HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-14 Agenda [I 0 0 ./ q "",~",-,,"-". "'-'-'--" ql , - ", I . I l I ! " /. I . " 1 IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL N AGENDA , '. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 14, 1991 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER 410 EAST WASHINGTON I r i."..."..........",,,......, ......-- -y- ..... tl tl [I I~I [I - - AGENDA IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. MAY 14,1991 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS /JtJ.c. :... IIttt/ ) ~~ K-.w s.,(,~.J ~"'~ /lI.i1.k.....'v Ja~,.,.J ~ II ITEM NO, 1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL. ITEM NO, Z. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS. "EM NO. ,. :AVO:'=:~::;'~;:."""'.' ,-.... ~ I, Historic Presorvatlon Woak. MaV 12.18, 1991, ~ 'Ju. r b. 10wI Cltv Hospital Wlak . Mav 12,18, 1991, c, Emplovoe Hoalth and FltnGSI Weak. Wook 01 Mev 13, 1991. d. Socond Annual 8lke.to-Work DIV . MIV 17, 1991, e, Publlo Workl WOlk . Mev 19.25, 1991, I. Son/or Cltlzons' Contor Weok. MIV 19.25, 1991, g, Forgot.Me.Not.DIVI' MIV 24.25,1991. ITEM NO.4. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PREBENTED OR AMENDED, I, Consldl' Ipprovll ul Olllclll Council Actions 01 the IOgular mooting 01 April 18, 1991, Ind lpoclll mooting 01 April 22, 1991, I... IS publlshod, subloct to cOlloctlonl, ei recommlndod bV the CltV ' Clork, b, Minutes 01 BOlrdsand Commissions, III Planning and Zoning Commission maollng 01 April 1 B, 1991, 121 Planning & Zoning Commission mooting 01 Mav 2, 1991, 131 Rlvorlront Commission moollng 01 March 27, 1991. 1 141 Rlvorfront Commission moollng 01 April 17 , 1991. I 1 Commlltoo on Communltv Noods mooting 01 March 19, I 151 l 1991. 1 Boord 01 Llbrarv Trustoos mooting 01 April 1 B, 1991. " 181 1 171 Boord 01 Llbrarv Trustoos mooting 01 AprU25, 1991. 1 , ~ n 0 0 e .1 I. ~~' i , I 'I I I f j F ~, it !' il I ~ .3 a, pag9 1 McDI Historic PrfSfrvaUon WHk. May 12,16, 1991 W. han somfOno hor. to acc.pt this proclamation, Doug RUsstll, tho chair or Historic PrfSfrvation Comm Doug RUSSOIII Mon and womon or tho council I want to thank YOll on bthatr or my rollow commlsslonors and th~ pooplo or Iowa City ror your Intor.,t and support or historic prfSfrvation and tho nolgbborhood consorvation during tho past yoar. I also want to ollttnd my InvllaUon to you and tho city managor and your rrlonds and all or your lelovlslon vlowtrs to attend out Historic PrfSfrvaUon A wards Program tomorrow arttrnoon at 5 pm, It will bt hold In tho main court room on tho socond floor or the J. C. Court HouSt whlcb has roconUy bttn renoval$d, There Will be rerrtshmonts, Thoro will bt no admission, Thoro will bt awards. Thoro will bt spttchts Including ono by Irving Wobtr, So I urgo you all to attend. Thank you vory much again. McOI Thank you, Doug, . i ~ 'i- i 1 I I ! ; .I i I I .j '\: :t ,: ~ ~ . , ~ . ~ (t " ~ . I ! , ~ :-1 tl it :l j I .~ 1 :i ,. i , j I 1 , "J "i. ~ I i I I , i i .,," 'n CI 0 e e II Agondo 10wI CIIV Cltv COIIlCII Rog~., COIIlCII MOlting MtV 14, 1991 Pogl 2 181 Civil Sorvica Commlulon moollng 01 Janu8rv 30, 1991. 191 SIn/or Conter Commlulon mlatlng 01 Ma,ch 18, 1991. 1101 Eln/I( Glnler JoIAt PollOI' "-.1... GI"'n"Il~"""h.Ml'll o~ ~,1I1e,mt, 1111 Board 01 Examlnorl 01 Plumbero maallng 01 Octobe, 3, 1990, N 1121 Human Rlghtl Commllslon maotlng 01 April 22, 1991. 1131 Alrpolt Commlulon maatlng 01 MI,ch 19, 1991. (14) Board 01 Adjustmant maotlng 01 April 10, 1991. lID) Parks and Racreatlon Commission moollng 01 April 10, 1991. 1181 An/mal Control Advlsorv BOlrd maatlng 01 March 27, 1991. 1171 Broadband Tolocommunlcatlons Commission mooting 01 April 17, .IQ91. (/~) St.. ffdJilioll ' o. Parmlt Mollo", al Racommondod bv the Cltv Clark, 111 Conslda, I motion approving I Cless "C" L1quo, LIcense 10' Parshall Corp, dbl Colonial Bowling Llnos, 2253 Old HwV. 21 S South, IRonowal1 121 Consldo, a motion approving a Spacial Cless "E" Boar Parmlt lor Nordstrom 011 Companv dba Dubuque Stroot HandlMarl, 204 N, Dubuquo Stroot, lRonowal1 131 Consldor a motion Ipprovlng a Spacial Class "C" Baa, Wino Pormltlor Pine Hut 01 Amorlca, Ino, dba Pine Hut, 127 Iowa Ava, lRonowall 141 Consldor I motion approving a rolund 10' a Class "B" Boar Pormlt lor Lotito's PIZZI Lid, db, Lotlto'a Pizza Ltd" 321 South Gllbort Stroot, I I' . :. ~, ',' . ,.:'. ..;., ........... -Y--'" - - nCloe~1 "r'<"._....",..,.~...-">. - City ot Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: 114y Il, 1991 TO: 114yor and City Council FROM: City CI.rk RE: Addition. to Council Aa.nd. of 114y 14, 1991 COllSENr CALDlDAI ITFJI 4c. (14) Conlld.r a lOtion approvlna a Cia.. "c" Liquor Licon.. for J. s. Hu~y, Inc. dba HUla'a Saloon' !ltary, 21 W. S.nton Str..t. (Ronoval CONSENr CALDlDAR ITFJI 4b. (18) COtDlttoo on Community Nood. ..otlna of April 16, 1991, i I , 'I \ .~ ....-----..---.--.--. _..---~._~._-- . I I. '. I' _......j..,._ '.~,,' "~""''''''''''''''<''__ ~'. ,~""'e"""" " , " i ,\ fl ti [I I~I L' - - I Agendl \ 10wI Cltv Cltv Council Rlguler Council Moetlno MaV 14, 1991 Plgl 3 151 Consider I motion IpP/ovIno . CIII. 'C. Uquot Ucensllot Fitzpatrick'. Alohou.llnc. dba Fitzpatrick'. Alohousllnc" n5 South Gilbert. IRonewell 181 Conaldl' I motion epp/ovIno on Outdoor Servlcl At.. lot Fltzpat,'ck'. Alehou.llnc. dba Fltzpetrlck'. A1ohoulllnc., 525 South Gilbert. (Renewell 171 Conlldor I motion IpP/ovIno I CIII. .C. Boor Pormlt lot Thomll E. Helll. dba Halll. Dlacount, 71 Commorclll Drlvl, (Renlwell' IBI Conalde, I mollon IpP/ovlno I Clm 'C' Uquor Ucensllot Megnlfico's Inc. dba Magn/fico's, Mo.tlv Itallen, 1925 Btoedwev. IRenewel1 191 Consider I mOllon epp/ovIno I Clm 'C. Boor Pormlt lot Werl 81 McDOfIIld 011 Co, dbl Wereco, 82B S. Dubuque Street. IRonlwel1 ~ ;t 1101 Consider I motion epprOvlno I CII.. .C. Uquor Ucen.o lor '. . , Cher"o'. Ellt, LId. dba Ch.r".'. [~(, LId" 1 578.lIt AVI, (Nowl CAMi. i' . '" 1111 Consldo, I motion Ipprovlng I CII.. .E. Bee, Permit lot ., . John'. Groclry Inc, dbl John's Grocery, 401 E, Mlrkll Strut. (Ronlwell .... -, 1121 Consider I motion Ipprovlng I CIIIS .E. Bee, Permit lor ; . W,A. Gev & Co" lno, dba Gav'. Locko, & MOlt Market, 1421 Weterlront Drive. (RenewIII 1131 Consider I motion Ipprovlng I Clm .C. L1quo, Ucensllo, Linn St, CIII, Inc, dbl Unn St, Celo, 121 N, L1M Street, (Ronowell d, Motlonl, I 11I Consldor I motion to Ipprovo dlsburlomontlln tho emount 01 '4,671,736,86 10' tho porlod 01 Morch lthru Merch 31, 1 991,el rocommondod bV tho Flnenco Dlrocto, sublect to eudlt, , I ......--...,..........',.....;.I..<......,....._,......~. - ".- . ._.h.,.~.'. ".,., ,._..".,,"'..... _,' ....' , i ".,... ',"'.-h. ",;.." :,f"- [lO[les Agendl 10wI Cltv City Council Il.gul" Council Ma.l1ng Mav 14, 1991 P.gI 4 ~~-- I. Setting Public Heerlngl. 111 Conslde, I IOsolullon 1IIllng publlo hllrlng on MtV 28, 1991, on emending thl FY91 Oporotlng Budget. Comment: Sletlleglalltlon mlnd.lel munlclpelltlellmend thai, Innuel budgot bV M.V 31, ThI. rllolullon 1111 the public hoarlno 101 emendment. on Mev 20, 1991. Dotellad Informetlon on Imondments will be Ivellebll lor publiC Inspection on MIV 23, 1991, N Consider selling I public hlerlng on June 25 relltlvl to Ippllcetlon 10' twentv (201 Un/II public housing Ixlltlng ecqulslllon, 121 .\ 1',,1. Commont: Pe,egreph 403A,28 Sletl Coda 01 10wI rlqulrl. this Public Heerlng prior to undlrtekfng this houllng projoct. Th.lowl CltV Houslno Authorltv propo., es to ecqulre end oporetl twontv 1201 dwolllng units pursuent to tho Unllod Sletl. Housing Act 01 1937 81 emond.d, Th. unI,. will rangl In slzl Irom three or morl bodrooms, Neml, posslblo locI lions end estlmeted cOlta will bl dlscussod et seld hoerlno, ( . " _.-"....,..-'......, ; 'I 1 I , I I I ! " , . n 0 0 e b II Agondl 10wI CItV Cltv Council Rog~I' Council Mletlng MaV 14, 1991 Pogl 5 _ttl. 5" 131 Consldl' leltlng I public hllrlng on Juno 25,1991,101 tho purPOSI 01 revising two 10Ctlonl olthl Policies oltholowl City Houllng AuthorltV. Commlnt: Thl IIrltllCtlon Is the grlovencl procodu'llor public housing lonents, The purpos6 01 thls proceduro Is 10 I.tlbllsh end let lorth rlqulrementl, Ilendords Ind crltorll used bV Ihl 10wI Cltv Public Hou.lng euthorltv to OIsuro ,esldonls erl IIIotded In oppo,tun/tv lor e hllrlng II tho rlsldonts dlsputl ectlons or IllIurl to ect Involving thl IOsldent's 10110, 0' roguletlons whlch IIIect the Indlvlduel ,esldent', rlghtl, dUllol, wellerl, 01 ItllUS, Thl proceduro III ItepobV.step P'OCIIS that hes bollcellV beon copied I,om thl Coda 01 Fedorel Rogulltlons, Thl 10cond loctlon Is tho dlmegl clllm p,ocedurl lor Slct/on 8 certlllceto end voucho, p'ogrem. Dlmlgo clllml 10' plymenls undo, Slctlon S mev be lubmllted bV thl owne, lite, tenlnls hlvl IOcolved judlclel ,evlow bV thl Imell clllms court, Tho procedures Is devolopod to p,ovlde guldencl to thl owne, 10' thl purposl 01 peylng I clolm 10' demloeloss undor thl Sactlon S corti lice to Ind vouche, progrems. Slell IOcommonds edoptlon. 141 Consider I rosolutlon ollnlont to convoV, bV qullcll/m der.~, e portion 01 vecetod Court Strait end I veclted north,soulh elloV In Block 94, Orlglnel Town, to tho Stela Boerd 01 Rooonls 10' tho benollt olthl Slelo Unlvallltv 01 10WI, end eottlno e publlo hoerlng on said proposal to convoV 10' MoV 2S, 1991. Commont: Tho UnlvolIllV ollowe roquostod thet tho Cltv orontthom I quit clolm to e port/on 01 Court Stroot, wast 01 Front Stroot, and tho north.south elloV In Block 94, Original Town, IS Indlcetod on eltechod plet. Thoso propa,tlos woro vaeltod bV O,dlnenco No, 90.3484, JulV 10, 1990, Tho Unlvollltv ollowI owns tho proportles ebultlno tho proportlos do~crlbod ebovo end vocotod In 1990, ThoV era maIntaining tho VGCOlod Iroas, Tho Cltv hes no IntoroSlln tho proportv, r , n 0 0 e 1 -~ Agandl lowI Cltv Cltv CouncU Raguler Council Molting MeV 14, 1991 Plgl G I, . . '."'",...,,,.,, ,.."....'~. .,. ..,-~. ." 'I 1 CorlOlpondoncl, 111 Lllle, "om Ellenor L. Sleell regarding tho Qlorll DII Lutheren ChUlch parking lot, 121 Lllle, Irom I. Roed Perke, regerdlng curblldl ,ecycllng, 131 Leller Irom Kltlvvn Keelev regerdlng curbllde recycling plogrem. N 141 Lelia' I,om Ron J, Corbett requlltlng pormllllon to YOnd ICI crelm on thl Itreetl ollowI CltV. 151 LIller Irom Ronald F. Vogel regerdlng tho hazerdl olllwn chemlcell, 181 Llllar Ind potltlon a1gnad by 99 rllldlnts 01 thl Felr' mlldowsnelohborhood requeltlng I crosswelk et HlghwlV 8 Ind FI'rmaedowl, Thellgnaturelerl on firlln thl Cltv Clerk'l OlnCI Ind Irl Ivellablelor vou, review. 171 Momorendl Irom tho CIvil SeMcI Commllllon lubmllllng certlned IIltl oleppllcents lor thl loIlowlng pOlltlonl: . III KeMel Asslstent ' An/mel Cont,oI Dlvlalon lbl Melntenanco Worker II ' Perkl Dlvillon lcl Malntenancl Worke, II, Cematerv DIvision Idl Mall T,enllt Oporlto, , T,enslt Depertmont (II Malntenancl Worker I, Rocrlltlon DlvlslonIMe,ce, Perk III Melntonenco Worke, I. RefusI DIvision 19l Melntenancl Worker II ' Reluso DIvision (hi Communltv SeMcI Olflcer ' Police Dlpertment III Flrl Clpteln . FlIO Dopertmont III Flrl Chlol ' Flrl Dopertmont I ,! , . nnoeEI - - Agendl 10wI Cltv City COIIlCII Rlg~"CouncllM'ltlng MeV 14, 1991 Pig. 7 181 MomOfendl from tho T,elllo Englnelf regOldlng: leI Pllklng ptohlbltlon In tho 100 block 01 Wilt COIIt SUllt . (bl Plrklng ptohlbltfon on tho Wilt lid. 01 F,ont SUlat (01 Stop IIgn IlIItlllollon on Clym.n Street It III Intorlectlon with Wllhlngton Strlot (dl Stop IIgn Inltlllltlon on Clymln Stroat It III Interlectlon with Court Stroot. g, Appllcltlonllo, Cltv Plozo Ule Plfmltl, 111 Appllcetlona I,om tho Letln Amerlcen Humin Rlghll Advocecv Cente, lor pormllllon to Irect I toble on CIlV Plm during tho polfodl 01 April 15.21, 1991, Ind Aptll 22.2S, 1991, Irom which to dlltrlbullllterltutOlnd olllf craltl IOf donatlonl. (epP/ovedl 121 Appllcetlon lorm tho CrllIl Cente, lor pormllllon to hlvl I tebll on City Pleze on All/II 17, 1901, I,om which to dllulbutllltereturlend 1111 tlckltl to I ponclkl blooklllt, (epptovadl 131 Appllcetlon Irom Mlnsou, Bonohdl/lln lor pormllllon to solicit donetlons on April 19 end 22, 1991, on CIlV Plsza to bonlflt thl Kurdish end othe, Ireql rlfugeel, (epp,ovedl (41 Appllcetfon Irom Thl Un/vellltv ollowI Envlronmlntel Coolltfon to erect I teblo on Cltv Plm I,om which to dlstrlbulllltoreturelnd soli rellletlckeu on April 18, 1991. (epprovodl 151 Appllcellon Irom DIAnn Nlllos 10' pormlsslon to lit up e teble on Cltv Pleze on MIV 11, 1991, Irom which to dlstrlbutl entf.we, IItoreturo, (epp,ovedl h, Appllcetlons lor USI 01 SUlOtsend Public Grounds, 111 Appllcetlon Irom Jeno Dlnsmorl 101 pormlsslon to olllf votorens' popploslo, donetlons on MIV 17end 18, 1991. (epprovodl )1 N 1 . , -- - ~ - n n 0 e Cj - - .1 i Agendl lowI Cltv City Council Rlgule, Council Moollng MaV 14, 1991 Plgl 8 121 Appllcetlon from Cerousol Motor. lOt porml..lon to polk eutomobllOl on tho frontlgo rood Idlecont 10 thol, p1.CI 01 buslnl.. during tho porfod 01 MaV 17-25, 1991, whllo I clrouselll p1.ced on tholr p.rklng lot, (Ipprov.dl 131 Appllcellon Irom Celherlnl Moorl lor I T.kl B.ck tho Nloht March to bo hold on April 28, 1991, (epprovodl (41 Appllcellon from KIIIV Soukup, Cempul Proorlml, 01 Thl Un/verllty olloWI, 10 hevltho Rlvorlolt River Run on April 21,1991. (epprovodl 151 Appllcellon Irom Jeremv McDevllt to clOlO Mo.. SUllt lor I block perty on April 27, 1991, (.pprovedl ~I.~t/J END OF CONSENT CALENDAR AJ) f)AttL IIJI!'L 1hH/ ~ I A1h-Ltz~/.J.A tI4 . -,---- ..#1' ITEM NO. II. PLANNING AND ZONING MATTERS, I, Conslde, soltlng I public hoerlng lor Mev 2S, 1991, on en ord/nenco Imondlng thl Zoning Ordlnonc. bV chenglng tho USI rlgullllons olepproxlmetelv thrll IcrOlloceted north 01 Rohret Roed end wast 01 Mormon Trok Bouloverd Irom PDH.1 2 to RS.8. Commont: At Its mooting 01 Mev 2, 1991, thl Plennlng Ind Zonlno Commission IOcommondod, bV I VOtl 01 4.2 (Dlerk. end Raid voting In tho nooetlvo), tho Ipprovel 01 I requlst submlltod bV Southoeto Dovolopmont Complnv 10' I zono chengl lor epproxlmetolv throo ecru locetod north 01 Rohrot Roed end WISt 01 Mormon Trok Bouloverd, subloct to tho submission 01 I leool doscrlptlon 01 tho Iroe bolno rozonod, Action: -intl'1f / Ik~ tllltU(,d nnO~I[I - - l' , 'S b paRo I McOI Movtd by Ambr" stCondtd by Kubby to adopt tho rosoluUon. Discussion, tlov I Aro all thoso logal papors now In ordor. Gontry I Yos, thoy aro. Chuck Mullon raxod them to us today and thoy havo betn slgntd by tho Barkers and thoy aro In ordor, Kubby II wanOOd to mako a row commonts, I really IIko a lot or olomonts to this parUcular subdivision and approclate tho graclousnoss or tho devolopor. Ono or tho things that I had a concorn about Is I think we did oursolvos a dlsSfrvlco by not doing tho study that we did btroro the preliminary pial If I had to do It om again I probabl)' would havt votod no on lbo prtllmlnary plat unUl1 got the study. So, What I want to do Is vote ror tho approval or tho final plat but What I want to suggost my strongly Is btroro tho othors parts or this aro dmloptd. ParUcularly Parts 3 & 4, that we go ahoad and do a similar kind or study on thoso othor parts btroro an appllcaUon Is tvtn submitted. It would glvo us morelnrormaUon to make more.lt will gin us mort opUons In terms or ntgoUaUng If we do somothlng similar In this place, Maybt all along tho Southoast Inltrcoptor we should do this In Incromonts as things look IIko thoy aro going to devolop, So, I would IIko at somo point ror that to bt put on an Inrormal coundl agenda to talk a bou l Horow II would support Karon In this. I think that as we havt SHn rrom Pror. Drake's studios. Thoro aro quilt a numoor or weUands all along tho Southoast Intercoptor, all tho way down to tho South, It dOts holp cortalnly tho dtvtlopor to SH What thoy aro going to havo to do but It also helps us In ltrms or planning What should bt taking placo In that area, I must say the dtvtlopor has gono that oxtra sltp and mllo to work with us on this parUcular subdivision. Kubby I Also I want to thank Lon Orako bteauso I know If you contracOOd with him ror a cortaln amount or work and ho wentabovo and btyond his call or duty and spont a lot moro timo that was nocossary and camo up with a vory nlco plan. So, I want to thank him, I hopo that we would uso him again If we do othor things. Novl Wo all agr.. with that one. McDI Any othor discussion. Roll call. Tho rosoluUon Is adoplOO, , ;! 1 ,1 J 1 \ ~ , . ! ,. 1 , I I J 1 , , J j ; . ! , ,~ , \ j . -.....-.- -r-- .....-- -- n CI 0 ~I ' 1 - 'I 1 Agond. 10wI Cltv Cltv Council Rogular COIIlCII Mlotlng Mev 14, 1991 Plgl 9 _~I::__eL~uo_ b, Conalde, I rOlolutlon IpP/ovlng tho final plet 01 Whlspo"ng Meedowl, Pert Onl, Ilubdlvlllon ollowI Cltv, 10wI. (S.9101, 80-d.V limite lion porlod: MaV 14, 1991.1 Commlnt: At It. Febtuary 7, 1991, melting, bV e VOtl 01 5.0, tho Plonnlng Ind Zoning Commllllon ,ecommlnded IpP/ovll 01 tho final pllt 01 WhIlporlng Moedow., Pert One, I 38,30 ecrl, 71, lot rolldenllellubdlvlllon, loceled louth 01 Hlghwev 8 betwlon Lekelldl Drive and Bon Alrl Mobllo Homo.. Thl Commlsslon'l ,ecommendatlon wellubloct to epp/ovel 01 construction drlw, Ingl, gredlng end erollon control p1ens Ind I nota on tho plet rogardlng thl l00.voe, flood elevetlon being IpP/ovod bV thl PublIc Workl Doplrtment, end legel documentl being epP/oved bV tho Cltv AtlornlV'. orncl p/lor to City Council conllde'ltlon 01 thl pllt. Thill Conditions havI been Iltlsllod wllh thl exclptlon 01 tho legel plPOII, which Ire being rovlewod bV thlllgellllll. Thl ,ecommendetlon olthl CommlssfM II conllstent with thl Itell report deled Fobtuary 7, 1991. All 01 tha doficllncles Ind dllC,eponclellllted In Ihl 11111 report havI bean cOlllcted, Action: A'Kf ~I . .ht'~ r$tV Consldo'l rosolutlon epp/ovlng the preliminary plet 01 Applo Rldgo Subdlvl.lon, 10wI Cltv, 10wI, (9.91071 JJWl.% ~~fl c, Comment: At lIs moollng 01 Mav 2, 1991, bV I VOII 01 8.0, the Plenn/ng end Zon/ng Commission rocommonded Ipprovel 01 thl p/ellmlnerv plel 01 Appll Rldgl, I 22.lot, 7.43 ecro resldenllel subdlvlslon locI lad north 01 HIghweV 1 Wast, le.t 01 WVldo Orlan Roed, Ind south 01 Weobe, Stroot, .ubloct to 10 condition. Identllled In I memorendum delod Mev 9,1991, Includod In tho peckel, The Commission'. ,ocommondellon Is oonorellv consls. lent Wllh tho slell momorendum delod April 20, 1991, elso Included In vou, peckot, ; , Action: JJ~/ ~J'~ f0tl;"~ % . '-I..:. Ftoo:le Agenda 10wI Clly ClIV CMCII Regular Council Meeting MaV 14, 1991 P.go 10 .1I:...~tt_ d, Cons/dOl I relolutlon ,pJlIovIng tho JlIollmlnary .nd llnal Large Se.lo Non.R..ld4ntlsl Dlvelopment ILSNRDI plln lOt U.S, Wilt Communlclllonl. IS.91121 Comment: At III melllng 01 MaV 2, 1991. bV I votl 01 8.0, tho P1ennlng end Zoning Commllllon recommendod epJlIovel of tho JlIellmlnarv end llnal Largl Scell Non'RllldentlellLSNRDI plan lOt U.S. West lor I llber optic. building on oPJlIoxlmatelv 3,3 Icru locelod et 2433 Scott Bouloverd. ThIs rlcommendotlon II cons/ltent with tholtell report dlled MaV 2, 1991encloled wkh tNI pecket. Action: ihdfII~(J . ITEM NO.8, PUBLIC DISCUSSION. .,'1', J"llJ .#,,~ 111111) ..--..'.".....,....,......,..,.;,' % \ 1 , , >/ , , I .:) . n Ct 0 ~I ~I .' I "'6 page I McDI Public Dlscuulon. Thomas Charltonl &21 7th A YO, I wanlOO to ask about the progrossln torms or tho SUmmit Strott trarflc study, and tho opUons that were btlng InvesUgalOO. I~s about rour WHks slnet a charge was made to Stm Atkins by the coundl to Inv.,Ugate somo neighborhood Issu., In terms or the 18 llamc control measuros. $omo or tho nolghbors In the area hm txprts500 concern. Tho Issuos not rosolvtd, so I thought I'd simply ask What tho status Is at this Umo. McDI At this Ume, you're right Mr. Charlton, that that was a charge that was glvon to, to go out and look at somo /)thor opUons, some othor alternaUvos, 8tcauso or tho schtdulo we'vo had slnco thon, we havo not had tho opportunity to put that back on tho agonda.1t will probably bt a row moro WHks. Ono or tho roasons, we han somo Items that nHd somo Immtdlalt attenUon rrom us, but also btcaUSt or tho Importanco or that parUcular Issuo, we rHI that It's Important that we havo a rull council Whon \tit discuss that and thoro's going to bt ono or two Individuals In tho noxt couple or WHks that hm othor commitments, that might miss a mttUng or two. But right now, we're probably lOOking at Juno. $omeUmo around tho middle or Juno to bring that back and put that on, Charltonl Ono qUick quesUons thon, do you have a roport avallablo yot or will that bt avallablo shorUy btroro tho council mHUng In Juno? McDI Wo do not havo tho roport as or yo~ but that will bt avallablo btroro the council mHUng, btroro \tit han It on ror discussion, We will mako suro that tho InteroslOO parUos aro noUfltd and that that roport Is mado avallablo to thom, Charlton I Okay, rlno. Kubby/ls tho rramo or that discussion justopUons IA and IB, we won't bt lOOking at other opUons, or will we bt lOOking at tho Wholo thing agaJn? McD/Could bt looking at tht Whole thing again, yes, lIeno Holbrook/430 Brown StrHt I'm horo on a dUferont mission tonlghl Thoro's a small group or us horo rrom tho North Stde. I was hoporul thoro'd bt moro, but as usual It's a busy Umo or tho yoar. Wo'ro Mro to thank tho council rrom tho bottom or our hearts ror your orrorts to try and lako caro or tho Young i i; :: ;.1 it , , ; J I 1 ~ f ,j I i ,~ " ;:t I I , . 1 'i . ;~ i :' [I 0 0 ~I LI l' '6 pago 2 proporty on Church StrHtll.'s bttn a real soro thumb to tho pooplo Who IIvo on Church Str*tll.'s a dotrlmont to our nolghborhood, thal.'s a btlter way or puWng It Wo know that you p.oplo hm bttn Involvod . It's bttn a hoadacho to you, but "'yo had a phono meoUng with about thirty pooplo. It's bttn kind or acUvo the last couplo or WHks, and I'vo oxprtsStd to OYtrybody Who has callod mo that you ar& working on It Thtn W& came out In tho nowspapor with your errorts to tako It to district court Wo just want you to know that we approelate tho rHllng that you aro Interesltd In our nelghborhOOtt and you're trying to do OYtrythlng you can to holp us with this problem a9 you'vo holpod us In tho past with othor probloms. Wo just thought maybt onco In a Whllo It would bt nlco to hm somebody como In to say thank you, McDI Wo approelato that lIono. By tho way lIono, I just wanlod to toll you, that was a groat plcwro In tho SUnday papor. I thought that was good, Holbrook! tho young lady did a wondorrullob wrlUng that up, Kubby I Also, can you toll us about tho Northsldo Nolghborhood Fair Whllo you'ro up hue, the dato and Umo and mrythlng? Holbrook! Yts. Ploaso como. It's May 26, oloeUons aro coming up, It's a good Umo to como and bt SHn, Last yoar W& had a great ralr, tho weathor was with us, This yoar W& do hm Mann School as a backdrop ror rainy weathor, Wo han a groat musical arternoon plannod with somo or the fino bands rrom Iowa City, vocalists Includod. Lots or good rood, ontertalnmont ror the kids, and lust a nlco Sunday artornoon In tho park, lJ1at's What W& try to mako out or Il Kub~y I And artwork. Holbrook! Yts and artwork. Wo han somo arUsans Who will bt thoro and havo tholr tabl" oullt's lust a run afttrnoon and W& roally do onloy Illt kind or takts you back a row yoars to tho way things usod to bt" So ploaso como, that's rrom ono UII dark at tho Happy Hollow Park, or If It should rain, at tho Mann School. Wo'lI sUII havo tho ontertalnmont and mrythlng If It rains, McDI Thank you, lIone. Larsonl Bill, 111 bt running a lltue rrH throw contest at that ralr so SH If you can hit ono. Wo'vo got colobrlUts and parUclpaUon awards and mrythlng. MeDII You uso ovory chanco you got, don't you? Holbrook! Wo aclually askod him. i ; ,I, i , j J i i , ( I '~ I I , I ., I 1 , ; " ) n 0 0 ~I ~I .- I' .. '6 paRO j . ;. I Bud Godol Sonlor Conter Commission Mombtr j; l Horo to gin you our usual monthly run down on acUylUos at tho I Conter, And wo hm comploted a now OporaUonal Handbook. ~ McDI Thank you, Bud. I \ Godol this Is moroly and update or tho old OptraUonal Handbook with tho reYlslons that hayo bttn nocossltated by chang., In oporauons that hm occurrtd. Somo or the things that you might noUco as you look through tha~ thoro's a socUon on spaco allocaUon, a socUon on parking. a now socUon on rfSfarch, studonttralnlng and tho Interns that we hm thor.. Wo havo a now telophono system so that nocossltated a now paragraph, flro and omergoncy proctduros, no smoking. and tho roorganlzaUonal chart on pago two has a now typo or organlzaUon, basically lust updates It to our now rull Umo omploYH that's now on starr. Othorwlso It's basically tho samo. A WHk rrom tomorrow, Wtdnts<lay, May 22, Is Oldor Amorlcan's day. I'd oncourago all or you \ to como during tho day on Wtdnmay any Umo bttWHn olght and \ \ rour, You'l soo all kinds or acUYIUos going on, And I'm surf that you'l :1 , , ;:; I bt welcomo and the rolks will bt glad to soo you thoro. Wo'ro going to ,( skip our May commission mttUng bteauso or a coup:~ or pooplo aro j: f: .. j going to bt out or town and attendanco would bt small 80 our noxl :I motUng won't bt unUI Juno tho soyonlttnth. Howeyor, In tho Interim, ;1 if we do hayo a eommltltt that's working on our ten yoar annlyorsary. i this Is tho tenth yoar or tho Sonlor Conter and we havo sot up most or J , the WHk or Soptembtr tho ltnth ror that colobraUon, At that Ume, we'ro having a bit or a chango rrom our usual volunlttr rocognlUon I i dlnnor which you'ro always InYlted to. It's going to bt a broakrast this ;i " year In conjuncUon with this annlyorsary WHk. I was not ablo to J allond the commltltt motUng that John and Bill had this past WHk but I road tho arUelo In tho papor about It and I was a IItUo takon .., , back In that the main complaints that I Mard that you had rocolvtd i ) about tho conltr wero first or all parking and we hayo had that on our flyo years goals and I don't know that thero Is a whole lot that anyone can do about It Wo hm trltd other opUons and alternaUYos such as shutUo busos and 80 rorth, But basically about all we rotl we can do Is somo public rolaUons and try to got p.oplo to uso othor moans or transportaUon and park somowboro olso. Anothor Item was to got more public noUco or our building and tho gift shop and so forth and that too was ono or our flyo yoar goals. Tho third thing was communleaUon. That Is oxacUy why I am hero tonight Wo havo InlUated In our flyo yoar goals Mltr communlcaUon hoporully with -', -, ,. nOO~lb ,I 1 . I I I 1 1 "6 paa~ 1 both gOYfrnlng bodl., and with any oUlor bodl., that we happon to havt to dtal with, So Wt rtfl that thost thrH things that wero brought out In your jOint commlttet mtfUng hayo bten addrtSStd by tho CommiSSion and lr you havo any qutsUons about It I will try to ans~r thom about how WI) aro proctedlng but we lust conUnuo to pUSh with our fly. ytar goals lust oxacUy as they havo bten drawn up and prfSfnted to you about 2. 3 yoars ago, McD/1 think ror tho most part and I think Bill agroos too, I t was a good StSSlon that artornoon. I somoUm., run out or suporlaUyos spoaklng about our Stnlor Ctnttr btcaUSf we art txtromoly proud or It. tho Wholo community. But tho pooplo thoro that took tho Umo to como. It was vory poslUyo. Thoro Is always on going things that havo to bt addrtsstd, I am IIko you, I am not surf that thoro Is a roal soluUon to somo or thost things. things that WI) conUnually try to mako bttter as we go. I thought It was a good StSSlon and tho commonts that arltrnoon wtrt vory poslUyo. Ambr II roll tho samo way Bud. That thost sovtrallssuts that you monUon, I lust rtlt that tho Sonlor Cfnttr Commission was well awart or. llocauSt or all tho Comm, that tho council appoints through tho yoars, I don't think that therols any Comm, that has moro or a hands on approach to tholr r.,ponslblUUos than tho Stnlor Conter Comm. I havo lust bttn vory ploaStd at tho wondorrul !ltOplo that havo como rOMrd Uko yoursolr and many othors and havo had that kttn Inter.,t so that Whontvtr Issuos Uko that como up tho flrst thing I do Is to talk to ono or your mombtrs, And I also have a copy or your flvo yoar plan and tho other handbook and I know that you aro looking at It all tho Umo. I was oqually ImprOSStd With tho poslUyo commonts that wero mado, Tho oyorWholmlng support rrom sovoral elUzons Who havo not bten In tho community yory long but thoy hayo had a groat doal or ollptrlonco In using othor sonlor conters and ours SHms to bo tho standard by Which all tho oUlors hayo to moasuro up. 00001 Wo do thank you rolks and tho Brd. or Suporylsors ror tho support that we roeolYod btcaUSf without that support It would not hayo on/oyod tho SUCCtsS that I think we hayo had ovor tho last ton yoars. KUbby/1 had a quosUon about tho Handbook. In your InltOOucUon, last paragraph It says that It has bttn royloWod and approvod by tho city council and I know that this was approvod In March 1980 by Ulo City council and that Is stated In tho flrst paragraph. So I don't hayo a problom With that. But my concorn Is tho last paragraph Whero It kinds of Impllos that tho updato had boon approvod and rOYloWod by , . , .' r ~ ~ , i 1 , i , 1 ) ,1 i , I cO' ! I i ". I I .j I I I I I \ n n 0 ~I '-1 - - .6 pago 5 tho city council. That Is not how tho proctsS has workod Is Is suppos<<1 to work. It's that ~ aro golUng an updalo and acknowJodglng that wo aro rocolvlng It. Wo didn't roYlow It or approyolt. Godol Good point. KUbby II would approclatt In tho noxl Updatt that that particular thing not bt put In thoro. Thoro might bt somo things that pooplo diUor on In tho handbook and that wasn't up to us to discuss and to docldo. That was your lob. And It Is not elm rrom htro. Godo! So you aro suggostlng that we chango tho wording In paragraph thrto on thatlntro, Kubby! Yoa, you could lust cut that60nlonco out. If so many or thtSt gtt out Into tho community and you havo to roprln~ I would apprtdatt you taking a look al that. Godo! Okay. Ambr I Bud, I could also sugg.,t that on that parUcular Issuo I would sugg.,t that you also discuss It with tho D1roctor bteaUSt tho gavt an anSWir that satlsflod mo. KUbby! Right. But htr answer was that In 1930 It was approyod by council and that Is stated In tho first paragraph, TholmpllcaUon or tho Stcond onols that Wi approvtd, roYlowtd and approvtd tho roYlslon and that Is not tho caso. Anyway Ills up to you to do It. This Is your ballgamo. Ills lust somo commonls. I approclato rocolYlng this. Godo! Any othor commonls thal you rotks hayo hoard. Larson! If ptOplo Ilk. th. handbook you can tell thom that we approvod It and If thoy don't IIko It Wi didn't havo anything to do with It. McDI Thank you. Anyono olSt. ------......... - ~ - - -- '\ 1 \ ,{ ~ 1 ~ .. 'j iI :1 ri ~ I - ....- - ... ,,, - ....,... . . - -- -..... - - --..- --- --- T- - - --.....- fl 0 0 ~I EI - ,I I Agendl 10wI Cltv Cltv Council lI.gull' Council M.etlng MaV 14, 1991 Plgll1 ITEM NO.7' PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT AND ESnMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CIVIC CENTER NORTH COURT ADDlnON PROJECT. Commont: Expenslon end remodollng 01 tho olllcI leclllUollt tho 10wI CllV Civic Centor, 410 E. Weshlnglon Street. Work Include I tho construcllon 0117,112 Iquereloot 01 now IpeCI Ind tho remodollng 01 2,000 squerll.lt olexllllng Ipaceend thelnllellatlon oIl new loading dock, handlc,ppld .ntrencl, end blllmontlprlnkler IVltom, Eltlmelld COlt 01 conltructlon II '1,250,000, Action: l1h tnAu nHt'Au.iJ. , ITEM NO. B . ~ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVINO PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUC. TION OF THE CIVIC CENTER NORTH COURT ADDlnON PROJECT, ESTABLlSHINO AMOUNT OF BUj SECURITY TO ACCOMPANY EACH BID. DIRECTINO CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS, AND FIXINO TIME AND PLACE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS AT 10:30 A,M, ON JUNE 18, 1991. ITEM NO.9, Comment: Seo commont ebove, Action: ,A,~ / dttlJ I /~ .!tv 'rtfJ PUBLIC COMMENT ON AMENDED 1991 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK ORANT ICDBOI PROORAM AND BUDGET. ~N/.41' % Commont: This publlo commont porlod Is to rocolvo clllzon Input on the Cltv ollowI Cltv's 1991 emondod CDBG P,oorem Budoot, Tho budget hod to bl emondod duo to en IncrOlSod ellocetlon 01 '112,000 to the Cltv Irom tho U.S, Dopellmont 01 Houslno end Urben Dovolopment. The proposod chenoas to tho 1991 CDBG Proorlm end Budootero Included In tho Council pockot, Action: .J/,", ,Iltd) I [t 0 0 ~I Cj , 'I 1 '6 pago I McDI Movtd by Ambr/ s<<ondtd by Horow to adopt tho rosoluUon, Discussion, Kubby I At first I was roally hosltant about this btcaUSt It Is so much monoy ror rtmodellng and rehab but whon I think about creating now spaco, wo don't havo tl\ rent spaco. And It will sayO tho city monoy In tho not so long run. """ Will bt romodollng so It will bt aec&SSlblo to pooplo with abUlty dUflculUts and It will bring us up to our own codts. I think this Is a vory Important projecl Nov I What Is tho dfrroronco on tho rosoluUon the was rtctlYed tonlghl Gtnlry lit's tho publlcaUon dates, Thoy were.tho publlcaUon dates woro InStrted In orror In tho original ono and It was caught In Umo to correct ror this mnlng, It compllts with statt la\'!. Thanks to Marian. McDI Any othor discussion. Roll call. The rosoluUon Is adopted. I " i :1 ': 'l ,{ . "i' ,) , 1 i ,1 I .~ , , '~ 1 'I j I I , j I I I I i I I I I I i, , "Y- ~ - ~ ~ -. - n 0 0 LI [I '9 paao I McD/Is PUblic comment like a public hearing. That.s a now term you through at mo, I now dO<lart tho public hoarlng opon. Is thoro anyono Who would IIko to addross tho council on this 114m. KUbby II hayo a couplo or quosUons. Will tho S 16,000 ror admlnlstraUon, dotS that bring us up to 20~ or aro Will still btlow. Mllkmanl SUII btlow. Kubby I And, I am not suro If this Is a commont or quosUon or If anyono wants to rospond but 111 ask It or say Il It SHms IIko tho &conomlc doyolOpment projtcts that I hm SHn como btroro CCN have boon or two kinds. Ono Is It's a sorvlco that Is provldtd ror many pooplo, EducaUonal programs, acctsslblllty to Insuranco, thoso kinds or things. Tho othtr type Is Whoro a solo proprlotor comos and wants somo holp. And tho answer that I hayo hoard CCN glye qul~ rroquonUy Is and I think It's vory approprfa~ answer Is we try to holp as many pooplo as we can with a small amount or monoy that we gol And so a solo proprlotor roally dotSn't havo a chanco With that raUonalo, So, I just don't know how to make It ralr ror solo proprietors to know that up rronl That that has boon tho history so that thoy maybt don't go through a Wholo proctss tvtn though thoy hayo a right to. Just so thoy know up rront What tho history has bttn. That solo proprlotorshlps tend not to got rundtd rrom thal Horow/l don't undorstand Karon. What do you want to say, that thoy shouldn't enn try. KUbby I No, I don't want to say thal But just to havo thom know that In.lt's a dlftlcult proctss to go through, And they might was~ a lot or Ume. I don't know. It Is just a concern that I hayo. Thoro haYt bttn two dlrroront tconomlc doyolopmont proJtcts that hayo como btroro CCN and thoy havo both bttn rOJtcted with that raUonalo. GfOrgo Starr II might Clarify that tho first tconomlc doyolopmont-J am assuming that we aro talking about tho same OMS. Tho ono last rail and tho one that Just camo to us as. Kubby I Maybt thtre has boon thrtt then. I was thinking or anothor one, GfOrge Starr I Thoro was one last rail and It was a split YO~, It was denltd by CCN but council did rund It out or It's conUngoncy runds. Kubbyl What was that? Mllkmanl The asslstanco to small buslnoss. KUbby I That Is more or a sorylco thing that 1 was thinking or. GfOrgo Starr I Okay, So you aro talking moro about proprietorships. You are absolutely rlghl And It Is a tough question. ...- ,\ I ., I ,J , i 'f ;1 'j ~~ -.t :-1 ,1 'I j ~: f i . j " " 1 j , , ! '! I: , -r nOOLI'/ . il .9 pago 2 Kubby I CCN has the policy If 8OmfOno com., In With loans thoy got oltvatoo In tho minds a CCN mombtrs, That Is something that you art lOOking ror. It Is kind or a policy that Is not a rulo. Ills somothlng that Is looked upon with ravor. That would be Just anothor ploeo or Inrormation to glYO pooplo Whon they approadl starr ror prolocts. I think not to dlscourago thom but to lot thom know What tholr roallsUc chanc., aro. Gtorgo Starr II do agrH with you. You aroabsoluttly corroct Whon you stay that Wf do try to got tho blggost bang ror our buck, I think tho commltteo had tradlUonally moyod that way bteauso we conUnut to StO tho alloeaUons on an annual basis go down, go down, go down, go down, I think somo or tho proJocts that ~ro rundod last rail wero a bit or a step away rrom thal Thoro was ono that was constdorod oconomlc dmlopmenl I apologlzt. I cannot romombtr tho namo or It but It was dobated quite hoavlly by thtt commlttet. Tho council did go ahtad and approyo Il SmraJ or us ~ro vory ploasod about that bteaUSf It was rlrst movt In that dlrocUon. KUbby I Thank you, Mllkman/l would IIko to add ono thing. That Is Is that CCN Is going to, at It's mHUng non wttk, discuss soWng 8Omo pollclos In terms or funding and matches. loans and this kind or thing to actually havo SOmothlng sot down on papor, I think that maybt that will tako caro or tho problom. Kubby I Thank you. McDI Any othor comments, discussion. Nov II wish Wt had moro monoy Instead or loss, MeDII now doelaro tho public hoarlng clO5Od. ,I 'l i .1 ; j \ ; , If J ,t ! :J " ~ if. ,I ~ 1 J ~ ,1 I 1 , I I I I I I , , n 0 0 y 2, · 11 Agenda lowe City CIIV Council Regule, Council MOlting MaV 14, 1991 Pagl 1 Z ITEM NO, 10 ' _9L=..if~ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINO AND APPROVlNO AN AMENDED 1991 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK ORANT ICDBOI PROORAM AND BUDOET. Comment: On Apt1118, 1991, tho Commlllll on Communltv Needl medl I rlcommandotlon 10 tho CItV Council on lho IlIocatlon ollddltlOlllI CDBO lundlel ptovldod bV tho U.S. Departmant 01 Houllng end Urban Development. Tho ptopolld cho"gOlto lho 1991 CDBO PrOQllm Ind Budget Irl lubjoct to comments rocllvod dUllng thl publlo comme.!lt period, Action: ~/1hliJ) {1,,/) ~ ITEM NO.1 1 ' ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES. .~~. b, Boerd 01 UbreIV T,ustoOl . Onl vecencv lor en unlxplred term ending JulV 1, 1995. IJav Stein ,"loned.1 The..eppolntmonll will be medo Itlhe June 25, 1991, maetlng ollho Cltv Council. iTEM NO. 1Z . CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION. .!tv (lid) A 9/- fJ.. ~""''"~-''''''-'.''.'." .."....., . [I CI 0 LI ~I I' '12 pago I McDI City CounclllnrormaUon. Kubby II wanted to thank Jay Stein ror his strvlco to tho Library Board. I am cad that ho I; too bu;y to conUnuo and wish him woll. Tho dtelslon that wo mado last mooUng to havo tho Informal mlnu~ bt changtd, I am alroady coming up with problems. Thoro Is somothlng that I wanted to ask Linda about that I would havo rorgotten to rollow up on If I hadn't had roYlowtd It In tho mlnutos. And thon I road tho Inrormal minutes rrom our last Informal and tho momo didn't roally Indicate tho dogrH or discussion. I know that Is tho now purposo or tho now minutes. In tho past month I hayo had two dltroront clUzons call mo up saying' road tho mlnutos to tho Inrormal and you said this and somobody olst said that and I want to know what tho outcomo was and I want to follow up on this. So thoy had a hardor Umo. Tho clUzon would havo como and listen to tho tapt, And I supposo thfSf parUcular two would have bteaUSt they wero vory Interested In thtst Issues but It Is a way or helping our e\Uzons know what tho flavor or tho discussion was vs.just tho outcomo or tho discussion. So, 'lust want to make that commenl That I find that I am alroady haying probloms with our now system. Ono or tho tho things that' round In tho last Inrormal minuted that we aro going to gol Whtn wo wero talking about tho County.maklng a rocommondaUon to tho County about tho Russtll proptrty that tho County was going to mako a zoning dtclslon on. Somobody had mado a commont about why tho e\ty would allow YlolaUons to occur at Aco and Russtll proptrty that wero In e\ty limits. I wanted to rollow up with Linda to soo It wo wero kHplng track or that or If Irs H.J.S. Gontry lit's H.J,S, that you nood to talk to. Kubby I Stcondly, I wanted to rollow up and find out what had happtntd at tho county lovol. Dld.1 think that thoy approvtd It but I wanted to know If thero wore any condlUons that thoy plactd upon Il Could wo find that oul Nov I' round out that thoy rollowtd oyerythlng that we had asktd ror. All the condlUons. Kubby I Groal Anything addlUonal? I wanted to rollow up on somo things. Ron Vogel has written us two letters about urban posUcldo uso and I wanted to r&quest a short amount or Umo at an Informal mttUng to talk about.thoro aro somo Idoas floaUng around the community about what city council can do In addlUon or a long side or state rogulaUon that doosn't Interfm with , l' , . 1 1 ! . i I I I I 'I l j ~ I ~i , nOOLILI ,I I '12 pag02 tho prHmpUon clauSt. SO I would IIko, If we had a row minutes, to talk about that. McDI Wo can do that. I think that bororo wo would do that thoro should bt. wo should havo a momo ~nt to us rrom staU oxplaln1ng lust what ro10 wo can play In this. BtcaUst It has bttn my undorstandlng through tho yoars that wt aro ratMr rostrlcte<!ln this aroa beeauSt or staoo loglslaUon, Gtntry lit might bt easlor ror us to r.,pond to somothlng moro sptclflc. Kubby II will bteauso Ron has Indicate<! some sptCUlc Idoas. SO If I can ask hm to put thoso on papor In a lotter to council and thon wt can rospond and havo a discussion at an Inrormal and Invito him and whoovor olst Is Interoste<!, If that Is okay with pooplo, McDI If ho has somo sptclflc Idoas, ht can addross It In a lotter to us, Kubby I My last loom was wanUng to rospond to tho womon who roquoste<! a walk light at Highway '6 and Falrmoadows. Ir wo can ask Jim to look at that. If the warrants are met and It It wllllnterroro with tho lrarrlc flow on highway '6, McDI You talktd to Jim arter tho mttUng that parUcular night and that Is alroady btlng looktd a~ Isn't It. Atklnsl Falrmoadows, John. Horow/l would IIko to add to what Karon Is addr.,slng htro, I think that probably rour or fin yoars ago I 8sktd ror the samo. I srkO With Jim IlrachOOI about this In OOrms or Sycamoro and Highway. . It Is physically Impossible ror a pedostrlan to got rrom south to north whon you aro crossing on Sycamoro glyon tho sot or the IIgbts. And I think this womon's letter about tho growth or tho kids In that part or tho city Is woll worth thinking about. Atklnsl Thero aro a couplo major ol~monts on Highway .6 that como to mind Immtdlatoly. Ono Is do we roally want to encourago pedostrlan traUlc to cross a rour lane dlyldtd highway. That In Itstlr makos mo a IIWo norvous about actually trying to do that. Socondly, Whllo wt all hm thought or Highway '6 as tho old bypass and It's obviously no longer a bypass. It Is one or our major commercial resldenUal areas. Tho moro trartlc control devices, parUcularly pedestrian actuate<!, you aro going to slow tho traUlc down dramaUcally through thoro, That In Itstlr can cauSt an Incroaso In risk. Just so you aro aware or those things, But I will havo Jim tako a look. Horow/l guoss What I would ask him to consider Is with, In tandom With John Lundoll, Is look at tho bus rouOO route and schtdulo around tho poak porlods esptClally ror school kids bocauso tho numbtr or junior .{ ~ , i 1 :1 :1 1 j t I .1 ;~ i j 'I " i , ) , ~ '1 ~ nOOLIS ,I I "12 pagt 3 high kids that ~mt across IJIghway '61s Incroaslng. This Is oxacUy wtIat this womon Is talking aboul Wo hayo a populaUon bloop that Is moYlng up Gnd thoy GrO cr~lng tho road, Larsonl Just one ltom tonl8h~ Mr. Mayor. I rKllt II my duty to roluto an ugly rumor thatclrculalOO today. As you know that y.,terday was Nal Employ" FttntsS WHk and you did parUclpate In tho ont mllo slrOIl-doslgntd to bt a Ont mllo run or walk. And glyen tho ract that you wert unablo to ~mo to our meoting last nl8h~ our Inrormal, this circulated throughoutlown that you wero oxhauslOO and unablt to makt tht mHUng last nlghl I lust wanlOO to mako It cloar that w111l0 you wore oxhaustod It was not bteauso ol that that you mlsstd tho m..Ung last nlghl I didn't want anyono to think that you wero so out or shapo that ono mllo would caUSt you to miss.., Atklnsl Just so I understand, John, tho ~mpany lint Is that we did run. McDI Yos. Larsonll know It was lrtmondously InsplraUonal ror all tho pooplo In the city to Sot you do wtIawvor It Is you did, McDI Thank you. You know I will got mn. CHANGBTAPIlTO REEL 91.42 SIDE I Nov II want to tallt about our roruso rHS, Wo wert glvon a momo last wttk that said that If someone could roally not arrord rorUSt rHS tho city can pick It up rr" or chargo or atlo'IMr chargo or wtIatevor It Is, Can '1M clarify tonight oxacUy wtIat makos pooplo quallry ror this, Atklnsll can't clarify It oxacUy, I don't havo tho rosoluUon In rront or mo. Tho othor day I was asktd the samo quosUon and I wasn't awaro or tho details, I think It was 79 or 00 policy poslUon In a rorm or a rosoluUon approvtd and that rosoluUon Is ror Incomo bas&d, That Is pooplo can qualify, I think TIUo 19 and If thoy aro ollglblo ror thfSf programs thoy can documont It and show us tho documontaUon, Thoy art then ollglblo to recolYo rrH roruso sorYlco, We do not chargo thom ror that strylcol Thoro Is a wholo ouUlno, I think we havt about &0 ramlllos that do tako adYantago or thal Again, It Is Income bastd. I am sorry I don't hm tho rosoluUon In rront or mo, Larsonl Eyoryono on TIUo 19 can got rr.. roruso, Atklnsl No, Thoro Is cortaln qualifying olomonls In tho thing, I think I would rathor pull tho rosoluUon and sond It to you. If you would Ilk. to got somo addlUonal publicity that Is rlno to. ,; , 1 I I 1 1 .; , I ~ j , '~ :; ; 1 j ; J l !, i , ! ) , . '-",.,:.' [lOOLlb .' I '12 pagt'l Noy II saw a copy or It but I didn't actually rotaln It Also I think If \lit can, list thoso quallflcaUoDs In tho oowslotter that goos out with tho billing bt(3ust our ram aro going up and thoro may bo moro pooplo quallrylng and hayo no Idoa that this Is avallablo. Wo can also publlclzo tho ract that If somoono cannot carry tholr roluso to tho curb thty can got ~rYlct to tho door stop or Whatonr tht rul., say on thal Atklnsl That Is correcl I wllllako cart or thow things. Thank you, Ambr II would Ilk. to lust add my volct to tht thousands that have alroady comt rorward In our community and welcomo homo tho 209th Modlcal Dolachmont that sorvod vory couragoously In Dowrt Storm, As a vol or anothor war I think I havo an Idoa or tho anguish that thOSt young pooplo wont through Whtn thoy \lItro Stnt to a rar off lant not knowing What was going to happon to thom. But being tho kind or pooplo that thoy wero, Iowa mon and womon, that wero trained Wtll, that ansWtrod tho call to duty that thoy wero rOrCf Into bteauso or Umo and circumstanco and opportunity, thoy did tholr lob well. I want to commond thom ror that and welcomo thom all homo. I am slWng htrt tonight In shirt slotYts. As you know we had a boat wavo that hit tho community Monday and my ornco air condlUonlng maJruncUoned. I am oxorclslng second amondmont rights to barf arms, I havo anothor Issut that I havo bttn asked to look Into by Styoral mombtrs 01 dlfforont congrtgaUons In tho downtown aroa, Thoro Is about It yon church., or various donomlnaUons bttweon Iowa Ayo. and Bloomington Sl AprU I or this yoar tho Colltgo or Busln~ Admin now building broko ground on What was a parking lot rroo to all mombtrs 01 church going ramlllts on any Sunday that thoy wish to USt It bthlnd Gllmoro Hall, lust oast or Capital Sl That lot Is rortYtr closod and this Is going to put a big crunch on parking stalls avallablo to tho mombtrs or thoso stYtn parlshts, so If anybodY out thoro has 8Omo Idoas Why ploaso bring thom olthor to mo or any ono or tho pastors or thoso Itvon parlshts. Wt will be vory yory happy to look at that and sot What can be dono. Thoro havo bOOn a couplo Idoas propostd alroady. I know that Sltvo Atkins and othors with tho City havo bttn working with Unlv. ornelals ror at loast six months trying to work out a 8OluUon. Tho Unlv. has sU88tsted that tho parking ramp down tho hll1ls avaUablo. And tho commont that I recolved back rrom that was that If you aro oldorly or handleapptd or simply 000 Who has dlUleulty running 000 milt that thoy may not want to walk i I i 1 ,I i , , I " 1 I I 'I " j } I I " '''.''''''_''''i.',.".. I . I '....-....,'.,. .."...... [I 0 0 LI '-1 \1 "12 pago 5 up tho IoUorson Sllllll, Thoro Is an olovator Within tht ramp that can bt used. Also Morcy Hospital has oUored thoro surraco lolln tholr now parking ramp aroa. Thoso art a couplo or luggosUonl. I know It II going to bt my Inconvonlonctd and vory Ught and I would appredalb Maring rrom anybody that would havt a soluUon. Courlnoy II Just wantod to say a couplo or things, To point out thtlttttr we got rrom Peg McElroy,tho Mayors Youth Employmont Program and tho DARE Youth For AcUon Plan. Announced that redoral runds, 140,000, with a local match 01S2~,704 Will bt awarded to dtvtlop a yolunlttr edueaUon and roeroaUonal oxtracwrlcular program ror young pooplo who art graduatos or DARE program. this Is an oxctllont txpanslon or tho program that was startod a couplo or yoars ago. My congralulaUons to Peg and Chlor Wlnklohako and Kathy Ockonrols ror puWng tho thing togothor. Also, last wttk In tho Inrormal, we had a lot or discussion about tho eurbsldo roruso pick up oporaUon and It has caught a lot or press. I havo had a row qutsUons asked about my poslUon, What I was adyocaUng Is that we ought to glvo prlvalb Industry a shot at bidding this thing. Not opposod to tho program In any way, I bavo boon accused or that a couplo or Umts. . . }; . .li ,it .' :! :~ . j :J ] ~ ~,' , , I I I i I I I , ,I o [lOLl EI Aglnda Iowa Cltv Cltv Council Regule, Council Meeting MaV 14, 1991 Pegl13 ITEM NO. 13, REPORT ON ITEMS FROM THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY. I. Cltv Menlgor. -IJ .. " b. City Attornev, "'0.- ITEM NO. 14 . '11..q~ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST THE 14TH RENEWAL OF A Z8E AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND JOHNSON COUNTY FOR TRANSIT SERVICES. Commont: This contract ronowal provldos 10' thl operetlon 01 Johnson Countv SEATS peretrlnslt sorvlce within tho Cltv ollowI Cltv during Ilscel Vllr 1992. Thora era no melo, chenoas proposed 10' thlllrvlca, The par.trlp cherga will bo .4.44. Evonlno sorvlel will bo chergod et I ,etl 01.14,24 pe, vohlclo hou, olsorvlcl, Totellundlno bV the Cltv 10' aorvlco during FY92 shell not excood .261,000. A momorendum Irom tho Trenslt Dlroctor Is Inclosod with VOU, eoonde, Acllon: A,llo/~~ 'Jtu 'I") (Pllt % '.. ~r'."" ..,.,.... _". . _.. . ~~. .." , -",'..,..,-,-,- " II , , .' , . ., n CI 0 LI q 'I I .J' , . ; ~ j \ i f 1 I . t 1 I J i I i ~i J 1 i 1 < I 1 I , I I ! .14 pagt I McDI Moyed by Ambr I s<<ondtd by KUbby to adopt tho rosoluUon. Discussion, KUbbyl this chargo or S 14.24 por vohlclt hour or sorvlco ror ovonlng sorvlct.thatls rtally oxponsivt, Jerr Dayldsonl Tho arrangoment that has bHn sot up with nights with tho hourly ralt rather than tho por ltlp chargo. Tho SEATS managor has bHn ablo to work It out so that occasionally It will actually sayO tho city monoy, What ho will do Is If thoro has only bHn ono or two ltlps rfqu.,ted ror an tyonlng, ht will sond his drlyor homo and USt tho taxi conltact ror that It onds up saying tho city quilt a bit or monty having It arrangod that way. Kubby I So, this will kick In WIlon wt netd It and If no~ we will go tho othor roult. Dayldsonl ExacUy, As you aro awaro.we aro rfqulred to oporalt tho SEATS system during tho samo hours that I.e. Transit oporates and that Is WIly we han ennlng Sfrvlee. McDI Any othor discussion. Roll call. Tho rosoluUon Is adopted. , I j , j I :i 'J i .~ :.i .i , 1 ,I j \ " J I , '1 1 !'i .~ ,1 ~ i , , '."."" noo~,O , I' Agende 10wI Cltv Cltv COIIICII Regul., COIIICII Meeting MaV 14, 1891 Pegl 14 , , ITEM NO. 1S' '1,- '13 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE WORK FOR THE SYCA. MORE VIEW CONSTRUCTION HOUSING PROJECT. Comment: Tho CllV ollowe City Inltllted I p/olectto locurl thl develop. mint 01 now alngle.llmlly homellM moderetllncoml, firlt.tlml homl buvorl utilizing Cltv-ownod p/oportv ed/ecent to Flrlt Avenuo botwoon J Strut Ind tho 10WI Inl.,ltell Rlllroed ,Ight.ol.wev. On Octobo, 22, 1990, the CllV conlllcted with Glesgow.Thomel Dovolopment Compenv to conslluct alx alngle.lemllv homea on tllll p/oportv, Cltv Council epP/ovel will confirm ecceptence olthosllmp/ovemenll, N .ImJ, / t11H1Af ( Action: ~4~% ITEM NO. 18. J.1=.7.1 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION TO CONVEY LOT S IN THE SYCAMORE VIEW SUBDIVISION TO MICHAEL P. AND ELLEN L. MATTES. , ' Comment: Tho Cltv ollowI Cltv hed alx Ilngll.lemllv homea bullt on Cltv.owned lend In tho Sycemoro VIew Subdivision, The Cltv Idvlrtlled thl home I for Incomo.ellglblo IIrlHlme homo buverllnd, upon revlaw 01 eppllcetlonllubmllled to thl Cltv end mortgegl finenclng epprovel bV I loclllende" I Ilmllv hu boen lelected to purchesl Lot 5 In thl SVCI' morl VIew lubdlvlalon. Thl remeln/ng threl proportles Irl currlntlv being rudvertlsed lor lell, Approvel 01 thll convlvencl will ellow Michael P. end Ellen L. Mallll, who erl IIrlHlme homl buyerl, thl opportun/tv to purchasl tho homllocetod on Lot 5 01 Svcemore VIew. , Action: j\ IliI}') / ,{11l,1 , I .!Iv fa) h1:L% , , 1 n n 0 ~,-I I - - I , \ 1 "16 pago 1 McD/ Movtd by Nov./ stCOndtd by Kubby to adopt tht r*luUon. Discussion. Novl Yos. Can wo C3y rlghlnowoulloud whallt lAkos to apply for lhMt homos, What Is tho procO$S, Thoro aro throo moro bolngldvorUsod, Mllkmanl Aro you asking why aro thoy btlng roadvorUstd, Nov / If anyono Is IIstonlng who would IIko to apply should do so and so. Milkman/ Yts. What thoy should do Is call tho Dopl or Planning and Program Dov, at 356'5230 to rind out what tho tncomt ollglblllty roqulromonls art ror dUrtront hOUSfhold slz" and what othor ollglblllty roqulromonls thort art. Mainly It that thoy do not curronUy own and havo not ownod II houso ror throo yo.us. McD/ Any othor discussion, Roll call. Tho rosoluUon Is adopted, . . I I I ! i 1 1 J f i ! I , , I 1 I 1 1 [lo,ose " Agondl lowe Cltv CIIV Council Reguler Council MOOllng Mav 14. 1991 Plgl 1 5 ITEM NO. 17, _9.I::..~_,___ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE IOWA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR IOWA EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM FUNDING. Commont: Thl 10wI Slatl Dlplrtmant 01 Economic Dlvelopmant hu Igreed to p,ovldo to thl CIIV ollowI Cltv I maximum 01 '85,155 In Unltod Stetol Dopellmont 01 Houslng end Urban Devolopment lundlng lor tha auppOlt 01 Ihello, SOrvlCII et tho Domaltlo VloIencl Sholler ('19,3601, tho Emergoncv Housing ShollO' 1129,450), end tha Youth Emergoncv Sheltoll ('14,0001, Thl ewerd elso Includol 12,355 to rllmbursl the Cltv lor soml 01 Illexponsel In Idmln/sterlng Ihll grlnt, Action: t!hMt / JhtIJ I ~dt"t//J % ITEM NO. 1S' ",."" CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OP PLANNING AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT, CDSG DIVISION, TO FILE AN APPLICATION FOR A HISTORIC RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (HRDPI GRANT FOR THE PURPOSE OP ESTABLISHING A PERMANENT ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE STORAGE SITE. " '. ' Comment: The Stete ollowe hIS Istebllshod I HRDP grent to mist locel communltlal with historic pro!octs, The CDBG Dlvlllon hel prepered thl gront Ippllcetlon 10' thl purpose olestebllshlng I permenent selvegl storegl sltl on Cltv lend, lithe HRDP grentlllundad, thl Cltv will be rlqulrod to provldo metchlno lundl end services. OncI thl lite Is ostebllshod end running, e non.prollt buslnou will bl Ible 10 meneOI the progrem end stili provldl metorlels 10' tha Cltv'l IOheb progrem, A summerv 01 the grent eppllcetlon II Includod In tho Council egende peckot, Action: #Mrllhu . .It~. tlt'tV "lid % ........-.-_~- - --....- 11 . .nt]O~,~1 I' I j , , I I -'6 pago 1 McD/ Movtd by Kubby I StCondtd by Horow to adopt tho rosoluUon. Discussion. Horow/ Yts. Tonight wo hm rocolytd somo corrocUons In tho proposal that wo aro submlWng. Thow corroctions ronoct tho ract Ulat our city has bttn working vory clost with Historic PrfSfryation Comm. ror quite a whllo, I think that recognlUon or this ractor will probably strongthon tho proposal. Kubby/I had thrH qu.,Uons, Tho $14,000, the city's match, d~ that como rrom rohab runds . Mllkman/ltls roally all In kind match. y." In tho ~n~ or Pam Barnts Ume and my Umo. That would como out or CDOO Rohab runds, Tho othor part or It Is the valuo or tho city land that tho building will bt builL Kubbyl SO we aro not taking monoy rrom tho rohab program dlrocUy. I am vory glad that thIs Is happonlng and I hOpo we got tho granL I know that a salvago projoctllko this that Is not only ror historic prfSfrvaUon In Davenport works Yfry well and has a lot or InterosUng afrordable things In thoro. PtOplo rrom J.C, go to DavonporL Now thoy won't havo to. This Is nry rocustd on the historic prfSfrvaUon and I know It Is ror this grant In tho futuro will It bt opon to omybody and not just to.tho materials In thoro will bt moro than historic typos or moldings and oldor things. But If somoono has a nlco door and they aro going to domollsh tho houSt . Is that tho way It will bt rrom tho vory btglnntng or will It nHd to bt phastd In om Umo. Milkman/ Yes. I think It can be that way rrom tho btglnnlng slnco we havo spaco we can tako things that aro not roally historic but tho rocus will cortalnly bt on Items ror homes that woro built In tho 1600's and tho 1&60'8 and 70's, tho turn or tho contury. So pooplo can havo thost materials to fix thom up. Kubby I Finally, I havo a quosUon and I don't know If you can answer IL It's about domollUon pormlts and making surf Ulat whon thoso pormlts aro takon out that that InrormaUon Is made availablo not only to our rohab program but to tho p.oplo who salvago and who may ond up bringing materials to the city so we can USt thom. It Is to or advantago to mako surf that InrormaUon gots ouL I don't know If we hayo dono any promoUon or that or having pooplo nHd to walt two days, Uko got tho pormlt ono day and walt two days so somoono can rind out about It, got thero, got stuU out or thoro with pormlsslon. , 'i i I I, 1 t :1 \t 'I ~ ;I I " ,~ I '/ , 'I I , . I " . . , , 1 , 'j ! nOOSLI .14 pagt2 AWnsl Tho arrordablo housing task rorct doalt with that Issuo and probably gono a UWo rurthor than What you aro suggosUng. Whon you got tho rocommondaUonl that II on9 or th9 things to do, Horowl A COUpl9 or Y9art ago thallubjoet wal d9alt with with th9 Historic Pros.rvaUon Commission so you might look back at thoso minutes vis a vis tho hou~ that aro or tho ago that would bt approprla~ ror historic pros.rvaUon. Mllkmanl Tho rohab program gots a call rrom HJ.S. Whonmr somtOno com" In tor a demolition ptrmlt and wt Immtdlalfly call thom and say can wt como and look. Say., them MOnty hauling It to tho landrlll but also W9 can also call It a donaUon and It Is an Incomo tax dtducUon, McDI Any othor discussion. Roll call. Tho rosoluUon Is adopted. ------,..-,....~~-~.,.._._'-- . -.. , , . I I, 1 , , 'J , f t: I :1 1 'I l I 1 I l f .~ I i I ! J I j I I I " nOC'~,5 - ,I I Agendl lowI ClIV ClIV COUfICU Rogulor cOUfICn Mooting MeV 14, \D91 Pogl18 ITEM NO. 19, _'1/:::..9.1 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE REVISED ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1991, ENDING JUNE 30, 1991, FOR PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECTS 3, 4, AND II. Commont: Cutlont ,ogulollona roqulrl Idoptlon 01 tho AMUel Budgot bV IOtmol rOlolutlon. BV ROIoIutlon No, 811.295 tho Cltv Councllouthorllld tho IXOcutlon 01 I Consolldoted AMuel Conlrlbutlonl Contrect end Generol Dopolllory Agreemont which WII epptovod bV tho Doportment 01 Housing end Urban Devolopment IlIecllvl Octobor 19B5. Thl IIIIChld budget comblnel tho ,ocelpll ond upondlturel olthl threl Publlo Houllng Pro/ectl ,elo,eneod Ibovo, Thl revlllon II ,equlred 10 Id/ult expondllUfIl In nlerlOI, ordlNrv melntenenel end oporetlon ICCountl, Ind 10 ptovldl lor Iddlllonol ,ocelpllln gonerlllntorllt end ,ontlllneomo. Revision lneludll wlthdrewel 01 lundsIrom lho oporltlonol releM ICCountll PlovlouslV epptovod. Stili recommlndledoptlon 01 thl IIloIutlon, j,~/ Cull r Action: e AliiI- r6 ITEM NO. 20 ' '11..16 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1 99Z, ENDING JUNE 30, 1992, FOR PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECTS 3, 4, AND 5. Comment: CUllent reQulltlons roqulrl Idoptlon olthl Annual Budget bV lormel resolution, Bv RlloIutlon No. S5.2911thl CltV CounclleuthOllzed tho execution 01 I Consolldltod AMuel Contributions Contrect end Generel DlpolltOlY Agreemont which WII Ipprovod bV the Doperlment 01 Houllng end Urben Development elloctlvl Octobor 19S5, Thl IlIeched budgat comblnll thl rocelptl Ind Ixpendltures olthl threl Publlo Housing ProJocts rllerenced Ibove, The proposod budoet rel/octs operetlno recelptl It '125,210 end Ixpendllures et '123,570, Thl budget rel/ects I posltlvl'COIh I/ow end Indlcetll I I/nonclellv sound operetlno end melntonenco plen, Sllll rocommonds edopllon 01 tho rlsolutlon. Action: , jt,'11 ~"I'tJI'J) /./,u} J6 n[tO~,b 11 , , .21 pago I McDI MOVed b}' Nov, stConded by 1I0row to adopt tho rosoluUon. DIscussion. KUbby I Ron, What happons If wo can't find tho contlguraUon or the numbtr or !)fdrooms at the right price, Do wo do What wo can and have to roturn tho balance. Ron Hondorson/lt's a strango quirk In tho way tho rtdtral govornmont ~ buslnoss. Arttr you got tho monoy and thon you rind out that you can't achlm It and thon you can apply ror moro monoy. Wo can got up to as hIgh as II O~, Nov II havo anothor quosUon. Do thoy cart how thost units aro buill For olClmple, If you could rind thoso In ton dwolUng units In one slnglo structuro. Would that bt accoptablo. Ron Hondorsonl No, Thoy havo to bt slnglo ramlly dotaChed, That Is What we aro applying ror. Kubby I Dots that Include mobllo homos. Ron Hondorson/l don't btllm so. Horowl What about modular construcUon. Ron Hondorsonl That would bt accoptablo but I don't btllovo that we hm any. McDI Any othor quosUons tor Ron, Nov II do have anothor quosUon Which doosn't como along unUI.23, tho rOSOluUon or cooporaUon. Thoro Is somothlng In thoro that says a housing commission pays a municipality In lIou or tax. Do 'NO actually do thal Ron Htndorsonl Wt hm a pilot Which we pay'Whlch Is a paymont In lIou or tax Which Is a pilot that we pay to the Iowa City School Dlstrlcl But 'NO don't pay ono to ourstlvos, McDI Thank you Ron. Any othor discussion. Roll call. Tho rosolution Is adopted. I , . 'i ~ \ . , { , I I .I ~ . i I I 1 1 \ I '~ i j 1 1 1 , I 'J , i ~ , . I i I I I - Ct 0 ~, '-1 i " I Agendl low. CIIV C/tv Council Rlgule, Council MOlting MaV 14, 1991 PI9117 . . ITEM NO. Z1 ' _9.l:..tt.'1__ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVINO APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HOUSINO AND PUBLIC HOUSINO AOENCY REQUEST FOR FRONT '(ND ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT IACCI. I I , I I I I I Commont: On Me,ch 29, 1991, thl Dopenmont 01 Hauling .. Urban Dovolopmentluuod I Nollllcatlon 01 Availability 01 Pub/lo HOUllng, ThI. I. In Invllellon to Public Houllng Agenclelto lubmlt en Application lor Public HousIng, ThI. would enebll thl 10wI Cltv Houl/ng Authority 10 IpplV 10' twentv unit. oltNeo or morl bod,oomlllCh, Acqullltlon 01 exIsting Housing, N Thl lundlng lor thl progrem opOlete. II 10ilowl: For 10wI C/tV the 3. bedroom prolotVpo cost 01.77,450)( 15 unll' . .1,161,750 Ind 4- bedroom cost 01 .94,250)( 5 . .471,250, Thus," wllrllwlrded the unlll, WI would hevI 10 buV 15 ExIltlng 3.bed,oom un/tiler 111I then ",161,750 end IIvI 4.bodroom unIt. 10' fill then .471,250. ThIs would Includl III closlno COlt., IlIornlV lei' Ind Inv mInor rehebllltltlon thet would be nloded, Action: -4!tluhJ UUl I .(p, ys.; -I(.~ % CONSIDER AN IOWA CITY HOUSINO AUTHORITY RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PUBLIC HOUSINO PROJECT. ITEM NO. 2Z . 9'- I(;() - - SOl commonlebovo. Action: Jk~ .,(uJ../1J .! ITEM NO. 23, RESOLUTION OF COOPERATION. ~14M1< % -'1'- 10.1 Soo commont ebovo, Action: ~11 ~tu;"J nt tJ) % .' , ,~,. -. ,. . , .,~ .'. nOOSEI Agendl 10wI CllV CIIV Council Regule, Council Maellno MaV 14, 1991 Plgo 18 ITEM NO. Z4 ' _ifJ.::../O.a.. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONSOLI. DATED ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT KC.9033E. PROJECT NO.IAOD-EOZ2.Q15. Commlnt: Tho AMuel Contributions Contrect covlrlng lhl 482 unlls 01 Slctlon 8 Exlll1no Housing certlflcetls h.. I tormlnellon dele 01 Juno 30, 1991101 Project NumboIlIA05.E022.Q02 Ind 003. HUD h.. olllred to renew tho ptojoct to June 30, 1998, Proloct Numbe, IA02-E022.Ql 5 will IOpllco tho Ixplrod pr%ctlend, thoreloro, dool not roprlsentenv now ClrtlncltellOl thl pl09rem, but Illntondod to melnteln thl numbo, 'bl un/tlln thl p'09rem It tho cU"lnt lovol, Thllextenslon IselSlntlelto thl continued operetlon olthl AsslslOd HousIng Pr09'lms now edmlnll' torld bV thl 10wI CltV HousIng Authorltv. Tho maximum AMual Contribution Imount will bo '1,745,259. Action: ~/))/~lIJ ITEM NO. ZIJ . _9(~'03 ~~% CONSIDER A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A LOW.INCOME FEE POLICY FOR PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES. . Comment: At Its muting 01 Mav 8, 1991, thl Porks end Rocrletlon Commlaslon voted to Idopt 0 new pollcV whorobv quelllylng Indlvlduell end lemlllas (beaed on Incomol would bo parmi nod to roglsto, lor most Perk. end Roc,eetlon p'09rems Ind ectlvltlos It I 50% discount. Anvono al or below 130% 01 tho lodorll povortv guldollnos will quelltVl this pollcV Ipplles on/V to cltv rosldonts, end will bocolno IIIactlvI with tho Depertment's 1991 .ummor pr09roms, ActIon: 1MA~J ,Jj.ff) ./oj ~) /J,~/, ~ - ~ - T-- -- II ---- .....-- -----~---~ ---... noo~lq . '25 page I McDI Movtd by Courtnoy, Sf(ondtd by 1I0row to adopt tho rosoluUon. DIscussion. Kubby II hm two quosUons but lam not surf who to ask thom to slnco no onoll hor.. Can I ask tho city managor. A point or clarUlcaUon. Whon somoono com., In and wants to Implomont his policy d~ tho porson at the counOOr at tho Roc. Conter say do you havt a TIUo 19 card and tho porson says yos, you will nOtd to rllJ out this papor and thoy rllJ It oul WlIJ thoy havo to produco tho card to show that thoy hmTIU.19. Atldns/l can't 0011 you the acUons or a parUcular tmploy... If your policy poslUon would bo that If somoono comos to tho counltr and In good ralth says I am tho holdor or a TIUo 19 card, Would Wt accopt thom at tholr word, I would bt IncUntd to say yos. I havt no ttoublo with thal Wo cortalnly can spot chock Il I think tho [)opl d~ that porlodlcally, Kubby II havo a problem with It If Wt hm to mako mrybody product tholr card, I don't havt a problom with It If Wt tab tholr word on their good ralth and I don't mind a spot chock. Atklns/l porsonally don't havo any lroublo with what you aro suggosUng. Kubby I Do .",...to mako lurolt happons this way, what do I nttd to do. Alklnsl Toll mo you want It dono that way. Kubby/l wantltdono that way. McDI Just out or curiosity Karon, I don't understand tho dlrroronco. Kubby I Tho dlrroronctls just having to provo. To stand In Unt and having to tako out your TIUo 19 and havo to provo that you aro low onough Incomo whoro you SH tho guldoUnos olthor through knowing what your Incomols or knowing that you aro on TIUo 19 and just to say quietly yos I am. or chocking It orr on a ploco or papor vs. having to provo tha t McDI Thoro Is a rorm that has to bt rllJtd out anyway. Thoy aro not going to havo to stand thoro In rront or God and mrybody. Kubby I That Is what hat I am concorntd aboul Do thoy have to show thojr TlU. 19 card or can they just say yes. McDI Thoro Is an appllcaUon.U I romombor tho way that this was prtStnted to us by Parks and Roc that nlghl Thoro Is an appllcaUon and If thoy tHI thoy moot cortaln guldollnos, that thoro Is an appUcaUon that thoy rllJ oul KUbby 18ut If thoy aro on TIUo 19 thoy don't havt to rllJ that ou~ do thoy. Gonlry I Thoy do hm to rllJ that out. Romombtr rovlowlng tho rorm and approving It but I can't rocall.a t' -1 'J '~ , 1 ? J g 1 'I " <j , . i .1 -} . 1 , " ) .~: ., I i l , l t .1 ,I , , n 0 0 b CI .' j '25 pago 2 McD/ And thtSt rorms Will go on fIIo. Tho, as I thought It was oxplalntd to us, throughout tho courso or tho yoar thoro might bo somo spot chocking. !Cubby IlL II dlfferonL than filling out a rorm, doing some vorUlcaUon and thon saying tho policy Is Implomontod. Gtnlly II don.t think vorlllcaUon Is requlrod. Kubby / I just want to clarify In my own mind btCaUSt I am ror It the way It ....'as prfSfntod. Atklns/l also want to check on your policy ror the rtrUSf bteaUSf that bas somo similar flavor to It. I want to chock on tho consistency or that. Kubby / I would IIko to bt consistent and that pooplo can fill out an appllcaUon and that It Is verified only on spot chock. Atklns/ My thinking would bt that If somoono says I am on TIUo 19, I want to rill out the rorm, and I Sing It. It Is somoWhat similar to an aUldavll. I am saying that I told you-<ortalnly If thoy havt doclartd thomstlves as you say, If corlalnly they art not we would dlscovor and we would dony them ruturo parUelpaUon. Kubby/ As long as vorlflcaUon Is spotchocktd, Ills okay, McDI Whon you aro chocking on that other, too. If I romombtr corrocUy, this Isn't only roruSt. It has to do With all or our uUIIUos that w bill ror. That thoro Is a cortaln Incomo criteria that If you moot this that thoro Is a possibility or roducUon as rar as uUIiU., that we bill ror. I think on tha~ agaln.you can chock ror details, you do havo to provo. Kubby / I would lIke not only ror tho proctsS to bt consistent but the guidelines to bt conslste.nt so that If you quallry ror OM thing In ono aroa and not In another It doosn't mako a lot or sonst. so I would like to havo that chtekod and maybe get somolnrormaUon back rrom you. Atklns/ I wllIglvo you the thing that Naomi talked about mller. 111get that rosoluUon ror you and stnd It to you so you know OlGlcUy what tho council's acUon was at tho Umo. Thon If you chooso to make amondmonls we can spend somo Umo working on It. Nov II would also IIko to consldor on tho rerUst pick up a roduce raJ& rathor than rorglvlng tho onUro raJ& bteaUSt I think thore aro many pooplo that would preror not to bt rocelvlng charity but to pay somo part or It. , Larson/l think thoso matters aro worthy or council discussion at somo point onco we got that InrormaUon btCauso I SOt parUcipaUng In Parks and Roc and paying your utillUos and garbago pick up as sllghUy dtrroront. , ti i , .I i\ . , ~ :.1 " 'j 'I ~i j !! ~ '} .Ii j \ I '/ . n [I t] b 'I . - .' ! .2~ pallo ~ Courtnoy II, ror ono, don't have any problems with roqulrlng proor at all. May setm a bit callous but you art applying lor some low charg., thoro. Thoro Is always tho opportunity ror cheaUng and a one Umo producUon or a card artor that appllcaUon Is rllltd out Is not oyorly burdonsomo. Larsonl Apart rrom that par~ I am saying thoro are some dlUoront consldoraUon with rtgard to tho two typos or things, Tho uUIIUts and garbago on ono hand on Parks and Roe on tho othor, MeDII am poslUyo that we do roqulro with the uUllty system, II we want to bring Parks and Roe roos Into that too, we can cortalnly do thal But I don't thInk thoy aro tho same thing. Kubby I Lot's get tho InrormaUon and schtdulo Il Larson/l want to commont about this Item as I did at tho Inrormal Whon It first camo to us, I think It Is rantasUc on a eouplo or grounds. One, It conUnuts our roputaUon as us oolng a caring community as well as someWhat IIbtral community In terms or btlng progrosslvo In trying to mako opportunlUts In this city ayallablo to all. On a moro Insldor typo note, It Is a porroet oxamplo on how our Brds and Commissions can holp city council Sot things that wo somoUmts lust can't got to. This Is a policy InlUaUyo by tho Parks and Roe. Dopl and tho Parks and Roe. Commission that wasn't propostd by a city council mombtr, It Is a step rorward that I think Is a roal good oxamplo or how that procoss can work ror oyorybody. A good way to set that Is you want to bt on a Brd. or Comm. that you can actually mako a chango that can arroet a broad numbtr or pooplo that makts a lot or sonso and lust hasn't boon dOno btroro. I want to approyo It on thoso two accounts. Kubby II havt one other quosUon that I didn't get to and that Is ror two things that aro oxompt rrom this, I am not sure I summo( camp Is. For summor camp and ror soason swimming passos It Is a big chunk or monoy tspoelally It you have 4, 5, 6 pooplo In your ramlly. Aro pooplo btlng allowed to mako payments on thoso so thoy don't hayo to pay tvtrythlng up rronl Atklnsl To my knowltdge, no, It Is a teo ror smlco, Karr I For summer camp It Is a block payment up rronl Kubby II thought at one point a couplo or poople had calltd mo saying that a couplo or summors ago If your child was In sosslon ror two stsslons In a row you had to pay rro two sosslons up rronl Kar( I That Is corroel It Is up rronl Kubby I That Is a lot or monoy ror somo pooplo, Karr II am awaro or that porsonally, , " 'I I ; ~ .,: J. J .'1 i , , i ~ ! 1 I j . , " i - T-- ~- [lOObl~1 "25 pago 4 Kubby I And If you walt ror two days btroro tho ~Ion starts, It's rull. Karr IOn tho flip sldo, tho problom with tho dopt. has bttn that pooplo rfSfrvo all rour, pay ror tho first ono and thon walt unUI tho wttk or so bororo and dtcldo thoy don't nttd tho romalnlng onos and thoy havo turntd away pooplo In tho moan timo. KUbby/ls that a big problom, Karr lIt has bttn a problom In tho pas~ yos. McDI That was ono or tho reasons tho policy was changtd. I think lust last ym, wasn't It. Karr IVory roconUy. McDI Whon this program was first InlUattd, that was not tho policy but It dovolopt<! bteauSt or tho abuSt that was taking placo, It btcamo qulto a problom, KUbby I Wo aro going to hm to rlguro out somo way to do It maybt not tho way wt do It and maybt not tho othor way, Bteauso It doos moan that pooplo or lower Incomo wIlo don't hm a chunk at onco, thoy can't parUclpaJb In tho program oX(opt In tho first sosslon. And by luck, tho other one. Bocauso thoy rill up rast and It Is such a good program and It Is artordablo por day. But If you havo to pay all at onco It Is dlrrlcult. Larsonl UWe hosltant to subsUlute our judgomont ror tho pooplo that administer tho program on somothlng IIko that. KUbby II am going to chock up on It. If I find anything 111 got back to you, Courlnoy I Ono othor thing. I gum I havo somo quosUons on this too. As to wIloro maybt studonts would rail Into this thing If wt didn't roqulro somo sort or proor about btlng ollglblo ror assistance tor othor sourcos. A lot or studonts qualify as btlng btlow tho povorty guldollnos as rar as tholr Incomo Is concorntd, But thoy may bt gotUng substanUal asslstanco from homo, Kubby I Tho only thing, I would IIko to kHp It so you don't havo to approvo It. But ono thing wt could do Is put on thoro Is aro you doclartd as a dopondont on somobody's tax rorm, BteaUSt all those pooplo rail Into that cattgory and that way they don't quaury mn though tholr porsonallncomo rails Into tho guldollnos but thoy aro on somobody olse's tax form and goWng aid rrom paronts or guardians, Gonlry I Unless thoy aro an omanclpattd minor or othorwlso, Larson/l hm a IIlUo bit or a problom ollttndlng tho program to somoono that Is Voluntarily btlow lncomo. Horow/l havo to agrH with you on this. McD/Okay. .~ 'j , . ~ 1 ! j 'j "f J '\ 1 ;~ :r I J . ! , l " , I j , j j i , - - II I --, -, ----------1 ". . : . .. I f',.,", >:"""""" I 'I I I I 'nClOb~1 'I , , , "2~ pagt ~ Kubby/ But tht way It Is now, as propostd, you say you art.lt Is spot checktd, Correct. Atkine/ TOI, MeD/ If I romombor tho discussIon that night Thoy fill out somo typo or rorm or appllcaUon, Alklns/l bopt that you would volt favorably Ion tho rosoluUon. I will go back tomorrow and confirm that. If ror any roason It apJlI.\Ms to bt somtthlng that would dlssaUsry a numbtr or you, J will bring It back. Larson/ BtUtr to look at It afltr thoy work with It ror awhllo and lot us know how thty rill about how It works, Nov/I romombtr txacUy tho disc. McD/ Any othor discussion, Roll call- Tho rosoluUon Is adopted. ; ~ '1 1 ~ ] ~ 1 , I ~ 1 ::1 ~ 1 ~ :l i } ~-'~--"---"---'~r--""'-r ,; i 1 I I I I I I , I I , ! "'.".' I " i 1\ ...- - T-- - - n 0 b LI AgOnd. low. CIIV Clly Council Regular Council Moiling MeV 14, 1891 Plgl 18 ITEM NO. 28 . _'11:.lP..'t____ ITEM NO. 27 ' _ql=..I_~_ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE AFSCME PAY PLAN AND RECLASSIFYING A POSITION IN THE POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION OF THE PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Commont: BV 10llor oll/lldorltlndlng AFSCME, Locol183 end lho Cltv hove Iglled !Nt AFSCME polltlonl be revlowod bv tho Job Eveluallon Comm/llllto delermlnl thol, correct clullRCltlon within thl componsl' lion IVllom, Tho Commltlll hot lIv1ewed thl pOllllon 01 Ellclron/c. Technlclon, PoIlullon Control blaed on cur'lnt lob dutlu Ind dotl,mlned thetthll pollllon Ihou/d be IIclullRed to rongl 11. N Action: (!M,l" ~ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BUDGETED POSITIONS IN THE GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS DIVISION OF THE PARKS AND RECnE, ATION DEPARTMENT. Commont: Approxlmllelv llle monlh. ego, I vecent custodlel pOlltlon w.S ellmlnoled Irom tho QovOlninenl Bulldlngl Dlvlllon, Ind I cllln/ng aervlco conlroct wu IWI,dod II I ,epleclm.nt. Thl complnV eWI,ded thl bid hll been unobleto lulfill It. obllgallon. et thl bid prlCI: thl'I/orl, thl conl'lCt '1 beIng lermlnoted, Thlllllolullon relnstltelthe Malntl' none. Worke, ,. QovOInmenll1 Building. poslllon whIch wllellmlnlled. Tho bUilding. within tho Dlvfslon olh., then Ih. Clvfc COn/e, will contlnu. 10 ConlrlCI lor cleenlno .ervlm untllthlv Iro relOClted to lhl Clvfo Cenle" 01 which limo It might be nlCOllarv to expend thl Custodlel Itell. Action: KpAAr/-At-u;,lo .It!. J ~4J ~M % ~ --. 11 I .i. .... - T,_ --- .... 11''''''- - "'r -... . - -... -- n 0 0 b 5 -27 pago I McDI Moved by Kubby, seconded by Nov, to adopt tho rosoluUon. DlKusslon. Larsonl SleVo, doos this moan that thoro Is ono porson In chargo or this buJldlng only. Atklnsl This poslUon will bring to a starr or two. Wo did hm ono during tho day and we uso to havo ono In tho ovonlng. Wont with tho contract and tho contract dldnt work and we aro rolnstaUng that poslUon, Nov / Thoro aro two peoplo rull Umo In this building. Atkins/ Yts. Two peoplo rull Umo, Ono In the day and ontln the evonlngs. Nov I And WlIat Will happon with tho Sonlor ConOOr_ Atkins/ Wo aro working with tho Sonlor Conler, Public Works, Assls~ Housing and Planning Dtpts now to do contracts, Planning and Public Works, obviously, will bt roloeaUng ovor horo btroro too long, Tho Sonlor Conler has also requosted somo addlUonal custodial Umo. UnUI we rosolved this Issuo I put that on tho back burnor. I will again ralso tho Issut with thom to gtt that back on track. Larson/'Was It just that thoy didn't do a good onough lob or thoy didn't havo onough hours Involved to got the job don.. Atkins/ Tho quality or tholr work wasn't In quosUon. Ilhlnk tho bottom IIno Is that they low balled I~ they wanted moro monoy and we wero simply not In a poslUon to agrtt to thal Larson/ Didn't we havo a yoar contracl Atkins/ Wo had a lermlnaUon clauSt In It two."wt did nogoUale an ond to tho contracl Ambr / Did Unda tvtr got hor window blinds doaned. Gontry / Yts. Courtnoy I What happonod to our othor plan or adding a now da&$trIeaUon or CUstodial Workor. Dotsn't this go right back to tho problom the union pooplo wero talking aboul Tho malntenanco workor roally didn't supply a lob doscrlpUon that was propor ror WlIat thoy did Mro. Holllngl This Is tho olllsUng job doscrlpUon, This goos right back to tho way we wero btroro. Courtnoy / Weron't thoro somo objecUons to that Holllng/On tho part or tho unlon.no. -...,..--------- - y-- - - -'" 1 i f ~ li 1 j :1 .ri '~ II ,~ <I :f " ~ \ r i' I ! [ < I ! .,1 ,I I . I 1 I I , I I I I , t- Ct 0 b b .1 I -27 pago 2 Larsonl Thoy wero orrerlng to hoJp by lowering tho c1assUlcaUon or creaUng a nowono. HolUngl Yos, The dltroronce was so subUo that I roally didn't. They wore willing to go down a row conls an hour and the dltrorencos wore so subUo Ion thoso two that It SHmed prud~nt lust to go back to tho way wo wero and lOOk ahoad to tho addlUon and What we might do Is rostructuro . Courlnoy I Thoro was somo quosUon .,peclally at tho StnJor Center that tho person was spending all or there timo on custodial WOrk and thoro was no Umo for actual malntenanco and thoy wero termed to bt a malnltnance worker. HolUngl Tho Stnlor Conter sltuaUon Is dltroront b<<aUSt tho person that Is thoro, tho malnltnanco worker that Is thoro at tho curront limo, Is doing a lot of othor things and asslsUng peoplo to Stt up displays and all that type or thing. But that samo dlsUnction WOUldn't apply to this though. Atklnsl And, kHplng In mind, that somo or tho Stnlor Conter acUvlU., that now requjro custodial and malntenanco will ond bteaUSt In Public Works and Planning will bt over horo and somo or tho mttUngs that aro conducted In the Stnlor Conter will now bt conducted back In this buJldlng. So It wlllltsStn somo or the aCUVlty thoro, For oxamplo, Whoro WOrd pr~ng Is now, small mttUng room and conroronco room ror Brds and Commissions. Courlnoy I I lust thought at tho Umo It mado a lot or stnSt that thoro was a dlsUncUon bttwoen custodIal work and malnltnance work and It might not bt a bad Idoa to pursue that In ruturo yoars to got somo dlsUncUons going. Larson/ln law we call that a dltroronce without a dlsllncUon. KUbby II am vory glad wo aro going back to city omployHS. Not lust ror tho quality of work but I havo gotten rHdback rrom city omployHS Who havo said that thoro was uso or tho ortlco at nlghl Not lust cloanlng but USt of the phone and things IIko that that thoy didn't havo that sltuaUon with city tmploytu For those kind or steurlty and othor USt type roasons I am glad wo aro going back to the city. MeDII am sorry, What wero you saying. KUbby I Somo city omploytts havo glvon mo rHdback that tho contract workers woro doing more than lust c1oanlng. Thoy woro using tho telophonos a lot at night, tel and McDI How would thoy know. " ",. , n 0 0 b '-I - I '27 pait j Kubby / Btcauso or poslUon or things on tholr dtsk Whon thoy lorl..lust onough that thoy wero concorntd aboutll.. McD/lload a shtlltrtd Ilro. Any othor discussion. Roll call. Tbt rosoluUon Is adopted. '. ,. '-"'~<'" """'~.' '.' ....," ,.......h .. -........",....,,,...,__'-<.,1 , , II '} } , ,1 t , , , i I i t I ~ I l , , 1 j': ~: I , I' ,\ I nOObEI I \ Agondl 10wI Cltv CltV CouncU Rogwar Council MOlting ~V 14, 1991 P.gI 20 . . ITEM NO. 28 ' -!JI.,D,b CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BUDQETED POSmONS IN THE UBRARV. ITEM NO. Z9 . Comment: It has been Ubrl'V Boerd pollcV lor mlnv VOlII to hlrl I Ubrarl.n with I Maltor'. degll.ln Ubrarv Science, but no Ixperlencl II I Ubrlrlln lend one Wllh two voerl Of morl exporlancl el I Ubtlrlen II, Theralorl, liter two Vllrl Ixporlence, we plomOll I Ubrlrlen Ito I Ubrerlen II, Action: ~llI'MJI tlJtltlL N '/JA j,1.J "I'd) 1J.1tli/e '/f/ 4 J'Jv CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 33, ARTICLE V, ~ "WATER" DIVISION Z, "CONNECTIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANC, E8 OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY,IOWA, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 33. 135 AND 33,155. (Flrlt Conalderodonl , , . Commont: SectIon 33.135 II Imended requlrel proportv ownoll requeltlng I wele, meln tip to complv with OSHA reguletlons 10' trench Ixclvltlon belorl Cltv workell will Inte, I ulnch to mlkl the tep. Section 33.155 IIlmonded Iltebl!shelthllel, when epprop,'etl, 10' I mete, telt II letlolth In thl Schedull 01 Fill, Section 33,1,73. Action: ~oU1U J 1J~ )'tl!, // ./ ~ I ".., 1). .b~j 11/1',,) Ilnt~ {tJ " >.-;. . I I I. ! "._''''-'~'H,,-,,''''''._.J..> n 0 0 b q \1 , "26 pago I McD/1 am assuming that this came down rrom up tho strttt Courtnoy II hm no Idta what I am yoUng ono hore. Alklna/l wllI do my \lost to oxplaln. McDI Movod by Larson, wcondod by tlov to adopt tho rosoluUon, Nov I Ills a r~luUon to amond tho budgot bfcauSt thoy aro promoUng somobody and Incroaslng tholr salary. Courtnoy I But thoy didn't say that Larsonl Thoy didn't say It In tho commont but tho UUo Is corre<t McDI Wert you going to shod anymort Ught on thaL Atklnsl There Is a budgeted.lt Is tho Ubrary brd's poUcy. Mako surf you undoratand that It Is tho way thoy do buslnm, Thortls a budgol4d Ubrarlan I poslUon. Tho Individual In that poslUon stayod ror a numbtr or ytars and whon you roach a certain numbtr or yom sorvlct, thoy automaUeally promote that Individual to a Ubrarlan II. Thoroby that Is an IncrtaSt In componsaUon and thoroby tho budgot has to bt amondtd In accordanco with that IncrtaSo In comptnsaUon. Wo havo askod that we bring thOst CHANOETAPB TO REEL 91.42 SlOB 2 " I t ! I \ I I ) I . , 1 i ) I , , / / , ! i I I I 1 Courtnoy I Most Umos whon Wt got thoso It evon statos what tho addlUonal salary Is and I wish you would tako back to tho Ubrary Brd, that we suggost that It bt written a bit dlrroronUy In tho ruturo. Kubby I Although we didn't on tho othor ono. Wo lust said that It went up to rango II., Courtnoy I Most or the Umo It tells us how much moro or loss It Is cosUng us to do that Wo havo had two oxamplos tonight Atklnsl Just so you undorstand that that Is a slop on your part as a council Into tho day to day fiscal arralrs or tho Ubrary which we hm tradlUonally not dono. Larsonl Wo could havo ealltd them and asktd thom... Ambr lit Is making tho assumpUon that you hm Ubrarlan lA, Librarian IB.that arOOr two yoars Uloy both progross at Ult samt 8pttd to quaUry to bt Librarian II. Just by tho passago or Umo, Atklnsl Just by Umo. That Is what I undorsland, Ambr/ Anybody havo any problem with that Horowl Yos, KUbby I But It Is not our doclslon to make. Horow/lt Isn't our doclslon to mako but ossonUally this moans that you roally wouldn't nttd a masters In Library Sclonce. j -i I I J ,~ 1 ;g :~ ;~ 1 ~ I I I I 1 , '/ , , 1 j J , , . I I I i' .., " n Ct 0 .-, [I \' . , I \ -20 pago 2 Larson/ You can't oven bt a Ubrarlan I Without a masters, Hov/ You nHd a mas~rs to bt a librarian I. You nHd a masters and two yoars oxptrlonco to bt a Ubrlrlan I II Kubby / That happons In tho school district all tht Umo. Onco you aro a teachor and you hm bttn thtro a certain numbtr or ytars, you go up a step no matter What your porrormanCf Is. McD/ Any othor diSCUssion. Roll call. Tht rosoluUon Is adopted,.. ;j .. . ;{ t I :! ,I :[ I 1 ;!! ~ ,II ~: , j , J i ~ 1 o ~! '.-> ! ~ I ;t 1 ,1 I . " i ,0 ~\ f j ,1 , ,j 1 ~ n n n - '-I . I - - - 11 -29 pago I I , I I I I , 1 I i ! ! ; I \ I i I MeDI Moved by Lerson, sttOnded by Ilorow. to glv. this first eonsldmUon. Discussion. Horowl y.,. In reading about this, most or this has applltd to ntW subdivisions I am assuming, But essenUally as It g~ now this could apply to an oldor nolghborhood whtro thoro Is a problom with a water main connoeUon rrom tho hOmo Into tho main. Sehmadokol Right If It Is a ropalr, It would apply to that Horow/ So ror tho homtOwnor OYtn In an oldor soeUon would hm to bart tho cost or this troneh digging busln~. Sehmadokol That Is right Horow/ Wo hit on tho discussion tonight wllothor you can pay ror this ovor a porlod or Urno slneo It Is a largo amount or monty. Havo we consldortd tho rtnanclallmpact on tho resldonts or older homes, Most or wllom aro arrordablo or lust abovo arrordablo. Sehmadokol Tho city Is notlnvolvtd In tho ropalr. Justin making tho tap and wt would chargo tho plumbtr ror that cost and thon thoy would bill tho proporty ownor. So tho financial rolaUonshlp Is bttWHn tho proporty owntr and tho plumbtr. Horow/lt Is now, Did It uso to bt. Sehml Yos. Horow/lt has always bHn that way. Tho connoeUon onto tho main tap. I don't moan lust ropalr or tho tho water plptS rrom tho hOmos all tho way out to tho tap. Wo havo always dono that wllon thoy connoeted Into tho tap. Sehml That Is right Horowl But this Incroases It by how much. Sehrn/l don't know that thoro would bt any substanUal addlUonal costs to ropalr that tronch proporly. That has bHn tho roqulroments, Thoy havo just bHn nogllgontln tho past as wo havo as woll, McDI This Isn't any roal big chango. This Is wllat had bHn going on, hasn't Chuck. Sehml That Is right Horow/l thought wo had gotten out or this simply bteauso we didn't havo the oqulpmont to doal with this lIonchlng busln~, Sehmrrhat's for tho main plpo lint but wo do havo tronch oqulpmont ror making taps and tho contractors do as well. Horowl Alright Thank you. Kubby / Chuck, wllat happons whon you test tho motor and It Is 2~ slow, You spood It up but do you mako p.oplo pay us back. That Is not addrosstd In hero. All tht othtr potonUals aro addrosstd, .1 " " J . l 'j 'j 11 , , , . , ~ ~ ti 'I: ,~ .1 ,i '$ I t It, , ~ r; " i " , I ~ i I ! 1 I , . i n 0 0 '-1 e - ~~ ".ic'", '-"J"".____. .Z9 pago Z Schm/l think It Is a rarity If It Is running slow, I think Whon thoy broak It usually runs rasl MeDI Any othor discussion. RoU call. . First eonsldoraUon Is approvtd. ~ . 6 1 , I 11 .f .' ,- ...-...,.......",...... .-' "...~.. . .." ; ,1 " , .;" ) . '" I ,1 'n 0 0 '-I ~/' I . II , I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I i I ITEM NO. 31 . Agondl 10wI Cltv C/tv Council Rogl4ar CClIIlCU Molting MeV 14, 1991 Pago 21 ITEM NO. 30, CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO CHAPTER 3Z.1 .TAXATION AtID RMNUES. OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, BY AMENDINO SECTION 32.1055 THEREIN TO REVISE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES AND LANDFILL USE FEES. IFlrll Conlldtr. Idonl Comment: TIIII Ordinance rovlla. Solid WIlli CoIloctlon FlIIlt8,ze 10 n.50 In FY91 to tB.75 In FY921, Appllencl CoIloctlon Foo (tl0,00 to ., 1,00 In FY91 to t12,00 In FY921, Tlrl Collection FII ,tUo to t3.00I, Landfill UIO FlllltlUO to t2S,00 plullelC In FY91to t29.50 plus till In FY921, Londml Min/mum Foo 't3,OO to t5,OO In FY91 to t8,00 In FY921, Tlrl Dllposel Foo (to.oO to to,071 end Appllancl DllpolIl FIO ,tUo to ts,oo In FY91 to to,OO In FY921. ACllon: ~t$/~.tMV pi~ II./~ Jw -rntlJ . "'ur ~ ~ CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO CHAPTER 32.1, ENTITLED 'II' .T AXATlON AND REVENUES,. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, BY AMEND/NO SECTION 32.1,73 THEREIN TO REVISE SEWER AND WATER CHAROES, ,F1,lt Conllde,atlonl , , Comment: TIIII Ordlnancl Incrlllel thl Sewe, SOrvlCI ChlrgOI Ind Wlla, ServlCI Chargll on Septembl' 1, 1991, I' outllnod In thl Inechod memorendum I,om thl Flnancl DlrlClo,. Action: c{..-}IIJmA jtr t!-iI (-I ~ Jv ~) ~JA~J 0 ITEM NO. 3Z . ADJOURNMENT. /kl ;/Nel a.I/(1m~ 9,'f5;.III. Ul~ fAiJ " f(ul-o/ - ... - ~ ~ -- - n 0 0 ,-, LI . I .30 pago I McDI Moved by Horow, ~nded by Larson to glvt this first consldtraUon. Discussion, Horowl Whon I road through this I was boplng thero would bt some way Whoro we could rororonco or lump sum all thtsO rotS. For Instanco, If somtOno roads right now tho appllanco collecUon rH goos up to S 121n FY92 they might not conUnuo to road that you also havo an appllanco disposal rH Which goos up to S61n FY 92. Thtrororo tho Wholo bit would bt S16, Nov II don't think that Is quilt right Atklnsl You lost mo. Horowl Am I doing something wrong here. Schmadekol $ 121ncludts tho disposal cost So It wo pick It up at the curb, S 121s tho totalfH. HorowlOkay, So tho disposal rH Is strlcUy Is I bring It out thore. Nov I Wo woro talking at ono point about charging dlUorontlandrlll rHS ror r.,ldonls and non,rtsldenls, this Is not hore. Can wo have somo assuranco today that we will not do that unUI tho now budgols are btlng consldored. Atklns/l think that It your call, Nov I Arter I thought about It aWhile, the principle Is fine but to spring this on the ouUylng munlclpallUts In tho mlddlo or tho budgot year arltr thoy havo alroady approved It SHms IIko not quite. So maybt wo should talk aboutlt again noXl rail. Atklnsl Most rolks that I have spoko to: Coralvlllo and any othor towns aro awaro or thtSt numbtrs approximately bteaUSt it was tho Umo that thoy wero building tholr budgols, J think I know What you aro saying, NaomI. I would agrH with you. Ir you choose to go with tho promlum chargo you talked abou~ I would mako It errocUve tho noXl fiscal yoar so thoy can anUclpate that during tholr budgot proctsS, Le~s Mpt we can rosolvo that promlum Issuo In tho noXl 5.6 months so that Whon bUdgot Umo comts around this will havo to bO amonded again as well as tho amendmont ror curbside. You would have to add thoso rHS, But thoso numbtrs aro coming later on, Courtney I Part or tholr budget can bt amondod mid yoar anyway. Wo're doing It mid yoar. What you aro talking about Is tho budgot that has to bt turned Into tho state. That Is an onUroly dlUeront thing than a rovonuo based thing IIko this. Alklnsl But tho concern Is that ir wt wero to dramaUcally Incroaso this rrom tho $3 H40. Thoro aro rolks out thoro that havo not budgottd that oxtra $9 hit North L1btrty, Coralvlllo, .... --- - --- -y--- 1 I ,j 1 j j '1 .~ ! " i (: I } , j J :; --- - ...----,.- l' -.- .....- ~.... - -- -.,.-- .... . [I t] 0 '-I 5 II I , .)0 pago 2 Larsonl Why would communlUos havo to havt It In th&lr budgot whtn thoy art Sfrvod by prlvatt haul&r&, Nov I Tho prlvatt haulors contract Is written. Alklnsfl'ho prlvatt hauJors.1 don't know tho dotalls or &acb or tholr contracts" Somo or tho towns, thoy actually pay tho haulors. Larson/l thought tho prlvatt hauloTs contracted with thom Individually' with all tho pooplo In tho towns, Alklnsl Not all tho Umo,,, Larsonl Point Is well takon. You can't say to p.oplo In tho mlddlo or tholr budgot yoar, oh, by tho way. Alklnsl If you can solvo tho thing In tho noxt 6 months, Wo bogln building our budgot around January, Wo'd noUry thom or your Inttnt to Incroaso tho rates. Then come July I, 1992 tholr budgots would bt adopted In accordanco to that. I havo no troublo with that. It Is a good point. Nov I What Is tho curront statt rH. I read roconUy that It had gono up but I don't romombtr tho numbtr. SChm/lt will bt 375 tho first or July. McDI 375 por ton that we havt to sond to statt ror ovory ton that goos through our gatt, SChml That's right. Nov I And our dumping rH Is x dollars pius tho statt rot. SChml That Is right. . Courtney I So rat we have not Sffn any or that back. Horowl Part or It comos through our ECCOO Waste Busters Program. SChml $37,000 Courtnoy I Wo tho City or I.C, havo not sttn any or that como back. Corroct. SChml Corroct. Kubby II am roally glad that tho hazardous and spoclal wastt rot Is OM and a half Umos the normal Upping rot. What Is the substanco that Is causing tho problom curronUy at tho landlUl.that was dumptd yoars and yoars ago. lalt solvonts. SChml Solvonts and gasollno. Kubby I For thlngallko that, I wouldn't mind making It more boeauso I am not surf that OM and a half timos Upping rot pays ror tho polonUal romodlal acUon that wo may havo to Incur lalor. Courtney I Wo aro not accopUng gasollM out thoro anymoro, aro we. Kubby I But othor solvonts wo might bt, Atklnsl Chuck, aron't you rtgulated by state law on a maximum chargo. Isn't It two Umos. , " , . , i 1 , "I 1 1 I 1 \ . , ; I '. I :~ I { i i ~ I 1 I :.I , .... .......--. - '"r ~ . - . -. ---..... - -- - ,--... - -.... OCtO'-lb ,I , -30 pago 3 Kubby II would liktto Inv.,Ugato this at somt point. ~Ust 'fit don't hm anything now that wt term hazardous waste that we allow In thtrt, do \..... Schml Tha~s right Atklnsl Chuck and I wero just speaking about It a WHk or so ago, Wo woro talking aboutlrylng to wrlto some kind or policy that rtgulates tho vory thing that you aro talking about Just how rar do you want to go, Now Chuck oxerclsos his own judgtment. Romemlx'r tho spoelal waslo authorlzaUon and you go to tho state. Wo wero thinking about adopUng somo or our own pollclos, Wo havon't rlnlshod tho work ror you yet Horow/l don't mind going along with that Idoa. Wo would havo to groaUy IncroaSt tho amount or tducaUon Ix'roro we actually go that rar bteaUSt pooplo truly aro conrustd as to What. Atklns/lt Is a vory complox kind or policy posiUon. This Wholo buslnoss Is, That Is Why wo want to get somothlng to you. Right now I eorlalnly don't mind Chuck txerclslng his own dlscreUon ho has, Somt or It could como back to haunt us later on bteauso thoy k"p changing tho rultl, You can road tho old special wasto authorlzaUons wI10rt thoy wero oncouragod to dlsposo or It In a corlaln rashlon In 1975 and today It would bt totally unaccoptablo. Larsonl Not only tha~ at a eortain point you aro rorclng pooplo to disposo or It Improperly. I don't want our roos and our pollclos to ond up with pooplo lust dumping It Whorover they can. You really have to bt awaro that you aro not just rorclng pooplo Into that As roprohensiblo as that might bt. I could SH It happening, Kubby II havo a Wholo othor Issuo. That Is on tho doposlt roo btlng diUoronUatod by so much bttWHn a rosldonUal ownor and a rosldonUal tenant I think this Is a Don quosUon. Atklnsl Tho walor and Stwor roo tho $50.100, Karon, KUbby I No. This Is ror landllll, ror roruso roos. Atklnsl That Is all In the samo ordlnanco, Kubby lit happens In many or UIOSt. So I havo that problom with It tvtryWhore. Espoelally bteauso or your momo Which htlpod clarify, Bocauso Immtdlaloly I said woll that Is discriminatory and thon arlor roadlng your momo tho numbtrs do show that thoro Is a dlUoronco bttWHn ownors and tenants. Yot I don't know If perconlago wise tho amount or dollnquency, Ilteauso I don't know tho raUo ol ronlors to tenants to ownors who aro In tho town, But you say that arter tho $50 deposit Is applltd ror all or tho doposlt thoro Is S22 ror tho people who ~ ) 'I , , 'j , ! j I I 1 ! t ~ I J I j ! , I I I 'j ~ , I ] n 0 0 '-1 '-f. ,\ t i I .JO pago 4 , I , , art dtllnqutnt ror bomtowntrs that art still nfOded to bt colltcted j I and $29 ror ~nants, So $50 and 1291' $79, not $ 100. So, I would I proror to k..p thom both at.1 don't mind raising them If Wt nHd to ralst thom to covor tho cost or thoso dollnquoncles. But I don't lib I making such a big dlfrmnUaUon Wbon I don't think tho numbtrs I show that. , Don YUCUls/on tho rtsldont tenant we don't hav& tho abtllty to go back and I I lion tho proporty like we do with a bomoownor. Wo had talked about dlserlmlnaUon bttwoon tho two. Wo rolt that slnco we can't go back , and Ilon tho homoownor that was a good roason to IncroaSt that rH a i IIWo hlghor. Plus Wt aro raising tho rates. Rocommondlng raising tho il , rates $opt. I. That will IncroaSt that avo. bill a IIWo hlghor, By tho I Umo I got a final roadlng on a porson Wbon thoy movo out. It Is usually thrtt months worth or billing. Tho rogular two months plus 'i 1 .--...----.......,,- I Wbon thoy movo out. Thrtt months worth or billings and that Is 1 Wboro we aro goWng Into that $79 avo, or $79 r.,ldont tenant bill and ::t tho $50 lust d~n't covor It all. Wo havo to go through tho proctsS or i I COllecting It rrom Wborovor thoy move to and that Is becoming. somoUmes It Is oasy and somoUmts It Is hard. Wo'ro lust wanUng to I try to com moro or It now at tho Umo tho pooplo move out. ! Kubbyl Dots tho tenan~ Wbon I movo to a nowplaco, I nHd a S100doposlt i , horo, I nHd a doposlt ror my first month, my last month and my ! doposlt. And Whon Wt want to talk about arrordable housing Interms t or rtnlal marktt. This Is just one moro obstacle Whore this , .1 , dlscrlmlnaUon makes It mn moro dlrtlcult ror a lower Incomo porson I , to comtlnto tho community as a rtntor Whon thoy hm no opUon or ': my IIWo opUon ror btlng a homoownor, That S4 I would ralhor oat I tho S4 thon haVt this dlscropancy. Horowl How do you balanco that. McOI Tho city oat tho $4. Horowl Yoa, tho city oat tho $4. Enough pooplo havo cMated on this that we havo had to go this way. Kubby II don't mind It btlng $75 It that Is What we nHd or If we nHd It to I bt $&0, havo It $&0 ror both. McOI Wo hm rocourso against tho proporty ownor, Thoro Is no rocourso I i against tho tenant. Wo aro out. Wo aro lost.. ' I KUbby I Wo can go to small claims, I McOI If thoy aro gOnt. . ..- -.............. -.. r. ~- - - -- -.... - . n 0 0 '-1 EI .JO pago 5 I I I I Kubby/l undtrstand that point I undtrstand that thtrtls rtcOurs. but I lust think that 'Nt art dlscrlmlnaUng htr. and I don't think that tht pros and cons add up ror me. Horow/l don't think. McD/1 don't think we aro olthor. I think you could almost call It rtvOrso dlscrlmlnaUon WIlon you have, If you want to equallZt that and WIlon Wt artlort holding tho bills, WIlo pays ror thoso bills. Tho pooplo that IIn hero. Kubby I Whon wt talk about the numbtrs, Thellat numbtrs show that moro orten ~nants.then homtOwners. But In OOrms or percentago, tho numbtr or peoploln town WIlo own or ron~ I don't know that tho amount or probloms wo havt Is that much groaltr In ~rms or percontago wlSt ror ~nants and ownors. McD/1 think thoro has to bt somo system that allows us to rocoup or the ability to rocoup tho monoy that Is owed tho city. !Cubby I Thon lot's ralSt both or them to $80. IAt thom bt equal. McDI We aJroady havt rocoursf on tho olhtr slao. Wt put a lion against their property, Nov/l think WIlat wo aro not consldorlng horo, at least not spollod ou~ II tho cost or collecUng. The cost or collecUng on a homtOwner Is vory minimal. Hand a pltct or paper to tho County Auditor and It goos on tho property tax and that Isll But tho cost or collecUng rrom a ronter WIlo may have lort town Is really a lot moro monty. Larsonl Except ror tho ract that Wt thon go got It rrom the property ownor. Horowl Evonlually, Ar~r a laborious proct59, Larsonl That Is one 01 tho reasons I don't mind the dlsUncUon Is that. Yuculs/On tho rtsldonl The way we have It sot up now on tho rtsldent ~nant Is as long as the ownor or tho property gives us the rorwardlng addross or tho person thon we don't lion tholr property ror that Larsonl But If they don'l KUbby I Thon Wt go to tho homeownor. Larsonl Thoy skipped and thoy can't rind them. I think thoro Is a logical dlHoronco, McDI Any othor qutsUons. Courtney IOn this parUcular I~m thoro Is nothing built Into the rm that havo boon road orr concornlng tho separaUon. The curbsldo soparaUon, That Is a WIlolo dUltrtnt Issue. McDI Any othor discussion, Roll call. First consldoraUon Is approvod, Kubby yoUng no. -- - ~ --- I' , 1 i " I l 11 i~ .~ .1< 1 " I ~- :-; 1~ '! .\ ":. 1 1 J ,{ 1 'i I ,I 'j 1 1 , , 'J , ! ~~- o .t] 0 '-I Cj -31 pago I McOI Movod by Larson, stCOndod by Ambr to give this first consldoraUon. Discussion, Kubby II am geWng conrusod now. Is thls.thls Is ror water and this Is paying ror our study. Courtnoy lit Is also ror Sfwer. Kubbyl For tho bond, okay. Is thoro a rowpooplo.Naoml and Daryl you had talkod about wanUng to do this ov&r a longtr porlod or Umo ror tho study. Uko two yoars Instead or ono yoar. Courtnoy I Tho way this Is written, you'vo got mo lrappod bteauso the lOwer bill Is to moot tho bond covenants and rar bt It ror mo to bt on. to not want to moot the bond covonants, I would roally halt to volt against that but II do obloet to tho waltr chargos and think that they ought to bt approacbod In a durtrtnt mannor. 111 just say It publicly but I am not about to go against our bond covonants. Larson/l havo a dlrroront porspoeUvo on thal I think It should bt dODO In a yoar btcaUst tho prlc., are going to Incroaso mort and moro as Ume goos on ror waltr and lOwer and garbago and all or thtst things as onvlronmen181 conetrns bt<ome mort mandatod and moro com polling to moro pooplo. I think tho moro pooplo can pay now tho bttltr boeaust It Is lust going to koop going up and up and I don't want to koop strolthlng It out bteaUSt PfOplo In tho futuro are lust going to havo to pay onough, PtOplo now should start paying too. Courtnoy I ono or tho probloms that I havo now Is that I am not surf that I IIko my volt on tho study to start with. Arter Undlng out that only 5~ or the water happons to bt Ingoslod anyway. $500,000 ror a sludy and $ 15 million dollars for an Improvemont 800ms to me to bt a bit much. I am not suro that IlIko my volt and I cortalnly don't like this kind or Incroasos. I havo stated that btroro wIlon wt start golUng 25 & 30 ~ Incroasos I think It puts a terrlblo bllt on PfOplo's budgol I don't IIko Il Kubby II don't mind ovor two yoars spreading this parUcular amount oul I think that wt should go that route, I am going to volt against this ror that roason as well as tho durtront doposlts but I do support tho sower Increaso, I think that Is roallmportant and have nor problom, Ambr/ How long will that study take. Schm/16 months. I Nov I Can wt split tho Incroaso, $ 1.15, Is It posslblo to say part or IUn '91 and part or It In '92. ~ - - .......-- --.........- y--.... - -... l' i , , "j "t ~ I r I 1 " ~ j 1 . f I I l J I I j , ! I n 0 0 EI [I - II -31 page 2 Atkins You can rtally do whatevtr you want to do. W. do have a big contract that ~ havo to pay ror.Courtnoyl Whtn do ~ pay ror thal At comploUon or up rronl Alkinsl J am surf thoro Is a schedulo or tho 16 month porlod whoro we pay thom. Ambr I Do ~ pay thorn by tho month. Schm/ No. It's . thoro Is IIko ten dUCoront paymonts ovor tho 16 months. MeO/ What do ~ havo scheduled right now as rar as Increa~. Is there any schedulo at this parUeular polnl Atkins/ You will havo to conUnuo to monitor tho sower to mako surf that that Is conslsttnt with our dobl this Ineroa~ will gonoratt onough monoy to pay ror tho study that Is undorway and Improvo our cash poslUon, Romombtr, J can look It up In tho budgot tho spoelflc numbtrs. By FY 93 ~ woro going to bt strappod ror cash anyway. We wero going to bt taking and using up tho rtStrvos and would bt running a negaUvt balanco. Thtn. McD/ Wo know what you are talking aboul Whon you say strapptd ror cash you might want to oxplaln that a IIWo bit moro. Atklns/Wo woro no longor pay as you go. Wo woron't paying our bills. Wo ~ro using our cash rtStrvo poslUons. Wo would havo doplottd that In the waltr rund. Not as a city as a wholo, no. Just In waltr. Wo would como baek and SOt you lattr on on adJustmonts anyway. And thon on top or that you havo to add what Is tho oxttnt or tho capital Improvomonts that not only you might authorlzo but thost that you might bt mandattd to do. Whtn tho rosults or tho study como down, I~s . you just don't know and It Is olthor going to got you now or got you laltr bteause tho redoral govornmont Is walUng In tho wings to tell us what we aro going to havo to do. MeD/1f ~ don'l..thoro hm bttn suggosUons or splltUng this out ovor a longor run but not knowing what Is eomlng down, What could happon thon Is that thoro would bt OYtn blggor hits, Atklnsl No doub~ If you split It we aro going to got hit ovon hardor laltr on. Kubby / What you are saying Is that ~ are going to take tho monoy and save It ror what ~ nood It ror later Atklnsl Karon Is parUally corroct In tho sonso that do we nood that $500,000 right now. Tho answer Is yos to pay ror tho study. Arltr tho study Is ovor and dono and wo havo tho rosults wo will bt oarnlng, tho monoy eomlng In, tho rovonuos will bt earning at thost hlghor rates. You may not nood tho rull hit at tho Umo. Again, thoso aro all spoeulaUons, , 1 '{ I I 1 I 1 j ) ~ J ~ ,\ % J ,l I 1 1 I ! ; j ,J I I !t , ~ , n [I 0 EI ,'1 \ 1 '31 pago 3 Tht lpocuJaUon that you may not nHd tho rull hit on th~ thing dopondlng upon tho capital projecl Larsonl What you aro talking about Is that we pay this study In a y~ar at tho Incrtastd ra~. Atklns/16 months, yos. Tho study Is 16 months. Larsonl Wo won't roaUy know ror anothor six months how much It Is going to cost us to do wtIa~vtr correcUvo mtasur., wt haY& to dO with rtgard to wa~r. For a mero six months wt aro talking about building up a IIW. bit a hoad, Not IIko we art going to bt building up . talking about a SI5 million project possibly. Wuro going to build up $200,000 ahoad, Atklnsl And you art probably not going to bt ahoad bteauSt our oporaUng costs aro growing ras~r than the rtvOnuos that wt aro bringing In, Larsonl And you aro talking about a yoar or two btlng bthlnd with tho cash now anyway. Atklnsl Yos, absolutely. Larsonl J assumo that you dldn'tchooso th~ on~ yoar outot tho air. And rolt that that was wtIat wt nHdtd to do. I know that you aro protty con~rvaUyt about having thtSt runds hoalthy and things. I don't want to chango your ludgom~nt on It I guoss. McDI Any othor discussion. Nov II havt a coupl. or qu.,Uons Mro about motertd doposlls. What doos It moan wtIon you say thoro Is a deposit roo ror a now motor wtIlch Is $60 and thon thoro Is a rorund which Is S75, Schl Set If J can rememoor how that works. The plumoor deposits tho S60 and gots tho mo~r and ho also Installs the moter and wt pay him thon that $ 15 ror tho InstallaUon and rorund him tho $60 that M paid ror tho mo~r btcaUSt tho mo~r oolongs to the city. Novl You pay him por moter plus Installation. Schml Rlghl Nov IOn the stwer list thoro Is somothlng calltd BOD and SS, Schml SUspondtd solids, Nov I And what Is BOD, Schml That Is tho oxygen demand that the was~ would requlr~ to mHt tho troatmont that wt provldo. Nov I If somoone's was~ requlros this particular thing, thoy pay a IItUo oxtra, Schml Tha~s rlghl McDI Any othor discussion. Horow/l guoss that J havo to agroo with Daryl, surprising Ulough It Is, on my vo~ on this water study, I roally do wondor If thoro Is any , " J J w ~ ,. j " 1 , ~ .j I 1 Ii, ~, i :1 J 'I ! 'f ! i , 'j " j i , ',., "".~'-"~' ,,,~..,~.> nC/OEle I 1 "31 page 1 JlO'$lblo way or MporaUng out tho waOOr we Ust to drink va. tht waOOr wo uso ror other public sorvlcfS, Kubby I Two sola or ptptS. Horow/Thatls wbat I am arrald or. 18 that truly wbatltcomos down to, Schml y., It dotS and the cost would bt much greater than troaUng tho addlUonal water. Larsonl Wo could buy mrybody a. Courtney I You said that In jfSt btroro and I am starUng to btUm Il Larsonl You surf can and pooplo do, Horowl But wbo Is going to monitor thom. Atklnll That II tho problom, Tho suggosUon or buying a rlltor. Daryl had talked about It thll aflornoon. He was monUonlng your suggosUon. We figured It woUld bt Uko S4 mllllon worth or flllorl. But tho redoral govornmont doosn't cart about your fllOOrs. Thoy aro going to go down to that water plant and test that water to SH.\IN want to know tho product that Is going Into the plpt. If you want to buy a filter, go rlg~t ahead and probably do tho samo thing. Wo can't sUbstanUaoo for tht rodoral gOYtrnmonl Tho rodoral govornmontls going to lost at tho sourco, Nov I Having a fIIltr and roplaclng It last nlonth I can ioU you It II not choap. I nttd to think though about WIlat we mlgbt do In terms or doslgnaUng a saror drinking water. I think that \IN could possibly do somothlng Ilko handing pooplo drinking waOOr If thoy aro WllIlng to como down and pick It up. AUclnsl Wo do that WIth our nllratos. Wo makt that avallablo to rolks. Nov I But wo WIll havo a long porlod or Umo btroro this wondorrul now procoss Is actually on Uno. During that porlod or Umo I think \IN nttd to think about bttter soluUons. AUclnsl Making tho water avallablo Is not particularly burdonsomo to us, I suspoet that \IN could probably do It on a rtglllarly $Cheduled basis, Larsonl Not vtry many pooplo taking you up on thal Atklnsl Unfortunately thoy dldn'l Nov I Dots It tasOO any bttter, Most pooplo aro complaining about tho taste not tho quality or tho nltratos. Horowllt Is a dlnntr party eonvorsaUon ploy. McDI Any othor discussion.... Roll call. First consldoraUon Is approved, Kubby yoUng no. , , I ! i I i 'I, j I ! j 1 1 i I~ i 1 I , I j 'i } i f I I I I 1 , ! j , nOOEI~1 / City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: MlylO, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: City Mln.ger RE: Work Session Agend.s.nd Heating Schedule Mly 13, 1991 IIond.y 6:30 . 8:30 P.H. Council Challbers 6:30 P.H. . Revltw zoning litters 6:50 P.H. . Wetl.nds Report. Whispering He.dows Subdivision " 7:15 P.H. . Request for rezonIng of Idyllwlld Tr.ct 7:30 P.H. . Alr,er' CtGfr1nt- 7:40 P.H, . Council .gend., Council till, Council commlttel reports 8:00 P.H. . Specl.1 Heetlng, Executive Session (L.nd Acquisition) Hey 14. 1991 Tuesd.y i1ON.K.. . -.Speelal fleeting, [xlcut1vHtmOA4a.ndtnv'ti~04).. 7:30 P.H. . Regul.r Council Heetlng . Council Ch.mbers Hey 21. 1991 6:30 . 8130 P.H. Tuesd.y Council Ch.mbers Council Work Session .nd Heltlng with PI.nnlng .nd Zoning Commission. Agend. Pending . IIond.y '. /IIy 27. 1991 MEMORIAL DAY . NO COUNCIL WORK SESSION CITY OFFICES CLOSED Hey 28. 1991 Tuosd.y 6:30 . 7:30 P,H. Council Chambers Council Work Session. Agenda Pending 7:30 P.H. . Regul.r Counctl Heetlng . Council Chambers PEND I NG 1I ST Stormw.ter Hanagemont Rovtew S.les/Sollclt.tton on City PI.z. Clgarotto Ordtn.ncos Appointments to Board of LIbrary Trusteos, Conrnttteo on Conrnuntty Heods, and Housing Commission. Hay 28, 1991 Appointments to Atrport Zoning Board of AdJustmont and Board or Ltbrary Trusteos . June 25, 1991 I' , , I , rt Ct 0 Cj e . - f" . .. " . ~CC6 ( S1~l11"~ rG. ICCM TI~IE/T APEFORM FO~ 5" It r /71 , -'7:~ 1 ~.1 ~(~ \~ "', ; ',: 4& .., :~ :(J caMMENTS 17'11 I)' ",/I '1 \1 '1'!5 1~3 '1 I'; 'I' <9 t,'OI ~'IJI *'irl ~. 'Ill'. Sub Cr.l '12.". l ,.. ~ II / n .n u. ':"?l ... n "... LJ - (\.1. 1>r:u:c:t:LI"JA/e ......-"--R'c:: ~I AIA'I6""'''AI.e r-nA - "... CIlIJ L:.l 1,,1\.A 'i:>/JI. \Ajji.iJf... ct. 7,.",."A ,...". ..... PIA.BLfc. "D1<;'Cli~51()N Jam.. J~.Afl. 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