S,321 $3,464 55,367 $7,37B ICARE 5100 $2,346 $3,285 Independent Ltvlng $339 $B92 $620 $472 Iowa C & f Services 5711 $912 5913 SI,308 Legal Services S107 $186 5610 5625 Lutheran Social Service S1,S70 $1,409 $2,368 SI,373 Hayor's Youth Employment $195 $231 $573 5300 I IIECCA SI,292 SI,560 . 52,079 53,106 I, IIontal Ilea lth Center $SO f1elghborhood Centers, $S62 $625 $1,391 SI,490 Rape Vt~tlm Advocacy Program $1,505 $1,702 52,937 $2,095 I: " , ! Red Cross $2,080 52,056 53,206 $5,031 Salvatton Army $1,920 SI,635 $1,491 $2,B17 I School Children's Atd $690 $99B $I,2BO $2,359 Special Care Dental Program $326 S12B S105 541 , United Action for Youth " $S99 51,103 S1,655 5840 I United lIay $316 $259 5200 $2,475 !' Visiting f1urse Association 52,784 S3,253 52 t 551 $4,143 1 Yciuth Homes $I t 195 o $I,B03 SI,576 $1,165 I, rnm SQ ffi;'530 f7m4 m;J32 I I \ , , I IB I I I c23? I "> ~ -"- ,..,,,<' ..., '.' '_";'<.<. ".."......h "'''-'.'-'''''l'lil<4 ",- ,", - -, - .. :J I I_I j '- , I I I I CURRENT LOCAL ALLOCATIONS I' ... Johnson . Coralville County 10111 City United lIay , I AOfnev W.I WJ WJ lIHWL , Assn, for Retarded Citizens $1,000 $55,000 S20,739 Big Brothers/Big Sisters $2,SOO $13,000 526, 500 $13,592 " Boy Scouts $5,000 " Camp Fire $2,500 I Crls Is Center S2,050 $42,000 $21,000 $44,321- Dental Services for Children $B,OOO Domestic Violence InterventIon S2,000 $35,200 $26,400 S3D,729 Elderly Services Agency $500 $10,000 539,150 520,781 it I. Emergency Housing Project $I, BOO $5,500 t 4C's . $9,913 , Free Hedlcal Clinic S65,151 $56,563 Goodlll11 $42,000 I /IACAP $20,000 $4,000 $16,000 " lIandlcare $10,369 Hillcrest $4,000 ICARE $2,000 $8,500 1-- . Indefendent Living S6,500 SlS,OOO Legl Services . $20,000 Lutheran Social Service SI4,I48 S17,OOO I Hlyor's Youth Employment $1,750 S14,300 132,000 59,000 , HECCA $500 SlB4,OOO Sll,OOO $13,500 I Hental Health Center S637,OOO : Neighborhood Centers $20,ODO S20,OOO $36,782 . j Rape Vlctllll Advocacy $2,000 SlI,727 $11,500 SlS,144 I Red Cross $1,000 SB,OOO $3,300 S17,0l5 School Children's Aid $5,500 I Special Care Dental Program $3,000 I; United Action for Youth $700 $62,000 543,000 $17,500 " Visiting Hurse Association $139,233 553,700 I , Youth Homes S59,OOO $10,000 , I I TOTAL $14,000 Sl,39B,059 $239,BSO S531,648 I, I if I I , ! !. I I 19 , I t '''''''''; - ,.. '. ,,,~.,.. . cZJ7.. , i i i , I I I ... J CJ I:' 3 L I.J RECOMMENDED SALARY STRUCTURE JULY, 1984 I j: \ i I I I , ... ~ ! , i Aooncy ~ 517.399.524,357 ! ~ j , I I: , Independent LMng 4 C', . Chid Care Resourco and Refollal 2 ARC . Assocfatlon for Retarded Citizens 518.790 . 526,306 520.292 . 528,409 3 Big Brotherl/Blg Sisters F reo Medical Clinic Handlcaro Nalghborhood Centoll of Johnson County Rapo VlCl/m Advocacy Program Red Cross Unlled Action for Youth o! l' , I, 4 Crisis Centor Domestic Vlolonce Intorventlon Progrom Elderly Sorvlcas Agency Mayor', Youth Employment Progrem United Way Youth Homes 'i; 521.91B. $30,602 " - ' y, .-._-.---------,. 5 Community Mental Heallh Goodwill Industries MECCA VNA . Visiting Nurse Assoclatlon 524,913 . $37,370 , I " I' " , jcCog/lIlagtundg\lICSIU,84 I , I: r I , i: ! I, " , I ,- I, ! 20 , , I ---.~-..,'.~..'i~:L 1,.;-.: ,J ...1 '. .,~, :t37..~, j I I i ..".-....-.. ~.~.",'-,~. ~,~ ',1..."" ",., .- ~," -, :J :t Q 1- :t L -, ........",..,.. ,,"<'" . "",.:.. ~Z".I ..j ,; I] "3 3 [I AGENCY DIRECTORS' F AGENCY Emorgoncy Houllng ProJoct I . . . It' . . , f I I . . . , I I I , . I . . . I I , . . , , Handiclro ......, 1'1' . I" . . . .. I . . I " . . ... I , . It. . I If' . . .. ~ C', . Community Coordinated Child Care ..............,...... ICARE .............. ..... ...,'..............". '111"'" Crisis Cont.r ....,..... I" . .. .... . , ,. . . I " , , . ... . . I 'I' . I . Rod Crol' ......,.. I . . .., . . . . ,. ,., . . , ... . . . . ". . . . . I . . .. Camp Fir. ......,.... . ,.. . .. .. . . . . .. . . ... . . . ... . . ... . .. . Domealle VIolonco Inlerventlon Program ....................... lndopondont living .................,........., I . . . . , , . . , , Neighborhood Centera 01 Johnson County ...,..........,...... Unllod ActIon for Youth .. f . I . . . . I . . . . . , . . . . . . . : I I . . . , , , . . , , VislUng Nurso AssoclaUon ..,... I., . t I f I , ., ,. . . . ... . . . . . t . I , Floo Modlcal Clinic ,...., I . . . . . I I . . . . , . I , . , . . . . I I . . . . I I . . , Youth Homos. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . I I . . . . . . . I . I I . . I I . Hillerost Family Sarvleo. .. I . . . . I I I I I I . I I . . . , I . I . , , I I I , I . I I . AssocloUon lor Retardod CllIzens . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldorly Sorvlcos Agoncy . . . I , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Logel SOMCOS ... ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . Big BrolhorllBlg SISIO,. . . " . . . . . " . . . . . . . " . . . . .. , . . . . " . .. Mayor" Youlh Employment Progrem .. . . . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . Soy Seoul I .............,.................... I . . . . . . . . . . MECCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . Luthoran Social Sorvlco ...................,.,...........'... GoodwIll .. .......,... '1""" .... .... ..,..,. .... ....,.. Rapo \ileUm Advocacy Program .................. . . . . ; . . . . . . . Montal Hoallh Contor ,. . . . I" . .. I .... . .. . ... . . . . ... . . , .,. . . HACAP ................................................ I I , I I I I' I BENEFIT POINTS 0.0 30.0 43,0 51.0 51.5 63.5 55,0 60,0 60.0 62.0 62.5 6.15 65.5 69.5 71,5 72.0 74,0 79.5 B1.5 83.0 Be,S 91,7 92,5 95,6 99,5 124,4 159,0" , . " . I ;: i I: "Dlrector', points as reportod by HACAP Include 91 polnls for alck loavu bocauso tho Agoncy provIdes sIck loavo and disability coverego directly. In ordor to make HACAP'a points comparable to elher agenclos', those 91 polnl' ehould bo roplaced by 1 point (the point valuo 01 dl'ablllty Insuroncol, Thon tho Dlroctor's polnls would be 69.6. '. I. I 22 , :' i I, \ I I' i :1.37 ..~.. . I) 3 3 'I AGENCY RAN KINGS UNITED WAY PLANNING DIVISION JANUARV 20,1991 1. FreD Modlcal ClinIc 2. VlslUng Nurlo Assoe/allen 3, Demesllo Vlolonco IntervenUon Program 4. NolghborhoOd Centers 01 Johnson Counly 5, Emergency Housing Project 6. ARC. Assodallon 10f Retardod ClUzons 7. Elderly Services Agency 8. Community Menial Hoallh Conlor 9. Crisis Cenler 10. Rape VlcUm Advocacy Program 11. Hand/caro 12. MECCA 13. Unllod AcUon for Voulh 14, Big Brolhors/Blg Slslers 15. School Chlldron's AId 16, YOUlhHomos 17. Conla/ Services lor Indlgonl Children 18. Special Caro Dental Program 19. Mayor', Youth Employmenl Program 20. HII/cresl Femlly SeMces 21. Loge/Services 22. GOodwill Induslrles 23, ICARE 24, HACAP 25, Rod Cross 26, LUlhoran Social SeMce 27. 4 C', . Community Coerdlnalod Child Care 2B. Indopendenl Uvfng 29, Camp Flro 30. Boy Scouls ~cognS\lg'Y'lI1k,..... 23 .................'"'.;~'~,ir".r..__.'" .. "'"~"''''''''' ..,..,,,...,,..,. """'" 'i',,'>"""" , I ! i , I I' I .....~ , j I I : I I , I I' , ,I I' , .' '. ! \ l: , I I , ! , \. I I: i' I Ii i I I I, I ! c:l3y ! . ~.4 ; I I I I I . I] :3 3 2 REC~ 'IE) ;", ~01991 Rodnoy D1 Shutt Januaty l4, 1991 520 S. Govornor St. lova City, Iowa 52240 I I I I I I , t I ! I' , ! Hr. Steve Atkins, City Hanagar And City Council HOMbers lova Civic Centar 410 E. Washington St. lova City, Iowa 52240 LGC ILCr 't ll~\. ~ ~ L 3'J~'~ Doar Slrl Plea so allov Ma to roglster MY oppolltlan to lalle of tho Ideal propolad by Hr. Caclle Kuenzli, at al relating to dlmllhlng traffic onterlng SUMMit Straet. To restrict traffic on SUMmit Stroot vould undoubtadly Increale tho veluo of tho proportlos of tho anointed liVing on Summit Street, but It vould create traffic annoyancel for hundreda of other cltlzenll, It additionally, tho SumMit Streat Bridge vare clolad and another erectad on Govarnor, It would graatly Increale traffic on Govarnor which alraady exceeds that an Summit. Eliminating 9 properties on Governor would lose tho city those proporty taxos and lose the oxlstlng pilings otc. on tho SUllmlt Street Bridge that vlll lovor the cost of a robulld, as apposed to a brand now brldgo on Govarnor St. AI it oxlsts, the traffic going South to tho shopping conter and IIlghvay 6 can filter through on SUMmit St. and tako sOlla load off Dodge which already carrlos,consldorable of tho downtovn load going south. If tho entire Eastllde traffic load Invard of 1st Streot(tho next railroad crolslng available) II added on to Dodga vhlch bottleneckl at Bovory (only one lane going on South It vlll result In a congestad,lmbalanced,expenslve tax 101lng SOlution. Adlln,nelther Dodge nor Sumlllt can connoct vlth Keokuk, unless 10 or 20 More properties are condomned for a straight run put Klrkvood to IIIghway 6. As It Is, 10Me of the Southbound load goel dovn Summit and Dodge and enter Keakuk from the East and West. I Usa thOle alternatives dally, both Northbound and Southbound and rarely Is thare any significant congostlon, evan at rush hour. The only possible Improvemant,ln my mind vould ba a traffic light for Northbound traffic off Keokuk (In order to turn loft) at ruoh\ hour, and that naad Is not groat. In Ihort, It vould appoar that tho property-value Interests on Summit Straet vlsh to diminish the public'S ability to seo the property thay take such pride In, and Instead go saveral blockl out of their vay to go south or north to and from "Iohvay 6. In order that they may banaflt, thay vlsh otherl to bo aggravated, taxed more or have their property condomned and not ba abla to see their fine homos. Hy, homo Is as old ae any on Summit, and I already have more traffic past my place than on Summit. I vlsh to ba advised If this matter comas up for sorlous consideration on any future council's agenda. " " I' .' I I. , i I , . !. i L , , I, Dost regards, cc. 2 - Hayor John HcDonald Jeff DavldsQ1 L,i J~,J/ J3~ , I:' ,3 3 ,3 21 CEHTIII STRm VERMILLION, SOUTH DAKOTA 170ft PIIOHI'(MljI1I-MlI Uf~ I ! I I . , , I ;. , .-- ! I , , I I I . , ; , II City of VERMILLION J.nu.I'Y 23, 1991 M.yol' John McDon.ld 410 E. WaDhln;ton Stl'.ot low. City, low. !52240 Doal' M.yol' McDonald, Plo", p", .Iono my thank. to the bU'ln...o. In low. City th.t ...I.ted m. Doc.mb.I' 2B. . ( A. I .ppI'oach.d low. City thlt FI'ld.y on my w.y to Clnclnn.tl, Ohio, the wlnd.hl.ld wlpol' on tho dl'lvol'" .Ide 01 my DOdqo b.c.mo un.tt.ch.d. Th. light I'.ln .nd wet I'o.d 10l'cad m. to pull Into .n Amoco .t.tlon Ju.t 011 tho InturCh.ngo. Th. tlmo wa. 4130 p.m., and ,ub-:.ro tampal'.tul'e. lI'om South D.kot. had boon lollowln; mo .11 d.y. I w.. Inf'ol'mod by tho Amoco "I'vlc. wOl'klll' th.t thll wlp.I' w.. bl'okln .nd would h.v. to bo I'.pl'cld. Ho dir.ctad mo to thl Dod;e d..I'I'.hlp (n'Ht to Teyot.). Thl P'I't. ,up'I'vi.ol" .t Oed;. wlr. vory cOl'di.1 but could find no wlp,I' fol' my 19B4 modol car. On. ;ontleman checkod to .01 If tho' p....ngor-.id. wip.I' could b. In.t'llod on the driv.I' .Id.. It C~,llld not. Th. tlml w.. now 414!5, .nd with V'I'iou. .hop. and ;'I"Vt. clo.in; fol' the wa.klnd, I blg.n to f.c. the likllihood of a two-day motel .t.y due to . f.ulty '10 wlp.r. FOl'tunately, . young I.dy in charQO of ordol" took the time te call · ..lv';1 y.rd -- Holiday Part. -- and found. ropl'comlnt wlpur. Sh. noted th.t if I could buy tho P'I't fl'om Holiday, I could glt tho wlp.I' mountad at . no.rby ;'1";" 6ho thun ;avo mu dll'.ction. to Holid.y. I "yumod I b.roly had timo to buy tho .alva;o pal't and dl'lva to a oar.;o. At Holid.y, howovol', the PI'opI'lutol' __ I boliuvu hi. n.mu waD Rick -- laid th.t he could mount tho wlpol' thero. Ho did 10 and charODd mo what I .UIP~Ct waG nothln; fol' his labor .nd b.ruly COlt for thu I'epl.cumunt wlplr. I wal back an Inter.tate BO at !510!5. I i , , I . j, I I . " f. SUle, City o/1IA1In,en WIll Germ,ny '/loMID/IA, Unlvmlty olSoulh Ddol, 'J37 I . -.-.~. I) 3 3 y . , , ! I Ii I ..~ " I i " , , " i :1 , I: I: , , " .1 Ii \, My ctr htd South DAkott llean.o pitta.. Your bu. In... plopla could hlVI ...Ily dl.ru;lrdDd my probl.m. I' thuy prlpAr.d fo~ tho wDlkond. I WAI vlry fortunlto to bo pI..ln; elo.. to 10WI City whon my troubll' oeeurrDd. I eommund your community for Ita ho.plttllty to thll Itran;lr, Slnclrll y, S.L.. Mtrtln Dlr.ctor of Splcll' ProJlct. I I, . , I , r I , j, . ' , , I , I; , I. ~ i' I I ' ' I I' , I: 139 .,......--~..~H..,,~...;;;..,.i;;.>.~""........,,". - "'""-"~-"'''''.I.;''':-. '.....;''''!...'''..~ , , , ,) '3 3 5 I i ... i I I I I I , I I ...- -, I I' I -- I . , I ~ f ~ , Th, Councll for Chlld~ InvIttI ~ to "" 2nd Annuli ACCAH A~. MUIIng. Working Togtlhtt to I Child AbuIt " :(~~:oo p,rn. Meelfng Room A. Iowa CIty Public lbwy I. Welcome ,....-..JJ II. HIstOIv of _110II III. I !SeY N'ott blkL..._ E~ F~ !o'VOoVUnI Director, ~NCPCA r,. Inttod~~~= VI. Volunteer R~ Awards .8uslMa ' .p1OftWonlJ VlI.Fu~ullltl . . I K.Man Danct.Mhon Sk/-A./hon 5:00 pm VIII. RlllreS!menls DATE: nME: WHERE: AGENDA: 4:00 pm . I, I '1 I , . :" . ....,.... ".. ..0.. . .... l J ,. , I I t I ! I , . !l . . . I , f, o , I ~.-....~....._.....".,.... . . ."', 'L-""...".., '~""" . AQo ',' ~ . "., ,,,,,1'- . , I I:' :3 3 b I I I I I I' I t "1'" >. .< b-{TI~'T'''''''''''~"Jll~~''''''''"'7n'\-'"''IU~-'''' -~"""''''I'' 111"""""'Y'~"'" "l'lf""~"--- ".' .." """" n', ,- 'J'fl'lt~.Ii"'\l , t I '~~"I';J' "~,,,..,,~, ,", """~~'r",\t ""~'""'l "'1""'1 ',' "'\""~'f" .., ".._ ,1 t..' ';*'I~.\ ,-1. ttl :.I.....!llll~ ~:\'NJ f~t.I;\'\1 ,'0\, r ~1,.lr'I!" ,If.',.; 'r# \, !~ 1'1 \' . ',11' "~'I 'o/: i.H~){r ~ -Vr ).:~ I~\ (,..in \1 .' -,I.. '''_- Ii": I ir,:, ~ '4 I hf, ,.' .:'--~ JJ!..,.,~\_.j ..l.!.J.~t,,">>;""'l, l11'l>l.l......11L'I. Uil.h~\" Lz\J: ~I ,,:WI.I.'!.l', I.' ,..1 ',I; Hd(ili t\.~.,J. FEBRUARY 1991 I ~ i I I I I \ , I I " j ! ; i i , , I , . J 'I 5 61 JOPH-!nfOI1MI Coune I (Chamb) 7IJOPH-lnfol1Ml 7 I JOPH-Counel I PU (Sr C.nter) (Chambor.) IfoAN-starr Hootlnl 7,. (Conf Room) '1 ',JOPH-FoI1MI PSZ (ChMlbon) " " I I HOLIDAY IJ /" lOAN-Staff H..t1n~ (Conf Room) 4iJQPH-Doard of AdJu.tlllOnt (Chaml) SIJOPH.Parkl , ROI COlIIII (Roo Ctr) '1lOPH-lIi1tllrle 7PH'Ufllrdablo F.ro18rvation Com lIouling Tuk Fore, I Sr Contor) (Publ1a Llbrory) " 20 1:1.1 61JOPH-InfollMl Irwt.~t,rf n.otln OOunall (Chambor. (con oom 7PH-Alr rt COIII1I Sl15PH-Oroadband . (Tran.~ Facility Tolocommunleatlor. 7IJOPH-Counall Comm (Chambor.) ',JOPH-Formal P'Z (Chambon) SIJOPH"Rlvorfront (Chambon) 71 JOP/I-Informal Com (Sr Contor) PSZ (Sr Centor) If,-JOAlt-IlOUlln3 Appoah Boar (l'Ubl1e Library) 9Alt-llOUllny Conl1I (Publ1e L brary) ,,- " , " I~ ..--,- ~3 1,.1,lI I I ~~ :t, 01 JOAlt-4IJOPH Cholo.t.rol Bern (Conf Room) ~7 ;1,1 OAN'Staff Hooting (Cenf Room) 4PH-Llbrarr Doard ,I JOPH-Comnlt too (PubUa L brory) on Comnunlty Nood, (Bonlor Contor) ~ lPH-Sonlar Con tor COIII1I (Sr Ctr) 7PH-IIuman Right. COIII1I (Sr Conter) - ..."^'"--..-,,." ,..............1 \ 1:13 i ,--, - - OFF1C.: OF TII& lOW ^ CITY ASSESSOR JOIINSON COUNTY ^1l~IINISTRATION IIUIJ.IlING January 20, 1991 /lAH L IIUIlSON At\l\lr4. Il&NNI5I1ALIlHIIlG& I~"n CAHOL\'N IIUHK& I~"'II' I' , , ,I :1 " Doar conforonco Doard Halborl Tho annual nooting at tho Iowa city Conforonco Doord tor tho considoration of tho Iowa city ASDosBor'D FY 1992 budgot is schodulod tor Honday, Fobruary 4, 1991 at 6:30 P.H. at tho Iowa city civio Contor. Enclosod, DO you ~ay roviow tho intormation botoro tho mooting arol 1. Tho Aganda. 2. Tho Proposad DUdgot. 3. Tho 1990 Annual Roport which includoD tho progran diviaion otatonant. 4. A copy at Fobruary 20, 1990 minutoB. 5. Doard ot Roviow ApplicationB. I, , " " I , " Ploallo no to that tho amount to bo raillod by taxation tor tho AllllolIsmont ExponBo Fund hall incroaDod ovor lallt yoars amount. Tho incroase conoiats otl a. $1,100 tor duos, worknan'o componsation and insuranco to rotloct tho actual oxponscs tron tho curront yoar. b. $13,130 tor a 5' incroaso in solorios along with tho dcputy odjustmonts. o. $0,869 docrooso in tho'unomcumborod balanco. d. $1,100 incrooBo in rICA and IPERS. ,- J; ", $24,199 Total Incroaso i I; I I Tho only docrooso thio yoor is $5,800 tor tho bionnial ossossnont rollo and pOBtoga. Tak1ng this $5,800 tron tho total incrooBo loavos a not incroallo of $18,399. " " i t, i , ~">-... I I \ ,)'/:J.! I \ I ""'-'I'''~ , I' 913 SOUTII DUIIUQUE STIlEI!T . POST Or-FICEIIOK 1350' IOW,\ CITY, IOWA 522014 TEI.EI'1I0NE: 319.356,6001 c"'", ."'".-y.... I:' 3 3 8 \ i I I -- .., I , " , I Ii , " " I' Tho lovy rato viII ba incroaoinq fro~ .19498 to .20574, an incroaBo oC 5.5' to covor tho noarly 8\ incrooBo in tho a~ount raiood by taxation. I om olao roquaotinq tho continuation of buildinq up fundo Cor mappinq in tho Spociol AppraiBors Fund. Tho nov conotruction that viiI bo toxod for tho firot tina in FY '92 viii produco opproximotoly $6,700 for tho City Aoaoaoor AoooBomont Exponoo Fund and opproximotoly $1,990 for tho spociol Approlooro Fund. If you hovo any opocific quostiono or vioh to look at any of tho 8upportinq documonta tor thia budqot, fool troo to call me at vork at 356-6066 or at my homo at 338-6176. Sincoroly, ;! I' I !: i . ' , Ax~ Dan L. lludBon Iovo City AeooBBor /: "i' , I " I ..' , I' , , '. I I ; , I , I I, I, I I, I I. I I I ,." ..----"'1'.".......,... ,F<'''~;-''''~' .. ""'~-'''': '. ''; ;;..1 :, !",i' ,} JI/~ : '-','"' . .' ".dC""'"' ,~'.....~ .." ...."-."..l,\~;4 . ,1 I, f I. , I 1 f I] 3' 3 q Jnnuary 25, 1991 TO WIlOH IT HAY CONCERN: Tho Iowa City Contoronco Board will moot at 6130 P.H. on Honday, Fobruary 4, 1991 at tho Iowa Cltr Civic Cantor. Tho purpooo ot tho lootinq io to d aeUDa tho Iowa City Assosaors' proposod budqot tor tlacal yoar 1992. " AGE/IDA' 1. Call mootinq to ordor by tho Chairporaon. 2. Roll Call by taxlnq body. 3. Act on minutoa ot Fobruary 20, 1990 Conteronco Board mootinq. 4. Assoasor proRonts propoaod budgat. ~. Discuss proposod budqot. 6. Conteronco Board aots on propoaod budqat. 7. Sot dato tor public hoarinq. , 8. Appointmont of Doard ot Raviow IOlllber. Othor businooa. 9. 10. Adjourn. Dan L. Iludoon Clark, ConCoroneo Doard '. - "'--""'\.~.,I;~t~'...:.,.. l~j':~'<'-Y~j ~ ,_'~"', ".",...~' .. ~,-',,,,", , .....,~ ".;- ';''-'''''''" "'i"" -"",:;..' I I; I j , I I i I JI/J.! ',-."",., . I I ~ I' \ I I I , ..'... I' ;1 .. j I . t: ti " .f I' " I ! 1 ',' , II I :' I. , , I, , ! I , I I:' ,3, y t] ITEHIZED DUOOET - ASSESSHENT EXPENSE FU/lD "\ i I I I ..... 1TEH 110. ~PE/lDITURE FY 91 FY 92 I I I J1 31 32 SALARIE~ City ASsoDDor First Doputy Second Daputy $ 42,810 $ 44,950 34,250 38,210 32,110 35,960 25,600 26,880 18,540 20,440 $153,310 $166,440 .. i ij I' " ,: !: 35 Plat Suporvisor 35 Clork Total Salarios -' ji . , t I' OTIIER EXPEIIDITURES ~ I 34 Doard of Reviow $ 9,000 $ 9,000 I 36 Employer Sharel FICA 12,550 13,420 ------...------.'-,-.--. 37 Employer Sharel IPERS 8,100 8,330 38 HHoalJo , Auto 1,600 1,600 39 orrico Supplies, Post. , Tole. 14,500 8,700 40 PUblications, Subsor. , Dues 1,100 1,200 41 Donds , Workman's Compo 1,200 1,800 42 Equipmont Haintonllnco 200 200 43 Appraisal Service 400 400 'I' H Insuranco 27,600 28,000 [ , 45 Continuing Education 3,000 3,000 " 46 Appoals to Court 25,000 25,000 i' 47 Schools , Conferencos 3,000 3,000 48 Logal 2,000 2,000 I 49 Unemploymont 2,000 2,000 50 Conference Doard 0 0 I; 51 Examining Doard 30 30 I; 52 Computer Charge 8,800 8,800 I , I ,. I, Total Othor Expenditures $120,080 $116,480 , I. f , , TOTAL DUDGET $273,390 $282,920 I' UNENCUHDERED DALANCE - 39,000 - 30,131 V TO DE RAISED DV TAXATION $234,390 $252,789 I' I JfJ.. i I I " , .."'...........I;,,,..t.l,..\:,.;, ".""... -.~.~...,<. " ,'~~--' ~..~....~. I ; ,-.<-..., ,'., '-'--' ..;.....-. , . I : I ,:1 3 Y 'I . I t .1 1. i nUDGET - SPECIAL APPRAISERS FU/lD r PY 91 PY 92 .~- , I Hopping S 126.770 S 197.10Z f TOTAL $ 126,770 $ 197,107 r t UNEHCUHDERED DALANCE -81. 770 S-122.700 I 'r " . TO DE RAISED BY TI,XATIO/l $ 45,000 $ 75,000 L ,: I GRAND TOTAL TO DE RAISED BY TAXATIOtl $ 279,390 $ 327,789 HAXIHUH LEVY ALLOWED ;l ., I ilolflmum llOOoSslIlont oxponoo fund 1,228,676,093 x IPERS , FICA Funds Unamp10ymant COlllponolltion , Tort Llobility Hoximulll for llBooBSlIlont oxponoo fund Haximulll spacial appraiBoro fund 1/228/676,093 x Haximum allowed without Stato approval Haximum omorqoncy fund 1,228,676,093 x .00027 (Which roquiroB Stato Appoo1 Doard Approval) Hoximum that could bo raisod by toxotion for FY /92 .00027 . $ 331,740 . 21,750 . 4.000 . $ 357,490 .000405 . S 497.610 , i; · $ 855,100 ----..,. -.-_.'..-_.,-------- I: , i' I I ; , · ~ 331.740 · $1,186,840 LEVIES A/lD RATES SINCE 1980 , AssoBnmont EXPCDno Pund ~peclnl Apprninor'n Pund Fincal Yenr Amount l,evie4 1&Y.y..ll4.tll Amount Levied Lovy Rotq 1979-80 $ 146/050 .26746 ..----------- .-------- 1980-81 175/930 .29593 .----.---..-- --------- 1981-82 184/145 .30081 $ 61/000 .09592 1982-83 192/960 .28004 15,000 .02177 1983-84 201,186 . 27000 98,860 .13000 1984-85 200,278 .22454 73,890 .08284 1985-86 101,958 .10905 ---------..-- .-------- 1906-87 186/700 .17616 .-------.-.-- ..---.-.- 1907-88 149,491 .13953 .-----.--..-- ...--.-.- 1988-89 218/023 .19219 .----------.- ..---.--- 1989-90 191/619 ' .16666 75/000 .06416 1990-91 234/390 .19490 45/000 .03743 1991-92 252/709 .20574 75/000 .06104 i j I , I ~v~1 I ~..-, -"..., . <'h.,.,h<-<< -....."'.." .,.",1<_"'0'''''''' "'~.~"';';>l --"C'-'"""" ,.".--,-, . L I; " I I I I , , , i I f, . I I I I - ::J U ;:) I_I '=" 1_ CITY CO/lFERE/lCE BOARD FEBRUARY 20, 1990 '\ i I I ....,.. Ii City Contoronco Bonrd: Fobruary 20, 1990, 7110 P.H. in tho Council Chambors at tho Civic Contor. Hayor John HCDonald proaiding. " , , ! , Iown City Council Homborn pronont: Ambrisco, Courtnoy, Kubby, Laraon, HCDonald, /lovick. " i ! " j: John30n County Suporvinorn Prosont: Burns. IC School Board Hambors Prosont: Christansen-Szalanaki, Halloy. " . " . I , " . " " Othorn Prosont: lIudson, Atkins, Karr, Gontry. Tnpo Racordod: Raol 90-22, Side 1, 140-204. Clork lIudson stated that a quorulll was presont, tho County having only one melllbor prosont, viii not havo vote rocordod. Tho School movod to accopt tho minutos ot tho last Contoronco Board leoting, February 5, 1990, City socondod, end it was paasod, 2/0. Haror HCDonQld doclarod tho public hoaring opon. Thoro bo ng no commont trom tho publio, tho pUblio hoaring was doclarod closed. Tho City moved to adopt tho proposod budgot aa pub1ishad in the Iowa City Preas citizon on Fobruary 9, 1990, it was socondod by tho School. Hotion carriod unanimously, 2/0. Tho Board ot Roview appointmont trom tho February 9, 1990 mooting was attirlllod. Tho typo ot contract that Janico SWoet has with tho City is oxampt trolll tho contlict ot intorost provision in tho Iowa Code. Assossor lIudson said that tho mapping committoo had llIot and hopod to have a joint Contoronco Board mooting about mapping noxt sumlllor. Thoro boing no turthor businoaa, it was movod by tho City, sacondod by tho School, to adjourn at 7113 P.H. Hotion carriod unanimously, 2/0. 1: - ,'- ----,,--.- ~l" Ii II~~ I , I I, '. i I; i' : , , I , I I, I, , ! I: I, I I I Dan L. lIudson Clork, Iowa City Contoronco . ",: .-~'-'" O?~:;.. ,"""",""0'.0" .."..",.... . , j I I:' 3' Y 3 reulall J.nuny ZI, 1991 BOARD OF REVI Ell - Ona vlclncy - 6-yaar tan January I, 1991 - December 31, 1996 , Willila Dohorty (hi, .trvad tour (ull-ten.) 27 N. Lov.1l Thoma. C. Nevton 1212 Gintar Avanua -;":'-'. ""'.;..',:.J,L.',.'>,;e,c<',' ,)., ""-"~"", ...,,-....""..,..~"i..~'..'....-<'~_. ,- ,.,~~."'''''.....,.-....,.~-~. 01~,;t I '._--~.." 1 i I I I I I ~. , I I , " i . I; " I .' " .. I ii " I " f: I ! I ~ 1 I' t .-~ ,.1 I, . ! r: "'r, r I': r I , !. . ,. i , I l' , ~ . . ! , I j Ii , " ,f , , I , . "" I: 1 , , I' I I I " I , I I I I; I:' :3 Y Lf IndivIduals serVIIllJ on Oo.rdS/ClICI11llsslons pl.y an Import.nt role In 'dvlslno the Counc tI on Il\Itters of Interest to our COllmln Ily .nd Its future. App Itcants 11I11 t res Ide In Iowa City. The City Counctl .nnounced Advisory Bo.rd/Commlsslon vacancIes 90 d.ys prior to the d.te the 'PPolntment wIll be made. This period provides for. 30-d.y .dvertlslno perIod .nd · 50.d.y tra In InO perIod for new meilOers. The tra In Ing per lod a "ows new meilOers to becomo famIliar with the responsibilitIes and dutIes of tho .dvlsory b'oard/comnlsslon before becomIng a fu II vot Ing meilOer. Arter · vacancy h.s been .nnounced .nd the JO.day advert Is In; period has expIred, the Council revIews all .ppllcatlons durlno the Inforlll4l work sessIon. The appointment Is announced .t the nut forNI CounCtlllOetlng. Appointees serve IS unpaId volunteers. Council prefers that all applications ~st be subnltted to the City Clerk no liter th.n one lIeek prIor to the announced 'PPolntment dates. PLEASE USE A BLACK INI( PEN. . CITy OF 10VA CITy . AOVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORH THIS APPLICATION IS A PUOLIC OOCUHEI/T ANO AS SUCH CAN BE REPROOllCED ArlO DISTRIBUTED FOR mE PUOLIC. THIS APPLICATION UILL BE CONSIDERED FOR J HONTHS OIILY AlID AUTOI4ATlCALLY CONSIDERED FOR ANY VACANCY DURING THAT TIKE. ADVISORY BOARO/COItHSS ION IWjE TERM , NAHE u}111.~~ J" ~~'?:j HOKE DRESS 'I ? Is your home address listed .bove) IIlthln the corporate limIts of Iowa City? OCCUPATION I. W ~_ EHPLOYER (Jf),., - I PHONE HUHOER: Off. Ac ~.119 ~.3 g f'..c~ 0/ BUSINESS J7c -.r1Ir -Jjt-G"P/..~:r:!~ '. EXPERIENCE ANO/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALifY YOU FOR THIS POS1TIONl ~ ~~ ~'~A1& - \/HAT IS YO~NT ICNO~~O! mls ADVISORY, BOARD? ~ I ~ ~1S tk.uD / WHAT CONTRI BUlIONS 0 tYOU .FEEL Y ~ CAN HAXE TO TIllS ADVISOR APPLYING)? . 4 ~ ~ U Cl I I , I I . ~~ ~ G\f SpecifIc att tlon should be directed to possIble Con lIct of Interest as defined In Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of low., Should you be uncertain whether or not. potential confltct of Interest e" contact the Looal Department. 11111 you h.ve . conflict of Interest7 YES NO, - If you .re not selected, do you lIant to be notlfled7 ..2S:.YES _NO 00 you currently serve on another low. City Bo.rd or Comm ~on. mE It has been Counctl pOlicy not to permit .n Individual t e vooer \'t9 ~8jr slons .t the s.me tIme. , , o Conmls. ~ll~',~ !1I1,C.II II k',.' .',1, I"~a 19 0 ~~ 1:1 a y 5 . CITY OF IOWA CITY. AOVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORK Individuals servIng on Boards/COITIIllsslons play an llI'Clortant role In advlslfl9 the Council on matters of Interest to our cOlTllKlntty and Its future. Applicants IIlJst reside In Iowa City. The City Council announced Advisory Ooard/COITIIllsslon vacancies 90 days prior to the date the appointment 11111 be I114de. This period provides for a JO.day advertlslno period and a 60.day training period for new members. The traIning periOd allows new members to become familiar IItth the responsibilitIes and duties of the advisory board/comlsslon before becomIng 4 full votIng member. After a vacancy has been announced and the JO.dayadvertlslng period has e.plred. the Council reviews all applications durlfl9 the lnforllal work session. The appointment Is announced at the next forN I Counc I I meet Ing. Appointees serve as unpa Id volunteers. Council prefers that all applicatIons IIlJst be subnltted to the CIty Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment dates. !'lEASE USE A BLACK INK PEN. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC OOCIRiENT ArID AS SUCN CAN BE REPRODUCEO ArlO OISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. THIS APPllCAflON WILL BE COIISIOERED FOR 3 HONTHS ONLY AIIO AUTOAATlCAlLY CONSIOEREO fOR ANY VACANCY OURING THAT TIHE. AOVISORY BOARD/COttilSSION IIANE 8tAtb c)F tJ.VJjtJ TERK ~ &/lr IIANE Ti/f)TtI/IC G NrW7&N NOHE ADDRESS 12./2. 6'INTU. I/'If' Is your homo address (listed above) IIlthln the corporate limits of Iowa City? OCCUPATION eMsumWr/~'/)lAt' EHPlOYER ~fJitJ. ()~ :p>i.I1-' PHONE NUMBER: NOHE ,lJ,W'S"~t.~ BUSINESS ,?'lS"S2z3 EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES IIHICN YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU fOR THIS POSITION: Sf Of fA/. f.ht"CII .s,,,tvts AIJ() ElJIU./IITt^,Jr ,'It m n:r-if/.. IMf)f.c~ {x:; tJI/lM.Vt:, IN Plt;hUlI TIlle ~S'f,(S''V''''i \/HAT 'IS YOUR PRESENT KHOIllEDGE Of THIS ADVISORY BOARD? _ IIHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU .fEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPl YlNG)? ~fk, ~t", ,#rt/($ r IN I'fMi!fV AMr'5SAlwr t.lo..t./) ~/J""l(. E){1t1IAkI. r-t~"" ,IN ,41\111t~n.-.H ~~Jfr(rrU;. SpecifIc attention should be directed to possIble confltct of Interest as defined In Chapters 362.6, 40JA.22 of the Code of Iowa, Shnuld you be uncertaIn whether or not a potential confllct of Interest exists, contact the Legal Department. 11111 you have a confllct of Interest? YES V NO If you are not selected~YOU wa~ be notifIed? ~YES ~ NO 00 you currently serve on another Iowa City Board or COlllllfss nli It has been CouncIl polIcy not to permit an IndivIdual to se slons at the same time. $: '"'h, I I I I I I I I' ! ." " . I I. , I I . l' i , ji ~ f , 1 i . I i I i , j ~ I:' 3 Y' b IOWA CITY CITY A!lSIlSSOR'S OFPICB 1990 AHNUAL RE(l()RT .....,.."~<."".'-\..-:.~'i'_~:;,' ".p ".....,,~-.r........~ .;..'-).-~'\-,:.;.~ ';".,'i", ,-,,:,:,\., i~I.:.-:'c~..' "" ,,,,,;..,,;.,,,,,,,,,,"--'- '\ , I - ., I , r . , , Ii " d '. I' " !' r . I , " I i , l! I' I 1 , . ... 0, ...--_.._----.--,.~._.._- I I I J~.tl I I " , i I j' I" " . \ . . I. Ii' ( r , I " II i , I; j , I, ! . ---"i.jj ! I I , I:' ,3 y ,-, 1990 REPORT OFFICE OP IOWA CITY ASSESSOR TADLE OP CONTENTS Tablo or Contonts Iowa City Contoronco Boord Start or City Assossor/s orrico' Hombors or Boord or Roviow and Examining Doard Roport or City Aosossor Abstract ror 1990 Iowa City Asoossmonts Exompt Proporty os ot July 1/ 1990 Comparison ot Valuos with Rollback Appliod Comparison or Rosidontial, Commorcial and Industrial Valuos Top Taxpayors ror Iowa City Comparativo HIllago Ratos Iowa City Assooaors Program Division'Statolllont FV /92 1 '<'<- .-..,.......- , - ~ ..,,, .~.., "","-~ .,,, ".,-, 1 \ , I I I I' I I -" I; I I I , I , I , i .. , 'I I' I , 2 " I 3 I I I 4-6 7 1:"" 7 8-10 11-12 , , 13 I (, I, " 14 I , I 1!1-21 ! .: , :f , ~< I' I I I , I J~J.i .. ".~-"" . I:' 3 '-I 8 . - l IOW^ CITY COl/fEREI/CE DO^RD I. I! -- " , I , , , " 'I II I t~ , .' I' , IOW^ CITY - CITY COUI/CIL John HcDonald, Mayor Williom ^mbrioco Dorrol Courtnoy Susan Horowitz Karon Kubby Randy Lorson Naomi Novick .. " " I IOW^ CITY ,COHHUNITY SCHOOL DO^RD Ellan Widiss, prosidont *Connio Champion Dotsy IIowtroy ^lan Lott *FranciB Halloy Slllly Stllloy Crai9 Willis *Contoronco BOllrd Dosi9noo !: t , " . : JOHNSON COUNTY BO^RD OF SUPERVISORS Richllrd Hyers, Chllirporson , Robort Durns I ,> I ; 1, 1 I , I I; " , , ',", , I. I. . i ! I, , I 'Chllrlos Dutty Plltricia HOllde Dotty Ockontols IOW^ DEP^RTHENT OF REVENUE ^ND FIN^NCE Gorll1d D. Dllir - Diroctor, Iowa Dopartmont ot Rovonuo llnd finllnco 2 . ~'.' ,,<;:, .< ,-."...,..,.;."".-.,,..... rJr~1 ~.~"'......~ . .. "~""'-'''~-- ....~~.........., , "........- . , \ 1]3 Y q STAFF OF CITY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE HOlDERS OF DOARD OF RL'VIEW AlID EXAHIIIII/G BOARD IOWA CITY, IOWA 1990 \ I I I I l' I .. . I Don L. Hudllon City AlIBOllllor Donnill J. BAldrid90 Firllt Doputy CArolyn R. Burko Socond Doputy Jorry L. Donillon Plllt Suporv I~or PAtriclB I<l:hnll Clerk Appt. 1990 throu9h 199& , . , l: , ,0 r IOWA CITY BOARD OF REVIEW I<oith A. Wymoro, ChAirlllon E. Normon BAi10y WilliAn J. Dohorty JAnico E. Swoot Appt. 1986 throuqh 1991 Appt. 19B9 throuqh 1994 Appt. '198& throuqh 1990 Appt. 1990 throuqh 1995 Appt. 1988 throuqh 1993 JAck L. YAnAullh William F. Whito, Clork . Alan R. DohAnon Appt. 1988 throuqh 1993 Appt. 1988 throu9h 1993 Appt. 1986 throuqh 1991 i I I. i, t' i I IOWA CITY EXAHINII/G BOARD . Jora1d L. Palmor . Patricio suoppol t ;f . LEGAL COUI/SEL Lindo NOWlan Gontry - City Attornoy Dano ChrilltiAnllon . AlIBilltont City Attornoy r I I, i I 3 ..,........"."iO Jf~ ,.;".', ,,~....,., ~,>Ii- I:' :3 5 [I \ i i I i , I i TOI Hombors of tho Iowa City Conforonco Board FROM: Dan L, lIudson, Iowa City Assossor I: ... SUBJECT: 1990 Annual Roport - Issuod 000. 21, 1990 I , / I, Tho following roport covers tho activitios of this offico from January 1, 1990 to date of issuo. I , , 3lbLUATIONS Sinco 1990 was not a raal ostato rovaluation yoar, tho roal ostato assessod valuo romainod tho samo as 1989. Thoro was approximatoly 19.5 million dollars of now rosidontial construction, 9.5 million dollars of now commoroia1 construction, and 2.5 million dollars of now industrial construotion addod to tho rolls for 1990. Tho 515 rosidontial dood Balas for tho first 9 months of 1990 givo us a madian ratio (assossad valuo vs sales prico) of 87.6\ as compo rod to 91.8\ for tho wholo yoar of 1989. This shows that tho sallin9 prioos of homos havo inoroasod SUbstantially sinco last yoar. This followod tho' trond startod last yoar and will rosult in signifioant incroasos in tho 1991 assossments. ' ,! I' 1 i, , ' ,- counT CASES Thoro was only 1 appoal to District Court filod in 1990. It was a ropoat of tho 1989 filing for cablavision. Tho 1989 cablovision oaso was sottled just beforo it's court dato duo to 'tho Suproma Court dooision in tho Hason City oaso. Tho 1990 coso was not sottlod due to ponding litigation in othor jurisdictions on cablovision. This is a continuing problom across the country and might nood logislation to rosolvo tho issuos. , .' I I, l: i: i i , , ,I 1 4 I I I , I I J. fJ..1 I I I I , , . "."...>~......."... "-~.'" ""''''''i . 1;1 ,3 5 't 1l0ARD OF REVIEW Tho Doard of Raviow waD in Doosion from Hay 1 through Hay 24, tho day of adjournmant. Tho Doard had 26 protooto filod with 11 baing uphold and 15 doniod. Tho total valuo of roal ootato baing protaotod waD $15,554,240 with a total roquootod roduction of $3,872,350. Tho Doard allowed a total roduotion of $319,100. I , \ , I I I I .--.. , , :1 , , , I' \, .. " I' NEW LEGISLATION IIF 2313 - Tho Codo Editor'o bill which clarifioo cortain coda ooctiono. I, IIF 2540 - CroatoD a Rohabilitation TalC ElCol:lption for lIistoric Proporty.. IIF 2549 - Corroctivo bill for homos toad crodit. IIF 2554 - Croatos a Family Farlll TalC Credit 'and changos incomo guidolinos for othor talC crodits. IIF 2559 - Changes tho procodure to IIppoal II Doard of Roviowo docision to oiorict Court. SF 280 - Croatos a talC olComption for a community dovolopmont organization. ! I ! i I I ,.'; i J.~).. i, . .~''''''''... 1, , I. I I. I I I I 5 .~" '-hi,' . :, ,;:) s P I :J .. ... ~JcrlIIUIIIG EDUC.\IlQU I I I ~ .'. Continuing oducotion io 0 roquiromont for tho assossor and doputios for thoir rooppointmont to thoir positions. I fool it is oiso good Cor tho othor amployoos to ottond oomo classos so thay con adoquatoly raopond to inquirios and quostions. Tho Aoooosor Attondod tho following coursoo and conforoncos during 19901 IMO Conforanco I5AA Annual achool of Instruction Hopping Workshop IMO Courso 4 j I . " I 7.0 C.E. hro. 6.0 C.E. hrs. T 30.0 C.E. hro. T ~J r Tho Firot Doputy ottandod tho following couroos And conforoncoo during 1~901 IICRAAO Confaronco ISM Annual School of Inotruction I 8.0 C.E. hre. 10.0 C.E. hrs. " . , ' Tho Socond Doputy ottondod tho following courooo and conforoncos during 19901 1 I, NCRAAO Conforonco ISM Annual School ot Instruction Happing Workohop IMO Couroo 4 8.0 C.E. hrs. 10.0 C.E. hrs. 6.0 C.E. hrs. T 30.0 C.E. hrs. T Tho Plat Suporvioor attondod tho following courso during 19901 Hopping Workohop 6.0 C.E. hrs. T · Tostod flours . , r t' "PPRECIATIOII Hy otoff And I would liko to thAnk tho Conforonce Boord, tho Boord of Roviow, tho City Attornoy And hor oooiotanto, and tho City Staff for thoir assiotonco, cooporation and confldonco during tho paot yoar. I would 0100 liko to rocognizo and thank my otaff at this timo for their part in ootab1iohinq and maintaining tho profoooional standards of tho otcico. I ij i ! I ( I 6 "~., , , '.r""~'" tlr~i ^W"C-'<'t 1)3 S 3 1990 ADSTRACT or ASSESSHEHT rOR IOWA CITY ... Valuo of Agricultural Land' Structuros $ Valuo of Rosidontial Dwallinqs on Agricultural Roalty Va1uo of Rosidential Lata , Duildings Va1uo of COMmorcial Lots' Duildinqs Va1uo of Induatrial Lota , Duildings Va1uo of Induatrial Hachinory , Commorcial Equipmont aa Roal Eatato 2,206,484 1,163,090 830,877 ,911 428,045,979 33,242,630 I Ij . " i; I, r ,. I , 49,473,401 " , ,i I .Actual Valuo ot All Roal Estato $l,34~,009,495 .A1I tho abovo valuos aro basad on tho 1990 abatract as roportod to tho Iowa Dopartmont cf Rovonuo and Financo July 1, 1990. Tho 1990 valuos for Railroad and Utility Proporty aro suppliod to tho AUditor by tho Iowa stato Dopartlllont of Rovonuo end rinanco and ara net availab10 at this timo. Tho valuo of utilitios and railroads in Iowa City for 1990 Was $71,486,391. " I .-,- . EXEHPT PROPERTY IN IOWA CITY FOR 1990 I I, Roligious Inatitutlona , $ 30,17~,760 , ,. Charitablo and Donovo1ont sociotioa 37,111,680 , Educational Institutions 338,830 i Low Rent 1I0uaing 3,927,420 I: Associations of War Votorans 238,210 , Forost and Fruit 251,038 Partial Industrial 4,142,070 I [' Sub-Total $ 76,18~, 008 ! I Univorlllty of Iowa (As roportod by SUI) 487,117,762 , ! TOTAL $ ~63,302,770 ! 7 o'l~1 ..-"".~"",;.~ . I:' 3 5 y \ , , I I I I -. ULUE COIlPARISOIIS HITILRQ1LIlAtKS API'I,IED i: . STATE STATE M)J. i' ;' lEAS llRlIEJl 11& MALlU: ROLltlll&1\ MALllC , .' I " 1979 - 8\ Aqricul turlll 2,033,486 .946706 1,925,113 ,l - 8\ Aq Dwoll1nqB 707,627 .946706 669,915 " i , . +34\ Roaidontial 500,939,124 .643801 322,505,109 , + 9\ COllllllorc1ol 197,369,090 .889872 175,633,227 I InduBtr 10 1 14,286,490 1.0 14,286,490 H. , E. 20,434,123 1.0 20,434,123 " TOTAL $735,769,940 $535,453,977 ;1 , r i 1980 A9riculturn1 1,951,348 .990951 1,933,690 , , ' A9 DwelUn9B 676,859 .990951 670,734 i' , I Roaidontial 517,484,797 .667355 345,346,067 COllllllorcial 203,280,646 .931854 189,427,883 InduBtrial 14,557,630 1.0 14,557,630 H. , E. 23,844,555 1.0 23,844,555 -'-.-- - TOTAL $761,795,835 $575,780,559 1981 * +27\ A9ricu1turlll 2,709,516 .957039 2,593,112 I A9 DwolUn9a 1,282,450 .647793 830,762 , Reaidont1o 1 567,708,490 .647793 367,757,586 i Comlllo rc i a 1 241,461,259 .878423 212,105,124 I InduBtrial 18,061,000 .969619 17,512,289 " , H. , E. 23,896,352 1.0 23,896,352 , TOTAL $855,119,067 $624,695,225 . I 1982 A9ric\lltural 2,715,327 .995711 2,703,681 i' A9 Dwollin9B 1,273,010 .672223 855,747 I Rosidontlal 578,185,848 .672223 388,669,825 . COllllllorcllll 248,471,689 .916331 227,682,311 I Induatrhl 19,037,660 1.0 19,037,660 j' H. , E. 33,600,245 1.0 33,680,245 :1 ! I TOTAL $093,371,779 $672,637,469 i' I .' '~""""-,,".,.t,,. ,.;': \~. ,-, c.: .., ",......,-,-,,, "........_""....,' ""'.:., '-"'.,, .<. .;~ .'';'. t;' ',; I I J'IJ..I """."r" I I I o ;"..-,...../ H'.'''.-~ I:' 3 5 5 \ 1 1 I , I VALUE COHPARISONS CON'T. r -- " STATE STATE ADJ. I, X1:M QJUlEB 1m llilll: ROLLU~K YALll.C , " , , . 1983. +36' Agricultural 3,687,530 .865024 3,189,802 :1 Aq D\lolHnlJo 1,458,620 .698754 1,019,217 t Rooidantill1 665,822,880 .698754 465,246,401 " Ii Cammorcial 309,092,490 .917230 283,508,905 Industrial 27,788,340 .974567 27,081,599 6tH. , E. 31,053,824 1.0 31,053,024 " TOTAL $1,038,903,684 $811,099,748 I'; I! I , 1984 AlJricul turll1 3,585,900 .900058 3,227,525 Ag D\lolllnlJo 1,480,680 .724832 1,073,244 ! j Rooidontlal 686,797,678 .724832 497,812,935 I, I . ' Comlllorcial 334,005,992 .954242 319,485,939 " Industrial 28,430,500 1.0 28,430,500 6tH. , E. 28,913,025 1.0 28,913,025 TOTAL $1,084,013,783 $878,943,168 .. - -.._-"-~._---_._.- I I, , 1985. Agricul turlll 3,503,787 .935922 3,279,271 AlJ D\lollinlJs 1,269,610 .756481 960,436 ',: ; Rosidantial 724,508,730 .756481 548,077,089 COlllme rc ia 1 369,476,553 .987948 365,023,621 I. Induot.r ia1 29,145,510 1.0 29,145,510 Ji I, HH. , E. 29,306,071 1.0 29,306,071 1 I: ; , TOTAL $1,157,210,261 $975,791,998 .r, 1986 A9ricu1 turlll 3,289,203 1.0 3,289,203 l. A9 DwolUnq 1,208,010 .773604 934,521 I: Rosidantiol 734,394,558 .773604 568,130,568 COIDIIleroi1l1 376,014,043 1.0 376,014,043 i' 1 Induotrill1 31,458,600 1.0 31,458,600 , HH. , E. 32,720,338 1.0 32,720,338 r TOTAL $1,179,004,752 $1,012,547,273 I , H Ii I I; l. j I I I i 9 ~1J-1 j I " I i "''''''><''''''''''' ..._,...".. i <,'. .,.f..,..'..:I\ I , . I 1:1 3 5 b I) 3 S ,--, ) I I COHPARISO/l Of RESIDEIITIAL, COMMERCIAL Ii I -- A.W:SSED ~^l.lllS .. I. , APARTHEIIT OTHER I " UAR RESIDEIIIlAL -'- ~ERru.L ...L COMMER~AL -L , t': , .' 1901 567,708,490 64.1 * * t ! " " ;~ ' i 1982 570,185,848 63.2 99,388,876 10.9 149,082,813 16.3 Il I;, , I i 1983 665,822,880 62.2 125,352,040 11.7 183,740,450 17.2 , I I 1984 686,797,678 61.0 141,599,710 12.6 193,206,282 17.2 " 1985 724,508,730 60.2 162,129,009 13.5 207,347,544 17.2 .J >0 I , 1986 734,394,558 61.4 165,055,059 13.8 210,958,986 17.6 ; 1987 745,381,060 60.6 163,031,389 13.2 233,710,800 19.0 f' I h . , 1988 758,164,620 60.9 162,923,079 13.1 238,824,330 19.2 r 1989 808,471,670 61.7 166,829,929 12.7 251,781,780 19.2 1990 830,877,911 61.8 169,428,179 12.6 258,617,800 19.2 ' . f~""- ------r-~. I \ TAXADLE VALUES 1981 367,757,586 56.1 * * I 1982 388,669,825 55.2 91,073,100 12.9 136,609,203 19.4 I' }" . 1983 465,246,401 55.2 114,976,652 13.7 160,532,253 20.0 f: , ~ . , 1984 497,812,935 54.1 135,120,390 14.7 184,365,549 20.0 . ~ j I. 1985 548,077,089 53.6 160,175,030 15.7 204,848,591 20.0 I; 1986 568,130,568 55.2 165,055,059 16.0 210,958,986 20.5 -I" , I , j' 1987 600,751,791 55.3 163,031,389 15.0 233,710,800 21.5 " I \ l" 1988 611,371,819 55.7 162,923,079 14.8 238,824,330 21.8 j I, I I, ' ! 1989 645,541,183 56.2 166,829,929 14.5 251,781,780 22.0 I, I I.... 1990 660,245,500 56.2 169,428,179 14.5 258,617,000 22.0 t. I, * Prior to 1982 tho bronkdown ot commorolnl apt. , commorcia1 othor I, " , At porsona1 Proporty 10 no lonqor lncludad in thie total. I I 11 I ,. C. \1~ J~ i I '--"...._~"'~.; l.,.J; ",J ~~,,(._.. I ;""",,>,~,,",'"-<''''''' ,- ....."-.._,.".~~., . :.: .I""~'-'~' "--""'l.oI. i , <";'-,-.,;.;,;, -,'Ji1. < i . j I:' 3 5 8 " - AND INDUSTRIAL VALUES " ij I I' t , TOTAL !; " I COHHERCIltL -L IIIDUSTRXAL -L QIlI.t:R -L Ii I , ,. i1 , 241,461,259 27.2 33,244,551 3.8 43,861,768 4.9 I d I ; 248,471,689 27.2 42,764,895 4.7 45,128,282 4.9 I ..! 309,092,490 28.9 51,406,400 4.8 43,709,714 4.1 , l. 334,805,992 29.8 60,793,394 42,534,924 II .It 5.4 3.0 I' 369,476,553 30.7 67,615,591 5.6 41,954,152 3.5 I ; 376,014,043 31.4 74,181,825 6.2 11,443,811 1.0 u " V , 396,742,189 32.2 76,857,504 6.3 11,513,716 0.9 u , 401,747,409 32.3 74,706,504 6.0 10,501,754 0.0 u _ .....,~__l:.....___,.--...:-__~.__. 418,611,709 31.9 73,597,442 5.6 10,357,933 0.8 u 428,045,979 31.8 73,198,642 5.4 12,886,963 1.0 u ! L" , ' I: 212,105,124 32.3 32,695,840 5.0 43,293,676 6.6 " 227,682,311 32.3 42,764,895 6.1 44,699,373 6.4 L' I ." , I' I ,I 283,508,905 33.7 50,699,739 6.0 42,772,586 5.1 r " [, 319,485,939 34.7 60,793,394 6.6 42,176,541 4.6 . I; , , I 365,023,621 35.7 67,615,591 6.6 41,420,462 4.1 , . I, ,I; , 376,014,043 36.5 74,181,825 7.2 11,170,322 1.1 u .' I: I 396,742,189 36.6 76,857,584 7.1 11,279,321 1.0 u I 1 l I, 401,747,409 36.6 74,706,504 6.0 10,240,392 0.9 u l :1 418,611,709 36.5 73,597,442 6.4 10,123,537 0.9 u , ' i ; i 428,045,979 36.5 73,190,642 6.2 12,648,106 1.1 u ! ' , is not availablo, total commorcill1 valuo is shown. I " , 12 , i ~~~ I , I .,. ~'--""""""t..., !.f,lc; "J.<':_ ~o; " .. ;', ',;" '.,J ..,~.:u/,. ,\. -~""""""''-'"",; "_~', ";l-.~,,~'~;"""""'"'' ..............A""'._,....,..."._ ,'; .',J... I.'..~ ,', 'M"-'~ii.i~ I , 1:1 3 5 q 1990 TOP TAXPAVERS Excludln9 UtllltloD ADDODDOd Dy The Stnto MIlK lWIC tAXABLE VALue 1 Old Copltol Ho11 $18,396,400 2 JoaoD , Lorotta Clark 15,415,120 3 P~octor , Gaab10 14,795,164 4 South9ato Dovo1opaont 14,423,157 5 Shollor-G10bo 11 ,865, 423 6 Oral-D Lnborotorloa 11,940,514 7 Aaorlcan Co1109o Toatlnq 10,791,499 8 II. P. Salth Paper Co. 10,692,280 9 Sycnaoro Ho 11 10,133,740 . 10 IICS Loarnln9 Corp 9,872,501 11 Edwin , Etho1 Darkor , Dorkor Partnorshlp 9,546,960 12 IIoUdoy Inn 9,390,720 13 TholllOIl , Dotta 6,944,007 l4 Hooro DuelnoBa ForaD 6,883,138 15 II. J. II01nz Worohouao 5,802,07B 16 IIowkoyo Rool Eatato Invoataont 5,745,900 17 LakODldo AportlllontD 5,175,120 18 Iowa City Con Honutocturlnq Co. 4,952,438 19 Don-Alro , TOIII , Horl1ynn A1borhaaky 4,530,148 20 Hork IV Apartlllonts 4,494,520 21 Iowa state Dank 4,355,167 22 IIy Voo 4,288,310 23 Hillard Worohoueo 4,271,790 24 Towncroot Invoetlllont Aaooolatoo 3,915,400 25 Doan , Evo1yn Ookoo , Family Trust 3,631,273 I 13 I ~~~I \ I I r I - " " ~ ~ I', :/ :i !. , " " , Ii I , I , , I , I , 'I , i. ',' ...~ r I " , !"".r_'_ I , , I j i" , \ ~ ; I ~ i I I I :' ! ': :J ' i. i . \ . . I h , i , .' I , I I I . I i i' '1 i , Ii' i I ' ,I !: I, , j , , I I i I " I " I .~;!.1ft'~~"~I""H' ",":..,".: j;".;.;.;.,;,...-....~,......'.....,,-~... .'., '<.l':, '.id'~,;", .i:,/,,\''''~'-''' ...--.........., "M__ . I:' 3 b [I COHPARISON 01' TAX RATE PER TIIOUSAIID AS COHPILED DY TilE CITY ASSESSOR'S OI'I'ICE, DES HOINES, IOWA '\ I I I , .... ~ W RATE PAYADLUH 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 25.17938 26.32392 26.70667 31.31663 32.43917 31. 82292 30.77978 30.29073 31. 73429 35.05468 34.45749 34.79382 37.07403 37.71194 38.97122 30.53736 30.67596 32.45863 31. 38676 33.42057 . 35.62720 28.03506 28.54915 29.28817 33.17807 35.47572 37.36465 28.51849 28.72835 29.31097 35.02145 34.75752 36.72570 . ' .; hMES , I. " , I ~ ., . " I: ! , " I , I " i ;/ , -, " ' , I. CEDAR RAPIDS CLINTON DAVENPORT , t; ,I DES HOINES " "/ I' ", , )~ ; " DUDUQUE -.--- ----i f"-~-'~~--+-- ~ ' . . I'T. DODGE l f ~ IOWA CITY I ' , , . ~ ~ HARSJlALLTOWN I ; " j - ; HASON CITY t. t " SIOUX CITY ',". 14 j,: ,1 ',:, II ! I; , I, I r , , , , , , . .'-~""'U"!":':';I.,;!.I.~;;:: ~j<,,\:.~t;~ 't'i,l',i:~,i' ',..1._.....__.-. . ~VJ.. :.:,..";.;,'~'._~.ic...,_~Vl~,;,,,,':l.;j.<l--"'"" '-t-- I 1 I:' 3 b , IOWA CITV MS&SSORS I'ROOMH DIVISIOII STATEHEIIT FV '92 DIVISIOII PURPOSE I r ..~.... I . , , " ! ,i , .' " r , , , . Tho purpoao ot tho Iowa CIty AaDonaorn OrrIco 10 to rind, liat and valuo tor tax purpoDoa, 011 roal proporty in Iowa City and aaintain rocorda Cor all parcolD In Iowa City. DIVISIOII COALSI To oDtablleh valuaa on 011 coaaorcial, induatrial, agricultural and roaidontal proporty within tho City of Iowa City in tho nont oquitablo nannar baaod on actual phyaical aopacta of tho propertr and all tho portinant Daloa data ovailablol to inprovo tho off cioncy by Which thaao aDaosnaonts oro nadol to provido pronpt and courtoous roaponao to all inquirioa for intornation. :' r GEIIERAL DIVISIOII ODJECTIVESI I " , Rocoivo colls ond inquirios and disponoo intormation officiont1y and on 0 tinoly basia. 2. Conploto all doily rocord chongos and rolatod dutioo aa rocoivad. . 1. , t- '--,---'--- 3. On 0 quortorly basia, roviow in tho fiold all now construction and domolitions and by Januory 1, 1992, noko final roviow ot soid conatruction and doaolition. 4. Proporo forms and get signoturos for all now homostaad ond Illilitory cradits by July 1, 1992. Romovo all homostood and military crodits trom tho poraonant tilo tor thooo who aro no longor to rocoivo tho crodit by July 1, 1992. Proporo and got signaturos on 011 othor now annual torms, making suro thor aro in complianco with all lows and rulos, by tho r statutory datos. Rocaivo and roviow tontaivo aqualization ordors trom tho Stato Dopartmont ot Rovonuo in August, 1991. i !I. I !, I; i' , I 6. 15 . I , I; , iJ I i. i I I. I 7. ~~~' ...._'~~'~'f,,,.:,, "').~'.~) :,\__~,_'"" ,>!,.; ~,...,.,~-- -~,." ......" ,""_.. "'''., ',.- -"'.,..',,;" ".,,~.., .....-- r" I I \ ,) 3 b e GENERAL DIVISIO/l OBJECTIVES COII'T. , I I I I 1 ... I , " I .. : I I l' I, i .. I , 8. Rocoivo Uno1 oquolizlItlon ordoro by October 1, 1991. 9. Accopt formn1 wrlttan protooto for tho Boord of RoVlow Spoclll1 Soooion from October 15 to October 25, 1991 and coordinoto tho BOllrd af Roviow Spacilll Soooion from October 15 to /Iovomber 15, 1991. 10. Accopt formo1 wrltton protaoto for tho Boord of Roviow from April 16 to Hoy 5, 1992, and coordinato tho Boord of Roviaw mootin90 during Hoy 1992. 11. !lold proliminory mootin9s lInd publio hallrlngs to lIdopt tho lInnuol bUdgot by Horch 15, 1992. 12. Proporo lInd oubmlt lInnuol abotrllot by July 1, 1992. [! r 13. Proporo ond dlotributo to Conforanco Boord mamboro tho lInnuol roport by Docamber 31, 1991. i , /IEW DIVISIOn OBJECTIVES I 1. 00sl9n lInd implomant programD on tho orrico micro- computor. 2. ROVlow sllloD liS thoy occur to koop our'vllluos ot tho mllndotad lovol. 3. Continuo to uoo tho lIpprllisol syotom to roviow lIssoesmonts and oolos by noiqhborhoods lInd other critoria to bo ostablishod during tho studios. 4. Work with tho Johnson County Assassor and AUditor to dovolop our now computor qonoratod mapping systom. Look into tho uso or II O.I.S. systom which would utilizo thooo mllps. 5. Continuo II proqram to roviow lIll ot tho grodos on rosldontial proporty to onhanco our oquity. "'" ,:'".... .....i~----.- ~.,..' .,.,,' I 0(11~ I -.......,.t,j I , i , , I j I I; I I I' .. I j, ; I. " I I I t , I I 16 J,.,i.J j ",l\- ~;""J;:-.~",. ,. '.,:~ "" ...,.~.;.."--- ". ''', ~ "'''' ~ ; " , I .. I) 3 b 3 \ I , I i I I I IIERFORHAIICE HEASUREKEIITS: I . Tho ~odian BaloG ratio (modion) 10 tho middle GaloG ratio and 0 I i ... ! ~oauuro oC tho \ of our 4Dooou~ant to tho actual Ba100 pricaB. Tho cootCiciant of diaporuion (C.O.D.) io a ~aauuro oC OOOOOB- I Aont unitofAity baaod on tho daqroo to which individu41 u4i08 rotioo vary frOA tho ~odian BaloG ratio. Tho goal of tho Iowa City Auooooor io to kaop thlu C.O.D. bolow 1 10. A C.O.D. ot 10 io conoidorod oxcollont and woo attainod d in 1989 by only 5 of tho III aoooooinq juriodiotlono in Iowa. .~ " I: Tho tOllowinq tablo ohowo tho aOdian, C.O.D., and tho numbor oC dood 00100 Cor Iowa city rouldontial proporty oince tho ouoooa- monto wont to tho 100\ lovol in 1975. d 1Et\B IWl1A11 C.O.D. 1/0. OP SALES I' Aaooaamant Yoar 1975 87.10 10.36 682 : ~ ,; , 1976 76.30 11.38 681 ,; 1977 65.10 12.10 840 AaoooBlllont '{oar 1978 74.70 9.83 639 . - --",.--.---- ..:.......-- ...-.---- Stato Ordoro 1979 91.80 9.40 551 I: 1980 87.85 8.69 394 Aosooolllant '{oar 1981 88.90 8.74 393 I , 1982 87.30 9.38 299 ! i Asuosomant: '{oar 1983 94.00 7.19 544 t' " , , 1984 92.65 7.97 447 ( I AGsoosmont: '{oar 1985 96.15 8.27 448 I; , 1986 95.30 9.02 513 I; . " I Asoossmont '{oar 1987 94.90 9.26 522 I ,. r I, 1988 93.60 9.34 555 ! . ! t Assossmont '{oar 1989 91. 80 9.80 53D II 'j' . ! I I *1990 87.63 9.53 515 I, , 'Dnta basod on tirut: 9 months only. I' , 17 I , I Jf~ I _.....~ .-.....-.'..-,l"...di.'..,:;.! '~....,-...,."".! .~.;, I )'<.).'_.",L;,.~.i-c.;;..,~;;,; 'j:, ..,;~.",~,~l~"_"iO>-' . '- I I I 1 , ! , I; I:' 3 h Lf - - Dolow aro tab loa of tho rankln~ of Iowa City In conparluon to tho othor 110 aaooualng jurladlctlonu In Iowa. For brovlty, only tho top 10 or I~ aro ohown. Data 10 for 1988 oalos which Is tho 1nRt conploto yoar nvnllablo. Tho flrot tnblo Is uortod by Dodlan, fron tho lowoat to tho highoat nnd ohowo that lawn City hnd one of tho lowor aodlnn oa10s ration for 1989. Thio lu cnuaod In Iown city by tho Inflation of hono oOlllng prlcoo and will roault in a Dubstantlal Incroaoo in raadldontial valuoo for 1991. ThoDO tabloa ahow that Iowa city 10 atlll ono of only n fow jurlsdlctlona In lown with a C.O.D. of loaD thnn 10. Tho nvorago anlo prlco of a hono in lawn City 10 nnong tho highost In Iown, toppod in 1989 only by tho auburba of Doa Holnoa In Polk County. Iowa City alao haa a lnrgo nunbor of aaloa as could be oxpoctod by it'o aizo and nobilo poPulntlon. I r I i I I .' . I I I. , I , I , ,. I' " 't .! ""/ " I SORTED BY MEDIAN I FROM LOW TO IIlOlll ': . I, . I/O JURISDICfIOII 110 8UBS TOTAL PRIel! AVO PRICR HRDIAII COD ......................................................................... I HADISOII 64 2,S16,Ol3 39,313 06.7S 19.73 I~ - ~ 2 KROKUK 63 1,482,269 23,S20 06.90 32.19 I, 3 WBDSTBR SI 1,426,501 27,972 87.40 19.93 . r 4 WAI'BLLO 313 10,974,2S9 3S,062 87.90 22.24 5 RINGGOLD 29 587,664 20,264 09.10 15.00 I 6 SIOUX CI1'Y 044 43,704,420 SI,077 09.40 14.97 .. 7 DALLAS 290 12,407,049 42,703 90.10 21.16 I; o DLACK IIAIIK 1130 S8,942,491 S2,I61 90.50 19.97 , 9 LINtl 481 27,342,551 S6,04S 90.60 11.80 10 DRBHBR 102 0,686,693 47,729 90.70 20.07 , 1, 11 IIARDIII 115 4,371,030 30,009 90.70 27.46 :;. , 12 SIOUX 259 10,909,516 42.122 91. 40 27.07 13 IIBNRY 155 6.040,4S0 H,132 91. 60 15.09 14 IOIIA CITY 530 42,947,6~0 79,828 91. 00 9.00 I 15 WASIIIIIOTON 174 7,051,361 40,525 91. 00 17.74 I. I I! ' " I I ! . i. I l. , :1 , ' , . I, . " . j. i i I 18 -....-..."';... .,IJ,., ''':J~...'/,:,."~~,,,;.,,~ 1"..< ."'". rJ.Yj. ,.~.'.,. "AI.... """"""'~""'.< .;., ......."...,... ....",;"i..."'..:....u>...'.-..-...... "..~-"t.. . ; , I:' 3 b 5 1l0RTflLULC ,-0..0 '- /10 JURISDICTIOII HIIM' HIIDIAII WOIITD COD REOR "'DIIX .................................................................... I POLK 94.23 1)3.70 93.64 8.27 100.63 2 JOIIIISOII 113.06 1J2.00 (J I. 63 8. (J4 101.56 3 SCOTT 97.74 %.70 96.17 9.11 101. 63 4 AHES CITY 96.22 114.80 93,11 9.65 103.34 5 IOWA CITY 93.29 91. 80 90.69 9.80 102.86 6 TAYLOR 97.03 94.80 96.37 10.07 100.68 7 LI/l1I 92.77 90.60 90.43 11.88 102.58 8 HAR 101' 98.51 96.60 95.09 12.74 103.59 I) HASOII CITY 100.00 116.20 94.54 13.27 105.85 10 CEDAR RAPIDS CITY 97.11 93.40 91. 55 13.39 106.07 i I I I I r ! ... I , I , i , I t il I , . I if r , , ~RTl:U BY IUUJU.&R OP -ShLES j. 110 JURISDICUON /10 SALliS TOTAL PRICII AVO PRICE ....................................................... h- .-- . ~ ---- I DES HOIllIIS CITY 2001 108,601,104 54,273 2 POLK 1606 147,328,305 07,303 3 CEDAR RAPIDS CITY 1516 94,747,709 62,490 4 BLACK IIAWK 1130 50,942,491 52,161 5 DA VEil PORT CITY 948 51,640,314 54,473 ., 6 SIOUX CITY 044 43,784,420 51',077 7 POTTAWATTAHIB 679 29,409,302 43,313 o DUBUOUB CITY 641 33,873,028 52,044 9 SCOTT 564 40,566,032 71,926 i: 10 IOWA CITY 530 42,947,640 79,820 I, , , . I I- S~(jUALE PRICE I I; " NO JURISDICTIOII 110 SALBS TOTAL PRICB AVO PRICB ,- J ....................................................... I " 1 POLK 1606 147,320,305 07,303 ! 2 IOWA CITY 530 42,947,640 79,828 I: 3 AMIIS CITY 387 28,314,503 73,164 4 SCOTT 564 40,566,032 71,92(, " I. 5 JOIINSON 197 13,626,000 69,168 , , 6 CBDAR RAPIDS CITY 1516 94,747,709 62, 490 f. 7 DICKINSON 132 7,048,770 59,460 I, o LINN 481 27,342,551 5(,,045 I 9 WARREN 337 10,098,480 56,079 LO DAVIINPORT CITY 948 51,640.314 54,473 19 ..._""~,:":,;.;~-',.~,.-<":,,."':;..j.'.'r -.:' .,;,~', ;,",..e.;.").,-l'....,...-..--......~... _".,;.. """,~'J>""'-'- -'~...H.~,,,.......,"".,.~.._, . . ,..--..........~ JJ/" r I I I 1 ,J 3 b b . MEDIAN SALES RATIOS OY QUAR'('ER 100 90 - 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 17 B II ? II . , I V . ~ LI LI V [i 1.1 I' II II 1/ . II II V P . II ~ , r , . I . . 95 85 IQ'~ It3. It3. It'. ",. s" 17"?1 nAIl IT QVAIlTlR ~ IIIDIAW RAno, HEDIA" RATIO STUDX Thio graph boot i11uotratoo tho changing markot wo havo oxperioncod in Iowa City. Tho modian ratio for oach quartor io lound by calculating tho aooosood valuo to Dolling prico ratio for oach solo, sorting thoso ratios in asconding ordor, and idontifying tho midd10 ratio. Thoro has boon a dolinito trond downward in tho quartor1y ratios sinco 1985, with a largo drop boginning in 1ato 1989. This downward trond would havo boon much worso if not for tho incroaso in rosidontial aosossad va1uo in 1989 which avoragod ovor 5'. Sinco our assossod valuos havo not doc1inad in tho timo poriod, tho trond is moasuring tho incroaso in BOlling pricos of proportias. Tho Iowa Dopartmont of Rovonuo raquiros that tho Assossod va1uos bo adjustod January 1, 1991, to within 5' ol full va1uo. Tho chart indicatoo tho nood lor Changing va1uos this noxt yoar, sinco this is on oqualization yoar, if wo fai10d to Chango values accordingly, wo would ba subjoct to a raiso through stato oqua1ization ardors. 20 """" ,;'. ,..,.'" i " " " '-. . ,; ....~...~-" """,. I , I i I I I: .~ -. I' . I . , I i , I . , . . ; , , ~ " 1 I. , , i, I I, I , I i I I I , I I I I J~i --"f . I, , I I i j, ; , I , , I i 1; t i I · I I I:' 3 b ,--, Tho following 10 a tabulntlon of tho co~~orolal proportloo for tho Dana porlod. I I' .Y.ehB i' , JlJ:D1NI C.O.D. /10. OP SALES AOOOOOllont Yoar 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 84.30 19.75 13.19 28.20 13.49 16.66 14 18 27 12 15 12 14 8 26 14 16 15 16 20 13 9 i' I; 'I 72.30 ,. ,', I: . AooeOODont Yoar 62.90 84.60 78.00 80.85 87.55 78.00 87.85 i ;- I; I I I Stato Ordoro iI '. I 22.69 ADDOODDont Yoar 10.07 10.25 10.58 18.16 12.63 14.21 17.27 19.77 13.81 16.53 ASDaoomont Yoar " 80.32 __oj ~ ADDoDsmont Yoar 82.00 98.20 ADsaDSlIlont Yoar 87.65 I I: I " 95.40 AssossJ:lont Yoar 94.40 i' " i *1990 91. 22 *Data baaod on first 9 months only. Dooauso of tho slIlall numbor of solos, one or two bad salos can groatly influonco tho porformanco moasuromonts, thoroforo croating 1Il0ro fluctuation in tho moasuromonts. j:; ,I, DIVISION AIIALY9IS: Whilo tho program division statomont is on tho fiscal yoar, tho romalndor of tho annual roport is basod on tho assossmont yoar which Is tho calondar yoar. Tho annual roport has moro moaning whon basod on tho assossmont yoar, sinco tho state oquallzatlQn ordors como in a difforont fiscal yoar than tho bionnlal ~oappralsal which tho ardors aro to oqualizo. , I: I' I: r, I I , , , , j 21 , '~'-"""'<o'; -1~;'" i' , ~,""-~"""'-- ",'...r: '. ,~",~;, '.~w," --, ....-........;.,,"'......'-'...... .~~-,...>'I~'j ;.; < ~ ,,' '. ':.;; .,: i. ';~".~;".. .._i, ,. I: I] 3' b 8 City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Date: FobrullY I, 1991 To: City Council From: City Managor Ro: GObert Court DMaIon 01 Waler Storage Bulldlng The Ooplitmenl 01 Public Works DMsIon 01 Water currently oporale. Iho~ ftokllc:onaltuClJon- rolaled actMUo. out ole building Iocaled all308 South GUbort Court. n III0rm0rly Iho old but barn, 011 and on over !ho lasl yeOl or .0 I have rocolvod Inloresllrom o!her butlnonOlIn !ho posslblo purchase or loaso 01 this property, ~ II located In . prodomlllllltly Indualtlll aroa. I commlltloned an appralsll 10 dolormlne !ho vllue 01 !he property I1I1 wore 10 bo .old. A110, I asked !ho Dopartmenllo delermlno' COlli assoclated wt!h dlsmanUlng and relocatlng Iho building and/or consltucllng a now building al a .Ito 10 bo .olocled, General~ .peaklng,tho Ille . prico and cosl 01 a now building woro ebout equal. n Is rrrf ludgmonl lhallhll property mlghl be beUor suited lor aomo Indusltlal use and/or o!her uso permlUed wt!hln Ita currenl zoning classlftcaUon, I roquestod Iho Departmenllo provide me w1!h opUons and !hey lie currontly dovoloplng allsL Unloss !horo are objocllons from !he City Council, It .would bo rrrf Inlenllo pursuo Iho projoct whoreby we mlghl return this property 10 Iho prlvalo markol and ovonluelly lax rolls and eUompl 10 securo I building 10 mool our needs. co: Chuck Schmedoke . b/lWl!lfbld )kJ )t~r2ftrtr~. ~ .~ - ."."._~.' .;...,'" J'l " "'"d .... ~ I I I , I j , , I I , , t I I I I i I , I I \ o ! ! " , I . i I , j. I , !I ! I ,. . I:' :3 b q .-.-- Febnlllly I, 1991 ..... "'16..__ __ ' c/n' OF IOWA c/n' Mr. Kelly Ha)WOf1h, City Admlnlsttator Clly 01 Cot8lvll1o P.O, BOX 5127 CoraMllo, IA 52241 Deer Kelly: Fonow'.ng a numbor 01 conversallons with tho sla~ 01 the CIty's DepaJlment 01 PublIc Works, they havo ecMsed mo 01 work currently undofWlly by the City 01 Coralvllle with rospOCllo planning lor your luturo wastowator troatmenllaclllty noods. I further undorsland thai you have a conltacl with an englnoorlng fItm 10 Bluely the capacity and treatmonl capability 01 your laclllUes. By way 01 !his loner I wanllo express 10 you our Inloresl and concem with respect to any plans which might bo undortaken to expand tho treatment plant located on Cardinal Road neer Cloer Creek. Currently, I understand the treetmenl plant effluenlls pumped II1rough a 20,OOO,Ioollorce maIn localed along the old Rock Island rlghl-of.way, with the effluenl bolng discharged Into the Iowa Alver downstream lrom tho Iowa CIty and the Unlvorslty 01 Iowa waler plants. Our discussions with tho Iowa Dopartmont of Natural Resources Indicated, as late as March of I08B, thai tho City 01 CoroM/lo discussed !he posslblllly of discharging trealed effluont, el!hor In pan or In lotal, Inlo Clear Creok. We further understand that !he IDNR was encouraging thIs polnl of vlow and did not dony the use or Cloar Croek as a polenUal roceMng stream. As I am sure you can apprecfale, Clear Creek discharges Into the Iowa River a relal/vely short distance upstream of the Iowa City and University waler treatmenl planls. Aside Irom the potential communIty ernollonal and pollllcol probloms that could bo aSSOclatod with the effect of thIs waslowater on our drinking walor supply, there may bo very real risk In the ability of Iowa City to produce acceplable drfnklng wator. As you know, the fedoral safe drinking water regulal/ons are making II moro and more dlfflcult and expensive lor communlUos to meol drinking water slandards. A further concem would be thalthore Is the potenllal for a health risk" Ihere Is an accldenlal row Wastewaler discharge or some type of failure on the plonl with respoct to Its prOcessing controls. thIs, as our research has shown, may bo an all too frequent occurrence In wastewaler plants whIch are oporal/ng al maximum capacity. I understand this to bo tho coso for !ho Coralvlllo facility, Furthermoro, accldonlal spills or dlschargoslnto tho sower syetem by a local Industry could very easily create a hazardous condlllon since a waslewater treatment planl would not necessarily bo ablo 10 removo !he hazardous waslo and tho normal waslowator olfluonl lestlng procedures may nol bo able 10 Idonl/fy thIs hazardous was to. this slluallon Is especially critical with !he University of Iowa Research Park located In 1110 Coralvlllo eervlco area. As I am sure you can appreclale, research facllll/os by tholr vory nature may produce potontlally ~azardous wasles, ClIIC C!HlII . III t "AlN'NOION II 'OtA CIH IOtA 111"'1111 @ 'NONIIII', "'.1111 'UIlII"I'"11 J.~~ ..... I I , . I , " 1:1 3 --, [, Mt, Kelly Hay.vol1h Febtullly I, 1881 Poo02 Mooting llato'roqultod dlsdlargo llandatds doOl nol moan thallho rivor water qua~ly Is nol oneclod. Our ItaIl rovlew Indicatellhal dlscIwgo lIIIy Cltate Idditlonal algae whlch Is common willi wastewater onluonl and tho .Uocta 01 algae 110 moll difficulllo remove Irom drtnklng Wiler and may caule tul\her laYore tasto 8IIcf odor problems. Due 10 1110 Iocallon oflho 1te8tmonl plan and any modiftcalion ollho Veatmanl prOCOSl. changes In DpGralfon. discharge requlromonll, and olhor probloms assoclatod with 1110 DPOrlllon 011110 CoraMne planllle of vital Inloresllo the City 01 Iowa City and I would assume the UnlversUy 01 Iowa. 1111 essential thai we Cleala opportunlllosfor aD 01 us 10 In undellland Ill. variouslSlues assoclaled with your sludy oUOII. Hopefully you can provldo us In I Umo~ luhIon lIle pertlnenl conclusions 01 YOut ltealmonl planl etudel l/lCUor other correspondence lhal you beDovo may be of some Intellsllo my community and 5kG1y the Unlverslty 01 Iowa. I have asked our Dlreelor of Public Worlls lo contact 1110 CotaMIlo City Englnoor and alla~llo ascortaln how bell lor us to Cleale the Inlormallon exchange IIIaII beUeve Ctlllcal. ThIs lellor should not be Inlendod to be any cause tor aIann and/or I Ctltlclam ollho rovlow ptOCGlI underway, bul merely my exprolllon 01 concom lhal tho CoraMllo planning procell would likely hovo a I~nlncanl eUoel upon Ihose who use tho river for lis major dtlnldng weier luppIy. Thank you lor your time. SIncerely, C CUy Manager bfllay.von/l co: City Council Chuck Schmadoke Susan PhillIps, U of I JY~. ... I I I I I r , .. , 1 I " I , I I l I I I I: I " , I , I I , ! ) ,3 -, ' I I _ City of IOWQ City M E M 0 RAN DUM . tD'~'" SMf TO: Stovo Atklnl Chuck SchmDdoko JDnuDry 28, 1991 Sludge O/schDrlll from tho Wlter Treatment Plant FROM: DATE: RE: 10wI CIty currantly dlschargos wosto lolldl laludge' from the tmtment procauOl It the wlter treotment plant Into the Iowa River. The (edera' Wlter Pollution Control Act o( 1972 lPubllc Law 92-500' IItl (orth the requlromlntl for tha IlauDnce of pormltl to 011 entltloa diSChargIng Wlltoa to lurfacI waterl. Tho dllcharge permit IYltem II known os thl NDtlanal Pollulant OlschDrgo ElimInation SYltem I NPOES I and II admlnluered by the U.S. Envlronmontal Protoctlon Agoncy IEPAl. Tho dlschargo permltl oat.blllh effluont IImltetlonl, monitorIng requlrementl Ind a compliance Ichedulo (or 011 dlschDrgerl. The StDtO Department a( Natural ResourcOl IONRlllSuu NPOES operating permltl far dllchargOl to lurfece wDters. EPA hal Indicated In the peat. that It dId not Intend to en(arco tho requlremontl I.t out In NPOES permits luuod to wator treatment plants. This wes probably duo to tho continuing effort nocoasory to onforco wastewater treotment plant NPDES porm/t roqulromontl. Th. StDtO WDS enforcing the roqu/rements only efter major Improvoments to exIsting lurfDce water treDtment plDntl wero completed. Now without warning Dnd In typlCDI DNR fuh/on II" attachod notlcol, 10wD City II required to apply for D NPDES opontlng porm/t by MDrch IS, 1991 ond adv/l' the ONR of our planl for ollmlnatlng Iludgo dllchargOl Into the Iowa Rlvor by February 15, 1991. Tho potDble wator managemont plDn currently being dovolopod by the C/ty'l englnearlng consullDnt, Howord R. Croon Co" will addresl mothods , of ollri1lnDtlng Iludge dlschDrgOl. Changos In Iludge dllchDrgo and lroDtment Ihould not bo conlldorod Indopondont o( Dny rocommonded or proposed changos In tho overall wator treatmont procOII. Iowa City ovldontly will not bo granted luch a rmonDblo cOnlldoratlan. CI/WPIO/HHO/CJS/ILUOCI.CH . , ,. -:; J'IS ... I I I I I I i , . , , , I: ., I I I I i, ji I , , ,. , L .,..-. IJ 3 .., ,? liD EllVlROInl[lITAL PROTECIIOII OIYISIOII FIELD OFFICE '6 IOO~ II. MOl SOli ST. 111\5111110101/, IOIIA ~3'3 Phonal 3\9/6'3-213' DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAM' J, WILla". ...ICIOII Uftfty t DftAHIIAIl, 0001_ J'~try 23, 1991 Clly CI.rk Clly H.II Iowa Clly, IA "2~O ATTENTION, lfonor.bll Il.yar and Caune II IIallCI or Ylal.lIanl Unp.r.1 \lId Ollchargl, '67.62. /III, law. Adllnlltratlv. CadI SubJ.ct. lIalor Supply Inlp.cllon Ropart F,clllty 1101 '2-2'-0-79 City OHlcl.l., Uo h.vl .nclal.d . copy or lho ropart r"ulllng rram lhll arrlco'l lurvoy or your w.tor 'upply pr.p.rod by J.rry o.rl.chok, or lhll orrico. Uo .r. rarwardlng . copy to your w'l.r lupply luporlnl.nd.nl, Edward orlnlan. You HilI rind Ih. In,p.ctlan rapart II ,.lr-oMPI.n.lary. PI..,o nolo lho lu..ary or r.qulro.ont, and roca..ondatlanl IIItld at tho .nd.or tho r.part. Ootall.d camltntl and racaMlond.tlanl c.n bo round o.r 1I.r In lh. r.part. U. .Ipoclally H.nt 10 c.II your .tlontlan 10 Iho vlal.tlan, or our rulol Hhlch .r~ oMpl.lnld In tho rallaHlng p.r.gr.phl. II II natod In Iho Inlpoctlan r,parl th.l tho law. CI ty U'I.r Trlllm.nt PI.nl dllcharg.,'cl.rlrlor Iludg. .nd rlll.r b,ckw.'h Inla Ihe law. Rlvor Hlthaut .n NPOES aporollng p.rmll. Subrula '67-6201111, law. Admlnl,lr.llvl Cad. prahlblll Iho dllch.rgo or .ny pollul.nl rram. polnl lour co Inla. n.vlg.ble H.lor unl.,1 .ulhorlzod by an IIPOES p.rmll. Thll arrlc. raquOll1 Ih.1 Ih. City or law. City .pply ror .n IIPOES ap.r.tlng p.rmlt on lho .nclaud rarm by H.rch ", 1991. Natlry lhll orrico In Hrltlng by Febru.ry I', 1991, .dvl,lng UI or your plans rar correction or the .bove vlahtlan. Plo'I' rind the .ncIOI.d copy or lh. b.clorl.1 .n.ly,11 collacl'd .1 the tIm, or the lurvay. You Hili nota tho ,.mplo, Horo .n.lyz.d .1 baing bact.rl.lly ..tllr.ctory. WALLACE STATE OFFICE DUILOINO I DES MOINES. IOWA ~D310/~1 a.201.514~ J.~5 ;,.,.......,-,.."_. I , ... -..~..... ".',,,."<... ~. ~ "".'n ,..:",.,,_..r, ,~; ., ,.',.. .", ."'-... ,- - I I I I I: I' ... : " . .' \: i' '1 , I, , i I: I' I i , I ! I i' , t I /, I , . y I) :3 -, ,3 - s - ,.... &h_....___._ c/n' OF /011'11 CIT)' Febtuary I, 1991 M" Joan RoblnIon 1118 SL C1omonll SL Iowa City, IA &2245 Dolt M.. Roblnson: You roconlly dlrocled colrospondonco 10 the Iowa City City Council roquo.llng tholr opln/on.1nd an,wolI to a .orlo. 01 quolUon,. Whllo oath Council mombor may chaoso 10 rospond In a lashlon thay leol applopllale, lIen .ome 01 Iho quoslJooll you posed would bo bonor answored by my olnce In that I heve available moro dolalled budgevnnanclallnlollnaUon, I will do my bosllo answor those quostlonl portlnenllo City govornmonl oporaUons end nnance, I. 'How much moro has boen paid lor gal and 011 Ilnce prlcellumpod boeaUIO 01 tho Gu" wit'/' n Is dlmcun to accurale~ pledlct tho price Incroasel lor fuel that Ite directly ellllbuted to tho Gulf Wltj howovor, I can point out thai wo roeonUy oxporlonced an annualized lneroase In tho cost 01 fuol 01 approldmaloly $100,000 por year lor our City oporatlons. Our vendoll, which provide fuol, have a vltleble ,ale .lrucluro which thay apply to their bid prlco. This Is common to large luol auppllell and purchasera. Prices aro adjuslod wookly In aceordanco with con~acled price, 2, 'How much 01 an Incroase In those prlcos have you budgolod lor tho City budget lor the noxl yoar?' We hevo taken the I~alogy In budgollng lor luel cosll a modlnod veralon 01 the Incroase. roconlly exporloncod, thai Is, wo leltlhe dramallc Increaso, 01 a month ago wore oxllaordlnarl~ high and wore IIkoly 10 Itablllze or turn downwerd, Our cosls appoared 10 Indlcalo thai this atralogy has worked 10 tho Clty'l bonon! In Ihe .hortlerm, 3, 'I 1001 those prlcos wllllncroese es tho war goel on, How will you hendlo thl,?, For the purposos 01 our fuel cosls, we annual~ 101 asldo a small conUngoncy accountlhat allows lor tho varlaUon In luol prlcos, Wo wore able to covor tho recontlncroase through this conllngoncy approprlallon. II the prices were 10 conllnue ala dremallcal~ olevalod 10voI, It would bo nocossary lor us In upcoming budgols 10 roquosl tho Council approprlale monloalo provldo lor thoso Incroasos In cosls and/or roduco aorvlcoa accordingly. Our budgollng philosophy 01 providing lor conllngonclea lor such prlco nucluallons has workod orroctlvo~ and I assumo we will conllnue a similar nnanclal planning procoss. CIVIC C1~1I' . .11 I. 'AI~I~O'n II IOWA CIl' IOtA "'11"11' @ r)~t, 'NOI. 11",111'1111 IUIIIIIIII.III' <"', " j' ! I , I , , I I , I, i I , , I:' ,3 .., y 1.11, Joan Roblnlon Fobruary I, 1991 pego 2 4, 'How badly Is loCal rovonuo going 10 bo hurt kom having sovorll hundrod poople and theu lallIlOI romovod kom tho Iowa City Ilea boCause 01 \his watr Our rovenuo strucluro II based primarily on propor1y Illl and therelOl. thO wages and lalatIol of Indivldulls thaI may bo Ioavlng our 1I0a woukI nol diroclly allocltho opGlIUonl 01 tho City govornmonL I would polnl out thaI tho Slato 01 Iowa uliUzos an Income Illl as won as the Iowa City Community School Dill/lei end you would neod 10 dlscull with thom tho ollocl olltrf roduclion In Iota! IncomO 10 our 1I0a and hoW " m1ghlallocl tholt budgots. You further Indlcato have wo 'budgOlod 101 thll docroaso In local rovonut,' Wt have nol budgolod lor IUch a dOCloaso boeIuso the ollocl would bo mInlmaIlo tho Iowa City local government. FOI the onoel on olhGr govommonll, I would reler you 10 them 101 tholt commonll. 5. 'How muchllate and lodora! monoy Is going 10 bo cui on boCause It wID go 10 the war InSload?' Thls Is also dllllculllo prodlct In Ihaleloc8l govonvnont II et \he boUom 01 tho govornmonl hlorllchy and thoroforo wo 110 dopondonl upon thO IcIIonI 01 thO Ilale and lodoral governmontslo dolormlne hoW and II monoy Is going 10 bo epproprtalod 10 tho local governmonl Irom tho Slale or Fodora! governmonL Ovor tho lasl lOVoral yearlllalo and fedora! lid has boen reducod dromaUcally and tho burden 01 providing IOMcOI hOI boon ahlnod 10 a local govornmenL Theao drcumltancDl haYO occurrod without tho onocl 01 tho Gulf Will. 0, 'How much 01 an exlla burdon will bo placocl on IocoI and IlIto budgolllo provldo lor aOMcos tho 10dorGl govornmenl reducoI or cutlOIl?' This, egGln,ls quite unpredlclablo and wo ewall the action 01 CongrOlS on many programl, Tho roductlon In aid hal boon recurrIng ovor the pasl yoarl end Is Ukoly 10 conUnuo, Reduction In lInonclal aid II only ono concern we have In our rolallonlhlp with tho Fedoral govemmenL , 7, 'Have you prepered lor thll'/" I boUove we havo done v.tlol we can within the taxing authority mado available 10 us by the Slalo 01 Iowa. Whon and llfurthor rOductlon, are mondalod by \ho atate will bo addrossod as bosl we CM within the resourcos wo havo available, Hopofully this gonorallnlormaUon can bo oraomo aulslonco 10 you, Slncoro~, ~7k"~~~ SIOph~ J, Alkll' City Menagor bfloblnIOn.l co: City Council ~ ~ t, J4~ I -'--_',~ I I I' , " . I I I- I 'I I i i I. I I I:' ,:3 --I S l' j '''' II' I( ". ~ I I I I I I I I l' , I , , , I 1 ... TO OUR NEIGHBORS OUR NEIGHBORHOODS ARE THREATENED AT THE REQUEST OF A SllMMIT ST. I/EIGIIBORHOOD GROUP THE CITY OF IOIIA CITY WILL COI/SIDER TIIREE ALTERlIATIVES TO REDUCE TRAFFIC FLOII ON SOUTH SIIKHIT STREET BETWEEII BURLINGTOIl Al/D KIRKWOOD. 1. CLOSE THE SUIlIlIT STREET BRIDGE LINKII/G THE STREET WITH KIRKWOOD. 2. CLOSE THE SUIlIlIT STREET BRIDGE AIID BUILD A NEil BRIDGE AIID STREET SYSTEM TO LIIIK S. GOVERNOR AND KEOIi1JK AT KIRKWOOD. 3. CLOSE THE SUIlIlIT STREET BRIDGE AIID BUILD RAMPS SEVERAL BLOCKS LOI/G REACHING AT LEAST 17 FEET HIGH FOR A LEVEL CROSSING OVER THE RAILROAD TO LINK SOUTH SEVENTH AVENUE AND SYCAMORE STREET. THE DETAILS OF TilE PROPOSAL AFFECTING YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ARE ATTACHED. THE ADOPTION or THESE ALTERNATIVES WODLD BE DISASTROUS FOR ALL DR% S. SOKHIT STREET RESIDENTS. TIIEREFORE WE ARE URGING EVERYOI/E IN THE AFFECTED NEIGIlDORllooDS OF S. SEVEI/TIt AVE. -SYCAMORE AND S. GOVERNOR-WAUlUT- KIRKWOOD TO WORK TOGETIlER TO PREVENT THE CLOSING OF THE SUHHIT STREET BRIDGE AND THE OPENING OF EITHER ALTERNATIVE CROSSING. TO DO THIS WE PROPOSE THE FOLLOWINGr 1. TO MEET WITH THE JOI/NSON COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS TRAlISPORTATION PLA/lNING DIVISION TO EXPLORE ALTERNATIVE METItODS.. TO REDUCE TRAFFIC FLOII TItROUGH aId. RESIDENTIAL AREAS. 2. TO MEET WITH TilE IOIIA CITY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COKllISSION TO DISCUSS THE IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE CROSSINGS OF THE IOWA INTERSTATE RAILWAY ON THE HISTORICAL SIGNIFICAIICE OF TilE AREAS AFFECTED. 3. TO PRESENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OUR PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE METHODS TO REDUCE RESIDENTIAL AREA TRAFFIC AND OUR STATEMENTS ABOUT TilE IMPACT OF BOTH ALTERNATIVES ON OUR NEIGHBORlIOODS. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. WE IIILL ADVISE YOU OF RELEVANT DEVELOPMENTS AIID HEErIIIGS Wl/ICIt YOU MIGItT ATTEND. FOR FURTIlER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: TItOHAS AIID CYNTHIA CHARLTON 821 S. SEVENTIl AVE. 351-3919 PAUL AND DOROTItY DURnENBERGER 616 S. COVERNOR ST. 3S4-7174 , ,WI I , , I , j, , I I I, I " ! , , CflUCK AlID MARGARET FELLING 825 S., SEVENTIt AVE'. :m-6994 I, L Jr7 ",., . I " , , I I I I I) ,:3 ..., b "r,o. s....-;: S:r~.: ~r':~., S:.:'" Sr~tro~rr 199: I.~h~;tlr' IG-,.9C . lVul,~:, :r~~ :01' ~,,;:w, lr'nH~rt':lor, PlInn.r ())~.ll~O . .:~ L. ~..ranr:on. Ie )::.c, Introduction The City 01 Iowa City rIQuestod a slUOy 01 tralIlc ISSues In lIIe Summit Str"l area 01 east COnlr.lllm City, ThIS InClucos 11I0 Suml1lll Slreel Histone OIIM betNeen Burlington Slreel anc lIIe malO ~ne 011n0 Iowa InlelllalO RaI~old. A study area was desagnaJOC (F",guro 1) by BUrlinglOn IllCl Coull Snels on Ine nOl1l1. DOdge Slloel on lIIe west, Haghway 6 on lIIe IOUIn. and F"lISt Avenue on !he east As willi any lraJIlc lluett. IactOl1lnnUlfncing b'aIftc cnaractOt1SUcs In ltlIl1Udy area wiD be generalod /rom lllrouohoulthe community. This will neCOSSlrlly causellle lraJIlc analysis 10 eX10ncl beyond lIelWi IlIL However, R Is lIIe inpact 01 tralIlc on /h. stlJdf IrQ which Is lI1e locus 01 thll report. luuu Three Inlerrolalod nnrc Issues hIVe been ldendftOd within 11I0 ltudy aroa: 1. Tfllflc Volum, on Summl/ SlrNt Tne Iowa Clly HlslOrtc ProSGlVatlon Commission and a Summll S~oOI nelghbotl1oOd group have fonnaJly rGqUoSIOd 11I0 City Coundl Dddross tralIlc Issuos on Summll StreeL Theso groups have IIIggeslod 1I1a11he function 01 Summll SlrHl1n lI1e CIty's lllertllloQlneC1Or Itroel Iyslem Is Inhlbldng further Improvement 0' 11I0 Hlllotlo Pllsorvadon Olslrfct. These groups dos/ra SummJl Streello havo Iowor ltlI/fIc volumos. Ills lolllllls wiD enhanco tho InstaJ1aUon 01 IInenldos and prollClllle chlWCler 0' lIIe Hlslotfc Olstrtct. 2. 771, Summl/ StrHt Brfdg.. The Summlt Streol Bridge over lI1e Iowa InlOl1lale RaJlroad Is neaMg II1t end 01 Its usefullervlco Ule. LDad UmJls welt Imposed In 1985 beClllSt 01 delerlotadon 10 lIIe brldge IUpernuc. lure. Further dOlet1ollUon could necoSSllale dosing the bttdg.lmmedlato. !y. Summll Streel Bridge Is programmed for replacomonll:y 1995. Ills cvnently rankod ~OIl1 on lowI OOrlltll.~o candldalo IIsI for Federal bridge rap/acoment funds. and should be .'~lblo lor funding by 1995. 3. AdIqUlCY of Art,,,,, Sfml"n th. Study Ne& Ar1 ongoing func:lfon of 1110 Transportalfon Planning OMs/on Is 10 assess 1I10lldoquICY 01 artot1al ItreolS In lI1e Iowa Oily Urbanized AIeL By 10lOC3SUng lIIe paltom and Oxlent 01 property developmen~ I delonnlnallon can be made of when oxbUng IraIIIc ladliUes will no Ionoor be adequate. This ponnlls 11I0 programming 01 c:lp11aJ Improve men IS whlch will aJlovIate polenUal tra~ problems. . . , ., I , , I I " i , , , rXt/~ I:' :3 .., ,-, Alternative C Eliminate the Summit Street Bridge Construct New Railroad Crossing on Seventh Avenue-Sycamore Street AIJgnment. ThI3 IIlIImill:VI removes lI1e IXISllI19 SUIIVIVI SI1I8I Bndgo and elJIIll/111aS ICCeU IaOss Ill. rallroaa II Sumll'lll SlnIlL A now 1'Illlv1lO CI'llSSlllg would bl CllIlSll'UCIIld on Ill, I!lgnmont 01 Sevelllll Avenue ano Sycamore SlToIL Th, n,.,., weel WOuld be 31 leel Wid, WIU\ 4-Ioot SIdOWalks. A mll,r InterslCllon would bl CllnSUI/ClOd wnere lI1e new Illgnment melts Lower ~e Road. PolltJv. ImplCl3 This aIIemallve provides bettor lItarial streel IPadng balWaen F'm AvenuI II1d DoclQI Sb"eel lIWl lilher lI1e Sumlllll Stroll or Govemot Snll bndglS. Tra/ftc Is reduced lignlftcamtt on Summrt SlnJeL ThIs alternative al~ minlmlzes ll'aItIc on IOtkwood Avenuell1d Low., Mlsc.1rln6 Road. Ten yaar 10reC3St mOdelling 01 A1lamaJlve C does nOllhow /dcadon lor Widenng lI1e l<ItkwoOd Avenua Cllmdor belWeen KookIJk Stro.1 and Sycamore StrolL Ills unfilloly \here would be dwelOng unll3 lIsplaced by \hIs alignment, alll10ugn rlgl1t-ol-way IalUlsItfon Is likely. . Nogmlv. Imp.ctJ There .,e several englneorlng dllftCUlUes wNch would have 10 bl overcome 1/ IIl1s altarnatlve Is seleClod. Tho riIIltoad Is elevalOd 17 loel abOve \ha grado 01 Sevenltl Avenue. 1l1ls would nonnally provido an excellenl opportunity IorgradO sopamdon by pulling lI1e road undomoalh lI1e r.lilroad. However, 1110 10C3lfon 01 Ralston Cloek paraJlello 111. north sid. 0111I. riIItva.d produdes Ihls posslbillly. The Only aIIemalWlS atllO hav.lI1o Itreel meelthl raJlto~ at grade. or to Iltvale II1llt'11el above 111. railroad. 6avaUng 1111 $Nl abovI the ralltoad would Intall a IalVlI sll\lClUre several blocks long, which would dlstvptll1elrDnl yll/'ds 01 houSlS on SIYIIlItI AvenuI. RIoI1t-oI-way doe. nOlexlsl across lowl-lllInols propeny bllW8In thl ralltold end Lower MusCllllnl Raid. A1ltloUgh no ctNtlllng units 110 dIsclaCad. 11111 allgnmenl would dlspfaQ power lIiWmlsslon Iq\Ilpmen1 which ex~ on 111. IOWI.IIUnol3 propeny, and ereall dOublelromagllolS on SptllCI Snet. The nl~hbOltloOd along Sevenltl Avenue Would racelYlltlelmplCl of II1lIrla/ Itr1el b1Mo which Is curralllly using Summrt Street. Syc:vnore SlrDet between I.owat MUSC3IIn. Road and Highway, 8 would become I very hOavily USGd Cllmdor will1 m~or slona/Izod InlOrlOClIons II Lower MUSClllnIl Road and lI1e Syc:vnore MaIlenlTanca dnvo. Alll10ugh A1ll1mallve C maximizes arllIrlal mel SYSlllm condnully In SOUlh Iowa Clly, IIl1s Is not 1110 case to lI1e north. North 01 MulC:lllne Avanu. Savenll1 Avanueis designed 10 IOC3I rosklOllUal l1nIellt1ndan:1s. North 01 Rocl1eSlllr Avenue. honzonl:l/ and ver1lC3l atlVes on SlvenlMvenuo Illlnadoquate 10l1ltOtial11nle1 opalillfon. .' . I bllmlttd I!rptn,. CaMnI a~se 10, Ih/s aJlemal/ve Is unknown. bul oxgecled 10 be greller lI1an SI IlllJUon unclOr any CUClImsl3ncos. FOderaJ bnclQa reolacomlnllunas 11I0 nOI avllla!lle lor II1Is aIlemllllVo. Allemllltie C relUIIS In 35,S blOdc:l 011111 SlUat area IlUllfIod lorWldenll1Q 10 lour lanes WI1Inn 10 JV7 ~'IlIJ. , 1:1 a .., 8 . What causes a pothole? The word pothole Dt~1 IO"~ IPIt lltolllul fIII;t rJ I....' '0/11O """ WI lilt /IloQH 0I11lf I"H' "hOlt l/II'P IOgtI ~, '''hOC III'I~ OUI CII'I "'n 1'"'''''9 I~ l/loCl 10000Dtll FOf I/lt WI. 01 OU' OoIClllIIQll, Itl '" "IlI~ 0Ul ClolilllllOll 01 IlOl/lOft 10 IIl(W '''' lltvtmtnl CloltcllNl CIIMI nolOCtlb/t III'ClICI on YOUl'uIOtl'<b/t .~ ClIMIlQ ~ I'''tO,llOIIlOltI.r. CI""J IIIIltn lilt lltrtmt~1 Dt I/lt 11II'"," Dtntllll ~ - ClIt<l IIlf OUt Of &lllibalt - Cln'lluCICIOIll/lf I\t'O'>l oIlI>oI'IIIoc II call'" 1110 I.ClOtl fR!t'lhHr aft .!w.,. IlItw1l III IUCft "I~" WAIER II1ClIRAHIC ~ WatOt l~a"" wal., IttOIlIllO 11IO &lllibalt "lilt, I/IIM" CIK1J IIII/lt 1U11.c. Of "CIIlIlijl'4oftg ~II"1ong 11>0 IIClI II 11IO ,"III II ~optI~ dl.Intd,11 can IOIltn IIlf Mbllt. IMft Iil. Illy, III'd O'OIA1lO1ltnllO 1M OvtlllltllOd oil"'" bil. 1IIIIIIIal un IMI 01 001.10 IPIt lOOt, ltaWlg IlOUWlO 10 l\.IlIIlOIllIlf IlIvtmOnl'bM n AlltI'"Il1lt, ropoalld pouIldIngI oIlI.lle ca""1IIO PlwtmlllllO ...altn, IIIIMIy CliCk, .nd ,,"lIl\Illly Ch' In. In C~ CImIIIIIIIIIlIOC'U lIIIy be dlllllll.icaty .CCtltllltd cl.t 10 "HIlMa.. .CIOl. rl>o '"III In 11IO tliibalt"HI" 'nd, "'11II /llIIi en IhlIlO1Ch In lWI'-', IIPI"dI,Il\IIIlIng IhIll1vtmtnllbo\1 UP, A Iltltllt PI\'IIIl9III may IWtlIIigIlIIy In "1IlOIlIt, It IIgid PI\tIllIIII may crack, II 1hI"llInsJon 101m "' 1OVt1l. . pIec. oIl/It PlwtIIltnl lIIIy .Clually pcp oull Come 1PlIIIO. Of 0oll11IO .ny '"Imino "ord lor 1/1I111III1111, Ie. ~ I ~ " I ~ . ~ . ~ .. .. " - , It L___ ~_ L. _. _ . -. DClPf1 lJItl'f'lllf lII~"INrr IIItftI, CMIng Iht NlbtltlO CcnII.ct.ndlOl1tn, oIItn IlImo. *' bthird, The IlIY111ltnl, cla,ltd by llWllII'1 "1lI1lIICln, dtllllotlIH ~.~ Illldtl l/lt loId oIlIllIe Ind llIImtltly ,am ill, rill 1I1HIIMtm 10 brill OUlln IlOChoItt MI. .. .. . ' .-- -.. J~tt , ' , ~ ,=' '3 -, q . - February 1, 1991 ""1:&. CITY OF IOWA CITY IIonorablo Mayor John KcDonald and Mombers ot tho Iowa City Council City ot Iowa City, Iowa 410 B. Washington Stroot Iowa City, IA 52240 ROI State ot Iowa, Iowa State Board ot Regonts , tho University ot Iowa v. City, ot al Doar Mayor McDonald and City Counoil Molbersl Congratulations to John IIayek and tho City ststt tor anothor 10b well don.. We have, at long ISlt, secured a viotory tor tho C ty in the above rotorenced oa... I attach a copy, tor your intorJIation. You have already boon intor.od ot tho dooision by st.v. Atkin., City Manager, but I knew you would want your own copy. tot 10 know it you have any questions. CordhUy; /kw Enolosures a NeWllan Cen ry City Attornoy CIVIC CUll.. Ill' WAININOION II, IOWA CIU IOWA '''"01111 ~ 'NOli 1I1~ 1110111I "111111111'11;1" "~'" ~.'~"'~' .-<......... . 'd.,' """~\..'.f I r . I i , I I I I ... I' , I it , , I: . . ,; " I \ I. .1 I . I . i, I I -, I , it i !' . 1:'3 8 (I III THe IOIIA DISTRICT counT III ArID Fon JOliN,!; FE! Il4~ ~ STATt OF IOWA, IOWA STATt ROAnn or ) nC(lI:tlT~, ~nd Till: 1I11Jvr.nSITY OF I 10111., ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) PlllintJ!tIl, 110. SURO vn. , .,. I., .- . CITY OF IOI~A CITY, lint! STCPlICll J. ATKINS, City Hanaoor, .' FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LMf MID JUDllHP.NT . ~' . ,.. ... '..... , , ..-, .... ., C- . . Dlllondantll. " . .,. .' .. . ' . ~. ... .' .J 'I'hill CIIOO I/aa trilld to tho Court cOl'llllllncing AugulIt 13;' 1990. Plnintiffa, Stnto of 101/4, 101/11 Stntll noard of Ragonto, nnd thn Unlvnrllity of 101111, (hor.inaltor tho Unlvoroity) appoarnd by AUlIlatnnt AttornoYII Gonarol, Gordon E. Allan and Jullo Pottorf.' Dllfondllnta City of 10l/a City nnd Stophon J. Atkinn, I:i ty HnnnOllr, (haroinnttor tho Clty) npponrnd by Attornoy John II. IIIlYllk. Fo11ol/inl] trial, II briIJUng Ichaduln IIl1D oatnblhhlld hy thll Court IInd thll pllrtiaa lubmittod corronpondoncn to tho Court 1I'lIll'lnr1zing thPlr raapoctlva ponltionll concorning tho iaaunll prllollntod (aon, Court'n Exhibit 1). Tho Court hllving conoidorod thia nntirn Mllttor nOI/ ru1nl 111\ lollollll. 188\1CS PRESCIITED AND RCLIt:F nCOUESTt:D Tho Univorlity chnrllctorholl thn lanl/on prollOntod for dacilion by tho Court in thll fo110l/ing mllnnorl 1. IIhothor thn City of 10l/n City hal thn conotltutionn1 pOI/or nnd 1n9111 nuthority to nllllolla coati lor "'" '-' I r:J 011;$1 r 0'1' " '~lifr ". '''-'''~'' "'" .,...~ I I I ~ I' , I I , .. t' . , i , , I', I ; I I: " , " , I " I:' 3 8 'I . , , , - , - I I I' I" .-. capltnl InprovnmnntA of WAnto wotor tr~atm~n~ :acllltl~n 8~nlnnt tho D~nto oC lown, th~ Iowa Stat~ Hoard oC q~;"nts on~ th~ Unlvorolty of IOWA In oxcnAn of tho co,t of .nrvlc" by ndoptlno I\n orl!lnnncl.'. i , " 2. Uhnthnr th~ rotn Inpoftad by thn City of IOWA City hy ita ordinance i" il1n90l for tho roauon that it io unfair, unr.lIRonablo, ubitrary, unduly dhcrir.,inatory or con!1l1catory. , , ,tf., 0'. ,I , I rni!:lbunod to thll Univnrlllty of IOlla. 3. Uhnthnr and in I/hat all10unt ovorcharO"1I ohou1.d, hlt.,. . . , ~ :-.,': Tho rolinf roquoot.d by tho UnivorAity nay, bo .., , " . . . .~. . : -' . , .. .' ..' oummarizod Oft follol/ol .. . j i: , i I , 1. Judgmant a9"inot thD City of Iova City in favor of tho Univoroity of IOlla in tho a!:lount of ~417,600 plus intnroot, roprooontin9 tho difforanco bntllDon tho a1locatod coot of oorvico and tho projectod City lIonto IIntar chargon for colondar ynar 1989. (Plaintiff'o r.xhibH 46). 2. lloclarotClry judg!:lant in favor of tho univorlllty of lalla that th" rato impoDod by tho City of Iovn City io ill"9al I' I: 1 for thlt roftOon that it io arbitrary, unroononnb1n, unduly discriminatory and confincatory. 3. Judgnnnt in favor of tho UnivDrnity of IOl/a affirMatively ordoring tho City of IOlla to ostablioh a nDII rst~ which mort cloAnly approxirnntan tho coot of lorvico to tho , " t univprnlty of IOlla. . ,- '" '~'..., , "~ '-, .. ..".-.' . /II~ ""...,.".. - :J ,:1 3 B [ .3. ...... 4. S~ch oth~r An~ furthfr Affir~atlYt An~ Anelllary rnJiof AD mod" nocoD~Ary by Any Ordor3 of Court. Tho ponltlon of th~ City of lova City concorning thin i , , I, litigation may h~ nunmnrlzod oa follnv.1 I, 1. Tho City doaa not boliov~ that tho District Court hAI th~ Authority to rogulato tho Vlltn VAtor trAAtmont rAton chnrgod by tho City of IOVA City, vhothor thoao ratoa aro'c~Ar90d '.. . ,I i' 2. Tho City dona not boliovo that thlro in A . , . I ~ ... . " . " ... :.~ r ~. :.~ t;.; . ' to th~ Univor.ity of Iova or any othor UDor. 'constitutional' in.uo concorning tho City'a povar. Tho City: , . . .' AllogOA that tho Univaraity has choDan to utiliZA tho City'a trftatnont facilitiftn And thnt thft City il ontitlod to chArgo n h II: I nondiacrimlnntary rata for that uae. " 3. It io tho City'. pooition thAt ovan if thn Court haa authority to rOlJulatll DOVor ratfta, tho rotaa ern not arbitrary or othorvino ill~gal. Tho City roquootn that tho Court diDminl tho I I: f f U~ivorlitY'a potition with costa aaDO.lod to tho Univorsity. FlIlllIIIOS OF FACT Thll callo involvOI a dlap1lte botv~nn tho City and tho univnraity concorninlJ rAtnn chargod by tho City for DunicipAl vasto vatar trAatmont aorvicon provided to thn univoraity by tho \ I I, I I j I, I I City. Tho hintoricll roota of thin litigation roach back to 1935. In that YDAr, tho noard of R~lJnntl and thn City ontorod into n contr~ct for joint cnnntruction of A aovAgn co11action and J~1 , ~." . J=I :3 8 3 . 4 - ~i~pnnal "ynt~~. Th~ contrnct provldnd thnt the Unlvor,lty uo>>ld I' 0" pny 40 percont 01 th~ cont nt th~ ~y~tnn. The 'UM ot $110,200 vna provld~d hy th~ St.ntn lor th~ Unlvornlty', ~hnr~ of conatructlon coat~. , I Thn 1935 contrnct vnn ~odlCiod by tho pnrtioD In 1~~0 .. to pormit lIorvicon to bo provldod to UnivorDity lIoi\lhta In Coralvil1o. Tho contract van Curth~r nodiCl.d by o\lroft~ont oj ! - tho pllrtillll In 19S7. . !1 -,'. '.1 In 1964, tho Boord oC R09nnta nnd tho City ont~rod=-~n[~~ i' I .. .-, -. '-" II nau contract uhlch providnd thllt tho unlVllrllity'~ oher. oC-,'.1I OM propoDlld lI.vO\la IIYlltom lmproVOIll12nt voa to b~ 5577,500:" ~hO Y964 contract cnncolnd 1111 oorllllr controcta and provldnd that tho , .- Unlvoralty would ho lIorvod au 0 "cuDtomor" oC tho nyatom and would pay 0 1I0rvlco Con boand upon a porcontl\lo DC ita Wlltor bill. Tho CflO atrllcturo lmplft~ontCld UOl anlantllllly tho 1011I0 uaod with oil othor cuato~~ra oC tho ayatom. In 1966, tho Board 'of Rogont. and tho City ontored Into I . j: a controct which rolotod to cortoln ap.clflc lnprovononta In tha ayntom (tho nouthwoat lntorcoptor, 11ft IItatlon and forco lIIaln), ond not to tho Clty'e ennltary novor ayaton 1111 0 whole. Tho contract provldad thnt tho unlvnralty vould contrlbutn II nhDro of I ji ; tho cont of trunk linoD Ilnd othar conntructlon coata. OnclI IIgaln, tho unlvorDlty IIgrood to ho troated 1111 a cuntoMor of tho I, ! City IInd to PDY tho DOM lIouor chllr9o/l liD othar cuntor.1orn. J~1 ,.""- '., , ~ ,,",.,- - , ,.-". ~.- ) ,:::J A Y I J - . ~ - On Jun~ 1~, 1977, thr ~Dnrd Df n~9n"t~ and th~ City ~ntl'rl'(\ Into 0 urlttrn CDn~roct '1nt.ltIMl "nacllflcatlon HCl. 1 tll Contrnct for Joint Conntructlon nntl U~~ of Sl'uor Fftcilltloo by City of Jovo City ftnd Otat~ Unlvnrnlty of Jouo". Thn 1977 contract providod for n cban9n in tho baoio of clotnrDlnino Invnr narvice foon fron n porcont09Cl of '1atabliahod vatar ratoa to a .., .. flat rntn for th'l quantity of vatltr "/loci. Thn contract "1Il:bibit . t I .... . . I' or': , - r:' t..: 6" provldnd in portinont part All folloval -. "Tho City ~ill chargo And tho Univoroity viii pny~: tho aann rato for collnctlon and traatml'nt of .t onvft9'1 An tho rlltn char9'1d to Any othnr cuntom'lr :;'. for atandard elomolltic oovago." Thua, A unltorn conmocl1 t~' rato baand on vatllr connumption \/011 appliod to nil customora, including thn Univoroity. Thn r.ontr~ct furthar providftdl "That tho term of this MOdification nhAll ba for n pnrlocl of oovnn (7) yonrn bog inning AUQuot 1/ 1976, Ancl nnelino July 31, 1983. upon 100 c1nyn vritten notico prior to tho I'xpiration elata, oithor party nay indlcatn itn d'lnlrn to ronogotiato tho tarmn of thin MOdification. Thp t.rDD of thio HodificAtion viii continuo until thnro io an a9ra'lMftnt by both portioo An to thn raviled contract tnrMo." Rato incroanOD vnrn unilatarally nnactnd by thn City during tho torn of tho contrnct vlthout objnctlon by tho univorolty. Thorn . lD no nvlclnnco that aithnr pnrty nought to rnMgotlato tho contract nt nny tlmn prior to July 31, 1983. In tho oarly 19f1O'n/ it bnCODO cloar tD tho city that nubnt~ntinl lmprovnnontn In itn oavAgo trontmont nyntaM vould bn . ".-..~~. ~,...'",.". ." '-. .",.,. ."~.., "Co_, L'. I I I I' , . " , I ,- " I I , . j ,~-. , I -I' I l' " I . I. , :' , I I, 91~ ,,,e.'''' I'eo" 1:1 "3 8 '5 . (, - n~cpnnory to n~~t Incronslnqly Dtrin9~nt to~prol and otat~ r09u1A~ion~. Conollltnntn lIor" hitl'd/ cot:l/llitt~1tIf lI~ro nppointod and plono IInro fornulntod to improvn tho Dyst~n. Univnrnity poroonnol (Hr. Flnnp91n and Hr. Glhoon) lIoro "tnhoro oC onn or moro oC tho connlttoo~ fornad. Tho city council ultimatoly adoptod "^ltarnativo No. 11" rncomlllondnd by a atudy cOf.lldttoCt of IIhich /lr.. Flnnoglln and ". ot , I. Hr. Qibnon IIl1rO r:loMbnrs. By l!l85, tlnd pnrhopn ~nrllllr, tho: ... . ' , (.);: ~ Univnroity lIal cloarly voll alloro thnt th/l City lIao plonnlnoi ;~. :-: . t"' .., .... (1) to rohabilitoto tho oxlating plant to improvo ita'operat~on, , .. - (2) to conntruct a nnll plant dOllnotrolm from tho nxiotlng'plftht, Ilnd (3) to odd nov trunk linoo outnido tho contrnl portion of 10lla City to food into tho nOli plant. Tho Unlvorsity 1I0a aluo IlllnrO that tho cont" of tho ontiro projoct voro natimntod to bo approximntol~ 40 million dollarn. In light of thia information, tho Univornity inforMnlly advioad tho City in late 19B5, that it vonted to diacuna tho vnYtl in IIhich tho nov projoct" lIould nftoct tho univoraity nnd e~prosa.d II doniro to nogotloto a nov contract. Writton , notification oC tho Univornity'n doalro to nogotioto I nail contrnct linn aubmlttod to thn City in II lot tor dotod Jun. 9, 1986, froM Univnrnlty Vicn prnoidant pornoy r.11in, Jr. ^ oubnoquont lottor from r.llia on Juno 12, 1986, auggontod thn unn of nn Ilrhitrotor to aid in nogatiationa. On July 9, 19nG, Ellin IIrllto n lottor to Ilj'~'llr Willi"" J. Tlmhrhco IIhich contllinod tho ......-"., JLlf I I I' -- " I I " " ! I I I I I I I I I , I, I , J I, i I I ! f ~ I , I 1 j I I . 1:1 '3 8 b - 7 . \ i , I , f I j: I i ..-.. \ fnllovln9 lan9ua901 "Tho aan~ne"~nt of a~vnr cnargon on thn b""ln nf a tInt rot" for all CunteMarn, InClUding tho Unlvornity, vnv aqultabln during tho lant p.rio~ of noarly nino ynllrn. tlel/ovor, applyinO thot opproach In thn futur~ vith thn l~pnndln9 major lmprovnm.nt prn9ro" r.quiring dramatic rata incroaaoo to COval' the capitol coot of .xpandin9 the ey.tom vould roault in groo. in.quitl..." I I I IOnt On July 30, 1986, City Flnanco Diroctor Ro.amary .Vitoah , , I.. o lottnr to Univorolty Buain.a. Hanagor Micha.l Finnogan_, , .. ,I j' 4.' ~~,~ fornally advloing tho Unlvaralty of tho paaeago of Ordinanco N~~i . ~: .... .. '-' 86-3290. Tho ordinanco provldod for continuation of ,tho flat , .. " i uoar roto .tructuro. Undor tho 'ordlnanco, aublltanthl' rato .' , . lncroa.oa voro to take offoct on Soptembor 1, 19861 Soptombor 1, l~- 19B? nod Soptombor 1, 1980. Thoro 10 no dinpute that tho ordinanco draMotically lncroaeod tho .ovaga rotoa to tho Unlvorlllty and 011 othor Ullorll throughout tho City'o oevaga nyetan. Tho roto incrnolloo thom.olvolI, uniform 00 thoy vora, did not croato ony lnoqultloe to tho Univorlllty thot did net oxillt I I; j' j boforll tho ordlnanco voo poollod. Thin litigation comMonCed after further nngotiotiona IIUlI unllllccnaaful ond tho Unlvornlty attamptad to pny tho lncroallod portion of itp vanto vator troatment bill tnto aocrov. I. I I, ! I I I , , I Tho City throntnnod to tormlnato nOllor oorvlcoo ~o portionll ot tho Unlvoraity and tho Univornfty Calhd to obtain Injunc~lvo rollpf to provont thlll. Tho IInlvor.lty bon contlnuod to PIlY thn incrnanod lIolla911 billa uncial' (lL'U',Clot. During thn pondllncy of . ,- '.''''''~''; ',:,;-,,-;; J'II I i i ;. '. "'.'.'~-- I I I 1 I I :, ,:) R ,.., I .:1 - thlll litlgntlon, nltortll to Illodlnt" thlu dlllplltn hy thn Iovn I' I I .'. - n - PUCtt Inlltltllto In Crlnnllll Wllr" unnucr.nllntul. MtI!tJonnl hcec rolnvnnt to th4 11l8uan prOMntotl /lr" t1lncU8lulIl In tho concluDlon~ of 1all which follow. :j , , CO/lC:LU:3IO/l!: OF LAW I Th~ IlInuo", liS framod by tho partlta, ral"" qUnll~lono, , '.. concnrnlng thn nnturo /lnd Ilxtont of thlo Court's jurllldlctlon ~o I' ::... . ..... rnvlOI/ tho ordlnftnco vhlch nlltahliohotl tho City's currniit sovnt':-, ... "-, .' ... rlltn nyaton. Thtt City quultJonll thn Court'lI authority to :,; .. " I , w' rllguhtn r/ltllll chargad, but apponrs to concodtt that th""Court hall .' . " tho pOllnr to rovloll ordlnnncoa and rato" vhon th"ir conlltltutlonll1ity la quoatlonad. In thn Inotant CIlOO, tho Unlvornlty hila a11aged that thn rata lmpollod by thn Clty'o ordlnanco 10 1110gal for tho rennon th/lt it III unfair, unrollconllb1~, arbitrary, unduly dlncrlmlnatary or conflocntory. Courts hava long hold that ordlnancoa and r/ltoll aro 1l1lbjoct to rovlllll IIhon qua"tlono of tholr conlltltutlona1ity arlllo. City of Council R1uff" v. Cllin, 342 N.W.2d 810, B13 (10110 19B3), City of Cod8r Fnlh v. Flntt, 330 N;II.2d 251, 255 (Io\/n Il103) and HRH, ,Inc. v. City of Dnvnnport, 290 N.II.2d 33B, 340 (Iown 1980). Tho follo\/lnlJ cnooll Illao anpport tho Ilxorclllo of jurllldlctlon by tho Court In thin cnno. North Lihnrty Lllnd Co. v. Incorporlltod Cit~ of lIorth Libnr~, 311 /I.~1.2d 101 (lolln 198111 S8y1011 v. Dnnnlltt Avonul' Dovolopmont Corp., 258 IOlln 628, 138 /I.t1.2d 895 (1965) I VIllaDIl Supply Co., Inc. v. JnVft Fund, Inc., 312 N.W.2d 551 (Iowll i , /: " I I I I I , " I I I, I I I --""~', "'~"""" J~q ".-.. ,. "", ,'''. "",,"'__;:>""",';i...:qJ . I:' .3 8 8 . (I . l!lAII: Clllrk" V. Clt~. ot nottllnrlnrt, 2(,1 JOlin 1217, 15A N.\I.2c1 I I' . I . , I I i ." ~ 12~ 119M)l IInd Okl.,hol:ln City IInt"l, Dt n1. v. Oklahnnn City, 531 1'.2d 316 (Okln. 197.11. Thl' Court conc:lud,,:! thllt It hnn jurlndictlon to connld"r th" Unlv~rnlt1'o chnllnn9" to th,. Clty'n ~nVOr rato ordlnonc:n. A numbor of ntllt'ltOr)' and c:onntltutionnl provl~ionn ar/! , I " " , r~ltv^nt to tho Court'n dotar~lnatlon of tho lo~uoo presllntlld. . . hO~1l rulo aD follollSI . Artlcln 111. Goctlon 38A of tho Conotitlltlon of thll , - , .. .... Btoto of lalla. acldod by oMondMont in 1960, pravld~ll for MU~,[ciplIl " . -, ., r;: . i ,_. ... -' " j' '. .. "lIunlclpal corporatlona nro grnntod hOMn rilla, p01l2'r and Authority, not Inconnlntont I/lth tho Inl/n-of ~\ tho gllnaral onao~bly, to dotorCllno th"ir locol Affllirs ond govornmnnt, ftxc:apt that th"y aholl not hnVIl Authority to lovy IIny ta~ unlaan axproaaly lIuthorlzod by tho gonorol oaoonbly. ,- Tho rule or propoaltlon of lllv that 0 Munlclpnl c:orporn~lon pOoooaooa and cnn nXllrclno only tho~1l povllrn grllntad In txprooa vorda In not 0 part of tho 101/ of thlo ntato." Soctlon 364.1 of the Codo of IOlla otatutorlly ImplaClllnto municipal hOMo rulo ao follol/~I "^ city Clay, oxcopt on oxproHnly 11C1itad by tho Conntltutlon, and If not Inconolntont IIlth tho lavn of tho 90norol oooomhly, oxarclnn any povar and pnrform nny function It doam~ nppropdllt(\ to protoct and prnnarvo th" rightn, prlvl10gon, and property of tho City or of Itn ronld"ntn, and to pronorvo and Impravo thn penco, aofety, hnolth, I/olfllro, c:omfort, and canvanionco of Ita L'anldllntll. Thill grant of hOll\o rulo povam doen not Inr.llldn tho pOl/llr to onact Ildvato or civil lav govoL'ning city rolatlon~hlp8, OX copt na incidont to nn axarci"n of an indopnndant r.lty pOI/or." I I: i' I , I I, , I I I .. ......~......."'."..,.,..,.,--,,'.-..- . _.; '. ~. ..... Jf'r I, I I I , , . , I) :3 8' q - - 10 - Section 384.BI 01 th~ Corl~ nllou~ 0 city to con,truct nnd nnlntnln D city utility ftyptnm. ~nctlon 3B4.R2 o( thn Codo nllouo 0 city to Inouo rovnnun bond~ to poy (or nuch n city utility aYDten. Soction 3a4.84 o( thn Codn provido. in pnrt n~ (01101/11 in tlubaoctlon I thareof: "Tho govornlng body of 0 city utility, conhln.d utility ayotom, city entorprlao, or co~binod city ontorpriao may oatabliah, impono, adjuat, and provido (or tho colloctlon of rotllD to producll '. groaD revonuon at lonot Dufflclont to pay the' ;~ oxpannon of oporation nnd mlllntononco of tho clt'~: -. utility . . . and, I/hon rovonun bonda or plod~n ~ i:~ ordorn nro inaued nnd outatandlng . . . ahall _. 1-", ontablhh, l~poun, adjuat, and provido for ~: ~: tho collection of ratoD to produco groao ~~ rovanunn at loant Dufficiont to pay tho ox~ona~a.~ of oporatlon and maintenance of thn city .- ~ utility . . . and to leavo a balanco of not rovonuo nufflciont at all tlmon to pay the principal of and intoront on tho rnvonuo bonda and plndgo ordoro 00 thoy bocoma duo and to naintain a raaaonablo renervn for tho paymont of principal and lntoront, and I nufficiont portion of not revonuon muat ba plodgnd for that purpaoo." Soction 388.6 of tho Codo providea nD follol/nl "A city utility or a combinad utility nyaton may not proYido for uno or oorYico at a discriminntory rato, oxcopt to thll city or itn agnncioa, ao provida~ in soction 384.91." Soction 384.91 of tho Codo providoa that a city ahall pay for tho 1100 of utility aorYico! tho namo ao any othllr cuatomor, "xcopt that n city may pny at a rodllced rnto ao long an no rayonuo bond raquirennnta ora vlolatod. Soctlon 384.56(4) of tho Code proYldnn nn follaual "Cltlan In I/hich ntnto bulldingD aro locntod ',.,> II., ~r? 1 . "...., ,-"''''~~''' - ;' ,., I r ,,' , " I' , I I, I, i' I I , , " i ! I:' '3 q 0 . II . ~hall pnrMlt ~nv~r~ for auch bU!ldlngD to ba con"truct~d throu~h or undnr tho atronto of th" cltl" and c:onnoctlona to be malln to th~ aOVflr ay~t~~ of th" city unofr tho namn rogulationa a~ for nowor c:onnaction~ to privetn proporty." Chaptnr 476 of tho Coda of lova proville! a ~yatom of puhllc utility regulotlon~ In tho Rtatl of Iova and vo~ta rogulotory authority vlth tho Utllltioa Doard vithln tho Utllltlon Dlvi~lon of tho Iova Dopartmant of Commorcl. (Coda of lova, Soctlen 476.1 (1~09)). Hunlcipally ovn.d utllitloa Or. '1 apoclflcolly oxomptod from rogulotlon undor Chapter 476'by,.tho !.. 1'. .,. provlaiona of Soction 476.10 of tho COlin, oxc.pt for cortaln ~. , - r'" r'~ apocific oxamptlana, nono of vhlch apply In thla Caao. Th~~~~: .. Ilppoara to b, no ~tlltutorl1y mandllted ayatelll of rogUla,tlon :~,f '-,." (" , . Illunlcipally ovn.d utility rot~n. Th. Court conclud.a that tho authority to aot tholo ratoa ia voatod in tho city council of tho City of lova City, ita govorning body. SOD, Codo of Iova, Soction 364.2(1) Ilnd Snctlon 384.84(1) (1909). The Court furthor concludo! that tho City Council of lovll City 10 froa to oatablioh vllnta vatar trolltmont raton fro. from jUdicial lntorfnranca and ragulatlon, aubjoct only to at!tutory limitatlana a.t out abova and conatitutlonal limitatlonD diacun~od bolov. It appnara to tho Court that both tho Unlvoraity and tho Ci ty agrao that tho Cl ty may not oat ratna vhlch vould havo tho offoct of taking proporty vithout duo procoDa of lllv or vhlch would dony ItD citlzenu tho bonoflta of equal protoction of tho lav. In nummarlzlng ltn Claim", tho Stnto dooa not dlractly J~~ .' ,I . ::J, I I I' I .-. " I L i I, ji , 1 I I , , " , it i i ; I I I, ! , I j I: I:' ,3 q " . 12 . I I' I alloOp a vlolntlon of nithpr equal protpctlon nr duo proconn of hll: hOIlIlVl!r, thp Court bollllvlln thoM prlnclpftlll roqu(r. 1I0MO dldcunaion olvlln tho nature nf thp Stato'lI clnlnll. In applying tradHlonal equal prot.,ctlon princlpalll, I " , 1 IOlla courts hnv. hold that a statutp 11111 not ba rull!d constitutionally invalid unleno It 10 pstnntly arbitrary and boarD no rational rnlotionahip to a leoltl~ato 90vern~.nt ,. ... Intornnt. Hallklna v. Prnlaser, 264 n.W.2d 726, 72~ (10110 1978)1 ,~ , , I, _, Frontiero v. Richardson, 411 U.S. 677, 682, 93 S.Ct. 1764, ~~76~~ .. : rr, 36 L.P.d. 2d 583, SO, (1973). Furthor, tho 10110 court hall soid:': : i '-' ., that in tho appllcation of nuch a toat, tha atatutl! lD " ';. " - . ,..< "" proaumptivnly conotitutional and tho burdon 10 on tho attncknr to i' , .' provo boyond a roaaonablo doubt that tho otatuto vlolnt.o aqua 1 protection concepto. IfIlIlUns, 264 N.W.2d at 729. Tho IOlla Supromo Court nppliaa tho rntlonal baftla analyoln, excopt vhen tho cloll.ificetlon 10 nIJopoct or Involvos fundanontol riohtD. Suckow v. Npolla F.S., Inc., 445 N.W.2d 776, 77B (Iolla 1989). Thoro 10 no claiM in thia caao that vo ore doaling IIlth 0 nuopoct cloanifcotion or fundomantol right. Undor the rational baois analysio, oqual protoction guarantaoa aro violated only if tho clnaaiflcatlon ronta on uroundo vholly Irrolovant to tho , I J !: " j I I , " i achlnvomont of tho governmont'o objactivoa. Lagllllnturno aro proou/llpd to hava actad lI1thin tholr conlltitutionol pOllom dospito tho fact that in practice, thnlr lalln renult in noma inequality. ^ atatutory dlncrlmlnatlnn utl\ not hI! oot oal~n if any ntato of I , "-"'-"""~i~,.._,. :'_"'.'_ ..-.-..,-, Jfq, . '''' . '.' . ~',~ . I:' '3 q 2 - 13 - tact~ ron~Onahly ~ay b~ concnlved to ju~tltr It. ~~c~ov, 445 N.~.2rt At 77~. Plnlntlft~ hnv~ not oDtnhll~h~d tho unconltltutlonnllty of tho Clty'~ a~vnr rntf ordlnancn on nqunl protoctlon 9round~. Tho Court noxt connldora vh~thor tho nOVor ordlnanco io uncnnnt1tutionnl bocauno It 11 an IIrbitrory, unrolllonablo and coprlcioun d~prlvation of property vithout duo proeoAP oC lov. TO bo conaltutional, on ordinAnco ~Ult havo a dofinito rotion~l . rolatlonnhlp to a logltl~Ato purpoae. Cltv of Corlllr PlIlll.V. . '- . , Fllltt, 330 N.I/.2d 251, 255 (Iova 19B3). An ordiOllnclI Con ~II'. .., -- I struck dovn if it " ' II, I ~ v. Glllsman, Tho UnlVllralty doao not Appoar to contond that tho oavor rate ordlnanco 10 ono IIhlch con b. found IInroaaonahlo on Ita foca. ^ party who chollengoD an ordlnllnco haa tho burdon of proving It unconlltltutlonal and ~Ult nogato ovory rooaonablo blllllll upon IIhleh tho ordinllneo Mlly bo llulta1nod. CI tv of Council Blutts, 342 II.W.2d lit 813. Tho purpollo to IIhlch thIJ ratoD In qUllotlon arll clalmOd to bo rolatnd In thlo caoo IIro oot out In Soctlon 3B4.04(1) of tho Codn uhlch IIppoorn In portlnont port on page 10 of thin ruling nnd Sllctiona 33-42 nnd 33-44 of thn 10lln City Codo. Soctlon 33-42 "tatoo, It In dotor~lnod ond dnelorpd to b~ noconnllry and conduclvo to tho protoction of tho pUblic hOlllth, nllfaty, vnlfara nnd convonlonen of tho city to colloct " ....... -...~.-.., ......, d~q .', ~ I I' , I , I i I .,. , . , " I' I I l. I " I I l , I. . !, I. I I , I I:' 3 q ,3 " I~ - chnrQo~ from All u~.r~ who contrlbut~ vanto vAtor to th~ city'~ tr~ntn~nt vork~. Thr procnnda of ouch chDr9'~ ~o dnrlvrd viii bo uood for th~ purpaooa of opnraeinn, Mainton~nc~, ropl.c.nnnt and dobt oarvier for ~uch vantn vntor troAt~ont. Soctlon 33-44 ntAtool Tho unnr charQo oyaton ahall gonorato adaqunto annual rovonuao to paYI (1) Cootll of annual oparatlon and malntananco, and (2) Contn an"ociatod with "ovor bond rotlra~ftnt for bondo now outotandlng Including pnymontn to nil sinking, rovonuo, doproclatlon, oxtonolon and impro~.nont fundo aatohllahad In tho ordlnnncon or roaolutlona authorizing ouch bonds, ond , ... -. (3) Whon requlrod, costa nsnoclotnd with sowor bond I, rotlronont of bondo to bo hnllod In tho futuro. -.. 'I ... ... .- I ~ .. . ....~ To ntrlka down tho ordlnonco and ratoo In qlloatlony . . . .t.' ,., thin Court would proour:labl y hovo to dotormlno thnt t~o.'ratnii .. i',:. f'. ", chargod aro not rationally rolatod to pnylng for tho opnratlon, mnlntonance, conntructlon, nnd dobto of tho oyatom. If ronllonablonons of tho ordlnnnca'o noxun to its purportod ond la fairly dobntablo, It mu~t bn allowad to otond. Soo nunlnonD - Vonturon, Inc. v. Iowa City, 234 N.W.2d 376-381 (Iown 1975). This Court finda thnt Plalntlffa hnvo failad to carry tholr burden of ahowlng that no rntionnl rolntionahlp'oxlnta botwoon tho ordlnnnco nnd It II purponn. In othnr worda, Plalntlffn hovn fnllad to provo thot tho ordlnnnca la IInrnnaonablo. Tho Court alno rnjocto tho Stato'n argumant that It is ontitlod to oomn typo of dlffornntlnl trnatmnnt bocouao It In n conntitutlonally conntitutnd nnvnrnmnntal unit. Clonrly, tho ~q9 1 , ; 1. ....i '\"'<"..~. i I' ! , I " I , j I \1 , I' , } , 1='3 q y . 15 - I I I . 1 '. I " , ... City I~ aubjoct to rogulatlon by th~ St^t~ Ir Many roapocta. How~vor, It dona not npponr that thr r.tnt~. tnrouqh tho le91~lature, hon Intendad to directly rogulat~ ~unlcipal vaDtt watnr trnotmnnt ratr~. Thl~ caan dna. not Involvo on atte~pt by , , .' the City of Iowa City to rngulatn tho Intornal affalra of tho Univer~ity of Iova. From a conotltutional Dtandpolnt, the UniverDity would be frne to oDtabliDh itD own vaoter voter , treatmont plant and operate Ilnd Manllge thfl DOCIe much all-it daoll !. , . ,. ." its ovn fresh voter troatment plant. The evidence indic~top that " ,t_ . - , ..... at leaDt Dince 1934, the Univeroity has chosen to buy vop~o~vater .' "'- .. trnDtment lIarvicnn from the City. All previou,ly indicfttQ~, ntnte , .. ":-,.... ;';' 1 I I: Dtatuto permitD tho University to make connectien to the City'D Dever systnrn ". . . under the Dama regUlations all for lIevor connectionD'to private propllrty." Code of Iova, Section , ,! , ! 384.56(4) (1989). The crux of tho Univeraity'a argument in that Article I . ' III, Section 31, of tho Iova ConDtitution prohibitD the City from ,impoDing Dever rotoa againnt tho atate by ordinance vhich nxcead tho cont of norvice and, thereby, Dubaidiza other privata uaars of thn aomo covage trentmant syatem. The Plaintiffa argua that . I' I! j' to tho extant the Univaraity ia aaanaDad morn than Ita fair shore , 'I i , i /. of the cODtn of the sovage treatment oYDtam, unlvoraity funds are approprinted for 0 prohibitod purpolle. Plaintiffs' specific contontion io thllt Irnpooition of II flllt rota ha~ rnnulted in overchargoa to the University that uncenatitutienally lIubaidizad ~~q "-'f,-'_;,.,. ~ .d'~ :'~",' ,......;;. Hif; :1 ,:J (j S I .:1 'l - . 16 - other prlvot. cuota~or~. Thp IInlv.r~lt). IIcknovlclCl9"ft that It flnll~ ltnlllf In tho anD~alouo po~ltion of ur9in9 that it io baing tr.otod untll/ely bocouo. It 10 balnl) r.horgod thn 001'10 fht rlltll 00 evarybody alu ol'long tho flold of "avor rota poyoro. Thnr~ 10 no di~puto that tho flat roto l~ponlld by tho City through ito ordlnanco foil. to . " ... ..' , moko ony dhtlnctlonl ollonl) ~ha clllltalllllro o( the I\Qvagll' trOlltDlont' .- lIyotllm. All cuotnllloro are chorood tho oallll roto IIvon thou9h ~ ~~. .., ..... ..' "I thlllr contribution to tho uyotolll ond otren\lth of otl/ago trollt;d - , " by tho "Yllto~ diffor. . ... '. ',.'. v'" Thll Univoroity contondo that tho prnMilla In dooloning II roto ohnuld bo to ollocato tho total rovonun roqulromont for tho oyatom omong cuatoll\or clnuaon In a IlIl1nnnr which roflllcto tho coati ooch clooll Impoloa on tho oyotom. Tho unlvoroity furthor cont~ndn that 0 flot roto oyotO" oimply dODO not raflllct thn coatll of lIorvlco to tho univor.lty bacouoO it fnilo to tako Into occount II nUlllb~r of "pocilll foctore. Thooo foctoro includo tho . follovingl (1) tho unlvoralty 111 unllkn IIny othar cuntomor. Tho unlvorolty" cOl:1putnd ohnro of tho aaVll90 lond la npproxlmatoly 27 porcant of the totnl. No othnr olnglo u"nr approach on thlo porcontllgo of porticlpationr (2) tho unlvaroity ill II "tato Inlltitution of lIubntontilll Magnltudol (3) tho Unlveralty In 0 coptiva cuotomor to tho oxtont thot It cnnnot rolocoto, hila no va to on tho city council nnd hlln fixad hOllndorln., (4) tho unlvornlty 10 a port ovnnr of tho llyn tom dul' to thn nppropriotlon ~~q . ."... .'F".~.'" .... . l I I I I I I I' I , , " , I, i I, , :' , (, , I . 1:1 3 q b - 17 - I I' \ I I I ... 01 ~tatQ t"nd~ provloualy ~ad~ to th~ City: (51 tho UnlVQrDity dlftnr~ fro~ othor "~~rn b~ceuo~ of tho proportIonAl load it plac~o on tho OYDtan. Th~ argunont in ftuppart of this factor I~ that tho Univarslty haft nxpondod $330,000 of ita own fundn to " all'lvinto tho infiltratlon/ln-Clow (i/1I problollll (6) tho I, ; UnlvorDlty placoa a a~allor ad~lnlDtratlvo load on tho sYDtom than othor cuatomllrD in proportion to ito volur:lo. Si~ply,:put, .~' . '. " thn Unlvorolty Dooko to bo troatod III a Doparate cuotomnr:.vhoso o _, , - 1-. DOWor rnto 1ft dotorllllnod on tho boals of CODt of Darvlco fQrj~~ servicoa actuAlly provldod by thn City to tho Unlvoralty.'~ .0' _.. ... ".. " - .. ~:I -, '.\ Tho City CltoD II numbor of raaDona for not utilizing .CODt of .ervlco' a. tho controlling principle of vanta vator . I; troatlllont rDto altting. ThaDa roaDona includa thD follovingl (1) cODt of alrvico Dtudiaa aro innccuratol (2) coat of sorvico atUdioD are oxponDivol (3) coat of Darvico atudio" vould roquiro tho uao of oxponnivo outnldo conaultanta nnd would hnvo to be ropontad poriodicallYI and (4) ondlaoD diDputaD botwnon CUDtolllor claaDoD Dnd cDtogorioa could dovelop which would hnvo to bo !: roforood by tho city councilor city otnff. Tho City nloa nrguoD that jUdlcinl intnrforoncn with thn City'a authority to ; I ;' , lot oufficinnt ratoa to gonorato rovonuoa to ratiro rovonuo bondo vould illlpact tho nbillty of tho City to 0011 thoao hondo. Aftor conoidorntlon of all tho ovidonco proDontod and tho lav applicablo to thiD cano, tho Court concludaa that tho Statll haD faihd to 1Il0llt Itn burdan of ohowing that tho rato it . H", _..,".~ "'. ".'" J~t . I )3 q :-, I _ . III . hall b~ftn char;od hy tho City of 10vI City I. uncon~tltutlona1 or 11101]111 In any vay. Thb COllrt 10 unaVafO of any Itlltutory or Jowa can" "uthorlty for tho proponltlon that I unifor~ cO=~dlty rllto In dIDcrl~lnatory. Tho city council i. not roquir'd by ntatuto or othlr law to nogotiato vith thl Univorolty, Of any othar euoto~lr, or to Dub~it to IIrbitrAtlon or ~odlation of nDVftr . rato.. Iova lav, al roforrod to Ibovo, apoelftcally oxenpt4 city '. c. - . municipal utility ayoto=1 froD tho cOlprohonlivo rllto ro;u~ptton , - r.. provldod In Chaptor 476 of tho Codo. If tho loglnlatl/ro hid j:: .. ,.,. . "'- Intondod to proyldo for "third party' rogulatlon of ~unlclpil - . ". '. ~., -.' rato. by tho Court, or anyono 01.0, It proDua.bly vould hayo dono ao. Tho UnlvorDlty can clto no authority for tho propolltlon that aunlclpal DOVor chargoD au.t oqual Or approxlaate tho "cont of aoryico' to a particular CU.toMor. Indood, tho ovldenco o.tabllaho. that 11 out of 19 aunlclpa1ltlo. In Jova vlth aignlfleant .tato inatltutlonn utlll.o a uniform co=modity rato for va.to vator troataont aorvleoa .Iallar to Jovo City'" Tho Court turthor tlnd. no authority for tho Stato'. '..artlon that tho City muet oaparato It. utility cuntoaoro Into .poelal olaa.oa and troat oach cIa.. or catogory dlfforont1y. Thl. Court hOlloyoo thllt tho rollof roquo.tod by the Unlyornlty, It grantod, vould roprooont a Ilgnlflcant policy chanl]a for Jov. City and parhllpa othor municipal utllltlon In Jowa. ChanOftl of thla .ort ohould bo mndo by tho 101]Inlaturo rllthor than tho court.. Allllumlng for purpo.o. of argumont only thlt co.t of tfl'/9 y I I ! . I I I' i , 1 1 I 1 I I .__ " , , \- I I ,I , , I i. I: i' . I 1 'I . J, I 1, I 1 I I I I ! , I I I] :3 q 8 . 19 . aorvico should ho th~ b.nchmark for tho rnt. chnrgod tho Univorolty, thoro nro a numbor ot I"podi~onto to dotornlnlng i I I I , ! i I I , I 'CODt ot aorvlco' from tho evldonco pr',ontod in thlo cno.. Aa tho ovldonco oatllbllohoa, rllto Milking bOdiea gonorally havo oxton.ivo staff. of oconomiato, llccOuntanta, lawyara, onglnoara, as wall 110 apoclflc otlltutory and ~ I. ". lldmlniotrlltiva ruloa and 9uidolinoa to utill7.o In rllto dottlb9. I, .... , - , ~.~ This Court hila nono of thoao. EooontlllllYI tho ovidonco~inl~hlo .. . .' '- CIISO conolots of tho tOlltlmony llnd roporta of two woll rOOllrdod .- " .. .. consultllnta. Unfortunatoly, thair conclusiona llro 00 dlfforont thllt It ill difficult not to bo cyniclll concornin9 tho concluoiona rOllchod. Doaplto tho oxpondituro of aubatantial tllx dollarn llnd timo by both pllrtles to llnalyza and mallaur~ coat of aorvico, thia Court cannot .1lY with any dog roo of aoauranco what tho cont of aarvlca 10 to tho Univaroity. Tha ovidonco mllkoo nbundantly clollr that coat of aorvlco atudioo whan daRling with A wRata wator troatmant plant aro At b,at difficult. Indo'd, '10,000 of tho City's monay waa apont by thoir qonaultant attompting to gathor actual aowago flow dAtil without aubstantlal succooo, In lldditlon, both !ir. Salaba and Hr. Wubbona tOlltifiod that thllY would rogard a plua or minulI 20 porcant d09roo of accuracy aD doing woll with tho typo of atudy undnrtllkan. Ono conoultant doocrlbod tho rOliabllity of coat of aorvico otudion in a waato wator tront~ont aottlng 00 I or 2 on II acala of 100. Furthor, tho conoultnnts hava nJgnJficont diffaroncolI as to how I and I '~-..~...., ~""''''',.......,..-.. ~~ ~~.. Jlf9 ...., , I I I I , ) I I r J I i I 1 .-- -' " I i- I, j '\ I , I I I: " I I I . :' , I] '3 q q . 20 . (Infiltration and Inflou) ohould b~ oD"~Dond and approachod In I r conn~ctlon ulth tht analynln of coot of oorvlco In thla caao. It 10 apparont fran thn rncord that nvnn th" total Inflou Into tho o~uor plant la not rnally knoun. Tho Court alao concludon th~t , I " n',lthllr pony hno olltabllohad thn otrongth of uanta vator cOllllnlJ Into tho nyotolll from tho varloun usarn of tho ayatoll vlth nny dogr.o of cortalnty. Tho Unlvaralty'o conaultanta' aaoumptlona ,I about atrongths vorl baood on 12 yoar old data. Tho Court concludoa that tho data nocoooary to do an accuratn,~oat 01 j"" ,.. Ii: .. aorvlco atudy 10 not currnntly avalloblo. RULING AND JUDCMENT r.NTRY .., ~. .. , - .. I" .-. .- ,- I: tho :., - '. For 011 of tho roallono dlacuonad abovo, thli Court .,t', _ ':", '-' concludea that tho Unlvoralty hoo follod to domonatrato that sovnr ratoa chargod by tho City vloloto etotutory or conntltutlonal llmltotlono. Thor.foro, thlll Court dool not have tho authority to DOt anldo or Invalldato tho rotoa chargnd by tho City to tho Unlvorlaty. Tho Plolntlffa' potltlon In dlollllnaod Clork to notify. Doted thin 3J:!! day of January, (I"'" ~lil , 00- _ _.~ ' ,.." r...." . ~~:~~ ~:l.J~~~. "(: _ . .;n- C/ .LI . f ~ - ..------ ~ ,j ,,/, i I . ""'11;1 ti~li',~lI,'~" ler M.:1nlW liUC~I,~dnl - i I I, I ~ J ;. , I I I I, I , , I I, I I vlth coate aaaonaod to tho Plalntlffa. VAN D. Judgn, , 101 Dlatrlct 4YQ " ,~ "'-;""';'-,' ;:,j,