HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-16 Info Packet t] I cl ~, b \ I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DA TE: Aprtl 5, 1991 I I . , j ] ~ ~ r ~ TO : Hemo (or Record FROM: City Hanager R E : Haterlal Sent to Counctl Only Copy o( letter (rom Hayor HcDonald to Hr. Zech Ziebarth regarding the A City water supply. Hemoranda (rom the City Hanager: a, Iowa City Can Company j b. E.P.A. Surprise Inspection c. lIater Haln Construction - Reassignment o( Personnel -Is, ~ ~ d. Solfd lIaste Tonnago ree Copy o( letters (rom the Clty'Hanagor to: a. Local legfslators regarding House Ftles 369 and 375 -/A,~ b. letter to Senator lloyd-Jones regarding Senate File 4S1 ~ c. Hs. Hart~a Floseler regarding the SEATS Program.. ~ . II , , . Memorandum (rom tho Plannfng starr regarding Robort P. Burns & Associates 1110 Housing Development Plan. _~ Hemorandum (rom tho Assistant to the City Hanager (or Neighborhood Services regordfng Park View Terrace Subdfyfs fon, (050 Hemorandum (rom the Solfd lIaste Hanagement Planner regarding ECICOG l" Regfonal Plan. _~ Copy o( letter (rom Attorney John Hayek regarding State o( Iowa v. 'Clty 1.e.f'J o( Iowa City. .-JJ./d:. Articles: o. Banks Sot Up Funds to He I p Renters -ill b. Lotters to Editor - The truo "armpit" Is on-campus housing ~ Invitation to hear Hl11ard Fullor o( Habitat (or HumanUy Intern~tlonal,_~ Notfco o( meeting o( Southeast lowa,Hunlcfpal League. ~~ Hemorandum (rom tho City Clerk regarding update on cigarette legislation, ~57 Copy o( Iowa Cfty Transit Harketlng Survey Transit ServIce to the BDI ^r~~ Haterlal distributed at Informal Heetlng o( 4/1/91: " f" f ! Iowa City Kfckers Spring 91 In(ormatlon. Iowa City Park/Sports Complex Options Iowa City Landfill RemedIal Investigation ~5t ~1LQ. {p ~ I o t Ct ~, ,-, MOlch 29, 1091 M/, Zech Zlebalth 1402 Flonklin SlIoot lowe Clly, Iowa 52240 Deal Zech: ~:~ CITY OF IOWA CITY ... You hovo wrlllon to mo exprosslng your concern. about tho City weter IUPply ond liked oboul any City plens fOllmplovomonll. I.hole your concarn about the quality of OUt drlnklng wotalll well end thelo are 0 numbol of pro!octl undorway. Tha City hol boon using tho lowo RIVal as Its .ourca fOl drinking walol fOl oval 100 yu,.. In addition, thoro I. a doap wall whlch provldol only Ilvo to ton percont of tho lotollupply, Thl. wall watolls normally IGUlVod fOI usa dUllng hlgh consumption perlodl and whon tho nltlote lovell ala elovoled In the rlvor. The wall watel has virtually zoro nllrates compared to tho rlvel waler IOUlca and I. blonllod with tho rlvOI wator to roduco tho nltrale/oval, 10 a IIfa rongo. Nitrato. aro primarily tho rosull of farmland chomlcoll whIch wash Into our rlvo,.and .troaml. Thllls 0 problom whlch wo caMOI conllol. Currently, tho City Walol DIvision 1.lnvo.tlgatlng .ovolOl optIons to Implova Iho City wotor quality. Thlllncludos /lOW wOyllO treat tho rlvOl wator, end tho posslblllty of using mOle well WOtOI. Tho rOlult. of tho Invostlgallon will holp tfocldo tho dlrecllon tho CIIY Council will went 10 go In the futulo. Wo ero commluod 10 providing a lifo, economlcal.upp/y of drinking wotOlIO tho Iowa City consume,. end altho IOmo limo wo must bo oblo to ploduco onough wolOlto moo I our nuda fOI fire Plotoctlon, buslnolS,lndustry and olhollerga use,.. Ploaso ,uPpolltho dec/slonl wo will hovo to moka In tho nool futulo. I hopo thl. will holp you 10 undorstond OUI .ituatlon bailor. If you hovo funhol quo.tlon. 01 commonts, plooso dlroclthom 10 mo. SlncolOly, . t:~~ Moyol I I I I I i i , ~ [ bdm5'1 co: City Council..... Chuck Schmadoko Ed Brinton CIVIC (1~1I' . III I W41"I~OTO~ IT IOU (In 10"4 111110111. @ '"0"' 11111 Ill."" In 11111 Ill."" /Pi! I [t ,'q'~, EI ~ l' I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM OaIO: Apf1l5, 1991 To: CIIy Council From: CIIy Managol Ro: Iowa CIIy Can Company As you know, wo havo boon conducUng discussions with tho Iowa CIIy Can Company roprosonlatJv9S concornlng tholl obllgaUons lor financing and OthOI rolatod Issuos assoclalod with tho~ proloct. Altachod Is a lottol ploparod by tho Olroctol 01 F1nanco which ouUlnos tho Issuos as wo undolltand thom to boo Wo will conUnuo our discussions and will koop you aclvlsod. bdm4.1 Attachmont .' co: Olroctor 01 Flnanco Assistant City Managol . ;&{lk.~:. . ~~ - [t t Cf S ~I ./~, . ' Apl1I3,I991 ~' \ ~:~.. - CITY OF /0 WA CITY \ J Mr. ScOIl F. Donnelly ContlollOl/Offlcl ManoOOl 10wI City Con Co. 2309 HeInz Road low. City, fA 82240 Dear SCOII: I om IIsRondlng to youl Ie III/ dOlld March 26, 199 I, In which you roquosted lpeclllc InfOlmatlon bock about cort.ln 111m.. I.. A corrected l099t.x fOlm fOl calolldal 1990 pertaIning to tho 150,000 loon from thl Clly will bo .onllo you aftor tho 150,000 loon plus Inlorlltls relurnod 10 tho City. . i I I I . . , ! . . ~, Tho Wit., doposll cf ., ,500 will automatically bo raturnod 10 Iowa City Con wh.n tho . utility .ccount hos bo~n finollzod. Tho '1,500 will bo oppllod to lho final bill and tho balanca raturnod 10 you. 3. Wo hova nOI .peclfiod on exact dOlO on whon Iowa City Can Co. nuda 10 rapay tho loonl from tho Clly and tho Stota ICEBAI and tho lOOT Roll Asslstanc. Grant. When you can dotl/mlna tho .Iatus of tho Iowa City Con Co. 01101', Ihan 101" dllcuss 0 .poclnc dlto fOllopoymenl, Tho neX1lactlon will hlghllght wholtho bolanco Is on lOch loon II of Juno 1, 190 I, p1ultho dally Int.,esl charge. 4. Per your requolt, wo hovo recolcul.tod yourlo.n balances ond occruad Interast duo bOlOd on tho dote you rocolvod tho funds or Malch 20, 1990. Bolow Is tho 11.1 of ooch loon and rapoyoblo grant outstanding at Ap,1l1, 1991, with tho principal, Interoat and total due II of Ihot doto. I hovo shown the addltlonollntarost duo through Juno " 1991, and whotlhe dally Inlarostls on each loan If you do not rapay by Ihot data. 01 ~ Iowa City 13% Inr.1 ~ Intorast I21A1 Balanca Cil4. 1.9 I '60,000,00 t1 ,5 I 2,33 t51,512.33 Intaresl duo 4.1 to 6.1.91 .. 250,71 5 I ,763.04 (Dolly Intarolt. '4. I I/day) Slota allowa ICESA Loanl IUOO,OOO, 5% Into rut) Bolanco Cj) 40\00 I mO,S66.21 '3.315.07 .IS4,ISI.28 Intorost duo 4.1 to 6. 1.0 I 1,671.40 IS5,852.6S IDally Intorall . t27.40/doyl bl tlllt C1~1I1 . .11 I UIMIUfO~ II IOU till IOU '1111>1'" @ 'MO~I 111" III."" 'UIIII,III,'"' ~~ '). [t t q b Ct Mr. SCOII F. Donnolly Aplil3, 1001 Page 2 " I cl Stata of Iowa ICEBA Loanl 't3oo,Ooo, 0% Intorutl No pr/nc/p.1 0( Int.,ul due In yoall OlIO through three Balance CP 4.1.91 t3oo.ooo.oo . . t3oo.ooo.oo dl IDO~ Rail Asslstanca Raombla G,ant 'tS7,21S, 0% Inll/utl Contingent on JOb. Balance CP 4.1.01 '67,21S.oo .. tS7,21S.oo Summary of loon bolonco. .t S. 1.9 I Principal Inlarest IM.a1 01 City of Iowa City '50,000.00 tl,763.04 UI,7S3.04 bl State of Iowa lt2oo,OOO CEBAI I SD.S66.2 I 4,9S6.47 1S5,852.6S . cl SlIto of Iowa lt3oo.ooo CEBAI 300,000.00 .. 300,000.00 dl lOOT Rail Alslltonco 67.218.00 .. 6t,218.oo Totel due CP 6.1.9 I t508,OB4.21 t6,i'49.51 tS04,833.72 Dally IntOlost'io be edded ftlter6.I.91 I. t31.51/dey, . . . . . I have been In contact with the Slate of lowo, Economic Dovolopmont DivI.lon rogaldlng tho CEBA loan., Kon Boyd VI/belly told mo on April I, 100 I, that tho Sllto may be willing 10 wolvo the currontlntorost chorgos os long os thoy rocolvo the prlnclpollmounll duo within o roesoneblo tlmo. Plme .ond 0 formal roquolllO the City and wo wlllthon fO/molly meko o IOquOltlO tha .tole. Pluse cIII me et 356.5052 If I con be of furthol osslllonco. Slncaroly, I f r, f ! , " ( . i r, , Donald J. Yu u DlroctOl of Finance bjldonnl/ly cc: Stophon J, Atkin., City Manager Dane Chrlltlanson, AUI. City Allornoy Mlcheel Flnnogan, Slota of Iowa, Econ. Dov. TorOlo Kimble, ControllOl !~ r , t {p '1~ - -- ~.... - -- -- T-- - [t I q b ., City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ,\ I Data: April 2, 1991 To: City Council From: Clly Manogal Re: EPA . Surprllo Inspection On Tuosdoy, March 19, we wI/a lubjoctto e .urpllso Inspection by tho Envlronmenlol Prolectlon Agoncy . Toxic and Pulicide. Blanch. The olloched memorondum I. .ell. explanatory. Tholr pllmary concarn wes to dotocllhe emount of end our plOCOII fOl hondllng PCBs. You may rocollthot tho Unlvorslty IIcontly rocolvod 0 rathol .taap fino fOl tholl . . handling of PCBs. I IUSPOCI tho EPA hod torgotod OUI I/oa fOlluch Inlpectlon.. . bdm2'I . Allachmont ~~. t I I r I r !" ~ 3 n I Ct be' - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DOlO: AP11l1,1991 To: Stovo Atkins, City ManogOI Kevin O'Molloy, Assistant Dlroctol 01 Finance ,r c,?ztLt2d.( EPA Toxic Substancos Control ACIfTSCAllnspoctlon F,am: Re: On Tuosdoy, March 101 hod tho ploasuro 01 asslsling AI Wondt, Stoia InspoClOII~llho U S Envlronmontol Protoctlon Agonc\, Toxlcs and Postlcldos Blanch, on an unannouncod 'random' Ins paction. Mr Wendtllotod that his alOa of purvlow was lalgo volumos of toxic waslOS and that most cltlos aro usually small gonolololS 01 toxic woslos. I In 101m ad him of tho natura of oparotlons that Iowa City porfolms such os plocesslng and IInlshlng lOW wotor. wastowalol troatmonl, equlpmont malntononco. upkoop of glounds and light of ways, rocroolionol ploorams, and londlill opololions, Ho was concorned that our procossos might ploduco polychlollnatod blphonylsIPCB's). Ilnlolmod him that oUflondlm oporotlons bogan a 'whlto goods' recovary . plOCOll and that one 01 tho spacial dlsposal~ WOIO tho small capacitors from tho appllancos . which contain PCB 'a. Ho stal!ld thottho whlto goods procoss was consldorod 0 Imolf gonolotor and did not loll undar his purvlow. Mr Wendt oskod If tho City ownod any tronsformors, capacitors 01 rogulotoll end In what buildings thoy would bo In. Ilnformod him Ihat mosttronsformors ero ownod by 10wo'llIInols Gas & Eloctrlc but, that tho Watel Plent may own soma. Wo plocoedod to Ins pact 011 City buildings IIndlng that Indo ad tho WOtOI Plant owned livo transfolmors: tho two on tho ground did nOI contain PCB conlomlnatad 011, and tho throo tlonsformors mountod on a pole bonk could nOI bo vOllllod as to whal kind 01 011 Ihoy contolnod and should bo Idonllllod and locordoa os soon as possible. Lator In tho aftornoon altar Inspocling tho Equlpmont and Slroot DIvision, Ilonsod that MI Wendt was frustralod that ho could notlind any procoss 01 oqulpmentthat hod PCB 011 In II. At oUlloststop at the Airport wo did dlscovor two Ilonslormors and ono rogulotor with non. PCB 011 that woro storod end apporontly forgollon. Tho noxt mornIng MI Wondl gavo us a 'cloon bill 01 hoolth' and tho plopor forms woro slgnod and coplos koptlor our fila, Mr Wondtllatod ho would filo his copy with tho roglonol EPA orrico In Kansas City, Thnn on Friday ho callod and Ilotod that ho locolvod 110m Kansas City a lox (copy ollochodlshowlng lhatlho City has dlsposod of 9 drums of copocllolS with PCB subslanco. I askod him to lox mo Ihat monllost and I would Invostlgato. Tho lax rovoalod that tho 9 drums wore shlppod from Iho landllll, I contoclod MI Wondt and Inlormod him that tho capacitors woro from tho whllo goods procoss. Ho slatod that I ahould wllto a 101101 alia sting to that and In tho fuluro tho 'Wosto Manlfost' should doscllbo mOlo fully tho origin 01 tho capacItors, I contaclod Floydo Polkoy and Infolmod him of tho EPA Inspocllon and whotthoy wontod dlsclosod on fUluro monlfosls and tho tlmollnoss of disposal, Ho stotod lhotthls was tho first disposal and ho was roqulrod to apply to tho EPA for 0 small gonoratol dlsposollD numbar. No citations WOIO Issuod. (pi/. [t 1 Cf b ~I ...... ....... . - . ..... I. .......- " 03l22t'l1 mr BYIU$!PA 10148 IA tEJlT Ci PlJQ.IC ~TH DSM. ; ).22-" : 10105 P.02 ARTX4 15152&2128411 2 . ,.IIt)"''' ,,;, ,'....., .,......... ~..._..,I/.II...~ 1.1I'1.Qfl\ttllOf.iO ., C11~ . ''" fl' .. TI.....It'It' I Cot/l'loI, ~"'. tri-.",. Motor TrIG.l, CO. " 'lIIl9W'a~IIy~11N .. .. J. ~ lllttIIpIIOIl.ltIlIllII1l1t ..... I. 4MI .r ceflGlto" ... MUll" IC. ~W\OlIlI c.IOIW..... UtI.. M'" lten.. ~teI/P. i, . ., . .."" .... , . -- ...,... .........- . --.. , II. &plI.".I\OIlIItIll.lI\ICllOIIIl/lOMlIolAlIIllAfl/lNllll'l ... lllla... CoIUaftMr flu 110ft OtUr '''147 ___..till ,...IAl ,. . ..I__..........."...~w........_""'...._-" ,..,-.,....11II"'..........-,.- ..._.......II~_......_.._I..'..... ..."...1H_.......1II....................... . . I ... I .... ..,..., ,WIllII ,..." NIl .... . "'14 . .111 . tMolI .. _ .14 _, . .IN ......... . N ..,,, 11M ,....... · " _.., ..... /Ill ...., "" __ lOt 1111I'''' _II ,_ ""11' II ...... ....., ",.... '" ",'" -.. 1111" .... WI _ ~ ~ I't" /Ill '" .......... ai, 41 ~ I ..... ~ ''''"''' I'''. ,... , .... 'W'l'lII' -" "f '1111 .....1Il .... ...n ...........~ .......",11......' '~I ,.. '1I'1~ "'" 1~110 ,,.0 HlI!It., r S'l"IIIoI'.,. I - AI~~ Ir 1'111 ... I ... .,.. . r ( 'tl t.' I I . , I I' ,If. t t/f.' It .'. . 1 \I Inftl.,"" I ~~..... "'''''III ~"HI 01 ~"III"" C ' 111II'1"1 ~IIN .~. ,,',1' J 3 I. ""'0011" ."IIO.,I~I"""' 01 ~'C"III ,"hili I WlIIG/TyplO ~I"" I, ~ 17".,.. ..~ ".. ", IIllptllC'/lI'4Ul.qIlllllt Dltarlpanoln ok'd ~" nord .UIaI,y , ill, 9411 alPloltorl I 11'~t bllllltl · .e,. lbl" 313' k,. OJ t 10 "C,,,O.~" 1/ OWll... CIIIiI,mO" 01 Illl<Ol o'rllllOM 11"11"1'1 CNrIG ,: I/\,"'~""I lIlUlll1I01to 11\ 11111\ I , , I TllIo HIIN ""I ItylI"I~IH "'1Il1li1"1" ".I~Ill\fll\...hCO (IooC'U \1IItI ,,......,tW\.n.'., .111...."'''''...,......,..... [I t q b LI ,\ City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 0010: April 2, 1901 To: City Council From: City Manogar Ro: WOIOI Main CcnstlUCtlon . Remlgnntont 01 parsonnol . Ovor the lall yaar tho Daportmanl of Public WOIk. hu boon rovlowlng Iha wOlk osslgnmonls of Its opGraUng dlvlslon.. ThI.ls undortakon to dotormlno whore wo might 1m provo upon gonoral oporollons and allow us 10 dlrocl OUI enorglutoword tho mosl prossing Issuos. Thoro havo boon 0 numbor of molol chongas In 1M OSHA rogulallons that olfocttronch excavallon work. Spoclflcolly, amployoaa wOlklng In tronchOl, .uch as Installing and rapolrlng wotal mains, grou1\dwatol piping, sonltory laWall, ItOlm .owors, etc., must now bo plovldod with 0 .tronch bo~. If the excavation I. mora lhon fOUl foot dOop., Wa astlmato thot.tho tronch bOx requlremont w~1 roduco productlvlty by appro~lmatoly 50,.. Thl. fact olona, glvon our CWlont personnol oulgnmont, will rendollt difficult 10 camplolo currantly schodulad In. housa construction proloct. fOI tho Wotar Dlvlslon os wall os roqulro tho purchm of exponllve construction oqulpmont. If wo ora 10 molnloln tho CUI/ant schodulo and tho moclOlOd rOlpon.lbilillos, addlllonol porsonnol are IIkoly 10 bo nOCGIlory. In ordallo avoid thll molol axponso and 10 oddrOll what oppoorad to bo .omo Intaroltln tho port of oroa bulldars, wa 010 undartoklng 0 chong a In tho usa of WOtOI Dlvlslon pOlloMol. t l' ! i :i Thoso chango. wl!llncludo: ! , ! , I. For tho upcoming construction sOOlon tho InSlollollon of wator mains In now lubdlvlllons will bo tho rosponslblllty of tho dovolopol. Each lubdlvldor will bo loqulrod 10 Install watol main. In tho lama mannor os thoy ora rOlponslblo fOllOnltary and storm wator Installation, Tho only oxcopllon will bo In tho Walnut Rldgo SubdivIsion, whoro City crows will bo Installing plostlo wolor mains on on oxporlmontal basil. ~ [t I Ct b 5 ,\ ! 2 2. WOlor main conslluctlon, malnlonance and repolllOlponslblllllea currontly wllhln tho DIvision 01 Walol will be tlonsforred to tho SlIoot. and Sonll.tlon Dlvfslon. Included In tho translol of wOlk will bo tho Watol POlloMollnvolvod In thll Ictlvlty. 3. Our WIIOI Dlvfslon crow. willlUumllolponslbllity fOt tho laplll and molntooonco of . OUI Cily WltOI .y.tom on In oxpandod basi. and rapOltlng to tho Suporlntondont of Streels .nd Sanitation. As you know, wo hovo 1 walGI 'Yltom lholl., In cartoln arm, wall ovor 100 yoalS old and oUllong'lorm malntaoonca 1110111 hovG not boon .ufficlont. By ollmlnaling tho routlna watol main ConlllUCtlon In naw .ubdlvlslon., tho claw. will now bo ablo 10 dOV010 thalltlmo and onarglo.to maintaining and II110filllng . tho .yslom. I. 4. Wo Inlond 10 evolualo 011 of thoso chongos at tho and of tho conslructlon .OOlon 10 dotermlno whothollt hOl boon lucclUful. A. wo think about tho upcoming ChongOl to our W.tOI .y~om Ind tho noods wo will bo oxpollenclng duo \0 In 10lng Wltll . 'Yltom, thl. leoms to bo an IlIoctlve uso of OUI polSoMol. Plllodlcolly you wlll'll contloct construction work withIn tho wolol Iy.tom o. wo movo toward ollmlnetlng IS much City ruponslblllty In construction activity and turning tholo Ictlvllio. OVOlto tho pllvote aOClOI. Wo will, os alway., provldo for tho lnepoctlon of tho wOlk to bo pOlfolmod. tp5'7 co: Chuck Schmadoko )tq7~~. I i f r I ~ i I ~~4 D /Ctbb ,\ I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM , I I I Dalo: April 2, 1991 , I To: City Councll I Flom: City Manogor . I Ro: Solid Waslo Tonnogo Foo As you may rocaJl, tho loglslaluro spprovod tho solid waslo lonnago foo and has gradually Incroasod thai amounl. Part 01 tho 100 Is 10 bo rolaJnod by tho landfill oporatolS to bo usod In doyoloplng and Implomonllng a complohonslvo plan. A lossor known olomonl 01 tho InlUal DNR planning guldollno was tho sot asldo 01 an addlUonaJ 'allocalod' portlon of tho lonnago foo, Tho Dopartmonl 01 Nalural Rosourcos was to hayo doyolopod guldollnos 101lho uso 01 lhoso funds and mado provision for tho eppIlcallon for a.,d distribution olll1oso monlos back 10 landfill opolatolS. In thoory lho funds woro to bo hold 'In OSCIOW' by tho ~1a10 wllh tho facility lomlnlng tho lonnago foo and Ihon following propor appllcaUons, Iho foo would bo rOlumod, I I . i f .' , Tho Dos Molnos Mollopolllan Aroa Solid Waslo Agoncy has choson 10 l!21 romlllho 15C pOI ton 'a1localod' rOlalnags. Thoy 1001 bocauso tho Iowa DNA has nol doyslopod rogulat/ons for lolumlng tho funds II would bo In Iho landfill oporalo(s Inlorosllo simply lolaln Iho foo unlIltho . rulos and tho guldo tlnos aro oslnbllshod. Wo woro askod to partlclpalo In a slmllal withholding 01 tho I 5C por lon, Al this t/mo wo hayo mado our paymonl and will roylow 10 soo wholhor II would bo In our Inlolosllo rolaln tho monlos. I am sura Ihaltho Dos Molnos Molro Aroa Solid Waslo Agoncy Is calling attonllon 10 lho facllhat now laws ora continually approyod by lho loglslaturo and tho DNR simply cannot 01 will not gonoralo logulatlons Ihal allow lor Iho monlos 10 bo pullo propol usa, Ipl.l , . co: Aroa Slota Loglslators Dlroclor 01 Publlo Works JCCOG Solid Waslo Plannor ~ ft;~ . [I 1 I Ct t, ,-, . ,\ AplII1,IOOl ,"':~ CITY OF IOWA CITY. . Tho HonOlablo MaIY NouhoulOI Raplllontlllve Stlte Copltol DOl Moine.. IA 503 19 DOlI MIIY: 'havo elllched I copy 01 House Filas 369 Ind 375 which would prohlbltlho dl.posol of baled eolld waste It 0 unitary landfill. Gulla frankly, I do nOI understand the noed fOlthls typo of legislation let olono the wisdom bohlnd such proposal. II we 110 to utlllzo londfills effoctlvoly, tho baling of .olld waite would oppoor to mike 0 grut doal of lonslln that tho compaction litO I. ,pploxlmllely 2 01 3 to 1 ond thorofOle cen .Ignlflcontly oX1ond thlllfo of I landfill. Evan lithe ultlmlte wllh I. to ellmlnlto landfill., which I bollevo to bo PIICtlCIUy Impossible, Othol moans to fOlce closure can bo undertlkln, but to not use exlsllng lend fills In I lesponslblo feshlon I. unwise. , . . . If Iho ploposal,. olmod II .oIld weste which I. belod Ind brought Into Iha lIote from othor jurisdictions, luch rastrlctlon would oppoalto bo beneficial. IItha desire lito oXlend thoml of tho landfill and plovIdo fOl policies to remove rocycloblo Iloml than tho Intent of tho Ilw ahould bo dlrocted toward bollng only 01101 It hos boen demonstrated that luch WlltO malarlals hlvoln fOCI boen romovod. 'oliO quostlon tho Iblllty 01 tho Ilate to regulate this, particularly whon the law .paclficllly .totll thol tho Deportmenl of NaMol Resources will devolop rulu which de fino .uch .olld westo Ind plovlde fOllt. method of dllposll. As you know thore % many, mlny rules Ind . "gulatlons thotllmply havo not boon oddressod by Ihe DNR os thoy allemptlo manogo .olld waslo end therefo/O Imposing ovon more now 10wI would appoor to simply exacalbete the oxlltlng problom. Sl~,~~ .7{tt.~ I Stephen J. Atkins City Manogol tp3.1 cc: City Council Chuck Schmade~e Bred Noumann Tho Honoroblo Robart Dvorsky Tho Honorable Richard Vorn SallG letter to: The Honorable Jean Lloyd-Jones Tho Honorablo Htnnetle Doderer CIVIC CI_1I1 . "' , .4IMI_OIO- " IOU CIIV IOU "1"""1 @ 'MOM' 11111 III.'''' rUllIII 111.1111 (p tI(, I ! , t] I Ct b EI . ( FEn 28 1991 ENERGY MID CNVIROIl',IEIWl PROrrCIION HOUSE FILE .3?.s- BY SHOULTZ ,I I 1 An Act relating to the prohibiting of the disposal of baled oolid 2 waste at a sanitary landfill. . 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWAI 4 5 6 · 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 lS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Passed House, Date Votel Ayes Nays Approved Passed Senate, Date Votll Ayes Nays . . A BILL FOR , -, TLSB 2207YH 74 pt/sc/14 .. ,j , 'I, ~ , 6 (po/{p I , n 1 q b cl .... ...,. ~/~ 1 Section 1:' NEW SECTIOj!.. 455D,9A DISPOSAL OF BALED SOLID 2 HASTe AT A SANITARY LANDFILL -- PROHIBITED, 3 Beginning January 1, 1992, a person shall not dJspose ot 4 baJed solid waste at a sanitary landtill and a sanitary 5 landtill shall not accept baled solid waste tor tinol. 6 disposal~ The department shall develop rules which detine 7 baled solid waste and provido tor the sate and proper method , S ot disposal ot such waste. 9 EXPLANATION 10 This bill prohibits the tinal dioposal ot baled solid waste 11 at a oanitary landfill beginning January 1, 1992. The 12 department ot natural resources is required to devolop rules 13 to detine baled solid waste and to provide tor the sate and 14 proper method ot disposal ot such waste, . 15 The bill may establish a state mandate as detined purouant 0, 15 In sectJon 25B.3. 17 18 .' 19 oj 20 21 .; 22 23 , 24 25 26 27 . 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ~ I' !; i r i, , ~; I 1 .' -1- LSB 2207YH 74 pf/sc/14 ,\ ! (', :') . .. IJ {,L/~ ! , II ! j., . i, II 'I I,: 1, 'I o ' I q '-I [I rEe 27 199' ENf.nr,y AIID CNV/HONMr:Jrll PROTECTION HOUSE FILE ~ I. 9 BY BROWN, JAY ,nd PAVICH P,ssed House, Date Votel Ayes Nayo" Approved Passed Senate, Date Votel Ayes Nays , A BilL FOR 1 An Act relating to the disposal or baled solid waste at a -. 2 sanitary landrill. , I 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA I . '.' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . TLsa 2263HH 74 pt/sc/14 ,I I :t . or) It' i , I W ." -.0 ~~~ [I t q '-I . , :!., I II. r'. .::J... 'f II , I ! I I 1 Section 1. NEW SECTION, 455D.9A BALED SOLID HASTe __ 2 INSPECTION. 3 The commission shall adopt rules which require that each 4 bale ot solid waste delivered to a sanitary landfill for tlnal 5 disposal or delivered to a transter station tor ultimate 6 disposal at a sanitary landfill Is Inspected prior to . . 7 acceptance tor tlnol or ultimate disposal. The sanitary 8 landtlll or transter station may charge a tee tor Inspection 9 ot baled solid wasto as established by rule of the commission. 10 EXPLANATION il This bill requires the Inspection ot each bale of .solld , . 12 waste' which is delivered to a sanitary londtill or to a 13 transfer station for final dlspos~l at a sanitary landfill: 14 The bill may impose a state mandate as detined pursuant to 15 chapter 258. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 .. ",23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 r', " ~ . . ' n '..' LSB 2263HH 74 -1- pt/sc/l4,l ~~~ t] I q ..-, e APl1l2, 1091 .\ Tho Honoroblo Joan Uoyd.Jonas SanolOl Stata Cap/tol Dos Moines, Iowa 503 I 0 Daar Jean: I rocontly loarned that Sonata Fila 4S I had boen Inuoducod and would requlro 0 city 10 hove "oforondum 10 astablish a stolmwetar utility. As you may locall, tho cUllontlaw would only require a reverse reforondum If tho city wale to Issuo lovonuo bonds fOI tho purposo of 101lsfylng stormw~ter mandates. As I am .UII you can opproclato, tho now fodorol regulations concornlng .tormwetol mana gamont will ultlmalaly bo en exponslvo mandala. Tho law tho loglsloture epprovod lost yeol wes an ossontlol tool fOI communltlos to comply with tho complolC and' cosily requlrements of stOlmwatol managomont. It would loom to dofy cllmmon sense iO propose eloferendum to relso the funds to moetthls particular m~ndoto and If tho loferendum woro to be do feat ad, tho cost does not go away but simply would bo onothor burdon on the Ilmltod taxing authority tho cltlos now hovo. ' I would encourego the Sonata to glvo 100Ious thoughlto this opporont Change In dlroctlon with rospocllO stormwotol monogomonl. Unloss thoro Is lomo drametlc chango pondlng flom tho federal and .tate govarnmants concornlng this mandato, at tho vary least tho creation of tho Itolmwetol utility will allow the gonoretlon of local funds to flnonco this mandata. Sincerely, ~~, , Slophen J. Atkins City Monogol bNonll cc: " City Council- MOlY Nouhousor Mlnnolle DodO/OI Richerd Vorn Robart Dvollky "rvu a J lwrp ..', II.J_ I,~... t ..f,~Aw I. I III tlllt tl~T11 . 1111 UIMI~OIO~ II IOU till IOU 11'''''1/1 @ 'MONt 11111 11101111 , U 11111 11101111 f11./7 I, OIL' '-I ~I ~:&.. CITY OF IOWA CITY ApllI I. 1991 M.. Maltho Flosalol 912 lowI Avonul 10wI Clly, 10wI 52240 . Ro: SEATS Sorvlcl Dool Ms. Flosole/: . Thank you fOl youl kind 101101 logarding the'sarvlco you recolvod from tho Johnlon County SEA T5 program. Although thl SEA T5 .ervlco I. 0 County.oporlted Iyatem, the City of 10wI City rolmburao.thl County fOlthe cost of uansportlng city rosldont.. In fact, thl. YOIlloWI City IIXPlYOII luch II yourlolf will PlY Johnson County t22S,225 for SEATS lorvlce, Thoreforo, 11m plmod 10 rocolvelellol .uch .. your. oxprosslng your .atlsfoctlon with lho .orvlco plovldod. Thank. Iglln ond I will po.. 0 copy of yourlallol on 10 tho SEATS Dlroctor. Slncarely, . -. //}trj;te.r gyt~' Sleph~ j, Atkin. City Managol bdm5.3 cc: John Lundoll, Tronslt Manogor Llrry 011 on, SEA T5 Dlroctol City CouncilV' "-It UNIII I III I UlMlMOTON II 10"1 tlTl IOU .111101111 @ ~w 'MOMlIII~ ,,,.,," IUI'"I'.....II l' - " D t q '-I LI 9/.t. J,...,('1V (l."(./ RECE IVED V~R 26199.J~-n..I ~f-I ~n(nV Q\ I) ''/)(MI ';3~ 1991 o:..~ 111M ~ ' % ...J'tA,/,/ AA~ ~ '7 ;?? """ ",1./ Id .J..nluJ it.1/~.1 ft, ,wuiv Lv lf~.4-1':' tW.i /1.rl.C1':r. "..,~ t.t& ~1.Lnc. ~'t1. ~~~,v,;t; :&t~ "c~1IJ AfAd ~ M7") ,,<W4~, ,(,~ ,J~~. Cn~/44J d:t tu. -d (4-1,~ I~~ ~ ~ ~v..J~-AJ~ 1 '~~"""I.~t,.4f' ~ ~~.u-la.d ~ 1 tfI~~ ~f!..v I'" 1."'?,J!lj, ::r~ ~ tU ~H dz,~ ~.1 ..w-I~ tLi~ .M~~..R~ ...{,." ~ #t.'.LI-MVAl ~ I~p j/z.c%A) 1~-n..L.lt7.u, Pif. 4-ctb ~ 1'J..,) .~.Q; ~ ~rz.vv~ d.n-1J 04 , ..., ~ ~ .~~tt~ 'u"/~'..d~ ;t/~ ~-LI .1rz; ..~<~vv '. (f)."J :ek) ,u.~.v, ~ ttv'lo ,t~d lA" tj'.-(.e,.,t.J.....' ,....-'-" ~('?v,_.......,,~, f'Va%,...i..Njf, ~~ t~A JU'. '7 !p..e;.,,~~":.?-' . ,~-t.J ..t~.L.J :t A~ ~-lf , ~-.~ ..:I{AlI~ ~ "'~;C/.....v idu ~~_:.. ~ ~ (,~-Iv ~~ t.:. t1: :) 117'(.'; (!.,-, 1\G.I:t;. 'i , t~ tt4,c..M. = ';f/ rI l.J .d. ~:t-A.' t",. ~ "", , At,<..<f..AE.I ;t/w cA.~~~4. (I"",(/~ '&. ~ ~ r.t: .14t:<,..J ~(; ""...tau", ' .I"'~ ~Iw~ a/U./ tn~u..d...; r;f,U ,tl~ ~- ~ !t"WJA,,' .. -, ~ ..( / ~ ~,~ t...c..Ii...I -;t,(.j , ,d ~ -1rAr-A~H"~,~" ;?U c.db -j;'j ~~ 4l4~ ~-- ~'~U, ~/;.u... dff:.<:j! .I.rv {; IJ+ ,:, , ;-a, ~l...I ~ z.,c..,~. ~t"'7/~ . . IJ ~ AA..J ~- .l-,r..-rw'J1.I ,clf-t;- ~ (,,~ ~ ~ a.,.-,' "Jt .,t~ "i~ ~L!/.4tJt rI ;tlw ~7J=Il.I"IV ~ &~ et~~1 A& -tf,..:.(.,^-, e~~ 4. ~L"",l...1 .u.-/1.t......; -:I/l.I~r ~hL_ ,(I'n.!u ~~, V '-~-r ~ iE 'J4i.-, o...r, HvJ"'-~ ,J:........'11 ~b rt/l,U( 'ttf~ ~d ~ ffvm/ ;tA.{; ~ ~ ) ~7-?" tkvU/ -A~~ 171aAtf,..v ~~~II €tv ~'-I~ ,I Ole, ,-, 5 City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM , Oalo: AprIl 5, 1991 To: City Council , (] From: (~Marcfa HaJo,~ar1anno Milman, "~ol$or Ro: Robort P. Bums & Assoclalos Housing Dovolopmonl Proposal Dlscusslon/lnlormal Council Mooting AprIl 0, 1991 BUILDING AND SITE DESIGN: . ,qobort P. Bums & Assoclatos Is proposIng 10 build a 4S.unll affordablo rontal housIng dovolopmont conllsting of IS 3.bodroom lownhouso unlls and 32 2.bodlOOm units, Tho 3. bodroom units will bo In mo.story townhousos cluslorod In groups 01 fOUl units. Tho 2.bodroom unlls wlll bo wllhln fOUl olght'unl~ mo.story buildIngs. Both tho slto plan and tho building olovatio~s aro allacl1o~ for your Information. Mil Bums has boon working with both Marcfa Halo and Robort Miklo of tho plannIng stall to Cloato a Ilvablo, Inviting doslgn fOI both tho silo and buildings. In doslgnlng tho silo, thoro woro four malol consldorations: tho proxImity to Econofoods and tholr adjoIning parkfng lots on tho north lido. . Iho undovolopod land to tho wOIL tho Ilnglo.famlly housing dovolopmont on 1110 louth, . tho nood for additional parklng.spacos for tho Broadway Strool Nolghborhood Conlor. . . ., Tho proposod allo plan, which will bo rovlowod for Largo Scalo Rosldontial Dovolopmont (LSRD) approval on AplII I S by 1110 Planning and Zoning CommissIon, rosponds woll 10 Ihoso consldolations. Tho building doslgn and orionlallon allow for minimal windows facing Econofoads. TroOI wlll bo p1antod along 1110 north proporty IIno to buffor tho vlows of 1110 commorclal aroas 10 tho north. Tho vacanlland to 1110 woslls zonod RM.I2, and thus, Ills anticlpatod thai It will dovolop losldontially at a donslty similar to Iho Buml projoct. Whon this proporty Is dovolopod 10 1110 west, conlldolation should bo glvon to doslgnlng tho buildings and parking lols 10 Ihatll10y aro compaliblo with thIs dovolopmont, this can bo dono Ihrough tho LSRD rovlow proCOls, In rosponso 10 Iho oxlsling Ilnglo.famlly dovolopmonllo 1110 south, tho buildings havo boon dos~nod In a tradlllonal rosldonlialltylo and alo 01 a scalo which will bo compatlblo with tho slnglo.famlly dwolllngs 10 Iho south. Tho southom proporty IIno will bo bordorod wllh ovorgroons to enhanco the rolallonshlp of tho dovolopmont with Iho nolghborhood 10 Iho south. ~ 9 [t I cl .-, b 2 Tho parking loll wlll1ln 1110 dovolopmont havo boon doslgnod 10 mlnlmlzo largo, expansive 10ls yot allow closo proxlmlly 10 tho apartmont unlls. this has boon done by distributing tho parkfng In Imall clullora localod noar oach building. landscaping will bo usoo 10 provldo a buff 01 bolwoon tho buildings and tho parking lols. Tho Broadway Stroot Nolghborhood Contor Is 10 tho south of this lito, and, although mooting zoning roqulromonts fOI parking, has oxporloncod Inadoquato parking at particular porlods of tho day. In ordor to addtoss this nood, tho Bums plan Incorporatos lovon additional spacos adJacont ' 10 tho oxlltloo parking for tho Nolghborhood Contor, that will bo avallablo lOlloaso to Iho Con tor staff at a vor{ minimal chargo. Tho oxtorlol 011110 buildings haw boon doslgnod In a traditional rosldontlaJ Ilylo. Brlck has boon usod to mlnlmlzo futuro maJntonanco roqullomonls, Tho olght.ploxos plovldo two ontrancos, oach lorvlng lour units. Tho townhousos havo staggorod solbacks thai holp doflno tho Individual unlls. Tho lownhouso back yards will havo prtvato patios and outdoor storago lockors. Laundr{ hook. ups aro availablo within aach lownhouso and coin laundr{ machlnos 8/0 In each olght.plox, A . ' largo play aroa has boon Includod In tho slto plan and wllllncludo play oqulpmonl fundod by Community Dovolopmont Block Granl funds, Tho ploject Is pIOposoo to Ita" construction In Soplombor, 1991, with complotlon In Soptombol, 1992. Tho nral units will bo avallablo 101 occupancy approxlmatoly March, 1992. ' PROJECTED BUDGE" FOR VILLA GARDEN A?ARTMENTS EsUmaled t~1aI dovolopmont coSIs aro $2.7 millIon. ~ Capllal from Ownors IFA.HAF Loan Local Londor Loan City of Iowa CIIy . T1F (Includes CDBG funds and loan fOlland acquisition) Sublotal FHLB Intorosl Wrltodown TOTAL $1,100,000 $ 360,000 $ 790,000 L1S0.000 $2,430,000 ,S 260,000 $2,690,000 Commontun.Fundlno Sourcos I, Capllalfrom Ownol Tho Iowa Clly Iowa Housing Assoclatos Llmllod Partnorshlp has boon lormod to provldo $1. I million capital for tho proposed dovolopmont. Tho ownor Is applying lor Low.lncomo Housing Tax CrOOlls from tho IOWH Flnanco Aulhorlly, Thoso tax crodlls como Ihrough a ledoral proglam which plovldos an Inconllvo 10 ownorli1nvostors to shouldor tho risk, paporwork and admlnlstlatlvo oxponsos of conslrucllng and maintaining affordablo housing, Tho tax crodlls provldo approxlmatoly nino porcont credit on tho 'ollglblo basis' (gonorally lho dovolopmont costs ollho projoct) lor a porlad of Ion yoars. HOWOVOI, tho ownor mUll mako a commllmonllo maintain Iho spoclflod low.lncomo occupancy 01 tho - ~~~ .' n I Cf '-I ,-, - . ,\ I 3 dovolopmGnl fOI an Inlllal period 0115 YOOl1. Allor 11141 period, 1110 StaiD wl/llty to /lnd a buyollo malnl4ln Iho Pfoporty lorlow.lncomo occupancy fOI an oddlUonal 15 yolllS, ro.uldng In an 'Ollondod usa perlocr 0130 YOOl1. Tho UIO 01 cnpllAl for 41% 011110 dovolopmonl cosll rOOucas ronls IlgnlficanUy, and this II modo polltllo by Iho Low Incomo Housing Tax CrodiL If $ 1.1 million WOIO borrowod al 10% lor 30 )'OlIII,lonts would havo 10 Inaoaso approllmaloly $21 Ilmonth pOI unll. 2. IFA.HAF Loan Tho ownOI hu DppIIod lor an Iowa Flnanco Authority Houllng Asslslanco Fund loan 01 $360,000. Tho lomlI 01 lhll loan would bo 30 yoalS 01 1% Inloroll. Tho loan would bo ropaJd lrom rani Pfocoods 011110 PfO/GeL 3/ I.oc4I Londol Loan Tho ownolll wor1dng wlth Hills Bank & Trusl Company on a $790,000 loan fOltho dovolopmGnL Tho targollorms ollhls loan would bo 10 amortlzo II ovor 25 yoalS 01 7% InlololL Tho Ioworod Inlololl rolo would bo achlovOO through tho Alfordablo Housing Program of Iho FOOeral Homo Loan IllIIIk 01 Dos Molnos (FHLB) which would provldo an 10101011 wrllodown 10 7% In Iho lorm 01 a dlroct granllo Hills Bank, lor opproxlmaloly 5260,000. . . HIDs Bank would bo Iho 11II111110 bank In Iowa 10 bocomo a mombor 011110 Fodoral Homo Loan Bank and conlrlblllO 10 tho dovolopmonl of alfordllblo housing ullng Ihls fodolol IOSOUrco. I I I 4, Iowa City POI\IcIpotlon Tho CIty'. partlclpallon would bo two.fold. CoBa funds 01 $30,000 would olfoclivoly bo ulOd for playground oqulpmonl, aldowalks, and land acqulslUon and dovolopmont 01 sovon oll1a parldng apacol for UIO by tho Broact.Yay Stroot Nolghborhood Conlol. Thoso lunds " ~tOuld bo In tho fOtm ola 1% loan lII1d would bo rOOllldod as part 0' tho Tax Inclomonl FInancing lor 1110 dovolopmonL Socondly, Iho City would agroo 10 a TIF lot S 150,000 fOI slto acqulslllon fOI this dovolopmonL Tho $150,000 would bo obtalnod flS a loan and this loan logothor with a CoBa loan would bo lopald through tho Pfoporty laxos roollzOO from tho TIF. Tho lotal TIF ropaymonl would probably bo approxlmaloly $276,000 OVOI a porlod of sovon YOlllS, this ropaymonllncludol principal and Inlorosl on tho loans and tho cost of OSlabllshlng a TIF d1ltrlcL . RENTS With alltholo financlng mochanllms In plaeo, lonls (oxcludlng ullUllosl aro osUmaled as 'ollows: Two.bodroom units Throo.bodloom units $3S0,OO $476.00 6~r I I I' i ~- ~ ~-~....-._._~......-.- --- T-- ......... [t t q ,-t EI . 4 Thoso lonls BlO well within tho loll markol ronls lot by HUO and BlO altho lovol 01 tho SoCllon S Vouchor poymont Standard. Tho unlls would bo altordablo to housoholds wholo Incomo Is 60% 01 tho modlanlncomo 101 Iowa CIty. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING Tax Incromont nnanclng Is a mothod cltios may usa undor onabllng IoglllaUon adoplod In 1971 to financo pr1vato dovolopmont In a doslgnalod urban lonowal araa. Tho dllforonco bot.voon tho Ioxos dorfvod from unlmprovod and undordovolopod proporty and thoso dorlvod 11I101 lis dovolopmonlls tho 'Incromont' ollaxos which may bo plodgod by a city to rodro loans, advances, bonds, and othollndobladnoss Incurrod by a city 01 thO dovolopolln lurthoronco 01 tho dovolop. monL Tax Incromenl financing hll5 boon usod oxlOnslvoly In Iowa and In 1110 majorlty 01 Slatos, this mothod 01 financing Is partlCldarly usofullO II city 1I5 a way ollalslng monoy 101 tho dovolopmonl and rodovolopmonl 01 proporty w1lhoullollanco upon thO city's gonorol rovonuos, ChoptoI403.19 of tho ~ sols forth tho provisions fOI lox InClomonl financing, To ostabllsh a TIF program, a city mUll nlll proparo an 'urban ronowlll plan', oncomposllng a spaclfic urban ronowol Bloa for public hoarlng and consldorollon by tho city council. A city may doslgnalo an urban ronowol aloo as olthol a 'bIlghlod arao', a '1Ium OtOO' 01 an 'oconomlc dovolopmonl BlOO., ooch 01 which Is donnod In Chop101403, , Tho urban ronowal Bloa In thl.lnslanco would conlUlulo tho Bloa of thO lubjocl prOPOlalllnd tho . urban ronowatplon wculd conslsl 01 the spoclfic plan fOI dovolopm,onl 011110 Bloa, Including tho City's s!alo\l objoctJvos for tho urban ronowal Bloa, 'Tho urban ronowal plan must doscrlbo h~v thO City Intonds 10 UIO tho lax InClomontlovonuos. Tho urban ronowal aroo musl also bo ostabllshod as an economic dovolopmonl BlOO. According 10 1110 City's bond counsol, Mr. Ken Haynlo, this proJoCl must bo consldolod a commorclol vonluro s1nco epartmonts OtO consldolod 10 bo commorclal buildings, Whllo tho uso 01 TIF fOI homo ownol1hlp Is logally tonuoul, Mr. Haynlo alsuros us wo havo a "Vory dolonslblo IlluaUon'1n this caso. Allor approval 01 tho urban ronowal plan, 1110 consldoraUon and adoption 01 an ordlnanco ostabllshlng a TIF program Is nocossory, Tho ordlnanco dlrocls all lax InClomontlovonuos, Including those levied by or lor other laxing jur15dlcUons such as thO county and school dlslrlct 10 bo mado avallablo 10 tho City for ropaymonl of tho prolocl. lolalod oxponsos, Mr. Burns has asked tho CIty 10 oltabllsh a TIF program IOllho subjoCI proposal. Accordingly, tho tax Incromont dorwad from tho projoct would bo usod 10 roUlo tho prIncIpal and Inlorost on a $150,000 mortgago socurod by Mr. Bums 10 ropay thO principal and Intoroll on $30,000 01 COBG lunds allocatod 10 tho plojoct and to pay fOltho odmlnlstrallvo cosls Incurrod In aolllng up tho proorom (osllmatod al nol moro Ihan $10.000). Tho mothodology In computing tho lax Incromontto rotlro tho osUmalod prolocl costs Is doscrlbed bolow, Cortaln torms aro doflnod to bollol undorsland how tho program works. B050 Yoor Valuo, Tho baso YOOt vnluo Is oslOSlod vnluo 01 proporty as 01 January 1, 1000, According 10 tho City Tax Assassor's rocords, tho taxos dorlvod flom Ihls 3,18 acro tracl 01 land Is opproxlmaloly $45 pol YOBl. ~'I9 [t 1 cl ,-r cl 5 Incronsod Valuo, Proporty II ossumod to Incrooso In valuo 01101 lis Improvomonl. Ills osUmalod thai on JanulllY I, 1992, tho land and buildings In tho proposallwith 0 third 01 tho buildings having boon construclod) will bo valuod 01 $711,000, and on Janua/y I, 1993, $I,S50,OOO, JlIXablo Vnluo. Assuming taxos aID ossoslod altho ralo 01 $26, I 9 pOI $ 1 ,000 01 ossossod valuatlon ollmprovod proporty por yoar, a lotal of $IS,621 01 tax lovonuolla gonoralod on $711,000 01 oslGllod valuo ($711 x $26.19), and $4S,451 pol yoal on $I,S50,Ooo. ~. Tho tax Incromontls tho dlfforonco In tho tax lovonuoa dorlvod from land altor lis Improvomonl and tho base yoal vnluo. Tho tax Incromontln 1992 Is osUmalod al $18,576 ($IS,621 . $45) and In 1993 and tholoaltol, $4S,408 por YOM. II tho tax Incromonls Is plodgod 10 roUro tho prInclpol and Inloroll on a $150,000 mortgago and on a $30,000 CDB13loan (opproxlmaloly $268,000 lotal) and $10,000 01 odmlnlslmUvo costs, II Is osUmalod that tho $276,000 dobt could be ropald In lovon yoara os lIIustralod In tho following tablo. Tax Incromont Total YOM Valuo Taxos Plodgod Ropaymonl 1991 $14,946 $45 $0 $0 ~ 1992 ' 711,000 lS,662 1S,577 18.577 I I' 1993 I,S50,ooO 4S,452 4S,407 6S,9S4 I 1994 I,S50,ooO 4S,452 48,407 115,391 1995 I,S50,ooO 48,452 4S,407 163,798 1996 I,S50,ooO 4S,452 4S,407 212,205 1997 I,S50,ooO 4S,452 48,407 260,SI2 1998 I ,S~,OOO 48,452 15,3SS 276,000 Slnco Mr. Buml' nnanclng of thIs projoclls pondlng, Ills roquollod that tho Council glvo lavorablo consldoraUon to this proposal at tho Informal mooUng. Tho alaff will bo prosonl allho mooting 10 answor any quostlons you may havo. Plooso contact Marlanno Milkman al 35S.5244II you would llko moro Information pllollO tho mooting. ppdcq'devprcp,nvno ,I I ~L/q ~ ,~ [I,t Ct EI [I ,\ t _ . ___________'___________________ c:::.-.-.-.-:.-::::.::.:.=_ _ ___________________ _______ -- ----------- --- --------- -----. fRONT ELEVATION TItREE DED60QM FOUfifLgX [t' t.Ct Et '/ , ' c:L----------------..=L -------------- . ~ ENTRANCE ELEVATION TWO BEOnOOM"EIOtlTPLEX $: -0 t] t Ct EI e ,\ I VILLA GARDEN. APARTMENTS PORTION 0.' 1.OT 10 & 11, BLOCK I, BRAVt:IlM,\N Ct:NTt:1l _.L_ -t- -+- 2:) 1111111111111111 .. t 1I111111111 : 1111111111111 I II 1111111 11111111 1d-b~6. . '1tl~tt~6~(jlttJ'~~. - ICOHO 1000S . 1011 - CROSS-PARI<- AVENUE- .. . .. I' .fJtH1.Jl,tfMs'lSe III 11 IIn JI IDT I 1011 ClT'/, 10 1 "UI ] DllllDru RoN,1 .. "'M. Gill/II '"Im lOll (111 14'1 11.11I111 ~ 1llMIIIII 1J1lI1I.. '1,IAmbl, ~Il ,..bID IliA '''III , I4n ClII. 14111U10 , \ -I ~ lO'12~ . 1IIIIIj I.LLLI DllllDrn'UlNLm . I",,, '10.,.'1 mllJna'UlI1 ,... ClII. 1411 11140 -1U:-"'~ R\NO '--,--- /6' ij Ii l~ i f. ~ ~ . t] I q EI ~I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dltl: , ApllI 3, 199 I To: City Council Kolin Franklin, A.s1sllntto thl Clly Monogol fOl F,om: ttO- Ro: PeUtlon Rogardlng Drllnogo In tho Pork View TOl/lce Subdivision Allachld '.1 potlt/on locllvod from Holan Oulgloy Ind Blv Gallnol of MonOl Drlvo on boholf of 0 numbol of 100ldont. on MonOt Dllvl, NOImlndy Drlvl, Eostmool, Pork PlICO Ind Grlnodo Court. Thoy Iro ,Iqulltlng Implovod .tOlmwatlr dlllnago In tholr nolghbolhood. Although thls Irol I. not wlthln an lIIoclallon It Ihls time, I will be working with thl Dopartmlnt of Public WOIk. 10 evaluole thl apI/on. Ivalloblo to oddlolS tho drllnlgo luul. Un/us thl Council dlroct. othorwllo, wo will ropOtt bock to thl Council of tal dotormlnlng tho posslblo Inglnoorlng .olutlon. and mooting Wllh lho rosldonts, bdm3'1 Allochmonl cc: Stevo Atkins Chuck Schmodoko " . ~50 ,\ I " j 1 , [ i: i I r i ! 1 I I 1 n I Cf EI/LI - i REe ~'I'IEO IA"~ 21 \Q~I A. ro.ld.nt. of P.rk YI.v T.rr.eo Sub-Dlvl.lon which Includ.. Hanor, r..t.oor, Noraandy, P.rk Pl.e. .nd Cr.n.d. Ct" v. f.ol thoro I. I d.flnlto no.d for .n I.provod .tora dr.ln .y.t.. In tho .UI. It I. our f.ollnl th.t one drlln .t tho corn.r of NOra4ndy .nd Hanor plu. tho two dr.ln. on Noraandy .ro not Idoqu.to to . . h.ndlo h..vy r.ln. .uch I. tho one th.t f.ll on Jun. 16. . . Wo Iro r.qu..tlnl I.provo.ont In tho .~ora dr.ln .y.t.. In . , t~l. .r.. to .llovl.tl tho probl.. of llbodod .tro.t., y.rd., .nd b.....nt., ,I I , 456 . l , , ~ " ,~ i. j, ! .' , , t. ., . " t t I I F. ~ ~ D . " I, f r 1 ~i . , I , t] 1 (I EI ~l ,I , . . (Jle{), 11. 9 ~Mf ()nloc.. '7('>~~ 613 ~N~ ~7 M tf1Q-f),l.. t . GoJ-~&.Il. $~ 4N.nor rf)h 600 ~ ~ . uOZ ~ Dr. foo~~~' "- . /, QuI~ ~,~ 3. ?l ~ . !~ ' ;: ~~. ~, ~a%m. ~, ,Jluk I/~' . ~~ ' ;;: ,:;:.~ O~ .<J~. 1;1., 'fJ.JMl4t .1D5 YhdJJJ A. ~ 13.v~C1,('(,:J-< j()~i)' h r "-I~ (t" 01 )1"1 Wl-I.~n I d.t II~ It. /I:,~", ~';I4't;. 'if(4Ilv )~ '7)(flY..'~ Ad,~~ /5 IJ:rrlt-- ~~fr- ~" r{ . t, I,. II 1.) 1 J f"l yl ~ ' I~' .J ':\Ff':.J (J'(l.Vl'\/ "."'1 'Z I~L .1/.01' yl', .~~./ ,\ 17, cTIlr~' (j()/M'VI.. j7:J. }~l4'1. A~~ ./1, W~\~ Ivll4$'kHIV:;C9 c,\~) N\~,..\6f- ~$E- /'/, n:.iJ'oJ.~C/r;..jt.t.iit.llt;. ~()l1 I~l(ijl...'\(. ~,;,,( , ~ t ' B.~ ~ (\(~ c+ ~D. \l((.dtL)~' \ w \\ \CO,.-{V ~, k.,d.1JIA.v. 7C/J Mq~ ~ ~7~.f.' 14 , 7,JI'{ L,..J~ 'a3, ~ '$,~/tlIl~ ft;1r1 ~J~ & . ~~ ~)j, -aid ~/~ 7J1~ ~ , ~.~~t..~~n 711 m~{1. 'so n ICtFlh - - - '. @ t;w:t:;w+tJ - .# I IX_':'.C'47J' .4~ L ' l'\\ 'dd te s s /, u..&\./ ~,;u t-- ~ /)(., ~ I~Lw I., ~,(,\M.. /It 'I.d"~ ILL J ~'^4,,-;A, I~ (IJ.. b.~h1r.m ~ If ..p J.,~ Sos &"Jf->lJf IJr i .!5 ....,Ju~q,. 56<-{ (Cvlfn~ 0,. ; ~ ~ ~ too e~ ,f,.,.-, i ~ ~h 1/;-~.;z,..d()r' 1 70&.\ C:urMoDA. I ' ",~ 7D" ~~,.,,)).., . i '. I i:l' y...~~. t.(.~~.;<.) ilO.5 2cw.inl'''':i)... I :)p,~... .. '4'0)...7 ~c I} c!aJ,iJ'ltt'" '1;t. . J~ I~~ d.dl pr.f'.M). & I ~ e..J;..,,<,'\ fJ.... h l 1.',.r~t: N' ,ra..>>..." d(~:' . Jb, /'rti,w ~ . .' 70 )~ c....f.....",- 1>', ,~ , /1" "'r1'J" .SC~/I' 'I G r, " , I, . /1, K,p.~ f),~~I" J"ft dl~(I\. ' 11 ~ f.fhf'I'''''li ')lll v~ l1, 11 (~jt a..l't /: .t:t..I- 7/1 E."t. .~;~~4...W\.( :':','" ~ ~I,;~ ,C~/-..' 7J.J c:lJtI1,::" PI ~I, ~--..'""" 1V~.t,t,,1:I,c,' fj"l/ ((L~-tYl:"""''''''' j)~. . ~ ,~"....tI.r.J, 'j,v- S'.d',,-;!."'..... A, o.3/)I...&~L 'j~ ",//e,';" Ll..tJ.Ofjl-rt yo 'J- &~Sh,l.'''l'' Dr. 9.1. ;",b;1 T . :m E:...>t"",.... [)... ~~~" " "~ el~1 t(~')tr.-<t.L,. Cr. '1' . a..C., ~;:.,;'} ,/ k~', 0('4. s; !:;" t:..Hr.~"';I' I~ 1J.~1. I ~1, \' I ~50 , i I , , t , , , ~ t ~ r , , t] I Ct EI ,-, ". /2.."",~~ llu. .,;y:,,, tlc~~b.,;' ~ :l:; ) I, fled! j;du.~~ h~IvvJl~ 4, -1, f!J? ~ ..3 . ~ ~ ~/d, ;(J"MI?JJ L1. .... ~ 0 f tlJ -" j(/l s: ~ ~ '7 I (. If') l\\bM 1, 7tl/ ~~~/IJ' ~. ~L..r~" '10~ ~4V'~ '?v '~, . lid 100 /( 17/1~ ' jO,( . ~ ~./~. ~ ~68 /!,!-Jil.J, w.. 13, '~. '" ~ . /5, ~ ~~ 'tlf tJ /J~. /6, t(4~r - 701 ~~~. 17. ~~ 717 ~~~. (0, 73/ jJUl.~~ In I g, ~ ~:A-~ /~, ~I, ,?t.,~ Ji'1 ;J..,W4(~ ~ . . ~.~~ ~ ~\ ~~~~~ ~ "3, _~~ ?). 'I ~ L:h ~t. 831 ~ ~.J ~ t. fn t4~ D~., ~, ~ ~ ~ c( l"l tvol'..".Jy Of' ?1, (Jf. J./)~W~ f41 ~ ~ ~5() , I [t I q EI EI ' . . '. ~ flu - '7'&UI~ ",~p-;...:..ic., " ! I . .. ~ ~ . . ;(g,' ~. a..,I. ~.#.~ ~ :fi ~ I~ :MY/nt,t,t.. ~;, ~l~ -r ~<<..'^" . ..3/, ~j't&~ IfIr h:'~~ /" J~ 8f'~ AI~,~z;",~' ~S 7 NorN.l\.~ br'-\JQ, , (77 1thttttdf A. .! " I I I I I I i . (,50 [t I q EI q j " " ~ ~. l' . t . " @' ~~~ ~f, i I , E t....... r :Jtl\-li IJ ~ "'I: J.4{c;l(,/~' ~~c:~~~ ~," ~~ e.d~ '5 ,. 1( ~Jlr }. :~ ~/~~~ \W~/~O ~~. h~ ~d2i/' ~ /4 ~ ~ f. Jt;..,. , . I ~~Oil.E<;5 (,o:t /~}.'\""','.'.' ~~: ~:~~ ~ ~/J. tNUtA,/'... C1. ~( ~14 U. 'C,)" ~..~~~._ C~ Juf.....,..4 O{J~ ~A._. ~~ .' to5D; I' -'j '. [t 1 q cl, [t . . '. ! ! , '~~e ~~ @ ,\ UNft. /, q.".?~ 't 7-:,;,,,-:0 NMV\i {)c(,KINS . / ' ",. . ,(jot.~'), Q,~(.~: J "J :t:~ ,4JJ res 5 ~~? (Ja..i< #~ :1- , ",",'" "J..;., ~ ' :'!r.1 Ua, ~ L(t~,- I I i i , ! ! . -., ! I , i ; I I i I ! , I I I i . .' . . . '. " ~5o ........... --- ,- n I q q '1 - d Johnson County Council of Governments ~ 4IOEWJH)7J,CI'S: t,.'.O(,r'.L....r;''';.:C -~ ,,....... J . .. t 1Jd " tt~ l fUHUe (/ii:tk oS . . , Dolo: April 4, \991 To: Iowa Clly City Councll From: Brad Noumann, JCCOO Solid Woslo Managomonl Plannor ne: Complohonllvo Planning Summary 01 ECICOO Roolonal Plan Tho Solid Waslo Disposal Ac\ was passod by the Iowa LoolslalUre In 1970. Thll Act requlrod thai alllOlld wasto bo dlsposod In 0 'Ianllllry disposal prolOCL' The Acl also oslabllshod guldollnol and pormltllng procoduros to bo admlnlslorod undal tho thon rolallvoly now Iowa Doplll1mont 01 Environmental Ouallty (IDEal (now the Iowa Doplll1mont 01 NalUral ROlourcos .IDNRI. Tho compllanco dato fOltho Act was ostabllshod as July I, 1975, Although thoro WOIO numorous solid waslo dlsposallochnologlos avalloblo In tho oarly 1970s, thore woro vory low commorclally luccosslul. Tho costs, bonofils and risks assoclalod with solid waste disposal at tho timo mado landlllllng tho tochnolooy 01 cholco lor all 01 tho locllltlos In Iho study aroo. IDNR (thon IDEal dovolopod admlnlsl/allvo IUlos which doalt with slting and . oporatlon 01 landfills. In gonoral, tho lacllltlos dovolopod In rosponso 10 tho S~11d Wosto Dlspo.rJ Act aro thoso that aro In oporatlon currontly. Tho existing solid waslo disposal prolocts In tho . Itudy aroa oporolo undor pormllS Issuod by IDNR, Fodoralloolslatlon, prlmarlly In losponso to hazardous waslo Issuos, also Impaclod solid waslo dlspolal. Tho Rosourco Con~orvatlon and Rocovory Act (RCRAI was paslod In 1975. Thl. loglslatlon oSlabllshod str1ngont controls on hazardous wostos with a cladlo.toilravo philosophy 101l/oalmenl, Itorago and dlsposallaclllUos. SubllUo D rogulatlons 01 ReRA woro plomulgatod and Issuod 101 publlo commonlln Augul~ 19S5. Thoso rogulatlons wont Into olloct In January, 1990, and will havo 1~,'lficanllmpacts on existing sanitary landlllls. Tho Subtltlo 0 rogulotlons would expand RCRA authorlly Irom hazardous waslo facllltlos to Includo olllOlld waslo disposal faclllUos. For many oxlstlng lacUltlos, tho RCRA rooulallons will bo vory lar roaching and roqulro Ilgnlllcant changos, Tho Iowa LeglslalUre oslabllshod 0 soparalo branch ollDNR to coordlnalo various gronl ploorams and load wasto roductlon and rocycllng ollorts. Tho Waslo Managomonl Authorily Division (WMADIIIIDNR Is not a traditional rogulatory branch 01 tho Doplll1mont, bullnstoad coordlnalos tho programs nolod abovo, Tho WMAD Is soparalo 'rom tho Wator, Air and Solid Waslo divisions; hOWOVOl, II has tho oulhority logardlng Iho Comprohonslvo Plans roqulrod by tho aroundwator Proloctlon Act (Houso Fllo 63 I I. '5/ -- ,\ I I i . , i ! i I n , q Cf e ~ Tho Iowa LoglslalulO possod tho Orounct-Nalor PlolocUon Actin 19S7 (HF 631) which oslabllshod tho roqu~omontl fOI tho comprohonslvo solid waslo manllOomonl plan. Part I 01 tho lolld waslo comprohonslvo plan ollabllshos tho 11810" hlorarchy ollolld waslo d1lposal opllon., Part II 01 tho comprohonslvo plan roqulros mora sltfngonl land/Ill doslon, opolallon and monJlorlllg loqu~omontl. Tho Oroundwatol P/Oloctlon Act also plolontod tho followlng waslo manogomonl hlorarchy: a. VoIumo loduC1ion at tho 10UICO. b. Rocycllng and rouso. c. Combustion with onorgy roCOYory and roluso.<fortvod fuol. d. CombultJon lor volumo roductlon. o. LandIUUng. Tho abovo hlorarchy nood$ 10 bo ovalualod 101 all solid waslo dllposal plolocts, and ronowal 01 tho cporaUng porrnlls 101 tho varlous foclllUos 810 Uod 10 tho comprohonslvo planning roqullo, montl. . , COmplohonslvo planning roqullomonts Includo a achodulo 101lmplomontaUon which Is coordlnatod with tho IONR sanitary disposal proJoct pormlts. Tho complohonslvo planning dolos 810 as follows: 7-\.88 Now pormlts and pormlllonowals duo, allor this dalo roqulro comprohonslvo plans, Parts I and II. - 7-\.92 Now pormlts and pormll /Onowals lor landfills roqulro a loachalo conlrol SYllom. (Nod Iowa City landfill pormlt Is duo In OOCOmbol, 1991.) 7-1-94 Pormlt renewals oItOI this dalo roqulro stops toward ImplemonlllUon 01 tho comprohon. .lvo plan, Parts I and II, 7-\.97 Allor this dolo, pormllS Issuod lor altomaUvas 10 landlllls or landlllls which 810 port of an a1lomallvo dllposal systom m. Port I complohonslvo plans 810 ovolullonary In naluro, roqulrlng porlodlC updotos os oconomlo consldoraUons and lochnologlos changos. At a minimum, tho Part I comprohonslvo plan will bo updotod and rolllod with tho Dopartmonl ovary threo yoars (whon tho pormltls duo). In nil casos tho plans mUll bo Implomonlod by July I, 1997, To mootlho roqulromontllOI comprohonslvo lolldwaslo managomont planning oslabllshod undor tho Oroundwolol Prolocllon Acl, Iho Easl conlral Iowa Council 01 OovornmonlS (ECICOG) bocamo tho sponsoring agoncy 10 conduct a comprohonslvo plan. ECICOG coordlnolod 0 Ilx. 2 (PSI ,\ I . . i I I I I I J I I .! I I I . i ! I -~--""'~~-_.~.......--- -, -- -- ~ - [t t q cl ~I I ( . county roglon fOI tho plM, which Includos tho following lurlsdlcUons (l4ndfiIlS): Santon County, Iowa County, Jonas County, Unn County, City 01 Codar Rapids, City 01 Iowa City (Johnson County) and Tama County. In JMUllly, 1989, ECICOG conltaclod with Brico, POlrldos.Donohuo (SP.O) to assllt with 0 sludy 10 ox amino OxllUng lolid wllSlo managomonl practicolln tho sludy aroa and dovolop compatiblo a1lomaUvo syalomslo mOOltho IDNA guidollnos lor comprohonslvo plMnlng. Tho Groundwalol Protocllon Act also oslabllshod 0 solid waslo tonnago 100. InlllaJly, this 100 Is $1.SOnon paid to tho pormlt hoidollol oach Ion of lolld WllStO 10colvod. this Will InIUatod July 1, lOS8. 000 dollalls ltonsforrod to tho 11810, and $0.50 Is lolalnod by tho pormll hoidol fOI plannIng purposos. Tho foos Md rotalnago 8/0 on an Incrollllng schodulo os lollows: . . STATE GROUNDWATER PROTEcnON FEES , , \ , I . , ~ I , I FY 1989 FY 1990 FY 1991 FY 1992' FY 1993 and thoroaltor Foos Colloctod $I.50lTon $2.00lTon $2.50lTon $3.00lTon $3,501T0n Foos Rotalnod $0.501T on $0.501T on $O,651T0n $O,SO/Ton $O,95/Tol1 " '1991 Loglslallon has proposod on IncrolllO 01 $I.SO/Ton, making tho colloctod 100 $UO Tho usa 01 tho foos by tho slato and tho pormll holoor aro rOllrlctod by tho Act. Tho prlmllly uso Is dlloctod al plMnlng ,for Md ImplomonlaUon 01 landfill allomaUvos. Por1l1 01 tho comprohonslvo plM addrollos dOluro and post,closuro plMS, loachato conlrol plM', Ilnancfal plans and financIal assuranco Inslrumonts. IDNR will admlnlstol tho loqulromonls ollho Parlll guidollnos. Tho ,Iowa City landfill will nood Parlll complolod by Soptombor 011991 ovon though tho DNA has not complotod tho rulos ond planning guidollnos III 01 this dalo.. Tho Parlll guidollnos appoar rolatlvoly closo 10 tho Fodolal ACRA Subdllo 0 rogulallons, Landfills will bo roqullod to moot Incroasod contalnmonl rogulatlons and Includo loachalo colloctlon and troatmont sYlloms, Closuro Md post.closuro plans will nood to bo dovolopod for all ladlltlos which will oulllno slOps to bo takon lor monlloring and malnlonanco 01 laclllllos for a minimum 01 30 yoars altol closuro. In addition, laclllllos will bo roqulrod 10 ollabllsh financial assuranco mochanllms 10 provldo lor closuro and post.closuro COils and romodlal aellon, If nocossary. 3 '51 t] I Ct cl Lt , Tho Impact of tho Part II rogulatlons will vary with tho slzo ollaclllUos and tho slatus 01 facllitlos In Ulol, Ufo .pan. II Is, hOWOVOl, obvIous Ulaltho cosls 01 landlilllng will InCloaso algnlncan/ly to Implomonttho now rogulaUons. SpoclRcs In tho Part II guldollnos fOllandftlllng loqullo that tho silo undorgo n hydroooologlc InvOItlgatlon 10 assuro Its aultablllty and plovldo thnllho monitoring wollsystam Is approprlaloly and lIdoqualoly doslgnod and conslructod fOltho pllrtlcullll slto. AIllllos Ihall hllVo an onglnoorod conlalnmonllystom (IInor) consisting of n mlnlmut'l of four loot of compactod clay (1.0 x 10' cmlsoo. Maximum Pormoabilltyl, An Iltos Ihall havo a loachalo collocllon and Iroatmonl sYltom which ISloqulrod 10 bo monltorod and malntalnod through tho opolatlng and posl.c1osulO poriods, Closulo plans 1II0 loqullos which dolall final gradIng and dralnogo fooluloS 10 plovont oroslon, pondlng and porcolatlon 01 wotor Into tho slto and run.oll and run.oH con\rols. Tho closulo plan mllsl be doslgnod 10 mlnlmlzo tho polonllal loloaso 01 pollutants to tho air, groundwatol and lurfOeo watora. Tho c1osuro must IIIso lIddrollloachato conoctlon and \roolmont, grounctNalol mohlloring, and gas colloctlon and monitoring allho IlIo, Posl-doluro plans aro roqulrod to assuro thai tho Intogrily of tho final COVOI Is malnlalnod lhloughoutlho post.c10IUIO porlod. Groundwator and gllS monl\orlng must bo mlllntaJnod, olong with tho loachato colloctlon an~ lroatmonlsYllom Ihroughoullho post.c1osuro porlod, Tho curronl post.c1oluro porlod Is thirty (30) YOllls following c1osuro 01 tho slloj hOWOVOI, thoro Is Ipoculatldn thaltholo will bo porpolual monitoring and poSlocJOSUIO acWltlolloqulrod. I Part II roqulromonts also Includo tho nood fOI an approvod financllll assuranco InslrumonL this financlalllSluranco must bo adoqualo to covor costs of 011 post.c1oluro acUvltlos. Anal guldanco on this roqullomonlls not yol avllllabioj hOWOVOI, thoro havo boon loconl ostlmatos 01 $5,oonon In.plaeo or $2oo,ooO,oo/acro to COVOI tho financial assuranco roqulromonL ~ Tho onvlronmontaJ loglslallon contlnuod In tho 1988.1989 sosslon whon Houso Fllo 753 was passod. this loglslatlon, which Is known as tho WIISlo RoducUon and Rucycl:ng Act 011989, provldos prohibitions on various matorlllls from landfills, ostllbl/shos a schodulo lor Iho prohibitions and IIIso oltabllshos goals 0125 porcont roductlon In solid waste by July " 1994, and 50 porcont by July I, 2000, Tho waste roductlon Is basod on tho lovol 01 solid wIIStO production as 01 July 1,198S. Tho major prohibitions and schodulo aro lummMzod aslollows: · Goals: Roduco tho amount 01 malorlals In tho wIIStowalor stroam, oxlstlng as 01 July 1, 1988, twonty-llvo porconl by July I, 1994, and filly porconl by July " 2000, Ihrough tho practlco 01 wosto roducllon altho sourco and through rocycllng. 4 \ ~5J [t I Ct Ct 5 I Comprohonllvo Plans, Part I, must now bo submlllod by pormlt applicants, ~ ~ aovommonls uslno tho lanllarv dlsoosnll)/olm. I AD c1Uos and counUoslhal1 also 1II0...a comprohonslvo pion dolalllng tho mothod by which tho c11y 01 counly will comply with tho loqulromonts of Soctlon 455B.302 to oslobllsh and Implomont a comprohonslvo lolld wasto roducdon plogrom fOllts rosldonls. · Comprohonslvo Plans, Part I, shall plovido dolaJls 01 a local rocycllng program which shall conlaln a mothodology for mooUng tho stato volumo loductlon goal and a mothodology 101 ImplomonUng a program 01 soparaUon of waslos, Including but not IImltod 10 glass, plastic, popel and molal. · Evory clly and counly 01 this slalo shall provldo 101 tho ostabllshmont and oporaUon 0111 comDlohonslvo solid wasto roductlon Drooram consls~lh Iho wasto mannaomont ~ · Slato agonclos and Board 01 Rogonts InsUluUons must pUlchaso rocyclod papor that moots tho minimum contont standards: 25% by 1990,500/. by 1992, 750/. by 1996 and 90% by 2000. ,. · All slalo ogonclos and Board 01 Rogonts InltlluUons musl ostobllsh an agoncy waslopapor locycllng program by January I, 1990. · January 1, 1990: "sanitary disposal prolo~ thatlncluclos InclnoraUon as a part 01 Its dlspolal process Ihallloparalo from tho matorlals to bo Inclnolatod locyclt.blo and rousablo malo rials, . matorlals which will rOlult In uncontrollod 101,1C 01 hazardous all omissIons whon burnod, and hazardous 01 toxic matorlals which aro not rondorod non.hazardous or non.toxlo by InclnoraUon. Tho lomovod matorlals shall bo rocyclod, rousod, or troatod and dlsposod In a mannor approved by DNR. · January " 1990: PlasUc loom packaging products or food sorvlco Itoms manufacturod with chlololluoroCBlbons prohlbltod from salo 01 uso. · DNR 10 submllloport to Gonoral Assombly by July I, 1990, that charactorlzos tho solid wasto Itroam In Iowa and that contains a stralogy lor managing oach majol componont ollho waslo Itroam, · July I, 1090: Sanitary landfill shall nol accopl wasto 011 fOI IInal disposal. Rolllllors Ihall accopl wasto olllrom customors or post notlco of 10caUons whoro a cuslomor may dlsposo 01 waste 011. · July 1, 1990: Land disposal of load acid ballorlos prohlbllod. Rotallors and wholosnlors musl accopt usod load acid baltorlos allho point 01 saJo, · July I, 1990: Tho IInal disposal 01 bovorago conlalnors by a doalor, distributor, or manufacturor, 01 porson oporatlng a rodomptlon contor, In a sanllary landfill Is prohlbltod, 5 (g5/ ,\ .' , 1 I n I q Ct h - - I i ~ . JanulllY 1,1091: Land dlspolal 01 yard waslo Is prohlbllod. InclnoraUon 01 yard waslo al a lanllary disposal proloct also plohlbltod, By March 21,1991, oach clly and county shall, by ordlnanco, loqulro porions within tho clty or county 10 loporalo yard waslo Irom othollolld wnslo gonoratod. MunlclpnllUoS which plovtdo a colloctlon ayl(om 101 solid waslo shllll provldo for a coUocUon 'y110m 101 yard waslO which Is not composlod, . July I, 1091: Land disposal of waslO Uros plohlbllod, unloss tho Uro has boon procossod In a mannor ollabllshod by DNR. DNR Ihall conduct study and mako rocommondaUons to GA by JanulllY I, 1991, concomlnQ a w.aslO Uro abalom~nl program. Upon comploUon 01 tho ltudy, DNR &hall dovolop ruloslol slocl<plllng lacillUos. . July 1, 1992: PlasUc bolUos and rigid plasUc contalno/1 musl bo labolod with a coda Indicating thO plastic rosin usod to produco tho botllo or conlalnol. . July I, 1992: DlspOlnblo plasUo bags 01 packaging malarial must bo labolod 10 Inform consumorl 01 tho products dogrodablllty. t > ~ , , I I . I , I . July 1. 1992: Land disposal of non-doglBclablo plasUo grocory bags 01 trash bags Is prohlbltod. . January I, 1998: PlasUc foam ploducls, not proviously prohlbllod, which aro manulacturod with luUy halogonatod chloronuoroCll/bOns aro prohlbllod from salo or uso. , . . . . ~ 6 .\ ! '51 [t I Ct cl .-, IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. 1990.1994 VOLUME REDUCTION I. Bogin Waslo Invonlory 101 Waslo Exchango . 1900 II. Encourogo Industrlal and Commorcfal Volumo RoductJon . 1990 A. Packaging a, Matorlals Ulago III. RosldonUaI EducaUon on Roducllon . 1990 IV. Cooldlnalo with Slalo Plan COMPOSTlNG I, Adopl a Yard Managomonl,Plan . Spring 1990 A. Roglon 01 County.W1do B. Yard Waslo Pickup and TronsportaUon C. Dovolop EducaUonal Agonda and Implomonl D. App~ 101 Granls . . . . , II. Pass Ord/nanco . Sprlng 1990 III, ComposUng Program EducoUon . Summol 1990 IV. Construct Low Toch Compolt 5110 .Summor 1900 V. Implomont ComposUng OporaUon . Targ'ol Complotlon October 1990 VI, Yard Waslo ProhlblUon. March 1991 VII. AsIOSS Low Toch CompoSI OporaUon, Consldor H~h Toch Oporotlon. 1991.1992 VIII. Study Roglonal Compool Ellorts . 1991.1992 RECYCLING I. Adopt RocycUng Plan. Sprlng 1990 II, Eltabllsh Voluntary Drop.O" Silos. Fall 1900 III. Assoss Drop.OIl PrngramlConsldor Curbsldo . Fall l09t 7 ]' , . '51 [t I ~t '(1 Er ' . . 1i I , , f , I \, ~ INCINERATION FOR VOLUME REDUCTION I, Inltialo Sludy In 1994 Upon Falluro olln.Placo Dlvorslon Strategies II. Evaluato IDNR Roqulromont III. Evalualo Public 01 Prlvato o.vnorshlp I' LANDFILL . ! I I " I ! j I , I. Evaluato SystomaUc Landfill Closuro. 1991 II. Evaluato RoglonallzaUon 01 Landnlls . 1991 III. Roduce tho Amount cl Matorlals In tho Waslo Stroam: , A. 25 polconl by July I, 1994 B. 50 polconl by July I, 2000 IV, Mool Loglslativo Mandalos for Bannod Matorlal . 1990.2000 ~1I\MIll.1MlO . . 6 ~5J [I,qqq . ___,__"__,~"",,,'~.h"_~"~' '_'~ ......1""'>".'..,,-.., M'........ .'- '."','-'-' .-,~_." ,.~. ".'~ *" .'. ......,. "-.' ,.,.'- ,'. 1 t!",..;.....; "'.," 110,000 10:1,000 , 100,000 9:1,000 90,000 ~ 9:1,000 i 90,000 to 7:1,000 '70,000 6:1,000 60,000 :15,000 :10,000 .' IOWA CITY LANDFILL REDUCTION GOALS . I'IBO 19B'I 19'10 1991 19ge 1993 1994, 199:1 1996 1997 1990 1999 eooo .YEAA )(Btatu Mandotud noductlonl , ".".' ~"--..~;....., ...., I' """ \() ~ [I 1:1 Ct [t [I . TOTAL ESTIMATED LUIDFILL LIFE R~~INING , " Esc1=acod I Rocdnlns EJclcllcod TocAl '. uta TOMIISO Tonnaso LandtUl (Vam) '(Tons!yur) Capaclty Bancon County 6 . 16 ,000 96,000 Cadar Rapld. 15 210,000 . 3,150,000 IOVI Councy Clodns 16,000 ' '. John.on'County 25 90,000 2,250,000 Jon.. Councy 8 6,480 . '. 51,840 Ll nn Coun ty ! ; 20 43,000 .' . 860,000 TUI County .20 . 7.00Q \40.000 ' Tocd . . 311,480 '6,547,840 . TOTAL ESTIHATEIl LAlIDFIU. un FOR SIX.COUNTY REGION. 16.86 Yam . , . '..., lluco,'I 0' 1II10bflAL \lAm ITltlll "piI'/ ll,,", Clrdlotrd CI'*' 'hilI. Vood ",1111 ' rood . CI... Klle. loul lll'dllll tr ""'" (1"""1 (T""'" tr ""'" trWT,' !TOII/'" !TWT" !T ""', I' 1l0l'1Tr' '! . '"C1I1U,1 .40 .20 .07 .04 .09 .06 .09 . .OS I 1IfIIIIICMl'f 6,400 I,ZOO 1,120 640 1,"0 ' 960 1,"0 . 100 16,000 CIdI, 1I,Ida 19,600 1',100 1,110 I,NO 6,660 4,"0 6,660 1,700 74,000 1..1 CMIY 1,1'0 I,no' In 1M 064 576 . 064 440 9,600 laMalll CMl'f ',toO 1,740 1,540 " 110 1,980 1,320 t,910 640. U,OOO 111\I1 CMlY 1,191 1,196 m ~, su 31' SU 3Z4 6,410 Llm CMlY 17,ZOO 1,600 1,010 1,120 1,170 1,580 1,170 1,\50 u,ooa Till CMlY 1,100 I,~ 4tO m 630 420 . 630 ISO " 7 000 , , ,," 10UL n,SlZ 14,'" 11,466 ',121 16,0U 10,601 I6,OU 1,464 171,010 .' TwIDI, In.1 n.1 14.1 \90S n.' I9.J n.' 21.1 . . 447.9 10111 1o/IIII11I CMlY P'P4'/Cltdlolrd, tM/llrdtIllI'd .fmlhl'olOUl rlNII~ Ire" plrellll, \7 pilreml cnd I'"rellll," /IIplCllvtly, " IlOU1l.IAL/~IICIAL \/AlII ClNllAlED " COUNI' lOll' ll,,", rmu rmoua 'Ill" Clrdbolrd ClnleIl 'llut. IIood "fllh Mlull "... Olftl.' "he." Toul trllll'" !TOII/lII (Toni'" ITOII/',' !TlIrvrr, ITOII/',I trllll/Yr1 !Toni'" llllll/Yrl CTOII/'" 1l0ll1Tr1 '''1 ... 1,400 ... ... ... ... ... ... on ... 6,400 111In10ll 15,'" 10,SlO 1,57'1 7,nS 1,060 1,60S 1,030 4,635 16,"0 4,1JS 61,000 Llm 17,150 11,7'10 1,500 IS,140 1,900 5,800 I,lOO 6,600 . lZ,OOO 24,960 Il6,OOO 10UL 'I,m lI,UO 1,07'1 13,075 4,960 9,40S 2,310 II,ZlI 41,"0 It ,091 110,400 "MllolllI Iludtl, lillII'd clNlNlllOll/...lIllan mIll IIIlc1lln een/dtrld llClIII'ecycllbl., nonrtcovlllbl.. ''Ilrtl'"l1l1llhl'" .. clIlIlelll'" norvecycllbl.. .._n~61 t] I:' 0 0 . I . . ... ... '.. iii> 1.1\ WI"" J. MAY" Iltlll.Ul JO"" w. "'U_ C. '''II "At" C. lOt"" "OLUJilO DUID I. "0." HAYEK, HAYEK, HOLLAND 0. BROWN A"ONNUI AT LAW ....... IUI\OUlIO 110)\ un W&lNlhO'Olt tUIU .0.' c,,,. to., 1"40 U" AlU COOl III U7...01 -' i LlU A. OIL" March 29, UU ~ "" Mayor John McDonald and City counoil Moaborl civic Contor 410 E. Walhington street Iowa city, Iowa 52240 ROI stato of IOWA v. city of Iowa City . .1 I . Doar Mayor and Counoil Holborll . JWIIllt Enololurol Ordor . . I aa pl.alod to roport to you that Judge Zimmer hal ovorruled tho stato'l Motion tor Modification of tho Judge'l provioul ruling in favor of tho City in connoction with thio calo. Tho stato will now have 30 daYI in which to docido whothor or not it wontl to appoal in thil aattor. I aa onololing a copy of Judgo Zimmor'l Ordor. Vory truly yourl, , \ \.., \.\ JOhn\~. Hayek L , .' ; . (P5~ [I I:' Ct Ct e 1 1 ,\ I IN TIlE 1M DIS'IlUcr OOJRT, III AllD rm JQINSaI COlJrrY , . -- \ . \ ) . I ,', STATE eN 1M, 100 STATE IlOMD OF . " , , 1UXiENrS, and tho 1IlIVERSIT'l OF 1M, I 'I.) '(0:'. I .' ,~ , \ '. . Plointlff'1/ I 00. moo .n .' I . , VS. I .' "oJ .' . I OlUlEll cm OF 1M CIT't and STEPIlEN J. I ATKINS, City H0n09or, I I Dofenclonts. I . '1110 p10intlffs' Hot ion to EnlartJo or Amond Jud9mont hos botn prosontod to . . the Court. '1110 Motion 11 raslated by tho Dofonclonts. Counsel' hovo adv1lod the . Court that oral hoadng concemill9 tho Motion is not roquoatod by any po~ty. '111. Court, hovill9 conaid.1rod tho Motion, finds thot it DhoUld be deniod for . tho nallOllllsot forth in tho Dofonclont's Ros1ltonce to tho Motion. . Clark to notify counsol. ootid this 27th dAy of I1arch, 1991. .i , , i ~ Dalo:~.a.f"'l . Mailed To: ,,:~~,:v. t)~:!~6"AIIU\ :t1hr'\ UA'flll. )f.. BY: Clork'l Olflco pOllonnol nosponsiblo 101 Mailing Documant - ~5~: [t I:' 0 [I ~I Real Estate Chri.tJne K~kka , - Banks Set Up fund to Help Renters cwld !Wlp our KQ'oIlIll' Inlllflldool.. !Y." Mr. ClIandltllll4. "MOIl 01 our 'm~n '11 MrvlCHrlmlld bw~ IItUt. lllal hln 1ow'lIl1rwd "". In. II )'VII hi" houllll' 1lla1!l<<'Plt "ho 11m btI""" 111.000 IJld JlO,OOO can ./t0ld, XOU'U .1I11C1 wonm IJld 'IIIPlOYln. WhIr. tln H.mpINII'1 lI,..r COIIImllllllt. hi" IIlIIlIklDAl houtiIl& IUl/lofUJtllllalolflllUlllWud haul- IllC.IlO 11I1. or ClIUIII' ..ltlCY III II.. Hllllpl/IlrIlI ~ lIIor41b1e houlllllllllllburOia" rur.lln.L "OoYtmlllftll II daal~ 10 be .11I11111I lI.w lI.mP'hl" . Wr. ~ clltr IIIll "8.nlm Wlnll<l1O !UP' poll I IlCIllprolll OI'I.llIllUan lllal pmklfd Iflonl.blt houllnC OIl . ,.. &lOlII1 bull wtllloul I 11II of 1m"" mtlll ~bekly. No 0Ilt .anpI lilt HoullIII P.rlIlInIIlp II oIIIIna IlIaIIll lilt lll(OIllInl." In 1"1. Mr. OYndltr Invllld %S beiIU 10 PlnklPlllln .n IIIor4Iblto houll/ll loan llOol. FIltt M I/lo choRd lilt fuIIcI Willi I II mllllOll_ IrllIU1lOl1, IIld 211111Wr banU hid ~ "'lid by 11111111 ,m. lbI pool hat III 0W1I1oan rev"" ClImmllht IJld WlU oIl.r hnanclnS 10 lilt PlrlIlInIIlp II 11Im 10 h" pol/III below IlIIrUI nllL lbI PlrlIlInIIlp hopn 10 buy 1_ clolcd /ttIlII pnI\lI/I)' 1\ low pr1Ce1 dlttctly lrom bWL Tht low puro dIIM m ClIlDblMd .111I I loW.. IImlloIlI WlU ll\Iblt IllI plrlIlI,., ahlp 10"'" OUllboul IIID lilt 11I11111I I buil4lnl.1 below'llIIlbl /ttIIL Tht plrlIlInl\Jp 111110 COIIIl4trtlll usllll lilt loan Pcol 10 buy IlnaItol.mU, hoMIIIcI oIIlr IllIm .11li 1ow'1I11 101III10 IIlO4ellltlncollll buytn. Thlllnl purclllMIO blllrianctd II lilt 01dI P.1Wll1t APlnlllftlu, houatd III IWO rormal ClInlrtllllollll ClluIdl pllIlIlIIl" In lht cetlllr 0/ .1ft llI.f/MnI, bedl'DOll\ ClIlDmlllll}' IOUUI of Pontmoulll. ThlIOWll" ,.. I 1Ir1c11vt 101I11I& .nd V'" wtlllndl ~1_1I,.nd toll 11.1 "III. mar. III" ll\lllllll COIIIII ClImmUIIII, p. ~lI, tIoualnl prim hlVI not 4<<11l\td ehulvt IJld INlt0rdablt '" IlIOII -.,. La l*omt atIonlable 10 lilt modi"... IJld mlddltlncollll '"~ jqlulillan \/III wtII be IIIV1d by lilt dmlL ~rlIlInIIlp,IIIdCllrkt R.OYridltr, A Im.II,Capl CGd houN, .hlch ~~r FlH18.... ClImmunll' rein- NIVId.. IllI R1f OIn&rtllllollll ~...mtnl olllClr .ho OfI.nlzed IllI CIIuRh'.lInl PI/IOIIII', w.. buill In l'!!! pool. 1l1l.11I11I bclUnd IllI a<<ond pI/lOlIo , ThI IVI/lI' /ttI1 ror . _bed- II', .....llory Flde/ll'llyll build. )lIOftI'plnlllftll III If.COUI II.. IlIIC0111I/IIClldlnlllo. 11.mplhln I..bout '* I monlh, In- Thllwo bulldl/ll' IItll ccnv.nld ~ludlnl ulllllltl, and 1 IlICIdnI onto 10 pnv," UIIln IllI mkJ.lIOO'L lbI, 11mll, home rotll .boul 1122.000. W'II CUI up 1n10 'Plnmlllll dullnl ~I'" oIllellll .llIm.l. \/III 1,000 World W., II .hIII m.ny people !nOn unlll 0/ ./fOldable houIlII& .11 IllO'IId 10 IllI .n. 10 IVrk .1 lilt ~lC'dId III \/1111111" COIllII.rtI. IItllby Pon.moull1 Hlv.1 Shlpy.rd. " "C/l1I1II1 morullordabll howlll& ..... ""I',. .. I ... , .. . .... parllll P .. JlUIC,..1 nl "'" ~ 'IWO bUlldlnl' 101 1210.000 11I11I I I . . " 1311.000 loan 111.1 pemnlllOm lilt I ....,.,WJ-tf polll\/lll wlll.IIOCOY.fIlllOY.11onI. I ,.... ...... . CUIIt1lU"lIlt III nmmlll/llllt I --'llll'dOltl~1 '" .,....... !:, .. ... , I Dnelopmlnl AulllorlIJ 01 =1lI.1~ J'~::~r :"1t~~: t The CIIJ 01 lelem, Vlrglnle monll1!y Incllma, or 111110 17" 1 II 1....1IIs1 Dmll,.m monlll. I : Rmtlt ...... kIl111117 11.30'.4 ..,..., 1, 1192) CUSlP II. 7145n.M : IIA1NUA, H,IL ~' COHSORnUN of 12 banU lit New lI.mpahlll hIIlfI up . 117m11lJon loan lurid 10 heljl' nonoro/lI OIl1l1i11llol1 en," IIlOI1 mooIt"lIoW- howlll. In lilt .,. I\lIlIl COIIIII 111101I 01 IIlI 11111" ioulIw'"'"' _,. , ThI~1ltd by FIltt M. tI.. lI.m rt, bufllln llll1lu1, IrID Ilvorable hnanclnS 1I/Dl1lO IlIIblllllt 110UIIIlI P.rIM,. IhIp of PorUIIIOUIllIO buy 100tcloltd 'plnlllml bulldlnsa. Impron lIltm and"", wm 10 'Imlllt..ho UMOI .ltordllllrttl'nl' howln.. ; F" lilt btnka, IIlIIoan poolll.n III'I'Onlllll, 10 1I1l1" lilt _mlllll' nlnml/lltftl requlnlllftlu 01 redo till II. and.1Io 10 lllIlOllII of 1IW1, IIOIIIl'rlormlnS IUtIl.1nc1ud1nC '0,.. cloltd Iplnlllml bulldlllp. , , , 1lllI1IIlII1II1Ilt1oan1urldllhna/lCo \"111I hnl NCIl pro/lCl.lwo hIItortc )lU11d1/lsl WlIIIIJ 'plnllMllllln R1f \/III wtll If\lOIIUk<d by FlHI aw. , Delpll' II.. 1l~lIlpl/llrl" "'III~ , ;'Creating more :aCCordable housing , :could help our 'economy.' '1011(1 Of nlDlu,noo 10 II"'IIO,DIR\ .... ."""',...... .' ~53 I I I i I I I I l I . I I I I I I' I 1 i I , , [I I:' Ct Ct LI ,\ 1 LEnERS TO THE GAZEnE The true 'armpit' is on-campus housing I hay. underUllen lht rlsk or Investlnlln o/f. Uvlnlls on campus. not o/f WIlplll. 'lb. ubllruy campus houslnl rOrltud.nll. 'lbettrol1, I would polley o(CorelnllOpbomom Into donns wW Uk.ly Ilk. to comment on IllAtem.nt mad. by R'l'nt rurth.r reduce unlvel1l1y enrollmenL Marvln IItnnsllln.lle cIoet not Ilk. -blVlnl people I must point out thltlandlords pnwldt I lIYlnI IoU campus) In, . . annplll. " lupportlvt roll to the unlve"lIy, 'lb. unlv.nlty Au tuplyeroC 10wI and an Investor In th.lowl wu not capabl. orproduclnl houllnlln luftlcl.nt City houslnil muk.~ I 1'1 Irr1tattd .t peopl.lUcb . numben to 1Ulta1n lis II'Owth over the Iut20 u IItnnst.1n who hold I position wblch enlbl" yean. W.. u Iandlon\l, mel thaI challm... Our . them to mall. public pl!lIc:y without belnl Ip&rtIllenta II't Inspoclcd parlodlca11Y and an I/lronned.lli wanls 10 roret IOpbomom 1n10 Iha, Rquli1d to mettlha IIrln&tntloWl City bouslnC donns, IloCI h. want 10 tnlt them Ilkl Clt~ U cod.. 11'1 doublftl1 the donns would quaiit)' for aD th.y baY, been treated In the put71loC1 h. want to 10wI City houslnl pannlL ' doubl. or trlpl. th.m Into mlnlatun dorm rooms, With decnulnl enroUmenta aheld, w. need pUt them Into lounces, rore. them 10 accommodat. mon nspect than Bennsteln Is wWlnlto Ilve,l their roommates' 1t1Ull. drul Oldrlnklnl hablta .1/tI with the othtr /tIInls' Ipproach, Malt. and then leld us to bell.v. thll must be part or the .partmenls out ohom. of the donnt, dtln up dorm c:oUell.xparl.nce1 \lvllll and &lvl thtltudenla choice. . ,I polley w. Really, Mr. Bel1l1Jleln,1s this whatlOphomom can all live with. need1 Such dlll/lctlona Il1ttUOns why your Larry Svoboda dol'llll rlu to Ill/lctltudenll. Th.InI. "armpit" of Rout. 8,IOWI City ~5~ n,:iOOS - 'nIB EX.'Ul!MCAL a:mtlI4'ATIaI cr QOUS'l'UN cnGUXi\TICNJ Itw\ CI'lY I lQoO\ IlMn:s YOU 'ro ,IIFJ\R JIII.WI) ruum . . nxmm AID mrsmoo cr IWlITAT FOR 1ItIW\I'lY INmlN7ITICR\L NDlESSm:J ux:AL AID tallMDE 1001100 o:n:EIOO <m1W, PtJIlLIC HD.'l'I00 SIt'nlRli\Y, APRIL 27 7.30 P.M. EX:lHENICAL NlIlSIIIP SERVICE stm\Y, APRIL 2S " 11.00 A.M. both events hold at REGIR\ IIIQI SCUXlL CiimSIlH 2120 IUI~I~ AW. ICM\ em I IQoO\ N:l ADlISSIOO 0lMGB. f.VIXiQlB 1\mx:KE. FREt: WILL IXBTICNJ WILL BE T~ Fa\ HNlITAT roo IIlHANITt 'ro IIELl' DUI ID m.w IOIES. " i . .: i 655; . D e Ct [I b / ,\ I Habitat for Humanity International "A docont houso In 0 docont ~ommunlty lor God's pooplo In nood" FACT SHEET . WHAT IS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL? Foundod In 1978 by I.IB"'rd FulOI and his wno,l.rd., Habl.t for Humanity InlomollonoJ Is on acumonlc4l, Chrisllan houllng mlnlslry thallookllo oBmIn4te povorty houllng from tho world and 10 mako docont shoftol a maUor 01 conscIonco and action. By having noody and atfkJont poopIo wol1ltogOlhor In aqual paMorshil, Hablol bulldl now rol4Uonl~ and a sonso 01 communly IS wollu now housing. HOW DOES IT WORK? TIvough lax-docllcliblo donallons 01 money, malorials and \Wnloor labor, Habitat bulkls and rehabllnolos various homol wlh tho help 01 tho MUlo homeownOl1. HouIOllle sold \0 partnor famlllollor no pror~ with no-lntorOlt mortgaget, Colli 01 homos dilfor loIalJo.elo Ioca1It.n, Iabor,land and materials. CurronUy, a Habllat haulO In tho U.S. /IVllaget $30.000. o,.oraoos houlOI tango 110m $1,000 \0 $3,000, 1.I000gagos, on a nollrofil, no-Inlorest basis, 110 luuod OVOl alblod lino period. Smal monthly mollO.go p.ymonll, Inckxllng ton. and Insuranco, 110 lopald ovor on ,vollgool20 YOOll.nd dopolhdlnto. rovoMng' Fund 101 Humanky', whlchsupportlthoconslructlonol mora houSOI. HOW DOES THE PARTNERSHIP WITH HOMEOWNERS WORK? Habnatls not a glvoaway program, bulls a joint VOnlUIO In which lhasa who bonor~ lrom lho housing m1nlslly ala Involvod In tho work 01 VOrloullovols, Each hornoownor family Is roqu~od 10 Invostswoal oqufty houlllntO tho conslructlon oltho~ homo, this rodlcos tho monetary cost oHho houso,lncroaset tho pOl1Ollllllnvolvomont 01 each lamIIy momber In tho~ homO,lnd foslolllhe devoloprnonl 01 posftlvo relallonshlpl wfth other POIsonS. HOW ARE THE PARTNER FAMILIES SELECTED? FamIDol.ppIy tolocll Habftot projoctl. A family 101octlon commlI1oo choosOllho homoownoll based on Iho~lovol 01 nood, willlngnoulo bocomo partnollln lho ptoglam and obiUty 10 ropay tho loon. Evory pro/oct follows a non- dIscr1mlnatOlV poIlcy 01 family soloctlon. Nofthol roco nOt rollglon Is 0 lactO/In choosing Iho lamlllos 10 locolvo Habitat housos. HOW DOES HABITAT WORK WITH THE GOVERNMENT? Allhough Habllat doGs not acc~ govommonl money, other IoITllS of govommont IUpport luch osland glanll, Itroot pavoment and lowor hookolJps 010 OCCopled and Opploclalod by Habitat proloctl. HOW BIG IS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL? Hobhl 10/ Humanfty Inlomotlonalls growing ropldly. Tholo are ovor 400 llIillolS projoctlln U.S., Canadian and South Alrlcon cillol and maro Ihan 70 sponsolod prolodlln 28 dovoloplng COUnlnel. A new national contor Is underway In Australia. 6!J5 [t I:t 0 [I ,-, WHO CONTROLS AND MANAGES HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL? An ecumenicAl tmrd 01 27 ~It moGlmml-lMUllIy 10dOlonrlne polley and OVOl100 oporal()nllli conjunctlon w~h I 1.11001 Board 01 AdvIIOlI. Heavily dopond.nI on \'O~nlOOf 1Ibor, Habllo1l lor Humanity InltlNlklnaJ Hea~I"OII opelll.1 willi In adminlstrlUvO llan, misled by I CIOI. group 01 pal:! dOlbl and IlJPPOI\ peopl..nd IUpjllemonted by ICOI.I 01 long. and IhoIl.larm voIunlool1. Each IIliIaI..nd lponsoted plOlOCIIs mwgod by. local \Wnloll tmrd. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SPONSORED AND AN AFFiliATED PROJECT? SponlOllhlp mew thai H4b1I.tlor '\l1NN1y lrCamallonallakos ~I responsibility lor llnd'to and for 11CUr!ng Habitll vollnl.e,.1or tho pl'Oloct. A1lh1s Umo,ll HabllllpOllSOled projOCl.II' Iocalod kl 0CllIl0IlllcI1Iy disact'llnlaoed counlt1o.. A1rillalo projOClI.IlInd.pond.nI, /lOII1lIOIl Otganlzlllons and II' responslllo for tholt own ~nd.rals~, publicly, voIuntOOf 10000.ment .nd Il.ll'lIlO. Tho kllomlllO/llI ollie. 011.11 advke and .lIlstanco 10.1 profOCll. HOW ARE DONATIONS DISTRIBUTED AND USED? Donallona .11 dislrixlled II dellgnalod by tho donor. AI gif\lIOCONod by tho lnIamalionll oll'iCO. deslgnaled lor. spoclrlC projoct, .,0 Iorwordod 10 lhat profoct. Arrt undol~led gilts .10 used whOl' noodod ovallOlI and lor IdmInlstralN. .xoonlOl. An .lKRed ""anclAllIll.monlls avlllablo upon r~esL OTHER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PROGRAMS: Many lpoclal ptOgll/llS w.hln Hablallor Human>>y support tho mlnlstry'. hauling mlsalon. T1voo ollhom 1I.1h. Covenant Churdl progr.m th4IIrwoN'S chJrchot In conIrtullng ftnancl411y and pqyorfully 10 Habltl, tho VIsion Hablal progllm Ihll proykfos needed oytQlOSlOS lor dovo!oplng countrlos.nd money lor ovOl1au hauling and tho new CI/I'4lUI Chople,. pI'Qllm tNllrwoIvos ca/l'4lUIOS 01 oducall01ll11ns1i1llllons 0'11 typos In tho ~ion 10 tho houllng probIom. Anothlllll4jor ptOOram Is 1h.lnlam.lIonll Day of Prlyol and Action lor Hulll4n Hablll observed undot HIbl.,1ot Hurnonly lponso~ IlrelgWslnslMons lho tNnl SurGay 01 Soplombof IVOrt ~Oll. , . HOW DOES A HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PROJECT GET STARTED? Hlbllllor Humanly Is. gllll'lOOlI mov'rnonI. Anyone who wanlllo .xplOl.1ho poublMy 01.1knIna11ng POV'/ly houllng In hla 01 h., conmlnly Is I/lCOUIIgod 10 oontOd Habllll" InI.mallollll oItlce lot Inlormlllon. PrlnIed matorllla "' IvlDlblo lor purchas., HOW CAN I BECOME A VOLUNTEER? . Vollnlo., kllormollon anCl appbl~ .10 lYallblo lrom tho'ntamallonol offICe. H.bllal needs voIunloors to work kl U,S. projoclllot porlods thai rlllOO 110m 011O day 10 ovor. ~oar. You can h.1p with construction OIoIfce-rolaled worlI. Wo.1so nood volJntoors ovarsOll, making lllolIl.llvoo.yell convritrnont,lncWng. poriod oltr.lnIng II lnlamallonal hol~1I10". HOW ELSE CAN I HELP? Spread tho wordl Provldo lndN~sJ and group pray" lupporI, ONo IIido plesentallons, rals. money, d'iSlribute Habllallor Hulll4nlly liIeralu/O 10 Irionds, Inv.o IrIenda, churdl groups, business and cMl organizations to 100 . Hobllollor Humanity plOSOnlalion or lpooch. P,ount I Habllat lOt Humanity lMUoI ulondol II I gift to .Irlond. And, 01 courlO, you un sond . chock efthof .11 gift 01 I /lOolnlorest ban. HOW CAN I lEARN MORE ABOUT HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL? A calaloguo, · Shoring tho VIsion " Ihllllsts al Habllol fOl Humanly Inlomlllonal ma/0IIa111nc~d'1IlO books, Irda lhowl, video and ludIo caslOllGS.nd movies Is IvaBablo upon roquost. /oJ malorllls can bo ordorod from: Habltal 101 HUlllo1nlly Intomolional. Hobftol and ChurdlSllooll. AmoI1cuI, Goorgla 31709-3496, (912)924.6935. FIX: (912) 92406541. n.vllld 7180 ~55 [t I:' 0 [I EI ,\ I SOUTHEAST IOWA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE PRUICOO JENmEPltIlUPS COlI'd.~, "","lWIe Y1CI PRISlOOO ROOERIA BOlISCItA ~lll'.1tIIlloto OtRECTORS JNE:I FIfE. COlI'd folonW. KdlA BOO OUST . Mr,\lt, w.on CAI11. fWlOSEV1CH. Mr,\lt. ClIUlMI TOI.l~K.Mr,\lt.J.tPl..1II'l IIIMEDlAII PAST PIIISlOOO /l(O(CCA IlE'fNOlD$KI'OIf1 ~)U.~1t IrCRITAR~TRlASURln 000 GUST ~ Wolon . SOUTIICMT IOIIA ItUNICIPAL LCMUIl COLUIIBUS JCT COUNTRY CLUB COLUItBUS JCT, IOIIA APRIL 17, 1991 . Tour the Natural Gas Plant at Colulbus Jot 5.00 to 6100 Pit, lap .nolos.d. Dinn.r will b. s.rv.d at the C.dar Crelt Country Club, at 6130, oost $10. Itak. relOrvations to C01UlbuI Jot City Hall (3191 72S-7971 by rriday April 12th. AGIlNDA, 1. Call to ord.r by pr'lid.nt 'J.on.tt. Phillips 2. lIelcole 3. Approval of Itoroh linut.s 4. finanoial Report . 5. Old Dusin,ssl K.nt Sov.rn, updot. on LeeQue 6. N.w Dusinels 7, ProQralll1 Speak.r Deth Ilveleln, Southeast Iowa ReQional PlanninQ "ltow They Work lIith Cities" B. Next llleetinQ Itay 15th. p.lla 9, Adjournll.nt finonoiol R.port . DeQinninQ Dalono........................, 2937.94 Ilxpenses . ' Check ordor............................. 9.05 PostaQe Itaroh lIIailinQ................... 20.90 Dalano. at COIl Natl Dank Itusatin......., 2099.99 (P5~ [t1:IC/CICf .. -,........ --'-_1'0 .' I -- -- . Dlroc~lonolll\'p ror Southout rova tlmlc:lpal LeO<JllO motlll\l, April 17, 1991 a~ Col\lll1Jus Junc:~lol To Conosvlllo IlWY 70 TN 1'0 Wnhlngton (Walnut St) 1'0 Grondvlov IIlI'( 92 IS Junction I I \ . \ \ · \ (Gamblo \ ~ ---\ ,(Sprlll\lor Avo) Club try \ \ , f I . I r. I I I , I Colllllwa CI~y ,... .. ~ ~ ~ X-J7 Natural Gas Plpollno dlroc~lonal signa 'II .. II j ~ I I , , I "a~ural Gas Plpellno '" I r ..... - - - .. ...1. ... ... ...... - .w ____..... , ! 105ft) [t I:~ 0 . I [I '" , I, L , I t f [ I TO: FROM: RE: . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: April S, 1991 H.lyor and CIty Council Hartan K. Karr, CI ty Clerk ~*' Updato on Clgarotte LegIslation Attached Is a copy of House File 232 passed on Karch 27th. Tho Sonata Is scheduled for action soon. I will keep you posted. , ~5 ,I I r n P n 't 'I - - - .' . ..;.'f' ;,... .. ;Ii' \ ,-I.~'" I .' ~ .. i ...~~r1."CJ,'i~'~;~.,;l~~"I'i:~ l.,... . '. . ,"J . '." .. ~, If '~ , I ..0 . "....'\ . 0' ':. .;~ I" , ,I": . , .. ~,' ''':':',. ,..,~I. . le. I , ,". ." .. '... t" ,.' , :.~~, '~' :.' '. ; ~~~ll' ..~1 ~1.l ~ '. : ~. '\" I.' .'t,...,.-,' .',1... "..:,~'!i.\i~'.l."i) ,,' loin','. BOOSC'rl ~~..t , B't coMifrBJ.'~~'InnWr*"I:)\t}' I '..' t... ~1 t.of , fftl~r . RESOORCH~,r '. I.~ ~..,;, . , ,., ~ ,.t . .~ . ... .. ., " . :- f,:'r"\"Il,.~fi f' '",' ,\:1 .' " . " . .. '\. ""0: ; (SUCCESSOR TO sr 104 )'., .., " (AI'ML dod And Pllud by.the BOU~'~~~h'27,'i~~tit~1' . . I' .t' '.J,~.I, .,~!.., J~~':-:' ''\W.'' "I', .., ' ....~;"',t.:~,.,'.....: ,,~':'''~l '" t, ., ....'lfnl. ~1:.!. ',I' J1 ,I . . :.....,....v . t' .":' pallod s~,n~~.'f.~~,~~' .~~t t VOtll "Y'~ ,~; ,r,' ,'. N"y.:i(:~~; , ,f,. \'~ .' r't'I"'" . . .f r'I".,. '" ,. ~ .... I' I '~', ....i. I . o' 0" t., 't ,t . ....tl..]. '~\.. ," ..'....f' '.... l\.,'f' "', ....."'.;.. ':. Q" \ ~ t\. .., It I , . ,..1.'" A BILL FOR .~.)~. "'.....,.~',ol$.. i .. . \' ,,, ,,1 I./~'~, I" . 'l ~"\'!' '. . 'I"~;~ ... . l t .. ," "\ . '. 1 An ,.:t rolltlng to thll Ill, and iu~nllhln~".'~'~~~~~i;~tti~~!I~" / 2 tobacco product. to c,rtain' porionl lilt pr'~~ld'lng pe~~i'tl ~.' I I ,t.... ,"i ". J And an ottectlve doto. .', ':'i.l:. ~.'.r ~'~:~'!' 4 BC IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEHBr,y OF THt': STATE or JOllA" ;~~. , ,.' 5 1,,:,' ..~,.., ..' .: ',..~.~..~)/a.l. 5 Roule Mondlllontl, " 1\"'" :;', . . '..i_ ,:., ... ...',.,.l ~~l"i.. ,\ 7 . Do1otod Llngul90', .: . '. ;"':r ;)'~;-' . ' . '1' ..1 i":;'li' I" .11, 8 " '.. .,'.- " . ' II ., ~"...~, . ,,";J\~fi.:~ 1; ,\..'~ ". ,.~:.~? #~tp.Y.i:i.i . 11 \ ' . . '.. ;.-:"; , " . ;~:~'I. ,i~' ". '. ~..f ,t': .,~", "~~,l,. ':JC ~;\,; .... 12 t"':.<l.',m.' ',. ..'...... , 13 ,;{.f....; ", 14 ': ' , -rl~~J' ~f,' l~'" \'1' 15 '. J'f~~' :0' · I' ... .' . , \f,'"~I''' 16 .~.'I.on;:'.. . ' '!~" '."',~ ': .I~..:..'~,i':t~: 17 . ' . ..,7~t ,~. ,,;' ,. I ,. 1S i~, '.1. :;d . ,\ ,'C;. U .' .: ,.~, 20 ,\ I . . ," . . Palled HOUII, Vote, Ay.. Date . NaYI Approved . \ . ( ( IIr 232 , lI/pk/25 ,." . I, , ',' f .... '-'{"" ,;,,:,"/' b,: "\,~~: :':rJ57 - I :, - :, tt . L - - I I~P~~~f . '. .~.:t:~~~;." ' ,"~4~:';~'J..5, . , " . ." ','(' ,. ' , ~ '", "', ...... , . '. '" '., 1'..~~.,.::1.,..... . ~ I SOCU" I. 'oc"d,' is; I;' ~;bo;~1 i,. i(;~~'!t..l,\(i I '.on... ,. '... .. "11.... '. ,"'" ". ., . I ", 'CI,or.... "'dI,. '''hI", '"'' on, OOII""iJ.. ' ",1,. ,".,.. I., ""1. ". ",,., 'po, I,..",., "~ .. ' "1,., ...., ..".,." " " .,.., '..n., 'I.,i,..i """" · ~r "bo.,. """\! "'10., '" '.....1', ., ".,i.I'.lo, " ""'" ..,..., 'OC' 'ondl" ..".u.,. ..., .'; i' . · .... I, '''Uon 'M. .... lOll, Ie ..in"n"""I" 'h, · """1" ", "....U....,.. ::";:~:.:l : ':: ,,,. .~ 10 ~'" su.....iQ!!. '''''. .r0b4....~'odi!t~~~~~~h;;.~ " Ultl. 01,." .. ",!". 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'''' .....i., or ",.. . .to'.;i'hii..;, !f.iJ:'" 17 ~'bo..., t.bo." .'..".., .i '1..""... '. "'.t..,: -, ". ' 18 I. Th. /00. d.", ,.... ., "'11. b""b. . """ ...,,\ . ,,' '. " ..""..,.. · .1., b""b d'"""". ., . '11, "v dl""'f 10 onlor" lbl. '''Uon " dI.",.. "'at on. I"U". ',. II .ro'''dln,. '''''on, t. OO'Uon ".11 ..,." . """'10"1.00 . J/" 'OI'orll, "'1", · ,,,.,, b'ld" ""'U" lbl. ""Ion. :(" " I. P.,.." on. ""'lb'lIon ., ..." ""., I.... on. . II Iln.. ". "......,., /'Itl".. b,. .11,., ....tv 'h"I'i;', " 01', " .ro'Id.. I. .b."" SOl 'or '1.11l1on ., . "t, or " . -1- . , ~ '. . . ... r- ~57 [t I:' 0 'I ~I / . ',,, 11 .,.1 .' . '/' ' ........ '\" '.. . '''1'' :::~" :',..... "''\"..' "":1;' :.' 9'1; ~~~. ~':l . ' "l" , . 'II" . I'~ '\ -'. ~ ",r.~,. . ill. I . ','" __ I --= . . ,." -., I "...J! IV~"U"" .I"t'. ~"'f.. ""o!" . ' ,. .~ "~It'l\" . ~'~'J.,.I '.", ~ I .' ~" .. .1.1.... . , .' . )l ' \. t.' .... I 10 ," tl \:!' . . ,t,.,..:". 'I I...... ... ;G~"" , . .,. " '-, I r ','. ,....,;11 . ,. " . . . '0' \:ii, t' '~'J: '11:.: 1 county ordinance. :' '.1':<...., '" .' ;,~,~f.'~ ,17:.1, ',1.':~ 2 Sec. 4. Iloction 98.3, cod.'.:i991, is 4aiindicl~~"d;'. :~t, 3 . 11' . '" '""",,,1;.., f. ~~ l' ,0 011.1 ' '.....1;.,1'. :1: ,~, ..... . ....,.,',,'-i. ~ 4 98.3 VIOLATION, ' ..,. ':" ~~ $ \' ilK: 5 Allr a person IIho ShIlU-"iOhtll-lIl1r-O!-th.-pro,iaiOlli~ij"!~'t t: ~ . . 6 violates section 9S. 2 ohdHor-the-!h't-O!~.~.e~b~' or;n:~3~',~ 7 l! qullty of I almplo 1lI1.demeanor. por-o-sec~~d:orrillr:~?~;.ti*~".. S l~bs.q~'lIt-'iollltioll-.~eh-perooll-'hllll-be-g~~tr'~ef:~;a~t ~';~~~~. L .:' . . I ,'~" ,'I"___li)c1r,"~I~ r.'.~';" 9 lhld.meallor, . ..':.' . '. '., .\,S!",~\, ' , 'f. ~ 10 Sec. 5. Sectlon 9S.22, ~ubiection 2, f\id~~)1:~f~i:a. ~ 1~i 11 by str lking the .ubsection an'ci lnmtinq i~~,~:~#~:~~:r~i~\ :~~ ~.; 12 follolllnql '.' ' ,":" ~'~rfi.~ J" ':'L., , . ... .~. ';1-", . ~II 13 2. If I rotaller or employee of a rotolle~.h~.~~(;l~: :~'~ 15 local authority, in oddltion to the other penalt1es. flk I l 16 such vlolatlons !!1" ,th~S sect~o~:;,.ah~ll a~.~~~? :f~~~l~~~', !!a'~,> 17 the same hearing and notice &8 prescdbod. ~n sllli..ec:t~o~~7~ff.":.t~ . ' .' 'I,... ,'".:J..j('~,:~'A.'.1 18 follollll , '. ~.:~>;. .:~I;'.~:~JIi'~" 19 I. For a Urot vlolation, the vlolator oholl bit'oBBii..e~:a'''' I- ' _I ...... i t, 20 civil ponolty in the amount of three hundred. dollat.. Flllure'.,', . ' ' . '. ,:... ., ...;.~ . 21 to pay the clvil penalty as ordered under thls '.ub~ectl.~~~);~;rr 22 ohall result ln automatic sUlponsion of, tho ,permit.: for ,.~~~~~}. , .',. I" ..~' " 23 period of fourteon days. ,",,~.. " ',~~.;' ;l,J. . . ft. o' . ,I , 24 b. For 0 lecond vi01atlon within a period of ewo'':yearl'i~~:; . 25 the vlolator'l permit shall be su.pended' fOf ~,\~~r,l~i i~iM~,~ 26 thirty days. ' ,'1:\:, . .~.~i~: 27 c. For 0 thlrd vlolatlon withln a period ofr1'Ve"'Yll~t'li;~i~" 2S the vlolator'. porlllit shall bo suspended for a p~rlod of\l~i~ I .I,",'._'t~ ~: day:: For a fourth violation IIlthln a pe~'~od o~,flvfl ~~~~~~~t '" .....,. 31 the vlolator's porlllit shall be revoked,' " ',:'" i.:'~::'.~ . .. III I" 32 Sec, 6, Ilectlon 98.36, subsectlon 6, Code 1991, lsamenifQd. /" """'i'.l" 33 to read as follollsl .. ) ,Ij.,','. ' ..... ;."~' 34 6, Any sales of cigarettes or tobacco product. modo .....i.,;;, ~. ..... -- 3S through a clgorotte vending machlno are lubject t~ ruleo and , ..~ , -" :'IN!.II'J-" ~~; ~nr~'iJ~~'~~tl'~(.m:~' \: ';', "~~~~r':::'Zrl~lr- :'\ '. .' t ~) .. - -'''.~''l . t1_....: '" , t r I~ t .' - -~f ( -.2- .. '. I, I .~ ,/,\ { "'Y':;'~'57 n I~' [I . I Lf .. '.' ;" ~5Y D,~IO.t5 ,. 'Ii:,.'~ I' ~.. ,-, ( , . ".~';' . "'~~]~~I~J.~~." ~t~' "~i~('~ '. '\ ~ ' . !:It.l.~ . ~ '-'t. t, 1"~~~ :.~",~,...., t:ll'J""'5':" ,\ II ..,1, ' ~, , ' '. .- '~I ' '. , , . " f' . ,..., '. '"' ~"\I .. ~;,t; \ ....">li'." .,' ~ ~. ~., ,.. Il'~~ .' 4-' ~.'tl.' · . ,..,' ..~ . tl1 'r ,,"\.,~ ,\.' ':'<<;~'lf -.'. \!) . ,I ': .\~.,J.: .:: ... ",e. "'~~if . l.~ m' I'!:' ' . 'Ii ,,"", . ". 't., ~ 1 ' .... " 1 the IlIctlon and lnurtlnq In. l1e~ thoreo(t~'i..~ 1~!~',I:<~1~;' : 2 98.39 TOBACCO PRODUCT AND CIGARETTE. SAMPLES ~~RESTRICTION1.. 3 - AOKINISTRATION, .', . h.', i" .: .'if.....:- 4 1. A lDanufacturer, dIstrIbutor, wh01eOlle~:';~;tliiir:"or~~ - .., ',-\'0" 5 distributinq aqent or agent thereof shall not give away , 6 ciq4rette. or tobacco products at any timo in connec~lon wIth. h... . . ..'..' 7 the manufacturer's, distributor's, wholesalor's, rot.ller's, 8 or distributing aqent's business or for proll\Otion of ' tho "f .', 9 busIness or product, 22Pt as' pr~vlded In suti~';CtIOIi'2, ".~I :' .' , ...',., .:,'&.""., & 10 2. a, A m...nufacturer, dIstributor, wholesalu;; .retailer r':"oO 11 or distrlbutlnq aqont or aqont thereof shall not:.cjl,v,'awlyl!]r,,' 12 ~arettes or tobacco products tb an~ person undor ellihteen '~:l::' 13 years of oqe, or withIn five hundred feot of anY~Y9io~nai~,~ 14 school, hlqh school, or other facIlIty when, SUCb'f~cillt~if 15 belng used prlmarlly by_persons under aqo eiqhteen tor ""''''''1' ,;' i 1 h ' .,' , .v.......! 16 recreatlonal, educat ono , or ot er purposes'~:~:f...:j:~.;.J ~.r:;l:.:,,:::r : 17 b. Proof of age shall bo required It a tel80llable peroon\'.': 1S could conclude on the bosls of outward aepearanco that a: ' 19 prospective reclplent of a somplo may be under elqhteen year. 20 of age,', . . 21 c, Persons enq~ed In sompllnq oholl secure stocks of ., 22 !!!!!ples in safe locations in order to avoId inadvortent ,~.. 23 distrlbutlon of samples contrary to the provisIons of this 24 section.. ' t, ",.' 25 . d. Sampling shall cease at a paitlcular 'location when'; ,:,. 26 circumstances arlse that make it apparent that sampling ,cannot: 27 continue in 0 monnor consistont with the provision~of this 28 section, howevor, sampling may resumo at that location whon 29 such circumstances abate. 30 e. All tobacco products and clgarette 'samples sholl bo 31 shlpped to a distrlbutor that has a permlt to stamp 'tobacco 32 products and cigorettos or lIttle ciqars wlth Iowa tal, ;The 33 manufacturer shipplng somplos under this sectIon ahall send on 34 affldavlt to the dlrector statlnq the quantity and to whom the 35 ~Los were shi~ped. The dlstrlbutor rbceiving the shi~ -4- ~57 ,[I e 0 ./ h - . 8.r.:' ~. -5- . , -. . ~57 n 1=' n . I ,-, - - - 1 fino, not to exceed one hundred dollore, as fixed by the 2 court, or may bo required to portorm community ,.rvice a. 3 ordered by the court. 4 The crlminal penalty surcharge required by section 911.2 5 shall be added to a fine imposed on a misdemeanant, and ls not 6 a part of or subject to the maximum, ,.t In thLs.sectlon. 7 See, 11. EFFECTIVE DATE AND TRANSITION PROVISION. Section 8~t this Act takes effect upon enactment, However, section'6 910f thla Act shall not be enforced Iqalnst persons in .. '. . 10 relationshlp to cl arette vending machines in 0 eration on or . 11 before the enactment of this Act until July 1, 1994~ 12 .,' .~ rl,- ..' ,/..,.. .' v 13 ' 14 "'._-~ VOI!.D; ,,-- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 't!" ~t .~~. 1 1,',. I.... ,., .,' .....' , ( .~~r.i~Tl.,\"~~~~',..r;,)s..., .' ot ',t~ .~', ..... " ", s.r. , :l.:,: ;~~~,"~;~:-(' ~i"~' , H',:~ ''''32 . '!', I . .. r ., 4 . ~ ... -'~ . ,. ,\ i " . ,I I I , i -6- HF 232 oa/pk/25 , ~S71 'L~I ::r rt, " , R r 1__.. - Iowa City Transit Marketing Survey,; Transit Service to SOl Area IOWA CITY TRAN,SIT " ;-: I'mi3 Johnson County Council of Governments ~ 4l)E\\I1J'tl}I1l~ IJ.\OCc~IJ.\l]5?tIO r ..-;;-___ r_" March 1991 (,51 [t I:' t] . I q _ Johnson County Council of Governments ~ 4IOEV,t1JYg01St b.\OCiI~b.\o5.??10 ...~ r".... ,I I , i. i' Dolo: Malch 13, 1091 I i " ~ \ i i To: John Lundoll, Iowa City Transit Manogor Kevin L. Oo~o, Assistant Transportation Plonnor ~ BOI Survey Roport From: Ro: Enclosod Is tho Matkollng Survoy Report you requosled for ovoluoUng Iho posslblo exlenslon of sorvlco 10 tho BDI oroo. lol mo know If you hove ony quosllons, requlle oddlllonollnlormotlon, 01 nood oddlllonol coplos 01 tho roport. ' Ene. blbdllUlYlY - 1058 ,:' t: I' I' " h t , I I I nl:'oeo Iowa City Transit Marketing Survey Transit Service to the SDI Area March 1991 Proparod by Tho Johnson County Councll 01 Govommonls Transportallon Planning Division JolI Davidson, Transportallon Plannor Kovln L. Ooy!o, Assistant Transportation Plannor Proporollon ollhls roport wos nnoncod In portlhrough a Fodorol Granl by tho Urbon Mass Transporlallon Admlnlslrallon undol Socllon 8 01 Iho UMT Act. tQSB .\ i I I I I I " ~ . r [ f I t !, f " f ( , t , r D / 1:1 0 e . f Table of Contents Inlroducllon ....,.".....,......,...".,.,..,............... 1 Survey Results .. . . . . . , . . . . , , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . , . . 3 Summary . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . , , , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . , . . , , . , . , , . , , . 11 Appendix A ...............,..,...,............,........", 12 ~8' ,I ! I 1 I I , I I I nl:1oee .\ , Introduction In Fobrunry 109 I 0 survoy was Iokon of omp/oyoos 01 comfl4lllos Iocolod at 1110 Buslnoll Dovolopmont Inc. (BOI) Induslrlal pork. Tho purposo 01 tho survoy was 10 dolonnlno I1II10ro II a markot for transit sorvlco In this 0100. IS buslnossos woro conloctod to soo If thay woro Inlorostod In dislOOutJng tho IUrvoy quosUonnalro to tholl omp/oyoos. A tlst 01 thu componlos that woro confactod con bo lound In Appondlx A. Twolvo 01 tho companlos Indlcolod thoy woro Inlorostod In toklng plll1ln tho SUNOY. A total of 1,018 quosUonnalros woro d1slrlbutod to thoso campanlol, onough to survoy tho onUro population 01 omployool who might uso tranlltlorvlco. ^ copy 01 tho quosUonnallo CM bo found on tho following pago. Rosponsol woro locolvod 110m 525 (27%) ollho omployoOlthol WOIO survoyod. . Nono of tho omp/oyors conlaclod was Inloroslod In plII1Jclpotlng In any typo 01 bus pass subsidy. Following II 0 summnry 01 tho rosulll 01 tho IUrvoy. [] fiSK [t I:' 0 e ~t ,\ i IOWA CITY TRANSIT QUESTIONNAIRE Iowa City Transit Is consldoring tho oxtonslon 01 transllsoMCO to tho Industrial Park RoadIHolnz Road oroa. Wo aro InloroslOO In making \hIs sorvlco os convonlont as posslblo for you to usa, Would you ploaso tako 0 momontto answor tho lollowlng quostlons so that wo can oltompt to sorvo youllranslt noods. , 1j For your Information, tho logular faro on Iowa City transit Is 50e, or you can buy on unllmilod rldo monthly pass for $ IS. . ~ , f ; ~ ~ I I I 1. 00 you IIvo In Iowa Cily/Coralvillo? II Vos I) No If you answorod no fa Quosl/on II, you oro fin/shod, Thank you (or your holp, If you anslVorod Y05, , plooso anslVor tho romoln/ng quosl/ons. 2. What days of tho wook do you work? (clrclo) S M T W Th F Sa 3. What Is youl work schodulo? Start End 4. 00 you currontly rido Iowa Clly Transil? I )Vos I )No 5. 00 you currontly rido COlalvillo Transil? II Vos I )No S. If you answorod yos to quostlon 4 and/or 5, what roulo do you rido most ollon? 7. If transit sorvlco woro oxtondod 10 tho Industrial Park RoacflHolnz Road aroa, would you consldor using II? I) Vos I ) No S. If you onsworod 'no', why wouldn't you uso tho bus? , ! , t I , , , If you havo any quosl/ons abouf this quosllonnolro, coli Kovln Doylo 01356.5253. Thank you (or your holp, lquOIllon []J ~58 t-t :1 n I:' LI I _ _ - - Survey Results . , f~ ! Quostlon 1: , i : i Do you live In Iowa Clly/Coralvllle? I I ." u, "'. H. Tho rosponsos Indlcato lI1at57% 01111050 working 01 BDI who woro lurvoyod IIvo In 1110 Iowa CllylCoralvlllo aroa. Tho romalndor olll1ls roport only consldors 111050 porsons (297) who rospondod lI1allhoy IIvo In Iowa CIIy or CoraMI/o. ,I I @] (P5~ [/ 1:1 / 0 e s ,\ I Question 2: f! t '. r.: t /, " ,1 ~ I What days o'the week do you work? Olhor 83' MTWTF SMTWTFS MTWTFS SMTWTF Tho maJortly 01 rospondonts, 83%, work Monday through Friday, This rosponso Includos only tho work achocfulos olthoso who rospondocf thalthoy would uso IlllnslllOrvlco If II was oXlondod, m ~5i ~-----.--------- w_ _ ,_ __ [/l:'oeb ;\ I Quesllon 3: What Is your work schedule? I" " " " " Illil~i .n. lit., .... .... ".. .... .,.. "II .re. .... I'hl '.... 1I1'1f' "... ..... 'I'" ,,,.. '''11 ..... _I... .,... 1111"" I Hours Workod .., ..,1 Tho largost shift was 7:00 a.m, to 3:30 p.m" which accountod for 2S% of tho rosponsos. 73% of all tho rospondonls work botwoon 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. this quosUon also only consldored thoso rosponsos that Indlcatod thai thoy would uso tho transllsorvlco If It was avallablo. 27% 01 tho shifts olthor Ilartod boforo 7:00 a.m. 01 ondod allor 8:00 p.m. · Shills failing botween 7:00 a,m..6:00 p.m. .. Shills that had olthor start er ond boforo 7:00 8.m, and allor 6:00 p.m. , ! I . I I , ! I ! , , .' ~ ~~ [t'eoe'-' , 1 f I I Question 4: I Do you currently ride Iowa City Transit? 11\ M? ~I No 11% of tho rospondonls culfonlly odo Iowa City Transit. " ~ (PSg i I ! I i neoeEI - Question 5: Do you currently ride Coralville Transit? ,\ i "' " C7 ..-. N. 1 % of tho rOlpondonls curronUy rkfo Corolvlllo Transit. [l] ~SB n e 0 e Cf - . Quesllon 6: " , 3: I II you answered yes to quesllon 4 or 5, what roule do you ride most olton? , t , f ! Lakolldo TownclOII Sycamoro N. Dodgo Sovonlh Avo, MOlk IV Moll Coull Hili Coralvlllo Roulol I I , , \., ",-." .,\ . thIs rosponso rofloels 33 porsons who sold \hoy uso Iowa CIIy Transit, and 2 who uso COlalvnlo TlanslL 55% of tho rospondonts who sold \hoy uso Iowa City Tlonsll uso \ho Lakosldo roulo. this Is tho Ilonsll routo cUllonlly c/osostlo BDl. rn rosK n I:' CI ~, 0 , :, , ~ , Question 7: If Iransit service was oxlended 10 Ihe Industrial Park Road/Heinz Road area, would you consIder using II? .,\ 4/\ " ~ No M'.., ~, No Tho ma/orlly of lospondonts, 52%, Indlcatod thoy would not cons/dor using Iransll sorvlco 1111 WQS avaIlablo. [!J (O~ ,\ i i I I i I I i I , I i , I I I I I [t I:' 0 ~, , , ! t I ~ t ~ I II Question 8: 1/ you answered "no," why wouldn't you use the bus? Rospondonts who anld \hoy would not consldol using ltansll60rvfco 1111 was BVnlloblo woro nskod to alolo tholr lonsonls). A tolol of 18t commonls woro rocolvod, aummmlzod bolow. SlmUm commonls havo boon oroupod logOlhol, Common\ Froouonev !Dnl 1. Curronlly Ilvo In c1oso proximIty 10 workslto 46 30 2. Tho bus Is InconvonlonL 31 19 3, Nood to havo enr ovallablo during \ho day. 21 13 4. Orlvlng my enr Is moro convonlonl. 15 9 5. Would rldo \ho bus 1111 didn't go downlown firat. 13 S 6. I havo my own cor, 9 6 7. Work achodulo varios 100 much, 7 4 6, Thoro Is no bus aorvfeo whoro Illvo. e 4 9. I alroody carpool. 4 2 10. You con'l count on tho bus bolng on limo. 2 1 11. Mlscollanoous commonts. ...1. ..J . TOTAL 161 100 ffQ] ftJSi [t1:'O:le ,\ i Summary 1. 43% 01 tho porsons survoyod at SOl do notllvo In tho Iowa City/Coralville aroa. Tho lollowlng rosponsos porlaln 10 Iho 57% who slaled Ihoy rosldo In Iowa City or Coralvlllo. 2. 83% ollhe rospondonts work Monday through Friday and 73% work bolwoon 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 3. 6% ollho lolal rospondents currently ride Iowa City Transit and less Ihan 1 % currontly ride Coralvllle Transit. 4. Tho Lakosldo roulo was by lar Iho hlghosl ullllzod ollhe pooplo Ihal uso Iowa City Transll. 5. 47% ollho rospondonts, or 138 porsons, said thoy would consider using transll sorvlce to SOl " It wero available. This Includes 28 people who already uso transit to gel to work. 8. ,Tho maIn roasons glvon lor nol wanllng to use transll were thai respondenls alroady IIvo close to whero they work (30%) and that usIng the bus Is Inconvenlont (19%). 7. None o'lhe employers was Interested In any type 0' bus pass subsidy 'or transll users. [ill Co5~ [t e O'~I ~I Appondlx A " I Companies Contacted for Survey EmplOyol , SurvoYI , Survoys % Subsidy Comonnv B0500nso Soo.t Bglumod f!9.lumod f2!..Imm!1 I. Blooming Plolrio Worohouso YOI 53 37 70 No 2. A.M. Boggs Company YOI 25 0 0 No 3. Economy Advortlslng Yos 90 S4 71 No 4. Howkoyo Induslrlos No " .. .. .. 5. Howkoyo Moving & 5101000 YOI 15 II 73 No 6. Holnz Company No .. .. .. .. 7. H,P. SmUh Yos 136 5 4 No 8. Induslrlnl Park Truck & Auto No " '.. .. .. 9. Iowa CUy Tranllor Vos 19 0 0 No 10. Just In Tlmo Sorvlco YOI 2 2 100 No 11. Kobor Eloclrlo Sorvlco No " " .. .. 12. LL Polling No " " .. .. 13. Proctor & Gamblo Yos 690 323 47 No 14. Shorfdan Manufacturing No .. .. .. " 15. Unllod Tochnologlos (Shollor.Globo) YOI S50 77 0 No 16. Unlvolsnl Hosplllll Sorvlco YOI S 0 0 No 17, Wintz Trucking Yos 5 0 0 No 16. Wolf ConslrucUon YOI 25 6 24 No ~ tJ58' [t I:' t] ~I LI IOWA CIT\' KICKEI{S SI'IUNG 91 ,I I Court 11I11 I'nrk Salurdnys: 460 playcrs on 36leaml plnying 18 gnmes, slarting ntlO:OO am nnd ending nt 5:00 pili Sundays: 343 plnyers on 27 teams playing 14 games, Sinning at 12:00 noon and ending 01 5:00 pm Willow Creek I'nrk Saluldays: 282 playclS on 17 Icams playing 9 gomes, slartfng nt 9:00 om and ending at 12:00 noon Sundays: 296 players on 18 teams playing 9 gomes, stoning 01 1:00 I'm and ending at 5:00 pm SCali Pork Saturdays: 210 players on 12 teams playing 6 gomes, slartlng at 9:00 nm and ending at 12:00 noon Sundays: 196 plnyers on 14 Ie oms plnylng 7 gomes, slnrtlng at 12:00 noon and ending nl 5:30 pm North Uberty Saturdays: 180 players on 11 teams playing 6 gomes, starting at 1:00 I'm and endinG 01 5:00 pm Southcast Jr IIIgh School Sundays: 114 players on 7 teams playing 4 gomes, slanlng 01 1:00 pm ami ending 01 5:30 pm I\qu1lllllcnt Slorllgc 1,278 soccer balls, 1,136 conel, 12 sets of field equipment, 600+ shlrls, and 500+ sets or shin guards stored nllocatlons In WlllolY Creek Pnrk, SCOIl Park, Oak Grove Park, and lIllhe homes of severnl volunteers. (,5~ - p 0 ~t S - - ,\ 411/91 I f . I IOWA CITY PARK/SPORTS COMPLEX I I I j OPTION OPTION IMPACT OF I ITEM ONE TWO REDUCTIONS Softball $53S,G50 $538,650 X Complox Porkinq lots $670,440 $341,640 All porkinq lota (5) - lIpprox. would bo a chip 80al 900 otallo surfaco, as oPpoood to P.C. pavinq, Roads , $892,060 $762,060 North lIccoos road Walkways would bo a chip aoal i surfaco al oppolad I to P.C. pavinq/ I siqnaqa budqo t roducod. BUildinqs (5) , $582,800 $5S2,800 X Sholtars (4) Utilitios $259,000 $259,000 'X Earthwork $160,000 $160,000 X Traos/Lond- Roduca troo/land_ scapinq/sooding $588,800 $298,800 scopinq budgot from $300,000 to $100,000. Roduco I soodinq bUdgot from $288,800 to $198,SOO [ by oUminatiny , oxponsivo pra ria sood mix. (p~() o i:' 0 ~t b ,I , ITEH OPTION OPTION IMPACT OF ONE TWO REDUCTIONS Playground Dovolopmont $100,000 $ 70,000 Oovolop two playground orOOD at $35,000 lach. Soccor $ 93,300 $ 26,100 Irrigation ayatom Irrigation would bo prilllllrUy manual aD oPpoDod to totally autollllltic. "Compotitivo" $ 60,000 $ 60,000 X Soccor Fiold SUBTOTALS $3 ,945,050 .$3,101,050 Contin1oncYI $ 591,Ogo $ 465,200 Intlat on (15') ProtoDDionlll S 383.00(2 S 2B!5. ]00 FOOD (S') , SUBTOTALS $4,099,S50 $3,S51,550 Park/Main- tonanco Equipmont, Proporty Acquisition, & X Inspoction Foos 170.00Q S 170.000 TOTALS u...w..w ~ ,~ [t I:' 0 ~I /,-, 4/1/91 )' I NAPOLEON PARK YOUTH SOFTBALL COMPLEX I I I ITEM OPTION OPTION IMPAct or I ONE TWO REDUCTIONS Softball F101d I $151,750 $1!l1,750 X I I i Dovolopment I parking/ $342,000 $139,600 Both parking lots , I Walkways would bo a chip soal I surface as oppoaed I to asphaltl 65' of I asphalt walkways I would bo eliminated. I Earthwork $186,400 $186,400 X Utilities $ 79,SOO $ 44,800 "Ront" socurity lightiny through Iowa-Il nois. Buildings/ $ 94,!l00 $ 94,!l00 X Shelters Soeding/ Landscaping $ !lS,300 $ 3!l,000 Handle oeeding & tree removal in- houso, i i i I I I , i ~,,;! n 1:1 0 ~I EI . . I' .' , i I , ITEM OPTION ONE OPTION TWO IMPACT ON REDUCTIONS SUBTOTALS UU,780 $U2,080 contin10ncy I $136,900 $ 97,800 Intlat on (1!U) Protolldonlll S 84.0Q.ll S /lo.OOQ FOIII (st) SUBTOTALS $1,133,680 0809, m _.______."._ om EquiplIlllnt , 89.44Q 81.0!lQ Roduco playground inllpoction tOGII equipmont by 80t, and othor oquiplllont by 20t. TOTALS ~ ~ TOTALS ~ ~ I (BOTH PROJECTS) I i I Approxilllllto tax ! , incrollllo (avo. 17S,~o I houllohold) I i , 10 YOllrll , $42.48 $32.59 ! 15 YOllra $32.82 $25.33 , i I 20 YOllrll $28.18 $22.01 I I I , ; , ~~O DI:IO~lq IOWA CITY LANDF ILL I1EHEDIAL ItNE9T10nT ION EMocuttvo IummAry 90il And oroundwAtor contAminAtion Aro pro,ont at two (ponibly Joinudl locatlonll lit tho Iowa City Landfill. Tho contAminAtion iI a rOllul t of lOAChAtO roloAtod from IAndf i II collll. Thill rolono wall llillcovorod in /I Umoly mAnnor by monltorino oroundwAtor will III /It tho lIito. Rllmodi/ltion of tho twu cont/lminAlod /Iron will nuod to 110 procodod by contaminAnt 1I0urco ollmlnatlon by uporAdino of odllUno lIYlltlml. Thill uporAdino lIhould includo improvino thl 1I0U CAp on tho lAndfill collll /lnd roconltructlon of tho luchAtO colloction IYltom. In Addition, Any futurl colli conltructod on tho litl Ihould bo conlltructod in AccordAnco with RCRn 9ubtitlo D cr itori A. Tho proforrod romodl/ltlon /lllorn/ltivI includol oroundwAtor divorlion/oMtrActlon /lnd troatmont. Dlvorlion CAn bl .ccomplilhod by plAcomonl of A bArrior WAIl to provont uporAdiont, cloAn oroundwator from movino latllrAlly into tho contAminAtod ArllA .nd by placomllnt of a IlIAI on tho lurfaco oVllr tho contAminAtod Aron to roduco inf i I tr"Uon of lurf.co wAtor. EMtr41cUon will bo Accomplilhod by tho pl4IComonl of oMtr41ction wolll in tho contamln"tod .rOAlI And tro.tmont will bo IIccomplhhod by tho UIO of oMiltino f.cUitin. ThAt ii, wAlor pumpod from tho OM trAction wolll will bo routod to tho lift ,tlllion And from thoro to tho IOwaoo trutm.nt plllnt. Addition.1 litO work wi 11 bo nocon.ry to dOlion thll tro.tmont IYltom. In .ddition, moro lublurfllco involtlOltion mAY bo naodod to dOlion . oroundwator monitorino Iyltllm for th. I.ndfill th.t will I.tilfy IDNR. Doth of tholo lito invDltio.tionl could bo .ccomplilhod At tho I.mo timo. II I (PtJl . . \ I . ; \~.. ;. D e 0 LI CI ,\ ! DESCRIPTION OF REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES It il hiOhly rocommondod thAt no mattor which altorn.tivo il cholDn for tho romodiation of tho loll .nd oroundw.tor, that th. covlr And lo.ch.te colllction IIYltem of thl clolld colli bo upor.ded. Thi. il nocollary to roduCI tho roll.lo of lo.ch.to In tho futuro. Tho COlt for tholo mO.lurDI il unrolatod to tho rDmDdiAlion .Itornativo cholDn .nd W'I not I.timatod by Sh.nnon , Willon. Tho fO'liblo AltornAtivo. .rl dllcrlbld bolow. No Action Thil AI tornlltivo would involvI no offort othor thAn monitorino. Any roduction in cont.mlnantl would occur n.tur.lly .nd contllmin.ntl could bo trAnlportod boyond tho I.nllfill. Ilol.tlon The only action tAkon would bl to ollonti.lly 11.1 off tho cont.min.t.d aroll. This would involvo tho construction of b.rrior walls .nd . surfAco 10.1. Somo pumplno of oroundw.tor would bo noco...ry to m.int.in oquilibrlum .croll tho b.rrior w.ll. MonitorinQ would bo nocoll.ry to .lluro tho intoQroty of tho IYltom. Tho contAmination would not bo roducld, but moro or Inl Itorod. GroundwAtor Dlvorlllon/EMtractlon and Trllatmonl Groundw.lor flow throuQh tho cont.min.tlld .rt.. would bo controllod throuoh b.rrior w.111 .nd pUmpl to cont.in And romovo tho cont.min.ntl. Tho romovod oroundw.tor would bo tro.tod with tho lo.ch.to. Tho cOlt Oltim.to for thll option .llumol th.t no upor.do would bo noodod .t tho lift .t.tion .nd nooloctl tru4tmont COlt. .t th. W.tor Pollution Control PI.nt. I.clation and Groundwator Divor.ion/EMtraction And TroltmDnt Thll il . combination of tho provioul two options. (dol ' n I:' 0 LI ' I . - ,\ i REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES COST CONPARISON PRESENT VALUE nLTERNATIVE CIIPTIIL COST OF Ol,M COSTS TOTnL COSTS No .ction $b,OOO $ 4 ,~OO $ 10,000 Isollltion $3,109,000 $2,~00,OOO $:I,bOO,OOO Oroundw4tor $1,733,000 $I ,~OO,OOO $3,200,000 divorlionl OM trActionl lrnll tmlln t Combination $3,ill.,OOO $2,:100,000 $:1,1.00,000 ilol.tion .nd oroundwlItor divordonl aM tr4ctionl tro.tmont Prolont v.luol Aro proJoctod lor a 10 yoar poriod At an intorolt rllto of I. percent. CAPITAL AND DPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE COST ESTIMnTES FDR THE PREFERRED REMEDIATION ALTERNnTllJE (Groundw.tor Oiverlion/EMtr4ction .nd'Tr'4tmontl COMPONENT CAPITAL COSTS $ :100,000 ANNunL OPERATION & MAINTENANCE COSTS . 75,100 Surfllco 1D4\ino .nd or4dino Divoraicn w.11 (3000 It) $I ,200,000 .120,000 EMtraction woll, (21 $ I~.OOO . 1,:100 Nonitorino weill (91 TOTAL $ 10,000 . I ,000 $I ,733,000 .198,400 "~I : n p rl LI I:' - -.... - .~ , f , , I \ I I I ? ; , I I I I ! n I:' 0 LI ~I - . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: April 12, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: City Hanager RE: Haterlal In Information Packet Hemoranda from the City Hanager: a. City Revenues b. Curbside Source Separatlon/Recyclln9 Program c. Sass Property. Industrial Park Copy of letter to the Hayor from CongrtSSlllln Hagle re9ardlng funding of CDBG. Hemorandum from the First Assistant City Attorney regarding laster electrician requirements. Hemorandum from the Housing Administrator regarding Housing COllI1Ilsslon recOlll1lendatlons. Memorandum from the Transit Hanager regarding Crisis Center benefit. ,I , Copy of press release regarding high nitrates. Copy of letter from State Historical Society of Iowa to Hayor HcDonald regarding the dectslon not to fund Iowa City's application for Certified Local GovernMent Grant Program, . ' Proposed agenda for School Board bond referendum. Information distributed at Infonnalll1C!etlng of 4/15/91: Letter from Jay II. lIonohan regarding recycling program. Hemo from Asst. City Atty. Anne Burnsldo ro Yeggy vs. Iowa City et al. roporttng that dismissal had been denied. Copy of beer and liquor IIcons05 available In tho State of Iowa from tho City Clerk's Office. Copy of Proposal from Dennis Rogors for Johnson County Recycling Center 5 70 (J71 1,7J. 1~7J &71~ ~7S . D I~' 0 LI LI .\ I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM , DolO: April II, 1991 To: Clly Council From: Clly Managor Ro: City Rovonuos Noodloss to say, ono 0111I0 most complox Issuos you loco Is dolormlnlng how our communlty will IInaneo lis program 01 public sorvleo, this manor Is subjOellO IIllIny vartablos horn tho local community alUludos wllh rospoel to 1II0lr wllllngnoss 10 bo wod 10 11I0 nMncl4ll1mitllUons Iowa law plaeos on local govommonls, Boloro wo can undortllko II policy dlscusslon, I would .ko 10 tako an opportunity 10 roslato a numbor 01 oxlsUng pollclos 11I111 alloet your finane/Ill chclcos. ,. 0, ,~ ! I' .: , ~ i , ~ i b I r n " ,. f: i Ii t . r f f !. i' ~ ~ I t Ii i ~ [ , , I I 1 . 1 'i t , ! I r In my momorandum 01 Oelobor 25, 1990, I ouUlnod tho capllal proloets wI1Ich m~hl bo on your agonda somoUmo during lho docado 01 11I0 I 990s, 10 11I01 momorandum,lIIo pollclos which allocl our usa 0111I0 proporty w as 11I0 major IInancllllIostlumonl10 lupportlllo loelll govornmonl woro Idontllloll, Tho pollelos aro as lollows: I, Wo arB eurronUy 01 our Slato.lmposoll proporty Il\.ll ml\.lllmum ($8,10 por $1000 vllluatlon) lor gonorlll govornmont purposos (Gonoral Fund), A city Is pormlllod 10 lovy,ln unllmllod amounts, lor 11I0 ponslon and olhor bono fits 01 Its omp/oyoos, In an Inlorostlng fiscal nOlO, you can lax lor tho bono fits, but cannol allord 10 pay tho lolary undor oxlsUng 11010 Il\.ll IImlls, 2, Wo arB allho maximum limit ($.54 por $1000 01 vnluatlon) lor trllnsll proporty lox, For oxamplo, Iho translttl\.ll gonoratoll $657,000 and 11I0 gonorallovy (0 portion 0111I0 $8,10) gonoralos $692,000 In 1110 FV92 budgotlor transll oporaUonlll subsldlos. 3, Wo eurronlly havo avallDblo Ilgnllleanllax aulhorlly wllh rOlpoct 10 doblsorvleo (capital projoels), Our allowablo dobt limit Is $69+ million, Curronl gonoral obligation doblls $19,5 million; $13,6 million Is ropald Irom proporty tax and $6,2 million Irom olhor lunds, Tho oxpanslon 01 dobl noods 10 bo approaehod vory eaullously, In Ihalll nol only alloets tt;to~ r , , i ~' . , ti \, li i ; i \. [I 1:1 0 LI ~I / . property taxes but also we musl be vigilant 10 assure our Aoa bond raling Is presorved. This bond roling can mean slgnlllcont savings In loan term financing. 4, Our City policy has boen that debt service charges Irom the goneral tax levy will not exceed 25% 01 Ihe tax levy, We are currenUy at approximately 19%, Ploase keep In mind that the budget policy as It affects oporalions and debt service can be dramaUcally altored by a state or federal policy or public relerendum concornlng a particular expondlture and thereby affect our InllaUonaryfoudget management policies. 5, Fees and charges are conlinually updated In order 10 meet Inflalionary and/or program changes that occur, Certeln sorvlces, such as parks and recreaUon uso a fee policy 01 45% Irom lees and 55% Irom proporty tax, Olher services hovo other policies, such as building lees finance 100% of oporations, . 8, The most obvIous fees anel charges that will be 01 concern to our community will bo Ihe cost 01 water and sower servIces, We are requIred, and there Is no evidence that It will change, to meet state and ledoral mandates with respoct to the operations 01 the water and sower system, These mandates are primarily financed at local cost, Furthermore, It Is likely thet a stormwaler managemenl fee will bo necessary at some time In the future as we are obligated to meet those new mandales, The general fund sImply cannot bear the burden of this exponse, Currentiy slormwator management Is financod through the goneral fund and debt servIce lovy, Similar Increases In landfill and refuse collection lees will occur as moro now state and lodoral rogulations are appllod and changos In program and policy direction aro approvod by tho City Council, 7, Our gonoral oporating budgot policy has boen to koop oxpondlturos within our throo year plan at or noar tho rate of Inflation, This appoars to be a generally accoplod policy and allows us to bargain openly and effoctlvoly with our employoos, Iho porsonal sorvlcos cost bolng tho largost portion 01 our budget, Our budgot policy Involvos a Ihreo yoar plan and wo havo generally beon able 10 proposo spending plans ovor thai porlod which full ill tax policy goals, Also koop In mind that slalo law changos porlodlcally and frequently these changes occur alter budget adoption and therelore can require greater IInanclal .\ 2 (p(gd-. .....--. - ., ~ 9 9 __ --- - n 1:1 CI LI b - 3 commllmonl 01 your IImllod proporly lax availability. Rocont changos In poll co and liro ponslon laws 11I0 bul ono oxamplo, 8, Wo currontiy havo vory Ilmllod budgol floxlbllity builllnlo tho uso 01 cash rosorvos, Tho roconl housing Initiative on Flrsl Avenuo was IInMcod Irom our rosorvo position, Dopondlng upon how our rosorvo Is mMagod and tho long torm Intorostthal you havo wilh rospoctlo tho uso 01 Ihoso monlos, will dotormlno whothor wo can continuo 10 lullill thlsl)1lo ollnltlatlvo, j i 9. Tho abovo pollclos havo boon tho gonoral guiding princlplo wllh rospoCI 10 budgol proplllaUon and managomont, Altachod 10 this momorandum Is a copy 01 a momo I proplllod somo tlmo ago Indicating Iho blIslo organizational gOals thai allocl Iho day.to. day oporations 01 tho local govemmont. Somo timo 000 you rovlowod lhoso Issuos Md lilt fmPOrlMI, In my judgmonl, 10 poriodlcally rostala thoso pollclos 10 assuro thoy conUnuo 10 moo I your policy Intorosls. i g , , , r } I " , I I i ! ! ! 1 I ! As you consldor our community's futuro and nnMclal noods, I also wanlod 10 lako a momonllo roslalo oDltlor concorns Md Issuos assoclatod with tho City's rovonuo program, Thoso commonts woro dortvod Irom Information proparod,ln conjunction with tho Dlroctor 01 FlnancO,ln oarly 1997, 1. Tho CIty's ravonuo program doos not havo lutnclonllong,torm capaclly 10 provldo lor any I~nlllcanl OxpMllon 01 our oxlstlng program 01 publlo 10rvlcoI and I do not soo that capability omorglng Irom within tho curront rovonuo program. Tho quostlon Is ollon posod lhallho City doos havo avallablo Incroasod proporty tax capability, I blIl1ovo corlaln tax capacity margins, as a maltor 01 policy, should be prosorvod so thai whon tho Inovllablo oconomlo cyclos occur, wo havo soma abllily to adjust, Nol 10 do so would simply chari a courso toward MnuaJ fiscal brlnkmMshlp pollclos and crisis financial managomont, 2, Our rovonuo program Is ovorregulatod by tho slalo and thoroby allows 1111I0 dlscrotlon on tho pari of tho City Council to shapo a program of sorvlco, Tho his lory 01 tho stato loglslaturo domonstratos that many lax pollclos and/or slalo old programs availablo 10 ell/os aro now lalr gamo during tho annual stato budgOI procoss, This dlscouragos .- -~--- ,\ I ~(,cJ.,' o I:' 0 LI .-/ 4 communltlos Irom undortaklng long.rango 'Inandal and JlfGgrlltn pI/II1nlng. E.lpondlluro proposals hold up 10 an olomonl 01 nnanclalloopardy caulos plogram policy Inltlatlvos fO bo dlscouragod, 3. Thoro doos not OppoOltO bo Inlorosl on tho p;lrt 01 tho 11010 govornmonlln oslabllshmont 01 0 formal stalowklo urban policy, Cltlos 010 oxpoctod 10 bo tho conlor 01 lob croatlng oUorts and 010 askod 10 bo 0 pIIIlnor wllh tho Ilalo In thOlo oUorlS, Howovor,tho rovonuo programs avallablo 10 cltlos 010 so rostrlctlvo thlIl your ab/llty 10 rospond 10 stalo oconomlc poncy Initiatives Is IImllod, Whllo tho slolO govornmonl mllY discuss Iho nood 10 100 now jobs croalod lor our cltlzons and oncouragos 0 doconltallzod policy making procoss with rospoc! to oconomlc dovolopmonl, highly contrallzed budgot control Is oxorclsod ovor municipal budgOIS, . i i j ! r " , , i , /.. r 2, if , . t i, I Our cltlzons oro ofton unaworo 01 tho IInancfal and prlvato mOlkol conslrolnls thatallocl, not on~ tholr tax burdon, but tho ovorlll1 quDllty. quantity and soloction of sorvlcos provldod by City govemmont, Tho City, lIke any prlvalo buslnoss, musl onlor tho pllvalO markGtto purchaso goods and sorvlcos In an oconomy drlvon by tho prossuros 01 tho consumOf prlco Indox, Inllatlon, oconomlo cyclos, oto, Our baso sourco 01 rovonuo . proparly tax . Is howovor controllod by slalo action that nol only cops your ablllly 10 dotormlno budgot pollclos but also has furthor rogulallons which sorvo as dlslncontlvo 10 grow1l1, 3, A rOVQnuo program should roprosonttho ab/nty 01 a clly govornmonllo provldo sorvlcos lor 1110 hoolth saloty and wollOlo ollis cltlzons, Impoflantlssuos 10 consldor ora growth, soureo noxlblllty and administration, Undor Idoal condillons rovonuos should bo growing at a ralo which Is oqual 10 or groator than tho comblnod ollocts 01 Inllallon and oxpondllurO plossuro, Rovonuos should bo sulflclonlly floxlblo (Iroo Irom or wllh only minimal stalo and lodoral rogulatlons) to allow nocossary odjustmonts 10 changing community conditions, Tho mix 01 rovonuos should bo baloncod botwoon Ihoso Ihal grow with tho oconomlo baso and Innatlon and Ihoso that romDln rolatlvoly conslant, Rovonuos Ihould also bo dlvorllfiod by lourco 10 as nOI bocomo ovorly dopondont on 0 Ilnglo lundlng sourco, such os tho proporty lox, lodorol gronll, dlscrotlonary old programs, 010, \ I ,,~ [I I:" 0 LI EI Attachod 10 this 10port alo oxamplos 01 OthOI avallablo 10l1lnUO lourcos, You will nolo thntthoro alo prDdomJnanlly /WO catogorlo. 0/ lovonuo avallablo /0 tho clly, IlInt bolng laos and cM/gos and propo~y lax, Ultlmaloly, tho doelslon you will nood 10 roach Is whothor you bollovo thoro Is a nond /01 moro rovonuo, a bollor mix, and 1110, how can wo plan 10 achlovo 11101 goal. During this lIscaIlovfow, your discussions and ulUmalo doclslons will havo a long lorm and profound offOel upon tho growth and dovolopmonl 01 our community and thoroloro nood 10 bo approachod with somo caullon, Wo also must noto thai tho ulllmato doclslon, II accopted by tho public, willllllvo on olloct upon fululO gonorallons, i. f f', During tho budgOI pIOCOSS, my olnco Is olton crldelzod lor many of tho IInanclal doclslons which aro rocommondod, Whllo tho consllUctlvo valuo of tho crlllclsm Is approelatod, thoso who wish 10 havo tho~ Immodlalo buclgol noods mol wlthoul consldoradon ollong.torm consoquoncos will only oxaC4rboto our ovorallllnanclal concorns, Nolto con sidor tho long.lorm ImpllcaUons Is simply placlng a burdon on 0 futuro gonolaUon a pallom of spondlng which cannot bo oaslly amondod, Tho City Council Is roqullod to plovido mony and varlod sorvlces and wllh oach comos tho various constlluonclos, Each censUluoncy fools tholr program or projocls should rocolvo 1110 hlghost 01 priority, Our oporaUng dopartmonts, I bollovo, can oaslly Idontlfy and lustlfy tholr plogram ollorvlcol and tho nood for oddldonol nnanclal and/or Ilallsupport, Tho plan opprovad fer FY92 through 94 sovoroly IImllod thoso proposod oxpanslons, Tho financial plan roconlly adoplod moo Is tho gonorallnllatlonaryibudgOI managomonl policy, doos allow somo budgol noxlblllly, worl<s toward malntalnlng our Aaa bond roling, providos 0 vory basic lovol 01 public sorvlcos, and yol doos not ovorly burdon, 'n my judgmont, a fuluro gonorallon with spondlng plans that cannol bo amondod, As you oro aworo Iho political and nnanela' consequoncos 01 budgol doclslon moklng can bo painful, I do 1001 thai whllo many 01 Iho pollllcal doclslons cannol bo modo oaslor for you, thoughllulllnanclal plans can, allho vory loasl, OMO somo of your policy burdon by allowing you an opportunity to mako cholcos. Slalo and lodoral mandalos do nol locognlzo Ihoso Issuos and Ihoroforo, wllhoullong.lorm financial planning you will havo no cholcos, - \ '. f \ " ~ ii ! I I I II I This mallor has boon schodulod lor discussion at your moollng 01 April 15, IIVtM.mmo i.J- . II ~..,-, '1 V t( J lr.c-,. 'j ~ ~ c,t ~...., 5 "a D I? CI' LI q /' SOURCES OF REVENUES. PROPERTY TAXES .1 A, Curront Prooenv TIMes usod bv Iho Cltv: I. RegulAr OenerAI Fund. Currently el mexlmum levy 01 .a,IO par . \,000 01 OISOIsed velue, 2, Trena/I Levy . Currently al maximum levy of U4 per .1,000 of mmed v.luo, 3, ponce end FlIO RedlOmenl, Social Securlty . No maximum levy emounl; basad on amount necessary to meet obligation, 4, aoclol Socurlty,lowo Public Emp/oym Rodremenl SYllam, Othar Bonentl' No maximum lovy amounl: based on amount necoullry to mool obi/gallon (If Oanoral Fund levy Is allho .a, 10 minimum), 5. Debt Service. Oonoral Obligation (0,0,1 Bond Inlerosland principal: maximum levy I. buod on Iho Clly'. bonding authority of 5% 01 10lal proporty valuo 01 . t09 mill/on, curronl oUlllandlng G,O, dobt al 2/91 II .1905 million: .'3,& i million Is ropald from property tex rovenuo and tho othor .&,2 million I. from i ! otho, funds, t, i &, Agrlcullurol Fund. Currontly at maximum levy 01 .3,00375 po, .',000 of } valulltlon, !' l B. Addltlonsl Prooortv Tlxos AVllllblo to Iho CIl~: I. By Roferandum . Olher Permlla/ble Levi..: I, Suooort of I Public L1brlrv . Maximum levy 01 .,27 per .1,000 of laxablo valuallon (.331,5601, Ablalo go 10 roforondum only allo, a potltlon Is submlttod by ollg/blo oloclOrs of Iho Clly oqualln numbor 10 , 0% of Iho volers who vOlod allho lilt procodlng rogulor cllY olocllon, b, Emorooncv Fund .11 Gonoral Fund lovy Is al .S, , 0 mexlmum, mexlmum lovy of .,27 por .',000 of Imble valuation .331,7421. c. Coollol Imorovlmenls Fund Rosorvo . Maximum lavy of .,678 po, .',000 of taxablo valuation (t829.000), Usod for Iho purposo of accumulating monoys for capllallmprovomonls, d, Ooorlllon 01 I Culturollnd Sclonllflc Flcllll~ . Maximum lovy of .,27 por .1.000 01 taxablo valuation (.331,860), ./ I I 1 I . , ~';t -- ... .....--- - ..,..... -.,.. - - .n 1:1 0 ~, [I .~ -----T---..... .\ 2 , OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCES OF REVENUE AVAILABLE A. Local Option Salll and Service Tex: In 1985 tho Iowa Leglsleturo passod a local option tax bill which provide I cltlos and countlos with tho opportunity to roquost votor approvAl lor a locollalos and IOrvlco tox, a local vohlclo tox. a local OD/nings tax, or .ny comblnallon 01 tho threa, Slnco thai timo, IlocII oarnlngs tlX has boen romovod by tho St.to Loglsllturo II In option, Thl purposo 01 tho IIX bUl WIS to provldo proporty tlX rollof to Iowa taxpayor., to Issl.t local governmont. with tho anticlpltod roductions In olhor sources olrevonuo, and cln bo usod for any lawlul purposo, A local option lelos and lervlce IIX may bo Implomantod at the local laval on goodl and 10rvlCOllold altho rotan prlco. Tho gonerol charactorlstlc 01 a loca' option lalos and larvlce tax Includes: 1. Tho rotallarII rosponslblo for cOlloctlng tho tox and romitting tho procoedllo tho StAtO, 2. Tho tox would bo In addition 10 oxlstlng Itato ulol tax, and 3. Tho lax Is allowod only on thoso goods and lervlces which aro lub)oct to Itata lalas and IArvlcos tax, c ! ; The local option lalos end lorvlce lOX. IS outhorlzod by tho Stote Legislature, allowl i j local governmontlto Impose e lox nol to excood one percont 11 %1 on Ihe semo goodl s, , and lervlcas which era lubjoctlo tho Stllto'llalol and lorvlce tlX, The tax mlY be . applied to translctlonl which occur within Incorporllted Ind unlncorporlled arODS of i~ t tha county, with contiguous groups of cities baing consldorod as ono Incorporlled 0"1 lorlha purposes of dote!mlnlng tho rota 01 lox Ind Imposing tho tlX, Tho lax would be collactod bV the perlon making tho lalo and romlttod to tho StltO, Tho StltO 01 Iowa would ramlttha proceeds of Iho tax bock to Ihe cltV and counly according to a , twu'partlormula, Sovenly.llve percent 175%) 01 the IIX revenue would be remlttad {. bllck on a per capltl basis. and twenty,lIvo porcent (25%1 would bo remitted according to each local governmenl'a shire 01 property lax collections lor tho prlorthroo yeall, ~ Thosa sharos would be IlIocated only Imono those governmonls, within tho counly, where tho lax Is Ipproved, Tho ostlmated revenue to the City would bo 12,9 million based on the State ollowI', Raloll Solesand Uso Report lor the IIscII year ondlng March 31, 1990, ISee Exhlbll 1 lor datlll,l 8, Local Option Vehlcll Tax: Local option vehicle tox Is Imposed by locI I governmonls on vohlcles reglslered within Ihelrjurlsdlctlonal boundaries, This lax may bo 1I110t tax par vehicle, reglrdlm 01 the vehlcll'o Ige, price or other circumstance I, or mlY be I per unll tax which varies according to the selected unit 01 moosure, such IS horsopowor or weight, The oame lormull could be used lor trucks, basad upon gross vehicular welghl, Normllly, I fdJ". ~ ...... .. ' >,' , , ; t ! " ~ N I' . . l' ~ ~ H { I r i D 1:1 0 ~, ' I 3 vehlcle IlIcker, which II displAyed In the fronl 01 roar window, Is given 10 tho vohlclo owner os proollhe lOll has boen paid, Local opllon vehlcle IIll authorlzod In Iowa allowllocal govornmonlllO Imposa tho tall In one dollar lneromonl. per vehlcle wIth no uppor Ilmll. The lOll I. only rogllltalion ronowoll and, Iharafore, axcludo. now vohlc'e PUIChaSOl or Illllotlme IOglsllalion 01 any typo. Thll would bo e counly.wlda IIll which would be collecled by the County TreasurOl'1 Office end IOmllled to each city on e monthly basi.. The tOll lale lito bo elleblllhod on the ballot propositIon, The ballol propolllion may exclude cOllaln clauel of vehlclo. from the lell, end rovenuol from Ihe tall may only bo usod 101 tlanspOlI.ulon IOlatod allpondltuIOl. Tho asllmaled lavonuo to Iha City would bo '420.000. ISoe Exhlbll 2 fOl dOlall,1 C. MIsclllan,oul RevanuOl Bu. IIOp boneh advellJalng Expanded Inald%utalde bus advertIsing lnerllle bu. falOl Rental housing 1001 . CUllont: .40 perltluclulO + .& pOI unll Ralso mInimum building polmll foo . CurlOnt .18 lnerllle vallous chalges lor plaoolng and davolopment feOl Monlhly cost 01 olalmslolmlnallng In Police Departmonl . cUllanl '3.75 pOI line 1.&0&6) Vehlcle unlock by Pollco . CUllent . '&1.&7001 lnerease cosl 01 pOlice repolll . cUllent . .3 Falae alalml . Currentllhrough 5 . are flOo 8. taD 7.m &.m 9 Iholoalter .60 HOlollmotellall.lnclouo flom 6% 107% 1'100,0001 StormwalOl managomont foo . an addllion to ullllty bill, IIVlnUl,l1I ,\ I 6~ [t1:'[ISe .. .. ~ . , . EXHIBIT I .1 I LOCAL O'TlON 1"L11 AND IIRVlCI TAX IITIMATEI h..d Oft ,~ Tn Oft hubl, II".. al t4!O 000 000 UnltlcMpol."d low. UnIv.llily NO/III JoIInton TollI City CM'MIII HllGhl. Ubllty HoII. COIlIIty ,.,. Appolllonld by Population Popul.lJOII 12,018 n.m 10.347 1,042 2,121 OU 17.314 l 1110 C.nlUl f , ~ ,. 01 Population 100.0 04.17 1\,24 1,14 3.17 0,71 1...7 . ,.,. 01 RmllU. 13,371,000 12.111,303 1371.350 m.m 1100,117 123,103 103UU . ! 21,. Appolllonld by ~ I TOIII TpH levltd ~ rfU.". II ~ I 3 rlololll 144.002,431 127,011 ,on 14.017,410 1213,077 1721.313 1111,071 111.7'1,710 I IplllIvlld , ,. 01 1m. 100,0 11.3 U 0,0 1,0 0,4 20,8 , r levl.d I ! 21,. 01 Rm_ 11.121.000 1081,021 1104.021 11,7&0 118.000 14,100 1301.100 f ,I 141,221 1124.117 f Toll! Annuli 14.100,000 U,178,1U Im.m m.m "'3,212 r Rmnu. I ~ I I . ! ! ~; P. ( Uocopl.u.l '. , '. (p~~: . ,-. "'-.. ~ ';.-, " ~ . f: ,. , i~: , t.: \. , 1 !' i ., i' i ~. to t t l' ~ o I:' 0 ~, ~I EXHIBIT 2 . .. -" -., - - '. ..,..- ~,_.", . ,I I LOCAL VEHICLE TAX ESTIMATES. BASED ON 74,000 VEHICLES/" OF REQISTRATION Roglllorod Porcont 01 Proposed LocII Vohlcl. Tax Vehlcln IWI11wIm IlGlllrlllon TIX R~v.nue low. CltV 42,032 86.8" CiltlO . t420,320 CO/arvlllo 8.688 11.7 CiltlO . 88,580 Unlvoraltv Horghl. 1,036 1.4 CiltlO . 10,380 North Uberty U22 5.3 (1"10 . 3&,220 Hill. 740 1.0 , tl0 . 7,400 Johnson County 17.6tz -W Ciltl0 . 178.I2Q 74.000 100,0% mo.ooo Thl.,. a vory dill/cult rovonuolo olllmllO duo to tho poulbllilV of Ixompllonl II woll 11th. charact.r/makoup of Ih. populations, Thor.'O/o, Ih.lnlOlmatlon 'I fO/lllusuallon only. IVlhIU,1I1 cP~~1 [t I:' 0 ~, (I ~ITY IWIAGIH STATOOIIT I. T~I Clt, .111 conti nUl I "o,lrt, tll bllld flnlncln, ,ro,r.. rl' Clt, oplrltlonl. T~lrl II not now 'ntlrllt In In Iffo,t ror IIIII Ind/or IncOII tal fl"lncln, pollclll Ind tAl votlr 1"rovII nlcllllr,. OtAlr rIVI"UI lourCl1 .111 bl COftltantl, IOnltorldl ~OWIVlr, tAl rlltrlctlvl Itltl I... .111 11'11, pro~Iblt In, II,nlfl- Clnt IccOIPIII~lIIntl. I. lbl Clt, .111 Indllvor to IIlntlln tAl Ilrvlcl PIC'I,I Ind COlt llnflltlon IdJultldllt or nur thl currant Iml. lbta dOli not rul. out 1.IICtlv. ncrlll.1 In Clt, Ilrvlc.11 ~...v.r, t~., IUlt b. Itllur.d 1,IInlt tAt lon,.tlrl flnlnclll cl,lblllt, of the Clt,. AllO .11.ctld l.rvlc'I, ,Irtlcullrl, cl,It.1 proj.ctll II' b. Idjult.d UP or down. dlp.ndl", upon t~. Iv.lllblllt, or Itlt. Ind f.dtrtl .Id. J. [v.r, .ffort .111 b. ~dlrtlk.n to IIIntlln and Itr.nlth.n the oVlrll1 flnancl.1 pollllon of tht clt, ,OVlrftllnt, Includ n, IIln- t.nanu of I 1M bond rltlnf' IlIIIrovld fUl'd bllanCII. Ind contlnuld Iffort It IUltl',llr budglt "' and flnlnclll pllnnln'l and purlult of pollcl.1 llldln, to tAt contl"uld rlcOfnltlon or our flnanclll pllMln,. t. Thl elt, will Itt..,t ~Irlv.r ,rlctlcll to Ivold Ild',llr bud,lt dICtalonl. tA.t ta tholl thlt art out of "quI"" with thllMUlI bud,lt r.vl.. prOCIII. (vir, .ffort wIll b. undl,takln to IIlntlln the Int.,rlt, of the oVlrll1 thr",,'lr flnanclll plan. I. Th. CIlI will conltantl, r.vltw It I r.,ul.tor, Iuthorlt, Ind the IlIIIlICtttonl of thlt luthorlt, on ovarlll CIlI prOfr. and tAt ctllUftlt,. Ovlrlll r'ltrlctlvl ordlnlnc.1 t~lt II' Iff.ct ,conollc d.v.IOpalnt Ictlvltll' wIll r.c.lvl plrtlcullr Itt.ntlon II Will .1 tholl ardtnanCtl wIIlclllllntlln Ind IlIIIrov. the 'Intlll qIlllIll of our nll,~bo,hoodl. t. Capital I"rovlllnt projlcll .111 b. orllnt.d towlrd t~1 'Inlrll III"t.nanCI Ictlvltl'l lltrlltl, I...rl. .tc.) I"d thOI' Clpltll proj.ctl thlt I"COUrl,1 Ind lupport our ,rowth Ind dlv.lopll"t. 1. A CO"ltlnt r.vllW of ell, oplrltlo"1 will b. und.rtl'ln to cr. II. Ind 11III1...nt nlW Int.rnll Ifflcllnclll. I. '.rfonaancl bllld COlPI"lltlonl bud,llln" Ind profr.. 'Vllultlon I,IIIIS will b~ purlu.d Ind 111II IIInl.d ~.r.v.r prlct cII. [t I:t t] ~I 5 ." ~ . ..,.- .-. -.......... \_... City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM . " ;, Dolo: ApllI! 0, 1991 To: City Council From: City Managor Ro: Curbsldo Sourco SoparatlonIRocycllng Program ( . r , I i ~ [ ~ I I I I f Attachod Is a dra" program to Inldalo lor Iowa City rosldontlal rofuso customors a curbsldo colloctlon/sourco soparatlon/rocycllng program, Tho program, as outllnod, Idontillos tho major olomonts and II should bo undorstood that many additional dotaJls will nood 10 bo rosolvod priOt 10 program Initiation, In tho dovolopmont 01 this proposal It was again mosl dllllculllo soparate 1110 Iowa City rosldondlll roluso program pollclos Irom 1110 pollclos thai aro foqulrod with rospoctto oporaUng a roglonal landllll, Our curbsldo colloctlon InlUalJvos can bo succosslul whon moasurod Irom a Sl/Icdy Iowa City porspoctlvo, Howovor, duo 10 tho many othor policy rosponslbllltlos, you musl consldor all such mallors Irom a roglonal porspoctlvo, II wo % to bo succossfulln our colloctlon plogroms, Ills IIkoly thallandnll policies muM bo changod and thoso, ouch as IInanclalassu/anco, must bo sadsllod as quickly as posslblo, this mallor Is schodulod lor discussion at your Aprll151nlonnaJ mooting, co: Chuck Schmadoko Floycfo Polkoy Bud Stockman Brad Noumann bf.l'pltcy.dma P~fltl~:'" 1 tJ ., .\ I 1 j I 1 j , I ! i. , I C/,:'OSb . . PROPOSED CURBSIDE SOURCE SEPARATION/RECYCLING PROGRAM FOR IOWA CITY RESIDENTIAL REFUSE CUSTOMERS BASIC PROGRAM ELEMENTS , 1, Mandalory GOrvico lor 01112,000 Iowa City rosldontlalroruso customors. ,. . ,., . 2, Colloctlon 10 occur on regular rofuso colloctlon day, ovory othor wook. , '; ~ 3, Spoclal rocycllng contalnor to bo requlrod, i' " t f. 4, Colloedon sorvico 10 bo provldod by ono.porson crow with spoclally oqulppod lrucks, I I 5, Program would bo flnancod by an Incroaso In tho monthly rosldontlal ~ofuso ralo. , t 8, Sourco'soparalod malorials 10 Includo nowspapor, cloar glass, plastic, molal t i cans/contalnors, 7. Sourco.soparalod malo rials, whorovor practical, will bo dlsposod 01 dlroctly by crows at curront privato conlraclorlocallon (this wlllroqulro ronogotlatlon of conlracts with City Carton), 8, Sourco.soparatod matorials not dlroctly dlsposod 0110 cO,ntraclors to bo procossod at spoclal bulldlng to bo conslruclod 01100011I1 (Iandflllibulldlng would also bo avallablo for sourco,soparatod matorials 01 othorlandllll usors), 9, Continuo drop.oll program for an undolormlnod tlmo, 10, Banning 01 all sourco.soparalod matorlals Ihrough curbsldo program from Iho landllll 01 a futuro dato, '..p,ocyc pgm \ '~3 n 1:1 Ct ~, '-I - -.....- ,- . CURBSIDE BUDGET , t, CDallal COlli Purchaso 3 lIucks 0 $65.000 each Purchaso 12,000 apodal containers 0 $40 each Consltucl polo bulking allandllll ...112.QQ2 $825,000 $195,000 480,000 ~ , :, i , f Annual COlli 3 fun.timo employoos 0 $30,000 OpGrating coil ($2,600 por month por truck) $ 90,000 93,600 , , 1'1 l"; . t'; i:!' , " t Ii ~ ,; .1 f: Procosslng, handling, subsldlos lor goods collocted . aSlumo 1,330 Ions por yollt 0 $31 por ton 1200 nowsprlnl 50 gloss 70 plastio -tllUn 1,330 Ions Promotional malorlal Dobl Sorvlco (5 yollt nolo for cnpllol) 41,230 10,000 222.QQQ. $434,830 say $435,000 Yaarly budgol $435,000 Monthly 38,250 Monthly chargo par customof $ 3,02 say $3,00 $ 3,00 curbsldo ~ rogular fOrUSO $10,50 lolal ,\ I 4,(,3 [t I~' CI S EI 2 Issues I . Will nood to borrow to IInanco Ironl ond costs. acquisition, s14rt up, assumos 0 5 yOM borrowing through a nolo, . Assumos curbsldo program will collocl annuolly tho somo volumo thot Is curronUy dlsposod 01 by way 01 drop 011 . 1.330 tons, . Cost lor colloctlon. processing. otc, lor 1,330 tons 1,330 tons + $435,000 . $327 par ton . Amount 01 wasto d1vortod Irom landfill with curbsldo program . 1.330 tons 01 an ostlmolod annualtonnago 85,000 . 1,5% . Noto IIrstllvo yoars' cosl much hlghor duo to borrowing CoSL Tho oporations/malntonanco budgol provldos lor doproclation o~ponso to croalo capital lor roplacomont 01 trucks, An Invonlory 01 oxlra contalnors will also nood to bo malntalnod, To IInanco capl141 costs wllh dobt would roqulro Iowa City to p1edgo lIS assolS to back tho dobt Incurrod. Borrowing agalnstlandllll rovonuo would likely requlro Incroasod Inlorost o~ponso duo to unrollablo rovonuo baso, Slnco a portion 01 tho debt Is lor construction 01 capllal assots at tho landllll, tho City Is subsidizing tho landfill oporatlon with lIS p1edgo 01 local amts to back dobtlncurrod, . Whon tho dobt has boon paid all, and assuming no dromatlo now processing/subsidy o~ponso, tho por month por housohold wlllllkoly slablllzo or may bo roducod (assumo roasonablo Inllatlon 0110 Cis,) . May want 10 consldor ovorall borrowing noods lor wasto colloctlon/dlsposali1andlill o~ponsos, as wo aro roqulrod to mool romodlal costs allandllll, Again thoso capllallunds oro baing gonoratod through Iowa City without participation by othor communltlos, Flnanclal assuranco and romodlal e~ponso bacomos a moro critical and Immodlato Issuos, , . i r I.' f 1, I, . ~ i l , I [ ,; ! l: I t ! I I I f ! t Continue operation of drop oU locations. . Number 01 and locations to bo dotormlnod at lator data (do you wish to koop same program lovol?), . Allows thoso Iowa City rosldonces (apartmonts) 10 havo a sourco soparatlon/rocycllng altornatlvoj howovor, thoy do not pay any dlroct costs assoclatod with hondllng, subsidy, OIC, Costs lor this program chargod against landfill budgoL Allows othor aroa communltlos to drop all rocyclablo!!, also al no dlrocl chargo to thom, Rosldonts within tho landfill sorvlco aroa not rocolvlng rofuso colloctlon sorvlco will havo 0 sourco soparatlon/rocycllng allornativo at no chargo, , . Allows molntwnlng a location for brown, groon gloss dlsposollor rocycllng, . Tho drop 011 to bo IInancod from landfill rovonuos, Currontly tho drop 011 program costs approxlmatoly $75 por ton, . ? Will thoro bo a roductlon In volumos at drop 011 locations with Iowa City curbsldo program, . Ellmlnallon of drop 011 rosulls In budgot roductlon lor landllll oporatlons, .\ I ~~ OI~IOSCI ' ,I I 3 Bon from landfill at futuro dato . nowspapors, gloss, tin, and plastic · Curbs/do program would allow Iowa City rosldontlal roruso customors 10 comply, Prlvato haulors will bo roqulrod to provldo sourco soparaUon altornatlvo for non,rosldonllal roruso customors, I · Any conUnuatlon 01 drop oil location would havo othor communltlos using Iowa City disposal facUltlos at no dlroct cosllo thom. t 1. Boonlng tho so matortals alloodfill would roqulro othor munlclpalltlos and county to onact ordinancos and/or provldo rofuso sorvlco that soparalos tho soloctod rocyclablo malorlal, and would sorvo as an Impotus 10 provldo a sourco soparallon program 10 all olhors, · Eliminating drop oil and with ban would roqulro all communlllos 10 so ok sorvlcos lor such colloctlon, This may occur undor ooy clrcumstancos II Iowa City program bocomos succosslul and tho drop 011 program becamo unoconomlcal, · Tho building 10 bo constructod alloodflll could be doslgnod 10 accopt rocyclod matorlals from othor communlUos ood tho County and Incorporato tholr sourco soparalod Iloms Into lhoso 01 Iowa City colloctlon crows, · An option In 1I0u 01 tho ban could bo an Incroasod tipping foo lor those malonals. I . ~-: i i K ~ ! r mgtMlidlbdg .... . ~~3 ! t , n,:'DbO - - .. -. - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ~ Dalo: APlilS, 1991 To: City Council Flom: City Managal Ra: Sass PrOpellV . Industrial Park OUI anglnoarlng conlultlng firm has complolad their 10111 and othor relalod environmental analylll 01 tho Sass properlv, which II currantly under opUon as prospective city Indull/lal park. Tho roport Indlcalelthero aro a number 01 aoil probloml on Iho proporlV, Specifically, thero 'I In aroo ollomo Ilzo which may quallfV as I watlAnd, largo arou 01 poat wero dllcovorad Ih,ough the loll borings, and other rolaled loll condillons restrlcllng lho boarlng load caplclly. Duo 10 thola IInsatlsfoctorv loll condlllons, lho City would bo levorelv limited In tho type 01 dovalopmont Ihat might occur, Upon rovfow of tho roport and glvon the purchase prlco of tho r~nd, I cannot rocommond thll proporlV for the proposod prlco. I have odvflad Iho altornoV ,oprosonllng tho Sass flmllv of mv recommendallon to lho City Council, Soli condlllon. would allow only IIghl manulacturlng and warohouslng wlthoutlubslanllal Involtmant on tho part of 0 prospocllvo dovolopor, With Iholo oddlllonol COltlltl.llkolV 0 davaloper would IrV 10 roduco tho prlco of Iho land to covar Iholo add/tlonal dovalopmont COlli and Iharalora our ability to rocovor, dollar.for.dollar our Invollmanl, would bo romoto, bdm5.3 cc: Dlroclor of Public Work. 1&z/lt~CU"''':' 0~ t-, e 0 b ' I " . )tj , . . .., / ..... ,.. . ..!, :...'. .~.. J ..... ,,I', ..... . . " .' . April 2, 1991 ., 'I ....... ..,,. !.. I ',I J ',,', , ... ~ ~ .. ~ ~, r , }: . !i 1 I I \ ~IJJllIl1g(On, B~ ~'))Ij Tho lIonorablo John MCDonllld . n ) Mayor / ~ "wffl-/ City of Iowll City ^~~ Oil"'" 410 E. WlIshlngton L, 1V\ Iowll City, Iowll 52240 ~VJ Dear Mayor McDonald I Thank you very much for writing me rogllrdlng tho prosldent's funding of tho Community Development Block Grllnt. I appreciate knowing of your concern regarding this mlltter. All you know, I wholeheartedly support the Community Developmont Block Grant (CODG) progrllm, lInd thllt I hllvo supported every offort to ensure liS much funding tor this necelsary program liS poIslblo within current budgot constralntll. In a recent letter to the chllir of the lIoulI Dudget Committee, I joined over 52 of my colleaguell expressing our concorn over proaldont Bush's 9\ cut In tho commulty Devolopmont Dlock Grant program. The CDBG progrllm hilS boon a cornerstone In nolghberhood rovlt1l111atlon for ovor a docado lInd II hlllf. It aervos both highly popull1ted urban centors lInd rurlll communities. The program provides II steady IItrellm of funding to entitled communities to conduct II vllrletr of actlvltlea, liS you outlined, which promote revltal 11Itlon, economic devolopment, and Improved community fllcllltlos lInd aervlcoa. More Importllntly though Is the fllct that the CDDG program glvea communltioa grellt flexibility to find innovlltlve solutiona to their own, unique problema. In tho pllSt, communities hllve used the cDBG program for such activities a8 rehllbllitlltion of realdentilll lInd commercial properties, Improvement of public facl11tioa auch 118 stroet8 and neighborhood centers, lIaslstllnce to busines8es for oconomlo devolopment activltlos, estllbllshmont of dllycare facilities, lInd lIslllstllnco to the homoloa8. Thia progrllm fostere tedorlll, state and loclll pllrtnerahlps to relnvost In our communities. I am commlttod to mlllntaining. lInd working to Improve the tederlll govornmont'a pllrtnershlp with IowlI City, and tho Third District of Iowa In onsurlng thllt wo receive our fair shllre of federlll dollare. Lot me a88ure you of my continued support for the CDDG program. Without the8e necesslIry funds, importllnt ,\ I ,.' II ~~5 '. .. ~, ). ~ 1 ,. I ~ L " , , !~ f. f- " , ~ , I I f. r { f , . [l1:'Obe .. ,., ,- ... .- Tho Honorablo John HcDonald -- Pago 2 progrllms which you idontifiod, could not bo fundod in Iowa. Thank you for your lottor. Plol.o fool froo to wrIto to mo 49aIn with lIny furthor quo.tlcn. or commont. you may hllYo. . SIncerely, (' ,,1.1... Dive Nagle Member or congro.. DRNlBdb '.,.... -.-' '.-' I' I 0105 ! f , , , ~ [ r [ I' " ! I , i I I [I e 0 b ~/ City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ~% ~ttt Doug Boothroy, Director of Housing & Inspection Services Dena Christiansen, First Assistant City Allorne~ Dele: April 10. 1991 To: From: Re: Master Electrician Requirements This memorandum Is to confirm tha conversation among you. Paul Bowars and myself on Wednesday. April 10. 1991, As you will racall, al that maeting wo discussed tha requirements of City Code Section 8.142 which raads. In pari. as follows: . ..,a master elactrlclan'sllcense Issued to at loast one rosponslbla member or offlcor of a firm...shall authorize such flrm...to conduct an elactrlcal contracting buslnoss In tha city..., provldod such IIconsoe Is a partnor. offlcar, diroctor. 01 menager of such firm..,. actlvaly suparvlalng tha daY'lo.cfay operations of aald firm or corporation In tho city..... Based on advlco Irom the City Allornay's olllca at somo point In the distant pllstll 0.1 & yeara agol. the Import 01 tha languaga highlighted abovo has baen 1011, resulting In mostar eloctrlclans signing permll applications In circumstances whara they clurly could not actlvaly supervlso the day.to.day operations oftha electrical firm doing the work. It Is my opinion thai the above language means axactly what It says. and that that meaning and Intenlls conslstanl with tho overall Intent and structura oftha alectrlcalllcansing and pormllllng scheme ahown In the City Coda. Thus. 1 bellove a moster electrician who Is far romoved Irom the local area such that ha 01 ahe cannot roasonably ba axpected to be abla to como to a job site for consultetlon. or who Is ongeged lull,time In olher buslnm and would similarly bo unable to perform the required functions of a mastor electrician. should not ba allowed 10 apply for an receive eloctrlcal permits, Although our discussions wera prompted by quostloned regarding a pertlcular moster electrician who now resides In Florida. my opinion would epply. on a cssa.by.casa basis, to any situation where Ihe mastor electrician Is unavellable to reasonably carry out tha activa suporvlslon 01 day.to.day operations. If you hava questions or noed guldonco In tha analysis of particular cases. ploase feel free to contact mo, Wo also discussed. and I approved of. your plan to notify those firms and mastor alactrlclans who appoar to violate Soctlon 8.142. and require thom 10 como Into compllanca Immedlaloly aftor tho August 24 master oloctrlclan'sllconso testing dato (tho appllc.tlon porlod for tha April 27 to sting delO having already oxplred), Glvon that this opinion and Intorprotatlon oltha abovo.aoctlon ropresonts a doparturo from past practlcos. I bollovo this graco porlod Is roqulrod In tho Intorost of 10110011, b~lllCllql cc: City ManagerV"' City Attorney ~~~ nl:'[lbL/ - .... ,M.~. _ -. -. -~ ,\ , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ~;~J ~ DATBI TOI April 10, 1991 Slovo Atkinl Ron Hondoreon ~:-11 FROHI RBI Houling commillion Rocommondationl i f, , I j ! i f' Tho lIousing commhsion lit thoir bit 'Ichodulod mooting conddorod IInd rocollUllondod thllt tho Iowa City 1I0using Authority lubmit appliclltionl to BUD for 20 unitl of publio 1I0uling, 100 Cortiticatol lInd 100 Vouchorl. Stlltf will procood with tho lIpplicationl and will prolont thorn for conlidoration by Counoil in oarly Hay. Ploalo indicato any conlidorationl in thil mattor. Tholo IIppliclltionl do not roprolont now diroationl for tho 1I0uling Authority. In tho Cilia of tho cortificlltol and Vouchorl, thil il our IInnullI IIttompt to obtllin mora IIlliltanco. In pilot YOllrl wo hllvo received lei I than ane-hlllf of our roquoltod amounb. WI can expect to receive token amountl if IIny lit all. For the Public Rouling lIppliclltion, it il lIn IIttempt to obtllin tunding tar acquilition of threo bodroom unitl. It il expectod that our requllt may garnor UI ton or fovor unitl. There hal been IIn idontified nled for thil lizl unit in the Iowa City IIrla. f , ! ! I I I' I I I ~~7 t. I . ! i r f ~ ~; ~ , j~ . I ! i I I OI:'ObS City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dato: AprilS, 1991 To: Stovo Atkin., City ManaQar From: t John Lundall, Transit Managor Ro: Crl.l. Contar Bono lit On Saturday, April 13, both Iowa City Transit ond COlOlvillo TlOnsit will partlclpato In a promotion benofittlng the Crisis Contor Food ~nk. ThI. Saturday. any porson boarding a bus with a non.perlshable lood Item will bo ablo to rldo fOt froo. Crisis Contor voluntoors will bo In tho downtown transit Intorchango colloctlng tho food Itoms 011 tho busos aftor oach trip, I am proud thai Iowa City Tronsltand coralvillo Transil will bo kicking 011 Crisis Centor Woek In lowe City with thl. promotion, Thank you and contact mo If you noed any addltlona' Information, bdml.3 I t6tJ~~ ,\ I ~, [I I~I [I tr tl . . Ap,,! 9, 'HI PRESS RELEASE PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF HIGIl IIITRATES #...~.,_........u.~.., ~._ CITY OF 10 IVA CITY Contact Perlon: Ed Br I nton Wator Sucerlntondont 356"5180 PUBLIC NOTlFICATlOll . " The Iowa City WlItor DiYl010n il notifying It'o eonoumorl that the mllximum eontamlnont levII (HCLI for nitrlltOl Will monurod In a 11Impl, tllken on 4/8/91. Tho maximum eontllmlnont loyol 1145 mglL 01 N03 or 10 mglL 01 N. Tho nltrllto levol mllllurod In tho wator lupply Will 45 mg/L. It it predicted thot the lImit will be exceeded If tho 10wlI Rlvor nltroto lovell do not doerolllo. The nitrllto leyel In tho lowo Rlyor Will mtalured at 55 mg/L. And hili been melllured III high al 61 on 4/6/91. The 10wlI City WlIter Division hili been mixing doop well wlIter with tho trolltod rlyer water to bring nitrllto leyoll bolow tho HeL. Elevated nitrllte levell in the riyer hllYO boon experioneed in the Plllt. Nitrote eontominlltion of lurfaeo wlIter rOlulu from by wlIter runoff, portleulorly In the IPring. High nitrllto levoll lIro ululllly lellsonal. Soureel of nitratll lire both nlltural, mlln-mllde, orgllnie lInd inorgonle. The mllJor loureo of nitrlltol In Iowo II from lImmonill fertilizer applielltion on form londl. The lImmonill II oxidized by nitrogon bacteria to nitrllto which il II lour eo of nitrogen for ero~ plllnt nutrltlon. Othor 10ureOl lire eoneentrlltod Wllltu from feed Iota, lawn fertilizing, IOPttC tAnkl, municipal ond industrial eewlIge trllltment dilchorgll. flltratll rllldlly dissolve in woter. HEAL TH CONCERNS Nltrotee, whon Ingsstod In eufflclent lImountl, po.e a heolth rllk to infants under Ilx months of ago by reducing tho oxygon-cllrrying copoclty of blood. L 1mtted oyidOnCe 11100 lndicatOl thllt on 1I1ternatlve source of wator should bo usod during prognoney ond breast feeding. The resulting 11fe-threotonlng d1leuo II clllled "bluo bllby" syndrome or methemoglobinomia. At concentrlltlonl betwoon 45 ond 100 mgll there mllY be lomo 1ncreoud risk of mothomoglobinomlll. A slgnificllnt risk exists when nltroto lovels oxceod 100 mg/I and alternatiye woter sources should be uled for infllnt conlumptlon. '"1A11 HI"I~OlO~ ""II'lnAIIIl IOH 11111""",,," III"""'H 1"" ",,"" ~------............-. --- T-- , (p~9 ...-- ,\ t [t I:' 0 b '-I -'~'.. ..... PAge 2 - Nltrllte NotificAtion - 199\ . I , , t: , ,~:;' -.;. Boiling the wator will concentrllte the nltrllto present thuI Increasing the danger to infants. It is strongly recommendod that this wAter not be used to mix formula. Your phYSiciAn should bo consultsd if you have any questions, If An alternllto sourco Is used you should check to insure ths altornate supply 11 boing monitored and meets drinking water standArds. Tho following treatment processos, if functioning correctly, will removo nitrates: I.. ;. ,J' I. , Unit Procoss' EstimAted Plrcentage Of Removal l~ }, I I' j.. l; \. L , ~ ! , Reverse Osmosis . , Electrodialysis, , Ion Exchange ... . I . . . . . . . . . . . 90 - 97 SO 98 . I . . . . . . . . . . . . , . I . . . . . . . . . * "State of the Art of Small Water Treatment Systems", USEPA. Office of Water Supply, Washington. D,C. 20480, August, 1977. NOTE: One mQ/L eQuals one Dart Dor milljon. c:\wp\nitrato\4-9-91.not '" ,\ I ~~9 ; .....";..>> State Historical Society of Iowa ,t II . , . " TIll' Illsll1rk.lI Dil'lsillll III till' DI'IWlll1l'lllll( Cultur,l\ i\((,lirs [I I? C/ b EI . ... .. ... . ~ . 1,'_ April 4, 1991 I , , wI 'l! .... 1'-' .' I 1~91 .\ I , 'IIi. /1[,.' .:I..,j/l$'~"11. , 'H",- \ .1' , i:': . )/', . -.. , I. I... '. ~ I.. r Hr. John McDonald, MlIyor City of IowlI City 410 B. WlIlhlnQton St. IowlI City, Iowa 52240 Dollr Mayorl Plnlll fundlnQ rocolllmondlltlons for tho Cortlflod Local Govornmont Qrant proQram havo boan modo. I rOQrot to lntorm you thllt wo woro unllblo to tund your Archltectural/Hhtodcal Survoy projoct. Thoro woro 27 lIppl1catlons submlttod, roquoltinQ ovor $104,000. Tho FY91 fundlnQ tor thls proQram wal $69,000. This lIppllcatlon'l ovorall ratlnQ did not Icoro hlQh onough to bo fundod this yoar. Tho rovlow pllnol's dools1onl woro not ollllly mado. It you havo turthor queltionl about why your grllnt appllclltlon Will not tundod, or if you would l1ko Intorllllltlon on tuture Qrllnt- wrltlnQ workshopl, plallle teel froe to contllct Patrlcla Ohlorklng, Il1ltodo Preservation FundI Grant Hanllger, lit (515) 281-8024. . Wo lIpprociato your lntarost In the CertiUod Local Govornment grant program. Wo look fOrllllrd to worklng with you on SOlDO tuturo pro~oct to ldentlty, rogllter, and prelorvo Iowa's hlltorle resources. , , . :' Slnceroly, ,..f-;tt--I. ~/ (.... -- DlIvld Crosson, Admlnistrlltor State Il1stodeal Soolety of IowlI cel PAtricia Ohlorklng, HPF Grllnt MlInllger Jamos Jacoblon, Buroau Chlof, Hlltorle Prolervation Joyce Barrott, Hiltorlo Prolorvlltlon Commlslion Mombor o 4112 hl\\',1 ,\1'\'011.' Ill\\'.1 CUy. IllW.1 522411 (319) 335.J91h ~ C.lrUlll Cl1mr.lc\ ''t);;s Mllhl\'~, 11111'" !itlJl'j (~I~) 2"I,~1II O~hll1l.lllk II." .l72 CI.'lnllllll, hl\\'" ~m~ '11'11 .121.7171 ~70 [t e 0 b q . , ._ 'M." .._'. ,.. .,', > '",' "I, " ,\ ," . " , . . ,:.,.", 1 'j':' . .,': . ,""',' .. I , . I I : "I" , .,_ '- ".' ", L J", ',' " . t,.. I , ~. '," I, " ',' ' ,'t I. .1,'_ f ,.f;,' ., '. ' t', .... I' ,. ',' ... ~. ... I. 'I . I.' , .' .' I , C ," . ,I '. t... ~; 1,. '. ' . . I' "It.. , . II t'j" ' I . " .}~ .'?.., f . . . !l", : i: I, ~ 't~~ i :'.' \: .ft [ , . . ;'\' , . , . '.'..~. " ,~ . .' . March 26 Aprl12 " I '. April 9 April 23 May 14 May IS.Juno · ~l' , '. .. .f', ,I I ,I J. ~ ~ QtLv,GJ ~(~ l' I ~ e' \~\ , , I \ "--..:.' . f?lO")l(1e# d~t<< tl~ elL . ". '.~ I"d"atl.. ~~,J ..lcLtv"duWJ '<&l~{r~, W lj 'I', .' t, , . . Shlvc-Hallery presentln(ormallon report 10 Iho budget committee regarding (easlblllty and estimated costs o( specific ,proJects Preliminary reports on demogr~phlcs should begin 10 be available, Dudget Commlllco prepare recommend"tlon (or Doard consideration In(ormatlonal report 10 the Do~rd , , Doard action approving concept, Doard acllon approving project and amount, Preliminary IYork (or referendum . July.August . Working on administrative del~lIs Sept,.Mld OCI,.' Final IYork (or referendum f . ~I-t "'-r', ..-~~.. .' , ", . t . I \ ,/: t.~;. . : " 'I,' ,t,li: ~ , :,'. I ",.' I " . . I, .... t' '. t ,\: I, I,' ,', , . . . 't' '. t" .. " "'7 ' ' 'I , '. . ','" , I ,'" " ""'\'~ I I """ '" " ' I "",', ",1',,1" ,t ,.,,' ", , """ ' : "'," t ',", , '. . , ' ..' t I . ' ,'" .'t\', ,. ' ." I " , , , ' ., t 1 t ": ;," " r':.. , . , 'I, . , , . ... '" "" - '/; ".:", " . ," , . ,,' '.' "f",. I I ~ I ., " , ' t ~ n. : ,1" ,,' t , , " .1',' ,.' , , ' ''''', " ,,' ,',' "',,' , ",I' """,' .. ' .. " , " " -'~ , ' ,.' I , " ,', ,\' .. ,," ,'.. I'" "l " . ",,'" " 'M' ',' ,I I I ., "" I. " October , I .' I' , '" I , " " . , " I E1ecllon ., ',' l ' ' ~l r., r- "I 'I, ,"""-- , , , ., . . , " I . , . . , ' '/ ' , . , .... I " . , , . .. " " , . " " " . , . " ,. , , " " ',' I " 1/!l/li ' :' (g71 [t I:' 0 '-I 0 . HONOHAN, EPLEY, HAYMOND, BRADDOCK & BRENNEMAN r f, , , '.' J.y II, lIanohln a.ry L. lI.ymond M.ulin. A, lII.ddock Mlchlt' J, lII.nn.m.n - P.lrlck C, P.ltl. - 01 CounlOl: Uo)lI A, fpl.y tf,8"Io...m. Iml"'.Ul7 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 4211A..IIU. KtI'N,Io..12247 12101151.211I 330 fill Court SIItOI P,O, Do. 3010 low. CliVI low. 62244 13191361,0100 104 Jtyftlll".1 LOftI r"., 10.. mas 121" 12...400 April IS, 1991 t~ r r ,\,.1 1I0norablo Mayor' City Council City of Iowa City Civic Con tor 410 E. Waahington Iowa City, IA 52240 ROI Rocycling Program Door Mayor and Council. I am writing to indicllto for my wifo and myaolf comploto support for tho rocycling program advocated by tho City Managor. Wo havo boon doing this on our own, depositing tho itoms at EconoFoods lInd Iowa City Carton. It has roduced our non-recyclablo garbllgo from two cans full oach woek to loss than two grocory sacks. i , (: f: i. t' f: ,. fj f1 t. ~ I fool tho proposod foo is also reasonablo. Wo must start paying a cost to tako cllro of what is alroady an oXlromoly sorious problem. I hopo tho City Council will support this program. Vory truly yours, 1I0NOIIAN, EPLEY, IIAYMOND, DRADDOCK , BRENNEMAN J 11I11 ba ay II. lIonohan f I l E ~ {'7,,' I' I [t I:' 0 '-I '/ 7'1{(.li,~(. It' ,\ , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dato: Apl1I15, 1991 ~. r i I , l t t; i i Tho HonOl.blo MayOl John McDonald .nd Membor. ollho Clly Council; Lind. Nowman Gantry: K.yo Hannaslay: Dougl.. Booth/or, Kalloy Vorlna: W,H, Kandall; Torry Goordl; David Nool; AM MlUler AMO Q, BUlnsldo, AulSllnt Clly AIlOlnay <<-/J ~aaY VI, Iowa CIIY. 01 a~ Law No, 83m Tho City mod a MOllon to Dismiss tho abovo I.wlult on your bohalf. That Motion hol now boon conslderad and danlod by Iho COUll, A copy 01 Iho OIdor II ollachod 101 your Inlormotlon, To: From: Ro: Tho court donlod Iho motions 01 all dolondanll, Including Iho Magllllalo, Itotlng lhot "It II a raro coso which will not Iurv!VO a Motion to Dllmlla fOllallUlo to 11011 a claim,..". I hod cortalnly hopod tho court might toko II moro critical look at tho Voggyl' Potlllon. Tho noxt ItOP Is to filo en Answer to tho Potltlon, I will bo lalng on Anlwor on bohalf 01 each 01 you and will plovlda you a copy .'lor It hOI boon filod wllh Iho court. II you havo any quosllons about any olthoao mOllore, ploaao loolfroo to coli mo, bdm 1-6 Allochmont t,? I"~ I ~. ;i f , f ! I t I ....---..---- --- r-- n I:' r, '-I P - - - - , . ( '~' ( , '.. I IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT III AND FOR JOHIISON COUIITY . I.. " " .1 '. ./, . :1. " , ; I .:' 'f ", . 'f' ... . , BERIIARD YEGGY, at .1., ' ) ) plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, ) at al., ) ) DafondAnta. ) 110. 53225 RULING Tho Notiona to Dla~laa filad January 28, 29, and 31, 1991, voro aubmittod for d.t.raination Harch 22, 1991. At tia. of h.arlng, Hich.ol FlY app..r.d on b.half of Plaintiffs. Jull' F. pottorff, by t.lophono at about tho timo ach.dulod for hoaring, informod mo that tho motion filod by hor vaa boing aubmltt.d vithout oral argum.nt. Ann Burnaido .nd Robocca Soidl app.ar.d on bohalf of thoir roapoctivo cllonta and mado oral proaantations. Hr. Fay proaontod tho Plaintiffs' poaitions. Tho proceodings voro court roportod. Tho Trial Court doas not havo discrotion vith rogard to ruling on a Hotion to DIsmisa, tho ruling is to ba mado on logal grounds. Docorah St.to B.nk v. Zldlicky, 426 N.H.2d 388, 390 (lova 1900)1 St.to cont. Blnk of Kookuk v. Oroat Rlvor Ola, 368 N.H.2d 120, 130 (lova 1985). Sinco tho advont of notlco plolding, it il a r.ro c..o vhich vil1 not lurvivo a Hotion to Diamias for failurl to Itata a claim upon vhich any roliof can bo grantod. Amoric.n Nat'l Bank V. siovors, 387 lI.u.2d 138, 140 (lova 1986). For tho purpolD of ruling on a Hotion to Diamlsa, tho notico ploading raquirod la only a ahort and plain atatomont of tho claim. Lakotft Conaol lndop. School v. Buffalo Contor-R.ko community schoola, 334 N.w.2d 704, 708 (lov, 1983). i. ''''''_1, APR 12 1: 'IN .-...., . tD -7'3":' ~- ,\ " r f , , [ f r t I I [I I:' 0 '-I ~I " ( ( " ,I I A Motion to Diamlls admlto sll foctl woll ploadod. Dunn v. R080W.Y Inc" 333 II,W.2d 830, 831 (low. 19831. " #., " I,' '-. Tho allogatlono m.do in tho potition aro to bo conatruod in tho light moat favorabio to tho plosdor, And doubts ora to ),' : bo rosolvod in his or hor f.vor. Goldon v. O'Noll, 366 N.W,2d 178, 179 (Iowa 1985). A Motion to Dis~is5 promiaod on tho pioadings will bo sust.inod only whon thoro IS no concolvablo stato of facts undor which a plaintiff might domonstrato a right to rollof. Id. - A roviow of tho .ssertions modo in tho Motions to Dismiss, in light of tho for090ln9 stAndArdo. doos not WArr.nt 0 dlsmlssol of tho c.so. Tho motiona .ro, thoroforo, ovorrulod. DAtod this 11th day of April. 1991. .. ~4~drf:p /J.~; A~GUST F. HONSELL. JUDGE SIXT~ JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF IOIIA ,. . . '.f(l. BY' __f1J..-K _ Clcr~'. i~lc~~n.l ROIpunliblo I.IJIlIO~ Cocumcnl ~?3 ;: /' ; n I:' 0 .-, L/ - I CII.. I Beor Pormlt - Allovl holdor to loll boar for con.umptlon on or off proal.AI. $300.00 - - CIA.I C Boar Porait - Off promi.al 1.101 only. Pharmacy & Grocary only. $15.00 - $300.00 DotoriTn,d by ratail floor .pac.. CI... D Baar Porah - Allov. ula of baar fClr con.umpUon on and off promloo. .nd vlno in oriBlnAI cont.lnarl only for con.umption off premi.a.:-No .010 of boar .hall bo IIOda for con.umptlon on the premlou unlo.. ,0Allnll lo AvaUablo for 25 pAr.onl It ono tlmo. $800.00 Dotormlned by popul.tion. , Cll.. E Beor Ponait - Allov. tho .110 of boor And vine in original contAinarl ~nlY for off proml.o. con,uIPtion. Pharmacy & Grocery only. $575.00 - $8DO.00 otorminodlby rAtlil floor 'p'co, Spochl Cia.. C Baar-lIlno LiconlO - Allov. holdor to .011 boer & vino to patron. by tho individual drink for con.ulptlon ~ proml.o. only. !!!! may bo .old for olthor.!!.!l or ill promllhll con.ulptlon. $585.00 Dotorminod by population. t CIA" A Liquar Lican.o - 1"UAd to A club. Authorizo. holdor to .011 liquor. & f baor to bonl fida DOmborl And tholr guolt. by individual drink for conlumption '/ ~ promhu only. $780.00 (1DClIllbor. of IIlOro than 250). $520.00 (lIIolbAn of Iou I thin 250). ~ i CIA" B Liquor Lican.o - I..uad to A hotol or IIIOtol. Authorizo. holdor to .011 l Hqour or baar to pAtronl by individual drink for conlulllption 2!l prolllho. only. I !!!!: lAY bo lold for conlulption ill promlou. $1690.00 CIIII C Liquor Llcon.o - I..uod to I cOllllllorcial oltabll.hlOnt. Authorizol holdar to .011 liquor & boor to patronl by individual drink for conlulllption 2!l promi.al only. !!!!: IIY bo .old for con.Ulllptlon ill prellliBo,. $1690.00 Clll' E Liquor Lican.a - Permit. tho privat~ IAlo of alcoholic Ipiritl. (Rotall Liquor Storol) Include. lIino. $2500.00 - $75DO.00 Dotormined by IquarA fOOtAgO. CI... F Liquor Lican.. - I..uod to I co_rcial lIubllohlOnt. Authorhol tho holdor to .011 liquor. & beor to patronl by tho individual drink for conlulptlon 2!l promilol only. loar & IIlna IIlAY bo .old in originAl containor. for ill prollli.o conlUlllption. $2190.00 CIIII 0 Liquor Licanlo - Authorizel tho Inla of vi no & boor to patronl by tho . individual drink for cunlulllption on prolllho. only. Beor & lIinA IDAY Aho ba lold In original contAinorl only for 2I! prolllila con.ulllption. $1085.DO CI... II Liquor Llcon'A - luuod to A hotol or IDCltol.Authorho. holdor to loll liquor or boar to patronl by individual drink for conlumption 2!l promilol only. Boor & lIinA IIlAY bA lold in original contAinorl for off prolilo conlumption. 12I90.00 - Clall B lIino Pormit - Allov. bottlod vlno only in original containorl for off prollli.o con.umption. $500.00 City Clerk's Office 4.16-91 ~?l/ [t I:' [I '-I ~, }, n , ., ~ r: ~'. "1 I"t ~, t' [" PropoaAl ror Clt1 or Iow~ Clty i~ 1'1 , i,' [ " n 1; 'i I " I . , " Aprll 1991 Prepared by Donnh ROllera Johnaon County Raoyollna Canter 625 - 1 Avanuo CorAlvllla, IOWA 522ql 338-]527 '75 \1 l I , 1--, . . \ I t ~ ~, " t [t I:' [I ,-/, b .\ i Introduotlon Our oountry ie burying it'a nalural rosouroes. Tha 90'a will be tho ., dooado ot rooyol1ns and oonsorvatlon. AD our IIAturAl ruourou dwlndlo, \10 bOOOQO Qore awaro or the noed to ohanse our Ilroatyle,. You oan't plok up a newspapar without roadlna aOQO artlolo about rooyol1na. Rooyollns 10 a way or llte tor aOQO Amorloana, but not onoush Acerloan, havo ooc=lttod to thla Important way ot llro. Coc:unltlas arA rooosnlslng the noad to Implecont I reoyoling proara2 ~hat will reaoh evoryono. Rooyollna Ie the roalaet arowlng and most ooonomioal way to doal wlth roduotlon ot aolld waata. It'a provon to bo ortootivA in =any oillea in the Hidwoat and throuahout the oountry. Rooyollng 10 e prooeu relatively new to Iowa, but not ao in othar atatu. In my travala list yoar atudying rooyoling, it's apparont that Hinnosota, IIhoonl1n and llUnois ore aU ahoad or Iowa in tho rooyollna industry. Tho DopartQOnt or lIaturlll Roaourooa haa undated that tho ducpina in , every landUll bo reducod by 25. In 199q .nd 50~ by Yoar 2000. Voluntlry reoyollng will not sonorato the nacoaaary roduotion. Co~unitloa ora tindlna it nooeaaary to mandato raoyollng. Alona wlth thaao mandatoa, they hAVO aot up progrAms tor rooyollna. Produota are now avallablo to aid in tho rocyoling '. procoas. Co=munlty loadara wont to like it aa almplo aa poaalblo ror tho rosldonta, as woll aa orrioiont ror tholr atatr. Iowa City oan load lho way ror Johnaon County with lho tirat mandatory rAoyollng proaram. {g7S ~' , l'.: ~ ,; ,; L f " ;., l' j.! n !. I; r ~ I: i; [t e 0 '-I '-I / " I Johnson County Rsoyollng Con tor Johnson County llooyol1ng Contor wm bo In tho buslnm of rocyollng 81m5s, plastic and cots15. Tha firat yaar wa will acoopt milk JUs typa plm5tio oontalnors only. After onA ya.r of operation va will tako olhor pla5tlo bssld on tho laws currontly andorsad by tho Counoll for Solid Wa,t. Solutions requiring rosln-ldentlflod llbals cn pla5tlc oontaln.rs. To faoilitsto rosin Identification by rocyclers, tho plastlo Industry It.lf Idoptod a standard oodo systam. I.PET 2 . HDPB 3 . Vinyl q . LDPE 5 . Polypropylone 6 . Polystyrono 7 . Othors Thoso rocyclablo products cmn'bo oo11ected at tho sa=o tlmo wookly , " " sorbaso pickup l'a do no and brousht to our rooyollng contor by tho City . . . , . stoff. A opooiol recycling truck will follow tho r.sular routo truck. Ualng todoy's cost advsnoed IIchlnery, those produoto will bo brokon down, packasod , ond lIlArkotod. Workins with Jeff lloods of tho Crandic ftil1road, va have dotormlnod that rill is tho cost .molont .00ns of transpcrtlng our products. This Is an Important aspoct of tho ovorall op.ratlon, with trmnsportatlon U ono of tho lorsost oporatlng upens.. of thh buslnoSl. OUr businoss la looatod in tho roar building of 625 . I Avonuo In Coralvillo (soo lip). OUr slto and build Ins hsyo beon spprovod by all atsto and loosl sovornmonts. Thla building has a 20 root collins and hoUSOS tho nocossary r.llroad spur lino. this rsclllty haa ovor 20,000 squsrt foot end is llrso onou8h that this buslnoss will ba s oosplotoly Inolosod oporstlon. Complying with DlIR rules, thoro wlll novor bo .ny products atorod outsldo. This procoss has s vory quick turns round tllo allOllins us to koop curront with dslly dolivArlos. 2 ~75 [t 2 0 1 8 ' ' .1; Johnson County Reoyoling Center will open for business on September 3, 1991. We will be open Honday through Priday from 8100 e.m. to 5100 p.m., axcept holidays. At that time our faollity will be oompletely equipped and operatlonal. Wa will operate under the guidelines of the Departmont of lIatural Resouroes. Johnson County Reoycling Center will continue to work very closely wlth the Iowa DopArtment of lIatural Rosouroes by being inspeoted twloe a year, storing all prcduots Inside and processing everything within 24 hours. We havA been working direotly wlth Julie KJolhede, Reoyollng Pllnnerl Oaya WleklerAk, Program Plannor; and Paul A. Lundy, PEt EnVironmental Engineer of the DopArtment tc ensure that thia opllratlcn complles with the current lioensing requirements. I have also had ccntAot with Rlok Dlcklnson, StAte Representative and Co-chair of the Department cf Natur.l Rescurces Committee and Liz Christiansen of Eastern Iowa Council of Oovernments r; , f " ~ t ~ f i t f . We anticipate initis11y receiVing approximately 18 tons of material daily. It takes an average of four plant m3n-hours to produoo one ton of produot. Wo expoot this amount to inoroaso as ovoryone oontributes .nd we expand to tho othor Johnson County communitios. Johnson County Rooyoling Center has tho capaoity to reoyclo twico as muoh product as woantioipate recoiving initially. Our operation is dosigned to withstand any equipment breakdown and meet future growth for Johnson County communitios, residents .nd businosses. Johnson County Rooyoling Center h.s the oapacity to prooess 120,000 pounds daily. 3 ~~ ~ I i 1 , i I I . , D I:' 0 '-I q Tho ohArt bolow lndloAtoD tho o=ount or munloipal Dolld WAAtO wo oxpoot to handlo baAod on tha dogroo or partloipAtlon. ),; PortloipAtlon or Johnoon County RooldontD laOS .22! .ill. parlloipatlon - 22,000 20,000 16,500 houooholds in Johnoon County x -- -- _4 lbo. or rooyollbloo por month ~6b,000 BBO,OOO 726,000 Ibo. por month in Johnson County f 2,000 2,000 2,000 (ton) 46'i m 363 tonG par month x 12 12 12 Ion tho s;m 5,2BO _,356 tonG por yur f 250 250 250 working dayo por yosr 23 21 11 tonD por day , i- f; .,~ . f 1 ~ f;' t- ., J, ',~ f i: I r r, t i 4 .. I' ,\ , ~7S .... -~ -- ~ .... [I 1:1 l' E/ [/ ,I ! Por.onnol , Th~ oqulpcon~ tho~ viii bo u.od allow. u. to prooo.. 120,000 pound. dIlly. Thl. viii ollov u. ~o ot.y currAn~ vlth tho dIlly produotlcn or the produo~' ~hl~ ara dollyorod to u.. Vo viii opon tho bu.lno.. vl~h rlyo oeployoo.. Vo viii nood rcur produo~lon vor~cr' And cno olorlc.l/boo~~oopor. Tho.o produc~lon oeployoo. viii racolYo tr.lnins dlroc~ly rro, tho ~ohlntry alnuraoturor .nd ccn~lnu. ~o roo.1Yo tralnlna and con~lnulns oduca~lon a. thl, lndu,~ry chanao" , ,. , , , , !' i I i, .: I ~ KaI\l&olSOn~ I viii bo ro.pon.lblo ror oyorall IIno&ocon~ or John.cn Coun~y Rooyollna Con~or. I hayo vor~04 a. . hoco bulldor In and arcund John.on Coun~y olnco 1971, atar~lna cy cwn bu.lnou in 1973. LAndllOrk Iloc.. hu alvoy. boon ono or ~h. loodoro In ~h. uppor ond hou.lna and I plln to uso ~hlo OOCO proro.olonlllol In runnlna Johnocn Coun~y Rooyollna Con~or. Johnson Coun~y Rooyollna Con~or viii ro~aln ~h. oorYlcoo or LindA Crla or Oroonvood and Crla ao aocoun~ont and DAU& Oloon, At~ornoy at Law. I hayo boon vor~ln& vlth Kathryn Kurth or Tho Unlyorolty or IOIIa 5=411 Buolnou Doyolopmont Con~.r. Ao an oddltlon to rooourcoo ayallablt to co an~ ~hlo coapany, I havo con~ao~od Elllc~~ Equlpcon~ Ccapany or DaYonpor~, Icwa. Thoy hay. ~h. bao~srcun~ In ~ho aquipcon~ .pplloa~lono An~ . racyollns opoolallo~ on otarr. Hr. Tholu Flollna hu 20 yuro uporl.nco In tho riold. Ifo ia vory voll ~novn In tho Quad Cl~loo aroa .nd I. al.o ~novn In cony .roao In ~ho otato. 5 ~7S ............- -- r-- .- o I:' 0 E/ . I '.., CHy Regulations The City ot Iowa City will need n~w ordinAnoes to require the Individual hou,eholds to comply. The,a ordinanoas would ensure that all Johnson County reoyolables Aro reoyolod at Johnson County Reoyollng Center. Sample ordinanoes are aVAilablo through Johnson County Rooyolins Center to As,lst In the writing ot Iowa City'a regulations. From my travels, we have davaloped this business to be coat etteotlvo and hsva learnod how to aet up this taoillty ottioiently. Wo will be able to otter this aervice to the City ot Iowa City at a oost alsnlticantly leas per ton than the land rill oost ot t36, allowing you to tund tho nocanory reoycling truoks. Thoso truoks are designod and bunt 1n Iowa by Utili Manuraoturing Corporation or Outtenberg. Ve OAn orter thla servica to tha City at $.45 per month por housohold ror tho naxt throo year,. A oontraot wl1l bo drawn up at tho timo ot initial approval or this propoall.' Our invoioing will bo baaod on a vary almple method. taoh oity will bo billed monthly ror all resldont hou,oholds and duplexas baee4 on the nucber ot such resident households and duplexes reoorded on September 1, 1991, Soptecbor I, 1992 and Soptember 1, 1993. Ve have prepArod this propo,al with an opening dato ot Septomber 3, 1991. In ordor tor ua to moot thl, oponlng data, we must havo a co~ltcont trom tha City or Iowa City on cr betora Juno 1, 1991. Evary household ha, approximately 11 pound' or rooyclable wasta por weok or qq pound' per month aooording to tho rlguro, troc Midwest Reoyolln8. Ono ton or muniolpal aolid wa,ta Is gonoratod by ovory qS housohold', Tho oost or disposing reoyolablo caterlal, at Johnaon County Rooyoling Con tor Is comparoblo to tho co,t ot dumping at tho City Landtlll. q5 houaoholds . 1 ton x .~ por hou,ohold $20,25 to disposo Dr , ton or rooyolablos . ; r I' ,,; ;;- ~i , t. ~' !" I t: . i ~ I 6 I I , ~75i -' " - - ....- -1 ,\ i [l1:'OE/e Recycled Tcnnage/Perticipation 44 pounda or recyclabloa per houaehold per conth ;'1 , 100S PArticipation 44 lbs Houaeholda Plaatlc 2 x 22,ODO . 44,ODO , 2,DOO . 22 t.cna He tal 19 x 22,000 . 418,000 i 2,000 . 209 t.cns Olaas 23 x 22,000 . 506,000 f 2,000 . ~ t.ona t.o",/co. x 12 Clcnths m! annual .. t t ! f I t i 90S Part.iclpat.ion Plastic 2 x 20,ODO . 40,000 ; 2,000 . 20 t.ons , Het.al 19 x 20,000 . 380,000 f 2,000 . 190 t.ons ',- Olaas 23 x 20,000 . 460,000 f 2,000 .'~ t.ona . .' tons/lIlO. x 12 IIlOnths me annual 15S part.icipat.icn Plastic 2 x 16,500. 33,000 T 2,000 . 17 t.ona Hetal 19 x 16,5DO . 313,500 + 2,000 . 157 t.ona Oloas 23 x 16,500 . 319,500 i 2,000 . ~ t.ons 3 tona/mo. x 12 Clcnths Iffi!' annual t I r 7 ,\ I ~75 D I:' 0 E/ ~/ Private Enterpri3e. ,\ I Our Initial progra~ Is to =oet the need3 or the aingle ramlly hou3eholda in John30n County. Progr.~ are also available ror compliance by apartment ooaplex ownera. A culti.ra~11y oontalner ia available to be plaood 01050 to regular dum~stera to Illow tho neoesSJry aorting or rooyclablea. Thoso reoyolabloa oan then be ploked up by privata haulera And brought to tho Johnacn County Reoycling Center where a rlat rAto will ba chargod rcr dumping. Thla progra~ wculd bo Initiated at tha diaorotion or tho ccuncll to moet tho neoda or the privata Qultl.racily unit ownora And haulera. BAlcw ia ono or tho ~ny oontAlnora aVAilablo ror thla uso. I , I \ I [In I , " , I , I . I I I I i b I I i; , 8 '15,1 n I:' C/ E/ L/ - ,\ , Su::cuy Our Intontlon 10 to provldo I rooYQllna prO&raD to rlt tho noodo or Johnaon County. I hAva boon In oontaot with tho Solid Vaato Pllnnor or Joh~on County, Brld 1I0u~nn Ind w111 oonUnuo that luoohUon. . V. hAv. dovolopod thlo bualnooa to aorvo 111 or Johnaon County. Tha ooat or our prO&rlD 10 baaod on our Initial otart-up oxponaoo Ind. broakdown or the aonthly oxp.naoa. By IOrvlna all Johnaon County rAoldonta, wo oan orror .n .rrordablo and noooooary oorvlc.. Cltloa In tho Hidwaat that hAvo Itlrtod I rooyolins pro&raD'hAvo oxporioncod 90 poroont partlolpatlon. Vo havo lathorod inror~tlon about rooycllns throulhout tho country, but hovo boaod our doto on tho oxporlanco or othorl In tho Kldwolt. Johnlon County Rocyollng Con tor wantl to bo Iowl Clty'I rocycllng raolllty. Vo aro tho rl&ht oholco. 1. Ho uprront IOnoy rroa tho oUy , 2. Cccplllnco with all olty Ind Itoto rosulatlona 3. Flolllty dOll&nld Ipoolrlcolly ror Johnaon County _. Houro or oporotlon to lOot your nooda 5. EAIY 100001 loootlon 6. Cooplotoly onololod operation T. Hodorn oqulpoont 8. 20 yoorl or buolnoaa oxporionoo 9. PorrorlAnco Bond 10. Inaurod . plont Ind workoro . ~ I , i: " f. " j: J: i: ~: . ~ 11. Johnaon County Rocyollns will bo 0 loodor In tho Stoto 12. Ono yoor or inyootlsoting thlo Induatrl In rour otatoa 9 . . [ (P1~. n I:' Ct E/ ~I ~j Johnson County RAOyollng Center hAs everything naadAd to like It the Idaal oholoe. Wo havo A 100Atlon thAt inoludas a railroad opur llno, rln.nol11 blOking, And leAdorshlp thAt has oporatod a luocosarul buslnoss ror ovor twonty yosrs. I havo Itudled tho operation or rooyoll", r.ollltles in other Iowa co~unltioa And Midwest statos. Tho knowlodgo I have allnAd will bo usorul in sotup or tho oporatlon And ongol", IInaaocont. . I,. , S " i r l i [ r ~. ;; !' /' " , ~.. u ! \ /, 10 II ~75_ " t" . ...... - - 1'_ - - .... r"'-- - ..,....... " - ~ ~ -- - -' I~' [I E/ h - r \~\ ,., (,,,\ \. 80 . ' , ...... ...... . --- , t' f..~ iLLlR. ,--- ,. f' I I !J . .. f~; r~ '; I ~ ,JIl ... I :a: ~ .. CIl - ~ w ~ :a: ... )( - tn\ \!;I ..- ~T"""'" .- PENN .---' . UCAS (,75 ~ , '... 1- 'S- .-, .. ",", " '.-" ~D .' fj . 1 ~ .r., , ','-' , ,,' ~, ~. ,I . '.' , , . ~ , " . t "t '. . ~ ," ' ,', t , . . . , '\ '/ I .. . \ , " j t ~ " . t I' I to ." . . ,~,. . . ' < , , TRUCK SIDE DUMP .....J.....h 1.., i n I?' CI EI EI -.-\ RECYCLING EQUIPMENT I 'tll1l:LT yl.. " -=-- ' '" TRUCK SIDE DUMP "'01" 1ft ...,.114 "'" " ~~. ..11.. (IE! "")00 .. II ',! J := II: ~I Curb Sorler recycling vehicles provldo Iho combln~tlon 011 praCIic.1I, e"ectlve, and efficient design 10 Iddless loday's recycling equipment dem~nds, The Curb Sorler Side Dumps provide complele Ilolallon 01 sourco separations mile' Ills 'rom pick up 10 dumping, Tho wuled labor ollnlermedlato handling and tho owpenso olluwllllry unlolding equipment 110 ell mini led through Iho abllily 10 dump Inlo 62" high recepllcles, R1~" U'HU"C'U"HOCO'~ I I"" !~~.. ..,' 'j ,. WI I-n-I-.-...:...-_l P,O. Dox 40'0\414 N, 3,d SI. Oullenbero, A 52052 PIlON13tO,252,2035 FAX 310,25203069