HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-21 Agenda . . - .n q s -/ . . .\ j IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARV 21, 1992 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER 410 EAST WASHINGTON , . ~ - n q S 1:1 . . - - AGENDA IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 21,1992 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS #~ ;.ti4"f 'l/)lU )i4..ay JJ""Ji' 1I~ ~t.4J 11(It.v IJ/t#Iuv :/tt~.~ ~,.~ /JI,,.b-.~ I' '" ". ITEM NO.1' CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL. ITEM NO.3' MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS ~ I. GlnollOOY Monlh. Foblulry 1992. ~b.t-f(/ IJU~~ CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED OR AMENDED, ITEM NO.2' I. Consldor IPptovII 01 Olllelll Cooocll ICIIOlll 01 tho 0I01nlll' Ilonal moollng 01 JlllUlry 3. 1992. tho lpeclll moo ling 01 JollUlry 8. 1992.lnd tho loOullr mooting 01 JlllUlry 7,1992, I. publlahod, subjecl to COIlocllon., o. rocommondod by lho Clly Clark. b. MlnulOl 01 BOIrds Ind Comml.slon.. 111 BOlrd 01 AdjuSlmonl mOollng 01 Docombor II, 1991, 121 Civil Sorvlco Commission moo ling 01 Docombor 19. 199); I 131 BtOldbond ToloCOIIlmunlcollonl Commllslon moollng 01 Docombor II. 1991. 141 HlIIOllc Plosorvatlon Commllllon moo ling 01 Docom. bor 10. 1991. 151 PlaMlng and Zoning Commllllon moollno 01 January 9. 1092. c. pormlt MOllons and ROIoIullon. 01 Rocommondod by tho Clly Clork. 131 Consldor 0 motion Ipplovlno a Clm .C. UquOl Licon.. lor Vana..I'. 01 10wI City, Inc., dbl Qlvlnnl'., 109 E. Coll!oo. IRo",wall Consldor I mall on Ipprovlno I CIIIS .C. Liquor L1conso IOf Miko'l Placo, Inc" dbo Miko'. Tap, 122 Wright St, \t*lW1 L'..",..,~ Consldor I mOllon approving a Clm 'E. Liquor L1. cans. lor John'. Grocory, Inc., dba John'. Grocory, 401 E. Markol SI. (Ronowall III 121 , , .- n q s ~/ . AOonda Iowa CIIY CIIY Counell Rooul.r Council Moollno January 21. 1992 P.O' 2 , ! 141 Consldor a motion opptoving . Clm .C. Ult\lOl L1conso 101 R.T. Grunll, lne.. dbo R.T.'I, 82& S. Clinlon. '~I\C"'.J) 181 Consldor . AOIoIullon Ipploving . Dine. permit 101 R.T. Grunll. Inc., dbo R.T.'I. 828 S. Cllnlon. qz.. '0 d. MOllons. III Consldor . mOllon 10 IPplOVO dllbuuomonll In lho amount 01.5,5 12,411.031011ho period 01 Novombor I through Novombor 3D. 1991. II rOCOlllmondod by lho Flnaneo DlroctOllubjoct to oudil. 121 ConsIdor . mOllon to opprovo dlsburlOmonll In lho amount 01. 7,430,81 U4101tho period 01 Docombor 1 through Docombor 31.1991, II rocOlllmondod by tho Fln.neo DlroctOl subloct to audit, o. ROIoIutlonl. ~- 111 Consldor re.oIutlon occoptlng tho wOIk 101 LollyollO Stroot Sonltlry Sow or Ropolr Plojoct. Commont: ThlI resolution occoptl 011 wOlk 101 tho Lol.yollo Stroot Slnllory Bowar Rop.lr Plojoct. final contract pllco II '30,417,88. 500 IlIochod Enolnoor'l ROPOft. .JZ - 10 121 Consldor rOlolutlon .uthOllllno tho MiyOl to sign I rlght.ol.w.y muroneo Italomont 101 Fodorol AId Projoctl. Commont: Thll resolution will provldo mUloneo to tho Stalo and Fodorol Highway Admlnlltrotlon thotlho City will comply with tho 1970 UnllOlm Rolocatlon Alllslanco and Land Acquisition Pollclol Act on aU prolocll ullno lodoral old. Thllll 0 yoorly Ilalomont th.t Is I roqulromont lor rocolvlno lodoral.ld lundllOf projact.. Public WOIkl ,ocommands epplovel. A copy 01 tho Auuroneo Slalomont II ollochod. , " , , ~- n q S L/ , [ I I r I I I r Aoonda Iowa Cily City Counell Rooula, Counell Mooting January 21,1992 Pooo 3 ,\ ; QZ.I/ (31 Consldar 0 rosolutlon aUlhOllzlng oxocutlon 01 an ooroomont bolwoon tho City 01 Iowa City and tho Iowa Dopallmont 01 Tronspollallon 101 use 01 City IlIootl 01 I dotour, Commont: Tho lOOT plans to rOlutlaco louthbound 1.3BO. ThIs wlll,oqulro tho closUlo 01 bolh nOlthwOlt and louthwost 100pI 01 tho 1.80 Inla,chlngo. Tho lOOT Intondl to dalour tho louthwolt loop lIaIRc south on US 219 to tho Malrcso Avonuo Intorchlngt, Ihon 00lt on Mol,oso Avonuo Ipploxlmatoly 1000' to tho nOllhbound US 218 OIltamp. than nOlth on US 219 to tho romp on outbound 1.80. Thoy will omb. IIsh lour way IIOP' at tho US 218/Molroso Avonuo Inlorchlnoo. Tho dOlour porlod II oltlmslod It IOU/to six wooks boOlnnlng Apllll, 1902. I, SOlllno Public Hoarlnos. 1II Con.lda, lalllno I public hailing on Ma,ch 3. 1002, rolatlvo to tho appllcltlons 101 25 unlll 01 Soctlon 8 COlllnCltOl, 28 unlll 01 Sactlon 8 Vouchorl. and 20 Unltl 01 Public Houslno 1010 Soll.Sulllcloncy Plogrlm, Commont: Paroorlph 403A,2B StltO Coda 01 Iowa IOqulrolthls Public Hoa,lng p,lo, to undo III kino this houslno p,o!oct. Tho Oapollmont 01 Houslno Ind Urban Dovolop'mont (HUD) hal publlshod I notlco ol'und IvallabllllY 101 Soctlon B ond Publlo Houslno unlll to Slort 0 lall' lufflcloncy program. Mondalad 101 FYl093. thll program Is doslgnod to holp 011 palllclpanllln housing asslslanco p,ogramlto bocomo oconOtnlcolly Indapon. dant. Incomo dorlvod !rom this application will be usod to admlnllla'lho program, Tho awardlno ollutura unlll 01 anlslanco will bo basad upon tho numborl 01 participants In 0 loll.sufflcloncy progrom. Slaff rocommondSlhls action. 0, COllospondonco, (II LOllor I,om Low,onco Lynch. rop,osontlno 51, P01,1ck'1 Catholic Church. ,ooordlng nOllco 01 proposod rozon' Ino 01 p,oporty, , ~-nqSS " Aoond. Iowa City City Council Rooulor Council Mooting January 21, 1002 Pooo 4 121 Roquolt 01 John W. MoOlo IOf Iho Council to consldo, a plopolod rOlolullon rooardlno tho dlslllbUllon 01 tho Concoct Shoot. 131 Lallo, from Halon Hublor opposlno tho chango to monthly utility billl. MomOfandum Irom tho Tralllc Enolnaor rooardlng orosl waloht IImlll on Molroso Avonuo Brldoo. Mamoranda from Iho CIvil SOIVlco Commllllon lub. mlulno cortlllad IIstl 01 applicant I lor tho lollowlno posillons: 141 181 lal (bl Icl ldl 101 UI 101 Ihl CoshlOI/Parklno Dlvlllon. CIvil EnolnaorlPubllc Workl, EconomlcDovolopmont Coordlnalor /PIannlno and Community Dovalopmanl. Front Dosk ClorkJPollco. Malnlononco Workor IIIComotory DIvision, Malntonanco 1IR0luso DlvI.lon. Molntononco Workar 1IIR0luso DlvI.lon. CllhlorlTroolury DIvision. 181 LOllor from Jay Hanahan ,ooardlno par kino In tho CB. 5 Zono, 171 Lollor Irom Co,ol Mandzlara 01 MECCA rooardlno CommunllY Volunloor Provonllon mootlno 01 Fabruary 8. 1902, lundod by a lodoral orant th,ouOh ACTION. hi ~(~) ,I"/~""J fA.dv q11.6oUJu O.il 1M END OF CONSENT CALE~ ITEM NO.4' I, ConsldOlsalllng 0 publiC hurlng lor Fobruary 4, 1992, on a rosolutlon amondlng tho Comprohonslvo Pion to chango Iha soquonco 01 dovolopmont Irom Phaso II 12000.20101 toPhaso I 11980.10901 lor an a,oa 01 Iowa City to bo known as tho oastorn po~tlon ollho South Aroo. Commont: At Its mooting 01 January 9, 1992, tho Planning and Zoning Commission rocommondod, by 0 vola 01 6.0, adoption 01 Comprohonslvo Plan tOKt and map omondmontsos . ;' , , j. j. - n q , S b ,I , COn5oint caltndJr Page I r.ourlnty I Consldtr odoptlon of 1M cons.nt C4ltnd.)r os prtStn~:l or amtndtd, Horow/I ~uld ask thal wt amtnd th. constnt <3lendar W1thl~m } g 2 WIllch Is tS~ntially not a Itller, IllS a rtqutst for. ~ourlnty/Okay, W. Will pulllltm g 2 for ~pilralt discusSion M"v~ and s+:ond~ (!Iov/Urson). DIscussion. lIl){ow/ TM Iltm that wt PUIIN IS tS~nually a rtSOlUUon to approv; raUI;r than a Itl~r to discuss Il As a mall.r of factI ~uld preftlr that wt rtrtr ilto dtscuS1\on to thtltial dtpartmenl Gtntry / (<3n't hm) Nov /Il rtally Is a r.qutsl to consldtr and 'lit <3n just 53Y that 'lit cannol conSider this bt<aus.. then stnd him a Itlltr, urson/ IAl'. lust go righl on and do tht conStnt caltndar Courlney/Okay. Would you lust IIkttocommenton Il tonight and wt Will. ~ntry / (can't Mar) UrlOnl Pull it out and do It first or al~r. courlnty / Wt haV. alrtady pUIlOO It oul I lust want somttnput rrom staff on It and wt will dtcldt wMthtr wt want to consider It or nol Do you want to give US an opinion on It Karr / Do you want to volt on the motion first as amendoo, ~ourlntY/ Do you want to volt on the total conStnt<3ltndar. Okay, Any othtr discussion. Roll eall,(ytsts) Okay. Now ror the ~p3rolt Iltm, Otnlly / Tho rtsOluUon Is a rtqu~~ as I understand I~ submltled by a privott clU:tn and Is conctrntd about ways In which ht appartnUy has ~n treoled by someont olMr than the city, Elthtr ntwspilJNr nndors or prlvatt properly ownm or whattvor, It roally doosn't ~m to havo a lot to do With Iowa CIlY. Wo have no control ovor a pnvalh property's WllIlngnts' or unWll1lngn~s to soli John Moore's papm. If tlltrels IOme concorn that rolal~ to tho City thon no nms to lollow through tht appllcoUon proctss that wt hm in plact to bt InstallO<! on tht clly pIau, Lomen/ This Is a motlor that 'lit don't hm luri;dlction ovor, It.s ~tw~n pnvalh land owners and thiS Individual Gontry / From reading tho rtsOluUon, Il stems to bt a maller lbat doos not concorn his first amendment rights as It rofl+:ts With tho city It may In ract aff&ct his first amondmenl rights vis a ViS somo Mwspapor. But not os It affects lbo City , . ~ - n q s ~/ ' , ,I Cl)n~nl Cali'ndu Pa~~ 2 r.ubby/ Mr Moor~ IS hm Mayoo M could ~xplaln why M IS commg to 1M ,Ity, John Moor~1 ~ ~v"nln8 Do you \onnt mo ~ Qddr~Q thlo '~tllc qu~Uon or mal:tlht pr~.nl.1Uon, I can addrm th. spY<llIc qu+Stlon as you asl:oo, Her postUon IS a position WhiCh IS traditionally I.1I:~n by clly 1~lslaturtS and city councils In ciVil rights ar"a WMn lhal posluon IS tJl:en Itlgnorvs Ule poslUon of conspIracy agaInst an Individual ~ you undmtand. TM anlhropology.1 don't wanl to g+L too InvolvtXI Tht anlhropology of a ciVil rlghU 13Wi.lho ftdml civil right laws d~al, from lho civil war and also proo(lvll war, doal Wllh lho problom 'II"Ilh conspiracy against an Individual, I/ow, you art roqulrod 35 a city council to mal:. sur. lhat lhere Is a fr" courst In lhe area of commtrc. and lhat Is What 'tH arOl.1ll:lng aboUt. In olht( ~rds. I am 3 reglstmd ttad. namo Uke any olhor trade nam., I am, lhtn. und.r lhe classlllcaUon of a trade name. Thus lhat moans Ulat as a class and as a clmlllcaUon of a trado namo I should hay. as much right as any I)lhor corporaUon or any olMr firm lhat ch~ to op+ra~ In lhat tnvlronmonL Thoro In UtS tho problom, Tho probltm Is lhatln lht arta of commtrctlhm Is a now a substJnUal conspiracy to k*p lOt out of plaCtS Whtrt othtr MWipapors can go, And It has to do a lol Wllh my race mainly. B<<3USt I can demonslratt a markel My problem Is Is making my product mort convtnlentto my customors ~ause rlgllt now my customtrs onlY 11m 000 place to go, Tht St(ond lhlng I can domonslralt In t'n\> clUtS Is lhat mrywllm my product goos,lt "US, If It doosn't wll out It StUS 90~ of lhe product lllat IIOavtthort w11lch I moan for lllo ntwspapor lhatls, Larson/ Mr, Moor., can I suggtSt lllat wt art not going to got In a poslUon Where wt can reforH a legal dlspult btt\mn you and lllo city attorMY stall and I gUtSS I r<<ommend lhat city attorney mal:o a prtstnlaUon to us alltr lIndlng out Mr, Moort's concerns and lllon wv can bt Involvtd, But olf lhtlop of our Mads wt are not going lo bt able to make a Mclslon bttwoon your argument and Mr argumont So ralller lhen k*p allllleso j>\'Ople waiting Illltnl: wv should make 1ll0$0 argumonts lo lllo city atlornoy's olllc. and wo can consider lhem In lhtllghl of hoc commonts and makt a r~~Mt:>I.luds.m.nl on It. Mooro/I don't f*llhat slit Is doallng Wlllllh~ r+SoluUon Th~ r+solution olxpress&S lho pro~nl conditions WhIch IS ~Il oVldonl Which m~3ns lIlat lIlO city council can go through a tour of all su~r markets or drug ~lortS or placos wIItrt lhor. ar& vendors lor UIO Dos Molnos Reglsltr. lilt Wall StriVt Journal, you can namolllom ^lIlho~ placos I can not f .- n q S EI ' , ,I . Cons~nt Cal~ndar pag~~ \ get In U1~ plac~ Alii am rvqu~ting IS to w allo\o,\-..J, by r~lution In upholding my civil rtgh~ that you pass 3 r~lution to allow $ljm~ ralr play so U1atl can get Into U1~ plac~, urson/ But wouldn't you agr~ that this Is a logal quostion And lor us to ludge thelogal quostion Wt nt+:! advlcelrom our logal couns.1 Courtney / OY~r and above that II you ar~ claiming a human rights Violation, wouldn't the proper mnu~ ~ to go through th~ lIuman Rts Commission, Moore/ No, ~au~. Once the city ~m~ knowledgeabl~, I am making the ~Ity knowledgeable or a conspiracy against me as an Individual Once you b<<ome knowledgeal>le 01 U1at then you han the r(~ponslblhty to contact the U,S, Attorney GtMra11l1 cannot git the same tmtmont as other newspapers, Btcau~ then It Is a clear civil rights violation Now you can, through the city attornoy, do a numoor 01 thlngl But that Is your r~ponslblllty In rermnce to the ~tion gOing back to the 1790 U,S. Congr~s and Ule TIUe 16 ~tion 245 or the US. Code. Now there are other ~tions that I can name but th* art the two Important ones that I can come up With, I.3rson/llot speaking on ~haU or U10 coundl but\ust In my own opinion Is this Is the kInd of U1lng where you make some arguments that I can't ludge the legal merit We pay Mr to make a judgemont ror us as to the legal merit of your arguments and I lust think that It notds to bt done In wrlt~n rorm to us. You have notillod us and I think our proper mnue Ulen Is to reler It to the city attorney and then take It up In a full and n3sonod manner, Moore/I think that the community would want a rret cour~ In tho commerce area or marketing, That Is why you have a Chambtr of Commorce and that Is why you hm allthosetyPfS 01 things, So you can bUY a market Well, II you havo a market and It IS suppose to ~ a rroo market ilod It IS sup~ to bt a domocratic market, It cannot koop discriminating and ~ consplrlcalagalnst me as an IndiVidual, Now I .that's the basic problem. SM has Ulrown this situation In to a question And hor questions do not deal with resolution roqu~t totally, 1 think that Is pretty simple I would Ill:.e to make my pr~ntation, I hm answorod hor question And what I hm statOO II U1at Ghelllgnorlng U1e civil rlghla violation 01 conspiracy w1llch Is a crime. Which Is something once I have told the city council U1en the city council has a responsibility to the U S Code under TIUe 16.H5 You have to contact U1e US, Attorney Genoraland toll U1em that there IS a general conspiracy against a p.1rson wllO can demonstu~ marketability, Who has customers but who cannot get Into other , , . - n q s C/ ' , I i UI I I:on~nt Caleno;tar P3gv ~ II MW'Sp3pQr vendor Sites llI:e tM Iowa Pr~s ClUzQn Ad Sh~t and some of th~ firms that I am oldvr than. And that's thv oth~r thing I would IIt<o to matt my pr~nbtion and then you (an do as you WIll With tho m~ttor, Courtnty I W(tll, W(t didn't rtally havo-do you agr~ WIth any of th~(t IntvntJons that he IS mating tonight ~ntry I No. I have qultv a bit to say about It but. Moore/l havt citations, ~ntry ( We could have a long dlscour~ and constituUonallaw as you tnow lohn Is fairly compllcatvd and so are tho old civil right statutes, the conspiracy statutM, And this could ~ n longthy dlscu$Slon and Wi) nHd to sit down and bit about your conmns about trying to got Into the prlvatv propQrty which Is HyV~ and have them sell, Your malor probl(tm Is with them and not with the City, I WIll be happy to set up an appointment and find out what your concerns are and try to dissuade you of the fact that the city Isn.t In any form conspiring against you, ~auS(t I don't ~lIeve ~ are and I don't believe _with the law. I don't thlnt that this Is the propQr forum to discuss that. Moor.1 Th. city could join th. conspiracy, Gentry I No. No. The city Is not lolnlng th9 conspiracy tonight. Kubby I Do you object to mHting with th9 city altorney 009 on OM, Do you object In any way In th9 O9xt COUpl9 of WHks to mHting with the clly altorney 009 on one to explain, Now that ~ havt Mard you. So that she can Mar you 009 on 009 tho full objection to this 'consplracy' and ~ can get Information from Mr on what Mr assessment of your comments ar9. Do you object to that. Moor91 OnC9 again I am ~lng given another quostion to d9al with that That could be a motion which you could bring up, I have no pow(tr to say anything about what motion you bring up, So I haV9 no opinion right now as to whether or not you want to reler the mattvr to the city altorney. It Is Important tilall get th9 maltvr oofore you, Courtney 11M only way you are going to get tile maloor belore us Is to flrsl have a discussion with Mr and get Mr recommendation that It can come ~lore us. Mooro/l got the resolution on file an<.llt Is before you Courtneyl W(t read th(t resolution It was In our p3cket Kubby II; your pr9S0nlatJon shorl Moor(tl Yeah, !:ubby( I pQrsonally 11m. Courtn(ty I Do you lust want to read the resolution . - n q b [I , ; , , i I / , I 1 ':cn~nt C.ll~ndar Pag~;l , Moor~1 No I UlInk tM rnoluUon IS my ~lt ~vld~nt What I am r~utsUng -Is alloWIng city MWSpa~rs to o~ra~ upon th~lr comm~rclal arm 10-20 commorclal stor~ carrying ~rlodlcals and ntW&pa~rs shall provldt vtndor spactlor to 5911 to conctpt sh*t vondors. I think that Is protty up and up Now IlIko to makt my pr~ntaUon That IS all that Is Involved My pr~nbUon WIll bo vl!ry short I thlnl: tha~ In my opinion. It WIll show tht city that thl!Y do haY/! a rtsponstbtllty, I WIll bI! vtry-about thrl!l! minutes, actually I am John W, Morw, I am publlshl!r-ownl!r of Concopt Shl!l!ts. It Is out of DUbuqUt, Iowa, That is tht home oHtcollnd I havt a trad/! namt r~ls~red With thl! Dubuqu/! County ~al Tho Concopt Shl!l!t prtsonUy optrat9s In two clUts. Tht city has subs<rlbed to tht Conctpt Shl!l!t for a numbl!r of yms now and It Is In tht public library and PfOplt (.In go buy It That has contllbulM to an txpanslon In my marktl What has hurt my mart-tt IS I cannot g~t Into vtndors that oUltr newspapvrs (.In gtt Into, And therl! In II~ tho problem, That IS Why I thought that I would bring this rnoluUon bl!forl! you. You have road the rnoluUon, Thoro Is a conspiracy against Concopt Shoots In tht City of Iowa City. And It Is a vlolaUon of my civil rights, It Is the typo or conspiracy Which Is a conspiracy against an Individual. I won't call out tht othtr ntwspa~rs IIkt tht C1Uzen or tho D&s MolMS R~lslor but thtrt art othtr ntwspa~rs and classified weUons Which I can bt both.Whlch I am both, actually. Which havt appvared In the City of Iowa City aflor IlnlUalM my buslnl!S1, The prtsent conspiracy takos a rorm or police acUons, For oxamplt, at things Things Things I was arrtsttd by Iowa City pollctmtn, Tho owner of Things things things 8m me consont to put my newspa~r sbnd In thero, I walked In thert ont day and tht sbnd was not Whm Is was suppos. to bo and tht monty and tht stand was /aken back someWhere, I didn't r&quost It to havt tht s/and out on display, Cons&quenUy What hap~ned was that the employoo Ignored tht owner's Wlshts and called the pollct and Ult pollct gladly walked In and arrtslM mt, That s/and sold out and What hap~ned Is tht pollc~ actually scared oft tho ownm and I had to abandon putUng tho stand thoro at tho r~uost of the ownm That Is tht basic form Illat the conspiracy bkos, Tht othtr thing that tht pollCt do Is II th9Y think that I am gOing to put up a stand In some arta thty WIll go to that parUcular store and try to dtscouragt the owner In other word. ap~arlng Where I appvar, That IS the other problem and that Is the other rormaUon or a conspiracy /low I would like to put to hav& a stand In , i;: - n q b ., . 'I". ,\ i ConStnt Calend.lr pago, G Ifn mort stt., I only hm on. st.1nd In Iowa City I nt<<! 10.20 mort sltfs. tlov I Which sl~ do you hm, loI~ro/1 hayo a G~nd nolol all S S. Dubuquo. It no""~~r G~nd, It'. oPfraUng tonight as I s~ak to you and If tht city council wants to go by and buy a Concvpt ShH~ you an do tl I hm ~n U10rt lor years, TM st.1nd doos \tH1I Ibtrt, But Ibt prObltm Is Ibatln order lor me to mako thoty~ 01 monoy I nt\"Il to makt and to gtt Ibo volume Ibat I nt\'d to makt I nt+<! mort sl.1nds. II Ibm olbor ntwspaPfrs and and Ibtst out of s14to ntwspaptrs can como In hor., Uk. lb. Wall Slrttt Journal, Thoy can go Into lb. Nllc stort and ask to bt In Ibt stort and gtt Into Ibt stort, Why can't I, Tho olbtr probltm Is I am lb. only black owntd ntwspa~r In tho arta. That's lb. probltm. And thal', Ibt basis 01 lb. conspiracy and that'. Ibt b3sls of Ibt problem wllb ibis. Courtney II Iblnk that \tH get lb. plclur. Mr.. I want to ask council, Moor./1 got ORt mort polnl Vtry small, Thank you. You havt as a city council quallfltd Immunity onc. you gtt ibis InlormaUon, Which mtans Ibat you art ftsponslbltto uphOld tht civil rlghls s<<Uon of Ibt O.S, Code and to rtport any ana of the conspiracy to IbtO,S. AttorntY atnm!. That w<Uon I covtrtd In stCUon 4 of tht rtSOluUon. Basically Iballs alii havt to say, Courtnty I Okay. I would IIkt to have a moUon ont way or Ibe olbtr on Whtlbtr ~ Wish to consldtr tht proposed rosoluUon III Ibtlulurt, llov II Iblnk ~ hm to rtftr It to Ibe city attornoy and I would mOVt Ibat ~ do It Ibat way and Ibtn consldtr It only If our recommtndaUon Is to consldtr Il But ~ may ond up WlUI a recommendaUon to roftr ibis to our Human R18. Commission, Larsonl Stcond Courtnty II have a moUon and a wcond Ulov /urson) to rohn Any Ijjs<usslon, AI\ YI~ In l~vor (~y~). Thank you, . I , i I I I "~"~",,.,," .....> " , . - n~q be' . .\ I Consont Cal~nd3r · J g 7 p3ge I Courtntylllm a r\l(ju~L~m~nt want<<! to spo:a1: to tlIlS lt~m concfrnlng MECCA. C3rol Mandzlara/I am 1110 prmnUon suporvlsor WlI1I MECCA hm In Iowa City. MECCA rtcolved a HO,ooO AcUon grant which II gOing to allow us to Implement Proloct SAFE, SAFE stands for substance abu~ fr" envlronmenl TM pur~ of I1Ils Is to Inmaso 1110 onUro community's awarenossto alcohol and ol1lor drugs. ThO u~. abuSt, what can ~ done to provent I1Ils, what can ~ done to Implomtnt various premUon Slla~lts I1Iroughout our community. TM roa~n I am hOrotonlght Is to provldo an opon InvltaUon for overyono tn lbls room, lbe council and mryono el~ who Is hereto at~nd D kick oll m"Ung on Fobru3rY 5. lbat'l a Wedntsday mnlng In lb. Scanlon Room at MtrCy Hospital's now mtdlcal plat). That Is why I am hm. At lbat Um. David Hudson who Is from '^~ MolntS lb. Drug Atllane. lbrough lbo Governor's olllco WIll bt lbm and pr~nt an ovtrvtow or lbo Project SAFE and MECCA stall WIll locallzo lbat for 1110 pUblic at U1at Ume. COurtnoy I Thank you. , - n q b ~/ , -' Aoanda Iowa City City Council Raoular Couneil MaoUno JonuOlY 21,1992 PaOD 5 .ot lorth In tho allochmanl. to tho IIDIl roPOlt datod Docom. bo, 5, 190 I, 10 chonga tho loquoneo 01 dovolopmont Irom PhoIO lito Phoso 1101 an alGa known a. Whllperlng Moodow. Subdlvlslon, and oonorally localod louth 01 Lakosldo Drive, walt 01 Bon Alro Mobllo Homo., nOlth 01 tho low. City cOIpOlalO limit. and out ollho control POIllon 01 tho South A,oa doslonalod In lho Comprohon.lvo Plan, /hILi / ~UJ I . Action: b. aU"~ Consldar SOiling I pubUc haarlng 101 Foblulrv 4, 1902, on 0 rosolutlon adopllng tho Noar Southslda NolOhbOlhood Rodovol. opmont Plan whlch IneludOl proporty locatod within an a,oa boundod by BurUnoton Stroot on tho nOlth. Gllbort Strut on tho lilt. Iowa Intorltato Railway main Uno and Do. Moina. St. R'O.W on tho IOUlh, and Madllon Suoot on tho wost. Commant: At II. mooting 01 January 9, 1002, tho Plannlno and Zoning Commllllon ,ocommondad, by a 5.0 VOIO. adoption 01 tho Noar South.ldo NolOhbo,hood Rodovolopmont Plan. Action: ...1J.tJI / ~~ oLe t:lf'''.J c, Consldo'lolllng a public hoarino 10' Fob,uary 4, 1002, on an OIdlnaneo amand1no tho Zonlng Ordlnanco IChaplor 381 to olllbUlh a ContlOl Buslnoll Support (CB.51 Zona. Commont: At It. moollno on January 9. 1002, tho Plannlno and Zonlno Commission rocommondad. by a 5.0 voto, approval olamandmonl. to tho Zonlno Ordlnaneo to ostobll.h o ContlOl Bu.ln... Support (CB.8Izono. I/d(() / /IJ,d I Action: tU( d.~'.l) , -nqbLI , Aoonda Iowa City Clly Counell Raoul., Council Mootlno J.llUlry 21.1902 P.oo 8 ,\ , d. Consldar .anlno e public haarlno 10' Fob,uary 4, 1092. on an OIdlnaneo amondlnO Ihe Zoning Ordlnanco IChoplor 381 to establish 0 PleMod HIOh Danslty Mulll.Famlly Rosldanllal IPRMI Zono, Commont: At It I mooting on January 9, 1002. tho Plannlng .nd Zonlng Commlaslon rocommondod, by . 5.0 voto, approval 01 on emondmont to the Zoning Ordlnence to ..tobllsh e PleMod HIOh Donally Multl.Famllv Ro.ldanllel IPRMlzono. ACllon: ~i1 ~tr ~(t o~ Conlldar .onlno a public haarlno 10' Fob,uary 4, 1002. on an ordlnaneo amandlno tho Zonlno Ordlnonco IChaptor 381 by amondlno tho oll'lt,oot par kino roqulromanll. Commont: Tho Pfannlno end Zonlno Commllllon will consldor thll ordinance allll moollno 01 January 18, 1902, Acllon: ~J'tJ l/iuo I o. 11// ~ I, Consldor lalllno e public haarlno 10' Fob,uary 4, 1002, on on OIdlnanco emondlno Choptor 32.1. Toxallon & Ravonuoa, to provide 10' a pa,klno .I,uclu,o Impactloe, Commont: Tho Noar Southsldo NolOhborhood Rodavolopmont Plan p,ovldes lor Ihe ostabllshmont 01 dlstrlcla In which the prlvalo .oclo, dlroctly pertlclpolo, In Ilnonclal .upport lor noodad publiC lacllitlo.. Thll o,dlnanco ostabll.hos tho Naa, South.ldo District and Iho mochanl.m lor colloctlno a 100 In 1I0u 01 on..lto parking .pacos tor ro.ldonllel davalcpmont within Iho district. Acllon: ~M I n rtP-l~ JJ I ~()J I?.I~ , - n q b 5 ' ,\ t f I I I I I AOonda Iowa City City CooocU Regular Cooocll Mealing JallUlry 21, 1882 Paoo 7 o. ConsIdo'lattlng I public hoorlng lot Fobruary 4, 1002, on In OIdlnaneo amonding tho Zonlng O,dlnaneo by changlno tho UIO rloulotlonllrom RM.145to PRM 01 approxlmalOly lovon ocrOl 01 land locatod loulh 01 COUIt Stroot, WOlt 01 Mlldon LIno, Oonorolly mt 01 Capitol Stroat, and nOlth 01 tho Iowa Inlarltato ronwoy llno, In In oral lolorrod to II tha Noa, Bouthsldo. COIIlmont: At III mooting on Jonuary 9, 1992, tho Plannlno and Zonlng Commllllon rocommandod. by a 5'() voto, approval 01 tho IOzonlng 01 tho aroo oonorlny locatod on both sldol 01 UM Stroot botwoon Court and Pranlls.ItrOatli tho arOl boundod by Plontl.. Stroot on tho nOlth. Capitol Stroot on tho Wilt, Dubuquo Stroot on tho 0011, and W,lght Stroot on tho loulhi and the 1I0a locatad at tho nOlthout COfnor 01 Dubult\lO Ind Plontl.. ItroOll Irom H10h Rlso MulMomny Rosldontlll IRM.1481 to PlaMod HIOh Donslly Multl.Famny ROlldonllallPRMI. ~~ Action: t1.I~ ~~ Consldollolllno a publlo hOlllng 101 Fobruary 11, 1992, on In OIdlnaneo omondlno tho Zoning Ordlnanea by chanolng tho USI roOulallonllrom CB.2 and CC.2to CB.8 ollPproxlmatoly olOht IcrOI 01 land oonorally locI tad nOflh 01 Court Stroot, 001\ 01 Capitol Stroot, lOUlh 01 Burllnoton Slroot, and wa.t 01 Gllbort Stroot, and oonorolly IOCIIOd OISt 01 Maldan Lano, louth 01 Court SlIaat, wast 01 Gllbort Stroot and north 01 prontlll StrOOI. In an 1101 rolol/od 10 II tho Noor Southsldo, h, Commont: Tho Planning and Zonlng CommIssion will conlldor thll otdlnlnea It III moollnOI on January 18 and Fob,uary 8, 1092. "'paN J l~ttJ -ll!" I . Action: dd~ , ~ n q b b " '--. 1"',,,.,. AOonda Iowa City CItY council Raoul" Cooocll MoOllng January 21, 1992 pooo 8 I. ACllon: I- .1 Public hoarlng on In OIdlnaneo Imonding lho ZonIno O,dl. naneo by changing lho land UIO rooullllonl 01 cortaln ptopelty known litho Idyl1wlld troctlnd locltod loulh 01 FOltar ROId, IlOIth 01 Tift SpeodwlY. walt 01 PI,kvlow EVlngolleal FrIO Church. Ind Ollt 01 In UMlmod III oat Irom RS.S to RB.8. 1z.91081 Commont: At It I Novombor 21. 1001, mootlno, by a VOIO 01 8-0, tho PlIMlng Ind Zoning Commllslon IOcommandod aOllnlt tho Clty.lnltlatod proposal to downzono tho Idytlwlld tract from I\S.8. Modlum Donslty Slnglo.Fomlly Rosldonllal,to RS.5. Low Donslty Slnglo-Fomlly Rosldontlal. ThlI rocommon. dation II not consJltont wllh lhat 01 tho 11011, Tllla hoarlng hal boon conllnuod from tho Councll'l Jlnua,y 7. 1992, mooting. COIrOlpondoneo from tho property owno, and nolOhbOllng property ownorl concornlng tho rozonlno plOpolO1 wal lneludod In tho Council'l Jlnuary 7 mooting POCkOl, Commonll'Ooa,dlng tho plopolal wore ,ocolvtd by Council It tho Janulry 7,1902, publiC hoa,lng on tllllllom. J(.I/ ~dJ r!w / IJ&w At~tlli!:f1:t"JeM~J f I~~ Public hoarlng on on OIdlnaneo Imondlng tho Zoning allli. naneo by chonolng tho UIO rooulotlonl 01 on opploxlmato 20,B ocro tract 01 land locatod louth 01 FOliO' Rood, nOlth 01 Taft A Speodway. walt 01 Pa,kvlaw Evangoll~ol Froo ChUlCh, and J'Jg J mt olon UMlmod IlIootlrom RS-Sto DPDH.8, a p,ollmlnary plaMod dovolopmont housing IPDHl plan lor Idyllwlld Condo- mlnluml. Iowa City. Iowa. lZ.9104 and B.Ollll Commont: At It I Novombor 21, 1091. mooting, by 0 voto 01 8-0. Ihe Plennlng and Zoning Commlulon rocommondod app,oval 01 a proposal lubmlllod by Idyllwlld, Inc. fa, a prollmlnary pia Mod dovolopmont plan known 01 Idyllwlld Condomlnluma,al04.unit, rOlldontlaldovolopmantlocatod on tho IdyUwild tlGcl. TIle Commlnlon'. IOCOmm!ndetloo, .. dOlcrlbod In tho momorandum datod Dacombor 31, 1091, Includod In tho January 7 Counell packot, II lubloct oonorally to lubmllllon and approvAl 01 conltructlon and 10001 docu. monta prlo, to Council conlldaratlon 01 tho plan. To data, 10001 documontl havo boon lubmiUod to the City and mUlt bo approvod by tho Laoal Dopartmont. Conltructlon plans and drawing. havo boon lubmillod and 010 belno ravlowed by tho Public Workl Dopartmont. Tho Commlulon'l rocommenda. tlon II conslltont with tho 11011'1 rocommendatlon, Carre. Ipondanca Irom Intorelled Individual I was Includod In tho . it - n q b .1 , .\ I '41, pag~ I Courtn~y / this Is a continuation 01 a previous ph, and I ~uld re-o~n tho ph, If ~ hay. any further comments that \t,'l) hmn't coveroo ooloro Irom olthor cldo or thlalccuo, pl~C4 como lorward now, Douglas Jonts/316 Park. If tho mlnutt t:Ikor wants I can glv. hor a manuscript copy 01 What I am about 10 say, Much 01 tho dob3lt about tho proposoo dtvtlopmont atldyllWlld ctnters around tho position 01 Ulls dmlopment on thollood plain, As pro~ all tho ~mlopments hm conrormed With tho City's llood plain ordlnanco. But tho ordinanco has a ~aknt$1, It only pro~lS pro~rty lrom 1I00dlng that conlorms 10 tho ordinance, Thm aro a stgnillcant number of nonconlormlng hOustS upslmm 01 this proposid dmlopmonl Tho flood plain ordinance prottclS proporty by t~ koy provisions. Ont 19 that in developmtnt ralst tho IOVil 01 tht tXpt<ted 100 yoar flood mort than ont foot and tM s<<ond Is that all dtvolopmont be 000 foot abovo tht tXptClOO 100 year flood, Tho probl~m Is that many houm In my neighborhood known as tho mosqullo flat subdivision art loss than ont loot abovt this Iml, TMst hou*, hm no safety margin and for thom any ralso tn the 100 ytar flood Imlls a diroct throat Thoso Musts ~rt built bofore tht 1I00d plain ordlnanct was bolng tnlorcid and tho city governmtnt that approvoo tho dmlopmont 01 mosqullo lIalS has a moral obligation 10 prottct that dmlopmtnt That's my romark. Courtnty / Anyone tlst hm any commonts on this Item, Movoo and s<<onded(Larson/ Kubby) to roc.lvtlurthor ~orrtspondtnct 'fIt'VO had on tht matter, Any discussion, All thOSt In lavor (ayes) It passes, 111 closo tho p.h, , , ,- n q b 8 ' ,\ AOonda Iowa City City Council Rellul" Council Meotlng January 21,1992 paoa 0 Councll'l January 7 packol. Commonll rooard1no tho ploposal war. rocolved by Council at tho January 7 publlo hoarlno on Ihll Itam. Tho haarlng has baon conllnuod to January 21.1992. Action: .1,,/ ,~.) k. Conlldor an OIdlnanea amondlno tho Zoning Ordinaneo by chonolno the land u.o rooulallonl 01 certain ploporty known A allho Idyllwlld tract and located aoulh 01 Foslor Road, nOlth 9 J-(, 01 Till Speodway. wast 01 Parkvlow Evanoollcol F,oo Church, and oaIt olan unnomad atroot from RS.8 to RS.5, lZ.91081 Writ consldoratlonl ~ Commont: Soa Item I. obovo. Action: ..rt(J.lo.^~ I st' c. Ilk ~no. Ph ~itftlJ W Sid. ~ I mcD I. Consldar an ordlnanco amondlng tho Zonlno Ordlnanco by changlno tho uso rooulallonl 01 an opproxlmalo 20,8 ac,o tract 01 land locatod louth 01 FOltor Road, north 01 Tolt Spoadway. wast 01 Pa,kvlow Evanoollcal F,oo Church, and oaIt 01 an unnamed stroatlrom RS.B to OPoH.8, . prollmlna,y plaMed dovolopmont houslno (PO HI plan lor Idyllwlld Condo- miniums, Iowa City, Iowa, (Z.0104 and 5.01111 m'lt consldaratlonl Commant: 500 Itom I. abovo. Action: ~/:::+l ~rJ'P #~ % _qz.- It. m, Consldar 0 rosolutlon oxtondlng tho oxphatlon dato lor tho approvod amandod prollmlnary plat 01 Huntorl Run Subdlvl. lion, POrtl Fou,throuoh Nino. Commont: On May 3, 19BB, tho City Council approved tho omondod p,ollmlnary plat for Hunlora Run Subdivision, Portl Four through Nino, and on Fobruary 20, 1090, extondod tho oxplrallon dato 01 tho app,ovod omondod prollmlna,y piotto May 3, 1991. Tho ownor 01 Hunlora Run Subdivision hal roquostod that Council oxtond tho prollmlnary plat explrallon do to to Novombor 3, 1992, ao that consldorollon 01 tho final , . -nqbg' '. .\ i '41 p3go I Courtn~yl Again. thiS IS a continuation of a prevIous ph, ReoQpon tht ph, ,,"YOM hm any furthu comments on thIs p3rticular Item, Kevin 113nlck/1339 Friendship. Iowa City, Sptaklng on ~hall 01 lb. applicant for thiS OPDII, Idyll WIld Dmlopmenl. I am also gOing to rofor a couple of comments to the rezoning questions, I think that thoy art undoubtedly linked, I wanted to correct one Impr~lon that Ilelltwo o,mks ago at the council mooting wMn I had the opinion that thm was a chance at least by r~movlng the blvd,ln the proposOO plan that Ulat might In fact chango the calculable square footage to a Imlthat would ~rmlt 104 units as oppos<<lto 101.6 that we have now, Upon doing cartful calculaUons I want to lust say for the record that that would not do It It would ral~ In fact a density somewhere but It would not ral~ It to the point where that last lour unit building would 00 out of the question, SO wo really arolett back with the submlS$lon that you hm bo)fore you, I lust wanted to make a couple of comments and that I will make this brle!. I wanted to say for mysolf and for the appUcant and I thin\: I probably s~ak for the ntlghbors as wollin saying that you have ~n through considerations of this tract over and over and wo appreciate your constderaUon and I know that this Is a very dtttlcult one btcaU~ of tho vory complex Issues Mro. I wanted to hOpelully makethost complex Issues a UWe clear~r and try to layout exacUy what the position Is of the applicant now beCau~ I think It may Influence and hOpofully will Intluence the vote In somo way, TM concern has ll%n .1nd after I spoke last \ml: and In conversaUons with neighbors, with council peoplo, with othor concerned people, there Is a concern for density, That precedent that this parUcular OPDH will set In terms of how It might affoct how other people will look at tracts of land and how futuri councils might look at tracts of land and zoning on other areas of tho peninsula. I don't think that tho appUcant Is In any disagreement whatsoever with the neighbors, with the council or other opinions about that Is Is a concern, Tho thing I want to draw atl&nUon to IS tho vory tact that WiJ f~1 tills ("nmn lias OO&n addrossed at Imt In somelovel With this p3rticular submission This Is a lo~r d.nslty submission, I understand th. technicality that wo are doallng with Mre. This extra unit and a hall or whatever It Is somtwhere In there, This extra building that Is of groat concern and how that might sot a procooent but I think that It Is very Important to reallzt tilat a concern for the density Issue was one of the factors Ulat genmled thiS particular submission, On& olth& lactors Ithlnl: that . ,- n q ,-, 0 ' .\ i -; I pago 2 that should bot r~ognlz~ In lactl think I mad~ It clm last Um~ that wlltn this was Ilnally ntgouat.xl and de.:ld~ and dls<usm on th~ Pfl Comm Imllt was thought to bot In compllan(~ at RS.5 and that was why It wao pUlthvr~ ond I think thollo Imporl4nl And 00 I hQY~ /lltd to txprm In a numwr 01 ways, I know that It Is vtry tasy to 13ktla vlow that dropping ono more building ts Incons<<1utnual to a dmlopor, I lust want to say lor tho rt(ord that It IS not Incon~u.nUal, It Is Impor13nt and Ulat laking 4 or 5~ 01 an ovvrall p3ckagt can bot tho dlHmnctl bo)tWHn making It ~rk or not ~rk or haVing a dtvtloptr or Invt$tor go lorth WIth a plan and a risk, Tlltro Is always risk In any plan IIko this and nol lust to remind you this s13rWd at a lar higher density 01 120, In rtSponw to any numbtr 01 InpulS from all sorlS 01 ways I want.xl to say tho ~rd compromlSf but I don't think comprOmlst IS mlly tht right ~rd, I don.t think compromlSf has happtned at all, I think It Is compliance WIth ovory r+qutst. It Is not compromlSf ~u~ that suggtsls a t~ way glv. and lak.. And I don't think that thm has w.n that. Tlltr. hasn't !).)tn compromlst, Wt hm /lIed to doal with tht conmns txprossoo ovtr and om. /lot only for dtnstty. I think mort than donslty. Tho convtrsation prior to tho last m~Ung that I hoard thero was conctrn for the onvlronmen~ lor tho dralnago and thoso envlronmontal conctrns I think \to~ro oxtromely Impor13nt and havo always w.n Imporlant. It was lustoxprts~ a mlnu~ ago by Mr, lonts, I am surprised that mn In tho Inlormal m"Ung Whon you had Rick Fosso up Mr. that wo'vo got t~ plans that ho has analyzed vtry cartlully. And WIly ho ~uldn't W asked to ludgt Is ont bottor than tht othtr b(.(ous<> that Is Important and I ~ this as chOOSing botWHn t~ plans, That.s ptrhaps I know What you don't want to addrtss htrt but I think this Is tho cast, I think that IS Important ~aust. as It has Ntn pointed out by Mr Mr Hayek t~ W*ks ago, that thm Is a r.alculabl. dlllor.nce In ptrmoablo surlaco, Thoro IS a calculablo dllloronco tn wator rowntion Thoso arolmporlant lactors Ulat I don't think aN any Its' Important Ulan donslty (lr ~ny mQrotmport3nt It Is OM 01 tho lac tors that havo to bo consldmd horo, Also In rolaUon to tha~ atloast undor tho Hodgo.OJks RS.5 plan that you havo alroady approvtd, It Is alrtady on rtcord, Whethor It contains duplox., or not. That Is mlly not a locus hore, It may be In tilt luturo but It Is not right now But atloast undor that particular plan thore Wl)ro no oil Sight Improvomonts provldod by tho dovolo~r at all No OM has really monUonoo UIO addlUonaloxponsotn oil Sight tmprovomonlS that m going to bo placed In this parucular devolopment A concern f , ,- n q ,,-,./ ' , ,I I I~ I pag~ 3 lor rtntal housing. I WIll po>lnt out again as I think s<)m~M ~I$i' did thO rtStrlcUons against rontal housing art oxacuy tht same undtr RS. 5 and RH, Thm ar~ no dtllmnc('5 thm You hm no more murancos with this than tho othor plan Tho addlUonal35Surancos you have WIth thiS are tho promlWi '''^th tho dmlopYr to prOVldo covenants against renlal SO In lact this has more 3S1urancO$ lor tho MlghbOrs and for tho council and for the publiC at large that thiS ~n't rmrtlnto some kind 01 rental sttuaUon, We hm d~lgn~ thIS with no Impact on Talt SP*dway, We hm dtilgntd this with 52 addlUonal handlcapptd accts1lble units Hono of thOSt things you can say abOut the provlous dmlopmtnt Thos.t art factors too, this ORt unit, one and a hall.t~ units, wha~vir It Is donslty factor h3S to bt W&lghN, That.s the po>lntl am trYing to mak~, this Is not a black and whlt& Issue. I know It Is viry gray, I wish, I truly wish thoro W&re som~ way that W& could con~ntlO RS.5 zoning, I hm no parUcular problem WIth that underlying zoning and have our 104 units undor this OPDH, ht only probl~m that I hm mr htard WIth this OPDH e>>:ept from a select neighbOr or t~ Is the numbtr 6 al~r tht OPDII, On OM has said anything parUcularly negaUvt abOut this plan. In fac~ tvon opponents who art neighbOrs paid us a num~r of compllmonts In wrms of cooporaUon and planning and tho elltct of this plan over othora, Thoro aro somo excopUons I WIll fully admit but I think that In gonml this plan Is vloW'ed as ollortd consldorably more of Ule kind 01 dtvtlopment that they wanL to~, I want to rvduce this to thinking that this Is tht opportunity, not only for the neighbOrs but lor the council to hm Input on the kind and quality of devolopmont It Is mort than Input With an OPDII.lt Is complo~ contro\. IIotlnpul It IS complote control down to the trees, tho num~r of trees, the kinds 01 matt rials you USi on the buildings, placoment 01 th~ buildings I think this affords far mort $tcurlty to tho council and to the neighbOrs than anything olSt that thoy hm ~n, Far more s<<urlly. I gu~s that I ~uld challonge UIO council to toll 1M wilY. If, and a: tM oplnl~n was p\lllorth earlier, II thiS ~uldn't go for somo reason and WI) cortalnly know that thortls always a posSibility 01 that. I don't think tMt that Is a posSlblllty But If this wouldn't go, why at somo luturo umo It wouldn't ~ olQcUy U10 placo WI) are now? With a council, and I'm suro It WIll ~ a p3rt 01 thiS council or som~ luturo counCil having th~ sam& Input ov~r som& tutur& plan and that tho opportunity to downzon& WIll sUII ~ thm II that's UI~ tormaUly It haS to tak& And I Ullnk Ulat would hm to be tho ca~, that If thl, OPDII would, ~ would ~sk In somo way or some ~ , ,- n q,.~/ e " .\ 'H page 4 future p&rson would ask to hm Ulat Nmoved. you would still 11m tM opportunity at that time to do WIlat you're conSidering to do tonight But I want to tell you WIlat I think wlll happen, And What could hopp4n, ond I'm not uotng thlo 00 Q thr~t; I'm luot promlotng you this Is exacUy the situation, I hope you vote agalnsttM dOWllzone lor only ono reason, And that Is so you can approve the OPD" that you have bOfore you, I really don't particularly care that dOWllzonlng Issue because I'm very confident this Will go forward and 00 succ~sful. So I have no particular lS1ue about the dOWllzonlng, but lIthe vote g~ forward to dOWllzone, you WIll not be able to consider that tonight I Will hm to ask you for a postponement on that And then I Will ask for two \mks, for tho noxt council mooting to elthor rOiubmlt It at 100 units or Withdraw It completely and retreat to the backup position of the RH plan that Is In place. And I WIll tell you honesUy oocau~ Randy asked this two ~ks ago, don't you think you OW'O It, OW'O the council, tho neighbors somo sen~ of What Will happ&n If this Is dOWllzoned and my ansW'Or Is, that's my ~n~, I don't know. I can say that I can certainly not proml~ you on tho behalf 01 people Who aro Involved In this project for tho potential of this project that It Will be r~ubmllled at 100 units. I Will not promise that Thts may be tho only chanco, Don't u~ that as a threat I merely say this Is 000 thing that could happ&n, I would hope that the IS1UO of density Is one that Is W'Olghed against the othor benefits ot this project and consldor It carefully, And I'd ask lor your vote against dOWllzonlng and I would ask for your vote In favor of OPD", I think It would be a wonderful Ullng for tho ontry way 01 Iowa City, For somo 01 tho handicap and retirement needs that the City ~ms to want, TM concern for control 01 tho onvironment doWll there and Impermeable sur lace, You havo hoard all of this stull and you don't want to hoar anymore. So 111 finish I appreciate your consIderation, I lust hOpe that In balance ~ ~an look at thiS In the larger picture and not 1001: at all the ISSUe5 outside of thiS submission which aro Important and should be considered but not u~ to defeat an otherWi~ worthy submlS1lon to you, Thank you Kubby / Kevin, I do havo a question, Randy had brought up the Idea of having an escrow account lor the sldowalks Ulat need to be built In tho luturo If and WIlon Talt Speedway Is Improved "anlck/ I forgotten to mention that becauso I actually made a nolo about that. That Is.thls IS tho kind 01 conversation that usually lakos place You talk about P(Z and the Issue earlier was WIll the devolop&r be Willing to pm and Improve the road from loW'Or drive to the enlry . , - n q .~i 3 " ,\ I '41, p3g~ 5 way of Idyll WIld and 'tH havt.what wa$tht ~rd I u~o(omplloo WIth that y~ No on~ has tver as\:?? us that In tIlrms 01 n~ouauon or trying to ma\:e ~mtthlng ~rk that IS wt~r, I Will say lor the rocord that It Is obvious to mtthat VH ~uld do ~mtthlng Uktthat or accommodattthat nttd In ~mo way, I don't ~ any problem With that I don't think that that Is a big Issue, And I think that II It made StnS9to do that ~ ~uld certainly do It That ~uldn't b<<ome an Issue, TM Issue really Is the last building, unlortuna~ly, I WIsh It ~uld 00 easlor, I know the taslor thing ~uld 00 to submit this at 100, I know that ~uld bo> the easy way out lor evorybodY, But thero aro rmons for tho dovelopmontto keep that building. And lrankly, as VH havo lookid at this plan and I think as Larry and MMS has doslgntd this plan,tho removal 01 a glvon building In thore ~uld frankly 00 arbitrary. We thin\: that tho numoor of buildings that aro sltua~ right on that land now are 'tHII dOM and lit tho US9 or the land. Any other qu~Uons, Ambr I Kovln, th&rt Is an awlullotthat g~ through the mind 01 a councilor whonmr you are (Qnlron~ With a doclslon lI\:e this, I am not saying this Is the toughost one that VH have ~n In recent yms but It Is up thtre, 111 asl: you with no In~nt to embarrass anybody but It Is quosUons that I havt In my mind, Polar ~l: apparenUy Is a very dlsUngulshtd ~rld Wide Clnancttr and dmloper. I am curious why they ~ren't at our p,h. and WIly they aren't Mre tonight Hanlck/l certainly can addrtSs Ulal Polar Bt\:,lust harken back to commonls I made earllor t~ W*\:s ago, bought this property ror OM pur~ In mind. And that pur~ was to develop their coll~e housing prolecl That Is thtlr Interest and that Is WIlat they are doing, At least the ~plt I'm dealing with. That Is what they are doing, WMn this ~me apparent that that was not gOing to happen thore they are.thelr wor\: IS on such a dlllerentlevelln terms 01 dovelopment Typically thiS would be viewed as a fairly small prolect lor them And Uley ~uld not be CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 92.6 SIDE 2 Hanlck/loeallnvostor IntertSls approachtd thorn and said VH would Ukoto do the project on a locallovel. We 1001 ~ can handle It oolter Mre, And we hm en~rtd Into an agroomont With thom, I thin\: I montiontd this to you wlore that II wo can got this plan approvoo It would 00 dtvOlOpOO by local people. local builders. local archl~ls and , . , - n q ,-/ Ll ' , \ i i I I I I I , ! ." I, p3ge ~ ~uld be a 10<.11 prolt\(l We aren't going to do thalli It Is the 03kS lIodge development Ambrl Whenever the qutStion was ast~ of Mr Hayek who Is Idyllwlld Iowa Ine. hiS ans\\'Vr to that qutStion was that tht shartholdtr Is Polar 8fk, lIanlckl They art. AmbO 100l? Hanlck/lOOl Ambr I Since their alMnce ~ms to bother me, Maybo) It d~ others on the council, What IntertSt do they have In the long range succtSS of this prolt\(t If they ore not Mre on the day to day basis, Il3nlckl Financial, ethical or what kinds of Interests art you focusing on, Ambr II know thatthtlr Intmsts art financial. I understand thal Hanlck/lt Is certainly a matter of publiC record on what they p3ld for the land and what their flnanclallntmsts are, I thin\: at this polnl when that land Is not going to be dmloped the way they had anticipate<! and hoped their finandalln~rtSts are to recoup their InvtStment and their Interests art probably a IItUe bit grea~r In I think that they sUII plan and hopt to do a colltge housing project In Iowa City and therefor.. wha~ver gOtS forward on this land that they ~re owners of, they want to be high quality. They are full unde,standlng of this plan, Thty'Ve approv~ this all the way along and we certainly InlUated the ~rk with the P(l. stall as to how ~ plann~ this, They have bt+n very much In lune with this but they understand thalthls has to be carried out on a locallml, Ambr I You are an eloquent spoktSpvrson for them, I commend you for thal Is their real plan th.ln~nt to Stlllt off to local people. Hanlc!:1 There Is already a let~r of In~nt signed to do that pvndlng the approval of this plan, If tht plan Is not approved that would not go forward and they would still own the land and have to make their own decisIon about what they want to do And at least Informally to me they have told me tI1at If that doosn't go lorward, tMlr bactup position all the way along has ooen the RS.O plan referroo to as Ule 03ks lIodge plan. That Is their backUp position, I have do doubt that what Ui~y would do Is put tn thelnlraslrucllJre and sellthelols which Is a very reasonable and normal thing to do, Larson I Or sell It to someone else and have them do that, Whatmr way of recouping their InvtStmenl Hanlck/lf someone ~re wi1\lng to pay the price, probably yes Hov ( ArethelocallnvtStors that you tnow ready and Willing to pay the price to Polar ~1: and still have enough mOMY lelt to put In to Ule dmlopment? . . - n q 15' ,\ I .~ I, pagt 7 Hanlckl YtS. Nov /1 don.t w. how wt C<1n gumn~ It lIlal'. my rtal problem WIth It I k~p goIng back to Randy'. comments on lIle lact thal wt did this lwo ytars ago and Il stili Isn't happ4nlng, W. hm no ~y to ~ sur. Hanlck/ TMre's, tho Mure'. aMYs unsure IlIllnk And I thin\: thallllo ~rms and prlc. of the suWquont translor of land hm bttn agrHd to, And IInancels In plactlor lilts I don'l know wMltl~ I can ~II you, WIlal other a~ur.,nctS I can give you btsldtS pultlng ., largt amounlol montY In the bank to lot you draw on or somtllllng IljuSl Isn'~ It's lust nol any, I dont lIllnk anyone glV., you any more a~uranctS aboul any kind of dmlopmtnl than that And you had a lot of assurancts aboul tht Holiday Inn; It didn't quilt work oul though. Urson/ Cevln, WIlat you'vtlust told us kind 01 ralS4t anothtr rathtr In~rtsUng point. WhIch I', dOotS that d9C1slon aboul WIlether It ma\:tS Stnwan 100 unit devtlopmtnt rather lIlan 104. Is thal lilt local peoplts WIltthtr lIlty ~nl to pay lIlo samt prlctlllat thty'vt alr(tady agrtt<! to pay. Hanlck/ Absolutely, Larson/ Okay. So Il's not really. Hanlck/Il's not Polarwk's dtcislon thon. Tht ball Is In our Mnds. Larson/In other words, Polar~k says this Is WIlal ~'Vt gotta have for Il Wt'yt got a Ittter ollntenl for thalli you ~nl to try It as 100 units that's up to your marktUng wizardry, Hanlck/ That's OM ~y 01 putting It.. Larson/ Yeah, I didn't know anything about anybodY tlSt buying It Courlnoy /1 think parl 01 tho uncertainly Mro comes Irom lIlelacl that wt don'~ alltasl somt pooplt havtllle uncertainty bocaust thtY don.t know wIlo tht playtrs art, And In a city 01 this sUt you dtvOlop a cortaln dogr&O of trust through your business dealings WIth somt Individuals and thortls somt roal concorn In tha~ I mean W&'vt bOtn sort 01 fooled on Ults Ullng onco. We approved something and It ~s ~Id and tMn lM prolect changed, I think the project changed lor tho btllor, But d~s It got sold again and tho proleclgtt change<.! agaili; Hanlck/lllt dOO9, you'ro tht on., who tlfO In control. I would cMllongo that to bO tht bitt sltuaUon po$$lblt, Courlnty ( We don't want to havt to do this again, Kovln Hanlck/lltht OPDH Is approved you aroln compltte control 01 that Thatls the only thing thal can bt built . , " - n q ,-, b ' , 141, page 0 " Kubby ( If somebody com~ In and asks for an Rs.3, ~ can ~~+ssarI1Y d~ny TM laws ore ~t up so Utat If IMy have a plat Utat conforms to our rtgulations, what are our options Hanlck/But'fH havt alrtady got It :onod RS.3 and ~ art uklnglor an OPDlJ.& and you want It downzonoo There IS noUtlng to prtvtnt you from downzonlnglt In Ute future. If It happens tonight It could happen In two years, To me, I don't like to focus on this t:<<au~ I don.t think it Is going to happen, I would go forward With this prolect and that Will be It But I don't ~ Why tonight Is any moro crucial then In the future be(au~ of Utls particular plan, Ursonl My ans~r to Utat Is kind of a phllosophl~1 ono but also protty practical. Which Is, if I SOt someUtlng Utat nitds to W done for Ute future of the community I don't want to deltga~ that r~ponSlbl1lty to some future council that might have a bunch of knuckleheads on It If I think. Utat this Is the thing Utat should be dOM for tho dty Uten by gOlly I should volt to do Utls for city and not worry Utat a fuluro coundl Will be as smart as Utls OM, Hanlck/l think Utat same 11M of thinking can be laken Into consldmtion Whon you decide what Ute offect of tho down%onlng 15 going to bt In ltrms of the OPDH, Kubby I There are risks In whalever ~ do, And w have to ~Igh thos. riSkS, Larsonl When you say that ~'re In conllol you mean the city Is In conllol, It may not be any of us people, Hanlckl y~, Utat Is what 1 meant I assume thal ~ are going to have legally delegated council In Ute fulure just Uke we have now and that we are going to lIust Utem to make a decision bas<<l on wha~ver Input Is Utor& at the time, It may not w the same as tonight 1 don't know what It Will be. But what 1 am saying IS Utat I Utlnk that conllol Is always there and not In the hands of a developer who wants to do something that nobody el~ Ukes, You can downzone It If Utls doostl't go, there Is nothing to prevent you from downzonlng from RS.6 or someUtlng else, And also nothing to prevent anybody from coming In and aSking for an Industrial area down Utere, The control is lhV iame, It comes back through the same process, I am lust saying to lry to weigh Ule decision on the downzonlng basod on the fact Utat you might not get to the chance to volt for Ute IdyllWlld Condo, Larsonl The only oUter argument about that Y.evtn and I would echo llveryone's comments on what an excellent proposal and excellent people pushed It and you and Pel;) Hayek, But I would say Utat Utat Ute area, the constiluency. the neighborhood, the local gomnmenl, . I - n q '-I l , ,\ I ,~ I, pago 9 i I I I I i I I tho dmlopt)rs, th&y all d~rve somo kind of closure I think at somo point council ought to say hero Is What ~ think tho zoning ought to 00 and this Is our d<'Clston, If somebody wanlS to up=ono It or down%one It later, they can do that but wo'vo had these people for enough moeUngs for the last two yoars, It Is about Umo to mako a dvclslon one way or another, And tho other quosUon I lust had ~au59 It was brought up by someone el59 to mo today, And I menUoned It to some people Ulat called me and so I wanted to lust bring It up at the p.h, TM Idoa of doing something with the property to aehlm tho zoning of RS.5 and still allow you to have 104 units Is that doablo any other way Including buying a IItUe silver 01 land to add to the parcol. Hanlekl That would 00 another way of doing It Larson I It hasn't ~n ruled out as Imposslbl&, Ar& you *Ing hold up by that By the nolghbors for too high of price or Is It lust not feaSible or do you just don.t know about that yet, Hanlek/l promised two ~k5that W$ would Invostigaw mry possibility that W$ could, If I could wll you for sure thatth&re was anothor way I would toll you right now. Larson/l was lust wond&rlng If you could wll m& for sure that you can't do It that way. Hanlek/l can't wll you that Larsonl You can't say one way or the other. Hanlek( I wish I could, Larson/l ooUm you When I hm you say that you wish you could got It down to RS'5, Hanlek/l don't want to get upset at this but I think that this Is only one element And It Is the &I&montthat far out~lghs tho consldoration and shouldn't for mrybody horo, I don't think It Is tho thing to look, No one Is given a fair shake at looking at this plan and th& elf<'Ct that that might have, They are only talking about the pr(>(~ent and the olfoclS In might hm long wrm tn the peninsula, And ~ are In agr&tmont with that, But I wish thero was a way to do both, And I know that you do too, But It mal:os It a toughor decision bocauso most of us f&tltho sarno way, Thanks. Genlry I Kovln, I lust had one quostion, I think It was something you Silld tonight that was dlfforontthan the other night In response to Bill's question, You said that the doclslon to go from 104 unllS to 100 IS a local d<'Ctslon not a Polar Bok doclslon . , I - nq '-I 8 ' . ,\ I '41 pagq 10 Hanlckl f'l)lar ~1: owns tM land, They hav. all 01 1M decisions but ~ haY\) an agrHment Ulat ~ art gOing to take over Ul& prolect on a local lmllrom f'l)lar ~1: II ~. ~ntty /Thal could bo 100 units, Hanlck/ll a decision wm made but IllS not going to bo Polar ~k. I mean Ule dedslon right now Is entirely up to Ule local ~ple Who WIll bo putting a lot of money Into Ulls, I can't t&1I you Ulat Uley WIll go for 100. I hm ,-,*n InstruclOO to not to t&1I you Ulat because Ulere Is no prom Iso at all Ulat Ulat WIll hap~n, TM decision has already ~n undertaken and Ule de<lslon has ~n to go forward WlUl Ulls requ~t as Is, ~ntry 1 The veto po~r Is not Polar ~I:. It Is In Ule local. Hanlckl Right Gentry /That Is alii wanlOO to clarify, Thank you, llov II hm a qu~Uon II you can ans....'tr such a Ullng, Is It possible to wt up an OPDH ZOM wlU, Ule condlUon Ulat dmlopmenl would lake place In a ~rlod of Um. or least begin wlUlln a ~rlod of tim.. Can Ulal bt a condlUon oocaUst 01 rtstrtcUvll zoning, Gentry 1 No. You would have to layer Ule condiUonal zoning on top of an overlay which Is nol anUclpat&d under our currenl ordinance. An In addlUon, Ule overlay zoning ordinance. There are certain Ullngs Ulal you can change and Ulal Is nol pr~nUy Is not one, Larsonl Tht only oUltr qu~Uon I had Ktvln abOut Ule dttalls of Il was Ult mOMY Ulat Is commllt&d to landscaping, Is Ulal a binding part 01 Ult OPDH In terms of Is Ulert somt documentaUon Ulal Ulal mOMY will bt spent Hanlck/lf I am not mistaken, Ult binding parl 01 Ult PDH Is a detailed landscaping plan, For Ule city's point 01 view I Ullnk Monica can ~II you Ulls Ulat Uley can probably calculate what Ulalls going to cosl We hm to commit to a very parUcular plan, I was just reprewnUng that right now In the f1gurts that ~ art working WIth the budget IS $260,000 and Ulat Is what ~ Wllllncorpora~ Into Ulal plan, Bull Ullnk the only thing as far as the OPDH Is concllrned Is Ulm Is a detalllld proftsSIOnal landscaping plan W11lch Is bolng generllt&d right now, Gentry I LocaUon, lype of trees, Larsonl As a follow up on Bill's statement I assume It IS Ule dtslr&S of local people to not beCome public, I am not trying to embarrass you at all Hanlcl:/l don't know for sure abOut that WlUlout permiSSion I wouldn't do Ulat Larsonll understand that , I - n q :-/ q , I I -41 pagt II Ihnlekll don't takt that as a big Issut It IS an Invntor sltuaUon and thm art moro than OM ~rson and It IS no OM on tht council Larson I TMr. ar. Inv~tors l/rust mort than othH Inv~tors. 1 SUSp<<t tht pYOplo that you aro working With art pYOplo I would /rust but it would w nleo to know, Hanlekl And 1 WIll $3Y for tho r~ord that tho anUelpat.od Invostors have no prtvIOus Inlor~tln this land Larsonl That Mips conSldtrably,. Hanlek/l am not loklng about that I think that tn good fatth this land was pureMS<<J and I think that In good faith tho Oaks.Hodg. OIlvolopmont was approved and thoy though It was good onough thon and I know that that has got~n somo bad pross And In somo ways I think !>tOplo fell that thtrt was something 'wTong With that 1 porsonally don't, It somoono wanls to buy your houst and I can put a bUyor and seller together, you ean mako that dtclslon, Ther. Is not.and that buyer had to IIvo With tht rts/rlcUons that ho got With Uloland, If I want to bUY a rtntal proptrty I ean't do anything With th05f loaSOj, ThOSt art In plae.. You buy pro~rty With a lot of things conntcled to IL Uko a RS03 zoning and a piaL And thay bought It With that undtrstandlng and as I monUontd b&foro, With a cortaln amount of advIse from mo, that tholr plan and tholr hope was not roallsUc, Thoy know this up front Thoy dtclded to takothat chanco, And I don't think that thoro Is anything g wrong With tho provlous owner selling tho land wMn thoy Wiro mad. an ottor. I don't think Ulat that Is In any way a problom With good faith, Courlnoy 1 You didn't Sit through all tho p hJ and agonlz. om tho dtclslon wbathor to go With that plan or not That Is why ~ hay. a dlttoront f"lIng about that At loast I do, Hanlekl Thanks, Courtnoy 1 00 ~ hm any othor commonts on thiS parUeular Item Abigail Van AUtn/Am I aUowoo to ask Mr Hamek quosUons Courlnoy II don't know as to II h& has to ans~r thom It ho Wlshos to that Is his porogaUvo, Van AUon/l would like to point out to Mr Ilanick that tonight IS crucIal from tho point of view that you aro doallng With virgin territory, And thoro art many landownors who surround this tmitory and who oro to tho ~t 01 this lorrltory With virgin tmitory, TMy aro lust walUng to got a high donslty, Thoy Jlko you, want to mako as much as thoy can out of thoir curront land Wo havo tho rtcornrnondaUon I am not gOing to go Into il again, I havo said tlloo many Urno, That it should 00 low donslly Just lakolt at that, okay lIutthat Is why It Is . > I - r/ q 8 tJ ' , I '4' p3g~ 12 so cruclaltonlghl 6fcau~ you art 1M ~lnnlng Whal you do U1tn so g~\S U10 r~l ollt I 'ft\)uld lito to 11m U10 ans....-vr wMUlor I g0111 or nolls wily you can'l you omll U10 buildings Why (an1 you go Irom 104 to 101, I 'ft\)uld mlly 'ft\)uld IIkv an anGwvr ~ Ih~l I 'ft\)uld IIkv an anS\'Hr to wIlo IS Polar Bft, Art U10y on U1t big I>>3rd I hoard U1at U1ty aro Irom Finland, You know. roally That IS a IllUt dls13nCt Irom hm, Thty aro sup~ to bo a vory subS13ntlal (omp3ny How ean I find oul about U1tm, I was gOIng to aSk wIlo m U1tlocal ~plo but \'H havo U1at ans....-vr, Thank you, HanlcklFlrst qu~Uon about wIlo IS Polar Bott That has boNn brought up a lot. ~Iort I tvtr starW 'ft\)rklng WlUI U1tm I had an Invtitor oonktr friend do a Dunn and Bradstrttt rtporl on U1tm I w3nl~ to know II U10y ~rt for roal too, And U1ty art for rtal and U1ty art a (omp3ny made up of BEl: Dmlopmtnt Company our 01 Birmingham, Alabama and U10 Polar Construction Company from Holslnkl, Finland Thoy build all om Ult U s Thoy 11m built U1~ coll~t prolecls In a dozon plac~, I don't know If you 11m ~n some of U1e slldtS I know a lot of U10 ntlghbors havt ~n the wIlolt shOW. Thoy aro a for roal (ompany, YtS, But U1ls Isn't.lt Is s~tacular. I will glv. you tht Dunn And Brad StrHt rtport If that Is any good, I don't know If It Is any good or not. I mtan It Is publiC record. I U1ln, I don't U1lnk It Is Imporlant In this Issue. I don't ~ wIlat that has to do W1U1 It. Thoy own the land outright right now, And wily Is tho 10;' I Will addr~s that Vi, 100, It s"ms like \'H are OOgglng U1t qu~Uon, I know wIlal you art thinking Mro, Why Is that such a big doal, Why don't 'YM lust drop the building, I just want to remind you that 'YM slarW with 120 and \'H ~nt to 112 I think and 106. I can't romombor bOW many, Wt hm done It so many dlUeront Umes, And that last move Wt madtto 14 I romombtr al~r that Pf/. m"Ung ~ stood out In tho hall and &Vin Lyle ~ydel walkt<! up to mo and sald.il your bring thiS Irom 10~ to 104, 111 baCk you on It. Wtll. ~ are not getUng b3cktd on It now becauso ~ are now back to Ult t<<llntcallty of tho donslly, That's.alll can loll you IS that In any busln&Ss propostUon, WMther you aro gOing to buy a plO<t 01 land or a hOu~ or anything tl~, I 'ft\)uld advl~ pooploto go Into a rl~"UaUvns on any buslno-..s doaland know wIlat U1ellmlts art, I U1lnk ~ple should know Ulat ahead of Um., I don't U1lnk you should hm to s<row around on that That was U10Umlt U1al U10y delormlnod Courtney I ThankS Lyl. Soydel/445 Graden Str"t My Wife owns UIO properly dtro<Uy across Tart SpHdway Irom tho property In qutSUon ~loro I start my , , 1- n q 8'/ ' .1 .H PJge n , i I I I I i , I I I i pr~ntaUon I ~uld like to ask I:~vln a quvsUon I ~n'l mn lOo)k al him, Ar~ you s~aklng as a PJld ~mploy(~ or as an Invvstor In lhlS <orpora Uon Hanlckl (can't Mar) Courtney Illhlnk lhat ~ dldn'l get lhat on lhe rv<ord Tho anl~r was ho ~uld 00 a fulur~ Invvstor, ~yd~lI WIlh lhe back years AS Kevin menUonoo. you might bt In lh~ sam~ poslUon again. Well, two years ago or lhrit yem ago. WtIy did ~ end up Wllh lhlS ~Uon RH AlIlht rvst Is RS.5, This ~Uon IS RS. 6. Old lhe city btneflt from lhat I ~uld say no, DId lhe dmlo~r WtIo had lhe plan on lhe bOOks at lhat Ume, I ~uld say Y05, At lhls point In Ume I would r05pV<tfUlly r~uost lhat yol.\ dOWllzone lhlS pro~rty to RS.5, As to the OPOH I don't PJrucularly like to lhlnk of a four plexacross lhe slritt from me It IS lhat simple. That IS lust my opinion, TMy are nice looking structures, I am not trying to knock the dmlopment, But I am gOing to re<all. not verbaUm, ~ had some very outstanding e~rts come talk to you on the grounds of hydrology. You had pr~ntaUons or at least W1'lt~n pres.ntaUons from a Dr. Howo. and Su and you had, God rost his sole. Dr. Kennedy. They spoke, don't build on them, Don't build them In the flood plain, Now ~ are talking abOut building the maximum or near maximum or exceeding the maldmum for a RS'5, What Is a mat~r with just producing one ~r acre rather lhan five ~r acre, With that I would like to end and ask you to dOWllZOM It to RS.6 or RS.5 and tM ~ond point bteomos mu~. Than!: you. KalherlM Gay 15 Knollwood laM, I will try to leavo this In place tonight for you, I must say I wish I had taken debotv now along with my freshman required English and spitCh dass, As many Umes as It sooms like I have to ap~ar oolore thiS body. I usually make noles so that I can sUc!: to the point I sort of wrote this out that previous councils bave wrtStlod with lhe dtvelopm~nt of this area â„¢ develo~rs, the develo~rs have surely have l>*n awm of this, Even wllh lhe oost IntenUons on lhe part of lhe devolo~r lhoro Is no gU3r3n~ that the proposal will como to frulUon, ThO e<onomy has ooen very close to me and I think lhe economy and I think Uie compeUUon are such places as the now Walden Place,03knoll. Windmill Point and the Villa may play a rol~ lor the empty ntSter'S por.ketbOO~,s, That Polar Bek has sort of boon suggtSting to MlghbOrs ~uld 00 the target Ulat Uley ~uld 00 ~\IIng to I would suggest lhat a hOm~wner's association will not depend on lh~ Polar Bek to i I , i 1 I I , . ':- n q F/ IJ ' - - I." .' I '4\,pago 14 make Irs rules and regulaUons, And finally I would respecUvely ask that you consider the neighborhood respon~ to the dmlopmenl The fact that probably no lending InsUtuUon Is going to require 1l00d Insurance for the people who live thore and the fact that tho paid s~ll sugges~ the 10Wtr density. Thank you, Courtney I Anyone el~. I would like to close the ph, Samuel Fahr II think you know me... Courtney II will reopen It for one more comment( Farr II proml~ ~tsy to ~t a record for the cour~ and speak for a very shOrt Ume ond so I shall do thal I Simply want to repeat that the arguments which Wt hm made all along ~ have not retm~ from, I think that you know them all. Wawr and tralrtc.~II, wawr has bVOn menUoned tonight and traffic has nol But It Is a very ~rlous worry for us where Wt live, Therefore I stand or ~tsy and I stand with our neighbors. I personal fooling Is that the polar Bek plan Is certaInly a great Improvement on Mr. OakS plan which I neYOr could takuerlously. I don't Imagine he did. I can't speak for him, I simply say though that It Is a better plan without the least quesUon, Finally, with regard to Mr, Jones who says he lives In Mosquito Flats, I know about the water problems there but Wt always called It Mr. Jones, Manville depths. WhIch Wt thought a more respectable UUe. Courtney I Okay, now Wt will close the ph, Old Wt have any correspondence Wt needed to put In on this one. Okay. . ~ ,- n q 8 3 . .' ';\: f\lg~ I Courlnoy I MOVN by Larson, $4.l(ond\od by Ambr DIs<uSSlon I:ubby I Thm Is so much to say, Whm do you OOgln On~ 01 1110 I11lngs this Is kind of an aSldtl11atllaoml had brought up in our g03I sttting ~ston was What I hm In my mind slar~ to call prmnl.1tive downzonlng Which I hop. In 1110 ntar luture l11al council Will StrlouSly lOOk at lor areas such as I11ls, Maybe along I11t ~nlnsula area, Many along WOOded arm Where right now 111& lowst posSlbl& densily Is 5 and 111m may be spots Whm It Is approprja~ to 00 even 10'iNr l11an l11al But Whtn 'iN go back and roler to 1110 Sl.1nloy plan and alll11~ ol11tr plans Wh~ro you hm lbolo\tr\~t donslty being H l11al w. can makt some dlffmnUaUon Wil11ln l11at cat~ory of low density to be 2.5. and. I hope ~ Will lab l11atlssuo In l11e nm luturo and look at l11al When Kovin l.1lks about 111& ~hnlcaUty 01 dtnslty I Mar arguments on bol11 sld&S of I11ls, That oven If 'iN end up WlI11 nol ~rl9Ct I11lng on 111' Idyll Wild tmllt Will and could 00 a spring board for What hap~ns In l11e rest of l11e p.nlnsula if 'iN don't got I11ls prmntaUvo downzonlng dls<usslon gofng, And so, I feel ~po<jally t<<aUSt 01 1110 volt on 1110 OJks Iraet Wh&r& I hm saId l11at bUlldlng,havlng a r&sldonUal dovtlopmont on a flood plain Is not nKessarlly In tho best Inttrests of 1110 Mall11. 'iNlfaro and safety 01 our ciUzens. But ~ do havol11ls, So I hm a chanco to downzono It as much as I can and I n&ed to I.1kol11ls opportunity to havol11o downzonlng oven 1110ugh I Uk& 1110 plan lor OPDH, Dvp.ndfng on Wllal hap~n' Wil11l11fs, I am going to hm to as~s l11e risks In a fow mfnu/ts going 1110 ol11or way. Thero aro risks no matltr Whal 'iN do, So I would ral11er havol11o risks 00 on tho sld& of 111010wst density l11at w. hm cumnUy on 111. book and work towards mn a lo~r donslty for ol11er StCUons of l11e community and ho~ l11al at lml live ol11er council memoors agree WiI11 010, Nov II alltast agr&e WlI11 you, Dvnslty Is certainly SOmel11lng to be considered Ion this area and I really do like 11115 OPDM plan and I have said I11ls oofore. But 1110 undorlylng density Is gOing to be cructal tn I11ls parUcular arta, It Is lragllo, If ~ k&ep 111& higher density and <lpprov&l11ls plan ~lld have no guarali~ at alll11at It cannot hap~n or lhallt can happtn, I thin Ulatlh. risks m all ours, I am not sur. l11atl11trf aro any ol11er risks, MeDII agroo WiI11 bol11 01 you l11at Uler& are a lolol risks In 11115 parUcular proj9Cl Some 01 my eolleagu&S as most 01 l11e Mlghbors and several of Ule stall memoors hm s&en many prOjKts come up In this particular tract Rezoning an area 15 always dlfflcull for the council , , 1- n q 8 LI " .\ "'I\: pagt 2 And thm art rIS\:S on both Sld~ and w. hm to ma\:e a d~ISlon as to what thos.l~r rISks might bot In thiS parucular InslJnCIl lam 8oln8 to yot4 a8a1nGt th4 ro:onln8 ~uw 01 tho projO<l. In tho vms that I have Wfn dllloronl prolt<ls como wloro thiS council I thm\: thal thiS Is tho bist by lar I think It IS a qua Illy prolo<l I thin\: Il Will h3votholoasl amounl ollmpacl on tho ntlghborhood I do think thalls that risk U1atlllomont prmlls whorolt ~uld bot a lalluro w. would sUII have an opportunity at $l)mola~r da~ to addr~ tho density. I am conctrntd U1atll U1e aroa IS downzontd to RS.5 and ~ gol f1 slJndard ltact subdivision, III romomoor corr~UY-OM 01 tho proposals wrOrt uslJl\:lng somtwhtrt In tht nolghborhood 0160.100 dw.lIlng unlls on that particUlar ltaclolland I think that tho po~nllal.X1Sls on that or having mort or an advor~ Imp3cl on lilt aroa bo(auSt I think U1at would probably have a po~nllal or gonmting moroltalllc and mort ~pl. Ulan what U1ls p3rUcular prop0$41 dotS U1atls btlort us, Unlorlunattly this camtln, I thin\: U10 ttrm was uwd and I don't know If U1ls Is l<<hnlcally corrt<t or nol'5,llnsload or.so It Is rar wlow U1t RH d.,lgnation as you can got without going Into tho RS'5 zon.. Unrortuanattly It eamt our 5,1 bt(aust or som. calculations. But In ltylng to w.lgh whalls gOing to bot oostl am going to yolo against tht dOWllzontng bo(auS(t 01 U10 prolt<t that has ooon propostd, Horow/l hm no problem In whorol am commg on this I r~1 vory strongly about downzonlng this to U1olo~t dtnslty posslblt, Tht elomenls I hm looked at Ctrlatnly havo ooon tho tnvlronmonlal Impact Not only tht walor but U1tland uS(t ThollaCllc consldmUons. proxlmlly noar U10 Unlvorslty which Will U1ororor prtjudlco or ctrlalnly dlrt(l thoso tYJm 01 ~plo who Will Olthor purchaso and or lII~ally ront U1oso I am concorned about thO donslty, I rool U1at U1ls II Ills loll to RS.6 and even U10ugh ILlS doWll as rar as 5 I It Is tho ~mo as bolng a IItUo bIt prvgnanl Ills sUlI RS. 6 And It Will U1orororo carry tht m~S3go to tho lands now undovolopoxl.go right aMad, dmlop tho r~l 01 thO ~nlnsula at Rs.6 ~ II you can go a IIttlo rarther That r~lIy disturbs mo $Q I corlJlnly will voto ror this dOWllzonlng. Ambr I Wo had a rormor ox-coach In Iowa City somo y~m ago, Allor he loll hiS coaching lob ho gol a lob as Mr urcon doot SOm&timK. dOing tho color comm~ntary al U1& Iowa baskotball gam~ And Ms Gay, I don't think ht had dobalh olUlor In his porUolto but orton lim~ you hm a lot ollunny statem~nts mad~ 110 mad~ ORt OM night at a gam~ .- ~..,. ,~- -- . , " ,- n q 8 5 , ,\ '4k pag~ 3 against IlItnolS that I hm nmr lorgottlln 110 was l.lll:Jng about th~ attributes 01 this 16 y<>ar old lrc-shman, And ho SJld thal M IS IUSl ~rrltlc. His luturo Is allah03d 01 him, It was such a prolound sla~monl I don't think ho roall%vd What ho had SJld....Thls Issuo IS probably as slgnlUcant d(l(lslon as any ctly council has mado In tho hlslory 01 Iowa Clly, I think thallt IS so Impor/.3nt that we ..ltho right kind ollono lor this ~Uon and I must say thallthlnk tho dtvelopmont Is roally a handsomo ono, It $tOms 10 havotho accord 01 a goodly numoor 01 tho Mlghbors Who arolusl so conc<>rnod as thoy should bo about their nvlghborhood, But I Will volo lor down:onlng 10 RS.5, As a buslnoss ~rson In Iowa City Who Whllo It looks lIke I am only doallng In ono lacol of tho oeonomy, ~ust 01 tho naluro of What I do I hm a chanco 10 doal With an awtullot 01 wondorlul ~plo In a lot of dlllmnt ways and Whenmr th<>ro ~ms to bo an Impasw I n&Vir glvo up hO~ that thoro Is a soluUon 10 a v.ry Vtry nllly grllly problom, I think that tho dtvtlopm and Ilmploro you, Kovln, 10 go back 10 your ~plo and s.tO It thoro Is somoway 10 work this out to tho saUsfacUon of us all. Wo are so clost. Wo aro absolu~ly so e10S9. As far as my volo In concornod. I will volo for tho downzonlng In tho ho~ that that mtSSagols carrltd back and With tho full considoraUon of not only tho nolghbors thal aro thoro. I think Profossor Farr monUonod It on more than OM occasion to us In tho past that counCils como and go but we tho nOlghbors art Mro, WolI, sam, I guoss thallf we look far tnough ahead, nolghbors also como and go. SO I am thinking aboulthom also ovon though I may not w on this council In a fow yoars and th0S9 of my colloaguos that art olthor up for olocUon or roUromont or Whatovor thoy wish. I think thal wo all approach a doelsion lIke this with tho samo dogrot of moral awaronoss and slncorlty and as much study as anything Wi havo done on any Issuo that Wi havo lacOO, In my mind I fotl vtry comfor/.3blo Ulat my doeision Is tho right ono, Whothor Is Wins tho day I don't know yol I cortainly ho~ /hat /h0S9 of you on tho council who havon't doeldod yot Will con sidor somo of /hoso moagor words of mind and como up with tho volo that Is nocossary to :ono this RS.5, Thank you, Larson I I havo a quosUon that lust occurro<! to mo Mayw I am not a choss playor and can Ullnl: sovoral Slops ahtad I want this for Monica or Linda, (/hlnk that I can procllct that tho downzonlng Is not going to pass slnco It has to pass 6.1 It UIOIl tho OPDH.6 dO\'S not pass TIlat Wi havo a 5.2 In lavor 01 that boeomlng zonod OPDII.6 and then the . , ,- n q 8 b , .\ .4~ page'l dmlopl)r com~ back and at~mpts to Win passage 01 an OPDI! :onlng. Reduc~ It or doos somo/hlng.lets say reduc~ It to WI10re It would lit Insld~ a 5 and /h~n council approvos It at som~ la~r dat~, Th~n IM>uld /he rozonlng. would It bt put In at an OPDH.5 mn /hough /he underlying zoning hasn't ~n downzoned yel How would /hat IM>rl: Monica Moon/It sUII technically would bt an OPDH.~ In SplW 01 /he lact /hat /he density moots /hat 01 RS'5, Larson/But at /hat point ~ could propose It to bt downzoned and maybt /he obl~Uons 01 downzonlng would bt gOM by /hen Moon/ What /here might bt Is a luture exp<<taUon /hat ll/hls prol~t IM>uldn't pr<x~ /hat your o~taUons IM>uld bt /hat any lutur~ project moot /he density requlremonts of RS.5 and /hen It would bt approprla~ to downzono /he tract to RS.5 to assure /hat Larson/But ~ could do /hat now. We could do /hat right alwr approving /he OPDH.5 II ~ wanted to, Moon/ That.s corr~t. Larson/In o/her words, II OM or bo/h 01 /he two votes against downzonlng It to 5 now ~re only voUng /hat way so /hat /hey didn't ktll/hls prolo<t and /he pro/ect got approved la~r at a lo~r density /hat would make It II~ ~ could get It all done now and not hm to hm a downzonlng light someUme In /he future, Moon/ He's correct. Larson( Okay. I just wanted to get /hose pr<xedures down, I have no Idea /hat /hat Will happl)n. My dro/hors would bt to have /hIs parcel zoned RS.5 and to have /hIs proposal go lor/h, I know /hat Is Kevin Hanlck's dro/her, too, We would all like to soo /hat happl)n, l/hln /hat ~ all are taking our oost shot. Judging /hIs /hlng on It's merits, 8ocaus~ It may 00 /he last Um~ /hIs Is btlore /he council I want to say /hat I as ~II as most 01 /he neighbors hm ~n v~ry Impr~sS<<l bo/h by WI1at we can see 01 Polar Bek /hrough /he reincarnation 01 Mr, Hanlcl and Mr, Hayek and /he way Ule have shopparded Ulls /hlng, I want to socond Kevin's commenls very dlsUncUy It wasn't accomodaUons on bo/h sld~, The city told /hem what /hey needed to do and /hey have compllod In almost every area, I don't /hlnk Ulat It Is lair to say wi!, allyou hav~ to do Is drop 00& more building, II made IInanclal sn~e at 120 units, Maybt It doosn't make IInanclal sense at 100 units, Thoro IS no/htng wrong for /hat ThOy are Investors They are notobUilding /hIS as a YMCA, They are bUlldng It to soo II /hey can creaw a living and creat lamllles and homes Inour community, I don't Ultnk anyone should GaY oh, you can lust drop you rpoltl margin, That Isn't . , l-nq8,l " .\ .,k pago 5 how It ~rks It either 1I0ws r dOliSn'l Can't ask poople to take a rISk that puts tMlr lives and IIvllllhoods In l~pilrdy bIl<auSll wv ~uld 111:11 to ~ It make an my de<lslon ror tholr Illll<led olllclals, I am ~rrlod about tho risk thalli ~ lurn down thiS prol9<lthat ~ ~uld got something that Isn't nm as good Ilthlnl: thiS prolll<lls vasUy prererable to lust SIllllng lots amd lust having thSlllots develop over 15.20 haphazardly In Whatmr rashlon, I also happen to think that th~ are nice dmlopmonts ror an entry way tltcer than houSllS on lots. I think thal Is vllry Important Not lust somllWhatlmportant but my Important That Is the only way you can drive Into Iowa City and not havo It 00 along a commorclallz~ strip, The only OM thallknow or, I guo<< you can come In on local road, Illsn'l too bad yest Thalls kind or Important to me, That Is a ooaullrul am with city pilrk there, the Cll11's debacle not WIthstanding. Which I haven't given up on yet I wish It ~uld have ~n SIlen by the local poople to have ~n In their beStln~r~ts to have told us Who they wm beCaUSll wl1eth&r they are Investors or not The only assurance I have that they are the kinds of Inv~tors that I am going to trusts is Mr. Hannlck's Involvoment And that Is enough ror me but It ~uld hm !mn oot~r to know btCause there are developors that I ~uld scrutinlz& much more cl~ly than others, Here we have a plan ror landscaping and a dollar ltgure and II Gone Krooger and Kevin Hannlck ~II m& that Is What It Is going to 00 I oollm them, II somobody elSll ~lIs mo, I want It In writing. I think that ~uld have ~n to their advantage to have that I am going to vo~ In favor or downzonlng It and I hope that wv get a prole<t very similar to this one d&spl~ that vo~, Courlnoy II think that Wii'v& alll1eard all of the concorns horo and OM of th& things that soveral council pooplo havo talked about Is tho guarantoos that Wii have Ir Wii do OM I~m or th& oth&r, One or th& things that have ~n mlsS<<lls that no matlor What com&S up Is that I don't think that wv hav& any guarantoos that wv are not going to g&tth& same prot6-Sts, We Ilave Ilad smral prolocts In rront or us and tach lime the Mlghbors hm protesled, The ltrst one was Glasgow and It actually was an RS.5 denSity and I Mard pro~sts on that ThO next vnv went 00 an a "'iUl tomo duplo~ and wv heard pr{lt~st {In that and we aro getlng horo. Now ~ m hearing Is the only thing thal they ~n't prot6-St 00 Is one unit por acre, I think that Is a bit unmllsllc. Lyle Is shaking his Mad but that IS what he said OM or the big arguments Mre has !mn the precedents for the r&St or tho pennlsuta and I lust have to relll<tthat Tile development out Ulere has s*n condominiums already, apartments already, I don't slle It as , . 1- n q Ai' _ t ,\ I -4\: page 6 a prt<tdtnt at all, w. art splllting halr& Mro on Ulls parUcUlar dmlopmtnt 5, I VI 5 I have some ~rsonal tlq>)rlenctt as to what can hap~n If you takt tho rlsl.: 01 not alloWing somtthlng II\:o thiS hap~n. A similar projoct pro~ on First Av~, right at th~ thr~ MUStS Irom mt and across First Avo, Thort was a prop0s31 brought up to put thr" or lour condominium units on whalls Itll 01 tho Rita Lynn subdivision down through there TM {>'lOple up on \leather and somt 01 thy peoplO on Princeton prolbS~ vigorously that It was too high 01 a density and that they didn't II\:. the project thal was going In ther.. It was drop~ btlor Iltvtr camo to Holt of thtcuncll, At tho rls\: 01 offondlng tho poopl' who have bOughl the MUst that IIvtS thor,ltlsltsS Ulan what tht ntlghbOrI on \Ioathor thought that thtY \lItr, going to got lor a MUst that was btlng buill StrlcUy In ~rms 01 tho prlco 01 tho MUst that thoy thought that thtY would ond up With thtro bO<aUst It Is going to bt two vory largo lots. I thin\: tho coundl rtmombtr1 whvn 1 pushtd to divide UI* Into two lots, Tho other lots &Its tmpty, Tht only thing that can bt bul\1t thoro wcau5t oltht prlco 01 tho lot Is a MUst oll~r value than any 01 thor MUStS up on \Ioathor, ThO concos would havo ~n much moro oxponslvo and actually raised tho nolghbOrlng property valu.,. I thin that wt have a good prolt<t proposod Mrt, It ,..ms obvious lorm tho commonts that wt are Mt going to got tho MXlI~m passed bt<3Ust It requlrtt a 6. I also. And 1 am not Into splitting hairs Mre and I am going to vote against tho dOW1\%Onlng. Any othtr commonts. Roll call- Tho motion lalls, 5,2 volt, McD and Courtn&y voung no, . , - n q E/ ~ ' h'.,_ .' I \ I I I I '4 L, pago I Courtnoy I Move.j by Larson, s<<ond(t(\ bY Ambr Ots<usslon Kubbyl I r~ally would love to Mar SUe's prO(~S In Mr Mad II you don't mind. I f"1 very stuek, 1I0rowl I am very stuek on this thing I roallyam The OPDlIlS an assuranee that Wt are gotUng tho quality that Polar B4k wIlleh Hanlek haS pro~, But that do&snt mm that that WIll go formr and evr and erver. It wUl not follow and som90nt ean r~loKt ~h OPDIlIf thoy wish to como In and r(t(\ovlop this, But living It RS.6 CIIAtlGETAPETOREEL92.15 SIDE I Horowl Thanks a lo~ Karen, for asking me hOW 11*1. Y.ubbyl At his poln~ I am going through the smo thing Inside my hoad, lam looking for some pursuaslon, Horowl It Is a no win slluaUon, I think Randy haS pooAd a vory In~rOSUng e\\allonge to the devtloper and I apprtcl3W your doing that I roally do, E>>:tpt that Wt \lave throuwn out eMllongts to othtr dmlopvrs, hoping against hOpt. that thoy would plek up on thom and ~ hmn.t had any sueetss. So I am skeptital 01 that Larsonl I know how I am going to volt and I tan ~II you my thoughts fairly qulekly and that Is I think It Is a wonderful devolopment I don't think the three hOuStS or the thr* units ovor the limit Is a dlSposluve. I want the propvrty to ~ zonN RS.5 but If It tant ~ ruoned RS.5 then that Is tho will of the council. I am sorry that It worked that way. And I m going to vow In faov of the OPDII.6 bt(ause I think this development Is ~ttor than all the other alltrnalvos rather than them paring another building off, I am not wlllllng to take that risk. I am afraid that thm out of town Invtstors would say It didn't go and ~ are Ur(t(\ of It You guys had your year to get Itdono. sell tho property. and some dovoloper that wants to build hOuses and knoWS that thorels a hock of a market for hou~ esptclally In that aroa would bUY It TMy would \\aVO tholr zoning Bnd have 70 duplOXO' and 12Q units In thoro and Uloro would be nothing we could do abOut It I am not Willing to take that chall(v So I am going to volo In favor of It, Kubby I TM thing I end up looking at IS thO amount of ImperviOUS surface will ~ so mueh greator II tho normal RH develpment happens Mre over just the OPDH.6, And that IS a vory big concolO for mo on tho flood plain, , . I - n q q tJ ' , ,\ , .,L page Z Hov II think wIIat ~ are facing Mre IS tho first choice 01 RH vs RS.5 and the s<<ond choice bot~n RS.6 and OPDII.6 Y.ubby I This Is very difficult ~u~ It has to bo a 6-1 vote Courlnoyl samo as tho last ono, Hov I At this point I think that tht cholc~ 3rt my dUflcult but prob3bly Il Is easier to havo an OPDH.6 than an RS.6In ltrms of $flung procooont. ThOugh I am nol sure procooonlls tho way to look althls Larsonl Tho way 1I00l:od althe precooont thing was that I think the council ought to tal:e a commltmont to do some zoning that ~ think Is approprlato to thataroa and to get that thing dODO by bolng pro.lCUVO tnstoad of walUng for somooDO to come In With a propml to IUI the ~nnlsula up with things tha wo don't want. I havo a commltmtnl to do that. To me, the procootnt swings both ways, As I said two W*ks ago and was having trouble making Itclm, Wo hm sola proctdent that If you want to get something dODO Mre. It you propose soomthlng along a OPDH that ~ 111:0, Ulorols gOing to b& a roal dose call on wIIothor you got downzonod. And tho precooentl! dustored housing that are onvlromontally sonslUve that have a market that are In congruence with tho neighborhood Is the precedent that ~ havt sot. And I would like It to b& RS'5, Butl think It not bolng RS.5 you can also talk about a proctdent bolng sot In another way and this Is with tho OPDH and with a real abtllty to look at dOWllzonlng If the OPDH Is something tho dovolo~r doosn't try to do, MeDI Hot only with tho OPDH, Randy, but alos with tho density that Is actually coming, This Is as dose to 5 as you can possibly got without It bolng 5, Again, as I slatod my roasons earllor, And ~ all know the risks and ~ ~ro all ~Ighlng tho risks, I sUII think that tho risk Is groator on a subdivision than If It was a RS.5 dtnslty as far as a tract ty~ of subdivision than wIIat ~ ar& going to get hero, I am not so sure Karon, I would have to.lthlnk you made a poInt about ImperVIOUS surface, It Is true, I agr" WIth you, I am not so sure that you wouldn't have moro Ulan &YOn In that development Ulan what yvu would have Mro, Kubby I That Is wIIat I said that OPDII will have 1m ImperVIOUS surfaeo MeDI Even at RS.5 with a rogular tract Y.ubby I This Is very difficult for mo becaust I don't think thero Should bt any resldenUal development down there but I know tho city IS not In a poslUon to do anything about tha~ MeDI TIIO bost of all worlds I totally agree, Kubby lit you do Ulon anoUler Ullng Ulat ~ nood to look at bosldos UIIS pr&YOntaUvo downzonlng Is looking at our flood plain ordinance 1~' ,-,- ,., ,. ' .. , . 1- n qq., , ,I ! '4L p3g~ 3 Nov II think ~ n~ to look at pr&venlativ~ PH zoning, TM planned devlo~ment has to 00 prezoned to give us a IllUe more (ontrol. Courtney I W~ hav~ had a similar situation out on Mormon Trek and Benton- th. Willow Point And we had similar obltctions from the Mlghbors out thm and I know a couple ofth~ ~ple ~rsonally and I have gOM bl(k In the last w*k and talked to them to get their Impressions sln(e they have ~n built and they are dellghtOO with them, They hm not r~aUzed any othelr fears wIlat so ever. I realize It Is early and they still (an 00 sold and things deteriorate In the future. I tried to &V&n get OM of them to come and s~ak bu M Wt)uldn't do It Kubby I That Is not an Issue at all for me wIlether It Is renlal or wIlether It Is owner o<cuplod, We nHd both kinds of housing In this (ommnlty, Of different kinds, Although I prefer this to 00 aUordable rental. Bu that Is not before us, But that Is not really an Issue for me. Even II It Is the amount of Im~rvlous surface Is more Important to me rather than It Is dupleXtd or not, That Is OM of the ways that I dlsagr* with the neighbors Is that I don't mind duplems. I think that we need them In our community so that helps create aUordable housing so that part Is not an Issue for me. Courtney I But you undersland that the duplexes were under severe prothS~ too, Any further discussion. Roll call. (yeses) ordinance passes first consideration, . 1- n q q e " Aoonda low. City City COlroCII RoOul., Council Mooting Jlnuary 21, 1002 P.oo 10 ,\ ; Action: plat 01 Hunlo'l Run Subdlvislon, Part Sovon, can procoad, Slall ,ocOIIlmandl opploval ollho roquOltod oKtonllon, .(~~ / ,4,KIJ I ~rJ ~n, Consldor a IOsolutlon .mondlng tho Subdlvidor'l Aoroomant 101 W.'nul Rldoo Pall Ona 01 It rol.tOlto lho Inst.llatlon 01 cortaln Ildow.lkl within Iho lubdlvl.lon, Commonl: Tho Imondod agroomont dalcrlbOI tho prolOllod location 01 a Ildowolk along tho nOllh and wOltlldOl 01 Acorn COUIt. tho cul-do...c Itroatlocalad wllhln W.lnut Rldoo, Port Ono,tho loroo lot,osldonllol dovolopmontlocalod on tho north sldo 01 MalrolO Avonuo, Ollt 01 U,S, 218, 4utV/J1~ Action: ~M-ItJ % 0, Consldo, a rocommondallon 01 Iho Pl.nnlno ond Zonlno Commllslon rooardlno.a propolollO ,ozono a 84.5 ocro tract 01 land localod nOlthOOlt 0' Iowa City, out 01 H10hway I and nOllh 01 FOK Llno In Nowpoll TownshIp, Irom A.l, Rural. to RS'3, BubUlban ROlldonllal, ICZ.01371 Action: Common\: On J.nua,y 9,1092. on olll,matlvo motion 01 tho Plannlng .nd Zoning Commlulon to opp,ovo tho roquolt 10 ,ozono tho lublocttroct I,om A.l to RS'3. lubjoctto condl. tlonl, lallod by 0 VOla 011.4 (SCOIl votlnO yos), A motion by lho Commission IOcommandlng th.llha City Counclllo,w.rd a commont to tho Johnlon County Boa,d 01 SuparvllOIl rocommondlng donlal ollho roquOll to rozono tho parcol plllod by 0 VOla 01 5.0, -'a.v.~~11 .f/~J ~ ~r Jp '1'(/1) ~ "1tul.A" II ~ r~, Conllda, a rocommandoUon 01 tho Plannlno ond Zonlno Il4Aj Commllllon rooardlno 0 propOlOllO rozono approKlmatoly 3B ocrollrom ^" (Rural) to nB.3 (Suburban ROlldontlall, Tho proporty Islocatad northoall 01 Iowa Cltv on tho aoulh lido 01 Rapid Crook Road NE, 1,0 mllos oost 01 Iho Intolloctlon 01 HIOhwoy 1 and Rapid Croak Road NE In G,ahom Town.hlp, ICZ'91381 p, , ,- n q q 3 .' ,I , I \ I i I \ ';0 ll3ie I Courtney/ (ur50nlHorow) urry S<hnltljer / MMS Consultants, I would IIkt to explain a IIIUo bit about tho wck ground on what this concopt or monlng application \low It got to Where It Is Atlmtln my ~rc.puon 01 hoW It got to Where It IS The staU revle~ the rt:onlng application as they do most zoning applications In Iowa City without the ~MlIl 01 a concept plan that had ~n submltltd to 1M county at tho same Ume wMn the appllacUon was made to the county. I did not mll:e that the staU did not gtt a copy 01 tht ~nctpt plan Irom the ~unty When they got the r~nlng relmal, At the work ~slon on the previous Monday to the Commission's m"Ung Ilound oulthatthty didn't havo Il and I brought coplts to lhe staU for review ellhu the next day or atlmt prior to lhe m(ltting, The Commissioners 1001:00 atlhost copies and they,lt was lust a concept plan, It was not a IInal plan by any means at all or even a preliminary plat applicatiOn, It ShOwvd pownUallots and that wo Wtlt not going to bt dlsdurblng lhe natural woodoo lands and tht ravlnts lhat are thtre and It shO~ a new acctlS onto Hwy,' I for this subdivision, Primarily b<<auso we wtre aware ollhe IIml~ usabllllty of Fox Avo. We did not want to pUI morelraUlc onto Fox Avo ~aust II as 5Omellml~ vlslbllty and IImlWd malntonance In lhe current county plan, With lhost lhlngs In mind a concept plan was ustmbloo lhat sM~ a new slr~t going out at a good vlslblllly location on Hwy , I and lhe lots wlUtln Ute subdivision ~Ing primarily wtrolo.:altd on this propostd slrevl At Ute Commission m*ting Where Utls Is ~lng revleW<<llt ,"moo like the ~r50ns whO wtlO making Ute comments had not undmtood What was oolng U1uslraltd on the plan and didn't reall:e that we wtre not In tho ravines with the MUst locations and wtro'ntln thelroo areas and the Whole dlS(usslon got conVtlu~ and lust dtcldOO to throw II up In the air and 101 II go, So IgUtsS What I am aSking Is thai we do recommend an approval 01 this zoning to the county and let me work out some of Ute Issues Utat arelnvolvoo with the subdivision 50 wt can get a reasonable devolopment 01 this ar~a Ambr / urry, Is the polnl Where your proposed road hit Hwy' Ion a higher ground, Schnllller / Yes, It Is about In the mid Site of this plarUcular prop&rlY so thai .".. can prOVide accoss to almoslthe whole pro~rly Irom thlsgood location, Hov (Can this road also accomodato Ulls subdiVision to Ute south thai Is currently using Pox Lane, Can wt close thaL , it l-nq~L/ {", "'" ! ,\ I I i , i .~ 0, pag~ 2 S<hnlltler ( I am not r~al cl~ar 01 all 01 th~ polltl~ lnvolv~ With the county on this, From what I und~rsloO<l 01 th~ \103rd 01 suptrvlors at thiS mwUng Is that they did not rul~ out the Idea 01 us trying to r~tSlgn the exlsUng county road, They don't mind us doing what...... Wolnt to do with what ever prlvatt subdivision roads, But Fox Ave, Is an exisUng county road, It Is a minimum maintenance county road buttt Is an exisUng county road, McDI Larry, hatdlUerence dOO9lt maktll ~ ~nd a poslUve or a ntgaUv& rtcommendaUon to the county. They have already gtven It lint conslderaUon and they have ~nlng authority as you are ~II aWolre 01 In this area, We really don't hm any authority until ~ get to the plaWng proct5S, S<hnlU\er lit lust makes It a lot less cumNrsome as we go along U ~ can get the g&Mral constnsus 01 what Is going on, Kubby I The thing that I ',l,\)uld requ~t Is that we requtSt lrom tho county that whn they have thellnal say that they get to get our rtcommendaUon belore they make lIlelr dtclslon, I ~uld respecUully request that 01 the county and ask us that or wrltt a leU& or communicate that McDI Good look. Courtney I TUrn that over to the lrlnge area agr..mtnt commltt... to discuss that with th&m at th&lr next mooUng, McD/Okay. We11 discuss It Horow/lt was at thiS mwung that you.when lIle discussion took place, that the whol& dlscuslson abOut area 4 and the d~v~lopment tool: place. And I gutSs. S<hnlttler I TM thing that was conluslng that I lound conluslng abOut tho m..Ung Is that...... dlSCuss~ tht merits 01 the zoning appllcaUon and I think that I had a chance to sptak at the Ume. But then they closed lIle ph, and brought up all UI~ otllOr commonts that I didn't Mve a chanco to tall: abOut alter the publiC discussion, The comments about disturbing th~ ravines and the treed areas and every other Ullng I found to ~ olilV(Uvnable thty brought up alter lbe end 01 the publiC discussion, I.8rson/l ~uld lust rospecUully say that ~ ShOUld dovote our attention to the plat because that IS wlltr. Wt have GOmtthlng to say abOut this The county Is going to do what they want on UIIS, Either vote lor It or against It 1/ you don't solv~ the problems With the plat With th~ access onto highway one, It ain't gOing to go anyway, Schnlltler (TM council and Ule city P IZ Comm has absOlute aUU10rlty almost wh&n It comos to tho plat approval ~";;""'-' I ! I ! ......." ......."'~,,~..-. ""'''''-.,, t i ,- n q q S ' ,I I -40, page 3 Larson I I think It Is also a faIr vo~ on our point t say that ~ don't want to r&ZOM It when It looks Uk. it Is gotng to aggravate a problem ~ have on Hwy -" And slnceltls notour do<lslon and ~ aro just making a r~omm~ndaUon. W~ '~nd our vlow; along that wa'y, I agr~ With thost Who say It d~n't mako much dltfmnco What wo say to tho county on this. Th&y are going to do What they want Courtn&y I Okay, Refrosh me, Was our moUon lo3pprovoor deny. MoUon was to approve the r&<omm&ndaUon to deny th elr requesL Any further discussion, All those In favor (ayes). ~ (no.Ambr.) Tho r~ommondaUon to dony pasm, 6.1, Ambr voUng no, , , ,- n q q b , ,\ , Aoonda 10wI Clly City Council Raoular Council Mlollno January 21, 1902 PIOO II Commonl: Atll' JanuOlY 9. 1992, moallno.tho P1annlno and ZonIno Commission ,ocommondod, by a 5.0 VOla, that tho City Counclllorword I commontto tho Johnson County Boord 01 SUpervlSOII rocommondino donlol 01 CZ'9138. a ,oquOlt to ,ozono opproxlmatoly 38 acrOl 110m A.IIO RS.3IOt propelty locatod nOtthoost ollowI Clly on tho louth lido 01 Rapld Cl80k Road NE, ThJl rocommondallon Is consl.tont wllh tho IlaU rocommondallon Includod In a momorandum d.tod Jlnuary 9, 1002, Action: i.o>>I ~II/J~ .d~ AI(' tJ t.I~ lth YdAJ ad. 12AF q, Consldor a rocommandlllon 01 tho P1annlno and Zonlno CommlssJon concarnlng a roquolt lubmlllad by DOIn ThOlnborry to amond tho CI.I, Inlonslvl Commarclal. Zona to allow rosldontlal usos on tho oround 1100' ala bulldlno locatod In lhat lono. Commont: Atlll January 9, 1002. mooting, by I VOIO 015.0, tho Commission Igrood thai, duo to tho wo,kload 01 tho Commission and alaU. thll roquost will bo placod on tho Commlsslon'llIlt 01 pondlng acllvltlOl, A momo,andum datod January 9, 1002. Irom Iho Chal, and mamborl ollho Com. mission concol/llno this propolalls Includod In tho Council pockot, Action: ..&m6 / I/ko 1 tM~ p.,. Z. .A~v ~:"5/~~~'~$ ITEM NO,S, PUBLIC DISCUSSION. ~~ ~ ~~ 1~~ AJiv ~ . , ,- n q q l , .\ I 'H flJg, I Courln~YI Move.J and s<<onde.J lursonfl:ubby) Any dls<usslon a.no FIShtr II am roprtS~nUng Mr Bright Who IS tho develof")r In thiS cas~ G~no Flsh~r Is tho name As an ag~ntlor Mr. Bright I am asked to mako some commonts on his bwhall, I hmn't ~n Involv~ In this Ullng rrom tho IncepUon and so I am not familiar With all tho nam~ and tho da~ and so on and tho ~uoncso of mnts buttn sf")aklng WIth Mr. Bright ht has expr~s~ a great deal of aggravaUon WIth the hlSlory or Ulls problem Which started soveral yom ago Atlmt as oarlyas 1937, 110 has bNn through and trl~ to ~rk WIth soveral,l think that It Is more than t~, maybe thr~ or rour county ongln~rs to cooperato and to try to develop this concopt lie has bNn put on Ulo back burn,r sovoral Um", Ono 01 tho probloms was With a now f")rson In ottlce. I am sorry that I don',t know the namn I don't know tho datH, But this person was roporlodly ne<od~ Umo to review this sltuaUon and stUdy the sltuaUon What happen~ IS that It has gon. on ror smral years, Mr. Bright has paid all Ule rees that was ask~ of him to pay. Ho's made t/torts to m~t Ule minimum standards Ulat hm bNn pr~nlod to him In lorms of Ule lot rtqulromonts. 1Mro Is a concopt plan placO<! With tho county and city PIZ wtltrtby ho 'M)uld han at least Ulr~ acrts per lol Ho Is proposing Ulat thoro be one or Ulo lots Ulat could hm ~n buildable be wt asldo as a common aria to try to pr~rvo somo or Ulo habllat thoro, In Ulo courso of 'M)rklng WiUl MMS In Ulo ondeavor, Very bl and Important point was concorn on tho part of many pooplo With tM approach to Ulo driveway to Ulls development Ho has spend hundreds or dollars, I assumo It Is &YOn In tho Ulousands of dollars to corrO(t Ulat problem by grading and by putUng In a culvert and by having a ralr slzo.1 am told by Oot of tho MMS Consultants ongln~rs that It Is largo onough for a school bus 10 turn around Uloro, I have mot With tho county zoning In Informal Stsslon and ~ havo astO<! or Mard an opinion from Ulo county engln!>!>r at a mooUng and I can loll you tho dat.) horo oln a SO(ond Discussion With Ulo county engln~r staUng he sslght distance Is adoquato, This was at the 12/9 m~Ung, 1991 Tho minimum re<omm~nded sight djstan~ wa, quolod by him at that m~Ung was 325 f~t b ut corre<lod to 370 becauso 01 tho slopo, And It brush ~ro kopt trlmmod back and I havo hoard this comment soveral Umes, Ulat ~ 10 f~t IS a posllblo Sight dlst.:lnco, It IS a posSible mc-3sureablo sight dlst.:lnc!> U13t ho dolormlned, Vts he would Uko to s~ some or tho bank cut back, That has already boon done, Mr, Bright has already performO<! Ulal. And I havo a lettor Ulat was wrltton to Mr, Bright by tho county ongln~r on 3/25/91 Which . ,- n q q 8 . ,\ I .~ P pJg& 2 st.1~ U1at sight VISit was made by a Realtor U1at was ~rtlng WlUI Mr. Brlgh~ Mr Diet Brmal and WlUI t~ members 01 U1& .ngtn(ot~rlng st.1ft to U1IS Slto 110 IS st.1Ung U1at ho has enclOStd a copy 01 U10 r*luUon and according to U10 AASlIGO, U10 19M Policy on ~motrlc !)MIgns 01 IIlghways and SIINts ror local rural roads U10 minimum requlroments lor stopping Silt dlst.1nct at U1at spHd, anoUlor ~rdl ,0 m P.h,ls 275.3251*l lie ~uld U1mlorolook lor around 300 I~t. And mort S~lllcally In Ooxtmber 1991 3251~t to satlsly U1~ rtqulromonts, Tht brush Is ktpt elm on U1e banks so U1at r o,w, souUl 01 U1. drlVolntm<<Ung n., Rapid Cr~t Road at right anglo U1. minimum Slto dlslanctls mol Tho minimum tight dlslanco Is mot Considering U1t sJl*ds at WhiCh Italllc appt3r1 to trml on Rapid Cr~t Road U1ls drln Is stili not 11.10.11 but It doos mHt U1t minimum requlr.monts Ilow What IS 11.10.11, I sUPP* U1. saltllats In Iltvada. TM purptM 01 my bo~lng hm IS to appt31 U1I, body to m3tt you awart Ulat U1e convtrsaUons U1at hm occurre<l and U1e cooporaUon U1at has occurrtd and U1tlact U1at Mr.l.lrlghtls mort Ulan willing to dmlop U1ls 3~ acr~ WlUI only eight bUlldabltlols, Far ~Iow What could possibly happon U10r0. Tho ract U1at ht has spont monwy and Urn. and tllort on hiS pJrt and tmploylng comp.1nliS IItt MMS and so on to do tveryUllng posslblo to try to adhert to U1t recommendaUons and U1e st.1ndards Ulat "'~rt requlr~ to Include U1e Sight dlstanct prOblem Which wo haveletltrs saYing and opinions staUng at pUblic mttUngs Ulat U1ls lias bo.~n met SO In lact U1olssuo btcomtS a subjecUve ORt raUler Ulan an objective one. Mr, Bright IS vory u~t wiUl U1at lit can't undorstand Why II ht has Itled to comply and has Indotd complied Why In U10 world IS U1er. now a detormlnaUon on a subjocUvtlml U1at U1ls U1lng should w d,nlod Kubby I Monica, do you remember vrtry woll U1, discussion as PIZ to answer U1ls qUtSUon Why PIZ leltlusUIIOO In denying When U1e condlUons minimally maybe not Idtally wor. met Moonl I Ullnk Ulat U1e koy Is U1at It IS not n Ideal sltuaUon That U1ero aro restrvaUons on U10 pJrt 01 U10 county englnwr U1at alUlough U10 minimum requlromtnts aro mot U10re aro stili U1rttxp<<latlon U1atlt Is not an 11.1031 situation, Tho problem could to remedied wiUl addlUonal mmurtS, That Is cutUng down U1, bank mn lurUltr and mOVing somrt 01 U1t brush RtlocaUng U1t onltanct WlUlln U1. conllntS U1at Mr Bright has to wort WlUI Thoro II no IndtcaUon U1al Mr Bright IS WIlling to undertake UIOSt additional remoolal measur&s and I Ultnk btcau~ 01 that U1.y haven't golwn U1e rullendors.rnent 01 Ult' county englnHrlng dept . 1- n q q q , ,\ , 'H pilgt) 3 Kubby I ~ elUler of you know Utatll Ute county s.lld If you do Utls It Will 00 okay, And was Utat done and It sUII wasn't qUlw gO<<tenough Fisher II can't S))<<lflcally allswvr Ute Olect ~uonce 01 mnts ~usc I wasn'tlnvolv~ from day on~, I would IIk~ to addr~s a point Utat Monica lust mado, ltalk~ to Mr, Bright today and as kid him If h~ would consider spending more money to try meet Utt Idoal stluaUon II you Will, We hm heard oUt~r diSCussion hm tonight Whtr~ cortalnly an ideal slluaUon Is gOing to ~ hard to obtain In a lot of matters, But he will do mryUtlng In his powvr and WlII5+nd Ute mOMY to meet Ute r~ommendaUons He IS s.lYlng y~ M Will do Utat He cannot of course go to a neighbor's property and Slart pushing Ute dirt around on Utat neighbor's proporty WlUtout Utelr permission Now If Utey Will give him pormlssion he Will I/e can't promlSt Utat he Will do Utat btcauso he doosn't hm Utat ability but he Will cut Ute brush bacl:. He will move a culvert Utat Utey aro asking him to mm. He Will spond Ute mOMY. Horowll was on PIZ When Utlscame up Ute first Umo, Itls his misfortune to hm a parcel Utatls locatoo, Ult road abuts it right at Ute Uppy, Uppy corner of one end of his, a pilrcel. And It was a problem Uten and It's sUllls a problem, I mean, Ute way Ute road Is conflgur&<! to meet Ute pilrcel really Is one paUSt for concern, The road Is sllghUy straight Utm and so When Utoy say 40 mph, good luck, Thm's a roal danger In front of Ute road Utore. If In Uto Ume Utat I was on PZ, now you say Ulat he's done all of UttSt measur&s. I'm really kind of surprlSOd Ulat Ute engineers approval Is so ~nlaUve. y~, ho meets Ute minimum standards, but I'm surprlSOd Utat he has not gone to meet Ute maXImum. Larson/llust want to give you What I pvrcelve as a straight ans~r to your qu&sUons OOcaUSt It's clm to me Utat Mr. Bright doosn't undmtand how at least Illo procoss works for me, And that Is If staU r~ommends wv approvel~ Uten ('m gOing to approve It And unUI Utelr concerns are taken care of, and not promts&<! to be taken care of, butlaktn care of, then I'm not going to approve It Thow leasons the staff gave wvre not only Ute Sight dlslance but also poor, no s~ondary access and poor street design Inside Ute plat WlUt Uto W (urv~ and such as Utat And I Utlnk Ulat Uta first point Is It doosn't mak~ any dillor.n(~ What ~ say about It. County's gOing to do What Utey want to do on It and Utey usually do Ute oppostoo 01 What wv r~ommend So I wouldn't getloo worried about What happens here tonight but sO(ondly In Uteso kind of a matoors, my jUdgement Is to what's a safe street plan or what's a safe sight distance Isn't worUt dtddly and staff's Is, And I'm gOing to . + 1- " n 0 0, , .H p3gH follow th~lr re(omm~ndations on tMs~ kind of w.:hnlcal UlIngs So,It'S r~al my WIth m~, You g~t stall 10 say It IS okay and th~n It Is okay WIth me, I lust wanted 10 give him a straight answvr I don't mean any diCClcully, I would prob.lbly my WIth itall on mor~ thlngi Ulan anybOdy on council except porhaps one other But on th~ kinds of w.:hnlcal matlors I tond 10 rollow stall's re(ommendaUons Courtney I Any other discussion. Riel: Borchard/l won proporty nc-xt 10 Mr, Bright and hm ror II years and like Mr. Ambrlsco I have nevor met my nolghbor. I have m~t all my other neighbors, Not that he has 10 come 10 me lor any kind of approval but he Is an almn~ land owner and What ever happons out Ulm then I hm 10 IIvt WIth Il 111lty 10 makt my points as brltf as I can, Tratrtc that en tors onlo Rapid Cr&&k Road eventually gets on 10 Hwy.1. It enlors Hwy .1 just about 50 r*t btrore a bridge, As a mattor or ract It might bt a shorlor distance than thal There Is geWng 10 bt a slgntrtcant amount or tratrtc down thm In the mornings, We have some lon~ situations down there. People aren't too patient and they try 10 pass, There Is people coming over the bridge and so there is a problem there. Rapid Cr*1: has a problem all the way along btcause It Is Winding. It has rmrse oonks 10 It and mtaln situations there that are not sare, And th~re Is more dmlopment certain 10 come onlo this road because there are several other areas out there that they would like 10 dmlop, So the situation out there Is lust going 10 get wor~ and I don't I:now if you roll:S WIll ever end up With that being Will1ln the city limits or not but It could be qullo a problem someday. The access Is on a down hili curve and I don'tl:now Ir you rolks have went out 10 visit the silo or nol It Is on a down hm curvt and I rarm somt ground oock up In thm and havt used ll1at access many times and hm gotlon 10 some very lonse situations pulling out of th&r& WIth wagon loads 01 hay, Tho big concern I have Is the school bus access 10 this area, Even if a bus was 10 turn around In Ulere which I don't s~ how Uley could do that very well, Th&y might hm the room but they are gOing 10 hm 10 e>>:ava~ a large amount 01 dirt 10 get a bus 10 be able to turn around In there, In ll1e mean time there are gOing 10 be people wanting 10 pull Inlo this ma Wht1e a bus Is turning around 10 get eight houses down there It Is quite a lew people entering and elltting this ma And even if a bus did get turnoo around, It Is just not salo Another neighbor and I p3rkoo a car at the botlom or the hili at the entrance and put Ule bumpor right even Wlll1ll1e edge or ll1e road and we came down ll1e road In another car at 40 mph In our corre(t land and was . , 1- '/ no' I . , \ -4 p, p3g~ 5 al~rt to wh~n 'IN spotted thiS v~hlcl~ and 'IN spotted It at about 325' If you ar~ not paying att.)nUon at all, you are r~al quickly down to 250. If you look at your gas gauge or hap~n to look hOro or look thm. Your on this acctSs ml rapidly, I think th~ rmon Mr, Bright has had a lot of probl~ms with gotUng thiS through Is thoro aro lust a lot of probl~ms WlUI that accllSS I m~an that Is lust Il tlOl mrybody {an go out and bUY pro~rty and turn It In to an amount of Mu~ lust.it IUSl isn't gOing to hap~n, Mayoo M made a bad lnv~tm~nt ( don't know, But what.)vel It is h~ might g~t angry ov~r Il I'd like to talk to him someUme abOut It but he nmr ~m~ to any of th~e m~Ungs and I hm nmr 5*n him so I can't addross thorn, ThallS on~ of my conc~rns Courtney/Thank you, Okay, John ~/I sat hOre so long I dellnlt.)ly want to gOl my two bits In / ~ethor you want to hOar It or nol I live In a house that Is next to /Il'6t this pro~rty and I use this parUcular access mryday, In factlalO tht only porson that uses It most days and Mrs,lIorow. Is correct It Is on a 9' slopt and It Is also going around a curvo. Basically what Mr, Bright has Is kind of a pan handlt ty~ of situaUon whero he has a large ploce on top of a hlll and then this r.o,w, that Is mayoo 50.75' wide that goes down abOut a fourth of a mile along a power line and then he has to come out Into the road within that con line. I have had many days whOn I have pulled out and someone Is coming up over the hlll a litUe fast whon I had to take a few more breaths bO(ause Uley didn't come dose to hltUng me butcerlatnly thoy could have, Ills parUcularly bad when It Is an Icy day. That typo of thing. I was advlsod by the ~ple that I bOught the place from or by some of the n~lghbOrs, I can't romemoor who but when It Is Icy you don't turn towards Iowa City. you turn tho other way and drive down abOut a quart.)r of a mile. turn around In somebOdy's driveway and then go up the hili, That Is for two roasons One IS so somebody doesn't ht you while you are spinning pulllng out into the road and the other Is to make the hili I lust can't see llIat it would 00 in IlIe city's wst Int.)rost if llIoy ever would lake over this area that Uley would want a condlUon like llIat conUnued, Thore Is nothing Mr, Bright can do abOut It. YtS. h~ can cut th~ bank back a IItUe bit mor~ but sUII the basic problem Is gOing to be llIere, I'd also take Issue abOut the comments abOut the county engln*r Yes he says that but ~ have engaged an engln*r from Cedar Rapids to look at It and he oollms that when you are putUng lllght MUSil out there and arll going to hm Ulat many trips a day coming oul thal one area that you ought to go by the . , - ,/' '"I] 0 e ' , -4 P. paao 6 In~fU(Uon s/andard and lbat ~uld r~ulro approXimately 600' 01 sight dls/anco Which 15 on lbe olbtr side of the hili basically I.3rsonl What s/awmonls did you duror from from tho county onglnoer, R\ot. !tIMI S,tylngth~t lb. sl.1nd.lrd, I.3rsonl Which 5/an~rd. .3f0SS'f1 was WIth Mr. Borchard wMn ....~ did thoso ~ls and I would also B" t. add that WI/h r~ard to /ho brush a Mr. Bright mado some minor changts a couple yom ago and nobody mr cut tho brush since thon and l/hlnk lbat 15 anolber probltm, If It was approvtd somtbody wouldn't ctlt /he brush and lbtn thtrt would bt an accldtnt I wouldn't think lbat would bt lb. typo 01 thing that this pUblic body would want to /akt on as /ho roqulromont of kooplngtho brush cul SO I would bt happy to provide your s/all with a copy 01 this report that wt got from lbo &Ilgln"r In CEdar Rapids. Thanle. you for your consideration, Courtney 1 Any discussion from coundl. Tht motion W3510 dtny tho rfCommtndaUon of dtnlal'to approvt tht rocommtndaUon of dtnlal. All th~ In favor of /he motion. (ayts) Motion pa~, . l' I I I I I i I , . . i ~ - '/ n 0 3 " ,\ , -5 pagt 1 Courlnty I Public Dis.;usslon.... Mary Goa~land/53 R&gal Lant I am hm to Npromnt tM ~nlor Ctn~r Commission, ~n't you lust 1m :onlng ordlnanc&S It has a way of altorlng our SltViS lovtl ~ lit's t.'llk about ~mithtng fun and thiri has ~n a fiW rifmncVi hiri tonight as lar as how ~II city and county work togtthtr. SO Itt's put your monty wbm your mouth IS and a W*k from Friday on January 31st tM S.nlor Cen~r sUff Is going to put city and county officials through a mini Olympics, SO WI) Invito the gtnml public to com. on down, Th. Urn. Is 3'I5to 3;5, If thty last that long, In addlUon In\) hav. many dlffmnt fttn~ programs and agondas bttng conducWd down at tht Stnlor Ctn~r through March, This btgan last 'n'*k, Wi had a clm on baSIC body m(o(hanlcs, Just dialing WIth common tvtry day tyllt t.'lskS SUCh as sbopplng and how you can work this In to proptr phySical hln~s We will havt a sltetch and toM class ~inntng February 4th, thert', 12 s~lons for this, And then I.Ufe WlIlch Is a low Impact eX*rcls+ for tntrgy c1as~ btglnnlng January 22. And there will bt 12 ~slons on that And In tht futurt WlIlch ....'f don't hm dat~ for ytt but w. WIll 00 giving our wa~r extrcls+ and fitnMs program again, Wt've had that In the past and It's ~n very succt5sful. SO WI) encourage the public WlIo are ellglbloto parUclpato In th~e tvtnts to come on dow, If you have any qut5Uons, call the ~ntor cenlor. And WI) look forward to your parUclpaUon Iltxt W*k, Courtney I Thank you. I'Ve heard rumors that the rt5ults are alrtady fl)))d though on WlIost going to win. Horowl John says he's outof town that day, I don't btlliVtll Kubby I Will WI) be throwing sbot puts 7 Horowl Karonl Kubby II ustd to 00 a shot puttor In high $(hool Horow/Oh surt. Show off, r.aron. show off, Kubby /I was, Horow/llust got ntw walking shoos, so I'm roady for that Courlnty I AnyoM elst want to talk about an Ittm not on 1M aienda 7 ~uglas JOMS/ I havt 2 complt~ly unrolatod I~ms One of them IS an 110m WlIlch was brought up by tho dl$(usslon of Idyll wild but Isn't girmano undtr that dl$(usslon, And that Is the problem with flooding In mosquito flats, During the nlct spring flood that WI) had last summtr, thtr. Wl)r. houses WlIost basemtnts Wl)rt Inundatod And thtrt was a public dlsltlbution of sand bags In Ule neighborhood In /.'lIking to a number of neighbors In that area both during tht flooding and In the . . , - 'I n [I LI ' ~ -5 page 2 con~xt of tM various dl$(usslons surrounding Idyll WIld I found a lot of restntmtnt of tM fact that sand and sand bags \INri dlstrlbuW but no advice was dlstrlbuW about What to do With a sand bag once you Itllod It With sand and you'v~ got It on your prop4,ty Thor~ wvro a lot of poople tXtlemely nervous about collecting sandbags and stock plUng them and comple~ly without guidance as to What to do WIth them once they had them, There wvre a lot of people Who place sandbags around UI&lr properties In ways Ulat ~u1d've ll*n comple~ly IMffective had there ll*n a flood And I think In the future When wv s~ a situation Ilke thiS, wv n~ an engln~r to consult with property owners perhaps In advance, perhaps draw up a one page Instruction shoet or something In the few are3S In Iowa City Which are genulMly at risk In flooding, MosqUito Flats Is one, Taft Speidway Is the other and I hOnesUy don't know What other parts of town are as e~ to the risks of flooding, That's one Item, The other Item wlUI a completely dtfferent hat on Is as chair of Ule Iowa City Area Group of he Sierra Club, I have ~n Investigating various envlronmenlallssues, And one Which has come to my attention and I'd like to call your attention to It Is tht Johnson County SOli and Water Conservation District SOli and Water Resource Conservation Plan for 1991. In recent yoars our drinking water quallly In Iowa City has declined markedly. The nitrate levels and slit levels measured at the water treatment plant have rl~n continuously over the years, The problem has reached the point the city Is considering spending $15,000,000 for a new wvll fleld, In their 1991 plan SOli and Water Con~rvation District's Annual Plan. dl$(US~S Ule posslblUty of constructing a Gr~nbelt and trail system along elm Cr~k and Rapid Cr&ok roughly from Kent Park to th~ IItUe town of Mom, They estimate that thiS could reduce the sediment loading at our water treatment plant during storms as much as 25llor an erosion control cost of about S 1.000,000 This Is dl$(ussed on pages 26.30 of the SOil and Wa~r Resource ConservaUon Plan Surllly If wv can spend $ 15 mllllon for a new source of drinking water wv can spend 10~ of thiS to Improve an<:l prottXt 1M primary sourco of water for our city In addition, such a greon belt and trail system ~uld be an Incrodlblo recreation and S(enlc asset for tho city, So 1 8$!: that you k&Op Ulls option In mind no matter how you &vilntually decide to setUe our drinking water problems That last romarl: I hm In writing lIlt would help kOOp the notes straight Nov / Steve, can we do someUllng with our englnoor dopt to write up a shoot of Instruction on sand bags, . , , - '/ nOS ' . '5 pag~ J AU:llIs/l Ullnk tM sand bag Id~a-Rld: h~ard that and I suspv\t ~ can pr~pare som~thlng and make sur~ that It g~ts distributed to th~ n\llghborhood, Rick FOiSt/lt Is alrtady In th9 works, W9 hav9 a draft document It Is too long, llobody wants to r9ad a book wMn ~ ar9 g9ttinglloodod so W9 are lrytng to eond9nS9lt Into som9thlng short and slmpl9, Kubby I Can It ~ distributed ~lore so J>9Ople can kind 01 g9t an Idea so that WIlen they really n~ to do It they can locus on dOing It vs,learnlng about It FO'MI Yos, ~ can do that W. can mall It to the neighborhood, Horowl Actually I would like to add to that That a copy be s~nt to the civil delenst commltlH at th9 sherlll's ollle9 becaUS9 I Ullnk It c9rtalnly could ~ considered by the Civil ~lense Board and pvrhaps ~ br03dcastM larth9r than just Iowa City. Jon~1 (can't Mar) Kubby lit may ~ that tht Mlghbors end up-som~times Illnd Instruction booklets dllllcult to lollow no matoor how simple and concise they art, And that having som. kind 01 presentation might ~ worth WIllie lor those WIlo want to get together and requ&St that. Courtney I Any other looms lor public discussion, Max Yocum/l have a IIttie problem but I think you people do too. I acquire this old hOUS9 down hert by tht south end 01 town and the city got an Injunction against me lrom moving It or working on It They told m. that II I worked on It that they would arr&St me lor working Without a pvrmlt I ~nt down and OOggod lor a pvrmlt and they relused to give me one. So I walked away and lelt It sit there, Now then one day tho city callod mo and wantod mo to m~t With thom, So I spvnt a hall a day down there just wasting my timo you know. And so then they wantod me to bo3rd It up so that It would 00 sale lor nobody to get In, Now they had control 01 It I had to make them glv9 m9 a pvrmlt to go down thero and do that I said Il you don't glvo me a pvrmlt thon I am not gOing, Now thoy havo ~II ill control 01 tilat hOus~ and th~y still ar~, I ~nt down and naUod It up but tht city Is In control 01 that hOus~ (am gOing to go to SouUl Amorlca belor~ vory long and I havo-I como back and UiWt arq Ullngs plackod on Ultro you know aboul Il you don'l-Ulls hazard and Ulls thing and all 01 that stulr... CHAllGE TAPE TO REEL 92 -15 SIDE 2 . ," , - '/ n 0 b ' ' . .\ i .~ p.1go ~ Yocum( In my houw. /low I am gOing to go lo Soulll Amtrlca and wilen I como 00(1: lIlal houw had btlwr nol 00 tort down 111 do S<lmollllng Willi Il when spring comvs, Anolll&r lIllng Thoy condornn~ one of my hou~ down by lilt river. I havt owntd It for twvnly yms and lIloy comi'd down and (ondomntd It If lIlo lady WIlO was living In lIltrt sho was ptrftCUy happy $hHlld lIlalllllloy dldn'l gol hOr oulof lIltrtlllallllty ......ro gOing to arr~l mo and Mr both and pul us In lall, I gol moro ol{trS Ilktlllalln oolng pulln lall for no moro tirn. thall hm sptnd thoro than you could ~UtvO, So any how I tool: Mr oUl and locl:td th. plac. up and pUl her In another placo, Now, I said okay WIl.n thoy como down thoro..! said I Wllllusl mov.thal trailor down hUt. Wollthey said wv don'l wanl any mort trailm In htro.,thon thty rtfuwd mt to lol mt to pul ontln.J11lusl movo thal lIlUt houw.,tht clly managor rofuwd to give mo a ptrmll and all 01 this slul{...so I am Imlng It thoro. I wanl you pooplo to I:now thal you art rltSponslblo for that houSt..lf you tear thal houw down..,thort Is going to bt Mil to pay...lf you'Vt gol any qUMtions... 1I0row/llow long aro you going to bt gon.... Yocum"nolntar as long as som. ~plo Uk. for mo to,.. a coupl. of months.., LarS<ln/...1 don't know anything about what you are talking aboul I can't guaran~ tho hoUSi Is going to bt thm. That dOiSn'l havi anything to do With any of us. Yocum/."You don't know a thing about thal MuSt down thm.... LarS<ln/... I lot stal{ doal With th~ things.., Yocum/ You show mo whm thoro Is a law In tho books that says I can't movt houstS, Larson ( That Is Mr lob, Shols tho clly attornoy,., Yocum/.... I wanl you to undmtand thal your city manager horo promot&<! this thlng...thoy thrtw this lady oul of tho houw thal was living In tho houso,.,WIlothor thoy will give mo a p+rmllor nolI don'll:now.... Courtnty I... Yocum/mUlls guy has cost mo thousand of dollars.. 1 havo oul aboul Ullrly MustS down through tho Sho......rs Addition....! havo made homfS for ptOplo to IIvoln /hat /hoy can alford,..... J wanl you pwploto kind of cMc\: tnto somt of /h....o things.... " Larson( I am always willing to 1001: Into things..... Courtnoy II thin\: your dlsagrovmonl Is With stall ovor tho ordlnan(os and tho Uniform Housing Codos and so on aro wvll documont&<! Wo cortalnly aro gOing to follow UIOSt) ordlnanc~ thal aroln placo according to UIO codos Ulal arothor. for housing conditions Wli hm had our probloms tn tho pasl With miSSing some things In an , I - '/ n 0 ~/ , ~ i I I i J , l 1 j I j I ,\ ! -5 pag~ 5 Ins~tlon and ~Ing SUN and losing some money om U1tm too Wt ar\' going to lollow U1t ordtnanc(lS U1at m on U1e bookS II you Wish to conwst U1~m Ibataro wh3tlb. courlS art lor Yocum/ll \'It aro gOing to IIYO undor a dlcl.1torshlp t don't know WIlolbor I want to do It hort or noLi haYt goUon hous~ turnod down all oyor .:Ubby I this Is Ulelblrd tlmo \'It hay. hmd about somo 01 Ibm U1lngs .I 'if\)uldn't mind gtttlng somttnlormatlon 01 Slall's persl^,<tlYt on WIlat was ~lng r~uts~ Irom Mr, Yocum and wily ht w~s dtnl~ ptrmllS to moYf or permits to 'if\)rk on Ibtm, Yocum/l 'if\)uld Ilkt to htar Ibat too,.. Courtn~y/llblnk It has betn txplaln~ by slalllbatlbm art numorous violations ollbo housing codoln bolb castS htrt, Thatlbo buildings lust artn'tllat out salt to IIn It Yocuml About my MustS.....! Will ~ glad to walk around you SIr. Courtnty II 'if\)n't dtny Ibat you han movtd a lot 01 hoUS(IS WlUI and wtlbout ptrmllS. Yocum I... Courtnoy 18y Ibe way Max./ry not to burn It ~Ust Ib~n you 'if\)uld ~ violating Ibo open burning ordlnanco. Yocum/lb. burning ordlnanc..... Courtn.y I Max. wt ntt<! to moye on, W~'ve got a long meeting, Yocuml You brought It up,.....yOU'vt got some wtll tralntd ~pl~ In Ibe clty...J rtsJ*(t Ibtm vtry htghly..got a situation WIlm U1~y comt down and pick tht garb.1gt up.......Ul.y art fiXIng to put som~ 01 my garbagt bill to turn~ ovor to Ibt county....nmr did shut tht damn blll 01/ Whtr~ Ibtys piCking up Ibt garb.1gt ,ought to s/ralgh~n out... llorow/lguO$' wt had botwr got aMid 01 you boloro you go tho SOuth America, Courtn.y I Anyon. .Ist han any Iwms not Includtd on Ibt agtnda, Chris Cornwtlll I am a jUniOr at City IlIgh, I am boro tonight 10 ask tho council t Install a stop Sign on tht corner 01 4Th and Court or haYeth~ bus stop mov~, Whon loavlng CIty High by 41b Su*t at U1~ ond 01 th~ school day vision to th~ talt coming up Court Sll*tls tol.1l1y blocktd, Poopl~ coming Irom Court cannot s~ cars waiting to pull out Th& m~n lor Ibl, I' be<aus~ Ibtr~ art 50.M kl<l, stan<llng on Ibo cornor waiting lor tho bus stop walUng lor tho bus Grado schools Irom down th~ slI~t also hm a hard Umo crOSSing I am told by Ms Tossor (sp?), vlco prinCipal, that tho City High sonaw has ooon lIYlng to got a /ral/lc sign or th~ bus stop moved lor cl~ to Ilv~ yoars My sls~r and I wtr.ln an 8ccldont on Ulls corn~r Doc~m~r 13th Damago to boUt v~hlcl" was a lot butlucl:lly Iboro was no ono . I' 1- '/ n 08 ' 1 ( I i ! J ! I , I ! ~~~_ __~ _I .~ pJgt 6 ~rlously lnjurtd, I am asking for somt kind of traUlc control dtVIC. to bt Installtd at hmt during tM hours btt\mn 7.9 am and ~'5 pm Monday Uuough Friday, I han coll<<W<! 5~J nam~ Including ~ronts, ~(hors. and studonts, Could you pl~~ ~ What you can do to Install a stop sign or mm a bus stop Mort somobody sorlously gtts Injuroo, I hm il potiUon right horo. Kubby litis a lot of work to gtt thOSt numbtrs of stinatur~, Courlnoy II would lust tell you that ~ hm betn working on soll1ng up a saftty commlttH comprlstd of ~plt from tht s<hool board and from tho city council and th~ ~plo hm ~n n3mtd now and we'ro....~ will bt ~tUng up our first mHUng soon Tho plan Is to do somo touring of oach ono of tho laclllUUvs In quvsUon and go Into discussions on soluUons, It Is working but It Is coming slowly, Horow II hm also talked to your s<hool studont pr~ldont and lIsktd him to talk with tho $fnate, tho studonlS about tho potential solutions that thoy could mn sot around city high, I am asking him that all of us, tho city council and tho school board. the paronts and the studfnts to roally think about tho Issu" that makt thost probltms... Karr I Could ~ have a moUon to accopt tho potiUon plmo. Courlnoy I Moved and ,&conded IKubby /Horow) to accopt tho pol1Uon, Dls<usslon. Allin favor. MoUon carrl". Any othor ~plo havo Items for pUblic discussion not tncluded for public agonda, . 1- '/ n 0 q " .\ Aoanda Iowa Cily City Council Rooular Couneil Moollng January 21, 1902 Paoo 12 ITEM NO.8' PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CITY'S PROPOSED COMMUNITY BUILDER PLAN, Commont: Tho proparallon 01 a Communlty BuUdor Plan will provldo Iowa City with bonus polntl whon applying 101 a varloty 01 Italo Ilnanelal asslslaneo p,ograms, Tho PUlPOSO 01 tho Plan II to have communlllOl dovolop a data bllo ollnlOlmatlon on varlou. componenll 01 tho communlty and to OIloblllh a plan which oddrouol Ihalo componantl, Public Input 1'lOqulrod and any commontl IOcolvad mUlt be odd,ossod In tho llnal Communlty BuildOl Plan, Action: },./, ,lib".; f .....-.---.-..-"-....- ITEM NO.7' ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES. a, Animal Control Advl.ory Boa,d ' Ona va coney lor athroo.yoar torm ondlno Ap,i15, 1008, IJanlco BockOl'ltorm onds,1 b, CIvil Sarvlco Commllllon . Ono vacancy 10' a alx'YOOltorm ondlno April " 1008, lMlchool Kennody'lto,m ondl,) c, Planning and Zonlno Commllllon ,Ono vacancy lor a IIvo.yoar torm ondlng Mly I. 1907. (Caloy Cook', torm ondl,l d, Mayor', Youth Employmont Board. Two vacanclollor thloo. yaar torml ondlng April 18, 1095, lTo,ml 01 Davo Jacoby and LOlOn Forbas and,1 Thaso appolntmonls will bo modo otlha March 3, 1002, mootlno 01 tho City Council, ITEM NO. 8 ~ CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION, _J~l) Icc,) , i '- '/ n ., 0 . ,\ i '6 page I Courtnoy I Opvn tM ph D3vld Schoonl 10W3 City Economic Dmlopment coordinator and I am here to ans~r any qutSUons that you or tho publiC might hm on tho plan. Tho Idea whlnd rf<lulrlng or encouraging tho dOYtlopmont 01 a community builder plan IS to get communities Involved In planning elforts. And to do that the state Is providing an Incentive that II you have a community builder plan on lIIe that for a variety or rtnanctal mlstance program you Will receive bonus points wilen you apply ror thOSt, In tht ca~ or 10W3 City ~ have a numwr or planning documents w11lch 4 numoor of communities aron't Involved In or In as detailed, So wIIat we hope to do With our community bulldor plan Is provide a summary of those documents and provide a list of priorities and a plan of action to addrtSs those compononts. those rtve components listed and dls(USsoo tn the community builder plan, I WIll w happy to ans~r any questions that you or the pUblic has. Ilorow/ljust want for the record to make surt that this plan has ~n ~nt to tht ECCOO that Is also doallng WIth community bulldu plan, Schoonl Yes It has oo.n. Kubby I Tho one documont that wasn't listed In terms of kind of meshing dllforont plans Is the community development plan that the CDBG sl.1lf and the CCN dmlops to bast their prlorlUos for recommending funding block grant monies for us for. Is thero a speelnc reason wily that wasn't mentioned, A lot of Ills redundant or Ule CHAS and or tht Comp Plan but some or It may not W. But I don'l know lilt Is relevanl to this or not Schoonl Tho rocus or this Is administered through the Dtpt or Econ, Dtvelopment and so a lot or tho InrormaUon Is gmed towards tho Inrrasltucluro available within tho community and ror economic dmlopment activities and hOUSing, Those Issues also, In a few months Ule communlly development plan Will ~ updated again and It Will 00 wrore Ule council. Courtney I Any other discussion, Clvs~ the public lwarlng, . ,- ,I n ./ '/ , -~ Pag~ I Courtnoy I City Counclllnlormauon I:U~by II lust had ontlttm I \to'.lntVll tI) Itt U1t pUblic and counctlknow about A PUbliC symposium Will bY htld starung In Iowa City and moving tI) Dvs MOlnts Tht nam. 01 U1t symposium Ii lIand Guns Inlurt.s: A Public IItalth ^pprroch TM first day WIll N In 10W3 City ')n January 29U1and It WIll fO(us on ooucaUon and gttUng InlormaUon tI) U1t gtnml public and U1t gtnml public IS ~Icomt And U1t Mxt d3y and 0 half tht symposium WlUI movo to tits MOIMS tI) sl.1~ WId. polley makm tI) tducalt thtm and tI) glv\' U1tm InlormaUon on Which tI) bait polley d+ctltons on And U1tllrst half 01 U1t symposium Is Mid tn tht Trlangl. ~lIroom 01 U1t (MU and WIll 100us on lOOking hand gun InJurl" from U1t PUbliC htalth ~r'pt<uv.. Tht s<<ond half Sarah 8rady WIll bt htrt and oUltr nationally known fX'Oplt to l.1lk abOut .valuaUng gun ~ntrollaws and looking at 1<-glslat/on So it It somtthlng that wt hay. kind 01 talktd about Thm Is an opportunity lor som. 01 us to at~nd a lunehton WIth somt 01 thtSt naUonal txptrls, I tneourag. th~ of you In~r.,~ to otl4nd U1at lunehton, Nov II would IIk+ a copy or lbt schtdult. Larsonl Thank you Mr. Mayor. I W3S gOing to l.1lk about somtlblng two WHks ago and It W3S IMO or so by lb. Um. ~ got to !ttm -9 last WHk and -6 tonight W11leh Is city coun(1llnrormat/on. So ( am going to glv. you an abbrtvlatoo vtrslon Going bact H yoars ago wMn I was a disc jO(l:&y at a night club I han ~mlvtd WIIat Ilblnk as a trtnd toW3rds Itss raelal tolmnetln Iowa City, My last tlv. yms or bolng tXUnslvtly Involvoo Wllb albl.~ In 10W3 City lbrough bolb somt work on lbt radio lbat k*ps mtlnvolv9d Wllb U1t Iowa baskttball ttam and Wllb lb. summtr Itagutlhat (run Tht Prlmt TIIM Ltagut, Has 19d mt. along Wllh 1M Involvtmtnt I hay. naturally as a lawytr Wllh clUztns and out sys~m ollUSUeo, to oollm Ulat alUlough Ul. prO(ojss by WhiCh ~ 1~lslatt and tnrorc. mlal qquallly o/id <-qual opporlumty has mad. grtat strld.s, On a porsonallml ~ hm movoo backwards conSiderably I gut'ss I gage lbat as much by lb. ovory asp&(ts of ordinary IIro as J do any kind or a moro rational strueturt, So It Is somoWhat anUdotal But I hm more raclalloktS and I hm loss rvsponse tI) U1~ raclallokos I noUe9d today our txwcuuvo dtroctl)r or tho Human Rts, Comm Uld lhat one 01 Ultlhlngs U1at you can do tI) commtmora~ MarUn LUlhor I:ing day IS to not put up Wllb Ulat That wh<on you hm a ractalloko Instoad or Nlng poutt and lust turning away and not saying anylhlng, , -/ / J '- , ~ ',1_ , I ! ; I i I I I , I I .~ PJg~ 2 That It Is Um~ to aC~noWle..1g~ that that Isn't vnough And ~ In honor 01 Dr, f:lng and In light 01 trying to Ilnd on. or tWl> small Ullngs that ~v~rybody can do, I don't thInk that you havt to go to a symposium lor a day, although that IS nlC~ I don't think that you hav~ to go out and PUSh som~ human rights ag~nda, although that IS cm.alnly nlCt I don't think you hm to trml to Dubuqu~ to show tht raCISts that gathmd th~r, rt<linUy Ulat they are th~ out casts and thalth~y don't n(ot(l to try and mal~ anymor~. I thInk that 1/ wv can just all Ilnd a way that Whtn Wt) art conllonW WIth raCisms as Wt) all Oft by a casual remark Irom a Irlend or an acqualnt4nce That you lust bkt a sland. And It mort ptOpl~ did tha~ Ithlnt wt W\)uld do mort to ~rase that fntolmnc~ that I ~ groWIng than any olllclal prIXlamaUons, I think many black ptOpl.fn Iowa City INlthat they art trvaWd dllltr~nUy. That th~ tlip.:(laUons ~plt hm When ~pli ~ a black p'rson art tlip.:(taUons that art st.rtolyplcal, I know somt black athltlts '"1 U~t thoy art treat<<! dltlerenUy by law enlorc.ment But I don't thInk ll1at is a complaint that Is lsolat~ or lust to bt b3Sfd that law tnlorcement or the judiCial sys~m or the pros~uUng attorn.ys or anyone ols., I think It Is a ro/lt<Uon 01 tho lact that Whon Wt) look at a black person wt ~ a black pirson jns~ad 01 a person. Wo can all try to not only in our own Stlls, Which most !'toplo I think art ablo to do thatfn a non stmotyplcal way But II Wt) can also ~ up Iront about conlronUng those ~plt Ulat do set !'tople s~rtotyplcaUy, It Will do more ll1at any 01 tho olllclal proclamaUons, I just want<<! to ask In this bUlly pUlpit lorum ll1at I havo her. by virtu. 01 my good luck 01 wing on city council that all 01 my Irlonds and acqualnlancO$ try to makt that Oxtra sttp, Courtnoy I Thank you, 1l0VII would Ukt to glv. a IItU. PUbllclly to thli Ltg 01 Wom.n Vowr's Lfgtslators rorum, First 01 Which IS coming this Saturday, 930 am at th. Iowa City PUbUc Ubrary And this OM IS co.sponsoroo by Ult Siorra Clubs, Bring your ~nvlronmontal concorns or any other concorns and sh~r~ thtm \~itll ,our lqglsldtors Horow/l dId hm th~ honor 01 atwndtng tho Human Rts convocaUon at 1M lJ,ol I all day yts~rday, I gUts; It was UI~ Shartng WIth ptopl. alwndlng various paOlils and varIous s~akm I was that procm 01 In~ractJng With ~plli, L~arntng Irom ll1oso Who brought to tho convocaUon and contrlbuUng In my own mann~r Wo did sharo a lot Wo roally.1 was unablo to att.ind UIO IInal SOSsIon I UIO OVonlng at Clapp Hall Which was d~slgn~ as a h~3llng cmmony Having juntor -, f , ,_ '/ n ,I =1 ' - .~ pag~ ~ high kids sing as \'Nil as ~mo) other r~lIYIU~ I was exuemely proud or our Human Rt.s Comm, mombers who spoke on prmnung ~xual harassment In thO work place. I was al~ vory proud that Bob Hardy had put together a vldcoo giVing oxamplos or harassment In the work place, It was a cast or siX But It was done tn trUe HOllYwood lashlon, You roallY could s* the e:-:lmples 01 harassment tn the work place bOth Irom the lemale point 01 view and a young male haras~ by a senior lema Ie suptrlor, We all came a'//3Y rrom that In ~rms 01 discussing It It ~nslUZed ~ple It made us uncomrortable And then we qU05tioned Why ~re ~ un~mlortable So I really give coodos to our Human Rts, Comm, But al~ the Unmrslty ror putung this on, Coming on top 01 the ..ml: In which I;.'t at~nd(o(\ relranchlslng or cable seminars and ~sslons I was VHY IrusttatP.d that that whole day was not cabl(o(\'Vldootapod It ShOuld havo ~n and It shOuld bi broadcast and rebroadcast But I was reallY very proud 01 us, MeDII want to talk a IIttie bit abOut the parking but walt until.12. Courtney II would like to lust mention that I think ~ had the grea~t event In the history 01 Iowa City lor businesses and retailers over the ..mkend, TM business lair that was conduct&d at HancMr put on by the Chamber 01 Commerce was a w..oundlng SU((~, Friday night there were 500 ~ple thero. saturday tho count came In someWhere under 3,000. And Ule total was right at 4,000 ~ple to come tilrough Having a bOOth at our place 01 business and the cards that wm turned In requesting Inlormation.~ have had someone sorung them lor two days and they art still not done, I particularly like to point out and I w1sh9d that I had wrlt~n down the Whole commlt~, I would partiCUlarly like to point out Katherine t:urth and lohn Gross, I believe they were the commlttH chairs that put thO evont ~oth.r, Katherine, In partiCUlar, ~nt to exueme rlsl:s to convince a not totally WIlling Chamber Board Ulat tills event ought to be pulled off Iknow that theN \'Nro a lot 01 apprehensions aMad 01 Ume abOut hOW many ~ple would ~me In thl) lace or two basketball games on Sunday there was still a crowd, I just thin\: It was one or tM groaWSl mmgs that has hap~n9d I know that that the plans are going rorward lor noKl year already and I think that lhm WIll be a lot more demand ror the bOOths, I lust like to 53Y to tho City 01 Coralville that when we set our water llY,ed that \'N are gOing to pass out water that IS better than yours I \ I I t . I -"'-~--C'----" I i i ! I \ I , , , , "d"",<.,',,,"" , '~'/ n ,I LI ' '6 pag& ~ Larson/I had a long dlswsston WIth Dolly Pardon Friday night and It was vory Intm~Ung.., Courtn.y / Tho onwrlalnm&nt was sycond to nOM, ltorow/ Did you ~ tho 8arOO8. display........ __", .,.......,............~~.w._ w .1 ! 1 I \ I , 1 I i I I I \ , I I I I I , . ,- ,/ n ./ 5 , ,\ j Aoondl lowI City City CooocU Rooular Cooocll Mooting JI~ry 21, 1992 PIOO 13 ITEM NO, 9 ' REPORT ON ITEMS FROM THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY, I, City Mlnagor. ..().. b, Clly Attorney, .. I'J - ITEM NO. 10 ' CONSIDER A REBOLUT10N AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ~ ADOPTION OFTHE IOWA CITY URBANIZED AREA COMPLEMENTARY PARATRANSIT PLAN AB REQUIRED BY THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILlTlEB ACT OF 1000 WITH THE U,S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. URBAN MABS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRA. TION, AND DEBIGNATlNG THE CITY MANAGER AS THE CITY OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE ANY CERTIFICATIONS OR ABBURANCES FOR THE PLAN, Commont: Tho John.on County Counell 01 Govornmonts hal proparod tho Complomonlory Pllotranslt Plan on behalf 01 Iowa City Tran.lt, Tho plan II a roqulromont 01 olll,onslt Iystoml 01 pOIt 01 tho Amorlcans with Dlsobllltlol Act 01 1090, Tho JCCOG Boord 01 DI,acto'l has ,ocommondod approval 01 tho plan, Action: ~ J II-.IJ ( . 'm.:P 7'0 .; ~", . , - -/ n '/ b . Aoonda Iowa City Clly Cooocll Rooular Council Moollng JallUlry 21. 1902 pooo 14 ITEM NO. " , 9Z' I~ ITEM NO. 12. ~ i , ITEM NO, 13. ..1W.'l- CONSIDER A RESOLUTION TERMINATING THE JANUARY B, 1991. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND NEUMANN MONSON P,C. AND AUTHORIZINO THE GIVlNO OF NOTICE THEREOF. Commanl: Tho City hll mado lubltlnllal ching.. In It. 011011111 pI.n to ptovido additlONI parking 100Iho conll.1 buslnoll 1100. and II luch, It II doslrablo to tormlnalo tho Janutry 8. 1991, doslon loreomont with NOumOM Monlon P.C. PhlIGlI.nd II ollho Aoroomont havo boon complotad .t a COlt to tho City 01 IB7,98B,oo, 51.11 rocommondl adoption olthll ,alolutlon, Action: J!dt/J / JJIIf& f ~t~lJ % CONBIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SION AND THE CtTY CLERK TO AnEST AN AOREEMENT BETWEEN NEUMANN MONSON P,C. OF IOWA CITY. IOWA, AND THE CITY OF IOWA CITY TO PROVIDE CONBULTING SERVICES FOR THE CHAUNCEY SWAN PLAZA PAR KINO STRUCTURE, Comman!: Tho City 01 Iowa City doslrol to Conllluct a mullllovol parking .lIuctUlO abovo tho ..IIUng ChoUllCoy Swan Plara par kino 101. Tho laclllty will be ownad and opera lad by tho Clly 01 Iowa City and will bo finanead wllh ulOr ,0vonutI, Tho total cost 01 tho nooollatod contract with NaumoM Monson P,C.II 1275.000,00, Tho tOlal ploloct COStl ora olllmatod 10 bo 14,300,000,00, City Ilall,ocOIIlmondl apptovol, I( ,. /llJ AcUon: 4t.WbU / ~f() f ,.lev "1ft) (t..u4tr ~ CONBIDER A RESOLUTION RELEABINO A CERTAIN SANITARY BEWER EABEMENT AGREEMENT WITH PROCTER 8. GAMBLE LOCATED IN THE SOUTH ONE. HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, IN TOWNSHIP 70 NORTH, RANOE 8 WEST OF THE 5TH P,M, Commont: Thll ,osolullon '0100101 City InlorOlt In a logmont 01 sanllary IOwo,localod within p,oparty ownod by Proclar and Gamblo, Tho loomont In quosUon II a lanllary .owar which Iha Southwast Intarcoplor Sawor p,ojacl raplacod, AcUon: ~j-&rJ, ~1f; \ A '1J "IS , , ,- '/ n ./ ,1 . .\ ! , , i i I I j · 12 P.)g~ I C.,urln~y I MOVN by Ambr, W{ondlld by Courln~y to adopt 1II~ r~luUon Discussion, Y.ubby II had a CCluplt of qu&suons abOut lIIe agrttmont can I ask 1II"''' first? Courlney I Go aMad. Y.ubby lOne of lIIem, there's a list 01 sfl\'C13\ conSlduauons WIIleh wvro 'hlng~ that 'tM had 1.31keo:l abOut In lilt pm bUl on. Iptaal ~nltrll!ration llIat WY talked ^bOut Ulat's not IIs/lxl Mrt II 1II. FarmtrS' Markel And lIIat mayor may not havt archt~tufal asr:<<ts to ILl ~uld lIke to havelllat addtd as a sfl\'Ctal conslderaUon Horow/I askO(! about lIIat too and I gu&ss Isn't tM qu&sUon wMlIIor 1II~ staff, our staff, would do lIIa~ rallltr than tht archlt<<l Y.ubby / Well If It's that Farmer's Martit tnded up lor oX3mplo on tho top Iml or something and they wanle<! prottcUon and In tho dtstgn 01 lM IttUclUrtl, Sl)mt of thoso infrastrUcture things n(lOdtd to bt In place at Ule frollt ond to be cMa~r, I don't know Ulat that's even. Horow/I was thinking about relocation. y.,u're points ~1Il.lktn, Kubby / So I was thinking about llIe archlttctural as~L Larson/Is thatcontemplatod In the agro+mtntdo you think? that they would l.lkolnto consldtration tho nttd to provldo for tho Farmm' Markot according to staU's dtr&<tionl? Schmadeke/ We hadn't considered Il LarSl)n/ Can you throw that In. Kevin? Schmadeke/Ult's d~trable to locate the Farmers' Market on that StLo. Kubby /1 gutsS I wan/lxllt In the agr..ment In ca~ WY dt<lde that's a d~lrable Larson/I do too. Atkins/ Ploa~ be earotullllough about lilt olrtont of lIIat beCauso you art building a parking structure to bo paid WIlli parking rmnut5 W11lch Is not really dlr&<Uy relevant to lIIe Farmm' Markel That's a po'lrlpMrallssue and I lust ~uldn.t want us to taint our capital finanCing It. Larson/I don't hm a problem willi lIIat I am lust saying that If what lilt city d&<ldes Is to try to Incorporate that I don't want to get an extra bllllor 1M archl~tural ~rvl~, Atkins/ My Imprtsston was lIIat It was UIO doslro that oneo this plm Is buill that you wan/lxl to k"p Ule Farmers' Market In lIIat area, I'm sure we'd work willi Kevin and Ule oUler folks to aecommodato them LarSl)nl ( lust don't want to have lIIe lIItng built and lIIen have som~M say, Boy Uley would (It so nicely right her& II we'd lust ~uld'v& made a , , ,- '/ n '/ 8 ' . ,\ ; · 12 pagl} 2 mUe more room In this corner or something. Or ~ had the ele<tllClly or the slak&s for canopies or Wha~ver Atl:lnsl Or Wha~ver, Yeah, Horowl That really was part of our comrsaUon on thiS Whole thing, I would ha~ to set It left out Atklns/l have trouble recommending to you tha~ the u~ of parking rmnu&s to finance something that IS nol dlrecUy rela~ to the parking sys~m, Horow/l undersland tha~ S~ve, Okay but that to me then Is that ~ havt not solved Where they ere going to ~ ~fore '1M give up the sl~, Atklns/l agr~, ~ have not decided Where they are golnR to ~. I made the assumption all along you wan~ to keep them there In the future. But Where they are going to go In the In~rlm during construction no ~ haven'~ other than kicking around some Ideas Horowl No, relocaUon for I~ I'm sure we will lake care of Il Alilnsl Ule ~mporary. Horowl Tllmporary relocaUon Is okay, It Is the ~rmanent sl~ that I'm not getting a lllUe bit concerned about. Kubby I If It ends up being X amount of dollars, can ~ pay that from another fund? Atklnsl Well, you can pay It from Ule geMral fund, Y.ubby I We want to know What they are, the ans~rs to those questions, McDI When you're lalklng about dollars, how much? Atklns/l don't know. Larson/lt shouldn't cost anything. Atklnsl If you want to InlUa~ something that provides lor extraordinary wiring or some kind of construcUon Into a parking ramp to accommodaoo a Farmers' Market, that's stretching the deflnlUon of the u~ of parking revenue. That's my concern, We happen now to have a parking tot that has a farmer's market I am making an mumpuon t.hat we will have a parking ramp that has a farmer's market in It. We Will do wllaoover we can reasonably to accommoda~ Ulem, Primary mission of flnanclng the construction of tho prolect Is a parking ramp, The secondary beMllt that you gain IS a . MeDII think we agree with that, I don't want US to go oul and build a market either. Atklnsl And that Is my concern, McDI If they could be Incorporated Into the sys~m somehow I guess, That should be able to be dOM without any large expenditure or any Ilxpendlture really. . , ,- " n 't q , . ,I , 12 p3gt 3 Alklns/l am making tM mumpuon, for elCample,ls you chOSt to ktilP farmer'. markel on /helo\tNr Iml, /he ground Iml,/hat tMy will hm po\tNr neods, SimplY b<<aU~ Ills going to 00 darker In /htrt I am assuming /hal WY would build Into /hi design.1011 Kevin. look, WY n~ some kind of poWYr sourco that \tN can tap Into to. I think WY (an accommodatethost kinds of things, Larsonl To me,ll points out tho n*<! to d9Cldo What we aro gOing to do with /horn oocauw /hoy may vory ~II wanl and W(! may very ~II want /hat their ptrmanenl place 00 on the RtC Conler lol There are all kinds of things. AlklMI Absolutely. Kubby/ljusl wanl/hal to bo a consideraUon of mtne, I have one other thing aboulthe addlUonal. Alklns/llffort you go on Is thai something ~ can ent&r Into /he agroomenl G4ntry ( RO<OgniZt thai- Aikins I RocognlZt Ulalfarmers markollssUes ne<<! to 00 Incorporaw.1lnto /ht design conctplor somt/hlng such as /hal. Then I can watch II from /htllnanclng end It II dotS provo to be troublvsome ~ can bring It Nck to you. I gutsS II you have very general language IIko I am suggesUng,/hat Is okay, l/hlnk wo can amend In /hat fashion, McDI Ktvln can do any/hlng. Gentry I Wt can get toge/her on language, Larson I If he doesn't have to sit through another Idylwlld discussion. KUbby I Mt/ht addlUonal services costs /hat are oolng taken care of by /hIs agrHmont or /hey.lt lusl says addlUonal services, It doesn't talk about addlUonal mOMY for /host services. Schma&kel It would be addlUonal money, We don't anUclpate any addluonal services at /hIs polnl Horow/l hm a couple of quesUons, The IIrst OM has to do WIth spt<lal consideration '2 Which says gradolevol parking shall access from WaShington StrHl and tht Roc Ctnt&r parking lot, SO I am assuming /hat that means Burlington Sl wlllllavo an access to UIO parking 101 and- Schmadaktl Just /helowor love\. The ground level, Horowl Yoah, but It sUII would b6 not from /he Roc Conror parking lot but really from Burlington Str"l Which means, would /he Roc Cenlor parking 101 need to 00 roconflgurod for this access, Schmadakel No, Thero Is access thero now Irom /he Roc Cenltr parking lot. Horowl Wo would let ~plo drlvo/hrough a parking lot to gel to a ramp, Schmadal:t/ No, Not the ramp porUon, Just /ho ground lovel porUon , , ,- '/ ,-, P tl ' - - ,I I , i i I I j , i I I I I I I - 12 pagt ~ Atkln,( But I think, su~n and I dII(US5~ Ilthl, alternoon and I apologlZ~ Chuck lor not altrUng you to I~ tho concorn oltralllc lurnlng 011 01 Burlington Into tht Roc Center lo~ drlylng through tht Roc Center lolto Hnd thtlr way to ChaunctY Swan lolls a 1~IUlII3te conctrn, Courtnty I Bul thal hapPfns noW, Atklns/l knoW that 0.\11011. Is IS somtthlngthough thal Wt nttd to Incorporate. Btcau~ II 'lit gtnmte a hKk a lolol morttralllc In Ihtft do you nt<<1to bllXk that. Do you stop lolkslrom uslngtht Burlington. HoY I Ther. aren't going to bt any mort spa~" ayallablt. Atkln,/1 am simply making tht obStryaUon Horow/Okay. My next.th. othtr IS$uethalI haY. rtally Is, I have to ralst this Issut With tht agrttmtnt.. WMn I started looking through the sptctal consldtraUons piuS \l~m -II Which Wt roa\l%o thal Wt have madt substantial cMngtS In tht original plan, II 'lit hayt madt substanUal changts In tht original plan hOW do Wt hm the right to go back to tho Am. archltfCt.. I,n'lthl, something thalthrough a procur.mtnt. proctU shOuld go out to bid again Larsonl Wt don't. bid archltfCluro things. Atklnsl ProposalS. 1I0rowl ProposalS, It Is a proposal. Atkins I I think tht quostion tht council nMds to ask.ansWtr Is has tht prolKt. changtd substantially tnough that. It. would roqulrt you to go back out. bteaUSt you hayt a now prolKt, I think Ulalls tht call you haytto makt, I think, lor txamplt, thalli you ch*n to procttd with iay tht south 01 Burlington site or somt site In thal arta, You hm In tlltct. rtally dramatically changtd tht naturo 01 tho prolKt.. You art going to purchast air rights and allth. things that Wt talked aboUt.. It Is vtry much a!udgtmtnl call, I think thtlnlUal agrttmtnt covtrtd Chauncy Swan and tht Roc Ctnler lor 000 dock, Whal you havt deddtd as a mallOr of poliCY Is ChaunctY swan and gone to multi dKks. Is Ulat a substantial changt, Horowl Tht question I would hayt lor Chuck Is I thought tho) original oj~lsn, t>&eausoll was lu,lOOO mort dock, didn't 1001: attht geological plnnlngs for multi 1m\. wouldn't WIJ hm to go bat\: and get mQro) Information aboulthal Schmadaktl Wt art In this contract goIng back to tht solIs tngln..r for another analysiS, That IS part of this contract.. But Wt dId havt to do soli borings r~ardloss, How It Is an analysis 01 wl\ethtr It. will ~upport Ulr.. dtd:s as opposed to one dock, I Ullnk Ulat Ult actual solltesUng work had to bt done In some degrtt. Again, Its your call, . , 1- '/ n e ./ , ,\ ! · 12 (>3gt 5 Horowl But you hm 10 do mort soli ~Ung 10 dig dWJ:*r. Atklnsl Havolo dolor 10 Chuck on that I am assuming that somo analYSIS has 10 bt done on that soli ~hmadako/l think that tho ~II borings that....~ have art adtquatt Horowl Aro sultlcltnt Oh, okay, My qU~Uon. S<hmadakt/l think ~ would only go out and solicit addltionallums at thiS Ijmtll W9ltll that "tuman Monson wasn't quaUllod 10 bUild this typt 01 a slrucluro. Going through thtln~rvltw proetS1lhal W9 did I think that thty art quallllod, And thaI wt pr"b;Jbly would hm stlt(~ them anyway. Horow/l agret With you, But Irom tho proctS1 point 01 view 01 procurement I am qu~Uonlng Whothor or not ~ art not honor bound 10 go out lor moro bids, I gutS11 would turn 10 Unda Ar. ~ 53f., I gUtS1IS the .......,rd, 10 do It tho way W9 art dOing It ~ntry II/hlnk so, As W9 dlscu$Sfd tarller thero art no slate law requlrtmenls on consulUng conlracls as opposod 10 public Improvemtnls contracts to build buildings for moro/han S25,OOO. Thero aro vtry set proetdurts lor that This Is, as S~v. has d~r1b+j, It', a proem that /ht city council l/$tlt has ch~n to u~ Wi/h various consultanls, Tho consultant for tho W9Uand, For oX3mplo, tho way I go out and hlro altornoys. Thoy aro consultanls, Tho way Chuck hlrtS an archlt<<t lor doslgn onglnttring, And I think In pracUcal tbrms I w>uld SUSl*Ct Neuman Monson has bttn lar onough down this road Ulallt would bt shame to clly lax (>3ytrs In a way 10 rOlnvont Ult Wh*1 by going out and having somWM fist play caleh up With Whal was mr done btlort, And to that txtent this Is an addiUon or'8 largt addlUon I must say to tho prior agrttmont Bul/horo Is somo oxporloncoln InlormaUon that can bt rouUII:td lor tholargor proloct which makts /hls.As Stevo 53ld,lt Is a judgomtnt call on your P3rt but thoro Is nothing Ulognl, Larsonl Plus, I don't think you can do It oneo you havt pUbliShed tho conlraet prlco. ObviOUSly, ~plo know What thoy would prieo II at '-hon, Otnlry I Tho cat is out 01 tho bag, Horowl Woll, thank you, I lust had to ask thaI quosUon Otnlry 115 /hat conslslont With your thinking, Monsonl Yts, MeDI A couplo ol/hlngs that I wan~ to bring up I gUtss, tlrst or all, I want 10 prtlaet my romarks by saying thaI I am totally eonvlncod tJlat we n~ 10 movolorward WIth 1II1s prolect and movolorward as quickly as W9 can, So I ctrtalnly don't want 10 put tht brakts on In , ,~, ,- '/ n P P .' - - ,I · 12 pagl) 6 i i i I I I I \ any manner. But I still have a lot 01 r~rvaUon about tM sIZe 01 1M structure. I am not yet convinced that wt n~ a lour story parking ladlity across the str*t. ttow I know that ~ hm all 01 the num~rs that hm ~n presen~ to us as lar as what wt are lOSing probably sometime Within the next lew months, With the loss 01 tho library lot. potentially what wt are going to lost Il wt do market the last urban rA.Mwal parcel beside the Holiday Inn, What wt would lost thm But even With the r~nt n~s that we have and potenUallosses that wt might be ladng,lthlnk a two story structure above ground lIoor, I know wt would sUII end up with a not gain, It Is still not.lt wouldn't be a breaking even on the standpoln~ lrom tho point 01 vloW 01 tho Holiday Inn lot or tho old library lot. Thero would be a not gain Involved so that that could m*t eXIsting n~ at tho moment. I guess one of the concerns that I sUIIl\ave Is that I am also convinced that If wt are goIng to accomplish anything With south of Burlington Str~t. We are going to hm to move Into that area and move Into It rolatively quickly With some kind of commitment on our part If wt want to control dmlopmont down there. I know staff Is looking on various ways that could aid us In flnandng structure. But the bottom \lM Is Is that It Is going to cost us probably a fairly good sum or monoy to do something In that area. And I would no~ as I have sta~ earllor, would not like to ~ us have to delay moving With the project south or Burlington ~ust tho system was flnandally strapped at this particular time. We all received the letter that ~ got Irom tile reds that It does not look lIke there Is going to be the posSlblUty or negotiaung any type of air rights ovor the rederallot beside the court hOust. So this also tells us that Ir ~ do mako somo kind or commitment and we do movor ahead that It Is evon going to be moro expensive than what we had originallY anUdpa~ becauso ~ ~re probably going to be Involved In the purchasing of land, Larsonl So you lust want to knock as far off 01 this proposal. MeDII guess I am asking two Ullngs I guess at this point, maybe get back to the thing that Is In front of us CHANGETAPETO REEL 92.15 SIDE I McDI probably Is not going to come about, So I would like to ask Ir council would agr~ to ask tho City manager to direct staff to start looking at proposed sloos and s~ what possibilities. Kubby lOne of the things Ulat was hln~ In UIO l/ltter IS that Ulere may be a possibility 01 buying that plot of. . " 1- "~I n p j , - - , ! I \ 1 i ! i , u 1 I , 12 page 7 McD/I/hlnk 'lit should explore all opuons, Larsonl \ wasn't Impr~ at 011 WI/h /hat letlAr, \ /hlnk /hat was a burt3ucralS rosponSt /hat 1.\ /hlnk was flaUy wrong and 2.mn II he I' right, \ /hlnk /hat wt could do some/hlngs lo change et/her his mind or /he laW, Those kinds 01 vtry sp<<lflc ItglslaUons art olltn not controvtrslal and can bt dOM I! he /hlnk' /htrtls a Itgal problem I was discouraged by his ItllAr bul \ /hlnk Il was lust hOg wash, \ am not giving up on /hat Idea at all, WM/her It mtans calltng old buddy Dave up or what 'lit havolo do. nut, what do you wanllo do about /hIs proposal, McDI RomembOr /ho buroaucrats aro loss /he/ht pollUclans, Randy, Courtney I We Will bt talking lo a lew ol/he pollUclans In wrly March, McD/nl come back to my original stalAmonl I lust havt somo strong rtWrvaUons about /he Mcosslly 01 a four slory struclure acrOS1/he str"l \ gutsS. what \ am asking Is /hat IS s\lared by anyono, If you IJllnk /hat \ am wrong In /hIs area, I certainly dO not wantlo hOld up /hIs project \ do /hlnk /hat 'lit nte<! lo procte<! and procte<! as quickly as 'lit can, But- Larsonl You lust want a nos. counl \ want /he four slory mysoll, \ /hlnk wt nte<! at least /hat many, Courtney, Financially \ have some concerns IIkelohn dOts. pracUcally \ am coally concerned /hat In /he Ume frame/hat It Is going to take sou/h 01 Burlington. We k"P running up against problems going down/hort. \ would hate to end up not having any/hlng built down/here and /hen having gone wI/h a smaller struclure Mr.. Hov I Also \ don't agr" WI/h /hIs memo /hat says our not gain Is 3~0 bO(auSt we hm to subtract I;; or spacts from /he two lots /hat aro going lo bt develOped, And once you havo done/hat \ have got a netlncreaso of 1&; spacts, t.ar~nl You mean just on /hat paree\. Hov I \ knoW, But you nave to /hllik l'*yond /hat ~rc.o\. Larsonl But M wasn't speaking of /he not loss of UIO library, Ambr I You have to lOOk-YOU already have surfact parking across /he strMt now, So bOW do you put Uiat In lo your equation 110 took thom oul Larsonl To got 3~0 nol Hovl Steve' s memo said ~60 s~cts minus 120, which wo have now, Is a not gain of 3~O, But \ /hlnk /hat I! we are going lo think about this In long wrm we havelo say that wo \11I111050 ~ many spacos next lo /he old pUblic library, Wo IOSO a fow moro noxt lo tho Holiday Inn, And I mado up a numbOr. It Is approlQmalAly 15510sl and thon I eamo up with a nol gain of 16;, . ... I - 'I neLl, . . ,\ , · 12 page 6 La~nl But tM num~r that m~ans tM most 10 me Is that mry \loWk, overy day Wl} lost more 10 new people ~mlng downlown, ThO Ilbrary k~ps on getung busler, Weloso some parking spac~ back here, All the downlown mmhanlS k~p on going up and up, More development k"P' h3pptnlng, We have more development In thiS f,ounty thiS year than Linn County did. And 10 me that Is wIlat we hm t worry aboul It Is going to take a year and a Millo two years 10 build theUllng. The 165 or 150 U1at we gain IUllnk are going 10 be lost In Increas+j buslnm just from U1e great busUlng downlownUlat Wl} have had, To leave onelloor oU 10 me.1 think we are going 10 u~ the wIloleUllng, I don'tUllnk that we will end up /hlnklng gosh, ~ have got mort Ulan wt nOYd9d /hero. I will bt /he first to admlt/hat that IS a subl~tive call, Horow/l am oqually ~nctrned about south 01 Burlington development I am very ~ncerned about/hellanc~ of It and II ~ don't get something downthertlo coalesce and promot& that development we art dead In tht ~t&r. I am not Inl&r~ltd, I am just not happy with having that many slorl", Larson/l gum I don't ~ tht urgency. I would Ilke us 10 dmlop south of Burllnglon, I think we need 10 do some parking 10 do It but I don't have the urgency of developing south of Burllnglon next month, next year. I want 10 do It8s quickly as possible, I want 10 help plan It but 10 me ~ are not going 10 kill downtown If that development process takes 5-6 years or 2, ~ yms, What IS key IS to not have people all go 10 Cedar Rapids btcau~ they can't park downlown. That Is the Immedlat& danger In my mind, 1I0row/l dlsagreo With you, 1I0v/l don't think that Is tht Immedlat& danger, Kubby II have a very dlUerent take on this, Because of some different assumptions Reading rocenUy more World Wat(h Instltut& Information, Reading NaUonal Leg, of ClUes Infor, Two Institutions Ulat I highly respt(t, Both of them ar& saying that It Is very critical that cltI" have policies that d~reasethe u~ of prlvat& vehtclos Within the city limits bocau~ that IS wIlere we have ~nltol over, When we do that we do<rta~ pollution, We docrea~ /he depleUon of tho o~ono layor, Wo do<roa,o tho dopondoncy on lorol80 011 Qnd ~ build Up our communities In dlUerent ways, I guess what I want 10 do Is redellne thts parking crisis or this parking dilemma In 10 looking at It as a transporlation dilemma and Ulat wilen I think of transportation I want 10 expand my scopt of Ullnklng, Not lust of parking but of more aggr~slve support In getUng people 10 use mass . 1- '/ n e 5 ' .\ i · 12 pagt 9 i . , i I I I I I i tran51tsystfms USing our community r*urCM lor bll:.......1ys an..! walkways In a dllltrtnt way And to bt vuy aggr~slVt aooulll I know that somo p.."Oplt think that IS vtry unr&allStic butll~1 that '..mat Wt do up hilt Is Wt crNt. lo,"'a Clly's rNIllY, BUilding Iwpplng $ton~ for what In thtlulurt WIll bt a rtallly, Ilusl think thal 143 million total \I kind oltnabllng a syswm 01 uSing prlvalt v.hlc\~ and 1M first and most my form or transportation I wanl us to put our community rtwurctS In tht ctty's othtr modtS ollransportaUon, Even though I roall%t thal thtrt art dlffmnt polS of money, I can'l support mort parking slrUcturM at this Umt, Although I vory much hm sympathlts lor dolng south 01 Burlington, SO my logiC dO<1 brtak down boeausHlthough rtally It dOtSn't ~USt I ~uld rathtr hm ont concrtlt slruclurtlor (3rs rathtr than Individual plots 01 land all full of eoncrOlt, I ~uld rather condon~ It and lu It In one spaCt and hav.l~ concrelt on dlfforentlOl$, SO I am vory much In favor of pulting rtwurcos, III had to chOOSt. I ~uld rathtr havt thtm bt south 018urllngton, I agr.. WIth you on thal Thorolort I ~uld also agrtt that I ~uld rathtr hav.t~ Itvols than four levols, CourtntY I WolI, wo don't hm a cho\c. right now. Whtther wo art choosln~ this art south of Burlington, 1I0v/l was having no lroublt at all WIth four spaCts on tht Roc Ctnltr lot bteauSt I rtally thlnl: It fits WIth tht archittCturt 01 Burlington, It doosn't ~m as disturbing, Bull do find It disturbing on ChaunCtY Swan, If wo ean compromiSt by laking off OM Imllt would bo I~S dlslurblng. Larsonl Art you counting nQSo)S Mr, Mayor, Courtnoy II don't &YOn want to,., Larsonl Wt ~uld hm to "nd tht contract out for negotiation, It would bt ~ dUlmnt prlCtlor thr" Itvels, Courtnty II lost counl Any mort discussion, I think Wt artluslgolng to yolO on thIS, tlov Il:ovln wants to say somtthlng. McDI r.ovln, Monson I Can I offor a compromiso, What wo art roally trying to do Is movt tho prol~t fOMrd to got something startOO so wo can got parking downtown lust as soon as WO could, Ono compromlSt could ~ that wo don't know what It Is going to 1001: IIko btCauso you havon'l S\'ltn It You don't know what tho d~IBn IS and I ean undtrstand Ulat concorn Ono option would bo for us to d~lgn a thrttlovol or four Iml ramp Glvo you UIOSO options and wo can aClually takt Ult draWings all UIO way through until and aclually bid tholourth lovtl as an alltrnalt bid I I I . I I I I I 1 . - t I -, - " t / t: -' . ,\ I · 12 page 10 And that gtv., you that timing to sort out hOw much you want to s~nd. What your situation could b& south of Burlington Str~t and thatlssuo, Thm would b& some savings If you did not build the fourth Iml butlthlnl: that you would also want to lool: a~ If you didn't build that fourth levol now, somo day you may Wish to do that and should those foundations b& dOSlgnid and that olovator coro d~lgnid to carry addltionallmls oocau~. Courtney I We ~re just eventually going to notd this other Iml ovor hm. I don'tthlnl: thoro Is anybody that can dony that ~ aro gOing to continuo to grow. MeDII don't dlsagrot but I think G lot of It ~uld, again, dopends on what happens south of Burlington as to ~thor or not his. Courtney I We are gOing to n~ It rc.gardloss, tlov I We ~uld mntually have sa~\II~ parking and shutUe buStS too, Larsonl Kovln, think Iowa City Is going to got smaller. lIorowl No, That Is not what ~ are saying. Courtnoy II thought that we had this decided foll:s. We had four volM last motUng around and now ~ are flip flopping on this thing again, It Is goWng very frustraUng. McDI Can I aSl: Kevin a quesUon. If ~ procotd undor that way you lust dtsenWd. This doesn't slow anything down at this point I moan that you are going to procotd In that manner anyway, correct Monson I If you could glvo mo tho go ahead that there Is a po~nUal for thr.. supporOOd lovels.gradelovels piUS thr.. supporOOd lovels, What ~ aro lall:lng about Is grado levol parking, which you have now. thr.. supporOOd levels, SO you would actually ~ abovo the College Str~t brldgo a building that would 1001: Ul:o tho Rec Con~r as far as height B<<ause you nmom~r that fourth Iml doosn't hm a full building of elevaUon, It lust has a parapot wall so It 1001:5 111:0 a slnglo story building from tho College Strott bridge. B<<auso we hm onolml at grado. Wo havo one at the ColI~e Str&Ot bridge level piUS another one abovo that and so and the po~nUal for more, You notd to toll us how many Is the ulUma~ and thon we can design for that ulUma~ size. McD/ Say you procotd In that manMr, Gontry I What about the f&Os, McD/ That Ie What olso I Wilnt ~ know, Monsonl Our f&os would b& a IItUe bit compllcaOOd because part of our f&os aro Includ&d tor InspecUon costs and It ~ don't build tho fourth Iml or the top Iml we wouldn't have to s!,\,nd as much in inspection because obViously Ule construction would 00 less so that ~ would have to.th. Urn. period for construction would 00 loss so ~ would . ;l I - ,I n e l , ,I , · 12 pag~ II have 10 negoUa~ llIat We have to 1lI0ugh englnwr IIII you hm llIe 1lI0ught for po~nUally adding It down llIe road, So llIe design f~ as far as llIe pre bid work would bo llIe same or SllghUy more but you would save It and llIen som9 In llIe consllucUon phaSt, Chuck,lS llIat agrH WIlli your IlIlnklng? Schmadekel But It'd bo a loss efflclont prOjOCl McD/lf you move forward at What's being pro~ at Ute four Imls, WlUt four Imls parking IlIrw levels above ground floor, are you gOing 10 move at llIat much qUIcker pace llIan What you would llIat What you would forward looking at llIe posSibility two levels above ground floor or UtrH levels above ground floor? Can IlIls not be done In conjuncUon WlUt on. anolll.r? Monson/l bellm Itcould,lt d~ compllca~ II lust sllghUy,1 don'l wanllo, McDI Just sllghUy or a lot? Monson/l don't want 10 kill Ut~ project ~au~ of IlIls, MeDII don't want 10 kllll~ III Iller. That's llIe last IlIlng I want 10 do, Y.llvln Courtney I Just ~lIlt 10 us straight, Kevin. Monson/l t's going 10 cost Courtney I Don't hedge, Monsonllt IlIm's more work InVOlVed, It ~'re going 10 show you two dittmnt concepts, obviously llIat's more doslgn work for us 10 do llIere, llIe clearest cut and llIe simplest MeDII know It's more work, but how much more work, or how much dotS It cost? Monson/l t's not going 10 cos~ our lotal contract Will actually be loss, It you decide 10 build Ute fourllllml, bt(ause ~'vt looked at anolller concep~ It could be sllghUy more, And prob3bly In the range of, depending It you want us 10 do r9nderlngs and 9ngln09rlng. ~'r9In llIe $5000 range or somellllng for llIat addlUonallOOk, And llIe sooner you make llIat doclslon, llIen llIe loss our 9xtra cost Is gotng 10 00, McDI How about last month? Monsonl Yeah bt(aus~ ~'re gOing 10 take It allllle way through,through design, unloss you ~II us one way or llIe other In Utls proposal, Courtney I And sUlIllIe chvapest on a per stall basts was Ute IlIrw Imls aboVe grade. It I remembor right MeDII Mn't Ullnk so, Monsonl No those per car costs are very dangerous ~ause as I menUoned bofore llIe cheapest Iml you build Is llIe ono silting on 1lI0 ground. So 1lI0 more staked levels you have, llIat wa~rs down llIat cheapest leVel, 1""'" . . 1- ./ n 1~1 8 . ,\ · 12 p.1go 12 McDIll you tal:othos~ out or tho consldmUon then rour levels Is obvIouSly ch~a~r. Monson/lr you tal:elt ou~ then y~, rour I&vels Is cheaper, ~use you have t<onoml~ or $(ale, U you dlsr~ard that ground Iml, then you're correc~ that It Is ch(la~r ~r car to go rour Itvels than thrtt, that's true. Nov II hm one more qU~Uon ~rore m g&t to the point or d~jgn, Are m sUlltalklng about two levels with meters and two levels with ~rmlls? Or aro m talking about an attendant and II gate and a cash lor and Monsonl There's ~n no dtdslon on thal That's p.1rt or our doslgn, would ~ to work with the slafl to determine how this would be laid out as lar as meters, booths, the atl&ndanl That's an Issue that has to be rtsolved, and thal's p.1rt or our d~jgn ~rvlc~ to rtsolvethal Nov I I don't think that's part or our d~lgn I think that's part or our polley about whether we have a cashier and tho booth. Monsonl Well It's certainly could be part or your polley and m'd tal:e your dlro<Uon, lIorow/that was one of my oUler qu~Uons and I forgot to ask that In terms of that one. The, \low Ulls Is Ued In with the other ramps, It's computer capabUlty and electronic capablUly. It's not In here, It just says tlt<trlcal sysroms. Electrical sysl&m, Is that the same thIng as eltctronle sySl&m? Monsonl Well. It Is certainly (can't hear), As rar as th. o~raUon of tM ramp, we hm to bring back to you the proposal for tha~ based on the city slatt's Input on the Issut and qull& rranl:ly, I don't know what that Is at this poln~ bocausethls Is somewhat dtrrmntthan the single Iml dt<k would be, And I think we nttd to show all or the opUons to you and look at thoso and I don't think you, m want to make a predel&rmlnaUon at this Umt, what that Is, I think we nttd to 1001: at all the options and th~n havt you selt<t which ont this would work btstln this sltuaUon, There's many opUons outthm, Larson I I'm not trying to push my view In l&rms or which I&vels, btcaus& I think overyone can hm their own opinion on that, I think It's ratrly SubjocUvo bastd on your rou ror downtown Iowa City, I roally do, But I do think that m'rt almost to th& point Whore w&'r& blowing a IItUo bit of laxpayors money on dangling th& archlttc~ dangling tho complotion dal&, r think you ought 0 dt<ldo Wh&thtr you want thrtt Imls or rour, And 111 abldo by Ult majority vltw But ltt's gtt a head count and gttlt down and gtt It going, I mtan, makt a dt<lslon and , \ ! \ I I I I \ I \ ~. . Iii- , - -- . I I t' q , J j , 12 pagt lJ Itl's go with III r~ally think ~'re going to nf<<! all lour levels and thal'd bO (>tnny ""Sf and pound foolish to nol by Il Bul II thallsn't tho majority vlew,lel'S go, Kubby I Well thtrt art thr.. ptoplt WhO art consldtrlng ItsS than Ifo~ agrm upon. thert art thr.., although I haven'l Mard dlrtcUy Irom Bill, but La~n/l don't have any Idta hOW M ftlls, Kubby I Bul he exprts~ views earlier strongly In favor 01 the full ramp, Ambr II think Il's nttd~. Larson( susan and !laoml, I don'l knoW how you vooo, Nov/l would like todtcreast the number. 1I0row/l was agrftable to mulU.level but as !laoml, I would preler It on the Roc Cenlor lol Bull was oul votod. Larsonl Bul thal's nol thtluue. That's not the qutsuon, thO qUKUOn thyro Is w+'rt going to build a ramp here, Do you wanlll to bO thrttltvtlS or four? Horowl TIlr... La~nl John Is al thr". I presume. I don't knoW NaomI's vooo. Nov II said I'd vott for thrft. MeDII( w+ have to dtcldt thr" or four ItvolS tonight, yes I'm going to say thr.., tlov I Bul w+ could also look althelWO drawings. I think thal you'd wanl to wallthal McDI Again, I don't want to hOld this proltcl up any longer. I think It's abSOlUooly nt<tmry that w+ get moving on this thing and from, unless I was hearing something a IllUe dUferenUy than the reslof you w+re Maring. I did not Mar Kevin say that It was going to sloW this procOS$ down In any way If w+ look at thr" Imls or four. courtney I Bulll'stUIl going to cost mort money If w+ tnd up docldlng on four, tlov I Okay, but II w+ do this In terms of lust a sl:elth Without doing \hO tnglMorlng Sludy \ltforo w+ Stt What Illook' lI\:e, Will that sloW It down a groat doal? Courlnty ( l{othlng's going to slow Il down, It's lust going to end up costing more nloooy II w+ dtclde on four \)t(au~ w+'ve got to pay the extra to 1001: at thtv(!, That's wll~t ll& ll)l<1 us. I( w+ ond up with thr", W& aclually end up spending Its. money, tlov/l am lOSt. Ploa~ explain. Monson I I didn't bring the renderings \hat w+ had dont looking at \holour lovol dtck at the Rtc Cenler. I don't v.now If you can recall that. We w+ro 100\:lng from tilt front door of Wllson'slowards tho Rt< Center and What the dtck would loo\: lI\:elrom the ColIO&O Strttt bridge . . 1- '/ n ~I f/ . , .1 i · 12 pag. 15 larsonl just saying U1atlf U1t s<opt of ~rt was dlang~ from four Imls to U1rftlmls U1tn an amtndtd agr..mtnt ~uld \)0) ntgoUa~ r.prtwnUng U1e smallor S(3te of ~rt, !lov/l will w<ond that ont, Gontry I That ~uld bt dontln how much Umt, Larsonl As soon as Wt matt a dtduon on whtthtr Wt art gotng to build thr..lmls or four. ~ntry I You art going to hm to make that Within 60 days, 30 days Larson I Can you get us tho slull for thal Monson/l think 60 days Larsonl So movtd, I mm to amend tho agr..mont McDI What you aro moving I. an amondmont to tho mollon In front of u. Larson/l am moving to amond tho agrotmtnt With thatlanguago, Courtnoy I Wo n*<l to withdraw tho original mollon first It was Larcen and Horow. Larson/l Will Withdraw tho moUon, Nov /tIo. Can.t you amond tho moUon btforo wt volt on Il Larsonl You can In ovory othtr Robtrls Rut", Courtnoy II am l4klng my CUt from om to tht left thero, Larson/l withdraw It- tho original moUon, Karr I You can't- Kubbyl Consonsus Is so much eastor. ~ntry I Amond tho original moUon. Larson/l am now amondlng my original moUon to movt approval of tho amcndtd agr..mtnt using thtlanguago that I provlously slaW<!, Want It again, I. thoro a s<<ond to tho amtndmonl CourtntylOkay. Tho original s<<ond.r has agr~, Any discussion on tho amondtd moUon. Roll call. Larsonl This Is voUng on rathtr to amond I~ right? Gontry 1,.RIeh~i ~ I (j, /..v v,. (ro1l~lrr ~(f^ 1 ." Courtnoy I MoUon paSSts to amond, Karr I Now we havo a roll call on tho amondtd rosoluUon on tholloor, Courlnty I Any discussion. Roll call, Mollon passos, Kubby voUng no, ej I'".. . ,- ,I n ~/ ' / . ,\ I · 12 p3go 14 ~lmUon, W~ could do /hat similar /hlng and also a view from city hall because. Nov / That Is /he view /hat I am more concornod abou~ !lot tho ColI~e Slttet bridge. Monsonl We did show a single Iml rendering of It from city hall but ~ could look at a multi level from city hall, I gu~s If ~ could do /hat fairly qUickly ~ could 00 back to you, That ~uld not slow /h. project down, Larsonl Are you saying /hat for someWhat I~s than S5,OOO or In /hat ballpark you could allow us to make /he decision as to /hroe Imls or four Imls lawr on, Monson/ At /hIs point I am not gOing to qUibble about dollars If ~ could get going, Nov / But ~ could say draw four Imls and ~ WIll put a piece 01 t.1~ across tho fourth top Iml and look at It. McD/ You could say /hat you WIll just go ahead and do It Monsonl We lust did l/hlnk. Courtney/ Somebody move to defer. Horow/l ~uld move to defer /hIs until. McD/ Why would ~ nm to defer, Horow / What do you want. Courtney/If ~ vow on /he moUon as prosontod here ~ are vOUng on a total project of S4,3 million, That reads four Imls to me. Nov / y~ It does. But If we are not gOing to /hIS WltII adversarlal tone he said /hat ~ could amend It Larsonl But /he architectural f~ Will be I~, than S275,000 If ~ end up deciding on /he throe level bocause It Is a smaller prolect and tho foes will be I~s, Monson/l/hlnk, just as ~ amendod /he !lrst conltact qul~ substantially, As a matwr of fact ~ dlsb3ndod /he !lrst conltact We could do tIIat wI/h /hIs as ~II, That Is a wrrlble o~n endod tiling to say but tIIat IS What happonod to /he first conltact , Larsonl Can ~ lust amend /hIs agreement to say /hat should ~ agree to lo~r /he scope from /he 4,3 or /he four level sltucture, tIIat a new agreement Will be negoUatod reprosonting /he smaller scalo of work, 5<hmadakel We could lust have a short amendmont modifying tho conltact If we decide to go Wi/h three levels It ~uld lust be on /hat special conslderaUon. We would just modify /hat. Gentry I An addendum next week to rellect powntial/hree levels, Schmadake/ WIUl Ule change In conltact price, Gentryl What was your language Randy, . I - ,I n j e ' . Aoanda Iowa CIIY City Council Rooular Council Mootlno Janua,y 21,1902 paoo 15 ITEM NO. 14 ' ~ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST THE RELEASE OF TWO PROMISBORY NOTEB FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 209 EAST BLOOMINGTON STREET. Commont: Tho owno, at 209 E. Bloomington Stroot oxocutod two lIaM In tho amount 01 "300 rocOIdod May 11, 1990, and 1300 rocOldod July 28. 1900,101 mlstaneo by way 01 tho Clty'l Housing Rohoblllta' tlon lOin program, Lilt wlnlo" Iho owno, pallod away and tho property wal put up 1011010, On January B. 1902. both lIanl waro paid all through Iho lalo ollho proporty. Approval 01 thll Rosolutlon will allow tho City to ral...o both lion.. Action: ~~L l<uJ~ l~ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION RATIFYING SmLEMENT OF PENDING LITIGATION, ITEM NO. 15, ...2WL- Commont: In April, 1901. Kathlaon Anno Snow liIod an action In district court aODlnlt tho City and an Iowa City pollco Olllcor, Durlno oxocutlva lOIs1on. Counell authOllrod IOttlamont, this rololutlon rotlllu IOtllo. mont olthalitloatlon, 01 roqulrod by Chaptar 21, Codo 01 Iowa, Tho City AtlOInoy'l Olllco rocommonds adoption, Action: ;/Hi )/.Hl~~./ ~Ml;~ ITEM NO. 18 ' ,jt. 20 CONBIDER A RESOLUTION WITH REGARD TO COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTB OF 403A.1I OF THE IOWA CODE IN CONJUNCTION WITH APPLICATIONS FOR SECTION 0 UNITB FOR A SELF.SUFFICIEN. CY PROGRAM, , Commont: Tho Dapartmont 01 Houslno and Urban Oavolopmant (HUOl hal ,avlsed thl.,osolutlon to Includo commonts normally Includod In what wes collad tho .213 Lallor,' Thll rosolullon satlsllal tho roqulromontl 01 Soctlon 213, This II ana 01 tho documontl that lito ba Includad wllh Iho oppllcatlon lor Family Soll.Sulllclancy Ronlal Cortlllcatol ond Rontal Voucharl, Slall,ocommonds this action, Action: ~I ~D . h _tl~jd) ( IMD ~t) . t 1- '/ n 3 3 '. Aoonda low. City City Cooocll Raoul., CouncU Moollng January 21,1902 P.oo 18 ITEM NO, 17 ' ...ll.:.ll-- CONSIDER A RESOLLlTION OF COOPERATION, ITEM NO. 18, .,j,l.. ta Commont: Tho Doportmont 01 Housing and Urban Dovolopmont lHUDI roqul,.. . Ilatomont 01 coope,atlon botwoon tho City and lho Iowa Clly Housing AuthOllty to OIIUlO ongoing IUPpo/t 101 housing P/ooraml, ThlI rololutlon II 101 tho Family Soll.Sulllcloney oppllcalJon lot twonty 1201 unI11 01 Public Housing, which was applovod by Counell on Docom. bo, 10, 1801, Stili rocommondlthllacllon, Action: ..h.!D) JI,.(J ( 1,,_ itt"J ~NidJ % CONBIDER A RESOLLlTIO~ AMEN INO THE BUDOETED POBITIONB IN THE ASBISTED HOUSINO DIVISION OF THE HOUSINO AND INBPEC. nON SERVlCEB DEPARTMENT. Commont: WOIklOldl In tho Housing Speclalllt posltlonl 0'0 baaod upon tho numbor 01 unlll undor contract with lho Dopartmont 01 Housing Ind U,ban Dovolopmont (HUDI, Tho Hauling Speclall.t posltlonl wo,o lnermod to lOUIln FY8B whon tho,o wo,o a total 01883 unltl, roprOlonllng a wOlklOld 01183, Tho plooram plolontly Itandl .t810 unltl, ThlI will rOplolonta wOlkload 0118210' lOch 01 tho fivo Housing Speclallltl, CUlront lneomo II Iulficlont 10 lund thll position, Stoll rocommondl odopllon, Action: J(~~ ~ . u . ,\ ! -.....: . t- ,- / n j Ll I' .'6 palt I Courlntyl Moved by Larson, s<<onded by 1I0row D1s<usston. Kubby I Whtn will Wt tit ~Ing lb. d~13l1s 01 our ~If .suflldtncy. Ron lltndtr$Onl W. havt to hav. a pi3n In 90 days alltr lbty award us units, So It WIll bt $Om. Um. bttWftn now and 90 days alltr... Courlntyl Any olbtr dls<uwon, Roll call, R~luUon is adop~. I I I , I 1 I ! i I i I I I I I i -"~ ~ ,-. i ! '" . . "<'~'-" . " ,- '/ n ,;l 5 ' I' '17 P3&t 1 Courtney/ Mov(Id by McD, s<<onded by lIorow, DtKusslon Kubby /llIktlhal we have 10 have a rtsOluUon 10 tSt.3bll$h coopmUon wt~n ouru\voo, McD/ How Ills ofllclal. Ron Htndtrson/ (can'l htar) Courtnty / Roll call. RtSOluUon Is adopted, ! i I I I ! I I I I ! <: :,' . ,- , n ~ b ' AOonda Iowa City City Council Rooulor Counell Moallno January 21, 1002 P.go 17 ITEM NO. 10. qt. 2J CONSIDER A RESOLUTION BmlNG FEES AND CHAROES WITH RESPECT TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF REGULATIONS FOR TAXI. CABS, TAXICAB DRIVERB, AND TAXICAB STANDB, SETTING THE MINIMUM LIMITS FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR TAXICAB OPERA. TORS. AND RESCINDING PRIOR RESOLUTION NO. B7.241. Commont: ThlI rololutlon InerOOlOlllablllty covoraoo omountl Irom floo,ooo to mo,ooo: 1300,000 to Uoo,ooo: and UO,OOO to fI 00,000, Addillonal tho rololutlon allowl 101 a cOIIlblnod lIabllllY amount 01 1500,000 and . daducllblo not to ucoad 1250, Liability covo,aoo amounll hovo not boon IdjullOd 101 ovor tan Villi, Tho amounll hovo boon rovlowod by tho Clly AIIOInoy, Aut, Flnaneo DlroclOl and tho City Clark, Stall rocommandl Idoptlon, ACllon: ~I ./Inn ., .Ju.., ~ ITEM NO. 20 . ~ CONSIDER A RESOLUTI N CERTIFYING UNPAID WATER, SEWER AND SOLID WASTE CHARGES TO THE COUNTY FOR COLLECTION IN THE SAME MANNER AS A PROPERTY TAX. ITEM NO, ~, Commont: ThlI rosolutlon authOllzOI tho IiIlng 01 a lion loalnlt proportlol lor dollnquont wato" IOwa, and/Ollolld waslo 10rvlcoI, On January 10, 1002, cOlllllod 101l0rl wore mailod to oach proPOlly ownor IIltod In exhibit A notllylng thom 01 tho data lor tho Councll'l consldor, atlon 01 tho rosolutlon, Altar tho rosolutlon II movod 101 Idoptlon, proporty ownors Ihould be pO/mlllod to be hoard coneornlno Iho unpaid choroOl, Action: ~~i~ !J.1b I~) ~ ~ 1/D ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SEBSION (IMMINENT LITIGATION), 01 ~At(r~ .~ M/#f1O ~\4~'4of.J- ~I- 04- Co. b, fa 1/l'f5p."" ft..-w ~cW/~ &- ~t.~w I!),' () '1jJ'I11. ~ p, , " I - 'I n~/ 1 ' .' i \ I I I I I ! '19 pagt I Courtneyl Movtd by Larson, ~ond~ by lIorow I Ilellm that WI) had one ~rson that wanted to sr*ak to this 8111 Smltsl Ont or tilt oWMrs or City VellowCab Company I gutSS I r*1 that tilt eXisting Insurance polley Is ad&qua~, cumnUy our covtragt Is su~rlor to 8urllngton, Fort Madison, Mr Plusant And to put things Into ptrs~UVt, tM Cedar Rapids total combined Ilablllty Is '126,000. OUrs Is currenUy BOO,OOO So WI) arl) obViously OVl)r tWice thtm, or courst, to put things Into rurther perspt<UVl), WI) are talking about amounts that are abOVt and beyond Ull) caps ror tho state or Call1ornla In terms ~rsonallnlury, The pro~ Increa~ pros.nts an unnt<ossary exponst whIch Will be passtd onto the consumer and n view or the timIng as Wl)lIln this r*rlod or roctSslon I think the timing Is not quite appropriate, Just some concerns and I did want to ask the city council to why they relt this pro~ Incrta~ was noctSsary L3rson/l can glVl) you my opinion, Mr, Smits And I approclate your porspoctivo and someUmes comparisons with other cltitS Is good and sometim09 I don't want to S&t to the Wisdom or their councils and doclde on other ISSU09 but rrom my pmpoctive as a lawyer whO sponds most or the time working on automobile crash caS09 and porsonalllablllty typo thIngs JUnd that way to or~n the Insuranct limits are too low ror the damag~ that people haVt, I think thos. limits. I was shocked at how loW they Wl)rt and I am sure that you have a very good Insurance rocord, But I lust think that price or health care and thl) damagtS that people have when they do have a ~rlous accident. The wide spread problem ~ !lave with drunk driving that might not be any problem or your causing whatsoover. But I lust think all or th9S0 things combined make It nt<9S$ary to have high lIablllty limits and J would spoak In ravor or them ror th~ reasons but I do understand your ptrs~tive, It will be passe<! along to the consumer obViously, r.ubby I Could you explain, I know that It Is good to r*valuale th~ Ullngs ever so orton, Ton years Is a long porlod or time to go without an &Valuation, Could you give us our risk management people's pers~tiVO on this, Km I You bring up l~ r~;vng, 1- Wo foYI.~ Ulom on Q ~rlodlc bQolO and It has bttn over ten years, SocondlY, ~ brought It up bOCause this IS a time that ~ do renew taXi cab and do assess our pr~nt needs, We discovered that In conversations with our legal dept, and With our risk management, Asst, Finance Dlr Kevin O'Malley, that It was the general recommendation that ~ ~ro under insured, And . ,- 'I n ~/ 8 , ,\ ! · 19 pag~ 2 lJIal Wf takt on a certain lIablllly assumN rISk by licensing lJIe cab companlOS This Is tnUrtly a policy ma~r for council discussion WhoUlor you f~llJI~A art sufflclent WMlJIer you would IIkt to hm Utom IncrtaW<!, CorrocUy, wt havo four cab companltS, Two companltS cumnUy oxcm lJIo proposOO Incm50 and would nol havo to mako any adjustmonls In lJIolr covorago Thoy alroady m~l or O>>:fOO lJIem, Now lJIalls lJIolr chOICO ObVIOUSly our ordlnanco did nol requlrolJlom to do Utal Larsonl Thalls a buslntSs doclslon Thoy docldtd lJIoy wantN lJIal much Insuranct comagt. Karrl Absolu~ly. It bocomos II doclslon on lJItclty council's parl on WIIal risk Utoy Wish lJIo city and lJIolr clti:ons to bt undor In lJIo cas. of a law sull and liability. Gontry I W. havo also mad. It sllghUy choaptr In Utat Wf havo.provlously you could have no dtducUblos W11lch moantlt was mor~ oxponslvo to pay for. Though W1lJ1 a modtStdoducUblo nol to oxcO<<l S250 Il should bo> someWllat mort chtaper. If you wanl to changolJlat dtducUblo and Incroa50 I~ obviously lJIo promlums W1l1ltSSOn, Courlney I Jusl so 'I/O hm Il out on lJIe rocord. How does Uto city Incur liability on lJIls WIIon Ills a prlva~ly owntd company. Gtntry I WllJI rtSpocl to lJIo IIconslng. Ills tangtnUal. It Is nol a glvon, But lJIo po~nUalls oullJloro. Courlnoy I You are saying thal Wf could bo broughllnto a sull for an error commllWd by one of lJIo drlvors bocau~ wo Issutd lJIal IIcon~ to lJIat drivor, Gontry Iln a "nso Ills placing on lJI~m, Thoy can uso our slrlNls and wo aro giving Utom somo guldollMS on WIIat wo Utlnk Is an acc.ptablo poltnUal risk for Utolr passongors and for Uto clUzons, Larsonl Wo could gol liability In do:ons of ways. Wo could to lnspoc~ fall to adequa~ly rovlow lJIolr IIconso, Thoy could not bo in compllanco and wo dldn'l catch Il All or a suddon now wo ar& In l~pardy for not having follo\lNd lJIrough on our rtSponslblllUtS and lJIolr Insuranco coverago would savo us II Uloy had It Courlnoy II understand having gonolJlrough of a IIconslng 01 a rontal properly and loosing, OYntry I You wouldn't hm to go through this pr"'~s but w. (Ii*,. to, Courlnoy II wanWd to addross tho dtducUblo, I know lJIat lJIoro aro vtry fow companlos lJIalovon wrlto lJIIS covorago and It Is rtally pulUng somoWhal or a burdtn on to Incroaso Il boeauso thoy don'l havt a whololot of cholco 01 WIItrolJloy can got It I know wo hm a hugo , ~ ,- '/ n ~I q , .\ , 19~9t 3 dNueUblo tor tht city wtor. Jnsuranct cuts In and ~u'd It holp a lot to lncrta~ that dNUCUblo consldmbly mort ~nltYII ~uld hm no problem WIth that Larson I You mean lib $ 1,000 or $500, Courlnty I Somtthlng like that I don't know, ~nlty II don't know Karr Wt only talttd about removing tho ,oro dNUCUblo and gOlIli to 1250 Wt did not pursut tho othtr m3lt~r Courlnty I Hm you had some qUOlM on tholncm~, Whattt ~uJd cost undtr various Smltsl Wt currtnUy tloclto l.1to tht 1250 dtdueUblt and that Is a bUSln~ d9CIslon, Larson/l thought Wt didn't allow dtdueUbltS now, Thought you had to han ztro deduCtlblt, Karr I That IS anoth.r reason 'Nt asttd tor It We hm had some. We also had not provIsion tor COmblntd covorage, That IS WIly Wt wanted clarl! iea Uon, Larson I I ~uldn.t hm any prOblem WIth $500, It you gtt up abm that It ~om" tough tor a small buslntsS owntr to comt up With It somtUmtS. Gonlry I 1250 was arblltary trom our ortlee, Karr I Tht flguros that Wt Wtrt quoted as tar as tSUmatts In promlums was that It ~uld renoct about a 20,25~ Increast on thtlr liability porUon of thtlr bill only. Tatlng an example, again It Is not thttolal prtmlum, It Is lust thtllablllty porUon, Novl ~ this dtducUble apply to liability. Somtlnsuranet pollcl., it appllts to collision, Courlnty I Thtst art rathu specialized pollcttS thtrO. Nov II am Willing to acctpt WIIat slallls riCommtndlng, Ambr I Whtntvir you put out tht sl*ltlcaUons tor any conltllctor to bid or somebody that Is more Involved With vehlcl., lito your toWing contract you very minimum there was $500.000, It Is quite common In a construcUon contract When you art Involvtd With a municipality. staCt Of ttd, gmrnmtn~ they Will slart at one million or accoss, It Is not uncommon tor /he UntvtlSlty to roqulrellvo million, Thtst limits, l/hlnlc, In lod~Y8 day and ago oro .Wh~o to ~y II thoy aro odoquato, Thoy mtalllly mo't .~mjvt, Larsonl What about the dtducUblt quesUon. Ambr I As Darrell said that Is a spedallztd thing, I ~uld question Wheth.r an Insurance company ~uld tvtn con sidor Ulat as any romn to ront any rato cuts ~auso It Is tho naluro of tho liability Which Is a tort . , ,- '/ n y tJ ' .\ '19pag~4 posSibly which m~ans someQM has to ~ shown Ulal UI~y m allaull So Uley hm to Inv~Ugaw It anyhow The Insurance companies I oollm art going to spending lusl as much money wMUltr you havt a $250 d9lJucUblt or noUllng, Larsonl But wouldn't traditionally /hm would 00 somt small broak lor Ult dUfortncoln deducUblo or nol Ambr (Thm could be(au~ It would reduc~ Ulo Ir~utncy of /ho small claim, Kubby I Why should It bt our decision on /ho dooucUblt, Ambr I Trying to h~lp /hom out on ratts, Kubby I Can't /hty ch~ What /hty want.. llov I /ht way It says hm not to txc9td, Larsonl So /hat our small claimants mn't lolt holding UI. bag. McD/1 don't have a problem Wi/h 500, Smlts/l am not In objecuon to /h. ovor alllncroa~. I wantod /hm to 00 somo dls<usslon and IInd out as to Why /hor~ was Ulls proposod Incr~a~. Just a commont or food lor /houghl Illnd It Ironic /hat /ho staw doosn't r~ulro mryont to havolnsuranco. It Is absurd, I don.t know What /he city can do Wi/h r~ards to /hat but from our personal o~rlonco, having boon hit by numorous porsons without Insuranco, /hat may also put tho city and Sla~, possibly, at risk, It lust hasn't como down to a law suit yot and that Is Why /holaws oxist /ho way /hoyart. Larsonl Do you know What this polley addrossos lor unlnsurO<l and undorinsurO<l motorists be(au~ /hat Is tho worst problom. TM porson /hat hits /hem and typically your avorago motorists Will have $25,000 limits on unlnsurO<l motorists covorago. That Is /ho porson Who Is driving rtckl~ly, /hat is drunk, doosn't havt a IIctn~, dovsn't hm insuranco of any kind, Ho hits you and all you can got Is $25,000, That is all your polley limits aro on uninsured and undorlnsured olten Umes, Karr I Unfortunately, Mr, Larson, /hat Is Why /he next tn 11M, as /he city could 00. often gots hit Courtnoy II would suggost /hat wo, by paSSing /hIs, wo art going to Incroast our own costs beGaUst, IIko you said, It Will bt paSS<<! along to tho consumer and wo aro a vory largo consumor Ulrough SEATS oporation, $mltsl Ploaso koop /hat In mind Wi/htho next rate proposal, CourtnoYI Would anyono IIko to.Mr, Larson, you made /h. moUon Would IIko to amond to. Larson/I would movo to amond to mako /he deductible 500 Kubby ( !lot to oxcood 500, ...,........".,...' ' I I 1 ! 'i., .f , - / '-I li ' / I' , 19p3g~i.1 Courtney' Wo havo an amondment to thO original moUon. AnY dl5l:UsslOn, Gonuy' Did you want to Indudo unlnsurod and undorlnsurod. Larson' I guOSS I want to hm thO thoughts of Kovln and you about thaL Maybt wo can do that a dllferent dalo onc~ you have looked Into IL I think that Is a roal hOle In coverage for people...that could always bt added on. Courlnoy' Roll call on the amendment. (y~) Any dl5l:usslon on th~ total moUon as amended, Roll call, (y~) , , \ i \ I , . -1: " - . I n y e \' '" ' ,\ , -20 p3g. I Courtnty ( Moved by Larson, ~onded by Borow DIscussion Bruco_K~wtisp?lI I ropr~nt E I CorporaUon Which owns tM Howard ., . Johnson Motor Lodgo horo In Iowa City, I am not rO.lUy horo to say go ~'I~~ ~\\ for thlmsoluUon or don't go for It. It ~ms Uku good r<>soluUon I lust wanted to got E), Corp, off of possibly being chargtd for the bills associated with tho Howard Johnson Motor Lodgo, I had recolvtd a lelMr from a gal. DIana Donohue, at the city Mre In regards to an ordlnanct app3renUy that Is out thoro right now that says that I! you rent a proporty to a rtnwr, Which In the east of E,),Corp, they loast<! a holtl to on organlZaUon ealled tho Sturgel Hotel Corp, Which Is an oporaUng ontity, WhOn ~ took tho hO~1 ovor for tho ownors, H), Corp In August to manage the hO~1 for thom from Sturgo' Corp, And Sturg.1 Corp loft th.lr bill outstanding and I belltvt that at somo point they are going to pay It. I don't know When. But don't fotl that E,), shOuld havo to pay for SWrgel's bill you know with the stmple reason that we art basleally or E,), basically rented the hOtel to the Sturgel Corp, and I didn't ftOl that E.), should 00 on this rolo of business as charged, Y.ubby I Kind of like a sublet. ~K~tl Basleally, they ronted the ho~1 from the B,), Corp, and according to Ki !lV1"- tho ordinance DIane quoted hire In hir lel~r that I! the owner or manager _,(roads ordinance) then they are abSOlved from having to p3y Ule bill, From wIIatl understand hire, And they have and It shOWS that the ~rvlco name Is In Sturgel Ho~1. It Is not In the E,), Corp, and you know at one point W(J had wro~ a let~r trying to not have to p3y a deposit just shoWIng that 8,), has owned this ho~l since 1967 or some polnL In Umo Uko that. tlot really trying to say that we ~re r~ponslble for Sturgel's bill lust saying that yeah, B.J has ownod this building, Larsonl First we have a very longlet~r from our clly attorney ~lIIng us wily we ean't do what you are asking us to do, Can you summarlzo) that for us Unda. Oentryl Yts, I apologlzo, I tried to find SQm~ne Who was going to show up and lalk to us about UiIS tarller and I had some extra copl~ of my memo to give you, There you havell. Part of wIIat you say Is true, 8,), Corp, and Finance has done a lot of work and I had to throw this together today beCause today Is the day of the hoarlng. B,). Corp has owned this since '62, At the Urn. they owned It the btll was suppose to So to Slursel Ho~lln springfield, MissourI. All of Ult accounts for the utilities SUbsequenUy they changed names of tht management \ I . . ,. ',- I n y i - ,.,:.,","", ;, t , 20 pagt 2 firm. TIItrt was nmr any Indication /hat Uter9 was a landlord. tenant relaUonshlp. ~nSit/ Wt could 6Upply Utat 19ast. I don't know II you have a copy 01 Utal K'1l1r1h. But /htrtls a INSt agrttmtnt btt..mn Slurgtlllol&IS and E,J. Copr. WIllch Wt could supply. Gtntry /But In a nutshtU. August 01'91 somOOM caUCid CIIANGETAPE TO REEL 92-15 SIDE 2 atntry I \ i I ; , ;0"",..'"_.."..-,.,, I I \ l I I i , ! \ \ \ . ~ , - - '/ f / L/ L/ I' 'N P.1S~ ~ Courtney I ChriS, wily don't \1M lust pull you out of lhlS lhlng and lhtn yolO on lhls and lhen tholwo of you can work on lhlS wilen Ills noli \.~5 at nlghL ursonl MOVt to delett wlloovtr thtst ptople art from lhe list (jl;ntIyl E.I, Corporation. Courtney I La~n mau a motion. Ho>rowl S<<Qnd. v>urtnoy I Do \1M nttdto vott on tht dtletion or lusl volt on tllV motion. Karr II Ullnk you can volt on Il as omtnd~. (vurtney I Any dIscussion, Roll call. (ytStS) Okay. Bruct, you n~ to gtt togtthtr bgal stal!, s.t up a time you can get togtther. . " I - ,I n y 5 ' , .\ I '21 p.lg~ I Co)urtn~y II regret to Inform you tllat Dale wuld like some Um~ add~ to tho eX&<utive session and Undals going to ~II us how...~ afO gOing to do that G~ntry I First Dale Is gOing to tell you WIly, Helllngl To read this Into the mlnu~, To explain In the mlnu~ WIly we are doing this, Pursuant to 21.4.2 of the state code ~ ar~ asking that you have an 9xe<UtiVO session with less than 24 hours notice to discuss matt&rs related to colle<tive bargaining, We had a m~lation session with tho pollee bargaining unit today, Wo re<elved an oUer that perhaps could sttUe the contract at 3:30 this afternoon and we art asking that you go Into u to discuss that this mnlng. In l~s than 24 hours, As the code says It was Impractical or Inconvonlont to glVt tht full 24 hours notice. Imposslbl~. McDI Dale, If you would hm posted that \)O)for~ ~ started thiS mwllng tonight you might have almost lust about might have made It Pretly ~10St. 1I,llIng/l noticed that.. Actually ~ did changtlt on tht bullttin board but 'lit couldn't mall It out.. Courtney I Anything else you need to add to that.. !low we n~ a motion both for colle<ting bargaining and emlMnt litigation, Mov~ by Ambr, ~nded Horow by to go Into exe<ullvt sosston for (emlMnt litigation and coll~UV. bargaining).. Any discussion, Roll call.(yem) Thank you. , , 1- '/ n Y b . . .1 City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATIl January 17, 1992 'Or CIty Council 'aOMI CIty Manager all Work SessIon Agendas and Heetlng Schedule January 20. 1992 Honda~ IWITIN LUTI/ER kING, JR., IlOlIDAY - CITY OFFICES CLOSED NO COUNCIL WORk SESSION January 21. 1992 6:30 . 7:30 P,H. 6:30 P,H. 7:15 P.H. CIty CouncIl Work Session. CouncIl Chambers , Review zonIng matters . CouncIl agenda, CouncIl tIme, Council commIttee reports Tuesday 7:30 P.H. , Regular Council Heetlng . CouncIl Chambers January 27. 1992 Honda~ 5:30 . 8:30 P,H. City CouncIl Work Sosslon . CouncIl Chambers Olscuss FY93.95 FInancIal Plan !eburary 3. 1992 Honda~ 6:30 P.H, . City Conforenco Board HootIng. CouncIl Chambors Separate Agenda Postod 7:00 . 8:30 P.H. City CouncIl Work Session. CouncIl Chambers Agenda pendIng Febniary 4. 1992 Tuesda~ 7:30 P.H. . Regular CouncIl HootIng. CouncIl Chambers PEHDING LIST Appolntmonts to AIrport CommIssIon, Airport ZonIng 80ard of Adjustment, Broadband TelecommunIcatIons CommIssIon, Commltteo on Community Needs, HistorIc Pres!rvatlon CommissIon, Ctvll Servlco CommIssion, Hayor's Youth Employment Board, PlannIng and ZonIng CommIssIon and Animal Control Advisory Board. Harch 3, 1992