HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-20 Appointment n e 0 L, " , ~ij. . ~ ' 'IDe 'University Q/ 'Iowa 'Foundation July 19, 1991 Mr, Richard Y. Blum Vlco Pro.ldont I/onry Loul. Inc. 506 Eost Collego Iowa City IA 5mO Our Dlckl It I. with very roal rogrot that I am wrlllng to lot you know that I need to ro.lgn (rOlll tho Airport Commission. I know that this 10ller will not como 01 a .urprllo. A. I menllonod at lunch the combination o( my changing clrcumstlncoa, lob prossuro. and Incrouod responslblllllos at homo havo led mo to tho conclu.lon that thl. I. a nocessary step at thl. limo, Sorvlng on tho COlMllulon hos boon an Important acllvlty (or mo ovor tho pa.t yoar. I havo on/oyed It largoly bocau.o I havo .uch respect and (ondnoSl (or 011 tho member., You allo know how Itrongly I (001 about tho obligation wo dll havo to ba Involvod In cOlMlunlty .ervlco, For thOlo rooson., It has botln particularly dun cult (or mo to como to thl. ,doclslon. I/owovor, I (001 that I can no longor carry out my .haro o( tho work load, I know thot you hava I numb or o( major challengos ahead and I wIsh you all vory good luck with them. Ploaso oxtond my regards to' John, Pat, Bob ond Ron, I with you 011 tho bo.t. Slncorely, q: Antonia W, Ifamlfton DIrector, Corporate and Foundation Rolallonl AWI/III( , Alumni Conlor 1 Iowa City, Iowa 62242.17071 Tolophono: 319/336-3305 l' D,:'oL,e '\\~~ . The Unlvorslty of Iowa loll 1 Citt.IoIlIWq /:- I' IlItCto1 ., I'IwIIna IIld lodmIN.r'lM a.Mc.. .",1orrIt tw "'-: 1311)>>50124' ,~ 1311)>>501210 I'" ~ July 25, 1991 . Robort Wachal Chair, Iowa City Rivorfront , Natural Aroas Commission Woodland !leight., Rt. 6 Iowa City, IA 52240 Doar Dobl ' I It is with lomo roqrot that I horoby tondGr my rosignation trom tho Rivorfront and Natural ArGas COlMliDllion, ottoctivG illUllodiatoly, I havo onjoyod workinq with you and tho othor momboro of tho qroup and wish tho Commission wall in its futuro ondaavoro, Sincoroly, auIJ!f4r Allan Dol stroh COI RiChard Eo aibson David Schoon . I'I)? \~~. n I:' 0 L, ~, l' "''\11: ..,,---.,..-- -- CIT)' OF IOWA CITY lt2W THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS COI/SIDERiNO AN APPOINT"'ENT TO THE FOLLOWING BOARD: "'AVOIl'S YOUTH E"'PlOVUENT BOARD On.VICInCy Un..ptld Tllm Augvll 20, 1 HI 0Ic.1I'btI 30, 1192 · . lilt cMy 01 lilt Utyo(l YOUIII E~loymtnl Bow 10 pIOYIde loOt II ntloul prPtIl. llOft'jllClI Md _ 0IV1IIil1' lIoN lor dilldvllltlQld )'011III In JoIINon CouIcy, Iowl Ciy ~Id mtmbIIl 01 boIIdlllld CIlmminloN . mutl bt 1Ig~ "1d0l1 0I1ht Ciy 0I1ow1 Cty. ThIIlpIlOlnlmtnllll bt 1IIId. II lilt Aug\4120. 'HI, mHl. IIlg 01 lilt Ciy CoIIrd II 7:30 p.rn. In lilt Could CllIIl'bttI, P.I1On.Inl.r.1l1d In btillg COIIIId.rld lor IIIlI poIilon lhould COIltIClIllt CIy CII" II lilt CMc Clnlll, 410 Eo Wuhr.glon SIr.... ~Ion IOImllI. IVWble I~ lilt CIt,,~ oIf'oe. upon rlqUIlL III IHI .41N1~O'O~ """, 'ou 1111 IOU '''....'/..'"1'"...111'.41 "II. ""'j'l./I! n 1:1 0 L, L, AUIUlt 20, 1991 lIAYOR'S YOUTl\ DlPLOYlIEHT BO.Wl . Onl Vacancy. Unup1r.d T.ra Au~ult 20, 1991 . D.c..bar 30, 1992 K.nn.th J. Hald...n 1419 E. Coil.,. -r-~--~'"-~ ~--- -,---- Ha1111 S ,...111I 4 I' IYIK . .,.C':'_.'" "";""':""~"_' . -,][lL/5 . - . CITY OF 101lA CITY . AOYISORY BOARO/COHHISSION APPLICATION FORH Indlvldulls Urvfnq on 80lrdl/COll'IlIIsllonl play In troortlnt role In Idflstno the ~ouncll on "Uteri 01 Interest to our COIll~lOtty .nd Itl future. AppltClntl 11II11 resIde ,I lowI City. Th, CIty CouncfJ .nnounced Adflsory BOlrd/COolnlsllon vmncles 90 daYI prIor to the dU, thl appolntlltnt will b" 414dl. This perIod prOf Ides for a JO'day admtls lno perIod Ind I 5O'dlY trllnlno perIOd for ntw memberl. The tr.lnlno perIOd Illaws new IlmOerl to becOllll fUlnlar wIth the responslbllttles .nd dutIes of the Idfllory bOlrd/collllllsllon before becomlno I full votlno "lIOer. After I flClncy hu been InnOunCed .nd thl JO'dly Idvertlslno ptrlod hu uplred, the Council rlvleWl III 'PPllcltlonl durlno the Inforlllll work luslon. Thl Ippolntment Is Innounced It the nelt forall CouncIl neetlno. ApPOIntees lerfe .1 unplld volunteerl. Council preferl that III IppltCltlons must be lubftltttd to thl CIty Clerk no liter than one week prIor to the announced appoIntment dates. PLEASE use A BLACK INK PEN. THIS APPLICATION IS A Al8LIC OOCIRlEHT AND AS SUCH CAlI' BE RfPRODUCEO AllO DISTRIBUTEO FOR THE PUBLIC. TIllS APPLICATION \lILL BE CONSIOERED FOR J HOHTIIS ONLY AIIO AUTO,"TlCALLY CONSIDEREO FOR ANY VACANCY DURING THAT TlHC. IJ.1.1t>19 a AOVISORY BOARO/COHl/SSIOH IWlEMayOl"S YOlA~ 1:"'llfJ~MM~ffiiEPJi~ '4,,;",tJ C-4 0.111,) 1lAIiE.JlJflltll. J JJcl,j'MQf\ HOlE AOORfSS !'f/Q l'. Cnlk~~ Jot.J( (I~J' Is your home Iddrus (listed Ibm) withIn the corporlt. IIl1lts of lowI City? -Y.t4 OCCUPATION el'll EJ1PLOYER 6Nt".,WOOr) 0 C/'IM AC. PHONE HUHBER: HOlE 3S"'f. ~S' ~ BUSIHESS !S"I.O~J I EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIYITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR TIllS POSITION: J~;,:~::~&:;..,:z:: J'1t=-~';:i~'~ ..y:t~~~~~ J'nuu"". ~ tj;~CI~~ '-~'=-~!t; (~...~ WHAT IS YOUR PRfSENT KHO~EOGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARO? . f. I~ K4kE TO THIS AOVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR . /. . r..-J 1~:,.t1'~GlJ 1J1A.rIJ)4.e,~ '"' .,,,"- II " , /~ \/HAT CONTRIBUTIONS 00 YOU .FEEL YOU C AP!LYING)7 ..&~;J.L tt.u~u~ AA.\.l.lY. ~ SpeCifIc Ittentlon Ihould be dIrected to POlllble conflict of Interest u deffned In Chapters J62.5, 40JA.ZZ of the COde of Iowa. Should you be uncertlln whother or not I potent III conflict 0' tnterest exlstl, contlct the Leoll Deplrtme conflict of Int,rest? _YES ~NO E If you .,. not III,cted, do you wlnt to b. nottfled? LVES AU. . you currentlYllrfl on Inother Iowa CIty Board or Conmlsslon? _Y 5 ~ NO It hIS been Council pol Icy not to permit In Individual to mve on \/0 8 lIonl It the lame tfme. June 1988 J J.'O ' 1-1/4 ,,'Q, \d' n 1:1 CI L, b , " I \ -.~~.. J CITY OF IOWA CITY ~ 'mE CllY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING AN APPOINTMENT TO 'mE FOUOWING COMMISSION: HOUSING COM!,4ISSION On. VIWtC'f . Untlp~td 111m AugUlII, 1m. MIY 1.1883 Dullta 01 lilt Houalng Commllllon mlmbell Include lnYtallglllng, aluclylng, 1I'11tw1ng II'd IIlltfzlng 1111 housing nltdall'd 1111 mM11ng of IUCII nltda wlhln 111. Cly oIlowl Clly end 1nYt11lg1l1ng IIld dllermlnlng I aklm III" ..ill or OCher III" wherl 111111 III un..ll, unallllWy or mr-crowdtd houtlng condilkllll. IIld atud)'ing, InYlIIIgIlIng IIld mPlng rtclllMllndlllonllllltlng 10 1111 elUting, IIpllnnlng IIld con. attuclkln oIlklm III" IIld p~ng dwl.ng pllCllloIlkflrtt pllIOM and plrsona 01 low or modllll. Incoml, Thl pinon eppoInlld to Ihle pollJon 1110 wi. 11M .. IlIImblr Of "Irlllll mlmber 011111 HouItng ~11t Oolld, Iowl CIy IppOkIltd mlmbell 01 bollda II'd commilllona mUll bl Ilgble Ilectora 011111 Cly 0I1ow1 City, Thlllppolnlmlnl wI be mtdlll1l11 Augulll. 1881, milling 01 thl CIy Council! 7:30 p.m. In IllI Coul'd Chlmbera, PII' IOlII 1n!1I"11d In bllng contkflltd lor Ill" poa.lon lhoukf conllCllIIt City Cllrkl! lhe CMc Clnler. 410 E. WuhlnglOn BlttlL ~licIlkln 100mllll Ivlllbll Irom IllI Clerk'a Ofticl upon requtlL III 'All UI"'~OlO~ 111111' IOU fill. IO_A 1"0101111' .1111 1I1.'"I'IH 11111 """it/19 i i i I I I u_\ ! n 1:1 0 L, .-, "I.' Au,utt 6. UU Hou.ln. Cocal..lon . On. vacancy. Uno.plr.d t.n. Au,ult 6. 1971 . l14y I, 199) J.... L. H.rrl. 219 'on.ld. Str..t 'OIOf JOI.ph HlIlI 1004 !alt Church Str.ot Chari.. !atth4. 1152 I. Court Str..t " I H."", 4 F.... I.. , I , ; ! 1~/9 n 1:1 0 LI E' . CITY OF IOWA CITY . AOV/SORY BOARO/COHH/SS/ON APPLICATION FORH Indlvldu.ls Imino 0/1 Bo.rdl/COlIIlhstons pl.y .n tll'\lort.nt role In 'dvhltlQ the Council on "m.rs of Intertlt to our cOlrmlntty .nd IU future. Appltc.nUIlIJIt rtltde tn low. City. The City Council .nnounC'd Advllory Bo.rd/COIlIllllton m.ncles 90 d.yl prtor to the d.te the .ppolntment will be I14de. Thll p.rlod provldtl for a JO.dIY 'dv.rtlsltlQ p.rlod .nd . 60.d.y tr.tnln; p.rlOd for new memb.rl. The tr'lntn; perIod .Il~ new members to becOllt f.mtl I.r with the rtlponllblltt ItI .nd dut ttl of the .dvhory bo.rd/conmllllon b.fore btcOolltn; . full vot In; IIImber, After. v.c.nCl h.s bt.n .nnounced .nd the JO.d" .dv.rttsln; periOd h.s e.ptr'd, the Counctl rlYtell1 .11 .ppllcetlons durttlQ the tnforlll,tl wort smlon. Thl .ppolntment Is .nnounc.d .t the ne.t fornal Council lIIetln;. Appotnteel s.rvI IS unp.td volunt.ers. Counctl pr.fers that .11 .ppltc.ttons ilIJst bt lutmlttld to the City Clerk no l.ter th.n one w..t prior to the announctd .ppolntment dlt.s. PLEASE USE A BLACK INK PEN. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AIlO AS SUCH CAN B( REPRODUCED AND OISTRI8UTEO FOR THE PUBLIC. THIS APPLICATION I/lLL B( CONS/OeREO FOR J HONTHS ONLY AND AUTOK4T1CALLY CONSIDERED FOR ANY YACAHCY DURING THAT T/KE. unexpired term or AOVlSORY 8OARO/CDHUSS/ON IW4E flouslng COlIl1Ilsslon TERM full term NAHE.}arnes ~. flards HOKE ADDRESS 219 Ronalds St., Iowa CHy, IA 52245 Is your home .ddr.ss (1IIt.d .bove) within the corpor.te lImits of Iowa City? yes OCCUPATION UniverSity prOfessor (rettred) WLOYERJ!nlv. of Iowa' PHONE HUMBER: HDHE--illJ459 BUSINeSS EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: H teach In In tho Gr.duato Program tn Urban & Regional Pl.nnlng Included the coursework n ous n .r cu.r y r9 n u .rchltecturo .nd planning, emphastzlng tho subdldy progr.ms In nouslng. I served a full term on tho Iowa Ctty Board of Adjustment, serving as ~r for tnreo years, f1iiYi'"taugnt coursework In I.nu use anu pUGII' reguld~lolI rehleo IlIcrClU. ,\ WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWlEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? In tho ast and at resent I. havo taken an Interest In the COlIl1Itsston's operatIon .nd po c os. ecen y vo un r , Tosk Feltt on af(orda~le new,tAg. \/HAT CONTRIBUTIONS 00 YOU .FEEL YOU CAN KUE TO THIS ADVISORY 80ARO (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? ~l that my Interest and knowledge would be useful. SpeCific .ttentlon should be dtrected to pOlllbl1 confltct of tnterest u deftned In Chapters J62.6, 403A,22 of the Code of low.. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential confltct of Interlst uhts, contact the Leoal Oepartment. \It II you have a conflict of tntertlt1 YES. NO - - If you art not select.d, do you want to be notified? ~YeS _NO Do you currently serv. on .nother Iowa City Bo.rd or Commlsston? YES ( It hu been Council poltcy not to permit .n tndlv f ' stons .t thl UIIlI tiN. . JJ.21991 " Sf IrllnK 'm, r,.o, ~" c,' .. · NO - ardl or Conmls. June 1988 1~/1 ------...".-- -......---- -- T- --~~- n e 0 LI Cf . Clr, OF IOWA clr, . ADVISOR' 10ARO/CGHHISSIOH APPLICA110N FORK Indlvldulls ur11"9 0/1 10lrdl/COI'IIInloftl ph, In l",orUnt roll In 'dtlllft9 till Council 0/1 ""tUrl 0' Int.rut to our COmlnltl .nd Its futur., AppllClntl <<lilt rtlld' In lowI CIt,. Tn. Cltl Council IIInounctd Adthorl lo.rd/Comluton tlClnclu 90 d'JI prior to tn. d.t. tll. appolnt..nt viII be ..d.. Tbll plrlod prOtld.s for. 30'dl' .dtlrtlllng p.rtod and. 6O'dll trllntno period 'or nlll lltfCl.rl. TII. trllntllO period .IIM n.w Illtlltm to blC~ f..lllar wllh the ruponllblllllu .nd Mlu 01 tll. .d1110rl bolrd/COl'lllllllon belor. btcoelno I lull totlno Dtfbtr. Alter I tlClnc, Ills bun .MounCtd II\d tIl. 30.dll Id11rtlslno pertod 1111 uplrld, till Council rul.lf1 .11 .ppllcatlonl dIIrlng tll. In'orlll work union. Till .ppolnt.lnt Is .nnounc.d .t tIl. nl.t lor..I Council ,..tlno, Appolnl.ls "rf' .S unp.ld tolunt..rl. Council prll.rl lll.t .11 .ppllcatlonl "st be lublltltd to the Cltl Cl.rk no Iat.r than on. w..k prior to till II\nounctd .ppolnt,.nt datu. P1.EASE USE A lUCK INK PEH. THIS APPLICATlOH IS A PJILlC OOCIlUHT AICI AS SUCH CAlI BE REPROOUCED AN) DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUILlC. TlUS APP\.ICATlOH VILL IE COHSIOeREO FOR 3 HOHTHS OHLf AND AUTO""T1CALLY CONSIDEREO FOR ANY YACAIC' OURI" THAT T11€, AOVlSOR' IOARD/COHIISSIOH lW4!\tt;f11".ti'1; ',,, ~,: ~. ""''oIt' S't,'II~ r./''11 NAIIE' I '. ~.'4 110 RUS,", Ch~Ii'''' " lour 'addrm (I"ttd .bot.) wllllln tII. corporat. 1I.lts 0' low. Cltl? OCCUPATION ;<til '( 1(;;(' lJI.PLOfER~'/.' (l, "A~' PHONE NUll8ER: HOlE. ~ y. .5,Ci .,~ IUSIHess '.. 'Ie EXPERIENCE AHOIOR ACTIVITIES IMICH YOU FUL QUALIFY YOU FOA THIS FOSlTION: ,I(. {,' ". t.t, ,', _ fl ' . IIIlAT CONTRIBUTIONS 00 Y .FEEL YOU CAll HAlE TO THIS ADVISORY BO 0 (OR STATE EASON FOR APPLYING)? '.itl.04,~ In.; U. "J""i.;'.I .,.,~(/J..,t'...t.,.J., "/r. i't..I,fv. ,. ... #'.:' ,.,;....t ~/14....~t.I'.t;;4.rJI c...; I SplCHlc atttnllO/l IlIould be directed to ponlbl. conflict 0' Int.mt .. d.ltned In Chlptm 362.6, 401",22 of the Cod. 0' low., SIIould lOU be unclrUln IfIIlther or not a pot.ntl.l contllct 0' Inttrllt ..I~t cont.cl the LI9.1 O.p.rtlllOnt. VIII lou hm a con'Ilct 0' Int.r.st? YES NO It lOU .rl not IIltcttd;--,OU want to be nctltl.d? ";;ES _NO 30 Jou curr.ntl, I.rv. on .nothlr Iowa Cltl BOlrd or c~tlston1 It has bun Council poltcl not to p.r.lt In Indlvldu.l to 11m 0 Itonl al thl I." tl", --..... ,I , n I:' t] ~r [t , CITY OF IOWA CITY. ADYISORY BOARO/COMHISSION APPLICATION FORH Indlvldu.1s wvlnq on BOIrdl/C~tutons phy .n troort.nt rol. In .dvlllllll the Council on I114tterl of Intlrtlt to our COllmlnlty .nd Itl future. Appltcantl IIIlIt rtllde tn low. City. The CIty Council .nnounc.d Adv!tory Board/C~ln Ion vmncttl 90 d,,1 prtor to the d.te the .ppolntmtnt wIll, be made. This period pro~ldel for. lD'd', .dvertlslng pertod .nd . 600dlY tratnlno pertod for n.... mellters, The tr.lnlno periOd .11M n'lt lIlf~m to b.come famlll., with the rtlponslbllttltl .nd dutttl of th. Idvlsory bo.rd/COlllllulon before becomtno . (u 11 vot InO me~er. After I vlc.nCl hIS bun .nnounced .nd the 30.d'1 Idurtlllno periOd hIS taplr.d. tile Council revle~ .11 .ppllcltlonl durlno the In(orlll.1 work \luton. Th. .ppotntlll.nt Is .nnounced It the nut lorlllll Council me.ttno. Appoint... my. IS unp.ld volunteerl. Council pr.ferl thlt .11 .ppllcatlons IIlUlt b. lubftltttd to the ctty CI.rk no liter th.n one week prior to tII. .nnounced .ppotntment d.tes. PLEASe USE A BL~CK INK PEN, THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMeNT AND AS SUCH CAN BE R!PRODUCeD AOO OISTRIIUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. TllIS APPLICATION WILL 8E CONSIDEREO FOR l HONTHS ONLY AHO AUTOK4T1CALLY CONSIOeREO FOR ANY YACANCY DURING THAT TIHE. ADVISORY BOARD/COIfHSSION NAAE:J ilL4 , {;T~ J/~II\:"" C-:II;J...TERH /I/.Irl-p: ,90.f, IIAI1E Ch,,~ q~.,""" HOHE AO~R!SS 11,\2 [:., 6CJti Jr,1/14' (;1\., II your home Iddrm (lt~t'd .bov.) wtthln the corpor.te lIath o( low. City? '/.,1 OCCUPATION ~(>N;'II tl.t'h"LI ~ ASSi\7.....1 EHPLOYER [1I.,:v""\;" ')~~4'4 PHONE NUHBER: HOHE ~ 1 ~ -l oH BUSINESS 31('"7 b ).I EXPERIeNCE AHO/OR ACTIVITIES 1M CH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR !HIS POSITION: :r c:.., Cv ""tl Jt II:^ I n,,;)u/,I l. "tIU,," IIlw. C;, /"\;\,',, I A. ~ .. 0 ~ It! l\ I, , ,. ,.,u ,'.. .1 7'/4 . ~l t ,. ,,,70.1 T/. IId"I,'.. t~""/",,~,, c, f.n oJ TL.. CIMS ,\ , NO - NO It hIS been Council policy not to permit .n Indlvtdual lions .t the limo time. or Comll' 968 11.// q