HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-19 Bd Comm minutes ~)\i~') . -, ~ A n. . -- ~- =- "'T_ MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 17,1991.7:30 P,M, CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS . .. ..... ............. , ! " . " .. ... ~ .. 0" . . ........11I .......".-.. ...lif..1 - I' ", MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann Bovb/org, Oavo CI4Ik, Casoy Cook, Sally Olorka, NI1ICy RaId, Tom SCOII MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Polo Coopor Moon, Miklo, Chrlsllanson, Non , I , ~: Chairperson Scoll callod tho moollng 10 ordor 01 7:33 p,m, .' i' Thoro was nono, Rold movod 10 opprovo lho minutos os circulalod, Cook socondod, Tho mollon catrlod 5.Q, (Dlolks arrlvod at 7:~7 p,m,) ~: , I I. I, Discussion ollho Highway I Wost Corridor Study, an ana~sls 01 approprlalo land dovolopmont pallorns lor Iho Highway 1 Wosl corridor bolWoon lho Inlorsoctlon 01 highways I and 21 Band lho Iowa RIvor, Scott nolod thAt this 110m would bo dlscussod with lho firsl zoning 110m, ~: I. ~ ond &.2llQ!, Public discussion 01 applications lubmlttod by John and AIIogra Dano to annox and rozono a 19.53 acro tract ollond locatod south and 0011 01 tho Intoraoctlon 01 Sun sol Slroot and Highway 1 WOlllrom Johnson County C.2 and M 10 CC,2, (45oday limitation porlod: Dolollal to January 17, 1991.) Scott roportod thol tho mlnulos from Iho Commission's Informal moo ling 01 January 14, 1991, will bo dlstrlbulod wllh tho mlnutos Irom lhls moollng, Mlklo roportod lhal tho corridor sludy Is bolng conductod In conjunction wllh tho Z.9003 and MOOI applications, Ho sold Ihat lho approxlmato 45 additional days wero roqulrod 10 comploto lho Itudy, Ho dlslribulod cOlloctlons to Tablo I which was Includod In tho corridor Iludy. Ho clariflod lho poak hour Iraffle Rgur.. lor a shopping conI or and Ilrossod lhat a shopping con tor would havo moro conslslont uso throughoullho day lhan would a manufacturing, offico, or Industrial park uso, Ho Indlcatod thalli has boon said lhal tho natural dovolopmonl lor lho cOllldor Is commorclal usa, bul ho Itrossod lhat " I I I I, i t: , .f . i " ~5~; ,'. _.." .,.., . _, ," ~,.., ,." , ~.".~ -~ .~..'. ~"-~,-''''. - .....~. "" -'" .' ~"h', '. ...~.'-~.. .'.~ _... .'" _,._': '_."";" _'," ;. <._ '0-,,,.,.'.,,,.. ~~ ~~"-""..i:, ~.~I.,,_.,~,,)'.,,'_"'~'~'" 0." ..i>_J....: ;... i" . ~ . ['.- -td-'.;~~8 '. '1-' Planning & ZorJng Commission Janu4l'f 17, 1991 Pago 2 davolopmonl Is a manmado ImposlUon upon tho IlUld and that tho City through lis planning lUld zonIng doclslons has tha ability to conllol davolopmont and dalormlno what typo 01 dovolopmontls In tho bost Intorosl 01 tho community, Ho laid thai as Ihown In tho IlIdos which woro prosanlod at tho Informal moaUng, tho oastorn portion 01 tho Highway 1 corrIdor (from Carousol Molors to tho river), has boon dovalopod as slrlp commorclol, bultho woslorn portion conlalnod largo omounts 01 vacant land with on~ IImllod commorclal dovolopmont, and tharoforo tho City may havo Iho ability to oncourago tho dovolopmonl 01 an alllactJvo onlry Ylay to tho city Irom HlghwaYI 21S and I, Ho laid tho appllclUll hu roquostod a doforrol until Fobruary 7, 1991, to allow Umo lor tho proP4laUon 01 a dovolopmont plan lor tho proparty, Joubllc dllcul8lon was oponod al 7:53 p,m. ~, stolod that ho was roquastlng a dolorrol for two weoks bocauso ho would liko to havo moro discussIon on what ho would proposo having on tho 1110, In rosponso to a quosllon Irom Cook, Dano slalod that Ills his Inlontlon to Includo tho aroa whIch doos not havo Ironlago on Highway Iln his proposal, Jim Clnylon stalad thaI ho has a conllnulng concorn wilh davolopmont on tho porlphory 01 tho community an\l strip rotGiI dovolopmont In gonorol, Ho statod lhat ho was Involvod In tho zoning rolorondum lor Wal.Mart and strmod thai ho has tho samo concorns for thl: davolopmonl, Ho stalod that dovolopmonl on tho porlphory has a provon ImpoCl on rotail buslnossos ond nolod that thIs has boon shown olsowhoro In lows and tho country. Ho Ilalod that ho bollovos It Is Ironic to mOOllo discuss this Issuo on a night whon thoro Is nghlinglaklng placo os somo might say lor 01', whon Iho outomobilo will bo noodod 10 roach this typo 01 dovolopmonl, Ho said this typo 01 dovolopmonlls Inofficlont bocauso public tran,11 will not bo ablo 10 roach all ollho silos on lho porlphory and that motorlsls dllvo Irom silo 10 clio along tho slrlp rathor than doing tholr shopping In ono concontratod dlslrlCl, Ho nolod that Iho applicanlls roquo:llng a chango In tho Comprohonslvo Plan and tho curront zoning porlod, Clayton slrossod thai a short.torm vlow Is beIng takon 01 dovolopmont In lho corridor, Ho notod thai II tho Avp.lluo 01 tho Salnls lakes Iho routo through this aroa, II could rosullln a bonor uso 01 this slto, Ho nolod that dovolopmonl now with Ihort,lorm solullons would ollmlnato fuluro optlons, Ho nolod thaI Wal.Mort prosonlod plans and promlsod to havo a numbor 01 slorOl ot WOSlport, bul Clayton Indlcalod that It now looks Iiko Wostport will on~ have a lroo,standlng Wal.Mort sloro, Ho luggoslod Ihal tho Commlsslpn oxomlno lho past rocord and porformanco 01 tho dovolopor, Mr, Larson, Clayton rovlowod hIs pasl oxporloncos wllh Larson which Includod tho 1010 01 a packago ollolovlslon ods which novor ran and according to tho Anornoy Gonoral', offlco, lomo 01 tho film crows may not havo ovon had film In lholr camoras, Ho Itrossod lhat tho dovolopmont 01 Wostport Includod lho dropping 01 nomos 01 buslnossOl which II appoara Ylill novor localo 01 WoSlport. Clayton slrossod lhoro Is /I neod to look ot Iho past porformanco ollho dovelopor and 10 vorl~ any claims Ihal oro mado by tho devolopor, Ho urgod consldorallon bo glvon to Iho vitality ollho downtown aroa, tho uso ollho automobllo, fuluro construction ollho Avonuo 01 tho Salnls, ond tho lrack rocord ollho dovolopor, . Public discussion was cloud 01 8:05 p,m, " I I , " , ! i , I I I , , , " , , 'J.5(' , ,..~",.,l;,t"...~'...."., ,.>.! i I I I I I I I I I , I , I I I , , [I tJ 8-h '2 /. PIAllnlng & Zoning Commllllon JanuAl'f 17. 1991 Pago :J DIerks movod 10 dolor discussIon oltho HIghway 1 Woat CorrIdor Study,an analYlls 01 approprlalo land dovolopmont pallornslor Iho HIghway 1 Welt corrIdor bolwoon lho Inler80cllon of HIghways 1 ond 21Band Iholowa Rlvar and Z.llOO:J and A.llOOI, oppllcallon .ubmltled by John and Allogra Dano 10 ann ax and rezono I 19.83 acro tract 01 lond located oouth and elllt oltho Intoraecllon 01 Sunlot Stroaland Highway 1 WOIllrom Johnl4n Counly C.2 and Mlo CC.2 10 Februory 7, 1991. Rold IOconded. Clark Ilalad thllt ho doos not bollovo he Is r04dy 10 addrOlljusl ono upoct 01 tho corridor, Ho IllIlad thaI ho bof!avos tho Commllllon Ihould doAl with tho entlro aroa to avoId zoning hOllgo podgo lor tho corridor, CllIlk oxprossod hIs prororonco 10 100 Ila" dovolop idolS on altornaUvo typos 01 zoning lor tho alOa boloro ho VOlos on tho Dano appllcaUon. Sccll stalod thaI 01 tho Januory 14, 199I,lnlormaJ CommIssIon mooting, tho Commllllonors IndlcAlod IlIlrly Itrongly thllltholr Inlontlon Is 10 InvosUglllO tho posslbilily 01 0 now zono lor mlxod uso In this aroa rlllhor than using Incromonlal zoning lor tho HIghwllY 1 corrIdor, Ho nolod thAt a .poclnc rocommondlltlon rogard/ng tho DAllo tract win como Irom tho noxllormaJ discussion 01 tho CommissIon or Ihoro will bo a dolorrlll 10 allow tho CommIssion AIId Ita" 10 lormulato 0 now zono os has boon dlscussod, Clark Ilalod thai ho bOIlOYos II win tako moro than 20 days 10 dovolop a now zoning catogory and bollOYos III. a dlssorvlco 10 Dano 10 havo him rolurn with a proposal altho noxl lormal mooting, Scoll Ilatod thai ho lools Ills tho CommissIon's cloat Inlontlon 10 rovlow a mlxod uso zono lor tho corridor, Ho nOlod that tho corridor ItUdy noods 10 bo complolod, Ho Itrollod that tho oppllcanl has roquollod a two,wook oX1enslon and wants tho opportunity to prosonl his Idoos lor this troct. Ho Indlcatod tpaltho appllcanl can roqueslthattho CommissIon VOlo allls noxl mooting AIId litho CommlnJon Is not propOled 10 VOlo, II will bo likoly 10 volo tho oppllcatlon down, Cook statod lholtho annexallon AIId land uso Issuos nood 10 bo docldod, Ho suggestod thalli mlghl bo nocossary 10 Incorporalo moro land 10 tho louth Into Ihe Sludy 10 Dane's commonls ond proposals mlghl bo gormano 10 tho discussion. Ho Ilalod thai ho Is Iympalhotlc to tho concern oxprossod ovor tho vilallty and hoallh 01 tho downlOwn, bul ho Itrossod Ihal lomo commercial usos, luch as hOlels and motols, cannot afford Iho hIgh land costs 01 Iho downtown ar04, Cook Indlcalod that ho has concorns wllh Iho number 01 vaconclos In CC'2 zono. throughoutlho clty. Ho Itrossod thai ho believes groalor utility Ihould bo glvon 10 Iho CC'2 zone, Scoll stro:sod thai ho wanls tho public 10 bo cloar on lho CommissIon', position ond plans lor thIs Issuo. Ho omphaslzod Ihal basod on tho discussion 01 January 14, 1991, and tho loollngs oxprossod by tho Commlsslonorl, lI.hould bo clear what options IYoro conslderod. Ho Ilaled lholll Is his undorslandlng thatlhe Commission II Incllnod 10 prol" a now zoning cologory or a ronnoment ollho Zoning Ordlnanco to addross lis concerns, Ho Itressed Ihat he Is oX1romely concornod regarding the contlnuotion 01 Incremonlol relall commercial zoning olong the corridor wlthoutlho Commission and Council wreslllng wilh how Iho onUro area .hould bo devoloped, Ho .Irolled lhat ho cannol volo lor annexation and rezoning In Ihls alea unllllho Commission and slaff aro comfortablo with plan~ lor devolopment 01 tho Olea, .. ""o~' . "'. ,.. '0 J.5~ . I I 1 I I , 1 I I 0, I I , " I I ," ,. I I: , " , " . [I tj- 8 : - .- Tho mollon lor dolorrll ploood by I 8.0 volo. 2. ~, Dllcusslon ollllll1londod Ipplleltlon lubmlttod by Frllltz eonltrucUon,lnc. on boholl 01 Wdbort Frantz IIld tho Edith Frllltz Eslllo, 10 rozono opproxlmaloly 9,81 aCtos 01 proporty \ocllod OIIS1 01 Sycll1loro Strool and woll 01 Oranl Wood Elomonl41y School, 110m ID.RS 10 Rs.5. (45od1Y IImlllUon porlod: JIIlUII'f 17, 1001,) Moon roportod thAI tho 450dlY 1Iml111lon porlod has boon wllvod Irom mooting 10 mooting. Sho IIAlod tholtho lubloct ifAct II IdlAconl 10 oxlstlng rosldontlol dovolopmont and nut oxlltlng lowor 1In0l y,hIch aro al or abovo apAclty 10 aro unavalllblo lor devolopmonl alll1ls Umo, ShO Illlad thll 000 opUon Is 10 oxtond tho trunk lIno \\t~ch would bo a cooslderablo apllAllmprovomonL Sho Illlod thll mootlngs havo boon hold botwoon th'l dovolopor. hls onglnoor, and tho City, Sho SlllOllthlltho cosllor oxtonslon 01 Ihls lowor lIno wUI bo dOlermlnod and 1I10n mootlngs will bo nold wilh odlaconl proporty ownolllO 100 II thay would bo willing 10 pattlclpalo In \ho cost 01 tho trunk lIno oxtonslon. Sho Illtod thlltho Commission would consider Ihls 110m whon thoro ItO onswalllo thoso quosllons, In rosponlO to I quostlon Irom Clllk. Moon 1lII0d that thoro aro opproxlmololy IIx odjlconl proporty ownOIl, Public dllculolon wos oponod at 8:07 p,m. Thoro was nono, I I I I I I ! I' t , " Planr.ing & Zonlng Commlnlcn Janulry 17, 1001 pago 4 I , Public dlscululon was cloaod al 8:07 p,m, Rold movod 10 dolor Z.9018 10 Fobruary 7,1991. Cook aocondod. ScOttllltod thllllln mol with tho dovolopor and hls roprosonllllvo on Janulry 0, 1091, and dlscumd tho possibllitlos ollowarlng this nino i:lO Ifact. Ho notod thai tho tract Is nolllslod In thQ Comprohonslvo Plln IS bolng oul<ll'lOquonco, bul ~o nolod thll an additional ~ a"OI ownod by Frantz to tho louth 01 this Ifact Is IIs10d os oul-ol.soquonco, Scottlndlcllod thOltho problom with this Ifact Is Ihol whllo It Is MIII~lod os cul-ol, soquonco, 1IIIIIstod as unsoworablo 10 Ills consldorod undovolopablo, Ho nolod thaI Ills lurroundod on Ihroo lidos by dovolopmonl and would havo devolopod much loonor I1I1 had boon soworablo, Ho Ilalod thai ho bollovoltho City hiS lomo rosponslbllity to partlclpalO In tho oxtonslon 01 tho trunk IIno to mako lhls \toel ..worablo, Cook Ilalod thaI opproxlmatoly 400 acrOl would bo soIVod by a now'trunk IIno and an additional eo acrOl 01 dovolopod land would bo soIVod which Is curronUy lurcharglng, Ho nolod thai tho Frantz lrael would rocoivo 2% ollho bonofil 01 lho oxtonslon ollho lrunk IIno and lho City would rocolvo 20% 01 tho bonoO!, Ho Indlcolod ho bollovos \hO City noods to bo Invoivod In tho oxtonslon ollho lrunk IIno, but ho II' mod thot lhoro Is a nood 10 uso City lunds prudonlty and 10 Iho groatosl bonoO! ond that olhor propor1y ownoll In tho arOG may nood to conlrlbulo to tho oxtonslon, Scott notod lhollho oppllcant has askod lhat Ihls 110m bo doforrod lor mooting to mooting untllsla",1 work Is complolod ond tho odlaconl proporty ownors hovo boon contactod rogardlng Iharlng lho cosl 01 oxtondlng tho trunk IIno, , I. . I , I , I , i I (I I ! , I I I '. ! ! I :' , f , , I ~5(' ."'.''\'.' . . '.~[, .E' '8' y - . Planning & Zoning Commission January 17, 1991 pago 5 Tho motlolllo deler pauod by a 8-0 yolo. 3, gJ,cuss1on oUl.1o DroDosnl.12.J Public dlscUNlon waa oponod 018:15 p,m. Thoro was nono, I 10 I , .,' Public dllcuaalon wa. cloood a18:15 p,"" Scott Italod thalthllllom would bo doforrod 10 March 21, 1991, end no acUon would bo lakon on thaI dalo, . BoYblorg moyod 10 dolor dlscuaalon ollha propo.allo amand Iha RM.145 Zona rooulallcna 10 Morch :U,1991. Cook oocondod. Tho mollon carried 8-0. ; . ,. ,; , ,,' ~: I, EJ9nnlna and.IQlllD(I commlssl2n.lDiormnll2n, Coopor, Bovblorg, and Scott aro plaM1nO on attonding tho Back 10 SchOOl Conforonco on FobruDl'f I. 1991, Miklo roportGd thaI Chilies and Juno Yang had oxproSlod an Inloroslln tho proposod RM.\45 amondmonl and thoywiU bo Informol.! whon tho RM,I45 amondmonls aro addrossod, Scott luggoSlod thaI Dick Dolozal olso be con14ctod, Bovblorg roportod thaI on F obruary 27, 199\, tho Loaguo 01 Womon VolOII 'iliIl bo hD'llnO . discussion on o"ordablo housing, . ,. " i I: ~: Rold moyod 10 adlourn tho mooUng al 8:22 p,m, Cook IOcondod, Tho rr.oUon carried unanimously, , , l.1 Sally Olorkl, Socrolary MlnulOl lubmlttod by Mary Jo No". \P&zl.I7 , i l: ( r I .. I , .. :' , t I' ~~~ II I I ..-,._._~_..._---_..."'.,-~.,,~.._._,._"..,....,_.....---_..........-.............. ..... ........ .-------... . , I - - ......... . }] / 0 8 5 '_ . MINUTES IOWA COY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION INFORMAL MEETING JANUARY 14,1991' 7:30 P.M, SENIOR CENTER CLASSROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann Bovblorg, Davo Clalk, Casoy Cook, Polo Coopor, Solly Dlorkl, Nancy ROld, Tom Scolt Nono MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Moon, Mlklo, Schoon, ChrlsUanson, No" ~: Chalrporson Scolt c3110d tho moo ling 10 ordor at 7:43 p,m. Moon roportod thallho Back To School Conforonco will bo hold on January 31 and Fobruary I, 1991, Silo rovlowod Iho Commlsslonor'a plans 101 attondanco, I, ~ODort on tho Janunrv. 1991. Council Mooting. Moon roportod lhal Walnul Rldg~ ond Galway Hills woro approvod by tho Council, Dlorks nOlod thOllho CounCIl had lalkod oxlansivoly about SOiling up an oscrow account' lor fuluro Ins1311allon olsldowalks along Molroso Avonuo. In rosponso to a quos lion Irom Cook, Scolt 51~lod thol oscrow lunds could only bo usod In tho aroa lhoy woro spocifiod lor whon tho occounl was oSlablishod, Bovbjorg slalod thai bocauso tho Public Works Dopartmonllnlonds to Install sldowalks along Molroso Avonuo In tho luluro, tho lundlng Ihould bo plannod for now, Commlsslonor submlltod rovlslons, , ~: I, 12lscusslon ol..llliJilghwav I Wosl C2l.!kIO( StudY, and analysis 01 aDDrop,lnlo lan~ ~ovoloDmont Daltorns 12LII12J!Ighwav 1 Wost corrl~or bolwoon 1119 Inlorsoctlon o( l:llghwavs I and 218 And 1I]Ll0wa ~, Mlklo prosontod slldos to tho Commission thalllluslralod tho locallon 01 tho Iludy aroa, Its current zonlr1g, and oxlstlng land uses In lho lurroundlng aroa, Ho nolod lhat dovelopmont Irom lho WOSlport Plaza slto 10 lho oast Is prlmorlly strlp.typo dovolopmonl, whoroas tho aroa wost 01 lho Wostport Plaza lilo Includos a slgnlficanl portion 01 vacanl land so Its lono can stili bo Ihapod through tho City'l planning and zoning doclslons, . . -- -.....--......,......,"....,. ......,~...~~~........__..._-~.... ~"....... ,........ ,.",,'~"."--'---' .... - ~ ".'-"-'"'~-'" "-'~" .... .,... ..' ~$~ . I I I I I I I I' I ,., . , , I. , , I , , I. , ., I I' I I I, . I. , I , , , I' I , ~ .. ,[I . .tJ 8 b' _ . ," Planning & Zoning Commission JlIIIU4/Y 101, 1091 Pogo 2 I I I ! , I I 1 j I '. I r , . "';Klo rovfowod tho Highway I Corridor Sludy which hlghUghlod land usa Issuos, Iralllc Issuos, and aosthollc Issuos. SiaN luggoslod Ihat a now zoning ClOSS Inca lion might bo noodod to coordlnalo thll dovolopmonl 01 this aloa, Olorks norod thaI tho poak hour 1/011I0 lor a Ihopplng contor doos not 100m corrocl whon comparod to tho lotall/lps por day lor, Ihopplng contor, Sho askod Miklo to chock this nguro wllh tho lransportallon p1annor, Cook askod lor Informallon rogardlng oxlsllng Induslrlalland, Miklo rospondod thai BDllncludos most 01 tho Industrial zonod land lor tho city, Scott Italod thai Rguros Ihould bo avallablo rogardlng tho amount ollnduslrlalland avallablo, bul ho slatod that to gol somo moro InlormaUon on commorclalland would bo much moro complox. Ho nolod thai KoIon Franklin had Informollon availablo on vacllllt commorclalland, but nol dOla rogardlng absorpllon ralo. lor commorclalland or lor vacllnt commorclal buildings, Cook ukod II a zono IUch as thllt usod lor Norlhgato Park would bo llpproprlato, Miklo rospondod thlll luch a zono conconlrlllos on olllco usos whllo a now zono mlghtlllso pormlt light InduSl/llll usos, . Rold askod II thoro Is II high domand lor hotol rooms In Iowa City, Cook rospondod thai thoro Is a high domand and nolod thai hOlols llro curronlly allowod only by spocial oxcopUon In tho CC'2 zono, Moon Slolod Iholtho roa~on for this roslrlcllon mlghl hovo boon to concontralod hotols In tho downlown alOo. In rosponso 10 a quosllon Irom Cook, Miklo slatod that tho boundarlos 01 tho study 810 tho rosulls of tho Council's dlrocllon 10 11011 10 conconlralO on that aroa whIch has Ironlago on tho corrIdor, Bovl'jolg slrossod thllllhoro aro dilliculllos In rolylng on projocllons, Sho slrossod lhat tronds W1l1aNoct Iho absorpllon rlllo ond what typo 01 uso Is likoly 10 bo dovolopod. Miklo nOlod thai tho availability 01 a soloctlon 01 vacant davolopmonttract. can oncourago buslnossos to como to a community . as thoy havo a cholco 01 sitos 10 consldor, Bovb/or9 omphasl~od thai bOCllUSO thoro Is Umo 10 plan lor luluro dovolopmonl 01 this aroa, now Is U10 Umo 10 plan In ordor to koop 1\ attractlvo lor luluro doyolopmonL Mlklo cialinod that tho Industrial us os In BDI 010 not nocossarily tho typos ollnduslrlal usos Ihal lho City would wanl alan onlrancoway, Ho laId tho IIghllnduslrlal us os may bo moro opproprlalo as thoy tond 10 roqulro smallor and moro altracllvo tl.:lldlngs whon comparod 10 tradillonallnduslrlal usos, , I I , I I I, I I I , , , , I l , I I j Cook Italod thaI land Is avallablo oast of BOiler hoavy Induslrlal uso II nocossary, Ho Indlcolod that hoavy Induslrlal dovelopmontls nolloaslblo on a nood plain and Itressod thai accm 10 Highway 1 Is not nocomry lor traditional Industrial dovolopmonl, Ho luggoslod Ihaltho RDP zono mlghl bo moro approprlalo for tho Highway I Corridor OIaa, Aold notod tho atlroctlvenoss Ilf tho aroa altho Inlersoctlon 01 Highway 80 and North Dodgo SI/OOI, Moon Italod thollhls aroa Is zonod OAP and Is similar 10 tho RDP zono, Dierks ..Wod litho airport would rosullln any /Imitations on tho SIlO olslruc1ulos on Iho Dano tract, Miklo rospondad lhal mosl 01 tho Dano lract would nol bo aNoclod by Iho olrport. Moon clarifiod that most of tho tract Is locatod outside of tho cloar zona, bul sho Indlcalod Ihpl ~holO aro lransltlonal zonos, Dlorks askod IIlho airport has any plans lor dovolopmonl allhls Umo, Miklo responded thallhey are nol markeUng their IraCIS allhls Umo, however ho Indlcalod lho City may wish 10 consider markeUng Ihe anUIO aroa logethor, Clark oskod aboullho Council's position regarding a commllmenllo Iho core , ;' eZ" ....... ">, ....\. - 9' 8 "~,' . - . - . u- - -,. - - "~:,' -~ PIOMlng & ZOlllng CommIssIon J4I\u4ty 14, 1091 PAgo 3 or tho City, Mlklo stAlod thAt dlrocUng tho IIAff 10 conduct this Iludy could bo an IndlC4t1on oltho~ po,lUon, Mo~n Ilrossod thAI Council Avoldod guIding Itaff to a conclullon rogA/dlng tho Iludy, Miklo It:,:od IhAI Woalport was lOon by many AS on oxtonslon 01 tho oxlstlng commorclal coro Md tho question 10 bo consldorod now Is whon commorclal dovolopmont bocomos Ilrl~ dovolopmonL Clark Indlcotod that ho dldn~ think (Ommorclal dovolopmanl was nocouAlIly approprlalo In this aroa and thAt ho had volod agaInst tho Wostport rozonlng, but bocauso tho commorc/AI dovolopmonl was oxtondod lor Wostport,lI would 100m thai out 01 la~r1ou II Ihould bo oxtondod agaIn, Miklo omphaslzod that Wostport mlghl bo an approprlato lIansltlon 10 A now zono and that bocauso thoro will bo a blank wall on tho wOlt lido 01 tho Ilia, thoro will bo A c10Al domarcAtlon bolwoon WOSlport 4I\d tho aroa to tho WOlt Moon IlImod that dovolopmonl which Is In tha bOSI Intorost or tho r.ommunlty as I wholo no ods to bo consldorod And not just this Individual proporty or Iho corridor In Isolation, DIOIks askod whal typo 01 dovolopmonl could occur In Iho aroa II It woro CC.2, Moon oxplalnod that tho CC.2 zono Is 10 alllacl community wido palronago and gonorally consists 01 rolail usGS Ilmllar 10 thoso usos In tho vicinity 01 Jack's and POPPOIWOOd Placo, Clllk slalod Ihat ho bollovos II now zoning clllogory should bo oxplorod 4I\d should allow II combination or usos, Ha 05kod why dovolopmanl has not boon occurring on Iha oxlstlng CI,I zonod land In tho Wosl Sldo Palk AlGa, Moon rospondod lhat may bo Iho prlco 01 tho land or IIlaclc 01 domand, Mlklo luggostod thai rosldantlal uSGS mlghl bo opproprlalo lor portIons or tho WOSI Sldo Pllk silo, Bovbjorg Indlclllod thallha lack 01 dovalopmonl could bo I domonsllatlon 01 tho sAlurAtlon 01 commorc/al uSGS In tho aroa and Umlng 01 dovolopmonl. scon nOlod thai' ot tho limo Wostport WAS consldorod, II was rovlowod as a largo Intogralod doyolopmOnl and tho Commission had dlscussod having tho Itrucluro doslgnod 10 a. 10 oppoar to IImll commorclal dovolopmonl to tho WOSI and lhallho wOllorn Will 01 tho opprovod plan wc::ld havo accompllshod lhls, Ho Indlcatod that ho doGS nollOo doslro In tho community lor moro commorclal aroa and ho Itrossod Ihat ho doOl not wont to 100 Ihls Moa populalod by Iroo,slandlng buildIngs, Ho Ilrossod thai Iho City may novor 100 Iho dovolopmont Ihat wu oxpoelod al WOSlport and ho notod Ihal Eastdalo has vacanclos as doos Iho downtown aroa, Ho Indlcalod that In IIghl 01 thoso raelS, ho mlghl notlupport WOIlport 1111 woro proposod today, Ho oxprossod lho bollol lhot oxtondlng rolall commorclal dovolopmonl woslln tho corridor Is IInorlng rogardloss or tho Iypo 01 Itoros and Itrossod thallho rosull would bo much liko Iho Coralvlllo Itrlp, Ho luggOllod thai an ontryNay ovorlay zono or a naw zoning calagory lhal did not Includo oxtonslvo rolall us os, mlghl bo opproprlalo. Ho omphaslzod thai ho Is finlshod zoning Iho corridor In Incromonts, Bovbjorg askod litho lowo Dopartmonl 01 Transportation has a proloronco lor land uso In tho arQl, Miklo Itatod Ihat Ills lha Clty'l lurlsdletlon and Iho Iowa Dopartmont 01 Transportation is notlnvolvod In tho conlrol 01 doYolopmonl othor Ihan control of accm pOints and tho locations 01 tramc lights. Moon roportod that Ihoro Is a proposal to - """"""-"'~""""""'~-""""- ."-.....,,.,-, '<, '.. JS, ... .....--...".'+ "..' I I I I I ! I' I , .' .' " I' , , I I , r j , I. I , " , i , I I . 't] tJ :8 8 Planning & Zoning Commission January 14, 1991 Pago 4 upgrado portions 01 HIGhway 110 IncIudo IU/nlng 141\01 and oddiUonoJ light. on Orchotd and possibly ~linor SlIoots In rosponso 10 1I0/flc probloms noOl Aivollldo D,lvo, Cook Indlcatod ho would Gko to hovo mora InlormoUon on commoreloJ dOVlllopmonl with soptlc syltoms In tho nood piano, Moon Indlulod Iho could IcqultO tho county roguloUon. and nolod th0111 dovolopmonl occurs on tho munlclpDllowor ayllom, dovolopmonl occurs 01 alulor ralo, Dlorks ukod II thoro would bo roslllellon. on thll dovolopmonl bocauso II Is locatod In tho IWo mllo rrlngo 0I0a. Moon rospondod thai tho City COIl roviow propoSAls Ind CM mako rocommondlUonl, but Iho nalod thll II II ditncullto moko doslgnod condiUons, Clark Ilalod that OOlthO~ I. , problom lor tho typo 01 dovolopmonl oxpoctod lor thll arGO and nOlod thaI R will bl dirncuR 10 plan lor, Dforkl luggOllod thai a combination 01 zonOl could IddtOll lIlIs problom Ind polnlod out IMI other ontrancoways 10 Iowa City, Ineludlng North Dorlgo 511001, aro all1acUvo bocauso 01 tho zoning. Scon Ilrossod thai thoro WAS a flood 10 koop a balanco and 10 rocognlzo tho Impacltholzonlng lor ono uso has on oxJstlng USGs, Dforkl Iloled thaI through zonlng tho City con control dovolopmanlln order to rotaln IlIIlcllYonon, Scan roporlod lholll oppoor. thOI Wol.Mort win bo lho only Iloro Ioeolod 01 Wostport and tholthl.lndleolos lhoro Is loss ola markollor commorcloJ dovolopmonlln that arOlthan tho Cil'f wos load 10 boliovo, Cook Itolod ho hos concornl with tho ovodObmty 01 CC'210nd tho numbor 01 voconelos In oxJsllng zonGS, Ho laid thol mOlolJholol dovolopmonl moy bo moro opproprloto closor 10 Iho Iowa Rlvor, Ho suossOd Iholtho proximity 10 both tho oirporl, hlghwaYl, ond Iowa R1vor could rosuU In 0 link wilh pOdOll1lon 110ils olong tho Rlvor, Ho Ino/colod thai ho bollovos thai oxlstlng CC.21and Ihould bo ulOd moro Intonsoly, Scoll slatod tholtho south 01 Burllnglon 1101 mlghl bo opon 10 commor~ol clovolopmonl, Ho .llronod lhol tho downlown arGo Ihould bo Ilrongthonod ospocfally buod on lho Involtmonl thai Iho City hGS In lho downtown aroo. CIOIk oxpronod a doubl that thoro will bo much rodovolopmonl 01 land louth 01 Burlinglon, Cook Indlcolod thol Irom tho d!scusslon II sounds os IIlho Commission would nolliko to soo hmy Indusl1lol usos on thl; lond end thot tho CC.2zono Is olso not dOllrablo lor this 0101, Dlolks luggoSlod on ovorloy zona or a zono Ilmllar 10 tho lOP zono. Moon roportod thol altho Councll'l dlroctlon, Ilotl has bogun 10 droft an ontry woy zono, John Oano, ownor 01 tho Oono If oct. Itatod lhallt has boon almosla yoar Ilnco ho nISI oppllod lor lho rozonlng ollhls proporty, Ho Ilalod lhal Pili thoro was a II monlh dolay, than a 3 monlh dolay ond now tho discussion 100dl him to bollovo thoro will bo mora dolays, Ho nOlod Ihot thoro I. nol prossuro 10 bogln dovolopmont olthl. limo, Ho Indlcnlod thOI II oppoall 10 him that II ho wonts tho proporty zonod CC.2,lhoro Is no point In lurlhor dolays bocouso II oppoollthaltho Commission would not approvo tho CC,2 zono lor his proporty basod on tho discussion, Ho Indlcolod Ihatll War.Mort was oppoallng as a pock ago doallOvorol YOOls ogo, tho Commission Ihould koop In mind thallho omount 01 land noodod lor lhol typo 01 dovolopmont no longor oxlSIS, Ho Italod thai his Iract comos lho clososlln Ilzo, Oano Itronod lhal ho could loll tho Ironlago to his proporty, but ho rOlalns It bocouso ho wants 10 bo able to dovolop Iho onllro Iracl. Ho luggoslod thai ho could como In wilh a pion Jar lho onllro tract and condillons could lhon bo placod on tho rozonlng altholllmo. Ho Ilolod that ho lools lho zono ho has roquoslod Is tho rosult 01 lho nalural grOwlh and progrosslon 01 1110 commorclal oroa, Ho Indlcalod lhal ho bollovos Hlghwoy 2tO Is.lho nalural boundary to lhls typo, 01 MIP . I I I I , , I I I " I ! , I i. I , I I I I , :' I. , , r i I i i i I I , I I' I - . . 1 - [t tJ, 8 q. / " Planning & Zoning Commission J~u~ty 14, 1991 Pago 5 dovolopmonl, as Is topography and tho airport cloor zon.., Dano IlIossod that tho lypo 01 dovolopmanl ho onvlslons would bo compatlblo to tho IUlloundlng dovolopmonll, Ho notad that domand lor commorclaf uSGS In tho aroa also can IOIVO It tho boundMY 10 tho commorclol zono, Ho nolod ho dldn'l know II a now zoning calogory might m hls plans ond ho would dllcussthls opUon with hll partnor, Ho askod how much 01 a dolorraltho Commission would profor, Scon rospondod that tho lIamc Iludy would roqulro anothor 30 10 45 days lor complotlon, bul ho nolod thai tho lIamc Iludy II nolal ImpOrlanl as rosoMng tho quos lion 01 oxpanslon cltho commorcl31 zono, Dono agrood to conlact lion with his plans, Clark luggoSlod thai tho Commission ond sian could motl with proporty ownollln tho aroa 10 discuss whaltho ownors 100 as vlablo zoning aUornallvOl boloro boglMlng 10 dovolop a now zoning cologOty, Scon Ilolod that ho would Iiko Ilotl 10 01le!1 suggestions from properly ownor.ln tho uroa bul ho Ilalod thai ho would profor thai a lubComminoo ollho Commission not bo lor mod, Ho IlIossod thai Slatl con IUIVGy IntoroSlS and thon roport back to Iho Commission. Scon advlsod Dano th~tlho CommissIon Opp01l1 10 profor a now zoning calogory lor tho lIact and withoul ono, tho Commission prcbably win not rocommond thai tho lIacl bo onnoxod and rozonod, ! ," ~: I. ~ and MQQl, Discussion 01 applications subminod by John nnd Allegro Dano 10 onnox and rozono a 10.53 ocro lract 01 land 10Clllod soulh and 0011 ollho Inlorsoctlon 01 Sunsot 511001 and HIghway I Wosllrom Johnson County C,2 and M 10 CC.2. (45-day limitation porlod: 00'0110110 JanuOl'f 17, 1091.) Scon nolod Ihalthoso lIoms woro dlscussod along wilh Dovolopmonlllom , I. Larty Schnlttlor, MMS Consullanls, Slalod Ihaltho CommissIon had provlously dlscussod Iho docllno of shoppIng aroos and tho porcolvod docllno 01 tho downlown, Ho Indlcatoa Iho CommissIon noods to look atlho Issuos causing any such docllno and 10 Ipoclflcally addrass lhosa Issuos. Scon Slatod thai ho allumos bolh zonIng lIoms will bo doforrod and suggostod thai 01 tho formal mooting tho CommissIon and mamborl 01 tho public mlghl profor 10 mako lomo oltholr commonls atlhal limo In ordor 10 bo mado lor tho rocord, I I I I I I i ; I I I i' 2. ~,Dlsculllon 01 an amondod application lubmlnod by Frantz Construction. Inc" on bohalf 01 Wilbort Frontz and Edith Frontz, 10 rozono approxlmaloly 0,61 acrOl 01 proporty localod 0811 01 Sycamoro SlIoot and wost 01 Granl Wood Elomontaty School, Irom ID.RS 10 RS,5, (45-day IImllatlon porlod: January 17, I09\.) Scoll raportad lhallhls 110m has rocolvad an unllmllod doforrallrom lho appllconl ulltillho SOVior Issuo Is rosolvod, Clor~ askod aboullho viability of lho allornntlvo 10 corroct ':1 oxlsllng lowor probloms, Scott stalod thaI lhli would bo almost as a~ponslvo as oXlondlng lho lrunk sowor IIno, Moon slalod thai whllo Iho cost Is appro~lmaloly lho samo, lholo Is a lowor nol bonofit bocouso no now land would bo sorvod, Clark askod ~5(, ,.;: , . . .t] tJ q [I ' , -v Planning & Zoning Commission January 14, 1991 Pogo 6 lor Information rogardlng litho land Is In aoquonco or out-oJ.aoquonco, Moon Italod thaI bocouso tho lIocl Is curronUy unsoworoblo, II would probably bo map pod as oul.ol. loquonco, Dovblorg askod 1I1horo could bo a moralorlum on upgrading homos In tho lurcharglng aroa. 3, Qlscuss10n o[lho oroDosal to amend tdI:l45 Zono ronulot!2Jli, Scott Ilaled thaI the Logal Doportmenl has roquolled that Uncoln Helghls notappoar on the Council agendl unlillt has rosoarchod and rovfowod tho Clty'l position rogardlng tho 9 parking Ipacos lor 902 NowIon Road, Ho Itatod thaI tho louth 01 Burllnglon area win bo dlscussod by lome Itall membo,. on January III, 1091, Moen roporlod thai Don Schmollor has proparoJ a dratt 01 tho Intont 01 tho RM.145 zone and Its advantagos, Sho Indlcalod thoro will bo a roport to lho Commission In March and amo,idmenlS 10 tho zono can bo dlscussod 01 that Umo, Scott nolod thallho Commlsslon'l concorns rogardlng tho RM.145 zono havo boon roloyod 10 sloll, Ho suggoSlod delaying lurthor lugge:tlons to tho nrstlormal mooting In March, Clark askod that slall roporls which Involvo rosldontlal dovolopmonl, and Includo conditions on dovolopmonl conlaln a discussion os 1'- tho dollar Incroaso lor slnglo.ramily dwolllngs as a rosult olthoso condillons, Ho luggostod Ihal somotlmos II would bo appro priolo to havo a simplo slatemonllo alort tho Commission to tho ollocl on alfordablo housing, Cook Indlcalod that this typo 01 information would bo virtually Impossiblo 10 quanllly and alrossed thalli cannol ovon bo done lor specined Impacl roes, Dierks oxprolSod concorn that somo changos rosullln positive long torm bonoms thai would nol bo quantlnod, Scott stalod Ihal ho would nol wanllo havo 11011 mako conlocluros becauso this typo ollnlormatlon cannol always bo quantined, Howovor, ho IlIossed thai tho Commission otton dlscums this typo of Inlolmatlon, auch as tho Issuo 01 doublo drlvowoys lor Whlsporlng Moadows, thaI discussion consldorod aoslhotlc and coslS, Bovblorg notod thai It would bo conjvcluro to assumo thai dovolopors will pass cosls onlo buyers bocauso lholr ability to do so will do pond on tho malkol. Clark IlImod that his primary concorn that tho Commission bo awaro 01 olloels on tho alfordablfity 01 housing, Scott Indica led thai tho Commission can mako clear Ilalomenls on this Issuo, ~: Chairperson Scott adjourned tho meellng at 10:21 p,m, Minulos submitted by Mary Jo Noll, mins/I.14pld,mln . ......_.,."..~. '.- ..'..,......., '., ~... "". -. .'...'. .~. .,. .'." . -,' .. .. .' , - -," - ,,'.- , . I I I I I I I I I' i . I I I I ,I I , ,. i I , .' I rM' ...'.. I . .' ,~~) :I i I " , . o . ,tJ' q . , MINUTes IOWA CITY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION JANUARY 28, lD91 SENIOR CENTER CLASSROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Rosalie Sl4tr, Chla.Hsing Lu, Terry Powell, Dorothy Paul, Alison Ames,Qalstad, Fred Mml, Jason Chon MEMBERS ABSENT: Haywood Bolio, Ray Halnos STAFF PRESENT: AlIco Harril, Dalo HoRlng, Anne Bumsldo Nono. None. Nono. Dlanno DlUon.RJdgloy, Kovln O'Brten, NOM, ~: Tho meeUng WII C4lIod 10 ordor by Vlco Chalrporson Chon, Tho nexl Commission meoUng Is schodulod lor Monday, FobruBly 25, 1991,818:00 p,m, In tho Sonlor Conter Classroom, Harris announcod thai MyrUe WIlson Irom HUD will be speaking A moUon was made by Mlms 10 lIjlprove mlnutOI 01 Novomber 28, Stan socondod, Tho moUon carried, ~: Dianne Dlnon.Rldgloy gavo 8 prosonlaUon concomlng making rovlsions 10 tho Human Rlghls Ord/nanco 10 Incorporato tho U,N,languago adopled by tho U,N, Convontlon on ollmlnaUo~ 01 all lorml 01 racial dlscrfmlnatlon, Sho stalod thaI Burt/nglon had adopted ouch languago In lholr ordlnanco and wal In lavor 01 olher munlclpallUos doing Ilkowfso, Sho also spoko to tho rocanl civil rlghla loglslallon thallho lobblod lor, Sho apoko about Sonato Fllo 2197, tho halo crlmos logls/aUon thaI was recontly Pllsod and doos rDqulro unllonn roportlng proceduros, Sho al90 spoke aboul Houso Fllo 2154 whIch mandales local commIssIons and luggosla thai a roglonal concopl ba pulln placo, Sho laid thaI a Sonato ltudy commlttoo Is baing lormod to lurthor :/07 .-.-.,,< -';'''''"'')''>-'> " -.i".,L..'.. i, . I I I' .' , , , !! , t ! I, . Ii I I :, , tl I ! . I i .' /[1 tJ q /f!' .~ Human RIghts Commlasloli January 28, 1091 pogo 2 olplor,tho fOUOlity 01 this concept Bumsldo will rllOllch ~o foastbllity ollocorporating U,N, languogo as an orcinanco rovlslon, Dlscuulon concomlng a roquoll by Jo" Ronandor, oditot oltha Campus Rovfow, to wrlto a 101lor 10 tho Iowa CJty Funnies on his behalf rolChod consonluslhal " was not In tho purview 01 tho Convnlaslon. Stan mado . motion to dlamlu lot lack ollurtldlcUon. PaullOcoOOod. Motion CIIIIod. Paul madt . motlon 10 1000 alonor lilting Commlsslon'l decision 10 Ronandor, Starr IOcondGd. Mollon carrlod, I I " 1 I ...... I , ,. . Ii , , ~: Hillis repoltod 12 o.ymonl WOI lit being 1nv00llgalod DIld 2 housing dlscrimInallon CIIOI. Toam A Report Aaslgrvnonl HIRMS 5.20.9002 NPC, E1A 2-6.9008 NPC on appaal, Conclllallon ogroomont. HIDoP 1-3,9001 PC. $400, Toam B RopoII: HiRMS 11.23.9004 NPC, Toam C Roport E1A 4-11.8906 NPC on eppoal. " , I , I' powoa announcod lhaltho new poQcy on halo CIlmOl hu beon publlshod by tho Unlvorslty 01 . IOWL PaullMouncod lhallho IlnoOOod ttlo MallIn Lulhor KIng Convocation al ttlo University olm She put an lIItIcIo about the human rights awlld glvon 10 VIeIor Arango Litho U,N, nOWllollor. i, I: ~: EleetIon of ttle ChalrpollOn and Vlco Chalrporson was hold, A motion was mado by Powolllor I Yolo. Starr locondod, Thoro was a unanimous YOlo 10 re.olect Haines as Chair ar,d Chon was re.eloctod VIco Chair, Chon uslgnod now conciliation loams, ~: None, Tho moeting was ad/oumod. VuoIo2I.rrin i , I, I i' ! , \ I , . , 1 I ~?i la.."",i''';l<>.~>...~;..!,,,; t" PI"'" oj> ,'~ ....~ h"'... _,'...' ~"........".."........ ,~~---...,..-......_._.-..~ _.... .,. r' .,.. . -"..... .,.,,~. ,..-.- -~. _..'~'- _....,~.". ~_...._,~~-.__.......'""..-- ........".,"fio""'"'->t,\.tt...:l, j , 11 ! I , j, , I I I . i I I ~\~) . - -" "l",- ::f ." .-" HIIIIITI. 1000k CITY IlOIllllIO COIOUIIIOII DIClKDIR 11, 1990 1000A CITY PUILIC LllRARf - ~ C HlHIIU 'IIIUIlT I Iln,..ln oJ. Hoor., klllull., oJ.ok HCHahan, '.ul k. lei!, Rob~ "ltleld'OUru.erle, Rog.r oJ. R.llly \1.~'~lt-( lU\l.~."'''\\ lion. HIHIliII klUIIt' I ITA" 'IIIUIlTI Douq Ioothrey, H.rl.nn. Hllkaan, C.rol 'linn, I.ndl Ichutt, o.or.t.ry Vlrqlnl. .troud 0TI11111 '1IIIIIlTI lion. ClWfOIl/AHlIIDHlHT. TO HI/IIITU 0' '1\IV1OU' HlnllIOl lion. IllCOIOlIIIDATIOHS TO COIJIlCILI Non. HlITING TO OJIDIRI II~O All by Vlol'Chalrptuon lIulll , ORIIHTATIOII FOR HIM HOUIIMO COKKI.IION HlHOIU - lIoullnq , Inlpeotlon '.r,lc'l - Ioothror lIoullnq , Inlpeotlon Ilrvlc'l Inoludll lulldlnq Inlpeotlon, R.ntll Iloutlnq Inlpeotlon .nd Allllt.d lloutlll9. ThI D.partlllnt phnl to be cOIput.rll.d by ,.brulry, 1990. ,lvl Coaal'llon ..ab.r. I'rv. II Ia.rd to h.lr Ippeal. and qrlnt ,arIJnc'l. A '~O.OO f.. II ohlrved to Own.r. to oov.r COlt. Ind dlccour,v. n~-Ihow Ippelll. A total of 11,12~ unit. Ir. lnlpeot.d, with the ,,'orlty on I two-r.lr cyol.. Allo fir. Ilf.ty Inlpeotlonl ar. conduot.d In the off y.arl for frat.rnltl'l Ind lororltl... Dupl.... ar. In.pe~'.u .'ifY thr.. y.ar. and .11191. family "'ry four Y'lr.. An AIIndllnt to the COd. 1. planned to ohanr' th... to .v.ry two y.ar. If th. unit. ar. located In a .ultl-f..lly Ion.. , Hult1-f..Uy unit. ar. lnlpeot.d ".ry two y"ra. llou.lnq QuaUty Itandard. In.peotlon. for A..lltad Houllnq Ir. currlntly bllnq Incorporatld Into HIS Inlpeotlon.. Mon-r.ntal property oln b. In.peet.d on a cOIplalnt bill.. City Counoll ..t. the f... oharv.d for Inlpeotlonl whloh cOVIn .pprod.lttly 70' of the fllndln'il for HII. Itat. COd. ..ndat.. that oltl.. o,.r 11,000 population have . 'Yltllatlo progr.. for hOU'lnq lnlpeotlon.. It.ndlrd. for Vlrllno.. Ir. 11.tld In the HI' COd. look. Appro.1aatlly 200 oltltlon. ar. wrltt.n Innullly. OWn.r. hlv. 60 dlr' to corr.ct. An Iddltlonll ~O dlY' 1. vr.nt.d If progr'I' 1. b.lnq ..dl. If corr.otlonl Ir. not ..d., the Court oln ord.r ,lolltlonl to be oOlpl.t.d. HINUTI'1 Hotlon to .ppro,. the Hlnut'l of Noytab.r l~, 1990, w.. ..d. by lIull., lIoondld by HcH.hon, carrl.d 7-0. CCN IllPORT - "R.IOH/HCKNIOH ',rl.on att.nd.d ...tlnVI for fundlnq r.qu..tl. .h. ,tat.d pr'l.ntltlon. w.r. w.ll don.. HcHlhon att.nd.d the Hoy.ab.r ...tlnq J>,\',I'" ...i .,;,'_,.\,. ,', -.c-," Lo", .,.... ",' ,: :.... ~.,-.... .,,-r., .-,' ~d ','. ",... < tf<S~ ".., .;".,"'! . I I I I I r .." , , , . I , ,I , " \. . tr~' Lf \ j 'IQ' 2 Mlnutll lowI Clty HoullnQ COatl1110n O.c.-b.r 11, 1"0 vhlch lncludld In updlt. on the Affordabl. Hou.lnq TI.k 'arc., . fLLa an the ~oo..w.lt RawLn. .raj.ct, Lntroductlan of alrln 'rlnklLn I' the nIV K.LQhbarhoad 'lIMLnQ coordLllltor, Ind vrap-up of 19'0 fundLIl9' .Ich CCN ..abIr IOnLtar. I .paoLfLc praj.ct throuQhout the Yllr, vLth th. ..c.ptLan of Hou.lnQ ~.hab proj.ct., vhlch Ir. IOnltored by the Hou.ln9 COatl..Lon. Th.r. vlLL be no D.ctebtr ...tlnQ for ecx. c:DBO nou'lMO U.OATI - KltaKAH Kllka&n .tated I nIV nou.LIl9'ILll, the Affcrdlbll Hou.Lnq Act, requLrl' cltLI' to d.wllop I fl'I-Yllr cOlprlh.n.Lwl hau.Ln9 .trltl91 by thl Ind of 1"1, vhLch vLll r.pllcl thl curr.nt Hou.LIl9 A..L.tancI 'lln. The Affardabl1 Hou.Ln9 Aot oOlbLnl' all currlntly ..parltl hau.Lnq IOnLI.. KLlka&n updltld thl 'JCllGrl VLIV projlot. Klry KU9.nt L. the coordLnltor of thl praj.ct. Appro.~tlly fLfty IpplLcatLan. haw. bt.n requllted Ind art btLn9 r.turned. 11011. Ar. to bl .ald for 161,000. Th. fLr.t IOrt91Q' vlll bl $13,000, vLth a davn plfllnt of $2,'00.00- $3,000.00. A .Ll.nt ..cond IOrt9191 Ln th. &IOUnt of $11,000.00 vLll cantlnul lLk. a lLln an the praparty vLth nathLn9 to plJ untLl proparty L. .ald. ThL. lL.n can bt a..WDId by thl ..cond bUJ.r Lf .lL9Lbl.. Thl $40,000.00 Iowa ,1n.ncI Authorlty lOin v.. u..d to Ln.tlll .twlr, ICCI.. drLwI Ind f.ncI by raLlrold. toln 1. to b. r,pILd frOl ta... av.r thl n..t t.n J.ar.. Th. thr..-btdrOOl, 1000 .q ft hau... .rl .11 to be oOlpllt.d by .nd of Klroh or fLr.t of AprLl. Th. fLr.t onl .hould bl don. by the .nd of D.cllbtr. An apan hou.. vLll bt h.ld Ln ~.nu.ry. A nIV'HA .tandlrd. .ltb-hou.Ln9 proj.ot of dupl.... and .1n91. faaLly unLt. 1. btLn9 plann.d n.lr Ian ALrl vLth half of thl loti low ca.t. IlOm"o AUTHO~ln IllfORT . rLl"" , -S.otLan . .nd PublLc Hau.Ln9 Updltl . ,lLnn r.vLIV.d th. IOnthly .\lt1ltLo.. -DL.ou..Lon of ApplLcatLon c.rtLfLcatLan 'L9~ltur.. - d.f.rr.d untLl aft.r Orllntatlan 1. pr...nt.d. Hoar. hlndld out copLI' of "ov.lber 14, 1"0, llttlr fro. ~ack a..p. commL..lan ..-b.r. f.lt th.y n.od.d to know .or. about thl PHA lnt.rnal prae.durol blforl ..kln9' dlc1l10n. . DUC:UIIIOKI "ani ADJOURNHlHTI KatLon for Ad'aurMllnt It 10.30 III VII .Id. by lIuhl, ..condld by RIllly, oarrlld 1-0. Approved by. ........~...... ....d~..',"'-, _'0.'.... ""'~"'.' " ;- ... ,p... ......., . . I I I I I I I I j' ! , I' !. I I, , ~r .,'" l\~) - [I tJ "'~g S -- .' ' HnUTIS IOIIA cln IIOUSINO COHHIIIIO" JANUARY I, 1991 IOIIA cln .UBLIC LIORARY . ROOK A MlHIIU .UIIII'1'I Ilnj..ln J. IIoOrI, Al lIulll, Jlck Helllhan, Robin '1Itlald-Durwllrlo, RoQlr J. RIlllr, Dorot~r ..man I Pcw.I. e~ I j HIHIIRI ADIIII'1'I 'hul r9~~ AJC\'\~..,I ItAl' ,nallKtl Doug Ioothror, Karllnnl Hllkaln, Annl lurnlldl, Ron IIlndlnon, lIentuy vlrglnll stroud otlllRl .RlIIII'1'I Nonl ClWlOI'/NII"DMlII'1'I to HI"UTlI 0' .RlVIOIII MlItINOI addld to HlHIIRI ,.RlOINt at 12-11-90 Hlltlng. RlCOHKINDAtIO"S to council. Nonl Dorothr .arnan MlItINO to ORDlRI 1132 AM br Chalrptnon IIoOra ORIINtAtIO" roR IIIIl 1I0USING COHHlISIO" IIIlUIIRI . CDDO .r09r.. . Hl1ka1n tha COIDUnltr Dlvllopmant Block Grlnt .r09r.. WII crlatld In 1974 which put t09lther varloUl gnntl. 1I0ullng IIIhab111tatlon ltartld In low. City In 1971. 0011 of thl pr09r.. II to lalntaln and upgradl haualng atock by providing flnanclll aallltanel to low and modi rata lncOll h~ownlrl to IIka rlpalrl and improvement I to thllr heala. 1I0ullng Rehabilitation .r09r..1 lnolude cceprehenalve Ileal I.provlltnt, Weatherlaatlon, 'alnt/Ildlng, lIIaldentlal Aece.alblllty, and IDtrgener Repair Aaalatancl. 'Inanclal'A..l.tan-'1 1. madl In tha fOri of dlrlct grant., low-lntlr.at loan I and dlflrrld-payment loan.. A total of 386 prollctl havI btln rlhabUltatld thorough 1990. 'the Ilcuelng R.ntal Rehabilitation 'r09r.. etarted In Iowa City In 1984 to par for rehabilitation of rental unit. and to aalntaln effordabll renta for lO\/tr lncOQl penone. 'thle loan pr09r.. Ie avaUable to ownere of rlntel property locatld In 'target Nelghborhooda at 50\ of the Illglbll rehabilitation co.t. A total of 129 unite have be rehabllltatld with Rlntel Rehabilitation fUnding through 1989. HINUTlS, Kotlon to approve thl Minute. of December 11, 1990, with the correction, w.e IIde br .er..on, .Icanded by HcHahon, carried 6-0. CCN RI'ORt . HcHahcn. 110 CCII Decamber lIetlng. . :l5i t'~'~l,"",:i;:..."li;:j,..lll-j.,<:I"";';.i ;_,:._,<" ~ or, ,'ir:.i-:\.. .~, .:.;.'. ,.,,;,~. ..'- .. ".-",~. ~.i,,,.,,, ,.'.,',0, ',.: ',....\ ,,"'f "".: -1.'-' .... .-j, '. .... i ,>, '. .,.'..' ;,..,;, ,(.,.' ),..,." j ~ ,~.. ". ' ">.~.'"~.",, 'i.'\f_J..;! i";;...;:!:'.~_);.r,,,:; - I I I. I .;.~ , I , i,i i' , .. , 1 r '1 j , t , I I I \ ! , i , I I l , ,i ;1 , I '. l , ;. /, , I . '- -" ..[1, tJ' g b/" ....- PAC, 2 M IIlIltU JOllA cln UOUIIIl4 COIOUIUOlI JM\lAIlY " lItl COIO UOU'11l4 mATI - MUkaln Mllkaln Innounc.d In Optn HouI. for 'rclICr. Vlew to b. h.ld on Jlnulry 15, 1"1. A totll of 15 .llVlbl. IppllCltlonl had bI.n r.c.l,ed froe parlon. to purohll' the hOltI. Th. d.ol.lon for ..l.ctlon of the final .l. 1. blled on the .11' of the f..lly and th.lr ablllty to pay. Mary Lt. Dllon wll1 be worklnv wlth the l.nd.r. and the buy.r. to ..cur. flnanolnv. Mllkaan dl.trlbut.d copl.. of the 1"1 COIO lud9tt '\lMlry. MUkaan luted .h. WOIIld be 90lnV to lIa.hlnvton DC to att.nd. ...tlnv for lnforaatlon on d.,.loplnv the city" new fl"-rear coepr.h.nll'. hou.lnv Itrat.qr plan vhlch II r.qulr.d by the new 1\01I.1119 1111. UOUIlJO AUTllOAln QrollT . R.nd.non . ..otlon' and rubllo 1\01I11119 Update - H.nd.rlon r.,ltvtd IOnthly .t.tl.tlc. handout. H.nd.r.on Itat.d that nln. c.rtlflcat.. wer. funded by HUD froe the application for twenty-fl,' that val .ublltt.d. Hlnd.rlon dl.trlbuted copl.. of "Provr.. Int.vrlty Bull.tln" dat.d Mowtlbtr, 1"0, to eoaal.llon IIIbIrl. DllCO.IION - ~n. ADJOU'IlIIIlIIlTI Kotlon for Ad,ourllMnt at '12' NI ,VII ..d. bY,llOOr., ..cond.d by Hull', carrl.d I-D. Ilpprowed by I " . ~ ..l"..~' ':'<.!,:';_'-,~",O' ..; ,',!.: r, ".",' .....:~ ""...~;;;..i,:.~_.."'" i~"",...".~iJ,,_,;'i"~' ,;' ,,~,,~ ;.l.i'.~~;; ;,,'1., ....,..'...., ,: I'" ,. "",', 'i~, .<-" '. ",,',-,;, -.' ,-,: ,......., , -,"'- "'''' ... " .. ,-,; -,'" ,:' -, :..',' ,; . . I I I' .,' I . ~ " i ~ , ;! i' . " , ..~~~.. '" ~I_,..'h.'" \"""'" ,...,-"."....".'. -,Ii;,' I I: i' I I I, I I , , I, I I I " , . - . ~ . I 'tJ t g ~l" -' r I 5\J~) l)".'T I - I I MINUTES , , BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION I I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18. I~I .5:111 P,M. I CMC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS I' I ." MEMBERS PRESENT: Troy SIOVO"" Jayco Pinon, lllIMo RucltIIkJ I MEMBERS AIlSENT: PluI Claolll. Doug lOwon , , I STAFF PRESENT: ShallOt, CorroW, HOIllng, BtIU, Bumlldo I , I OTHERS PRESENT: KIIItfn Evonaon, Dowoy McGulro, 011 Blough I , ., Nono, B~: Nono, T~onnlal rovfow and cablo TV rokanchlalng/ronowo/ nogoUallont, ~: Slovont IMOUncod thai K10410n will bo rellgnlng lor rouonlthal ho had movod kom Iowa City, CoIolla', end Panon'l torml will a110 bo Ondlng. In olloct. 11110O polldona win bo sopMaloly IMOUllCOd lor orc 10111, Eyonlon reportod lhallho PATV hll ordorod a now Amlga computor, tho PA TV hat boon InvoNod with community OUItoach and promoUon, and Iundraltlng, Tho toll! rallod by PATV 10 dato It $543. Tho CIty, u por a provlous agroomon~ will malch Ih/s monoy don., lor dollar 10 purchllo oqufpmonllor PATV Ila" and community uso. Shallor Introducod Anno BUlIlIldo, now Alllllanl City A1lomoy uIIIUng tho OTC, Sha"or roported lor tho ECC IIIUng thoro hll boon a groal doal olactMty kom DIana Paullna and hor CEC Iludonll who hayo producod now pr!)Qramt and crootod . now Ichool locUon lor Goyommonllnrormallon Channol 29', InlormaUon Sorvlco, Blough roport~ on tho 1900 hlghllghll lor HO/llago Cablovlllon, IIIUng much ayalom upgrading, INET oxpanslon and a not goln of 000 lubscrlboll lor lGllO, Blough wu quOlUonod In rogMd to tho polSlblllty olluturo ralo lnerouOllor all tho upgrading, McGuko roportod lor tho Iowa City Public Ubrary" A V lab, McOulro 'aid ho anondod his nlll Publlo, EducaUonol, GOYOrnmonl (PEG) cooporallvo mooUng, McOulro ,aid thai tho AV lab win bo purchlllng a now odlllng syllom loon, Shaffor roportod lOyon complalnll, 011001 which wllsonl by lonor complainIng oboultho roconl ralo lneroa.., Shallar Itatod thai Holling end hlmlolf win IIy 10 havo tho rorranchlllng conlultant RFP roady lor tho noxt BTC mooUng, Blough olaboralod on TCI'I purchaso 01 HO~logo, Blough foil conndonlthol TCI', lronllUon wilt bo transparonl oxcopl on tho corporalo IOYOI, Blough allo Ilatod tholln Iowa City II novor will bo a TCIIYllom and Horllogo', community nlll phllolophy will romsln. Dllcusslon turnod to tho rolranchlllng ronowal procoII and tho Trlonnlal Rovlow, Shalfor Ilolod thaltha RFP may bo complolod In FobruOl'J and a conlultant Ihould bo hlrod by MarchlAprlllo a"'11 wllh tho procm, I ,I ,j I i I I ! I I I , 1 I I' ! I , .' f.,;.'., 1 ;j,.'".i,.., ; '., J59 - [rlj~' q- 8,:; " . . : Oroadbend Tolocommunlcadonl CommIlllon January Ill, 1091 P.go 2 ~: Tho mooting wel CIllod 10 Ofdor .1 :;: 15 p,m. ~ wu movod by RucInIkl, aocondod by P.tton,lo .pprovo thO DocombW I D, 1900, BTC mlnutOl wIIh name corroctlonl 01 Troy StOYOl\l and 0IaM0 RucInIkl, UnanImously Ipprovod, Stovonl announcod th.1 lOamn hu movod \0 Solon end wlIl bo unablo \0 romaln u · CommIlllonor, Alto CUolllol end Patton'l lorms ond In March. In offoct. throa pollllonl Ytlll bo lopar.toly IMOUIlCod 101 BTC 10.11, None, ~: i I' I I EVOnlon announced th.1 PATV hot Ofdorod . I1WI Amlga computor, SIlo conUnuod by announcing thaI tho community ouIIoach promoUon hu begun end lhatod with tho CommIlllon tho idOl 01 offorlng vkloo valonUnoI \0 tho community Vlh/dl would bo IO\uP In tho Old Capitol Man, Evonson laid thaI PATV offorllal Iundralllng total $543 and ~ WU lUOgOltod 10 E\'OllJon th.ltho PATV roquOlI tho CIty" m.tchlng grant on . quartorly bull. Evonson roportod lhaltho Iltalogy planning mooting lor PATV has boon ,chodulod lor FobnJary 8 end g, ~: Shiffer lnItoducod Anno Oumlldo, now Allllllnl City AlIomoy, Oumsldo hu bogun rOlOotchlng and rovlowlng cablo-rol.tod llluol, Althll Urno, Iogal lorOloOl no problom with tho PATV guldollnOl .. propolod, Tho oTC Commllllonorl will YOlo on rocommondlng tho PATV guldonnOllo CIty Counclloltho noxt OlC mooUng, Ruclnsld quolUono<l whothorlOOal hu had Umo 10 rovlow tho TCI/Horll.go Itanllor, Shaffor commonlod th.llogal end tho consulllnll win look Inlo tho mattor, ~: Shaffer roportod lor tho ECC ..~ng thoro haa boon I groat doal 01 aclMty Irom DIana paunna and CEC Iludonll producing now programl and tho C1oaUon 01 a now achoollOctIon on Govommonllnlormodon Channol 29 Informadon SorvfcOl, Tho Ichool ,ocUon on InlormaUon Sorvlco IIsl1 Ichoolluncl1ol, lporta ovonll, and mooUng announcomonll and School Board .gondp~, l I ;'59 \ e..... ,,~,.-. .......... ,.,.,.... .....~.. w_.. .,.--.>,1'_<,. '.,""h<"...i....;,..';;.;..~.._.~ .. ....._.._...., ...n""'-_'~"._' . I I " I I I ,.- j I . I I I . , .' , . , . , I , I I , !. I " I . , I ! - - . . ...- Broadblllld TolocommunlcaUon. Commission January 16, 190 1 PGgo 3 tlElllT~: Blough roportod on tho hlghllghll 011 D90 lor Horlllgo CablO'l\llon, noting thoro has boon I good doal 01 Jytlom upgradIng. Slough lald lht INET" now buUllo tho r.ounly building In Iowa City, Blough also nolod that IocaJ Iowa City nowslt now on Channol2, KCRG will havo nowt morta on hoadllno nows, and tho TBS, WON, and Nashvtllo channolt aro In Iloroo now IIId posllbly throo moro channoll will add Iloroo In tho MUll, Blough laid thoro 110 now 2O,~ lubscribora, 30,000 now WOIk ordora woro procossod In 1900, IIId thoro was I not gain 01110O lublerlbora In 1900, Also lor 1900, Horltago CablO'l\llon hu built 32 mllol 01 now Jytlom It tho coat 01 $490,000 with pIn 01 adding 12 Iddldonal mllos 01 now Jytlom In 190\. Blough also Iddod that C-SPAN radio hu boon addod 10 FM u won u VHS.I, Blough laid atrf cablo Jytlom robulld would Includo ftbor opllc8, Ho dlscullod lomo 01 tho advantagos 01 ftbor opllc8, which would Includo addlUonal channol. and IOMcoI, Also tho wlmbllng hatdwato will bo 011. promlSOl, nol allowing tho oublerlbor 10 lampor with IL Ruclnlld ukod lItho Iddldon oltholo oorvfcos IUch u Iloroo copablllty will couso ralos to Inctoaso, Blough lorolaw no now 1110 Inerouo at this Umo, Ho 1001. In 1091 ,omo Idnd 01 ralo rogulallOil may como kllli i~oct, dopondlng upon tho outcomo olloglslaUon, AJ for ftbor opllc8, that would havo 10 bo WOIkod out botwoen tho company and tho City during tho rolranchlllng prOCOSl, ~: McGuire luppllod monthly Ilallsllca for tho Iowa City Publlo Ubrary'. AV lab actMllos, roportlno 8 now programs, eo AV lab Ilgn-ups, and 33 camcordor checkouts, McGulro dlscullod hllllrll PEG occoss cooporallvo moollng, Olscusalon of clb'.owllng all accost channols Irom undor ono rool occurrod. Bob Hardy will bogln loavlng City CouncU l.pos In tho library lor clUzon chockout purposos, McGulro concludod, announcing thai tho Iflwa City Public Ubrary AV lab will bo purchulng a now odlllng Jytlom. am: . Shaltor roportod sovon complaints this month, ono 01 which was IOnlln lo"or lorm complaining about roconl ralo Incroasos. Anottlor complaint was rGgardlng Chllllnol 29 lound probloml during tho City Councll moo ling which hu boon lakon cara 01, Shalfor announcod that all STS/Cablo TV GovGmmonlltalt havo boon goltlng lo"lod 01621 South Dubuquo Sl/ooL Shaltor Invltod oJl 10 vlslL Shaltor announcod thaI Holling and hlmsolf havo boon proparing tho rolranchlslng conlultant RFP, Shaltor Ilalod thll RFP Ihould bo roady lor tho noxl BTC mooUng, Ono 01 tho complaints Shaltor rocolvod Involvod a clllzon wanUng his coblo blllltomlzod, Thll complaint woe from Mr, Dick Gibson, Stavonl askod Blough If Mr, Gibson', coblo bill can bo Itomlzod, Blough will chock Inlo this. but 10rosoOl no problom, Blough woe ukod 10 olaborato In rogard 10 tho TCI buyoul of Horltag6, Blough Ilolod lI,al ho will romaln with tho company and tho .yolom In Iowa City will oUII bo Horllago CsblO'l\alon and olalo orncOl In Dos Molno. will romaln Horllago pooplo, although tho corporato orncOI will chango managomonl, Blough bollevos tho \ranalUon wUl bo \ransparontlo Iowa City oporaUonl, Although thoro will bo procodural chang os, For Inatanco, billing will bo lonl to Do. Molnos and paychocks will bo IOnl Irom Kansas City. Slovons askod II Iowa City ClIIl bo claSllftod as a TCI IYltom, Blough answorod, Ilatlng It novor will bo, TCI owns 81% and Comcosl owns 19%, buIlt atlllll callod Horllago Cablovlslon, In Iowa City, tho koy managomonl pooplo aro 11II1In placo, allowing lOll JJ9 , . . . t] " [I [I J ,- , , ; . DtOldbend TolocommunlcaUons coml1'Jlllon January 18, 1091 Pag. 4 TCI changOl 10 occur, TCI'I woakosl points ilO In markoUng end manogorlal, which aro Horttago'l IlIong polnta. In Iact. TCI haa bogun 10 Incorporalo Horllago Idoaa, Ruclnsklaharod hot rOlorvadonl abcut TClaa a eablo company, BloUgh ,aid ho wlllllav with TCI u long aa ho bGUovo.tho communlty It gol\Jng V/halthoy nood, But 'I this Umo, ho dOOllool conftdonlabou\ TCI, P.BOCESSANPmIEN~~;:"S~~C6.EANDiiFlNEMENTOFBTCCO~ ~: Shlffor mado available Umo 10 d\SCUIs with CommllllonOto IndMduaJl'f quosUona and concoms In regard 10 tho Trtonnlal RovIow, rolranchlslng proco.., end tho cablo company, Once thOlo quOldonl end concoms are ronnod, they will be IOnl by tho BTC to Blough 10 thai ho may havo Umo to rOlpond prtot 10 tho TrtoMlaI RovIow, In roloronce 10 I Umo IIno, Shaffor rospondod thaI tho RFP will bo ftnIlhod aomoUmo In FobnJary end a CONul\anlahOUld bo hlrod by Marcl\lAprll, ~: Blough 1IIIod 10 Evenson thai ho will be IOndlng tho CPI ftgurOl concornlng tho amounl 01 monoy Hortllgo win glvo 10 PATV, at por tho conlllct ogroomonL ~: Movod by Plllon, locondod by RudnSkl, 10 adjourn. UnanimousI'{ approvod. Adjournmonlll 8:10p,m, Rolpeclfully lubmllled, ~fr Broldband TolocommunlcaUonl SpocIaI1ll \bIol.le.mIn , ' ~5~\ . ... _ "'__.._....._......___._. ,.. ........._....... .._ .......................... ,....._...-..........._... .._ ......w._._.._._....."...>I , . . " . I \ I , I I , i i. I: i I ! I , , I, i I, I I i I I i , I I I \ ~~~ . t] : I " [I , I '. I"~ , HINUTES PARKS , RECREATION COKHISSION JanulIrY 9, 1991 HEHOERS PRESENTI HEHOERS AOSENTI STAFF PRESENTI OUESTSI FORMAL ACTION TAKEN! ELECTION OF OFFICERS! PROPOSED ARTS FACILITY! -" "" ~.~_.....~~",<-.... _, ,,__,_ .,_,.'.'A __ .,',.,..... ..' 0111 Brandt, aaryl Ilonry, Karon Ilradok, sill stoinbroch, 000 Vandorhoof, John Watson, Hary Woidolan, Todd Wolk Cra111 w1l1h Carroll, Kriz, Horan, Truoblood shirloy wrrick and Dobbio Burqor - roprosontat vos of tho Arts Faoi1ity Committ.o Movod ~y "~nry. socondod by Hr8dok. to aDDrovo tho mlnutoR or tho Oocombor 12. 1990 Moot.ing 00 wrltton. Unanimous. On behalf of the nOlinatlnq COllll1ttOO, steinbroch rocollondod that Watson bo rOllppointod al Chair, and Weidoman be appointod as Vice-Chair. Movod ~y steinbrocb. lUlcondod by Weldolllln I that: John Watson be roftopolntod liB tho Pnrkfl , Rocreation ,olliosion Choir tor 1991. Unanimous. ~ ,by stolnbroch. Boconded by Hrftdek. to appoint Mor:y Wddomon 1I11 Vicll-Chftir tor 1991. Unftnlmoul!I. shirloy wyrick and Dobbio Ourqer, representatives of the Artl Facility Committoe, preBonted and dilcussed tho concoptual drawinQs of the proposed roqional cultural centor. Watson asked who would be the owner and operator of tho faoility. wyrick stated it wal unknown at this time, and that thoy wore in the process of qettlnq a tlnancial toaalbllity study dono. Weldeman Itated tho COlDIDilsion would be intorested in soeinll tho feasibility study when completed. Watson complimentod tho job dono in ostablishinq income produoinq Bpaco, such as rotaU and conforence, that will help subsidize portions that cannot pay tor thomsolves. Wyrick stated she anticipated the tacility beinq dosiqnatod as a non-protit orqanhation, whlle stUI boinq a talC paid entity. Vanderhoof asked it thoy antioipated the tacUity boinq on tho talC roles. Trueblood stated if it was a city-owned tacility it would not be on the property talC ...-. ~ '-, "',-... ~~O . \" ,;\j~'; . -I .;,' ..--. .. . I I I I I I I r .' , , , ,. , " I I I, , I I , ! I I, , , :t ,. ! t] " [I 2 ' STRATEGIC OO~LS AND PRIORITIES I PROPQSED SOCCERI SOFTD~LL SPORTS COMPLEX I l' ARK , RECREATION FOUND~TIONI RYERSONS WOODS COMMITTEE I 1......'..J'.>.......,......"...." ,_, ,_.~""~ "."" ... . rolu. Ifrtldok atAtod aho Celt the CaoUity would bo An oxtrAordlnuy boneCit Cor IOWA City. BrAndt Inqulrod AS to tho prollalnory Cl)st t"r such A fAcility. wyrick atGtod it was t'A oArly at this tilllo to talk about a bottOB line Clguro. Burgor stAtod tho concoptuAl drAwings includo ovorything thoy would liko, but thAt In tho Cuturo cuts lAY nood to bo DAdo. Th, cOlllisalon roviowod thoir list or ItrAtogic gosll And prloritioa. VArioua itOBS woro cOlbinod, doloted or rowordod. WAtson atatod ho would IIAko tho nocoasAry chango. And provido it to tho cOlIDiasion ror rinAl roview. Tho COIIDlsaion will eatAbliah tillo rrAlllos And Action atopa At noxt 1II0nth'a looting. Stoinbrech inquirod Aa to tho n~xt stop with rogArd to tho proposod aoccor/aortbAll aporta cOllplox. Truablood indicotod tho coat oatilllAtoa naodod to bo rinAlizod And roviewod br thll COllllllilll1on prior to ApproAching tho C ty counoll to obtAin A rororondulII dAtO. VArioua lIombarl indicAtod thoy would like the rerorondul hold in HAY. Tho cOlllllliaaion diaouaaed inclUding tho ronovAtion or tho youth Qirla' aortball cOlplox At NApoloon PArk All put or tho proposod puk/aporta cOlllplex rorerondulII, with tho QonorAl opinion to do ao. BrAndt inquirod ir atArr hAd invoatiQAtod how lIIuch Arroct ApprovAl or tho rororendulII would hAve on tho AvorAgo Iowa City tAxpAyor. Truoblood atAtod tho dol1gn plAna And coat oatilllAtos, AlonQ with Approxilllate coat to the tAxpAyor AccordinQ to vArioua rerorendulII AllIounta could be Addrollod At noxt 1II0nth's 1II0otinQ. woidolllAn roportod that Doe VAnderhoor hAs Bgreod to aorve Aa the rourth cOlllllliasion lIIombar on tho roundAtion. WAtson Asked thAt An ovorAll UpdAtO on tho roundAtion be givon At noxt 1II0nth's looting. IfrAdok roportod she would bo 1Il0eting with A tuU export rrolll. tho Departlllent or NAtUrAl Rosourcoa And lIIelllbors or tho cOlllmittee to 2 ,\, ~~O . 1 I I ! I I ,i . I I , I ] j 1 j I \ I I I I I I' I .,- ,I I I .r , I I , to , I , :' L . tho trailll. Sho Indlcatod IIho had Dot with pog HoElroy-Frallor (rOD tho Hayor'lI Youth EDploYDont ProqraD rogardlng thll1 bocoDlng a I' Hayor'lI Youth projoct. I , ,.' ! COMMISSION TIME, IIonry indlcatod ho Willi approachod by I/n Individual Inquiring all to why thoro 11 nothing In thll1 cOlaunlty In toras of clallllos for youth In wrolltllng until tho junior high ayo. Horan statod thllt City IUgh and WOl/t II gh both run a wrelltling pr09ral for 6th , gradorl. Truoblood IItatod thllt no Intorolt hl/d boon oxprollod tor a olty-oporatod wrolltllng pr09ral, but IItaff could dotor.lno what Is Ilvallablo In this aroa. Watson Indlclltod that At ono thlO affillato groupll woro lilltod In tho Rocrolltlon Div1elon brochuro. Truoblood IItlltod thll1 Willi droppod " .' duo to tho slzo of tho brochuro, but Indlcatod I Itaff would look into tho pollllbl1lty of rollploaontlng this In upcollng brochuroo. CHAIRMAN'S Watson stlltod hili goal tor 1991 wI/a to dooldo REPORT, whllt tho cOlll'lion's goalll woro IInd to holp accolplish thai. DIRECTOR'S Truoblood roportod on tho fOllowing, REPORT, , Budaotl staff hili boon infor.od that tho i !. final FY92 budgot will bo distributod IIh~rtly, , with indications that vory tow additionl/l '1 personnol roquosts ero rocollondod, but 10lt I capital outlAY roquolts are rocollllondcct for fur.ding. HorCllr Park Aauatlc Center/School Dll1trlc~1 Tho School Dilltrict hili oloctod to roduco its UIIO ot tho facility by ono porcont and thoroby roduco its cost shllro porcontago by tho salo alount. Tho not roduotion to tho FY92 oltillltod nporating budget i8 $1,960. I' ADJOURNMENT, Movod bv Ifrlldoki lIeconded . by nr8ndt: i tQ I: lldjou~D. UnllnimoulI, Tho looting adjournod at I 8110 p.l. I I I , , : ! , & ~ J I ........b......,'~<.;...;..~i~,'-',"i'_'"_.,,....~~,. ..,.~,..'., '_'" "~',_~ ",' ...." J.~O . . 'I I ~t\" < [I' 'I [I.. Y /' . MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION JANUARY 18, 1991 .7-:10 P,M, SENIOR CENTER CLASSROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Rogor Brunor, Loron Horton, Doug Jonol, WlDlam Stolnbroch, Robort Wachal, Dawn Willis MEMBERS ABSENT: Joo Facklor, Donold Otto, AI Robal, AI SItoh STAFF PRESENT: Melody Rockwoll, Mary Jo Nolf OTHERS PRESENT: Torry Dahms, pog McElroy Frasor Cha!rpol8on Wacha! callod tho mooting to ordor 017:30 p,m, Horton movod 10 approvo tho mlnutos 01 tho Oclobor 17, 1990, and tho Docombor II, 1990, mootlngs, Jonos IOcondod, Tho moUon carrlod 8.0, Peg McElroy Fraior ruportod that tho Mississippi Rlvor Consorvatlon Corps works on pr%cts lor ono wook In oach 01 Ibo particIpating stalos: Iowa, Wlsconsln and Minnosota. Sho nolod thaI throo 01 tho IIx participants Irom Iowa woro from Johnson County, Sha rovlowod alldol 01 tho projocts lor tho CommissIon, Projocts Includod a handlcappod accosslblo trail, InspltaUonal lOoting aroa, comploUon 01 a split rail fonco, trail construcUon and ongoing envlronmonlal oducatlon, Fraser IndlC310d thai a nlne.stalo projoct Is bolng dlscussod lor luturo lummors, 1, I I I : Wachal slalod thaI this commlttooshould Includo a liaison with Friends of tho Iowa Rlvor Sconlo Trail (FIRST) and ho notod that Brunor Is on tho 1I00ring commlttoe lor FIRST, Rockwoll otalod that final placomont lor tho rlvor corridor slgnago lUll noods to bo dOlormlnod, Willis Indlcatod thaI aho will complolo 1110 slldo Ihow In cooporatlon wllh Casoy Cook. Wachal notod that FIRST should bo Involvod In tho complation 01 tho slldo show bocauso thoy may bo usIng tho Illdo show lor prosantatlons to lorvlco clubs, It was dolormlnod that Brunor, Willis and Stroh would sorvo on this commlttoo with Cook and Dahms 01 FIRST. 2, ~: Willis agrood to choIr tho Boat Safoty Wook and tho library DIsplay subcommlttoos. Horton will sorvo on tho Photo Conloslsubcommlttoo and Jonos will sorvo on Iho Library Display subcommlttoo, Rockwoll agrood to contact Stroh to 800 If ho will continuo to choir tho Photo Conlosl subcommlttoo, Wacha! suggostod that FIRST bo Involvod wllh tho library display, Willis suggoslod thaI tho library display focus on tho rlvor corridor Iralllhls yoar, 3, Accoss CommlllQl!: Jonos agroodlo choIr lho commllloo, Wacha! will sorvo as a mombor and Stroh will bo contaclod to soo " ho will continuo 10 sorvo on tho commlttoo, :(~I . i I , , I I , , I , , . M <.' _ .' fl .' :,.. f [I S . . -- t.lJnutol RlYorlront Commlsslon JlIIlUIII'f 18, 1001 Poo02 II, WO Commlnoo: Wachal ItlIlOO thalthll commlttoo should Includo tho Chalrporson 01 tho Commfsslon, Jonos nolod that ovon whon COBO funds aro not rocolvOO by tho j' Commission, tho appllcadon procm 10rvOS as a Ilago lor acqulrlng othor lunds, i Rockwon lugooslOO that planning for all COBG requosts lhould ~In In July lIIld August 81olnbroch agroOO to 10IVO on tho commlttoo 10 coordlnalll offorts with tho Parfls and RoCtoaUOn Commission, Rockwon agroOO to ask Stroh II ho would IOrvo on tho commlllOO, 8. !I2Iln12n.Countv Consorvatlon Q2nllUlalson Commlltoo: Brunor Ggrood 10 continuo IOrv\ng on this commlltOO, Rockwon notod thai a mooUng will bo hold lomo dmo around . March 10 coordlnalo ollorts with tho Johr.lon County ConlorvaUon Board to updalo tho Iowa Alvor COIIldor Plan, Horton ond Willis agrood to condnuo to 10rvO on tho commllloo, Wach4llugoOllOO InvoMng FIRST. 7, ~W!lJIuroau Commlltoo: Wachal luggoslod that this commlnoo luncdon by luggolUOn lrom tho Commlsslon, 8, Qg,~~: Wachal Ilatod thaI tho onUro Commission was rosponslblo lor rovlow 01 dovolopm~nt projocts within tho rlvor corridor. g, Blvor Corrkl2r.f[9tpctlon Commlttoo: Jonos agreod to continuo as ChaIr and Brunor will conUnuo to 10rvO on this commlnoo, Wachal agroOO to ask Olto II ho would 10rvO on this commlttoo, 10, ~rnlI122: Rotkwoll ItatOO thaI tho Cornmlsslon oxprossOO an Inlorost In , having biologIsts 110m tho FIsh & Wlldllfo Sorvlco ond tho Corps of Englnoora and ltall I , Irom tho IoWD Natlonol Horitllgo Foundadon to ovaluato tho wodands, 8M statOO thaI tho I I FIsh & W1ld1llo biologists aro Inlorostod In dovolop11llllntorprotlvo woUond parks thalaro Bccosslblo, bul protoctod, Jonol notod thai thoro Is a nood 10 Idondly tho romalnlng I wotlllllds and thon to dotormlno whal aroas aro threalonod, Brunor agrood to chair this commlttoo and Jom and Horton to sorvo on this commlttoo, . 11, ~: Wachal agrood 10 continuo sorvlng on thIs commlltoo, Ho Italod thai ho would IIko Rlvor City V 10 bo hold In Iowa City slnco this tho Iowa City CommissIon was rOlponslblo lor loundlng tho ltalowldo, annual conforonco, Ho notod thai hosUng tho conleronco In 1991 will roqulro Involvomont by Iho ontlro Commission, 12, ~: Willis agrood to chair tho commUtoo and Robal will bo I contactod rogardlng sorvlng on this committee, I I" Thoro was a consonsus thai the prforitles are roasonable as IIstod and II was suggostod thai periodlo roports bo schodulod Irom tho commlttoos, Wachal roportod thai tho March 10 mooting WllS cancolod bocauso 01 an Ico storm, Ho Indlcalod that II was roschodulod lor January 22, 1991, and tasks should bo asslgnod at thai mooUng, ~~I '. r'., .".', .....,.'.. .-....~, , [/- " [I 'b j cP~1 . .1 . . , ~., t] '" cr '1'- . M1nutos Rlvorlronl Commission JanulllY 16, 1091 pogo 4 I I I I I I i' , ,.' NOMINAnONS: Horton nomlnalod Wachallor Chalrporlon. WIlli' locondod. WIlli' nomlnatod Brunor lor Vlco-ChDlrpollon. Jonoa locondod. TlIOro wore no olhOr nomlnatlonl. Stolnbroch movod \haltho nomination, be clolOd. Horton IOcondod. TlIO motion pmod unanlmoully, MOnON: Jonol movod 10 olocl Wachalal Chalrporaon and Brunor II V1co-Chalrporaon by acclamation. WIlli' locondod. Tho motion pOllod unanlmoulty. WachaJ thankod tho Commission lor IIIIUPPOr\. , " .' Wochal roportod thai Bob Sayro II activo In tho Hoovor Natura TraU organization and bollovOl tho trail Ihould link with tho Iowa Rlvor Conldor trail, Ho has lpoclna kloas aboul how and wharo UIO Unk.up Ihould occur. Thoro wal a consonsus to havo Wachal con14ct Sayro 10 lpook 10 tho Commission allts FobruolY moot~, Wachal roported 11I01 lovoral yom ago tho Commission had roquollod 10 havo III lcope broadonod to Includo Ralston Crook and olhor tribUtarlos, Ho noted that now tho Rlvorfront Commission has a track rocord tll Ihow thallI can oxpand Ita aroa without roqulrlng additional Itall asslstanco, Wachalllxprossod 11I0 concom lIIat no othor City Commlsalon spooks lor lonlltlvo onvlronmonl aroas, IUch as wooded ravlnos, whlch aro tho IOCOnd gIGOlost natural loaturo In Iowa Clly. Ho IndlClIlod that ho wouklllko to ask thai tho Commlsslon bo roconlUtulod as tho Iowa City Rlvorlronl and Envltonmonlol Commission, Ho nolod thaI tho Commllalon'l main chargo Ihould romaln tho Iowa Rlvor boCllUIO Ills Iowa CIty'1 malor onvlronmonlalloaturo, Thoro was a cons~nsuslo havo Rllckwoll and Wachal PUIIUO 11I11 offort, Horton luggostod thai tho proposod nama lor tho Commission clarify that II Is 11I0 naluraJ onvltonmont that Is 11I0 concorn, Jonas luggoslad using tho tarm nalural rosourcollnstoad 01 onvlronmont to ovokltho appoaranco thatlho Commission would bo Involved In UiO oconomlc lido 01 onvltonmonlal \saUOI, IUch 01 rocycllng, Wacholluggoltod that tho lorrn natural onvlrons bo uled and thon roquoslod thatlho Commlsslonoll call him with luggOlllons, Jonol Ilatod lhat ho wont to Now Orioans and noted 11I0 rlvorlront dovoloprnontthoro doOl nol do tract from Iho rlvor, Ho roported Ihalln tho Fronch Quartor, thoro Is a public groonspaco loparatod Irom Iha Fronch Quarlor by throa railroad linn, Ho noled thai this lIIustratos whal mlghl bo posslblo loma day louth 01 tho Unlvorslty powor plant, In ClIncluslon, ho raportod thai ha will bo sorvlng on tho Unlvorslty 01 Iowa Solid Wasta Commlttoo, , I L . \, I I , ~: Wachal adjournod lha mooting 018:55 p,m, Mlnutos lubmlllod by MolY Jo Noll, i " , I I Ircl,IO ~(,I ..... ,,,,,, ..1.. s~'~) DRAFT MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNIlY NEEDS JANUARY 23, 1991 .6:30 P,M, SENIOR CENTER ClASSROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: ' Graco Coopor, M4I'f Anno Donnls, Agnos Kuhn, Unda MurrAY, Dorothy Porraona, Ann Rawtand, Kolth Rulf, JIm SL John, Goorgo StDtr MEMBERS ABSENT: f:lTAFF PRESENT: Roberta Patrick, Matll Snldor Halo, Nolf ~: ChaJrpollon Rawtand ClIl10d tho mooUng to ordor aI6:35 p,m, CCN rocommondathol Ul0 City Councllapprovo tho rovlsod CIUzon PartlclpaUon Plan draft dalod Janu4l'f 1091. Slarr askod thai pago ftvo bo corroctod In ordor 10 clarify thai his poslUon on tho A/Iordablo Housing Tuk Forco la an appolntod posiUon rathor than U I CCN 1Ia1lon, Kuhn movod 10 Ipprovo tho mlnulos 01 tho Novombor 28, 1900, CCN mooUng. RulllOcondod, Tho moUon wried 9-0, Halo dlstllbutod coplos 01 tho Cltlzon Summary 01 tho FInancial Plan lor tho City 01 Iowa City, . Sho roportod thai on January 28, 1091, a16:3O p.m" I mooUng wm bo hold with tho dtalrpollons 01 oech City commllllon and Iho City Council rogDtdlng tho budgoL SI. John reportod thai tho handlCllppod occoSllblo doo,. havo boon Installod altho Sonlor Contor and ho oxprossod hlllOUslacUon, Ho brouyhllO tho Commlltoo'a l\tonUon tho problom 01 handlCllppod accoSllblllty litho Mercor PDtk awfmmlng pool, Ho luggoatod uklng tho Pirkl & Rectoalion Dopartmonl about whal would bo nocoss&rf 10 mal<o tho pool accoSllblo, Ho Indlcalod thoro II a!~o I problom with accoSllblllty 61 Mark Twain School bocaulO ft do.. nol havo any curbcutl In Iho drlvo 8108. SL John roportod thoro Is also a problem with Inow nol bolng Ihovolod unUl aftor noon 01 tho Sonlor Con tor, Rawiand Ilalod thai CCN could mako I rocommondaUon 10 Council rogardlng tho Inow Ihovollng, bul Iho Ilalod this would only bo Ipproprlato .nor tho Sonlor Conlor Itall havo boon proporly noUnod 01 tho problonl, Starr Itatod thai tho November 28, 1900, mlnutOl roportod thai Unltod AcUon lor Youth II conlldorlng roquulUng pormlSllon to UIO lunds a1locatod 10 II lor an air condlUonlng IYltom In ordor 10 purehaso a phono Iyslom, Starr Indlcalod U,al ho bollovos tho Issuo Ihould como back to CCN bocauso tho phono IYltom Illnconslslonl with tho orlglnallntont 01 tho Commlttoo whon tho runds WP.ld allocatod, Halo roportod thatlub.roclplonls ClIn mako chang 01 In tho way thoy _....<...._~."'~~.._...,....">','....3."...",.. ...... ~_.. + J.~~ ' .""1 . I' I " , I I. , , I I , .. I , , . [I' ,,.. [I . q. -- DRAFT Mlnuloa Commllloo on Community Noods January 23, 1991 Pogo 2 epond aIlocotod fundi without coming back 10 tho Commltloo oelong u thoy do nol mako lubstanUaI changOlthOI rovlso moro than 25% 01 tho original budgoL Halo atatod thaI tho now lolophono Iyolom was nocosslll'f bocoulO 01 tho oxpanslon 01 tho facility and conslslonl with tho original promlso 01 tho COBG funding roquosL Sho auggOllod thai II tho Commltloo woro Intorostod In rovlllng tho procm, thoy could discuss tho loplc during tho agonda 110m rGgotdlng tho Cltlzon PortlclpoUon Plan, Rowlend roportod thai Kuhn will bo roslgnlng from tho Commllloo whon hor lorm oxplrol on Jutt 1, 1091. Rowland Indlcolod thai \hIa would bo hor lasl mooUng on the CommIlIoo, ~: ~IIY Council' Rawland roportod tholthoro wu nothing rolovanllO tho Commllloo dlscussod 01 , tholoel Council mooUng, ~ . Porrlons roportod thai tho Housing Commission hu boon having In. IOrvlco training Irom tho City IlIn In ordor 10 oducoto now mombors about V81lous oxlsUng housing programs, Sho Ilatod thai Milkman had roportod 10 tho Commission thai thoro hod boon an opon houso lor tho Sycamoro Vlow SubdMslon, Porrsons roportod thaI Ron Hondollon had eppllod 10 HUD lor 25 now cortlncotas, but only rocolvod 9, . Storr roportod thaI altho Janu8l'( 9, 1991, mooUng, Dick Frantz dlacuslOd tho Iowa City Building Codo and Monica Moon lalkod about zoning In Iowa City, Ho Ilalod thai tho Task Forco woe glvon InlormaUon on how City ponclos and guldollnos enoct tho cost 01 houllng, Ho roportod thaI tho NaUonal AlIordablo Housing Act Is roqulring tho CIty 10 dovolop a comprohonalvo hou~lng Itratogy In ordor lor It 10 romaln ellglblo for ,omo lodorolfunds and 10 bocomo ollglblo lor now programl, He Itatod thaI tho Itralogy musl bo lubmlllod 10 tho , govornmonl by Octobor 011 091 a~or tho publlo hoarlng procoss hu boon complolod, Halo 1n~lcotod thelitis posslblo thlltho COBG Iunds could bo dlsplacod by tho AlIordablo Housing Act programl and thai non.houslng rolalod IOrvlcos could luffor. ~: . , . " I ! , I I Kuhn nomlnalod Slarr lor Chalrporaon, Coopor IOcondod, Thoro woro no othor nomlnoUons, ~ Tho moUon carrfod lH), Kuhn nomlnatod SL John lor Vlco.Chalrporson, Coopor loconded, Rowland nomlnotod Run for Vlco.Chalrporson. Slarr IOcondod, Thoro woro no othor nomlnaUons, nawland roportod thaI In conlostod olocUonltho Commltloo VOl" by WlllIon ballot and thaI oach nomlnoo II a1lowod 10 spoak lor a momonllo tho Commission. , :' i .2~a.: t I ! .."'~...~....~. .....;, ,.,. .... ~ ._...:.~.;..;..;: c..' ..... ,_... ,."" Ii._...',,' ;'''' -,. .,..' w.^ ''';~'.". '.."" ". >. .,. -, '- .." . " -,-'- , . ".' ., ."., ".; .'.." i"._,,_.' ....... ....,..... ~ ","''''-''',-' .,~:,/';-- - '.~ -- ~ - {J ;, I . -,. ; [I . _. Mlnuloo Commllloo on Ccm:nun!~1 Noods JanuOl'f 23, 1991 Pogo 3 SL John Italod that ho bellovOl moro 01 tho larno I.n't what 10Yla City neods, Ho sllOllOO thai ho con doveto Umo to CCN and that In his wolk ho lOeltho nood. that mu.1 bo addroasod In tho community, DRAFT Rullllllod thol ho YIOIJId Rkoto 1130 hi. prlClr oxper!e/l(o ':In CC~; and 10 IIy 10 uphold tho rulOl that CCN /111 eXPQundlld In thO I4st lIvo to IIx YOMI, Ho atrolSod thot ho Is worthy 01 carrying on tho poslUon end 01 exploring now avonuos, Tho rOlul1l 01 tho voio lor Vleo.Chalrpollon woro tho lollowing: SL John .11, Rull. 4, Halo rovlowod tho changOlIn tho ClUzon PartJclpaUon Plan, In ro.ponao to a quosUon kom Slarr, Halo Ilalod that K a oub-roclplonl doslros to moko lubstanUaI changOlIn how " will uso tho Illocolod Iundl, II noedl to como back to tho Commlltoo and tho City Councillor rHVlluaUon end approval, fbwtand oxplaJnod thaI bocouso tho Unltod ActIon lor Youth proposal to Inslall I now phono IytIOm IIthor thllll an air condlUonor Involves lOll than 25 porcont 01 tho total gran~ thllll not conlldorod . lubstanUal chango, Halo Itrollod that tho now u.o lUll neods to bo ollglblo Improvomonls and Is rovlowod by tho CIty Ilalllor ollglbUlty, In tho coso 01 tho phono SYltom. Halo oald that tho compulor Iytlom and wiring II ollglblo whllo tho rocolvoll aro not ollglble, Rawiand askod how tho 25 porconlllmllaUon was oSlabUshod, Halo Italod that tho HUD roprOlonllllvo II"lgOllod this porcenlago u Is would provonl,ub-roclplonts Irom coming back month aftor mOl, . 'llr Imall changos, Donnll Indlcolod that Iho Is comfortablo with how 11011 m(lnllor tho grantl. In rosponso 10 . qU03Uon Irom SIIIT, Halo Indlcolod that whon . lub. roclplonl roquOlII . chango, this " dono In loltor form dOlCllblng tho chango and nood lor tho chllllgo 10 CDOG Ilall, . Run movod 10 approvo tho changosln tho rovlsod Clllzan ParUclpallon Plan draft dalod JanuOl'f 1091, Kuhn IOcondod, Tho moUon carnod 9-0, ~: Rawiand rovlowod tho hlltory 01 CCN'I parUclpaUon In CD Wook, Sho luggOllod thaI. mombor oftht ,ubcommllloo could go to tho local modla to 100 whal typo 01 ac\lvlUOIthoy will covor boloro making plllllS, Connls, Kuhn, Slarr, Coopor and SL John agrood to IONO on tho lubcommllloo, ~ . SL John roponod that this Is . busy Umo 01 yoar l(lr tho program with plumbing ropalrl and Inow Ihovollng, Halo Italod thaI tho program gol . lalo Ilart oxpondlng Iunds and wont IlIghtly ovor Its aJlOClIUon prlmMl1y bocouso ol.lurnaco roplacomont and Wllor hoatorroplacomonl, 'rJ~~ ""'_"'_V__~,_,~_,~,'~"_~'__'~_""'''T'''' ....",_...,- ,,- ~ ..~~...~".. ,."..,.,...---.... - ,..., ~-'-. '. >.,.. ".",......".. .- ..,;.._.._"'....",.........i.h..,'..~....._".'~.........,.,.."-1J...:....;".:""~"';'l'; j . I' I , , , I ,. r. ! , I I i, I I' '. I , I ;t , f, , 1 t] , , L I ,~ ..' M1nulos CommlUoo on Community Nood. Jonuary 2'J, 1991 1'10114 DRAFT . Coopor roportod thai tho cny CounQI 'pp;O','Cd tho lundllor tho buDding ronovadon In 1989, Sho Ilolod thai tho 1100 vaeolod by tho VII/Uno NUllos Asaod4Uon Is tho arOlthat It bolng romodolod. Sho nolod tholtho vonWaUen ayatom oUD noodl 10 bo complolod and thaI tho name hu boon changod 10 tho John.on County Doportmonl 01 PubDo Hoalth. Coopor roportod thai an opon houlO wUI bo hold lator thll yoar, Rawland Indlcalod thai this could bo an octMty 10 bo conlldorod lor CD Wook. . CoMla roportod th.ltho woothor II prohlblUng much WOlk "om bolng complOlod 'I thII Urno, 5ho nolod tholthoro Is molD asphalt Ilnca tho 1011 roport was omn. , ~ . Run roportod thaI 60 01 tho eo plannod rampl hovo boon complolod, Ho ltalod tholtho conllector Is walUng lOt tho woothor 10 chongo boloro comploUng Ule romalnlng 20 rampl, 1 r .' - I Ii j ,. 'I L , ~: I,' i' Halo roportod thalllln had a lulHocIplonl mooUng and Iton luppnod tho agoncy rDprOlonloUvol wl:h tho nao'1lU oltho CCN mombo" who will bo gMnO roporll on tholr proloctl, Sho Incflcalod tholltan a110 rGquoslod tholtho roportlng CCN momboll bo put on tho agoncy mailIng IIsL , '. ~: Run movod 10 adjourn tho mooUng 01 7:&3 p,m. Connl. IOCQndod. Tho moUen carrfod 9-0, Mlnut.. ,ubmlUod by Mary Jo Non, 1.:3Ccn~ , , ( l I I. i, " I , , I I I I . !a ! I, I I, I I , I .. . . ~~~ --.._.u_,.._....,,f....~,,J.:",..->f",'"'........,.~~...........I' "..~.......,' ~.. h_.:....;-..,.., .........,."...,"'."'-~,...'."',..........'~.. ;...... .'" "......,_....... .,.. .. ....."'..,....,"'-... ...,....~,,:.... ,."i......";.:j.~'...,l '. "~ :,.,...':'J"~;'Ii"{~'~: 1 i . I'