HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-25 Agenda n 0 [I' ,", 1 IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA .. . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 26,1991 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER 410 EAST WASHINGTON \' . , , i I I / !lt1:.H .,I /lt1~-11 ~ 'tlM. &J.Mltl" /J..!or ~,~v It ",/(,J"V (ltru!tkvl ll\K'lv Jd~ --~ 1'.._ .... .. - - - - "..,.- - .. - .. -. --.... n, 0 0 "~I 'EI .. AGENDA IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. JUNE 26,1990 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS mM NO.1. CALL TO OROER. mM NO, 2. ROLL C~_LL. ,.It/) .if[i41 CONSIDER AOOpnON 0' THI! CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTEO OR AMEND EO. .. Conlld.r .pptovll 01 orrlclll CouncllKllon. 01 1M regulll mtlllng 01 J\N II, 1 DO I, II publlahtd, sub/tet 10 corrOC1lon., II rKom. mended by lhe Clly Clerk. b. Mlnulll 01 Solid. .nd Commllllon.. III Houl/ng Commllllon mailing 01 M.y 14, IDOl, 121 PIInnIng.nd Zoning Commllllon mOIling 01 Jun. 0,1001. (31 ""pon Commllllon mtlllng 01 M.y 21, 1001. . c. Permll MOllon. .nd Re.olutlon. II Recommended by Ihe Clly Clerk. III Consider. mollon 'Plllovlng . Clm 'OW' liquor LlceN.lor Plmall Jo Sobln db. Tho Kllchon, 0 Soulh Dubuquo StrOOl, (Renew.') (21 Con.lder . mOllon iplllovlng . Clo.. 'C' liquor LIcon.. lor VlIO" 01 low. Clly, Inc" db. VlIO", 118 E. Conego. (Renew.11 (31 Consider. mOllon epprovlng 0 Dancing L1cens. lor VlIO" 01 low. Clly,lnco, db. Vito'., 118 E. Colleg. Stroll, (Renew." (41 Consider. mOllon .pprovlng . Clall 'C' LIquor Llcen.. lor Domo, Lido, dba Soho'.lI4r, 1210 Highland Coun. (Renew- 0" 161 ConsIder a mOllon approving 0 CIIII 'C' LIquor L1cen.. lor New Wall's LId" dba Memorl.., 028 Malden Lane, (Renew- all 10) Consider . mOllon approving a Dancing LIcense lor New Wall'. Lido, dba Memorle., 028 Malden Lane, !Renewe') ........-- -,~ /,)1' .t Ill/.~ :l)..,...;,J",.., .. - - -- -.... " I t-, t=1 t=1 '/ (I II I' Pago 1 KeDI 1 would like to rellnd our views that thero Is a special election taking placo today .nd tho polls .ro open tIt 8:00 and so If you have forgotten or haven't had the opportunity to go voto yot you would vote at your nonnal votIng place and you would stilI havo tlmo to do so. Courtl That will cut Into our ratings tonight. KeDI Vo'ro going to be out of here anyway. i i , I , I , . i nOCleo Agenda low. CllV Clly Councll Regullt Counca Mooting June 25, 1000 Page 2 , ~- 171 Conllder . rllolullon 10 IsIUO clg"ono permll.. ~ d. Senlng Publle He.rlngl, 111 Conalder . roaolullon IOnlng pubIlo IItIllng lor JIJv 0, 1 DO I. on pIen., lpec/llcallon., 101m 01 contr.ct Ind "Ilmell 01 COil lor conlllUCllon 01 lilt Rscll V." 1 DO 11.1nd1ll EXllIn. lion PrOlecl, Commenl: ThlllllojlCl wllllllovld. .n .ddlllonll ell .1 lilt IIndlill. ThlI cea I. dellgned 10 mt., Of uceld lilt now 51111 regula lion. by Incorporollng . cllV wr Ind . compltll under dtlln IVlllm 10 COllecl .nd Iranlpon Ia.chell 10 lilt exlltlng All 11'llon lor lro.lmtnl .1 1M Nonh WIII.w.ler nOltmtnl FICWlV. Th. EngIneer" conlllUCllon COil .1110 mtllls f748,485,OO .. Mallon., -1J.:..14 .l m Mallon 10 'PllIov. d1lburaoment. In 1M 'mounl " "5,665,653,10 lor 1M period 01 M.V llhru M.v 31, 1S01, II recommended by Iho FIn.nc. Dlreclor, lubjecllo .udIl, I. Relolullonl. m Consider rololullon .ccepllng Iho work lor 1M IInlt.ry lower. Ilorm lOwer, .nd p.vlng Imlllovomanll for ScOIl Boulevard E.Il, P.n Oneo Commenl: 5.. .nachad Englnoor'. Repon, go Corrospondenco: 11I Loner Irom J.m.. O. Boorm.n rogardlng COlt 01 Uvfng In low. City. (21 Leller Irom lour lowo CltV r..,denll rogordlng Ihe Summit Slrool nelllo SludV and rol.led Irollle IIIUOI, 131 Memorandum Irom tho Traflle Englnoor rogerdlng p.rklng prohlblllon In Ihe 200 block 01 Johnlon SlrOll, ------ -- ~ - - - ,\ ! n 0 0 e 'I Ag.ndI low. City Clly CouncU Rtgular CouncU Moollng June 25, 1000 P.g. 3 ;, i (41 Momolllld'.:m 110m 'ho Civil Servic. Comml..lon lubmllllng c.nlllod RIll 01 .ppllcanl. lor lilt 10Dowlng pollclonl: 1.1 Polle. Olllcor. lbl Polle. Selgeanl. h. AppllClllonl lor City PII,. UI' POrmltl. 111 Appllc.llon 110m p.nll.n Dtlcnae Commlll" lor permlsllon 10 III up .1.bIt on City PII,. on June 25,1001, "om whlch 10 d1llribulo UloralulI, ('Plllovod) (21 Appllc.tlon 110m Iho HoUdav 1M' low. Chy lor pernlllllon 10 lponlor . JIlI"l\lomblt on Chy PII,. on June 15, 1001. (aplllovodl (31 Appllcallon. 110m th. Lalln American Human R1ghll Advoc.. cy COnlor lor permllllon 10 III up . I.blo on City PIlI' during Iho perlodl 01 Juno 12 through 18, 1001, .nd J\N 17 through 21,1001,IIom which 10 d1alribull BlOr.lur..nd ' ollor Cllllllor donellonl, I'Plllovodl 141 Appllc'llon 110m Now PIonoor Co.op Fllah Food M.rk.llor pelmllllon 10 lponlor . Panc.ko arllklut Fundlllaor 10 bonellllho low. Conlor for AIDS/ARC on June 18, 1001. lapploved) 151 Appllc.tlon 110m Olan. Rugh lor pOlmllllon 10 vond hand. made 1111 II on .mbulalory vendor on Clly Pl.I. on Juno 13, 1091, (opplovod) I. Appllc.llonl lor UII 01 Slroell and Publlo a,oundl, III Application 110m DelendOl.lor L110 10 milch on cllY Itroell on Juno 16, 1091, lapplovedl 121 Appllcallon 110m OIell Deomyn 10 have Iho aaV .nd LOIbl.n RIghi I PII.do on Juno 22, 1901, l,pploved) A1I1~1 ~r~ ""J 71i(1) END OF CONSENT CALENDAR (~{[.d ~ .Mfitt1t( tit h,y At f ..... ....--- ----~....--------.---..........-------....- -.....--------~---._- ~ -- ~ -- ---- -- T-- -- n 0 0 I:' e ;\ I CONSENT CALENDAR P.ge 1 llorol Undor the Item of the public harlng that NO set for tho construction of the fY91 landfill ox~nslon project, this construction cost Is going to be estloated at $748,485 that s under the now rules. 1'm under Item "d" setting public hearing. KeDI $748.485 "orol But under the old rules It was S28D.OOD so that's tho difference that we are f.ced with and I Just wanted people to know how much It costs to construct a new landfill cell. . KubbYI I had another Item. Item "c7- about tho clgaretto pormlts and we haven't beon given an~ Informatton that thero have been violations but I think It's because we haven t put any emphasis on enforcing especially minors purchasing Cigarettes .nd so I guess I wanted to make a requost that for tho next twelvo months at least ono tIme In thoro we do some specIfic enforcement and at that tlmo when these cigarette permits are ren~~ed next year so when these are renowed, theso are yearly aren't they. that we can seo If there .re any Violations. I would agree with that. Ve can do that. I ! I "oral Atkl n 0 CI e ~I AQond. Iowa Clly Clly Cound RtguIIr Counclll.l~~11ng Juno 25, IDeo P'g. 4 InM NO.3- , PlANMNO AND ZONlNO MAmAS. .. Cof\llder ." OldlnlllC. P/Ovtding WI Q.nellllllopeny I.... Itvlod end colloc1td ItCh yell on II 1lI0peny IocIlod wtlhln till W, Olld.n U,bIn Rtnewll Pro/tCt AI.., In lilt Clly 01 low. City, Coooty 01 Johnson, 5111. 01 low., by end lor till benelll 01 till 51.11 01 lOW', Clly olloVf' City, Coooly 01 Johnson, low. CIIV ConvnunllY School DIIlrIct end ollltr l.llnQ dIalrlcll, be pIId 10 . IpecIIIlood lor PlYmtnl 01 principii end Inllllll on 10."., monltl .dvlllCod 10 ,nd lnd.blodntSl,1ncludIng bond.lslutd or 10 be ISlued, Incurrod by uId CIIY In coMtCllon wtlh uId urbln renewll redlV.lopmenl 1lI0lOCI, IFltII conllderlllonl Commonu Conlldtllllon end 'dopllon 01 till. ordlnanc. would lIlabUsh . T.. Incr.manl FlnancIng IT,IoF,IIlI09lIIn lor lilt VlIII Olldon lhbln RonIwll PrO/tc1 AlII, The oldlntnc. d'1t1Cl. .1 II. .Incr.mtnl rev.nutl to be mtd. .v.lIIbl. 10 lilt City lor repavmonl ollllolocN.I'lod ..penl", The t..lncr.ment derived 110m lilt Wa Olld.n ApItlmenll houllng devoloP/nlnl would be ulod 10 rllh lilt P/lnClpal and 1n1.1I11 on . ., 50,000 mongago on lilt prol'ct, end on .30,000 01 CDDO lund. .DoClIOd 10 Ih. d.v.lopmenl .nd to pav lor Ih. .dmInlllllllv. COllllncurrod In lOlling up lilt 1lI0QIIm. A lell.r Irom Dalb". Grollt, Suporlnl.ndent ollh.low. City Commu- nlly School OIllr1cl, 111ncIud.d In your p.ckel, Action: (I~," r /IItt,,, I It/dIll I' t.1j4t'(~1I ~ ~ --.,.-- -- - ---...... ,\ I n 0 [I e. LI Agtnd. 10wI City Clly CouncS RtguIIr Council MOIling J\N 26, 1000 Pill' 5 ---iI. 350D Acllon: , , b, Conak!er In orlflnanc.1t1itncrino lilt Zoning Otdinenc. by .pptovlng lilt rtvlaod 1lI'1imInIty pIInned dtvtlopment houllng (OPOHI pIIn lor W.1nut Rldo., Pitt 2, . 22.09 let. llICt olllnd IocIlld noM 01 M.llo.. Av.nue end Wilt ollllOptl1y owned by lilt UnIv.nJIY 01 10WI, IZ,01051 (Second conlldtrttlonl Commenl: Al III me.lIng 01 MI'f 10, 109', by. VOII 01 0.0.1 ICllblOn .bll.lnlngl, the PIInnIng II Zoning COnvNllIon rlCommtnd. Id .pptovll 01 . ItqUtll lubmltlod by Soulhgll. Dtvtlopmenl COmpatly lor I lovllod 1lI'1ImInary OPOH pIIn lor Wllnut Rldgl, Pitt 2, I 12.101, 22.00 tet. rtlldlnllll lubdlvlllon IocIlod nol1h 01 M.IIo.. Av.nue end Will olllloptny owned by lilt Un/verlllY 01 10wI. The COnvNllIon'. recommtndlllon I. generlDy conlllllnl with lilt 11111 ropon cIIlod MIY 10, 1091. AI. publlo hilling on J\N 11, lilt Council rectlvtd no commenls regilding 111I. 'P/lIICI. lion. The .ppIlcanl hi. rtqUtllod upodllod .otlon on 111I111,,", (1'111 ~/;~"A t~1II ~'/ {)/~~ III ,-.It' ",,,,,i , II 11I,c# //'1/1 ~ "tltr % I' I I , 1 I , , I i i I n .0 0 e 5 Agtndl low. Clly City CouncB Rogu/Ir Counca Moollno J\N 25,1000 P.g. 0 ~C. , . ACllon: ,\ , . Conllder . 1I101u1lon .pptovlng lilt r.vfaod IlIIIlmin11y pili 01 W.lnul Rldgl SubdMlIon, Pan 2,low. Clly, Johnson County,low.. 15.01071 Commanll AIIIJ me.tIng 01 MJy 10, 1001, by. VOl. 01 0.0.1 IGiblOn .bllllnlngl, lilt PIInnIng Ind Zoning Commlallon rlCom- mendod .pptovll 01 lilt rlvllld 1lI'1lminIIy pili 01 W.lnul Rldgl, Pan 2, . 12.101, 22,00 .Ctl ruldlntlll .ubdlvfllon IoCltod nonh 01 M.ltol. Av.nuo Ind Will ollllopenv owned by 1M UnIvorllty 01 low., lubfOC110 Ihl lonowfng cOndlllon.: 11 rlductlon 01 1M rlGhl' ol,wlY width 01 K.Mody Pllkw.y, I colltclor Ilrlll, Irom GO 1111 10 . minimum 01 GO lOll, II relltClod on Ih. rovlald 1lI'1ImInIty pili, 21 lilt IIlv.'od lutf.COI on 1M undIvIdod ponlon 01 K.Mody PllkwlY 10 be conllNClod .1 . lnInImum 01 28 1111 In wldlh II mlllurod Irom b.ck 01 curb 10 back 01 curb, Whtlllhllwo lint. 01111II rold I" aoPllllod Irom one anolhor, Itch 01 lht dIvldod IIntllhtll be. minimum 01 22 lilt In wldlh .. mtllurod Irom back 01 curb 10 back 01 curb, 3111dlw.1kI requltod on only one lido 01 Kennedy Plrkw.y .. shown on'lho rlvllod IlIIIlm1naty pial, Ind 41 IlIlor 10 llnal pIIt 'PIlIOVII, . plan lor pI.ntlngl Ind olher ImllloV.. mlnlllor Iho Kennedy Plrkw,y rlGhl.ol.w.y mUll be lubmlntd with Iho conlllucllon plenl Ind be .pprovod by lilt Public Workl Dapenmenl .nd Ih. Clly Foru"r. Th. Commllllon'. recommend., lion I. g.ne"ny conllll.nl with lh. 11111 "pon dllOd M.y 10, 1801, I~_J / /'Ilh,;~h I .t:'~#'I'.J 1j n",o 0 e b . ,\ I Agondl low. Clly Clly CouncV RoguIIt Councll MOOllng J\N 25, 1000 Pig. 7 ~d. Conllder . llsolutlon .pprovlnQ lho Ilnal pill 01 Wllnul RIdg. Subdlvlllon, Pill 2, low. Clly, Johnson Counly, low.. (S-01101 Commenl: Al III IpoclaJ mailing 01 Jun. 18, 180 I, by . YOlO 01 5. 0, lilt PIInnIng .nd Zoning Commllllon rlCOmmendod .pprovll 01 lhIllnaI pIIt 01 WIInuI Rldg., Pill 2, lubftC110 !hi VINIIona In !hi IUbdIvI.lon rogullllona Illndltd. Ind IPtClIlcIlIonI IIOIId In lilt precodlng 110m Ind .ubfecl 10 'pptOvlI 01 lilt Iegll documonll, conlllUCllon pIIn., .nd lIndacaplng plan IlIlor 10 Councll conllder. 'llon 01 Ih. pIIt, The cOndlllon. have be.n IIlllllod w1lh lilt .xcepllon ollh.legll Plpera which "' being rtvltwod by lilt Clly Auornov'. Olllco .nd Ihe conlllucllon pIInl .nd IIndacaplng pIIn which "' being rl'o'l.wod by Ih. Public Worka Doplnmenl, The COmmllllon'1 recommond.tlon I. genOIlUv conllllanl w1lh lilt 11111 llpon dllod June 20, 1001. The .ppllc.nl hll roqulllod expodllOd ,cllon on Ihl~ ~em. {'II{ ~((Ullfldj ~,,J 'f (''''If!rtv Action: (tMll7l1Vtl W) .J I , j , 'II. 111':i .. Conllder . 1I10lullon .uthorizlng execution ol.n .mondmenllo lilt lubdlvlllon .groomenl lor Seon'. Second Addlllon 01 Johnaon Counly, low.. Commont: On March 30, 1080, tho CllY allow. CIIY!lvlewod .nd 'Plllovod . lubdlvlllon known II Seou'. Second Addlllon, . 23,08 .ClO, llve.lol commercial lubdlvlllon Ioc.lod In Ih. 10ulhwOlt qUldrant ollhelnlerlOcllon 01 UoS. Hlghw.y 218 .nd Hlghw.y 1. In .ntlclpSllon 01 Lot 1 being develuptd II . 'Iruck IIOp,' Iho orlgln.1 lubdlvlllon .groomenl IIqullll Ih. lubdlvlder 10 PIV' Ih. oxlltlng counly road wllhln Iho lubdlvlllono Duo 10 Ih. IImlled d.velopmenl .ctlvlly prmnlly propolOd wllhln Iho ,ubdlvlllon, Ih. .mended lubdlvlllon agllOmenl'pollponOl roadway Improvomenll wllhln Ihe lubdlvlllon unlll cenoln condlllon. oro mel, ACllon: A,"-! / ,~4~IV I Q~lL~/' % n DOe ,-, ,\ I Agond. low. City CIty Cound Rtgullt Cound Mmlng J\N 25. 1000 Plgo& . ITEM NO.4. PUBLIC DISCUSSION. ~ 9"10 mMNO.5-. PUBUC H!ARlNO ON AN OROINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 4, A1l1PORTI AND AVlAnON, Of THI! CODE 0' ORDINANCES 0' THI! CITY Of IOWA CITY, IOWA. . Commonl: Al Iho M.V 21, 1001, AIrpon Commllllon moellng, lilt Commllllan volod 10 recommend .mondmtnlllo Chlptor 4 ollho Codo 01 O,dlnancu, Tho 1lI0polOd revillana lncIudo dolo ling IIngu.go 10 .vold dupliclllon with olher IOCllo", ollho Codo, romovlng .nd reviling locllon. 10 remain In compll.nco with Iho Foder.1 Avi.llon AdmWllr.llon .nd dlllllc.llon olllngUlgo 10 Ilmpllly Codo Inlerprel.llon. ThI.nl~' chlPlor ollho Codo WII rovlowtd, )tt.J f.tid.l Action: rt'Jil'\,J/ KIl/,/lIl) C".JnIlt.."..J IJJ ~ , ~ ~ ('l~q (1111!JL .4w J It) U- CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE TO A ENO CHAPTER 4, AIRPORTS AND AVlAnON, Of THE CODE Of ORDINANCES Of THE CITY Of IOWA CITY. (Flnl conlld.,.tlonl ITEM NO. O. Commenl: 100 commel\l obova, ACllon: jilt. / /.k't~ , ~/~.f1j % ,/(;rJ d~1 r V -ooeEI '4 Page 1 ,\ I H.lx YoclJln/ I got. little Item t~t I w~nt to talk about. HcDI Pardon? H.lx YOf.UfJI/ I got a llttlo Item I want to talk .bout. I'll H.lx YOf.UIII, NOlI I got or I had well I still got tho Ilttlo houso sitting down on the river right south of town In the Showers Addition, I've got other housos thero too. I've had this little houso for about 20 some yo~rs I Suppose. And about 3 years ago J went In and klnda remodeled It and fixed It up and stuff me that, And I had a little lady Ilvln In there that she draws a pension and she was I'vln thoro and sho was perfectly happy so anyhow she wanted to get on low rent housing. 50 I told her It was fino with me If It didn't cost too much that If there was .nythlng they w~nted me to do with the house th.t I'd do It If It would help her out. 50 anyhow she called the CIty down to Inspect It or when she put In for this they CIllO dOlln to Inspect It, They alllOlt wrote. book. 1/011 I nover raised or 10000red the ceilings or anythfng like that. That's the way It was when It callO In tho City lllllts ond when I .cqulred It that's tho woy It was. 50 anyhOll they said the ceilings wos too tow and they condemned the house, threw tho lady out, said If she didn't out or J dldn't got her out th~t they were going to arrets IlO and her both, 50 I locked her out. 5ho's out of there and ovorythlng like thot. 5ho's got no place to go you know. 5ho's Just...1 seen to If that she had a place to Ilvo but she's got no place to go Into. 50 I had well I told tho City ok.y rather than causo I stayed out of City hall for about 2 years. I haven't ruffled any feathers or anything hero for .bout two years but I took a lot of crap and I'm sick and tired of It. 1/011 so they condemned thIs Ilttlo house I said fine If that's tho way that you want to do It that's fine with 110. I got. nice house troller up here In Itllltop Trailer Ct. I think 12X65 or 70. And I said I would Just IlOVo that down there for her and she can live In that. 5ho'll accept that. 50 Hr. Frantz tells me, I went to see him about that and talked to him, he said well we don't want anymore houso trailers down there. How there's a houso trallor Just down the thing from me two doors. There's a house trailer IlOved In there. I put one up on this samo property. How this Is the 5howers AddItion down there, I put . house tr.ller up there on the same property so now then J said okay If you don't want mo to move that house tr'ller down thoro why J'vo got. house over here that I'm going to move some. whero and I said 1'II Just move that lIttle house down there and I want when I move It down there J want to build onto It and so I said that .nythlng that Isn't up to city coda I'll bring It up to city code. Vell he screwed .round for about a week not telling me whether he would or wouldn't let mo. 500 week later he came down .nd ho saId well the only permit he was goln~ to give me for that house was for demolItion or to movo It out of town, I saId wall you would have no Jurisdiction over It If It were moved out of town, Your Jurisdiction only goes to the cIty lImits, 50 anyhow now understand that he Issued a citation against the man that sold me the house because the house Is on his proferty yet. I took the roof off. It had seven layers of shingles on It, Ite to d me that he was afraId that the roof might not stand the snow load. How this house has probably been thero for at least 40 years, And now with seven layors of Shingles on It and It stood the snow loads all that time that them wero building up Why and now I took It all off and replaced any boards that was damaged or deterIorated and put a new roof on It. Now then he's got a. some kind or paper out against mo so I can't go down there and do anythIng now, Now I wont to know how far wo aro In dictatorship If they can do this. Now I have agreed to take It up and bring It up If thore's anythIng that Isn't corroct with tho Code, I'll bring It up to the Code, Now I prObably got more hell of a lot more experlenco on whether a house Is any good or not than Ofck -~ ~ - -- ~.... n, 0 CI e (I 14 Pago 2 YocllJ/ Icont,)Frantz has, /low I probably didn't go to as IIUch school as ho did. I'vo only owned about 100 housos, good,bad,and Indifferent, slnco I got hore In Iowa City and I bollovo that I ClIO up and taIled to you .bout thIs dIdn't 17 KeD! Yos you did H4K, Yocum! And what was your rosponso7 KeD! Woll, Yocum! That thore's nothIng that we can do for you. HcDI Woll, as you oxplalned It to me and then when I checked with the orflclals down here YocllJ/ What offlclals7 Vh1t officials did you check with down hore7 HcDI I c.lled tho city Nnager. Yocum! The city manager, oh ~ gad, tho city Nnager ...okay go ahaead. HcDI And from the Inforlnatlon that I received thore wero or Is according to Dick Fr.ntz, who Is our senior city building Inspector, quite. bit moro wrong on both houses. The one that was .lready there .nd tho ono that you wanted to movo In thore then the few things that you and I talked about. How I don't . have the list In front of us. I sure that you have beon t.lked too about this, YOCIlr'/ KeD! Yocum! HcD! Kubbyl Yocum! Hr. Mayor, he novor gavo DO a lIst elthor so don't ffll like you're hurt becauso I asked him I saId Hr. Fr.ntz wrlto me down, tell me what's wrong with this house and I'll see that It's flKOd. I'll bring It up to whatover needs flKlng. How If you didn't got to seo tho list well don't feel back causo I dldn't elthor. live beon In thore 4 or 5 times now to seo Hr. Frantz and 1'm sura that there's pressure on hIm from somewhere but ho's never gave no lIst or anything lllo that. All ho did do was Issuo a someklnd of a citatIon to the guy that owns tho proporty and I don't know who put him up but I quIt workln? on It. /law I had an engIneer go down there .nd he went though this house and wo ro goIng to get a report on It. /low If you want to sea tho report 1111 got you a report. I may not ablo to got one from the City Managor or Hr, Franttbut I'll got you a roport from an englneor. 1'm sura If It's been Inspected whIch I know that It has been by our staff people that there would also bo somethIng avallablo ....why It Is not meeting the Code. If Itls Inspected by your staff then there should bo a lIst of that stuff for tho ownor of tho houso to see what I s wrong shouldn It thore7 11m sure thero would be, And thatls status qu07 How live never been given that and I'vo asked for that but It's nover been presonted to me so I donlt thInk they got ono, I think that they are Just pullIng somo crap on HaK Yocum lIke they have for last sovoral years, " I \ VeIl, I'm sure that that would be available and I think we could and I don't seo why thore would bo any probl~ of getting that to you ~K. Why don't wo Just ask tho City ~nagor a quostlon. Sir. havo you seen this list that was presented or prepared by Hr. Frantz? I dldn't look .t tho building report. no. What ? I did not look at . buildIng report. I went out and looked Do you thInk there was any report IlIIdo? I would assume so but I did go out and look at tho properties. You went and \ookud at the property? Yes. I dId. And what do you think? They'ro both trash heaps. Yocuml They're what? Trash heaps? Trash heaps. . Now who do you thInk, as I told you people I probably owned at least 100 housos good, bad and Indlfforent but It made peoplo homos. You peoplo .ro trying to build low rent housIng out on FIrst 'Avenuo. That's not low rent housing. How much aro them people payIng for them houses? So anyway. And live moved , a lot of housos and I got a famIly down there right now In tho Showers Addition Just down tho road from where I lIve. that they told mo she said Hex. we've been here 2g'years. I sold them that house for $1000. Or $900 I forgot which It was. Hoved It In thero. set on threo'rows of blocks and they've been there for 29 years. And t sold It to them for $900. $100 down and $60 a month, Can wo get that lIst In tho mall tomorrow mornIng? Weill get the list as soon os we can. And this guy sIttIng here tellIng you that both of them houses down there Is a bunch of trash I'll be glad to take any of YOII people through both of them and 11m telling you that the house that I wont to move Is structurally sound and solfd. HcDI Well I'm sure Hax that IS I saId miler, 11m sure that and I know that Hr. Frantz has been through them, right? '4 Page 3 KeDI Yoc~ Atkl Yoc~ Atkl Yocum! Atkl Yocuml Atkl Yocuml ---.- ... Atkl Atkl Yocum! KubbYI Atkl Yocum! ,n CI 0 ~, 0 l' , ,i Yocuml Who? HcDI Hr, Frantz, Yocuml I know that he's been through one, but the other one Is a late model house I .... --...~ ~---- --....~ - -..... I' ...... --- ......,...~-----.....-- -~ - ~~ ~-~ -----.--- .~ n 0 0 ~/ 'I 14 Pago 4 Yocum! (cont./ don't know what's ho's slttln? here toIling you people that Its trash. Now a at of peoplo that I know thero s kind of thero's two classos or people. Thero's an upper crust and a lowor crust. And that's the way. pie Is you know. Host of thel havo an upper crust and an lower crust. You can eat. banana creme plo and you don't even havo that upper crust, StilI a hell of a good plo. Okay. HcDI Okay Hu thank you. Anyone elso that would lIke to address CouncIl on any Item that does not appear on this ovonlngs agonda? Thomas Charlton, 821 Seventh Avenuo S,I Simply wanted to make a couplo or comments concornlng tho discussion yosterday evening on tho traffic Issue which wore handled. First of .11, speakIng on behalf of ~solf and nolghbors would like tho Council for tho time .nd thoughrulness that has gono Into this Issuo and tho Issuos that woro raised. Secondly, lid like to follow up on a couplo of pOints that wore raIsed during your discussion, One of theso was raised by karon Kubby concerning a statement on policy beIng Incorporated Into tho motion. I would like to sU9gost that such a statement either bo Incorporated as part of tho motion In torms of the resolution of tho Issuos or as a separato motion Simply to clarify tho framework from which tho CouncIl Is operatIng. And secondly, Susan 1I0rowltz mentIoned that the Items, the stop sign removal on KIrkwood should bo subsumed under tho previous traffIc engln&erlng study, '4 In tho n~ from Stovo AtkIns to tho Council and bo sequenced In tonns of It bolng rolovant or supported by the engineering studio, and I would lIke to second that as . part your motIon, Ono poInt that I would like to make and this Was raIsed by Darrol Courtnoy .nd othors concornlng safoty at that particular corner Is that bofore tho stop sign was put In thero some peoplo mentIoned that thoro woro accldonts. I personallywu Involved In an accident. Ono Sunday morning In tho lato70's or early 80's with a load of boy scouts from Longfellow, . Troop 202, had tho experience uf pullIng up to tho stop sIgn at Kirkwood and a C.r goIng out Kirkwood speeding pulled left and baslcly had 1 not been f.r enough back wo would havo had a head on In ~ right hand.lano ,so I'vo had porsonal oxporlonco with tho safoty factors In thero and so I think that Is something that needs to bo considered, But thank you very much agaIn for your discussIon on tho matter, ' KeDI Thank you Hr. Charlton. Anyono olso wish to address tho Council on anything that Is not on thIs evenIngs agenda. -r- -- -~..... ,I I "5 P.go 1 -~ --,.- .- no 0 :/'I~' .' , 1'. goIng to open thIs fUbllC hearIng tonIght but Wt .rt .Iso goIng to.. this public hearing wll not bo closed at this tiN, I will ask for a notion froa tho CouncIl to continuo this public he.rlng for two weoks because Item '6 Is fIrst consldoratlon of the ordInance and tho ordinance Is not qulto In Its fln.1 fona so wo are goIng to dofer Item 16. But there woro a fow people told and just In coso thoy light bo w.tchlng that we would not bo .ddresslng this Issuo but wo wIll open tho public hearIng and continue I t for two weeks so thoy would havo an opportunity to respond two weeks fl'Olll IlOII before NO take .ctlon on tho ordinance. /low declare the public hearing opon. Richard Blum (Airport Comm. Ch.lr)1 I just want to take a moment to first of all expross our appreciation to tho two staff people who worked so hard on tho , ordinance Ron D'Holl and Anne Burnside but also particularly to . couple of airport commlsslonors who sorved as 0 subcommttteo and outside of regular lOotlngs put In a lot of tlftO Into numerous rovlslons of this bofore It ts final enacted and those peoplo are John Ockenfels and Toni HamIlton. Toni Is horo tonight. Ve wore really unawaro that you were going to contInue the mooting, If you havo any quostlons or any comments or would llko any response, I'll not sure Toni or John will bo able to bo here tilt weeks from tonight. Cert.lnly I will try and be hero and Ron will be here and we'll try and answer any questions but If thoro wore any quostlons that you wanted to address to tho roal .uthors tonIght would be the batter night to do that. KeDI Thank you Dick. Is thore anyone else that would like to address the Council on this Item? Do I have a motIon to defdr or continuo thIs publtc hearIng until our July 9th ftOetlng. HcDI L.rsonl So moved, Kubby/ All .yes HcDI Kubbyl I GentrYI I I' KubbYI GentrYI KubbYI Gentryl KubbYI GontrYI Second Motion carries. . Linda, Is thero any Changes? In our packet tnstoad of getttng tho whole ordlnanco (or the fourth tIme and all that papor can wo just get what has been changed sInce the I.st copy that we got? Yes, I can try to do that, Unless It's mora complicated, Mostly what wo are doIng Is puttIng It In propor fonn so that It wlll bo sot out as Section 1, Section 2,... But the content ts not chnaglng? Tho content will not chango. Thoro wero . fow typos. lid liko to suggest that wo don't got another copy and that's anothor 30 pagos 'I" Wo can put it on fllo wIth tho City Clork If that's suffIcient? . .~.,.. """."-"""'''''''~'' .,..~ , 15 Pago 2 -f i I I i I I ! i noo:/:I II J, I ~ .....'..'.'"..."t...,.__..,......,..,....,. _.~""._---.......-. -- ~ --- n 0 0 ~, LI .' i Agendl 10wI Clly City Councll ReouW Councl Moollng Juno 25, 1000 Page 0 mM NO.7. PUBLIC HEARlNO RElATlVI TO APPUCAnON FOR TWENTY 1201 UNITS PUBLIC HOUSINO manNO ACQUISInON, Commenl: PII.gllph 403A.28 Sill. Cod. ollowI roqullll thll PubIlc H.1IIng prior 10 ooden.k/ng IhI. housing ploJtcl, TIlt low. City Housing Authority propoltl 10 acquit. end Opellll Iwenty 1201 dwtll/ng """ pullUIIlIIO lilt Un/lod 511111 Houllng Ac1 011037 I1lI1ltndtd. TIlt ""11 will lingO ., all. Irom t1vN or moll bodroome, Nome, polllblt Ioctllonl end IIllmItod COlli will be dllCllnod IlI11d IItlllngo Acllon: .11'1 $llitJ J InM NO.8. PUBLIC HEARlNO FOR THI! PURPOSe OF R!VISINO lwO SEcnoNS 0' THe POLICIES OF THI! IOWA CITY HOUSINO AUTHORITY. . . Commenl: ThlllrltltC1lon It lilt griov.nco 1lI0codur. lor public hjlullng tonanll. TIlt putpO" 01 IhI.1lI0c.duro lito tll.blIah end 1.llonh requlr.. menll, IlInd.rdlend crllorll ulod by I~ low. Clly Public Houllng 'ulh,ortlY 10 .nulI IlIklonll .11 .IIordod 1/1 opponunlty lor. halting 11111I rllldonll dllPUIO 'Cllon. or 1.1Iut.lo eclln~Mng lha IIlldonl'.Ie..., or regullllonl which .IIoctlholndlvldUlI rtlldont'. rlghll, dUllel, w.II.II, or .t.lu.. TIlt 1lI0codur.', . IIOpoby'IIOP plOCOlllhlt hu bulc.1ty beon coplod !rom lilt Codo 01 Fedorll Regul'llon.. Thlmond ltellon I. 1M d.mego claim 1lI0cedule lor Stetlon 8 conlllc.1O .nd voucher 1lI0gllm. D.mage c11lm1lor PAymonl. under Socllon 8 IIIIY be lubmllled by Iho ownor .ller 10Nnll hovo rocolvod JudlcI'1 rtvftw by lilt Imon cl.lml coun. Tho procoduralll doveloped 10 provldo guld.nce to Iho owner lor Iho purpo.. 01 p.ylng . cl.lm lor d.mago loll under Iho Socllon 8 cenlllcato ond voucher 1lI0gllml. 51011 rocommend. Idopllon, ACllon: jw ~ /ti;,) noo=IS . 17 Pago 1 Kubbyl Can wo got some dotalls tonight Ron? Ilorol Yea. NovickI Can wo get those estimated costs? Kubbyl Locations too. Ron Ilendorsonl That actually that cOlllllClnt that you havo Is fom one of tho original , proJects that was a cOlllplex. Ilenco tho tem discussIon of nall'lll. Tho application was submitted, wo havo not, wo passed tho technlgal review. In othor words It was not a flawed application. Tho awarding of tho .ppllcatlon wouldn't bo until about 30 days frOlll today. So I really should havo do no a bottor Job of editing tho cOlllllClnt. I can tell you that 3 bedroom units that wo would bo lOOking at would havo to havo an ovaluatlon of about S77.5DD. That tho 4 bedrOOllls will need to como In at SNIO level around S94.ooo. Thoy will all bo scattered sitos and prosontly thoy will all bo located In Iowa City. Other than that. tho numbor of units will really be tho walt. So I really don't havo a lot of discussion at this point. I t was a IIttlo prCllllturo I think for that statOOlClnt. NoYlc~1 Do you havo any Idea about whother or not tho award will bo given 30 days from now? Ilendorsonl IlUD Is undor a zipper order becauso of all tho problems In provlous administrations with tho award and people hearing about them ahead of time and lobbying to havo those awards changed. So they now havo a now rulIng that no one In IlUD Is to discuss whAther or not thoso wll1 bo awarded unt II the proper time. NovIckI That's what I assumed. KubbYI I'm glad thoy aro scattored sites. Ilendo rs anI YOSt thoy .11 will be scattered sItos. slnglo family dwellings. KeDI Thank you Ron. Now declaro tho public hearing closed. I' JI nOO~lb ,I I '8 Page 1 Kubbyl I havo . couple of questIons for Ron. It's In the grIevance proceduro part. I'. very gl.d that we havo thts written down so that tenants know ex.ctly what they havo to do If lhoy do want to go through thIs process. I think It just ~kos It easlor for everybody, ~ questions are both on page 2. Tho first one Is undor "a" with the 15 c.lendar days to request a fonnal hearing. lIondeMonl Okay. KubbYI Under procedure to obtain. fonnal hearing, under the grievance procedure, llondersonl Grievance proceduro, Okay. Please go ahead. KubbYI I'. just consldorod that sometimes when people do need to use this they may bo In . period of crisis, either flnanctal or emotional or a combinatIon thereof crisis and that sometimes 15 days just Isn't physically enough time to figure out whore else .re they going to Itvo, what are they going to do with tholr kids, how are they going to ta~e care of themselves and do thts fonnal procedure. I don't know how often that happens but I would be Interested In making that time just a llttlo bit longer. Like say three weeks Instead of two weeks. lIorol What has been the experience that you have had with thIs so far? lIendeMonl Baslcly ono of tho corrections that Is brought forth In this Is that we must allow. peMon grlevancc procedures prior to eviction. In other words we could not oven start ovlctlon within state courts, small claims court untIl after the grievance proceduro Is totally finished. KubbYI So you have thIs process then you go to court .nd then they got 30 days after that, correct? lIendersonl . for the court you meon? KubbYI After. lIendersonl Once the small claims magistrate makes a decisIon nonnally It r.nges, he takes Into account you know tho avaIlabilIty of rental property In Iowa City, the familIes, the problems wtth the families, .nd Obviously tho CIty would not roslst a somewhat extonded pori ad bofore tho famtly Is actually evIcted. KubbYI So they havo at least 30 days? lIendorsonl Oh, probably more thon that bocauso Kubbyl Right. lIondersonl wo'll bo at Issuo wtth them prior to that you know with 14 day nottce Is correct and so forth so It will be a long drawn out procedure, Wo also lImit evictions from,ln tho wtnter time, to only thoso problems of felony, commtsslons of crimes, or drug use In tho winter. So wo don't evict peoplo In the wtnter tlmo. Kubby I Okay. lIorol I guoss I wouldn't havo any problems with this. ~-...--~~ n 0 0 :1 ,-, . I' 18 Page 2 KubbYI 110, not with this. But ~ second ono was undor section 'c' whore jf thore's a fonnal hearing scheduled It says "tho deposits of tho IOnthly rent shall bo ~do by resident until tho grlovanco Is resolved.' Ilendorsonl Correct. That's a IlUD regulation and Its baslcly that thoy can not withhold the rent If tholr clala Is a problem of calculation of rent. Thoy can not with hold tho ront as a noans of or part and parcol of resolving that. They havo to Nko a cOllllllttmont by placing tho rent In an oscrow account so If the grlovanco doos go against thel that wo could collect the rent and would not havo to worry about piling up back ront and trying to coli oct It later. . Kubby/ Okay. Hendorson/ I think Its a common legal position. KubbYI Thank you. KeDI Thank you Ron. ----.~.--, ..-.-.--....---- I .,. nOO:IEI l' Ag.ncjj low. CllY City Councll Rtgulll Councll MillInG J\N 26, 1000 Ptg. 10 ITI!M NO, D. q,. "1" CONSIDER A RESOLUnON RI!VISINO THI 'ORlEVANCI PROCEOURI! FOR PUBUC HOUSINO Tl!NANTS' AND nil 'DAMAOI! CLAIM PROCEDURI' FOR THI! IECnON 8 CERTIFICAT!/VOUCHER PROGRAM FOR Tl!NANTS IN IOWA CITY'S HOUSINO ASSISTANCI PR~RAM. Commenl: SOl .bovo. Acllon: _h~tl"/~J I ~f/f , /Jt~ % ITI!M NO. 10 . . PUBLIC HI!ARlNO TO CONSIDER AMENDINO CHAPTI!R 17 0' THI! CODI! 0' OROINANCES 0' THI! CITY OP IOWA CITY, IOWA, BV AMENDINO SlcnONS 17.2, 17-4, 17.S ANO 17.7 TO ENSURI! THAT CERTAIN HOUSING REQUIREMENTS ARI! CONSISTENT WITH THI! CURRENT BUILDINO AND ZOMNO CODES AND TO CLARlPV CERTAIN OTHER EXlsnNO PROCEDURES. , . Commenl: Tho HoullnG Commllllon, .111It1t IegullI melllng 01 April D, 1001, valid unanimously 10 "commond 101M Clly Councll.pptovll 011111. oldlnlnco, ThlI .mondmenl 1lI0vldOl g"llor conallloney bolw.on lilt Houl/ng Cod. .nd "lIlod bulldIng ltIdo codo. .uch I' lilt UnIlorrn 0uIIdIng Codo, lilt Unllorrn Plumbfng Cod., .nd 1M Nlllonll EItclrlcll Cod., Anolhor puIpost lor 111I1.mendmanll.lo Updl" 1M Houl/ng Cod.llCllona rol.IOd 10 IOIldenlltllko strolY. Includod In your plckOl1l . memorlndum Irom a.lY Kllnelolllr, Senior HoUIIng Inlpoclor, funhor o.p111nfng 1111. ordlnanco. ACllon: Jt'r.J .~/mo , . :'1. nOO~I~1 ....,...,......,.,. I' liD Pago 1 KubbYI If we wanted to chango this to take the e.tlng part out of tho I'OOaIlng units do we havo to amend this and continuo tho public hearing? GentrYI No,... KubbYI It's not substantl.1? GontrYI I/o, KeDI Just delote It, right? GentrYI Yes. I I , I I ; ~ - -_. ~.,.-",.,..... .,.~..,., . , nOOLI[t I' Agendl IowI City CIIy Councll RtoulIt Collld MOIling June 25, 1000 Pig' 11 mM NO. 11 . CONSIDER AN ORDINANCI! AMENDING CHAPTER 17 0' THI! CODI 0' OROINANCES 0' THI CITY 0' IOWA CITY. IOWA. BY AMENDING SEcnONS 17.2, 17"', 17011 AND 17.7 TO ENSURI! THAT CERTAIN HOUSING REQUIREMENTS ARI! CONSISTENT WITlI THI! CURRENT BUILDING AND ZONING CODES AND TO ClARlfY CERTAIN OTHER EXIsnNO PROCEOURES. IFlllt conaldllltlonl Commanl: Soo It.m .bov.. Action: .JJ,!~tA) I J/,M 1~1114/1 , I' 'It", ~) ITEM NO. 12. ANNOUNCEMENTS 0' VACANCIES. ~~,~lJ % .. 4 .,,.,,,,('~.(t i I- I I I. Houl/ng Commllllon . One vic.ncy lor .n une_pIIod lerrn .ndIng MlY 1, 1003, lDorolhy P.rllon rulgned.1 TN. .ppolnlmtnl will be mad. '1lho Augult 6, 1901, meOl[ng ollho Clly Councll, . ITEM NO. 13. CITY CDUN~IL APPOINTMENTS. . I~'d ~~ ..b ~ pJ oJl-~\ '0 Conllder lIl.ppolnlm.nllo Ih. Commllllo on Communlly N.od,'or I 'IN...yell ,lIrrn ending July " 1004. (AgnOl Kuhn'llIrrn .nd'ol Acllon: ~A'1d;.tl") "M~ BHv4'1 11 , b, Consider .n Ippolnlmenl 10 Ihe Board 01 L1br.ry TrullOOI lor In unexpired lerm ending July 1, 1096, (J.y SlOln rallgn.dol ACllon: 1AhNd'J /.}14111t1/..J I(nl f6d.I.) .r:..ffnJ. KubbYI lid lIke to amend Section 6, 17,7, SectIon (zl to take ".nd eatIng" out of tho first sentonce so that It would read "Cooking and rooming unIts" .nd then to amend tho ,econd section so It reads "no owner or operator ,hall knowlnglr allow tho use of cooking equipment within In any roomIng unit" and "x" eating or". Sounds rea,onablo. I'll second tht. Do NO need official .mendment to do that? Yes. Yea. Oh, I thought NO got Just omIt It. You Just don't havo to havo another publIc hearing. I move that amendment. I second that. Okay, Hoved by Kubby, seconded by f1orowltz, to amend the ordinance IS st.ted by Kubby, Any discussIon. All those In f,vor of the amendment signify. All .yes, Hatlon carries. , , III Page 1 f1orol HcDI GontrYI f1orol KeDI GentrYI KubbYI - ------- Ileral " '. KeDI KubbYI I i I , i HcDI .....- ~- nOOLl'1 . I wanted to make one comment about one section. Ve added. sentence that I think Is real slgnlfcant that was polIcy but It wasn't In the Code so that's It's real clear to property owner~ what tholr responsibilitIes are and th.t sentence Is .bout "tn.t landscaping shall be designed and maIntaIned to prevent erosion .nd control dust" and I think It's real Impo~tant that th.t In here and clear and It's another step the City Is t.klng to keep t.bs on our environment thru our housing coda as well as other planning and zonIng methods. Okay. Any othor discussIon. Roll call. ------~ -- --- - --...- ;\ I nO,t]Lle - Agenda IoWI Clly Clly Councll RtguIIt Cowd MOOllng m 25,1000 Peg. 12 ITEM NO. 14. CITY COUNCIL 1NF0RMAnON. J,,,, ~rft/) i, mM NO. 15 . REPORT ON ITEMS FROM THI! CITY MANAOER AND CITY AnORNI!Y. .. Cll'( MINGer. -(}." b,' Clly Anorney. .t.., ~/11i1) .......--.- -T"""" 4 .J;tv ~ - ~......- " I nOOLI~1 ,I I 114 Pago 1 KubbYI Yes, I have 4 few Items, Tho fIrst ono Is ono that I requested bofore but I don't think It was clear that It was kind of . fOnftll requost and that Is that we've the Plannl~ and Zoning C~lsslon to look at subdivision ordlnanco .nd a 'save the tree ordlnanco and we havon't really seen anything and I haven't seen .nythlng In tho Ilnutes that there has beon discussion about those ltelS and I Just wanted to get SOlllll tlllOfralllO about that bocause Its been two years since January of 1990 that we were supposed to havo thoso and I know that they are dealing with a lot of things but I'd like to have a tlllOframo so I can know when to expect that discussion. Tho second thing Is another Planning and Zoning Itci and that Is that Council at a couple of Informal meetings ago had requosted Plannln~ and Zoning to look at rezoning Idyllwlld tract back to AS.S from AS. and we changed the zoning to AS.a bocauso tho agreemont with tho developor was that they would have the AS.a zoning but the density would bo that of AS.S and tho OIInmhlp of that proporty hAs now Changed hands and thore's a new dovolo~nt and so the Council requested tho zoning ch.nge back to tho density that we wanted which was AS.S end PAZ has doforred that upon rocommendatlon of tho City ! Atty. and so I wanted to ~ke sure that pooplo who wore following that I Issue knew why that was bOln, deferred and It be taking care of or It will , I be looked at aftor this dovo opment Is looked at. Is that correct? Right? I I GentrYI The prof!rt~ was zoned AS.8 from tho onset. Thero was no Chango. I mean . I .... _n'~'_,__, '. .u__.___._'..._._. It wasn t c anged from AS.a It was .... KubbYI Okay so we decIded not to change It to AS.S because of tho agreemont that It would be the density of AS.S. GentrYI .11 the applfcatfon for dovelopment by Pohrbok was already on fIlo with the Cltr when the request was ~de or referr.1 back to Planning and Zonlny and In Ight of the ~re'eXlstlng appllc.tlon for dovelo~nt It "as Dana's recommendation t at the rezoning question be deferred, yes. HcDI While they were dealIng with tho applIcatIon In front of them. GentrYI Vlth the dovolopment quostlon, yos, KubhYI So once If that Is not dona, If tho current applicatIon that Is In front of Planning and Zoning Is voted down, at that point CouncIl can request rozonlng If wo chooso. GentrYI At that'polnt 1 would think Planning A Zoning would automatically consIder tho rezonIng quostlon. ' KubbYI Okay because we havo already requosted that, GontrYI Yos, La rs anI Out'lf tho Polarbok dovoleopment Is not voted down, then what happens? GentrYI I would assume tho similar votos that wont along with tho dovolopmont would follow with the rozonlng quostlon. I would lmaglno that Planning and Zoning would then tako It up, I wouldn't 500 any reason why thoy would not at that point, KUbbYI Okay, I hopo that I Just didn't confuse a whole bunch of pooplo. nOOLILI 114 Page 2 ,\ , Gentryl KubbYI Vol I. , . Thirdly, I want to agaIn requost . discussion at an Infol'NllIIOetlng within the noxt six months to talk about rohlrlng Lon Drake to look at Whispering KGadows, Parts 3 .nd 4. ~ ratlonalo for this Is that when we hired Dr, Drako to look at Parts 1 and 2 ho had a dlfforent dollneatlon on what constituted tho wotlands on that property than tho Corp, of Engrs. and ~ decisions about that devolopment may have been different If I had had that Infol'Ntlon so boforo an applIcation for Parts 3 and 4 comes to us I would like to not Just for tho dollne. atlon of tho wetlands but Just a how to go about dealing with tho second part speCifIcally becauso It Is a wooded wotlands which Is dlfforent from tho wetlands than Is on Parts 1 and 2. I'd like to support Karen on this requost. J've looked at tho material that Profossor Drako has SIDE 2 and that IIIIterlal flrst. HcD/ You write that down? Atkl Got It, KeDI Vo'll schedule It sOlllCltlme. Iloro/' Thank you. KubbYI And my last Item Is that I wanted peoplo to know that wo havo a list of elIgible pOllco offlcors now and there Nero 10 of them on tho lIst and ono of them was. woman and IDS seems lIke kInd of a small .mount for this area .nd I dldn't know If our Pollco Department had any kind of recruiting polIcy for women or popu. latIons that aro not normally seen on these lists. If wo have any kind of roo crutlng strategy. lIolllngl B~slcly 1t's out Afflnnatlvo Actfon PlIlIcy to try to advert Iso In such a way that wo get tho Information out to as many wOlllCln and minoritIes as possIble, I wouldn't say that thero Is anythIng that wo do that at this point In time probably, oh w~at's a good way to put It, prObably .ny exceptIonal offort to targot specific groups of women or whatevor but Just In genoral to .dvortlse In such a way as Is cOlllllOnly dona In order to try to get out thoso populations. In tho quostlon of minoritIes we do try and target those publIcations that .re directly more toward mInorIties and there aro a fow still In exlstonce that do that. Horol kubbYI So If I had Ideas I should talk to RJ (Chief)? 11011 Ingl 1'm sorry, kubbyl I should speak with the Pollco Chief If I have soma speclftc ,., lIelllng/ Or me or SylVia, yoa. In fact speak with us rathor than htm bemse all the rocrultlng Is done thru Personnel, kubbYI Okay, That1s It, Thank you, Yocuml Could I ask a questIon while you are on the PolIce Dopartment? QuIck questIon, McD/ Okay Max, nOOLIS " I 114 Page 3 Yoc~ I'd Ilko to ask tho CIty Hanager .slr, can you tell no tn the last couplo of years has there been anybody on the or pOliceman on tho Police Department has tholr wagos boen lowered In the last couple of years? And If so can I have their names? Atkl Lowered? Yoc~ Yes. Atkl To tho best of knowledgo no. Those officers have collective bargaining rights and neg. a labor agreomont with the City like the rest of the employees. Yoctxa/ But there's nobody on the PolIce Department that their wages has been lowered In tho last couple of years? Atkl To tho best of ~ knowledge no. Yoctxa/ Thank ycu. KeDI Okay. Hr. Larson, Larsonl Nothing. NovickI Nothing. hriJl John, slnco we commissioned the consulting fIrm to do the search In the two aqualfers found south of town to see If there Is another source of fresh water for the residents of Iowa City other than the good ,ole Iowa Rtver, there's been a, I think, a ground swell of commotIon ar~ amotIon by our good neighbors to the ; , south of Iowa CIty that we are gOing to go In .s some kInd of a big brother act and raId these natural resources and take away and posslblly destroy tholr llvlehood and health and welfare of our rural communIty, the farmers and tho peoplo of tlllh and I seo tonight that Rtversldo Is worked uf about It. Voll to begin with I don't thInk that this City or .ny CIty can legal y go In and In offect steal a natural rosource that ana community has accoss too to tho advantago of another. Simply becauso Iowa CIty has 59,OOO citizens and some of tho other communttlos In Johnson County have something loss than that does not glvo Iowa City any hlghor priorIty than each of you that In tho rural communltlos. 1 would lIko to do evorythlng that wo can to alIgn tho fears of our rural friends and notghbors to iust sit doWn with them .cross tho tablo and look at them In tho oyo and say this snit so. t don't bollovo that wo should gtvo tho Im~rosslon that wo havo tho rtght or the priority to go In and tako anything whot er It Is tho sunshtne that wo all sharo, or tho bluo sky, or tho wator that Is placod thero by . protty good sourco, So 1 would really like to Invito all of our nolghbors to como to us olther ask John or any Counctlmember wtll bo vory, vory happy to holp set up that mootIng. I'II mnko a fow phono calls that I know that aro disturbed by It to seo If I can do what I con to help hcll tato that. And I thtnk that 1 speak for tho entlro CouncIl, t know that I speak for tho administration by oxtendtng thts I Invitation to do what wo can to show you that wo mean you no harm, Tho other HcDI Beforo you go on I'm glad that you brought that up and 1 havo a lotter oxprosstng thoso kind of concerns that you are talking about and 1 do think that It might be tlmo to try and sot up whother It be a meetIng or whatevor we need to visit about It thank you. 114 Pago 4 fottiJl KeD/ Larsonl hrbl Ilorol hnb/ Larson/ Ilorol Kubby/ Nml/ ..,..... .......--------..-..------ --- nOOLlb ,I I Alright. Tho other fubJect that , ~anttd to .ddrofS Is that I havo a copy of a letter that ~n sent to tho lIerlugo Cablevlslon Comp.ny at 546 Southg.to Avenuo, Iowa City. Each Councllmambor recolved . copy of thIs and It's Just a short lotter but' w.nt to read It to ~ke a point. (Road lotter cont.lned In 6/14 council packot)Thls Is sIgned by olght very rosponslblo persons. , know most of them. If I would havo been ablo to I would gladly I would havo gladly .dded r.y signature to It. 'n CISO you haven't decided by now lIerllage ". vory susplcous of you. I recall r.y first yoar on Council ono of tho oxecutlves of that cablo, ~hlch was tho rororunner of the ono that ~o havo today, stood thero .t a public moetlng In front of God and country on telovlslon, recorded volcos on tapo and told a bold faced 110 to that CouncIl. And I haven't forgotten that. On Hay 29th of this year the loc.l system ~nager has written to John HcDonild, our ~yor, and tho City Council, reminding him that ~o aro about now to st.rt our reneg. for tho renowal of our cablo franchise, Tho cable .ct doos howovor In section 626h provldo for tho ronowal or franchlso without golngt thru tho extenslvo formal proceduro speclflod In section 626a.g and all I want to say Hr, Mayor and Hr. Hanager I want whatover group that Is that Is neg. for that rIlnowal of that franchlso to bo Just as dlssortlng and finite and studious as wo can bo because I think that tho communIty Is bolng hold In short.. and I Simply don't Ilko It and this Is tho only that I havo to oxpress r.ysolf bocauso ovor,ytlmo that I call that tolophone numbor that Is listed I get a busy slonal or I don't get r.y calls roturned so Ilorltago Cablavlslon If there's another compotltor out thero NO wolcomo you. That's all that I havo. Thank you Hr. Ambrlsco. Toll us how you really feol. Just gottlng down to It. I have. couplo of Items. It Is r.y pleasure to be at tho lIbrary 10th annlvorsary of cutting tho ribbon and opening tho doors of tho then now lIbrary and It really was a vory nIce occasIon .nd to bo reminded of tho diversity that Is In tho library and tho numbor of peoplo that go there .nd the numbor of peoplo that support It flnancl.lly and thru tholr volunteer offorts. A vory nlco occasIon. Thero was also a vory pleasant reading by an Iowa farmer poot from tho wost, Hlchaol Caroy. Just a dollghtful poot and I urgo ovoryono to watch for his books. Anyway I enjoyed bolng there and that was on Sunday. Somothlng that I will havo the pleasuro of enjoying Is that I will bo representing Iowa CIty at tho 4th of July parado In Coralvlllo and so t urgo ovoryono to como and t.ko part In tho Coralville Iowa City aro. 4th of July parado 10:00 Coralville and 1'm sura that wo will havo a protty good tlmo, What data Is that parado? Riding or walking? 1'm riding, On who t? It wl1l be fun, Larsonl Do you havo tho campaIgn brochuros printed up yot? n 0 0 LI ,-, 114 Pago 5 1I0rol hrbl 1I0rol Hot yet. Va can't throw anythIng out. Balloons? 110 balloons, Ilow If you want to walk alo~g side tho car and distribute candy for Ie.,. Ho thank you 1'11I busy that day I think. That's what I thought. Voll, lOving from candy I'd Ilko to got Into garbago. Llko to speak. Max walt a mlnuto 1'11I on a roll, Thero has been. lot of .rtlclo In tho newspaper about the garbago collection and clients that havo not known that tho fees aro going to go up. Thoro has boen artlclos back and forth In tho ncwspapors and It soIls newspapers and It also educatos which Is good. But I also have be on rocolvlng phone calls from people saying Suo. what tho dickens why aro thoso prlcos goIng up, What aro you going to do with this monoy? I don't think peoplo really roallzo how much It costs to maintain a landfill which Is one of tho reasons that I broke Into tho consont c.lendar .t tho beginning of this llOotlng to cOCllparo how much It costs to dig a landfill colI undor tho old rulos .s It doos to conduct them now. I will ropeat that, Undor tho old ~los It was $280.DOO to construct ono landfIll colI. How one landfill coIl costs ovor $700,000. From $280.000 to ovor $700.000. Going along with that wo'vo rocolved . monthly report on how many tons of plastic bottlos, newspapers. tlros. battorlos. oil. glass. tin cans. christmas treos, motal. yard wasto and Just for tho hock of It I st.rted avoraglng them becauso wo started for Instanco plastic bottlo recyclIng In July 19B9 .nd wo'vo maintained tho tonnagos right straight thru. Voll last year tho averago ton of collection and bailIng tho plastIc was 3.61 tons. That's tho avorago thruout tho 12 months. Slnco August of 1990 It's gono up to an avorago of 5.21 tons. And ovory slnglo typo of matorlal that wo havo been collectIng thru your drop off or goIng out to tho landfill has Increased. How on tho ana hand that says to mo that people are really partIcIpating In tho drop off and wo aro able to maintain. steady stream to the markots because tho staff has acquired IlIrkots for these matorlals. Vo'ro not stock piling them out thore. Yes wo cortalnly need to when tho market go dOlln. So on tho ana hand wo are Increasing In publIc participation but I frankly would when I see that wo don't have thIs much tonnage because It wIll moan that people will have stopped using things that thoy are goIng to dIspose. They wIll have reduced tholr garbage right In tholr own homos. Folks there Is . reason for tho Increaso landfill tIpping fe~s. Includos labor costs, Includes the landfill Itsolf. Includos equipment. Out tho only way that wo aro goIng to cut dOftn on any sort of costs If all of us stop baIng such a throwaway socloty. I enjoy talkIng about garbago and I'll talk about It to any group that wants to hear about It, Tho bus Inossos have had Information about It. Dur staff 15 doIng wasto audIts. If any of you In your companies want a wasto audit by that confidential visitatIon at your company whore we look at the process of how you produce yur widget and how your wldgot ends Its lIfe, We will be glad to come and do that. So that you do can reduco your landfill costs. Your contrIbution to the landfill. That's enough of that. Thank you very much John. Yocuml Now do t havo the floor? Larsonl Horol Yocum! Ilorol Courtl No, my turn, ------,-- --- - --- .' , nClO'LIEI' 1\4 Pago 6 Yocum! Your turn? Court/ Yea. YOClSJ/ Go. Thank you I approclate that. I would just like to compllDOnt a group of people that are often DUch mollned by campors and boaters and flshennan and fal'1llClrs and alot of poople and that's the Corp. of Engr. I think that this year they did a fant.stlc jab In ~h.t they are supposed to do and that's protecting the surroundIng arm fl'Olll flood waters. Ilow SOlllO poople would say that they got lucky but I think It was a calculated luck and tho computors of course holped . lot. But had It have not been for those peoplo education to make thoso decisions NO could havo had a real catastropy here. Vhat we ended up with minimum of damage, I know somo people were hurt by It, but It was vory fow and had a lot to do with the decision that thoy mado. lIowover. thero was ono aroe that did got flooded that I dldn' t lIko to see and that wastho lIttle leaguo diamonds and It has been pointed out to mo that It looks llko thore could bo sOlllOthlng done down thoro to hold tho river back from tho diamonds. I'vo t.lked a Ilttlo bit to Parks and Rec. Director but lid like to put In an official request to Parks and Rec. Commission and engr. Department to tako a look at that particular .rea of tho park and see If wo could to sOlllOthlng about a small dike to keep It off of there. It's dlfforent than tho rest of City Park down thore and lots of folks of askIng If somothlng Can be dona so now 1'm 6sklng. Thank you Hr. Courtney. Two things. First of all I was just handed a note for the peoplo that might be Intorested as I stated at the start of the meotlng thore was a specl.l electfon takIng place today. Tho results are In on that. Thoro was, what thIs oloctlon was as I am sure .11 of you are aware of waS parklsports complox to bo buIld boslde tho wastowater treatment facility down south of town. Tho voter turnou~ was 161 of the registered voters, which was a total of 6,397 peoplo, Tho bond Issue was dofeated qulto soundly, Thoro Nora 5.311 .no. votos and 1,086 .yos. votos. Larson/ 201 Court/ HcD/ Kubby/ HcDI KubbYI HcD/ KubbYI You don't need candIdates to got that porcentago turnout. That's about nonnal for a City Council oloctlon, 151. That's a good turnout for a specIal olectlon. And one final Item boforo wo movo on I would like Councllmembers to check tholr calondars and to mako sura that wo aro all going to bo avallablo 1 would Ilko to sot anothor specIal Infonnal meotlng for July 15th, which Is an off week for us, which Is Monday night. 6:3D? tt will bo 6:30 and tho subject mattor Is going to bo curbsldo soparatlon, Very good John, You got thoso words down. larson/ Will that bo In Vegas? McD/ I wIll bo back by thon, Wo'ro goIng to try thIs one mora tlmo folks, VIII bo horo. larsonl Not In Vogas? But horo. ........... -.. 1--- ---- - -.....- \' rl 0 0 LI Cf , " I 114 Page 7 Hovlckl tlero In this 1'OOlll. Larsonl Thought It was trip. I didn't know. KeDI Larsllnl fdJl Courtl HcDI Atkl Larsonl HcDI Horal Hovlckl HcDI Yocurnl tloral Yocuml tlorol Ho, In thIs 1'OOlll, Do most of you as far as you know lhlnk that would be fine with your schedules? I nover 90 .nywhera. Fine I think I just planned somethIng else. Ho. I thought we were done t.lklng about garb.ge, I know wo might like to but Steve go ahead and schedule It and we'll plan on It. Okay. I would hope that,everyono would try to reach a consensus at least In their own mind with the CIty staff what our alternatives might be... As I said wo aro going to try It one more time here. Dr ~ybe as ~ny times IS we have too. Right. yea right. Wouldn't set a data until wo havo talked about It a fow moro times. Right. Max you can use a minute of my time If you wanted too, SInce 1'm on now, Did you have one more comment that you wanted to make. Yea. You was t.lklng about the things that goes to the landfIll and how It's fillIng up .nd evorythlng llko that well you know that there Is a lot of things In thIs area especIally with the Unlversl~ hero and everything that can be reused agaIn If they would just do It but no, It seems llko everything that you want to reuse why they want rou to put It In the dump, How this Is just lIke the house that I have here I m willing to bring that house up to the Code what. over It Is. To fit the Code. If thoro's anything that Is wrong with It I wll1 bring It up to Codo. But no ho says Its trash, It's no good. You know ovorybody c.n't llvo In a $lOD.ODO houso and If you watch tolovtslon protty near ovory night I was watchIng tho other night and out In California thoy aro oven soIling tholr little bablos and stuff llko that becauso thoy havo no placo to llvo and lIving In tho streots trying to tako caro of llttlo children. This Is what's happenIng, How you know this Is critIcal. tloro wolro supposo to bo one of th~ most wealthllost countrlos In tho world and look at tho problems that wo havo and how many thousands of peoplo thoro Is ovory day that Is sleeping In tho streot or on park benchos, Max I would like to tako thIs opportunIty to say that If you do tear down any homes wo now and store somo of tho parts of tho homos that you tako apart to bo used In repaIrIng other homos. So pleaso keep that In mInd. Lady I'VO dona thIs ovary slnco I havo been In town, I know you havo and that's why you'ro a valuAblo rosourco, 114 Pago 8 noo~l[t I' YOCtrN Ho, no. Out tho City... Thoy como down thoro and hauled away thousands of dollars worth of good lumbor. Thoy took 250 glass blocks that I had st.cked up on G pallad and took them right down. How I don't think thoy wont to tho dump. But anothor thing thoy dono that I want you people to know right now whllo I think about It. If you go to the dump and you don't havo somothlng a Canvas or somothlng ovor tho stuff you'ro hauling thoy glvo you holl for It. Okay, now thoy came down thero and all tho loads that they hauled away out of ~ placo and took to tho dump thoy nover covored one load. Thore was novor one load covored. Thoy scooped up r.y dirt out of Illy property thero,l and covorod that stuff with It and took It to the dump and then sent me . bill. I aln't paid It. I haven't paid tho bill. Then they sent me a bill for so many tons of this stuff and thoy woro stealing ~ dirt. Thoy had a policeman standing thoro with guns telling me that If I created any problems th.t they would lock me up .nd all that stuff. They stood thero and hauled ~ stuff away, scooped up Illy dirt, and hauled It .way to tho dump and then trying to chargo me so much a ton for tho dirt and overy thing and thoy novor covored tho load. How If you think that I am lying I'll get you any proof you want. live got It. Okay. Ilorol Yocum! KeDI Yocuml HcDI How, that's somo of tho thIngs that has been gOing on undor this regime that wo havo horo you know. Okay. And If thero's any quostlons of any of you peoplo ~ou can ask mo I'll answer .ny quostlon that I know tho answor too. If I don t I'm not goIng to 110 to ya, till toll you. Thank you Hex, lIS Page 1 Gontryl KeDI Courtl GontrYI Larsonl GontrYI n" 0 0 ~,' 'I " I I should report about the 1I0llday Inn beforo you road It In tho newspapor. The onr,ng saga. As you know tho RTC bid In at the foreclosuro sale Its debt 0 sa.5 Illllon dollars. Tho RTC pooplo .re now soIling the hotel and they're going to It by a quadsl saml closed bid process, which remains . IIIYs tery to IIlO bu t anyway. Quadsl, srml closed bids? Yea, they don't lick tho cnvolopos, The bids are open apparently for all to seo and this will be held July 15th and there Ire numorous lists and tho markotlng package Is going out to all of these IlI4ny IlI4ny peo~le that havo phoned the city and what they want Is cash orfers only. Don t bring your MasterCard or YISA. Assuming that they ICCpet tho purchaser then they have 60 days to proceed thru what they call duo dollgence and If everything pans out and at that point however the porspectlvo purchaser wuuld be given comploto access to the physical facllltlos. This will all bo In a IIIelllO that you will get Friday or whenever, I wanted to let you know beforo you reld In newspaper. . The only quostlon that I had Is that I keep gettIng poople coming up .nd saying how COllo they turned dOllll tho offer that they had? 1I0w did thoy get an offer and did thoy say to you wt,y they turned It down or anything? YOSt the offor was cash from a local person and It was for $4 million and they rejected It out of hand. Larsonl That's not the number that live been told by at least. dozen people which was sa.5 million that thoy turned down. GentrYI Ho, no It was $4 million and 1 have that frOll Marv Yulclch who's reputation and word I rospect. Larsonl Okay I Just wanted to de buck the rumor that they turned down a faIrly substantial amount, lIave they had .ny process to solicit bIds or no they Just been tell Ing evorybody that wo taking bids at this dato? Or havo they been out tryIng to got bIds prior to tho opening of bidding or whatovor? Courtl Thoy had a lIst of about 75 people who have either been Interosted or might bo Intorosted. Ilvo seen .ds In the Vall Streot Journal .dvortlslng tho proporty. Thoy are under an Intensive marketing effort right now. Larsonl ,Somebody that wants to buy It can Just call him up and GontrYI Oh yos. Courtl HcDI And thore Is on fila on tho proporty a document that Is approxlmatoly 1000 pages long which thoy will not copy for you but you can go and look at It and giving all the dotalls that thoy thInk Is portlnent to tho property. Thoy .ro not going to supply 75 capIas of tho 1000 pagos but you can go and look thru It as long as you llko, As I understand It one of tho reasons that they have decided to use this bid process, sealed bid procoss, was because of tho Interest that has been expressed "Y- -.... -. - - -- -- - - - -~ -... ,- --- - ~ nOO~le ;\ ! lIS Pago 2 KeDI (cant.) In tho property. Is that correct? Yos. Tholr asking price Is currently SI0.S Dillion based on appraisals that they cia II undor federal regulations lUst r~ln undor closed doors. Tho gentl~n that Linda DOntloned was In Iowa City last week and I had an opportunity to visit with hll a little bit and obviously thoro aro lOre propertlos that they aro t.klng of than this but I asked hiD at ono point how IUch Intorost thoro soemed to bo out thoro and ho works out of Klnneapolls and ho saId that thoro Is a day that goes by that ho doosn't receive at least 5.10 calls on this slnglo pleco of property h~ro. KeDI GentrYI larsonl In a lot of ways It Is . vory .ttractlvo proporty I would think. KeDI Yea. So that's why bec.uso of tho Intorost that seems to bo thero that thoy , decldod on thIs particular procoss, Thoy aro hopln~ that as things como i about and thero are legltlmato concorns out thoro t t do want tc follow thru I ! that thoy aro hoping to got It rosolved this year, boforo tho first of tho I year, I , Gentryl Yos. -----._----.-----~-- _.__1. .- ._---.-- larsonl It would holp maintain tho vlt.llty of our downtown to got It rosolvod and allow us to do something with tho accompanying urban ronewal parcol. KeDI Correct. Right. Gentryl Thoro also Is rumors floatIng around and I recolved a phone c.ll from. gontleman rrom Plpor Jaffery who undorstood that tho Clt~ owned tho hotol. So I quiCkly dlsswadod him of that porsuaslon and said no t at was owned by fedoral govorn- . ment, larsonl Just tho room with tho Jacuzzi In It. Gentryl A lIttlo ana inch cubic squaro. That's tho report on tho Ilollday Inn. Ilorol You mean tho one that's tho swimmIng pool In tho pedostrlan moll? HcDI Thank you Hs. Gentry. Yocllfl/ Suro cost a lot or money to block Dubuquo Streot dldn't It. nOO~r~1 Agendl 10WI CIIY City COuncll Rtgullr CouncU Meollng JuM 25, 1000 P.go 13 ITEM NO, 10. ~/. 1'1" CONSIDER A RESOLUnON IN SUPPORT 0' AND AUTHORlZINQ THI! FILING 0' AN APPUCAnON WITH THI! IOWA DEPARTMENT 0' TRANS. PORTAnON FOR RlSI! PROGRAM FUNDS. Commenl: Th. Proclar & GImbIt manul.clurlng pIInl .1 2200 Lower MulCtllnl Ro.d he. rlqUlIl.d lhe CIIY lubmll en 'PPIlcIllon In IN" bthIII 10 Ih. RevlIIIIl. 10wl" Sound Economy IRISEIIlIogIlm. The .ppllctllon II lor lundlng 10 1,a1111n lilt conallUCllon 01 en ICcm road In conjunction with IIlI0POlod pIInllXpenllon. Th'1lI0/lClod ..pen.. 01 lilt ICe... lo.d II "60,000, wllh Ih. IpIlI 011111. .nd Ioclllund. 10 be negoll.led wtth 10wI DOT. Th,/owl DOT Commllllon wID /lIIk. tN IInII d.lormlnallon on lilt IWlld 01 gllnllundl, Th. JCCOG Tllnlpon.llon P1'nnIng DfvIlIon wtII comp/Olo .nd Idmlnlllol Ih. gllnl ,pP/lclllon. A m.mollndum 110m lhe Tlln,pon'llon PIIMer II .ll.chod 10 lilt .gondl. r ' . I I I I , , ! ACllon: '~Ilt. . ..It", $ /r,,,) A,~/. % ITEM NO. 17. ~ CONSIDER A RESOLUnON AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPUCA. nON,TO THI! IOWA DEPARTMENT 0' TRANSPORTAnON RA/L ASSIS. TANCE PROGRAM. , Commenl: Seolhe preceding 110m. Funding II being requmed to conlllllCl · new liB Ipur In con/unction with Iho pl.nt e.p.n,lon, The pro/ected to III COli ollholllllPUI I. '200,000, JCCOO will complOl' .nd .dmlnlller Ihe glint .ppllc.llon. ACllon: /J,vy ,.fla, (-- ~M'J- % , ........... -y-- - .' I ~---....-- -- -f-- .... noo~,LI' I' 116 Pago 1 KubbYI I have a question for Joff, If tho grant Is recolved Its a 80/20 with 201 bolng the local ~tch, correct? Joff Davidson/ That Is tho mlnla local sharo that tho st.to will pel'llllt. Tho avorago Is IllOro around SO/SO and lt's Just up to us to neg. It based on good tho stato percolves tho project Is, KubbYI Ilu Proctor and Galllble saId they will approach tho Council In any way for paying that part of the local ~tch or aro they committed to paying that porcontago? Davldsonl Thoy Simply asked 11IO a questIon and I said If that If City funds Nero doslrod to partlclpato In . loc.l shm that they should IllOro family addross tho Council to tako that up, Kubby/ And wo recolved 110 corrospondenco? Davldsonl 110. lmonl But that's okay by tOI'lllS of tho grant to havo Proctor & Gamble submit tho '. "". Clty's sharo of It? . ' Davldsonl Certainly. Tha Stato wIll deal only with tho CIty. Tho City submits tho applIcation on behalf of Procter & Gamblo and It1s up to tho CIty to havo a sub.agreCllllClnt with Proctor & Gamblo. HcDI Okay. Thanks Joff. ~.... - nOt]~/5 Agand, low. <:lIy elly Councll RoguIar Council MHIIno J\N 25, 1000 PIO' 14 ITEM NO. 18. ~ ITEM NO, 18. -!l1- /60 ctl- ISI ~ CONSIDER A RESOLunON AMENDING THE NAME, ADVISORY SCOPI! AND MEMBERSHIP OF THE RIVERFRONT COMMISSION 0' THI! CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, Commtnl: Rlvo"ronl C:ommllllon dlaculllon 01 thIIllam conlllntd In III M.y 15, 1 09', m1nullI, was onclolod In lilt Jun. 11 Council pack.I, The rovllld rOlolutlon Ind by-lIwl II Wo. II commenll ralulllng from 11I0 rovltw by lilt PIInnIng Ind Zoning Commlulon on June 0 .nd lhe PIIka .nd Rocrllllon Commllllon on June 12 110 oncIolod lor Council. The Rlv,"ronl Commlulon would .pptoclllO CouncA .pprov.1 ollhe 1lI0polod ching.. 10 permlllll.dvIaolV rovltw 01 wlterwlY', wOlllnd.1nd woodlandl. A 11111 memo lncIudod In Iho COuncll'1 plckol oUIHn.. Iho Council'. opllonl wllh rUptCllo roviewlng lilt Rlvo"ronl CommJulon'. propolld, revllod by,lIw., Action: J ;1 j , I %' ~ 47(/ ~() I, I I i ! , I i , I I I CONSIDER RESOLUnONS AUTHORIZING THI! MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO AnEST AGREEMENTS FOR IOWA EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM FUNDING WITH THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES I A, DOMEsnc VIOLENCE INTERVENTION PROGRAM (fl0,350) o. EMERGENCY HOUSING PROJECT 1120,4501 C, YOUTH HOMES, INC.lf14,OOOI , Comment: nil Iowa Depanmenl 01 Economlo Dovolopmenl has .pprovod .nd conlr.Clod wllh Ihe Clly 01 low. Clly 10 provido low. Emorgency Sh.llor Gran" Ptogr.m lundlng lor Ihe Clly allow. Clly 10 ..p.nd In Iuppon ollho DomOltlo Vlolenco Sheller, Ihe Emergoncy Housing Sheller, .nd Iho Youlh Emergency ShellOr.o Action: Il,.! / ~AiII ('" I KuMty/ III (A, kil, It'" It, Jha,r~ t?t-1I11.IY )'1lC ui .41,< ,,, .t~ei(t"J" 11/'1.i liAr ~",.,( ~I (I ,1/' {it'D 1/; ------r- - - - -- -.... .' I KubbYI ~~ HcDI KubbYI Larsonl ~~. KubbYI 118 Page 1 N~I~/ Larson/ Ke~ n 0 0 5 b ~ II I would like to amend this resolution .nd there Is ono ~r listed hore to bo .ppolnted by tho City Council upon, rec~ndatlon or the P.rks and RecreatIon Commission. I would IIko It to say "ono ~er of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be appointed by the City Council of low. CIty upon rec~ndatlon of tho P.rks & Recreation Commission". Second. It has been lOved by Novick, seconded by Larton, to amond the resolution as stated by "ovlck. Discussion? All tbose In f.vor of the amendment Signify by saying ayo. All 'yos. Hotlon carrlos. Last night at our discussion It soemed Ilko . few pooplo wero kind of a~lvalent about It, like It dldn't ~ke really ~ko a dlfforenco ono way or anothor and 1 found ~solf when I got home last night thInking about that discussion and soemed vory much In favor of us oxpandlng tho scope of tho Rlvorfront Commission to Includo the waterways, wotlands, and tho woodlands, 1 Just think onvlronmental Issues aro so complicated and thoro are so many dlfforent facets to them that the naro recommendations and tho more perspectlvo that gots brought to tho discussion wo'll mako bottor decisions boc.uso of this. ~ feollng again as Karen aftor I got homo I frankly hope this Is tho first step toward Increasing tho acreago to whore they aro approprlato. I would lIke to seo them them from tho top JurisdictIonal llno of Johnson County down to tho bottom bocause as Iowa River flows'thru Johnson County obviously It affects us and wo affect It. I cortalnly will support this. I would say Karen that I don't think tho Counctlmcmbers woro ambivalent bocauso I know for a fact that sovor.1 of tho Councllmombers havo had dls. cusslons with IndivIduals on tho Commission .nd other sources that were .lso rovlewlng tholr proposal, I think this Is prObably one of tho Issuos, not that It's that much of . ccntrovorsl.1 of an Issuo, but I do thInk thero was · lot of discussIon and a lot of rosearch and quostlons asked you know about tho whole program, I think there mIght have been some dlfforent quostlons than what depending upon tho concerns of the varIous members but I don't think any of us aro really amblvalont about It, Well excuso ~ mlslnterprotatlon. If you guys toll mo what ambtvalent means I'll flguro out If I am or not. You aro, you aro. And I know by doing thIs It maybo thero aro soma conflicts botween tho rocommenda. tlons that wo rccelvo from vartous commissions on somo Issuos and again I think that Just poInts out what tho points of contIngent aro that wo noed to focus on for polIcy and It will holp us havc good discussions about those decisions, nOO~I'-' ..."p...."."'.--.". liB Pago 2 ! I' Larsonl VeIl, I w~s ono of those that nado some comments that light havo boen looked on as roflectlng anblvalency but Kubbyl Don't focus on one word that I say. Larsonl I am howover ambIdextrous .t times. ~ concerns woro the fa:t that thero are county rosldents on the RIverfront COImlsslon .nd I think that wo need to be carefult that we represent tho City's Interost In tho things that wo do, And I think that w~s adequately responded too by the chair of tho commIssion. And secondly that NO know what their purvlcw Is going to bo and cited .s an examplo within the past year that had 18 trees on It and In ~ opinion It would havo been a woodland. But It light also haVo been logically thought of as not. woodland by i 1I0rol Grovo. . I Larsonl different people and I Just thought It needed to be tighten up a little bit. ~ main concern waS that If Planning and zonln, Is unanimous .bout something t at gives me pause and I want to think about t quite I bit and thoy were unanimous against It, Including tho woodlands, on balanco I'I going to 0' disagree with them. It may bo tho first tlmo that thoy have, been unanimous that I hive disagreed wIth them but I am this tlmo becauso I thInk although ------~-,-~.-.-_._-"._------ It will be a little more work, It will be a little bit DOre Information cOflIlnflntClu(and that's a good thing. I hO~o that NO don't got Into -- ---~--'----'--'-"-- situations where wo hive Plannlnl and Zoning ave one consensus, RIverfront havIng Inolhor consensus, Parks Rec having a third view and perspectlvo and different Judgement about It and then us having to sort thru .nd make a decisIon thlt ma~e Is made worse rather than botter by all tho Information but t don't think t t 'will happen. I have confidence In people on CIty CouncIl, certainly this group but also groups In tho future, will be .ble to handle all that Information and wl11 vote In favor of It. I NovickI One of tho rei sons that wo .re goIng to have less conflict Is that there wIll be I representative from Riverfront Commission attending tho meetings of Planning & Zoning. . " . YoclIltl ' Say sOl1lothlng. Larsonl When Hex was on Council can anyone Just walk up and say whatevor they wanted. Yocuml Can I say somethIng to this? HcDI Yes you con, GentrYI Hex do you want to run In the next 01 actIon? Larsonl Careful now. HcDI Go ahead Hex. Larsonl Caroful what you wish for. I ,\ GentrYI lie used to sIt up here you know. Larsonl I am very much Iware of that, "'.j, ., nOOSEI )' 118 Pago 3 Yocum! And things Nero a lot different then. 1I0ral 1'11I sura tha t they wero. Courtl I can hardly bollevo that lIax. Yocum! In fact I can remember ono nIght I had to got right up out of ~ chair, wo dldn't havo that fancy dosk at that time, anyway I had to got up out of ~ chaIr and como over hero and threaten to woop a guy. And I told hllll that lid do It eIther placo, right hero or wo'd tako . 15 mInute recess and do It outsldo. You know tho IIlIn sottled rIght down. And IllM!ant every word of It, Courtl Is tllJt what wo nced to do to you tonlghtllax? 1I0ral What would take It for you llax? Yocum! 1'm not as young as I was 40 years ago. 1I0rol Yoa, but wo are so. Yocum! But 1'11I not as dead as somo people are at ~ age either. Larsonl Susan Is thInkIng about taking you outsldo .nd wooplng you. 1I0rol Right. Yocum! 110 wants to go, lt's his funor.l. Okay, now wo'ro talking .bout this wetland and thIs wooded land and all this and that stuff. Now most of this occurs on f.rms am I correct? Kubbyl No, Larsonl Not necossarlly. t1orol No, KubbYI I guess It used to be fanns,., Yocuml Or prObably Its a part of somo fann that some fanner owns, Kight? NovickI Ve1ro talking about In tho City Max. Yocuml Just In tho CIty? HcDI Yes, Yocuml You're not talking about anythIng out In tho country? But thoro's othor departmcnts that Is, Isn't thoro? HcDI Pardon? Yocuml Thero's othor departmont that's lookIng at this out In the country too am I correct? 118 P.ge 4 KeDI Yocum! Ke~ Y~um! KubbYI KeDI ~bbYI Larsonl Yocuml ~~ n 0 [t S q ~ I Ve do have tho authorIty. the City CouncIl has tho authorIty to revlow Items withIn tho two Ille and to act wIthin two mtles of the City lImIts. Alright, now so lOst of thIs Is olthnr farmland or owned by some IndivIdual, right? Could boo Alright, so .re you peoplo havo you got funds to pay those people for thIs land that you aro taking control of or That's not what NO .re talking about Max. ~. Ve'ro talking about If there's a development or somethtng that has soma of these natural aroas In It and at that point we discuss how to balance dealing with tho envlronment.lly senslttve area with the development. That's not tho exclusive way that the Riverfront CommissIon mtght act upon somathtng but probably tho most common way. All this Item Is whether to Include the Riverfront Commission tnto the loop for all dovolopment Ideas that have woodlands, and rIver aroas In them. That's all this Item Is. You know It would be right In the City lImits, It would be of great value to soma people that If you people would go down along this river, you know what makes a rlver...rlvers move ovor time from way to another. There's. reason why that happens and most of the ttme Its trees, Now right down here across tho rtver from where I llvo, right there In front of my place, the river had eat that bank up until It was wtthln 8 feet of tho road. Now tf It had ate tho road up thpn you couldn't have passed down thru there. But years and years ago thore's a high bank over about 10-12 feet hIgh where the bed of that rlvor used to boo And 1 understand from soma of the hIstorical things that they found back that It's way down over ther but right now If the CIty would take care of some of the trees that's growing along that rIver It would keep It eating or crowdIng over and eatIng up the other way or what ever. Because these are the maIn things that control that rlver.tt's the l'ees along there. But they don't have anybody In tho state or In the county thw' I know of that knows anything about going down there and directIng or doing anythIng about It. Thoy Just let the rlvor eat over wherever tt wants to, And then If you try and stop It from eattng your property up why then there's somebody down there well you can't do this or you can't do that, ThIs Is tho problem. Thank you, Yocuml Now .lso I understand Larsonl Doos he have somothlng on you? Yocuml I also understand that there's a cottonwood ordtnance about this cotton that blows around, am I correct? I wonder how come that ordinance only affects certain peoplo, ._~"'...'" 118 Page 5 ~- n 0 0 b 0 Gontry/. That's a stato law H.lx. IleDI Yea. Yocum! That's a state law? Gentryl That's a stato law that It's a nuisance. Cotton bearing cottonwood, Yoc!IR/ That you have to cut the troos down right? If they bear cotton? If they boar cotton thoy're a nuisance. And they are In the city limits? Voll suppose that they aro on City property? Then the City should be takIng them down, shouldn't they? Ve're aware that thore ere soma around Iowa City H.lx. Ve1re very much aware of that. Itave been for a nlJllbor of years. SOlIlO era on private property as we underst.nd It SOlllO are on public property. , , How I haven't been up to CIty Itall hore for about two years so I Just thought I'd Just as woll got SOlllO of those things cleared up whflo I'm here. Can wo got. commlttmont that It will be another two years before you come back? 'Yoc!ln/ If you run thIngs tho way that you should, you damn right. GontrYI YocWA/ KeDI Yocum! Lmonl Larsonl Yocum! Larsonl KeDI Yocum! Itorol KeDI Itorol HcDI Yocum! Itorol I'll try. . I'll give you three years. Ve'll try. Thank you Hax. Alright now rIght doWn thero across the river from where 1'm at for I don't know, live reported It for last three years, there's cottonwood trees down thore and that cotton comes rIght over there you know but they don't do a thIng about It, But I bet If It was one on Hax Yocum's property the(d be down there eIther gIving you. citation to got It out of thore or we re going to and Charge you for It. You'ro prObably right. I don't know Hax. Sounds reasonable. Thank you, Now If any of you people want to come down and talk to me about It I'll take you and show you where tho trees are and everythIng like that and you tell me I'm wrong, Okay. -..-- - ------ r- ~ --.. , . , n 0 0 b 'I " , Ag.nda low. Clly Clly CouncU RtQUIIr Cound M..llng J\N 25,1000 Pig' 15 mM NO. 20 . ~ CONSIDER A RESOLUnON AUTHOmZING THE MAYOR TO SION AND THI! CITY ClERK TO AnEST AN AOREEMENT BI!1WEEN THE CITY 0' IOWA CITY AND THE FIRST NAnONAL IIANI( 0' IOWA CITY FOR THE nMPO. RARY USI! AND CLOSING 0' PUBLIC mOHT.OF.WAY IN ANO ABUmNG BLOCK 08 0' OIllOINAL TOWN, . Commenl: TN. ,uolullon .ulholllll the Fltll N'llonll OInk 10 pIIce . conlllUCllon I.ne. Ind . coverod wllkw.V wlthln publlo rlghl.ol.w.V 'd1.Clnllo Ihllr ,xpatlalon Ind ,emod.1Ing plo/tC1 .1 1M nonlltlll COmet 01 the InltfllCllon 01 W.lhlnglon SI,..11nd Dubuque 511001, The w.lkw.V will hlv. . minimum width 01 0 loollnd lilt IlI.V will hlv. . mlnlmwn of on. 12.1001 line open during non. work hour.. ConlllUCllon lI.xplClld 10 bogln Jutv 1, 1001 .nd 11I1'PllIoxlmIl.1y one v'". mM NO. 21 . .~ ACllon: .fjl... t J lit> t~ I ,,1 1~r'J iku t.M..v('" 70 CONSIDER A RESOLUnON TO ESTABLISH A POLICY OF THI! IOWA CITY HOUSINO AUTHOmTY ON THI! WITHDRAWAL 0' OPERAnNG RlSERVI! FUNDS. Commenl: HUD hll dlr.cl.d Iho low. City Houllng AUlholllV 10 III.bIlah . policy Umlllng tho wlthdllw.1 ollundll,om Iho oper.llng 'IIONO wllhoul Bo.,d ICIly CouncD) 'PllIov.l. ThoV wID .now . I"'uhold ltllOunl bololl councD ,cllon I. IIqulrod, Tho poRcy wID hlv. . Zero Don.r I"'uhold, j' I I ACllon: tJ.~nJ / I/'f~ I .Ju) ylr:t) I~b % n D 0 b e '- 120 Page 1 I' KubbYI I need another explanatIon or exactly what's going to blocked completely and what's going to be blocked partially. Can someone do that for ~1 KeDI Chuck? Charles Schmadekel Tho south 8 feet of tho alley wIll be blocked , ", during the day for tho lp,dlng .nd unloading of equipment. Tho street between the curbllne and the building Ilno will be blockod excopt for the covered walkway. And then the loading zono In frant of the bank building will be blocked for the loading .nd unloading of trucks and then the Installation of the covered walkway. KubbYI Okay will the street even when constructing tho covered walkway, will that be blocked at anytlmol Schrnadekel No, the street will not bo blocked. ,KubbYI Okay, thanks. -KeDI Thank you Chuck. CourtneYI Do wo start some sort of . lottery on how long It takes for tho first graffIti to show up on the w.lkway. Vo could have a pool. Should be In ..In'ltos rather than hours, Horal Right, larsonl That would be gamblIng and I don't want to hear anything about It. HEll TAPE 91.52 , . ~""., ""~"'. -co, ,"_ ..,. , , I ~~-~r ~ I . t. n CI 0 b ~I . . -<.," . "-''';~'-' . I' 121 Page 1 NovickI Yos, can I ask Ron to explain why we haven't had this rosolutlon and now we need It? Ron IIendorsonl Again It I keep alluded to tho mllew Jersoy IlUD problel. This Is Just another ono of tho loophole that IfUD Is finding to plug up In pUblic housing authorities so that there won't be any abuses as there was In How Jorsoy. NovickI But we have had no problems with this? Ve have always beon caroful...ot etc? Henderson! We be,fcly followed the budget rulos of the City where NO had pre-approval to expenditures. KeDI Thank you Ron, Other discussion. !, ! , i I I I I, I I nCtObLI ,\ I Ag.ndI low. CItY CItY Cound RtgulIt COIrlCI MOIling .Mli2!1, 1000 Pig' 10 mM NO. 22 . RfSOLUTlON ESTABUSHINO A PROCUREMENT POUCY FOR THI! IOWA ~ CITY HOUSINO AUTHORITY. Commenl: TIlt Dtpenmenl 01 Houl/ng Ind Urban Otv.lopmenl IHUD) requltll II Iloullng AUlhortlle. 10 III.bIlah 1lI0000.menl pollclt. which reflect 111I roctultomentl 01 the Flderll Cod. 124 CFR 85031. l'~1 veM, HoUllng Ind Urban OavOlopmonl lHUDI requltod u' 10 ImpIomonI . ptOCUI.m.nl procedur.. Evldonlly HUD did nol &kt lhtlt modollnd thtv IItvo now rewrltlen II, Pltll. I1nd .1I.chad the 'n.w' llIocurlmanl pollcy lor VOUt rovltw, Stili recommendl .dopllon, Action: JI~ /1/1II/. , bl'O(~~J ro , n 0 0 b 5 .' I AQInda low. City CIIV Councll RtouIIt Councl MOIling J\N 25, 18BO pago 17 mM NO, 23 . --11. I~" CONSIDER A RESOLUnON AWAROIHO CONTRACT AND AUTHORlZINQ THI! MAYOR TO SiaN AND THI CITY CWlK TO ArnST A CONTRACT FOR THI! CONSTRUcnON 0' THI! CMC CENTER NORTH COURT ADDmON. CO(llmtnI: The bid optll/ng lot IhI. ptoltcl WII held Me 18, 1881. The lolowlng bldl wer, rlCelvld: o.nlt o.Dl VodoVI, Inc. AlbII, fA 0..0 DId: ",284.88' Add All, " . '37.400 Add All, 12 . '4,277 MId.Ama,1eI ConallUCllon low. CIIy, IA OlIO DId: ".32'.000 Add All, II . '37,000 Add All, 12 . '3.800 , McCom...LlcInt ConllRICllon low. CItV, IA 0111 DId: ".388,72' Add All, II . t38,ooo Add All, 12 . '3,000 CITY ARCHITECT'S EsnMATE: ",260,000 OlIO DId Adlnlnlllllllon/CIIV Archllocl rocommondl 'Wlldlng Ihll conlllCI 10 o.nl. o.lla VodOVI, Inc., AIbII, low., ACllon: f11m1:./-JJ tIll" b J Nt'. l/kt) 1t. Alii/. I'b Av ~tV '......-.--,..,.,........ n 0 0 b b l' 123 Pago 1 ~I PoCIluctant, yos, only becauso I really wish oneof our local 1000a City bidders would had been succossful. KeDI Couldn' t .groo IIlOro. ~I But In keeping with all tho state .nd national and local r~tatlons NO DUst go with the low bid. Ve are duty bound so I'll vote yes. ROLL CALL UNANIHOUS Larsonl Bill, Just so poopte don't think It was fairly closo, It was $75,000 or $100,000 difference and so It's not Ilko we .re Ignoring a local porson for $10 or something ~I No. Larsonl I .greo with you but I Just dodn't want pooplo to thank that for $2 tho) went with .n out of town one. Haybo we would havo had too but we didn't havo to hare, ~l !t'S signifIcant. Larsonl Yep. i , :! I ..."',."".,., '., -~..,,-.I,-,,- nOC/b'-' \' Agend. low. Cltv CItV Council Regular Councll MOOllng Juno 26, 1000 P.ge 18 ITEM NO, 24 . ~~15? CONSIDER A RESOLUnON AUTHORlZINQ AGREEMENT BETWEEN THI CITY 0' IOWA CITY AND THI! IOWA CITY ASSOClAnON 0' PROfUSION. AL FIREfiGHTERS, IMF, AfL.CIO. LOCAL 610. TO BI! EffECTM JULY " lD91, THRU JUNI! 30, 1993. Commenl: ThIll.. IWO'VIII .grttmenl which 1ncIudt. w'oelncttlH. 01 5% lor lilt 11111 y..r, 2.5% .llho beginning 01 the lecond V,",1nd 2.5% mId'VIII ollh. lecond ye." Otllor Ilral veil provision. Include 1nct....1 In IongtvllV p,V Ind EMT.D llI.mlum PlV, . ahonenfng 011110 Itngth olllmt one mUll work .boVl hlllher c1111111c.llon In order 10 qu.UIV lor .ddlllonal '.Cllng' componllllon, .nd ttVlrll minor IIngu.oe changll, Tho IlCOnd Yllr Includu the .ddlllon 01 M.nln LUllltr King, Jr, D.V II III .dd1t1onal hoUd.V. A copy 01 1110 .groomenll. Includod In Councll'. .oend. PIckel. Action: ~ul.~'t J Ihw I 7j ~. ,&mJ CONSIDER A RESOLUnON APPROVING AN ADDInONAL POUCI OFFICER , FOR THI! POLlCI! DEPARTMENT. Commenl: Tho Police Olllcer win be Iund.d bV . 11.11 gr.nllor Ihl. "sell v..r. A memorendum Irom Ihe Chlol 01 Pollc. I. .Il.chod 10 1110 .oendl, . ACllon: IIIr1611,(1 t'JI1V "% ITEM NO. 26. ADJOURNMENT. Ild'v/lhlLO 1-'10 e,n\ (l~Q (U,~W nOObEI City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM .' , i .! , DATE: Juno 21. 1991 TO: CIty Council FRl>>C: City ""nager RE: Vork Session Agendas and Koetlng Schedulo Juno 24, 1991 Monday 6:30 . 8:15 P.H. Council Vork Session. Council Chambors 6:3D P.H. . Review zoning IIltters 6:50 P.H. . Housing Code Amendments 7:00 P.H. . NeIghborhood Transportation ISlues 7:3D P.H. . Riverfront Commission: ExpansIon of Scope 7:45 P.H. . Recycling: Curbside SeparatIon 8:00 P.H. . Council agenda, Council tllle. CouncIl committee reports 8:10 P.H. . ConsIder appointments to the Committee on Community Needs and 80ard of Library Trustees Juno 25, 1991 Tuesday 7:30,P.H. . Regular Council Heetlng . Council thlmbers July 4. 1991 INDEPENDE~CE DAY I~LIDAY . CITY OFFICES CLDSED July 8. 1991 Monday 6:30.,8:30 P,H. CouncIl Vork Session. CouncIl Chambers Agenda pending Thursdl~ July 9. 1991 Tuosday 7:30 P.H. . Regular CouncIl Heetlng . Council Chambers PERDTRG LIST Stormwater Hanagement Review Sales/Sollcltatlon on City Plaza CIgarette OrdInances Appointment to the Housing CommIssion. August 6, 1991 , " I f' . n CI 0, '-1 e I' I ICCM TI~IE/T APE FORM FOR ""~SD AGENDA TIME Sublect COMMENTS I 111m I 1:31J '.'...1\11,(11\/1 ~ 2 111m2 '1(~ ~ ~,_. ,,. 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