HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-10 Proclamation ~~ o / ~I [I 1 ~1 . (ftp of JobJll (Up ~l\MI.m!UeJ} 34111U .fI14blfon. "Lo "" dulln..! 10 b-m. th. (ourtL pnn.!.nl o( th. Ualttd 51.111., " Imon II th. F.lLer o( our Coo.UhlUoa. II."" al.o 11. wri..r o( tL.lli" lIn IIII.Ddm.OU o( tJullmporUol.ddJUoa 10 our Con.UluUon "LtcL IIlmon ..11. olll o( Rlc\tu, n. Dill 0/ RI,LI. will L... lu 200th LlrtLda, on Sunda" DtnmL.r 15. In Rrntr4~ tit. olll o( RlILu ~Uln,".1o all Am.rimu ~Itlr IndJnduJ IIL.rtJ.., "" th. ,*~Lon. o( WI demonlCflnd IIIUft. tL.tlll o( tltl.Ulu.LJJ L", III~bua (ona o( to.,mm.nl, nol . mOlUnL, It (Olinde U~.. o( nobllU, Ind Iw . .Iront .Ued on dnl rlCL", 1b. 1:1,,1 Am.ndm.nl utJl1.L.. (rttdom o( IIbtlon bul .1.0 .ul" t111t JWb.Lat rhall be don. 10 IIIllhIh11 tL. (1M ..mil. 0/ IIbt\on. .1rubom o( tL. I'll" ",,,ulld. n. olll...II. tlwt no p.floa II 10 L. .!.eri..d o( h(., I1L.rIJ, or rroptft7 wltltoul due prvn.. o( 1..., Un.!.r tL. olll o( RI,IIU, ptleon. In 'Uthoril..d 10 "HmLl. Ind lo aout, tIw tonmmfDl .Loulln, trI"lnc.., An IMIHd pilton Iw I rI,1111o . Ie!.d, IrlJ Ir, JU'7 .nd DIU" 1M WOnD.d o( tL. n.lun o( tit. ,,,,,,"UOal, 1:"'1on. Li. . rlc\tllo L. l'O.Jronled L, wlln..... Ind 10 L... tL. IIIl1l1ne. o( La.,../t, No on. WI be Irled hrIc. (or tL. Mm. o((.nll nor be (01\'..1 10 u.ul, .t.ln" Idm..I/Am.I(, In th. Iftnl o( . HrlOILt mm., In LaJJrlmtnl 0111.I1 (lnl L. m.d. L.(01'l .n70n. UII be bu,LI 10 trW, n. bill outla.. mill Ind unulUJ pIllllILm.aL AdJiUoDJ Im.ndm.nllaLob.L.d .t..,,,,nd tin womlll tL. ~II. And un.!.r tL. Dill o( RltLl., PlOpl. "lIDol IN ":'\II1nd 10 pnm.!. lodClnt .nd (ood In tLrIt on Lom.. (or m11lll'7 ptltOnn.l tbr bUIOrp o( tL. Dill o( Rlc\tl. II . lont 111.1 Lonol.!,l. on., tolnt Llc~ 10 tL. ~1.tnA ClrlI, "L.n In t1i. ,.u 1215, Ea,h.Lm.n d.1lIInd.d tIt.1r ri,Lu (..om KIn. JoLn. Oul lon, priOI 10 t1uI, aLOul 900 7!'fI 1'0, Que.n Mtud o( Enclend, iL. wil, o( 1I.111J' I, ." d1mtI, I..pon.lbl. (or .n Importlnl pal'lr "blcb InOu.nc,J ~I' ~I'illl c.rtI lal" on, Qu.m M.ud ." t1i. J.uILllr o( Sllnt ~t.r,.nl o( Sl'OlI.nd Ind Ler lalla., "" iL. (.mwl Sl'Olu.1 Klnt ~lal(Qlm C.nmol'l /.Lo Irp"" In SluLfll"'I'I" rla" '~!.cD.tIt,' It 'Prine. ~lal(QllD', QuHII ~l.ud .har..! S.lnl ~1"('l'It'. Id... .nd Id.aI., lI.ne.,.L. b.d tlu. ~m.nl dlln up, Out ".n L,(O" tIa. 11m. o( Qutla M.ud, I1L.rtr 111.1 ''IIIallI, "l!I...nl~ Idul. tbl to L.cL .u11 (urtLn " . "'1 lant .1', UL.rt, .nd "lllal1I1 ..,. priud ".n .L.n peorl. .11.1 nolll... tIltm, rt / :1 CI LI - eta Jill or l\lgfJl'lIlL. .a'7 or lL. world. la nn o( III 200IL ImtLd", ,ad ,I IL. If<IIIItl o( lL. PIItrlm eLpl", D.u,L1t11 or IL. ,\merlt.a Rnolulloa, I, lob McDouLl, M'JOr o( lL. CII7 or 10'" ClI7. low., do PlOClAlm S~1 DenmLer 15, 1991, 10 L. , .1" or C'fJ.lIr.t1oa, (or nOtctloa u~a, ,aJ tr,ltrul J'!')'In (or 011I drilliL.rtIf1 If lit (orth III IL. DiU o( Rl,bll, Oa btLalt 0\ 11M ~pl. o( 10", ClI" ~In,I"DlI' F, Re.d.r, Ret.al o( t1i. PIltrlm Cluplfl, D.u,l;ltrt o( tL. Ararrlc.n Rnolulloa. wil1 no" nC'fl" IIsII plOCl4matloa, BIped III 10'" CII7, lowl, IIsIIIOtL .1" o( DenmLer 1991, G~ " I