HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-20 Bd Comm minutes n 1 -, e e ~~~\ ,\ , MINUTES IOWA CITY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION JULY 22, 1991 SENIOR CENTER CLASSROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: RIY Halnol, Alison Am.. Ollst.d. TOllY Powall, HIYWood Bolli, Dorothy PluI. Fred Mimi, Chll.Hslng Lu Jason Chon, ROlli Stlrr Allco Hillis, AMI Bumsldo MEMBERS ABSeNT: STAFF PREseNT: RECOM~~tlDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL: Nonl. REQUEST TO CITY f,,1ANAGER FOR INFORMATION OR STAFF ASSISTANC~: Nono. LIST OF MATTERS PENDING COMtx1ISSIONICOIJNCll OISClJSSIP~: Nono. . BECOGNII1Qti QElUBLlC A~D NEWS MmjA: MarIan Ellzaboth Saksona iUMh1ARY QlDISCUSSLO~ A~D FORMAL ACTIONS TAKE~: Nona. , CALL TO 08Q~B:. Tho mooting wos callod to ordar by Chelrporlon RIY Heino,. Tho noX! Commission mOlting I. .chadulod lor August 26 at 7:00 p.m.ln tho Son/or Conllr Classroom. Motion wos madl by Powollto approvo mlnutos 01 Juno 24, 1991. PaullOcondod. Motion call1ad. CASES PE~DINQ: Halll, raportad thoro ora olght amploymonl COlli, ono housIng caso, Ind two publlo accommodation casas under Invostlgotlon. Sho raportod tho .tatu, 01 tho throo publ10 hoarlngs. Tho prlon v. Albo!bu.Uhaarlng wa, appoalod to District Court, tho District Court amrmod tho admlnlstratlvo law !udgo'. doclslon and Commission. It could bo oppoalod to tho Supromo Court. In I1abollo ~llIrell v, Kirlin's Hallmark, tho Commission and AJL daclslon hos boon appaslod to District Court. In tho Randy Johnson v, HolIlW.lna coso which I. on stay, o motion to tho AJL has boon modo and 0 roquastIhat0 doclslon bo rondorad. Team A . Frad Mlm, roportad that a mooting will bo hold on tho oppoolln coso 'EtA 2.6.9008. Taam C ~ Halno, roportod that 0 conclllatlon mooting will bo hold on coso 'EID 7.3.9004. ~ 135~ n 1 ,-, e ~, Humin Rlghll Commission JUy 22, 1991 P.g, 2 1\ I REPORTS OF COMMISSIONER~: Mim. IIport,d ha hu IIlurnld "om hlstrlv,ls .nd busy sch.d~llnd Ilrlldy to go Iglln In lulllorcl. Gllslad IIPOftld thai I milling olthl rlvls/on eomml.slon WII hold with BUlO,Idl on 7.22 Ind Inother milling will bl hold tho lilt week In Augusl. H."I.,lportld \hI HUD IMUI' porlormll\C' rlvl,w wu h.ld on July 1 e. The com PUll' ,xport Iyllom wll/ be UI.d lor CUI ptOClSllng. NEW BUSI<<ES~: Marlon Elizabeth Sakl.nl '11d Ihl will be giving I plountlng It the ~btlry on AugUII 2 II 12:00. Paul, Hllnes, and Lu Igr..d to be on tho panol. OthOl psnel m.mbers Includ, J. Pltrlck Whlte, Dlanl Funk, and OllleOl K.vln ROil. Saklanl II 1'10 working on dovolop/ng I harUlmonl pamphlat. Haines IMounc.d Commissioner tlOlnIng It thl Pllk 1M In D.. Moine. lor August 8, 9 and 10. HI lilted that ha wiD III.nd. H."I, SIlled she II pi'lplrlng I Commission handbook Ind photogrlph. need to ba schodulod wllh JOllY Nixon In the cabl, d,plllm.nt. HaInes eskad lor tho connrmatlon dato 01 Octobar 171er the ,wlrdl btllkllll to ba h.,d lItho HolldlY 1M. Hallllll.ted Chon got J.an J.w to be the k.ynot. lpoakar. Hllnu IIkad lor commlllaOl to be IOtm.d In rogOld to tho IWlrd. blukll.l. For the nomlnotlon commlll'O, Powoll IgrlOd to be th. chair, Ch.n .nd Mim. .11 Ilso on thaI commlllOl. For tho brooklut orgonlz.lIon commlnOl, Golstld Iglled 10 be cha~ Ind BoD, and Slall wlllalso bo on tho comml"OI. Hallls dlstrlbut.d tho annualroPOt1. PUBLIC DISCUSSIQH: Nonl. Tho mOltIng wa. adlournod. lIvo702Z,mJn 135', \(' } n I ,-, e LI ,\ I HINUTES PARKS , RECREATION COHHISSION JULY 10, 1991 HEHBERS PRESENT' STAFF PRESENT' QUESTS' FORMAL ACTION TAXEN , IOWA CITY BOYS BASEBALL, Bill Brandt, Daryl Henry, Karon Hradek, Bill steinbroch, Dee Vanderhoef, John Watson, Hary Weideman, Todd Welk, Craiq Willis Howoll, Kriz, Horan, Truoblood Jim Kindhart and Bocky lIensol/ Val Armstronq/Iowa City Press-Citizon Stoinbrech stated ho was not in attondanco at last month's meetinq as indicated in tho minutes. Hoved bv Brandt. seconded ~y Welk. to ftpnrQvo tho mlnuto! of tho Juno 12. 1991 meetinq os above amended. Unanimous. Hoved bv Vanderhoef'. seconded ~y Henry. to enthusiasticallY endorse the l'ilin9 of' 0 REAP Grftnt ftpplicfttion for fundin9 to dovolop of ft trail system in Ryerson's WoodQ. Unanimous, Jill Kindhart and Becky 1I0nsel, ropresent1nq a qroup of parents with youth involved in Iowa City Boys Basoball, addressed the commission roqardinq concorna they had with the Iowa City Boys Baseball orqanization, Jill Kindhart prosented the commission with a petition from past, present and future parents of youth participatinq in the Iowa City Boys Baseball proqrall, which expressed their displeasure with how the orqanization is operated and aSkinq that paronts be qiven an opportunity to have input into the proqrall. He stated this petition would be presented to the Iowa City Boys Basoball orqanizat1on. He stated they have approached tho orqanization requostinq a copy of the bylaws to dotormine how the orqanization is formed, and financial disclosure statements to determino how money obtainod froll fees and fund raisers is used. He suqqosted that since Iowa City Boys Basoball is an affiliate qroup of tho Iowa City Parks , Recroation Dopartment, that the department should require the orqanization to meet minimum requiromonts such as providinq a certificate of insurance, articles of incorporation, by-laws and financial disclosure statements, IJ57 n 1 ,-, e 5 ,\ , Docky 1I0nlol lndlcotod Iho roquolted on two loponte OCC4ll0nl 0 copy of the orqonlZ4t1on's bylaws. Sho Itatod the Prolldont/co..llllonor, Hark Doan, Itotod thot thoy would provldo thll InfoL'nAtlon only If the Porkl ond Rocrootlon Co..llslon dlrootod thol to do eo. Watlon Indlcotod ho, Truoblood ond CIty Council 10Dbtr Dorrel Courtnoy hod receivod 0 copy of the lottor wrItten by Klndhort to tho Prelidont of tho Doard of DIroctors of IOWA City DoYI DOlebAll dotod Juno 17, 1991, whoroin it requutod tho obovo Inforll4tlon. KIndhart indicoted ho had not rocoivod any rOlponto to thil lottor. Truoblood stated ho tpoko with tho Prolidont/co..llsionor who indIcoted thoy would be arnngInq a lootinq ond Invitinq intoroltod poraonl, Klndhart statod ho has not beon contactod. Stoinbroch alkod what tho dopart.ont raquIrod of affiliato qroups. Truoblood atoted that 0 cortificote of inluronco W41 required, 110 furthor Itotod ho would roquolt the oitr's loqol dopartDont to dotel'llino what tho c ty Ihould require of 011 offiliato groupl. Drandt inquIrod 41 to what procIpitatod tho PArentI to requott 0 copy of tho by-lawl. Kindhart ttatod it fint calDo up whon tho quOit ion wal alked lovoral tilDot 01 to who tho prol1dont of tho organiZlltion WOI, and recoivlnq on onlwor of "why do you wont to know," A1IO, with tho rocont tloodlnq ond when tho option to qo to Horcor Pork wos not conllidorod by tho orqonlzation, It loft ths parontl teolinq thero wal no cooporotlon, and frultroted with how to qot into a IYltelD that .OOID. to have it. doon cloaod. Ilo statod tho lojority of tho poront. would liko to lako it o bettor proqraD by dovoloplnq baloball throughout hiqh Ichool, Wotlon Itatod tho co..ll110n W41 not in 0 polition ot thil tilo to illuo ony directivol until 0 policy i. dovolopod, but Indicotod tho cOIDD111ion would toko on informol but octivo rolo to opon cOIDIDunicotion. Wotlon indlcotod that ho ond Truoblood would conlult wlth Dorrol Courtnoy to dotorlDino what rolo ho wontl to toke, ond ollurod JiID, KIndhart and Docky Ilonlol thot 10100no would bo contacting thaI to ornnCJo 0 looting botwoon tho two qroupl. -2. /357 n ' I ,-, e b ,\ Watlon It4ted the coaabl1on needed to dotoraino whothor to placo tho proposod park/sporta coaplax roforondua bafora tho votors aqa1n. Tho qonoral opinion of tho coaaisaion waa that it would not ba foasiblo to do ao. IIradok atatod tho city ahould procood with tho ranovation of Napoloon Park, and that in hor opinion it would tako anothor qonoration to r04lizo tho nood for tho park/aporta coaplox. Vandorhoof aqrood that tho oity Ihould procaod with Napoloon Park, aakinq it a priority in tho stratoqic plan. Hradok atatad that in viow of tho roforondua's !aUuro tho couisllon noodod to roviow and roorqllnho tho coullaion'l ItratO<Jic plan. Brandt Itated thara wora too lany unknown I at thil tilo and lllck of oducation to havo anothor roforondul. Katlon Itatod tho acuto probloaa facinq tho city no Napoloon Park, lack of fiolda for adult loftball, youth baseball, and loccor. Truoblood Itatod renovation of Napoleon Park could polaibly bo eccolplilhed throuqh "ellontial purpoao" GO Bondi, bacauso it would be an ilprovolont to an oxiltinq public park, 110 0'1110 Itated obta1nlnq joint ule of tho Univoralty of IowlI IQftball COlllplOlC in oxchanqo for tho city aqroelnq to Uqht tho fiolda IllY ba anothor poniblUty, AlsO, Scott Boulevard hOI IpllCO IIvallablo for additional loccor flolds, with cona1dorablo conltructlon and ralocation of tho nurlery, Stainbroch exproslod con corn thllt In tho future tho land lilY be used for 1010 other purpolo baa1dOB park UIO, IInd askod it tho couhl1on Ihould foraally roquest that the land ba addod to tho parkland invontory. Katlon Itated the coulnlon would addross thh durlnq review of the COlllliuion'l Itratoqlc plan at a future lootlnq. PARK FACILITIES Tho cOllhl1on dllcuaaod various sitos to tour TOUR I durin; thl1 yoar'l park facllitlel tour, sohodulod to boqin at 5100 p.l. on septoDbor 4, 1991. PROPOSED PARK/ SPORTS COMPLEX REFERENDlIJo\l RIVERFRONT Vandorhoof roported tho Rlvorfront coulssion COMMISSION REPORTI continues to work on obtainlnq approval frOD tho City Council to oxpand thoir advilory ICOpO of rOlponsibillties. .J- /357 n I ~I e ,-, PARK , RECREATION FOUl/DATION REPORT! RYERSON'S WOODS COMMITTEE REPORT! COMMISSION TIME! W01dolan Itatod tho latolt blink Itatollont would bo IIVIIUablo at nOllt 10nth'l looting, ond tho foundat10n would bo loot1nq to dlacull projootl to focuo on In v10w of tho fa11uro of tho roferondul. llradok roportod Hark Edwardl f rOil tho Dopartlont of Naturlll ROlourcol walkod through Ryorlonl Woodl. Sho notod ho Wal vory oxclted about tho concopt of bu11d1nq II low l.pAct tra11 IYltOIl, and 11 w11l1nq to holp 1n onyway ho can. Hradok Itatod Iho wal 1n tho proao.1 of apply1nq for a REAP Grant to fund dovoloplont of a trail IYltOI 1n Rrorlon'l Woodl, and alkod for tho COD al1on'l ondorlolont. Moved by Vllnderboer. seconded by ~:nrv. to enthusiasticallv endorse the f111ng _ II RP.AP Grftnt llDoliClltlon for fundlnQ to d~veloD or a trail system 1n Ryerson's Woods. Unanimous. Sto1nbroch alkod what othor REAP Grant IIpp11clt10nl tho c1ty would bo riling, Watlon Itated projoct Gr..n would be relubllttlnq tho Colloqo Groon Park projoct. llradok 1n~lcatod Iho onjoyod Artl Felt '91. Truoblood noted that Joyco carroll 11 hoavily Involved with Artl Foat, actinq II co-chair, IIradok Itatod cablo t,v. lay bo anothor avonuo to oxploro and UIO to hlqhllqht varloul IIpOOtl of tho Parkl , Racroatlon Dopartlont and allO to obta1n 1nput froll tho publio. Truoblood indlcatod tho departlont il boqlnninq to utl11zo tho cable accell channel lore to lilt var10uI racreatlon act1v1tiol and information on varloul parkl. WoldOlan Itatod tho cOllllllon Ihould solicit feodback froll tho public to dotormlno how to bolt: IOrvO thOll, poll1bly Inoludinq a queltlonna1re In tho dopartlont'l activity brochuro aqa1n. Watlon Indlcatod qottlnq a Unlvorllty of Iowa larkotlnq olall to do IUrvoy Ilqht bo a polllbl11ty. Drandt aoknowlodqod tho allount of work, tilo and offort Truoblood, Itaff and Watoon put forth with roqard to tho roforondulI, lIonry Inqu1rod about tho Ihoworl In tho 10n'l lookor rooml. Horan Itatod tho ahowor fixturol woro lohodulod to bo roplacod th1a AU9ult. -4- .' I /351 n 1 ,-, e EI . I' I CIlAIRMAII'S REPORTI Watson raportad on tha tollowlnql RafarandulII. Watson thankad tho coulldon tor tho support qlvan to tha rafarondulII coaalttoo. 1lI1Vhborhood ODan SDaCIt Plan. TOil scott of tho plonnlnq and Zonlnq Coull1ion will bo IIIkinq for throo voluntaora froll that coaaission to serva on tha ad hoc cOlllllllttoe to addross tho nolqhborhood opon spaco plan. corrlts90ndanca. Watson statod ha rocoivad a call frolll JIll puqh indicatlnq illoqal dUllpinq takinq plllca at "pheasant Harris Park" (Hosquakio park I , 110 allo roforrod to a lottar rocaivad by tho co.1ssion frolll Hra. Hall oxprossinq approciation for tho aqua punch plllS. Vandorhoof indicatod sho had hoard savard nico couontl about tho punch pillS also. DIRECTOR'S REPORT I Truoblood roportad on tho followinql FLOOD DAMAGE. A Ustlnq ot araas to be ra- soadod ond trees lost by tho rocont flood in City Park, crandic Park ond Torroll Hill Park was providod to tha coubalon, Truoblood indicated the city lIay rocoivo foderal disastar fundinq. ~.P.I. PROGRAM. Tho I~wa city parks , Rooreation Departllont roceivod a plaquo rocoqnizinq tho dopartllont as a finalist for tho Hational Gold Hodal Award, in tho aroa Of the speoial populations InvolVOlllont Proqrall, The departlllent 1s ono of four UnaUets in this nation-wido cOlpotitionl the recipiont of tho award will bo announced in octobor at the Hational Rocreation and Park Association conqress in Daltilloro. ADJOURNMENT I The laetinq adjournad at 7125 p.lI. -5. 13~7 ~ '{).:' \ n 1 ,-, e c, " I HINUTES CIVIL SERVICE ooHHISSIOI/ IOWA CITY RECREATIOII CEI/TER, RooH A JUliE 7, 1991, 3 P.H. HDlDERS PRES EIIT 1 Lyra Dlckor.on and Hlko Konnody Dud LoulI. Dolo IIolllng, Sylvla Hojla, Jlm Pumfroy and Cathy Chlnandor GUESTS PRESENTI 1I0no. HEHDERS ABSENTI . STAFF PRESEII'1'I RECOHHEHDATIOI/S TO CITY COUNCIL, Hono, RECOHHENDATIOI/S TO MANAGER AND STAFFI Schodule clvio Contor CouncU Chamboro for IIanlon Appoal IIoaring on Juno 25, 1991 at 8130 a.m. Conduct promotlonal procoll for tho pOlition of Fire Battalion Chiof 01 rocolDlondod, SUHMARY OF RELEVANT DISCUSSION I 1. Certification of hiring Ult for tho pOlition of poUco Officor, COlllllllllion momborl woro pro.ontod with a rocolDlondod hiring Ult for tho politlon of poUco Officor for cortiflcation, Stoff proparod a IUllllary of each candldato for reviow by tho COllllllll110n. FOllowlng ravlaw of tho IUllllary and Ult, Konnody movod that tho Ult, 01 rocollllllondod by Stoff, bo cartlfiod, Dlckorlon lIocondod tho motlon. Tho lotlon palllod unanlloully. Stoff rocollllondod that a 1I0cond lllt be hold In rOllorve,' al 11 allowod by stato Codo, to bo ulIed In tho evont that tho cortlflod 111t 11 exhaulItod wlthln one year of cortlflcation. COllllllilllon momborl approvod the locond Ult, contlngont upon the complotlon of background Inveltlgatlonll prlor to certlficatlon, 2, Cortlflcation of promotlonal lilt for the pOlition of Pollca Sorgoant. ROlultl of tho prdmotlonal proceol for the poaitlon of Pollce Sorgoant woro balod on a combinatlon of the written exam (25\) and tho allealment contor (7nl. COIIUII iao1 on lomborl woro lont a copy of tho alaOlllmont conter relultll, preparod by Roaource Hanagomont Alaoclatol, to rovlow prior to tho meating. Konnody moved that tho promotional Uat bo cortlfied 41 rocouondod. Dickoraon aocondod the motlon. Tho motlon palllod unanimoully. Dlokeraon exproalod,concorn to ataff ovor the lntorprotatlon of body languago by tho OOIOlllorll during tho alllollllmont 1311 n 1 -, ~, [I , I' c.ntor. Hojla explaln.d that tho commonto rOforrlng to body lanquaq. in tho vritton lummary vara for tho bonafit of tho candldatol only and voro not rotloctod In tholr .conl. Dlcker.on allo Inquirod vhothor training vaa provld.d for tho candidat.. to purluo probl.. aroal Idontlfi.d by tho all..lorl. Hojla oxplalnod a ll.ltod a.ount ot training 10 provldod by tho dopartm.nt. 3. Schoduling of Appoll !I.llrlng . Debora !lanlon. ^ copy of tho CltY'1 spoclficatlon of Charqol val glvon to tho Commllllon Hoabor.. statt oxplalnod that undor Chaptor 400 of tho Iova Codo, tho CODailllon IUlt Ichodulo tho hoarlng tor not 1010 than riv. daYI or loro than 20 daYI from dato of thllllootlnq. Attor a briot dllculllon, tho Comml1110n Ichodulod tho looting tor TUolday, Juno 25, 1991, at 8130 0,1, In tho civic Cantor counoil Challborl, 4. Flro Battalion Chid promotional procolI, HojiD oxplll1nod that tho curront Flro Battalion Chlot prollotlonal lilt holdl only ono nalllo. Duo to tvo rotlrollontl in July, a n.v lilt vlll haYo to bo oltabli.hod, Bocaulo only a 111I411 nullbor ot olllploY..1 ar. oligiblO to participato, Itatt rocolllondl that an "'Iolllont Contor bo u..d to o.tabli.h tho liot, Konnody 1I0vod to accopt tho rocommondatlon. Dlckorlon locondod tho lotion. Tho lotion pallod un~nllloully. Konnody lov.d that tho leoting bo adjournod at 3120 p.I, Dlckonon I.cond.d tho 1I0tlon, Hotlon pallod unanll1oully. ... IJS~ \\\') ~\J'- n I ,-, ~I ' 1 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION JULY 9,1991.7:30 .M. MEZZANINE CONFERENCE ROOM. SENIOR CENTER ~m@wa ,I I MEMBERS PRESENT: Joyco Ballolt, Oavld Jopson. Jim Och.. Doug RUJloll, EIOInor Sloalo MEMBERS ASSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: CAll TO 06DEa: Kavfn Hanlck, Suo LIcht Miklo, Noll Milly. Svondson. MIlY Laraw Chairperson RusSlII callad tho maatlng to ordor at 7:38 p.m. CONSIDERATION O~ JUNE 1 I. 1991. ~INUlES: Joplin movod to approvo tho mlnutOl 01 tho Juno 11. 1991, mooting II plo.ontod. Och. .ocondad. Tho motion corrlod 5.0. PUBLIC DISCUSSIO~ OF ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENQA: ThalO WOl nona. ~ECTIO~ lOB REVIEW OF HOUSING REHABILITATION AND O~tlER PROJEctS: 1. 331 NO(Jh Gilbort Slr081- Mory Larow dlstrlbutadlnlOtmatlon ragardlng tho Emargoncy Housing Pro!oct to tho CommissIon. Sho oxplalnad that I grant hed boon obtalnad In ordorto oncloso tho porch to allow for In oxpanslon 01 olllco .paco. Mlklo Indlcalod that tho porch Is a cruclalalamant 01 this structuro. Ho stlOllld thlttha Comml.slon noods to look at proposod changOl to ansuro that tha chang.. do not dotract from ollhar tho .truCtulO or tho nolghborhood. Ho notad thet plans WOlO not avallablo lor tha Commission to revlow at this tlma. Stulo .talad that. loundatlon would bo noodod boloro tho porch could bo anclosad. Sho askod what type 01 mllarlals would be usod to enclosa tho porch. Laraw said thatthalO ora no .peclfic plan. at thl. tlmo butsho envlslonod louvorod window.. Sho stated thetthay would proposa to keap tho doublo window In tact, but they would movo tho window to tha Iront 01 tho .tructuro. Mlklo reportod that ho hod mot with Joan Cadoret. Emorgoncy Housing Pro!oct SOlid 01 Dlrectoll member and Marge POMOY, Human Sorvlco. Coordlnalor. Ho Indlcotod that thoy dlscumd allornatlvos to oncloslng the porch and he reportod that Cadorot I. consldorlng having on archltoct vlow tho structure to consldor othor optIons. Mlklo sold that Commission mom bar Licht will moot with CadoratlOgordlng options to accommodoto .paco noods. Stoolo oskod at what point tho pr%ct will outgrow this structuro. Larow ro.pondod that thoy hovo no pions to onlorgo this structuro. Stoolo stalod that tho demond lor onclosod porch spaco at this structure will docroosalltharo Is a potential that 0 aocond structuro will olso bo usod. Sho atromd that this Is a pormonont chango that may not be nooded lor a long porlod 01 tlmo. Lorow omphaslzod that tho lorvlcos hava Incromd over time. os havo tho demonds lhat aro being mada on tho stoll tlmo. Stoole stotod thatlho lools that oncloslng tho porch Is historically Inapproprlato and could also be unnocomry. Russoll stotod that It would ba bolter to wall and rovlow 1359 ., n I ,-, ~I e 2 thll ploposal until tho Commlsslon'l August mooting whon moro Inlormotlon and drawing. 01 tho proposod onclosura will be avolloblo. 2. 627 Clerk Slrool . Miklo reportod thalthl. IIruCluro I. Immodlaloly ...t 01 Summit Streat. Ho notad thatlhe romp would not bo vlslbla Irom tho Slroot and tho railing In tho Iront 01 the struclUle will bo rOplacod by I railing slmllOlln dOllgn to that on the pOtch. Stoolo statad that It appoallthattho alloct on tho archltoctura olthl. housa WIS consldorod and that ovarall this appoo,od to bo I good dOllgn lor thl. property. Barrou movod to Ipprovo the changos lor 527 Clark SlrOOI os prOlontod In the proposol. OchJ socondad. Tho mOllon carrlod 5-D. 3. 1011 Sherlden Avenue. MikJo ropOtted that this Itructuro II In tho Summit Slroot HI.torlc District. Ho notod that most ollho oxtorlor work rolatos 10 ropalr 01 tho rool. Ha sold that tho llhabllilatlon 11011 I. proposing to roplocalho wood lIorm window. with Ilumlnum SIOtm wlndowl. Ho Indlcatad that In tho put, Judy McCIUla 01 tho Stata HI.tOtlcal PrOlorvatlon Olllco hes Indlcatod that thoy pie 101 wood ItOtm window., but would not objoctto dark IInlsh aluminum 1I0rm window I. Miklo .latod thet thl. projoct appear. to mootlha SocrotOlY ollntorlor guldollno.. Stlala movod to approvo tho ploposollor 1011 Sho,ldan Avonuo on tho condlUon that 011 WOtk loll OWl tho bid documont and tho Socrotary ollnlorlor guldollno., that.poclal auanUon be takon ragardlng tho shInglo motorial. which should bo or a dark color ,that opploplfata tachnlquo and motorial. ba usad lor tuck polnUng. .nd lhat tho 'IOtm windows 110 to bo woodon or dork palntod mOlal. Barrollaocondod. Tho motion carrlod 5-D. 4. 803 Church Slreot . Mlklo roportod that this structuro hos boon IdenUlIod 01 I contributing IIructuro In tho proposod Goosotown Historic District. HOltatod that tho ownor hed opploachod tho City rogardlng tho application 01 vinyl siding ond tho rohebllltatlon .tall hasluggostod lhattho proloct may not bo approvod lor siding 10 tho oppllcatlon had boon chengod to Indica to that tho structuro would bo palntod. Russollaxprossod concarn with tho plans lor a Ilx loot high privacy lenca that ho laols would be out 01 placaln this nolghborhood. Ho suggostod that tho Commission could .poclly In It. approval that tho proloctls bolng approvad lor palnl and not Ildlng and that thay would dlscourago tha use 01 0 Ilx loot high privacy loneo. Mlklo agraod to got 0 plan that .how. both tho typo and location 01 tho proposod lonco. Barrou oxprOlsod concarn rogardlng tho motoria Is us ad lorlho Icroon door end passoga door that ora proposod to ba roplacod. Russoll movod to approva tho bid documont os wrluon lor 803 Church Stroot on tho condlUon that tho Itructura will bo palntod and not covorod with monulocturod siding and lubloct to tho ravlow 01 tho doslgn and location 01 tho lonco, Tho Commllllon oxprossod tho concorn that approprloto Icroon and possogo doorl bo ulod. Stoolo lOCondod. Tho motion carrlod 5.0. ' 5. 93810we Avonuo. Miklo Itatod that 0 grant was rocolvod lor siding tho Itructura. Ho slatod that ho had mot with Itoll momboll 01 tho building and roprosontaUvo. 01 III Boord 01 OlroctOIl and provldod thom with Inlormatlon rogOldlng tho aOlthotlc and Ilrcutural damago that lynthoUc Ildlng can lood to on oldorltrucluros, Tho Board I. now consldorlng tho usa 01 tho lundl to paint tho ItruCtu,o rathor than usa manulacturod .,dlng. Ho Itatod tho I tho houlo Itloll doos notappoar to bo ollglblo lor tho National RoglslOl 01 Historic Placos bocauso It wos movod Irom lis original lito and 135' n I ,-, ~I ~I ,I 3 bocouso 01 tho olloratlon ollho 1001. Ha said tho Commission may consldor U this .tructUla might hava an alloct on surrounding plOpOrUOIlhat might bo allglblo lor tho HlstOtlc Roglstor. RuuallsllOlsod that till. .tructura I. 0 gOloway 10 Woodlawn and consldaratlon should bo glvon 10 rohabllitaUon tochnlquos which aro In tho belt long. torm IntorOlt 01 the building ond nolghbOthood. Ocha movad thettho Commission find thottho strucluro locatod at 938 Iowa Avonuo doe. not appear to be ollglblo lor Iha Nallonal Roglstar, but duo to III ploxlmlty to the Woodlawn HlstOtfc District, tha Commission would rocommond paint ovor siding lor thl. structura. BallOIl .ocondad. Tho motion carrlod 5.0. DISCUSSION OF EVANS STREET BRIDGE: Miklo ravlawad tho proposod doslgn lOt tho Evon. Stroot Brldgo. Ho nOlod that the ploposal I. to Incrolll tha width 01 tho .Idawalk.lrom lour to alght loot lor tho saloty olautomobllos 100 thl. would raqulra rlwOtklng tho wing wall. 01 tho brldga. Balloll rapOttad thet a 101l0r I. bolng clrculatod In the Woodlawn HlstOtlc DI.trlct roquestlng that tho Public WOtks Doportmont consldor docrOlslng tho width 01 tho sldowalk Irom what I. bolng proposad. Sho Indlcatod the 'ollor strOl... that thoro I. a stop .Ign on oach ond 01 tho block on which tho brldgal.locatod and thet tho brldgo ItsoUls short In longth. Steolo oxprOllad hOlagroomont. Bellall movad that tho HlltOtlc PrOlarvotlon Commission commond tho Public WOtks Departmont lor providing on altornotlve roll design that Is sonsltlvo to tho nolghbOthood and IIcommand. 1 I that ItlOconsldor tha ploposod width 01 the sldowalks and make thom nollowar and moro In proportion to the Ihor1longth 01 tho brfdgo, 21 that tho now brldgo aldowalka be .Imllar In width to tho adjacont .Idowalks, and 31 that tho now wing walls ba constructod on 0 acalo ond 01 matorlals conslstont with tho rustic oroo 01 tho brldgo In thl. h1.tOtlo dl.trlct. DISCUSSION OF MEMO REGARDING THE NEAR SOUTH SIDE NEIGHBORHOOQ REDEVELOPMENT PLAN: Russollllvlewed the memOtandum which glvas 0 list 01 structuros on the naar sOUlh lido. Ho Indicated that tho IIrst 1 1 Itructuros ore tho priority list which aro althOl allOody on tho National Ragl.tOl or probably ollglblo to ba Includod. He said .omo consldoratlon .hould be given to the probablllllo. 01 prosorvatlon and notod tho CIOIk-Lowls houso I. cUllontly plannod lor domolltlon. Ho stated thet the socond group 01 structuros Includo somo that all mora moanlnglulln thofr grouping rathor than os Individual .tructurOl, and thot tho Commission could racommend that thasa structura. ba used to aSlObllsh stroot scope and sotbacks. He Indlcatod that the lost group olstructurOl would roqullO lurthor evaluation. Russolllndlcotod that In this araa slnca tho contalll 01 tho nolghborhood hos alrOldy boon dostroyod It might bo laallble to mova buildings within the aroa to allow lor plOsorvatlon whllo allowing radavalopment on .omo tracts. Karon Franklin slalod that sha does not soo anything Inconslltont with tho momorandum and tho dlroctlon 01 tho Noor South Sldo Rodovolopmont Plan. Sho said tho IIrlt ordlnanco chongos wllllOlato to tho Gllbort Stroot and Maldon Lana 1100 and strmod that thoro Is tho potontlal to havo tho ownor 01 tho Clark.Lowl. houso movo tho structuro alsowhoro In tho area. pRESERVATION pLAN UPDATE: Marlys Svendsen IOportod thatlho contracl has boon IOvlowod by tho slato ond tho City logol Ita II and has boon slgnod, Sho statod Ihot tho rosoorch mlstants havo rovlowod post HI.torlc PlOsorvatlon Commission procoodlnos. matorlols ovalloblo In tho Public Library, and 135' n 1 ,-, ~I L, 4 the Iowa Cltv Prm.Clllren, She .ald that Intorvlow. with Individuals rogordlng tho pr..orv.tlon movomontln 10wI City havo begun. She oxpt....d the Into nIl on to compll. I lI.t 01 In proportlOJ which havo rocolvod CortlRcalOJ 01 Appropllalonoss and the housing rahablllt.tlon project.. Svonds.n rOPOltod thetrOloorch on loclol Ind .ottlamont pallorn. hava boon complot.d. 11I11.11 askod II opponont. 01 h1.tOtlc prOlOIVIlIon II' being Intarvl.w.d. Svands.n lO.pond.d thet opponant. 01 pI.sarvatlon 010 bolng Intarvlowod al wall I' .omo locallOaltor., tho Downtown Association and local landing Institution.. SUBCOMMITTEE ~EPORTS: 1. ~. B.llallrOpOttod thotthe do sign and illustration. II. bolng llnalllld Ind the typelaco I. bolng ravlsod. 2. Oulda MaD' Russ.llr.poII.d thot ho mot with a raprOlOntallvo 01 Economy Advertising ragarding the co.t olrapllntlng Ind wos Inlormod thot &,000 cop/u would co.t '3,170.00. Ha IIld that the Boord 01 Roaltor.', conlllbutlng t2,OOO.OO In ordorto roc.1vo 1,000 cop/OJ Ind the ConvantlonMsltOt. BUloau Is contllbutlng . 1,000,00 In Older to IOcolva 2,000 coplo.. Ruuolllndlcat.d thot he would chock 10 'GO Illhero c.n be I living. II I IIghtar lIock 01 p.por I. usod and to dotolmln. th. cost 01 chonga.. Ho .ald he would 0110 .00 II thoro I. a .ovlng. lor printing .n additional 2,500 cOplOJ. Russolllndlcatad thlt he laal. thoro aro soma nacallOry chonga. becouao .omo Itom. on tho mop oro Incorroct. Ho suggallad thaI 011 01 tho Commission mombolllhould rovl.w tho guldo mop. rBESERVAnOfj COMMISSION INFORMA,,(IOfjlDISCUSSION: Ru...lIlOpoIIad thot Stova vanderWouda mot with tho block caplaln. In Juna on Brown SII.ot. Ha .t.tad thot vandarWoudo might bo avollabla lor th. AugulI mooting. Russoll .11..... he would lIke to movo quickly In th. dl.\llctlng proc... bocauso II 0 Brown Slraot dl.trlctl. .ucc...'ulthen It could be the gat.way to anothar dlslllct lor tho nOlCt calandar year. H.,ndlc.tod theta Ea.t Court nolghbOthood mooting I. olCpaclod .omollmo boforo tho Augu.t m.otlng. aDJOUpNP.lEt.(I: Jopson mOved 10 adjourn tho milling 01 9:24 p,m. Och. socondad. Tho mOllon palSod on I 5.0 voto. " I MlnutOlsubmlllod by: Mary Jo, Noll "'1I07o! /35' . ,( ~.'(J~' n 1 ,-, ~I S HIHllTIS IOIIA cln IIOUSIHO CClIIHIIIlOH JIILY t, 1m ~IIIIT A 1.11 CClIIHUHln IIICIWTIOH ClNTSII . IIOOH A HlHIIIII 'III.INTI Blnj..ln J. 110011I, ItObln 'AlTIOLD-DUIIUlIIIIIC, JI09u J. IIIII.1.Y, .lIck HCIWIOII, J.ftrlr I. FOIIIHAH HlHallll AIIINTI 'Iul lOLl 11 VIClnCr) 'TArr 'III.INTI Hlrllnnl Hllkaan, Hlry Hu,lnt, ItOnlld Hlndlrlon, 'Icrltlry Ylr,lnll 'croud OTHIIII '1II11NTI Honl C1lAl101l/AlllHDHlNTI TO HIHIITI. or 'lIIVlOU' HlITIHOI Hon. IllCOHH1HDATIOH. TO COUIlCILI Thlt thl oroLlcn. AIID 'IIOCIDUIIIS or TIll IOIIA CIn HOU.IHO AutHOlllno be Idopted. HlITINO TO 01101111 1,30 AM by Chalrptnon Hoor. HIHllTI'1 Hotlon to approve Mlnutll ot Jun. 11, 1991, WII ..d. br "Illlr, Ilcondld br rorllln, clrrled I-D. . COBO HOU.IHO U'DATI . Hlllaun Hlllaun Ind HI1. attlndld . conflrlnc. In Lincoln on Affordlbl. Houlln" .tltt will bl lookln, It ldlll oVlr thl nl.t II. .onthl to II' whit Il,ht work tor lowI Cltr. All r...lnln, houl.1 It 'rc&IOr. Ylew have blln lold Ind will b. occupl.d br Auqult 1, 1991. Yllll Olrdln Aplrt..ntl projlct II rlldr to '0. CHAI U'DATI . NUGINT Nu,lnt Itltld I drift of the C1~ .trlt.,ll. will b. IVllllbl. for 1I0Ulln, Coanl..lon rtvltw It the nut ...tln,. A Public H"tln, will be h.ld with a tantltlv. dlt. ot 'Ipttabtr 21, 1991, for public review. 'thlt will b. lponlor.d br the 1I0Ulln, Coanl..lon, 'th. fonul Cltr Counoll Publlo H.lrln, 1. Ich.dul.d for OCtob.r 11, 1991. CCN RlroRT . NUOINT Hu,lnt r.port.d CCII adopt.d I pellcr fqr the allocltlon of unconIltt.d COBO fundi thlt would Illow CCH to dlt.r.ln. It ..lltln, projlctl which did not r.c.lvl full tlndln, wlll b. conlldlr.d Ind for fundi to '0 to the contln,.ncr tund for Imlf,.nclll Ind COlt oVlrrunl. Robin '"tiold-Durumulo WII Ippolnted " lIoUlln, ConIlulon rlprlllntltlvl to cell. .J I IJ/,/) n 1 -, ~, b 'MI 2 HINUTI. IOWA CITY HOU.IHO COHHI.IICH .JULY " 1991 HOUalHO AUTIIORITY RlPORT - HIIIDIRlCH . '.ctlon I .nd Publlo Houlln9 Updat. Hlnd.rlon r.vltwld IOnthly ItatlltlCI Ind Itated thll t~ of the r.lr h.1 a llr9' nwab.r 01 r.newall .nd appllc.ntl lllued ar. not Ilndl"9 unlta. Houlln9 CODallllon wantl ItatlltlCI on nuabtr 01 appllcanta lllued C.rtlflcat'l or Vouchlrl .nd rtlultl. DISCUSSION NfD RlCOIOIIIIDATIOH. ON 'Mil n to IIID or oPOLICII. AWD 'ROCIDURI. or TIll IOIIA CITY 1101I11110 AlITIlOUTYo . HIIIDIRIOII loth the Orl.vanc. 'roc.dur. .nd CI.1I1 'rocedur. hay. ba.n pr.vlOUlly ravltwld and .pprov.d by HouIl"9 COMllllon .nd ldopted by City COuncH. . Hotlon to rlcOlatnd thlt Clty Council ldopt the rlvlled oPOLICII. AWD 'ROCIDIIRI. or TIll IOWA CITY 110II.1110 AlITIlORITYo WII ..d. by Rimy, I.conded by ror...n, clrrl.d 4-0. lHoor. l.rt ,,10 AMI DI.CU..ION . Hon. AD.70tlRlllllHT . Hotion lor ld'ourMtnt.t 'I~O AM. WII ..d. by R.my, I.cond.d by ror...n, carrl.d 4-0, Jl'~ iiRJIiln .J. Hoor., Chllrptrlon " 1 IJ~/) , ) ~}~ t-, 1 ,-, ~I .-, MINUTes IOWA CITY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 1991 .7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS ,\ i P[l)~~ fl'''~~l^nv Hl:...hvJi~.! ~j 4 SUbjoclla f.flPCVaJ MEMBeRS PReSENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Ann BovbJo/g, Cosoy Cook, Dick Gibson, Tom SCOII Potor Coopor, Sally Dlorks, Nancy Rold Moon, Schoon, Noll CALL TO ORDE~: , ChalrpolSon Scolt callod tho moollng to ordor at 7:39 p.m. RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL: 1, Rocommond aDD/OVO!. by 04.0 voto, 01 S.91 14, tho prellmlno/y La/go Scolo Non. Ro.ldontlol Dovolopmant (LSNRDI plan lor Mahor BrotholS lor 0 w%hou.o and olllco o.ponslon locotod at 2470 South Rlvorsldo Drlvo, subloctto tho condition thot no occuponoy pormlt bo Imod until tho wator moln hos boon oxtondod to tho lito lorllro protoctlon. PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF ANY IT~M ~OT ON THE MEND,,: Thoro wes nono. ~IDERATION OOI:l.E MINUTES OF THE JULY la. 1991. ~EETINq: Bovbjorg movod to opprovo tho minutes 01 tho July 18, 1991, mooting os clrculotod. Cook .ocondod. Tho motion call1od 4.0. ~: 1. 5.91 1 ~. Publlo discussion 01 on application lor prollmlnory Largo Scolo Non.Rosldonllol OovolopmontlLSNRDI plan approval lor Mohor BrotholS lor 0 worohouso ond oil/co oxpanslon locatod at 2470 South Rlvorsldo Orlvo 146.doy limitation porlod: Aucustl, 19911. Schoon slotod that Ed Brlnlon has Indlcatod that ho Is In tho procoss olllnollzlng on oosomont lor tho wotor moln In Jhls aroo. Schoon ocknowlodgod a 101l0r from tho oppllcontrospondlng to a 101l0r rocolvod Irom an od/ocont proporty ownor. Ho Ind/catod that at tho Inlormol mooting, tho Commission had on oxprossod on Intonllon to approvo this Itom subjoctto tho condition that no occupancy po/mlt bo Issuod until allor tho wator main hos boon oxtondod to tho 5110. Ho oxplolnod that tho walor main will bo oxtondod prlmorlly lor Mahor Brolhors ond In tho luturo, os tho wOIOl moln Is oxtondod to OlholS In tho aroa,thoy will bo chorgod 0 Iron to DO 100. Ho notod that this Is tho .omo procoduro that Is baing usod lor tho Mohar Brothors. Schoon sold that City WO\Ol ullllty lunds aro bolng usod lor that porllon 01 tho cost to oxtond tho wolor main not covorod by tho Irontogo 100. Ho oxplolnod thot olhors In tho oroo which could potontlolly bonolltlrom tho wator main oxlonslon con connoctlnto olhor wolor molns, 10 tho V will not bo chorgod lor this oxlonslon. .... /J~I .... -..........--- - .....,...... ~w - - - -- - .-------------.~ - ~ -- n , ,-, ~, E' MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 1991 PAGE 2 ,\ , Public dlsculslon WII oponod ot 7:44 P.M. ThOlo was nono. Publlo discussion WOl cloud It 7:44 P.M. albson movod to opprovo S.D1 14, tho prallmlnary Lorga Scola Non,nOlldonllol DovelopnlOnt ILSNRDI plan lor Mahor Brotholllorl worahousa and olllce exponslon 10COlad at24 70 Soulh R1volIJdo Ddvo, lubfoct 10 tho condition that no occuponcy permll ballluod until tho watOl main hal baan 'lItondad to tho lito lor nil protection, Cook lOCondod, Tho mollon cOlllod 4.0. ~ONING ITEMS: 1. Public haarlng on on amondmantto tho Comprohonslvo Pion to chongo tho land usa desIgnation "om Gonorol Commorclolto ROIldonllal12.6 dwolllng unit. por Dc/ollor Lot. 16.19 and 2201 Bolloy & Bock Addition loco tad north 01 Hlghwoy 1 Wo.t on Iho .outh and 01 Hudson Avonuo. Schoon ralollod to thD Ita II ropo,t datod Juno 20, 1991, whoroln stoll racommondod that tho Comprohonslvo Plan continuo to doslgnato tho plOlorrod uso lor Lot. 16.19 and 22 01 Balloy & Bock Addition os Gonolal Commorclol. Public hOOfing wal opon at 7:46 P.M, Slatod that ono rOOlon that tho Commission dolollod to tho rozonlng IOquOlt 01 Iowa City Landscaping was to allow lor 0 compromlso. HD Italod thetthl.l.roally not posslblo bocauso thoro Is not on Intormodloto zono avalloblo lor tho aroa, Ho notod thatlowo City Landscoplng has Indlcotod that thoy antlclpato somo changos to occur withIn tho nOllt ton yoorl. Ho sold II tho buslnDss I. .old, thon tho Dxpondod commorclal arOD could bo usod by othor commOlclol usos thot would bo loss doslrDblo In a losldontlal nolghborhood, Tuckor nolod thot lho Commission locontly workod out 0 compromlso with tho dovolopOl on tho Ponlnsulo 0100 to pormlt on aroo to romoln at RS.8 zonlng a.long II tho dovolopmonlrotalnod tho donslty thot would bo allowDd undor ns.s zonlng. Ho Itotod that now tho proporty has boon sold and 0 proposol Is boloro tho Commission that dODl not nood to abldo by thatagroomont. Tucker sold that with thot os on ollamplo,tho nolghborhood 1001. It Is nocouory to hovo moro protocllon than thoy curronllY hovo. . statod that at tho 10Sllormol mooting. tho Commission hOOld 0 numbor 01 nolghboll spook "om tholr hOD/t.. Sho IDvlowod tho nomos 01 tho pooplo who havo lont nolollzod 1011011 to tho Commission ond Council to .uppo/ttho omondmonl to tho .Comprohonslvo Plan. Sho .ald Ihottho pooplo who havo santlollolS to tho Council hovo IIvod In Iho nolghborhood lor atolal 01327 YODrs. Hrodok sold that tho rosldent. chooso to IIvo In this nolghborhood lor tho quality 011110 and nOlod lhatlt Is closo to schools, 13'1 n 1 ,-, ~, q MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 1991 PAGE 3 omploymont, ond .hopplng orODl. Sho IImlndad tho Commllllon thottho Council bolloyos In tho concept 01 olgonllOd nolghbolhoodl and alJordoblo houllng and Iho oskod lor tho Comprohonslvo Plan daslgnatlon 10 bo ChDngod. LIndo DvksllO. lawn Cltv londscoDlno. vorlllod thOltho only chango proposod lor tho luturo may bo Iho nood 10 mov. tho construction aspact 01 Iowa City Londscaplng 10 onothor locallon. Sho .lIassod Ihollhls would nol bo a dotrlmonlal changa lorlho nolghborhood. Dannls Dvkalro.lowo CllV londscoDlDD. .totod tholthoy purchOlod two proportloslully OWOIO ollho comprohonslvo Pion deslgnollon os commorclal. Ha sold Iholthoy askod tho rultorU Ihoy could maka en ollorsubjocllo Iho zono chong a, but woro unoblo 10 do .0 bocouso 01 o compotlng bid. Ho o~plolnod thaI tho purposo 01 purchOllng Ihoso 101. was to got moro lunctlonalspoco to OpOlOtO Iho busln.... Bovblorg movod 10 closo publIc hoarlng 017:115 P.M. Cook .acondod. Tho motion cOlllod 4.0. 2. Publlo discussion olan omondmonllo tho ComplOhonslvo Pion to chongo tho lond uso dos'gnotlon 110m Gonorol Commorclallo Rosldontlal12.8 dwolllng units por acrollor Lots 16.19 end 2201 Bollay 81 Bock Addition locotod north 01 Highway 1 West olong Iha loulh and 01 Hudson Avonuo. Cook movod 10 delar 10 August 18, 1991, publlo dlsculllon 01 on omandmont to tha ,Comprohanslva Plon to chango tho lond uso dOllgnotlon 110m Oenarol Commarclol to Rosldanllol12.8 dwalllng units par oc,ollor LOIS 10.19 ond 22 01 Bollay ,. Bock Addition , locolad nort" 01 Hlghwoy 1 Will along tho south ond 01 Hud.on Avonuo. Bovbjarg socondad. Tho mollon call1ed 4.0. 3. Public hoarlng on on emendmonl to Iho Comprohonslvo Pion 10 chongo tho lend uso doslgnollon 01 appro~lmately 50.32 acros 01 proparly from Inlonslvo Commorclelto Rosldonllal (B.18 dwolllng unlls par acrol and 10 chongo Iho land usa doslgnollon 01 approxlmetoly 8.97 acras 01 proporly Irom Intonslvo Commorclol Gnd Hlghwoy CommorclellO Gonoral Commorclal. Tho subJOCI proportlos aro locolod nonh ollho Highway 1 end U.S. 2181nlOrchango, on Iho nOllh .Ido 01 Mormon Trok Boulovord. Schoon Indlcalod Ihaltho appllconl ha. roquoslod a dolollol ollho zoning 110m to AuguSlll1,1991. Tho publlo "oorlng wos opened 017159 P.M, Thoro woro no publiC commonts. Bovblorg moved to continuo tho publlo hoarlng to AugusI 15, 1991. Gibson seconded. /J~I -~ .- ~ -... .\ I n 1 ,-, LI [I MINUTES PLANNING 81 ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST I. 1991 PAGE 4 \' Cook askod " It Is nocomry to havo two public hoorlngs. Bcotlrospondod that only 000 publlo hoorlng I. noodod. Moen olplolnod thel continuing tho publlo hoa,lng might allow lor Iho oppllcant to moko commonl. 000 ho was uneblo 10 Otlond thls mooting. The motion to continuo tho publlo hurlng corrlad on I 3.1 vota. ICook yotlng In tho nagotlvo.1 4. Public discussion 01 an omondmonllO tho Complohonslvo Plan to chango tho land usa do.lgnetlon 01 Ipproxlmaloly 60.32 acrOl 01 proporty "om Intanslva Commorclalto RosldonllollB'16 dwelling unIl1 par aClOlond 0 Chengo 01 land usa doslgnallon 01 opproxlmDtolv 6.97 Dcros 01 ploporty Irom Inlonslvo CommDrclal Dnd Highway Commorclolto General Commorclol, Tho subloct ptopertlOl aro locatod north 01 tho Highway 1 and U.S. 218 Inlorchango. on tho north lido 01 Mormon TlOk Boulovo'd. Bovbjorg movod to dolor 10 Augull 1S, 1901, public dlscuSl/on 01 In Imendment 10 tho comprohonslvo Plan 10 chango thl Ilnd USI designation 01 Ipprollmltely 50.32 Icros 01 proporly Irom Inlonslve Commarclalto Rasldantlall8.1 6 dwalllng unll. par acrol ond 0 chonge 01 land u.. deslgMtlon olapprollmalely 8,97 Icros 01 prOPIIlV Irom Intanllvo Commarclll and Highway CommOlcll1 to aonllal Commlldll. Tho .ubject proplltlu 011 locltad north 01 tho HlghwlY 1 and U.S, 218Inlllch.ngl, on thl nOllh side 01 Mormon Tllk Boulavord. . Cook ..condad. Tho motion cOlllod 4.0, S. ~. Publlo discussIon 01 an appllcollon .ubmlllod by S&M ProportloslO rozono opproxlmaloly 60.32 Dcrullom CI.l to RM.12 and approllmala/y 3.97 acroslrom CI. 1 10 CO. 1 . localad norlh ollho Highway 1 ond U.S. 218 Inlarchango. on Iho norrh .Ido 01 Mormon Trok Boulovard. 14Sodoy IImllatlon porlod: August 10, 1991.1 ScolI nOlod Ihal tho appllcanl had ,oquutod a dolorlOl ollhlsltom 10 Augusl 15, 1991. Glb.on movad to dolor Z.9107 to Augull 1 S, 1991. Cook sacondod. Tho motion cOlllad 4.0. 6. Publlo discussion 01 propOlOd amoOOmonl.lo tho RM.12 zono and tho non,conlormlng 10lrogulatlons 01 tho Zoning Ordlnanco. Moon Indlcatod thal.lall had submlllod Inlormallon and 0 rocommondallon ond 01 0 rasull 01 additional consldoratlon I. now roquoltlng a dolollal 01 this Itom to Iho Soplombor19, 1901, mooting. Bovb/OIg movod to dolor discussion 01 propolod amondmonl.lo tho RM.1 2 zona and tho non. conlormlng lot rogu/otlon. 01 tho Zoning Ordlnonco to Beptambor 19, 1091. Gibson IOcondod. Tho motion carrlod 4.0. ~: 13~1 ., -....."."... n 1 ,-, L, " MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 1991 PAGE 5 1, eIAnnIno ,. lolllno Commission InlormDIlDJ1. I' I Moon roportod on tho July 31, 1991, City Council agonda. Sho atotod thot nogotlatlona rogardlng tho Ildowalka on Rohrot Rood lor Waldon Wood Parta 307 hovo andod bacaulo tho dovolopar 1001. ho could In. tall tho afdowalkalorloss than what tho City II IOqulrlng bo pold. Sho IOportod thel tho ptollmlnary plot 01 tho naglna Subdivision and Hickory Hill Rldgo Subdivision woro approvod. Sho Indlcatod that tho Council also approvod tho omborgo on WOodrldgo Avanuo thet wu rocommondod by tho Commission. ~DJQURNMEtID . Cook movod to odJourn tho mootlng at 6:08 P.M. Bovblorg .ocondod. Tho motlon carrlod 4.0. SollV Dlorkl, Soc,otorv Minutol lubmlUod bV Marv Jo Noll MINIIP&ZI.\ 13~1 1(\\ ~~~. n ' 1 ,-, LI. e I' MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS JUNE 26, 1991 .6:30 P,M. SENIOR CrnZENS CENTER CLASSROOM REVISED AND APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: MolY AM DOM', AgnOl Kuhn. LInda Murray, L1so Oxlay, Robortl PI\llck, Kollh Rull, Morl. Snldor, Jim St. John, GOOtgo Starr MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Two vaconclo. Nugonl, Noll RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCI~: Rocommond adoption 011 policy lor the Allocotlon 01 Uncommlttod CDBO Fund.tlllt would: II allow the CCN to dotormlna II oxlltlng projocts that did notrocolva lulllundlng will bo roconsldorod. bl and/Ot lund. will go to tho contlngoncy lund. . CALL TO OROEq: Cllllrpellon Storr callod the moollng to Otdor It 6:31 p,m. REVIEW A~O APPROVAL OEMAV 22.1991. CCN ~ltlUTE$: Rull movod to applova tho mlnuto. 01 tho May 22,1991 mooting. DOMlssacondad. St. John notod thet tho phrasa olllndlcappod adaptabloo on pago 3 should ba Chengod 10 rood oadlptod lor pollonS with dlsabllltlol.o , Tha mlnutOl WOIO approvod a. amandod by 0 9.0 vota. PUBLlCIMEMBER QISCUSSIO~: Slall ropor1od tlllttho Commllloa'. aMualropOtt Is duo on August 1, 1991 to ropoll on tho plogram yoar 01 1990. Ho brought tho Commlllao's allontlon to tho momOtandum Irom Morlan Kall rlgardlng tho opon mooting. law. Nugonllndlcatod thet thl. Is on annual romlndarlor 011 City boards and commllllons. Storr rapor1od that Inlormatlon on tho rolusa carry.out .orvlco lor poISons with dlsabllllla. was Includad In tho City Now. which Is Includod wllh tho wator bill. Ha notod that II also Includod tho CDBO aMouncomont lhatappllcatlons will bo accoptod In August 011991 lor FY92. Stall acknowlodgod Kuhn lor horlest CCN mooting. Ho thankod hor lor lorvlng 0 total 01 six yoall on tho Commllloo and rovlowod hor mony othor voluntoor accomplllhmonts In tho community. Ha prosanlod her wllh 0 corllllcato 01 approclatlon. Ij'~ t-, 1 .-, LI ~, MinutOl Commlnoo on Communlly Noods June 26, 1991 Pogo 2 VPDATES ON: .\ , CIIV Caonc:lI Mootlnos . Slorr roporlod thol AndV Ponzlnor hos boon oppolntad to 10rvO on CCN. Ho Indlcatod thotthoro I. olso a voeoncy on tho Housing Commlulon wlllch I. 0110 tho lIallon position to CCN. Houllno Commlnlon . Nugont IOporlod thot Iho Housing Commission rovlowod tho IIl1t Installmont 01 tho CHAS raport which oddrOllOl whAt tho Clly curranlly doe. and should be doing ragordlng allOtdoblo housing And rolatod IOrvlco.. Sho IndlcAlod thot HUD will ba looking at how communlllos add/OIl homolOllnOll. soll.sufllcloncy lor 10w'lncomo individUAl., and tho plovlslon 01 housing with ,uPpolllvo lorvlcos, Sho notod that Iowa City win 01.0 be looking ot the housll\g neods 01 modoralo.lncoma poopla. ~IIOfdnblo Houllno Tuk FOfco . Starr ropOttod thetlho luk lorco'.rocommondotlon will be IncorpOtatod Inlo tho cHAS ond tho tosk forco may moot again In Augu.t or SoptambOlto ravlow tho raport. DISCUSSION OF JIM BRADV'S oCALlING ON AMERICAo CAMPAIGN: Oxlay .Iotad that tho lubcommlnoo rovlowod IhI.ltom and Isracommondlng that bocousalt I. .n on.golng program, cCN should obtoln addillonal InlOtmatlon baloro bocomlng 0 community pallnor ond thon bogln to plOparalorlnvolvomontln tho progrom next yoar wllllo Involving other community groupl. Sho Indlcatod thot alltluoo CCN lubcommlnao mamball would bo willing to continuo to sorvo on tills lubcommlnoo. Sho .lotod thet tho .ubcommlnoo fait that It would ba too difllcultto bocomo lulllclantly orgonlzod to moot tho July 26, 1991 doadllno. Rulllndlcalad thetlho lubcommlnoo mom bOil could glvo tho lull Commlnoa mamborahlp an updoto whonovorltls nocOllAry. In IOsponso to 0 quaSllon Irom Oxloy, Starr Itatod that CDBO lundl would prObably not bo ollglblo II monay I. naodod to organlza on ovont. Donnl. suggaslad working with othor community groups, such as tho Association lor Rotardad Cltlzon., which he. on aMual picnic thet might oliO ba ablo to .orvo I' 0 klckolllor tho Calling on Amorlco Campaign. Thoro WAla consonsus 01 tha Commlnoo to obtain molO InlormAtlon befolO rocommandlng thatlowo City bocoma 0 community palinOl and docldlng on on opptoach to tho plogram. It was agraad to discuss this Itom agoln at tho Novombar mooting. Rull'\lOIIod thAt It Is Impollont to locus on tho ontlra community rilhOl than Just organlratlonlthatluSllorvo tho dlsoblod, . Dj$CUSSION OF PROCEDURES FOR ALLOCATING ADDITIONAL CDBG FUNDS RECEIVED 51IBSEQUENT TO fORMAL APPROVAL: Starf ravlawod tho altornatlvo. lor handling CDBO funds that oro rocolvod oltortho lormal allocation procOlS hos boon complotod. Holndlcatod thotlho Commlnoa could ra.opon tho appllcallon procOlS. It could put tho oddltlonol funds In tho conllngoncy, or tho Commlnoo could look at unfundod oppllcAntl, St, John .tatod thAt ho would p,olor pUlling any addlllonal lund. Into tho contlngoncy ond notod that this would allow tho Commlnoo to avoid going through tho tlmo.consumlng appllcotlon procOll, Murray oxprossod horagroomont ond notod that gonorally thoro would not bo onough addlllonal funds to lustily ro.oponlng tho ontlro application process, Donnls oxprOllod tho concorn IhAt an organllOtlon might anomptto uso /3(''J. --------,.--..........- -,- - - I .-, LI L, Minutes Comm/ltoa on CommunllY Noeds Juno 26, 1991 Pag~ 3 tho contlngoncy po/Icy to clrcumvonttho appllcollon plocell. St. John lug9eslod having I lpoclllod amount lor tho contlngoncy IhalII thot amount I. roochod. than lhe application plOCOIS would bo ro'oponOd. POlrlck nOlod thot II would bo unIikoly thellho contingency fund would ovor bo high onough to osslst loverol pr%m, RulllUOIIod thet tho .orvlca Igonclu nood to know tho I It would be unlikoly thot tho totol amounl 01 any addll/onollunds would be avol/ablo lor uso. .\ I POlrlck Ilatod thotln tho PlSltho contlngoncy lund he. boon vfowod IS on omorgoncy fund and tho lIalod that sho would plolor thollhls policy romoln. Sho ItOlod thettho torm. Ourgont noodO Ind Oomorgoncyo COMOt bo cloorly dollnad. but .ho nOled that when on application I. modo lor tho uso 01 contingency IUnd., tho CCN wlllthon docldo 11111. an amorgonCV or urgont nood, Tho Comm/Iloo dllcussod tho dralt policy lor the allocltlon 01 uncommlttod CDBO lunds and thoro was 0 consonsu. to dO/OIO Item. 2 ond 3 to Ivold I raqulromont lhot tho appllcollon prOCOII bo ro'opanod ond to guarontoo lhat anIv und~ funded oro/ecl, and nOI unlundod pr%cts will bo conlldorod lor addltlonollund.. Dennl. movad to racommond adopt/on 01 a policy lor tho AIIoCotlon 01 Uncomm/ttad CODa Fundi thot would ollow tho CCN to dotormlno II Ollltlng ptO/OCtl thot did not racl/vI full lundlng will bo roconsldorod, ond/orlundl will go to tho contlngoncy lund. St. John statod thot ha lools 011 additional lunds should go Into tho contlngoncy lor usa In tho lollowlng yoor'. Oppllcallon proc.... Potrlck oxprollOd tho concern thot HUD m/ghtlOathl. IS undesllOblo. Rull.lalod lhal ho want. to avoId being unablo,to lIS/it pr%ctl thai would olharwlso be doloyod until tha naxt lundlng cyc/o. Ho IndlcOlod thettho 10doro' govallvnanl might ./.0.00 lha prosonco 01 a largo contlngoncy lund as a roo son to docrolSO tho amounl 01 lunda Iho City rocolvos. Tho motion cerrlad 9.0. DISCUSSION OF THE 1989.1992 COMMUNITY DEVelOPMENT PlA~: Slarr notod that 0 naw plan doGS not nood to bo propalOd until tho sptlng 011992. Nugonl luggostod lhattho Commlttoa could cons/dor community noods olhorthen housing and thon lorm Imallor rOloorch commlltoos around oach aroo ollntorast. Sho .trauod thel tha housing compononl will no longar bo a largo port 01 tho plan and Inlormatlon on communllY nood. could bo COIlOCIOd through nolghborhood orgonlzatlons. POlr/ck ropOl\od lhet sho attondod a Longlollow No/ghbo,hood mooting with Milkmon who gOVO a prlSOnlatlon Ihat COnconllOlad on CDBO pr%cts lhat havo occullod In tho Longlollow aroa. Slall roportod thot ha went to o Norlhsfdo Neighborhood AlSoclotlon Board meotlng with Nugont. Hoslatod that two orOOl of Inlorosllhat woro axprossod at that mooting WOIO tho ronovotlon 01 brIck .trOOls ond oxpondlng pork .pacoln tho nolghborhood. Ho sold thOlthoro wos 0110 InlorOSl axprouod In tho HousIng Rohobll/lOtlon Program, OUARTERL y REPO~I:p RooSovolt NoIghborhood Ooon Sooco Dovoloomonl' Kuhn roportod thollho IJgnogo Is bo/ng Improvod and thollaloty Is baing Incroasod by tho Inslallotlon 01 moro rall/ng., 13'~ n I' ,-, LI ~I l' MlnutOl CommlllOo on Communlty Naeds Juno 26. 1991 Paga 4 Broadwav SlIaet Nelohborhood Canlar. Kuhn ropOttod lhatlocatlng this ptojoct on tho h1l1sldo he.llmltod tho amount 01 play aroo thotls avallablo ond how wolllt can be ulOd. She nOlad thettho building .0rvOl 0 numbor 01 useland porenlS aro loarnlng parontlng skill.. DaMl. notod that tho Ihol\ogo 01 play aroo should bo holpod with tho dovolopmont 01 the Villa Gardona pto/ect. St. John encourogod stoll to conloctthe NOlghborhood ConlorrogOldlng raplacament 01 cOllaIlIO"n tho parking lot whola Iho concreto he. lolllod. GllIaler Iowa Cllv Hou!lno Fallow!hlll . No ropOI\ was given. . ADJOURNMEN"(; Patrick movad to adjourn tho mooting at 7:43. St. John locondod. Tho mOllon carrlad 9.(). M1nutOllubmllled by Mary Jo Noll. ppdcdbg'mlnlla.20ccn.mjn -- IJ~~ ~~'~ n 1 ,-, L, b " I Kayor'l Youth Employment proqr.. K!Dutel Board of Direotor'l Kletinq Kay 21, un Board Klllborl pr..entl Bob Lohnertz, carde "orton, Barry Kucora, Jean KcCarty, Jacque Hccluro, taron Forbea, and A.K. Trav. staff Prellntl Peg HcElroy Fraaor and Pam Kleeae. call to ordert Bob Lohnortz called the moeting to ordor at 7101 A.H. 10 Introduotionl and 'Ilcomll Bob Lohnortz velcomed all in Attendonce. II. Approval of Kinutlll Hinutea from the April 24th mOltinq wore approvod by conlonaUI. A quorum of ballotl approvinq tho Horch 27th minutel VOl receivod and conaoquontly tholo minutel Itand 01 approvod. 1110 Approval of rinanoial Reportl pog and Pam roportod on tho balanco Ihaot and revilod budget f1gurol for tho final quortor of FY 91, rOlpoctively. The report for April val approvod by conaonaul. A quorum of ballotl approvinq tho Horch roport vaa 0110 rocoivod ond thul tho roport Itonda AD approved. , IVo Additional Aqanda Itall , eorrelpondenoa Raclivedl . 1. Tho City of Iovo City Annual Roport VOl diatributod to ooch board IOmber. A photoqraph and articlo highlighting tho Roolevelt Rovine il includod in tho roport. , 2. pog roportod thot due to an unoxpoctod incroalo in CDOO tundl, HYEP roqueltod and recoivod an additional $2,000 to bo ulod for Pholo II of tho Roooevelt Ravino projoct. v. Old Buainelll 1. Progral roportl from Linda Hiller and Hick Bovora vore moilod vith tho agondal and no dilcullion val nocollory. 2. AI Peg vos not in attendanco at tho Hoy Youth Sorvicol Foundaticn board mooting, Ihe prolonted no roport. 3, Tho revia10n in tho quartorly roport to mon accurotely rotloct enro11mont in tho Sox Equity progrom vos dilcUDlod. In oddition, tho demographicl of' a cliont roforrod OlBovhoro in tho locond quartor voro romovod to ovoid miBroprolontation of cliont charactoristics. 4. $8,311 vas rocoivod from tho Dopartmont of lIuman ~ Services to supploment In-Schcol ond Transition BorvicOB. 5. Carrio "orton and Joan HcCorty roportod thot tho procoBB of solocting tho outBtonding onro11ooB is vory rewording. SoloctionB oro bOBed on written roporta from suporvisors and onrolloos, in addition to input from Peg IJJ~~ n . 1 ,-, LI .-, HYEP Heetlnq Hlnutal Hay 29, un paqo 2 II I and Llnda. Bob Lohnortz, vho attondod tho corolony, tilt tho rOlponlo val trolondoul. 6, carrio Horton and Jacque KcClurl will b. IIIt1nq 1n oarly Junl to pro lent a rocommondatlon tor tho Ix.cut1vo dlroctor ovaluatlon betore tho noxt 101tln9. VI, Hov DUliDlll1 '1, Hayor'l Youth and Youth HOIOl .ubllttod a qnnt tor tho purchalo and rlhabl1ltatlon ot a hOlo on Church Streot to provldo apartlantl and ottlcol tor those involvod with tho HOlole.s pr09ral. Notltication Ihould occur around Auqust 15, . 2, KYEP hal racoivod tho DARE Youth tor ACTION qrant, In vhich vo tOllld with community Rohtionl OtUcor cathy Ockontoll, In tho alount ot $40,000 In todoral tundl. poq and Cathy vill attond tho national DARE contoronco InJUlr' Thil vill involvo KYEP wlth a younqor cliontole n voluntoor1all. 3, A Sex Equlty qrant vill bo submittod tor tho third you on Friday, roquOlt1nq todorlll tunds in tho lIIIount ot $35,000, . 4. poq rocolllmondod that Jody Brav~rlllan and Barb Carlson romain tor anothor throe yoar tora on tho Youth sorvicos Foundation board, Carrio Norton moved and JOIn McCarty locondod that thoy bo aakod to romaln board molllboro. Motion carried. HSC. ' VIto AdjourDI Carrio Hortcn movod and Jacquo McCluro locondod that the lootinq be adjournod. Kotion carriod, HSC. Tho mootlnq val adjournod at 7145 A.M. . poq roc09nlzod tho HYEP statt tor tho hard work thoy have put in, oapocially In the last tow months and thankod thol . tor their ettortl, Tho noxt lIIootin9 vill bo hold Wodnolday, Juno 26 at 7100 A.M, at 410 Iova Avonue, Rospecttully submlttod, Qh1 &e.UU Pam KlooSD Admlnistratlvo Asslstant A3HYHN9l.HAY /3'3 ~\\' ) t-, 1 ,-, LI Ef .' i Hayor'a Youth Employmont proqraa Hinutea Doard ot Direotor'a Haltinq Juno 2f, UP! Doard Hollbua pro..nt. Dob Lohnart:, Carria !lorton, Barry Kucara, Jacquo KcCluro, Loron ForbaD, and A,K. TrAW. . atatt prellnt. Paq KCElroy FraDor and Pam Klloal. Clll to Ordor. Dob Lohnort: callad tho moatinq to ordor at 7105 A.K. 10 Introduotion. Ind lolco.l. Dob Lehnert: wolcomod all in attlndanco. II. Approval ot Hinuto.. Kinutoa trom tha Kay 29th moatinq woro approvad b~ conaonaUD. IU. Approval ot r1nlnohl Roport. Tha roport tor Kay waD approvod by con.onlul. IV. Additional Aqonda Ito.1 , corra.pondoDco Rocoivod. 1, Youth SorvicoD Tru.too, Linda crim, .poko at a non- traditional caroor work.hop hold at CEC and raque.tad that hor honorarium bo donatod to CEC on hor bohalt. KYEP .ont a thank you lottor to hor and a copy WA' palled around tor board mambar. to '00. , Vo HIV BUlinol.. 1, The Nomination COlDlllittol wa. 'Ilocted to proparl a slato ot candidatas tor otticor positions tor tha July moatinq. Loran Forbaa and A,K, Trow will bo prosantinq tho nominationa in July. 2, Boord lIIombOrs diaculllod tho memorial tor board 1II0mbor, PAul DuriAn, Diq Brothars/Diq Siators And the IOWA City ROAd RACGI oxpressed intoroDt in joininq with KYEP in contributinq to the mellloriAl tor the ReqinA Boosters. JAcque KcClure movad And Carrio Norton secondod A motion to hAve bOArd membors contribute aD thay likad to Assist KYEP in A donAtion ot $100, Kotion carriad. KSC. It tho lIIIount rllisod oxcoads $100, tho extra Alllount will also be torwArdod to tho Roqina Doostara. VIo Old DUlinlll. 1, Tho number ot teonD participatinq on tho Iowa Conlorvation Corps docroaaod this yoar due to an increaoo in tho minimum waqo. DArry Kucora roportod that a Homeloss oliont ho olllployod lott tho workaito without furthor notice. poq notod that omphasis will bo placod on omployability, not sololy on placomant. 2. Carrio Norton roportod that tho Victorian dinnor sponsorod by YSF was a tromondous SUCCODS. Tho tono WAS vory nico, PlAns tor noxt YOAr Aro boinq laid with tho /J~3 n 1 -, L, Cf .po..lblllty at . proqr...lv. dlnn.r h.ld It Woodl.wn, 3. Carrl. Norton .ov.d Ind A.X. Trlv ..conded the IOtlon to qo lnto .x.cutlv. ....10n tor dl.cu..lon at the .x.cutlv. dlr.ctor'. .valuatlon, Th. .x.cutiv. ....lon .ndod at 8100 A,H, Barry ICUcorl Dov.d and A,X, Trill .ocond.d the .otlon to .ccopt the evaluatlon Ind roco...ndatlon a. pre.ontod, Jacquo HcClure dratt.d a n.v evaluation tonat tor n.xt you and I.k.d tor board ..abor. and HYEP .tatt to rovlov lt and r.turn lt to hor prlor to tho July ...tlnq, i' vno Adjoul'lll Lor.n Forbo. .ovod and Curio Norton .ocondod that tho ..otlnq bo adjourn.d. Hotlon carrl.d, HSC, Tho .ootlnq va. adjournod It 8114 A,H, Th. noxt ...tlnq vlll bo hold Wodno.day, July 31 at 7100 A,K, at 410 leva Avonuo, No ...tlnq vl11 bo hold ln Auqu.t, R..pecttully ,ubmltted, . i ~n) ISttC<Jt- Pal XI...o Adalnl.tratlvo ~Il.tant . A3HYHN91..nm IJ~3 n 1 ,-, S [t f) , , "rtC ' I' MINUTES FIRE PENSION 81 RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING APRIL la, 1991 . 3:00 P.M. IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY. MEETING ROOM C Tho meeting was called to ordar It 3:04 01 tho lowe City Public Library, Mooting Room C, KJnney prasldlng. ROLL CALL: LillY Klnnay (Acting Fire Chlefl. Mary McMulllY, KJp Wright, Elmer Backlor. Don Yucul. MEMBERS ABSENT: GUESTS PRESENT: Duane Allison Gono Wissink, Anne Burnslda LallY Klnnay ravlewed the ogonda, LBIIV Klnnev. April 9, 1991. Flra Flghtar Wissink did wrlle Klnnoy aleller.tatlng hi. put history. Mr. Wissink WIS originally sontln lor hearing problams. dlnlnoss, causing balance probloms. Altor thot Mr. Wissink did rocelvo that and did exprass that ha WOI not examined proporly. Opon up tho meeting to the Boord mombers and Eugono Wissink lor commont or quostlons. . . Note Hopkins alllved at 3:07 p,m. KfA...WdgJu . Just having read through this II appears to main summary that tho roport Irom tho Unlvorslty sold that thoy would not cortlfy basod upon 0 50/60 chanco olrocovory to a workablo stato. The socond roquest wos 10 go lor tho CT scan, Is that what wa'ra talking about today? ~. No, basically, It sorvos to chock on other typos olallorglos orrolatod things that Mr. Wissink leols that this Is e posslbllilY duo to lob rololod, That's tho wholo crux 01 tho I JIp~ n ' I ,-, ~, ,'I Jh'JJ CllAlICIIl A TIDN lAAGII URIII ......',... . , I , I I u________ __ -1 I I n , -, s e ~ "", . I' '" , I' II ! MINUTES FIRE PENSION 8& RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING APF.IL 1&, 'eet-3:OOP.M. IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY. MEETING ROOM C Tho mOIling WII clnod 10 oldor It 3:04 ellho lowe Clly Public Llbrory, MOIling Room C, KlMly prellding. ROLL CALL: Lllry KIMey (Acting Firo Chilli, MOly McMurrey, KIp Wrlghl, Elmlr Beckler, Don Yucull MEMBERS ABSENT: GUESTS PRESENT: Duon. Allllon Gon. Wissink. Ann. Burnsldo Larry KIMOY /lvlowod tha agonda. I. ~. April 9, 1991. Flro Fightor Wissink did writ a Klnn.y al.uar Ilotlng hll pOSI _ hlslory. MI. Wissink WII originally sonlln lor haorlng probl.ms. dlulnoss, causing balenea problaml, Allar lhat MI. Wissink did r.calvalhaland did uprass thai ha wos nOI uamlnod ploparly. Opon up Iho mOIling 10 Ih. Board mambors and Eugono Wissink 101 commonl or quosllonl. . N.la Hopklnl Irrlved II 3:07 p.m. K1D1lL1ght . JuSI having road Ihrough Ihls II appears 10 main summary Ihallh. roport Irom Iho UnlversllY laid lhallh.y would nol cortl'y basad upon a 60/60 chanco OIIOCOVOIY 10 a workablo Ilalo. Th. mond roquosl was to go lor Iho CT scan. Is Ihal whOI wo'ro lalklng aboullodayl ~. No, baslcolly, II larvas 10 chack on olher IVpos olallerglos or rolalod Ihlngs Ihal Mr, Wi~slnk lOlls that Ihls II 0 posslbllilY duo 10 lob rolDlod. ThDI'stho wholo crux ollh. 134~ ' t-, , -, ~, ~t FIt. Plnllon & Rltlromonl Boord AprU 16, 1991 Pig. 2 ,I I miller. I mond .x.mlfllllon. HI 1111. h. did nOI g'l worked up proPtlly Iho nlllllmolnhl, work up. HI 'OIlllh.r.'1 . poulbilily lhalth.,,'. ,oml other Iypos ollhlngs lhal WI" overlook.d Ind nOI don. by Ih. proper doclorl. ~'mll Blcklu.llhlnk whit h. IllIylng II coughing, d"lfllgo, .v.lrrll'llon Ind dlmlnllh.d lung coPlclty. From whall gOI oul ollllhOll symploms don'l heppon wh.n hO'1 nOI on Iho ,Job. . Marv M.::MUlrlv . Thor. .ro IwO qu,"lonl, 1111'1 nOI work.rolllld In lorms ollhls vllculor loop, lhan Ih. qU'l\lon would bo ordinalY dlubtlily. Thai would be . uporoll qUOIllon. NIII HoolWll' I look II '8 on Iho "port bock Irom Ih. hOIP!llllnd Ih.y dldn'l .von bOlher 10 Inswer II, Number IlghlUYS WOIlho p.lllnl'l mldlcll/phVslcl1 condition clusod by his occuplllonl Mini doosn'l oVln hsvo on Inswlr YII 01 no. , . ~ . Bullwlco up In lhe Illlt IllIysll Is nol wOlk.rolllod. So lhen 10 pUIIUOlho physlcol concllllons, you ora "quilting Ihll wo sond you back 10 Inolhor pinal 10 look' II whelovor Iholnlollroneo mlghl boo ~ . Whlll 1m looking lor II whal clusad Ihl problom 10 Illrl wllh. V1olonl coughing, hoodlchu, whoro my head was kind 01 rllilod Irom Ihl cough conllnuously. Thl drolnlgl WII conllnullly rUMlng, II wonl Irom I clair liquid 10 chunks. Coughod , conllnuoully. MOllly up II night, Two vears 01 hall unlll 11011 lho workpllco. Than Iho condlllons subsldod. IlliIl hlvo lomo ollhom. /3(P'l n , -, ~, Lt Fl,. Plnllon I. Rslirlmlnl Board April 16, 1991 Pogl 3 ,I I Don YueulJ . Any relSon why Ihlt Wlln'l originally convsyad7 Euoene Wiulnk . Orlglnallv convoved. Dr, Janos chockld ml down lor I modlcll p.nllon. WhIch I did. I was told Ihall WII nOI phalod rlghl. So I sanlln 101 accldonlll on'lh'.lob Injury and I gOla nOllflclllon In Iho mall thai I was 10 bo leslld 101 hailing loss and dlulnOll. I WU lold loter Ihot Ilhould hovo jumpod on Loonno and 1IIIOd olhorwllO. Don Vuculs . Who wu 10ld7 Who lold you Ihol7 ~uQene W1ulnk . Who lold mo Ihol. I gal thll Irom Klnn.y and Looma bOlh, Loanna Slrou~ . Whon I sont you Iho IIrslllma 'or Ihosa IwO things wa wOton'l awa,. Ihlt Ihoro was anolhor problom. ~UQan8 WiullJi. Allor tho resultl como back Irom lholoop. f'lalll HODklns " Old JonOI know oboullha olhor Ihlngl. EUDIIM Wissink. Wo IIllhoro and IIlkod Oboullhom, yos, ~. Tho orlglnotlppllcallon wo IOnt you lor, Gono, hoarlng problom, dlulno" and bollnco probloms, corrOCI. ,I I I EUDono Wlnln~ . That's Iho 11111 ono. Hoarlng loss. I novor Ilotod on\'lhlno. i /3" n , '-I S ~I Filo P.nslon & RoUromonl Boord April 16, t991 Pogo 4 I' ~ . Dllllnm thon. Thor's why you WOI. IInl hom.. ~ . Tho rolSon I was IOnl homo thol doV WIS that I had 0 hoarlng Ivaluallon by OIl' ollh. olllcolI and he Itolod th.tl was nOI doing I 101 01 things I'vo done olwsys . , i i I ; , I I I I uj I I i i . b,'ora like driving trucks, Yoah, I'v. never boon II lick as I .m. And also you don'l havI verllgo ond you hove motion Ilcknou on lap 01 thai. H. wonl rlghlto tho Chlol with thol. Jonuory 3, 1991, I was back on dUly ond I was callod Into tho ChI.,'s orrico whora ho advllOd ma 10 go homa and wolllO bo evaluat.d, Elmer Blckllll' I'm suro wharo Ihe hoarlng problom como In Gono was thl dlnlnm end tho Ihlnklng thallhoro was an Inner oar problom. Thol'l whoro lhal camaln. ~'OK . Elmel Be~. OK. Doos thol moke sonsol ~. Thai ring In my 00111 Elmer Beckllll' Whon you woro dillY thai dav and so on .nd lhat ringing In your 0011, thai', whoro thol camo Irom. ~uaene ~u!nk . Doclor told Ihal alto' my COllcon that day, my vorllgo had gono, ~ . Tho crux ollodoy, what oro VOU osklng, .... /3''1 n , -, ~, b Fit. P.nslon & Rolllamenl Boord April '6, 1991 PaO' 6 , j' I ElIOlnl WlnIok . To IInd oul whotth. caulO II 101 my conllnuous cough/no ond bolno ..posod 10 Iho dlml O.hsulllumll, Is onvthlno relolod 10 th. broln damago. Thai's whOI I .m Irving 10 Ilnd OUI now bocaulO I sm IIiII hovlng a Ihollnm 01 brollh. Whon I wolkod down hare on my own I gOlllghl hudod. Nail HODklm . Old Ihay 1111 you 100lunO cap.cltyl ElIOlne Wlsti . No sir thoy did not, Nile Hooklna. Old th.y 1011 you al your annual phvllcalot Modlcol Anoclolul. Old Illhow dlmlnlshod cap.clty lhanl . Eualna WissInk, I havo no Idoo whot was on thot, ~ . WolI, you didn't have one this yoor. ~. NOllhl1 veil, no. . . Nile HoPlWu . Bul, nothing was said to you aboul your lunO copocllyl ~ . Wall, thall/III y.ar wo had our lung copoclty and thai was IwO yoall ogo, I dldn'l qulto blow tho groph vory good, So I wlltold losl yoar 10 blow hardor Inlo tho graph. I don'l know whaltho rOlull1 wore. Ilookod at my phvslcal rOlUrns and I don'l know 1111 .... monllonod onYlhlng thoro, IJ~t/ n I, ,-, ~, ,-, Fire Psnllon & Rltlromlnl Boord April 16, 1991 P.gI 8 .\ 1 K/D WI/gill, A policy IIIndpoinl, nOlqullf beck 10 I p"vlous ell., whln WI lalk Iboul .ccldonlol dlllbtlllY, dotln'l II havo to bo lIod bock 10 In Iv.nl or . 111111 01 SVlnIS. Llrry ICln"oy . NOI nocolllrily. Elmer Becijv . NOI II long II you havo tholt m.glc lilllo WOlds. oggr.valod on lho lob. Nail Hookllll.1I ho's roduc.d lung copocily, which tvldlntly WII "01 chockod by onybodV, our own doclor or Iho UnlverlllY dOCtoll, Whit's rtallv dlslurblng 10 mo oboullhls Is lhal and I don'l know wholhor thllls beCOUIt Ihll plltlcufll cllnlc lull doosn'l 100 monv or snv nro p.nslon poopll Is Iholl would Ihlnk Ihalllthort woro oddillOflllthlngl wrong whh I . p.rson, thallharo would b. soma 'ollow,up 01 0 rolorral OIlhoy \,!oufd gOlln lauch with tho . ponslon board and soy thora aro othor Ihlngl wrong ond IhoV nl.d IUllhor 10111 by othor spoclolIslolvPo doctorl. I would lav Ih.1 proboblV dlllnllOlV Ihola cOla olthll ono thatthort wouJdn'l be onv, 0 vary Isw pooplo would Ivor bo lOon by this group 01 pooplo. Tho nOlmolls vour uluol OIlhopodlo, hurt pulmonory ISlho normal procoduro. I'd IIkalo 100 Gono gllU4mlflld bV whomovar Iha corroCI pOllon would be bUI onv problom would be, who would be Iho corroCI parson. It's rool obvious to milt therl's dlmlnlshod lung capacity lhat'llolrlv obvious who you would gal lor thai bullho othor things obout who you WOuld IDa, Movbe you could glvo us lomo Inlormallon, Loonna, on tha procoduro you usa to moke an appolnlmont, Whon you call do you ollploln 10 whoovor you talk 10 whOllho mod/cal problom appoorlto be and IhlV au/gn . tho Ipocloltv doctorll 1)1,'/ - -- - r-- n , ,-, S EI FlIO Ponslon & RoUramonl Board April 16, 1991 Pogo 7 L08nna Slroud . VII. Th.n I s.nd lho Inlormallon on 10 lhom, Hall Hopkins. In lhls ono, II WII manUally baud on whOl Jonos had said which was 0 hoerlng,lon ond dlulnoss. L08""8 Slroud . Whall rocolved Irom the dopallmonl, lhal's whall wanl on. Than Ilenlll on 10 Gono and rocolvod no rolponso 10 t WU illuming lholll was COIrOCI. Mm McMurr8Y 'Ilhlnk It onlWOfl Iha 11111 qUOlllon 01 diulnon and lho vOlllgo and Ilhlnk lhal" prolly cloer. Whall hoor Gano laying lhen II Ihallho Iltuallon h.'1 boon In lholall coupla yurt wllh olllho drolfllgo and the coughing rotelod II .n tOlllar causa. I'd go bock one molO Slap. I don'l havo a problom IInding lhal oul. N8111 HOD~ . Wollllhlnk II whon wo look Inlo lhls dralfllga buslnOll or nOI, Ihe vary minimum Ihoro's a docroosod lung capacllY lhal could Indicolt somo lung domaga ond Ilhlnk we should alleosllnvosllgalo lhol. AI tho vary minimum I'd like 10 100lho othor parllookad Into also. Thoro', 0 pOlonllol lhll II Ills 0 rooCllon 10 dlosol lumos or ollhausl or somothlng . 01.. ovor thora Ihallhero's tho pOlOntlallhll somoone oliO could gal It. Wo could Idonllly . whOI II Is and porhaps provonllhol lomohow. Anno Burns'" .1 would rocommond lholll you decldo 10 go ahud ond do 0 IUllhor OllIm Ihat' you roach an agroomonl bolore lho exam os 10 whalls 10 b. consldarod. Wo could do II In one lasllhol. As I understand Illhat parI 01 tho concorn Is 10 glvo an oxom ond than who I aboulthls othor condlllon Irom onolher OllIm. Wo'lIuy to roach an ogroomont now lor 13~'I .- ...... II n , ,-, ~, Cf !' I Fire P.nllon & Rlllltmonl Board April 16, 1991 Poge 8 lupporllng Ih. oppolntmonl made allO whal VOU'II going 10 Ilk lor th. dillararlC. hell. Thai Illho Issue OIlssulS 10 bo mmlnod. Nail HODklCt . How would you phrm thll, IIka .~omlnallon 10110~ICl OIII'II.lrly .lIy how you would phrmlllor chocking tho lung copocllV. Whllaboullhllluuo 101 dlu.llum'l or gOlollno lumOl or whollvor. W. con roollV gal Into a boor's nOli on IIlorr.I.. Annl BUlnsln. Olton wo would storl with Ivmptoml. PhYllclons ore comlOlloblo .boul you lolling Ihom whal your symptomlolt. Thoy than usa Ihotlo docldo whO! noodsto be lookod ot. Rothor thon Irylng 10 gum oursolvlS whotlO chooso, Nail Hoo~Jm 'Is.. Iwo probloms basically, you no ad 10 voto lor opprovol 01 the uam thai's alroady boon glvon ond thon make 0 motion 10 vale lor lurthor mmlnollon: A mOllon wu made by Noto Hopkins, socondod by Mery McMurroy, 10 opprovo tholnlllol examlnollon al Unlvorslty 01 Iowa Hospitals ond to poy lor II, Yuculs IIIl0d that wo are ratlfvlng wholtho Chlol had dona, Mallon corrlod by volco vote with all mombOll vOllng ayo, A mOllon was mada by Don Yuculs. lOCondod by Wrlghl, thallha roporl rocolvod 'rom tho Ihroo.doclor loam, based on tho patlont roglstrotlon lorm complolnl ola hoerlng ploblom and dlulnoll co usIng balonco probloms bo OCCOplod. Tho modlcol ropOrlthat como bock wallhol . It wos nOI on on.tho.Job Injury, thol Wissink Is unoblo 10 porlorm 01 0 Iron\ollno nrellghtor duo 10 vorllgo, occoPltho roporl from tho phVllclons' group basad on tho work thollhoy did and, tharoloro, thIs doos nOI qualify Eugono Wissink lor on occldontol dlsobllllY roliromonl. /3~'I n ,-, b 0 Fire P.nslon & Rollrem.nt Board April 16, 1991 Pago 9 11 Mollon carrrod by volco vall wllh oil m.mbors voting Iy.. Motion carrlad, Fira Fightor Wissink hIS roqulllod th. Board approve . socond ..am/noli on 101 occldonlol dllobllllY ponl/on duo 10 lhaloctthol ho dOOln'lltollhllth. plopor lilting was don. by tho doportmonl whan ho undorwontth. liflllOlling ond wont I to b. rOlchodulod In th. proper erOl. A mOllon WII mada by Wrlghl ond 1IC0ndod bv Hopklnl to reschodulo Wissink 01 tho Unlvorslty lor a retlromonl ollamlnotlon and that all tha background Inlormallon 01 Wlulnk's be IOnl along Wllh tho oppolntm.nl popers so tha propor dopartmonl 01 tho Unlvorllty Is Ichodulod and 10 Inlorm Iha Unlvorslty thai mOla modlcal hlslory Is ovollabla on lung capo city through othor doctoll Wissink hIS lOon In lho POll. Wissink stalod thOI ho wonlllo know Iha cause ollha problom 01 tho Ihorlnoss 01 blloth ond Iha docreasod lung capacity, . Anno Burnsld. IUggOllod, lor clorlty's IIka, you gal this roquosllnto somothlng thai con be wrlllon down and give Gona I chonco 10 rovlow It b.lora tho phono call gall Inlo U 01110 ha can lay yes, those are all Iha things I had In mind or no, wo slilllorgol ono otho" Moko IUtO wo wrap Ihe wholo pockage up. Gona lIalOd thai he wroll alollor 10 Flro Chlel KIMOY Ilallng his h/llory. NOlo Hopkins Ilk ad II Gono would bo IIllsfled IIlhollollor WIS your IlIlomonl. Gono Wissink laid yes. Anno Burnsld. end Loanna stalod the I we could nOI pUI thai In, Anno Burnslda sold II needs 10 bo more conclso end moko lUll Gono has a chonca 10 ro~low Ihal bo'oro things woro Ian I ovor thoro. Thet was ogrood 10, No mall dllcusslon. Mollon corrlod bV volca vola with all mambo" voting ovo, 13~1/ n 1 -, b ,I "U.-~""__""''''.'_ Flts PonalOll & Rlllllmanl Boord Apra 16,1991 Pag. 10 i \' HopkIn. .t.l.d thot hs wOUld PIlPors . momo 10 Iho Fill Dapallmanl stlllng tholthoy 0,. to put roquOlI.ln wrillng and b. Ipoclllc whon thsy ore oddlllllng tho Board. Yuculs mod. a mOllon 10 .djourn, Secondod bV Wrlghl. Unanimous approvol. Milling Idloulnod '1 3:36 p.m. Rllp.ctlully submlllod, D!'~~~ I l,Inedmllpb4.II.mlr1 , . J I . "~._--.....--..-.......",,., /3~1/ , ' "", -""0-' .."......".."...-, ,;...._h. .,,-~ d~\J - L -, - , " CI I~ \ " I MINUTES OF THE FIRE PENSION AND RETIREMENT BOARD MEETINQ JUNE 25, 1891 .3:00 PM ' MEETINQ ROOM B, IOWA CITY PUBLIC UBRARY MoOllllg Will UI/od 10 0Id0r 1/3:00 PM by NIIO H~. PRESENT: Jim Pum/roy, Nllo Hopijns, Oon Vuculs IIld lOp Wright ABSENT: M4ty McMurray. Elmtr BOClIIor, 0u4n0 Alaon OTHERS PRESENT: AMo BurnsJdo. Eugono WIssink Nalo HopIdns: Tho IIrsI hom on tho Dgtnd41t tho roquosllrom Flro M.vahd LlIny l<Innoy 10 /llko 110m tho Iowa C11y Flro I)opArtmonl on 0Id'1IWy roUlomonL Ho has 25 112 YOAII ollOrvIco ofloCllvo July 5, 1991. r allumo ho has all his 1Im41n, 22 YOara. IIld 114s roachod eJo 1Ig0 01 65. A moUon \VII INdo by J'I/ll Pum/roy. IOCOndod by tap Wright 10 roUIO I.4ny Klnnay on 1/1 OIlSllAry relitomanl oKOcM July 5, 1891, pondng IOCOlpt Irom tho POtIOMol DOPAmlonl \'OrtIylng dalO 01 bltth IIId yoars oIl0Mco. Mellon CllrIod by . voIco \'010 with dlllOmbotl \'OlIng oyo, Soconcl hom lor OJ)p(OVllII. roquo,llrom b4ll4Son chIol Ray WOrnbachor 10 rol/ro 110m tho Iowa C11y Flro DGp4Ilmonl on ordinary rolltomonL Ho has 27 yolltl 011OMco IIId ho warll"o rolfto olfoctNo July 18, 1991, Do WI havo. mollon 10 rol/ro b4ll11on chJeI Ray Wombachor? A mollon \VII mado by Don YUCVIs. IOCOndod by tap Wrfgh~ 10 rellto Ray Wombachoron In otdnaty rOlfromanlOlfocMJuIy 18, 1891, pondlng rocolpl kom tho POflOMOr Ooparlmonl vor1~ his d410 01 bltth IIId yoar, olloMco. Mollon CIIIlod by \'Oleo \'010 with d mambora \'01lng 11)'0. Tho IWd IIId IlnaJ /lam IIllrollghlor Eugono WIssink'. roquosllor accldonl4l dIIablIily ro.romonL Unlvotslly HOlpll4l has compIolod lis oxamlnallon IIId hili IOnltho raport lor tho boanr. COnsldora!lon 01 In accldonl4l dlsDblll1y rolltomonL Flrollghlor WlsIInk hili roquoslod eJlI/lom bo dolo"od unbllurthor 10.1 ro,u/II DlO lOCO/vod 110m tho LaCrosso AlIorgy Clinic. Thoro aro a couplo 01 aflachmonlllo IhII. Thoro aro eJo IOports back 110m tho Unlvorslly HOlflllal logOrdlng tho OXamlnallons Oono has gOflon, and thoro II also lome malarial Irom tho LaCIOSSO AlIorgy Clln/o. Don VUCUIs: A COmmonl on Iosls altho AlIorgy AsIOClalJon 01 LaCrosso. Tho "010 sloMo 110101 on d1soblllly thot wo havo 10 land thom to tho Unlvorslly 01 IowD Hoapllals. Oono WlsIInk: For vorlllcallon, 01 lOlling? Don Vuculs: FOI losllng, Wltslnk: Tho IOSI doclor over thoro, who wos tho 111I1 ono? 13''/ ---------- - T.... -- - - . t-, I ,-, b ~, Flte Ponslon Boatd Juno 25, 1991 Pag02 Loanna Stroud: WIssink: Stroud: WIssink: . Tho one Irom tho UnlvOfllly? Yoah. Hunlor. Who'atho hood ovor thoro? I don,1 know, In tho aIforgy cllnlo. Okay. My wllo was with mo and wa broughl up tho subjocl 01 conltoDlng tho chomlcals and wo waro Informod lhal we do nolloltlO( lhal hare. I'm s1t11ng thore, couldn'l broalho, kind 01 b'ko righl now, but this would be OUIlIdo, and Dr. MuDer, thai was I1Isl day 01 gO'8Iound, ho says 'You hllVO an 8/Illoly ollackl. You're anxious whon II was dono, blah, blah, blah.' And something olso hopponod, becauso thoro was a messago on tho phono, p1oaso caD Dr. Mullor. And aho wantoo mo 10 como back In lor lurthor lostlng, Furthor 10sUng cons/stOO 01 tho 21 standard allorgy zips, with no roacUOn. Thon I was sonl out to tho parking ramp 10 walk tho parking ramp. I wonl out and I modo II aImosllO tho lop noor. Anor a whllo I couldn'lton whothor I was on tho nal or tho Incllno. Como back In, did tho broath IuncUon tOlt, you blow on I~ give II a quick pun. Aboul two mlnutos anor thai I aat down and I had shOllnOSS 01 breath, Dr. MuDor was standing thoro. Sho said, 'Wo'l roo ouL' Thon thoy wuntOO mo 10 do Iho methyl colono, which InducOO asthma. "you havo It, II'll trigger IL I hod 10 III thoro 10( probably ton moro, IIlIoon moro mlnutos. Wonlln, did tho mothyl colono chaDongo and no ollocl. 'Oh, wo'D I1nd II, wo'1ll1nd OU~ and we'1llol you know.' won, II doosn'l hoppon lor a woek. No word 'rom tho Unlvofllly HOlplllll. So my wllo says, somothlng's goofy horo"my wlfo cans Dr. Munor. 'Nothlng wrong with your lungs, Nothing wrong anrrvhoro. EKG Is lIno, no asthma, no nothing,' And I cannot broatho. So my wllo, sho's a nUllO, boon oround a 101 ollhls stull, grabs tho phono, makos soma lolephono calls, gollOlorrOO to tho aIforgy lab In LaCrosso, Wisconsin. I wonl up thoro lasl"Maty Kay gol on worle al sovon o'dock. wo gol up thoro aboul mldnlghl, LaCrosso, 8:15 wo'ro In Iho lab. They noodlo.trockod me, with ovldonUy roal good rosulls. And thon tho noxlslop WlIS 10 the drops undor tho longuo. To sUmulole your aDergles. II you hovo aJIorglos, you'U havo cortaln roacHons. By noon thoy hod me Iaka broalhanol. I had hoadachos. 'Okay, can you como back In altar lunch?' Okay. So by aboull:30 thoy sUpped tho phonal 10 mo. FltSlthoy give you drops 01 water. You can110D whal you'ro gOlllng. Thoy don'llolI you, So sho says, 'How you doing?' I'm sllllng thoro with my hoad agalnlltho wall, oyos shul, afraid 10 movo. Tho room Is going whoosh. So I askod wholthol was. Sho says, 'ThaI's phonal.' RIghi boloro thallho govo mo somo ltun that made my hoar! and my ears burning, Sho aays, 'Thora soma other stun thai's plllt.olthlslamlly.' So than tho droppod me phonol, Thon sho tiled 10 noulrallzo II, Thoy give you neutroJlzor drops thai ora supposod 10 kill It. WolI, II dldn'l klIIIL Wo wonl oulln tho hallway and sho sold, 'Try 10 walk II all.' I'm slumbllng down tho hallway and my wllo'slrylng 10 hold mo up. So IlInally sal down and thoy gavo mo a"now lI's dilloronl..o sUII bromldo, IIko on Alka Soltzor. Gold-wrapped Alka Soltzor. And finally gal II 10 whoro II was noutrallzOO and thon I did tho old mothyl colono challongo again. So that's my prollmlnary, thoy sonl mo homo wllh 0 proUmlnary ropor! and tho Dtdo bolllo 01 drops, I pulthom undor my longuo, so many 0 day, and Ilghl nQW I connoltoka Iho lull proscrlbod omounL So I called Loanno and sho aald, 'WolI, wo'ro going to hovo 10 hovo 0 wrlllon roquosl.' I sonlll 10 hor again. And this Is whoro I'm at, Alloasll know I'm nol nuls, And tho Doclor up thoro aoys, 'Hoy, /JI,f n , -, b LI Flto Ponslon Boatd June 25, 1 gg 1 Pago 3 I' maybe 1110 'onguo galS you dono willi" and you1 be ablo 10 mow tho Ylld with IL I moan go out and lolorato mowlog 11I0 yard. RIght now I havo my nloce doing IL rm lIIallanslUva 10 axhaustrumos. I havo hoadachOl, Iloso slablllty. Tharl obout an. Whalovor dOls this to 11I0 conllal norvous syslom, thoro 110 vary many dillorontlypOs 01 reactions. I have posl.nasal dtalnago, IlnuS'typo IyITlploms, and so on. Tharl aD I know lrom tho IOport 10 LaCIOISO and Mary Kay called up thoro whon aho lound out I couldn't qulto haclltho drops boceuso thoy IaJd me OUL Thoy laid, 'Cui" baclllo ono drop 01 oach, ono limo a day.' Now rm Ilowly working up to ~ drops 01 oach, ~ lImu a day. I'm nowhoro noar 11I0 proSCtlbod dosogo. And 01 courso when you Nn out 01 this thoy progrolllvoly start alalt,slopplng up 11I0 dosago unUI you can lolorato IL Whonovor thar. going 10 be, I hovo no Idoa. Whothor thoy WOl0141k1ng a yoar, a ~'yoar lramo, I don'l know. Thoy soy, 'You'll novor be ablo 10 work In thatonvlronmonL Vou11UU be ablo 10 go work out In tho opon air bulthal's aboutlL' Only I gOltho onswor 10 tho quosUon you asked me a low yoars bacllln tho lab, I YOlllllQO, II I thought thai McFanon botchod his lob. Whal happened, my body had this Immuno klnd 01 sotup ogalnsll~ thoso anolglos or whalovOlI go~ and I took 8 6 wook broak, my oporaUon, earno rlghl bacllln and an hon broke Iooso. Hopklnl: So you fusl loll tho oporaUon lrIggored a roacUo~. WIssink: 'No, tho limo oil lrIggorod II, noltho operaUon. II was bornO doarod 01 tho IlaUon almosphalO, dlosol oxhaull and stull, ond camlng bacllln lolL Thars what camp/Ololy dumped tho wholo opplo cart. . Hopkins: Whon you earno bacll horo lor tho opora~on, woro you IMng In tho onglna room? WIssink: Mm.hmm. Our blvouacldng In tho ovonlng. Hopkins: So wo ltayed lor lovoral monllls, actulllly nved and alo In tho onglno room, WIssink: Mm.hmrn. Hopkins: With an tho IIucks and all tho lumos and all tho othor crap, It probably dldn'l holp anybody. WIssink: I JUSI earno down with II. Hopkins: Whon you lalked 10 tho pooplo at LaCrosso, woro thoy going to gal a hold 01 anybody al tho allorgy cllnlo atlho Unlvorslly? Wissink: Thoy woro going 10 sond tho roports horo to mo. Hopldnl: To you or 10 thorn? Wissink: ].10. Hopklnl: So thoy dan', wanllo hayo any contact wllh tho Unlvorslty? 13'9 n , ,-, b ~I fit. Ponslcn Board Juno 25, \991 pega 4 \' \YWlnIc: Lei', pulllthl, way. 011 tho IOcorCI. ForgollL We canod up there to IInd out when and lIthe roports woro dona, They had some addiUonal blood work thoy had 10 go through In case thoy wantod to" (tapa Ihut 011 hOla?) n butthosa woro tho two vlclous onos that I had WIIO hookod up with was tha phonal and tho oll1anol. Anno Bumsldo: Ilsomoono could rolrosh my reconoetlon as 10 plocoduro aboul what I. on tho agonda lor loday and whal oCllon did the board 01 commission authorize to lako. Hopkin.: Whall road In Itom 3 looks to mo Uko what WO'IO doing 1110 docldo whother or not , wo wanllo doror a doclslon on 1110 rolllomont 01 Gono Wissink. Burnlsdo: But lor his roquost concornlng the LaCrosso clinic, tho board would bo askod to make a decision atlhl. Umo? Thai was alroady on tho agonda? Hopkins: What do you moan, tho LaCrosso clinic? Burnside: Thal's whatl'm asking. UnUl wo rocolvod tho roquosllo dolor, pondlng tho Inlormallon Irom laCrosse, was ho alroady .chodulod lor a doclslon today on his appllcallon? Hopkins: Thall don't know. SlIoud: WolI, wo'vo gollon tho roports back Irom tho Unlvolllly, thai's what we make 1110 doc/slon on. So onco we got the roperts back, wo go ahoad and put thai agonda 110m on, And that'. what wo did, Jim Pumlroy: II plobab~ should havo boon two dilloront onos. SlIoud: Two dlllorontlloms, yoah. KIp Wright: It'. on~ going 10 bo worthy to doforralll lor .omo roason U 011 rodoos tholr doc/sian, bocauso based on what thoy'vo sonl back 10 us, which Is whal wo'ro bound 10, wo don'l have any cholcos. Unloss tho AIIorgy Asloclalos 01 LaCrosso can gOltholr findings, whatovor thoy alo, verified by U 01 I. I'm notsuro tho bollld roal~ has a choice as 10 whal nndlngs wo can make. Hopkins: ThaI's protly much what I think. My oplnlon Is you'vo gal 10 baso your volo on what tho Unlvorslty aays, but II those pooplo from LaCrosso can convlnco somobody Irom tho University 10 wrlto a loltor saying thaI tho guy's allorglo 10 XYZ, or whatovor, thai's a dlfforonl maltor. Pumlroy: And althat tlmo tho Ponslon could be roconsldorod. I don't bellovo thai onco you mako a doclslon you can rovlow II. Burnsldo: II's rovlewod annually any.vay, Isn'llI? Stroud: Wo can chango, Wo did on one othor ono boforo, Wo havo roUrod anothor on disability and wont back a low months lator and changod II. 13'; n ,. ,-, b b .1 Flto Ponslon B04Id Juno 25, 1881 Peg05 Bumsldo: As I rolld thllaocdon, ~OO,5 plll 8, I donlaao thai thls board Is authorized to rocolvo roports 110m anyono bultho U 011 on <IIsab/Dty. So, ovon litho ropert was 10 como Irom LaCloISO, I donlthlnk thai this Board noedsto mako a clodslon on It. Hopkins: I think tho board has tho powor 10-11 you wanlod 10 wall a month lor LaClOlSo 10 conl4el tho Unlvorslty, I think you have tho powor 10 not make a dodslon on puttfng Gono onto rodromonL Bull don'l 1001 you havo tho ability 10 accopl or roloel I roport 110m LaCrosso, Vuculs: I think we"o dono Wall as a BOllld to sond Gono again lor spoclflc tosts. Wo spodnod tho lasll tho lasl timo wo had a mooting. I'm saying lh41 havlno analyzed whal you bonovo Is tho causo 01 tho problom and I think wo"o gono lhtough thai with tho lhtoo doctors who gllVo tholr opinion on lhtoo soparato toSls. WIuInk: BUlthey cannolllnd tho causo. Thoy lIdmltthoro's somothlno thoro bulthoy cannolllnd IL Bulthoy wonl put It on PlIjlor. 'Oh, youl anxloty, you havo this, you hllVo lh4L' Whon II com.. rlghl down 10 whalovor Is on papor, I wu sonl lhtough tho ano/Q)' lab ond thoy COMol losl lor potroloum chomlcals which 1II0 prosonlln tho tlosol oxhausl rum... And slun IIko thaL Thoy cannollosllor IL They do have an occupation ovor thoro"OccupationaJ Hoalth. I donl know what, Iho~ alIorgy dopartmonllhould tosllor allorglOl. Bulthoy do nol run tho iuD gDmuL Thoy short.stop you. 'WoII WI don'l know",,' Thars an you got oul 0111. Bumsldo: Tho problom Is thai whothor you think tholr tostino Is adoquato, tho loglslaluro mondalos thai this bollld rocolvo Its loportlrom tho Unlvorslty. WIuInk: RlghL This Is what thoy have. Burnsldo: This Board has dona all thalli can, WIssink: And whoro doos thai loavo mo, now? An ordlnlllY ponslon with a disability. Thai's oul 01 tho quos lion bocauso tho stalo hospital cannot ftnd 117 So whal happens IlHkay, that's 50%. So wo'ro 100kfnO al an accldonlaJ, that's 60. Willi olllor s!un tiod willi IL And yol, causod by tho lob, and tho slalo hospllaJ cannot find II. So how do you wolgh II? ~ Wrlghl: From a financial standpolnl wo'ro dodo II 11I0 aJlorgy clinic In LaCrosso could find a solullon 10 your problom, Irom a modlcal alandpolnl you'ro going to bo a 101 boltor 011. Unloss lor somo roason tho U 01 I roconsldors and says, 'Oh yos, thoy lound tho slull.' Havo LaCrosso call1hom, In tho moantimo I don't think thoro's anything wo can do oboutll. WIssink: So onco tho doclors all 001 togothor, how do I roopon? Or do Iloopon? Pumrroy: You havo 10 bong somolhlno 10 tho Board Indica ling thai this Is actually causod by tho lob. II you don'llhon you can't bring II up. Wissink: I havo 10 havo alonor from lhasa guys ovor thoro, Irrllated or causod bY-Ihon I can'l roopon. Okay, IJ'( t-, , ,-, b ,-, FlI. Ponslon BolId June 25. IOGI Page 8 ,\ I SltOlld: But won't h. have to com. back to tI10 board 10 go back 10 !ho Unlvol1/1y1 Wo approvod tNO appolntmonlS lor him. Tho board gave tholl permission. Bulagaln, ~ you go back ovor !hore lor another Ihroo doctOl opinion, the board lhould agaln havo 10 approve It Burnside: No. SlIoud: Oh, I'm oorry, I misunderstood whal you were saying. Burnside: I thlnk thai the bollld has molllS obllgaUon, Sltoud: Okay. Hopkins: LOI's doar up tho thing aboul how ho'l going to llppIollCh tho Unlvorslly, though. Lo!'s say loday, wo placo Gono on OId1nllY dls~ly. In tho noxl month or 10, IoI'S say thaI LaCrosso IInlshos thoso 10SlS and sends him a report laying, 'Won, you'le anorglo 10 Xvz.. How would he approach tho anorgy dlnlo al the Unlvorslly. JUlllllY 10 thom, 'Tho LaCrosso people tostOO mo and I'm anorglo 10 xvz. Win you reconlldor and sond anothor loner to my pension bollld, aaylng thai won, 11'1 obvlous thaI Mr. WIssink Is allolglo 10 XVZ?' How would you do thai? Burnside: I would auggosl thai the LaCrosso IOlulls be lorwllldod either 10 hlm or 10 a mombor 01 thls bollld, 10 be lonllo tho examining physicians 10 ask" thoso IIndIngs In any way change tholl prior conduslons. "10, than this board noods 10 know oboullL "no~ than no chango. Hopkins: Thal'l whall'm wor~od aboul, Is thai ho gots those thlngs back Irom LaCrosso. Roany, I don'lthlnk he can juSI walk OYer 10 the Unlvorslty and say, 'I'm back with thOlO rosultt,' and thon thofro going 10 say, 'Won, who'l autho~zod thll?' " thal'lthoy way 10 do I~ wo can Just glvo It 10 tho board and tho board would forward tho rOlulls 10 tho Unlvorslty. WIssink: I gal tho relullS back. I go 100 thorn. Pumlroy: Actually, tho resullS should bo mallod dlroctly to tho LoaMII. WIsalnk: You wanlthom manod dlroctly 10 LoaMIL PumlIOY: Thoy should bo mallod dlroctly Irom LaCrolso. Hopklnl: Just loll hor 10 sand her a copy 01 thom. "lhofre going 10 10nd thom 10 you, havo thom sond her a copy 100. Pumlloy: Tho chain should bo Ilralghllrom thorn 10 Loanna. Hopklns: Yoah. Pumlloy: An onvolopo Ihrough tho malllystom, IJ/,'/ ---- --- ------ - ,-- ..... - - -, ,-, b EI FIt, Ponllon Bollll Juno 25, 1901 Pag'7 . , Burnside: All LoaM. will nood 10 do II Illach I covor lo11er lIddIollod to lIle 'XamlnIng physician 10 ask If Illo allached would ch4ngo lholt plovlous conclusion.. Pumltty: Yeah, ask thom rot a wrillonHwholher 11'. y.. or no, have thom pulllln Vflfllng. WIssInk: Anyono Vflftlng aD IIlIs down .0 I can Undolltand II? Pumrtty: Basod on lhalllhlnk we are In a poslUon 10 make a ruling and I VfOuld mako a moUon lIlal an Ofdlnary d1sablllly ponslon be granlod 10 Oono. Hopkin.: Do wo havo I IOCOnd 10llhal moUen? Wrlghl: I'D second IhsL Hopkins: Do WI havo any discussion? A11l1loso In lavor 01 placing Oono WIssink on Ordlnary d1SablIilyHhold up asocOnd, 101 mo ask a quOlUon. On dlho othor on.. wo do, whal we do Is VfO look back al our slck Ioave usage and payoulllor dlllolOnl accruals and we pulthalln wllh tho moUen. Do wo noed 10 cover anything on thai haro boloro we VOlo on 1Il1s? Sltoud: Not II ho Is going oul on an ordlnaty. YOah, III1 was an ecddonlaJ. II would. Hopkins: This VfOuld laka ollocl on Juno 28, Is thai corrOct? Okay. That was my only quosUon. AIltholo In ravor 01 placing Oono WllSlnk on OrdInary d1sablllly olloctlvo Juno 28, 1991, signify by llIy1ng 'Aye." , Aye. Hopkins: OppoSOd? Tho motion carries. Do we havo any addidonal buslnoss rOf tho Board. 111 onlOrlaJn a motion 10 adjourn. Jim Pumrrey. Second? KIp WrlghL Hopkins: AU thoso In laver 01 adjoulnmonl.lgnlly by saying 'Ayo." All: Ayo. Hopkins: The mooting Is adjourned a13:40 p.m. RospoClful1y IUbmllled, ~~ Troasur" ..25PIF,lIn IJ'f - - ,I I ~~") . ~ n , -, b Cf MINUTES POLICE PENSION AND RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING JULY 23, 1ge1 . 3:00 P.M. IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY. MEETING ROOM B ,\ I Th. moodng WII c.llad 10 Old., by Pollc. Chlol R.J. Wlnkslhok. II 3:00 p.m. Roll call wlllakon Ind Iho lollowlng mambo" woro prlSlnl: R.J. Wlnkolheko, MOil Johnson, Duono Allison, KIp Wrlghl ond Don Yuculs. Absonl: Dlb Hanson ond Mery McMurroy. Also In olllndsneo: Aulsl.nl City Anornay AM' Burnslds, Nail Hopkins. Firo Chlol Jim II Pumfroy, Joy Honohon and Sorol Ronken. A roquosllor 0 regular rallrlmlnllrom Aulslonl Pollca ChI.1 K.Mlth Slack, dltad July 16, 1991, WII pIOlontod, Tho I.nar requosls a rotlromonlsll.ctlva August 2, 1991. Ho has boon .mploYld with tha Iowa City Pollcl Doplrlmonlllne. Juna 18, 1967 10 tho prosonl. Ho Ilthor mOOIl 01 ollco.ds oil tho roqulromanll p.nolnlng 10 aga and yoars OIIOMCO, according 10 Coda C!'tPlor 411. A mOllon )'III mado by Kip Wrlghl, locondod by Duon. Allison, 10 1CC0pl Kon Sieck's rOllromanl roquolllor an oldlnory ponslon .IIocllvo Augusl2, 1991. Tho mOllon carried wllh all Boord mombors vOllng oyo. A motion 10 Idjourn Iho milling was made 01 3:07 p,m. by Kip Wrlghl, socondod by DUln. Allison, Tho motion carrlod by volco VOlo with III mombo" vOllng Iva. ...~C1f..' """",. ~ 1Intdm\7.23Icpd.mln 13115 xf) ), ~), n , -, .-, 0 MINUTES IOWA CITY JOINT POLICE AND FIRE PENSION AND RmREMENT BOARD MEETING JULY 23,1991.' 3:16 P.M. 'I I The Jollll ponce,nd Flit Ponslon ,nd R'llr.m.nI80ord milling WII collod 10 Otdor II 3:07 p.m. by ponc. Chlol R.J. W1nk.lhah, Roll con wlllokon Ind lha loIIowlng m.mbors WII. ptlllnl: R.J. Wlnkolhoko, Moll John,on, Duone Allison, KIp Wrlghl, 0011 Yuculs, Not. Hopkins ond Jomas PumlIlY. AblOnl: Dob Honson, Mory McMurrey ond Elm.r Bocklll. AJlo In IlIondonco wor.: AMI Burnlldo, Jay Honohon ond Sorol Ronkon. A mOllon WII mldo by Du.na AlUlon, s.condod by KIp WrlghllO accopl .nd IPptOVO Iho Fobtuary 28, 1991 Fila Ind Pollc. P.nslon and Rlllromanl Boord mlnullS II COfIlClod. Not. HopkIns mod. I cOIroctlon 10 Ihe guoSll prOlonlllCllon ollho mlnulOl, ollmlfllllng "Fighlor" In B,"ollon Chi. I Fighlar Woyne Fjolllld. Mallon corrlod by voIca VOla wllh 011 momboll YOllng yu. A motion wu made sl 3: 1 0 p,m. by Kip Wllghl, IIconclod by Duone Allison, 10 adjourn Iho millIng. Tho mOllon corrlod by volco VOla with oil mom bora vOllng yu. 'l'11!!cJ'~!ly SU~;I:~~ ~r:tV4~I' TrOllUllr "'\7.22,., .mill /3IPI; n , '-I ,-, 'I ~u~\, . ,\ I MINUTES IOWA CITY FIRE PENSION & RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING JULY 23, 1991 .3:15 P.M. IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY. MEETING ROOM B Tho mooting wu callod 10 ardor 01 3: 15 by Don YUCull, Roll call wlllokin ond Iho loIlowlng members wero PlOIent: Duana Allison, NolO Hopkins, Kip Wllghl, JomOl Pumlloy, Don Yucull ond Elm.r B.ckler. , Absonl: Mery McMurray. . Also In o\l.ndone.: Jay Honohon, Soral Ronken. AM' Burnslda, Eugen. Wiulnk ond Mary Koy Wissink. NOlO Hopkins was nomlnal.d as Chalrmon ollhil meeling ond unonlmously opprovod. , Th. mlnutas ollha April 16, 1991, and Juno 25. 1991. moaUng wora nOl ovollobla 101 opprovol. 110m 9, 0 roqullllor reconsideration 01 Eugono Wissink's appllcollon lor modlcal dlsabllilY dotermlflltlon ond ponslon. Mr. Jay Hanahan II represenllng MI. Eugano Wlulnk In this roquOII. A lenglhy discussion onsuad rogordlng why Mt, Joy Honohon bollevulhal Mr. Wlulnk's roquullor roconlldorollon lor madlcol dlsabilllV delormlnlllon ond ponslon. MI. Honohan's conlontlon Is lholIho Board did nOI glvo Eugono Wlulnk 0 'ormal hoarlng par Iho Ponllon ond RsUromonl Boord rulu and wonts ono. Soverol Boord memboro Itolod Ihal Eugeno Wissink wu glvon IwO lormal hoorlngs OllwO saparata formal Boord moallngs .4.16. 91 and 8.26.91. Alter a lorty.mlnuto dlscuulon: A mollon was mado by Jom.. Pumlroy, socondod by Don Yuculs, 10 dony Eugono Wiulnk a roquoll lor roconsldorallon 01 his appllcollon lor medico I dlsoblllly dotormlnotlon and ponslon. JomOl Pumlroy alolod ho boliovos tho COli Is closed, Wo gava him IwO oPPOllunlllu, Tha Board has actod In good lollh and I bollovo thoy hova lollowod tho lulll. No Iurthor dlscusslon, All thos.ln lovor 01 tho moUon to dony pima III so ono hand. Throo hands wI/a rolled voting 10 dony Iho hoarlng IYuculs, PumIIOY, Alllsonl. All tho so voting agelnsllhls motion plooso ralso ono hand, Throe hands welo ralsod voUng agalnsllho mOllon 10 dany (Hopkins, Bocklor, Wrlghtl. Tlo VOIO, 3.3. MOllon lalls, A molion WOI mado by Elmor Bocklor, secondad by Wrlghl, 10 approvo Eugono Wissink's roquosllor roconsldorollon 01 his application lor modlcal dlsabllitv dOlormlnalion and ponslon, No dllcusslon. All Ihose In lovor 01 tho molion to opprovo Eugona Wissink's roquolI, raise ono hand. Throa vOlod In lavor 01 tho motion to opprovo (Hopkins, Bocklor, Wrlghll. All thoso voUng agalnsltho mollon to opprovo rols. ana, hand, Throo hands woro rolsod voling ... ogalnlltho motion 10 approvo IYuculs. Pumlroy, Allison), ria VOIO, 3.3, Motion laUs, IJ'1 n I -, ,-, e FIll P.nllon & Rotlllmont BOl/d July 23, 1991 Pogo 2 11 OIlCuu/on .n.ued "gordlng 0,. M. Hobo. JoV Honohan lI.t.d lhal hi wlnlslho opporlunllY 101 o lull hOlllng. A mOl/on WOI made by Jom.. PumfllY, IIcond.d by Don YUCUI, 10 d.ny ElIOsns W1l1lnk's rOQ\lll1 101 roconslderaUon 01 Ills opp/lc.Uon 101 m.d1c.1 d1ubilllY dlll/mlfllllon Ind ponslon, No IUllher dilcuulon. Alllholl /n "VOI 01 tha mollon 10 d.ny pl",o/llse ona hand. Tht.. handl war. ralsod yoUng 10 d.ny Ih. hoallng IYucufl, Pumlrty, Allison), All those vOllng Igalnstlllls molion P/.m rolso on. hand, ThI.. honds wOllllllld voling Igalnstthe mOllon to dony (Hopkins, Bocklor. Wlighll, Ti. val., 303. MOllOll 1.1Is. Anne Burns/do' SOlid notoblOIO moke 0 doclllon, Boord Ihould mok.. doclslon. To IlIvo II In 0 deodlock Is nOI proper. Jay Honohan ItolOd thai ho IIcolvod on odditloflll rtporl from AIII/gy Anoclolos dOIOd July 12,1991, regarding Eugon. Wllllnk. RepolI occoptod 10 bo distribut.d 10 Ihe BoO/d. A mOllon WIS mad, by Elmer Bockler, IIconded bv Kip Wrlghl, 10 IChodufo. moetlng II loon u posslblo with all BoO/d mambo,. pllSOnt, ollorney AMa Burnsldo, Joy Honahan, .nd Eugon. Wissink. T,mullr Yucuis will coordinolO. Motion corrled bV volc. YOlO wllh .11 mambO/I YOllng IYI, Molion WliIS mad, by Don YUCUII, IIcondod by Kip Wright, 10 odjoUln lha moollng '1 4: 16 p,m. Mollon corr/od unlnlmously, RospocUullv lubmlltOd, ~J/I Ot/ill',.~I.l~ &~lm&J~s, T"lIuror. folledmlfpb7.z:l.mIn I I , , ..... 1~1 .. ?~~I ) ........... -'" T.... - n , ,-, ,-, ~I MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF JUNE 25.199\ .4:00 PM SECOND FLOOR. ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE ROOM I' BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Oolman, Slop/lon GIOOn/Onl, Jo~ Hob4ll, Philip Hubbllld, Gilly LundquIst Kalhorfno Mayors, Anno Spencor, Kont Swaim BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Anno Hargravo STAFF PRESENT: Susan Craig, LoRy Eggors. MaI1h4 LwO/oll, Hal Ponlck, Dobblo Salos MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:05 PM ~: Tho mlnulos 01 tho rogulO/ mooting hold on Juno 27,199\, woro opptovod. ColllGroonloal. ~: Reperts ahowlng ond 01 yoar budgot compa~sont ollOcolpts and d1sbursomonla woro dlllllblJlod. Eggers pelntod oullo the Bollld thai tho actuallncomo ~om finas was 30% hlghor than 11I0 proJocIod budgOlod lIguro. Sho dO/fIIod lor tho now BolId mombors tho catogo~os 01 dlsbursamonls and thaI oxpendlluroslor bonoftll woro proltY much oonlronod by Clly Finance DOpllllmonl. ~: . DlabursomonlS lor Juno. 1991, woro approvod. HoblllVMoyors. VISA bill oxpondlluros woro nolod. ~: I. Tho lall oonloronco 01 tho Iowa L1brlllY Aalodallon will bo In Sioux City, Octobor 16.16, Within tho conforonco thoro Is a spoelalsorlos 01 moollngslor trusloOl. Workshop on Llbrllly Leadorshlp (WILL), A speellll granl payJloglstrotion loos lor trusloos. II would bo excollonl training lor all trustoos and Ills hoped tholsovoral membors of the Bollld can anond, 2, Tho Slalo Offlco 01 Manogomonl roquOItod 0 survoy 10 gol publ/o rosponso 10 tho slolo IInanclal Opon Accoss program. Tho rosulls will bo Includod with noxl month'a mool/ng packoL Thoy aro gonorally vory poslllvo, ~: Prosldont Swaim oll/clolly wolcomod tho now Boord mombora. Ho dOlcrlbod tho now mombor oriontol/on thaI look placo on July 9. A vldoo was Ihown, boslo rosponslbllll/os and IlIuOl dlscussod, and thon B tour 01 tho Iibrllly Iokon, /3'8 n , '-I '-I LI 1\ MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD JUNE 25, 1991 PAGE 2 Ho BMouncod that In addition to Hobart and Moyors who woro nnlshlng up tholr torms 01 sorvfco on tho Bollld 01 tho Foundation, Hubbard and Hargravo had ogrood 10 sorvo as now mombors. Salos dlslllbutod hor yoar.end roport 'or the Board to revlow. Highlights aro: Sustaining fund raised $47,508 In FY91through soverallollcUatlonslncludlng a Birthday mailing, tololhons, and romlndor lellors to past donors. Tho Endowmont Fund now has snl,ooO Invested. A lotal 01 $2,578 has been ralsod to dato through tho Inltlalsollcltatlon lollor. Approxlmato~ 162 peoplo voluntoored 10 assist with tho portfon 01 tho campaign and 108 danatod monoy. On Tuosday night, Ju~ 30 at 7:00 PM In Mooting Room A, an oriontatlon will bo conductod lor voluntoo,. who will bo soaking potltlon algnatures. Thoy will bo provldod with Inlormatlon to enablo thom 10 answor quostlons. It was c1arlned lor tho Bollld that ono must bo an Iowa City rosldontto sign tho petition and that any extra monoy raised can bo given 10 tho Foundation. Somo Iong'lorm posllovy stratoglos woro d1scussod and Swaim proposod that wo bogln planning now. ~: Finance Policy ro: Conmct ollntorosl, II was suggostod that Soctlon D bo romoved: that Soctlons A through C woro complolo and Incluslvo. A motion was mado and approvod. GroonloallGolman. Approve Bollld FY91 Annual Roport. Somo chang os to Eggors' drall woro suggostod by tho Board and thon Iho roport was approvod on a motion by Groonloaf/Golman. ~: Sol Dlroctor', salary lor FY92. Jori Hobart roportod lor tho commllloo (Konl Swaim and Jori Hobart) appolntod to ovaluate' and mako rocommondatlonslor tho FY92 salary 01 tho Library Dlroctor, Tho commllloo roportod to tho Board thatthoy lolttho Dlroctor was continually doing an oxcollontlob, ospoclally In Ilghl 01 tho budgot probloms and guiding a library lacing a contlnuallncroDSo In uso olsorvlcos, Hobart roported thai Swaim had conlactod tho Clly Managor rogardlng tho roclasslflcatlon roquost mado by tho Board losl yoar. To dato tho Bollld has nol rocolvod an olnclal roply to Iho roquost, Tho CI~ Managor did roport that tho City was Involvod In making doclslons on a salary roclasslflcatlon /3/11 n , -, ,-, 5 MINUTES UBRARY BOARD JUNE 25,1091 PAOE 3 tovlow by an 0UlIId0 COlllul1lnlllld IlIVOred WlIIdng lor tho IOsullS 01 thalsludy. Tho commlUoo notod fit Ql/TonlnwlrMl tlllQo 01 tho LIlnuy Dlroctor 19l1ldo H 01 tho City dnsslncation) wns $57,033.80, ThlI would IOprOlOll1 an InCtonso 01 3,59% ollho IoIllI omounl rocolved by tho tIroclot lor FYllI, A1tot much discIIsslon, 1110 bollld voted 10 prOpolO 0 8.112% Incronso 10 $57 ,138.87. QoImlNlu~IsL Tho Bollld Okplossod Iholr opptodation IOf Dlrodor Eggorl'long IOMco 10 tho IbrIry IIld IIor oxcollonllldmlnlstrotlon and Ioodollhlp In diroctJng tho oporoUonal, ftnIndII and potIOMoIldMllos ollho ICPL. Rovlow Board Policy 011801, Cltculotlon 01 Malorlals, and 812, Hours 01 Sorvleo. IlfcaUlO . wu lito,'" Bollld only revIowod loctJon 801.2' which contained lion recommonded chango.. Tho 11101 01l18mm IIIma woro dropped lrom $510 $2 Plr day and 1In01 on camcordors woro Inctouod!rom $510 $30 por day. Tho 10000r chango wns dona 10 match tho local rontalloo and cIIcoutDgo 'rontlng' tho camora 10( an 0.11I day or two whon Ilia booked lor othors, 0eImIM.lIIdquI1L Tho moo~ wu ~oumod 118:14 PM. Sl.tlmllled, MarlhI LIbIton .2SORll,,*, " 13'K