HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-23 Correspondence '-,......,..~r ~ ~l\~ " I'" ... ~;'"..4'"',~,"'..... ',' -" n , [I ,I L, LAWn[NC[ L LYNCH SI[PH[N N, On[[NLUF nOS[Rr S, MICHA[L LYNCH & GREENLEAF AnORH[Y& AT LAW tIQ2 WILLOW CRUK counl P.O. SOX m IOWA CITY. IOWA an.. m Anu COO!)., )SHOll FAX ))161)4 'I I July 10, 1991 ~ , ~orablo John HacDonald City Council Hombors Planning and Zoning Commission Hombors City of Iowa City Iowa City, IA 52240 l Doar Hayor HacDonald, Council Hombors, and Commission Homborsl As you aro awaro, tho Rogina Catholic Education Contor is soiling approximatoly oight acros locatod just north of North Sovonth Avonuo and Woodridgo Avonuo in Iowa City to Coldwoll-Dankor Andorson-Dondor. This proporty is at tho oxtromo wostorn odgo of tho romaindor of tho Rogina proporty, and oxtonds wost from tho Rogina proporty in a fingor-liko fashion. Coldwoll-Ilankor Andorson-Dondor plans to dovolop tho aroa with singlo-family roaidoncos. It is our undorstanding that tho city staCC is conDidoring rocommonding that tho plat submittod by Coldwoll-Ilankor And orson- Dondor bo amondod to allow for tho possibility oC a stroot to bo constructod on tho north side of tho romaining Rogina proporty botwoon tho subjoct proporty and First Avonuo in ordor to allow Cor possiblo futuro dovolopmont on Rogina proporty. Tho purpose oC this lot tor is to cloarly sot Corth Rogina's intontions rogarding tho possibility oC dovolopmont of tho romaining Rogina proporty. Rogina doos not intond to soil any land in tho Cuturo which would nocossitato tho uso of a stroot as considorod. Plans Cor installing a track to tho north of tho curront Cootball Ciold aro moving forward. Construction of tho track will uso tho last largo aroa on tho Ragina proporty. Any possiblo stroot construction 4S proposod would nocoositato olimination oC tho girls' softball complox and tho track, loaving no placo for thom to bo roconstructod. Tho proposod str~ot would provido no usofulnoss to Rogina. Rogina may nood anothor accoss to thoir proporty to thoir property from north First Avonuo in tho futuro. 1I0wovor, Regina would only nood accoss to thoir proporty, and would not nood a through stroot. I IR~~ I ,.., ,.' .." .. "".,' '-~'-',i n , 0 " ~I H4cDon41d July 10, 1991 P4qO 2 ^ throuqh stroot constructed to tho north or Roqin4 would m4ko Roqin4 much moro subscoptiblo to crimo, 4S tho stroot would bo IOC4tod in 4 virtu41ly unpopul4ted 4r04 close to tho 'ro4r" or tho proporty. Roqin4 resists cro4tinq 4 street which would imposo this uncontrol14blo burden upon them. Wo th4nk you for your considor4tion, 4nd respectfully requost th4t you do not 41low for possible stroot dovelopmont behind Reqin4. Sincoroly, LYNCII , GREENLEAF ~.~ RSH/kd ! ! II 1 -------~-----~-'----,.,---'~ , ., " COPYI P' Z Dopt. ,. . -~. , f l E ~ ..u. I 2 199/ ~1I1" ~ 1Iff, till tlcII ,,.. ~~..!2" .-.. ..... . -- ..-,-,..~,"-"." . l.af~ .. " . , .1 I "i.,"', ,'-,.r, ,'"' ~.. b~\ ~'-~~~-'-'-'-~-'~ f , !. , ',..."....."'.,.,',.,"". n I CI ,I b' City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dolo: July IS, 1991 Clly Council I 'l' ~VL(},jL Korln Fronklln. Dlroclor, Doportmonl 01 Planning & ~;;jr4<<#o~opmonl Hickory Hill Rldoo Subdivision. Corrospondonco from ;oLrt Michaol To: From: Re: Inclllded In Iho Council packol II 0 IOllor from Bob Mlcheol, ol\ornoy with Lynch ond Groon/ool, oxprOlllng concOrn Oboultho poulbll/ly 01 0 Ilreel on Iho north lido 01 tho Reolno COlhollc EducolJon Conler propolly. Thoro II no nood lor conc.rn: Iho Ilrool was consldorod during prol/mlllAry dlscUlllonl wllh Iho dovolopor 01 Hickory Hill Rldoo Subdivision. Tho propolod IlroOl, which would hevo IInk.d tho lubdlvllJon ond Sovonth Avonu. with F1rol Avonuo, I. no longor belno consldorod. Th. pial lor tho lubdlvlslon Includastho contlnuallon 01 Soventh Avonuo norlh to 0 molntonanc. accosI 10 tha pork and lha conllnuatlon 01 WoocIrJdoo Avonuo 10 Iho north ond WOlllo COMoCI with 50vonlh Avonuo. ~lllill Id~ , I' , . , I I ! ,,'t) ii ,Q) I . , 1\ " n 1 n . , ,-, - , ... ".- " . f I LEn George Nogle Jl 8~ U mm1Rur"Ce\ft.. \MfI In"""", Sf Iowa CIIy.1A 52240 (J 1/4IlIo1~"".~ j~o ct, I"ell Y~I'''~ 1-1"" j('IIJ:'" C1 tcu\J.d l(.~c. C~r ~,~ C'd I J......- I)~c..r {('-I.....c..~~ m,"\'~~t (J.t ,~~,,~c. \" MI. p-(tt4-' ~ .Qt~, ~ ~h~C\. {/t~~ (I<.:~~~, S,,~f ~~tL~\t~). S~'\(t%. l~ 41\.M\t~l \~ ~"" A'tl~ f'\oJ.r (\. \1'~ ~(l, ~ k>~ ",\\~..AAO tL.f. /l.l~~ (v::d~.j . J2.1CL&.~ .t~~h" t~"" "ULt~..,.P.. , l..\o,p CM\.&o~,,1J~ ~~;rl\--:I ~.r.:.M" \~..u ~ t\'~~r~" ~~ t~~. t0 ~ ",,~k J...~tc ,~..,.:t""~f.t. .~14. 1}\\D'n\"~1 1 ~ ~,,,it..t it" .~~v...r ~""- Ol~ It+-4~~ ~~~~) .~u. o~t'~ lJ.,'1t"" Io.~~ +~~ 0\'1\.. S ~~ I ~~ (1.!1~ I' 1~43 ".'1 n 1 0 ./ E' if!! ') . RECEIVED JUL 8 199\ f Jl l8~ ~ July 6. 1991 ~~,~( I..... t.'l ClI,' ,,., r!.L.!:"..!..-....__ i Door Hayor and Counoil Homboral I tully aaroo with Ho. Karotono that wo nood bottor do, control and moro otrlnlont ponaltioo. It io no ourprllo that Jalon Karltono woo attackod lot~ at nllht Ilnco that h tho timo mOlt irrooponelblo dOl ownorl lot thoro dOli out for tho oxcorollO tho ownoro will not provldo durlnl tho day Ilneo tho dOB mUlt bo loalhod and can moro oallly be loon to bo roportod. Our nollhborhood froquontly haa dOlO roamlnl at nl,ht and othor nolBhborhoodl probably do alao. Only lomowhat loss problomatlc II tho barkin, problom. Lho ponal- 1~lnl of which roqulros tho cltlzon to fllo an official oom" plaints. Otton do,s aro Ilvon tholr "oxoorcloo. by tyln, tho~ to o loash by tho houso whoroby thoy bark until thoy oro tokon In, of ton houra lotor. No otflol01 complaint is roqulrod for IPoodln. or runnln, a ItOP sian and a dOl runnln, froo con bo ovory bit os donlorouo. Yot, wo soom to havo a .flrat blto froo. policy ond only thon Is Iny- thlnl dono. Ploalo holp the animal ahelter do 0 better Job by havln8 Iowa that provldo tor flnanolal ponaltioa, etc. and provldo thom with moona to havo havlnB bettor stattln8 than tho half days thoy oro now ovailablo. Valda Gobhart 8 Weat8oto Clrolo ,\ I P.s ~(ea.~ ~ o.\sO rLv SO{\\Q,~\\~ C~~w\- \.\erl~ct6( (aUtwl'I~. W~ l..JM\- C~ h hOt\', LJ L '2;CAl\1- our r:ArJ \ " I cJ"a1\t\t.~ laue-Ie.. , '19~"f. . ,. I , I , I , " I I I I I I I , i it' I~ I~ I . n 1 D '/ q ..--,~.,_.."._,-. ,. . ..,.' . .11, , ". :bCi9,:.~"~, ~nlea~heswoman'Si:ire .. ~';;':';'HubW ',! I I." 'IIIt1et,!~I.j.u ~.f~ pet ;"'b01l~otma.'; "}'I(~\~'~J'N:hl' ~~1~'r~'.':~~'1'. ,..~,.,.u-OtI:.m", ,., ; ,oncn"he,loliltlholtw.' \ '." ....Anlmal COlllIOl"oIIIctrt lItII" pcil&J1ICIlI.".ICInlcat'ialil....1W I' I ., . "W. 11m animal. In our Ulltbl. to "pC\Ire Iho dol. 11III pcopIt "he 0ll1I1A1m11t 1/1.... ' . ~ Iowa ~ ~ ~ = . i nclaJlbolhood NMIn, .11 over Iho 110M of Iho IICI~ mlolctlu Ill. polCIIlO be InltUllftIli IIlII dIW ! III herOWl". hI~' undc" p!Ice." KInleIll, Mid. ". think 1nInc4 to 1ecIIn, Iholt dol' Nll ihouIoI be copIUIIi of WI lhcCr 1I1.......of~... .:~;!. '?......., '10, ~'.' there Ihould be II\OlIl IIlOIICY .po" 1ooM, ClroIlCInIeN laid. mpoIIIlbUld.ulI." ":.,.',,,; ,\. ; ~...- ......., ,...... ......, , PlO9riaICd to Iddrm lho prob- Juon 1111 ""1m! nInI nbIe.\ , , .. , . ,,,,,,An4 Iho II llllIcuIIIftI hu'Auy Ieni.";' Ihou 10 fir IIlIIIlIIY requlra one! ICanlw IIId Iho lW.lOId b1 i !~~ ukbla dly olllclal. to ClICk IClnulll' 10ft, Juon, 21.,wu or 1"1I\OlIl. T!it Ihou COlllbout IIIIIlIII ~ oIIIcm dloIlIlIIl1 , .:::. CII\ peopIt.,"!'O ,lei JlCU Nll JoIIIna near lho comer 01 Oov. SIJOO. ~~ ~ lItII~ . U, . ' " '" .. ., ' "trnor anil Dlvenport l1Ieell KanlcIllIAIeI her 10ft wu Iar,. . : ,.1. , I' CoroI JCanlaII of 104 B. Jef. .1IOUIld mIcInIahl JUIIC 13 when. enou,lI to fend orr lho dot'l It- T!it onm JlI1' ftt, lib dlIIt i t, fmoo 51. IIId Iho wu wrilln, 10 dol "me from behind . Irct 11III ' pelted IllICb. Bill whlllf fler lOll JlCU home IIlII dletlll MI'I'ftlIIII , '~IlyCcluacUIllCll1bcnIll.lkthem IlIlICkedhlm.,~.. . hldbecnllllllllchlkl7lhouked. over,KonIcIllIlIil,"'" "'1 " ,I II nlIlunlmal cOlllloh priority, "., WII' prelly I1lWI dol," lIerlOllwllblllnlholclllhlah.A .,'Ma~4' houJIaJ-l\,-w: \,1 SIll WIIllI men money 4cv0ce4 JIIOft Klnlelll 1A1eI: "II c.me.t chllel probAbly Yo1lUId have been bit lIIIU.ptl oymert .~rtIfOllI!o ,I, Ifill uImII COIIroIIIIII hlnbtr po- me Iboul nv.1Ime&. IlIclred lho In lho fect.1ho 1A1eI. b1c,'w Mid. . .. .' .. " · . it' h't if' h'.." . " I ",,, > !, I Ii l 1 I I . -....-. .. .....~..............'~",.4~.<.,.,'.,.'"',,-_, '" "~,~_",,,_ ,,'.....,......,. .,.. II ,'J-"",,.'^,,d" ,,1(,' _~,~ ~. o I. IJ i .,,'"".....,