HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-12 Recommendation :l~\ [I C1 1 [I ~I . II I MAYOR'S YOUTH EMPLOYMENT BOARD. OY.LAWS ArtIcle I . Authority Section 1 ' Tho name 01 the Board shall bo the Moyor's Youth Employmont Board ollowo City, lowo, os oslob/ishod by 0 1968 roso1u1lon 01 tho City Council, Mlclo II ' Purposo Soctlon 1 ' Tho Moyor's Youth Employmont Board wlll ollomptto onaIyzo end mootlho noods 01 Johnson County wlth rogOld 10 youth omploymont, SoctJon 2 . Tho BoOld wlll devolop tho pollclos 01 tho ogoncy and Intorprottho progrom, Tho BOOld sholl bo rosponsiblo lor tho evaluollon 01 tho progrom end lis oxoCUllvo dlroctor, Tho BoOld shall also osslstln Iund,ralslng, Oel os on odvoclllo In the 0100 olloglsloUon, and oppolnttho oxocutJvo diroctor 01 tho progrom, Mlelo III ' Momborshlp Soctlon 1 ' Thoro wlll bo 0 tolal 01 Ion (10) (twolvo (12)) Boord mombors, A minimum 01 olght (8) (nino (9)) 01 tho Ion (10) (twolvo (12)) BOOld mombors wlll bo Irom Iowa City, A minimum 01 two (2) (throo (3)) wlll bo Irom tho 0100 01 Johnson County outsldo 01 tho City 01 Iowa City, Soctlon 2 ' EIght (8) (nino (9)) BOOld mombors will bo oppolnlod by tho Iowa City Council, Tho two (2) [Ihroo (3)) Johnson County mombors wlll bo oppolnlod by tho Johnson County BOOld 01 Supervlsors, Soctlon 3 ' BOOld mombors wlll roprosont vOIlous community Inlorost groups such as rollglous Institutions, Johnson County Doportmont 01 Sodal SOrvlcos, Job Sorvlco of Iowa, School 01 Social Work, Board of Education, Hawkoyo Aroa Community Action Program, Chambor of Commorce, youth represontatlvos, and olhor groups doomed to bo approprloto, Soctlon 4 ' Mayor's Youlh Board mombars shall sorvo throo (3) yoar torms, Soctlon 5 ' A vacancy occurring because of B reslgnallon during tho yoar shan bo filled by the body which appointed the porson, allor propor notification, Section 6, All members shall have ono (1) volo, Soctlon 7 . A quorum shall be a maJority, Ifff -....---.- - ~ .... n 0 1 [I LI - . .\ I Mayo(a Youth Employmonl Board By.Laws Conllnuod 2 SoctJon 8 ' Board members may sorlCil additional ropresonlallvos I,om communlty Inlarosl groups such lIS roliglous InstilutJons, Johnson County Depl\llmenl 01 SocIal Sorvlcos, School 01 SocIal Work, and other groups doomed 10 be approprlato, SocIlon 9 ' Tho raprosontotJvos wID sorvo os rosourco pooplo, odvlsory 10 tho Board, MlcIo IV . Offlcors (and CommlllOoa( SoctJon 1 ' Tho olflcors win Includo 0 prosldont, vfco.prosldonl, and 0 sOCtOlory/troosuror (Iocrolary, and troasuror), (Tho vlco-prosldont wlllaorve as the prolldont oloct.) SocIlon 2 ' Tho olflcors sholl be olOCled aMuolly In AugUSI by 0 mOJorlty 01 tho Board, (Socllon 3 . Commllloel and tholr chalrl will bo appolnlod annually by tho prolldonl and accoptod by tho advisory board, : Stall will 10rvO ox.olllclo 10 tho Itandlng commllloos,) MlcIo V ' MOOllngs SoctIon 1 ' Tho Board sholl mool once 0 month or at tho dlscrotlon 01 the presldont. Wrfllen and/or telephone notice 01 the meeting will be glvon 10 all members sovon days prior to Iho mooting, SoctIon 2 . Tho presldonl may call a special mooting os doomod nocessary upon roasonablo odvance notification 10 011 Board mombers, (Socllon 3 - Commlllool 01 tho board shall moot at tho dlscrollon 01 tho commllloo chaIr and tho oxocullvo dlroctor, Wrllton and/or tolophono nollco 01 tho moollng will bo glvon to all mombors sovon days prior to tho moollng,) Artlc/o VI ' Conduct 01 Board Buslnoss Section 1 ' Mlnutos ollhe Boord mooting sholl bo submlllod ooch month to Iho /9g~ 00/05 , 11 MlIyOf's Youth Employmont Bootd By,l.Dws Conllnuod 3 City CounclI ond tho Boatd 01 Supotvlsors, SoctJon 2 ' Tho Boatd will accopt rolorrals Irom tho CounclI ond Boord 01 Supotvlsora ond will roport back to tho Council ond tha Boatd 01 Supotvlsora In tho mlnutos, SoctJon 3 ' M OMulll roport will bo 8ubmlllod to tho Council ond tho Boord 01 Supotvlsora portlllnlng to tho Mayor's youth Progrom OS doomod to bo appropr!alo, , I i I i \ I I 1 i . , I I ArtJcIo VII ' Amondmonts SoctJon 1 ' Thoso by.1ows moy bo ollorod, omondod or ropolllod ond now by, lows adoptod at any regular maotlng at which at Ioost &be (6) (lovon(7)J Boatd mombers oro prasonl, or ot any spocllll mooting coDod lor thot purposo with sovon (7) doya wrlllon nollco glvon 10 on Boatd mombors, ond subsequont opprovol by tho City Council, BYLAWS91 /9f9