HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-02 Bd Comm minutes i'\l\ '; 'II " . . , [I -". ,3 Alfordllblo Housing Task Forco March 13, 1991 DRAFT , In r : Wodnosday,March 13,1991, 7:00p.m. In tho Iowa City Puhllc Ubr8ly, Room A. Slovo Alklna, Chair, prosfdlng. I : Carol Barker, Jim Harris, Sharon Malhlou, Jim Knapp, Judy Galluzo, Dick Gibson, Pat Jonson, Rogor GwInnup, Duano Swartzondrubor, Polly Pagllal, Gary Smith, Bob Jackson, Jack Koberg, Goorgo Starr, ~: Pally Mlllor, David BunUng, Bon Mooro, Anna Wagnor, Mlchol!e Drolsmolor, Kollh Jonos, Joan Undloy, Annlo TulUo, John Crulso. Craig Willis, Tlm Krumm. ~: Slovo Atkins, Ron Hondorson, Doug Boolhroy, Marlanno Milkman, Matcla Halo, DaJo Holling, Jill Smith. ~: Tho Janu8ly 9, 1991, and Fobru8ly 13, 1991, mlnutos woro llpp(ovod as submlltod, Aikins d1strlbulod tho Affordablo Housing Task Forco suggostlons list (Fobruary 13, 1991) and a draft Affordablo Housing Task Forco rocommondatlons, Atkins oxplalnod ha proparad tha Alfordllblo Housing Task Forco droIt rocommondatlons, basod on tho suggostlons lists, provlous minutes, and whal othor communltlos had dono, to facllllalo discussIon, Atkins sald tho RocommondaUons should bo lroalod as a worldng documontand would ultlmatoly BOrvO as a roport 10 City Council. Aikins statod tho Rocommondatlons Includo six major catogorlos,lncludlng statomonls 01 purposos and policy positions that tho AIIordllblo HousIng Task Forco wants 10 soo addrossod, Also Includod Is a list 01 tha Rasponslblo Agonclos thai tho policy slato- montslsuggosUons would bo roforrod to, Aikins askod tha A1lordablo HousIng Task Forco 10 work through tho Rocommondatlons so tho Information could bo submlUod and Incorporatod In tho upcomIng comprohonslvo housIng alfordablllly stratogy, Janson slalod sho Is uncomlortablo wlth tho procoss, Tho Alfordablo HousIng Task Forco rovlowod tho Rocommondallons as follows: !lomo O,vnorslJ!2 SUPPORT PROGRAMS, LEGISLATION, REGULATIONS, AND PRIVATE ACTIVITIES WHICH MAINTAIN AND EXPAND HOME OWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES, I. ENCOURAGE THE MODIFICATION OF DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS WHICH UNREASONABLY INHIBIT HOUSING PRODUCTION AND INCREASED HOUSING COSTS SUCH AS REDUCING LOT AREA REQUIREMENTS, Harris statod thoro Is tho problom 01 attontlon botwoon homogonolty and hotorogonolly, Harris oxplalnod homogonolty has always boon tho rolroat of tho woallhy Into tho - . ._-.......,.___.."'"......._.._..~_......n'~.,'...'".~ '".~_".",_,..... '0'." d ~"'-." ._.,. ."'.~....". '''' _,.. ,_.; ".. ,..... > -, .J', _ l '-. ~fl '..", "I ~ I l' .' " " I' " t I. , I I , :. , I' 1 , :' . t " I , , I I ' .1 ~- " E~ ~I ~ - '- A/fordllblo Housing Task Force Matcn 13, 1001 Paoo2 homogonelty and tho hoterogonolty has boon somolhlng that charactorlzos lowor Incomo housing group.. Harrls sald In many drclos, particularly In largor, urban aroas, many 01 tho DClIdomlcs and othor por.ons hovo soon groat vlrtuo In hotorogonolty ollhoso aroas. Harri. said ho Is agaln.t croaUng now homogonoous low rogulatlons. Atkins said 'modil1catJon'ls solllanguogo and 'oncourogo' was usod bocauso ovory govommontal jurisdiction Is going to havo 10 decldo on tholt Intorprotatlon 01 challQos In building codos. AWns .talod 1\ Is montlonod In tho rocommondatlons undor Housing Dlvorslty - consldor .caUorod silos, a"ord4blo ronlal hou.lng plan 10 tergol asslstod housing lor all communltlosln Johnson County, AUdns statod thai ho ogroos with rospoct 10 dovolop. monl regulations thaI a sol 01 regulations lor poor pooplo and a sol 01 regulaUons lor rich poopo should nol bo oslall8shod. Knapp said 1110 markot will croato a 101 01 homogon61ty bocauu porsons bullclng and IMng In $250,000 por homo nolghborhoods do not wanl $70,000 homos noxl door 10 thom, Knapp said Bleas may havo to bo croated lor alowor rll/lQo 01 housing. AIkIns said omployors should hove obligations 10 doal with housIng and corporoto Involvomonl should bo oncourogod, In rosponso 10 Gwlnnup, AUdns sold 1110 Tuk Force COMol answor 1110 dovolopmonllssuos lor oach and ovory community, but can oncourogo local govornmonls to tako on a rolo, Gwlnnup askod litho Allordablo HoUllng TlISk Forco mombors nood 10 prosonl Rpoclnc dolalls to oach local govommonL AUdns sald no because oach City Council will act to roprosonttho botl polltlcallnlorosts ollholr community, AIkIns said ho hopGs City Councils will consldor tho policy slatomonts and cltocl.taIls to proparo speclno Ideas, AWns stated ho consldors tho Allordablo HoUllng Tuk Forco 81 a pollcy.rocommondlng body. Knapp said bulldors and dovolopors Ihould prolonl spoclno Issuoslo City Council, AUdns said tho vory dlvorslty 01 tho Task Forco and tho varloty ollnlorosls roprosontod Is 10 accomplish thai goal - 10 dovolop rocommondaUons. AtkIns sald Ills a local govommonl rosponslblllty bocauso they havo tho powor 10 leglslalo. AWns noted thai stall ho roprosonts from tho Iowa City clly govommonl will doal wllI1 thoselssuos upon prosontatlon 10 tho Iowa City City Council, 2. PROMOTE SWEAT EQUITY, SELF,HELP PROGRAMS, IN JOHNSON COUNTY AREA. Harris askod II swoal equity and soll,holp programs would ba ostllbllshod In all 01 Johnson County, Han1l suggostod dolotlng 'n Johnson County" Knapp said tho Unlvorslty has a womon In 1110 worklorco program that trains womon In cortaln job skills, Knapp .uggoslod Johnson County oslall8sh county.wldo coursowork lor prospoctlvo buyors to loam .kIIIs, such as homo painting, 10 gain thai &woal oqully. Aikins rolorrod to RocornmondaUons, publlclprlvalo cooporatlon and coordination, '3, Croato a cloarlng. houso 10 d1ssomlnato Information on housing programs, and said that somoono Is goIng to havo 10 bo rosponslblo 10 dovolop program Idoas. Gibson said thoro should bo tho rocommondaUon that somoono dovol(lJl a do.ll,yoursoll courso, 'Galluzo said a program In Clovoland, tho HousIng Rosourco Contor, has rohabllltatod a largo aroa In Clovoland. Paollal said HACAP Is Initiating a progrMlln Iowa City, Knapp suggostod Iho rocommon. dation bo rmUon 10 road, "2, Promoto swoat oqulty, soll,holp programs such as hands. on tralnlng programs.... G, Smith sold tho Unlvorslty Is not monllonod undor tho pubncJprlvalo cooporatlon and coordination. Atkins slatod It Is assumed tho Unlvorslty will parUclpato, AIkins sald partnorshlps In allordablo housing should Includo ovoryono, . i' I I , , I I , i I , " I' , " L ~rl 0.' ,<< I, ," , .! , tJ --, 5 Allordllblo Housing TlISk Forco March 13, 1001 Pogo 3 3, CONSIDER LEASElPURCHASE HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRAMS, Galson said IyplcaJIy In 10810 paymonl programs, paymonls aro consldorably h~hor. Gibson lISkod SWDltzondnlbor " this typo 01 Pfogram would be odvantagoou.. SWlII1Zondlllber sald IoDSOIpurchaao programs thai h.1vo workod havo Involvod somo !)'po olloclal SOMCO agoncy whoroby a Iondlng institution may make I loan 10 tho social 101Vlco agoncy 10 buy I properly, Thoy 1011I0 II back 10 somoone ovor I period 01 yoars and II h works out, thai porion can thon buy tho proPOrly, AUdns sald social sOMce Igondollhould be addod undor ROlponsfblo Agoncy, 4, CONSIDER AREA'WIDE PROGRAM TO PLACE FIRST.TIME HOME BUYERS IN STARTER HOMES WITH SECOND MORTGAGE FOR REHABIUTATION. AUdIll sald tho Sycamoro VIow pr%ct Is roprosonlaUvo 011hl.1doa. Aikins sald Iowa City could not do II alono, othar towns havo 10 gotlnvolvod, and tho Issuo 01 IIIordabUlty In housing cannot be rosolvod by one communlly, Gibson sald a workshop should be hold lOt oll1or BrOI local govommonts In 1110 counly to asslSI thom with gOIUng started, AUdIll luggOltod oddng anolhor goal 10 o.IabUsh gonoral workshops lor othor communltlo. concerning 1I10se Issuos, G, Smlll1 sald lhalthat would ftl undor tho pubnc/pllvato cooperation and coordination calogo/y, Knapp lald tho banks havo to be moro 10nIGnll0 aJIow pooplo to movo Into Ilxor.uppor type housing, Harris sald thoro noods 10 be I rolaxaUon In buRcilg and hou.1ng codes lOt a cortaln porlod 01 time to allow the loll'holp procolllo occur. 5, ENCOURAGE ESTABLISHMENT OF STREAMLINED DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IN ALL JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITIES, AUdIll said tho proco.. has 10 be mado oaslor 10 got building projects tumod around laslor, Knapp askod II II would be exlOndod 10 rural Johnson County, Aikins said local govommonls Includo tho Johnson County govommonL Harrts said Iowa City has a laIr amount 01 smaJlor..calo, olclor housing and a .ltongor slalomonl,. noedod stating tho valuo 01 thai typo 01 housIng and waya soll'holp program. can be Implomontod, AIkins said colllorvaUon 01 housing, II, Continuo 10 promolo housing prosorvatlon program., addressoslhaL Starr laid a key Issuo Is the downpaymonl problom, Sterr askod II thaI .hould be Ipoclncally oddrossed, Atkins said downpaymonlls not specifically addrossod In tho rocommondaUolII, Sl4n suggo.tlng adding, 'oncourago IrlVo.tlgation 01 tho BblIlIy 10 pay lor housing,' Harris ukod whaltho dlftoronco Is In tho loan.lo,valuo rotlo belwoon usIng I govommont.ln.urod loan (FHA, VA) vor.us convontlonal, Har~s said one 01 tho 08lly objocUvos 01 tho FHA program was 10 reduco tho downpaymonl, Swartzondruber oxplaJnod tho FHA loan, lodorally Insurod, Is .lIghtly loss than tho convontlonalloan, bul because 01 tholr lossos tholr actual promlum chargo. to cu.lomors havo gono up 10 a1mosllwfco what convontlonallnsuranco costs, Swwondrubor said ovon though downpaymont rGqulromonls aro 3%03.5% downpaymonllor FHA vorsus atloasl 5% downpaymonl lor convonUonal, tho In.uranco promlums chargod 10 a cuslomor approxlmatoly doublo lor FHA cuslomors, In rospon.o 10 Har~s, SWDltzondrubor .talod Insuranco coSls aro 3.6% up Ironl and ono.hall 01 ono porconl oach yoar 01 on FHA loon and ,4% tho IIrsl yoar and .3% Iho yoars rollowlng 01 ra convontlonalloan. Knapp askod ""'---""'-".--. ~fl I I I i I I I I I' I , , , , , I I , I I I I., \' f. . I tJ' -, b Alfordllblo Housing Task Forco March 13, 1991 pago 4 II thoro was a way 10 ostabl1sh a property tax moratorium on homos. AIkIns laid 1110 poUcy, rontal housing, '7. ~ploto ltato Ioglllol/YO chango lhal would allow lor housing dovolopmonl prolocts lor Iow,lncomo lamlDos 10 gain somo l4lC advlllltago, could bo oxpandod and pul under homo ownorshlp. All<Jns said tho stelo sols l4lC policy In \oWlL Swartzondrubor laid doWllpaymonl programs could work II1IQonclel could assumo lomo ollho risk. AlIdns summarlzod thai addltlons 10 HOlM Ownorshlp 110 rocommond4Uonl rol4tJng 10 1) tho eblllty 10 pay policies with rospocllo downpBymonll and 2) l4lC advIIntagos 101 low Incomo lammos sookfng to boCOmo a homo ownor, 1.0, improving tho homoslood oxomptlon, ole, ~ CREATE AND MAINTAIN AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF SOUND, AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING, " ENCOURAGE EXPANSION OF RENTAL REHABILITATION PROGRAMS, i' ' AlIdns said ovoryono eppoars 10 bononl ~om thoso typos 01 programs, 2. PROMOTE DEVELOPEPMNDLORD INTEREST IN ASSISTED HOUSING PROGRAMS, AWns said this luooosll gOltlng moro pooplo Involvod and oncouragos parUdpaUon and openlng up moro opportunlc"llor tho corUl1c4to and vouchor program. 3, CONSIDER INFORMATION AND REFERRAL SERVICE FOR AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING, F I: AlIdns said thoro should bo ono p1aCOllolophono number a porson can call 10 oblaln Inlorrnatlon, In rosponso 10 Gibson, AUdns laid 1\ would nol bo a lolophono number 10 provide roal os\8lo agonls, Gibson said II should bo clarlnod 10 show thalli Is a sorvlco or holplng agoncy, 4, ENCOURAGE LOCAL COMMUNITIES TO ESTABUSH AFFORDABLE HOUSING POLICIES, AWnllB1d this Is Inlondod 10 polnl oul thai Iowa City can~ol Ilnglo.handodly be tho agoncy 10 provldo an tho rontal housing no ods lor ovaryono, Gibson SlJOgolted tho stalomonl should road, 'Broedon tho Intorosl 01 local communltlos 10 oslabnsh B1lordoblo housing pollclos.' 5, CONSIDER DEVELOPMENT OF AN AREA.WIDE REVOLVING LOAN FUND FOR RENTAL REHABILITATION PROJECTS, AWns said tho program should bo aroa.wldo, Iowa City cannol do II alono, and hou:lngJ ronlal rohabllllallon can be accompllshod If othor communltlol 010 willing 10 provldo I' I! , I' ! , :' I I i , I ,-,_.__....-...~--"~...,..,-""',,.~.."~......,..,..~..,.-.-.~.... ,." .. .~. .....~.-. -,-, _.... ..'...~_..".,'_.. '-'''''----'',-,,-,'.''''-'' -." 1fl , ',."...,,_..,...,.....-'.r . I I I .1 . / I' tJ ~, :-, ...0_ Allordllblo Housing Task Forco March 13, 1991 Pogo 5 monoy, Knapp askod lItho rovoMng loan fund would roqulro dovolopors or landlords 10 pay back tho monoy. Atkins said a revolving loan fund roqulros 0 local govommon~ through Its financlal rosourcos, 10 provide low,lntorost loans and thon gol tho monlos rotumed. Harris said some communltlos o"or programs that suporvlso tho rolatlonshlp bolWoon lonants and landlords to Improve tho ronlal proporty In Inslancos whoro thoro aro minimal to no opportunlllos 10 Improvo property beyond tho minimal housing standards, Knapp said major omployors should be addod to tho Rosponslblo Agoncy, 8, CONSIDER A SINGLE'ROOM OCCUPANCY PLAN TO CREATE MORE SRO HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES, I, I , ! Hams said SROs nood to be dofinod - whothor or not It Includes bathrooms or kltchons, 010, The Allordablo Housing Task Forco dlscussod SROs, olnclonclos and rooming units, Pagllal KaId soclal sorvlcos should be provided, Gwtnnup said 0 placo Is noodod whoro 1()'12 oldorly can IIvo but tako caro olthomsolvos, Boothroy said thoro may be somo zoning rostrlctlons ond oldorly rooming housos aro not ollowod In Iowor density zonos, Atkins said tho policy could road, 'Consldor oxpanslon 01 slnglo.room occupancy housing opportunities.' Pegllal said social sorvlcos should be addod undor rosponslblo ogoncy. 7, EXPLORE STATE LEGISLATIVE CHANGES THAT WOULD ALLOW FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FOR LOW.INCOME FAMILIES TO GAIN SOME TAX ADVANTAGE, Atkins said this policy was Intonded to be moro devolopor'orlonted, 6, CONSIDER HOUSING IMPACT STATEMENTS PRIOR TO DEMOLITION OF AFFORD. ABLE HOUSING, . f . .. Atkins saklthoro Is Intorost In having a process that ptotocts oldor homos tomporarlly, Gibson said tho torm abandonod housing should be usod, Gibson said thai you cannol tako away somoono's rlght to tQar dewn 1I10lr own houso, Atkins said II just buys tlmo, Knapp suggosted ostabllshlng a largo domolltlon 100, G, Smith said a domolltlon 100 thai docroasos as limo goos on would croato an InconUvo lor pooplo 10 hold 011 on tho domolltlon 01 a houso, Mathlou suggostod roqulrlnll a slatomonl, not unllko lor docoasod ostalos, Gibson said thoro may bo logalllablllty Issuos whon lolling proporty owners how 10 hand!o tholr ptoporty, Boothroy said It could be Incorporolod Inlo a ravlow procoss lor domolltlon permits, Hams said Iowa City noods 10 havo an Invontory 01 building lots, Atkins said slall has proparod a list 01 vacant proportlos, Gibson suggostod placing this policy statomonl undor CONSERVATION OF HOUSING rocommondatlons, Gibson ralsod concoms that this policy doos not addross tho Issuo lor a soclolal porspocUvo, bullocusos on tho Individual, Gwlnnup said II thoro Is onough limo allowed 10 salvogo proporty, thon II will nol end up In tho landfill, Gibson quosUonod whoro 1110 rosponslblllty should be lor paying tho coslto hold up tho domollUon 01 a houso, Gwlnnup said thoro aro costs assoclatod with dumping a houso In tho landfill, Gibson said tho Individual picks up landfill costs through a lipping 100, G, Smith said thoro aro costs beyond monol8ly valuos. Gibson omphaslzod thai tho rosponslblllly should nollall on tho Individual but should bo port 01 tho soclolal porapoctlvo, A~dns suggosled, 'con sidor pollclos concornlng tho " I I , I j , , I , ! , i , igl ! , f" ~I 8 Allordablo Housing TlISk Forco March 13, 1991 pogo 8 domolltlon 01 proporUos.' Starr BIked II thoro would bo an Impact 01 a public hoarlng. AWns said a publlo hoarlng may Ctoato polltlcol consoquoncos nol managoablo by Council, Gibson suggostod, 'consldor pollcfosthal will oncourago tho salvogo 01 housos.' Knapp said a non'plofil group could salvago and sloro housing malorfals. In rosponso 10 Pagllal, AWns said thoro should bo somo kind 01 noUco roqulromonl. Gibson said tho Unlvorslty has lrfod 10 oncourage pooplo to salvago housos and thoro hIlS boon no rosponso bocouso It Is choapor lor porsons to loar down housos and haulthom 10 1110 landfill. Jonson Inqu~od aboul tho procoss, Jonson oskod lItho A1fordablo Housing Task Forco wtn prlorlUzo tho policy and goal statomonts. AWns ropllod thaI ho onvlslons tho rocommondaUoos 10 bo tho Affordablo Housing Task Forco roport thaI Includos cortaln poUcy positions, Jonson sald sho 1I10ughttho A1lordablo Housing Task Force was 10 propare moro absoluto program rocommondaUons on spoclflcs, AWns said allachod 10 tho rocommondatlons roport will bo all tho suooostlons, Gwtnnup sald he wants 10 dovolop spoclflc Idoas such as ollmlnatlng minimum coiling holghts In basomonts and attics In Iowa City, AWns said thai would roqulro changing tho ordlnanco and wrftlng laws Is nol II slmplo process. AWns statod ho onvlslons tho Affordablo Housing Task Forco as a pollcy.maklng body, Gwtnnup askod how tho spoclllcs wtll gel dlMI!op:d and presenlod 10 City Councils, AWns sald all tho local govornmonts (Iowa City, Coralvlllo, Johnson County, oto,) aro supposod 10 bo roprosonlod on tho Task Forco, Swartzondrubor said n would be very time consuming and difficult 10 dovolop oach one 01 tho policy stetomonts Into spoclflc programs lor spoclflc agonclos. AWns said tho Issuo 01 affordllblllty In housing Is an 81oa.wldo concom and tho Affordablo Housing Task Force noods 10 loll lI1e legislative bodIos, soclalsorvlco ogonclos, and financial InsUtutlons haro aro tho concorns and II Is up to 1110 profosslonal slalls 10 dove lop tho IdollS. Jonson said community organizations nood to bo Includod, Gibson said tho rocommondatlons Is a posltlvo slep lorward and tho Task Forco noods to docldo whal to do upon complotlon 01 1110 recommondaUons roper!. H8Irfs said certain prIority dlrocUons neod 10 be sol, Knapp IISkod II AWns onvlslons tho Affordllblo Housing Task Forca stopping upon complotlon 011110 rocommondatlons, AWns said II Is up 10 tho Allordablo Housing T8Ik Forco, Knapp said tho rocommondatlons should bo prosontod 10 City Council and then the Task Forco could carry through on spoclRc proJocts. Starr sald 1110 rolo 01 tho Task Forco was 10 oslabllsh somo rocommondaUons, nol 10 solve ovory problom. Knapp said colloctlvoly tho Task Forco could playa strongor rolo In BPOCInO proJocts, Slarr sald anothor group could be lormod 10 look al spoclflo proJocta or a rolnvostmonl corporation startod 10 continuo tho process, Koborg rocommondod kooplng tho AHordablo Housing T8Ik Forco logothor 10 work on tho lop flvo mosl productlvo pollclos, Galluzo suggostod holding anothor public mooting to find oullllhoro aro othor agoncles who are alroOOy consldorfng somo 01 tho samo Issuos. Atkins said lho Task Forco should slato thaI an Information rolorral sorvlco Is a nocossary compononllo an offoctlvo community policy on allordablo housIng. Atkins ralsod ccncoms thallhoro will bo a scaUor gun approach to affordablo housing and oach group will go 011 In lholr own dlroctlon with tholr own affordablo housing program. AWns sald somoono noods 10 bo asslgnod tho task 01 pulling logolhor all 01 tho dlfforonl affordablo housing programs. Jonson said thai thai Is an argumonllor tho Affordllblo Housing Task Forco to glvo dlroctlon Md locus 10 spoclflo programs. AIkins sold tho City 01 Iowa City Is going to proparo a comprohonslvo affordablo strategy and tho 'If/ y I' I I , I i. o , I I I q ii. ;1. I . , tJ -, g ( Allordllblo Housing Tuk For(o I March 13, 1991 pogo 7 I I reglonalalgnlllcanco will be oddtossod, Knapp aaJd II would bahovCl all aroa communltlos I I 10 gollnvolvod, AtkfnI said Iowa City win do Its basi within Its local rosourcos to addross I' tho IssUOI 01 allordllblUty, bullowa City can do Illndopor.dontly, Atkins sald a policy ..- lramowork II noOOod, Tho Allordllblo HousIng Tuk Forco contlnuod 10 revlow tho rocommondatlons as lollows: ~ , MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE THE OUALITY OF HOUSING STOCK BY PROMOTING HOUSING I " CONSERVATION AND REHABILITATION. l' I, CONTINUE TO PROMOTE HOUSING PRESERVATION PROGRAMS, Alldna IlIkllowa City has a number 01 housing prosorvatlon programs, Aikins sald othor communltlos neod 10 be ancourogod 10 onact programs. :1 i' 2, PROMOTE HOUSING REPAIR SERVICE PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY NON.PROFIT AGENCIES, Alldns laid thoro aro programs underway, including tho ESA Small Ropalr Program. 3. PROMOTE LOW.INTEREST LOAN PROGRAMS TO IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY, No commonta. 1 f 4, EXPAND LOW.INTEREST REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAMS, L Alldns aald many programs aro underway bul nol all communlUos havo Iow,lnlorosl rohablUtatfon loan programs, r 5, REVIEW HOUSING CODES AND ENCOURAGE ADOPTION OF SUCH CODES BY ALL ! LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, Alldna IlIkl ho dldn'l think Johnson County has a housing codo, Harris sald thai slBlo legislation Is noodod similar 10 Iowa CIty's building codo whoroby all communltlos could /UsledoplthalslBte (000, I I' 8, ENCOURAGE HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT. i' I i Gibson quostlonod " II1ls policy would Incroaso tho availability 01 housIng or 1110 , aNordablllty 01 housing. Atkins said II oncourogod tho prosorvatlon 01 tho quality 01 housosln no~hborhoods BIId, In lum, ~nprovos tho nolghborhood, Atkins 81kod 1110 A1lordablo Housing Task Forco lor any additional commonts rogardlng 1110 I :' consorvatlon 01 housIng. Gwfnnup slBlod county housing codo Inspoctlons wflllncroaso tho cost ! 01 housing, Tho Task Forco dlscussod housing coda roqulromonts, AIkins askod " a housing f i I _............._~..._......:.~,........~..... ~,,.'.'~<...,,,...w......".r'''_ u'" ...~'..._. ~",.d ~ ',- -., '" .,.,,_" "', ......"_,... _~.. ..... ,..J."...." ,",_ ..... .... ,_ ....~__. ".. Jill ." ". .-......-..,,,.~..~, ,.,-..,.....,.:,.., ;~', '.:",~.. .-"'.',,,..... , I, .1 '0' , tJ 8 [I ' Allordllblo HousIng Task Forco March 13, 1991 pagoo I I I I j' I .' ! stock Is wanlod that doos not have a COdo oppIJod to IL Gwfnnup said 1I10ro Is moro load way lor common sonso In tho county, Gilson said soma codas aID pusod lor wrong roasons and do not nocosl8llly I~vo lho quallly, saloty, or lIvablllty 01 housing. Harris said ollssuo aro basIc saloty standards being rolaxod lor Umo 10 provo a mochanlsm to ochlovo tho mlnlmwn 14loty standardt. Harris said lhGro are somo things In tho housing codo lI1al could be rolaxod, In rosponso 10 Knapp, AUdns said lablIIty Is an IssUG, AIklns said ho aupports codes _ 1I10ro noods 10 be a roasonalllo atandardlzallon In housing. D. Smith suggoslod point 12 should road, 'promoto houalng ropaJr and modlllcollon IOMcoS progllllllS.... , . . ~: AWns said anolhor Anordablo Housing Task Force maoUng wlU be achodulod to comp/ole work on 1110 genoral policy atalomonts. AWns roportod lI1e EcumonIcaJ Consultation 01 Chtlstlan Congregations are proposing a community housing planning proloct lor Johnson County, Bob Jockaon sald a rolo 01 tho Alfordllblo Housing Task Forco could be to lake tho policy alatemonll 10 oll1or govommentaJ bodIos, AWns said JCCOQ roprolOnts allocaJ govommonts, Jackson sald the Task Force or CIIy stan should croate case DluslrBUons 01 roal 010 altuatlons 11181 occur and how, based on tho poney atatements, things nood to happon to roapond 8doqualo~, Jackson said concrolo information Is noodod 10 show how II1lngs would be handled. AWns alated he wflIa~Jo another A1fordllblo Housing Task Forco mooUng 10 complote tho polley slalomont ollsauos and thon decide what 1110 Task Force wflI do no~L A!klns notad ho would Dko 10 roconveno the AIIordl1b1o Housing T8Ik Force In earty lan, Mooting adIoumod at 0:50 p.m. i' r IIhlIH3.11'1n >._---"-------..~-_.............~.~..-.-,,..'., . ! I; I , ; , I , '. , I' I I. , I' I' i I I , 1r/. , I I I I .1 '-'~-""'''''''''''",.:"",;,,,,~,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,~,,_,,, ..'._."....h,'...."..,~'"~.c....~ "w"'._'.'" H"""'''''' '-_.__,. ~'_"'< ""'"'' , '(// J .' I f 8 :1, DRAFT MINUTES DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE JANUARY 21, 1991 .4:00 P.M. IOWA CITY PUBUC LIBRARY. MEETING ROOM B MEMBERS PRESENT: Kay Amort, Clark DoVrIos, Judith Dows, Bruco Hauport, Margatot Nolson, Nancy SOlborllng, Don SIMk, Craig Woll I' . .' MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Goorgo Naglo, BDIb Walors Holling, Saogor, No" I , , ~: Chalrporson Nolson caJlOO tho mooUng 10 ordor at 4:06 P.M. , I Solborllng nolOO thai on pago 1 the last senlonce should road thai the problom could be 'correClOO', Haupert movOO 10 approvu the minutes 01 the Decombor 10, 1990, moeUng as amended. Slnek seconded. The moUon canfOO 8.0. !' - I: I , Nelson Introducod Saogor 10 the Committee mombors. DoVrles ennouncod that thIs would be the lasl meeUng that he would bo able 10 allond because he Is rolocallng 10 Uncoln, Nobraska. Selbornng askod whon a now mombor would bo appoInted. Saoger rospondOO lhalth!s would probably occur altho ond 01 March In ordor 10 allow lor limo lor tho poslUon 10 bo advorUsOO. Holling reportod that tho City legislative Commlltoo mol with aroa loglslators. Ho IndlcalOO thai Roprosontallvo Nouhausor had statOO thai sho Is dralllng loglslallon thai would romOOy tho chlorlnallon problom for tho lountaln. Ho agrood to sond a copy 01 tho loglslollon to tho Commlltoe whon Ills avallablo and notod thai tho Clly will lobby lor lho loglslallon ollar II has boon Introducod. In rosponso to a quosUon from Slnok. HOlling statOO thai ho doos nol know 01 any othor communll/os that are lacing tho samo problom. I t I' I i 'i ; I ) I i , , I I I I I li8'-' . ...----. ......-.......-... ....._.. _....__........~, ...."".... IJ , ;/ , I I I. I. I I I _I , t] - / 2 MINUTES . DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE JANUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 2 Hauport statOO that tho Clly doos not appoar 10 have provldod lor additIonal lunds lor planllngs In tho pOOostrtan mall excopt lor tho roplacomont funds which are always provldod. Holling notod !hat thore Is a IIno 110m lor agrtcullUral products such as bulbs In the oporaUng budgot lor tho City Forostor. Hauport saki that he would IIko to soo City fundI allocalod on an annual basis In ordor to allow lor planUngs on City proporty. Thero wera none. ~: Thore was none. ~: Helling reported thai tho agenda lor the noxl mooUng wllllncludo an Itom lor HLM 10 prosont , plans lor somo 01 tho ronovaUon that Is to occur around the First National Bank. Ho notOO that this will Involve renovaUon 01 tho lacade and p1anllngs. Haupert notOO that the purchase 01 newspapor vendlng machlnos was IncludOO In tho City budgOL Holling stated thalli this 110m Is approved, the Doslgn Rovlew Commllloo Is IIkoly to bo Involvod In tho solocllon procoss. Dows askod lor Information rogardlng tho proposod Arts Centor. Saegor rosponded that a group , has boon organlzod and has mol with tho City Manager, Dows notOO that thoro Is only ona urban ronowal parcol romalnlng and askod II tho Doslgn Rovlow Commllloo will bocomo a pormanont body onco this parcolls dovolopod, ---."..........U.;l....._,__.............""'-,"'.."......__..-_......-..~_..-~.~'_... - ...... - .-- '.. r ..- I , I i , I , ;1 . " .' j' ; I I " I i: I I I I I I i i , i I i , 0 ! , , I . ,. I' ,. ! , ! , I , " , 'I i , , !, I, I I . I ~g~', I. , t- o I I .1 , CI .8 3 - MINUTES DeSIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE JANUARY 21, 1991 PAGe 3 \ , 1 I I, I ", , I . ,- I ;j I I, f: Solborllng askod litho Cornmllloo would bo ablo to revlow tho proposOO City parklng ramp. Saeger responded that a publiC hOMng will bo hold and suggested that Solbertlng talk with Joo Fowler on this Issue. Solborllng exprossOO the con com thai 11I0 des~n aspect noods to ba consldorad from tho very boglMlng 0111I0 prOJocL ~: Tho moeUng was adjoumod a14:28 P.M. M1nulos submlllOO by Mary Jo Noll. I j.' , I . , , ecodG'll1.21DRc.m1n - ~: .. I: , I ; I I L i" I I I ' . l: I, I , I: , i. I I j I I I I ; ',', , " '-I'~ 1 . .. "-~1W.""oI<...~..k~~"ill$.("""",,'~'.;;,,'-l--.......''''' r<""..."'.....__... .......~.~..._......-~~...."....;.,.",'O.I._",.';........l>......_. "',"";U'~;'i"'."'''.~'';'.-I~';;''',;~..\I''<tr''\,l''','''t...,,, ;".~~." '.'" I,' :",' :'",!:: .. .... ~~ -'.1.4',. . I 1 I .1 I t] 8 y , i1, i ,(:" ; MINUTES DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MARCH 18, 11191 .4:00 P.M. IOWA CITY PUBUc UBRARY, MEETING ROOM B DRAFT MEMBERS PRESENT: BTAFF PRESENT: BIuco Hauport, Nancy SolberUng Holling, Saegor, Non ~BW: Saegor C4JI0d tho moollng 10 ordor II 4: 15 p.m. n was ootod that I quorum was nol prosenL SolboI1lng nJl(otIOd concom wfth tho color 01 tho Chlc4go GtfU vondlng cart. She allted thai tho would ~olor 10 havo tho CIrt ,opalnlOd In ordor 10 malch tho rod and bluo usod In the now umbroD.. Hauport askOd tholtho ownor 01 tho ~opcorn Sland be Instruclod to keep the tarps undomoath lhu vondlng cart. Helling auggoltOd that a aklrt could be placod around the bollom 0111Io Popcorn Bland. n was nolOO thai nvo appllcallons wore rocelved lor the ftve vondlng Ipacta 11Io1 ItO avallablo. ~: Holling roportod thai Reprosenllllvo Nouhausor has intrOduced a bill that would address the chlorlnaUon problom with tho lounlaln on tho Plaza 1/ the bill Is approved. He IndIcated that II would provide an oxcopUon lor prfmarUy decorallvo lounlalns. Solberllng atrOllOd thai the lounlaln ahould bo ropalrOd ao thalli wlllluncUon proporly. ~: Tho moollng was adjournod 114:25 p.m. Minutes aubmlUOd by Mary Jo No". Il!Ql\3o ,ldtc.mIn 4g~ ~ '.-.........,.. ~,~.,-,. ~_...~.,. ,." '-,." -.'" "". _:", 0;., ~." __'," _". .'" . " ," ~ '-. . , ,.." ,', .,., ~,' ~. ""< <', .,-- ., ",> ... ......,. -,.,. " , , .. ~~ ''>'\,','' ,', "\.",,-. ,;- '- ',. 1-'. .". ,', '., '~_'!. I I' .' i , I i I '/ , I " I I. I , I I I I ',I I " , i , I , I , I I j " ,.. ... I I ,r I I t i " i 11 ,. , , " i I I. I " ! I, . ! , .1 'I \. . , .1 t 8 S MINUTES SENIOR CENTER COMMISSION JANUARY 21, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Rufino Andaux, Bud Godo, Joan Hood, Hatokl Stagor, Juno Plopor, VInco MaUlor. ,.~, ,-., MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: GUESTS PRESENT: Maty Ooasl4nd, Gor" BUI", Duano Moans. BOlio Molsol, Anno Burnsldo, AssL City Attornoy. Frolda Shannon, Lorralno Brooso, Myra Van Horno, Woodt~ Woobor, and Robort Borry (CoE Membor), Godo caJ1ed tho mooUng 10 ordor at 3:10 pm. Commission mombora walchOO Eldorcrl~ Shop vldoos. Ho Inlroducod and wolcomOO guosts. Thoro was no pubIIo discussion, Minutoa woro amended 10 chango tho third paragraph In tho Senior Conlor Updatos soctlon on Pllllo 2, subslltullng '$7,000 osUmalo'lor '$7,000 bid ploposlll'. The Docombor 17, ,gOO m1nulos woro approved as correClod. Godo noted that on PlIllO 3 thoro was . mcUon that a Son/or Conlor Commission mombor should attond tho EcumonIcaJ Housing AdvIsory Board moollng. but that tha Board choso nollo mool In JanuBly. Ho lidded thai ho and Hood wroto a Iollor 10 tho Board and aro wailing a rosponso. Hood roportoo thai tho Ionor was about lroe parking spacoslor youngor volunloorathat 810 now going to be doslgnalod lor agondas thai benoflt both Ecumonlcal Housing and tho Sonlor Contor. (lode rovlowOO discussion altho loInt mooUng rogardlng tho Sonlor Contor patklng and Senior Centor policy. Ho nolOO that l/1e acUon was to sol up a commllloo with tNo City Council mombora and two from tho Board 01 Supervisors 10 dlJcuss bohavlor policy. parking probloms and othor manera, Ono 01 tho moollngs 01 that new commllloo will be altho Sonlor Centor, Maurer noted thai Bill Ambrtsco said thai ho would probably roprosonll/1o Councll on tho commllloe, along with John McDonald, whOo tho Board would bo ropresenlOO by Ockonfol. and Myors, Godo IIddod thai Myors lold him thai ho would rocommond Dully and Leclnalo aorvo Irom thai board, Frolda Shannon asked why no son/or cJtlzons woro pul on tho commlllOO. Gode ropllOO that tho Board and tho Councll aro tho lundlng bodIos of 1/10 Sonlor Centor, whllo tho Son/or Contor Commission Is advisory 10 tho Council and Board and tho Council 01 Eldors Is advisory to tho Commission. Godo askod Molsol to arrange lor a now ortontaUon program for City Council and Board mombors, Hood said thai ovory mcnth tho CommissIon prosonlllnlormatlon 10 both tho City Council and Board 01 Suporvlsors, Godo Inlroducod now CommissIon momber, Rullno Anclaux. Godo noled thai hI) ollondod tho Council 01 Eldors mooUng January O. Twolvo ollho Council 01 Eldora woro prosont and four wore absonL Godo nolod lhallhoy d1scussOO OIdor Amorlcon Day proparallons, Ho nolod Ihaltho Outreach Commllloo d1scussOO oolng 10 oullylng Conorooalo " .... '.." --- , . .~.- . q~~ , I ~ I' ! I i , I I , I. , I ! " I , .i 1 t, .t:J ~ . , Son lor Contor Commission January 25, 1991 Pag02 Meal programs. Godo statod thai OIdor Amorlcans Day Is May 15. Ho said thaI Susan Rogusky gave a summary rogatdlng Holiday Bazaat and that ho updatod thom on 1110 behavior polley slluallon. Godo added thai Joan Hood gavo R loadorshlp ltaInlng program that would bo good lor all Commission mombors. SlaQer roportod that on Docembor 8, 1990 ho attondod tho moo ling of tho Johnson County Board of Suporvlsors, He said ho ralsed tho Issuo 01 ronUng parking motors on Iowa Avenuo lor 1110 noon moal. Tho Board 01 Suporvlsors saki thaI thoy would try 10 gollogoll1or with the Clly on lI1e Issue and put lion Iholr agenda. Stagor raportod thai ho dlscussod the ronllng 01 rooms to outside parties at tho Conlor, and thaI tho Board 01 Suporvlsors stalod thai Sonlor Contor rooms should not bo rontod to outsldo partfes bocauso 01 the Intoracllon 01 pooplo 01 dilforonl agos. SlaQer said ho spoko about tho Suporvlsorslssulng a poslUvo slatomonl about the sonlors from all ovor tho county, ospoclally smalllowns, and taIkod about the dross code. Stagor slalod 1I10y waro very nogaUvo about tho dross codo. Hood quostlonod whoro Slagor goltho Idea about a dross codo, Stagor saId that ho had ralsod tho Issuo 01 a possible dross codo al an OOlllor Son lor Centor Commission mooUng. Stagor saId thaI ho had askod tho Boatd 10 give V1slllng Nursos accolades lor tholr work and lot thom know that thoy aro aoproclalod by sonlors, Slagor said thai ho discussed the moving 01 Soats program from tho Son lor Contor bocauso thoro had boon a rumor 10 that elfoct. Tho Board donlod rumors about moving Soats out 01 the Sonlor centor, Stager sald ho was askod about the Sonlor Con tor vldoos beIng shown throughout tho county at tho Congregato Meals slnco many pooplo do nol havo cable TV. Gode nolod that SlBgo~s Board appoaranco was rocordod on tapo and that whon Stagor laid 'they' wantod a dress codo, Pat Meadelmmodlaloly quosllonod thaI statemonl and Slegor slalod thai 'Ms. Molsal' wantod a dress code, Gede and Hood slatod that nolthor Botto nor tho Sonlor Centor Commission had ever dlscussad a dress code and thai when a CommIssion mem/)Or appoars beforo any govamment body, It Is an olOclaI CommIssion ropresontatlon. Hood statod that 1110 Commission mooUng Is the propor lorum for discussIon, bul onco tho CommIssion makos a doclslon all Commission mombors musl publIcly support tho doclslon. Stagor apologIzed lor any embarrassment he may havo caused tho CommIssIon or Ms, Molsol. GOOo slrossod thai the Commission Is tho lorum for discussIon and Is a manor 01 public rocord. Hood dlstribuled and discussed handouts: CommIssion b~awsi Commission duUos and handling dlsagroemonts. Sho sltossod the Importance 01 supporUng Commission doclslons, oven If an Individual dlsagroos with that doclslon. Godo stalod that whon Iho public has a concorn about the Sonlor Con tor, thoy have tho opllon of going to tho Council 01 Elders boloro approaching tho Commission. Slagor stated that whon ho rocolvos Input from tho public, ho passos It on. Mauror Slrossod that whon tho majority roaches a doclslon, Ihalls a doclslon Ihat should bo uphold. Hood omphaslzod Ihat whon thore aro concorns, thoy should bo ralsod, al tho Sonlor Con tor CommissIon moeUngs. not at othor placos such as tho Board of Suporvlsorl. Hood dlslrlbulod and rovlowod handouts on advIsory boards, Hood stalod Ihal during CommissIon moollngs, any loplc can bo ralsod bul,ll cannot bo actod upon II nol on the agonda bocauso of tho open moollngs law. Sho sald that thoro aro ways 10 work within tho structuro 01 tho CommIssion to como off as one group and 10 como off bailor In Iho community. Plopor slalod hor approclallon for tho holplul malortal. Hood dlstrlbulod and brlolly oxplalnod tho handout on handling dlsagroomonls with goodwill. ~f:J .. . , : , tJ 8 ,-, Sonlor Conlor Commission January 25, 199\ Pogo 3 Appolntmonts woro made to standing commlttoos: Fundralslng: Hood, Mauror, Anclaux, Moans. Ten Year Annlvorsary: Goasland, Moans, Ploper, Stagor. Goals Update and Rovlow: Plopor, Busso. Anclaux, Goasland. Voluntoer Rocognltlon: Busso, Stag or, Hood, Mauror. Gode notod that the Ton Year Annlvorsary commlttoo Is a now commlttoo and may be worlUng with tho Voluntoer Recognition commltteo. Gode noted that the Progross Rovlow Commlttoo has boon comblnod with tho five Year Goals Commltteo and tho Town Mooting Commllloe will not be moellng this yoar bocauso thoro will bo no lown moollng duo to low attondanco In tho pasL Godo will mako speclfio assignments rogardlng presonlatlons 01 unflllod spots on Ihe schodulo lor Sonlor centor Commission prosontatlons 10 tho Council 01 Eldors. Johnson County Boatd 01 Supervisors and Iowa City City Council. Gode saki sta" Is trying to set a lime lor a joInt mooting, Molsol sald tho CoE mombers thought tho maallng should tako placo as soon as posslblo. Commission membors agrood that a Tuosday aftor February 18 would be a proferable mooting limo. Molselsald sho will spook 10 the othor people Involved to arrange a dato. ~: Molselstatod thai she met wllh Jim Brachlol and he didn't IIko changing tho parking, Molsolsald thai Brachtells to como up with a roport bofore tholr noxt meetlnQ, Molsol said that a suggostlon was made by a coe mumber to change the parlUng on Unn and Woshlnglon Stroots to bottor accommodato Sonlor Con tor usors. Godo notod that at tho lost Sonlor Contor Commission moallng, Goasland oxpressed concem thatlho Imago 01 the Iront 01 tho building would be upset by a change In parking, Godo asked Commission membors to obsorvo tho Iront ollhe building beforo the noxl maetlng. He said ho didn't lee I that a chango In parking would chango the appoaranco, ~: Molsol stated tho City Council spont lost Saturday dlsclJsslng tho budgot. Sho said the prollmlnary budgot shows the 8000s bolng cut butlho apparont culs wore the rosult 01 a compulor problom and do not ronoct the actual budgot. Molsol sold tho City Managor assurod hor thoro would bo a mooting; In which Sonlor conter Commlsslonors can como and dofond tho budgoL An accuralo roport will bo avallablo boloro thai mooting. Molsol said that sho did roquosl monoy to roplaco couchos and chairs downstalrs bocauso thoy aro so soft. Molsol saId an altornate plan should groatly roduco tho couch roplacomont cost. -., . ..".. .., '.'.' ".. .....". -~ .' .' i , I I I I I I' , i , I , , .. i I , , I ~r3 I , , tJ 8 8. . . Sonlor Conlor Commission Januaty 25, t991 pogo 4 Molsol roportod that Mlko Foslor, DlroClor 01 Congrogalo Moals, complalnod that ut a Saturday's lunch, tho ramp was not shovolod, Sho saki thai on Saturday mornings tho Con tor Is not opon; Congrogalo Meal. Is open. As a courtosy to lhoso who allond tho moal program, tho Sonlor Contor has a lanltor como In at 12:30 10 koep tho building opon. Tho provlouslanllor did not havo anothor job so ho gladly como eatly and ahovolod. Molsol askod Commission membora whothor thoy wantod to roquost hiring somoono to handlo tho snow romoval problom. Commlaalon mambora dlscussod a1tomaUvos, IncllJdlng having a Sonlor Con tor or Congrogato Meala atall handlo anow romoval, and discussing romoval with ESA. Gode staled thai the quoaUl)I111 whose rasponal~lIy It Is 10 doan sldowalks on wookonds, Molsol ogreed to talk 10 ESA and ropert back. Meisel aaId thai now pedestals havo boon Installod downstairs. Sho saki thai Mra, Porot was very ploasod with tho use 01 momortal monoy and contribulad an addlUonal $50. Molsol sald thai Shor Hawn /rom tho County DopL 01 Hoalth doos nlnoss tosllng lor Son lor Centor and Is excltod about tho prospect 01 a hoalth dub at tho Sonlor Contor. Molsol saki stall was locking for knowtodgoablo Unlvorslty and community pooplo In tho flold 01 oxorclse machlnos lor older poop/o. Melsol notod that tho Govorno(s Conferonce on AgIng will bo hold In May. Sho sold that sha wrolo .Iottor to Botty Granclquls~ Dlroctor 01 tho Iowa Dopattmont 01 Eldorly Allallll, suggesting that stall 01 tho Sonlor Contor would bo willing to conduct a onooday Sonlor Contor worllshop. Bonz would talk aboul tho BIU 01 Rights proloCl. Rogusky would talk about tho volunteor aCllvlllos, Hood would talk aboul board training and somoono would talk about tho poor counseling and othor toplcl. Melsol said Grandqulst has not YOI rospondod, Melsal aald thai Phoonlx Systoms, Ino. rocolvod a granllrom AOA to hold roglonal worllshops on how groups aOrvlng tho olderty could markot thomsolvos which could fit In with tho proposod Sonier Contor FoundaUon. Melsol wrolo to thom suggosllng that Iowa City would bo a lorrlllc for I conloronco, Russ Prolfi". DlroClor 01 the Herltago Aroa Agoncy on AgIng, agrood 10 bo a co. sponsor, A conloronco In Iowa City has boen schoduled lor July 2. Tho conforenco would holp Sonlor Contor dovolop marl<oUng stratoglos, Melsol noled the Con tor must Ond ways 10 mako tho pubIlo BWaro 01 whalls avallablo at tho Sonlor Contor, Buslnossos aro willing to subsldlzo programs lor oldor peoplo bocauso senior clllzons havo d1sposablo Incomo thot buslnossos hopo 10 cash In on. Melsol aaId tho Sonlor Centor phonograph, whIch tho Sonlor Con tor hos had slnco It was opened, Is golllng worse, Melsol roquostod a now boom.box slylo storoo Ihat could play CDs and tapes. Stagor movod, socondod by Plopor 10 dlrocl stall 10 find a top quality mochlno In tho $550 rango. MoI.ol aakl thoy would anompl to uso a local morchant, Gode notod the lonor In tho CommissIon mombora' packot Irom Council mombor Karon Kubby thanking thom lor tho uso 01 tho Sonlor Con tor space. Godo also Ihankod Hood lor hor work on tho bookloL Godo roquoslod stallsoo Commission momboro who aro nol prosonl bo glvon tho anllro pockoL Godo notod he would miss nod month'. moollng and In Iho pockot thoro would bo a Ilsl 01 CommissIon appolntmonls to commllloos and prosontollons. Ho oncourogod Commission mombors to chock with alo" bofore making a prosonlallon 10 olhor agoncles and groups, ~ , I I , I I I ~f3 I , , I #13: -""",., .,) , r, 8 q . - Sonlot Contor Commission January 25. 1091 pogo 5 ~: In rosponso to Slagor, Molaol oxplalnod partUng spacas BrO rosorved lor volunloors and Sonlor Cenlor Ita" will tJckol porsonslCllll patllod In those spacos who aro nol voluntooro. Stag or askod H a policy COllie! bo lmpIomonlod thaI anyone could pllllc In Ipacos resorved lor vo/unloars a'lor 1:00 p,m. Godo llated thoro aro aUll volunloora toachlng dassos In the a/lomoon and lhoso plII1dng I/lIICOS should bo relorvod lor thom. Anclaux askod II Senior Contor CommissIon mombo,. could park In tho volunloor apacoa. Molsolsald. YOI. Slagor alalod ho rocolvod a roquost 10 hold a town moeUng altho Sonlot Conlor. Godo asked who would sponsor tha mooUng, Slagor llatod thot Joan Tuckor, Annlo Tuckor and Joan MarUn are organizing tho lawn mooUng. Senior Con tor Commllslon membors discussed tho usa 01 Senlot Centor by groups olhor than older poopIe. Melaol nolod thai tho only non.elderly group' aDowod to use the Senior Cantor aro boards assoclated with tha City 01 Iowa City. Molsolaald thO potentia/exists lor MAP 10 sponsor a non,oldorly group 10 hold Q mOOllng, auch as tho town moeUng, and that would noed to bo d1scuasod by the Commission, Godo nolod tho prosonl poUcy wiIIlland. Meollng ~oumod a15~5 p.m. ICIC 1021.mln .. ., .......,.."",...~,-..'<~ ~ ....., ~,;.,."....',\.~"'..~,.~".,lo<,;....,~,,_ ,.':.~" ,'..' .'"'''' ..4' ,..,.~".. "-0< I.......-~... ~-"-" ,,--~,- ,..; .-,."...,..-', ...-. '~"_""'- ..-, . --" ,h'.'.- ,..."....".'..,'_""........,'. I I' I , I " i: , " , I' .. F , I I I , 1 !: " ! ! i !, !I I I I I i, . \ i I I I I ." I , .1 1\1 ) , , r, g 0 - MINIJTES SENIOR CEmER COMMISSION FEBRUARY 2S, 1991 I\J'ml'~\'1'11':f ' 1.. t 11..... ' .-' MEMBERS PRESENT: Ruftno Anclaux. Bud Godo, Joan Hood, Harold Stagor, Juno Plopor, Mary Geasland, Gorrl Busso, Duano Moans. Vlneo Maurar. MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: GUESTS PRESENT: Botto Molsol, Anno Burnlldo. Lorralno Broolo, GOllland callod tho moollng to ordor at 3:06 p,m. GOOlland notod that no roprolontatlvo. 01 tho Council 01 Eldors woro prosonL Tholo WII no publlo dllCUlllon. Anclaux roquo.tod thot Sonlor Contor Commllllon momber. rocolvo coplos 01 tho mlnuto. oa/llor, Molsol.ald mlnutos % .onl out tho Wodnosd.y aftor tho Sonlor Contor oxocutlvo moollng. Godo said many corrocUonsllO noodod. Godo asked mlnulo.takor Smith It mora mlC/ophonos 110 noeded. Smlth Ilalod sho I. roquolllng a .onsltlvo mlC/ophono 10 be purchasod by tho City. Godo rolorrod to the January 21, 1991 mlnutos, psgo 2, nrst paragraph, 'Ho nolod th.ltho Out/oach Commlttoo I. going 10 ouUlno Congregato MOIl. programa.' Godo .tolod thollhould rood, 'Ho nolod that tho Outtooch Commlltoo Is going 10 outIylng Congregato Moals programs.' Smlth .uggoslod mooting with Godo and Meisel to discus' COIIocUoo. to tho mlnutos. Godo roforrod 10 pogo 3, 'Mollol..ld tho Commission mombo,. thought tho mooUng should toko ploco 01 soon 01 posslblo,' Godo .talod th.t .hould road, 'Melsollald tho Councl1 01 E1dors mombor.thought tho moollng .hould takO pisco IS .oon 01 posslblo,' Godo roforrod to pago 4, pllagraph 2, 'Molsol roportod that Mike Fo.tor, Dkoc\or 01 CliO Moal.,...', Godo ,tated that .onloneo lhould rosd, 'Mollol roportod that Mlko Foslor, OIroClor 01 Congrogalo Moal..,..., Godo .tatod ho could tist dozons 01 correctlons. Molsol statod tho SoC/otary and tho V1co.Chalr woro not prosont at the moollng and tho Choir was outoOf.town. MO'. ed by Stagor, .oconded by Busso, 10 accopt tho mlnulos as corrocted by Godo. Gode .talod he win moot with Smith and Molsol roglldlng mlnulos corroctlons, Godo Ilaled a lopo 01 tho moollng will be noodod. Lorralno Brooso, COuncil 01 E1dor. roprosontatlvo, and Anne Burnsldo IIrtvod, , Goasland said COmmission mombors allondod tho City Council budgot .esslon. Molsol roportod thst Goasland mode s presonlstlon at tho budgot 101l10n: Busso. Hood and Geaslond attondod tho moollng: Anclsux, Busso and Goaslond allondod tho dlnnor and discussion prIor 10 tho budgot session, Molsol said Gossland addrollod COuncil about tho 55,000 roquost lor tho lonth yoar annlvorsory, Molsol roportod tho COuncil approvod budgot roquoslS lor 4 work Itudy sludonlS, tho cllpoUng and the $5,000 lor tho annlvorsary, Tho City Council strongly rocommondod that tho Senior Contor not uso tho pross.Clllzon os a moans 01 gOlllng Informallon out 10 peoplo, Tho Tonth Year Annlvorsary COmmlltoo will nood to addross what Is the loast exponslvo way to roach most pooplo. Sonlor Contor Commission mombors dlscussod tho City COuncil's oblecllon to usIng tho~, Molsolsald lor undor $3,000, tho ~ would provide a 24.pago supplomont which would go to t 9,000 housoholds. Hood askod lithe CommIssion could lalk to tho City Council, Hood saId tho ~ has provldod a lot 01 covorago about tho Son lor Centor, Burnsldo laid Council's rosorvallons woro aboul an Insort, ~K3 'I I . j' I , .' . I I, . i I , , , , ,I , /, CI q , I Sonlor Conlor Commission Fobruary 25, 1991 Pogo 2 Molsol nolod mailing cosls have Inctoasod apploxfmatoly 40 porconL Hood askod Molsollo contact City Manogor Atkins. Goasland aald cl8llflcollon Is noodod. Molsol reported thaI open lor quolllon 'a a roquoa. lor lull. limo ovonlng l8l1llOtlal ho/p. Anclaux askod II tho budgot was nnallzod. Molsol aald Iho did nolthlnk anything major would happon to tho budgot. Geasland laid City CouncU wllllako a look al whaltho Commlulon dooa with the $5,000, Busso said tho Ton Yoar Annlvoraary Commllloe noods to bo romlnded 10 mako tho ovent envlronmontally salo. Goasland announcod that tho third annual CouncU 01 E1doralSonlOt Conlor Commlulon moollng Is schodulod lor Tuosday, Fobtuary 26, 1991 I In Class/oom 1. Goasland paslod out alonlatlvo agonda. Goasland said a T.lhlrt win bo p/osonlod 10 Stovo Aikins. Mollol,talod thaI Atklna wID slay for dlnnor, Goasland sold slsll will plosent Idoss lor actJvlUos lor tho SGnlo/ Contor tonth blrthdsy colob/allon, Molsolsald tho Ccmmlsslon was prosontod with a tontatlvo agonda to allow mombora to aoo the agonda and mako changoa boloro II was pllnlod up lOt tho moollng. Godo said, '2. Sla" prosontallons,' should road, '2. Sta" prosontaUons rogardlng tonth Y081 annlvorsary,' Hood askod II tho suggosllona nslod undor stall plosontallona havo alroady boon doclded upon, Molsolsald nO,thoy I/e only Idoas. Molsol sal~ tho LIvIng HIstory F8Ims Roadora Thoalte Is the only thing thaI hu boen conftrmod. Hood auggoslod that Rom 2 rood, 'Stall proposals' or 'sla" discussions.' Hood askod II thoro win bo an opportunity lOt poopIo 10 glvo Input as to what mIght be dono. Melsol said Godo haa appolnled lour pooplo to . Tonth Anniversary Commmoa, Lorraine Gordon.Broeso will appoint lour pooplo, and thoso eight pooplo will work with ala", Molselatated that oach porson will chair a commlltoe. Molsolaald thoro wID be a ltemondous amount 01 work Involvod and a lot 01 room lor Input. CommissIon mombora agrood number 2 should road, 'Sla" proposals lor ton YOl/ annlvorsary colob/aUon,' Molsel ra/orrod 10 Itom 4 . 'Small group dlscuulons' and each 01 tho Sonlor Conlor stall will chair a group. In ro'ponse 10 Molsol, Hood said she can take a group II lori Bonz Is sick. Molsolaskod Bud snd Lorralno to aorve the lood. Geasland askod thai namo lags bo provldod. ~: Molsol roportod that tho Oollar a Month Club and momorlals woro atartod. Melsol said many poople slgnod up lor the Oollar a Month Club . with a lot 01 pooplo gMng $12. Molsel ssld peoplo also requoslod that tholr momorlal donations bo prlntod In Ihe papor, Molsolaald sho he8ld Irom tho Councn 01 Eldors that somo people didn't lIke tho Idoa 01 bolng sskod to contrlbuto and putting namosln tho papor. Melsol slatod thaI many pooplo wanled to conltlbuto money bocause thoy woro not ablo to or could not voluntoer althe Sonlor Conlor, Molsolaald pooplo conltlbutlng anythIng 10 tho Sonlor Centor aro always acknowlodged In many dllloront ways, Molsol said tho Sonlor Conlor Commission dllcussed contacllng funoral dlroClors and trust olficorslo suggoSllo porsons wonting 10 boquoath mOlloy thaI tho Sonlor Centor bo namod as tho bononclary, Molsol asked Sonlor Conter Commission mombors Illhelldoa shuuld now bo addrossod, Means said luneral dlroctors and trust olficors would bo willing 10 cooporato with tho Sonlor Conlor. Moans eskod II a lonor should be lont. Mollol sold a brochuro or Information about the Senior Conlor could bo proparod which a trust oIDcor or lunorol dlroctor could glvo 10 somoone. Burnsldo sold thallhoro are organizations, such os Notional Consorvancy, Ihat ~g3 . log '? ' Sonlor Contor Commission Fobru8IY 25, 1991 Page 3 Ictlvely puraue donations and fund,. Stagor luggostod conlacUng tho County Bar Association 10 aond I brochure to ovory lawyor In town. Anclaux suggostod contacUng community organlzaUons and mlklng the SOnlor Conlor noods known 10 thom. Hood suggosled using the lund.rolslng Commlttoo 10 look Into thl,. GOIsland said tho lund,ral,'ng Commlttoo could be ulod to docldo the lormalto sond 10 luneral dlroClors and tru,l olllcors, Busse asked II tho namos 01 pooplo who Jolnod tho Donar I Month Club will bo publlshod, Molselslld yos, ovory month, Busso suggostod WIlling 0 sontonco In tho ~ thst voluntoors' limo or money Is mosl slncoroly Ipprocfatod by ovoryone who usos tho Senior Contor. Mol,el alld I clualo example 01 complaints rocolved al tho Sonlor Cenler Is tho roeonl oxamplo 01 I man who complalnod that PEACE was palntod on tho W3shlngton StroOI ontry window, Godo said thai whon nogaUvo commonts aro rocolved, mombora 01 tho Councfl 01 Eldora and Sonlor Conter Commission ahould rOlpond with an oxplanatlon Immodlalely, 1.0. tha Dollar a Month Club. Ancfaux askod why II was docfded 10 havo I Dollar I Month Club. Hood said tho GI~ Fund Is used 10 purchaso a lot 01 things at the Contor . such as the photography dark room, vldoo and odltlng oqulpmonL Anclaux said peoplo should know lor what tho monoy Is bolng used. Hood oxplalnod that stall can Indopondontly spond up to $100 oul 01 the GI~ Fund; any expondllurelargor than $ t 00 has 10 bo opprovod by the Sonlor Contor Commission, Molsel said I boom box wulult purchaaod. Molsolsald the PA systom Is broken and noods 10 be roplacod. Wo also nood sddlllonal ampllncaUon lor the ossombly room. Sho will nrst contoct tho City or CCN sbout the aslombty room systom. II nobody will ~lnd tll0 systom, the Gift Fund monoy will noed to bo used. Anclaux said peoplo would bo willing to contribute more II thoy know exactly lor whsl thoy woro contrlbullng, Busse aald the Fund.ralslng Commllloe could suggost how vatlous lund.ralslng ovents Iro prosentod. Godo aald somo Gift Fund expondlluros ero needod Immedlatety, and tho Sonlor Cenlor cannot walt I year lor a lund,ralsor. Gode said tho Sonlor Conlor Commission rocelvos I quartorty IIs1 of Gift Fund dlsbursomonts and rocolpts. ~: SNOW SHOVEUNG. Mel,ol reportod sho IIstonod to complaints thai tho Congrogato Meals stops atO not shovolod Ind tho ramp Is nol shovolod on weokonds. Molselstated sho rovlewed tho Congregale Mools contraCl, and It statod thai any area only usod by nutrition sta" would bo taken care 01 by the nutrlllon sla". Rogardlng tho ramp, Molsol said tho wookond Janitor Is unablo to como In oarly 10 shovolthe ramp, and Eldorly Sorvlces Agency Inow peoplo would not promls. to shovol the ramp ftrsL Molsolsald Congregalo Meals had beon lold thai tho Sonlor Conler lanltor cannot got thoro oarty and since tho buildIng Is opon apoclncalty lor tho Congregate Moals program, thoy would havo to tako care 01 It. PARKING. Molsol slaled Jim Brachtol has not yol addrossod Iho parking Issuo, BOOM BOX. Molsolalatod the boom box has boon purchasod. Molsol said tho boom box cost under $400, CITY.COUNTY MEETING, Molsol roportod that John McDonald sold tho Clly.County mooting , would probably bo hold at tho end 01 tho wook. Molsol addod thai Lorrolno Broaso sonta lottor Irom tho Council 01 Eldors 10 John McDonald and Bolly Ockonfols suggostlng thai tho Choir or a doslgnoo from tho Commission and Council 01 Eldora should bo on tho Commlltoe, Brooso has not rocolvod a roply yol; John McDonald sold ho will roply. lIfj . ! I I ,I I I I , I \ \ I I , , I I 1 f g .3 - Sonlot Contor Commission Fobruar{ 25. 199\ Pogo 4 REVENUES, Molsol roported thai City Managor Stovo Aikins has roquostod thai each dopar1menl como up with Ideas lor tho City Council 10 dlscutt rogOldlng altomaUvo rovonuos . how can oach dopartmonl bllng In monO'(. Godo .ald tho CIty Manogor should bo lold tho Sonlor Conlor IS aIroady bringing In rovonuoa fiom tho PAlklng Lot Fund and tho Oollar a Month Club. Hood said sho liked Godo'aldoslo Indlcalo to tho City that tho Sonlor Canlor haslnstllulod I patklng foo. PIopor saki tho Sonlor Cantor haS alroady dona qullo a low things such as roll1lng quillS 10 buy . tho compulOl1. Goalland said that lor tho purposo 01 tho mlnutos II should be atslod that dIacuIalon WAS hold and roeommondallonS by the Commission woro modo 10 ala" thaI tho City Managor should Indlcalo 10 Council thaI wo hevo contrlbuled by InsUlullng pI/king loos, ~ _;;~~~: ~~r~~o~~~:~ 10 tho CI~ thol additional r::~~~~~ ~~: _~~;n' ~o"ciiV r 81 ..(gUhO Gift FundJor cortaln exoondltllros t t I Tho meUon OISI~' MONTHLY FIGURES. Molsol asked II thoro woro any quosUons rogardlng mon\hly ligures, BustO asked" thoro woro any unusual roforrals. ButtO aald tho Informallon prosonlod sbout referrals could be Iookod It as a aource 01 unmot nonds that tho Sonlor Conlor mlghl use In planning. Molsol aald agenclea usod 10 bo roqulrod to roport lbout unmot noods thllthoy hsd. Molsol aald In/orrnaUon roforrals aro CAlI.thsl havo nothing to do with tho Sonlor Conlor Ind most colis sho rocolvoa Irom pooplo In tho community 110 aboul paronla going Irom ono lovol 01 cate 10 anothor Iovol 01 caro, Molaol said aho rocolvod I CAlllrom s porson Irom tho auburbs 01 ChIcago, wanUno to start I Sonlor Centor. ButtO aald aho msde ono 01 the roforrll calls Isklng U tho Sonlor Conter was awaro 01 tho Sonlot Contor InformlUon Conlor In Washington, D.C, ButtO said sho rocolved a mailing. Sonlor Inform.Uon lor Changosln ModlcalO. Busso askod " tho Sonlor Conter rocolved car.. lor aorvlcoaln Iowa City thlt aro not lvalloblo. Molsolsald she worked with I divorced woman noedlng apoclno aoclal aocurlty holp. The Senior Cenlor wos unablo to got hor tho apoclno holp she noedodj tho women evontually lound a tolllroe telophono numbor and rocolved holp. 1l00d reforrod 10 the Januar{ 23, 199t corrospondonce recolvod Irom Ecumonlcal Towors rofualng our roquOlt lor short.lorm pasklng for younger volunloers, and asked lIthe SenIor Contor kopt any ataUsllcs on tho numbor 01 Ecumonlcal Towor rosldonls that uso Sonlor Contor programs. Molsol slalod no, Slogor dlscussod tho Council 01 Eldors Fobruary 7, 1991 mooting In dolall. Ho menUonod tho planning lor Oldor Amorlcans' Day, May 22, t 991. MOIns slalod he dId not ottond the City Council and Boord 01 Suporvlsors mootlngs os he was not Informed that ho was 10 sllond. Goasland stalod that Ploper Is schodulod to roprosont the Commission at tho Council 01 Eldors mooting, and Busso Is schoduled 10 roprosonl Ihe Commission at tho City Council and Johnson County Board 01 Suporvlsors mootlngs noxt month, In rosponso to Busso, Brooso laid tho Council 01 Eldors moots tho nrsl Wodnolday 01 tho month. Burnsldo said tho City Council lormal mooting Is schodulod lor Morch 5, 1991, Molsol statod tho Johnson County Board of Suporvlsors hold moetlngs ovory wook and Iho City Clork con be conlaClod lor tho City Council's meollng schodule. Gooslond luggostod thai Commission mombors conlact Molsol regarding Information lor prosonlatlonl. - - i/i3 . I I I I I I I i I . , I i , .1 ,. ..'-~""..",.. '~ I 0 q y I Sonlor Contor Commlulon I I I FobtuOty 25, 1991 I Plgoll I \ I' I ~: I .' 9togor ASk,;! N tho Sonier Conlor could oxtond on lnvltotlon to tho Sonlor Contor to oldorly volorw al Ult VA Ho.pIW. Commlu/on mombora dlacuuod wsya to contact voterans. Gouland auggoalod conlldlng AMlo TuttJo II VA RoctootlonAl Thorlpy end SoclAl Work SoMcoa: WOIklng with OAV roproaontollvoa; Ind oatabllshlng a buddy systom whoroby Sonlor Contor mombora Vlho er. votorw could bo paltod with VA votoronl. Molsol nolod thai Sonlor Conl.r pertlclpanll ero not tho moat Irlondly poopIo to atrangora oncI ero ofton vory Utllylllpothollo to poopIo Vlho er. dllloronL Bus.. aald a Johnson County Amorlean Loglon person might be . 'bucIdy" 10 . VA person. S\ogof ukod how poopI. can gol to tho Sonier Conlor bocous. SEATS now COlli S l.eo. Molsol aald persona donl havo to pay SEATS Sl,eo," II only . contrlbutfon. SlIgor ukod II on Inlor.aonler cenlor rolotlonahlp with othor counllos could bo ostabnshod lor poopl. wonUng 10 wit olhor IOnlor conlort. Buuo aald Horltag. Agoncy aorvoa thai purposo. Hood askod II 1110 Sonlor Contor rlCOlvod nowsloUora /rom othor aenlor conlora. Hood aald It would bo nJeo 10 put . not.book 01 oth.r aonlor conlor nowsloltora In 1110 lobby to 101 peoplo know what It going on In othor IOnIor conlora, Plopor aald tho Sunday Coder Rapids Olzotto IIsII actMUtalor aonlor centOrt In MAllon, Coder Raplda ond Iowa City. Hood aald that tho IIS1 ahould be clIppod Ind put In lho lobby, GoaslonclluggoSlod porsons could orgonlzo . plonnod group to aUond on actMty In anolhor aonlor contor, Hood announc:od thai. ono-doy IOnIer Issuoa conloronco la bolng plannoo lor July at KIrkwood Community ColIogo. Hood notod MorcanUlo Bonk has donllod S7,500 lor the evonL Rogordlng Sllgor'a Inlor-councll Sonlor Conlor idOl, Goaslond Iskod Stlgor 10 contlCl tho porson wonUng on Intar-contor rolatlonshlp end 10 uk thll porson 10 golln touch wllI1 othor contort lor achoduloa 01 ovonllln tholr nowsloUolI. Rogerdlng volorons, Goaslond Slid tho Soclal Work SOMcOS It VA ahould be conlaClod end that Slogor should pursuo tho buddy systom Idol. Tho moollng IdJourned It 11:00 p.m. lICtI\2-2Sconlmil , " .' ,. !' \ i: I ! I I , , , I " , '. "', "-".""".--, '-113 ... , I , .1 ,\1 . 1 t] g S MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS FEBRUARY 27.1991 .8:30 P.M. SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER CLASSROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Graco Cooper, Mary Anno DOMII, Agnos Kuhn, LInda Murray, Roborta Potrlck, Oorothy Porsson, Kalth Rull, Jim SL John, Matts Snldor, Goorgo Starr MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Vacancy Halo, Milkman, No" CCN recommonds thai $30,000 In CDSG lunds bo nIlocalod 10 VIIIII Gatdon Apartments a"ordablo ronlal housIng. ~: Chalrporson Starr caI1ed tho moeUng to ordor al 6:32 p.m. Persson indicated thai hor namo was spelled Incorroctly In 1110 mlnutos, SL John moved to approve the mlnuloslor January 23, 1991, as amonded. Kuhn aocondod, Tho mollon canfed 9.0. Hald reportod thai applications lor 1110 vacant poslllon on 1110 CCN ato avallablo altho City Clerk'a office, MIlkman staled thalsho recolvod a phone caI1 from Karon Kubby, tho City Council liaison, apologizing lor hor rocont absoncaa whIch aro tho rosult 01 a Wodnosday connlcL Sian notod thai bocauso thoro aro openings on a numbor 01 City commissions, ho would auggosl thai tho CCN mombora carry appIlcallons with thom 10 dlsltlbulo 10 Inlorostod persons. Ho Indlcalod thai It would also bo holplulll tho public notlcos rogardlng openings on City boards and commissions Included Information rogardlng when tho moo lings aro hold. ~: &!lvCouncll. Sian roported thai allts February t9, 1991, mooting tho City Council approvod tho resolullon modl~lng tho Cltlzon ParUclpallon Plan. Ho Indlcatod thai tho on~ commonl was 0 quosllon Irom Kubby Inqulrtng about how moollng the neods 01 doal and non. English speoklng peoplo aro mado publlo, Ho askod stall what Is gonorally dona In rogard to such publlo notlcos. Milkman rosponded thai gonoralty notlcos aro pulln tho local nowspapor and occasionally radio announcomonts. Commonts aboul how theso noOOs ora mol can be Includod In such notices. If I I . Halo roporlod that tho lasl mootIng was used primarily to bralnstorm lor Idoas rogatdlng posslblo approach os 10 the community's alfordablo housing noeds. Sho roportod that Idoas Includod tho nood for Iransltlonal houslno. slnglo room occupancy, and "~"'~"->,-".,,",-.. ..~.. ..,-" . I I' I ", , , , ./ .. , '. I '\ I I. I I I , I , 4g~ ! "".-...,,- ! , I I .\ , f G b' '. . Mlnulos Commiltoo on Community Noods Fobtuaty 27, 1991 Pogo 2 how tho availability of local lunds by tho City and londers should bo oncouragod. She stalod thai II was dlscussOO whother or nollo Includo Iowa City, Corolvlllo, and all 01 Johnson County or evon oxpand 10 Include a lIvo,county area. Sho statOO thallhoro was d1sculslon rogatdlng establishIng a clOa1lnghouso 10 coordlnato housing In/ormaUon and thai oxpanslon 01 tho housing salvogo program was also dlscussod. Sho said that thoro was discussIon oflnvontorylng avallablo 10" wilhln tho clty and tho nood lor tho Unlveralty 01 Iowa 10 parUclpato In ollorts and coordlnallon, Starr Indlcalod that a publl~rtvato non'pront corporallon could bo ostabllshod lor Invostmont purposes, Ho notod that tho Nolghborh9od Rolnvostmonl Corporation sent Its 1989 annual roportlo tho CIty Managor, ttouslna CommissIon' Porsson stalod thai tho CommissIon Is Involvod In an on,golng oriontatlon procoss In ordor 10 bo moro lamlllar with tho City housIng activ1l1os, She stated thalthoy havo rocelvod InformaUon from a number 01 spoakers and lhls holps to keop the membors oducalod. (Donnls arrIvod al 8:46 p.m,) Porsson roporlod thai tho HousIng Commission recolvod a roquost lor $70,000 In ordor 10 purchase the Sunsol Metollo bo us~ lor transitional housing. She stalod that tho Commission encouragod tho eNorts 01 the Sunrtso HousIng Commlnoo, bul askod thom 10 rotum to tho CommIssion allor they havo Invosllgatod othor lundlng sourcos, rocolvod endorsomont Itom Coralvlllo City Councll, and evaluatod tho bulldlng'slocallon on a lormer landfill slle, Milkman roportod thai six lamlllos havo boon soloctod 10 purchaso tho homos In tho Sycamore View SubdMslon. Sho Indlcatod that purchaso agroomonts will soon be sIgned and that threo 01 tho lamlnos will bo going to londers within tho wook. Milkman roportod thai tho National AlIordablo HousIng Act was passod In Novomber 011990, Sho Indlcatod thai It comblnos oxlstlng programs with a low now programs thai woro croalod by the ACI. She statod that tho goal Is to have a doconl home In a sultablo onvlronmont for ovory Amorlcan lamlly, Sho slated that this goal Is 10 bo roachod by Incroaslng the supply 01 housIng, making no~hborhoods sale and vlablo, and Incroaslng homo ownership opportunltlos. She reported thai tho HOME Investmonl Partnorshlp Acl has as Its amphasls tho rohabllltatlon of affordablo housing lor ronlers. Milkman staled thai although Congross authortzod funds lor 1991 and 1992, the amount 01 tho lundlng Is In quostlon. Milkman Slaled that HOPE. Housing Opportunllles lor Poop/o Evorywhoro, Is anothor program whIch Is allomptlng 10 recolvo funding for 1992, Sho roportod that Soctlon 202 was changed and oxpandod and now allows lor lunds lor housIng lor pooplo wIth dlsablllllos, and a now program has boon croatod lor oldorty housing whIch would also provldo lor sorvlcos. Sho roported thai a special calogory has boon crealod lor housing lor peoplo with AIDS. She statod that HOPE Is Intondod to soli Publlo Housing unItsoto tho lonants and nolod thai othor ownershIp programs aro Includod. Milkman roported thai In ordor lor cities and slatos to rocolvo lunds undor Iho new progroms,thoy must proparo a Comprohonslve Housing AlIordablllly Stralogy ICHASI, Sho roporlod thallhoro "....,-.. ., ,., 4g41 . , I I , , I I ,. , , , , ,. tJ g ,", ' . .. Mlnulos Committee on Community Noods Febtuaty 27, 1901 Pag03 musl bo a lIvo-yoar plan that explains how the City Inlondslo meot Its housing noOOs. Sho stated thai there woukl bo ftvo sp.ctJons whIch Inc/udo: 1) a neods assessment, 2) how tho housIng markol affects housing availability and the condlUon 01 housIng. 3) stratog/es such as chang os In zoning requirements, 4) rosourcos, and 5) Implementallon. MIlkman statod lI1al the nvo.yeat plan musl bo complelod by OeIobor 01 this yoar because It musl bo revlowod and approved boforo CDBG lunda can bo aIlocatod, In rosponse to a quos lion Irom Donnls, MIlkman expla/nod that states and clUes wlU have soparato plans, She stressod that whllo CDBG funds did InClOaso by ton parconlthls yoar, tho plan Is to doCloaso lunda again noxt yoar by approxImately Ion porconL She omphaslzed that durtng Community Dovolopmonl Weok thoro will bo a nood 10 ancourago lobbying 10 koep 1110 CDBG dollars from bolng dOCleasOO noxt yoar. In rosponso 10 a quostlon lrom Starr, Milkman statod thai under 1110 now program, CDBG dollars will bo encouraged to bo usod more lor In!rasllllcture and nolghborhoods than lor housing. Sho Indlcalod thero Is also a proposal lrom the Bush Admlnlstrallon to glvo lump sums to tho slatos and sho strossod thallho enlltloment cltles aro ftghUng this proposal. Hale rovlowod hor momorandum to tho Commllloe datod Fobtuaty 22, 199t. Sho Slatod thai thoro Is a March 1, 1991, doadllno for tho application 10 the Iowa Ananco Authortty lor Low Incomo Housing Tax CredlL Sho stated thai tho devolopor Is working with the CIty Council 10 Implomonl a tax InClement financlng proposal that wUl bo used to pay 0" an exlsllng loan lor approxlmatoly lour years. She stalod that tho requesllor CDBG dollars Is lor acquisition and 10 allow lor moro storaga and othor amonl~s that aro usually not lound In affordablo housing, In rosponso to a quosllon !rom Slarr, Halo IndlcatOO thai this would bo a no.lnterost loan that would bo ropald within lour years. Donnl. moved .nd Cooper socondod rocommondlng thai Council allocate $30,000 01 COBa lund.lo VIII. Garclon Apatlmontl .fforclable rontal housing. In rosponso 10 a quostlon Irom Patrlck, Hale stalod thai the housing units would bo locatod betwoon Broadway Stroat and Kookuk Stroot, dlroctly north 01 tho No~hborhood Center, In rosponso to a quostlon Irom Coopor, Halo Indlcalod thai tho traClls zoned approprtalely lor this devolopmont. Patrtck asked" tho dovolopor noods lI1e $30,000 01 CDBG funds boforo rocolvlng oll1or lunda, Hale explalned that tho noed Is lor simultaneous lundlng. Sho stalod thai tho Iowa Anance Authority will not approve lundlng without the local lunds and thai tho City will requIre thai tho Iowa Finance Aulhortty lunds bo approved bo/oro roloaslng any lunds, Milkman oxpla/nod that tho appllcallons lor Iowa Finance Aulhortty funds aro competitive and that applicants gol polnls " thore Is a local malch, Kuhn exprossed hor concom with tho proposod location, Starr IndIcated Ihat thIs Is also a concom 01 his, bul he notod thai" you walt lor the pertoCllocatlon. thon tho developmont may novor occur, Kuhn Indlcatod Ihal sho does not 1001 thero Is approprtale outside play spaca at tho No~hborhood Contor that she feols was promlsod, Donnls stalod that sho bollovos It's a convenlont locallon bocauso It Is close to tho Neighborhood Con tor, bul sho Indlcalod sho Is concemod thai thoro Is a IImllto how many poople the Nolghborhood Cenler con provIde sorvlcos lor, She Indicated thai sho Is also concomod with turning tho aroa Into a 'projocl'. Hale stressod 1fr , ~ , i I I ,I , tJ g 8 Mnulos Convnllloo on Communlty NuOOs February 27, 1001 Pogo 4 thai this Is a Iowodanslty pr%ct. Palrfck atatod thai ovon lilt Is low.<fonslty,lt Is sUlI cJustortng ono Incomo group Inlo one area. Millunan emphaslzOtlthal :110 denalty Is appropriato lor tho zono and thai any dovolopmont that occurs wRI bo at this density. Sho notod Ihal eldorly housIng would bo an opUon thai would not Includo chlldran, bul ahe strossod Iho Contor Is available 10 provIdo IOrvIcos 10 rosldonta with chUdlon. Sho esllmated thai approxlmaloly one.half 01 the realdonls would uso SoClfon 8 housing asslstance. She notod thai tho ronls will bo such thai pooplo who make 80 porconl 01 tho modlan Income should bo able to comlortably aJford renls and not all 01 tho rosldonls will racolvo aaslstanco. Starr nolod that tho locaUon Is closo 10 a Ichool, aodal aervlcos, and a raasonably pticod grocary store. Halo roportod that Joan VandonBorg 01 tho Neighborhood Contor Is providing tho dovolopor wllh Inpul rO\lardlng managomenl and des~n. Hale Indcatod thai VandonBerg Is also providing tho developor with a lottor 01 endorsomenllor tha projoct. Sho atrossed thai 1110 provlslon ollunds lrom tho CIty also alIowa tho City some Input 1010 the projoct, Inpulthat would nol bo posslblo with a privately lundod devoloprnonL In rosponso 10 a quostlon from Donnls, Milkman stated thai stall sharos aome 01 tho concerns oxprossOO by tho Commlnoo, bul thoy bollevo no olhor locations are avallllblo, SL John Indicated that he bollovos this may not bo tho bosl pr%Cl that would bo possible. He notod thilltho proposod IocaUon magnlUos tho current problem with a hlOh numbor ollow.lncomo resldonls In 1110 area. Ho slated that II would bo moro deslrablo 10 look at tho locallon 01 tho Towncrosl Mobllo Homo Court and possibly constructing Iow-Incomo housing on that slto. Donnls clarified thai lhIs Is nol a proposal bolore tho Commlttoe. (Persson loft a17:29 p.m.) Palrtck asked litho Broadway Ne~hborhood Centor could havo an addlllon II thIs projoct wore 10 bo consltuCled. Halo slatOO thai tho proposed devoloprnonl would not prohlbllluture addltlons 10 the NOlghborhood Centor. St. John asked II thoro would bo room lor a play aroa or a baskolban court alll10 now devolopmonl, Halo statoo thallhoro should bo amplo groon space and thalalall would bo ablo 10 assure CCN olll1ls. In rosponselo a quostlon Irom Paltfck, Halo indicated thai sho would tako all 01 the Commltloa's suggostlons 10 tho dovolopor. Donnls auggeslod thai tho dovelopor could como and spoak 10 1110 Commlttoo at a futuro mooting to oxplaln 1110 pr%ct, Tho motion canfod by a volo 018.1 (Patrtck vOllng In the nogaUvo), Starr asked stall 10 Invito tho dovolopor to tho noxl CommUtoo moo ling, " ! , , , I ,. , j' I I i i' i ~: Starr rovlowod tho acUvlllos thai ware discussed by tho subcommlttoo which Includod axpandlng tho Awards Ceromony Into a lair which would Includo displays and/or 1II0ralure distribution, Ho rosponded 10 tho Commlltoo thai tho ovont would lako p/aco on April 4,1991, Irom 3:30 10 5:30 PM altho Sonlor Contor, (Kuhn loll a17:30 p,m,) I ;I , ",," .,~.." .. , tJ q q , t.1Inutos Commlttoo on Community Noeda FobrUnry 27, \091 Pogo 5 DOMIa IndIcaled that Iho has mado arrangemonts lor a postor contosl to bo held at 11I0 Nolghborhood Contor with thO lIIomo 01 'W\Iattho NolghborhoOd Contor Moans to You.' Sho Indcaled thai thO Nolghborhood Conlor wiD supply tho mator\ala and thaI l/lOre should bo approxlmatoly 50 to 60 postOIl croaled. Hale rovlowod l/lO rocommonded ewatd winnors as noled In a momorandllm dated FebrUnry 27,199\. Thoro was a consonsuslrom CCN to agroo willi tho award wtnne,. rocommonded In tho IIaL SL John IndcaIOd that ono luggOSUon lrom tho Subcommlttoo was 10 p/ACO balloOns at tho Ilia 01 ouch CDBG pro)oct excoptlor tho Housing Rehabilitation Prolocts, It was aJao agroed that lIIe CCN monitors would contDct thO award rodplonta. StarT ataled that on Apr1I 2. 1991, thO Mayor will roOOl/lO prodarnaUon naming Community Dovolopmonl Wook. Murray l!j)raed 10 mako ananoamonts rogardlng refroshmenll and to assist with aeltlng up tho Sonlor Conlor lor 11I0 coromony. I' I .'- . , " " I I I ' Coopor reported thai thO $12,000 grant was awarded In order to onablo the organlzauon 10 aoarch lor a houso. Sho Ilaled lIIal a throo.bedroom house was located on Douglas Slroot and that loans lrom throo banka havo boon aocured lor tho purchaso price. ShelnclCBted thatllle offor 01 $47,000 was aCCO\lIOd and that possosslon ahould \8kO p/ACO l/lO I1rIt weok In AprIl. . ~ ' Patrick roportod that tho flnallundlnQ rocommendoUona havo not yet boon modO. She ltatod \hat l/lO United Way mOOo slIghUy ovor III goal 01 $800,000, Sho oxplalnod tho ranldnO procosslO tho Commlttoo and \lie goal 01 hOIplng Iowor.lncome individuals. i' ;' ,- . -..-~~.. '. I. , I I , I 1 Thlallem was deferrod to thO Commlttoo'a noxl mooting, II was agroed to hold thO next moetlng on March 10, t991, ot8:30 p,m. ~: patrtdl moved 10 ad!oum tho maoUng at 8:08 p,m, Ruff aoconded. Tho moUon carried unanimously. ppcIc~\2-21ccn",jn I t t I' , <~-_...-.---_.~.~,....~._.-."-...,....~_.... . ..-" ... .""" _.~..-.~..,. ....... ...... - ..-" ...,-._,~. ..- ~.~.. \ i I 4f'/\ . ..._..".,........,.....-__..,'-<'''''....._....._'~--_......---';r... j '. . I, i I. i . i I I .1 '1',\ \ .. , ., [I [I IOWI city Airport COlaillion rebrulry 1',1"1 KIHll'l'IlS IOWA CITY AIRPORT COHKISSION TUESDAY, rllBRUAAY 1', 1"1 -7100 P,H, IOWA CITY TRANSIT rACILITY HEKBIlRS PRIlSENTI Pat rOlror, John OCkonfoll, Richard Blum, Antonia lIuilton HEKBIRS AIISMI Robort Hickl STArr PRIlSMI Anne Burnlido, Ron O'Neil CALL TO ORDERI Chairponon Blum callod tho moiting to ordor at 7102 p.., A quorum of the Commission wal prosont. APPROVAL or MINUTIlSI Tho minutol ot tho January 15, 1991, looting voro approvod al prolonted. AUTBORIUTION O' I!IP1lNDITURESI o'Noil prolontod tho lilt ot oxponditurOl tor Fobruary, 1991, Hamilton mado a motion to approve the lilt ot Fobruary expenditurel, Fostor locondod tho motion and it val approvod 4-0, PUBLIO DISCUS8ION . ITIlKS NOT ON AOrKDAI E. K, Jonel lade a claritication on tho critoria Ulod tor inluring the undorground fuel Itorage tankl, Ho indicated that a reprelentative troll the insurance cOlpany vould bo at the State Airport Conterence in April, ITEHS 'OR DISCUSSION/AOTIONI a, A9rioulturll property HlnIge.ent- Blum oxplained that the itom WII on the agenda at the requelt of Jim Dano. Dlum Itllted that lalt tall, O'Neil had addrollod the Commilsion vith the idea ot roducing COltl and adminiltrative time by having all the agricultural ground tanod by one tenant. The Commila1on exprelsed to O'Neil that was a managelllont docia1on and not a latter ot policy, Jim Dane oxplainod his roalonl tor wanting to tara the 40 acrol that was onco part ot their fan, The COll\lllisa1on liltened to Dano's prolentation and docided that it wal not a policy latter, It is a managelllont docilion and O'Neil ehould mako hil decilion on what il bOlt tor the ontire Airport, b. Lea..1 - Oorporlte IIIn911'1 1 31,132, 133, and 134- O'Noil ......~-"..-!'"li.-; ':-"~ _,-1..,', -,).,~'--'-',!.> _ .~oi';"':"~;"""~' >.., f',' <..",,":; ..... '_"';"'.,'... ~fS .. I I l' " . . , .. I' .~ I- ,. 01 I o I I I I, I " i I jt I ! , " . I .1 ....'" '''~.... , H , 'I [I , I . Iova city Airport eOlAi..ion F.bruary 19,19 91 .tated that he received .iqnod loalos tor hanqarl 132 and 134, J.H, Swank hal indicatod thlt thoy will liqn the loalo betore the now loelo il duo. Intorwo.t Equitiol hal not 11qnod th.ir loa.o and lIarrI Hinckley haa indicated that he lIlay not renew tho loa... Tho COD lalon diroctod O'lIoil to puraue rental ot hanqar 1 33 it Intorwolt Equitios doo. not liqn tho loa.o loon. A 1Il0tion wal lIlado by Ockentoll to accopt tho Corporato Hanqar loalell all writton, Tho 1Il0tion was lecondod by lIalllilton. At roll call vote, tho 1Il0tion pallod 4-0, with Hickl boinq ab.ont, . , c. AlP arant 3-11-0047-02- O'lIeil Itated that thoro woro no itellls in connoction with tho qrant that roquirod action, Thil it.1II vill be includod on tho aqenda ov.ry 1Il0nth until tho projoct 11 cOlllpl,tod, Pavolllont borinql woro cOlllploted and it wal O'Noil'l intontion to have tho project roady tor bidl in April. d. ebapter 4, Cod. of ordinanc. - cod. Review and RlV1Iionl. O'Neil had luppli.d a copy ot tho Chaptor 4 coda rovilion. to tho Commillion 1Il0lllborl. The lubcommittoo ot Ockontell and Halllilton have reviewod the entire ordinanco and incorporatod tho chan901 rocoJlllDendod by tho FM and the code roview Un olllployad by tho City of Iowa city. Blum directed the ,ubcollllllittoo to continuo to work toward a final fon of the ordinance to pre..l1t to tho commilalon, Tho itelll will bo includod on tho aqonda tor tho noxt lIleotinq. Burnlldo will review tho ordinanco betore tho noxt 1Il00tinq, 9HAIP~'B RBPOR! Blulll IItatod that tho National Guard hal invitod thl Airport Hanager to a cerelllony at tho Anory in rocoqnition ot tho cooporation betwoon tho Airport and the National Guard durin9 tho Guard'l annual elllerqency 1Il0dical exercise, O'lIoil will not be availabl. to attond but Fostor will repro.ont the Airport, Blum remindod tho COlAi.lion that tho sttte Airport Contlronco vill bo conducted in 001 Hoinol on April 15 and 16, 1111. Ho urqod tho Commillion lIlelllborl to attond. Hore intormation will bo torwardod to tho COllllllilsion lIlelllbarl as it bOCOlllel availablo, Blum Itated that tho city counoil wantl to Ichodulo a lIIoetin9 with tho Commillion to dilcull budqot itollls and other issuos. Blum will sohedule tho lIleetin9 and intorlll tho COlllllliallon of tho tilllO and date, AnHINIBTRATIV! RSPOR!I O'Neil contaotod GOR Exoavation tor an estilllate on removin9 the jet ',..-"" , '115 . I i I I I I " I I .' , , I l. ; 'I I , , , 1 ., [I 2 IOVI city Airport co..iooion rebrulry 1',1"1 fuel otoraqo tank, Removal and disposal of the tank will cost botwoen $3000,00 - $4000.00. This price doee not include over- oxcavation if contaminated soil is found, Tho lD01' hu scheduled lour lIIootinqs to dlocuss trllnsportation neadl for tho next rive yearo, Ono moetinq is Ichodulod in Davenport on Harch 19,1991. O'Noil will attolllpt to attond that mooUnq, Thoro il a Itato sponsored school for woathor observers scheduled for Iowa City in tho noar future. Iowa City Flying servico, Air Care and an Iowa Citr corporate based pilot have expressed interest in ~ttending. O'Ne 1 will als~ attend the training, Planl for the Stato Aviation Expo have not been finalized by thl Itate lOOT cOllllllittoo. If plans are not finalized soon, it may be too late to organize the event for Auqult of 1991, Walmart will be flying into Iowa City everr day. This will be a regional pick-up lIrell for their over-niqht f 1m developing lervice, Approximately 23 stores will be involved. . BIT KIlT KIITIKQI The next regular Airport cOllllllission msoting is scheduled for Harch 19,1991 at 7100 p.m, ADJOURNK!N'1' I FOlter moved to adjourn tho moeUnq at 8119 p.m. the motion and tho moeting adjourned , r~~ caB u:; C a rperBon Hamilton soconded . L/f5 ...__-#__._ '."~______..~_....ft_.''''''__~''''''''~'''''''-''_~~''_"'''__''''.__'''_''''.''''''___I''_.___.._...___ . I I I' .~... " , ,. '. I " /. I , , I >, -'-f"---- -.----.--.-.-... , I I !: i I ., , I' , ! I I, ! t I I I I ,I , -,. [I .3 .. 'ill MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ' MARCH 7, 1991 .7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann BO\'bjorg, Dave Clatk, Casoy Cook, Pelo Coopor, Sally Dierks, Nancy Rold P'"'"'" '--...r.....' '. ! ~ ...1.1 ~. I ...... ., .a 2 (', ',1,.', 'J o""ro""1 "..,..... .'r.' .... I I r .~.- I I , I I I , , , , I. , MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Scoll STAFF PRESENT: Mlldo, Schoon, ChrtsUanson, Noll ~: .1 VIce Chairperson Cook caJlod tho moollng 10 ordor at 7:34 p,m. I. Recommond 8pproval by a 5.0.1 vote (Clark obsonl and abstainIng) 01 S.91 04, the Dnal pial 01 Gway Hills, Part Olle, an 18 aCta, 39.lolsubdlvlsJon. located on tho south sldo 01 Molroso Avanuo botween Wesl High and Highway 21B, subjecllo approval ollogal papars and construcUon drawings by City stall prier 10 CIty Council consideration. 2. Recommend .pproval by a 6.0 vote 01 8,9105, tho preliminary LSNRD 01 a manulaClurtng p1anWiarohouso expansion on an 81.5 acto sIte located al 2200 Lowor Muscallno Road, subjoct 10 1) approval by tho Dopmonl 01 Parks and ReCl'aaUon and the approprtalo ropresonlaUvo 01 tho school district regarding acreonlng on the north boundary 011110 allo, 2) c1artDcaUon 01 tho parklng layoul on tho pla~ 3) c1artllcaUon 01 tho square 1001000 01 tho building on tho p1a~ and 4) approval 01 conslructlon drawings and drainage plans by tho Publlo Works ~aparlmenl prtor 10 Council consldorallon. 3, Rocommond by a 6.0 volo thai tho JCCOQ Tochnlcal AdvIsory Commlnoo Includo updallng 01 tho Iowa CIty Blcyclo Plan In tho 1992 Fiscal Yoar Work Program 01 tho JCCOG TranaportaUon Planning Division, r.' - , I I , , , j; I, I I , I, I !, I J I Thoro was nono. Dlarks moved 10 approvo tho'mlnutos 01 tho February 21,1991, mooting, Rold socondod, Tho motion Catrtod 8.0, 1 '. '......"'-'l.,.."..~.......;.~-.......i"..'.,..:...,',...,._"._,c _ ,,,,......' ",_." ,_.".., ._, ,c".... ,",,),"'''' ....---.......'....''''...c,_. '....:.;.,-,.'.'"..f l/r~ - ":;'/J~{:- . I .1 I ,j 1 -, [I Y \ . Plannlng & Zoning Commission March 7, 1991 Poge2 ~: 1. Z:iO.a, PubDc discussion of an nmondod oppllcatlon lubmlllod by Frantz Construction. Inc., on bohol/ 01 Wifbort Frantz and the ~.lilth Frantz Estalo, 10 rezono approxlmotoly 9,8 acras 01 proporty Iocalod oasl 01 Sycamoro Strool and wosl 01 Grant Wood Elomontary School, lrom I[)'RS 10 RS.5, (45-d4y ImItation ported: walvod.) Schoon roported Ihal alaI/ Is curronlly In tho process 01 dovoloplng a clly.wido aowor policy. Ho roquoslod adelorralollhls 110m 10 tho Commlsslon'a March 21,1991, mooting and nolod thai 1110 rGquosllor derorral has boon agreod 10 by tho appIIcanL Cook asked 1111 has boon c1arlnod lor tho developer thai tho dovelopmenl 01 tho clty.wido sowor policy Is what Is dolaylng tho projocL Schoon alalod thai this has boon explained 10 tho applicant as It relatosto lower ClIpoclty and IOwor extension. Clark askod 1111 would bo posslblo 10 provide aowor lorvice lor tho Frantz tract through the Skogman Addlllon. Schoon rospondod thai tho PublIc Works Dopartmont has looked al all 01 tho posslbllltlos In tho area. Larry SchnlUjor, MMS Consullants, slaled that tho entlro area Is currontly at or abovo ClIpoclty. Ho sold thai In ordor 10 Ir\c:raase capacity, most 01 tho major IInos In tho aroa would noed to be robuUL Cook noled thai In ordor 10 expand ClIpaclty lor tho area, thero would bo a need 10 laar up atrools which would Increaso tho cosl 01 tho project. Publlo dlscuulon was openod 117:40 p.m. Thero was nono. , Public discussion was clclOd 117:40 p,m. ReId movod 10 dolor Z.9018 10 Morch 21, 1991. Dlorks seconded. Tho motion carrfod 8-0. ~: Clark le~ tho Council Chambers 10 ovoid tho sppoatanca 01 a confllCl ollntorosl, 1. WQ!, PubDc dIscussion 01 an appDcatlon submllled by Dav.Ed Umllod lor final pial approval of Galway Hills, Part Ono, an 18 acro, 39.lolsubdlvfslon, localod on tho south sldo 01 Melroso Avonuo botweon Wosl H~h and H~hwoy 218. (45oday limitation parted: March 31, 1991.) Mklo rovlowed tho stall report dolod March 7, 1991. SIal/ rocommondod approval 01 S. 9104 subjoCllo Iho rovlow ollagaJ papara and construcllon drawings prtor 10 City Council consldorollon, Rold askod whal was plonnod lor patk land lor this subdivision, Mlklo rospondod thai apptoxlmaloty .Ix acros will bo provldod and II will mosl likely be contiguous along tho crook lor dodlcaUon at a lotor limo durtng tho dovelopmenl, Public discus. Ion woe openod 01 7:44 p.m. ."..."",.....".~.-, Yf~ I I I i 1 I: I .' , , .. I 'I I , i I I: I \1 , , i , I I , .i , " D 5 Planning & ZonIng CommissIon March 7, 1001 pago 3 Thoro was nono, Publlo discussion was closod at 7:44 p.m. Cook movod to approvo 8-9104, tho nnal plot 01 GalYloy Hili., Port Ono,.n 18 acro, 39-101lubdlvlslon,locatod on tho aouth lIdo 01 Molrola Avonuo bolwoon Woal High and Highway 218,IUbloctto approval 01 tho logol papa" and conatructlon drawing I by City atall prlor 10 City Council consldotllUon. BovbJorg aocondod. Tho motion carrlod 5.0.1 (Clark absont and Dblto/nlng). Clark roturnod 101ho City Council Chambol1. 2. W1. Public discussion 01 an appOcaUon submlllod by Praetor & Gamblo Mfg. Co. lor prollmlnlllY LSNRD approval 01 a manulacturlng planLWarahouso oxpanslon on an 81,5 acro silo located 012200 Lowor MuscalJno Avonuo, (45-day Ilmllatlon ported: March 3t, 1991.) Mill!o rovlowed tho staff roport dalod March 7, 1091. Ho notod thai most 01 tho donclonclos havo boon resolved on tho curront plan, Ho roportod thai ho hod dlscussod buffortng with tho Parks and RocraaUon Commission and tho School District and Ind1calod thai nolthor has obJocUons 10 10caUng tho scroonlng on tho Ichoollllld plIrk allo, but would llko \0 havo tho opportunity 10 revlow 1110 plan, Stall would tlIcommond thalljlptOval 01 tho plan bo subJocllo approval 01 the Icraonlng plans by the Parks IIIld RecreDtIon Dopartmenl and reprosontatlvos 01 tho School Dlslt1ct. Ho ltalod thai thoro Is also a need lor c1artflcatlon on tho plan 01 tho pBlldng Iayoul and the squaro loolDgo ollho building and slormwalor calculations nood 10 be approved by tho Clly Englnoer. MllIIo atatod ataff would rocommand thai S.9105 bo opproved aubloct to tho roc:u~ed c1artncatJons and approval 01 conslrucUon drawings prtor to Councll consldoratJon. In responso to a quastlon lrorn Raid, Miklo statod thai AI Az/ngor cIId not express concern with studonts from tho Junior high hiding In the ahrubbory. Dlorks lugoOSlod 1I101llDII vortfy this with tho school prtnclpal and nolod thai thero wero previously problems with tho scroonlng al Northwasl JunIor High, Miklo lndlcalod thai tho Parks and Recroallon Dopartmonl dlractor had exprossod a desire to havo tho City Foroslor work on tho plan lor Bcroonlng. Rold atalod thai this would addross hor concorns IIIld allOW lor laslor growing plants and thoso with aoasonal color 10 bo p1antod. Clark askod hew long II would bo bo/oro this scroonlng would actually sorvo lis Inlonded luncUon flnd askod II this roqulrornenl could bo walvod. MllIIo respondod thai thoro Is not a provision 10 porm/I walvor, although a solid lonco Is an opUon, Ho noted thai tho Ioacllng dock araa altho addition will be vlslblo Irom tho park and schoolallo, and Btaled thai tho Dlroctor 01 Parks and Rocroatlon Dopartmonl had Indlcatod thalli Proclor & Gamblo doosn't pul In scroonlng, tho City will noOO to at City oxponso. Publlo discussion was oponod 017:52 p,m. Thoro was nono, '4- "-""_.~..1,,_ ..,_'.; , '1ft, . !, I I " , , , I I I , " "'., 0 b - Planning & Zoning Commission March 7. 1991 pago 4 Publlo discussion was closed at 7:52 p.m. Rold movod 10 IIpprovo S.9105, tho prollmlnary LSNRD 01 a manulacturlng plantl warohouse oxpanslon on an 81.5 acro silo localed at 2200 Lowor Muscatlno Avonue, subjoct to 1) approval by tho Departmont 01 Parks and Rocreatlon and tho approprtate ropresontatlvo 01 tho schoot dIstrIct 01 tho .croonlng plans 01 tho north boundary ollho slto, 2) clarlllcatlon 01 tho parking layout, 3) clarlllcatlon on tho plan 01 tho squaro lootago 01 the building, and 4) approval 01 tho conslructlon drawings and dralnago plans by tho Publlo Works Dopartmont prior to Council conaldoratlon. Bovblorg secondod. ~ Cook strossed that ho would prefer that stall doal with one porson althe school dlstrlct regarding approval 01 the screening plans, Tho motion carrlod 6.0. 3. ~. Publlo discussion 01 an appllcallon submitted by Camtoss, Inc. lor final plat approval 01 Fox Hollow, a 52,21 acre, 31.lot subdlvlslon,localod approxlmaloly ono mllo aasl 01 Iowa City on tho north sldo 01 Local Road (Rochester Avonue). (45.daY Ilmltallon pertod: March 31, 1991,) Schoon reported that tho applicant has mol the condlUons sot out on the approval 01 tho preliminary plat, StaH recommended approval subjoct to the logal papors and consltucUon drawings being approved prtor to Councll conskleratlon. publlo discussion was opened a18:56 p,m. WllamJerrv, 4042~r Avenue. asked for a doforral 01 this Itom. He stated that tho delarral was needed becauso stall had agroed 10 notify olther tho resldonts In tho araa or !heir attomey II any action was 10 bo takon on this Itom. Ho noted thai the resldonts woro not nollDed and tha allomoy was unabla 10 allond this mooting. Ho staled thalli the commission choosas not 10 deter this Ilem, ho strossed that the resldonts 01 tho area aro sllll concerned with l~O donslty 01 the proposed subdivision and tho number 01 sopllC syslemS thai would bo placod on this slle, He noled that Ills possible thai tho flold II10s might havo baen non. functional when tho porcolatlon tosts wero conduClod ao he slalod that he quostlons 11 the losl rosults woro accurate, Ho Indlcatod that slnco a preliminary pial was approved, Mr. Smallle had his soptlc system lall and callod In an Indopondent engIneering flrm to lest his soli. Ho noled that Mt, Smellle's property has klenUcaJ solis to the adjacont portion 01 Fox Hollow and slressed thai Smellle's percolation tosls carne In al 90.120 minutes whllo Camloss had rosults lor Its similar property at 60 mlnulos. Terry stated thai tho resldonts had asked lor additional porcolatlon tosts which Camtess refused, Tarry stated Ihal the rosldonln of Peterson's Sacond SubdivisIon aro also concernod !hal Hanks Drlvo mlghl bo used by residents 01 Fox Hollow, Ho slrossod thai Hanks Drlva Is rocorded as a prtvato lane owned by Ihe property ownors, Ho oxpressod concern that It mlghl bo openad up to construction vohlcles and oxtendod to tho east, He slressod that .,.~_~, .''''.... ,1.,.,,-,:,... _.,... '- ..., ...., ". ,N.." -' ...,.,.-, .,.~.'" ,. I I I I I I I I i i ! , .,' , " !. , I I I , \ !. i i I I I 'Ifft; ,I I " I [I :-, Planning & Zoning Commission March 7, 1091 poge 5 malnlonanco 01 tho rood Is paid lor by tho rosldonls 01 Potorson's Second Subdivision and oxprossed concorn that connocllng It to tho road to tho oast would result In lunnellng tho lralf1c Irom 32 houses onto a prlvato road which Is 01 substandard doslgn. Chrlsllansen Indicated that Hanks Drtvo would lormlnato In tho Fox Hollow Subdlvlslon with a tomp"ary cul-de.sac to bo openod onty II tho aroa Is annoxod by tho city In !he luturo. Ho strossod that at that limo tho stroot would then bocomo public, Ho noled that tho legal papors lor Peterson's Socond Subdivision Indlcato that although the street Is prtvalo at this Umo, It will bocome public whon and litho subdivision Is annexed to the City. Ho staled that until tho araa Is annoxod, tho streols will not be connocted and there Is no reason to connoct tho stroals until annexation occurs. He stressed that no one In tho city conlemplalos connocllng tho streols al this limo, and when and II this would occur, tho stroels would bocomo public with malnlonanco to bo tho rosponslblllty 01 the City. Terry exprossod concorn that the tomporary cul.do.sac to bo Installod lor consltuCllon purposos would function as a pormanonl cul-de.sac. BovbJerg askod lilt would be possible to avoid having consltucllon vohlclos uso Hanks Drtvo. Chrtstlanson rospondod that the consltucflon vohlcles would not havo a rtght 01 accoss through Peterson's Socond SubdlvIslon 10 Fox Hollow al this lime. Reid askod II It would bo posslblo lor the Commission to condlllon approval on the consltucllon vehlclos not using Hanks Drtvo, Chrtsllanson ataled that this Is permlsslblo, but ho stressod that ho doos not seo the need lor such a condlllon becauso tho vohlcles would bo trospasslng on prtvato property and tho shert" could be caJled lor enforcemenL Cook notod that when the Peterson Second Subdlvlslon was approved, thero was concom regatdlng paving and askod IIthera wore any condlllons p1ac~d on approval regarding paving. Tarry responded that tho agroemont was 10 chlpsoal Hanks Drtva II and when a building permit Is Issuad. Ho axpressod concem thai tho davalopment 01 Fox Hollow might oncouraga annexaUon 01 this area. In responso 10 a quosdon Irom Dlorks, Chrlsdansen stated thai Hanks Drtvo Is prlvatoly ownod unUI tho aroa Is annoxed to the City, Ho repealed thai tha Commission could condlUon approval on the builders In Fox Hollow nol using Hanks Drtvo, but ho stressed thai the owners alroady havo tho powor to enforco agalnsl trespassIng, Clark asked 1111 Is possible lor Hanks Drtvo 10 bo a dead and stroet. Terry stalod that tho orlglnal plal was basod on dlllorenl ownorshlp 01 tho adJacont property, He statod that tho preferenco 01 tho resldenls would bo lor Hanks Drive to romaln a doad end streeL ChrlsUansen Informed Terry thai tho ownors In Petorson's Second Subdivision could re.plal tholr aubdlvlslon 10 show Hanks Drtvo as a cul-do.sac. wd 4 stated that whon II rained sovoral woeks ago, standing walor was loll on tho proposed Fox Hollow silo. Ho Indlcatod thai this Incroases his concem rogardlng how tho sopUcs will work onco tho fiold Ulos aro romoved. Reid strossad that Irosl could affoct tho ground's ability to absorb Iha water. Rowden statod thai ho has also observed slandlng water on tho silo durtng tho summer, .Don Wood, 403~ Rochoslor Avonue. staled that ho has a concem that Hanks Drtve mIght connect wllh Fox HollOW In tho lulure, Ho Indlcatod thai he does not bellovo that constructIon vohlclos using Hanks Drtvo will bo a problom at thIs lime bocauso Hanks Drive currontly does not exlond to tho oast. -.,........, , ilYf, !' .' " , I j . j , I. i I I , .1 , ., [I 8 Pl4nnlng & Zoning CommIssion March 7, 1091 Page 6 ~onv Schnll~MS Consullonl~, staled thot ho Is awato thai Mr. Smolllo hod probloms with his absorpUon losl. Ho strossed thai whon thoro Is II problom with absorpllon losts lor a pat1lcular lot. you gonoraJIt work evor tho lot unUI you IInd a p1aco thaI works. Bovblorg asked thai II II pineo Is locatod thllt olthor has approprllllo porcolallon results or unaccoptablo porcolatlon rasulll, would this Inlormallon got Incorporated Inlo tho plans so that It would alloct whore tho absorpllon flol(b aro localod. Schnll1jor rosponded that whon loll aro sold, gonoraDy nino Urnos oul 01 ton tho ownor will repoat tho porcolatlon tosts and the rosults will a"oct the ortentaUon 01 tho house and tho location 01 tho soptlo aystem. Miklo nolod that delorraJ until March 21, 1991, would nol dolay presontatlon 01 this 110m 10 tho City Councll. Schoon staled that tho Commission could roquoslthat tho Johnson County Hoalth Dopartmonlllddross tha Commlsslon regarding tho porco lotion tests lor this alto. Ho apologlzod 10 tho rosldonts 01 Polorson's Socond SubdivisIon rogardlng any nollflcatlon that m1ghl havo boon ove~ooked. Ho omphaslzed that Floldmostor Drlvo Is bolng doslgned as a colloctor strooL Ho stated thai while tho lots near Hanks Drlvo might use Hanks Drtvo In tho evonl thai tho tNo atroets aro connected In tho luturo, ho stressed that tho design 01 Floldmnstor Drtvo attempts to provont trolflo 'rom goIng down Hanks Drlvo, Clark asked II aD property ownors within 300 loot 01 a subdivision aro nollfled. Schoon responded thai tho nollflcallon raqulremonl only applies 10 rozonlngs. Cook slalod thai he bellovos the Commission noeds a c1artncallon on lis policy regardlng nollDcaUon and tho number 01 moollngs needed lor preDmlnary plats. Cooper movod 10 approve 8-9100, Iho Ilnal pial 01 Fox Hollow lubJoct 10 Iho approval 0110001 papers Ind conslrucllon drllwlngs by City Ilall prIor to City Council conaldorallon. Bovblorg aocondod. In response 10 a quostlon Irom Cook, Chrtsllanson slalod thai tho dalo 01 tho IImllatlon perted Is altor tho Commission's noxl moollng, Ho notod thai whllo flnal plats olten rocalve lusl one publlo dlscusslon, this Is nol a rGqulromonl 01 tho City Codo and Is jusl atandlng pracllco 01 tho Commission. Ho stressed thai tho Commission can dopart Irom this standing pracUce and nolod that a dolorrallo tho noxt Commission meellng would nol a"ocl whon this 110m reachos the Council, Bovblsrg Indlcaled thalsho Is unsure 01 whal doforral would accomplish, bul aho axprossed concorn with any problems that mlghl havo occurred regarding noUncatlon, Rold staled that sho bollovos tho nollDcatlon Issuo Is bothorsome and would 1001 moro conl1donl 01 hor vOlo II tho nolghbors' roquaslls moL Cook slated thai this subdivision has rosulled In a lenglhy oducaUonal procass for the Commission rogardlng aopUo aysloms, Ho Indlcalod thai because 01 this, most 01 tho Commlsslonors wore soUsned thai sopUo sysloms will work In this subdivision, He strossod thai tho rosldonts 01 Potorson's Second Subdivision hove an option to ro.plal Hanks Drlvo 10 provontlt Irom connoctlng with Floldmaslor Drlvo In tho futuro. Cooper and Bovblorg agroed 10 withdraw tholr mollon lor approval Irom consldoratlon. Reid movod 10 delor S.910010 Match 21, 1991, Coopor socondod. Tho motion carrtod 8.0, I' . I i , I , I , '1r~ I , ,I , , " fl g Planning & Zoning Commission March 7, 109t Pogo 7 4. ~. Publlo discussion 01 an appDcaUon subml"od by Grog Ape/lor preDmlnory plal approvol 01 Apple Rldgo, a 7.41 acre, 23.101 aubdlvlslon, Iocatod north 01 Highway 1 Wost, oasl olWyldo Gleon Road, and south 01 Woebor StlooL (45-day IlmItaUon portod: Match 31,1991.) Schoon statod 11I01 atan Is rocommondlng that Let A bo assigned 10 a homoownera' assoclaUon and tho appIleant has auogoslod that II bo asslgnod 10 Lot 23. Ho lndlcatod thai staIr. concorn Is with moInlonanco and thai altachment 01 1110 Let 23 might mako Lot 23 an unal\tactlvo 101 bocauso 01 both alzo and 10pography. Ho nOlod thalli tho lolls nol aold, thon molntonance would be a problom. Ho repDrtod that ovon II Lot 23 Is sold. Lol A could bo spill 0" and then 101 go 10 tho county lor back tam. Ha indicated that tho aubdMslon agroomonlln tho flnollogol papers could roqu~e tho malntonance 01 lei A by a homoownora' assoclaUon, Schoon loported thai tho FIro Chlora Oral proloronco regarding 1110 naming 01 the north. south stroot Is thai tho onllro stlool bo ranatnod as elthor Woobor Strool or Edlngalo Drlvo. Schoon alalod that tho FIro Chlors socond cholco Is to hnvo tho name chango occur al Marian Court, becauso Martan Court could aorve as a markor lor omergoney vohlclos. Schoon statod that tho purposo 01 Marlan Court Is 10 provldo access to tho MUSSOn proporty 10 tho oast 01 the proposod subdlvlslon. Ho atatod that II would bo more doalrablo to sorvo luluro resldonUol devoloprnenl on tho Russon proporty through this tlact rather than using Russolr. currenl accoss onlo Highway 1 WesL Schoon roported thai ho apoko willi tho Iowa Dopartmonl 01 TransporlaUor. regarding Russen'. accoss and th9Y Indlcatod 10 hlm thai RussaQ has the DCCOSSIn porpotulty with thq right wsoR lI1e accoss. Ho notod thai tho Commfsslon oxprossed concarn Dltho Inlormo! meollng r~atdlng Martan Court connocUng with an accosslo Highway 1 Woslln tho futuro, Schoon atalod that al this limo sta" would nol mako a rocommondallon 10 connoCl Marian Courllo Highway 1. Ho emphaslzod thai both Edlngalo Drtvo and Woobor Stroot aro nol capablo olsarving as collBCIor alloots and ho stressed thalli Is a city policy nollo cOMaCllocaJ atraots with artortoJ atrooll. Ho strossed, howovor, thai stall cannol guatanloO thai tho City Council would nevor approvo auch a sltuallon. Schoon emphaslzod thai al this Umo no connocUon 10 Highway 1 West Is bolng approved and atan Is conlldanl thai tho aubdMslon procoss In tho Iuluro could provont thlslrom occurring. Schoon roportod thai II, 12 and '8 01 tho doDclonclos and dlscropanclos aro outstanding and stall would recommend dolorral unlllthoso Issuos aro rosolved. Dlorks asked 1111 would bo posslblo 10 nol pavo Martan Court al this limo, Schoon responded thai this would nood 10 bo a recommondallon Irom tho Commission to Council, Chrtsllanson roported thai gonerolly tho standatd Is thai tho dovolopor musl pul all 01 tho slloots In whon dovolopmonl boglns. Ho roported thai no dovlallon Irom thIs standard was rocommondod In tho atall roport bocauso thoro Is nol a unmed poslllon withIn City sta" on this Issuo, Ho sllossed thai opllons atO avollablo 10 allow lor doforral 01 tho construction 01 Martan Court, Clmk stalod that ho has a problom with approving Martan Court whon II10avos opon 11I0 possibility 01 a luturo connoctlon with a Highway 1 Wesl accoss, He sold lhalll would bo dllflculllor him 10 approvo without somlt ~Jnd 01 guaranloo that such a connoctlon would . i f I I , j i , , , rf~ I I .1 / '/ I [t Planning & Zoning Commission March 7, 1991 Pogo 8 not occur, Chrtstlanson strossed thut occoss from Marian Court to Highway 1 West can bo prohlbltod In a luturo subdivision procoss. Clatk IndIcated ho Dlso hns concoms regardIng Lol A and tho possibility 01 a dormanl homoownors' association. Ho stated that tho rtsk thol Lol 23 comblnod with Lot A would not son Is a rtsl: 10 be takon by tho dovelopor and Is not tho City's concern. O/orks askDd 1111 would be possible to have 11I0 access to Russoll's proporty como through tho Knabe property. MlkIo stated thallhls would bo dllllcull becauso 01 tho grade 01 tho I<Mbo proporty. Rold asked lilt would be posslblo lor Lots 20 and 2110 have accoss onto MarIan Court. Schoon statod thai accm to olthor Marian Court II( tho north,south slrool would bo posslblo. Dlorl<s asked lilt would bo posslblo 10 havo a stop algn at tho Inlorsoctlon 01 Edlngalo Drlvo and Wylde Oroon. Schoon responded thai tho Commission could roquoslthaltho Tralfie Englnoor look at this Issuo. Public dlscul8lon was openad a18:59 p.m. Ik n I oxprossad concern thai thoro could bo probloms with traffle now bocause Edlngalo Drlvo Is only 25 loot wide. Ho Indlcatod that ho bonovosan additional 23 housos on tho strool might bo too much lor tho aouth exll lrorn the subdMslon and could croalo a bolUonock. I r n I oxprossod concarn with tho amount 01 tralDo thol would como lrom tho proposod subdMslon. He Indlcatod that ho quosUonod II a homoownors' assodallon would bo e"ocUvo In guarantoolng thai lei A Is property malntalnod, Ho askod II lei A Is zonod rosldontlal. Cook rospondod thai lei A Is zonod rosldondal and would roqulro a roquost 10 tho Commission 10 rozono the proporty, Trelbor slatod thai he bonovas somo typo 01 approvallrom tho AIrport Commission might be noodod beforo any consltucflon could bogin, He exprossod concem thai the proposod lolsaoms small In compartson 10 tho oxlsllng devoloprnonlln the aroa and ho staled thai he would nol wanl tho valuos 01 tho surrounding proportlesto doC/easo. He oxprossod concern that tho construction vohlclos mlghl use Edlngalo Dmo lor accoss 10 tho aubdlvlslon, II stalod thai ho supports tho consltuctlon 01 Martan Court, but nol at tho proposod location, Ho stalod thallI ho doos dovelop his proporty lor a rosldontlal usa, ho will nol usa tho exlsUng Highway 1 Wosl access. Ho Indlcaled that ho would nood 10 havo MarIan Court exland stralghl out 01 Edlngalo Dmo 10 tho southerty porUon 01 his property, He noted thai thIs roulo would prosonl some probloms bocauso 01 tho locallon and the walor rotontlon basin, Ho statod thai ho mlghl consldor purchasing tho porUon 01 Lots 21 and 22 that exlonds Inlo his property, Russoll Indlcaled thai ho has somo concorn with tho sowor IInos bocauso the plpos would apparonlly bo only thoro loot undorground on his proporty, At Dlorks' roquos~ RusseD showed a drawing 01 how ho would proposo locating Martan Court, Schoon slalod thai tho drawing Russoll presonlod was whalstall had rocommondod at tho pre.prollmlnlllY pial buo that tho applicant's onglnoor said ho could not doslgn lho subdivision In that mannor duo 10 tho nood 10 localo tho stormwator dolonllon basin In tho southoast comor. Russolllndlcalod lhal ho would bo willing 10 pulln writing that ho would nol uso his Highway 1 Wost aucoss at the limo any rosldontlal dovolopmont occurs, Chrtstlanson '/!~ I . " I I , , I I , , I I ,I .. .. 1 . " 'I PlannIng & Zoning Commission Match 7, 1991 Pago 9 askod II Russoll would be willing to oncumbor hIs land In such a mannor. Russon responded thaI he would bo willing to do so In a way that anyono who purchasostho land would also nood to lollow the rostrictlon, Latry Schnllljor Informod tho Commission Ihal :ho cloar zono 01 the airport slopped south 01 Highway 1 Wos~ but ho nolod that somo lots In tho subdivision will be a1/0Cled by tho Approach Zono. M I stated thai bocauso 01 tho grading plans lor this subdivision limits tho opportunlllos lor p1acomonl 01 tho stormwalor dolonUon basin, Ho Indicated that ho will conllnuo 10 oxploro opllons lor tho 10caUon lor Marton Court. Cook asked lilt would be posslblo 10 put a porUon 01 tho detonUon basin on Russoll's land. Stophan rospondod that Issuo has not yol been addressed, but noted thai It would allow lor moro ftoxlblllty, Ho roportod that tho Approach Zono wlllllmlltho height 01 any structuros on lei 1 and mako lei A virtually usoloss. Ho Indlcatod thai ho Intonds 10 havo tho sanitary sowor connoct with tho curronl systom al Edlngalo Ortve and this will requlro that somo pavomont bo tom up. Clark asked lor Information regarding tho squatO foolago 01 tho housos In tho proposod subdivision. Jim Andorson statod thai ho will bo Involved In tho matkoUng 01 tho homos In tho proposod subdivision. Ho roportod thai tho prtco rango of tho houses Is oxpocled to be $140,000.$190,000. Ho Indlcated thai ranch houses should havo 1,400.1,800 squaro 1001 and thai othor typos 01 houses ahould havo 1,800.2,200 square 10eL Public discussion was closed 819:26 p.m. Dlorkl moved 10 d~/er 8-9107, the preliminary pIal 01 Applo Ridge, a 7.3 acro, 23.101 lubdlvlslon,locatod nonh 01 Highway 1 West, east 01 Wyldo Groen Road,8nd soUlh 01 Weeber Slreello March 21, 1991. Cooper 8econded, Dlorks asked who would be rosponslbla lor repalrs 01 althor Edlngalo Drtvo or Waebor 6lteolll thoro Is damago caused by constructIon vohlclos, ChrtsUanson rosponded thai , tho conltactor would bo rosponslblo lor ropalrs lilt can be shown thai tho damago was caused by the consltUcUon vohldos, Ho noted thalli tho contractor could nol bo shown to bo rosponslblo, 1110 ropalrs would bo nnanced through goneral tax lunds, Rold askad 1111 would bo possible to condlUon approval on the contraClor repafrtng any damago 10 tho slteoL Ch,rIsllansen Indlcatod lI1al thIs would probably go boyond the scope 01 tho Cedo and would not bo wllhln tho publlo hoalth, safety and wolfaro, Stophan slatod thaI as long as tho vohlclos moel tho lagal axlo limits, there Is nol much that can be dona to lorco tho conltactors 10 pay for any naoded ropalrs, Ho stated thai conltactora can bo roqulrod 10 cloat oul dobrts and mud If It's cortaln thalli camo Irom Iholr vohlclos, Ho Indlcatod thai tho CommIssIon hod almllar concoms with tho Hlddon Valloy Subdivision, Tho mollon corrlod on a 8.0 Yolo. " I , , I I , 'I I , , 11ft; , " , 2. PlMnlng & Zoning CommIssion March 7, 1001 pago 10 I I I: " ~: f. Coopor moved to rocommond that Iho JCCOa Technical Advisory CommlUeo Include updating ollhe Iowa Clly Blcycla Plan In tho 1092 FlICOI Year Work Program 01 the JCCOa Tranaportal/on Planning D/vlalon. Rold IOcondad, Reid notod thai thIs would bo especially valuable lor the aroa along Rlvorsldo Drtvo, Cook . suggosted thai when walOr and sowor Dnos aro Installod, the City might wanllo consider placing bicycle paths on tho oasomonl:J. Tho mol/on carried 8-0. 2. plannlna end Zonlna Commission Io10rmaVM. Thero was nono. I . I I. I I' , L ~: Cooper moved \0 ad/oum tho moollng a19:35 p.m. . " ! j: I . I , Bovb/erg soconded. Tho mollon canfod 6.0, ' Sally DIerks, Secretary MInutes aubmlnod by Mary Jo No", 'il&zH \, t i' I I , t. ! i' I, I I I I, ,.._-_........"..".."..._.",._._.....,,'_....,...~ ","_~'h '_ ..~_ '. .....~_..~~... _. ,.,. ._'.u......, H .."_....,, _./I~ ..~~.....w~_...,~...'...4_..._.,_......_.O-.~..,,' ....._,..'..,._,~.~_. "..,'.~_. _' -... ...... ,.. ..__...,..... . I I I ,I :~ I , " I ,3 . -:P(r REgu.lo.R. .~ m€Ef,tJ~ ~a.me.l. 't'130 'P,m, '?lto.s& Si~~ IN: QiliW.: I. .}, ~ 1./~4 ~_ ~. I/~ "I /.J I ~ Itte 'l~ 0~~~ ~ --L2JJ6. ~~j~Ca. ~r. J). d '< . J./J J14 I )II. i.I ' . s. 4, !: " P, tIt T.I1Jd.A..L i _' ~ ~~c:.ek 8. ~ltl~ Sr,:",I/MI MMS C.UJ~Cl.."'~"'~ f\..,..8..u... ~ ~ ~t" P, ... ~ I " 10. . II. 13, 13, Iq, ....-...~.~,"'.',,'. '..i,,~.,-". , , ,. ,.. co.......--,'.. - .-....,......,..,-.,,,...,,.... .. , I i ! I' i " J ! \ , I. If 1. I I i I , I ~ I i, J i , I ~t~: , , ",.-,,;' "'-'-".:.,..' . I I I' .,- " , L .J '. ' I I .1 ; \ \) ~g~ .. .,...' ........", ,,' .. ..'.., ......, .....,..,...\ , , , , y, MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 21,1991 .7::10 P,M. CMC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: ~: :o\..,~., ,- -~" "n'1 I, \' . '. IJ (, ~.........:l!'-.~ Sutla:l t~ 1~;;~jJY~ Ann Bovblorg, Davo Clatk, CMoy Cook, NlIIlcy 0 Polo Coopor, Sally Dlorks, Tom Scoll Moon, Schoon, ClulsllllllSon, FrankDn, No" Vlco Chalrporson Cook canod tho mooUng to ordor at 7:36 p,m. 1, Rocommond approval by a 3-1 volo (CIAlk vollng In tho nogaUvo) 01 S.91 06,tho final pIal 01 Fox Hollew, a 62.2t actO, 3t.lot subdMslon, Iocatod approxlmsloly ono mllo oast 01 Iowa Clly on tho north aldo 01 Horbort Hoovor Highway, subloct to 1)loglll popora bolng opprovod by tho City Allomoy's Olflco prior to Council consldoroUon and 2) consltucllon drawings bolng approvod by tho Public Worka Oopartmonl prtor to Councll conaldoratlon, 2. Roeommond approval by a 4.0 vola 01 S.9t08,tho final plot 01 Nor\hwOOd Estolos, 1125 IctO, 2O-Iot rosldonUaI subdivision Ioeltod on tho wost aldo 01 County Road W.66 , (Dubuque StroOI), approxlmstoly ono.hall mila north ollowll City, subjoct 10 I) approval 01 logal papora by tho Clly AlIornoy'a Olflco prior to Council consldoraUon and 2)lhowIng tho woll alia on tho piaL 3. Rocommond danlal by 14.0 volo 01 S.9109, tho prollmlnllry plat 01 Pralrlo View EltalOl, Plrt rJ,l :IO.B8 OctO, 22,lot aubdMllon locatod north 01 l.eo and elllt 01 Pralrlo du Chlon Road. Thoro WIS nono. Reid movod to opprovo the mlnutos 01 tho March 7, 1991, moollng aa clrculatod, Bovblorg soconded, The mollon wried 4.0. ~: 1, ~. Publlo discussIon olsn oppllcallon submlllod by ClIIllloss, Inc, lor finsl plat approval 01 Fox Hollow, 1162.2' actO, 31.101 subdMslon,localad approxlmaloty one mile east 01 Iowa City on the north side 01 HOlbort Hoover Highway, (45-day IImllltlon period: March 31, 199t,) Schoon roported thatlhls 110m was deforrod Irom tho CommIssion's provfous mooting, Ho nolod lhallhe applicant has mol tho conditions aotlorth wllh the prollmlnary plst. Stall recommondod approval 01 S.9' 06, subloct to the approval 01 tho loglll pSpOIS by the City Allornoy's Olnce prior to Council consldoratlon and tho approval 01 tho conslructlon drawings by the Public Works Dopartmant prior to Council consldoratlon. ' '''~.''~''''..''.;".'''''''''-' ,..:, ;"...,--,..'-" ""--""" .. . I 1 I' I .. .' " i I I. i " ! , ;' , i " I 1 .1 , ~I , 5 Mlnutos Planning & Zoning Commission March 21.1991 pago 2 Publlo dlacusslon waa openod at 7:~6 p.m, ~, counsol for rosldonls ollho DroDosod lubdlvlmo, th5l\kod atan lor tho noUncallon 01 hlmsoll and tho rosldontsthal ho roprosonts. Ho Indlcatod that ho would bo presenllng 10 the Commission quosllons for which ho hopo. tho CommJulon has satlslaClory answors boforo thoy volo on the approval 01 this subdMslon. Ha statod thai altha Informal Commission moollng, Vice Cholrpolson Cook had sold thalslnco this subdivision mot the required slandatds, the Commission dId not havo logoJ grounds to dony tho appllcallon. Holland sald thai ho would hato to aoa tho Commlulon roducad to rubber stamping proposals and that ho bollovos tho Planning and Zoning Commlaslon Is not IImltod 10 aulomallcally approving subdMslons moroly bacauso thoy lochnlcally moot the slandards, Ho roforrod to In which the Iowa Supromo Courtlndlcalod thaI clly bodlos can dlsapprovo aubdlvlslons lIapprovol would bo against tho publlo Inlorost. Ho notod thaI approval 01 Fox Hollow would rosull In tho noed to oxtond sorvfcos and laclllllos 10 tho subdlvlslon, Holland alrolSod thaI although Fox Hollow would InlUally bo In Johnson County, ho notod thallI would bo Ukoly to bocomo a part 01 Iowa City In tho nolso distant luture, Holland nolod that at the Commission's provlous formal moollng. Wllllom Terry had monllonod hIs concem regarding sopllc sysloms. Holland Indlcalod that a proporty In tho Peterson's Second Subdivision had oxporloncod tho lalluro 01 a aopUo ayslem and had subsequont probloms with porcolallon losts, Holl5l\d roporlod that throo tOSIS on this property had percolallon tosls como In at 98 mlnuloa which Is ovor the maximum 01 60 minutes. Holland Indicated that tho Johnson County Board 01 Heallh Is roquklng thai a sand nllor system bo Installod on thla proporty, Ho notod that this lot abuta Fox Hollew 10lS which should have similar soli typos. Ho sltossod that ho bollovos tho Commission should aallsfy Ilsolles 10 why tho solis aro so varlablo, II thoy aro, and II tho aolls on Fox Hollow aro adoquate to ebsorb 30 additional aopllo sysloms. Holl5l\d prosanlod tho Commission with photographs takon Itom Juno 011990 10 domonsltalo how Fox Hollow looks whon there Is a hoavy rain. Ho askod tho Commission to consider how psvlng on tho slle would Incroase tho noodlng e"oet. Holland Indlcalod that he doos not know what provisions tho dovoloper has made lor tho dralnago II10s on tho silo. In rosponso to a quos lion Irom Rold, HolIsnd Indica led that ho did not havo tho opportunity to rolurn 10 tho silo whore the photographs wore lakon 10 aeo how quIckly tho wstor had dralnod away. Ho slatod that whllo ho has no roason to quos lion tho profoulonal compolonco 01 Individuals at MMS Consultants. It sooms 10 him thai human logic says thai crossing tho proporty IIno shouldn't chango tho resulls of the porcolallon tesls as dramallcally os Ihoy,ln lacl, did. Holland slatod that he hAS concorns wlth tho road syslom through Fox Hollow, ospoclally as It Is proposed to connoct wllh Hanks Drive. Ho alalod that as tho subdMslon Is platted. tho Inlont Is to connoct Fox Hollow with Polorson'a Socond SubdMslon and ho strossod thai tho rosldonls of Poterson's Subdivision objoCI 10 such a connocllon bocauso they do not want to havo Fox Hollow trafUc routod through Pol orson's Subdivision. Ho stressod thai such a connocllon should bo unnocossary bocause thoro Is adoquate accoss avallablo olsowhero. Holland askod tho CommissIon 10 tlo whalovor Is In Its power to provent Iho alrools Irom connocllng. Rold askod II thoso concorns wero prosonlod 10 Ihe City Council during Iho preliminary pIal approval proms. Holland Indlcatod that unforlunatoly tho public hootIng was schodulod tho sarno nlghl as a public ~~ , . .! , . , , b , ' Mlnuto, Planning & Zoning CommlS5lon March 21, 1991 Pago 3 dlscu,slon on rocycllng and ho was unablo to gOI Inlo tho Council Chambors thai ovonlng. Cook askod Holland 10 oxplaln to hIm whal now Information Is bolng prosonlod 10 the CommIssion althls limo. Holland slalod that tho nolghbors wanllo be cortain thai thoy are notlorgoUen and ho ~Irossod that the sopUo systom lalluro ond Inadoqualo porcolatlon losls lor tho abultlng lotaro now Information, Ho 4Skod thaI tho Commission consldor " a dovolopmonl 01 thlc donslty Is approprlalo In this aroa, In responso to a quostlon Irom ROld, ChrlsUansen slatod that tho roads 01 tho two subdivisIons would only connocl " thIs land wero annexod by the City. Ho stressod thai the resldonts 01 tho aroa could roplat their subdivisIon al any limo borore annoxatlon 10 ollmlnalo the streot as II goos 10 tho boundary 01 Pelorson's Subdivision. Moon stressod thai wllh tho nnal plat 01 Potorson's Second Subdivision, Iho Intont was to eventually Intogralo luIure resJdonllal dovolopmenl to tho oast with Potorson's SubdivisIon. Sho omphaslzed thai tho Improvemonl 01 Hanks Drlvo would be trIggered by tho fssuanco 01 building permlls wllhln Pot orson's Subdlvfslon, , notod thai the sland/ng wator In tho photographs prosented 10 Iho Commission by Holland was loceted mosUy on tho lorracos thai woro deslgnod 10 rolaln waler lor erosIon control. Ho stressed Ihalthoso lorraces will be romovod whon dovolopmont occurs and tho walor will go Into tho slormwoler dolenUon basin, . , stated, as an examplo. tho dIsparity In percolallon lelll two years ago In the Sprtng Valloy Subdivision, He noted that In thai Instance, thero wss one 101 with porcolatlon resulls 01 less than len mlnulos while Iho adjaconllol hsd Inadequate parcolaUon losts. He stressed thai thIs domonslralos how much soil can chango Irom one lot to the next In regard 10 tho fiold file aystem, Stophan roporled that tho dovofopor has agreed 10 pUlln monllortng IInos In ordor 10 ellow lor porlodlc checks to see" sopllc systom soopago Is occurring, end ho emphaslzlId thai this would allow the devoloper to bo ablo to tracelhls soopsgo to lis source, pon Wood. ~038 BW10ster Avonuo, stalod thai his main concern Is the eastorly oxtonslon 01 Hanks Drive, He slated that ho quos lions Moon's statemont regarding tho resurfacIng 01 Hanks Drive and whothor a building pormll would trigger thIs resurtaclng. Ho Indlcatod that Ills his rocollocllon thai resurfacing was only agrood 10 occur up to Iho Smellle and Terry propertIes and nolto tho easternmost IImll of the subdivisIon. Ho noled thai ho was e/so the sourco 01 tho Inrormatlon on the field tllo syslom on tho proposod Fox Hollow slle because ho had larmod Ihe area. ~on. 4054 B9sholtor Avenue, stalod that he Is sUII concerned wllh IhO porcolallon losts becauso II was his ImpressIon thai many 01 the tesls lor Fox Hollow woro oxtromoly closo to ono anolhor, Cook responded Ihat tho Commission rovlowed Iho percolallon losts wllh the prelimInary plat end whllo lour losls were closo 10 Iho accoptablo IImll, ho Slrossod thai thoro was varIation wllh tho other results, Ho omphaslzod that the Commission was satisfied allhalllmo that tho leach nolds could bo placed on tho loIs, Bovblerg noted thatlhe absorption fiold for Rowdon's property has an easomont onto Lol 4 01 Fox Hollow. She asked " Ihls oasomont would limit dovelopment on Lo14. Rowdon stalod that his undorslandlng 01 tho oasomentls thai ho can go onlo tho oasomonlln ordor 10 malnlaln and sorvlco his soptlc systom. Stophan slatod that Lol 4 Is approximately 1,0 acres so Ills largo onough 10 accommodato tho -. 'v~...." "~..,.,_,.,..' '""'-." ".' 'If~ . i I , , , , I ! I .1 , ., , :-, Mlnulos PloMlng & ZonIng Commission M41ch 21, 1991 Pogo 4 I I I I I I i I' i , oxl1aupUo .yslem. He SI1t1md thllltha dove/oper will nol Grado In tho genoral vicinity 01 Rowden'a oasemonL I alatod that aoptlc euomonls ara not uncommon and provisions neod 10 bo modo In loco ling tho now houso In Oldor 10 provonlloopordlzlng tho oxlsllng loach nold, In rosponselo I quosllon Irom Cook, Damoron alllod that tho HoaJlh Dopartmont does not rochock porcolatlon losls and doos Iccopt thoso glvon to thom by tho dovelopor's onglnoer. He al1ossod that thoro uaually aro 3-4losls roquOltod lor tho prollmlnary pial and that gonorally tho Hoalth Oopartmont will Isk lor I lost to bo complolod lor oach lot prtor 10 construcUon, Cook ..kod lithe Hoalth Dopartmont has ovor had I roason 10 doubt roaulls submitted to It by MMS Consutlanls. Damoron respondod thai thoro has never boen Itrf such reason 10 doubt MMS Consullanls and nolod that varlable resulls are common. In regard to tho dralnago Illes, Damoron alolod thai tho Hoallh Departmont lolt that It would bo proferablo to koop thoso II10s In placo because ollho potonllsl lor dralnago problems thatlhe dovolopmont mIght causa. Ho omphaslzod that monllorlng atatlons will bo Inalalled 10 bo suro tho Dnos aro Inlact and not bolng conlamlnatod. In response to I quosUon Irom ROld, Damoron atatod that tho monllOllng will be moat Ilkoly provided by the OnoSlto Waslowator Mwgomont OIsl11cL Publlo dlacuaalon WII c/oeod at 8:18 p,m. Bovb/org movod to approvod S.V1 08, tha nnal plat of Fox Hollow, a 82.21.lcro, 31.lot aubdlvlalon, located approxlmatoly one mDo ellSt ollowo City on tho north aide 01 Herbort Hoover HIghway, lub/oct to 1) logal pope,. being approved by tho City A<<omeY'1 Otnco prIor to Council consIderation and 2) construction drewlngs bolng approved by tho Public Work. Dep.rtmont prIor to Council conaldoratlcn. ReId IOconded. Rold Indlcalod thallnlUal1y sho was nolln lavor 01 Ihls subdMslon and It was dllflcultlo convlnco hor thaI this aubdMslon was approprlalo lor Ihls area. She al1ossod that a numbor 01 prorosslonal. look tho limo to oducalo her and tho othor Commlsslonora on this aubdMslon. Sho statod that hor only problom wllh this subdMslon now Is that It Is an Isolatod cammunlty In tho county, She alrossod thaI thoro has boen conslslonl and cloar InformaUon provldod to tho Commission thst has porsuaded her. Clark alatod Ihal ho would be voting In tho nogatlve on Ihls 110m. Ho statod Ihal while he approclatos tho limo profoulonals havo apont providing Information 10 Iho Commission on thIs Issuo, ho cannol accopt thIs numbor olaoptlc systoms on Ihls alto, In rosponse to 0 procodural quosllon Irom Cook, Chris lions on slaled Ihat only tho majority 01 a quorum 01 the Commission would bo roqulred lor approval, Cook stalod thai ho would nood 10 rospeClfully corroct Holland's quollng 01 his commenls Irom tho Informal moetlng, Cook slatod thai his comments woro a dlroct quostlon 10 Ihe CIty logal sla" rogardlng II thoro woro logal grounds lor donlal 01 a subdivision thai tochnlcally meols Iho roqulrod standarda. Cook omphaalzod Ihat ho would nol suggost thai approval of thIs subdivision would bo I rubber stomp action and alaled thai ho sharos many ollhe concorns 01 tho neighbors. Cook Indlcalod that tho subdIvision Is rosponslblo lor Dnallzlng cortaln City pollclos os 10 how tho CIIy handles Its sowage, " j' I I , I I , " i I' I . , :, 'If~ . I , ,I " , 8 Mlnulos PlannIng & Zoning Commlulon March 21, 1991 Pogo 5 Cook allossod that all 01 tho mombora 01 tho Commission hayo aor/ous concorns with unbrldlod 1l'0Wlh In tho County, P4ltlcular/y In IIOQ that havo nol boon do"analod lor grOWlh althls tlmo. Cook allouOd thai no addlUona' InrormaUon was prosontod 10 tho CommIssIon thalli did nol hoar during tho procm lor approval 01 tho prollmlnlllY pIaL Cook alil1goslod thai II tho Commission loolsll can dony thla lubdlvlslon anor II has mol tho roqulrod alandlldl, tho CommIssion would bo inviting whal, In his opinion, would bo Irlvolous lawsuits agalnsl tho City and ho allossod that ho bOllovos thIs would bo Itrosponslblo on tho patt 01 tho CommissIon. Tho motion carr/od by. 3-1 volo (Clark voting In tho nagatlvo); 2. U1Qz. PubDc dlsculllon 01 an appllcaUon aubmlllod by GIGO Apollor prallmlnary plsl approval 01 Applo Aldga, . 7.43 acro, 23.Jolaubdlvlslon,localOd north 01 Highway 1 Wost. oasl 01 WYldo Groon Road, and south 01 Woobor SlIoOL (45-day IImllaUon porlOd: MOlch 31,1991.) Schoon atalod thai tho applicant hoa roquostod a dolorral 10 April 4, 1991, In ordor 10 allow lor · now doslgn 10 bo dovolopod. Cook Indlcalod that no public discussIon would bo hold bocauso thoro Is nol a curronl proposal boloro tho Commission. Clatk askod II It could be vorlnod whothor or nolthoro woro any mombors 01 tho public presont who would Dko 10 discuss thIs Issuo. Cook atatod that public dlsculllon Is nOI gonorolly held lor Itoms whIch aro bolng dolorrOd. Rold movod to dolor 8.8107 to AprU 4, 1981. BovbJarg locondod. Tho motion carr/ad 4.0, 3, ~. Public discussIon 01 an appllcallon subm/llod by POlor and Paltlc/a Van Gorpen lor final pIal approval 01 Northwood ESlaloa, I 2S acro, 20-101 rosldonllal subdivisIon locolod on tho weslsrdo 01 County Road W068 (Dubuque SlIoOI), approxJmotoly ono.holl mllo north 01 lowI City, (45-doy IIm/laUon portod: April 14, 199 t.) Moon roportod thai tho only oUlSlandlng Issuo Isthlltho logal papors must bo approved by tho CIty Attornoy's Offico; aloll rOCOmmonds approvol 01 tho subdivision sub/oct 10 sold approval 01 logal popora. Public dIscussIon WII opanad at 8:28 p,m. Slalod thai ho Is the ownor ollho proporty adjaconllo tho proposod subdivision. He Indlcalod that ho has allonded all of Ihe mOollngs 01 the Johnson County Planning and Zoning CommissIon and Iho Johnson County Board 01 Hoallh whon dIscussIon 01 this 110m has Occurrod. Ho Indlcalod Ihol he has nevor recelvod nollco 01 mootlngslrom Ihls CommIssion, Ho aaId thai he was only prosonl bocauso ho happonod 10 nollco tho public notlco In tho Iowa City Preu'Clllzen. RussolI roported thaI tho Johnson County PlannIng and ZonIng CommIssIon delorrod Ihls /lorn al/ls lasl meollng primarily bocauso II Is In tho north corridor whIch has probloms wllh woII wator ahortages, his property rocolvos tho runoff Irom this Iract, and bocauso 01 concorn with Iho e"eclSthe proposod donslty would havo on bOlh wator shortagos and runo", Russollatatod thai tho numbor 01 wells propo,od lor tho subdlvlslon has changod ond thallhe onglnoors havo Indlcalod thai thoy aro goIng 10 a doopor lovollhat would nol ....,~., ..... .-... ,.. ". ,., '..' L/f~ . I I L I , I I . i, I I' , " I ! i t. ! I I I I .1 , ./ I ,q Mlnulos Planning & ZonIng Commission March 21, 1091 Pogo 6 affoct his woll, but ho Slressod thai ho Is sUII concornod with wolor lhortlgos. Rumll Itotod that a clustor developmont has boon proposed which ho loll would bo . group 01 housos on tho silo, but he ~lrOSlod thollllooms to him that tho plal OpptOlS to bo plottod with lot IInos extondod 10 all boundatlos 01 tho oaoogo. Cook oXplolnod thai clustor dovolopmont allows tho dovoloptr 10 rOlaJn tho maxlmum onowablo donslty by bringing thll devolopmont closor logethor In ordor to prosorvo onv!ronmontallooluros, Russollstalod thai his undorstandlng 01 clustor dovolopmont was conslltont with Cook'a oxplonollon, but ho omphoslzod that tho plot dooa not oppoor thai way 10 him. Cook slolod thot tho plOI doos sppoor 10 havo a cluslor dovolopmonlln hla vlow and Ilrossod that there doos nol nood 10 bo a dromaUo chango on I plot In OIdor 10 Ichlovo cluslor dovolopmonL Ho omphaslzod thai thoro moroly nood. to bo an Incrooao In donllty In ono araB In ordor to anow a decroase In donslty In anothor oroo. Russoll Slotod thai InlUaJly thoro woro probloms with tho ptrcolallon lOllS and tho dovolopor now proposoa 0 aand flllor sYltom which will roqu~o a Nallonal Pollutant Dlschatgo Ellmlnollng Pormlt whIch Is ponding Irom tho Ooportmonl 01 Nalurol Rosoulcos. He askod II the CommIssion has sulllclent Informallon rogatdlng tho runon thai wID rosull Irom tho aand flllor. Cook slatod thsl tho Indlvldual Commlsslonora do nol havo tho exporUso 10 moko apoclflc Judgmonts on thOIO Issuoa. Ho IlrolSod thst tho .ppllcant wID need 10 rocolvo opprovellrom tho Dopattmont 01 Natural Rosourcoa IS woll as tho Johnson County Boatd 01 Hoalth whllo aI~ moollng tho onglnoortng Ilandard. lor subdMslons 01 both Johnson County and Iho lowI City \wQ,mUo Irfngo Itoa la I pill 01 tho approval procm. Russoll Iskod II tho Commission would do for maldng I doclslon until all standOlds oro moL Cook rospondod thai II this aubdMslon Is .pprovod,1I would bo opprovod subjoct to tho pormlt opproval. Russoll aloled thai ho was approachod by tho landownor rogardlng placing underground plpo on tho Russoll proptrty and IlrOllod thai ho did not soroo to this orrangomonL Ho Ilatod that tho aand flllor mual also bo locotod 1,000 1001 away Irom ex/Sling rosldonls and ho will not ogroo to an oosomont to pormllthls, In rosponse 10 a quosUon Irom Clork, Moon atolod that odjscont proporty ownor. to proposod subdMs!ons oro nol noUflod by mall and Indlcatod that tho only nollflcollon roqulrod lor subdMslona Is In tho locol modla; tho alo" also ossurol that tho slle I. posted. Clork stalod that ho would Ilko 10 aoo this policy rovlowod by tho Commission, , atotod thai tho prlmory rooson tho County dolorrod thl. 110m was to aoe whal ectlon tho City lokoa. Ho Indlcatod that tho locallon 01 tho aand flllor has boon chongod ond will not dlschargo ovor Russoll'a proporty ond omphoslzod thol, In loci, thoro will bo vlrtualty no dlschorgo Irom tho sond flllor, Ho Indlcolod thol tho dovolopor will nol bo using the undorground plpo bocouso tho Doportmonl 01 Natulol Resources recommended ogolnst lis usa, oxplolnod how tho sond II1l0r syslom wlllluncllon, Ho notod thai this portlculal syslom Is bolng doslgnod to also work os an obsorpllon aystem because 0111. size, Ho stotod thai ho expocts thot thoro will nol bo Ilgnlncanl otnuonl trom tho dlschorgo plpo bocause thoro will bo porcolallon Inlo Iho ground. In rosponso 10 a quosllon Irom ROld, Stophon sloled Ihotthoro should not bo on odor bocouso tho syslom Is undorground, He slrossod thollho otnuont will bo somplod porlodlcolly to report to Iho On.Sllo Waslowalor Managomont District ond tho Doportmont of Nolurol Resourcos, Rold oskod If the dlschorgo plpo should be notod on tho pial. Stophon W~ . , i , I , , ,I 1 ., 2 [I Mlnulos Planning & Zoning Commission March 21, 1991 Pago 7 rosponded that this would not bo nocoss8/Y bocouso tho onllro ayalom Is Ioeotod withIn this subdivision end tho homoownora will bo rosponslblo lor molnlonance 01 tho Iyalom. In rosponso 10 a quostlon 'rom Bovblorg, Slophen slalod thai tho ornuont 'rom the pipe should be minimal. slalod that the Dopartmonl 01 Natural Rosourcos doos not hove eny problom with the dopth 01 tho woll or lis ImpaCl on Russoll's wator. Ho clorlfiod thOI oach houso will hove a double soptlc systom with plpos loodlng 10 the , sand flIt9r, He notod thot tho Doportmont 01 Nalural Rosourcos doubtod thoro would bo much ernuont Irom the dlschargo plpo. Ho strossod that notice lor tho proposod subdivision was postod on both tho proporty and In tho local nowspopor. Public discussion waa closod st 8:59 p,m. Clark movod to approve 9.91 08,Ihe Ilnol plot 01 Northwood Estatea, a 25 acro, 20.lot resldontlol subdivision locoted on the woat sIde 01 County Road W-60 (Dubuquo Streot). approximately ono.hsll mile north 01 Iowa Cny, lubloct to 1) approval ollogal pspors by the City A<<ornoy's Olllco prior to Council consldoratlon and 2)ahowlng tho wollalto on tho piaL Rold aecondod, Clark oxpressod his conllnulng concorn with tho proliforallon 01 sopllc systoms 1I0und Iowa City, Tho motion carrlod 4.0. , 4, ~,Publlo discussion 01 an appllcallon submlnod by Thomas Wegman lor prollmlnary plslepproval 01 Pralrlo V10w Eststes, Part rI, a 30.80 acro, 22.101 subdivision located north 01 1.80 and east 01 Prairie du ChIen Roed, (4So(!oy IImltallon period: April 14,1991.) Schoon rovlowod tho sta" report datod March 21,1991, Slall rocommondod donlal 01 S. 9109 duo 10 tho lack ola moans 01 socondary sccoss lor tho dovelopmonL Schoon noted thai tho three romaInlng doficlencles and dlscrepanclos Involvod submission and approval 01 tho prollmln8/Y slormwater managoment calculallons, lubmlsslon 01 a lollor Irom the Johnson County Health Department granting tontatlve spproval 10 the proposed wolland wolor dlslrlbutlon system end soptlc aystom locations, and submIssion 01 0 leller Irom tho davolopor's englnoor ostabllshlng a fire rating lor tho 1I0a and a le<<or 01 tronsmlllollrom tho Solon Flro Dopartmonl, Public discussion was oponod at 9:05 p.m. .Doan O~kos, ownor 01 A&A ColllU1bJmls ono o/.l/1e sub~ls DroDortv, cited tho dlrncultles that occur whon working within tho two,mllo fringe area. Ho alalod that II would be prelorablo to have 0 final doclslon be mode by one govornmonlol body with only Input provldod Irom tho othor, Oakos Indicated thol whon Port 1 of this aubdlvlslon wos Inll/allY discus sod, accoss did not appoar to be a problom. Helndlcalod that when tho prollmlnary plat for Port I was thon aubmlllod, ho was lold Ihatthe proporty could not bo subdlvldod wllhoul two occossos. Ho strossod thallhoy than acqulrod Iho Ict on Kyle Drlvo lor this purpose and ho has always malnlalnod Ihallhore aro two accesses to this , . "~_....."-,, ,-,.,". .'. ,....., .."" ,'''' ii~ .. I' , I .' " , , i " I I , I I j, i. . I I I , 'I , ., 2 ' I, ' Mlnutos PllIIlnlng & Zoning CommIssion March 21, t 091 pago 0 subdMslon, Ho notod thot ono 01 tho Iwo govornmo:\tal bodlos roqulrod lor approval 01 tho subdivision Indlcalod thai Syrll SlIool.houJd bo brought up to standard and thai ho compllod with this roqulromonL Ho Ilatod thai ho was thon told by tho othor govornmon. tal body that that body did not want the road to bo usod. Ho alrossod thai Part rI will Indudo housos that aro c1osor to tho primary accoss than did Part III. Oakos notod thai whllo tho bollards aro not cu"onUy Inslallod, ho Indlcatod that ho would Inslall tho so In ordor 10 mool tho atandards ovon though tho road Is now ownod by the Homoownors Aaloclallon. Oakoa Ilrouod thai ho cannot force lomoono olso 10 loll him tholr proporty In ordor to provldo lIIlothor accoss 10 this subdMslon, Ho slatod that all his Inqulrlos Inlo tho purchaso 01 tho land noedod lor access woro turnod down, In rosponso to a quos lion Irom Bovblorg, Oakos Incllcotod thai tho two lots on olthor sldn 01 Syrll SlIoel hove accoss to Banbury. OakOI allmod that a major problom Is gotUng Johnson County to tako aclJon on tho rosllgnmont 01 Pralrlo du Chlon. Ho statod that II was sUlVoyod approxlmaloly 15 yoars ago, but nothing has boon done slnco thon, Ho stalod thalthero Is tho polonl/allor 69 housos In this atoa and ho bollovos ho dosolVos to havo tho roadWay takon Into consldorallon, Ho slaled that ho bollovos Syrll SlIoot would be an accoplablo accossll thore was approprtato grading. Public discussion was closod at 9:17 p.m. Clark movod to approvu 8.9109, tho prollmlnary plat 01 Pralrlo V10w Eatatos, Part IV, a ~0,8e acro, 22.lot lubdlvlslon locatod north 011.80 and out 01 Pralrlo du Chlon Rosd,aubloct to 1) Illbmllslon 01 prollmlnary stormwator mansgomont ca!culallons and Public Works approval 01 tho calculations prIor to Council consldoratlon, 2) lIubmlaalon 01 a lo"or Irom tho Johll3on County Haallh Dopartmont granting tontstlvo approval to tho proposod woll and wator distribution systom and aoptlc aystcm locollons, and ~) aubmlsslon 01 a loltor Irom tho dovolopor's onglnoor ostabllshlng a nro rallng lor tho aroa and a lo"or 01 transmlttsllrom tho Solon Flro Dopartmont, Rold socondod. In rosponso 10 a quos lion Irom Clark. Schoon slatod that onty 20 lots were 10 be dovolopod boloro aecondary access was to be roqulrod, Moon notod that Iho mol/on on the noor doos not rotor 10 any provlslons being made lor aocondary access. Cook slalod that ho did not Intond 10 amond tho mollon. In rosponso 10 a qUOSl/on Irom Clark, Moon ala led that bolh the PlannIng and Zoning CommissIon and the City Council had recommondod epproval of Part 3 01 Prairie View Eslatos and must have delormlnod thai Syrll Slroet was olthor sdoquale 10 sOlVe as secondary accoss or thai addlllonal socondary accoss was not noedod, She allossod that sla",s poslllon was that a mort lormal aecondary accoss was noodad lor Part 11/, Cook statod thai ho loll thalli was msdo cloar althe limo Part III was approved that furthor approvals would bo conl/ngenl upon adoquate aocondary accoss bolng provldod, Clark asked lithe CommissIon would vlow an Improvod and upgradod Syrll Strool as bolng sn appropriate secondary access, Cook Indlcalod thai ho bellovos Syrll Stroot Is not an approprlalo accoss becauso 01 whoro It connocts wllh Prairie du Chlon. Clark suggoslod that Iho Commission could recommond donlal ollhe subdivision and Ihon this would force Johnson County to lako some typo of acl/on rogardlng Pralrlo du Chlon, Rold strossod that sho Is concornod wllh how Syrll Stroot will connocl with Prairie du Chlon whon Pralrlo du Chlon Is reallgnod. Sho expressod tho concorn lhalthoro could be an Increaso In accldonts II Byrll Slroot Is Improvod and pooplo bogln 10 usa lion a rogular basis. Cook slatod thai tho ~~ y I. I i , I I , , I I I I, ; I I 1 'I 2 2 . Mlnutos Planning & Zoning Commission M3rch 21, t991 pago 0 Commission h.ls mado Its poslllon clear In tho past rogardlng whal would bo sn Ipploprlalo secondary access lor Pralrle Vlow Eslalos. Ho Indlcalod ho bollovos that this dovolopmenl hss pushed tho Dmlt on tho numbor 01 lots thai can be conslluclod without having I vlabfo mondllY accoss lor the lubdlvlslon, Ho omphllslled that he Is not wllDng 10 go lAllhor, Reid asked lIlt would be posslblo lor the CommIssIon to moo I with reprosonlaUvcs Irom Johnson County to discuss tho roallgnmonl 01 Prelrle du Chlon. Cook auggostod that Rold could attond a Boatd 01 Suporvisors moollng and oxpross hor concorna. Bovblorg atalod that sho also has a concorn rogardlng socondary access fOI tho subdivision. Sho Indicated thai aho bellovos that an accoplllble IOcondary accoss noods to bo evaJlablo boloro lurlher development should occur In the subdivision. Moon auggestod thai tho Commlsalon could dofellurthor action on this 110m until thoy hllvo mot with roprosonllltlvos 01 Johnson County. Sho also suggostod that tho Commission could rocommend donlaJ ollhls aubdlvlslon unUl an accoptablo I8condary accossls obtained. . Tho moUon lal/od on a 0-4 voto, Cook movod to dony 8.9109, tho prollmlnary pial 01 Prolllo V10w Estatos, Part IV, a 30.88 acro, 22.lot lubdlvlalon locatod north 011.80 and east 01 Pralrlo du Chlon Road. Rold lecondod. Tho motion carrlod 4.0. ~: 1, ~. publlo dlsculllon 01 an amonded eppllcaUon submitted by Frantz Construction, Inc., on behall 01 Wllbort Frantz and tho Edith Frantz Estalo, to rezono approxlmatllly 9.81 acrcs 01 proporty located esst 01 Sycamore SlIeot and wost 01 Grant Wood Elemontary Schoollrom ID.RS 10 RS.S. (45-day IImllallon period: walvod,) Schoon roported thslsla" mot on M81ch 21, 1991, In order to discuss the two romalnlng Issuos rog81dlng this aubdlvlslon. Thoso were tho broad sowor policy Issue and tho sowerlng speclncalty 01 tho Frantz traeL He Indicated that sla" had docldod that tho City could procoed with aoworlng tho Frantz tract bolore developing a broador sowor policy. Ho atatod that sta" Is sllll discussing nnanclng and tho dIscussion Is locused on a lap-on 100 with a commllmont Irom tho dovoloper to rocoup tho cosls whIch might encourago devolopmont 01 tho 32 acros as was Inlllalty proposed. Schoon etated that the existing devolopmenlln tho aroa would also bonont Irom thelmprovemenls. In response to a quesllon Irom Clark, Schoon rovlowod en ovorhoad 01 the eroa and tho locations lor aowor Ilnos as rocommondod by tho Publlo Works DopartmonL Ho sllossod thai ala" Is curronlty working onty with the dovolopor 01 tho Frantz Iract at this tlmo and thai as othor devolopmont occurs In tho area It would pay lis sharo 01 the tap-on fee. He nolod thai oxlstlng devolopmont would bono", by reducing Iho surcharging which Is occurring In tho area, Public discussion wss openod a19:40 p,m. Thoro was nono. publlo discussion was closod at 9:40 p.m. 'I!~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I'e 1 " .. , I' I. , I I I. i I '. I I ,I . " , " e ,3 Mlnulos Planning & Zoning Commission March 2t, 1991 Pogo 10 Bovblorg movod to dolor Z.9016 10 April 4, 11/01. Rold lllCondod. Tho moUon corrlod 4.0, 2. CZ.9102. PubDc dlscusalon 01 an appllcaUon aubmltted 10 John.on County by TIm Russolllot a zono chango Irom Al (Rural) 10 M2 (Hoavy Industriol) lor an approxlmaloly 7.93 acro ~ac\ Ioc4led aouth and 01.1 01 tho Iowa City corporalo UmllS botweon Old HIghway 218 and tho Iowa RIver north ollzaak Wallc,n Road. (45-day IImllallon porlod; March 21, 199t,) Moen reportod that no now In/otmaUon wu ovalleblo on thla 110m, Sho Indlcalod thai atal\ It pursuing quesUona rogardlng tho jutlsdlcUon 01 tho Corps 01 Englnea,. over tho aroa and hopea to havo wwora avanablo at tho AprU 4, 1991, meallng. Sho noled that a lotter has boan rocoivod Irom tho applicant oxtondlng tho 45-day Umllatlon porlod 10 AprU 4, 1991. Sho romlndod tho Commlsslon that a moollng has boon arrangod with tho oppllcatlt at tho alto lor 11:00 a.m. on March 23, 199t, In ordor to allow tho Commission to vlow tho silo. Publlo dJacuaslon was opanod at 9:51 p,m. ~ alatod thsl thoro I. not a logalty.zonod junkyard In Iowa City and nolod thai tho two exlsUng lunkyarda aro grandlatherod Into tho Zoning Ordlnanca. He said thst thoro Is not a junkyard In Iowa City, CoraMllo, or Johnson County thai Is proporly acroonod or thst Is moto thatll,OOO loot Irom a ro.ldonUal zono. Ho Indlcalod that his auto rocycDng yard would moot all 01 thoso roqulromonts. Ho s~ossod that tho Iowa RIvor cannol bo vlowod Irom the silo and thai thoro Is a lronlago aroo on the rlvor thai might bo holpful to the Rlvortront CommIssIon. Rumll omphaslzod that alto. OIound his proporty 110 zonod lot Industrial UIOS. Ho roported that tho Johnson County Commission had voted 4.0 10 uphold hi. proposal and thsl tho OGpartmonl 01 Nalural Rosourcos hu said that ho has mol tholr roqulromonts. In rosponlO to a qUOlllon Irom Reid, RUllOn Indlcatod thai helalnlorostolCl In purchasing tho land to tho louth 01 this alte bocauso ho would Uko to prosoNo tho IImbor, Public discussion wss cloaod at 0:57 p,m, Rold movod 10 dolor CZ.Ol0210 April 4, 1001. Bovblorg lOCondod. In rosponlo 10 a quosllon from Clatk, Moon slatod that currently thero ora no 1,2 zonod proporUe. In Iowa CIty' which would pormll a lunkyord by a special oxcopllon, She Itrossod that lunkyOld. are no longor uland consumpllvo as the oldor lunkyords wore and Indlcotod thai thoro 110 currontJy 20 ocros that are operotod as lunkyords In tho city, Clatk strOlsod that thoro Is a nood lor on auto rocycllng uso bocouse 01 Ihe Incrmlng emphssls on rocycllng. Moon rOlpondod thsl tho Commission no ods 10 ask litho current 20 ocros Is sufficlont lor a community 01 this size, In rosponse 10 0 quesllon from Bovbjerg, Moon stalod that In order lor a proporty ownor 10 oporalo alunkyard, lho proporty ownor would nood 10 requo'l a rozonlng to Iho 1.2 zono and thon approach tho Board of Adluslmont for a spoclal oxcopllon, Tho mollon corrlod 4.0. ' . I I I I I I' I ,." , " .' ; I. I , I I , , I I r I " tIf~ .1 , ., 2/ y Mlnulos Planning & Zoning Commission March 21,1991 pago 11 3. publlo discussion olJho Drooosod strool closlnos on !:lllllson Avonuo ond1rJlIIor Avonuo. Karin Franklin slated this Issuo aroso boClluso a Uhh lano will bo addod to Highway 1 Wost and UghlS win bo placed at the InloraocUons 01 Hlghwoy 1 Wosl al both MilIor Avonue and Orchard StrooL Sho atrossod thallI a Ughlls plocod al tho IntorlOellon 01 Mlllor Avonuo and Highway 1 Wost, thon a Dghllsllkoly to bo noodod altho InlorlocUon 01 MlOor Avonue and Bonton Stroot bocauso 01 tho Incrooso In tralllc that would rosuh on Mlllor Avonuo, Sho notod thst such an Incroaso In lIalllo occurrod on MiUor Avonuo whon the tomporary IIghl WPS placed sillS IntorsecUon with Highway 1 WOIL Sho atrossod thai thoro Is a concorn with accfdonta thai could occur al tho InlorlocUon 01 Millar Av.nuo and Bonton Stroolll trafflc IncrOISOS on Mlllor Avonuo. Franklin stalod that tho proposod streot closings aro tho rosult 01 a doslro 10 aoparolo commorclal and rosldonllol dovolopmont by croallng lour amall cul-dHacs from what la curronUy two thru strools. She omphaslzod that prossuro Is bolng lolt In tho nolghborhood bocauso of rozonlng roquoslS In tho past lor proporty on Hudson Avonuo. She nolad thai such a rezoning would bo conslslont with tho Comprohonslvo Plan and IndlClltod that tho Comprohonslvo Plan lolls proporty ownors thot thoro Is alusUnoblo oxpeelotlon lor this type 01 rozonlng, Sho rolorrod 10 0 lollor Irom W1l11atn Moardon rogardlng KOMOth and Shirley Renshow who win expoct oqual trootmont thalla rocolvod by Iowa City landscaping and It. rozonlng roquolL Public dlacusslon WOI oponod at 10:11 p.m. Jim Groozol.Btl{lJdson Avonuo. slotod thol ho Is against closing Hudson Avonuo, but he atrossod thot he does havo a concorn that II tho rozonlng roquosllor proporty Iocatod on tho wost sldo 01 Hudson Avonuo Is opprovod, thon tho proporty on tho OlSt aldo 01 Hudson Avonue would oIso Dkoly bo rezonod, Ho nolod that whllo ho doos not hovo , problom with tho emount 01 trafflo thot would bo gonorolod Irom tho proposod uso on tho west sldo 01 Hudson Avonuo, helools thai a commorclol usa on tho OlSt side of tho atrool would gonorato moro traffic. Ho concludod that II tho rozonlngs aro opprovod, hI would profor to havo tho strools closed, JSnw1!fradek, 924 ~son Avonuo, slatod thotaho bollevos thai II tho atrool. aro closod thoro would be an Incroaso In crtmo bocausethoro would be moro loot tralllo through tho nolghborhood Ind loss pollco patrol 01 tho cul-do.sacs, Sho oxprossod a loar that thoro would Ilso bo a decroaso In property valuos In tho nolghborhood, Sho statod thst hor proforonce would bo 10 construct a right lurn lane at tho Intorsoellon 01 Bonlon and Mlllor end thon 10 walt lor ono year to aoe II lurthor acUon Is noodod. CIOIk IndIca led that construCllng I turning lanD might encourage In ovon greator trafflo Incroase 10 occur on Mlllor Avenuo. Hradok rosponded thlt once thetrafflo light Is Inslollod at thelntorlocllon 01 Mlllor Avonue and Highway I Wost, sho would oxpOCl to 100 I slgnlDcantlncroaso on Mlllor Avonue. In rosponlo 10 a quosllon Irom Clark, Franklin statod !hst trslflc counts will be conducled the following wook and that olhor counls will bo avallablo lor comparison, , slalod that she has IIvod al the corner of Mlllor Avonuo and Bonton Stroollor approxlmatoly throo yoars and Indlcatod thai sho has a cor end up In her yard virtually ovory lime II rslns. Sho stated thai sho will do ovorythlng sho con 10 provont porklng Irom bolng tokon 011 01 Mlllor Avonuo, Sho slrossod thol stroot r!~ ,\. . , , .' , .. , ., 2 5 ' Mlnutos PlannIng & Zoning CommIssion March 21,1991 pago 12 parkIng Is noedod In the area bocouso tho lols do nol havo adequalo o".altOOI po/king. Sho lndlcalod that sho bollovos putting s IIghl on ono ond 01 Millo/ Avonuo and not on the othor ond would on~ sorvo 10 Incroaseltarnc probloms, Buss Indlcalod that sho doos not havo any probloms with tho /ozonlng roquosl oltowa City landscaping. Sho sltossod that hor concern would bo lithe Ransh~w proporty woro 10 ba rozonod. Sho suggostod that commorc/al accass onto Hudson Avonue could bo donlod. She slalod that ono dlsadvantago 10 tho sltoet closings would bo Iho dllnculty thsl oxlsla lor lIalnc allompUng to gel onto Bonlon SlIoot Irom Mlllor Avonuo and Hudson Avonuo, ospoclol~ during lootball gamos, 9bPrlU}luDoort. ownor 01 Jho crODertv to tho wosldlor Avonuo. atatod thalli tho alloots oro closod, tho lIalllo on Orchatd and RIvorsldo Drive wllllncroaso, but nolod that tralnc would probab~ also Incroaao on tho stroots 10 tho wosl, such as Woobor Stroot and Wyldo Groon Road, Ho Indlcolod thai he Is nolln lavor 01 closing Mlllor Avonuo bocauso 01 tho potonl/al Impact to his proporty. Ho oxprassod concorn thaI It would limit tho numbor 01 opl/ons Ihal would be possIble for accoss 10 Mlllor Avenuo Irom tho wost. Ho atoled thai It doos not eppoar 10 hIm thetthoso Issuos woro adoquolO~ addrassod. , stolod thai he has nolod a donnlto docroaso In tralno on boUI Mlllor Avonuo end Hudson Avonue slnco tho Bonton SlIoot brtdgo was completod, He suggesled thsllt mIght be posslblo thai al/ght might nol bo noodod In the aroa although It might bo holpful becsuso 01 the excosslvo spoeds In tho 1101, Ho slalod Ihat ho bollevos placIng a light on Mlllor Avenuo will alltaClllVon moro lIalno through tho aroa, . slalod that ho has a concorn bocaulo 01 tho upwatd grado es Mlllor noars Bonton and tho downgrade as Benton SlIoot noars Mlllor Avonuo. He statod thai Installing a lurnlng lanD on Benton SlIoot could oxocorb.to tho exlsllng problems. Ho slalod thai ho bellovos It would bo more logical to closo Mil/or Avonuo Sl the northorn end to avoId thOIO problems with the topography. Franklin slated thallho mombors of the nolghborhood prelont et tho meollng nomod 10 be loss concornod with the amount 01 commorclalltalllo thai would go through tho resldonl/a1 aroa than was oxpressod 10 hor at the rocont nolghborhood meollng, She staled thai In her opinIon, II tho relldonts aro not concernod with tho amounl olllalllo, she would nol advocalo closIng Mlllor Avenuo and Hudson Avonue agalnsl tholr wlshos. She Indlcalod that she Is sllll concornod with thelntersoctlon of Mil/or Avenuo and Bonlon Stroot. Sho suggostod that lor commorclal rezonlngs on Hudson Avonuo, tho moss could bo lostrletod from Hudson Avonuo, but sho nolod thai tho Tucker proporty will nood to rolaln lis accoss to Hudson Avonue unless It Is ownod In conjunction with olhor property. In rosponse to a quoll/on from Rold, Franklin elatod Ihat convorllng Iheltrootl to ono.way slrools would bo IIkoly 10 Incrooselho trallle spood. In rosponse to a quosl/on Irom Clork, Franklin slelod that she has boon dllcusslng accoss opl/ons wllh Charlos Ruppert for Iho proporly zonod RS.O to tho wosl 01 Mlllor Avonue. Sho notod thatlhoro aro eovoral options avallablo which Includo 8 PDH and rezonIng a portion of tho Iract, In rosponso to a quesl/on Irom Clark, Franklin statod thatlho Flro Doparlmont doos not havo any probloms wllh what has boon proposed, In rosponso 10 a quesl/on from Bovbjorg, Franklin slalod that there Is not adoquale oll,stroot parking on Mlllor Avenuo and nolod thatlhls Is loss 01 a problom on Hud,on Avonuo. Rold askod IIlho bus routo . .' , , i , '1!~ " ., ,2 b' Mlnulos PlAnning & Zoning CommissIon MArch 2t, 1991 PAgO t3 would noed to bo changed. Schoon respondod lhattho route Is IIkoly to be changod to Miller Avonuelrom Hudson Avonuo when tho light Is placed at lho Inlorsoctlon 01 Highway I Wost bocauso tho bus wlllthon havo easlor access onto Highway 1, Hradok rolorrod 10 alotlor Irom tho Tuckors. Sho notod thai al a nolghborhood moo ling lho Tuckora had dlscussod changing the Comprohonslve Plan and hAving a cul-de,sao noar tholr driveway In ordor 10 rotaln the rosldontlal characlor 10 their proporty, Donnls Dykstra ox pross ad concorn with tho radius 01 tho cul-do,sac and ho bollovos tho rosldonts 01 tho nolghborhOOd may not bo awaro 01 how much proporty would bo roqulrod 10 construct tho cul-do.sac, Publlo discussion wos closad at 10:52 p,m. Cook Indlcalod Ihat his main concorn Is subloctlng tho rosldenllal aroa to addlllonal commorclal tralflc without segregating tho rosldenllal us as. Ho stated lhal without such aogregAtlon, tho City mAY bo !eopardlzlng whatlhoy ara trying 10 prasarve which Is tho nolghborhood Inlogrlty ond allordable housing. He statod thot closing Millar Avonuo to tho north doos address somo 01 the physIcal consldorollons, but doos not addross the logal and social concorns such os the senso 01 neighborhood. 4. ~,PubllC discussion 01 an appllcallon submltlod by Iowa City landscaping to rozono property localod at 1013 Hudson Avenuelrom RS.810 CI.I. (45-dsy Ilmllallon ported: March 21,1991.) Cook Indlcatad thaI Rold had loll the Informal meatlng becauso har concorn with a porcalvad conOlcl ollntoresL Ha notod that bocause tho CommissIon Inlonds only to dofer this 110m, Rold would remain In tho Chambars. Chrlsllansen stated thai although Rold's porcopllons may chango whon the marlls 01 the request aro discussed, sha loals aho can approach this Issuo wlthoul any procon,copllons or bIas on the Is suo 01 delorral snd will voto In ordor to prosorvo a quorum of tho CommissIon. Schoon revlswod a slall report daled March 21, 1991, Slall rocommondod thai tho roquost to rozono Lot 22 01 the Bailey and Bock Addition from tho RS.a zone to tho CI.t zono bo donlod. Howevor, at such time as Hudson Avonue Is modtnod to aoglogalo commorclal and resldonllalltalflo, Stll" would then rocommond the rezoning 01 this psrcol to CI.l, Slall lurther rocommendod that tho proposed rezoning from RS.a to CI.l 01 Lot 23 of Bailey snd Beck Addition be denlod. Schoon reportod thai a lollor has boen recolved Irom the appllcont lor de/erral to April 4, 199t, publlo discussion was oponod at 11 :30 p.m. I I . prosonted tho CommIssIon with a loltor Irom Marian Lyon In opposition to the rezoning. Hrsdok Indica led that tho maIn roason pooplo Ilvo In tho Mlllor/Orchard Nolghborhood Is thai thorels alfordable housing, Sho notod that pooplo tond to slay In the nolghborhood and havo a doslro to prosorvo tho nolghborhood. She stressod that she has nevor hoard anything bad said about Iowa City landscapIng by tho nolghbors. Sho notod thai fivo homoownors In tho neighborhood havo recolvod CDBa funds In ordor 10 rohabllltalo tholr homos. Sho emphaslzod that pooplo In Iho nolghborhood tako prldo In tho quality 01 tho ",..' .,-.,.- . ".... , ",'t. "__'_N"" '1f~ '.. ,', 'I ' ., ~. I I I I I I ! I' I , I ..' I I \ I l. .\ I I \ \ I \ \ " i , , .' ,I , , ., 2 :-, Mlnutos PIAMlng & ZonIng CommissIon March 21, 1091 Pago 14 nolghborhood and wanllo maIntain tho Intogrlty 01 Iho nolghborhood and 10 provonl commorclal oncroachmont whIch would throalon tho housing stock, JIm Oroalel slatod thai ho doos nol havo any probloms with the rozonlng roquost 01 Iowa City Land.caplng IIlccoasls roalllClod onto Hud.on Avenuo, Ho Indlcatod hla concern I. with othor typos 01 commorclal devolopmont that would gonorato more lIatllc os woll II gonoraUng nlghl lIall!u. I ,staled thOI tho prImary concorn 01 the resldonls 01 tho Otoa sooms 10 bo with lIalllc thai would bo generatod on proporty on tho east .Ide 01 Hudson Avonuo and not with lIalllc thai would be gonoralod by tho uso bolng consldorod. Ho askod thai 1111 Is doclded not to close Hudson Avonuo"woufd Iowa City LandaClplng nood to walt boloro tho roquoslls consldorod lurthor. Ho .lIassad thaI he la willing to work with .Ia" rogardlng IImlllng commorclalaccoss 10 Hudson Avonuo, Ho omphaslzod thai ha would lIke to have progross on tho requosl. Cook Slalod that ho gols tho donnlto loollng thai tho Issuo wUl nol rosolvo lis 011 In the noar fuluro, Ho ststod that ho boDovoa tho closing 01 Hudson Avonuo Is nOlllkoly 10 belmmlnonL Oykslla askod II It would bo posslblo lor Iowa City landscaping 10 msko suggosllons 10 sla". Sch~n alolod thai tho oppllcanl would nood 10 mako a proposal 10 tho CommIssion and thon the CommissIon would nood to glvo sta" guldanco on how Iho CommIssion wishes to procood with tho proosal, Cook Indlcatod that It looks to hIm like thoro Is a proposal boforo tho CommJulon and that ho Is not lavorably lowOlds IL He notod thlltho Commission has 10 consldor tho procodont 01 past rozonlng. and tho ramlncallon this rozonlng would havo on property across tho alloollo tho easL Cook Indlcatod thol 10 hIm It appOOtsthat tho only thing thai would break tho doadlock Is the alleot closIng 10 aogrogato tho typos 01 usos and thai ho doos not soo thIs happonlng In tho aroa In tho noar futuro. Lorry Schnllljor atalod thai gonorally II slloells vlowod as a nalural domarcallon IIno, He alalad that tho Ranshaw rozonlng roquost was dlfforent Irom the currenl propossl bocauso tho City Councll saId thai the greatoslImpaClIn that case would bo on the roaldonllal uso to tho aouth. Schnmjor allmod thai the Ranshaw rezoning could easily bo dlsllngulshod Irom tho curronl proposal. Cook agroed thai gonerally slroots aro usod .. a demOtClllon IIno botwoon zone., but he notod thai tho ovorwholmlng penorn In this nolghborhood Is tho corridor Irom easl to wosl and .Iatod that he does nol leol thai he would bo In II poslllon to rocommond changing this pallorn. Schnlttjor stalod Ihattho Isolallon 01 tho Tuckor proporty was tho primary Issuo In the Ranshaw property rozonlng and thai tho Commission could dlsllngulsh this rozonlng on thai Issue IIthoy wanl. Bovbjorg movod 10 dolor Z.9101 to April 4, 1991. Clark aecondod. In rosponselo a quost/on Irom Cook, Moon alated thai a variance would not be a reallsllc opllon In.thla altuallon, Cook roquo.lod lIalllo counls Irom .tall as woll as the polent/al Impact on proporty 10 tile wosl. Clark stalod thai he bollovos there needs to bo a compromlso thai tho nalghbors. tho Ranshaws, and.lho Commission would accept, Ho statod that II tho nolghbora would accopl limited accoss lor both tho Iowa City landscapIng proporty and tho Ranshaw proporty, thIs would bo en opllon. Tho motion to dalar carrlcd on a 2.0 voto, I I I I I I , I i I I' I , , , , , , ! I , I I , I. J , , .. 'II~ , " 2 8 I I Mlnulos I Plonnlng & Zoning CommIssion . March 21, 1991 I Page HI j: ! .,' ~: I. A IOllor fiom WlIDom OUlngor on bohaJl 01 Matgat9t and David Prli.lI WIll rocognlzod '! rogardlng Imptovomonls by Iow..llflnols Gas & E10cltlc Company. A lollor wu rlCognlzod I " Irom ChI/loa and Juno Young rogardlng prob/oma with tho ptopolod dOVOlopmont at 20 I' and 30 Uncoln Avonuo. Tho Commission was romlndod 01 an upcoming Iolnt moollng to be hold botwoon tho CommIssIon atlCl tho Council rogardlng tho Noat North Sldo No/ghborhood Study. There wal . conlOnauolhlt tho Pllnnlng . ZonIng CommIssIon recommend that tho .! .. opproprlalo pooplolrom Iowa City PlaMlng and Johnaon County Planning moot to I' dlocusl PraIrie Vlow Ealotas and Itl locondary accoss onlo Pralrlo du Chlon Road, ~: . , ' , , Bovblorg moved 10 ad/oum tho m,oUng 1111:26 p.m. Rold aocondod. Tho moUon camod 4'(), I ! Salty Oforka, Socrotary ,-,.-- Mlnutoa aubmlltod by Mary Jo No". ~lp&t."" , i !: . I I I ;' .. I i ,. i , I, . -'--~'''';'''''''''''-'''''''''''.'''-_'''''~''''_''''''''''''''.'''''''_V'_' ,.',.,"'..,....".~ "~ ~ ".'_'''' '......~.., "y, ,"" ''''~__'' ,..,.,'... .......~_._. .,,_,.,,_,', . ._,,,.~_,. .- 0 ,-.. ". .'~' ,I :.' I . ..",-, ..~ ',.. .!. .~_ /~~:,:,; ;: . ~ ;,' ,.:~,.,.... 'i\--i;..; 'If~ I I .1 1 :1 2 g ! , . :P?~ R€gulo.R. ~ m€etitoJ~ '1',30 'P, m. '?lto.st. Si9~ IN: ~a.mtl I. J. . 'f 3. C~ fl.\ S"k!P 1-/4",1 4,~!~ .t. ~ob RO~)(n ',. ".,,~~,(/ I~;t Q .-/ N\ N\ C; ~ ^,I~ /.l. (1' ~ }l. 'C..:.... 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I I I I ,I 1 " .3 ~~ ' BJ"Q) MINUTES I I IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION I I FEBRUARY 20,1991 .5:30 P,M. I I SENIOR CENTER CLASSROOM I \ I MEMBERS PRESENT: Rogor Brunor, Joe Facklor, Loron Horton, Doug Jonos, Don Otto, r I AI Robal, AI Stroh, 000 Vandorhool, Robort Wachal ! .' I MEMBERS ABSENT: Dawn WilDs I , I I STAFF PRESENT: Melody Rockwoll, Mary Jo Noll I OTHERS PRESENT: Paul T1slngor .Izaak Walton Loaguo; Torry Dahms' FIRST: Robert' , , , Sayro . Hoover Naturo Trall: Bob Davis . Unn Cilunty Tralls , MioclaUon: Kathryn Gillies. Proloct GREEN 1. The Rlvartronl Commission recommonds that In rocognlllon 01 tho pracopts 01 tho Iowa Rlvor Corridor Plan and \he Frtngo Aroa Policy Agroomonl bo~oon Johnson County and Iowa City, the City Council 10lWard a commont to tho Johnson County Board 01 Suporvlsors racommondlng that tho County dony the roquest to rezono the Russoll property, an approxlmatoty 7.93 acre lractlocated south and oast 01 tho Iowa City corporalO Umlts bo~oon Old Highway 218 and tho Iowa Rlvor, and north 01 tho Izaak Wallon Road, ~om M to M.2, 2. Tho RIverfront CommIssion recommonds that tho City Council oxpand the advisory scope of the Commission and ranamelt tho Rlvortront and Natural Aroas Commission. .' j' F I: , 1. ThO Rlverfronl CommIssion roquests tho City Managor to onsure that pormlt appllcaUons lor floodplaIn devoloprnenl bo 10lWarded 10 tho Rlvor/ronl CommIssion 10 allow for the Commission's rovlow and comment prior to tho Issuanco 01 tho permit. Chalrporson Wachal called the moellng to order a15:30 p.m, Wachal wolcomod naw Commission mombors Don Otto, Johnson County reprosontatlve, and 000 Vandorhoof, Parks and Recroatlon CommIssIon roprosontatlvo, Ho Ihon wolcomod Paul T1slngor, Torry Dahms, Roborl Sayro, Bob Davis and Kay Gllllos, . Dahms statod thai Reba! and nol Brunor sorvas on tho stoorlng commlttoo lor FIRST, Horton movod to approvo tho minutes 01 tho January 16, 1991, moellng as amonded. Jonas soconded. Tho mollon earnod 9,0, \ I I ! , " .. , I i i. i: I , :/ . , I, '/87 ! I '. .'"_.,,..., l",'.-..,......_...,.....,..~ "'_ ,,,..-.-,,,,...__..--~-' ..-.".'" .... .'.. ." ....H ...- . ,_............."."., ~...,-~" '.'~ ..,: ",.. "..-..~~"',,.'.- '.."... ....,"...~., ..........~ .;.. , -I .. . :t :J -,--.-, I ,::3 '_' , IOWll City Alvorlront ('.(lmm'!~lon FobtulllY ~O, 1001 Pago 2 Soyro prosentod a sorlos 01 slides to tho Commlsslon on tho propesod Hoovor Naturo Trail. Sayre lI1c/udod 1I110rrnaUon on currenlltall dPvolopment In Iowa. Ho rovlowod problems with tho Cedar RapIds 10 Burtlngton, Iowa, HNT roulo IUch as missing brldgos,llIck 01 vogotallon, debris, rolld crosslnga, tho nood lor slgnago, the nood lor ralUngs at exlsUng brldgos, and exlsllng lolophono poloa. Ho roportod that In ordor to Incroaso crodiblllty with tho lewa Dopartmont 01 Natural Rosourcos (IDNRllor funding aJIocaUons, tho HNT oponod up a porUon 01 tho trail by ullng a Job Tralnlng Program granL Altar opening thai porUon 01 tho trail, an IDNR granllor $278,000 was racolvod with a local match 01 $92,000. Sayra ltaled that approxlmaloly $1 million In prlvale Iu~ wID bo noodod u wotI u 53 minion In IDNR lunda lor lull trail dovolopmonL Ho Itressed that donaUons 01 labor and oqulpmont can bo just as Important as donallons 01 monoy. Sayrelndlcatod thai he Is Inlorosled In Dnklng tho HNT with tho Iowa Rlvor Trail. Ho roportod that a conlractor has boon hlrod 10 IOrva as conslructlon managor lor tho next yoar lor trail dovolopment and Indcalod thai the goal Is to gel tho throo soctJons that aro roughly opon 10 bo lully open by lhIa aummor, ,Sayro Indlcalod that one goal Is 10 havo tho surlaco 01 tho trail adequalo lor both blkos and whoolchalrs. In responso to a quesUon 110m Bob Davis, Sayt8 stalod thai tho railroad hlld 100 loot 01 rlght,ol. way and although that amounllsn't absolutoly necosslllY lor tho trall,lt would aIlew lor amonlUos auch as plcnlc labIos and butlers. Davis asked II thoro has boon much opposlllon /rom Ianclownora to tho traIL Sayro rosponded that tho towns along tho tran aee It as an oconomlo advantage, bul ho nolod thalsomo larmors havo boon roslstanL Ho said thai It Is aomollmos valuable to havo larmors who are suppor1lvo 01 tho tran talk with larmors who are roslstanL Paul TIslngor asked II snowmobiles wIU bo allowed on tho trail. Sayro responded that mombora 01 hIs organlzaUon wDl bo survoyod 10 soo what typos 01 usos should bo pormllled on the trail, Terry Dahms roportod thai FIRSra noxl moollng wlU be hold on FobtulllY 28, 1991. Tho s1alo lor electJon 01 ofllcora Indudos Casey Cook, Prosldent: Dahms, V1co.Prosldonl: Wondy Roo, Secrolllry: and Hatty WolI, as Troasuror. Mombors 01 FIRST will also d1S:'JSS fund raising and begin 10 oxploro tho IncorpotaUon process and \a)(.oxomplstatus. Ho Indlcatod thai the Johnson County ConlOlVatlon Boatd win moot on FobrulllY 28, 1991, and ho will glvo a prosontatlon thoro aftor a prosontallon by Mllllo Gregg 01 tho Hoovor Naturo Trail, Wachal asked what 10caUons would bo conslderod lor a link botwoon tho Iowa Rlvor Trail and tho Hoovor Naluro Trail, Sayre rosponded thai a Dnk noar Solon would probabty bo consldorod becauso tho tralls would bo dosost 10 one anothor althal polnL Dahms Indlcaled an Inlllal link using tho County Road 10 Wost Branch lusllo goltho connoctJon mado, Sayre alalod that Rapid Crook Road would also ollor a dose connocUon. " Dahms slalod thalthore appears 10 be dobato about whal will bo dona with tho old Butlor Brldgo, Jonos notod thai In tho urban area, thoro will noed 10 bo a supply 01 short brldgos In ordor to cross Cloar Croek, ravlnos noat Highway 8, and Burtlngton StrooL Ho stated thai surplus boams from tho old Butlor Brldgo might bo ablo to bo acquired 1111 Is domollshod. Wachal doubtod thoro W7 ~' I i , , I , , , " ..3 ,3 - Iowa City Rlvorlront Commission Fobruary 20, 1001 Pago 3 was much chlInco 10 gol matorlols salvaged lrom tho old BuUor Brldgo, but he noted the Board 01 Suporvlsors would be cooporaUvo In providing InforrnaUon 10 Indivlduals. Stroh ~taled tho boams would probabty bo sold as aalvago by tho brldgo domoUUon contractor. Davis Inlorrnod Dahms that as a Chaptor mombor 01 the Iowa Tralls Council, organlzaUons . rocolvo tax.oxomptatatus; ho agreed to supply lurthor Informaflon to Dahms. RockwoU roportod that aho had worked wllI1 Wondy Roe, 01 the Iowa Clly.CoraMno ConvonUon and VIsitors Bureau to completo tho mock.up 01 tho Iowa Rlvor Corridor brochure. Sho noled thai tho covor Is . potUon 01 a photograph thai won second placo In a RIvMronl Photo ContosL The cololl proposed lor the brochure Include sage graon and portwlnklo ovor whlto. As IIdvocalod by the Commission, tho map win romaln baslcaJ\y tho sarno as In previous brochuros. Romn askod Commission mombors 10 Inlorm hor within the nexl wook 01 any changos that they loel should bo made. Wachal statod thai those should bo minor changos only bocauao changos made a"or this mooUng would nol havo tho fun ondorsoment 01 tho Commission. Olio suggestod that tho logo bo modlnod somawhallo mako tho I, which stands lor Iowa, more dlsUnctlve. Vandorhool atrongly agroed. Otto suggostod narrowlng tho 'rtvor" IIno, Stroh recommonded that thelettor bo ouUlnod, that Is, have a comploto bordor, Ins teed 01 bolng opon. Tho Commission concurrod that those changos ahould bo made. WachaI reportod lI1al RussoD has roquoslod a doforral olll1ls Itom unlll ho recalvos moro InlormaUon lrom 1110 Iowa Dopartmonl 01 Natural Rosourcos and tho Johnson County Board 01 Hoalth. Ho noted thai 1110 momorandum Irom Bob Miklo 10 tho Iowa City Planning & Zoning Commission emphasl.zod tho probloms assoclatod with devolopmont on tho floodplaln. Paul T1alngor, a membor 01 tho IwI< Walton Leaguo which Is Iocatod south 01 tho roquost site. stalod thai In 1985. Russon wanlod 10 mlno aand In the area wosl 01 the Izaak Walton League, Tho concom by Leaguo mombors al thai Umo was lI1at Russoll Salvago would thon move Inlo ~ aroa. Ho stalod that Russoll gavo tho Loaguo a 50 fool easomonl along tho proporty IIno to allow lor scroenlng which had not yot boon planlod. T1slngor Indlcatod thai Russoll wants to use approxlmaloly 20 foot 01 tho 50 loot oasomonlln ordor 10 roach tho proporty he has roqueslod tho zono chango lor bocauso ho sold a portion 01 his own land, thusllmlllng his access Irom Old Highway 218. T1slngor slatod that tho Izaak Walton League mol on February 19, 1991 and discussed concorn regarding trafflo. II a road Is oponod up,ll would provldo accoss oncouraglng lurthor dovolopmont In tho aroa. Ho notod thai no doclslon was roached by tho Izaak Wallon Leaguo allts moollng bocauso thoy woro waltlng 10 soo II Russoll rocolvod a pormlt Irom tho IDNR, Ho Indlcaled that .. , I I I I I ;. '117 , I I ,i 0' I ., a y . Iowa City Rlvorfront Commission Fobtuary 20, 1091 pago 4 he would pass on any commonts mado by tho Rlvorlronl Commission to tho l1aak Wnlton Loague, RockwoU c1arlffod that RussoU was requostlng tho rezoning lor oxpanslon o/tho anlvage use In tho County, Jonas slated that It appoatS thai Russo" Is roquosUng the zono chango allor tho uso has alroncly boen aoaled. Jones took noto thai tho aecolS problom rosulled from Ru~son'a own acUons. Otto asked II tho Commission could rocommond that a borm bo construClod bolwOen tho rtvor and tho salvago oporaUon, Robal stalod thalll10re would bo probloms onforclng auch a condiUon. GllIIos statod that thoro hod boen an agroomenlln tho past that Russon would provldo scroonlng bolwOen 1110 old h~hway and tho salvago oporaUon, but thon falled to do so. Jonos bonavod lI1at Iowa City neods this typo 01 molal rocycllng buslnoss and lI1at tho IocaUon Is what noods 10 bo conslderod. Ho notod thai ho soos no lusllDcaUon lor tho business to oxpand dosor to tho Iowa Rlvor, Wachal suggoSlod that tho Commission could support stall's rocommondaUon to dony tho roquosL Othor mombers concurrod that tho stall rocommondaUon exprossod tho Rlvortront Commlsslon'a dlsposlllon 10 tho proposod rozonlng, M2l!2Jl: Jon.. moved thlt In rocognlllon 01 tho procoptl 01 tho 10wI River Conldor Plan and the Fringe Area Policy Agroomont between Johnson County Ind IoWI City, tho Rlvorfront Commlulon recommond thet tho clly Council lOIWard I commont to tho Johnaon County Bosrd 01 Suporvlsorl rccommondlng that tho Counly dony tho roquoat 10 rezone tho RUDOII proporty, an approxlmlloly 7.93 ocro tract locatod louth Ind Ollt 01' tho 10wI Clly corporato IImlll botwoon Old Highway 218 and the Iowa River, Ind north 01 tho IuIk Wallon Road, Irom Ao1 to M-2, ~, Tho Commission addIessed tho Issuo 01 condlllons on a rozonlng. Robal exprossod concarn aboul on/orcomont 01 condlUons. Facklor doublod that tho Rlvorfront CommIssion wanlod to aoo this \)1lO 01 davolopmonl this closo 10 tho rtvor, Wachalstrossod that bocauso this dovoloprnanl would occur In tho ffoodplaln, ho did not soo any rozonlng as approprtato ovon with conditions, M2l!2Jl: Jonea movod that tho Rlvorfront Commission rocommond thai no rezoning_ be Ipproved lor Ruaaell Salvago, I) until thll bualnoss has complotod tho vlaulllCroenlng requlrad lor tho oxlatlng business, and b) no rezoning bo spproved lor Ilnd which II currenUy non-conlormlng. Facklor IOcondod, Horton oxprossod concom that such a rocommondatlon would loavo an opportunIty lor a loopholo and stalod that ho proforrod to havo lust a rocommondallon to dony tho rozonlng roquast. Stroh ballovod this was nol an approprlata uso In the noodplaln, Ho did not want 10 oncourago tho Idoa thalthero mlghl bo luluro approval 01 similar roquosts, Facklor slatod thai It Is posslblo for this typo 01 buslnosslo bo run proporty bul ho had nolaoon ovldonco of a proporty run oporatlon In thlslnstanco, Robal concurrud. In rosponso 10 a quostlon from Rockwoll, GllIIos alaled thai tho visual saoonlng requlremonl was an agroomonl botwoon ProjoCl GREEN and tho davelopor, Although tho City parUclpalod In oncouraglng tho acroonlng, II Will nol a City rDqulromonL 1/(7 \ ~' I I , I I , , .1 ,. " ,3 5 Iowa City Rlvodront Commission FobnJaty 20, t091 pagoS ~: Wachal roforred to a coaso and doslsllonor Irom the U.S. Army Corps 01 Englneors 10 Tom Kennedy dared January 29, 1991. He no/ed that bocauS4 01 the 10caUon 01 tho Iako, fie migration 01 'Nolor lowlls an Issuo 10 bo conslderod. (Slroh !ell 817:00 p.m.) Jonos slated that he had spokon with Jano Rlekonborg 01 tho Iowa Dopartmonl 01 Natural Rosourcos rogwng this Issuo. Ho ro/orrod 10 his momorandum deted Fobruary 8, 1991, IndlcaUng ho vlsltod tho 1110 and looked lor ovldonco olalUaUon and tho dosing 01 tho opening botwoon tho lake and tho lewa Rlvor. Ho roported thai an Irregulartty In tho dillo along tho rtver Is tho only h1nlthat thoro ovor was a broak at this IocaUon. Ho obsorved the typo 01 gDlbago which was notod In tho momorandum Irom tho IDNR, Jonos slated that he Is worrlod about ellorts 10 prosorve this silo as a lake, bocauso as a gonoral rulo ho liked 10 aoo Itrlp mlnos rotumed 10 tholr natural contours. Brunor noled thai this would run conltaly to curront lodoral pellcy. Focklor slatod that this slle could bo similar 10 tho lako on Unlvorslty 01 Iowa property Iocatod across lrom tho Art Building, Wachal sltossod that fils shows the value of landsCDplng lor this typo 01 foaturo. Rockwen darlllod that tho City had Issued a Doodplaln dovolopmonl permit In 1998, which permUted IIllIno 01 flo Iako. Sovoral Commission mombors ralsod concerns that this typo 01 altuallon was occurring on tho rivorfront without tho Commission's knowlodgo, Tho Commission dlscussod the pesslblllty 01 roquosUng thai tho City Managar ensure that floodplain Dovelopment Permll appDcaUons bo forwarded 10 the Rlvorfront Commission lor rovlow and commonL Wacha/ sltossed thallho Commission ahould have the opportunIty 10 advlso tho City on Issuos rolalod 10 fie ftoodplaln. 1421I.2n: Bruner moved 10 roqueal the City Manager to onsure thai permllappllCltlonalor floodplain developmont bo lorwardod to tho Rlvorfronl Commission 10 allow lor the Commlaalon', review and commont prior 10 tho Inuanco ollho pormlL Horton lOConded, ~ Wachal staled thalli was posslblo lor Konnedy 10 bo oconomlcally In a be"or s1luaUon II he were 10 develop this 1110 dlllorenUy. On anothor maltor, Wacha/ Indicated thollt appoats that tho Idyllwlld silo mlghl bo dovolopod as a high aocurtty devolopmenL Jonos sltossod thai fill was placod on tho Idyllwlld sUa with tho anllcJpallon 01 developmont boloro final approval was ovor granlod, He slalod thai the dovolopmenl was then withdrawn, but tho 11I1 romalns on Iho sUo, Ho omphaslzod his concam with this rocurrlng as a dovolopmonl pallom, , -....~.....,.~,.,.."'...,'~..~.,'~..;-'''' .,~.- 187 . I I I , I I I I I " I I , , I I' ,. I I, , I I , i. , , i! I 1 I .j 1 ., ,3/b Iowa City Rlvorfront Commission Fobruary 20, 1001 Poo08 Wachal rolorred 10 his dra~ momorandum 10 tho Cemmlsslon regarding tho oJpanslon 01 tho advisory acopo 01 tho Rlvortront Commission and notod that tho sUQIIOSlod now namo Is tho Rlvortront and Natural Aroas Commission. Wachal roforrod to his drall momorandum to the Commlaalon regatdlng jurisdiction ovor ~aln dovolopmonL Ho nolod that ho had c1ariflod 10 Schmolsor that this chanAo would nol rosult In an Incroasod nood lor stall limo lor tho Commission. Ho Indlcalod that Schmolsor Is agreoable to allowing tho Commission to use tho ono.qull/tOr stall limo position In this mannor litho Commission takes on tho rost 01 tho scopo 111011. WochaI statod thai an example 01 tho Commission's ability to oxpand lis rolo Is tho way mombors 01 tho AIvorfronl Commission havo educated thomsolvos on tho subjoCl 01 woUands and knowing who to ask lor asslslanco. Ho strossod Ihat tho Rlvortront CommIssion Is not lryIng to provent dovolopmonllrom occurring on the floodplain, but would moro~ ask lor an Impact study to addrosa tho concom regarding orderly dovolopmonL Wachalstatod that Iho two proposals could be adopted tegothor or soparaIO~. Ho suggostod that tho Commission could dolor adopUon In order to allow lurlhor consldoraUon 01 tho proposals. Ho Indlcalod that one option Is to supploment the Work 01 tho Iowa City RIvorlront Commission by havlng a county.wlde group organlzod to roprosont tho various consUluonclos rolatod 10 tho Iowa AIvor. RockweU strasaod that Commission mombors support 01 tho proposaJs should bo daat!y and convincingly statod. Wachal omphaslzed that this would nood to be somothlng thaI tho Commission bollovos In sltOngly and lor which It Is willing 10 make an addlllonal commltmonL Horton auggoslod acUng on tho chango In adviSOry scopo bocauso this Issuo was pravtousty discussed and atrongly aupportod by tho Commission. Jonas oorood and statod that dolay In aellon could only rosult In moro natural 81eas bocomlng throatonod. Ho strossod thai bocauso Johnson County Is tho laslosl growing county In Iowa, thero Is an Incroased prossuro on natural araas. . Otto askod lor more Inlormallon regarding crltorta or roqulromonts lor tho ImpaCl alalamont montlonod In tho floodplains momo. Ho asked II It would bo slmllat to what Iho U,S. Envlronmontal Protocllon Agoncy would roqulro or II It would bo somothlng dovolopod by tho Rlverfronl Commission. Wachal staled that II would bo tho Commission's job 10 soo that II dovolopmont throatons a natural area, compensatory action would bo takon, Ho suggostod that tho ImpaCl atatolnont could bo regarding tho proloctlon 01 nalural rosourcos and not how dovolopmont 115011 should procood, Ho nolod that tho U. S. Army Corps 01 Englnoors has comploted a study and oxpocts that thoro will bo no significant chango In tho currant Doodplaln lovols. Ho suggoslod \hilt tho Commission could ask tho City to hnvo an Indopondont evaluator rovlow this study bocauso the Corps' main concom Is with tho dam. Ho Indlcaled Ihat glvon tho growth rata lor Iowa City, Y1alor alorago In tho floodplaIn may bocomo a problom, parllculariy as dovolopmont begins to occur along creoks, Wachal nolod that whllo tho Envlronmonlol Prolocllon Agoncy, tho Corps 01 Englnoors, and tho Dopartmont 01 Natural Rosourcos will do as mandatod, tho City can havo lis own slops In lis ~ , I , , , , LIB? I , . I ,3, :-, Iowa City Rlvorlront Commlsalon Fobtuary 20. 1991 pago 7 pormllUng procoas. Jonos stalod thai approval 01 tho proposal will bo soon as II tho Commission Is asllIng 10 requlro moro than" curronUy roqu~od IInder tho FI~laln Ordlnanco. Ho notod that tho ~a1n Ordnanco BSSumos the exlsllng paltoms 01 noodwalor slorago win not chango ovon as dovolopmonl paltoms chango and Incroaso. Wnchalatated thallho proposal Is a drall and thai tho Issuo 01 how to defino an ImpaCl study win noed 10 bo ~oasod. A floodplain Commlnoo was formed. Brunor agreod 10 sorvo as Chalrporaon. Otto and Horton agroed 10 aervo on tho Commllloo wllh a mooting schodulod lor noon Match 13, 1991, altho Planning and Program Dovolopmont DopartmonL Wnchalslaled thai ho wUf roport al a luturo moollng on Lon Drake's raport regardlng malntonanco 01 the Whispering Meadows Wellands Park. Vandorhool staled thai tho PB/ks & Rocroallon CornmlasJon plans 10 lormulalo pollc/os thai will mako patkJand requlromonll more oqultablelor aJ\ dovolopora. Horton suggosted thai the CommissIon procooo with adopllon 011110 advisory scope proposal. Brunor oxprossed his agroomont. Rockwoll suggostod thai tho Commission mlghl wanllo consldar roquoallng addlllonal stall asslstanco, Brunor Incflcated that he would prefer 10 see whethar thai would bo nocossary boloro making such a roquosl, Wacha/ stalod thai tho Commission m~ht hove to slow down or dolegato somo curront proJOCls In ordor 10 accommodale the now scope. 1421I2n: Horton moved to rocommond to Council 1) adopt/on 01 an expanded Idvllory acope of !hi Comm/sa/on, and 2) ronamlng It tht Riverfront and Nalural Are.. Comm/lllon. ReblllOcondnd. ~. Fackler roportod Ihal at Crandlo Park thoro Is a problem with a troo thai has lallon Into tho rlvor, causing damago 10 tho rlvorbank. Vandorhool agroed 10 brtng thIs up al the noxl Parks & Rocroallon Commission moo ling. RoboJ stalod thai tho last limo this Issue was ralsod, the Parks & Rocroallon Commission roported back thai bocauso Crandlo Park was a loasod park, It rocalvos low malntonanco prlortty, Ho strossed thai a major problom with tho trooslalllng Into tho river Is thai land Irom 1110 park Is bolng lost. Wachal suggeslOO that there could bo a Joint rosolullon betwoon tho PB/ks & Rocreallon CommIssion and the Rlvortronl Commission rocommondlng that tho riverbank bo stablllzod. Wachal roported thai ProJocl GREEN and tho City had pultogothor a REAP granl proposal undor the City Open Spaco catogory 10 landscapo Collego Groon Park so that Ills Improved and In harmony with III history. Ho nolod thai moro maluro troos would bo noodod and the bank will noed to bo ahaped 10 allow lor vogetallon, Ho Indicated that tho lalo 01 tho granlls ospeclally uncartaln bocauso REAP funds aro In dangor 01 beIng drasllcally cutlhls yoar, ~: Wacha/ adjournod tho moollng at 7:50 p,m. ppdldmllMllntl2-201cro,mjn '187 Y' I' , " , I , I I , !. , i :' . ?~) J , 'I ,3 8 HIIlUTES PARKS , RECREATION COHHISSIOH Fobruery 13, 1991 HEMOERS PRESENT I STAFF PRESENT I CUESTS, APPROVAL or HlNUTESI FORMAL ACTION TAUNI oill Orendt, Duyl Henry, Kuon Hndok, Oill stolnbroch, Doo Vendorhoof, John Wetlon, Hery Woldoaen, Todd Walk, Crelg WIllil 1I0woll, Krlz, Truoblood Jenot Willon, U of I Itudont, end Rovorond Dob Wollh In roference to pego 3, puegraph 1 undor Chelnan'l Raport, Wlltlon Itatod it Ihould road thet ho stated hil goal for 1991 wal to holp tho commillion oltablilh and accoaplilh thoir goall. Hoved bY llenJ.:Y. lIocondod by VlIndnrhont. to IIpprovn thn minutftll ot thn JllnUllrv 9. 1991 mooting. Ill. IIl1landnd "havn. Unlln!moUII, Hovad by Willill. lIeconded by Stelnbrech. to dnlate Iklltftbollrd facility 1'1'011 thn I111t or pondlna llnd tutUI'ft lSlIuos contained in thft strateqlc Coalll and priorttiell. Hovad by Hlid.ft!Uln. . luteondnd ~y Wi 11111. to llllu.nd t.hn motion by IItating to dalete IIkateboard facility from the lillt of Dending IInd future issuClR contntnnd in th~ stt'ataCjlla GOllls llnd EIjoritiell. and recommandlnq to th~ City Council that a IIkateboard facility not be conlltructed by the city, Tho amondmont to the motion wal votod on. AYESI Brandt. StIIlnbrech. Weideman. Walk. Willill' waL lIanrY. Hrftdok. Vllndnrhoot. Wlltscn. Tha amondment to the motion carriod, The amended motion, to deleto Ikateboard facility froD tho lilt of pending and futuro illuel contained in the stratogic Coall and Priorities, and recommending to the city Counoil that a skateboard facility not be conltructed by the city waa voted on. AYESI Brllndt. stainbrech. HA.!domlln. Walk. Willis, NAYS' lIonry. Hrlldok. Vandarhoaf. Watllon. The amended motion carried. Movod by woldoMlln. Roconded by 8rllndt. to DdQpt tha Parkll and Recreation commlllllion ~lIlIion Statemont and strateaic Coalll and priori~1811 all amendad, Hoyad by Weidoman. Rocondod by Willis. to "Mond tho nroviou8 moHgn bY rewording tho pending and futuro L/gg I ~ I' , , ...' , . , , I I. . , I I I I , '1 '.3 q ~:~~: "~~lnkln9 DOlley tor nottball comDlox" In In tho stratoole Gonln and prlorltion. to "eonconnlon pollcy tor tho now park/nportn complox". Tho lotion to nlond Willi votod on. AYES' Brnndt. IIradok. stoinbroch. VlIndorhoof. Woldollllln. Walk. Willill. HAX4.L lIonrv. Wntnon. Tho lotion to nlond carriod. Tho nlondod 1II0tion I to adopt tho puka and Rocroation couisnion HlInion Statelllent and strato9ic Goall and Priori tiel with tho pondin9 and futuro ilsua "drinkin9 policy for softball cOlllplox" containad in tho strsto9ic Goall and prioritiol, rawordad to "concoslion policy for tho now puk/lports COlplOlC" Willi voted on. Unnnl,oun. PUBLIC DISCUSSION, Revarand Bob Walsh of tho Fint Chrictian Church addressed tho couission on behalf of tho Childran'l A9onda. 110 oncoura9ad tho couillion to lIIake avnilablo to porion I of low incolllo freo and raducad ratOl for varioul proqrallll, and sU9geltod it be coordinnted with the frat and raducad lunch proqral of tho School District. A1IO, he Itatod that in vinitin9 with tho now School District suporintondont thnt ho learned of an uniquo Itructuro hotween tho Ichool district and recroation proqrall in tho couunity frol which Iho lIIovod. Thoy had a cooporativo effort providin9 "calpul" .u..er proqrallll in lIIultiplo tlIcilitiol, 110 indicatod a willin9noll on tho part of tho School Di.trict adliniltration in explorin9 lakih9 facilitiel available for cooporative ule for luuer nctivitiel, and encouraged .taff and couillion to pursue thi. by do.i9natinq 10leono to have 10llle dialoquo with the School Diltrict and the Childron's A9anda, Ho .tatod hil con9r09ation lay havo ssod loney to holp in thil kind of a projoct, A cOlllpilstion of tho FY92-94 capital iIIIprovolllont bud90t Willi distributed, Truoblood hi9hli9htod tho chan901 rocouondod by tho city Hana90r (Bonton Stroot Pookot Park/ lIickory lUll PlaY9round Dovoloplont and Trail systol/ Wei9ht/Exorciso Rool DOvoloplont/ City Park and Call1otary Equiplont Stora9a Buildingl/ Ryorson's WOedl Dovoloplontl, FY92 BUDGET I 2 -....... 0.". , ~';''-' , "....... ~ ...~_..,.,...",' ,." ' . flf ,l ,,'. \ I' I I .,' , .. I' , I I, I , I , , '. ,I 'I '-I B . FY92 BUDGET . continued I Trueblood Bsked lf the commlsslon considored South lIickory 11111 Playqround Developlllent a hlqh priorltr in FY92, sayinq it lIIay be possible to d vert 1II0ney frolll the Park Shelter Replacelllont/Ronovation allotlllent to do so. Brandt asked how sovore the neod was to renovate/replace park shelters. Bob 1I0well indicated that 1II0St of the Clty Park shelters recoived impr01ulllonts last year, and that tho lIIaln elllphasis "l~ht need to be o~ addln9 new shelters. steinbroch asked whero tho interest in playqround equiplllent in south 1I1ckory ltill Park or1qinatod. Trueblood statod tho interest callie 1II0stly frolll staff, wlth a fow calls from the qeneral pUblio, and that tho cOllllllisslon approved it in last year's budqot process. willis and Brandt stated they woro not ln favor of addinq playqround oqulp.~nt to Hlckory Hill Park, in that it was a natural aroa and should remain as such. lIenry I18kod about the elimination of fundinq for the HickOry Hill Trail System. TrueblOod indicatod that deslqn work and cost ustimates noodod to be providod, and that fundinq may be acquired in the flJture. steinbroch questionod tho necessity of fOl"lllal, dlvorse plans, and statod tho amount of monoy spont on doalqn work for somothinq that may not happon could be used towards other projects, such as buildlnq a park shelter I Weideman concurred. with reqDrd to the weiqht/Exerciso Room Developmont, Willis stated he felt it was inappropriate for tho Recreation Division to be in the health club bualness, Trueblood stated that he did not feel what the department has in mind for its weiqht room would bo in cOlllpotition with the private sector, Willis questionod whother $143,000 in capital illlprovements was sufficient to keep ahead I he indicatod he felt it was not and that it was refloctive to hlm of a fundinq untity that is in dire straits, which is not tho case. Trueblood stated tho department was in cOlllpetition for CIP fundinq with other city departments, and there is only so much money to qo around. He also indicatod that overall the departlllent had been treated quite fairly. 3 . .~. ,~..".." ". c_ I. ,..j< ,---;". .... -- "., " I I '. I i " , , I , , ,. I i , i I I' I , :' I ~(; ,>,<10,., ;....,.t.:., i I I I ,I , 'I Y , I "92 BUDGET . continuadl stoinbroch askad sbout the tlaxibility in divartinq money trom one projoct to anothor. Truablood stated it was possible with the city Hanaqar's pormission. Vandarhoaf askod why the proposod tundinq for Ryarson's Woods Development had baen totally oliminatad. Truablood indicated it could have baan put in the tuture column, but the basio rasponsa WDB that tha city Hanaqer did not want to give indication ot co~ittinq $55 000 in F'l93 whon he doean't have anythinq speolUo to look at, and also thla fundinq could be utilized more appropriatelY elsewhero, in a location more heavily utilized. Weideman felt this rationale was inappropriato in that money would need to be committod towards this project to develop it thus enablinq the publio to utilize it. Watson etated this may retlect tha mathod that the city Hanaqer budgets and may ba a mandate to the commission that spacific plans no oded to be turnished in advance in order tor a project to be bUdqeted, Truablood stated it the comm1881on was concerned with how the budqet process is done, that the city Hanaqer could be invited to attend a tuture meetinq to address it. Hradek stated people were tryinq to develop Ryerson's Woods on qrass root ettorts, that eliminating tunding did not show qood teith in saving the heritaga ot Johnson county, and retlected that thla projoct was not worth the city'S investment in the toroseoable tuture. She indicated the committee would be willing to qive a presentation to the city council. Trueblood distributed excerpts trom the F'l92- 94 Finanoial Plan relating to the dopartmont. He reported that the pay inoreases tor temporary employees was approved, end the department received virtually all ot their capital outlay requests, The request tor throe noW pel'1llanent tull time eJllployees was not tunded, and the requost tor two pel'1llanent halt-time maintenance positions to replace temporary omployees was pllrtiallY approved, . The revenue projoction was hurt slightlY with the reduction in achool use ot the Morcer park Aquatic center, and the swim Club tee increase was voted down by tho city council, Hatson st~tod tho swim Club appoarod betore the city council, and that statt was preparod with data 4 " ,,~....' ,.,.....,....-' ...."..-,.. ".., :.';'.." .. ~~~, ....".." ". ..~. ,. ",,.,, """,,-;" ~ _.._,~.' .~., .,. ..,.-.., .~.'-" ,-. >..... .' rf3 I I I I I j' I I .,' I I i I I ,I I ,I " . , .' , , I I , I, , I I :' I t, .' ,~,:,., .-.~ . ! I I I ,I I " y 2 FY92 BUDGET . continuods STRATEGIC GOALS , PRIORITIES. to lIupport tho foo lncrollllo, 110 furthor atlltod that tho SW1D Club IIhould be allkod to a futuro cODDllllllon Dootln9 to dlllcullll thla uttor. wlth raqard to tho CIP bud9ot, Truoblood lndlcatod tho dopart.ont dld okay, but not 9tOat. willlll IIl1kod why tho contral BUllnoll1 Dlltriot bud90t 10 projoctod to be lowor than tho curront yoar, Truoblood atatod that thil yoar'l bud90t rofloctl tho purchallo Qf a $12,000 capital outlay ltOD. Watlon allkod co..lllllon .oaborl to addroll any chan901 ln tho wordin9 ot tho Itrato91c 90011 and prloritlol. willil IIkod if tho ClOall woro in priority ordor. Watlon Itatod tho Cloall llltod 01 A.l IInd 2 woro, but that thl rlllt wlro not in any prlority ordlr. Tho co..illllon dilcullod thl wordln9 ot 9001 A.S . ukl docillon rOClardlnCl 10nCl tora co..it.lnt to Foundation, stolnbroch Itatod tho parkl and Rocuation Foundation at thil polnt wai virtually a ..parato ontity. woido..n tolt that lt Ihould be liltod undor pondln9 and tuturl llIU.I, stolnbrlch Itatod tho Foundatlon nlodod tho lupport ot tho co..illion, but that it wal tho Foundation'l rOllponlibility to dovolop itl 90011 and planl, Watlon Itatod it lay be an onCloln9 Cloal and Ihould be rowordod to atato to continuo to onhanco tho octivitioa ot tho Foundation, Watlon Itatod tho Hill10n statOlont and tho liltin9 ot stratoClic Goall and prioritiol would be lont to tho City council with a covor lottor oxplalninq tho procoll u..d in dovolopinCl 1010. Cloal B,2, WOl dllculDod (adopt plan tor tho dovoloplont and/or dilpolition ot HOllquakio, Ryerllon Woodl and lIuntors Run), It wal docidod that dovoloplont ot Ryorllon WOodl and lIuntors Run Ihould be Ultod loparato trol tho dovoloplont/dillpolliticn ot HOlquakio Park, Watlon alkod how tho COllillion tolt 1n roloalin9 tho Hilllion statolont and Cloall publicly and IchodulinCl a public hoarinq at a S I' I ,.' " I ! i I' ~ I i' I Ii \ I I i: , I I I I' I' rfK ,I 1 I .1 , 'I y ,3 STRATEGIC GOALS , PRIORITIES . continued. .... ---,'--'" .. commlaalon aaating to obtain tha publlo'a roactlon to tha atrataglo 90als and prioritiaa. Woidaman tolt it would bo qood to do 10. Ravarand Wolsh askad about tho wordinq ot aoal A.5. al tar al ulinq tho word adopt al oppolad to dovolop (dovolop cODprohonlivo low incoDo policy tor III activitios), Watlon ntatad tho wordinq would bo chanqod to bo conliltont with tho wordinq ot tho othor qoalc. AIIO, Ravorond Wollh alkod that tho School District bo liotod undar 90al C.l. (enhance coordination aDonq atriliato qroups, olubs, univerlity ot Iowa, County, Coralville, Johnson County, otc,). willis qUOltionod why a skataboard tacility was listad undor pendinq and tuturo ilsuas linco it had alroady boan addrOllOd at a provious couilalon aootinq, Truoblood indicatod ho had a lootinq with a 1000bor ot tho skotoboard tacility qroup and askod that thay provide otatr with a lpocitic, viablo propolal botore addrollinq tho cOlDAilsion aqain. willil Itatod ho could not boliovo tho City Council would apfrovo conltruction ot a city Ikatoboard tacil ty duo to tho ilsuo ot liability. Movod bv willis. socondod by ~p~~~Cth. :~ d~:~::at:~ar~::uc:; 1~1:~~: eontftlnftd in thft strfttaqi~ Canls ftnd E~lorl~los. Watlon Itatod thil was an illuo tho cOlDAillion il qoinq to havo to tace in the tuturo and Ihould rOlain on tho list, unloss tho cOllission wantod to doal with this issuo now, Vandorhoet Itatod sho did not think tho illuo could bo dealt with toniqht, espocially in liqht ot the tact that it appoarl tho qroup will bo approachinq tho oOllisdon aqa1n in the tuturo, Movod bv Wsldeman. sllcondlld by Hillis. to ft1!utnd thft motion by stfttlnd to ~;iot; skatehoard facility from the list of ~~~~~~ ~nd future IBlUOR contlllnod In the _____.__l~ Go"lll and priorities. ftnd IAaQm;llndlna to tho Cltv Council that a ~katabOftrd facility not be ccnstructed bv thll ~, Trueblood stated people will interpret this to aoan that the OOlDAillion will not entortain tho possibility ot a city skatoboard tacility. 110 also ralllindod tho couisalon that tho City council had rotorrod this issue 5 l/ff ! I I I I I I ! i' I , I I I t I ! i I I I I I i I 1 ! ! I i \ L , , I I , , ! ; I .! , , " y y , / STRATEGIC GOALS , PRIORITIES . continued I to them. Willin stated tho amonded motion wao an honest statemont, and indicatod that the public has the riqht to attend any meeting to express their opinion. Tho amendmont to the motion was voted on. AYf:St Brandt. Steinbrech. Woidoman. Wolk. Wlllis. IfAnJ. Itftnry. ttradek. Vllndorhottt. Watson. Tha amendment to the motion carried, The alended motion, to delete skateboard facility from the list of pending and future iosues contained in the strategic Goals and Priorities, and recommending to the City Council that a skateboard facility not be constructed by the city was voted on. AYES' Brandt. stoinbroch. W81dftllutn. Wttlk. wWia. NAYS I HenrY. Hrftdok. XAnderhoot. Watson. The amended motion carried. Hovod by Woldo1!lftn. lIocondod bv 8rllndt. to adopt tho ParkA llnd Rocroatfon Commission ~iftRlon state.ant ftnd strlltoqiQ Coals ftnd priorities as alllanded. Trueblood suggeated that "drinking policy for softball gales" be deloted from the list of pending and tuture iosues. Brandt disagreod, saying that trom a financial standpoint it would be Iconomically good for the community to allow drinking at the now park/sporte cOllplex it it is constructed, steinbroch suqqllltod thst tho wording be changod to state concos.ion policy, willil stated tho context wal unclear, in that it centerl around conltruction of the park/I ports complex, woidellan lugqOlted it be reworded to laY "conce8lion policy at new park/loftball comflOX", MOV~d ~~ W:~~~~~~~ lIocondod ~y Will II I to 8mO" ft motion by rewording the pendina lInd tuture i~suo "drinking policy tor sottbllll complex" contained in the StrateGio Ooals and rrioritioll. to "eoncftRslon ~licV for the new park/sports complex". watlon Itated he felt this wal not beinq honest, in that the ilsue wal about drinking and not concessionl, Vanderhoef stated that tho cOlllli8lion will need to dilcull the issue ot all concollions when planninq for the propoeed park/I ports complex. The 1I0tion to allend was voted on, AYES! Brandt. Hrlldok. steinbroch. Vandorhoof. ~oideman. Welk. Willis. NAYSI Hen~y. Watson, The motion to amend carriod, The amended motion I to adopt the Parks and Recreation commission Mission statomont and strategic 7 'lit .. i' I ! ,. I I , I I , , , i , " , ~ 1 'I Y S STRATEGIC GOALS , PRIORITIES - continuodl PROPOSED pwl SPORTS COMPLEX I RIVERFRON'l' COM- MISSION REPORTI PARK , RECREATION FOUNDATION REPORTI -,,....,-,--,,,,'..,,..,... Ooals and Prioritios with thQ pending and futuro issuo "drinking policy for softb411 complox" containod in tho stratogiu ooals and prioritios, rowordod to "concofision policy for tho now park/sports complox" WaD votod on. ynnnillloua. I I I I I' I Truoblood distributed a momo from tho Financo Diroctor sotting out tho financial impact on taxpayora for variod bond issuo I1zos and maturitios, and a tontativo timo schedule for tho perk/lportl complox and Na~leon Park projoct. Truoblood Itated tho dosiqn work and COlt oltimatol woro basically completo, but noodod rotinod. Willil slkod if' tho City council was aware of tho addition of Napoloon Park to tho project. Truoblood Itatod a formal prosontation including Napoloon Park had not beon mado to the City council, but that thoy should be aware of it linco thoy rocoivo all commillion minutol. Truoblood indicatod a prolontation could 130 qivon to tho City council at an . informal mooting roqarding tho Napolaon Park alpect of tho project. Tho COllillion dilcullod the COlt, tontative Ichodule and reforondum csmpaign, Watlon Itated he would moot with tho Mayor roqardinq thil projoct, and tho Itrateqic plan, steinbroch alked that he be relieved from hil responlibility 81 tho Parkl and Recreation couilsion representative on the Riverfront Couillion due to other commitmentl. Vandorhoef agreed to temporarily sorvo al tho represontative, stoinbrech reportod that 10lt month'l Riverfront Comlllission lIleeting WOl a goal letting IOlIIion, Thero wal also discuslion that they light want to expand their responlibilitios to covor othor sensitivo environlllental areas in Iowa City. Woidolllan asked that Vandorhoef be appointed as the fourth commission momber on the Parks and Recreation Foundation I Watson made this appointment, Weideman allo statod that in tho future thoy would 130 sublllitting individual names for tho relllaining five positions on tho foundation, She roportod that tho balance or the Foundation'S bank account was $780. She , .' , i .' .. , I: I , i. i I' I' . " f. . ! 8 i/ff '--"""'_""';'-'__", ,.,.Ii . I 1 I .1 I " Y, b PARK , RECREATION FOUNDATION REPORT . continued I stated that tho Foundation will omphasizo 811aU, lIoro 1lllitod projocts to holp qaln ollposure, and will work with Torry Robinson and Karin FrankUn in idontifyinq specific projocts to tarqot, The Foundation will also bo arranqinq spoakinq onqaqemonts with local Illrvice qroups. RYERSON'S WOODS IIradok roported sho visitod with Hark Edwards COMHlmE REPORTI to arranqo a tlllo to walk throuqh Ryorson's Woods, and will bo lIeetinq with peq HcElroy. Fraler ot tho Hayor'l Youth Employment Proqram later this Ilonth. She turthor reportod that a torestry class trom tho Iowa Stato Univerlity will bo conductinq a chili project in Ryerson's Woods and will be notinq anythinq ot qeolO9ical, botanical and archaeoloqical interest, Also, s roprosentativo troll tho Departllont ot Natural Resourcos has boen alked to walk throuqh Ryorson's Woods and qive auqqestions as to trails, etc, IIrsdok statod sho would llke to have tho Ryorson's Woods committee qive a prosontation to tho commission roqardinq their proqross. CHAIRMAN'S REPORTI Wstson stated he continuos to be illpreaaod with tho proqralls, activities and work done by tho .ntiro dopartmont, 110 notod that he would not bo able to attond nOllt Ilonth's Ileeting and askod Woidollan to chair the lIeotinq, DIRECTOR'S REPORTI Truoblood reported on tho following I Oakland CemeterYI Statt 'has boen qivon permission to proceod with tho North Govornor Stroot rotaininq wall replacollont. The latost study'indicatol the wall could collapse with a heavy rain. ASDhall: Overlav Proarallll Tho City Park tennis courts and Hercor Park parkinq lot and handicappod pathway has boen includod in this year's asphalt ovorlay proqram, HPAC Pool Dlankol:1 The renovation ot tho pool blankot is underway and will be completed this month, 9 '~'''-'''''''.'''''''''''"''''''"''''''''~'''-'"''''t_....,..~,.. 'It! ".." ", ;,^ '," . ";,,,". . ',~"~- '..-" -"'~"""'-"" ;' \', -, "',. ,! '! I .' I i L , I I i I, . , I' I' " i . , " , . , , ! i , I , . " . I I .1 " 'I '-1:-' I DIRECTOR'S REPORT - continuodl OTHER BUSINESS 1 ADJOURNMENT 1 ;....~.O' d,,,:....,,\~:..,",'...;:... '-;b '., Citv Plaza FountalOI HAry Nouh6usor has introducod loglslatlon that would oxompt docorati va tountllins trom tho now swlulng pool rogulatlons. Low Incolllo Po 1.I.m! I Statt i. investigating vsrlous mothods ot how to dotermlno who would be oliglblo, Tho Department ot HUlan Sorvicos has Indlcatod ooncorns rolativo to contidontiality. Statt will moot v.lth the low Incomo policy coultteo prior to noxt month's mooting. Tho coaial1on will nsod to dotermlno it tho policy will apply to non- ro.ldent., senior cltizons, ate, WlItlllndll RlIDOrtl An Evaluation and Hanaqement ot Wetlands Roport rogardlng Whispering Hoadows SUbdivision II availablo tor rovlow, ~I Projoct Groan 11 lublll1ttinq an application tor REAP tundinq in the amount ot $83,000 to help with tho ronovation ot Collogo Groan Park. Vendorhoet Isked how tho volunteer pr09rDm worked with University ot Iowa Therapeutic Recroation class mOlber. recoivlng course credit. Trueblood stated It involvod students VOlunteering a certlin amount ot hours to holp in S,P,I, actiVities, and woro suporvi.ed by city statt. MOVttd bv Wftldollllln. IUlconded ilv Rrftndt. to IId'ourn. Unllni~oull. The looting edjournod It 8130 p,m, 10 " "..... t't! ,". ".; i .~, i, . i .. I I' .. , , " , , , , ; 1 , I II l' , ; ! I: " t 'I i I I I, I i .1 ., -, y 8 . , . "I\J) ') v-:- ' :; PRELIMINARY Sub/actio Approval HINUTES PARKS , RECREATION COHHISSION Harch 13, 1991 HENBERS PRESENT' oill Brandt, Oi11 stoinbroch, Doo Vandorhoot, Hary WoidoJ4n, Todd Wolk, Cra19 Wil1io HENBERS ABSENT I Daryl IIonry, Karon IIradok, John Watoon STAPP PRESENT' Ertl, IIowoll, K1'1I, Horon, Truoblood QUESTS' poq HcElroy-Praaor, Rovorond Bob Wolah, Solly Stutalan, Potty Horiarty FORMAL ACTION Movod bv Brandl:. IIftcondoti bY KUlIII. to TAXEHI ftPpr~Yo thn .inutoB ot thn Pnbrullrv 13. 1991 8ftfttlnq aft written. Unanimous, ~~Yed bv Vandarhonr. 1I0condnd by Sl:nlnbrllch. roconnnd to thn city Councll I:hat no p;rki~q ;;;1) bet conlltructod In tho Dllrkina lot ot thn Rocrootion Con tor dun to concnrnl ~:~:~~r~ t~ the IIpace nGlldl and ool:Bntilll tor n f t.he Recreation Canter. ftnd the IIl1tety or chlldron, AYI!SI Brllndt. at:;tnbreeh. VlIndftrhoef. Weideman. Walk. HAlSJ. ~il111. The Bot ion carried. Moved by sl:Binbrllch. IlICOlldlld by Brendl:. 1:0 ~:~~~~d ~h11 inclullon ot Na!)Oleon Park al p___ __ _hi referendum on the nroooBsd pllrk/aportll cOllolex. AYP.91 Brandt. 8t.eh\brftch. Vllnderhoftf. WlJ.dtuftftft. Welke HAlSJ. Hillil, The mol:ion cllrried, HOSPICE AWARD PRESENTATION, poq HcElroy-prosor, on bohalt ot Iowa city, Hoopico, pro8lntod to Rick Ertz, Recreation Diviaion Progral superviaor, a plaquo in qratotul rocognition ot hia outatandinq loaderahip, involyomont and on90in9 coaaitmont to tho Iowa city IIospica Road Raca, She alao acknowlod9ad tho city ot Iowa city and the Parka and Rocroation Departmant and coaaiaaion tor thoir ovorwholminq aupport throu9hout tha nuahor ot yaara thia ovant haa boen held. Rovorand Robort Welah, Sally stutsman and Potty Moriarty woro proaonl: on behalt ot tho childron's ^90nda to addrosa tho dovolopmont ot a low incomo policy, Rovorond Kolsh prosontod a schodule that Is usod in tho PUBLIC DISCUSSION, (Low Income policy) ;~-~, '1, , 4fY . I I , I ,,' , j i , I I " i , . I I I , .1 I " Y q . PROPOSED PARKING RAMPlS) I .. -.-......_~" _,.;.,....",...."........~, -",..,....,. .....,-, ".",.j. ',' ....'.., public schools tor tho troo and roducod loal prograll and 0 110110 sotting cut thoir rocommondation, Weidollan thankod hil tor tho intormation and statod tho issuo would nood to be rosolvod prior to tho summor progrOls. Truoblood statod stott hoa qatherod intorlation and is at tho point ot dotormininq what prograls/activitios in gonoral should quality and tho lost oquitablo standard porcontago ot discount. 110 noted that tho treo and roduced leal prograll could be port ot the policy, but that stott is lookinq at 0 dopartllont-wide policy that would benetit adults os woll os youth. Woidelan statod tho prilary obstaclos arn tryinq to illplolent it tairly to ovoryono and protecting thoir privacy. Wolsh statod that on8 ot tho problolls that SOIlO porsons havo is OIIassinq 1I0noy at one tillo, and thoro lIay be 0 way in which his congrogation could be ot assistanco at that point. Koran statod statt could lOOt with tho low incollo policy sUb-collllittoo prlor to next 1I0nth's loeting to lay tho qroundwork and dovolop 0 rocommendation to be discus sod at the cOllllission's April loeting. wolsh indlcatod ha would liko to assist os an advocato tor low incolII8 youth on this cOlllllttoe, Weldeman statod that tho City Council is roquesting Input troll the COlllllsllon with respect to tho construction ot a proposed parking rallp in the Rocreation Center parkinq lot, with tho illllO beinq whether tho area will bo neoded tor tuturo expansion ot tho Rocreation Conter. Trueblood roportod that Darrol Courtney noted in tho cOllllission's stratogic plan tho goal ot additional indoor rocroation space. Vandorhoef askod if thore had been any discusslon on constructing 0 multi-level tacility in the Chauncoy Swan parking lot'and leaving the Rocroation Contor parking lot as is, Trueblood reportod that tho city wanta to stay away troll any moro lorge, lIulti-level parklng rallps duo to tho problells a88ociatod with theil, 110 notod that a roprosentativo of Projoct Groon rocollllondod that tho opposito bo done in ordor to rota in tho vista across froll tho civic contor, Brandt askod about tho possibility ot a rocroation centor on tho east sido of Iowa city, Truoblood statod that such 0 facility 2 I' ,.' , . , " ,. j I. I I I, I " , " i/KS ' '! I " 5 [I - I PROPOSED pm/ SPORTS COMPLEX 1 .~._.__"....t,,""d~"'-.''''''''~'.'''_._-'~'--''''. ,--- \ fSK1 ". '.'0>-" ~ ,.... '.' .,..,.., _~ -__.~._..." ", n." ,-"'.'.......~..""",.;'...<'.,:.-..-,. added to tho Horcor park Aquatio conter was a possibility, and that at eOle futuro date, tho expansion of both facilitios could bo considorod. stoinbroch etatod ho wae opposod to tho construction ot a lulti-lovol ralp in the Recreation center parking lot for the silple roason that it would likely oliminato any pouibility for tuturo oxpansion of the contort Ho notod that it would probably cost loro in tenDS ot la1ntonanco end oporating costs to add another rocreation centor at tho Hercor Park facility. Brandt asked about tho possibility ot construoting a rIIlP north ot the civio centor, Truoblood statod that was tho third phaeo ot this projoot, Vanderhoof indicated that as a parent she was concorned about the safety ot children, both CroD tho respect that a cove rod parking tacility could turn into a "hang out," and that drop-ott and pick-UP could be lore of a concern. Trueblood stated that present plana are to loavo a drop- off/elergenoy vehiolo aroa, with tho parking deck not being attached to tho building. willis noted the pre-olinenco of tho oity'S couitlent to the downtown area to keop up with the local requirolent tor perking, He statod tho co=mission's position is to relind the city council that in constructing a ralp in tho Rooreation centor parking lot it will be a constraint on tho choico ot adding additional, gym space in the futuro. Welk stated that with the Rocroation center taoility at capaoity, it would be short sighted to give tho land away, stoinbrech stated ho would liko to retain tho options on the adjacent parking lot and laxilizo the Chauncey Swan parking lot. Iloved bv ~~~~~~~~r ' ~c~ by stolnbr~~ ~~ ~:~~m~:n~ ~~ ;~~ ~d~l c~~:o~~ th I: no D:~k~~~ ~:~~ ~~ ~~n~~~~~~ud:n.. rklng lol: y~ I:~~ ~~:r:~:~~n ="" tu t~ ~o~cornB Ol~~ ~ ~~: B~:~~,,:~~~~ 1I~~n~~~~nl:~~~ r~~ l(~:~:~~n ~~ ~::~:~. 1>'1;-;; ';;;;"', S..~~~ T or. Woldoman. Wolk. NAYSI Wlllia. hB motion carrlod. Trueblood distributed a listing ot tho estilated construction costs and possiblo reductions with regard to the proposod perk/sports cOlplelC, with the "bare bonos" budgot amounting to 2.7 million dollars. 3 \, I : I ,I ,I " I I 'I I , , I , " I , , I 'f 5 ' I Drandt inquired as to the amount tor the Napoloon Park improvemont projectl Truoblood eati.ated the cost to be $800,000. Trueblood statod the $2.7 million t1qure would provid, tor an adeqUate tacility, but not a qood ono. lie addod that it dooa ngt include any ot the dosirable additions listed on paqe 4 or Napoloon Park, and does not include the property acquisition or road construction COStl needed tor the north entrance. It both tacilities are construotod DB dosired, the total estiuted COlt would exceed $5~ million. The commission discuslod the cost tactorl lIillil indicatod he telt the question would not be "hoW much", provided some kind ot record is made matchinq prcqram requiremants to tacilities. Truoblood statod that the presentation to the city council would be at its intormal meetinq on April 1, 1991. Trueblood stated questions relatinq to cost, whether or not to include Napoloon Park, and the reterendum date noeded to be answered. lIillis Itated the commilsion should look at what is needed, beinq sensitive to the operatinq costs, and lettinq the voters decido, 110 indicatod ho had a problem with includinq Napoleon Park in that when the propolod park/lports complex project was initially prosentod to tho city council it did not include Napoleon Park, elpecially in liqht ot the estimated amount ot the bond reterendulll. TrueblOod noted that the city council is aware ot the addition ot Napoleon Park to the project, even thouqh the planl have not beon presented to them as yet. steinbrech indicated he telt it would not be an illue with tho votors as lonq as it is a roasonablo, cost-ottoctivo propoaal, Vandorhoet asked how Napoleon park was oriqinallY dovelopod and tunded. Truoblood Itated the park evolved whon tho aroa'bocamo availablo, and tho existinq lottball tacilities woro dovolopod haphazardly, without reqard to propor layout, slopo, adoquato parkinq, sourco ot wator, otc. Vandorhoot indicatod she was in tavor ot includinq Napoloon Park as part ot tho projoct in that tundinq has novor boon allocatod to brinq the park up to an appropriato lovol, and tolt it was timo to addross it as a tull-tlodqod noed, 4 ....., , ". '....""., . ,_. .-.,.,.."_.< .,_.,,'.' ~ 0< I I I I ! I' I ", , I i I. L , I I , , !, , '. !. , 'lIS ,."..,., .. I " S ,'P - - ~~~~ ~~ ~n~~~~h. ftll~ondlld bv nrll~~ ~~ ~:~~nB:~d ~~: l;;:~;~~:U:t :"lIpo1h:n :r~~S:~ r.~~::::~ :::::. 6"" ,~r,~ Vft fa Wct!dfUlnn. Welk. ~ HJl11B. 1hft Bot ion Cftrrlad. Tho coaalaalon folt tho aDount ahould be kopt undor $5 DUlion, poaDlbly cOlprOllllnCJ betwoon tho tllO tlCJurol whUo Itill 100tinCJ proqral roqulrolontl. Tho data for tho roforondul and fOl'llltion of a calpalCJn cOll!litt.. WII dlacu..od. Tho dat~ for tho roforondul had boon tontativoly Ichodulod for tho wook of Kay 20th, bUt tho coaaillion dllcualod IOvinq tho data back to 1010tiMO in Juno, qivinCJ aoro tilo to CJot proporly orqanilod, RIVERFRONT vandorhoof roportod that tho Rivorfront COtlKISSION REPORTI coaalaDlon continuol to bo concornod abOut tho bank walhlnCJ out in Crandic Park. Truoblood Itatod ho would bo 100tinCJ with tho city En9inoor to look at tho aroa to dotoraina what could bo dona oa far aa Itabililatlon, vandorhoof furthor raportod that tho Rivorfront CODaillion il atill lookin9 at tho Hoovor trail ayatol that lay connoct up with tho riverfront trail in tho futuro, and aro continuin9 thoir effort puttin9 toqothor a non-profit foundation for tho trail Iyatoa, PARK 'RECREATION Moido.an roportod tho foundation aot, and FOUNDATION REPORTI indicatod Iho would withhold a report until noxt 10nth'l cOlliaaion 1..tin9, COMMISSION TIMEI M.lk atatod h. a.nt to Truoblood a copy of an artlcl. froa the KUlcatln. Journal r09ardin9 the lucc.aa of their lunicipal qolf coura. and th.lr plana to build anothor, notlnCJ that operatin9 a lunlcipal CJolf cour.e at a profit ia poaalble. . DIRECTOR'S REPORT. Truoblood roportod on tho followlnCJI ~wllr city PlIrk Rostroom PllC~1 Plana and apacificatlona on thla projoct aro out, and bid 10ttinCJ will occur lator thia lonth. . 5 ",.,..918 , ..., ',1, ...'<, _. "'.'.' ,c,., ,.C',._', "",~'''-' I I I' I ..' l , .. I' ,- .1: I , , I I I ! I. I I I , !I , il , i I I ! , .1 I ',' 53 i I I r I , I Skatoboard Faclll~1 Tho City Hanaqor would liko a clarlticatlon trolll tho Co..lsalcn as to tho Issue ct 0 skatoboard tacl1lty. Truoblood statod that discussion ot thJ. JSIUO tOOk placo at last 1II0nth's lIIootJnq and was Inoluded In tho 1II1nutoa. wUUa atatod he roao1ned stronqly aqaJnst the cJty ccnstruotlnq s skatoboard taoUlty, woldOlan .tatod the co01l81on could not deny tho riqht ct tho public'to attend a notlnq to prolOnt their Ide 01 , Truoblood Indicatod tho qrcup had beon in touch with hi. and they' want to approaoh ths Co..lsslon/ he advlsod tholll that It would be in tholr beat intoro.te to not attond 0 lIIeetlng untU they ore roady to prOlont 0 soUd propoli41, includinq cost, fundln; sourcos, location, liability lssuol, etc. Tentatlvoly, they wllh to be on tho AprU agenda, Stoinbroch Itated ho Itl11 wa. not in tavor ot a oity-owned skateboard taoility, but noted it was a 5-4 vote at lalt DOnth'. .eeting. Vanderhoet Indicated that It it wa. shown that liability was not on i.eue, lIIany of the 'CO..i8lion lIIeabor. may not be a;ain.t a Ikateboard taoUity. The couillion recognizel that the meetings are opon to the publio, and that they ore welcollle to attend and prelent their propolals, I.P.R.A. Workahapl Trueblood polled co..ission members to determine who would be attendin; the I.P,R.A. Board and Co..lIs10n Workshop on Sunday, Harch 24, in waterloo, ADJOURNMENT I "ovad by Stlllnbrllch. lIocondad by WlIlk. to adjourn, Unanhlou", The lIIeotin; adjournod at 7150 p,m. i I I , 6 . ""'-"'......",..'.,.;..",..q",,,..t""",i,,",J,...,,, ",.j ,,' <--. '.'.-....,.' ,< , _'.., ,',.' ,. _, ,. '. b ,'.-_ '_". ,. H', ';'" -, rl!' .' I' I ,," \' ,. I I. . ! I , i , i 1 Ir I J i, I , " , !' . I I .1 1\';1 '7,\) . /1 . .. , 'I 5 y , HINUTIS IOIIA CITY HOUIINO COHHIIIIOIl rlSRUARY 12, 1991 ROBIRT ALII COHHUNITY RlCRlATION CINTIR - ROCH A aonjlllln J. HOORl, Al HULlI, Jack HClWlON, Robin PAITIOLD-DURUHlRIC, Rogor J. RlILLY, Oorothy PIRSSON, Paul lOLl KEKBIRS ABSINTI Nono HlKBIRS PRES INTI STArr PRISENTI Dou, Boothroy, Ronald H.ndoroon, Horlonno "Il~an, Ann. Burnoldo, C.rol rllnn, Sondl Schutt, Donno HIlllo, Stofflnl Rlndlll, .ocrotory Vlr,lnll atroud Din RYln, polly Pa,llll, Chlrllo Ilothl. OTHERS PRESENTI CHANOES/AHlNDKENTS TO KINUTIS or PREVIOUS KIITINOI 'aul E,ll WIO pruont. RlCOKHINDATIOIIS TO COUIICILI llano HIITIIIO TO ORDER I al30 All by Chllrperoon Kooro ORIENTATIOK FOR NEW HOUSINO COHHISSION KEKBERS - Noulln, Authority PrOfrlll - Hondorlon Tho Houlln, Authority 'rogrlll Itlrtod In Iowa City In 19S9 with tho Soctlon 23 progrlll. currontly tho Houlln, Authority Idmlnlltoro tho Soctlon a PrOf rill which Itart.d In 1976 and tho Publlo Houlln, progra. which Italtod In 19S1. Th.lo programl Ir. f.d.rally fundod and provld. r.ntal alllltanco to low-Income fllllll.1 and Iln,lo.handlclppod, dllablod or Ildlrly perlonl with proforonco ,Ivon to thOl1 who arl Involuntarily dllplacud, llvln, In lubltandlrd houlln" or pay In, morl than SO, of flllllly IncOllll for ront. pubUo 1I0udn, conllata of 62 unltl of two, thrll, and four bid room 1110 apartmontl and hOUIII locatad In Iowa City and arl own.d and operatod by thl City of Iowa City, Thl 'Ictlon a prOf rim II dlvldld bltwoln 473 Clrtlflcatol for offlolinoy to four bldroom 1110 unltl and 246 Vouchorl for one to four bldroom IIII unltl, E1I,Iblo applloantl loclto thllr own unit and rontal paymlntl Iro midi to tho llndlordl on bohllf of tho tlnlnt. KIIIUTESI Hotlon to Ipprovo thl Klnutol of Jlnulry a, 1991, with thl corrlotlon, WII midi by Plrllon, Ilcondld by KcKlhon, clrrlld 7-0. REQUIST rOR rUNDS TO ASSIST IN PROCURIKINT or SUNSIT KOTIL - DAH RYAN RYln prallntod a raquut to thl 1I0ulln, COtMIllllon for I ,rant In thl lmount of $7D,000,OO on blhllf of thl aunrl'l Houlln, Commlttll to provldl for down-plymont for thl purchlll and rohlbllltltlon of 11 unltl Into hlndlolppod-Iccolllblo offlolonolol of thl aunlot Kotol In '_,--,_.'O<,,,,I...l'~.....;,,,",;....,,,,~,.,..,, """ "._-" "'~' ~..,-- ....,. .,.. ..." ,.. -.... .... ..-..~...,.",.. ,,-,. ~ ... , ~ff '"'-~"J..",,:.. Y' I I " I I . , . " .' r 1 i. I i: i' I . I \1 I I I, . I I ,I , 'I ~ ~ '19' 2 Hlnut.. low. Clty Hou.ln9 commL..Lon r.bru.ry 12, 1991 corl1vlll.. th. property 1. own.d by Donlld Brogll Ind comprL... of four ler... ~ po..Lbl. purchl" .9r....nt WI' dl.cu...d .. follow.. purchl" prlc. of '370,000.00 on I 15 y~!r contr.ct It a\ lnt.r..t wlth I 20\ down Plv-ent. Th. property wouLd b. .et.b11.h.d 14 I comsunLty for per.on. wlth ..nt.l Ind/or phy.lc.l dl..bllltl.. wLth .peel.l Itt.ntlon to v.t.rln. .nd on.-flfth of th. unlt. to be wh..lehllr lec...lbl.. R.ntll lncOll to b. 9.n.rlt.d from 11 .fflel.ney unit., 11 aRO'. Ind 5 unit. Ln dupl... Th. blck plrt of th. property could b. d.v.leped ln the futur. for u.. .. tr.n.Ltlon.l hou.Ln9 for f~Lll.., HotLen to tlbl. th. r.qu..t for l.t.r con.Ld.rltlon untLl .ft.r th. corllvlll. Clty counell hi' b..n Ipprolch.d, .011 .tudl.. don. on blck of property, oth.r .ourc.. of fundLn9 hlv. b..n lnv..t19It.d, Ind IctLvltL.. of the non-profLt 9rouP IInl9Ln9 property hlv. b..n ..tlbll.h.d, WI' I,d. by '.r..en, ..cond.d by '1Itlold-DurumarLe, carrL.d 7-0. . I 1 I' .' ~ 1 , Ii 1 ~ I 1 i " I' COSO HOUSINO U'D~TI - H1L~H ;1 ,. I I' I I. I. il II , i l I' , CCN RlPORT - 'ERSSON ,arllon reported th.t CCN h.ld .1lctLon of offlc.n' Ind the nlw ChlLrper.on L. 0.or9' St.rr. \. -Syeamor. Vl.w _ two of the three b.droom hou", Ir. cOGpl.t., Th. commLtt.. hi' ehe..n the .pplLclnt. for purchl" of the .Lx unLt.. -Vllll O.rd.n Aplrtment. - ,ropo.Il for con.truetLon of 48 two- Ind thr..-b.droom r.ntll unlt. on BroldwlY Str..t thlt wLll b. Iffordlbl. to low- Ind lQd.rlt.-LncOll par.on.. 'ro,.ct co.t L. ..tLaat.d It '2.4 Ill1Lon Ind 1. the flr.t r.nt.l pro,.ct u.ln9 I v.rl.ty of fundLn9 .ourc.., D.ldlln. for .ppllcltlon. to lowI rln.nc. Authorlty for Hou.ln9 A..l.tlnc. rund 1. r.brulry 11, 1991, -compr.h.n.lv. Hou.Ln9 ~..l.t.nc. Strlt'9Y - Kllkmln Itt.nd.d me.tLn9' ln WI.hLn9ton DC for dlv.lopLn9 the n.w 5-y'lr hou.Ln9 .trlt'9Y. ~ll hou.Ln9 r.l.t.d d,plrtmant. will work to compl.t. the pl.n. C.n.u. dlt. for 19S0 wl11 b. u..d b.e.u.. 1990 dlt. 1. not y.t IVll1Ibl.. Th. plln wLll b. compl.t.d In ..ctlon. Ind brou9ht to Hou.Ln9 commL..Lon for r.vL.w, \, , HOUSlNO ~UTIIORITY RE'ORT - HENDERSON I i l: lI.nd.non .ubftlLtt.d monthly .tltl.tle. for ,ublLe Hou.Ln9 Ind lactlon 8 progrlm.. copL.. of I lImo from 0.. Koln.. HUD wlr. dL.trLbut.d to commL..Lon mamb.r. r'9lrdln9 po..Lbll frlud conc.rnln9 .011eltltLon of "Bolrd K.mb.r clrtlflcltlon'. I i i 4(' .....H_..~__--'__......__..-.........-~- _,~_,,,,,,,,__,,,,,_~,~._^'_,,'......n''''''''''''_'''''''''''.~"'"'"~''--'''",'.. ...,_"..,...."'....~....:.J"~,.,";.."".,,.,...,.. ..,.'5>J>."".,.'...'...__......4' :,', "...- "''-1' ,,,,,t...,,,,~.:;. , I , 'I I " I I I j, , I I I, . , ., 5 b Approvld by. , I I I I \ I l , I I I I I , 1 I I I I .... I , I , ': ;1 H :, ., .. I; ,. "V' 3 Hlnut.. low. City How.lnv Co.Il..lon ,.bru.ry 12, 1"1 DlacusalON. Hou.lnv Co.Il..lon ..-ber. d.cld.d to contlnu. h.vlnv the requl.r IOnthly ...tlnv, h.ld .t the Rob.rt A Lt. Community R.cr..tlon C.nt.r .nd to h.v. the ...tlnv. .t.rt .t 1.30 AM. ADJOURHHIHTI Hotlon for .djournaent .t 10110 AM w.. ..d. by ..r..on, ..condld by HcH.hon, c.rrled 7-0. I. " I: I Ii' . : .._\ I I I , j I, ! ; 1 I I " .J .' ".' I . I; I. I r , I: I, I , , . \". ,f " , . , : " iffl ~__"'~~._"J_''''''---''''''''---''''_._'_._-~~~''''''-'''''''''''-''--'------'''-----''_..__._~..---_............" I I, . I I I I t ;))t' ) ...; I 'I 5 ,-, A mollon lor approval WAS mado snd locondod, Moyorl/Swalm. . Tho mlnules lor January 28, 1991 woro approvod. Cox,IHob8l1 ~: Nono. ~: Tho dlsbursomonts wore approvod, Cox/Moyors. . ~: 1, Eggorslnlroducod Iho 1990 Sorvlco Award roclplonta: Carol Spazlanl,20 yoars; Dowoy McGulro, Jody a'Mara and Undo Oyor, 15 yoars; Kathy Mltcholl, 10 yoara; Torry Holland Susan Dunk or, 5 yoars. Mllcholl, Hall and Ounkor worD not prolonl. Thoy roprosont 65 yoars of library servlco, 2. Eggers roported on hor oxporloncos wllh Iho Iowa Clly Communlly School Dlslrlct Slraloglc PlannIng Commllloo, II was an Importanl slop In devoloplng hor plannIng akllls and sha strossod how much moro producllvo the structuro was (all day sessions and a 1ro ..,_.....,.....".....~.~';,;.,,",..'"' ....', "..j_,._,"m"".~""""" ""-~""'~.",'.'''' ";' '.'.K.'...~ ~." "-,',,.., __'. ....-_ . ',d..,'-_ ,. "--- .... ." '.... .'" ". ~., ,'_ ~ 1.;'._,., .. j . 0.., ,,,,.~ :'. ': i.' ...'._1 "':""'-<', ,:; .. I ; \. I: '. I I , , I. i ! I I I I, . I I .1 . , " 5/8, Ubrary Board Fobruary 21, 1091 Page 2 hlghly,tlalnod facllltalor) than tho Iibrory'l pagl plUMing OIlOftS, Sho also laid Iho thoughl the Iowa City Community School Dlslllcl's proposod mission Ilalomont which has tho goal 01 producIng rOlponslblelndopondonlllfo.long IODlnoll ond ob/ocllvos will havo I profound Impact on to achIng Ublary/rosoareh Iklds 10 sludonts, 3. Both tho aocond nool fomodollng proj?ct and tho InstaJIallon 01 tho now lolophono lyatom Iro on Ichodulo. ThOY will cut ovor tho now tolophono IYllom on Wodnolday, FobruNY 27, anor closing. Prollmlnary Ilall lIalnlng was complolod on Thurlday, Fobruary 21. 4, The Ubrary stall Is curronlly nogotlatlng with Easl Conllll Roglonal Ubrary 10 provklo back,up SOMCO lor tho public IIbrDllos 01 thIs roglon and possIbly tho Southoaalllbrary roglon. Such a conlllcl could provldo lundslor on Iddlllonol roloronca Ubrarlan and c10rk plua ovorhood and collocllon OCCOSl loos worth $50,000 or mOlo. WhIIo It would provkl. dOlporaloly noodod Iddltlonal alan for the Inlormlllon Otpartmon~ tho IddlUonal , tolophono quoltlons (5,OOOIyoor) plultho nrsl yoarldmlnlsllltJvo roqulr.monlt 01 golfing tho 10MCO up and runnIng may bo moro than tho library, lacod with aorvlco cuts and on lllOOdy ovor.laxod Ilall, con handlo. fWlDENT'~ 8E~BI: Prolldont Buchsnan thankod Boatd momboll who lpoko IndMduaJly 10 Council mombora on bohall 01 our budgol roquolL Sho oncouragod th. Board 10 Iltond tho Match 14 moollng 01 the Fscllltlos PlannIng Commlltoo al 7:30 s.m. AI thai Umo thoy win ba vlllled by IndMdu.lllrom tho proposod ArIa Council, who will mako s prosont.llon, Buchanon also .skod BoDld mombora to bo proparod with namol along with somo backglound information 01 potontlal BODld mombola lor tho noxl rogular BODld moollng. Sho atlOllod tholln thll algnlncanl limo lor tho Ubrary, th. Board musl be thinking 01 IndMduals who have I allong Inloroslln tho Ubrary. Sho allO luggostod that tho Bosrd plan I colloe lor tho Johnlon County BODld 01 SUPOMIOrl as on Inlormallonal, good.wlll gosluro, Dovolopment OlUeo Roport: Approxlmatoly $25,312 hs. boon rocolvod 101 tho Annual Fund to dote. Two lololhonl havo boon Ichodulod by the Foundallon Boald for MDlch II and M.y 1, 1991. A lotsl of $34.000 In plodgo paymonts and now glna has boen rocelvod 10 dalo lor tho Endowmonl Fund. A lolal 01 $9,650 FRIENDS momborshlpa has boon recolvod Ilnco July 1, 1990. Six lund.ralslng proposals aro In various slsgos 01 dovolopmont. UbrarylDovolopmonl OlUco ovonls 10 nolo: Tho BogIn Wllh Books Projoct was klckod 011 on Vslontlne's Day, FR!ENDS will coordlnalo dollvory 01 tho packols 10 tho hospllalslor dlslllbullon. Tho socond annual family concortls sol lor Sunday, June 9, al Clapp Rocllal Hall, Hills Bank & Trusl provldod sood monoy for this annual ovonl which Is on opportunity to ollor quallly enlertalnmonl for young famlllos, This Is noli fund.ralslng ollort, """"'".";,~""""~'-,"..,,,,I,,.," ,...." ......,.. ,. ,."v, ,. " lf90 .' " I ! " o. i ! '1 I " . I I i .1 .. 1'1 ~ ~ Ubrary Boord Ftbluary 21, 1091 paga 3 1 r Aprn 7 Irom 4:00,0:00 p,m. Is tho annual Volunloor nocognlUon Evonl TOI and dossort will bo lorvod In Moollng Room A. Foundallon, Frlonds, Ubrary Boald momborl win bo a,kod 10 a..lll In lorvlnptho volun/ooll, Aplll t 4 110m 4:00,8:00 p,m. Is tho rocopllon fOltho donor, 10 tho piano campaign. ^ ploquo win bo unvonod at thl. rocopllon, 0 chock lor tho piano win bo pro.onlod to tho Fllondl 01 HlstOlIo PrOlOrvallon and thoy will ofnclally glvo the piano 10 tho Ubrory, Faclntlos Planning Commllloo Roporl: Tho group 10ulOd the buDding on February t 5 and tho mlnutos 01 that moellng will doscrlbe Iho ploblom Oleos rovlowed, The Feblul/X 20 mooting haa boen cancoled. ~: .' A lellor was dl.lrlbulod Irom tho Goy Pooplo'l Union. thanking tho BOOld and OIroclor Eggera lor laking limo dUllng tho Boald meellng or January 24 to n,lon 10 tholl concern. regilding proposed changes In dIsplay csse policy. A 101101 Irom Barbato Wlemor, who regl.lored 0 complaInt oboul 0 display was rocelved and placed on nlo, Eggors wa. dilOclod 10 rospond and sond coplos 01 tho display policy 10 Ms. Wlomol. .. i ~: , , r I I '--I- t, I. i I I , ^ proposal to Umllllobllily on a 10.1 or slolon borrowor's catd, was consldorod, The policy would Dmlt the cardholdOIl' liability to SilO unllltho Ubrary Is noUnod that tho cord II mlallng, The Board rocommendod pulling a dlsclosuro 01 liability on the catd and thon approved tho nocossary rovl,'ons 10 001,17 and 001,22, Cox/SwaIm. ~: Tho remolndol 01 tho mooting was glvon ovor 10 tho consldoratlon 01 both short. and long.term sltologlos lor sddroulng Ubrary slafnng noods. The Boord was urgod 10 look sl moasurea that could be taken temporarily and Ihon work to look monlos Irom addlllonaJ aourcos, II no addlllonsl lundlng can be oblalned In the lUlure, more pormanont scalod.bsck sorvlcos would nood 10 be doveloped. Tho pros end cons 01 many Idoas wero discussed. " r " (. . , V1sll with Cily Council 10 Inform Ihom of tho dllomma the library Is In and somo 01 tho options ills are lacing In lorms 01 reducing sorvlcollo tho community, . So ok publIc and 11011 Input as 10 whal80rvlce changollhould bo modo. , Tomporarlly reduco houri wllhoul ellmlnallng sorvlcOI, Houri elfocl all equally, sorvlcos Involvo 0 pOlllcular conlllluoncy. , ',I , > ."'-..'.......,..'......h;."....lf,~..". .....;~,; .,~.,..,;........l.~'.."... --"'.,......~--~-...~...' -,- .".. -~.- "' '''' .......- _. ".' ~ ".". >0." ..'" ~."',,~.... -~"~,, i f, i I I I I , I . 'fI~1 . -_._~-..._,.,,;. '"''"'4'.''1 I I , I . I I I .1 , " b [I LlbIAIy BODld FobruAly 21, 1091 Pogo 4 . Tho ollocl 01 roducfng hours orlorvlcoa on tho Facllltlos PlannIng Commllloo. OIrocUon lor thom would hll1go on tllO Boord'llong.lorm doclllons rogDldlng lundlng lourm, Eggora urgod thai the Boord nol blvlanzo whal tho Ubrory doGS and slands for, Tho luuGS aro much moro than long Unoa and doloy In gottlng now bookl. She augguled lome VDlIou. Imp'eII on tho pubHo, aomo losa vlllblo IlolRng probloms and somo quollty Issuoa. A IIbrAly levy and tho local option loloalax woro dlscussod as opllons lor raising lunds. Board mombora oro commlllod 10 ngJ pormanontly Icallng down aorvlm, bul.omo atO allo nol roedy to roduco hours unUlthoy I" I nil olaorvlco culs os an a1tornotlvo. Somo 01 tho options dlscussod DlO In connlct with tho nvo,yoDl plan Ind UbrAly oporaUng prlnclploa. Tho Boatd win moolsgoln In two wooks on March 7 al4:oo p.m. BoJorethal meollng, the Ubr&ry managora wlU dovolop I nil ollorvlco cuts 10 compo,. 10 roducfng hour., IS Ihort-term opUonl. Tho BoDld win look litho.. and llleng.lorm nnoncfolsoluUons. By Aprn,ltla hopod thlll plan olacllon con bo complolod. Buchonan wID try to arrango I mooUng botwoon tho Ubrary BODld and tho City Council In ODlfy April. Tho mooting was adJournod s16:51 p.m. Golmon! Swaim, 1brwy\Z.2Ibclmln "-~---..io"""""""_-""""'____""''''''''_''-''_._---~''''''--'-''''''"'-'"'*~'''''''-~'''- ,.,' ...._..ri.",.".........,._._r__'..~+._.. - I: .,' , ;f " , I: .' i I , 1 I :, l' I r -- ,- --~- , ' j' l. I I: , i' I . I I " , '. 1 ' ff" ---""'\'" I , I, I i I, . , I I I .1 IJU~S ) .J , ., b ' I, SUBJECT TO BTC APPROVA~ MINUTES BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1991.5:15 P,M. CMC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Troy Stovons, Joyco Palton, Paul Calolla, Dlanno Rucinski Nono ShI~or, Corrold. HoDlng, Brau, Bumsldo John HOIS, OIlY Strand, KaWI Wulum Nono. Nono. TrloMlal rovlow and cablo TV ro/ranchlslng/ronowal nogollaUons. ~: Hoaa "ported on tho rocont PATV atrltoglo planning mooUng laying out Issuos dlscuaaed u loam buDding, Iund.ralalng and a ton poInl obj8C\lvo roport Isrgoly InvoMng cooporallon with the BTC and tho BTB. Hou announcod tho matching grant flmdslrom tho City have boon rocolvod. Hosa a1ao dlacussed CPC'e Muro goals. Burnsldo, Asslslanl City Allomoy, ahared with tho Commlulon ono concom wllh tho CPC guldonnoa InvoMng rostr1ctfon 01 cablocasflng controvoralal matortals, Bumald. aakllhe Logalatan will dIlMS and ftnaJlzo tholr opinion on the PATV Guldollnes aoon, Sho conllnued with discussion In roforonco 10 tho Horl'.ago $5llleleo and mado auggosUons on~.ow 10 procoed. Strand roportod lOf Iho ECC Channol27 announcing thoro havo boon low lochnlcal probloma and 26 now oplsodos 01 a program called SpoUlghL Josn VanDuoaon a momo lOf the ECC announcing sovoral oducaUonal programs lor tho noxt sovoral months, aomo 01 which Involvod studant parUclpallon. Tho Hartlage report canlared around a dlscuulon about allsl 01 raqulred roports lrom Harltago which have not boen ftlod ovor tho laslaovoral YOIII. Shallor roported \hro. complalnl.lhl. monlh, auppDod Iho Commission with Iho BTS Mission Slalomont and In/orrnod the Commission thai tho consultant RFP Is naar a nnallzod lorm, Shaller also mado mantlon 01 a roconlarUclo In tho Iowa City ~ on Channal 29'e InIOfmallon Sorvleos. Discussion concornlng propateUon lor 'ranchlsa ranawal/rolranchlslng procm began with Casena roportlng hIs complollon olalollor 10 Blough roquosllng lochnlcal Inlormallon.' Rucinski Is In tho process 01 compiling a momo 10 tho Commlsslono,. ouUlnlng SOMeO aubcommllloo noods and survoy posslblllllos. Tho meollng concludod wllh Shallor announcing the rosppolnlmonl 01 Casella and the eddltlon 01 BOlty Bruns Anderson 10 Iho BTC. ......,.,.,...,;; .-.~..."";";.'-,...-,- . , , I' ! ." , , , , .' " j I, I I , :. I , I t f 1'1 " ,I. I , , I .1 , ., b ,?, Mlnulos Bloodbllld TolocommunlcaUons Commlsalon Fobruory 20, 1 DOl Pogo 2 ~: Tho moolJng wu Wod 10 ordor II 5: I 5 p.m. II was movocI by Casolla, aocondod by Ruclntkl to opprovo tho Janul/Y 19, lDOt BTC mlnutos. Unanlmous~ Ipprovod. Casona thanlctel Shallot lor tho tour 01 tho now orncos al 621 South Dubuquo StrooL Ruclntkl 8MOUncod lhalln taJkJng to gloopl In rogord to IundJng tho community ass..smont aurvoy (ro cablo lV), thore It I notel lor a proposal elllflylng how It dlllorafrom a matkoUng study, RucInski will put togothor I proposal lor tho CommIssion 10 rovlow lor tho no.. BTC moollng. ~: Nono. ~: Hoss roportod on tho rocont PATV atrlloglo planning aosalon. lsauoa dlacusaod Includod 1011I1 buDdIng, tho fund-raising campa/gn which It In process, and lion objoetivo report with Its main objocllvo bolng to WOIk closo~ with Iht BTClBTS. Hoaa contlnuod by roportfng thai PATV has rocolvod tho lIrat InIla11monllrom tho CIty Cablo 0Iftc0 lor mllchlng lunda lor oqulpmon~ alallng that tho PATV VIiI IPproach tho CIty Cablo 0IIIc0 on . quartorty buls. Hoas conUnuod VIith discussion on tho PATV Dolld'a futuro gOlls, which 110 as lo/Iows: a handbook; PAWa phllosophlcal mission, I.e. tho d1toetJon :or PATV; CPO opon houso (POsalbly In AprIQ; and a neods uaossmont aurvey (PATV It WOIklng with tho University 01 Iowa Journalism School 10 comploto this aurvoy,) Cuona ukod " tho neods lISoltmont aurvoy could bo dono In con/unction with tho ono plannod by tho BTC. Rucfnskl wiD contact tho porson In chllgo 01 the assoumont frorn tho Journa/lsm School and 100 what can bo workod out. ~: Anno Burnside, Assistant City Atfornoy, roportod on the stalua 01 tho PATV guldollnos, alallng that thoy lie undor discussion In Legal now. logal la ospoe/al~ rovlowlng tho rostrlctlon roglldlng coblocUllng controveralal malortal. DIscussion conllnuod conlorlng 1I0und tho $5 1010 100, Burnsldo commontod thot tho lalo loe Issuo Is a complox part 01 tho law. Burnside suggostod throo approachos 'tho nlat Is ahort,torm which Is 10 aond a IOllor 10 Tel: the second, which Is longor lorm, lalo Includo a clllltlcallon olaomo kInd In tho now Iranchlso ogroomonL Anolhor altornatlvo Is lor tho City 10 adopl aomo kInd 01 consumor protoctlon clausos/ordlnancos. Ruclnskl askod, In rereronco to tho arrangomonl bolwoon Tel and Herltago, what company tho0BTC and City Is doallng with. Burnsldo', rop~ was thai this Is bolng lookod Into by the Logal Dopartmonllor clarlncallon, '''''''',...", """"''''--'''''..",-,.. l/ft . " I I " , , , " ;' , .. ~ I I . I I. . I i I I .1 ~""<' .,..\>" . I ., .b ,3 Mlnulos Broadband TelocommunlcaUons Commission Februaty 20, 1991 Page 3 ~: Sltand roportod lor tho ECC, Ho monUonod I couplo ollochnlcal probloma havo been rosoMd. Sltand also reportod that KIrkwood Community Col1ogo Is loarchlng out /undIng lor progrltM".ol1O through PBS' aalollllos, ^ now program roconUy acqukod by KCC Is onUUod Spo~1i, Vlhlch Includes 2tl eplsodos 01 ono-on-ono Intorvlowa wllh lamoua porsona, Joan VanDuoson sonll lolt" to the BTC roporUng on M oducaUonal programt and ukod II the BTC wanlod I r.port lie. tho one ahe aent on I rogular basis. Tho BTC .greed tho kind 01 roport aont wu holpl\ll to them. F1naI1y, tho BTC was lnvtIod 10 altond tho noxt ECC moollng whlch will be F.btuary 25- 199t at 3:15 p,m. ~: Shaff" reported rOf Blough, who Is In tho procoss 01 changing lorma ~om I Horltag,'ormal to th.t 01 Tel, Blough also monUonod In hla m.mo thai tho annual chock IOf PATV Is being procossed and that 700 now algn-ups hovo beon obtalnod this monlh. Palton ukod " Blough had If'ri rOlponlo 10 momoa lont roquolllng roports nol nlod by Horltago, aomo 01 Vlhlch hovo not boon nled alnce 1985, Shs"or'a rospona. wu thai tho Ioller 10 Blough has boon aonl to Legal and Helling lor rovlow, but hun' 01 y.t boon lont 10 Blough. OIscuaslon cnsuod rogardlng tho valuo 01 thoso roporta 10 tho City and tho In~octlona hvokod by Horltago'llalluro to ftIo. ~: None. ~: Sha"or suppfled I comprehonslvo BTS Mission Statomonl to tho Commlsslono" end reportod throo complalnts this monlh ' one atated lhat tho cabl. 'N ratoa 110 too hlgh, another In roforenco to the $5lalo 100 bolng oxcosslvo, and IlhIrd wu a dtJzon who wu unablo to acquko cablo aOMee. Sha"or announced that the conaultant RFP Is dolO 10 I nnallzod drift and esllmatod tho complollon dalo 01 two wooks, Ho Invtlod I mombor 01 the BTC to partlclpalo In tho finalizing ollhls RFP and/or the selection 01 consultants lor the City, Sha"er polnlod out an artlclo that recenUy appoared In tho Iowa City ~ on Channol29'alnlOlmaUon Serv1co. Sha"er alalod Govommont In/ormallon Channel29'slnlorrnaUon Servlco la ovorsglng 1,000 call. per weok: the BTS has rocolvod a now odlUng system: and tho BTS will have I 'houaowarmlng' In tholr new olflcos In one or two montha, Casolla addod one complalnl which ho rocolvod In roforence to MTV not bolng In storeo. Casolla also compllmonled tho CPC on tho new look 01 tholr channel. thai 01 chllaClor gonoratlon croalod by the now Amlga compuler purchaaed wllh lund. provldod by tho City Cablo Olflce, f9/ . I I .' I I I. 'I I I I " b Y Mlnulos Bloadband Toloeommunlcallons CommIssion FebrullY 20, 199t Page 4 P6OCES~: Cason. roported lor tho TochnIcal Subcommlttoo on tho complollon 01 . lollor to Blough roquoaUng further lochnlcallnforrnaUon, Ruclnsld announced that aho has boon comp/Ung I momo uklng quosUont In re/oronco 10 Horllago portorrnance and Issuos thai nood 10 bo addrossod lor the Commlsslon.rs from tho Sorvlco Subcommittee alandpolnL Othor Iaauot Ruclnsld hat choaon to locus on lie lalo Ioaouos, roportJng I 16,14% yoarly lnereuo with . 113% tolalloaeue IInco 1 fl84 litho beginning 01 dOofogulsllon. Another Issue dlsCUtsod was tho oxpanslon 01 channel capaclty and tho flIoposlng 01 a Ilfollno 1101 eystom. Ruclnsld Is Ilso working on th. posslbDlty 01 I noods usossmont and wanta to locus on lceoSS and aervlce neoda. Shlnor IIUlOUnctd thlt cuonl wu ,.Ippolnlod to tho BTC and Betty Bruna And.rson was also Ippolntod. Shanor atatod on Milch II, 1991 tho Iowa City City Council wIlIappolnt tho las\ vacancy to tho BTC, ' ~: Movod by Caselli, socondod by Panon 10 sdjoum, unanImously approvod, Adjoummont 116:07 p.m. Rospoctlully aubmlttod, tif.i:f\._~ . Yt11~.u;~"Or , Broadband Toloeommun caUon. Specfsllst CIllItt'.\2.2OIllc.mIn ......_~...;,.-'.~ ~.....;,.l::".,.-'H.','.'~.,<'~~ '.".>' ;'--'~""'''-.',,,,,,,": '.<. .,~,"<,.-,.~',. .....-.. ,'",,"'.. ,. ......"...... , ......" ,''<'.-U.j '_ . ;. .. ''-''- ~ ,_, d..,:..' ',~ ., '19/ ".........';i \ I' I .,' I . , I' . /; I ! , 0' ; ! ! 1 1 , , , , i I , j, , i I I I ! I .1