HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-26 Resolution l~') ~, n rt LI :, FI - - -- 0, I., )' RESOLUTION NO, 91.284 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE WORK FOR TltE SANITARY SEWER, STORLI SEWER, WATER MAIN, AND PAVING IMPROVEMENTS FOR ROCIlESTER IlEIGIlTS, LOTS 21-60 WIlEREAS. Iho Englnoorlng Olvlllon hDl certified that tho following Improvll11ontl havo bun complotod In ICcordance with tho planl and Ipeclflcatlonl of tho CILy of 10wI CILy, Sanltlry. Itorm sewor. Ind wlter mlln Improvemontl for Rochester Ilelghtl. loti 21.60. conltructod by Maxwoll Conltrucllon, Inc. of 10wI City. lowo, Plvlng Improvll11ontl for Rochestor Ilolghtl, loti 21.60. al conltructed by Motro Plvorl, Inc. WIlEREAS, IIIlllntenanco bondl havo beon flied In tho City Clerk'l offlco, NOW. TltEREFORE. DE IT RESOLVED by tho City Council of Iowa City. lowo, thot lold Improvll11ontl bo hereby occoptod by tho City of Iowa City. lowo, It WDl movod by ~ and seconded by -ffi ..."" that tho roIolutlon 01 rOD 0 a pto, and upon roll call t ore wero: ! Am.i. NAYS: ~BSENTI j i j 1 AMBRISCO . -1- I - - COURTNEY 1 -1- - - -1- - - 1l0ROWITZ 1 -1- KUBBY I - - LARSON , -1- I - - McDONALD ! -1- - - -1- NOVICK j - - ! I Pellod and approved thll ~ doy of Nov.~b.r , 1991. ATTEST: ~~57 1)\ ~I. J .,.- --- "''''-- -- - - -- -... - ~ -- T--- -- n n LI =/ q - - - l' ~ . November 20, 1991 ~.&._". ~ crr)' OF IOII'A CITY lIonorablo HAyor And City Council IOWA City, IOWA REI ENGINEER'S REPORT Dear lIonorAble HAyor And Councilparaonll I hereby certify thAt the conltruction of tho lanitary lower, Itorm lewer, wAtor main, And pAvin; improvementl for Rochelter lIei;htD, loti 21-60 hal boen completed in lubltAntiAl Accordance with the planl And lpacificAtionl of tho En;ineerin; Divilion of tho City of Iowa City, The required maintenance bondl are on filo in tho City Clork'l offico for tho lanitary lower Itorm lowor, and WAtor main conltructod by HAxwoll conltructlon, Inc, of Iowa City, Iowa, and pavin; improvement I ccnltructed by Hetro Paverl, Inc. of IOWA City, IOWA, I hereby recommend that tho above-roferenced improvement I bo Accepted by the City of Iowa City, Sincoroly, R:?~::'" City En;ineer cl\council\en;blank,rpt .11 '411 U,"IUIU 111111. IOU CllI. IOU 1/1""'" "'110 III,'.." t.. 01011 "~'rtJ7 VI OOL/bO ~,11 .' I RESOLUTION NO. 91-m RESOLUTION APPROVINO THE AMENDED PRELIMINARY LAROE SCALE NON. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOTS', 2 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, 1l10HLANDER DEVELOPMENT FIRST ADDITION. WHEREAS,lho ownor, NO/lhgalo Dovolopmonl Company, Inc., hulilod wilh Iho Clly Clolk 01 lowo Clly, an appllcaUon 101 apP/ovol 01 on omondod prollmlnory Lorgo Scolo NOll' RoaldonUol Dovolopmonl Plon 101 LOll I, 2 ond 0 POIlIOll 01 LOI 3 01 Iho Hlghlondor Dovolopmonl Flrll AddillOll: and WHEREAS, lho Doporlmonl of Plonnlng ond Progrom Dovolopmonl ond Iho Public Workl Dopollmonl havo oxomlnod Iho omondod prolimlnory Lorgo Scolo Non'Rosldontlol Dovolopmonl Plon and havo rocommondod opprovol 01 lomo; ond WHEREAS,lho omondod prolmlnory Lorgo Scolo NOIl.ROIldonllal Dovolopmonl Plon hOI boon oxomlnod by lho Plonnlng and Znolng CommIssion ond ollor duo dollboroUon Iho Commission hOl locommondod lhal II bo OCCOplod ond opprovod, lubloCI 10 consllucUon 01 tho Il00mwal01 mOnGgomonl IYllom prior 10 Iho occuponcy ollho flIsl building, ond prior 10 Council COlllldoroUOIl, lubmlSllon 01 ond opproval 01 conslIucUon drawings by Iho Public WOlke Dopallmonl ollho logmonl 01 Iho walkway In tho norlhwosl cornor 01 LOll which II locolod In lho oxlltlng drolnogoway: and WHEREAS, Iho Public Workl Dopallmonl hDS approvod Iho conslIucllon drawing ollho logmonl ollho wolkwoy In tho nOllhwoSl cornor ollho 101: ond WHEREAS, lho amondod prollmlnory Lorgo Scolo Non.RosldonUol Dovolopmonl Plan lor LOll I and 2 ond 0 POlUOIl of LOI 3 ollho Hlghlondor Dovolopmonl Flrll Addition Illound 10 cOlllorm wllh olllho polllnont loqulromonll ollho ordlnoncol ollho Clly ollowo Clly, lowo. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, I, Thallho omondod prollmlnary Lorgo Scola Non.Rosldonllol Dovolopmonl Plon 101 Loti I ond 2 and 0 pOll Ion 01 LOI 3 ollho Hlghlondor Dovolopmonl FIliI Addition II horoby opprovod lubloCllO conlllucllon ollho IlormwOlor manogomonllyllOm prior 10 Iho occuponcy ollho Ilrll building. 2, Thallho Clly Clork la horoby oUlhorlzod ond dlroclod 10 cortlly Iho opprovol ollho 1010lullon ond lold pion, 1\ WOI movod by AlIlbrlwco and locondod by I.nrnon adoplod, ond upon loll colllhoro woro: lho ROlolullon bo AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ..l- ...L -X- -X- -L- -L- -L- Ambrlsco Courtnoy HorowItz Kubby Lorlon McDonald Novick a..070 n n LI b ' I - - . Ruolullon No. 91.m P'Qo 2 Pallod one! opplovod IN, Z6th doy 01 llovollbor AnEST: ))/~1~ cirrCLERK I\IoNn4I.III , , ;\ , ~70 nOLlbe - , \21 ,\ i STAFF REPORT To: Planning & Zoning Commission PtOPMod by: Robolt I.Wo Itom: S.O 126. lollI and 2 IItld a potllon 01 Lo13, Dolo: Novombof 7, 1091 Hlghlnndol Dovolopmonl Flrsl Addillon ~: ApplIennt: Norlhglllo Dovolopmont Co/llWlY, Inc. 505 Hlghl4nd Avonuo lowll Clly, Iowa 52240 ContAct: Hany Woll Phono: 337..4\05 Roquoslod Belfon: ApptoVDI 01 on nmondod ptollmlnnty and rll1l1l LSNRD pion, Purposo: To Allow tho consltuclfon 01 two orllco buIldngl, LocnUon: Nollhsldo 01 Norlhglllo 0,1vo wllhln Norlhglllo CorpomlO POlk. Slzo: 5.6 ACtOI! ExIsUng land uso and zoning: Undovolopod; CO.l. SUtloundlng land uso and zoning: NoM. Undovolopod, Ao~cuhutnl; 10, ORP, Enst ' Undovolopod; C().1, South' Commordlll Olllcos; COol, Wosl ' ornco Rosolllch IlIcIlity VBClIIlt: ORP, COol, Comprohonslvo Plan: Olnco Rosoarch Dovolopmonl Conlor Fllodalo: October 17, 1001. 45-<1ay IImltaUon po~od: Docember I, 1001. ~: Publlo uUIIUos: Adoqualo lowor and walor IOrvleos Aro avllllablo 10 Iho alto. ~b7() o t] LI b ~/ 2 .1 j PubUc solVlcos: PoUCO and FIIo ptOloctlon oro lIVlIIlIbIo, SMllalJon SOMCOS would bo ptovldod ptlvaloly. TrMslllotvlco, on a ImIlod basis, Is aYllll4blo 10 tho N.C.s. coll'fllox Ioc4lod wosl 01 tho Hlghl4ndot Dovolop- monl FIliI AdcSlJon. TransportaUon: Physical chDtllctorlsUcs: Vohlculor occolllo tho ilia Is ptOvIdod via Highway I and NOI\hgalo Olivo, Tho Iopogrophy alopes Irom lOuth 10 north (llpptOxlmololy 5.8%). ThatO Is a dralnago c5tch along tho northom bound. 8/}' 011110 1110, ~: In 1987 a Largo Scalo Non.RosldonUaI Dovolopmonl (LSNRD) plM lOt Lots 2 DIld 3 01 HlghlDlldor Dovolopmon~ Flrsl AddiUon, was approvod 10 anaw tho consltucllon 01 M olllco bulking. Thai pI4n was amondod In 108910 allow construcUon 011110 olnco building In a dilforonlloealJon upon tho lots, Tho oppI1conlls now ptoposlng to amend 1110 LSNRD plMlo lIIIow tho construction 01 two olllco bulldlngs 01 approxlmatoly 33,450 squoro 1001 oach, mlhor 111M 11I0 ptovlously opprovod slnglo olllco building 0160,000 squaro fooL Tho amondod LSNRD would also apply 10 LotI 01 tho HlghlMdor Dovolopmonl, Flrsl Addition, and would exdudo a porIJon 01 LoI 3 which was covorod by Iho provlous LSNRD plM, In Juno 1990, 1110 subdlvldo(1 Bgroomonllor 1110 Hlghlandor Subdivision was amonded 10 ptovklo lOt a parkway, Ine/udlng M 8 1001 sldowDlk, on Iho norlh sldo 01 Northgalo Olivo, In Uou ollwo 4 loot walks on both lidos 01 Northgato Ddvo. Tho ptovlslons ollllls parkway plM oppIy 10 this LSNRD plM. ~: At aubmllled, tho ptoposed amondod LSNRD plM Is In gonoral COmpllMCO with tho zoning requlromonts. Done/onclos and d1scropMclos aro Ilsled altha end 01 thla roport. Stormwator Manogomonl: Provisions lor atormwalor mMBgOmont woro approved with approval of tho IInal plat lor tho HlghlMdor Dovolopmonl Flrsl AddiUon. A slonnwalor basin waa roqulrod as part 01 tho atonnwalor managomonl aystom. Its construction was dololTod whon tho Inldal Imptovomonta woro mooo In this subdivision, Tho alormwalor basin should bo buill with 1110 IIrsl 01 thoso proposod buildings. Grading and Eroalon Control OrdlnBnco: A grading Md oroalon conltol appncollon musl bo submlllod. Logal Papoll: Whon thla aubdlvlslon was IIrst proposod, a libor opllcs cablo was discussed. II D fibor opUcs coblo la to bo locotod within tho strool rlghl.ol.way, B logal documont will bo roqulrod, and musl bo apptovod by alall. ~7() n n LI b L/ - - 3 " I ~: Sla/lrocommonds thai tho amondod prollmlnary LSNRD plan 10 parmll construction or two olllco bulldngs on Loll land 2, and a portion or Lol3 01 tho HIgh/andot DovoroprnonL FIlii Adcitlon bo dolol/ad, bulthol upon rOlolutlon 01 tho doflclGnclol and dlserGpanclolllslod bolow, thollho plan bo approvod aubjoello tho constructfon 01 tho alormwator managomonllyalom prior /0 1110 occupancy 01 tho ftral bullcllng and 10 a Iogal documonl bolng opprovod by 114",11 a fibor op/lcI cablo 1110 bo Inslanad In tho r!ghl,ol.way. ,. A a!gnod Ilalomonl ollntonl from tho dovolopor IndIcaUng ovldonco 01 ownorshlp, a dos~Uon 01 tho prOPOsod dovolopmonL and an Inlondod Umo Ichodulo lor complollon should bo lubmillod as roqufrad by Soctlon 27040 01 tho City Codo, 2. PlOposod contourl lhould oppoar on tho plan, 3. A grading and orollon control appllcallon mUll bo lubmlnod. ~: 1. Location Map. 2, Amondod Prollmlnary and Final LSNRD Plan. Approvod by: ~~ MonIca Moon, Sonlor Plannor Dopartmonl 01 Planning and Program Dovolopmonl l~rtp\l'"2e bm ~7() "--~""'''r -... -- -~.... . ----.-- ---- -~ ....-- --..... n n LI h C, - - -- Location Map 8-9126 .\ I ............... f' 1 ORPI 1 ID-ORP .............. - ~ "' -- I . \'p' ., '~ ID- OR.P ~7(J I I ~ ~" .~ ICS '-'.< '.. I I, -, , '.._H'...._..._'"_...____..___...._... -...-...- I. ~; "{ n rl LI h h - - -- .. .....-,..,-...-"..-- ... ... , .~, (, LOT ~, ($ ~, ~, I ... "'" (,v. , , ~ LOT HtmHOAtI MI'f. IUOWWl NIJ PPIlI ~mc~CHD IJIOlOI]l PtInAlIIWIY .. flNAI. LSJf.R.l), SITE .. GRAIlIIlO PIJJI PROPOSED FACILITY LOTS I, 2 .. NW PART Of 3 IlIQtIJJID(R DMLOPIUJIT MST ADOI11OII IOWA aTV, IOWA N \ ,I I 3 :i 't -~ ~~ 't ;1 '\ J ,~ I 'j j ;~i ~~ ;~ J -I , I " 'i , ~ :l " ;( .j i .~ . F"'LI --J o 25 80 100 lllO nOLI ,-, 0 - I j.,. . ". ,\ I (Thll "otleo to bo pootod) IIOTICE AlID CALL OF PUBLIC HE&TI"G OovornaontAl BodYI Tho City Counoll or 10VA City, IOVA, DAtO or HOOtlll91 Tilo or Hootlr\91 PlAeo or Hootlnql ~, 1991, -LllL- o'clOCk t...,H, Council Chubon, City "All, IOVA City, IOVA, PUBLIC IIOTIC! IS IIEREDY OIVEII thAt tho abovo .ontlonod 90vornDontAl bodr vill DOOt at tho dAt~, tllo and plAeo Abovo lot out, Tho tontAt vo AqondA ror lAid lootlnq i, AI tolloVl1 City or IOVA City, IOVA $2,960,000 OonorAl Obli9Atlon Dondl dAtod Doco.bor, 1989 - Public hOArill9 on tho propelAl to oXpAnd tho purpelo.ot tho Dondl, - ROlolution inltitutin9 procoodin91 to tAko AdditionAl Actlon, Such AdditionAl IAttorl AI oro lot torth on tho oddl- tionAl .!L..- pa90(1) Attochod horoto, (nulborl Thi, notico il qlvon At tho dlroctlon ot tho HAyor purluont to ChAptor 21, Codo ot lovo, ond tho lOCAl rulol ot loid go~ornlontAI body, ~,,,.... .f ~'.o.J Clt Clork, IOVA City, IOVA lIU.U\lIl.\IlI._mUk ""\1~ ,~n"llu.lIIl rr. ft~~ 1/. ~MI !IIS "'''1, sl= tn,*""..,. M'~'~ ~79 ~ [I C1 LI ,-, . 1 . ,\ , Nov,,,bH 1~ , 1991 Tho City Counoil of JOlla Clty, 10lla, lot In ~1I\.1r 10Dllon, In tho Counoil Chalborl, city lIall, 10lla C ty, 10lla, at 7110 o'olock l-,H" on tho abov~ data, Thoro lIoro prolont Kayor !ICDOMld , in tho chair, and tho follo111n9 naiad councll HOlborl1 ---- A!!thrhtn. r.C'tlrtnfY. IInrevlll, Kuhhv 1..1rUtM. MtO(1n~',tl ~ovlt'~ AblGntl SnM I I . . . . . -1- UIIIII' 111'\1' !I'''III.II' II"'H 'lInll' \II~H I' "",,,,,,",.,. ti'I~"U"~ ~7? ---- ~ ~...... -.......,....-~~---- ----- ---- ~ . rt n L/ ,-, e - - Tho Hayor announcod that thll val thl tlao and placo tor tho pUblic hoarlnq and lootinq on tho aattor ot tho oxpanlion ot tho purpolo of tho City ot Iova Clty, Iova $2,960,000 Oonoral Obliqation Dondl datod Dooolbor 1, 1909 in ordlr to provido tUndl to pay COltl ot Itroot and lanitary lovor iaprovoaontl, ollontial oorporatl purpolol, and that notico ot tho propolod action by tho Council to inltituto procoodinql tor tho oxpanlion ot tho purpolo ot laid Bondi, had boon publilhod purluant to tho provillonl ot Soction 384,25 ot tho City Codo of Iova, Tho HarOr thon alkod tho Clork vhothor any vrltton objoctionl had boon ti od by any oity rOlidont or property ovnor to tho oxpansion ot tho purpolo ot laid bondi, Tho Clork advi.od tho Hayor and tho Council that no vritton objoctionl had boon tilod, Tho Hayor thon oalloa-lOr oral objoctionl to tho oxpanlion ot tho purpolo ot laid bondl and nono voro aado, Whoroupon1 tho Hayor doolarod tho tllo tor rocolvlnq oral and vritton objoot onl to bo OlOIOd, (Attach horo a IUlAary ot objootionl rocoivod or lado, it any) -2- III1I.II""M:l 1"'.III.lIIIIIl\II~'~IfII' IIJ,lnl': '''OfIItI'UhAft rO\JOlllr!ll1 ()rlI\llI ......- - ---- -y---- ~7q j 1. I 1 I i - -.... l' ..-- - ---- """"T""I''''''''''''-- - ". ,- --'Or --.------------- ---- ~ o CI LI ,-, ~/ Tho Council thon conlidorod tho propoaod aotion and tho oxtont ot objactionl thoroto, Whoroupon, Council KOllbor ~ Introducod and dolivorod to tho Clork tho ROlolutlon-norolnaf~lot out ontitlod -RESOLtrrION INSTITUTIIIG PROCEEDINGS TO TAJ(E ADDITIONAL ACTION FOR TIlE EXPANSION OF TilE PURPOSE OF TilE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOIIDS-, and lovodl ~ that tho ROlolution bo adoptod, - L--I to ADJOURN and dotor aotion on tho ROlolution and tho propolal to inltituto procoodingl for tho oxplnlion of tho purpolo ot bondl to tho lIootIng to bo hold at o'clock ,H, on tho day ot , 1991, at thil placo, Council KOllbor ~rk Tho roll wla callod an 0 voto wal, locondod tho lotion, AYESI A",hrhcCl, CClllrtnav, IIorO\lltl, Kllhhy, ""rllnn. HeOnnfttda Nnvlck NAYS I Nona Whoroupon, tho Kayor doclarod tho lIoaauro duly adoptod, RES. 91-286 RESOLUTION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS TO TAJ(E ADDITIONAL ACTION FOR TilE EXPANSION OF TilE PURPOSE OF $2,950,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS DATED DECEMBER 1, 1989 I/lIEREAS, pur,ulnt to notico publilhod II roqulrod by law, thil Council hal hold a public lIooting and hoaring upon tho propolal to inltituto procoodingl tor tho oxpanllon ot tho purpoDo ot tho $2,950,000 Gonoral Obligation Bonds datod Docollbor 1, 1989 tor tho G'lontial corpora to purpolos ot paring COltl ot Itroot and lanitary lowor Il1provmollontl, and has conI dorod tho oxtont ot objoctionl rocoivod troll rOlidontl or proporty ownorl al to laid propolod oxpansion ot tho purposo ot tho bondsl and, accordingly tho tOllowing action il now conlidorod to bo in tho bOlt intoroltl ot tho City and rOlidontl thorootl 1I0W, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE CITY COUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWAI -3- IIIUII"uM:U'll_III.III.II\l\II: '~1I111 IIl.IUI'. ."0AAt'''''~''''' rclt,lOllotlOM ~o7f - r--- .--- - 1 ] I ,I ~ I l 1 ! I I , I I -~ " I n n LI ,-, L/ - - soctlon 1, That thl. councl1 doo. horoby In.tltuto procoodln9' and tako. addltlonal actlon for tho propo.al to oxpand tho purpo.. of .2,960,000 Donoral Obl19atlon Bond. datod Dacaabor 1, 1989 for tho foro9oin9 ...ontlal corporato purpo..., soctlon 2, That tho oxpan.lon of tho purpo.o of tho Bondi, .hlll bo In full forco and offoct frol tho dat~ of thi. R..olutlon, S.ctlon J, That all othor provl.lon. of tho Bond. not Iffoctod or othorvl.. rovi.od by tho tora. of thi. oxpan.ion of tho purpo.o, a. woll a. tho ROlolutlon adoptod on Docolbor 12, 1989 by tho Clty Councl1 a. lupplolontod and oxpandod horoby bo and tho .a.. are h.roby ratlflod, conflrmad and approvad In all rDlpact., PASSED AIlD APPROVED thil UI.th.. day of Nnv."h.p 19n, 1 ATTEST. or 71ltl4/~ ,,),r. ~t,) Cl.rk . UAIM -4- IIIUII""M:I.IIII.III.tIl.1I1l11l~ ,~",I' IIm.'.I" ,"I)lU"","~Ul r.uIotOM' Oft" ~~7'1 , \' i" , , , 1 , I ! ! I ! . nOLI '-I S - " I CIO-) 9/91 CERtIFICATE STATE or IOI/A COUIITY or JOIIIISON ) ) SS ) I, tho undorllgnod City Clork ot Iowa City, Iowa, do horoby cortlty that attachod II a truo and cODploto copy ot tho portion ot tho corporato rocordl ot laid Kunlclpallty Ihowlng procoodlngl ot tho Counoil, ond tho 1010 il a truo and cOlploto copy ot tho action takon by laid Council with roapoct to loid lattor at tho looting hold on tho dato Indlcatod In tho attachlont, which procoodlngl roamln In tull torco and ottoot, and hovo not boon olondod or roaclndod In ony waYI that looting and all action '~oroot wal duly and publicly hold In accordanco with a notlco ot 'otlng and tontatlvo agonda, a copy ot which wal tlloly aorvod on ,ch 10lbor ot tho Council and poltod on a bullotin board or othor ,.lollnont placo oully accolllblo to tho public ond cloarly dOllgnatod tor that purpolo at tho principal ottlco ot tho Council (a copy ot tho taco ahoot ot laid agonda bolng attachod horoto) purluant to tho local rulol ot tho Council and tho provllionl ot Chaptor 21, Codo ot Iowa, upon roaaonablo advanco notlco to tho pUblic and lodla at loaat twonty-tour houri prior to tho COI- lonCOlont ot tho looting aa roqulrod by aold law and with IOlborl ot tho publlo proaont In attondancol I turthor cortlty that tho Individuall nalod thoroln woro on tho dat~ tho root duly and lawtully poaaoaaod ot tholr roapootlvo city otticoa al Indicatod t.horoln, that no Council vacancy oxlatod oxcopt al lay bo Itatod In laid procoodingl, and that no controvoray or litigation II (I.ndlng, prayod or throatonod involving tho Incorporation, cr9anllatlon, oxlltonco or boundar loa ot tho cltr or tho right ot th~ Indlvlduall nalod thoroln aa ottlcorl to tho r roapoctlvo politionl, WITNESS IY hand and tho loal ot laid Hunlclpality horoto atthod thla 261h day ot Snvtahft' , 1991, 7l{~~;tI H.) .,f. K. It .J City Clork, Iowa City, Iowa SEAL 1I11IN""~IlI""IIII" 1111111 .~"''' 11111I'" .no-"""I~." u.~,~ rfltJ7'1 rl C/ LI ,-, b - ,I I AGENDA IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 20. 1991 7:30 P,M, COUNCIL CHAMBERS ITEM NO, 1, CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS. ITEM NO, 2, I. AIDS AWIIOnoll Wook' Docomboll.7, 1991. b. Dlunk Ind Druggod Driving Awolln... Wook ' Docombol 7, 13. IDOl. ITEM NO, 3, e. Chulch Wemon Unllod Diy' Docombol 13, 1 DO 1, CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED OR AMENDED. I. Consldol IPIllOyol 01 Olllclo' Council ICllons Ollho logulol moo ling 01 Noyombol 12, 1001, II publlshod, eubjoctto cOlloctlone, oSlocemmondld by tho City Clork, b, . Mlnutll 01 Boord. Ind Cemmlulone. 11l Rlyo,l,ont Ind Nltulol Alloe Cemmlulon moo ling 01 Octobor IS, 1091, 121 Airport Cemmlulon moollng 01 Octobor 15, 1 DO 1. 131 Allport Commlsslen mooting 01 NoyombolS, 1901. (4) Commlnoo on Cemmunlty Noode mooting 01 Octobor 23,1001, (5) PlIMlng ond Zoning Commlulon mooting 01 Noyom. bor 7,1001. lSI Housing Commllllon mooting el OClebol S, 1 DO 1, 171 Bloadband Talocommunlcollene Commllllon mooting 01 Octobor 16, 1091. (S) MOYOI'I Youth Employmont Boold moollng 01 Octobor 30, IDOl. ~?~ \\(i,.t'. "\ \.J/~ n tl LI ,-, ,-, - - Agonda Iowa City City Council Rogular Council MOOllng Novombor 26, 1991 Pago 2 ,I ! c. Pormit Motions ond Roaolutlons as Rocommendod by tho City Clork, 111 Consldor a mOllon approving I Clou .0. Ooor Pormlt fOt Pan Stylo Piua CO/po oflowo dba Rocky Rococo, 118 S. Dubuquo St, IRonewall 12) Consldor a motion app,oving a Class .C. L1quOt L1conso for Inc.. Llmltod dba Tho Sanctuary Romu. rant, 405 S. Gilbo't, IRonowoll d. MOllons, 111 Consldor a motion to approvo disburlOmonls In tho amount 01 U,486,371.60 for tho porlod of Octobor 1 through Octobor 31,1991, asrocommondod by tho Flnanco Diroctor subjoctto audil, (21 Consldor a motion approving tho abstract of tho Novombor 5, 1991, City Council ond Library Bond Eloctlon as cortlllad by tho Johnson County AuditOt. o. Rosolutlons, l1I Consldor IOsolutlon accoptlng tho work for tho lanl, tary lawar, Itorm lowor, wator moln, and paving Improvomanls for Rochostor Holghts, Lots 21.60. f. Corrospondonco. (11 LOllor from Iho Iowa City Ar.. Chambar 01 Commarco oxprosslng support lor tho Iowa City Rlvo,lront Troll, g, Applications lor City Plaza Uso Pormlts. l1I Application Irom Janot Ashman lor pormlsslon to lOt up a tablo on City Plozo on Novombor 23 and 24, 1991, to dlstrlbuto Iitoraturo rogardlng Animal Advo- calOI 01 Iowa. lopprovod) 121 Appllcotlon flom John Zuckorman lor pormlsslon to aot up 0 tablo on City Plazo during Iho porlod 01 Novombor 14.19, 1991, from which 10 dlstributo IItoraturo rogardlng Big Mountain Support aroup and to ollor crallslor donallons. (approvod) fl n LI ,-, F/ - - - Aganda Iowa Clly Clly Council Ragular Council Maatlng Novamber 28, 1991 pago 3 ,I I , Appllcallon. from Latin Amorlcon Humon Righi' Advococy Conlor lor pormllllon 10 .01 up a lablo on Clly P1m dUllno Iha porlod. 01 Novambor 12,17, 1991. and Novembar 18.24. 1991, from which 10 dl.ulbull Illaraluro and ollor crall' lor dOfllllon., lapP/ovodl 141 Appllcollon from Downlown Anoclallon lor Iho orrlval 01 Sanlo on Clly P1m on Novombar 24, \99\, and lor a horlO.drown ca"lago and Child, on'. Po, ad 0 on Colloga SUoal. Also lor pormllllon 10 play holiday music from .peakara al Iho Holiday Inn du,lng Iho holiday I08son. lapprovodl A 101l0r 01 prollSl rogard. lno Iho holiday music Irom Gory Sandoral.lncludod In Iho agonda malorlal. 131 ITEM NO, 4. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR PLANNINa AND ZONINa MATTERS. a, Con.ldor an ordinanco omondlng Iha Zoning Ordlnonca by Ollobllshlng 0 moralorlum unlll April 1, 1992, on now con. ,uucllon lor p/oporly zonod RM.145 and rocolad wllhln Iho boundarl.. ollho Naor Soulhsldo Nalghborhood Radavalop' manl Plan, (Sacond consldarallonl b. Consldor on ordlnanco naming Iha road localod 0811 01 C,rousal MOlora: 'Rupporl Road.' (Socond consldarallonl c, Consldor on ordlnanco omondlng Iho Zoning Ordlnanco by conditionally changing Iho lond uso rogulallons 01 approxl. maloly 33 ocr.. 01 land localod 0011 01 Sycamoro Slraol and wall 01 Granl Wood ElomanlGry Schoollrom ID.RS 10 RS.5, (Socond Consldorotlon) Iz,s 1 08) d, Consldor on ordlnanco amandlng Iho Zoning Ordlnanco by condlllonally Changing Iho land uso ragulallons 01 LOI 22 01 Balloy and Back Addlllon from RS.S 10 CI.l. (Sacond Consld. orallon) (Z.9101l o. Consldar a rasolullon opprovlng Iho amondod prollmlnary and I/nal Largo Scalo Non.Rosldonllal Dovolopmonl plan lor LOIS 1 and 2 and 0 pOlllon 01 Lot 3, Hlghlandor Dovolopmonl Flrsl Addlllon. (5.9126) J.~7l/ o 0 LI ,-, (I Agond. low. CIIY CIIY Council Rogul.r Council Moollng Novombor 26, 1991 P.go 4 ,I ; ITEM NO, D' ITEM NO, 6. PUBLIC DISCUSSION, PUBLIC HEARING ON EXPANDING THE PURPOSE OF THE 1989 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE (FOR AN ESSENTIAL CORPORATE PURPOSEI. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS TO TAKE ADDmONAL ACTION FOR THE EXPANSIDN OF THE PURPOSE OF THE 1989 GENERAL OBUGATION BONDS, CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS, ITEM NO, 7, , ITEM NO.8, I. ContldOl In Ippolnlmonllo Iho Doslon Rovlow Commltloo lor an IndollnllO 101m. (Nancy Salbo/UnO roslonod.l ITEM NO.9, ITEM NO, 10 ' CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION. REPORT ON ITEMS FROM THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY, ITEM NO. 11 . I, Clly MonooOl. b, Clly AnOlnoy. RECOMMENDATIONS OF BOAROS AND COMMISSIONS, a, ConsldOllOcommandDllon ollho Commlnoo on Communlly Noodl th.t tho Clly Council approvo tna Comprohonslvo Housing Allordabillty Stratogy ICHASI. ITEM NO. 12 ' CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN AGREEMENT WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR A RAIL ASSISTANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANT, AND AN ANCILLARY AGREEMENT WITH PROCTER 8& GAMBLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 91,262, ITEM NO, 13, CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZ, ING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAFAymE STREET SANITARY SEWER REPAIR PROJECT. \ \n.~~ "'\ \ . ~ \ . . n. Ct LI EI 0 - Agondo Iowa Clly Clly CMCII Rogular Council Mooting November 28. 100 I Pogo' a I' ITEM NO, 14, CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINO THE MAYOR TO SION AN AOREEMENT WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND TilE CITY OF CORALVILLE FOR THE DESION AND CONSTRUC, TION OF THE U,S, HIGHWAY 8 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT FROM ROCKY SHORE DRIVE IN IOWA CITY TO FIRST AVENUE IN CORALVILLE. ITEM NO, 1 a ' CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE TO CHANOE THE NAME OF LOON CIRCLE TO GOLDFINCH CIRCLE, mrll conl/darallon) ITEM NO, 10, CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINO THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO AmST A RELEASE OF MORTGAOE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4" GARDEN STREET, ITEM NO.", ADJOURNMENT, ~071./ '~ \ n n LI FI '-I - - - (,I.. ( ,\ i RESOLUTION NO. 91-287 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MA VOR TO SIGN ANO THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN AGREEMENT WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA. TION FOR A RAIL ASSISTANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANT, AND AN ANCILLARY AGREEMENT WITH PROCTER & GAMBLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 91,262. WHEREAS, lho Ploclor & Gamblo Iowa Clly planl hu proposod an axpanslon which will craalo nOllm lhan 100 Jobs wllhln IwO yaarl: and WHEREAS, Iho Cily 01 Iowa Cily has agraad 10 procula 0 .96.436 granl hom Iho Iowa Dopartmonl 01 Transportallon 10 esslllln Iho P&G p1anl upanslon by construcllng 0 now rail lpur; and WHEREAS, IIII nacessary 10 rasclnd ROlolutlon 91,262 duo 10 minor changOlln contracl provlllonl bolwaan Iha Iowa Dapartmanl 01 Transportollon and Iho Clly 01 Iowa Clly; and WHEREAS, 0 aubagroomonlls ag,oomonll, nocessory balwoan Iho Cily 01 Iowa Clly and Ploclor & Gambia Manulocturlng Company 10 protacllho Clly', Intaralll. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA: 1. Thallho Iowa Rail Alslslanco Projocllor Economic Dovolopmont Agroomonl bOlwoon Ih~ Clly ond Iho Roll and Wotor Division ollho Iowa Dopartmonl 01 Transportation II horoby approvod, and Iho Mayor I, authorlzod 10 oxoculO ond Iho Clly Clork 10 011011 aamo on bohaU 01 Iho Clly. 2, Thallho Ancillary Agroomanl bOlwoon Iho Clly and Proclor & Gambia Manulaclurlng Company Is horoby opprovod, and Iho Mayor Is outho,lzad 10 uoculo and Iho Clly Clark 10 0110'1 samo on bahaU 01 Iho Clly, 3, Thai Rosolullon 91,262 Is horaby rasclndad. It was movod by Ambdarn and aacondad by -IIo~ow1~_ Iha Ralolullon bo adoplod, and upon roll colllho,o woro: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: -L. - Ambrlsco -L - Courlnoy -L Horowitz - X Kubby - X Laraon -r McDonald -r Novick - r1rJ9 n -' n LI EI F/ - - - ROIolullon No. 91-287 Pogo 2 POIIod end epplovad this 26th day 01 Novallbor . 1991. ftt)lt. f}-eo ~} OR . r ''''jj /,J,4 AnEST: 7;".,,:..~ ~-~L ~ City AnolOoy's Olllea I(~ltql jccogtp'fiOIl'IIII.1H afiq l' , . J i I i j o ~-.....-----.-.- -- r-- .... n Ct LI EI Cf - RESOLUTION NO, 91-288 - RESOLUTION AWARDINO CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZInO MAYOR TO SIaH A1lD CITY CLERK TO ATTEST CONTRACT FOR TIlE CONSTRUCTION OF TIlE LAFAYETTE STREET SANITARY SEWER REPAIR PROJECT WHEREAS, T.chiOOfrio Excavatino of Dubuquo, Iowa ha. .ubmittod tho bo.t bid of '35,143,75 for tho con.truction of tho abovo- namod projoct, NOW, T1fEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED DY TIlE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, 1, That tho contract for tho con.truction of tho abovo-namod projoct i. horoby awardod to T,chiOofrio Excavatino of Dubuquo, Iowa, .ubjoct to tho condition that awardoo .ocuro adoquato porformanco bond, in.uranco cortificato., and contract complianco prooram .tatomont., 2, That tho Hayor i. horoby authorizod to .ion and tho City Clork to atto.t tho contract for tho con.truction of tho abovo-namod projoct, .ubjoct to tho condition that awardoo .ocuro adoquato porformanco bond, in.uranco cortificatos, and contract complianco prooram .tatomont., It was movod by ~ and .ocondod by Albrlaco ~a. road bo adoptod, and upon ron cairthoro woro, ~YES, l!M1L ~ x Ambrllco -r- - - Courtnoy -r- - - lIorowitz -r- - - Kubby -r- - - Larson -r- - - HcDonald -r- - - Novick - - - Pallod and approvod thll ~ day of Novollbar , 1991. ATTEST, ~~,,~ u) ,f. ~A ..J ITY CLERK , ~ ,~ . C ty Attornoy s 0 co lIlt-fill ,..~" (' ,I I ~rR5 o CI Lf CI n - , ,') RtliOLUTION 110, - RESOLUTION AWARDING COllTRACT AND AUTlIORIZlllG HAYOR TO SIGN AlID CITY CLERK TO A'l'TtliT COIITRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOlI OF TIlE LAFAYE'l'TE STREET SAlUTARY SEWER REPAIR PROJECT ,I i WIIEREAS, hu au ttll t II It 0 S J co Itruct10n of tho Abovo-named projoct'l N THEREFORE, BE IT RtliOLVED BY TIlE COUNCIL or THE CITY OF IOWA CI . IOWA I At tho contrAct for tho conlt ct10n of tho abovo-named p ojoct 11 horoby AWArdod to lubjoct to;t 0 con t on t At Awar 00 10 ro a OquAto performanco pond, lnluranco cort1flcAtol, and ontract compllanco proGram Itatomentl. 2, thAt 0 Hayor 11 hOrObYJ~thor1&Od to Il9n and tho C1ty Clork AttOlt tho con~ract for tho conltructlon of tho abovo-n d projoct, Iybjoct to tho cond1t1on that AWArdoo locuro a oquato perfo;manco bond, 1nluranco cort1f1catol, And contr ct complla co prcqram Itatomentl, by and locondod by ~ at t 0 rOlo ut on al road be adoptod, rol'orol , AYES! / fAYS. l"EIlT. I - - ~ pa71 d and approvod A'l'TEST. CITY CLERK and - AmbrllCO Courtnoy llorow1U Kubby Larson HcllCnAld Nov1ck - - - - , un, HAYOR ;l085 n n LI CI . / , - - \~I II LallJlD' Sl SI/I.ll/y S"II Rip" PrcjlCl ~OYfRnSfl,ffNT FOn DIO~ LAFAYETtE SI. SANIIAI\Y SEWER REPAIR PROJECT S'"ed PIlIpOullllll be rlCl~ by tilt CIy CItr\ 01 lilt CIy 01 lowl CIy, low.. unt.l 10JO ~Iot, on lilt 2S11l d.y 01 No'Itmbll, IIII,lIld09tned irMIed~ll~llltr,,""by lilt CIy Englnell. Propollll lnl be tcted upon by lilt CIy Cound tl . mlttlng to bt hell n lilt Coune. Clllmbtl1lt 7:30 P.1.l. on No'Itmbll 28. ,eg" 01 tlluch bill 1m. IIld III~ II Ny lhl/l b. roaed. Th. WOIlI YnlInwM \lit tolomg: 252' 01 r IlIlIery I"." 3 manhol... I IeUII nit', 380 S.V. 01 plVlmlnt llmovalllld rtp/.lcl/lllnt, AI WOIlIII 10 bt don. n I~kt compllnr.. Yrlh lilt p/llll1Ild IptOfClllonl pttplled by lIid1trd A. FOIII, CIy Englnttl, 01 lowl CIy, low.. Yrhldl IIIVI IIIIIloIor. botn tppIOVtd by \lit CIry Cound~ end III on '''lor ~Gc ..lIlIlNlion n lilt OIfa 0111I. CIy Clerk. Wh.n'VlI r"'III'(.1I mid. 10 th. '51.ndlld Spt(Iiclllons,' llhall bt th. 'S11Ild1ld SptcICllionl1or Higlttlsy IIld Dridgt Conll1uction,' S.rI.. 0I1U4.1ow1 Dtplllm.nt 01 T'IIlIpOlll' lion. Am.., Iowa, phil cunlnt Ipoclll provisions IIld lupplt. m.ntlllptcifCllionL Each ptopGlIJ wi bo compltled on I 101m '~nlshld by lilt CIfy Ind mUll lit tCCOIIIjllllltd n I ..lied tnVI!opt, ItPIlII' 110m III. on. contIlnng III. propGlal, by 11II1I oIlht lolowng forml 01 bkhlCUlty: II) I Ct/\lied 01 ClIN.(1 cI1tdl drlWll on I IOIvtnt lowl blllk 011 bw chtlllltd Undlllht 1m 01 lilt Unltd 511111 OIl c'rllied 111II1 draft drNn on. ClId. union In lowl 01 cI1lrl.red undlllh.lawl 01 lilt UMed SlIl...1n In lmount tqulllo 10% 01 lilt bkl, 01(21 I bkl bond IIICUted by I corpor'llon IlAhorlled 10 con~1d II .IUlIly In lht Sill. 01 low.. In I ptnallum 01 10% 0111I. bkl. Th. bklllcurily 111I1 b. mid. Plyabl.lo 111. TREASURER OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, IIld 11I11 bo Ioll.led 10 th. City oIlowl CIry .. IqukI'led damao.. In 111. .Vlnt III. lucClldul blddll"blo .nlll Into I cont,lCt wlhln I." (10) dl)1 end poll bond lltidldoty 10 Ih. CIry InIUlng lilt 'IWIA ptllormw. 01111. COnltac1.nd mllnt.nl/lCt of IIkI work, I,tqurld, PUl1uant 10 Ih. prolillone 0111111 nollc.1Ild lilt oIhll con~ac1 docum.nll, Chtdll ollh.Iow..1 ~ 0/ moll blddtrl mI~ bt II1alntd lor I period 01 not 10 t1cHd '1111" (15) dl~1 until con~1d II IWlrdtd 01 IIjtcllo" Is mid.. 0Ih1l chtdll wll b. lllurned allll III. CtIlI'III Ind tlblA.llon 01 bkll It compltled .nd rapolled 10 lilt Cly Council Plymtnllo 111. Con~ldol d bl mad. IIlp.dild In tilt 'Sllndlld Speellcallon..' Miele I '09,~, Thllucc.ulul blddll wll b. rtqu~ed 10 Iurnilh . bond In In lmounl tqulllo on. hundred pllCtnt (100%) oIthl conlrlCt prlc',lIkI bond 10 b.luued by I rllponltll'IUItI~ epprov.d by lh. Cl~ Cound end Ihll gUlranloo Iho prompt plymlnt 01 " mall/lalllnd labor Ind ploltcland IIVI h.rmltlllh. Ci~ lrom clalmllnd dlmlgll oIlny kind ClUled by th. opl/IIOn ollhl COnlrld,lnd 111I111110 gUlllnl" Ih. mllnl.nlnel ollhe Improvlmlnllo, I plrlod oIlwo (2) Yllr(lllrom .nd .hl/ .. compl'llon Ind ICCtpllllC' by Ihl City. Thl 'ollowlng IlmhllonllhlllPP~ to lhll proj.Cl: Worldng 01)1: 15 "'.1 ~6 nnLICfe - - Lallylftl SL SIIllIIy Sewt/ RIp" Project l' ~Iion 011.: JI/lUIIy 31, 1m Llquldlled 01/l\lQ": 1200 ptl dlY Th. pItnI, apt(ICII1ln11lld Pftl9O.td conIrect documanu lNybt '1INl.chllll. oIIicl oIlhe CIy CIt'" Copltl 01 IIId pIIn. tIld IptCI"Cl1ionI tnd 'orm 01 JlIOPOIII bllIlka INY be ItClted Iltha Offic. 01 Rlclllld A. Fotll. P,E. Ctt Engiltt/ 01 low. Ctt, 11M.. by bona lilt bWtII. PlotptdW bWll1 tit IIMstd that tha cay oIlowl CIy del'" to tmpby rnlrcrly Cll/'btC1Ol. IIld 11bconlt~0I1 on cay projtdl. Bdd.11 111II hi on tha FOIm 01 Propotll III. namtl 01 plrlOlll, '~ml, complnill, 01 OChel pllli.. 10 ..110m I It Winded 10 .ntt/lnto I IIAlconltICt. Th. kt .haI ~. lh. rrPt oIl101k IIld epproalmll'llbconlttd amount. Th. ConlrtC1Oll,unltd \hi conlItd thII ~ .111 on lilt Form 01 ConlIect oItha propottd IlbconlttdOll llong ..." qUIntlItI. lH\4 prIe.. tnd .Il.ndtd dol., amountl. . no mlnorty buslnlll.nt'lpIlt..IUBEI"' Ullltd,lhe ConUtdor thlllurnllh documantlllon 0111 dOl1. 10 '1CnI1 UBE'" A IIlInO 01 miloIly contI~or. It IvtllbI. IIld can bo obUIntd Irom 111. CIW Righ!I SptdAfllt Ilthalowl CIy CMc C.ntt/ by Cllllg 3181356-&022. IIy Wtul 0I1l1MOty llIlIlorily, pr"t/.ne. vril bt olv.n to prodUCllend plO\ialonl 010Wll Ind coli pIoduced ..ihi! III. Stll. oIlowl,lIld to lowl domtllC 1Ibor, 10 lilt II1.nl fjy,My lequlrtd Undt,low, SliM... Th.lowl Rtc~1OC1l PIt/lllnet Act (SF 21eGlappltl to III. conUtd ..ih IIlptclto bldd.1I ..ho II' not Iowl ,..Id.ntl. Th. CIly IIlt1Vt1l11. ~ht to rajtcl trrf 01 II prOP01l1t IIld to..1Nt ltchn(.ltlt. end "IOIA"'I... I'IAillhtd upon 0Id1l oIlhe Cly Councll oIlowl Cly, lowL MARIAN K.1WlR, CITY CLERK ,.....,"'",1 IoF.2 rf/~5 ...."'.......--- --- ... ~........--...r ----......-------~--------._---~ --- -.....-.- -- r-- -- rl rl LI CI :, - - - /11'3 RESOLUTION NO, 91.m - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINC EXECUTION OF AN ACREEMENT FOR THE IOWA HICHWAY , PAVINC "'PROVEMENT PROJECT FR()I.1 ROCKY SHORE DRIVE TO FIRST AVENUE WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF CORALVILLE WHEREAS, Iht CIIY or 10WI Clly. lowt, hi' negolllltd tn agrttmtnt with tht 10WI Deptrlmtnt of Tran'porllllon Ind the Clly of Corllvlllt. 10WI, I copy of nld tgretment being IUlched 10 thl, Rtlolullon Ind by thl, reftrence mldt I plrt htreof. Ind. WHEREAS. tht Clly Council dttm' It In Iht Inlerut of public nftly to tnttr Into nld IC,Jrltmtnt with Iht 10wI Dlptrtmtnt of Tranlporllllon Ind Iht City or Conlvlllt, 10wI. for plvlng Improvtmtnl' of 10WI HlghwlY ,. NOW. T1tEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY. IOWA: , . Thlt tht Mlyor .nd City Clerk m htrlby luthorhtd .nd dlrtcttd to lucutt Iht ~mmlnt with 10wI Dtptrlmtnt of Tranlporllllon Ind Iht C Iy of Coralvlllt. low., 2. Th.t Iht Clly Cllrk .hlll rurnl,h copl.. of IIld ogrttmtnt 10 .ny clllltn requllllng IImt, It WII movld b~ AIlbrhco .nd 'Icondld by LAnon thlt tht motut o~ Ind upon roll cllmtn wlrt: AYESt NAYSt AOSENTt X Ambrl,co - - - X Courlnty - - - X Horowitz - - - X Kubby - - - X Lonon - - - X McDon.ld - - - X Novick - - - P....d .nd approvld Ihl, .lllh.. d.y or ~nvf~h.,r 1991, ATTEST: 7n CI d-D8G, . - -.... j' _9 _ _ ..........- - ,-- - rt rl LI CI L/ - - ,I I slm ACIIOI/ NO, 5-'7.)-7/1 PRECOHSTRUCTIOH AGRE[HENT Countl Johnson Cltl CoralvIlle/low. CIty Project No. IIES-6-7WJ..211-S2 lOll. DOT Agr.e.cnt No, 92-16-063 . IT IS AGREED betll'lII the StHe of lOll', Iowa Dtpmllllt of Transport.tlon (herein DOTl, 11l9hll'y Dhhlon .nd the Cities of Coralvlllo .nd 1011. City In Johnson County, 1011', (herein ClmS) IS followS! I, The ClTI[S .nd DOT propose to develop and construct. project for reconltl'1lCtlon of U.S, 6 frol 1st Avonue In Coralvlllo ext.ndlng Nstorly to Rocky Shore Drlv. In 1011. City, , Th. proposed constructlon will consht of .ddlng . cont Inuous fifth hno for lon-turning outbound tr.mc, Tho cOlllorel.1 ontr.ncos on tho north sldo of U,S, 6 wlll bo widened, consolld.ted, Ilproved or reoloved, The ro.dllay sectlon will bo curbod on both tho north .nd south sldos, By reducing the tot.1 nUlbor of entr.ncos, widening tho r_Inlng entr.nces, .nd providIng curbing, It Is hoped th.t tho tot.l defInItIon of the cOGurcl.1 entr.nces wt11 be "froved, The right- turn hno for wostbound tr.mc.t It Avenuo wt11 bo I cngthened for gro. tor stor.go, I,prmlents to tho stona sOllor systOl In thIs .ro. wIll .lso bo Incorpor.ted Into tho proposed project. Englnoorlng f.brlc will bo pl.cod IS necossary prIor to resurf.clng tho entire ro.dllay surf.ce to reduco rorl ectlon cr.ck Ing of p,vOlent JoInts, Accon rights wt11 bo .cqulred In tho nOlllo of the State of low. on tho south side of U.S, 6 InvolvIng tho Unhors lty of low. proporty froll 1st Avonuo to Rocky Shore Drlvo with no .ccon bolng ponalttod, Accoss rIghts will .lso bo .cqulred .long the north sldo of U.S, 6 .nd no 1lI0re thon olght .ccoss loc.tlons will be grant.d, (m ExhIbit A attached,) 2. Tho CITIES 1It11 dovolop tho C.lend.r 1m proJect In occordanco with tho following guldollnes: -'~,&, rl CI LI Cf 5 - 2 , A. The CITIES wtll Jointly design. Insptct and adllllnlster the project and the City of Corohtlle wtll be deslgnattel as tho INd Igency, Th. City of Coralville wIll also acquire and/or condaan the right of way eUOlIents needtel In Nch respective Jurisdiction. Pel'llolnent right of way and mOIl rights shall be purchased In fee sl.ph tItle In the nalle of the State of 10lla, Design shall folloll DOT urban design standards, policIes and procedures, S, The DOT 1111 I lot the propoltd project and rellbursa each CITY fr04ll the Prlllllry Road Fund for actual expenditures Incurred for project design. Inspection Ind right of way Icqulsltlon, Ho offer to purchase right of wlY and/or property rIghts frol a property ollner shill be made until Ifter the DOT has rovlewed and Ipprovtel the Ippralsll, Upon satisfactory cOllplotlon of tho work and upon rtcelpt and approvll of the 1t00lztel stltollOnt fro. each CITY. the DOT shall Intlally pay each CITY for .11 eligIble costs. This .lIlOunt shall not excetel nInety percent (901) of the r.l.bumble IlOunt chImed , After further aud I t by the DOT. I flnll plYlent shill be IIIde to each CITY equ.l to the dlHerence between the tot.l eligible costs Ind the IlIlOunt prevIously relllburstel, In tho event Justlflablo audIt exceptIons result In overplYlent through prIor relllbursOllents. elch CITY will prOllptly refund to the DOT .ny overpaYlent previously Ilde, C, Elch CITY wtll upon co.plot Ion of construct Ion Ind proper billing reImburse the DOT for Ictull stor. sewer constructIon costs withIn mh respective JurisdIctIon, The totll cost of IIhlch Is estllltod It $130.000, 0, DOT construction speclflcltlons shill be used In the constructIon of this project. E, The CITIES must secure DOT and Federll IlIghlllY Admlnlstrltlon approval of project pions, right of way operatIons. consultant selection and contract award, F. Tho CITIES shall Include proposed stagIng InformatIon In the project pions to be approvod by the DOT at the tIme of plan rovlew, ~,t, -y-- ...... .1 I n (/ LI CI b . - - , 3 G, The DOT shall uso positive eHorts to solicit bids frolD and to utllhe .Inorlty, wOllen and/or disadvantaged business enterprises as contractors and ensure that the contractors IIIke positive eHorts to uttl he those enterprises IS subcontractors, suppliers or participants In the work covered by this applicatIon. Worts shall be IIIde and doculDented In mordance with Exhibit a which Is attached hereto and by this reference Is IlIde a part of this AgretllBlt, /I, ConstructIon of the project shall be conducted In such a way that disruption of prt.ary road traffic will be held to a IDlnlmulD, 3, My costs Incurred by the CITIES In porfor.lng their obligatIons hereunder shall be borne exclUSively by the CITIES without relmburStftlBlt by the DOT, 4, Upon completIon of tho project, no changes In the physical features thereof shall be undertaken or pe~lttad without tho prior written approyal of the DOT, 5, U.S, 6 through traffic wl\l bo IIItlntalned during the constructIon period, 6, Htlntenanct of U,S, 6 within the project ma shall be carried out In accordance with tho tems and conditions contained In 761 Iowa AdlDlnlstratlve Code Ch, 150, 7, SubJect to tho provisions hereof, each CITY In accordance with Chapter 319, Code of Iowa, and 761 Iowa AdlDlnlstratlve Code Ch, 150 shall remove or cause to be rOlllovod all encroachmBlts or obstructtons (either above or below ground) within the limits of the existIng prlllltry highway right of way, The CITIES shall also prevent the erect Ion and/or phconent of any structure or obstruction on said right of way, Including but not limited to private signs, butldlngs, underground tanks, pumps, and parking areas. a, Parking shall be controlled by each CITY with an approprlato ordlnanco which shall go tnto effect or continuo In eHect at such time IS the project Is compl eted and oponed to through tra fflc In accord with the following. Parking shall be prohIbited on the minor street approaches for a distance of 35 ft, In advance of tho stop signs and/or crosswalks and on the exit sides of the minor streets for a distance of 35 ft. beyond the stop signs and/or crosswalks, Parking will not be allowed on U,S, 6 within the project limits, .\ I ~,c, n n LI CI '-1 - - 4 9, SubJ~t to the 'Pfroval of and without expenso to the DOT. tach CITY sh. I perforl (or c.use to be porforla1), .11 reloc.tlons, .Iter.tlons. .dJustlents, or r~Y.'s of utility facilities. Including but not 1I.lted to power, telephone and tologr.ph I Inos. cablo teloy Is Ion II nos , natur.1 gas pipelines. water IIIlns .nd hydr.nts, curb bollS, unitary SIwers. and related polos. Inst.lI.tlons .nd .ppurtenances. whether prlv.tely or publicly Olll1ed, .nd .11 other f.cllltles or obstructions which .re located within the 1I.lts of .n ost.bllshed strut or .lIey and which shall Inltrfere with construction of the proJ~t .11 In mord.nce with the Utility AccollllOd.tlon Policy of the DOT, 10. ElCh CITY sh.1I cOlply with .11 provisions of the equ.1 llIplo)'lllent opportunity requlrllunts prohibiting dlscrl.ln.tlon .nd requiring .fflrllltlvo .ctlon to usura equal llIplorent opportunity as required by low. Code Chapter 601, No porson sh.lI. on the grounds of .ge, race. creed. sox, color, natlon.1 origin. religion or disability, be excluded fr04ll p.rtlclp.tlon In. be denied the benefits of. or be otherwise subJ~ted to dlscrl.ln.tlon under any progr'l or .ctlvlty for whtch mh CITY recelm St.te funds frol the DOT, 11, A subsequent AddenduI wlll be prepared by the DOT .nd subtitled to the CITIES which wlll sp~tflc.lly Identify stOrl siller costs In each respective Jurisdiction, 12, If .ny section, provision. or part of this Agrement shall be found to be Invalid or unconstltutlon.l, such Judgelent shall not .ffect the v.lldlty of the Agrement .s . whole or .ny section, provision, or p.rt thereof not found to be Inv.lld or unconstltutlon.I, 13, This Agmlunt lilY be executed In throo counterparts, each of which so executed shill bo demed to bo .n orlglnll, 14, This Agroealent as sot forth In parlgr.phs 1 through 14 heroin (Inclusive) reprOlOnts the entlro Agrement between the CITIES Ind DOT, My sub,equent chlnge or IIlOdtflcltlon to the tOI'1llS of this Agrement shill bo In tho (Or'1ll O( 4 duly emuted AddenduliI to this Agreement, ,\ I ".", n n LI CI E/ - - .\ I 5 IN IIlTNCSS IIHnea" mh o( the Plrtl.s h.r.to hu tuM.d Avrtellllnt No, ~ IS o( the dU. sho,", opposlt. Its slgnuur. b.lolt, BY. {t- ? 0 . 1991 f)1I(~ 1)Mt'Mbu ..1L. 1991 II. the .bon sIgned, htrtbr c.rtlfy th.t the slgnuurts conulned h.r.ln, Ire .uthorlz.d by ud on b.h. ( o( the governIng .uthorltl.s IS p.rtl.s to this Avr'llIlIIt, Dlt. /"ljZ-5 I 1m I ATTEST I BY. t/1d',tf~t- ~&'" n n LI Cf q - - ,I t , , A.6W ~ II II . . n CI S 0 Ct - . . " EXHIBIT EXHIBIT 8 .::1:1'2 / ~ S UTlLIlAT lOll or HIIIORITY, lIatiE/I, AIID/OR DISADVAIITAGED BUSINESS EIITERPRISES 011 THIRD.PARTY STATE ASSISTED PROJECTS In attordlnte with Section 19B.7 of the Code of Iowa and the Ae1tnlstrattve Rule m..Chapter 4, It Is the policy of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) thlt Hlnorlty, lIomen and Disadvantage Business Enterprises (HeE/wBE/D9Es) shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate In the perfon=Jnte of contracts financed In whole or In plrt with state funds, Under this policy It Is the responsibility of counties and cttles receiving state funds to help finance projects to make I positive effort to solicit bids from and to utilize HeE/IIBE/DBEs IS contractors and ensure that the contr.ctors make positive efforts to utilize these enterprises .s subcontractors. suppliers or p.rtlclp.nts In the work covered by this 'greement, The reclplent'S .Posltlve efforts. should Include, but not be 1IIIted to: I. Obt.lnlng the n.mes of qualified HBE/WBE/DBE contr.ctors fr~ the I~. DOT's Office of Contr.cts.lnd/or seek these contr.ctors through ~dvertlslng In generll.clrcul.tlon, tr.de Issoclatlon or Ilnorl. ty.focused medl., The Office of Contr.cts Ind the low. Departcent of Kan.gement wl11 determine whether contrlctors who respond to such advertisements qu.llfy for HBE/wBE/DBE deslgn.tlon, 2. lIotlfylng qu.llfled KBE/IIBE/DBEs of proposed projects Involving St.te misted funding, Ilotlfltltlon should be made In sufficient tl~ to .llow the HeE/IIBE/DBEs to p.rtlc-Ip.to effectively In the blddlr.i rroms, 3. Sollcltlng bids frOID qu.lIfled HBE/WBE/DBEs on mh project, .nd Identifying for HBE/WBE/DBEs the IVII1.blllty of subcontract work. 4. Including In the bid propos.ls for St.te Isslsted projects the .Contr.tt Provisions for Specific Afflrm.tlve Action Responslbllltle, on Hon.hderll Aid ProJec ts. (for Thlrd.Party Stlte Ass Is hd Projects), or I slmll.r speclflc.tlon developed br the recipient, 5, Ensuring th.t the ,w.rded contractor has Ind wll follow the contract provisions. Recipients Ire encour.ged to est.bllsh go.ls, set.asldes or percent'ges to .chleve HBE/WBE/DBE p.rtlclp.tlon In these projects, Contract go.ls ma)' vlry depending on the type of proJect, the project's subcontract.ble Items, the type, of servlte or supplies needed for the project. Ind the .v.lllblllty of qUill fled KBE/WBE/DBEs In the . rei , The recipient sh.ll agree to provide the Iowa DOT the following dotument.. tlon: . I. Copies of correspondente and replies, .nd written notes of personal .nd/or telephone contltts with .ny HBE/WBE/DBEs, Such dotumentatlon c.n be used to demonstr.te recipients' positive efforts and It should be plated In the general proJect file. 2, Bidding propos.ls noting est.bllshed HBE/WBE/DBE goals, If any, 3, The dollar amount contr"ted to, subcontrltted to, or supplled by qUllified MBE/IIBE/DBEs for the proJetts covered by this agreer:ent, 4. The ItUched "Checklist and CertifIcation" for~ shall be fIlled out upon completion of mh project and fOl"<larded to thp District Lml $)'stems Engineer (District Transportation Planner for Rmutlonll T rl i1 proJet ts). J~ o 0 S 0 ./ ~ , . CHECKLIST AHD CERTIFICATion EXHIBIT'S . . Farz'd~- , OF THE UTlLlZATlOII OF .\ '. I HUiORm, 1I0mN. ArlO DISAOVAlITAGED OUSIIIESS EnTERPRISES on THIRD.PARTY STATE PROJECTS COUIITY : PROJECT /lUMBER: . ClTr: AGREEKEnT HUK8ER: I, Were qualified HBE/WOE/DBE n.mes obt.lned fr~ low. DOT's Office of Contr.cts? YES NO - - If no. why not 2, Were qualified HOE/WOE/DOE's notIfIed of project? YES _ NO - If yes, by letter _, telophone _, personal contact _, If 110. why not , ; 3. Were bldl solicited from qualIfIed tmE/WOE/DBE's? YES _ 110 - I I If no, why not i , I 4, W.S a voal. set..slde or perc.nt.ve est.bllshed I i for HBE/WEE/DBE p.rtIClp.tlon? YES 110 , - - If yel, what w.s vo.l or f I f no, why not S, Did thw priDe contr.ctor uSe posItive .fforts to I utIlize flE/WOE/OBE's on sUbcontr.cts? YES - HD - If no, whit Ictlon w.s teken by County/CIty I I Is Document.tlon In files? YES 110 I - - ! 6, Whit w.s the dolllr '~unt reimbursed to the County/CIty from the 10wI Dep.rtment of TransportatIon? S Whit WIS the flhll project COlt? S Whit w.s the doll.r .mount performed by HBE/IIBE/DBE's? S W'l the vo.l or ~ .chleved YES - 110 - I f no, why not . I certify I~At the COU::TY/CITY (cIrcle ontl used poslth', .(fortl to utilize ~~E/waE/D!E'l '1 Plrtlclplnts In this proJoct, Project Er,plnw Dot. ~o~ --..-- -- T- -- rl r/ S 0 e - - . , .. ... .... ., . EXHIBIT B fJ.1<J,!s- C~TRACT ~~ISI~S (or SPCClrJC Al'rIRllATlvt ACTI~ RtSl'<lllSIBILIT IES 01( HOH,rEOE~L AID PROJECTS Iror Th'r~'Party State Assisted Projects) Tllm Pt'lOVISIOIIS AIlE PeR AO"INISTRATlVE RUl.E 541, CIIAPTER 4, IOI/A AO"INISTRATlvt CCOE, " I. GEhERAL A"lr'4tlv. action reoulrements to encouragl and Increase partlcloatlon 0' olsaovantaged lnolvlouals In bullness onterorlses In 011 'tote (undeo oro}ects ~ .\/allaole througn tne Iowa Deoortmont 0' TranlPOrtatlon, ore reoulreO by tne Coo. 01 Iowa, S.ctlon 19a,7, .s d.(lned In tnls soecl(lcatlon ~hlch Is I,Qg,eo ourSUbn to tne Oeoortment of n4nag~nt Rule., 541 Cnapter 4, On projects Involving Stat. (unos, wltn or wltnout local contribution, thes. r'Q,lr~ntl svoer.edl 011 .~lstlh9 ~Inorlty anolor ~n ouslness onterprl.e regulations, oraers, circulars, ano oOllnlstratlv. reoulr~ntl, IReoulremont. concornlng oroJects I.t ov tne 100, ooT Involving r.aeral-ola ore set 'ortn In tne suoole~entol soecl'lcotlon 'or SD.clrl. A"lrmotlv. ACtion R.sPOnslbllltles on rederal Ala ProJ'Ct,.1 II, DISAOVANTAGED OUSINESS ENTERPRISE POl.ICY, Tno Contractor will occoPt os nls/n.r ooerotlng policy tne '01 lowing Itot~or: wnlcn Is aeslgned to or~te 'ull partlcloatlon 0' dlsaovantagea ouslnlSS ; Inrororlsws, Incluolng targ.tea .moll ouslnlsses, os sUDoller. ano suocontractors ! , tnrougn 0 continuous, positive, result-orlenteo orogr~, ! It Is tn. 0011'\1 (I' tnlt firm tnat smoll ouslnon concerns, lU o,'lr,.o ! oy tn, ~IDartmont 0' 1~'D'Ctlons ana ApDlals Rules, Z~I low~ A~lnlstratlvc I Coo. Cn.S', wnlcn or, control 1.0 and own'd by mlnorltl'I, women, one socially i one 'c~lcally olsadVantaged Inalvlouals, lnall hav' tn. mo~lmum practlcaol. ! oooortunlty to oartlcloote In the o.r'ormonce 0' contracts 'uncln In wnol. or In ! oort wltn Stott (uncs WIllen ore a01llnlsur.d by tnlt firm le,g, sUClOII,rs and II luocontractorsl, Tn. ourPOse o( tne 001 Icy II to encourage ana Inereal. Olsaovantag.o euslnlss Enterorl,. oortlclootlon In contracting ooPOrtunltles I ,.,0. oval 1001, 0)' tnls fll'lIl In the por'ormonce 0' contracts modt o\/allablo I I or Stat, Asslstto or09r~s, I III, DErINITIONS, A, OI'Odvonta~ Ousln.ss Enterprl,e 10DEI, A 'm311 bUstn.ss that Is oatn o~n'd ana control 100 by mlnorltlos, women, or socially ana oconomlcally olsaavantaQtd Indlvlouals, ITnl, O,f'nltlon referl only to busln,ssol lo~atec In tnl Stote of Iowa), Tne term OBE ,hall Includ. Target.d ~II Buslnelses ITSBI, ' a. Ol'advanta~ Individual" 'or thl purpose 0' tn,s policy, InclUde but aro not IlmltOd to tnt '01 lowIng ra~lal grouos, I, Dlac~, A oerson navlng origins In any 0' tne black racial grOUDI. 2. lll'llMlc, II parlon of Soanlln or Portuguese culture witn orIgIns In ",~Ico, Soutn or Clntral Am.rlca, tn, CarlODlan ISlanos, or tn. lotrlan olnlnsula r.paral..s 0' r.~e, I, Aslon, A olrlon navlng orlglnl In any or tnw original Drool,s o( tn, ror tast. Soutne.st Asia, or tn. Pa~I/lc ISlano,. " "sian Inolon, A oorson navlng origins In any 0' the orlgln.1 0000111 of Inola, Pa..lstan. and BanQlaol~n. S. Anarlcan Indian and Alalkan Natlv.. A oar Ion havlnp orlplns In any 0' the original o.oolt o( Nortn Am,rlca, ~o,f, - --.... ,\ , ~' f.' \ rl CI S t] ~I - .. EXHIBIT a p~ '/'t5" v. ctwJliTlHa OISl.OVAHTI.Cil:O IlU$INtSS ENTtRf'AISC PAATlCIPI.T/[)f (>>1 TlIt I'ROJtCT, Tne olootr r4y count tOw~rd hll/her DOC ~rtlcl~t'on. Plonn'd eWDenalturf~ (or ~tfr'oll ona lvoollll to oe ootolned fr~ DSt luopllerl o~o r~nu'octurcr~, tr (, .,r. to Of IVO'~tr.'t,a to a Oat or ony otner c~"'rclolly ule(ul fu~ctlon, OfovlOIO tn.y Of' to Oll~ octual o~ controctual relDOnllolllty for provlllon 0 t~t.rIOII o~ lvooll.l, luDcontroctta wor~, or otn.r C~norclolly ul.ful (unction A. Tn. Contro'tor ~y count hll/her entire e.o.naltur. to 0 DOt ~nu'octurfr tn oroou,.. ona IUllOII" 9000. ~Il\I'''turtd 'rOtl ro~ Ntlrloll, e, Tn, ,ontro'tor ~y count 60~ 0' hll/h,r e.otnoltur'l to DOt IUPpllerl t~t OJ nat 1l'4nufocturorl, provltltel tilt IUPPller por(Ol'll1 0 CQmfrclolly tllOful function In tne luoply procoll. C, Tn. controctor ~y Count toward hll/hor PartiCipation only o.ponolturol to DaCI tntt porform 0 c~rclolly ul,ful function In tn, worK of 0 controct. Inclualng tnal. functlonl 01 0 luDControctor, . D, Wor~ PorfOrmfd or 0 DOE flr~ In 0 partlculor tronloctlon con 00 Counted towor oartlclPttlon only I' tne controctlng OuthOrlty tl.tonaln'l t~t It Involv'l 0 comntrclally ul.ful 'unction, Tnot II, In Ilont of lnoultry proctlc.1 ond ~ otn,r rel,vont conlla.rotlonl, dO'l th, ODE ,,,.. hav. a n,c'llory ona ul.ful i rolo In tn. tronloctlon, 0' 0 ~Ino 'or wnlcn tnoro II 0 Nrket outlla. tne cont,.t of tne 08t or09r~, COlt 0' ooul~nt leollng or tne ourcnalt of : NterlOl1 frOtl tn. proJ.ct orlno controctor will not count toword th. project; DArtlcl~tlon, ! .\ I .. VI, REQUIRED IHFMIlI.T/Ofl, DOCIIIltNTS, I.HO COOTAACT AIlAAO PflOC(OURES roo POOJECTS I' ASSIGIlEO ool.l.S, A, 8100.rl lnall o. rooulred to C~lot, 0 for~, Includod In tno bloolng I OOcumtntl, liltIng tn. ~I 0' ODE I contoctOtl regoralng IUD'ontrOCtf~l~ I I UIlII , tn, on. of tn, contoct, lonoth.,. or not 0 old or ouotot Ion wu ! rec.lvea, tn, aot, It 1001 roc.IVOd, wnotner or not tn. Quototlon 1001 uleo In . tn. 010, ona tn. 001 lor ~t prmltel to bo IUDControcteo, , 6, Tn, Controctor lnaula UIO tnolO ODEI wnal' QUOtOI oro Illt.o In tn, .Ouototlon' VI.a In 610" column along with a "Yol- lnolcotlon, on tn. Pr,'old Contact l In'ar~tlon far~, C, If tn,r, II no O&E oortlcloatlon, tnln tn, contractor lhall comply wltn tho DOC~lntOtlon 01 OUtllnod In Soctlon VI 0 of tnll IPecl"cotlon orlor to tne contrect oworo, O. Tnll DOc~nratlon lnould Inclua. all effort I m40, oy tne Contractor to Incluo, ODE Port1clootlon In th. wor~ 0' tnll proJoct, I( It I. roquelteo ~v , tn, co~rreCtlng outnorlty, Tn. ooC~ntotlon m4y Incluao. OUt err not limiteD to, tn, followlngl I, wnotnor tno Controctor att.noed ony pre.lolleltotlon or ore.old mootlnQI tnot wor, Icn.aulea by tno controctlng outnorlty one In'or~a OD!I 0' contrtctlng ona IUDControctlng oppOrrunltlol' 1. W~'thor tn. Controctor odv.rtll.d In Vln.rol clrculotlo~. troa. '1IOCIOtlo~. ona mlnorltr.'ocul m.olo Concornlng tnl luOco~trO~tln, ODOOrt\lnlt Inl J. Wn't~.r t~. Contractor orovlaoo wrltto~ notlc. to 0 rOOlonODI. numo.r 0' loeclfle D5C. tnot tn,'r Intor.lt In tn. controct 10'1 o,'ng ,01IClteo. In lu(flcl.nt tlm. to 011010 tn. Dati to portlclp'to o'f'C\lv,IYI (, .'nnn.r tn. Contro'tor followoo up Inltlol lollclurlohl 0' Int.ren Or ronto'tlng O&tl to aet.rmln. wltn c.rtolnty wnetner tno ODtl WIre Ir,\t'IIU:11 . ~O,~ rt Ct S Ct L/ - CU"hiICIOf .._._ , . . "'t, j r..____ ,.' ! " , --- "'oft,.. _..______ MIl/Onrrv MIO/On IVOMW DUSl/lCSG CllTCnflnlSE flIlC.DlO COIHAC! I/IFOfllMTlOII C_,. CI', ... - 110 Of CO/IIjlltIN br Ail IkWff'l'fIlht Cllfl"'l COf\~.ct "'Gotl"'" Y... '" ItqvOtl/. III "oIfl f" YCM bioI 10 bt COft'ldtltd "'poII,"". 10 ..0tIdt lilt 11II01."'?OOI on I/lII '''01 """1Ilf tOvf "'-~, 11I4I01 ~ DuI...... (ntt<POijtl COI\II(II .....,....... 10 lCM bod '.bmi,\looI. IN'IoI''IIIt',,,,, I, Mj'C1lo Iff'f'UllOII tnd COIlIONllOft In I'" totnl ~ 1\ dclffrnlntd ''''' II.. "'-", ''''''01 W"""n Dullntll (01<'1""" 00'" II' not ""~ II\tfI btlot, .../~ lilt (ontIKIIIlf ContIKWIg AW\oIII, ....If\II' I fIIl'''''''lOft 1\ 10 "hcIlltt 01 nol II.. 'PI"ttnl Mct..lvllo" blddtf """ good I.i'h ,11""'10 ","I lilt 000l" HOIl: '''' Cont"C''''O AVlhOIII, ... nol "9". tOvf lC(tJIllllC' 01 VI' 01. low lIVOlI 01 bid I/OOIII_"'-~, I1ldIOI-WomtIIIlvPltIl (n"'pI'" on '0' McOl\lttll~.... 1\ ~o II~II 01 ,n, 111\ of llO,llitt ,111"110 ""'I lilt 1Aonof11, 1IldI0I W_ Dvt~1 (lIIffl"'" VOII' on 1/1I1 pIOjoclllo<oott" ""y ,flotl w. bt N4' 10 '01<" tlVOIII 01 bod, on " ""n, 'VbcCll"IC"bIt "'",IIIIItCOIII/Y 10 KhlM lilt oU.b1.1/1td VOI'I '" MDCNIlIC'I tlVOIo It Vltd In lilt bod. II II II'-d IIItlIllt 10'" .IIC. .... bt IIWIlII I M'COftI'KIOI. 'Olin, Chl"9' "f" 10 CI/II,nl 'pjllI(.bl. (OftI'KI ptOo!,lon 101 plOCtdlHtllO 1oIlow, TADLE OF Il/FOnMATIOII SItOWIIIO DIODEn'S flnE.DID MINOnlTY AI/D/On WOMtI/ DUSII/r:SS EIITEnpnlSE CONTACTS - "'DE Ovo4.II\c(Ciotd 01 0,," VIII ViO! CoIIIl(kd 110 -- . S.bcOfthKh.ll Ovoubon UItd In Old DolI.tI AIIIt. l'l0fl0ltd 10 bt 1,*!:hKkd OAIII V'II 110 --__I - -_. ------.-. "- - --... -.- '- ---- - - - -- -.. __I -, .- -...- ToI., don" l",ounll'fopoltd 10 b, ,ubUo'ttl!,d 10 MOl On 'h" PIO/WI _.__ U,I II,"" b, 0'""'0 h, !UbeOnlttll,d: ~' F . -, ~ J: 4J~ -f ~ .. ~C>> It,., don" I",Ovn' plOpo"d 10 b, IvbeOlllllllld II woe 'n Ihh ,,'lfIIl 111111'"" b, n,"" 10 bt l.beonh'IIIt .\ I . ,'.'~"~ r , . I I I I I I nnc,rlC, - - - - - ~'. '-:. ~, ]' RESOLUTION NO. 1)1-290 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ANO TIlE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST A RELEASE OF MORTGAGE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 417 GARDEN STREET. WHEREAS, on OClobor 27, 1990, tho Ploporty ownoll at 417 Gordon Suoot exocutod. Ptomlsso,y NOlO In tho amount 01 .,,677.00, 101 valuo racolvod thrOUOh 0 HO'JIlng Woathorlzatlon Loan: and WHEREAS, tho MOItgago, racOldod Novembor B. 1990, at Book l1B2, Pogo 207, Johnlon County RacOIdol, c,aalad 0 lion against lubjoct proporty: and WHEREAS, tho nota was paid In lull on Augult &, 1991: and WHEREAS, tho City attomplod 10 rolOOlo Iho mOil gogo and oxllngulsh Iho lion cloatad lheraby Ihrough Iha adopllon 01 Rosolullon 91,211: and WHEREAS, ROIolullon No. 91.211 contalnad an orrolln Iha pogo numbol cllad. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, Ihal tho rolOOla 01 tho lion agalnsl proparty localod 01 417 Gordon SUoa111 haroby approvod and that Iho Mayor II aUlhorlzed 10 oxoculO and tho City Clork 10 attost Iha anachod RalOOlo 01 Mortgago, and that ROlolutlon No. 91.211 Is horoby rosclndod. It was movad by Allbrllco and locondod by lIorOllltl tho Ralolullon bo adoptad, and upon roll call1hora woro: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ..1- - Ambrllco -L - Courtnoy x - Horowllz - x Kubby - - -1- - Larlon -1- - McDonald ..1- - Novick Palsod and approvod thll 26th day 01 Novollbor ,1991. tv~f)~~ AVOR . ATTEST: 'J?tJ.;t1.1,).,r. ~AJL ~LERK ppdllh.bl4'7grdn,II. , . 13111;: 17/1 CORPORATE SEAL o10r1 rl 0 S [I b - RELEASE OF MORTGAGE ,I , Dato:..!lt.u'II\~c" ~6. ,qql . Tho CIIy 01 Iowa City doGl horoby roloalO tho Iolklv.ino-doscribod proporty: 30 fOOl off tho Southwolllldo 01 Lol3 and 30 fOOl 01 tho Northoasllldo of LoI 4 In Block 52 In E111llowa City, 10WlI, ACCOrding 10 tho rOCOldod pIalthOlool, and doSCIbod by molOl and bounds U 1oIIowI, lo.wlt: Bognnlng ala ponl on tho Southoasl Lollklo 01 Lol4, of Block 52, 01 EUllowa City, Iowa, which said polnlll 30 fOOl Soulhwoll 01 tho Southoast comor of LoI 3 01 laid Block 52, rUMIno thonco In a Northoaltorly d~OC1Ion IolIowIno tho Southoalllollno 01 I8Id LoI 4, and tho Southoasllolllno 01 laid Lol3, a dllAncO 0160 fOOl: thonco In a NorthWOllorly droetlon on allno parllllol with 1110 SoulhwoSllollklo 01 laid Lo13, and kooplng a d1stanco 0130 fOOl from laid Iollno, 10 tho Southoasllklo 01 tho alloy In laid Block 52: thonco Southwollorly Iolowlng tho Northwosllollno 01 saki Lots 3 and 4, a d1slAncO 0160 fool: thonco In 8 Sou1hollStorfy tSroellon on 8 Uno plranol with Iho Soulhwolllol rlflo 01 laid Lot 3, and kooplng a dlsl4nco 0130 100lthoroflOm, 10 tho Southoast Iolllno 01 laid Lo14, 10 tho ploco of ~Ino. ftom an obIOallon of tho proporty Ioeotod 01417 Gordon 51, 10 tho City 01 Iowa City, Iowa, In tho ~ amounl of SI,m.GO rOplOsOnlod by a morlgogo recordod In tho Olllco 01 1110 Johnson County ROCOIdor on Novombor8, 1990, In Book 1182, pIOO 207. Thll ~otlon has baon Iorglvon In tun and tho Ilonlmo~gooo Is horoby roloasod. ATTEST: ~~~~I'.) ~ ~IL) CORPORATE SEAL STATE OF IOWA ) )ss: JOHNSON COUNTY ) On Ihll <2, f~ day 01 ~,.....bt " , A.D, 19.5.1-, OOloro mo, tho Undol1lgnod, 8 NOl4ry Publlo In arid for laid County, In laid Slato, porsonally appoBrod John McDonald and Marlon K, Ka", 10 mo porsonlllly known, who OOlng by mo duly lworn, did say that thoy 8ro tho Mayor and City Clork, 10spOCUvOIy, of said municipal corporal/on oxocul/ng tho within and Iorogolng Inlltumonl: that tho 10al olflxod thorolo Is tho 10al 01 said corporallon by authority of Its City CouncD: and thai tho said corporation by authority of lis City Council; and that tho sold John McDonald and Marlan K. Karr as such oftlcors acknowlodgod Iho oxocul/on or sold Instrumont to 00 tho voluntary B~ end tkloll 01 lakl corporallon, by 1\ and by \horn volunlllrily OXOCllloll. NOTARIAL SEAL N~~~'I~~ohn50n County, Iowa I " Wil';,: 1ir, ~fiJ [I [I S [I ,/ '. . ',. 'oJ ,. ".' f" ". t' ",' .' I " ~'f. . i \ f 1 I d ,\.I ,.J! j .Ii) 'I,,' , .\ ') "I' I' 'j i' l' :' - (fi;'l' c,~ of j(.. ~Q^,..... ".r ~Xl \' . "', ill t., '1HIQ.... ", .. \ . ~ _ .,~I~. .,..,,",.....J:.."~ " ~",\, , ) .... 1'\' \1, \1' ill ,:..h', ),./~tr ~ji~"\' \ ' l' I I I i I nnc,OF/ - - - - , . 'C TY OF OWA CITY ,\ I CMC CEf\lER 410 E W~f\JGlCN Sf 'ONA CITY, 'ONA 522110 IJ1QI3eO.sa:o fEE ,,~ifJ m,t:: ~,~,~>H'~?IH~ rc'.' ./,,"// ' '.r '1'1, , OJ,,,, ,..~' ~I DEe 30 IJI C: 19 STATE or IOIIA , . J. " . 'J. i ... . _ 'f I.,J, \~'...: .' SS l' " t;" ' ;" , .. ., . .(lV JOHNSON COUIITY I, Hulin K. K.lrr, CIty Clerk of the CIty of 10111 City, lOlli, do hereby certIfy thlt the Resolution .tt.ched hereto Is . true and correct copy of the ResolutIon No, 91.290 lIh1ch illS plssod by the City Counctl of 1011. CIty, lOlli, It I regullr Netlng held on the .16.lLday of Hov~er , 19iL' 111 IS the SlIlO Ippears of riCO'rnn IY oftlce, Oated at 10111 CIty, lOlli, this 27th dlY ofOmebor ,19 91 , - , ) CORPORATE SEAL ..1311 I; 1i:j ~or:l n rt s rt CI - ~ - ..