HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-22 Correspondence Ail, , ; , i i I I I 1 i I I , i .t i , , , t ~ ~ I I I i I , ! I , I I i I . I . , i i [I I:' . 1 ~I ' 1 CI ty Council City ot Iowa Clt)' Clvlo Center 421 E Wllhlnrton St. Iowa Clt)', IA 52240 Dear Council Memberl, Thll lutter II belnr written at the requelt at Iho Falter Road, Tatt Spoedwl)' nelrhborhood. A pellllon Ilrned by thel .111 bc lubmltlod at the approprlatc hoarlnr. ROlpoottully requell )'ou direct Iho city Itatt to Itud)' and roconllder the lonlnl ot thc Iracl ot land botwoen - Dubuque Streel on the Ealt, FOller Road on Ihe Norlh, Tatt Speod.a)' on the South and No Nlme Road on Iho Welt - hcreatter roterred to al Idyllwlld Tract. Tho Comprchonllvu Plan Indlcltol thll aroa ahould be loncd tor lo.-denalty Ilnrlo tamlly d.elllnr. In Ihe oarly parI ot IgOO Iho Plannlnr and Zonlnr COlDllllulon did rovlew thll area Ind .omohow oamo up with a plan 10 down lono all the area oxcupl that parI ot Iho tracl belnr .ubdlvldod b)' DOln Oakl, ownor ot the lracl al Ihat limo. Thla parI ot Ihc area WII loned RS8 to accomodale a lubdlvlllon conlalnlnr 63 Iota, 20 ot which could conlaln a duplex tor a tolal or 02 dwelllnr unit.. Thl. plol WII approved with Iho .lIpulallon Ihat the donlll)' could not oxeoed RS5 denllty. Slce rlnal approval ot thll lubdlvlllon, In Juno 1000, Ihe proport)' hal been lold and the new ownorl aro propollnr an OPD" which will exceed RS5 denllt)'. Since It appearl Ihc ne. o.nors are rolnr 10 abandon Iho approved lubdlvlllon plol, Iho nolrhborhood II requelllnr Ihat Iho alsrt Inlllalc the action to rozonu Iho proporty In question to RS5. Enclolod II an application ror.. Evoryone II well aware ot Iho location, the loral dOlcrlpllon lion tllo .Ith Ihe subdlvllon plol and tho alarr hal Iho namel at Iha lurroundlnr proport)' owners. You may conlacl Iho underslinod and I will make tho Intormatlon avallablo 10 tho nclrhborhood. i#..lrtJJ/ 440 Oardcn St. Iowa elly, IA 52245 Phono 337-4622 L E f ~ Nlfl 1 7 1991 III ,\ ! {g7~ ~o. I - , ,.' , -- - T- - - -, t-, ] . I ~I 1'- I _ _ , - PLANNING/PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT IOWA CITY APPLICATION FORM NOTE TO APPLICANT - SINCE TltlSIS A COUPREIIENSIVt APPlICATION fOltU ON\. Y TItOSE ITEMS RELATED TO YOUR APPLlCAllONlSI ARE 10 eE C()/,IPLETED, PLEASE TYPE on PRIIlT '\I( 'l1,c.~r ~ A " ~A\I I ~{1o',~,:o{_.y. · 1. I~OI~lir--.' OIHIA -_.. ,-.-, .-- AQOAlII IV1 REZONINO rROU'RBI1 ~ ,0: 35 O SUBDIVISION PRELI~!!!MIlfLAT O SUBDIVIIION -- fiNAL PLAT O LAROE SCALI! RESIDENTIAL PRELIMINARY PLAN O LAROE SCALI! REIIDENTIAL A 2 . I . In I! NON.RESIDENTIAL PRELlMINAR LA ,... 7d LOE. ICAL!! NON.RESIDENTIAL 2' T , A!l PLANNED AREA DI!VELOPMENT I . I PRELIMINARY LA O PLANNED AREA DI!VELOPMENT 2 I T A LA 01 YACATINOS o ANNEXATION 2 I I , . 2' '14 '14 FO O.1FICE UR91Lt.: 1111 HUUIlAI '11 'AID, ._, ~!.~ICATlDH ACCIIIID II, - 0.11' DAn Thllllln.ppllc.llonfolm only, Add,lIon.' m.IIII.11 m.y D' IIqullld dUllng IIvl.", P'O"" WlIII,..n,CllYalllol _e__...____. - .._....--_.-...~ AQOAlSS "fO/jl "fO/jl, INITIAL SUBMITTALS: . 1II1" .r ,"11"'1/' ,ht/,h. . u,I" " It'll ,hl/,I.. Loull.. Ill, I. L',II O"l/IIIt.. I, I u,hl .r 1"11 11/1/1 e"IIILIo. .r, .. 1I11..,t.,.. .. 11......1., (...ly rll".'" e, 11I1....I.r (1..\ .r C..,I d. 11I1....I.r C'.'" IIlI,d.. .. C""'I I. ,1I11t.. ., 0..... . I,.." r. "'dllld..'1 A.'.....I .. o.IIelll.. OIe....\I. h. 1"....1 A.'.....,I. I. I.e..'..u ".d Cl/llllulI' J. "1111.. II 'hi 11,1\1.. 111111I' .. . u,I" .r Ih. "till.. 1111 ,h. I. Addll1..ll l.rl/llIl.. .. 1I......I.r 1.1..1 .. Ivld..u.r o.n.II.I, e. D'IC/I,lIo. Ir 0",1'~'1 d. ,."".d 1111 II..M. h, e..,hll.. .. A//III'.11 1,,"11 (11""'"'1' .. le..oole rlllllllll, I. HlICI.r '",10,...1 .. "'''''dl.. ''''1/1, e. II9ICI.r IIIIIle 1"..11., I, 'h.h,. ..'I .. ..".""" II"''' ,. ~I'''''' "'11'! 1/'"11I1 .f "OIl/I, ...111 .l\hI. 10 1111 (II, II .1111.11 II CII, 1""10/'1 Olllul '",1" ,1\. "10 ...,I.~..I AHACH ADDITIOHAL IHIITI" HICl"AAI 'fILLo..J\~'P'flOQr:cy -,'"""", , . ._._-_._---~ ~7~/ Jb { \ I f L i , f; .' I, ~l t: \ , ',' , I T f r j iii ~ t' I' ~ i , , f f r I . I . " r . f . , ! I I ! [ , f I I n I:' ,I :1 :1 Jeanne Snow Nann 315 Kimball Road Iowa City, la., 52245 April 17, 1991 HE ell It lJ ;,(H I '(199\ John McDoneld, Meyor Iowa City City Council Civic Centor Dm John: I em writing to ask that the Councllect on two malters, both hevlng to do with ravines. I am outraged et whet has Mppened to the revlne at the end of Governor (In the Intersect of Kimbell, Dodge and Governor). The men who owns that property has bregged to our neighbors about the house he plans to put on the fill he hes been dumping In tMt ravine. I walked by there yesterday and found brand new mounds of dirt and broken concrete, He conltnues to dump In spite of the correspondence he hes hed wi th the City about filing for a permit. The fill he Is dumping contains all sorts of strenge looking material, e,g, concrete, asphalt, etc. It looks to me es though the water from the creek Is backing up on the other side of the road, I think the flow has probebly been cut off. And, the fill Is expanding down the revlne to cover a bigger end bigger area. We have wonderful wlldltfe tn thet mine, deer, fox, and a host of other wild creetures. If dumping like this conltnues, soon ell the animals will be gone. They will be trapped by the fill which acts es a berrter to their grazing pellerns. Soon there will be too many of them In the area lert unfilled end they will begin to die of starvalton and disease. The flowers and lichen fed by the stream will dry up, and the property velues tn the neighborhood will be diminished. Everyone will be unheppy, except for Mr. Heeth, who doesn't care a been ebout allthel. It seems to me that the object lesson our citizens are leernlng from his example Is that you con do whatever you like about dumping In ravines. At one lime, he was vjolellng ordlnence ebout the Dralle AI thA rAvlnA, Rf course he Isn't now; the ravine Is very close to being completely full, And the area he fills just gets bigger and bigger, The City sends lellers and he just Ignores them and continues to dump, I understand that the property texes for the mine on the other side of Governor ere peld through lowe City Excmtlng end Grading. Inc. I don.t .' , ~77 ~b ~ t ~ ! . . , i , , ~. :f I r ! i . . I ! i l: I l- . Ij , I ii ~ .......... - r--'- - -- t-l I:' ' 1 ~I Lf . know If that company has any business relaUonshlp with Hr, Uealh, bull Itnd the fect th3t they own that property alarming Insofar as the health of lhe rovlne 15 concerned I noUced ye,lerdoy Ihollt 15 full 01 Junk ond fresh dirt. Will people start dumping over there now? l' That brings me to the second request. Please, please, could we havo an ordlnanco relating to dumping In our ravlnos? The beauty of the north sIde 01 the cfly Is In large part due te the ecological niches afforded by the ravInes, It Is so shert sighted to let people use them to dump garbage, eld appliances and broken asphalt. We ore such 0 progressive city tn so many ways. Can't we take what appears to me to be a quick, logical aellon to stop peeple from spoiling one of the things that makes this city such a beauttrul place to live? I know the North SIde AssocIation of 1I0meowners will unfle behind such an aellon, Doug Boothroy Is very concerned about the ravines In his area, which Is the same one I'm In. Can we stop Hr. Heath? Fine hIm? let people see that you can.t do whatever you like about dumping? I 12m willIng to dg anythIng I CGn support your aellon on the proteellon of rGvlnes. Please let me hear from you. Sincerely, ~ fJ ry1 ~c. I , , ! I , I I I , . n I:' 1 ~I '5 II Ilunllld ~'. VOH~I :/07 TII/rtI Mu. 10\10':\ CIt)'.lowII 622.16 '\prill7, llllll ell)' Council of 101'0'11 CII)' 410 E. WnshlnKlon 10\lo'n Clt)', 101'0'11 622.16 IAdlos nnd GUlltlumun: Tho henlth hnzllnI. of 11Iwn IICstlcldus nru bi"colI\ln~ more o\'ldunl unch )'unr. I 1111\'0 bi.'i!n rundlnll nwdlclll jOllrnlllllrtlcl~s Oil Ibu IUhJl'Cl ((Ir thu 11151 so\'ornl )'UIII'! nnd since 1986 lhla II10rnture hRS Jlrown nlrlloat uXIHln~ntlnll)'. Also, pooplo uro more lIwnre of Iho.o huulth hnzunlA now 111A1I Ibo)' woro II fllw )'UUI'! nKo, ronoctlnlllho Incrunlo III Ill)' nrllclua Oil Iho suhjl'Cl. To respond 10 Ihll nwuronolll. Iho CII)' could luko aO\'llrlll II0p!. Tho Oral would bo 10 sol upl'(lKIAlrntlon of (lIlltlcldo IlSO. Thllmollllkel)' will bo l\'(lulrud In lho futllre unywny. II would nllow for n IlOal/c1do l\'COrd on oneh hOllse which could bo mndo n\'nllnhlu 10 pOlonllnl burol'!, which Illmporlnnl for pcoplo wllh nd\'ol'!o runctlons 10 Iheso compounds. &'Condly Iho Cit)' could oncollrnKo Iho Dopnrlmonl of AKrlcullllru nud Land Slownrdahlp 10 complelo nctlon on itl now rulul rollnrdlnll JlOslhlllund lIotlflcntlon. I hu\'o Included n copy of lhoso now rulus for )'our reforonco. 1'ho nuw rulos, nmonll olhur lhlnKl, chnnllo Iho I'(l(luln.'d furmnt for Iho POltlnllllKns. mnklulllhum moru \'Ialblo nnd moru l\'CoHnlznblo 10 children bolow rend/nil nllO. ~'lnllIlYllho Clly collld clonn till ill own bnckynrd by ollmlnntlnH lho tlSO of IIO!tlcldel on II own Ilro(lllrly, UI lhe secondnry rouds depnrlmenl hnl dono In Iho Counly, nnd nl Iho Ichool IYllom II hendlnlllownrdl wllh lhelr now IlOlIc)'. Slncoroly, ,~ 11/'1,tf Ilonuld F. VOllot Enclosuro cc: Mr. Kolly Suskor ~7'/ -1-1 I:' ' I ~I b ~1 J~ kJ' fl f-19I- 8ft? NOTICES 1278 lAD 1/9/91 ARC 1617 A Ihlll bt provldtd wlllllllJlr1lCllollllhlllh. IIOllnwlon 11(11 II rI'lulrtdlo r.mlln III plan (or a mllllmum o( AGRICULTURE AND LAND 24 hom (ollowln, III. Pfllldd. IppllcallOn. Whllllh. STE\VARDSIIIP DEPARTMENT[1J1) Ilbtlln. o( Ih. pnll(ldftlllppllN rfllulru I runlry . I.. r'll/klloll o( mort Ihlll U houri. Ih. 11," ,hili bf lefl NOII(. o( Inl.nd.d Aulon In piau (or Ill. 'Pf(lfitd jltriod rUlrl(IIII, rltnu,. All To...'n............"...........-......""'...I..., nollficallon,llllllllhould lit rlrnovtd 1(ltr IhI rtqulrN ...._.....oIl1.._'''......"..........~,......... poalln. ptrlod hu .llpwd b, .hh.r I r.prtltnlllll' o( ,....... ....WOOI ~ 1...(0101114 ~In~ Ih. bUlllltll. or,lIIllIllolI, .lIlily or ptnon mlklll, ...Id H.~" ~.. "'" lOIN ",llN.a&l1N ~....I.", ...... IppllclllolI or Ihl OWlltr. I,'"\' ptnon In (h",lOllh. ~'''Ultt ."IMIY I..........,.. .""'1 "'....., WI' .L. I 'I I J 1040.~.~.. ''''~ "... "". "'....11... oNt, IIIUI," proptrtyor .... r rlprtltlllll v. to wh eh Ihl PflII(lu' · ",,101" '...Itl....., .IN"...,.woo " ...._ "..... wu Ipplltd. ..,....~ ~UO(2lllttfdIIlIJlIllwnL PUrlUlII1 to Ih. IUlhorlly 01 10WI Cod. 1.(110111 I. NOllflclllon 11'111 (or mld'"1111 IIWIII Ihlll IU.5( II), 189.2(2) IlId 206.19, Ih. 10wI Dfparlm.1I1 o( musur. a mllllmum o( 9 III(hu by , IIICh.L Th. A.rl(uhur. IlId Land Suwardshlp 11m NOlka o( (ollowlll' IIIIormsllon Ihall bt prllllld on Ih. 1I011(twlon IlIullded A(llolllo am. lid Chi pur 4S. .Pullcldct..lowa .I,n III colllrulln, colotlllld blO(k 1.lun: Admlnlslrlllve Cod.. (t) Th. lIam. IlId Ullpholl. lIumbfr o( Ih. bwllltil, Th. prlpoltd rul. dllCrlbelllollficlllon rcqulrlmlllll or,llIllIIlolI, enlh, or ptnon Ipplylll' Ih. pnlJdd, In lor pelllcld. Ippllcatotl to provld. Ihl public IlId IlIurllll m,uurln( I minimum 01 :IIHII(h. adjolnllll proptrty ownm whln ptlllcld.lart applied 121 Th, worda: 'Thb artl ch,mlcally Imlld. KHP In urbln IrtU. Th. rul. (urlhtt d'Krlbtllhll\lld,lIntt 01/. Do 1101 rtmollll,n (or 24 hourL. Ltlurlll, Ihlll (or public bodluto nOllfy adJolnllll properly o<<upanll m,uurll minimum 013/4 Inch. lollowln. Ih. Ippllclllon 01 hllblcldtt within hl,hwlY (3) Th, worda: '81m mlY bt rlmoved afur (dalland rl,hll-ol.wl)'. ' Ilmtl. prlnlld In bJg(k 1.11.,. m,uurlll' I minimum Any Inlfttllld ptnon mlY mlk. wrltun IU'lflllonl 01 114 Inch. . or commlllll on Ihll prollO\ld rul, prior 10 .'.bruary b. Anlcupllbllllurlllllv. (orlh. Ilnl\ll"lp.c1fied 6. 1991. 8u(h wrhltn maurllla Ihould be dlrKIN to undtt 4UO(2ra.1s a 11m which conulna lh.lollowlll' DII. M. CO(hran. Sm'llry 01 A,rlcuhutl. low I wordl and lormll: .chlmlcally Irm.d. unllud D,plrlmlnl 01 A,rl(uhuu Ind Land SI.wardlhlp. horl14nully Illh. lop 01 the Il,n In blO(k IlIlfrln. nol IIl11ry A. Will". Dulldln" D.I Moln", Iowa 60319. I.u Ihln "C Inch. A Iymbol nolltlllllln 3 112 Inch.. Thm will be I public hmlll' on f'.brulry 6. 1991, In dllmllar 01 a 111(k IIIUre o( In adull, I child IIId allO Lm. In Ihl audllorlum o( th, IlInry A. WalllU I pellnlld. I c1n:llwlllladllronlllluh. placed dlnClly Dulldln., EUI Nlnlh IlId Orand Av,nu., Dtl Molm. btlow th. wordl.chlmlcllI, Imlld.' Th. wordl.h,p 10WL P,rsona mlY prtllllt Ihllr vllwsII lh. hmln, o(r In blO(k 1.llarlll' IIOllw Ihan "C Inch lhall lit .lthtr orllly or In wrllln,.' placed horllonll1l1 wllh III. word .k"JI' unlartd on Thll prollOlld rul. Illnunded to Impl.m.nllowa Cod. the I,n IIdl 01 Ill. Iymbollnd Ih. word 'o(r c.nllred IIcllon 204.19. on Ihul,hllldeollhuymbol. Th. lull company 111m. Th. lollowln. IInlndmllllll proposed: and ullphon. number lhall bt pll(ed horl14nllllYlnd !!mInd till. 21~5.50(206)and IlIlIrtlri lI,u IhttIGI dlrKI11 below Ihult(ullr lymbOlln block Illlarln,lIOl h ' II I I,u Ihln 3/4 Inch. TIl. ul.pholl. number ml1 bt piKed I ..0 ow 11(: , " on IlIpmU IIn. below 1II. company lIam,. TIl. fillll 21~5.50(206) NoUnclllon rtqulram.nll14r urban IInllhlll r.ad: "Do nol r.mo" 11m lor 21 hrL Slrn putlcld. appllcllIon.. All commmlll or public ml1 bt umoYld Illfr (diU alld IIm.~' Thll Ihlll bt appllcllOn who apply peltlclda within urbln ar,u In prlnlfd In blO(k I.llara noll.u Ihan I/Clnch. munlclpallUu Ihall poal or alflx nollficlllon IlpI al the Th. Il,n ml1 bt lar..r Ihln lh. minimum rtqulred IUtl ollllllppllclllOn Ind lor alllut24 houn (ollowlll' lpeclflmlolll provided It II In dlreet proportion to Ih, th. Ippllmlon or Ionl'l' 1/ ~ulred by lilt mnlry minimum IptclnClllona. dlrtCllolIl on III. ptllIcld. labtl(l~ TIl. uqulnm.nll 01 All olhlr uqulllm.nll tlmlln In .I/eel whln will' , " ,.11I11 rul...halt.nowp~IIl..ppllcatloll~1 pttlkldll. '. thl IllarnaU 11m dllCrlbtd lbove, ... .wlthln. a oIlnlClUraM1lrlthln'llrdltll 01. iii.. oulald. ".c,'TIl. nollflclllon 11m Ihall bt potltd on a lawn or , .. ptrlmtur 01 a llIUdlIrIand ...u llOllpplylo pIIllcld.. 'Ylrd btlwltn lWO (III and fiv. (HI (rom 1II,lld,wllk IppllclllolII midi by tilt homeown.r or Unanlto Ih.lr or IlrttL NOllficlllon 1I,III1hlll bt placed on mh Ilrlll p~rlYl ,'" .', " Ildtofa lawn wh.ruuld,nCtllr. 100Iltd on a corlllt for purpo&el 01 tnlorc.m.nl ollhll tII11 Ih. Urm lo\, Relldm" Ihll hm un(.nced or open backylrdl "munlclplllly" Ihall Includl Iny city or dmloped Ihall bt JlOIIId belwltn tNO INland fI" '"1 (rim iii. tllld,nllllartalnlhllllu.Thllarm.urbln'lhallmun back lolllnl. Wh," pll(ln. Ih. 1I01lflullon Ilrn. lh. any arta within or btlon.ln, to a city or dmloped Ippllcllor lhall .nllr Ih. Ipproprllu diU Ind IIml on rtIld.nlllhru. Ihl Il,n 10 unKI Ih. tlqulrtd 24.hour nOllficlllon 45.50(11' Spt(lficlllonl lor nOllficlllon Ilml. Th. period. 1I01lflCIIlon 1II"IIhall be COnlltllcltd o( I rl,I~,mIUrlll", d. Nollllullon lima ahall pro!eelII l.uI 18 Inchll lhalll raln.mlSlallllor all.ull 2Hour ptrlod and , 10 Ih. lop o( Ih. Il,nllnd Ihlll be Ilxed or IKUrN 10 lhall nol be removed by lhllppllcltor lor IlI.UI 24 a IlIks to 'lIIure IhI minimum nqulred hll,hl II hOUri (rom Ih. 11m. pelllcldu III Ipplled or 10n'It If mllnulntd. nqulred by lh, lab.1 01 Ihl PflllcldllPpllad. F1I' or .. Whln Ilndlclplll, or olhrr obslrucllonl prohlbll bannt"'Ype Ilml III nOllmpllbll. Elch property compllam wilh Ihl minimum dlsllnm Iptci(ied. Ihl owner. Unln\, 1,Inl or penon In char.. o( Ihl property . ~ ., (p7~ }~I . i i . I ',' ! ! .. t-l, I:' .,' ~I :-, . lAD 119/91 NOTlct:S tm AGRICULTURe AND LAND IlTEW ARDSmp DEPART)lEN11UII~'dJ notification II(nI Ihall bt potlfd In a mann.r that II placard m.uurlnr atl,utlO Inchtt by 12 Inchlt with rruonably within th. Inlfnrolthil fill.. 1,II111nr m.uurlnr a minimum 01 I Inch. Notification f. Th. labtland olhrr Inlormatlon normallYIISJIlClalfd Ilml ,hall pro),ct Itl,ut 2 I,clabovr Ih. tnp of Ih. wllh IhI UN ollh. ptttlcld"l) belnr appllrd tAllny urban rrul IIn. or 3 Iltt 10 Ih. lop 01 the 11m.. Th. wordt Iftalhat 'I rl'lulrrd 10 be llOIlfd .h.1l bf prorldrd 10 "Thl, Ina chlm/cllly lrftltd. Kttp olt..lh.1I bf u,td anylndlrldual upon rrqU"L lor poitlnr public rlrhu-ol.way. It. A commrrclal or public applicator who applltt a U,50(61 Public pitt conlrol prorrtml. ptttldd. wllh labtllnr Ihat rl'lulrtl lurlhrr maiM.. L Pttllcldtl applltd lor or by any munlclpalllY lor nanet all.r appllutlon Ihall prorld. Ih. homeown,r or th. conlrol or Ibll.mtnt of pttLl rtlalrd 10 public hulth II.nlln charp or proptrlY with a copy oflh. compl.1I prornml luch u mOlqullott or olhrr pili conllol lab.1 01 Ih. PtltlCldlhlappll.d II rrqultl.d and prorraml Ihall be mmpt lrom potllnr rtqulrtm.nll IftJlructionl onrroPff ml nlfnanc. pr<<rdUrtl. provldtd thalth. Inllndrd dalll. tlm.and locallonl art h. arnelall 0 Ih. munlclpalltld Ilr<<lfd bYlhla rul. Innounctd 10 \h. public In I colllplcuOUI mann.r all.ut Ihlll cooptrall wllh th. d.p.,tm.nt In .nlorelnr thl. 2~ houn prior 10 the Ippllutlon. Th. Innouncrm.ntlhall rul.lnd Ihlll r.porlany InlmtloftJ to lh. d.partm.nL bf mad. on a major radio or TV llallon. n,wIP.ptr or U50131 Parkl. planroundl. Ilhlttlc 11.ldl and Iny olh.r munl of mw communlutlon thtt would 11m liar Ir.u. normally rrach lh. mld.nla 01 lhat cllY or lOwn. I. Notification IlrftJ lor pottlnr parD. playrroundl. b. Alln IllIrnallrt to public notlficltlon throurh mUI alhl.tlc fi.ldl Ind Ilmlllf mu Ihall bf the 11m. u mtdla. I municipality mlY .1<<tlO nOllly onlythOl' lhoH dmrlbtd In ~UO(2J. , . Indlrlduall nqullllnr P"nollficatlon Ind nlmrd on I b. For parkl. Ithl.tlc fi.ld.. ptlYrroundl or oth.r prrnotlllcatlon rtrlltfY malntalnrd by th. munlclp&lIty. limit., rtCrtltlonal property. th. nollllcatlon 1I(IIIIhall c. A municipality may 1110 chOOlf to makt arrln,.. be potlfd Immrdlallly Idjac.nt 10 mu within th. m.nll with thOI. Ii'tnoftJ rtqulttlnr p,"notlncatlon to proptrlY whllt pClllcldlt haY' betn Ippllrd and at or "'nln from Ipplylnr ptttlcldlt to adJOlnlnr proptrty . nur th. .ntnnmlO Ih. property wh.r'llfItlcldtt hart In IIlu 01 p"nollncltlon. betn Ippllrd. Th. notification lima thlll bt placid In U.GO(71 Prenollncltlon rtrillfY. A munlclPIIlI1Ih111 a conlplcuoul mann.r 10 prorld. I nllOnabl. notlnCI' malnlaln I rtrlllfY 01 ptnonl nqulttlnr to rteth. lion to Ih. public. notlficltlon prfor to pttllcld. IppllcallollJ to Idjolnlnr UGOHl Goll counfl. Slrnl Includlnr posun or property and provld. notification to thOlt Indl,lduallll pllcardllhall be potlfd In I conlplcuoul mlnn.r ntar l.ul24 houn prl4r 10 a pestlcld.appllcatlon. th. fint ltt 01 mh 9.hol. COUnt, Th. 11(11 Ihlll be L Th. r.rbtfYlhlll be updaltd annually and contain conltruclfd 01 I wuthlNtllllant mlllrlll Ind bt a at IIut th.lollowlnr Inlormltlon: (II nlm',121lddrtU minimum III' ora 1/2 Inch.. by II Inchtt. Th.I.tlfrln, and (3) III,phon. numbtr whtrt occuplnt may be Ihlll not be 1m lhan 1/2 Inch. Th. 11m Ihall rud rtachiddurlnrnormllbullnmhoun. ThmrlltfYlhlll .Pntlcldn II' ptrlodlcally Ippllrd to the roll coun.. be mad. mlllbll upon nqUltt 10 IIc.nJtd comm.relll II dellrtd. you may contact )'OIlr roll count luperln. and public pestlcld. Ippllcaton. I.ndent or ptnon In char.. lor lurlhu Inlormatloft.. b. A commtrclll or public ptttlcld. Ippllcator Ihall Th. 11m Ihlll be dllplaJtd prior 10 th. application 01 reqUllt I copy 01 th. "rlltry malnlalnrd by IIch any P:tItlcld. on th. roll COUIII Ind 1111 In plact lor It munlclplllty wh,re ptltlcldtlar. Ippllrd. Comm.relll leut2lhounlollowlnrlnypllllclduppllcatlon. Wh.rt Ind public appllcllOn Ire nlponllbl. lor provtdlnr ptltlcld. lab.llnr rtqulrtl Iptclllc notlllcatlon or prior notification to thou Indl'lduall namid on th. r.enlry rntrlcllonl. th.appllcator Ihall comply with the nrlltry u or Mlrch I 01 uch ,m. AppllCltort will Ilbtllnllfllctlonl. ' ' not be ,npoftJlbl.lor notllylnr Indl,lduallwhoM namll 45.501&1 Public rlrhll-ol,wIY. " are addrd to \h. rtrlllrY alllr March I 01 mh ytar .. Notlc. olth. Ippllcatlon of pelllcldee to public unltlllhou Indl,lduall hu. rtquultd pr.notlficallon rlrMI.or.wlY 01 hlrhwa,l, road I. Itrula. all'YI, punuant to ~U0(1rc" Ild,wllkland rtCrutlonlllralll within th. corporllt c. Prior nollnClllon or pelllcld. Ippllcallon 10 lawnl. IImlll of cllltllhlll be poIltd In I mann.r that provldn park.. playrroundl Ind athllllc fi.ldl loclltd In urban ,euonlbl. nollct to th. OCCUPlnta or proptrtltl liIJolnlnr artu, . lh. arel belnr trraltd. A minimum 01 two 1I(lIIIhlll III Any n.lrhbor whOl' projltrlY adjolnlth. property .be pGIltd 10 deno\6.tIlt berinnlnr:&nd ,th".nd ollha '.' wh," pcIItlcldM'" applied by I comm.rclal or public ar'l belnr trtllal..WJl/lln a",loped rtIld.nllaL IOn.. ' .. Ippllcator maYllulrt prior notlficallon ola ptttlcld. Illeut on. 11m IhIII.bt poIltd II tht btrlnnlnr and ". Ippllcltlon br Cllntactlnr th. Ippllcator Ind provldlnr on. It Ih. .nd el IIch block. 81(l111hall bt placrd In th.lr nlm.. addfllt Ind lallPhon. number. a manm to be lIadabl. lrom tha adjlctnt idjolnlnr. (21 At I.ul th. dlY btlor. I IChrdulid ptttlcld. properly. ,.,', Ippllcatlon. I comm.relal or public appllcalOr Ihlll b, Public rlrhta-ol.way bordlrtd by I chlln link 1m.. prorld. notification. 10 I ~non who hu "qultlfd nolN Will or olh.r Ilructum or .ncIOlurt' Ihal bar nollllcllIon punUlnt 10 ~U0(1ro'l~ luch nollllcatlon ptdtllrlln aceell Ihall be mmpt lrom thl postlnr to be mad. In wrltlnr. In ptnon or by Ifllphon.. requlrem.nL' dllClOIlnr the dill and Ipproalmalt tlm. 01 dlY 01 c. Th. IIctnlrd ptltlcld. appllcltor p'rlormlnr th. application. ' IppllCltlon Ihlll mak. pallcld. appllclllon IChtduln (3) In th. .rent Ihal I commmlal or public Ippllcalor and olh.r communllY rlrht.~know Inlormatlon mil. II unlbl. tomfOVldl prior nOllficltlon tol n,lrhbor wholt abl, to th. public upon requtlllt th.lr pIau 01 bUllnm proptrty a Inllh.lr proptrty beclUM 01 lhl abNnc. durin, rtrullr bUllnetl hourI. or Inlectll blllty or Ih. Indlrldull. It Ih. tlm. 01 d. Th. notlllcatlon Ilml Ulrd lor poIl1nr public rlrhll' appllCltlon to I CUltom.r'llawn. Ih.appllcator lor hln ol-wl, Ihlll conllll 01 a wlllhu.mlllanl poster or IhallluVl I wrltlen ~otlct at lh. mld.nc. ollh. ptnon -- ... ... ~?V ~~I n I:' 'I ~I Ef 1280 11 NOTICES lAD 1/9/91 ACRICULTURE AND LANDSTEWARDSIIIP DEPARnIENTlUI 'mI'll) . Ifquttllnr notlficatl4n. which Ihln provld. lh. Inlor. mltlon lpeclfitd In .$.60(2rl.. d. Prior nollncatwn 01 lltlllcld. .ppllClllon 10 roll counta: (I) Any landlord or rtlld.nl whh proptrty thai adJolnl a roll COUflf may rtC.lva prior nolltlcatlon 01 an appllcallon 01 ptttlcldtl b)' conlactlnr th. rol( count IUpftlnlfnd,nt and provldlnr th,lr nam,. addrtu and lfl,phon. numbtr. 121 At I,ut lhl dlY berOrt a achrdulrd application 01 ptlllcldu. III. roll count .uperlnltnd,nllhall provld. nollficatlon 10 any-penon who hu rfqutltrd nOlltlClllon punuanl 10 lU0(7rd'l~ Such notlficallon ma)' 1M mad. In wrlllnr, In penon or by ltl,phon,. dllClOIlnr III, dale and approalmalt tlm. 01 day 01 .ppllcatlon. 131 In th. mnt thll th. roll COUnt luptrlnl,nd,nl la unabl. 10 provld, prior notification 10 a landlord rttld,nl btcauu olth, abMntt or In'CC1ulblllty olth, landlord or rttldlntlllll. tlm. olappllcallon. th. roll COUrM luptrlnttnd,ntlhalllllV' a wrltltn notlc. whh III. landlord or atth, mld.nct which Ihall provld. th. Inlormatlon Iptclfitd In l5.60(2rl.. Thla rul.la Inl.ndld 14 Impl,m,nllowa Cod.ltCllon 2OG.19. I , . ...1.. ..... It' 0' I.....' "- . &?f, r-- ~. , ~~. .. '"'- -........-- - 'Or - - ~ -.... - -~ - ,- - - -'., -1 n I:' ,I :1 q I R E eEl VE 0 /,P/l I 5 1991 ,I / .- , . . ~ F NouzI 2@WWnIUd ,IA &2240 '1-,1/.. '71 ~/ ~ 'loJ.,J, 'II}. J-.:...,rl ,v"1'~~'4V t'o'\,<,~1 .W,I C~ ''rf IJn,.l.VI'; .J;, rw ii-w: B~' ~Mtvf.ftd'~, 76 '{JMN ~J1 ~ (hlV ~ ~-lll ~ .('.;(ti'"1' jtl",t.; ~/~M~Y. ~ ""'tV f'U'.~1-' l.iwv .i~.tc.1./ ;tr. ~t rrl ll4"'ew-j~. ,I;;i/~~~wt"....v~dr ~,~ I~ .i~/N lr.d~f.Ne.1t,I,'/~~;Jt . /"j",;y.Jc/ tt/,(l.;t ,iJ,;tprti.nd!d tA~~1,.t"1J),1'(1J1 . 9~' 7'w'~ ~.;;tV.(V,v.I/~ ~/(!Wl/ ct;"J!.kb, }t iH1.v J.:~i, AI ,(~'t,t,l,'Ah~ ~<7...l'" (.,.v ~1:~" .M.<'~~' ~t!. j,;"I"'~ 'k ).~~'" I'WV )~..v 4~~ 7-!'''0I ~WqItI ~ ~f J~ Mv ;t/~ ~r'.- ~ .J~ 1.~;t lO~nW /..~ j~if);~ 1..c:t 1M:! ale, it~ );&;~;t~ f(~ <:".ifr ~ : ek)\v .~I 4('oA/ ;f1.A'~f~' }/lWMt.l~.1 . . ~...t iw~~~~~l~.tev.~j~oIj;..,,~ tJlwi~? 7ttM"'f1 (O'Jl,~AM'~('1V~1t1 , ~ ~~, 1k~/)~/~A.~e )~ ,tt~ 'f<'1' (rv .(t.I.i~"-=6t .it~-t ,AMJd ~~lM1I~ ('M;;'i1~J~ ;iftd ,N ~ 'IM1;~ d;(UJJ ./1,u1- 'k ..ua.R..I, ?}~)t.g.-:... '.. . C47Q i d~ , , i. , n I:' ,I Lf CI \ ,\ I . ..' . ." ..' I (j) ~ F NourJ ~ WIIlIm Ibld bwI Ctt. '" 62240 .. . a(f ~ ;trr,~ ,Ain,,'tIcI If B,we~fw ' ~;fwt) ~.t....,~ m-r.vtV'~s.V,~tJi.:111 .")1/ ;t(t)A.U "fMd4) .-lIV-t~I./.Midt. ~ ...<'-0./ ;la~ 'f't1tl,<t.;l})t.c~ /)?t-t'll1?f ~ j~ ~ Jo ,(V id- uf lltaLI ~~ ~ tt-2T':PIw ~ ~~~ ;l/riVIw, i i#Jn,tJ1i~'rW ~ ~/uJ; ~MJv.~ ~r.~ ' " ;wVit~,(IM'tIaLI)~~~t~ ~tt/tt-/~ ?t~t/~.~r1!:'::;w,;tt ),~ i"c-" 1'7 .{-t1.I ;t(I.i.~ iww/" {JJ!b,4444..J 6ff l~~tV' ~ (tt:~V)/IfI.).lN/J'>~t/ 1C\~# ~lV ,;t/~).i-;u,!v ff /n't M, ~t ~ . 9d" (P./ 1;;(' df ~~ ~),d ;?11W"' ~ j~~ ~1;t~ MJ ofjt~'tJ;,v , HJTt;/1 ftWV~~-:( ~,i~ .I~~iJ ~r ;/hrfv / d /J1U,.,,;tu, J, ~t?~ ,;.t ~w .:/It.~ A;(\('IILv M./ i:t ~ltv .I~~ifv,.w ;t(tlw, tt /O.-l.J'l#V i~ /nU" ".wi.~ ,t~ .:t~ /Ww Jt4nthf .41Jw-- '~11J,;t11l11W'" ,~"dli,f~II'1/W""j~1I1tv ~ .I)\JWo-' .R~'t (Jtf~ .ifuti ib.. ?"'e?,;;ty tc..M "oJ~.Jrb r JowtV ~~ "f~1 ~7q 't' n 1:1 'I, LI -rl ---- .I I ~ ~, NouzI 1;c~ . , ~'~1I;Q' tlwi'~ ~ ,(ljjnt , ~ 1"'1: Mri-~ 2W1vV' J4"1,(~~w:V ~ .tr:J1 ~ ,.(/41/ it" j~ '~'r'tI/(h,J" lilv V dm\<' t!A;,14/ l-rv jtJ.V )J1.u;ttkl~ M- i(~ ~..~" ~~)w..v ,,((j,.tMt ),.f~.J1JJv ~ t4t~ ~rvrJ., ~;,Jv..w-fu.v · ~Jv ~ ,tiv.w ~"w.(, i?~-'W' ~tb 7':~,1 nv I~ ~-rW~ ~t.~ . ~ ~ J;'tVC}~.':t.>>{ "w-IlMv'..w-b k- /tifT : };),,21 ~~-rndfJ,.1.' 7)"..}t J.;v ~-( tV ;',t tIt r~rA-"/)tc-::- w ~1VtV dt h-"/lltV tlur ((Y'~ JJvl.~-rrJ;i/~, ~~ (TnJ./pf ~ C'!;r ~~ Ih'll??t.t.wv,. ~/d/j.dtiv tn1W' t(...ot ~ ~~ 'if"i-v }e:tl.t-tl ;I-,..,,et; ,r~ klAY ~1(\'I'(,ll."-f,lV'I&b/llt;~J, . l"<pJll' J;1/ pJ M~;;:'.l~ Jill.,; t. ~~ ~dd? ?/~Ji11tl lrtLI "~WlV dttq, &,WJfj S,J,l(d 47q n I:' . t LI P - i de,' ~~\\ \ 7 \W' . : ~tC\:.I~t.OI' i ~ '1-11./- 'if i ~uv~t:cLl!3.t~J I t/ ~;d J,).g.1 fJ~V~j}f' I o-,.,J. .I~ t, tu-J,,e;t; ~~ ~ ~ I f3~ V- -A JZ; ~ ~J ,Ltf, J ...Jj. ,t.. 7/1::. ..u ..~ r- o.,..J.. ~ fh. hv a;f'1.!..fJi -I ~ J tnL . ~ ~ ~ 1 x:t.. ~ ;a."tj~ L.,c.- ; r ~d.;; L::. ,,;... 1m ~,4o'N w...D . '-I'M-.t:i L- ~..J tr L . L f(~ /J~ ~ ~ Lp. ,tt?;t.V w.~ ~~ 'i:.i.-~ d .,,'.( t:.J. ..}~ '<r e~ ~ Ii..a, ~ bit, . 'rt. ~ ~ ~ lc.I4Ia. On.~....-y- ~(6 ~ ~ Z tL..}J PtJ tM., 51 A6~J ~ ' . t;;t!J,.',t~ ~ ).d~ )" ~ ~ 1rIL~ d~~ v ~ Pvt ~ t:/t'/~r&II.LI : I ()4 ~ ~ ~ ,4~~ ,(.,.. :eL I~ I..::t.v- 1...- 4- cw- .p 1;"..- . J . j)~ ,tt; · ).J.51 Pl~" WioN' 0tI. I. e I tiJJI/" ~fO ~~. . n I:' 'I LI ~I .1 i C6j1~r R EC 1I \' f. 0 ~PR \ 8 \99\ , City Council or 10vA City Civic Cantor 410 !:all \l4Ihlngton lova City, IA 52240 April 16, 1991 Doar Councllor'l I val vary ploaaod to hoar that tho city II conlldorlng tho Implemontatlon of mandatory curbaldo racycllng. I think It II an Idoa wholo tlmo hal doClnltaly coao. I would hovovar auggoll that boforo you ruah out and buy 0 haU IOllllon dollaral worth or "racycllng contolnorl", that you conlldor allovlng cHllanl to lupply tholr ova contalnorl. By conlultlng vlth tho city ooployool vho actually colloct tho tralh, you ahould ba abla to cooo up vlth 0 list oC Ipac- IClcAtlonl dollnoAtlng vhat constltutel an accoptablo ropoaltory. In accord- AnCI vlth thola apoclrlcatlonl, pooplo could lalvago ItOlO1 llko bulk rood connhuu, point bucklta otc. fer holding rocyclablal. Tholo contalnou could bo codod 01 to tho typo or rocyclablo thoy contain vlth strlpl oC colorod tapo vhlch you could 1011 In tho lDao way 41 tho loof bngl. \lrnpplng tho tapo around tho ontlro clrculOforanco or tho contalnor vould rondor It vlllblo frolO all dlroetlon. thuI racllltatlng IdontlClcatlon Cor pick-up and lortlng. Sorloul VAltO IOAnA80.ont IOOndatos that vo cut conlulOptlon In addition to our othor arrortl. 50,000 Ihlny nov rocycllng contalnorl todny viiI bo 50,000 chunkl or BAtbaga ton yoora Croo novo ROIpoctru1ly, ~ Elluboth Sv4ln 314 S 7th Avo lava City, IA 522U ~fl n i~' ' I LI LI d~' CULLINAN PROPERTIES, LTn AprU 16, 1991 REC[l\'r~ .\Pq '8 fllQI &J3~ U~ tvuIA rJ. ~~uck S 8rvt s Moabor. of tho City Council of IOWA City c/o Hr. Stophon J. Atkln., Clty HanAgor Clvic Con tor 410 B. HA.hington Stroot IOWA City, IA 52240 DoAr Hr, Atkin. And City Council Momboral I WA' .oroly dl.tro.lod whon tho commoncomont of Littlo LoAguo aOA.on CAmo And wont And I dldn't rocoivo A ainglo CAll for my .orvico. A' A COAch. ApPArontly ovoryono took mo ot my word thot I Am 0 louay bA.oboll cooch. It wo. truly 4 blow to my "go, but At 10A.t 011 of tho Littlo Loaguo tOIllll. oro now on on oquol footin!J with good cOAchlngl AI you All know, tho HAL-HArt conatructlon il woll undorwoy ond Devlng Along rApldly. Slnco tho clo.lng of tho lAnd 'Alu, I hovo chAngod componioa, 01 ovldencod by thi. .tAtionory. lIowovor, tho IOWA City projoot WA' my pot projoct, And I would 1iko to contlnuo to honor tho commitmonts I modo in tho prodovo10pmont phoaoa of tho projoct. Ono of tho.o commitment. concornod tho now .troot on tho oa.t .ido of tho aito, olong CArouaol Motor. (ahown highlightod in tho ottoohod alto pIon). Tho Rupport fomlly ho. ownod thia proporty for YOAr., And I AlwAya thought it would bo fitting for tho property to aomohow atll1 havo tho Rupport nlllllo AttAchod to it. Thoroforo, I told tho Rupport. thAt whon tho now rOAdwAY WA' conatructod, I would .ook to hovo it nlllllod 'Rupport Drivo' or 'Rupport ROAd', I would liko to koop thAt promlao now, Con.oquontly, I wi.h to Aak thAt tho City Council Adopt an ordlnnnco nAming thi. now atroot aftor tho Ruppert flllllily. · RESIDENTI^L · COMMERCI^L · DEVELOPMENT 7707 North Knoxville ^vtnue Phonll 309.69207701 PtorI8.lIl1nols' 61614 (p~ ~~: t-/ i~' ~ I LI 5 Mombors of tho City Council of Iowa City c/o Hr.Stophon J. Atkins, City MAnogor April 16, 1991 Pogo 2 If I nood to taka Additional or difforont actiona to accomplish this objoctivo, plOASO lot ma know. I will bo happy to anawor any quoationa or provido any additional information that I con. I romaln aa confidont oa ovor that tho now Wal-Mart atoro and accompanying con tor (whon conatructod) will provo to bo an assot to Iowa City and will juatify your pationco and votoa in favor of tho contor. Thank you for your conaidoration of this mattor. , Conoral MJlI/ko ~R~ ..\\ i I. n I:' . 1 LI b ftt!2 11/1/9/ 824 N. Cilbert Iowa Clty 52245 16 Aprll 1991 Dear Karin, Baaed on the newspaper accountl, I have mixed feelings about the south-of-Burllngton-Street proposed development. It could be an opportunity to provide lomethlng fun and inter- esting, a little village of its own. I'm efraid however, that it could more easily end up just another collectIon of ho-hum, dreery, noisy, crammed epartment buildings. My questions and conunenta arel 1. II it the City's aasumption that all property within a mlle of downtown "balongs" to students, and luch development ahould be geared only to students? 2. If this ia the caae, our unimaginative developers can Iweap in and creete another South Johnson Street. 110 hum. Ilhat an improvement. 3. If, however{ the City believes that downtown can and should belong to a 1 of ita citizens--including faculty, hoapitel employees, and familiel who can see tha advantage. of living cloae-in, perhaps some other design ideas could ba explorad. 4. Ideal 1I0w about row houses, set back off tha street, with little atoopa or porchos{ front gardens or bricked front patios with shrubs and f owerl and ornamantal treas set off by some low fences. Carages and carl would be behind the houaea, prasanting a unified and pretty Itreetscape. If you've been to England or even BOlton, you know the Itreet acene I'm anvisionlng. ^ neighborhood, that's what I'm talking about, 5. Can wo have high denaity houaing without the kind of struc- tures on Gilbert, south of Burlington, where balconies ara inches from each other, apd windowa facing the street are few? Such buildings are~lIes1gnod with people in minduwho wants barbecue smoke blowing into other apartments, or windows that look into other people'a apartments instead of onto the stroet? 1I0wever, we lOem to think such louay designa are okay as long as they're primarily for students or poor people. . ' 6, Can we have high density housing without all the cara, loud music, and other problems nseociated with cramming too many people into too little space? Would the war between incon- siderate drivers and inconsiderate pedestrians be intonsi- fied? This City can create ell of the pedeatrlan walkwaya it wants to--unfortunately, too many will continue not to use thom. , lO~3 -&IL' 1 ' LI' '-f-, - -- Brandt..2 7. Can .ome of the old hou.ea be saved? Please? Can't they be incorporated into the plan os offices, shops, er relidences? I am particu lady concerned about the Louie \louse on Linn Streat, I continue to be di.appointed in this Citt" disre- gard for the old and regard for the new, whatever ts form. 8. Con there be a design review committee for thl. project to keep it unified, attractive, and 0 genuinely good place to live and work, not just 0 Marketable area because of ita proximity to campua? Cen't we core about it es port of the community rather than an extenlion of student housing? I'm sure a great deal of time, thought, and energy has already bean put into tho concept of the development of this area. I hope that my question. and comments will add to any di.cussion that is held on thia project. Thank you for lilt@nlng. Bel t lliehes, f~ Paula Brandt Work telephonel 335-5618 \lomo telephonel 354-6948 . ,\ ~~3 ~ h' n I:' 'I LI EI HONOHAN, EPLEY, HAYMOND, BRADDOCK & BRENNEMAN f ~;.~ ~ L E ATTORNEYS AT LAW NftIlKln.CA,Cllfl Ittr1 1001 421 I A"11OI1 XoION.Io..IIZU IJIIIIU'2111 J.y II. lIonellln airy L. lI.ymend "'Iurln. A. Dt.ddock ""chlDl J. Dtonnom~n - P'lrlck C. 1'0..,. 330 hst COUll Sltael P.O. Dox 3010 lewI Clly, lowI 62244 1310135108100 104 J'I1.o 11111. lOM TII', low. 11111 IJIIIIIU40Q - 01 Counsol: Lloyd A. [ploy tf.I.. low. 12lI1 IJIIII7I"'I1 April 19, 1991 Tho IIonoroblo Hnyor and City Counoil Citr ot lown City Civ 0 Contor 410 E. IInllhington lown City, lown 52240 rOI 1I0nr SouthDldo 1I0ighborhood Dovolopmont Study, Danr Mayor and Councill I may not ba nblo to nttond tho publio honring on April 22, 1991 on thio mnttor bocnuoo ot n prior commitmont. My pnrtnor Guy L. "aymond will ftttond tho public hoaring but in cnBO wo cnnnot attond, wo wiahod to plnco our concorno bo!oro tho counoil. Wa hnvo aovornl quoationa nnd como objoations rognrding tho atudy. 1. tJmo tor roviow /Inti ntull~l Tho public nnd tho proporty ownero hnvo not hnd onough timo to roviow tho otudy nnd invoatllJnto it bo!oro tho public honring on April 22, 1991. Thia study propoaoo oubatnntinl chnngoo. 110 do not wlah to bo limitod to IIha t is prooontod on April 22, 1991. Actor moro timo Cor reviow, wo mny hnvo ndditionnl concorno or objoctiono. 2. AnnonnmontOI 110 oppooo tho idon o! nBaoaoing tho property in our nron in ordor to pny Cor tho rnmp. Aoido !rom tho !not thnt wo do not bono!1t !rom tho propoood rnmp, wo do not tool it is !nir to noooaa tho proporty in our nron whon tho ronl oatnto in tho CO-I0 Wna not nOBoaood Cor tho rnmpo in thoir /Iron, 3. Donotllil 110 quoation tho bonotlt o! tho propoood rnmp to our nron. Tho rnmp nt Burlington nnd Linn io olooor to our proporty thnn tho propoaod rnmp. Our ol1onta do not uoo tho oxlotlng rnmp nnd would not bo inolinod to wnlk throo blocko to get to our ot!ico. rog~ ,\ i ; , I I J i I ( I, 'I I f n I:' ,I LI C . 4. Iim1D.!1,.jlLBlII!!D I It on{ oC th I a 1a to bo umlertakan, 110 Cool that tho rOlllp ohould bo bu It Cll'llt boCore tho lonln9 chanlJo io onaotod. Futuro councllo Dlqht not bo lIillin9 to build or poy Cor 0 l'lIlIIp. It tho city lllaholl to venturo into lIuch a pion to try and dovolop thia aroo in tho lIay aU9geotod, tho oity ahould lIIoko ito cODmltmont. 5. Domnndl Tho IItudy contolnll no inCorlotion oe to the curront dOlllond tor oCCico apoco In tho clty nor dooa It look into tho coot or oCCico apoco Cor tononta in Civo atory bulldingo IIhich 1I0uld bo conotructod. such 0 rovioll aOOl1l ollDontiol boCoro undortokinq tho propcool in tho IItudy. 6. DIlVoloDlllontl Tho atud{ indicotoo thot in both tho propoood otCico apoco ond the h qh donoity oportlent aroo thot tho porking roquirolllonto hove kopt dovoloplllont CrOD tekinq ploco, Othor then the tect thot dovolopora coata docrooae IIhet ovidenco io thoro thot thia io a Coot, Thoro hoa boon 0 qroot dool oC aportlllont building in tho aroo propoDod Cor high donaity rontol unito in tho poat COli yoora lIith tho proaont puking roquirolllonta. 1010 approoioto tho Coct thot thio tllllO tho Council la lIIaking o otudy botoro thoy lIIoko chonqoll in tho lonin9 but 110 Cool thot thoro ora unllnollorod quootiona ond porhopa loaa droatic approachoo mi9ht bo bot tor lor tho city ond tho proporty ollnoro in tho oroo atudiod. Vory truly youra, 1I0IOn^", EPLEY, n^YHOIID, D CK' DREIIIDlAII JIIIII ,I I fogq'