HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-02 Info Packet 1 Y 8 ,q' I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: Harch 29, 1991 I TO: CIty Council FROM: City Hanager RE: Haterlll In Infol'lll4t1on Plck.t Copies of letters frel Hayor HcDonald to: I. Hs. Helene R. Hembr.lk.r b. Br.tt 811111n9 He.orandl fro. the City Hanager: I. P.ndtng Development Issues b. Trlfflc Suggestlons . Swnllt Street Arel c. Sunlit Street Arel Traffic Issues HttIlOrlnda fro. the City Attorney: I. Update. HolldlY Inn.lowl City, 8ankruptcy Proceedings b. Update. Hlrlal J. Young Properties HttIlOranduI fro. the Director of Public Works regardln9 balancing the State budget. HttIlOrlndUl fro. the Parkln9 5yst..s Superintendent regardln9 p~rkln9 ramp entrlnce tickets. Letter fro. the Parks and Recreation Commission sul'alttln9 the Strate91c Phn . 1991. HtIorindUl fro. the Actln9' Fire Chief regarding request for agricultural burn. Copy of letter Slnt to all property owners on St. Clements Street from the Nel9hborhood Coordinator. ' Letter frOtll David Whiting and Cheryl Bombel regardln9 traffic In the Longfellow neighborhood. Copy of letter from Carol Dlckkut to the Poltce Chtef 6xpressln9 appreciation for assistance. Calendar for April 1991. 1i~:2 Letter and report from The University of Iowa regerdtng the North Capttol . Street Ha 11. Memorandum from the Ftnance Department regardtng proposed parking r~ll facllttles. ,~ Copy of letter from Broadband Telecommunications Commtsslon to Heritage ~~ Cablevlslon regardln9 the Trtennlal Review process. ~ ~ "'., " I I I I I I' ." , , , .' " I I ,. I, ,I I , " i I' , , I , , . t t I r , , , i i I . l I i 1 ~ g [I " . March 19, 1001 ""\:&.. CITY OF 10 WA CITY Ms, Holono R. Homblolkor 3002 ParIMow Avo, Iowl City, IA 52240 Dolt PM, Hombtolkor: Thank you IOf taking tho Umo 10 wrllo and oxpross your Inloroal concerning curbsldo locyctlng, As you know, wo havo I numbol 01 dlbp-on locyellngl.OUICO .opltallon bins Ihtoughoullowa CIty. Wo have oxporloncod I posltlvo community lO.pon.. 10 thI. InIUaUvo. CUl/ontly WI ItO dovoloplng OUI cosl nguroa with lO.poetlO tho oxpon.o 01 0 culb.ldo locyellng plogram. All am .U10 you can approelalo, with 12.000 accounts lor rosldonUaI "ruse and tho nood 10 purchase oqulpmonl and hlro pOllonnol, wo 110 opproachlng tho maltol with r",anclal eaUllon, AddlUonally,ln thai WI 110 0 small motlopolllan 1I0a, WI onon havo only ono sourco 01 purchoso 101 mosl 01 our roeyelablolloms and thorOlOfO WI wtU nood 10 build Inlo our ealculaUons mllkol nuetuatJon and/or tho polonUaI lor wllohouslng tho mllorlals thaI wo would chose 10 .ourco sopltalo. With lo.poetlo Mt, Boikom's eommon~ I think h. m1.undorslood tho proposod bolOl and belOl building. Tho proposals IOf thOIO oxpon,ol II' planned In nseal yo III 1993 and 1004, By IndleaUng In OUI throo-yelt budgol plan OUI Inl000sl In pursuing tho possible baling ma. chlne(oundlng, wo ItO dlroetJng CUI .Ian 10 proplt' tho noeossllY cosl analysis 10 dalol/nlno whothO/It has morlL FurthOlmoro,tho Issuo 01 compaetlng gllbago prlollO landnnlng Is I maltOl thll doGS havo cortaln slgnllleanl bononll. HOWOVOI, p1oaso nolo lhallt Is our Inlonllo eonsldar tho balOl building only InOl wo have dono OUI bo.llo removo tho locydablO malorlal.. Tho luggOlUon thaI tho oxpondlluro Is unnoeossllY I bollovo Is unfoundod and without complOlo knowtodgo 01 all tho ftnanc!allaets, ~ OUllocyellnglSOUICO sopllaUon InIUaUvos continuo 10 grow and tho Iblllty 10 compact watlo, wo nol only Improvo our abIDty 10 provido thlslOeyellnglsourco soparaUon sorvlco, but also can slgnlncantly oxlond tho 11I0 01 our 1and1U1, Thank you again 101 your InlorOlL I am sure you will bo hOlllng mOfO about thOla Issu" In tho nolt Muro. SlncolOly, lJ4al'~ John McDonald Mayol btJlImbItlkll co: City Council / City ManagO/ CIVIC CUTU . 1111. WAIMI"OTO" IT. IOWA CITY IOWA IIIUoIlII @ '"UI 11111111.1111 'UIIIII'",lI11 5ftJg , I ." ~ " , j I I 1 'y g "I !. CIVIC CUIU . I" t WAINI~OIO~ II. IOWA cln IOWA IlIlIoIllI @ P"O~llI"l III."" PUll lIt III."" 5~9 .l_~~:...._....._.~.."'.""""'~-''''~''''''''''~ ..... "'" ""~,-<,,,,,,-,.,,,. ."...,.c_ .. ,'. ,,~, ",....,..~., "-'" ',-.,~"" 9... :J 1 H '- , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM I' I I " , DATE: H4rCh 29, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: City Hmger R E : Pendln9 Development Issues , " An applIcatIon submItted by Iowa CIty Landscapln9 to rezone property ,- located at 1013 Hudson Avenue from RS.8 to CI.I. An afPllcatlon submitted by Southgate oevelo~ent to rezone approxl. mate y 25.3 acres located west of Honnon Tre /north of Rohret Road, from RS.8 and POH.12 to POH.9 and POH.12. An afPllcatlon submitted by Southgate Development for prelImInary plat and SRD approval of Walden Wood, Part 3, a 25.3 acre, 94.lot subdlvl. slon located north of Rohret Road and west of Honnon Trek 80ulevard. j , 1 , An applIcation submItted by S&H Partners to pennlt dwell In, unIts above I I: the ,roynd floor of a commercIal establIshment and to penn t off.street ) , I l park n9 on a separate lot In the CC.2 (COllIIIunlty COllIIIercfll) zone for , I I property located at 1496 South FIrst Avenue. ! ;j , An applIcatIon submItted by GlorIa Del Lutheran Church to permIt expan. ! j slon of a relf910us InstitutIon: the constructIon of a parkIng Irea In 1 ; the RH.145 (H19h Rise Hultl.Famlly ResIdentIal) zone for property I located on Harket Street. I 'j I , j , I, I I \ I' " , I ; 1 J 1 I I , , i , ; , ' 571 ._ -. '. '_,',d "', . , 1 'y g ,3 ' City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM , . ~ r , I I I DATE: Harch 29, 1991 TO: City Councll FROM: CIty Hanager RE: Traffic Suggestions. SUllllllt Street Area Attached are various staff cnents concernln9 tho HorowItz correspondence. Also recently received wore cnents from citizens In the Longfellow area, which time did not allow for comments. Please not~ that theIr recnondatlons for InstallatIon of a number of stop sl9ns would requIre analysis and subject to state regulatfons for traffic control devIces. I ~ ii.<~",................., ;..l>'~' .,Jl,.~...,_..' W',.........'......,. .~.,.,- ..... ,;',.' ,;", '. ""_' ""."1. .~,~ ;...,., , -, " .. ~,.....,..,,' ,:... ~.. ,-_,. ',' ....,... c.. '"", '_,0 '" ',," ',;., A'< .~... 'c,.. _.; ':',. . I I r .' , , , I. I It I' ,. I r , I I , I , I' , Ii. ! 1 j ,'.,. , , ;1 .I . , ,I j , I. I " , I~ g y " I I. Tho Horowitz 101l0r sooms 10 mllko tho assumption thai tho City Counclllavors a policy 01 roduelng lIaffte en Summit and KIrkwood by dlvor1lng II through othor nolghborhoods. 2. You win rocaJl thaI tho stall dlseussod, 01 an oarllor mooting with tho City Councll, II tho goal was 10 simply roduco llalno on Summll and Klrkweod, dlvolllonary tochnlquos woro rathor slmplo, Tho uldmato dlvorslonary lochnlquo would be 10 romovo tho Summll Slrool , I brldgo. Tho IIscal prudonco 01 making a $1 million brldgo Invostmonl. whllo al tho samo , I Ulno lmpIomondng ether dlvolllonary tactfcs so molorists do nol uso I~ would be subJoct . 10 slgnlflcanl public Ct1t1cism. 3, Wlthoul knowing tho prociso doslgn 01 tho lralno dlvertor suggostod, It Is d1lf1culllo assoss the ovoraJllmpact. Unloss d1vortolS aro constructod In tho nolghborhood oasl of SummJ~ motorists &to Uka~ 10 continuo to f1rtd a way 10 accoss tho Summit SlIool bridgo os a crossIng, 4. II Summll SlrOOl1l elosod to through 1Ia1f1e, II would be 10 tho deltlmonl 01 Sovonth, Oakland, Clark, Court, and Shorldan becauso thoso slloots would now be usod as accoss 10 Summll SlIool by motorists. II this Is 10 be pursuod, obvlous~ we would neod to undertake discussIons with tholO neighborhoods, as we have with otholl. 5. Dodge Slteelll 100 lar wesllo be porcolvod as a convenlonl altornadvo lor lIalf1e with an origin or dostlnatlon 01 eastom Iowa CI~. I i 8. WIth tho construction of tho proposod dlvertor, somo typo 01 a lumaround (cul-de-sac or 'I hammerhead) would need 10 be constructod al tho doaclond portion 01 Summll 6110ello I faellltalo tumaround. , 7. It would be dllflculllo design any typo 01 dlvortor 10 allow omorgoncy vohlelos a through accoss onto Summit Slrool and yol nol havo tho genorol public uso tho sImilar accoss. 8. Tho lIalf10 signal al DOdgOll<lrkwood (nlolloction was porcolved 10 be a feaslblo lIalf1e controlmoasuro. Tho Clly's ability 10 conllol motorists' behavior with a mochanlcal dovlco II olton overostlmatod. Tho tralfle control dovfco porcolved by molorists as unnocossary or creaUng a slgnlflcanl delay will simply Cl'ealo 1II0gal motorlsl behavfor and becomo an 1. onforcomonl problom for tho polito dopartmenl. AddltlonollY,tho Stalo Manual on Unllorm , Tralfte Control Devlcos dlrocts that .trafflo control signals shall bo oporaled In a mannor I conslslonl with tralne roqulromonts.. 9. SuggosUng dlvorslon 0111011I0 10 Gilbert Slrool which Is alroady ovor capacity In tho vicInIty 01 Kirkwood will causo lurther 11011I0 conllol prol:loms In thaI nolghborhood. 10. To oOOoreo Improvomonts 10 tho railroad crossing al Kirkwood and Kirkwood and Gllborl Inlolloctlon I~ likely 10 simply Increase capacity lor addlllonal tralne on Kirkwood Avenue, II, Tho romoval 01 parking on Dodgo will croato dllllcultlos lor tho rosldonls 01 Dodgo. AI prosonl, It Is quostlonablo whothor oll.strool slorago Is sulnclentlor curronl rosldonts. i , ;. ".'. ,:.- ",.",' ,57/[ 1 Y g S ~ i I I I 12. Changing Dodgo 10 two,way would oIso roqulra changos III tho Intol1octlon 01 DurllnglonlDodgO and DoworylOodgO. a, An Ilddltlonal trallle alynaJ polo would bo noccssory alll10 nor1hoasl ccmor 01 DurUnglolllOOdgO. II \ho assumpUon that \rarne dostlnod 10 tho Contral Buslnoss District will bo dlvertod from Summllla ccrroct, thon a protoctod Ioll.tum phaso for northbound \rIl1lle wUl bo roqultod. Tho addilJon of a IhItd phaao will rOlullln additional dolay 10 \ralflc on Burllngton and aouthbound Dodgo. II wiD a110 bo nacolaory to wIdon DodgO aouth of Bu~lnglon 10 accommodoto a loll.turn ' IanoIrlghl.tum Iano lor northbound Dodgo. b. BoworylOodgo Is curronUy rooulalod as on an.way atop. With tho addlUon 01 \hIoe mora \rIllno move monts, two more lanes and on uaumod InCtoaao In \ra/fIc, algnaJlzaUon may bo wlIIrantod, II may bo nacossory 10 wIdon DodgO north 01 Bowery 10 accommodato loft.lumrlghl.tum Ianos. , , I I I , I j: I I .'."" I I I , , : , " ,I ,. , bc3,1 ~ ., t' \ ,I I ,_. , , , , i I' " I I I >, I , I , I I , " , .~, I I I I " I 571 --.-..-...' _._.."'.,_.._-_._._._.~-'........,"......._..............."~.........~.....,,,..., ,...'. ..,. .' .", ,..,..., .'- .....,..,..,'...,; ""\" 1 H g' Ii ...,...., . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dalo: Milch 27, 1991 To: Clly Council From: City Monagor Ro: Summlt SlIoot Ar.a Trarno IssU'1 Allor dlsCulllon of tho Summll SlIool Tral1lo Sludy on Milch 5, you Indlealod thai tho Councll would IIy 10 rOlotvo thlllaluo at tho AplU 2nd mooting. Tho purpo.o 01 thll momo 1110 provldo you with a framOWOlk fO( dlsculllon basod on, what I beUovo to be, tho outcomo of tho mooting on Milich 5- or tho IIx a1lornatlvol prosonlod In my momo 10 you 01 Fobrull'/ 26 (allachod), A1lornallvo. B, C, C(I) and 0 appelt 10 be ollrnlnalod, Tholo aJlornallvOI Indudo any proloct Involving tho oxlon.1on of Sovonth Avonuo or Govornor SlIool and tho option luggoltlng ollmlnaUon 01 tho brldgo al Summll SlIool with no roplacomon!. Tho Opuonl romalnlng 11I0 (A) Roplacomonl 01 tho bridgo al Summll SlIool and lA-I) Roplocomonl 01 tho brldgo al Summll SlIool and modlncatlon olllarno conllo!, If tho goal of tho Council II 10 malnlaln tho trarno ayatom ollontlally as 1111, A1tornollvo (A), Roplacomonl 01 tho brldgo, II approprlato, Howovor," tho goal 01 tho CouncU Ilia losson tho amount of traltlo on Summit Strool and dlroct 1110 othor 1110011, prlmllllly Dodgo SlIool, roplacomonl of tho bridgo YfJII1 trame conllo! modll\catlonl (A.I) can achlovo thl. purpo.o, 1110 dlroclod, we wiD procood with plans fO( tho brldgo roplacomenl whon nooollll'/, look tho appropriale fadoral fundi 10 Cllry out tho proloct, and Immodlatoly begin Implomonlatlon 01 tho lIame control mOllurOI ouIIlnod II proloct olomonta lor A1lomallvo (A-I), Tho trame conllol moosuroalncludo: elimination of tho a1I,way atop al KIrkwood Avonuo and Summll SlIoo!. Making Dodgo and Govornor 1110011 two-way botwoon BUlllnglon SlIool and Bowory. Roconltructlon of tho Inlorloctlonl of Dodgo and Burllnglon allooll and Dodgo and Bowory Itroalllo permllaoparalod 10ll,Iurn movomonll. SlgnallzaUon 01 tho DodgolKlrkwood Inloraoctlon, Posslblo luIuro algnallzatlon of tho Govornor/Burllngton, Dodgo/Bowory, and Klrkwood/KOokuk InlorlOctlons. Tholo moasurol can bo carrlod oullncromonlally with tho loall cOil mODlurOI occurring nrll. If tho Council has probloma with any of tho lIame conllol modlncatlonl notod, thOIO moalurol Ihould bo dllcussod furthor. . . . . . On your agonda for April 2nd la an 110m which calli lor conlldoratlon 01 a motion 10 dlrocl alall 10 carry oullho prolarrod allornatlvo 10 addroaalho Summll Slroollralflo Inuoa, ~~~5 bdm3,1 ... I I I I I " I I , I I. , I I 1 I I ( \ \ I j " , i , " ! " ~ 1 ,H g ] -, . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM i , I I I I I I , DOlo: Fobnuuy 26, 1091 . , To: Clly Council , ) From: City Managor i , ~. , Ro: Summit Stroot Trallle SIudy I i 1 SlaIf has further rellnod tho InlormaUon presenlod to you on Janu8ty 21 whon yeu nllt dlscussod :1 tho Summll Stroellralflc sludy, In response to your comments we havo propared threo addIUenal ~ altomatJvos ror your ova/uaUon. This rosults In sevon altornotJvos ler discussion et tho March 5 ,~ :1 j' City Council moeUng, I I I . AltomatJve A . Roplaco bridgo 8t Summit StroOL j I 'I . AltomatJve A(I) . Roplace bridge at Summit Slr80tand modlly traffle control. , j :1 ,. I AltematJve B (two.lano) and AltomatJvo B (Iour~ine) . Construct bridge at Governor , , Streel: extend Govemor Str90t to K1rkwocd1Keokuk Inlorseellon: ellmlnole bridge at . , I Summit StroeL I AltematJvo C . Construct Sovonth Avonuo al-grado RR crossing: ollmlnate bridge et Summit StroeL . AllomatJve C( 1) . Construct Soventh Avenuo at-grado RR crossing and roplace bridge at Summll StreeL AllemaUve 0 . Ellmlnalo Summit Stroot bridge: do not roplace, You are laced wfth a laroo.scalo doclslon which will Impact tho community many years Inlo the futuro, Ills a dlfflcull doclslon, as any aellon you Iako to Improve the traftlo systom In this area wfll havo both poslUvo and negatJvelmpllClS, Thoso Impacts aro summarlzod lor each altomallvo In thelollowfng InlormaUon. It Is apparent thai any Improvomontlo tho system which adds a now railroad crossing wfll causo somo dlsrupllon 10 oxlsUng nolghborhoods and will likely displace somo dwelling unlls, Hopefully tho communlty,wldo bonofll er an olllclont artorial stroot systom can bo balanced with tho doslros or Indlvldual rosldonUal nolghborhoods, . I " , , A doclslon regarding tho Summll Stroot Brldgo wfll allow tho Publle Works Oopartmontto begin proparallons lor replacemont or removal or tho struc1ure, onsuring a smooth transition Irom tho old structuro 10 tho now laclllly, Stall Is propared to provldo any olhor Inlormallon you may requlro to como 10 closuro on this Issuo, For oxamplo, II a doclslon Is modo to c/oso Iho Summll Stroet Brldgo to molor vohlc/os, Ills posslblo tho structuro can bo medlllod and rolalnod as a podoslrianfolcycle bridge. Ploase plan 10 discuss those and any olher Is~uos at tho March 5 moellng, IpS. 1 /dtpt..7)tt-~ 5 1 Y q 8 ' City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dolo: March 27, 1991 To: Honorablo Mayor John McDonald end Mombo,. 01 tho Clly Council From: Unda Nowman Gontly, City AlIomoy Ro: Updato . Holiday Inn.lowa City, Bankruptcy Procoodln I havo lust roeolvod noUeo Irom tho Unltod Staloa Marshal's omco that tho Holiday Inn,lowa City Is agaln lot lor 100ocfosuro lalO al tho Johnson County Courthouso, Iowa City, Iowa at 1:00 PM, April 16, 1991. This Is roqulrod to bo publlshod In local nowapopora lor lour consocuUvo wooks, I am also In rocolpl 01 an ordor connrmlng tho doblor'l amondod Choptor 11 plan which, 01 this juncturo, has IIltJo offoct on tho Holiday Inn,lowa City boeouso 01 tho loroclosuro procoodlngs, Ispoko with Brian Loonard, altomoy lor tho RosoluUon Trult CorporaUon (RTC) concerning tho lorocfosur. procoodlngs and potenUal buyoro, Ho Inlorms mo that Dr. Johnson has doodod over tho property to tho RTC,logothor with a 1)111 ollalo. Howavor,ln ordor to be ablo to loll tho holol ho 01 alllunlor lIonholdorl and encumbrancoI Qncludlng tho City), RTC II lolling tho holol go through tho loreclosuro procoodlngl. RTC will bid In III $8,5 million to proloct ItllntoresL Thoro aro lomO maltorl yot to bo resolvod, howavor, Ohio NaUonaJ, who Is on tho lamo priority with RTC, II lUll nnaJIzlng Itl agroomonl with RTC. I havo yot 10 know tho rOlul1l 01 thai ogrooment, but will lot you kr.ow al loon as I nnd ouL They havo 10 como 10 lomo ograemont prior to April 18, Brian Loon8ld also told mo that thoro was a Iocallnvoslor sUlllntoreltod In purchasing tho Holiday Inn.lowa City. Howovor, thay cholo to walt unUI tho loroeloluro procoodlngs 01 AprO 18 occurrod. I allo havo InrormaUon, according to a local allornoy, that thoro aro cortaln locallnvoltorl Inlorollod In purchasing tho hotol, but not until tho holol bocomol part 01 tho RTC'a official Invontory. Thll will only occur aftor tho April 1810roclosuro 1110, It II unllkoly that tho holol will 1011101 tho totallocurod dobt ($13 million), but wlllllkoly aell for less, In tho moanUmo, wo can do nothing but walt and hopo that a locallnvostor dOOl, ovonlually, purchaso tho holo!. I will bo avallablo lor quosUonl, as nooded, tp3-3 co: Marian Karr, City Clork Slovo Aikins, City Managor 5 ~ I , I I I I I' t I . I i. I , I I , , I. ~ " q City at Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dato: March 28, 1991 To: Honorablo Mayor John McDonald and Mombors 01 tho City Council From: Unda Nowman Gantry, City Attomoy Ao: UpdaIO' Miriam J, Young Propor1los and City 01 Iowa City vs, Mlrtam J. Young: 713 E, Jofforson Stroot and 420-422 E. Church Stroot This Is to updlIlO you on this Iong,standlng problom. In Soplombor 1988, tho City mod tNo munleJpal,lnfracUon cUatlons agalnst Mlrtam Young .\1 ownor 01 tho obOvo proportlos. Mrs, Young plod guilty In May 19B9, and agrood to a tlmotab:~ lor ropalr 01 both propor1los. Many promlsos havo boon modo, and brokon. Doadllnos havo long slnco passod. Altor two conlompt hoarlngs, Mrs. Young has stili not compllod. Miriam Young was flnod $100 lot each proporty on tho flrst IIndlng 01 conlomp~ which sho has not paid, to dato. Just boloro tho socond contomptheartng hold Novombor 14, 1990, MIl, Young sold tho Jellerson Stroet proporty to a partnership composod 01 hor chlldron, entlUod SJAE Young Family partnership, Sho sold this proporty on contract to tho chlldron, so Mrs. Young Is stllllogal tlUo holdor. Tho SJAE Young Family partnorshlp hes not. to dato, complolod any work on tho Jofforson Stroot proporty, ' Tho second conlompt ardor camo down March 4, 1991, and you rocolvod a copy March 5. MaglstralO Borgan lound MIl, Young In contompt on tho Jellorson Stroet property: but since she no long or ownod I~ tho magistrate only flnod Mrs. Young $10, On tho Church Stroot proporty, Mrs. Young was also lound In conlompl, lor tho second time, and again ordorod to complolo construction, Failing this act, as 01 May I, 1991 Mrs. Young will bo ordorod to spond 30 days In lall. However, sho can purgo horsell 01 con tempi by compleUng all tho provlously.ordorod work on tho Church Strool proporty, or by selling tho proporty, Wo oxpoct hor 10 tako tho latter roulo, Last wook, David Brown, Anno Bumsldo, Doug Boothroy and I mot as 10 our noxt stop, Wo dlscussod tho mortis and waaknossos 01 munlclpallnlractJons lor onforclng Codo vlolatlons. Whllo municipal Infractions aro vary succosslulln most Instancas, thore ara always Ihoso rocalcltranl excoptlons which mako tho rula, , ~"~' ...,." ..,", .r, 5 .... I I' I , , ! I I , I , I I , I I , l' i ! 1 5 [I [I I I I I , 2 I I 1 I, I 1" f Wo wlU, than, bo brinQlng lhasa casos back to my olftco Irom Davfd Brown's olllco, and Anno r I ~ ,,- ~~ Bumsldo will bo IUIng an oellon In disltlct court whoro tho ludgo has groator oo'OoIng poWOllto , ~ onforco III OrdOIl. Maglstralo court's powOIl aro Rmltod 10 ropoalodly rolumlng to court lor i t conlomp/, which sun doo. nol gollho ploblom so/vDd. i I trusllhls wlU bo Inlormadvo, though IruSlrodng, and I will conUnuo 10 koop you Inlormod. Soma , octlvfly Ihould occur aftor May I, 1991. Nonolholoss, ploaso do nol hosltoto 10 contact mo" you , j havo any quostlons, . ~ : ,. Slovo AtkIns, CIIy ManagOI , cc: Anno Bumsldo, Assistant CIIy AII0m0Y Doug Boothroy, DltoctOl, Housing & InspoctJoo Sorvlcos GllIy KIlneloltor, Housing & Inspectlon SolVlcos Dopartmont Dick Frantz. Housing & Inspoctfoo Sorvfco. Dopartmonl .f David Brown, Oulaldo CoUntOr I; ! ~l' , , ' -....---,-.....--.--...---.-.--..-- I, ! I I , i ! i , , [ l. I; , I , i , 1 , , ;1 , ! I j, I I ;. 57 if ~.....,~ ,,' .-.,"q~..- "-......,-~, -'-_.. -"'.~._,-~.-., ~~..,...... ''"''~'' ....~, .~, '~.'~d.""<",,-,-\. ',L \..~" .';,_",,_ > . ....' ., . . ,. """'h'-.".,..,.;",,,:(,o,;,;,. ' ... -.f'" 'l? ..rl-" ~~ "-'. . ~:J - /' . - . --- City of Iowa City M E M 0 RAN DUM ~ I I TO: St.v. Atklnl r .- FROM: Chuck Schmld.k. DATE: Much 28. \99\ RE: Bllanclng th. Stlt. Budg.t [i ! I I " , I , , . i f ~ r I I , If It waln'l 10 frultrltlng It would b. Ilughlbl. to obmv. thl Imllglnltlon of It It. 19.nclll In th.lr 1\I.mptl to forlltlll th. r.I.... of fedml mon.y In Itlt. blnk accountl thlt rlC]htfully belong I to th. cltl'l, Th. Iowa O,plrlm.nl of Nlturll RllourCII II withholding IpproxlmDt.ly $\.5 million In w..t.wlt.r tmlm.nl work I conltrucllon grlnt monl.~ b.au.. 10wI Clty'l S.w.r UII Ordlnanc. dOli notlnclud. th. following: , , , I I ,/ I' , \I A mlxlmum pH of 9.5 lthll II only I r.comm.ndatlon nol a requlrll1l.nl. 10wI City curr.ntly hIS I mlxlmum pH limit of 10.51. , . Olllgn requlrem.ntl for prlvlll conlllt.nt with th. 10wI Admlnlltratlv. Cod. (Iowa City requlru prIvy con.trucllon to m..1 th. r.qulrll1l.nll of the Iowa StltO Boud of Hoalth I. Thll writer II nol IWlre of Iny privy conltructod In 10wI City for the pili 25 yom, All building 10WIrI Ihould b. Inlpectod by the City prior 10 blckfllllng (Ihll provlllon II Includ.d In th. City plumbing . cod.). Plym.nt of thll mon.y w.. origInally h.ld up b.CIUIO of th. Unlv.rllly lawlult, 10 tho ItltO hIS bo.n colloctlng Intorul at tho Clty'l oxpon.. for lovml monthl. 2) ,. 3) I 1 I I \ i ! I I i ! I: I i I I I i , :1 ! I i I i CIIWP\OIHHOICJ"'TATEBUO.CH ~ ~.,.~>....~..._......~,.......,.~_....~_.. ...'" ,........,.' __ ".."."h ", ."0"'" ..-.-, -.', ,,__, _." ...., .', .,....... . 575 . ' I ."'-' .,.,,- .." ,-",,- , /' ,/ . .1 ; . , , I I I I - - r, :) 1 5 _ c ,.._--....... /' ... , , , , nAreh 27, 1991 '''\..fJl,.. ". . . CITY OF 10 WI! CITY Frld Binion, P.E. IOWA DlpArlllnl of NAlurAI Rlloure.1 WAII.CI 51.11 Olfle. OUlldlnq 900 E OrAnd 001 nolnll IA '0319 REI low. Clly Slwor Un OrdlnAnc. Prollet 110, CI90830 0' And 06 Dur Frldl AI WI dlleullld, 10NA Clly II rlqullllnq Ihl rlllAII of r'IAlnlnq EnYlronllnhl Prolletlon AdllnlllrAtlon eonltruetlon ,qrAnl lonlll bllnQ hlld until our lowlr UII ordlnAncl I. Allndld. Ihl Inelolld nAreh 2. 1989, II\tlr frol WAynl F.rrAnd outllnll thrll 131 Ilnor ehanQII th.t arl rlqulrld. Thill Itlll will bl Ineorpor.tld Into thl ordlnanel at Ihl .AII I1II NI Ineorporatl thl chAnQl1 rllulllnQ frol An EPA Audit 01 our prltrlAlllnt proQrAI. WI Ilplet thl. praCI.1 to tAkl .pprolllAtlly III 161 lanthl. Slnel thl chAnql1 rlqulrld by your olflel .rl Ilthlr Ilnar In nalurl or .lrlAdy caYlrld by .nothlr Ilctlon of our cadi (III Inclolld I.C.C. II 8.1641, WI do nol fill wllhholdlnQ II.' 1IIIIon unlll Ihlll chAnQII .rl lAd I II wArr.nlld. . ThAnk you for your prolpl Attontlan 10 Ihll rlqulIl. Slnclrlly, l7'#!j ,,(J./'~r(.{.~ Rlch.rd A. FOliO, P,E. City EnQlnllr EnclOlurll eel "Charlll Sehudlko, Dlrlclar of Public lIor~,1 IIAynl C. FArrAnd, SuporYllar 1I..llwAllr Porllll Socllan EnYlron~onl.1 Prollcllon DIYlllon, IIAllAel Slall Olflcl 8ulldlnq DII Molnll, In '0319 41110" WAllIlHnlOH 1,.,,,, 10" 'Ill II'" "'",11'''''111 111,'"" ,.. 1"" 111""'95 'l:..;.-._....H~-;>"-......'~'.._..',:..\. ,.,"-".,.,_.,...,. ,,'.., - ; .-~', ~. I I: , , , . I .' - ,- I, , i I " i i' . I , J . ! ." \-n,3/ I S _ _ ~ ,tlS eflt., it HArch 2~, 111\11 f I l ~ 1 , , I . ~~&.. CITY OF IOWA CITY TOl St.ph.n Atkinl, City Hana;.r , .- FrOl1 Jo. Fowl.r, parkin; syat.ml Sup.rint.nd.nt;;-- Rof.r.nCftl parkin; Ramp EntrancA Tick.tl In an attfmpt to elimlnat. the COlt ot .ntranc. tick.t. for the parkin; ramp. and to promote activity in the Iowa City communi ty I have propoud II111n; ,.dvtrt lain; on the t ick.tR ulAd in the capitol and DUbuqUA StURt parkin; lump., Tholl City r.an obtaIn tlckAtl that hay. a detachable two Inch Iquare, Thll al'..a could bA uud for advut1aln; or al a dAtachablA coupon, At the pr.R.nt time the CIty II loliclttn; propoRall, Int.rutAd advut1lf1rl may,.ubmlt rflqlullt for 1111 or plll't ot thll ~"Ilrly qUllntity. WII will not acc.pt IIdv.rt1ain; that promotll pol1 ticAl iduI or IIncoura;1I1 the UIA of al coho11c bftVftrll;ftl. AftAr the propolllll hay. b.An revi.w.d and an advflrtil.r/I I.I.ct.d, tinal dAfti;n for the tickotl will bA will b. IIpprov..d by both the City IInd the purchlll.r. Th1l pro;ram Ihould plllc. advflrtilin; the hllndl of approlCiutlly 1.5 mUllon pllrkAra p.r y.ar. Anyon. wllhln; to parnclpatA mUlt a;r.. to honor the Advertllln; until th, ttr.kAtI are all uud or to rtplllc. th.m with an .qulIl qUAntity. Th. prlntln; COlt IIlvin;ft to thA City will be IIpprolCimltflly 'S700. In the .vent no propoaalR lire 1"Cllv,rI which m..t thA Itand.trdl of the Ci ty of IOWII CI ty th.. pro;ram wi 11 not bfl tmpltmentfld. At the .nd of lix monthl ot UII;,a w. will rtvl.w the nlul tI wi th IIdvftl't1IArl IInrl comblnA that with pUbltc inpnt, tn d.termln. if thA pro;ram will bA conttnufld. cc Don YUCUil, rlnanc. Dir.ctor t~.........~':..I,AI.'..~,41 Hl,lom 11I1" . IOU I'" 'IOU.'III1"III' .1111 11101''', 'AI .11 'I 111'57 (i; I' , " , - , I , I. .0 j' \' , I, , I , I I I I I. 0 I , I 1 I !( I. I 5 [I Y , February 15, 1991 , I I j j ! 11 ~ I I j ~~ CITY OF IOWA CITY The Honorable John HcDonald, Hayor City ot Iowa City 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, IA 52240 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Dear Hayor HcDonald and Council Hombersl The Iowa City Parks end Rocroation COmmission is pleasod to sUbmit to you our Strategic Plan. L991. The plan is tho result ot a procoss that began last August and Soptomber when we held tho tirst ot two planning 101lionl tacilitated by Tim Shieldl ot the Univerlity ot Iowa Inltitute ot Public Attairl, During thOIO two leslionl WO developed a million Itatel:lont tor tho co=illion, identitiod cOllllDunity valuol, and oltablilhod a lilt ot 39 "illuel, probleml, challengel and opportunitiel." During lubsequent commillion meetingl we rotinod our mil8ion Itatoment and reducod tho lilt ot 39 ilsuol to lix goals wo wilh to accomplilh within tho noxt two yoarl, tivo goall to be accomplilhod within tho noxt tivo yearl, throe ongoing goall, and several ilsuol that we anticipato tacing in tho indotinite tuturo, Wo plan to hold a pUblic hoaring on the plan in tho coming WOOkl, AI I am luro you can 100, theso aro not projoctl that we can undertake and completo unilatorally. HOlt will roquire clolo coordination with tho City Council. Othors will roquire a collaborative ettort with the Planning and Zoning COllllDislion, Rivertront Commillion, and othor city and community groupl. '''Ill are now in the procon ot dovoloping, with departmont Itatt, Ipocitic Itrategies and action Itopl to accomplish our goall in a timoly and prudent manner, At that point we would very much like to have an opportunity to prolent our plan at an intormal 10sIion ot tho Council, anlwor queltionl, and hoar your suggoltions, We suggolt that a lato Harch or oarly April dato bo sot, it possiblo, 110 IQUTH OILIIIT 11l11T IOW4 CITY IQ"4 1111101111 (B) 'HUI,II"llI'lIll '11 '111I1g.]1~ 'r_,_ ...._.'....~..._...,".....,.. ;--<,'.,.., , ..., ... " I I .", . , ., I' I ! \' ,I: I o I. I , :' I, - I 5 -~ -0- 5 ' .- " . ;- , Tho IIonorablo John HcDonald, Hayor Fobruary 15, 1991 Page Two (2) , r r i , ! " r I In the moantimo, al you may know, we havo mad a groat progrols in regard to goal 12, dovolopmont ot tho now park/lports complex and improvomontl to Hapoloon Park. Concopt planl and COlt eltimatas are in tinal Itagol ot dovolopmant, A tontativo Ichodulo tor bringing a bond iSluo to rotorendum hal been proposed, Preliminary plans tor a reterondum campaign have beon dilculsed. Sinco wo are looking at a propolod Hay 20, 1991, roterendum date, it is important that wo havo an opportunity to dilcusl our planl with Counoil in the immediate tuture. Thorotoro, we roquolt agenda time at an intormal Council moeting soon, It you have any COllllllontl or quoltionl, please lot mo know. I can bo reachod at work at 337-4158 or at home at 337-9225. Sincoroly, 1/2ilA.i~/tk- ~o~~~atson, Chair , Parks' Reoreation Commillion JW/mk Encl. ,.--..-." .,- . ..... .--.---......-..........,.....,.......,...........,....,>< ..~'.."',......_.,,- ..,_....-_.....".~,.. ~.,,._.-,.""'-'",-~..._~.., "-"'-'" ..~,....4"_'.'''' '-,' .", "'" i, '....,...._ ....,.." '. . ,; ;"'_"..,.;":. I' ~~ " .. , ,i . , , I, , .,' r , I , ,. I " , I; !, I I I I , , 'I , , I I j, i I 577 I 5 [I b I I I: I' J:OWA CJ:TY PARKS & RECREATJ:ON COMMJ:SSJ:ON , .. , t. , i' , . STRATEGJ:C PLAN - 1991 '" I, Adoptod February 13, 1991 John Watlon, Chair Hary Woideman, Vice-Chair Bill Brandt Daryl IIenry Karan llradek William J. Stein~roch Deo Vandorhoet Todd Welk Crai9 N, Willis, School Board RoproBontativo Terry Q, Trueblood, Director ot Parks , Rocroation t,~'~',~:;,.k~M:,'_"""~""_-""",;,',_..""",,-:,,,_,~,,,~."- :._j., i'v 0", <~.., .0' 577 , .' L, .<..... , ;t,I"",,>, ','," i..... I I I , ,I \.-, i , I. i !' ( ;1 , I ,,-.- I' 5 [I ;-, ' , ; \ i i I r ...1 :IOWA CJ:TY PARKS AND RECREAT:ION COMMISS:ION M:ISS:ION STATEMENT , " I, , TO allilt and guido tho city Council in providing tho co..unity with hiqh quality and coat otticiont parkl, tacilitiol, and rocroational and cultural opportunities. I' TO asaoss and prioritilo co..unity neoda, ostablish qoall, and aako rocollllDondations to tho City Council rCl9arding tho aaintenanco, Onhanco.ont! and proaotion ot Parks and Rocrolltion Doparblont proqrau llnd tacilit el. TO 10rvo as II loundinq board tor Parkl and Rocroation ltatt and tor citizon concornl, luggoltions, and idoas, Ind 81 an advocato for dOlirod qoala and p~oqrll". i I I' I' I ;, , . .--~...". ~. -. . .-'~.. .'.-. _..- ." --. '.. _..- 517 ... '-~ ",-.' ...->._... ,. .... -, . .., ,...,-.- ...., ,. . , 5 [I 8 I I I I r " <, f f h i , i IOWA CITY PARJ<S AND RECREATION COKKISSIOH STRATEOIC GOALS AND PRIORITIES , I , A. Goals - 1 to 2 yoorsl 1. In conjunction with tho Planning , Zoning COIlllD1ssion, update and comploto tho 1985 Noighborhood Open Spaco Plan and recollllllond to City Council mothodl tor implel:lentation 2. Dovelop loccor/lottball lportl complox, improve girls' lottball tacilitiol 3. Adopt policy on lolt-Iupport through usor tool 4, Adopt long ,range plan tor Commillion/Dopartmont 5. Adopt plan tor tho dovelopmsnt ot Rysrlon Woodl and Huntorl Run ,I I' , 6. Adopt comprohenlivo low income polioy tor all activitios , I I ,I I \ B. Goall - 3 to 5 yoarll 1. AIIIII nood and adopt plan regardinq additional indoor recroation space 2. Adopt plan tor the dovolopmont and/or disposition ot Helqulkie Park 3. Assoss toasibility of a munioipal g01t courso 4, Dovelop plan to expand rivertront groon space 5, Develop biko paths I. I i '. I < I c, Onqoing Goalsl 1. Enhanco coordination among attiliato qroupl, clubl, Univorslty ot Iowa, County, Coralville, Johnson County, schools, etc. 2, Identity and implemont methodl to enhance publio input 3, Support 90als and ottorts ot the Parks and Recreation Foundation I " , ! I ! ...-..._~~....,.. -. ... ..~... . . ,-, ",'." .'.-..". ~.. _.. .,. . ,'. '~'''--... ". ',' ,-,.., ' 577 eO'..,._,: ~ ! I \ t ..-" - n q , , 5 - D. Pending and Future IIIUOII Conceslion policy tor now park/sportl complex Reltroom/vondinq lllanda In parka Competing ulago ot IWimaing tftcilitiel Fait pitCh lottball Ice lportl tacility Band Ihell . "~'~''''^'"-_'''''_''_-''''''-''~_......"""",.,.,.....".,.~".,.,""-._,,.~~~'-"~'''' '~'''''''~...,~,-,~-,.." .,~ ..,~, ......... ",~" ., ,';;',. 1 r ..... , .~ !' ~ . I' i I: t , I I I , 1 I 1 I I "-'.' 5'77 . " 5 I' [I Nancy S.lb.rllng, of ProJ.ct Gr..n, has ask.d for p.rmlsslon to burn a strip of pralrl. grass locat.d at the w.st rlv.r bank off Rocky Short Drlv., This strip of pralrl. grais Is about 10 ft. wid. and 400 ft, long. This proJ.ct will b. und.rtak.n during the first part of April, Natu- rally the prop.r wind conditions will dlctat. wh.n the burn will b. allow.d. Russ.ll B.nn.tt, Ro.dsld. V.g.tatlon Manag.r of Johnson County, will assist the ProJ.ct Gr..n greup with the burn. Mr, B.nn.tt has b..n conducting controll.d burn of pralrl. grass throughout the County, According to City Ordlnanc. Numb.r 91-34B9. S.c 24-171: Exc.ptlons (3) Pr.scrlbod Agricultural Burns lay b. p.rmltt.d In compllanc. with Fir. D,plrtm.nt guld.lln.s. ~~~~ .l'lfli'+.._..-...._.".,.........,,'.,.....~, _""_'" ~ ,...._.:..-.."',... '.,.,., ....,0, "... "'..,..., ,". -"'.'- 57! '~"""'~'"'h"',.:, ." ,- I I: i , i, I I j' I ( I i, i , t , I . , I r. r , ~f ~! i I , i , I , ! 1 \ I v..,o. , 5 , , , , Following. mooUng In your nolghborhood IUllall, you roc~lvod Ilonor Irom tho City roqu.allng your aupport lor tho paving ploloct on SL Clomonla StrooL All proporty ownora ware ukod 10 Inlorm rTr'/ clftco n thoro waro oblocUona 10 tho projoct. No on. roapondod thalthoy woro oppoaod 10 tht ploloct and ovoryono wu lonl a lo\lor IndIcatlng thaI tho ploloct would conaoquonlly go lorwlld, Roconlly, alloul onO CIty Councllmomber roco!vod phono calls Irom \wO hcusohcldl on SL Clomonla Strool oblocUng 10 tho plojoct. Thl. projoct Is being ftnancod with City lund. dorlvod Irom rcod uao 10m. Your proporty I. nol being uao.aod lot thla ploloct. Thla proloct Is eldroordlnllY In thllll benonla only tho resldonla and ploporty ownora on SL Clomonls StrooL Since we have now rocolvod oblocUons 10 this projoct, we win coaso work on the atroel Improvomenl unUI wo rocolvo concurronco fiom tho proporty ownora thaI thoro Is aupport lot tho ploloct. Tho lundslot thl. proloct can be usod In I number 01 othor nolghborhoods who dosl,. rOld Improvomonla, n wa do nol rocolvo documontaUon ologroomont 01111 tho proporty ownerl by AprlI30, 1991, tho lunds will be IIlocalod olsewhoro. PtOllia contact mo II you havo atri quosUons II 351H014, Slncoroly, '~tUdt.. Milch 25, 1991 Ron Easlon 1131 SL Clomonla SL IowI CIty I IA 522~5 R.: Paving 01 SL Clomonla Strool DOli Mr, Eaalon: , rln Frlnklln Nolghborhood Coordinator bdm5-3 CIVIC CUIII . IIf I. UIHI"OlO" II IOWA CI" IOWA 11I..,1111 @ I I I' ! I ..- , - ~;&.. CITY OF IOWA CITY , I , l"O . , , , i I , , I ~'fA !L1It( Ir}U ,CJJ"j- at. tdl )k"rl ~"I){tM l11 ,41 {!6,,'dl.n. )-Iwtf ,U"' "If' 11101'" W""IIII'~1 , . I:' N ~~ \' r ~ "~I I ( I I . , )w.... , L ,:t .' '~:J '- "".,. ". "" Cdpj ~~:~ttit ,"I'Y \~()lInl~11 1Io'",h~r~ ~~~~cr~, - f, I,W.\ '~I tY, Inll\ ' ' .w , r"w, rl !l. 1:101 fI n~ ~h~ryl ~, ~~nhAI ~,~ 11.,1111" ,~rr~~t ,:,~ ~G 199\ II.. ,\r" IIl'1r'''''J ~I\ '/1',11 rllllr.o>rnln'l thll 1,,~1I1\ 01 'trAUI,'. In ,h.. 1,.,n."..II(\\' 1l/o'uhhMhMlll. II~ lI~nt III r../llle.. t:,.. '/n:IIM ,~/ tr~t'!I'~ r'lI',~II}i, rh.. ,Il'''~, 1/1 r"~)"'II~" t,~ Y,'I~f r.<.lIo>H .11 ~:1" IrH"~ ~til (',~lIn\:I, Ill/oAtlnQ, II.. ~r,' ~~~lnQ Rpl'cl !t1. )r"Il"s,ll:' lI:l":~ H~ !I,l,lp '/~II III \ I 1:,)n~lrlH, Rtlllt.lnq ArlprlAI trAHIr. thrr,lIqo n..lohhorhno,l~ ' ~ ~,arvlno trlf/IC d"mAnel "I tM "l:p..n~" of thll qUAIl tY nf II fp In rhn~" nI'l Q:'Ihl'll'jlll011" , Accllj)r.lnQ ~h"t trllfflC et..,ftAncl IR p~r~llIollnt t.1i qll,lllfi' 'I' 'I'~ 11 ~I\Y n,'II1hbnrhnoet I K IIcr."llt I no thll Irll'''' rhAt C1'11 II ty nl II II' I ~ ,lI'h~~r\'I..nt rn rh.. r.nnrllpt fhAr .tlm~ I~ mon~y., ThlR I~ h..r.~"CIl 'h/\ IA~t~rl \:~Ir.h Ar" rhl' h.i~H In l1I~ktn<J l\IlQlnllHlnl] etfOclRlnnA Ahl'l'lr \..r'/inQ tr,I/i,r. et..nl~net ",net "H~hll~hllllJ II"/I'I~ M ,ll'r'IIr." fM rllolCl\I'\i'~ Al'ol ,,' I~Jjllo>rl Anti rr~v..l tllII', P)trA//I.~ \nrl'rrllp".)n, ('lrr....1lit4 t:, ~Anll. v_r, lalRAf~ty, !~Idrlvlnq ~ontnrr /lnrl r.llnve~l~nc. ~n~ I~I v~hlrlllar np,'rHlnQ ('n~rR, Th..RII Rnllllll 111:11 fActnr~ tn l:nn,ltI.-r In ,1~alt,nlnQ " Ih:I'lMAlrl'R drive lip ,lnd thpAtI t.l\"tor~ Illrv,' trAil I\", An;ln_llrl,l'J :/.11 III mllny IIp~II':ATlnnR hilt nnr uhlln the trlllf\l: .nylnp..nIIl11 ':l1l~.rI l1~nn ~hMt' fAr.fntl II ,lpplllld t.1l rnlltlno Arterllll trAffh~ t~rl~lIqh nt.lblfl nelqhborhondR. Thl' AppllCrltton 0' lItAndarrl trAfflc,,anqln,,"rln9 AMlyalR tll crftatl' I'lflct~nr Ilollllf VII"I\~1I1/lr Irlltt\l~ thri'lllqh ~r.\hloll Mlqhhnrhnr.d~ III nlit c,'nAllItllllt IIlth r,hll Cr.nRlrl~r"~lnn~ o~ RII~r'l\nll '111 A I try ot 11f" In Ihllll" n"lohhnrhnncll, ThIll cnm,mllntr.y, y,~lI)n r.~iI r.nllnr.11 And Ita rllllidMtl mll~t rlCCllpt thA tAct thAt Y~lU.~'!J.:H !nl!~L ~m\!.Il.~ i1fltlJhlJ..o.th~.a(!.! ~J.lJJll ~!! a 1!l:! ~:(trl! I!!. au r. I! " I \Ill ,~IlI' Ar,d "'"l1t rln hHtur thAn Ar.Cppt A "cDonAld'~ m,ant"ltry III t.hl~ 1I1f1l\~I()I', Tit;. fllllol/lno propMAIH Mil mArl" t,) Ad1rl'~~ rh/\ lr:.ff\l: 'MIIIt'.. ~ri'lb'~m In thA Lon91;.llo\/ nAlyhhnrhnn~ ar~~ And art;.rl~l tr~lflr floll III r.hft A 1'''11 1 \, IIII}:IO OOrJooll tI/O.I/,\y l:A1l/lltln MUIlTY IInrl 1I11rl;n~tr.n IIIld IM~,.II flllly Ilr.tlhltlld IICjnA1 contrnl ,\t thl'Atl Intl'rll,artll'lM. (':'hl\ 11111 ,:,\111.\ fleirlqoll r.o fllnr.tlml rlK rho' Mln ~Mrh'MlIlh ""rtAry" hfofllololn 1'1 r~IIMrl Allfl IIl1rllnQtMI InrPrf,l'ct.lnn Cjl\C\,nl'try 1'011111 hAV;. tl' hll r.hAnr1,.11 tll AllolI for Ipft. rllrn l1ln~R AI II11rllnll11m Anrl fln:\<111 lor north.hollnd IIIlrl lIollth.hollnd rrAfflnl. ~, lllR:A11,Hlnn of AII.I/oy RrnplI At .\11 Inlolirlloll,:IIIlIl., M .~l1m,\lIl ~t, h~tll....n Rurl Inc1tM IInrl th,' Rllmmll ,H, h\'lrl~., ('1'h,R \1111 r"~IJ(:1! th" 'IPhtr.llliH '/nlllll(l on ~lImmt t. " lit r.ul'r..nr vnluft,,. I,h" l.lY'" n! ~"rvlr.p .~n 1111r,lmlt 1/; "1\", ,l Rt.Ahl.. flolI \lollr..rn, rl.o\ Ar.d~rl ~'''!,l\ ......."..A."'_.~., .... -.-.,., .. . .,... ..... .~. ._, ..... '._ ..~ ,~_..-"._' ~ .. ,_ .'. ,. ,,, . '.'_: .~,_ 0, " . '~,." ",' .- ,f:-'." I l' , I ." t I I I I II I, , i i I , . . , \' , , II I I I II '. .f , I , . !' I I: i , I , I , , , I, i I I , I. I I Sf 0 - , , 5 I I 3 .0' " ~ f " $; ii Ii ~ I 1I01llrl 11~,~ly r~~lIlf In.\ l,lYAI nf al'rvIC:ol 'r." M "0", nil! All A,:CAIHAhl.. AOr! AfAhl.. floll pArf..rn; ThlF 1'.'npoAo\\ 1/111 AIA,~ prnvlrI" RIM" llMlolArrlAn Anrl Vl,hl,'l,. AAf..fY At ~h.. :\h"rlc!AII-~IIt1Cllt ".,rIlM IIh..r.. "'irr"nf '11,'" I~f 'Ol1th.nOllncl rrAUI\: rn (.1"...,. r I'h t,l,~r~..rI frmll :;h"rlcl~n t,y r.hl"lh~ on tht> nn"th"~M .:MO,'I' /. . l. InAfAlloItlnn nf AI '-IIAY atllp At Int"r~fll:tlon of IInllHY AIICI ClArk tn r"c1uc. V~hlr.IIIAr "Rhnrt-cllttlnlJ"' to ,\Vnld n"w llr.OP^ II" 511"':~lt. ~, 1"~tAlloItlnn of AII-IIA'( AtOp At th,. Int,arllctlnn of ~hArlclAn Inri ,i"vl-nr.:' tn rfoclllclI vlIhlculAr Ahllr:-cuttlnlJ to "vnld ""II rto~r, Iln ~1J.at11 t, ~, In~tAllr\flnn nf III I-WAY AfOp ilt chI' Int..rl..r.r.lon "f :/Alnllt Aod t,lh'lI~ r., rolcllIce IJaillClIlAr Ahnr:'':lIttloq Il-It~I"tlI1 1i1lrl'1I1 r Anl C"d9t\, ,\, I,AAvtnlJ rhfo prA~(Ollt AII-\lIIY nr.ll[l At :;IICIMlt ~ni! ~lrj'.\-lOt).i, (Thll lIt'lnld IIllc'l\l Illlmmlr. to atlll f'ln..tlnn all II coll",:tnr ~I r....t Aorl r~II"v~ nodlJlI from r.lrryln; All the trAftlc At p"Ak ~Illlr d"~oInrlll\, , t/" thin!: th, InllullAtlnn of thall" r.rAHle cClntrll1 pnjlnRAIA 11111 AdMe11l the cnnCHn nf rrA~~lr volllm"lI In tho' Lon;tflllnll Io"'H~I,bnthl~llc! All 11'111 All prnvlrl/l hlltter Art,.rlAI trr\H\I: tloll thrnl\Qh th.. Ar~1\ III I v.ry CORt Aft~r.tlvA mAnn~r, 'I""""l'~ 0:~(~ ' ~- ~AVlrlll. Ilhltln\l/; ~-, " 580 "_~___......,,,.,.h"_,_- .~....,... . ...,.._..,..,-;...........h;.. ,', "'i~ '.;,', ,.; c..' ,'.' , '.,...'."..\.... 11 ,.- ,i :, , I' ., I; I' I 1 I , I ,I I I' !' :1 , ; , ; " H I' :1 r .---.'-.-.---. i , , I i , I ! I, I, it , I I: I I , , I I i ~ , I. , I I, I I I t i" ~\ , ,~ ~: I $ it t ~ . I i I ...",~.~.. - - ~ _-lot" - . L S' 'f Y , I .~ ~tN~ h ~ 205 S \o'~st St, VV ~ ~^ 1I La~e Clt~., 'A 51449 t-J l1arch 17, IQQI D.ar CnJel Wln~.lha~.. , recently visiteD your Departm.nt to ofler a Donation as a 'Tnan~ you' for the prompt, professional asslstanc~ your olflcers anD personnel gave my husbanD anD 1 ~nen ~e phoneD Irom over 200 miles a~ay. Our son, ChaD, ~as In a sulcld' crisis In I~a City, The of I Ice, , spo~e to about th. Donation saiD there ~as no 'donation lund' as SUCh, and suggelteD that' v,lte to you 10 that these much appreclatec actions ~Ould De recorDeD anD aDDed to lhe files 01 those Involved. An Of I Ice, Slngleman ~as the one ~ho ~ent to my son'l apartment, talkeD to him, anD escorteo nlm to lhe hospital, He ~as courteous, ~Ina, ana professional In his hanallng c! tne situation, anD ~e appreciate the phone call ~e receiveD from him later. A nlgnt or t~o later. ~e stili ~ere unaDle to get any Information Ir~l the hospital, from ~hlch he nao been releaseo a fe~ nours after Delng ta~en In. Sine. Chaa has no pnone. and he haa Deen releasee to hlmlell (no 'support' follo~lng thIs crlslll, ~e hao no laea I! he ~oula mak~ another atte~pt, He haa failed to call UI 10 let UI kn~ ~hat ~al gOing on after tal~lng to the plychlatrlsts, If you are a parenl. you can uncerSlanc our fears, A Ca~n Gerst too~ mv call that evening, She vas extr.mely ~Ina anc ,efficient In hanallng the call. She sent anothe, Office, to chec~ on Chad, 1 dO not kn~ ~ho that officer ~as, but h. or sne ala lucceeo In contacting Chaa, ana convlncea him to call us, 1 vas able to sleep that night b.caus~ of the Involvement of your Itaff, Again, , ~Ish to thank you and your staff for Delng the,e vhen Cnac n.eced help, We p,ay that he ~III gft the professional. mealcal assistance that he neecs. ~e leel a little mo,e at .ase knowing that ve can call shoula another crlsll arise, ~erelY, /~ :' .J. ~u-t~~1C Carol Dlc~kut u : S;~I"M'\ ~~t tJ).. .file. '... ,.... ." . .... _. "--' . .. '--'.. '. -.' ~... -...... -~.. ....--.. ,.....- ..... ~....., .~,.-. I I r ", , , I , ,. , .. I , !. r. I I I I :1 , I 6KI ......-, ,,'; , 5 " 5 APRIL 1991 ; I , I I 7 IlATLICJ/f IAYIIII flllllllll., ~,"-a.c'IIIIIIClIIOP lOAM.SI.11 ~llnt C_Ill" Coni bl IConl Jooel 61lOhl.lntol1ll1 CIlUIlCI CbuIltIl' 'I~~~rll '1IOhl'lnloru"fU' Stnlor C.nl., I 6~~ilnt~~r.1 lAM.llnooo.A1......o1 ~~:~tr~r'llInt 'l,ohl.rol,.1 "1 CbuIltIlI " /I SM~r:f~"t,~~~1 lm;,t;ll.r"nt 9/,1l-IIouIIM C_/IIIO (l'Ilbllo Llbllry 4'IOhl.lloald 01 '1IOhl.HIIloll; Adj.lllOnl ICbllbtr.1 'rllmlllon COM ~,IOhl-'l/k, , RIo (senior Cfnllr I COlI fRIO C,nllll I. I " /S' /t:. I I ~o 'hl.Stn,oE Ctnlfr C I~'l;ll.rllnt (Stolor fnlll 6tIOhl<_~I" on ~lltrM-810ldblnd 6~IOrM'rl~ _nil III Stnlor lfnlllf l' :cTcl:lc,llon. 'I~.btmoll m 'I~~! n orul ~ll _ CbuIltIl , '1IOhl.Cturll ~~Iohl.~nrlronl nlor fnllll CbuIltIl _ I nlor Cfnllr' 'hl.AlloldAbl~kN'l ll'k rorce 110 Ibrl" 1J ;v.. ~, . ;l.? 1m.SUII r"M 11OQ<)O'ErH-"I~"11 Coni Jooe 6~'orM'lntol1ll' Ultrl 001 on' 11II1 rM'Llbllll 801/1 ouncl Cbltbtll' 7~'AI~'1 COIIllflon ll'llbllo brl" '\1'lluun RI hi Cou Trlnl I riel lilT Stnlor C,nrll' n " 'l~hl'ln~orul,"1 olor 'nlll ~_~~*"'f .......,.---".- .,"_.,..__..._._-~_.-"~.,...-.. ...--'~'~'- ..,.. . _ ...._.. ~ __....,..._. w......_.._,...........~'".____...~"_-...,,,..._......._..f_....- """"""~..,i~';i....T:t:..f': I' , " I " .. I ! I I i ..' , '5 , b Tho Unlvorslty of Iowa 1?001 Ott,IoooI an~2 " ,n\ .~ .J I ~ 'J "" . , .' 0._ oIl'1a1vq IIld 1odrnIrq..... Ittttctt ~11 Notfl lid "'-: Pl1)33501ZQ ,Nt pl1)335ot2l0 Harch 21, UU I , , I f I f I ! Stophon Atkinl City Hanager Citr ot Iowa city Civ c Contor Iowa City, Iowa Doar StOVOI On Auguat 20, 1990, I mado a prolontation to tho City Council which explainod tho concoptual planning tor tho North capitol stroot Hall. Tho planning had jUlt boon complotod by tho Univorsity PathwaYI Advi.ory Committae. I havo onclolod copiol ot tha roport that WDI lubloquontly proparod which IUllllllarizol planning tor tho UIO ot tho council momborl. The Univerlity iD now roquolting that tho Council undortako the procell that will rOlult in tho vacation ot tho Itroatl nocollary to ilplomont tho devolopmont ot tho Hall. Thoso Itroetl includo tho throl blockl ot North capitol Strolt north ot Jottorlon stroot and tho ono block 10ngthD ot Davenport and Bloomington Stroot. botwson North CapitOl and Clinton stroets. Tho intorloctions ot Davenport and Bloomington Streotl with North Capitol stroot aro included in th, vacation roquolt, but not tho intersoction ot Capitol and Harkot. Tho timing ot thil roquost is prompted by tho illllDinont construction ot tho AcadolDic Building to /lOUIO tho Collogo ot Buainosl, Tho now building will be located on tho lamo block 41 OillDoro Hall, jUlt to tho oalt ot the moat southornly block ot tho propolod mall. w. axpoot to Itart construction ot thil $33 million projoot in Juno or July ot thil yoar. Construction will bo tacUitatod it it is pOlsible to usa North CapitOl Stroot botwoen Jottorson and Market StreetD, jUlt to tho WIlt ot tho projoot, as a construction Itaging aroa. A lano tor lorvico and omorgonoy vohiclol, but not tor publio UID, would bo rotainod during construotion, It will allo bo nocolsary during tho courso ot construotion to inltall largo ohillod wator lines, domostio water piping and cOllllllunications conduits at varioUI locations in tho three blook longth ot North CapitOl stroot. This activity would result in tho nood tor oxtons1vo and cOltly ropair ot tho Itreot surtaco it it is nocossarr to roturn it to publio vohiclo usa attar installation ot tho util tios. " ~ - _.~ ~~- "".... 5f3 .............,,,-.-, I", I I 1 I , I I I " I I , I I , I I , :' 1 " I . , I , , 5 I :- Iltpl\tft~ IoIMdIlO, 19o I PlOt I I I I I' ,,' , j I I I , , I , I , . l l I I It .hould bo no .urpri.e to you or tho Council that an i~odiat. involtmont on tho ordor ot throo million dollars to conltruot tho mall would pOlO a conoidorablo problom tor tho Univorlity in thil timo ot tinonciol Itringonoy and uncortninty. For thil roason, tho Univorlity i. propo.ing that mall dovolopment conlilt initially ot t.mporary alonitiol dasignod to croato tho ottoct ot a pode.trian aroa without tho tull COlt ot tinal dovelopmont. Then, al funding pormit., pormanont dovalopmont ot tho mall will bogin at tho .outh ond and proqrell to tho north. An oxplanation ot tho tomporary dovelopmlnt concopt will bo providod to you in tho noar futuro. stove, I hope that you and tho council Iharo C'w~ anticipation and o)(oitomont about tho groat impact tho tranotormation ot North capitol stroot into a podoltrian mall will have on tho charactor and tunction ot this ana ot tho campus. Wo oxpoct that it will bo ot equal importance to tho campUI al tho clo.ing ot Collage and Dubuque StroOtl wal to the viability and oharacter ot downtown Iowa city. We look torward to working with you and tho council in taking the tirat Itopl to roalization ot thil goal. Ploaao let mO know of anything moro you roquiro. Sincorely yourl, ~ Richard E. oibson Dirootor " I. 'I I , ., I REO/ol Enoll CCI SUlan Phillips Anno Claary Juno Davis Kiko Finnogan ll\t\r\p\roqtoio.ncm , \ \ , , l' I " , St3 ~ , , 5 I 8 ' : \ I ! , I t I I 1: JI i ~ I I i I I I i I I I i I I I I I I ! I' I , ". (1 -..n , , r r; L l~ \, , , I , j I I I i L , .. __,..,-T'l r--n 583 " 5 , q City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ~ AiulI\ Jh~s Dolo: Motch 23, 1991 :i To: Stophon Alldns, City Monagor From: Dan Yuculs, DltoetOt of Flnanco (W{ Joo Fowlor, PorkIng Systoms suporlntOndOnl.l!J-. Ro: Proposod PorkIng FaclUdos ~i f '. ,. '; Wo havo rovlowod tho plollmlnary design concopts ploparod by Noumann Monson and Rich and Assoclatos, Our rocammondadon Is 10 accepl tho ono Iovol design on tho Chauncoy SWan Plaza and Rocroatlon Contor porklng lots wllh tho possibility lor futuro oxpanslon 01 ono lovol on tho Plaza slto, Publlo requosts for pormll porklng In this aroa show a Iltong proforonce lor tho Plaza slto. Basod on thoso raquosts, wo rocommond II bo devoloped nllL Anor II has boon complotod and IlluDy occuplod tho RocroaUon Contor slto should bo devolopod. Oolaylng tho start of tho locond litO willlnsuro thoro Is tho demand In tho aroa, II will also provldo Council with lomo noxlblllty Ilthoy declde to oxpond tho CBO 10Uth 01 Burllnglon StrooL Tho Plaza off all tho preforrod lito 10 long torm parkorl, Its IocaUon allows II 10 IGIVO all aroas of tho CBO. Tho tHo,lovol dellgn win bo oasy 10 control as II wlllluncllon as tHo IGparato ground lovol porklng lots, Tho opon design allowing natural Ughl 10 tho Iowor lovol ollmlnalostho closod In fooling thaI Is plosonlln our curronllaclllUos, Blondlng tho oxtorlor doslgn with thaI 01 tho curronl Collogo Strool Brldgo and onlarglng tho groon Ipaco on tho wosl ond 01 tho lito will prosonltho publlo with an attractlvo laclllty, Whon tho AocroaUon Con tor lito Is dovolopod tho thomo 01 oponnoss and greon Ipaco will be conUnuod, Wo do nol 1001 tho propolod mulU,lovollaclllty on tho RocroaUon Cantor Lot provldos patklng al tho location proforrod by tho majority 01 our USOII, AI tho ploSOnl limo many 01 tho pormll holdoll In tho Rocroatlon Contor porklng 101 hBYO tholr noma on tho walUng IIsI to movo 10 tho Plaza 10L Provloul parking IludIoslndlcato thaI tho Plaza 10110IVos moro 01 tho CBO, In addldon 10 tho advantago of locadon wo 1001 a tHo,lovol doslgn would bo moro acceplablo 10 tho public, Wo Idll rocolvo complalntl from tho public 01 thoro bolng no placo 10 park In tho Capitol Stroot Aomp whon wo havo up to 300 ompty Ipacos, Thoro Is a roal roluctanco on tho part 01 tho public to uso uppor lovols In a parking facility, In addldon thoro aro Incroasod traffic, onforcomonl control and locurity plobloms, CurronUy all parking lacllltlos aro locatod along Burlington Stroot. Thoso locations do nollolVo tho north ond 01 tho CBO, Expansion 01 tho Chauncoy Swan Plaza 101 would provldo lomo additional parking lor this aro~. bc4-4 I , ; , t I I I 5 .. I' , , , , i i , i i , , I l l l I \ ~ , ;'. -. "- , - J 'n, ' , __ 5, c - "'\ ,~.. CITY OF IOWA CITY March 26, 1991 Mt, WdRom Blough Horltago CablavlsJon 546 Soulhgato Ava. Iowa City, IA 52240 Doar Mt, Blough: Tho BroDdband Tolocommunlcadons Commission (BTC) has bog un Its Trlonnlal Ravlow plocoss os stlpulatod In tho Irllllchlso lIOroomont, Would you be so klnd as to lumlsh tho Commission with answolllo tho 10RowIng quosdons so- thai tho Tochnlcal Subcommlltoo 01 tho BTC can preparo a comploto roport? 1. Plooso Inform us 01 tho comploto spoclncaUons 01 tho fibor optics Iystom Horllago Is consldorlng (or hos docldod uponllo upgrado tho notwork, Including cost osdmatos, 2, Ploaso proYldo tho foRowlng roportJ os roqulrod by tho corrospondlng mtlons 01 tho franchlso agreomonl: SoClfon 14072(alllnancfal roports, Including (1) tho report to Its Ilockholdors: (2) an Incomo IllIlomonl Idontifylng rovonuos, oxponsos, and Inccmo appllcablo 10 Its oporadons undor said Iranchlso: (31 a listing 01 Its ploportlos dovolod to notwork oporaUons logothor with llIl Itomlzatlon 01 Its Invostmont In oach 01 such proporUosl Thoso roportJ shalllncludo a balanco shool,llsting 01 subslantial lIabllltlos llIlCJ nnllllclng arrangomonts, llIld shall bo cortillod by a cortlncatod public accounlant, 14. 72(b) oMual lacflltlos roporllOldng lorth tho lollll physical mllos 01 p1anllnslallod or In oporatlon llIld a map lhowlng location oflamo, 14072(c) annual sorvlco rocord ropor~ including a nst 01 alltroublo complaints and notwork 'downtlmo' rocolvod or oxporlonclld during tho nscal yoar, AIlluch submlltod dalo shalllncludo complaint dlsposldon and rosponso tlmo, 14.72(d) annual moasuromonts roport, Including a rOPort on tho no~ork's tochnlcal moasuromontl as SOllorth In tho ordlnanco, SocUon 14072(0)(1) 0 Ost 01 all curront shoroholdors and bondholdors. II a public corporadon, 0 list 01 all sharoholdors who Individually or os a concontralod group hold throo (3) porcont or moro 01 tho voUng slock: Soctlon 14.72(0)(21 0 curronlllst 01 all grlllltoo's olllcors and d1roctors,lncludlng addresses and tolophono numbers: Soctlon 14. 72(0)(3) coplos 01 all porUnont ngroomonts or contracls onterod Into by tho gronloo",ln tho conduct 01 Its llIlnual buslnoss undor a Irllllchlso grantod horoundor: 14,72(0)(4) tho nomos 01 both buslnoss and rosldontlol addresses and phone numborl oltho broodband C1~1C eUIII..1t I WAIHIUIO. II lOW. elll IOWA 111""111 ~) \~t~ S9S IHO.11l1t1 11101'" 'Ulllfllll,lIlf .... I I , I I ! " , , , , I I , I I i. i I. , S ',? ". / Mr. William Blough March 26, 1001 Poo02 (. 1010communlcaUons no~ork manogor and onglnoor: 14.72(0)(5) ~o (2' cnples olalllypos oflubsCllbor agroomonts: 14-72(0)(6) coplol 01 on Nlos and rogulaUons promulgatod by tho oranlOo; 14.72(0117) a copy 01 tho aMual roporl(s' 01 tho pilrOnlllrm(s' which own an Inloroll 01 mora than throo (3) porconl or moro 01 tho vollng slock 01 tho granloo; and Soetlon 14072 cortlllcato Irom tho FCC II sUII roqulrod, Nono 01 thoso roports havo boon mod slnco 1087 with tho Clly 01 Iowa Clly. Slnco tho Trionnlal Aavlow COVOII 0 throo.yoor poriod 011088, 1069, and 1090, ploaso fila an roqu~od roports for alloasl thoso throo yoOlS. Thoso roports 810 requlrod on an annual basis, I' 3, " r ':,j it '-i !"; ~ ~} ;., :f1 'I :~ ~i ~ r ; ~ ~ I I ( \ ~ 1 I , 1 I ; 3. Ploaso addross how Horllago plans 10 lovollzo tho lound across tho onUro notwork. Thora havo boon a vorloty 01 complaints rogardlng a vorlaUon 01 10Und laval. Irom channollo channol. 4, Ploaso addross tho fonowlng Issuos ralsod In pastltfonnlal roports and brought up again roconUy: a. How many 01 tho concorns ralsod In tho Soplombor 3, 1985, momo Irom tho BTC on tho 11010 01 tho art (soo altachod Exhlbll A) will bo answorod, and how, by tho proposod fibor opUo syslom. b. Sovoral complaints havo boon rocolvod staling thai thoro aro Iroquont syslom oulagos ollhort duraUon In cortaln ports 01 tho cily, What doGS tho company plan 10 do to onsuro this problom dool nol conUnuo? 0.' 1110 cablo company Is chorglng a $25 dlsconnocllon 100 In cortaln Inslancos, Ooos this company plan on conllnulng this chargo? d. Tho quallly 01 tho rocopllon 01 diNoront channols In dINoronl parts 01 tho city has boon an Issuo ralsod porlodlcally throuoh complaints, What has causocl this problom and how do you plan on onsurlng this doosn't happon In tho luluro? 0, Ato you willing 10 consldor an agroomonl Ihat amounts to a provonUvo malnlonanco program lor th" localaccoss channa Is, with a minimum number 01 tochnlcal chock ups and malnlonanco chocks por yoor? Tho City conllnuos 10 rocolYO complaints oboultho quality 01 tho I~nals on Channol20 and chllnnol25 (tho Ubrll/}' and Publlo Accoss channols), ospoclally allor 5 p,m, I, What'stalo ollho art'lochnologlos doos Horltago plan 10 Incorporato In Iowa City, end which doos Horllago plan on notlncorporaUng In Iowa CIIy and why? g, What acllon has Horllago takon In rosponso 10 tho communlly's and tho Commission's appoallo rovoka Iho $51010 loo? " I I , I I Sf5 "_~'A'.,~,,. _...." .,-J I 'L' :t:J J- , ::J L '- / Mt, Wdllnm Blough Match 26, 1991 pogo 3 Thank you lor your Umo and asslstanco, A wIlllon rosponso by April 25, 1991, will ba mOil holpful. Slncoroly, ~. Tochnlcal Subcommllloo . BTC ee: BTC I-C!'ry Council ICPL PATV City AlIomoy 1 ~ ~, Troy Slovons, Chaltporson BTC ~h ~ 585 1;"'t.<:-._-,~......__........",......._--"......~._~_..,..;...",..... '_"'~W.~'.'kU-' ..... ..."....,'...." ,. ~.'. '...'" _~~'k~ ~.-.-...~v,_,.. ..-, ,,".;.'1 .,.....,... ',." ~'>.' ....j',-. " " I , I' , , ._-,' +~ ,.--.~._-,----- I " , I I: I I I I I , " i i . , :l I . ! I. I i , 5 ,? ,3 / (F.XJIIB1T A or LmER TO HR, BLOUGII) EXHIBIT C Date: September 3, 1985 I Chairman Ind Commlsslon.rs, Broadband Ind Tel.communlcatlons Special- Ist, lOll. CIty Bro.dband and rel.ccmunlc.tlons Commission From: BTC Commlttu on State-of-the.Art (Commlsslon.rs Ehnlno.r and John- son) To: t 1; i: !, U ~ 1 i ij. I I 'The orantee [Herltloe Communications) shall uPQrade Its facilities, equlplllnt and servlce...so that Its network Is as .dvanced as t~e current stat. of technolooy...wlll allow. ' ooClty of 10wI City, Code of Ordinances, Sec. l4-67(k) (1978) You have deslonated us a committee of two to look Into the 'state-of-the-art' of cable televls lon, Ind the condit Ion of the 10wI City systemoowlthln the lel'llS of our franchise. lie have done sa, and offer you these Initial thouohts. They are 'Initial thouohts' becluse. by definition, the 'stlte-of-the-art' of anythlno, especially anything electronic, ch'/I9es constantly. 'State-of-the-art' means that which Is currently possible, the latest devel- opnents that have bun tested and are mllable In the marketplace. It does not Include the latest speculations of science fiction lI1'lters, but neither Is It limited to the technolooy used by . majority of companies. If the BTC Is to see to It th.t the Iowa City cable system 'Is as advanced as the current state-of-the-Irt.. .wl\l 11Iow,' It will have to monitor and report rf9ul.rly throuohout the 'life of the franchise. \/hat has cable come from, llhere Is It now, and llhere Is It heedlno? \/hat Is the 'state.of-the-Irt '? - Cable beoan as a wlY of helping TV Slles persons sell sets to customers Who could not otherwise oet slonals. At first, cable could, and needed to, carry no 1I0re than five channels mIX Imum. \/hen 12, and later 20.channel systems were Instelled, many of the channels were unused. Over time cable technolOOy, and mllable signals, have made 50 and IOO.channel systems possible. The FCC required that cable be more than, as a former FCC Chairman once put It, 'Just another way of haullno around the same old oarbage': eroo local orloinatlon and community channels would be re- quired. Then came communication ntellltes, with now over 100 'networks' available to cable systems, So, one obvious aspect of the 10WI CHi system that Is not state.of.the.art Is the 3S.channel limitation. 'State.o -the.art,' as oenerally conceived ,and , defined, would be a 100.channel system. 19 5g5 .' " I , r , " " , , i, . 'I , 11 il I, i; :.J " ! ,: ;J , , n ,I " ~: :/ '~ " t' . " (~ f: " i' ,J fl '-.0- , S 2 y, - (EXHIBIT C cont'd) Thirty yem aoo cable ~II conceived II a one.~ay system (or del Iverlno dQ\/l\ line an Identical enterllllVl\ent prOCjfallr.llno packaoe to III custllllers. This stands In stark, aolno contrast to What ~e have accepted IS standard (rom the telephone Cllllpany (or oyer 75 years: a t~o.~ay clble with. swltchlno ClPI- blllty thlt permits, today, Iny one o( 150 million phones to connect Itulf to Iny other In I ~Itter o( seconds. Two-wlY clble TV Is possible todlY, and lo~a City customers 9.n,r.lly do not have It. As ,vidence that It Is technolOQlcl\ly possible, even 10wI City does have a ladest (onn o( 'InstItutional network' -- the capacity to orlol- nate and recelYe prOQrlilmlno (rllll such places II the ClYlc Center and Old Brick. O( course, (ew homeowners Ire Interested In orlolnatlno proorammlnO onto the cable system (rClll their hone studios. But theymloht be Interested In ,,- lectlno proorammlnO they wish to see (rom their homes with an upstream slonal back to the cable CClllpany's 'head end.' And the Senior Center l11ustrates another Clpablllty with ,conomlc Implications (or Iowa CIty bus Inmes: the CllllPuttr tennlnal that u~es the cable system to accm the Iowa City L Ibrlry electronic 'card' catalOQ,' A terminal, similar to that \<tIlch could be In I hCllle ((or example, consider the mIcrocomputers sane Iowa City hlllllOwnm already pOllen) permits the Senior Center unr to contact the Library'S cllllPuter throuoh the cable system, and (Ind blbllOQraphlc references to tht materials desired, A two-way cable capability would enable Iowa CIty homeowners to have auto- matic burolar and (Ire alann systems, Sane hm estimated the savlnos (rClll such Installations, If done throuohout a cOlll1lunlty, could amount to as much as one-half the current hlllleowners' elpense (or Insurance. Which brlnos us to the economics o( the Issue, The quote at the top o( this document Is. admittedly, not complete. The full text, with the earlier-omitted lanouaoe underlined, Is: The grantee shall upgrade Its (acllltles, equipment and service !! subscribers' demands dictate so that Its network Is as advanced as the current stlte of technol09Y and reasonlble economic feaslbtllt~ wm allO\l. The two clauses are not unrelated. That Is to Sly, the company, clearly, Is not required to give Iowa City a state-o(-the-art system (or free, or without reoard to reasonable projections o( use, and revenue sufficient to cover costs . 'It Is wrong to mume that costs are the only consideration, Benefits (Includlll9 cost savlnosl r:1ust Iho be welohed If costs Ire to have any meen- lng, And If the (onner outwe Igh the latter I It uems equa Ily clear that the franchise contemplates the Investment will be made. 20 '535 I I ! I I I I I 1 I' I ,,' " ,. !. , . :' , .' I 5' ~ S . c __ (EXHIBIT C cont'd) i ! I I I I n ., ~ ~ \/hat II the economic value to the City and the utility complnln to be able to reld electric, OIS and water ~eters lutonatlcally, via clble? Whit Is It worth to the lodl blnks and businesses to be able to eHect funds trlnsfers electronically vii cable? Hov ~uch would the Clt, sm Olttlll9 bills or other Information to citizens without the malllno Ind prlntlno casts? Cln I v.lu. b. put on the benefits of cl11zens votlnQ from home? What would It be warth to local merchants to be able to advertise a product on cable and have the vllwer/custemer buy It, on the spot -- via cabl.? If such urvlm litre mlllbl. Iltllt new businesses IIIOht stlrt up thlt now' do not exIst? How manl JobS mioht thel provIde? How much would It be warth to the Unlversltl of Iowa to teech students at hOllle and to allow staff end teachers to study, do research, and communIcate frem home? ~ much do such urvlm ,sm all the potentlllly Involved buslnems, InstItutIons, Plrson- nel and citlZlns In OIS and time as well as traffic conoestlon .nd I r poIlu- t Ian? Potent III Insurance SlY inos have al ready bun lIentloned. \/hat of Intra- and Inter-Institutional communIcations vii clbld How much would suCh communlcltions slve In time, typlno casts, piper Ind 'phone tag' frustration Ind costs? From this small selection of examples It seems therl Ire potential benefits of a two.way Interlctlve Clble system to vlrtullly all lIembers of thIs commu- nlty..ooverMllntll, buslnm, Institutionll, educltional and the cItizenry, and last, but certlinly not leist, the cable company. Thl. belno the case, a 1I0re Inteorlted Ind comprehensIve approlch to studylno this matter seerns warranted. In addItIon, our use of sone out. Ide expertise seems equally neeesury. (For example, the University rmntly used a con- sultlll9 firm for a nearly identical purpose. The fim It uSfd, Sytek, Is one IS to whIch we are not preplred to make I recommendltlon, or comment, ono way or the ather.) 'Subscribers' demands' will seldom, if ever, encompass servicls they've never seen and Clnnot imloine. It may well be up to the BTC Ind City Council to coordInate the plrtles thlt can benefit from such chanoes and the expertise to ellborate on the specifiC benefits. lie believe the 'd~and,' once the benefIts are enumerlted, will follow--and with It the economIc feasibIlity. The Clble Industry, In oeneral, hIS licked Innovation, Yet, properly con- ceived, a state-of-the-art cable syste~ for Iowa City can brlno Horltaoe mare income, not 1m. But, IS the franchise contemplated, the resoonsiblllty far IdentHylnOI messlno, Ind brinolno those benefits to the people of Iowa CIty rests wIth us. " I I , , " i , , \ I I I I I I I I , ~ i I. i , ~ , I , i; ~- . I' , I 21 sgSI