HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-04 Info Packet . f I tl d U . - " ,I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: JlnlIll1 24, 1992 TO: City Council FROM: City HaNger R E : Info,..tlon Sent to Council Onl, Coplel of lett.rs fro. Hayor Courtn.y to: I. S.natorl Gralll., Ind Harkin r.glrdtng clbl. leglllatlon ~ b, Leagu. of Iowa Hunlclpllltlu regarding filter strip leghhtlon...UJ. HtIorlndl frOl the City ",nagar: a, Cron.town Fr.eway Petition (John NOhn) _.)(,:1. b. Llndftll Closure Reserve ..2 (. ~ Copy of letter frOl thl Flnanc. Dlr.ctor to tho Lelgue of lowI Hunlclpllltlll r.gardlng thl proposed Iowa Public Fundi and Finance Act. .?(, " Hemorandum frOl the Neighborhood ServlclI Coordlnltor regarding Longfellow . Neighborhood Anoclltlon ,R.cycllng progra.. ~"5 Update on city recycling progrUll, ~,,~ . L.tt.r from Senltor Gralsley regarding low Income houllng taK credit. Lett.r from Reprelentltlve Poncy reglrdlng stlte .andlt.s. Letter from Goodwill Indultrles supporting the Installltlon of I trlfflc signal at tho Intors.ctlon of Flrlt Avenuo and Hall Drive. Agenda for the January 28 meeting of tho Johnson County 80ard of superv~ Hemorandum from the City Clerk reg,rdlng the raMp In the Council Chambors. Memorandum from tho Cltj Hanager regarding Advlnced Drainage Systeml, J. Inc., 1301 Shorldan Avenu.. Material distributed at Council Budgot sesston 1/27/92: Salary/Benoflts 'or new positions 'or FY93.FY95. ~ 13. Memo 'rom Transit Mgr. re porformance review of Plaen View & expanded .:l74 He 11 servlco. I , ~ ~ . I fit:' U . I . . \ , Januo,y 18, 1992 \ ~:~ ..I CITY OF IOWA CITY SaM letter to Senllor Hark In Tho Hono,oblo CharlOl Oraulay U.S. So nOlO 135 Hart Sonola Olllca Bldg. Washing lon, DC 20510 Dear SonolO' Orossloy: I am writing 10 u,ge you to nOI support S.12 Wilhoul consido,abll modi fica lion. AI you mly know, S.121s a bill sponsored by Senalor' Danlollh.lnogoyo, Holhngs. 0010. llebO/mon. and MOllonbaum and will bo coming 10 Ihe SllIIlt IIoor In lalt Jonuary 01 Ihls yur. Thoro o,e savoral problams with 5.12. Spocilically. S.12lacks Ihe kind 01 local rOla rooutlllon languoo. nocossory. In odditlon, S.12 parpotuolas 0 presumption pI a cablo compony', r.nowol 01 any olvon f,onchlso: has unsllil'actory CUllomO/ sO/vicI Ilondardllo, allows tho FCC 10 dOlO/mine lhasa SlDndordl rOlhar Ihon Ihe local honchising aUlholllyl; do.. nOI odequololy Iimll 0 I,onchlslng oUlhorily'l liabllily; and doos nOI adoquololy prolOCI PEa chlnnols and address Ihe nood 10' operolional IUPPOII 01 ongoing accOlS conlorl and lacllillos. I mlghl SUOOI" thai HR3560, sponsored by ReprOSlntalivos Ecklll, CooPO/, and Shay. hos morl opp,op,lall p,ovlslons In ooch 0' Ihasl alOOI. In addillon, HR356D has Iho IUPPOrt 01 lho NOllonol llogu. of Cillos. Ihl United SIOlOS ConfO/once 01 Mayors, tho NOllonal Assoclallon 01 CounlllS, tho NOllonaJ Association 01 Telecommunications Olllcorl and Admlnlsllato'I, Iha Consumo, Fodorallon 01 Ame,ico. and Iho Wlroloss CObia AlSoclollon. We hopelhol you will u,gllhe nocossary modilicotions 10 5.12 prlo, to lis adoption 0' oppose S.121n lavo, 01 HR3560. Thank you lor your Ollomion 10 lhis mollor. Slncoroly. 1:::f!..~~ Movor cc: CitV Council' B'oodband TolocommuniCDllons CommiSSion "'.....~tf'" I , . I ~ i @ CIIIC CI~'1l . III I UI"I~OIO' II IOWA CIT! IOU II,n.IIII '"ONI 11I~ 111.1111 'Utlllllll.1I11 c:<, () . , , I ; i , i I i \ I , \ t , I U d U . - . '. '~ ~ , . ,\ I \ January \6, 1912 \ ......~ - CITY OF IOWA CITY PliO' B. King. baculivo DiraclO' Iowa Looouo 01 MunicipolillOS \00 COUll AvonuI. Suito 209 Dos Molnol. IA 50309 Door Potor: Lall yoar,lha Iowa CilY Cily Council urg.d lIoltwldo support lor rointroduclion ollillOllUlp loglllollon In Iho Iowa LOOisloluro. Th. Councllloels lhat implomonlotlon 01 such legillOllon would Improvo wOlor quolily lor Iowa municlpoliti.. dopondonl upon rivolI os 0 source 01 wOlor. Wo would again like 10 soe this logislollon pursuod. On March 23, \989, Iho lowo Houso 01 RoprlSlnlo\ivos odoplod HF.600. which provldod '0' fillar sulpl 01 land one rod in wldlh bOlwoon lh. lOP 01 tho bonk 01 major Iowa walorways and tillod land, animal load 1011 and agricullurol pOlllcido opplicolionl. Thlllaglll~lion also mandaI ad 0 lIudy '10 Idontily opllons 0' limilollons on oClivitiOl In Iho 0'00 odjoconl 10 IUOOMI which aro found to Impact on WOIOl quality.... Tho rapolI sholl includolho discussion 01 monogemont options Idontlliod or ovoluoted.lnslilullonal oplions which could bo omployod and IncontlvOl or dillnconllvOl which would olloct portlclpollon.' The bill was nOllorwo,dod lor consldorollon by thO lull Sonolt. Why II Iowa City oncouroolng rolnl,oduCllon olloOlslollon concornlng whOI appoars on tho lurloco 10 be an olSanllolly rural. aorlcullurollssuol Tho Cily CounCil has a sorlous IntOloll In minimizing ag,lcullu,ol runoll Inlo a wOlor supply usod by many cities Ihroughoullho SIOlt. R.conlly,tho rolo... ollnlormolion by IIOle and lodorologenclos about aOllcullurol chomlcols In river wlter and lho ImpoclI 0' sillolion In Iowa wOlorways nos strtnglhonod our IntorOlI In Iho nood lor Iillor IUip logislotion. Tho U.S. Envlronmontol Proloctlon Aooncy Is in lhe process 01 S8llino Rocommondod Maximum Contaminant Lovols (RMCLsllo, horbicido. posticido and 10llillzo, compounds In drinking WOler. Whon lho RMCLs ora SOl by final rulo os pori OllhO Clean Welor ACl. munlclpolitlos will be oxpecltd 10 maollhose drinking wotor standards. This will provo YOI anolho, oxponslva bu,don lor communitios 10 undortoko. becouso cu"onl muniCipal wOler l,oolmont syllams ora nOI do signed 10 romovo conlamlOonlS such as pestiCides. Sillolion has boon Idontifiod by Iho Iowa Dopartmont 01 Natural Rosourcos os 0 major non. polnl source pollulonlln Iowa SHoams. The Iowa City City CounCil supports the usa of lillO' suips 10 docroaso Iho amount of SOil oroSlon enloflng watorwoys In tho IIlSt ploco. '"" CI~1I1 , "' I ".IMI~O'O~ " IOU Cln IOU 1111''''" @ ;JiJ1 'MO~IIII" Ill."" 'UIIIII "I."" ~,!"",,,j'-'" .-. -. . U d U . s. . \ POlar B. 1(11\9 J.nUIIY 'G, '992 Pig. 2 W. .rl .WII. ollh. UIlIllolvod IlIuOI undtl d.b.I'.lncl"dI1\91n. .pprollllalO widlh lor 1tI1t1 II/Ipi .nd Ihl COli ollneonliv'l nOtd.d 10 .ncOUfOg. convtlllOn 01 row crop I.nd Ind loodlols Ilong WllI1W'YIIO IillO/ll/ipl. Pllhlpllho vOOtlll1v, lilltllllip flIOOllm which has flIOV.d .IIoCllv.ln Virginll could bt ulld II I guid. IO/Iowo. 1IIIImpOllonllo like IIOPI now 10 pulh lOllI/ana. lair l00islllion 10 Ichitvt wlttl qu.lily lIvough reducllon 01 non.polnlIOUlc. '0 poIluuon. IIII I C,ilic.llim'lo voic. sUPIlOtI lOt ogrlculturollOlb.ckl Ilong low I wOllrw'yl. cc: Iowa Cily Alia l.gislol01S Cily Council CIIY ManoOIl Rlvo/lronl and Natural Ar... COtnmillion DirOClor 01 Public Works ..~... ~I i , i I i i I I I ! . J .\ I . . I f I I::' U I~ - . ,\ i i , i I i I i City of Iowa City .MEMORANDUM Dllo: Janully 21, 1092 To: ClIy CMcI From: ClIy Mwgot Ro: Ctou.Town Ftooway Potillon . John NoIlIn You mlly ra flll John Nolan ptOpatOd I potitloMnfoll1l4don concomlng I ptopolod croll.lown IroOWDY, TIvough Iho NolghbOltlood SIMco. Otllco III wolllll with 1110 wlllAnco 01 our Transportatlon PlIMot,lnlonnallon WOIoxchlllgOd. I havo IlllIchod I copy 011110 momOlllldum. I Undolltand thoro appoltllo bo IUlo 10 no InIOftl~ and olvon Iho co/11flloxltiol and Iho axponao olauch I ptOjocI. wo do nollntend to pullUO IhIIllIIl1or. AlllIchmonl btptlllon co: MarcIa Halo .. , ;'~l . . " J f I I::' U ,~. I , . ~ Johnson CountyCounci/ of Governments ~ 40E~cnSc tMoGc)lt:\\o522'lO ..~ I r.... Dato: Docombor 2.199\ To: Marcia Halo, Neighborhood Sorvlcos Coo,dinalor Flom: JolI Davidson, Transportation PllIIInel 111 Ro: Closslown Froeway Petition Tho loll owing Is provldod In rosponse to your roquesl for my evDluation 01 the Crosstown Frooway PellUon. Tho crosstown frooway concopt was IlIsl proposed In tho Area Transportation Study IATS) 01 the mld.1970s. As you can see from the attached Inlormation,lt was proposed bOlWeon 10th Avenue CorDlville ond Gilbert Slteel along tho ralltoad, al 0 cosl 01 $17 million. To convert this to 1995 dollars would make tho expense approxlmale~ $58 mIUIon. As you can soellom lI1e map, this did noleven Indude the pordon 01 tho raIltoad In ellSllowa City. Moro significant Is Ihalthe ATS WllS novor adopted by any pontiC4l body In Johnson County. In my opinion this was boClluso 01 all tho exponslvo, dlsruptlvo public works pro/ects II proposed, such as the exprossway. . Keoplng In mind thai JCCOG represonts all 01 tho munlclpallties In tho urbanized 8/ea. plus tho University, please nole the lollowlng stalemonl tl1kon 110m the adopted JCCOG Morial Slteol P14I\: , Thoro ate nol slgnlficanll1alflo problems In Iowa City, cerlDln~ nol when compared to tho scale 01 suburban congestion In major meltopolltan atellS. Thero Is no lechnlClll/usUnClltion lor massive changes In tho arterialslteelsyslem. With tho slow growth rale and heightened sensitivity lowards nolghborhoods which Is part 01 life In this Gommunlly, thore will bo no new grade soparatod overpasses or oxprossways cunlng through ostabllshod nolghbor. hoods. Arlorial streollmprovomonls will be on the same scale as oxlsting slloels. Now, to address your original roquost. From a sltlclltalfic movomonl porspoctlvo, there are cortalnly advantages to an oxprossway. You can movo a 101 ollralfic, you can move II quickly, and you can move It saloly. The soparatlon 01 grado! with Intersecting strools ellmlnatos conlficts Inhoront with Intorsoctlons. Undoubtodly an oxprossway In this corridor would roduce Italllo on Burllnglon Stroet, Muscatlno Avonuo, Summit Slrool, Kirkwood Avonuo, and Highway 8. ~" i I ! I I ! j I I , -/ ' l I \", c.. t I:: 1_ '_ 1_ . .. . 2 J ,\ . Tho physlC4l dilftCIIIUos In achlovlno an oxprossway along this allonmont would bo enormous. II would not bo possiblo 10 comblno rall and highway sorvlco In tho corridor, un/oss you built tho rond ovor tho railway. Tho rlghl.ol.way Is sImply 100 nOlrow. T~lc4JJy, Il1l oxplolSway rlght1ll. way Is 300'.600' wIelo. A 600' ,ight.ol.way would pormll comb/nod rall and highway 10rvlco on tho lamo grado. Tho rlght.ol,wilY In tho pIOPOSod corridor Is approxlmatoly 100' wldo. Lot's assumo wo woro Dblo 10 work oul a way to pultho rond In . olthor wo'vo onrnlnatod ran IOMCO, purchasod alr rights, whatovor. Slnco nol an traffic Is dosUnod lor ono ond 01 tho oxpreslWlly or tho othor, wo would nood a row Inlorchangos with InlollocUng stroots. this would Involva groat dlsrupdon 10 lurroundlng propor1y. RomOmbor, much 01 tho exlsUng ran corridor Is olthor elevatod (Dubuquo Stroot to Van Buren StroOI) or In a CIIl (Van Buron Stroot to Lowor MuscaUne RoOd), 10 gotUng propor vor1fC4l CIIrvnturo at an Inlorchango would bovory dllllCIIIL Wo 810 talking aboul a laclllty that would cost many, many, mnllons 01 donlllllor the sogmont botwoon Clinton Stroot and Fltsl Avonuo. Additionany, 1I10re would bo upgradlng roqulrod on Clinton Stroo~ Fltsl Avonuo, and any othor Itrool which Inlorchangod, to handlo the IncrollSod traffle assoclalod with tho expressway. I would also llko 10 adclross two othor poInts In tho polldon. I do nol bollovo KlrkwoocJ Avonuo and Summll Strool wore originally concelvod as local rosldonUalltroots as stalod In tho potition. Thoy have aIwoys been tralllc thoroughlares. Tho problom Is that thoro Is now much moro 1nI1110 volume than whon tho resldoncos wore eslabllshod 100 yoars ago. I would lIIso dispute tho slatomont thai thoro would bo loss nolso with an oxprossway. Bocauso 01 high or spoods,lhero would bo more nolso gonoralod lrom an oxprossway than Irom an anorla! stroOlsuch as Summit or KIrkwood. this would bo mlUgatod somowhatln tho vicinity 01 Summll' Stroot bocauso 011110 cut. but nolso Is a unlvelllll criticism 01 expressways. Lot mo know /I you roqu/re any addiUonallnlormaUon rogartlfng IhIs Issuo. ce: Karin Franklin lcCllgfJl\lrltwlY , P-4"- . Cf I::' U t: :: , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 0111: Jonulry 22, 1992 To: Clly COUIlCII From: Clly ManagOl Ro: Landfill ClOIIll. ROlorvo Wo Iro lboullO concludo lho ludll ond III rOlpocllvo flnonclol1l010monll101 ou, nlCol yaor ondlng Juno 30,1981. Tho ludllor had olonad mo 10 0 Ilonlflconl nOlo which thoy would bo dlrocllng 10 your I\london In lho oudillmonagomanllollOl. AlIochod II 0 copy ollho d,olt languago concornlng lhat nOlO, which roforoncol 0 landllll cloluro rOlorvo. Thll limply holghlons lho Issuo In lhol our audllOl Is advising us olllgnlflconl long.torm financial oxposu,o. In lhal you will be dilcusslng Iho londlill budgOlln Iho vary noa, IUluro, Ilhoughl you ihould hovo btnonl 01 tho oudllor'l Ilalomonl p,lor 10 Ihal moollng. 'co: Don Yucull Chuck Schmodoko Allochmonl bjlllI- . ",.j',' J ,\ I ~ ,. , I fI c' U t: . . ... . .. . . . .. ., . ", .. '.' \ I. :.,. . :: t. o' "." (ZtApi 1)~ Tht /I0n0r4blr M4)ut .and M~mbtl\ o( the ell) C,...r4'd CII)' of Illwa Clly,IoIII In pllnnlnc Jill! pcr(onnln, our ludll of Iht nn.\n~131 IIlltmenll o( Ihc Clly orrll\\'~ Cll)'. 10\\'I (lIIe City) (ur Iho ycu cndre! June 30, 1991. IIC clIn\idcr~d Ih In:eml' conlrol ItnJClllre in older 10 dtltmnnt our iudicln, rlllCtllu,el ((If the pUIJl<l\C III uprmlne our opinion or Ille nn.lncLtIII.\lelllenlllnd nOllO prlwll!e UIUrl/K'e on lilt Inlemil Conlnl! IlNcIU't. Durin~ Ilut iudll. Iht (011011 ine milieU Cime III ou, ~Iltnlion 1Il.1 lie beliel't mull )'OUr l.'(Inlldmllon, ^(;Cor.:~mso ASD ISTER~"L CO~TROL ~1,,'nI::KS LAndnll Clolure Rtlrm Whtn ,he CIl)"c '.ndnllill:.1 hn rmhed C3piCIl)'. Ihe Clly will be required III rCilore Ihe OItA 10 h, pr'e1'louc condition, u welli' m.llnl3ln 1M OleA (Ilr 01 le411IIIf">, yeus therco(cer. The Chy slllluld ton,lder the c".blilhmcnl Il( a funded relerve 'CCllI/nl durin, lhc life o( lhe 'IndOUln order 10 prO\'/de the ml/lble fundi nmlllry 10 pcrfonn Ihm 51010 mondllCd lCIh'lllel. The Cit)' docl nlll reeo&nlle landfill clllllnl COilS I) In opcnllon.1 e~renlc or dlrcCI lIabl/lly. Thele Inevlllble fUlure c101ure "," arc nOI reco,nlzed Al the prclel\l. lime becaule relSon,ble enlmalCl of such COlllllC I1OIlC'dlly mlllble,lhelCb)' procludlnc . dll'CC1 UlblUl)' l'tcocnlllon undu eCllcnlly acccplod ICCOUnllng principle$. The t1rsr Ilep IOWan! rcco,nlzln,lhesc COlli. II 10 perform or commlulon an cnllnccrinc InAlysls 10 dClemllne Ihe Iypellnd lmounll rclmn, 10 CJolinf the ChY'lland(llI. 1hll en,lneerln, In,l)'sls Ihould elllm~le the COli o( clolins Iho ~ndfil1 b)' 1Ilumln, (ull clplchy wu reached'l June 30. or December 31, 1991. Thc AIUd)' Ahould Include II a minimum, final COVer (or the lAndfill and condnuln. polltloMe me ~(l)lS. FinMI cover ror lho landnlllnl'olvCl ClIle.rimc CllllIl(l cover all ~rm o( the landfill. Conlinuln. po"cl"ul'C CillC COliS Mre Ihose required ~)' Ihe 51_te 10 mAlnllln And manllor Ihe IVldnll AIIC .If1er III Cip.1chy hll ~cn ~~chcd, (orA period o( IIIclIIlJlIlIY )'U" ~ner h hu been closed, Once lhele COSII hAve been dClermlned ullnc 1991 dOllm, ICIUMlc, (amlllar whh lIIese lypcA o( eapenle\, melhldoloc1ea Ind lUumrtionl 4fe required III delemllne the dlrecl lIaollll)' and relited (undln. requlremenll. Once an ICIUUY (MRlIllIIf whh 13ndrill clo~ure ,'1l1ls hi' delemllned the dlrccllll~IIIIY And reI lied rundlll' requlreRlenlA. tho CII)' Ahouhl Idorl · (\Ollcy cllncernln'lhe recolnlllon Il( Ihm c/Illln,"nd pollcloluro lAndfill CO\I\, '1l1l~ 1I'1luld prtWldc lhe Clry with a beller Rllll:hln, or revenuel with the expcnlc\ Incurred, Thfll/el of enl'lrOnmenlftl mounlln, II becoming An Impo"Anl lllUe encounle,ed b)' mlny nile Ind locll aovcrnmenll. For Ihts rCllon. Ihc Oovemmenlll A"ounlln, SllUdllfdl Boud has pllced I projccl on hs lechnical a,cnd~ 10 ilddrClllhc a~~ounling (or 10ndOll clolure und po~lclolurc ~~'e cOlli. Thh rrllJw II cxpetled 10 resull In Ihe rclCKlt o( I 51Alemcnlln J 992. An E"/lCllure Drl(1 i11cheduled (or ~lMCh o( 199~ '" Ihown. lhe OA5Blnlendi 10 move qUICkly "'lIh Ihts IlIue, ~~3 i I i f r \ , . . , 'c4 .... I n (:1 LI I:: _ . ~.. ~ ttrn(dd I I I , . ,,\.~ CITY OF 10 WA CITY JOnUllY 22, 1992 MI. POler B.lClng, Exocullvo OlraclOl Looguo 01 Iowa Munlclpalillas 100 Courl Avonuo. Sullo 209 0.. MolnOl, IA 80309 RE: 10WI Public Fundi & Fill4nco ACI . D,all '3. DOlod January 16. 1992 000' Mr. King: I havo rovlowod lho d,alll3 of Iholowo Public Funds & Flnaneo ACI, and whilo I undOllland why Iheleglsloluro Is Introducing new lows ragllding InvoSlmont of pUblic lunds, I Sl,onoly bellovelhallhllls OVOlklll"xlIemoly rostrlcllve, VOlY cumborsomo rapo'llng IOqulramenlland Involves mora govO/nmonlOllnlorvenllon whore ills nOI noodod. IIII my undorslondlng tho moln reason Ihallhe Iowa Trusl p'obloms did occur Is Ihollhe truSI did not havo dollvory.v..poymonl 10. V.P.1 basis, which Is Iho Induslry Ilandl/d, for IOlllomonl of purchasos and 11101 of IOcu,lty. Tho Clly of Iowa Cily has hod In our Invosl' monl polley for YOl'I, D.V.P. fOllolllomonl 01 10cu,lllas. 111,0ngly racommond Iholall.nllllOl bo roqul,od to hove an InvOSlmonl pOlicy, hove D.V.P. lor lolllomonl of socurillOl, InvlII po, prudonl porson guldollnOland havo Iho gove/nmonl onllly'. Ihl,d pO'ly audltoll onnuolly rovlow alllnvoSlmonl conlraclsand ,oporllhol, IIndlngs 10 Iho CIIY Cpuncll. I bOllovo Ihllloglslollon 10 bo vory rOSlllcllvo and cOSIly 10 admlnlSI". Thill. an ova"oocl/on 10 lolve a problom Ihal was c,oolod bocauso a low Iowa offlclols did nOI havo dOllvery.v..paymonl basis for solllomonland oxcopllor Iho ,ocommondallon. SIOlod above, am Ilrongly agalnslany log Isla lion ollhls Iypo. PlODSo call mo al 319.358.8052111 con cll/lly onYlhinO 0' bo of lu'tho, aulstonco. Slncoroly yours, ~nwOJ~.~ Donald J. Yuculs Financo DiloCIO,IT,oasuro, cc: . Slophon Aikins, Clly Manaoo, Kovln O'Malloy, Asslslont Financo Oi,octo, ",''''''110 CIVIC CI~11l I '"l WAI"I~OIO~ II IOWA cln IOWA "'""'11 @ '"O~I 1I1~ 11101.11 IUlIllIllI"". ~~u , . I U (:' U I~ -' . , I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM OlIO: To: January 18, 1992 City Councd Cl ~ Mlrclo Halo. Nolghborhood Sorvlcos COOldillll; ~ Longlollow N.lghborhood Alloclollon R.cycling PlOQ,om F,om: Ro: BoglMlng on Wodn.ldoy, Jonuory 22. lho Longl.now N.lghborhood Alloclallon win bo Inlllollng 0 nalghbOlhood r.cyc~ng plOQrom. Tho main omphalll 01 lho plOQrom II 10 IncOUtlgl rocycllng by plovldlng rocyc~ng oducalion mllorlolllo lho rosldonll 01 won It I collocllon 11Iolllho Longfollow School perking 101. Tho IOcyclablOl con bo loll ollholChool ovory W.dnelday bolwoon 7 a.m. Ind 7 p.m. unlil IUIl!ltr nOllco ond Ihon dlllvorod 10 lho plocOIlOIl by Iho NolOhborhood AlloclOllon momborl. Plovidlng I convonlonl d,o~ silO 101 rocycloblOlln Iho nolohbOlhood will holp oncOUtaoo Iho rosldonlllo .Ihlnk. rocycling In onllclpallon 01 Iho Clly.wldo Cu,blldo Rocycling PlOQram commoncomonl. Tho ollochod Inlor~ollon hal boon dilulbulod 10 lho Longlollow Nolghborhood by moonl 01 Iho Longl.llow School, NolghbOlhood Allocllllon moo ling I, ond door'lo.door dolivary. b,1IfCVP0111 , I , I i I I I \ ,)..{, , , - - I n I~I U t: ' . " WHAT TO RECYCLE Olhtr Utml, Includln, ,111I, 11I1 The rollowlng Ilenu: newspapcr, umee mellis, IlrJt IP~lItncel, Ind lIIotor STEEl, (TIN) CANS tin Ilso be r<<Jf ed bul mUll be Ilkt paper, cardbOard, Iln (lice I) cans k,1I olher colltdlon Illes IIlled In Iheln" plasllc will be collected allhe Longrellnw Slccl cans. commonly callcd IIn ans. arc slle every Wednesday. magncllc and have a Ilde scam. Rinse GlASS the cans, remove Ihe NEWSPAPER C& labcl, lid loth ",..I Ncwspa~r Is easy 10 ends,lhen nOllen wllh Used ~w bolllcland jars Ihe Idl Inside berore musl clean and rICe or save an lakes up rccycllng. melalllds or neck rlnp vcry IIllle Ipace. and separaled by color. Newspa"r Inserts You need nol remove nced no be removed. paper labels. Olw f: Ills prderable 10 PlASTICS manuraClurcrs can I have Ihem Ilacked realize up 10 1259& In ~aper groce~ sacks, 1\vo klndl or plasllc are re~c1able In Ihls encrfe living ~ ulln~ ,~ , all ough lying I em In area, allhls lime. 1I0P or Code 111 rccyc cd ~Iass. Recyc cd ,Iw Is crush , bundlel II acceplable. Recycl~d Includes milk and Ihen me led and made nlo new gl ~: , D newspaper can be made Inlo many olher juice jugl, liquid conlalners. t~. ~roducls, such IS newsprlnl, Ilssue, houle delergenl Ind " nsulallon, cereal boxes, roonng rell, Ihampoo conlllnen ,.' bedding ror ani mils and paper lop. and lomo rood MIXED METALS ~l' containers. PET or 'i IIIGII.GRADE PAPERI CARDBOARD Code III type plalllc Mosl melallowa beverlge conlolners r Includcl return. ror. rccycled IhrouAh Ihe beer and sorl drl J;. deposll beverafte dlllrlbulors. Iher Ilumlnum ~rodu ;1 While hlgh.grade ~aper, such as Iyplng, containers, as well as, lomo clelr pllll e luch II aluminum roll, pie IJ~ a um/n ~ \ com~uler, or co~ er pa~er and while rond conlalners. DOlh Iypel or rcllsllc lawn rurnllure,lnd alorm win ow rrlm , enve o~cs wllh I e pJasl c window and mUll havo a seam IcrO" Ihe 001 om or ore recycllble. Olher recycllble mel ~ t. selr.ad Clive addre" labels removed, cnn Ihe conlalner 10 be occepled by our local Include melallofs or gllll jlrs (wllh \ be rccycled. L1ahl plllel high grade rer,y'ler allhllllme. Inside rubber sea ), round bOllomed aI paper may also be Included. PlilJ:lc conlolners Ihould be rinsed and copper, brass, and olher scrap melals. Cordboard, Including corrugalcd and Ille nallen.d wllh cnps and neck rlngl Do nol pl.e'lhelO 'mixed melli' lIeml Iype used ror cereal boxes, can be rcrnoved. collKllon bins marked ror IIn (1Ietl) CI rccycled. F1allen 10 conserve Ipace. only. Mixed melals mull be liken Nol acceplable are Plasllc Codel 3.7, prlvlle rcqclen IIlled In Ih. Inm1. (lapcr products Ihal arc nol consldmd plk~lie conlalnelS wllhoul a OOllom seam rccftclable In this area al Ihls 11r,.,0 or wilhout code mnrkln~ slyroroam, and Inc ude: glossy raper and magazlnc~. conl~lnell Ihal once hc dIode malcrlal, LARGE APPLlANCF.5 Telcphone boo s will be colleClcd such as mnlor 011. once a fear. Contacl Clly Carton ror Unulahle appliances may' conl3 details ( 51.2848). re.~clable malerlals, luch IS pi!:, cop wlr ng and lead. Call Iho OWll Cl Rcrule Collecllon Service al 356.5 I rur pick up or largo appllancel ror a ree. I I [I t:' U t: - . mlU, (fiN) CANS $1<<1 (alii, commonly Cllled Iln (111I, Ire mllRCllc Ind hive I Ilde 1C1m. Rlnoe Iho (llII, removo Ihe ~ Ilboll Ind bolh mclll ends Ihcn nlllen wllh Ihe Irdl Inlldo beroro recycllna. PI.ASTlCS 'IWo kinds of plllllc Iro recycllblo In Ihls Ire.. Illhll limo. IIIlrE or Cod. '1 Ineludos milk Ind julco JUI', liquid i1olorlonl Ind .hlmpoo conlllnm IlId lomo food conlllnm. PET or Cod, , I typo p'lllIlc Includes relurn. (or. dopolll bovorllo containers, II well II, IORIO e1elr pllllle fooll conlllnors. OOlh IWI of plllllc mull hlvo I 101m IcrOSl 1M bollom o( Ihe coni II nor 10 be Icceplcd by our local w:y 'Ier .llhls lImo. Pla.:lc conllJncr'lhould bo rinsed Ind nOllenod wllh CApl IInd nock rlnll romoved. Nol accepllble are Plllllc Codes H plOJtlc conlllnclI wlthoul , bollom scam or wllhoul code marklnKSt slyrofoam. and conl~fners Ihal onco held lox Ie malerfal, luch as molar 011. Olher lIem., Includlnl lilli, mlud mdlll, larat Ipplllnctl, Ind motor 011 tan llaO be RC)'tled bul mUll be laken 10 olhcr collecllon IlIet IIlled In Iho Insert. GlASS UlCd jlm bolllc. Ind jlll mUll be clean Ind (ree of mClllllds or neck rings .nd ICp'"led by color. You need nol removo piper libels. aim monuflClurclI Cln , rcallze up 10 I 2S9Il energy livIng by ullnl recyclcd gllSS. Recyelcd glm Is crushed. Ihen mclled and modo InlO new glOlS conlllnen. MIXED M"'TAI.8 Mall mCllllowl beverlgo conlalnell ore recycled Ihrough Ihe beer Ind 10(1 drink dblrlbulorl. Olher alumInum produclS, luch II Ilumlnum fall, plo 1Ins, alumInum lawn (urnlture, Ind Ilorm window (rllmes, Ire rocyclable. Olher recyclablo mellll Include mellllopl o( glOll jlll (whhoul lnolde rubber lCal), round oollomed cans, copper, brllS, IInd olher ICrop mclols. 1)0 nol plate IhelO 'mixed melli' lIemlln collecllon bIn. mlrked tor IIn (1Icel) Clnl on 1,. Mixed mellll mUll be liken 10 prlvale l"CC)'c1en IIlled In Ihe Inlert. I.ARGE APPLlANCF.8 Unulable appliances may' con lain re.cyclable malerlals,luch os pIpe, copjlCr wirIng and lead. Call Ihe Iowa City Itoruse Collccllon ServIce 01 356.5180 fur (lick up of large OPlll1ollcel for 0 fee. MOTOR OIL ~ MOlor 011 ncver wean oul h jusl gell dilly. Impropcr dlspoSl1 or used molar 011 reluhlln ICrlou. ludaco Wiler Ind groundwller conllmlnlllon. Ir you change Ihe 011 In your Clr yourlClr, live Ihe 011 In Ileakproo( \ ronlolner for IOcycllna. ::-. If you have ,service deller chlllge )'Our 011, l Ilk I( h Is saveil for recycling. Onco Impurhles 110 removed, used 011 cln be morkeled II lO.renned 011 or II Induslrlal (uel 011. IIA7.ARDOUS WASTE MATERIALS Allhough Ihere Is currenlly no on.golng progrom 10 re~cle hlzardous Wille In Ihll lrea. Ills Impoll.nllo menllon Ihls IYllI of wIsle when consIdering dlvOlllng ~ousehold Wille (rom our Ilndfill. Many common houlehold producll arc consldercd hazlrdoul due 10 Ihe wlY Ihey affecl humanl or roacl with olher chemicals. Tho Imounl and vorlely of hazardous Wlllo we gencrole In lowI has greally Increaled. Bffecllve and envlronmenlally sound dIsposal melhods mUll be used. lIazardoul producls Include pelllclde., 011 baled palnu cleoners, anllrreeze, molor 011, lead'lcla ballcrlos, radio lor nushes, IIlnsmlufon nllld, ovon clcanoll1 (urnlture POlllb, mOlhballs/nakes, anll drain cleanen, 10 name a (CW. To find 0111 how 10 lafely dIspose of parllcular producls, call1he Oroundwaler 1IIIIIecllon 1I01llne all.aoo.53Z.1\14 hetween 8:00 a.m. . 4:30 p.m. I I.... t I ,'- - - ... - WHAT ELSE CAN 1m nONE I'IU:C\'CU: USE IU:CVCU:U 1'ltOUUcrs I'rccycllna II Icduclns Ihc Amllunl of WAIIC wo scnCIGlo. To plccyclc Is III m3kc IClllOnslblo buylna clllllces. ^vold hllylnallloduClllhAI AIC o\'Cr pAckaged. lIuy ploduCII In bulk whco AVAIIAlllc. Umll Ihe numhor of one'lln14 lIeml you huy, and IC\IJC IIcms lIS much AS ~Ihlc. CllOCISO conlalncn CAPAblc of conllnlllllls rccycllna. Iuch lIS alw and aluminum. and IlIme plull". IIrlna Yllur own IculAble Ihopplna baa whcn you Ihlll" I.el Ihe Iloro mAnAaCII knllw you arc lIIaklna Yllur huylna i1cclslllns haled on Ihe envlronmcnlAtlmpaClllf prlldUCIi. STOI' JUNK MAli, ;-. .. Amcllcana rccelve almml 2 million Ilml IIf Junk mall evcry ycor. Unforlunalely 11I1111 of Ihtl cndl up In landOlls. I'll rcduce Junk mAil from comlnalo youl addreUe Wille 10: M,U f'rt/tIlftC, Smk, D/tt(, M/IIltli", Aurdll/'lIl " 1I~1I4btJ S/tttf NJIWJMI Hew )iltA, NY lOI6J..1.'41 Simply 1I111ho namcl Dnd addrcucl Yllu wllh Icmovcd flom Ihelr malllna IIlls. VOUI lunk mall will he rcduced hy appro. malcly 75% hocause your name wlln'l be lold 10 many bla mailing cllmpanles. I, .1; , 'f . , ':1 ; l' MalcrlAl1 alc nol consldcrcd Iccyclcd unllllhey ICI used a scCt,nd limo. PASI up pol)1IYlone fOAm ("SIYIOrIl3mO) eu CAllOns Arid clKKlSC CAldbOald ooes mAdo flOln recycled ne"1pllnl. ChOOle CelCDt bundJ IhAI ule bolel mAde flom reC)'c1cd nCW1llflnl. (II Ihe unprlnled Ildcl of Iho 110, arc f.roy. II's flon' Iccycled ploduCII.) I urehm popor lowell And 101101 pAper mAde flom Iccycled mAlcllals. Ask)'Olll copy IClVlce Ir Iccyclcd pA~r II UlClfj Ir nOI; look for ono Ihol docs. l!ncoilrllge )'Our wolkplAce or ollanlzallonl 10 UIO recycled paper Insleall or vlraln paJlCr. SI'RF.AI) 111E WORn Shalo Ibis Inroln,allon on recycllnB wllh rrlendl and fAmily. l!nclllllaBo olherllo recycle. Sel a Bond oxample al wOlk or Ichool. Dring a leuloblo cofreo cup Inslead of ullng dllpolablo cups. ReUle manila enveloJICI ~ pUllIns Bummcd labels over Ihe old oddress. Scl up a pa~r recycllns program.. al nlll, ~u may bo Ihe only one IccycllnB, bul Iho Idea will srow. Whenever pOlllhlo, choose 10 do Iwo'lldcd COrylng. Sel up a spcclal cnvllonmcnlo bullclln hoald and pOll nollm abnul recycllna and wallo ,cducllon. ".11...1.........................111..&1&&&&&&1111111111Ilrlllllllllllr'II' ThlllnrormaUon Is pro~lded 10 romlllu In Ihe l.onlrello" arta Ihankllo Iho Iupport or .:n~lronmenlll Ad\'OCalu, l,(lnarellDw School and Sludcnl Council, .nd Iho 10". Clly Neighborhood Senlcn. 'rioll' OIl ~""... ,.,., I.r_""" ...n" k...IINIIII'1 I' A GUIDE TO REe' Fronlthc Longrclln ~ ~', _~ 't .~: .:~. '".~ -'j 'I .~~ ~) ~ '''u "~ ~, ?i. WilY Imcycu~ 10wlI Clllonl ploduco 12.15000 loni plbAgc cach ~ar. We bury 15 ~Icenl II In our Ilndntl. ^I wo plOduco 11 ucmcndoul Onlounl or WlISlC1lhe land II'OCO lIvAlloble ror d IpOllll dbtJlJICallns. lteC)'cllna dive liS Wlule rrom oUlland and ellends III lire. Some peoplo r, Iholrecycllnall a 'haulo' Ina not wo Ihe lime. 111CY bclleye Ihal II Is CASler limply Ihrow Ille Barbago away and Ie bo haul cd \0 our landfill. MlIny or I Ihlnp wo IhlOW Away con be recyd .nd recycllnB II one way 10 eOlo I depcndence on landnlls. If ~Ach or recycled. we could reduce Iho ImOUlI1 malcllAI golna'n1o Oil/landfill by 50~~ mOlc lInilmo subslontlol amoun" cnelIY. When recycled, ralhcr Ihan vlr~ malellals 110 ulCd 10 mako new produ leIS or our nalulal rClourccl anil cne alo ulcd In producllon and ICII air l waler poilu lion relull. Small changcs In cvcryday behavior 1 hnvo pllllllve conscquonces genelallons 10 comc. . 1 FOR ANV OUF.8TIONS&OMMEN'~ VOUIt RKC\'CIAIlI.F.9 'IU TIlE 8m , - - I 1'- 4.- - -' - - - . USE RECYCLE\) 1'ltOnUCTS Inlcrlall arc nOI consldcrcd rccyclcd Illlllhcy lei used a lecond Ilmc. nU up pol)1lyrcne loam (.Slyroroam.) PI car IOns and choosc cardbOard ones nade rrom recycled nCWlprlnl. Choosc ereal brands Ihal use bom madc rrom c~clcd neWlprlnl. (1Ilhc unprlnled IdCI or, Ihe boll arc f.rcy, 11'1 rrom ccyclcd producll.) I urchale poper owell and lollcl paper madc rrom recyclcd malerlnls. Ask your copy sclVlce If recycled pa~r Is uselfj II nOI~ look ror IIno 11101 does. I!ncoilrale )'Our workplace r orBanlzollona 10 Ule recycled papcr Inslel~d ohlrlln paper. . SI'READ 11IE WORI) Sharo Ihlslnrormnllon on rccycllnl wllh rrlcndl and ramlly. I!ncouralo olhcrllo rccycle. Sel 1 10011 example al work or Ichool. Dring II reullhlo correo cup loslead 01 ullng dllpolable CUPI. Rcuso manila cnvelopes I!Y pUlling gummed labels ovcr Iho old address. Sel up 1 pa~r recycling program.. al nnl, you may bo Iho only one recycling, bullhe Idea wllllrow. Who never posslblc. chOOIC 10 do Iwo'llded corylng. Sel up II Ipeclal envlronmenla bullelln board and poSI nollcel aboul recycling and waslo reduction. e Lonlrellow Ircalhonkllo Ihe IUpport or Ilnd Sludenl Council, and Ihe 10Wl Cllr l.r.....'IoI....ItII Ion IlNR 1/91 . ' '" A GUIDE TO RECYCLING IN IOWA CITY~ . From Ihe Longfellow Neighborhood t\.~oclRllon WilY IU~CYCLE Iowa Clllanl produce 12.15000 Ions 01 larbnge eoch year. We bury 75 IlerCCnl 01 II In our Inndnll. As we prOducc Ihll lremcndoul anmunl 01 WMle1lhe land 011 Ipacc available lor d spolal II disappearing. Itccycllng diver IS wasle rrom our landfill and calcnds lis lire. Some JlCople rcel Ihal rccycllng II a .haule. onil nol worlh Ihe lime. 111ey believe Ihal II II casler III limply Ihrow IlIe salbafe away and lei II be lIaulcd 10 our land III. Mony 01 Ihe Ihlngs we Ihrow away con bo recycled, and rccycllllg II one way 10 case our dependence on landfills. II ~ach or UI rccycled, we could reduce Ihe amounl or malcrlol gnlng Inlo our landfill by 50% or more and lave suhslllnllal amounll or cnergy. When recycled. ralher Ihan virgin. malcrlals arc uscd 10 make ncw producls, less of our nalurlll resource I anil cnerBY. are used In prooucllon ond leII IIlr and waler pollullon rcsull. Small changes In evcryday behavior call hnvc pnllllve CllnSel\UCnCCI lor gcnerallons 10 come. now '1'0 RECYCLE Itccycllns rClluhes only a 111\411 amouIIIUr II'ace onil a lcw lecllnds a day. Rcserve IUlfle Ipncc under Ihe sink. In a closcl,un Ihe hack porch or In Ihe corner or Ihc garage as a hllme recycling cenlcr. Usc separale ClIrdb03rd bOllel, grocery bas' ur bins rur each 1)'pC 01 recyClable malcrlnl. l'lastlc jugs enn bc Ilrung on a Icnglh ur lulng. AI nnl )1lu maY have 10 rcmlnd Yllullclf nol 10 Ihrow OWIIY rccycloblcs: old habhl ClIn be hard 10 break. Dul arlcr a lew lImes 01 pUllins recyclablc IIcOls In Ihelr proller conlolnen ralhcr Ihan In Ihe gnrhage, you will be on your way II' creallng ncw recycling hoblls. WHERE TO ~ECYCLE VOIl will Ond Includcd wllh Ihll brochurc n hondy 1I111ng or cuncnl lown CllY collccllon cenlers Dnd who I IIcOlS arc n<<cptcd 01 cRch. .'or connnlence, lrea resldenll can lake Ihelr rtC)cl8blcalo Ihe l.onarcllow School porklnalol Cltry Wednelday bthlfCn 7 8.01, and 7 p.m. ClIII coll<<llon Is nol Included II IhllIlIe. Cllywlde Curhslde Recycling will bcgln In Iowa Chy Ihlssummer. Wnlch rllr del ails Ihls .prlng. FOR ANV QUF.sTIONSt..COM~n:NTS, OR W YOU NEE\) ASSISTANCRIN GF.1'r1NG vaUlt RF.CVCI.AIII.F..~ '.0 TIlE 8\'ffi. I'I.I~S.: CAU. I'AM AT 351.6050. , /I: . I U (:' L - ' . ,\ j IlECYC~BLES --~----_.~.-.._-",. .. ,NEWSPAPER X X , , \ . ! . .IIIGII GIWlEPAPER X , ; CARDBOARD X m:EL mNl CANS X X X X OTIIER Mt:TALS X X GLASS X X X 'X . PIAmCS X X X X X X X AIOTOR OIL X . CAR BA1TERIES ...-..._...........~~..,.".~._~_.-. . .. . - - I tI '::~ U - c . , - - ~ ( 1'-' t I _ :'_ ' . 1'- _, _ I r2~5 .. , . J fl d U ~ ... t:4~ ~ - /}liul. 'K. Itt aA. ~a. 'It. ,\ HEI1')AA1lt')M TO: Chuck ~ohm4d.k.. Publlo Work. Diroctor FROM: Floyd. Pelkoy. A.ot. Supt. ot Solld Walt. RE: City Rooyolln, Pro,rlmA PLASTIC IlOT'l'I.R RRCYCLHIG . Tho City of IOWA City ba.an eapArAte plok-up of plAatlo Mllk JU,I on 6/12/89. Twloo per wook plck-up (Honday & Friday) 11 provldod at Ilx looatlonl Itlorth Dad.o lIyVeo. Roohaettr IIyVu. Eoonoroodo, Rocraatlon Centor. City CArton Co. and tho oorvlco bulldln, yard) and oneo per woak plck-up At tho Senlor Cent.r. City Carton Co. hll boon baHn, tho phDtlo and Ihlppln, lt for proooDaln.. HQ.tlIH Jul.. 1991 Au,., 1991 Sop.. 1991 Oct., 1991 Nov.. 1991 Doo.. 1991 lWaHI 7.33 ton 13.69 ton 7.~9 ton 7.22 ton 6.98 ton 6.79 ton Q1L Tho City hao boon provldln. an automotlvo WlltO 011 dllpolal IOrvlce at tho larvlco bulldln. at Rlv.rDldo Dr. & IIwy .6 Dlnct 9/22/89. InduDtrlal Servlce Corp. plcke up tho City'. waatt 011. MOHIlI Jul.. 1991 Au,., 1991 SoP., 1991 Oct., 1991 Nov.. 1991 Doo., 1991 ItElQIlt 2.71 ton 3.61 ton 3.01 tcn 3.~7 ton 6.03 ton 1. 50 tDn 2illIl Clty Cartcn Co. has boon rocyollnll Clty citlco PQPor p~r month alneo Saptombor 1989. tlOtlIH Jul.. 1991 ItElJJHI 3.20 tcn ltl.W1l:: ;II 13.70 ~v~ . . ~"".- -- J II ~ U : - . J i ., City Recyollng Pro~rom4 - ra,e ~ :rms The Clty'e tire reoyclln, pro,ram atertod on 9/1/89. Tho tires aro shipped to Roaobar Tire Shreddln, Co. oi Vinton. (owa at a oo.t to tha City oi $71.00 per ton. tlOllIH Au,.. 1991 Sop.. 1991 Oot.. 1991 Nov., 1991 IiKlD1iI 01.70 ton 2.85 ton 2.26 ton .1l1 ton mEW 1352.50 1213.75 Ilt5UO * 159.25 BATTI11l1I1S Batterhs have boon dropped oft at tho Clty's Rlver.ldo Drlv. location slnoo 12/1/88. Batterlea are aold to Astro-Llto Batt.ry Co. ot Cedar Raplde. t1aHIH Dec.. 1990 WI1IOHT 2.33 tcn lllcreE $ :::t5t5.uO ~AL - tWIIITI1 /lI'lOo5.l H.tal has been collooted at the Iowa City Landtll1 and rooycled be,lnnln, 8/1/89. Whlto ,ooda are oollected and recycled by Alter Contractcra ot Davenport, Iowa. t1aHIH \oII110HT lllCO& Jul., 1991 301.101 ton ! 757.30 AUIl., 1991 18.801 ton .s t5 ., ; , 50 ..0 I Sep., 1991 101.58 tDn .s 311.90 Oct., 1991 15.77 ton .s 387.35 ! Nov.. 1991 27.139 ton .s 828.23 Deo.. 1991 4.95 ton ;B 137.83 . i , 1\ rJ.~~ I I '\ , . . J U I::' LI - -' , , ' .\ I Clty Rotycllng Prolr~ - po,o 3 N!HSWllI Th. Clty Itartod plcklng up nowopaper on March 28. 1000. Paper 11 dolivored to Clty Carton Co. nle Clty pay. City Carton Co. according to tho Chlcago markot price. t10liIH Jul., 1991 Aug.. 1991 Sep.. 1991 Oct.. 1991 Nov.. 1991 Dec., 1991 HEl!l/lI 132.011 ton 11&.09 ton 1211.20 ton 12&. 10 ton 121.83 ton 142.61 ton EXPrnSE 11,9811.00 11, 7211. 35 11,692.901 $1.87UO 11.827.015 12,139.15 'iARIl WASIE Tho City .tartod curbolde coUection tor yard wOlIte on May 21, 1990. MOHIH Jul., 1991 Au,., 1991 Sop" 1991 Oct., 1991 Nov., 1991 Dec.. 1991 I'iElGIiI 185.35 ton 118.71 ton 129.76 ton 5801.57 ton 703.57 ton 015.78 ton GLASS Tho City of Iowa City otartod bin oolloction of slaoo ln Au,uot of 1990. Tho slooo 10 oeparatod by color. tlOHIH Jul.. 1991 AuS.. 1991 Sep" 1991 Oct.. 1991 Nov.. 1991 Doo.. 1991 WP.:IGHT 12.40 ton 12.80 ton 12.80 ton 12.80 ton 7.110 ton 9.dO ton OJ.~ ~ . . I t-t ;",1 t I ~ ' , 1 _ _ - - ,I ! City Re~yclin, Prosrome - po,e ~ TIN ('ANS Th. City startad bin collootioll ot tin cans in Horch at 1991. ~ Jul.. 1991 Au,., 1991 Sep., 1991 Oct., 1991 Nov.. 1991 Doc.. 1991 liElaHI 2.69 ton 2.64 ton 2.38 ton 3.82 ton 3.12 ton 2.72 ton CHRISTMAS TRIlIlS Atter the ChrlltOlllaOOlon at 1988-89 the City ot Iowa City Itartod a Chrietllll trea collectlon prosraOl. The treel are collected at the curb and chipped intc Olulch which il then availeble tor public UIII. The prcsroOl wae run aso1n thll ChriltOlIl IIIl1cn. tlOHIH Jan ..1991 H.El.GHI 43.67 ton .EXWSE $9.188.'07 oc: Ed Ensrott Brad Noullln Carol Caeey r , ~ ,. (! f; I I' I l' i:' i! \! t l' t f \ ~~~ .. --~....,>.' " . I - I 11 l- Ll c - - - . ~'" ,.. '"....~ ,.t.tI\ e.... ....,~.,"" w ..t,......., ,11( !rtH.ulI ./1i~UH'" '''.t;tdu"l' United tStms ~rnm ..". t. a IU 'uu.. e........... t",... '1',...".." ,...",. "'1"101'" "1'Ut.I'tO ,\ I ~ .,....;.... t-~I'...t ... "1""''',11'',,' ~":~"",, .' n' I , ~ 'I i" .It, ~"'hlll Qll.IlI\l' :: Ilyl\"I"'Ht~".1 tl'(:....,,'" "'11' """."1 _11'e't.., ,,'. .UHtf . ~ . '.'hlt.. l"" i' ',IP...,.t, ~.~f'I +..-Ili . ,'1;1, 'H ",III..jj '\"~""O":I. DC:(ltIO.'~" Docoabor 15, 1991 .... ..,.."...."'.... .,. " 11""",1 ~"I,,",,1 'HI;',"" 1'.111.11" Tho I/onorablo John McDonald KAyor CivJ.c Contor 410 EAlt Walhlnoton Stro.t leva City, Iowa 52240-1925 Doer KAyor McDonald I Thank you for your rocont corrolpondonco. I Am 01ad to havo tho bonoHt of your VJ.OVI. I hAVO alwaYI bo.n lupportlvo of oxtondJ.n; tho lev incomo houlln; tax crodJ.t. In flCt, I hlvo oneo aooln cO-lponlorod tho bill (S. 308) which would pDr.4nontly oxtond thJI tax orodit. Tho lOaluro hal boon rof.rrod to tho Sonato rlnaneo Committoo. Ilovovor, at thl1 tJ..o, no furthor aotlon hal boon .ehodulod for thl1 worthy propolal. Allowln; thl1 proqrAl to lunlot could furthor oompound tho probl... rortunatoly, tho Sonato approvod loqlllatlon that would tOlporarJ.ly .xtond thl1 proqram for 11x IOnthl aftor tho Docombor 31 lunlot dat~. Although I hay. alwaYI lupportod at loalt t.lporarllr .xtondln; thl1 program, It J.I about tlmo we mado thll tax-oxompt on pDr.4n.nt. Pl.alo bo allurod that al a IOlbor of tho Sonato Flnaneo Committoo, I will continuo to work hard to aehlovo our mutual qooll--aokln; tax lavl IOro fair to all taxpayorl. ~,tdi;~ ~. CEO/dl .~~~;~ Charloo B. Orallloy Unltod Statol Sonator Comml11" A.I.gnmenlt "'IAlICr JUDICIARY AOAICULTURI. NUTRITION APID 'OAUTRY DF/ICI 0/ TICItNDLOOY ASSlUMINT DUDOIT SPICIAL COMMln(l ON ~~ 7 I . - 1'_1 U ~ . . ~"~ .. V ~::t '~\I ... ccs. 0# CIIARLES N, PONey I ' " .. 9 z..!"" RIpIClClIUlh. C'~llO<l'" , , , , . , I , ,\ alpg . "i' . ;. ~-- J n I::' U - , ~c:rrll,r~ ".': ~3 GOOD\'VILL INDUSTRIES OF ~()L TIIE.~ST IO\\:~ ,\ I Our BUlIlb."! WIl/ks. 511 r~'111'1~ Call. January 22, 1992 Uft- ~ t:fd- ~S Thl 1I0norable Darrtl courtnoy, Hayor City of Iova Clty 410 Ea.t Wa.hington Stroot Iova City, . Iova 52240 Doar Darrol and Council Hambor'l It 1. our under.tandlng that tho Clty Hanagor, stovo Atkln., has r.commond.d through tho FY 1993 C.I.P. budgot, fundlng for a trafflo .lgna1 lnstallatlon at tho intor.oction of Fir.t Avonuo and Hall Drive. . l i\\ to"'''' , i A. you knov, Goodvill Indu.tri.., SouthoOlt Junlor lIigh School and ar.a bu.ln..... havo long advocatod for luch a 11gnal. We gr.atly opprlclate that stovo hat lncludad thl. project al a prlority itam and urgl thl Councll to approvo lt ln ordor to achl.vo .afor and morl .fflclont trafflc flow at tho lnterllct10n. Thank. for your 1nt.rost and asslstanco on thls latter. Slnc.roly, ) ,. /. "-.4'~ I. 1""---" ,"John'Watson .:-..- Exocutiva Dlroctor JW/lvr CCI Frank Ward Hlrlal lIuI..y f w I t f ,: f ~ 'i 1 . .. 1410 FIll! AI'~nll~ P.O. Box 1696 luwa Clt\,. 1/\ 52244 319.337.4158 A Unlt~J Will' A~~ncv 1441 fil.llr' Fm)' RnaJ NE C~\l.lI RilPl.l!. IA 52402 lI9.l93.HH "j.-. J.~q . , J n d U " , ~I ...,c.-c. TILICCI'IIiI '1\111 I I-IN' ~1Cllf'tl I :C',.:130U COUllTY AUDITOR TEL I!I H50-6086 .\ n9 1'!4 ~ ~19:ru:.x.I. I '.n 23.92 15108 "0.009 P.OI/02 I...... elt'" \ IOWA:> BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Owlu D. Duffy Slcphen p, Lacina Pllrlcla A. Mcado . RIcIIIld B. Mycn DeilY Ockcnrcll JllnuBry28, 1992 INFORMAL MEETING ^aendll 1. Call 10 order 9100 lI.m. .-.._--~.-.-_.__..... 2. Review of Ihe minutes. Ul - N C (,. r:) 3, Buslncu from tho County Engineer. .1~n i!' ..... . >-1 - .- C".' N ... _' w . I) Discussion fO: proposed zoning Imendment for drivew~'2 :! ..., .Of b) Other a~ \~ " .~" ~ tJ 4. Business from tho DIrector of Public IIClllth. 10' II) Discussion ro: Board of Health FY '93 budgel. b) Olher S. Duslness from enrol Thompson, Department of lIuman Services. . a) Discussion ro: MenIal Health/Menial Retardation (undlng changes, b) Discussion ro: Child Welfare Inlllallve. 6, Duslness from Teresa Dennett, Account Consultant of Blue CrosslBlue Shield. a) Discussion ro: heallh Insurance plan suggested premlunls, b) Discussion ro: nexlblc benefils plan, c) Discussion fe: chi ropracllc benefits, d) Olher ~o . - I t I I... U C - ,- . I 'AacndA 1.28.92 Pago 2 , I 1. DUllncss (com tho Board or Supervlso.... .) DllCUulon ro: budaCI', b) Reports c) Other 8. Discussion rrom thc public. 9. ReceJs. I . . ~3 ... c.. .,......1 ~~ i: ~ ~""'" ..... ,...... ;'-~ N ~'o' . C1~'. ~ t.. ::~:" ..., ." 't" ..,' .... :--~.' ,I ....., ." ",,". .,. t'\" I,) ,. (,,, ~70 * I , ,I ! i ! I r . ~, ~o&. _>--_____ J - 1 II .. U c - - , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ,\ . , Oil.: JIllUIIy 24, 1092 To: Mayot and Clly Councl From: Marian K.1<4tr. City CIoIIc ~,~ . Ro: ACCOllNtyiR4mp In Collncil Chllllbotl Thlt Is 111I110 llpdalO you on Iho 'O.l-IIIIl' mado Thulld4y, JIIIlU4ly 23, on Iho OCCOSlIblGty ramp In Iho Chambors. Kolth Rll", a mOmbor 01 CCN and Iho Soction 50-4 Commlnoo, holpod UI with Iho 'olr. In addillon 10 hit Involvemenlln 11I0 abovo rnonUonod convnlnool, ho admlnlstors granllundlng lhtough Indapondonl LMng lOt altOnd4t11 WI plograms, Is Involved willi Iho Iowa Unlvorllty AlfillalOd Programs (IUAPI, and 11I01 a whoolchalt. Mr. Ru" commonlod thallho ramp Iumlng ractus, aIopo and wldth woro qullo IlIllsractory. Ho compllmonlOd Ita" on 11I0 10lthOllea 011110 rlltnp dollgn and WIt dollghlod 10 holp ua"on OIIr 11111 11fp. co: Kolth Ru" beS.1 I I j I ~ onl I n I:' U . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dato: JanualY 24, 1992 To: Cllv Council From: Clly Man8gor Ro: ADS, Inc., 1301 Sharldon AVlnuo Advoncod Dralnooo SYlloml. Inc. II planning 10 movo I,om III lit. on Shorldon Avonuo. You mov bo familiar wllh Iho p,opolly In Iholllll on Industrial usa In a prlmarllv rOlldanllol a,oo. App,olslll 0/1 curronlly bolng porlo,mod, and I IUS peel tho company II allompllng 10 ollobllih Iho land voluo In onllclpallon 01 a fUluro lOll. Thoro II IIkolV 10 bo nolohbOthood Into,ulln Ihll land 1010 and, 01 palllculo,. IllluIur. UIO. Wo 0'0 dllcusslng lomo ollho zoning ond land UIO opllonl. IIII oxpoclod Ihol mullJplo lomlly land uso wlllllklly bl pur.uod by any dovolopor InlOro.I.. I undolllond Ihl ox/lUnO building II nol wOllh much. I wonlod 10 101 you know Ihlllhlllssuo was boglnnlng 10 unlold. ce: Karin Fronklln / , ......'/1..- I \ \ \ , I ,\ ~-" . n (:1 U L .. . SALARY/BENEFITS YIII Includ.d In Plan Posl~on P,ogllm '93 '94 '95 Malnt.nane. WOIkor I 011 aov.rnm.nl Buildingl 13.400 Malnl.nanc. WOIk., II ~, Recreallon C.nIOl 13,400 Ubllly Clerk ltl LlblllY 32,200 LlblllY Clork Ill' Llblory 16,400 S,. LlbfGry Clo/k ItI Library 34,1BO Sr. LlbfG'y CIOIk I l'l Library 17.200 Llblary AlIlslonl I III Library 9,100 Llblorlan lilt) Libro,y 45.400 Llblarlon 111 "' L1b,ory 23.200 Molnlononco WOtkor I ~, Sonlo, Contor 13.400 Melor Reader I ~, WOIO' 13,400 Clork.Typllll~1 SIIOOIS 7,100 Molnlononco WOtko, 11141 Roluso Collocllon 14B.7oo Molnlenonco Wo,ko, II~I AI,porl 13.400 Buyor Il~' Equlpmonl Malntononco 15,300 Englnoor ltl Englnoo,lng 39.SOO Molnlonanco Workor I III Foroslry 31,000 Housing Inspoclor 111 H.I.S. I 36,700 Comm. Sorvlcos Olllco, 111 Police.. Rocords 33,000 Comm. Sorvlces Olllcor III Polico . POlrol . 33.000 Pollco Olllco, 121 Pollco . Palrol 73,600 Pollco Sorgoanlltl Polico . Palrol 51.400 Comm. Sorvlcos Olllco, III Police. Palrol 36,900 Englnoorlng Aldo III Englnoorlng 38.500 mgllllryblnl.lbl ~7.3 I 1 t. . r' r [ ~, , ! ,. " . CI (:':u -' . . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Data: January 27, 1992 To: Slavo Alklnl, City MaIllOO' From: UJ John Lundol1, Tronlll Manooo, Ro: l' Porlolmonco Rov/ow 01 Plaon VIOW and hpandod Mill Sorvlco InlrDdUC\!gfi Expandod IranllllO/vlco 10 10Ulhwoltlowo Clly on tho Plaon Viow routo bogan on Soptombor 9,1991. On Ihlllamo dalo Iho exlsllng Moll roulo was also o_londod 15 mlnulOI. II has now boon 4lS monlhlllnco Iho InlllOllon olthll lorvlco. Tha PIlOn Viow lO,vlco consilii 01 0 45.mlnulO roulo oporallng lrom 6:30 a.m. 107:00 p.m. During poak porlodllo,vlco Is opo,olod ovo,y hall hou, wllh hourly hOldwaYI during Iho mid. day. At nlghl. Irom 6:30 p.m. until 1 0:30 p.m.lho PIlon Viow nolOhborhood II lo,vod by on oXlonslon ollho oxllllng Woslw/ndl roulO. This nlghllo,v/co 10 PIlon Vlow II p'ovldod 01 no oddlllonol .xponso 10 Iho sYltom. Th. prov/oully o_llllng 30.mlnulO Mall roulo was o_londod 15 mlnulOllo bo oblo 10 so'vo Iho Moll Orlvo . FlIII Avonuo . Folr Moodowl . Hollywood Boulovord nolghborhoodl. This olClondod sorvlco oporolosl,om 6:30 a.m. 10 6:45 p.m. Rov/ow 01 Pfalln VillW SlI,vlcQ In gonorOllorml,1 am ploasod wllh Iho pOllo,monco ollho now lo,vlco. Rldorshlp on Iho Ploon Vlow roulO has boon rolatlvoly low; howovo" usooo Is growing. Sold om doOl now t,onsllllrvlco booln 'liko gongbuslors". Sludios hovo shown Iholll tlkOI up to 12 months lor porsona 10 adjusllholr I,avol hoblll In lava, oll,onlll. With Iho oul'lanco 01 JCCOG TranspOllollon Planning Dlvlllon Intorns. sovorol Plaon Vlow 1,lpl wo/O roconlly Iu,voyod. Tho o_lsllng RochollOI 'oulO wos allO Iu,voyod. Tho Rochollo, roulO was chason 10 comparo 10 Ploon Vlow slnco lhoso Iwo rOUlOs mOil closoly milia' ooch olhor. Thoy bOlh lorvo olmoSI onll,oly ,osldonllol arOOl wllh no "gnltlconl commorclolUlp gono'OIO,S. ~7q Ii ) \ I I I i I I I , , I I I , I U (::' U' . Avorlgo rldollhlp by 11m. 01 dly 101 OIch rOUII II II loIlowl: A.M. Polk Mid-D.y P.M. Po.k 8Jon VIoll! 24.9 PlII.ngorl po, Ulp 8.3 PlIIOngorl por Ulp 14.2 Plllongor. PO'lIlp Rochtnol 32.4 Plllongorl po, Ulp 9.0 PlllOnglll por ulp 22.0 PlllOngOIl por ulp \ Rldorshlp dllllng 1M m/d.dlY II llIodicllbly lowI' In IhOlO nolghbOlhoodl duo 10 loci.. oconomlc Challclorllllcl. TyplclQy bolh Idulllln lho houlohold wOIk during Ih. day .nd IhalO .10 nOI . a1gnlflclnlllU/'l1bor 01 oldorly /OlIdontl along lhou rOUI... Roviow 01 hDAnd~AII SILvica Tho I 5.mlnulO o.lonllon 10 lho Moll roulO II bolng woll rocoivod. Tho o.lonllon II p/ovlding convon/onllorvlco 10 aoodl'lilllndullriOl, Kindorc.mpul. EDlldolo P1m. ond 0 porllon ollho Fal, Moodowl nolghbOlhood. 11110110 lHovId'ng bus lorvleo 10 South Eall Junio, High School Iludonll who polllclpOlO In "Ior IChooloctivlliOlond Ihul alO nOllblo 10 rida Iho Ichool bus homo. John WOllon, DlroclOl 01 GOodwllllndullrlll,lndicolollho OMpondod lorvlco POll his 10cllllY ha, boon 0 "godlond' lOt hll cIionll. Tho upcoming p1anllOt otlOlflc Ilgnol 01 FIlii Avonuo .nd Moll Drlvo will moko II ovon .111., 101 porsonl 10 cross Iho IUOOI bolwoon aoodwlll and Iho bul IIOp. In lho nOlI IUIU/', I plan on moollng wllh P,oclor 81 aombl. olllclolllO InvIIllgllo how low. City Transit can bollIlIOlV.lhoi, omployoo 1,0nspOtlollon noodl. ~UtU'1I DavalODmOnl Dllcusslonl wllh Iho Planning Doparlmonl 11011 Indicllo lhal oddillonal dovolopmonl II oxpoclod In Iho IOUlhwOSllow. Clly 1101. In Iho noor Iuluro. John MOlolond II building. comblnallon 01'0'0 1011lno.nd mullHomily Un/lion WOlllldo Drlvo odjoconl Now Lllo F11nolS Conlo,. Tho dovolopmont holtho pOlonllollOt lovo,ol hundrod now unlll. Moco BlOvo,mon II oliO p,oporlng to dovolop oddillona1 Un/II odjoconl Waldon COUll. In Iho long lorm, tho Plonnlng .1011 lools IhOl ovonluolly John DonO'1 40 acrOl will bo dovolopod .nd Abor Avonuo connectod. Whon Abo"1 connaclod.11 will Imp, ova Iho ability ollowe Clly T/lnllllO 100ve IOUlhwosllowa Cily. On lho expanded Mall roulO, I ,ecenlly loornod Ihallho Nolson Adull Centor will bo moving Iholr lecillly Ihls lummo, InlO 0 building along Filii Avonuo. Wo curronlly transport numo,ous Nolson Conlor cllonlllo/lrom lhol, lacllily In lho TowncrOSI nolohborhood. CDncluslQ!l Whllo rldollhlp on Iho Ploon Vlow roulO Is low. Ihls Is nOI unoxpOClod and Ills Incroaslng. Usooe Ihould Imp,ovo olvon mo,o lima lor porions 10 ollor Ihol, I/lvol hoblls and 10' oddillonol dovolopmonllo occu,. Tho Ploon Viow ,outo was olso doslonod to eccompllsh one 01111 original obJoctlvos 10 ,.lIovo ove,crowding on Iho oxlsllng Wostwlnds 'outo. Ills alroody rollevlng .ome overcrowding .nd will do more when wlnler driving condilions worsen. .2. J74 , " I nl~luL_ , I' Tho Man 'xlenllon II VOIy luccOIIlulln IccompllsNng .evorll dill.,lnlltrvlc. ob!ocUvol. IIII cI"vlng SEJH Iludenl' II won Illl/ovIdlno convenlonl IOrvlcl 10 aoodwill, Sy.lom. Unllmlled, Eflld", PI",. ,nd P<<llonl 01 tho fllf Mfldow. ....Ighborhood. I plln on conllnulno 10 review ulIgo on bolh ollhelO 'OUIII, mlklng Idjullmonu II necllllry. In PInlcul." bellt. lho boglnn/ng 01 cllmlln S.pt.mbo,. lho IOrvlcl will bo co,.,ully ICrullnlud 101 IPIl/OIl/III. changOl. Thank you, Ind pi.... 10.' "00 10 conl.ct m. wllh Iny quolllonl It commenl.. cc: Jell Dovldlon, JCCOa r'onlpol\ollon Ploftlllr Don VUCull. Finance Dlrocllt Dob Manlllold, Budgol AnolV'1 ",,',111- , .3. ;<71 . ft ,d U '. """c~"'_' C"O ".,r,! """"""""'" I i t ~ r I I ~ rulH VlIW OUTOOUHO TO rulH VlIW LV A~~ AM AM AM IU ClINIOII UIIV. IU"1n 1II0~1ION PUIN WW IIOIIIION 'WAIN. NOIP. DOIlOll TIIIU 1II0ftUON IftU 11I01011 IHDIUM) OIlIN T~I. I CAI _ _ ................ ,-.alii ",'w Ntlll '''Ill '" III ... "t_ nt_ "'_ 'M_ nJ_ ta. ,,' 1M 1M Ill! 1\1 .... "'_ L't_ tII_ UI_ W_ a.- .., Nt ,,, ... 1\1 .. 111_ M_ ...._ "'_ "'_ ... "'1_ "'"_ tNI_ IDI_ taU_ M. tII'_ ''It_''lt_ 1111_ "11_ 11M 1/'1"'_ ,1lt",_,Ilt"'_ IIII"'_ItIl"'_ I/M'" '"_ Ilt_ "'_ 'It- 111_ ,. 111_ Ilt_ '11_ 111_ 11I_ ,. 1'1 III III 10:1I III )... "'_ >>1_ M_ 1__ W_ 1M "' 1M all 101 III ... UI_ tJIt_ ut_ .._ W_ U4 "' ... ." 101 101 ~... "'_ '"_ ut_ uo_ w_ lrJIt "' Nt Nt 101 101 ..... "''''_ """'_ """'_ '11"'- 11I"'_ ..", I'oInII 01 InlffOlt AllIl"l.1l~ D. C4Mf Im.~ A10111 C. KInNck SlIcMl D. IItw Uo FlInosI Ylolld E. CoUIllloust F. POI. ()ff(o O. Kk~'l\OOd Comm. CoIogo II. Job SoMco oIlolYJ I. OOOdd J. Eutd.llo K. P,oclOl & OMllblo . lndeJIOl1lmo Chock polIIl (100 COllOlpondIng cWMl i,..._ ~ ~ D . PLAIH VIIW UIOOUHO TO DOWllTOWN LV AM AM AM AII~ WO~IIOII IUHln UUHIn UIIV. (UNION IftU OCHIICIIt , HO.,., WAS'" I (AI WU~OIlIHDIUIfI 1II0lDM U..... 6UN4 ~1tM ..U~ ",,,,, '" III III III m 111- 1"_ '''_ "1_ II' 101 III III Ul III 111_ 11I_ "'_ Ill-- "' ... III III Ul 11' 'M_ ""'_ ..._ tu_ tiP tt)t_ *4_...._ tOU_.' 11I'_ ""_""_1111_ "" '/11'11_ It..",_ """'_ 1111"'_ '"'''' 11I.- '''_ '11_ '11_ '" ,:,_ 'U_ ,.._ 111_ h' 10:1 III III III 11/ 11I._11I_11I_111_11/ .,. III III l/l I" '"___ 6U_ "'_ '11_ ." ~ III 111 III III 11I_1"_"'_11I_11I lIiI III 1'1 III II' Ilt/ll_ 11I"'_ "''''_ 11I"'_ II'''' lot wtlIWMl' a-;o.. -"''''' ......- c ~,.. . i t J I .,I II.\lL aulllOUNO 10 WAlL LV aM AM 10M """ QIIltOll IOlltllf '-'0 III' I"". Ill"'" AIlO . WAll IW L 11IO'011 DOMe IWMtf ON,. - - - IMllOMY _II ,..... ,.... ,..... ....., ...11I ,aI_ M_ __ ,,,_ N '11 '11 '" ,,, '" .._ .._ ,._ 11'- ... ... '" ,.. III ... "- ..- -- "'- ... ...- "'- -- ....- .... .__ ,.._ ,..._ "11_.... """'_ IM"'_ IM"'_ IlIlN..lfllN .._ *_ ..._ 11'- ... M_ f;A_ M_ IU_ ". .11_ .._ all_ '''_ ... III III III lo. )oj __ "_ "'_ .t,- .. &11 &11 '" ... '" "_ *_ __ 1"- ... . III III III ... ... -- "- ""- '''- ... . M"'_ """'_ "''''_ 1IlN.. '''N ........ Oft ..-,...-........,....-- I ...... ! . . II' -" . (Mil E F' 1 ...... . rn- '- :--t ........... . I " . . I,.......,.. .- IIOTEI A11limol 010 AVOhblt Mondoly lhIOUOIl Frld.ly union OIhcrwit<t IMlkOll. Only lholt 11mo1'IMI~od w111l1ino1 AIO AVAil4blo on S.lurWyt. r-,oo. . . 1~1I""'" ,~ NO senVICE ON SUNDAYS on *IIOL1DAVS * 1l01ld'11 AIG lIaw Voaf' Day. I.IOmGIW DAy,lndopondJIICO DJy, labor DAV. lhM~loMlo Oav, and CMtllM1 Day. .._,..-...~....".,..- PoInlI oIlnlOfOlt A DfnlllllulUng D. CA/VOt~" AlaN C. KJnnIck Sl.IIMI D. tItw LVo nnou WOIId E. CoUll lIMo F. Poll 0tftc0 O. KIIkwood Co/lvn. CoDogo IL Job SGrvIco 01 Iowa I. Ooodd J. EAIId.lIo K. P10Cl01 & Osmblo . 1nckA10lllmo chock palnl (IGO COIrolpOlMlinQ coIlmn) s 1 ~Do' . r....Do D . I 1~1 t I - - - - ~ . lIALL OUlOOUllD 10 lIALL LV AM .,.n ~M .,j\/', ClImON IOWlny "1Ill1l a, , I ~'I. 'WAI/Io AIlO A~D 'IAIL IIAII IIIGION ??oo1 IUUlIIl U"'II --- .. - ",""MI" _'" 'IIAM ,."" ,..... "4'" ...'" KII_ M_M_ fII_'" ,>> ,. ,. III "I .-_ "_ ..._ '11_ II' I>> III III ", lit f;J)_ .._ U_ 'U__ 'Il toG_ hn_ ~_ ,.,t_ tOil IKIO_ '~_IlClt_ IIIt_IH' 1101"'_11.11"'_11"''''_11'''''_11..... NI)_tot_KII_III_'tt NO_ 1Ot_ 101_ 111_ ,.- __ .__ ).._ ~It_ II' )lO )11 )II III )00 100_ __ t:Jt_ m_ UI no UI U' I" ... 1iCO_ lOt_ n_ \14_ tI.. ,PI III 11I.11... ~ ...._ ..._ .u_ ". .101"'_ ~"'_ 1Ill"'_ 111"'_ ""01 ...-,C)" ... _.,,,,.w.uo"'_.,,..., """"-~ Ii ......" I I . a I, · ~_Il .. c..o. B ~... . c I . it E FI ! ..... II . lIALL IIOOUllO 10 OOWlllOWlI · LV LV LV AM AN- IAII. HOlLY. IYC,," WlI C\lIl'''' DALI WOOOA UONt AIlO IWI',' lYe.. II.lLL OOOGI IIIGh' u,...._ U,MI_ u,...._ 'MW_ w.... III '" "' "' "1 '11_ nr_ Ut_ ')1_ .., iii n' 101 101 .., &"_ U,_ 111_ 'M_ .., III "' 101 101 1'1 ",_ ",_ 111_ ')1_ W 10"_ ""_ tOJt_ ttM_ ,.., 1111_ 1111_1111_111'_ 11I1 IllIIOl_'I1''''_lIIl'''_III''''_"''''' '''_ 111_ UI_ ,.._ t" lll_ ll'_ ,"_ ,,,- '" m_ ",_ )11_ "'_ III III II' 001 III '" '11_ q,_ UI_ ')1_ u' III '" '" IGl 11/ 111_ U'_ 'U_ UI__ Io'l III /I' II' 101 I" UI_ 11'_ tU_ UI__~ &I, ,n1"'_ ",'''_ 111"'- ,,,"'_ "/1" .~C>'I ..._.,,.,.......11I-,.4......... ,.. tlOTEI All limos 010 ovoUoblo Monday thlouOh Frld.1y unloss olhc,wl5ll mn/kod. Only thoso Ilmoslmolkod with IInDS ora avallablo Dn Salurdays. lID, - ....- ~~ .........., III J .. . Ii 1......,.. -'. o NO SeRVICE ON SUNDAYS OR *IIOLIDAVS . lIolldayl ora Now YaM. Day. Momallal oay,lndopondancD Day. lobo, Day, ThnnklOlv1ng ooy, ond Chflslrnas Day, """.;" I ,I , , I I~ ' - -' - - . , ' Hemorandum 'rom H,yor Courlney regarding Bowling 'or Kids' Sake. Copies 0' letterl 'rom H'yor Courtney 10: a. Jarad H. Parkor regarding Iowa City IIlter Ruourm Pl,n ~ b, Dan Jenney 0' low, Finance AUlhorllY supporting 'undlng requests Hemoranda 'rom the Pl,nnlng Ind Community Developm.nt st,ff: a. CDBG Allocltlons for PUblic Sorvlce ProJectl b. Federal Lot Air Rights c, Procter & Ga~ble Plant Expansion d. Urban Planning Division 1I0rk Program Hemorandum from the Human Services Coordlnltor regarding recommendations ~~~ for FY93 hu~n service agency funding. ~ Hemorandum from the Historic Preservation Commission r.gardlng Dubuque Street houses. Memorandum from the Energy Coordinator reg,rdlng Coralville Milldam Hydroolectrlc Project. Memorandum from the Environmental Englneor regarding landfill status. Memoranda from the City Clerk regarding Council Goal Setting Selslon of January 14 and Work Sosslons 0' January 21 and 27. 1992. Minutes of Novembor 25 ~eetlng of Neighborhood Open Space Plan Commltteo Copios of letters from: a. State Historical Socloty of Iowa regarding 1415 Eo Davenport b, Visiting Nurse Association regarding Adult Day Care Program c. John R. Rummolhart, Jr., regarding house at 1610 Waterfront d. Lance L. Gootz regarding parking on Lincoln Avenuo Notice of special meotlng of Board of Supervisors. Agenda for City Con'erence Board meotlng. Lotter from Kathrynn Gay regarding ldyllwlld Condominiums. . t] c' U - I~ . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: JUUArY 31. 1992 TO: City Council FROH: City ~n.g.r RE: Haterl.l In In'onaatlon Pldet I \ , I .A 9;J. .-.2f 3 J,I/ Hello frOl Bd. of Supenlsor, re COIIlIIltltnt for funding tht Iowa Clly LlbrlrY & copy of rtlolutlon rt pa~nt to Library for FY93 lttttr frOl Atrport ConalSlton Chllnaan rt Airport Operattonl Kon,ger Sallry. ~ Infonaallon frOl City Hgr. rt Budget Reconciliation & Road Uu Tu Reconclltatlon(Budgtt)..Jji .ill1. of Iowa City l!!!!!glc Planning report from Tim Shields on Council Goal -o1ii SiUlng lOulon or 1/141g2. . . . lellor from Chambor of COlI1lltrco re downtOllll pork In9. Infonnatlon from Johnson County Ilerltage Husell1l requesting addltlenal funding. Info distributed It 2/4/92 Fo"""l Council Hoellng: BOlrd of Supervisors Fonnal Hooting Agendl of 2/6/92. . .. ~ U I~' U - ~ . ..,...,. January 31. 1992 Infonlltlon '.cktt p.g. 2 Info dlltrlbuttd .t 2/3/92 Council work 'tiS Ion: Hello frol City Atty. rt AgretDtnt for Llbrlry Service to Rur.l Johnlon County. Co.ptnlltlon R.te. _....1.___ \ "'"""'.,,,'" J .I i ~ J,qIJ ~ 3Ll.tJ I I ; \ , , -do . f I I~I U - - - ' City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: J,nUlrY 31, 1992 TO: ClIy Council FROM: Hayor Courtney RE: DOl/ling (or KIds' Sake The Johnlon County DIg Brotherl/Dlg Sllters organIzatIon hal Icheduled a "DOl/lIng (or KIds' Sako" on February 29 ltl~e to be announced liter). They hove requuted that I teal o( CIty Council Hembers ,nd It'" o( Ilx people (rom IOI/a CIty compote agaInst a Councll/sto" te,. 'rOl tho CIty o( CoralvIlle. GIve some thought to particIpatIng In this event, and wo cln talk about thll on Honday It the work selslon. . I ,I ! :2.75 f .... ....- I f I c' t) - - . .\ " I \ ~,~ - - CITY OF 10 WA CITY J.nuary 24, 1992 J.,.d M. Porkor Box 293 Hdll,lA 52235 Ro: 10wI CIly Walo, RuOUICOI Plan D.a, Mr. Parka,: ThInk you lOt yOUf 101101 dOlOd J.nuary 10.1992, concornlng Iowa CIIY'I New Wiler Plan. Iowa Clly ombarkod on. plooram 10 dev.lop 0 compl.honslvo walor lupply monogomonl plan In Iho loll 01 1990. Tho plan hal ovolvod Inlo INOO eopo,olo phasu. Phaso', which has boon complolod, conallll 01 dOlo/mlnlnglho Clly'l wOlor domend, ovoluollng Ihe Clly'. exlnlno walor 1I001monllacllllY, and conducting 0 IOOrch 01 011 available rew weill IOU'CIS. PhIlO 11. which II currenUy underway, consllll 01 dOIOlmlnlng Ihe mCI loco lion 01 oach g,oundwalll lourco .nd ovoluollon 01 WOlOl qualllY and quonllly. Phm 111 will consl'l 010 recommendod plln lOt the IrOotmenl and dollvory olin Idoqulle walll lupply. Tho Clly curronlly has 0 woollh ollnlormollon on 011 walll 10urCOl wllhln lho City IImllS, Including bOlh lurllco WOlOl Ind 9roundwoIII, A lulllclenl quanllly 01 quality welOlls nOI aVllloble wllhln Iho CIIY. Tho/Oloro, tho City Illnvaslloollng groundwalor lourcn beyond Iho CIIY IImlll: Iho mosl prOtnlllng 01 which Illocalld In on Iqullo, neo, Ihe City 01 Hills. To dOlO, Iho Clly has nol withdrawn any WOlO' from lho oqullo, noor HIIII. lava lor Iwo 121 monllOtlng wells which war 0 Inllellod during AuousI ollasl YOII and I,om which, al mOil, IWO gallons 01 Willi wI/a elllrOClld. All 011011110 dote hove boon loward delermlnlng Iho OllOClloclUon 01 Iho oqullo, and Iho bosl loeallon 10 pllceelosl pumping wall 10 dOlermlno IVOlllblo quonlllY and 10 dotermlno whOI ellecl,lI ony. Iho CIIY'I UIO ollha oquller will hovo on oxlSllng wolIs,lncludlno Ihoso wllhln Ihe Clly 01 HIIII. Very low Ollllllng wells eXIlic I weIer from tho Iqullor undo' InvosUgoUon. 10 Ihollls nOlO soasono1 va,loUon In wOlOllovol ,osulllng from pumping wolls. ClYlC CUI II . II" U'"I~OlOM II IOU CIl' IOU 11111.1111 @ 'MOHI 11111 111.111. , AlIIIII II'''''' ~7~ . .. ~ - ~ ~ .:.- - . I II . . ,- - - - - Jlrld M. PI,kll . J./lUI'y 24, 1992 P.gI 2 TIlt ClIY allow. ClIy 'Pp/ocIIIOl YOUt Inllllllln OUt Wlllr IUPply p1ln Ind I Cln 1U1lI. you IIII nol our Inllndon 10 1n1"'"1 whh individual WIIOI ,Ighlllnd wo Iully IIII.nd fa Ibldl by m. "W. aIm. SI'I. .net Iht /lgullllonl 0' I'" ONR. ElllollJlvo logl' wOlk hal 1/'0 bo.n UIldlnlkln 10 dlllrrnlnt lilt IIghll olOlch Piny. COplll ollho /.go/ /Iv/ow II. 'VllllbI.. 10 p1"1t fl,l frl'lo conllCI OUt Clly MtnaOll'1 ollle. 'nd . copy cln bt 10nll0 YOUt Illonllon. A1.0 ,ntchod It 1I0III'ltnll0 I'" Clly 01 Hinl cancOllllng I po.llbl. /oInl P/Ojocl. Tholl III many dill", 10 be dIlCUlStd 111"'"11 luch .n InI.IIII on I'" Plrl 0' lho CIIY 01 Hilll. SInc'rtly, !~}i,14~~ . 01111' O. COUtIIllY I MtyOt cc: City COIlllCIJ City ManagOl DOPl'lm.nl 01 Public WOtkl Clly AIIOt....y Alllchmonl ~If , "'-~~~... .'~'..'''''''.~ ""-,' CA_,_ -.. sn~ . I ,\ I I f , i ! I I u c:' U - · . ~ ,,~ , "\:&' CITY OF IOWA CITY .... AugUSl28, 1091 M1ch4ol PlIIkor. Mayor Clly 01 Hms POBox 176 Hlns, IA 52235 DOli Mayor PlIIkor: I wanllo I4ko Ulno 10 rOlpond 10 your roconl conoapondonco oddrOlsod 10 me and tho Iowa Cily Clly CouncD concOrnlng tho proposed wator lostlng proloct. In your lollor you o.pross . numbor 01 concoms and I Win do my boll 10 roSpond 10 OOch and OVOI'f polnl. howovor, lomo 011110 InlonnaUon rDquolts lie limply nol available. Thllla due primarily 10 1110 lact thai wo do nol havo 1110 10sllnlO/maUon 01 hlllld 10 provldo you with a droCl answor. Whon luch Inlormatlon Is . avallablo I can asluro you wo would bo happy 10 shalolhallnlormatlon. . . As I'm sure you can opproclalo,lI1o walor lyllorn litho R'oblood 01 our communlly and 1I10roloro we laka VOI'f 10~OUsly Iho Issuos assoclalod Wilh providing Ihoso rosourcollor our communlly. Additionally, and ovon molO Importan~ wo 110 undor Fodora! RogulaUona 10 addtoss this Issuo, nOI only 10 mool our walor quantily noods as our communlly continuollo grow buill.. lI1e wator quanly. WlIh Ihalln mind wo have choson 10 pullue vlll1ou. wolor Iludlos, Ind I emphollto Iludlos, 10 dolonnlno whal actlon m~hl bo appropriale lor lI1e futuro. Tho worlllo bo Inltlalod Is losl worll and no lonnal doclslon has boon mado 10 PUI1UO 1110 constructlon 01 a malor now wo~ Ilold projoct. In your loltor you woro concomod about drilling 10'1 wons 11101 m~h1 doplolO tho walor llIblo. I can assuro you Ihalthoso losl wons aro nollnlondod 10 do any such II1lng and. 10 1110 bosl 01 my knowledgo, your rosldonll aro cloarly prolOClod by law concornlng such Issuos. Wo havo had rDquosts lor Inlonnat/on concomlng 111010 Issuos, and our CIIy Allomoy Is proPll~ng IUch Inlonnat/on. As wo pursuo our 10Sl wOrll, wo havo boon conlactod by olloasl two local allornoyslndlcatlng thay roprosonl proporty ownors In 1110 1100 In quostlon. Wo woro 0110 conlaclod by 0100 property ownors lI1allndlcalo Ihalthoy would provldo tholr own counsol and advlco and 1I10roloro II was nol nocossal'f 10 discuss Ihoso Issuos with tho altornoyslndlcatlng roprosontatlon 01 oll1ors, ~ you can 100, wo havo a varloly 01 roprosontatlon,lnlorosls, and opinions and wo will do our boll 10 moolll1o no ods and oach and OVOI'f proporty own or. (UI( UNIII . III l U.lNIUION " IOU (I" IOWA "111""' @ 'NUl 11111111.11.. 'AI 11111 111,,", 'J.7~ I I I I I I .1 i . tic:' LI - - , IN. PaN, AugUSl28, 1891 Page 2 You lnclcal.lllal H we 'lnslsl upon going ahead with fils pto~ct.' ~II we may wish 10 '/IIAko fie profoct. roglonaJ program.' Ploase keep In mind lllat we lie porlonnino lolls and fill. In rlet, W Iht luIIo would be bonorlCla/ to our respoct/v. communlllol. WO /illY wllh 10 dacuSlluch . roglonal lAltOach. Wlthoul dolallod Inronna~n 10 dolonnlnt whothe, walo, noods CIn be mel lei aJon'lIlIsIy ~. more rOl~o Fadolll Sltndatdl, b Is dilllculllo ollor an opInlon on any luch poallblt proloct. II you have any IdcIllonaJ queltlonl or COIlCOIIII, pIouo 1011 It.. 10 contact me dlrlctly. I CIn wng.lo, VrhalovOt ronow.up Inlormatlon that you believe holplut 10 you In IuMor Olplalnlng fl. profoct. Slncoroly YOUII. 4,,;&. s.... ~ ~~Ivl McDonald Mayor I bl3-8 cc: Clly Council Clly Manago, DI,actor 01 PubRc WON ~7~ . I ,\ I I I I I I I , , :i .'~ -... -- I j t:' U - . '..... ,I Juuary 27, 1992 ,,\.~ CITY OF IOWA CITY ~ , I ! i Hr. Dan JennlY, Project DIrector low, FInance AuthorIty 321 East Walnut Street Des HaInes, lowl 50309 Oelr Hr. Jenney: I hlv, been Infol'lled thlt 0 number of human service ,gencles frOlll lowI CI ty are Ipplylng for fundIng fl'Olll the 10wI Flnlnce Authority under the HOlllIless Shelter Op.ratlons Grant Program. Youth HOlllII, Inc.. OOllllltlc Vlollnce Intervention Program, The Emergency HousIng Project, Inc.. and United Action for Youth are the Igencles lbout whIch I al wrIting. Each of thele programs serves to fill a crlt ICII need In our COlllIlUnlty. The Clly Council recognizes the benefIts of these agencIes Ind has IlIoclted fundIng for operatIons and/or c'plUI expenses to the extent possible frOlll our strlngont budget. These prograls are successful here In 10111 CIty because they ore staffed by people who IIOrt long houri wIth too INll and In undorpald lUff. Thoy are a dedlclted lot ,nd certaInly deserve your favorable conllderatlon of theIr request. With the IncreasIng demand for theIr servIces, I cln mure you thl fundIng Is urgently needed. On behalf of the CIty CouncIl, I wish to express our strong support for thlse Ippllcatlons. CCI CIty Councll"~ CIty Manager Human ServIces CoordInator CIYIC CI"'" . .lIl UINI"010" " IOWA CITY IOU 1"11""' @ 'NO"IIII~ III."" 'HIIIIIIII."" J.11 . . t] I::' U - .. , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dato: J.nuory 2B, 1992 To: City Council .nd Clly Managor From: rt\ MlrllMe Mi1km.n, Communlly DovoloJ)/nanl CoO/dln'IOI Ro: CDBa AllocollonllOt Public Sorvlco P,oloclS CCN 'I lboullO 11111 Iho .IIoc'llon plocm fOt 1992 CDBa lundl. .nd I would like 10 rocommond . policy chango 100Ihls flIOCOlS rogo,ding public IOrvico oclivllY. Backo,ound AI you % owolt,lho,ollllimll on Iho CDBa lunds which con bo ollocOIod to Public Sorvico IclivlIIOl.nnuolly. Only I e% ollholOlol CDBG ontlllomonl may bo .ponl on public 10rvicos. ThII cOlOgory Includos opera Ilona I aCllvltlOl (lolorlOI, utllitlos. oxpondablo goods. public p/ograml, olc.1 c.rrlod OUI by Iho Chy 0' non.prollt oQonclos. AllocllvlllOl musl bonoflllow Incomo pellons 01 pellonl whh lpoclal noods. In Iho ollly yoorl ollho COBG program, oqulpmonl for tho Unllod Action lOt Youlh Synlhosls Sludlo. wogollOt ptnlclponllln Iho MayOl'1 Youth Emp/oymonl Program. a lobs prog,om run by Indopondont LIving, and Iho Sharod Houllng Prog,om woro III fundod wllh Ihll public 10rvlco compononl of CDBG lund.. Wllh Iho end of aono,ol Rovonuo Sha,lng In 19S5. Iho City 10SIIho IOU'CO ollunds II had boon ullng lor Aid 10 Agonclo.. AlthOlllmo Iho City Council adoplod an Info,mol policy Ihol each yoor Iho onllro 15% of Iho COBa onllllomonllhal con bo usod fo, public 10/Vlcol.hould bo .01 osldo lor Iho Aid 10 Aoanclos budgol 10 holp lund tho human .orvico agonclos IUPPOllod by th. Clly. Tho OCluol dollar omountlol asldo has vorlod I,om yoor 10 YOII os Iho COBa onllllomonl amounll havo IIUCIUOlod (soo chill on noxl pogol. SOiling alldo Iho ontl,o 15% ooch yoor hOl moontlhol no olho, .public lo/Vlco. octlvllY 01 any kind could bo fundad wllh CDBa lunds. Each yoo, CCN and 11011 have hoa,d roquoslS fOlluch funding, bUI hovo Ilalod allhe OUlSollhat no monlos woro ovolloblo fo, projacll lolling In Ihls calagory. Current SllUllllol1 In 1991,Iowa Clly o,lglnolly axpoclod app,oxlmololy $672.000, and $SI.OOO was budoolod fo, Aid 10 Agonclas. LOlO' In tho yoo, tho Clly rocolvod on oddltlonol COBG allocation 01 t7S,OOO, none of which was ollocotod to Aid 10 Agoncios. Elloctlvoly, Ihol8fo,o, lost yoo, 12% 01 Iho CDSa ontlllomonl wont 10 Aid 10 Agonclos. Undo, tho Clly Monago,'s p,opolod FY93 budOOl, aooln $B 1,000 Is allocalod 10 Iho Humon So,vlco Agonclos. I ;).7 , . 11?0o . - - ~ - 2 , i ! , U~ I ! "'DlIOtol I woUd n.IO IOCommtnd INI COU/lC~ COlllldOl chlnglng III poIley.nd lOt uld.12,. /I.lho' Ihln 15"1 01 tho CODa .nlilltm.nl 'MlIIny 101 AId 10 Agonclol. TN' would 'OIVO I tmlll .mMI oll~'IO r. . "g'p" In olho' publio IOrvlco noodl. FOI tho FY03 budgol yoo' whon w. O.pocIIO 'OCoNt t705,OOO lor our CDBO Inlillomonl,lhIl woUd moln 184.500 IOf AId 10 Ag,nclOl and lI.vo ,pplO.mAlOly t2t ,000 lor Olhol noodod public IOrvlcl .cIMIIOI. In many ClltI. 1111111 .. .'0.000 coUd I' tho "g,p" 101 ,gonclol such 01 UII SklDl or MYEP wtlll p'OQIomIIO 'u/II . IUl\bol ollomllltl and JndMdutII 10 001 on lholllOtI. I antlclpalolhtl tho publlc 1OMe' lundl woUd bo utod lor lhIllYPO 01 plojocl. I'VI dllC\lSaocIlhIl plogrom wllh HU/!IIn SorvlcOl COOIdInIlOI, Mlrgo Ponnoy, who ondOflO1 tho Id... CCN wiD nood 10 know pliO' 10 lho tllll ollholl holrlngl on FlbluolY 25, 1992, wholhol COU/lCD wlIhollO ching. III policy from. 15" 10.12" ,olOlldo 01 CDBa lundl lor lho AId 10 AgonclOl budgol. I look 1000ltd 10 d!lC\lSsIng lhIl,ocommtnd.llon wllh you .1 tho Inl00mtl COU/lCU moollno on FobNtty 3, 1182. PIt.1O cln mo .1 3e&.S244 II you would ~k. mOl.InIOlm.llon. co: ICIrln F'lnkJin Marg. PoMOY CDSG FUNDING FOR AID TO AGENCIES xw 1987 1985 11189 1990 1991 Amounl t93.150 87,800 90.000 8 e.aoo 81,000 bt\allocl/l' i I ,\ ! Q7g . J U (::' U - I~ , Dlltll: City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ~ ~~~~~ ~S. DMY January 24, 1992 To: From: KarIn Franklin, 01100 0' Y Dopt. 01 Planning & Com~u /Iy Dovolopmont Fodo,o' LOI AI, Rlghll Re: Ilpoko wllh lomoono In Dos MoInOl rogordlng Iholr oxparlonco with lho Gonorll SOMCOI Admlnlll,ollon laSAlln ocqulrlng aIr rlghlS. Tho Clly 01 001 MoInOl hal boon nogoll.Ung wllh Iho GSA lor IWO yoo'IIOt olr ,Ighll ovo, a parking 101 bohlnd Iholr Fodoral Building. Tho 10111 131' X 260' and conlalnl 148 parkIng Ipacos. Tho IIIUClura Iho ClIy p/OPOIOI would conloln 690.760 opacos. Tho Clly has ollorod Iho GSA a numbor 01 concmlonllncludlng guo,onlood onclolod pt,k1ng 10' omployoel ond pallons ollho Fodoral Building 10 rop/oco Iho oxllllng 101. Thoo 'Plll.flo/I have ovoluolod Iho litO, IWO lOt tho Clly and one lOt lho GSA. Tho aplllallerlor lho GSA lound Iho aI, rlohlslO bo oqulvolonlln voluo 10 100 limp/a ocqulsltlon ollho olIO"' 1.5 million. Tho Clly'l apPlOlsorl como up wllh IWO dllloronl ngu,ol. Ono dOlo/mlnod Iho voluo ollho aI, rights as zoro given Iho dool ollo,od by Iho City 10 Iho aSA. Tho olho, opprollo, p1acod Iho valuo II mo,ooo. Dos Molnos hoa had Iho oPPorlunlly 10 work wllh lho GSA on IWO olhor occas/onl. On. p,ojoct which Involvod 0 land Iwap look Iou, yoors 10 nogoUalo; Iho olhor prolocl which Involvod ocqulllllon 01 excoss proporly (as dalo,mlnod by GSAI look 2.5 YOlII. From lolklng 10 pooplo al lho Fodorol Building In Iowa Clly, Ihoro II locallupport lor Imp,ovomont 01 Iho ledo,ol 101 Inlo 0 SlruClu,o. Employoos ond pal/ons ollho bulldlng havo dlfflcully finding a spoco bocousa Ihls lOlls 0 "00 parking opUon ollor 9 a.m. Ind II ulod by o numbor 01 downlown usors. I do nOI hove 0 good lonso 01 how InfluonUollho local pooplo con bo wllh Iho GSA oHlco In Kansas Clly. , do nOI bollovo wo should 10lally abandon Iho lodorollol as an opUon. howovo, wo Ihould pUI ou, ono'glos Inlo Olho, silos who,o const,ucUon 01 0 laclllly Is Im/blo In 0 ,horlOl limo I,omo. ,,~""ol'...... ()'7 I J U d U - ~ . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ~-lai ~ Data: Jlnulry 24, 1992 To: From: Stevl Alklnl, CIIY Mona go, Joff Dlvldlon, Asslslonl DI/oCIO', PCD""7-f! Dlvld Schoon, Economic Dovolopmonl coo,dlnolorW- "'oclo' & Gomblo P1lnl Expansion Ro: Aa you Ir. aware, "'octor 8. Glmblo hIS p1md III 10wI Clly pllnl expansion on hold. Bosod on lolephone convollellonl with Llrry Wlwi 01 P'OClor 8. aomblo, Iho plant oxpenllon Is on hold lor Ipploxlmololy alx months. Howovo" consuucllon will cOnllnuo untillho building Is onclosod 10 lhal p&a con usa Iho building 10' sto,ogl In Iho Inlorlm. Onco Iho bulldlng la onclosod conslrucllon will hall. Larry Wlwl hOI alllod IhOl Iho oxpanslon projoct doloy Is Ih. rosull ollho p&a p%nl compony par forming an onllYlls ollhe onll,o P8.G hal, caro division, 01 which Iho Iowa CIIY plonlll 0 pili. Larry ..ami conlldonllhlllho pl/onl com piny will concludo lhallhe 10wI CIIY p10nl explnslon Is a wile Invoslmlnl, bUllhallho liming ollho plonloxponslon has boon IlIghlly plomolure. The IIlullls Iho p,osont doilY. WIth Iho plant expansIon on hold, P&G hiS lakon tho position 01 not drawing upon thalunds awo,dod Iho p,olect Irom ollhor Iho RISE gllnl, Iho Roll Dovolopmonl P,oo,om grant, or tho CommunllY Economic Dovolopmonl Accounl ICEBAllorglvoblo loon. That Ilotus ollhe g,onll ond loan III oa lollows. An agroomonl has boon onlorod Inlo by both Iho Clly and p&a lor tho RISE and Roll Prog,om granll. P8.G hos doloyod oxocullng Iho loan ag,oomonllor Iho CEBA lo,glvoblo lOin. Larry Wlwlls aondlno us a 10110' hlghllghllng P'OCIO' 8. aamblo'a amandod plans ,ooo,dlng Ihe planl expansion. Onee lhallollor Is recolvod, we will bo conlacllng Iho rospectlve lIole aganclos 10 dllCUSI how 10 p,ocaod wllh Iha usa ollho olalO lunds. As we loom more rego,dlno Iho p&a oxponllon, wo will koop you poslod. "you havo any quoSllonl, plme glvo ollhor 01 us a call. cc: Karin F,onklln """"'''.- . t] (::' U - . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 0110: JlIIIUlIIY 27. 1892 To: Honotablo Mayor CouIlnoy and Clly Council From: Monica Moon, Stnlot PlIMot~ At: UrbAn Planning DMsIon WOIk PtOQ/DIll lbo .~yfnQ wotk ptOQIIIIIlor tho Urban PIttWlg DMsIon 01 tho OOpA/lmOnt 01 Planning and Communlly Dtvolopmontla I III 01 work ICtMlloa buod on IuUOI IdonUflod In "0 Co/1'4llohonslvo Plan and IssUOI raIsod by Co~I, "0 PIaMIng and Zoning CoIMlIulon, "0 H1tlorlo ProatMllon Cornmllslon, tho RNotfront and NalutDl Atou Cornrnlulon, and tho IlAn. lbOlO ICtMlloIlIO In lIdcIdon to "0 DIvIIIon'1 reaponslllllllolto rovlow and ovalulllo zoning, dovtlopmtntand BoIId 01 Adjustmont appllclIllona. lbo DMIlon wtII lIddIou tho.. IuUOI cllrlng tho IIscaI yolll norad. Should Coundl, tho cornrnlulons, I/l:I "0 llAIIldontily now WI, dillorenl pI1011Uoa 101' tho Olvlslon will havo 10 bo aoL Un/ou lnaltuclad by tho Council 10 do olhoMlao, tho OMs/on will ptJlIUO complotlng ~o work prOQ/DIllactMlloI Idondnad accordng 10 tho IChoduIo nolad. II you have any quosllona, plauo do not holllAto 10 cDII me 111358-5243. co: Stove Alklnl Katln Franklin Planning & ZOning ConvnlasIGn Hlstorlo Prosorvadon Commission RIverfront & Natural Arou Commission Bow 01 AdIus'!11ont bf~ I ,\ , 0(8' . LI d U - - , URBAN PLANNING DIVISION WORK PROGRAM . JANUARY, 1902 (ThIa list doOI notlndudo ongoing appIlcallon acUvttiol.) flUJJIIJm ,. NM(z' polOntlll convnorclal and IrGIllItaI dovoIopmon~ tal;otlllOU lor growth and lCIIeduft Ifr4lrovomonll to 111010 IlOU via 'It CIP. L examine Iho land 11I0 polldtl lor III Highway 1 WOlt con1dor. b. Dovolop an enttancoway overlay zono. 2. Evaluate Iho lMaxation policy 01 11I0 CompIGhonslvo Plan and tho loquonco 01 development In light 01110 annexallon polltlon. 3. Roevaluato and amend 11I1 Illngo lIGa policy: L Frlngo Aroa 5: Dolormlno appropriato land uso and zoning cl4salncalfons oasl 01 Scott BouIOYIId. b. Frlngo Area 8: Delormlno appropriate land ule and zoning cl4salftcaUonl. . 0. incorporato tile wasto walor lr8almOnt and d1spoaalayatom policy Into 1110 Frlngo Area Policy. . d. Reconcllo 1110 CIly'1 annoxallon pIOCOdUIOS with 1110 Iowa Codo. 4. establish tho CoraMlloJlowa City Ino 01 /UllSdctfon lor annexation. 5. Rovlao tho Subdivision ReguloUonI to Indudo regulatlonl regarding tho prolOlVation 01 oxlsUng IrOOl. 8. Roconcllo 1110 CIly'1 SubdMslon Regulations with 1110 Iowa Codo. . 7. Zoning Issuos: a. Examlno tho applicability 01 tho PRM zono on romalnlng RM.145 zoned aroas 01 11I0 City. b. Dovolop Inconllvos In zoning lor tho consltuC1fon 01 allordllblo housing. c. Roconcllo tho Zoning Ordlnanco with tho Fair Housing Act. d. Roconcllo 11I0 Zoning Ordlnanco within tho Eldor Family Homos Regulations. 8. Rovlew, rovlso and Implomonl tho Nolghborhood Opon Spaco Plan. , I :lE( . U I::' U - - . 2 O. Revlso ~o Woo SCllIo Oovtlopmonllublnlsalon roquItomonls ard apprOVAl plOCO'" 10. Hlllorte ProsoMllon CommIsIIon AcIMIloI: C_llon 01 ~oso ICtMIloIII dopondonl on Convnlsslon mambo,,' wlltAnCO. L Comploto ptOpIIIllon of lilt H11lOrte PmoMllon P\tn. b. Conduct IIIMy1 01 no~hboItloodI 10 Idontify polOntltl h1s1ollo d1s\rlcta and IncIW*ltl h1s1ollo IandmtttlI. 0. Roselldl projoct pIOpOlllllot CLQ, HRDP, ard National TNII Mldng. d. UpdalO ard repl!n1 tho hlslorte guIdo map. o. 0Ig8lllzo ~e 1002 Hlalorkl Presomllon Awards Program and o~or Prolorvallon WHk IC\Mtlol . May. 11. R/vorllonl and Nallnl NeU Commlulon ActitlIts: CornpIollon 01 those Idvtdel II dopendont on Convnlsslon rnomboII' usIstanco. . L UpdalO Iowa R/vor Bu"or and Trail Plan. b. Coordnllo O"OrlllO tllAbIIIh a pockol pllk Immodlaloly nOl1hwt11 01 tho Donlon Strool bridgo. . . 0. Coordnelo e"OItIlo COnIwct tho ltIIllOOmanl bolwOOn Bur1lnglon Streel and lowl Avonuo. II. ConUnuo 10 work with Friends 01 the Iowa R/vor Sconlo Till on Iowa R/vor ItII developmenL e. Dovolop I river corrldor slldo show. I. Org8lllzo Juno, 1092. Iowa Alvor Month OCIMdOl. g. Hosl ~e 'Alver City If Conforence. May, 1992. h. Dovlse guldoOnos lor reviewing dovolopmonl propoaals which Impact walOIWB)1, wedands, and woodandl. 12. Board 01 AdIuSlmenl ActMty: L Rovtow and updalo Boord mombor OIlonladon molorlals. ~ 1. Assist In tho dovelopmont 01 a slrOOI notwork lor undovolopod a,olll 01 tho city. 2. Asaass tho open spaco no ods 01 dovolopod Bloas 01 tho city. I .18 ( , I u c' U - I . , , I I. i 1 3 3. AaovaJuato tho OPCH Zono and pIO't'Ido Inconl/vos lor Its utO. . 4. Aavlso 1110 SubdMslon A~ulatlona to Indlldo: .. Coolgn ltandatds. b. Socondlty ICCOSI ltandan1I. Co 1/l'4lad1... IIld exaCllona. IIld d. One lot lubdvlsIon requlremonll. 5. Craft a dlzan'l guldo lot planning, zoning and dovolopmontlCtlvlUoa. 8. EVlluata Inconlwl lot historic dalrlct daolgnallon, auch os ICCOlSory apartmonll, ravlslona to non-conlonnlty rogulallona, and bod and btoaklostlnna. 7. AavIew dovelopment ordlnancellor barrlall to 11I0 ptOVIsIon 01 aI1otdab1o housing. 8. Study Iht land UIO policies lor lho lIlla 01 1h8 clty In th8 vicinity 01 tho County Ati'nlnlaltllon Building. O. Hlltorlo PllIservalon Commission AcU\ilos: ... Crall and IUbmltlor adoption an ordnance to ptov\do ptotactlon lor Indvldual Iandmal1ls. b. Aea81td1 amondments to 11I0 Hlslorlo PIlIs8rvallon 0fd1nanc0 to Ill'englhen Iho rOYtew roqultomonlllor pordllllmoval and addIllon 01 manulacturod siding and to lnaeuo penalties lor a1toralfona and domoUtlonl which occur without a pennlt 10, Rlverlront and Natural Aroas Commission AcUvtles: a. Evaluate amendmonts to strongthon tha Rlvor Corrldor Overlay Zone. b. Investigate the concept 01 a roolonll Iowa RIver Basin Commlttoe to Improva noodpllln manllQomentln Johnson County. ~ \. IdenUfy appropriate schoollltos. 2. Work willi the library staff rooardlng tho appropllatonoss and 10caUon 01 branch laclnUes. 3. Study 01 cromatortums. pjldldmlnlwOOplo.mm 01&1 . '. -' c' U - - ,__ Johnson County Council of Governments ~ .1K>(\I.WY\JiJ1S! 1"\(lC(~I),',(l'J}I() 'r~ 0'1': JonuI/Y 31, 1092 To: low. City City Council MilOt Pennoy, Human SGMeIl Coordinllor c# From: AD: low. Clty/Johnlon County ADp/llenlltlvOl' CommlnlO Rocommandtllonl 101 FY93 Human SGMeO Agency FundlnQ On FrkllV. Jlnusry 24, 1902, the lontwlng City .nd CounlV rep/e,enltllvll melln .n open mlellng: N,oml Novick .nd John McDon.1d 10' th. low. City CouncU, .nd Beny Ockonlell Ind DIck My.rsloltht Oolld 01 SUpervilOrs. Chl,lle Dully, Chairperson 01 the Oolld 01 SUpervilOrs, Chlllel d.P/OII., P\lnnlng Chtlrperson lor United W.y, MtIV Anne Midden, Execullve DlrOClo' 01 Unlltd W.y, Cllol Thomplon, D1rOClor 01 the Cop.llmont 01 Human SeMeIl In Johnlon CounlY, Ind Mllge Penney. Humin SGMeIl Coordinllo" .110 palllclplted. You will find IIt.chod 10' CouncU conllde'tllon. the ,ocommondlllonl olthll Committee lor tho Clty'llundIng 01 humin lervlce Igenclllln FY03. II wen.. hllIhllghll 01 the Igenelll' FY03 budgOlI Ind lunding p/llenlltlonl. A110 Inlched .re Chilli oltha hlltory 01 human lervlce .g.ney funding lor Clly, County, Ind Unllad W.y; Agency DileclolI' Sallry ADcommendlllonl Ind Benolll Polnlll Ind Ihe Unlled WlY Planning D1vlllon'IIIn.llgency IInklngl. thOll provldo an ovorvlew only. Ind wID be moll halplulll Uled In eonluncllon with you, FY03 lundlng raquell books. Iloml .ltlchod lor your conlldellllon Include tho fonowlng: FY03 Funding Recommendlllonl: PAGE 1. Aooncles thlt o,e currenlly lundad by bolh Clly end County "'"1"'1'1" II. AOoncles thlt ora requastlng naw lundlng from tho City Ind .,0 currentlv County fundod t I . , t I . t I I I t I I . , I I . . . I I . f . I , t , . I t I' 13 III. An Igency Ihllll eurranlly lunded by Iha Clly Ind by the County Ih,ough III Depollmanl 01 Public Hoollh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 City ollowI City lundlng 10' FYO I Ind FY02, Agoncy Requlltl 10' FY03, .nd Funding Recommendotlonl 10' FY03 ............................ 16 Johnlon Counly Fundlno 10' FYOl and FY02. Agoncy RequOIllfor FY03. and Funding RecommendlllDnl lor FY03 ............................ 17 Unllad Way Funding 10,.UW.FYOI and UW.FY02. and Aoancy Requallllo, UW.FY03 I I' . , , . . I , I . . I I I . I I . t I . I I I I I . . I I "1 t I . I I I I . I I I I . . t 18 ,.. ') . ~\, ;'.\ 'J U ;1.-:1 . .~, '-,-. j, I I' ;$~ .--.------.. .- -~~---,_..._..._---_......- ~ i .,\ '.; .......,..~,...,;~.';.~ '.,' ,.~ ' f'(;!f~ , ,. :'\" {t ~~~,J ..,'...._.~....,...,._,.. . u c' U b ' _...., ';.,.' ~~~ """""i~"I' ,/,' , .. J \ I k'; I " 1 , \ J j ~ ....'" .<.~)~~.~ [/ d U . - . 2 Unllld IYly Doalgllllld ClMng 10' U\Y.FY89. u\Y.FYIlO. UW.FY91111d u\Y.FY02 19 ^ ComplftlOn or Currenl Locll Support . . . . I . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . .. 20 Rocommondod Sol4Iy SIIUCIUI. CIWt IJuIy 10841 ........................ 21 Rocommonclod Sol4Iy SIIUCIIlI. CIWt Upd'ild 10 1ncIud. I 4,. IllCto.l. lor Each V'II SIne. 1084 '"""" I . I , I , I I . . I , . , I , , , , . . . I . , . , , I . . .. 22 Bonene PoInt Chin ....,... I . I . , . . , , , . . t . . I . . . . . . . . . . . I . . I . I . . . . I 23 UnIted WIY PIInNng DfvIJJon'. Ag.ncy RINJnoI .., I . . I I t I , , , . I I t I I I t t , .. 24 In moklno rocommondallonllo, 10wI Clly'l FY03 humin 1m. Igoncy lundlng, Ih. blllo DOli hal botn 10 lupport .goncltl whh lilt lund, llICOIIIIY 10 malnl.1n CU/IOnl 1Orvk:.1 Ind 10 providt lholO 1Orvk:0I 10 Incronlng numbtrs 01 cIlonl'. Tho agonclol lhal IOealvl City 01 low. Clly lund'lIllIlo, lholt opt'.llonl havo boon uu.moly CIOIIN' In .1I.mpllng 10 hold down Ioctl e01l1 whllt me.llng ..pandIng ellenl ntOd,. They Nvslnl.nslllod lholl .IIonllo cOUOCII.OI 10' 10M. flom lhose cIlonll who have lha IblIily 10 ply. TIlty havo .nhoncld InlOr'lg.ncy eooporallon INough Jolnl vtnlUlII and WIld IOIOUtctl. They have IOIIIUCIUlId p/OQrlml 10 plovidt loll COllly IOrvIc. modols: lubllllullng 0I0UP lIrvk:lllo, ono.on.ono l.rvlcOl whonover IpJ)IOpri'lO, lor ...mplt. They hay. 1110 ulondld Iholllunding bllIl by 10CUI1ng 11'10, 10d.'11 and OlhOl Ilflnlluppon. VII, .von wllh In IhalO COil conl,lnm.nl .1I0nl. Ih. n.ed lor 10m. Iddhlonalloc.1 lundlng IOmolnl. M.ny .ganey donll do nol have Iho IIn.nclll IOlourCOSlo p,y lor IIMII: 10mollmol only v'lY Inlonllvo progllmll/O ollocllvo: .nd gllnl 10urcOl ollan chlngo or dlllppOIr IIIOgOlhGl. TIlt Commlllll hal eoncluded lhallho .g.nclll' roquOllI era rlllOnabl. and eonllrvlllvo. COmmlUIO rocomm.ndlllonl 10 bolh Iowa Clly .Ad Johnlon Counly c.n 10' milling ag.ncy funding llqulllS .. Ilr II Ilnonclslly I.nlbl. 10 Iholl ag.nclll c.n conllnu. 10 oller Ih.1I Imponanl IOrvlcll 10 Ih. many polSonl who nood lhom. Tho rocomm.nd.llonllo low. Clly call lor 10m. 1ncI00IOd lundlng lor moll ag.nelll. Th. rocommond.llonl 10 Johnlon County, hoW....." can 10' II/glllng moll Iundlng InclOUOl 10 aorvk:o 1/001 whera Iho Counly hal Ulonslv. IIIIUIOIY rOlponllbl1lly. II II hopod lhal Iho rocommondollonl 10 IhOlO IWO governm.nlll lunderl, logolhar whh UnlIOd WlY funding doclllonl, win comblno 10 produca Ih. luongtll polllblo IocollOrvlco nOlwolk glvon Iho av.lI.blo IIn.ncl.lluppon. . Tho Commllloo'l rocomm.ndlllon 1110 c.n. 10' malnl'lnlng Iowa Clly'l conllngoncy lund lor humin sorvico Igoncy luppon. Thll YOl', whon Ih. linlncl.1 raIOU'CII 01 OU( loonclll 0'0 IlIOlched 10 IhIn Ind non.locollundlng 10ureOloro 10 VOloll1o,lgonclOl Iro ponlculorly wlnO/oblo 10 mld'YIII ch.ngOllhal would CIUse IOrioul dll/Upllon 01 1llVleal. Tha conllngoncy lund will be ulod only In CllOl 01 amO/goncy, Ind Iny IOqUOll lor contlngoncy lund Iuppon will bo coo,dlnolld wllh ,oquOlIII,om Unllod W'Y'I unonocllod rOlllVO and 110m Iho Counly. Council will dllculllho Commltlll IOcommondollonl on Foblu,ry 3, 1002. II Council dOlO/mlnOl lhol no oddlllonll Commll1l1 0' Counclllolllonl I'D noodad. lundlng figural dOlormlnod ollho Flb,uory 3 milling will ba ull11lOd In lhl City' I budgol making procOll. II you hava any qUOIllDnl 0' dOllro Iddillonal mllo,lal. pima call ma 01 356.6242. ~cOOhI\ag'undoVICIM~y.mmo I ~8"~ 1"\,.... (" f' ". I' () /,) ..~<...; '~.""""""'"'" -.'-" , t I ,--I U .' , - - ~~d--! t J .I , ..' {.\; ~'(~, t J U t:' LI . I~ , COItl I TTEE RECOItlENDATlONS TO TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF IOIIA CITY FOR FUNDING I~ SERVICE AGENCIES IN FY93 J. REQUESTS FOR CONTINUED IOIIA CITY FUI/DING (AlID FOR CONTI/NED COUNTY FUlIDING) A. ~: Recoaaended Funding S28,500 Fund I Il9 Current Funding FY93 Requllt RecOIDIndatlon 10lla City 52S,000 530,000 (+7.11) S28,5oo (+I.h) County 14,000 16,000 (+I4.3X) 14,000 (+o.oX) United Way 14,500 16,000 (+10.31) Totol Inc..e S137,874 S156,100 (+IJ.ZI) ~: 81g 8rothm/Blg Sisters provldll oppor- tunlfl.~tlon'l, IIntol and phYllcll dmloplllnt (or at- risk children agod 6-14 prl.arlly rro. Ilnglo-parent r..lllel. This Is Iccompl Ished through .atchos .ade IIlth adult volunteers In tho cOlll1lunlty (or long-tom ono-to-one (rltndlhlps, Proruslonal CIItlIOrk- ers provldl on-going lupport (or the voluntom, the chlldron Ind thllr hmlllll. The GAP program, a Joint er(ort or Big 8rothers/Blg Sisters Ind 4-11, Is oFfered For chtldron who are lIaltlng to be .atched; - youngsters moot 1I00kly (or nine llaekl In s.all groupl IIlth adult volunteors (or educatlonll, rocreatlonal and locI 11 learning experlonc- II. i19nJ1jclnt 'hanoes PrDoosa4: J. 80111 ror Kids' S,ke Income Is proJocted to Incre... by 510,000. 2. 51uhry Increms ora propoud (or 111 storr. : Thll II an excellent program lOoting a roal noed. Rolntroductlon or tho GAP program hiS prOVided I.port,nt sorvlce to chIldren on tho IIlltlng lIst. This agency continues to do ,n excollont Job of rund-ralllng In ordor to lOet lOll or It I noeds. A Funding Increase or 5500 II propoled. Dlroctor's S,lary: Within tho updated IU9gosted r'nge rrot tho 1984 sohry study. Dlroctor's BonoFlt Points: 89.5 o<g~ t\.~ " '0 ~'>.' , u ~ , - - I t] t:' LI . ~ . 8. W111.WW: Recommended fundtng 524,900 funding Curront funding fY93 Requolt Recomendatton 10lla CIty 5 22,050 5 24,900 (+12.91) 524,900 (+12.91) County 44,100 49,810 (+12.91) 47,100 (+6.ax) United W,y 45,800 49,451 (+8.01) Total IncOlll8 5211,720 5228,353 (+7.9X) ~: The Crisis Con tor offers I Crisis Intervontlon Progrll that Is mllable to anyone who calls or CO/ll8I In. It provldos Ihort tal'll crisis counseling; lulclde Intorvontlon, prevention and postv.ntton; Info/'lllat Ion and referral; a mossago rolay sorvlce for porsons who ,ro dOlf utilizing tho TOO (Telocommunlc,tlons Devlco for the Deaf); and comunlty education and outreach. Tho Crisis Contor food 8,nk gives Individuals (primarily permanent Johnson County residents) e.orgency and supplemental food. The Crllls Centor Elllergency Asslstanco Progralll holps transients with emorgency needs such as food, shelter, and tranlportatlon. It also provldos help for both local persons ,nd translonts with other noeds: clothing, diapers or local bus t Ickots for ox,mple. _ llinWc,nt Ch,noos Proooled: 1. A range of salary Increuos combines with a staff reduction of .3 FTE (full-tlmo equivalents) to ylold a 0.7X Incroaso In s,lary expend Itures. : Tho Crisis Centor provldos extremely Import,nt support services to many of tho most noedy Individuals Ind falllllles In our community. Its 24 hour telephono availability Is vory Important. A funding Incroaso of 52,850, full funding of tho agency's roquost, II proposod to support oxlstlng progr,ms. Dlrector'l Sal,ry: Within the updated suggosted range from tho 1984 salory stUdy. Director's Benefit Points: 56.5 2 :2g~ t~'8~ , I u c' U. '. C. : RocCClGnded rundlng 531,400 rundlnl Curronl rundlng rm RoquOll RocOlllStnda Ion lova C Ily 5 28,400 5 31.400 (+10.6') U1,400 (110.61) Counly 37 ,200 40,446 (18.7') 37,700 (+1.3') Unltod VlY 31,610 33,612 (16.31) Tolal IncOlt mO,m 5286,070 (+9,9X) Dt1~: Tho lloIltlllc Vlohncl Intlrvenllon Progr,. ~.rvlc'l IVIII,bl1 10 lholl a"lclod by dOlllllc vlohnco In Johnson Counly. 'his progrll provldosl u" shlllor, 'ood and clolhlft9 '01' vlctlll 0' ballorlng (and lh.lr chlldr.n); Ihorl-l.,.. counl.llng} ,dvoc,cy ,nd 1""1'1'11 '01' bolh Ihllllr rllldonll Ind olhlr vIet lis or abull; progrlll '01' children 0' b,tt.rlng "1\1101 Ind 1IIIIt'ncI '01' p,r.nll In lOotIng lhllr chlldrln'l no.dl; coaaunlly .ducatlon on the IISUI 0' dOllsllc vlollnc.; and oulr.ach to vlctlls VhOI. balllr.rl have be.n arrelled und.r lhe land'lory .rrest I,w. I. A 516,527 tncrlll. In IncOlO '1'01 (ad. I'll ,nd stalo gr,nls Is _ proJocl.d. 2. A s,lary ral. Increlle 0' 6' '01' all Ila" comblnes1wlth , Ita" Increal. 0' .66 fTE to produce I 20X Increalo In sal ry expense. : Th. OOlOSttC Violence Intorventlon Progl'll II cons Ittnly provldod the cOllllunlty with high qUlllty sorvlm ,t I vtl'y rmonable cosl. The budgot lubalHted relllllns conmvllIvo, r..\1101 orten exporlence serIous dlrrtcultyln lOCurtng Ipproprlllo, 1"Ordlbll, pOrlanont houllng whon they Ire re,dy to le,ve lhe Iheltor. Thll CIUIOI tholr stay 'I tho Iholtor to be ox tended and lorlously taxol tho IgoncY'1 rOlourcol. A 'undlng Incrollo 0' $3,000, 'ull 'undlng 0' tho IgencY'1 roquolt, Is proposod to Illllnl,ln existIng sorvlces. Olrector'l 5110rYI 541 bolow lho updated suggolled I'Ingo '01' fY92; wtthln the upd,t.d su990ltod rlngo '01' fY93. Dlroctor's eenorlt Polntl: 60 3 /(~~ '~G'~~ . . - - ' U I~' U . - , D. E1dJ!Jv Servlcel Anencv: ReCoalGnded funding $41,150 fundln9 RtCoaMndal ton Curronl funding fm Reqml 10lla City S 45,000 S 4B,Ooo (16.11) County 14,000 11,000 (121.41) United WlY 23,500 26,120 (+11.11) Totol IncOIIt mO,654 m6,053 (+14.91) Dtlm~: Tho Eldorly Sorvlm Agoncy off.rl six ~of Johnlon County "ho ore ago 60 ,nd oldor. Progral I IIlho Chorl Progra. that provldlS choro1ln.hOllO ,nd rOIplto servlm to en,blo oldorly porsons to relaln n lholr own hOllOI, progm 2. tho Subsldlzod Choro Progra., provldos funding frOl tho Stoto Dop,rt..nt of lIt1lth to lublldlzo choro sorvlcos for .lderly porsonl IIlth vory 1011 IncOIII, Progra. 3 h'l tllO cOIpononts: RSVP (Rotlred Sonlor Voluntoor progr..) Iltchos sonlors with voluntoor opportunltlos throughout tho cGaIlUnlty. and Outro,ch sookl out and 'Islltl oldorly porsons In nood of lorvlcos. Progr,. 4 1110 h'l tllO compononU: Shmd Housing latch IS oldorly fooplo with othorlwho wl\l shore tholr hOlOI In return for ront or sorv COSt Ind tho frail Elderly Progral coordln,tos support 10rvlcoI for high rllk/hlgh nood cllontl. . progm 5 II the Houllng Ropllr Progral thlt on,blos frail .Idorly pooplo In 1011' City to rOl,ln In tholr own h~101 Slflly, Progr.. 6. CliO H,n,golOntl provldos c'so coordlnltlon fOr rocontly hOlpltallzod or sorlously 11 olderly poopl.. S41,150 (16.11) 14,000 (10.01) I. It II proposod th,t ClIO H,nlgolOnt servlcos bo extonded to Cod,r ,nd Wuhlngton counties with III fundtng coming frOll gr.nt sourcos, 2. A sallry Incrolso of 41 Is proposod for III pona,nont Itlff. : This agoncy provldol In Irray of oxcollont servlcos to , IIrgo numbor of olderly people In our cOlllllunlty to holp them remain In tholr hOlllOI IS slfoly IS posllblo for IS long II possible. The Cue Hlnlgemant Program hIS slgnlflc,ntly enhanced tnter.'goncy cooperation on m,ny very difficult cues. A funding tncrouo of $2,150 Is rocolllllanded to holp Illatntlln thm Iillportant servlcos. Dtroctor'l Sallry: WIthin tho updated suggoltod range frolll tho 1984 sa lary sludy. Dtroctor's Benofit Points: 14 4 ~g~ ~~~ 8;; , J ~ I . - 1- _ I _' . Eo : Rec~nded Funding $2.000 CUrrint Fund I n9 FY93 RoquOlI Funding Recolllllondatlon 1000a CIty $ 1,800 $ 2,000 (+11.111 $2,000 (tlI.III County 3,000 3,300 (+10.011 3,300 (+10.011 Unltld W,y 7,000 7,500 (+7.111 Total Inc* $73,124 $86,755 (+18.61) DmrIDl1D~: The Emel'gency Ilouslng Projoct provides sholler ~ICII 10 thoso In Johnlon County who Clnnot provide ror themlOlvls. Clients Includo single lien ,nd 1I0lDon, couples, and hllll1llS lIith children. "any or Ihe Individuals servod are rererred by other local aglncles. SOlO or those who Irl Iheltered are loc,l poopll exporllnclng housing crllls; SOlD' ,r. plopl. who camo to 10lla City and c,nnot rind a placl to stlY; lome 'rl Itrandod hire by an emergency; and 10000e are true transIents. The Emergoncy Ilouslng project also servos IS a soup kitchen ,nd provides dlnnor ror both shelter ruldents and othor persons In need. ~~: I. The Emergency Ilouslng Project Is requesting CoralvIlle rundlng. . 2. No FY93 Emorgoncy Sheller Grants rundlng \I projected because It II unluro. Somo rundlng rrolD thlt source miX yot bo Ivall,bl.. 3. A 20% Increase In salary expenditures rosults rrolll tho additIon or .20 FTE st,rr and a rango or salary Increasos. : Thll Is a vllu,blo servlco that treats Its clients we I and savel t e resourcel or rerorrlng agoncles. Whlll tho churches hm contlnuod their support, It Is claar that othor sourm or rundlng are also nomury to holp this agoncy Ileot tho slgnlrlc,ntly Incroased need ror It I sorvlcos. Tho agency continues to 1I0rk to bro,den tho base or support ror Its operation. A rundlng Increase or $200, rull rundlng or the agoncy's roquest, Is proposod. Dlre~tor's Salary: Hot Included In the 1984 salary study; lIell bololl tho 10llest rango. Director's Bonem Points: 7 5 tl~ I I \ ~~~3 , .J.i. I l~ . I - -' - .\ f. ~AP Iltaw\'vo Ar.a Co~unllv ActlonLerQQraml1 RecOllllended funding S6,OOO Current funding fV93 RequOlt funding Recoanendat Ion 10lla CIty S 6,000 S 6,500 (IB.311 S 6.000 (+0.011 County 21,500 22,500 (14.711 21,500 (+0.0'1 Unlttd lIay 15,000 17,000 (+13.3'1 lot,l lncomt. sm,746 S397,244 (014.311 .for proJect I that Include Johnlon County and for which local funding Is rlquested. n.....lntIDn oUr.Q9Wl llACAP Is roquutlng Iowa City funding for twO ~d Start Rosourco C.nur Program Is' local extonllon of tht fodoral 1l00d Start Pr09ram; It Is prllurllY fundod through a .,Jor thr.. yur foderal gmt. It provides spocl,lIzOd hOlllo buod services, IIrap around child cart, Interagoncy cUllllan,goment, onhanced loclal sarvlctl and a resourco conter loc'ted It tho Bro,dll'y Stroot Uolghborhood Conter. Tho Ilous In9 Stablllzat Ion Progralll provides advoclcy ,nd ISslsUnce to hOMloss flmllles and thoso at rllk of homeleunen, secures and operates trans It loul houllng bofore that o housing bocomes part of the fedor,l Transitional "ouslng proJect\ and provldol direct financial alslltanCe through programs such IS L IlEAP ,nd ProJoct Aide. i19ill~: I. Expenditures for acquisition of units to bo used In the Transi- tional Uouslng Program decllno IS no Incroase In tho size of that program Is proJoctod for the ne~t ye,r. 2. A rango of salary Increases ,nd a sUff Increuo of 0.125 FTE relult In an Incre,se of 7' In salary e~pond'turos. I Both the Ilead Start Resource Centor and the Ilous ng Stabilization Program provide Important support to IndividualS and families In need. C,se managemont, onorgy asslstanco and transitional housing services help to stablllzo households that aro exporlonclng financial and functional difficulties. funding It the current levol Is proposed. Director's Salary: ItACAP illS not Includod In the 19B4 salary study. Dlroctor's Bonoflt points: 69.6 6 ~~} . rG~~ I J n I~I U . - . G. ~IYOr'l Youlh t!RlaYM4nl PrOQr~: RecGellnded funding 533.000 funding Curr.nt funding fY9) Roquu t Roco=endlt I on Iowa CIty 1 33,000 1 34,000 (+3.01) m,ooo (to.ol) County IS ,000 17,000 (+13.31) 2,000 (-85.71) United V,y 9,000 12,000 (+33.31) Totll IncOle SJ03,950 1334,325 (tIO.OI) ~LPrOQrall: The H,yor'l Youth ElplollOnt Progrl. provldu ~ youth and young ,dulls In Johnson County through light progr,.s. Tho In-School Co.ponont orrors work experience to youth during tho Ichool yelr In tho public ,nd prlvlto sectorl. Tho SUIIOr Ctlpon.nt offerl youth I Ilx-week work-e,rn-Ie,rn progrll In conlervatlon. The Trlnlltlon Progr.. provides speclll holp to thoso with Ixclptlonal olploYlOnt proble'l. Th. Young Adult Progrll II a 15 wllk, full-till IUllller progra. for tholO aged 18 to 24. Thl Youth Appr.nt Imhlp and Cmor hplmt Ion Program offers teons the opportunity to Ixplore non-traditional occupltlons. The Hlululppl Rlv.r 'COnsorvlt Ion Corps II I Joint Iffort of the stotes of Iowa, II1lnoll Ind Vllconlln; It orrm full-tl.e SUllllltr empl01lllent. Tho 1I000Iels Youth Job PlacolllOnt Vocational Education Progra. offors trllnlng vocational oducltlon Ind Ixplor,tlon opportunltlos In - conjunction ~lth Youth /10'01, Inc. The DARE Youth for ACTION Progr,. works In conjunction with the Iowa City Police Dopartmont to provldo educltlonal, voluntoor ,nd recrutlonal opportunltlu for recent DARE (Drug Ab~le Reslst,ncl Education) progr,. graduatol. 11QnJ1Jcant 'hanoes Prooos04: I, A Ilgnlflmt Incrmo In tho number of clients served In tho In- School Component II propOlOd. It will bo funded In part by tho Introduction of I sliding foo ICllo for plrtlclpatlng studonts. Tho DARE Youth for ACTION Program will ond. This was a one year grant. The HlulSllppl River Conservation Corps Is expected to bo relnltlted aftor not bolng funded In fY92. first tllIIO funding for the Sunrnor Component Is roquosted from Johnlon County and Unltod V'y. Flrlt tlmo funding for tho Young Adult Progralll Is roquoltod from Iowa City. A 51 sllary Incro,so Is proposod for all staff. 2. 3. 4. 5. : Tho Hayor's Youth Employmont Program places youth Ind young adults In Jobs proparlng thom for tho world of work Ind, Incroufng tholr family Incomo. This agoncy should be conrnendod for Its succoss In altractlng non-local funding to holp support Its actlvltlos. Funding at tho current lovol II proposed. 7 j{g~ F~~)\ I , - - I CI (::' U . . ',' \ Dlr.ctor'l Sal,ry: Vlthln th. updat.d lugg.lt.d rl"90 (rOl th. 1984 salary Itudy. Director's Bono(lt Points: 19.5 It. . . Roconsond.d Funding 516,000 Funding R,cOlllGndltlon 1000a CIty County Un \lod VlY Tolll Inc... Curront FundIng $ 13,500 ZOO ,000 15.000 $I ,63S,030 $ 16,000 (+18.51) ZZS,OOO (+IZ.51) FY93 Roquolt $ 25,000 (+85,21) Z50,OOO (+Z5.OX) 30,000 (+100.01) 51,698,801 (+3.71) ~: HECtA'1 progr..s Ire Outpatient TroatlOnt, Rosldentlal Tr.'tlOnt, Prev,ntlon, and Eaploy., Alslstance. Outpatlont Tr'ltltnt Includol alsosslOnt and oVllu,tlon al well II a regllOn that II l.sl Itructur.d th,n rosldontlal lorvlcos. Servlcos to adoloscontl ar. Includod. Resldontlal TroatlOnt Includes dotoxlflcatlon/crlsls Itlblllzatlon, rOlldontll1 lervtcol Ind half-way sorvlcol. Proventlon provldls worklhops, prolontatlonl Ind In-Iorvlcel on subltanco abuse prmnt Ion. The [lIfIOY" Au Istanc. Progr.. provIdes contractod _ urvlces to help lOCI ellploy... dOll with a wldo varIety of person,l !.ISUtl. I. HIgh Risk Youth Grlnt onds. Z. Host staff aro proJocted to receive a sallry Incroase of 3.51. Iltgholt paid sllff ore proJocted to recelvo no lllary Increm. : HECeA Is provtdlng vory htgh quality subltlnce ,bule troltment Ind prevontton sorvlcel to I large numbor of Johnlon County rosldontl. Thll agency .akos an outstlndlng effort to collect feol for Its sorvlces (roil tholo cllonts who h,ve tho resources to make p'ymont. Tho Stlto h,s cut subltlnce Ibuse treatmont sorvlcos ,t the HontalltOllth Inltltuttl thereby Incroutng tho noed for 10cII urvlces. At tho limo ttmo, tho Stlte has cut fundtng for 10cIl lublt,nco abuso ,gonctes. HECeA hal responded to this doublo difficul- ty by lertous cost contllnmont measures, but Is going to nood addition- . II local fundtng to matntaln Its lorvlces. A funding tncroaso of $2,500 Is proposod. Dlroctor's Salary: Within tho upd,tod suggostod range from tho 1984 salary study. Dlroctor'l Bonoflt Points: 68.3 8 ~~~ ,rb 8~ I I~ - - - - .. I .\ I. : Rec~ndod funding 127,000 funding fY93 Roquut Roc~nd'tlon Curr.nt funding Iowa City 1 25,000 S 33,750 (+35.01) 127,000 (+5.01) County 25,000 33,750 (+35.01) 25,500 (+2.01) Unlttd Way 43,000 4B,000 (+\1.61) TotallncOll S276,744 S314,291 (+13.61) n..rrlfttlo~: Neighborhood Contors or Johnson County h'l ~. to r.sldonts or Phe'l,nt Rldgo Ap,rtllntl (ronaerlY Wl11011 crook/Hark IV) and other rllldonU or Johnson County IInce 1973. In 1988, I nelghborhood-bUOd progr'l 11II also InUlated ror the CodaMod Apartllntl/Bro,dllay Stroot arll. ServlclI ore now orrered In both nelghborhoodl ,nd Include rln,nclal lanlgOllnt, educallon, outreach I rood ,nd nutrition, counseling ,nd lupport, ,nd child care. Hany act vi tiel are orrered ror chlldron (both pr.-school ,nd school- agad) Ind uenl. Progrllllllng ror youth who IIv, In publiC houllng unUI throughout 101/' City Is orrerod through tho Broadll'y Street Neighbor- hood Center, i19nJ!jc'nt tb'noe1-frooDse~: _, I. Spechl progr'lIIIllng ror youth who IIv. In public houllng unltl 1/\11 b. available ror the rull yur, 2. A range or sallry Increuol ,nd a Itarr Incrm. or 1.79 fT[ relult In ,n Incroase or IS.41 In I,lary e.pondlturel. : Neighborhood Centerl or Johnlon County continues to provldo high qualllY support servIces at Its Pheasant RIdge canter ,nd at tho nell Broadll'y Streot Conter. While providing services to both neighborhoods through the limo agency holps to IIllnlllllze e.pensos, 10llle Iddltlon,l e.pendlturos havo been Inovltable to surr and operato tl/O hcllltles. A rundlng Increase or 12,000 Is proposed to help maintain lervlcos. DlroctGr's Sallry: Within tho upd,Ud lugglltod ring. rrolll tho 19B4 salary Itudy. Director's Benerlt Points: 62 .. 9 ~gJ.. .~~~ . J J d U - ' , J. ~IO' Vlctll Advoclcv PrDQrlm: Recommended Funding 512,000 ,\ Fm Roquest Funding Currenl Funding Reco=endat Ion 10wI City 5 12,000 5 \3.887 (+15.71) S12,OOO (+o.oX) County 12,000 13,8B7 (+15.71) 12,000 (+o.oS) Unlltd lIay 15,500 16,500 (I6,5S) Total IncOle 5121,565 5126,149 (I3.BS) ~: Tho Rape Victim Advocacy Program provides crisis Inltrventlon, Ihort tOri counseling, advoclcy, lupport groupl and Inforlatlon to victims of sexual aDUIO, tholr flllllol ,nd slgnlflc,nt others. It also works toward tho prlventlon of IOxusl ass,ult and harassment through public Inforlatlon Ind education prograllll. ~clnt ChanQes Prooose~: 1. Tho proposed sallry Incmso II 5" for all ltaff. : lho R,po Vlctlm Advocacy Prograll provldos IllIporlanl supporl for victims of saxualusaull while It works . to educlto the comunlty about the posslbllltlol for proventlon. Thll agoncy Is to bo comended for securing grant funding to help moet,th. cOllllunlty's need for Its excollent Itrvlcu. Funding at tho current lml II proposed to help maintain exlltlng sorvlces. Director's S,lIry: 54 bolow the upd'ted sugguted range for m2; within Iho updated suggested rang. for Fm. Director's Bonoflt Points: 1IS.0 K. Bltiw1: Recommendod Funding 54,200 Curront Funding Funding Fm Request Rocomondatlon Iowa CIty 5 4,200 5 5,000 (tlg.OX) 54,200 (to.OX) County 9,700 11,000 (+13.4") 9,700 (to.OS) United lIay 16,000 17,000 (+6.3S) Totll Incomo S77 ,054 182,900 (+7.6S) Description or PrOQram: Tho Red Cross has threo aroal of activity In Johnson County. lloalth and Safoty Sorvlcos Includo oducatlon In hoalth/safoty and child caro, flrsl aid stattons, support sorvlcos to 10 ~~~ , I , ! i , I I , 1 I I I , ~~~ . J J (:1 U _ I~ . . ,I blood coll.ctton Ind IIlter ufoty pr09rlls, ,nd provision of AIDS .dUCltlon ..t.rl.l.. S.rvlces to Hllltlry fllllles Includo 1llllt,nc. In r.unltlng flllllel IIlth IOmbers In the 'nltd forcll during tl..1 of "ll1y crllll, U 11011 U othor support for Irttd sorvlm porlonnol ,nd th.lr hll1ln. Diluter Slrvlces Includl thl provlllon of IIIrglncy (ood, Iholtlr, clothing Ind othor Illentllll (or vlctlll of nltural dllaltlrs. i1Rnlllc,nt ChlnGIS Prooose4: I. A 7.11 Incrlale In sallry .xpendltures Is propoled. : Rod Crols II providing I.portlnt I'rv CII to rll dents of Johnson County, particularly In tho Irol of dllut.r r.III(. Funding It tho current lml II proposod to hllp support tholl Ilrvlcls. Director/I 5llary: $m beloll tho updated suggested rlnge for FY92; within the updated suggosled range for FY93. Dlrlctor's 8ene(lt Polntl: 53.5 L. ~: Recomonded Funding $47,000 Fundlnt Current Funding FY93 Requos t Recomondl Ion - 10111 CIty $ 46,000 $ 52,000 (+13.~) $47,000 (+2.21) County 68,000 98,000 (+44.11) 68,000 (+O.~) United Way 19,000 30,000 (+57.91) Totll Income $493,125 $484,500 (-1.71) ~: United Actton for Youth o(fors tllO programs: Counsel Ing/lntorvent Ion Ind Prevent ton. Counseling, outreach, Intervention Ind croltlvo Irts opportunities Ire provided for youth In Johnlon County. Hlny o( the youth servod are allenlted from moro trldltlonll youth IOrvlces, ,nd UAY orten Intervenollllth ,t-rllk youth IIho light othorwlle bocome Involvod In Juvenile delinquency, Proven- tlon o( sublt,nco Ibuso, unpllnned toon pregnlncy Ind child mlltre,t- lont Iro emphlslzed. Unltod Action for Youth ICtl as a rosourco to tho court SYltOI providing In-homo sorvlcos to famlllos as lIell IS monltorlng/suporvlllng juvonllos undor court Jurisdiction. i1nn1fJc,nt Chanaos ProDoso4: I. A 146,875 docrouo II projoctod In lncomo from grant ~ourcos. 2. An SlI,800 docroaso In foo-for-servlco Incomo II antlclp,tod. II ~~ I'~~~J ""'-'-.. ., ,',:~ , it J U c' LI - ~ ,. , ,\ , 3. A 41 IIl1ry Incrout for DOlt Iliff clllblnu with no IIl1ry InmlSf (or th. Emutlv. Olr.ctor ,nd , st,ff d.cmst 0' .2 F1E to produce .n Incre'le of II In proJoctod I,l.ry expendi- tures . : United Actlon for Youth Is provIding lupporl .nd proventlon IOrvlcu to . IIl'ge number of loc.l young p.opl.. A projected d.cllne In tho .v.II,blllty of flder.l .nd stetl grant funding hu tho potent I II to urlously llIp.d the progrlll offer.d by this .gency. A funding Incre,sl of 51,000 II propol.d to help ..Int.ln exlltlng 10rvlcol. Dlr.ctor'l S,l.ry: Within tho upd'ted suggelted r'nge frOl the 1984 IIl1ry Itudy. Dlrector'l Seneflt Points: 102.5 - 12 ~~ , I u c' U t: . ,\ II. REQl/ESrS faA Htv 10IlA cm fIRmING (AIm fOR COIII/IlUED COllI/TV fUI/DIIIG) A. ~: RecOllOndtd Funding 10 Currenl Funding Fm R.quOll Funding R.c.....ndallon 101/' eIly S 0 S 1,500 (HA) 5 o (HA) Counly 6,500 B,Ooo (+23,IX) 6,500 (+0.01) Un IItd Vay 10,000 15,000 (+50.0X) Tolll IncOlt m,m 560,000 (+I.IX) ~: Ind.p.nd.nl Living ..lsll lo provide lupporl iidTiI6fidlIidlVldu,ls. AulltanClllllh dally actlYlllu, lralnlng, counl.1t1l9 and Idvomy ore mllable. Indep.nd.nl Living Ilso provldu Job placOMnl on a purchm of sorvlce bills, SlncI Ind.pendenl L1vlng'l budgel subll ulon 1111 prepared, lhe agency hu boon 'lI,rdtd I continual Ion grant to allOl/ K.lth Ru(f, the Igency's Adllnlltrlt!v. Aulltant to continue preparation of a .anu,1 (or IndlvlduI11 kho need to hire and lraln p.rlonal care allendants (or lhtlnIYu. llWLlronl Chino" ProD0II4: . . I. Ind.p.ndent Living II r.quoltlng funding (rOl 10lla Clly. 2. A n.llltaff pOllllon, Clerical Aulstanl, Is addod Il 15 hours p.r IIltt. 3, No salary IncrOll. Is proposed for the tllO ulltlng staff. Funding for th. n'lI Itaff ..Ib.r r.lulls In a 22X Incr"le In salary .xp.nso. : Ind.p.ndonl Living hal boen providing I'rv COI lo II dev.lopltnlally dlsabl.d cllonts on I Ilnlnal budgol for I.v.ral yelrl. HOllev.r, lhll 'goncy II In a porlod of lranslllon, and .any qu.stlonl r..aln lo b. Inlll.rod about It I futuro role In lho coanunlly's service d.llv.ry nolllork. HOII eIly funding II nol mOIll- ..ndod at this tl... Dlr.clor'l Salary: 51.S95 b.low tho upd,tod lugg.sted rango for FY92; 12,BII b.low the updated suggelled r'nge (or FY93. Dlreclor's Bon.fll Polnll: 4B 13 (~'8~~ :J.K ;)... .~~)~It I - - . I u ~ u - - , \ B. XAli1b.Jlgml1 : ReeoalOnded Funding 50 fundlnt Curront Funding Fm Roquest RoeoallndA Ion Iowa City 5 0 5 10.000 (HA) 5 o (HA) County 65,000 85,000 (130.81) 65,000 (10,01) United I/,y 10,000 25,000 (1150.01) Tolll IncOlt Sl,m,200 51,341,700 (18.91) ~: Youlh 1I00u provides flv. prQ9rUlI In Johnlon County. Youlh Emergency Sholters I Ind 11 - shorl-le... oul-o'-hOlt clre couns.llng ind supervision 'or children who Irl run,w'Yl, homeless or child abuII vlctl.s. Courtllnn Ruldenthl TrullOnl Conler . ruldonthl, 10ng-lel'Ol CArt 'or girls IIho Ir. elOllonl11y disturbed or behnlor dlsordored II A rllult 0' AbuII neglect or olhor '1llly problels, Slruclured COIDunlly Indop.ndont Living. 1IIIslAnet 'or 'osler care or hOlelm Idoleseenll lo 11Ibll Iz. lho. II stl'. lu"lclenl Adults. Pursuing Advenluros In lurnlng . dAY e,re/dAY treallOnl 'or pre-Idololeenls lIllh bohAvlor dlsorderl. PArenl Supporl Services. ".\1y counseling, p,renl eduutlon, Ind luporvlslon 'or families ,l risk 0' child Ibuse. ll9nJL1 canl Channos proDoso~: ~ I. Youlh HOl8s Is requelllng 10llA CIly And Coralville 'undlng. 2. Counly 'undlng requuled 'or lhe Slructurod COIIIIInlty Independenl Living Program Incre,ses lo 518,500 (55,000 lIll requelled llll ym.) 3. A range 0' salary IncrolSOs Ind lhe ,ddltlon 0' 2 fT[ Ila" positions yield In Increlso 0' 71 In sll,ry expendllurel. : Youlh 1I018s provides a range 0' high qu, Ity progrlms to our community. Its sholter lorvlces are 0' plrtleul,r Importlneo. Whllo CIly 0' 10lll City Communlly DeveloplllOnl Block Gr,nt 'undlng 'or e'pllll oxpensol hu been cruchl lo lhe Sheller, Relldenllll and Slruclured Communlly Independonl Living Progrlms, nell City 'undlng 'or oporlllon,l expensel Is nol recommended Il this ttme. Dlroclor's S,IAry: Abovo lho lop 0' lho upd,tod luggosled r'ngo 'or FY92 Ind FY93. Director's Bene'll Potnts: 68.9 14 ~g~ ~~tG I I [t d U - -' . .\ III. REQUEST FOR CONTINUED 1000A CITY FUNDING (A/lD FOR COUNTY FUNDING TIlROUGlI ITS D[~RTJJENT OF PU8L1~ ij~L TU) JC~R[ (Iowa Center for AIDS/ARC Resources and Educatl.A.nl: Recommonded Funding 57,500 Funding Current Funding FY93 RoquOl t R.co_ndltlon 10lla City 5 MOO $10,000 (+53.81) S7.500 (+15.41) D.~artllont of Pu llc Health 10,000 15,000 (+50.OX) Un It.d Vay 8,500 17,000 (+IOO.OX) Total Incom. S&2 , 925 S82,I00 (+30.51) ~: ICARE offors two programs. Tho Direct Sorvlc. Prograll Includ.s elOtlonal, fln,nclal ,nd practical support to those who have AIDS, AIDS-R.lat.d Complex, or who aro HIV posit Ivo. It Includos I Buddy ProgrUl Ind support for the hmlllOl and lovod onDS of cll.ntl. The Education and Prevention Prograll provides oducltlonal s.rvlces ,nd mat.rl.ls to the community to Incroase awaroness and reduco high risk behavlorl. ~c'nt Ch'nQes Prooosed: I, - A m IncrolSe In expendlturos for the Dlroct Servlc. progr'm Is proj.cted. This Includes , 481 Incrom In expenditures for dlroct ftnlnclll ald. 2. Sllary rate Increues of 101 to 11" comblno with an tncreuo of ,17 FTE stoff to produce I 191 Incrom 'In salary expendlturOl. : Vo havo baroly begun to undorstand tho Imp,ct th,t AIDS may have on our community and Its human sorvlco rosources. ICARE works to moderate that Impact by providing some of tho help noeded by clients through a program of volunteer buddlOl and other support IIrvlcos. It also works at preventing the spread of this dlseaso. This agoncy has been quite successful at fund raiSing projects; howovor, It Is cloar that fund rllslng Ilone will not bo enough. Johnson County funds ICARE through Its Dep,rtmont of Public Hoalth. A funding Increaso of SI,OOO Is propolod to holp support existing sorvlces. Dlroctor's Sallry: Not Included In tho 1984 salary stUdy. Director's Benoflt Points: 5& ISfundS\c I tyroc . lip 15 rflKJ.. i I ____m _m I . IA'~~) h......+",..,...~'.~".k_ . , [/ c' U - . i ] 1\ ~'b}-: . l' - - ;' . - U (:' U - - . .\ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA TlONS CITY OF IOWA CITY HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY FUNDING II FY83 Agency Funding AlIocalld % Inc,,," II lnettll. FY91 FY02 91 1(') 92 " Rtatllll PrODaIId DoItI' p.trlnl II IlIo IIIoIhttIlll/o Slll'rs 128,500 m.ooo 5.7% II '30.000 12UOO noo 1.8% CrlaIt CIIIlOl t21,ooo 122.050 5.0% II t24,800 t24,8oo 12.850 12.8% Domtldc VIoIanct Inl. 128,400 m,4oo 7.8% II '31,400 '31,400 13,000 10.8" E1dttly Strvlcll Aglncy t38,150 t45.ooo 1".8" II 148.000 t47,750 12,750 8.1% Emtraency Houllng Pto/ICI .0 tI,800 NA II 12.000 12.000 1200 11.1% HACAP 14.000 '8.000 50.0" II 'Uoo '8,000 .0 0.0" ICAIlE 12,000 '8,500 225.0" II tIO,ooo 17,500 " ,000 15.4 " M'yo/'I Voulh Employm.nl 132.000 '33.000 3.1% II '3",000 '33,000 .0 0.0" MECCA t1I,ooo m,5OO 22.7" II m.ooo t18,000 12,500 18.5 " N.lghbolhood ClnlOlI 120,000 m.ooo 25.0" II '33,750 m,OOO 12,000 8.0" Rapt Vlctlm Advocacy tll,5oo m.ooo ".3" II m,887 m.ooo .0 0.0" Rid CrOll '3,300 ....200 27.3" II '5.000 ....200 .0 0.0" Unllld AWonIVoulh 143,000 '''8.000 7.0" II '52,000 '''7.000 tI,ooo 2.2" " II TOTAL AGENCY II CONTINUATION 1238,850 ml.450 13.2" II t310."37 m7.250 m,800 U" II CONTINGENCY . .0 t5,200 N/A II t5.2oo '5,333 t133 2.8" " II TOTAL CONTINUATION 1238,850 me,a50 15.3% II '321,837 t282,5B3 m,833 U" " I I New RIQUI.II .. ~.I.lfntJ AOlntJu I Indeplndenl UYlng I tI,5oo .0 10 NA Youth Hom.. I tIO.ooo .0 10 NA I I I TOTAL NEW REOUESTS I tll.5oo .0 .0 NA I II TOTAL CONTINUATION 1238,850 m8.850 15.3% II '333.137 t282,583 t15.833 5.8" PLUS NEW REQUESTS II " 16 ~g.~\ :J~ J ~~~ J''';,.,'j"_:''>-:"'--~--___-_;;-_' , . - I~ - - - J ,I I i I I , ! I I I , ~~'J...: t I t] t:' U - . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS , JOHNSON COUNTY , HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY FUNDING % II FY93 Ag.ncy Funding Allocltod InCIIl10 II Incltllt FYO, FY02 91-92 II R'Quell Proaolld Donat P.runt II Alln Rtll,dtd CItizen, 155,000 t254,400 II m8.5oo 1284,400 tIO,OOO 3.9" BIg OIoth"llEUg Sllt.rl m,ooo "4.000 7.7" II tI6.000 t104,OOO .0 0.0" Crisll C.nt" '43,500' '44,100 1.4" II '49.810 '47,100 '3.000 8.8" Domutlc VIol.nc. Int. '35.200 137,200 5.7" II '40,448 '37,700 .500 1.3" II Elderly S'MeU Ag.ncy "0,000 II 4.000 40.0% II m,ooo II 4,000 .0 0.0" Emorg.ncy Housing Pro/tel 11,800 '3.000 88.7 " II 13,300 '3,300 .300 10.0" Fit. M.dlcll Clinic '85.151 170.000 7.4" II 170,700 170,700 1700 1.0% HACAP 120,000 121,500 7.5" II m.500 121,500 .0 0.0" II Ind.p.nd.nt Uvfng '8,500 '8.500 0.0" II '8,000 '8,500 .0 0.0% Luthl/.n Social Sorvlco "4,148 114,570 3.0% II . t 5,035 114.570 .0 0.0% M,yor'1 Youth Employmont " 4,300 115,000 4.0% II m,ooo 12.000'.m.000 .88.7% , MECCA 1184,000 1200.000 8.7% II t250.000 m5.ooo t25.000 12.5% II M.nlsl Hulth C.nler '837,000 '887,437 7.9% II 1740,000 1717,500 '30.083 4.4% N.lghbo,hood C.nt"l 120.000 t25,OOO 25.0% II 133,750 t25.500 .500 2.0% R.p. Victim Advoclcy '",727 m,ooo 2.3% II 1\3,887 m,ooo .0 0.0% R.d C'OIl 18.000 '9.700 21.3" II '",000 19,700 .0 0.0" II Unlt.d ActlonIVouth '82,000 '08.000 9.7" II US.OOO 'OB.OOO .0 0.0" Vllltlng Nu,so Aun. 0 m9.233' "41,700 1.8" II "47,000 11I0,325'.'31.375 .22.1" Youtll Homll '59.000 '05,000 10.2" II '85,000 '85.000 ".0 0.0" II II TOTAL CONTINUATION 11,399,559 11.703,107 21.7". II 11,938.928 I1,72B, 7951 t25,088 1.5" II II II New R~ou8ltt " ~xlttlnn AOlnel., II Specl.1 CIII oenlll II '3.000 .0 .0 NA II II II TOTAL NEW REQUESTS II 13,000 .0 .0 NA II II TOTAL CONTINUATION II PLUS NEW REQUESTS 11,399.559 ",703,107 21.". II 11.939,928 ",728.795 m.68B 1.5% II . 'CRISIS CENTER .Includu Iddltlonll ",500 lor trlnllentllrvlcu from Ooplnment 45. 'VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION .Includu 17.233 funding InClIlSI fo, moving uponsu. 'ASSOCIATION FOR RET AROEO CITIZENS (ARCI . FY92 funding Includes 1195.000 lormerlv lundod thrDugh Oep.nment 42. With th.tt,enslerlld funding Included, ARC'I percont.go Increlll II 362.5%. Wlthoul tho trendorlld lundlng Included. the pl,contage IncrlDlo II 8.0%. 'Withoulthe 1\95.000 lIanlfl' from Oeponment 42. the FV92 p"contega InClI1II II 7.8%. 'MAYOR'S YOUTH EMPLOVMENT PROGRAM IMVEPI. Thl funding rocommondallon 10' FV93. '2.000. II bmd on tho County IIcu,lng I,ansltlon I"vlm from MVEP by pu,chDII 01 service lh,ough OHS ,ath" than by block granlluppon. 'VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION. The funding IIcommendDllon for FV93. "'0.32511 bllOd on the budgOlu w,llIen. , leu '36.676 funding IIqullted fD' the Adult O,v P'Dgram, That program. .nd . ponlon 01111 funding. will be shifted , ...~8X;p.nmont 01 Public Hulth. 17 Jl.g~ --\~~ " . .-~,,,,, - _", I . I 1'- . - - - 9$~: . I ,I , . I I~ ~ - __ - I - \ UNITED WAY HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY FUNDING II UWFY93 Aolney Fund'1IlO AIloC.ted % Inc'.... II Incllll. 11WFV91 IIWFVD' 01 taD' II RIOO.lt Don., p.,unt II Aun Rollrdld OdJlnl no,739 , 1230500 13.3% \I 120.000 12.500 10.6% Illa 1II0l.!Blll S111111 n3,592' t14.600 6.7% \I 118.000 ".500 10.3" BoySCOUU 15.000 .600 .90.0,. \I 10' ..500 .100.0,. CII'f\ll fit. I2,SOO .600 .80.0,. II 10' ..500 .100.0,. Ct\III Clnlet '44,321' UuOO 3.3" II U9.451 '3.651 8.0" Denial Svs. Children U,OOO '9,000 un II t12.600 '3,500 3B.9" Domtlllc VIollnc. lnl. '30,729' t31,610 2.9,. \I t33.612 12,002 6.3" Eldlrly Slrvlcu Aolney 120,761' m,600 13.1" \I 120. I 20 '2.620 11.1" EmeIO'1ICV Houlln9 PrJ. t5,500 '7,000 27.3" II t7,600 .500 7.'" 4 C'I '9,913' t8,ooo .10.3,. \I "0,000 12,000 26.0,. Fre. MldIe.1 C\lnIC t58,583' te2.800 II .0" II t84,ooo ".200 t.9,. Goodwll t42.ooo UO,OOO .4.5" II t55,ooo "6.000 37.5" HACAPMudlllrt tIS.ooo tn,OOO .6.3" II m,ooo 12.000 13.3" , HlndIe.,1 "0.389' t12.000 le.7" II m,ooo '6,000 41.7" I HU!CrUI t4,ooo t4.000 0.0" II t8.ooo '4.000 100.0" I ICARE t8,5oo t 8,500 0.0" II m,ooo tB.500 100.0" I Indopandonl UvlnO tn.ooo' no.OOO .33.3" II tn,ooo . 5,000 50.0" , Lag,l Slrvlcn 120,000 120.000 0.0" II m,eoo 12,500 12.5" , i lUlhtlln Soclll S.rvlc. m,ooo tn.OOO .11.8" II t16,OOO '3,000 20.0" , M.yer" Youth Employ. to,ooo to.ooo 0.0" t12,OOO '3,000 33.3 " MECCA t13,5oo "S,OOO 11,1" t30,OOO n S,ooo 100.0" "'Inial Hullh Clnltr to IS,OOO NA II IB,100 '3,100 62.0" NtIohbOthood Clnl.fI 136,782' 143,000 16.0" t4B,OOO '5,000 11,6" RaPI V1ctIm Advocacy tn,144' nUoo 2.4" t16,500 tl,OOO 8.5" R.d ClOII m,015' ttO,OOO .6.0" II m ,000 tl,OOO 8.3" SChool ChIldren', AId le,600 18.500 I 8.2" II t6,500 .0 0.0" Splclal Care Dlnlal 13,000 t4.000 33.3" II t12,ooo '8.000 200.0" Unll.d AcdonIYoulh m,500 n9,OOO B.6" II '30,000 tit ,000 57.9" Vllltlng Nurn Aun. t53,700 t54,OOO 0.8" II 158,000 12.000 3.7" Youlh Homll no.OOO t1 0,000 0.0" II m,ooO tt 5,000 150.0" TOTAL t531,648 1548,210 3.1" II t075,783 t127,573 23.3" II tlncludu ul.ry adlullmlnllundlng. 'INDEPENDENT lIVINa . Salary adlullm.nl funding hIS nOI yll bun dllburlOd. 'BOY SCOUTS. For United Way Fllcal YOIt 93, Boy SCOUII .10 lOOking only dulgnelod funding. 'CAMP FIRE. Fo, Unltod Way Fllcal Yoa, 93, Camp FlIO will no 10ngOl bo I Unlled Way Agoncy. 18 ~~~ o'lKd- 1.(;8~ ......~...~,,~.",,';-"'... . ". ,. . , I n d U ~ , ,\ I ~~~ , , I LI t:' U . UNITED WAY DESlaNATED (lIVING ,\ ! DlIlgnolod DOIlgnDlOd OaslgnDlId DOllgnDlOd Aaftncy UWFYB9 UWFV90 UWFV91 UWFV92 Alllonco fOllho Monlolly III .466 .t.914 02,422 .3.490 Alln. lOt ROIIrdod Chlzonl '1,667 .1.860 .91B .1.403 Big B'Olhollllllg SISlorl 02.483 f4,IBS 02,261 .3,006 Boy Scouts .1,630 02,326 t2,2B 7 02,161 Compasslonoll Frlandl no7 C. Inlornallono1 Ptog,oml 02,626 '1,060 ".092 m Comp Fill t243 U76 m3 mo Crllll Conto, tB,369 '6,148 n .878 .6,207 Dlnlol S.MCOI for Chlldron .432 f369 f664 .'.020 Domllllc Vlolone. Inlorvonllon U,606 n,378 t12.91 I .8,330 Eldorly SOMCOS Agoncy .2,306 '1,416 .3.263 02,476 Emorgoncy Housing Prolocl m6 n,S78 02,919 .',7,9 4C'. .',026 '606 ms .684 F'.. Lunch Prog'lm '3,071 Froo Modlcol Clinic '2,271 n,277 .6.060 t3,146 aoodwlll " ,442 n,S49 .,,370 ",366 HACAPMoodllort .',649 .1,880 ".543 .3,323 Hondlcoro .','S3 '3,360 02,862 .3,235 Hillcroll .2S1 ft65 tt31 m5. Hosplco . t3,464 U,367 .. n,378 .'2,029 1CARE "00 n,346 .3,m 02,569 Indopondonl Uvlng 'S92 '620 .472 .S69 lowe C & F Sorvlces '912 '913 " ,308 . t.505 Legal SOMCOS m6 '610 t625 .36B Lokolok .485 LUlheron Social Service '1,409 .2,368 .1,373 '2,975 Moyor'. Voulh Employmonl 0231 0573 .300 .383 MECCA .',560 02,079 03,106 O2,33B Monlel Hoollh Conlor .50 01,519 Nolghborhood Conlors .625 01,391 " ,490 ",B88 Repo Vlcllm Advocacy Progrom ",702 02.937 .2,096 03,031 Rod C,on 02.056 .3.206 05,031 .2,936 Solve lion A,my .1,635 01.491 02,817 02,089 School Cnlldron's Aid 0998 01,2BO 02,359 01,487 Spoclol Coro Donlol Proo,om $128 '105 041 $219 Unhod Action lor Youlh 01,103 01.655 0840 02.073 Unllod Way 0259 0200 02.4 75 02,581 Vlslllno Nurso Anoclollon 03.253 02.551 04,143 05,023 Youlh Homos 01,803 01,576 01,165 02,057 ~~~ TOTAL $54/530 $71 /594 t88.882 094.045 19 em: I I HI ~~.~) ..\"..:~';~,,'''''.;.-I;.'""' ,..." . . " J c' U - ~~~\ I l' i , . I I~ t I . - - - ~ ' .\ CURRENT LOCAL ALLOCA liONS 1 JOMaon CO/.lvlll. Counl'( . low' ell'( Unll.d W.V AD.n~ FY92 FY92 FY92 UWFV92 Alln. lOt R.II/dld CItIIlN ., ,000 t254.4oo 123.600 IllO Btolhlrsllllg 5111111 12.600 tI4,ooo t28,ooo '14,600 Boy &cOUll t500 Clmp FlI. .600 , Ctbt, C.nllt 12,050 '44,100 m.050 "6.800 Dtnlll SlMen lOt ChI\dI.n 19,000 Domllllc VIoI.nc. InllMntlon 12,000 '37,200 t28,4oo 131,010 Eld.rly s.Men Ag.ncy 1500 114,000 m,ooo t23,5oo Ema,g.ncy Houllng Prol.ct 13,000 '1,800 17,000 4C'1 'B,ooo FII. M.dlcll CUnlc t70,000 t82,8oo aoodwID '40,000 HACAP t21,6oo '0,000 m.ooo I Hlndle," m,ooo ..._....._.-.---..~.- . Hl1Ictost '4,000 ICARE 10,600 '8,600 Ind.pend.nl Uvlng '8,600 '10,000 L.g.1 S.rvlen . '20,000 Lulh.lln Soclll S.rvlc. .14,670 .. m,ooo MlyOr'1 Youlh Employm.nt ",760 t16,ooo 133,000 tB,ooo MECCA 0600 '200,000 m,6oo m,ooo M.nt.1 Hulth C.ntll '887,437 n,ooo N.lghborhood C.nllll t25,ooo t25,OOO '43,000 RIp, VlCllm Advoe'cy '2,000 m,ooo m,ooo '16,600 Rod C'OIl tt ,000 19,700 '4,200 '18,000 School Chlldlln'l Aid '8,600 Sp.elel Cell Donl,l Prog'lm 14,000 United Aellon lor Youth t700 '88,000 '48,000 tt9,000 Vllltlng NUll. Allocl.don '141,700 '64,000 Youth Homu 186,000 ttO,Ooo TOTAL '14,000 '1,703,107 '271.450 '548,210 20 -icP~ , ~g~ I i , I I m I ! I , ~~8_~ .- ~_."',.^..-.+,.-~+.-".,.,-. . . u c' u. , . . I ;\ I I ~~~l ~ ~ 1 1nd0ptndOnl LMng 4 C'. . ChId Cat. RoIOUlCO and Roforrll 2 ARC . AsloclaUon lOt Rtlltdod Clllzona 3 BIg Btotholl/lllg S111011 Froo Modlca! ClInIc HAndlctto Nolghbolhood Conloll 01 Johnlon Counly Rapt VIctIm Mioco~ Prog,am Rod Croal Unllod AclJon lOt Youth 4 Crlllo Conlo, DomolUc V1olonco InlorvonUon Program ----.......-.-,---.--.-...-.. . E1dorly Strvlco. Agoncy Mayot'l Youth Employrnonl Program Unlt.d Way '(outh Homo. .. S Communlly Montal H.a1th OoodwllllndUI~lol MECCA VNA . VlsIUng Null. AaloclaUon " A)~~:) "'''.J;.", . - I J U I:: 1_ - . RECOMMENDED SALARY SmUCTURE JULY, IDIU ~ SI7,3VO.124.357 II a. 700 . S2e.3OG mom . 128.400 . S21.VIO. S30,SS2 $24,813. $37,370 jccogIls\lgMldg'ilC$IlI,M 21 . I ,\ I ~~~ I I I ~_____ u_ __ ! I~~~ . f I d U . .h...;I,".........""_,_,,..,.,..;.,~~,_....~, ....,_" ~g~ . J I , , i i j I I I i I ! I I . ; J n ~ ,__ , \\ ! RECOMMENDm FlJI.L.TIME !lAlAAV IlA~~E~ OASm UPON RECOMMENDer) S~Li~~ ~f~~~~~F' .~~ ~ 1~91 MOD'~IED TO INCLUD~ A ." S l A F B awa ARma 1990/FY91 I 9911FV9t J992/FY9~ Indtpend.nl UvIno 122,014-30,8111 122,895.32,052 m,811.33.334 4 C'I' ChIld Coli R.IOUIe. . R.I."II 2 ARC . Auocll1lon lOt 123,774.33,288 '24,725.34,817 125,714.38,002 RtlJllIed Cld"ns 3 BIg lItodltrl/lllg 5111I11 125.877.35,948 t28,704037,384 m,772.38,879 FII. ""dlcll CIinIo Hlndlw. I N.lghbOlhood C.ntl/' Ripe Vlctlm AdvoctCy Prog,om RId 00'1 . UnIted Action 101 YOIIdl 4 .. CrisIa C.nllt m.732.38,B23 t28,841'40.378 t29,985-41.991 Dome.llc VIoI.nc. Inl'lYInllon EId.rty S.rvlcu Ag.ncy "'lVOI'l Youdl Emp/ovmenl Unlled WIY .. Youth HOtnII 5 Communlty "'.nll' Hlllth 13t.523'~7,285 132,784.49,178 '34,095,51,143 aOOdwll/ Indultrfu MECCA VNA . Vllltlng Nur.. Alloclll/on jll""'~"IJ.l4 I I f18~ I ) . , ~ ( . 22 . "'..".....-.'-<..~" JS~ . . ,...-......1.""- U (:' I - . , I~~\~ ,.,"~.,,,.,'''~.\ .",d ~~~. . I l' I (881) . .. I [t d I - I~ . AGENCY OIRECTORS' CUReENT LEVEL O~ RE~EFIT~ AaENCY Emorgoncy Houllng P,olocl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hindle.,. ......................................... Independent Uvlng .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . , . . . . . . . . . . . Rod Croll ........ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . leARE . . . . . . . . t . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Crill. Cont., . t t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 4 C'I . Communhy COOldlnat.d Chlld C./O . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . " Goodwill .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domollle Vlolonc. InlOrvonllon P,og,.m .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NolghbOlhood C.nl.,. 01 Johnson CounlY .................. Vlllllng Nurl. Associ. lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , F,oo Modic.' Cllnlo . . , . . . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , MECCA ........... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Homet ............ I . . . . . . . . . . . , . . I . . . . . . . . . . HllIcl.lt F.mlly SOrvlCOl .. , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . , . Eldorly SOrvlCOI Agoncy ......,..,..,...........,...... Allocllllon 101 ROIo'dod Cltlzonl . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Legal Servlco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . M.yol....Youlh Employmont P,ogrom ...........,.,..,.,... Big B,othorl/B/g Slllorl .....,...,....,..............., LUlh.rln Socl.' SOMC. .,....,.........,........,..... . Unll.d ACllon lOt Youlh ',...........,.........,.,...., R.po Vlcllm Advoc.cy Progr.m ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , Monl.' Hoallh Conl., ,.,.........,............,....,., HACAP . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . I I . I . . . . I . . . . I ,I I BENEFIT POINTS 7.0 30.0 48.0 5U 58.0 5U 57.0 57.5 BO.O 82.0 8U 8U 58.3 8U 70.S 74.0 78.0 7U 7U au 9U IOU 115.0 128.0 m.o I "Dlroclor'l polnll as roponad by HACAP Includ. 91 polnU for lIck loova boeouso Iho Ag.ncy p,ovldol lick loava .nd dllObllily covor.O. dlroclly. In ordor 10 m.ke HACAP'I polnll comp.robl. 10 Olhol agonclu'. Ihoso 91 polnll Ihould b. ,oplocod by 1 polnlllho polnl valu. 01 dlsobllllY Insuronc.l. Thon Iho OllOclor'l polnls would bo BU. 23 t?ga j;R .c~ . .... -.... +- LI c' I - ~ . .. I ,\ i a?>~ ! 11 1,'L~(~ / I I I I I I I I . - I~I I U . J FINAL FY93 AGENCY RANKINOS UNITED WAY PLANNINO DIVISION JANUARY 30. 1992 OReER AGENCY I Nolghborhood ContoIS 01 Johnson County 2 Vlslllng NUllo Association 3 Oomosllc Vlolonco Inlorvonllon P'OQ'am 4 Big Brothors/Blg SISlO,s 6 Eldorly So,vlcos Agoncy 8 ARC. Assoc/allon 10' Rotardod Chllons 7 Crisis Conlor B Froo Modlcal ClinIc 9 COmmunhy MOnlal Hoolth Contor 10 Loool Sorv/cos 11 SpacIal Co,o DonlOl P,oo'am 12 Emo,goncy Housing P'O/OCI 13 MECCA · 14 Unllod ACllon 10' Youlh 16 Hillcrosl Family So,vlcos 18 DOnia I So,vlcos 16, Indlgont Child,on 17 Youlh Homos 18 School Child,on's Aid 19 ICARE 20 4 C's . CommunIty Coo,dfnalod Child Ca,o 21 Handlca,o 22 Goodwill Induslrlos I 23 Rapo Vlcllm Advocacy P,oo,am 24 Mayor's Youlh Employmont P,ogram 25 HACAP 28 Luthoran Social Sorvlco 27 Rod Cross 28 Indopondonl Living 'Tho Planning Division oncouroOos Iho Allocallons Division 10 pay pa'lIcular auont/on 10 MECCA's lundlng noods. 24 ~f"'''''lI'''''Va~ I ,~~\\ ~>~."'~"""'-';""""._.., ' . - I I LI c - - . . I ,\ i ~~~ , I - I I f I I~ - - . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DDlo: J.nu.ry 30, 1002 Tho HonOf.b1. MlyOf Ind Clly COU/lCU Joyc. BerrO~VIc..Chtlr, HIIIOfIe Prollrvltlon Commllllon To: From: Ro: Dubuquo SI'OOI Houlos II hal como 10 Iho ,"onUon ollho Iowa Clly HIIIOlIe Pr.lOrvOUon Commllllon lhallwo hOU1I1 on lho CO/nor 01 ChUlch Ind Dubuquo SI,oallll. 10 bo dOluoyod .nd IIplmd whh · 15.un/1 .portmonl building. W. 010 concornod lhallhll ,cl/on will orodo lho quollly 01 Dubuquo StroolOI . ICOniC .nlry Inlo our communlly, .nd win noglllvtly .II.Cllho ovalln Challclor ollho NOIlhsldo nolghbO/hood. W. 110 IllIlhtr concorntd lhallho conllnully betwoon lha NO/lhsldo rosldonUal .,oa .nd ono ollho nlcor 01101 of lho UnlvorsllY of low. compul,lneJudlng lha Prol/donl'l hOUIO, will bo dOluoyod by tho Imposll/on ollht Plopolod building. Tho Commllslon bolloVOllho ,cllon olloollng down IIlhor lhan Plolorving IholO Iwo IUucluro.,.ln dl,ocl conlllcl whh Iho Comptohonllvo Plan, which lpeclllcolly oddllllll Iho nood to ptOIOrv. Iho ChalOclo, and qualily of tho clly'l onuywaYI .nd oIdo, nolghbor. hood.. Slnco flllpptOp,lolo now building I havo boon buill on Dubuqu. In Iho POll, Iht Commllllon II concornod Ihll wo moy bo wllnolllng alllnd lowardl domolhlon In ploco of PllsorvoUon on Ihll Impo/lonlll,ool. Tho COtnmllllon rocommondllhallho Council, 01 woll II olholl, glvo Ihll mOllor 'Or/OUI conlldorollon. Tho Commission fUllhor rocommondllhollho Cily oncourogo ptOlorvoUon 01 Iho oxllllng Ilruclurol. Foiling lhat. h II rocommondod lhallh. Plopolod now ,pOllmonl bulldlno como undo, Itrl~1 doslgn rovlow ond IhOl consldorlllon bo olvon 10 Iho dOllgn ollho IIruCluro. fUlhlng, ond lurroundlng londscopo foolurOI. Tho Iowa Clly HI.lorlc PlOsorvatlon Commission consldarod lho p/opolod projoClllllpp,op/loIO ond UMocossory. Wo hope IhOl 0110'11 will bo modo In Iho IUluro 10 hoh IhlllO/I 01 WOtk. blVloulIl :18 . I n (::' I - · . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dill: J.nuo,v 24, 1992 To: Slev. Alklnl, Chuck Schm.doko From: Jim Schoonloldo, A.: Coralvillo Mil/d.m HydroolOClllc ProjOCI I hovo anachod . copy 0' Iho momorandum Irom Iho City MonaoOl 10 Iho City Council oullinlng Iho Sloll IOcommondotlon 10 rojocllho Co'olvillo Milldam P,olocl. Ilom'2 Is no longor. 'OCIOt slnco Ih. Clly IOjoclodconsuucllon 0' 0 solid,waslo co.gonOllllon 'oclIlly. Tho mOil d.maglng avldonc. 'oolnlllho p,ojoclls Iho hlslo,lc plica Irond ,Inca 19Se. AV.llg. .loClllo pllcOIIOt low. Clly heva ,clunl/y gono down .voryyur bUll 991. Tho FY91 avO/ago COil ol,'ecl,lclly 10 Iowa Cily 114.4% I.ss Ih.n II wes In 19Se. Slneo economic v1ebllllY 01 Ihe projecl dopendod on a 4% oMuolluol m.I.IIDIJ rele, ona can conclude Ihal hlllOt/col .vldence .lImlnoles economic viability. bj'lnolldtm /,.,r ~I~, ~/~P;~~, " ;(i~A I$SUh. ~~ ~. ~ .k..eA~dvb~ ~~ ' ~ J. . J _I I~' I - - City of Iowa City M E M 0 RAN 0 U M ,I ! Dill: Jonulry 30. 1992 StIV' Alklnl, City Manoglr fd Engroff. Envlronmlnlll Englntlr tf.". Llndflll SlltUI ~~ kf ~~l ~tr-~ TOI FI'OIII: RE: On Jlnulry Z1. 1992 Ihl City rtCllved In amlndment to It I Ilndflll permit. Thll amendmonl IlIowl thl City to begin ullng Ihl nlw dllpolll lrot Ihlt was conslrucled lalt fill. The amendment com.. with IIvml Itlpulltlonl. Thill Includl thl Inlllllatlon of Iddltlonal monitoring Willi, Il/1lpllng reqlllromlntl 'or nlw ond exlltlng weill, flnll COVIr requlrllllenll. 1.lchlle monllorlng Ind reporting Ichodul.., Ind erollon conlrol provlllonl. . Th. Englne~rlng Dlvlllon hiS bttn working closely with thl IDNR 10 recelv. Ipprovll 0' Ihl ,xplnllon plln and other pllnl and reportl. Slverll Itoml Irt currently at vlrloul Ilog.. of review or dllculllon Including I lubmllllllchtdul. for thl Clolure/Pollcloluro Plan: permit renewIl/lnd comblnld review of Ih. Luchll. Conlrol Pion, Hydrologic . Monllorlng SYIIIlll Plan, Ind Croundwollr Alllllmenl Report. I hlvl bttn promised that rlvllw 'of thl Ipproprlalo documlnll will bl complell In lime 'or conltructlon thll ye." " CCI Rick FoUl . Chuck Schmadeko 028S I . . - - U d' I L . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM J Oalo: JlIIIUll/Y 27, 1992 To: Mayor and City Coundl Flom: City Clotk City Coundl Goal Soltlng Sosslon, Januaty 14, 1992, l/Io Hlghlandol Inn. Mayol Dml CouMoy proalclng. Coundl ptOsont Latlon, Novick, Courtnoy, Ambrlaco, Horowitz, McDonald, I<ubby. CIty s18~ prolOnl: AIkIns, HolUng, 1Wr. Gonlty (3:15 p.m.). Facllltalor: TIm ShIolds. Tapa roconfod on RooI92.9, All; 92.10, All; 92.11, An; 92.12, SIdo I, I.End. TIm Shlolds ptOsonlod InformaUon about hlsrolo with tho Instiluto 01 Publlo A11a1rs ond s18lod ho would laclDtato 1110 City Counclr. goal.ottlng discussion. Shlolds omphoslzod lI1at Bl8 volornn Council, Councllmomboll hAvo a glOal polonllallo provldo o~octJvo loadorshlp In l/Io community. Shlolds sltOssod cllcusalon .hould be Informal, opon and consllUclIvo. Shlolds .tatod lI1at lhroughout 1110 COUIIO 01 discussion, sllonco wiD moan alnrmaUon 01 tho Issuo al hand. Council dovolopod an agonda as follows: Intorparsonol rolaUonshlps Long"ango plans SIaII chango dlroctlon Donno 1010 01 Council Prlorlty soltlng and oKoctJvonoss ollssuo Dovolop consonsus on atratoolo prlorlUos Group dynomlcs and loamwotk Prlorltlzlng of Council d1rocUon ovor noxl tHo Y0811 Donning goals Discuss an Implomonlatlon and romonllorlng 01 goals Shlolds Introducod tho concopl 01 doclslon anolysls mothods. Council dlscussod and formulatod tho lollowing Idoas: Broodor monu Council Input lowards ~onl ond Council opUons RosolVO for koy policy aroas Shlolds prosontod Information rota ling 10 loamwork. Shlolds slatod thai tho rollowing characloM' tics oltoarnwotk Includo: Inlorparsonal lolallons Consonsus building Group dynamics Rolo 01 Council City Council dlscussod tho toamwork concopt. Shlolds notod that concorns ralsod by Councllmombors Ihallmpact on loamwork ara tho rollowlng: ~8'~ . , J CI d I . - , 2 .\ t I I ModdIIng In diy.lo-d.1y CoLrldlmomboll nlIJll.14la wlkln l/Ioy aro In cfsogroomonl willi sllltl Prolo.slon4I 01 OJpolt Issuos channolod lhrough City Mwgor ShIoIds ptOl4nted Information Iboulloadorshlp. Shlolds noled \h41 90% 01 Council worllls IOICIMI. Councllmombol1 dlCUuod . proldfvo .l4nco. ShIolds nolad \h41 Ioodollhlp lsauo. 810: Conaonsu. Convoonlty Inloro.1 PoIcy OIllrI/oglos FIscaJ consttolnll Councllmomboll agroed \h4t whon lndMdual Councllmomboll have now Idoos, lI10y Ihould galn .upport 110m 011101 Councllmomboll 01 conlAd l/Io Mayor rOQardng that now Idoa. ShIolds .lAlod thai In/ormAl convnunlcatlon botlvoon Councllmombollls ImpottanL Council. mombol1 dlcuuod \h4t ono-onoOno Iolop/lono convorsallons, usa 01 o~'wooks lor foCl/' 1011I011I, and POIIOnaJ 100dback would Imp/avo Informal communlcollon. ShIolds load. dsculSlon IOladng 10 loam bohavloll. Coundlmombors docldod \h4lacMowtodg. Ing Councllmombors' own posflIons IIld IOduclng rudonoss ~Id boUor loam bohavlol. Councllmombolllnd Shlolds rovlowod tho JlIIIUary 1990 SltOloglo Issuos 1Is110 oslabllsh tho lolIowlng goall: 1. AIforllabla houllng 2. Conlral Buslnoss Dlltrfct 3. Economlo dovolopmonl rolo 4. EnvftonmonlAl rogulatlons 5. NO~hborhood prosorvadon &. PubIIo IIonsII 7. SaUd Willa manogomonl plannIng 8. Slewardshlp of onvftonmonl 9. Plovontlvo .orvlcos 10. Enhancing tho roloUonshlp with tho Unlvorslty 11. Walor quality 12. Chlldron'. actlvltios 13. Oownlown malntoRllllco 14. Buslnoss rolontlon and oxpanslon, and Inlomatlonol trodo oxchango CIty land (usa) tax Arts complox Community rolnvostmonl Tax oxompl slrateglos Fodoral/slolo mandalos Hlslorlo prosOlVoUon AIrport dovolopmonl Annoxadon ~ocalloadorshlp dovolopmonl ~~ . I n t:' I ., . 3 Councll.nd ShI.,d. rovl.w.d lho plolt'" .1Id plOQrom. 100Iho '1I0. .. oullltlod IIllho C'ly MoNgor'. OClober 25, tllllO. momo IOgoldlng Docado ollhe 'liD.. Comm.nll wero modo aboul ooch 110m: ,. ~ . rovolvlng lund, housing locul. concern divorllng 10 01101011011I1 budgoll. 2. Public UIOIY communlclllan . dono. 3. Indullrlolllork . conllnoontlnut. 4. Human selYlcos oaoocln .lnclOllod IOJ~nco on loc.llundl, lunding mOlhodslpollclu. nood 101 plooctlvo poslllon. e. Economic doveloomonl . curronlly lowor pllOIlly. B. Roo/mmonlllro oculllllWl1' dona. 7. FlIO IIOllonl . oludy pondlng. B. FlIO Ilolnloolocllllln .1110 1I.lnlng conI or ..11".Clary. 9. Sclaoca conlOI . lower pllarlly. 10. PIrklno IImas . pondlng daclslon. 11. South III Bllrlloolcn Slrlll ClIO/III111 . molOllnuOl under 10vlow. 12. Walll OUOIlIY 'lIudy IOvlow. MANDATE 13. SanllolY 10WOI . will dovolop .umm.ry mamo olllloclalOd InuOl. MANDATE 14. Arts conlolonco conlal . do .Iudy within Iwo reall. t5. L1bralY caallal owcanllOQ . OpllOllllncludo downlown 01 blanch 01 both. lB. Iwlll1. c.pllIl ropl.comanl plOQlom FY95.98 .nd lodolOl ADA roqulromonl', 17. Tlanlll ADA. budgollnua, rOUIO schedulo, polley. MANDATE 18. AIIO/dablo houllllQ . nood budgol onalYIII, roqulrol dlroctlon IOlollno 10 Clly'. rolo, m.lnl.ln pollclol. MANDATE 19. Porkl and Roclaallon clolwa . rovlow pllOIIIIOI and plan, moo I wllh Perka and Rocroollon Commllslon. 20. LAlllUIlI. roqulrOllndopth .naly.l. by Council. MANDATE 21. Rolulo collocllOQ . Clly Monagor will chock on .1.lul 01 ordolod oqulpmanl. 22. Brldoas . IChodulod conslluctlon Is on IChodulo. 23. Fulula Ilalllno noad~ . 101010110 other doclslons ond mandolo,. 24. Nalg~blllhood Inlanlllv . organlz'llonal, communlly W'lch, dovolopmanl, hlllorlc prol.rvallon, Council consonluslor consorvatlon nolghborhoods. 25. zmJInn channal . Iragllo arlll, public OCCOlSIO rlvor, PDH zono, peninsula. 2B. Envllonmanlallmos 27, Cabla TV. rolronchlslno prOCOSlslarlod and oblalnlno Inlormatlon IOgardlng municipal ownollhlp. 28. Local oollon lax . lulUIO dllcusslon. 29. Handnun oldlnanca . Council raquollod dlall ordlnanco 110m Logal DoparlmOnl. 30. School salolv . IOsponso 110m School Boord roqulrod. 31. Public snlalv, pollca patloll, D.A.R.E. proglam, dlspalcher lralnlng. 32. .ll.lldA1I' subdivision raoulollon. ond Slormwalor manaoamonl . rovlow Planning ond Zoning prlorltlos. 33. Allalnallve IInanclOQ. 34. Dallnlllon 01 lamll~ . coda Inconslsloncy, Human Rlghll Commission. Schodulo discussion. Shlolds nOlod Ihal onvlronmontallssuol IliIl naod 10 be dllcussod. Shloldl racappad Iha moollng by S1ollno Ihal loamwork Is 0 vary Imporlanl Issuo and IUOQoslod Ihal Council schodulo 0 lollow.up lOulon. Shloldslhankod Council lOlthol1 anthuslasm. Moollng adJournod 01 7:30 p.m. clllkIOolll.'4.mln JK~ . J....._ J U I~~ ' I . I~ . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dalo: JlIIIUlI/Y 27, 1092 To: Mayor and City Coundl Florn: City Clork Council Work Sosslon, Janull/Y 21, 1092, 6:30 p.m. In tho Council Chllmboll. Mayor Danai Courtnoy ptosldlng. Councllmombora pro.onl: I<ubby, LarlOn, Novick, Courtnoy, Ambrisco, Horowitz, McDonald. Staff mombors prosonl: Alldns, HolUng, Gonlty, l<arr, Moon, DlIVIdson, Yuculs, Hondorson, Fosso, Gannon, Franklin, Smlth. Tapa rocordod on Rool9H Sldo 2, AI; RooI92.13, SIdo I, I.End. Rool92.8, Sldo 2 Monlca Moon prolOnlod Inlonnatlon about tho foUowlng Planning and Zoning llama: a. bll1no a DubIlo hoorlno !2!bbruarY ".li92. on 8 r~~~u~~~.nA~~~J~!.~~~~~~ lIY1flB!l.Jo chanoo Iho soouonco or dovoloomonl ~ii-;- .... ..~~. ~":"'I:: WiI2:.1iWJor nn nraR o'~own as '_ho o__t~m Q2!!~~ ~.LJD.!~ Aru. Moon slatod Council win rocolvo oddlUonollnformallon In tholr packel at tho noxl mooting. b. I ~-:.h:a ~OlQhbo~ovQloomonl~lncludos DIOOOrtV _ _ I In ~ton Stroq~. GI~~ S~~~I~~~~~~~= Bll'lway main ~Inos SI&.8'().W on 0 th W1- . o. b!l'oo a oubllo hoarfno 1LE0brunIV 4.1992, on nn ordlnnn~,~T~~~~~_lhO Zonlnq Ordlnanco I~h a Contral Buslnoss S~[!_~. blllno a DUb~FoblUa: ..4t!~~0~~~'~~!~~.~~..~T~~~~ ~~_.~~~~~ 9rdlnanco IC]loDtor 3ID to oSlnbll~~ ~. bjllno a DU~obrualV ~J992. on Daiin~o;;rdlnnnco amondlna tho Zonlnq 9~lnnnco I~ bv amOndlno lho olf.stroOl_...!I!'j! mg~lro!!!~m~. Soltlno a Dubllo hoarfna IQtF~brunlV 4. 1992. on an ordlnanco n,:mon<!!no C~ ,Taxnllon & Rovonuos. 10 l)(ovldo..for a Dnrfdnn slrU~lur~ l'!!Q!1cl lU,. bjllno a DUbllo ~onrfno lor FobrunlV 4.j~.~~ ~?9.n.~~~I~~.c.R_?mOndl~~!~~ Zonlno Ordlnanco by chanolno tho uso rooulnllQns ~ OQDrox.l!lllllWY soyon acros ol.locatod south 01 Court 5lrool, wast 21 Moldon tano. oonorall~ ~~;i QI Cnoli2i d. o. I. g. ~ . I t I ,-I ' I . '- , . - - - . 2 h. ~ noM orJ!!1.lowa I"toralalo mllwAY IIno. In an aroa roforrod 10 as tho ~ ~oUlhSkl9.. ~~Ino n DUblle hoarioo fWobtuary II. 1j~2. on an ordinnnco amondlno tho Zonlno ~lnanCo ItV chnnolna lho uso rooulallons ~ CC.2 10 CWlllDOloxll)lalO~ ~~~~.~ciOs o~ oonomllY Jocntod north otCOUIt Strool. oasl o~ltOOI. sOul~ lIlJ!lIlIiPOton SI~qt. and welt or.QilbOlt Slroot. nnd OOnGrallY ~ oast ol.Ma!llm ~MO. ioullW Court Slrool. WOSI 01 Gllbort Stroot nndm!llW.Pronllss Stroot.," an 8Ion I. ~; -" oarino on nn ordlnanco Rmond!llo.J.ho Zonlna Ordlnanco bv chanolna t~ ~~~~a~~s.. ~'..;oltaln DlOOOrtv known as tho Id~ tmct nnd~ soUlh olf2l1g,[ ~ItSOO0<tN8v.WOslol~vanaoncnl~ unnamod~S.5. IZ.91M1 ~na on an ordlnanco amondlna 1110 Zonlna Ordlnaneo bv chanolna t!l1.Jal !IlIlJld2nJJI an lIDOIollmato 20.8 acto tmct o~ south o~ ~It Soo~av. wOII ol~Evanooll~urch. and.!n11.1l an unnamod. ~.8i 8orollmlnRrvD'~oomont houslna (~ ~mlnluml.lowa Cltv.lowa. (Z.~ Ordlnanco amondlno Iho Zonlno Ordl"anco bv chanalna Iho land uso rooulal!2l!U! ~~~a: In Drooortv known as tho I~lwl!lltract and"locntod soull1 o~oad, north 91 J.UU. SDoodwav. wost ol..flUl<vlow Evanaollcal ~ oast 01 "" unnamo~ ~tconsldomtlonl Qtdlnance amond!l!l1Jho Zonlna Ordlnanco bv ~anolno tho UIO looulallons 01..D!l GQWJ!J18tO 20J RctO ~n ~Evanaoncn~hurch. nnd.w1..2l no unnamod~ QfQWI. a DlollmlnarY Dlnnno{dovoloomontj1ouslno I~ lll!llIlImL..'owa Cltv. I~ consldoratlon\ Bosolullon oxlondlno Iho oXDlrallon dato lor Iho aDlllovod amondg,d Drollmlnary Dla~ liIIntors Run Subdivision. emlLFour throun~ ~. Bosolutlon amondln" lho Subdlvldo(s Aaroomont lor Walnut I3!s!!I1fDIt One as 1\ rolatlll 11JIl1Jnstallnllon 01 cortaln sldowalks wllhln tho sub<fI~l!2n. I. II. I. m. n. o. Bocommondallon oU!l1Plannlno and Zonlna Commission roaardlnn a oroDOsnlto rozono ~gjl northoasllilowR Cllv. oasl~ ~0\VDOr1 T.2M!lhID.lrom A'1..Ruml. to ~:.3. Suburban Rosldonllal. (Qml! ~oona Buchmavor DrODortv/CZ.9Wl flocommondnllon 01 tl11Plannlna and Zonlna Comml~slon ronardlna n orooosalto rozono ~8 acros Irom A'URumlllo ~~yburban Rosldqnllall. T~o orooor\'( Is locatod nortU1.2!.lown Ollv on tho soulh sldo oLRaold Croo~ onst 01 tho Intorsoctlon 01 ~Inhwnv 1 nnd Bnpld Crook B21ll!..l:ill.ln Grahnm Townshlll.. I~tovo ~rnhl oroportv/CZ.913nl p. ~f~ I n (::' I' . . 3 ~: RODI92.S. Sid/)2 1. (AQond4l1om l3,g(2) IOQlIIcSng loquOSI 01 John W. Mooro . ~.) In rosponso 10 HOIowilZ, Coumoy .l4lad this 110m can be pultod cui lor lopnralo discussion altho lormaI mooting. 2. (AQonda ~om 13.0(31 . agroomont botlvoon City or Iowa Cl1y and lOOT 101 usa 01 city .ltOoll as dotoUl.) Horowitz rallOd concoms eboul ptobloms assocIalod with 1110 ptopOIOd ~80 oxll dololtMlordlango dIrocllng traIIIo 10 Malroso. Stallmombol Davidson rovlowld tho appllcollon. 3. Councllmombora cllCUlIOd tho~ mooting ~Io. Councllmombora Bgrood 10 .chodulo tho Councl work IOIIlon on Fotwaly 10, 1992, at 5:30 p.m. City Mgr. AWns notod \h41 budgol opprovaIls lonl4tivoly lchodulod 101 tho rOQulat mooting 01 3J3 or 8 spodol mooting on 3111 wtII bo noodod. 4. I<~ Inqulrod about Ichodullng I dlscussIon 011/10 ScIklol 01 Soclol Work cuts Impact on tho city. Courtnoy .18lad that dllCUsslon could be lChodulod on March 2 or 16. 5. (AQOnda ~om 120 'lOsoIuUon cotUlyIng unpald walor, .owar, IoIld waslo chargos.) I<~ loId momboll 011/10 oudonco thai IhIs 110m was lasl on tho agonda and 111010 msy bo a wall through 8 long!hy mooting. 8. (AQond4l1om '19. losolution .oltlng 1001 and charoOl with rospoct 10 tho odmlnlsltOtlon olrogul4Uons 101 taxis.) City MgI. AWns notod thai thoro may bo pooplo plosonllo commanl on 1hI.110m. Mooting adloumod at 7~5 p.rn. c~I.2lJnl " J .\ ; 02K~ . U I::' I. . - , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM I ,\ , Dala: January 30, 1992 To: MayOl and Clly CouncU From: Clly Clork Council Budgol Sou/on, JanualY 27, 1992,5:30 p.m. In lho Council Chamborl. MlyOt oarrol COIlflney prosldlng. Councllmomborl pralonl: COIlflnoy, Kubby, L.llon, Horowin, Novick, McDonald. Ab.onl: Ambrlsco. 51all prOlanl: Aikin., Holling, Karr, Yuculs, Manlflold, Smith. Tapa rocOIdod on Topa 92.t2, Sldo 2: 92.13, Sldo 2; 92.18, Both Sid..: 92017, 51do 1. BUDGET PRESENTATION: Alkln'lIIlad ho would prolonllho mlJOI chango I and IIIUOlln Iho FY93 Budgol and 1..uII lIIoclllOd with Iho Throo.Yaar P1.n. Aikins slolod Ihoro 010 vory low now InitllllYa.ln FY93, Alk/ns dl.cuSlad budgolltom. as loIlows: ~eonomlc DIYllonment . DBoe 70 Aikins nOlod Council hi' roquollod lhal .1111 Ichodulo dlscuSllon ragaldlng 150,000 contrlbullon 10 ICAD and a pruanlallon by Marty Kolly. Aikin. nOlod Ihotlha 150,000 conlrlbullon 10 ICAD Is prosonlly bolng budgolod lor. t/on.OnerBllonBI AdmlnlslIBllon . DBDB 108 Aikins .Iolod Margo POMOY I. schodulod 10 onond Council'. Fobruory 3 wOlk so.slon rogordlng aid 10 agoncy bud gal.. McDonald slalod Iha aid 10 agancy commllloo has mol. Alkln..latod Iho John.on Counly HI'lorlcal SoclolylHorllago Mu.oum roquoslod 04,000 and ha budgolod .2,100. Atkin. notod Laullo Robln.on 1.lnloro.lod In moo ling with Council. Alkln..lalad Iho .,0,000 roquoll by Groator Iowa Clly Ecumonlcal Hou.lng Followshlp WOl nOI budgolod lor. In ro.ponso 10 McDonald, Aikin. sial ad Iha contlngoncy lund con bo ulOd lor adluslmonlslalar In Iha yoar. Kubby roquo.lad Ihal aid 10 agonclos bo 1I.lod on tho lablo 01 conlonll ollho proposod budgol booklolln Iho IUlura. ~umlln Rlghtll C:omml!l!lon . Dno" 1 07 Kubby roquulod Ihal monoy bo budgotod lor oducallonal pUlpOSOS. Aikins notod Boards and Commissions havo boon Invllod to Council's Fobruory 3 work SDsslon. Aikins statod ho will rorward Council's commonts 10 tho Human Rlghls Commission. ~ . u U I::' I . - . 2 Strllt Svstem Mllntftnntw:tI . oaon '38 Alklnsllld ChangOl havo boon mado In lho Strool /Mlnlooonco Dlvlalon. AlklnSSI410d lho wOlor construcllon CIOW has boon movod from lho WOlor Dlvlalon 10 lho Strooll DMalon 10 bo suporvllOd by Bud Slockmon. Ed Brlnlon will dovolo 1':1. limo 10 lho comprohonalvo w.lor pI.n Ind .upply one! troolmonllSluOI. Alklnsllld lhoro may bo mojor rOllluclUlIng ollho WOlor Dlvlalon. AIkin. propolod rOOlgonlllng lho solid waSil opollllon IS a SOparatl dlvlalon. Kubby Inqulrod about chang os In lho Ipproprlatlons 01 rood USI IIX. Aikins slltod thallllha .tOIl would bo IUCcelllulln roduclng .pproprllllons Ollho road UIO lOX monlel, he would rocommond roduclng copllol projocls. Kubby Slolod she would Ilko 10 budgol monl.slo try . 'osphalt wllh Ilroo' proiocl. Aikins nOlod lhal Clly Englncor FOlIO Is propoalng 10 do rosurloclng prO!OCIO ovory Olhor yo or bocouso lho Clly rocolvo. bollor controcISIOf blggor projoct.. fQJlcl Admlnlslllllon . 0001 149 Aikins atolod Pollco Chlol W1nkolhako wonlllO obloln occrodllollon. Aikin. slltod lharo 's on .11,000 foo 10 IPply 101 occrodllollon. Council dlacullod lho nood 101 IcclOdil.tlon Ind lha rlquo.IIOI oddlllonol CSO poaltlons ond pollco pOlrol poslllons. Council .grood 10 Idd o pollco palrol pOslllon ond CSO poslllon Ind notod lhat Iho CSO position Ihould bo 101 stroot work. Atkins .Iotod thol Pollco Chlol W1nkolhako I. proposing 0 chango 10 go to fOUt boOIl' ono downtown boot ond INOO Olhor oroo. . ond will osalgn olllcor. 10 pormonont boOIl. CouncllroquOItod Informollon Irom Iho PoIlco Chlol rogordlng slolllng noods.nd lho D.A.R.E. program. FIre Deollrtment . DB Oft 167 Aikin. notod Iho blggoll slnglo copllOI oxponlo Is lor Iho oxhaust romovol,yslOm. Aikins stOlod the IIro stotlon locotlon .Iudy Is nOli complollon. Alklnsstolod Iho Ilro .totlon locOllon sludy will bo brought bock to Council ss 0 soporolO 'IIUO. ~ouslng InSOOCllon . DODO 182 Aikins .tolod thoro's stili 0 nood lor oddlllonollnspocllon porsoMolond 11011 will plOpOro 0 lormol roporllor Council. Kubby oskod thOI 0 lond uso Inspoctor bo oddrossod In thot roporl. ~Ibrorv . 0000 198 Alkln..lolod ho did nOI moko ony adjuslmonllln Ihollbrary'. proposod budgol. Atkins nOlod Ihollho IIbr"y has lormod 0 commllloo 10 addross upanllon. Kubby qUOIllonod Iho uso 01 cablo franchise monlos lor IIbrory sorvlcos. Councllmombo,. commanlod Ihallho Broadband Tolocommunlcallon budgol noods 10 bo rovlowod. 02f(o J I J U d I . I . 3 fJrklna . Daoe 209 Aikins .Ialod Ihoro aro no changos proposod. In rosponso 10 Kubby. Aikins said permll ond parking 1001 will nood a mld.yoar adluslmonllo accommodalD capllal COlIS ond doblsaMco lor 0 now ramp. Councllmombor. dlroclod Aikins 10 proparo a momo rogDrdlno rato Incr08SOI 10 lund a .4.3 million ramp. Clly Managor ond Council dlscussod parklno anlOlcomont. Laraon .uggostod InSlllllng parklno Ilckol drop boxoa. In rOlponso to Novick, YUCull Italad Ilall II pro paring Informallon about coshlOlod VOlSUS unslollod pa/klno rampl. Wlstewlltftr . DBaft 218 Alklnl .talod Ihoro are no lubllanUal changal, 11011 will prasanl to CounclllnlOlm81lon rogardlng conslrucllvo watlands which allocllho ammonia slandards, and Ihoro aro no ralO adluslmonls plonnod In Iho Ihrea.yoar plan. WIner. 0800 224 Aikins sold Iho primary omphosls In walor Is tho comprohonslvo wotor rosourcOl pion and Ihoro Is 0 10% adjUSlmonlln Iho FY94 lor wOIOl ratos. Councllmombors dllCussod wator chargos and slormwaler Uaalmont. Landfill . Daoe 244 Aikins raponad tho .42 par ton chargo Includos tho CIIY's .37.75 porUon plus .4.25.tato tox. Atkins stotod the cost of romodlol oCllon Is about .3 million and tho cost ollandllll closuro Is not In tho budgot. City ManogOl and Council dlacussod changing tho Itratogy 01 managing tho landllll. Council dlroctod City Manogor to proparo 0 lummary mamo rogardlng changing tho atratogy 01 managing tho landlill os 0 ror.profll oporolfon. Deluse Collection. onoe 231 Atkins statod this budget Includes weekly curb colloctlon, Iho purchaso or lour trucks, and hiring 01 lour people. Atkins stated stall Is ready to move on tho purchasing 01 tho trucks and educational. promotional aspocts Ollho curbslda soparaUon program. Atkins Inform ad Council that the educational program will bo lunded through Iho usa 01 solid waSlo surchargo and tho laol collection will bo funded out 01 road usa monies. Atkins osked Council II tho program should Includo contolner distribution. Council directed Atkins to proparo COlt rlguroalor doing the curbalde separaUon program blwoakly and authorized the City Manager to purchasa tho number 01 trucks noeded lor biweekly service. Council agreed to a blwoekly sorvlco and to ollor a can lor purchese (not requlredl. Council dlscussod proper enlorcomont, a mandatory program, and tho Imponanco 01 oducotlng the public. In rosponso to Novick. Atkins stated ho will getlnlormaUon about wlnler pickup 01 yard waste. In responso to Kubby, Atkins slaled ho will look at dllloront yard wasto bao opUons. Kubby requosted that Council schedule 0 discussion to reovoluato a volumo.based program. 02f(tJ . i I t I 1;.,1 I '_ . - - 4 Iwl1II' NDO 281 City ~",gor Ind Council dllCuuod tho Plaon Vlow tronslt rDuto ond tho tronsit budgot. No chlngos WOII mldo. ,\ ClnhallmDlcwment Pf*ct. DlIoe :118 CIty ~l\Igo, Atklns.nd City Councllmomboll rovlowod tho ploposod copltollmplovomont Pfofocll. Clty ~l\Igtr Atkins ptOlontod InlOlmetlon eboutthe lollowlng cepltellmp/ovod ptofocts: Svclmorl Ar.. Slljlll1l Sawar. Dloa 317 Atkins nolOd tNt thl. hi. boon budgotod In FY93. SDlIlh allbart SIIGllllI1 Station . Dloa 317 Atkins noted thI.lhould bo dolo tad, oxplllnlng Ihara Is 0 proposal to oxtand Southgate to Send Road .nd tho dlvoloper II willing to glvo tho City lend lor roed rlght.ol.wey In oxchango 101 clnlln dlvolopmont right.. SOUIMIll Avenue E.tenlJon . 0808 31 9 Atkins nOlOd thl.ls budgltod lor In FY93. Willi Mlln It InduJulat PArk. IUI08 :ill Atkins '1ltld It Is proposed to loop tho eystom end II ACT does not build, tho City will not PfQCood with thl. project. AIkins notod that ACT will contrlbuto '50,000 lor that wator Pfoject. High Stroat Storm SaWDr . DIOD 31 S Atkins notod this I. budgotad In FY94. Hlghwav 8 at Coralvllla SIVD . DODD 31 Q Atkins nOlOd that this ropro.ontl tho City's portion. Melro!ft . Bvfnoton 1ft Hawklnl OllvI . DlIOI 319 Atkin. nOlod thl. pr%ct ties Into tho Molrose Avonuo bridge project. ~I!kwood AVDnua . allbDIlID OaForl!t . DODO 319 Atkin. noted thl. ploloct II 0 comploto roconstructlon projoct ond ate II will bring additional Inlormatlon back to Council. cfl.f~ . J U c' I . , 5 .' i Budlnalon !llllal Tllllla !lkln Canl/o/ Ran/lcamanl . DIOL321 No commanl. SIJUllnllllactlon !llonll I'Ialoell . 0100 32.1 Ltllon nol.d wOlk II nudld on lho Rlvollid. OllvolHlOhw.y 81.h I"nlno '.11I 1i0nol. Exl/a Sldawllk ~ltell . 0100 ~11 In rllponao 10 Kubby, AIkins IUlod INllho budOOI rOjllOlOnl. lho Clly'. rolponliblUll1I 10 COIIIIII. EXlla.Wldlh PayJna . 0100 321 No commonl. &IllIor Canlal EllDlndad PI,kllWl . oaoa ~2.2 Councllmomberaond Clly Mlnogor dllCulIod lho neod 101 volunloor plrklng. Councllmombell did nOllovOIlho t28,OOO budgol roquoSIIOI SOnlOl CanlOr upandod parking. Mallosa Avenua BlldQa RoDllcllmonl . 01011 323 Alklll.I nolod lhallllll plO/OCI may be changod 10 FY94 becauso lodoral old may be avallablo. Ho nOlod lharo Is 0 dlspulO over blldgo dolion ond Councllmombers will rocolvo Inlolmol/on rogordlng IIll. plO!OCI lalor. CIvic ConI or North Coulllnd Ellllllna . 0100 32.3 AIkin. nOlod lhal ronov'llon I. conllnulng. Including ovldonco room, lockor room, oonolll rohabllllollon, ond ADA wO/k. !lcolI Road e~lk Oeveloomont . ciao 32~ AIkins nOlld Ihaladdlllonolsoccor 1I0ldl will be buill. Counnoy lIalod Ihal parking nood.IO be oddrouod. Bonlon Sileo I Blldoo Plrk and Iowa Rlvor T,all. 0100 32~ AIkins .Iolod lhal porkland acqulslllon. .10 propOlod 10 bo usod 101 lho Benlon 511001 park plO!OCI. Council roquo.tod lhat Parkland ROcIOlllon Commission momborl bo pro.onlal Council'. FObruary 3 work 1m/on. Council dl.cussod Ula 01 palkland acqulslllon lund.. CouncllmombollaOlOad Ihal rOllllocallon ollho hOlol/molollax nood. 10 bo .chodulod lor discussion. , Cemalerv ROlds OverllY . olnl 3U AIkins nOlod Ihlllho Clly conllnuOSlo fund projacl' In Iha coma lory. OIffp . ....- ' -',~ I,:: _ . 8 Oenelnl. Budael Dl!cuulon Kubby ral.od coneorns oboullhe nood fOl .n oddlllOll4I ono1ooollno oldo. Alkln..lolOd Ihll .1." hal dllcuSlod 0 ulilily p1oMOr/onglooor1no posiUon 1011I111 with I.yfng oul wotor ond .owor ISluo. .nd lho ovort.y lonIng. AlkJnI nOlod lhal Clly Englooor FolIO will prosonl InlOlm'llon 10 Council rogordlng Incl"'o 01 flOl. Regerdlng parks, Kubby .sked the City 10 budgll moro park prodUCI. m.do Irom rocyclod mOlorlol., Kubby commonlod eboullhe IrenlllllVY. Kubby Inqulrod eboullho nlod 101 0 houllng .poclolIsl, Aikin. nOlod lhallllll wlllOllond · HUD homo program prolonlollon on Wodooadoy .nd slolod Ihoro noodslo bo dlacuulon on houllng InlllollvOl. HOIowllz ukod II Council I. golno 10 dIICU.I lhe s.IOI lOX. Alklnl III10d lhalll Council wllnll 10 dllCulS Iho .0101 lax, ho ooodl 10 prOPlI1I updllled Inlormollon. COU/Inoy proposod lIulomoUno Councllltvough lho UIO 01 compulora. Council dlloClOd .1011 10 proparo II budgollhol would oqulp Councllmlmboll with loplop compulor, modlm .nd pllnler. Courtnoy Inqulrod eboullnclooslng Clly Councll'lIlorIOl. Councllmembor. did nOlsupporl Incrooslng Councll.olorlo.. Councllmomboll dllCullod Iho nood lor achodullng oddlllonal budgol 'Olllon.. Council egrood 10 moo I III 8:30 p.m. on Foblulry 4 pllor 10 Ihlllormol moollng. MooUng adjournod III 9: 15 p.m. clfl1llbdgl.27.mIn . J .\ ! J.ffp . 1- ,'-. - - - MINUTES tUIGHBORHOOD OPEN SPACE PLAN COMMmEE NOVEMBER 25, 111111 .7:00 P.M. ROBERT A. LEE COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER MEmNG ROOM B MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Ann Bovblorg, Co.oy Cook, Koran Hrodok, John Watson Tom SCOll, Dorvt Honry Moon, Truoblood, Noll C&-l TO ORDER: l WIl.on c.llod tho mooting to ordor at 7:08 p.m. i i t J f m , r ~f I \ \ 'pNSIDERATION O~ THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 21. 1991. MEETING: Thoro woro no commonll. WSCUSSION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD OPEN SPACE PLAN: Moon lOvllwod tho tlxt provision. which Includod I chlngl on pogo 50 to rolloct tho commlttoo'. do.lrl not to n.t goal. and obloctlv.., but, Instoad, to uso . norrollvl lormot, Sho notld that tho third paragraph on pogl 8 I IXploln. that 11178 WII tho flrat tlmo nolghborhood planning wllloOkld .t comprlhonslvoly .nd cllrlllld th.t thl propo.ol. wlro novlr .doptld with tho 11183 Comprohon.lvo PIon UpdOtl, but thl 1985 Nolghborhood Opon SplCO PIon wlllncorporltod Into tho t989 Comprohonslvo Pl.n UpdOtl. (Hrldok .rrlvod It 7: I 0 p.m.1 Hrodok .tllld that tho City Council took thl 1985 Nolghborhood Opon SpOCI PIon undor odvlsomlnt, but nlvor olllclally adoptod tho plan. \Bovbllrg arrived at 7:11 p.m.l Moen notod that on pogo 82, tho revision spoclllu that Implomontotlon should provldo bOlh pos.lvo and activo rocreotlon space lor tho City rothor than providing opon .paco on a district basis. She Indlcatod that Karin Franklin, the Director 01 tho Planning Dopartment, 1001. thDt Ihls statomants changll thalocu. away Irom nolghborhoods. Cook rospondad that a moro comprohlnslvo wording Is approprlatl. Thoro wos a consansus of tho Committal to chango Iho wording on page 52 Irom 'octlvl and passlvo rocraatlon lor tho City' to 'activo and passlvo rocreotlon lor nolghborhood opan space noods'. Cook Ixplalnod that hI wanllto avoid being too IXpanslvo while preserving 1I0xlblllty II to how 'Iosln 1I0u olara.pent. Ho Slid Incorporating subdistricts would glvo this type olllexlbillty. Moen rovlewod tho slto soloctlon crltorlon '3,and Inquired wholhor eliminating tho ono.founh to ono.hall mllo dlstanco roqulrement would diminish tho concoptthat tho perkS within a subdivision should be within walking distance. Sho sold wllhoutlho dlllanco loqulroment, I . ;)~ . . - - .&.' . I U t:' I t: ':: . Nolghbolhood Opon Spoco Plan Commllloo Novombor 25. 1991 Pogo 2 tho pork nood con bo lochnlcolly sallsliod, but nOl nocomrily whhln 0 nolghborhood. Sho Indlcalod lhol Flonklln olso has concorns logardlng dolotlng lho roqullomonlthot opon spa co bo con I rally localod. Bovbjolg sUOQoslod tho Ollglnollanguago bo rotolnod and lhotll bo spoclflod lhal gonorally porks should bo controlly locatod. Cook said ho would bG 1m concornod with lho dlstanco In 10w.donsllY nolghborhoods. Ho said ho would prolor 10 hovo tho roloronco to dlslonco bo oxcludod, bul ho would undorstond II olhors do nOl shira his concorns. In responso to I roquosl Irom Watson, Moon revlowod tho alOlS 01 lho city where Sloll expoct. prusuloS lor annexation. Thoro was an agloomonlthallhore should ba . fourth district to addloss lho undavalopod aloos oulsldo ollha City. Bovbjorg .ald lhotln the .outhooslern part 01 tho Clly she would IIko to soe 'roquonl pockot parks. Cook said thl.l. tho aroe where thoro should bo condomnallon 'or lho Installallon olsowor IInas and lho City could requost ommenlS to allow lor both pmlve and/or ectlve IOcloollon space. Moon nOlad thatlho sewolllnos ollen follow drelnage weys and would not always be usable by 0 property owner so lhls Idoa mey not bo objecllonable. WelSon esked If annaxatlon Is ox pac led In the northorn port ollha City. Moon respondod lhat River Halghts may bo Intorested In annoxlng to Iowa City, but thoro Is no rool noed lor lho Clly It this tlmo to annolC this eroo. Sho .tressad lhlllho north sewer plant Is luncllonlng at or over capacllY. Sho oxplalned that ovanlually both tho north and south sawor planls will naad to be connected to ona enolher. Cook .ald thltlhls would glva the opportunity for an expandod troll system. Moen reported that In 1979, lhe Rlverlront Commission adopled lhe Iowa River Bullor and Troll Plan which addrmod thelssuo 01 bikeways, trolls ond grOIn bells. Sho asked litho Commlllee folt 0 IOctlon of lho neighborhood opon .poco pIon .hould bo dedlcatod to thoso Issues. Wotson ro.ponded thaI tho lrolls and greonbells could be . IOperate plan. He notod that having parks In a cenlral locallon may not be conslslont with locating perks elong sower oasements. Ho suggesled thot on pogo 49 thoro could ba a clorlllcatJon Ihat trolls and groonbolls will bo oddressod whenover. posslblo. Moon suggestod that tho plan antlclpolo lho proforrod loco lions lor nolghborhood opon spoco, but not nocossorlly graonbolt ond lrolllocatlons. Cook sold lhatll dovelopors will bo glvon credit lor greonbells ond trolls agalnstlhe open spaco requlremont, than Ihls Issualslntegrol to the opon space plan. Ho said ho vlows tho opon space pIon os what dovelopors In lha community can bo sold on ond whollhe Clly can jusllllably taka Irom proporty ownor.. Watson ox prossed 0 concorn Wllh lrylng to comblno lwo dllloronl subjoclS. Ho said ho leols tho purpose 01 tho nelohborhood opon spa co plan Is to Idonllly whatlho City has In terms 01 opon spaco and what Is noeded to lry 10 mako up lor the de licit. Ho stressod that he doos not want to count glOon spaco In tho lormulo until dovalopmont occurs. Cook sold ho leels thero Is only leverage lilt Is alroady Includod In lho pion boloro dovolopment occurs. Bovb)org nOlod lhat genorally spocllylng locations ahoad of tlmo has value bocause It elorts proporty owners to whettha Clly Islnlondlng. Walson sold ho doosn't have a problem with specifying soma locallons, but ho doos havo 0 problom with crodltlng 0 narrow OISomenttowords nolghborhood open spaco IOqulromonl. Moen suggostod dOlormlnlng whatlocallons ond dlslrlcts would bo approprlolo for parks. ;(l7 I . . - - " J f I I~' . I t ~ . NolghbOlhood Open Speco Plen CommlllGG Novomber 25. 1991 P.go 3 Cook ..Id 11Il1I. oltholut mooting. tho Commit"o eoraad 10 ellow .omo cradil lor groonbolls ond tr.i1.lnd liked If Wotson dlllgr... wilh INs conca Pt. Moan luggOllod Itrlvlng lor bOlh typo. 01 parklond. Bovblorg sold tNltho type 01 perklend will dopond on tho topogrephy 01 tho lond .nd thoro will nood to bo somo 1I0xlblllty. Hradok sugooslod thot on tho rlr.t pego In tho monel parogroph th.ttho third lino bo clerlliod to note thai opon .poco con Includo groenbell.. Thoro w... conlOn.us 10 ollmlnolo the p1ue.e "linking perks" Irom tho middle oflho third parogroph on pogo I. Truoblood nOlod \hit on pago &3, thosll' uloctlon crllorlo olreody glvo rolorenco 10 Iho Idoo thot greonbells m.y bo consldorod In dOlermlnlng If tho opon .poce roqulremonl hos boon 1I11.ned. Ho s.'d dlscrotlon Ihould be u.od 10 ovaluolothe donsity 01 0 given nolghborhood. Ho IIld II I. nocOllory 10 docldo If groonbolls con bo usod to lullill the opon spece roqulromont. WOI.on uld ho doesn'l havo a problom In orllS whoro tN. would bo opproprloto, bUI he dou nOI wonl graonbolls 10 bo roqulrod. Cook leld Ihot ho lools Ihotll should bo oxpllcllln Iho pion whore groonboll.ahould bolaeslod and INs was Iho raason ho lolnod tho Commlttoo. Wotson speclfiod that \ho Pork.ond Rocraollon CommissIon Is looking lor guldollnos to uso, ospoclally lor dovoloplng orm. Ho .ald thai whilo ho doe. not want to doloy \ho prOCOII, It might bo proforoblo to havo two porollol plans. Bovblorg .old that sho doOl notseo Why Iho two lasuOl caMot bo treotod uporatoly. Cook sold Ihot otlho last mooting It.oomod to him thotll was agrood to pormlt part 01 tho opon .paco raqulromontto bo mot with groonbolts. H. .totod ho 1001. groonbolllllo Intogrolln tho formula and must bo prOlOntod as an Intogralod solution. Bovbjorg IOld aho soos no roOlon to roqulro that a portion of Iho opon .paco bo In tho lorm of 0 groonbolt. She strOlled that each ere a .hould be consldored Indopendonlly with a IIexlblo 100mula. Moon notod that tho plan .poclnOlthatthore .hould bo threo ocru 01 open sp.co lor ovory 1,000 pooplo. Sho .ald tllo plan dOli not dllcu,s tho charactor 01 the spoco and It could be .mended to eddrOls groenbolt.. She .ugoestod ono possibility Is that thoro could bo a mInimum slzo lor park. with tho chsractor 01 tho oxcoss open spoco roqulromonl to bo IIoxlblo. Sho omphaslzod thetln .omo dovoloplng oreu, a portion 01 tho lond Ihattho City rocelvos Irom developer. might nol be dOllrablo lor ectlvo opon spaco. Sho sold tho Commlllee could Idenllfy arm within each dlltrlctlhat might bo approprlato lor a park and loos could bo collocted Irom olher developo,. In Iho araa to lund tho IUluro acqul.lllon 01 parkland In tho epproprlolo location. Hradok said .ho dOli notllko tho Idoa 01 Iho Clly taklno loltovers Irom dovolopor.. Moon sold lull crodlt would not noed to bo glvon 10 1011 doslroblo eroos. Cook sold ho lools therols a nood to bo ablo to accommodalo alltypu 01 posslvo and activo rocroatlon. Cook sold that ar... with topographlcel problems tond 10 havo e lowor donslty so In Ihuo arelS II mloht bo approprlato to glvo dovolopors a hlghor crodlllor oroonbolls. He suooostod ono alternollvo would bo 10 requlro a groolor area 01 opon spaco In tho so oroos whllo 0110 wino 0 groolor perconlogo 01 this oroo to bo 0 groonboll. WOlSon notod Ihot evon In loroo 101 subdivisions. pooplo still roqulro Groos for oCllvo recreetlon. Ho strossod IhOI with 10 roo lots. tho opon spoco Is nOI public and doo.n't mool o1i7 . t'- t'" - - - Ilelghbolhood Open SplCO Plan Commlneo November 25, lOOt Pogo 4 llIAny neod. 01 tho communllY. Moen uld thlllloxlbllity Is noeded 10 allow 100lccommodo. lion 01 what I. unlquo Iboul 0 pOlllcular dovelopmenl. Sho .old lhal, whllo credit I. curronlly given lor .chools and Oxlsllng pork., thI.l. open .poco 01 0 known caliber whllo propoaod Groen .pacols.tlU.n unknown. Cook suggosled spoclfylng lhat glOenbell. mull link school. .nd/Ol plrkl.nd thI. would DOIlltho dedlcotlon 01 unusoblo land. Moen .old sho would pro fer to have I trln .y.lom In .ddltlon 10 Olhor Iype. 01 rocrOltlOlllI.poco II tho trill could be crol"d InYWlY. Cook .ald thlt credit could bo glvon to grunbelt. II thoro Is . lolld dofinltlon 01 groonbelt thatlnclud,e.. linkage to outaldo 01 tho dovelopmonl. Wlt.on quostlonod II nolghbOlhood open .poco noods could be mot by 1 greenbell. Bovblorg notod !hit tho .mount 01 IC~VO .poco neoded will vary Irom oroo to IrOl and uld Iho loela there ahould be 1I0xlblllty In tho guldollnes. BovbJorg .old that It would bo holplulto hovo Inlormotlon on whll opon .poco cUllonlly OXlllS end whll arm could bo developod. Thoro was 0 con.onsusthll boloro oddrosslng Iho 100mula. Iho CommlllOo .hould rovlow exl'llng parks In Iho CllY. Thoro wa. a conlonlus lhat on pago 49 In lho Ihlrd plregroph, lho lorm 'pollclos' ahould be chlnged 10 'guldellno.' rogordlng lIall.nd groonboll devolopment. a1SCUSSION OF FUTURE MEETING OATES: Thoro will conlon.us 10 mool on January 27, t092. bDJOURNMENT: Tho mOollng WII odJournod 119:18 p.m. MlnutOl .ubmlnod by Mary Jo Noll. ... J ~ ' till.n.n"", 'ii' I \ i rJg7 , J LI t:' 'I ':: ..; , RErt''':~.'''! l' State Historical Society of Iowa Till! I lis ILl/kill OI\'lslllll of Ihl! lNp.lIlrlll"lltof ClIlIlIrlll MflllN ....Irr.~ JlnllJl'7 14, 1992 (lA. ":'I -f'7 e., /1 'i11,'K If) Th. Honorlbl. Dlrr.l Courtn.y 410 I. W'lhlft9ton low. Clty, IA 12240 ~., 10.. NJJJ, JIIJ I. D.v.nport, love eJe" JoAn,on Coune, D.ar ""yor COurtn.y. w. Ir. pl.I.1d to lnfor. you th.t the .bov. na.td proparty, which I. locltld within rour ~nlty, will be con.ld.rld by the 'tlt. Hltlon.l "191.t,r HODlnltlonl COIaltt.. for IIOIln.tlon to the Hltlon.l "'91.t.r of Hl.torlo .1.0.. on r.bru.ry 20, 1992. Th. N.tlon.l ~I.t.r 1. the rld.rll oov.rllllnt'. offlol.l ll.t of hl.torlo propartl.. worthy of pr...rv.tlon. LI.tlll9 ln the Nltlon.l R'91.t.r provld.. r,c09nltlon .nd ...l.t. In pr'..rvlft9 our Nltlon'. h.rlt.v" Inolo.1d 1. . copy of the orlt.rl. und.r whloh prepartl.. Ir. IVllu.tld. Ll.tlll9 ln the H.tlon.l "'91.t.r provld.. the followlll9 ben.flt. to hl.torlo propartl." --COn.ld.rltlon ln thl pllnnlll9 for rld.r.l, fld.r.lly llc.nlld, Ind fld.r.lly ...I.tld pro'.ot.. '.otlon 101 of the Hltlon.l HI.torlo 'r'..rvltlon Aot of 19&1 raqulr.. rld.r.l Iv.nol.. Illow th. Ad.I.ory COunoll on Hl.torlo .r...r'ltlon In opportunity to coaaant on pro"ct. Iff,otlnQ hl.torlo propartl.. ll'tld In the Nltlon.l "'91.t.r. ror furth.r lnforattlon pl.... r,f.r to 31 crR '00. --IlIVlblUtr for rld.ral tax ben.Uta. If I proparty 11 lllt.d In the Hltlon.l "'9 .t.r, c.rtlln rld.r.l tax provl.lon. Ity .pply. Th. T.. ".forl Act of 1915 r.vl... the hlltorlo pr'l.rv.tlon tl. Inc.ntlv.. .lIthorl.ad by Convr... ln the Tax ",for. Act of 1971, the "...nu. Act of 1971, the TII Tr..tltnt Ixt.n.lon Act of 1910, the IconODlo ".cov.ry Tax Aot 01 19S1, .nd Tax ",fOri Aot at 1914, Ind I' of Jlnll.ry I, 1917, provld.. for I 20 paro.nt Inv..c..nt t.. or.dlt with I filii .d,u.c..nt to bill. for r.hlbllltltlnv hl.torlo o....rol.l, Indu.trl.l, .nd r.nt.l r,.ld.ntl.l bulldlnv.. Th. fOfllr IS parc.nt .nd 20 parc.nt Inv..c..nt Tax Credlt. CITC. for r'h.blllt.tlon. of old.r o....rol.l bulldlll9' .r. ooabln.d lnto . .Invl. 10 r.rc.nt ITC for c....rol.l or Indultrl.l blllldlng. bllllt b,for. 193. Thl. c.n b, oOlbln.d wlth I 11.r'lr OOlt r,cov.ry parlod for the .d'u.t.d bl.l. of th. blllldlnv. C.rt fl.d .truotur.. with c.rtltlld r.h.blllt.tlon. r,o.lv. .ddltlon.l t.. ..vlnv. baC.III. own.r. .r. Illowed to r.dllo. the b..I. by on. h.lf th. IIOlInt of the or.dlt. ITh. T.. Tr..tllnt c.rtifl.d .truotllr.. wlth c.rtifi.d r.habilit.tion. r.c.iv.d Idditlon.l t.. ..vinv. b.clu.. own.r. .r. .llowed to r.duc. the b..i. by on. h.lf the IIOlInt of the or.dlt.1 Th. TI. Tr..taint Ixt.n.lon Aot of 1910 provid.. r.d.r.l t.. d.duotlon. for oh.ritlbl. oontrlbutlon. for oon..rv.tion purpo... of plrtl.l Int.r..t. in hlltorio.lly '-port.nt l.nd .r'I' or .truotur... ror furth.r Infol'lllltion pi.... raflr to 31 crR 17. ..Con.ld,r.tlon of hl.torlo v.lu.. In the d.ol.lon to I..u. I .urf.c. co.1 Ilnlnv plrmlt wh.r. COil I, 100It.d, In Iccord with the 'urflc, 0402 lU\",I ^v~nu~ luwa CHy, luwa 52240 (319) 335.3916 1iJ"C"I'Hul Cllml'l~, 0.'1 Muln,'" IUW.l 5OJI9 (515) 2HI.5111 o Munl.1U~ Ikl\ J72 CI~rmonl. luwa 52135 (319) 42,).7173 ;2f8 . . ~ - ~..- --- fl c' I t: - . ,.;. 2 Hlnln; .nd COntrol Act ot 1977. ror rurth.r Inroraatlon pl.... r.r.r to ~O CrR700 .t .tq. --Qu.llflc.tlon for rad.r.l vr.nt. ror hl.torlo pr.l.rYatlon wh.n rund. art IY.U.bl.. Ownar. of prlv.t. propertl.. ROIln.tad to the Natlon.l RIOI.t.r of Hl.torlo 'lIc.. lilY. .n opportunity to conCllr In or obj.ct to Ihtl"9 In .ccord with tll. ..tlonal HI.torlo 'rlllrY.tlon Rot .nd ~6 CrR 60. Any ovnlr or partial OlIller of print. property who chao... to ob'.ot to UIUII9 I. rlqIIlrad to .ubllt to tha .t.t. Hl.torlo 'r"'rY.tlon Otflc.r . not.rlled .t.t...nt c.rtuJlnv that the party l. the .01. or parUal OI/1\er of the prlvatt property and ob .ot. to tll. ll.tln;. Ilcll 01/1\,1' or partl.l 01/1\,1' of prl..t. property hit on. vot. r.v.rdh.. ot wll.t part of tll. property that rrty 01/1\,. It a aajorlty of prlv.t. property own.r. obj.ot, a propertr wll not be ll.t.d, howtYlr, tll. .tItI Hl,,"orlo ""'rY.tlon OUlcer .h41 .ubalt the ROIlnatlon to the X..per of tll. Natlonal R'9l.t.r for a d.t'r8ln.tlon or the .llVlblllty of the property for ll.tln; In the N.tlon.l R,vl.t.r. If tll. propertr l. tllln d.t.ralned .IIVlbl. for lilt In;, althou;h not fOnalllr ll.ted. r.d.r. .v.nol.. will be required to allow the Advl.ory COuno 1 ~n Hl.torlo 'r...rv.tlon .n opportunltr to c....nt befor. the .;.noy ..y fund, llc.n.., or ...ht a proj.ot whlch vU arr.ot the property. TII. .tat. NOIln.tlon R.vlav COIDltt.. will r.vlew thl. property ror po..lbl. nOlln.tlon to the N.tlonal Revllt.r on r.bru.ry 20. 19'2. Th. ...tlnv will t.k. plac. at tll. 0.1 Kolnll Clty COunoll Chaabtr., 400 I. l.t, D.. Noln.., low.. A ...tlnv .;.nda I. .nolo.ed. It rou whll to c_nt on wh.ther the property .hould be nOlln.tld to the Nat on.l Rtvl.t.r, pl.... ..nd your c_nt. to thl. orflc.. C....nt. .u.t be r.c.lved prior to the .ell.dul.d ...tln; d.t.. 'hould you II... .ny qu..tlon. .bout the N.tlen.l R.;I.t.r of Hlltorlo 'l.c.., or .bout thl. nOlln.tlon In partICII1.r, pl.... f.. 1 fr.. to cont.ot .. at the HI.torlc.l Bulldln;. SOO Loou.t, D.. Noln.., low., S0319 - ISlSI2al-43SI. ~Inctr'b )-- . I. Ja ob..n, Chl.f r..u of H torlo Prl.lrYltlon JJ/U Inolo.ur.. I ,\ ;(f8 , I J d I (: I . State Historical Society of Iowa Thl! Hlsloric~1 Division of thl! OI!parlmcnt of Cultur~1 t\ff~lrs AGENDA, ARST QUARTERLY MEETING STATE NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20, 1992 DES MOINES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WoIcomIlo lNIrnotItlQ 0/ \hi SIIle NIllonII RogIsIlf Nom/nIllona R.ww CorM'otI... 1/ you lit repmerOlo e pIIIIcUIt IlOI1'ftItd prcpIIl'f, pi.... belllllo slgn 0It ~ ~tt. You may, I you wtIh, requMt 10 spoak In Iavot 0/ Olin oppotlIon 10 \hot nomInalJon. You ean &mpIy be mllblelO WWIf Il'f'/ Comml\OI quntIonIl you wIaIIto do 10. RelnI\lmIICI VII be mIabI.1or II Ydlo eaend ~.. moeIIlgl. Slid" III usod 10 boIIlf aid 1hI ~ In IcIo\Wlg ConvnlIII procoedIngI. Each klcIMdual nomInAlIon UIUIIIy Wi" from Mlln riUtllo hIM 11\ hair lor III conaIdlllllon. ".. CommkltI CII\ dtlennN 10 nominal" 10 dolor /IdQImIIC 0110 rofoct Il'f'/ pIIIIcUIt nom/nIIIon. AcctpIod nomInIIIonIlIt loIwIIdod lor Natlonal Pille 8tMcI rMw and IIIIklg on \hi NaIIonII RlQIIlor 0/ HIstoIIc PIo* OLD BUSINESS 9:30. 9:40 a Minutes/Announcements 1M ConvnIttee will vole' on whethel to eccept tho mlnutes from the Novembor 14, 1991 moetlng. Na~onaI Register Updates (see list In packet) 9:40 . 10:20 a Retreat DIscussion NEW BUSINESS 10:20 . 11:00 a Ashby Manor Hlstorlc Dlstrlct, Des Moines, Polk County Plesontod by Consultant Davfd Arbogast 11:00 .11:20 a Rose Hili, Iowa City, Johnson County Plesonlod by Consultant Jan Nash 11:20 . 11:40 a SL Patrick's Roman Cathollo Church (GooIgolown), A1bla Vlo., Monroa County Plesonled by Brian Schultes, Consultant CI m IOWA Avenue lowI ClIy! IOWA 51240 (319) 33S;3916 CI Capitol Comp'lex 01:1 Moines. Iowa 50319 (515) 281.511I CI Montauk Dox 371 Clermont. IOWA 52135 (319) ~23.7173 :2K~ ..".,.".....,- "., .~, ,,,,.,,,.,..;._...c.,. . ,- I,~ - - -... .2. 11:40 .12:00 I St. paltlck'. Catholic CImh (Cedar), Cludan Vlc., Greeno CMIy Presented by Joan Nugent, AuIhOt 12.'0'). 1:00 LUNCH 1:00. ? CLG Gtant Re't'lews AdIoum t9.K~ ; J .\ i , , , I \ I I , , I I I ! I I i I I i I \ , . H J [/ d I I~ . CRITERIA rOR EVALUATION Th. tollovlnq crlt.rll Ir. d..19nod to 9uldo tho Stlt.., r.d.rol Ig.ncl.., Ind tho '.cr.tlry ot tho Int.rlor In Qyoluotln9 pot.ntlll ontrl.. loth.r thin Ir.o. ot tho Notlonll Plrk Sy.t.~ Ind nltlonal hl.torlc Ilnd14rk.) tor tho Nltlonll R091.t.r. Th. qUlllty ot .19nltlclnc. In AI.rlcln hl.tory, Irchltoctur., Irchoolovy Ind cultur. 1. pro.ont In dl.trlct., .It.., bulldln9" .tructur.., Ind objoct. that po..... IntoQrlty ot location, d..1Vn, ..ttlng, IIt.rlal., vorklln.hlp, t..llng, and a..oclatlon, Ind, A. Thlt Ir. II.oclltod with .v.ntl thlt hovo lid. a .19nltlclnt contribution to tho broad pottorn. of our hlltorYI or D. Thlt Ir. ..lOclltad with tho Ilv.. ot por.on. .19nltlcant In our po.tl or C. That ..body tho dl.tlnctlvo charlct.rl.tlc. of a typ., porlod, or ..thod of con.tructlon, or that r.pr..ont tho work of a lA.t.r, or that po..... h19h artl.tlc valu.., or that r.pr...nt a .19n1flcant Ind dl.tln9ul.habl. .ntlty who.. cOlpan.nt. 14Y lick Individual dl.tlnctlonl or D. That hlv, y1.ldtd, or lAY b. llk.ly to yl.ld, Infor14tlon Ilportant ln pr.hl.tory or hl.tory. Ord1nlrlly, cOI.t.rl.., b1rthpllc,., or 9ray.. of h1.torlcal t19uro., proportl.. own.d by r.11910u. In.tltutlon. or u..d for r.l1g1ou. purpo..., .tructuro. that hay. bo.n lov.d fro~ their orlg1nal locltlon., r.con.tructod hl.torlc bulldlng., propertl.. prll1rlly co..olorltlvo 1n natur., and propertle. that hay. achl.v.d .lgn1t1canco wlthln tho pa.t 50 year. .ha11 not be con.ld.red .11glblo tor tho natlona1 Rogl.ter, If your no.lnatlon lnvolve. one of th..o cate9orle., plea.o antlclpate that we wl11 requo.t Iddltlona1 .upportlvo doculontatlon, Thl. IntorlOtlon wl11 h.lp u. doter.lne that tho propertr 1. -.xc.ptlona11y .19nltlclnt-. Howover, .uch propert .. ~lght qUallfr It thoy 4ro lnt'Qral part. of dl.trlct. that do leet tho crlt.r a, or lt thoy tall wlthln the fo11owlng categorle., A. A rel1910u. property derlvln9 prlllry .lgnlflcance frol archltoctural or artl.tlc dlltlnctlon of hl.torlc llportancel or D. A building or .tructure removed from Itl or191na1 location but wh1ch 1. .19nlflcant prlllrlly for arch1tectura1 value, or which 11 tho lurvlving Itruoturo 10.t importantly alloclatod with a hi.torlc perlon or eventl or C. A birthplace or grave of a hlltorica1 figure of outltanding Importanco it thoro II no othor appropriate .ite or building directly a..cciated with hi. productivo 1ifel or O<.fr I . " ~ J U d I ~ - . \ A eo.otory whlch dorlvo. It. pri..ry .i9nlfie.ne. fro. gravo. of per.on. of tran.eondont i.port.ne., fro. a90, for. di.tinctiv. d..19n fOlturo., or fro. a..oeiltion with hi.torie .v.nt., or A recon.truetod building whon Iceur.t.ly ox.cutod in a .uit.bl. .nviron.ont Ind pro.onted ln I dignifiod .annor I' part of ro.torltion ...t.r plan, and wh.n no othor building or .tructur. with tho .a.. ...oelatlon ha. .urviv.d, or A prop.rty prl11rl1r eoa.olOrativ. ln lntont lf d..19n, a9" tradit on, or .y.bolie valuo ha. lnvo.tod lt wlth It. own hl.torie.l .i9nlflelOOo, or A property achlevlng .1gnlfleanc. wlthln the pa.t 50 yaar. lf it i. of oxcaptlonal 1.portanet. Iowa Dapartmont of Cultural Aff.lr. Stato Hl.torleal Socitty Bureau of Hi.torle pro..rvatlon 600 Bllt tocUIt Do. Holn.., IA 50319 D. B. r. a. Staff Contactl Ll.a Llnhart, Natlonal R~gl.t.r Coordlnator (515) 281-4137 :El(j . U d I - ' . RECElVEDJ,~:1 27 .. ,. , ._1. ,,: , ,"~!! .... V1SmNG NURSE A5S00AnON - Jlnulry 24, 1992 I ! j aud Godl, Chllraan .anlor Clntlr COIDllllon .anlor Canter 21 louth Linn lowI City, lowI 12240 ~I DAlr Iud. on blhllf of thl 10lrd of Dlrlctorl of tha VIIITING NUAS. ASSOCIATION, I wllh to lnfora tha 'Inlor Cantlr Conallllon of our lntant to trlnlfar Idllnlltrltlva ralponllblllty of tha Adult DIY progr.. to the Johnlon county Dapartltnt of Public Hallth. Thll trlnlfar will b. .ffactlv. on April I, un. Th. DIY progr.. will contlnu. to ba ..nlvad by the vary clplbl. Dor..n Monltto Hlday. With ptrallllon of the cOIDllllon Ind tha City of lowI City, tha DIY progras will continua to bl houlld It tha .anlor C.ntar. Tha Adult DIY Progr.. hll b.ln plrt of tha VNA Ilnc. Jlnulry, 1911. Dalplt. the flct tha VNA Ind tha OIY progr.. war. I Vood '.Itch' for the cll.nt and tha cOlDunlty, "adlclca r.qulltlonl, to which VNA .Ult adhar., forcad the DIY progr.. to Iblorb In unaqull Ihlra of VNA'a Idmlnlltrltlvt COltl. Thll cralt.d hlVhlr COlt. for thl DIY progrlN which wlr. unjultlflad. ThuI, the callon for the trlnlfar from thl VNA to tha D,plrtment of Publlo Hallth II I .Itt.r of flnlnc.1 for the progc... I wllh to think the COIDllllon, tha City of lowl City, Ind a.tt. Hal111 for the opportunity to oparlt. the Oay ProgrlN It the C.ntar. It WII I Vood hOlt for VNA'I Adult DIY progr... I'. lur. It will contlnu. to ba I vood hOlt for the Daplrt.lnt of Publlo HIIlth'1 Adult DIY Program, Orlham Dlm.ron will b. In touch to dllcull lpaclflc. ra91rdlnv contrlctlnv for thl DIY progr"'1 IPIC'. .lncer.ly, 1'1 /..}< IA.. /.)J ROIIII. R. AOIO, AN, USN Ex.cutlv. Dlroctor CCI a.tt. H.1III 'tlphln Atklnl Cynthll Plnonl a.tty Ocklnfoll Graham Dam.ron R Mw. 485 H\\y. I We1I, Iowa City. Iowa 5Z246 1319) JJ7.96ll6 I Oo1SQ , ...... . . I _ _ , ~ - U I::' I " ~ c . CONTRACTORS' TOOL PO. BOX 31ce. 1430 WATERFRONT DRIVE IOWA CITY, rJ'!YA 522~~ FA)( Qle/351.mJ. PHONE (310/ 338.IIZI rJ'!'/A WATS 8OOom.3Z33 ~ ~~~ C? 0Ck If-than, 27, 1992 Ml\ll Yocum: I ,\ Perauadentto our agreement on April 2, 1991, the house 011610 . Walorflont was to bo logally moved or salvagod. Nine months have passed with nelthor one being dono, V/oaltlons from both Ihe clly and my Insurance carrIer have beon mounting. Both have been helplul as far as wOlklng thIs out with mo., . You are hereby notified that II the above addressed properly Is not '1) torn down, '2) looally moved, '3) repaIred to current city code, on or bofore March 1, 1992, I will be forced 10 remedy the sutuatlon mysell, It any funds would be modo on that remedy alter expenses, they would be turned over to you. , ' \ I beg you to gOlln tQuch wIth me at your ealllest convenIence," ~, '. Best Regards, J hn R, Rummelhart, Jr, lor Contractors' Tool & Supply . " ,I: ontractor.s ~~1 TOO~' TOOl.S 'OR AU. T/lAD!8 CARPENTRV. MASONnv. Pl.UUOI/lO. ELECTRICAl.. EXCAVATING . . , ~qo . .. I I~ ~ ~ - - -- L ct. \ C~ l. (;""'r' ~t.. ~S;U,\c.\?h\ ~\lt!.W) Iowr"C:+,\ ,D~ ~t.z'" J8,\M, ~9'Z. ~ ea'f1)d4 )\ ~\~h\\){'-> ~+. 4l,~_n\~,CiL-t\ GI,\ COlV\~'\ C \,).'" (~"'~fr $0 € Wasl~~h,,, :r~C,k\ I~ 'It:' VJ~\Il,~:t~ ~\\O.\\ Co.\c.e/"l\ I ~\.)C, c.~\\ (;t, Co...,t. \ ~ !>t ~ :t 0."" ~""rt.. ",\ ~\\ C4.~e.. (l\-.'(,re..1 {L\~ f",k",'Q slh<~h-o.\ ~l'\ '\-l.\e.. l..~'\C.O\'\ twe.l\~\c. "tC.I.\,~ y" ,,-\.rocJolol,t (\1',\ (ld,\i(j I..)O'St'.. ~ it\~ k"l \Cl"(,t~ \i,\e. {~Q.)/'" F~e~ I '\l~t ~\"\ \(),I'\Cv'\1:t t\~t ~ l~.i /'" %:e...ls. ~,Ji .\i....i ~/., (\C>j_"' 'e ""h, +'-l"\o.<+m~'''\S0,~ P'.,.la..~ 4~ekj VJ'\C~ IS 'o';"<xd.'\e. -+c, re'\..~\-Il\r~ .((...,,'hi>., ? . aq/ . ..... -..... - -' (::' I ~ I. I...... c.ual, \ IOWA:; BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Charles o. Duffy Slcpllen P. Lacllll P&lrlcla A. Meade Rlchard B. Mycn Deily Ockcnroh , , ' NOTICE OF SPECIAL HEETIn3 ArID IoIAlVER OF t10TIe~ TOIJohnaon County Auditor John.on County Adlinls\rltlon Duildinl lo~a City, IA 5::40 RlqUOlt il .Ide herowith Cor a ,pecial lootin, oC th~ Johnaon CountY DOlrd oC supcrvhon on Friday, January 31, 199:, at 9130 I... Cor tho purpo,' of ul:ins Iction rO;lrdinl I r..olution .ottin; library lundin,. . Thil .I.tins ~ill toko placo in tho Doord oC supervisora aeotin. roo II at 913 South Dubuque Streot , lewa City, lo~a. - 1.0 Q N : t,... 1- .1:.:' ~ .....-; ..: e;'J ~.: w .... -'~ Q .... ...,..~ .",... ~ .... ~I'I -I C:) .. :'4 ~. n:: N : '2:;; .:;. ..d:~ ~..J&.. D.ttY oeltOnColV' Supo viDor fill ~.J.oJj. ~ ~_._-_.. -. Chlrlol D. DulCY I:hoirporson ~ J" i},12.~:J1 to hon P. Lacina Suporvi.or fl,t.JJ.i.I~{L~ . Patricil A, Heade Supervisor 91HOUTII DUBUQUI! ST. P.O. BOX 1350 IOWA chv, IOWA mcc TilL: (lIP) 356-G000 PAX: (liP) 356.6016 . J ,I I I \ I , \ \ I i ! . i \ , I ~9~ . . .. ~._- J n ~ I _ J _ 1"'"" e..lI, \ IOWA ~ ..... ,I I BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chides D. Durry ~~~~: X:~: INFORMAL MEETING Richard B. Mycn DeilY Ockcn(cll Agenda 1, CaUto order 9:00 a.m, Februl1ty4, 1992 2. Review ohhc mInutes. 3. Business flom Marge Penney, Human ServIces Coordinator re: Human ServIces Agencies funding/discussion. 4. Buslnw from Bob Sounders re: Insurance audits/discussion. ..~. -.-_..------~---. 5,' Business from the Director of Ambulance, , a) Discussion re: Emergency Medical Services leglslallve Issues, b) Discussion rc: first half of FY '92 financlals. c) Othcr 6, Business flom the County Altorney. a) Report/dIscussion re: FY '92 budget amendment and FY '93 addendum, b) Bxecutlve Session re: stralegy for Ambulance Depallment collective bargaining/discussion. c) Other \0 .. N 7, Business (rom the noord of Supervisors, ;:) L. :-tc; ~.: ";j It;._ ."'-: .. (", "'" - . ... ~~. 1 0 a) Discussion ra: budgets. -.r:', '... . 'I ." b) Reports It It j:1 .. " - ,- -- 0'- N c) Olher .. ! :"'1 .. . , :;) 8. Discussion (rom tho public. 9. Recess, ~13 SOUllI DUUUQlIB ST. P,O. DOX I35U IOWA CITY,IOWA '2244 TEL: (m) 3$6.6000 PAX: (31~) 3'6.6086 $3 . !ii .... -_. ~-- - I (-/ ....1 I .... I I _ _ . - - ,\ i Olllet or 11IE IOWA CITY ASSI~OK JOIISSOS COU~'T\' ADMINISTRATIOS /IUILtlISG January 29, 1992 IlASI.IIUII\()S "-..."",, IIE.~SIS ILlLltNlIlGt IC"'II CANOL\'N /IUNKF. IC"', Door ConCoronco Board HOlborl Tho annual lootlnq oC tho Iowa City ConCoronco Board Cor tho conoldoratlon oC tho Iowa City Aoooooor'o FY 1993 budqot 10 ochodulod Cor Honday, Fobruary 3, 1992 at 6130 P.H, at tho Iowa City Clvlo Contor. Encloaod, 00 you lay rovlow tho InCor~tlon boCoro tho aootlnq, arOI 1. Tho ACJondn. 2, Tho Propoood Budqot. ~. Tho 1991 Annual Roport which lnoludos tho proqral dlvlolon otatolont, 4. A copy oC Fobruary 19, 1991 mlnutos. 5. Board oC Rovlow Appllcatlono. Ploaoo nota that tho amount to bo ralood by taxation Cor tho Assoeelont Exponoo Fund hao lnorooood ovor loot yoaro amount. Tho lnoroaoo conoloto OCI o. $9,390 Cor 0 5' lncroooo In BalarloB. b. $1,440 Inoroaoo In FICA ond IPERS. o. $6,500 Cor oooooomont rollo ond pootaCJo, o blonnlal nood. $17,330 Total Inoroaoo Tho only docroaoo thlo yoar Is $13,725 Cor tho lncroaoo In tho unonoumborod balanco. TaklnCJ thlo $13,725 Crom tho total Inoroaoo loavoo a not Inoroaoo oC $3,605. 913 SOU1'II DU/lUQUE STREET' rOST OFFICE /lOX 1350' IOWA CITY, IOWA 522401 TELEI'1I0NE: 319.356,6066 c2.?3 . CI c' I ~ . . "." Tho txpenao Fund lovy rato viII be docroaalng rrOD .20574 to .10804, a docroaao or 4' to covor tho noarly 1.5' Incroaao In tho a.ount ralaod by taxation. I aD 0100 lovyln~ Dora runda In tho Speclol Appralaora Fund to covor tho projoctod FY '93 aapplng coata. A larqo aharo or tho con to vlll occur durlno thin flrot rull yoar of produotlon, aODo or vhlch viII actually ba paid rrOD tho curront FY '92 budoot. Tho now conatructlon that will be toxod for tho rlrot tlao In FY '93 will produco approxlaotoly $6,900 for tho City Aaaoaaor AaaoaoDont Exponoo Fund vhlch la Doro than tho nat Incraaao roquoatod, and approxlDotoly $3,230 ror tho Special Appralooro Fund. If you havo any apoclflc quoatlonn or wloh to look at any of tho oupportlng docuDonto for thlo budgot, foal froo to call DO ot work at 356-6066 or at DY hOlo at 338-6176. Slncoroly, 4;(~ Dan L. IIudaon Iowa City Aoooaaor .,.....,-- . ~ J II I ~?3 , u ~ I : - , f'-':' ., January 30, 1992 '1'0 WlIOH IT HAY COIlCERIII Tho Iowa city Conforonco Doard viii aoot at 6130 P.H. on Honday, February 3, 1992 at tho Iova Cltr civic Contort Tho purpoao of tho aootlnq la to d Dcuaa tho Iowa City Aalollora' propoaod budqot for flncal yoar 1993. AGEIIDAI 1. Call aootln9 to ordor by tho Chalrporlon. -~~--. ~-.-;-~.. 2. Roll Call by taxln9 body. 3. Act on alnutol of Fobruary 19, 1991 Conforonco Doard aootlnq. 4. Aaaoaaor proaonta propoaod budqot. !i. Olacual propoaod budqot. 6. Happlnq - Aorlal Photo Contract 7. Conforonco Doard acta on propolcd budqot. 8. Sot dato for public hoarlnq. 9. Appointaont of Doard of Rovlow aoabor. 10. Appolntaont of Exoalnlnq Board aoabor. 11. othor buill nOlo. 11. Adjourn. Dan L. lIudson Clork, Conforonco Board -.",,-, ',", ~ ~ I ,\ ! ~'3 . . I U I~I I :: , .\ i ITEMIZED BUDGET - ASSESSHEIIT EXPENSE t'UllD ITEH NO L l:XP[tIDITURE JUL FY 93 SALARIES 31 city Assossor $ 44,950 $ 47,200 32 First Doputy 30,210 40,120 32 socond Doputy 35,960 37,760 35 Plat suporv1sor 26,880 28,220 35 Clork 20,440 22,530 Total SlIlllrios $166,440 $175,830 OTIIER EXPENDITURES -..7....---.._-~ .".._-.." 34 Board of Roviow $ 9,000 $ 9,000 36 Employor Shllrol FICA 13,420 14,140 37 Employor Shllrol IPERS 8,330 9,050 38 Hilollgo , Auto 1,600 1,600 39 Offico supplios, Post. , Tolo. 8,700 15,200 40 PUbliclltions, Subscr. , Duos 1,200 1,200 41 Bonds , Workmlln's Compo 1,800 1,800 42 Equipmont Hllintonllnco 200 200 43 Apprllislll Sorvico 400 400 44 Insuranco 28,000 28,000 45 continuing Educlltion 3,000 3,000 46 AppolIls to Court 25,000 25,000 47 Schools , Conforoncos 3,000 3,000 40 Logol 2,000 2,000 49 Unomploymont 2,000 2,000 50 Conforonco BOllrd 0 0 51 EXDmining Boord 30 30 52 Computor chllrga 8,800 0,000 Totlll othor Expondituros $116,400 $124,420 TOTAL BUDGET $202,920 $300,250 UNENCUHBERED BALANCE - 30,131 - 43,856 TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION $252,709 $256,394 rX93 '''',- ';""'- , . . . J LI c' I - . ,\ I DUDCltT - lIpr.cIAl. APPRAISERS rullD Hnpplll9 "V 1J2 I'V I}] S 197.107 S 2t'tl.Ol~ $ 197,107 $ 261,015 -122.107 S-I4I.01!1 $ 75,000 $ 120,000 $ 327,789 $ 376,394 TOTAl, UIIDlCUHDI:REO Mt.AIICR TO DC RAISED DY TAXATIOII ClRAIID TOTAL TO DC RAISED DY TAXATIOII HAXIHUH LCYY ALLOWED Hnxllua nnDonnaant oxponno Cund 1,294,645,363 X .00027 · $ 349,550 i I - I _ ~ ~.___.,._________m__ _ IPERS , FICA Fundn Unalploy.ont cOlponnntlon , Tort Llnblllty . 23,190 . 4.000 Hnxllua Cor nnllllllllllont oxpanllo Cund · $ 376,740 Hnxllua npoclnl npprnlnorn Cund 1,294,645,363 X .000405. S 524.330 Hnxlllua nllowod without stato approvnl · $ 901,070 Hnxlllua ollor9oncy Cund 1,294,64!i,363 X .00027 · S 349.550 (Which roqulroll Stnto Appanl Boord Approvnl) Hnxllua that could bo raluod by tnxntlon Cor ry '93 · $1,250,620 LCYIr.s MID RATCS SIIICE 1980 ^~8nQnt Exponna Fund spacial ^llllrolnar'R fund [J RCO I Yonr ""Qunt: I~vl(!d l,nvy Rlltn Amount. 1.nvlnd l.ovv Rnto 1979-80 $ 146,050 .26746 ------------- ...------ 1980-81 175,930 . 29!i93 --.-.-------- --------- 1981-82 184,145 .30001 $ 61,000 ,09592 1902-03 192,960 .20004 15,000 .02177 1983-04 201,186 .27000 98,060 .13000 1984-05 200,278 .22454 73,090 .00284 1905-06 181,950 .10905 --..-------.- -----..-- 1986-07 186,780 .17616 ----.-------- .-------- 1907-00 149,491 .13953 ---.---.----- -.------- 1900-09 218,823 . 19279 .-.----.-.--- ----.---- 1909-90 191,619 .16666 75,000 .06416 1990-91 234,390 .19490 45,000 .03743 1991-92 252,789 .20574 75,000 .06104 1992-93 256,394 .19804 120,000 ,09269 :2q:3 . '" ..-- rt e I' . CITY CO/lFERE/lCE BOAIID FEDRUARY 19, 1991 7105 P.H. in HlIyor John City Conforence Boardl FObrUllrr 19, 1991, tho Council Chll~bors lit tho Civ c Contor. HcDonald proaidinq. Iowa City Council Henborn prenent: ADbriaco, Courtnoy, 1I0rowitz, Kubby, LlIraon, HcDonald, 1I0vick. Johnson Countv Suparvlnorn Prenontl LlIoinll, Hyors. Ie School Bonrd Homborn ProDontl Halloy. Othorn Present: lIudaon, Atkina, Karr, Gontry, lIo111nq. tApa Rocorded: Rool 91-19, Sido 2, End-936. Clork lIudson statod thllt a quorulII waa prosont, tho School havinq only one ~olllbor proaont, will not havo voto rocordod. Tho County ~ovod to accopt tho minutos of tho last Conforonco Doard 1II00tin9, Fobruary 4, 1991, City socondod, and it was passod, 2/0. HarOr HcDonald doclarod tho public hoarinq opon. Thoro bo nq no cOlAont from tho public, tho public hoarinq was doclarod closod. Tha City 1II0vod to adopt tho prcposod budqot as publiahod in tho IowlI City Pross Citizon on Fobruary 7, 1991, it WIlS oocondod by tho County. Hoticn carriod unanimously, 2/0. Tho County lIIado 1II0tion to approvo apondinq frolll Spocilll Appraisors Dudqot for 1I0rial photo a with Iowa-Illinois Gas , Eloctric Co., for tho lIIappin9 pilot projoct with tho Johnscn Ccunty AUditcr and for tho IIIl1ppin9 consultant as soloctod by tho IIIl1ppin9 committoo. Tho Citr socondod and lIIotion carriod 2/0. Suporvisor Hyoro doscr bod tho noods to bo fundod by tho abovo motion. Thoro boinq no furthor businoos, it was movod by tho City, socondod by tho County, to IIdjourn lit 7113 P.H. Hotion cllrriod unanimously, 2/0. A'1/M-. Olin L. lIudson Clork, Iowll City Conforonco DOllrd ., t I II II , . ~93 . . .- t] c' I I~ , f' , . " IIAW THI CITY CONfIRINCI 'OARD IS CONSIDIRINO AN M'OINTMINT TO THE 'OUOIW/O IOARD: IOARD 0' AMlW . I _____m.1 OM YKI/lIY . ,,'ft. t_ JtlMllIY \, 1112. Otcllllbt, J\, 11.7 lilt Iht IMy 01 mtnIbtt. allht 80etd 01 Rt'IItw 10 tqUtlIIt HIH_I. by 11I11ng 0I1owtI1ng 1II,1ndMdv1l "1II111"nll 01 "II plopt/ty, IncWno now bulldlnal. pt/10Ml plopt/IV 01 moNol Ind ClHiII mod. by Iht 11111I011 10 Idd 10 Iht Hlmld 1011.11I'/ lUtbl, ploptrty v.IIIch IItI b..n amllIld by Iht ImuOl. MIIIIbt,. 011110 80etd 01 RIYiIw INlI be ,,,Id.nll 01 Iht IIlmot'o Jurlldlcllon. Thlllppolntmtrll wm be modi II IhI ,.bNwy " 1112, IMllino 01111. CIIV COIlltrtrlu 8oetd. 'trlOllllll..,,,11d In being COIllldtrld 10I1hI1 polldon lhould COIlIHllIIl CIIV CII'" a. 1110 CIvlo C.nl." 4\ 0 I. Wllhlnglon 1""1. Apple,don lonno .,oevll1eblo 110m 1110 CII""o allleo upon IIqUII~ ,....,._-.~, ,'...._",;.... I ) J ,\ i ~93 I - 1-'" ~ , J . err, 01 IOWA errr . AOVISOR' eOARO/CGHHIssrOH APPLICATION FORH Indhldu.h IIrtlll9 OIl eo.rdS/C~llSloIIS pl., .11 l~ort'lIt rol. III .dvlslng the Council OIl "lthrs 0' IlIt.r.1t to O1Ir C~lIlt"lId It I (utur.. APIIIIUIIU IlIII ''''d' III lOll. Clt,. Tn. CIty C01IlIcll .nnOullced Advisor, Iolrd/COInhlloll "ClnCI" 90 d'll prIor to tn. d.t. the .p~olnt"nt ~III be "d.. Thll plrlOd prOvld.1 (or. 30'd" .dv.rtlllng p.rlOd .nd · 6O'd.y t"'lIlnO perIOd 'or nfll ~erl. Tn. tr"nlll9 ptrlOd .110111 n'lIl1tlters to blCOllt '.all IIr IIlth th. rtspollllblllt III 'nd dut III 0' the 'dvlsor, bOlrd/colnllllon b"or. btc04Ilng . 'ull 'Ollllg ~tr. Alter · YICIIICI II" bt.lI.nn01lnCtd .nd th. 30'd.y 'd,erthlng perIOd h" '.plr'd, Chi COUIIC II r.y l'llt ." 'PIIllctt 10111 dur Ing th. IlIfor., I 1I0rt illS 1011. Th. 'PIIOllltlll.nt Is announC'd It th. 1I..t 'or." Council lIlt.tfllg. APPOlllttll IIr" II unp.ld vQlJlntttrs, Council pr".rl th.t ." 'PIIIIUllolIs -.,It be lublltttd to th. City Cllrt no IIt.r than 0/1, IIltt prIor to th. .nnounctd .ppolntlltnt dllts. PLEASE USE A BLACK IH~ PEN, - I j , I I I I i: i I I f f TlfIS APPLICArJOH IS A PuBLIC OOClllEHT AND AS SUCH CAN 8( RfPRODuCED AID OISTRUurEO FOR THE PUBLIC, THIS APPLlCArJON WILL 8( COHSIDERfD FOR 3 HOHrHS ONLr AHD AUrOl'rlllCALLY CONSIDERED FOR A/rf VACA/(Y DuRING THAr TIllE. '''r~" IOlRDlCQ/fIIlSlON "'" <>>0#0 of iLfJJ u 11"'.11". ~~. , IIAHE~/7iJ 4. IJI//lJ4IlF. HOllE ADDRESS.4111 hlJ,tI14lJ!. J)~,'v. II ''', '" "',," III i lid .bo" I "Ib', Ib, cor,~ ", ",'" .r I... C ",1 1 " OCCUPATlOH~ _ EHPLDYER . PHONE HUHBER: HOHt-1ll.:Js n ~ = BUSIHESS mER/ENCE AHlI/OR ACTlVIr/ES InIICH YOU FEEL OUAl.IFY YOU FOR TlflS FOmlOH: o. . '... .,:, WHAT CONrAleUrJONS DO YOU.FEEL YOU CAJ/ K4XE TO THIS ADVISORY BO~RD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPL Y1HG )1 ~ ~. - SpecifIc attell Ion ould be dIrected to pOlSlbl con'lIct o( fllt.iSl! aQ demed In Chapters 362,6, 403A,22 o( the COd. 0' low,. Should you bo uncert'{D;:ille~r '0/\ not, potentl,' con'"ct o( fnter.st Uhts, contact the Ltg.l O.partm.nt:::jr911'tl yolt'hav. a '''"'et .r "''''11I _"5 -L-HO ".- " /li ...m ... ".'1 " you are not selected. do you lIant to b. nott,t'd7 .; YES ~ \9 I.:.. - ~ ~ Do you currently serve on anoth.r low, CIty 80ard or Commlsslon7 YES" NO - - It has been CouncIl pOlicy not to permIt an IndIvIdual to serve on tllO Boards or COllln!s. s Ions at the lime tIme. June 1988;'93 ; i I I I , . -... .. .-- -..- /. I C:l I , i , t , JoIuuoa COUlII \ IOIVA ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ch4rles D. Duffy Slephen P. Laclll3 PatricIa A. Meade RIchard B. Myerl BellY Menfell January 14, 1992 Owl Courtney, Mayor Iowa City Clly Council 410 Il.ul WashIngton Street Iowa City, fowa 52240 Dear Mayor and Conference Boord Memben: During tho ronnal mcellng on January 9, 1992, the Boord or Supervlson voled to recommend Patrlchi Sueppel ror appolnlmcnl to Ihe Iowa City ASSCSJOI's Examining ~rd. The Board rccJs Ms. Sueppells well qualified ror this appolnlmcnl. Enclosed Is a copy or a lellcr thai we sent out 10 Ms. Sucppel recommending her appolnlmcnl. Sincerely, ~~~'~f~1 Chairperson CDD/Jh Enclosure cc: Patricia Sucppel 10 J ,I ! 913 SOUTII DUDUQUIl ST. P.O. DOX 1350 IOWA CfTY,lOWA 52244 TEL: (319) 356.6000 FAX: (319) 356'608~31 . J D c' I. -' ' , J...... eM1l1 \ IO\VA~> . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Owlcs D, Durfy Slep/lcn p, LDcIM ! P.lrlell A. Melde I. Rleh.ud n. Myen I Dell)' Ockenrcls , lanuuy 14, 1992 . . . , I'atrlcl& SueppcI 122 South IJnn Street IoWl City, Iowa 52240 .DwMs.S~:. . t You WCfO (omWly recommended (or .ppolnlmentlo tho 'IoWa City Assessor'. Bwnlnlng , DoW durlna the ~ or SUpcMson romW meeting on IanlW)' 9, 1992, This lcrm will bealn lanuuyl, 1992 and expires on Dc<<mbcr 31, 1997. ' '. . . . You wI1l be n:cdvlng noUficatlon (rom the Iowa City Con(crenco 1lo3rd, I( our rccommcn~tlon Is accepted and yOur'.ppolnlment becomes f!JW. . . Tho Doud o( Supervisors apprtdaleS YOUI Inlcresl In 10hnson County and your wl1llngness to servo on this board, Sincerely, . ctI~ r}J. ~ J O~b Charles D. Durry ''iJlJI Chairperson CDD/Jh ' cc:Darrel Courtney, Mayor. Alan Lefr, I'resldenl of Iowa Cily Community School Dlslrlcl 913 SOurll DUOUQUD ST. P.O. OOX 1350 IO\VA crrv,lo\V^ '2244 TIlL: (319) 3'6.6000 PAX: (319) 3lHJJSbJ93 .u', ..... '. .-. ..-"......~;,_. '. ...;.. . ",." ->-- t I d I - IOWA CITY CITY ASSKSSOR'S Of riCK 19!1l ANNUAL RKI'ORT :<93 t J I' I . .. I._.~ J U d I' , 1991 REI'ORT OFFICE OF IOWA CITY ASSESSOR TADLE OF COIITEIITS Tablo or Contont. 1 Iowa City Conroronco Doard 2 storr or City AllOllor'l orrico' HOlbor. or Doard or Roviow and Exaainin9 Doard 3 Roport or City ADlollor 4-6 Abltract ror 1991 Iowa City AllOISlonta ? Exolpt Property aD or July 1, 1991 ? COlpariaon or ValUOD with RollbAck Appliod 8-10 CODparilon or ROlidontial, CODlorcial and Indultrial Valuol 11-12 Top Taxpayora Cor Iowa City 13 Comparativo Hl1la9o Ratoa 14-15 Iowa City Aaaoaaoro Pr09ram Dlvilion statomont FY '93 16-21 1 :lf3 . . ~ _ . __ _ . J.~ J t=t I~' I - ,\ I IOWA CITY COI/FER&tICC DOARD IOWA CITY - CITY COUI/CIL John HcDonald, Hayor Wllllaa AabrlBco Darrol Courtnoy SUBlln 1I0rowltz Kllron Kubby Rllndy LIlrllon II110al I/ovlck IOWA CITY COIIHUNITY SCIlOOL BOARD Alan Loll, ProBldont tConnlo Chllmplon Botsy lIawtroy tGoor9o Hllthoaon SlIlly Stllloy Ellon Wld!oo crai9 Willio tConloronco Boord Dos19noo JOIINSOII COUIITV BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Botty OCkonlols, Chairporson Charloo Durry Stovo Laoina Patrioill Hoado Richnrd Hyors IOWA DEPARTHENT OF REVENUE ArID FIIIAIICE Gorllld D. Bair - Diroctor, Iown Doportmont cf Rovonuo nnd Flnonco 2 "0.....,.,.. c29.3 . t] 1::1 I, . STAFF OF CITY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE HElIOERS OF BOARD or RevIEW AlID CXAHlIlIIlG BOARD IOWA CITY, IOWA 1991 Dan L. IIudDon City A8Iesoor Dennis J~ Baldridqo Fint Doputy Carolyn R. Burke Second Doputy Jerry L. Doniaon Plot supervisor patrioia Kuhna Clerk Appt. 1990 through 1995 IOWA CITY BOARD OF RevIEW E. Norman Bailey, Chairman Willinm J. Doherty Janieo E. Sweet Appt. 1989 through 1994 Appt. 1991 through 1996 Appt. 1990 through 1995 Appt. 1986 through 1991 Appt. 1988 through 1993 Keith A. Wymore Jaek L. Yanllush William F. Whito, Clork IOWA CITY EXAMINING BOARD Alan R. Bohnnan Jorald L. Palmor patrieia suoppol Appt. 1980 through 1993 Appt. 1988 through 1993 Appt. 1986 through 1991 LEGAL COUNSEL Linda Newman Gentry - City Atterney Dana Chridtianson - Assistnnt City Attornoy 3 "'...... ""><'., ~93 , I ,\ , j I t I I . n ~ ,__ . TOI Ho~horo oC tho lowo ci ty ConCoronco Boord Don L. lIudson, lowo city Assoosor 1991 Annual Roport - Issuod Docombor 31, 1991 FROHI SUBJECTI Tho Collowlng roport covoro tho actlvitlos oC this oCCico Crom January 1, 1991 to doto oC issuo. VAI.UATIOHS Sinco 1991 was 0 roal ostoto rovoluotion yoor, thoro woro incroosos in assossmonts to moot tho stotutory lovol as monitorod by tho Iowa Dopartmont oC Rovonuo and Financo. Incroasos in assossmonts Crom rovaluation woro approximotoly 78.2 million dollors Cor rosidontial and 31.4 million dollars Cor commorcial. Now construction also addod approximatoly 15.5 million dollars to rosidontial, 10.2 million dollars to commorcial, and 3.9 million dollars to industrial Cor 1991. Tho 650 rosidontial dood solos Cor tho Cirst 11 months oC 1991 givos us 0 modian ratio (ossosood valuo vs. solos prico) oC 90.6\ os compo rod to 87.1\ Cor tho wholo yoar oC 1990. Factoring in tho 10\ avora9o rosidontial incroaso in tho aosossmont Cor 1991, thio showo that tho SOiling pricos or homoR hnva continuod to incroaso quite substantially, IC this trond continuos durin9 1992, thoro will hovo to bo, onca a9aln, 0 signiCicant incroaso in assossmonts Cor 1993. Iowa City'o ovorall lovol oC assossmont was onco again substantlotod by tho Dopartmont oC Rovonuo snd Financo os shown by tho Cact that Iowo City rocoivod no oqualization ordors Cor 1991, COURT CASES Thoro woro oight proportios apponlod to District Court In 1991. Tho oight appoals aro modo up oC two rooidontiol proportlos roprosontod by two ownors, and six commorciol proportlos roprosontod by tour ownors. Wo hovo one carryovor caso Crom 1990 which hos yot to bo sottlod. 4 . J ,I t tl.93 . I ,--I I _ . - - ' poARD or RrYl [\/ Tho Oo4rd of Rovlov WAn In DaDDlon fron HAY 1 throu9h HAY 2', tho doy ot odjournnont. Tho BoArd hAd 14S protantn filed with 62 boln9 uphold And 8] danled. Tho totol VAluo of rOAI altoto bolno protolted WAn $SS,172,I'O with A totAl requolt~1 reduction of $',&1],&&7. Tho BoArd Alno r~tucod 48 AdditionAl proportion on tholr ovn volition or At tho requolt pt lho Aooonlor. Tho BoArd Allowed A totAl reduotlon of ft,'IO,120. ,tOUITY Vt:R.!lU!l HARI(r.T IIt.MI9I:SSHDlTS It lD hArd to bo both equltAblo nnd In tuno with t.ho IInkot.. Tho nArkot II not Alwnyo oqUlt.Ablo, nOllotlllon A long WAY froa It. HOlt AOOODnoro would lonn lowArdo aqult.y If thoy could choooo batwaon tho two. ~--P---l I ! 1Ir.w 1,r.0191"'1'IO" IIF 479 . ^pproprlAtlon bill which Anong ftftny othor thlnlJn, atopl funding tho "HAchlnary And coaputor Equlpaont TAX Roplnceaont", acKtlfyn the Adalnlltrntlon of tho "FADlly Fnra Credit" And Allowo lOCAl jurladlctlons to ralDI~roo 0110A90 up to tho rAto Allowod by tho IRS. IIF 6'4 . Mdl porolnn cult VotarAnll to thoBo 01l91blo tor votorAno benaflts And prlvll09ao, Including tho HIlltory txooptlon on property tAXOD. SF '8] . aaoko datoctor bill which roqulroD purchARorn of hoaol to otAto thoy hnvo or will InntAll nlloko dotootorn. Tho ARROBnor aunt hAvo thlll atAtonont slgnod whon tho honoownor DIgna tholr llonoatoAd Tax Credit. QUArtorly roportn aunt be fllod with tho stAtO Flro HArahnl. !l . J ,I ! J.93 . . - - .. .. ._.__.t._~__ ....... 1\000 1'- - - -.. .-"".....-"'..', COIITIIIUlllr. EIlIlCATIOII contlnuln9 oducntlon 10 n roqulrolont Cor tho noooonor nnd doputloa Cor tholr ronppolnt.ont to tholr pooltlono. I Cool it 10 olao ~ood Cor tho othor olployooa to nttond nOlo clnnnon 80 thoy can odoquotoly roapond to Inqulrloo ond quoatlono. Tho Aoaouaor ottondod tho Collowln~ couruoa ond conforoncoD durlnCJ 19911 IAAO conCoronco -- ISAA Annual School oC Inntructlon 15.5 C.E. hro. propnrln9 , pnrticipntlng In Court Apponlo 6.0 C.r.. hrn. T Tho Firat Doputr nttondod tho CollowlnCJ courooa nnd conCoroncoa dur ng 19911 IICRAAO Conforonco ISAA Annuol school oC Inatruction 10.0 C.E. hra. 15.5 C.E. hro. Tho socond Doputy ottondod tho Collowlng cournoa ond conCoroncoa during 19911 ISAA Annunl School oC Inatructlon 15.5 C.E. hru. T . Toatod 1I0ura AllllRF.CIATIOII My atnfC nnd I would llko to thnnk tho Conforonco Bonrd, tho Boord oC Roviow, tho city Attornoy and hor oaalntnntn, nnd tho city stoCC Cor tholr oaalntnnco, cooperntlon nnd confldonco during tho pnat yonr. I would olno llko to rocognlzo ond thnnk ~y stnCC nt this tl~o Cor tholr pnrt In ootnbllohlnq nnd mnlntnlnlng tho profosolonnl otnndnrdo oC tho oHlco. G ,-,.; OJ.?.3 t' J ,\ I I I ! I I I i i t roo '- - - -- "",-,.""., 1991 ADSTRACT OF ASSESSHEIIT FOR IOWA CITY Valuo or Aqrleultural Land' strueturoo Valuo ot Rooidontial Dwollinqa on Aqricultural Roalty Valuo o[ Roaidontial Lato , Duildin9s Valuo o[ cemmorcial Lata' Buildin90 Valuo o[ Induotrial Loto , Duildinqo Valuo o[ Induotrlal Hachinory , commorcial Equipment a8 Rani Eatnto $ 2,082,540 1,159,280 924,095,521 469,155,456 34,390,300 54,708,712 tActual Valuo o[ All Renl Eotato $1,485,591,809 tAll tho abovo valueo aro baaod on tho 1991 abotract a8 roported to tho Iowa Department o[ Rovonuo and Finance July 1, 1991. The valuea [or Railroad and utility preperty aro ouppllod to tho Auditor by tho Iowa stato Department o[ Rovonuo and Financo. Tho valuo ot utilitloo and railroado in Iowa city tor 1991 io $68,447,301. EXEHPT PROPERTY IN IOWA CITY FOR 1991 Rollqiouo Inatitutlona $ 30,482,960 Chari tabla and Benevolont sociotioo 43,165,310 Educational Institutiona 350,780 Low Rent 1I0ualnq 4,098,710 A880ciationa ot War Vetornns 245,930 Forest and Fruit 255,917 partial Industrial 5,832,600 Sub-Total $ 84,432,207 univeroity ot Iewa (As roported by SUI) 500,809,182 TOTAL $ 665,241,309 7 " J ,\ ~ , I I \ i :<P3 . . l.... . I _ c I - ' II 1l~1.IIr. COlfllAIHSOI/!1 HITJUlQ11JlACJS!l APPLllO STATE STATE ADJ. UAB DRDJ:B raJ: w.w: 1t01.l,nACK YALILC 19BO A9rleu1 turnl 1,9S1,34B .9909~1 1,933,690 A9 DVollln9n 676,BS9 .9909~1 670,734 Ronldontlnl SI7,4B4,797 .6673~~ 345,346,067 COllllorelal 203,280,646 .9318S4 189,427,883 Incluntrlal 14,5~7,630 1.0 14, 5S7 ,630 H, , E. 23,B44,S~~ 1.0 23,844, ~S~ 'I'OTAL $ 761,79S,835 $ ~7S, 780, ~S9 19B16 +27\ A9rleulturnl 2,709,~16 ,9~7039 2,593,112 AIJ DVol11n90 1,2B2,450 .647793 830,762 Ronldonttnl 567,708,490 .647793 367,7S7,5B6 COlilllorelnl 241,461,259 ,878423 212,10S,124 Induatrlnl 18,061,000 ,969619 17, S12, 2B9 H, , E. 23,896,352 1.0 23,B96,3~2 -....-----..--.- TOTAL $ 8SS,119,067 $ 624,69S,22S 1982 AlJrleulturnl 2,71S,327 ,995711 2,703,601 A9 Dwollln90 1,273,010 .672223 8SS,747 Roaldontlnl ~78,18S,048 .672223 388,669,82S COllllllorelnl 248,471,689 ,916331 227,682,311 InduDtrlnl 19,037,660 1,0 19,037,660 H. , E. 33,688,24~ 1.0 33,608,24~ TOTAL $ 883,371,779 $ 672,637,469 19836 +36\ A9rleu1 turnl 3,687,530 .865024 3,189,802 A9 Dwollln9D 1,4S8,620 , 6987~4 1,019,217 Rooldontlnl 66~,822,880 ,6987S4 46S,246,401 commorelal 309,092,490 .917230 283,S08,905 Induatrlnl 27,788,340 .974567 27,081,599 uH. , E. 31,053,824 1.0 31,OS3,024 TOTAL $1,038,903,604 $ 811,099,748 8 $3 . . ~ '0. -'- I - I I t I I~ - - . ,I i VALue COHrARISOIIS CO/IT'D. STATe STATE ADJ. XW D.IlIlLB :m.& YA1J!E ROI.I.nAC:~ Y.ALUI: 1984 A9ricultural 3,585,908 .900058 3,227,525 A9 Dvol1in911 1,480,680 .724832 1,073,244 ROllidontial 686,797,678 .724032 497,812,935 COllJ:lorcial 334,805,992 .954242 319,485,939 Induotrial 28,430,500 1.0 20,430,500 uH. , E. 28,913,025 1.0 28,913,025 TOTAL $1,084,013,783 $ 878,943,168 19851 A9ricultural 3,503,787 .935922 3,279,271 A9 Dl/o111n911 1,269,610 .756481 960,436 Roatdonttal 724,508,730 .756481 548,077,009 CODlllorcial 369,476,553 .907948 365,023,621 Indulltrial 29,145,510 1.0 29,145,510 I "-.."..-.-...-.....--. uHf , E, 29,306,071 1.0 29,306,071 '''---'--'--'-','-- i , TOTAL $1,157,210,261 $ 975,791,998 I , , 1 1986 A9ricultura1 3,289,203 1.0 3,289,203 I A9 Dwol1in9 1,208,010 .773604 934,521 I Rooidonttal 734,394,558 .773604 568,130,568 I COMaraial 376,014,043 1.0 376,014,043 I IndulItriol 31,458,600 1.0 31,458,600 I uHf , E. 32,720,338 1.0 32,720,338 I I TOTAL $1,179,084,752 $1,012,547,273 19871 -15\ A9r1cul tura1 2,815,775 1.0 2,815,775 A9 Dwo 111 n9 1,208,010 .805966 973,615 Rooidontilll 745,381,060 .005966 600,751,791 CCIiIJ:lOrCilll 396,742,189 1.0 396,742,189 Industrial 31,296,340 1.0 31,296,340 uHf , E. 38,019,952 1.0 38,019,952 TOTAL $1,216,263,326 $1,071,399,662 9 1<?3 . . J.4 ->----.- I t t (:1 I '.J _' . i\ ! VALUe COHrARISOIIS COIIT'D. STATe STATI: ADJ. x.EA1l 0RIltB IW: ULll.C ROI.l.nACK WJlJ: 1988 A9r1culturnl 2,740,854 1.0 2,740,854 A9 0\/0111n9 1,130,020 .806384 911,230 Rosldontlnl 758,164,620 .806384 611,371,019 COMorc I n I 401,501,399 1.0 401,581,399 Industrial 31,730,750 1.0 31,730,750 uH. , C. 40,119,662 1.0 40,119,662 TOTAL $1,235,467,305 $1,088,455,714 19896 -1)\ A9rlcultural 2,659,169 1.0 2,659,169 A9 0\/0111n9 1,163,090 .798471 928,694 Rollldontlnl 800,471,670 .798471 645,541,103 Coamorclal 418,611,709 1.0 418,611,709 Industrial 32,321,290 1.0 32,321,290 -----.,---. --------.,---.-.-- uH. , C. 43,925,077 1.0 43,925,077 TOTAL $1,307,152,005 $1,143,987,122 1990 A9r1culturnl 2,206,484 1.0 2,206,484 A9 0\/01lln9 1,163,090 .794636 924,233 Ros I dontl n I 830,877,911 .794636 660,245,500 Coaaarolnl 428,045,979 1.0 428,045,979 Industrlnl 33,242,630 1.0 33,242,630 uHf , r" 49,473,401 1.0 49,473,401 $1,345,009,495 $1,174,138,227 19916 A9rlculturnl 2,082,540 1.0 2,082,540 A9 O\/olllnq 1,159,280 .730608 846,979 Ronldontlnl 924,095,521 .730608 675,151,590 Cor.ulIorclnl 469,155,456 1.0 469,155,456 Industrlnl 34,390,300 1.0 34,390,300 uH.' E. 54,708,712 1.0 54,708,712 $1,485,591,809 $1,236,335,567 Tho adj. vnluos 91von nro not oxnct but nro monnt to qivo n roprosontntion or tho qrowth or lawn City'o tnx bnoo. · RonoBoBomont your '6Now ncquioitiono or computoro nnd induotrlnl mnchlnory 11000000(1 lit 30\ or coot boqinninq in 1983. 10 tJfI3 ,.....-'e...- <..J .,.,.......~.,....-.........-;..--.;..-~~~-- ...-....,.".....~''"',.'' . ~ _ _ .. t.. -"- I~ . - - - ~..- .. -J . .- - ,-"-,'-l__'" _<....,.".C' ~ I II $3 . - - . [f ,~~ / I - - . ''-'011 "111I .1" ...."II.1t ~JJ C_AT_ JIU CO""'OIUTlON .le.....'.lel II""" . 1- I ~ - - - -., "-'" . J II $3 . 'lj;' I ,- I h - - -... COKI,^,USOII OF R!:SlllI:IITIAL, COHHI:RCIAL h5!11:5sr.n vAI.m:s ArMTHEtlT OTIII:R Xu.B nF.510F.IITIAL ...1- COHHr.RCIAL ...1- COHHF.RCIAL -'- 1982 "8,185,848 63.2 99,388,876 10.9 149,082,813 16.3 1983 665,822,880 62.2 125,352,040 11.7 103,740,450 17.2 1984 606,797,678 61.0 141 ,599,710 12.6 193,206,202 17.2 1985 724,500,730 60.2 162,129,009 13.5 207,347,544 17.2 1986 734,394,558 61.4 165,055,059 13.8 210,958,986 17.6 1987 745,381,060 60.6 163,031,389 13.2 233,710,800 19.0 1988 758,164,620 60.9 162,923,079 13.1 238,824,330 19.2 ---- - - 1989 808,471,670 61.7 166,829,929 12.7 251,781,700 19.2 1990 830,877,911 61.0 169,428,179 12.6 258,617,800 19.2 1991 924,095,521 62.2 100,660,316 12.2 288,495,140 19.4 1AXAnLp. VAI.UES 1982 388,669,825 55.2 91,073,108 12.9 136,609,203 19.4 1983 465,246,401 55.2 114,976,652 13.7 168,532,253 20.0 1984 497,812,935 54.1 135,120,390 14.7 184,365,549 20.0 1985 548,077,089 53.6 160,175,030 15.7 204,848,591 20.0 1986 568,130,568 55.2 165,055,059 16.0 210,958,906 20.5 1987 600,751,791 55.3 163,031,389 15.0 233,710,800 21.5 1980 611,371,a19 55.7 162,923,079 14.8 230,824,330 21.8 1989 645,541,183 56.2 166,029,929 14.5 251,781,780 22.0 1990 660,245,500 56.2 169,428,179 14.5 258,617,800 22.0 1991 675,151,580 54.6 180,660,316 14.6 280,495,140 23.3 AA Porsonal Proporty is no longor includod in this total. 11 I f:.~'~ ~.",." ., U c' I b ' , MID I1IDU5TRIAL VAWCS TOTAL COMMERCIAL ..L IIIDUSTRlAL ..L OTIIF.R ..L 248,471,689 27.2 42,764,095 4.7 45,128,282 4.9 309,092,490 28.9 51,406,480 4.8 43,709,714 4.1 334,805,992 29,8 60,793,394 5.4 42,534,924 3.8 369,476,553 30.7 67,615,591 5.6 41,954,152 3.5 376,014 ,043 31,4 74,181,825 6.2 11,443,811 1.0 u 396,742,189 32.2 76,057,584 6.3 11,513,716 0.9 u 401,747,409 32.3 74,706,504 6.0 10,501,754 0.8 u 418,611,709 31,9 73,597,442 5.6 10,357,933 0.8 u "~"-~---""-"------""----'--- 428,045,979 31.8 73,198,642 5.4 12,886,963 1.0 u 469,155,456 31,6 79,879,255 5.4 12,461,577 0.8 u 227,682,311 32,3 42,764,895 6.1 44,699,373 6.4 283,508,905 33.7 50,699,739 6.0 42,772,586 5.1 319,485,939 34.7 60,793,394 6.6 42,176,541 4.6 365,023,621 35.7 67,615,591 6.6 41,420,462 4.1 376,014 ,043 36.5 74,181,825 7.2 11,170,322 1.1 u 396,742,189 36.6 76,857,584 7.1 11,279,321 1.0 u 401,747,409 36.6 74,706,504 6.8 10,240,392 0.9 u 418,611,709 36.5 73,597,442 6.4 10,123,537 0.9 u 428,045,979 36.5 73,198,642 6,2 12,648,106 1.1 u 469,155,456 37,9 79,879,255 6.5 12,149,276 1.0 u 12 -'e."" t J I' $3 t .' I /-, I I 1'- ~ C - ~ . 1lAWS 1 2 3 4 & 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 U 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ,\ I 19!H TOP TAXI'AYI:R!I CXcludlnq Utllltloo Aooooood Dy Tho stato IIAWl TAXADI.I! VAtUE Old Capitol Hall $ 18,684,180 JaDoD , Lorotta Clark Proctor , CaBblo Southqato DovolopDont United Tochnoloqy Oral 0 LaboratorloD II. P. SDlth PallOr Co. ADorlcan Colloqo TODtlnq IICS Loarnlnq Corp. SyeaDoro Hall rAwln , Ethol Darkor , Darkor Partnorahlp 1I0llday Inn ThoanD , Datta Hoora DualnoDD ForDa Dunchor Corp. lInwkayo ROllI EDtllta Invootmont LlIkaoldo ApllrtmontD Don-Alro , Tom' HlIrllynn Alborhaaky Horey FaollltloD Hnrk IV ApartmontD IOWD Stnto DlInk Hillard WnrohouDo Donn , Evolyn OnkoD , Fnmlly Truot lIy Voo Towneroot Invostmont Aoooclntos 13 16,478,749 U,!H6,379 15,617,220 12,297,344 12,041,381 10,895,622 10,831,906 10,592,083 10,235,940 10,004,640 9,752,070 8,144,391 7,405,273 6,886,168 5,927,045 5,428,000 4,943,964 4,919,326 4,725,300 4,685,446 4,593,570 4,561,796 4,351,950 4,190,491 /l//3 . l. . . '4 _.__ J ,-- I ~ - - -.. '".,~,,'-' ,I I COIII'ARISON OF TAX RATE PER TIIOUSAIID AS COHPILED BY TilE CITY ASSESSOR'S O.'FICE, DES HOIII&5, IOWA W1. TAlC RAT'~ I'AYADI.E 1/1 1999-90 1990-91 1991-92 AMES 26.32392 26.70667 27.12618 CEDAR RAPIDS 32.43917 31.82292 32.~7436 , I , I I CLIIITOII 30.29073 31.73429 32.19782 \ -,.,---,------.-.--.--- DAVEIIPORT 34.4~749 34.79382 3~.63108 1 , , , DES HOlliES 37.71194 38.97122 40.39403 I I DUDUQUE 30.67596 32.45a63 34.58029 FT. DODOE 33.42057 35.62720 36.72830 IOWA CITY 28.54915 29.28817 29.92639 HARSIIAI,LTOWN 35.47572 37.36465 37.2363~ HASOII CITY 28.72835 29.31097 29.08227 SIOUX CITY 34.75752 36.72570 38.37701 14 ~9.3 . t I 1::1 I b , ; J ,\ j COHrARISOII Of' EFFECTIVE TAX RATES FOR 1991 III HIDWESTERII CITIES AS COHPILED DY TIlE DES HOlliES CITY ASSESSOR RAIIKED BY RESIDEIITIAL RATB em RF.!IIDF.IITr AI. COHHF.RICrAL WRTHF.IIT St. Joooph, HO .59 1.296 1.296 Donvor, CO 1.011 1.954 1.011 St. Loulo, HO 1.147 2.457 2.457 Hlnnoopollo, HII 1.169 *4.125 3.600 -_.._------.-."-- "-_.-- .-----.---- Rochootor, HN 1.260 *4.125 3.600 For90, NO 1.698 1.887 1.887 Kanooo City, KS 1.749 4.373 1.749 Kanoao City, HO 1. 792 3.010 3.010 Ollloha, NE 2.363 2.363 2.363 Lincoln, NE 2.371 2.371 2.371 IOllil City, IA 2.378 2.993 2.993 Hollno, IL 2,869 2.869 2,869 000 Holnoo, IA 3.112 3.897 3.897 Hadloon, WI 3.166 3.166 3.166 Chlcn90, IL' 3.214 7.634 6.630 LIIcroBoo, WI 3.481 3.481 3.481 Hall York, NY 4.211 4.565 4.211 *3.300 on tlrot $100,000 4.950 on nIl ovor $100,000 15 '-,;,. , . n c' I b - , 1000A CITY A!l9I::1110Rll PROOIWI DIVISIOII 5fATDlI:IIT n "3 DIVISIOII I'I1RI'OSCI Tho purpoao oC tho lown City ADaoaaora OCCico la to Clnd, liat and valuo Cor tax purpoaoa, all roal proporty in Iowa City and ~nlntain rocorda Cor all parcola In Iowa City. DIVISIOII GOALSI To oatabliah valuoa accordinC] to Iowa law on all cOlloroial, induatrial, a9rloultural and roaldontal property within tho City oC lown City in tho DOat equltablo nonnor bnaod on actual phyalcal aapeotn oC tho property and 011 tho portinont aaloa data avnilablol to iaprovo tho oCCiclonoy by which thoao aaaoDaDonta aro nodol to provido proDpt and courtooua rODponao to all inqulrioa Cor inCorDntion. CEIIJ:RAL DIVISIOII ODJJ:CTIVESI I. Rocoivo calla and Inqulrlos and dlaponao InCorDntlon oCCiolontly and on 0 tiDOly bnnln. 2. CODploto all dolly rocord chanC]oa and rolatod dutloD on rocolvod. 3. On 0 quortorly baaia, rovlow In tho Ciold all now conatructlon and dODolltlona and by January I, 1"3, Dako final roviow oC said conatructlon and dODolltlon. 4. Proparo Corllla and CJot nllJnaturoB Cor all now hOlllostoad and DIlitory crodita by July I, 1"3. 5. Ro.ovo all hOlllontoad and Dllltary crodlta erOIll tho porDanont Clio Cor thODO who aro no lonCJor to r~coivo tho crodlt by July I, 1"3. 6. Proparo and lJot aiCJnaturos on all othor now nnnunl CorDD, 1Il0kinlJ suro thor aro in cOlllpllanco with 011 lawD and ruloD, by tho r statutory dotOD. 16 " J ,\ i ~9J . f I d I - -' . CEIIERAL DIVISIOII aDJECTIVES CO/IT'D. 7. Accept to",al writton protooto tor the lIoard ot Revlell trom April 16 to Hay 5, 1993, and coordinate tho Doard ot Rovlell mootln9D durln9 Hay 1993. /lold preliminary meetlngo and public hoarlnqD to adopt the annual budqot by Horch 15, 1993. Prepare and submit annual abotract by July I, 1993. Preparo and dlutrlbuto to Conference Doard BembarD the annual report by Docomber 31, 1992. 8. 9. I I , 10. NEW DIVISION OBJECTIVES: 1. Deol9n and Implomont pre9ramo on tho offlco micro- computor. 2. Revlow saloo 00 they occur tor all clasoos of property DO 110 may complote our biennial reaoDoDamont fer 1993, making Duro eur valuos Dtay at the mandated level. 3. Continuo to uoo tho uppraloal Dyatom to rovloll auooDsmonts and solos by nol9hborhoodD and othor crltorla to be oatllbllshod durlnlJ tho otudloD. 4. Work with tho Johnaon County Assoasor and AUditor to dovolop our nOli computor lJonoratod mapping syatom. Look Into tho uoo of a G.I.S. systom which would utlllzo thoso mapo. 5. Continuo 0 proqram to rovlow all of tho lJradoD on roaldontlal proporty to onhanco our oqulty. 17 "Ii I ,I i $3 . . J Cl [I I ... . , f' ,I I PERFORHAIIC& Ht:ASUR!:HEIITSI Tho lodlan Baloa ratio (Iodian) ID tho aiddlo Daloa ratio and a aoaDuro ot tho , ot our aaaOBDaont to tho actual Daloa pricoa. Tho coottlciont ot dinparnlon (C.O.D.) iD a Doaauro ot auaoaa- aont unitor.lty baaod on tho d09roo to which Individual aaloa ratloa vary troD tho Dodlan Baloa ratio. Tho voal ot tho Iowa City Aasoaaor is to koop thla C.O.D. bolow 10. A C.O.D. of 10 Is consldorod oxcollont and waa attalnod In 1990 by only 4 ot tho 111 aaooaalnv jurladlctlona in Iowa. Tho tollowlnv tabla showa tho lodlan, C.O.D., and tho nuabar ot dood oaloD for Iowa City rooldontlal property aineo tho aaooao- lonts wont to tho 100' lovol In 1975. 1 I 1&AIl MEDIAII C.O.D. 110. OF SALES I , 1 Asaooolllont Yoar 1975 87.10 10.36 682 I I I .'._----.----_. .-.~_. _~~.___._..'C._.,-_.__"..,_,.. 1976 76.30 11.38 681 I 1977 65.10 12.10 840 1 I Aasoaalllont Yoar 1978 74.70 9.83 639 I Stato Ordon 1979 91.80 9.40 551 i 1980 87,85 8.69 394 Asaooomont Yoar 1981 88.90 8.74 393 1902 87.30 9.38 299 ASDooomont Yoar 1983 94.00 7.19 544 1984 92,65 7.97 447 Assoaamont Yoar 1985 96.15 8.27 448 1906 95.30 9.02 513 Assoosmont Yoar 1987 94,90 9.26 522 1900 93,60 9.34 555 Allllosomont Yoar 1989 91.80 9.80 538 1990 87,05 9.75 600 Assossmont Yoar *1991 90.63 8.52 650 *Data basod on fIrst 11 months only 10 tJ..93 . . .. I LI [' I - - , ,I ! I . I Uolow aro tablos of tho ronkln~ of Iowo city in cODparison to tho othor 110 assoDsln9 jurlodlctlono In Iowa. for brovlty, only tho top 10 or 15 aro shown. Data io for 1990 oalos which Is tho last cOlploto yoar availablo. Tho firot tabla is sortod by Dodian, frOD tho lowoot to tho hi9host and ohows that Iowa City hao ono of tho lowor lodian oalos ratiol for 1990. This 18 causod in Iowa City by tho inflatIon of hOlo 1011in9 pricos and if thil trond continuos, will r08ult in 0 oubstantlal Incroaoo In rooidontlol valuoo for 1993. Th080 tabla. ohow that Iowa city 18 otl11 ono of only a fow juriodictlons In Iowa with a C.O.D. ot looa than 10. Tho ovora90 8010 prico ot a homo In Iowa City io amon9 tho hl9host In Iowa, toppod In 1990 only by tho suburbs ot Dos Hoinoa in Polk County. Iowa CIty olso hos a lar90 number of 10101 01 could bo oxpoctod by It'8 sizo and mobilo population. SORTED DY MEDIAN (FROM LOW TO III(lIl~ 110 JURISDICTIOII 110 S^LB8 TOT^L PRICB ^VO PRICB HBDI^II COD .......................................................w................. I IIUHDOLDT 02 3,449,750 42,070 82.20 23.11 2 \/APBLLO 336 11,626,665 34,603 82.40 26.17 3 SIOUX CITY 877 46,196,644 52,676 04.20 10.21 4 \/ASIIlIIOTOII 206 8,842,613 42,925 84.30 15.90 5 JASPBR 109 4,494,610 41,235 85.20 21.15 6 DL^CK "^\/K 1114 57,100,064 51,329 85.90 19.75 7 JOIIIISON 222 15,725,239 70,834 05.90 12.30 8 DUDUQUB CITY 616 33,717,365 54,736 06.10 16.00 9 DALL^S 201 13,876,019 49,384 06.20 16.74 10 BUCIIAN^N 136 4,809,297 35,362 86.90 24.57 I I LItIN 509 30,769,807 60,451 06.90 11.42 t2 IO\/^ CITY 600 51,648,166 84,948 07.05 9.75 13 1IB1IRY 199 9,070,041 45,578 87.20 17.90 14 HADISON 97 4,359,900 44,947 87.20 17.97 15 ODRIBII 162 5,710,307 35,249 87,25 22.06 19 /293' . . I - I I U c - '. ,\ I SORTP.D nv C.O.D. 110 JURIBDICTIOII "BAli "BDIAII WGIITD COD RBGR ltIDRX .................................................................... t POLK 91.38 900$0 91.02 8.80 100.39 2 AHRB CITY 9~.88 94.80 93.40 9.04 102. 6~ 3 SCOTT 91.~7 90.60 89.76 9.60 102.01 4 10llA CITY 87.86 87.0~ n.42 9.7~ 102.8~ ~ LlIlII 88.30 86,90 86. ~O 11. 42 102.08 6 1I11111BSIIIRK 96.19 0~.4S 93.63 11. 73 102.73 7 TAYLOR 102.68 99.4S 90.07 11. 91 103.64 8 JOIIIISOII 89.33 n.90 n.96 12.30 103.92 o CHDAR RAPIDS CITY 90.67 87.80 88.04 13.30 102.98 10 IIARRBII 01. 34 00.60 80.24 13.67 102. 3~ SORTr.n BY HUHBER OP SUES 110 JURISDICTIOII 110 SALRS TOTAL PRICR AVO PRICH ....................................................... -------------.----- -..._- 1 DRS HOltlBS CITY 2078 116,933,708 S6,272 2 POLK 1826 163,266,448 80,412 3 CBDAR RAPIOS CITY 1611 107,790,017 66,009 4 BLACK IIAIIK 1114 S7, 180, 864 SI,329 ~ DAVBIIPORT CITY 1047 S8, 746, 3B7 ~6, 109 6 SIOUX CITY 877 46,196,644 S2,676 7 POTTAWATTAHIB 706 31,716,285 44,024 8 SCOTT 660 SI,016,t71 77,297 9 DUBUQUR CITY 616 33,717,365 54,736 10 IOWA CITY 608 5,1,648',166 84,948 SORT En DY AVERAGE SALE PRICE 110 JURIBDICTlOII 110 SALBS TOTAL PRICR AVO PRICR ....................................................... I POLK 1826 163,266,448 89,412 2 IOWA CITY 600 51,648,166 84,940 3 SCOTT 660 51,016, t71 77,297 4 AHRS CITY 412 31,S22,212 76,510 5 JOliN SOli 222 15,725,239 70,834 6 CRDAR RAPIDS CITY 1611 107,790,017 66,909 7 WARRRtl 355 22,029,~24 62,055 8 LlIl/l 509 30,769,007 60,451 9 DICKINSON 160 9,515,100 59,469 10 DDS HOIIIRS CITY 2078 116,933,708 56,272 20 J93 "" --"~.-.-, . .,.,.-,--~---:------'- . . i- ___ , J J t:' I ' - ,\ ! Tho following io a tabulation of tho cOllllorcial propertioo for tho aallo period. UAB HEDlAtl 84.30 72.30 62.90 C.Q.D~ ^DDODOllont Yoar 84,60 19.n 13.19 28.20 13.49 16.66 22.69 10.07 10.2' 10.'8 18.16 12.63 ^ODODOllont YOllr 197' 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 198' 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 11991 94.40 89.60 91.36 stato Ordoro 78.00 80.n ^aaoDDllont Yoar 87." 78.00 ^SSOoollont Yoar 87.n 80.32 ^DOOOOlllont YOllr 82.00 14.21 98.20 87.6' 17.27 19.77 13.81 1M) 3 11.4' ^OOOODlIlont Yoar 9'.40 ^SOOsslIlont YOllr ^SOOsslIlont Yoar ll!>. 0" IIALJ:lI 14 18 27 12 l' 12 14 8 26 14 16 l' 16 20 13 13 13 'Datll bllood on firot 11 1Il0nths only BccllUSO of tho 011I011 nUlIlbor of ollloo, ona or two bod oaloo can grolltly influonco tho porforlllllnco 1Il0anUrolllonto, thoroforo cronting 1Il0ro fluctuation in tho 1Il0aSUrolllonts. DIVISION ^N^LYSISI Whilo tho progrlllll division statolllont is on tho fiscal yoar, tha romaindor of tho lInnulIl roport io baood on tho assOBsmont yonr which is tho clllondar YOllr. Tho annual roport haB mora moaning whon bllood on tho ftOOOBolllont yoar oinco tho otlltO oqUlllization ordoro como in a difforont tlncal yoar than tho bionnial roappraiaal which tho ordora ora to oqualizo. 21 -""-'.., ~93 . n I::' I .' , ,. r I I I JonuolY 22, 1992 TOI IOWA City Council He~bors FROM I Kotlo Gny RBI Council SODDlon oC Jonuary 21, 1992 AI I wrlto lhlD lot tor oC lhnnks to ooch oC you thll morning I think I know how Tom DaviD C001D whon ho 100101 0 C10DO 9n~el You havo boon mODt grnc.lOUI lo 11I0 In tho llmoD I hAVO appeArod boCoro you ond In tho tlmoD lhnt I hovo vlaitod Jndlvlduolly wllh you. It would Doem thal you nOed tho potlonco oC Job nnd tho WIDdom oC Sol Dillon lllOst oC lho limo tn your poll t10nD oC 100dorDhip, ond ospociolly Idyllwtld. Whllo ViDllIng wllh Hr. 1I0nlck nfter tho volo lnsl ovoning ho,told mo lhol the invoDlors hovo "three quorlors oC 0 million dol lorD pledged 01- roody Cor lhls projoct". I Duggostod that ho contAct SOIllO oC lho porsons living in lho noighborhood ond soo iC thoy would bo inlorosted in invosLlng In this projoct. 'I think ho wu 0 bit surpr100d al tho suggostlon. lIowovor, I think it 10 In lho bost IntoroDt oC lho clly lInd nolghbors to hAvo this bocomo 1I rOlllity liB Boon liS posslblo. Goorgo lInd I will bo 101lvlng town Cor mootlngs and 1I visJt wJlh our son ond Cnmlly in Ft. Worth vory Boon. Whilo In Ft. Worth wo will hllvo locturos Crom our son rognrdlng tho probloms that como wllh building In flood ploinD. Tod rocoivod hiB Advanced dogroo undor Dr. Konnody and works in tho Clold oC wOlor manAgement. An you aro probably owaro, It aoems that tho Clooda In TOXAS hllvo boon coml ng moro oCton thnn onco ovory 100 YOllrs. i /, Thts leads mo to urgo you to do what you can In your loadorshlp rolos. One cnnnot undo what hOB boon In tho paol, but hopeCully orderly growth will not lIdd to flooding probloma. Sincoroly, ~ ~~....J ..<J.% KnthrynnfGnYIHro. 6'oorgo L.I I I I 1 *:. J \ I J?1 , , - - . J."__Jo. I f-/ 1..1 I . I~ I - . - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dalo: Fobrualy 3, 1992 To: Tho Honorablo Mayor 001101 G. Coultnoy and Mombora 01 tho City Coundl From: Unda Nowman Gontry, Clty Alto/noy Ro: Agroomonllor Ubrll/Y Sorvlco 10 Rural Johnson County, Componsatlon Ralo IlIuo: h has boon brought 10 my allontlon that Johnson County assorts tholr sharo 01 tho Ubraty 100. Is only 85% 01 tho 'maximum anowablo 10Vf 10/ County IIbrll/Y contracts,' as oslabllshod by Stalo law. h Is tho opinion 01 this Otnco thai Johnson County" assortlon Is unlonablo. Background: In Juno 1983, tho City 01 Iowa City and Johnson County, Iowa, ontorod Into an 'agroomontlol Ilbraty .orvlco 10 rural Johnson County,' whoroby tho CIty agrood 10 provldo fiblary .orvlco. 10 Johnson County rural rosldonts, on tho samo basis as city rosldonts. Johnson County agrood 10 pay 10% ollho not budgotlOl oporaUng costs 01 tho publlo "brary, or In tho altornaUvo, '85% 01 tho maximum a1lowablo 10Vf 101 county library conlracts (27e por $1,000 assossod valuaUon ollncorporalod aroas, Chaptor 331.421, Socllon 10,Acts 1981, 69 GAl whlchovor .han be tho lossor amount.' this 'maximum allowablo 10V)' lor county library contracts'languago was lakon dlroctly Irom tho Iowa Stalo Coda 011981. In 1983, this aoctlon 01 tho Codo was ropoalod, Acls 1983 (70 GA), Chaptol 123, 5206. An onUroty dllloront oorlos 01 proporty laxos and lunds woro adoplod by tho Iowa Loglslaturo, Including supplomontallovlos, 'ruralaorvlcos lund,' and 'gonoral county aorvlcos lund,' Thus, anol 1983, tho 'max/mum allowable 10Vf lor county library contracts' no longor oxlstod In alato law. Rathor, In lIa placo, Iho Iowa Loglslaluro has Includod malnlonanco 01 county IIbrarlos and library conlracts undor Chaplor 358B to bo assossod as a 'rural sorvtcos lund' lax. Tho maximum 101 this onUro 'rural sorvtcos lund'ls sotal $3.95 por $1,000 01 assossod valuo 01 taxablo proporty In a county ouleldo Incorporatod city aroas, Socllon 331.423, Codo 01 Iowa (1991). ;;ZQS , I U c' I . ~ . 2 Q\Ipltt~, Codo 01 kwrI (IDOl), dOling wtIh county 5bf1l1o. contlnuollo contomplolo thai CIOlIl\Iot VII contract VlIlh dti Ilfllloslot 'oMcos, end thai tho partlOl thomlolvas.han o.tablllh tho IaIot. In Olhof "dI. .11 up 10 tho pII\loIlo contlact 1110 1/10 rolo 01 componlollon lor IhoIO IbttIY IOMM 6lnco Iho Ianguogo In Iho IcM1 City/CMty Agloomonl lODod on by 1/10 County Is no Iongor slolo IN, . IIl1l1tn1b1o lot tho CoIMlty 10 rott on lOpoalod langu.go. MOIoovor, tho County has conIItMd. from)'OlI \0 )'011,10 ply tho '10% 01 tho not budgotlot oporoUng colli 01 tho publlo tbf.,.,,' contaInod In 'Soctlon Ill. ComponIItlon' 01 tho Agroornon~ .00 IUlchod. Thus, pallorn end ptldlco, undOf contract !tN, Vo1lUId dlctalo th.1 tho '10% 011/10 nol budgol lor opor.Ung COllI' III pII1 01 tho contract. and contllKloslo be a pllt 01 thai contlact unUllormlnalod by olItlOf party 01 Ionogo\lIIod. 8odIon . 01 tho contract ptO'w1do.thal olthol party IIII'f lormlnalo tho Agroomon~ but only upon 120 dIyI' no\Ict prlot 10 tho IMIYor.ary dote 01 JIit I 01 olch auccoodlng YOII. Slneo nolthor party has gtmI noUco 10 tho othof, this Agroomonl Is In onoct until Juno 30, 1992 unloss mutually lonogoIl8/od. CcncIlIIlon: Johnaon CMty"'Uompt 10 lOry on . p10Y1s1on 01 tho Agroomon~ which .ots lorth I 'maximum IIowIbIo Iovi lot County Ibtary contlacll' Is unlonablo, IInca thai maximum lovy was ropo.lod In 1883. In othof WOIdl, tho 'maximum Iovy' Is ollblO/uloly no 100co and onoct undor Iowa low. MoIIlmportIn\tf, tho pIItIos hIvo conllnuod 10 pay, and Iccopl, 10% 01 tho not budgollor Ubt.,., opolllklg coals .. tho componsotlon roo, lot vd1Ich Johnson County rocolvos library IOMcot from tho Iowa City Ubtary. Thut, tho componslllon polIlon 01 tho Agroomonl hal, hough paUOfn and p11C11co, bocomo I pllt and pllcol 01 tho contllcl. 6lnco. 120 day noIIco has nol boon givan, tho contllct .hsll conUnuo In lulllorco and olfoct ttvough .Mlo 30, 11m, IIlIoII othorwllo mutually lonogotlalod. I IMI this wtII bo 01 IOmO IIslslance 10 you, and I v.iII be Iv.llablo lor quostlons, as noodod. ~1I'f AltIchmonI aqs , I [t c' I . . ,1 I RUOLUTIOH 110. W2L. RESOLUTIOH AIITlIlRlZlHO TlIl AAYOR TO SIGH AHJ THE CITY CLERK TO Anm All AGREDWlT IEMDl THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AICI THE JOHNSON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RlllAADlHO LllRARY SERVICE TO MAL JOHIISON COIRCTY. II1iUW till CIty of 101ft City II.. u~llsllad .nd provldu fundi for. public l,brary opmt.d by IlIt 101ft City Plbllc Library Bo'rd of Trultlll, and WHERW, Chapttr 358B.ll of tht Codt of lov. .Ilows tht County Board of Suptrvllors to contract ~Ith . City for library Itrvlct for r"'d.nts of unlncorporattd mil, and WHERW, Johnson County ~llh.. 10 .v.11 Iht r.sldtnt. of unlncorpor.t.d John.on County of tht opportunity to partlclp.t. In tht progrllS of tht 101ft City Public Library, and WHERW, tht City haslublltt.d . propoltd aor....nt to tht Johnson County Board of Suptrvlsor., ~hlch .gr"lInt has b..n approv.d by tilt Board of Sup.rvltors. . HO\/, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL th.t the Hayor It authorized to IXtcutt, .nd the City ClIrk to .ttut, the attach.d aor....nt previously IXtcut.d by Johnson County on June 2, 1913, .nd IImby IIde . part of this ruoMlon. It ~II lOved by ~. _ .nd Itcolld.d by ..fu!:l1- the Ruolutlon be .dop~.ll th.rtlltrt: AYES: AAVSI ABSENT I :f: - B.lllr - - Dickson ..J.. - - Erd.hl .J.. - = Lynch .J.. - HcDon.ld - ..X- - _ H.uhauur ..X- - _ Perrat Pass.d 'nd approv.d thIs ~ day of ..Jun~ , 1983, AnEST: ~ I" 11./,11 ~ A;:prcvtd !y IIIf l40al D~.rtmcnl ~ ~"/IJ_ ~q5 . '., -.. . u - , ' - - [t t:' I '- , AGREEHENT FOR LIBRARY SERVICE 10 RURAL JOHNSON COUHTY Thl. .gr....nt, I.d. .nd .nl.r.d Inlo this ~~d'y 01 ,~~,-~. ,198J, by .nd b.bun the City 01 low. City .nd Johnlon ounty. r----- WHEREAS, the City 01 low. City h.. .It.blllhed .nd provld'l lundl lor. public I Ibrtry opmt.d by lh. low. City Public tlbmy Bo.rd of TNstm; .nd WHEREAS, Ch.pl.r 3588.18 01 the 1981 Cod. 01 Iowa .IIowl the Coun~y Board 01 Supmlsm to contrtCt wllh . city library lor mldtnU 01 unlncorporat.d Irtu; and WHEREAS, Johnlon County Wllh'l to .vall the r'lldtntl of unlncorprat.d Johnlon County of the opportunity to putlclptta In lh. progrul 01 th. luwa CIty Public L tbrary; NOlI THEREFORE It Is htrtby 'greed by ,nd btlwun lh. CHy of lowl City Ind Johnlon County II lol1owl: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. Th. txt.nt .nd n.tur. 01 IIbr.ry ItrvlCII will b. d.t.raln.d by th. low. City Public Llbrlry Board of TrIIIlm. , B. All I.rvlcel 01 th. low. City Public Llbr.ry wilt b. provld.d to III 01 th. ",Id.nts of Johnson County, Iowa, \lho rtsld. outlld. the corporat. 1IIItl of Iny city wlthln'Johnlon County on th. III' t.ral and condltlonlll to th. mld.ntl of th. City 01 Iowa CIty, lowI. II. OURATION ANO TERMINATION Tha teral of this 1~lIell.nt Ihall COIIIIII.nc. July 1, 19B3, lor a period 01 ona'ym Ind Ih.ll b. ran.w.d autolllUcally for lucctldlng teral of on. ym ItCh unhu 120 d.ys notlc. to tha contrary Is glv.n to .Ith.r party. III. COHPENSATtOH Johnlon County Igr"1 to pay lOX of tha n.t budg.t for op.r.tlng cOltl of th. public ltbrary, or B5X of11ii laxlllUlallowlbl. Itvy for county ltbrlry contrlcts (27C p.r $1,000 IIltlUd valu.tlon of unlncorpOrtt.d lit II , Chapt.r 331.421, S.ctlon 10, ACTS 1981, 69 a.A.) \lhfchmr Ihall b. th. llll.r lIIOunt. Th. n.t budg.t lor op.rltlng cOltl of th. library Ihall b. arrlv.d at by deductlng any funding of op.ratlng COltl by lourcu oth.r than the CIty of low. CIty. Opmtlonal COlts Ihall Includ. pmonn.l, cOlnOdltl.s, l.rvlc'l and charg.1 Ind capital outlay n,c'llary to op.rat. th. facIlity. All pa)l.nts Ihall occur quart.rly cOftft.nclng on th. Ilrlt day of July of IIch ym. Iowa City agr.tl to lIatntaln r.cordl of said opmtlonal up.nltS according to Ilutually acc.ptabl. .udltfng proc.dur'l .nd lurth.r Igr"1 to Ilk. laid r.cordl available for auditing and Inlpectlon during bUlln'll houri, upon rlllonabh not lei by thl Counly. IV. BUDGET PRDCEDUR~ Thl City Counclllhlll dltlrllln. and approve an annu.l opmtlng budget lor th. library alllr pr.paratlon and recollllllendatlon by th. Llbrlry Board 01 Trultm InCluding conlultatlon wIth th. County'l rlprmntltlv. on th. Library Board. I ~q5 .' . . . . u:..->-- I n d I . -' . z ,A. On or b,'m J.nlUry I 0' mh yur lOll. my Ih.1l trantilt to th. County. propOlfd mm)' b~.t tor tilt t"ul yur IIhleh c..ncu on July 1 0' tlllt yilt. ' I. On or berm Flbnllry I 0' mh yur. Johnlon Counly Ihsll tranlll t to lOll. City . rmlutlon 0' COIIllltnt to 'und 101 0' the operatlnv cOlh 0' the IIbr.ry tor thl yur lIhlch COMencll on July 1 0' th.t yur In such lIOunt II will not mud 1~ 0' the propolld budVlt or In lIOunt lIhlch Is ISX 0' th. aaxlaua IIVY .1 clt.d In p.r'Vr.ph III Ibove, whlchmr Ih.1l bl the IIII.r lIOunt. Th. doll.r lIOunt 0' 15 Plrc.nt 0' the ...fl\.llny Ih.1l b. clt.d fn the ruolutfon. C, On or bl'm Karch 15th 0' mh Yllr, lOll. City Ih.1l Idept . tln.1 IIbr.ry budg.t tor lh. .nlulnv 'heal yur. Johnlon Coun\)' Ih.1I thmupon b. obIlV.I.d to p.y not-to.ucud t.n ptrC.nt 0' thl n.t .dopt.d budg.t for op.r.tlnv cOlts or thl 'lOuntl pr.vloully tr.nllftt.d to low, City undtr lub'p.r.gr.ph IV (I) .bov.. lIIlICh.v.r Ih.11 b. tht 111I" lIOunt. 0, Subl.qu.nt "'nOIInll to thl Ilbr.ry budg.t In .ny "ICI' Y.lr Ih.11 not Inert... the obligation 0' thl County for tln.nchl.upport unllll lutual1y .gre.d to by both p.rtlll. E. Th. budg.t proc.dur. .nd fortul. I.t forth .bovI Ih.11 cO~lnc. with fllc.1 y..r 1985. For '1IcII Y.lr 1984, It Is lutul11y Igr..d thlt thl county Ih.ll PlY $90,000. Thh .gr....nt Ihll1 bl tIl.d ltHh the my Clerk ot 10lI1 City Ind the County R.corder 0' Johnlon County. 10111. CITY OF IO\IA CITY, IOI/A JOHHSON C'OUNTY, IOI/A By: BYI AnESTI rJJ~..'~~)..JJ ..u..J AnESTI ~ ft~ll'rd A "FP/l)ved Dllho LOD.I Daptrllnonl -.hb. ,1111,~ ( , I PILB-') John$cn C~I ,~~:..!'" M.qy 21; 190) 7;;~ ~..~~o/~ COU.II'II~"r~" d .. -"~IfJ \ I , I' , rl c' I .' ., Rer.FIIIr~ ~cq 3 .' J.... CIII/I \ 10"'A ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Owlet D. Durry Stephen P.I.4cI~ Palllcla A. MeAde Rldwd Eo Myell DeilY Ckkenrell lA11lW)' 31, 1992 SlCVC Atkins .. U City Mansaer . 410 East Washlnalon SlrcCt Iowa City, Iowa $2240 Dear Sieve: Alrac:hed please find . copy or 1110 commltmenl ror rundlna ror Iowa City Ubrary rrom 10hnson County ror FY '93, Sincerely, , I .. -'I,.. ,. 0.< ,.. ';, CharlC,l Durry Chairperson CD/jh Enclosuro 1 .. ""DllnIDUBUQUBlT, P,MOX '''' IOWA COY, IOWA"'" TE" "'~ "..." PAX, "'~ "'~q~ t I ,I I ! i I \ I I I . fl c' I . - . RESOLUTION 01.31.91-1 Wbctcas, loIuuon Counly hu cnlc:cd Into an 1'lfCmCnl with the thy of Iowa Chy for library ICtV/caj and Wbctcas, Scct/oQ IV, D. IIaIa lho COIlnly Ih&IlllWmIllu commlllllCtllto Iowa C1ly by Pcbnwy IIli and Now, Ihctctoro. be II resolved, lo1uuon Counly Ih&II commit $166,148.00 to lho dly or Iowa C1ly ror IIbruy savlCCI rOllho IIJa1 year 1993. 1bIJ II In KCOtdaneo with SectIon m or aid qrccmcnl bucd on nwImum levy. MOUOD by Myas, ICCond by OekcnfdJ, to 'pplOVO Resolulfon 01.31.9H Roll ClJI Durry lye LIdna abJCl\t Myas lye Mt4do 1)'0 Ockcnfel. lye ....1b>1I. J.!.M.l-.t:1:t.. AI~~Tom Sleeken, Auditor By AA.J:t"nJ".,. On thol,! dayofJsnloW't ,1991. (Publ/shlna Schedule] Iowa Clly Prcu.Clllun: Pcbnwy 10, 1992 Solon P.conomUI and Tho 1.Qder. Pebruary 12, 1992 Lone Trtc Reporter. February 13, 1992 C1w1cs Durry, Doud or SupetvlJolI I \ I ~~ . - - I '- 1,-1 I . . 1I..;v ItIIC.O. 'hI: .t.t_ -~.;: , :. :-9: Ill",,", .~,' tll ,:1"(1" \'~.-::.,: 01111," . ~'9r!'!"'~1I 1 ~U~t!"X'f . I II IOWA CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1101 SoII'~ "1vt',Id. DIll. 10-' C"I.IOiI-. "m O/llc. Ptoont ()"135UO'5 '0 '''n U TOI CITY COUl/elL FROIII Richud Blun, Chalr, Alrport ~c/lJlhll1on REI Alrport Op.ration. Hanl90r Sallry ,"~". btvod 1M ~1IIIIMUl memo 1111 '11... I r; -- BACKOROU/lDI When Fr.d 2.hr l.ft hi. po.itlon o. Airport Henogar, thero v.r. loa. dlfticUltloD with hie tlnal pay'check, duo to .0.. dllloronct. or opinion .. to how much Vaa dUI to hi.. Th'.t ditficUltios arODO boc,u't thtrt waa no claar underltandlng a. to which rUII' tpplitd to hiD jOb, Accordlnqly, whon tha now po.itlon or Airport Oporationl Hanogor waa btlnq dov.lopea, tho oity personnal ana It,al dtpart.entD urged tho oo~I..ion ta lok, it Vary olaar a. to vh.thtr the 'Ionoqer Would ba an e.ploYt. or tht City ot Iowa ~lty, or a dirtot tmployae or tho Airport (OIlI.alon. When it wo. dtcld.d that the Manag.r Would bt a diroct omployao or the Conni..ion, tho ptraonnol dtpart~ont urged tho Commi..lon to dQvelop an adlinl.trativt play plan, and 0 benerits plan tor the po.ition .0 that there would be no al.undtrltandinqa about the.o 1..ua. in tho tuturo, With tht a..l.tanco ot p.r.onn.l, an adllniDtrative pay plan tor the airport wa, drawn up, and adopted by the Alrport eommi..ion. Thi, plan va. verr similar to on. ot the 11noo In the oity plan, dirt.rlng mainly n itD upper .tep.. (The commis.ion adoptld a pOlicy that thl b.n,rits packa90 would b, an 'XDct copy ot tho ci ty'. pac!:a;I., Ron O'lItil waa hind end hie cOllfanution hu beeh Conai.tlnt with the commission'. Idmlnl.trDt vo pay plan. At lome point attar Ron wa. hir'd, thl city edministrl~lv. pay plan wao rQvi,ad by the olty adminl.tratlon, with the po.ltion ot Airport Hanaq.r delotod and the Airport Oporation. Hanooar ' in'orttd. Until laot July both piano wora oonsistant with Ron', .alary. At that timo Ron r.celv'd a compon.etlon atop which waD con,l'tant with tho commi..lon" plan, but whIoh 'xclodud tho top l.val or tho lina in which the Airport Oporotlons Hanl90r 1. tound in tho City'. pion. This disoreponcy wa. apparontly not noted until recently, whan Ron wa. approved tor tho noxt ItOP in tht commission's ~lan. ~q7 . , I"" t- - - -- J .; e 'I .('0' IfL(~CI'ICII '1'011 I Z. ,.~: WIO"" I ~CI" G'. 2"~1' : 21nu~ ': :['," !d C:.C:.i: ~III"" . , . Airport oporationl HlnlVlr Sllary PIl~O 2 ~ENT SITUATION I The adllnlltratlon now rllll, la VI undlr.tan4 lt, th,t thlY laok authority to llIU' .Ilary chock' to Ron at the rat. vhioh ha. beln a~prov.d by the co"l..lon bloauoo that rata 1. not found in tha olty" plln. Ron'l ohlck. have contlnuld to be l..uod at tho prevlou. rau. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS I A.) Author1la th. adQlnl.tration to l11uG ..lary checkl vhlch Gr, conal.tlnt with tho co..l..lon" pllln, upon proplc1y i.luod warrlnt. or tho oOlAl..ion (It thin aivht bo vi.a to dllota the airport ,"ploYI" froa tho city plan,) B.) Incorporate tho co..lI110n" plan Into th, city plan. C,) Ravi.. tho city plan to pllee thO po.itlon in I 11n. which 1. conpltlbll vlth tha co~l'llon'D plan, RECOMMBNDATIONI AI X undll'ltlnd, It Dolutlon "A" vould not raquiro a r.vlDion of tho oity'. admlni.tratlvl pay plan ordinanco. It vould a.l. th.t thlG vould bl tho oa.illt way to .olv. the probles, and I raco~.nd that, or 80ml .lnl1er, aotlon, ~q7 . . .. ..... _ _.._...n I [t (:' I - . . I i I , I I . , I ! : -_....,,- r/$'" ., : _.__._-'.~. .....;.....".... ..... . .......~_......,...,'..'""'...,.,"".... .-. ~d: ,a~1I1"~ h PJ f/3/1/'t ,\ I ... ___,.,'0'................._,. ...~__..'_ .'.....~. ....._ _.._"',-.....~ _. ".___.__..._..-_.w .__. . . ~-'-".. ~ .. of_..8$, p..P~ ,.,. .'." ~tIiIIJAT~P'.~f. .l!D..AJ 711'Y 8~'UAltC f ., 8, P()o e"I'IIIJI'110~ gfJ 5eMfJIl et'NTefl. Il/ftklAi(('t f~o.Is:r .,. /I ~ ItJO . - 75', I)~() IIVA""tJ't! "PO .;, 1bt,/~ ~fJPI4=g'5 I I I , I + ?>?, OPO .... . /-;'1; OPP ItVA/(/MtE IIJet26A~ lIMeel fille I8J~AJ ...sr;fTe:J'~ - - .-a'&., I)~~ 60 () I) I) , , /)~PW.)/)e{) /!eofltEO ~IJI.J1y q8~~/l!J tlJ1J1{JflJtl114AJ - - 14IP, t)1)() UlJPtlAJO~ ( t 1% 1101 lftIe~A~ A(olellTY 7flJ<) .,.~,. ~ ... '" -.-.. ~q~- . , .. J CI I I I_ ,. I~ - - . - - ( J , I , ~ j ,\ RoM. ()S( \J~ l&M1t//"M.,;.) h f "/~ lilt. .........'""-..,.... ".~< . ,'.-"'__." _ ._........~.....4..... .... --, '" ,,' ..f/!... , __ 'u .,. ,.._ '. ..'. ,_..., ..,."' .... , .. ....._.~l~e f!~p. ...... .q._....__'.O.~~P...7 ~e~II.~_"'t"o. '!~~r/~AJ. _._~.l-.1:7.~ ,~~ ,..,.f-:!JflIlh.r!. .D!.~IIA,~/Io:'fr" 8!,kNI~ + "YJ. ()()() - "). ~ I () ()~ , 1I1J11/~ Ib/J tl1Pt 1Ac "~fNl!t.,s .:P !:ITATe flHlIC'1/olJ CP 1.1/ ~4 C41PI7A .,. ~+8' ()~() . - 1-9~ ()O() , . G 3, () ()f) IIvnl'l1la Ufo ~ If ~7Are' ~~()1ItCS tI.~~ M (l/fl1A i I I I 4tlAI""8~ fPfJ 4'lPI1/1C fJ~~<<T. - -.......,...-. .-..... -.-......,..-.-..-.. .~._._._- _....r,'.'.__.. .,..._..... .'.. .. .. _ ._ ,~qg . f-f ,I I ... _ c - - - City of Iowa City Strategic Planning January 14,1992 Summary Report CompUed by Tim J. Shields Institute or PubUc Affairs The Unlvenlty oClown ~qq . I ,I , , I I i i I ! i I , i I I . CI d I - . City of Iowa City Strategic Planning On JllDunry 14, 1992, the lawn City City COUDeU held nn lnConnal work session. In thnt session the eouneU Coeused on n number of key nrel15 as foUows: L Teamwork Analysis Tlte council dIscussed al lengllt Issues assodaled wllh Ihelr abUlllJ to ulork eJTeclllX1llJ as a learn. Those dIscussIons lJlelded selX1ralleam agreemenls as 10 melhods and/or behavior. Moreover, Ihe discussions provlcled an opportunl/y Jor council members 10 .clear Ihe air" on a number of kelJ leam Issues, 2. Oonl RevIew nle council revIewed previously developed goals and discussed Ihe major accompllshmenls of Ihe lasllwo uears. 3. Strategio Issue Analysis The council roulewed an extenslue Usl of pending and/or polenl/al slraleglc Issues Jaclng Ihe clllJ In Ihe ne:a Jew uears. This process aI/owed lite group 10 s'lare views and perspecllues on Ihose Issues oj ouerr/dlng straleglc Interesl. ~qq , J ,I , . ,.;&. ~ - I I U I:: - - , City of Iowa City Strategic Planning Agendq 1. Improve Inter' personal relallonshlps. 2. Implement long range plnnnlng Ithree.n\'e yearsl. 3. Change dlrecUon o( the councll/sta(( nndlmplement 0 brooder r:ulge o( opUons. 4. Denne Ule role o( the counclllehnrterl. 5. IdenUfy Issues Md prforflles 6. Develop consensus on strnleglc prfOrfUes, 7. Improve group dynamics nnd lenmwork. 8. EstabUsh dlrecUon over Ule nc:.'Ct two yeRrs. 9. Denne gonls. 10. Discuss Implementallon nnd monltorfng. ~9r I ,\ , , , I i I r I I i . ...... ->- U I~' I - - , City of Iowa City Strategic Planning oten fa r t I gJ the 1990's 1. Community Development Block Omnts 2. Public snfety and community 3. IndusU1n1 Pnrk 4. Human service agencies 5. EconomJe development lonn fund 6. Replacement of Ore equipment 7. Locntlon nnd COnSlnlCUOn of Ore slatlons 8. Fire training fnctlllY 9. Science cen ter 10. Parking ramps 11. South of Durllngton policy 12, Water qunllty standards (mandate) 13. Snnltnry sewer service (mandatel 14. Arts center 15. Capital expansion of IIbrruy 16. Tronslt copltnl replncement 17. Transit! American DlsablllUes Act (mandate) 18. Affordable housing InlUaUve (mandnte) 19. Parks and RecreaUon Department projects 20. Land OUlmMdate) 21. Refuse collecUon policy 22. Brtdges 23. Street reconstruction 24. Clvlc Center expansion 25. Police IlrIng range 26. Future stofRng needs 27. Neighborhood Integrtty 28. Zoning chonges 29. Envlronmentallssues 30. Cable televlslon 31. Locnl option troc 32. Handgun ordinance 33. DeOnlUon of frunlly 34. School safety 35. Public snfely 36. Update subdlvlslon regulaUons 37. Storm wnter regulaUons lmnndalel 38. Youth 39. AlternnUve financing 40. Amertcan Dlsnbllltles Act compllnnce J ,\ i ~r .~..---r'- U ,=1 I _ ' , I .\ I City of Iowa City Strategic Planning AOREE&lENTS 1) The tenm agreed to. when approprinle. Implement a bronder menu of policy opUons for council conslderntlon and discussion.. 2) nle lenm agreed that council Input should be plnced lownrd the froOl end of the decision process.. 3) The lenm agreed to rescrve this extended process ror key polley nrens. lI.eoo selecU\ocly decide when 10 llse this approachl. AOREE&IENTS 1) The team agreed to use one.on.one telephone cnlls. 2) The team agreed to periodlcnlly use orr weeks for team discussion nnd focus sessions. 3, The team agreed to use personnl feedback construcUvcly nnd on a timely bnsIs. ~ AOREEMENTS 1) The team agreed to reduce or, preferably, ellmtnme. Inappropriate counclllnvalvement In administration. 2) The team agreed that when council members possessed profcsslonal expertise on pending Issues thntlnfonnaUon should be funneled through the city manager. AOREEMENTS . 1) The tenm agreed to reduce, or ellmlnnte, 'rudeness". 2) The team ngreed to avoid bringing surprtses 10 the council meeUngs. 2thtt.Icnm rs9I1C~llIC'IS!l~ 11 VoUng 2) Public criUclsm of fellow council members 3) Value dlrrerences <\) MeeUng mnnngement ~9q . - I I U c - - . Fobruary 3, , 992 ~ IOWA CITY Z Al~~MBER OF ~ COMMERCE m E. W~ClCn P.O. 101 usa low, CIrt, low, 52244 3IP.]J7.P637 MI. 001101 Courtnoy I Prlncoton Court Iowa City, IA 52245 Door oallol: Tllo Board's 01 Dlroctora 101 tho Iowa Clly Aroa Chnmbor 01 Commorco and Iho Downtown Association wnnllo slrong~ oncourugo Iho City ollown City 10 construct 0 lour lovol parking laclfity ovor tho Chnuncoy Swon parking oroll. Wo loollholo oro both long and sho~ lorm prossuros lhat dlctato tho nood 101 Iho lour lovol parking lacltily. A Ihroo lovolmmp will on~ mootlho sho~ 101m noods 01 OUI downtown lot411 and ploloulonol buslnossos. A lour lovol lamp will plOvldo onough parking spocos unlll on oddlllonol parking 0/00 can bo dovolopod soulh 01 Burfinglon Slroot. Wo 1001 D Ihloo lovol romp will not provldo onough now spocOSlo ollsotlho loss 01 parking SpllCOS which tho downlown 0/00 could Ioso In tho noxtlow yoors. Tho cosl 01 COnSllUC\lng an additional porklng lovoltwo 10 throo yoals lrom now would bo consldornb~ hlghol Ihon II wo oddod tho lovol now. Also, OUI two organizations 1001 vory sllong~ thallho Chouncoy Swan parking lamp planning and approval procm noods 10 bo oxpodilod. Tho ontllO downtown buslnoss communlly noods to havo tho additional parking .pacos In tlmo 101 Iho no xl loll's shop~ng soason or buslnoss, ospoclally rotall buslnoss safos, could bo soriously Impoctod. II our downlown communlly continuos 10 lurn away good cuslomOls bocauso ollnndaquato parking, or tho pOlcolvod dlfncully 01 parking, II will cost our morchanls and tho Clly unlold buslnoss and dollars. Thank you lor your tlmo. Bolh Iho Chambol or Commorco and Iho oownlown AssocIallon would bo willing 10 mool and discuss Ihls Issuo lurthol II you 1001 It would bo approprlalo. Slncoroly, SJ~/~.ti1~7~ John Balmor PIGsldont ~i~ low. Clly Am. Chambor.1 Commorca ~ ~<<.~~ Paul Smllh Prosldonl Downtown Assoclollon 5tIVlnalhe low, alY, Corllvlllt, ,nd Johnson County Are, , ",', < "1 3(}() . J ,\ ! 1 I i . ! , . - - . ~-'-"".,- .... ~ 'r - -, ' , , . , , ' " ,fc..l', II I " -,'. :,'. . ',' 1 , ~,~ ,.-! _ . v .. ... \ \ '-.- ( \ ~~ .~~ .... . \:~, \\ 0) ml. . .' , " ...~- 1., '" 00! I i I I I ..-,".q'.'_h . U c' I L _ , Photol on tho coyor clockvllo fro. uppor lortl 1. Dr., Coorgo Stovlrt/Rodnoy Stavlrt/Dr. Zolll Whlto St.wlrt 2. Dr. Zolll Whit. Stowlrt CI. 1906 J. Tho houlo built by tho Stovlrtl It 1010 Woodllwn ^vo., lowl City 4. Zolll Whlto, CI. 1900 .;l Dr. Goorvo Stovlrt wal tho firlt.UI profollor o~ phYllcl. Dr. Zolll Whito St.vart VII I phYllclan Ind Illorvllt. Tha Stowartl bunt tho heel It 1010 Woodlawn ^vo. Tho hoUII which provioully occuplod thlt lot VII MOvod around tho cornor to Evlnl St., whoro it boeomo Dr. Zolll Stovlrt'l cllnlo. Tho Stowartl allo built tho Woodlawn ^porllontl bohlnd'th.lr hom.. Photol from the Stowart paperl, an archival colloctlon of tho "ohuon County lIi1tarlcol SOot.ty , lIarltava HulOUII . J ,\ i 3cl . n d I L ' . Prop0sr4 txhlhU 10pln at &he tlcrilGlJl nuseum lor 11'2-'3 lha axhlbltl balow could be buill during ChI 1992-93 yelr If the Socllty hDltha ruoure.. to hlr. en exhlbll deslgnar/fabrlcator. I. IIlstory or Johnson County Thl. pwnenul hhtbll wul4.glUrw lhe ~ulll". hblorv, ,m,helllllllllov lhe tutu" h .hoptd bV d1chl.", INdt In lhe ,""Ill. A. HatlVI Americans In Johnson County Onc. III ~tv WHIlolN " lIlf ~1t. IIw "" ~ IIU lilt "IN'Uf It.. ~ "'fIdH1 ~I.~., Itltr IIIl1lr. W HIit, PlIIMN 1ltY...,.".., IN IM6Im Nl'ltrbl CIlIN'., O. Destination: Johnson CounCy JoMun C<<I\Iy Nt Hfft . *ti....IIM 'll' HIlt.. Nrftw, ~ 11'''', ullllt" trmlor"", "",nwtrK4ftt~, 'll'UIIIWMII,H.trifV' ,..., IhlUIICPIIlMII ~I '''lCthHIIlII ~"'IIMNd"'1lI wmr.rritv"I~,Y1"', "" dHllo9' .k, 1 C. Johnlon County as a Cultural CromoDdl JoMun C<<I\Iy'I .tMlo,. hayt. ow *1r...1.1IIIl.. ~II\I OOIIlrWloN I' III ~I CIl"",hliNl.. How do YO 41"", hn ,Ihtr IoWI OOIMllIrtt.d How OM YO Itft CUl\tor,~~ vi'" .aclI olhtr't 4ilTfflfm 1 II. Schoolhousa Exhibit Our lurn.ofolheoctIIlurv lChoolroom rKeIl. the Old Con1vtlle School'. "rlv illY' vllh nctlellon benctJu,ltGufflV'. Reedell, ,ull~n IMps, old xhool phllOtjllplll, Itn lunch pelh, NovOx'orddtlu,end olller xhoolroomsrlUlCb. AI pII"III, hovmr, rrml o'our xhoolroomertlllClUIIlnator. ntller lhen on hhlbll, An .xhlbll doslgner could create e nev Xhoolroom hhtbll 10 IMh Illt'Il/ltfeels mlllblelo lhe publl~, lelllhe hhtorvollhe x loll, endgtw dolln. ebout xhool iltvutlhe lurn oft he century III. Travollng EXhlblls An uhlbll dollgner could me~ e veer.lOIll roule Ihro~h the county 'or '1Mlllocelohhlorv d1.pleV', end exhlblllllem etllb""." xlolls, end communllv ctlllm. IY. Tomporary Exhibits ,Plenned for Hev'Seplemtoor 19920 'S1II411 bul Our INn:' Cerlll4n & Clech Immlgrtllon 10 JohnlOn County, 'Plenned for Hev.September 19920 o!lnv Treasures:' Hinleturequllt. rromJohlllOn CountV, . J 3o{ . ....-- n d I ': . Facts about tho Johnson County lIorllago Musoum Jh.1lerI1ep 1l1Ile\IlII1I1he llIl1X I<<eI 0fI1IU:8IIDO 'pmemDlltllfaeUllllpononllOOI.r I<<al bI.nory 8D4 'InlerpreUDII<<eI hlllory Ihtqb tree pubUc P/'OII1IIII A 1Il1lle\llll n1u~tI, 1I....a ".II.tl.1 CIOlIIINl" ",lH: J511111l1-1l,/lnr IlltU. lc.,.r, Ie IIU till 1m II I "OJ Il&HaII ""leu tI. .., lI&bota toU,,,. " 'llII........ I 01 ..u.r ItftII In 'Mat, rttUtall 7)t. 're".. .\1....... CIOlIIllII" "'lH: W2 rNUltl L Ida... .I~'" ~ N' ~ .,'.til. !IIl&I1Jtta ItmlrY Ibnr 1ft!,.., I tu. ..toUllIH, tIltrt WIt 7J "'"' t<<lItI.Iaoti...., ) tUft "ocr- In . lfW .,47 tIoar, 0/ I<<IllUtfry pr....-lC- 1.".11..1 I" ItllI".II'IHall.U1: lufIt'Ia1, A IUk. It TLIlt: '.,11. h.1tIl ,.kIlwrt Au.... oSttllUtr Oect u,.. I ~II: II" Ct. QIIilIl Utltll 11411.. Oct4~,.No"" JIlI.....u. ftlUfwtl It 190': JIll PIlO,*tpbll' ~tI Ver' D,t1lt4 No,. U 1.,.: CW4I1oo4In11lW 'tlu..11 .....a .....I..11ICIllU ., '00', 1CtlIo1,...1llII dI"I." ~t "" c.uat, N,I",. 1I'''tI..., coaUNlt, to ,roy; 7OO~rl coatllkt... user ladl" la 1991. 'OO"'u . ssm... 1990. SOOllftlbtn . usn . . . !tit, Orul"'OlIl,I.I. L ''''''11 eo"rNlltau blip Ill"," u.1lGItal: 'I t.OOO projtcltd 'or "" USlOlanU '11,000 la",1 (Iaclld" tlfItrttlll'f ,nat III" 0004) UOOO..",o V.lulotr ..... ap 99' da.lo tilt wdllloa ot . tl4liN lIIaat", coordlNlor lal99l: 267 IIlUJlla lu' quut., 1991 I" hllrulalul quut.. 1990 C.lholl.u COIlIINl.lo Il\I:f"": V. ClIITtIU, Ill" tbolIl ~~ liMN II tilt ooIllCllol\. V. ~d"'lNllt 'hili m II~ to colltClloN 111991. la"ruU"II... dONI"'la 1991: ~1I.lorobt ,.,.rlO'Dr.14I1.,lfY." b.ml'I,,.lcIlltr ctma 011 porlnll 0' U,mllAlcu,lOa 0' RobtrllAlcN Itmll4rltl""'frlr 0'14". ~1I4ff 0' flCUIl Oroltl qmU.u ....1 I" ......7 C'II ErtcUth, Dlrtclor 1.taJ1. BoblNOa II m ,'''', I 30/ . , I U.d I ~ . PropolOd Dudgel for lhlllu1tegl t1useum FY92-93 lJpMIu I~I Dntlw..~ (l/4IIN) I~ DntwlftlltqllOO ",lIfl/lM) Jt'O Otowu'-'I<tntIN) ~ ~"".-"bluW(tn'l\'lfl ml Pht"...~(tI2I.".)(ao,...1) '/ro) '.."1 I.... (Jr:A-4 ptfMNI IllQ yertM'I 00Ilf, NIl WlCt ~IIw I SldU,n\lflNn1 UlWI IM_ l.i(WctllllClll JoMIOII eM'" IowlCIly Cctlltlllt 0It<< CO\I\I>j !tWlll I WI.", 2M) 4O(X) 2I'm 200 Im1 11~"tllnlli(f,J h4h1M,...., 11 000 Cor,or 01. ...., 2000 h4h1M14lNlloN 1100 PrOf"" doMhons 100 ttnl\lll villiOf' doMlloN ro:l II~Io'll 1m Ill..Cl:w:wIZ PrOf"" '"' 100 Htl II'NIM !flop IIItJ ro:l 'fIllI'I1 ,,~tJ , Stot, "WIt' (KXO ,WIt) 6000 Oth<< "WIll III lbtot., ~ PI """t.t HtInotIoI toM It4lW1fllftt FIN Pi ~'ohl 2l;g Hml TOT AI. !lICK I.IV n ~'1ftHr klttw. ctItt #mill ""I",, 0... "'"'" Ow. d1n\lflNn1 ~,~(rtNWI"/,.wl Ht..III1I1' ,",'r." IIWI!ilt II WI,h' III 1'Iw"" Celli CWfnlliOll/N'IW 114f~ ~1l1l1lCf1itt Pr~'h9 hrt'OOI~MlII\II, ltochlH) H11!ilt(WlOOI'IC4ftlIfIII,p,bIlcI\lj1 Plblic"" I't1oIOf~ ~Iitt tot"..,1IllI III tit,tl' Pi, V.\Il'HI'll'W,ID VI\Illftt' IIWIlfllIt VI\Iltftt' rfeOVllliOll Pi ~,.lal ,\ i ~ m".Q o()o o()o 100 100 ICI50 1m m llOO Jt'O Jt'O 100 ~ 200 rm 100 100 ~ V ONI'I11Mf eft'. wm(N. ~lIIbj, ltCI'M" eMf) 2200 Janl\oriil 600 Pill C<<llrtl 100 StcIrttv 204 H1~I-'llt 1<< H1I1I/flWf"9'OOJ'I4J ~ utlllt"'....lt,Ylltr,~1I 1m TI~ m v, Slblolal m2 y, OInt. bMfllH " r~1 PIloc/llltl Stltlor1trlj/HlrI.tIil9ltochltl 1000 Pro't1,loNt bocU/p,bllcltlofls 100 rro't1,loNllI'lIfI't>trlli\ll (AAH, IloJ m ~t'C<<mwctlM/I'lIII'lMIIi\ll m ~IH' IlfttallAY ~t ~cNst llOO Olllot ~~/poIl. m y, ~'ola' ~ ror At (l(p[6[8 !-YI ~ 30( . t] e I , FY91.92 Dudgel 'or lh. "trUoge Hmum ~ I ,,,NtH' OhM u'" (II. "lid OYtcW 11III191 (tOO 1lIW/.., ew......(lnt..) WlU""""llItk.w (JII,_) rr.,... ..,lIlMllNww " M~I , 'Vnft lailH 11 CA-4 ,..,HnI) hln,'~ 'Ia",",~ Mldd ...... I Mltoetlttlofll ~CMIV 1m City Cot.M11f Oltolf CMIV IoYM I c.....hl 1m! ZOOO I~ 00- 2m2 It Dvt, " flMltlMt l'l4IY~l'" 11236 Cotpor .,, ~. 00- ~1,~.'doNllont ml Pr~ am donatiON JOO ""'MI .!t"or donatlont ~ II Slblohl ~ !UIwlwulw Pr~am 'H' IItI IMMlIhop lilt. rtdt,.l "",. (till . Sial, ,,"II (ao) 0tNr ,,"II III Slblolal r/. ~tt("t HtinorI.ll1.nd. [ndowrntnl /\rod N, SoAilolal t.mvwr: 400 300 I~ ~30 6m m s TOT AtIllCOtl[l.y m1A D Bfw"Ml'hflMllfftJ M'ulI 1IlHI'" eo..~ ....'",~ ttIritr... ~ (rtflNlll/fIt'f) 1ItY.lttw,,"'.....lNl1rlt n SIb"''' In rr.ntfftJ C<<lHn.,IolI/CII.'" ""~ WI,""""" Prtll.,.(~,ItI("'HI 11anr.., (WlOlItfllllllll, I'6lktllj) ~Ilo~ PlIo..... ~lIt.(..".,_ III 5t.blfl.1 Pi. Y,\mHl' Ifw.Ill y,\.ntw llIIlfrlalt y.UlIwr~"IolI(ao,fIt) Y.UlIw *""... (aG "fit) Pi, So.btol.1 I~ IQ) 6QX) 11" :010 2M2 100 1m an o()o o()o o()o 700 900 IS 2Q) ~ ~ 2.0 100 :lO 100 1m eoo eoo ~ ~ Y,I.\'<<.IIofttt'ft1J hNm(N.~.wrilNfl"e<<If) I'"' J.lntw1t1 ~ PHI C<<llrtl IQ) StMIIj 204 I1atll~wt JOO I1a ~1tnrlCt'9' 0U'IdI :lO UtIHtIt.oht.l,wll",~ 1700 T,~ m y, So.bt.hl ~ Y. Ofnc. r-" " [I>>~t Pltcflmt 8ltllotJtrv IHritI "9 ttocfar tt I 4:lO rr.(tttwl boclI/JdItc.tlonl :lO rr.(ttlwl mtIIt.tnt.~ (AN'l. .lfJ 215 ~tfC<<lvntrCfICW~Jll~ m0~itf'rHlltl/AY~llVdltu 700 0I11ot 114f~/potb,. 1000 Y. So.bt.bl 1m YI. SCfcltl Pulttll 000u1M ArchlYtt (I II "till) 1mI TOT At (lIP(ltl(1 "YI m1i J 301 . .' J t I I"'" I -' - - ' t ~; ~ f Olllcors Prt:l4fnl YI~e pre:ldenl tecrelory TreeJurer Dlroctors ,\ \ Officers and Directors of the Johnson County IIIstorlcal Society and Herltaso Musoum 1991-92 Emily Rowrt: Geol1e Done Sorah M [levis T.Patrlcla Dee Joy<e B4rren Mildred Bldlacl: Bob Burn, Jonnlfer ElIswrlh Helen Ro:e Ford Kelth Hemlni"y Loren Horlon ML.Hwl C E, Pelerson Elocutlvo Dlroctor R.R.). Box 102 R,R,7, Box I iO)11h Ave 617 12th Ave. 10" City 66).2121 10"Clly ~t.ml Coralville ~1.~t7 Coralville ~i'~i26 1011 Voodla'1l (onClty m'~11 1616 ~lb S1. Coralville ~t'i)&t 1~ BedfordC\. 10"Cl1Y ~1'1Z19 '7)2 twborn Ion City ))13-8900 Box 287 Lone Tree 6..'9.~1e R.R,2. Box 169 10" City 6i)0218) ))67HenoverC1. 10nClty ~1'~12 626 Brooklend Perk Dr. Ion Clty ))H~iO 107 Po:I Road Ion City )WI096 Laurie RObinson 1925M41er Ave, S,V !o"Cny b~'~'/I); 30( ---1 , , Do'lll I. ~'" I~o I 01"1 L.~II J.lu 1/'" >>I """A au"l ......,., rJ I 041'"' '''''''' J"... "'II\l'J r.l. ~Co 1111" Do,.. ,. I UIUUI~ I. 110:,", "'11 ". 11I1"'" Jou I k'".... "'~... 0111 "uh 1'11, I 04... "-"1 hUll' I 'atllll IIIlIultl 00111 11I,,111 Ull~ ""el GI.u .. "llItI "u lilt ,,11I11 004 I .1111. 110 III II ...I'M 110ft... ..C, I~ I DI"I ~,. ""t"n "01'1' Du . ..~Iu, JoIIII L. 110I. lIollt IU alelll' .,m IIt,IOll a. ...1, lit" ...I..M' ku" I C.rol 'OIIi~hl ..011 J, 1IO.lcl CIm 1 h,l lIM'I'. 1I11 I '1"011 otl'I~' ..IIN 0111 lit" '""1 I. .... '"111 Ohu I. I JO,et I. 'UIOI IUI, "MIII"" c.r. I JNU' .nlllOl ItUII .. "11I1'1 Loll I J.., fllIt .11.. 10011 DO'" aUI DOIU. .., IIt'9"'1 I. ..IIAlI .U" I tltlN ",M"I GI... r. IIO~"I' 00. I LI.'I. a.blltoft 1IO~"lllOJm 1,'011 .. !lo.. ',ucn hvllllol V.u .....11 JaIl rlllol hut. J"I leh.~III011 J," ICII.U" (olnll .. 'elh.\ II'" ICh..O."., 0... lehteh.1l r. Ju. leh..~ '..e,lllO.,IIII, L,I. I ~"ol 1.,..1 '1,. I H,.e, Ih"bI'" I',b I 10MI. "'1\ 'fI' f I (h",1 ".....1 C~'I " .. Ilu'llUJ . U d I L .. , IIi,C, '1#011 ~.. 0.,1. I'.... _'''UI ""tlln H'14' "'" ""I ko't. I "II, Lol. 'Ul~""" 001011, IIo:C." ,,,Hllel ..V. 110:04-.11 ""11.11 I I.,. 110:"1111 ,..I I ....If 110:"" Do,. 110:0.11 u TlIII. .. "'.... JII', I '" ,.. \I 00101" .. III'C" ...nlt III,,, r. L...II. 11111 L,h V. ""111 "II I. "llItI Ju.. """11' 1olo _.. kl.l. I J.I. ~"I' (~VCI I I.." Movtl. JlllIoIlh' V.L. I 'IIn 110I..11 J.. a. '"~ JolI. ....Ill Lo.I... L. ....... J'" II. .." II Villi.. 110.,.. fI"..ct I WIIHI ObI I I" 01. (..11.1 0.'11"1 LIIOIII. Ifl.., lit" U"II JNII ." IMI IIt'IVC'II' V. ',"lc\ lit, .1It J. ""II ..h. r. 'HII. Vlfllt I 00,11 '11l1C~ co III' I '01 tot.. Do.. .. .....h~tI. 1III .. 1.1..11.. "" JOII. 1411. '.1.. .. ..11.11.' INti I ....'f .ICIII' v.,.. , II I, !loO'1lI L.v. I ....I Jotl" 0., L. IIOIUOIl' .1111. ....,It OO.,ln I. .....11 DtboUI Ilh. .ICh'" IIVlII 1110 lehlllll IItII. 'ehlllltl (01111. ". lell..1 MI,O"I I I.,..JI 'eh~.b.I.. 1111, I. 'eh~II'1 'hOOolI S. leoll D.G, ~tI' L. It"'.,,, "I"I..lhl"O. L'n'l I 1.1 Shop' "'b.1I 11111 ',,1Ie II H. I '011 AM III'P, Joh. I '.el, 111..1 ..., II' ~ , . t' 'II '.I>lwll "JilL." i&U4A'I'1 .."'''',... '..,llt, t.,u.,,, \0.111&1"1 w.." . ..." II' Soll_,n, I.J\'"'' 1 Po '''u, 1.0, lu.l" l,~, "'" ,. C~'II... 11...nl lII11lfJ II..... KII, O. lIorl... I.., I KI't 111.,,'11' ll... (. '1.1.... ...~ I YII".I. 11."001. ",rl.. .....'.111 01..111 ..... 111M,. J. fI'l (.1. fu,1I 10", J. 'lION I .. 'loI'Ytoft A,I. Tlllif ""I. I UUIlO' "._1 III.h VI"''' ",II YIII 1101.. 1.1. I It.... VIIIoIII v..4. "" I 01. y.IlJ"hOt' '10011' I YlelO,l1 v.lcI ...h l. W,IIII 11I1' Jo v.lIlC1 ToI I 11I'/0'1' Wrl~" "IIIIII1I1O,1lt1l 'Ilrl., ". Wh.'IOI .... .. V14111 If. L. Wild L.elll. VIIII.II "tl.1 C. I CIIIIlIC. M. VII... .1 lOll vlnbOl' .h,1111 I 10b.'1 'II" ".,1'111 N. YoI., j ,C,JJ, j ~ / ~fl ~ ...., ... 'I. ....'. 00>0 I ....1' SIOI~O'" KI., I'. a. hilI 110.... 14101 C..ol Ipl/".' lo'l, J. Ip..." h'b'" IUl llullO' L. 1,,1. Dlun. I '"' II..... Juu C. l\IlCI .... IIIUIIlI 01", I. 110" Jotll I III I, 1101.... 1II..llnl I l4 ..111.1. 1.1.... 1....'.111 ...1 ...11 (OM I' Tlppu 1.111 I M.lIC' nl'" (1101 TllO.,... IIt'I I l.lU no.,... "Ip. "OYIl , IN' I Mo..II TIIel" ..V. Vu All.. Dlcll. V.. Ntl.' .U.. VI"'II Vo", 1.11..' Vu,... 1.lhl.l. L. w.I..I. JoM lilt', rlh., vII' ...1., I. VI~II ..11 I ....,. M..... YI"I.II MUI 0'01" L. WhIU 1I0IIllC. .. vllt I ...~ 111111..1 ".,b I JI.lc. vii... roll.1I I IItllhl 111.0011I .,110 III. V,l,hl 01.. I Illbl" Y04., M.It. I. 111111 . J \ . I '''"''-'''~-"-, ..... <::)' ~ 1-' ~"'\ki~.'lo.iJ~'>(;":l'';';''-''~'"i"''^\;~''''>''''' "\'" .o~>..., -.>., ,..,..,..., ,'.- "","",~....,.~ """ Ab.1 M'II, UUI Job." L. AI..,o4., .II'~' All (ICII AIl..I.. Loll A04,"011 Itll I "'1111t1 A...."M Jot lit Ao'" I.. 11411 fllOlI. M. IIld,I", .'b. IIlhOl,.. Ju' I fUolI IIIIOW. I"~ Itch, J...I'., A. ..11 Jo~. I Alllld 11...11 "'If I. I DIlIt.. ....... "lid,,, .ldllC' .'1', I "1. '11110, 'II~.,I.. '10,""1 ~'II D. IOI~.II YI"II I. '''''11 f.f. '0'" Lootll I 'nit .""'1 A. ...1 .""'"1. Dol I. II M 0110fl 110'"' Joblll C. 1I0Wft ._ YI.I.. IlIch,. . MIl.. Ill"', '"1~ A.. Ill,. G"."I.. lIu. M.h. I. I III. M, .,llIflOft ~J..., ,,"1" 0'. , f.,,1 C.pl'. DU. (lIp..lt, DOIOlh, ". Ch'p",. .,... I KlI,I,.lh Ch... A'lt I.h , 'lIt CII.... Lid. II. Cochll. "IICI, , Llllhl.'1 COI.II. Lollh Coo, "I'. (009" J,.., I Ilch.,d (0"0. JtI' (0. LI.... C,ll "Ichlll D. ClIMI.,~," Gloltl D'.I J... Dill. fO' , Ih.,1 D..I. fllO... .. JI.. I. DI..IOI. Mllol. ". Do.n.ll, Dlln. DIIII.lcu (~1I111 D1111, ""I" OIl'P~' II.", , "".1 01011" ,.",el. te.h.,., J.nn, II 1r0l01I~ tdll~ 1..11 J,.., llle...n S..J" IllIn II.'. "11...11 Ann Klle., ..ddll... '_-,-,..~....".....^ . tl c' ,I' - "". I 1111 A,I.'t.to Lolli" AI''''' 101. Allo,. J.ltpll All Do'. I ~Il' ~.'I'. ,..1 A....'_ ...., I. A."I AI AII"111 A.. ". U"OI' KlI,"'1 ..1..1. JOICl III'tI' JolI. .. U"tell_. Johl..' M. .'1" 11141.. ....." Gall' OIl. ."1' ~'" Y. , GIll I.. Itll' M.It. .. .1111" ..... ......t\ 't' ...... '''I M. IIH' UII, ,. '0... ,,11I , KI', loll 'MII J. r,.I. , "lit ."....1111" ...~.II. .,... I. .'01..... '1.11, .....11 L. ..... 01101 110'"' Yl.IO,11 , JII .'M J I. 11I11.. LUClIII. 'uh... lOb I A" 11.11 1t,,1. .. ..,IOll 1III , LI.... 1"'11' Do. I A,.I,. (u,b.1I J.II. C'lbll't CoAlI. ClII" o. IIh.1 ClI.pa.. All Ch_ne. """1nt .. I J.... A. CIIIIOll KI" .11.. Co.l, J.... Co.ne, L40. I ro"l. COOpll ..J, COlbUI CM. L. CoIIIl" "'ph , DI.n. CO, NI.l' C.II'" Chi III. DIll., KlI, Jo DI.. '.I.h ".,1. DI'I. f. '.111.1. Du '"' DlIII ... I AII'"t DooIIO. Cllol I Col , DollClI C~III" , J.ell. D'l.eoll J.. , .111 D1111 L.'. DII.IO. IOb"I I lut 010"', Loll, I Ifl rWII rd., L. r..,l", Do... I Llo,' lrl., Jo~. IIle..o. "'h( ..11 J I. . ,"'U" "lldlld Mill flnlO. a. 1991- ii' c. 1.1, I.ll .,.t.Wt4 111/ , e.,..1 ,,,... 011" III r 11111 .IM'''' ,.., ~..,. ''''1' "'"CII .. ,..."A. .;...1. , L.lVlft"" ,...... V... O. 'Iw,. J...", I ,.11. IU._ .". Ga.,.. Ou,.. L. G., C. J.,Cf 0' Allh' G....I.II "1'11' OI"I.lc~ KI', I .... eo.I. Do."., ". 'I. noli. 011, Do'OI~1 O'IN' ... I Of ..... ..... Flou.et ...41., '.11I. I 11I1..1. ...,." KI,I. f..., 1,..1 KI'I'II. .. "{'A VIIU. L. ..,. III ... J. IIINII III" r. MllllIf." ... 1111 cu. I JHA MIIOIl 1111.. O. ..Ictlll KI'111" J. 11001... IlIfI' '011 Lo," ..110ft CIIII ....1101 D,. Ill. IlcAII' ...hll 11111111 .. 11.11.. DIt.. .. "nth'II, Yiet 'u.Id... ...{ L. J.'lIell On . A. J.p". 10.'" .. J"" J.II. JOIIAIIO. Jo.. J.II. ",UI I. JOlII. U.. ..,... ...cy .."".d, A......... C. ,... ... I J....I'. a...., C.,. ....10ft N.I .....11.' N.nol J. 10..... CliO I.. ". '''HI~'O ..,~ I. IlInll linn". J. L,h.J. rl.I.. L...,nb... ,,, L......b... h.I,. .. L..II. lOll II , .. Lu JOt" I '.11 LlI. Jo... Lo I.b.llth 11.110 L.., ",ch..1 .. L..'....e. I., LICh! 'ull.. LillI! VIC'II A. Loc' SI., 1..1'11 1.1. ~ /1t""" ~ I I ~ .....,.. If, ,..... ... 101.. "......... ~II L. , II At , hll '111 ..... ,.,, I.... I. ",..14 M. ....I I "'If 11I11. '""" KlIII,. I J.II, G.1II1 "" r Gao" "'''" Con f_' M. , "'HCI kl... ..,..... .. Gill "", ..11 GII'A 1...1., 0N0d U...". DIt...... II.'. "llbetHl YI'.I,II.. MIII\lOll JoM , ..., II, .." II.. 1oM1. '''01' .1111 II. ....., JIM I '11 "'1' . "HI I. M., ,.111 , J..... ...1....' .... It" A" I J'llcc 1111" DoMt L. -"11 11I,,1. .... KI." loll hu. ..,...1" IIII I ...1 "'.11' 11I01 I. ., lib, "'" .11.... M.L, , J... '.11 Itv, CII,lCo,.I,III. CYI 'r'." Y. I J'M I. J.... I CI"d I 11I,11,. JlI.U A.. Ltlll JIl' D.I., ,'ath J.Illon 0111 I .11.. J.... '1111 I CoMII Jo... 11111. , J., J.... Ill. ItlUhu LI.... I. '"bll KI',II" It,ll KI'lut'lI' 11",,," .11 'Klllltln ....11.. ileA ....,11 10, I Itll, 1011 IObIll I IlIblll ..MI Do..11I .. LI."',,, . C~1l10"1 , Im.1I LICit""" LI.... 1u'1I LlOt..bll, J.... 'M..", .... In I. , ClIllloll. L'lIo. 1.111 I. Lori Albllll I. L.h.." Mleh..1 L.nll.. C,llllnl L.on'l' ..bll' J. Llbb! Jo.n LIIIII"1' ., "'.'r LI""n CI.. LooI~', VI.h Lo.. , '. s... .... ___ I - I I U I::, - 0 v ~~ .\ i i ~, . .n," ; PHil J, ~ln . . ~ . .~~ . r~:1!.W. - - -.......... '. "'-' ". ,JOHNSON COUWl'Y H Isrl'OI~ leA L . SOCll~rI'Y Aln"1I711 "TUI":1'.I'" I.'~ I\IloIII "II.\I.\IIJ,I~ I'" ,\ AU.. <11" .\I.It.. hlwy2O, 1002 .\ Dd rllend, Who can"., rou IIpIott.and pltltlVfo tw ~ pal'/' W!IIllocll coltdbn IncUItI Oul Wit doMItnll, IIII'lt hlIlotltt, bullltl,OIIIilt doll, tnd I wrtb 1lIbt7" WIIt'I can rou 1M JoMeon CoIny'IIIIv1ll1tdat bIIr,lIl opttltrq LIoIltlIllln I~ wan 1 180'1 hlg/lo\llllHltdbqdtr" lliatort, hlrl., 1I.lI-~ IIrd IIIhttt Illht JoMeon Cwt(lIi1lorie11 Sodtly'llll/hgl t.Wum. ~ roulhldyknlwlhtt. Ilutdilrouknow IhIlIht 1.lutNn'l rtMlldl,CIlltdbn1, tnd l.hIlb lit dmadt poIl1l1t by Iht lIWlallUJlPOll 01 rnorllhln 700 IIlImborI oIlhtJoll/llon Counly IGtIorltll SocMIy7 IVlh IhII IIntr,lh. Soc/tty'I 00Md d DncbI CIOtdbIy mill)'OU b'" I pm d /hit h'tgrlllfl. Wlltn rou und row m.mbatah~confllllAlon In Iht ancloItd 1IlVIlopt. rou1 III ht\llt1o 10 rnUuJn Iht 111/1101 MUIIUIn, .. I CIlIldIona, rtulld1 tnd I.hbb. You!", IIIollhQ hIIby il 1m Mdil'~ TheSodtly'lplwlncWllqullreglslrlllonprojecl,ntWmUllUml.hblt,tndllpllldtdcllildrll1'1 . I' progr~. ~ ,~ Stndlro)'OUrmlmbollh~dUlI nowd .na",.lhIlrourmembtnh~btntf4Ibegln ~~Iway: r t.... ' Yau1 ,acINI . llUbIcttXbJlO our qllll\lrtt nlWlltller Ind I , ptIIOIIIl tM.Itlm 10 II SocltIy mill.. , LV ~ } . Mtmbtrt~~InIlIhtConIltMor,PIlron,orOtntlldo,lty"d ) P' ~ .Cl). '1CtNIIglluwelSMlhtandoaur.AGollAlrYou. . ~I ~~. lWlyoumlklhlttotywkhullnlD027 W.laoklclwltdlolllletrogyoUo 1,V'."'IrA \ 'Iv V l' St::t. Adv cl Emltifbborll't' )lL~V P,lIld.nI .~ 0 . Th'"I1-'01 MUlOum welcomed 4417 ptrIOnllo II programllnd l.hb'lll411 Y"'. "The Mualum'l CIlnOdlon Indudlllht.. hl1\l'lnd S.OOO molll "'ThOl' old.rllhlonod IOYI.and 200 mo,...,.1n lhll.hb'l TQ'II~ ChlldhMd RllY~.1Id Dllh.llorilloo MuaDum through April 30. 1002. Iloard 01 DIrOdol1 oIlho JohnlOn County II111OrblI8ocfDly 'Goorgo DAno' T. Pol/Ida 011' Slrah Mill, Dlvll 'Joyct OI"on, Mildrod Dldlack. Robert Durno ,.,10M! Enlworth, IIol,n Ford, 'Kohh II.mlngwoy' Lolln IIOf1On' MoL. 1M 'O.E. P.llrlOll' Emly Ilobortl' Lluri, RoblnlOn, Eroa/llvl DIrOdol '. ~."-_.~ ,..,.... ,. .-i _, , ~I I J r I::~ I . , , .. . Mun: aboutlht Johnson Counly IIls10rlall Sod,ly. . . Lasl1fll' . , o<<XJ JellS IIlClIlbctI COlUibultd sam ~ 1UppII, Iho ~Lann.. . Discover YOllr pas/I . I U~YIMIIho uIllliIlIlllho 1/aIucO --'.-- MIItClIll.T"-' .".-. '1131 sam IIIClllbI JOIS ' pIlpIIIIIlIlho MlIICIIll cr ca. 1110. la lJfl " 'Tho Muxum't nllll . ~ bqct b $l7St6. 'MIIlCIIlII\Ip\Qt"*, 6an IhcM IlIIta: . . 37' COIllIl1 pll'llMlCll1 32' ' mcmbcnlllJ', &IlU 12' end Incano . 12.. panlS 07.. dly~ Tho I krl~JO MllXUIII P.O. Box "'I 310 F1I\h SL CtnJrillo, Iowa 52241 (319) 3jI.5738 (In CtnJvUIc, (ollow Flnl Avo. 10 IlslnlUJ((llon wllh FlM SL Tho Museum b 3 blcxks ~I on mill SL) ,.....?t . . 'i " . ", .~,t ,t., .- ' "j'." .... , . U, .,.,.~."'." . '''-'1'. . ,~. ."\". 0',,' . ~:J ,j..,...,' ... . < ~ ",<, .~.'.' , ,I 'f '. , . . "l...'ll\<<...'....., \';1. I' ", " . 'At '''''t. .t , .;rt'"" .;- I ...' a./I'.... 'it ,...,..~I',..", ,.,.~. ',....r~\\l'..\'\,.. . . '. ~:..,J. .:4.~"\~~ ~'t~;.. ..: ':1'. ~,'. j~ :,..,-' "~"', . " ;'"J..-::~ ,',,' I . ~~t:. I' t... ." '., I'..' ......... . "-., d"~ ''',f'' t, ,'\ lr" '''4' ., ,.t, . ' '", I'. ,......... . -J; . ,.. '. .'.t..,I.~ It' trI,~: ~I t..1 tN oJ ,. . t JoIn Ihe Johnson Counly IIfslorlclll Soclely lodllyl :30{ I - ,- ,- - - - .. ,\tllllll Ihe: Juhnsull COIIII\Y IIISlurkul Society EvelY diy, In titJ'f comet of our county, people arc ~nl hhkrY. You.lOO, arc ~ ohhls contlnulnl llOCY. II'u rich ~ dlvcnc We, c.~ In dW\cS, Icncn. bookS, \OyJ. toOls, ~ countlesS otheuillfacts. S\ncC 1983, \he JohnsOn County IDIIC:d(1I Society has been colIcclina. DrcscMnI! and IeUlilI \ho IUXY or JoMson County's pasl II tho (\crlll&e MlISC\IIllo The Ucr\laco Museum belon&s.1O all Johnson County rcsldenlJ. II rccdYCS county support as weU as IJII!IS and donAtIOn.s. DUI\he IIcrlll&e Museum"aIJo RUes on . iDcdaI ~ or pall'OClS: \he mcmbCn of \he Johnson County iftsUlllcil SOciety. i I I , I , , Membership Cnlegorl~ & BcncOts Mcmbel1 or \he J.eu.s. enjoy thcsO bcnefilS: .Frtc orrtutd admJJslon 10 museum evcnlS .RttOlnIdon In tho Soclc~ ncws\C1\tr 'PrfDrll1 /llVllOdol\J 10 preVIews & ~ events 11(1" dlscolUllal rnustunuhop fOl members ,"pol1SOf level& up .Frtc ILl' o/vldtoloptd rnustunl progrtlllll .Frtc subsCrlpdOll 10 tho Society's quUlerly ncwslellct .Salls/actfon or ~pAllnIIn ono or JohnsOn County's Uvc1lesl cullUial orpn1zadons. On \he enc10scd envelopc,lndIule one or thcsO mcmbcnhlp levels: slllUlnlnl . Sto.DO srouor' stS.oo CcrolriWdnl . m.oo I'IWI . S 1??.oo Dcrdxu . S2S0,oo Members allho COtmlIDUTINO, PAiRON, and DEN1!PACTOR levels arc eligible for mcmbcnhlp Rlfis; those al \he DI!NBPACTOR level are honOred whh an tftBrllVtJ plaqUe In the museum foyer. Tho mcmbcnhlp 'Jf# \(11ns /M\wy I ord ends December 31. ~Ions aboul mcm\(n/llp1 CAllullllc Robll\lOflll 35\oS13B. J 30( , . ~... -. - J 1- 1- . - - - - ,\ \ ~..."-'-... . ,~~~O ~4'6~ .,\ gift for )'0/1. .. ~ . 1ItnI11C10I11II1N JoMIon 0Ml1 II'lIlclrbl SodtI1 d bt IlOrGtd onl plIque In ....mutl\lllloJtf. DtntIIClOlI"'Iilo. ttetM ICIIIIl'IoI: 1'/1"" /ottIlOIII. CItlItdIn 'I'),,"IMI~" l'rIIrlo A/MlOIII.~ ICIlItc6l!lCiI potllIl IIld watllCllllllbhll:lnt dflllll hill '* lI\oot.oOIltllll haC pllnHI hotMIltlllln bwL \I1tlII pm' $35.001 raronl JUt ctilOIIlrom VMM , ..01: Irrin, Iy,btr',lolttJ CII1 '*'DWtbtlllmca(loll'dll~ Thettcclodbnlllllill PltItCalrIll CIllllIW'4 .. WllIbIIlt~ c/ aMtt NIlort. g\IglAM pkt p.nClbna. 110 001 Ccn~1bu1Ol1 '" racaW IIIIIIIICWt. bonZl cdn lll\dlln 117310c CocaIlIt'I c<<cannW. A...., on "" ~ /ICtI1hcwI .... 00 CClfII,tIBdlOCl. t'IlIftIIlIIlha IIaIbQt =;;;,m;r'IIOI'1GliIlOi'Mi-- btbw;clcllIlUllltl II cloaed h; IIld aIlCbM. lMchacklnh ~cMllnYllopI. C EndIlllI..btllllldOf($2S0 lIlIGlMIonllllllllnd 11II o 1'rI,,1o ~1IlOI"S 1'uI/If11\M1t11) I/I'IIlI'O "" 0'* bonelldOlll'lolowl: , - 0I1ll11l11Hs poncn In 11ft ...Id. C End"'.... pel/on 1'100 IOrlI~l: lItnd lV,btr'.loll'a City, Vol. 0,0203 040S q, C Enrol""ulconlllbulo'l~l o lItM/If1commOmorlllvtcoln. 3D\ . ..~ _ 1- 1- 1"- - - - - l YU.I Il.nt I"",NI" JI""'''''' h",,"'" hlll'~' 1 hllf .Mhll m, n,".Il_'''''r utl,~l tw..... .noll rn<k.... m, In oI"liIlllNt 11~llIl/Julk," NJll1n Ttkrhoonr A""'nt ClI' M.1t /lr #'Wit IIIolH I"'. """,/tit M IN JnItIl..", (,tit.." "/lMI/~' ~~(I/". ~oo/I<tf""l' ,nlf /IrtI"1 }........,,/".."" ""', rlti",,"" J/I" tnroll 1M II .' n Ikncl.tlOf 11"0.001 o lull.lnln, mcml1Cf (110 00) [] C.onu1ltuM (11\ OO) o JI",""lIlmool [] r'1I111 1"00.00) I fnclCIM '1 1lId11l,,".1,"1 01 · ,..-".~-" llllllll ,IIW.LII ll.l'"I,1 ----. , HltlIy I',\llll ~rrll,I'IVI"" IWII'J \'~I'lr.1 ,I....U~.I\..'I/IIU..'II,\J.~;.~I ~1..~lIl1r --,~.....,.,.-- - -,,--_._~ ~ '...... ~, - .n,. 9111 ~ O'l'n . . 'fJ,... ,r;S:i!~~ .... -. "'- .IOJINSON COlIN'J'Y II1S'I'OIUOAI.J SOOIlC'l'Y 1110 nr1" JIlt ""J:t. I'll UII' _IIUM4.,\ 11J.r. ~I. A M.tt ",- M..n... nlC Juhn,un fAlOnl, 1II,lUIlral ~111, II . r,IYllr, nnnr'l/nlOl1l1nlullon oIrollralrol In r'flcnln,'hf hl'IlI" nrJohnllln fAlunl,. nlr ~KI(I, clIIwhKl. '(Kar,h.,,"r" roll/Clllol111 rlll.nml, and orenln Ihr IIrrll..c MUll'um. '- . I ,I j ..",. :3()1 . t-, 1-1 _I to. - '- 1- _ _ . I ~:, '!: ii '" .. .. .. '..... . ... .,. J.... c...l, \ IOWA ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISOnS Cllallc. D. OIlrty Slephcn P. Lacln. paltlcla A. Meado Richard B. Myetl Deily Ockcnrcls Februllry6, 1992 FORMAL MEETING, Agenda J, CaUto order 9:00 n.m, . 2, Action re: dolms ., -. ." ,'1 a , .'.., .;1 , . '" I 3. Action re: mInutes :"~~ I -, ,"*" ...., I I .. . .::0 ....... I -. -:=-' .111- ." '.., .~._.__m__.__._."... T'" 4. Action re: plIyroll nuthorlzntlolls . "r. - ~ .. _'I - .:; . c.' .... .r~ J:' : :." .. '- Q 5. Business from the County Audllor. " N a) Action re: permlls b)' ACllon ro: reports 6, Business from the Boord or Supervisors, a) Aetlon re: Compensallon Boards salary recommendation. b) Motion thatlnsuranee payments will be made on July Isl and October 1st, c) Olher 7. Business from Ihe County AlIorncy. a) Reporl re: olher Ilems, . J ,\ , 913 SOUTII DUPUQUU ST. P,O. POX USO IOWA CITY. IOWA m44 TP.I~ (319) JS6.6C()O PAX: (119) 3SHoa6 .36'- I .' ... - "- - U I:: I:: - . I ....,J bol 'LJoV. 'tU~~lt" '/Il1I I 4- ~-~4 JID.~ I ., ..2~.PI! :', COUP/TV AUDITOR TEL: 319-356-6086 .'1. .,l~ t\.":~. ~tb)J. '. ,u"..~""v". , 1 · : 5' 110 ~ I' . .. ., ~ .. '. J .. . Aacnda 2+91 Page 2 8. 9130 11,01. - Public nearing for FY '91 budget amendment. ($161,917.00 for Mld.Eastern Iowa Community Mental lleallh Center) a) Resolullon amendlns the FY '92 budget/discussion/action. b) Resolllllon approprlallon changes for budget amendmentld Iscusslon/actlon. 9. 9:45 a.m. -Public Henrlng for dlsposnl of rounty Interest In real estate: Easement over Lou 5 and 6 Lyn.den lIelghu Subdivision: resolution disposing of county Intmstln the cnsement/dlscusslon/nctlon. 10. 10:000,01,. Public lien ring on Ihc following proposed Rond Vocations: '. I 1. Road Vacation 1-92. To VICllle 1111 of Iohnson Counly'a Interest In tho following: Deglnnlng lit a point approxlmlltely 750 feet North of tho Wcstll4 Corner of Scclion 6, Township 80 North, Range 7 West of tho Slh, thence Norlherly IIpproxlmately 2.35 miles to near the Northwest corner of the Southwest 1/4, of the Soulhwest 1/4 of Seellon 19, Township 81 North, Range 7 West of Ihe 5th P.M. 1 2. Road VaclItlon 2-92 - To vacale all of Iohnson County's Interest In lhe following: BeglMlng near Ihe Northwest Corner of Secllon 6, Township 80 North, RlInge 7 Wesl of the 51h P,M., thence Easterly approximately 1.22 miles to a point approximately J6S0 feet West of tho North 114 corner of Secllon 5, Township 80 Norlh, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M, -, 11. Business from the County Engineer. l.O a) Resolullons for Road Vacations J -92 and 2-921dlscusslonrllcllonN b) Dlscusslon/acllon re: authorizing Counly Engineer to pt8ce~ wlm bulldlna Improvements. \ g~' .J. ": c) Olher ~::' '" -C"' :.: ." 0.") .., :-~:: -:; ,,*' 12., Adjourn 10 Informal meeting, :;; 0 N 13. Inquiries and reports frorn the public. 14. Adjournment. 36~ I ,.