HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-25 Appointment ~, , , ,?J^'. n 0 I:' LI [t . .,.....".....,. Dorothv H. Porllon 14 GAllup PIACO .IOWA City, low. ~ee40 Jun. II, 1991 , Don Hooro, Ch.lr lIoullno COllllllllllon DoAr Hr. Hooro, I I ~".-;-_'~_____~ ____.___ ___~_ '_'___~_____'_'___.,____-~---.-.n-~-.'-~-'---'__ Duo to tho Incro'llng w~rklo.d At tho Unlyorllty And my commltm.nt. to lomo IlbrArv orOAnlz.tlonl, I mUlt rOllgn my Appolntm.nt to tho Houllng Commllllon. .. ~ o. 1:: , '. ~ ;.' \' "'-'_"'l'..."."~_.,,,_... I hAYI InJoYld working with thl m.mblrl of thl Comml..lon yery much, .nd I rlgrlt thAt I mu.t rlllgn, Whln I hAYI morl tlm. AVAllAbll, I will pArtlclpAtl AOAln. . I , I , III)~\ . .. ..... ,..; , , . " " ~.l " ' 'I 1 , , i. , , . f i\ I \ j' I. \~I). .......-- -- T"- - t-'-. . 0 e LI 'I II t h'2W THE CITY COUNCil. OF ~A CITY IS CONSIDERINO AA APPOINTMENT TO THE FOI.LOIW/O CClIotMmEE: C()l,ll,lmEE ON COI.IIJUNITY N~W Ont vecancy . T1w.. yur ..rm Mf 1, 1"' . Mt I, 1194 . II 111. d~ oIlIIImbt,. oIlht ConvnC" 011 ~ NHdIIO coonIINI. COIllInUnIcIlIO cNmM bet<<Hft OIOllpt IIld ctlllna 01 Iowa eft IIld lht Ciy ColMICIIIld ~ IIld IIItn 10 ,.~ rMpOlld III pIOOIlII\ pIOpOlIlI u IOMlonI df. IIgIIId 10 IIlIIllht commWy'1 neld.. Iowa Ciy ~Id mllllbtll 01 boWl I/Id commlulalll /!lUll be IIg~ .IICl<<I oIlht CI'f 01 Iowa cay. ThlllpjIOlnlmllllwi bt 1IIId.II IhtJunt2S, '"',IIII'1lno 0111I. Ciy Cound 1l7~ p,m, In 1111 Coutd CIItmbtr.. Per. 101II IntlrH11d In being CONldtrld lor 1hII jIOliJon I/lould conllcllll. Cft Cllrll II lilt CMo Clnler, .,0 E. WIIIIIngIon Slr..L ~lIon lorma .,1 aVllablt lrom lht CIIrll'l ollie. upon requIIL 1143 ~~' . n CI I:" LI e ",III. S r.ultll 6 Juna ZS, 1991 COHMITTEE ON COKMUNITY NEEDS . On. Vlclncy . Thra. YIAr larl July I, 1991 . July I. 1994 No A.~~~Cl4\~tg Andy Penzlnor 604 Bowery 13 '-', ,..,........._..~-...,..._~,.., -,,_-.. \ 1 I 11~31 " no,:' LI ~I . CITY OF IOWA CITY . ADVISORY BOARD/COHHISSION APPLICATION FOAH , IndivIduals servIng on BoardllCmlnlons play an fllOortant roll In advisIng tho C~uncll on ....tt.rs of tnterest to our cOllmlnlty and tts futur.. Applicants illlSt r.sld. In I~. CIty, Th. City Council announced Advisory Board/CO/IlIllsslon vacancIes 90 days prIor to the dal. th. appoIntment wtll be I114d.. This p.rlod provides for a JO'day adv.rtlstng p.rlod and a 60'day tr,'nlng pertOd for ntol mel!().rs. TII. tratnlng p.rlOd .llows n.w IIItl!()ers to becOllt fallllllr with the respons lblllt tts .nd dut tts of the advisory board/collllllnlon b.for. becCl1llng a fu 1\ vottng mel!().r. Art.r a vacancy has been announced and the 30'day advertising p.rlOd has e~plr'd, the Counc Il revl.ws .1\ appllcat Ions during the Informal work un Ion. Th. aPPolntm.nt Is announc.d .t the n.~t formal Council me.ttng. Appotnt..s s.rv. as unpaid volunte.rs. Council pr.f.rs th.t al\ applicatIons "",st b. sutmltttd to the CIty Cl.rk no ht.r th.n on. w..k prIor to ,the announced appOintment dates. PLEASE USE A BLACK INK PEN. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUHENT ANO AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AIIO DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. THIS APPLICATION VILL BE CONSIDERED FOR 3 HONTHS ONLY AIID AUTO,"T1CALLY CDNSIDERED FOR ANY VACANCY DURING THAT TIHE. ADVISORY BOARD/COIfHSSIOH IWiE Cll......:.He TEAH 7/,/jl' 1111'/'1 HAHE--&!J Pelll.i"r.l'" HOHE ADDRESS 0 r., Is your heN tddrtsS (listed abov.) within th. corporat. IIl1lts of Iowa City? 'lei OCCUPATION Nt",l1\. AJ...,,,i.d....:t... EHPLOYER Ulliv. o,t. Io,",,,,- PHONE HUHBER: HOHE 3 'If . y~,), r BUSINESS-J,\"1o . ,y.S'~ EXPERIENCE AND/DR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: ik.-k..,t..-i ~rfA'i~<..L ',,, pn.,.I""_ rl...n",,,\.. J..w~..I'I\"""..:t" -=' ~V~'I""" ' blot.t'l.& .~ ~~ -t.~p~..\~ ..... _ ,.....;1 . , u .. -F:':'" J..",.._',u "~"II ~Y1\-:... ""'"'" ~1c,...M ~...,\.l.i.... ! t......r-c..::r ~ ,"r T -;IJ':--~ ',,,,,.l..(_~,,* "';L.re"~~_~'1 .....~1 _.lIell.....~ ......J. Jt.1\"1 ~::U_ -.l ol.ie~'lt14 I/HAT IS YOUR PRUENT KHOIII.EDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? c.o"c.e""'I"~ l\.1bi-:o", lit 'o"'''''''''~o,.....""T_b'o!:.l .f",,~, . ,:~~+~ \/HAT CDNTRIBUTlONS DO YOU .FEEL YOU CAH HAXE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? a~....ti+lt~,{. of.".".,h..l..j"H1 _J. ~""'f.l' ) vaL. J.tVto"l'l~ i" ^' u........~.~ j .1~c O~~."I;l.oIIJr- ~ .(tf"Vt. , Specific attentIon should be dIrected to posslbl. conflict of Intmst as d.fln.d In Chapt.rs 362.6, 40JA.22 of th. Cod. of Iowa, Should you b. uncertain wh.ther or not a potenthl conflict of Interest exists, contact the Legal Department. VIll you have a conflIct of Int.rest? ______yES .l(..ND If you art not s.lect.d, do you went to be notlfl.d? ______yES ~NO Do you current ly sem on another Iowa City Board or C ND It has been Council pol Icy not to permit an Indhldua C slons at th. same time. ,. Ilpj n 0 I:' LI LI " I ATTACHMEHI' TO APPllCAOON FOR COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS IN ORDER TO ENSURe OOT THE COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS IS REPRESENTA. TIVE OF THE COMMUNITY AND THE GROUP(S) WHICH IT SERVES, PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF M<< OF THE FOllOWING CATEGORIES: _ EkI01tf (52 or oklO/) _ Handbppod or lllsablod _ RacIal or ElhnIo MInority _Lowtr ~ (H' chIt1 below) None of Iho abovo - Yaw rOlponso II ~ IIld you /IllY v.1sh ,",Io.d 10 ,rlbot.lo on ot lndlcal' IIOU In VltlIch you can mak, . .pod&/ conlllbulJon 10 Iho CommIttoo In anolhor .oct/on ollhl. Iorm. MAXIMUM ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME lEVELS FOR LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOlDS. (m9): ~,O5O lor . 1 'flOrlOl1 houeohold m,OOO lor . 2,poflOll houeohold ~,800 lot . 3-poflOl1 housohold $28,OSO 1<< . 4.poflOl1 hou.ehold $3O,4SO lor . 5-poflOl1 houeehold $32,2S0 1<< . 5-porao;; household $34,050 lot . 7'flOflOII houeohold $35,800 lot on 8+'flO11011 hou.ohold . ()3 ,.-.- ,-,,, \~'o, , . ,1,-. _._._._e_ nol:'LI~1 tl2IlQ 'OlE CITY COUNCil. OF IOWA CITY IS COHSIDERflO N4 APPOIHTMEHT TO THE FOllOWiNO BOARD: , BOt'~D 9f 1IIlRAAV T~USTEE~ One I1Ci/lC'f .l!Mlprld 111m oMIt 25, 1001 . JJIt I. lOts . Tht BoIId clLIlrIlY TMtttlII 111ftII.1\IMlOmOuI bocly cI nile ptllOlll ffIIIlOWllld by SIal. L.... 10 ~ lfirlel IIld COIllIol II 11Im cllhI plAlIo Ibtll'fo TIIIIIndudtI d.fllmillr9 blgof1llOl 0011I cllbtwy 1II'IIct,Idosldr9 .,i!1II poIdtt III gt'ItIII CIptII/On cllIit ~1I'f IIld IIIIployIrlg I CllIIIptt'1'Il111ll 10 help pllIlllld Ir!IpIlllltnl 11II BoIId'IIlMct gotIt. Iowl Ciy IfIPOIntId llIImbtll cI boIIdlllld lIOIIImltliorll IlMIIl be Ilgblt tltctorl allhI Ccy allowl CIy. TIIII~tnl..btlllld'lIlhI",,",2I,l"l.llIIltlIlo allhI CIy Cound II 7~ p,m. In lhI Cound CIwnbtr.. PlllOIIIlnlll.1l1d In btlng COIIIldllld lor IIIIt potilorllhlllld conlICl 11II CIIy CIt~ II 11II CMc C""", 410 Eo WIIIWlg10n Slll'" ~Iorllormlll' IVllIblt 110m Ill. CIt~.. oIl'c. upon llqUIIL -_.-- --- - T-- - \ \ .-_.----------- , lib'{ I I r i ." noeLI'b ,.." HAUS I . FDlALUI 4 Junl 25, 1991 BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES . Onl vacancy. Unlxplrld tlra Junl 25, 1991 . July t. 19U lIuold SUIU 201 H. Flrlt AVI. Apt. 1302 HArlonl H. Stlnford 619 IIhltlnl Avo. JIIII" P. lIurll 828 Rldor Strllt HuyHav 2 IZ Fonon Ave. Dan Coff oy m s. DodlO Stovon R. Parrott t492 Elthor Streit I I, lIonry T. HAddon U8 s. SUlIlIlIlt Potor H, Hulr 216 S. Lawall Stroot Diana T. Stovonl 3035 E, Court Tont Cl10k 1510 Brlltol Drlvo 111111111 O. Nu..or, Jr, 508 Rlvor Stroot Thoallll II. Collllln 1018 Rldor Stroet I' I/b~ n 0 1:1 LI ,-, . CIIY OF 10YA CIIY . AOYI SORY DOARO/COIfll SS 1011 APPL ICA 11011 FORlI .I I Individuals servlll9 on OO6rds/COlll1llsslons phy an IlI'jlort,nt role In advlslll9 th. Council on NUe" 01 InLarut Lo our cOll1mlnlly and Its lutur., Applicant' n.llt mid. In Iowa CIty. rhe CIty Counc II ,nnounc ed Adv Isory Doard ICom Is s Ion vacanc I es 90 daIs pr I or to th. date the appointment will be made. Ihls perlod provldn lor a 30.day adnrthlno p.rlod and a 60'd,y tralnlno p~rlod for n~w ~mbers. Ihe tralnlno perIod allows nail ~dlers to bocOlllO hmll lar w Ilh the rupons tbll H III and dulles 01 the adv Isorl board/comlss Ion before bocomlno a lull voting member, Arter a vacancy hu been announced and the 30'day advartls InO per lod hu up Irld, th. Counc II rev lew' all application, dur lno the Informal work It" Ion. Ihe appointment Is announced at the ne.t lormal Council ~etlno, Appolnt.e, ,.rv. as unpaId volunteers. Council prefers that all applications lI1IlIt be subnllt~d to tho City Clerk no laltr than ono week prIor to the announced appointment datu. PLEASE USE A BLACK IIlK PElI, TillS APPLlCAIIOII IS A ruBLlC OOCUHEllr ArlO AS suell CAli BE nErnODUC[O ArlO OISlRIOUIED FOR lIIE PUBLIC. 11115 APPLICAIIOII YllL DE COIISIDERED FOR 3 1I01IIIIS,OllLY AIID AUIOI"TICAlLY COIISIDEREO FOR AllY YACAIICY OURUIG lIIAT lItlE. ADVISORY BOARDICO/lIISSIOIIIWIE Library Bonrd of Trustoes IERlI 4 yra. (pnrtlnl tara' IWIE ThoLllls II. Golmnn' 1I0/1E ADDRESS 1018 Rider St.. 1M City, lA 52246 Is your homo address (listed above) within the corporat. limits of lowa,Cltyl OCCUPAT I 0/1 Lawyer EIIPLOYER 1l101Nl, 'l\Icker ,llOyle,UJllen,Brlsht l, PIIOIIE IIUHBER: 1I0/1E (319) 351-5852 BUSIIlESS ~I:Or (319) 354-1104 EXPERIE/lCE AlIO/OR ACrlYlTIES InIlCII YOU rEEL QUALIFY YOU rOR 11I15 roSIrIOlh I have served as a Library Trustoo for the past five yoara, two as Pre.Cdont, Prior to boing a 1rustoo I had sorved on tho Friend~owa City pUblic: Library Board for throo yoars, ono as Prosidont. Boinn a business person an a prncticlnR attornoy also offars insights into tho rosponsibIIItlos Of4 Trustoo for policy mnking, ovorsight and fiscnl accountnbility. IIIIAT IS YOUR PAESEflT KIIOIII.EOGE OF 11I15 ADVISORY OOAADI Hy exporienco III a Trustoo has givon mo actual working knowlodgo of the function and responsibilities of tho Library Board. III1AT CO/lTRIOUTlOIIS 00 YOU ,FEEL YOU CAli /lAKE TO TIllS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STAlE REASOII rOR APPLYI/lGll (500 attachod shoot) Spoclflc attention should be dIrected to pOSSible conflict of Interest as defined In Chapters ]62,6, 403A,22 of the Code of IOWI, Should you be uncertain whethor ,or not a potential conflict of Interest exists, contact the Legal Department. VIII you h~vo a conflict of tnterosl7 _YES -Ll10 . If you are not selected, do you want to bo notified? ..!..YES -----110 no you currently serve on another Iowa City Do~rd or Comnlsslon? It hiS been Counctl policy not to permit an Individual to servo on ~Ions at the same time, .....-- n 0 '~' LI EI l' CONTRIBUTIONS, OR IUWION FOR APPLYING I al applylnQ for raappolntlont to tho Library Board at Truatool for tl/O balio roalonl. FIrat, I 1/11 orlQlnally appointed to fIll . partIal tori and have lorvod only flvo yoarl of tho ulual Ilx yoar tOri. socond, I al concernod about 'abandonlnQ Ihlp' In llqht of tho pondlnq lovy and tho challenQol that 1/111 InovltablY rOlult I/hethor tho lovy il IUOCOllful or unluccollful. Palt rOllqnatlonl of Gary Rood and Tod Pacha havo loft Kont SI/all al tho only Tru~too I/lth four yoarl of oxporionco. In tho noxt qroup or Trultool, Jay stein'l rocont reliQnatlon hll loft only Kathy Hoyorl and Jorry 1I0bart 1/1 th two yoara of oxporionco. The nOl/oat appointeol, Anne lIuqrave and Ann sponcori flllinq In for Gary Rood and Tad Pacha rolpootivoly, havo 011 than tl/O yoara exporionce, And, thoro hll rocontly boon appointed throo nOI/ aolbarl I/lth no prior exporionce. Althouqh I rocOQnlze tho bondit of roplaolnq 'dead I/oad' I/lth nOI/ pooplo and nOI/ idoal, I .. hoplnQ that IY ataylnQ on a llttlo lonQor al a Trultee alQht aako up for 1010 of tho oxporionco lOlt throuQh rOllQnationl and provldo a lourco of continuIty for othor TrUltOOI. f ~2LO~ ~ IO:~{) illS VI/linK !"'oC.lICI.4Ik Ir,ut., I'~,~ ..,- -71f1 - n [I ,:' LI Cf . CIIY OF IOWA CITY. ADVISORY BOARD/COKHISSION APPLICATION FORK Indhldu.1s servlll9 011 BO"dJ/Comlsslons plly .n 1'1l0rt4nt role In 'dvlsllll1 Ihe Council 011 IlIllers of Inltrut to our CGmlnltl .nd It. futur.. Appllmts nut mid. In low. Clly. Th. Clly Council Jnnounced Advisory Bmd/Comlsslon vmnclu 90 d"S prior to th. d.l. th. .ptlolntllfntlllll b. IlId.. This p.rlod provIdes for. 30.d" 'dv.rthllll1 period .nd . 60'd.y t,,'nlng p.rlod for nflllltmb.rs. Th. tr"nlnq p.rlod .1I0W1 n'"llfrO.rl to b.cOllf ,..111" IIHh Ih. rupons Ibll Hies .nd dut lis of th. advisory bo.rd/comlss Ion before btcCllng a fu II votlnq DIlrO.r. Aft.r . V'C.nCI h.. b..n .nnounc.d .nd th. 30'dll Idv.rtt,'nq p.rlod h.s .xplr.d, th. Council rovl.W1 all 'ptlllutlons durllll1 th. Infor.,l work ulSlon. Tho Iptlolnt..nt Is .nnounc.d .t the nelt forDeI Council lItotlnq. Appolnt..s s.rv. IS unpaid volunt..r., Council pr.fm thlt .11 'ptlllClttons .-lIt b. lublllttod to th. City CI.rk no l.ler th.n on. lIe.k prIor to th. .nnounc.d .ppotntment dlt.s. PLEASE USE A BLACK INK PEN. nus APPLICATION IS A PIIBLIC DOCUIIENT AflO AS SUCIl CAll BE REPRODUCED AIIO DISTRIBUTED FOR TIlE PUBLIC. TIllS APPLICATION WILL 8l COIlSIDERED fOR 3 HOlmIS. DilLY AlID AUTOl'ATlCALLf CONSIDERED FOR ANY VACANCY DURltIG TIIAT TIllE. (, ADVISORY BDARD/COHUSSIDN tWlE Lll1my noul' TERK } yom fWI[ 1I1111e~ Il. ':U~80r, Jr. IIOIlE ADDRCSS !08 qlvor Stroot " your hollt IddrtSl (listed .bovtllllthln th. corpmt. limits of 1000a CHy? YOI OCCUPATION.!1:!!!J"lInt' , er.n EHI'LOYER Ulll' eOl"lIonlo; (Hanel. In'~lo~ PIIONE NUHBERI . HOllE ,I. , BUSINESS m .0011 EXPERIENCE AIm/DR ACTIVITIES "lIICIl YOU rEEL QUALIfY YOU rOR nus POSITION: 'tHoU"O fO"'1 City roel~lnt, DUDlnou ownor, !loarl' of Director., RonlU IIcDonlU 'fOUIe o ner Cllnl Frlonl'l DovIIlo IIIllnt Council Unlvoralt of 10lla t1uloum of Art, L "rlry U.or In F.ter or L rary U.or I I IIIIAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOIII.EDGE OF nus ADVISORY BDARDI I In ftIIIro of It l:Ielnly tl1rou,' tl10 novnpapor anI' llhrary mnilln~. ~IAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU ,FEEL YOU CAll HAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE AEASOH FOR APPlYINGII .Tlla l1l)rary I. nn In~ortent connlJnlty ..aot. I IIn n !hcally r~'~n~,I~lc ,nr~on ult~ or~nrl~nco In ~ot' t~~ ~pllllc ant Drlv&to loctor. ~~o 11~rarr neote ca~alllo, ~uallfle( ent rae~nnol~lo l'oclalon me~or". Sp.clftc .ttentlon should be dlrocted to posstblo contllct of Interest as dottn.d tn Chapters 362.6, 403A,22 0' th. Codo of 1000a. Should you bo uncertaIn whIther or not I potential conflict of Intorest ex~ts, contact th. LeQal Department. 11111 you have I conti lct of tntorest? YES. NO ' - - y If you are not selacted, do you lIant to bo nolUl.d? _YES 110 Do you currently serve on another 1000a City Board or Comml,slon It has boon Council policy not to permit an IndivIdual to serve slons at tho samo tIme, 1/ -~......----------~ - y-- - nt],:'~'o , . CIIY or 10VA CIIY . ADVISORY OOARD/COIVIISSIOIl APPLlCAIIOIl fORlI Individuals servl"9 on Boards/C()IInlulo~s pl.y .n l'1lort.nt rol. III .drhl"9 (h. Council on IIoItttrl 01 Intarut to our co~nlt1 .nd III lutur.. AppllClnllllllt mid. In 1000a City. the City Council announcod Advisory BO"d/Comlulon vacancies 90 d.y' prior to th. dati th. appointment will b. IIoId.. Ihls p.rlod prorldtl lor. JO'd., adrtrtlll~ p.rlod and a 60.day tr,'n'no p.rlod lor new ~~ers. Ih. tralnlnt porlod allows n.w ntmb.rs to bfComo lamlll., with the ruponslblllll" .nd dull" 01 ho advisory board/comlsslon bolore becoming. lull votlnO lIll!~ar. Alter. vacancy has be.n announced and the JO'd.y adrertlslno porlod has 'lplred, the Council rorlews all applications durl"9 the Inlorlll work IIulon. Ihe appointment Is announced at the ne.t lorlloll Council lIll!etlng, Appointees I.rv. .s unp.ld volunt.ers. Council prefers that all applications "/It bo subtllll.d to the City Cltrk no later than one week prior to the announced .ppolntlllfnt dates. rll,ASE USE A BLACK 1II1( PUI. TIllS APPLlCATlOIl IS A AIBLlC DDClJItEll1 AIID AS SUCII CAll BE REPROOOCEO AlII DISIRIBUIED fOR lIIE PUBLIC. 1II1S APPLICAlIOII VILL DE COIISIDEAED rOR J 1101II1IS. OfILY AlID AUIO/\\IICALLY COIISIDEREO rOR AllY VACAIICY OORIIIG IIIAI lIttE. ADVISORY BOARD/COllllSSIOlllWtE ~nlt4Tl\6Iftf. o(1h.t R.bl.'c. li . IE All ~ yeClr:, ~14~ IWIE :Toni C .It.K. ' 1I0lIE ADDRESS ~ 10' , 4 C\ --.:!.4 f"- Is your homo addrels (1Ist.d .borel within the corporat. Ilalts oJ 1000a,Cltyl ~t~ OCCUPATlOII~c.h ~~ho\~i~i" EIIPLOYER~ O~ jt)w~ rllOIlE IlU/lDER: 1I011E~DO )olio BUSlIIESS '3'M- 'l1 ~~ EXPERIEIICE A1IOIOR ACrtYlTIES InIlCII YOU fEEL QUALIfY YOU fOR IIIIS roSITlOlh "i-b./\ ~ ~ t' ~ . 6); , ~tLuuuIl~~t~~' ~l\dh.14+ IIIIAT IS YOUR RESEt KIIOIllEDG( OF ilil~ ADVISORY BOARDl \ffiiG~, t1:~~~~~w~~~:r~." III1AT COtlTRIBUTlOIlS 00 YOU.rEEL YOU CAll /IAKE fO TIllS ADVISORY BOARD (OR SlAlE REASOII fOR APPLYIIIG)l ~ire. ~l:lWtl, t(',t1(f. tb.\lowt'djl'\ (~'MM.11",&1 ~ht~e.~ 0\1\1\ ?\C.^~~ t\\lf.NtSt \Y\ '-\.\\0 \1Xl tGlre. ~\ ~\\')\"o~ Spoclflc attention Ihould be directed to pOSSible conlllct of Interest II d.ltned In Chapters J62.6, 40JA.22 01 the Code 01 10111. Shou Id you be u rh In whothor ,or not a ~:~mJ: I ofOr~tlel;o\t7' Intorm ox 'B',IOcontact the legal Depat;n " fU I a If you aro not selocted, do you wlnt to be notlfled7 ~YES [1.JW20ml 1('(1)'''' ~ Do you current ly sorve on another Iowa C Ily Doard or Comnlss Ion It has been Council polley not to permit In Individual to sorvo on slons at tho samo time. Juno 1988 110'1 nOI~'S'1 . CITY OF IOWA CITY . ADVISORY BOARD/COHHISSION APFLICATION FORH Indh Idu.ls servtng on Boards/COI!'Ifttss Ions pl.y .n tllOort.nt roll In .dvll 1119 th. CouncIl on II\Itters of tnt.rut to our COmlnlty and tts futur.. Appllmts Mt resld. In Iowa Ctty. The CIty Council announc.d Advhory Bo.rd/COIII1lhslon vmncles 90 d.ys prtor to the date the appotntment wtll be mad., This p.rtOd provld'S for. lO.d.y .dv.rtlslng pertOd and a 60'day trllntno p.rlod for nll/mellOers. Th. tr.tnlno ptrlOd .IIM newllltll()ers to becomo famlltar with the ruponstbtllttes and duttu of th. 'dvlsory bo.rd/COllllllsslon before becomlno a full votIng member. After a vmncy hIS boen announC'd and the lO.day .dwtrtlslno ptrtOd hIS uplrtd, lh. CouncIl revl'lI1 all applicatIons durtng the Inform.1 work stUton. The .ppolntlll.nt Is announced at the n.xt forll\ll Council meettng. Appolnt..s s.rv. .s unpaId volunte.rs. Council pref.rs that all applicatIons ~lSt b. subnltted to the CIty CI.rk no liter than one we.k prior to the announced appoIntment datu. PlEASE USE A BLACK INIt PEN. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC OOCUIIENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED A/<<I DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. THIS APPLICATION WILL BE CONSIOERED FOR 3 HONTHS ONLY AND AUTO~TlCALLY CONSIDERED FOR ANY VACANCY DURING THAT TIME. ADVISORY BOARD/COIflISS10N IWlE fWilD.iA.AlAJf -r... ~/pJ/' AJ~ HOHE ADDRESS Is your home address (lIsted abov.) within the corporat. 1IIIts of Iowa City? OCCUPATlOHimJArl AJ//H.&dM 1YYIIIn__ EHPLOYER \1e/1= ~'1"j#'UM PHONE HUHBER: HOHE~l~;I r- BUSINESS _ f EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: 'I.. WHAT IS YO R PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? ~:rr,~ '::i;)~t~l::/4J;/f;~~~GhrNS, 4~"'1 WHAT CONTRIBUT ONS DO YOU .FEEL YDU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYINGll -r ~AAJ re.~AJ'~/'Af nfl!t6e;V1l1tJ tJ/~lll~ ttf" 1ft) ~J(IAt(/~- . I' , , SpecifIc attentIon .sho Id be directed to possIble confll of Int.r st IS defined In Chapters l62.6, 40lA.22 of the Code of Iowa, Should you be unc.rtaln whether or not a potential conflIct of Interest ex~s s, contact the Legal Department. VIII you have a conflict of tnterest? YES NO - If you are not selected, do you want to be nottfled? _YES LNO Do you currently serve on another Iowa City Board or Conmlsston? _Y , It hIS been Council poltcy not to permit an Individual to serve on two f' 'i.'~ I slons at the lime ttme, .if./. ~~ 0' ar- L) Z' aJ6rJ AttVt. -iJo 1i'1Y1(.. ~ el/J (/IUS /1f4 /J1. TO J e ~~!~ 41991 /€v~)t ~i/..v ~Mrd - 'I (ell,h.e tl I~ a.. 1/1>1 e.. GYI ....J. MIi~nU , ~j (~n11f11 l:iMJ 0 lOt' . (J; r- - .... -.-...... -.. r- -~ - - -~ ~.... - -- ~.......-. --~ .-- ~ -----..- n t]'I:1 ~, e . CITY OF IOWA CITY. ADVISORY BOARD/COHHISSION APPLICATION FORK Indhldulh ~trVlll9 on 801rdslCOl'!I1IIsslons pby In lqlort,nt rol. In .dtlslll9 tht Council on Ntters of Inhrut to our COllmlnlty .nd Its future. Applicants ftIIt r..ld. In lowl City. th. City Counc II .nnounced Adw lsory 804rd/COllI1llss ton v4CInc tes 90 d,ys prior to tht dat. th. .ppolntment will b. Nd.. This p.rlod prowld.s for. lO.d.y adt.rtlslno p.rlod and I 6O'day trllnlno period for new IIltmbers, Th. tralntno pertod allows new Nmb.rs to b.comt familiar with th. responSibilities .nd duttes of tho .dwhory bo.rd/colll1llsslon b.for. becOlllno . full voting IIltmb.r. Aft.r a v.cancy ha, been Innounc.d .nd th. lO'day adv.rtlstno period hiS 'Jplr'd, th. Council ml.ws III .ppllc.tlons durlno the Informll work session.' The .ppolntm.nt Is , Innounc.d It the n'Jt forNI Council moetlno. Appolnt.e, serve IS unpaid volunt..rs. Ceuncll pr.fer, th.t .11 applicatIons IIlUSt b. ,ubnltted to the Cltv-.tlrl no liter th.n on. we.k prior to th. .nnounc.d .ppolntment dat.s. PCEASE USE ~PEN, ,I , , TIllS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AIIO AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AIIO DISTRIBUTED FOR TltE PUBLIC. TIllS APPLICATION WILL DE CONSIDEREn FOR 1 MOUTHS, ONLY AIID AUTO""T1tALLY CONSIDERED FOR ANY VACANCY DURItIG TIIAT T1HE. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWlEDGE OF TIll ADVISORY BOARD? ~'p!'I~'S l1A .4 l\o. ~""-I. ~ t~ 'o11,~ ~~,~ ./.L-. ~ ' IIIIAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU .FEEL YOU CAlI HAKE TO TlUS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON fOR APPLYING)? Specific altenllon should bo dtrected to pOSSible conflict of Interest as defined In Cheplers 362.6, 40lA.22 of the Code of Iowa, Should you bo uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of tnterest exists, contact the Leoal Departm II conflict of Interest? YES J:LtID /; 0 - /,Ot'm If you .re not selected, do you want to be notIfIed? ~YES Do you currently serve on another low. City Bo.rd or Commission? It h., been Counctl poliCY not to permit .n Indlwldual to serve on s lon, at the same time. June 19~,,~ noe~I~1 ADVISORY BOARD/COHHISSION APPLICATION FORM Indlvlduah serving on Boerds/Coaalulons play an Ilportant roll In .dvlslng the Council on I4tters ot Int.r.st to our coaaunlty and Its tuture. Applicants lust reside In Iowa City. Th. City Council announc.s Advllory Board/COIIlsslon vacancies 90 days prior to the date the appolntltnt will be lid.. Thll period provld.s tor a 30'day adv.rtlllng period .nd a 6D'd.y trllnlno perIod for new..aberl. The traIning perIod .llow. new..lIbers to b.cOll flllllar with the r.lponllbllltl.s .nd duties of the .dvlsory board/collllllon b.fore becOllng . tull voting .elber. Aft.r a vac.ncy h.1 be.n announced and the 30'day advertlllng period has expired, the Council revltwl all .ppllcatlons during the Infonaal work session. The appolntient Is announced at the naxt tOnall Council .a.tlngo Appolnteas s.rv. as unpaid voluntaarl. Council pr.tars th.t .11 applications .ust ba subllttad to the City Clark no later than on. we.k prior to the announced appolntlent dat., illlli ill ~ ~ ~ ill. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUHENT AHD AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLtC. THIS APPLICATION WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR 31MlNTIlS ONLY. ADVISORY BOARD/COItIlSSION IWlE ot..-k-, ~ TERM '2. HNIE (;'\ . ADDRESS 0./,,- ~ .s 0 oS,i.VW ~~ . OCCUPATI ' PLOYER II '1 ~ PIIONE NUHBERS: RESIDENCE BUSIHESS--3 j ('" - ) 0 'I., EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES 1II11CH YOU FEEL QUALITY YOU FOR THIS roSITIOH: . . , ,\ . j~ :::;r:DOE.Q ~'.~'50~":'-' "-f" . " .. ~I ,I . .... ;t;;:T~~~ Y=YO~'~ 1181. "'150RY "'" (OR STATE REA'" , '- fOR APPLYING)? ~''''''''''' A~. ~l ~ r;J.... SpecIfic a ent on should be directed to pas. Ie conflIct of nterelt a. defined n Chapterl 362.6, 403A,22 of tho Codo of Iowa, Should you bo uncertaIn whether or not a potential conflict of Inte~t""exlstl, contact the Looal Dept. Will you have a conflict ;; ::~e~;:t:ot Se1e:::d, do yo:Owant to be noWted? _YES ~ f L E This .ppllc.tlon will bo kopt on file for 3 months. ..., 2211111l1, --=y 1 ( '" "" ,,: 011 ..A.. tL.k~ . n 0 1:1 ~, LI . ern OF IOIlA erry . ADVISORY BOARD/COHHISSION APPLICATION 'ORH Indhldu.1s urvlno on BWds/Comlulonl pl., .n I",art.nt rol. In 'd11s1no th. Council on attt.rl of Int.r'lt to our c~nltl .nd It I futur.. Appllc.ntl IUlt r.lld. In (eN. CIt,. Th. Clt, Counc II .nnounctd Ad1har, 8oud/Comln Ian vmnc ItS 90 d"1 prior to th. dll. th. .ppolntcent will bt atd.. Thlt period provldll for. lO'd" .durtltlno period .nd. 60'd., tr,'nlno period far nlll Dt~ers. Th. tr.lnlno period .IIOki new If~ers ta blcOllt fUIIII., with the ruponllblllt III .nd dut ItS of the .dvltor, bo.,d/comlulan b.fore bec04lllno . full votlno _er. After . vmncl hu beln .nnouncld .nd thl lO'd'l .durtltlno ptrlcd hu elplrtd, the Council rlYlell1 .11 .ppllutlons durlno th. Infor..1 work smlon. The ,ppolntllent It .nnounCld .t thl nelt foratl Council ,..tlno. Appolnteel Ilrv. .s unp.ld voluntl.rs. Council prefers th.t .11 .ppllcllIons IlUlt bt subtlllttd to thl Clt, Clerk no leter th.n on. wllk prior to th. .nnounctd .ppolntllltnt dllll. PLEASE USE A BLACK IHK PEH. . , 'Vito o es ~ - o 80ardl or Commls. June 19881/#/ no,:'SS . CIIY OF 10~^ CITY. ADVISORY BOARD/COIflISSION APPLICATlOI/ FORH Individuals servlll9 on Boards/COlll1llsslons pl'l '11 I",ort.nt rol. In .d,lslft9 the Council on IIIoItters of Int.r.st to our cOllm/nlty .nd Itl future. AppllCfnts Nit mid. In low. City. ' The CIty Counc II .nnounced Ad, Isory Board/COIl'll Is s ton vmnc les 90 d.ys prior to th. d.t. the appolntm.nt will be IIIoIde. This period pro, Ides for. 30'day ad,.rtlslng period and a 60'day tr.tntng period for new members. The tralnlnq periOd .1 lows ntw lfIb.rs to blCOllI familiar with the responsIbilities and duties of the advisory board/C04lllsslon b.for. becomlnq a full votlnq ~mber. Aft.r a vacancy has boen announc.d and th. 30'day ad,ertlslng period has ..plr.d, the Council rovl.1tS all appllCltlons durIng the Informal work Slsslon. Tho appolntlllnt Is announc.d .t the nut forll4l Counc II Net Ino. Appolntus serve IS unpaid volunletrl. Council prefers that all applicatIons mil b. subftltled to the City Clerk no Iller than one Nook prior to th. announced appointment dates. PLEASE USE A BLACK INK PEN. ntls APPLICATlOI/ IS A PUBLIC DOCUHENT ArlO AS SUCH CAli BE REPRODUCED AlII DISTRIIUIED FOR mE f'UBLIC. THIS APPLICATION ~ILL BE COl/SI9ERED FOR J HOI/TlIS, ONLY AlID AUTOI\\T1CALLY ''"'"'''' FO"" ""'" "'AI" '''J "HI. ~ '(fllll.... ADVISO BOARD/COH ISSIOIlIIAHE I.thr~ .~ ~ TERH~~c...... IWlE A.t'\. HonRESS )/:.2 S, ':DaJ,,, (j , Is your'home address listed a ov I withIn the corporat. lImits of 1~~a~ltY7 ~, OCCUPATION rtftlt. ftc'/"r ~u. EHPLOYER fA if. ";7)..7K~. PllONE HUHBER: ~OHt .,</-:- bUSINESS 35) ot 97 EXPERIENCE Al/D/OR ACTIVITIES 1II1JCll yOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR ntls POSITION: ' ~~ ^ /01 "f ~I~ M A I, ~,.~ Wu.uftJ.'\. ,~ c~,d,.....,\ ,..~ eo, r:.Ii. S'~ rt....L... : ,\ , WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWlEDGE OF tHIS ADVISORY BOARD? :biliJ. ~ ct h"""( .>> III/AT CDNTRIBUTlONS DO YOU.FEEL YOU CAlI ~kE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STAT! REASDH FOR APPL,YING)? 'PR.. /()bb:J'1 If f.....{f, -- SpeCific attention should be directed ,to possIble conflict of Int Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of 1000a. Should you be unCtrt potential conflict of Interest Uls~, contact the Logll Departlllon conflict of Interest? YES L-NO If you are not Seltctod~Ou wlnt to be notified? ~ - Do you currently serve on another Iowa City Board or Commission? YES NO - - It has been Council policy not to perllllt an tndl"dual to serve on two Boards or Commls. s Ions .t the same t tille, l ~ A"" 1M ~ 'PA iV boo\:. June 19j / /) 1./ nOI~'Sb . cm OF 10llA CITY . ADVISORY BOARD/COHHISSION APPLICATION FORH Individuals serving on Boardl/COol11llsslons play an I~ortant role In .dvlslnq the Council on IIl6tters ot Interest to our cOllmlnlty .nd Its tuture. Applicants lUst mId. In low. City, The City Counc II announced Adv Isory Board/C04mllss Ion vaCanc lu 90 days prior to the date the appointment will bo made, This period provIdes tor. 30.d.y .dmtlslnq period and a 50.day training rerlod tor new IIlOmbers. The traIning porlod allows new medl.rs to becomo familiar with he responsIbilities and duties of tho advisory board/comlsslon before becoming a fu II votIng IlItdler. After a vacancy has been announced and the 3D.day advertIsing period has expired, th. Council reviews .11 applications durlnq the Informal work session, The appointment Is .nnounced at the next formal Council mootIng. Appolnt.es serve as unpaid volunt.ers. Council prefers that all applications IlIUSt be subnltted to the City Clerk no l.ter than one week prior to the announc.d appoIntment dates. PLEASE USE A BLACK INK PEN. TIns APPLlCATlOII IS A PUBLIC DOCUllEllT All!! AS SUCII CAll BE REPRODUCED Arlll 9ISTRIBUIED FOR TIlE PUBLIC. TIllS APPLICATIOII IIILL BE CONSIDERED FOR J HOIITIIS.OIILY AlID AUTO~TlCALLY CONSIDERED FOR ANY VACANCY DURING THAT TIllE, o ADVISORY BDARD/COHtlSSIOIlIIAHE L'lbtlV~ 'Boud. '* 1(U.I~U' TERH~(. IWlE (hA,(Y /"Jaw HOHE ADDRESS 112. Fu,,,, A 'If-. II your home address (1Is~ed above) withIn the corporate limits of Iowa CIty? ~ OCCUPATION A,.~. nj,utw , uni"uS'1h! 'Rc.la:f\~ EHPLDYER tJl\I'''t.f~I'''' .of l'ow... PHONE /l'JHBER: HOHE 116\. ~1.!..'" BUSINESS 355. tHiS? EXPERIENCE AlID/DR' ACTIVITIES lIIt1cI/ YOU FEEL QUALIFY' YOU fOR ntls POSITION: -'Pluu~ (~ a.."uhetL kilu. VHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KIIOVLEDGE OF TIllS ADVISORY BOARD? IIIIAT CONTRIBUTIONS 00 YOU ofEEL YOU CAlI /lAKE TO TIllS ADVISORY BOARO (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLY! NG) ? SpecifIc attentIon should be directed to pOSllble conflict at Interest IS defined In Chapters 352,6, 40JA.22 at tho Code at Iowa. Should you be uncertain whethor or not a potential conflict at Interest exists, contact tho Legll Department. VIII you have a conflict of Interest? _____yES ~ND ' If you are not selected, do you want to bo notified? Do you currently servo on another Iowa City BOI It has been Council policy not to permit an In! I u,*,ol fPl9l 0 slons at tho Slmo time. /0: H 1I... sr- )( NO - Boards or Commls. Juno 'i/41/ ,\ , . - - ( no,:' ~, ' 1 I' 212 r.r.on Av.nu. low. City, low. 12246 H.y II, 1991 City COUnoll City of low. City Clvlo Center 410 I. W..hlngton Str..t low. City, low. 12240 D..r COUnoll HoabIr.. .1.... .oc.pt thl. I.tt.r .. .ppllc.tlon to the Bo.rd of Llbr.ry Tru.t.... I.. .pplyl"9 for a full t.ne (.1. y..r) v.c.ncy or . v.c.ncy or..ted by r..lgn.tlon. I h.v. bo.n .n aotlv. IIIbtr of both tho olty .nd Unlv.r.lty CClnIUnltl.. for ..ny y..r.. Inor...lngly, I h.va boCOll MOr. Involvod, ..rvlR9 r.c.ntly on tho ftAOBAAI .l.nnlng Comnltt... I.. al.o an .ctlv. IIIbtr of tha Chaabtr of CoImorc. Unlv.r.lty R.l.tlon. Coamltt.., and the COnv.ntlon .nd VI.ltor. Bur..u Bo.rd of Dlr.ctor.. Hy po.ltlon .. '..I.tant dlr.otor of Unlv.r.lty R.I.tlon. at Th. Unlv.r.lty of low. .llow. lor. bro.d .oopt of dutl.. and r..pon.lbllltl.., .nd I .. frequ.ntly c.ll.d upon to be tho Unlv.r.lty d..lgn.. .t c~nlty .v.nt. .nd comnltt.. mo.tlng.. Th. low. City Publlo Llbr.ry dot. .n out.t.ndlng 'ob of providing. vlt.l ..rvlc. to thl. conwunlty, .nd the oltl..n. of low. Olty ar. ju.tlfl.bly proud of It. ,ocOlpll.hmtnt.. I w.nt to ... th.t th... ..rvlc.. oontlnu. to grow .nd ..pand. I al.o r..ll.. th.t curr.nt fl.o.l r..lltl.. domand o.r.ful .tt.ntlon to budg.t and long.r.ng. go.I., and I am commltt.d to work to ..cur. .deqult. funding to c.rry out th... go.l.. It aay bo of '011 Int.r..t to know th.t my MOth.r w.. h..d llbr.rlln of the HOrton Orov. (Illlnol.) Publlo Llbr.ry frOl 1911 to 1971, During thlt plrlod th.r. w.. rlpld ..pan.lon In the olty" growth, prOlptlng . .ucc...ful bond r.f.r.ndwa to build . n.w llbr.ry. A f.w y"r. l.t.r tho ooll.ctlon h.d ..pand.d .0 gr..tly th.t .n .ddltlon w.. r.qulr.d. During tho mld-60a, tha HO'L Bo.rd .1.0 aucc...fully thw.rt.d .n .tt.mpt to r.lOv. H.ln KIInr frOQ It. ah.lvoo. Th. b.ttl. ~:. fought In tho no~op:por and In tho oourt and tho Bo.rd pl.y.d an aotlv., vl.lbl., .nd prl..ry rola In d.f.ndlng the Plr.t Altndmtnt. Hy knowl.dg. of tho roll of . llbr.ry bolrd I. th.r.for. DOr. hl.torlcal th.n ourr.nt, but I .. k..nly IWlr. of It. r..pon.lbllltl.. .nd comnltmont to tho community. I .. ..g.r to l.nd my till .nd t.l.nt. to ..rv. on tho Bo.rd of Llbr.ry Tru.t.... I.. commltt.d to tho oontlnuod ..c.llonc. of tho low. City Publlo Llbrlry Ind wlnt to be .n .ctlv. p.rtlolpant In It I futuro .ucc..., Think you for your conlld.r.tlon of thll Ipplloltlon, IInc.r.ly, ~ Hlry H.w f I LE ~ n 0 I:"~' EI w,.. nv .IRl0lI1L DAtAL Dat. , 'lac. of .lrthl 12/37/41, lIu Clalr., lI11C0nlln HOIO Addr'll , 'hon.. 313 r.rlon Av.nuI Iowa Clty, Iowa 13346 m051-4714 DUIln..1 Addr"1 , .honel Offlc. of Unlvlr.lty ~.lltlonl Th. Unlv.r.lty 01 Iowa 1 Old c.pltol low. Clty, low. 13343 m/nt.om K.rlt.l .t.tUI. Klrrltd to Klch'll J. How, Vie. .r..ldlnt Unlvlrllty of low. round.tlon , ; ! Chlldrenl J.nnlf.r, born 6/10/66 IDueA'rIOlt Kll.. Town.hlp lI..t HlVh .choo1, .kokl., 111lnoll Or.du.ted Jun. 1963 Att.nded Unlv.rllty of low. 1963-61, 1977-'9 D,A. dl9r.., K'y 19'9 HlVh .chooh C011'911 IXPIA1IHC'I r.bru.ry 1989 to pro..nt A.Illtlnt Dlroctor of Unlvlrllty RI1.tlon. for .paelal .rojoctl, Tho Unlvorllty 01 Iowa. lIlth thl acrlYl1 of .rllld.nt "untor Rawllnv. In AuVu.t 1966, .y dutlo. and roapenllbl11tloa ..panded rapldly, noco.lltatlnv tho croatlon 01 tho .pacl.l 'rojlctl unit of Unlvor.lty Ro1~tlon.. Th. .pacll1 .rojoct. unlt ...lltl thl unlvorllty In ltl .ffort to lnfonD .nd onv.vo IImblrl of 10cIl, It.t., Ind n.tlona1 con.t1tulnt Vroup. and to brlnv thll Into dlroot contact with tho unlvorllty pro.ldont and othlr IImborl of thl unlvor.lty community throuvh lpaola1 oVlntl, both on and off ClaPU', parlonal corr..pendonco, and othor tal10rod communloatlon. and outroaoh act1Ylth.. Thl unlt "'0 hol f 01 r VL"tt n1 MAY I 71991 U \ fl" & P i' , .'_.' ~-_.-'-- ---.,~~. - tl ti I:' C, (I - - - co.IUnlty Ind co.IOn purpo'l vlthln thl unlv.r.ltv by Irrl"9l"9 Ipproprl.t. v.th.rlnv. Ind Iv.nt. lor unlv.r.lty con.tltu.nol... ~ll pr.vlou. lotlvltl.. hlv. bI.n r.tllned Ind nlV r..pon.lbllltl.. hlv, bI.n Incorporlted, I hlv, bI.n r..pon.lbl. lor Itln.rlry, trlv.l Ind Iv.nt Irrlft9...nt. lor lOr. thin 30 ItltlVld. vl.lt. by the pr'lldtnt. I hlv, 11.0 ...uatd Iv.nt pl.nnlnv r..pon.lblllty lor III on c..pu. prt.ld.ntl.l .v.nt. .uch I' lootblll brunchl" .tltl bu. Int.. 10ldor. dlV' on c"PU" Ind tovn/9OV" brolkll.t.. I II chlrv.d vlth thl lOrlUl.tlon Ind upk.op 01 I .tltlVld. 'l..d.r. 11.t' I~rl.ed 01 130 bu.ln... Ind olvlo 1.ld.r,', Ind .. r..pon.lbl. lor III pr..ld.ntlll ..111"9' to thl. ll.t. I 11.0 ..Intlln Iccurltl Ind co.proh.n.lv. ll.t. 01 lnt.rn.l Ind .xt.rnll con.tltu.ncl.. Ind coordlnltl the pr..ld.nt" outro.ch cIl.ndlr, Illy 1m to Fobruuy 191' ~..I.tlnt to the Olr.ctor, Unlv.r.lty ~.lltlon. Th. Unlv.r.lty 01 lowI I v.. ro.pon.lbl. lor I brold rlnv. 01 Ictlvltl.. locu..d on .xt.rnll Ind c..pu. con.tltu.nel.., , Dutlo. lnoludld o..pu. ,1.ltor .upport (lnoludlnV lor.lvn Ind dOlt.tlo dlvnltlrl"" on,cllpu' .,.nt orv.nl.ltlon Ind .tllllft91 bul1dlnv d.dlCltlon. Ind Vround br'lklft9" Ind coordlnltlon 01 unl,.r.lty lotl,ltl.. It Itltovld. I,.nt. .uoh I' the lowI Stlt. Fllr. In Iddltlon, I coordlnltod logl.tlol1 Irrlft9...nt. Ind pro,lded .tlll .upport lor Doard 01 JlI9.nU lNotlft9., both on Ind oil oupu', ( I 11.0 ..r,. I' .xlcutl,. slor.t.tV 01 tho UI 'Irlnt. ~..ool.tlon vlth rl.pon.lbllltlo. thlt lneludo publloltlon 01 I n.w.lott.r throo till. I y'lrl oo-.pon.or.hlp 01 'Ir.nt. Wookondl .pon.or.hlp Ind ov.r.lvht or tho Fro.Naln cll11nv .ro,.otl on.ouru' 1111.on ror III UI ,.ront. or und.rvrldulto .tudont" Ind Ittond.nco Ind loond. r..pon.lbllltl.. lor the 36'lIlbor Do.rd or Dlr.ctofl. f L -- -r- -- \' E . ~ n 0 2 b 0 ~ J~ly 1979 to Kay 1984 Du.ln... KanaQ.r and A..l.tant to the Publl.h.r Th. Dally lowln R09ardld .. the Unlv.r.lty of Iowa'. 'c"PU' nowipaper,' Th. Dilly lowln I. .n lnd.pend.nt dilly now.paper with a clrculltlcn of 26,000, In Innull budQ.t of '1.1 .llllon, and 63 full-tl.. Ind 21 part-tl.. ..ploy.... AlthouQh Ifflllltld with the Unlv.r.lty of IOWI, Th. Dilly lowln 1. publllh.d by . nonprofit corporltlon Qov.rnld by In .l.ctld volunt..r bolrd of dlr.ctor.. Ky r.lpon.lbll1tl.. Involved .. In .11 ..pect. of the dilly bu.ln... operation of the now.paper. I WI' r..pon.lbl. for III Iccount. r.c.lvlbl. and paYlbl., proparltlon of payroll, ..nIQ...nt of per.onn.l rocord., purchl.lnQ of oqulpeont Ind .uppll.., Ind .onltorlnQ budQot. for the nowlpaper" fly. dopart..nt.. In Iddltlon, I work.d clo..ly with tho publl.hor on the bro.dor Ilnlg...nt .nd pl.nnlng function. of,th. now.paper. I .1.0 ..rvld .. ..crot.ry to the bo.rd of dlroctor.. 1976 to 1980 .ro.l.nc. gr.phlo .rtl.t .nd book d..lgn.r ourlng thl. period I d..lgnod fly. book. for Th. Unlv.r.lty of low. .r.... Ky r..pon.lbllltl.. lnvolv.d d.v.loplng d..lgn, co.plot. In.tructlon. for the prlnt.r Including l.yowt .nd do.lgn of .Ich pag., ..llctlon of typo, Ind cov.r dOllgn. I 1110 publllhld Ind .old two ll.ltod .dltlon book. fro. IY own hind pr..., In addition to book do.lgn, I d..lgnad nUlOrou. adv.rtl.lnQ po.t.r., brochuro., IOnu., and lottorhoad .tatlon.ry. UNIVERSITY-RILATID INVOLVEKENT. -- low. City Chaab.r of Commerce Unlv.r.ltv R.latlon. eomnlttoo -- Unlvor.lty of Iowa ropro.ontatlv. to Iowa Clty/COralvlll. Convontlon and Vl.ltor. Durolu BOlrd of Dlroctor. -- .ontlcr..t '1lnnlnQ Commltto. .. ...,...,. ,.1.. ...... ....,.... ~ L E ~I uf \ \ n 0 I:' b 'I " . , l' -- '..rch c~ltt... for Offlc. of Adal..lon. -- Adal..lon. R.t.ntlon/OUtr.lch COnIltt.. .ROPlSSlOHAL IXTRACURRICUURI o -- CA.I cold K.d.l, 19.6 '.r.nt. R.l.tlon. pro;r.. -- 'Iculty DOGbor, CASI Conf.r.nc. 'Iulldlno I.tt.r Plront. .ro;r...,' Kirch 19.7, 'rinc.ton, How J.r..y. Roc.ivod hlOho.t flculty retlno. -- Chlpt.r .uthor, '~nlc.tino Iffoctivoly .nd Ifficl.ntly With 'Iront." 'Iront. 'roarlm.1 lIow to Croato Lutlna 'l'lll, CAn, January 1990. .IRSOHAL IITRACURRJCUURI -- lIanch.r Audltoriu. oulld ..aber -- .ut Prllidont, JOWl City .wl. Club' , f L E ~ MAY 111991 no,:' b e , t , . CITY Of 10l/A em . ADVISORY BOARD/COMHISSION APPLICATION fOAK Indlvldu.ls serving on Bo.rds/COCIllllsslons play an Iqlort.nt role In 'dtlslng the Council on NUm 01 Inttrtlt to our cOlIIIWJnfty .nd Its MUff, Appllunts lllISt ruld. In low. City. 'he City Council announced Advisory Bmd/Cllmllsslon v.cancles 90 days prior to the d.t. the .ppolntlllnt will b. Nde. 'This period provIdes for. 30.dayadurtlstng perIod .nd . 6O'day tr.lnlng period for n.w members. Th. tr.lnlng period allows n.w I.mbers to becOllt (..11 Iar with the rupons Ibllltles and dut Its o( the advisory board/comlss Ion b.(ore beCOGIlng . fu II vollng IIltrber. Arter. m.ncy hIS bltn announc.d and th. 30.day advertisIng perIod hIS uplred, the Council rul.WI .11 applications during the Informal work session. The appolntm.nt Is .nnounced .t the ne.t (ormal Council fttetlng. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. Council prefers that .11 .ppllcatlons IllUSt be submitted to the City Clerk no Iat.r th.n on. week prIor to th. .nnounced appotntment dates, PLEASE USE A BLACK INK PEN. TIllS APPLICATlOII IS A PUBLIC DOCIIHEHT AIIO AS SUCII CAll BE REPRODUCEO AlID olSTRlBUTEO fOR mE PUBLIC. TIllS APPLICATIOII '/ILL BE C~IISloEREo fOR 3 HOIITltS, OIILY Allo AUTO/IATlCALLY CONSIDERED fOR ANY VACAIICY DURIIIG TIlAT TlHE. ADVISORY BOARD/COIfIlSSIOIl tWlE B. 4/;(.. ,f.'bIM1 11e.I.o... TEAK ~ r"'" IWlE 'i:). HOllE ADDRESS g;J~ R ;~I' fl1u;J:- Is your hoftt addr.ss (listed .bove) within the corporat. limits of Iowa City? ~ OCCUPATION ",&(Jk~/dJ,_,.., EHPLoYER Pial"''-I.it'''~J""",, PIIDNE ~H8ERI HOHE~ BUSINESS 33~, ~r.rl ' EXPERIENCE AlIO/OR ACTIVITIES IIII1CII YOU fEEL ~UALln YOV fOR nlls POSITIONI '.Irl'u..~ (/J",,,..#r.L lIN,'~/""J... ".( XloJ.. L;6""~ ~ "I'Qrt d 7 T #7 l' III T IS YOUR PRESENT KIlOIILEOGE OF mls ADVISORY BOARD? '~ i. Will.' -#.J. SpecUle Allen Ion should b dIrected to possible contllct of Interest IS d.tlned tn Chapters 362,6, 403A,22 of the Code of Iowa, Should you be uncertain whether or not a potent lal conf IIct of tnterest u Is ts, cOjl,ta~t the legal Dopartmen!,o ;,U III you have f conflict of Interest? _YES _NO '~,.J", WI. ""'" /(0.11 tJ 7lo.J "~'''l.oJ 1w.Jt._ , , . / ~ Wo/TItI/IJ" 1- sd(, rf If you art not selected, do you want to be notlrled? LYES 110 0',,/.J Do you currently semon another Iowa CIty Board or Conmlsslon r. LEn It hiS been Council polley not to permit an Individual to serv ~n t~~~~~r II Is. s Ions at the same lime. (\ (;) 1/ . : ~ ?Ja,,,,I')V-.~' lJ~1 'loll n 0 '~' b ~I ,\ . CITY OF 10W_ CITY. ADVISORY BOARD/COHHISSION APPLICATION FORK IndIYldu.h ur.'no on Bo.rdl/CQIl1lllsllonl pl., .n II'(l0rUnt roll tn .dvht"'9 thl CouncIl on Nttlrs o( Intlrut to our COlmlnltl .nd tts futurl. Appllc.nts iMt resldl In low. Clt,. Th. Cltl Council .nnounced Advlsorl BO"d/ComlUlon vacancies 90 d'lS prior to th' d.tl th, .ppolnteent wIll be aad'. Thll Plrlod provld'S (or. 30'd., .dv,rtls1nop,rlod .nd . 6Q'd., tr,'nlno pertod for new ntmb,rs. Th' tr.'nlng perIod .11~ n,w mtmb,rs to b,cOllt fa.m.r with th' ruponllbllltles .nd dutIes 0' the advllorl bo.rd/comluton b.fore beCQdllng . full vot tng ..It,r. A'tlr . v.c.nCl has be,n .nnounced .nd th, 30.d., .dvlrtlslnQ perIod h.S 'xplr'd, th' Council rtyt'lII .11 .ppllc.tlonl durlno thl tMor..1 work mston. Th. .ppolntmlnt Is .nnounC'd at the n'At foraal Council "Itlng. Appolntl.s s,rvI .s unpatd voluntl,rs. Council preftrt th.t all .ppllcatlons .,st be lubllltted to the City Clerk no later th.n onl wlek prior to thl .nnounctd .ppolntmtnt d.tel. PLEASE USE A BL~CK INK PEN, TIllS APPLICATION 15 A PUBLIC DOCUHENT AIlO AS SUCH CAH BE REPRODUCED AIC! DISTRIBUTED FOR TIlE PUBLIC. TIllS APPLICATION VILL BE CONSIDERED FOR 3 HONTIlS ONU AND AUTOI'ATlCALLY CONSIDERED FOR ,~ VAC~HCY DURING TH/,T TIHE, ADVISORY BOARD/COHIISSION fWlE..Llbrnrv aaw TERH-ill.l.:9.Z..-- IlAHE...HiWono M, stnntord HOlE ADDRESS 619 Whl Unit Avo. Iown Clty II lour hone eddr,sl (listed .bovt) wIthIn thl corpor.te 11.ltl of low. City? YOD OCCUPATION..lubJon Connul tnnt EHPLOYER Sol t.employod PHONE HUHBER: HOIE.J.J!2l'S4.0600 BUSINESS Dnmo EXPERIENCE AHD/OR ACTIVITIES IMICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: 27 Yoara of voluntoor actlvltloa thnt lnclud'I'Chr. major fund ralDors, 6 yra. Pr1e~D Devolopmont Counc1l Un1v. Ia. Mus. of Art, Hnnchor Ou1~d. currently Proo,\ Hoop1ce Vol., Havo workod 1n l1brary no a otudont, Mnnngo illY own buo1noos, I alii an organ1&od poroon and poople orlontod. \/HAT IS YOUR PRESENT KHOll\EDGE OF TIllS ADVISORY BOARD? I havo opokon br1efly wlth Lolly Eggoro about tho L1brnry nnd lta curront noodo, nOI~lbLI . CITY OF IOWA CITY. ADVISORY BOARD/COHHISSION APPliCATION FORK Indlvtduals servlllQ on Boards/COlnlulons pl'l .n troorUnt rol. In 'drtslng the Council on matters 0' Int.rest to our co~nltl .nd Its 'utur.. Applicant! "1St rule. In low. City. Th. Cltl Council announc.d Advlsorl Bo.,d/Comlsslon vtctnctes 90 C." prIor to the dat. the appolntm.nt will be mad.. This period prorldel for, JO-d'l ,dr.rtlslng p.rlOd and I 60'dal tr,'nlng period 'or new nemb.rs. Th. tr,'nlng pertOd .IIOWI new.,lO.rs to beclN famlltar with the rupOnltbllltles .nd dutlts of th. .dvlsory bo.re/co.mhslon before becoming a fu 11 vot tng IIltIO.r. AfUr I vmnCI has be.n Innounc.d .nd the 30'd'l .durthlno WIOd hu ..plrtd, tII. Council revl.1It .11 appltmtons durIng the Informal work Stulon. Th. ,ppolnteent Is announc'd It th. n.xt foraal Council lIlt.tlno, Appolnt..s s.rv. .s unp,'d volunt..rs. Council prefers that all applications Mt be subllltttd to the City Clerk no IIt.r thin one week prIor to the announc.d .ppolntment datts. PlEASE USE A BLACK INK PEN. THIS APPLICATION IS A F\JBLIC DOClRlENT Ah1l AS SUCH CAH BE RtPRODUCEO AI" DISTRIIUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. THIS APPLICATION VILL BE CONSIDERED FOR 3 HONTHS ONU AlID AUTO"'rrCALLY CONSIDERED FOR ANY VACANCY DURING THAT TIKE. ADVISORY OARD/COHi SSION IlAHE ;/Oi~ '#&1:liI TEPJI ,Ul"/S'~J IlAME ~ dIE ADDRtSS fA/oJ/, IL) tP~ '/111 an. Is your holllt addr". IhUd abov.) within the corpor.te IIllts 0' I owl CI,ty? -'/tv OCCUPATIOH EHPLOYER vr- PHONE HUHBER: HOHE:::Jff. / 'In ~ BUSIHESS EXPERIEHCE AHD/OR ACTIVITIES I/HICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU rOR THIS POSlTIOH: o ' . I \/HAT IS YOUR PRtSEHT KHOIII.EDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? , , . . . . I VHAT COHTRIBUTIONS DO YOU ,rEEL YOU CAH MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD lOR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)?' . IIi1Il& . . peel fc attentIon should be dlrecte to osslble conflIct of Intertst IS defined In Chapters 362,6, 403A,22 of the Cod. of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of Interest .xlsts, contact the LlQal Department. VIII you hm a conflIct of Interest? YES NO - - If you Ire not selected, do you want to bo notified? /YES NO - - Do you currently serve on another Iowa Ctty Board or Commlssl · ~ '1,,:m h' June 198 It has been Counctl polley not to permit an IndIvidual to ser slons at the same ttme,