HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-03 Info Packet I I - - '1- , - - - / City ot Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: F.b",l., 14, 1992 TO: CIty COllnc II FR(>>I: City ~Nger RE: ~ttrlll Sent to COllncll Only KtDorlndUl 'rOIl Hlyor Courtney r'9lrdlng N.L.C. Educltlon Roundtlble. q,S7 KtDorlndl 'rOIl the City Hlnlger: -- If . .. b. Wlllfllld Studl.s e. p.ndlng Dev.loplent Issues d. Property Vllultlon Copies 0' letters 'rOIl the City Hlnlg.r to: I. Lince Go.tz reglrdlng plrklng on Lincoln Avenue b. John Horellnd reglrdlng dov.loplng IdJacent to Little Creok Lane He.orand~ 'rOIl the Asslstlnt City Hlnlger regarding DUnlctpll ~norshtp ot clbll tellvlston. Copy 0' Ilttlr 'rOl the Planning Dlr.etor to Bruce Gllsg~ regarding Neighborhood Canmore III (CN-I) Zone. Coptes 0' litters 'rOl Council Hteber kubby to: I, Abbo Lind b. Zlchlry Hoore e, Johnson County BOlrd 0' H.llth d, Nlncy Skinner I. Ayln Vag.ho,t Copt os 0' litters to the City Council 'rOl: I. Hlyor's Youth E.ploYDfnt Progra. b. Herl Uge Cablevls Ion e, Johnson County Board 0' Suporvlsors d. Robort Burns e. Douglls V. Jones ,. Hr. Ind Hrs. Harvin Streb g. Llrry Svobodl Agendl 'or F.bruary IB meeting 0' BOlrd 0' Suporvlsors. IJb~ --!1 I I 70 lJ7~ '17.1 ::m:: 1 i: f - - . ,- - - , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM , 1 ,\ ! DATE: Ftbrval112. 1992 TO: City Council fRl>>l: Kayor Courtney RE: M.L.C. Educallon Rounduble Th. Hattonal L.ague of Cltl.s Is arranging for In .ducatlon roundtabl. to bo h.ld In lawa City on Harch 20 and 21. Hort lnforwatlon 11111 b. forthCOllllng. but In tho Mantl.. laterlll sont out for I slllllr Ie.tlng h.ld In Pittsburgh tn Hovtcblr Is Ittlchod. Th! m!!tln9 will b. h.ld It thl HI9hllndor Inn. H.~.C. 11111 foot the bill for lunch both days Ind for I contln.ntll br.akflst on SlturdlY. Friday .vonlng dlnnor Is dutch tr'lt. 1000a Clty's only r.sponslblllty Is to host I r.c.ptlon on FrldlY It 6100 P.H. H.L.C, mts to IIIIl tho n!llbor Ittendlng this Ie.tlng to 40 or 45. Thoy are requesllng I t.al frOlll mh clly of no 110ft than 5 and no flll.r than 3. Th. t.al should Include I buslnGss 10ldor, I rtprmnttth. frOlll tho school board or school district offlcllll Ind a Illunlclpal elocltd offlclll. Tho nuaber of p.opl. m.ndlng frOal the City Council 11111 d.pend upon tho r.sponse to H,L.C,'s Invitation frOlll other cltl.s. PI.aso check your calondar for th.se two dates, 46 . 1 '1- , - - - "'" III.tI'll. rC.C';"'I~ ':\J1I , I......tl ~II""' . 01'29/'2 22110 ,Ill e.l0 :o)ot:. JI;J14!..\nI. ~ 003 . ~ .~: . . I,' 'Ill' .. ~I"'" l..~. " Cllltl '101....."" . "'- '"' WII~ 0 IO\lOf 1101I.,..= '11 Inll Ut II 011I1111 ..... 1 1 "1 ~.. ,.. I ..-.... ....,. --)........... '-'1''''.. '- ''04 "-M'. ~". t~. ~....., '........- '''.,U'. .,...,,,--,........ ...",.. ''''' .11 Ill' ""'I' ........ Slpt,ablr 30, 1"1 'If'. ..t.... ~..~. Thl /lonorablo Kurt Schaoko Kayor ot Baltimorl City Hall 100 If, /lolUday Strltt Baltiloro, KD 21202 DOll' Kayor IchIOk,. EDUCATI0lf 18 EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS I A la~or priority in your COlDunity. To hllp you addroaD thil prlorlty, you tor you ond your cOlaunlty to porticipa roundtAblo, "Dovoloplnq COllunlty Partn CO==unley'o EdUCation Aqonda," to bO nl In Plttlburqh. Plnnlylvanlo. A lllitod bllng llluod tor thlD .poolal roundtlbl rlglltration too, At thi. problll-.olvinq roundtablo you othlr luniolpalitiol VillI o . Ixalinl and dllcul. lueel..tul Itrat glll tor ero.tlng or Onhlnolng local Iducatlon partnorlhl I (likl Soattll'. Education SUlllt, tho Chlldron'l Co 1.llon ln CaRbridgo (HAl, or Pittlburqh'l IIlv Futuroa In tlatlvIl, ,l, I know thlt odueation il n aeeopt thl. Invitation ln a uniquo IdUcation ahlp. to Support You~ Nov.lb.r l5-1S, 1"1, uDbor ot invitation. In ..r:: tor whleh thlrl 1. no d partlcipant. trol I j , " ! I o obtain tochnleal a..i.tancI tor your eOlAunity on an Idueation partnorlhlp ia,uI ot your holco, and o Clarity and rltino thl roll ot local govornlont a. a partn.r ln tho OdUoAtion ot your cOllunity" childrln. To participatl in thl roundtabl., you IU t loloct I toa. ot )-5 lndlviduall. You and your tOl' ot "COINI nity partnlraN will ~oln with tlall trol 5-10 othlr citil' and to na, Thoro wll1 bl loaolon. ~Ult tor your tlol, 01 w.ll II olDlona vlth your oountlrpart. trol othlr cOllunltlol, , "'."'_.'...~"IlJf........tt...... ....1,_............. ......(~... _._.,........_,.........'- c..-...".._(.....,....,_.......'- "",................ (_11.11 ....,""". -__11 ........... .IIM' .......,.........C....,,"""'''' J,....,. ~.....'" . ......... """.., v........ e..~Nrt.".... w..... . ,...., ~.. ,......O~O'..IMtIo_ ......_,......o._u"'",................ . .1o?i(.............0.......0..._ ~ ~....u.-.... ""'.CMI....,""-O"". ....,c-.~.C....'- ......, ""__.....\_,.... C41I 'O",Ctr."C94.t.....""'. ......,.~U'....'HC'f""". ......Itt/...,c........ ....'" I "-'.,~ IAItl1kw'"" 'M...U.... ..,-",..,-.._'-..._......, _~,'.....r..... ..u.....(...'_._CNw..O.. '.... , III.' o._C....._ '"'- ....~ ' _0 ..."",.........1 ~ , jJoI_,(fNO.. 1_.. .....,... "......... ....~...,....- ._.........c..........,_,....., ._....(.... ._._.._...._..........,1 -.,..... ~- ....'_.I,....,C...._'-. (.....,...._..... 0o?I. _.."_1"""___ .......... ..'.,...."c...~T+ OIl c..w,,..,... ............tMlif......I....,... . .......,c.".~O"Nt"..()............ , h...... ~- M~"" L<<M .......... . _...... l~...... ea..-.._ 11M Uuu_ . ktt . ,~ ~..., ttfnt t ~t ~. ''rt!;ht ~......,.....",o...c...' ,.,."i~.tIt... lit'"' .....c..-.. "-M..""'.... tIIl'..,.,... CIlff,.J .....ltM.......~'. :?~? .... -, ~....-.. ...... "Wf . ....N. -, c.... - . "-...,.......... 7 \J , - - . 1 , - '- - ~,y IYI'~O' 'e~e,~I~ ~II I 1-Z9.9l ~11!,M I OI/~/'2 22'11 ,~l 6.l6 100l1- 1191".6~1' ~ I>>l . 1'. ' Off ThO Honorablo Kurt senloka Paql TIIo ,eptl.blr 30, 1'91 NLe', Chl1dron and rall1ll. ln cltlo. P roundtabla wlth lnput fro~ tho Cltle.' Force. Th. roundtabla wl11 bo lod by R conDultant and tor=or proaldant ot tho councll. In addltlon, Nte .tatt John K lnvlted que.tD wlll partlclpato. It you wllh to accopt th1i lnvltation 0 bthllt ot a tal, troa ',~ your oommunlty, pllaGO lit UD know on 0 botoro octobar 1', 19;il~' by aon~lnq tho .nololu~ Corl to Olrlto laoy, Nltlonal Leaqua ot eltlo., 1301 Pannlylvania AVlnuo, MM, W ohln9ton, DC 200041 tllephonl ~02/&2&-3030 or ta~ 202/&2&-3 43. th. lIyatt Rlgenoy town PlttDburqh. Rooa 1. oooupancy. n .ccomlo~ationDI to ID aro bolnq hold undlr h wl11 bo provldad on 1 bo Ilrvod on Saturday :J Thll aduoation roundtablo will b. hald Pittlburqh, 112 Walhlnqton plaoo, ln do rato. arl $79 for olnqle and $89 tor do Participant. aro ralponaiblo tor thair lako rOlervatlonl call 412/471-1234. R thl nallo /Iatlonal Loaquo of clthl. Lu both daYI and a contlnlntal broaktalt w .u'lIillv. 10ct haD dlVl10pod thi. ill in Education Talk h Scott, an educational chaltar (lI'i) city o and sarlta KolDay and Nte CAN ONLY ACCEPT A LIMITED HUMBER OF ~TICIP~SI rAX YOUR RESPONSE '1'ODAYI WI oneouraqo your citY'1 participation. S1ncarlly, 1 ," I (VV~/M;t..," Itt.A.t No",an Ric. Hayor, soattlo, (WA) and Co-Chair, eitl..' Rclal ln Educatlon TaDk Foreo 4~ - )h~/; Alleo olf . Hayor, calbridql, (HA) and Co-Cha r, CitioD' Rol.1 1n Edueat on TaGk roreo 45'1 . " , 1 '1- _ - ~v ..I.tlO. IE.t'''ILI ~II I 1-l9-9l ~II~H I 01/6')112 22112 lOl 616 >>I:. JliJU!~;I. , ~ j Prmfl ....... Ploa.1 roturn thl. tora on or batoro Novl.bor 1, lG91 NATIONAL LEAGUI or elT EO Chl1dron and Faalll.o In Cltl 0 projlot Dovlloplnq co=munlty Plrtnorlhlp to Support Your COlAunltY'1 Educatlon Agonda By eOlplltlnq thl. tora, you can holp UI laka this roundtablo oUDeloatul, uI.tul and 'Iaor,blo. Plroon eoaplltlnq thla tora. Titl.. Addu... City, St,tl, lip. phon. 1101 Fax. For oach ot tho tollowlnq aoplct. ot "davIlop n9 co=munity partnorlhip.., ploo.. dOlcrib. briotly your 0 lAunlty" .tatuo, concorn or i.ouo ~ what you would liko to 9aln duri 9 thio roundtabll, ",_. 1. IXlllrlllG CONDITIONS REGARDING EDUCA'l'ION 0 YOUR COI1HUIIITY'lI CHILDREN ... IS THI ENVIROI/)(!IIT READY FOR PARTNERSI P? A. Our COllunity" otatu., 11.uo cr con rnl D. OUr do.lrld outeolo trcl roundtabl.. 2. TilE GOVER/IAllCE STRUCTURE ... HOW DOES IT ICOURMIE OR IllII%DIT PARTIlItRSIIIPS Oml!!N TIlE LOCAL OOVERNHEN AIlD TNE SCHOOLS? A, Our eOlAunity'o .tatuI, lUlU. or con ornl D, our do,lrod outcomo trol roundtftbl~. '/57 t -. - ~ , 1- - II... I.,-V.. .1..'.." .li.' ".. I ,-,,-.. .... .,.n. . OI':7I?l lllll .w k,. ,,,-.- 5 Prf^~\ ~ 1 o 006 .. ,.~:""". . Ploa.. 111t tho nllOO Ind titlol ot your till IOlblrl (no loro thin a par ol~YI no 'Iwor than )). 1. II\In 10lpll .lootld ottlollll Add r"ll Ii Pho nil ra I 2. sch 001 board/.chool dl.trict ottl01all Add ro"1 II Pho nOI F I 2. aUl In.. I Llld.r "a.o/Tltlll Add roll I I p Pho nil r XI 4. Otllo rl "1.I/Tltl.1 Addr 0111 I P Phon .1 r III ,. Otllo fl "IIO/Tltlll Addr ...1 z p phon 01 r III . P10l.0 cClpl.to .nd roturn by IloVOlllb.r 1, 11 1 to saritl KtlllY, liLa, 1)01 ponnlylvonlo Avonuo, NW, Wa.hlnqtcn, DC 20004 .- or tax lt to 202/U6-)04). It you no ad furthor lntorllatlpn, call 202/626-3030. Think YOII '/57 . , , ,- . '- - .. "I.....'.. .,.c,.",.CJII .U" 4 ,..,_" ..q~, 01/6'9'92 221 U AIll 6.16 :t>oI~. JI9n4k\.~1I '7 l.'O7 ,\ , ~f1w\~I~ 3. PROCESS.. IS TIIERE A WAY III WlIlCH SIIARED VIOIOII, PRODLEJt SOJ.YZIIO, AIID CREATION or GOALS ARE ADDRESSED IN AN Err CTIVIl KAll11ER? A. Our cOlaunltY'1 DtatuI, lllu. or Gono rn. D. Our dODlrld outGO" troD roundtabl.. 4. PARTNERS.. HOW DOES YOUR CITY INVOLVE P ENTa AIID rAHILUS, BUSINESSES, RELIGIOUS GROUPS, AlID COH/Mf Y DASED ORGANUATIO/lS IN TIlE LOCAL EDUCATIO/l AGElID.\? A. Our cOIAUnltY'1 ItatuI, llluo or con rn. B. Our d'llrod outco.. troD roundtlbl.. 5. IN ADDITIOH TO '1'111 ABOVE, ll/lAT DO YOU If YOUR COKIMfI'rY'1 TWC TO GAIN rROK TIlE ROUHDTABLB? DI A8 sPEClrI AI YOU CAH. 6. WlIAT KIIIDS or IIATERIAL OR IIAIIDOUTII WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVI AT TIlIl ROUHDTABLIl? ~S7 . . . - _. 1 I 1_ ~ - ." D' I 'C.~. rC"C';"I~ ~II 'I'.l?~l 011131''' I 01/29/92 22100 lll.l 6.lt :0011- 1I9~"''\~1' I 00.2 'Ed Jon R 4 cities' weeken results in action b7 '"111 It. XII", .ltllh,,,,, 'a.-NlW commuftll, ,lIlrImNptln Ilvtt ddtt ""I!JN llOGI I U/IIqII. NLC IO\IIIdllbla on Iduadon WI wttktnd. N04 onI, did COINIIIUIlIy 11I4m mftt, UIk, IIId 111m. bill IIIq INdl I Iptdk ~I/I oIlC11on 10 1Il1 hom., A 111m 01 COGIIIIIUIlIy 11I4m /rom N,wpoIl Nlwt, YIrpNa. QIId. piaN lor 1/1 rduClaon AIIlIftCt-III/1fW WI' 01 Iddtmln, tduClllon. Slutvtpoll. Lou!lllnl'lllIDI prtpllld I/III'Ilon "llld& lor 1IIlIN)'Of. Thltlllll/rocn Llllcalllr, 'mN,lvl' nil G&\II'fd 0111 how 10 brill, kq COGIlIlII. 111l7ll1dm 10Ifl/IIr. P1lt1burah oted&lt 1I~1d II hotl 01 tilt 1OIIIldtIb/f ,,"'!! wNdl Wi! 1!!14 en NOVIlllM \S.,1. CoaImIllllIy IlIdm 6011I ""'bwah 1N4. prtNIIl&doN If' 1I/IIln,Ihdr dlY'l trptrlmm In dml. oplll, plllrlmhl'pt 11II1 lOCIIMIl on whll 11II, hid fumed. MayGII DlIII. pIIlldPldn, dll" lIelI p,aUtd 1OJ.1IIt1 111111I 01 IbI kq pla,llI, to plO\'td. NchnkaJ wltl&nct on. 111m by IUDI bull, Ill. n\lDlbt, 01 Plnlclpal' III, dd" WII IImllld. Dtv.lopld by NLC to h./p dll" II' pion /lfW w')1/ot btcornln,ldV<<ll" lOt IhUdrm'1 tducadon In tIIilr l'lllllmu. nldtl, Ill. IOIlndllbll brou,hl 1O&.lIIrr rvmmlUllly pll1lllll10 d&riry munldpal 1'01", IlIm/rom IIrh olhll, Ind crtllt In mon plln (or Imp/tmtnl&1Ion. ThI ~lIlldplJllllndudtd loa! .1tC1td oh1dali.ldlool board IIIlrnbtn, bUllnnl Iud"" lduutOll, Clly Idmln1ItnlOI'l, Ioc&J collllllunlry olJlntudOftll1ld pu. .nll, . lAd by Rulli Scoll.ln tduClllonlll'Oll' Iultlnllnd lO1lll1r rmld.nl 01 th. Roeh. "'" (NY) City CoundI, COII\llIunJly Pill' ntl' quldI, dIIcovlnd 11II1 to 11M, lboul dun,., tht7 had 10 rhlllmp lh. nlldn, plntIN 01 pl/ldlpN, TIll I1dlO "N.w PIltdl&JN,' by lOti Barht III Ih. lllll. 101 Ih. worli Ind ClIlIfd Itvllll communJry pUln.1'I 10 rmuk thll "th. I1dlO alone Wit wonh III. trtp," 'I/lldplnllllltlllllllllll pOll'" pwpt IIId klmld /rom mil Olh "10 II 110m on.oOfI_ ronllClIoi lVIIIull&nL T1If (OCI\IIIunJry pllWn " th,1t aan ""Ih ..dllft, nlW IPJ'lIlI IIId workJbl. lOIullonllor thtir nll7'l tduuaon l,mdI. N.wport Nlw~ V.. 11111 Ittm ""II Itcolllftl.nd 10 INYor Ill. amon 011/1 Llllllllon . 11I1., TIlls Alba"" would Indud4 Hnuam 110m th. IdIooI boIId. mil, IlUdfnll.llly COIIIlC1I, dly III/MI'lIIId tilt IrhooIlUptftn TIl. aoaJ 1110 .1lrniN1t d~pIkl ~=.:~x::,~~ av. IptttIIf1lll, OthtlltCOlNn.ndlllON Indlldtd: , tht dty'l publk Id/Iowltd, IIId ,dopllon oIlh. 'Oil. dtv.loptd Ill. IChooI boIIIt IIId OI~llIln tht mllnlry II publlJhtd III tilt "Forwlld aOOOl" , procnodn, Ind lNIk!dn, t1b , f'I'OII'lN tIII1luah achoolboard IIId ty COlInrll (Ibl. 1t1.11Ilon clIann.l.. 1m to m.nl lnId&d," WI IhowclII dollll prostIlN. 'h,mport. La. TIW 111m 11I11 th.u ,01110 m", th Ill. 1N)'Of Ind Ih. UnlVlrtlry pmld t Ind olhlt COftIIIIUNIy IlIdln 10 /uNit It.pI, TIl.y 11Io 1'IC01Nl\t1\ thaI Ih. POUP be "pllldld btyo d lhOl.lnltr"11d 1nS/,d" t:'12101nd . vocldonll Itchnllll IChooll, coU., ' IIId comJlllllnln Ih. 11.1. Th. 5hmtporl lurn IIMowlrdl Ih.l IIlhou,h 1OIl\. dd" Iln Ilk! . IIlOn, rol. on ldulIdon, the IChooll ' 11m In Shltv.pon 11I1, be 'h. lIIon I plOpNIt IIIlIIlpn, 'IMII, '-4'~-"''11 WCIII'" '1. TIut '"'" ""III 1oII)'Ot IIIIkt 110ft II. IIItmbt, pUN 10 I/Ittllo1lh CII1 ~ InIQn uid IChooI dIIa1C1 otacl&It IO~' NIt.1c!I 01 thtV'lflldu &lid ~JIIII 1IlI. oIllly ptmrNlIllII d1J.1IOII. o'l In Iddlaon. Lwllltt pIW 10 1alpI.. IIItnIth. IolIowIIIa III.lfIItt: , dtcld. on ll'OlNIIUIIItyllldt e.Iuca. don I,mel, WIINwt/'l4\IItdoN MIl II Iohm do wt WIIIlIG 6t 11\ tht all. ~ (tnIIIlyl ""'. tit our prloIId&t: lthfl*l pannmlupt tit IItfdtdr ' ;~ . lOll"'" 1n"1Ion lllftMa llalI. .,., III '" IINCIIIrt 10 thlllO\Il\dtUIe, ~I , ""I IICIIIIlIOt &lid "':;m,,*I; ll'.l!ulJ!t: =t llll.'l.. t; F.1' "'11I11III pIw tilt Ntd llitilidlll , loIIoWoIIp wtth e ...... wldI NLC .': lUll 11\ WuIIIn~ ' :~.. ....... I, .. , ~ C:OIIIIIM dtlOGlla&ltn .,'.j RII1l\ IcolI notld lht IolIow, CllIl\' mon dtnolnINlOIIln htr ~doa lo tht ~ pI/aICIII :'fJ:' , RfqNIt 11II1 the "" INtI JlII Itlllorn olhlf ptopl. lilY be vuW. , Dtdd. whO)'OII'" IIIIIlIhtrt JlII lit aoInJ , , C:"11t I poIldvt dlftIIII tl p&lIIoft, \',' IIId INplrIdon. , ~~=~ ,~~;~ put . C"III . 1)11ft11 01 nwuda 11III 'Wildt 11II,1td II ptltnll. ltudmll, IIl(h""ntlah~lIIII~ achooll, , , DmlO\' onlOln, monIlOIlnJ ' IIIIIlN 1IIII,,,,r,IIHMI/ItlIlfo,~ 'J . R.lIIllIIbtt WI pIItlIlIl ~ nttIlnd KOnOml( """""""'IV In II\I{'" fitd. .rr~':;::I.. . SupPDrtlyt policy dIIIIatt (OCIII IUltI III 1M dty l/IIn '" 1III1l&lIp"", m.nll or KhooI dlllrkU. . UtIIlu to )'OIIIldVlnup buit.... IUpJ'<<'. '.rIIIUlon. .nd (\l/IIulWllI. , UN both bonoIII up Ind lop d4wn lillII'd... , , ~ pllft mWl bt IIIIortd to at)'Olll nmununJiyI . rd~uUon IIqulltl Ill. Ion, 1(. em 0 45? , '. - ... - , 1- ' - , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 1 ,\ OliO: Fobluary 10, 1992 To: CllY Council Flom: Clly MaMgOl Ro: Wall Fiald Slud!u ThrOllQh OUI consulllng onglnol/', Iho Oapollmonl 01 Public Works has conllnuod Iludlos 01 groundwIIOIluPpllu, Tho .Iudy 01 tho .hallow alluvial Iqullol 0111 01 and CIOIOlIIO 10WI Clly his bean cUllallod bocauso 01 Iho Intoroll shown In Iho wOllands PIO)OCI and Iho poulbllilY 01 olhol confllcl', luch as air pOll rolocatlon. DUling Iho 1IIII0uI monlhl, Iha 'Iud!.. ollho bUllod valloy aquilOl soulh 01 HiIIl havo bean conllnulng on .chadulo, Two 01 Iho Ihroo goophYllcol IUIVOYI aro complolod, Tha concluslon.lla vOlY closa 10 HR Oloon'l Ol/tiOI ropolIs, othol than tho aroa Ollho burlad valloy aqulfll appall. 10 bo IlIgOllhan plOdlclOd, In OCIObOl.lho glOvlty .u/Voy wa. complOlod and In Novambol. Iho oloClllcalsounding .ulvoy WOl complolad. Tho Ihlld IlOp, solsmlc .u/Voy I. plannod 101 .prlng, 1992, Tho loporl 01 Ihlll 'Iudlos woro glvon 10 Iho Iowa Oaologlcal BUIOlu 101 IOvlow, Spoclalizod goologlcal .u/voYI hlvo boon conduclod 10 prodicl Iho oxtonl, dopth and Ihlcknoss 01 pOlonllal groundwOlOl IOsourcos, 10 halp Iho mosl promising IllOllollOSI WOIlI, and 10 holp Idonllfy pOlonllal confllcl. with olharl who may bo using Iho lamo losourcOl. Tho IOlults Ollho IWO lurVOYI havo narrowod tho locus 10 flvo foaluro 11001 which may bo sulllblolO dovalop municipal wall.. A copy 01 tho curronl map showing Iho gonorallocOllon ollho bUllod valloy aqulfol and Iho foaturo arm II onached, Tholo was vOIY IIll10 In lor mall on oblalnod on tho deopoI burlod volloy aqulfol avollablo 110m wolllln tho aroa. Mosl oxlsllng wolls are vOlY shallow and only ponollDID Iho UPPOI sand layoI, 4 I . " - - - 1 1- _ - \ 2 ,I i Outfno FObtU4,y,IWO addillwl monilodno wall. will be eonlllllClod 10 oaln mOta rnfolmaUon on lho goo/ogy Ollho butlod vllloy aquilOl, Tho now dala will be ulOd 10 conll,m lIeonl 1Ind1no., InlOfmallon will be lonllO lIa1donll .oulh 01 Iowa Clly 10 keap lhom updalad, ee: Dopallmonl DltaclOfI ~1II4oH ~ . . QSi , J::. U\ jCXl , w_;"''''...........,...,' . ,- . - - -I- U' till .lI N' .., an " TlIJf "'" , "'" T?~ RAMI B ~c PfATVRtIIl PfA1\IRIl D 1.':'f ,"1M Tml .n 11' .' 1 \ I /, . \ I I 'I " I I i _ t .. .... - ,.,.......,...,."..~.~.>,....." , - - , . , 1- - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: Februll'Y 11, 1992 TO: City Council FROH: City ""nager RE: Pendln9 Devoloplent Issuos An Ipplfcatlon submlttod by Robart A. Opplfger to vacate a 20-'oot IIldo .110y located betlleen Roosevelt Strolt and thl north-south alloy 1I0st 0' Haggard Streot, IlIIlIedtltoly south 0' Lot 8, P.J. Regln's Socond Addition, and north 0' 10111 Intorstato Rallllay rlght-o'.lIay. An applfcatton submitted by Davtd Clark to rmno Lots 49.54, Lot 60, and I 90-'00t by US-'oot lot contiguous to Lots 53 and 54 0' Rochostor Hotghts Subdivision 'rOlll RS-5 (Law Donslty Stngll-Falfly Rosldentlal) to OPDH.5 (Pllnned Dovolopment Housln9) and to approvo prolllln.ry Largo Scalo Residential Dovolopment (LSRD) and Planned DmloplOnt Housing (PDH) plans 'or Rochester Vllhgo CondOflllnlums on .n approxlNte 3.4 mo slto located In tho southwest q~.dr.nt 0' the Intersection ot Rochaster Avenue and Scott Boulovard. Requests submitted by 8111 Hlppel to rezona 28DD Rochester Avenue 'ro. ID-RS lInterlm Developlllent Residential) to OPDH.5 (Planned DeveloplOnt Housing) .nd to approve prellmln.ry Large Scale Residential DevoloplOnt (LSRD) and Planned Developlllent Housing IPDH) plans 'or Rochester Hills on In approxlllllte 27-.cre slto located on the north side 0' Rochester Avenue elst 0' St. Thomas Court. An Ippltc.tlon submttted by Glry Witts and LOlIal1 Swartz 'or prellllnary plat .pprovll 0' Windsor Ridge, . 64.5 Icre, 52-lot rosldentlal subdivision, 10elled Ipproxtmltely one-h. If .tle aut 0' law. City on the south stda 0' American Legion ROld. An appllc.tlon submitted by West Side COIllpany 'or approv.1 0' a preltmtnlry Ind 'Inal plat 'or the resubdlvlston 0' West Side Park, Lots 25-32, a 64-lot, resldenttal subdlvlston, located east 0' Westslde Drive and north 0' Earl Road. An Ipplfcatlon submitted by Lucas Van Orden 'or prelfmtnary pht Ipprovll 0' Hewport Woods, I 6-lot, approxlmata 37.8 acre subdivision located north 0' 10111 City, aut or Pralrte du Chien Road, along tha west stdl 0' lIewport Road In Hewport Townshtp, An application submttted by Donovln Partnershtp to rezone approxlmatoly 56.1 Icres rrOfll A-I, Rural, to RS, Suburban Restdentlal. The proporty Is located approxtmately 2.0 miles southwest or Iowa City on the north stde or Htghllay I and west or Landon Avonue tn Unton Township. ~~ 1 l/S . 1 , '1- _ - \ ! City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: February 11, 1992 TO: City Council FROIl: City ""na9or RE: Property Valuation You may haVI noted In tha City Assessor's Innual report (pag. 7) the abstract of ISStsSm.nt for lawa City. I alii ask.d often, particularly at budget time, what porcentlg. of property Is tlX exempt, Based on the assessor's calculation, thirty percent of our valuation Is tax exempt. cc: Department Directors . J./Io , I / , - - 1 - , , ,- - I I ,I I I I I I I j I I I ! ,.blualV II. I SS2 I~,~ CITY OF 10 WtI CITY - L.ncl L. GoolZ 25 Lincoln Av., '3 low. Cily, IA 522~8 Dill MI. Oom: In IOlponl. 10 YOIII COllOlllO/Idonca dllOClod 10 lho Clly Council. lho TlOllic EnginoOl hOI l.viOWld. II my IOQUOII, Iha cllcumlllncos concarning PlrUng alono Lincoln Avonuo. Allo. I oblOlVod Ihopl/~ing lilualion, IIlppolIS lhlro I/O I numbar 01 ISluos of concOln nOI only 10 you IS In "" IOlidonl, bul 1110 10 lha Clly POIlOMal involvod In anfOlcamo", and I.gullllon, SpeclficlllY,lho conllluclion 01 now aplIlmonl bUilding I mCOlbOlOllho o~lllIng lIIob/.m. II Ippoar. Plrklng along Iho 1110.1 Ihould be plohlbilOd In ordar 10 IOliova lho CongOSllon, Thll will hopofully lomovo from lho IlIoollho.o Individuals pI/kino mOloly fOl convonlonc.. .nd lhor.by IholO who livo In Iho immodillo nolghborhood would bo plovidad wllh lollaf from lho congosllon, Wo hoVI olso o.porloncOd 0 lIIob/om In Ihal Lincoln Avonuo r..ldonlS 010 IOmovinG Iho No Parking Any Tlmo lIons on IOloClOd days so COl' con pOlk In flonl YOId.. Thl. 100 will bo onforcod, A..oon "Ihe conlllucllon work OPPOOl.IO bo wlndino down Ihollolllc onglnoOl Can InlllalO IUllhOIPOIklng I..lllcllon. IOIlho Cily CounCil'. conlldorollon. Thonk you 101 tHlnging IhI. mal\OIlo OUI al\onlion. SlncOlaly, . bt'goll/ co: Clly Council....... T""lc Enolnaar II. Ill' 'lIN"O'O~ I"", "OO~ rIll 10" 111""1/11'111' II..'....,,~ IlIll lll,lI11 YlDl t 1 . 1- - - - ,\ , F.bruary II, 1992 , "i'~.. ~' CITY OF 10 WtI CITY Hr. John Hor.land S.lth-Hor.land Pro~lrttos 1476 First Av.nu. 1000a City, lawa smo Cur John: Th. CIty Council hn requesud that I r.ply to th. l.tters from the n.19hbors on Llttl. Cr..k Lint. Th. City ForesUr and th. City Engineer wert ask.d to ch.ck on tho conc.rns contlon.d In th.sa lett.rs, I und.rstand that Rick Foss., the city .ngln..r, has spok.n with you and that you hay. agr..d to provld. an .roslon control barrl.r to pr.v.nt silt (rom washing Into the crl.k. Th. City ForISter .ho .xprm.d concern about .roslon (rom the ,ttrth.n bank s Inc. . good .lIlOunt o( soil hiS .1 rttdy sprttd onto the back yard o( 2052 Little Cr..k L.n.. I hope thl~ barrier will prevont (urthor erollon, Th. Forelter reported on the ItetuS o( the vogetltlon adJacont to Little Cre.k L.ne. Ideally, additional soil should not have beon Ipreld under the drip line o( this v.getatlon. With the present situation, he exp.cts about . t.n perc.nt dl.b.ck. Ho .lso advlsel thlt In ord.r to pr.s.rv. tho largo o.k tr.. .t tho top o( the hllll earth should b. IOv.d back to tho original lev.1 (or. dlstlnc. o( .bout ten to tw.lv. fOlt on tho south sid. o( th. tr... This should b. don. b.(or. th. tree br.aks donnancy. Th. City Council Is very concern.d about the prosomtlon o( v.gltatlon during d.v.lopm.nt o( prop.rty. This Is also a part of tho agr.ement slgn.d by you. A copy o( this agr.em.nt Is .nclos.d with this l.tt.r, Your coop.ratlon will b. appr.clat.d. Pl.as. f..l fr.. to consult with our City Englnoor and City rorolt.r In thoso mattors. Slncoroly yours, . Steph J. At s City Hanager CCI City Council" CIty Englnoor W,yJor.ster tlllt U_"I. "" UIMIIO'OI" IOU tll! lOt I III1HIII @ '.OU III~ 111.1111 rUlllIllll,llll 1.J tD~ . Ii , 1- - - 1 ,I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 0110: FobtU4IY 14, 1992 To: CIly Cound From: AIIIIl.nl CIly ManaoOl Ro: MunIcipal Ownorahlp 01 Cobia Tolovillon Anached Is a copy 01 I momorondum ptovldod by Rlea, WlUl.ml Alloclllosln "SpollIO 10 Council'. 10quell loran oulllno ollho 111110.10 be conlldOlod In making I daclllon rooardlng municipal owoorshlp. Tho IlIut. 110 gonorally lho umo lor mOil communlllo., Howovor, lhoy mU'1 be conlldOlod .nd IlIolvod In 1I0hl ollho unique chArlClorlllle. 01 oach lndivldUlI community. A. was ptovioualy Indicalod, Ihould wo wllh to putlUO .uch on opllonlor 10wI Clly, 0 comp/oto 10allbllilY Iludy would be noCGIII/Y, A ImlbllllY Iludy would oxamlno lhe local conlumor mllkOI a. wan as ptovldlng technical and fioonelalaooly... and COllhovonuo ptoloctlOllI. In addillOll. cOlllldorablo looal lO..arch would be Involved dUllo lhe likelihood thAt tho cablo company would InlllalallllgatlOll woro Iho Clly 10 build a munlclpal sy.tam. Rico, Williams Alloclatos hes Indicated Ihlt Ihly could comP/OIO 0 lullbllllY 'ludy lor approxlmlloly '40,000, Thll 1I0Ulo I. probobly IOprOlOntollvo 01 1001 chlrood by olher consullanls lOt IImllol sarvic... P1u.o conllCI mall I can ptovido any odditlonallnlormatlOll, cc: Broadband TolocommunlcallOllI CommlsllOll Stavo Aikins Orow Shoflol Anachmonl moNllllublllV,mmo . . ,- , - - - DRAFf/CONFlDENTIAL GENERAL ISSUF.S REGARDING MUNICIPAL OWNERSIIIP OF A CADLE TELEVISION SVSTE.\I PREPARED FOR nlE cm OF IOWA cm, IOWA by RICE, WILLIAMS ASSOCIATF.S DACKGRO\lliJl Municipal ownenhlp of Clble lelevlslon syslems In lhe United SL\ICS slWd (O/I(\lrmldy wllh the Introduction of Clble television In the fifllcs. Ills a very snWl componenl of ~Ie o....'IlCnhlp In the U.S,. wllh approxlrmlCly slxlY municipally owned syslCms around the counlr)', Municipal QWMnhlp 11M r!!!!!!~~ 1M ~ pwm as private o....'IlCnhlp within the U.S, Tho very nrslsyslcms were builtin arw where peoplo .....ere UMble 10 receive &oad rcccpllon. As ehan&es O<<llrrcd within Iho cablo Induslry, such as In Iho seventies when salellltes nrst pl1)'Cd lrolo In provldln& plO&rammlna, municipal systems also look advanlaae of theso clw1acs, In the clahllcs, municipal systems conllnued to keep a~ of leehnoloalcnl and consumer developments, Mer tho affeets of rate dercaulatlon became known In Iho mld,1980'sthIOU&h Iho present, somo cities have or arc cumlnlna the feasibility of municipal overbuilds, As.....o discussed althe Council meetlna, telephone companies arc secklna to enter the cable mllkel as well as other privato companies such as Tclcsal which has ovcrbulll systems In Florida, Philippi, West Virginia, Is a very small communlly which ovclbullt the private operator wllh a municipally owned system and lhen purchased Ihe private operators system al a reduced price, I 41P3 f . , ,- - - - , o DRAn'CONFIDENTIAL In the 1980's, durin, the renewal proem, a (ew communities allempled 10 purclwc the system or deny renewal and seek to ~vc a municipally owned syslem. For example, In MOllaRlon, , I NOM Clrollna (populadon 14,000), lIIe City denied renewal and Is seekln, to build I municipally owned system, MOrptllon h.u (aced seven! coun caJeS (rom the cable comlWlY, The City h.u 1I'Oll those cases and Is awaltln,l final decision by Ihe Slate Coun, As an example o( municipal cable service, (ollowln, Is an In-deplh look al the municipally owned system In Wyandolle, Mlchl,an, The community, which Is I~ted ncar Ihe Clly o( Detroll, has Ipproxhnately 31,000 people In a '.25 square mile arQ, The City's ~menl o( Municipal Services provides water, eleclric, and cable service 10 Ihe resldcnlS and tIlG busllleSSeS o(1/io City. (Note: Approxhnately,lhrcc quaners o( the exlslln, municipal cable syslems arc In communities I~I operale eleclric systems,) A principal reason ,Iven by Wyandolle omclals (or enterin, municipal ownership Is t~l It already malnlAlned an electric ,rid thai served the entire community, With the utility operadon came the personnel, managemenl, cuslomer service, finance, and administrative <<penlse, and equlpmenl and warehouse (acllltles lhat would be use(ul (or a cable television operation, The City (ell thai a City owned system would be morc responsive to subscriber nceds and complalnlS and thai subscribers would rtCelvc morc timely repairs and lower lilies. One Importanl consideration to thc Clly WlIJ local control o( the system, thereby giving local direction In the IrQ of ralcs, pro,rammlng, and general customer service. In addition, they assessed whal Job opponunllles would be provided 10 local residents and the l.U advanlagcs and reduced 2 1//,3 . .. ':' - .. - . 1 , 1- - - \ I DRA.'r/CONFlDENTIAL InleteSl Diet WIIhc CilY 'A'OUld r<<dvc. The prinwy &oaIthal the Dcputmcnl or MunlcilW Savlcc Iw artlcul1lCd, Is 10 CfIlUlC WI txh subscriber ICCtlveJ scrvlce al a lo....tr COSl. A rcrelCllClum on Iho lullC or Vlhcthcr Ihc Chy should o.....n Iho cable syslem was held In 1981, and aboul61 percenl or Iho VOIen Ipproved &oIn& Into munldlW owncnhlp, Currently, the system plOYldcs nny.SC\'CfIclwlncls: orr'Ihc,lIrbn>>dwlscrvice; C.SPAN; acccu channels; shoppln& cIwIncls; 00; Cable NC\\'S Nct.....olk; ESPN; premium ch1nnels: as .....ell as most or Ihe m.\jor PlO&l1/1Imln& scrvlces thatllC available lOd1y. One InleteStln& scrvlce that the Dcputmentlw developed, and on Vlhlch they r<<d\'C llWly comments, Is an obhlW)' channel where runeral dlrcclon pbcc local obiilwics, The obJecth'C or nWnlllnlnllow ralcs Iw been mel with a basic scrvlce or 44 ch1nnels II a monthly COli of $10.00. o.ulc plus one ~y coslls $17,00, !wlc plus two ~ys Is $23,00, additional outlets IlC ",00, and there Is a nonn:currlna charle ror rcmoles of $7,00, The IYllem also provides a free cable lulde, The rates have only been Incrc.ucd once 10 cllhl and one hAlf years, ^' discussed allhe Council meellna, this Is dramatically dlrrcrcnlthan the amounl of rate Increases that have been enacted by privately owned cable systems across the couotry. Wyandolle, MlchlllR II an example or . City thai ChOlC 10 live itself a franchllC and docs nol have an ovelbulld, In cities where the municipality buill. second, competing cable syslcm (ovelbulld), such as: OIUlOw, Kentucky (population 13,(00); Panllould, Arkansas (population 15,(00); and NClaunce, Michigan (population 5,2(0); there are a variety or rales. 3 4~3 . 1 , 1- - - - ,I DltJU1"CONnDENrIAL ~ One or the nrulilucs orten dllcuucd by cllles u they COC\lldtr munlcl~ owncnhlp Is: Is this I business thai Is IppropriAle ror 100'tflIml enlry? In some QICS cllles h.tvc dechled thai It Is Ippropmle, and In others thai It Is not, Other cllles COIIlldct loln.lnlo the able bUllness ror llWIy or the same lWOCII INI W)'lndolle, Mlchlllll, decided 10 10 Into the bUllness, For cumple, some cltlcs bellC\'C INI munlcl~ owncnhlp \\'OUld ImplO\'C cultomer SClVlcc and promote lowtr ralCS, ~hlle provldlna1ocal control INI \\'OUld be more rcsponsl\'C I 10 local needs, Includln.the dc\'Clopml or ICCCU proarammlna. Some communities look II able ror the fCVCIlue acncrallon poIenll&J, OIher commuohlcs, willi munlcl~lIy owned clmrie and au syslCms, view able and nber optic pWlI u IIOJIClIIIcp rorward In provldlnalclemelry and/or voice services with cable enlCrulnml u an adJuncl. Other communlllcs rcol thai able Is I prl\1le bUllncu and Ihould, u In moll cltlcs around the counlry, be handled by prl\1le enterprlse. Ir lhere II 10 be competlllon In Iho mukelplacc, these c1llcs rcol lhal It Ihould be done by IIIOIher prl\1le opcralor. Such communities believe lhal any benenlS or an ovelbulld luch u 10\\'Cr rales or bener cUltomcr service would be achieved u \\'011 or perhaps beller wllh . prl\1le operator. This public polley IlIue or whal Is Ihe public bencnl or entry Is an ImpollAl\l one and ono IhAl city councils address, ^nolher concern Is ~hal would be Ihe public rllk In enlerlna Ihls marketplace, Would I sYllem 10 an overbuild scenarlo rail and Ihen Ihe lax ~yers would Indeed ~y . price? Or Is 4 1./1;3 f - - , - ' 1 '1- , - - - ,1 I DllIu"r/CON.'IDFJmAL any risk oulwcl&hcd by \he benefil? Will municipal OVCfbullds (ollow hlllori~ lrends o( priVlIC Indusll)' o\'Crbulldcn which lypl~ly will spill. nwkct or, U Is more ollen \he me, one opcntor buys \he other one OUI. Fcdel1llcpl and lqulatory c!wlles and propouls also Imp.1Cllocal &O\'Ctl\mcRllnlmsl In entry, The rate lClC&ulatlon bill, Senate 011I 5,12, was expecled 10 come 10 1 \'OIC In \he Senate IlOllnd No\'Cmbcr 13, 1991, bU11w now been pollponcd 10 \he IlCJlleJIlon, llouse able bills arc also poSlponed uOIII nexllCSSlon. One o( \he quesllons concernln& Ihesc proposed bills Is whether surndenl sa(qlW1ls (or the community would exllll( dtles w'Cre a1IO'Atd 10 lCaulalC ratcs, OM or ~ !Inal polley Iuues Iha1I1 ollen addlCMllI: 11011' will other new entrants ef(CCI the mukclplacc? For exlmple, should cities wantlna an ovclbulld walt 10 !CO Ir Ielep/lonc companlcs IIIl a1low'Cd Into Ihe markel? Is the tlmo bcrorelelco entry 1 window or opponunlty ror municipally owned systems? Also, how will direct b~eul satellllcs (DDS) effCCl\he nwketplacc? Overall, Ihe main policy Issue II: \VhJIIs the bcJl way 10 mcel the ruture needs or 1M community ror cable and telecommunlcatlonsscrvlces? L&GAL.JSm The Cable Communlcatloos Polley Act or 1984 CIC4lly IlIows a SlAle or rranc:hlllna authorily 10 hold an loterest In any cable system, The Cable Act specifies thai stalcs or rranchlslna aUlhorltles with ownership InlelCstln cable shall not exercise any edllorial control 5 1/~3 , ' , ,- - - 1 DRAIT/CONFIDENTIAL relwlnl Ihe content of any cable scrvlce, except channels desllnated for educatlonal or lovernmenlal usc, unless an entity separate from Ihe franchlslnlauthorlty makes proarammlnl decisions. Therefore, a type of prolrammlnl board would be required to comply wllh federal law, The next questions concern Slate and local laws \hat perWn to Ihe City's ability 10 enter Ihe cable market. One Issue Is whclher the City Charter would allow the City to enter the business, ^nolher Issue II whelher Slate slatutes would allow the City 10 enter the business. Thero arc currently nvc municipally owned cable systems operatlnlln the SlAte of Iowa. Tbcsc systems arc: Prlmlhar (populatlon 1,000): Sanborn (population 1,400)i lIanley (population 1,700)i Coon Rapids (population 1,400): and Mannlnl (population 1,600), In some Slales, municipal charters or Slate laws have to be amended. For example, Delmonl, MawchusclIs (population 28,000), which has a municipally owned system \hat Is lcased 10 a private company to operate, had 10 have State law amended 10 allow the usc of leneral OOlllatlon bonds to nnance the system, The process of changing Slale laws took two years, The Stale StAtules oftcn will Indicate: whcther a municipality can enter the buslnessi how It may be nnanccdi whether Jolot ventures with other municipalities or private operators arc a viable option: whether the system must be operated as an Independent enterprlsc fundi any other structural requlremenui and whether the operations can run at a dencltln the Initial years of the franchise, 10 regard 10 local laws, Including the charier, general ordinances could crfecllhls t)'JIC of enlerprlse, 6 l/~'!J . . - -- 1 . - I... _ _ ,\ D1tA.~r/CONFIDENTIAL Procedural requlremcnu, such u whcthtr a public refcrcndum Is required or whether tilt City Q/\ act by ordllWlCC 10 establish a municipal system, should be examined, There hu been a subswllW amounl of IItlaallon In the uta of munlclp,lI ownership, Cues h1vc been brouahl ..alnsl cllles such u: Parqould, Arkansas: Nr,auncc, Mlchlaan: Owaow, Kentucky: Moraanlon, Nonh Carolina (populatlon 13,800): Philippi, Wesl Vlralnl. (populatlon 3,2(0); and Nlccvllle, florida (populatlon 8,5(0), All major decisions rendered by couns 10 dale h1vc come oullo favor of municipal ownership, However, the nature of the claims V1t'J. 10 the Nlccvllle case, the IlIh Circuli ruled WI the cable operator's freedom of speech wu noIlnfrlnaed when a municipality buill a compellna system and even If the municipal syslem rendered Ihe private systcm economically lofeaslble. The coun also found Warncr Cable had no nBlamcndmcnl rlahl10 be free from compelltlon. Additionally, Ihe coon stated Wi esllbllshlna a City owned systcm mlahl promole free speech by prcvcnllna a slnale speaker from monopollzlna the audience, 634 (11th Clr. 1990), wUtnWJ, III S,CI, 2839 (1991), ,911 P,2d If the City should proceed with municipal ownership, It would be prudcnllo prepare for IItla111on. The kinds of ch1l1enaes lhal mlahl be expected arc Stale conslltutlonalllY questions, nrslamendmenl questions: discriminatory lreatmcnl al a State and Fcderallevcl; and challenacs on a1leaedly Intlo(()mpelltlve behavior, 7 4/J3 . - - - - , . - I - - '. , j i I I I DRAFl'/CONFIDEN'fIAL IWllilCAL The mle-Or.mc.anln cable tcchnoloay hu advanced wbitanlWly since the lime the iyucm In Iowa Clly was built, Today, IIWIY cable iyilems IlC belnl buill with 72 channel capxlly (550 Mllz). On \he horizon b vIdeo comprcsslon which would allow even more video channels on \he same bandwidth. In addlllon, fiber optics b bccomlnl more and more Imbedded In \he archllCClure or \he cable systems, There IlC more options ror iubscriber lermlnAls, Includlnl\he current development or Inlenllctlon tcchnolOIY (ilmllM 10 I COfI\'Crter outside or \he boule), ThesC varlOUi tcchnlcalluucs were dllCllued al\he Council mcellna, Re&ll1llnl munlclpal ownenhlp wlysls,\he fintthlnlS 10 be wlyzed IlC what channel and Insdtudonal network capxlly Is Rqulrcd to IClVC \he communllY needs and what deslao b IpproprlalC ror the cable iyilem. These Inues ....,ould Include how much fiber optic plant would be Included In the syilem, what level or two.way IClVlcc would be nccdcd, amona other tcchnlcalluucs. Other lIems 10 be rcvlewtd arc: whelher the Clly hu bnd wllh iurnclcnt space to locale I headcndi whal kind or COfIiumer lcchoolOIY should be used (e,a, t)'PC or converter or Interdiction tcchnolOSY)i and what kind or equipment should be utilized ror the plant (e.I, fiber, ~1a1 cable, lIWIuracIUn:r), Two majorluues with ovclbullds Ire whether the exlitlna utllhy poles can support a ICCOtld operalor and what kind or dlilupllon 10 public riahls,or,way and privalc land will be experienced due to I KCond operatorIClV1na the communlly, Whclherthere Is spacc 00 tho poles Impacts the financial vlabl\1ly or an ovelbulld iyitem bccaUIe or makc,ready costs, Thc 8 ~3 I / I . - , - 'I _ - DRAf"'CONnDlWlt\L com CIII be ~Ie or ~etpCJOlWly hl,h. RqMdln, dbrupdon, one wmlllti \tlul will O<<ur 10 public and privale propcny, In Iumm.uy, prind~ l<<hnl~ quesdOl\J "hen lookln, II munlcl~ O\\1ltnhlp arc: \t1u11)'pC or pl1/11 would be buill; 1I'1u11pCCbJ conn,ullllonl and deII,n cons/derallons would lhc Chy IICCd ror rUIUlIllClccommunklllonlllJC ror public leCtor lIJCSi CIIIlhc public ri,hlS or Wly and lhc ullJhy poles provide IUmdcnl ca~ly ror I I<<OIld opmlor; II'IuI COIlS arc ISIOdIlcd willi nWc 1QIy; and \tlul arc lhc dlllUpllonl public or priVAle PlOpCt1y O\\1ltn would ~pcricncc and how It could be mlnlmllcd. ~ One or Ihc IllIIn quesllonl ror a munld~ O\'Clbulld II: Whllls lhc IO\'CI or lC't'cnue thai could be ~JlC(kd7 In lhc rew lon'llAndln, O\'Clbulldl, lhc opell/on WlIllhc nwkCl on a 50150" NsIs. Operalln, COil Is II10Ihcr nlWlClaJ Issue In lctms or lho number or IlIrr, racllllles, bulldln,s, and equlpmcnl lhal would be lI<<dcd. rrorOl11ll nlWlClIlllIlCmcnlS arc ulUIIly devcloped on lhc capilli COIlS, lhe opelllin, COIlS, pronl and 101S IlIICmcnlS, baI4ncc sheelS, and projeelcd ICVCnue. D.ucd on lhls and the leehnl~ wlYs/I, a dClcrml1l.11lon Q/l be lllIde lIl,anlln, II'hll kInd or overall nllll1ClaJ commllllltnlll needed 10 build lhe IYllcm. Qucltlonl arise 1Il,ltdln,: wh.11 amounl or dcbrll needed; 1I'h.1llnlcle1l rale would be I\l(Clvcd ror 1h.11 dcbl; and how much eqully would Ihe Clly be wlI/ln'lO conlribule7 9 4~ << 1 , ,- - I , DRAFI'/CONFIDEN'fJAI, I One major Issue raised by private operalon Is whethtr die communlly will be able 10 suppon IWO operalon or In rael will one operalor, as h.u been die Cl~encc ror llW1y prlvalC overbuilds, buy the other oul. If the second syslem Is purctwcd, the rollow,up questions aro whether this will have a neClllve Impacl on the ralC buc; and whelhcr the purclwc was conducted only 10 ellmlll1le competition, Qucsllons arise qUlllnc !he lnablllly 10 RCth'C economy or scale discounts on procrammlnc and possibly hlChcr COIU ror penonncl and markellnc, Anolher qucstlon ror munlel~ systems Is whether die Cllstlnl opcralor will "PIC or be allowed 10 encace In predatory priclnC, In summary. the principal nnanclal questions aro whether h Is economically viable 10 operate a second system In Iowa Chy and whether Ihe munlcl~hy h.u die IICCCSS&ry lCJOIIlCCJ, 10 ~ , . - - -- 1 . 1- L - ,.,J "1:^,- CITY OF IOWA CITY FobrullY II. 1992 Brueo Glalgow 834 N, Johnlon 5110at Iowa Clly. IA 52245 Oall Bruto: I Tho Clly Council has alkod Ihal wa raspond 10 your lauOl of Janully 8. 190210glldlng ofllca UIDI pOlmluad In Iho Nalghbo,hood Commarclol (CN.1 I Zona, Allho Inlanllocllon ollha lona Indlcalas. Iho usas In Iho CN.I lona should ba IlIgalod 10 Iho noodl 01 nolghborhood IOsldonlS and should bo oconomlcally luppollablo by Iho n04,by populO lion. This lono Is nOI Inlondad 10 provldo lor community,wido commarclal USGI, Obviously. Iha aClual commOlca Ihallakos placo In any ono ollha buslnusos or olllcos ollablishad In 0 CN.I lona illmpossibla 10 conllol. A good o.amolo ara lha orocary Iloros which lIaln Iha CN.llon.. al Filii and RochaSlOland on N, Oodoa SIIOOI. Thaso SIOIOS ara accaplod USGS In Iho CN. 1 lona, Thay so/va Iha rosldonlS Ihallivo within on 1I0a surrounding Iha 11010. No doubllhoy 110 also pallonilod by pooplo who 110 omlng by who do nOlllvo wilhin Iho Immadlata a,aa. Thoillocus howovar Is on Iha noarby rosidonls, Tho mochanlsm Ihalll usad In Iha Zoning Ordlnanco 10 conloin Ihls usa and onsuro Ihallha grocOIY SIOIO doos nOllarvo as a communily.wlda commorciol oUllol Is Iho limn on Iho SilO ollho Sloro, A similar machanlsm has boon SOl Uo lor olllco usos, Tho UaCI Iypos of olllca usas as you Iisl In your louor aro nOI proscribod In Iho Zoning O,dlnanca, Olllca usas ara gonarally parmiuod plovldad Ihal Calla in SilO limilaUons ara mal and accommodlllons 110 mado in Iho sillng ollho usa 10 on sura Ihlllho oil/co uso doos nOI diminish accoss 10 olhol parmiuad uSGS in lho lono, II wos lho dosiro 01 lho Planning and Zoning Commission and lho City Council 10 pormll olllcos In lho CN,1 lono whon Ihoy Imondod Iho ordlnanco In 1989; Iho proclso Iypos 01 olllcos woro nOlllslod so as nOllO Inadvollonlly procludo anyono, Tho silO IImilaUons WOIO addod 10 In soma mlnnOI oddross Iha Issuo 01 nolghbo,hood orlonllllon. Ooug BOOlhloy and I havo dlscussod your 10Uor and know 01 no Inslanco, olhor Ihan 01, Parrou. In which Iha quosllon aroso of wholhor an olllco usa was pormiuod or nOl, Or, Parrou was advlsod Ihal his donlal ollico would bo parmi nod provldod II did nOI o.coed Ihe IllO rastrlcllons oUllinod In lhe Coda. Ooug and I hava discussod Ihis with OUI rosoocllvo SlDII "'14\1 "'"'011100 '"11111"" "" III" 11/1.,,11..,110'"........., ,"'' lI.d'''4/,4 I j;, . . - - - - { 1- _ - I , ' Btuco GIOIOoW FObtUlIlY II, 1002 Paoa 2 POOp/o ond do nOl po/calvo any contusion, " you 0/ YOUI clionll hovo 0 p/obrom rn Iho tUIU/., plom CO/IlOCI DOUO 01 my.oll so lhol wo can dOlormlno Iho IOU/CO Ollho mllundolllDnd1no and /ocllly II. ~M((,u;. K In Fllnklln, DillclOI DOPI, 01 P1annlno & CommunilY Dovolopmo~1 cc: v6y Council P1'Mlno & Zon/no Commlulon Clly MonoOIl DOUO BOOlhloy, DiIOCIOI. HIS y,q " 1 !\ . . . - - - 1 , ,- - ,\ I ""': .". CITY OF /0 WA CITY - Febluary 12, laD2 Abbe L.nd MlyOt Pro TompOto Ci1yH11I 8811 Sanla Monico Blvd. WUI Hollywood, CA 90080." 1 09 0011 Abbe: I PlOI.. .ond me coP/o. 01 yOUl plOCUlomonl poIiclo. which odd,OII tho putchala 01 plodUCll 1N4~ It om ImI<ccnMlSf Will'. Wi ifi IiiVli1iilOij i elllbildi fiCyefino PlOQram haul in lowe CilY end Iho InIOtmollon would be mOil holplul. Tho cyclo won'l be complolO wllhoul OUI commllmonllo ClOlllng lho markolllOt POlI,conlumof conlon I plodUCll, PIma .ond Iho mllarlal. 10: Kllon Kubby, City Council Momber lowe CiIY, Clly Council Civic ConlO/ 410 E. WIshlnolon 51. low. Clly, IA 82240 Illhoro I. I chargo lOt Iho malorilll, plouo lond mo 0 .llIomanl with Iho malO/lal and I will IOmll paymonl, Thank you lOt YOUf holp. In pOlCO, KO/on Kubby Clly Council MambO/ cc: Cily Council bjUM\4 fUlf CUlIl . 1111 .0UIUlOO " IDU tl" 100'0 "1"'''" ~~ ..~., I"'! ,,,..... ru""lrt~5 - - - . - , I - . - - 1 u IA.lCCI "1111 ........." ~] CQI.otIA'1CIH Jill CO","O"ATJOH .".....,.", ".IU'. . " . - - 1 ',- -' - ,\ t "':~ CITY OF 10 WA CITY .. F.bfualY 12, 1992 A bbe Land Mayor Pro Tampora Clly Hall 8811 Sanll Monica Blvd. Will Hollywood. CA 90089,4109 0011 Abbe: I film. IOnd ml COP/II 01 YOUI P/oculOmanl po/lelll which IddlOlS Ih. pulch... 01 p/odUCI. mado 110m POll-conium at Willa. W. aro bog Inning I curbllda IOcycling p/OQrlm hol' In low: ClIY :1Id 1110 InfOflTlitllill would bo mOil halpful, fill cycl. won'l bo comp/ala wllhoul OUI eommllmOntto elOlllng Iho markollfol post,consumat conlonl ptodUClI, fIl.,I. .ond th. malerlals to: Karon Kubby, City Council Mombel Iowa CltY,Clty Council CIvic Cont.r 410 E, Washington SI. Iowa City, IA 52240 IIlhoro I. 0 chllOo lor tho mllO/lals, pia... IOnd mo 0 "atamont wllh tho malO/laland I will romlt paymonl. Thank you 101 YOUI halp. In poaco, Karon Kubby Clly Council MombO/ cc: CIly Council bjUMId CIYIC CUll. . till -AtNl_OIO_ " IOU (In IOU 11111.1111 f~ '.01. ""' ..101111 1U""'i/~5 , 1 , ,- - I ! i , i I r j I I i ! 1" , \' I' i i I I j I ! ~- ...... :..... CITY OF IOWA CITY FlbtUlly 12, 1992 Zachelv Moore 444 Walas SI. Iowa City. IA 52245 Dear ZachelY: Ilpoloo'ro lor laking 10 long 10011 back 10 you reoardino your concorns aboul skaloboarding In Iowa Clly, Asll currontly lIandl, you can skaleboard on Iho sldowalk In any IOsldonllal arll, IIlslllaoal 10 skalobOlrd In Iha IIrOOI.nvwharo olin cQII\nwc!al distfle12,/ncluding In thi walking plaza downlown,' 'spoko with Iha AIIIII.nl Clly AIIOrnoy reoarding Iha conllscatlon 01 skaloboards, Tha rOllon for Ihls P/ocoduro Is Ihlllhoy nood 10 "..Iro Iho InSlrumontalily 01 Iho cllmo," Whal Ihoy nood 10 do Is ollablish Ihallhls Is Iho skOIOboard In violation. I .110 askod Iho Aullllnt Clly Anolnoy IIlhera Is anolhor Way 10 plovlda Ihls ovldoneo 10 ' tho person could hop Iholr Ikllaboard whilo walllno lor Iholl COUll dllO, Tho policl nood somo kind 01 proof 01 ovfdonco. This could bo accomplishod wllh a pholooreph 01 Iha parlon with hlslher skllaboard, Tho Ikalaboardor Could sign I "alemlnl Imino Ihal YOI, I am Iha Ikllobolldor .nd Ihll Iklloboard II mlno. Tho Aulslanl Clly AIIOrnoy loamod 10 Ihlnk Ihal Ihls mada somo lonsa In Ihllthls would allovllla aloraoa problaml for Iho polico, Sho will lpeak with Iho Ipproprlalo olllcor and gal back 10 ma. I don 'I know why finOllor skataboardino are so oxponslvo, I'll conllnuo 10 Iry 10 find Iho rellonalo fot Iho schodula 01 I.... Saloty and properly damaOo luuos arlso wllh skoloboard. InO, aspoclally for drlvars who hava a hard tlmo looing Iho skaloboardOl, In Iho downtown are., monoy pUllnlO tha podoslrlan mall II In Issuo 01 wolllS sololy, Skaloboardors lump Ihall boards oil plantars and bonchos and causo damaoa lhot muSl bo repaired 01 Iho la.payor's o.ponsa, In Iha roconl PISI, a group 01 pooplo como 10 Council osklno aboul Iho possiblllly 01 conSllucllno a Skllobolrd park In Iowa Cily, Tho Council rolorrod Iho Issuo and pooplo IntorOllod 10 Iho Parkl Ind RocrOlllon Commleslon. Tho Commission docldod nOllO PUISUO a skaloboard park IIlhls limo bocauso 01 Iho o.ponso and Iiablllly lor Injurlos. "Vir c,"". . II. I U,"llOlON II 10_. CI" IOU ,,,",,," @ .NONI III" 11101111 '''11111.11..11. 'i~~ I <, . ' ~ 1 1- _ - I' . ZICNry MOO/. flbtU4ry 12, IU2 Pig. 2 . I don'l wlnllO compl.I.ly dlscourlg. you Irom P\lIlulno . Ikll.board IlcllllY, Buill will Ilk. 10m. wOIk. 011I 01 lhe peopl. who clm. 10 lhe Council 10 .ncourag. UI 10 build luch I IICllilY Wit Bllln C'"lng, H.II. /ln0f II WI.I ~h Ind hll Idd/usll 417 MOIVOI SI"II, lowI ClIY, 10wI 52248. I hope Ihll lneW"1 ,q 01 your qutlllOlll, II Ind when I find out mOl.InIOlmlllon, I'n can you, f..II'lIlo cln mill 338.1321. Sly OhiO 10 Ivy, . In pelC', Koron Kubby CilY Council Mombor cc: CIIY Council ~t l/~~ . 1 , ,- - , ~ I" I \ "':......... ... CITY OF 10 WA CITY 1 i F.bluary 12. 1m Johnson Counly Board 01 Heallh 1105 Cillboll CI. 10wI Cily, IA 52240 Doar SillMldlm: 11m unabla 10 bo Ollho public hoarlno lhis .hornoon, 10 I am pullino my IUPPOIl IOIlhe Ploposod On-ailo WlllowOIOl Managomonl DillllCIIOWMDI rutll on papol, I bollovo Iho PlopolOd 101 01 now rulOlls. wondorfully PI.cUcal wlY 101 Johnson Coumy 10 Plomolo ond lei upon Iho Plovonllon 01 gIOl/lldW'11I eonlomlnallon, Giving subdivislonslhe oprlon 01 10 kino lho loglllle ond Inlpoellon IlIponlibllily 101 mllmonanco Ollholl IOPlle IVSIOIM l~m"lv!! alvas lhem mOto Ilfxlbllity 1M eOiilfol OVIIlhis PlOC..., Tho OWMD CommltllO molnllln. lhel ragutll upkaop 01 loplle Ivsloml Is omnUal, TharalOlo.lho rulll .UII contoln . Plovislon lhelll Homoownall' AlloclaUonl chaolO nOllo IIko lhil loglslle and Inlpeellon rasponsibililY upon IhemsolvlI, compllanco will be vi. . pormllloo Ind Iho CounlY will dilOct/y luporvilO lho PlOCOll, Ilhink lh!1 1011 up I IYllom 01 eholcos bolOd on poslllvo Inconllvol varlus helV'f'hondad govornmonl. Tho OWMD CommllllO hope. 10 be ablo 10 Plovido modal rulu and oducallOlllI malarl. ollllralnJng 101 Homoownor.' AlloclaUonl, Thosolloml will help PlOPOlly ownor,'olln mOlO oboullh.lr IOplle IVllOm., " wo 110 luceOlllul ond Homoownorl' Alloclallonl choolo 10 lako on IhllralPonslbililY, Ihara will be much 1011 wOlk and uponsa 101 lhe COUnlY, Stall would Ihan hlvo 40 Alloclatlon. 10 koap IrIck 01 InSIOld 01 7.800 Individull homaownorl, Tho Commll1ao oliO lal~od aboullncludino John McNul1" IdOl of IOndinO ovoryono In Iho eounly who has I ..pUe 'YSlOm 0 poslclrd malntananco ramindlr_ ^ noUeo would provido o gont/oramlndor. bUll. nOllllono onough In 11101110 Iullilllha oroundwator PIOlocUon goall ollhls program, I oneourago vou 10 IUPPOlllhm lulu with an alljrmaUvo vota, Tho OWMD CommlllOO has boon moollng lor around Iwo voar. and II raady 10 Imolamanllhllo rulu, eme CUll. . II' l "AUI.Oln II rUA till rUA '"110111I @ .UU tll~ 111_'''' PUIIIIIIII-1~ 1 f ij:-' 1 - - - - .' ,\ Johnson C~unlV D03'll 01 Htlllh FlbluA/y 12, l:1n Plge 2 I mUll Idd I~I Illhough I 1m on lho Commlttot II . IIP1e..nllllvt ollho 10wI CilY City Council. lho.. commont' '" my own Ind do not lolloct tho ~IW 01 tho CIIY CouncU 01 tho OWMO Commluao, , lepprocllll YOut thoughtllA conalderetfon, In POlC., Kllon Kubby City Council MombOl bj'bd~..lIh 4~7 . .. .' . . - 1 , - 'J - - i \ ""'\:..,... CITY OF IOWA CITY ,\ i , F.bNllY 12, 1992 Nlncy 5klMOI Barkolay City Council Mlltln LUlhor King Jr, Civic ConI or 2180 Mllvia 51, Barkelay. CA 94704 DOli Nancy: Plauo .ond mo coplo. 01 your plocuremant pollclos which IddllU tho purchuo 01 prodUCII mado Irom POlt'consumar Willa, Wo all bog Inning I curbslda IIcycllng program hOllln Iowa CIty and lho InlormallOft would bel mOlt holplul, Tho cycl. won't bo complola without our commltmantto creating tho markots 101 post.consumor contont products, Ploaso IOnd tho mllarlals to: Kllon Kubby, Clly Council Mambor Iowa City City Council CIvic Conlar 410 E, Washington 5t, Iowa City, IA 52240 II lhara,. a charga lor tho malorlall, plaaso lond mo a Itllomont wllh Iho motorial and I will romlt paymant, Thank you lor your holp. In peaco, Karon Kubby City Council Mombar cc: Clly Council b~lklnn" CIVIC CUIII . I" I. UnIMOl,. If, IOWA CIl' IOWA IIIl1,lIl1 @ 'UMI 11111 ...,.... 'UIl... 111,...1 4~g . , 1 ,- , - - - ~:~ CITY OF IOWA CITY - F.bNaty 12. 1992 Ryan Wlgaholt 1497 Vllloy Viow Dr. COtolvilla,IA 5224' Dear Ryan: I hlvo I.colvod your 101l01lOQUUUng InlOlmaUon on how 10 ptoposa Ihll an IndOOl hockoy rink bo cOIlsl/uclod In 10wI Cily. Howovor, I would sUOgolllhel you la~a your concern 10 lho Clly Plrks and RoclOlllon CommllJlon, ThoIO h.. boon InlerUlln lhe loconl pUlln an Ico skallng link hero, II soams lhel combining tliiia two liMa would give you 0 bloader baso 01 SUPPOII and would make ajolnllocllilY mor. .conomlcally loaslblo, Tho Perks and RocroaUon Commlulon Is curronlly going IhrouOh . Il/alOole planning PIOC..., Thoy will coma Oul OllhIs wllh 0 lisl 01 ptlOllll1l 101 capllal o_pondiIUlOI. Thoro '1lough compollllon lor 'dlsClOllonalY lunds,' TholO ero OIganlulIons In Iho communllY pUllulng lho Idoa 01 a cullulIl canlOI and a Iclonco conlOl, I don'l wlnllo oncourago or dlscOUIIOI you 110m uplOllng the poulbllill... I bollovelhlllharo ,. a Iklllng link In Walerloo. I'm nOI .uro IllhI. laclllly II allo uSld lor hockoy, bul you moy wlnllO conlaCllham lorlnlormallon on how Ihay Ilerlad and whalll COli, I urgo you 10 conloCllho chall ollho Commission, John Wallon, 0133709225 (lOsldoncal 01 337.4158 (work), Of Iho Olroclor ollho Perks and RaclOollon Oaponmonl, Terry Tluablood, 01358.5110. P1...o 101 ma know whll kind ollOlponsa you Oil. You can lOach mU1338. 1321, In polCO, KalOn Kubby Clly Council Momber ce: Cily Council bi'wlg.llol, flUf f1"'" . III I UINIU'O" II. IOU fill IOWA 11111.1111 t~ 'NO"' III" 11I,111' "X"III 111..11. q~9 . 1 , - - - - RGeE I'IED ~:D t ~ ~JTayor's '1ou'th EmpJoym n.t Program . 410 IowA Av(~u( . IOWA elf 3118'11410 Fobruory 11, ~W11 1992~ \1 I ii, \ "I ,\ I ~ \ .( I \.' \ I.... I I I , , I \' , I , \ \ Hoyor Dorrol Courtnoy City ot lowo City Civio Contor 410 !. WOlhin9ton St. lowl City, IA 52240 \- I I \ ' \, \. ,,\" \ ,\ I ! ! ! , . r I ! Dur Durol, I would llko to tlko thl1 opportunity to thonk you tor your continuod lupport ot thl HYEP prOCJrol in 10wI City. I hlvo rocolvod notico ot tund. to bo rocoivod trol tho City in FY Iii) ond hlvo convoyod thil Intoraotlon to tho bolrd ot dlrootor.. I Would 1110 Uko to convlY IY epproolltion tor counoil'. lupport ot tho othor hUlAn .orvlco 190nol01 thot ero bonotiolerio. ot oity tundln9. I hevo tho prlvUo9o ot lIorkln9 ololdy with lovoral lo"ico provldora In tho co..unity Ind continuo to be 1.prallld by tho oxcoUont rooourcDl IVIUlblo. Tho qUllity ot lorvicII provldod would be 9rutly dllinlahod without your lupport, I wlah to co..ond stovo Atlcln., olty 114n090r, ond HU90 ponnoy, hUlAn .orvlco. coordlnotor, tor tholr .i9nitlcont ottort. on our boholt. I hovo boon tho roclplont ot tho1r odvico ond olllltonco on lovorll ooco.lonl Ind 01 9rltotul tor tholr knowlod90, ollportl.o, ond co..ltlont. Durolt our conurvltion corpl will bo portlclpltinll In Ilvorll proJoct. with city dopertlont. In tho tuturo, howovor, II council boCOIO. Iworo ot projoctl In which toonogora particlpoting In our prOlJrala 10Y bo ot 1111ltanco, do not hOlltato to contact 10. AlIoln, I wllh to thank you tor tho alalltanco that you havo lIivon to UI in aorving youth In 10110 City. Slncoroly, , t~. /... -. . 1 pog HCElroy Frolor Exocutivo Diroctor CCI StOYO Atkinl S E R V I '1f~a ron~o~ U T H . 0 F , J 0 H N SON . C 0 U N T Y HTIIIIKSi2,CTY 1./ 7() . .~ ~ . . - -- 1 , - - - I'krlla'.:~' C.11'k~\ j,illll . . rCI co..""' . . . Fobrunry II, 1992 ~' ~ ~w. J)do - Dnrrol Courtnay, Hoyor City ot Iown City 410 Enlt Walhlngton St. Iown City, IA 52240 Donr Hnyor Courtnoy. Tho YOAr 1991 hAI boon olpoclolly oxcltlng nnd chnllonglng for tho coblo Indultry, olpoclAlly 1I0rltnga Cnblovlllon. I would Ilko to IhAro with you lomo ot our Accomplllhmontl thll pAlt YOAr with tho Intont ot kooplng you bottor Intormod obout your locnl cnblo IYltom'1 octlvltlol. CUltomor lorvlco contlnuod to bo our numbor ona priority. Dur- Ing 1991 Ilorltogo llIlplomantod and cOllIplotad n vory Intonl1va CUltolllor lorvlco trolnlng progrom cAllod 'Tho CUltomar Flrlt'. All employee! p4rtl~!p4t!d In 4nd @4t!,t4~tQrlly cQmplatad thll progum. AlIO, 1I0r1t4go continuo I to ba In full compllanco with NationAl Cablo Tolovlolon Alloclntlon ItondArdl tor cUltomor lorvlco, Tolo-Communlcotlonl, Inc., our pAront compony, hnl adoptod on ovon moro Itrlngont lot ot cUltomar lorvlco ItondArdl lurpoll- Ing tholo of our nntlonol olloelAtlon. In Augult of 1991, 1I0rltogo Introducod Itomlzod bllling tor our cUltomorl. For tho tlrlt tlmo, our cUltomorl con 100, ot o glAnco, oxoctly whAt thoy Aro poylng tor. Thll now billing formot WOI vory woll rocolvod. 1I0rltogo contlnuod Itl on-going commltmont to public acco.. In 1991. Ovor $140,000 wao pAid to tho non-protlt organiZAtion which monagol tho public accola function In our community. Wo aro proud that public OCCOII II Allvo and woll, IInd that wo con play an Intogral pArt In It I aUCCOII. Education II a vory high priority with TCI and lIorltago no woll. Ovor $20,000 In troo lorvlco wo. modo Avallablo to our Ichool. In 1991. In addition, all of tho high Ichool. and junior high Ichool. aro participating In 'Cablo In Tho Clao.room'. Thl. Innovat1uo, collaborntlvo offort by lIorltAgo And tho coblo Industry'. programming ooctor provldol tho Intormatlon and toola nocoalary tor our .chools to fully utlllzo tho woalth of Inatruct- tonal valuo brought to thom via coblo tolovlalon. (contlnuod) L/71 , . , . - ,- , - - - i I I I ! ". -2- .}) II~rila!.!~ (';Ihll:\ j,illll - l Tel eOllHNY No Itory about our communlty would bo comploto wlthout dhcuulnq conltructlon. Durlnq 1991, lIorltaqo bullt Ib- toon ml101 of now plant to moot tho ovor-qrowlnq neodl of our houllnq lndultry. Tho yoar 1992 promllOs to bo no dlfforont wlth ovor $200,000 plannod In now, IYltom con- Itructlon. lIorltaqo continual to bo a vlablo forco ln our community. HorltAqo hal contrlbutod thoulandl ot dollarl ovor tho YOAr. to vlrloul 10cII fund-rlll1nq projects. HOlt rocontly, wo qavo ovor $7,000 to our 10cII HUlcullr DYltrophy Alaoclatlon chAptor. Anothor $3,000 wal rAllod to lupport Chlldron'l AWAronosl tor tho Artl ln tho Iowl City aroa. Wo AIIO con- trlbutod ovor $30,000 to varloul charltablo orqAnlzAtlonl ln tho torm of public aorvlco announcomontl. Our qoall for 1992 Ira, amonq othor thlnql,to continuo to provldo tho bOlt cUltomor lorvlco and tho flnolt quality proqrammlnq at tho bait posllblo prlco. Our tranchllo II Important to UI. With thlt In mind, lIorltlqo plodqol, 41 ln tho pllt, to romaln ln full compllAnco with Its pro- vlllons. Tho Authors ot tho frAnchllo obvloully hAd tho community lntorost at hout. Wo, at 1I0rltAqo, Iharo thou lntoroltl and to that and wo Itand commlttod. As AlwaYI, It you or your council havo Any quoltlons or con- cornl, do not hosltAtO to call. Slncoroly, WilliAm L. Dlouqh Syatom Hlnaqor . 1 .\ ~~ f . .' 1 ,- , - - - J.... CtIIl7 \ IO\\'''~ ,I 1 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ch.1llcl 0, Duffy Sl~phcn P. UcIM Patrlclo A. M~ldc Rlclwd Eo M)'tn D~llY Ockcnfcll Fcbllllry 5, 1992 M&'1- ~ tc;J1 J . ~ ~ ~ Mayor Owl Cour1ney 410 Easl Wuhln,ton SltCCl Iowa Chy. Iowa 52240 Ow Owl: I 11wIk you ror your leller or JanlW)' 31, 1992. In rtSanls 10 Mayor McDonald's leller or Nomnbct I~, 1992,1 am SOrT)' lhls WISl!'I answered, however, 10 our own knowlcd&e II was no! rcccIvcd. Rcaardln& your concern or lhe conditional use permll or Slevens Dcv~lopm~nl Partn~nhlp: )'CS, !he DoanI or Supervlson conlldered Iowa City's lttOmmendalloos and Il1.1dc Ihem I p.ut or !he condhJonaI use permll (see copy or permit), We have rtremd your leller 10 our ?onln& Dcpanmenllllld Ih~y will rtSC3rth Ihls mller. Slnccrtly, ('~t'J~.~j)31 M.'t,. Charles Oufry " I! , Chairperson CO/Jh Ilnclosurc 913S0UTII DUDuQun 51, P,O, DOX 1350 lOW" CITY,IOW" '2244 TOL: (J 19) H6,6000 FAX: (319) 3'6~7 ~ , . - - COllO I T IONAl USE PERt II T 1:1 ACCORDA:lCE lilTH ART rCLE XXXI'I Of THE JOIlNSOII COUNTY ZO:lINO ORDINMICE A CONDITIONAL USE PERmT IS ISSUED TO 't.v.nt D.v.loc~.nt '~r:n.rlnlc FOR THE OPERATION OF .In~ and Q:1v.1 E~::I:~lon , I I I Suc~ O;tr~:!on .~li! bt ~s:lbl!sh~! lnd cor.due:ed su~Jt~t to 1~ l~ eon!~r=l~Ct ~!:~ t~~ Su;;l~=tn:~l Condltlc~. 0: Exhibi: A l::lC~od h~r.:o lnd by this ro:oreneo ald. 1 pOrt h.mi. !/~tft1fJ ",,=-= ! s~- :liJ:r, APPROVED: ~ -/7 -t)/: C<::, ISSUED: .. 6om\1Ig A'r~::'a:"r CU9~ 1::1- r 0 EXPIRATION DATE 4-1~-~OOO PER-'lIT NO. , 1 \ i t/7~ , . - - - . - .. - - - " 1) Tho pormlt shill be tor ten Voer,. 2) A borM ,hell be lnstallod Ilong tho north Ind we,: ta~ndlrlel at tho site, vegetative cevor shall bo malntllned en the ter~ t:r tho torm et the por~lt Ind tho borm Ihlll be ~eslgned 10 es not to lntlrrere with visibility tor vehlcullr Ice011 to ar trem tho alte. 3: A mlnlmum 2CO r:e: IO:~lek In whiCh no ,ar~ cr ~:Ivol ox::~C:lan I~euld ce:~r s~lll to meLntllrod :~ t~1 ncr:h ard aa,: 11dol cf t~o 11:1 .n~ I 3CO reee .ae~I:( wL:~ :~o 'I~O 11~I:aelcnl .hell to 'Ilntllno~ an eho ~ale II~a cr :~a ,1:1, ~) Nc rcek crushLng 1~lll cce~r an t~a slta. S) A tonco sholl bo ~alnt'lnod alcng tho porlmo:ar er tha .L:I. G) iho existing grave or trD!! lcc~~~4 on the leut~ern per:len or this preperty ,hell be .alntolnod during the tarm et thll pormlt, 1 .\ I 1./7d-.. . ....... . - - - . 1 , - - - Fobruary 5, 1992 Hr. stovo Atkins, Clty Hanaqor Clty of Iowa City Clvlo Contor 410 C, Washlnqton st. Iowa City, Iowa 52240 rOIlA CITY 10llA 1I000SIIIG ASSOCIATes LIMITCD PAR':'IICRSIIIP 328 &ost lIelhlnqton stroot P. O. Dox 1226 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 13191 338-7600 eqzy. tdj ~ ~~. ~~Q Oovolopmont A9roomont Vllla Gordon urban Ronowel Plan Door Hr. Atkins, Subjoct On b~h41f of all of tho portlos lnvolvod with Ilplomontlnq tho Villa Gardon Apartmonts affordahla houaln~ projoct in lava Clty, wo wllh to thank you, tho city council and your ataff for your aSllstanco In brlngln9 thla projoct to trultlon. Your oarly commltmont has load othor londora and lnva.tora to portlclpata In thh projoct. Today, os 9onoral portnar, I hava s19nod tho dovolopmont a9raomont, minimum auaumont aqraomont and momcrandulI of dovolopmont a9roomont at tho clty clork's offlca. I undarstand tho documontl wl11 hava on aftactlva data ot Fobruftry 10, 1992. In on affort to 9lvo tho city 01 much tlmo aD posslbla to rovlow tho planl, drawlnqs, apoclflcatlons and rolatod documonts, wo hava alroady dollvarad a aot to tho doportmont ot Inlpactlona and tho dopartmont ot plannlnq and community dovalop=ont. Tho contractor, IIrabak Lumbar Company ot Chalaoa, Iowa, plana to Dtart construction Horch I, 1992 01 woathor pormltD, but no latar than Aprll I, 1992. Complotlon of tho first twolva unltl is schodulod for no lator than Octobor I, 1992 and addltlonal twalva unlts thoroaftar for aach throo monthl. Totd dovolopmont 11 Ichodulod to bo complotod by July I, 1993. Ho havo droady roco1Vod commontl bock from HArcla 11010 and Dob Hlklo trom tho dorartmont of plannlnq and proqram dovalopmont, Ho aro rOlpondlnq to oftch ono of tholr concornl by Incorporatlnq tho chon?o Into tho plenl anr\ Ipocltlcatlonl or ftro raquolHnq a dovla Hon. 473 . " , - - - Hr. stovo Atk1ns, City HAnA90r City of Iowa City Fobruary 5, 1992 PA90 2 It is our slncoro hopo that rovlow and modification of plans to your satlsfact10n ls complotod prior to tho ond ot Fobruary And that tho city advanco fundi tor tho Acquisition ot tho lito on or boforo Fobruary 28, 1992. Boyond this dato, wo w1ll bo obl19otod to pay An odd1tlonol cost of 10' por Annum In Intorolt COltl to south9oto Dovolopmont Company. I~ Itand by tor your COMmonts attor your rov1ow. ThAnk you a901n for your aulltAnco with br1n91n9 .ttordAbl,' housln9 to IOWA City. Slncoroly Yourl, IOIIA CITY IOIIA 1I0USIIIG ASSOCIATES LIHITED PARTllCRSllIP /-;0, fI() h ' ~~. Robert P. Dur!\S Gonorol PlIrtnor RPB/lk '/73 , 1 ,\ , . . - ' ' - . I i i I Dou&1I1 W, JonCl Chalt. Iowa ClIy Aln Group of Ih. 51'''1 Club 816 Plrk Rd. Iowl City, 1/\ 52246 hom.: (319) 338<2879 olliCl: (319) J)S,0740 ~... '. Fcbrulf)' 6, 1092 I I Membcn of Ihe CII)' Council Civic CtlIler 410 E. Wuhlnslon 51, 10wI CII)', IA 622~O ~ Iho Council: / ~~. b. ~ Tho ClCecullve commlll~ of Ihe Sierra Club', Iowa CII)' Area Oroup hu ldenllficd onl<< qullll)' M 1)!IlI of lho mo,llmpollanl tlIvlronmenlal problClllJ raelnS Ihl, ,laic. In IIsM or Ihla, I am wrlllns 10 lhank )'Ou ror )'Our conlinued iUpport of 1t&1!\A. lion 10 prolecl our drlnklns waler rlom non.polnl'lOurce pollullon, U ICllalcd In Ma)'Of Darrel Courlne)",lcllef or Jan, 16, 1992 10 I'clef Klns or Ihe Iowa LtAsue or MunlelpallllCl, Sincerely II': I /f' Il\.~""'(\ \_- '.... Douslu W. Jones Chair, Sierra Club Iowa CII)' AreA OIOUP .. , ,\ I . L/7l/ . , 1- ,- - - 1J1i.~ nvl"'~... 1. t.i.J.. !.:ty. tn~ M;.( e(A,~ ~UV ~'ltt '1\,' ,te,,~7 I ~~ S ;:)~ 'If) ~ ru...l '0~t4.. ilL tlv. !..4i C,,",...:..e.J ,f. u. l . r , ,J. t -r- ' . ,I.:." L '"\. ~,~ ~ ~.rl ;'1.,( ~o (l.l7.....~' tv ""'L:.. t L,,~l r ~'''j. 11.1<.:./...""<:- /l.:.1; It :'" .Y; I tL..t 1Yf.~ tt....~t ,'- "A..(~~ ""t ISIt! tu."'U",t .it. ft 1"01:t. 1\ 'J-l;. <.. "-fr-' tl~ fl.r{,.{i.,I ,t an-vet&... rr:tr~ 11-t.J..~ il ?-,"",,<t-e tt:t/~ ~~t-,'1- C>'} '..j..t.."...~ · l/."t 'bA./ i!..oJ. 1 T./w f.'-<J:. A.1~4"tA"-l "-f'.vt ~ t, p:..~'f: ~ ~ ~It.( a1,~&.(,G"~1 t.~~ LL.~,tt ;tL1''fM;t1rJ). ~Av'f ^ b~ 1\.~,.t;;A..,\. A l,(fft tL 1,~,( t L.~ to ~~ It. ~IA.,.( M1.L~t 'II\. el.-I~ ~~-rl "b b~ ~k4~ M.t~. ~rl l ~ \,l 1M l,t. ..t 'y,r;l.ILl,.( tVTIt.,o/... '(..If L.," l ~\.~ {",,,UtI tlJ. l'L7J,l.ir{ ~t'-l.( ,~t t:1.J. Yt':1...(11- I)')t't".../l e-/~tt tr i::l1J. ~/(.IJ 7s ~lo< .?)I.-MC.';f d\ 7..A.Co U 11'J..",t 1,,'+-1,..'~, ttJ.{ ':'L'-t{ ,-?/.A' /.t'7Uj 1 ~t4'Zi,""~ J 1'1'/""../" '}/t.C~'oV tht:/:. 1 .\ 475 . ' . 1 , - - - ,\ ! V~l.4.. /,~"'Ot.P.J 1..t .^'rJAJ.t ~ f/AMJ. ~ /)tAvt ~Iu'l.. ~~-( ""J.t.-~-h<<A t"'>t ('lL,,\ iJ~l M.1)J.. 1~ MI., . vi:. 7. V1-Ltt.Q). lV..A... ~ <l71 " ~KA".J.. ""~ ~;...~ p!z.r..,-t. CJ.,,1LJ.,'l;t(.,,~ ,I\. ('.A~l(~~ J...it-tL, it ,\ '?(1-A,.I~ t (1.;( hy ~(..... ," ~(,'{'l,ttJ. l ~'~, lj h l,t ,i I. "ftwrr.,( ,1UA:..t, L'vt"L.t1..<. tL'.(. -It+< 7:./...;, h>~'-'''t..I. l..L'4 i11.L'J'l.~~~ L~~ Il'f')t<<(it<.", rt,.y,t.t.,"'~',. PM tlA...~~~ t% ti.,;;(, ~(,'Y7t.,~ elL L4~Ll,~ tt~,fj ~'bl.;f 1~ A~~t.L(,( IA v!t.L" 7/JJ.}!. ~IA /n..t:t ,l41../ ~ It- 1wLr~ ,CA"'~l) ,au.d: M tLi1'O :Ii u,~ /1,1/,'-,t.1(, ~rI L~(.t ~(,d.JI. /,w.ell..e 1U/t1..~. ,t.t.--l".(.~ -to .A.,.,l..tAL~l.( t.t.(!.), 'ti(~.,vt L..;{'w fLt llr'~O n-..,L.t. 1?1 .t. t/ )1lt". '?ll(t'b~I." ~,t~ '1)/(.) f..tl~'t ~ . ~'" to'7\, hAj I ;11w-n .'feJ ~ 7''' P.ft"Mv<. ,r.t f~ 7P,,-, '175 . 1 , - ' - \ February 12. 1992 Iowa Clly Council 410 e, WAShington 51. Iowa Clly, Iowa 52240 Dm Clly Council Members: My leller Is In reply 10 one senl 10 you by Paub Orandl represenllng "Friends or Hlslorlc PreservAllon." I would like 10 polnl OUI thai I, AS a developer, also hm a 101 or pride ror my home lown or Iowa Clly, Thererore I rcel Ihal I hm a responslblllly 10 Ihe communlly or Irylng 10 enhance the Clly or Iowa Clly with any proJccl Ihal I develop, The apartmenl building thai I plan 10 build 01 Church and Dubuque SlIcets hns been drawn by an Dl'chllcCI, nol 0 drarlsperson, We hm Incorporalcd brick, French windows, shullers, denial mouldings, six pml doors, broken roor lines, broken wall lines, keyslones above Ihe windows, Slone ledges below Ihe windows, and quolned brick corners, among other realures, 10 enhance Ihe archltccluro or Ihe building, These Dl'O expensive options Ihal I hnvo decided 10 use which do nOI lurn anolher nickel or renl. I am designing an upscale appc3l3nco on Iho building because or pride In my community. , I believe Ihe City or Iowa Clly will benefil as a whole rrom my proJecl. The lax base on Ihe ground will greally Incrcue, lenanlS will gain an opllon In the renlal markel, and people driving by will hm an allracllve, well.landscaped building 10 look al. A rew years ago Ihe Planning and Zoning Commission was correCI when Ihey largeled Dubuque SlIeel ror RM44 zoning. There are no less Ihan a dozen houses belween Fairchild and Jerrerson Streels on Dubuque Slreel Ihal are In greal need or eXlenslve malnlenance. Many or Ihem are 7S 10 100 yeDl's old. They have been allowed 10 delerlorale. Ihey hove oUlllved their userulness, and some or Ihem arc "eyesores,"' "Old" does nOI always mean "lIlstoric." _ IS Respeclrully, ~!::! iB " ~ ~ ~ 'n~ - ;:: c;/'fi'?? ~.,~ l:' I Larry Svoboda - ~~~r- ~ !!! Q = ~""" :( .. cc: H, and E. Pelers, p, Orandl, ~ Id '-/71tJ f . - - .. I , - - - J...... (fill" ~O\VA~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - I \ I i i ~rlu 0, Durry Slerhcn P. LacIna Pllrlcla A. Mude Rlchanll!. Mycn BellY Ockenroll Februory 18, 1992 INFORMAL MEETING Agend" I, Call to ardor following Cllnvnss meeting. 2. Rov'ow oC Iho minutes, l 3. Duslness Crom the SheriIT's Deportment and Ihe Physlall P'"nt Mnlloger. , a) Discussion to: Increasing civil mileage fees. b) Discussion ro: 'ncreaslna pcr day work rclcase, c) D'scusslon rc: counly gas lank removal or upgrade, d) Olher 4. Duslness Crom Ihe County Auditor. a) Discussion ro: rcvlew of propoSl\ls submlllcd for Johnson CounlY FV '92 'Mua' audll. b) Other S. Business from Ihe Boord of Supervisors, - :s a) Repor\.! 0 m -'n " b) Olhcf 5:::j no( - - - t.l ,- 6. Dlscuss'on Crom Ihe public. ~p :li ii'I _m _ o:N :J -- w ,.""" . 7. Recess, li: Ul N ,. ." I I'''' ........_ '" '" .....,. ,..,.. '''''~II, ,"1I"MJ 11"\"" ,"nt, 'Tf" ."tlt\U.<<.U'ftl PA~' ,,/i21 . -.' - ... -- - , - - I Ii I ' I II r t , ,\ I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Olio: F.btully 21, 1002 To: City CMCI Flom: CIty MwgOt Ro: M410~1I1n Inlomlallon Plckol I, Memolanda 110m lho CIty Mwgor. a, Clllot1a 101 Solodng ~.lt1II P~ b. ADA CompllInco Colli ....ilL --llL 2. Memormm 110m lho Flnanco Oftocto, logardlng Advanco RoluncSng 01 Bonds and tho Now ParIo.Ing Bond Issuo, MemolllllCNm from lho Olroctol 01 Pl&MIng & Community Oovolopmonl IOQWng.. Convnunlc4Uon, wllh 110 Iowa City CotMlunlty School OI,Irld. -llL Memollllld4 from lho City Clorll rogllldlng Sumtllllllo, 01 City Council Worll Sosslon. 01 Fobtuary 3, Fobtuary 4, and Fobtuary 10, 1092. CopIo. 0' Lonolllo tho City Councllfrom: 3, 4, 5. f3 Llr a, Envlronmonlll Advoc4lo. RocyclIng ConvnInoo b, Ms, Bolly Funk 0. SonolOl Tom Hatldn d, Slalo RoptolOnlaUvo Mnnono Dodaro, 8, Copy ola Lonor 10 OUI Atoo Sl4to Loglslalolllogardlng vlllou.loglsloUvo horns. 7. Copy 01 a Lonol 110m As.lslanl City Al1omoy Anno Dumsldo logardlng proporty al 420, 422 ElISI Chulch StrooL ' 8, Copy 01 a 10110' 01 DjlpIocloUon 10 Allton 'Monk' Loorwd, Tlansll SUporYlsOI. 9, COP/Ol 01 Johnson County BoDld 01 SupoM'oll' Agondas 101 FobtulllY 20 and Fobnuuy q 25, 1992. 0 10. Hemo from ~yor r. Environment. I Advoc.t.s Forum on ~rch 5, 1992. t~~"Remo from City Hgr. ro Llbr.ry/County Funding Agreement. , I I I i ! I i I I I , I t , - . - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Oalo: Fobluary 19. 1992 To: City Council From: City Mlnaglr Ro: Crltorll for Soloct1no Indu'Ulol Pork AUlchod II 0 policy lummary which will be ullllzod In lho IOvlow 01, and ulllmaloly tho racommondaUon to tho CllY Council. ConcOlnlng 0 prqoolod munlclpallndulUlal park, Tha.a Clllorla will be tho guld1no Inlluonco on tho part ollho City IIDII II wOlovlow avall.b1o situ In tho Iowa City aroa, cc: Karin Franklin Oovld Schoon Chuck Schmadoko Auachmonl 002.1 . . 1 .\ . '. . - - - , . , .,.... . - INDUSTRIAL PARK SITE SELECTION POLICY GtntraJ II/utI Th. IYJIIl of Indultrl~ pvk 1.Ind nCCllCIIln Iowa City "lbts 11m. 1I'llUld allow lb. IYJIIl of Indllltrlal dmlopment pumlllCIIln lbe H, Oencnllndllllrlal Zon.. P"mlllCII Ults In lb. 1.1 Zono Includ. build In. contnctor facilities: communlcalklns facllllles: manufaCllllln., wemblln., and compound In. racllltles: wholtul. lIad. .Ind wvehoul' esubllshmenu: and lesulCh facilities, Thetefore, any Ille ulKlCIIlhould lit ronCIII.1 or abl. to be IUO!Kllto 1.1, Olven lb'IYJIIl ofl.lnd nccdCII ror Indllllllal dovelopmenl and lb. olber crllella uICIIIO lelKl an Ippropllal' lit., II" lhould lit abl. 10 jUlllry lb. luonln. or lb. IdKlCIIIIt.. Tho 111. of lb. lit. should Ian,. from 80 10 200 leres. Th. lower end or lbll rln.. would Includ.I.Ind adjolnln.lbo .~tstln,lndullIlal pvk, and lbmfore, could lit In e~lenslon or lb. pvk, Tho low" end of lb. w.. could a110 Indud. I 11l.localCIIellC'olhere: howover, lbts lit. lhould be 100alCII near 1.Ind lbal couldc.ully lit IncorpolalCII as an ulenslonoflballndullllaI park. Th.ICAD IlalThu Ilaled I nCCll for Indlvkluallndullllallltes of 15 to 20 Icres In 1110: lherefore, any new IndullllaI p:rk lhould lit Iar.. enou,h 10 Indud. Individual lites or lbllll1.. Olven lb. Ilz. of land nCCllCII, w. will more lban likely have 10 IclKl I Ill. ouuld. of Ih. corporal' IImlu. Therefore, IlIuts Iurroundln.annuallon and ruonln, II' I faClor, Tralllpol1Dllon II/uti Bill Sorvl", Ralllervl" II cssentlal ror Ih.lndullrlal pllk, Thou,h nol overy Indultry movln.lnto lb. puk will nCCll ralllervl", cenlln IndullIlcs will ttqulre nllltlvl", Thftefore, any pocentlallltes mUll hlVI nllltrvlcolmmCIIlllely mllabl. or tho ablllly 10 easily ulend a ralllpur 10 lb. lit., , M1Ior IIIlhwlv Roult!, PlOvldln.a"cssto major Ilal' or fCllcnl hl,hway roules II cssentlal, Thoo.h lbo III' docs nol ntccsslllly ntcd 10 abUI I major hl,hway roul., 1111 preftlted lblllb. Iltl have easy I"CSI 10 I major h1ahway In Older 10 reduc. Ih. InfrllltuClUre ~'I111 to develop lh. Indllllllal park. 1I0wevcr, Jr I lit. II ullemcly deslrabl., Ih.lack of Immedlale I"cssiblllly 10 I major hl,hway lhould nol prcvcntlt from beln"vllualCII as an Ippropllal' Ill., &lJlIla. Olven lb. 111. of 10wI City and Ih. Iy~ of air lelVlc. plllvlded Illh. Iowa City Monlclpal Alrpon, 100atln, lb. Indllllllal park nm lb. alrpon ts nol cssentlal, TlavelllmCl from Inywhere In 10wI Clly 10 lb. munlclpalalrpon Ire mlnlm:1 when compllCIIlo Ilmllar llavelllmes In olber cities. Thou,h lb. Cedar Rapldl Alrpon oITell1 VIIICIY or Ilr lelVlcCl of benenl 10 many Indultrles, ono local Ion In 10wI Clly docs nol provld. much advanla,. over anolher local Ion In 10wI City In I"CSllnl lb. Cedar Rapldl Alrpon, Thou,h 10m. benenl ulmln locallnllh.lndullllal park on Ih. WCSleln lid. of Iowa City, nealer lh. Iowa Clly and Cabr RlpldllltptllU. Ih. benenlll nOllllnlncanllo wlmnl It pllylnl I rol.ln .valulllnllllel, EmphlYce Trantpor1lllon, An IndUl11111 park will ImpaclllamC ~'I1naelllon and ~1lmmulln, pallelns In lh. lIta, In .valulllnl pUI.nllallltcs, \1101ldmllon mUll bo alv.n 10 lh. Impact which Iho IlIe.1 dellan of lho IndullIlal park would hlvo on tramc In Iho Iru, 1 ~78 . - - - - . j .... ,'- , .. - .. 2 lbou,h Ill. w. ,,( llWllWIlII It mlnlnuJ II IndUllllll pMk 1I)(II1oru, pol~ntl:al lites wltlllrwll Itrvko Inlbblo or tully tlltllllCIIIll tIIo litO MO plt(tflCII. "Olltter, lites IIhlch do 001 hm ltwlt Itrvlco mlllhlo or tully ultIlllCII abould 1111I bo CIlIll!d(lt.! U poItnll:al lites, "roJ/IlbUIt] o/l'ubllt t~UIJlt' In ov:alllllln, POCtntl:al IndwlIl:aI puk lites, 1II0 Milt WOlks DtpU1mtnl will ntCIIlo ovalualo 1II0 IpCClfla rt,UIIln, 1II0 mllabllhy o( WIICl aM unllaty Itwcr urvlco 10 1II0 Ipcelnt 1110 aM 1II0 COIl o( provldln,lIIeu IttVka, 1I0111\'CI,lIIo (ollowln, ,cnmllttms lhould be labn Inlo colllldmtlon IIhen ov:alllllln, any Iho, Waitt Smile, ~h IndullIlaI litO 1111I nC\'\J Idcqullo IIl1tr nOM 10 mtCl nro proltCllon lequlremenll aM 10 rntct Indumy nt\'IIl. Ir lII(1o Is any nC\'\J 10 Improvo 1II0 nOM,lIIo COil or Improvcmtnl mUll be \l11,hCII I,alllll OIher Iho (",or COlli. IIlpptm lIIallllo dtvclopmtnl or 1 new IllllllllllaJ Iho should not place any Ipcdal Iddltlonal,upxllY CIllllllalnll on waltr planl capathy lIIan lho planl aJludy races. Slnlta(y SlIl'tt, ~h Indllllllal Iho will nC\'\J 10 be tvalualCII on 1II0 (ollollln, "herla: capachy or .dllln, 11Il'Cf lines 10 mtCl ftllmllCII nOll1 (rom 1II0 IllllullIlal park, Iho ntCIIlo elt~ndlOwer lines 10 rntct ftllnwCII nO\l1 (rom 1II0 IndullIlaI pMkj clpa(hy avallablo II tIlo IGwalO lIeatrncnt plant IIhlch Yt1lIIld m.lIIo Iho, aM any qualhy rftlllClloru on lewa,o tffiuenll 0(1II0 lewa,o Irtatmenl plant IIhlch Yt1lIIld 1m'I1II1 Ih.. 0110 10 Ill. c.pxhy 1I1IIo Soulll Tlfatrncnl pbnllndlllo Ixk o( cxccu capxhy II Ill. Nonh Trutrncnl plant, 1 Iho llhlch Yt1lIIld be lervCII dlltClly by Iho South Trtatmcnt planl hll cW'dl!Jj Jdvanuaes ovtr 1 Iltl t1111 llllUld be IttVCII by tIlo Nonh Tltatmtnl planl, "raU,bUIJ, 01 Mrat, UlUlJlt, ~h o( 1II1 pllvlIO ulllllY nlms will nC\'\J 10 be conta.:tCIIlo Inveltllato Ilhall)pO o( Inveslmtnl would be IcqulrCIIlo provldo tIlo (ollowln, services 10 potenllal Indlllltl:al p:lk Ihes: tlCClllthy, nalural,II, aM leltcommunlullonl. Tho COil or pruvldln, lIIelO Itrvlces 10 I panlculu Iho may be coil prohlbhlvo, lIIul ollmllUlln,lIIl\ Iho II 1 potenllal Il)(allon. Eilrlro/llll,lIIoI COIIJIJ,roI/olIJ In order (or Iho 1110 III be Ipplopllalo (or 1111111 Ules ptlmlllCIIln tho 1,1 Zono Iho 101'il11llphy o( tIlo Iho mllll be rellllvely nil 10 Itnlly Iloplnl, Tho solll ,nd (oundatlon cundhlons mUll bo ovalualCIIlo dctennlll4 IIhcther IndullIlaI dovelopmenl un occur on Iho 1110. In older 10 prtvenl fuluro clean up COlli aM hazudllo futuro ll'llrkcn, Iho Iho mUll be ovalualCIIlo ddtlmlno Ihal no conlamlnatlon or lode nwerlall 110 on 1II11ho. And nnally Iho Iho mUll be ov,lualCIIlo dCltlmlno IlhClhcr 1II0 Iho will requlro Ill. prelcrvallon or Incorporation o( tnvlronmtnully Itnslllvo moll (wetlandl, WlXllII,ndl, Waltrwa)1). ..,,....It ... L/7r . - ,- - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dill: Fobtul,y 10. 1002 To: Clly CO\MlCU From: Clly M4Mgor na: ADA Compllanco COlli Tho ADA IOquI,.. lhol pllallanalllOrvlco bo plovidod during lho IOmo houra .. IIMod loull IOrvlca. Thlalalho CI., wllh lho Clly'a SEATS conllacl oxcoPllor lour daya dUllng Iho yall whlch SEATS CUllonlly doo. nol oparato bullowl Clly Trenall doo., ThOll dayI 010 Millin LUlhor Klng'l blnhday, Pllaldlnla' Day, VOIOllns' DIY, and lho day 11101 Thonksglvlng, John Lundan I. working on Imandmlnll 10 lho Clly'a FYD3 conlracl with SEATS 10 provldo IOrvlcl on IholO holldaya, Slnco ADA compllanco cOlla ora 0 high Pllorlly lor FY0310wo DOT Spacial Plolocl Fundi, John loola .. much II SD% ollho oddod aMpan.o lor SEA T8 10 opalOIO on lho.o day. will bo DOT lundod, Baaod on having 10 pay doublo limo 10 SEA T8 omployel' on IholO dlY', Larry Ol.on OlllmalOllho oddad annual COli 10 bo 'MOO, Tho JCCOQ Tran,pollallon Planning Dlvlalon 110" will drolllha apP/opllalO granloppllclllon and conlllcllangulgo, CC: 0110 Hailing ~ Of-I , 1 , I , .. l/ ~ . ., - ,- I - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dala: Fob/uary 21, 1992 To: Clly Council Ind Cily MInago, Don Yucul. ~v financing Schodula IOf lho Advlnco Rllundlng 01 Bondi .nd lho Naw Pllklng Bond IlIuo Kon Haynlo, tho Clty'l Bond Counlol, D.vo DlIkt 01 Evoruon Dodgo. Inc, .nd I hovo 101 · lonlallvo financing .chadulalOf 0 ploPolOd Advanca Rafunding plogram,llIWlQ now bond. 10 pay ollthl oIdol bond.IOf lho 1985 and 1988 Gonolll Obllglllon Bondl,lho 1988 So war Ravanuo Bond' and Iha 1988 Parking Rovonuo Bondi, In addillon, I now parking bond IIIUO 10 pay lOt Iho now parking lacililY on Chouncoy Swan will be Includod wllh lho ,olunding IIIUOl, Tho llnanclng Ichodulo I. o. followl: F,om: . Ro: I March 3,1992 SOl Public HII,1ng IOf Malch 17, 1992. Ruolullon aUlhOflzlng 1111110 plocaod. Milch 17, 1992 Public HOlling. Milch 31,1992 Bid openlng In lho AM, Award of bondl by CllY CouncilallOgula, moollng. b!'Ikgbondt . 1 , '-If f ' 1 , - ,- - - - ,\ City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM i i I I Dalo: FobnJary 18, 1992 To: Clly Councll From: Karin Franklin, D~ or Dopt. 01 Planning & Ro: CommunleaUon with 1110 Iowa CIIy Communlly ~ool Dlstrlc1 Enclosed Is a loltor Irom Mayor Courtney to Suporlntondonl aroha rogarclng tho Comprohonslvo Plan chango bolng consldored by tho Clly Council, ThIs Ioltor WllJ sonl at tho Coundrs roquost mado dullng discussions 01 tho South Aroa pI4n chango on Fob, 10, Ovor tho noxl low months tho sl4ll win bo doVOllng limo to an evaluatJon 01 dovolopmonlln southoasllowa CIIy within tho corporalo boundws and sou1h 01 tho corporalo boundarlosto tho silo 01 tho South Sowago Troatmonl pl4nL Wo will bo undorlaklng a study 01 long rango devolopmont opUons,lhO IocaUon 01 futuro major stroots, 1110 Impact 01 tho wotlandl on tho aroll. and Vio loiiSibilily 01 DMoxaUon. this WOIk wiq Involvo slllil withln Planning and CommUnlly Dovolopmon~ PubIIo WOIkI, and any othor dopaltmonllthol would provldo c1toct sorvtcosto tho 8IOa upon annoxoUon. I havo had proUmlnary COnvOIlllUons with Assodalo Supollntondonl AI Azlngor rogardlng tho posslblo IIroctlon 1110 CIIy may bo taklng In an Oltomplto coordlnalo 1110 Clly's and tho Dlstrfct's ollOlll, Wo will bo worklng togothor, shallng InlormaUon, as this study progrosses. Tho Councll Will bo kopt Inlormed. co: Slevo AWns lieN '-If . . . - - - - I , -,'" I - - ~:&.. CITY OF IOWA CITY , Fobnlllly 18, 1992 Dr. Barbara aroho, Suporlnlondonl Iowa Cily Convnunily School Dlslttct 509 S, Dubuque Iowa City, IA 52240 Doar Dr. aloho: . I Tho Iowa City City Council would IIko you to be awaro that on March 3, 1992, tho Council win bo consldoring a Comptohonslvo Plan amondmont to doslgnato tho oasl portion 01 tho South Atoa 01 an In'IGqUonco dovolopmont aroa, Tho Impacts 01 tho devolopmont that aro projoctod 10 occur In tho South Aroa may provo a slgnlllcant laclor In your Iong,rango plaMlng lot school capacldos and oxpanllon noods. Ploaso loollroo to contact tho City's Planning & Community Dovolopmonlllan at 358.5230 II you neod mOlo InlolmaUon concornlng tho changos occumng In tho Soulll Atoa 01 Iowa City, .~~ 0..., G. CoU"'~ Mayor co: Slophon J, AUdns, City Manager Karin Franklin, Dlractor, Dopt, 01 Planning & Community Dovelopmenl "'..... lit tAil HUIUIU 111111' 10H rill. IOU '''''''".'1I1t1 111,'".' In III" 111,'". 'If/ . ' - - - . , - ,-- - - - , , i ! f ~ " , , I \ I i , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM OliO: Flbluary 13, 1992 To: MAyor and Clly Council Flom: Clly Clerk CMCU WO/k S...lon, FoblUlIY 3,1992,7:15 p,m..ln Iho Council Chamboll, Mayor 011101 COUflnoy pllaldlng. CMCilmamboll pI...nl: COUllnoy. Kubby, LOllon, HO/owlu, Novick, AmblllCo. Ablonl: McOonold. Sla" pluanl: Aikins, Holling, Kall, GonllY, Tluobloud, Eggerl, Mlkman, PaMOY, O'NolI. Mklo. MollDl. CillO. Smith. Tapa IICOldad on Tapa 92.18, 80lh Sldos: 92.19, 80lh Sldos, mmOET RECONCILIATION AS OF 2{3192 AND ROAD USE TAX RECONCILIATION AS OF wm: ; I , ; I I i \ \ ! i Aikins dlllllbulod information reOlrdlng lho budoalreconcillatlon and load usolU reconcilia. lion, Alklnl and CMCilmomborl allo dllCuSlod lho Counly'llnlOntlons 10 reduco Iho liblary ~{lII!Jlbutlon 110m U25,ooo 10 '166,000' I '60,000 reduction, Alklnl nOlod Ihallhalolal budOOlreconclUallon plolOClod Ihordaii WOl DPjitoiiliiiitily 01411,000, Stalllnd CllIIOO!' momboll dllCuSlod ullllrlng lho balanco ollho Clly'l pollcO and lira panslon lundllo pay Iho l~panlO nOllundod by lho IlalO. blRPORT . DICK BLUM: Commllalonol Blum repollod lho Alrporl Commission hol aUlhorlzod Iho IIlnslar ol'undl Irom Iha AlrpOIl lund 10 Clly lundl, applo~lmalOly t270,6oo, Blum nOlod IhallOlmbullo, manl wallO/lho land UIO' complllnco prolacl 110m Iha mld.19BDI. Blum allo aMouncad lhallho FAA hal oranlod t8B,Ooo 10 condUCllho airport IOlocallon 10aalbililY Iludy, Blum IlIlOd lho Allporl CommissIon will bo requllOd 10 lpand t6,BOO In malchlng lundl 101lhal lIudy, NATURAL AREAS AND RIVERFRONT COMMISSION. ROBERT WACHAL: Commllalonol Wachalrevlowad IwO prolaCll: Iho 11011 lOomanl hom Iowa Avonuo 10 Burllnglon 511001, and Iho Bonlon 511001 pockOl park, Wachalloportod Iho 11111 plolOCI will COil applo~lmaloly f29,700 and II proposad 10 bo paid 101 oul ollho load uso IU lundl, Tho Bonlon Slloal prolocl will COil t68,OOO. Councilmomborl dlscussod lundlng Iho t85,ooO BinIon 511011 pockOI park ploloCl, Clly Manaoor Aikins and Councllmombo'l dllcuuad Iho ula ollho park land acqullltlon lund, SENIOR CENTER. MARY OEASlANO: CommlsslonOl GOIIland prOlOnlod Inlormltlon aboullho Sonlor Conlor. GOIIland Ilalod addlllonal par kino spam aro noodod 101lho Sonlol Conlor and askod CIIY Council momboll , J g" . . - ,- - - - 1 2 I I , i , f , 10 IWId lho WuNnglon 511001 Plrklng plOjtCI, CCl\M1ClItnomboll ditcuJIOd 50",0/ Canler Ind downlown Pllklng n..dl, 50",0/ Conler OIIOCIO/ Bono Mollol pluonlOd InlO/mlllon IOglldlng Plrklng. L1BRARV BOARD. TOM aEL~tj: Tom Oolm.n, IOptGlln11ng lho Ublory BOIld 01 TlUSlOlI, pto..nlOd Inl00mltlon lboullht "billY budgtl. CCl\M1Cllmtmboll dltcullod lho BOIld 01 SUPOMIO/S doclllon 10 IOduco lho CooolY's IWldIng ollho fiblllY, UblllY OltOCIO/ Lolly Eggers commonlOd llIIllho "bI.1y ptavloully conl/lclOd with lho Coooly Ind whon ""Iy NollhlulOI W'I ""VO/, aha ptopolod 1IIIIIho Clly conl/lcl with lho fibl.,y. CCl\M1CUmombell dltculI.d /lNgOlllUng lho conl/lCI with lho Cowlly. Oilman ompholllOd 111I111 . NW conl/.CIII NgoIIIIOd. 111I1 conl/lCI ihould be .ccoplod by lho BOIrd 01 Tru",". CCl\M1Cilmombo/l dltoclod Clly 11.1110 1nI11." /lNgoll.llon ollho conl/'CI, JOHNSON COUNTY HERITAGE MUSEUM. JOVCE BARREn:: Joyco IlIrron, BOIrd 01 DlrOCIO/I, ptOlonlOd Inlo/mlUon aboullho Johnlon Coooly Harltago MulOum, IlIr/llllOquGllld CCl\M1CilIWId '4,000, Counctlmlmborl diocullod lho IWldlng 10/ Johnson Counly HOIII.go MulOum, Clly ""MgOl Alklnl nolOd lhallho 12,100 'I ptopolOd, I a"lncronlO from 111\ VOII. Borron o_plalnod lho '4,000 IOquGlI Is 10/ I 1II1l'IImo uhlbll doalon porion, HUMAN SERVICES. MARGE fENNEV: COOIdlMIO/ ""rgo POMOY ptll.nlOd Inl00mll/on lboul lho budOtl rlcommondallonl 10/ human 10Mm, SI.II.nd CCl\M1ClImomberl rovlowld lho IoInl Cl\ylCounlyAJnllOd Way IOcommand'llonl, In IOIPO/IJOIO Councllmombers, PoMOY 11.lld 11ll110varal'Olnclll do IIIImpllO obl.ln IWldlng Irom lho am.II01IU1rOWldlng communlllll, CDBa PUBLIC SERVICE FUNQS . MABIANN! MILKP.1~ti: MarlaMO Milkm.n ptOlonlld InlO/mll/on lboullho HUD 1 a" public 10lvlcII man/II, A malO/llY 01 Councllmombell aoroad wllh lho ptopoIIl, PL~NNING & ZONI~G MATTEQ~: PCD DIIOCIO/ Karin Fr.nklln ptolonlod InlO/maUon ObOUllho loll owing Planning ond Zoning Iloml: ., Salllno I DUblin IIaft/lno lOf March 3, 1992. on a ralohllion amandlno .ha Iowa Clly Comolehenllvlt Plan bv levi.lnn rhe devaloDmllnt DOlley 'or Area 4 0' the Johnlon Countvnowa City FIlMa Arelt Policy Anroomenl, b. Public htuulnn on a rllsolutlon amnndinn the ComD,ehentlvlI Plnn 10 chllnna Iba laeuanca 01 davaleemanllrom P1Jua 1112000,2010110 PIIn11t11l989.19991 lor an araa 01 Iowa Cllv knewn nllhlt aula," DO/lion 01 Ihlt South Arltq. ~~~ . . - - I 1 , - ,... - - 3 ,. Senlno I oublic hel,ino 10f Malch 3. 1992. on a resolutlon..yecallno rho olliclsl oIal olldvllwlld Subdlvillon, Iowa CIIY, Iowa. " k. Consider II "I.olutlon ftDDlovIno the final Dill of Hunter. Run Subdlvlllon. PAn Slven. a lubdlvillon ollowI CIIY. Johnlon County. Iowa, ISUB 91-0030: GOoday IImit.a~\lll period: FebfualY 10. 19921 c, Public hel/lno on I IOloIullon edopllno lhe Nea/ SOUlhllda NI/OhbOlhood RadeVllloQ! ment P1ln whIch Includes OfOIlDIIY (acaled wlll}ln an I/ea boundad by Burllnoton Slim on the nOlth. Gilbert SlrftelM the IIl1ll. IOWI Inloll'811 Railway mill" line 1M Do. Moine. Streit fIOhr.of.way on lhe louth. And MtldilM SUtUIt on the WIll, d, ppbfle henrlno on 8n OIdinft~e IImend,nn the Zonfno O,dlnnnee IChltote, ~81 10 eSllbU,h I Cenlllll 8uIlnell SUODOIlICR.!U Zona. II' Public hftftrrnn on Itn OIdinllnee IImt!ndlno the Zonlnn O,dlnllnea fChnDter ~81 to ollDblllh I P1annod HIOh Danllly Multl-Famlly RelldenllellPRMI Zona. II Public Mnrlnn on In OIdinllnell "mendlno the Zenina O,dlnnnee 'ChICle' ~81 bV IImendlnn the oU.tlrtUU DlIrklnn uloul'Imenll, I g. Public htuulnn on In ordinnnc. Imandlno ChADI.lI 32.1. 111.,nlon & Revenuel. 1ft Q,avfde far I onrklM IULJelure Imoller fll, h. pubfle hlnrlno on In OIdlnanee IImendinn Ihlt Zanlnn O,dlnnnee by ehannfnn the lItl leoulellonll/om RM.14510 PRM 01 BDD/oxlmelely liven BCIII 01 lend lacaled louth 0' Coun Sueet. weslo' Malden Lane. oenerally e851 of CIIDlrol Strelt.llnd nOllh 0' rhe lowlllnlltllllte Rnllway line. In In lrell rehtrred to Illhe Nea, Soulhllde. Franklin plllOntad InlOlmltlon Iboul tho p/opolod Naar SOUlhlldo doyolopmont, PlIMal Bob Miklo ptllOnlad a ,lIda ptllonllllon, Franklin racommandad thai tho Impact 100 OIdlnanea public hoo/lno bo contlnuod (llam 0.110 allow molO public Input. Maatlno adlournod at 10:20 p.m. c'"k\ca2.~,In' #8~ f ' , - ,- - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Data: Fobtuary 13, 1992 To: Mayor Ind City Council From: City Clark Council Work So as/on. Fobtuary 4, 1992,8:30 p.m,.ln tha Council Chimboll, M.yor Oa"ol Courtnay praslding. Councilmombors prosont: Kubby, Larson, Novick. COUttnoy, AmbtlICO. HOIowlu. McDonald, Stall mombors prOlant: Atkins. Holling, Karr. Fowler. Smllh, Tapo rocordod on noo192.20, Sldo 1. PARKINQ: I I Parking Supr, Joe Fowlor rovlowod planl and constrUCllon tlmotablo lor tho propolOd downtown park/no ramp os lollows: Arch/toct Kovln Monson will prasont s~olchos 01 3. and 4,Iovol parking rampI olong with costllguras, Council will than nood to moko a doclslon wl!hJll OM monlh regarding which lamp to build. Monson will compllto planl In April, May and tho IIl1t part 01 Juno, Pro'ocl will bo loady 10 bid In Juno. ConstruCl/on will bogln In July, 9,12 month complotlon dala. Fowloland AIkins omphaslzod tholtwo concorns ora Farmoll' MarkOland flnanclno, Council ogrood 10 Iho proposod schodulo 101 tho now downtown porklno ramp as prolOntod. . EVENSON & DODGE REGARDING DEBT REFINANCINQ: Atkins prosontod InlormaUon rollllno to tho City'S rollnanclng 0.0, bonds, Sower rovonua bonds. ond parking lovonuo bonds, Aikins sold tho now lodoraltax lawI allow clllas 10 rollnanco ono tlmo only. Atkins stalod thatlollnanclng 0.0, dabl would ..va .,9',700 Ond lollnanclno parking rovonuo bonds was nOllocommondod Ollhls tlmo, Atkins roportod tho 10dompUon provision Is not olloctlvo unlll1996 lor sowor lovonua bondi, and tharo would ba a ponalty olapproxlmaloly ono.ha" million dollallto lollnancothoso bonds now, buttharo would bo a total dobtmlngs 01 t2.136 million, Council dlractod atall to procood wllh rollnanclno lho 0,0. and aowor rovonuo bonds. LIBRAR~: Atklna atalod a 101l0r has boon proparod logording nogoUaUng an amondod library sorvlco conlrac~wllh tho Counly, Council concurrod and diroctod aloll 10 procood wllh nogoUaUons. 1 ~ . . . - - - , 1 , - ,'" - - " , f I ! n 2 POlIC! AND FIR! PENSIO~: Alklnl IIcommonclod lhal manlOI be IIIld 0111 ollho oxllllng Clly (balancOllund, Alklnl IlIlOd IUlwo budgall may nead 10 be amonclod 10 rollacllholncrGlSO Irom 17% 10 20%, CAPlTAllMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: Alklnl IlquollOd lhal CouncillChodufo I IlIIclal mOIling 10 discuss capllol PIO!OCII. Tho MlyOl lUOgOlI.d I mOIling be IChodulad In Malch, JOHNSON COUNTY HERITAGE MUSEU/d: Council Igroad wllh lho Clly Monegll'l budgllllcommlndallon 10 lund Iha Johnson COUnly HIIIIIgo MuIOum t2,I00. SALES TA~: Alklnl nOlod Council dllcuulon will be Ichadulod alllltho adopllon ollho bUdgol, Hom.Mom TA~: Counclllg,ood 10 IChodulo I moollng 10 dllculSrelslng fan DddillonaI2%'and roapportlonlng lho holol.moloIIU. In 'OIponIO 10 Llllon. CIIY Managar AlkllIJ m!9d lit will JIlepero e fijiOrt lbout iho hillOly 0; lho hOlal.molollax, POlI~: In IllponlO 10 Council, Alklnl Ilalod Pollco Chlal Wlnkalhako prolorl Iwo pollco orrlcolI, Council Igrood with lho propoIII 01 pr.lanlod. PARICS & R~CR!ATION PARICLAND ACOUISITIOfj: Councll.ncl 11I11 dllCuuad pllklencl Dcqulllllon lunds, Aikins nOl.d Ihal previous Counclll '111b/JaIled lho lund via policy, Furthll dllcuulon will b. Ich.dulod, SENIOR CE~ER PARICINQ: Council did nOllavOl OIlIbllshlng parking on Washing Ion Slraollol volunlaoll, MOIling IdjOlllnod 01 7:30 p.m. c~\cd",ifl' l/g~ . - - . - I , - - - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM , :' REVISED 2/24/92 r i ~ .;- 1 :j' l;, ~: " i , t I FoblualY 24. 1992 ~YOl Ind City Cound OlIO: To: F,om: City Clo,k Council WOIk SOU/OIl. FoblullY 10, 1992,5:35 p,m..ln tho Council Ch4mborl, Mayot Da"ol COUltnoy plotlding, Councllmomboll plllont: lCubby. LI'IOII, Novick. Coultnoy. Ambllsco. HOIowlU, McDOIIIld, SlOlI mambo/I plOIOnt: At~lnl, Hollino, Gont'y. Ka". F,onklln. DavldlOll. ....klo. Bootlvoy, HOndollOll, Smilh. rapo IOcOldad OIl RooI92.20. Slda 2: Rool 02. 22. Sldo I. PlANNING & 10NING MATTERS: Roo192.20, Sldo 2 PCD DilOctOl Ka/In F,ankl!n ptOlOntod InfOlmallOll about tho lollowlno P1annlno and ZonIno lIaml: I, SIlIlna I oub!ie Morino IOLM4~IL.3, 1002. OIl on OIdinanco va catino DOItiOn! 01 "p1tol. BloomInoIOll. and DavonDOtU\LUU, F,anklin "alod counclimomboll will i.e.iVi iidditiQl\allnrOlm~llon- I, Qldlnanc: :m;~~ :~ ~~~ ~~I~:LhY chanalna Iho usa ,o;IIIalIOlls 01 an Ill!!!..o~u HC II. I . lDii'loulh 01 FOlia' Road, nOllh 01 Toll SllGadwa;. :;~;~j:-k~;: ~~~~C~I ~'OO Chulch, and east 01 on IInnamad atroat IIIJ!!!.JI.3:_ _ _P _,_, !!. _a:_____ _!!...nod.davaloomanl housln" IPDHI alan 101 Idvllwlld CondOl\1lnlums, 10wI CilV,lowa, IZ.9104 and 5-9\\11 IPouQl1.Jnd Adooladl rt!~~tIOl\JlDD'Ovlna Iho 1lI01lDllnAIY and flnallarDa Scola Rosldonllnl DavalODmont __~!!!l! ",in 1M Idvllwlld CondomlnlumsJjlwa CIIV, Iowa. I, Kubby loquastad InlOlmallon rooardlno tho IIcrow account 1011ldowalkl. Flanklln and Gontly "atod thoy would propelo th4llnlo/mIIIOll, k, ~OIolutiOllAlIW1Il!lll1 tha ComnWlwlvo PlIO 10 chanoUbUa.auonco 01 dovolollll1All1 /101\1 PI)osa 1112DOO,2DIDua.El1ua 111989.)9991101 an alaD of Iowa Clly!ngyaW lbD aastarn Dmllon oltha South Aru,lWblsIWiIlll Maadowsl. HOlowlu and Llllon rOquollad lholllOlI lond a lollor to tho Iowa Clly Community School Board lalling thom that thls area will dovolop 1..lollhan previously plannod ond that thoy Ihould taka that Inlo account In thol, plan. Flonklln Itotod 0 101101 con bo draflod. L/l~ ) Flom: , . - - , - - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDU FObtUlIY 14, 1992 MayOt and CilY CMCil Chy CII/k Council W ~OIIlon, Fobtuary 10, 1992.5:35 p,m" In. CMCU Chambell, MayOt DI"ol Coullnoy pro ding, CMCllmambol1 prolonl: Kubby. lion, Novick, Coullnoy, Ambriaco, HOtowlll, Me wid, SIIIl membell pruonl: AJ~nl, Halling, Qonlly, Ko". FlOnklln, Davldlon, M1klo, oollvoy, HindI/Ion, Smllh, TI (oCOIdod on Roo192.20, Slda 2: Roo192. 22. Sldo I. Rool 92.20, Slda 2 PCD DIIOCIOt Karin FII klin pruonlOd Inl 1.lon aboullho following P11M1ng Ind Zoning I Iloml: I J a, I, k. I. AdoDlodl I for Ildowalkl. Franklin Ind HOlowlU and Larlon raquOIlod Ihal11I11 lond a lallollo Iho wa CIIY Communlly School Board lolling tham IhallhlsarOl will dovolop flllar Ihan ilia oUlly plannod and thltlhoy ahould lako IhallnlO accounlln tho II plan. Franklin lIal d a lallar can bo draftad. 1 1f~ . ' - . - -. 1 I _ "-' I - - - 2 b, Public hurlno on a IOsolullon adoollnn lho NaIl Soulhsldo NalnhbOlhood RadayaloD' manl P1ln which Ipcludas OIooallY locftlad within In Iral boundad by Burllnolon SUllt on Iha nOllh, Gllbell StraIt on Iha aasl, Iowa Inlarltllft RallwlY main IIno and Ou ~oInas Suaatllohl,of'WIY on tho soulh. Ind Madison Suaal on 1M wall. c. Public hftnrlno on nn ordinllncft to Amend ChnDltU 36. the Zonina OldinnMI",-bv addino Slcllon 38,20,& to ambllsh Iho CanuII Buslnan SUOOOIl Zona ICB.&I. d. Public hGlIrlno on In ordinance 10 nmftnd Chenier 36. the Zonlno Ordinance. by .ddina Slcllon 38.18 10 asllbllsh Iho P1annad HIOh OansltY Mulll,Famlly Ralldanllal Zona le8Ml. o. Public htlllflna on In ordinnf1ee 10 "mInd ChllDllr 38. the ZonIno O,dlnllnel. bv Amendlna Snetlon 36.58. Olt'SUtllt DlIrklM reQuirementl. ,. PPbtlc hnlltlnn on II" ordlnnMe nmQndino ChIOU" 32.1. Tn.811on & Revenue.. by IIddlno Article VI. I DlIrklnn 'nclllly ImDltel 'Ie otdinllnel. 0. Public hftllrlna on In ordlnllnCft nmftndlno the Zonlno O,dlnilnen bv chnnnlno the uti IGnuratlo". horn RM.145 10 PRM of lIoolo.lmalftlv llyn" ncrnt of fllnct loeared looth 01 COUll StrOll, WISI of Maida" Llno, oanOllllY aaslllLCaollol Straat. Ind "OIlh of tho IOW1I1nttU11n11 Railway line. In 8n 1I'la ,eferred to II the Nault Southllde. h. Public hGII,lnn on In o,dinllncD IImnndinn ,on loninn DrrfinnncfI by t:hnnnioo tho uti "Qullllon, f,om CB.2 lInd CC.2 to CR.! o'lIoD,oxlmlllelv fllDhlIU~UII 01 Jftr)d QlneuJllv 'ocIIUJd nOrlh of Court Strftlt. lIlt of CIlDi~ol SIUtel. tooth of BurtlMton SUIII. IInd Wilt of Ollberl Street. 11M oanerl,lIv 'Gented aliI of Mlllden Lnne. tooth 0' Coun SUltlt. WII' 0' pUb,,, SUIDt nnd nonh of Prentisl SUtler. In In Ifill ,e'erred to ItIIM tlftl., Southllde. Franklin prasontod InformaUon as ouUlnad In hOl FobruOlY 7. 1992. momorandum to City Counellrogardlng Noar Southslda Plan Implamonlltlon OIdinanell. Flanklln dl.cunad IIIltOllc prasorvatlon. daslgn InuII, donslty, parking, and allordablo housing unit.. Franklin .tatod lnelullon of a bonus 'Yltom In tho CB.5 zono for adaptlYo IOUSO of hI.torlc .truclurll and prOlOrvatlon of facadolls notracommondod at this tlma, Courtnoy notod that tho Historic Pro,orvatlon Commission I. working on tho last ono,thlrd olthalrlong,rango plaMlng prOCOll and Counell.hould rocolyathat plan In Juno. COUll nay not ad tho plan willlncludo a landmark ordlnanea. PlaMOI Bob Miklo prOlOntod InlormaUon about tho propOlld landmark OIdlnaneo. Franklin roquoslod Council continuo tho public hoarlng to March 3. Rogardlng allordablo houllng, Kubby raquaatad InlormaUon ralaUng to othol optlonl lor InconUyas/ragulotlons to onsula allordablo housing In lho arll. CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU REPORT: Rool 92.22. Sldo 1 Wondy Roo, DllOctor of tha Conyontlon & Visitors Buroau, prosonlod InformaUon. Council Igroad to schodulo a work lOI5lon rogardlng Incroaslng lho hotol.motoltDX to 7% and dllCUII tho mall or with COlalvlllo. ,-/g~ , . - - - - 3 l!AS! FROM GOODWill OF OFFICE SPACE FOR ASSISTED HOUSING DIVISION: Roo192.22, Slda 1 H.I,S. DIIoclOI DOUO Boo\lvoy Ind Housing Adm, Ron Hondollon ptGUnl.d In/OImallon "gilding lOlling ol/Ico Ipaco In the IOfmor Goodwill 110/0 II 227 E, Waahlnglon. C~m.mboll .glOod 111I11101/ ahould conllnuo 10 look /0/ olhor opllonllO/lpaCO /O/Ihe A..lllod Housing ptogllm, ",UNCll TIM!/AGENDA: Roo192'22. Sldo 1 1. KubbV ..ked Councllmamboll /Of pGlmlulon 10 IOptuonllhe Iowa Clly Counclllllhe Flbluary 18. 1992, low. HOUIa EnOlgy Ind EnvllONnonl SubcO/llmlnoo moollng. A/lor dllC\llslon, Kubby IIGlld 1IIIIIhe will go 10 the moo ling IIptOlonllng hellOUlnd not Council, Moiling .dloulnod II G:DD p,m, cItI\\cd,IO,lnl I I I I , ! .. "'"'c~_ .......-k"l., ."'._ , 1 " I L/f~ . . - - 1 - , - - - NEIGIIIJOIUlOOD BLOCK I)ROGRA~i . :.. ~~ I J A ProJ<<I 01 Em;ronmtntaJ AJI'OCllltJ Rtc)'CIif18 COIllIII/l/tt PoO, 8o.r /8J/ IOIIVC/I)', /A mu JI9.J)8.9319 Februal)' 14, 1992 ~~ ~--J~ Dear Coundl Memben, Wo 1/0 plellSCd 10 hear Ihollho C1ry Neighborhood Services Offlce Is IDleresled In coordlnalln. Iho eduCAllon process (or Iho upcomln. Chy Curbsldo Recyclln. Pr08tllm wllh EnvIronmental Advocates. Over Iho lalllwo yean, We have de\'Cloped varIous displays. presenlallon.1, and prlnled Illl\lerlAls whIch ~'C (reely offer 10 dry slaff 10 Incorporalo Inlo hs CIIrbsldo eduCAllon p/O8tllm. In add/I/on, membcn o( lho Envlronmenlal Ad\'O(lllCS would be aJod 10 &lYe Inpullnlo eduCAllolll\llools beIng developed now by Dnld Neumann Ind dry SIO((, As )'OU know, Iho EA NeIghborhood Dlock Prognlm, Is 0 nelwork o( volunleers Inleresled In promolln, reC)'Clln. and \\'llS10 reducllon In Ihelr !!clshborhootb, their p!M~ ot work Arid \\'llfihlp and In .helr schools. Dependln, on how Ihey will be utilized, Iheso volunleen Illl\y be vel)' help(ulln promollng Iho chy CIIrbslde prosram. Wo have been ulenslvely Involved In eduCluloll4l Pro'n11lU on \\'llS10 reduction In 10Wl! Clry and surroundln, communhles since April 1990, As 0 result o( preparing (or Ind presenllng reC)'CllnVNulo reduction prognllnS 10 OYer SO dvlc organIzations Ind aroups, churcheJ, schools dUrln,lhatllme, We (eel wo have much to coDlrlbule 10 developmenl o( I SUtffu6lJ dl)Wldo curbsldo program, Un(orlunalely, wo and olher ell/zens ha\'C not been .Iven Iho opporlunhy 10 sharo our sUBBesllons and uperllso In I public (orum.Wo aro plelUed thai chy slaff Is now looklns (or communlry Inpu~ even I( only (or lho development o( hs educallonal proSnlm. Wo look (orward to receIvIng delalls aboul the chy's CIIrbsfdo prosram, hs eduCAllonal approach, and In whal WIIys Envlronmenlal Ad\'O(llles can wIn In hs promollon. Sincerely, Chris Weir Pam Ehrhardl Co-Choll1 o( Envlronmenlal Ad\'O(llles Recycllns CommlllCo cc: Olld Ncum~nn: Slc~ AIllllli ~"Id, II,le 1./83 , ' - - - - - I I i ;/#".1' f;;-P.;f~1 ~ /J.~'" I ~1c-1 ~d .,i~' ~Jwv.~ l" ,,~ I ~,,~~~ ~~. us " ~dr~~~~~~'3- ~ 1- ~ ~d ,[,4.;. Jv f Is!/, J~~~.a..:v ~,t"r- .eM ~J.r- ~tm~~,,<'~ ~ t tJf- 'Ff/WJ. {I"lw";t,.f; /l~'1 ~ i ~~r r~~~~Ot~ I . ~P~Fr-~-':t'~~ ~ ~~ ~/!t(J.A~~""1'~/ ,/t,tJ. ~(.tU ~ prd.M" (KA).J~.1 I ~~ . I~~QN.J~ I ~~ 11.1. ,;a_ ttw.)~ I tXt)w ,,~ihV ~~/~fn1tJ~~1 .;t~ v,u; ~/oJ ,~~ ;t"- ~, ?ttr ~ ~ cp'.,,(t I>v/~ ~~, ~~ k~lAV()J ~#~t. ~P, J i~~'1' ~Z=~~rl ~ U /k,Jd "!f;pt- ,... Cl!r.!.~ .... ~ anlOo".. ... .o.. . 1 ,\ , I ~K4 , , .. --, ' - - ' - a.....le.: 0.' Tin: Go\'.:n~on "AI' C""OI. 01'_' iOllllO"1 "I "' III' n~~' t '~l"'UD 00.(.'00. Fobruary 5, 1'92 Botty Funk 1621 IlroadwllY Iowa Clty, Iowa Doar Hrl. Funk I Govornor Branltad alkod that I ro.pond to your lot tor concornln; a ;rant to P ,G. Tho Govornor hal alked the Dopartment of Economlc Dovelopment to provldo you wlth tho detal11 of tho partlcular loan. Grantl aro not vlven to coap4nie,. The vrant ~Jld be to the city of Iowa Clty. If you do not beHovo your clty Ihould havo alked for luch an afPllcatlon, I would IUVVOlt you contact them d rectly. 52240-2106 I lIJlI cortain you wlll bo hoadn; frClll tho Dopartment of Economlc Dovolopment ln tho not too dlltant futuro wlth tho ratlonalo for provldlnv tho loan to Iowa Clty. Thank you for Iharlnv your thouvhtl with tho Governor. Slncoroly, ~R~~, Davld M. Roodoror Exocutlvo Alllltant DMRlcd CCI Departmont of Economlc Dovolopmont 1 ,\ i l/~q i ,}-, , - - - - 1 .('.....""'Il,.. ., . ,; .jf ',II "'.; ,:1.' ,\ Unitcd 'srJrcs ScnJrc ',' " it ,.. ".' -,; -.'I.\5";',\),,.)lj Q< ::'! It) : '.. f _ ~ ".4 ~ ; ! -.'1'" ".', CArrol a. Courtnoy Mayor Cltr of Iowa Clty C1v c Cantor 410 Ea.t Walhln;ton Stroot Iowa Clty, Iowa 52240 . Doer Mayor CourtnoYI Fobruary 11, 1992 ~'r~~ J>ttw 5 I:.! . you. Thank you for contactln~ ~ T f~ ~lw4YI vlad to hODr frcm You contactod mo concornln; S. 12, tho Cablo Bl11. I wantod to toll you that thl. lovl.1atlon camo boforo tho Sonato al one of tho flrlt ploco. of lovl11atlon ln tho Socond ,o'llon of tho 102nd Con9roll, and pal.ad by a voto of 73 to 18. It wl11 now 90 to tho 1I0ulO of Rorro.ontot1vol for furthor actlon. Ky bottom 11no on thl1 10911 atlon hal boon to promoto tho lntorolt. of conlumor.. S. 12 wl11 almolt cortalnly bO conlldorod ln tho Sonato ln ltl flnal form boforo lt can bocome law, and I want to aaeuro you that I wl11 k&op you~ vlowa ln mlnd al it moVOI throu9h tho 10vl11atlvo prOCOII. Avaln, thank. for Iharlnv your vlowl wlth mo. Ploalo don't hOlltatQ to lot mQ know how you fool on any llluo that concornl you. Slnceroly, -..1 ,". . .,1 ',", Tom lIarkln United Statal Sonator Tll/pwb , \ll, ... oJ,-", I." I II... , ." I r'ltl.",\.C/I, ,'jl.. ....I,el,I.'" ."111' "l,mll" f""" .,1"'1\1" (Il'\A."v.r" ''''IJI'' HII "'1,lt'I'" '1'11"'1' ""llhlll',lllll, IIAt'''I'!.IIlI.,,,,, ,JI"I" tilt 'I".", _\II .IUh'" t'l ft" ,1),111'''' Il,"(~"" ''(h.IC,1t ,4,lIul ''':>11/'''1185 tA~ . ., - - - , - - - - '" ..... . . .,..., '1 ~ll' '.. t j' Iii II; uill . ".; . 'rI'. \ t.-.,. ;.. .-1-, - . ...,,,,,,,1.,;,,. t. ." .. -~~-' ,~.. "._.;.-:: L.... II. I "1 . . . ,,-. ;"" :1;" . ....:w. 4.AJ " .. . .. ' . 111111:11' II: ~\ :~;',"jl':II;lllllt.~ ~,. 111." ,I".,.., ',Iii" FobnI.uy 13, 1992 ~" . I I Johl HcImUd, K1yor City of 1M Clty 410 E. Wouh!natCl\ St. 1M City, 1M 52240-1826 t\lar tbyor ~ldl In ro'pallo to )'OU1' !lovalilor lettor rogud1ng "roped of thoao Prov1J1onI in tho law that prompt IICt10nI CI\ our part lIS II local sowmncnt." I ~ 14tt 1n m~. but I haw jolned otbirw in intl'O<b:lns II blll to ropoal proaqIt!on CI\ -h/u1daItl polllllllC1\. 1ha b1ll 11 ClIlClo.cdi IIIld I wuld vary auch IIpproclato It 1f you IoWld CIlCOUrago your city obbyUt to holp us pu, W. law. Boat what (or 1992. . 7nf,'I\;/~ir< Mlmotto Dxlaror St4to RDproacnt4tlva Ii)lbjd I\;J'''I, . ., I.., , . L/8/t; . 1 ,\ . . . 1 An Act r.lltln9 to th. r09ulatlon ot flroarm. by pQlltlcal 2 Iubdlvllloni. J BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSDlBLY OF Till: STATE or IOWA I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I , . . - - 1 , - - - . ,\ I JAH~:J Wl LOCAL GO~UiNMt~' HOUSE rrLE .sl!.!'- BY DERNAU, OOOERER, HAHHONO, NEUHAUSER, DVORSKY, DRAHHER, SIIEARER, BEA'M'Y, NIELSEN, OSTERBERG, HATCH, FOGARTY, SIIONINO, JOCHUH and CARPENTER . PI.IOd HOUI., Dlt. Vottl AyoI Nay. Approvod Pallod Sonato, Datt Vottl Ayo. NAYI ^ DILL FOR :t '" 1.l , , C' TLSB 52381111 74 mk/ct/24 4f~ . ' 1 I I I , . s.r. H.r. J, 1/ I. . i 1 S.ctlon 1. S.ctlon 724.28, Codl 1991, II r.p.alod. 2 EXPLANATION 3 Thll bill rop.a1. tho prohibition 1911nlt political 4 lubdlvlllon. or the Itato onactln9 ordlnancol r09u1atln9 5 flroarJ' In a Jlnn.r Jaro .trln9.nt than that contalnod ln 6 Itato law, principally chaptor 724. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 , -1- LSB 5238111I 74 IIIk/cf/24 ~ 1 ,\ i Llgh I I , - , - 1 . .- - , FoblulIY 14. 1992 , . i \';" 1- ., ~_. , CITY OF 10 WA CITY Samo lett.r s.nt to: Hary N.uhauser Klnn.tt. Dod.r.r Rob.rt Dvorsky RIchard Varn , I I ; i ~ Tho HonOtoblo Joan L1oyd.JonOl 1321 SunSOI SI. '2 Iowa Clly. IA 52248 Ooar Sonalor L1oyd'Jonos: W. havo beon revlowlng a numbor 01 proposed loals1allvolloms. Ind In 1!4,lIcullllhosllhol mlghl mandalO a now uponso and/O/lmposo. whal wo bellovo 10 bo, In UNOISonablo rx-don upon Iho communilY. Tho 100Iowlng roprellnll I low Ollholo 10glsIIIIvo mlUOIIIOt whlch I would like 10 ptovldo .omo commOnlary. 1 :, i , I ! t 1 I f , S.n", FlI, 20:'0. ThlI/to!slallon wOllld G~1dff1lfy lifoliibillho ulIbfilhmonl of I compolllng facllllY on ptopolly whhln Iho clly ot In an arlllhallllurrOUndod by ono 01 mOto cillo.. I fill 10 undor.land Iho Ihlnklng In Ihl. ptoposed loglllollon. Curronlly, wo conocl Ylrd Willi 10Pllaloly as requlrod, uso our landlilllllo allho allO fOl compolllng Ind ovonlulRy lho dlllrlbullon ollhOlO malOrlals. II would .oom lhallho loglslallon would, In oflocl. requlro u. 10 purchala anOlh., 1110 10 prOCOls Ylld waslO lot whalIppoall10 be no ptoducllvo purPOIO. whIch Ilind dllllculllrom nOI only a coslllandpolnl, bullllo how 10 10CUlt 011O which I. nOI nOli I clly. I would oncourago you In Iho revfaw ollhis loals/ollon. To IIvIIOly IImlllho ablllly 10 compoll. would simply crealO an addillonal COil on Iho communilY. S,n", FII, 2044. This law requires Iho Envfronmonlal PrOlOcl/on Commission 10 IdoPI rulo. 10 prOhiblllho disposal ol/andscapo'waslo by opon burn/ng 01 II I .an/lIlY landlill. Whilo I can undorSland Iho Iuuo 01 prohlblllng opan burning ollDndlcapo waslO. again. slmlllllo SanalO Filo 2030, nOllO allow U.IO UIO our 1On/lIry landlill as a Ilaglng local/on lOt Iho compos ling and ulllmaloly dlllllbul/on 01 tho yard wasla would bo on addillonal COil. H.S.B. 549. This law roqulrOl clllOl and counllas which provlda lot Iho collocllon ol.oIld wasto from Individual 'OIldoncOl and bUllno...s 10 o.labll,h collocllon foOl buod upon Iho volumo ollolld waslo colloClod. Wo 110 wo,klng loward accomplllhlng Ihal goal. Tho ISluo 01 volumo bmd waslo collocllon/loos has boon dobalod locolly and wo aro abOUIIO In/llalo o program Ihallhould ulllmaloly load us 10 Ihll pOlillon. Hoving Iho SlalO mandai. lhi. mOlhod would requlro Iho Cily 10 undo II. plonn/ng 10 dOlO. IIlho law 1.10 be conlldorOd, soma roolonablo Implomonllllon porlod would bo doslrablo. Local govornmonl. ball Iho rosponlibility ollullilllng WOllo reducllon goo II and I bollovo con do so /llomo reosenablo 'Olltudo II granlod In dOllgnlng WOllo collocllon progromllo mOOllndlvlduol community nood. '"~ .", "IM'UIO' 111111. '01, r,". IOU '"11""""11' 11..1111. III 1111, 111,11" l/S7 , . ,- , - - .2. . 'aUludall granl.d In dlllgn/ng Willi coll.cUon plogramllO mUllndivldu.1 communllV ntod. and Inll/nll. AIIO lhou cltl.. which contllcllOl IOrvlc.. I mum., would Ihor. Ih. um. mlndll.. Whi/, I CIMOt .p..k 101 county govI/MI.nll. Inv Inulcllonl which would discOUllg. counUlllrom Itlllng up Ih.l, own coll.ctlon SVSI.mS/flgul.llons Ihould b, approach.d wllh CluUon. CounUn lhar. In th. "sponsibililV 10 r.duc. Willi Ind Ihor.bV nood 10 be .ncOUlag.d 10 PI/llclpal.. H.F, 206 I. Asl undtllllnd Ihls ptopolOd l.glllaUon,11 would rtgufall Iho dlsulbullon ollnv '.CUl polic. Ind fill 14111 "U"m.nl lunds. ThOll mus lunds WOl. lublllnll.llv conUlbulld bV roclll,.plyer. ond IMIOIOII I ballovo IMY IhouId bantlil 110m Iho IXCUS lund.. 111M" must ba I f,w "guleUng Iho.o locll man/II. OUI pI"oronc. would ba 10 "duco lho cltV'1 conllibullon 10 Iha .IOllwldo Ivll.m end lhoflbv IOduc,'ocalllloporIV IIlC likings. SlncOlolV. Slophan J. Aikins CItV M4nagOl cc: City Council 1C0nl Sovern OilOCIOI 01 Public WOIks bt""VII \ I i 1 ,\ i ~g7 , . - 1 , - - - FobNaty 5, 1m frWcIa Halo NoIQhboIhood 8oMcot PIannot 410 E. WuhIngton St. Iowa CIty, ~ 52240 ",,:.&.. CITY OF IOWA CITY Ro:~ (420-422 EIII CtU'ch SII..t) Otl,Mltcla: fl~A' ~ vv 0'.( ~()).. I I j ! I I know till ntlg/lbofI of till ~~22 Easl Chutch SlI.ol plOptrty have llong'llanding and wtl.1OIMldod conctm about till condlIIon and UIO 0/ tho hous., 10 I wanllo plO'r'td. you Vlfth 1hII1lpda1. on lilt W.. Fool Ire. 10 PlQIIlt InlollnaUon on 10 Intero'''d nt!ghbm, Tho CIly'I pollllon regilding lilt abovo Pfoporty WllIOIIor 1I1a1 10 tho Court on FobNlIY 5, 1m Tho CII. WII 'bumpod' ~om lllal dalo by I criminal IUIY ilia/. \'nI.n I now COIIt dll, IIIchoc1ulod I Vl1II 101 you know. In tho moanllmo, I Wtot hu IIIId. an o~or 10 pwchas.1Ilt ploporty and both Mr, and Mrl. YNlg have ICCOptod lilt o~.rln WIlling. Tho pwchaso IglO.menl plO'r'tdolllla1 tho JlIOPOrty, vdlIch II dasllt/od II I dupIox and IIlocalod In I RM.12 (Low Oonalty, Mulll- FttrIf Roald.ntltI) ZOllO. v.t be dtvolopod II I dIIpI.x. Thai mow, among olhor thing.. tho IIIIXknwn occupancy lor .ach cMolIIng IMl\ can noI.xcood Jolt uNolalod pollona. Tho JlIKchu. 'glOomonl alto plO'r'tdotllla1 tIlIltwactlon will cIol0 no '.Iorthan MItch 3. 1m. by d.lMry 0/ I Wllranly d.od Irom tho Younglto tho purchuor. n tho laIt luecood., tho hous. v.illlInaIIy be compl.lod In compllanco I'lf1h III building codOl, n tho lilt dotl noIluecood, th. CIty will conUnuo wtth Itt pouUon litho ..,0011 dalo tho Cout1 will 1IIow. alvo me I cd . you have quolllonl aboulth.1O dovolopmonll, YOUIll/uti, AMI 0, DUlna . Alllllanl City Attornoy 1I.1l11 _'1M'."" IIll1r. '0_' (11..10_111111' filii 11..1111 '"l 1111111..1111 g . . 1 . c~ ~ 1 -z,-I1 ,\ I !lIE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA fWltt. A F ~ ! I II ~~ ~ 1 f1,<<. itA~ s,r I V;;dW , r>flPMrA A;t ~ I .~ . .~~ Flbl'\lAry S, 1992 ~~6~ 1/IIN" M"'~' I Aaron IADnud ~ Ioya Clcy Tranalc 1200 S. RIYlrlld. DrlYI IOYI Clcy, IA S2246 DIu Honlel Thankl Ylry IIICh for the help YOll IIYI UI dllrllll orllnmlon for l\IV for.lln Itud.ncI thll Jlnulry. I thlnle vI'rl Ilcclnl chll bUD tour of Ioya City dovn pac novo Ind I'. lurl chac chi IcudlnCI apprlclltl thl Ifforcl of YOllr officI. IC'I rlally IlpOrt.nc for Itudlncl to III 1000chlnl of lova City bllldll thl dovntovn u.. Ind chi CupUI, TIll bUD cOllr .1lOYI ltudlncl to dllcOYlr Ihopplnl Irl.I, II' hlah Ichooll Ind Illllntary ccheel.. ccc U.S. rc.ldcnec. (Vhleh arc ~Jltc a hit different froe the hOUDII .nd Ylrdl In thllr hOll cOURcrlll) Ind In Ilnaral co fill thac chlY Irl plrt of a llrllr coaaunlty, Onel 1111n, thlnka for YOllr conclRIIld lupperc. Slnclrlly yourl, John ROlin Forllln Studlnt Advlllr J1 COI '-Ill Dolllln "John Lundlll omc", IAIIIlllIlonlll4uc.1loII11I4 kMm low. 011, Iowa SIIU ml)llOIll IlUltllLUUMWYIUIAMVS 120 IAIIIlIlllonllCtallr T.II. OIOIIllIOI ~1C1 'AX 11011I11011 l/89 . , 1 , - - - : I. . J.... c....., \ IOWA:; \ I BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CIwIu 0, Durfy Slep/lcn P.lMlna Palncla A. Meadt Rkhatd B. MyeR Deny Ockenrcll Februll1120, 1991 FORMAL MEmNG ^&enda 1. Call to order 9:00 I.m. - lS ga a .., -~ - - :.: . CD ... -4(" I :<_~ :J ;:1 oj!:! u .~ :J" IT :.> '11 o 2. Actlon re: cllllms 3. Action re: minutes 4, Action re: pllyrolllluthorlZlltlons 5. Business from the County Auditor. . I) Action re: pcrmlls b) Action re: reports I. Clerk', January monthly report. c) Motion dlrectlnlthe County Audllor to enlcr Inlo In aareement with the Audllor of SlIle for ludll services ror the FV '91IMualludll. d) Other 6. DUllness from the Asslstllnt Zo~lng Adnllnlstl'lltor. I .) Pinal conslderallon of appllcallon Z9132^ of John and Jean Scou. b) Pinal conslderallon of appllcallon Z9140 of COMle Prledl Ind Olenn Shima. c) Olher 7. Business rrom the County Attorney. .) Bxecullve Session re: Social Services collecllve barcalnlng slrale8y/d Iscusslon/actlon, b) Report re: olher lIems. 9IHounloUDUQunST. p,o, POX mo IOWA erN, IOWA '2244 T1U~ 1119) 1S6-(,ooo FAXI (liP) 15606016 4~O . ,- I - - .. . 1.0 - N C SJ ~'n "i1 :::::j MOO: - - - CD - -lM I ;<r- ~ :;oJ -~ - ':J O- W n"" :> 111 Q . 1 49() . . f 1 ,- ' - . .' , IKIJ ,mPOl TELlCO'llII 'l'01I I NOoN 211~ I OHNSON COUNT V AUDITOR TELIS19-S56-6086 . ,I 219 ~ eeo6" 21~5CC91. I FIb 20,92 15:09 "o,OlS P.Ol/Ol \ I ! i , I I I i i Charlu D. Duerr SlepMn P. Lacllll Pa'ricla ,.,. Mudo Richard B. Mycl1 BellY Ockenfoll ~C"'l, ~OWA Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FebrulIry 25, 1991 INFORMAL MEETING Agendll t. Call to ardor 9:00 a.nl, 2. Review ohbe nllnutu. 3. Duslnus from tho County Engineer. a) Discussion ro: Dust Allovlitlol\ prog~m, b) Discussion 10: rlshtoOr'WAY purchulna polley. c) Discussion re: truck bids. I i d) Other , j , I I 4. Buslnus rrom Iho Director ot S.E.A.T.S. I I , I , a) Discussion 10: Py '93 conlract cost for Iowa Clly/Coralvllle, UnlversllY lIelshts, Syslcms Unllmlled, Inc., and Ooodwllllndustrlos. Ine. b) Olher 5. Duslncss from Dob Massey, Stllff Admlnlstratlvo Supervisor tor DORIC Pipeline Corporation re: Dome Pipeline/discussIon. 6. Business from Ihe DOllrd or Supervisors. a) Discussion re: library allocation, b) Reports e) Olher U) Q N ~!:! SJ " -I _ Do( ~ 1- -In :<:;; :g :j' _" _ ii' c_ c.l V ;:t~ .. > c.l en 7. Discussion fronllhe public. 8. Recti;, L/90: i .. . - - 1 ,\ I City of Iowa City j MEMORANDUM I i 0110: F obnllly 2\, \992 To: City COIlIICI Flom: Mayor Ro: EnvtlOMlOIIt.1I Mioc4lot FOfUm I h4vo boon conlAclod by Pam Elvlwt 01 Envtlonmonl4l AlNocalol. Thoy 010 Inlolollad In jl\ltlrIg logolllal I COtnlMlty Iorum on ThUllday. Mardi 5, In tho ovonlng 81 FiliI CIvlsUan Church. Pam has loquollod t.vo City Council momboll pAl1lclpalo In tho lorum. I DdvlIod hOl IIlalO woro aomo CouncllmombolllolVlng lown tho noxt morning lOt 1110 NLC conlOlOnco, Also, I hava . commllmonlll WOfk IIIId would bo unablo 10 attond, I am looking lOt valunlooll. Ploolo 101 mo know. ~ /fftI11. 4~ . City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 0.10: Fobtuarv 21,11102 To: CIIV Courd F,om: CIIV M4naoOl Ro: L1btolVlCounlV Flnf'1IlO AOfOomonl Allochod II 0 d,oll copy 01 .n 'o,oomonl 101 IUlol JoIwon CounlV ~btOlV .orvlco. TNI ooroomont hu boon dovolopod bV ropruonlollvol 01 lho llbtOlV Boold ond dllcullod wllh ,0prOlonl01lvol 01 lho CounlV Boord 01 SUPtlviIOlI. All undOlllond lho proeon, It II ~kolV thotlho County will bo dilCulllng lhllllluo .tlholl upcoming moollng. Tho UbtllV Boord 10prolonlo!lvol foal comlOlioblo wilh 111. piojiOjil iiiiillijiijillfiY \lIiillmllliry 11I,..IIlW II doGS OppoOllO provldo 101 0 10000IIIblV 1OIII'OCIOlV o%omonl. cc: Don YUCull 0/ . ....."'.. ~~ , 1 ,\ I . J ' - - - - 1 IICV I'tII>VOl Tn.lCO'ICIl 'IIl1l I NO.." Illlrlll ~19 ~ 69624 I 01110111 UIII om UlIIII 'DUo'!, n'CID, U'~1I a 11m NlREEMENT FOR UBRAR'f SERVlC! 10 RURAL JOHNSON COUNlY lllll ~ made end enlortd 1r40 \hit dti 01 1092, bri and botwoon Iho CIly 01 Iowa CIly and Jo/VI&On CWlIy. W1IEREA9, tilt ~ oIM cay has "Ioblbhod end pIt't1dtt.!Im lor. pubIo b8Iy opetated bri Iho Iowa cti MIla LJbtDIy BoIIrd 01 Trultoos; Dnd ~ WHEREAS, Chapler dlS of \he 1991 COde of IONIIbW \he Counly Board 01 6upGtVl8ot1 10 ~'wIlh D city &brDIy lot roIklontI of un/ncoIporDIod DI04Ij and W1IERE.AS, Johnson Counly wlshet 10 awl tho mldClnts of ~ Johnson CMty 01 tho opportul\'\y to porticlpale In the pIOQlDffil 01 the Iowa cti P\JbllO Ubt8ty; N~ 1l1EREFORE, ft II herebri 8greed bri end belWOOn tho City oIlo.va cay end Johnson COunty as folC7lYS: ",.""c nc iiF.fiiJl/,;ilJl I.~ A. ThO 0X10nI end Ml\1O olllbtoly "r.1cot Vl1I be delermlned bri lho laND cti Publlo UbnIIy BoaId of TMllOI. B. Alaorv1cel oIlhe Iowa CIty PubIo UbtaIy wi be proyIdod to II of the rnIdontI of Johnson CMly. kMt, v.ilo IlIIde outside tie COIJ)OIIle ImItI of Ol'f clly within Jotmon County on tho lame tonnl and c:ondlIons " 10 the "aldonll ollhe cay ollo.va CIty, - II. The lonn oflNl.groomonl &hall commence JlJf 1, 191121or. porlod of ono year end aNI be IOnowDd outomatlcaly \0( IUCCeedIng Ie/1M 01 one year each unIoSS 1 20 ~ wrttten notice to tho con\I8Iy Is given l7f e!\her par1y to tho 0Ih0r. III, cgMfEHSA'l1QN A. Johnson COUnty OglOollo relmMO the C/Iy 01 Iowa City lot Itri fisceI year lhlIl h rocelvollervlcel under INs c:ontrect . portion of the '1lOI budgot lor opolDtJng ClOSII' 01 the publlo IIbrory lor such ftscaI year. For the pulP-OSos of thls AQrocmonl, tho 'nol budgollor OPOlltlng oasIS' ollhO IibIOry aMi be the lIlnIy~ lolal budgel lor II oxpond'du/08 os oppnMld by tho C/Iy COUrd lor lhellppUceblo ftseol ~ar. OporoUng coats ahnlllnclude polBonnel, commod'ltIe',lorvlccl f9~ . ' . - - - 1 , - - - o K}J I'IllIUQI( uuarlCJI '/Ill! I ,.zo.N IIIZl'I11 319 3$4 6962. . 01110111 nlll am IH U" '1W.1j, n:cm 3\9:J"MClO9I1 3 Qlou .2. II'd ch8tgol, oeplltl out~ .00 replacement MIdI (ltwfel1 out) UIGd 10 cpomo tho GbtaIy. N an ~,Iho Rxart_tolll budolt lot II pPt~1 at opproo.OO b'/ \he cay COOOOlIOl \hI1ll93 lI6eaI )'01111 ,hewn on Eld1Iblt '1(. The eame method 01 dotennlnlng 'not budget lot oporallng costa' 01 ehoNn on I!.dlb'l ~ WI be used In Ilbaequent )'011I. B. The poI1Ion of the net budget lot operellng com 01 tho IbtDIy lNt lho County IhDJ1l8lmbtno to the City In 0 epoclfto fI&eol yoor WI be dotermlned as 10m: L For r.scaI yoor 1993 ond lot flSC8l yoar 1994, 10% each year, (GOO porooroph V 101 ftae&J yoor 1993 end 1994 odjustmonlt) I, For 'lSco! yoor 1095 ond ooch IIscol yoor thereafter, . pe/C8OlllgO oquaI to tho percentago 01 thl total drWallon 01 Ibt8Iy mate"" lttIblUbIe.to.lha_ n _ rural realdentl owraged ow e ftacIII Tho ftw ftseaI )'OQIi U56d klf INs fo'6lD06 moot rocont ft'-.'3 ft:caI )'On 1llClud1ng thl beef yeer )uI1 completed, (Sel ElIhIblt 'B' 101 en example 01 thIa mo\hod.) (Goo paregtaph V lot ftscN year 1990 and 1997 adjustments.) O. 1J roImburIemont P'/l1I8nll b'/ \he Coooty to thl CIIy IhIlJl occur qU8r1'~ C()rMlOllCIng on tho llrat dff/ 0I.)JJ 01 oach you. D, 1M City agrvol to maintain rooords 01 sald oporotJonol exponsOI eocordIng to rnu\UaItf acceptable auclltlng procedurel end further egl'OOl to moko told I'DCOIds awDablo fat audlllng and Inspoc:tlon cUIng buslnou houri, upon reasonable notlce b'/ \he ColKlty. ,/ ~ JI~I) if// -/ I\l IUJOOElfOOCEQU1lE 'Tho Cily CMcIlahaR detennlno and approw en annuaJ operating budget 101 \he ibt8IY aftor proparaUon end rocommondatlon by tho Ubrary Board 01 Trustees, 1ncJudtno consultaUon wtIh the County~ rvpr8S0nlatlw on the UlrBry Iloatd. A. On 0( before Janu8/Y 18 of ooch yoar IOWII Chy shall trnnsmlt 10 tho County a propoaod Dbrory budget lor the naeal )'Oar which commences on July 1 01 that year. B. On 01 belOl8 FobruOlY 1 01 ooch yoor, Johnson County eI1a11ltansm~ 10 1M City 8 rosolutlon 01 commllmontto ~nd Its portion 01 the opomUng costs 01 thO nbl'OlY tor tho yoar which commonces on July r'~ i I . . . - .- I ' - - - - "'" rtl~ TEUCO'ICIl 'I'lll\ . ,.20-9, 1I11rt1. ~I' 3S4 69624 ""0/1 1111. Itll. "1 ..., PIE~~. 1\~ .3. 1 ollhat ~ In In Imooot determined In AOOOI'danc:e wlIh INs egree/llOlt O. On 0( bofote March 15111 of each year. 10M CIly lhaIedopt ~ ftnoI IbNI budget tot lho onWng lIaceI)'Oaf, Johnson Coooty aheI IhetlUpOl1 be obligated to Pfti III thare II delermlned herein of tho adopItd net budget lOt oporaUng costs. D. SubCtquent emondmenta 10 the Gbraty budgelln 8nJ IltceJ year aheI nollnalase tho obIIgallon of tho County lot f1n4nclIiIluppot1 unlog IMIatf ~ to I7f both P41t/OI. \t Bsr.&.YEAIl.m3 . A. N~ Iho forogolng: 1) lot ftacaI ynr 1993 \he Cotrlly IhAIIlIllmbullo tho CIty '208,528, bolng III portion II delennJnod In paragreph III ~ t1t CO% 01 t~ of Ihtt pori of the net budg8t lot oporallng coati d tho Dbraty funded I7f the laNI CIly YeW IppttlWd L'brIIy \Jr,y (100 EllhIbII'C'); 2) for IltceI year lW4 the CMty thai PIt ft, pottlon IS dolermlnod 81 parooroph 1/1 roducod I7f 26" of 10% of thai patt of tho not budgOt for oporolklg costs of tho &br8IY ~ by I/lo laMI CIty YOlOt opptOYOd Ubroty lcvtj 3) for ftlCll yo4r 19951ho COunty ahoI Pl1Il00% of fta aIwo os dolonnlnod D\ PGIIlgroph I/Ij 4) lot ftlCll)'Oar tOll6th, County aha. ply 100% of III ah8tl1S dotelmlned It PGIIlgraph III P/UI 1/2 of the sum of tho lOductlona fOf ftscal yeare 1093 ond 1094j 5) for nseaJ year l1lO7tho COunty thall Pfti 100% of Its there IS determined 81 patllOrllph III p/ua ono-hlllf of tho lum of tho roductIona for lIaeeI )'Oar 1 D93 end Ilscal year 1994j and fOf Il5C8I yoor 1008 end In ollCh ftscal yoar IhOl'Ollllol Iho CMty lhaI P"I 100% of Ita lhare III delermlned II paIIgraph III 9. In the GYOnIIheIIhla oglOOmonlla tonnlnaled al MI \lmo for Dnf reOSOl'l or no ~son Of all, tho County shall, within 30 days efter the dole of IolmlnDIlon, relmbu/'lle 10 the CIly 8t'ri potI/On of the 8) 1 ~19~1' 4 1ll00l t/f~ , - ... - - . - .. - .., """ fflWO tfLIaPlP 'I'llll I r.zo.w IIlJ'llI m .. 69614 01110"1 IIIII crll' 1'1 1"1 fIl~~. 1\1JIl 2"~"",11 I ~OOl ... . , I I I I I I I I I I ~ lor bCM)'I1lt \993 end fIIeoI'fO'/ 1~ \hat 11M not yet boOn"peId. O. Tho Ctti end \he CWIIy ~ M Iho ~ of \Nt ~ V 1110 '*"'" \he Coni to phUe In Iho ncreuod ~ p4'fIbIe 10 \he Cllv II ooonloned I7i Iho InctOPO In \he 1btIIy\ net budget lot opetIlklg coati eM to Iho LbIIY lJNf ~ I7i k7ftt Clty WlOIIIn NMmbot \og\ (&It .pplletl)lt In ~ yOOt 1903). Tho ~In It Intondod 10 pttlnll \he ~ 10 oo"tJSt 10 end pton lot tho U Impoct of Its ncremd roimMomont obIgltlon. HcY.Mr, II consldof\lllOn lor tho ~ In ~ poIcll7i tho cmv In tIacaI ~0II1ll93 Dnd 11l94,Iho Cf1St'IIlllS Igioed \hOt In t\saII )'111I1998 and 1997, or at luch tme II INI conI1ICt IfIff be aooner tennlnated, to plI'/ Idd1IlonII ~ "II pIC'I1ded IbM, VI. Tho rJri ",,,by reUMt Iho r\Qht In tnI =: 10 lndudo In \he 'not bUdget for opoI1lling coati" liiii6\fili debt ~) to bo ~ndOcIl7i \he Ctt lot C8Db1lfTllltMmenll for IbrVf l.clIlIl.., whelhtt pol<l for from talC 1MId, boncllndebtednDlI ot other ClIy 1\rdI. Nfi i/noUIlIlO IncMSod ahoI bo ,POClftOd In lho ~ ibrOIY bUdgot \llnSmltted 10 lho CMY In aCcordanco Vwth PIlfOO'Iph rI.A. end Iho COuntY thIJ fIlmblm thO ClIy III'~ pClI1lon 01 the net budget for opolltlng 00111 eo ~ for the IIscoI )'DOt. , 1hIt IQIOOIMI'A IhII be 6IOd wIIh \he CIty CloI\C oIlONI CIty end thO Cooott ROcordot or JQlV\IOtI ~, 10\'11. CITY OP IONA CITY.IaNA JOliN SON COUNT( laNA By By 0Dr11ll a. COuMOV, Mlf,'ot ChoIloa Dully ChoItman, DeW of Supe~ 1J10It: Ntost: ClIyC\of\l Counl'f hldl\cr /Deputi eounty hJd1tcr 1 f9). . - -- , - - - 'flCIJ I'l'llIVOC TUlCO'ICll 'lOll I 1-20-92 ",.". I ". .. 69624 01'10"1 I'll' "'1' 'II "" ~~. 1\111I EXHIBIT 'I1f lbaIy" 'Tblal Dudglt for ~ ~ U ApptMd tJi \hi Cti CoIrd for FIscal year 1993 (Nit budget lOt opeIIl/ng toItI) rmnnel (poIIoneI aoMcol) 1,e62.017.00 CommOdIIlot 45,665.00 Ser.1Ce1 and chaIget 252,047.00 CepllII 0UIlri 338,380.00 --..---,---.---..-,.- nwfOlllllJ ~ Total 2,258,609.00 t 1 ~ I Ql6IXlOtIl . am ,I ! J/fJ-- I . . - - - - ,- I - - - ~ 'fttV fflllVQll TlUCO'IEft ?\lit I 1.20-92 IIl~ I ~19 ~ 6?6Z4 0'1,01" ISII. !tSI. SI' ..., PIE~~. t\~ 1 .\ ~"JS6llOOVI. , Qloor EXHIDIT '0' . ~ of FomW lot DeIoIllllring !hi CoIrtt~ I'Ill1Ion of UbtaIy~ Not Budget Jot 0p0ra1fng CoatI AeimbtmbI.1O Iht City for fIsceI'1'tII1995 CconIy~ pottIon · tho 1995 net budget lot ope"tIng costs x tho clttUatlon " of JoMIon COunty MIl mldOnlllYDmgod CMI( 5 YDIII'. 'The cItaAalIon " of JoMson County Mal rosldonls 8YOI8Oed o.tt 5 yeara Ihd be determined 81 roao.w: FV 1994 FIsceI Year Jutt compleled . eXCluded lrom .wrag. o FV 100G. FY 1093 . Included In 8YOt&Q' F1raI, delenn/ne (from Ubraty malntelnod dati) lot each ofthoae IIYa yen \hI pelt*llagl (lWlded to the nemt 1/11Xlth d . pem) that the cltcuIatJon of rnaterlalt to JoMson County I\Q/ "sidonia was 10 tho total cllCUfollon to JoMIon CMty Mal resIdonIa ond Iowo CIty rosIdonta: \hen, 1oIa1 the pcl/tlOntagos 10 dolonnlnad and dMdl \he Bum by 5. ~9;' .. , . . - - , - - - - ( .1lCV I'tllCEllCc TlUCO'I!lI '/'011 I 2020-92 1I1!1't11 319 3S4 6962. 0"'0/" 1"1' "~I' ~'I .11. 'IE~~. ttCIER , 1 319~1' II ~OOI EXHIBIT 'C' \ I 1 Co\mt~ PoftJon of Not Budgot lor Opotalfng Colli 10( FIscal Voar 1993 COooty_ PoI1lon DelOl'l nodUCllon FIIcaI )tit 1 DOO net budget lor 0j)01lI11ng costs AppbbIo porcontage 2,2~,llOO ..!..1.QI 225,851 FIIeaI yoar 1993 RoduetJon 19931mri l1Hi rwiftl6 34S,llOO .ll..1QI 34,651 x~ 17,325 . County_ Reduced Pof1lon Pro ~ Ponlon ~I m,851 L1Zml 2011,528 lTo bo reImbureod In ftacaI year 1998 and ftSC81 year 1997 or upon IOOIlOt tennlnaUon of conlrDct ~9~ - - - .. -- , .. . - - 1 D f--- J i I Copl.1 0' I.tt.rl 'rOIl ",yor Courtn.y tOI I. R.pr.l.ntltlv. Robert Dvorlky r.glrdlng HF 2183. b. lOCI I l.gIIIIlOrl "girdIng proposed CUA rtgullllonl. HtIlOrlndUl 'rOIl Council HtIb.r Kubby reglrdlng the Grut lowl CIty Seok. Out 6 HtalOrlndl 'rea th. CIty ",I\jglr: .. P'ndlng Otv.lopllnt ISlu.1 b. Htlrol. Av.nu. 8rldg./He.tlng ~Ith Unlv.rSlty H.lghtl c. Airport COIIllslon/P.rsonn.1 Policy Copy 0' Illler 'rOIl tho CIty ",niger to Hr. .nd Hrl. ",rvln Str.b "girding plvlng r.qulrtltntl. HtmorlndUl 'rOIl tho Assllt.d Housing progrl. reglrdlng T.nlnt.to.Own.r Progrl. (TOP). H!t!rlll (rC/IJ lIlc CIt)' Attornl11 I. H.DOrlndUl r.glrdlng plrtlll Iltlgltlon Updlt. . new Ilwsult. ~" b. l.Uer to Attorney Crulle reglrdlng Old llbrll'1 Plrklng lot. ~'.2 c. l.Uer to 10111 InterUIl. Rlllrold r.glrdlng propoud ordlnInC'. .,," d. HtDOrlndUl rtglrdlng h~n ChMlclls. "1'1 R.prlntl 'rOIl Journlls reglrdlng Ilwn ch..lclll. HtDOrlndUl 'rOIl the City Forelter r.glrdlng West Sid. Plrk O.velopllnt ProJec}d R.ply cemenU 0' the CIty 0' 10111 CIty b.(or. the F.C.C. ~7 HtDOrlndl/ll 'rOl the S.nlor Center Coordlnllor tlglrdlng WOlIn's Hlltory Honth~,. HtalOrlndUl 'rOIl the City Cl.rk r.glrdlng Council Work Selslon 0' Februlry 10'.A~ 1992 (revls.d). -. Copy 0' letter (rOIl Council H..ber Kubby to Kmn Hrld.k. . Copy 0' letter trOl'Councll Hteber HorowItz to the Presld.nt 0' R.glnl School Board. ~II HtalOrlndl 'rOl the Historic Pr.s.rvltlon Commlsslonl I, Historic Prlllrvltlon Updll.. b. 10111 City N.Ighborhood D'llgn Book, Copies o( llll.rs (rOl: I. Unlv.rllty 0' lowl r.glrdlng Corllvlll. wlstlWltor dlschlrg.. b, [CICOG r.glrdlng l.glslltlvo D.y. c. CouncIl 0' [Idors reglrdlng sDOklng r.c.ptlcl.l. d, [lIot K.ller ..pronlng .pprechtlon to flroflghters. e, Hr. .nd Nrs. J.C, CI.rk reglrdlng p.rklng It the Santor C.nt.r, . . - - , - - - - / City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DAJ[: rebrull'1 ta, 1992 TO: City CouIlCII FROll CIl11111\jger R[: IIIterlll In In(olWltlon ',ck.l 1 \ 3 ..jjL ~I.:l " lot 515 SI7 . , - - -- 1 . - - - 1/ II I City Councll rebruary 28, 1992 Page 2 CopIes of letters from (contInued): f. ChurchIll Truck Lines, Inc., regarding Chauncey Swan Parking Ra.p. g. John IIllson regarding proposed parking ra.p. h. Hatlonal League of CItIes regarding EducatIon Roundtable to bt htld In Iowa CIty March 20 and 21. I. League of Iowa Munlclpalltlts rtgardlng hostIng the league's 1994 s..!nar. Agenda for the Board of SupervIsors rebruary 27 letting, J. .,..11. . _. L..... II ". ."..111.... '~~l~ r. 1 1 ,hn. I f dl t Ageod. IIfor. the Hlrch 2, 1992, Meting of the City Conference Baird, -ili- nos . at J/l or.sesslon: Agenda for Karch 3, 1992 Heetlng of the 8d. of Supervisors, ~ Hemo from City Mgr. re HCS project \~L Pross Hotlce fro. Police Dept. re Call.a.Cop --1U. Infol'MlIon frOlille4gue of ICll4 IlunlclP4l1tlu rog4rdlng roootlng with Llvlslatm-ill_ on Karch 17, 1992. , Hemo frOG! FIn. Olr. & Parking Supervisor re Parking Ralllp . Chauncey Swan lot ~s.t. Info~tlon fro. Evensen Oodge, Inc. re Bond Buyer 20 Bond Index. ~ ! Info diU. at 3/3 Council Hoetlng: Copy of Letter !ron Byron Ross to the Editor regarding HCS expansIon project & U o~ Agenda for 3/5 ;o~l Netlng of 8d. of Supervisors. n:J.: i Homo from Hayor regardIng Legislative Luncheon on 3/14/92 S.B . Homo from City Engr. & draft copy of lIetlands Report by Lon Drake. ~J It ...uL -AjL ~JI ....uL _Ul. . I - - , 1 . - ..J - .. F.bluory 25, 1992 -.:~ ' CITY OF IOWA CITY The HonOllblo Roborl DVOlsky 10wI Houso 01 R.prOlOnllllvos SIIIO Clpllol Oil MoIno., low I 50319 O..r Bob: ASllollow,up,1 wonlod 10 ollor somo oddillonl' commonls on HF 2183, In ICI OSloblishlng lho SU'loglc InvOIlmonl Fund and Iho loglonol buslnus linlncloluslSllnco lovolvlng lund. As I co'sponsor ollho bill, I hopo you will consldOI Iho pOlonllol nogollvo ImpoCllhls bill could hovo on Iho .conomlc IcllvlllOl 01 our roglDn Our mojOl cone.,n lIos wllh Iho OIllbllshmonl ollho reglonellovolvlng loon lunds. Undor H.F. 2183, Iho SUIloglc Invoslmonl Fund (SIF) would provldo up 10 1200,00010 each raglwl lovolvlng lo.n lund. Unlass lund. are avall.bla bayond whall. cUllanlly bolng locommondod lor progrlm. In Iha SIF, Ihls proposal would mOln Ihora would ba .n Insulliclanllaval ollunds IOIlmInlI!QIo tilt SIP lor I vfallla CEBA program. In addillon. the loglon;llGvoIv'lno loan lundl ona'lo.ono milch requlromanl may ba dilliculllD achlova. Glvon Iho Implcllhl. bill would hava on tho CEBA progrom, Ihoro would bo Incramd compellllon within regions lor Iho noo,ooo loglonl' rovolvfng lOin lund. Iowa City ond Cod.r Roplds would havo 10 compolo lor Ihls 1200,00010 plovfdo InconllvOl to buslnossos lookIng 10 localo In our laglon. Ona projocl could aaslly usa Iho anUra Imounl avallablo. laavfng no lunds lor othar projacls In Iho raglon lor Iho rOSI ollhal yool. In addition, othor projacls mlghl nOI occur undar Iho proposod bill. An oxomplo 01 Ihls would bo Iho Owons. Btockwoy proloclln Corolvlllo which loconlly was aWlldod 0 1400.000 CEBA 10lglvablo loon. Glvon Iho CUllonllocommondod lunding lovols lor Iho progloms In Iho Slrlloglc Invoslmonl Fund. Iho Owons.Brockwoy projoCI would nOI havo occullod. Tho bill In ollocl nogallvoly Impocll communltlaslhat hlvo aggruslvoly and luccoufully PUllogather aconomlo packagol thel IIIIICI aconomlc ICllvllY 10 Ihl Ilala. I bollovo Iho prOlanl CEBA progrlm and tho lunding II provides economic dovolopmonl acllvlly IhtoughOUllho Ilala hOI workod IIllsfactorlly. Slncoroly, Oa"ol G, Courlney Mayor co: City Council City Manager bel.' '" IlII ""MUO'O~ 111111. 'ou r,", ,ou III....".. "'" II.,,,,, ,,.- .11., 1I1~93 . , - - , - 1 ,.btuaty 21. leu I i I , . 1 ; I I TIlt HOIIO/.bI. MiMe". Oed"1I 200. 0wlI," COWl lOW. Clly, IA 52240 0.., Mnn,,,.: s.o lottor lent to: "'1'1 NOUh,ultr, Robert Dvorsky. a JOIn LloYd., ..,.~ CITY OF IOWA CITY - , , i I I ! ! 1 '''''''''NId".. .....Id ".....N''''' 01 (... "_""""", _""... · '''In, .01' "'..",.. '"'''' .."", ....".. II. ....", b 10 ''','''' "." .10 IS 'tg1ons willi oqu,"r 'PIIOtIIOllOd CEBA lunda, 0. ,'" ..,.... W, .., ....11 10 .. . "....... "''"' ,. """,,,.. ",,_. .......... .fo. II.....,., "'..." I. .... .., ...". ".... .,,,.. .. ".".. ....''"''''0 dI"..."...,. " .."".". ."~ ." ....""''",. ClOI',., 10"... ... no,...,. "-....,- ......"." .""""" .,....,. 'n ,,,"' b "'~"'"' ."" "'.. "....."""',"'" .. N.....". ,'.. ".. "'No. "....... ..,. ...."-,, - .. '''' "" ..." 10 _"" ,,_ ...._, _., Plrl/ct,/1I1r Iht tund''''O at CElIA. ".." -, .. '" '" .. ,'" ''''' " N"..., ''''''''M, "'" "..""" ""',""", ....... ,"',,"" ...",,'" "." 01 . .",. ."" "'" '" .... ""."', """""'" ... 10 ""'.. ..'" "'fo Or '..... ."". .. '" "''' .. Ii""",,. "..""". '"' "'".., Wlltrowllll"IO C'UIO IIItIO /lIO/tCIIIO occur. . . 1/ "." "10 .. '''''''' " '''''''''''bW.. " "" ".... .. ...." '01" ~... ""''' ''''' .. """"'"" 'Id ..'" · '0Id1lo "'" ,'... ""'" .. '''0". 10 .... "''''''''''''''' .. ''''''' .., 'It/".. 10 ....." ,. ..IV..... ""'01. r,., ,..,. ....."" '"'. -".. ., "cnIt. .. · N".. .,~ ,"'..'" "'.'" to ""OWN" dom'nd, tOl 'conomlc doYOlO/llllOnl. Th4nk YOU tOl '"owlng mo 10 commonl on lhl, 'OOII'Ollon, SlncOlo/r, ce: Konl SOYo," City Council....... City M4r\,lOOl ICAO OOtId 01 D/roctolS .......- ." .... . ......... ....... ".. ,..,. ".. "'".,....,,,,, ".. "" .... 'HH H.. "" ~91/ i . . - - 1 . - I - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dlto: Fobluary 28, 1992 To: City Council From: Karon Kubby A"'4Altt Ro: Orootlowl City Smoko Out I AI onlndivldull Councllmombe', 11m . momber ollho Toblcco Educltlon Coolitlon. Wo .ro pllnnlng I O,oltlowo City Smoko Out tho wook 01 March 30.April 3 wilh tho locul being on April Fool'l DIY. It will be . day dovotod to OdUC'llon .bouttobacco. ItllloOloltO provont addiction. and waYlto becomo tobacco Indopendont. Out lhomo IOf tho wook II .Oot Ahood 01 tho Smoko, Ono SlOP It a Tlmo.. TNI thomo will be accompanlod by a logo 01 tho Inlamoullowa Clly duckl Climbing tho Old Capllot StOPI with oach IIOP up bocomlng 1011 smGty. Tho Coalition will be Iubmllllng a Proclamallon IOf tho lilt Council moallng In March. I hov. roquOltod 01 tho MayOf that wo U1nollyl pm tho omployoo oducallon loctlon 01 tho tobacco O/dlnonco 01 which wo had provloully ooraod. I hope that wo can vot. on tho 1I'lt conlldoro. tlon altho 100t mooting In Ma,ch, 10 colncldo wllh tho Smoko Out. 10m alia ,oquolllng that tho City 01 Iowa Chy bocomo an official participant In tho O,oatlowa City Smoko Out. Thll would moan ou, wollnoll program may locul on tobacco IIIUII atthll tlmo. POIIO'I would appea, on City dapartmonlal bullolln boardl, lho City can pm out Iurvlval packlto omployool and clllzonl, OIC. I will bo talking with Council about thll durlno Council limo at ou, March 2 Inlormallon maotlng. Allachod pl...o IInd 0 loctlhool aboutlho O,ootlowa City Smoko Oul. Plono call mo II you havo concorn. or quoltlon. at 338.1321. ........... q . - - , . - - - 1D "a c UJ { ~ (It It.., (i~ It '.,fv.... 1 OREAT IOWA CITY SMOKE OUT FACT SHEET WHAT: Oloallowa City Smoko Out A day dovolod 10 od\lCllllon abOut 10bacco,ltllllOOlOSlO pfovont addiction. and ways 10 bocomo lobacco Indopondonl. THEME: "001 A Hoad AbOvO Iho SmokO. Ono SI09 01 a Tlmo" PARTICIPANTS: (TobaCCQ Educallon Coal4lon. allhll tlmo) Sludenl Health. urWol1llY ottowa urWolaily 01 Iowa Sludenll. F~ and Sllln VolorDnS Admlnlslrallol\ Modcal Conlol Iowa CiIY C4y CoOOd f'~' Iowa Cly CommuNty sChool OIstrlct . Amoncan CanCor SOc\OIY MelCY Ho~a1 SUPPORTED BV: Iowa Clly Chambel 01 Commolco KANA New PIoneel co-()p (lentIllNO) BIoOmlnO Plarte WBlehoUSO (lontIllNO) Hy Voo Food SIOI05 VMEN: Wl!l!k 01 Malch ao-ApIU 3, 1992 FOCUS on Ajlrli 1, 1992 OS the Wll!\ lI4Y 101 SmokO Out ACnVITIES: MlcloS In nowspapOII. nOWllotloll and IChOOl noWl Inlorvlows on radIO and IV TobaCCO ocIucallon plQOlams In schOOls Froo "suMval pocks" al hOapllall. BIN buslnolltl, apocIat loCallons on campus and \Il1OughOut cly Tobacco ocIucallon prOQlaml1n business and Industrlos AdOpt a smoker I Ed\lClltlon lablos In malll and IChOOlI Black out 10baccO advertlsomOnllln loCal bUllnalSOS Proclalmallon by CilY Councillor areal Iowa C4y SmokO Out REQUESTS FROM COMMUNITY: Airtime Irom radio and IV News artlclOS TlIbIe ~o In maIlS Survival Pack supplios: gum, hard candy (already donaled by Hy' Vee Slores) , bags. loolhbrushes, paper lor copy. cinnamon slickS (poSSiblY Irom Now ploneo~ and Bloomlno Pralle). IUbbOI bands, 100lhbrushes and 1001hpas10, volunloer lime NEXT MEETING: Friday. February 21,9:30 a,m. Sludent Hoa1\h Service Conlorenco Room CONTACT PERSON: Calol HOrwllz, 335.8392 01338.1020 1 l/9S l I l I . - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: February 26. 1992 TO: CIty council FROII: C I tyllanagar RE: PendIng OoveloplCnt Issues A request to amend zonIng OrdInance SectIon 36-IS(c)(4) to penalt leased parkIng by relIgIous InstitutIons located In RH-I4S or PRH zonas . An applIcatIon submItted by ZIon Lutheran Church ror specIal eKceptlons to penalt expansIon or a relIgIous InstItutIon and modlrlcatlon or parkIng area screenIng requIrements ror property located In the RH-12 zone at 617. 619 and 621 East Davenport. An applIcatIon submItted by RegIna CatholIc EducatIon Center ror e spielal exceptIon to permIt eKpanslon or a relIgIous InstItutIon ror property located In the RS-S zone at 2140 Ro~hister Avenue. , 1 ,1 ~90 I I . - - 1 - , - - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM . D.I.: F.btuery 2e, 1992 To: Clly Council From: Clly M.nag., R.: MolrOIO Avonuo BtldgolMoollno with Unlvolllly Holghls Roconlly, .t my roquOSl, mil mOl wllh Unlvollily Holghls olllcl.ls 10 discuss lho MollolO Avonuo btldgo. In ollond.ne. woro: Emory Rhodos . Unlverslly Holghls GIOII. Jocoblon . UnlvorallY Holghts R.y Willoughby. Shlvo.H.llory, rOp/osonllng Unlvorllty Holghls L.rry MOIg.n . Shlvo.H.llory, roproaanllno Unlvolllly Holghls Nool Willis. NNW Inc. ' brldgo doslgnor ~k Fa!!! . Clly 0' low: Clly DOMy G'Mon ' Clly 01 Iowa City Tha lol/owlno Inuos woro discuuod: 1. Noad lor a new brldgg. Tho ulsllno brldgo has probloms wllh oach 01 tho main olomonls 01 lho slrUCluro. Tho deck viSibly shows o.lonslvo dOlorlorallon. Ago .nd salllnlluslon rosulls In largo POlholos on Iho roadwoy and sldowalks. 51001 beams sUPPOlllno Iho dock conlaln wolds which aro latlouo crlllcel. A rlgorou. lallguo analysis .how. Ihosa boams 10 bo unsullablo lor lUluro uso end, In lacl, roqulrOSlho btldgo 10 bo pOllod lor load I/mll. allhls tlmo. Tho plors aro dOlorlorotlno and h.vo salllod a. much as Iwo or Ihloo Inchos. 2. Width 01 brldao nnd nDDroechns nnd Droleet I/mll~. Curronl Iowa Doparlmonl 01 Transporlatlon srandards roqulro a eo' roadway wldlh bOlwoon barrlor rails: hOwovor, lho Clly 01 Iowa Clly will bo sooklno a varlnnco Irom lho Iowa Dopallmonl 01 Transpollallon 10 roduco Ih/s wldlh 10 eo'. Also. lho Clly 01 Iowa Clly will bo .ooklng a varlanco Irom Iho Iowa Doperlmonl 01 TranspOllatlon 10 roduco Iho approech roadway wldlh oaSI 01 Iho brldoo 1047' Iback 01 curb 10 bock 01 curbl. Tho oasll/mll 01 Iho prolOCI will bo lUll DOSl 0' Hawkln. Drlvo. which Is appro.lmololy 73e' ODSI 01 tho brldgo. Tho approach WOSI 0' lho brldoo wllllopor hom lho brldoe 10 Iho 0011 odoo 01 Ol/vo Courl, which Is Iho wosll/mil 01 conslructlon and appro.'maloly SO' WOSI 01 tho ullllng bridge. 'f . . - - - 1 , - - - - 2 3. COli 01 OIDltcllnd lucdiJlg. ThI c"'onIIlIImIIOd COli 01 conluucllon 100Iho p/olocl I. ",250.000. ThI ClIY 01 low. Clly wlll.nl.,1ng 1n10 In .oroom.nl wllh lho 10wI DOplllmanl 01 T'lnlpolllllon lOt Fadalll.AId HiOhwlY Dlldoo Raplmmanl .nd RahAbiGllllon Progllm lundlng In lho amounl 01 '850.000. Tho COil 01 conluucllon In Un/vollJly Halghllll alllmllad 10 bo f40,ooo: UnWa'lhy H.IOhll olllcloll hAva boon conllclOd 1I0lrding INlalllmlla Ind 10wI CIIV'llOquolllhAl UnlvarollV H.IOhll ply lOt lho.. COil' which OCC" In Un!vllollY Halohll. 4. Conluucllon IllntI. Tho p/OjoCI Cln bo conluuclOd In 1011I11I001. Tho 1I11111v.. '11011 will p/ovldl lOt ono Ilno 01 Ullllc In lOCh dllOcllon .nd IIlml one oldawllk. Tho 1111 11100 01 conll,ucllon WUII.quIl1 btldoo clolUlo In Otdor 10 po"Otm lho IImovlllnd IIPlvIng ollho IpptOlch plvomanl Ind t1d.wllkl on Maholo Avonuo. ThllllIl 1110111 axpoclOd 10 Ilka lboullOlll waak. 01 Oood WOllhll. II. Sehodl~iM. 1III I bil ptamlluro Illhll lima 10 dOlllmlno whon conluucllon will cummanca lllho'o III mlny IlIkl wNch mUll bo complalOd: Fodaral Highway Admlnllulllon Ind low I Doplllmanl 01 Tronlpollallon apptoval 01 CIIY ollowo CIIV IOquoll 10 ,aduca btidoa ond Ipp/ooch wldlh: Clly Council opP/ovol 01 dlllgn .mandmanllo lho loroamanl bolwoon IhI Cily 01 low I Clly and NNW Inc.: complallon ollho dlllgn by NNW Inc.: complallon 01 plln IlvioWI by Clly ollowI Clly, Iowa Daplllmanl 01 Trlnlpolllllon, Ind Fodarll HlghwlY Admlnllulllon: nagollollonl ond noCGII"Y Igroamanll wllh lho lowllnlarllllt RlilrOld; nogollollonl and acqulslllon 01 rlghl.ol'wIY Ind conluucllon anomanll I,om adlocanl plOporly ownoll: Ind ~4y1!ng I!!I ~ by ~ 10WI Dopollmonl 01 TranlllO/lollon. 1IIIImllOlllnllo . lpoclly lhallho 1000lh IIIga nol bo complaltd during lho loll duo 10 UnlvollllY ollowo . loolban oamol. Anolho' conlldorallon lllho p/opolod roconluucllon ollho ,omalndor 01 Moltola Avanuo 10 lho mi. IIlhll ptolocl p/ocoodl 01 plomod, lIihoutd bo dovalollad wllh lho btldga ptolacllo mlnlmlll dlllupllon 10 lho araa. e. Imlllel on Unlvllllly Halohll. AI Ihll limo, II appoolI IhAllho conluucllon Ollhll plojeclihould havo lillla ImplCI on Un!va,olIY Holghll. Thoro will alwaYI bo lomo Inconvonlanca wilh any IYpo 01 Conlllucllon, bulII Ihould bo kopllO a mlnlmum duo 10 tho ptopolod IIDgod conluuctlon and tho minimal amount 01 aClual conlllucllon acllvilY to bo polIO/mad In UnlvlIslly Holghll. Whon conluucllon II complalo, tho 80' roadway wldlh on Iho brldgo wllllapor to a 38' rOldway wldlh at Olivo COUll In Unlvolllly Holghll, 01 which tho two 'anol 01 wlltbound vohlcular ualllc on Iho btldgo will malch tho two lonol at Olivo Court and tho one lano 01 OOItbound lIalllc ot Olivo COUll will oxpand 10 two 10nOl on tho brldgo. Molrolo Avonua OOlt ollho btldoo will bo lour lanas 101011110 47' from back 01 curb to bock 01 curb. cc: Rick FolIO Chuck Schmldoko N/Yl/' \)Pd'f::___' bjlbtl40' 1'- "()~"~ 497 I I i 1 - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM ,\ , 0.10: Fob/utlY 25, 1002 To: Clly Council F,om: Cily MlIIIOOl Ro: AlrpolI Comml.S/OIIIPoIIOMOI PoliCY AII.chod I. I copy 01 IOconl CO"OIpondoneo dirOClod 10 YOll I,om lho chll, 01 lho "bpotl Comml.s/on ConcOln/ng lho AbpolI Oporallon. M.lllgor'. ""lIy. /n lho momOt.ndlll1, . locommond.llon hi. boon m.do 10 "dololo AbpolI omplOYoo, flom lho Cily p1.n', Tho putpo.o of lho following 1.10 01101 YOllInIOtm'llon which wlU hopol"'/y ...1.1 In YOUt IOY/OW of Ihll, IOcommondollon. COnllllllOd pollonnol polIcy I. 0 koy olomonlIn lho .dmln/'II'llon of 1lI0Cllc.lly ovo,y 11100 ond dlvollo OIoon/l4llon. .uch.. I m~~ gOV!!!l/Mllt II b n:eu:;ry 10 IUllfi nol iiiily olllclonlldmln/.lllllon of poraOMOI poIleiOl, bul.l.o lMlilOtmllY. cons/.loney Ind f.l,neuln lho Idmln/'lIlllon of polleiOl, "'raonnol polley I. 11.0 by It. vo'y IIIIUlO I critIc.' componenl of on ollocllvl OIgon/lllIon, In Ihll 0 m'/Otlly of o_pon.OI 010 ollon dllOelly ollrlbulOblo 10 lho CO'I 01 poraonnol. Por'OMO' Idmln/llrallon Involvo. mony luuo.. Thoy lneludo: 1. COOldinollno III humin 'OIOIIIeo pollclull.w., ,u1u Ind 100ullllon.' Imong mlny Igonelo.. '2. Dovolopmonl and odm/n/Slllllon 01 poy ond eloas/licollon pions. 3. Conlrol elolllnohoulo for Iho loeruilmonIIllOC.... 4. TOIllnO ond qu.lilleollon 01 OmpIDyOOl, i I I , <;. 1 , - - - - . 2. 5. Conllolizod 1I01n/ng ond oducallon Jl/OQrama, 6. Admln/allollon 01 rolllomonl and bonolillVlloml. 7. Ensuring lhal operoting dopollmonll oro In lull complionco wilh 10wI. ''''01 ond rogulallonl. 8. Provfdlng oulllanco 10 doparlmonll In lho odmln/,II.tlon 01 porlonnol mOIlOIl. 9. BOlh lormal and Inlormal hooring Jl/OCOIlOI wllh 'OIpeCI 10 omplovOOI concorn/ng griovancol and olhol rolalod perlonnollllUOI. 10. Lobor COnlraCllnlorprOlation and admin/llIalion. I polnl OI/t Iho wldo varlolV 01 porlonnol mallOIl, abovo and boVond lob dOlcrlPllonl and pav Icalo, In that II hu nQ! bun clear \'IMlhGr thi Alrpoi! COmmilllon conlldorod IholO Iloml In tholr /Ocommondatlon. Govornmont opo/Otlonl tradillonaflv provldo conlralilod porlannol pO/lcV II I NtU/ol o.tonllon 01 0 chockl Ind balanco IVltom bullllnlo mOlt govornmont Oporltlonl. I bollovo Ihll 10 bo an Importanl componont olalloctlvo govornmonlalldmlnlllrallon Ind Ihoraby Iho choch and balanco IVltom holps c/Oalo public conlidanca. Ilurtha, bollovo Ihat tho public has grown to O.poCllho govornmont to bo 0 .modol. omplovo" Ovor tho voarl tho CIIV'I POllonnol pol'clol havo, I bOllovo, lunctlonod olloctlvolv bocaulo 01 ou, Inllclpalorv managomont IIVlo. Tho rOlponslbllilV lor porlonnol admln/lt,atlon II Ii.od cloarly wllhln tho Clly Managor'l ollico undor tho diloctlon ollho Alllltanl Cily MaNgo,. During mv oppro.lmalolV II. VOOII with tho CIIV, tho contrallrod aUlhorllV dool not appear 10 havo boon ovorlv Inlluslvo on othor agonclol Ihal olton wllh 10 oporalO wllh lomo Indopondonco, portlculo/Iv Iho Llbrorv Boord and III omploVool. ThoV 010 lubjocllo and hovo boon activo In mOIlOrlthot Involvo controlilod porlonnol admlnlllrallon. '1~8 . - - - , - - - . .3. Tho AlrpolI Commission may loollhallhoy con funcllon olloctlvoly II an Indopondonl ogoncy lfp'rar.IIOIn conrralllod porlOMol policy. Allam IUIO you aro Iwaro.lloollO Iho contrary. Tho Icllonl 01 any OmplDYGO whlch could ruutlln Ilgnlllcanl Chy expOluro. lhalll 0 bad polIOMOI doclslon by Iho Commllllon andlOll1l omployOOl. will ultlmaloly roUocl back upon lho Clly govOllvnonl and roqulro your anonllon, both polillcally and Iina{1Clally. Thllllnglo IUlon alon., I beliovo, II lulliclonl 101 Iho Chy Council 10 exorcllo Ihoir policy conlfol 01 porlOMol molloll alii alloclI 011 omplDyOOlllvoughoullho Clly OIganllollon. I I 10nl0 lhal many ollho Issuel rollOd by Iho AlrpOlt Commllslon ero poInlod diroclly Ollho mOlhodl by which my olllco admlnllloll polIOMOI policy. I havo no dullo 10 Inlfudo upon lho obllilY 01 Iho AlrpOlt Commission 10 componlalo Iholr omployoOl buod upon .n Indivldual'l poIIOlm.nc. wlthln 0 unllorm IYllom 01 componlotlon, .Itoblllhod by Iho Clly Council OIdlnonco. ruolutlon 01 policy. I havo no dullo 10 hompor Iholr obllilY 10 ollabllsh rOlIOlllblo Ilandlldl 0111 rolalollo porlolmanco and marll componllllDn, I hovo no dullo to hampor tho rocruhm.nl ollndivlduall lor omplDymanl by Iho Alrpol\ Commllllon II long lllhal roclullmont fullilll IlalO, lodoral and loeollawl and logulatlonl. AII.m Iura you 110 .wall, 0 bodly hDiidtod r"Mlment alone c:n caus. a !lOnl'~A!lt IiMIW;Ial and pollllcol exposure to tho Clly, pal\lculerly 111111 domonslfotod thalli hal beon done Indopondont 01 lomo overoll policy, Tho AlrpOlt Commllllon may loollhal I pOllonally, 01 Cily Managor, moy bo . llllIing Influonco on Iholr .blllty 10 pay tholr omployoGS,lOtllonderds and olhar relolod porfolmanca laclorl. Thllls limply notlho coso. AI long os Iho amployao funcllons whhln opproprlalO poliCY guldollnGS, ordlnancos and olher rogulallons ollho City Council, and Ihoso guldollnos, ordlnancOl and rogulallons hovo boon proparod by pOllonnol prolosslonols ond admlnlstorod In accordanco whh Council dlroctlon.1 bollovo pOllolmanco 1I0ndards con roll with Ihom and tholr amployoas. I oncourago tho Clly Council 10 maintain tho Alrpol\ Oporollons Managor'l poslllon wllhln a Clly componsallon IYllom ond bono fill, 01 woll 01 apply unllormly all rDlatod City pOllonnol rulol. regulatlonl and pollclos 10 tho acllvlllas 01 tho Alrpol\, litho Commission WOII 10 Ilnd Ihatlho pay and componllllon as Ilxod within 0 c,omponlltlon plan Is unsatls'aClory with rospocllO what thoy boll avo Ihoy should pay an Individual. alllhoy nood do Is soak Clly 1 '118 . ' - -- - ' - - .4. CooocU IPp/OVIIIO Imond lhe PlV plln. Thev Iro lhon allOldod Iho oppoflunllV. 00 approval br IN Cler Cooocll, 10 "wild lhell amplovoos accOIdinglV. ee: AI/pOll Commllllon Ron O'Noa Sylvlo MoPI Dol. Hon/no Anne BurnJId. .,.., It.. ---. --- ---.-1 . , 1 ,\ ! , i./9K . - - - 1 , - - "'., 1'0"-, '.i..#>,,' "'...' ,". ...",,,. . .. .... ......' WIT 1'0. ~:~:.tZ o,"'~ . 2U:14'om ., .. IOWA CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 1101 mil Il/wi'tldt Om. It.. C"f.1tll1 sm. OllIe. Ptoo4\t ()t91 m,504~ ....~". bltr414A lIl/11111f.&lll'4ll'O m1 '''...... (; JO "'an n TO' CITY eOlJllCIL FROHI Richard Blun, Chl!r, Alrp~rt eO~lllion REI Alrport Opt rAtion. Hlnlqor 'Illry - IACKOROUIIDI When Frod Zlhr l'ft hlo pOlition II Alrport Kana;ar, there v,rl 10.. dlfflcul~t.. vlth hi, tln!l Plf'chtok, due to '0=0 dlff,rtnCt. of opinion al to how luch VII dUD to hi.. Thloo dlfticultl.1 arOao baclul. thlrt wa. no clolr undlrltandln; al to Which rul.. Ippli,d to hiD job. Accordin91y, whon thl n.v polition ot Airport Oporationl Klnoqir val b,lnq aev'loptd, tho city p,rlonn.l Ind 11911 dlpart'tntD urvod tho co~lllion to lake lt Yory cl'lr I' to whlthlr the .anlqlr vou1~ bo In I,ployt. of thl clty ot 10wI City, or a dlrtot "ploY.I of tho Airport CODlllllon. Whon it va. dloidtd thlt thl lanl,tl' would bl e dlrlot o.ploy,a or the Co~1111on, tho p,rDonnol dlptrtaont ur91d tho cOftll..lon to develop an ,d.inl.trotlvt pllY plan, and a banlfltl plan tor the pOlltlon .0 that thar, would b, no .1Iundlr.tlndlnv, Ib~ut tho., 1..uI. ln thl tuturo. With tha II.l.taneo ot plrlonnal, an ad=lnl,trltivl PlY pl,n tor the alrport wa, drawn up, and adopted by tha Airport Co,=11.10n. Thl. plan val vary .lml1lr to on. of the l1nol In thl city plan, dltf.rln9 .ainly In It. uppar Itlp'. (Thl co~llllon Idoptld a polley th't thl btnlfltl packl'. vould ~t an I~act copy of tho olty'l pach,I.) Ron O'lla11 1111 hind Ind hh cOllplnaatlon hili baln conailtlnt with thl com~la.lon'l ,d.lnlltratlvl PlY plan. At 10.1 point aftlr Ron VII hlrt4, thl city .dminlatr.~iv. PlY plan vao rlvl,ad by thl city ad~lnl.tr.tlon, vith the pOlltl,n of Airport Hanl91r dtlotad and tht Airport Oporatlone Kena90r In.trtld. Until llat July both plana IItra oDnalatlnt with ~~n" 'Illry. At thlt tl"o Ron rlcllvtd a co,pln..tlon atop which w.. eon.lltent with tho co~11.1on'l plan, but which .xcaadud the top lavtl of tha llna in vhlch the Airport nporltiona Klnloor 11 found ln tho cltY'1 plan. Thla diaarepancy WII, Ipplrantly not notad until rlcent1y, vhun Ron VOl Ipprovld for tho nOKt Itap In the co~!~alon" rl~n, l/rK , 1 , - . I - - It.." e. I ~:~:.~z Olll~ .. mnm':1 . 1 . . POliO 2 Airport oporatlon. Hlna91r salary ~rHT SITUATION I Thl ldalnlltrltlon noW f..ll, al vo undlrltand lt, thlt th.y lao~ authority to lllua .Ilary ChlOkl to Ron It thl rite vhloh hll bI.n I~provod by thl eo.-ll.ion blelua. that rate i. not found In the 01ty" plan. Ron'l ohlc~1 hlv. eontlnuld to be ll.uld at tho pravloul ratl. POSSIILE SOLUTIONSI A.) Authorlz1 the adQlnlltratlon to llluo lelary chlckl whloh ar. conalltlnt vlth tho co..llllon'l plan, upon proplrlY llluod warrant. of tho COlAl111on (It th.n 11vht bl vla. to d.letl the 11rport ..ploY'I' Irol tho oity plan.) a.) Incorporat. the eOlll.llon'l plln Into the olty plan. c.) Rlvi.1 tho oity plen to placl thO po.itlon In a 11nl which Ii coftpitlbli with tha c~l'llcn'l plan. RECOKKIHD~TIOIII A. X und.rltand, it aolution "A" vould not rlquiro a rlvl8ion of tho olty" adalnlltratlvl pay plan ordinance. It would II.a tblt thll would bl thl oa.I'lt way to lolvI thl proble., and I rloolAlnd that, or loal .laller, lotion. 14qg , - - , - , - - - F.btu.ry 25, 1992 ~:..,... CITY OF IOWA CITY , MI. & Mia. Mlrvln Str.b 1514 Crtac.nt St. low. City, fA 52240 Doar MI. & Mia. Strob: Tho City Council has askod that I IOSPOnd to your 1.1101 rogarding tho posslblo amondm.ntto tho Iowa City Zon/ng Codo .limlnatlng Iho paving roqulrom.ntlOl now driv.waYI which do not load diroctly to pavod,ltrooll 01 alloYI. Tho City has 101 18 yoarlrllnc. May 7, 19741 roqulrod Installallon 01 hard lurlacod drlvaw'YI IOII/nolo.lomlly us... Thls roqulram.nt wal onactod to protocttho public hoallh, I,'oly,.nd wollo,,;. II 1lf0001dol Ilfoporly lr..ners with I liirmlnef\(, IOWofiiiilii(iiiOiiei iililliCO that controll erosion 01 dirt, mud ond gravol onlO adjoining proporty lbolh publiC and prlvato), dUlt, and tho hazard ollooso grovallcallarad OIlhtown by automobilos and/or lown mowora. In oddltlon 10 thoso hoallh ond aaloty InuOl, thla raqulromant upgradOltho overallappeoranco 01 properly, tho nolghbOlhood and tho communlly. In IOcant yoara, tho City hal o.perloncad lawaulta against tho City ond adjoining property ownall wharo dirt, mud, and graval arodod onto tho public rlght.ol.woy'raauttlng In peraonallnlury. Whlla I undolllond you may not oglOa wllh tho ordinonco 01 It appfiaa 10 your altuallon, f ballava Itla rallwland appeara 10 oporalo In tho mannar Iho City Counclllntandod. Slncaraly youra, . cc: City Council ' Doug Boolhroy b~lIl1b I" 11II .1IMI~O'O' """, 10" rill. 10.. 11111.1111. 11111 11..111.. III 11111 '"'lq4~ 1 ! ! I I , . - - , , , - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 1 DAtil r.brulry 27, 1992 TO. City OOUnoll DOH I ~n H.nd.non 6l.#. UI T.nlnt to Ownar 'r09ua ITO'I. TII. T.lIAnt to Ovntr 'rovr.. II . pr09r.. to 111011 very 1011 IncOllt t..111.1 the opportunity to own th.lr own hoaIl Ind to ..powtr tll....lvll In th.lr own Ilv.I. TII. IncOllt d.rlvtd troe th. Ill. air b. Ultd to build lOr. unit I or drlv. oth.r lIou.lft9 pr09r..., Counoll Ipprovll ot Ilch 1.1. will 11.0 111011 d.clllon polntl to contlnu. or .nd th. provr... 't.tt II requ'ltlft9 quldlnc. .nd perallllon to turth.r the d.vllopltnt Dt th. T.nlnt to Own.r 'rovr... TII. pr09r.. hll be.n pulh.d to till point thlt outlld. rllourc.1 Ir. n.td.d lor It I coepl.tlon. LIQ.l r..ourc'l .rl n.td.d to drlw up docuaantl r09lrdlft9 condoelnlua IIIOOlltlonl, 111.1 contrlCtl, ott.rl to 1.11 Ind to counl.l Itltt on tilt faqulrlalntl Dt r'll I.tlt. llw. Thll will be tund.d by AIIllt.d Houllft9. I. tori co.alttlft9 to thll Ixpendlturl, Council will n..d to ,vllultl whltlllr or not luch I pr09r.. Ihould be olt.r.d tD v~ry l~ 'fi4 liiW lii~ penon.. A I'COnd r..ourcl nl.dtd dOli not .nt.ll I tlnlnolll co.llt..nt, rlth.r I perlcnll co.alt..nt. fhll r'.Durc. II thl t.n.ntl th....lv.l. ror UI to conltruct I Vllbll pr09r.., we will n..d to Involvl tlnlntl In thl d.v.lopltnt ot pr09r.. .llvlblllty, tr.lnlnv nl.dl, Ind the v.n.rll rlvltw Dt the pr09r... Without our co.llt..nt, thl tlnlntl Ir. r.luot.nt to plrtlclpatl In wrltlnv rul.1 .nd proc.durll. AI With III unpaid volunt.lrl, I vl.bll produot II the lOt Iv. tor tor th.lr lotlvlty. W11111 we Ir. not Ilklnv tor prior Ipprovll, It II I_port.nt to I.nd I Itronv ..IIIQI to the t.nlntl thlt th.lr Ictlvltl.1 hlv, I Vood chlncl to balr trult. AlthouQh the prlllnt pr09r.. Includ.d In your plck.t II lncoepl.t., till pr09r.. Iu.1t h 11_llIr to IIv.nl alr'ldy In IXht.nc.. 1I0Pl 3 Ind tll. TOP 'r09r.. Ir. vlry I~lllr with the alln dltt.r.nc. b.lnv thlt the City ot lowl City wlll nUln the .prollU. troe the III., not IIUD, In rlvltwlnQ IIoullnQ lltlr'tur., III II011town.rlhlp pr09r..1 .r. tollOlllnQ the I... p.tt.rnl Ind prlnolpl.1 .. outlln.d within the TOP Pr09r... .tltt rlqulltl thlt dlr.ctlDn b. Qlv.n to procl.d to the coeplltlon 01 thl pr09r.. rulll Ind proc.durll. Upon coepl.tlon 01 tll. wrltt.n alt.r1l1 and rnlew by the 1I0ullnQ COlIllIllllon, the llnal prOQfllll will b. lublltt.d to Council tor Ipprovll. 500 . ' - - - - - . - - IYIIO.." 0' tO'lC '"OOm! NlD TAlM TO II COH'I.ITID I. 'JOOm! COIIrotIClITI I. 62 Ulllt. II. ttAAtlOT I, .UIIIDIII t11~1I A 1I!.111t IICOIID ItOUO~I. Ill. 'U"ClIAII '1I1e1 I. A"AAIICD VAI.UI 2. 'I"IT HOlITO~1 IQUAL TO 30\ 0' tlllANTI 0"0'1 11ICOHI IV. ILIOIILl IUTCAI I. tllINltI III ,I.ACI 2. tlllNltI 1/110 lI..1I TO HOVI 3. IICTIOlI I TllIAHt. 4. lIAITllIO LI.T o' ILIOIILl A"LICAIltI V. HI" IIIUH HOllTOAllI I. ''''00 VI. MQlITllAtlOll I. II TIW VII. TY'I NlO LllIOtll 0' ItO"TOAllI I. 'UCO IIItUCIT AATI Z. 'YL~ ~~ttftnH VIII.OOWlI .AYHlIIT I. lIOT IIIQUIIICO IX. Cl,O.11IO con. I. .AlO II .mllAlllI X. tAUI NlO 11IIUAAltCI I, .AlD IT .UIICllAllll IUT lI/eLUDCO III 30\ LIHIT 2. IIClIOII ACCOUIIT lIltIl 1.11/011I X I. twOIl"" 1I1U11NICI OUAlIMtU I. I TCAII. ,"011 DATe 0' 'U"ClIAII I. 1100' b, ru""ACI o. lIATllIlICAtllI XII. IALI IT '11I.T OlIlICII I, IALI lIeStRICTeD TO QUALI'ICD IUYIR 2. 10111 LIHITATIOIII IHI'OUD 011 oPAO'ITo 0' IALI i i I i i I ! ! , . 1 ,I , 5tIO f ' - -- , - ' I - - I 'M12 to,IC 'ROO~ XIII.DrrAUI.T I. LOAII' to 'URClWIR to 'R1V11IT DIPAUI.T 2. CITY RI'URClWI XI Y. COI1T11101llCY rUIID 1110 I. DIPAUI.TI 2. OUARA/ltllS J. OTIlCA COlT. lYe TAlKS to II COII'LltIO I. I.IOAL DOCVIIIIIT. rOil UAII.nll 0' '~'CAn 2, 101NTIPY TAAlllllIO NlIO. or nNW' A, l\ioon UII.I.I I, \.lOAL Rlltolt1l111.1T11I 0' 11OII10lllllRlIII' C. COIIDOHIIIIUII AI.ooIATIOI'. O. ""IIITIIIAIICI TAlKS J. 'ROO~ 1I.I0IIILln A. .CRlllllllO 'ROC1DURI. I'. LIIIOT1I or TlIIAlICY 2. rlll,,"CIAL .TATUI J, OOOD 11110111011 DlllAYIOII I. U\.lOTIOll A"lll 'RII1NT T1IIAIIT. C, .1OT10ll I 11.10lIlLITY 4, COIIDOIUIIIUH AOTIYln A. "" IIITIIIMCI COlT. I, IIULII c. DUYIII/.1LL11I IlI.roriililLlflii S. IYALUATI III'LACCK1IIT UNIT' '. .LAIl rOil un or IIlCOllI rllOll U\.l or UIIITI 1. 1.1110111. OIlOU' A. YIADILITY IIltll T111111 IUIIIlIII '1110' D. LIIIIT or IIUHIIII TillY I/OULD "'"0 , 1 ,1 !/JO . -, . - THII II A D~ DOCI/IIIItf. TIIWlT to Mill ,~W .IlOIlT 1IA1111 to, DATI or IlIYIIIONI 2-'.'2 . 1 " , 5UO . - - - . . - - - 'RIFACI Th. T.n.nt to Ovn.r 'roor.. II to .11ow f..lll.. to purch.l. th.lr own hoDt .nd to ..power th....lv.. .. cltle.n.. M.ny peopl. .r. tr.pped In thl cycl. of pov.rty Ind welflr. b.c.uI. th.y do not ... th. po.llbl11tl.. of obtllnln9 dlff.r.nt l1f..tyl... Thll progr.. ...1.tl thl f..l1y In obt.lnln9 th.lr own home .nd by doln9 10, cr..tl. the within the f..l1y the n.td to ..lnt.ln thllr lnd.pend.nc.. Th. .cono.lcl of the 11tu.tlon..y pr.aludl the .atu.l buyln9 out of the aort9'9' by the ptrtlclp.nt, but the f..lln9' of hoDt own.r.hlp .rl r'll .nd aotlvltln9' R.qulrlelntl fcr .1191blllty will ld.ntlfy for the f..l1y thDII 11tultlonl th.t th.y .ult ov.rccee to ptrtlclpttl In the progr.., Th..1 I... clrCWI.t.nc. Ir. In r..llty thol. probl..1 thlt k..p th.. In th. cycl.. of pov.rty. Th. polllblllty of hceeown.rlhlp Ihould pravld. the rl.lon to ch.n9' Ind to ov.rccee th... oblual... I I ! I 1 I I ; . 1 ! I [ r r f r ; { i Thl proor.. ltlllt 11 nat only dlr.ct.d tow.rd th. p.rtlclp.nt. .1 th. City 'CCru'l ben.tltl by 111owln9 luah I progr.. to proc..d, Trlnlt.r of own.rlhlp will lncr..I. th. tl. bll. by pl1cln9 public prcperty blak on the tl. rol.l. Hceeownlrl tlnd to h.vI DOr. prld. In th.lr per.on.l property .nd h.vI r..lonl to b.come lnvolv.d with th.lr cODlUnlty. Thl City h.1 In opportunity to dlrlct the llv.ll of .111Itlnc. by r.pllcln9 unltl.t ltl dllcr.tlon. Th. City nonaally COlpet.1 tor new iiilitanc., but und.r i.ctlon 'Ih), KUD .ult r.pl.cl the unltl. Thl nuab.r of new unltl, which could b.ccee IVll1.blo, 11 control lid by the 199r...lv.n..1 ot thll progr.., rlnlncll11y, thl. pf09r.. 11 I win-win progr.. for the loc.l t,.p'Ylr. Thl crl91n.l unltl In the progr.. wer. purch...d by HUD. Th. r.pllc...nt unltl will b. provld.d by . 9rlnt trOl KUD. Thl 'profltl' tr.. the 1111 will be k.pt by the City for U'I In hculln9 progr..l. And thl City ..y UII the 111. DOn.y to .1th.r build unltl for v.ry low or low lnccee people cr to drlvl oth.r progr"l to ...t thl houlln9 n'ldl Dt the cODlUnlty. rt . hcee 11 lold for '10,000, HUD will 'rewlrd' the City by 1.lvln9 thl c'lh .nd will provldo DOn.y for , .noth.r hDUI.. Thl1 11 p.r.ll.l.d In our community by for-profit d.vlloplrl, who build Ind 1.11 for th.lr 11v.llhood, Th. dlft.r.ncl 11 th.t the City will h.v. no lnv..t..nt of 10cIl doll.rl Ind will UII th. lnccee for the 9.n.rll 900d. Thl IUCCI.I of the proor.. 11 ..Iur.d. '.rlll.lln9 the prlctlcl of thllr DOrt9'9' bUlln'll, b.nkl will qulllfy the purch.l.rl of the hceel. Thllr f.l1ur. r.t'l Ihould not b. dltf.r.nt th.n thol. tcund In thllr nCfall bulln.ll. rt 11 I dl.tlnct po'llbl11ty th.t th.lr ..perl.nc. will b. b.tt.r, du. to th. .aro.nln9 th.t will occur b.forl I plrtlalplnt 11 Illlct.d. Thl1 progr.. wh.n couplod to th. 'aml1y I.lt lutflcl.ncy 'r09ram (rll) provld.1 I dyn..lc Ind ...nln9tul program for th. Cltll.n. of row. City. 'rOl 1111Itln~. b.clu.. of n..d, to h.lp In d.t.ltln9 prabl..I, to homeown.r.hlp 1. tho aycl. of .uac"1 which Illowl the lmpov.rllh.d I wlY to I b.tt.r 11f., not I wlY of lifo, 1 sao . - - - - TULI or COlITIHT. I ,~w CCIIPClllnl . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . , . 4 .mmr . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . 4 MaWlmCl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . I II.IOIILl IUYIU . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . , I HIIlIIMC ItOmAOI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . . . 6 AltOATIIATIOIl . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . , . . . . , . . . 6 Tr'1 AIlD LlIlOTII or IIORfOAOI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 DOIIIl 'ArKIn AIlD CI.OIlNO COITI , . , . . . , . , . . , . . . . . . I TAXII AIID IIl.UWCI . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . I II~ ACCOUIIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . I IWOA IlAlmllAIICl OUwml . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . IALI Ir rlUT OWNIR . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , DIPAUl.T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , COIlTlNOIIlcr MDINO . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , 10 , 1 ,\ ! . 5(/0 , . - - , - - - - fllWlT TO 01/1I111 '~IWI '~IWI COHPOlIln. the row. City Houllnv ~uthorlty h11 Illty"tWO unltl of Publlo Houlln9 th.t had I y.lul of , ~.~ allllon 6011.rl In 1"1, The Itock conllltl of one coapl.. of II thr.. btdrOOll unlu, one coapl.. of U two.nd 4 thr.. btdrooa unltl, one coapll. of I two btdrooa unltl, onl coapl.. of 4 thr.. btdrooa unit I, two dupl...1 .nd I Ilnvl. f..lly dwtlllnvl. the propel' 1 11 to offer the.. unlu.. . pert of. t.n.nt to owner pr09r... Thll COIIld beCON one cOlpOnent of I lIrver pr09r.. to ...t the neldl of the oltlllnl of row. City for .fford.bll houllnv. The followlnv r.co.aand.tlonl .r. for conlld.r.tlon.1 the COIponlntl of the polley In proYldlnv . T.n.nt to Owner 'r09r... gCOlOllllD~TrOI" Th. Itlff r.co.aandl th.t the City COUnoll purlul . polley to proYld.. T.nant to Owner 'r09r... Thl It.ff to be dlr.cted to ProauI9.t. the rul'l .nd contr.otl n.cIII.ry for the COUnoll to IpproYI .nd I.pl...nt thll polley. To dlr.ot It.ff to utili,. InCON d.rlYed to conltruot .ddltlon.1 unltl Dr I.pl...nt oth.r pr09r..l. .TllAnoy. .taply, lit IlUIt be '''lrl thAt de,p 'Y!!,141u cf tilt celt of Gijf unlti viii h"1 to oo~r. Thl t.n.nt"tD"own.r prDQr.. IUlt be llalted to f..lll.. "ho h... IncOMI ne.r the 10' of IItdI.n IncOM 11"11. Th.y "Ill not be .bll to ...t b.nklnv orltlrll for IOrt9.;1 IDlnl lItr. lit to .tt"pt to r'CDY.r the y.lu. of the property laltdl.tlly. OUr Itr.tl91 could 1.I.ot . t.n.nt for own.rlhlp of I lpeolflo unit. Iy COIputlnv ~O' of 9roll IncOM .1 th.lr houllnv COlt, lit o.n by rl,.rl' o.l~l.tlon Irrl'l It . doll.r IIOUnt th.t cculd be fln.nced by . b.nk. OUr lublldy of th.t unit would be . 111.nt I'COnd IOrt9.;I. Thll lublldy would be.n IIOUnt lqu.l to thl dlff.r.nc. betlltln "h.t c.n be lD.ned .nd thl .ctuIl ,.lu.tlon of thl unit. I."pll of rnCOM to Mort;.;. C.I~I.tlon , 1,IOOIAnnu.1 rncOMI ..................... ., 621 . ~O'. '1IIIToUI llculln; COlt' 12 IOnthl , III . 'IOO,lltl..t.d COlt of t...1 Ind Inlur.ne., . , II , 1I,,,.U.bl. for 10ft;.;., per IOnth . , II... IOrt9';' for , In Inter.1t run. p')'IItnt of 1,100 .t oYer 11 4 1 StJfJ t , - - - '.cond HortVIV. C.I~lltlon ullnv In '~lIpl. or In "0,000 purc~" prlc. 110,000 - 11,100 . I 12,200 I..cond IOrtVIV.) Th. llCOnd IOrtVIV. vlll bt 111Int, In that no paplntl oc~r unt 11 Ilth.r the r.paplnt or thl rlrlt tOrtVIV. or IIII or the unit, on r.paplnt or thl rlrlt tOrtVIV., th.r. II a qood polllblllty that the r..lly viii bt Ibla to obt.ln rurth.r blnk llnanolnv. A QOOd credit r.cord, thllr .qulty Ind thl Inl1ltlon In the valu. 01 the property lhoIIld .nhlnc. r.flnlnclnv, on III., the llCOnd tOrtVIV' would bt r.turned or continued It lOll l.v.l, II required. Th. r.coa.endltlon II to ..Int. In a 1IIInt IICOnd tOrtVIV., vhlch vlll bt repaid at the t18l or rlpa,..nt Dr the rlrlt tOrtVIVI, or on the r'111I 01 thl unit. Th. IIOUnt or thl llCOnd tOrtVIV. II diU rained by lubtuctlnv the prlaary tOrtVIVI Iroe the purchlll prlcl 01 the unit. Th. I'COnd tOrtVIV. IUlt bt reduced It t18l1 or r.rln.nclnv or tOrtVIV. payoff, but "y bt nt.nded vhen the IIOUnt or thl prl..ry tOrtVIV. II not lurrlcllnt to pay orr the r...lnlnv blllncl. Thll IICOnd iQrtQiVi pvlLtLon vL11 ~ etlnt!l~ y~~!l r'PI,..nt or thl totll IIOUnt 01 thl crlvlnll IICCnd lIOrtVIV.. .URal.Ul .RlCI. Th. purchlll prlcl 01 I Publlc Houllnv unit vlll bt thl Ipprlllld valUI or thl property II d.rlved by In Ind.pendlnt clrtlrled IpprILI.r. Adlultltntl or thl1 prlc...y occur vhen In IVlrlVI prlc. 11 d.rLved ror a IUltl-r..lly cOlpl... Thll Idlul~nt ..y bt ror thl IV' or thl clrpet, paint Dr othlr Ilvnlllclnt I.ltUrll. RlCOllKIIlllAT 1011 I Th. rlCOlltndltlon II thlt I third party Ipprlll.r dlt.raln. the pr.l.nt Vllu. or the unltl thlt conltltut. 'ubllc HOUllnv, ILIOIBLI BUYIRI. Thl purpol' or thll provr.. II to provld. holt ovn.rlhlp opportunltL.1 ror r..LIIII vho hlv, low to vlry low IncOllI Ind Irl pr.l.ntly In n..d Dr r.ntll 1lllltlncl. A qulllrlld buy.r 11 I r..lly vho It.tl rlnlnolll quld.lln.1 thlt Indloltl I r.llonlbll ..peotltlon thlt hOll ovn.rlhlp vLII bt Iuoc.llrul. Purthlr qulllrloltlonl, luoh II orldlt vorthln'll, the Ibllncl or bthlvlorl II prDlorlb.d by the loul T.nlnt Llndlord Llv Ind vllllnvn..1 to plrtlolpltl In thl Olrl Ind ..lntlnlncl or thl property, viii bt rlqulrld. RlCOHKlNOATIONI Th. orr.r to IIII viii 1110 r'ltrlot ruturl III. to buy.rl II qulllrl.d undlr thll provr... Th. orr.r to 1111 .Ich unit to I r..lly viii be Iccordlnv to the rolloulnV orlt.rll' 1 1 5(J() . .. ,- I - - - In occvpled unlC', Co the c.n.nC In r..ld.nc,. Wh,n th, t,nlnt In rllldlnc. wl.h.1 not to purchll. the unit. no furth.r off.rl will be ..dl, Wh.n Vlclnt, unit. will flr.t be off.red to, 1. R..ld.ntl In Publlo Houllft9 who hlv, Id.ntllled . d.llrl to own I unit In . Iplolflo c..pl.. or 11ft91. I..lly dvllllft9, 2. ,..11111 r.c.lvlft9 ..otlon I 1..lltlnc. who hlv, Indicated I d.llr. to bec... a ~ own.r. 2. ,..1111. who Ir. wlltlft9 for 1IIIItlncI II rlco;nlled by th.lr polltlon on t~ wlltlft9 lilt of thl lowl City Houllft9 Authority. Th. r.c....ndltlon 11 to ICC.pt th, crlt.rl. 01 th, buy.r 1.I.ctlon Ind r.ltrlctlonl on r.lll.. H1HlIMlIlORTOAGI. TIl. COd. of the 'tat. of lowl don not Illow IOrtVIV.I of 1.11 thin '2,100. COIDOn prlctlc. by blnkl In the lowl City Ir.1 vlrl11 but the rlft9. 11 17,100 to 1',000. RlCOIOIIIIDAT10ll1 Th. rlc....ndltlon 11 thlt I 7,'00 will be thl .1nl.ua aortVIV. ICClptlbl1 for thl provr... Thl1 ~ld ftqYlr! I ~ln~ l~~ Q' ~ppr~~t~ly , 7,100 for a f..lly to be I qulllfled buy.r. AHORT1IAT10ll. Th. tt.l ftqUlrld to PlY off thl IOrtVIV. II thl IIOrtllltlon of the notl. Whll. 20 Yllr IIOrtl.ltlon plrlodl Ir. cOIDOn for fllld.ntll1 IOrtVIV.I, th.11 10ft9 plVblCkl Irl not to t~ IdvlntlV. of the borrover. Thl dlff.r.nc.1 In plraent aaountl for dlff.rlnt plrlodl v.n.rllly Ir. In the t.nl of 40lllrl rlft9., whll. thl dlfflrlncl In totll lntlrllt plld 11'ln thl hundrldl of dolllfl. Thl followlnv tlbll lllultrltll thl1 Iltultlon. RlCOIOIIIIDAT10ll1 COIplrllon of II Ind 20 V'lr AIOrtllltlon on I I 7,'00 IOrtVIV. It 11\ It Ind of I V.lrl 11 y"r 20 v"r 'Iyunt ".65 'aid lntlrllt Rnalnlnv IIlIncI 6416.21 2911.21 4221.70 7171.90 74,2' AI onl would notl, the II Y'lr IOrtVIV. yl.ldl In Int.r'lt chlrv, thlt 11 I 2.0 lowlr with. r'.llnlnv prlnolpll thlt II I 1,100 1.11 thIn thl 20 Y'lr IOrtVIV.. LIII Int.r..t Ind lOr. .qulty for thl h...own.r 6 1 S(JtJ , - - . , - - - - would occur for. plr-ont dll,.r.ncl of f 14 .onthly or . 168 annu.lly, Whl1. loee would .rqu. th.t thll 1. .LvnLfLc.nt for hoeeown.rl vho h.v. low lncoee., thLI alY veil be . .hort .LVht.d .rVU81nt. Th' Lncr..I. Ln equity, . 1.100 Ln the abov. ....pLI. 11' 220 per y..r. ThLI Ln 1.I.ncl II . forced ".avLnVI provr... lor the hoI4own.r. Aft.r S YI.rl, the hoI4 own.r h.1 Lncr..I.d hLI or h.r n.t worth, Whlll thLI .on.y 11 not .vILlabl. lor current ..pen.... Lt II th.r.. lor r.tlroetnt. conv.rlLon to oth.r property own.r.hlp or oth.r futurt UI., 'or UIO.. to 111\01I the . 14 .~tr. would be I bIlrd.n, the r..Uty lilY be th.t th.y .r. not fln.ncl.lly r..dy for hoI4 own.rlhLp. the r.cOlllnd.tLon II for I 1. y..r IIOrtL,.tLon perLod. n'l AIlO LIltOtll 0' HORtoMl, In looklnv .t the two typel 01 .ortvav... fL.ed .nd v.rl.bl. r.t. .ortV'V'I. It II .ppar.nt th.t fl..d r.t. .ortV'V'1 .rl to the .dv.nt.v. of the borrOVlr. In' fL.ed rat. .ortv.v., the Int.r.lt r.tl 11111 not v.ry oVlr th. llf. of th. lD.n. When thl fDrlc.ltLnv IbL1Lty 01 the l.nd.r II In.d.qu.tl, Incr..I.1 In the prlel r.tl viii .v.ntu.lly C'UII the l.nd.r to 101. Incoee. ThL. occurl In hlVh Lnfl.tLon tL..I. Th. borrOVlr h.1 .n .dv.nt.V. In that vhen Intlrl.t r.t'l Incr..I.. the l.nd.r c.nnot Incr.... the contract.d r.t.. Wh.n Intlrl.t r.t'l f.ll, the borrOVlr c.n V.n.r.lly fLnd · 10Vlr Int.r.lt .ortV';1 froa .nDthlr l.nd.r, If not th. DrlvLn.l l.nd.r. Aft.r the Inll.tlonlry perlodl of the IL.tL.I .nd l.v.ntl.l. .olt l.nd.rl h.vI becoee qun Ihy of lonv t.,. fl..d r.t. .ort;.;'I. QCOIOIIICDAtlONI I In thl vlrl.bl. r.tl .ortv.;., th. Lnt.r'lt r.t. ch.nV'I, perLodlc.lly, to rlfllct the .ovlllnt of thl prlel Lnt.r'lt r.t.. Llnd.rl f.vor th. conc.pt of v.rl.bll r.tl .ortv.;.. .1 thll forc.1 thl borrOVlr to Ih.r. the rllkl of ah'nvlnv Interelt r.t.l. In r..llty, the v.rl.ble r.t. .ortv.ve II IOrl hl.vLly revul.t.d .nd .dllnLltr.tlvlly burdln.OII .nd IOlt l.nd.rl pref.r not to Lllul luch IOrtva;.I. Llnderl hlvl d'VI1Dpad .n IndUltry IILde ..thod of dlallnv IIlth the probl..1 of Interllt r.t'l .nd l.nvth of fL~.d r.tl IOrtV';'I. ThLI Int.11I the u.e of thl fL..d rate IOrtv.;e conc.ptl but vLth · Ihort tl,. not.. While IIOrtl..tLon .nd the r.lultlnv p'r-ent Ich.dul. r...ln.t thl fL..d r.te, th. IOrtva;1 Itl.lf r.qulrel . plvoff In · rll.tlvely Ihort perLod. ThLI p.yofl or b.lloon p.yitnt Illowl the llnd.r to .dlult thl Int.rl.t rltl IIh.n th. borrOVlr "rlnlVl" thl lD.n. thll 11 .ttr.ctlvl to the l.nd.rl blc,u.1 th.y c.n ...t alrk.t condltlonl Ind y.t provldl . lo.n th.t h.1 the .dvant.;. of I v.rl.bll rltl IOrtva;. bIlt IIlthout the rlvul.tory or adllnL.tratlv, probl.... I...pll of S y.ar t.,. .nd b.lloon p'r-ent 111100n "r-ent .t S y..re Mortv.;e MlOunt Monthly Plr-ent . 11,46 . 6.416 . "'00 7 1 5(J() , - - - . - , - - - In thll dllcvl.lon at tl~td .nd w.rl.bl. r.t. IOrlV.9.., th. l.n9th of tl.. betor. plyott II orltlc.1 tor the I.nd.r. Ltnd.rl .r. .bl. to tDrlo.lt I r.ll vlth which th.y viii be coatDrt.bl. tor 3 to I y..rl. fht tl.td r.tl, I y..r t.na IOrtV19' II I cOllOn contr.ct .nd on. th.t h.. thl bell at both worldl tor the I.nd., .nd tb. borrovtr. NCOIOIIllOA T 10lh A tl.td r.tl IOrtV.9' vlth. II YI.r IIOrtll.tlon .nd I I yur t.na 11 ,._ndtd .. the l.ndlll9 Inlt~nt Dt cholc.. DONM 'AYKlWT AND CLOIINO COlT.. Dovn plr-tntl .r. the ",or hurdl.1 tor lOll Urll tlae hOlt buy.,.. TII. r.o_nd.tIDn II th.t I dO\ll\ plr-tnt IIOt be rlqlllrtd at tilt hOlt plrchu.,. C1DIIII9 COltl viii be borne by thl plrch...r. Th. .ourc. at thll IOn.y ..y be by . Vltt or vr.nt, l.wlll9. or oth.r IIOn-lo.n lourc.. Th. &IOUnt lhould be 1..1 th.n I 100 .nd ..y polllbly be .1 low .1 I 200. TIll rlco.aend.tlon II to r.qulr. the buYlr to be.r the 01011119 COlt tor IOrt9'9' tlnlnolnv. TAXlI AND IM'~CI. T..II.nd hOlt O\Il\.r Inlur.nc. OOltl viii be borne by thl plrch.llr. TII'y viii be Inoludtd In the coaput.tlon Ilaltlll9 tilt purch.11 OOlt to 30' of th. 9ro.1 IncOlt at the purch.llr. NCOIOIIllOAT 1000l Th. r.c_nd.tlon II to rlqulr. the buy.r to p.y the property t...1 .nd the prtalua p.r-tntl tor Inlur.ncl at the unit. Th. &IOUnt at Inlur.nc. .nd t...1 viii be Includtd In thl 30' Ilalt.tlon at IncOlt tor thl purpolI Dr c.lcvl.tlnv tbl IOrt9'9' plr-tntl. I.CMII ACCOUNTI. Dul to the lovtr IncOltI or thl hOlt purch...,., It ..y be unrl.IDnlbll to ..pect thta to be Ibll to p,y th.lr t...1 .nd Inlurlnc. prtalual In the IUlp lUll th.t would be rlqulrtd. 'y requlrlnv thl llnd.r to Ilt.blllh I.crow Iccountl rDr the p'YDIntl or property t...1 .nd Inlurlncl prtalual, lO.t purch...rl Ihould b. lucclllrul In IIltlnv thlll oblIV.tIDnl. NCOlOIIllOA T 10111 Thl rlc_nd.tlon II to requlr. Ilcrow Acoountl rDr thl purpo.I ot p.ylnv property t...1 .nd In.ur.ncI plr-tntl. H.UOR !lAlNTIHAIlel OUMAIlTII. TII. lowl City Houllnv Authority r.c09nll'l th.t ..lnt.n.nc. CO.tl .r. . conc.rn wh.n buy.rl .r..t IncOlt l.w.11 luch.1 thOl1 In thll pr09r... In r.wlrwlnv IIlntln.nc. COltl, It II Ipplrlnt th.t l.v.r.1 It... do not Ilnd th..lllv.1 .lth.r to O\Il\.r rlp.lr or pr.v.ntlvl IIlntln.ncl pr09r..l. ROOrl, rurn,c'l .nd v.tlr h..tlrl Irl thr.. It'll tb.t .rl orltlc.1 to IIlnt.lnln9 the unit. Whll. hOlt O\Il\.r' I lnlur.ncl would cov.r d.1I9.1 by n.tur.l rOrCII, I rlllur. ot on. Dr th... IllIIntl In the tlrlt rlvl y..rl oould be rln.ncl.lly dll.ltroul. NCOlOIIIlDAT lOll. a 1 soo , - - - - , - - - . - UCOIOIIII\lAflOlh i 1 I flit rlCOMlndatlan It tllat tilt ICNa City Hau.11\9 Authority viiI, upon notlc. tra. tll. property avner, .utherl,. till r.plac...nt at till root, vat.r lIIat.r .nd till turnac. tar . period at I y..rl .tt.r till Ill. at till property. flit COltl at tllll r.pllc...nt viii be barn. by till HouIII\9 Autllarlty ,.c.pt tar In.tlnc.1 at "'9119.nc. an till part or tilt holt own.r. ..aluded Ir. COltl .uclI II tll. IIOUnt at dlductlbl.1 an Inlurlnc. ar COlt I thlt LlprDYl th. c.paclty or th... It"l II..., r.pllclft9 a ~O 9allan vlt.r lItatlr vlth I 40 9'11Dnl. 'ALI IY ',Raf OWMIR. fill r..II. at till hou.1 by tilt arl91nll own.r would be r..trlcted la th. unit would be aYIIllbl1 ta .noth.r y.ry lCN IncQII t"lly Ind would r..trlct th. prorlt ta till ..ll.r durll\9 th. tlrlt tlY. Y'lrl at own.rlhlp. OUt to Inrlltlan In Inca.e doll.r., th. ~O, crlt.rlan aay IllCN tcr . reduction In th. I.cand IOrt9191 lublldy upon Ill., UCOIOIIHOAflOlh fhl rlCOlDlndltlDn It UIU till rill 11 Dt . unit purchlled under thlt pf09r.. be rlnrlcted ta qullltled buy.rl al d.tlned vlthln thl. pr~rt!. OI'AULT. Th. prabl.. vllln canlldlrll\9 d.tlult II thlt thlrl Ir. two dlv.r9lnt llpeCtl to It, ani at I perlanll tlnlnclll nlturl Ind on. at I tlduclary canc.rn. flllrl II thl r'lllty tlllt III thl purchl..rl und.r thll pr09r.. Ir. In I poor .canoala .Itultlan .nd rlqUlrl 1IIIItlncI ta rl.lll. th. dr... at holt own.r.hlp, Without addr..111\9 tllll IIIU', the pr09r.. aay be l.ttlll9 up th. buYlrl tor tallurl. Th. perlanll tlnlnclll dlttlcultl.1 aay be ..t vlth . pr.Ylntlan COIpon.nt vhl11 the tlducllry I.pect IUlt d.ll vlth th. r'lllty Dt dltault. To prlYlnt dltlult, th. abYloul IDlutlan 11 the Itrln9th.nll\9 at bud91tlll9 Ikllll Dt thl pralpectlYI holt buYlr. fhl aajDr canc.rn vlth thl buy.rl In thll pr09r.. II that th.lr Icanoala Clpabllltlll ar. I'Y.rlly 11.ltld. Loll at ..plar-ent beCQIII I dlllltroul condition trOl vhlch thl IndlYldual or t"lly aay not be abll to r.CDYlr. Unlbll to pay thl l.nd.r, d.tlult would be th. only aptian tar thl buy.r. On. rllponl. to thll probl.. would be tar th. HauIIII9 Authority to It.p In, tar I 11.ltld period at tl.., vlth lalnl to pr.y.nt d.tlult, A rlYlev at thl Iltultlan could .YIlult. vh.th.r luch . rl'ponll could aalntlln the t"lly vlthln th.lr holt or vh.th.r thll r.lponll would be lnlppraprlltl. An ....pl. at thll prabl.. Ind IDlutlan cln be I..n vh.n canlld.rln9 In Illn'll at the buy.r, 'Inc. aany In thll pr09r.. viii be ..play.d In jabl thlt hlY. no lick I.IY., thll aay be 1 COInGn prabl... W.r. thl buy.r lick Ind art tar an. IOnth vlthout IncQII. thll rllponl. by the Houlln9 Authority would be Ippraprlltl. Wlrl thl bUYlr t.r.lnllly Ill, the t..lly aay not bl Ibl. to aalntlln th....1Y.. , 1 SOD , - - - - j ~ , - - - I In th.lr own hOlII ~nllderlnq future Incl* rllourClI, the aU..pt to ItavI off the Inlvltabl. would be lnapproprlltl, Tha purpoII of the loan proqr.. would be to reducI the nlllbtr of d.faultl thlt would OCcur due 101.ly to olrcualtanc.1 beyond the control of the purchal.r, AI In the ....pl. of lonq t.nD Illn'll, thl .11. of the unit to Inoth.r qualified buy.r to avoId the for.ololur. and lub.equ.nt 1011 01 ownar equity II In option avallabl. to .v.ry hOlII buyer. lIh.n the purchller, through OIII..lon or COMlulon, hCII d.fault the Ik>ullng Authority would It.p In, To protlot thl unit It thl tL.t 01 a dllault by the ownar, thl Moullnq Authority would par off thl balanc. of the flr.t IOrtglg. to rltaln cont~1 01 the property. Thll would Intall tha r.turn of the orlqlnll pa)'lllnt or a portion thlrlOI, '1* added 10.. alght be Incurred luch al IlQal "'1, property Il.nl, and oth.r luch .nCUlbrancll that art part 01 r.al .Itlt. tranlactlonl. On. f.lr of hlvlnq I houl. r.turned through dlflult r.lt. In the flct thlt d"'gl ..y hlv, occurred to the unit. Thll IltultlDn would requlr. I.tra dolllrl for r.palrl or r.hlbllltltlon. Th.r. would be a polllblllty of qllnlnq CIA' fund. II the unit would be In Publlo Houllnq Itock. Horl Ilk.ly WI could look It fundlnq thlt would allow UI to turn the unit Iround for rill II, ~ RlCOKKlNOATIOH. Thl rlcOlltndltlon II to I.t YP . Otta~lt freT.ntlDn ,roqr.., which would Ilalt dlflUltl that art blltd In Iltultlonl trOll whloh thl purchal.r hll I good ohanc. of r.cDv.rlnq. To r.purchlll tholl hl*l that Irl In dlflult frOll thl I.nd.rl. CONTINGINCY fUNOING. W. will n..d to r'I'rv. I portion 01 the fundi frOl the IIII of property for thl cDntlnqlncll1 of d.fault, rlllll lublldlll, r.pllc...nt QUlrlnt.11 Ind Dthlr flnanolll probl..l. Thl lntlrllt on lnv'ltatnt Ind the lncrlllld equltr ot thl hl* ownlrl ..y blllnc. the fund ov.r the Y.lrl to Illow for the wlthdrlwll of 11* of thl IOnl.1 lor othlr houllnq purpol.I. RlCOKKlNOATION' Th. rlcOlltndltlon II to rll.rVI fundi Dbtllnld frOl thl lal.1 It I l,v.1 which would IUltlln thl proqr... 10 1 Soo . . - 1 - , - - - I Dalo: I I To: I I Flom: Ro: City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Fobruory 26, 1992 HonOlab/o MayOl 001101 G. Coullnoy Ind Momboll of Iho Clly Council Unda Nlwmon Ganlly, City AIlOlnoy ~ . ~t- ~ Pallial UI/gollon Updolo ' Now Low,u/I Y Thll I. 10 InlOlm you Ihol on FobrullY 211, 1992, lho Clly AIlOlnoy'. Olf/co locolvod a .ummon, ond complalnl"n 0 fodoral Socllon 1983 aCllon, Coso No. 4092,10112, mod by Dallyl Davl, Y. Tony Nob/o, Kovln ROil, and Olf/cor Holck, all Iowa CIly Pol/co OInCOII. TIll. ClIO will bo handJod In'houso by Anno Burnsldo and my.o",os a .llllghlfOlwlld Socl/on 1983/conSlllul/onolllghl. claim. My In/I/ollovlow lovoal. lhallho oCllon WII Wod oull/do lho lIaMo of IImllal/on" .0 wo hOIlO 10 dlsposo of lhls ClIO .ummllily. I will conl/nuo 10 hop you InfOlmod. n:'~.vpol.i',1v i I I ! ! 5 I ~. I I I I I , j I , - - , ' . - - - - (, .' - - 10"''''' MIl........ ".""- " w''; ..: 1'/ t: ..J ',' ' ~l\1iteb J&lllleS ;!District Q1011rl .SOUTIIERH' DISTlUCT OF --10lf~ .FEB.2 5 \3~2 C:iI Mi.t.,~.. ""1:[ ,....'_.11\ SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION DAIIIIYL DAVIS CASeNUMDER: 4.92.10U2 V. TONY NOOILEI KEVIN 1I0SS1 OFFlCEII \lEICKI IOWA CITY CIIIEF OF POLICE TO:...........'.. Do'_ KEVIN 1I0SS, OFFICEII IOW^ CITY POLICE ST^TIOH IOW^ CITY, l^ S2240 yOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED il'OI~Jlted IQ !lIa wllh IhI Clark ollhll Court and lalVO upon PWNtlI" AnOlUlIY,........... an l/llwot 10 IhI complalnl whIch II hlrowIlh IIrvtd upon you, wllhln 20 dayelllet laNlco 01 Ihll lummonl upon' you, oxclullvO ollhe drt 01 IINlco. \I you lall10 dO to,Judgmenl by dalaull will belaken ooalnal you lOt lhe ,.110' def1\IIldod In lhe complalnl. \ J~ES R. ROBEHD^UH FEonU^nY 21. 1992 C[IRK OAII ....i# cL to .VIJ1ft. ' 501 ~; 1 ,\ I \ I I I I i 1 I i ' . - - - , - - - 1 .. .. ... .;.1'1'..... ,I ,"-. Fl"n211"2 ,-:'~ ..;.',_.. I "",",,, ;. .... '1.. " '. I '. . '. , ~ .~-;.'''.::i' 'f\' IN TIlE U/lITED STATES DISTRICT:~9 f't , " . SOUTIIERlI DISTRICT OF 10l/A . , : :S CElITRAL DIYInOII ." ;,;, ',......... ; . ,.... .. . I~. ~, : -"" DARRYL DAYIS, PhlntUf, /10. 4 . 9 2 . 1 0 1 12 (Control /10. 035) VI. . . . . . . . . . . . IIIITIAL REVICW ORDERS TOllY /I0BILE, KEVUI ROSS, Oft1cor IIEICK, IOll4 Clty alIEF or POLICE, DoCondontl. Tho court hal boCoro lt Cor lnltlal rovlow a pro 10 cOlplolnt lubllttod by an Inlato oC tho Iowa Honll RoCo~atory. Tho cOlplalnt 11 brou;ht undor 42 U.S.C. 11983 and jurlldlctlon II prodlcatod on 28 U.S.c. 11343. PlolntlfC lookl dOla901 and roquoltl loavo to procold In Coraa pauporll. PlolntlCC dOlandl a jury trlal. To ItOtO a clall undor 11983, 0 plalntlCC IUlt al1090 that ho WOI doprlvod oC hl1 conltltutlonol r19htl by doCondantl whl10 aotlnv undor color oC Itato lOll. A pro 10 cOlplalnt ln a procoodln9 in COrD4 pauporil IUlt bo conltruod Ilborolly. B1R Il4.lnllll Y. Kllrnor, 404 U.S. 519, 520 (1972) (par curial). 1I0woyor, lt can bo dlllloDOd on inltlal ravioli lC tho c1ala 10 la11clouo or Crlvoloul, 28 U.S.c. 119iS(d), 1I0rllllY Y. ~lIher, 741 F,2d 209, 211 (8th clr. 1984). A clal. II "Crlvoloul" lC It "lackl on ar9uablo balll In law or ln Cact." ~qltlkll y, Wllllamll, 490 U.S. 501 , ' - - - - , - - - 319, 325 (1989). ThuD, tho tora -trlvo1oua- lnoludol -not only tho lnarquablo 10qa1 conalualon, but olao tho tancltu1 tactual alloqatlon.- ~. PlalntHt contonda that dotondantD 1I0bUo, ROaD and Ilolck aaaaultod hl. ropOltodly whUo arrOltlnq hl. tor a dllturbanco at a party ln Iova Clty. Tho charqoD aqalnat hiD woro dlallaaod whon tho arroDtln9 ottlcorD tal10d to appoar. Tho alal11 aqalnat tholo throo ottlcora do not appoar to bo trlvolouD. I Plalntltf haD nalod -Iova City Chlot ot Pollco- al a dotDndant. Tho cOlp1alnt contalna no tacta which would lupport luporvl10ry 11ablllty tor tho Chlot ot Pollco. Thll clalD wl11 bo dh.hl~d. Tho cOlp1alnt Ihall bD tl10d wlthout thD propayaont ot COltl. Poral1110n to procood ln toraa pauporll 11 9rantod. Sorvlco ot procola Ihall llluo by Dal1 to dotondantl accordln9 to law. Tho clal. aD to tho Iowa Clty Chlot ot Pollco Ihall bo dlalllaod al trlvoloul. aRJ 28 U.S.C. t1915(d). IT 10 80 ORDBRE~j~ , Datod thla ~(~~ay ot Fobruary, 1992. :i!/ ~ ,,, ,^'fkI~. 0 A ; J 90 S thorn Dlotrlct ot 0 a 2 1 \ I ~ REC'D IN CLERK'S OfFlC~ t ~ I" 1I n" 1M~ __.. H ~ eEl veL) DAlc;..-..H4~ ,. U:-IITED ~T'\TES DI3TilJCT CC\I.'~T FILED FEB 2 S 1992 , ' SOUT~t~-rJtS~~~I~r, OE'fMOI::ES../G':lo\ (Ill A".~C:IlTS CO~( Df.RFVL DAVIS! 01/1&1 ) 92FEB 20 PH 1125 PLAINTIFF,~~ ) crfttlfrnHJR,~j~2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) t . - - - - .. , . /. . va. TONY NOBILE. Iowa Clty- -Pollee ottlcer. KEVIN- -ROSS. Iowa Clty pollee- Ottleer. OFFICER HEICK, Iowa Clty Polleo ottlcer. IalA CITY CHIEF OF fOLICE. (e.t Ill) nEFENDANTS, 42 U.S.C. 1196) COlIPLAINT 1W.'ERAtt Mf<<1(JMt:)~. MMBlCJIt.U.~~.i . JlS ~rn:,: !/'r.~ Mil ~E At \;!t' '':<.'IlT Ci.DCr.S lllE CASE flED AlN h C..lI1UlPBlASSGa WlIIMM.l l~~ nus COMPLAINT la brought pursuant to 42.U.S.C. 6195) ond jurlsdlctlon II predlcated upon 28 U.S.C. !1~~). Plalntltt ellesea that the above named detendantl acted under the Color ot State Law. Plolntltt D4rryl DSvls alleses that at opproxa=ately SIOO om on the mornlns ot August 11.19~9. whl1e lit Mercy HOlpltol \n 10- o -'110 CHy. he WI questioned by ottlcera :loblle. ilou. and Helck con- -cernlns on .asault whlch h~d ocr.ured at a party on Johnlon Street. At that polnt ln tlme. the ottlcers Jnrormed Plalntltt that the as- -lal1ant tlt the dlscrlptlon ot the Plalntltt ln thot th~ hlllr style was slml10r ond that tho helsht ond weleht were approxlrBtely the saQe. When Pllllntlrt questloned the ottlcers about the ossallant's attlre. the ottlcers become assresDlve and put ft choke hold ~n the Plalntltt and then curted hlm. Plalntltt at that tlme was told he WOD under arrest tor the osspult. Plalntltt then yellod.out<ot the ~lndow to lntorm hls trl- f) 1 .\ 5(J f . - - - - . - I - - . , I .. . I i I 1 I , I , I I I -fn~s that he WIS boing placed under orrest tor e crlm. ho had not coc=ltted. Flalntltf WAS then token from the squad-cor and thrDwn' to ~e ground ~her. Officer Rota took hls nlght atlck snd wrApp~d Flolntlff's cufe chsln around lt which caused Plaintlff's wrlsts to bCl.SPrdu4 '. At that point In tl~o. tho crowd that had gathored boo,"e uplot It tho ~lltroat~ont ot tho Plalntltt and bogan to bOCaMO loud . and dllruptl'.. Th. ottloor. thon bogan to klok tho Plaintltt about the h.ad, baok. and rib aroa. until othor ottioor. arrl.od on tho loona and had to PORCE tho arroltln, ottloors ott ot tho Plaintltt. . Tho Plalntltt wa. thon plaaod In tho baok ot the .quad oar aSlin whon ho Itatod that ho wal goin, to brlnp lopal aotlon aBainst tho irroltlng ottlclr. for tholr '1IAylti,~ boha.lor. At that point , ln tl~o, Of tic or Hobllo rooponed tho oar door and bo~an to ohoko tho Plaintiff br .quoo11nS Plalntltf'e wlnd plpe and cuttln~ off Plaln- .t1tr~.oX1geD. Tho orowd that had gatherod real17 boca~o dloruptl.o then to the polnt at rlotou. conduct and othor offlcor. bo,an to ploa wlth Offloor Hobilo to .Cut it out Tonr botoro rou kill hi~1 Officftr Hobl1e thon roloasod the Plalntltf who thon statod."You .hould',e killod ~~ to whloh Otfloor Hobl10 .tatod... "Don't worr7 nip,or. wo Itl11 got plontr of ti~1 Tho Plaintiff wa. thon tskon to tho clt7 jal1 and kopt so- -paratod frOM tho throo arrostln, officors until it could bo arranFod to transport Plaintiff to a ~odical facllltr whoro ho could reclo,o attontlon tor his injurlos which occured during tho arrolt. Pllintiff had susta.1nod n\llllorOUI cut. and bruhol in addition to the.. ap~lnod wrlst. Pl~lntltf also sustained a back injurr to which hft hal ret- 2 sal . - -- - , - - - .. , -to rocov.r rroa. PlAlntlrr Court dato WAa lot to co=conct In Ftb- , , . . t.' . -ruary or 1990. but because the orrootlnl orrlcera roll.d to show. tho chors.. "'.rt dllalllod by tho 1I0norablo Bruco Goddard or John- -.on County. Allo ono or tho d.cldolns ractors or tho ca.o VOl thAt tho vlctlm NEVER ldontlrlod tho Plolntlr! .1 hlo .llol1ant. ovon thoush tho vlctlm VOl prooont at tht tlmt or Irroat. Allor tho abovo atotod allosatlona ln thll Coaplllnt oro In vl01Atlon or 42 U.S.C. 1198). L PLAINTIFF ASSERTS THAT nlE AFCRE-KDlTIONED DEFENIlAliTS ARE sue IN THEIR OFFICIAL !Im INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES. PUIIITIFF STATES T!'.AT THE ISSUt5 OF THIS ACTION AREI I 1, Cruol ond unulUAl punlahc.nt. 2. Violations or rlolntlrC'1 Duo Procoll. ). AIIDult ond Bottory. PUll/TIFF ALSO ALLEOES T'lAT THE CallX'CT OF Tt'E D::FE:lD,\NTS ^1r TO BE COSSTRUED AS CRIHIIIAL 11/ IIAT\lRE AIiD MAKES MarlCN TilAT THE CotmT n~u 1l',~ Sp.')NTE Oll THE ISSUE OF TRJ.IISFERRIIIO THIS CASE TO A COU'lT OF LAW. I:ELIEF RroUEStm!.. Plllntlrr aeo~a componlatory. la woll II punltlvo dam- -aSoo In tho omount or Two Hundred F1Cty Thousnnd Dollora (250.000.00). attornoy'a rooa, hoaplt41 and cedlcal coat ro-lmburoemont. ond whotovor other rellor thla Court deema Approprlnte and oqultoblo. Plftlntlrt roquoata that tho mattor bo 11atod ror a JURY trial hOArlng botoro a Fodorol 'H4llatroto. ) , 1 5~1 ~ " " . . . f - - - - RESFF.cTMLY SUBHIrrED bYljt\:"'.,.'~J Il(j....~ DAR.qYL DAVIS BOX B ANAHOSA. IA. S220$ 4 1 ,\ 501 , - - - . - 1 , - - - i Ii ",::, ' " AOllO III",&/Ml .......,....."- .1 ~tnitcb 'tntcs c!Eliatrid (fill~5~!?twl ..,.. S~mBN DISTRICT Of yrW I'~f' "'':'~,JA. ., ,/-:J '" 't DA1RYL DAVIS I\PPLlCATION:TOiRoow~"I'N PLAIlITIFF, FORMA PAln'ElnS;~UPl'ORltNO DOCUMENT A TIO~ "AND!ORDER ~ . \'.~~ CASE N\Jl.lllER: 4. 9 2 . 1 0 1 12 TONY NOBILE KEVIN ROSS, OFFIC~q HEICK! IOWA CITY- -CHIEF OF PCLICE,(tt 11), DEf'ENl),\:n'S. I, DARRn...~T!I !Xl petltlOlltr/pl,lntlfl o rttpondenl/dtlend,nt , deel,,. INII ,m 1M Icll<<l 'ppIOPIl,te bel) o lllOY,nt IMIna 2& U.S.C. ms mollonl o 0I/rt1 I In tho ,bove.enlitled p1oc~lnl: IN~ In IUppo!1 01 my ItqUe\lto pIOCetd wllhout belnl required to p1ep.ay lefl, c~ or live wcurlty IherelOl. 111,lt th,1 bcc,UIO of my pcl\MY, I 1m un,ble 10 p.ay IIii (ViIS of Slid pIOCccdlll& 01 aM ~~I!!y ""/t10l: INII belit\11 .JIll enlllled 10 ,ellel. Tho NlUro 01 my ICtlon, deltfllf. 01 other pIOC~lnl 0I1he IIIUft Ilnltnd 10 prttenl on Ippllll.re btleny 1IIIed II 10110\\1: Thlt tho d.tondonts. \/hUt 1ctlng ftctlng ~ndtr color ot otato low dld ln toct aaooult Plolntltt and turthor vlolot. Plolntltt'l conotltutlonol rights by donylng hl1 Duo Proctsl and subjoctlng hlr to cruol Ind unusual punllhmont. In lunher IUpporl 01 lhllIppllCltlon. I .nl~r the lollowlnl quffilonl. I. Are you pmenlly Cf11ployedl Ytt 0 No 121 .. II lhe .nlwef II "ytt," IIIIe the .mounl of your "I,IY 01 W'1l!' per month, ,nd Slve lhe n.me .nd Iddrttl 01 your emplo)tl. 11I\1 both 1'011 .nd ntI "Illy) b. 1I1he Inlwcr II "no," ",Ie lhe d,le 011111 employmenl ,nd the lmounl 01 the Ijltiy.nd,w'8tt per monlh which you rtcell'td, 3. qo T\/olvo hundrod pOl' lIIonth · 2. tl.ve you rtcelvcd within lho p.I\ll~lvo monlhl.ny monc:y from .ny olaho follow. In8 lOuree" a, DUIInc:II, prolttllon or olhor 101m 01 ~1I.employmenl b, Renl pavmentl, Inlofell or divlden(lII c. Penllonl, .nnullltt or lIfo Inluranco p.vmenlll d. emll or Inhelll.ncttl e. Any othel sourcttl YttO YttO YttO Yet 0 YttQ Norn Nom NolD NolD NoD 5~ , . , 1 ,- I - - \ I ~:..... . J CITY OF IOWA CITY Fabtuary 28, 1992 John O. Clul.a Bilker, Clul.a, KaMady, HOUOhlon & FOIIII, Lawyall 920 S. Dubuqua SUall P,O. Box 2000 Iowa CIIY.. IA 52244 Aa: GWG InvU\menls . Old L1btllY Parklno LOI I Oall John: ThI.l. to updall ypu on Iho tlmarrama that wa anllclpalo will occur ,In Iho final disposition 01 tho Old Llbllry ~lIklno 101, LOI. I and 201 Block 83, lowo Cily, Iowa. A. you are OWIIO, .lIto law "qulra. otwo..tap plOClIIlOl dlsposlno 01 public proparly, Soctlon 384.7, Coda 01 Iowa. I would oxpocttho tlmarramo to be a.loIlows: . I, On March 17, 1992, Cily Counell Pili" a "solullon 01 .Intantlo convay public plopany,. and direct. the clark to publish notlco IIlIlno hearing on tho plopolld convayaneolor Milch 31. 1992. 2. Alllllha public haarlno on March 31, 1992, tha Council moy Ihen approva lluolullon outhorlllng conveyanee by warranty daad Ihat limo nlghl. Allumlno that I om able to clear up tho mlnol .tllle oblecllons. which you pr..ented 10 mo Febluary II, 1992, I would anticipate clo.lno could lako placo by Friday, April 3, 1992. In preparallon forth..e evenlS, I would ask, aoaln, lhat your cllanl, Bruco Gluoow, provldo mo with tho Information raqua.tad earllar In my January 2, 1992101101: I. As nOlod In alallor dOlad OClobor 28, 1983, OWG promlsad to provlda Iha Clly with .omo typo 01 occauntlno 01 tho dollar Invo.lmont GWG has modo, and will make,ln tho Old Public Library (LOI. 3 end 4, Block 831 convoyod 10 GWO In 1083. I hareby roquosllhl. accounllng. 2. You have nOlad In prior lollorl IhOI Bruco Olugow oxpOCl1 hll Largo Scelo Non. Aosldanllol Dovalopmonl prolocl. now on tho .drawlng boards. lor tha Old Library parking 101 (lOti I & 2110 lako approxlmaloly six months, bUlln lha Inlorlm, GWO II III IHI ....,OCIO_ "'"'' lOll fl". IOU '"'''''"' ,"" ,""If" 'AI ,II" II..IIf. 50~ i . f' -, - . 1 \ I John D. CrullO F.blualV 28, 1992 P,g. 2 I willing 10 10110 Iho pilklng 10110 Iho Clly on. monlMo.monlh bllll. wllh 30 caland,r daYI pllOI nOllcoolo v'c'". AI you know, lho downlown pirklng IIlu.tlon II utrom.ly '1Ighl.'.nd 1M downlown bulln......nd IUlrounding n.lghborhoodl IIIv. Ieglllmllo COllCOIIII when lhe Old Public L1b1ary parking 101 Ip.CII ero no longer .v.nlbl.. 1III my undOlllanding. which I would like you 10 confirm Ilel000 lhe Clly C~II, 111I1 Iller COIWIylnc.IO you In Aplll. you IglIO 10 conllnuo 10 porrnlllM Clly 10 UI. lhel. pirklng IP'CUIOI ulong ulOlllbly pOlslbl., Ind 1IIIIIhe Clly would piy 'llIgllgiblo,lllny, ronllOt luch pirklng Ipml. 3. Tho CIIY Clerk IliU holdl. cortll/ad chock made payablo 10 lho Clly ollowo Clly Irom awa Invollmanll, In Iho .mounl 01 t20,500. I undarlllnd 111I1 you, John, hold awa'l IOcond check In lhe .mounl 01 .'84.500, ollho balanca paymanl. Wo IIIvo dilCuuod lubllitullng IlIW choch. al limo 01 ciOlino. 101 I 10111 paymonl 01 n05,OOO 100Ihe Old Llblery pirklno 101. PlOIIolOI mo know II you, 01 Bluco.IOIosoo .ny ditllculllOl wllh Iho limo hom., 01 dllcrllled .bovo. Looking 100werd 10 'WllpP!ng up' thll IDng'ltandlng Iransactlon, I.m COIdtany youlI. . Unda owman Gontry Clly AItOlROY I , n:\u4...IlttIl\cMII,1ftt cc: Bruc. Glalgow SIOVO Alklnl, Clly Maneger Marian Karr, Clly Clerk HonOloblo Moyor Courtnoy a. Momboll ollha Clly Council SD~ . - - - 1 . - - - /~'" FlbtuIIy 27, 1m ~.~ CITY OF IOWA CITY ~ MI. Flod Voarn Plotldonl & ChIoI uOCUlNo OflIcol !owIlnlonllll RlllOId lIDO Wlbllot 811"1 !owl CIIy, IA 52240 RE: Upd4tl on A1.0t1d. RAlhvay CtOlMg': Dltcuttlon of Plopo,od OId1n1nco 0.., MI. Voarn: By way oIlh11loUOt,llnllnd 10 bllng you up 10 dall on Iho '1I1ut 01 OUt dl.CIII.1onI conclllllng ulklllllocUlg al.gllde lal1iay Cto'Mg', Clllzln complalnlt,lnd Iho Clty'l plopo.od OIdInanco 10 ImII bIocllJng 10 IlYo tnIIMII, Illhor than Ion mInuI,. pot 1n111l0ClJ0n. I. As I Incblod 10 you 0Y0f Iho lllophono. CIty CounclI mlmbel BIll Ambll.co loquOIlod Inl00matlon on tho Flbluaty 19, 1992 lIa1n d.,alImonl OVOI GIlboIt 8111.L You Inl00mod mo Ihol \h. awtlch In tho IlIde. VlhIch IUIIIIn an ovolpa../blldg. OVOI Gblt 811"~ b1ok. In .ud! I way Ihol 011O III olllaln Vlholll wonl on on. ..1 olllackl, and Ill. olll., III ollho 1111I1 Vlhoob wonl down Iho 01110' .,1 01 lIock., with \h. II.UIllng dllmonL FOI1unalott, IhIIlCcldonl occullod 010 tIm. dullng IOt~ morning howl, whoro IIllro WI' UlUo 1I01l1c. Tho lIMy compony It doing II n CII1 10 plovonl luch OCCUlllnc. ogaln. 2. ~ I am 100000dIng Coplol 01 VI/lout complalntt VlhIch Ill. City ollowl City hat locolvod 110m VI/Iou. clIlzIIII and OIganlzatlonl. Tho.o complolntt hayo como 10 \h. City Managol" OllIe., Ill. City AI101nay'. 0ttIc', and porhop. .om. 10 Ill. pollc. dopal1monl (though I do not havo copl.. 01 poIIco log.). As I undOllland, you havo roquo.tod coplo. ollllo.o complalnl. bo lonl 10 you, 101 youl lovlow. "'1111 -11"'_010_ 1/1111 . 10_' fill. '0_' '"t1. ""I ,,,"'tI. ,.. 111'111.,1111 50S ~ i ! Ii \ \ I ! I I , t , ~ J , r ~ Ii ~ T " ~ ~ ffi ..~ ~ \ I 1; ~ ~ ~ t 1 \ i i i 1 ! f - MI. Flod yocum FoblUOI'f 27. ,092 Pogo 2 . ~~.;, ..,......... .. f_ II. ,.... COo'I\J. ......... ... CIfO'I-' ~.. P""! d~ ~...~.. _.CIIY..-or. "",-"',......p ....""'~ ~...... .....by .. ".... "'" .. ........ \0 ..... · ~- 1"- ..pocIIIj .-0. ... ...... .."....... ... - .... · ......POdId ....... .. "" ,..... olft/'" ... "'.. _. · ...1ffI "",,_...... -..... ...... DIP"""" ........... . ~_ ~,""...... \0 ...... """"'.. "" \0 '" _: and ,.... . ... ...... .. """" \0 you. ,... -"'" .. .lpIllOI ..... "" .... III ..p. . "", \0 ... .. poIct ",- ~ Ift/ ,01<<1'/ ."'" ........ ,""..................... 0'.... -.... ..... 4. , "... y. \0........... .. CIIY ,.., ...... _. · ~- - ~.. .......... .............. \0 twO...... ""...... - 0 ........... ~ 1011\0 ...\sIOneO. 1 503 . 1 , , o - - MI. Flod Yocum FoblUory 27.1892 P'go 3 \ I I boDm 1hI1 bIlngl UI up 10 d,to fOf now. and wo v.iII continuo 10 WOIk logothor. hopolully, \0 IOloIvt tho clllzon complalnl plobloml. I loOk fOlWl/d 10 holllng 110m you, IftOl your rO'llow of tho nurnoloul complalnll. COICIlIlly YOU/I, G~J,r Uncll Nowmen Gonlly City AIIomey ^"Ichmonll co: Tho Honor.blo ~yor Dallol G. CouMoy and Mombora 01 tho CIty Councll Slm Alldnl, City ManlgOl R.J. Wlnkolhako and CaptaIn Hl/nGy, PoDco Dopl/lmGnl JIm Bllchtol, TI.1fIo EnglnoOl - n\yoM 503 , .. - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Oalo: FoblUlIY 28, 1992 1'0: Tho Honotlblo Mayor 01/101 O. Courtnoy and Momborl 01 tho City Councll From: Llndl NOWlIWl Gonby, City AltOfnoy ~~ Ro: Statui Updato on CooporatJvo CIty AltOfnoy -Law School Rolcalch Ptojoct: NO Local Rogulatlont 01 Lawn Chomlcal ApplIcatlonl Proomplod by Slllo Law? I AlIachod It 1101101 110m ProlOIlOf PluI Plpale and Studonl Logallnlorn PoloI Sman, /UII roeolvod lasl Wodnosday, FoblUlIY 28, 1992. AI you CIIIIOO ~om tho lollor, tho City apparonUy It nol plHmptod by ltalo law 110m ldoptlng local rogulatlont. Yt1IUo I hIvo nol yol had limo to cIol01y rovlow tho momorandum 01 low and tho plopolod local OfdlnlllCO, . CUI1OI'f roadlng 01 tho Iogal opinion rovoala '.job won dono.' Nonothololl, I want IhlI olllco 10 rovlow tho mtIlIOIandum and ptopotod OIdlnanco IILI1 with PrOrOllOf Papale and POt~I Small, and noxl with OthOl CIty ltan who mlghl bo Involvod In onlOlcomonL I would hopo to havo lomolhlnO 'Of you to rovlow within tho noxl 10uI to IIvo wookl - bolOlo hOIVf Sprlng UIO 01 chomlcallppllcatlonl. Al\advnonts co: ProlollOf Paul Papale, Low School CIlnIc PotOI Small, Low School Clinic 'SIOVO Alklnl, CIty Managol Marian Katl, City Clork Oalo Holling, Alllltant City Managor Doug Boolhloy, Hoollng & InlpoctJon SOMcOI D1roctOl, FYI I ! I f \ ~ , ~ i I i , , 1 50Q i I , I ! I ! i I I I ! I j I ! , < , i I I f , . 1 , I - - nlE UNIVERSITY OF ioWA .. .. . .. "' . ., I F"- 2. ,. , , .J W h_' r,',' : . FobruAry 24, 1992 Linda Contry Iova Clty city. Attornoy 410 I. Walhin;ton st. lova City, IA 52240-1825 RBI Local ROvulAtlon of LAwn Chollcal Appl1catlonl Dou LlndAI Wo hAvo onololod a 1010randUl rOlpondinv to tho 10VAl illUOI dilcullod lilt yoar in connoctlon wlth local rovulatlon ot lawn chomical appllcatlonl. Spocltlcally, tho 1010rAndUl Addrollol tholo illUOI outl1nod ln your lottor ot Soptolbor 25, 1991. . ,,@ MY!! IlOMluded thAt levA Clty hllli broad dllcl'otion in tho tormulation And adoption ot An ordlnAnco rovulatlnv pOlticido opplicationl. Tho Clty could, tor oxolplo, odopt on ordinonco thot contAlnl moro rOltrictlvo roqulro.ontl thAn tholo currontly containod in ItOtO lAW. ThAt dllcrotion 11 not, howovor, without limlt. Wo concludo, tor oxalplo, thAt IOWA Clty could not ban co..orciAl lAwn chomlcal oppllcationl outright, 01 thAt ordlnanco would bo pro..ptod by Itato low. Wo hayo allo onclolod a propolod ordinanco roqulating lawn chomical opplicationl in Iowa Clty. In drattlnv tho ordinanco, wo hAvo ottolptod, to oddroll 10lt ot tho concornl railod by tho. city counoll in your Boptolbor 25 lottor. Addltlonal ltoll that wo conlldorod ollontial to In ordlnanco ot thil typo aro oliO includod. Flnllly, wo havo onclolod 0 copy ot IIoulO FUo 2093 rolating to tho prlvato oppllcation ot pOltloldol ln urban aroal. Whllo nothlnv ln thil bl11 proolptl our propolod ordlnanco, wo wl11 continuo to lonltor tho lovl11ation and Idvi.o you ot itl proqro.. throu;h tho ItltO logi.laturo. C*ltI'UW Clwcll Uw ProeM. low. CIII, 1ow.IllU IIO/lll9011 IIO/III~ 5~i/ . . . 1 ,I , Llnda Oontry Fobruary 24, 1992 Pavo 2 , Wo vould be ploalad to dllCUOI our rOloarch and ordlnanco wlth you and vlth tho clty councl1. Ploalo contact UI lt vo can provldo furthor IDolDtanco. Wo vould allo approclato lt It you vould notlty UI of tho .ootln; at vhlch tho councl1 vl11 dllCUl1 tholo IIIUOI. I 1!(Y'~ Paul Papak g+.r~J,( Potor Sull Studont Loqal Intorn PP'bay in010DUrol sot.! , ' , 1 , I ' t,. f-4 J;tl 1....,) 't.; V.I, ,/~ tJ.~~ I I. J~' P. &uM"J;..f,J r'~~ e,-u ( / w.J 1 el.dtu" ~ a~ lfI,t1tnrh'r tw.k~,' d. A;d ftlM ~ etlJUJIJ ~~dt ~ J-f'~ ~ ~J r',t. 4V4d"j }JJ; I~ /f8'/, ~1I1h HJ"~. (I ~,~ I #J'oI ~ .dj,~~ .JwJJ ~ I' Jvil/ J1/'(Jit/J (.Jh~.JI/ A- fJd~ .;., )J, IJtdJ~iJ ~" ",~td ~tI ~ ~uJJl ~ of ~ ~tI) ~ ~,I) ~ I Avt/ A I ~) ei; all ('eI~W A~,ui.1 aJ./~' ~ ~ ~ I{~ ht~(~1 )/ ~ r/h ~;;;,I~~) II~. 7)'14;~ r ~ql H 19$7, ~ Jh dlJId, (t t1\, ~WlIIUIl ~~ ~ fwJ f'.~ ~ ~ ~4J) !JJ:e)/lt ~ ~ kMJ (t)f? = ~,l) tYI rI~ (()/I: C, 5') r ,. , 50; " , i I I I. - 1 , t 1 i I . 1 .;. A. ~ ~ e;I.fJ /~ f!",JU.lJJ/W ~ I .&l1"/ -r"--~ ~ tJ;J/.v. ~ &AI .uu ~;I.~ ~~~~~~I,J~'/~~ '/1 tI~ i'dll , fes) c1~~ IS; /t/?f1, ~ !h aM2d. 11 I " /;~ ~4t It kk~ 1 ~ ;,tJ ~ MJ11 /rt .R,~);~ dA~J ~~ 'f - , JJ #~/~~4-ff~' ,II.. ~ C) ~ ~ ak- ~ ,A1e#1 ~ Aum~. 4, ~ fi 4eidl (i~~ ~1~~ /~ L' '. ".f.;J.. J /I I ~ "f'~ r~1' t~7 l,~ ) tlv-f,tJ.~ '!/r,ll pl;8 ) ~ /119. . ~ AG. 4.1u.1. rr ft JiI'1.J"~ ~ ~ ;/J~, 7 ~~ ~t:!1 ~ ~/Jt~ ~~U;I ~ ' (l,<-rt.h-w.~-< i1i'llII1~1Irl M<'~ Y 5($ , , 1 ,I ' , . 1 ,. ;tJ.'.t.) I MJ ~ AI*' &JJ. A'.-w tl4 """'1 ~( M ~,.& (;."'~.12) jJ R'JdJ-~'k, ~ ~ ~..:. ;t.t //My ~...;.t 1/ ~ ~ ~ ;"""t' trllyj1..,;Q)." I '. .t&4 /fnJ/l r, e.I,~ I II;) td#' ~ ~ 1 ~ - fi" 'fJ.<.i ~ .,.J,t6 #~ ~/If - gtJ \ ~~ tdJ ()) ~ ..J) oM, M-"" ,&~ II. ~) IJIJ. ~ I 1Z-; S; ! 3 f'l; ~ /7'111, ~4-P~A4II~~MJ /Jp ;JI/..J ~ ~ ~~ J4tu ~ ~I ~, S()5 i ' . 1 ,. . t. k~jJ..j(~lei'~1 (~-~~ I 0/ ~ ~~ t.~.u.: /~ f ~ p;;)/ J.11)~ t/,d ,; ! t,t/-- ,; · · a;) j(~/ I ~ r I/J ~,Jk.J e~~ tuiM J VrI. 0'3 J 1!1r, /71 t J~/il ~~ ~ / (9 /, ,\ t --I . ~/~ tr.~'tI. JdJ f k I~ 3 ( oil f4 !4r' I \-- saS ~......:..~,.~.... ",," .;".-;. ,'. ....-.,..--."';'",....~,,:...~ . . .-. ~ ....>(III'....IN.. ....,' """ ".., 1 Occupllllonlll Exposures or Pllr~nls or Chlldrfn Mllh ACUlf Nonl)'mphO()'llc l~ukfmlll: A Rfporl rrom Ihf Chlldrfns Cllnc~r Sludy Group" I JOftIIIw D, DIl(~I.J,' Lnllt L RobllOll,' RONII S.OII1'~J, 0..14 II. C.n...... Mkh.11t L.D....' rill M.lCh",,,. ~I". L Ntl.'" IMrlt OJOIII, Job M. r,l,n, "II/lflll G. \\'oodl, .04 G. D.uua II.1II1lOo4 ~..tillt#ll....I_ ti....... (~IM I~ (III- .../11 I.. J. lit G.' II, III', G Iltl ~ti""'-- 1._1/11_ /101oo, 1I_1'J!.'i.,L..l/t.~.. G .,,...........tilt~ 0...0.0. l_tiC'-.,. 0..;;-;::"' 1IIt/'/IILllOltlf""'_tilt_o ,1_ti(_t_~(_"'I//LOI .- AlSTJUtT 1'- NIIIm C'1IIff 5101, c"., ......"" .1I1M111n1....' " em",*" ........",.,/111 " 104 IWItt IIll4If I' " "ICI' .k~ _ -'!.......IIllInIt... nt _ --.. .... OIl II 1l1Olllftoe" _ -'.......IIllInIt...1kl .1Q"..w. ........ C'MCIth ...'-4 " "It " Wn~ ... lilt om ~ '.....~ ruM 'Ick "'.... OUt Itde 10.' '" ..11IIII ~ .........,... It" "'...., ....'100 ""'" !.lIt!'..,.... "".,..~ U .. '.. UI'" , . un ... M'n 11M "'kn .... It ....... ....... ~ ,,~ ....... (lit'" , _ uoc~ JlI' .... ..III '" ",1tI1l ""kill ....... .." Itkl&lllll, 101m"" '" cWlIIn NIIt ICt ,.. "'pM 10. '" ................ ..Ii... ...... .IU, lit"". '001''''''' I.... .k~ .,1.....,11I... ..,11I M",,,, tOI,,,,, I/ttoI, , . . OO'~ ~"""."Iltll om IlpI/\cuc/J .10..... r1111 '" IIncI .....on tlllt cW.. ,..nc.... ..,.. .........10. '" ......' _ ..,.. JJ,I/ttoI". ..., ... '" """"'" ....... .. ......... ""kWn ..,It _ " "... MM1 I.." 11M _kn ,,,,., It """'" '" ....... _ "I. .....,. ..,~ 1'011""'.......... 1011..,. tOI, lh'. .0011 ... """'"' "Wtn, tOI, U. , . . 001' '111 ",.nH INIt ....." '" III1t I~ IIMnlI. 01... em..I'-'I..........,.,.. tIpUlcuc/J MI, eIIn~, 11M ""11' 1f1l..1IIIoI............. .1noI...1YlnuI !'~! !! ~ 1!4 ~ I!rU! t::II, t:l 1l"tlI. T\nt "It "..III Ion.., ..,,*, '" . "" " llnftlloetl rh~ 11IIeI1"''-"Woo'',WlAeN_, IfllOl, .. coMuc.t4 I IIIf/lOal/G! ""'" of I",on Iflat,4.. ANLL II c'iloln.. -h' PM'nlll 'lIIpl1alh ot lilt drla of PMlAlal llmpallollal "1'OIWfL MtTlIODS C.....m -....IIoItot~ 1"1/thII1l1ol /IIn tl. Ccso,. no,nllftf cMlr1l1lilh """ .k' .",.,...." 100 lit.... ... ""oIiaItlotll..."'" lot '''l'.i1t4 SII'" ....C'... AI pM""''''' ICI II. ""r 411.-.1 'M~ '~lL "t.". 1t1O.... Itll, IfIt ""~ lot 11041 1lIU),'4li4I041ll"It""", nktria 'm ~ . ...it.., .....11_.., 11>1411,,- I:Ii114 SIIIII II C'........ u., tllilt..w.. .........~JlooM..... IfOl, r..llI'. Of III "'" ....11'.... I6IIM1 .. 'UcoWol) CTiInIL MtII mil om twlltIlt · CCSO 1......illIoo/J, Ih"'.' IWI '''lIOlllnll) C'IIItrioL m.... lot IIItn," 'U rolll.alIlI4l1M '" ...itIO ...' IkiM ... ._ 11M I" pImII. 01 :'1 IIla'" II"" 104 IMIIon1 Ifll 1llItn,"14 .k."_ lot ....lIun'" lelot, ~"Iour lit), ~ lllloC1!i hti) II'~ .... ,.,...., ..,"" C:f~ Ow, _...n.".,." IN,.,.....m.... IIl11tn," .....1II'*' II, .... CIM .~~ 1klf411t1k.11ollt., IICnf'tllilal WMIl._ _1IIMuft. w..... ~ ~ ~l !! I! tl!I tl ~ !a!mh, nt_....... ...., '''~I'' ,.....tl.CI" .m"""",, "Itn,""" "IoJlooM, Clot ~t14n4 M,.,,", tilt 1Mkn... U' CIIItItlIlllkn .m 1llItn'"'" .... 11II'1'" IIItnlto, 'm . lalIlI4 lot 16 tilt lIIt'm .... II CMuol Ill"'" .. I.... IMIMm. .Ion 1'- "'... .n rillotI 1IOl"~ ., "'Id II,."...... . _loti 'U 1I~14 II -fInt '" .....Ioualn. T\nt ........, ""loW III ClltCMuol.... lot wi,. of pM............-. .......... T. C...~ ....... IN... tl """lit IIIonIldot II/It. 111(" I" ~ wl)1ft'm "!'f'''' ncWilo'1tIIIJIIt "ltnlto w&; lot I.... wl)lno ~ . U lItCt\ll/) .. 111I11'- _... .. lIIWilllI "'Il, Ill.... iii" C'OlIuol1lft' ..... ., ruoNlII olleil 'wia, A lItilt _'-4 ,"uol .n 10ol11 tor .11. IIV. """ '" IIC1 "'" ... an. .. olltk. tll" CIIt' IlIoplloM ....., 1lI.11rin tI,...." IIl11t1U4 ..~.-.../\ L', 1t.1Ilt '"'.".U."""ia,lIOIlia, '^"- "..Ilo.. .... ."".. calli'.", hlt It '"11I1......Wllelort . ... 'U ...14OlItt C'OlIuol1 .m .,.W" .... tl ~ l.k'lll %1.. lot lUoII.. 0'" ...1, .il'lllIl..1ot 1W4m I .. I" of ..,. .... .il~III' IIlO lot I.... '0...."...11I1(..,., ... 1OlI.~I,,~ II. CMuoll..~, .k....II". 1~1II.i411Ol ,"III'" M"n'".II..... 4wia, ,"11...410 '" "'I .,... lilt. lit IW ...'....IlI,II,'''''" 11I1.1" .",,... lilt" .,1111I4 IHttol nl.1I41O ,."kl~" III 1lo1l'llln~ POIton COIuol '"_01''''.11.'''1''' ",.it..., .h.," " ,." II '''II'.... ...."".IL nt ItIOtlIlllov.lINluol.."... Ilo lllotll_. 01"......... ,... ",.it_I"',""" ""., INIltloil",,,,_,, l~iI'lllov.1lI1ow lotlll- .... '_H' .'11' ...._........ ""'..... ..lll OJ (.!tn.. Illt """ ..""....1... I", ~.~ _ ,_,I _. """'" .. 's."... ... ,... ..., .n,....w ., ."... 11M ," '1IIICIIIlIII 100..1011.. ClV\ I. ..11111 """" tl ~Illtl(n 1lI.~k~ . lilt' '''~..,'''',''II-...C....II\(..'''.'''...''....II4.. I...Ir.. .,"I1t' IINll/ol 10014 IIOt Ie I""... ...."011 011I.,11'-4 01'" (Ill" 100:.., I........" "1I.IIN,I~1I1l (.......... 0ollo,.. (...., w,. ru,""il, "II/N u4 "0(""" I., IINlltnlot. u4 LtllnltoLt. I..., GI... Io....~".... 10......... 114 "... _" III ,.,. " ," ,. .,,,..... GI... "_ hoe ," ""_ " (Ill" ,,,...... Nil..... \.. !MllOh '11I lilt IlI11f "11Iov IIlI Cllt\ 011/11"""," 10. CIIl" ,..._, Mil, Ill,."...." ",,/11104"..... ""." c~ilol.". "" 'ft.,,,,, tllht) llm,"I' bllot.. "r",OIt 411/. .lk~ '" ....IO,u,'" CIIl" I,.., 1lI...1 '....... ,., ",...., ........ "' I" "Iot 10 4".110O/.101 111101I,. 0011 .e' I .1 .1..oooK. I " NIl",",,, I" Non.'... h',"" 1"1""", ,........ (I 11101. PIlot 10 .1..1klIl.10I 1.1Iolt," ..", 1110 " lIIO, IAot , IllO torotl .'S.".....Io/ll1.".IVIII.C..".O"I..,."..".I"...'''''" 'I I ...,,,,..,,.,.11Io",, ..11......'" h.I..... ""." 01 A..... . "lICKh III 1....1n1l1l..1I111O lllol" '1,,_ I\t "lilt "llnlll '..""'..,,. I,..", r.lI" A'III"...,..tn".""..,,oI I."" 'el ... lit' lot lilt m.IlI1t'1V1I1I1ll .,,, ...."101..'......' I'lL. "'" "'"",.,.........".... 0', ,lit 0IIIIh/"1 ~II"~.I"I'" ""11,1","1" h ..,11ll1woW...., MIl ",..n...IIIt", IoN"1I. CM Cl""'". ('..'" 11M, 0...,. 1101, Oil '1lI'1l,"pl~ 11111"1; lilt lo"'" """'IN'); "pol"'" 10 NoIIC' 1010 ISTRODL'Cll0N ANLL' dllpla)II_O .It ptib; IIIIA Is .~ ,.,1) pt.' I.. elllldtll .Ildtr .It J. .. IIlfnllallJ COlIIIIlIIIncldtac1 "I" 'III, lIIullh004. .Ad Iht. I ptocmlhl IMIIIf II IftcldtllCl -IIh 'It. u ANLL COM 10 k Iht ptcdomlnlftl (..Ill of 11I1. Itu"m~ In ehlld'lII. ANLL Is lublllnlllU) 11I1 comlllOf\ IW nit I,mph<<)tk Itu"mla. ICCOllnllnl I.. onl) IS" 01 lit. "mill. ClmlpalloNI llpo1UIfI 10 rllllatlo. (I.J~ bcnllllt r4. 6) 1ft4 Olhtr lO"nll (l~,nd ptl/oltum ptodlKll (II lull bet~ lIIio;lllld .hh Ituhmll'n ldulll.n4 c~lldlln l'~ In addhloo, tht, II nldtllCl I/om .nlmal IIudlll 110, III .Ad I. 'umlll PO' ,llonl ('. 11. IS) 10 'UUIII lhal .'poIUtt 10 lIttlld4tt ml f.,hI 11(101, Thttt lIIocllllon, hI'. nol betn II.mlntd In 0 'III I.. ANLL .hllln Iht pedlltric popllllllon.nd, 1011111, 5~ . - - " . .." ... '''I'..l Olntlno.... 'I/OIl/1I """ X'II", '14l114lcjflollt M.llt f't11M1y. .............. .m Ia4 ""'11' ...'Ior; om,.,ioltI..1OWn; ""*"" 11I4 ~ lltlOI): lMI'WtJlIot "1l11mi IMf/lnIiMI "."11) 11I4 ,.,1) POU'llllllWwt tI,...WI. ...1II,..JII'.....ln tI /II e.... trllnl."" nltch", Tlt IIlln'llaim.. .....,.... jI.m,.liHll,1llOIl, '""'" A.u. 01"" ..,...,.. ....._ ~ X'II'L Qw\I""'lIlOtti loIntlnl Iff"" I114l111tt1 JW"". ~1.lllllletn.1II IOlIlloN,""NlIIf:IMllllIII,..II,"1OtiIl1 ' "'tll....IoI""'.,~ - ,\ iii...,., om,.tioltl 'lNoI) o. Mclilltt hi! CMIhw4 II ,.nI1ollt N .'.""".IM 1"11. \fflll'c "'In. 1111I 11I4 ,"""". .. III ~Il Iff nil) 1M It" ItllI 1111I h. ",..1M; Pill' . ,.. /#I. ....II~ilJl""_~... """"" .............,...,. It .11 /fld!t...... II' lIl/oIelll&OrinlT....l~ Pm...", II'" .llIM "" "nIw II Man' old I.' ....._. 1......1it.lcr "'" "'. ""10. II llt ""'llC'ItI...wn...llt........,. fIlillc II,*," RJO/II4 ., 1 .-nc. . ...,. ~ II ..,..... Ia4 ....... tllI/OIOIt _ """"'" 11I4 II,*," _ ,,'14 III" """"'Ill* II"..WI ..,.,..... N .......11I4 · ,.la, ok' InCIftl II'" 1IoIr, f't1U.IlJ, nm 011110 """""iN I .. 111101IIII olt, llt I."",", AhI,.. tI.,.,ioltI..,...". I. ,. ktI4 IIINri1, N 1I~1I""1f4"""",,.luUic'" ill I.,.,. , """ ~ Ikln 0'" lNI4 ....,.. SlM4M"~ ClMaiIltIl" · ."..., 11"11I4 ," DlnlMM) II ~hflIioltI TlIIn em. "., · ..,own 011I IIImt4 .......1.. ,",hit I''''. ..,~., ,.... II IllllI~ 0'''' ""lira 'lIlIIIi, tlOInJM".''''''' """'*, · ,m'" "''''1IlC'II, -hoIlIo,IW, ,.....1eI/'Il1f4 ....lnI ......... '" \ffl1Ilc .....um 0", ..... ... If..... IIlfo i ,. ,.M III "..1riIn. Pft/tIn. "*<<. "., ...., 1OIot!lll Iff I" lil! "~ t.~III' II lit "'"11. IIl1ihl..lftmolMllltlllOlJWon . Ill. lII,lIoIIllr IIM/tot ~Uta IIllt 'nll"AIIIrit..,.w ~ Il1InI. "" iili. '11)0I)'" 0.11 "'.... ., ... ~ ..~IIIl)lOj'!lIlldtlL '. ClI4lIlotil Ioallllt "1111'" on .... II IIll Iff ""."" ~ l&1I1lC'1t MollO 11I_ 0..... ClII'~ ,_" o.ltlll_.... ' · nlnlAtlot tI "'l4lUdlllc1. 1I11n1""""MIUIf4..lt "h, ~ ....m.I. """ 10 "",h'l~ If.'" ," ....,.,. 0 01 ""'" ' 1lIh11n1.'PUkuc" . . ~ ~ , . 115ULTS DlIlOC/l,'1t C\uitt""11n Thttllf Ind(Onl/oI.,ouptw", Ilml1# with rnP<<lIOlIt. · 'Ilt ITIbIt Z~ If' I"" IIId ~" !Nit III IhI 'wo 1fOUpt, · 'III'<<11\f')~ mll'ml",. .1 1M Oil o( blnh o( IhI child 4 III4lJn I". U Ir (or bolh .rouPl~ ~II"JlIIt IlIlIdlan 'It. I.~ ~.r~.bololh '('OVPlllnd PIII~!dllflllo~ ITlblt 1~ Tht I: ...11..1 no tlltI., IIlOIpho......IIIPf It .h,~ III TlbIt t I,,: ~~I~.IlI~11) C1aIlI/ln11ol v"' ralf IIIIKI. 1'0 tonl/ol (1Ih1,1, :~ ralf molhln. IIId I: :1 tonl/ol molhln hid IIflll betn ,mplol'c1. Omll'lllonllnd · Idvll,ln w", coded "0111 1M job dnc,lpllonl, Ind 1M PMlnll · l/I.lImlllld .. tltr/llf'".mplo)'d I~ uCh O<<IIPlllon Ind · :arh 'ndulI/)'. lh'rt '11101 'IIt \lanlllclnl: IlCIn'.uIO IlI<<lun. , "Ill faI.1, ~ (Onl/oll; OR - J,5.' 0 0.01l111d pllnl," 17 '. lilt, I (Onl/O~ OR 0 7.0. , . 0,011 (or (Ithln. Ind !NIII · ~U'lClYrln.IIO ralll, J tonlroll; OR - 4.5:'.0,071 (0/ I 10IMIL ~ ~ rlpOll'II'n'lIIrd ',om Jobnllt .. 'n'lIIld tlPOIUlfl "It fIImlMd. nlll u"n'llI Job lilllI · 414 'hln '"1/kl/n, Ihl jobl 10 lholf hlld ('0111 'I' p,lo, 10 · "'ndll plt,nlllCy unllllh,u("'1\(f dllt. Tht onl",nllll 1ll!1 "'. ""M (ond 10 bt tlalllllcul -II "","", IlI'OMIt1 r. (lIh1nIOIl. u.,o Oon 5f1l~ [."'." Tht dllllllol, ".11(), "" 11m", olllPG\tlf r. 'M' 01 IhI llIbt1um 'hlrd II T.... I wm MJl)lrd 10 .II..1at whl.htllhtr, w.. UllltoriIllot btrom C1PG\t1f. .. It. ponrd b) IhI pIlt~l. "" A.'LL 0CMt1l(f. o.nrIN ol [I",.,. rOl 'Mh OCt'fpjllollal C1PG\t1f. IhI II.,.'e 01 tlll* "'01111. WI C11'OlWt -m ".1lIrd. "" lilt IIPG\tIf Wit rall,OII/f4 AlIlOtr. ~ (100041)1 01 In! btIWtt. ~ lUll "" ,lid IIIln ollhl ~111II w'II' IhI IIPG1Wt oetwm). 01 pro!oeltd ,......... 1000 da,,~ 1IoH. IhI broW C1pot1/, lIOtp/lP IlId ... ..... IpM/l( ...... IIbt1um -m Inlfd for IlIOdaIIol wk' ANLL. IlId lhl ".~illtul IltoriIlloI, lit .... III T.... 1 rOl (II,,", IOhnl C1pot1/11 wm t1a1llllcu1101l _ 1.1 r. pro!oeltd Ilpo\Wt; Iltlld, , · O.OOJ~ SWt "blher, ,.. ~~II "It ....10 "lIIIlhI 1Oh"llIN.lhI"" rulhll,,") "..If. 1r'~1 IIIkll'M oIlOh"IIIPGIWt w" oCMhtllOI"~IL 0 Thrtt 1I~P1 011" ~I''''' opbt!k1o ClI'M w", illdl. ''''IUl')Ilc~UIruc poI1el'IIll, I' - o.o01~ poI)1I1lfllf I'. OOZ~"" oOlhtl plallk1OI' - OOJ~ TIIr ~I"'" olIlnd COlI prodlltll lIOtpln._.. ".~1I'1QA1 OIml11011 . 1.5"" I.t (or thon IlId proloft,rd 1I/10111n. , . OOI~ IlId tllhot,. ,httt IlltalllOlfn lCOllIlld ."~. 011 . 2.5; ~L 11/, IOOl, plllh. 0I1lIl1ld1t. 011. 1.1% IlId ptlroll1. PlOd<<1I, 011 · Z.~I had IlI~11# elllllrd 011 (0/ pro!oeltd IIPG\l1l', OIb ~ f!u*= ~ IOii it.< ..mI.t tlpoW bllf tnOUl. 10 prOlIoli .Ulhllnl ".nllkwt. Tht 011 r. proIonltd fl. potur, 10 ptllllldn w., t7lu,lId,' w 006~ '.1 Q,.."".."'.....,,.IIf~.HI,., ~lU.lf w._.."........~.... ....... rr....""'" ~.. ,,,lItIm,.... =. ""'WtINl.... r' '...... ...,1...... ".,. r...... . ...... Iltonty \,....."w ~.,... 'fill """....."..,. ...... '...... 00........... ""'.-.... ""'''~'''''''' ~.,n..' 1'I/tfIl1~'" ....""..... 0;;:. .....n' ................... '..... r..... .'" . "" .... 0??oI....... ~,....... .tIII '''I'"N..... ,....,.......... Iif,,_ 00'" ..... 0,,,. ,.,...., ""',,''" I............... r""..... ,.... N..." r... ...... I......,...... 00.......,. ,.,...., II,""" r,.., ..... r","""Ij" ..... ,.. 101/oo,." 0....."'.."'... rn.."". on' ''''''' 11..'........1..,...' "..... "..,.""".,., c."'.... CH....."....." rtoloot."",,,~.,,,,, ...... r.~ ...'...... r...,.......,,..~.. 1IIfoI" "'.....,...,.." .1"......"_,,..""""''"''"'' ........If 'N""", ....,.... 0010'........" SCSI 1 I , :Ii ;1 , t I I: j I I I I I I l ~'r . dUllllon IIOIIt IrtlulullOlllIown~ E.poIllIC1 w'l1ll1o daa. Illkd belli, dllt 10 dlmt UM of the prodllCCl OIwOllla, r. '" prtMIlCt of OIhen u.ln,lhe prodllCC. rOllhe lIalbllcall, lit- nlflnnl laclM ("'own In Tlble )~ 1M propolllon of C1~ llpollld Ihal WIlt dlrKt uool Irom 4" (fOl mlllna! n~ lure 10 pnlkldtl) up 10 11\ (101 plllmal UpoIlII.1O \OIllIll~ RlnlOlln,lndilKI upolurn Irom Ihe analltll rcducld all "c .I,nlf1c11lCt Iclll~ SIIlCt lhere Wilt f.. nlOlhtn dutlIlrd II upowd In Inr of 1M call'orin. mtrktln, the dtllnlllot of upoIurt 10 mludllndilKl UPOIUI1 itA 100 I.. 10 Plo.I4r IllCfuI rblnllmlllt: lor the mlllmal elpolum, all rtllIha btnml nonll,nlf1canl. ror 1M fIIMn,IM mtrlClld C1PGll1n dtnnlllon rtdllCtd .I,nl/kallCt ~dl, b,ll did IIOl hbtlJadaD) a1111 the oddJ I1IIot: IOl\lnu OR lor prolonatd UpoIU/1WlO (Iliad, , . 0.007); plulkI OR . U I' · O,06k pr_1 prodllCCl OR · 1.1 I'. O.04k pnlkldtl OR · 2.9 (1w G.Otk Iud OR . Innnll. I' . 0,09~ Tlalln, 01 ElpolUl.. Odds nllo nllmlln fOl C1po\U11& bto lolt. durin'.llld InlllM Indu plI,n'lKll/e tholonll T~ 4, Tht1c III/If mlllurn (codtd U Inr Itn.. noM) lit ~ corrtl.lld, IIIlCt mill' Indhkllllll had IIpo1urnlhlllPllOld Iwo or mort Inll"lll, .Ilhll III I Ion,. held ~ 01 _ upolum In dlfTlIlnl lobe for I ,hlft Indhldual W'11 oftq qulllllmllll.II 111lO1 Clcll IMI rilllllodllld wllh Ilpo\ll1ft In In, OM prriod II conlllllnllr hl,Mr Ihln the olher prr!oda. ..u ..0 "11""\ O<<\'\I1O"U IlIOI\lU '....1 C,--.I/...""",,..,,.,,...,, C.... c....... 1\1 1'1 'II "I II I.. II 1.1' II 11.11 II II. II ... ......._11.,.... II "- , 11oo1 I 0IltI . ~ JolIMI II JolI I '" II JolI II JolI I In I L'.I.... I '........M"" c............. 1/ II~I............. .1 Uot.Ulo...1I II L..l.... I II II I' 1\ II " I , I 10 ., II I 1\c IWIlu of III UBnulched Inlllllllldudln, IUIIO,III ~llInlllllll"lcw, prodIICtd complI.bl. rnulu: 1I1OCllllon CllIkaI rldon wllh ANLL rill Itmalnrd II,nlf1clnl lor IOhcnle I'. O,O)~ jiilNkiIll ~I (I'''' o.ooJ~ lAd pntld:kt (f " 0.01 ~ but wU nonll,nlflnnl fOl plulkI I'. O.lllllld Itld (,. O,O'~ SI,nlf1canllllOClallonl lor OC'CIIPlllonal elpolurn 01 1M mothen "' Included II TabIt J. Pllnu and pl,mlftu U I IIMnI CII"OIJ wIIIIJ,nlf1can~ and UM of Ipllr Pllnu-u 1M 1M molt Illnlf1cIBIlub(altlOt7 (OR · ),0 for prolon'ld UpoIurl; trend,'. O,O)~ UM oflurpc~lIl1f (loul (&If mOlhen rtnlU no conllOl nlOlhen,'. 0,04) and pllnllhlnMn (OR · 4.0.'.0.16) hid 11101~lIId oddl nllo& wllhlnlhls (lIIIOIY, bullhcw 1I1OClallonllultlr dlupptlltd wMn Ih. Illlllll, wu adJullld fot Itpollld UM of Ipnr pllnu. MII.mll mllal "poIllln O\lnllwlre IIlnlf1c11l (OR. J.S for both IhorIlnd p1olonlfd Ilpo1UIt; mnd, , . O,Ol~ bul fllql/Cnclcl 1011pt. rille mellll w.It tmll~ lAd IftOII mOlhen Ilmpl, llponld "poIUIt 10 1M lubaroupof'nu~1 dUllllnd Iuml&. . Th. mOil II,nlf1clllt mlllmalllpoIUIt WlI 10 pnllddtl (Mien CIM mOlhen lAd IlO conllol nlOlhen hid prolon"d "poIU/1; IIlnd. ,. o.oOI~ On. addlllonll IlCIor. nollllowll, ... "POIUIt 10 Inlulllln, mlllrlall...bkh w.. prolKlh. (llInd,'. O,OS~ du. Ilrlclr 10 the flit Ihlllll n,. mOIMn llponlnl prolon'ld Ilbellot "POIUIt wllt conlrol mOlhlll (IIMI01; lIend. , . O.O)~ Thll faclor hll nol bltn lneludtd In lubltqUlftl anlllltl 111lCt.ln 1M Ibltne. ohnl plmlbll mrchlAllm for I prolKlh. efTKI.lh"llOCllllon w" conlldmd 10 be du. 10 chlllCt. Thf motllmpOlllnl of th. '''1011 lound nOllO be IIlnln. (lnllr 111Oc:lllld whh ANLL WII OC'CIIplllonll "POIUIt 10 lonllln, rldllllon. E.poIu" wll conlldmd 10 be pollftlllllr a1lnlf1clnllflM plllnlwllllqullld 10 "111 doIlmllly bldll. 1I".,,~ ,,_ Thll. WII' onlr lour (1M mOlhln Ind four conllol mOlhm ,..,... ~,"'!1 llporlln, IlICh IIpoIUII. StllnlCIft (lit 11Ihm Ind nlnr con. 1101 Illhm worlld In lobe Ihllllqullld Ihlll dOllmllll' badl' be worn (OR. 1.9 lor prolonlN tlpolUlI, 1'.0,%%). rrlqUlne7 Tlm.1, Dunllon, .M S'IUII 01 [,paIUll. Cumu. 1,111t "POIUIt mlllurCI wllt cllculllld II luml (lor uch .ubellnet) 0111111 job! of Ihl prodllCl olllpolur. l/cquclKl hy Job dU/A1Ion. 1\111 mll1Ult1 did nOI.how IlIonllllllOCl. Illonlwhh dllt.M rllllh.n did Ihlllmplll mfllurrl blltd on 4011 "if. To 1l.1mnlr.c ,,~,(\h.'t lb.," "Ilt llICllCff W<<b~ when the ANLL O<<IlIItd II III ,"lr "1. Inallllt of lilt. llponld IIpo1urll wllt IIptlltd CICludlnl all PIlItBU Ilrd 0111 10 llnd lhelr mllched conllOb~ and lhen 1IIIIlutlaa pllltnu oler lie S. Of the III plln whh bolh mlllrulll4 plllm.1 OC'CIIplllonal !bll, IlIlncludld pllltnullld 10'" undtr,tnd n Includtd pllltnulltd S Ind undtr. A\Ioditlou whhln 1M mlllclld 1111/OUptwlI. quh. IImnlllo lhoM lie, forllllll&. tlctpl for prllklolf Ilpo1UIt lor whkh Iht OR b '....1 ''''IlIII....,.,..,w'',......~....l\UrllA TM~ ...,,"" IN'" C... c...... 01 '1\0 ,.... 10_ '''m~''_ W."" Ptutln ,.u............. '"'~... UM 11"~4v'" ,...... '11'.... SoM " III If 1.1000 II " II IJ.U .1000 " II II IJ.II SoM III IN If 1.1000 II , II 1I.... .1000 II I II '''Ill ~... " III U 1.1000 II :t I.' Olotl .1000 II II 11 IJ", ~... III III If 1.1000 II " U U.U .1000 " I 1I '"'' ..... III III I I '.1000 I I I I OJ.JI '1000 . 0 ~... '" I" If 1.1000 II II U I"U .1000 II I II 1'.1.' ~... 114 101 I I 1.1000 . I to '1.11' '1000 I I 10 U.;" ~... III 101 10 1.1000 I I 00 .1000 I I ~... 1'1 IIIl 10 1.\000 . . 10 llol' ,Iiiiiil 1 0 1001 III 11101 101 III 101 III III ,... 5aa.. 1 '.....11 - ~ , , , , , \I. I . I I - ',c, "ti. 'II~ I ......1 ,rolonl )tlou NOR ,an!We wild 11Im '101\ IOt\lho IOnoc:: 111111 ~" .Ilhln 10m II ~l/M rot pi <1001 ,olon "nd" lIIIp ,..,p. \lIhe Idhk ... lIcor, ,nM Iill1ho AliI ~I Idhk fode ell' 1101' lUll Abul .lnor 11;:1 old. ~"II iO'tlI .'11; .ln01 nil I.." In I p, . "U ... '0"'''1 CXl\to'00'1.1I0.UU .., 0iWII__"'...,..w,_~...... w~ ..,.... ",,...,, """"..-....... "ilI",~ .... Oonot .... - - """" ........ ....... ........ ..... II" ,."..... II' IJ If' U U II' IJ 'I' I" 1/ ,,. If' It' .f' II II....... ,....,,,...... ~ .... . ....... I ....~ ,elM. "le'ClIt. I'~'" ....... ..... .., .. ......,Il... 11..... /till .., .. -I~ ............... ..,........ IJ' U' II~ It " J, It It II If' .,.atd C1pocun ohllhrt ""11.ac 'I"UIHIO llJlIll 10lI11ftl'1f 1I000P ITMIt S~ Allhovl~ 111I IMI,IIM 01 011 nllNlllnmAM4 .1I.1t 111I "~p, IlIIlo-tf "" '''''tilt ""'II nmllaH IllClIlllf4, 511111M. Illhovlh In. lc4. Ifilllll"elt obulMd tot IIP11lff IIIlltfalllad pollet. &aIl1Nt. 11".....,. '111111. .11. IlIIlCIff 1I).Ioc).le 1~1l/~1l) i p/IoIoQ I_ · 9.'1Ad lhole .II~ IIlelollOtlOC)Ile 1M.) ot , IllC)lle I~UlIIOIplloIop I_ · SJ'.lIt 1110 w1,nd "" I t/J tot nldttlct 11111111I mh 'anon IlIlhl be Ipcri/lc 10 ,,, 0I11l1N N)ot ANLL II~IOUPI (T IbIt S~ o.s.I.1I11ot lit I" M I~U ".~I04IP .." IOIl1bt'lallllIJ tti/Y'.nll lholt ahe. III T.bIt J tot all p.a,wlle comWaN. bulllll 'IS ~P lI\ollt4IO""'pcri/lc ..toNl.1 oIlallltll. I pilffiii/ ilpome Iv IOhnn. I" 00i4. "Iio tot IIlot1 . 00 dml C1potllfUII nlllhel,IIlCIIl'&t4'1 ).7, bul rot ~1t4 "potUtt. 111I11110 bcaIIIt U I' . O.~ tot ~ TIlt tIIOdJllo. .11. pnlldtlt C1powtt ... ..bt.... U/OIIlfr III I" ~U,')1S IIbs10Up I'" III 111I MI,')U ~ TIlt hI" 011 tll'mlltllad If" -ttIlmllolctICt lal'"'' , ~U~IS 1II~I04IP rell<<1l11t ran Wll1IO 01111I Ibltt tIuIh III I" COllloll/Olp .htltpOllN pntldtlt C1POO .ert ..Iellcd 10 "poNtI t&ItI, Ifll"" DIll, OM poIlt 1111' tot "potun ItIII/ lIOftf.powtt. WI 1"'IlIp1,d 10 lilt wl)1l1 tllflllt, IhI04I,h mlrinlotllo MS Clift Oftl,. , (lmplt .." -.. 100 IIIIlIIO PlOlttll 11IM rtlullL IOUlh lilt UNIIOtII II rhh tlllNln "'0\1'1f ."" IOIou IfOIIPI.elt ..btllallll, IIN ~ulllbfn 01 II poNtI lllllllft lilt lu~rOllpl_'n wall, lAd lilt Mff,.MIt, I "11ot -II not llillllkall, 1I,IIlIlcIaL tflftlc A....1l11n. TNIt .lIt 66 nlC1 rot .holll Mile 1ll11'Ml.'It ptrtOlmttllAd .crt lOftlltk'N ldf. lfle,"'I"1 rellcw or '" hl)OIIptt. \\'lthll Ihh 11OUP. 16 Utllbnoflllll hl)OII"" wtudln. ""ral/MIlllnl ulhlll O*"N In 1II1,loltIlf1Ihmll~ ~ 1S:171l6nlC1~ 19c1ln~ 1(9;11114 ClItI~ -7(J nltl~ +I III nltl~ : II. nlC1~ No IIlnlllflftllllOClIllonl ot .ptdllc rtflll. 1IIOfIII11I11II I"" OtfIlp.alloul C1po1urn .(If rou,d. ",aile. the IImh,d numbfr or fllC1 Oft. holll dill .,It It I. COnjullfllon _Ith lilt 10_ r"quclll)' or 1II<I"klull '111111I lAd ot 11'<<11Ic tlpoIu,t\, Ihl. 1'1'1111 IIld "IY "'"10 t1ettfllllOdfllll fOlllllllonl. 11111111. 1\nt IIllIudc4 qundoll 01 ..lflUlllpoIU/1 10 IIouIcIloU n'lpt')" pntlddn, .udn Of ,&ricv1Iurallpr'll, ,"" PfllVlcu. PI_I, It 111I _,. "foI, lilt WI 10nll,I IInl",1I pt,1otI ot dlllbl,111I ladll fIl1lIlllCJ. TnlllllUI or 111I _If "!a1KC n1"lIlaIlOll 0111 IN \Illlf Pfriod ... .110 .lCtnllnttl. SllIUu q.ndGII..,rt IIled COIICllllln. d~tfI tlpowtt 01,.. e.lIoI,o hovl(lIoloI ptIIlcfJtc. ,Utlell Ipr'I" lAd IftIKC tlrt'lIIlulloaL S1"IIlcaaI.IIOdlIIonI.,n ","al 'ot II aiM I"" poIlUIII pnllcttIl C1potW1l1.e1ll1 poIIulII tlpowtt 10 ptllolnlll prod""l (T,bIe'~ Tllf (rl4UCllC)' CIII. am It'" 10 'rtqoHllCJ oIult Ia 1M .. M.hhullll AIIl)1C1 TN OtfIlpolllotlllllpolUlt1lb'N I~ TIbIc J.(If ,ulUl,led · hilt co~llollbll tot 111I pouIbIt COIbIadJI, '/YlCIl ot 1M Ilotl(hoItI tlpoIUIt1ltot IN IWbln ......11 rlblt 61 lAd IIllfralllllllJqa. III. ~blemllllUiltw UtI betn tound 01 Ia luller 'IUI)'" 0I1h11 01111 "' 10 be 1 lI.alllcln' ml tlflOf lOR - 10.0.'. 0,00"(l0~ TllfOllp1llllf1cIIlCt!tlel 10 clll'lf IUbt""IlII) !a 1M ldjlnlH wI)1C1 -1I p.altfllJl Ilpo1U" 10 1OI',nll, .hkh 'nfluIH (,0ft! O.ooJ 10 O,OJ lOR · I,.~ SIIIft 10htlllAd ptllOlfullI pIOo/lICI Cllraor!n Ole,llp. lilt '/YlCI o. Ilc' tlflOf 01 colllOlllIl 'ot 1!If olMr .11 tIllIlMd: both 11"If1ca1lCt "'ell tltallwtl lio O,OS 11I11 O,OJ. mPlClllll)~ Tllf lItoNllon 01 p.alflNllOh,nll"" ASLL rhllmllt 1IOI111,llIclllt (OR. 1.1.'. O,m .Mn COlI. Il~W rot bot. 1M houllhoklllpolut' lwludln. muijuIIIl '....1 NIl...._,.,_..'_Ihl...f""l/,.,-W '(1""" w """"""""'''' T.... fIi..t c..., ',"," r... r..." DI "' CI ,.... 41"." _ III lit " ,.,11IO II " II ".U ~IIIIO " , "IJot.! 1001 A,U' _ II 10 " 1.111IO , I' "tJ.u ~IIIIO " . 1I II-US IJI l/lcl _ II It " 1.111IO . , II ...., ~'IIIO II I III !.I.IU '00' IIII11I~I_ I' 1.'11IO S ~IIIIO II " " , "".11 , II 1"'1 1:0 IMII~I _ II 10 " 1.111IO , I II 11.611 ~IIIIO . I III '''"11 .001 .P",...._" ~IIIIOI'....'.. ......" 1M I.'" ...",...4 '" ~IIIIO,",. ,..... NIl_",.,O/ft<"'......u",....., 10_ ,_"" r... r_ 01 '''0 ,.,04 "".""'.....'1..... II. III " clf.l 10.. I' ".11 I.L..l 1/ " Ot 0101' II.....,". 001 """ III el/Ol II 1.1/01 1/ 11..14." 1 ""''''klll(l III 10 II II ...10 . " 01., 0 I II 01.11. U' II. 10 . 1.1 01-1' I " 1,1.11t II II 0""1 UI "'tnlr........... ~ 1M 014 r.'poI"" I'....' ~I/'" 1.1,.. II '1 lilt qunllonl 011 nollO(f\lplllon,l "poIuln or child II.., "". II nil "tI. Ifltrallhll .1It ~~rctl, ,II,l1nlIO Ihll "._"_,,,,...liIt .oJ) '- -" ,- ..."..........- I~.... 1 _ . __ 1 ~ - , . I ' - 1 u .. .." ... /111\1., OI'C"IIIO''', I\MIIU 'IJ1 1M) u4 "lflllIl'lll*'" "., C1potlllf. I. 011) * 01 Plo.ItIC1 C1potW' IN "lfI~1I PfllkWi C11'O\U1t 10 Jt tllllo IN II "1III11n lI-hkhINIIOIN' I(pofIf4 IWij.w 1M -" M11II,II/kuI\UUuk,n, I' <001 lot IIIIl4~ .lIh ~ .....1 IN,,,a'l(potlo/,,...u1om,,Ilol,lrlpolll'IOPfllkWtt. tlpoIII' btla,IN HI, om,,11oIu1 ,iI' laclOf ~.-. . Illlt. 114lc'IIIa,I"lIflN/acIOn_'"~ollclalfll. ,,""""UIII both '''Nn INIIOII\(n. TllIIuIflI ,elalll, ,iI' 11l~ 1111 O't/Ia, blt'cul(,om' 1M 01 .lriJtw INIlovIfIloW 1M 'fI,/Of PloloHl,14 tI,olVln 10 ku IIa\l\(,~ 1ll411\(U/ '-' I'IIe oIPf111c1oln. hrl.,....,"k4 wJ,j/folCN ,"l ,,!<<Ur,' 1I."IIIf. ..., PfIIlcloIn (lIIOlIMr~ hilI\( IIII.ItllUlllllc, "PorI. (Ill' .lIhllW1/N., 1M. IIUIIf)Ia, " "'''I 01 C1po1W' 10 PfIII. la, PloloIIlfoI tlpotoIn .,It IfIN ril' nllnUln "biIa or rioIn Ia 11M ..llIm ."lInk cbI" II IN rill nliNlf, laI" rlll44ll IIIonll '&1 not po\llWf.o plllpolnll" ~ "11 COllllallo. 01 .UIII'-II u4 !"lItNl om!,,11oIII C1potl/1n II I(lallo. to IN PlflAW) .1\(1 C1potUl' "., lilt '"-lite III I h aho potllblr. \Iftct '01' hhlorln ." bt nlaW. rOf IbIl IIcfUM II ,'',. ilia "nflll dllTtrt4 lOf the llIioti .... ..bl ICaIOA, Ik 1I,~I/kU(t 01111&111'-11 C1potlllf to palall (-hlell 1I&11M,"" IN hip (0111111101 01 C1potl/1' be/Olt. ~ ~I ." ~lIo"'ll(IpotUI1l-'I"lnW'N~CIlIICIOIlIll, ,il4 ,nfllN PIfIIWC) IfllfUlI, ellUlHllu1 t1thl1l""" "'1 lOf !"lmaI toI'"1 C1po111' u4 -" to.il4 10 bt 10 IoIlfr IOIlfIN ,,,Iooh.m IlmQu. W, dl4lO1 Nf M,hct OR, ,"- ..Pt 1I,IlIkuL TN ",me '" IOIlk caw. COIIltolIlI,lot pAlIl Ik oIc/la111ol 01 C1po\111' '&1 COIIIlat. 10 d~t(( lit III ~ .UI C1po1l11t .14 101 4<<'UM INII,.ukutt of toI'''1 C1potU11, pto.ItIC1L rOf IN 1IOIbtn. 11111 -&I IOIlIIpIlllna. _ ... IIl1C I. COIIlIIII, .,llIIuI tlpotUI1lO 1IlUI4IIIf. .... COIIuoIIf4 11114, .,,11111114 ,.,.ClIO oIclt(( dilTmllCtt lOf ~ ',.he lot !"letNl ku tlpoIW'. nnu1ac4 Ila~iIlcuc al , - to), C1potWf1l'" omm4ll1/nqwlll, Ikn Ih,. l' III ~ ill I! COIIl/olU" !"lInul k&4 tll'O\II' lot .'11111II11(111 ,"III IfI'OMl .Ipot." 10 l"lf of the lactOll IOlIIId 10 be IIPlI\. tlJI llpotUI1l1mllul, bH link ,lTftl OliN 1I11.,lh 01 &\I<<U' raAl~ .1Id II,hll.111\( oIcnllllon O/llpollllf Invhlll II too call 1101I. 1,.114111411&11 tlp0w4IO bt 01 plactle,l 1M. rOf I""",,... It, f'IaIII,. . lOf'tlU1lIIl,.IM Iochli( Ifllnllol w1)1It -" .limllljllol olllldillC1 elpollll' (,11I1 h. llPOWIi 10 CI\(IIQl, IllJI IIf4 10 rf4V(t IN om!,,11oNI IKlOII (kM' 011 wll'lfrolll IIf4 lIIalb) hlllOl d~ccll, IIII1dW b) II\( Inpoa4,t11 kW IN IIIoII(Ia,,' houwllol.t flpotIIrn 10 . IltbMc of 1aoIcrt1lolc.1I, Iillk .lTftl o~ t1t~ nll.,11t. M 1I,.J/kaAl IlIlIbIn. "allablet'm cooIc4 &I 1boo.1a Tablet RII' nllll"It nlal14 10 PfllkI.tc llpoIure -", ~ "P J aa4 6.11IoI al tach III' IN lUIaWc -1111 'N ..al1nI , Ialv; lull, lltal., _lIhllll\( IlIbtlOll' 01 c.1ft .1111 Mt M4 MS .IIt lOf IIfI4 1a4Jv1l14 lot III pI"loflI, MI<<1Il1 lulablnl_" lIOIpllo!ou,'il4/OfIlI01f-hlldlMllfomnlll,.110I1,.,., S Ml<<1fl1. 11M 1lIOII1I,llIk.ft1 ..hulal' "1OC1l11oI." .hh Illhou,h IOImIIlnI1 o/oddl "110 N"'OIfIllI" ocn 101 1ft, ",.~'II om!,,11oa1l pnllcloll lll'OIlIli I' . 0004~ Tile Il'llbt, 511I(1 IN MS IlIblII'f II 110/, commoa Ia lOll.., ," 1f(0000Iitlabk 10 be IIrlvolt4 II IIw _I -. IlotMhol4 elllldtra, the I(lallolllll, -hh IIOIpllolocblwbl,1'f ." .. 1Io~ PflIkl.tcflpotl/l,oll"'ehlJ.l,-lIh.IlaII/k'IIIf"'c1ofo.ol I<<OIIlu) 10 U 'If ,ITC((, Of llet If No W. dl4lO1"", 10 I l"'jonJ14 lot ""~III om!,,11oNI PfllIeWi elpolUl'~ Tlulf nllr.Ir,,1cIo lot palllolocltllld lulUli lluolln lhoul.t (lf~ ~ IIIOR IIri1b1n -", Iflmlll b) 11M "," iM \'IOIfoi.,r: .,1.,. br li<<i11lf4 10 IncWc !"IIIo\ocl r" klt to 111101'111'" IlIIIJti. IllII '-II IIlUI dull .1Id Iu... flpoIlli (aoI)tIIH ,. o.ol~ !""r'" lloNIlIOIplloloclcalclllll/kalloft. So 1(111101111I,01 flPGAIIt 1ft, \'IIIMII flpotlli (adjvIlH' - o.OJ~.1Id !"ICI'-II flpotUl' 10 . .1'f(I1Ie ()IOIfIlIllt abftotll.lIl) could be 1k1llOll""1Id, 10<1 10 "'"1n ("'/vlll' , · O,~~ TllI _I 1l,~iI1cul of tl\( .hhov,h IN IIIIIIlllmbl, 01 c.1ft _hh ao!tqual. ,~~ 1111 re.....In'I..MImIll) .ulabln -II, .alt/~II flpolIIt 10 plOIIoIc4 IIl11h14 ,.,.ClIO oIcl<<lIllCII 1l1<<U1Iou Of IIOIf, IIU !,,1lI11 u4 ,I'lIIfAIIIIdJIIlH ,. O,06~ 11oo"", Illhalll\( 1IC1III1I, eluollOlOlllal.bnotlllllllcs'" '110, .., Irrqllflll, pI",.1II the 1I111'"l1t nlll 01 &4vll INrlelll "I\. -hh ASLL -110 hiI, om!"llona) flpotU/It (Iole Of oIcledoe .y' o( C"O_1Ift S III4/Of 'I -." 11I"1 obMnlllla .hbtr Ibc I I~ IN Mucll lOf fAI~OIIl\lIlIIl lactOll llul coulol caYM e1rolfd Ot ullllp0w4 !"llelllln Ihlllllld,. la. Cllllfr II child", .11.111101I11 lreclll'''' II" bcc~ lOCllW 51111f -, .lCluokd I'IIII1In 1"'-"'101 [II,lIl1l'rn~ln, 01 Iill Gllhe rok 01 ""1111 'IpotUln aM. pullclllall,. 011 om!", dl4lO1 h'If' IIkp/loM.III"anl '''111111011I1, -110 '0lI14 br ., IIoNI IK.on 19.1I.JO~ Rmlll IlolllfIN lIudln 1I",lboon fll'fCIlIl to bt aI Wall III' 0/1\('1) Pflllelde flJlOIUIf. vm lill IImhlll ~nllll'lIC) .1Id, III Iflllra~ hili not plO'IoIcd "'" 10 \'I(\lm,bl, IndtnlPf'1f1l11ll II Ilulh 1M nM .1Id conllol 1/0 1IId1n1l1loo I'" om!"IIoII,1 tlpoIUI' IIllhl alTlC1 .~ oIf. lallpln. T'" 1i~c11 ,lTcct 01 I fIN '1C11l101I1.10 bUill\( rill '110 1\'I1It" AIIII1I.IIII. Mh,"llllllllcludt . Iflm ,,1I11l11l11otl nllNltt lo_udl ..II, aIId 10 IIdV(t 1IaIIIlInIIl,"I/k,IIC'I. Ik \'1101 10 ~,,"pllo, lIanlplx'"111 '11&1 flpolUI'. ,lpoIY" AllclIl\(, co,,",~ iI.llh pollllllllrlt.1I 1lI,I, dllf 10 bllllllmJI ,n IhlOlIlllblml mill. Of dlrftl "1'OIlI"potlftmll, 10cl\(II1c111 b) tlM "'''1111 0/1111\(, . -Ide IIIIIf 01 !"II "poturn 01. 10 1 blOUlhlllo... 011 clolllll', 011I InlOlI lOt llICfnalllltt Illhll mo" 11'<<1/k,II,. 10 Iflllln "I'OIYln Ihll hIli blClllnlld II ~Il un 1I1111111'IIt 01 the 1I11d1l1 "., blll IImll141n !"IIIIIII the lMdu 10 unccr 111"11I111 Ot kullml. In par.lclllaI, TN OJ' IIlmlit", h." ,'OUp!4 101111\(, dil,", IUIIO/III'lL Of 11I11 elTccl 0/11I1 101I1l'f(11k IIt.1I bll.IIYII be Imll~ .IIIC'IIO 10 ,lIcmpll1llo III" "potu" on the balll 01. Iln,k job IlIk. ll",mllle d!lflll"", In Inponltt .,,, IOlIIId lot ,''' .11I .', Iccolokd III' 1I11l1n1 llCOId 0' 011. blllh ot ok'lh nnllle,", lII'loth, 01 qun'Io~. &llcd, 5Imll"I,. . ,11II"II'IIC,plio. ~I' II', "POlllhe 11I1111 01 the nlllllll' caM(OI\lrolllud, 01 Ih" chlmle.h IlIIh all'IlIkldtt II' rolllll,lI, hl/uoloulle iii: chll~"1 -lIh ",SLL SIne, Ihll NII,",IIC) III ..MII h" bell 1\(.lIh lhoultl ,110 III "ncclld In Ihl Inulll 01 OYI 011\(, III111In II. ~neIYlllcI, IIl1lcd 10 Iflllll omp&llonal "potYln lnellldlnl on childhood Cll'lfn. .hkh Ylfd III) .11111" mllhool4ioaln .. tltlllClII '"~ olhel 101111111 (~. S~ .lId 110/1 III1Wlll" &l1OC1. lid q""llollnal" lO'II"~ lid ., hili Nfn 110 flilkllC'l 101 .. 'lid .llh olhe, laclotllnelldl"'l'IlIklokt IIlIIII~ klnllllll IhllflllUl1I 101 lho'"I, RIl'.1I blalll '1I",,"d bJ lilt l\fot ,h ndbllon m Ihl plllllbllll' 01 .11 &lIOCI,I"'n bll."1 I'" IUIIIII&lIIIIIInIlOl. IIIICf In'o,malkln "..ilkd bJ mollltll .. chilJ'.IIII11" and occu'l''''nal "I'OIUltt 01 11I1It, '''''"I-II IClalIIIIIO 11It11 hUlNlldl' occu,a1lonal lll'OlUln 111111" II n" cumlllld III okllll, DOlh 1'1/11111-'" Inllnk.cd .1It" lICI" bc I", dllallld IIkl IttllCtlllalllhan Ihal Oblllllc~ ~1rK111 lillll.llld . 11/,,1111\I job hlllOll oblllllld, rlllllll .'" IIlcd I,om Illhm. .lId Ihcrr .'" 1II01i .YIIOI.II IIIIInll.. '01 ,boll ,ach Job hlld lid ,boul lICIllibll 'IJllllY" 10 Slll'f(11Ie 1'Illllr011lh'II 111I "lit. II', chcclt~ Ih. lICIlllbllll' Ih'll~ lubtll",n. TM Iflyllllho. ,III111,IIOIIcII ,Ikl I'llrolum 1l1OC1&l101I. 01 IOh'"I~ I'Ilrolum ,ru.lllClL III~ ptllkldtl'''' 141. DIS(\SSIOS II '~I .. ._~ . - - -. ...- . . . - r '" .,lIfn 1.11 dllf 10 UM olluno..le 1110111I1110.. '-'I ~nd ij, ,ilIUII rnulllll lilt unmllChed Inll,lft (lIclu4ln'IllITOIIIt II ,.C"k-I~ W. dlol not IlIlmpt 10 11I11) Clpowrfl Ulllt ~ "" 'lit t1llhlllnlormlllon .llntd I,om emplolln b) lI\IU 1091d ... pellll, be Inllclublc lhal lhal .lllItd 110m IhI IIIf 01 ~ .0111101 Pll.nl, .nd on'llI. Ihlll 1111 cklll,llOt I pfacllcal II ~1I1on. , 'of lib 1m 1 oth. dll!kllll 10n~l~nll~ poIlibllill 01 dllTl1.ft(t\ ; III , 1m t II IfIt con "'" Ipcclll<III,IO Inhmu and lhe .. ,oblllnltllound 10 bul.nllklnl. UM 011 job elpolUlt lI\IlIh 'L \Illllt potcnllll adllnlll' 01 beln. Inl IUkfpliblt 10 rmIl . let lialtt and .. IIJd hoptd Ihll mulII Irom Ihll anaI'lh 1091d '" lIfPPOIt 1M 1t1f'lfpor1 dill. In IIC1, .hlk 1M job elpollllt '" ..III. mulll pIOllckd 1011II IUppocIlot 1M IIIMn' Ifll. I" ll90IIed llpocuI.lot ptIllc\dn, llIlh III IIOC lbe CtIIIOf lbe !Ill ....,IIndIn." Thll could be Inllrpllled II I'IokIlCt lot b4ltt 011 . 1M Ictr.lfpollln, 01 C1po1Um. AIl.mllhcl" and "' COlI' i/I. ,wel moll plobtbly. II could IIIk<lI hI.h klel ollllhcllllln. 00 ....Ion lor ClpoIUlfI Inlerred Irom job IIIIn. II h ImpOl1lnllo he ~",u.. Ihll . job ,lpoIUIf mlllll IlIoelalfl I l'09P 01 ala ,.JillolullI .lIh I common job 11I1t. bul ptlhlPl qlllle IIllln. .. . ",ponllbllllln Ind enlkonmenl\, 10 . poIllblt C1pOIUIf. II ~ not nmIwlly link I.pccllk ptnoA III lhal jobllo 1M ... rtpolurr, onl,lhlOV,h IUIIMI enqult) Iln II be d1111l11lncd .IS .belMr or notl,lltl Indllldulll" ClpoIcd. 'I" Selll" dkcccllpolurlt OIIM child 1111 IIklllllO Ihll ; 101 ..,JJII\' 1I0uMhold ptIlkldundl'lIlOkum prodlll1l1po1U1f1 ~ III ..rl 1I11111klll,In 1M unlll/ulI anll,,,,, A Inl dltl(1 holnt. L be lOW ClPOIlI1.IUII" 1110 Il,nllkanl, II' lIIIlIInal IlpoIlIIt ; 'I . ptIlkldtl durin, 1M prcanl/lC)'. To IIlftl lilt 1I11ft1 01 t lit ;<;CIfcundlnC ct lht1f IWNft "~h !M IlmIpllloullacton. 1 '" loth Mil ollllllbln .tre IlIIlu"dln 1M III",IM m,llhllulI I' lit laIl'II" The Ml<<tlon 01110 mellurfl 01 ptIlk1dt C1po1U1e f Ill, tomIPlllolIJllnd dlrcccllpoluII OIIM chlldl II IhI IlnI 110 f IfS I..ublfl IInCCCI 1M IIullI. IlIln.lh 01 1M llow,mpGftM f I&, idIllonlhlp rot IW IIlubln Ind Indlnlfl Ihlllhl 0MIp" ; III rlonlllnd hoUMhold ClpoIurlt 1111 wltly IndcptndflL Tht ; III IIIIcr houMhold C1po1um III' not Ml<<ted In Ihlllr",1tt i: 01 1UIlIIlmlllnll)II" ~ hi Tht mulle 110m Ihllllud, collCtrnln, mlltlul dIu'lIIf la" be.n pubUlhtd ellelMII (lO~ 111II 1M luonlfll ,,10- t Of .ullon III 11th mlllJulnl UM du,ln, pI'lnlllC)'. Inlllfll. ; be IllMoun, chlldllnlnd lholtllth M~/MS ~holoar If" ) ~e Ihploporllonllely o"n,plfl(nlld In .IM mllijulnHlpowd ('01 lIOUP.' pltl,m 1110 IIln lor IhI ptIlkldt.flpoIId 1""'P. ll~ I1ttM obM,,"lonl lell quit. Indeprndcnl. hooollll. \IIICf i:t. "" III no o"rllp bellten Ih. Indhlolualt .lth plolonled liD ",Iklde "po"" (01 lilt purnllllnd IhoIt llpolld I. Ire,. I It, " mlllJulnl. Nllth" .IIIM liIk ltllmlle 101 m1l1Ju11ll UIf ,II 1l111ed lulllllnlulI, lhen lhe Ie,,' olhoullhold UIf 0( pcllkldt , .. III ... uMd .. I conuolllnllllllble. MarlJuln. hll been lho-n 1IO " hi" I dllll' ,lTccc on 1M Immun. I)IlIm. plllic1lllll) on III IlOn()()"I (JI~ Ind It mlY be dbllll, kulrmoalnlc. ,In In. III rlluln, IIIIInllh. Illh.1 Imo~ln, marlluanl ml) plOIIdt I 10 IIlnllklnllddlllon.1 "poIUII 10 l'lllkldn.llru. IftIOlClmenl let .,IIIICI hili Ulfd lellal plllqUlllpll)ln, 01 marljulftlllrldl Ict III10mbll mllijUInI"OICn. Ind plllqUl1 conllmlnlllon 01 \ir .,rlluanl hll been mlll",dln ~ 10 JI 'I 01 IOnnlCllld 11m. 0( Iln m~ funh".lh",," clllllt no conlloll on IhlllllC Ind :n ~ 01 pnlkldn lhal ,'0-," Ulf on IIKlr nlllllllnl (101'110 10 ~uolln"'I'lnd _"d~ d, Th. ClII,Olkl olllllllln(lllhll -III 1"'IUllld Il;)ul (Tlbl. rOf II lit nOI mUlually Clcluth.. fOllllmpl.. p,lnlllftd l'CII1, hi ddcl mlY lnelud. ol,lnk IOhlnl\, Ind mlny l'lllolcum plOIl. rOf 1111 mlY be c1mlllcd lllOhcnl~ Thut.lh. oblrll.d 11I0111' .1'.,."........".... m! ''11 "0 '011..,.1 O((\""O"IIIMUU llotI 01 pcllkIdn. IOltClt\, ... ptUolc1l. plo.luc1llMcnL ptIllcldn. pllnll. and plaIN.IIIIllOlNnL'" pc1tOln. peod, 1Il11 (Ihlldllllll llpencll 11011_ Ilpo1l11' 10 1Olt.1I111 1M multhll"" anaI,tk. ~h pnllcldt Ilpo1U1f1 ... pcu. ku", plOIllll1l1po11tfl "III Ite. to be IttpOl1l1L Tht moelado. 0( IIICC/Ii.l III~ rurerul flpollt' 10 Ilbrlclllotl ptOCftlC1lUt 11'0&0, INuh h 1I11i11"'a. '*' Ihh oct~rallonll flpolUl' .... bet. pll'Jo.nII Rl'G'led lot II IIMI' Iumor un and "" ~nd 10 be I 11..1Ilc1ll,hl ItCtOIlot hep'I~t1Ol111In I /1'Cfnd, completed CCSO \ltdl.' I~ lilt lIIultllllule anaI)tk. rulllnalmcul oIoIIl C1po1t1f IfIllllnt4 tlaollkand,llloelalt4 "lth A~lL ,Ilk,^" NjwItINll10t ptIlk1dt and ptcrolct. plOIlIll1 flpollllt. We II' lIOI ..lit ollUppoI,ln. dill I". aalIlIIlltIlIln.1IOI 0( II' ~h, 01 ANlL 11th Ihnc 110 11IIbr)0IlII ,,--. ... eklll1 IhIt IltocIadotl h 0IIf llut _Ina~ll t.nhct mcllCL OM oIlbe IhIIt Ip<<I/lc h)poIkIc1lot IhIt 111147 I II I"'t OCtIlp'lloulllpotull oIlhe PUUIIO Ioal/In, radullo. 01 elpolU/' 01 1M child 10 IIICIlkal X'/I)' _.hl I~ctlllf ,kl We 1000nd IIl1k I'IokIlCt lot II 1I1011111011kh ocnpallolll Ilpo1UII.llthovlh lilt ...mt.f of IIlOIhen llpoItI,,"po1U1f 10 1otI"ln. ,adullotl ,,"1l1111l. and IWltr 11114, 1091d be IlCtIlc4 10 ,s,lldltlllll OII1101lc/lIl rill Iamlltl. A IOtItla. nlllclnlly 1Il'IIed OR "1.I09nd I<< ocnpalloallllpollll' 01 lbe Illhcn 10 radullol. Theil III no ,,1OCIa11otl-llh lit 01 medkal X''')I; lIndJ.1I llOIIlhh IIt1l1, IIUI"', 10 ~. p'11otI11 elpolUlfI 111I be rlponed c1M1hcr&. 'n I Cllf<Otlllolllu4J oIlCWltlhlJ.lhooollnhlllu II 5....'. ul m~ Ihkh Indu4c4 9~ A~lL CIItI, lhcr& 1111 tIplll. clnll,lnrrlllfd rhk 01 A~lL lot ehlldtl~ of -_. 100lII, In IIIIlalll"nlo. and plOIfIu~,IOR . U~ Thll 1114, allO 10001III11lnliicatltlllONlion' .iI. iiiii1iN1 flfV\Oli c; ~ /(jlf lOR. UI.IIII,1IOI1ni lOR - tl~ M.llluI pnlkldt ClpoIUII III IIlOC1aled Illh boIh ICVltl)lIIphoc)tk Icv\tmla (OR. Ullnd A~lL lOR . t~L but oal,lbe IotIllCl III IlIlhlkln,IICn1llnnL TM mulu ollhll 11114, peOlIok I COIIUI"OI p'11I1' or 1I1OCiallon 01 A~LL rilk Illh ptIlk1dt llpoIUI' and Illh . broadl) d111ncd "Iohenl" CIlIIOf) IUI IlKluoIn ptlrolc1l11 plOIIlIllllnd p'lnlL T1It r-..1Idtd UCnllkPCf 11I.11 rrponed IhrOUlhoul mull be "IlIdcd II COftIf"III". Iinc1I1 1IlO\' 101l11lCtl Oftl) Oft( 01 lilt 1"0 a1II/l1.III1f1 10 IhI ~ull h)poIhnll III COIIllokred Iihl,. Thlllpplln pIIIklI1llt,10 lbe Ihrte IXlon fl'Cllkldt elpowII.lOh,nl elpolUl', and 1otI1,ln. II' dllllon ClpoIUll111ut _ere 1M plllI\II) IIXVI Ollhlllu4). balfd on . ,m./ dill Impllnlln,IW llI10n II I'Oltnllll Ituhmoalftl; 11IOI. ClUllon mull lot IIIrchcd I~ "'"lp/elln, 1M olhlr poIlll" nndlnl\, IIIlCt IIImlftlliotl 011 rlull"l, Ilr.. number 011'Ol"'blt ClpoI"CI II lilll, 10 hi" plOIlIlCfll 1011II 1IIt1l1lnll)lllftillclnl nndl"'1 b) 11unct. SIIlCt balh 1M mOl hen .lIIIlllhen -III Il\ld ~boul . mljo! (llll<<kl 01 ClpoIUII .nd SJ lIIOI. Ipccllk ClpoIUIn.IMII 11111011101 In ClI'Ol"f1 10 bt InIN, 50mt ollhnt "ere IIImlllldln I IlIifl) 0(11)1 (d,,"lon 01 ClpolUII. dltl(1 ,"'.. 111II IrK' elpolUII. IIc,l. Ihu.llllllllln. Ihr num\ot, 01 1II11111n1 Inn rlllltd oul. 5ohlnll.nd ptIlkldCllll-klcl) ulC1Iln balh IndulIIlIlllIII domnlk \Clllnl\' Ind balh rlll.o,1n Include 11111' num\ot, 01 dlll/le c"'mkll~ l'nlortunllll). "' (Oul.I nul klcnlll) _lIh Inllunnokn<. ,''' 11'K1f\c IIlllrnll 01 I'CIlkl.ln 1I\IlClalld "lIh ,ISI,L lilt ,I l'l"IIII) IOf 'ulull INarlh mull lot 10 n~"o- lilt IIl11h. rllhcllO OM ullhe mljolllllltl 01 ptlll. cldel 01 10111 nil. or 10 Illnl" "Inl. 1 . I ~I 5~ f ., 1 '" ir' ",rLOiDIX " f'l/Mlt4I ~1flI1.... cw.,.. ('tAl" SIoir "'" UIl l,wil,dOll '"n1I4'1OI elf... .. ClIeof o,tnllOllI Otl\c. Of._II...... M 0, CA 11m .. ',," " Ualomkl tl Sftlklt ClloI<<Ila IoU \\'.iMf. Of.',II, l" I C",lIlullo. C_, C,.'II 1I11~ Mil. "-0, I 111 A,..1It. CA ~kUl. S,.,.... "-D. . ! II MII.llnllt. "-I), I' 10000tUl ...."'. M . U. "0, . I MI4rU. ."". "-0, I \ Ualornll, tl Mk~lll~ Mr41nl C.-III ~"","...w..tOII, \l 0, CAOltll \ , I ~ AU A/W. MI ~ Ualomkl tl ClliI<lrtlt Mr4itll C'.'II An'" A\IIl. MD. CA IlIlt t \ ~ F,uchct.CA ~ Ualornll, tl \\,*"11I11'" ,... 0,,110II, ~ID, C\O~1l '. , . ~I MltOIIo \\'1 ~ ~"IIoIrk"1N Mr41nl C.-II' ~0IIIliIC\ri~10. CA 10111 ~ Sfln'" \\'A III ~rlIMot """ IN 0lWn...1I." k\U ShrioI. ~ID. CAIOIlO , U Clr>...... 011 , t'\oWrll..II'" ~lIi0111l Mr4itll CIIIII 0nI0II ~,.." \I 0. CAOllU . II' ...Illl.... DC " r 0??o/II.'. \I.llO/illll'" [1<11. "... \1.0. CHII\I I II,' ('\1"...IL . C\iWlt...IIOl1lul tl1ll A,..1n lOIlf On".. ~ID, CHIll' e 111 AJlfIlt. CA u. . t'\oWr....II." tlC...... Frtolr,k' h,.AU. \I 0, CA 01110 . I C...... 011 ,u .....11... Sf'11o r-n~ M.D, CAOIII6 ~ ~\'II"N\' . Met'. II." tl 'illlbootl~ V'-1I1 AIlo. M 0, CA \6011 I lie I PMII"'I~ 'A . V....,~ Ualo.nJc, "1Iool tl \lr4itlM I,.. hhllt, \I D. CAl6ll0 II. I 1/...... TlI . 0I/l""1otf M,IIOIlllIIOlpll" 101 ('\il4tt. ~lllcn SIl1Ilol1~ \10. CAI~ It I . ,."..... O~ ,1,1 Ualomkl tl MilIltlOllllllll~ SfIrIlCll Clltll IIUIl..II*"M.D, t., elM , MIur.poIlt. MN \.'alo,nlcJ tlT'IIII1,alI~ S<lr1lCll C'1lII T\oN. \\'lIIil.1. M.D. CA\6OOI ~A_1o, Tll (\1141I,"1101,1111 01 nua4clph~ AIN M,~ Mo. CAll,.. ~lphll.'" ~I,1IOIlll ~.,K'",""I CIMII CIIIII ,,,,, SlI,",n. MD, CA tll64 ~\'II"NY JIM \I \*"'" ~ik) 1I00pl111101 ('WIll ~lllcn 1I'1I1111~ \lD, CA IIlQt 1Il411A1polll.IN IlOIpll"loI Sk' ('\iI4tt. Ahill ZIfon", M.D, TI/OIIl" Dtllulo. C..... UII,.nJc, tl UII~ M14kll C'IIII ~kUl. O'IriI~ \1.0, CA lOin SlI, La" ('It,. UT Slftll \I'llO/illllOl,lI11 IIl1'I)C.~M,D. CA IIITl ~ochnlll. NV \.'Ihtnlc, oIlrilh~ C"'oOla ,,01 hI'''' M,O, CA ltoll VIII{"'". "lll,~ Col,NiI. C...4. ('\114111'11101,1111 Mt4inl C'II" IIl1l1k, La.,lI~ \I 0, C., 11m ('\II{IwILOII Ill1b01/l'CLA' \I~"'('\ll4ll1" \l14kIlCII'" I'll) n.,Int,1I. \I D. CA 1.,60 Tomllll.II4LOftllklf~CA l'II,,,,II) oICrllrOllil M,dk.1 CIIIII S"pI\I' r,l.. MD, CA 11m LOI ,"IIIIt.CA l'I~,"k, 011000. 1I00,HIII 1114 Ol.k ~'11llO1l4 TlAllOOIl. UD, CA ltll' 10., ('\I). IA ('\114111'11101,11.10101.," 01,14 T.bl'll~ M.D, C,' 111I1 1lt1'"'CO 11l)00111c 0,"1.1 Olk"'l... MO. CA lUll ~",hnl". MN 11ll' 1111101 ~i11lm 1I00plllll0l Ollhlfll ,\lIlft p,l\lIIlft). M.D. liMn. NOIl5<olll. CIIIlll. L'lh.nlt) tl NOIlh Clloll.. 1I11t>tnCOO\lII.MD, C1111'11Ii1~ NC COOl" 1I00plllliVll"n1l' ~"dinl ell'" ~li1lo.lloftlldlOlI, M,O, C.,..... 1'1 M .01. ; 1= i I 1 I \ I \ , -' 4"" 4\0 '111"'" OCt\Ilnooo" ."o.uu .lfUL~ I I. ",,,,.v, tOn/tlloNll....... 10 ,....... II II"''''''''' C_ ,rwoLIt 11.1.1/0..111'. 11I_14C1.II...""'.I.Ioft'otlP,l,~tL....I- L 4. '" _....., "."",~""........ r',_........ 11IO'........ ..,_... .......", All I. I....... ,,/, In. 1".It'~ I ~~ I,... C...... I,"""",'" ..."... ....." II~"" "'_11"""" lAonI. /, Itll.lIltlll' . ~LGlIo\ItIII"""'''tlf"""",,,A''''''Al''' ....1";1'1-111. It'" I ItI_P".WlflO'/.I. L,.".l 4,'" V..... l 1 In"'" II ..."...."" lAonI. t '6, "", . ,"".11,1.....,... 0-1. G, In"" II""""'" ",..., .-.11...... ....... "'.IIlI ~ """ II. ~ L. AIfOl C. G, ,,,., U. I. ViLltl. G, ... ,.......0.4...",..,"".".. _1IJfIoi!......"'I~ ,........ ".............. Ill.....".......... I, "".1..... tto"'" '1fo11L 1"1, l ,.",... ~ L C. 00" ...".....11- III, II.. ..... ~ 1\I.lIl.ltll , ~ L ". r.- I, II. Clrllol C. ...'IrI. I, ........ L. ,....w.. a. ... ."..,..,. t ~ ....... ... -' ~,.I,.'d"'-"'"""' I. ~....C_..... It. It.-.'"', ;t """" L P. '" ...., "11''''...1''1''"'.................. Dol "110. ,.: tlI.I",IIII, II'.... C.I........... CI. II. o...\~.....'" ..."... 'riIO- ...-0. ..-""",,*" Ill...- ""'1.__ c_ O/tl\ C.......,'I ,"'''I"'. 11 ._ I. D. DriUlIIo D. 4., III 'IIJ. V. 4. l.....loIl .....w. ................. ... """... ......4lAon1. t )000101. 1"1, \I. ,...14 V. ~4....... L. ...,.... 4. PII............. 1nlf1Ml....-. W ..111'-........... ...1..1-~...... ..-,_ "".......,........., AnllW ...... /1// ",,,". "11 II C_. L D. ,~ ... """"" ... ..1""111\ ~..... · ""....".".1& I, c_.It 1It.11l.I"L .. ..........1.,. V..UII.1' ,......"" In''IOII...,,,.''.... 10...' Aa 1.1....... III '1Oo1l" I"L . ~...... C\MIhM* II...... "......... oa U1.,...... _.....OlI'otolllL 1..l)<1ioolIJo/O'C..II..... TlIln.lt.. ",Wolot",oaU1CltoftUort1 """"OlI'otolm. . . - . ...--"-- - --.-...... ..-. ..-. 111....1.. w..-. 4.'. C.... P.... ""...... 0. T, U........ ... "...... II"" "",. '" ,.. """" "",,'....d ""...._1, OInf.ll".1l !II.l16,1I1O II. ...... It t .,...... ,..".., "Ik lit .... "'. · ...w .. ~ """ ........ /I. lOt..", lIlt It. ..... I. L. ...III!. I, D. Oo~-. 4. I. ..k .. ...~- D. ~.o.c."'II""""C1.D ll"'.........II.....I"'~ ...~.......... ",,,101I-' tlI.....e ",.......- ...,.~... 1oo,""...,~C..."'P*LII"""IIII, II, 1I_It.~. ","ll, c....... Q, Q, ,,,..., 0 I.... 'oIIIIl41. II. """'" ._ ... ............. ,,,,... "...... II ,.".., C_ ,P*Llt 111'.1'''. lilt, It ",,,II.c_J.1I?4-D,II,.,C. w.1,,'oIIIIl"I. "'.1- I............ "... CItoIl!.1 C_ II...... ",.".., If""'. 1...._n\oIl4.."...... ...........- All. I. I....... 1/1, \It.IMoIIlO It ,... ,.... "". T. D.OmttI.."".."" \loll "....."...... "..."............_ II,I.",..s.c.'IM,/IIt'IOOoII'l 111111_ T....... T....T.....I.CltlIIlllk........"r".... 1I........"1tIH ....,..... II, I, lito, s.c. MH." 11f.1... It"- I~ a-. 4. ,. !ollCIIA c-.. to!. G, "'01\1.1, W, ... ",."".1, T. Om\tIltII""'''''''flllotn t1d ....._,', 1'WO.....C... -rll.'" II: Ill-I,., ,,It, 16. CltIL t" 0i0tII. II, D, ....,\ll, to!. '....d............... II~I,Omf. ~I",I': ,".1"' IIIL II. l~tlIlil'L .. IoIoIItIII. I. ...... T. ,...... T. ... v...... IC. """""...." ... ,.".... ........11 001'"'-1, I........ C... ...., I~...'I: 11.11. "". II r.-I. ll.... ",.."'....1 II. _II........ Ill- fIIlttlI"...... ",.,.......-'" I"..... DClo /Il: 11I''''.1111, II, Ilftltl.l, I."''''''' T,",''''....'''''''.......iItI,._1I """'" u,wotllll~ I~"''''l '.II.llel 10. ()101M. 4. ,. ........ ~. l. l)olIo\o I. I. ...... ~, .. ... 110.... 4. """""....._.................11 1M "-' """", 1.11.... C_I.. "'11011.1116. II, fol...G,cw..GllI,ll..I.O'-.. "'.". ...11....- L C.............. -..,"_"..." C>Ihrol- ...,,101I .... "..,1l11t. A.'Un. ~1A.11. 1111.111.. III'. IL Lto*ll... P.l. ,...L L 1,1_ 1.11.... TIlIoI. p, L P...... ...1IriooM ,'WO....1l..1_1l. A. I, .....11"'" II ".. ,\1,111). II- ""to.a... v. T,ItioloO. 1."'LltII."'.'. r..l, T.'..... W. ... ,,~ I,'." .............,........... """ ".ll\iIlotl "'''IOIIIII4lot~ c""', ,P*l.t 11I.....11". .Oll 1 50S f 1 . 'I - t~, IUJJ\ ~~. e~.VI" ~.tU ~ . r' ~~ :a.ofol1J/""'~~"J (...f.A Childhood LeukemIa and Parenlsl Occupal/onal )~1,J./tf./ : ..... "UI ~ dH E.' - 1~"''1''/~f4~J~ an ome xpolurea:',LJIi)',.. l ~ h '1.1,' 1 , 'J L..I J! !.~ -"(,;"'" . '.......,~~~" rwJ(~'VI'Vo'l. ":'''';44 r f;.J tv...l../", ~ 1. 'f"'r'lIn';'~J,.)I..11 ,'L ,"/~,. . /I , . ....,~. II. tI,,41i lIulll A. LOWtngart, It JolIn Y. Pa'.", 11 Calla Cklonl, II JO/IIlIIall IUCUI" ) Lltn. I.mll.ln, J ,..J &.4 I 1IIW1 PlltIO/l.MtIUft,) IIld fdwtld Rlppapo/1l1 I,"l;ot I' I~ f: I I ~IlIAC'-A UM<ooIlIOI tw, 01 CIII4I", 01 10ft 10..... tH """' III Lot A/ottItt CM, .., cw..clN 10 1Ittt1"01I, rot CMtI 0I1twl_ ,lot.........". '.1NtI oIecw ItwllO\iot _ I/l4 IIltoI ~ NIC/It4 CO/lI/olI .... ~ .... 19tClfc D1Cllfft.olltll/l4 IlolIIt "pOto/t. ., ... ., ...... "" ItClOI1 lllOCltllflllVllMMIt MtI,&It 01 ... Wo/INIioft 1/011I IIot m NlUltd ptlIe tIIhtd tIllllcltt... ... oIltv1t1l11e 101 CI\IIOtM trt\Ott ,.I/It.. .... oce,,"loO/Itl llpot1l1t ."., lilt M'l 01 lilt elW 10 cNoMtllf toIotfttt 10Ht /11IO lOIl/.n '.Ol~ ""f pelIIlIOll.U, ,. 01J. ''" 01 ~ 1011..., ,. O)~ lIltlIIfl tIIIJf ll\Ollt lCAS '''''''' OII.SO,'. OSI..". Cl/IIoIlf "1011."'.'. OSI 0I.1oot.1.. .... ..... ,,~~ lilt IIIOIIotI'I P/tO"tIlCy ltIt/llllt CIloId II..." pti/lIIOll.U.,. 0)1 '0111 01 lilt... II'fllll "1OClo ..... -'Ill "tqoAOIl/M .ll ....'" tlllllloIlIl'/IqIItftll/M. '''''1 ... III 1IlcItt... 11I1 oIlM_1oI1IIt CIloId' lilt I."., ""'If lI~~tCM/lt"~IlOIIIql'~llIlOl""1/o IIIIl/ lOll.,.. '.0)/ 01 IIltc/lIIltIy IOII.SO, ,. OJ) Ail wm...litl IU Iovfld 101 CIWI", .Ioot. pt/lfl1I "'"",110 PIn III lilt IlolIIt IOII.S",. 001/ OIO~ 1011....'. COIl ,,1lIlo """"lIlctllMIIl IIotIlolllt 1011.",'. COIl. Tilt 11I1 IU ;tW# /;f ~ Vii, Iiit. 01 IM_ .., IIIfIlf 10 ~ ",,"ll!lfllC III "'lOft&l MNic. IIIMIIitt 1011.1/, '..01,... IlOIlO ~.".. occ,,",lOlItI..potuI" A.11 ,tltlt~ II 1tI/ItII. ..potuIl 10 CIIIoMtIlf toItMII. ",,",1Il4oIl1ll lilt h/ItfOIIIlioft tquipllltlll""""tCM/lt 11IM",. I/l4 ptlMI' llpotur1lO /IouttIIol,j 01 .1Idtft "Ikif" IIIflllctllM ,""''''' tlIlIIlictIt tit"''"'" .,.., ....Ii/It 101 .... OCIIOI tit""<1/lI ....I-JIiCll..,. IU.... I I I $nml Inlnl/'JIOII hllf lound . "llllonlhlp IIf. IlrCtll plrrnll' occvplllon Ind anecI /11 chlldltn 1I.11~ "hilt Dlhtn hilt IllIrd 10 dcmonlllJlt luch . "lIllon. thrp I/J.l'~ II hll bftll IUllwrd Ihll 1M IIIMfl' npocult 10 hld'OCI'bonl durin, tmplDlmrnl .1 rnolN tchlelt /Ilt(hlllln, IlIIchlllhll, mlnm. p.lln'm. or mOo IOIlfhlclt drllffl h ,nponliblt lor .n Innmrd rllk 01 dllldhood Ituhmll II, " ,~ In .ddltlon. InoIMIl' npocult 10 h,drOCl,bonl/ne/udln. plllIl. Pllloltum JlIOOUCIl. Ind unlprdllrd chrmlall durin. plt,nl"" II IlIoclJlrd with. IllnillClnlly clrulrd Ihk ollrult. 11I11 1m Such lIudln 01 plI/II111 occup.lllon Ind chlldhlllXl Qntrr Itntrlllr hilt ,r/lrd on upolu,nlnl",rd hOln Illb IIlln Dr Indumln, whllh mlY Inldtllullr/y III1NI k'luJI npolu,n, Only on, lIudy hJl mmlntd Ih, 11/1' donlhlp IIfIl>ttn IflNlllc plllnlll npolllJtllnd child. hood l,ulrmll, bUI onll ul' 10 Iht blllh 01 lIlt Ihlld 111~ II'r In\fIII~lltd /MIIIIMt rlluln.IC l~lIol\ In' Ihlld, hood Irultmllln 1 m11fllnl UlNnnllnllludl. ~Ilffll" nllOlu,n 01 both p.I,tnll IhJI D1CUlltd Irom I I'" IIf OIt COllCtptlon unlillhorlly btlorr 1M dlllllOlh 01 Icvhmll II Iorll II OIMr .ulllt(lrd rhk beloll lor ehlldhccld levltmll Iotlr tulu"rd, IUIJfCT, AND 'UTHOD' Stitt/lOll 01 rtln-Clln Iolllldmlilltd I,om 1M LoI "nltln CounlY Ctnerr SUllrillJncr P'OS'lm, . popu. 1I'!on.b.!1nl Clnerr 'lIhlly IIn elln oI'cvlt ltulrrnll Iorlt r/lllblt 100Inelullon IIlhrl Iotlt 10 IWI 01 J.r or 1m JIIM 111M 01 dlAlnollllrom 1950 Ih'OUlh 194I.nd 111M blolOSICllllllMhel WJl mll.blr 100lnlmlrw, "" IJCn 10/1( lne/udtd, Tht Ctnerr SUllrll/.net P'OI11111 Idcr,llllrd 2/6 po. Itn,lIl ClIt1. Tht hoIphJh .nd 'IIrndln. phllldlnl I"nltd UI ptrmllllon 10 conllll 202 191'~ \Vt Inlrr. II/lord the IIIO\hm 01 1S9 Clift (79\ oI202~ 'nIOlm.. lion lboul 1St Wt Illhefl W'I obfllnrd: lit b,hm Iollt Inlm/tlord dlr<<lly.nd SO mr mOlhrfl.nlWtlrd 'l1ltl11M! fMlJIlM IJllltn, rnlil!iiWllOii rould nOl bt oblJlnrd 101 5 tllf IIIMfl, 01 1M 202 tllf bmilln lot IlItmpltd 10 (onIJI~ I.' wm lOll 10 lollow.up. lod 20 ,rrulnllo p.llllclflllt. AlllllllllO\\I"'. All.."." "IIp!wqI~ """1I11. ANI.I.. IIW """"IIp!wq11l ""111111, CO..QI...."lnlh....., IClIO. 'llIlNlioofl Otlll/W'"Oll tI 11I.111/1101 ~ III",~~ IIU.~,I "h,'I_. OR.adok "lit, ra.....h....""","'" 11IV1C.lolonhl""'~ TO.VNh....OIIhlllll/ IR"''''''/UII/ 10. III&. In,"" llIl",,"', I, I"" .",,,,,,, "",... 1nlt.1. rs.,.,.."" ~ M'. lI"hh Sfllk, 1'IIIIIl1ftl UIOII 0111I "Ollll'" HlliIMIlllftllllU" .... 0."'1'11_1 Sollll .114 lI11hh. ., PII' I'IIM 1'.\,11011 ,,"'" ,''' 1II,"iCIlI tI hl"..u,,1 AlUII"", NlliIMIl' C.III" 'ftllllu". .114 ., I'.ftf IIriot I,... lilt AllI/lw.ft c...1I ","'' 'llrl'lllll/ftl '" '''''ftlll' M"'wllI/. IIftl,"'"' tI IooI"'lft r~lI, '''III' School tI 101"'.111/. 't!o s.ft MIo It. '~ll IIt4 .'" AIl'fn. r..\ kIlll · "'1/'11 141'11I hlll.OIllI/ft"'II,,hh A'UfIll"- 1:0 ",lid 14 . 101" lOt, 0.11.114. r..\ "f.41 ',fU'1II "'"'' II,UIIU I, 0. """ 'n., .",1 ., 0. C....'.II.""'I..lrft du'lftllllt 1f0U"",. '/V,"h 1f1l010' ',I~""',,, hIl4nl., I'" 'Olllftllll...., \crIll,I" R/VlIIh... r~..", h"". ,,,"' ,.,"'., 141'11I '1111"" d, IIntl' "'" .,I~l...' I'll' /).111... ''''ell. II." 06100 'Il'flh.ol \h l:"hlnft rr'U'"ftlUll",Uh 'uht,II".,,,,k,',, ,nnol..ufte 101f1l1l.,~" \r,,," r~l.h..",.."'1 \h CII.. r"IiII" ~.I'",,"hl.1 .nJ 1111 J,~ft II".I'M I., I''''.~ 3t JMUOI. lUll 1.11'1111" fl~~1 (ill ~tJ"J t;W1~'~is 1'1 ,. , , I I , ' i I I I I I I i ; , i , I I , -- . - 1 TIILII,~Lw",,.ntIt ,",~41Il""If' "''''"*1141,, Ip<<il\c Omlpall..." t1pl1llnt CClJ ICAl &U'll~ TeE ICAS: ltOI n I'CE ICAIIrTol"'~ IIEK ICAl1l'U~ bift.... ICAlll.U.1L 1oI1lt..ICAI.IOIIU~ '71c"ICAlIS>>200n!ltOlI,.wr 1'oI~lft7khlotld, ICAlIim...'IL 1'OI)')17"IItICAS: ~ uc~ pol,tlhlltlltICAS. to02 ...n poll\llllhllltlCAI, "'OU.,IL ~r Spllr paIM'..wl palMI. dIn" pI,IIIIftll, "jftllft"ft~~ Iwqllt" " IUlft. Coollft'>(1jllift..lub,kallft,.d~ COIl" "'p111,,.' COII"''''.OI.pl~h''IIIud...l't\RlfllIII pro!ucU. ruoIl...hrow.. C1ilOll\lulII ICAS: TIlIH1.,'J~ I"uk ICAl TIlI)31 'IL Nr)lUuIII ICAS: TIll) M~ lIdllllulII ICAS: 1110 1J.t~ Iud ICAI: 1m t2.I~ IIIIrtUI1ICAllmtH~ ftkhllCAI. TIl0020~ 11II1.11 dUIl.lu"", A.bnlollICAI: 11lHI"~ ',bltll..I.....IIIMI lft.ulllloft EplIr Inlft~ '''III.I4,~ ICAS: 60000~ roc"llIlt~ .ullu,k NIcIICAS. T"UH~ 11IM' NIcI",lhlift, pnlicldn...... ~lIk", 17ft1Mlka lftlloft. r1)'tft. polln"'~' ...duIL .0001 p",,".li'n l'''*''~ ,"1ft dUlL IIIMI 1li41.lloft 1000Ilift., IIOIIIoft 11ft" /ldl/. IIIk,,'"' ",ft. SP<<11It Nlhlll" w.ldlft..I'lld"lft,. /1lbbtl prwNlft., rw~ I"..h1ft,..J'IIII.,.polhhl'" IIIIMI procrtll" '1IIftdll.. 01 nfthhlOl plllolUClllOllMludtd U 1ft llpotU". . co Lowengert. 'ele,.. Clclon/, e' II. vlWlllft u/lllftllll/',-C:""IlIl11 "'Ir II'lnlnl ,,11m ,.""hl, Ir,"n "'",III~ IlIrn~I III 1M w,. 1'~11t In tlw inlIl\Irw.,.Ie h w, 1I,,~hrl ""I ",lnlllI tUlI1l' Ih,~I"n "h" "", hrl,M.... J~'. ,,"h ,,1.,," tI... ,/1I~"lrnl IlIllf. III "hil "'11 In",," hi lilt '...nllt JI'IIIII'"Il.1"1t 11""IkI'"1 I"" ,IJI/ III II'''C,,,"I\ " IMI ,,,,h lllllllUI .hjl~ "... ",,,,,..bit., lIlIIlIIII "'" wlftlnl b, UndulIl' ,1i~1I ~i..lln~ fill. \\'t IlllminonllM ""Hlltll 1I11S61111111111,' ~~ "Nt idfnlllinllruIIl J,""I1~ hlf11lh.,nd 71 Ioflt kknlllinl b, ulkbn"'l~h dl.llln., 'nl<ll""'IIIIII ..boul ISO cIIIIIIIII blhtll "'" IIb",inN; 17 l'IMIIlo"t Iotlf hllCIIlnonl dhftll" ,nd U /f"IIIol,/lUthrn U'" ,nl".rnlIIUft. Ilonl ,buul Iht bl""". IIlIOlmllWn ,bolUl lilt l.IIhtt UIUId 11III bt 1"'",inN lot 6 'IIIIIIIIII.II""'II"~ t:.Ich '11II1101 "II m~I,1Ied 10 1M 1~1f 'III 'Cf, Ifl. r~", ~nd IIhp.anlc oll,ln 101 "hhtt. "1I""'I,hln~ IIlIf' II, "fIt /11(1 llIf Illfnd (IInlloll. bUI "If ""....lIn...'CII. ..i,1 efll1l1oll. ""'Ithln, uiltlb llIf r)(t IIf fthnklll..nd If. Io"f rfl...nlll 110 lonllol "~I "lUnd ..llfl ISO Iflt. Ilhilllt ull~ I hh ,nuhnlln S ,11II111I11 "00 Ioelf n<lC m.ll,hnllo met 'III WI ,nd 10 cOlllroh "00 "'" 11III IIlJlIlIed 10 Wet 'III "''' 01 tlhnlclI" .\11 cunlloll l1l/I Illftllic ',t''''''lIhlnculltlb Iohhln S 1"'/1 0/ lIItUW'1 "t lor Ulet uldcr "un 6 11.1I' 0/ '.t II ~I.I~IIlI\I~ "lIhln 2 11.1I' 01 lilt uw', ,~t lur met 1.6 11.1/1 old. ,nd "hhln III.II'~ lilt C'If" J~t IIlI met undn "1.1" III 'Af. 'l'ht "'Ct ullM ,hll" Io~' deltlmlnnl b, lilt r.l(t ol,n, non"hht ""ifni. CJuC1lI~nl "ho lpoh SPlnilh n I""ir nJli.t IInlUJlt Iotlt COllli.klnl iihJl.lnk. ~r..I,hlnl b, Ihm C1htll~ muhnlln mmhln, b, 10- c1ooollomlc II~IU' ~, dClCllnlncd by "nluI II.KI 0/ Ini. denct ,/PI In .., 0/ lht lalf.conllol p.ah~ Thf IO(jo. tConomlc 1I~IU' ollht Itm~lnlnI16' 0/ conlloll WII cquJII, ~Imibulnl ~bolt ~nd below lll.ll 0/ lilt C1In. . olm Uln,nd ISO conllol, whh IlIImlrw InlOlm,. lion lor bolh p.artnll. . mn ~nd S conlloll Ioflt ellml. n~lnl Irom 1M ml"h btnuw eompltlt OCCll1ll11otl.l1 hlllo,ltI could noI bf obl~lnnl. UlC'lllol Ihl, ,rulllll "'fit ItS UlNonllol p.al" "hh Inmplftt Inlorl1l.lllon JboUI both ""rt/ll~ IIIcludlnl OCculllllonJI hhlCIIl1\. Ca1t"" S4htftll" oIt"'IM" Mllllt III.",lall' P.lftUOI 1ll,lI\fftll 011 01 COIl pro!lIll1 11.1.11.' Iftlul.lloft IIIlIfll.1 ~11(.lIafttllll. JNCL lOL It, NO I, jI'LV I'll' rA, ,~,," Ifto' -flur IIlIllJIIIHlI.II' ,,"h f.leh '..m,I, "JI , I''',~.,,", ullln "fllIh .., "llhlnNllIt "1llI, JIIIl J.I.II tI... 1"II.nll ~, 11011111 illolW , 1'10 J~lml. "f IIlkllulnJ ~ Itl""",,", 1111"",,, ,,"h f.leh 1/1 ,hrm '"t,"il"" ...., lIondlMlnllII rn~ll\h '" ~lloIllhh b, IIIIt ,~ 1""IUIIl"llIIlfll....'" dUllnc IIII' 11.1" l?4s.n II "..."'~ ',Jllblf '1If IIIICII lno I III bt IlIn.llMlnI blindl,. bul ,II 'Iunllll/ll ""f ",Inl In ~ lund,lI~ III.Inn" ,,"h lilt uw,~ , "'lKlulnl inllnltw, QunI~N'll.IlItI "lIlcht In"N""'I~1II ""11I lilt pumu I~ Ultl ..nd .11II11011 'III "prtllllltllht, hid bt'llIt. durin,. ,nd ,lIel tilt Ind" Ilfrcll.llllln ,nd on "prtl. f11Itll"" lhlld"n II.ld "nm blllh 10 I"" "Ierm" d.l1f. Thf "Imlllf d.llf "" dcllnN to bt 111.1I belllff lilt d.llt 0/ d"'I"",III' lilt UW 10" llldel III.lII 2 Ifm " dbC"",I~ , IIIOI\lhl be'on I"" db,,,,,,I, lIllIt C1M "" brl"lfIIllIt 'en "'IIW ,nd 21"'" " ~I.I~1IlI\11. ~nd lilt U/II( " lilt d.l1f III ~bC""11I I' lilt nw "JI undrt lilt "'f 111111.1I "~illllll\l\. "elll\1plflf /l(cup.atlOll.lI hllllll' "'" '"Iunlnllo lilt 1I1f11l1lf d.l1f. Qut\IIonl "cn ",Inl cll/l(flninc job Iltlf. Indum) 0/ emplo" /ll(nl. ,nd IImt Il(lIo.lln "hj,h 11.1111111 "tHhd "hh '1"d 10 lilt In"" ptl,ll.IlIll. I't ",lnl..buul 'lClullIllONI "'M)IIlttl hi lilt Iprtlllc ,~bll'lIln lI11nl III ublt I ,nd 1M ',cqU(/I() 0/ "po- IUlt, T"" 'lutlllonll.lhtl ~IIO Inc luoW '1ut1llon, CIIl "'mil, ..nd pl'rlOll.lllllCl!inl hllIOl), UIf 0/ ~Icuhol. tub.lcco, hnuwOOId Ind ptllOll.ll p1o.lllCll. ..nd "llCIIurf 10 l.rl!', TM t/IlHlltr', l\utIllonn.Jht Included .lddl. IllIII.ll 'lutlllonl ,boullllt p1rcn,lIlY. IlIlludln. mCIIl. ...1 cotnpliUllon1. uw 0/ d,u."nd dicul, con.I~mptIOll durin. ptrcnJ/I(). ~nd '1ut1t10nl ~boullllt lhll~', mnl. k,l hlIlCII, ~nd "poIUlt 10 IClII"ln. udl~t1on. OccullIllnn, ~nd Indull/in IoClUodctJ ulln.IM 1970 1.1.5, (Anlul Clmillullon SlllCm. Oceup.aIIOll' Iotlt l'OIIpnl .J(eOl~lnllo poIlnl ~I hldlOClllbolll tlpoIu,t "hh I"" UIf 0/ lilt rullow dclinhlon 0/ l.JCk nll.lm Oceup.atlllnl Jnd tlpolUltlllI.ll Olcullnl p110110 IIUP bt'lIIt coneflHloII Iotlt mluclcd ""m lilt ~1I.l1,tl\. Sllfillicd ."./'III.-IVt "",lnlJlnnllM ""'Iclled.""ll drll,n In ,II ...prtll 0/ lilt IIJlllllnl In'lttl~ Vnlup. 5aS,j . "It .nd mulIllIII.lt .n.I,It1.nd IMIIlor iltnd IItrt pttlOlmtd b,lht condhlonallOlllllc It'lrlllon mtlhod (:O~ A ~Ir wu tllmln'ltd Irom I palllcular .n~hlh "htn thht' Iht nlf Of 1M (onuol parcnl did 001 anl..tf Iht Irlmnl qUMllonll), AIIII~llIllc.llllnili. (J1ICf leull qUOItd (","lutl) .rt Dnfolldtd. _hh · ,.v.lut IMlllun .M eomldtltd Iwllllall, II,nillanl. I , I I I I RESULTS Thert wtlt 61 m.le .nd 62 lcm.lt (llfl _hOlt mm I.t II dl.,nolll WII 4 lun. Tht IIcl.l.nd elhnlc dh. lIabullon 01 1M (l1t1 WII sn non.llhpanlc _hht. S8\ IIl1p.1nlc _hilt, 4' bl.ck. Ind " AII.n. Thh dlllllbu. don IIlImllar 10 Ihll 01 .11 chlldltn whh ltuhmi~ Idcnlllltd b, Iht ~n((l SUIltlll.nct P'OIr.m. Thfrt ..tIe 107 nlt1 _hh ALL (ICD.O codM 9820. 9821) Ind 15 alt1 whh ANLL (ICD,O codM 9801. 9861. 9U6. H91~ ~lfl In Iht lIud, ImUI nlt1 nOI In 1M lIud, Iho..td Ilmllar "M (4 I' old I\. 4 Ir old). Ilmlbr If X dlmlbullon (S0'4 ltmaln \1. S" Itm~I"I. Ind .lOmt. ..NI hl,hn p,opolllon 01 ALL (I" I\. 7S'~ '111I11I' OC~Up.IIDIIII !.polur.. T.blt 2 IhOWllht ORI 101 ltuhml. .lIocllltd whh IndulIIl" In which Iht I.lhm wOlhd .1 .n, IImt bt&lnnlnl I ltar pllor 10 CDnctpllon unllllht ,rlmnct ~II. A 11~lllIlall, Il,nlllnnl rllk WII.IIOCialtd wilh manul.C1ulln, 01 lI.nlpoll~llon tqulpmlnl .nd m~' chlnery. Fllhm' "POIU" 10 chlolln'ltd IOhlnll. MEK.lpr~1 palnl. dltl or pl,mtnll. .nd CUllin, olll.lIlr Iht blllh 01 Iht child 1Ill,nlllnnll, .lIocbltd whh Ituhml~ lubll'~ NDnl 01 Ihl olhlr "potUI" .boUI whllh _e nqulltd (lIblt I) .rl 11I1I1I1nll, Illnlllnnl, Spill palnlII Iht onl, II.IIIIICJII, IIlnlll(2nl IlIhm' upo- IUle Ihll D1cuntd durlnl Iht mOlhlr'l prlln~ncl whh lht Index child (OR-U, "-.OS). IhoUlh Ihl ORllol 11I1 olhlr 4 lubll~nC" In I.blt S III Illvlltd, For upo. IUlt Ih.1 D1cuntd Pllor 10 conctPllon. no mocl~llom III 1I111111nllllllnlllclOl. ~If "Ihm whh UpotUlt 10 chlorln'ltd IOhlnll werr upoltll mOlt Irtqulnll,. on IItIIll. Ih.n conllol "Ihm In mh 01 lhl S pellodllludltd (I.bll 4). MOil 01 lilt Calf "Ihm .nd III 01 Ihl conllol "Ihm IIlrl flllOltd dUllnll1l , pellodl fl.mlnttl, FIIquenc, 01 occupallon.1 upolurl 10 lhllt lub, IlInCCl WII elmllltd ,"oldln,lo wllllhlllht lubll~nl I WII Ulrd IfIIlh.n SO Ilmll per IW or .llwl SO IImll pcr ltar. T.blt S IhoWI. \lIllIllnlllllrnillnnl urnd In Iht ORI whh IncrUllnl UIlOIUII 0 Iht "llIm 10 nlh ollhtlt Iubll.nlll, Tht OR lor Ihlorln~ltd IOhlnll rlm~lmll.1ll1liulll 1'lnlllnOlI, tltllltd .1111 .dJu\lln~ lor I~III 1I1 Ih, olhn "&ollh~nl I~llIm' I'JKllurll. Tilt ORI ~IICKlal"1 whll Iht 1I111,r 4 liKnillc ~Ol ~JIIUI" 1I1 11I11I1~Olrl ", m~lord tlrUlrd. ~hhollKh nlll mllllir~1I1 IIKnilh~lII. Ihll Idjn\llclK 11Ir f\llUIIIII III (hlullll~lnl IlIhllm I I I 1 ClIRdIIood L.....ml. and !nYltonmtnlal Rlu U ~ Tm.l-'''''''''' ,. did tAl /tIAtt..\IJ".,.,)'t, "'" It ~;,. "tAll,*''''1U It n/rrron "" .., Nt " IA~ IRlteoIt o.llItdul OR ,...J.M c-roollMt ,.In "-III Alllnl"" Co1 \0 10 on.11I c-.11vc11ll till 01 t2 02201)1 11IIl_' IS.1C o.t .t2 0 \00\.1, "'/lMIlllnkl 1iO. Jt 0 Woe EolI,ulolIIlIl 11/2\ 01 .M OJO.Otf T/lAlpoNlioIl' 11' U JO 01141.1 IImrUMio, WI. to .COI \,11.111 T'lIIIpolllllll I"" 11.03 Ot2.TJI tq~lptMol ' Almlll 1111 U .11 OQ.UI lIacM.." "'" SO.03 \ 01.1011 TnUleI Ii' \.I.oe 0.1" Fooduaold,lok tll U.of 01.1.'" ,.lItlnlllofWlllltlla Ii1 U JO OU.S OC Ilocludn \tw.. nllWl. ktl_ UId IdlllllllltlllM. 'locl.\tIlllI*U\iollllll\lII~ok.llM.laoI.ulilltt. 'Iocllldll.llfnfl, Illi,. boiL rnoIO, ..hklt. IlId INIM ""'" llluulacMlll ''''~I\tJ IIplll palnl: OR-I.7.1'-,07: dlrl: OR-SO. "-,08; MEK: OR-I.7.I'-,2S; CUllin, 011: OR-I,4."-.15~ Wt ummlotd Iht Indumltl In which 1M blMlI lrOlhd durlnllhll pe'lcJd .1111 adjullln, 101 1M S upo- IUI" In ublt S IlIr'lhe dllhl" O/IM child. Onl) 1M blhm' tmplo)mtnl In Iht u.nlpoll~lIon tqulpJllfnl' m~nul~nuaiol indu\l'llrm~ln, Ilifiillt1IiI\OR=U I'-.OS~ Tht nc"llhk m~, br palll.lI) upblntd b) lhe '011011'101 rlllOlltd upoIuln: dtllmlnl IlIhrOI- I)PC uo\no..n. 4/0 IUlt1/conllOh~ tpo,). 1/0. lrron. 2/0; OIllIollnt. S/I, Tht drllUlln,lOhrnll ~It lrhll 10 br ehlo,lnlltd IOhIOIl. upltltnlln,.ddjll/lll~llh\ dUI 10 Ihh elm 0/ IOhIOI. Wt Irouptd blhm' O(cupallD", mordlnllD whelM' Iht lob mllhl tnl,,1 hldroulbon UpnlUII. ThoIt ()(cupallonl elulllitd 1\ hldrDlJlbon 111.ltd arr IN' chlnllll. IUIDmobllt mtfh~nln. mlnm. Iumbflmrn. ",,101m. dIm. 01 clunm. Ahhnulh .11 ORI lit cImini. lit lind no \lJlhllullllllnlliunl'"od~llon brllltfn hldloulbon.rlllltd ()(cupallonl ~nd childhood Iluhml~ 10' UpoIurll Ihll occurrtd whhln IIW 0/ conclpllon IOR-I,7.1'-,071 01 lor IhoIt Ih~1 ()(cuntd durlnl tOR-I,I."-,071 or IlIlr (OR-I,6."-.IIIIM Indn prl,n~oc" Moth"" OCCllp.IIDnll !.po.ur.. MOll Ollht mOlllmllorktd ~llOmt IImr: I)w prior 10 lonupllun. lS/69IUIf/CIlIlIIOhl: dlllloll'l(IO~O(Y. 70'67: 01.1111 JUllnanll. HilI. Tht mnlhm' Implo). mrnlln Iht IltllOo~1 ItJlI(1 IndullIlII II ~lIo(lllnl whh 10llUlN ril\ 01 (hlldhlMxlllllhmla (OR -2.7, 1'-011. willi Iht lollowlnl dillJibullllo 01 10dulIIIII1Ii1l1ln 11111 (~IIIIlII': bf~ulI Ihlllll. 4,0 I(~\tl'(onullhl; dllmllllll In IlfllHlIll 1IOIIIIhllhh flI nllIlI !fM1llnKI. H. lod bUlldll", III, Ollllr IOIIllIm ,,1If1 wII'~ld In thrlC' IndU\IIill. 9 11112 fll thl IIIJlC1lhr u\t '~111I1I jllll S flI ~ JMl \01. "Mil Ii'll "" SoG . TIIII s.-S",.~., ...~...., "~_"' """ /4IAm.'" Nl "dolAlo4lnl"l4 T1lN po,1OI oI"poI~" "'"'" 10I PIlP&lIC'/ OIIrl~, P"'~'1If1 An., dllh." OR /"IIIM OlM~1 OR I'ul", Dlm..1 OR /',ullM C."r04li1(fllllllll pain plln I., &III, d.II'I" fll U Of 1111 II 01 1.10.1110 i1 0.1 ~ W \.f II oU.lon '" to ,II "3 U.01 064.IUO ~o . Jt to . Jt 0 It.. W \.f II .3 JO.OI U$oIUS I" U .~ 11111 1002 OM.IJt '" S.O Of tt1 II.~ ou.m Ifill II )) 11/1' \.f ,01 Ua.lJ6 ,2 Low.nglrt, P.II,.. Clclon~ .1 II. E.I'lIUIt Ollt ,.It bel.,. P",'Ill(J DilC'O/II'AI pAin fll i1 '" ~ 101 IflI3 1/2 Ifill CllIo,lftl""lOhulI ~~ PCE 14EK BpI" ..I~I Ilrft'plll\IIlll C,IIlA' ..1 U O,f to . \.f 1.1 11 1.1 Of ~ .11 Jt 21 .It ot ,II 01 1M ItlptClh. lonllol blhm Ioflt upowd 10 I Of molt ollh. S Iublllnlte .hll lot lound 10 bt "lnlllrJnl bthm' D11uPJ1l0l1.I1 Upolu,n. IV. do 11IM find Jnr IIlnlllunl IIIDI"llonl 101 mulhm' tlpoIu,tl 10 lilt IptCllle lublllnltl lboul Iohllh 10. Inqulrlll, Ftw'lIIMh. m hId D11UPJllolI.Il UpoIU,. 10 Ih. S lublllllltl In Ilblt S. Ind Itw Ioflt tmplollll In hld,ourbcln"elJtlll jobL I I . I , I I , i i I I Hom. ElPOIUIU Tlbl. S IhOWllh. ORllor IMlm. ,-polurn Ih.lllhe mOlh.1I uptrlen<1II durin, lilt pltlnlne, Of nUlllnl ptllod .nd 1M blhm ..ptlltmlll durin, lilt PIli' rune,. IV. lind thc lIrOft;tU 11locbtlClll b((l;ltlllwke. mi. .nd Iht Ult br thhrr PJ,rnl 01 lMluIChold ptIllddn (OR-S,I, 1'-,0011, TIlt OR Irm.lnl tlrullII .Iter .dJullln, lor .11 of Iht Illhm' Illnillcanl D1euPJllon.1 upolu,n (OR-I,O, 1'-,0011 .nd lor IMlmt Ult of ~lIden IPllrIIOR-U 1'-,(6) or Inernlt (OR-U. I' -.Ol~ TIlt r Ik 1I1D1111111 wilh thher PJrrnl ulln, SlIdtn Ipllrllpnllddn .nd htlblcldtl) .ho Irm.lnl tlmllll a1trr .djullln, lor .11 ollht 11Ihrn' Illnlllanl D1euPJllon.1 tlpolUln (OR-S,S. 1'-,01) .nd Ult br thhrl PJ,rnl 01 houlChold ptIllddtl (OR-U. 1'-,01) or Inunlt (OR-6.0, "-,01). IVt IInd . IIllilllcallr Ilsnlllcanl rlnatlon In rilk of Irukrml. lor lhlldren wholt PJrrnu burnlll Imrnlt In Tml 1.-,1,""41 "- 1/ ft./J.m'tlPI"'" It lAlMiUlld io/j.,.j, 6v ;.nod 1/ 'IJ'Oft" T1"" pe,1od oIlIpoI~" nl.1foI1O P"PllIf' hbJtcIl On. '''' be/olt OII,ln, 011I ,u"n., PIII1IIM" dl1ll P"I1I'IIC1. d.Y11 P/1flI.1If,. dA," penoNmonlll penon/month ptnon/monUl C_ U U to I~.'I (~.'I f~.121' Conlllll. U 1.1 U f~.I) (~.41 (~.41 'Olth.1I tlM I.th.n In IIbl. U Will II""" .n., thllhlld~ hI ,rol 1Ir., Oft! "lh"wu..""" whln th. child wu .,. 6; th. olh"wu ..llOI/IIwhlft lhuhlld wu .,.1, Both t1II01UII..1II 2 ,r be/mlll. dl'fllOIlt 01 II~hmIL JNCl, VOl. IUO I, JULY Iltl -_...._-...- Ihc holnt btlo,r p,csruncy or dUllnll1lt nUllln. ptllol (OR-U, 1'-,0071. Tht ,ilk 1n<,r.ltll1l11t PJ,ma bu,nlll inunlt mole llun Onlt ptl Io"k (OR-U, p-,OO'J~ !h. rhk 101 bUlnln,ln<rnlt ,rmllnllllu Idjullln, lor lh. ~ ,I,nillunt "lilt,,' OlcufllOllll tlpolU'" IOR-U. P-.Olllnd rithe'lloIlenll UIt cI Sllden IPIlIIIOR -Z,S." -,02) 01 lMluIChold ptIlid./ft IOR-Z.O. P-,OS~ Tht OR lor blhe'" UpoIU,. 10 ehlOllnll1ll IOIIma .llrr Ihr blllh of lilt lhild Irm.lnlll.lllllcallr "snlr~ unt .lter .djullln, lor PJ'cnll' IMlmt UIt of lMluICh0!4 fir e"den Pt1llddtl.nd bu,nln,lnunlt. Tht OR lor molhcn "ho ulrd PJlnt dUlin, pItt n.ne, (OR-I.I. "-,OS) II Ilsnllklnll, rl!nlrd. The ,ilk lImllKfIllvr IIMf IlIillbm Iii!;;; uwd r..lfill flMf Ih.n Onlt ptl ,,"k ,OR -U. ,,- ,SO). IUlltllln,l1ul Ihe tlmllon In rilk oIleu~rml. iI. lh.n<t IIndlns, P.llonll Hlblll Ind Childhood Elpoluru Adjuulnllor PJ,rnll' Imokln,. drlnUn,. .nd dlclJII hlblll .nd Iht mOllltll' mtdltlllon uuae du,ln. P'lf nIne, dOlI nOI "Inllle.nll, .lIrl lht .bovt IIndln&, nor doclldluuln.IOIlhc lhlld'l tlpoIurr 10 UltlllOuiiI or "llrL Thrlt IIndln'l "III bt Irporrlll In molt dr~ In . 11Irl publlllllon. For mh ollht mlJor rilk buo" Idcnlllllll hm, \II mmlnlll Iilk br hluolosle Irpt ollruhml.; howtl~ thrlt .n.lrltl wrre rrlllllltd IOmewh.\ b, lht ,tI'lhelr TUII 6.~1'rfvtNr 1/ /OlAnt"IJ'Oftn It cAnlltoll fj1tt 1M ~Il.l I/iAt ,A,u."" Nt 1/ c411dMoo11nlttrt14 _ f'lqu'lIf1 01 11M E'poIulI la. IIIlh 1'01111114' II..., (<601,'1 (~6OIJ'1 (olltlldldl OR OR ~ Chlo/lftl"" lOl'lftll 1,0 1.7 lO .~ SPII, paint \.0 \I U .01 Cullin, 011 \.0 1.0 U 02 MEK \.0 \.0 1.0 ,~ Dr" or p1tmlftl 1,0 I clMfl sa ,01 o contllll. 'Tmd 01 tlltao,'ul ",I.blc~ n"", 10., Iftd hllh. 50S .~,._.......-~ 1 T, - - "-he C&r4c~ I ..,w, hnMoI "...,. h11~1t ..: "...,. - _lIn rIU bel Wu.. (<f yr cIIl1d, . 4laJ~ h lilt OR Il1lIIw IlOIhtr "'con . OISCU Out ullmll lllbuu = patlOlIl JIOltnli 1Il1111 I 1Akrr. 1IleIQ' I Srclt ::tIn, ~hl lI(QU. loIntd "'lot ~~ ,Illd" lnIdid tlpoel "pplI -, n Iht I. PIlnl ~~W'I , t ~ ~t IIlItd 1, ~ . 1 '- , ,_... . ChlldllOOd Ltuhmll IIId EnYlIOft/lllnlll Rllk U Tuu I-H,., '''''''''' I/~ I,,;..,..,...,., 100.,t1;.oI/t1Am I,,;..,..,,...,., I/lAI IIlIII dIU lOll Nt 1/ d tIJJ.M4 Ie - )/tWl EI~, pI,"' ,.lMr E'I'OIVIt DiIIwd.., OR """" c-fIdltlCt DUc.H.., OR ",..lilt DIICWllIAI OR ,.,..IIIt "In "IIIill "In "In - HMI..... alM\'W' 11.1 II 0001 Ul.lI~ 1"1 11 O~ 11.1 1.0 002 1 Cudt~ t:...." I" U OOO! IIl"U~ "I to O~ I{I lO 00! 1 "rbk alllWlN ...110I IMtIlll.'N~ 1'2.1 11 000! UI.l.II \In 11 0.02 11.1 II 003 \ pIt1IUC7, a~ II{I 11 01lOt UO.llU I'" 110 000! 1"1 10 003 "I~~ I~I.,,!A, ~11 II 0.10 OIHU ifill IJ 003 ItllI U 0" ,::'~. ...1 II 0.. 0)6.1U <<JJ IJ UO III to 010 IIIP/'Olf11cIl",!A, aam 1.1 0.. OM.lOO un to OO! MI 1.1 0,10 ,nru1ll1, alM\'W' I'<<JJI O,f 0,10 UOoIU 1"" OJ on IW u 020 - 11II<I11 numllt, 01 1I1f111i1h AN!.1.. In Ilnml, 1M UIlIf ,h~ fluorl IppflllD lit ImpollJnl IIlI ALL Ind ANL!.. ,,'t mmlnflllM cllftl Oft 1M ORI 0/ 'It II dillllOlh I<f Ir It. itf Irl. IoMlhfl 'M IllOIM' bruII IfIIlM child, Ind WlUllt 0/ 'M eOllllolll,llnd .t. IIndomodl,lt Iii": hollnfl, IlOlIt 0/ .w 11(1011 Iflnlllllnll"hm ;.,' Iht OR, lor Inl 0/ 1M UJlO'UIft Iludlfll. Wt Iho Inl' . 1,ICIIltp.lllltly lhow (l1t0(0II1101 p.lln in Iohllh both IIIOthn Ind filM' ,npondfll; II' In. 'M rh~ nllmlln I lit (OII11l1tnl wilh .hoIt Ifpollfll MIt. I /: Ii I: II II i I DISCUSSION Our \Iud, NIIM IeIlInll" Ihll bolh p.llfnu ..,,, Inltllltloflllfllldlnl ()((Up.lIIOlIII UJlO'UIt 10 1fl<<1Il( Iubll.ncn 11m 'prior '0 eonctPliOll. durlnl Iht Indu p1fJn'IlCf,lnd IIltllht (hlld WII born, MOll p,nloul \ludln (oncrrnlnl childhood eanct!lnd p.lr,nu' D1(U' plllonl hI'f tilhn IDlult'd on I IIIIIDIlt! ptrlod 0/ pottnllll tlJlO'UIt 01 hilt IIIt'd D1cvp.lllonll IIl1t II IlIlfII on blllh or dwh Itlllllealn or In Inlmltllllo Inlt! UJlO'U/n, Our \lud, did nO'llItmpllo lon/irm lilt IlIlfII tlJlO'urn IrDm 1M tmplo,nL S,lItmllle rlClII bill h I poltnllll (onlfln in lIud/1I Itllinl on Inlmltw dill. bUI Iu(h bill I<<ml In un ihly opllnlllOll 101 1M IIndlnll In Ihll \ludy btcaUM' ..t (ould nDI dDlumlnl I 1'"11I1 Ifndlncy IOwlld tlnllfll ORI 101 eMmleal uJlO'UIt Ind btcaUIt llf lound no "fnlll(lnllf tln'ltd ORI lor molMU' tlJlO'urn, Rml bill lor ndullryor D1cvp.lllon h 1m lihly, Ind In Ihll lIudy, rhl! 1IIOCllitd wilh Indulllln ItndfIIlo (onfirm 1M IIIUhl 0/ Inqultln lboullfl<<ifll tlJlO'u,n, MOil eDnllDI mOIMu .h,n eaM' mOlhttl luppllflloceup.lIIOlIII hlllo,ln 10' 1M I,lhlll. Ind Ihlf /nIY no. hilt ~nown .h, 1fl<<1II( lubllltKlIlO IIhllh 'M Illhm \lfIt upowd, IIo"'ltI, IlImlnlllnl Ihl JIllu In "hllh Ihflt WIIIIUt/IlII" InllIl Irw /rom Ihr Inllllll did nOI mllflllll, Ihlnll Ihl rhll, W, rfllucfll (onloundln. b, mllChlnl lonlloll 10 I1In. rrlrnd lonlloh mil hilI Olfl'lnJllhfll 101 Ocll" JIllIon 01 Ihl Jl.lllnll.lhul rrdudnllllf IhlRl" 01 Imd, Inl Illnlllcinlll 11"ltrd OR, All" (onl/olllnl 10' Ihr Illhttl' U/1OIUII IUlhlutI. nllfll \Ohmu.lhl 1111111I' ul.,lult IUIIIt., JI.I11lI. dlrl or pl,mlnll, MEK.lnd lunln, oil dOli nor tlmlln Ill. 1IIIIully IIlnlfiunl, hOIoI\II. Ihl ORI IImlln tlmlfll. TIll IIIl1I1 numbrr 01 IllNonllDI p.l11I In Ihl Itudy mllllmll Ihl Iblllly 10 drlftl Indt/ltndlnl,lIl1 dUI 10 Ihllt lubltlncn br<,UIt IlIhlll ..ho Iff upolt'd 10 onr 01 IMIt lubltlnln III molt IILrly 10 br upoitd 10 Ihl DlMn, II't IIf1t unlblt 10 Illnl Iht Inltmlly 01 Iht 1l/lO' lum Ind. IM'c/OIl. uitd /rrqulney 10 elllmltl dOlt. 01 1M nit Ind 10nl/ollllMII who llpollfll UJlO'UII 10 ehlorlnllfll IOhtnu. lilt IIlhlllllflt upowd moll /r,. qUlnll, Ihln (0111101 IllMn ''1'/dlm 01 tlPD\UII period. Ihul IUiiOlliii i dOlt'rnponlt IIlIllomhlp. TIlt Inllnlt In Iht ,ilL IIIOClllfllllhh InmlM' In /rl' qUlnl' 0/ Ult I<<n 10' III 01 .ht 5 IlfnlllClnllUbltlnm 10 IIhllh 1M IIIMn ..", upoIt'd 110 IlndlIUP/1OI110 Indrprndrnl IlIftll 01 lilt 5 lubulnln, Our findlnll 01 "lnlUClml, tll\'llfll,h~ 0/ child. hood Ituhmll IllOClllfII wllh IIlhttl' tlpoIUIt 10 (hlorlnJlflllOh,nll, MEK. IPIlY p.llnl. dl" or pll' mlnll, Ind (ulllnl olh lIt eonlhltnl wllh prnlouI 1",lIllllllom Ihll hilt dlmOn\lr:lltd elmlfll rhl! lor Ituhmll In Ihlldrrn "hoM' Illhlll Irt Imploltd In D1eup.lllonlllh", uJlO'urt 10 hldrOClrbonl may oclur II. f, ,~ TIlllt D1lup.lllonl In( udt p.llnlm Ind ml' (hlnllll.llho 1ft IIhly 10 lit upolflllO IPIlY JIllnllnd (unlnl ollllnd JlO'llbl"O ehlo"nllflllOhlnll. MEK. or dIn, MOlor lthldt d/l.m \ludlfll by VI,nnl till, ('1 mlY lit upowd 10 Ihllt tUblllnln lIlhlY lit Inlohfll In uhldt mllnltnlnlf, AI In Olhfllludln. WI do nOI IInd 1lIIIuklll, IllnlUlInlly c1mlfll rllkl 1IIOClllfII IIl1h h,drDlllbon'ltllltd oceuJllllom 01 Ihl /alhm (J, /1-161, A lihly Ullllnlllon h Ihlljob 1111" m/\(Imll, Jl.llllculll U/1OIUtll lIteml prllonl wilh Ihl uml job IlIlt ml' hm diU",nl tlJIOIUIII, TIlflt h Illd,nlf In Ihr IhllllUII Ihll i 01 Ihl 5 1m. pllCllfll UPOIUIII 01 Iht IlIh" In Ihh \Iud, III Clr. elnollnle in aduh humlftl nr In Inlmlll, Chlorlnllrd IIlhlnll, Indudln, TCE. peE, Ind CCII. hm brrn lound 10 UUIt IInlft In labo/llOry ,nlmall (21, m, II hll IItln luUrltflllhll dry e1nn", IllWllrd prlmarll, 10 I'CI: bUllh/110 reI:, CCI" Ind /lfllnltum UIIIII1I1 mal hM 11IKh" mOIlIIlIIIl'" dill 1/lIIIIIa Ind cmlral .,lIltlllnd IllIahl mill 01 rnutllllI, dur 10 IluLtrnl1 J~n.l'lll. It, ~n 1,11'tl11l1 50s . 1 . ,'-. - . I << Low'lItll1, "1',.., Clclolll, 'I II. 1m O~" "."dln,'M Ullllll"Crnkllt of lCr. CClk nu,". In "Chili/1M hlCMI 'lIh dur In 'NIUI~llfll>>l 12' ,nd PC[ lit InWflllU1t 10 dflf,mlM UllInllccnlC lit In "IOIIU" ~h" 1M blllh III 1M Ihlld In Ihh IIIl1h, h III hum,nl m~ ~hhcllllh blhm III chlldlrn "lIh buln I<<ml "~~ll\Jblr. ho""". 10 IIIUI1II 1h.1I I'lll"nl 01 ..t IUIIIUI' 'It '"'lit hi,ly 10 lit "p.lInIlO IhkllllUllII UII n/11Int ,ubll.lIlCn lit IImlb, ,Ilfl 1M drl""t nI b~ h,druUlbon ~I"'nlll"'n eOfll,ull {'~ II "" ,,"n 'UI' 1M chl'd ,1kI 1""InoIMS thi! cou'dbf 1M "111I '" c,r", no ,,,111I ''''1 I'llnl'" In 1M lunlllutlion i""uII/Cll.m. '" III" IVt pbn 10 ".Inlrlllew IMIt I~mlli" 10 III. Ih ,nllllc I'llnltll m~~"" bUlu" "OIlcllln 1 I'llnll IIIUIt Inli,hllnlo 1M "bllun'h1t: bfl"tcn IIInt "1'0' ,nel eo.lllnl' InelulIIl I~II "'" tleulllllllUlulllt dllt 10 IUI" ,nel fUhml', I\'t do 110I1 "" ,n tl""III,hlIOl (\j Iluhm".""tt " ttloltllCt IIUI m~nt dtn lit hum,n 1M chlldltn "hoIIl'l'tnll "flf "PllN 10 jlnlllid"" 01 UlclMllnlllf.J/I. ,nel V,n SlctnlMlolI tc ,1. (/11 "011. pt,h.I~ ,,"'Uff dll", "potu" 101M Ihlld II II' dtmonllllllll , "blht ,h. III U ,"' eonlloltllCt Inlfl' hhlt 10 lit u"e1I"'n 111M jlnlleldn 1ft ulI'd In lhe III 111.0,1.11,01101 chlldltn "hoII IIIMII "01111I "lth homt. 10 plf.l1IInll uo, p.alnlll (Il~ IVOII", "poIC'd 10 cunln. II hu bttn Iuunled ,''', ptllkhl" nn UUIt l,ul,. III 01111I.I' "'It ekllllll rhh (Of unelf "z.1'~ M[I( " mb. nnuobbllonu. buln IUIMII, ,1kI MIII.IIOI~ Q not lnol/n 10 lit urclllOCfnk In ,nllll.lll 01 hum,nl ,bnotmllhlllln Ihlldttn "6."~ Fmntll. "ho 11I.I' "'" ,hhou.h It I/U IlIl)cllllll "hh ehlld~ buln t.pol\l'd 10 pnlleldn ,1kI htIblekln. "'It bttn Ihol/n 10 AI IUIIIOII In our p",Iou, lIud,. hilt tltUIIII,"h oIlfUhlllll. 1,lIIphonu, ,nel OIhn P'ttloullludln "'It ,ulrlfl! ,n eltullII'lIl 01 UIlItlI{ 101, II IhlldhMlnne" 1110(11111I" Ih blhtll "ho "OIl In 1M A Ilud, 0/ Ihlldhorld buln IUIMI' ,110 Iho"lII, "I' ,hmh InelulII, or 1M .\Ir FOIu II, 6, I. f~ Ou,"ud, nlllunllt tltullII,hllur Ihlldltn "hoII pllrnll bUII\I'J f: dlmonllllln I Iltnlllunll, tl(UIIII,"l 101 chlld"n Inltnll In 1M hOlllt 1m. BUlnlnt Inunlt "I",,, btn, "hellt IIIMIl "01 III In 1M 1I1nlpcllwlon tl\ui~nl' ro(.lPlltnt. ",,,,I OIMr pol,erc Ic "/)/l\lllc h,d,ou/, II IIIlnub(\u'ln~ IlkIullI'. 11IOI1 n/ I/h/lm "fII III In bunl. ,nd Iln'I'l'deh,dt ll~, m Dnhllhn u( IIn'l'll. ~IIm" IIIlnu Inu'fnJ' Mo.l o( Ihh Ih. un lit ". deh,dt Ind IIblllllldth,dtt 11I1' UUIt nUll c~l\(er fa (' pblnlll b, "POIUIt 1M IllMn 10 1M S ".nlllunl 1111 (1I)lnd nuop""tn.ul ul\(nln lu,nhult "OIlrn lubll~l\(n Ilrtld, dlKul1I'd II unelallllllll dqll~lln. I"" In In"'bll,nll of Kfn" "POIC'd 10 Ihnc COftl. II IOhtnll lit IneludnJ Irnon,lhlOlfllllN \O/'fnll. '_IlI",,1 In ~nllOlptllllOUl "oo.ll m Our IIUII, dtmonllllln In tlnltlon In rh. lot All bUI 2 IIIMII "poIC'd 10 ehlOlllUl1II IOhfnll ~'I" Ituhlllllln childlrn "holt IIIOIMn IoOlllllln flf'lOIUl dtlllt" "fit "poIC'd dUlln,'M chlld'l hi I'" 01 lilt I' "lilt, ln4u!l!k\ "~k~!!!!r !lwp!!!~!lr u~/" 'TI!! !l!(!!~,!!!!J!y1 u/!!!Ill/! ~,!!, lklll!" ~n4 dllrll!l o( Ih, IIIMII. IVt lit ulUblt 10 dtmonlllllt In tlnlllll p1f1lUnc, ollln OInlapplll; 9 nit blhenlnd III 01 1M II ,Ilk du. 10 "potuln 01 1M IIIOlMn 10 IptCillc Iub. conlloll~IMII "'II upolC'd dUlln,,1I S fl(,lool. Thtlfo Illnen. IV, lit unlblt 10 conlhlll ptnloulllnelln,1 01 lolt. 1M Ifp.llllt tll", 01 "potUIt 0"" Illn dtlh~ II tlnllld rhk IllOdlllll I/llh IMIhnl "ho ItOIllIIll could nol bt IIIfI\l'd. TII. I.t 01 1M children Illh. If ' b,ltll, II p"',nudlll, or In ht1l,onlbotfoltbllll oeell' tltnet Wit did not dillll bt'''ctn 1M chlldlln "holt I' I'ltlOftI (I, U~ bUI Ihtlt ,,1ft (rw IIIOIhtll In Ihttt IIIMII "tit "I::: IlkIlhellt "ho "n. nOI upoll'd 10 OCCUl'ltlonl. IV. lit 1110 unlblt 10 con'III11 tlnlllll,h. chlOllnlllll1O Itnll IlltI dtlhn, o( 1M chill!. Fllhm du. 10 1II00hen' npcllult 10 IOhlnll (Il~ IVt IlIu,lI, 11I.I, "'It btlllf 'fCllI 0/ 1M IptCillc Iublllnc" 10 "hit) III IInd In OR ''''Ihan I lor mocMII npotecllo In, 101. Ihty lit molt rnentl, n~. blalln,lowlld 1M nuD \fnllll 1/00k, IlkIln Inlulllcltnl nUlllbt, n/ IIIOlhtll Iht ,nuhl o( I\utlllon, ~ ullptCillc npotu'n In IhI 11/ "fit tlpolC'd 10 In, OM I,Pf oIlOhtnl 10 III0w (01 'IIfIIt dllllnl p.IlL OUI '"Ulllllt cOftlhltnl. hol/tlfI, lIIunln.lulllUl,IIL IV. llnelln tlMlllllhk 01 child. I/lth 1M npt,ll1IIn"lllImlult l"'l,u~.nll 1"'1 ml(1 (II hood IfUhlllll 111M IIIOIMr IIII'd I'llnl 0I11C1\1It1 II ~II IIIOIt IIhl, 10 dtulop Ituhmu III IIIlnllltllll (1/' hom. dUIlnf, Iht Index plllnlncy. In '~ctllltnl "lIh dOOllnlc cOlnl::unell lOOn 11111 blllh rllher Ih~n II III Vln Slctnlt .MolI elll. 1m IVt lIt unl It 10 dtlllon. UIIIO OIllldu II ~.m lUll. I dOlfolnponlt lelltlonlhlp,lllht ,hk h IlIIuCN Chlldlln III~' upotecllo 1M Iubll~ncn "I~ (or 1II0lhm "ho ulI'd I'llnll IIIOIt Ih~n onet fl(r "ct. "hleh Ihtlr I'lllnll 1001. btUUIt Ih. I'llfnll b,l", '" ,nd Iht ,hk II nOI rlnllllllo/ "potllln du,inl Iht homt Ihtll' IlIbll,ncn on Ihflr Illn 0/ c10lhn UI I. nlllllof ptrloo. 11l1~"lln. l"'llhh h dllt 10 c"'net, Ihth nh~11II ~Ir, Chlo/ln.lllllOhtnll hilt bttn dcill' 111 II't I nd tltUl1II I Ih lor chlldlln "holt I'lllnll ulnl nOll/lll11ln Iht "h.led .Ir o( "o,hlllor lII,n, houn fl(lllcldn In 1M homt or IlIlltn Ind (OIlholt "hOlt .1111 "llOIlllt (19,10). Mnlhenllll' UrN11I' Ihrchlldl" II. I'lllnll bu,nllllnlfnlt II hOlnt dUlln~M pllllUlIIl or Ih'OUlh b'Ulllllllk. peE hu ,,"n dCl"llIIln 1M bll~ "hilt nUlllnllhrchill!. IV, IInd Ihlll IIIOChm' UIt of milk lOll blood o( ~ mOlhrr "ho ~hllfll hrr hu,b~ Ihlll' lublllO(fl h IlIoelllN whh I hl~htr ,hk Ihln Ih. d.llt III ~ 1I,,"lnl t1l1blhhmlollll). 1111 6."((~ II: IlIhen' UII' ollh. um. lublllncn.1 umt. Thh ml' old 'UlI" Inbnl dlltloplll oblllUllllt jlundllt ~ Indllllt Ihlllht plllnlnc, h In Impolllnlllmt fl(,lod h'II.lloml.,I, nlll npblnlll on Ih. buh o( ulhll III 'or "JlIlllllfllllllClllCd wllh Itul"nll. II h unlollun'lt UIlItI. IV, lit un,bl, 10 drrnOOIlDlt I Illnlllunl dlf' Ihll lot did nol uk ,lxlllllht Ulf ollhrlt IlIbll~nlf\ Itlfnlt bWHtn Iht "'JlIIIl'" ollht Cllfl.nd cOllllub III 11111 Iht dllhll' ollh. child lor Ih, mlllhm "ho did lolth "Iud 101\1"'11"11I100111 illh'lln, Ihlrnluh ~ nOI nUllt lod all"lhr nlllllnlll(,lod (o'lho" "hll,lId Illlin. Ihlm 1111 Ihllr ,lIn 0' e1l11h,,; In""". mllll J~Cl, IOL It. NO I, Il'LY 1111 " 505 . - - . ,'- I - - I I ....r and lonuol la,httl b.ou,hl llIth I\oIM homt rl'" wmt W, In'M,II'lnlllIt hlP'~MII I'ulllIClIlltll ,\In nUllnlllUI tallOlt IIItIr Ihild,rn In lhil m,nl"'. ",llonuollln, 01 blml Imllnl (..~ III rno.llflll did fll,llnlflnnlly IIIttll1lt OIl!. fu"hll !ludy II wlfunlnllo In'MIII"' lilt '01, 01 ~llh"lnllOhrnl" Iplay pllnl. d,M and plll1lt"II, .vlllnl 011, ME". pnllddM.and Incrnlt In lilt rllolos, J childhood Iwhmla. In addillon. ,tllllllllon 0/1" rl'InI tapellU'M h Impo",nl 10 Illomplllh. Sptclal _lfnllDn Ihould lit plld 10 lilt 11m, II which tapolutt " lilt plttnll D1tUIl with ttllllon 10 lilt Indta p.r.. tJIIlY, In o,drllo Ihnllllhl on pouibl, m<<l\Inllml 0/ csrclnosennll. AlFERENCEI ~I '"11J' T"" TO 0.'.'111'" .. ,''' I../oft Ill... .. ....h 01 .hl Ifft .,1111 oI....hl- ....... .. J PIn '" lW It". n,..IOO tll K"'nI Af. "'tCJII 0 "" "'G. \1,... J~'." II 0.,.'11' liolII, nI 11''''11 .. ",'.IIU ."h WIIIIlI' ,- J I po\noI'" CuIIlllllllll'I lI"hh 1m, 111\1.%\4 III Kv' SI. fl'I LJ T1w .",.>>,.... ..,."" ....,ft..I.......'... ... 'hl\olhooolIlIlIIC.....' J o...p lW 1110.:: m.lt! 1lIlIlvv"II K. "1 Il'\"o.I. SIIIl'\" T." .1. Ouloll\ltol...." I" ",lflllll OI.....'lolIlft flAil.. 11.....101 0>0\lIIl""'" IIl1hh 1,.1; III1.n ~I rill" I"'. rllll~,IoIl.II. So YI' ",e. ."1. I_I" .M. ..,ft.... 01,....1_1 """"'" 01...."." ~1r1o' I_Ii III III-In, tft PW" JII.C....H.'IlIl.W...Ml WL".I "",0I1111lf" 1111"'1 1ft I'" II,,",,"M ci ..ropOI-' _n ltl4 1M f~.." IIIU ~ 1,.1.69111.161, II' (illIlll.llllm WD. SlIIII '" PIIIllUIOl'.,.."..U......II, (/11ft .hll.\l/ll J o.,.p lIt4l91:.11 m.llt 11111'" H. WI "'. CAI.'1I1 Gr.." II C.hIW!o'ol II"" ... 0".1'111<...1 I">>JIM "JIll"" ill I'" ....IM. CIIlf" 111I1. , U 14)101611 i III VII'" HJ. K'" ..v.\l .. Pt." A. "II I"'.'" ".1",,11''''' , JII'/llIIf Ilpo1." 10 _ IlhM" IlhiOlll 1.- I o.,.p ! llt4 111I1; IUlt.u:. I III, WM "" J. III. 11'" TII Or,....,....IIII......n _CII' I ,/oft, oI.hll.\l'ft .hh WIIIII" '.111<'" I O".p lW 1"'1, 16121.m 11/1 ,"II "'.. 1011'\011 CC NNMb-' ... plIlIIII\ ....,..' IlolI Alii I lpidllllioll,.l. III tll.r.t 1111 VI' 'lIf"".lIIlII.IIA. V"""I'I,.II~ Vl\ IA'" Gt C111k1hroollfv"IIlIIl" ....,"ul 0I1.""lolI Alii I f ........~ 11II1.1111'60nl, 1//IlIlIIlI'" T. ',,00.,\ T. Till" L c..." ill'''' nlhl'lAC 01 11,,,,,,11I hl.'''I'''''' ,,11114 .......,...' .. I PIn ~, \11II Ill" SO 111.110 1'" tin "'. CA'OoC" " Lol. 0."'1. c..." III .h.I.\I'ft 01 ""Ill11 ",,"'10 htdlllll"''' "II'"'''''''''' I" .......'lOfI. Alii I IIIIdIIIII<~ IHO, 1111:'1.114 1111 S"'H' ."'. 11'1111' Gr. 01111' GI Or,.,~,....oIllI"'" 01 .hIW"ft .,,", I"MII """"'"111 I I,....."'iol r.MII..II", "Ilhh 1'111; IYlII.2'O 1/" SIt'" (;. I.IIn .. 11110" ..".1 A''''' Ill." 01 .hllollw,ol 1,."11I" .lIh IIII"tllll.e', bl"h ....., ..."'",11I1'''.... 11011 Alii I Ip."III.d I'll', 111111.1'1\ 1111 "n"lM II Ie. r""II,.llll "' " Ih ".,~" I' Au".'tolr ""''' "1,..llIe 11.....1 P.b'"II"hh .'p 1911, 90 11.11 "" lllvlI f. Willi'. 1.11I1 r .I....MII dlell d,,"o. I' · Mlwol,~ ",,"nl .1" ,.... 11I'I...tw,. f1,,'"""I~ ...., Alii I . ~,.....d 110'. IIBIt ''',III'''I~'' RI. rolli'''' .1, '"\" II, n.\ l.o""",,,.nrI ." 1,,11,1.'" III ..uh 11111'" I.. .'0.,1.. f...." 'III I ------...- ... - ChlldllOOCl Llu\lmll and IntllOMllnlll Rllk 4S I........... 1m. 11111/0111 tlfl 1,,"'10 M. 1111 HI. 1111 '''l'' , n. " .1 1._'" 01 ..111" ........11111...,-... -..... II............. In A. I I'......... 1r...10II "'.111 1111 ""," I. 11I.11tO PI ......., ... ... ,........-., .. ........ ~~'I'....... ht4rIlIl"'............. 11Io,,,,,, "h... .", I. A... 1.'"""""'''''''''' ,..,,,,,,..",,,,, A .._ulht.hh mil ......, 1flI" , CaW S\iI'" II.."", NY (MIl "''''' ""...1.........,, 1110111.14\ 11lIIflVt...,_1 A""'I'" '1VIlth"'Cllv" T'""'''"''''''''' T"""""h,,,,,, ClI....."".....", "1C~1..1 CoIl....,,,, 0.-11.. Itlt. tolMtI. "1.,,1.11I.'" 1m ",II' A. 01'1'1I'11 P. Gill 0" II c...", II 06t..h .-c """",, ".. .., .,,"'.... ...1"1 A-. I MI. IIl1hh Itlt. ., 101.111 1m \1""" I. I''''' 10 lJv"tIlU ... ......,.- Pm IlroI 1m 111I.>>1 lilt 1M~1..A Cllv" ........., _C polMII''''' _III"" It"" I T...oIlfttl''''' IIl1hld"Ull\l.111S Iltl ",.,.....u GII. "",uIIlIIG. 0.._.11." II A ......, """....., u.., '" ",lOllI' ""111"" It.... 51.... I II'..' h.""" IIl1hh I'" 1116011. 111' "'"III ." \'"""" 01. Ih.~1I .~. " II r...." "" ......."1... ,..""'" A. I I" \11II1914. 1:lI.ltl 1:1, Wll'.... all'. CJ '"1l'\ ~w, "'"A' \II. " II """..10" 01 ",11M ".. ."'''04' .......11 ...1", A 101.....,.... I o.,.p IlroI It,\, fllll.m I:lt ""'"'"'''''' A(fftII lot '1V1I.h ... Cllv". s... -"W I..'.... ".. "...... ..... ....,........hI\I .,n. ......... II''"''''' .'M,I\iMM .......,ul .",,",M'" IUC """"'" 1111 CI/t..... ,,11 0.-1I_11r... 161\011. I'" SA\lIl' JI,GIIL""''' .r. .... 'l." II "'""I'" ."...... ...I/lfI..."..,II\f"oI.....II'l...I~l\II"..""" "nllll A. I l"IlroIIIIII, '".I~ 111I ""In aw. CIII.,,,,"I ,1.. GIAIM" .W IWlrt f1ac" .. ." _"I"''''' \tOll", J Or,., IlroIIMl; n ",.. IIJI \"'1" p, O'ClI11C"h".......' .""" 1""111 So"" I II'.., IA'N'" lIuhh 1;01, t,n-t14 III,III'OIIII',h"/oftINII,,,oI"IW,,""Uhll""lI1ft........ ...In, "........Ill '"'I"" ..1.11.1 INCJ IIll" 10:\.1010 . lit, 1"111I.. I. \.111"'1111.1. "IU"" (l,,, II r...."...' W"I __ _I........ ",,,,I""u Ill""...... .....".1 0.,., """ IMli It 1Il.1Il, 1"1 N......II...I<VlI ... 0...,...-' SilIt, ".. .II.h' 011I111 "" I "'._...~ lIIIllIII. 0.,.",,-\ ",.......' III I,. ""'" A'....... GA' HIO\II. 1Il111l1ll W P""W1l1Oll No IHIO\IIIII.I1I\ IUII\'"'' PI. 1,.111\ \\, NI'Iu\ WA I' lhool,,"utiIo"" .hl.....ol'....'".. "I......' Illlh........... hi"",.'" So'" I ~."'I 1ft.""" IIIlhh Itl" 1111.110 III, .1111' ID 1..........I.II1IMtolr 1..,11II4 ".ol',o"IIII" 111I1.\1", Alii I hliIlI'"..... o..oIll11t IIII.U' IIIIWml UIllIi"'....""""""'" ,,"'11II1 Althh.\IllllIII,hll 11II'.11t1ol0l 1111 CrUI.l. CiOI"" L Tn\llm I, ".1 '1.11..."... "II~ .......... .hll.\llll Alii I Iptolr.....lIlt, \"I/IIoSIt 1/01 "All 4, ",,,,"11, CA"".lP.,,.1 r...." -.111,"'" A ,n.' sl"'l~'''I h,"""'"llih IM\.II m.Ml I'" '11,,11\,1111'" y,' Mf. ."ltIlI.." II NlllllOlll 'DIll' 1"""1 I" ,'IIolIw.ol "1111 t...... A ,,''''0Il,,0I ""'" r"",,, '1' 191:. n 1l1Oo17'~ 1/11 Ill'.'''' ..G'UII.' r4l""''I'ftlIACltl_I..IlII1l1110'' I"'IlII SIl." 1961.11"11 III' _ "ftlll."IllIl'~ ""'Mil...."" l....h'oIri III"'''''.' 1111I '" C1t1_ 1","" """', ."" 101'A"'- ...oJo III II'PlC hhh IlIw,........I".'....'" RI\ .",..'U'I ",'VI.I pI.oI"'I, I........ AM"'" C.......nu'lOfIlO Dt l""ft' 1'" It.... .... I.I""~ 1.1t 19t'~ III 1111 _ S.ul... ..lot, I...... ,ft 1111 l'Uft I.U 11IM""'" flM........h'.... """""'~ ..1I.I"..h.... ... oI..Iot'1 ~ .ou'."'~ .....h,d. ...01 hlnlll ",,""11I11" ., I r.",,, ItllllolOl.\O\ I'" ,,,."'11 a (..... .. ,lot 1I1.1....nn. 1~I"tI r~",.. 'n JM I 1111, ". M' t )1'11'''1 1 I I 505 , . - , '-- iC''O.'U1UOIII 1I1I."II,a._IL I"" Pestltlde Exposures and Other Agrlcullural Risk Factors ror Leukemia among Men In 10ll'a and Minnesota UIldI ~101I1I OrOl1l, .\1/01 Obit. Robcrl Clbwft. CfGfl' D. [u,,".liunetb r. CUIO/.IAWI4 ~I. 5<humu. Leo. F. Ourm.I'ler. Sltphlllt F. \'IIUII. IIld Frfd Dkk ,,..-.,...,'-....,..,.....,\_r.....,_....... l/ft)W,'OItIIL" 1.1 1.1 'rtfll_,"~.l-'-Ii "-....."........"-1' G.L" Jt "'",.-lil_lWo"'."......"..." ""flr_,OHo... IINtfG . Lttolfll_ ",.,.,..,".....IL'.I.J . r. L'toI"'",....."",W'Olf .tl-.-"t....,-r.r,,'- .\ISTR.\tT I I , ! i J I , 1 ( ! ! I ! I I I t I I l I I I , ~""*' ...." .. ...,. nnUlntllII4In .... .oant~ .. IIM1to11M ""'nl"'"1l11 ... '....... T. ~,ItIIp" .1lo1~ n. ..... linn.... '- II ItJInlIwIl "'Iloc h Itlll~ It tit. " "'"'" ,It .IIMn 1MIItC1t4 . ....1WMo...... n\fo(tOC/t/ 101.,. ,Itw 11M,,, 'lI.w.'''1 .k."'"..... IllS lttIrth..,"- ~ ....... MIMntu.CtMI",* .k.,"", .,.11I, 1IMln..1lo1..". II&lI. ~ IIpI/InIl, 11""",,, ~ tit. '" .''''h''loUl n"'IOII 1.I1........I,.,!ltqtlt "'h..,OI IAI ,., ,,,.." ...,.,~ 11_"..11. TlfIl'III.. \IctUInlIllltdllltol..k."'h_ ,., ""''''11 1...1IIt ''''''1dHt, ",WfW" I.Wloc I,I,D'" UJoI\ " '"' NtkWn.II"."" ,lplln.." ,k"lt4 tltll ,., "'hlllt ".U .11I....,., "...'" II II/tlIIt MINI ~MetkWn .104,"- ," ......,...,..," """1,""01 II.I~ 4k.IoI'"IOIIl~''' ,..,"'01111 "'1" .1I"" "....,llll'..~.'OI ).71"'1" .""IMI~ .,4I<<u.... "'ilt",",, ,01 1I~ Tlfll '"' .'" ...11/,. he "'ll1InM.ll'.'"It(IoI~ .k. "..... 1t...1M '01 UI'" DOT (01 IJ~ nit 1lt4'"- ",k'"t4 ,hh ,., 1Iwa.w.a ..... II *-'h ",m" ,.".., .,,!u,ltI. ....ltllOll'..l1~." (I ,." Ii"" '" lUll tI '" """ """....,c. lit." II ,.1It "'" I" lUll tI '" ....,~ ItnoIt ,,"hI! ,., Noll "'h.llhlfamllJ pool.""".,,,,, l6\"", .1lt1IIMt411'" .1It Mt.1f1I" 100 1111" ilI",,!toN ....Wl14I1W,., Iaclinlol ~ ," ""'''' II ....,IHIlIS'.1It to.I.." Mta1f1l" lOt II II '" llat tllMJI\ltw, II ,....,."'.1It lllt~ 11M \1.".1111 II Ocltlr, III) 1....1.,..,... TllIOII..hl/).I. MllNw.'1I'<<1Il ~ Ill'''' klrWll.loolflllh ... '"llo1oo lJWIIorin . U '''IIN It WIlli" JIllltn l'mlllo. ",'nl Oclolwr 1114... 5111'. lilt PlIlkl~1101 tooIl'lllh ~ MiIl_.".....,,, tI,,, ~ ,,1i4Wt 10 IN II.ff ...1011" II..t,l'lrW ,.. ," 4rIl&1 tI '" "'" . U IIIo'nll&I"I'OIlIIl.I'I,lnoh.II'.lIoffl,lllll mUlA. ~"in .M' lIult ,,,.10. 111"', (It. MIo...l'Olll. SI. PJol. 0.100,,, ... lOll- nllll.II...I... tl4111110111.". ncWr411M ," "",. Pllho!ot,llloln I<< IIlllMl .,,, II.!toN ~ ItIIHll ~IWoahtL 1<<.... .'flH)'l'llm. "nlllt4 _ .ua-ir l'/OWt... ,''' l/(.hN '1j'Cf1ll ",Itw ., IN till IF. D~ A 10111 tI ,,, 1111I tI hhaJ, (IorWIo. .... Iklo, ... """.... IlMeI'flt .1/tJ\ll ,., IorNllotlIo ," 11110I), ('"".11 .". . ,.,.11I1ocl....... IItlliIW ....'" tI ,", MIl .kllootl "."'11r Of IlII1I1O\'Olt1Ir _flIhqootIlllIUW..... Itllll k,ltlllll .114 1lOI.1I"'11I1~ "1I,hoN 1111I ., ",fll'I' ...... .kll 11.111111/.. tll.lllnltw....1Wt tllftI.k.... r..... .,,, 1t1rc1r4 ~OlIlI~n _ m IloIoCltllllth '....IIII~" 1.1It ~0lIl na40lIl .I.k ofIIllo.lIl~ SIt IloIlo.ltIlllth ." 1'1It 11M MHItw. 'Kotoh l'/O'Wr4 ., 1..lll1h. ('iii 1'\w(1o. A..IolIIII' IIocl. ... ISO Mtl1f1l104lllth ~0tI 11111 "'"' "nillc'ff lIln. .nloItlll tI MIo...poIh, SI. P.... DoloI..... .01.....', M1/. "Ii 1IOI1I11~ 10 .. IfltclHlIltIlllOlL OW. Itll.I'U.Io,._ lo..n!toI....Io. .",.,ilUlf" SO .10 "Ii lOtl4vr1f. .11. IIlI "'ltl11" .k. IIott Itlllhn illlli 1i~1<<t1 III. ""..1f1I 01 luWt 10 .. IItlnlt.t4, ,\ IIlN11.11t4 qonllocl~k. '" 11f1I ,. "ulo "'"iW ~'OI",'1ocl '*1"" "'" "'"111I 'kIOl). 01110'10. '"1110111m, ....,,,. om,..1ocl1! WII01), 111011'1114 l~ .... 'If tI..,"It.ri/III 4IlI) ,,00I0c11, 1ltoI1nI roUlIlocll, '.lIIil, .11101) tlfII"r.." '''.lClkhln. Tlf "",1M. 1111I41,,'lIl1lll mfrt4'''.Ion,lotot ""'Ili h.'" 114 ~'" tI "lllIh .1I4"OfIrlllf1l.ll'OII1I1IMltIllf,gll" ,,, till llilUl iIllmlrloln,)f 110' 101<<11r1oln, I' ..,~ "" ""'"IIrl4n..... 0<1 ," '"11I '" .110 ""111III. nil .Wr4 Iht llnI ... .... "" ,11411II .htlht, I" ,.1>jI(1I'lnwll,lIIl,III 0I.,,11t41" "".WI, ,.. .,,11 ..lIIhrl tI ~"I ,., If"'~ III' ""Ir"" '" lit. '" 110I llllltcllll II Iht 1.1I1111oItnltw. 11Ifnlt., .". llllllpltlH '01 .., oliN lilt\. Tlf '"1'OII1t III" ,,"11' 11I1t,1IOIIt \(11'''' '"l'Ollt 1111111,1'11' Iollnk. It, 11'0"" lilt (11"11 'Ill 111I IlIIoloIII ~1.i1 ~Wiolltlllloll, It'l',,, IN IIl1l1b ('". nllllClII ,'~IIIIII'IIIIIM l1lIlIolL .114 11' I<< 111I ""'..... '0111011 ,.. nlll 11114, 1'O",11I1ort IO<I,IIIt. 0' 1lI1110 Ihll..ll. """"~'tl\fl.1IIt 1l1l11101h1o.. III """If~IIO<IlIoIL ,ht AUIllIotI 0' tl\fl "011I100.1. . 1'1,.1IIt Mil_I'. . 11I1 "" 'pI'/OIIIIIIIII, fqlll TIlt _I '0111101 fill III" .., (lL II . III. fl.l'l'oIlo.'" b, ,INL I_ . If I. 11,"l 1I"Iool"l'lJIII'I' . U. 10."l CML ,.. II, U'Il10111 ',lIplwqllr """1111 CI' 16, U'l~..~ 01"" (1'11,10.''''. Iht IIIdbul""" "IIt'OI Ill<< .04 661'''' ,.. ",""oIL S."I'IIIII.IIII",It., II Itll, . "Pl'klll(llIlllIrnk. tllht I... lI~lttll'lIo ~"klp'"~ II Iht "'1111' ilIl1nlt. '" roU"",4 "" 1 If I 11 ~s ~~~~~~~~~~J~ri...-:'Il<4-_Jl/'~~ 1~1RODl'crIOS A lumber or monllll, IUnf)1 1M dUlh (fill""", lIudlct hll. IUnfllfd Ihll r"men mil I\PflkllCt Ilclllld 11111 or Icuhmll (I.,~ 1I01C111.1pt(lnc "'111 Ihll I<<OUnl rO/lhI. 1II<<IIIIon hlle oot betn Idclllncd. FIIIMII rOlldllfl, PflrOfm mln, IJlh 1M mil COIIIf In conllCllhh 1\Illcll or polin. dill, hI'lId4ue 'Ubllllllt1lldudll' plIlkldn. PIIIII, ruth Ind IOII.nll, '111M flhlVll1, IlIln 4Ulll, Ind ,oooolk I,",1ft 114 mkrobc1. A number or IIM1t .ublllllCt1, Indudllllhi plIlkldt1 DOT.' ehlordln'.'ld dkhlonot hi" okmollll.lld IIItIOOI'lk err<<t111 flhNllludlct (10. II~ To 1111111'111 lhilhll flpolUIt 10 Ilrkvl1urll plIlkldt1 Of 01"" 11,lnIhur.1 flpolUrll II' Itllltd 10 I'" rl,k or Icuhmla. I' coldur,td I raltofOnllOlllud, or I,uhmllln 1011 lId MlllfIOl.. 111111 Ihh 1111' Il,kvhU/lI popullllon, lhire mOflllhl '.111 rOf Icuhml, fI",d lhi 11110111 1111I" (l2.1J). M.mAl.\IS ,\~D ~IETIIODS loI''''lotllllt.. P".lkl ,.,.11I1ocl'N1f1I1IIUOtlllolll"nll. 1111411,0111'''11I11 1I1lC1u4ln. 1I"IooI",lJ,lJl,' 'OI~llloclllloollllO bt 1111114 10 IlIl.oo.,I,III,1wq11t kllllllll .1IIt OOIIl"'lllo~ 1'11'11011I1..1110&4"'"411100..114 ,1111_. ~"iIllltll.ltll, ,ht "'\(111"'" "'''"'' ,n,lI. '01111I 1t'''III'' 1I\fI .&4 Iht poolt~ lOtlllOlL All ...1, ~1'11lOIt~ lilt. 0' k.ltllll. '11\0I1 obi" '"" '114 10 ,'"101 ol4tl ""1111n1hlf4"OIllI'1II0I 111111/1 01 tooIpllll ''''''~I 1"'""1,1,10. '''''''''''".0 IN ",,,01 ,""klllH 01 I'. 1II.k 'In ;,h't.... "" II I" "'.... 01 "" I'~'" n. 1II.k '''"'''''''''''''''11 ..~".Iit"'I/"O/ II """"(1 ,.1 " III C, Iftl"" "IIIOlI',1O "',," I" lilt ".. 1...,,1""", .,,1 ~,; oor. ...""..'Ik.tlu.......I..... n L ,..... ~..,..,,, k'"III''' ~'I. _ """''''''''' In"..", {\IL ,....it .t'~I"'" k,ltllll~ 01, ""'" ,,,... Ct. ....."..,..U,."~ I. '0, I.' ...",..-.."."."101, /, I, ." t '.' 11.."'......"."..101 , 1 I I I I I I I 1 , . . J , 1 , ,- - . ""IC\",,,\ IllI 'l('lOU 1OlI1I\l1~1' 'I) j,J ~ I., ... ~ ~ .,'J ," .J II.. w.,lNIlM ",II", "-1IOII..lllk,,, ~I '" 1111'''' IIC. """"""1/IlW ""... I..ltt. ~ "" rnuinN ,Ilt 1loffIt1ll1lll1oltn1lw II lilt '"11II '''11I ""1IIlI" "-'1111 " 111I... ,", ... ... "~ 1&/kIlI,"' ,It ",,"k,," III ,,-."'W ",""IIw, n. Ihll 1loffIt1ll.'" ..,,1ou.lIt 'U "UltIttN ., """'. -"..m "If "- 1111.... I. 10oo,.. w.,.,.lMlI<<."", "- "."",1 ". 1111"" lie. ",,1cl4t "~ 11I"- "'W IoItnIlw 'U ~ ..... ., ,.. 1tI4, ~#ooIIo,'.tI_,.,.,.(k,.,.l/IIilllIl~ A ItUI "to 1I11111l11OIlMlIIIIl'" 01..... .",,,,,, Offl loa4I '" "1'"1"", 0"....,01111I, IoItnllwl .." ~ '" "1Il1lt1ll&. .11m'II4I ItIIl 1/1I 10111.. 1Io1o&. lllmllH) ""11th. IcodubI AMIJ" n. Ol ...... IM'IIIII ." "- II,*, oIl14m1c II *'11IIII\ ""YH "-1II1Mft oIlUOrittlot kloft. '&riMwn/Il""",,, 1IlI"- "'I "lnlllllll.k. '" CI n~114 ., "-III~ "011I1111 0......11I11II" IlpowllO ~Iolu&l ",,1riIn W I.. " ",,1riIn "" 1I!nI.W '" II Inltlllll W '" IN Inlt!llt Id ~"" ......... 'm ..mcw.c..." 01 Ilpowl Mjln.. ,""IIN 111 0.. '" ..... ",,1riIn WI .m "'*"" ..... ., Illllll /It, CIIh " /lo, lMCIIh. 0.. '" "",,," ~., IIIIIIn 11I1" 1loffIt1ll..III1lIt/l.. .m III. nll~ M' ,It III 111I1114 ~'CMIIIl !lHI1I1III" 11M "- ...1aI ","".. .. "- _lpowl &/ftJ. .lIh '''1 &110 IAIn4~ M, HI) ,", !lHI1l1IIn .. "- ",IfOIII""" ... "- 0.. '1It ""IIAI. O.'IM~ ",.,111" '" "- "lIIk, 01"" . ""Ill. ........",.,. IIlI iAt, INO.m ""illIlt 0.. '" "-lI/att oIlltw "'11I1"," (III"... ~tIC) 01 ""Ill. till 10 HI, "- lMWIIIltItIu 111 ",,"114. l'IlMIMlMlI WNI) lot"'k "'''11'' m.m 11I4 It nklII" "'h '" llllnlt!llt '" lit 11111I1/1I ""kilt ,1IIo1ln"lItnnL .lIh '" IltlflCillc W,1Oloa. InI ~'" "lnltlllll'm IAIn4~ M, .IM'..II ~ '" poI)c~ lot"'. 1IOoIc"",,!0pt4 ., lilt r".toIoloo W 11otut"'1n ""',11I" lilt S'11oI&I CU",I.".oft. \'1uI """ (i/lo.. .11I. IIf (<'1. .,.... 1I1,11II1.1II111oea. MIuttohI "" 11I4 !Ohm .,u, 1In. Itl ""I~ .al1Il&. " cllll .k. I ".,..,.". 1- ~fL ..~ ~l!!!!!c ~ ~ C; Illl " InIIMII WI 1114) !In.ltl Wllpoltli It ItklltCn (kllllli, at"'''' ... ""I "II~ It rill oIlnlt.1I III 'I" "14) 1In. Itl 'I" '-Wt4Il1111llOolck ItI4Jwll '" poc.lIW ""1od4~.. ~ 8.. .. ~ ~ll j ~ i 8 ~; ~ ~ll c ~ 1 ~ : J 8~: I t f .. c: · t ~ t ~' If 11 ! ~~ I, ~!I! P , ~ J CI ~ I ~I I f. ! 81~~ . ~I: I :! ; .. I ~i I ~ J 81 '.~:! ! I 2; ~ .... ~, , ~ I ~ C . .' fl ''l 1 8i~; , t. :91 I' I~I III lJ c . ~ . f ~ . ...... ...".. ~~.H .... " .. . . , . - , . . . I . . I RtsliLTS ~'l .. ~:,~ ~~~~ .... :1:1,: ..qJ.~ ",.. ~~~~ ~~H .... l:~$~ 2 .... ! J J FIIIIIII,. Tlltll '11 I Imll~ bul ",nltkUI. rltk (Of III Icvltmll (OR 1,:I'nIOn'lIfllOllllho Ihtd Of 'OIltd on I (11m II In I.MI (Tlblt I~ MOI.lh.n h.l( o( 1M 1I1n (lI'I) .1Id 1M COIIlloII ($6111 llponld IOIIIf I"m I(lhll,. 51,nln. cull, t~lItd IIII! 1111 1110 Iff~ (Of nL .nIOn, (IIIIIIn (OR 1.4)lTlblt I~ ORI '"t nol potlthtl,"101bltd .lth dVllllon o( I"mln, (01 III Icultml. Of (Of In, Indhldu.' "" IIPI. Rill! '"1 1M 10'"1 (Of lholt emplo'ld II (11m," (or .., It III. ('ropt '" .1111If1" Nllthtr 1M rM (Of .lIltultml.1IOI rOI In, IptClrIc 1I111111f'1I "Inlncanll, Iltllltd .nIOn, (11m," b,IIPl o( nop 1I0'~ Of b) IIPI o(lhlllock nllCo!. Thtll '111 .110 no Illnlncanl P.lIl1nl by III" o( nOPlllo'n 01 by numbtr o( 1I""ocI hlndlld (dm nol prncnlldl Ellr L'lIo(rlllkUn. MOil ollM ("mm 1:51 1I1n l77 II I. 60) conlloIII16'1)1 llpontd VIC o( II lUll Ont llII,kldt lOR (or Itultmla. 1.11 ,,1I CI 0.'.1.4~ AllhoUlh (I/mfn .ho Ilpontd no "POIUlllo Plllkld" '11I11 Incrllltd 1M (01 Icultmll (OR 1.9."" CI/')':.'I. Ihl. nndlnl'lIlffn In 10"lOR U, "'I CII.7.,,0; 4: 111ft, )710nllol.) bul nol 'n .'"nnllOl. (OR 0,1. "" CI 0,4.1,1110 tllC\, II conllol,), Th. Plllkld. "rolUII (or Ihlllm.lndtr 01 Ihl rllmm 1111 vnlno.1I. TIlt rl,1! o( Ituhml. mOldln, 10 fltl UIC 01 IIPlt o( Ill6 !. J I , )!~~;l I I I ) ! t , r , . 1 .... . I . - - , , 14'I{\''''l4 'M ''''00' lOt 11111,," pnI~Wl11/t ""'lit. II rlNr I, rOf Ill"'''.", ,Ilt 0., .lItllOlllcllllrutJ""'~_1 IlIlIlnnPGl1l11lllltw 01 II, "'l~ 10. IJL .., "'Wclolt 10. UL Of II, IItfCt~loIt 10. I.IL ,,,,, rilh '11' f*,II,,. lot .11. Wllolftlttll,Pf. O.'o,n 1l(1iI'(1Ilt, e"'1If41ot ANL lot 'M 01 "' r...~1oIr lOR lJllI4 lot nL I<< w 01 II, ..,Wclolr 10. UL 1I,IIMCticlolt to. I.JL 114 1I,IIlatI 1M1~.,0. J.JL I'nIkWt f..aln.O., I<< "',,11II b) IIII~in 01 pnI~Wl1 II' "f1fllt4,., ...~ II r INr l... IItfCt~Wl111 r 6Wt ). RM oIl11lnhlllt ... 110I 1I1Oria1t4 oil. w 01 II, ...Wclolr w,. ~ "Ik 0.. o"k ri1ft4 11M U 10 IJ ollt IUlkIkIIt, ~taC, lot o,,"~ ,,,,.1t4 .hh Ntl "'''' "'" _It ~ "'" ''''~.1IOIf 0I1k OR,I<< all "'1..110.11 lIc~illtlllt, cleo..,. lot '" oIM,llltHtklolt /III'" 01 m,t1T6Wt JL 0., lot ",'01111<<1"*""",, OII1I""'f/f lI.aillrlllt, ,"'..,.,., lilt lIII.tI..-nIO.,JI"'OflIIO,IIoI".Ilt 10. IJI rlllllin, 11'11" "'1fJIIOp"""1f I...". ",..,. Iclll', fin..,. 0., I<< Inhlllt oI.1O.lIt Nfl'" 'M 01 M~U1" tI""',It. ~"IIOIIIIIt. 114 ~~. .1t4 .,..,.It 0ftJ~,1Io1"'"11lNl IIl<<IkioIn. rOf 101, ~"I" UOIUtIt 1IpIOf"""" m, IItfCtklolrt. lilt O. '"I01"'lilltM'" ."'~ 10. UL rOf Illtlnh_1I ""'''' ll&aiIIrIaIt, ......,.. riI" .lIt tfC~ I<< nL I<< fU~ln.w 01 m,t10.10, W6 C11.I.J J; II fllctL fU"lIIln.wOlIlllltltIO. ).1. 'S' C11.0.'." SfML ... OfCllOfllol,..., ~ .... 01 ""'10. 1.7, 'S' C1l.o.U. U nlnJ, IN Ofp~1I """ Ofo CWl14 oil. ~.,1t4 .u,Nt1tt 10. U. U' CIIJ.S6; 16 tlltIL ~"'14 WOIUIaIO. U. U' 0 U."'" fML 114 IOI~IIIH uoultt lOR U .S, C11.0. U; 10nltlL ~!!t!l4 Pnd:Wn. fk 01: 'iulllnliiiii; rot Mi;rn"iIo ~ n""'11lt .." I...~1oIr .w ~ tIOlIl. IUIIlfIt lot ....'111. '"1.' I"" 0 o.7oJ.J; 10 nltl, 17 COtlfollL 0.. lot lilt 1'0110II_"'111 I'!'fl ollt U lUll CI 0'. U; , tlltIl "" nL 1141,S IU" 0 o.~.s.~; J tlltIl lOf ANL .hh lot .n "'''lOll Iho .11' 10\ "lll/l(ul'l "",ulfIl .1IlIl., ..bl<<t. · ilo "noulI, .."... .....,lcd, Of ."lic4 'p<<iIIt ..,WeWl1 !rlNt .L NllllIl,II/l(..II, ''''"14 0.. 1)IJlo," tfC~ lot .\Icr" Mol "or~1I11a. I\llf~ 'M 'IUI,tfC Oil' lfII,k,,,, 10 1'fllOl,IlnI flPllIfIlIo ,,"I/l( ."We,*, .:0 "111101101' IIIC""". rhh """,1fIl 101 MCP.' 10. U. U" 0 U".l. S Ultl, 61011/0111114 MJ. TlOR IUS'! CI O,,~.o.lI flllt, IIlO1l/ollL AIlOII,1P<<1/lt cd I)pet, 0.. lOf IIIoM oho ntf W41t4 l,..D .,It IJ lfn 0 U.U; II Cllctl lOf ANt, U Its' CI 0.9.).9; IJ fllft)1ot 011..11I4 IJ Its' 0 U.l~ ~S "'nllOf nL 1N0.1ot IIIoI..hollllld1H l,4,S.r.atl.l IU' CI 0......9;' tIlftllot ANL... U Its" CI o.7.J.4; 10 talnl "" nL IN rhll<< IIIoM olio Iln. Na4lt4l,4J. T II If,,, :0 "111 priOIlo II,",," oa'lIlftl/l(.~", ''''"14 lot nL (OR JJ. fS" 0 U.U; 7 flltI, .. (OIl/olIL lIblt , "null 0.,101 Itbl<<t,oho "" PfI1ONII,.II"" "ll4W. OI'V91WIfIrnN rro, Iftl<<lkioln. Soelllftl/l(.I", ,"',,'" rhb )IJ ollt tfC~ lot 'l~lIp Mol U..ullf. "Ilt~ IIot IIw,th olllnl/kt'" to ..b)<<t, oho hI4 Ilnl IIIl141t4 "lip IttIMItIoIrt II 1f.1I :0 1'111 ,,101 to 1~lrn"". rill! ""uMllIot fll....,IIO. tl, .S" 01.1.1.~: 6 flltI, ~ 1011/0111'" IUllclllollOR 1.7. .S" 0 o's.SJ: , c.ItI,' eOll/oll1 bot dKltllfll10t UMIIi lOR U. ts" CI O,'.J.ll 7 tlltI,' COIl/olIL rOf 1M "'''mla Mlloloclnll'''' 110I11.. aillrul', ,'''"'' rhl,(alJlon, tfC~ lOf nL lOR 1.6. .S, 0 U.J.o. 16 tlltIl 1M CML (OR l.~. ts, CI U04.S; 6 nlnla_111IoIt IlIlIIftIo ho Ilpo1t14ll111dllftl DOT. OR, lOf III "'''mla lot '1ijtn,.1Io ntf 1'<<\01.11, .11"" ....,.... OI.pplic4lflrnN ulfW !!!!!tl!!!.ln f!4 ~ ~ olio IInI ..I,... hM4It4. OIaV91W Ihtw IttICttIclolt allfall :01'lIlllllOl' 111m," U,..,.~ 1ft T.ble 6. "llhovllll.1ItJ 1OI,loIrlllloe..III'I/k1aI~ .'" ,,'" rhl! 0'" tfC~ lOf CIOlOI' IpI\oIlOR 1I.ILDDr(O.'JLdkllIonOlIORl.O~I.m,1I1If (OR J.lL 1IIf11lo'lcMo!IOR U~ ftlcollM lOR 1.6~ 1M ,,1I1.,IaIIOR).7). SOIlIslllllnftll, e"',,'" rhl!)1J 0'" IItI lOf (Olliff... III/IlI1IonII,1IoI. Rllb lOf IIIoM ItIbl<<l, 01lo....1InI MlI4lt4l....lIl<<Ikldn "1f.'1 :0 1.111 priOI 10 bllrn"" Oil' IfIll,II',""I"I"U lOf .11 'lfn co..WIIfd. Rhb lllOI' ,... dotbW 101 tII....,I.n4 I.mphllf. 5J.~I/l('III, ,lei"", rill! bJ h1lloloclnlllPf 1.lIhoalll. IIIItJ COIIIoIrUlloollo," IItn lOf CLL 'IIlIlII!'fIIOI' olio ntf Mn41c4 lilt MllIUIlIl<<lltklf dk"IonOl (OR U. Wi C11,0"'.6: II flletl Mol .1co11M tOR U. 9S' CII,O.J,S; IS fllnlall4 101 CML .IIIOII, IlIftlfn -110 ''I' IIII1dIt4 dkhlonOlIOR J.J. tt'l 01,0.10.6; ~ flltI~ flit OR 101 '...., '.11."".,.,..,..,.".........,<(,........,.-.141 ,... oW N..... h"oWN_ """..... ... tl ... tl ... 01 ... tl ....,.. ..... '- O~, ." " ,... ....... 01' ", " r.k_ u" ,. ".11 , II " ".,. ~ll"'''''' .. ,.. .. II. If It! III II ".,., 'too..., II If 1\ aMI ~..."......... II '. U 10./1 01.,,,.,",.,,,,, "III 1\ ...If " 'III 1.1 10.11 ""'''~ · I " 'II /I 11.11 -..,."'1......... ., III II "." II " U a/ol.l II.........." " I. " IH' .....""......-... · I " ",II II II II "'" · 'I O~ ,,"'.. to -;;;r......... ....Iff..." '._1111 ......'1' _"'111 01 Mjor....... ..".." Itt, ...., ....... tOO, r."" ...", tl ~."""I. ....".Iii. ..,........... ~ liil..'..,....n ........ ....,'" "II t I ,...., "'" 1(..... -........ tW" _...,..... ,........ ... tl ... 01 ....... - - 01' "'" 'ItoIn ,. III " II... ""'"'. It " II ..." .... "11/" ".IJ r_ II ~ II ..... ~u. JU'w" ., IU II ..... Ih.....,.", n ~ " 11.11 I1oott,.... '" It. II ..... 1- II "I " ...IJ """ II II IJ II." · "01 ........."".............-...II.....nllll...... It, ....... "01........ oolI_ If'. ~"',...... tWo '''''' ....., tl ~......... ,'''". ~l"" _ ~ Iii''''' n_.. ..."'....".. . 1 - . ,_ - O4l1l\'"1ol'1I.\ '1('101' let Ill...... I.... 1'..."""_,.,..,........... ..ftt/l.., l/Ofllr....... CLL MctUW 10 U Its'I CI U..l6; IS f'It!," '"110111 ...., ...., ~ ....,.. 1W,1lI... 'nllktt410 (1I1lfn .Ilo ~ bl4lt4 ,......"" ..... .-.. ~. It'" .kvI_lIlulI:O 1'//1 Pflol '0 I'",n"-, n, IiIh ((If DOT .,... II '" It ".'J IIf 011 .~llIIlh ... Illllilu 10 ,lth lot oor tit 011 m,t r- l._ II lit " '''IJ CLL lOR I." "" 0 o.t.U; ,. falnJ aN C~IL lOR "'. If_ ,. II .. II" , "" 0; 10 u'"~ rot lhow (aI,,"" .Ilo ~ r"" "". II .. It ,I-" Cllo..... It .. It .,." IIaIl41t4 DDT II lUll :0 1'//1 PfIolIO Itl'n"-.I" OR lot C't_ /I " .. ,,,,, ANL.I\ IlI.ir"..I', ,11>/1'" lOR 1.1, "" Ol.o.u; It liD II III " "." Ult!, m ,"1I01l~ 0... II \I " ".1. "'....... II .. .. ,,,,, Mnr.... rr....lI(J II ,,"lldh l'1f. So toftIIuftl w- '- , II IJ ,,,.. If190lIIf PIIIIIII" dill Pf' 1'lIl1all&l 'fIt Ifu ((If .., \1(,. II II It "04J of I" "'WcUn.IAcIv.lIe, 1."0 lOR 1.1 fvt Ibt "'.... '* '......... II II It .,." ",... II II IJ ,.... f.1f1ol7 of alO 1ft,WIII /dlII lOt pmc'lllI). ORJ lot ell "..". . , U ".IU IIth.lt ., I" IIlIlblt of dll' Pfr "II NItnIlIItIft1Ici,ln tu.r 1/ It U tf.1I I........ 1/ \I It tf." "1/ ,,~.., W4W //1 pmc~I'" It TIbIt 7. n"e 'elf 'U~""""III1olIw=''''...._r_llII..... ,.r 110 ,"tlllftl pallflll of ,*'lnpoll1f lot .., of I'" "1ft1~ ~,U~"""Iw.. ..........................IWt'-l c/4n 11I1I. ....... OIIl1lll1.1'l 0/ Oft lf09L 1101"'" ((If IIlOIl ,'') ., ~.......... ''''''. "lllol "'- ... """'1 ,,_ II. of I" ..Imll 1tlft11ddn.,lth .fIt 1/111/11 (ot lIijKu .1\0 ..........".... IIa14W I" ItIft1Ido1f lot alO dll1/)'II. n, ORI (01 ," JJ IIIOIl (lfqllftlll/n .", Illllllrm', ,11>11'" (ot DDT lOR - HI I..... "~"""_,.,,,,,..............,,,,..,.,.,..,,.,, 1.1~ .khIonOl(OR JI~ 'lid IMltlhlolllOR JJ~ I, -..,," ... ... '" ...., ...., I1I5C1. SSION - .J """0,," I.... - 0.' m" .. II" 1/ " .. ..... nh f'I/<Oft'lO/ 11114, olllthmlt "1 COIto/II<1'" I_I J ......., , II II ".1/ .hl.. 11Ift 1110I1.1Id MIAAnoll.I'O IIlIn .lth WIf 1111- r:::z , :, .. ...1\ nll'lIIl JIOPIlItIIoft, 10 1a1flll"" "rlntll"" IiII (1l14n .. r. M :1 II " "." .. rwoo..., I It tI IJ." /11<1114111 "1'O\IIIf 10 II'fri/k ,,"Ileldn. W, roalld IlI,hl~."1 . . ~-... It II II ,.." 1I'lIl/lllftl~.dnll/d rlth '1lIOft, (lI,,"n (ot .11 11th." lOR ) II " U t1.I. Ow_ II " IJ ...1\ I,l!.., f4t m (OR u~ Ah~h itlmlll1Ioiin (I.'. II. . 0.... , It II iI.1t "IIIaI' (041/14 (1I11Mn 10 bt /I "lnl rkl olltul/lIIlt. ocllf, (....... , " U I loIJ 111I4ltt, 1Ac11l411111hott btttd Oft IlI(ldfftl tilt!, IIal'lIOI I>>' . '... II 10 II 1J.1I l ,""... II I' It ".,., lS~ I~ Ihf 111141n It .hleh IIIOdllloftlllal, bllllIOItd.I" ,...w.... . It .. "." rill o( ilIltulrllllll fOftIbllttd hu IfIlf,II', ktlllt lilt /1II1f '..... II II II , .1/ 11~.lIto! " 10 " ".1.1 o( I.I.IJ IIId I" rill (ot CLL I~ ," IIIIf o( I~ . n.... " I' II ".11 .hew 11114ltt, ltul/mlt II" 110I bill COftIlIl'~lIf IIIO(\lIId . IlIlotIoo 1/ It IJ "011 I .lth II) Ot\f "rlntlturll Pfl(1fct ot (ICI04 j2.,.II. "U""e . . Al O' ""'..1I11ol1w ........... "" .,." '_II 1111'.....,.' 11IOI1(/11) ('011I 1tul/1II11 III, ~II Ifpon", '1lIOft, (MlNn . -..., AI O~ ..,...,. III ..11...... .... ....,...........,...." ....., rnl4I~IIA tolI'lln .htll dI'" IS. II~ pothlJ 11. S~ lWII fj, I "~."""""",,,. ...1""............. ...."'1 ,,_ III. ..........".. S. ,,~O/ IOllIflftm PfOo/IlCIIoA "lIlmponlll "mhlllll . ICIIII,ltt, T" "",I rhhlh/l 11I1, ~n Ifpllll'" ((If 11ICidI11 . Il\fllla', ktl (0111'<<1/1( (IIIIIIAI 0I'fIIlloftll:6) O4ll'<<iIk . IoIlI.IIII"InII....,'...".~ .."".,.".",,".l/Of~_ ) 14",,,,...,.,..,,,, h. If ,NIl,...,.. '-.. hll1oloalrllll,," ofltuhllll. Ih.", "III m~ I',,~ II.......~... II O4Ir 1I11d, Ihm .", 110 Iltll pall'"11 o( dolfolfl!'Ollf 10". .lth lilt AUlllbtro(,'1I1 (1I1IMd IIId 110 "In, ,1.1. (01 (MlNn ... ... ,,,..,.. .... ~ IIjwH b) ')pt o( 1I0pt 01 IIII11I'IIIIMd; 1101"". Illh (ot 1IItll' o( ., ., ., ., Ihf 1ftlllllllAIIClIci,ln "If Ilflllll (ot Ihf 11IOII frlqUf\ll 1'''''0,," /11"_0.' "HI '""_""0.' "," UMn. l\'hllt 11011/ o( Ihf ORI (ot Ihf Ih'lt "ll/III "OIIpt o( r.kt)' I II tlO 1./1 I 4 "",111 I'flIIci,ln (II, (ulllldoIf. htrbkldf, 0/ IA\f(lIctdtII'" "'111/. ~ II It I,JII.U II 1/ 1.111011 lellllll ,ltlll/J (OI.llltuhllll... rhh (ot lilt anlllll' 111ft11. r........ 10 II 1'''.11 I , IJ tl, \I r_'II'" I I 11.11/011' I . cl.ln l1fnIll' 1IIOI.1I101l1'IIIWltIII,d 11th 1tul/1II1. IfNlllfN oor 10 ", 11'0." 1\ III 1110./1 "!'OM'lroup," III1'Ie1/J 10 ("lIMn 1110 !'fOOIIIII, hi"""" 0..""" :1 " 10'./01' II II U''''I , ,..... II II 11'0.10 I I IIHI.IIlI 11'<<1/1( IAIICIIekltt, TIlt 1,,1I111ra.. HolJ dClllIoA IA rIIl'OI l~ II to 1,'",11 II II , 10..1/ UM o( "I (Ulllkltlt '01 ASL ." IIOllttOulIl/d (ot b) lilt Ulf 1"IIIlIto! It II 1,,,.10 II It 11...1\ O(IlI'II..lht 011/111'<<1/1( (UIlIIcIJ, UMJ b) I luflkltllllIumbtr """'1''''' II 1/ 1110." I . /111041 ~...... It II " 11./1 :. II 101101' 0(11It lIuJ'IUbjt(1I10 IIllmll, rl," ,llIhoUlh (Ulllleldn III" ~"'''~I , 1 1111.101 I I 1110.11' IIOt 1><<1 .n<<IIIIJ .lIh hlll"1 Itubml... 11It, III', ~I ......, I , /I''''J I 0 IIWltltlld IlIh 1I01I'IIOol,IIA'llllIIl'hollll (11~ RiIlII", Iho ....- I II '''1.1.1 I II 1111.11 rfl/"u.n~,... . , /.'''.101 I . ",III1cIIllI'lltlll,J (or 41/ o( 11I1 hflblcltlt tOR 1.41 I lid 1ft, "",lot.. 10 II 110....1 . I 110',,, 11I1IC11c1.lt lOR I.JI '0' eLL 'AItOa ,.."u,. 1t,.."Of "~".N.III Ill" '11M," 1:.'uV\ UJ Thf IIllIlOlllhll' lIflllfA hl,blclJcl, I'llm.rlfllllt phIIlO'" 1110'''''' \I O~ "'''''''''' 10, "".. 't "",, ,....,. ''', "M>I) """I KIlle ICld IIIIblclilfl 1,4,0 IIIJ 1.4.H. .IIJ C111(1I 0' lilt tl ".'......111 ,uerr, .II~ "" .n,.. ...r.4 'II~ m' "P't'Wn.. . ""......,,11\. Ilml'h.11c IIIJ hcm.'DI'tlIcIIe I) 111m IIIJ IOn'llnllf 1.1I(011I. "II . 1 . ,- - : "'I(\"\U\ ,,\I ''"011 /llt UlII... r.... I ,~ IIInl............ .011_11""".,.., __..... __ I'IH .. "'" I...... ..... ..." ..." ........ ..." ..." ........ 1....,.. ",11)/ "'" .- 01' 'I\n "'" - 01' 11\11 AIlno 104 II It II 110.. ,., I II II 110.. It. , If .. '101' I.",.. I I ('..W.II" 104 I " II .1011 ,., I II " 11.11 It. I , " 11.11 1'.1..." I I ~ 104 I , U I"U I It " ".11 ,., I I IJ II.IIJ I , I '" I , U I"U -' I U 1..111 1'Il_ I I I I DDr 104 , I' U IJ.iI I It It IJ.U ,., , , 1I ..... I It II 'lolI 110 , II II IJ.II II It 1I "." \'Il.... I , I , ow_ 104 I II 1I nit ,., I It U 1101' It. . I I \'11.... I I 000....... 104 , It II 1104' ,., . , , It. , . " '''III \'11.... I , 1I.....11t1 104 , II II 11.11 Io' . II II 11011 It. I II .1 '''II \'tl.... I 1 LIo4... 104 , . II ".11' " II II 11011 ,., I . II fl... , , " ').41 10. I , IJ IJ.U It It It '101' \'Il.... I I I , \I~..1loo I.' . , II .10" , 1/ " II.IJ ,., I I II 1104. . , . It. . I . I , II 1..11t \..1.... I I I I ~k..iIt 104 , I It I"" ,., , , u .''''. It. . . . \..1.... I I · .11 DI ,,"'~. It III'" ""'"".It......... r...." 111I11.... ,,,..........\1 01 oIIoIIH" ,...~.........~...............,..... """"" ~0lfltI4I01.....".1iI'''''_itot....1iI1'''' .,_10 .Iotiol......... ; I !' . if, j' ' I I I hll betn IIYdled In I aymbe, of In1nl111llonl (5, 6. :a.JI~ (dkhlorlO'. IIkhlolfOft~ hllottlUlfd ItOIlUIIn (chlol.)rIo .\lIhoYlh Illnlllelnl!) .lellltd rill! hilt betn "panlll for fOl. CVUNPIlot, cnfotllllf. 1OII1If~ IflrlChlonl.pboI~ IN IOflollllY' "rcollll, lIodlUn'l dIMIM. Ind non.llodlUn', nonhltoacullIl UOIUIIn (tIlaphot'lIICnlh)~ m101)pIlot, l)tlIphoml,lhfll hll' betn no "porIl of In IrlClIIMd r'l~ for dlolllhlol\, flmphlll. f.nllllfothioft. IIIClh)1 JIIIIIhlN. JIIII' ,lIleYlcml1 or IeYlImlJ celll)ptl IlIh YIt of 1P<<i1le M,bj. IhJon. phMfl~ In Nolllloft 10 rll\1 bela, tllnlllel~1I1 eklllld elde\. COllellllonllllh M,bkldi YIt.." nolld forley\emll fOlIpt(11le InlmlllllCC1kloln 1ft the OI,lnopholphllf 1"0101' Mil hi In 10111lllnd In InclllMd ,11\ rOl ANL (OR U. "" )pllot, dkhlorlO'. flmphllll tn4lUllIIIl prodll(ll flmllln(.k. CI'"11 ,eporlllllmo", ro,nlll"orlln In New Zn. OIIIlf.PI"lhrlnl~rlIl!III..llolllnlllel"'I) ekllllllrOl DOT II"d polllbl, elpol(d 10 PMnol)Mlbkldtl or,hlolophcnoll lOR IJllIId IIIClhol)ehlot lOR J.J~ 110 InlCC11cldn II lilt (J9~ ehlotlnlled h)oI/OIl/boa rlmll,. TIM IacIIlIt I~ rill! 111<<1. Thll IIYd, roynd no IlIlUn, Clmlft IlIh In)NIIYII of lied Illh :0 )em tlllC1 I1nl flpoIY" Ind .he IMIff ORI hcrbkldt YIt 01Cl11~ hol'IC'.lIOnlllnlllelll IImlft rorll'f' lman, rl/lIICn Ilpo1ll", alO or mot, dill or tit rorlClcrtl cllIe leyhmll CCllllpct, InclYdln, ANI....II 1II001Jled IlIh or,hunl,"",lnlCC1Icidc1(lhloldlllf.OOT.dkhlorlot,llndlll. YIt or Ih, PhcllOl)KClk Kldl 1.4J.T Ind UD. Allhoy,h 1II<IIlUIIIhlonll~unllllJllhc) mil be Ialohed In the C11oloo Ihelt elmlft IhoyI4 1101 be dlll'll/d,d. the r,IlYII or Ihflt orrcylcmll. rllh 10 Inc'ClM IlIh Incrllll", rrlqY'1Iq of YM or Mlbkklt, Tht IpldcmlololklllllllllYII co""I", olMr Ilpor1llh11 Iln (0""11110 n"dl"II ror IIOn,lIodllln'll,mphoml (1'. HI! IIn\ kylcmlJ IlIh 1"lmlllnlC<1kldn. [leltlld rill! of In. 'YIIIII! IIIJI I IIIDn, 1I1111onlhlp dOl' nOI 11111 belletn ItmlJ hlle been rlporled Ima",lhnIOl~ ru""n II N... ICYltmlu"d Ult or hclbkldCl In Ihelt dill. lullnd 11611nd SoCllcn (40. ~ I~ .\lIhoYlh 1111 IIOC clelt W, roY"d Illnlllelnllt 11"llId ,1111 (OR I.', rOlMI<<lCd Ihk"'"l<<1kldtl m1lhl '" IlIohlll. bolh OOT 1101.11<I dkh. r,mlllee or InlmlllnlC(lklde\, /.t,. O'llIOpholplln ,"d nil, 10001 1111 trf ulClnolenk In IIlmll. 111<I I Illntlle.nll, u,,1 prodllCll (nkotln,. p,,"hrln\' ,ollnon,). pllllcullll) ror "clllld rll\ lOR 6,1. Wi 'CII.9.19,0; 6 (tit\, ~ COnllDlllor CLL. When Ih, o'llnDphDlphl1l UI'IOll-11 runhcr dhld,d CLL 1II(I(II1(d IlIh OOT fll'<KYII III Ilpo1l1d In SoCllca Inlo _hClhrr Ih, InlC(lkld, 1/1 In IlIphllk or II t10mlllc 140~ I"d _hllher II 1/1 hlloIC"lllll. III"llIelnll) e1ll1l1d rill! or In (o""1111I1h 1M n"dlnll ror Inltlllll"lC(lkldn. IInpl .pp,ollmllcl, Hold lerr It,n rD' hlloltnllld IlIphllln rOl II 1lIOClllIon blll"n CI,L lid YIt Dr (I,b1mtlCl, Ihm I 611I ~ ~:=~~,""ala............__ r.t Ii ri;.= /) JJ ... ., ~ ... ~ , .. .J . , . . ) f - ~ - - 1 . ,- - - ,,"cun"'L .", ,onOt.IOlIIIUIMt , .. r . .trt 110 Illalnclnllr Ik>llld ,lib lot ,",1,mll I,om VM 01 crop Iallftkldn. ORI lot lilt VM ol.pcallc InM(1kld<< Oft aOpt .11' lOtllhllntl, 1llIIIler IIII~ lilt OR. lot VM OllllcM UIIIf IallftkldctOlllnlmll\ [11ft IlioIIlh Ihll m., be uhlna nldlllo lilt pollnlW lot C1po1UlI .hllc 1111111' .a/m.11 mlr be Irlllll Ihlft .1It, 11111111 aopt lwaVM Ipplklllon on IIIlml'l on.ft 0CC1ItI ralldc wnl ot ltt OII1t, cOlnllfd qVlllln. A Ilmllll 1Ind111 .U npotlld Irom I ealf<onlrolllvd, 01 IOn'lhlllf unom'lIIlOll IIIIIIfIl ltt K.nlllln~ AI In Inr Inlell11111otl1ll111 nM<OllIollllflhod\ lilt II' lOCullonl 101M ot llIe I.llvrt 10 nn4l1lotl.uloll could be dvt 10 bIu. Then lit IIlIIIr oppotlvlhln lot InxnraclClIa lilt ttll~11on 01 pulicide UpoIUln lhaI COIId lead 10 UpoIvlI mlltl1l1lllntloa. Thnt ladvda dllllcvll7l1 rtnllll.lnlotml' llotI by MII,nlpotldulI lad lacl ollllO\lledll by IIItIt IUl 01 111. TIIltl)Pl 01 mlltlullllnllotlll VLVlnr IlMom .114 could hll IIlvllld In 1ft uadtmtlmllloft 01 rill 1114 I dllvlloft 01 olo\t,mponM IIwlttu .hkl m.r IIIIt elVLcd VI 10 mill IOI11f 1.IOCUIIoII be"te~ ptIlkldc VM In4levhmll. Dlrrll' llICtt In IlpoIdl, beloten Mil. lad IV"OIlIe mpoldlll. .ould 11.I" the IIIOIl Impatlll lilt Ivpplemllllllallole... .lItn ollr 25'0 01 lilt elltl.1I1 Illlolc1o.d llItmlCh" com. pllld .hl "'0 01 lilt COlllol\ Rlllldll,ImI,1tJ Olllpo,tlllo heollll. Illmm .n4l!1f1t NIl 01 lIn ue IIhl) 10 ICtIIl dtl.1l1 01 l!lflt VIf 01 ptIlkldcl bttlvlf II h I ahkal pill 01 IIIcIt comlllfrclal Ol'fllllon, The IIIIIIf' I,pkallr pu,ch," and Ipplln lilt ptIlkldc. IIlhhkt 1I111r 10 InMna lItalL Acelnlll lIt.n 01 pellleldc VIf. he.. It,r. peobtblr 11<<11,," .hl lilt ~""I 01 111IIf. TlIUI. lilt ItCIII1tJ' 01 npotltd npolvm II ,ulkr I'UI m'r be poorll IMn Ih.1 01 1,(11)f1/\ IlcnVIf lilt lllOClallolllOlld II Ihtw oIIllln,o", Ipcclllc Mlloloalnll)ptI 01 k1Ihmla lid .pcclllc ptIlkl4tt, II w,ml uall\lIr Ihll nlC""poIM bl.\ .hkh m1lhl rnulllnlllw'poIhh, UlOCUlloll,ll1 plavllbl, npllllllon lot 011/ 1Ind111\ A crille.1 conam IIll1dlll 111\10 podlh' 1l1OC11l1011,1lo.elll. mulll Irom multlpl, 1IIIIIIlell complllloll.hkh nuln II dllllcvlllo WPMII' 'UllllOCl.. Ilonl from china 1Ind11'" A lull Upionllol 01 lilt dill. hooolt", dklllcd the IICtIl lot dtlllltd lubelovp mi,,", SIt,nllt1nc. lilt IIvdr hll WIlIII """llhl lot IIIluIIII, 1I'IcIIllvrlllllOtlaltd rllb lot kuhmll.lI h I IlIlIhllr 1111' popullllon,blwd tIlC<OllIollIVdr lS11 CIItIlld I HS COl' I/Oh) Iotlltd In 1.0 11/kv11VIlIIlIIn. PllhelOll' IlIdll .trt rttlc10ld 10 'Irllr dl..1\OIt1. '",pellon InllOlc1ot .(1, con, dllCltd 10 obllln dflllltd IIIOImlllon conalnlll 111m lI'hllkl .hleh Included plobct lot uw 01 Ipcclllc pellleldn. The nldlnll I,om Ihll Iludr .uppon 1'"11 cohon. dtllh tlnlllnll. Ind tCOlo,1n1 compllllOl. .hleh hilI IUI,llIld In IllOCllllon belolt~ leuhmla and IlImln'(9), Allhovlh I Icw 1IIOClllIonl bel.ltn leuhm/llnd pellkldll ulCd on C'OPI (.hhllllt,bkldn 01 Inlltlkkllll 01" noltd.1I10111/ IllOCl.. Ilonl .lIt obllold .IIh Inlltlkldll ulCd on In/mal\ Thl. mlr "nltl lilt 1111111 opportunllr 10' ptIlkldt tlpolUlt 1I000nd In/mlh Ind dllto" lurthll t'llulllon In olhl/ lIudln , .........,.. r. v'" L111.' r. "'1_' Inl....... "'" ..."""....A. u.........m 11to'1l1l1l , .........0 ..............C..."'-",....I~.. C_ I...'IIO~ 111I , 0.......... .. !\1ft..... 1.11110... L..... C""'... ..... ....... ....C_'~....I.~.. C.... loll. '11l1I.1l1! 1111 lllo('....II.~...II.II........I......C_oI~......._. _""!Of_oI~ IW I. A.... /11.//1'''4 ",, . ..... ..II,^-,II.r_.L ....01 C...._I'~.... "..'I ..11.._ ,....., 1/. It,...,. Ill'. II IUC ''-'''' .. lit "........ 01 C...""".. ..." ""_ O"'..I.......oIC...""'..., It l'....!Of01 IU' "-"" v... 'oil I'lI4 I. l.... r,,,",. ""........ A...., '" 1......1. ,......1111, II. ........'*' o. r'..'...c...... ,,,,,,,,,,.."""01,...... ~ ,., .. ..Ill .. G,. .aJoooo 1"'''''''11 lWrot ~ ...... T..IM&I. Vol n1l1. ". 1f1.11l ........... HI, '"-- .1nIIIlc Nt. C..ltIt Il ",110... ".11_ f.I.''''riN...II.,..oIUJ '101"""""" '_.""" 1m-1I1l L1 00,..._01'........ 11_ ........ DIll" ,..,....1~1I11 II." ......... DO U, ,0-- ........ OoTn.IIlI. Ill,..... w, .. '''' """" I. ~... I, r...... Ul C...... I......, ...... '"....'.lOolllt. Vol L N..-.. C.....I_I 1..--.. .....,...., I........, 'I"'''. ..I......... C........_I" .....~...IOOII.Il..1 , ........... 00 U. , 000"....".,... OlIIrt.IIII. " ..1"""1.1.."............,......,....... /.A. 11.1_. .11O....II.e II 0.... II. no.._ 01 __ "'''' 01 Ill"""" .... ...,.... -. .., .......... ........... ... 'lit II.'.... 11111.111.1111. " C.. D. l no '''''Ill 01""" Doo.". ".11 ........ I........ "'" II, Do... W, 1.'"11110' 1I."'.~SoI\o",.".IJO.ln ..,,"'.,.. L'..."", 01'....... ......llIl Ie DooIIIl. L I. .., I, w. ... ""... I. , I........... ".......... 01 lit 100100 -"'*.., ........1... .... .. I. I....... /II, \t.'l IIIl II. ...., .. ... ."". D. In"... ..I nlff ... ",!nlIonI...."," . 1'l....I' "".. ,..iIM.,...... ..111./1\ Ill! lO. .~..... L 1_ .........~..I"'...... .kl.........."" 01 ."""'. r",,, tI\IIA~II:~lU.ltU /I, ,............., III/joofoll. 0.1..".. _If'" _... lit ,.......v_................ ..1, I" 1104.. III.lOl.l114. Il 1t~I..\.D,C\oIt.II.n"/ffIW.u...oI '"_'_."l 01""" _~v.\s...or............" ""~ ,..._ II.....,L IOI./ll 1111. Ilu.... .. a,... L ..01..... .', II. .. II ~ nw"" "'" 01 ...,..""""_......10... ,.1"".101...11I.11I.1110. 1l1...."',I.s.........r.v..N...Il.L...II'_oI....... '" ................""" "_II ........._.. ."l 01 ...... ~./oIol1'....Io...l.o.n,.lW.1t: "'.111.1111, II ".._I,t'."~,"'U .-"11111III......""'01_..... 101.. ~.......IIolo....,..... ......1..... lilli, I....... ,./ llollltll. I' ".....N. l.l/oIfril ..tl..riU..." 1..1...,,_i\ro '"J004 ",inIIw1I..l... ....... 1IIiw! ...... M"'. A.. I, '... "",/11. 101olOI, It... II. 040010. D.CloIMI. L II, '"".11. 0...11 ,..............,... IIf "!IIoc1 01"" ,,1"'10...'..1, 1....IOI.IIIII!1..U IIn 1111....1. a...... '.1101.... r, '...II'.........~If''''........, 101 tI~......... "" ,..... _1'.'1..116' 1I'lollll.lt16. It. 11M........, """'_.. C"'''''.''l1 "" 111101 ""...... "_'" "...""". II." ......"..... II, I. C......It. !lI. 111. Itlt, 10 Inl_ II. II.... L. ",~ ~. o. .. " WI 11'101 "".... ... "_, ...If..~ .......... . 'Ill "~".. ."l." I. 104 '....11 I'.llltlt. II, 1I~.n. ... 'nl_ II. to_, .. ..... 11011,,,,, ~.,,,,,,,,, ... "_, ...If.nIt. ..",1oIlt "I"'. .....". '"...".......,,,.. ","14. . n......".04, II ,....,. 'I: I..."..ltll. II c..,...a.H..;,...._...,.......II....\I'~~.,.......' "'''01.041 III I r""'.n lJI.lI!, IIIL I\. I....., I . ".... ~. l. r....'. D 0..." WI Ih... III...' ... .,_, ""..."If,_... '11orotk.... . N.. In'''' I. ~Ill 'r.....I... II 1111.1111.1111. II f.~".N.,.,..\1 1I.1I...UI...... ~..II"".I~.'~..'.... ... """'''''' "...".......... ,llorotk..... ~.~I ...1. ... .... ...1"..'10).... ........"01..., ".1.1" 1104. /I. '1-11.1"'. II fllllt,N I.'''"''''''. \ .e..., , II,.." ~..II.,I\I.'I~..,.... ... I...". .. 11....1......."01..... I.,. I C....., I' 11\..111. 11.1. " ..... O. O. .""nII..... N II. '''''' O. I."" r.... '...". MIlf1AIlf) IMIl, ..,t"m '."'f' 1I1~ .'111'."". ...."lIbl.. If lWP"'O _i*~l~i(i~.;.warJ!.r ~., ) . . , I . . I Rr.rF.RF.'1Cf.'l " r..... 1.1..1....1. w.... al....', II. ,. t..".... ... ~..,..... _.r.,... fll"'" m.....'. A... I, I....Iol.II, 1'''111, IlIe I. lid..... I I..".." ... "0111/10 .,..... ~ f...., ,.. I '......101. "10'.110.111I. , II.k,..... n-... ,. L t..".." ._, Nil..... f...... . ..., IIn"',,, 1104,... I. '......Iol.Ilt.I~. lIlli' . 11'If, At P4 ""',, D. IN. Or'I' ,mlnc'l' 'llllll tf 1,,"...lI..... ,......~... .Iv",~ I, Sut C..... I..... 10 '.'010, Itll, 6190 It . . 1 f. I 1 ~ , "'1(\\1\104'.1 rlClOl. '011111..... ,.1..... .Ill.........'......ij......... .., I, W It 110M. 11,1"*"_11,"- ....... """' ~.........'- 1W..lM.Itl..1U ~. c.. ", ,._ H.._",.D D........"4..." ~""......"'" _...........................001""""....""'..".... ."..ll!lll.\ ~..- ... III ....... 11.."""""'",.".......1 'lolL IIIl ....,u".,_~..."'........,.lilt..,,.,I.. II, rlokll.I,,*,,_II, 4"""'0..." ..,......,........_ ,. PI..... N. """,............ ...IWi'Ol~""". "" "..... ...~ "'L ... - ..... .._....... .u .. .,.w ~ ............_".......'" "I."" .......11'.....11" "..............."'" ""H......II...."'''.'~II.. It .....".."'..~. ,.........." w_ ""_ "'''.4'.\ 11'._ 11......4.1.....',.." ~"""~".""'"..._ ~.............I..."'."" ,.............,..,... ../.C..". ""_ ...IW,'.\.... "...,. ..l'....lk... II II', II ".If.III1. 1,..11t1 , f +- "" . - , - - ,1/"- -~.- - ....- ._- -.. - -- .- I I Chronic Neurological Sequelae of Acute Organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning i I f I I (JDON P. I.WACr. "'.0. JII0\\,U I. kmr. PlI.D. lAlnrNcr .\t, .\tOUNer. lS. Colot,do rpld~ hIIlcld, Sllldltt etll'tt Dfp,ltllltnl 01 rnllrOftllltn'" II".. Colot,dD St", Unhtnlly rOIl CoIIInl, Colot~ ROlm k. ItrATON. Ph.D. IMIIS A. Ulv,s, M.D. . PAUICIA I. IURCAt, 1!,0, Dtp,rillltnll Dr Ncv~)(1IoIorr ,nd NcvlOlon UnMnItr 01 CoIot~o A\fIIIc" CtIIltt Dtnlft, CoIot~o .unuCT, f. ft~lI, lilt IIltIIl 1IIVIOIoIIc" tIIl'(ll 01 ...../IOphotp/\", "".leld. JlOhonM, 'Ilk ~ III1d,n~ 100 ""kllfd,,,,,, OIlndhlo(y", IIhh p",,, OUI Klllt ~phllt PlIIlelclt PGhoft"" Ud IIOII~ eOft11lllt. No tlpl/k,nl "U1I1t1l(, bitll'" poIIOftClJ Mlbilri, Ud COftIIlllt It" Iou"" Oft '1Idlomctk 'fI'l, op/IllWNf 1fI'l, t/l'(tllltl\(rph,Jo.,MtI, Of lilt c"Ie., MnlIII 'lid Wood ehtmhliy ",hI"bll. 01 lilt IIlOIt IhM 10 Ie"" IIllIII,IIt 1ItVIOlosfc., "'''''''''10ft. ,bItoIm,UI'" II", ""-III.",, '-.1IIt Itlfl onIr Oft 1""141," oI!"t1\'01'f, 'bll'llllOft, 'lid 1IIOOd, 'lid Oft Oftt 't11 01 11IOI4I ItIInIl. OOltltllC" bn.t'" lilt ",.cohort, II", IIIVCh IlIOIt 'pp.l/tll' In 1IItlltVIVpI1IhoIopc., ItIII, flit "U1l1t1l(n D1ev"'" OfIltIIl 0I111dt1r U".. "'. ,Wit'" lnchlclJn.lnln'/my" IYlIC1lon1n.. ""'- IlII. 'bil'llllOft ,"" /lnlblli" 01 Ihlnl"'.. ,"" 11m", 1IIOI001IiIh, fllle,,, ""n, UIfI" eOft11lllt (1.l1. '11 MIl "'hi"". RIlt'n "nil) IUIIVIlMf Ie"" In lilt unit C""IlI""11e 01 IndhldYillllhh c",/)(., ""1Il1t 01 ".IIYlICtiOft. RII4I.' IIllIIIIIIt Mln/lflal, M...'phnJc hnon,~" InltftlOlf 'lid lilt "'1m,', ,"" RNlhr'1 AIIfIIIIltIII 01 ',,1m, IUlICllOftln"n!tII'O/fn "10 "'''Icod '''"If "hi,", 'lid COft\pIilnl. 01 dk.lbalty 101 lilt PGlIOIIN Illbltcll, TlI[ INCRlAS[O US[ 0( OIJI/lOflhoIph.a" 10f'l pn. licidn In ,''' 1.11/ lour c/fudri NI bftn ICcomp.lnil'd by numl"OUI ICUI, /JIlJnop/lO\ph.tI' pollllnlnS'. '''' \\'OIfd /lNllh OtlJnlUIIOIl 1\\1101 NI 1I111'd INII'" JlIllb/('m 0( .lCul, lII'IIiCId, /I011Ollln"1 fllrnWl1' 'nd It'Iioul ~ilh II m.ny II 500.001 Wtl <<CUI,,", 'n. nUll/y Ihlou,houll'" 11011<1.' In ,''' Un/11'd St"l'!, n.l. 1IOn.Illlud1n 01 hol/lillllll'd /It'IIICld, poIIOII/ft1 Cllt'! 110m 1971.197) '"d 1974.1976 ,nuIII'd In .n fill, mlll'd a,W .nd 9.l7ft oIdmlluOIlI, II'IPI,(llll'ly: Ih., OIIJIIOjIl1oljlh.\lr compoundl ,\(Counll'd 101 1I \ 'nd 15\ 011"" oIl\('lIl'd IWocld1' 1IO<\OI\In81 dYllnllhr 1110 lIudy Jlt'Iiodl, 11'I/lt'l1lIrly," '''' OIIJIIllfI/IOl/lNll'I ." cho11llt'llflllt' InMlIIOII. u ~"""" 01 hli"'_'.lttllhh 1 .~~ 1111'" IIOCdc dunn, loOll.lo PIfIp/lI Stmjll~ lNy I 1/ffIIOI ,ufllO/l 011'" , NIIlt lomlU In Il IRBO. Chtdt oilS( 12 III poilor, dIomt lilt POUnd CNon. ncvlD' Pflllcl 01101I ~, "JVlIl' IIOCtd IlOIlN Alino. IhoIt Itrwc 'CUlt clneri 1tC0I' ~. Ion" PI,,/I POUno 1ullCl, OI~ Ilont l!tllll lne"l ""'II Incidt lion, In ,n lIud. IlOIIII m,y P't mot, docUI 11111" IIClIlIl il'Cl" d"'R Ihon, 0( III 101/01 II... Sos . - I I I I I I I I I I \ I \ I I In lhf poolO/lC'd 1I1Cl111d~1. Cho/lllflJlC Ill\lpln un. /101 dfjl.ldt oIUlllcho/'lIf. Ihf 1I00n\lllIIl,'. Iflfllfd dunnll\OlrNl funcll()1l. Tlul conc!,ll()IlltldllO "Cllol' 11()Il. fol~td by .I d''IH 01 pJlIl)1Il oIlhf ,.ltlI\ll' ptrlpltml ,nd (tnlloll Clto/lllf/lie IIfnM I)",m, Slmploml In IlIllfnl\ ,,110 ,.ptri,nc, Of' pollonlnJ! rNY Includ, ftUlhlna. d/Y mouth. follCiCulol1l()1ll IrtmOI1. rtllltllMll. oIlJloIIoon. 0110111.1. "U~ntll CO/l' ",I\lont. oInd Comol; Ihflf Ilmploml dt\,fop 1/MItd,. oII'ly oI~tI "poIUlt. One, Ihf cho/illflliC Imblllnc, "'I bHn COlIKltd. Ihf I\fUrDloa;ul ~IM oInd I)mp. loml U\II.I11y dtWpptoll compltl,Iy,' In Kul. Of' poltO/llnp. p411N oInd101 rn! blood Ctll IROO Cho/intlltrollf IChD KlI.lly II dfpItllfd, PlI11N Ch[ dtpltl~on rNY 10111 ltom I.) "k, "hilt dtprtttlOll 01 ROC KtI)lcho/intlltrollf rNY ptnlll 101 "Ionl " II "k, II Ihf lI.oIlm.nI 01 oICUlt 0/l.I~1t poIlOIllnl It In.ldtqull'. .I dtl.lln! .nd mlklt' I)n. dtom. 1IIIh ~mll.lr IUIUrtl rNY oIpptoll,' II.Ilfd 0/1 oInimolllluditllhf Of' oInllchollllfll'C com. pound, lIi,o,crtl)1 photpNIt ITOCPl. plodum ch/onic oInd pIOIlt!~.. c/tttllfllll()ll 011011" molOl ntIIlGnl' BIdIlIllP .1 .II.' "'.. IUllS\'lltd I!\.II Ihf OP ptIllcldtl could ploduc. .I ~mll.l, .I/tel, Thf pltlfnc, oIlonl'ltlm ntII'O\l!\thlollric dlllulblnctl In hurNnt fol~lnl KUIt "poIUIIIO OP compoundt "'I bHn Ifpolltd by C.nIton. SMv. .Ind OIhf"," Dttnlh" noctd . hllh ptKenl.l" 01 ,ltctrom~oIIllIL\1C1 .11- noIrNlilltl .mons "OI~'II In Of' production p4nll, AbnotrNl ,1tc1'Dfnc'pN!oar.ml IHCIl. Ilmlll, 10 1hc:M ol.uincd ~..-.-, rpilipli( jioil\f;;li, 110" bml oG. Ifl\td by.\f'otr.llnlt\lIIolIOl1ln Indilld~11 fol~ln~ Kult ptIlkldt Inlo.lcolllonlllll Melull .Ind Itolmtl' dNribtd Itll dlolrNlic .bnotrNlllltlln Ihf HCI .~t! 1tC000/yltom Kule Of' pollonln.. Dully tI .I,IlIUl' IfIltd INllho ptnlll'nc. 01 ~~n thO/t,lt!m Of' t/. ftc1l "hfn '.I~en In conjunction "ilh lho ItpOIItd Ionl'ltrm btN.IOI.1 eHtel1 01 OP "pCllUlt. plOIidtt 11I1111,1 ..1I!fnc. Iholl hum.ln ,.poIUlt lOOP cOIn. poundl un culmll\llt In ptnlllinl .h.1l11on1 oIlIIoIIn funcllon. Olhfr 'tIf.lrch 110I1 /101 IUppontd Ihf .Ibo1t conclu. llonl,II', rOl .umpf.. .In ,pldtmlolOl'c.lllludy 01 pol' li.nll lollO\\lnl Kult OP InlO'lcolliont dill /101 1f'o..I1 Incruttd Incld,nct 01 P1lthl.lllkc dllOldtll." T.btr. INW .nd Cooptr"lound no "ltrlou\ IfI1UfI.l 01 h1lh Incld.nct" In poIti.nll di.lsno\td oil N.lnl "occupol' llon.Il dilNIf oIl1f1bull'd 10 OIloInl( llfIlictdf\," CI.II~. In .In ..Itnlll, Iilflollult IlIltw 01 ..ptrim,nlollolnim.ll Ilud,t!, W~I Un.lble 10 find con~Il'nl IIlII,ne. IUP. ponioi Ihe h)llOlhfllt 1"'1 ..potUIt lOOP llfIloc,dfl m~y rflullln .Ibn01m~1 btNIIOl," PII'IIOUI c1lnlc~1 IIUdltl Nil /101 Includl'd 0IIl' 01 mOlt 01 Ihe (01l0\\ln8: mollchl'd COftlloll. compltl' docum.nlolllon 01 ~cult ,.potUltl, IUn,CI.nl qUoin, 111011111 mUlUltI of n.urolOll'C .Incl Iltholl'ol~1 'unc. Ilonlns. ~nd compl.1t lloIlIlllul oIn~I)\f1 ^ mJIO' ul~ 1('(1111 oIlh. IUCltnl cl~lIcmlolllKIC ulIIly, \Ihllh IU' dClIKnt'll 10 OItrcomc m.lny 01 I tit JforenW""onrd lhoncomlnlP, II~I 10 clrlffmlllf cOlen mJnIIC'lIJllon, oIl.ll.nl Jd,tllC' CI1I'(1I on Ihe nl'/lOUI II'lI'm, II oIny, followln8 oICule OISJftOllholphJIC Ill'IlIClllt IIOIIOnlnR !JoUI'l",bIVIIlI'IU 1~.1. ., INo. III 1 ........ ~loIlrNll .nd IlWIhoch Tht uudy popu4cl()ll (0fI\j1l1'd III 100 II'elrlICluolll fulfil ,,110 Nd pltllOUIIy "PI'IWnctd Kut. potlQl\o In, "om ..poIUI' 10 ~, pt;l<itlfl Tht Iludy "oIl 1()f(1f.c~ly .,.~ 10 dfttC1 C~ /lfljIOlOtul 01 /lfljlO\lllcholOtul IbnOIrNl.t,fl In Iht UIf oIIId conctOlllln<'III"l1 Tho pOI'nlloIl UIf poIlt<l\llInll "'ff oIll,,1Ifd 'tom 10\1'11 01 ptIloeldt potlOlW'p In C%IoIdo Ind T.~ Sol..... tI .1,. ,nd OIhff iIIInl'IoIIO/\ ""t ttpoIltd on .I numbtr 01 pt;loeldt po;onoI't CJ\f\ 1110II D1cU!rtd III Coloroldo, C.lllIhtf," Il.ltchtt ~nd IVI\fINI\. u .Ind ochfr Ill'otlllSMOI1 110I" ffIlOIItd on polIOni", U\f\ ltom lho Rio CloIndt VoIllfy 1/1 Tt,~ Tho C%IoIdo /(l\o It! contilltd 01 U) 0I101~'' ptIloeldt IlOIIOfIo Inl UIfI. ~II 01 "hich occlMllllom "1O.19~~ Tilt fOIl" In TtOJI COll\llltd 01 ,bout 100 OIIo\/lOIlhOIo oNlt Kue, pt;loeocH potIOI\Inl Ulft 1110II D1culrtd 1'0m 1'lW.19~~. Mtl lCfttI!lnl both Iht C%IoIIlo ,nd T tOJI '011'11 101 Comp/t!fl\fIl 0/ poolO/li"" doe". fllfnl.lloon. .I mlttd fOIlfl 01 .IpprolllNltly )0) po. Itnlloll poInlclJllnll "oIl dt\tlocltd, bNUlliI' Allfm~1 "tI. rn.Idt 10 locAl' oIIl oIlht pultfllloll poInoe1lllnll It\U~inlln lho Ioc.lloon oIlCO 'oIppro""",,1y l.6\1. Tho pOItnlloIl poIniclpolllll "fI' lCIHMl CJIf/ully "lIh 1f\PfC110 \f'otrlllndwon Ind ..c11/1i011 Cl1lt11.1, CriltrlollOllnclllllon ,,'If III .I clocumfllll'd hltlOI'f 01 oIlltol\l ont Of' poItonlna; III .I ~1kUn'l cIo.Il"O'i\ 01 Ilmploml contill'nI "lIh Of' poItonln~ IJI .I mini. 1lI\IllI:a; at 16 ~.at ~ ~ ot fo!bI-"\III (ll!!U!t ~ (~I ,n undt"'.Indonl oIlht InaJoth I.i,...,.... l4111'oCltn\ 10 comp/ftt lho ntlllO\lIlCNlloskJllnl. l'oI'nlUI p.II. Ilclp.inl1 \\tit t.c1udtd ~ Ihfjr lM!oC.ll hiIIoritl '" .toIltd III O/IIflOPhoIpNl' poilOl'lnp ,,~hln ) rno priot 10 the Mudy '"hich could be ~I!OCioIll'd ,,~h \Ubo Kill'. 1f'o.lIlblf 1fIlUfl.it: III doW.l1ft OIlnjurift 10 lho Cfnlfllllfl\W1I)1lflll hncWnSlmrN "ilh ptriodt 01 UneOll\CIOtIII'it\IIOI~II"Il!IOIt INn IS mini: IJI . hlllOlY oIltollno"l dllollJ~ly 01 CO/I"MJI dtltcll oIlho (fnlfllllfl\M l)1ltm: 0I1~1 ~ hillOl'/ 01 .lcohol. 1\1I. cOlic. 01 ochfr drul oIbv1t, OIlhe 1OO pOItnllJllIII' IklJlll!ll II "tit dfwlCd, ~7 dill /101 mm lho lCrHnlnl ptOC1'1I cr,ltl\l, oII'd J7 df<llntd 10 11II' IIcIJIII' In lho Iludy, Tho IttNlnln, 11~ 0I111'fd 10 11II' IkIPolIt. but d,lI'lCuhll'lln l(hl'duh"l 'IJmll\lllO/ll oII'd cont1o(lInl "OI~ IC'qulll'/llfncl pttltnttd I~ u\fIl,om PoInoelPolllnl l.lCh UK' 1I000Ind"III~11y mJlchtd 10 .I conllol \Uho 1('(11010111", 14". It'\~l ~ "luUIIO/l. lJ(cuPolholl.ll cf.lll IOClOtconomlC U~1uI 1.1('. oI/1llln I~c (J14' ~ \\c'll(oIn AmtllC~nl, 101 rlhnoc tlolC11'ound ,\Iit 11011 fllJlchcod 10 ",Ihln I Ir 100I\Inllll\lnt J~'t\ Ib.lO. : I' 101 011\11 JI.lI. II' ku J~~" :~.Jl ~nd I" 101 ~\iI" J~.:'O IT,. IOn\ lounKt" IhoIn 11,' \II I' I'Iclueltd 110m I"" Iludy htcJU!f ItIt oIIlull n\'ulfll..\Iot~tllllCoIll\"l h~lIrf\' 11011 not ~JlllfIlIUIJI' kif lht'm Jnel 1"'\OIl. olcltl Itl.ln :'0 1I.,e I'Iclllel"'Ill'(~u,,, I11tWr I' '''I'm. "l\(tfnIJI J~'". t'ff",. IIn "t'UII~~lthllk'll'tJI 1..nwm.n<I' v,,,,11I I.. "'IIt'I"J lor Illth 'Uhl\~lI Id1ltJ11I1II 'U"I' 'nd 1OC1~IIJO\lllon 1I1'IV mJllhnlllllhln lint' k Iult! plI'ICIII.,t hy I"" tk~hnll't"'oIIJ T , - II 50S , . - 1 . . I - - elfl 01 Soc~ll'OIIlio"." Tilt cOll4ro1 coholl PlIIOC1p.lnll "'If IKru,II'd pII. m.lllly '1OIll11It 11011I 'MI", 01 C%Im ~nd 110m lilt lO\\t! R.o C,~Nlt V~11ty 01 T'I~I. A IOI~I oilS COl\o lroIl "fit IKru'II'd IhIouJh Ifl,mll '1OIll IIl1dy p.lr. IOClp.lnl~ Z. Ihloulh ,mp/O)ff 101I... I1IIIlIthfd by MlIlf\IC'\ ,nd P\lbllC '1'1IC1n. )7 IhlouJh Ill\tII,I"OI 1011(11'11011. ,nd . "0m mll("~nt'OUI lOUrct\. Tilt COlli roll "'If I(r<<nl'd w,Iully 10 ,I,ml/l,ll' lhow ""lh "llltr "'"011" 01 IUbII~IIC' ,bw 01 Injullft 10 lilt Cfne,~1 /lf1\1l\/\ l)\Irm, P'IOIIO II\Il~lin, tilt IIl1C1y. lilt Ifl"lth plOIOCol "'I Pffr""lNrd by 'IItI/I,IllPfCl.Ilill~ lilt ItIIln, pIOo lI,m "'I dt1Jantd by bo.ard<.n,r,td ptnOfl/lfl ,nd rtCOI/lllfd 'Illtlll In ~~I. /lfUroIo~nl ,nd /lfurOlllych%aic~1 .uml/l,lllOll~ A COIl4lnUOUl tbt "'11Ndt 10 condUC1l11t ".Id lIudiflln CoIOfm ,nd Ttul In ~ ~ml~, m~IlI\f', T\\O ",Id .pldtml%sllll llOIllllIt T,ul ploar~m "OIlfd "lth Ihflr cOUne"p.lIII " lilt C%Im Sw, UM'IIlIY C,nerr 10 lI~ncUrd'lf lilt Inl'l'oif\\ IKhniq"" ,nd lilt rtCOIdl"l 01 W" 10 IllIulf ulltlolmily; lilt Ine'l'oirw IlICludfd qUtllIOlll 011 ckmos"phlcl. O(cup.lljoll,ll hillGly. pt\Ii(!dt 'I~ IUIf hlllGly, mfd'c~1 hlllGly. ,nd OI&'nop/loIlNl' poilOllln, Nllori" lot lilt mn. Tilt /lfulOp\)(h%a!. nl .uml/lfl ,,110 conductfd ItIIl OIIlht TtUI cohOft ,ullr~lnl'd ~nd wptl'oilfd by ptllOf\/lf1 '1OIll1ht Unl. Itr~IY 01 ColoI~ Mfdinl C,net! fUa.\C1 Nl'UIDPI)" choloaiClI l,boI~IGly. Tht ph)1kI'1lI CondUC1i"lltlt /lfUl%aInl ""lwllom 'n T,ul ~nd CoIOfoldo \\OIlrd 1000lhtr 10 "'nd.lrdl/f Ihflr plocfdurft plioIlO Iht iUl! QI !~ !looy a!!d " ltllfflm l~olOIIi~>ilIIt llii ~ oIlht IIlICIy. Ph)1lnl ,um~' /lfUl%a1C1IIt11ln.. ~nd /lfurOlll)(hofosic,' Itllin, 01 Co/OIm p.llloclp.lnll "'If ptrlOfmrd " Ua.1C In Dtn't!. ,,"'I, T,ul p.lr. licip.lnll "'If t\',IUoIlrd ~llht T"," P'OII,m clf'OCfl ~nd " ttlt clf'oc, 01 . plK'llcln, /lfUroloa'II In BIO\\/lIo ~II,. T,,'I. Thtw 'IIm1/l,l11om lnok . IOI~I oil WYI 101 uch p.lnlclp.ln'ID comP/fl,. lIK~lM Iht plOIocol COll~IIfd 01 . blind IIlICIy dtilsn. Iht p.llllclp.lnll "'If InlllUC1fd llO/ 10 "'1'~1 "htlhtr Ihty \\fIt ~ ClIf 01 cOlllrol 10 Iht In'fllil"O/\ CondUC1ln, Iht ph)1ic~I. /lfuro!osiClI. ,nd /lfulOjl\)(hoIOSiClI ""IUoIIIonI. All p.lnlclp.lnll rK,l,fd monrt.ry comPfnlolllOll 'I rt1m. bullfm,nllollhtlr 11m,. 111\1'1, .nd 'IPfnll'l. All "If .nd COllllol p.lnlclp.lnll IKt1,fd ph)1lC,1 'I'ml/l,lIIOll~ /lfu1DIOS'ClI fVlIUoIIIOII~ ,IKlrOfn. CfpNloar'phic ,uml/l,lliOlll, .nd /lfurOlll)(ho/OSiClI ItIIln,. Tht ph)'llul 'IIml/l,lllOll IlICludfd mtdoc,1 hi.. IOIlfI. .udlom,lIIc ~nd ophlNlmlC 'I~ml/l,llionl, .nd cltnl(ll blood "',lu~llont, MtdlCJI hillOllft ,nd rou. IIn, ph)'llCJI 'I,ml "'If conductfd by lilt "~mlnlnl nturolOSill, Thf ~udiOll\flrlc ,nd op/lINlmlc 'I~ml/l,l. 1I0nl "rr, condlK1td by qu,Jir,fd Irchnl(l~nl, All WII lI'If lholoughly ",lfIIl'd by , IUPl'l'oi~nl ntuIOIOS'II ~I UCMC, "ho w~II,pl blind 10 Ihl C"I'COIIl/oIl1'M ollh, lubjl'C1\, Allhough ",ry ~lIlmpl h.1d btfn m,dl 10 I(If,n poI,nll.1 UIf JlolnlClp.lnll ~nd conl,oIl pllOI 10 Ih'lI mlu'IIOIlI. lhlll If\llftulll "'I' ~IIO ult'd 10 drlt<1 ~nd I(lfln oul p.llll(lp.lnll wilh chlonlC dljo WII Iu<h II dl~btll'\, I,nJI IJllulf, Pl'rn,cloU\ ,n,mll, .nd OIhfl cond,lIonl IhJl mlghl plodu<, 10 /lfUrolos>< IIlIPl"lI\fnc, Ahhou&h no IUCh con6!oQI\\ "tI, lound III lilt C%Im p.lIIOClpanll , If." Pl" IOClp.lnel Iltl. .I,ml/l,llrd flOlll lilt T,ul S'OUP br, UUlf 01 complOC"ln.l!\fdoc,' CondollOlll Tht nl'Ulolos.ul "'"GIy ,nd IoIm,1 """" 0111" /fml "flf 1I'(00dfd OIIIUndJ,d IoIml by l/If tU/lWlo In, /lfU1O/os711. Tilt /lfU~~1 .U/IIl/l,lllOll COflo ~urd 01 MI ",IUoIllon 01 m/li~1 /lfl'o' 11I/ICl1Oll. 1!OCIl0l I\\lrm ~IO/I, Ifn\Ol'f 1)\I,m IullCllOll, Ifill 01 (fI,brl~ 1uN1i0ll ,rod COOld,/I,I11O/I, ,nd IIItnll! ""VI Ah IIl1dy p.lniClp.lncl "rr. wb,Kttd 10 ~ IOIA'/lf clinoc.1 ,IKlrOfIlC'pNlo."m on "Ih" .. 01 1~(NIlI\fI I""rullltnc~ m.lnWcturrd II'( "thtt I'" C'~II 01 Bt<~m.ln Comp.l",", Oun"lltlt (0UI'If 01 ItIt ",II"IIfCOId, ,n p.Illtncl h.Jcl 9 mill 01 dJI, 110m Iou, ch.Jnnrk rtCDIdfd IIIllO . Vfl1t/ L\I 1~1lf /to cO/dtr, TtIt rtCOIdt "11f If~ ~1Wl1y In , \lIIldJrd c1iniC~ f,1hlon ,nd Incrrplrttd 'I fllllt, /IOIm.l1 01 ,~ /1011/1,I1. Allht II",. 01 /lfU~~1 .umtll,lllO/l, 10 ml 01 "nouI blood w'l collK1rd In , htp.Innllrd lubt 101 Cho/'"",'"If (ChO ~lloIy, .nd 10 ml 01 'tllOUl blood "" coll<<1rd In ~ nonhrp.lrinllfd lubr /of chlonn.itrd h\dlOC,rbon pt\Ioc!dt rfIldut '/I,I1)'\tI. AU IUbit<11 "rr, '<<lminlllrrfd ItIt /lfU1Op\\ch%sl. ul Ifill In 'pplollrml'ly ItIt loa",. ordrr to Ilimlnal. ~ny bl.It IIIOC~ltd ",Ih ItIt O/dtr 0I1t11 JdminillII' 11011. (Mh p.lnicIPlnc'l ItIIln, "'I com~rd In . II"'" \\OIk d.ly, Tilt ItIIl cOIIIillfd oIlht \\'<<hIlfr Aduh Inr,IIi",IIC, Suit 1\\:0\151" ~nd ItIt 'Ip.lndrd . tq"',~ Rfil~n blll,ry. nil Tilt AI",., Imp.ll'''''''' Ibiin{ it lht "'IISf 011'" rllinp. "filch IIn", 110m o lbrltt/INn ",,",,110 S llMrrty Imp.lllrdl. rtCtMd by Iht p.lnlclPlne 011 II oIlht Iqlll'~,Rti"n bllt,ry ItIIl MId 0IIf WAIS mNlUIf, Thr<< Wbctlll Irom tht Pr,body Indt,ldUolI Al:hlfl'lIlC'n/ TtII" "'it ,110 ~. mlni\l"rd: R'~in, RrcOl/llIlOll. RradillJ Complthfn, \lon. MId Spt/lin.. Tht ,lp.lnc!fd 1I,llIr~,Rt11.n bll. I,ry Includrd mralUlft oIlne,lIilfllC', ~1I,nelon. \11I. M Coanlli,t lunction~ 1llOI0I plol'oc!fncy. IffIIOtyo ptrcrplUoll lunctlonl. ~ph.J1lJ .nd If~ltd dilO/drll. .nd if''''in, ~nd 1IlC'IllOIy, hl'llIl1, ""'1th NI doc. um,nrrd Iht IIn~li'lIY oIlNI blll'~ 10 (f"bI~1 d,.. Old," In'o/Iin, \"Iou\ fll%aln. I' An obirctl\' PfIlOl\lI,1y ltll-Iht Mlnllf\Ol~ Mulllph.J~c rrr\Oll,lI"y InlfnlO/'; IM\lPlI-u_IIJI ~IIO &lltn In.n,iIon 10 elf. '"ml/lf "hfthtr Pf\Iiclclt<~1f p.lnlclp.lnellNMrd I". c,,~1td l,nckllClft lCllI~rd P1\chl~lric dillu,blllCft, In ~11OIl, Nch lIudy p.lnlClp.lnl ,nd ~ I/IOUIf 01 OIhtl (1OIf "l.ill\, 1nd"Pfnd,nlly comp/rrrd QIIf\o 1I000"'''ft IIllnllht p.lIIOClp.lne'l 11I1IC11O/11n, "llh If. 1pt'(110 1IIt1llOly. communOC~llOIlllill~ oICoIdtmic ",ilt. IfnlO/'; ~nd 11IOI01 .btIllil'l, ~"'OIII (?r,'lilf ,nd Ine,l. IKMI ,bol"ltl, ,nd tmOCIO/l,lIIl~IU\. I Thl'If qutl11on. n.l1I1'\ plO\kftd lubjrclllt IIlInll' oIlht IoIml 11'",,.1 ,bol"11'\ ,nd ImOlIO/l,l1 1.K1011 INI III" IIIC'\Itd ob- IKllltly In Iht cOmpl,htnlhl nturOjl\\cho!ojJul f\'~'u.l110ll. D~,. 110m IhI complthlnWIf ntur%s'ul ",ml/l,l, lion "rrt qU~""'I\t In Ih.lllht IMUIII ol r,ch IptClliC nluloloKiC~1 II'll IIflr l\picJlly rl'COllfl'd II "norm,I" or "lbnOlm~I" fOI \OIl11 nlulologlulll'1ll, lilt Il'Iulll ~"hhn oI'.,........,~ II''-h .~ -....-:re~,~....~i.'tlII.QlMl.,IIM~"owffl'~........,_~ , - , - - 17 --~ - .. -.-....- - I ! I I I "", C~lw~td In 1l\OI' INn MO Ulrpifl 1l<<~U\f 01 lilt INIchm, 01 UIft "'Ih conerollln 1"" Iludy. lilt P/OPC' U"'I lot Il~hlll(ul ~NI'lll IUI lilt INlchtd p.ajl "llltl INn lilt 1nd.\Icl,,~1 UIf, In lilt C~1f 01 ~ cll' cllGlOl\'lOUt OUlComt. MCN'IN(I chi'lqU.Il' IfII 'UI lIItIl": In I'" UIf 01 ~ poI)(IlGIOIIIOU\ OUlComt, I'" Sru.III chl'Iq~If IfII lot INlchtd ~I\ .." ~ppI!fd, n Jilt mfln d.II,,,nc. btt"Hn UIf ~nd conlrol COo hoItl I'"lh rftPKlIO .~h qv.IntiUlll' un~bI. I... AlfI~1f Imp,aJ'''''nt ~"". OII1.1lll'.Id ImPlI'''''nt In. cIt1I lOr" h~I~ltd 1I~lilll(~11y 11.1 ~n UnlI~~" wIWI 01 umnc, P/OCtduIf ~PPlopN" lot . lIudy ~lnlohln. INlchtd JlllII "IIIMn MD cl,"in<11fOo ,~ 1oc~1Ont II.." 1pI,1'pIoI .nl~ 01 v~~nc. .. lfOII~phic 1oc~lion " lilt ''lOho/f,p/oc'' ~tOlI.. In ~Iion 10 lilt ~NIWI 01 u~ne. 01 ,~h ntulOo P1lcholOtullCOI.. I'" 1ft 01 )~ ntulOjl\lch%alc~1 umblt! II'.. lilt IIlbcflll I,om Ihf \\'A15. 1l.llll,.Id. Rt.Un. ~ .acld<<I ~bol'IY IflllI..,r, ~NIYltd ~mull~. I'itOVIl) 11.1 ~ mU~Il~N" ~NI,\i1 01 ul~ne. pIOC" cbt (rom lilt /NIChtd'PlIII ck\Ian, " PoIwbl, 1I~1I111. ul "1OC~ionI btt"Hn lilt plilNry nturllp\)(h%s!. ul KOIft .nd lilt p,1/N .nd ROC chollllfllmlf ul. Uft. " ...11 ~llht 101.1 OIJ.Inochlolint ptllieidt ,fII. clot. ",,, IllIfIIlloIltd 11.1 ~mpl. ~nd mu~ipl. COl"l.l. lion W~"I, AlIO, lilt poltnCl.al .lIm 01 PIli OIJ.I/lOo chbint ptIIicklt 'IIlO\UIf on lilt ~an,rlC~nt ntulOo P1)CholoI'(~1 Rndlntl 10" IIlIf\lipltd 1I~lillie~1Iy ri~ wI)1lt 01 CouNne. "hh Iht ClmtnC OIpnochlorint ptllleklt rttIcl", ~I lilt CO\'~NI,. Rfl\Illl llIf1fnltd lint..fIt 1lIK'cl OIII1~IlIlIUi Ifill ptrfOlmtd ~I . MOo IIdtd It\tl oIlJfIllrlC~ne' tqU.lIIO S\ II... p C ,051, Iftub JIlt lIudy popul.lllon cOIIlllltd 01100 INlchtd PI'II, en. p1lr W~I ~k. 14 Plln "'If M'lle.n.,.\m.lic.n. MId lilt "m.llnln. 85 PlIII II'" ~n&lolC.uc.~~n: 99 PIIn II'" /Nltt. Jht 'If 01 .11 PlnlelPlnl1 "nstd 110III16 to 66,r. wilh . mun 01 )S lr ,".nd.lld dhl.. lion ISOI . 1)1, Allhouah lilt mun "I", oIlht Itoll. Inpht.ld Indt.. . mt.l1UIt 0I1OC1.a1 C~II poIilion 1lIK'cl on tduc~1on ."ll OCCup.lllon. Itll lIilhln lilt ioII~ mid. dIt<~1\ K.It. lilt ltollinlllht.ld v.lutlloIlht INlchtd paill rtplflfnttd . much wld.r r~nlf 0110(1.1 Cl.lll poIillon. NlnttY'lh 01 lilt UIft "". poIlO11td Ih,ouah Ihtll occuJI.Ilion,: )S ..rieullu,,1 .Irmh mh.fIolo.ld. mll.ll"'.n; I? 'a'ieullu,,1 oIirmh plloll .nd mteNn. leI: I) /oImul.lllnl pI.nt .mplCl)tl't; II (~rm'" .nd 'MIChon; 7 I'Hnhoulf. nU/\fry, OINm.nr.'. .nd hell. ticu~unlll: .nd 4 l.lrm l.lborOIl ~nd ~old "OI~'", four UIft 1I.1t nonoccup.lliONlly 'lpoIC'd, 1 child/on. 1 INChlrnll. .nd 1 collol' Ilud,nl. Ih. INr 01 lilt pll' ""'" OI~MllhoIPNI' pt'\llcldo poI\01llnl rJngtd 1101II I?SO to 1?76, (l'ltn UIft rOpl)l1td moro INn 0Ilt OP pIlllOnln.: a rtpQl!td 1110, I ropontd Ihrl'O, '1Id 1 rtpQl!,d four poIlOnlnp, lilt mo.n rlJ~ limo 1101II tho I", or poilOlllna 10 Ih. dJI. 01 nouIOJ~)1:hOo 1oci,,1 'I.mln.llon IUI lonGt', lor lilt Colo"llo UIt'I 1II1r. 7 mol INn (o/Ih. Jrl" UItI(7 Ir, , mOl; 010" .11. lho mo~n olJ~ 11m. IW JPJlrollm",ly ? I', Amon. lilt 100 poIlOntd UIft. 10 d,ffrronl '....~'~I" l"'IVol.lll~, III - ---- -- 1 ~ OIpnop/lolph,lltt "O'f 1.lItd u lho UUIf 01 lilt plllNry poilo",nl' ""Ih,l P'r"hlon oI<<OUnltd /of 54 UIft: Plr~lhlon. ~1 Wft dl'lwon. 8 Ultl; m'~lhion. 6 W,t /Ilf'olnphot, S U\('\; BIlI"n, 1 CJM'\; I(PP. 1 UM'\; .nd cf,o~lhIon. 01'. .nd phoI~I', I UIf f~h, Jhf IOI~I IlfqUfncy 01 OP pt'\locldtl .\. cttdllllt numbt/ 01 "1ft In lilt lIudy btUlIIf 1l\OI' INn 0IIf OP ptIIiCldt wu Imploc"td In IOIIIf 01 lilt poIlO/Iln. lnetdtnl~ Jilt" "tlf no lI~hlllully ~l"'roc'n1 cl.fftrtneft bf. MHn Ulft .nd Ihttr INlChtd coneroll on Ihf phl1l<.I1 fl~miNIIon. .udiomttnc Ifill. ophtNlmi( Ifill, 01 on lilt 18 IUncUrd c1lniulltrum ~nd blood bOoclltmlllry h~lu"lonI. \VhtlUI lilt or poIlO11td UIft ".It Iound 10 NI' ",....ty /I\OIf .bnOI/N1 He, II mod. tr"f .nd I~ m,ldllh.ln Ihtt, conlrollUb,t<1111 mod. "", ~nd 10 mold!. Ihf He IfIIlIII I\tr. noc ~,",,,. unify d,H,ttnl bttIIHn lilt INlchro Ult .nd conllol CollO/tl, AIIO. from lilt ntIIloloJ.ullOllinl. lilt UIft lI,rt noc Il~lIl1oully d,lI,ttnt ('0m lilt cone,ol! In lho IIJI. 01 COl\KIcluI/lfII. oritnl~lton. l.lnlWlf. Itri~1 IUbcr.lC' lion. 01 numbtn lonurd. numbtn b.lC~w~rd. ~nd ,.. rnoc, m.1IIOIy compOllt"'~ Ont ponlon oIlhf mom. DIY comPOlltnl lIhftt.Plln.o/,lltrnll IhOIItd IIIOIf INn Mle. " INIIy .bncirlNl cl.ll~k"ionI In lilt UIft utho conerollllO". '4; p . ,006). 0110 ~bnOI. m.1 cl.llljk~lionI In Iht ~bIlr.lC1lon UlffO/Y. 9 bf. Ionstd 10 the UIf collO/t Ip . ,0181, An Impon.nt dll. ft!fr,(f behtWl C;llCt :r.d Ccr.l~ on l!if Jiitiifjl II"'" IfII IIU nCltd on Iht nfl,rofo&ic.1 tI"'~lion 101 mood. 01 IIhich 6 oIlht UIt Pln,clPlnll IItrf Cl.ll~' ~td " "dtplnK'cl," whll. nont oIlht coneroll wU Cl.lIW~td U dtplftltd Ip . ,0011. lilt cr.nW ntf\f lUIn/Nry lCOIt lOll nCI IIplilluntty diH,ltnt bttoIHn UIf .nd conllol PlnlelPlntl. I". dilld~1 compOlltntl oIlht ",nl.lI",lItt II.It nCI ~.rnftc.ntly d,H,ltnt btMHn Iht MO CollO/tl, Jilt rnocOlllll.m IUmm.ry \COl'. IIhi(h w" 1lIK'cl on 1) comPOlltntl. IOU nCI ~."ik.nlly d,iltr.nt btMHn UIft .nd cone roll. AIIO. IIltIt 1I.1t 110 Ilplirl(.nt dil. ('rtnett bttIIHn UIft .nd coneroll 011 .ny oIlho 10 ItnlOl'f 1)1I.m 10ll1: pin pllct IOI/(h. libl~lion. poll. lion Id.nlir,ulion. dl!CrlmINlion. ."p/lc1lhtll., .nd IItrfOSJlOlll. ANI"" oIlht ItnlOl'f I)1I.m IUmm.", !COl' IhOIItd no IUlIllicJlly ~anirl(.nl diH./fne. bf. MHn UIft ~nd cone roll (01 lilt Inlfll'III' IUJ\(Iton 10111 (',.. JlOIIUIt. llI~ne.. pil. "nSf' 10 1IOIf. .nd hHllo Ihlnl, N.urOjl\)(hoJosiul tI'.I~ltonl 01 f~h Iludy p.lr. IIclJl.lnllneludtd lilt compl,lltnlllf OOtmllt IfIIllIl. 10",. tilt p.lli.nl'l ~11tI1m01l1 01 0\\11 functionlnR Inion. lory. .nd . clOIt rtl.lIlIO'1 "ltIlmtnl oIlho P'lItnl'l lunctlonlnl' MNn n,u'OPlycholoSlul lumm"y \Co/I'I, " 11,11 u mo~n ~.Iul'l fOl11lt It.IIlUd,Ro,r.n BJlIory .nd I'" \\'I'(hll" AduII Inlolli~'tnl IfII. Jro glltllln I.blo l. Rl'lu~1 01 lilt ItJlllo.Jd,RtIIJn 8JlIr,., rOl'lltd 1h.l111lt UIt cohon WJlllglllrl(.nlly mOlO 1m. p.l1/rd INn lilt conlrol cohOlt on hoIh I'" AII'rJKO 1m. p.lllm'nl R.lllnl Jnd Ih, If.lllud ImJI.Illmrnl Indt\, All hough boch 01 lilt S'OUp munl IItr, In lilt flOIm.ll rJnso on Ihnt mWllrl'l. lII'lCt u mJny "It I u con, II . 50S . 1 - --- ~ - - - -. - '~. - '....1.-""........ ''''1..., "'.... 111041'4'",,, "- 00HItt0c," "'....10411lt '~WI! ,.... "... AAlIlllt" ~1IIIoc. ,........ e...-" Ol$I",.",.'If ,....Wt ~ "'....,.1a4 e.....a """'If "" H""'''' ''''1011~. ...~~ Iollffl.... '"W, ....110.. ~Wn"'" '....104 4M.oI UoII, ''''' "''''' VNlI eM e~ 1/ p"'~' PoMII"""""'ul~lo",,, A.... ""'",...... ...... 101 0'1 01 (001 I"""~ ""'/....,.~ .... 010 011 01 0.'0 \\"'I"""'IQ 101111 III" III (001 \\",r.-.It) 10UI 11011 I. III \\411 '''lcwlQ 101,1 11111 III (001 ''''''''''~''''''' e...,., "II 1111 "' m: ',~I Illl "'I 101 o.~ lcwft'lo.odI ""fill" I,ll HI II 001 It"""" .,.,."'" IUI "" II 110 '.w ~........ ItJ n. II "(w~.IO(".. HI III /I ,..wr.-..,... 1101 11M II III '..... Ool""'.. '"' IQIIO 10'" III Oil ""flfWI ~, 110. III " - 1INw.....' lit III II O~I 'c""'~4"I' III III II \\ 4II....,.1cH4 kOfft ,,-~ 10.11 1111 /I (001 COlllfo,t4.!MA I'll IUl ,II 0.'0 AIMflc n.1I 1110 .11 (001 ~ IUO 1101 .11 m: 00tI1tlIo uo 10M ., ~ \.~ 10., II" ,10 (001 00tI Jrotd "I 10101 ,ll (001 M.oteoooPot.. 11.11 lUll /I - ; "cd~ 1111 IIn ,II ,lit , =~ 1001 '" .II I 10Wl 1011 II I ".."........... Ac""- '" " ....1ft0f'l9\ /900 11I1 /.lI 001 ,I "dltC~~ht~ 1411 ,,0. III Cl>> I, ~'M "" IUI UI (l)I 'I L ,MloIt '011O 1ft....... lOll "" " - 11Iod~_c 'UI "II Itl CIIlI/I~' '''II 11/,. III 00: IlciIt Its- 1lf/6lw' 1t/9 tJlI .r. - . w~_elldlclol",,,,,, 1101 1191 III 001 I ''''''''" \\Old ~'Of" 1191 10" III ool \\OId ,.",... ,..., 1l0l lOll 1.11 001 I \IClfI ~ '"I....... t 11 ,., 01 Oil \IClfI 1,-,\ '" I~ II 10 10 I 'kcm""",",,,IOfIn~~ 11ll....~........".,1I 1!c1lft"......IOf" Of 100""" '1(1Ift"~IOf"oIl(1)""" ,'~, "'''.1'lA o/IcM.4t~/.'''o. "",No W"lI 1/011 fH 1\, 111 ~td ,n O\mll Itltl 01 ntu,OJI!V' (1Io10SiC" dcr"'IINI \UI \'IlIhln IhI "n~ (N'.I(.1"1,, lie oIlOO'lldu,11 \'Iilh documtflltd Ctrtbl,lltllom,fI1 . ,0101. OIlht 'I Indllldu,lltIl mt"urn Ih't con. ,,,butt 10 IhI AIt".. Imp.llrmtnl ll.llin.. IhI "In IItft ~&niflunlly \'IOIIf INn IhI conlloll on 1m"" u,n ,00 IhoIItd 11'001 105 < p < ,IOI,n tht 101m, dUKllon on .n ,dd,IioNll mWU'f1, Both IhI "It ,00 (onllol (ohonl IhoIItd ,bolt mr.gt IpltllKlu,1 'ull<lIonlns on 1M W'I5, Ifow. tit!. thl UIt (ohon olM,lntd , mNn full K'" IQ I~I II" 'JlIlIollmJltly 5 poinll loll" INn Ih. conllol mun ~ < ,0011. ThI UIt cohon ,110 did II&niflmlly 110/11' INn IhI (onlloll did on ,II 11_ Itlwl luhl,lll .00 on Ont 01 1M flit Illlrlofm,nct lubt('\ll. Th. UII' COhM ,110 f"'rlofmtd 'I , ~lll1ifiunll\'IoIIt1It\fll~n IhI conlloll did on Ihllf.d'PIlI('(llllnillon Ip . ,0011. ,,,dins (omprth,nllon ~ . ,0081. '00 Iptll,nSlub- It ,IJi~",'i1\~....liiillllliilllo . , , - - - '-- .. - ItIl'P . ~I 01 lilt "',1Wy 11\d.\1dIW Athof\tIlIf/lI ftll, Akhoua/llllt ,"",n KOIn fromllot M\I" "'tit IItll I'lilhln 1\01",,1 ~m," foI bclh UIf '" cllNrol collOf1\ Ulft 'M COIllroll \'It It 1il""'U/'II1y If,1Ifflt,I 011 4 01 lilt 1 I M\lPl K'Ifl: ulocf,ly ~ . (Ul. dtlftlllltflnl I ~. ,0181. pmllOl.l tp .Ol7l. ,00 lOCW I/'llfO\tfljOft ~ . ,0501. flit GIId,~p on lilt I.Intl l M\1Pl K", IIISSfIl Il'a/ltly 1If'''' IOCW ,",itIy ,00 Ifftdfn<lft 10000'rch IUlpiciOulftfll 01 Ifft\itnlly 10 CnliClIm ~ OIh1r lOC"l 1I1nlft UflOIl' lilt OP poilOftfd Ulft, Mukiv""'t ",~1)1i1 01 urUnctl 01 Iht H lII'-tII KOIl'I In lht I\tIlIOjll)<holotul tUllUlion Ioulld lhl I 0\",11 doHtltnct btt"'ffn lht t.poItd MId CllNrol co. hOIlIIO bf hi&hty Illft,r.c'flI tp . ,COO. Silfllr.c'nl d,Htltnctl btIIIHn UWI ,lid CllNrolI \'Itft olJe,lntd 011 9 0I1h1 UI"tTII on lht PoIllt/'ll A.I- Iftlmtnl 01 o..n FunctlON"I Ill\t/'llOl'r'. "'ilh Ulft fto ponlp, /IlO/t ptoblfflll In ,,,h tlllUnct. ~1r.c,lty. UIft rtpontd mort dollicukotl In u~dtllul\d."I Ipffih 01 OIh1n Ip . ,0141. In 1tC00000,jp, plinltd 01 \'I,intn \'IOIdI tp . ,OOSI.ln Ihln~lp, 01 NIlltI oIlho~p tp . .om. In ulcu!"ip, lp . ,OO?I. In lo/loI'Il~, in. llructlonllp . .~I. In 1Oh!"I pIOb/tInllp . .0161. In IoIlo1\ln, difKtlon1 tp . ,0441. In ptdotmlp, ulll lIilh Iht ria/lt h.alld lp . .Ollll. W IIqh \\IlOIIlp . .0191. 'n ~11on 10 lht ,bolt "ItIImt/'ll oIlht lIuc1r 1\1I' licip'N'1 ,,"n, 01 hit O\\n iuflCllOnln.. ftlolll\tt \'I,ft ,,~td 10 complttt ,n Indtptndt/'lllnltnlOl'r' 0I1h1 P" Iltnl'llunctlonln" Sllftiftu/'ll dofltrtncn oc(Urrtd In 4 01 II .rt,,: IW \'Itft In ~1It"1,,U1 01 ~1t.1Id communlUllon, Cosnlll\t I/ld l/'IItl1tc1lU11vflCliOll\, 'lid UIf 01 Nndt (11IOI01 luflCllonlnll. AIJln, .n oIlht 1I1ftlr.c'1Il d,H,"nctl ~td 1M Iht UIf cohort Iud /IlO/t d,H'lCUky In IuflCllonlp, INn lht CllNrol co/lOll. Tht rt~ll,t'l "ItIImt/'ll ,110 ~td Iht t.poItd I/OUP 10 bf IIptlc'fllty d,I/tI,/'II 011 4 oIll ptrlONllly lult II,ml: dtpltlllon lp . ,0051. l,ri"b1~1y lp . .0011. 1OCi.1 \'Iilhdr.",.1 lp . ,0161. .00 conIIIIion ,bout \'INIII Npptnln, .101I00 himlhtr lp . .0161, I'tIlleldt rtIldut 'NlyIIl foIlht OIJlllOChlorillt ptIo Ilcldn. " \'It II " RBC .1Id IU~ cho!intllmlt IChO ItIIl, \'It" condUCltd 011 blood wmp/tl from ,II Ult .1Id cOIII,ol p'nlelp'nll. Boch Iht mt ,lid cllNrol Cchonl \'Ifft \'It II ",liNn Ihlllmill 0I1\011N1 RBC Ch[ '00 1U1m' ChE. Tht rnIdut lUU ~td , IiIfllA. unity high" m"n "11Im 'tit' 01 OI",llOChlonllt Ptllleldtl In UltllNn Conl/oll 16l.1 PIlb ,00 I),) PIlb. rnpteliltlyl. ThI conlrol cchon ptrfolmtd Ii" nlGunlly 1It1l" Ih,n IhI UIt cohofl on four 01 "It lumm,ry KOIn from lhe nturOJl!\<lIolo&iul Nlltry. '00 Iht 'Nhlll 01 covIII.nn '~lltd 10 \how ~ny Il,n," lunl m"cl.Uon \'IlIh OI11nexhlollflCl Jll'I/lCldt ftlj. dU~I. Conl<<1utnlly. .ny "",ml~'on INl t1plllUff 10 OI...nexhlollnt ~lllcldtt InRutncn Imp.llfrd ntufo. PI\tllologiullunctlon II noIlUppontd by the d.1I' 01 Ihillludy. Dll(ulllon ,nd conclullonl fhillludv "'.1 condUCltd 10 drlrlmlnt \'Ihrlhtr p",. IOnl "'lIh ptt\1oul docum,nltd "ult OII-l00p/lol. I....",,,,,,,,,, '''' IVoI, IlINe. 111 - -. - _. p/IJI, PtII<idt porIOI'I"II ""'bled cO\'n 1N/WnI. loOflI oIl.il.nl clvonoc IItIlI%t<Il clfkql 'lot lIuc1y "''' c~ COIIlMltd W"I INlclltd PWIIO COllI' IWt , collOf1 01100 Ultl pltllOuIlr poolOl\td by 01. ~t Pfl/iCldtt 10 100 cllNrolI bch p.II<~ pInlltCtI'Ied , p/t)1ic1l ,WlltNlion. 1ItIIIllIotc'" fl. ~ion. '~lOfnctpNlof"'" MId IItIlIOIlII<ho- 1ot<.II ItIIl~ Blood IoI/IIpItIltom t"h lWliCipInl IItIt wIllfd foI OIJlllOChIoMt P\'IliCtdt ~ ~ cldtlltlltf"f intI\. All IIudr p.IIliC'lWlIl "'tit ptN/'IItd bIolId ,,~h mtllClllovl UIt 10 Iht '"'tllip. Ion 10 InIIIrt INlIht INn<lpInl docl no\ rt\tll hil.1lt1 C"f 01 CllNrolllMul. ,ht rtMl cltMly l/'IckMt INlIIIttt Mt chroM ~'" \tqIItIH 10 ~t ~ poi' 1OIIi~ 1\oIIt\tf. """ ~ Mt tuKocltnIty IIIliIIt INllht clonoc.ll ~.II N/nlNlion. ClNcllllC. MId ""llI.ily UbOIMO/\ ItIIl"I UMOl lkl\/lltNl' poI\OIItd .11 M \llNrolI, h m.;.c bf noItd IN! Rodn.u~y tt II,. lnltd Iht ~llOlhffi lNlI\fv/Obt. h.a\ioIll ,bIIOIlNlowi "'fft pttWnc in, mold dtpCf ill "'OI~tIl clvonoc,tly 'IIIOItd 10 OIJl~t ptIo liCldtt; , 101.11 01 n II.(h .11 "'tit ItIltd foI ~ norlNLlitl In 1lIttIlOI'f. tirul pIO(nll~ \lt~t. 1.ilItw1t. I/ld pICIlIlOC~l\. Icid,b)c~ ptIfoIlN/lCt. In illM lIudr. Iht ptrfoltNnc. 0I1ht t.PO\cd \OlOI~," "" no\ found 10 bt clc&itnlln lIlY 0I1h1 AI. lilt'" IIItIIIItIItd ",htft compmd ",ich Iht ptdomunc. 01 , CllNrol poup INIthtd foI 'It I/ld tlMMioNI b)c~. round. r"h 0I1ht 5 1ItIll0000)<hoIo;cllll/llllNl'f ICOItI. II \'Ifill ,,,h Ii Iht )4 Mbnl KOIn. M Iht t\pandcd IWllt~Rtiwl blntt'f \'I" wIlltd W"I '" unI\,n. Mt wI)1iI 01 vWnc' 10 cltltrmlllt ,ht lUliIlic'" lit lliac""t Ii Iht Mmnct btlI'Iffil Iht 01 poIIOIltd I/ld COftlrol coIolL fht poI\OIItd tubitctI "'tit tip'do CMllIy \OlOI'of lh.an Iht cllNrolI 011 .015 IIIINNI'f lilt'" """ I/ld on 18 Ii )4 indrI~ IUl:ctll KOrtI uwd In tht lIudr. Tht ~lItrtncn OCCUlltd on ItIIl 01 "'ldtIr \"Y' 1"1 .Ibol.lin II.(h " 1/'II,l1tc1wl funcllonl~.. KoIdtmic Illlll. 1bIl'''lion MId ilfllbLIy 0I1hln~i/lt. MId Iimplt 1IIOI0I1l11h llpttd ,lid coOIdoNlIonl. ''''tf'll\'lour ptr. Ct/'ll 0I1h1 OP poIlOftfd Ultl ~.tlntd 1"llIucI. Rtiun b1ntry II/IIlINI'f KOIn In IhI''''1f CNt'<1t1i" lie Ii documtnltd Ctftbrll cWNlf 01 d)Wnaion. ",ht1t1l only U\ oIlht cllNrolI ~rlomttd " IhI IoImt In" on Ihtw ItII\ flit urtlullClttnln, foI ochtr lnon Ol'IlOIllCn 01 ntu'Ojl\\<ho!ojliullmp.llr. mt/'ll, " IItll " lilt Ult/ullNlChop, 01 porlOntd 11I11- jt<ll .00 CllNroIt on ~Sf ,00 lOClOC'ConomiC "MUI II f.. tducMion ~1Id OCCup.l11Oll "'tll. lN~t ~ I,ltly INI IhI "cnl dtf,(11I ItCOIlkd In Iht ponontd lUll- 1<<11 "' dut 10 Ihltr p/t\1OIIl OP poolOl\lnJ flot poolOntd IIIbttClI' O\\n IUbitClllf 1I\4'\\Il1tfl41 01 funcllOnin, found ""llIlully 1lJf\t"Ufll Mrltncl'l 'n 10 01 )l NiC'(11 01 "PlUJr ,00 commulllUltOft mtmort, ClllMnt Iflltlll'(l~ fUl\(llOIllPI. '1Il1 r-'" Cfl~~1 /uncltOft\, 'hllt~II\I''' .1\4'\\mt", oIlhe "'''' 11'(11' funcllOnin. found IhI J1OI\OIlI'd loNln 10 Nit mort ~,",('UnI p/oI~tmIINn lhe ConlrolloNln ,n 4 01 )llltmlln Ihtw \lmt ~rw oIluncltOfti~.. .llIrll n In 4 oIll ptflONllly lult i1~mlldtIMI'\IIOIl. U/I'" .. 1 .. . . S~ . . - - - 1 bilty. conlu\lOll. ,nd 10(111 ""tlldlto'l~ll, Ihtlf IUll!tC. lilt I~hPJ\ oIlh1 pollOntd IUbttClI ,nd 1"""lfl~II\" IUtQlflllNI thf m,ld ntUIOIl\\tho!os>ul dcr.c~1 INI "'tit dtmonll'~ltd on Ihf obttCll\f ItllIPI ,It ~IIO ~P' Plltnlln Ihf potlO/ltd 1U!J,t<1I' f\f~d.ly Iunclionl~1 Ihf ntUlolol'ul ,nd lItuIOlI\\cholol'ul ~,I~. lIon\ ". ~1Ou\ly camplfmt~W~ ,n 'Nl tlClt tm. pllllim d,Hflflll "pt<11 01 ct,lIuncllOl\. \'Il1fn con. frOllltd ",i1h , Pllitnl ",110 NI bttn potlOntd by 0/' IolnopholpNltt 1M cl,nl(l'" c.lllllOl Itly IOItly on 1M IU~rd tUmlNlion 0/ on cil"",llfllUlIIon to dtctdt llhich Pllitllll nttd 'unlit' tI~l~tion, TM cliNul ntUroloslul t"mlNlion 10M" pll~NIy on ItnlOlV ~nd rnoIO/ functloni"1 ,nd 1\ ""lIltly IMfIl\lIr.1 10 IhI hlahl,le\tl coanililf ~III\ ,nd 1CIN1ly. IIhlch lit btIl n",1td by IhI ntUIOIl\\<holoalll. Ahhoulh 1M ntUlOPI\<hoIoaIul tI~I~lion dtmonlmltd 101M 1m. PlI,mtfll 01 ftnt coord.NtiOn ,nd rnoIO/ iptfd 01 1M Upptl "Utmill" In IhI potlOntd IUbjt<t~ lhl ~jot dc'l(llI \'I"t Clll"'lllf Ind ~ppt"td on ItIll 01 ~bol'll" INI 'tCtllf limiltd tI~'lUllon In lIlt dinlul lIturoloalul t"mINIIon. Thll\\o mtlhodl 01 ~,I~. lion (dinlc,1 ,nd ntulopI\<hololiuO plO\ldt , mot. camplfl' f~,lu'lIon 01 bI~" lun<lion INn II poI~blt Ullli,inl .illlt, mmlNl10n llont. , I \ I \ . I t I .......... 'M"1oCly ".1 cordo<1td \llldffC~1Ct N"""'" 160I.MJoI.."" I~ tlt,lth I~I IInh. 'lI/lId h""'~ 0.1\00I\ Ok. 01 'nlCodft vd I'M \oblIIIllll U I I..___~ flcIt\1.. ~1f"CY ,I'AI, COfIIpIoloOll 011'" ."'" .." ..... ~ !II OfIII'IIIIOM ..!hift I"," 1flIl!....... I""'"~( ,...(1IIt IIwdoft C""fI. ""'!.-. 01 ..... I..~ IIf"h. CoIOIl4o 1111. UMtMY. fOIl {Qi'iOi. Co:.:.iiloi ~~ ~ vd frrthllt~, UMtnoly 01 CoIOIl4o \It6<" C""fI, Otf!ofl, C(Ii. 01. IIld lp4fm alol< 1I..u. "",..., I.elI Itch """""'" kllool 01 Mtde.... IIoIfMO. 'OU' ,""'.........,....,.,.,.,11I 110m ,''''' """ 011I""11001 ,,110 COI'l-t..ltd ...lIty to tilt ''''"' ,."oOII r;/ ,"'..""" CoIOIl4o lulf ~..tnof\' McNflI, ~ "'0: IIIIff L AlIItI\ 1I/bII.~. ~.I~I, OM; W.II, lOld, 10011, IttMiC: I.... ClIo/llllOll. if'l", L 1",_ .... A I",,"~ ...bII.1 IInf/l\ """'~ A "ICy. 10M 0 ,- vd It W.....\\""1tI UMff1ol\oICoIOIl4o\l/6cllC_.......1l. Ilfllon. loMo)ollMon. iodIl. 'Illll... vd All.... ,,V,"", "'0 ''''. IIl~ ~'Mff1ol\ le/lool 01 \Weollf V~ , Coco .... o.u. ',j,.1III 0 Comt\ OM1fl\t ttoo.tI, lllorcllt M~ '" O. Ilotbtlhl\olftO. vdlOl1t~,"o ". f/1O _I_Wit IN .._. plO><dtd by DoNl4 , r.!of, JIll "0.",0 Id._, Ipdtmdclc< IIwdofl """... U....tI, toll Of 1olo. kllool 01 ~ltdcoH, 1olo' C<If, 1olo.1, ..IIoIOl'l,,wtd .....bIt 1/lIo&lo4 /I'd "IlI_'IO'~ ~1oCly dno.-IOM w u......, "'D. vd C""'" IV ~. "'0 i/otld ....u. coOfd,- IIf.~~ 11t<1' 1I./lI'" IPAI vd 11I1 G,'-4h. '" 0 '4_ IIf.\~ 11io(11 "nh. "", .1Io........-td ,''' '"lIo(l/\''''' vd COI'l""'" III IU\lfll'I .... I~ \(1'- \cltI'" IftllCl'lol)O . ..,.""'" 10 I~ INI'\ lit_I .110.01"",,,,1<110 lfI\' II 1II0e'lII"Il '" ,''', .....t! s.,bm4\td IOf p..lII<IIOO ~ II, I. ......t kC....td IOf pobIello(l/\.""" " IM7 I/ClIIf\IIIOfIflll>I'4......ldbt....'o 1\loIl' \to/It "'0 CoI' 01140 'pdtlftooloc( 'n/<odr ~,dofl C...... o.p.~- Of I... ..........IIIt.\~ CoIOIldo ~_. U"""" ,.., Coil,.. CO M\1I .......... IcfmftCft I hi"" C~m,"t' Oft 'tlW\,,,dft I"~' "'. Lit (tI ,...,... 4," Xlh 1"00 1111() ,,,h 111> \t,," '0 I" P .: 1I111'd ,,,,b~ ()~..,~,," .. , , CoIaf"'" I~ ""eodr \MHI C..... "" · """ .J .........101 ~... twc. "..- .. ~ ~....., - ,,,,.,,7" II IOlIC..... CO CoIOII4oItlltU......... 1 \to'" 1 , """ , I. \'I...... It W, "" t....C 1 I 19M ~ ".." 01 ..~ twc. "'.- ,,71."~ I~ "'"'" I. C..... CO I~.. ""(odr"",",C""" I 0.,...... wI"" I""" W I. ~ ,tW (lot"'< ~'" 1JO'O"'1.... ft iI'foll'l ""A /,,_''';li' 11"11 I \VI1I'r I 0 1'1\ ""eolt\ .. lot(~.'"'''' kf"j'oI~ II (_""I """* loll. p .:..... 101\ \40(...... . ........ 0 .9/1 I". ()w...01 Olhl\"4OI.III ....77 I.. \toll. I~'" I...,. ~ /IN I ""'.... , ~. ........ I. ... ,"I" ~ Cl Itll ,../wi 1o/looo'" ~ by ...... ......-c ~ _1(. ~ """IlllMoll . GWon. I ... INto. , II "" hit,.../( ~ · IIwoI>< ~ 10 ~ _odft 1..../1 t nll.11 , OIt.II....j,o.tI\', W .... C...,.._lJ'HC'It<loft !II It.ool< np.It 10 ~ _1(1IIf\ - "" ".1\ 10 ()too... I It "" /WIlfIloI'llWl .....* .. .-,oJw. 100I1"'.... pnI<" ArI~ ',,110II '.,.111/1 m.lt n c.c. 0 ....,......." , " 19\1 ,.......,. "" 1It_ · ......, ",,..,.... .....,"" 111,..1 1/ .... It W "" 1\o(Wo(~1Ik ,........ ~ .....we.. "'..- .....,..IoIloo... ~ OIlI'W~ ..~ '-""'" u.t 10"1" II \IIll'" 0 I "" I....... III '''' lie. pIltldliotC" .... """"""'~ ....1I0flI.. ~.."" 0IfI'''~'' ~ .w~'A("kIIWlIIWI II 0.1'1,1 IIi MIMI I:""""', Illc;.on. ":vdlA\ " "" lrt-....,. r;/.. OOV~ 1IC'l''' ........ ...._~... 'oceol W ~0I !' "1.1\ II ~ III "" l/llff I...." 1101.01 I. ""'....', L1,.I, l/llff......" 1101 If. \ldc<.""~,!~ ~ 1,1I'ol1lll'41'" I_I ~ _1(1IIt "" NP ............ II"l/lUlt74 11 ,~. II ... C~. w (. '''' ~ allI\oII ......-c~~'(\I""u.t.I.IO IIMCl."",~~-odftll'olbl/lto.. ........, ~t "" 1/111-<<1 lO \to.... 1 '~"',II,~;_',lM;W"""'I,'.~ vd CldA Cl 1111. ,,..,,It ~ .. "".. CoIOI- Iocll ~ "", IUMI II ~,Cl L I"', 10l0""" -' 10I'lI0I1I'ol ",,,,,,,, IJO'O"'1 I NO "" II " 1/,1\11(...., l ~ "" ~ 1\ 1M I~ · 1',,1('" ,..,.... .. tilt I"'" to c.... VtlltJ .. I'" ''';I\...hl~l II I~III \ I l/If 1.0 Itclllf"'" cd..,1 ""'... ~.. ~_1jIII "'" ''''''' I...".......... II \\'1l1tWl,O 1911 \IN Ill"" ""1tWl1oM Wll!pIlll le.. "'" l..~ ,... PI1cIdliotCII COfI'l'IIOO /I ,......11I W C ,,.7, 11;.0 ..., """'pill' ~~. ~""'.Jw '1IlIIUI1oM Ch(", U"''''''' 01 (h(1fO"'" :- ... 0; I .. ''114 A..../II~,."...OII...~IoIot<<... Iftllol"'..-iIw'I"'.........bItfoIl.. _I'llNIl,.... ~ ....III~ '" IIroWi.~ "'" 1Qf\ ,\(*""<< ~ I~ DooM I II "" "",..... , C" ~ II~ "'.~"" .....ct.. ~M>_ ,... \~ COI" ,.... -. ,-,' Cv<!I/ll.lo<I<t :. ........1 II ~ C ""GdcN....Cl"~~- 01 ..... 0IIr-/1' . ,\t"'.""''''''f(tllt'I ~~ .... IOI\II,"'-~' l'I I"'.. . II /I'd 0".,.,. I " '''' "~I C">ell \.......' 1M... C""., luM ..., WI..'.... .... 111I' W:n \ ~... 10 IItchl./e \ I ..., \~.....'" . C "" '~III1/1 II..... ,... lOll '~""IWlioC<. CCII,e'_'" 11 O,NtI... II G \\'tt.~ G I ..., D""~""" l I WI ". 411hhft oIl........,~ Il/"~ I , ,.,.---. . - .,'- .. . -..- II"" ~ (1ft( II .........-' >01 I. \IoNf1llUol "' U"""""IA-..fIm II, /Jo \I"" I........ "" '_~ Ink""', >011 ...... I't1PM.\I'/ U..."""d\Wwldlflm II (~,( I; IlrllOlll t. ....,"""^. ~ w .tIlt..oI _Idoltcll ~ "" ""-1 10 1\1I_' CllflIo ~lOj...... to AdllI't" '" (lft(1I ~o(/loIotI. C ColtIlItoIl....., I ,...... Id!. >01. I Ntw ',", ~ Iol\ DItIII, )I 1M It "'I "-II \I,1Wlllf 1M.... ~ l..,~m~I~IY~~~I~..Il~_",.. " - -- u _ IlII 11-<<1 "" ''" ~ \\'In H... II 11.......\ '''I ~ "" IOf ~ . f/ .- ~ ..."... ....~ 1>OII"'.r-o.4cItook.... __.~ 11111." >> \\loti. . I I""}UH(II fMc,p" '" I~ 0..,., IlII 191.9\ Ntw ',", ~O"I'" Iou' C_ II _0 I.'''', """"..",..."..,\I,1Wl Ntw ''" ~O,. HoI tool C_ II r..JNj1" I L. I..... II " .... \locI 0 I "~I Occ_ ...., to"""" 10 .~~ lW"'l"'" ~ ...... 11Io00111 ""'" A1cU"WOI\,".lIIlO,..'OI . 1 I" ;\ 1 . ~ . 1\ 5p5 , . -- - - .... .. A Case.Control Study of Non.Hodgkln's Lymphoma and the Herbicide 2,4.0Ichlorophenoxyacetlc Acid (2,4.0) In Eastern Nebraska SlltLa HalT %oWn.' lHnllll D. Wtiunhu'If'.1 p~"la A. &U;l~ I RoM, C. SdaI.' JirMut B. V~wtA~ J KtnNlII P. Can!Or.' and Aaron BLu,' T~ ..IIoI"'M Ialt cllht hnklJt 1...khbvr/wnolllCtltC IC'" 11...0111I 1M dtttlofmmt cll'iOI\.lblcllll""~ ISHLI. Of cOlloM.", . MWcIOl\,~1Mll. cllf~OMOIIIIaIy III 66 C_1ft III .1lI.m N,!naU, T,ItrIlont lI\C'l\1f'01 em (C'I.I,,"N atCh lei olwt.1lfft .Nr-/atCh SIll m-rm''''' I. 1ft I. ...J '1lN 10. 1956. ...J otlh III conclOl~ Thtl,-. . "''' tlUII "SilL IIIlllIIf Ilfft ohn",.! oc Ij'fLN l.t,0 1<\I.h "lJ~ 10<<1 . 1.1.91\ cCll'JIJtn" 'nllltll · ~.9.1.1I. 1M ,,,1 cI SilL 11\I"..... .-h 'M '"11f' ~ cI.... 10 Otfllht,,1oIJ lor .'- ulWol :: Of 1ftO/. .I." ft' ,,1/ !I lor III"" . ~ ~11l,,"""'1llf lor.. cI OftIl\llf!ooofNt. IIIMCltClJn 1c.,ItIIIM n1lll1lNII I.lr ftlq\lfnlllMn lOll . 1.11. N ~\fll"'lIC lor ""'c>clJt 11M II\I/UIfJ 'M ftIlll1lNl. lOll . III S.".t,~ WI\lII_ I.lr 1lI'II'.lfhoorhlltl ...J ~4'lIJn\l.1JtJ ",~cI 1.1 lor I_n oN lIIi1N oc ,",oN 1...01ftO/. tIlIII ICJl\If(! "., ~I~ .IIOIIllIIIMllauh"',," " .~. . ,nJ.ut'" It IffItClClOI\ ~ I/lJ llIIIf lI"lIC III (1lI\IIIIIlNIIJ (\;cl\ulc. N hlC auh 1M ftUftI~1 clltlll cI :.1.0 "" \If 11Ilw. 10 lilt f'IlIKh" ~, Allhowch Ill,," fnllCiJn. It\'fCIIU, Oft.rqhotrhllt IIIMCltCiJn. 11I.I1 ~ "11,,,1 10 SilL. IN n" _IICN otlh :...O.1ltt noc~. 10 ~ url.1I\fJ cOIlIrlllll,".1Int oIhtl UIOlU/1l, Ifro.Hllltolof'r Im.U.9.IM. I I I I ICU"MII IjrilvIrYI"'*".I....lic~lllMlIlIric ICU. klWlIJ... "'~tkl.lt"I'iOI\.IWPIn'1 ,,-phoN. OCCVl'Il1oI, ,,"lCiJfI. In 1956. . Uleo(OIIIIOlIIW, cClld"md In K.nul tho-N.n 1I1CC1I11OC\ I-c","n lhe Jm~ 01 110I\. HNclln'1 hmfhocN INIlLIIIld IlllCullunllllf 01 he,. ~K.Jn III. Rllk let NIIL IIICluMII -lIh .hlll',. nuM' oIlMU1l .1m 01 ufOlllI' 10 hnbtctdtt. F,IIn' ,n uplMdlet 1llOI. INn lO .b\ll'tl "" NJ 111I(01.1 1/lCluMII ",I let NIIL 11111111CrtlMII ruk MfnMII.o N "IIIN ~JIC,II, 10 '.4..JlCh~IIOI,.,UIIC xIII I :.4.0Illlf IIld cculd noc N Ufblllfll by dJfmnlll1 "tllI. ul'OlUI' .0 oeM' f(IIlC.Jn. III cehe, IlClon. llf<.lIlf of ,he IlIICfIltWt oI.heM nth IIld .he -lilt. If">>.! lll'.nl,,1 let UfOI4II' 10 :.4.0 1/1 II'Kulllll'. Lo,_..~ froJ/,..l.. Inoch. t\._ 04 C..." .,~. ""....c:..." 1_.." "",,,",,"/...,,,1/1I. ~..III~. ~.ei.oltt. MD ::tIl 'r.,..."'''1I ,..~ 11'I M.~... ~"........ so.....,~.. c..... ':0111'I0.... All"", .:,,~, SI.u:t .J......"". Itl.' ~....l\h ,.,......J. A..\. ...'" ~D ::11.' ,~..,... '-" ..,...'" ...... u.. :-0. oI.h ... ,,","oJ '",......N ,....... C..." I........ C...IIU ~I C,.,.UIl'l"..'..''''..IICtr'....... 101 U..I,h c.... Lt.".. r,IIAoMt 1OIh"''' ~"...... ,'" Jill III 'M .,..... "" ,......oJ . 'N -.1"''''''1101'''' ~"h "" f,oJ/, ....~'C'C~...Il\"\'.......,,,~ ....11.1:.1... c :fto: 'roJ<....~l' '....."1.. -. . -.- lettlm', bon ellt. IIld cehe'lIlfl. o. undtncok .llm, Ib, M"bllOfl'~IMII ClM~CIIllOlllIAl,. III N.bmla. _h.1 mldulltm 'rncull\llllll.lt. Sublcclllnd MClho,b Olel 01 SilL. IIN.II/I'I .IliUM. muhlpl. m"IomI. IIld ehlOl\lC Ilmphoc,,1C kul.mll ImoIIC ahll' tllCn IIld .omtll, .CfI/ Z I 'tin oc ou.r. Itlldlll,ln 66 CCUII' IltIln tllI.m Nlbfllla.1Ild dIJCfIOMIl Nl'oInn July I. 195). .nd lun, 30. 1986. a.It idcnlllltd IhlOUlh lhe N,hllla Llmfllom. SiWy OlOUp Ind 1111 hoIpulb. Ahhou,h 110. .n OIIlOlnC JqlUbllon.baMII U/IC" Ira' 11.11'. Iftcl.I flllCNu,n ..It INIIl\lltd by .h. N.bntla Llmrhoml SlIAly OIOUp 10 IKtnlln 111 uM,ln tlll.m Ncbnt", 111. IlbtcIl'NlIICtdt/IC' nt, Ice NIlL lmonl ahu. 1lII1". ICfI/ :I lun oc old". In ulltm N.tlllla 1I5,:'IOO.~~ ftn<lflolunl WlI ii' Ill.hc lilt '" 1'l".J 101 .hil. m.n. 'IN 10 Itln 01 ou.,. 195). 19!6. tv Ih. nllfb, 10101 coml'ln.nl oIlh. S'"011al C~nlClINIIl"'f<lroolOlrd 5"lI'tllI.nu. Er,Jemkllorr. ,nJ EnJ Rtlulll r"'llIm fllJ/IOO.CI.,\) ftoon.,eml IL. Rltl. fCllOn,1 communlullonl. 11111 Itl'ln .,11 rlttCII' Jill ~n Ih, .hu. 1lII1. SilL ultllN · 1171. ,~II (lltl .nJcrocnl rllh.11ocY ftVItW Ind .tIt cllI' 149 ~ 5()~ ~ , 1 . - - 1 ~ ...... . ;...:- .r.~~ . v~ . . ZAHt.t ET AL TABU I. DlllllhrlM tI N.""""'''''I L,.,-" .., 11l1I~ IN r"....oItpc T,,,, II 1a4,,,w. ,,\lit .... HIlIOI.ln ~I h'UN WeI!lJt 171 A, SINI h~ltlC II &. FoILcllIit ~" IlIIIl elt"... eta 10 IICI C. hIllC1llll .IIN IlIIIl d..;;j "'" """ lIa 1/ fill 1Ntllllflb, ,.Jt o.~~" """e n III t MlM. IlIIIl c1w'" lIa 1111 P. M.t ...... IlIIIl ""'~lIa It JII 0, M..t. " lIa I It lit. r: III. ~"IC >> 1111 I~ I 1<1 I, _1t1.fI!etD I III 10111(,0-' I III m I~~ I 1r.ltt1lllllllN Sol ,ndIWt 10 lOll II 10 m , c-,- ~ "" ...,.., It .......... e.......N J ....lIIk.... "" "'- '........... M/" _Ill hit W "lilt - """"'" III Ill' J ............ "" u.. .........NJ J,j, ""'" , I I . , I i i I I ! , l I ! i I I I ,tllfII accllldll\f to 1M WOlllII1 FOIlIIIIbIlOllllllTibIt II. 0nI, hh'oloctclll, conllllMd ClIfIIN . nOI..tIt 1/l(1lAlN. The IfI'MW Iho 1IlCh.lN IIMlUnOloc1C Fh" IlOClTII\f oIlht NIlL All foIllC11W h~ ..tit COIlJlo!t,rd 10 bt 8-c,1I hmr/loftw. The dJI.M hmrho- 11I&I ""' Fht~ IIIlnllM lIIOIlO(lontllllul-ol,tI U6 and UCHLlIDAt:O ~Ilon. SIIIII B.t1~11I. CAI tllIl NIl B ullllnd T ulb, '~Illtl,. In ~r. t/r1ll.,mW!t.lIl\lUtl n.4), Connol tubjtClI ""' MIt<IN flom rnlo!tnll 01 'M """ 66-counry Iltl by 1iI ~fIl\ltn<y !NlChllll by 1I(t. M.. VlIlI,"lU1, and lit I: ',unl.o IN eomblntd lit JlIlIIbullon 01 .h, (0'.1' unUl UN NIlIl INIlL. IlQJ,lln', J'ltllt. mulllplt mllloN. and eNonI< "m. phoc\ll< Ifvhml.ll. Fot Itv1ftl ClNt un.In lit 61 eN . 7lI. cOllllolI ""' NltClrd by l\flO.llllt nn.lom J"" Jill,", ClI. FoII,vln, UltlleN 61 01 oLk, IN . 671. COIIIIOII "tit NltCltJ (rom lh, Illllth c,It Flllwln, AJlllln'llllllOlllMN'UIt' '1(O!dt, FOl ohcuNd UIfI IN · eol. cOIIllOh "'If MII(IN flom IN N,\omh 11I1t momh,., (,In ullnllh, WJlllOIIIl mllchlP, (ICIOI oIlW ol Jfllh, P,nonl .."h ,n unJt,hlft' UUN iii 110 flCI llel 1" e I .sUlh 01 NIlL Iw,llll'l Jlltllf. ,,",llIplt mllloN. Jt,.hmll. NhCNnc, oIlIl\l/lO'ln lilt. IplllClC IINmll. IVl<edt. homlCedt. Of 1tclllllltl\tnllOll .trt tICl~ II COIIlrob. A IOUI 01 811 ..hlft !Nit COIlllOb ""' Itl<<lN. T,ltrhonc 1/IC,mc., ..tft con.fuclN ,,"h 101 NHL UIfI "'" 7ll COIllrolt. Of ll'lIh IMII 1ItII-ol.lln. ~. ro'tn MI', 1986. and OcloNt. 1947. TlN InltlVlt.,n .11' not ..11f 01 1M lVh!tClI' UN-COllnollllM. TlN 'nplftlf IIlnlot 1M UIfI and COIIlroIi ..,rt 91\ IIlv, III,: 9)\1 dtcult\l; 89\llnd 87\ (LYlnfo 89\1 .It. mlrd. 8S\I. ItIl'<<lIlfl,. The ovmll COIIl1OIltlplftlf 11ft "'1\ 81\ IIld COIlJlIIN oil ..",hIN Iv,nlt ac, counllnc lot 1M ,,""'Ii III 1M houMhoIJ ClNUI pluM ollM urJorn J'''l dllll/ll procrdU/, and IhI It""'1i ol 1M IIrJornl, Itlt<"d tI,,,blt cOIIlroh 10 ~Yldc Inft,. lit.." lll11lnltlll,1l1Oll cO\"tn 1M (In.l,"" "IIlrd 101M IIIOCUllOIl ~"'"n NUL and If/lCullII/ll tJrowr' 10 1.4.0. The InItMtll' QIItlllonl 011 IIIICIIIrUIlI I"KllCtI lncl~ llloN rt(llll'"llM M,bl<tdn and II\MCIlCtdn uNdo 1M 'rrllC"lOIl melhol uNd IllOII oft,n. IIIf rJ ~l(lIyt tqII'rtlNftl. .Mallon rJ lime ll'unn'llOIl ~ll)Ihn M!!! M!!JIIl!C f'tlll!th CI:t1c nillll{. IrJ ~1f rJ filnclCtJn. ro.JtnllCedtt. MnI,lnll. ~ pItIClVl' IIln. Ind ('"lluII" FOf ,ach Ittrbiclo!t and inN<ll<idt. 1M IUn 01 lilt. 1M l\tnlt IMIIII num~, 01 d.t11 rJ lilt 011 1M (1IIlI, and 1M Il1n" IMIIII numbt, ol d.tlt lhll'tlllCedtt ..tit ~noNlI, """'IN ..", obulntd. The 1/IC'1Y1t'01I notN ..httM'IM ,~ lboul ,ach I'fIIlCedt ll1I vollll\lttlN In 11\I"" .0 III Of'tIlofndtd QIItlIIOll Of Itf<<lrd onI, afr"l plOtt NnlII\f \h, IFC' C/I< I'tIllCldc. All ~ 11110 IORI nllNln"eft "',IAIN lot 'It by IIT11t1l<"lOIl U1.19.~. 71).79. and Clulllllttn eo lunl. MullllUll\ Ill,l~ nllNln olllll\tlonn ~ 11110 and 91\ conflo!tnc, 1nltIYIII lCl1.'1I Compulrd by OIR'I melholl61. W, lIItllrd dU/lllon. and dote. ItlplftIf ftllllOlllhl1ll by melN 01 Mlllftr, OIINlllrd hntlllrtnd 1m 171. ~IIIC "CI"'1OIl ll1I 1110 wrd lot IMobl1 (rom (Inntn 10 ,nllllft 1M ,I/'I(D 01 Mvml rrlll<lo!t (a(lon IImutrll\COUll, 181. Rflulu n", "II no ovmll flcm 01 NIlL 1I1IOfI' ~1lOI\I..ho hill In, Irvrd Of ..orllll 0111 (Inni ho.,YlI. I IIl\ flClII IIIl ol NIlL .11 (ovn.llmon, mtn ..110 mlllll 0' Irrhrd 1.4.0 ITlble U. M,n..1Io hlrd ot IOOllIII OIl (,nn,ohtlt 1.4.0..... UIrd. bulohoJol not ~nonlll, hln.ll, 1.4,0. haJ In OR 0I1.l ICI . 0,), 4.l1, Amon, IIItn ..110 rrllOl\.1l1r hln.lllll 1.4.0. III~ ,n. Ep"'tmloloey 5trllm~' 1m. Volulllt I Numb<<, S sos , l j , i \ ! , , \ I I i ! . T ADL! I. Ny.k, of ~\Iu ~l/. .lrk NIlft,IWIlIll'. LtlI~ Ny.k, 01 Cllftlrob. w ou. 11I1101 h r I/IlIItt IIbIOl'l Flm""' (;f. HII/OI'I Cun C4I\nIllI . 191\C111 NUll lI..d 01 IOOfllllonllllll \4 "' 1,0 E~IlIl~1II 01 IOOfllllonllllll 141 lit 09106.1.41 INfCliclda lIIIIIonllllll 104 \II IIcIWcIda lIIIIIonllllll II 101 I.IIOU.OI loll.,.! 01 l\'9Iitd 1.4.0 41 91 . T.o/GlIUOloNJ1IIIl- ......'" ,,"11........01.. ...101 011I I.... / OA ''''I ell . ACt,,,,,,",'" ololo ",.1.1\ (ooIJror. ..". nil. crfmd accordln, 10 1M l~tI1l' IMUlI nllftlh' fA oilY' Ipcnl mlxlnl OIlwlrlll' 1.4.0 In COlllp'1UOII ."h men .ho nc~t1I1~td 01 fo1)I\ed on I II/1tIITlbIc II. P.llk Inclfucd '0 IIlOff lhan Ih,,,101d IollhoM ."h 11 01 ft',QIt !brlOt u~ PC' I'lIlp · 0.0m. lMlf WlI no cONillfnllncrcaM In ri'" ."h 1M numt-c' cl tfln fA 1.4.0 uM .hllf Ihf wbjfCU h~td 01 fo1)I\cJ on I II/1tI 01 wllh Ihf Ilnl yfll fA 1.4.0 11M. 5mnl chalKlflUlICl fA fellKIolt 11M INllndKllf !'Olenllll 10' urowre '*f" mlUlItd. AIl\OII' men.ho pcllOlUlly handltd l.4.0. rilk I1ritd by &he Illfl~ wed IIlOII often 10 Iwlr Mrbicldtt. TnclofolnO'lIIltd Ipnylnl wlllIIOCllltd wilh In Oil. fA 1.41CI · 0.8. 1.6i 17 UICI. 61 connollllnd NnJhtld Ipn"'" ."h III OR 011. 71CI . coo. 9 connolll. P.llk IncrcalCd lubmnlllllr 1M Ioncc' 11I1II4n \lIUlllr WI"ed 10 chanCf InlO elfin fo1)Ik clothtl alrcr handhne felll' cidClITlblf 41. Flnne".ho chanced Immedllllly. II Ihf ,nd oIlhf lIIOlk .!Jr. 01 1M lollowln, d.cr 01 bllr IprClumlblr. Ibm Ilnne" fo1)If 1M cloIhtI 100IIlOIf Ihln onf lIIOrk d.cr bu, did nor t1ttp In Iheml No! ORa 011.1. 1.\. In.! U. ,npccuvflr (p 100nfnd · O,O\ll. Rllk did nollnc'fllC 111M 11II1It" ll!'Ontd INllMr wUllly 1IIItd 10 11M Inr proteCll~1 cqu1rm.nl (ft. Nbo be'lloyCI. Nbber ~I. milk. 'rray lu"l .htn Nn. dllnl ptlIlCtdCl, Arnonl 11I1IIen who mlltd OIIN'hed l.4'0. IIIoIC who lYI'lCllly ulCd prollcllYf cqUl\'Illfnl _hllf hlndhnllnr ptllKide hili In OR 01 1.7 ICI · 0.9. ). II 11 UlCl. 48 connolll. wherlllllnnen _hodid nol hid In OR 01 \.l1CI · 0,6. 1.4i 16 CIlCI. 49 connolll, POlllblf conloundln, oIlhe rCluhl 10,1.4.0 by we 01 olhff FflllCtdCl _II mlullId, The rllb 1IIOC'Iltd .lIh EpldlmlolOfl Stpllmbe,I990. Volumf I Number I NO.~.HOOOKJN1 LYtolPtlOMA AND 1.4.0 TABU I. NlIIlll,oI \I\lI.....lrilh NOll.11oIt:1 LI~ S..kf" C4ft1"''' >>4 ~Iiol h C\anlhr\ltlll " lIfOIylt to 1.4.Dlr~,,",ulll ,\IW 11.4.01 ~ CMfI Cl/IIroIr 191\ C11' 1."'011.4,0 Nu" 11011I 01 IOOfh.hnllllll o.~IIII\I.IIIItOl "l:!I'C 1.4,1), .:10 II' uw,o.II oIm'Itll Oollornl1\ll. \.619., · cell Y'IIII.4,0 lIIIIIrllllll I. ~II 1~IC II' I.'lIlno-II "III 001 lor n'N · O~I.,. W4 Fine ,,1101 l,4,0...., ~ to 1911 19~191 19lHMl 1961-1966 I.~II"II 001 lor mN . 0.911., · W~ . ~ltI'C11 . ........oINo1lnc.ltI"tMJII\I.lN."lll, II 114 1,0 16 II , II " II . II 1.1106.1.4\ 1610.7.16 1,110.1.11. I - I II \I II Ii II 1I :9 09 ICl.I 61 IS 1\.1.1.1I 0610,1.1'11 UI0,6.1. - 1 \I I . II II It 1 II II 1"IHI~ ,. I.lIC6.1. 1.11~.I.U - 11M 0I1II~ FhtnolyICflK Kid Mlbiclolt h\fl and IYf" II' IMUII nllftlN' fA 011,,1 .flf tdtnlKallo 1M lUU 1ol1.4.0 11ont. All U C1lCt and %7 connoll who han' dltd 1.4.1.l/lchIolO9hrnolyICfllC Kid 11.4,\. TI (IYfl handled :.4.\oT, OR . 1.6. CI · 0.7. ),6, IYCI1I' .!J" ~1It1' ol f1j01U1f 1.\1011. - I. II 6-1~ OR · 6.4.4 C1lCt. 1 conrlOblwClt 1110 1.4.0 lIMn. None 01 1M IUblfCU wllo handled 1.4.0 IIlOIllhan 10 01111 pc, rur wu I %.4.I.T 11M'. EaeludUlllht 1.4.I.T lIMn dill noI CNnl' Iht 11I\1 101 handhn, 1.4.0 (mr hlndled l.4.DiOR. I.\.CI- 0.8. 1.6.0II111"fIlflll.IIOR . I. II 6-:~ Oil. . I.li 11 0' OR · ), ll. RflllKIUlI 1M IfIIllIII 10 (11lI\C" Ind WIIDltnl10f Ih, UIC ol OIM' MrbKldfl k e111l 11lI1lUlfI. Imidft. hn:OKI. CIIN' ~ICI. If1IlulIl,nl. Ind othtrllClUhtd In no mu",n&ful cNnCfI In Ih, ORt 100Ihoto whoflCl Nn.!I111 1.4.001 In Ihf \'OIlltlllllnd IOOCllltd .l1h lunCf Innull,ul' 01 U\'OIUIf 10 1.4.0, Ad,wrll\fnu fOllhf UIC oIlnlfC' IKidel k ClllllchloltNltd hydfl!Cllhlnl. C1r~I~lfl. olllnorholrhllCI. melllt. In.! otherllho fflulled In no mllnln,NlchlnCClln Ihf IIIk flll~lfl 10,1.4.0. fl' 11\'1 IO/the UIf oj OIc.norhoIrhllfl' Ad,ulllnl 10' or. . 1 III .5 OS . '1--:- , , ZAHM ET AL T AIIL! 4. N_,oI \\\11, ~If. -M. NO/\.I~Ift., L,."..1A4 COIl"', \\\0 ~'UN IA4 Atf/iN 1...Dk~NtII(Illr AliI 11.4.01" nu, of n...".. Clt.. \I'tI. CIoIhn "'" II~ PlllicUn 1l1ltn ~I I..,..n,~ OR 10 Cltlll Il.... CIoIhn CMn CcwroIa ' 191'ClI' Still ~"".. ""11I Oft In I. 114 1.0 IlIIlIIMIllIr IIlrr 19 I.IIO,U.II hIII.I"'CJWlCIlln 6 AI 'N 01.... oIl, II 71 1.1 ICI.t" 'oll.!otl\t .II, . 7/1,1.11.11 .. IMrr 6 . 011 11II I/tN _ 1.1I0. , . 001S . T..I...........I'l.....,.,~:,I,D~II/\l...~.....,. 'CA 1"'01' ... *"""Nlo'....I.l\ltol.llflll..,"~I, , I ! ! I ! I , , , I I ! i I ,lncr/IOIplulf \\If OIIlhe linn I1cLW an OR 011.1101 ~n.ho Clf! NnJlcd 1.4.D andORl 010.9. I.J, and I.a 101 ~n ul'OMlllO 1.4.D 1011.1. ~lO. Ind motc lhan 10 Wll ~"fJllp IOIncnd . o.146),CIIIII'c 10 Illmfn wllh 110 1,4.D UpotUIC. AJ,ullmcnu 1II1n, morc JlIJdlll IMP.!!!!! III tlI~If njVMt Ice. muOII and IltnCf annwl W" Il"nl mllinc 01 If'IIl,inrllho IfIlIhN In If'IIIOlIlNl", lI'OiolJ In. (ffuN ruu 01 NHL 1morI,lhe IIIOIllrtqucnl Nndltn 011.4.0. ANI"u 01 ~rNlc \\If, WIIIIIN 101 \\If oIl,4.D. thooatd an Indc~ndc", lIICClIllOII wllh NHL (cven OR · l.4, W" ~lIut 1.1, OR . 1.71 ~:OI OR · 1.8,11.. OR . J.I) and 10111 lot dc. Kn!otd motc lhotouahl, in I IIIMC IfJ'OIt. The nil Imon.M.D lINn cOIlI~lcd wllh 1IOII\I\fn. ucludln, III OIf~IC UMn, .11 umlW 10 the WIYlIN 1,4.D m. 101 fYf' \\If (OR . 1.1) and IOIlhe l"lI Io.c, \\If CllflOl\fl (W" ~, l'fJl 1.1, OR . 0.7, ~lo, OR · 1.5). The,uc,c 110 CJItI uJWd 10 1.4. D locll oc motc W" .ho .CIt unul'OMlllo OfPlIO' photphaltl. AJ,llllmcnu101 lhe \\If oIlun'lClII" led 10 l/l('Ulflln IhI m. "UINICllIICClIIN wllh 1.4.D U. potUIC lOR · 1.8. CI . 1.1, J,Ollnd .lIh IIcnlt Innwl Wll 01 UplIWC 10 l.4.D (1.5",": OR . 1.6. ~lOw":OR .1,1111. Jm:OR. 4.l,plolnrnd · ".COll. S,muh,1lCOUlwjullmrnl101 Ulf 01 01'1110' rhoirhllf'. 1un,1C1II". Ind '" Itlull'" In OIU of o.a. I.J. Ind J.11OI Illmfn.1Io mllN OIlrrl.1II :.4.D 1.1. 6-10. Ind mor'lNn 10 dl\1 I'f' ItII. ICll'felllrl" TII, ,,,ulll olloc'lIlC 1f""llOIIlnlllWl. IfIlJlClN 10 I'nn,n Ind 'nel"",",lh, VlIIJ~III I" Ind UIf of 1.4.D. ~I'lnorhoirhllll. Ind Iun,.ciJII, "'" eonllll,nlwllh m 1 lhe IInl/lfll whitt. UIf ol 0If1~1t 1N<<1I. eltlt. Icm YIcd 011 lInn: OR . l.411nd 1,4.0 INn. JlIII ZI. WI' ~IlUl: OR . l.lI.cIt ~ndflll ,,,l IHIOllIot NIlL. Arrrollll""cl, l"lIolhlrdt 01 tIl4h the u~ eJltl 16J\I.nd cOIIrroh 164\1 _IIIlcd the IwIOlY 01 l.4.D IIIf 0II1h1 llmu .helt they bl1ll 01 WOIlcd. .hlrrlllm" Ont'lhtnlollhe III'\llf11 CJItI IH\1 and COftlrob /J6\l /tf'OI1N 1.4.D IIIf \lftJy Ihll II~II'IC rroN. Ru. fllllllllll .CIC ""uw 'monc lhe 1'00 fIOI4lI lot lhc IIN oll,4.DOIIthe I.nn ho/lll\IIII\; OR . 1.51 rro!ot1: OR · 1.S1, ~1lON1 Willi 0I1.4.D /10/"". 1111\; OR · 1.5; rro!otr: OR · I.ll, and motc INn 10 wn rtllfJI U~1t 10 1,4.D I~unltfl\; OR . 1.5. I ClIt. 1 COllI/oil. rroNl: OR . U. l'oO UIfI. 1 COftflObl, TIlt ,,,. oINIlL IllOCllIN "lIh rtnMIl NnJlilllol 1.4.D WIt h,(hc, 1morI. I'fllOlll Itlh rro', InllnlCW1 (1.5 .1m I'fIlCI/: OR · l.l; ~lO",>>; OR . 1.11 11- wn:OR .1.41INnlmonclfll"~null. I WIl ~ Ifill OR · 1.0. ~lOWI\I OR . 1.6,11. .!.Ill: OR . 1.41. 1l1llolorY, rumor 1TJJc. dt,!tf oIlNlIIIIllOII. Ind Immunol.lrtc Ilff oIlhe NIlLl "III mlwlN. TIlt IllOClIllOll101lh 1.4.D Jill noc Il'ffU 10 br ~~ ~ ;n, ~ oi SlfL. Ihhcuch innll IIlIIII!otn IIIIIIIN IhlrrllJbtlu, ol,hI ru. fllllNltl. Tlltlt lI1Il tll,hl 1l/fCfllIOIIINr ml IN, lot hl,he'lII IIIl1nnNlJlIlTJJc NIlL (WOllin. FOIIIIulIllOll 'lOIIpt 0.0. T,bl. II I"cn OR · 1.7111, .!.Ill ~'Iran OR . 5.0. 1 CJItI. 4 eOllllOlIl. folllCu!" unlll ull NIlL IWOIUIII FonnU!,lIon 110III'I ~D. F-O. Tlblc I) (cven OR . I.idl- "'"~Il"nOR. 6.4.1clIfI. 4C01111Obl. II". ull NIlL IWOIlln. FonnU!'11OII1IOIII'I o.HI I'It/: OR · 1.51 ZI. "," I'fllfl/: OR . 6,1,1 C1II, 4 ccnllOltl. and bW11C NIlL (WOIl'nc FOIIIIU!,flOll IIOIIrt D. O. Ind II (rve/: OR . 1.Jlll. dill ~, lfl/: OR · 9,J. I C1II. 4 eOllllOltl. rlllOlull, Nn. JI,n,l.4.D lI1IlIICCllIN .lIh tIl4h T .ull lOR . 1.0; CI · 0.1. 7.J) and 8-<,11 (OR. l.ll CI .0.9,1.61 hmrhomu; flownll. lhe n,nd wtlh WIl I'f'lflt lI1I II,IullCln'lp · 0.0451101 8-<,lIllmrhomu 0111,. The OIU 101 8-<,lIllmrhomu ICIt 1.1. 1.6. Ind 4,) '01 I'fllOlll upotN 10 1.4.DIOII.l. ~lO, and 11 01 mor, wn I'fIIUl, 'CI~III'cl" Tlltrr 111I 110 T <cllllm. rhom, ulfI.ho.1II uJWd 10 :.4.D IIlOIt INn 10 "'" rtllnr. Sonc oIlh, ochc, (1(1011 eOltlN ,n fhe ,nlln',c.,. '"cluJ,n. (Imlh' hlllory 01 unec,. plIO! nJllllOIIl/fll' m.n,. Olhel III'fCII oIlh, rnNlul hllIOll'II~eO con. Iumrllon. 01 UIC 01 hili col~lIn, rlNuclI. ""'''ron. I!H. iOlth, nhtnlll 1.4.D 11t(l(IIIION, EriJrmlolon 5fpllm!-c, 1m, Volume I Numt.cl I .s~ I I " , i i t j [ I - . 1 . I - , Dltculllon TlIII fq'\IlllI.",,~~ ulfoConlllllllWY ConJIICIN ,n UII,m Se~lh Ic.nJ J lIl\ "UII of Sill WOC~IN IIlth mlllnl or Jrrl'IllIl.4.0. Tht mk 10, Sill tn. clulfIl..uh the Jlmlt (,rqvcncy of 11M 10 llIllI' dun l,,"eloU Jmenllholt flroIfIllllllle dun 10 .u" reI IUI. ThtM (InJlIlflll' ConIl",nl lIuh lhoIe of J rre. YIOul cllCoConnolllW' ConJuclN III Klrolll (II. JI. lhouth the mk flllllUI" III Iolotlln Ih, rrtMnlll1ld,. Tht dl/relfnce III ruu In lhe IWO IlJlfI nu, ~ fl. pbwd by IlJIIllICJI nnJllon. IlIICe lhl coNtdcncl In. lelVlb lor mk flllllUlfI obll,ntd In Semlh ICI . InJ ~ ICI . I.S, ll.Jllhow conIld. ,nble O\,tlllp. Somt. hI nor III. YlnJblfllhellnJlCJIN lhe .!cliff of lll'OIUIt 10 1...0 orrl IfblN 10 In InclulfIllllk of Sill In WJ'IIOIlIO IhI J"nlt IMwl num~1 ul.u" mlllnl Of JI'I'I,lnl M.D. Ihe l'OI,nllJl (Of J'lIn.1I fl. I'O\IIIf of Ih, U\UII m'lhod of helblclde Il'I'hullon 19.IOllnJ Ihl lime of chenlt 10 dun oOlk clothfl Jfltl hlnJhnll"flllCtdcl IIcrt l-oth IfIlIN 10 InclfJIfIl hi" HOIlf\tI, the num~' of lUll of ~,..O 11M ohi!, Ihll4lb'c(1 hud or ~kN on Ihe (,rm "II nor CONII' lind, IfblN 10 III '"m~ AA (g, Sill l/lltlfll. Inl", J IImlll,lJck of 11IOC~11OIl with 11111 of 11M WlI Illow/lN ,n lhe Klllullllld, m. Coml'\lllnl trIll of 11M JI , mellUIt of "I'OIUIf IlIUIIlfIlhulhe 1,,"1 of fll'OIUIt II l,mlll'lhlCl/lhoullhe lel/lnJ (nxn IfIr 10 IfIr, rflllCtdc I/If, hOll,,,,, 1I1~1C. IlOI conllnu. out. Ihl\lUlhoullhe ~k IfIr. InJ Ihe lmounl uIfIl nu, YI'" conltdcnbl, (nxn ICllIO ICI/ JerenJlnl 011 lhe nlN JnJ on the UIf of OChel (Jrm ~klIlIO m,. InJ JI'I'I\lhe I"fIllCtdcl. AM",I (rIllUfncl' g( UI'OIUIt II molf UIOll", ConI bIN ..lth /Uk IhJn lUll of UIf JnJ mn ~ I !ocUtl1U1lOI1ll1or dclllC,N .lott. In conlnlllo the linJlnCl ullhe KJnul IMAl, Ill. (111uIt 10 UIf plIlIc(IIII rqulJ'IIICnl "CU,"" wJl ,n. "Nil Jlk'<IJIN wuh In I/,c,ulflllllk of SHl lmenl 1...0 Ulfll. Tht IImlN IIIb (or ulfn InJ IlOnUUII 0( r,alC(llII lIlu'l'fllCnl oelt nor Iublllnlllll, JI/rmnl (rom 0111 IllOlhtl. Cfrlllnl,. IlI\f thoulJ IlOI J'lCouncr lhl UIf v( r'OfC<IIII fIlIl'rmcnl NIfIl on Ihl pllt,nl Ill~h"I IlIullI, E'l'UIuIt 10 Ulhe, I'Cmcldll ~tlCCltJ /Ilk flllmllfl (rom UI'\'lUI' 10 1...0, AJ'Ullmlnl (Of Ihl UIf III VI' IlllOI'hotrhllt 'nlfcllciJ"'NIICN Ih, VNt/lN /Ilk II' 1f(~IN .uh 1...0 "1\~UIt. ..hll, JJlullmllll (or lUll' 11C1d. UIf ,nclulflllhl lilt S'mullJntlll/l JJ,ullmcnl (or t-vlh IItUhN In /Ilk ""mlltl (vr "mer Innu.1 .u1,1ll "rolurr IIm,br 10 Ih, nlufllJ,ullN (," III Ilonl, Lll(lIl1c rr(rrll'O/\ mh1C' Iho I/1J'ClIN ,nJI' I'CnJIIII,n'ccllull...Olnd UlCIIl<'rhotrhlltl, !kclu,e fplJlmlolorv SerlfmN, 1990. Vvlum. I Numl-cr I NON.HOOOKIN'S lYMPHOMA AND 1...0 "Ihe lnull num~1 of 1lIb1c(1I W lhl h1lh rror<<tlOll of 1Ub'C<11 ~lIh mulllplt UI'OIUlfI. II II nor I'O\IIbIt In Ihll InId, 10 Inll"l, dllen"nlle cheM "Illlonlhll'l- Theil mlY ~ IOfI\t rrlldwl CoNOUnJllII' ~oConlllll 1l1N1f1" 1111" fq'\IllllON ~lIh dc"llcd .ul' on llIOIl Y1n1blt rlll'llII cI tll'O\II"llIe 1Ifrdcd. Thll IIIN, "hN upon IMAly IlIbjc(1I or lhel'lIfll' o(.k In 10 1c(11I comphulN h/fllme Ul'O\IIrt hillOfIfl. Wlull lhe" II I IIUl IIftd 10 ImplOl'C IIIfthodt lor 1I11INllnl "1'0\1I" 10 I"fIllCidca In IpldcmloloclC 1IIAl. 1111111. tll'O\UIe mllCWll'lCJllon b norllkll, 10 he" crUIN 11'\l11OUl mu In lhll,nId, or In lhe ~ IIIAly ml, The IIm,JIIll' oIlhl P/OIlOlllON 01 CIIa InJ cen. uoll olio \'OlunlwN hlllOflfl 011...0 11M In rtIJ'ONf 10 In orcn'enJN ~Uf\11OII JI COml'lrN wllh lhotc who rClronJcd 10 J Irc<lilC rroM (0,1...0 11M InJ che In. crulfIl rub lmonl ~rqUfnl Ulfllln l-oth lhe 1Ubjc(1I InJ I'fOI\' 'C1l'O/ldtn11I4larll lhel ,C(,II bill did nor OCCUI In lhll IMAl,. ConobonllOll 01, IIIIIplt of che "row" hlllo'lflln Ih, IUNllIIW, (I) InJ method. o/oclC \l1N1" oIlnJU\II~1 ~krllllJ) obcnN hult J,/rrrrncl In ICCUnc, of rrpom front CIIa ,nd ConllOlt IN I4IQCII lhel lhe "l'OIurr mllclllllilClllOIlln lhb 1IIAly" Illdr 10 ~. IIIilf~i\l ol tilC'<OllrrollOlIII. SlICh m'Kblll('UIIOIl "nJa 10 dcc,,1It rIIk fllinulfl Ind 'NUCI tll'OIUlNClf'O/IIf cnJllnll 11.1. ThUl, mb. c1,I11(lClllOIIln lhe S,mlkJ Il1Id, 1I11krl, 10 muh In In undllflllmlll of Ih, INt mk IIIOCIJIN ollh 1...0 "1'0\1I11. In aJJlllOll, Inc,ullnll, dcllllcd IIIfllUlfl 01 urowrl 10 orlll109hotpNltl did noc /unhel Irduc. lhe JJ'UlIN OR 10, M.O "J'OIU'" IUUflllnllhel mlICW' lIilClllOll of orllnophotphale "J'C*l" did IlOlltad 10 In 11II;lClllln,1I11OII of Ihe mk IlIImlll (Of M.D. Tht 1111' r'oronlOll of (,rmell wllh IlO kl\O'lllI hb. 1011" rllllciJl UM In IhIIIMAl, mil(, oIlhe conlrob) lunnll ,nICCUnle IC(,II b, lhe IIIN, I4Iblc(lt Tht IlW, JlilnlltOn of (IImlll. 110""",. IncllNN JnlOllf olio hJJ II" hlN or "'OlkN on I (,rm, ThII.!c(lnlllOII ,nclwtI Jerend,nll of (Irmen InJ rellOlll ..110 flnllN (0/ UIlh tllt( pt,1llIlI of 11m.. ThIll orronunll"110 U\t 1'C\llCiJCI .oulJ hm been conItdcnbly 1m lhen lot Clre" (IImrn, .~1I0, 1OlIl' cllhe 01J" lMAlll4lblc(lI (limN Itlllll JmJtl110 ..h,n I'ClllclJI UIf .,. mIlCh IflI commoll Ihln In reun, lun, In IJJlllon. IOIIIf lub,tClI . hu rerortN IlO UIf v( I'Clllcldtl rru"'bly uIfIl rhem, SlICh mIKI.III(IClllOn woulJ ",ult In IOme u. !'(lICJ (,Imrn ~""( Clllll(IN II IlOnUI'OIN, In Ihe rre"nu u( 11\>11111' 11k'<llllOn. IheM 'mrlOl'Clly du. 1I(,rJ "Il<llIupolfll" (,nnrn "1lII1J rNIICe lh. Uut ruk '"lmlrell~1 Ilnnm III ClOIIp,nd Iow"/IIk ""lNltl 101 I'!>lulnl Ulfh u( 1...0, In (1<1. Ihe (Innln ~ho "I\,"rJ nv "I'l'IU" ro !...O hJJ III ,\lJ1 rlllO oi 0,8 III .5Q.$.. . ~ ZAt~1 ET AI. lei . 0.5. 1.11. TlIIt .Jc.ullOll ftom 1,0 couLl mull frOIIl ranJcla l1IUIlOII .. wCIlIIroIW 1W(11I" (Cl\' IounJiItc U (~elft tI\I UrtwllOIl. lhe odJI nllOl ~N b lhe ull*'i IlIllICn III Lltl, to I-. \IllJ4lt11UNltl 0Id11 1M lIlU. \ ! " ., l. i ! i I ()n!U EItt'O<<lOOC sn.tUS Theft Nit 1-.111 1\1III' ~ 1CIaI.u t1llwttIIC t"'ftlatlOllolfClllC~IOUIIUl.hl(h. I' 111\I aUnc" 11fC1l1O ,ftIlIllIICCNIII'lll mulu. 'IN IlIollft line,. IU,' Nit IlOl mlwtN Ihr IIIIIf chtlaicab .llh lhe 1IIl\I1I\I1..-u 01 t1~. hooatltl. Only Ihr Kw>> WoI, 1II1N'f'" c~lt e.lh Ihr Nlbnlla 1CIaIf. \I. "MIl 011 .Jal1 I'" "II 01 "'ICIIII\IIII U!')WII to :.4.0. OIhe' U1t<OllllOl1llollft 01 NIIL aN hctbl. clokl NI' .Ilhct DIIlN dw rhftIol,lUlIC 101 hetbl. clokl U I poup. .llh no IfCCJIC IfokmIaIIOll 011 :.4.0 aN'.. Iac.N IIIbmaIlOIl 011 the 1IuIlIl'4, 01 .Jm 1'4' ,u, 01 III'*'" nSom C>>t-cOlllrol Met 11I5.1' Jcn. hooa.It'. Nit 1110 IlOlN utn! rtlla lor NIIL tmOII4 rcnona NI1/lC COIIlX' .lIh rMII01yXflIC xlii helblclilct 1IS.16.m. Ir\lh an INIUIIOIIIIl Cl/\I WoI, lISt IN, '1Cn! nib ..,. FftIfIII IlIlOIII rcnona II' ~ 10 :.U.T and lhoM IIplM1l only to pNlIOlI1 <<!!'~ I,I!IlliI! 10 h COllIIlllI/IIIN ~ pol,chlon. IIIIN dIhNollO.iN aN d.l'4n:cMw. wch U :.4.0 aN 4-ch\oloo:'lIIflhtl phcllO"KfllC KIIIIMCPAt. ^ WoI, III en!.m WuhlllCfOll 11111 un obMnN I \IIIIn. 1M IlIl"rICW, flllll m\ 01 NIIL 11IIO/I' lann. tn. 1M the riIk dlllllOllnclUII .Ilh oMallOlllll lann. tIIC ocCV\'ilionlllOl lI11h t1IUIIIIl.J ~.I 01 t1l'01U't In OIhe' OCCV\'i11ON to Ul>. hooatl1l'. 1IO.Ja1l 011 lhe IMIIII nUnll-., 01 .JaY' 01 II!'OM. elll IVIlbbl" r,1It1 (191. 11110 IounJ no IIIOCl.lllOIIl-."'''1I .Nn11Oll .. hrqucncy oIherblci.lt 1M and hlll~ 11IIO/I1 Ntw ZulaN II'I'hclIOllo lIII ICIaI,lIIllOO1hn llroMII II. IIIOIl "111111, to :.U.T. uJ'ClIUI' to 1.4.5.T ...1lOl IIIOCI.IIN lI11h an .ltl'lIN nil of NIIL In the Kw>> WoI,. INI...lIIOCilIN ellh I 1IOIII11l"rlClIIlIIICI.1IIIl mkln lhe Ntbnlb WoI,. 'IN ,t1ulu oIlhe t:wu and lhe N,bnIh wlin tndICllI INI mllllllnl mk ~ tob 1tI1t .. dlltlllOl\ 01 llrowr' 011" 11II, I-. lI\IJ.qlllll. mlllllll 11II~IIIIIMlnNIIOII. II 1I11'f'11lnllNI COlI' lidcllblt 1'11111101I of llrowrl ocClln .monllanMn Ind INI rcnonal IIJ'ClIUII hlllOM mUll I-. ol-lllnN In wch wi,,,, Cohon IrW'" of IIIIn"KNIl" aN .rr"UIM NIl Iho I-.In luhjtellO IhI plllblllN of IIIIIN IIl"'urll, MOIl of the coho", IIplIf.! 10 :.4.0 Nit Ibo tc,n llI'OIflIIO ,"he, :.4.50T 1U.1Il1ll MCPA 1%6-191, Thl.. Inll"'1111llIII Nil IInmlll IlOl nhcnN II' mill of NIIL. bullhe IllI.In nll/l\lcr ollll~I"U In IhelC l\4 1 IIWIflIu.lllIlIlN Ihrll UICIuII\nIIII Cllmlnlll' NIIL. I 11I1 UuII of.Jcllh m.w. ^ IteCnl cohon WoI, of IlIllICn III CwJa I~N INII'" mil of NIIL In. ClmN .\Ih Ihr 1IUI1Il'4, of KltI 'limN IIl1h herb!. c~. !'MI1CIlI.u1, III \IIIIller 11111I11I1 ortllllON of Iell INn I.CI.'Oxm 1l01. &N.1I11l1l WoliN lpou\IoI m chemlUleOlhn eho etlC roctnll.l\l, llpoNd to 1C..nl ,cncull\IIIl CheIllIC'''' 1IICt...J'"1 %,4.0. and obo MnN I IIOIIIlcnl'UIII flCtll of hlllpNUC and he. 1III10I'0If11C UIICI", Thll IICn! OCCunN IIe1U1lnl, IIlIOIIIlIOIhn eho elll ,~IoyN In the z.4.0 plln. U.JclllllcbmN.ltI,ullmk. ).1.,_0.051. T.o oflhe II" hw.rNuc and helllllOflllCllC une.n e," non.II.1Jc.In', hmrhomu- Emll~l.u Sn.tw 'lNfI II Itnlt "..Knec tNI :.4.0 II lI\Ilu..nlC Of..no- tollC m.m ^ 1,,"'11I111II1 ItfIllIIl'rWl 01 :.4.0 r....hN III I IIIIIIIIC,n, IIcnuICln, flCn! oIl1llOCllOo 1III11II1III1t IIU II thl hllhctt.be Iel1111ndUlll'f TII\ FOIC' 011 :.4.0 rllCllth .Jail. II CIlN In Ilon.J fill 11111, The Ifll,rnallOllll Allne, b R'If,rch 011 Clllcrr 1141 ltelntl, COIIelllJN IN' thell II tN<lcquIlf .vl. .Jcnc. 0111I111II1 urclf\OCtllICllT lor :.4.0. %,4.0 hu I-.In 1IIO(I.IIN .lIh Inclllllll nlft 01111111 chlOllllltd utlli;;ifi II\J Qlh" cl-~.IIMrn!~ In 11110 m.m and In 11\11 1)7.)8). The poIItbllllT INI z.4.0 11II' h C"'IIIOIf"IC. IlOl ~ II\IlUltnlC ,,"lllT, bill by IImUII plQlucllOll of h,droctn pelOlldl and lhe pill" hlllJlIOII of rcto.lIOIlItIlw 1-.111 IIlClfllN 1191. 11II1II1IMIIlI'I"1I11011. I ",l\.nllbhIhN 1001\' nl\ IKIOf lor NIIL 1401. could h I polIlblt IIIf(hanlll1l by ehICh M.O mllM IIICII... the mk 01 NIIL. AcuII IIJ'Cl1U1c ofl.1lll1t IIIICIIO h1lh ~t11 01 z.4.0 ,....lIed 1II1U\Tln!1OII of anulol, ~Ilon .pINI Ihc.p led blocJ CIIb; hooatlll.lUbacvt. IIpo1U1" 1IIOl. campi' nbl, IIl1h hullll/l occll\llllOIIIl 1I1'011l'n. diJ not a/t't<' anlllol, ~IIOIIINI. Illher. InhancN a. Ind T. hlllphoc,1I plolJIIIUII ftlpomtl 1411. :.4.0 hu nlll, Nln 'ftIlIlN 10 h CClIIIIlIININ .lIh :.).7,8. fllIKhlotolll-.n>>p-.JIO.1n 1m. Ihc dio.ln cClIllne' IN' III IllqIItnl CClIllm11\lll1 01 \OfI\I oehe, ph.IIOQ herblClokI and 111I1 hu I-.In IfpollN 10 I-. toch IIIIIIIU' IIOIUI'I"n!II' and urclllOlfnlC (4)-.l9). 1M IKIINltM IIIf(Nnllnl 101 :.4.0'1 1'1I"1\1, 1<' 1101I IIlln~lIO.n Ihould IlOl drll1C1 110/1\ thc Illfnllh Ind CQNlllfnc, ofth. ,....11, In !C.nlll Ind N.blll.1 conc.m'"'lII. by .Jail 1'4"111 01 htlblClJ. we. Il.utd 011 Ih, rot"ll' 11IUlll '" IheM l'4IO IrWin Ind .h, Itk,. hhrol.hllln! IlJ'Clllll' mllClJUlllul10ll NI proNbl, JlClllltJ Ih. 11\. 1I111111ltl .nJ JIIUlfd '1!'OIUf" Itll"lnlC InJ""II. .1 Nit", Ihll Ih, .'llhl 01 ,,'I' EplJIlIIlolorv Strltllltcr 1990. VolulII' I Nllmbtl 5 So5 I I I, , t, I' i: 1 t i j I I, I L f . - -, Jcncr 1,.Lu," 1",.,hI \III1lI1..,D 11\ IIIIClKVIrIWII MIIII" InerraMt the 111. 01 SilL _, l"l1IO!I\ tun. Jllne IhI chlmlul ~Iq\lflll", ACrnO;J;;lcmrnu n....."'" IIW......"" ,..-01"" s.tm. L,........ ~o...,....,u.mt"""'..,"'""" I_~"''''''' ht Nnmu/""_., i 1 I i j , I . R.(lItnccs I. t. ItIlN A. t...... ''''"""ClU.'''~. t",,"," I_III/'~~"'''''''''''tI....- ..,...._...._ /.UlA INlJ16I1II,1. I. n..N.t.....'"H.......'~a...h".........l II"..... c:..c" Wi..... -"" """ oi ,1.J,c.,_ '" ....,1...,.',,)........ s-.., .., Jr._ J, ".n. ... I........ "'ClH" ~\ift c:..c.. 1"1." :11I.11 I, L......'. Y. Y. ~ os. "-.100 """""'''' 00 ~w w.w.. ....1... f kllfll..,.n . '1/11I., IIllWoW _, Aa """'" 1"',11110& I L...... I. y, Y. """'.100 '1',.-..", 00 "-..... ""OkOUI ""... a,,1 ....""",." ~ """tho- ,1llWOW _, lWrlIl ,..... 1",,1n.,., I. ""Ihtt /, s...&... ....w. irr ""'- "....w.r / Aa Sur """' 1"1tJ.u. .. O"U',.......,III/"'.._"""._..,,...... " .... lOIlloNnM tll . I,'""..~ ~ ........ ... iimli ImIWI.I, ,. 14......11, 0....... "" HIlI """ tlw... ,,_ tI "" MlNrI,It-'....~ .'-.... "*" IIMU.tI\). m .. t.tr'- L. """'" ,,",4 ""- '" 0..... '1. M 11401' ............... ",",", CA.~""""".. c.u..... r..... 1"">>-11, t. u" 1\, """"" /1lo11no 10. Ie,...., .._ Ii 1I'flc- "'_....U...I....Mo.'M...'III... 1101 " .... ....... J A....ItnIO"'lttJ:HI..~ 10. u,,1\,~lA.loIInw,'o.~Cl L""",,,,,,,,," .-I 10/\," . 1.1.0. ,.""" .,.,.t.~ r.e_ f..." 0... '''U/l'f.1I II. IIIIl A. z.MSI~C:- K'.,..... ,A.1II...... "/'Wf ..,...."" "'~ """'.i"..",,,, .....~CM. lnAllI/lCA.tt.iwtI....c."...ol. ...,......--...'" "".... ",...., .._..... _lOll, .,., ... """,. 1101\. "..... cc. AamrIA 0...... s..1I/l. ACS s... ,..... "lIlt III. I...,.... 11. IIIIl A. z.M Sll, Itrrk"" .., ,"".., A"".. "" J.oN. IlO/l II............ _ IA IN ,. toL ~... '""" '" ".m 11//11I" 01'''''.....'''''...,.,.....,.., V""_. c...Jo 1""'Ill.IlI..I, . II, bI 00. ...... 01. s.ltl ". ~Ik"""" ~. """ 011 W......... tI 10/\ "-"'.h........... "",,,... M 1 r,. "'....I....l/tIIl-lI, II t.t...w JA. ,.,." A. 0nIII01I0 ., ......., Ool,ht ......,... ~ '"' III"''' '" ...."" """'" !nil",........ o<oIon A.. II"".... 1"1.1I1""", 11, llW.n I. lnl_ M. Lt.... ,. L.....IIl 1 ~'ilorow h.., ".... ..., ""*'" .. .......11I. ......11III ",1IIoC ...,,"'~ '~"""""t"""M"" Au.......loltlloh ..,e.., llf 'tll,1I ,''': Il, IlllJrn I. ~/IM.... Ii tlJI,.... ..,,-. ~... h"f..... ..., ,oUt,,,,,.. .. ....."'1 M""- .hU.....""" .., ....., .IMI 51..., 1 III..' fA,,,,,,, Il,,"~ I"'.f,"'.~ II. '"111 Sl. ....h All. 11.....1 ". ~rrl/ll A.\, 0.'" 11/, f'..... CA, S...,IWII"'.',,..IIl... ..., ""..., ..lilt., !pldlmlolort $tpllmbrr 1m. VolvllIf I Suml'f, S ,-, ~--'-"'''Itf;..",q,-"\I'''''!'''<''''~'''''''''''.'--~~' NON.llOOOKIN'S LYMPHOMA AND 1...0 ......."'~ '.....'INNII. ""'''' OCC\'.......,...\I ,. ~ A'IOIc......""" .., loUW 1...," 1\.41 II "Ill' N1 IN"... M. ....~ AI~ I",.. CA. Noll, IWt'",'11ttIfI\iN .,., I........ Mil"",", 'IOIctllllll """ IAI, c:..cn ''',.It 11\.41, It "III,II.~,~...."""""W.'''')~''' 1Iro11l1"" ,,,,,,,,,,,"'~J"'''''''',,, .,W I4H 1...,..11/.44 10 '1...../1 N*II L. "'- U. """" U. ~ eo s.c\ _ 11/I_ .,., _,lWeI")...... '" 111M. .. ....""'I............,~.........,....,"',.- "........ o::J.;'1l1l c:..c.. Wi I..,.ram-Ilo. II, "- .. All. I~ lI. .....,C/. ()I.,. CO'....,"""O,~~.,.,~II... _ ./ W 1AoI1......II..1ll. II. "..I"S. N.w L Noll lWeI") ....... ~......., ~"".,"""' 1ft ..lr"" ,,- """'"c*....., 0._"'" 1"1.1I Iill", /I ~....... V. AIf .. IlrmH'1l 141r1l1o" tll.......~ ..........tlll. ..01.,., 1.',I'IN~",,"4 ..0Ihft. "''''II'flc*'' '" llOIN I....",... J IA IOfW'f """'", 1M ,...... """ !e"" 1 ".n fA..... tlrill~ IHIJ n.." 1I ........, V. ^" S. Mill 1 tlr"""w S M..ul.n.,., UOC" ......... _. IhIoMII.. """"'1101 ~ '" llOIN ~ 1"1,1I':u. /I .... AG...... 01. ~ U. ......,......."".., ,.... lIf INo.IIw.... ""'..... """,,,.. "MIl ""'....... "'" Attl f..." '....1/,\11.... :l, L... 1 a..1,....J .,., ........ tI,l'wh ,,,,,," """ tI ..h" . lIlt..n ~... tliIIJlIM Aa , W. I4H tJtI.II,tl/.l'. II, L...1 A.......lIIohtl'I/llIl"""""'.....I'"'" IlIlloiIlNt tI ,IltNIl ht........ " Oil""'\' . / c:..c.. 1"1.1I1l":~ It ,.~l.N K. MI. tlrlol L.L ~'" II ~ k..... .. '"""" ........1ff/lIlI ., c:..c" IH'...Io...... " 'I'~l.N K. L"""'" "~L IIrIoI L,L ~.. u/ u".... ""', ..... ..,.tJ.ol\",."""", "" l'''''II 10/\,,,, . J W ~"" 'H.... 1"'1, ~ ,.~ Of. s._.. ~. "oll... t .. rl. Moll.,.., """ tI c:....w. Nlo ,.,. """""'" N.tw.,,,,) ~ N' I"'" "" ..,..lMl /'Il'W" '" ,............. 1 !I..I c:..c.. ... 11'10 1I,1lI041. II ."'" 00. ,.'"-.. Nil. ~ 0/. I4rlMllllA. L'If\ n. CM AA. C-......h....."" -.,.,w..1f'Ntl .. ,hi .1..1"'..'. "",h,1O/I, " 'Mllr-. II 1.1..1,. .u...,h,,,,,,,"w "oJ ,114 ,,1.,.1 ..bl .. J 1114 IIIl I....II...I~' II, c:....w. c...., IOf f..e.~, .."",...1""", III ,...., ....""'" ~ 1.',0 o..~lI. 0..... IH', II """I' n.. IfNIW ....fl.", u/ ......" M.... ,,"'" ,11M 1.I.\.f, ~I.." ~n ":I,III".II~ II 1At...........A\f...llr~......hlllc:..... w.e_.... ....... ,......"" '" 'lIIoHtfl1oC 1111,.......... O'cni..... ...... .A 'Ill"""""'''' 14'lII, '" w.e _",......c, _1"., L'.... I"... lA~C. 1"1.Ift.(c) II ...., C. ',IIII~I 1.',0 II\MtJ ,""""""., .... ,!nMIII ,." J ,"'.. .~oJ '"IllOfn" ."""'.. ~ hllf.... 11Ift 'If"...... IftUl ::~ II T..lol, n. /1111111 """'.... "'" <4 0." ......." ..' '~IIlC/I "",,,oJ .. ,hi hi........ 1.10 "Ir....... 1"1,:' Ill" II II.......~, K",M ,. 1'.....a.hI. ,. 11M...... r. Ill,," oA ...."""",,. .olo...,hI 1I\M'....iI~........... .. ,......, '" "10 ""'1/11II" I"'" /U.I II ".sr, ,. "'M"'" II, (\r.o.. "'W, L,,",,,",,,, ("'-_ ..,h....lf'w,l'''''i..../" J.n., ""........"..l<AIl II' "W/ ,. 1'"1"Jc. ~I"",,, ~,,1911111l1"" III 1 ~ t "lit ..1- . ZAHM ET AL It. V_II. Ncl/~ ,. L- ( n-o, II" loci..."" ,.... 1''''_ """'.,"" III Ooont ~1I' 51..." 'a'..~ ,......Ift~.,"lJ ~Il IC, 0..... loCH ~ 1~.Jj\",\ "..1\?0o....1..'.... ".... IA 51hoft,oIoU D. ,_ JI. ~ . .. c...1I"""""'ll ..... ..'".,.... ,.,IIIII,~,.. "I ,..0.111I c..,.... 1"III..a. II. 1411" IA. 51hoo1l1l1l n. "". f4 IOf!CIlh """" .. ""''''"''' 1.'...........1I1l1C II" "" lilt _ II' _ III ...", An' T.....'"..l9l.l. II, ~,ll.o.l_..."'l.I.U..It'II~ ..........III'_...'~INII.....,"""'1l III' _ZANlOMI....lII60\.t. I), V" 10. W-IA. Z""I 10. UII. rll.I.I,""11111Wo ...u...~III.. IN _ M_rl...._-.II (A..... t(,""~ IflU ItMl. 14. HM!lI M"....... A. V" 10. 0....1.'/ 0...... ~.. ,,"af4TCllOIII ..,~ .......It.....I1.....' Itll.WI.'. I), K<<ih ~. KlIfI to. "'" IL C-.. AM. 'I..... a. Do, ,lIIIcI DA. KMwli ~. ,_ lL M ClI. e.-J so. I!.MoI M. "- CO, WI <II .....".. ......... lOt' )16 " 1 ,I c....... ""Iff..... """ tll.I.I.""'II~- ~t"III IlCt'OI Ill"'I r..... An'~" It:I,lt l:to .. K<<MI.~ntO,...ft/I.c-m~" lMt- _IIC~ lI'oJotoll.I.I.I_~tJ.c" ITCt'OI Ill~ -.II AM NY AnU" It:tJ~ It" .... II. v.. .....1'. w n. AJo.Il. ""....., .......... 11I_ r/I"" III '"I II....... It ... ...... " 1.I.1.I111111~ ~,..,..",~ltIWtl~'l II N/I'''' r...*ct "...".. ,...... *lolll c........._ 10_ tll.I.U_~~......tJ.clll ICAS N, ". OI4'IllOl!mt,lIto.Illllll "" NelII....ICIt... .,.,,~ ..... :7.':' ...... 1:t.II/1..... ""'- rI ,It.... ..... ,/1"",1/.1.., ....If\. T~ M. sc.Do,l",....."" ...... ""en. 1"1. It N...... T...~ ""- ,...... IOonl c...1NC- ....,. tI Ifmllol.o""-oto-"HIll ICAI S. I:. ~1"'1ll So"",..." till, Ir."'" .,.,,~ tIlhM.. ",... """ l:t. S.,.... """""" tI 'ltoll. ,......."", 11,1111 ~"'... T~ M. sc. l\!rl " 1ft.... "" "- lot, .en. I": Epld.mlolocY Stpffmbrr 1990. Volume I Suml'f, S 5~ / ' ClH,Conlrol SludT or Clnlnc Mall&nlnl L)mphoma: Poslllvc Assoclallon Wllh Do& Ollncr',llsc or M,Dlchloroph,no\)ACCllc ,\t1d IItrbltldu 1I000'lJrd "'.IIIl)'tl,' Room E. TIITont, Ktnntlh P. Cantor, Cllrl R. Imtn, Otnnls "'. "'''urnin, Ro/ph C. RiclulTlhon A holpllll.baMd rall-controllludl ot lOIIIplnlotl dOli .umlntd Ih. rllk ot dtlllopln& Milt IIIIIIlftIIIll,mphoma UIOdlltd llllh 1M III 01 ch.mkallln Ind lbotlllh. homr,lnlormlllotllrom IllIfoJdmlnllllltd Olllltr qIIflllonlllllt ln4'or 111I1plloo. Inlrnkw ot lbotll 4'1 ralllo 466 oonlumor conlrol" Ind 47t lumor cool roll 10dlCllld Ihll 011 lit" In hoIIlChoIdl llllh dOli lhal tItltloptd JNIlcnant l,mphomllPPItd J,4-dkhlorophrIlOIJlctlk add II,40DI h"blcldlS 10 lhllr Ian lllCI/or mploJtd comm"dll 11110 rart complol" 10 lfllllhllr Jard Illnllkanlll mort Irt, qu.nlll th.n coolrol own." (odda rlllo . IJ~ In Iddlllon, 1M !Ilk 01 raolM mlll,nanllJmphoml'OIIlo I Illolold tlctU .lIh lour or mort Jm' 11 own" Ippllclllonl 01 2,4,D. Tbr nndlo,l In Ihll Iludl lit con"llrnl wllh o<cuplllonlllludl" In humin" llhlch hili "porlld modnl a\lOCll' Ilonl btlllltn I,rlcullurll tlpolUIt 10 J,4.D and Inmawd rWl lInon.llodpln'l I)mplloma, 1M hlllo'" Ind rpldcmlol. 011 otwhlch 1T11ImI1IT 10 lhoIt oIranlnt mallanlnll)mplloma. 11Ir pmtnlllud, IIlgtllJ Ihll human hllllh ImplkallOl\l 01 2,40D tlpoIurt In Iht hom. 101M m~ ' REPORTS mcnllhould n<dlt further ~nllclllon. IJ~CWlfbllJllll6-llJl.I9911 Non.IIod,Un'll)mp/lolN Iw Nd Iht ItCOftd 1&lICll Incltlll In nnctr In. cklcllCt Dlel 01 all human canecn In Iht IInllCll SUitt 01" 1M lall IS )un 11~ The cllolo., 01 non.llod,Un'l I)m. pItom.I II unckll. allhou,h IIIcn lit ICICn! Iltll,nublllhtd rilk "Clon. KllOIlo rilk "ClO!1 Inclllllc lit, malt 'CndcllZ~ COll,cnlullmmunodcflckOCy II1ltt, Inlccllon Illth Iht human 1m. munodcflckncy .WI tJ~ olhcc ImmUllt. III.rln, condillonl (.". InlllpIW IKlpltnlll4ll. Chemolh<DPY IOf lIod,. 1Jft', dhtllt lJ~ Ind beln, I mcmbe, 01 II)mphomI'pont lamlly (6). E.kIcoc. COllllnucllO accumul". 1m- pllellln, phtOOlylctl1e ICId helbkklcl. In paIIlculll UlllchloroplltOOlylctlle ICId IJ.~.D), ..Ith rilk 01 non.llod,Un'l l)1I1p/1olN In 1II11'tCn (7). A po\'UlllIon. bIICd Cllt.conuol lrudy ot non. lIod,Un'II)1I1p/1olN In Klllw 1II11'tCn IfponN . Uloid mell rilk IOf thoIt ..110 Ircqucnlly mhed Of Ipplled he,. bkltltl /Ipcclflcllly U.D)1Nl1Oll1O o.e1lll101d amon, Ircqucnl ulCn (5). A mor\.IlIty llUdy 01 70000 SllhlChelllll 11I11'tCn.I,' 3S )ran Ind oldcl.lholled I Il,nlflcllll politi.. IIlOCIIIIon belllcen non.llod,kln'llymp/lolN IIld the num. ber 01 ICItI 'pRyed ..Ith herbicide" prcdomlllllllly (I". "".m by Ilel,hl) J,~.D (9). A ItUn' Cllt<onllllllludy 01 non.llod,Un', I)mphoml In Neblllh lound I Il,nlflcllll Ihrcdold ClCell In rll11'tCn \folio mhed Of Il'Plltd M.D 11IOI1 d\ln 20 .uYI pcl )elll/O!. With lilt utenlllt U\l 01 phtOOIYlCe11c ICld her. blcldtlln the IInlted SUlCI Iloc. Iht mid. 19t.OI (/I) IIld lilt Ircqucnl UIC 01 J.~.D on public p.Ilk Ilndl. ,oil COIInCl, IIld prlVlte Ilwnl (Il). p&rtlculllly by com. mcrcllllllln Cllt comp.lnlCl (/J), the pounllll UPOIU" OWOflunlllCllo ~ple 1 IIld rlllll IIId COlllp.lll1on 1II11N1I con. IIftUC 10 be lublwuW. MIII,IIIIIl I)mpllonll. IIIc nnlllt cqvhlknl ot non,lIo.l,~In'lllmpllonll. IIIht IIIOIl Inqucfllly diJplICIl hcrrII. IoIlmphopolclle caneel'n dofIlU~ Ap' J'lOllmately OM 'n IClcn comp.llllon dolII brou,NIO mcdlcalllltflllOft 1111.5, u/lhenllY leteril\ll)' ltllhin, IICIliII<< IIld da.J~ Illth lIIyllrc oIll111l&M'Q IlIII hilt 1lIIII,IIIIIl111f4'homllmt1Uly, IClfn lit.. ClIel oIlNlI,lIIIIll)mp/lolN lit du,llO\tIl pc' 1000 clIIl'" p1llcnl lean.lI.rilk II U.5, unllfnlly 'eter\nlly mcdiclllelChlp, hoIplWI lib)" 11M; UIIpIlblllhN IfIUIIl~ Allhou,h clIIl", 1NlI,lIIIIll)mpltom.l Iw been ulenlllcly Irudicd.11I ctloloJ1 II obIcure. The dilCJIC omn II ill 'ifio buI h 1111IOI1 Inqucfllly dll'llOICd IIIht dol 'IV'*I oItIt,(IS~ II In humanl, IIIcre II I mal. mell. Sc,,,1I bfeedl Nit been ldentllkd Illncrulcd rilk Ill), In. chldln,lht bg'e1 (/0). bull malllll 117l, IIld Scoc1IIh IerriClll5l. IInhh INII" IIIIIl Iymp/lomlln olhcc 1Jbonl0lY IIId domclllc anlltlll Iptelcl. 00 eanlnt IfUOl WI h.u be," IllO<ulCIl UMqullOo ullYllhh Iht dllClIt,lIlhou,h IINI,lIh .."....Dol.....' ".Im N.'.... ",' ,. 1911; let""" toll, IL 1911, Il tol lll}fto a. L T_. K. p, C_. rpoklllOlop .... 1......1111(\ 1\01""" D"lllOl tI C"," fl.....,. N.,IOIWI C"'.. 101IlMI. "",,*1044- C. a. In".. Colli.. II VItIIWIJ IWe,"" C~l/nw)IIM_llhol o " \lc('WlWA. VItIIWIJ l.Il""IIIolI,.ul. Colli,. II V""""" IlN."". CIlondo "'" CAll/nw,.I'l.CoI111l\. .. C. .."""..... V/WIWIJ CW<~ ,,,/"'''' Ichlolll V.II""'" IWeW. PIofj,t CAI"I\lIJ, WIlIW')lN,l/lol W.ItoriIU, T,"", ur.., " ""'I'.L ,. 1_ .... 0, K. ot~'" ,.. N'"W 01" ......np ....lll b/Im 'OIloIl,t.1 ._1lI1 'c"".,.."..u'" III II Mil/I'" OV,M. ".. ._~ rfldrlllioloU I,.,... N.""'" Iao _ 0I11I~1ll. [alllllll' ".,. NoM. .~ Ill, Ik""* MD l(I9t ,OWN! oldw tlllionll CWtlsas . panicl" ill "IIC1CII IIIIUl hal' b<<tl ~ <<IO.m NlllllIll) CKt\IIrilt, c. III.II1JNftlI)~1 Me IlmlIM 10 huINII 1IOft.1~,\lIl'1 tllllfMlu ill 1lI1101oti( 1)I'f, bIoIotical t.ll.lllol. IIIol nil ml'OftICI 10 \he IMN dwmo- \hetll'fllllc ',CIIII m.u~ TMc 11I.II1,. IIWIn 11.I1' oromd ill ~ J'CII 1IIol\heIlOllMn ill \he IMN Iloullhold IU':O~ The pel Iloa II 1IOlIII.I1I) 1.llilllOl/t aboul III ,_n, IIiblII. 1111 (OmIIIOft 101 . dol 10 elfin 11111/ b) IkUll' Iu pall" 1hcItb) 11I,.1111I, 1II)lIIbIIWfl II Iw _ al\ed III 0111I.II11.I11 bcClllfPl1cd 10 Iu 1oI) KCldcnull) 01 iftltIlIioNIl) II \hell!')' 01 pI.llfllloll. 1\1 comp.IIIlon dol II IlOI ,.Mrall) wbicc1Cll1O dlml O((Vparlonal IlpllUlfl Ill'frit",ed b) III000Mn. ellllou,h II 11I.I) hal' COI\U(\ _11lI panICIIlall 1II.IlW' 01 mlMt bIoII,,,, Ialo \he home 011 Iu Olltlll'l i clodllP, aroI thocl 117). 11Mn. IftllloAo I IIltnlolll) nllled ,,",II III \he pel dol IN) be COIlIldcIcd pclnwII)\he IfllIh 01 local flpoIllnl In IIIol I/OUftlI Ihc Gn;f'I=. To 1n1l1l1,1l' Canllll III.Il1p111lll"" phoIN and III nlallonlhlp 10 chemka/ Ilpollllt" pankvlMl)1hc he~1olI t~. D. .. CondiK1CII. ClIC<OAlIOI \lIIlI) 01 doll dll,llOICd .11lI mallp111l 11m. phoIN II wc, unh.nll1 ICltriNIJ medica/leachln, hoIpllllL W. tncd . l!Ilf'IlonNlre lO obI.IIn IIIlom11llon lrom dolOllMn 011 dtlllOlllpllk1. 1I11lI1", aroI IloulChoId and II-n chemica/ II' poIl11t. Mmlcrlmlslnd Melhods SlIbJICU 0011 . hh hlllOpalhololkall) COIl' /1mICd III.IIl,Nftlltmp/lolll.l. Ill-I) dll,. ftOIC1l Irom lanlUlJ 19.. tIuou,h Fc!iMIy 1911, .cre klcAIlflcd uIIP, I computc,IIed medkal n<1lIIl .b\ltacu lrom Wet IClCrllWY medica/llachllll hoIpllllllNl p.II1k1rallln \he VClCrllWY Medical Dall Pro'lI/II 1181. The col. tlmllnl ~ctcrllWY medkal lIachlPI hoIplllll .cre Ihc Unllcnll1 01 Min. MIOIoI .1 51. PIIII. Punlue Ullhcnll) II WnllAl.)ClW, Ind,,1IIol Colocado 51111 Ullhcnll111 F1. CoIllnl. T.o comparilOft IJ1lUpI 01 hoIpllal. blIed COIluol animal I, Niched b) II' IfOUP, bul noc b) IU, IIrcre chOlcn lrom Vol.ll,No.I1,~.,I9'l1 1 I<<fll 10 \he I UII, The QIICIllonNln did IlOI PfO'iolc .1111 01 dwmklll-hkh \he o_pcr could cOIIlllllln nlpondlllllO \he u/Iout qwlllonllC,WiIt, home. b-no IIIol ,anlcnln, chemkall. Aile, 1 _ech. craMn _110 dklllOl nlplllol-cn ICN 1IlOIIIc,lcnll rtq1ICII' 1ft, p.II1tC1!'111Oft. U,S, I'oIIaI ScJ'lkc 101' _Will, adolnlICI _cn IIIC1l _hen ..Illabll. II \hen -II no IlIbICqlIclll mplftll. an allcmpc _... 10 CondllCl a ICIcpIIonc IAllnlellr lilIA, \he lund. 1III1Icd qwlllonnalrc. TIIIMd lAIC" l\cllcn _cn IlOI told \he rwnc 01 \he dhcllC OIllpollllll oIlNcrtll OI-hkh Iloullhololl had calC IlIbJ<<lI. D.ll.\IUI,Il\ 1\I1I11IIIt rllk. II IIIIIII.IIN by \he III.Ilitn1lm hlrl~ 111111I.I11 ollhc oddl IJlIo 10Rt 1191. _allllCllllthlllltlllllt of &I1(X1a11on t.,_ecn III.II1,Nftl I)m. phcIII.I anollhe uriablll oIlnlllll\. 51l111' IlW7 ORI anol9S" COIInde,," Ifllcnall (ChI-fit tlkIIlllcd. IIlIlil)lnllO COIl' uol 101 poICnllal conlOllnollnllaclOn II jud,cd b) I CNnlt In Ihc cllCCl IItlll\Ilt. The 1Ial4anc.Smhh.ManlCl pIOCCdll1l _'" II"" 10 1111 100lrtnollln pIOpOIIlonI IJO). lDtlllk nllllllonl c~.hIl1Cll\he cllcell of ICICllt laclOn IlmulIlIlCOIIll) o.pcn oIlIlcetcd (III and conuoI ,1m anlma\1 wcn Idcnlillcd by \he panicll"l' In, ItltrIIWY IIltdklllClChlnl hoIp1l1l. RnullS A lIIftd#dllN qwllloMaln .11 ItfllIO \he 1111 bOllrll IlloIttn 01 tach (lIIIIII. Malllll&nlllmphclll.l-II dlalllOlCd III The CO\II !elW' lO tile qwlllonnaln m canIPe !'Illellll INI IIltI cllllbilll) noICd 11I.II \he qln qunllon hid teen CrllCriL Quclllonnalrtl .Clt ItlUmed 01 IIcn II \he ulCrllIIIY medkallCachlnl ICIcpIIonc 11I1CJ'lIeIlr' .cn complclld b) hoIpllal 011 . p.II1kvlll.!b1l and IIrIl m (~'" houllhold, _hh do,l N~lnl 1C1ce1ClllO be parl of I \Iud) belPI (011. 1II.I11,lI&nIllmphclll.l (CIIf houlChoIJI). dlIClcd b) \he NIlIoNI IJIIIIIUIfl 01 01 \he m IIOftIIllllOl COIIlrol boullholdl. lIullll. No IIltNIon IIrIl made 01 \he <I66(IO'l) rtlpondcd; 01 Ihc '16 IUmOJ animal'. dl,,1IOI1III INl tiN 01 01 \he conad IwIChoIdl, m (11" mpnlcd. dill... oIlnlCrtIlln \he Iludy. The qucl' FOlIy.nlt perccnt 01 the 10l~1 complcled .1onna'1t rtq1IClled InlOllll.lllOll about IlIplftltl tlllIC lrom lClcphont Inlcr. dcmol,aphle e1wlCllrillkl 01111 peoplc ~Ic-I, MOIl IIOftIClponlll .cn due 10 1\llnlln Ihclr home. b111e InlOllll.lIlOll the IlIIbility 10 contacllhe o.PC'. 0111) .boIIl\he pel"lllt hhlory, houllholJ 1111 1000r ownen lo..nen 01 one (III aniNI 01 chemkall Un and .00u11hc home) In. and Ihrtt IUmor con"oll).ho .crt con. cludlnl thoII dillctl) Ipplled 10 Ihc pel. 1.KIN rtrlllld 10 p.II1lclpalt. and penoAllIIII 01 ~ \he cmploy' Theil wcrt no dlKcmibl, dlllere"," IlICnl 01 commcrd.1 companl" a!'PI)ln, belllr"n INdy ,'OIIP' In demop1phlc chemluh ol_II.IIClCr klnol on \he la..n . uriablCl. ahhou.h IlICdilll Income ..II and IIIIIcI\. In ad.JltIOll. O\IMn ..crt illlhlly hi,,,,, lorcall houllholdllCnlll IIlld .boIIl orroounltlCllor UpoIlllt 01 conuot houllholdl.1I ..II Ihc number or \hell pelllO la_n and II/den chcmk.lI. houlChoIol mcmbcJl lUppOllCd by 11I.II In. Includlnl Iltllucncy and 1CIIOftI!Ily 01 come crablt I). SlIlhtl) ICllrll (lit lIlan Iloal ICCII II \he IMl\C IClCrIIWY medICal lIachlnl hoIpoulln \he IMl\C ICI/II\he iolcNiflcd UIC. _11Il onc,1O<<oC III.Il<hlPI 101 cach conuol'lOIIp. AIf -a, rtplfW III ranac ulllCl 011 Ihc VClCriIUrt Mediul Ihu Proallm medIC II rcconI 1b\lt1Cl U.~ I, 1.). ~-6. M. 10.1'. and U. lun~ The f\nl COIluol 'lOIIp -.. 1l1ce1Clllrom all odw'ltIIlIOI C&lfl dil,. IlOICd Il\he ICICIIIW} medicallCachlPI hoIplll~ ulludlP, UIIlIIIIonaI cclI CII' ClnoclUl 01 \he IcraCl urilWY Ir&CI be. UIIII 011 poICftllll cllolon IIlatcd 10 chemkal 'lpoIlIItl. T-,1I11 pc,"N 01 \heM lIIIIIOI COIICroll hid bone cance" 19\ dillllllllOl\ lucludlPIIIltI-..I. ,,'\ onl and.'oIIU~11UIIIOI\. 7'\ 11I.I11 , ccllllllllOl\, and 'Ill OIhe, ncoplllllll, The ICCOIIll conuoI 'lOIIp ... 1l1ce1Cll lrom doll ICCn 101 Ill) odw' dia,lIOIllc rc.1Ofto ududillllholC .hh conditlonl poIl1b1) IIllIed lO chemleal UfOlllltl (". 1IOft1rcclllc dtmutlllL MillO- pllhlcl~ TWClll)'Ih pcrcClll had dt,.n. trllht dtlCa\fl, '" bIolCII boncI 01 101\ IIIIllI tnumI. 14' dialllOllle u. ....1.1I1M. 01 ClcetllC IWIIIY, 14' In' 1CC11on" and 11' odw, condlllonl. .- - . \\'IIIICII QIIllIlonlUlrclrc!epholll Inlcnlcw wokU un S~ . - - . 1 TolIlLO""".....' Ll/I1IJItIl'll"'-UI"'-t"~"""'''''''''''''"''''.' IN I-'-1N1lI of COIIIIlIt.dal ""ft M" ""...."...It,......."..... ..,.., Iku&lI.'I'" C1. O.,~,I.IlT.blt '_I..... )~ MjutlINllIlOf '11 In INII WI,MI 1..11'11 dill IlOl (!uP1f IN OR\. UqIliof 1...0 "&I II'U)N b7 II"" O'/lll(n of (llf IlIlal IIIlmaII Ih.In O'/lll(n of (OIllIOIIIII/Nh 1M IJ'PII"" 2,f.O.. d,fl(lttlCl ~ "UIlOl 1i,1II1\cMII. , " A poI""1 Utnol 1'<.011 "I Itkltlll 101 IN )lill, 1MHlIbc, of O'/lllfl 'I'!'lk.. rlonl of l.~.D. 11111 Utnol'UIII,nll\cllll ,'<.0)1101 boxIllorl"1f1m UIf I~ )till' dwllllon prior 10 dU,IIOIII) IIlll \hon. ,,1m 11M Id )fill' c1vnllorl~ No 111' nll\cllll &llOClIllOll "&I obIt"N be'''ctn malllf11ll1l)mp/lonU ,h~ IIlll lIunllorl of O'/lll(' 'I'!'lklllon of 1...D lOR. IJ 101 ~ )liIl of UII; OR . I.J 101 d It ill of IIML WI roulolllOl dlllln. ,ulllI poIublt WtIlC)' cfltcull\lIlI dun. lion Ilftctl. &I IN qutIlicMwllt did IlOl 111101 IN d.Ilf on "hkh IN O'/lll(' be'l/I 2,f.D UIf 01 Iht Implo)mclll of p<<nlioNl ""n (lit \Mkn. No dll' CtI1UbIt lmld ,," obIMN Icf )fill, IIUft\lltr of convnclCW ""n UIllIntnll (TabIt lL Mul~lIrillf wlllfl conlkltrcd IN I''''lI(ltt IWblcI of nu and lk~ con. rroI f1po1U1n iiI. eolian. pO'Odt,. lpn" djl'~ ,"",0I1It UIf of InlC(1kklt\, cI,utl1f 1InCI.1n" Iht pltlftlCl of (lII't1 and "Indow dnpct llIIll "hclNr Iht, "Clt COIMlCICIaII, c1uncol~ UIf of ,ani Inltclkkltl ~ IIRIIIICn. dot lmd ,ilk ,"",p and 1ft, IIlll .pplk.11on of UD b7 O'/lll(' ~ COIMlCICIaI ""n (lit \Mkt. StpuIIt wI~ con. Ilolcrcd II lIUIIIbcr 01 IJ'PIlcllloM pcr I'" of f1c..lIIlllk~(onllOl plOllucU.lI numb!, of IJ'PIklllonl of houlfhold In. IC(1kklt, pc' 1111, numbt, of cI,ucn. p1Ch lInCI.ed I'CI )fll b7 houlfhold INmbtn. IIIllIht numbt, 01 ~mcl (II' r<II IIIll dnpcl "'If (onuncrcllll, clllnN 1"'1111101 doallllo"ed Inllde lilt 01111(,'1 home, IIIll 1) numbt, 0( I,. plklllorll 1'" 1111 01 ,lid InlCCllcldcl IIIllllnllllln 10I1IMKf ,anllltIJllbll 10 lilt do., The onl, IKlon rtllled 10 em houleholdl In Iht mulllllnllf wlllel "Irt brted nlk ,"",p IIlll o"II('IWllca. lion 0( 2.~,D I/llVor Ulf 01. (onuncrclal I."n (III lenkl. When Iht OR 101 O"M'lwlklllon or 1.~.D I/llVor conuncrclall.wn UtllnlCnll W&l cvalllJlld rOl each brlld nlk ,roup, an 1n1llW rtllllOl\lhlp 'lthh breed nit \WoM""..... IU ...........-.n ........ ., ""... I III. lit """'''- .......- I!.t._ II..., ....I.In"'1ltlI) ",... 1M .....,_ 1oon.......In" _I" III"'" C-III... .... !Mol.../IIt ....-r -, "........ """"11c1ool~ II,...", !lot ............... I!.t 1401, WJC\..... "'" ~""'Itf/'_"" o..,n ,..,........ III o..,n...._...,'It.... lit ~......iI..... IU lIoIlt.ilioln ......... lit loti.".., lie. "'lIll,."w... U "....... 'I'""".... "... ' 0- W ,......., ... alfllillll.... -..)W ........" .... 0....., il.wril.lMwI N 106 ....r....... . .,......_"",...., /I It IJ ......... _-....... ..11'" ,.. ...........'1'" _,................... U, ,,_.... .....11. h Il'lIltll .._-........)J' "I" ...........tJ\ "_I................... IJ\"_'................. an_ WIoI,.... "..,..... ..."11 "I~ In 'II :u III '" IU '" '" III "' 6U conool hotntholdi "In lonlfllln NRI ut... 110'0"", (&11 houlfholdi IIOen lell frcqoK"'" Iocllfd _llIIJn 2 mllll of InlMIIW plMlI or rllllidlllf\lOllN &I cmIllln.1nlo Iht lIIIIOIp/lcn. 0011 IIUdlcd In dill 1n~11I11I1orl llUlll, lit COIIIIlItrclal doa r~ IIlll 11IOII "In pmidN drlnlln, _1IC1 rl\llll . (OlMlIlIIlly IOUICI. ThcJ "en uIUJlI, 1I\o11Ocd IMIdt Ihtlr OIlIl('" homt, IIlll 11IOII of !heM homel hid (1Ipl1 I/llVor uti N,llIlllllrlndow dn~l, MOIlql "In IIlowcd accUl 10 !heir 0"1IfI'1 ,ani. Urlll,Ie Ul"rlc","1IId lIpOIUrcI Inlldt and OUIlIde Ihc home ,llrCn quilt Ilmllll btl"lllIlht lWO COI\uol ,"",I'\. Declulf of I lick of dllccmlbll dlrrlltn. en bel"un lUmOI' IIlll IIOlINIlIOf conllOl houlCholdl. lublcqucnllllllrlCl u!illrcd pooled conuob (flble I~ Ulln. mlled 121. "j' H-....... I.. 1M' 1IIl~ UI 901 III IU II. I" flO ,U fl,' 101 flJ flJ III flJ fIJ III 11\1 ., "I 110 ,. IIJ 1'0 .12 In " fI' I" "I ll' 116 10. IlIcN doal &I IN IIInIIIIIIIOR · I~ canine bIccoIl pltllollll, k1tfllilkd &I Nlln..1ow nl1 0( /Nil,""", II~ 1/4) "cn lound 10 be IlIldcnrpmcnlfllln IN (&II ICrict (OR . OJt. lmdI '" p<<1fII1O be II h1,h nlk hid 'l\lorold ". (III Itpmcnwlon (flble 2~ Al'POt. 1mIlf1, '''0 IIIlrdl of all houlehokh IU" 1l)Cd hid ulfll ""n (hcmlclll of IOIIIf I)l'C on !heir IIIIh (OR . I.I~ When all do,l ,,110 did IlOl III" lIerll 10 Ihtl, 01111(,'1 rani ,,(n cl.ulined &I UMI' pOICII, IN OR rOl 0"11(' IWlklllon 01 2.~.D I/llVor Iht Implo)11lCnl of convnc,. clalll"n tlltlCnkl llr&llJ (9'" Cl. 1.1)101.67), No dillllt"" In OR "&I 1Iclltlld 101 01111(' IWllc.lIon oll,~.D 011I, lOR. I.)) IIIll 1011 \\If or tonunc,. claI "1i1I Ut.lnlCnll lOR . IJ): how. mr, Iht OR lor O"Mr ,wlk.11on plul I<lurNJ otNlbdoNlC_''?46 . 1 ,.... L 011 ",_.......~.........,.... ",,"I ItUf1lI/l, 1Nl'(licvlnnI U.O aw..llll.C ~ ",.., ~IIIMM 01 .,'a ~W WNIIC1 IttI n" oIl1011,lbI,Un'l I)~ _. (1tlIItft IUD/. AIIO ....... COlI1II/(IIl iliIIllluaulllMlin illl IttI ...... ..... III II) 10 1Ic~ 01. Iipll'iclllllllOCUUoft .1llI dur' Lto4l.......~ " .. 0) 1110" llio11 01 U.O 1\'9I1c1l1Oll b7!tot 0II1lC'. """I'M "'....... I.'t lit Of 1"1.11 IIof\ till...,..,....... lit III 10 111)111 r." 01 C&lfoCOllllVl WcI\\t* kle IllIllItt 11II1 be bUlCll bK_ 01 d,I. ,.... 111 lOt 10 IcltftlUl mall 01 ClIC1 atioI N(C1tIIl~ '" Noll UI III II .tI,IJl lite "II W\tRl )t"" Itllllu lrom Wltfll I IllIllItt 0I11l11 tlWIII "'It 1U,1fllCd eoU,oooN" ..'111I..... ~ 1lIl..... 011'" ~ IlIl ,..,. "II...... rfIId" WI I~I bc'ilm vw 01 p/ltIIo,)Kttk .dd ,.... J, 011" ,_.......~........., It"*" hctbldolct atioI dntlojllncnl 01 110II' 11eol,~II'1 l)mphomIlllllunlw. SemI 0nnmlIIl Iit."".fl lit. II"'" 01 ."a h1',w,1ftWll pIObIcIm III mllll/l, NY upWn IttIM lllOClllloIu (/J~ III lite o.""Iffk"""M7I'" CVIl'CftC 1MlJ, mill bW could Nit 0(. 'W..~NW'_... CIlIItd If OIIllCn 01 (lit IIIlrrull .tlt ~.._. InOII Iihl) 10 Nmembe, ull/I, IVCb he,. ~ III lit 10 VB 110 tit II IIllJ' bkldtt eft IttIIt 1",1\ IIld,lhcltlOlt, fl. o.""__"U,O",",, plIIII, Ihclt pill. The 1Ic~ 01 lilY ~II..,,-' lllOCUlioll. 1InOII, Clift, 01 OIIIlC1'I Ibt.... lilt...... III,." lOO "I 10 ~IN.. 0I11te1t ~'II)p1 01 Cl/lCtllI VB Itl 101 IJ IOI-UI "-10111.._"'" III '" IJ 1...1.l0 dutII lIlII opplIlVIIlly (oe UpoIUIt 10 o..''''''_IIJ,1,O~' 10 " IJ 190110 2.4,0 IIIMlly "1VC1.,aIIIlllvcb I bill 0..,.".._" J,I,D II " U IIUII 1n1lll11Ml,!TibIt S~ ~~.~~~. ^"" II'CIll bill NiIIN 10 IOCio- lit. II-W 11111I1...", "-lIWl' ~ \lIIVI plQbIbIy did noc IffCC1 0 lOO loll 10 dill lMly bKlUIt C&II lnll eonuol I " U U 110111 Ilovwboijl ilCN 1IIi1111,Iy IImllll In I lO U IJ 1l~1" IIIC'dlMI 1Ilcomt. lIVIIIbct 01 houtcboij J It II II UlUII N ,. III IJ ''''''' memben I4If'lQWII b7 Ivcb lncomt.llf 1it.1I_.",...iooIlI 01 COIIVllClCUI dot IoN. home UIClI)It I.l~' (lmlct b7 IIIVIIicipil .lltt llIppIy. 0."'_~1II1'" lOO "I 10 pmttIC1 01 cl/pIVIIt. Nit lnll dnpIt. I ,lQ II IJ mlJo I II I' IJ tlUIl lCmllnlldt !tot home b71tt1 dot). oe !tot J II II IJ 1JI.I1l pmttIC1 01,11I11. Bill NY 1110 &riw N " " lO "'~U II\lllI1II1IlIillllln",," 01 ccruln NICC1cd ,"""... ,.01 lubjccu 10 pulklpllt. The pI'"""1I1 01 '.u,.1114 '" "1"'~riIl """ ItIpOftIC1 lrom ClIf lIlII conllOl 1.u,.1114 "'..,... ~"" J:: ""...'llIlltI... "..........lloIII....... ..Ill. IlovlCboij povpI. ho.ttff, .tlt IlCllly IIWU,O...'''.bl'_' 11..,,_ lite IIIN. 11lt Njof Ilmlrilll 11(101 .11 lite ibllll1lO loCi" OlIN", noc 1Il un, 1tI'C1 wu lound,lIte OR btill, bllhell loe dltd of mi/111IlIII 1)1lljIIIonu compIItd .11I11I""" 10 pulkl!,,". Only 1011I of Iow.,lIk bfwll !Tlbl. 4~ MlI. doll, willi lite C&II houlChol4l """rPIltd 2,4. 1440 1VCt.llfull, conuclCll OllllCn Mown to be II .Imltd ,Ilk loe rrull" Doe cmplo)fd commcrdall,.n ICnkfl nfulClllO pII1kl"",. 1IlI\lllmphomi, uhlblltd lite IlIIlf OR !T.bIt ,~ Recall N, be Nmplml b7 "" IIp1Cd lIJI U (cNI" loe oWllCr lpplkllleft of lime bel.m !tot lime plriod of InUItI' 2,4.0 ln4'oc comme,dllllwn "Cllmenl Dlscuulon IIId lite qutlllollNltrAnunlcw 11I11. The (Tlbl.4). NlfClIIw lIIu wi,,,.. In IIIIIINd, ..It To Ifll mlll, oWllCn .Clt uktd II W. lound I modrlllllOCllllon (OR. lCqulmllo.51l1lO111h1 lfIc, !tot 1CI<<1Cll lIlcl, do, had dledi 1110, lIlcy .Clt liked IJ; 9" ct. U~H67) bclwccn Nil" 1Il1ll\lh ..reNcn illite ~clCrln.vy meIlI. If I. had ClIICC' and "" 'lIICC'I1P' Wll nllll Itmp/lomlln compWOlI doll and ell lClCbill, hoIpllll; IIowmr, COlIlIOI Rqutllcd. Amon, "" O\\1\Cn o( ellt Ihclt oWllCn' .ppI)ln, 2,4.D 011 Ihclt docl .CN Niched to e&ll do'l b7 'It 1Illmall who nponcd nClCr Vlln, M.D IIwII ln4'oc wlp, commerclll lI.n ClIt and )III oIme1lkll .ncnlloll. TheNIOIt. ln4'oc eOfM1C,c1l1llwII ClIIlCnkCl oe tcnkCl, willi "" rilk rilln, whlllncNlI' lite l.pIed lImt bet.ccn "" plriod 01 In. neier lllowln, Ihclt pcl lCCClI 10 lIlcl, III' numbc, 0( O\\1\Cr .pplklllonl pi' lCral (lite ICl/1 "" doc Ihed willi lu ,1Ill, III"'lIy IIlOIt knew ""I Ihclt pll ,ClI. The.. flndl",1 lit conlhlClll willi O\I1lCr vnlillttllll" 01 unhcnlty lItll' Yol.lJ,lIo.I7,Sfpumbct.,I991 uroRn 'J bS . - - , - ' - , TIWIl 01."'"""", ....... ""... UDNIoI_", ~..,,_... "'...,..-~. ........,,-"""""."""....,.., ," , ~I~ (1ItIlloftlllcI11I1Wl. I1I1111f W 11 (,nult bu,1n IItlt fl. plied 10 UO '" Ihtll dl(/ (or 1 )tAn IJh No null,1UIIl hlmOn IItlt It~ 11I1/11 0I11it flllO\tll dofI or IlIIht lhm nult or IhIu ttlllllf "'"'"" dof~ A It. ~ l')uI ttN.P, 1IW1 011.4.0 III 0\. tIcmt.Mtn.lt1 11I1 WI IWIhN '" III ,",1t~\fIlIIl1IoltIl(, oIl)mp/IoIIItonw III tlllO\tII nult 1111110 oIllS tlllO\tII nult 1111 oltltlorN I)mp/lollltonw COIIII'IItd IIlIh 0 01 lS CGIIIIOl 11I1; Ftlllt"I fIICl1t1l )ifldl" .ISI buI no nloltllC1 oIlnclt~lfIIlumon '" ttlNlf 11I111 01 UJ tlroIfII ttlllllf 11I1 COllI. IIIIt.hilhOollS CGIIIIOl 1II1~ Sru.licl I"Iolllp, /I nult IIloI /I ttnult mkt tram uch 011110 IIIIIM 'I.t no flloltll1. 01 (lItilIO,.nlcI11 (or :.~.o t'" tor /I monllll tJ6~ 11w 11OjlIOp)1. bl.1)1. IIloI 1\0('(1)1 nltn 01 2,1.0 IItlt 1110 1t1l"'.1IloI no "'IU/lcllll 1nc1f~1C1 '" lUlllOt 11I<iolt"" 1I.1t obo \en'" tJ6~ ," COlIIpMllon lIu.1icl, UO IIIlIIII tlltn lItrt 1IImlnlllfltd ~ ~ CVIIIItOul "'J<<11on In II.month (II. (lllofcnlelr1 tll'<rimenll. AII/lou,h Iht mulll 0I1ht In,ltctlon lru.llcl lItlt IIOl ,lIcn In lilt '"III~llfplll tJ6~ , .". 1II/1cllll ''''If~\f In Iflleullllll "" III, COllIlI 1I~llfrontd tor Iht 1\0('(1)1 flltI 01 UO In 0fIf tcnult mou.. III1In (J1). So Itlleulum cell \IItOI1IIJ IItlt obo \en'" In Iht II nul, rnIc, 0( Iht IIInt IIIIln IImll." tlpottd. Thul, Illhou,h I)mp/lotrrklll. hlmOn Nit bctn (ound ill tlCcllln 1II0 ~nl lru.lIct, WmIOly IIllmll tll'<rimenll pIlllldt onl, lItal IIfI'QIIrr IIIlIt 01 UO iI ~llllntlkllll/ MlllOfcnlcllJ. The CUlTtIll iIltlll,~ 1'c'lIl wldllll 'priori h)pxhclillNl tll'OIlIIt 10 1.4.0 mJ,h'l'c 1I\O(I~"" IIIIlI oltltlopnw"1 01 Nl111llll11)mr/lOm.lln Iht 1'<1 dof. Out IIndIPII IUrron Ihll JlIOI'OIillon. wlllt I ~111I~rllljnll1 Il,nl/lclll' OR oIlJ tOl Ollntl Irrlklllon o( 1.4.0 an4'ot COIIImtrcllll~lIn "clrmenu. Funhel IUP. plIl oltriltl tram Iht hl,hc, rilk obIC~rd tOl 1'<11 o( Ollntn 11110 Irrll'" Ihtll own UO In ik.'dirJon 10 uI'OIU/1 10 conunc" (UI IrrllelllonllOR . 1.9; 95"' CI . o.a.-I,14) IIIlIlIw Incl'rlI' In rilk 10 I "'otold UCfll lIll1t (OUI or 11IOI1 OWntl Irr/lelrlonl 1'<' )CII. I" lit. ot 'lul' Inlcd link bel\lttn non'lblJ1In'II)'Illo !fuN iI humw IIIlI tl/n1 U/'OIUI'tI 10 2.4.0, an4 bct'Ulf ~lpl.lI1ll;mjlllu.T" ~elUVt No ",....... 0lIn.1tII.. (I..... ~...,..... ('''''"' L'..,,.,... 01' 'IHl ani ....., U,tNM'" II II 10 III II O"'UI Lo....lllftM . . It " 10 010611 AIfIII'''''htN II III III III I. 10J.IOI 1~"1lIl htN II II 10 II II Otl.11O lu ,... II II' III I,. IJ 0'1<111 ~ 101 III III :11 " o.J.laI : '""",,""".., .,.-...... """ "" ,...,01,..."""." """.'Ik-olu,IIW'fIft, ""1 TIWII.O'....I '""""'.1...,..-,....., ,'.h"'IIi(~... _. ""'..... ~"'-'"" ............ Y"'l",,",~... I I I i I I I j I O'...""...I.~D.." ~..,~...._.." O'...""""U.D...~IO""'_1II ~..,...,,- 0......""" ""'" U.DOOI ""'._W ~..'.........,... "'.. ""'.1lootoI "''',w , , I i i I mtnl) IIld lIw ~lf o( the qutll!olwll1 or I",t~if. \l'U Ipprodnult111ht IlInt tor OYrntn 01 Cut IIloI conllOl doal. II II I'OIllblt IN, Unmtuu/rd con. toulldtn could flpllln lIw rill, bl.1 "' colltct'" ~u on lIw IIlOII Ilkel1 con. COlIIlunl "poIUI'tIIn Iht houlChoId t". wlronmtnL Ifoultllold IIlIccllcloltl. COIlUtt IlI\C(lkldtl (01 l1u IIIlIllck con, lIOl, and ouldoor InltCllcldtl pll)'" 110 dllcfmlbl. /O/e In lIw U\OtIIlIon tit. lIItfn l,4.0 "l'OIlIIt IIloI drwflopmrfll 0( nuJl'lII/Il 11mp/loma. W. conllOlltd (or I" IIld brrtd U\Otllllun In III W/)'WI; lhtse 1-.0 (ICIOI\ p111'IOIt In lIw OCCUmllC1 o( Iht dllCut, bl.11ltc1 did 1IOl1l1Oll",lrrC<1l1w rilk tram 2,4.0 u. poIU/1, Ahhou.h WIIUItI hn. bctn u. \0(11"" \l'hlt l~mr/lOm.l oltldopmc"lln 1l1Il\111llrniJlptclcl (ll), Ihc, ~\. noc bctn lIn1rd 10 l,mr/lOm.l oltwclopmrnll" the do,. Whll. 1llIllnt<<llon 0I101l1t lJpc nu1 be IIllmJlOl\lll' tlClor.1111 u". IIkd110 be I1lpo1lllbl. tor lIw Il,nll1cllll UIOl:llllon belYrfcn cl/Il", mIll,1IIIl1 l~mr/lOm.l oltwflopmcnlll1d OYrllfl \lit ot 1,4.0 an4'ot commtrtllllllln CI/1ItI" lice" 11w lJpc ot 2,':0 'rr"fd b, lIw 0IIlltr, liquid IpII1 or IfI/lulll, hIllllnJe '. "~ . '~I~'((~.tIJ I' 1;;11'1'1:, '.\, "'Of I I. , No 0...,',,-,,,,",, ...,......~.,.., 1 .IJ 601 IU aI. 60 III " Jal Inl1utllC1 on rilk. The conl/IIC",) br. 111ft" lIw ORI (or milt II1d tftNl. nit Illlnuh lIhh 1.4.0 tll'Olultlho IIlutl ,,~lnlllnNllllon ot hclblcldt IpII11\ I lihl'lOUlt ot ClI'OIUIt, btcM'lhe nult dof'l Inlrr.lctnl IIIIIklPI 1tn.lt1l11t1 mllhl pi", nulfl II .1't~lfl' rilk INn ttlNltI (1J~ Occu~rloNJ lru.llcl ot he" blcldt UI'OIUIfI b)' l,riculrulIl 1I00kcn ICntll"11.," 1~lln~I'11on III mlllOf 1OIIIt. 01 hlUlllll tlpolU/1 (14). A nujor IIf~1If1l of the cumnl llUd1 II lIw lICk o( prtCl.. ul'OIure ~II (or helblcldtl. Frequtncy ot 'P!'lkllion II'U Iht prinwy mellUI1 ot tlpolU/1 ulCd '" 11th lru.I,. 11w lICk ot I e1fll ~ntm ot 1I\O(l,rlon Yrhh IoUI numbe, o( )fMI, commtrtlll IIYrn Il'tllmenll 'onrnull \lilh Iht COIllllIcnl 'rrIIe1l1on'lflpon" I'tllllonlltlp (1'<.02 tOl Irtnd) tlhlblr'" tOl o\lIlf"rrIlClllon ot 1,4.0 (T.bl. lI. The )fM1, "umbtl ot IrrllClrlonl ot 1.4. o b,1ht OYrntl h I11OI111hl110 1111<<1 Ihc ICIU'" 1.4.0 tlpolUI't CIpfOOunil, tor 1'<1 do,llItllllhc numbtl' ot IllIn Irtll. menu b, commerclll 'I\ln ,1/1 COllI. pIIIltI btClUIt IOmt cOll1mertlll lIurmrnu durinl flCh )foll ml1 COIlllln onl, (fnllluI IIMt'or InltClldlkl and, lItus.lIOllrsd 10 he,blclde UI'OIUI1. 100000000liN N.IloNICIlllflIN~ 1 . . ~ - IIII!lc dot II COfttlolcltlll!lc .uklll 0( ~11ol~'11)~1Il~0IIt 1WIa, 0( III allodMIoll bel"",, U,D "JWllII'd !lr\,k1prm 0( null,1UIlI I)~ III (Oftl1'Ml1oll1klt1 IU'1f11l I/uI iN IIlINn lifildl ~l(arlOlll 0( L~,D "J'OIWf IIII!lc home rmllllMlllll "lIIlllI tIIWt In>f\IJ,_ Rermnctt 11111'''''14 Cl\lu ~ HtI41'O I",,"n r... """'-' a"... 1"',11, DllIlJ Nl ~. 1~1I11lO>"" ........ "'" N.. .....,r.... ..1..1IolI.......'"' 11'10 ..'I "'...I..n. C/Q_. ,.. l.. alAln 101""", ... ~ DolL It!). ",1l4dr.......~II.I.IOU.I..1 III '1I!It CI. "''''''" ~",....) "....... __~......... 1.1\1 L,. ...- "'""" r~"" 11'110...... ... ~llI...r.......~ 101'.11.11'10 IlIlbJllI..'..I...."I...Ill.Ir...1I INI......... 1ft.,.... LtlW" 1JI.1l. I'" ", TIm. WA. C\ll"" CN. (Go U. n Cl; .'" " Ill,", I.'" IIwI "_ .. \;'1'..'......11 bjll MIlt 1It~1. "I Olll~ WII IIfIIW.III"~"""'''' ~ ~ It ('ftJ!ft !fd:~ ... ""_I""""" 0. r- " ~....lllooWrt;lil: IIoIolm I.."" 111- m _III .... A: 11mol1ln... .,IW"II"~. .-.: /I(w ....., ... I """ " St\o 'I 1aNo..""""l/oICn....11.lIWI1 11'10 ! 11l1~ IK, .... '"' Ib.wu /Y. n 0lI I A"'*"'tr.-wr.....p.."w. . ... ..._ - I""" "'11I'.1111. I'" . -..1" "'Q.IDT,k_l.II.WaIMK,nCl; I lIoIIIMr """ " r..... .. '''''' ....-: /lolIlwpa'l ""*"".....", ! "'1CMIllonI "'"'"' iii.......... I I 1II11r........IIJ'WU.11'10 , IIO! ZNN ilL "'UlI.'kIW DO. I..,," ,'"' i nOllAIIIt(OllftI"""tI.llod.IIl', i .,."... 1M '" .... tl....... ! ~~~J~..IU.DlilI'_Nc..... 1&l1i 1:)It.1lf.11'IO 1111 LauI no A/ooIu...u',", """0101 TWo '_' Uw " ......Iln ill if'" A...... "'" r,_ ..,.., III, ft_ s....~ ~ 1M rOO\'f/lllot\ ,",lIt. "'...... DC: USDA.ifll elll Mu,oo'!nUI, NAJa lilt luwnl IlOl C..w: ..... ........... IN flnkoln U. D 1M UJ.T.I~ .....,...11II... ...,n- ........, cMlliCl', !AlC lkIlop l,~ rill.....'" aw. 101M 11.1. IlI.ltn till QucuIlNulIIl.....lwa...1\IlI NIlIlll r-M1 ""'" rAST.I'mpal'" '" IN III", " U.D, ANt. "'"~ CAST. Doell"" I"' till "un.! w,", tok"''' TWI"" ,""".." tI _ ill UllIIIIIIliNII. NIIl C.." "'.. w....., SlNI 0. 1110 em IoMnJ II C""fWaI filII" ... If" IflCIIIt .lololllt nil....... tI it Inolllllll VoI.lJ,Ho. IT,Stpcmbu., 19'11 ......1 II '" I.,'" N'" ,~ 10"1. "'.1111 1111 "CJnl W4 C_ ~...... ./101... "" II N ...... ..... r,.(1 '''I~II. I'" "II 0-0., III 4 ,...,..~., ""'., tI ,....'" ._ ~~... I ~'" Clllla "'" "Q.9I t 1111 1I1llh.uHIlI...,.,..,.,.IIrtc.tlc...1I '" ".......... I.k_ T.....NtI .........I........'C;oI' (\I, 1"'.1, M~ W" L,"'lhfl. I', ".... TI.... N tI........11...." I,..'" II" au..... AL. IolIt ", 1'0UI"'1I1 .u. II &L IltIluM) "'"" .. .....Iol' ,.,.", IIC_ tc.I_... .."'" ul_ r...." 11.1"11.1'" 1.'01 CM. tL (\0"".. AL. bill /W. II &L C'...._..I_~............ ""- II It'llt! I N.I C.a "'" 1I101).IOll.ltlO IU, ..enlll. Y....... ""'..... II ,_ ~..~ 1I'tIl.... _ un. ..~ """'. r.....1Il W..",...", 11...10. It" 1.':1 lClllol' (0. 1040' ~ ,,,,.... AK, II OIJ C')<lc c.......... 1"'-"" 01 "_ ~1IIfIioNII- 1M I'" IW 4'1<( 11111I"1111.1111 '11, "1111 at Tlcu, Gllll,"'11I U, """""""""c "'f'J"lft 11""''- ~II' II'NI_ ... It"".- I MI'" lWAlIOf111"1,,"~I"1 IUlllwlol'lll. '- _ 11"'1 "'"..' .Wth III N ...., tiC........ '" ... "_ C__a lCNowll an t1lJ.Ilf.11'IO 1lJ,1:lllt lA. \till (C; ~ """""f 1_ ... k... ~......... IllicIoIIoIcll ..." I. AaooM w..Irh "'I-"~'" If"~ N.,..... AlIllr"l 01 kittle".1pllI. .....Ile. 1191, "'........... OC'0 1141. '161 ....11"'_ C'"' 'uoo ro, L,..".... ...,.. II tfIt 1_, ,. 1\1 r_ II , 1-*11 a",..,1Wtl ..........c... I........~~ 1M Ooc....~~ A'f'lltl IIaJIw iI. WibtIllll. "I W......... DC: T"toolcll .......... l'toNt. UI lltptnow1c tI btIu.IIIO,,,:'lIl 1111 0I1l11Wt LT.lbIL'", Ul.lC"'.1 TO. n OIJ ,..,.....'- II '" "'" _.... ... "...... tiN'''"",. IIltIIoI [0. '1I1lII.,,1I~1Il.11I1 IlllllllU till. Wuoo Gr. ,...", tl 1111 'fIII1NIJ ......~ ... ....",. 1~.lllI'l PIIl............ ,*" '.1\0("".." till, _.....1,.......... '" oIaouIlhMl... Dolfllt Doq bll Doe.... 16. I"l .vilIS WilI.....1le. 1111. W...... DC: USDA. It"." Ill. III IIf) 0.., Jl,,.... "'",,",~_oItllt _~"'IOIoIN............tll'l IIWII .M n," ........... I_II 1I,1/I..III.ltlO UOl T\oIu DO. 0.., IJ. I"""" "lOl ... """""fftlllJ 1NI11f1 01 ,..,..,.... .., II'. lINt ollI1 C..,.. I...... ." " 1I~116, III' 111I to<IllWt I.: "''''If ""IIlC "'''''IOIlI. alCllI' Iw,wc~ loft... IDoloo WI. "'I 1It"lhl' UN' C~"l'mo.ltIl." 1)0.)11 U:I TIc.... 011. lCOIII"III.: h.........,. ..... '"llt """'" I. Y'"MM) C..... ~""IN (11w,1no 011. lC....'n Il. tIl'l 'MololjWI' L.. . r,w",. lilt. " lOl- lOI Ill) SII.ICU .,~ """'0 II, ll..iNlioll ",","" ill ... IihlnIooJ Itl'~, "hi,... 11:1.1'. 16l.lffl Ill, Yw, lA L'IM) ,.."""" .. U,O II 1_'" ~.. 'f'll....lll AIIl ... "" 111"111.1'" ,II. 11"", YlIl q..... 1lL.lhM,","'''' n II. C\fooc .'WW) tI U......... ..,.~c ... II "" ..,...1 '..clI AII4 ..........10 1II.llt. Itll lltl I>lU IUI. ~\U.. III YOIIIO \10, n 01, 1....11) tI ,",coln .., ........., I_Ill ... _......, ..... A ,........, .... I NIIl r.a ~. 11,1101. 11111'" 1111 .IIMI liD r.......-., .., ..,,,., tI U........"..,..".I1.(... 10 T..... to. '... JlIO)'IIL 1"1 Low.Grldt, Llltnl ProlUlt Clnm VolUmtl Predlclor or ClinICAl Clnm Incldtnu1 Allrt S. 1Vh/llemO't.' Jostph 8. Keller. Rebecca Oeltnsty 11'. h)pothnb. Ihal rICh <<II In 10.. Irld, IGlmon I,ad. I.JI "0\1.1' canm IIl1u. II II rllk or InnlrOl'ma. IIoa 11110 I <<lIl1hkh prodUCtlI hllh. Ind. (GltllOn Ind. 4.51 cUnlell tllKf' In" I thorl pc,'od or 11O"1h. A. I conltqucntf, the 'olunIt of low. Ind"1111111 unm IIl1u, In Ih. proto Ial. IlIndl of m,n II .nl alf dlt"mhlft Ih,l, III<ld,ntf fll. rOl hllh'lnd" dlnkal unm . Ilw lf1n III". AutoP'1 Ind In<ldutf d.11 rOl bolh _hll' m,n and black IIIfn Iuppoll Ihll condullon, _llh I tumor 11O"lh pc,lod or lbout 7 1f1n. TIt. Irtnltor. mltlon nt, II Ilmllu ror bl.lk m,n l4/"," I....., 1.19111 "."'" A"" /I.I9\h lrlfIW""" 1.1911. oI.lV.""""""II",",,",,,~llIlM"""... ...I\lI,1IIlI 4.... ICA~IIl" ,... "" N--' C.... ......... N.,..... ""'illMt II 11ttM. Oo,."..lllollhlllll..,II_S."kll 01. 1 ,\111I..... Do.". 01 rt\ltlllOlolJ, 00,....,. tI'h~'" ..lflll.... "'.'.I....,onI "'N."",klloolollCNcw.I""'onI.fM. I, I, Ktl~, IDr,."..... tllClIlw...,,,, .... ",,~clI Ell.iotc""'~ ..IItIlft", IDr"""""" oIllIII.in~ l""'onI V.h'''''7. S..III,", CIl,I, W, tIIW ,. tokNt~. "II" fmt.. .... .,.kN YIUIlII.. '"""'~. ..... 00 \lltlll (lIltll ... .... ","hre. ... Dr, w,w .., ""'"'" 01.1_,"'''''''''_1, 'r""",vtMOi/ ,., Alk' S, \\1\,11I_, ".D. OopMm/lll oIlh~'" lIIllllh ..,1\1I." 'UlIIonI UaI""iIJ "Ilool tI lCN~.., Ill' I."~ ._III......,otd, CA ..1Ol.lO'/I. afroRn I~()S 1 _. r . , 1; l i ~ i I, t i ~ ! I I ! . . I - - ] CITY OF IOWA CITY PARXlI AIID RECREATION DEPAA1'HEHT Forootry Divlalon MmMORANDUM TO' 'ROHl DATEI REI ,.." "'I.. ~;. ~ Torry Roblnlon, City Foroltor ~ Fobruary 19/ 1992 Walt sldo Pork Dovoloplont Projoct On Fridav, FobruDry 14, I lot with Hr, Horoland at tho Woat sido 11to to dllCUl1 1010 of tho aroal notod in your Fobruarv 11 lottor, 1110 Unt concorn woo wlth tho Burr Oak at tho top of tho hUl, 110 1/01 not oloor obout IV luqqoatlon on tho locotlon ond oaount of loll to be rOloyod. I oXfl01nod thot I WOI rOforrinq to tho 10 to 12 foot of fill 10 1 olonq tho oaot oldo of tho OAk'. drip 1in!, And t~~ tno aroo Ihould be rOltorod 01 01010 00 polliblo to oriqinal qrado, Wo dao dllcuolod wlth hl1 oito forolan how tho loll 11qht be rOloyod and that rOlovlnq all tho loll in tho oroa lav lako it ilpolliblo to IOlntaln an accoptablo Ilopo up to tho porkinq lote Hr, Horolond polntod out that a rotalninq wall 11qht be tho anlwor If thot froblol occurl, Wo both aqrood that firlt rODovlnq 01 luch 10 1 01 polliblo and dotorllninq whot tho now alopo will be 10 tho boat wav to procood, I would bo rODlal ln IV aaaoaalont of thil aituotion If I dld not point out that roqordloaa of whot occura now 0010 dOlogo hOI boon dono to tho root avatol of tho Oak. No one con aav how luch dOIDqO 111plV becauao wo don't know oxactlv whoro tho rootl aro, I bollovo that tho rOloval of tho aoil frol tho GrOll wo dlacullod wll1llqnir1cantlV holp tho troo'o chanco of ourylval. I alIa boliovo that Hr. Horoland io oincoro in hia oUorta to holp, Hr, Horoland 0100 aakod 10 about IV ostilation of a 10 porcont dio bock ln tho othor troaa dong tho fonco 11no, Aftor inlpoctinq tho aroa aqain, I bolioyo that to be a conloryatiYo but fair oatiloto, I ahould point out that I al rOforring to o 10 porcont dio back in tho crown of tho trooa, not tho doath of 10 porcont of tho trooo. o c ~ --_.~_.....-.. -_. ....---.---. ... . ~---_. ~.- -.. .. .. .-- .... 1 c?' I sa" , 1111011 1M fEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, O.C. 200M In \he MaUlt 01 , , , I , , I , CC Dockol No. 87,28& To"phone Compony.C.bI. T.l.vla/on ClolI.Ownorahlp RuI.., 8.cllon. 83.SH3.S11 TO: Tho Comml.a/on REPLY COMMENTS OF CITY OF IOWA CITY Tho Clly 01 10wI CIIY submils lholl IIply commonll In IISpORlO 10 lho obovo. ClPllOllld procooding Ind In support 01 1M commonll fdod In Ihls procooding by lho NIIIOII4I Allocllllon 01 TlilCommlJ'liCliionl Om"'i inO Ad'fllvfS, IUl. (coll<<cr.'Cly. \he 'Ioeo! govltrvnonll". Tho Clly ollowI Clly Igrou wllh lho local govOIrvnonls INllhls procoodlng do.. nOI Idoqualoly odd,on Iho public's "OhIIO bonolill ond prOlocllons hom commOlclal UIOII 01 public properly, such os vldoo dlallona ..tvlco provldoll. Net doull adaquatoly ,0cognlJo lho crlllcal.nd Icno'lIInd1ng lelO ollocallranchlllng au\hetllluln onlurlng Ihallho UIOII 01 public properly SOIVO lho public InlO/oll. Tho Fodoral Communlcallons Commllllon "FCC'I should nOI parmll vldoo dlallono so,vlco union and unlilluch concorns aralokon InlO accounl ond ,ofloclod In Iha FCC's vldoo dlallono pcllclol. COnglOll, by onocllng lho Cablo Communlcollons Polley ACI 011984 I'Cablo ACI'), c,aalod a ,ogulalo,y IlOmowo,k \hal onlu,ad lhal coblo OPO'OIOIl. ond o\ho, mulllchannol vldao prOGrammlno dl.lIibulOII \hal usod public rlohll 01 way, dovolopod In 0 manna, ~ 1 ,\ , 507 . . - 2 I j I I I I conllllOnl wllh lho public InlolOII. Among Olho, Ihlngl, lho Clblo ACI: III onlU/nlhll cabla opelalOl'll/ovIda dividond.IO lho public 100Iho uso ollho public'. plOpe'ly: ond 12' o,onllloeolllOnchl.lng IUlhOlltlOl, who 010 mOllllmllll1 willi tho COllCOIn. olloell c.blo .ubsc,lboll, lho POWII 10 onlUlO Ihll lho public IOcolvOl lho bonolill ond 1l/01lcllons 10 which III. ontlUad.' Tho IlIUCIUl. ollho Clblo ACI mlko. clalllhll Cong,,,,'nllndad INI vldao dllllOlll ..lVIco 1l/0vidOl. ond olha, 'now' lochnologlo. wOllld bo .ubllCI 10 lho ACI'O ll/ovIslonl. Cong,... did nOllnlond thollho FCC would undo,mlno tho IIIllonel communiclllon. policy ombodiad In Iho Clbla ACI by ollowlng .uch now 10chnologl0l10 mope lho ACI"ll/ovislon.. I I Tho Commllllon should .ublacl vidoo dl.ltone slIvico 1l/0vldOlllO lho Cobia ACI. 01 COIIQ/OIIlnlondld. Evon Ihough lho Comml.slon bollovo.lhollho lingua go 01 ~ C!b1@ MI doo. nOI laqullO vidoo dllllono solVlco ".nchlslng, Iho Commission should mlclso III IUlhOllly 10 lubjocl vidoo dllllone sOlvico 1l/0vidOlllo Iho IIml "Inch/slng IIIUCIU/O Ind OlhOl IOgullllons ClOalod by lho Coblo ACI. Tho Clly ollowI Clly olso oncoulIgoslho Commission 10 Ilko sloPllhel wlllll/omolo compollllon by vldoo dlollono solvico plovldor.lO coblo OpOIIIOlS. Honco, Iho Clly 01 Iowa Clly UIOOllho Commission 10 cloalO olovol playing 1I0ld ond nOI o,onl vidoo dllllono ..Nico Plovldol.advonlogos - such os on oxompllon 110m Iho Clblo ACI" "Inchlso 10qul,olnOnl - thai would Impalltho abililY 01 cobia opolaloll 10 compalo. MO/IOVOl, tho City ollowo Clly 'Among Iho Impolllnl Cablo plovlllons In lhll lOoa,d 010 tholo Ihal ollow IlInchlslno outhorilloslo: III ,0qultO multlchannol vldoo plogllmmlng sOlvico plovldolllhal uso publlo IlghlS 01 way 10 provldo communllY ploo,ammlng and loeallnlolmatlon so/vlcos, such 01, bUI nOlllmllad 10, public, oducotlonol and oovo,nmonlol oCCOl.I'PEa', chonnoll. laclfitlOl and equlpmonl: 121lOqul,o compensation 101lho occuponcy by multlchannol ~Idoo plog/ommlng sOlvlco plovldo,s 01 public Ilohts 01 woy; ond 1311mposo CUllomollo,vlco lIondO/ds. 1 507 . , 1 , I - - ,\ 3 Ulgoltho Commlulon not to taka ItOPS th'l would .1I0w vldoo dilltono sllvlcI provldOllto ,cqulre ,x/'llng c.bI. 'V'I.m. 0( IlIIt would Incoullg%lntlOlVlco ,uang.mlnIS bolwoon clbl. OpelllOlllnd vldoo dlallono sorvlco p/ovidoll. Th. rllult would b. not only 10 C"II. I now monopoly p/ovldor 01 multlclIIM.1 vldoo progllmmlng so,vlcos, but to CIIOIO ono tlllt would not bo lub/.ctto th. public bono Ills orlting 110m locI I IIanch/"ng. Th. Clly 01 low. City SIll/lIlh. Commlnlon'. hopo tlllt vldoo dllllon. SOMCO will IPUI . divolllly ollnlorm'llonlou,cos, compelillon, and lho do~olopmont 01 In odv.ncld tolocommunlclllonslnllOllructulI. Howovo" lho Commlnlon mUlt.nsulO lh.t such vldoo r 'dloltono sOMcotochnology p/omolll, and I. not atlho uponso 01, tho public Inlorllt. Tho IIonch/slng 01 vldoo dlallono sorvlco p'ovldor. would onsuto lhat vldoo diallono sorvlco 'I In tho public Intorost. Raspacllully submlllad, . 011101 . Coullnoy, Mav r Cily 01 Iowa City 410 E. Washington Slroot Iowa Clly, IA 52240 DOlo: Fabruary 21,1992 cc: National Anoclallon 01 Talocommunlcatlons Olllc"s & Advisor. Nollonal Fodoral 01 Local CobIa PrOQlOmmors City Council Broadband Talocommunlcallons Commllllon low. Clly Public Library Iowa City CommunllY School DlsI,lcl Unlv"SIIY 01 Iowa Public AccOll Talovlslon, Inc. Tho Honorablo Dava Naglo Tho Honorablo Jim Leach Tho Honorablo Tom Ha,kln Tho Honorablo Charlos Grassloy .....'t'lIU".". 507 I :~ SolUlh LIM Sc"'1 I ."A Cur, .I\c'AIUIO . .II~ I~I::O i , I / J . ' 1 Dalo: FobllllUY 25, 1992 To: Womon'l Otgonlzallona From: BOliO MoIsol, Son/O( Conlor Coordnator Ro: Womon'l History Month I ConglOU hu docl4rod March u Womon'l Hlltory Month. Tho 1I10mo lor 1992, 'Womon'l History: A PalCllwOrk 01 Many lives,' omphulzaltho varioty at o~rloncol and conlributlonl woman have mado In our p1uraUstlo sodoty, Tho Sonlor Conlor hu plannod a month 01 varlod ovonts that colobrato tho aclMUol ond conlributfona 01 woman, ~om dlvorso walka 01 Ufo, both In 1110 privalo orona and In tho public sphoro. n 100rnt partlcularly filtlng tor tho Cantor 10 obSOIVO Womon'l Hillary Month u 1110 ma/Orlty 01 tho women who oro partldponts eltho Contor, 0( tholr mothors, woro tho IIrII gonoratlon 01 woman to vola. o In rocognlUon 01 Amorlcan woman, PUI, prosonl ond luturo who havo prayod and conlfnuo 10 playa critical oconomlc, culluraland loclal '010 In tho Ulo 01 our nallon, 1'10 Invllo you, and tho membors 01 your orgonlzaUon, to Join ulln honoring our mOll1oll, oursolvos and our daughterl. !pI'1 50S [ . ,- 1 i I , I I I ,\ , IIA PATCHWORK OF MANY LIVES" A Celebration of Women's History at the Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center March · 1992 press packet S08 l:" I I I I i f I I I I " , . , ' - 1 ,\ I PRESS RELEASE lrom I" Iowa CilyIJolvlJon Counly Sonlot Cenlor For molt InlolllllUon, CIIlI Juno Bltvormln, 35.5222 For Imm0d4lo Roloaso CongrOlI hu doclatod Match u Women', HIIIOI'f Month, Tho thomo lor 1092, 'Wornon', HIIIOry: A Palchwork 01 M4ny Llvo',. O~ot tho vartoly 01 O~co'lIld conlttullona womon havo II14do In our p1urlllllllc ,ocloly. Tho Sonlor Conlor hu planned a rnonth 01 vD/1od IVOnlllllll co!obtalo Iho aCUvlUOI and conltlbuUona 01 woman, Irom dIvOIlO walka olUlo, both In 1Il0 prtvalO Itona and In tho prtvalO 'phOlO, . II lOOms particularly ftltlng lor tho Conlor 10 oblOIVO Womon', Hlllory Month u tho majortly 01 tho women who 110 patlfclpants at tho Conler Of 1Il01t mothOIl woro tho IltII gonoradon 01 wornon 10 voto, In rocognition 01 American women, past, prelenl and luluro who have playod and continuo 10 play a crldcal oconomlc, cultural and scclal rclo In tho 1110 01 our nation, tho public II Invlled 10 join us in honoring our motholl, outlolvol and our doughIO,.. ,',1,'" ",,,,,,,,.,.. . StR f f , 1 Celebrating Women's History Month at the Senior Center Tuesday, March 3 12:45 p.m. Film: NOIml Raa Friday, March 6 1 :30 p.m. In Callb'ldon 01 low I Clly'e Woman Ardlll/Ardunl Fabulou. F"dIY: EJhlbll OponlnglRlClpdon end Mualclla VlIUII WOlke by JOin urlrlng Zug, Elolnor SImmon.. VI'glnll Myo,., P'l MUllOY, llOl1 BergmlM, Cheryl Miller. BOMO O'COMOII. lllgh MCllII,n, Amy Cllmpon ond MI,gllll SUndlY. Vocll MUllc by Mlrgo GUill. Sopllno: Carol HO'lon, Alto: and NIIOllo Molino, Piano. TuesdlJY, MlJrch 10 12:45 p.m. Film: TM Au!obl!l!l/Iahv III MIss J4"' Pillman Friday, MlJrch 13 1 :30 p.m. FobuloUI F"dlY: Trlvologuo 'A rflns.Siborl'n Adv,ntufI wIth B,b, B'"'ntyn,' . , SlJturdlJY,. MlJrch 14 2:00 p.m. 'In ClIo billion ollnlornlllono' Womon ond Doughlere A mulll.cullu,ol,lnlergonerotlonol discussion by mOlhers and doughlO,.. moderotod by Dorolhy Paul. Roodlngs Irom PI'" 01 Am, by Marilyn NlcklOlburg. TuesdlJY, MlJrch 17 12:45 p.m, Film: ~ ThursdlJY, March 19 1 :30 p.m. In ColobrOllon ollowlI'e loullo Noun · 'Tho 10wI Wornon's ArchlvlS', Sh,il, C/O/h, UI Libm/an · A Book Roylow 01 Journoy '0 Au!onomv by loulso Noun' B.". M.lsol · R,odlngs Irorn Stronn.Mindod Womon: Tho Emo,noneo 01 Iho Womdn. Sulf,ana Moyomonlln Iowa, bV loulso Noun. emlin. O"If MI. Noun will bo our honorad gUOlI allha program. .-"'"'--.w....H~I>-',(""""',,.;......,."',..., 50g . ' 1 , ' - .,.. ......" ............ 12:4& p.m. F'dm: MA1h.r Term I i FrldlY, Milch 27 1 :30 p.m, In C.llbllllon of OUI Clntll QIMlIIII · 'Tho Palchwo,k 01 Womon'. L1vu' , Suglf Milk,' Loc,' Ou/7/" · 'Th. Ouiltldlnlllle.tlon Plollet In Johnson County' ,L,uri. Robln$on, DitfC/OI, JohMon County HI$/oric,' Socl,ty · flo.dlng. 'rom tho play, 'Oulltoll' by Ollblll Nowm.n Oamashot . MIry S,th Schupp"" Dlllc/or S,b. S,f1,ntyn" M,ry ER, SIIb", M,ri1yn Nickll$bu'P, ClroHn, Om, · 'An Amlde.n Folk Music Samp/.,' , tv,ng,/In, GI'$I, Sop"no; SIIumont GI,u,' PI,no . TuosdlY, M4rch 3' 12:4& p.m, Film: A Woman N.m.~ ThOll will bo . month.long book exhibit In tho Third Aoo LlblllY In ealabratlon 0' womon .uthor.. Alllvlnt. "' optn to tho public, 11II_," . -~ri- . Whlll Is Women's IJ/slory' I ! Mullh:ullur31 women's blslory looks al our nalion's plSl with a ntw, widc,angle lens, It dOlls nOI rewrilc history. but II does make very different judgements Ilboul whal has been Importanl, TndltlonallYI his lOry has focused on polilh:al, mllilary, And economic leaders l1Dd events. This approach bllS virtually exc:luded women. people of color, and the mass of America's ordlnAt)' citizens. Wbat those Ignored aroups arc left to believe Is Ihat they and other people like them have been unimportant, that they havc had Iiule Impact on our sha~d society. By expanding Ihe focus of blstory to Include the activities IIJId contributions of women from diverse walks of IIfee we provide A wealth of vital new role models for today's young peoplee and for adults 35 well, I I I I . fn looking at womeD's history we conllnue to examine activities In the public lIrClI4. but we also look at the private sphere, at the everyday life experiences of women just like ourselves and from our own families. Thll courageous women of the past who dared to forge new roads join women living quietly at their families' center to create a world where future posslbllilies arc IImlllm. Their stories can be an Inspiration to all of us, The theme for National Women's History Monlh 1992, · Womtn's IIlstor1: "PalChwork 01 Many UvtS,' emphllSlzes the variety of experienccs and conlributlons womcn have made to our pluralistic society. 1 sag f , I - - ClJf1S1V~nJI Ro~v1l1litJn l\\)'fSnHIInS lito .l/,,,,lh UOIJrrJ1.u 'Ym1m~ I/IJ'IOI)'Mon/h. Wheroas Amer1C41n women of eveI)' mea, c:las:I, and ethnic bac:lcground have mllde historic c:ontnbullons to tho growth and strongth of our Nation In countless recorded and unrocorded ways; Whero;u Amer1C4n women havo played and c:onUnuo to playa c:ritical oc:onomlc. cultul'll~ and socml rolo In ovory spharo of tho Ilfo of tho Natton by constituttng a slgnlfiC41nt portion of tho labor forco worklnglnsldo and outsldo of tho homo; Wheroas AmcriC41n women havo played a unlquo role throughout tho hlstol)' of tho Nation by providing the majority of the volunteor labor forc:o of tho Nationi Whereas AmcriC41n women woro particularly Important In tho o;tllbl\;hmcnt of iilifly charltablo, philanthroplc; and cultural Inslllullons In our \'Zallon; Whereas American woman of eveI)' mco, cmss, and ethnic bac:lcground SOlVed llS early loaders In tho forofront of overy major progressive soda! chango movemcn~ Whoro;u AmcriC41n women have boen leadors, not only In securing tholr own rights of suffrago and equal opportunity, but also In tho abollllonlst movement, tho emanclpallon movomon~ tho Industrial labor movemont, Iho civil rights movomen~ and other movemonts, cspodally tho peac:o movomon~ which croato a moro falr and just socIoty for alii and Whoroas dospito Iheso contnbullons, tho rolo of AmoriC41n women In history has been conststently overlooked and undolValucd, In tho 1Il0raturo, teaching and study of Amorican history, . Now, theroforo, bo It resolved by tho City of Iowa City, that March Is doslgnated as 'Women's Hlstol)' Month' and lIS Mayor I call upon tho peoplo of Iowa City to obselVo this month \VUh appropriate programs and actlvllles. 1 608 . r t I. . Louise Noun Biography Louise RClIenneld Noun II a lirelon, mldenl or Des Moines, I I~duale or Roolcvcll Hl,h School 3IId or Orlnnell COIICJe. S~ holds or mUlct or IN dCJftc In an hblory rlOm RadclirrelHarvAtd and hu ror m3llY yun worked ror Ihe advlRcemcnl or art In Des Moines, She Is a collCClor or art by womcn, especially womcn In the early 20lh cenlury mnl"arde. Noun has beCII ICllvely Involved with the Lc"ue or Women VOIcn, Ihe 10wI Civil Llbcnles Union, 3IId the remlnlsl movemenl. She hu wrlllen uleRJlvely lboul the accomplllhmenlS or 10wI women and Is the IUlhor or Stroll' Mllldtd IVomtn, I hlslOry or the women's lufTnle movemenl In loWl. She hu been awarded honorll)' dc,recs rrom bUlh Orlnnell and Cornell collelcs and Is I member or the lowI Women's HIli or Fame, . The Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center wishes to thank the following sponsors f.or their support of Women's History Month: 'Americnn Business Women 'League of Women Voters ;Pilot Club 1 ,\ SoU , . . 1 , , - , ;\ ! ...>/..... Celebrating Women's History Month at the Senior Center Itlsd~y, M~rcll 3 :4& p.m. Film: tlOIma Rao 'd~y, M~rcll G 10 p.m. In Cerob/Dllon 01 low. ClIY'. Womon AIIIIII/AIIllonl Fabuloul F,ldDY: Exhlbll OponlnglRocepllon Dnd MullcDID V1luDIWo,ka by JODn L1l1rlno ZuO, EIGlno/ Simmons. Vi,glnla Myoll, PDI MUIIDy,loolo BDrgmDnn, Chel~1 MIICI, Donno O'Conncn, LaIOh McLellDn, Amv Clampolland M4/0Drol SundDV. VOCDI Mulle bV Maroo GUill, SeprDno: Carol Ilorton, AllO; and NDlollo Moline, PiDno. ,tlsd~y, Morell 10 :4& p.m. Film: Tho Autoblooraohv 0' Miss Jano Pillman 'd~y, M~rcll 13 10 p.m. Fobuloul F,ldoy: T,oveloguo 'A rflns.Siblf'an AdvMturo with Oebe Oallantyne' turd~y, Morell 14 10 p.m. In ColebrOllon ollnlOlnDllonDI MOlholl and Doughlor. , A multl.cultu/al, Inl%onorallonnl discussion bV mOlholl ond dauohloll, mOlloralod bV DO/OlhV Paul. noadlnOI horn nIlll.AlADu, bV MarilVn Nlckolsbu,O. , . tlsd/lY, Morell 17 :4& p.m. Film: Silkwood !~ i . ' _"'oj..ft'.....,~,!':.r:"'::'I:,,~.,f~.;'. ,,,:\ rlll/rldilY, Mmc/, 19 I :30 p.m. III CalamQllolI ollOWQ'1 LOI~so NOUII . .. 'Tho Iowa WOIIIOII'. Archlvas', SIIol'" Ct~/h, UI tlbw/JII . A Oook Rovlow 01 Journoy 10 AUIDIlOOIIl by LouIsu Noun . 8~1/~ M~lsDI . RaQdillQ1 "om Suonn.Mlndod Woman: Tho EmulDanco ollho Woman.Sufl/ano MoyomOnlln Iowa, by Loulso 1101"1 . CJlollllO Os/" MI. Noun wUl bo OUI horlOrod Dun I ollho ploD'om. , rUDldiJY, Marcil 24 '2:46 p.m. Fdm: hlol"", Tor011l ~rldiJY, Marcil 27 1:30 p.m. ,III,Calom'llon 01 Out COnlOI aulllo" . 'Tho PAIChwOlk 01 Womon'. Llyn' , Sugor MJlk; Loeol Quilter . 'Tho OuillldonllllcAllon Proloclln JoIulson Coullly' . Lllu';o RoblnsOll, Oiloe/or, Johnson County lIis/o';elll Soelo/y . ROAdillQ1 "om lho plAY, 'Ouillo..' by OQ,b.,o NowmDn OQmAlhol ' MJIY 80/h Sehuppol/, Diloe/or __~___u 80bo BolI"n/yno. ",,,'y EO" BOlbor, "'",lIyn NidolsbclfQ. Cllolino OS/or I .... An AmorlcAn Folk Mullc 50rnplol' , EVAngolino GIJu, Soplono; BOAumon/ GI4SS,' PiAno ',."..' -., "TuDlday, Mn;th 31 \, 12:46 p,m. Flhm ^ Woman Nomad Golda rhe'o will bo A OIolI\h-IOIIO book o_hlllll In Iho Third Ano Lib,olY In cololllollon ~I womon Dulholl. All ovonll DIO opon 10 Iho public. ~I\_n I~ I .--....,..,.-.... _.~"'..."'''''''''''a..',.'"'',~,i' ,...>_',..., 'f. .;.::_ ~~,.,; ;_.".,' '.' ;:~ . 1 ,I I -."" .' i i i I I I i . . g -- City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM REVISED 2124/92 Dalo: FOblua,y 24. 1992 To: M4yOf and Chy Counc~ From: Clly Clo,k COIMlCU WOIk Sonlon, FoblullY 10. 1992,5:35 p.m., In lho Council Ch4mboll. MayOf 041101 Coullnoy pica/ding. Councllmomboll plOlonl: Kubby. L4Ilon. Novick, Coullnoy, Ambtllco. HOIowhr. McDonald. Sllll momboll plOlonl: Alklnl, Holling, Gontry. Karr. Franklin. Davidlon, Miklo, BoolNOy. HOndOllon, Smllh. Tope rocOldod on Roo192-20, Slda 2: Roo192. 22. Slda I. PlANNING & ZONING MATTERS: Roo192.20, Slda 2 PCD DlroclOl Karin Franklin plolonlod InlOfmallon aboullho following Planning and Zonlng Iloml: I. Seulnn II oublie henrlM for March 3. '99~. on "" otdlnnnea vlIclIllnn notllonl of Clt~r~. BIMmJM!M and Oavertaotl !fteef!. . Franklin Ilalod Councllmamborl will racolvo addllionallnlOfmalion. I. O,dlnnnee IImendlM thl ZonJnn O,dlnllf\ee by ehllnnJnn the uti renulllllQnl of 8n aonro.lmBle 20,8 IIC'I uncI of Illnd loeaUtd Booth of FOI,er Rond. nonh of Tift SDOldwIV. Wilt of PII'hvfew EVllnnel'enl Frill Church. IInd 11115' of an ~nnllmed IUI81 from RSla 10 OPDH.8. II orellQ)lnlllY o'IJnned develoDmenl hou!lnn fPDHt 0111" feu Idyllwlld COndoml"luml. Iowa Cllv. Iowa. rz.9104 and 5.91111 IPamd and Adooladl I, Altlclutlon IIDDlovfnn the Dlellmlnll'Y and flnnl Ln,nD Senht RGlldonrlnl Dnvoloomenr ILSROI Plan lor Idyllwlld Condomlllluml. Iowa Cltv. Iowa. KubbV roquollod Inlo,mallon rogo,dlng lho OIC'OW accounllor Ildawalkl. Fronklln and Gantry Ilalod Ihoy would propa,a IhallnlormaUon. k. ~ltlolurfon nmendino the ComDrehltn,lve PIli" to chllnnn rhllllGOUOneo of dnvnloomont "om Phm" 12000.2010110 Phm 111989.19991 lor an aren 01 Iowa City known ft! tho amaIn oonlon 01 Iha Soulh Araa IWhllpo,lnn Moadowll. Horowllr and Lnreon roquOllod lhallloll lond a 10110' 10 lho Iowa Clly Communlly School Boo,d lolling lhom Ihollhls a,oa will dovolop 10110r Ihan provlously plannod and lhallhoy Ihould lako Ihallnto accounlln lhol, plan. Fronklln .lalad a 101l0r can bo drallod. 1 5 f 1 \ \ I "".~ ~, CITY OF IOW,l CITY FobNlIIy 21, 1892 Katon Hradok 824 Hudson Avonuo Iowa ClIy, IA 52248 Doll' Katon: I wanllo O_proll my gratillldo lor yout 10MCO 10 Iowa City, Your long ItandnO hlalO/'f 01 1nIt14\lon and Involvomonlll VOI'f much approcIalod. Tho MIIor.cltdulld nolghborhood, tho PIIIla and Rocroatlon Commllslon, and tho Nolghbolhood Opon Spaco CommlllOo wII havo a hDld Ikno rop/1CIng you. Allomoono who IllS obsolVOd your o"olta and WOIkod willi you u . mombor 01 tho CommlllOo on Convnunlty Noodl, I know how dilllcuR II wlII bo to IInd IOlTlOOno to ril your poal\lont. I DIso know 01 your IUCCOISIuI o"oltalo moMlo 1M oncout8QO Og,orllO g011nYOlvod. I wlah )'0\1 tho boll 01 luck on ~ now pa~. Tho community )'0\1110 going 10 wUllndood bo lortunalo 10 havo you, In poaco, KlI'on Kubby City Coundlmombor 1p4-4 co: City Council I" UI' UIM'~O'O_ 111111 OIOU fill '0" III...."IC ,''', 111,"" ern ,1111 ",.,," SIt) , ,. 1 -, , , - ,I ~~~--- ~I CITY OF IOWA CITY FobtualY 25, 1992 MI. Jack Mullol Pro.ldonl, Roglna School Board 1418 WeslY/ow 01. COlalvillo, IA 52241 DOlI MI. Mullo/: Thank you 101 allowing MI. Shallor ond mo 10 .poak 10 Iho Roglna School Boa,d 'all ovonlng. Tho CIIY (..ollou.ln III ondoavOl.lo Inclouo POOP/O'I awalonm ollho cablo "anchlslng acllvlllu Ihal wo must undortako pllOI to ronlgollallon.. AI Mr. Shaller IOld lall ovonlng, we Iren't In a IIIlrry, no elevenlh hour Input II beIng 10000M. We just wlntiiJ to alan ';iiU to whollho procm II, what wo hopo 10 obloln from a communllY nood. mmmonl, ond ultlmaloly 10 holp you consldol YOut pOlonllol noods In ullllllng cablo occon.. on oduclllonal lOIOUICO tool. . II Inyono on tho Boa,d wishes to chit about Ihl. I lillll bit mOIl. I ancouraga Ihlm 10 call Ollhol mYloll 0135404225 or MI. Drow Shallol aI356.5046. Thank you aoaln 101 you, limo and wo do look 100ward 10 YOut Input. Slnco,oly YOUfl, c.;:lL4M'- (/1. iiuH~'~ Susan M. HOlowlu Mombol, Clly Council ce: Dlow Shallol, Cablo TV Spocloli.t City Council Mombofl bj\muR" '11 "U ..'M,lIIq,a. ".....10.. ",,. l(t~~ '''''-ltft' tlltl tH'U" t ,~, ,"', t,..,... 511 . ' . , -. 1 Iowa City Historic Preservation CommIssIon 410 I. W"lllll'" II. "'1 ,",. "'IIU40 MEMORANDUM I I Date: FeblUlrY 14, 1992 To: The Iowa Chy Coundlllmd Chy MlInager From: Doughu S. Ruucll, Chair, IIlstorlc PresclVlltlon Commission l?' Re: '1llslorlc PreselVlltlon updllle .....................................................,........................ The IIlstorlc PrcsclVllllon Commission received the drart 'Iowa Chy IIIslorlc PreselVlltlon PllIn' on FeblUlIl)' 11, 1992. The Commissioners will review the plan lInd hlIve scheduled lIn extrll meellng ror FeblUlIl)' 21, 1992, 10 discuss lIddhlon or ,evlslons with the consultllnL The finlll plenlll)' session or public hearing, on the plan will be on MIlich 7, 1992. Members or the Chy Coundlllnd Chy starr lire Invlled 10 allend lInd would be most welcome. It Is lInllclpoled that the final drart or the plan will be presenled 10 the Iowa Chy Coundl no laler Ihan the end or June, 1992. Although Ihe plan will not lake hs final rorm until June, Ihe acllvltles or the commission and the work or hlstorlc preselVlltlon In rowa Chy will continue without delay. At present we arc discussing the rale or tho Iladdock property at 2800 Rochester drive In rowa City with tho Planning and Zoning CommissIon and with Inleresled parties. We lire 1I1s0 In louch with the Friend.! or IIlslorlc PreselVallon concerning moving 1I nine lee nth cenlul)' house r,om hs location al Dodge and Dowel)' Street 10 1I vaCllntlot on tho nellr ellSl side. We arc also discussing the rate or the 10Wll Chy Press Chlzen .5/~ , I Memo 10 Chy MllII4ler IIId Chy Counell FebnllllY 14/ 1992 Palo Two Dulldlnl on EAsI W41hlnllon Slree~ Inolher or Iho mOIl endangered buildIngs II prcscnL 1000's Nltloll4ll1blorle Prcscmllon Week will be May 10, 16, 1992. The Chy Coundl and SIAIr will be Invlled 10 Iho Ilblorle PrcscMllon Day Ictlvltles on Wednesday, May 131b. Tho prOJrlm wllllncludo announcemenl or Iho 1992 IIblorle PrcscMllon Award wlMen. Whllo wo expectlho lonl nnlo plan 10 help eslablbh our prlorllles ror COm/nl )'Can, Iho Cornmlulon b nolllandlnlllllL Wo 110 Ictlvely conllnulng IUIVC)' Ind rcscllch or Iho Drown Slreelllel ror poulblo des/8lI4110n II In hblorle prcscMllon dlJlrlCl. Wo IIro a1so In communlanlon wllh nclghbon rrom Iho Collego Oreen, EAsI College SlIee~ EAsI COU" Slree~ IIIld Longrellow Schoollrell who have requested Ihal 11'0 consIder Ihelr nelghbo,hoods ror pouIblo deslgnallon II hbtorle dblrlcu. Wo expect 10 hlIvo one propwl ror III hblorle prcscMllon dblrlct prcscnled 10 Iho Chy CoundllhlJ ClIIendar )'CM wllh IIddhloll4l proposAls lOOn 10 rollow. In IIddldon, IOmellmo Ihls lummer we expect 10 IllAka I propwllhllttho Chy Counellldoptl munlelpllJllIndlllA,k o,dlnllncc which would provldo prolectlon to Individual hblorle buildIngs or shes Ihlll may nol othcl'hiso quality Iii bo Iii hliliirlC pmclVlllion dilirlcil. . Plew conllct mo wllh questIons or concerns lit 351,5610. Tho 1II110rle PresclVllllon Commlsslonen 110 IJwm)1 gllld 10 hell rrom you. I l I co: Dab Mlklo ~ i~ ,. ~ # , r I. f r I I r , I I ! i ! 1 51(k f Iowa City Historic Preservation Commission GS I I \ I I f MEMORANDUM DAle: FebNa!)' 14, 1992 To: Iowa Chy Cound~ City MAnAger IIId PlAnning and Zoning Commwlonen From: Iowa ClI)' IIblorie PrcscMtlon Cornmlulo"l9- Ro: Iowa ell)' Nelahborhood DcJI&n nook .............................................................................. Ills wllh prido 11141 we send )'Ou a copy or Iho Iowa ClI)' Nelahborhood Dulgn nook which WAS preplfed by Iho Iowa ClI)' IIblorie PrcscMtlon Commission In 1991. The book WAS funded by the IOWA ell)' Coundl. Tho book WAS preplfed by IIblorie PrcscMllon Commlulonen Joyce DArre~And Suo Uchl And by SIeve VAndelWOude, Presldenl or Friends or IIblorie PreseMllon. Tho pulpOSO or the booklells eduCOllon. 1\ provldellnrormAtlon 10 wbllowa CltlAns In IllAlnlAlnlnglhclr hblorlc homel And oUlllnellho requl,emenlS ror exlerlor renO\'lllons and additions 10 p,opertlcs In hbloric dblricu. IIlncludellnrOrmAllon on how a homeowner In In hbloric dblrict mAY oblAln I ccrllfiCOIO or Ilpproprilllencss or I ccrllfiCOIO or no mAle riAl 'effect In Ilccordllncc with Ihe Iowa City Codo or O,dlnllnccl. 1\ II hoped Ihllllho book wlllllllo be or Inle'C11lo nelahbo,hoods which hllve requelled or Ire being considered ror dcslanlltlon lIS hllloric dblricu. 1 , 51$ , . 1 , 'I - ,\ I , ,:.l 'l i 'J ;l :{ )1 i! } ., <". ---~--~~~--~-- -- --- - - .. -- --~-.-~ r _ .. ',' . , I ' . I \' f ...., , ' u r~' " " ./ 4> ." .' ". ./ . . '. .' ,.1 , . ..' \ " .' .' I .:' ., ~ . " " '. u .' " "'"!'-, '. . " . .. ',,1 0, , .' '_ ,>1 'I, .f ,1, .. /,~ "1~\< . .:,.~' I ,,, ~ , . . " .' \ '. . . . " " , , ,'. ~, '.' '0 " '.' ~. . e. .,~ . .' ~ r ., . , "- ~,~?-:; ':,-; ~ ','''t "!I / . . . '..,1" I I ":". /' . .' --.,) ,1,'1;' . , .: ~ ; j,'. ~, It ' " /, .. .. " . ". ..' " N II Ii H BO'R H 0 0 D , " .J, ., . .: l",~"~ ~. ..; !" " , '..'" .. ''I: , .) . . 'DE' 5'1'G. N I.'.,,', .'.f I .' 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'I ....,.u. .. .u. riJM r...w "" flt ~_...... ~""rt P"'''''' 1<<........ 11011<<1 ,U 1\1 no! ~ .. II ...011 .... II I ...... n ~ . , " _.I",~loJlbl_lll;too?d~ Il'~M."m:rr, . LID'" rf:.l1 oVd 6xn wlIllWdt ~6xn. ' .h\lllll~I_lIloJlbltld~ ~"piw\ .1\tA6xnn~ pnlIl6xn . 9ryrUM _ 6;a"riidol _6;a .1bI14_6;a~Il~ \l:I1~ll:I\' ' ,~_"lG1o!~~ . ..... i: i; ! . _.-. BBB El ~rn I 14 , , I ' , i' . . . . . I i ", , I I I '1 \ t i I t: 000 " it \ . I !~ i ~Ij I) :r I 'il)' - i.~', r" ~ ., .,'-',~", ,':.c;:"" , 4xr~ '.' I I , ' , , --.----- -- (,-,'; ._.._.L .T'~-' . , , , .' " . ' . . . ... "uch n .11411_ ... ..... ..." .......lIll ~.... fri.. . ,..... .' . '.-. ,,' ,0.," ~ . 1.<1 J.J. · r.rA'lltVdb-,~D1IpU, C01ll\.... D1I m ~ fut.t91LAt9 .It.~~le~'''W'9I1N1:1l lJI1d.lf~~~, e~llb~hVA~611llb\ ..pIlAt. . r.d all ioJI'- pftIl611llb\ ~ pI.~.IICI",_ . bl.nll'i1"~ ioJI'-_ cI&lI ioJI '-;WIll"" d "IlIA"" .... hyOlIr",.lU:nh. ~ ,...... J.4 .lna WIIl'I6lmI\ m., lib .lI\$Ill&..'~fd ~" \~.lfJW Mra" hyioJl'-lhlllllf. CdffIJ.I"".i1l1l11OrmI,t..tlI ~"1l\III. . 1 ,I , ~I ....- I \ill ,\ I I . , l ~ 'l i% ~ d ~: :'1 H 'j ~( .'~ . Ii fl I !1 ~ I .,..~ . .. [ : , " ,: , i . ( "" . -- "'~ (~ , , I - - . \ .... OUIlI II MID DOWIUr<lUIi ~ "" J,,! . " .1)ijd~01Ib.h~ioMt. ",",01I~IIO*li .~nd~ioMUI_. rd~lIld01l ad.w01lIo.ll t.pJIIII, 1rtJIl1lllr1l"" al:r~ '''bxl~ , , . , Hot IfIn I .U .~~011~'" ~ ' , .' .. . ;t, !j , " I; H !: if I, i' , ~ .... I . C111/o1111Y1 J.J. . . MIlA'" b dtr Dll '. IUlllIIlo.IIlila I'd. FA . J. .wrt.~bJCOTlllPlI" *""'Im'Ir, Hotltll . .Jo . om, r.otJ, Iblf lD:i1 .~ioMrdt.~""" lid.. bl Joj b cAlf, trlw W. . lc\' , II I , " I. I I , , " , . 1 . hIM It ,,1Iai " "Ill,"'" " emI I ' ,..."....".. . , . ....,...., . , . , , .. . . r ' . ." , . .Cltl/llHlY1 . b*,_ ' .'oM".Id.~ . ".dMblVDl'flpillh "- .' " _" J' , ,.. . . " . ',. . , . ~.~.. ' , Gtld....~.,..,.., ..llIlbtAlr;dwW. , . 1f1 :t'. . . ~. " , c' ... , ""j "f . . . ~ . . . , . '. " '. f . . ,.' . ' . amm ,... "1oM~1IllIIf1ian~ I'll......." tlI1I chnlf., to. W. . ' rw.. II to. IilIIe .,.,.11 lIMe. . 'ectJf,,~~ , I . bZt9 ~ tld bt I1lI1Ri 'f4dl1/Q.lf~.~d'1O~ ~.pl'oI!,lt. , .fhp:ldl~"~lIlt"U~1IUQ 11/Q.lfbtlll1ltli.Ollll~Ho\1d =:JO'dp\.\~cWTn. , .1Wak~~p:ldI~I!XIo\1d. 1/Q.lf bt Iris II If ole bit.ta!f IInfI ~ hlW,' \IrPIlMllcn Pit eW.~O'd~1/Q.lfIIlVAd~1 ' ~~..pIlIdlll'Olll~O'd ~1/Q.lf~lnAd~Ib'd'1Im p3Il .FrIh~O'd_~lathSWl1 . ~~!l:b~~~m' ~liUcl*,_. .OWO'dole.IIrijI!cdlMl:oIllll tldbta.!",.tal O'd_ m. p./Jcw., ~ I . ~ . ",.. ____ A ._,~~'" ,_. . ,..c", ....,. , >1'., tlolNl...,w .. . ~ 1/Q.lf!XId\lvl h p:AA\ ll\D7lt . tallmllllilll~!XIbtM ,.Itd7~Iin~ 1td7~IilI.tal ~",p,_.gWlDt . itiJI. . Wo.cjllcn".1InfI iO.U!XI bt...4 IIlclshy""pl1dho\1ddt.l1l . _,',. ". ,-,; "~"""""'-""1"1 ~ - \fl , , , I i . , , I I , : i I . i i 1 I, I. 'r . "",. "'~ . '-, r.' '~'''"_''''~ . 1 ,I i , ' It ".VI rou\UU(tlC}H" Alll)tIKI"~ . AlMO'lI... ~1lII.- tilW9 b.. It IIJllIRlA b.I D" 1t.v'91l.'\\ ,,, tv. cnnI ~ 11"""11 \1'.("" ~ ~,. It vd i111 iW:'I'" oj....~" ~ "*'" ~,.,filA &!cQlIlMM ~ ildlf rc)J~ io.ll tIrd D wiIlll'.t1 \I'.(\.ltI,O'lI ~11l".'" kw/l."-' ",~0'lI po.vl'tll d" II It VIl't ~ ffl! ~" elM ~ 1lOI" II ~ i:tJI ~ It~ ~/tt. b.I hlIll. io.Ill1l ~ pm\ will It ..pM" ,Iot.."r./Idd . kbt~IIl~" "'lDW~~- It Ibm d pl "" III It. 0'lI III It 1l\A'" I p" ~,... ktlllllll" flitlo!col. , ' ' b ~ M ft ~ ~ leA It lhlIn It ~ w.-1otAI 0'lI1to. I lW'" ~1Il.lIlllP1-Iot..Iht... olllln t.lla4ld1. kino.." - M II It.i" Illt dH\w,i,~f:q=~~~"\lllI. . I I I I '!) ,~ 4D '\ . : Jill.. .. . ;f?. I , ! i , ! . ~ \:. r' " I' * maID-' , . Mld~WIt9"I'" , . .....1UIn 11I,-1" thll Aw....llalIlIlhWi . , . ~.."~~ W ,-..,p." ,,1IIIhCl . ,..W,.,~-- .1alI" i1i1"'" "'.. I . . ~-. . ; .~._~~-~. ._~.- i' t " ..... .,.,~u . ~ -. - , ,.. . r i , " " tcM 1.1 . I 111" ):ilf J!o:I!. . . 'I." Q 1iIt-'----- ','----',.'. . . . .. . , , . . I" . -- . /, -. I~~hi.\'f.. , . IZIIIID . ' ,l ~1t.hIl~1M1"'''''''''' ....llibI w,... I ~*.... ...W.',lulllllhWi._ . ' ~ "'" w ~ rd.ldnI ,""II" ~,..I/t'p1ff,....W..... ,.. W '" ~ -... 0'" . lull "ki~"'''''-' . I ' ; ",<;--'.:"!" -,'". ....-.:.-;.'.... , ..".'" 1Ic....--.J ~J. HolI.u ol.l . "~rlO,"W'9\~~ IIbllft~rI~~ W'9 h h'I~ ... OIl '1/1. '~Wl/IDll~1ilIl~'d t1I~m~Wl/I -.Ib'.'ni OIl mtroA ImlII aIa"* h\lllf~ .h~Nillldiwhtrol.'* Dll"- ,q.laIllJllI'Glll huW1 "" W W9 4014 h arlnIr IUv h. . ~hiM N oeldlllbr.wtlrllll oP~Ho.IIldbIlM...adlllh lo1r1oW1 , ;",...-I:l 41' : . n 4~ C/.W . . 11.11 Il:ifll 1n11 __.W- ,~,[1~ n n" 0 .,. '" .. '" ~ In (jI t- .,1 ,'_,jd .. 1 ,I I f . I1DDIID lu .I.J. .flllWllG1ll.tblltlWinI~bI/MIIl W9~blll.Il~~ .~~~ltjlullJrdh piW,lWl inllttillilllrn!ln . .f~l!inld\~ltb:AIllll"n'l~ . Irnhr*jbJd . - No! ...~ - _! .Il'l bDla J.lt b.i I. prtlIIIllI h ~ ~ldthAllDIi.l:dM , . , . lot" lit WI , !fOIl "IU ~U~ -' . . T1T~~ lit" It'-", ~ lI\ 'VI " '.--' .::1', * 11III I" JJJ -.lhtlllll,Iil"l,<<"1'b- rA 'dllrd .11:I "" Qt -.~JwIl"o9'lIM.lrnh~W1 ,......_ _ H .~~~,hl'rohh1t~1 e ~~ 'un n;b1.1:d ....lIhl t.Jl "'Ill JdIi'A fd ~ II",' h oll/ol ~f\1dllh~~ .h\l)'t\fd~...,~dh ~~ldlto1W . ' ,.-,.'I'i1 , - - " 111 ,I-I' ~C.::j~'i, _:::'::';0~~;:~ ,fa [-1 _" ........ "'~;TC 111111, III .;....~;..;,...p,.~,. " .. . ~ * ... "'~I. l J JrJ. .blpUb_~binl~~ Ie ~"... 18jldcof II h f\1d~~hl:d~lll- ~ltlwl.hiJltGI hrllll:d d.. 1lW4~ . . . h I:d d.rlI inI w d I:d Ill! d.. "'ll.d~ ~ It tlla II fd J Itn'l ~"'hlliJb*oi . . bIl1- toJ/ltlll'foWl"" ,.l.NO'l_tAllIll"f\1d~ II Iv..D" ~IJ<<II ,....... 10M. . b!ld~~Id"''''' f\1dl:dbabr~bb:i ~ /\ L"\. j\ . [lIli illll [II~ l~n~! I~H~j I~Jl~" . fa . ,-.,' /"j' -/ ". ,. \ 1111, 111'111 ll[il~I~~l~ ... fe. j , ( 'j ',j , .1 . 'r . .1 '. 1 . ,1 ' r 'I - f:~ t .Ii j:; l'J I;: (l . ~ 1 .' ..,;....;,,- " "II -. L. * .... H \ . 9.u~ pcralaI J '''1'4 io.Illt HI II k<A d,. No!"'l -' :U. . ti:dmi... 1Id..1 _~Id!ttAtlJ . Mrlinl"'.C'l . ". .1/r;l1lG J itlld. ' W.INtdw;r\*Ol ., -, '.' ~~ ~~. '" I ~ ~ ~~ ~~'l!i, .. '1(;' ,.,J , 'j ~ I,; "! r ~"L _' . , - - 1 ,\ I . * * * .-1Z!IlIIIII " . oot .t'IHh'~.~ AIIU C~AiAt.U Im!IIlImlilII I:lIIIl3lI <<I ' J..J: 1<<_ T. JJ . "~M~.U 1<<1 06.4. iJlfpUb"ln"dQII,d~~ I,~.."~i>>ll" ~W1,.Judallll~' ','d"'_lIt.itfflll,.,dud~" ",*,w. .. . n.lIlidnld..a1lldbllalNi "ioJl",...fdal~ . w,"'''NlJlllI,m, , t~"id"'ani.lrf"" ~i_h..."oIid~ ,fwll".-iJ~ . ~D'dr:hoJW9idlillmll II pl'.1I0UI:lh.." ""w, aft tIl1b. W. p:qlI rtd 0.1 Ut9 II" . Ir,I;M.lll. . Wiw oJW9 id iii LIohIlll D'd ."".~ . WIIn lllWc~ id~ bnl:liln a ml,. NI'd ~,. o\1d lWlo\ IftalanMlC'IItIlIiI bill ..InI.WIIn lllWc ~idlt.o Il'CU ,. btd:lllllll t.\tl aI ftl1ikQ ~llpt'.rflll~howd" W,'I~WJpoM, .g.,D'd~a1"lld:eIh"~ idtdnb llfcoAaI "oIid~ NllIec.....41~~ .~~I/Id~D'dIl"" .nmiGMld"'~AIf~nIr , _D'db9ntdltlln~AIfIll,. o\1d.' .!aQtilllllal.... (.w..nw _.d, WIln Id l\llllM III alla1l ....1<<1 A.4 . . DllIe.dl ~ bI . '.~MloJW, . ~alnhilfdltbt,.., ft brI.l IIIr1I cI If~" Iw.lI .~~o.tIO'Il,.\JIillllll."i . Ldtll.~_lll"" O. ',. .1 . ' "", , ',. .' . ..., I" raal"idld~"''' .1ld"'''dvVollb:k~ ' . .. ". ~ ,. .' . . ':::'';~:~:;';-_:-- ,'f Tn , . , iii : 111! ~[j~~.Ll! YII No iii !lll !l !f1~J II ~~Q '. ~n~j , ~i'i" , , . "." '. YrI , . YrI ~;~. lit . It , , .. V\ - ~ .. . . " , . , . ,,,,, .I "; . .:.~~ . ' . IIIIIIID 1'- .. ~ tI ,.1IIln ft,.,.. c..IIllI ~ II II'" ,. ..,.. tI .. ,..,;(I~1&ln lhlonI.....-; .....,..,.,. c..ilIIIIf4Il1 """ ,. ~ ~ ,. c.ti tI "'....... ,lIti..... ..."wIl.......tI . . .., uar. .. willllllllln Itr,tij, .. c..liIIorI....,...........1r ~.wnlllllltt.......1I ...H\1..~......... ,..Ir ltt .... .... "II' ,. ...llp.....,...~_..' . . ..,........ ~.J/..... tll ..........uI_.~1CnIi lftJIplr ..lfIbtftklllbkt..... ..... ,. 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",IWtMl ''',It.t "It,.."...,,/ lil.lbl1llotA lllltollt "" 6:c1l1:f pwrt p'4f 1'Cl*'I0001oI~~rbt, onIlIfth~lIMI'Cl*'I'ilxI ll:I.,.tUA~,.~.,onIlI"" ;blA\. n:h "l'Cl*'Illr:Jle r ClOlll ,.~ ' . .'-dW,.- II #wi" ,1Wt Mt/ ."IIIOll'll~IWlll,~""..Jt1 lIn:lllMI"'nh'lil'~ pm,.(.d~~<I1'~ Arr'b i Wl rill tt 1't.llH,n6ll fm.bl1a".f.r.f!lrdlQ ....ldtt~..,~nll~ we tt iIlmr d,. ~ rd,.1lWdrt i.in h~plQIip;,ga~tvi "MIl 'rpqrllld"II:f"I~ " ~LChllli*1rlll.tfnim'fIl rr'bi~ .. #wi." IlItiin 11I..1111/ tlWA III lWt....i1/ III , .. #wi." IlItiin 1II.w." MM 1M "..iM1 III ~ ,,,,,,,b:tIllfIwAtGlW""l1'IIIi .ll:Ipm.lrI,~ Illf,wClllll" bt"" IwA iii. rrdtJ' '" """" nPn1 .leI""""'''''",.",. , ",IMrtMt/ VI" pi eM lu Wl p&mi, h pq.Iaf be MMd br" il'.llt f1r1Cfll\ Camr:m 1M.. .,.1iIU ~ tIooIl,. 101 d ,. iotA aCl"!WI ~ pi pqc'A; td.u I III DlWllI". ta&l\l1Ol1in 1OIId~ Ill!ftlb,WlPGtt .leI."""Wllmlr/.~. clJlwA/ Salt d tt IW teA Ud 1I1J:.1lt lIl9" ~o'Vd- Olll:f '""',. tt.Iic tnft. Olll:fdt.lor~Mlr\l .~II\IIli~ldIIIthtM p::!!:.~~!~IM~ IIWii Olll:f DIdlIllIllW llfIIImJ tal ,. ~Iol J.Olblr~ Id pv.lhllru dtt~'11il1I W_~ hIoll. C41,Jt.l\nl1ll\l rd IIA Ill~ ~tdxxh . , L " , \d, , k . r'-i ;.~ I', !','L ~ ' , i , I A 1 ! , [oj-' I': ;;} I', "-,f' ."'" ",,, rtr III III rIrl_ lip" "',..lflfr,*t"" I iii. II hi.... -1li*1' '. Wl ,,"-rdIN tMtll:l 'pllNlIrl.llII1~h *"_IlIf(hicD'g1rl toilll. I , ",,, 11M"""", .1Mrt"-' , . ' .It iaaA.lbl~ d.edl~b.llxrftrd. lmiIllllfR'c 1m hM pllllII _rddA. ~:.: ~~t; ,"...., k~-~ . N t,,".lIiliart~' !rY . .,M",.,.' ; !IT T~ ;~~iDIY"plkC. [\ W9rdplllll:ll'lIII~1" 'I! DliMTd 'M"**,, Id """~I' , . II!;'" ladrds..gnhM~f fL,' rd~r.IlIOtAlId" Ij't '~4Itkl. ,. I' i . , .1.'.;' . \ ;~;: . ~~ I ~'1 Lfi d 'H 'I' j,> .H , r;:~ 1;1 ('" '. ! """~,...,..",, , . . ,.....,.........Wllhli. I"~'" .,..AIMI" I.i".....""""""" ,:plat....,""'""",..,. ~ llAart Mi17 " t'1a JCII i;I, lu Wt ~..,...,,, !c_"..It.a*,....CM* r4.....W...W...Io1i1 I. IDa III t.... paO JCII "'*' 'diU, (I1"It".lOWi:lllbt~ ,q,Wb.Wtpd. . "'U.IIlIIWaij"'II~.t 1J. III""'" ~l:wil"=IClhlllllY:t. lapel ~"llML !llllf.... 1t.\lt-.llIllflr.ao,li.\ltd.. ..,. ........... r--JIL ...hmO'I....... ='~ llIllf..nlpaU"'t. . laI..llat...fcI.... ~,. ~,W/ltIl:rMdInv ,.., r.pdBbd~~"1t1 l\lid ,~1lnW1 . . . .,"",II....",.,.,_rJ Nllall" ",,*.,r ~ ""W.,.;.""~~, W1I'!"1.W" .....""'. MIl I JCII" crrilItt lP;brt tc ~ II pllo.w III tc PI II I(M 16111 p:QIW. ~w . . rI".i.,~..,1vfIII .Mlrl"'" hi MI:ll .".........,. dAII.lnlll!d,wll.fl1d,h:Il'tI b:IlI/i1_/nI\cl4,..IW4. ...ll:!t, I'd tJA t"""".II.~Ari1~'''''',,, ~r~ ,,, '01 ~ iwIA If ~.IllDle'm illrbil W91'd,..llIlllilJ'l!liljQI . a!.r.m. h'lIpct&bbl~ ..... "~I..IG.II"jQ1 1.!rId r4\U1 plI be" tlIlo.III w~l6IloMfcI~rd... _W' ..",.,la."..,,-.,I,wi .. M ~,..,. AittII 1'4 \I;lI1q.IM jIllIl. b tb:1wI ~ t kL\ lal 1'l'CtI. ~ bII""" bI 1I\lII:lt11'd1"'~l'itbta'd 1IIlI"'" tt~IoI'l.\ltIl4111 "'hkhDWt,b1i1~(\"11. IpI"",..~....d~r4.. GI!~~~.I'4~fq.lrillt.. I'oIlJCllrq\ltll9/Jlblolodt:olllllrlb ~~II~d. r.. 1I.w... oId..,."w", ..............,.,. ...uo,.,.w..'IIIirn. r.r"".IIIriy"___&yrJ 1IfIatf,..,...... w.' rw.tI,.llIh..~.....w I pi;''' .....p, .nlf.c...;~ ..IIC....iI~jQIlQAl\lt ..,.~lfutt ,pI~, lm/thIl. ".N" Cm:Ai I ~"-'~'~W'9 ~"-9'b..~. hpljOllil,. Mt 11lI. PM''''' fII*I bt rdi1 . ~""W9Il111I\Cllf~ : "1d1lf1llWl"W'9~"" . t04ldiA\ 1'4 Cm:Ai" ,e"'" If ,.., 0t'W\" d 1"<9' fcI"IlI" ,..11"""1 ~ . .\ I 'tllAIlI..._~.",.." ~r"".",.CdutI' 1iI100Iporlcllllp:rlll..,,~.. "'fcIlml'utt.,,~. ! Id.... daql r4 6:'woqI ~ \It IItnl , JCIIIb III""'W 11I1"" h~l"hr1l hln_UtIjQ11 ~.Y:t t,.)II.".i"W__ c..w. ""..",...,,.., oItI 1M'.' '~rq~'''~Cotd . . In .iji I; , , j' 1 .' , !,j !i " I' :1 :'j I .III " 1":'. i I VI ! !~ ; I . I I . I . . , . '. * ""1'11<11,11 hll' .,'~,...- ..~.-......, ~.... '-.-.....,........,;... .~...,,,.., '~'."', h.."'. ;......... .'., ,,_.,._,A" .... '~- b'cPl........ . c.r,~-CIr "II,J ....It"' -c.r,."" !nil 111116111 lllIoIM,lo.W.CI,(Wt:\~~ hc.r,Wd.IIUb"""'A~~ rd~hit(l.lId~ 'rW~b'c ,.".. '0 "'1001 "" c.r,. ""!nil Iri'IICI"""'~fd lOb. ...m rd..". h Wl\.... rd liIlrI~llooCl,rd.~",""1rd ~"I01qd.\It~llooCl" 1.~.......lcIl~b."'J"h ""rdlim~.~lIaqltt.h ilII~'rird.~hMl.rA.. ~"@,p_'l!I!!!!!~~!!"!. hlMCMJb'c1llbtr '0,...1011 c.~ "" !nil 1111111111 IIdiu(M1il'.ln~S<<"'khc&l ,..... ~Ilh wtr.lIJN. ~";.;hlilllOl(M1~ MtMIlIIAfrlllIllcd~,..,.. ...."'" *' h lOIfr.lriAlI11'_ rdplllllllll.l..,PIPL ~ c.r,~""c.r, lIMit "'....!riJI .It,.....,.1tld "" CIr. "" mil 1161111 IIwt rd ",,*lol SlMII MtI" b.iIlrt ~b~I".M.Irt.~ ft/rl1'* lIMit t/ d e* PI.,.. 1I6111t Jl,eCl,~.CI,olW.lrl.~,.,. fdWlb-..~~ Ilf,o p.\".,.~rdWIt~ ...,...... \IlIl b'c1Il*J ~ "" .... il6lri TtN,'*d c.,.wc.,ln hl!l\!t!,!r-! HlII IIUllllll AlIFI"~.-"p.llc. ,......~id.dl1rMIl'AIl. Wy\ Il:lro\le,...,...,.,a. ~~~ ~."b1d~~~rall rd~,.......* ....i,..,. hIlIIIttot ..,. mltl~,mIlIUII ,~~.., m 111141/ ,111111111I .1Wlrr III III UII, 111111 UII ,* mItIlUl,IlII1IUII t , . 1 , . ".,1', ~,~ " '.~_:; ?., . . I\llIllWrbll4dltrtllM CIIM "-b'cIMm~" , liS 1l""1 ,..,.b~~~ rd.,.......MtIf1v. .....~rd" ,..,..... 'a WII "1I'a1h~l1~ ~,...., IISItIIU1,IIIIIIUII .......t1b'c !In IIIIII~III,IIIIIIUII . "" 0.,.., loMIl..... ~" m.... \hit . . DeI~"" 10m , . liS 1l1l1OJ . 1llI"",,~hII.ll~~ . ,.,,mwMttl. ""!kin PI....... ',o.lal>> WlIl'" "" Ins. IllIN.W~AbIIl ,......fd_lIoolo. ~,.ltftiilIcnll.IWy~J ,......IlIM . . . ~,~:...,."""';"'''''''''_--''' . . ~~.~, . 1IW'I1N....lrif\ 41111l.....,.1nII .~..1n40 1I1l119' . . 1b.91~"IIlilSrIUI_&lW, . "".......~...~ r4/ri'f. . , IIdItIH&tt'n'" . 116111t 1Ic(}r~."'ollMI..parpII fd~lmltr.lldd"'~ ~pt , .....,.iIo9r4Wlu.., ...In ' , lIIIIlblbIltdlIr~. . , """1tMt htnIie 'c.,wc.,lu . ~h1111i1\1pI1011'.-_- 1IIltJ.lIII I ~~~""-=rC:' " Wll\'I.:r,.....,.,.,l'lllllit~ . .....,.Il*dIq.ll~Wl'all . I'4.w"'dlfcI. .. ,- . "'''1tMt ftrMrIM '~ . , 1111t1,,* .1111t11l1l 'riImI~ 1111t1 Illl.1111t1 1111 . """ 1111t11l44.lllltlllll died , 11I111 1lII. 111111 1111 . _, - - I\Illt 1kIn~ \DIj~. CIlIiM4I IIcWIMm~h... 'IIUIIIIII ~~b~~ItR'l~ rl!.pt'A/dlllaMtl~_ .....,..IdllI/lf'...."'clllld~. INnlIm\lIlIII..ln&lI I., I :!"(llIlli1n,..M IIHIII4I1.lllnlllll ......tlWl'all lIlnl~ll1Illlnlllll "" Gc;r,....... tlltll.ld III WlIlM "III DftIloill\.lOm lI~mllOl 1l4101o~./MaI'''~~' , pIIIlript/mWiilmii. 1olo JfIlark h.......lIoncl ,.0, ...m WIIlIrN,.1U1I Il4M II\ln IIrAnclol ",,"I. IIlIII:t ~~N~_rl! ~,._.....,..1iR'l pt'A'lItiCIIInlott ' ",,:;.....' H_'''~'''''''_'. ,"*__'_'",,"",.'~~'.", I~h""\mllhd h.....w..11IhtJoI .....1I.1b l1...tI.... ' /0 ...1111I ""llOllllllll ~,......ri'!rl!"blOl lIllnl..1Il1tR'l ~ DMl:9l1il!tU "'1lClIOI~bl.lld~1t:lI fd\Q~rdnw..t. , . Wyllf* "'011.. 0h+J0I tll*" IIwllI 1II..1tI"", '0....11111 o.n..lIlt IOtII lId1ft IlI\ \I'III11l9o'd(i!c1 ...ImlIolWh.... 111I IIoIlOlIIMaIAIIlIIt,II, """""'llOOll ll4~rcIod~,......~ ===cI~~~ . pdftlinl~..~lnntlOdplpl, rl! kuI p.YcM ....., bll*l. &I ~~ . ~ , ,-';....j',..,;" ;; -.: --'~- """"...,. II Will labt..... s.a.nll on, t 14604 IlltlHW I!d:li:tdll/Jb~~ Il9o'd CI'!II AiIdlfaIIIlIt1lMM '.... Ill...... ....!hIt '0"'1111 ,"""*" fA nlH ,,~~prh.lW,.....,.~ cr....N~pM:lOl_I'4 ".d"~p.I/alo!I : 1'41014 " . 0\ @ ~, 1 I t '1,'. II If \. ;f ~ U H I I I' , ' - - - . , ...I - . ' . ~l)iJ(lt )1((1" AfHfH}\ . lW /lWlII n .. '"'"" "', hlll't G.1l Htw" s..m C'l1lMt w.J" c",.w. w~ Mlthr, "d"'~1d Ah'O'f~l#m\lI\r.\lIl1l1~ C'l1lMt IMf Id: ~""""" ~~' .,..., fire ~ t1f... tbtl"9' I IbrilI Cdrlr l'<<nfIc "" II Ni r. . C'lkw"""'''''IIIttan '" c.q AariII H.w ~~~llli\IDmfrtIrillIl .b ' IW~"" ~"~"LUrH.w ' 14liM1 9ny1blMl . lnrr""....\ lInW At ~ ~C'lIIwl"'~ as II:lVd M Sa\u,"'" WJn. [ IWamr 0tAl GD;1 s.v- " ~CIiI/I;;;w AlAil.cIC'I..."....~..... . ~ fnlllbb Dad.. IltC'lH.wo.. ' , ftlllri1 frJItt ~r", , r.a tm . . ftdJCtA4t II"''''''' _lY..,. '. Wbl,bny n. t1f...,.. . i I, . ; It,ptdJr.I:I'" \.bwrIllr.~ lbory,lI.'IlI en At C'I" IWrUi! I A!aA ~ lAIr, , "Sat as ~M 1ft, llllrQ MlaIbt . rw_\r.\. , ' '-"" l'drbt H.w , Idmt'if~~ ,.. Ac.r;.CtA4t llAIaIr. WhIl. t:_Ibt.... ~ ~ . , "-<--'.,; ._,.-'-' , ~,.~rf i\t'\ ~'!;~ t' '~rl I'" n~ !,I\" ~-:"~~{ . l:"'-.r. ~r:;N. ' !,.,~ ,~ . t,l.!.!' , ,r.r D I 'ii, . W "~;Obm ~~i _c..OWO ~,t;~ '.,' t,\! ,n~\1 Minft....arl, t . ' r~liW hdIr '. ~!J ~kIllrlflbt -"""" I1tSlI:>>,~IlllI"""l ~. . ~It ,KIm l~ , '~;.. .......,;....:.;.. '.': W.;l." ,......_, . ~j;,~j' ~' ~t~, fmcM~J4"1'. It~ .r"IblOlJl' ~'\il~ ~ ff ~l~~ Hjt' i..t~ '. t:TI~L i'r+t,1' li~~\ 'l\:;~:" 1",'<' i~t!J bJ' f'n-. f-~';'1' IF~ . JI.,F'~ , t~;:[~ p:::J ..; ~.IJ.. ~/~,t f ,';,> ~/jJ; ~. " ~ .,,' , ; '".! (..-;".' , ! ;~:".t ,..,," . < 1 PllWcIh C'I"""'.. lb4Ir ',' . ClIIbIIbAi... 11.1 Slid.... hl.\<. I' . . . ., .' , ( .;..:~j,i*'1<>q,.,.',_"..,_..- , ..... . , , "",...e., ., "" i" ",I I. ..,. tal: .,... """*' ,.., '" ' ~. .......... h,.,,*, ~"llIt\'IlalM"" ~,.., . -, , " t i.,' i ~' " . . '.' , ' . - - - , I _ 1_ - ~.~ rIlWah 11Im eM.",. billlfrirt..,*", ''''~ W4 W lrJ" Wrl.W WlWI b1dCf\lllllll\ ' l"lcidA.N.W~U\lll/ ,.",... ""'" ",. "I, t.lGl(~ . - '~ , WblhlIlr..~ llt.IlIrw.robm, lilt ,,., ...", c.. ~/O btlrri'91 ~~ " M.Irt~ ~""~AW,IIWdy ~ ~lct.rb"ll:dm>>. bjll"" 1m 1bIWAA.N. " W:Jiop It !OllI I1w CMi,,,,... ""'" .bt:.... . ( I\lriIlIlN 0.nIt ,....,~W fIlo<<I s.M. '0, b II, ' ~ eil!lttrlhd, NrI r... 01111 rrtlKfl n.~1lIIl , . " " . I . - 4J>> " , Ai~IIStJltt Id;~U' hr.-...1lIIl A rrMw,IIWb1Ilwl I'qil & ltllUir.lr I\1rllI ttr.p Id: A,..,... II . I\1rllIIIMf hi . h~b"""~ . , . ' -', " , " . " . ',' . , . , . . 1 . , , 1 ,\ I , i. 1. , if ;, i>: ,- f ~r , M . ~ . , '" t)l Vi .' ,I, . :,"';..,,.....~~A.'.. ,... ~; .' , '^ Q . . I I ! /lOw "l 11'1' A (()//IIA~ If,. 'WnIQl~rdU_"'~ftlft · b~41"aaWlt IQ\'-A · M:I,Cl\tlh;t h~bb tf~ NJQllat 11M!, 1m1y.......1y 1.ll1l~~IU,._~t. cJtr'r~"ttrlwMlIrMIlICllI~ -olii1t#lI"'lI~"'1 .~b:t~J;.tfll',~ lG'lllluol IIItl~ntQit ~~.luttilll~ PJ' NJllnJnpl "116 h '"' \"Ilm...~~ IbIlrd,W ~dIlItnllft~..J:lIU~ 1ftA JdPJ'CIlW ~ """ , p.y.n,tllI d Ia iNI CIll'MIIy i7Jiil ao,scn~ 1aI1tl...~ Iw.ba"bq'b~~ Ct,J'/tlIIl;I\ . I II MIl t..W I*f ~'Wo~hh/~ h"", ~lIr(....dt~ 1IWdII, · rf!dl trJ _tn" d'wt Nw.u 'MUt::~~l;I\CI~' lbItJGI~~rd~ Cle'WI"'U'~dl~ft ~ JQlot tJtv aWJ h_tl,lIl*fbshlllll h~....~~.ln.~" ' ~-~.~".i}ldMblQl ~.lt rritJhi.'~hamtl'l 1lI_ lll'tIOlIWO..~ft.1IINPll'AlII Iqill · Gd,*,bllCllblllO'hw ~ "-_III Il.tohlIn, .(,...ar..b~lIftQf/(w.lW , lll'~ MUnNtu__ · SlljlU'mllb lOt '" II" ICIIMd '~19 I Jj/ d b.U bel 1111 irp.l1rt 1t~.Qhll1l"NJGlnfl:l JOn 011"-"" wdl;cr. alll ft. ~.JGlrtM,.fW1'~ ...~~. 1l/I'(IlIIIOtt'lle.lItfl:l.~. ' '~""l n-~b'PIilI"_tpqb~. '~~h=:dfil~ ~=l:I=t::~ttd!l::= .G:l;ll:;~;!;~,~~ ~~I.~lI;ftul, , ~blir.Wb. flltl,lnQtIi jqIlWI."'--.It~i It rw lwIItr tQ~i fl:IIWw.oIy "'ZllWnJ.nlOlriJlt ,tit 11Nt..." iltciiddualnll IN'''IIV.lIIJ,IIr..htJ,lt_ ositd 1Q\~1~.~.t11 lt~t ',....'nnrrq.,1I II. ftllCll,OlIrhbl:ll~ rdll~~III'_bllll' 11'* · 5Mlf4litl~Il_tI'l~clWr, - IIJuIUlll'rUldfoatrl,bd.! i1m1,1.dilml q.W, ad 1I1b1,. · "lll'fIXt)"hfQtll1l'.llllll~ .0000l....'m1r0.6111'tQ1.1!41\Y ~lr~,.IICIlCIIlQ.lWi fl:Ir.Mr~bll'/r.d*,bJ.~ .,. ntrl'h_bha~ _b"'lli,IQ'fIt~dIlCllII btlt _dh*",.", raw IIfrgIlIll oW'( , .ftooIle-.l:lt'lll'tIlIftllllQl · MUCItII trl"et_~.lN If laIll!:1d_dllo . M~d~'_d~ ItII crimilll"_6r41 - ;.-., ...... ... '...., . ...' "",, ~, '... ''l II' ,.., ..... ~, ''I'J .!:t ~ ..- !"::! 1'C . JI ~ ~~ - ------ " _-;.._ - - - . __e-__ . - . ... 1 , / ." ", - - :, u 'r.... ! ", ",,",' .,,' ."0.,1: ;. '" ,:~~~i~::, "..' , " '~t._~,-< .1" '~ t"~ , 11-.0,.......<<- ...n...1 .'l.....r... 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':,:,;'J:; '1,,:' '. ...,.. " f' 'i.\,,\'.",~','''\,r'' ,'."'/'. ." ',."" .' :. ~~~~f~~~)'J.t:~:'.'r':' , :; ,;'.':." ..,'~ " ,.",." ""!r.'.<."+' '>'{'j''-\ "'l)' ~'-' . ,. ~ t;', i \~ ':, .'" ~, I"~; '...: . .".". }, ,-.I -- 'i' , , :"<" !'i"'< 'IOWICltiHlltOlIc' ~'ll';',t/;r~ ~': ~-_.' Pr"IMtloft ! (','!,,: '1',1. COII'IllIulon ~~, '\., '. ;,~ ':l.-'\', all -"'.-""'. <, ~;/~, \~~~,,:(,~ II Y~:'j~':,--'L~:t:~, , \' .~' ;.5\ , p ~ , - . . " ,~, .. ~ ... 'j " ,I' . " . ,;.1 ~'i'~r' ':-i>,;.' '. . \. ~ i " . ., ."'..: ~:!:i~;':~~: .~... ~' ..t-<~j1~~ ", ~ '_.. "__. ..,,~'[,:' L,"'~~}'~ '~i ' . ,:',:',:::;,;,.'"r:? . ..~.' - 'j.~;~'; '\-)+..:'- r, '.~ '" J;'t!f~ ,/ i. ~." ",:,,:;: " -' ,;.,,~~..." '\ 'i.' " )'i , JO . ~ .' . I J. .' ._1} " , . l.. .' ., " '01.1 '-," " " . ....:~' , , .'! ,~ '.." '., J,...., ..: ~, ..'.,. ~, , - - . . I - - - Tho Unlvorally 01 Iowa \loot CIr. \loot II'IU ~-~ . ~S, W""',..,.. 101 WtII ~..... Jl>>)S.IlU , Fobruary 26, 1992 lCollY J, lIayworth clty AdalnlotrAtor clty or Coralvlllo 1512 7th Stroot p,o, Doll 5127 Coralvlllo/ IOWA 52241-5127 ROI Potontlal Coralvlllo WAotovator Dlochar9o Into Cloar Crook I I Door Hr. lIayworth' Tho purpooo or thlo lottor 11 to roltorato tho Unlvora1ty'o concornl wlth tho propolod dlochar90 or city or corAlvlllo 00wa90 troatlont Iyotoa orrluont to Cloar Crook, slnco IY Horch 8/ 1991 lottof to you fOlJafdlnlJ thll oUbjoct, your conaultAnt, Voonatra , 1C1.. or Waat Dol Holnol, rocollondod 0 Cloar Crook dlacharlJo In thalr 1991 ProllDlnarv OOllon RODort. Wnntovntor Troatmont 'aalittloa. coralvlllo. Iowa, Thla rocollondatlon appoara to havo boon IAdo wlthout adoquato r09ard ror tho Unlvoralty ar Iowa and Clty or Iowa clty potablo wator ayatom lntakoo IlIodlatoly downatrODl, Tho Cloar crook dlacharlJo altornatlvo woo roccijofidid by Vocn:tra , KID OVOf throo othor Dltornatlvoa, Tho othor altornat1voa would provldo dlachal'9o locatlona downltroall rroll tho Iowa clty and Unlvora1ty wator lntakoa AD doos tho olClstlnq d1lchulJo, Tho focollondatlon to chanlJo tho dlschaflJO point Appoara to havo boon lado on tho ADaulllptlon that lt 11 tho lDftat coat optlon. In An oUort to rurthor juatHy A Clout crook dlacharlJo 10cAtlon, VoonatrA , K1IZI propoao A atudy ar corAlvillo \/utO\/Ator ror "prlority pollutAnto" / Iowa Rlvor And CloAr crook ror "nutrlontlll and dUuont rrol tho up<Jradod coralvillo WADtowAtor trootmont racll1t1oa, ^ dlachaflJo 10cAtlon bolow tho clty or Iowa Clty and Unlvoralty or Iowa vAtor lntakoa ahould bo aolootod Irroapoctlvo ar tho propoaod atudy OUtcOIO, Tho oconollla analyala' or tho dlachArlJO locatlonl did not lnoludo coata to provldo lmprovollonta to tho Unlvoralty or Iova and Clty or IOVA clty vator troatllont planta to protoct a9Alnat ruturo aynthotla ar9anlo cholllcala, trlhalollothanoa, or othor contlllllnAnta that lay bo d1lchuqod rrom tho Coralvlllo racilltlos, 110 coata woro lncludod to componoato tor aoothotlc problomo ouch ao taoto and odor that mlqht bo attrlbutablo to ouch 1 \ I'" 5/~ , - - . , I - - PallO 2 a dllcharqo, rurthor, no COltl woro Inaludod to provldo altorna- tlvo wator IUppUOI to tholO luodlotoly dovnotrooll durlnll 0 lovoro conto.lnotion ovont, It vould bo lapolllblo for tho propoaod Itudy to oU.lnoto tho rllk ot tholO n09otlvo OUtCOI", rurthor, It 100.. Intultivo thot ovoldlnq 0 potontlol problol 11 bottor thon tryln9 to fix it in tho tuturo. Tho Unlvorlity would bo ploolod to turthor dllcual thll llluo wlth tho city ot cOrlllvlUo In hopol ot ovoldln!J tho propolod Cloor Crook dllchorqo. Thonk you tor your Dlalltonco in thll .attor, ~-_.. I ?:l~ ~onnoth I, Lloyd, P,I, Wator Utllitiol Kana!Jor aa.Ooorqo Kloin Klahool Flnn090n stophon Atklnl, IC OaffGll KcAlllatcr, DNR . 1 ,\ i 511./ . -- - - - - East Ccntral Iowa Council of' Governmcnts n.ll~l': 1:0 ".)OII\I,b...,j 1",,1. sw r.I~IIoo':~1 l',ll~, Il.IpI,l~ 1""1 ,:..'" T"'rh.~, 1.'Pj ,",401:',1 ,\\ 1.'1111 .''''''1.': I Fobruory 25, 1002 CIty Clork CIty ot lovo CIty 410 EOlt WOlhlft9ton Icvo CIty, lovo 52240 Door Clork, Hoyor, CIty Council. On Horch 17, 1002, tho Looquo ct Icvo Hunlclpolltlol vl11 hold II MLo91110tlYO D4yM I/horo load and .toto ott1cloll loot to dllcull coaaon 90011, Toplcl vl11 Includo propolod l091110tlon IIttoctln9 your coaaunlty and tho coordlnotlon ot ottortl to loko 101/0" cltlol a bottor ploco to 11yo, EClCOO Itron91y oncour0901 your cIty" pArtlclpotlcn In thll MLo91.10tlyo D4yM, U your city hal yot to rocolyo IntoBatlon on thll oyont plauo contact tho Loaquo ot Hunlclpol1tlol loabor ,orvlco, Ipoclol1.t, Donllo 1I01t, at (515) 244- 7282, It you plan on portlclpatln9, ploalo ta~~ a tov .lnutol to look ovar thli Infofiitlon On Councillor Goyomlant (COOl). EClCOO 11 a laabor ot tho lovo AlloalAtlon ot R0910nal Council. (IARC) , I/hlch vork. to proloto rocC)(Jnltlon and undorotandln9 ot hov lIportont COOl oro to 10I/a'. tuturo doyolopllonte Whon you 1I0lt vlth your ,tat, Donator or ropro.ontatlyo, vo vould approclato It It you could oxproll your lupport tor EClCOO, and tor Council, ot aoyorn.ontl In vonorlll, Ploalo voor thl, IARC nOlo t09 vlth our co.pllllontl, Thonk-you, and hoyo on onjoyoblo MLo911htlyo D4yM, Slncoroly, Hlchool R, sln90r Exocutlyo Dlroctor ~,I.'IUJU'''}'''',;II"') ,,""l',.' ", ,,'''.' '.Um'"""rnumlh'''fUn''I'I'1 1It'1111W1. Iflllu" /l1/'tt1hl'l. ,'1-11', '4'''\ ...1,1 U'~,h",,,,ltI, ,'r1/U..".)4I!".'j..II.,.....' . 1 515 . . - -. WHAT SERVICES COUNCILS OF . GOVERN~IENTS PROVIDE? COMMUNITI DEVELOP,\fENT: COOs'lUtfJ provide lCchnl=l l"lslJnc: In lr3dltianalland lISC activities: zonlns wlsllnc: comprehemlve pJannlnr. aMwtlon werk. ere. A lll4Jar (unction of the COO. Is to wlSllmaU cities and counl)' sO\'CmlllCDlS In Ipplylns rar various STanu and loans to addre" Infnsll'llcture needs. EXAMPLES are CommuniI)' Development Block OflllU (COBO) FmHA. RC 2000 and REAP appU=dons. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: The DlaJor/1)' of COOl are reslonal ecannmlc developDlCnt dlstrlcu (EDOs) deslsnalCd by the Slc\lC and a rederalaseney (Federal Development Admlnbl1ltlon~ EDA provides S'O 10 S 60,000 per re~on 10 wlst chles, counlles, local development corporallons, Chllllbers, ele., In lhelr ecol\Omlc development errons. COOS specialize In fonnulalins ftnanclal pAckases ror expandln. bwlneues, and do the appllcadon work ror CEBA, RISE, COSO setlllcle and olher l14lCtrecleral asslslaneo prosrams. OTHER TECHNICtL ASSISTANCE: COOs prO\icle wlslaneo In budsetln" annual repON, codlncatlon of ordlnanC:I, lAX Incremenl nnanclns, bond In.. lpeclal Im>>m~n!lr quesdom or p!Qb~!m ~e!P1 a city clerk or ciiy council. TRANSPORTATION PUNNING: All COOs provlde plannlns (unctions ror lhe munIcipal and reslonallranllt asencles In thelt reslon. In SOllie reSlons the COO Is relponsible ror ruMIna Ihe I)1lCm. i I I I ! , ! I I I REYOLYlNG LOAN PROGRAMS: Many o( the COOs manase and operate revolvlns loan proiTIms (or expandlnslndullrles. These prosnms have bee:! nnanc:d by local and federal (unds. For cxample, I SI mlDlon FmHA lOIn has been commlncd to Nral Dubuque County, and the COO wiUadmlnlllCr Ihe Cund (or the County. CENSUS DEPOSrrORY: All COOs are dlrecliy 3f11llalCd with the L'S Censw Buruu and SCf\'C as Ihc reslon's c:nlUS da~ center, COOs are rccOf.llzcd as the kcerr or the reslonal dala on populallon. employmcn~ housing. ele. We also are a source 0 "beSI pracl!cc. policies of chIc I, counllcs, lilIes, ele. OTHER RESPONSIBILrrlES: M3ny cOal have acl!\'c roles In huul1nS, job tralnina, encrgy managcmenl, Small BUllness Administration loans, lolld wasto pllnnlns and a hust of other relaled communiI)' servlc: areal. 1 .' SJ5 l' . . 1 , I _ - IOW^CI'I'Y/JOIINSON (.'OlINTY SENIOR CENTER it, i memo "l~~~~;~~'~S1: ~ 1J ~~~~ DATE: TO: FROM: RE: rotruory 10, 1992 rorrol Courtnoy lova City COuncil ~ombors Council ot ~ldorl lova city/Johnaon r.ounty ~onlor r.Qntor ~cqulsition ot ""okinq rncopta~ln~ roar Council Momtorft' Tho lova r.i ty/Johnfton County ~ionior t:ontnr hos adopted 0 no-smoking policy and our buildinQ hon boon .make troo ftinco Januory 1, 1992, Thoro has bean \~ry little objoction to the nov pOlicy and tho Qroot mojority ot Centor ulor. 4re in tovor ot it, Wo nov tind thot vo nood rocoptaclol at tho three entrancon tor di.carded nmaking motoriols, ~o vould apprecioto having you provide thoao tor UI, Thonk you tor your oorly roftponfto to our requoftt, Sincoroly yours, '. . I., ,. . "f j . . ,'.l 'f" t' , Lorna Lornon, ~orroapon~in9 ~orrotDry Council ot ~ldorA lovo r.ity/Johnaon County Senior Contor .".. ZIP ~/w,'/l6R. ~ tw.#j. /K 51lo . ~' 1 , I - ,\ I Fobnl'ry 17, lU2 Chlot JID PuDtroy IowI City Flro Dtplrtlont 410 E. WI.hlngton 8T IowI City, IA 52240 I Dolr Chlot PultroYI Wo vant to thank you/ .nd a9aln thank captain Dronnolan and tho othor tlrotl9htoro vho ro.pondod to our bulldln9 lato Thurlday ovonln9' Wo cortllnly Ipprocllto your doplrtlont'l I..lltanco to UI In rOlpondln9 to our cll1 and In holpln9 dotoralno tho oxtont ot tho probloD It our taclllty, Althou9h tho caulo ot tho laoko wa. ovontually dotoralnod to bo a rilatlvily alnor plGeG or Gqulp:cnt, It Ie cc:tortlng to ~.now that your dopartlont val roady to 1.lllt UI In any vay nocollary to latl9uard both our porlonnol and our proporty. 81ncoroly, !Jcjrjj .~ Eliot A, KoUor aonoral Hana90r -- ...---: \ 94,\ AM. 1in,j~I"~H. 2 105 A, C. T. Clrcl. low, Clly, lOW' 52240.9560 If.. C'II rill) 11I,1100 C"., ~.,." rllll 1II,01ll 517 . ,. -' . J - , I i ~-td1 ~ r' ' 6 .. J ,JA 1, IU II . . Il Mt ,.fI/ CII.,l4'( Il'L leu .,,,.,..~WJ /1 tic /r".. dt., Ik,~.., ~l..-r.I 1,.1,4,!l';- ;1/...r p., (/"'/':0: ~~ /.. fl"./6,,'~ . 1(, f.t: 11..1 ttll . lt~cJ Atll~ fu71 ""flll~...t '.:r~'" 1:J,'- ,.,:LF ",.I{.'.' 1(, e,:r... t ",,& ;rt 1,.' "r.. '1,,,~/" 1".I..~r;., sr..1." ~ C. 4 A"J,'" ~6.k IIJ f "9'/.& /IIU" fa.. - t' I " 1 ,\ I 5'~ , . -. - 1 , I - - ,. '. ... './lllINAl.I, , ..- =- - =: --- " .... Ei .- . = =:JJL =- it ~ l -.. ~iJ - I! -- . ~':. -. "_, uwo.lI I -- & - ='....... _toll ~.I".' -- F - I: ....... ~ -- ..1l.QAAQ\C - 11 -.. ~u,' ""'Y\VAMA .- __" toJI""' - eit- 'PAl ~~I' ::L U1A1/ ""L>llIOI'l - ~~I CHURCHILL' TRUCK LINES, INC. rtbrw) 2S.I'I')2 ITY IlCIL Of IOWA CIII .r Council ~r, In rtg.rds to tho phns (or conS\ructl,:n o( tno Cn.unc,) Sw.n Plrklng RIIIIP, I wOuld II''' 10 11IJ1"1 out I pol,"tl~1 uroDI.. u It rellttl to., e~I'Jh'lnl IIlnt oln.,. II~' It .nlch d~lIv" rr,'~hl lu II', Iohll .' IWII WUrl''''1 GoodS Store. My hope Is thlt the design viii .llow lor truckl to nl., eIther. v.y to drive tnru or turn .ruund to .xlt o,Ck on to Gilbert St. or Wllnlnqton 51. .'t~, _.kln~ dell/~rlr\ to the John Wilson recehlng ~u". ' OIIr truckS .re tnctor.trlller C~III~' IUII~ .hlCh II '\lIeN to b.ck on to Gilbert Sl. wOuld lit' 1_1"/lllblw. dll'J " '~f(.d to ~Uk 4g~n th~ .lIy to JQIIn 1I!,~on'~ doc~ wOuld Il'Qulle blocking tr.rrlc on .11 (our I1nul 0' "IIWt St. fI,ll 1I0uld create. potentl.1 very ~.nuor"u'l ~lluJlIolI I', 1i'."I, /enlcles .nd ped~strl.n\ un I /01" I,u~, we,'l. Here's hoping. design can be Illllltftll1l1tMl .nlch 0111 WIlt. (It .11 p.rtles. Klr'hb I' ~~ l, KIrk Send h SIn !ermln.1 M4nlg,r Ced.r R'~lds.I.. . ' . cc Council Kembers Joe fOlller Chuck Schm.d~ke Stephen Atkl~s 5tq , ' .' _I ' r . ,I; JOHN WILSON sporting goods ~~r Uj ~ 401 E. CtIt,. -10.' CIty. 10.. 12140 22 Fn 92 I I' CITY COUNCIL OF low~ CITY DE~R COUNCIL KEKBERI I V~NT TO DR~V YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR NEEO FOR ACCESS AND EGRESS FOR THE IlANY LARGER TRAILER TRUCKS IlAmG OELIVERIES TO OUR II~REHOUSE DOOR 011 THE ~LLEY IN CHAUIICEY SVAN PLAZ~. As OF 7 FnRU~RY '92, OUR LAST CONVERS~TION VITH TltE ARCHITECT. IT WOULD APPEAR TH~T CHAUNCEY SV~N RAIIP CONSTRUCTION, AS PL~'IIIED. WOULD NOT ALLOW A DRIVE THROUGH ROUTE FOR TRUCKS SERVICING OUR II~REI~SE, VE IIERE ADVISED tHAt PLANS IIERE FOR A ~ tun ~LLEY Tt~T WOULD REOUIRE DELIVERY TRUCKS TO lID mll OF THE ~LLEY INTO GILBERT STRUT, ApPARENTLY, TltE EXIREHE ttAZARD DF THIS ARRANGEH!NT V~S BEING OVERLOOKED ALOIIG VITH THE IN~BILITY OF TRUCKS TO NEGOTIATE TIlE IIILL OURING THE IlANY IIms OF lll1nER VlIEII THE PAVEKENt IS SNOlI ANO/OR ICE COVERED, It IS DOUBTFULL THAT HOST TRUCKS IIOULD AtTEHJlT OR BE ALLOWED TltIS ROUTING, ALL SHIPHENTS OF HERCHANDIS! FOR OUR THREE STORES AIID OUR lIHOLESALE BUSlIIESS ARE RECEIVED AND RESHIPPED THROUGH TltE CHAUNCEY SV~N ALLEY DOOR AND OUR BUSINESS COULD 1I0T FUNCTION OR SURVIVE VITHOUT CONTINUOUS ACCESS TO OUR VAREHOUSE DOOR, \IE NEED AN EXIT ROUT! VlIICII IIOULD IfIVOLVE A LEFT TURN TO VASIIIIIGTON STREET IIlT1t ADEOum TURN RADIUS FOR mVICllIG TRUCKS. THIS COULD BE AN EXTENSION OF TilE PAVEHENT THAT NOli RUIIS NORTH FROH OUR DOOR OR A NEV ROUT! ALONG THE IIEST SIDE OF THE NEV R~HP OR EVEN tllROUGH TIlE RAHP ITSELF, ACCORDINGLY, I V~NT TO INVITE TIlE COUNCIL, EITHER IIIDIVIDU~LLY OR AS A GROUP, TO VISIT AIID EXAHINE OUR IIAREHOUSE AND ALLEY AREA IN ORDER TO BETTER UIIDERSTAIID THE VARIOUS ASPECTS OF SAFETY AlID ACCESS, THE PLANS THAT ARE CURRENTLY DEVELOPEO 1I0ULD JEOPARDIZE THE JOBS OF OUR THIRTY EHPLOYEES AlID DEPRIVE US OF THE USE OF OUR BUILDIIIG, I TlIEREFORE AU THAT THE COU~ICIL REQUEST HODlmATION THAT 1I0ULD ALLOII TltE TRUCK ACCESS AND mESS TII~T liE HEED. I HOPE tllAT YOU IIILL PIIONE 1338 6552) OR VISIT AT AllY TlHE, BEFORE FINAL PLAIIS ARE HADE, III OROER TO BE ABLE TO BETTER UNDERSTAIID AND PLAN FOR APPROPRIATE CON lTRUCTI 011 , ~u;~~ JOHN VILSON C.C, COUNCIL HEHBERS JOE FOWLER CHUCK SCHHADEKE STEPIIEII AT~IIIS 1 5~O , ' , I - - JOHN WILSON sporllng goods 401 L C...,. -I... ClI,.I... 11I40 29 Sm 90 I ~e StCPHIN At~INI CIYIC ClNm 410 E, VAIHINGtON St~EIT I~A Cm Du~ riA Atmll ~, JOE fOWl.U IlAI ADYIUD mAT TtIl~1 \lILL lOON aE A mLIHINUY DUCuUlOlj 0' CONStRUCtION PUNS 'o~ A PUmG ~w to IE lUlU AT CtlAUI,CIY SWAN PLAIA. I \lANt to DIRECt YOUR AtuNtlON to OUR MUD 'DR COlltlJlUOUI ACCUS, BY U", tUlm UUC~I, to OUR \lANrltOUSl DELIYIRY DOO~ ON tilE ALLEY IN 'liE MIA Aile 'OR Cuno"u ACCUS AND PARmG 'OR OUR ADJACENt SlORE ON IIIE COLLm SlAUT BAlDGI, lOll 0' ACCIII to OUR \lAREHOUII RICIIYING DOO~ IIOULD HACE It I"POSSIILE 'DR UI to IERVICI OUR tHRII RETAIL ItORII AND \lt~LIIALI IUSINESS, OuR COLLEGE lTACCT lTCftC C~D AL10 IC 1CVefteLY O~~Qeo IY CONSTRUCtiON oaSIRUCTIO~. IItOPI TIlAT YOU \lILL AOYIIl AnD DIUCT T110Sl mOl.YlD IN mil PLANNING SO tHAt OUR INtuutS \lILL IE CONSlOUlD AND ACCOItOOAUD IN A HANNER '"AT \lILL ALLOlI ttll PROJECt to PROCUD \llntour DIPRIYING US 0' M PUCE'ULL USl AND INJOYKCHT OP OU~ PROPIRtY, VOULD YOU PLEASI ADYISI "I AI to HOII THI PROPOIIO CONStRUCTION \lILL DIVILOP AND ALLOlI "I to ADVIII YOU 'URtltU 0' OUR MUDS IF TtllS WOULD mlu TO IE APPROPRIAtl? '"ANK YOU, ~RY t~ULY YOURS, }oJ ~u. COu~ JOlIN ILSON . 1 ~. ,I 5~O . ' , - - -. 1 , I' _' - ,\ I err}' 0/0' 10 11':1 err}' OcIobGI 4, 1000 I John WQon Spottlng Goodl 408 E. CoDogo SL lowI CIIV, IA 52240 DOlII John: TIIank you lot YCUI 'ocon1101101 COncolnlno OUl plans 10 conlldo' conltrucUon 01 a P3IWno 'amp on thO ChouncoV Swan PIlIdng 101. Wo 110 In tho vory plOllmlnlllY 1111001 01 OUl plannlng plOCOll and 110 CIIIlonlly 'ovIowino onglnoorlng plopololl. I havo '010110<1 youI 101101 dilocUy 10 Joo Fowlol Y/ho will bo Illuming tho 100doflhlp 1010 In plojocl plannlng. tlo will cOnlllel you concornlng thO conltrucUon anG'Ol onglnoorlng IlIuolllllloV '01010 10 youI P"UllcullII bUllnau oporaUOn. You, lpocillc Inl0lOll will bo conlldolod and ovory 011011 wUI bo modo 10 Dccommodaltl tholO InIOIOIII. AllhllllmO WO do nol hovo a 101lllAl onglnoo'lng dollQn and III1 dIlflCull 101 UI !Q mm @/IY dlto~ ~ QI! YQ!!I bIIJlnqIJ. ~m fOO! 1/00 !Q d9~ YQ\II ~~011lJ 'Q ~I#! lIloy moy bo conlldorod oorly on In tho dOllgn prOCOll. TIIank you lot aJonlng UI U to youl concornl. Slnco,oly, tm'~' I . e~ (........ I SIOpho J. Atldn City Manogor bfooIlIOft 'co: JOI Fowlol Don Yucull Chuck Schmlldokl (lIle C1~1I' , 11I1 "UI~O'U~ " 10.. elll IOU IIIUoI'" @ 'Mil'" I''', ... ,.., 'U"It,'1I "It 5:l0 I , 1 . . - ~. :'\'~ .rf fi I '1 flll'f rl ....... Lt.... II CllIt. \))l ~.~,~"'" "'- HW Wt\lll'9llft. OC IOCOI 1lWI.,.)OOO '''IlWI~ Oftlc... - )_1_ c........ 00.,.. t..... , '............. ~",...... !I...,........,,~ ......rf........ ......... u... ...... ... ..... -...- ...... . ....... v... ... ow. ..,.... ,-- _..... Fobruary 10, 1992 Tho IIononblo Durol Q, Courtnoy Hayor, Iova Clty 410 E, Walhln9ton Iova City, IA 52240 Doar Hayor CourtnaYI EDUCATIOII IS EVERYBODY'S DUSIIIESSI Th10 10 tha conoludon roachad by lunlolpal ottl01all aorolo tho oountry/ al voll ao by llLe'. Talk Forco on cltill' Rolli In Education, Wo knov that oducatoro olono can't "tlx" tho problolo aoooolatod vlth oduootlon. Tho lolutlon. vl11 toko allot u., Tovard thl1 ond, rou and your lunlolp011ty oro 010n9 tholo Invltod to partlo pato In an oducotlon roundtoblo on Horch 20th and 21.t, 1992, In Iovo C1tr' Iovo, Tho tholo ot thlo problol-001vln9 roundtablo a "Dovolopln9 COllunlty Partnorlhlpl to Support Your COllunltY'1 Educatlon A90nda"e NLC'~ Cbl1dr!n and Fd!111oa in citie: Project 10 oponoorlnq thll roundtabloe It 1. do.19nod to 91vo a unlqul partlo1patory Ixplrllncl to you and to a tlOI ot 3-5 othor Indlvlduall that you .Illcte You and your tOOl ot "colAunltr partnlrl" vl11 COIl to;athlr vlth tlall trol 5-10 othlr olt II and tovnl In a .truoturod day and a halt problol-Iolvln9 tOrul to, o Iharl and dllcull luccalltul Itratl9101 tor chan91n9 or Inhanoln9 a cOllunltY'1 oduoatlon a9lndo, rocolvo tochnlcol alllltanco on a local oducatlon llluo that you loloct, and olarltr and rotlno tho ro1o(l) ot local 90vornlont al a COllun ty partnor In thl oducatlon ot Itl chl1drln, Wo aro plannln9 to havo Ruth SCOtti an oducatlonal conaultant and t01'l0r Pro.ldont ot thl Rocholtor lilY) City Council, load thl roundtablo, In addltion, IILC Itatt John Kyll and sorita KolllY and lovlrol Invltod 9uolto vl11 portlclpotl. Thoro vl11 bo aoallono jUlt tor your tOOl 00 voll al oOlllonl vlth your countorpartl trol othor cOllunltlol, o o ""-........._lIC'-~.'"L_.... _..., -c_.c"'~""'_.__c-..,_ ......~~-.. Mf""""""'" u,tWI."'.......".......... ....................,.,."..,......... O-'.....,...c..........,....,.. -..- -, __1.1.......0.... IIW'.,...C"O"'.....'_, .......~.I_O".. 00Pt<_.._ ,_ .""",~._,..... _'...._1_0.... u.......-........ ,_c_u.......... c--. ,""-.c-......... '..-.lM!.CoIo_-O""......._c;"c-.__.......,..__.._t__.r_.'- I_Ootl._-...,..,___ _l....e ......._......c...e_ CWl......''''." __""'_ ........ ~.OloIct"____'__I..._Ootl. __._c....'-/~""'__..... /_ ....-....- -._....._1_0..._-.._...,_1_0..._-........,-., t ........,... "'" ..... . ..,., MtCM ..... -..... -.. t ................. .,... 11....-. 1Nl." \'''t''t . ~ ~ 0tIM,~! ... u..... *..... -~_I__~_.._'_l",...,.,_C_'........__u......_,.... """..... "-',--o..-c;" 00_. -~-.c-.... _,_.. .....c.,.......... _ ~.....t r_ c.x J'l'j. ~ If.,. ...Yft"I.DIftI.........~"........~. ................ O'Wc........"..........c..NIl4. -" ~ AI,.. '_R,_C_...... ,,-...,.. _'IIMR'~~ _......'_.......JJ.u... - _C_ Sa-I . . 1 . ' I" - - \ Tho IIonorllblo D.nrol 0, courtnoy Fobrullry 10, 1992 PA90 TIIo IIo1pin9 UI pllln tor thil ovont aro Codar FlIlla HlIyor Jon crowa/ lInd counoll Holbor 11011 IIl1rrilon, troCl DlIvonport, lA, Hr. IIarrhon olao IOrvoa on IlLe'S TlIak Forco on citi..' Rol.. in EducAtion, This roundtAblo will bo hold lit tho 1119hlllndor Inn in Iowll City, RooCl rlltol lIro $60,75 tor II doublo lInd $55.75 tor lin910 occupllncy, partioipllnta will bo rolponalblo tor IOcurinC) thoir own lICCOClClodlltionl by clIllinC) 319/356-2000, Thoro il no roundtllblo roC)iltrlltion too, Tho projoct will provido lunch on both dllYs lInd II continontlll brollktlllt on slIturdllY C1orninC), It you wilh to lIccopt thil invitlltion on bohlllt ot II tOllCl troCl your cCClmunitI' plOlllO lot UI know on or botoro HlIrch 6, 1992. Sond tho onc olod tOn:l to soritll I<olaoy, 1I11tionlll Lo1l9UO at Cit101, 1301 ponnlylYllnill Avonuo, 11lI, WlIIhin9ton, DC 20004, or tllX it to sorltll lit (202) 626-3043, Wo clln only lIccopt II l1C1itod nulbor ot participllntl, 10 tho loonor wo hOllr troCl you tho bittir, Lookin9 tOrllllrd to your city'l pllrtioiplltion, Sin~'jlY1d: {I(~'. ~n~~d ,'bo t Exocuti I Dirlctor ~o~ ThoCllll C, OWlnl council Holblr, OVlrlllnd PlIrk, 1<1Inalll Chllir, TlIlk Forco on citiol' Roloa in Educlltion Enoloauro 001 Itlphln Atkinl, City K4n49Ir '50l1 k."..... . PLEASE RETUR!I TIIIS FORH 011 OR DEFORE KARClI 6, 1992 IIATIOllAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Chl1dron , FAD11l01 In cltl01 projoct NDovolopln9 cOlAunlty PArtnorlhlpo to support Your cOaAunlty'o EducAtlon A90ndAN To lndlcAto your clty/o lntorolt In pArtlolpAt1n9 In tho oducAtlon roundtAblo, co.ploto tho form bolow, Wo nood your roply on or boforo HArch 6/ 1992, You aAY roturn tho form by fAX 202/626-3043 -- Attontlon sorltA Kolaoy, or by aall to hor At IIAtlonAl LoA9uO of Clt1oa, 1301 PonnoylYAnlA Avonuo, '1\1, WAahln9ton, DC 20004, Alao, ploAao don't hoaltAto to oAll 202/626-3030 lf you hAYO Any quoatlona or nood AddltlonAl lnformAtlon, Thank you, HAYOR'S IIAME' Addroall city,Stato, Up, Phono 1101 FAIC 110' IIAM! OF PERSOII RESPOIISIDLE FOR PWllIIlla YOUR COHH\lllITY'S PARTICIPATIOII1 T1tlOI city,Stato,Upl Phono 1101 FAIC 110' 1 5~' , -' - 1 , ,- - - - liLe's EducatIon Roundtable 4 cities' weekend retreat results in action plans b, krilA R. K.II" PllllbI'lh. PL-N.w communUy pwwnNpt In 11m ollft tlMlIfd lnlIn AIIIIiqut me lOIlIIdubIA 011 fIIllallon l>>l _UN. Not only dld COINIlUIIIry lfadm IIWtI. ulk. and Ifun. but lIIfy ma.s. A IptcW pIAn 0I1Cl1on 10 uh homf. A !filii 01 COII\lIllIIIIry Ifadm lnlIn N"'J'OlI NtwI. \'lIpIL mJdf pIAN lot In Edlluaon AIIilnct-AI I MW WIY 01 iJJmIUll .Aaon. shIfwpon.LowauN'II.lIft~ 1ft IClIOft IpndA lot lilt !Myor. The "lIIIlnlIn 1.Incwr. r_yln. nU ftcwtd GIlt how 10 hlPl ~ COIIIIIlIl' My If" lOpIhtt. I'\l1alIuIaII oMcilll Ml'N AI holt of lI;c~ rmtl \'t~.!dl wt! MWl!!! NO\'tlIIM 15.16. COlNIIlINry lfadm lnlIn I'\ttIbuIah Ndt pItNlIudonl '" pIdllIllIW ~ry', ~ In 1Int1. ~ INllocIIMIl 011 WNI ro5 01 lilt J'UlidP'llnc dllft ,ldI Ud IOStWt AlfllII 0I1b hy pUytn. o pIOI'Idf MChnlcAlallilunn on A ",m by "lift NIlL lilt numbtl 01 pA/liap.ll' iIIl allft w.. Umiltd. DMIortd by NLC 10 htfp dlitt '1' pion MW WI)1 lot btconIinlWVOCAIII 101 c/IIWmI', NUCAaon In Ihtir commu. ",Iin. lilt lOIlIIdublf broIllllI toptIIrr COlNIIuniry pwm 10 cUrtly munldp.ll rol... Iflm 'rom .ICh ochrr. Ind mil. In IClIon plAn lot Implfmtnuoon. The pIIlid~nlllnclud4d locAl .lfc1td oMNII.,dlOOl boW 1NlIIbm. buIlnru Ifldm. tdUCI1Ollo dry Adminllln1Ollo 10<11 communlry OIpnwOON Ind pu' '"II. Ltd by Rulli ScoIt. III tducldoNl COlI' Iulunllnd 10I1lIff rmldrnl 01 lilt Iloch. IIln (NY) Clry CGllIIlIl. community put. ""' quickly dlIcO\'md NI 10 bMl IbolllCNnI.,lIIry hid 10 chlll'"I.III. tllIllnC p'nmu or puidlpna. Th. IIdIO "N.. ruidlpna. " by lOti &lbr 141 Ihe ION 'or IN WOlk And uuMd !tVnll communlry puIIIm 10 mNrk INI "1M IIdIO alOllt Wit wonh III, lIlP," rtnlClpulllllltllllllNll F'llIIpt.lArp F'llIIpt and IflrNd 110m ,ldI oI!Itr. II wtU ..lnlIn OIIfoOll-Ollf COlIU<1 willi IN COl\lIlIWII. The COIIUIIUNry pwm ItlIIIMd to Ihtir ollft wlIh MIIIII MW IpproKhn. IIId WOlUbIA tolullClll lot Ihtir commu. ",ry', NUCAaon IIflIlU. N.wpoI1 N.W1, VL Thll Iflm WIll If(OlIIm.nd 10 Ih, lNyor lilt mlaon olin Educlaon AW. 11\(t. ThIt A1II.tI\(t WllIIId Includf rtpIfo MlIUOvtl lrom III. IChooI boIrd. ..". ,"II, INdtnIl, ory counaI. cry INNIfI. IIlChm and Ihe IChooIIUpennrtnd,"L The pili to tUmlNlt duplklllon 01 tflOlll and InlfNllulion dvllII&h com' mlllllc.lllon llId lilt mlaon 01 ~bon. Uvt IpttIlIflIlI, 0I1Mr recomm,"",donllncludtd: I lilt ary'l pllbUc lCknowltdlfllltll' IIId ~ 01 lilt 10'11 dt\'.1optd by the IChooI boArd and OIhm In w com. muniry It pllbUthtd In III. brodllllt "rorwlld 2000r I promounl Ind INrklOnl t\lIllnl plIlSIllN 1Iuou&h IChooIboIrd Ind dry COlIna! "bl. Itltl'\llOll cNn",1I: Impl.. IIIflII InllUUvtI INI IhowclM NUCI' doNI plIlSIlll\I. sh",rpol1, I.L ThIt Itlm Ml It Ihtir 10'110",", willi W IN/'Of Ind Ihe Unl,rnlry pmld,"1 Ind oclMr COlIIIIIunlry lfldm 10 dIIaItt NNIt "'pI. They &110 rtCOtMItndfll INt Ih. poup be "p'ndtd beyond IhoIt InltltllN In I'ldll K.1210 Includ. 'oclnONI Itchnlcll IChooll. coll'lll. Ind complnlll In Ih. Irtl. Th. slIm.pon Itlm Icwwltdltd Ihll lllhoulh 1OllI. aUtt Cln uk. I IlIOftllOl, on fIIu"non. Ih. IChcoIl)'1' Itm In shrtvtpon INY be Ih, mort II" pIOpNIt INnlllnl """"If, UnClIl", PI. ThIt 111m willi ~lAyor IIIIkt slOIk III rnrmbtr plllll to II\ffl WIlli cry idrnInlI. inion and IChooI dblllc1 01Acllll to ;lit. MI.ldI 0I1htir IltndlIlnd d.M.1IIt roll 01 cry comnm,"11n ory tduWlOll. In lddIdotI. I.Incllln FIAIII 10 tmpl.. 1IIflI11II. foIloWUlllllllflltl: I dKid. on I commu",ry WId. NU'" don IpndllNtllllwm q11111iont ,uch II wllm do w. Wlnl to be In 1M 1111 C,"Nry: "Nl Irt 011I pnoriOtl: "hll pannrnhipt lit ntlllfll! I COlI,,". In tducallon mtllllllllml. Iu In IlIIl(lIIIt 10 lhlt lOIlIIdubl..IncIud. In. A llCilJUIOl IIId prtllmlrwy Itidlnl 1N1n\l1l: "'"' willi NWtP'F"' 10 I" I Itllft and pUnt dii imlli\lli 1M ~i IloUowo\lp with Alntllinl willi NlC: IIIK In W..hlnl'on. COllllllOn d,"olllbulon Rulli Scott noctd W lolIowInllOftl. mOll dtnOmllllton In hn IIImlNlIon 10 the communlry putnm: I RfCOS1\IJ' INt III, ltIpot1111 you Irt 110m othn peopl. INY be Ylnrd. I 0Idd, wllo you lit And whllt you lit loin.. I Cltlll a poilU" dllNlt 01 p'!l1on IIId Intptrldon. I RfCOII\ll' III, Imporul\(t 011'11I rootIlnvol'tm.nt. . Cltllt I 1)'1ltm olltwlrdI IPd IWlrdI Ilrallrd II PI,,"II. INdmll. luchm. ntlshbothoodt.lnd Indhidull IChoo\J. . O",lop onlOlPI monitot1nl mtch. InltlN ,nd Ylllly 1IIIIIm'nll. I R.m.mbe, INI plltlllll .Htc1lyt. nllllnd tcOIIomJc opponunlry lit mu. rlN, . suppon!" policy chin III com, 1.11t1 In lh. nry INn In Ih.1l11t lo"m. m.ntl or IChool dbll1cll. I UlIIIl. to )'OIII,dYlnul' bullnttl ,uppon. IlIllIlllon. Ind COlIIull.nll, I UM bolh bonom up And lop down IIlllflltt, I YOIII plln mull be uUottd 10 ftt YOlll communlry: I EduClllon rtqul'lI IIr. lonl IC' CIII. C ~\ , .' - - - . 1 , I ,- - - Mr. Danel Coullncy Mayor Chy of Iowa Cll)' 410 Easl WublnlloD Iowa ClI)', IA 52240 LEAGUE OF iCl\VA ~!UNICIPr\UTIES t, ,I. ,'1'1" It'" 11'1:. ~;J.. C6)U1"~ ,\ , feblllary 19, 199Z Dm Ma)'Or Counncy: Tho Annual Seminar Commllleo of Ibo LcalllO of Iowa Munlclpalldel mel Feblllary 13 10 (()Mlder '<<OlIlmeDdadoM from len chlcslnle'Clled In hOlllnllho LcaIllO" 1m temlnar. Tho ploposAl .ubmllled by Iowa Cll)'tcoraMllo was Ihoroulbly (()MldClCd, and )'011 110 10 bo (()nlralUlaled OD IUcb a complelo and onlklnl p'oposAl. The commlllee'. lecommendadoD of Dubuque u Ibo 1m hOlI cll)' was applClVCd by Ihe Lcalue'. Emullve DMrd, The Infonnallon )'OU .uppllrd In )'OIIr p'oposAl will be kepi on Ole In our office. and updaled u app'opriaIO. Plom he Infonntd 1M! I!!~ t\!!l!1II! Semlw Commlllro aOO approved policy wblcb rcacIJ. -rho bOlt city for tbe Annual Seminar It open eacb yoar; bO'A'CVCr, Ibe temlnar .bOuld not be held In the limo city durlnltwo (()llICcutlve yoan. The bOlt cll)' It tel<<ted two yoal1ln advance,' For )'OUr plannlnl pUIpOSCs, requeslI for proposalt for the 1995 temlnar will be dlstribuled In November of tblt yoar, Thank you for.)'OUr clly'.lnle,eltln bOltlnllowa'. munIcipal officials. 1f)'OU bave any qUCltlons about the Lcalue'. telecdon proeeu or .pcclflc Ilem. of (()Mldcrallon, pleue do not hesitate to call me at (515) 244,7282. Sincerely, ~~~ Manaler of Communications JMN:bac co: Ma. Wendy Roe, Iowa Cltytco,alvlllo VIsllol1 Bureau Mr. Slephen Aikins, City Manlier .j' '.11", '_,I, -'II .t. 'I',,'.. 1.",-,I"I",..III,:U':_: 1,\ ,'t', :U,"tit 1',1.1,10' I.,' ". "t,. \1..., \"" \..1.'......,.. 1i1.".lo~lIl.. '.l.tl...-........'. Il,~. U....l.-f \I",.. HUll" I In I ""\tIllf IhlnM' I\M Il ~,,\, 1...".1.,.,..,"" I ., ..,I \1"0,"', ,...." I '. ,~ f - - 1 , ' 1'-' - - - ! JII""~II'1 ~1I111l11 "IIUIIIl~ 1'~'~"'~~O'OIlOO i I i I I r,u ,)." ,:>..0 "'''\1611 , .V6'U4 .I BOARD OF SUPERVISORS O.IIea D. Durry Slephen P. Lacina Palllel. A. Mead. Richard B. Myera Belly Ockcnrela Februory 27,1992 FORMAL MEETING Aaenda I, Call to order 9:00 o.m, 2. Acllon re: c10lnls 3, Action re: n\lnults i I 4e ACllon ra: poyroll QulhorlUlllons I 5, BuslnC$i (tom tho Count)' Englneere a) Discussion/action re: Dust AllevIation Proanm. . b) DIscusslon/acllon rc: rcsolutlon esllbllshlng acquisition policies for property, c) Dlscusslorilacllon re: rejecting truck bids, d) Motion declaring three vehicles IS surplus properly and no longer for county ule Ind luthorlze theIr sale It public auction, i5 lS I, Vln #023B865243292 ~O SI " 2, Vln #CCL247J109414 n~ N = . 3. Vln #P3'OCJfl2747 ~p ; !~ e) Olher _1T1 - ~ 0::1 L'I '"" r.1:~ 11' > (,J 6, Business from the County Audllore en I) Action ra: permlls b) Action ro: reports e) Acllon re: resolution to combine Sumnlll Hills Dnd precinct I of Coralville, d) Olher 913S0lTTlI LlunUQUR ST. 1'.0. nox usa 10IV^ ell)'. IOW^ '2244 TIlL: ()19) 3'6.6000 PAlll ()19) 3'6.6016 5~ t " . ,- - - - I . . . .. .'.. "'" ... .. . I. ., I I 1 .. .. .. ... . ., . . , . .. '. Aaenda 2.27.92 PIIg. 2 - :.s Q ;::(') .::J >=i ~ .., (')-' N - ::j ~ CII l'" :-<r- ~ '~ _", :. ,II Q:rJ .:J ... . , t.\ .-.,.., 17 .... ... 1.1 :., 5;1.3 . , , . - , - t . '_ - ,\ I 1I1'I'lCt Ill' nlE IOWA CITY ASSESSOR )IlIlSS0S COUlIi\' t\1l~IISI~iRt\TIOS IIUII.Il/SG Fobruary 2~, 1992 liAS L lIl'INIS \~..... III:SSIS ILII./INIIMit 14" " CANIIL I'S IIt'N~I: lllllnt' , J I i Doar Conforonco Board HOlborl Tho aootlno of tho Iowa City Conforonco Board for tho public hoarlno on tho Iowa City Aaooaoor'a FY '93 budqot II Ichodulod for Honday, Harch 2/ 1992 at 6130 P,H. at tho Iowa City Civic Contor, Enclolod, 10 you lay rovlow tho Inforlatlon boforo tho aootlno, arol 1, Tho Aoonda 2, Tho Aaondod DUdoot 3. A copy of tho Fobruary 3/ l~~a minutoa Tho aaondod budoot rofloctl tho 3' lalary Incroalo authorlzod at tho FObruary 3/ 1992 Dootlno, Tho now total Incroaao bocoloa $13,690 which Includoa tho $6,500 for aaaoallont rolla and poataoo, Thlo Incroaao 10 coaplotoly oftaot by tho roductlon at hoalth Inauranco of $7/500 and tho chanoa In tho unonculborod balanco of $16,505, which totall a docroalo of $24,005, Thla 10avoD o not docroaao of $10,315 to bo rallod by taKatlon from tho currant yoar'a budqot, Tho Exponao Fund lovy rata will docroala froa ,20574 to ,18729, 0 docroaao of 10' to covor tho 4' roductlon In tho alount ralaod by taxation, If you havo any quoatlona about tho budqot or anythlnq olao, fool froo to call ao, Slncoroly, 411 --;(;J ~~ Dan L, lIudaon Iowa City AaDoaDor UI3 SOUTIIIlU/lUQUE STREET · I'OST O~'FIC~: /lOX 1350 . 1011'1\ CIT\'. 1011'1\ 52211 TF.I.~:1'1I0N~:: 3IU,356,6006 5~q . ,. ,- I - - - Fobruary 2~, 1002 1'0 \lIIOH IT HAY CONCERN' Tho Iowa City Contoronco Board will DOOt At 61JO P,H. on HondAY, KArch 2, 1002 At tho IOWA City civic Contor Council ChaDborl, Tho purpolo ot tho Dootinq il to hold A public hOArinq on tho IOWA City Allollor/n propolod budqot tor FY 'OJ, "/ AGENDA I 1, CAll Dootinq to ordor by tho Chnirporlon, 2, Roll CAll bo tAxinq body, J, Act!m !!llnl!ttl!l ot FCbruui' J, 1992 ConCoronco BoArd Hootlnq, 4, ExplAnation ot budqot Aaondaontl, ~e Public hoarlnq on bUdqot, 6, Adopt budqot, 7. Othor bUllnoll, 8, Adjournaont, Dan L, lIudaon Clork, 10WD City Contoronco BOArd ,...,,,. , , , ,I 1, SJl/ . , I ,- I - - - . 1 I' , >>IEIlDED ITEKIZED BUDGET - AS9ES9HEIlT EXPEIl9E FUIID ITEKJlO. &X1'.tIlDllIllU: _f,1-U. .lUJ- SALAIUt:S H city AlllloDllor $ 44,9~0 $ 46,300 )2 Firat Doputy 38/210 39/360 32 socond Doputy 3~,960 37/040 3~ Plat suporvlDor 26/880 27,690 3~ Clork 20,440 22/110 -- Total SlllarloD $166,440 $172,~00 pTlIJ:R I!XPI!NOl'l'tlRES 34 Board of Ravioli $ 9,000 $ 9,000 36 EDployor Sharo I FICA 13,420 13,890 37 nployai' SliiifGI IPEPJI 8/330 8/990 38 Hlloaqo , Auto 1,600 1,'00 39 Of rico supplloD, POllt. , Tala, 8,700 1~/200 40 Publlcationll/ subllcr, , DUOI 1/200 1/200 41 Bondi , WorkDan'l coap, 1,800 1,800 42 EqulpDont Holntononco 200 200 43 Apprallol sorvico 400 400 44 Inluranco 28,000 20/~00 4~ contlnulnq Education 3,000 3/000 46 Appoall to court 2~,000 2~,000 47 School I , conforoncol 3/000 3/000 48 Loqlll 2,000 2/000 49 unoaploYDont 2/000 2,000 ~O conforonco Boord 0 0 ~1 EXaalnlnq Board 30 30 ~2 COllputor Charqo 8,800 8/800 Total Othor Expondlturol $116/480 $116/610 MAL BUDGET $202,920 $289,110 UHEHCUHBEREO BALMICE - 30/131 . 46,636 TO BE RAISED BY TAXATIOIl $2~2,789 $242,474 S~q , , I I:: - 1 I I DUDOET - SPECIAL APPRAISERS FUND HapplnCJ TOTAL UNEHCUHDERED BALANCE TO BE RAISED DY TAXATION PY 92 fY 93 S 197. 107 S 261. OU $ 197/107 $ 261,01~ -122,107 S-I41,P1A $ 7~/000 $ 120/000 $ 327,789 $ 362,474 OIWlD TOTAL TO DE RAISED DY TAXATION IlAXIHUH LEVY ALLOWED Haximum aBBollmont oxponlo fund 1/294/64~/363 x ,00027 . $ 349/~~0 I I IPERS , FICA Fundi Unomploymont Componlation , Tort Liability Haximum for aDIOllmont oxponDo fund . 23,190 . ..000 · $ 376,740 Haximum Ipocial apprailorl fund 1/294/64~/363 x ,00040~. S ~24.330 Haximum 111owod without Stato approval Maximum omorCJoncy fund 1,294,64~,363 x ,00027 (Which roquiroB Stato Appoal Board Approval) Maximum that could bo railod by taxation for FY '93 LEVIES AND RATES SINCE 1980 · $ 901/070 · S 349. ~~O, · $1,2~0/620 ADlllllmonUx1l.0nllLlllnll Spaolnl Apprnlaor'n Fun4 Fhcnl Yonr Amount tovJo4 LoVY Rata Amount LIlvlClll Low Rntc! 1979-80 $ 146/0~0 ,26746 ............. ......... 1980-81 17~/930 .29~93 ............. ......... 1981-82 184 / 14~ ,30081 $ 61,000 .09~92 1982-83 192/960 .28004 1~,000 .02177 1983-84 201/186 ,27000 98,868 ,13000 1984-8~ 200/278 ,224~4 73,890 ,08284 198~-86 181/9~8 .1890~ -............ ......... 1986-87 186/780 .17616 ............. ......... 1987-80 149/491 .139~3 -............ ......... 1988-89 218/823 ,19279 ............. ......... 1989-90 191,619 ,16666 7~,000 ,06416 1990-91 234,390 .19498 4~/000 .03743 1991-92 2~2,789 ,20~74 7~,000 ,06104 1992-93 242,474 ,18729 120/000 ,09269 5~~ III f . , 1 , ,-- - - - CITY COIIFt:REIICE BOARD FEBRUARY 3, 1992 6138 P.H, in Hoyor Darrol ~ty Conference Bonrdl FObrunrr 3/ 1992, tho Counoil ChoDbora at tho civ 0 Contor, Courtnoy proaiding, lovn City Council HeDboro Prooentl ^=brisco, courtnoy, 1I0rovitz, Kubby, L4raon, Novick, Johnaon County suoorviaorn Proaontl L4oino, Hyora. Ie School Board HoDboro Proaent, Chalpion/ Hotheaon, Othora Present 1 lIudson, Atkins, KDrr, 1101 11ng, Gantry. TaDO Rocordodl Rool 92-17, Sido 1, All, Clork lIudson Itlltod thllt II quorul VIII prosont, Tho County hllving only one aoDbor prosont intilllly/ L40inll IIrrivod boforo tho budgot vas disculaod, Tho City lovod to IIccopt tho ainutol of tho lllat Conforonco BOllrd looting Fobrullry 19, 1991/ school aocondod/ IInd tho lotion pllllOd, 2/0, city Aaaoaaor lIudlon proaontod hiD propoaod FY '93 Aaloallont Exponso Fund BUdgot, Tho incroosol boing $9/390 for a 5' solllry inorooso, $1/440 for FICA IInd IPERS, IInd $6,500 for IISl0Slaont rolls IInd poatllgo, This inorolllo would bo in pllrt offsot by IIn incrolllo in tho unllncuDborod blI1anco which would doorolllo tllX lIakingB, Tho propolod lovy rllto would docrOIlBO froD e20574 to ,19804, Funding for tho Specilll Apprllilors Fund of $120/000 WIlS roquoBtod for lapping/ covorod by II lovy rllto ot ,09269, DiscuBsion wal hold about both budgota, Tho City lovod to roduco tho slllary incroaBo to 3', School socondod, IInd tho lotion passod, 2/1, County boing tho nllY votoe Tho allolsor is 1I1so to roduco tho hOlllth inlurllnco budgot to rofloot tho chllngo in County inBurllnco covorllgo, Disoullion waB hold on tho Itlltus of tho DlIpping contrllct, Tho chair will spook with tho ohllir ot tho Jchnaon County Conforonco Board IInd tho two IIttornoya to try to oat II joint conforonco board looting liB Boon liB poloiblo, s~y , ' - - - . I ,- - - Tho City aovod to accopt tho propo.od bud90t o. omondod tor pUblicotion, School locondod, and tho lOtion pOllod/ 3/0. Tho County IOvod to lot tho pUblic hoorinq tor Hondoy, Horch 2, 1992 at 6130 P,H, at tho Iowa city civic contor/ city locondod/ and tho lOtion pallOd, 3/0. Tho vacancy on tho Iowa clty Boord ot Roviow hOI boon advortllod and thoro WOI ono applicant, It WOI Dovod by tho City to ro-appoint Koith KyDoro to tho Boord ot Roviow tor 0 tOri ondin9 DocoDbor 31/ 1997, and locondod by tho county, Tho IOtlon pallod/ 3/0, Tho County IOvod to appoint Patricia suoppol al thoir roproaontativo on tho Iowa city Alloalor'l ExoDininq Boord tor a tOri ondin9 DocoDbor 31, 1997, and looondod by tho city, Tho lOtion pOlaod, 3/0. Thoro boinq no turthor bUllnoll, it woa Dovod by tho City, locondod by tho School, to adjourn at 711~ P.H, Hotion pOllod unonilOully, 3/0, D~~ttn~ Clork, Iowa city contoronco Boara 'l" 1 lIt. . I ,\ , s~1/ . - - - - - " .... _I _ _ ~ l \ 1 , ~ Tho city aovod to accopt tho propo.od budqot al aDondod for publication, School locondod/ and tho lOtion pallOd, 3/0, Tho County aovod to lot tho public hoarinq for Honday, Harch 2, 1002 At 6,30 P,He At tho lavA City civio Contor, City locondod/ and tho lOtion pallod, 3/0. Tho vAcancy on tho laVA city Board of Roviov hal boon Advortilod And thoro val ono applicante It wal aovod by tho City to ro-appoint Koith WyaOro to tho Board of Roviov for a tora ondinq DocoDbor 31/ 100', and locondod by tho County, Tho lOtion pallOd, 3/0, Tho county IOvod to appoint patrioia suoppol al thoir ropro.ontativo on tho lava city AI.o..or" EXaaininq Board for a tora ondinq DocoDbor 31, 100'/ and .ocondod by tho city, Tho lOtion pal.od, 3/0, Thoro boinq no furthor bu.inol./ it wa. aovod by tho city, .ocondod by tho School, to adjourn at '11~ P,H, Hotion pa.Iod unaniaou.ly, 3/0. :f!t ~tnM- Clork, lava City conroronco Baird " 1 I", , I ,\ ! Sd-1/ , ~ - - - - 1 , I..... - - ,\ I , . Ol"(t Ill' lilt 10W'\ CIT\' ASSESSOR JOIISSOS cou:n\' ,\OMISISTR,\TIOS IIUI\.IlISG II.\S L 1Il'Ir.'llS ,"....... IILSSI~ II,II.IIMII.;( 1""11 (.\MIlL ~s \I\'M~I: 14" 1\ Fobruary 2~, 1992 Door conforonco ooard HoabOrl Tho aootin9 of tho lova city conforonco ooard for tho public hoarinQ on tho lawa city Allollor'l FY /93 bUdQot il Ichodulod for Honday, Horch 2/ 1992 ot 6130 P,H, at tho lovo city civic contor, Enclclod, 10 you DOY roviov tho inforaotion bOforo tho J:Iootin9, ora' 1. Till! Aqondo 2, Tho ADondod Dud90t 3, A copy of tho Fobruary 3, 1992 J:Iinutol Tho oaondod bud90t roflootl tho 3' lollry incroolo outhorizod ot tho Fobruory 3/ 1992 J:Iootin9. Tho nov totol incroalo boCOIol $13,690 vhich inoludol tho $6,~00 for aoooollont rolll and polto90, Thil incroaoo il cOlplotolY offlot by tho reduction of hoalth inluronco of $7,~OO and tho chan90 in the unoncuabarod balanco of $16/~0~/ vhich totall a docroale of $2.,OO~, Thil loavol a not docroolO of $lO/31~ to bo railad by tax~tion frol tho currant year'l bud90t, Tho Exponlo FUnd lovy rata will docroaso froD .20~7. to ,18729, a docroalo of 10' to covor tho ., roduotion in tho alount roilod by taxation, If you have any quostions about thO bud90t or onythin9 olso, fool froo to call la, sincoroly, A~ ,(~ Dan L, Hudson Iova city Assossor UI3 50UTIIIlUIIUQUF. 5TIIF.F.T .1'05T OffICF.1I0:< 1350 'IOW,\ CIT\'.IOW/\ 522\1 Tr.I.F.I'1I0SF.: 3IU.356 (10(16 S;J 1./ , ' - -- , I.... ,- - - - ." Fobruary 2~, 1992 TO ImOH IT HAY CONCER/II Tho Iowa city Conforonco Board will DOOt at 6'30 P,H, on Honday/ Horch 2, 1992 at tho Iowa city civic contor council ChaabOro, Tho purpooo of tho Dootinq io to hold a public hoarinq on tho Iowa city AaOOOIOr'l propolod bud90t for FY /93, AGENDA! 1. call Dootinq to ordor by tho Chairporlon, 2, Roll call bo taxinq bOdy, 3, Act on ainutol ot fobtuary 3/ 1992 Conforonco Board Hootinq, 4, Explanation of budqot aDondDontl. ~, PUblic hoarinq on bud9ot, 6, Adopt budqot. 7, othor budnoll, 8, Adjournlllont. Don L, Iludoon Clork, Iowa city Conforonco Boord ~ 1 ,\ I 5:1 i/ f ~ . - - 1 , I _ _ - . ,\ ! AHEIlDED ITEMIZED DUOOET - ASSESSHEIlT EXPEIlSE FUIlD ITEIlJIO, &lU'EIIDU\l1Ul _fLU. PY 93 lIA1.c\RIES 31 City Allollor $ 44,950 $ 46,300 32 Firat Doputy 38,210 39,360 32 !Iocond Doputy 35,960 37,040 35 Pll1t suporvlaor 26,880 27,690 35 Clork 20,440 22,110 Totlll Slllllriol $166,440 $172,500 ~i/ . . , - - - 1 .\ i DUOOL'T - SPECIAL APPRAISERS FUIlD Happin9 TOTAL UIlEHCUHBERED ~ICE TO DE RAISED DV TAXATIOIl PY 92 FY 91 $ 197.10~ S 261.015 $ 197,107 $ 261,015 -122.107 $-141.01!1 $ 75,000 $ 120,000 $ 327,789 $ 362,474 QAAIlD TOTAL TO DE RAISED DY TAXATION MAXIHUH LEVY ALLOWED HIIXiDUD IIllo..lont oxponao fund 1,294,645,363 x .00027 . $ 349,550 IPERS , FICA Fund. UnoDp1oyaont CODponoation , Tort Lillbllity HIIXiDUD tor lI.ao"Dant oxponoo fund . 23,190 . 4.000 · $ J76,740 HIIXiDUD lPOClll1 IIpprlli.or. fund 1,294,645,363 x .000405. S !l24.330 HIIXlDUI 1I11owod without StlltO IIpprovll1 . $ 901,070 HIIXlDUD oDar9oncy fund 1,294,645,363 x .00027 (Which roquiro. StlltO APpoll1 DOllrd Approval) HIIXllul that could bo rlllaod by tllxlltlon tor FY '93 · S 349.!l5q · $1,250,620 LEVIES AND RATES SINCE 1980 AuUnanUxpOJlllLlllnll lIpag!al.Apprniaar'ft Fund lJaclIl Yallr Allount I.avlad Lovy RlIta Amount Lavi~ Law RlItq I 1979-80 $ 146,050 .26746 ...--......-. ......... 1980-81 175,!l30 .2!l593 ............. ......... I U81-82 184,145 .30081 $ 61,000 .0!l5!l2 I I 1!l82-83 1!l2,!l60 .28004 H,OOO .02177 1 !l83-84 201,186 .27000 90,868 .13000 1!l84-85 200,278 .22454 73,8!l0 .08204 I 1!l85-86 101,958 .10!l05 ............. ......... 1!l86-87 186,780 .17616 ............. ......... I 1!l87-88 149,4!l1 .13!l53 ............. ......... 1980-8!l 218,823 .1927!l ............. ......... 198!l-!l0 1!l1,61!l .16666 75,000 .06416 1990-!l1 234,3!l0 .1!l4!l0 45,000 .03743 1!l!l1-!l2 252,78!l .20574 75,000 .06104 1!l92-93 242,474 .1872!l 120,000 .0!l26!l 591/ I" I 1 , I - - - ,\ CITY COIIFEREIlCE BOARD FEBRUARY 3, 1992 CitY. Contoronco DOllrdl FObruarr 3, 1992, 6138 P.H. In tho CouncIl Chlllbora lit tho clv c Contor. Hllyor Dllrro1 Courtnoy pro.idln9. IovlI City CQuncl1-HoAbAra ProlRntl AAbrlaco, Courtnoy, lIorowltl, KUbby, Lorlon, Ilovlck. John~on County suoarvisors Prosontl Looinll, Hyoro. Ie SchOOl nOllrd HOllbars Prosontl ChaDpion, Hlltho.on. Othorll ProlDntl lIudaon, Atkin., Kllrr, lIo111n9, aontry. Tapa RocordRdI Rool 92-17, sido 1, All. clork lIudaon atlltod thllt II qUOruD Will proaont. Tho County hllvln9 only ono Doabor pro.ont intill11y, LacInG IIrrivod botoro tho bud;ot WilD diacuaDod. Tho CIty DOvod to Gccopt tho Dlnuto. at tho 111.t Contoronco DOllrd Dootln; FObruary 19, 1991, Sohoo1 .ocondod, and tho lOtion pa.aod, 2/0. City Aaaoaaor lIudaon proaontod hID propoaod FY /93 AlaoDaDont Exponao Fund DUd9ot. Tho IncroGaoll boin; $9,3!l0 tor G 5' IlIlllry incrollDo, $1,440 tor rICA IInd IPERS, IInd $6/500 tor lI.aoaaDont ro11o Gnd poatllQo. Thl. inorolllo would bo In part ott.ot by IIn Inorollao in tho unoncuaborod bo111nco whIch would docrollDo tllX lI.kin;.. Tho propoDod lovy rllto would dooroGao trOD .20574 to .19804. Fundin9 tor tho Spociol ^pprGllorl Fund ot $120,000 WG' roquo.tOd tor Dllppin;, covorod by II lovy rllto or .0926!l. Dioou..ion WGa hold llbout both bud;ota. Tho CIty movod to roduco tho olllary incroGao to 3', School oocondod, IInd tho DatIon pllaaod, 2/1, County boJn9 tho nay voto. Tho lIaaoa.or la 111.0 to roduco tho hOll1th Inauranco bud;ot to rot1oct tho chanQo in County lnourllnco covorG;o. Diaouoaion WilD hold on tho atlltu. ot tho Dappin9 contrllct. Tho chllir wIll apook wIth tho chllir ot tho Johnaon County Contoronco Board and tho two IIttornoy. to try to oat II joint contoronco board Dootln; 1111 ooon 00 poooib1o. 5/J1./ t . - - 1 , I: _' - ~ i' 1 I i , .\ . I'" . I Tho City Dovod to occopt tho propoaod bud90t a. IIDondod tor pUb11cotlon, School locondod, ond tho Dotion poa,od, 3/0. Tho County Dovod to lot tho public hOllrin9 tor HondllY, Horch 2, 1992 lit 6130 P.H. lit tho IOVII City CIvic Contor, eity locondod, IInd tho Dotion pII"od, 3/0. Tho vocllncy on tho 10VII CIty Bollrd ot Roviov ho. boon odvortiaod IInd thoro VIII ono IIpp1icant. It VII' DOvod br tho City to ro-appoint Kolth Wyaoro to tho Boord ot Rov ow tor II tOrD ondin9 DocoDbor 31, 1997, IInd locondad by tho County. Tho Dation po.aod, 3/0. Tho County Dovod to IIppolnt Plltriclll Suoppo1 II' thoir roprolontlltivo on tho lova CIty AI.ol.or'a ExllDinln9 Bollrd tor a torD ondin9 DocoDbor 31, 1997, IInd locondod by tho CIty. Tho Dotion plloaod, 3/0. Thoro boin9 no turthor bu.lnoll, It vila Dovod by tho City, aocondod by tho School, to odjourn lit 7115 P.H. Hotion pOllod unoniDou.1y, 3/0. 4~~ Don L. Q~on c1ork, Iowa CIty eontoronco Board 5Jf I ' . - - , I - - 1 ilc.I rmCllOlC TCUCO'IVI 'IIl1I I 2.n.n ~1011 I JOHNSON COUNT V AUDITOR TELI319-356-6086 ~19 ~ UlO64 ~19W."""". I F.b 27.92 15138 No.OIO P.OI/OI ,I I J...... eMili, \ IOWA ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Oltllu D. Duct)' Srcp/lcn P. lacina Patricia A. M~ Richard B. Mycn DOily Ockcnrcll MArth 3,1991 1NJ.'OnMAL MEETING Agenda I. can 10 order 9:00 ll.m. i I 2. RevIew or the mlnules. I I 3. Duslness rrom Iho l'lnnnlng Anlslnnl. a) DIscussion ro: re.approvlna Zonlna appllcallon or nlla c. Donovan from A.I rul'1llto RS.Suburban resldenllal. b) Other 4. Duslncss from tho County Atlornoy. .) Reporlldlscusslon ro: PeMway Park liquor IIcenso appllcallon. b) nllccullvo Session ro: .Irale,y ror Ambulanco Dcparlmenl eollecllvo bargalnlna/d Iscusslon. c) Other 5, Duslness rrom Ihe lJonrd or SupervIsors. a) Discussion re: appolnlmenls 10 Doards and CommissionS ~ b) Reports ;:n m "i1 c) Olhcr >=1 N - n-< l- - Q) -In 6, Discussion rrom Ihe Imblle, :<,.. ::s m c~ - CJ ~:;11: W 7. Hews, ;i: &" ~ . ...... .. ..... - S~5. I ' - - . 1 - - - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DOlo: FobNAIY 28, 1992 TOl cny CounCil From: CUy M4nllllor NCS Prolad . Re: O/Or lho loll Ion days 10 MO wookJ, wo hovo boon working wllh Southgato Dovolopmonlln ardor 10 prov\dO a projocl packllllO thaI will oncourago 1110 dovolopmonl 01 an opproxlmalo $6 mll!lon 01l1cO bulk5nO In lho Norlhgnlo Corporoto PlI/k. Nntloll4\ Compulor SyslOms ptlll\110 movo Irom !hO Ooytum Strool bulldlng and roloCDlO 10 a now loellity. Wo woro lII\Xlous 10 ossuro tho now locl'ty will bo In Iowa City. AI wo undOrsland!hO prolOCllO dalo, opptoxlmotoly 300 jo~' 200 oxlstlng and 100 now' would bo IoCDtod In tho now prolod. Slmulllllloously.lho City 01 Corlllvl1lo Is oIso attompUng 10 altract thI. proIoct 10 !hOlt community and lpoclllclllly 1110 Oilkdlllo Rosolllch Plitli ollllo UI1~"of;lt)'. Thoy I/O ollorlng a numbor 01 rlllanclollncontlvOl, many 01 whlch wo can also mako ovallllblo. Formal prosonlatlons woro mlldo 10 NCS by lho Corlllvl1lo dovolopOr, Mid Amo~ca Construction, and tho Iowa City proposal 01 SoulllOalo DovolopmonVRYlll\ ConsltuCtIon 01 Minnonpolls. Mayor Courtnoy, Dovld Schoon, our Economlo Dovolopmonl Coorclnalor, and I roprosonlod tho City al lho prolonladon. Wo oxpoct a proposal rovloW by NCS corporato otflclols 10 havo boon condudod by AprIl I. An Issuo 01 somo concorn has boOn ldonUnod nol 0111y by Southgalo, bul oIso lollowlng my convorsatlons with lormor Mayor McDonold who wos Involvod wllh ICAD altho limo our .upport lor 1110 Rosoorch PI/k wos loughl oul and locurod. Tho Issuo Is Iho Oakdalo Rosoarch Park and lis now appll/onl promollon by tho Unlvolllty as lII\ 'olflco park.' Wo bollovo Ihls 10 bo contrAIY 10 tho dlrocUon lhaltho Unlvorslty hod Inlllolly domonstratod. II wos always vory cloll/ and rocolvod .uppa" nol only from thon Mayor McDOl1ald and mo os mombor. 01 tho ICAD Board, bul also othor Individuals within our dovolopmol1l commul1lty thatlhls park wns Inlondod 10 bo ulod lor lII\ oxlonllon 01 ros08lcMluslnoss acUvlly dlroctly assoclalod with tho Unlvorllty and Ita . -- . - ,- . 1- - - 2 IACUIty. In IIet, 110 RISE IRlkIllon 1/1I1 wu clovolopod and fin4ncod ~\h llalo monlol. opptOllmlloly $750.000, IlIIod as 10m: ; I I . ! i I I ! I ! ! I , I j i , , Tho 170 ICtO PNCG' wII bo Ioasod Irom tho llalo by Iho UnIvolllly 01 Iowa RolOl/ch PIIll Co/potIBon. Tho colpOtlllon ~I 11011 1Ubl0.u0 plIIcoll 10 bumOUOI. UnIvolllly ollowl ompIoyool wII mwgo 110 ~ 011 bohaIf 01110 COIpOIlBon. OOClUlO 01 Its ~ IS . ~ IOIOIICh plIIIl. Iho ptopoaod 04kd4l0 RolOl/ch PIIll wi complMlfflI pttrtl,/y dmloptd ploplfty In 110 10WlI CIly. eorDMllo I/OL Tho UnIvoIally ~I conoonllllo on dovolopmonl YlhIch II ollonlld 10 llCUlty IOlHlch In PfOlIrl/lll ~IO olcollonco II wol known. luch lIS ph4m\Acy. blotochnoloOY, hydIaullcl and ap.'ICO phyla. OoluloJo ROIOlllch Plllk ~I nol compolo ~\h 110 rOlOl/th pOlk allOWll Slato UnIvoIslly bocolllO oath Idloorllund.1monlAl rOlOlllth I~Ong\hII/O In diflorontlllollS. OolulDlo RoSOl/th PDtk will plomolO unlvo"lty"u"cII, 1fr4lt0yo Iho Ilalo'l oconomlc growth, and lISIIIl ~lh \ho 111II"" 01 IlChno/ogy 110m Iho unlvmlty 10 Iho piN' to HeIO'. FoUl orgamadonl hovo lIItolldy OlptOSlod Into rOil In IocIllng 01 \ho proposod OI1kdDlo RoIOIICh POlk: Tho Nallonol DynI/nIo Slmul4lol Conlor, 0 major phlllrNlCOut1c41 company, and tNo COmpnnlol now Ioc4lod III lho Tid"lfNIvVY InllV._ CfnIvr. (iimphaill addu\lI Flom lhllllAlomonl 1111 dOl/in my judgmonl \haltho rOlolllch pAlk WllS Inlondod 10 ,uppolt UnIvorally llClMllollllld nol IOIVO lIS II compotitor 10 olflco plIrl< dovolopmonL Whon I ptolonlod lhIl monor 10 UnIvorally olllcl4ls, I wallldvlsod lhDllhoy lolt 110 NCS projoct WIIS jultinod In thai It mol lho~ 'IOSOl/tho CtIIO~L I dlsagrood. A etJf1I 01 tho Unlvolllly rOlpOlllO Is IInachod. Tho cilomma Is \hal whllo lho concopl 0111 UnIvorally rOloarth plIIk II COrlalnly IUPPOrtlvo olllrOIl oconomlo dovolopmonl onn, doarly prlvalo ofnco park doYolopmonl wl\hln our communlly CllMol compolo ~Ih tho undorlylng public ownorlh~ lhallho Unlvorally hIlS In Itl rOlollrch and now llppIIIOnl olnco plIIk. It would nppellllllal onlco park dovclopmonlln cur communlly could como 10 IIll11nd.UD 1\111I0 Unlvorslly COmpGlOIIn lhlll vory Om/lod morkol. fllhls Is to bo lho Unlvorslty'. poOcy and dltoctlon,ll OppeDrs conltory 10 whol wo hod undorstood lho Inlont ollho rOloorch plIIk 10 boo NCS Is octlvoly locking lor II now 1110 IInd will altompl 10 locuro lho boll polllblo location lor lholr bullnOll 1\1 wOllthoy Ihould. It II my ludgmonl lhnllhoy IIro nol allsluo and thoro'oro Ihould not bo II causo 0' Immodlato concorn olhor lhan 0 doslro 10 koop thom In our communlly. 1 50l~ . . , I _ , - 3 Tho r..tlslUO It lIIo cll4ngo In dovolopmonl IltIlaoy by 11I0 UnNorllty and 1II1ong.lonn COllloquOncGl on our community, j)A/1lculAIly 011lco dlVOlopmonL In 11II we hIVO olllco pIIlI dovolopmonl and apocIIluIIy do~l\od zonollo 1CCOmm0d41O IUdl dovolopmon~ ilia vwo 01 Iho ptoporty within our convnunlty I bolovo wII bo dmlnlallod. EccnomIo dovolopmonl policy ano~ 10 uoalo Jobs and l/lllIOvo Iho w buo. II our ability 10 compolO Is cllmkIlIhod, ~ . butdon lor local w rMIlUOI conllnUOllo IhIn 10 roPlondal, I clrcumslanco wo ha\'O WOIllod 10 avoid. I bring IIIIs mall~r 10 your Dllonllon 10 limply aJort you 10 tho IuUOI and hopolully City Councl ClIn Inko cortoln 1og11l411vo and olhor rolalod policy 1n11i411vot 10 rolOMl Ylhall bolo\'O 10 bo . major long rongo dovolopmonl concorn 10 IOWD City. b/l'ClfIIOi ~ . .-' . 1 5a.(, I 1 Sl~T OYlUnlvlrllt1 II 11.1 I a-I'.'I I 'll'~' I ~r'llo.n" V"I"~ I I ! "IUtlWWI" , THE UNMRSIlY OF ioWA rlbrulry 37, 1"3 It,phln J. Atkin. C1t.y MlnlgAr City of lova City 410 Ealt Wa.hlngton Itrelt lOw. CIty, IA 53340 Dur 8tlvo I Thl followIng 1. Infor~atlon regarding thl Unlvlr.lty" Int.oraotion with NC8 and thl ettort. to rocrult. NCS to thl RUllreh Park. Tho Unlvlr.lty r'lpondld to II requolt for Information froD NC8 rlgllrdlng tho ro.ourcol and advantllgll ot thl Oakdalo Ro.o.rch Park, Thl1 rlqualt W.I convoyod throuoh ICAD. Thl Univar.lty reapondodwlth UtlOlt rogard for NCB a. onl ot thl lar11e.t. .nd mo.t Important tlchno10qy tranlflr apln.off. of tho Unlvlrllty Itll1f. ACf and Ne8 Ire tho two mOlt Vl1ibl1 and IOlt .uceo..ful prlvato .oct.or out.growthl at unlVlr.1tr actlvltlo. and rOlourell. Univ.rllty flleu1ty w.rl ro.ponllb I tor thl .tllrt of tho.o actlvlt.lo. and nurtur.d t.holr grovth. Thl Unlvlr.lty hal In Inthulialtlo commltmont. to t.ho cont.lnuod .ucco.. of thlll Indllvorl. 8upport. lor and Intorolt In NCB locating Ill. thl RI.lllreh Park II billed on thl .trlltlglc plan tor tlchno10gy tran.forl to IIllilt Iowa bu.lno.., to attraot now bu.lnlll to Iowa, to oroat.o now bu.lno... Crlttrll1 tor IIdmllllon to thl Re.earoh Park Includl lithe opportunity t.o InvIgorate t.ho .cado~lo communlt.y." Tho NCB projoot would .llt-.dlclllvl1y-.thl. crHltlon. Whon Tho Unlvor.lt.y of Iowa croat.od tho Park, It Will broadly agrlld In Iowa City and Cora1vi111 that an objactlv. of tho Park .hou1d bo t.o at.t.raot prlvato .oot.or t.on.n~. to Oakdll1o. Tha Pllrk cllnnot milt thl1 objlctlvl If It 1. con.trainod to accopt tonantl If IInd only It thlr arl unllecept..b1o on a1tornatlvo .1t.o. In tho .roa, n thl. CillO wo aro 0,poolal1r commlttod boeaulo of our hlltorlo oonnootlon to th I bUllnol. and bleau.1 of It. contlnuld natlonll1 leadlrlhlp In thl field ot education. 1M ClIY,1oQ 11I4' OlIIIlIlllltllntry "~UIU 1011lllvpllll 110m I-om 5~~ I ' , I _I _ 1 '~I l'IUft"I'I"Y I' II" 'Z"""" I IIJ'~. I ~'IIIGlft'" Ulllel. mnmV,l1 , -2- rinllly, it Ihould bl notld that Thl UniVlreity ot lova i. part of thl torllYilll .hara. our Inthu.lae. tor the Ne. proj.ot and hae eupportld our .ttort. YlQoroully. It Ie 'Y undlretandlno that t.nant. at thl Rlllarch 'ark pay propertr taxI', a. thlY would on any Ilt.matiYI .ltl.. HovaVlr, I' on litlrnltiv. eitl', tlx-blled lnclntiY.1 c.n bl nlootiated vith th. hO'1 co~lty Iccordinq to th.ir plfooaUv... I hopI thi. inlor~ation i. h.1pful to you. PI..I. 1.t II know It I can provldl .ny .dditional infor.ation. Ilncer.1f, tl~~ Ann N. Mod.. Vlcl 'r..ldlnt Unlv.rlitr Rl1.tione I ,1 I 5J.~ . 1 I I I , I , ; i 1 i ! f I I I ! . , , I I I I I IOWA OTY roUCH DEI'AR1MENT 4.0 Wl WAIIIlNCil~ IlJIll.IOWA em,IOWA mill CJ"I~ .\ " Prll' Notlcl' Par l...dl.t. rllll.1 . Dltll Karch 2, 1"2 . "llrdlnll Call-A-Cop Contlctl Offlclr llvln 101. ('56-52") VI Irl plll..d to InnounCI thl IVllllbllltJ of CIl1-l0C0p, I a.v Ilrvlcl VI Irl haPPJ to provldl to 111..atlrJ .chool III child ria. .J CIIllnl '56-'445, chlldrln cln hllr dlllJ "..111. fro. lovl CltJ pollcl ofllclr.. Thl '1"'11' lncludl I vlrlltJ of topic. lad Idvlcl to Jounl plopll Iblrld fro. thl l.plrllncl. of Individual offlclr.. Thl tlp.d ...1111. .rl fro. onl to tva .lnutl. la 11nath, 1n4 chl1drln cln U'I Call-A-Cop 24 hour. I dlJ. " r~r@~t~ lhould Idvl.. ot thl dlfflrlncl bltvlln thl CII1-A-Cop 11nl Ind 'II vh.n Incourlllnl thllr chlldrln to dl.l CIII-A-eop bJ Ilpl.lnlnl that chlldr.n cln onlJ 11. tin to ""11" throulh Call-A-Cop, Ind .rl not Ibll to ,pllk vlth InJonl dlnctlJ vh.n cIUlnl that nuaber. "..' .' . :' , '. ~ ,..... ---...... .' , " CALL ME EVE~Y "A YI '."r~ ; I: Jl',';.'~'ij u, """,,",, ;1... i .,~,. , tti-,' :,1\ '. . . . - - . 1 i I i I I I I I I I I I tw..- ..... III' I. "II" ....1101141"" W.""loot M IN 1....1lIf ......... ";I "",,_. M 11"11'" k"" ......., INJ"''' Nllot, ..,_ ~_ ,II "",. "'" llIl U_ ioooct 14 ""Mil M""........' INII..tIt "....,..,,\ ,,"UI 1)..' loll,., 100-' I"" kpllM\"" kilN. "'" ". tIf lIlIokf IN 0,""..... I'JI"V"'" .."'. 10.... ~. ,-"" ... ........,..,..~.......iIl ,Oil""'" 'II ........ .."".,. ^'"........ III." ,4111'''' If..... 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City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM I I Harch 2, 1992 ToI Stophon Atkinl, CIty Hanll90r FrOl1 Don Yucul., Financo Dlroctor Joo Fov1or, Pllrklnq Sy.toll Suporvl.or Rotoroncol Pllrklnq Ralp - Chauncy SVlln Pllrkinq Lot Attor rovlowln9 tho prolllinary plan lublllttod by HaUlann Honlon tho tOllowlnq 1. IIn ooUlato ot tho not qa1n in parklnq Ipaco. In tho two Iconarlo. to bo pro.ontod to counci11 TIrREll LIlVEL Spaco. at COlp10tion 338 Exhtin9 -120 Old Library Lot - 75 Linn Stroot Lot - 90 eo1loql Stroot Drld90 =--A Ilit Gain 45 lOUR LIlVIlL SpaCOD lit cOlplotion 461 Exlatinq -120 Old Library Lot - 75 LInn Stroot Lot - 90 Col10qD Stroot Drld90 =--A Hot GlIin 168 '"A I I I 'J .IJ) J'J. ./JIJ'It' ~1'fI'~' ~, ,., 5;1' . ' - - - , I ' - - . ~ v Bond Buyer 20 Bond Index Monthly Data 1981 · 1992 J \ , , i I ! \ I I ! 14" . AU. fill 11II111.... .. I/II/U -____ ----- IIIU, tola '/lI-I/M.--- i 1; i j '" 12" Utsource: -,'" OO#ld 1Juytr- WEVENSEN DODGE, INC o ']),~/,;b,~J JIJ!'I~ 1 . . ,. I; . ' ~~tcIf~''''':'. ,~~ C:J~1 I I I ! I \ l j I \ I I I \ To tho EditOll Tho Irtiolo in tho Fobruary 28, 1992 illuo ot tho lowlI City PrOl1 Citilon, 'City, UI vran910 ovor NCS", 10avoI II numbor ot unllnlvorod quo.tionl Invo1vin9 tho ro10 ot tho Univorlity ot Iowa In thil plrticulllr projoct. Quoltionl that Ihould bo anaworod by Hr. Bruco Whoaton, tho Prol1dont ot tho Univorlity ot 10wII and tho Board ot R090ntl aro AI folloWl1 1. Artic10 VII, pormittod UIOI Soction 7.30, parAgraph 1 at tho Oakdlllo ROlollrch PArkl. Covonllnt and Architoctural Guidolino. ItAtOI that ono IIroll ot pormittod UIOI includo. "~aluro~nt, tOlting And traln1ng facil1tiol and conlult1ng faci11tio,", 1111 conlidorod al II comb1nod rOltriction in. tOAd ot oach boing an individuAl rOltr1ction. Tho contract wh1ch IICS hopol to havo rilnowod 1. primarily tor .corlng at toatl with II vory m1n1mAl llmount of tOlting boing dono. UiII Hr. Whoaton obtai nod A logal op1nion thllt thil tlllll w1th1n tho covonant rOltrictionl notod? It 10, a copy, Ihould bo furn1lhod to III intoroltod partin. 2. Tho 101110 torml furnilhod to tho potontilll dovoloporl by IICS propolol I 5 yoar 10aao, 1 7 yoar loalft, II 10 YOllr 101110 IInd 1 10 yoar 101.0 with 20\ por YOllr Ipaco givo back Ittor YOllr 5. No montlon ot II lubloquont ronowlIl roqulromont 1. Indicltod. Thll otron11y lndicAtoa that thll building II boing built by tho dovolopor aa II apoculltivo (Ipocl vonturo. 1. It tho million of tho Univor.ity at 10WII to oncourllgo tho conatructlon ot "lpOC" buildlngl on it. proporty? If '0, how Clln dovoloporl wIth tholr own lllnd poI.lblr compoto? 3. It In tact thla I a ".poc" building, what control dool tho Unlvoraity hllvo ro1l1tlvo to tuturo 1011.01 ot tho bu11ding IIftor tho orlglnlll 10llao haa oxplrod? 4. Tho 10lao torml tor tho 111nd propoaod by tho "Roaollrch Park corporAtion" provldo. tor 1 55 yoar loaao lit $30,000 por IIcro. A building of tho 1110 and uaago propoaod, roquiroa II minimum of 8 IIcroa. Th1. would rOlult In II 1011.0 payment to tho "Roaoarch Park corporation", duo lit tho boglnning of thu 101110 ot $240,000. Tho propolal doo. provldo IIn option tor tho Innual paymont ot $3,000 por 1I0ro tor tho tirat 15 YOlra wIth tho 10aao plymontl for tho romaln1ng 40 YOllr porlod to bo nogotllltod. DOOI thi. porhapa indicllto that tho "Roaoarch park corporlltion" ia In nood ot IIdditlona1 tundl at thil timo bOCIUIO ot tho StltO ot 10WlI budgot crunch? Would th11 opon tho door in tho tuturo to tho pOlalblo vlollt1on ot covonant guldolinoa it tho StltO of Iowa budgot lituatlon worlonl? I 53/ .' . , I _' - . 5. Tho propolal. roqulro I Hovolbor 30, 1992 occupancy dllto. Thl. raqulroaont nocollltltO' I talt trick, dOli9n-bui1d Ichodu10. If IOIOthin9 II ovor1ookod bOCIUIO ot tho tl.1n9 ot tho projoct, whit 10911 And liabIlIty problo.1 ..y bo croatod tor Tho Univor.ity ot lovI ROloarch Pllrk Corporation, tor IlCS and tor tho dovolopor? Tho tor090in9 potontla1 prob1oDI would oaulo prlvllto dovo10porl ulln9 privllto land a nuabor ot concornl. Would not tho propolod u.o of land ownod by tho StlltO ot lovlI tllxpoyorl IInd 10alod to tho "Roloorch PArk CorporAtion" tor 97 yoarl bo rOlllon onou~h to rothlnk tho ontiro IIIUO ot locAtln9 thil partIcular tllcl1ity lit tho Unlvorlity ot lovI'. Ookdlllo ROlollrch Park? .~ -)- ~ . '''') /. '~.f!. . \ ,""'0'~ '-', 'v Byron R. ROil 2188 Scalol Bond ROAd liE North Liborty, IA 52317 319-626-6308 5:!J1 1 .\ I t I I . I . .... . 'lIlt'!If' I I , i I i J...... Ctul, \ IOIVA ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chlllu D. Durfy Slephen P. uclna Palrlcla A. MCldo Richard B. Mycn Deily Ockenrcll Morth 5, 1991 FORMAL MEETING Aaendll I. Call 10 ONer 9:00 D.nl. 2. Action re: clnlms 3. ActIon re: mlllulu 4. ACllon re: plIyroll nulhorlzlIllolIs - IS 0 ~ ""=n i1 >::j 5. WelcQmQ !o !he Doy Scoul! on Do)' Scouts CivIc Day. I - 0-< .- - w , ~p . :ll '~~ " 6. Duslncu (rom the County AudUor. -~ - ::J o_ W ;:1". );0 w a) Action ro: permits 1.0 b) ACllon ro: reports , . 7. Duslnu. (rom Iho Asslstanl ZonIng Admlnlslmlor. 0) Mollon selling public hearing. b) Olber 8. Duslness from tho County AlIorney. a) DIscussion/action ro: 1992.1994 Social ServlcC5 collective bArgaIning acreemenl. b) Report ro: olher !lems. 913 SOl1TJ1 DUDUQUUST, roo. DOX IUD IOWA CIl'Y,IOW^ '2244 TP.I~ (liP) ]~6,6000 MX: (J19m606016 53" . 1 . I _ _ - .. ... I.' .... ...,. \It/I'. ,...'" nu.uuO r,V"U, Aacnda 3-5-92 PII&O 2 I 9. Duslne.. (rom tho Doard or Supmlson. I I , I I) Discussion/actIon ro: fint and second conslderallon of In ordlnaneo i I fColpprovlna zonlna appllCltlon of BIll C. Donovln from A.I Runl I to RSoSuburban Residential. b) DIWlsslon/actlon ro: releuc of Homemaker.Homo lfealthlAldo Choro funds. c) Dlscusslon/letlon ro: Equal R1Sbll Amendment Proclamation. d) Mollon to hold bolh Informal Ind formal meetlnJI (or tho week of March 8th on Mlrch IOtb. 0) Other , 10. 10:00 lI.m.. (Onllnuollon or Public IIcarlng on tho rollo",lng propmd . Road Vllfallonll 1. Road Vacation 1.92. To vacalo all of Johnson County'lIntere..tIn tho followlna: BealM1ns at a point approximately 7S0 rect North of tho We..t 1/4 Corner of SectIon 6, Township 80 North, Ranlo 7 West or tho 5th, theneo Northerly approximately 2.35 miles 10 neu tho Northwe..t corner or tho Southw<<t 1/4, of tho Southwest 1/4 of Section 19, Township 81 Nonh, Rinse 7 Welt of tho 5th P.M. 2. Road Vacation 2.92 . To Vlcato all or Johnson County'. Inlercat In tho followlna: BeglMlns ncar tho Northwelt Comer of ~ctlo~6, Township 80 North, Ranio 7 West of tho 5th P.M., then'~r'y I approxlmalely 1.22 miles to a point approxlmalely 1650 ftfJ:We of~ tho North 1/4 comor of Section " Township 80 North, Ra~~ Wes~ oftho5lh P.M. s~ ~ 0 ~... W ~.... 11. DUllness from the County J:nglnccr. ~ w \D a) Relolutlons for Road Vacallonll.92 and 2.92/dlscusslon/acllon. b) Olher 12. Adjourn to Inrormol mullng. 13. Inquiries and report. from Iho public. 14. Adjournment. I 53~ f .. . - - - 1 , - - ,I I City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dolo: Match 3, 1992 To: City Council From: Mayoi' Ao: Logls/otlvo Lunchoon . Soturday, March 14 Tho Chambor 01 Commorco Is proparlng on Inlormol Loglslollvo Lunchoon willi oroo Ioglslol0l1 101 Soturdoy, March 14. ThIs Is slmUM 10 a progrom Inlllolod Iasl yoor. Tho Leglslotlvo Commllloo Is roquoslod 10 aUond ond II unablo, olhor mombors 01 Councl1 may wish 10 ellond. Wo wiD havo !ho doloRs In a law days. Plooso 101 Lorrolno know II you wish 10 allond. ~ fJtJMAfJ- 533 I t 1" - - 1 I I _ - - c/.JA/~ alJ;/f~ City of Iowa City ~ ~ MEMORANDUM \ I 0.10: Malch 3. 1992 To: Clly CWlClI "0m: Rick 'ouo. Clly Englnool Ro: 01111 Woll.nd. ROIlOlI TIIo .1I.clIod lOpalll.. dill! 011110 fillll plodUCllh41 wo OlpoCllO IIIvo complolod 10101 IhI. monlh. II you o"lnlo'OIlod In lhol POIllon 011110 10pall porlolnlng 10 Mounl PrOlpaCI Pili. e ond &, "'01 10 AIIII 10 on 1110 10100 mop ond PlI00. 17 ond 18 011110 d/ofllOPOII. Ip2.2 63 I " , k: t, " j,'. f' , t }:: I, F I. f ~! I , L !~ t ,. ~i - ~ :{ ( , . ~ , . - - - - . I _ _' , - . 1 \1 53ri ...i.. __ ~ - 1 Sheet ~~co.'})ore Tru\\k Sewer Vet1al)~ 5tu~~ - u~ lo\) U\'a.\~e YCbl'UAl'\} . 1~12 534 I , I - - - 5~ f 1 , I . - - - , - - - e/f""r Coop TABLE OF COIITEHTS fw Purposo ............................ J Flguro 1 . loc.llon Hap .................. 3 Definitions .......................... t/ C.ologtc Setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Flguro 2 . Cross.ncllon .nd Groundwater FIOlI ....... I Flguro 3 . Sean l.ndllld.. On Blurr . . . . . . . . . . . . " Htthodl and Hips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Flguro 4 . Soil Hap .................... II Flguro 5 . W.ll.nd Aro" Hap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I)~ T.blo I . W.lland Oal.11I ................. I' RacOlltnd.llon , 1 . A Llnoar Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If RacOlltnd.llon , 2 . A S.nd Duno P.rk .............) ~ RacOlltnd.llon" 3 . Hallkoyo Harsh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2' RacOlltndallon , 4 . Dollnaallon Oaclllonl . . . . . . . . . . . ~~ - -- ---7 = - Rlr.rancls CU,d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Appondlx 1 . SOAlI Nallva Dry Pr.lrlo Spocles . . . . . . . . . . n G,.~./w./,. ",,4,:)<< /")'" /I_ ~".1 _ r""J/ ~'H,",,,/ R').I.I.y _ - ~? .l7 201 2.7 .2.~ ~ I , 1 . I . ,\ I 53~ . - = - 1 - , 1_ - . .2 - ,\ fIIBW Th. nIM V.t.r Pollution Control f.clllty south o( lOWI CIty Is s.rv.d by tho SOUth.,lt Int.rc.ptor Stwtr .xt.ndlng louth (rill town. 5010 o( tho undov.lop.d I.nd btlld. thll Illn could bt rOldlly I.rvlcod by . grlvlty Itwtr IYlt.I, conn.ctod dlr.ctly Into th. ."n. In ord.r to .xpodlt. ordorly .nd soquontl.1 luburb.n d.v.lopllnt, the City II conlld.rlng conltructlon or . I.nlt.ry Itwtr to I'rv. . 580 .cr. W.t.rlh.d d.llgn.ted .s tho Syc'lOr. Str..l Trunk SIV.r SYltll, I" flgur. I. It II .ntlclpltod th.t suburbln dov,'opltnt will rollow In thll w.t.rlhod withIn. row y..rl. Th. PUrpOI' or thll r.port II tOI I. Study.nd lip wetl.ndl .nd oth.r .r"1 or .nvlronltnt.1 Int.r'lt, In .nd .dJ.c.nt to the pllnnod d.v.lopeent. z. [v.lu.t. th.lr qu.llty In t.ntl or .nvlronltnt.1 v.lu'l .nd lult.blllty (or rtclll.t!o~ or restoration. . 3. H.k. r.cOlltnd.tlonl rtglrdlng opportunltlol to Intogr.t. .r"1 o( .nvlronltntll Int.r'lt Into tho luburbln d.v,'opeont phn. 63q . 1 , - - - .' , " 2A '. , '\41 , , r" ~"..' \ \ .. ,,, . . . 3S \ ~, , ) , . I I . I l """ ,,_ '... I I' -2;.""----- I : -:4'$'S;U\'lfG:a ,. C It 8 12s: -I' . I"l}-\c\'c:,r.l'o.. .. ! . S,Wft' " ~~ . . 1)\, /"-1 ,f : .. ! ; I ... ,",..." (\\. ,:1' .' 'I I~'~ I ' . i, 26" I L \, ~ ).......:....( ~.J Tn=r) ~: .J! rJf E " T ,L U c~~~ i ~. .... , , I I ..l , . T. 'T1,c.\y,.P.C,p , ! . 0( l ~ , ~ I ' -. i'" """Y J I (,",,\j'~' ,I ( !.. \ i '.. ' I'" 'j , I " ~ .' .. I I ~ I \ \ , . I}' \ j.' \\ ,>../1 Oil, ----------'r------ , I , 'rl ,~ f / '\; I \ '. '..............,. " F ICURE I LOCATlOII HAP 1" ._"i...... ~,..., .. , .'h .. --..-- , .. . . '~ , \ _J~ ,\.-.. I " . " " .~ (51/ \, v ." . - - 1 ~ If - , D.Efllt1lliII1 Elrly In the regulltory proc.ss (. decld. .goJ, wetlands voro doflnod on the blsls of wlt.r t.blo l.v.ls or soIls or vegotltlon. TodlY lOst sclontlstl ., tIftIij1 ~ cocbln. thoso throe mllblll Ind thor. II now gonml Jt,,. i. 1',,,;;. Igreec.nt.IS to whit conllltut.s I votllnd, Ono 0' the lOst wldoly .cc.pt.d Dldw.storn de'lnlllons 0' . votl.nd III '.n IrOI wher. w.t.r II .l, n..r or .bov. the l.nd lur',c, long .nough to b. Clplbl. 0' lupportlng .qu.tlc or hydrophytlc veg.t.tlon, Ind whIch h.1 lolls Indlc.tlv. 0' wot condltlcnl,' (fro. Vlsconlln Stltutes 5.23.32-1. Vlsconsln DHR 1985 p. 1). l.rg. sep.r.t. .rels with w.t.r dopthl grolter thin six feol .ro usu.lly .xclud.d fro~ thIs do'lnlllon In ordor to holp dlsllngulsh wotl.nds fro. .nhkos, ponds Ind rOSOl'Yolrs, .lthough In SOlllO cms th.y m so entwIned on lho l.ndsclpe thlt dIstInctIons becc:o co;plox. The do'lnlllon curronlly used by tho U,S. A~ Corps 0' EngIneers In Its rogulltory progrl~ Is: 'Votllnds Iro thoso Irels Inundlted or slturlted by surf,co or groundwlter It I 'roquency Ind durltlon sufficIent to SUpport Ind thlt undor normll clrcuDstlncos do support, I prevllenco 0' vogetlllon typlcllly Idlpted 'or Ilfo In slturlted soIl condlllons. Vetllnds gener.lly Includo sWlmps, ~Irshos, bogs' Ind sl~lhr mil (33 CfR 328)' (Eggors Ind Rood, 1985, p. 2). Tho EPA doflnltlon usod to .dmlnlstor tho Soctlon 404 pormlt progrlm (EPA, 40 CRf 230,3) Is ossontlllly tho slmo .s tho Corps 0' Englnoors listIng Ibovo. Tho 5011 Consorv.tlon Sorvlco's do'lnltlon of . wotllnd usod to dOll with tho 'swlmpbustor' provIsIon 0' tho "'tlonll food Socurlty Act of 1985 ISI S3Q . , , - - - 'Votl.nds .re doflned .s .re.s th.t h.vo . predOlln.nco of hydrIc .011. .nd th.t are Inund.ted or s.tur.ted by surf.ce or groundw.ter .t . frequency and dur.tlon sufficient to support, .nd und.r nOntll clrcUlst.nces do support, . prov.lence of hydrophytlc v09ot.tlon typlc.lly adaptod for life In s.tur.ted soil conditions, excopt lands In AI.sk. Identified as h.vlng a high potentl.1 for agricultural dovelopmont and. prodOllnance of p.rI.frost soils.' (H.tlon.1 food Socurlty Act Hanu.l, 1988). The U.S. fish .nd Vlldllf. SorvlClS definition of 'lIothnd, for tho purpose of conducting. natlon.1 1I0tland Inventory Is: 'Vetl.nds .ro lands transltlon.1 betlleen terrostrlal .nd aquatic syste.s IIhere the lIater t.ble Is usually .t or neaf tho surf.ct or the land Is COVtrtd by shallow witir. For pUrpOIOI of this cl.ssl(lc.tlon lIotl.nds lUst h.yo one or lOre o( the (ollOlllng three .ttrlbutes: (I) It lo.st perlodlc.lly, tho Ilnd supports predOllnantly hydrophytes, (2) tho substr.te Is predOllnantly undr.lnod hydric soil, .nd (3) tho substr.to Is nonsoll .nd Is satur.tod IIlth lIator or covorod by shalloll lI.tor .t SOlO tllO during tho grOlllng soason of oach ye.r.' (Colllrdln et II, 1979). Theso .nd othor definitions .ro usually carofully phr.sod to explicitly or Implicitly Include areas IIhlch h.vo boon (or aro bOlng) (annod and ~ suooort lIotl.nd yegolatlon If f.nnlng ceasod or the tllos and dltchos 1I0ro plugged. Addltlon.1 doflnltlons of lIetl.nds .ro av.llablo In tho fodor.1 H.nu.1 for Identifying Ind Dollneltlng Jurlsdlctlon.1 Vollands (fodor.1 ./ Intorlgoncy COllllllttOO, (1909). /A foil yom .go, rocognlzlng lhat vogotatlon 1 . ,. ~ . , - - ; I - - cln be dostroyed, 1Od1(lod, ropllced or rocovored, Ind thlt Mltor levols Cln orten bo rostored by pluvglnv tllos Ind dltchos, lOst Igoncles shl(ted tho tlPhlsls o( tholr vorklnv de(lnltlon sOlOVhlt IOro tovlrd tho presonco or Ibsonco o( hydric salls. In vonerll, votllnds Cln be drllned Indlor plOMOd (or Ilny decldos with Ilttlo (unctlonll chlngo In tholr salls, ovon to sOlftl..s rotllnlnv a quality 'seed bank' ~Ich Mill sprout Ind vrov I( (Ioodod avaln. This tondency to (avor tho prosonco o( hydric salls (or do(lnlnv Ind dellnoltlnv a votland Is also utlllzod In this proJoct. Discussion o( hov to Ipply currontly doblted political do(lnltlons, to votllnds In tho study aroa, Is proYlded undor ROCOllOndltlon '4 lato In this /' report.' I I I ~ I Host or tho aroa or study Ilos on a high terraco o( the lova River. Exposuros croatod ~hllo openlnv tho tronch ror tho Southelst Intorcoptor SIMor, plus IIny shallov borlnvs In tho aroa Indlclto that this torrace MIS built .alnly (rOl slnds carried by tho river during tho list gllclltlon. lator, ~hen tho rlyor hid orodod dovn Into theso slnds (at about Its prosent veovrlphlc location) tho high torraco Mas vradul"Y burled under a blanket o( wlndblovn silty dust (called loess), to a dopth o( Ibout IS (oet ~hllo a llrgo Sind dune rontOd on the Mest sldo o( the study IrOI. The river contlnuod to IOlnder on Its (loodplaln Ind on tho southolst edge o( the study Irel cut Into the high torrlco to a dopth o( about 30 reet Ind then blckrlllod this Mlth I thin llyer o( rlvor sodllOnt, (onllng 110M terrlco. Tho 10M terrlco Is presontly being considered (or purchlso Ind Integration Into I Metllnd complox tentatively called "Iwkeye Hirsh, soo Flguro I (or locltlons. Thoso surracos, Including the loess Ind dune on tho high terrlce Ind river sediment on the low 1 . , - 53~ , , I _ I_ . - I torraco, havo beon Itablo for IIny thoulandl of yoarl and tho lOdorn 10111 hm dmlopod (rOfl thf1l. Groundwator lovoll woro high benoath tho uppor torraco, Into thll contury, and at or abovo tho land lurfaco on tho low torraco. Tho uppor torraco II lalnly an aroa of rochargo for groundwator, khllo tho 1000r torraco II IIlnly an aroa of groundwator dllchargo (110 Flguro 2). Agricultural tIling and .-. -- dItchIng on tho uppor torraco hal 1000rod tho vator tablo In 1011 aroal, usull1y frol 1.4 foot, but tho oyorall groundwator flow IYltll rOlalnl unchangld. Along tho bluff, betvoon tho hIgh and low torracol, tho posItIon of tho vator tablo fluctuatOI. Tho bluff hal boon ovorgrazld and durl"9 vot Ylarl groundVatlr dlschargll along tho faco of bluff, al tyldtncod by Ilall landslldls, 110 Flguro 3. WithIn thl upptr tlrraco, groundVatlr Ilyoll probably fluctuato OYlr about a 4.5 foot range botvoln vlry vot Ylarl and very dry lilrj, whll. probably only oVlr a 2.3 foot range within tho lowlr ',rraco. o /i'1t,1....I,... ,10 J,..~..'w.I-,.. "!'u/',:; f ".,,1,.1 h'.e ') " 1 -7. 534 ~ ~ ~--1 'l , , ,-- - l-Jott\)weot ~ .. c TIu,\e 'Hi~l) 'lert'Q,cc . ., ,\ I :" , .}..\...,.,....,. .....J....\,.. . ,I I. '. '.1'\~:";'.1 tc::..,:,J,l:' ...... '~.. '-a- ....L.7~1'~~~i.6; _ .~.(~:; -- --. Ol~cr R,,,.C' Sll,~ , ' (.e~el)~ ...... \.I41~r TcWllJ '''LL .5'"i(l~ 'Willer ,1/ GN\l\\~wal:ltr Flow ,:to I !5o~H)~(l~ ) llluU , 1 ,\ (ow . rCr'r4~ j i , 1 I I J/\.... " " I "' ,'. '. . '. ' ,. " ' . t 11 I I .PI7-~ ! ~I)u')~)~r . ~.:~h))Q')~ "au . ......... '\\ld~ca.1'O' '...',~ - - \ - .:.:,' '::.;... 'Dr... UN.Ya " .", ,1 FIGURE 2 ScheDatlc Cross.Sectlon and Groundwator Flow (I/ot to SClIo) ...""'''''_...........,..._'''.'''.,..;..'........;,."... I ~ I . , . . I, '. I ' , - f_ U ------ ---- , ------. . ----+--- 1 .q. . lidos on Bluff Small Land9~ 12' for sc~lo) (Ilotobook t s x . ~l/ v"" "" 0./ . , - - - . - - - ~ Tho study was Inltlltod by cocplllng oxlstlng dltl ror tho Irol rrOl topogrlphlc IJpS, soils laps Ind lorlll photography, plus boring Ind tronch logs. As ICCOSS poralsslon was obtalntd, tho rlolds wero wal~od during Uovoabtr Ind Dtctlbtr 1991, taking shallow soil borings with a hand probt, colloctlng yogotatlon sllplol plus noting Ind photographing r.l.vant landro,.l, drllnag. charlct.rlstlcs Ind Ilnd us.. Tho soil lap ror Johnson County (Sch.naorhorn, 1983) WIS consultod, which r.prolOntl flold IIOrk rrol the previous dOCldo, Th. 1989 Lilt or Hydric 50111 ror Johnson County, producod by the 5011 Cons.rvatlon S.rvlc., ovaluat.s all the loll typos In tho county as to th.lr wetllnd potontlal. 5010 soil typos .',/, /0.. ..1 aro alwayl Indicativa or wetland .nYlronaonts, althoU9~wotllndl cln Ilso r#' ",. tI~II'" , .. " occur u patchu"wlthln arm or othor soil tYPII. In the study arot, 3 soil tYPol on the uppor torraco Ind 6 loll typos on tho lower torrac., aro IlwlYs Indlcltlvo or wotland .nvlroftlOnts. Thoso ar.: ~ IlnJW 2A1111e Sperry 122 uppor tomco Garwin 118 uppor tomco VIHord 160 uppor tomco Zook 54 lowor tomco Colo 133 10ll0r tomco Eltao 428 lowor tomco Ac ro 430 10000r tomco Hou,hton 621 lowor tomco Elv rl m lowor tomco Thoso loll typos Iro compllod al I lap on Flguro 4, which was usod IS a prollllnlry guldo ror planning rlold work. In gonorll, Flguro 4 shows that a significant portion of tho uppor torraco and Ylrtually 111 of tho adJacont lowor torraco harbor wotland soils. Tho stUdy Irol boundarlos Iro only approxtDatoly locatod on Flguro 4 bocauso It WIS only usod as I prollltn~ )""elr. . 1 . It) . 53~ i I I I ~ ~ .J .. ... l:I 51 ii ; ... "" ~ ... , . I _ _ .. ~ r ..:J ~ ,~~ ~1-- ir';t 11 ~ ~ 1 -/I. ~ ./ ...... , 1 , , - - ., J - ~~ Aorhl photovr.phy (rOfl 1937, 1951, 1957, 1953, 1970 Ind 1990 IIU studltd ,t.r'ovrlphlcllly to ov.lulto chln90s In votllnds Ind Ilnd uso Ind Includod In tho 1991 study. A 1I0tllnd qUlllty rlnklng sCllo illS croltod, blsod upon IlOunt 0' nltlvo vtgotltlon rOlllnlng, dopth to IIltor tlbl., soIl condition, 'r.quoncy 0' 'Ioodlng Ind IlndSClp, position. Th.s. clt'9orl.s Iro: · · : Hov.r plOllOd, IIny hIgh qUlllty nit Iv. Indlcltor sp.clos, high vlt.r tlbl. or 'Ioods 'roquontly ..,should b. prmrvod Ind IInlgod IS h. 110 dotllls Ir. provldtd boclus. thIs Clttgory only s.rv.s IS I r,'.ronco, non. Ir. ICtUllly prosont withIn th. study Irol. · · I Thos. votllnds 1I0ro orlglnllly ponalnontly undorllltor In ordlnlry rlln'lll YOlrs, .Ithor b.clus. thoy 1I0r. I doprosslon on tho Ilndsclp, o and/or had I supply 0' In'IOlIlng groundwltor (usulIly both). [yon though th.lr surroundings lI.r. ditched Ind tIled, SOlO 0' th.so still rOllln 1I0t onough todlY to only Illow row crop 'Inllng In dryor yoars. A 'Oil broldl.a' horblcldo'roslstant nltlvo spoclos lay rOllln. Whoro I ditch his passod dlroctly through thol (IS It Whlsporlng Hoadows '8 . Drlk. 1991), thoy Ire dry onough to 'I'" IllOst ovory YOJr. S,.., ..,;./.." r..,1"'1 1"..11 ,. I "".;. I, .."'(, .;.. .tI... "" f. /' · · : Thoso 1I0tllnds . wora originally covorod with a thIn shoot 0' sur'lco wator or had soggy soils frol Octobor to HIY or Juno, In ordInary rllnflll yoars. Tho oarly plonoors huntod wltorfowl ovor thoso durtng tho spring and IUtUIM Ilgrattons. In sumor, thoy cut prllrlo hlY In tho so 10ldows, tho only tllo tho ~3~ v, ,. , -- - . 't _ .. - surrlco VIS rlna onough to support khoolod oqulPlont. Vlrtullly III this Ilnd hiS slnco boon dltchod Ind tllod to lower tho wltor tlbl. Ind now supports IIInly row crops. Llrgo portions or thoso Irols cln now bo pllnttd IllOSt .yory Y'lr, whll. sllll portions cln b. usod p.rhlps only 7 out or 10 YOlrs. SOlO y.ry s'lll portions Iro stilI soggy, surrlclontly ort.n, thlt th.y hlY. bocOlO llttlo "Isllnds' or hlyground surrounded by row. crops Ind IIY oY.n bo Iblndonod to Igrlculture. C... ;, "flJ".." i. "If ~/..,(, "'h"",;) ...~ .., H.." ~w., I...",. r Tho 1970 lorlal photogrlphy WIS round to hlya tho bost Ylsual contrlst b.tween wetlands and non.w.tlands, so an .nlargo..nt or ono 1970 photo WIS lid. ror a bls' lip. Using th. ..thods Ind crlt.rll doscrlbod IboYo, tho wotllnds In the study Ir.1 Ind Its la=tdlat. surroundings wort Ilppod . soo Flgur. 5. Elch wetllnd WIS nUlborod Ind proYldod I qUlllty rltln9 lottor on tho lip. SOlO 0' the adJlc.nt Whlsp.rlng H'ldows wotlands wort Includod 'or complrlson . dotalls In 1991 w.tllnd roport by Drlk.. H.w culturll "Itur.s, slnco 1970, woro tlkon 'rot tho 1990 Ilr photos Ind Iddod to tho blso lip, to bring It up to dltl. Th. locltlon 0' prosont construction at Whlsporlng HOldows WIS Ilso skotchod In. Hoto thlt although a 1970 photo WIS usod as tho blso lip, Flguro 5 portrays wotllnd conditions as thoy oxlstod In lato 1991. No hIgh qUlllty (OA') wotllnds Iro lort within or Inlodlatoly IdJlcont to tho study Iroa Ind only I row tIny ("B') onos rOllln. Host Iro 0' tho lowost qUlllty ("C'). Dotllls on yogotltlon, soils, Ind wltor ror olch doslgnltod wotllnd Is summarlzod on Tlblo I, nUlbor coded to Flguro 5. Tho rolks promoting tho Hlwkoye Hirsh complox wero or tho opInion thlt tho extreme southolst cornor of the stUdy Irel, Including tho odgo or tho high terrlco Ind the stoop blufr, contained In 18 Icro patch or "Ylrgln nltlyo . 1 - , J- 5?J{ , - - - \ ' - - prllrlo. thlt his never boen plowed. This plrcel VIS VII ked by the luthor lnd studIed In Oocoebor 1991 Ind there Is no Indlcltlon thlt Iny .vlrgln nltlvo prllrlo. re.llns horo. Spoclrlcll!y: I. 110 nit lYe pnlrle grmu or htgh qUlllty Indicator spocles lItrt round. 2. No rllsed Int hills voro round on tht lovor slopos. This suggosts thlt It 10lSt the lovor slopos hlvo boon plovod, dlscad, drlgged, hlrrowod or Interseeded sOlOtlao In the PISt. 3. Little llndslldes exposed Shlllow root syste.s, vhlch vort not chlrlcterlstlc or nltlvt prllrlts. 4. Tht only nltlvt sptcles observed vere v.rvlln, IOnlrdl lnd oldrl.ld gold.nrod. Th.se Irt voedy plon..r specl.s thlt IOYt blCk Into highly dlsturb.d or destroyed cOllUnltles. Perhlps herblcld.s hlYt us.d In the plSt lnd Ily h.lp lccount ror the lick or nltlyes. A virgin nltlYt prllrlt on this sltt should hlYt Ipproxlllttly 300.350 sp.cl.s, or vhlch It ltlst 50.75 should hlV' been still recognlzlblt In Doce.ber. This vlevpolnt his been orr.red to Hlvkoyo Hirsh representltlYes (To. Itorr, Nlncy Seiberling, Peg HcElroy.Frmr lnd TlI ThOlpson) Ind thoy are ro.eYllultlng the sltultlon. This 18 Icr. plrcel Is libeled .not prllrle. on Figure 5. 1 . .. If . 53~ , . . 1 -If'- ,I I F')vrc. ,) Vc f /_" J I"/.~ Cut! 1~Cf'( :rot Paclrf.+ , . 53" , .V I I I I V' , 1 . / ~ . TABLE I VEllAllO DErA ILS (Codld 10 f1gurt 51 t.l llrvo Irol e.lendlng HV.SE down center o( deslgnltld wlterlhod. COIplettly t\lld Ind dltchld. About 701 In 1'01I crops IIOlt yem ,oc' qUlllty. Slall Ir.. (' I B) on Wit edge stl1l contains auny lliAWW W1l (llplbrush) plus 10IIt reed canlry grass Ind saurtweds. This spot sllYs wet longlr problbly beclule It Is I laull 9roundwlter dlschlrve pOint (or lelklge (rOl higher Sind dune to louthwst. Problbly orlglnllly I (on hire, be(ore tiling (I (In Is I wetllnd supplied lalnly by groundwatlr dIIChlrvl). !.l Ablndoned (Irallnd loulh o( Llkestdl Addition. How In I succelslon o( brOllt, oldfllld goldlnrod Ind laull bo. oldlr troos, 'c' qUlllty. II 1I/~.1} problbly I groundwltlr dlschlrvo Irel Ind~ too Wlt.lftftOA'I&ft to row.crop Ind too III11 Ind I.olllld to bother haylny. L.1 Flrallnd, ditched Ind problbly tiled, louth o( Llkelldo Addition. South Ind liSt Ildl Itlll In row,cropl. Harth Ind welt sldl progrlsllyoly Iblndonod OYlr list fow YOlrl Ind rovortlng to oldflold succosslon. Vlst sldo Is danll thlcklt of young soft Ilpll triOS Ind thoso Iro Iproldlng rip Idly OlltWlrd Into grlls/goldonrod succolslon, 'c' qUlllty. !.! Fonce row trao line SV of llkolldo Addition. Llnolr bait o( oldor traol Ilong proporly llnl, IIOstly loft Ilplol. Voll-dlvolopod on 1937 Ilr photo , Ind oldolt trool Ire plrhlps 90-100 YOlrl old. This Is source of Ilpllngs khlch Iro now Invldlng Irol , 3, 'B' qUlllty frOl porlpoctlvo of orlglnll nltlYo (Iorl but Is good hlbltlt cDlponant todlY. ~ Flnnod wotllnd, on allt lido of study Irol, undoublodly tllad, In row.cropl, 'C' qUlllty. Surrounding IrOl, to north, wost Ind loulh 534 , , . I - - I (Tlbl. I . contlnuod) contains lany sllll Irr09ullr wotllnd pltchos, with boundarl.s obllt.rltad by plowing and too sllll to lip .rrlcl.ntly. L.i Salll ranaed wotllnd ar'l b.twoon W.th.rby Plrk and SYCllOr. Str.ot. Probably tllod, oft.n In row,crops, 'C' quality. !.l Harrow w.tland strip along north .dg. or sand dun., ort.n row croppod, 'C' quality. Is probably a groundwat.r dlscharg. zone for l.aklg. frOQ IdJlc.nt Sind dun. during w.t Y.lrs. !.A Sand pit In larg. dun. on wost sid. or study aroa. Pit rloor .xt.nds to wat.r lIbl.. In D.c. 1991 pit floor conulnod a slall shallow pond to IN and a slall w.tland to SE, with a row s.artwoeds, plus ~ R1l1I , and ~ ~ (both splkorush.s). Dld.r air photos Indlcat. that pit alr.ady had sl.llar but slall.r configuration by 1937 and water table appears always within a few re.t of pit rloor In lat.r photos. This Is an artificial w.tland, listed as 'B' quality bocause wat.r supply Is still ayallabl.. Wetland and upper .ncloslng sand dun. Is good candldat. ror r.storatlon to a dry pralrl. park with wetland In crest. L.2 Wetland located between Hakada SubdlYlslon and Sycaaore Apartltnts, south of study area. Outer perl DOter row, cropped froquontly, 'C' quality. Center contains a wid. overdeepened ditch filled vlth wlter that resolblos a shallow .longat. pond. Pond surroundod by soggy wetland, only row. cropped In dryor YOlrs. This portion, 'B' quality, contains abundlnt r.ed canlry grass and sllrtwo.d, with SOlO clttalls and giant bullrush nelr the pond edgo. A ready candidate for restoration because drainage Ippoars not functional. !12 Hawn field west of Grlnt Wood School on north side or study arel. Soil map and oldor air photos Indicate small wetllnd Ih conter Ind west.conter 1 . I 7 . 5'4 , I r ( i ! I 1/ . , I - - (Table 1 . contlnuod) or this parcol. 1l000mr, soil probe lato 1991 shOlls a lot or shallOll cut and rill In uppor prorllo. While still a wotland, In gonoral tonas, It doos not rlt dorlnltlons usod In rest or study and no cloar boundarlos can bo doslgnatod, 'C' quality, or less. !ll Lower Terrace, on aast odgo or study area, only a portion or wast boundary Is .arked on FIgure 5. Appears to be a .aJor groundwator discharge am, water table at or above land surraco across largo area. Scannod with binoculars rrol top or blurr (water too doep to walk) and DOsl or north and or 10000r tarraco noar study aroa appears to haya boon In agrlculturo al various lllls In past. Vegetation horo Is now recoyorlng as thlckots or cattails, WI11011S, reod canary grill and sodges. P~~I.'lr .;:..1..." 11....7 c /'1. "~ , 1 - I 8 . 63~ /' ,/' . ~ - - - .' ' " - 1I0to on Flguro 5 that lOst of tho vothnds on tho uppor torraco 110 along tho dralnaglllays and tho SycllOro Stroot Trunk Sovor viiI bo built along tho Illn axis of this dralnaglllay In ordor to obtain an all.gravlty syste.. BOCIUSO tho votlands aro already of 1000,quallty. IOdlfylng tho. to a dlfforont configuration should be accoptablo. Thorororo It Is recoemendod that a llnoar park. containing roconstructod votlands. bo built along tho .aln dralnagovay along tho route of tho trunk sovor. Tho advantagos of this Includo: I. Votland doyolopeont can accOlpany construction of tho trunk stllOr at little additional cost, bocauso earth.lOvlng Iqulpllnt viII alrlady bo thore Ind tho flnll land configuration cln bo one that flyors votllnd InhlncolOnt. 2. If thl trunk.stllOr undorllls a llnolr plrk, futurl rlpllrs cln be Ilde vlthout tlarlng up suburbln streots and YlrdS, ISSUtlny thlt regulatorYlgencl.. do not rull Igllnst oI.f..,f. OxclYltlons In a lan.lade vetllnd. , ""Tr ,. 3. The deyeloplrs hlVI In obllgltlon to proYlde stOrl rltentlon ~ blslns. If thosl Ire III built In thl llnllr park Ind ovordeepened belov their outlets, they would be como plrt of I chlln of larshos Ind pondS. Low dlkos could create absorbent wetllnds between these pondS and could also serve as trail crOSSings. 4. These ponds plus Intervening wotlands along the linear park would proYlde sedimentation and flltrltlon of suburban runoff draining Into the proposed lIallkoyo Harsh. 5. A hiking/biking trail 1I0uld provldo safo (allay from traffic) 1 . It, 534 ,/ ,/'. , , - - r.croltlon within the park. Spur trills could link to VOllh.rby Plrk, Grlnt Vood School Ind fllnltldows Plrk on lh. norlhl Hawk.yo Kirsh Ind Vhlsp.rlng Klldows Plrk on the 'IStl Napol.on Plrk Ind lho propostd Sind Dun. Plrk (d.lllls 111.r) on lho vtst. lhoso nlrrow conn.ctlng spur trills could bo llld out IS blck alloys lhrough tho ntv suburbs. 6. Tho layout Is flollbTo. for o.lIplo, If tho City Council w.ro .f"o'X to chom a. of no.nat.lou vttlands gOll, then uch ~ /"P ~ o~ doveloper vould Incorporllo I perk Ir.1 oqull to II - ,1-- " tho welllnds on th.lr prop.rty. 7. Vetllnd vegelatlon rosloratlon could proc.td at In Iffordablo schtdulo. SOlI portions could be In..p.nslvoly pllnttd to I ttlpOrlry COYor crop of grlss.s and Illowtd to 'go wild' olther tttporarlly or p.naanantly. lhos. woul~ th'" go through oldfllld .cologlcll succIsslon on thllr own Ind within 5.8 YOlrs vould b.cOll lhlck sllnds of Clttlll, sodgo, ro.d clnlry grlss, willow Ind/or soft Ilpl., which hlYO SOlI hlbltat vlluo for wlldllf. Ind kids. Olhor portions could bo pllnttd Ind IInlgod to r.cr'lto tho dlvorslty of nltlYo wetlands, .. r.cOllltM.d for lho propostd Vhlsporlng K'ldows park In the 1991 Orlk. r.port. An Inltlll dlsldvlntlgo of tho concept Is thlt It would roqulro , unprecodented cooporltlon Ind Idvlnca pllnnlng belweon lowl City Ind the dovolopors. t1ovtver, onc. llIlortd, It could lOt I dOllrlbl. procodont for other futuro subdlYlslons. Ono of tho IIJor dlfflcultlos confronttng tmplettnlltlon Is thlt olch dovoloper's obllglttons for storm wltor rotonlton Ind/or wolllnd prosorvlllon/dovolopeonl will bo dlfforont Ind not nocosslrtly 1 .).. :1 . 53~ , - -- , I' -- '..- / In tho corroct proportion or location to croato a continuous, functional "h,d".. Ilnoar park. It Is~rocOlllnded that tho City, ~hllo laying out tho SycllOro Stroot Trunk Sevor, also rough out a prollllnary park doslgn ~hlch suggosts oach doyolopor's obligations to tho plan. Tho dtvtlopors can thon nogotllto with tho City and oach othor to accOlmOdato tholr dtslrtd suburban layouts. Thoso accOlaOdatlons could bt goOlttrlc, yarylng the width of the Ilntar park In proportion to obligations for that parc.l. It could also be tconOllc, allowing doyolopors to buy, soIl or trado acroagt crtdlts/doblts within the watershod. A fell technical sugg.stlons Includtl A) Sev.r pipes art usually 'bodd.d down' In a SInd bllO. In a lI.tltnd ar.a, this sand layor could Inadv.rttntly sorvo as a drain that would lavor the local lIator table. Whl,. .ntl.s,op collars light h.,p, . IOro c.rtaln solution lIOuld b. to r.duc. the p.nltablllty of the sand. SOlO typ.s of fly ash frOl ol.ctrlc pavor plants tond to hlrdon, ~hon IOlstonod, Into. sort of 1I0lk crumbly concrtto. A blond of porhlps 1/3 fly Ish Ind 2/3 Sind will hlYO I ponltlblllty porhlps 100.1000 tillS loss thin tho Sind Ilono (I fOil sllplo lib tosts 11111 dotormlno this). Bocluso supply groltly oxcoods domlnd for fly Ish, utllltl.s now PlY $20.$30 por ton to llndflll It. A utility might ba 1I111lng to dollvor tho fly Ish froo Ind PlY tho blondlng costs, both for In oconGllc slvlngs Ind to glln I bit of public rehtlons. Approvll by tho OIIR would Iho bo \ \ I nacasury. B) Ralltlvaly fOil stroots should cross tho llnolr plrk, to provldo slfaty for chlldron usIng tho trill. Tha City should 1 -).1. ,~q t - -- -' ' I i I \ I \ I i I provldo early guldanco to tho dovolopors rogardlng tho lOst doslrablo cocprOllso botwoon adlquatt v.hlcular accoSS to all th. subdivisions and IlnllUl stroot crossings for tho park. If tho City Council has onthuslasl for ProlOtlng such a lln.ar park, It Is sugglstod that thoy also Invostlgate SOlO way to potentially Includo Whlsporlng Koadows wetland HUlber 8 (Figure 5 and Drako, 1991) In tho progrll, blcause It Is ono of tho lOst oaslly restorable votlands In tho area and could bo a link botvoon the tvo parks. A large sand dune o~Ists on the west edge of the study aroa (SOO FI9uros I, 2 and 5). lhe crest of this dune has boon .Inod for sand, IOstly boforo 1937, and tho pit extends down to the vater table. Study of tho air photos Indicates that In wet yoats thi water tabl. rlst' within the dune a~d foras a shallow pond across thl floor of the pit. In dry years water llYll lowers, leaYlng only a tiny pond or a wetland In thl Clnter of the pit. lho dune surfaco has been severely Ovorgrazed and presentlY has consldorable bare sand showing betwoen the sparse patches of pasture grass. A fow scattored dead treos, SOlO being presently cut for firewood, contrlbuto to Its appoaranco of being a barron wasteland. Uoweyer, It also presents a unique opportunity for rostorat Ion as a low.malntonance park. OriginallY this sand dune was undoubtedly a dry prairie. In tholr natlvo slllt thOlO prairies aro vory attractlvo . In oarly spring carpotod with croeplng phlo~ and bluo.eyed grass, In early summer wIth palo purplo conoflowors, otc. A local dIsplay of tho so conoflowors Is avallablo at Kont Park during Juno' contact Paula Borgstrom, tho county naturalist, for dotalls on tours. 1 . ;,1- . ~1~ I I I I I I ,/ t - - - - 1 - ' -' - . ;1 J .. lho uppor portion of this sand dune could bo convortod Into an Intorostlng park by doop.nln~ tho pit In tho c.ntor, to bo poraanontlY bolow tho wator tablo, foralng a ,hallow pond. Ko spillway would bo noodod horo bocauso thoro Is no watorshod upslope to add additional wator, and hoavy rainfall- dlr.ctly Into tho pond would sllply l.ak dawn Into tho sand. lho pond aroa could bo plantod to natlvo votland spoclos . soo Drake 1991 for spoclos lists. lho prosontlY ovorgrazod sldoslopos could bo plantod to soloctod natlYo dry pralrlo spoclos, both grassos and flawors (SOl Appondlx I for suggostod spoclos). lho lov,.alntonanco aspoct Includos a soil so dry that fov spoclos of voods viII do voll, a soil so pOrDOablo that oroslon Is not llkoly to bo a sorlous problo, (rainfall soaks In, usually without runoff) and growth so slow that It will tako yoars to build up onough fuol for a flro (olthor plannod or accldontal). lho oxlstlng artificial sand cliffs around tho pond (FlgUfi Z) should he left slandlng. lhose are already closo to tho angle of roposo for loose sand 13Z dogroos) and children scraabllng ovor tho. will soon .ake thol IOro gentlo. A fow burr oaks could bo plantod for patche, of shado and oxpoctod to survlvo, but It would bo .alnly an opon wlndswopt ~.h'~Q ! park, Idlll for klto flying, frlsboo tournalMlnls and watching havks and sunsots. lho llttlo pond and votland In tho contor would provldo Intorostlng dlvorslty In an othorwlso dry envlronmont. lho southoast edgo of tho study aroa oxtonds to tho odgo of tho lovor torraco . a wetland mosaic prosently botng conslderod for consoltdatlo,,/prouryatten Into lIavkoyo Harsh (100 Figures I, Z, 4 & 5). lhls wotland oxtends south past the now Iowa City Wator Polluttun Control FaCility. Futuro effluont dlschargo requtrolents are expocted to be como still loro 534 / / , - , - - strIct Ind lIght ..ot or Ivon oxcoed drInkIng wator qUlllty standlrds (wIth rlspoct to IIIOnll, for oXlIpll). Rosoarch and full scalo proJocts ovor thl PISt docldo hlVI dOlOnstrltod thlt ono WIY of ..otlng thoso roqulromonts Is to uso 0 votllnd for flnol 'polIshing' of thl Iffluont, Ilthough soco doslgn quostlons do rOllln lbout wlntor functIonIng In cold clllltOS. lhoroforo It Is rocOllOndod thlt lowl CIty Invlstlglto blcOllng 0 plrtner In tho Hlwkoyo Hirsh progrll,wlth thl Intont of usIng plrt of tho Ilrsh for flnol polIshing. [xporlonco Ilsawhlrl Indlcltls thlt this uso Is not IncOlpltlblo wIth othlr USIS, IncludIng educotlon, hlbltlt IlprovolOnt, clIPlng, otc. For IXlIPlo, thl Iron Brldgl polishIng votland sorvlng Orlando, Florldl hos btCODO 0 wlldll'l plrk cDIPllto wIth clIPlng Iroos. Ono Ilportlnt decIding flctor should be tho condItIon of HlwkeYI Hirsh. If soco IrllS are In tholr orlglnll prlstlno condItIon, t~on IOdlflcltlons to occopt ICWPCF dlschlrglS (plpollnls, dlkos, ICCISS raids, Ixtro wltor Ind nutrlonts) could bo dotrllOntol ond should bo Ivolded. But If llrgo orols hlvo olroady boon dogrlded, wIth IUch of tho orlglnll yagotltlon dostroyod, (whIch Is problbly tho CISO) thon roconstructlon to Includo Iffluent dlschlrgos could be mlrolllentllly boneflclll. For ....plo, with adequato planning, I low dike systel to focllltoto wlter sprlldlng could olso becOlO plrt of I nlture trill syste.. lhereforo I lOderltoly dotllled study of tho oxlstlng wotllnd's conditIon IncludIng pllnt coemunltlos, hydrogeology Ind salls, should bo conducted boforo Iny serIous negotlltlons tlko pllco botwoen 10wI CIty and !flwkoyo Hirsh. Another Ilportant oarly consIderatIon Is whether the rogulatory Igencles wl11 consldor !flwkoye Hirsh IS part of tho treatlllont systelll or plrt of the recolYlng wlters, The conditIon of the exIstIng plant communItIes and thotr . ,. hydrogeology lay play I rolo In thIs decIsIon. " 1 - ). If ' ;')'-\ .,/ f - - -- - , - - - Thoro Iro dozons of shallow prlvlto vator volls In tho uppor Iqulfor of tho floodplain l.rrlc,s, vllhln I ftv Illes of the ntv I.C.v.p.c.r. (chapl.r V, It.R. Groen Co., 1991). If trOlted .muonl Is sprOld Icron Ita"koyo Karsh. one of lho onYlron=ontl1 concerns to be Iddrossed viII be potonllll l'Pact upon lho nolghbors' shallow veIls. Vlth dolllled study. ono of the slrongest ovldences for no l!pact viII probably provo to be tho upwellIng and discharging naturo of lho groundwalor froD tho lovtr t.rrac., IS skotched on rlguro Z. This nltural conditIon viII be IIlntalned IS long IS thoro Is I strong sourco of vlter rochlrglng on lho uppor terrlco, Including lho study Irea (rlguro Z). Proservlng votllnd Irols on the uppor torrlco Is tho IOchanlsl for IIlntalnlng lho high hydraulic hoads drlylng groundwater out Into Ita"koyo Karsh. Conyertlng sur fiCO vator to groundwater In tho stOrl rotentlon basins Ind sproadlng .arsh Irols of tho proposed lInear plrk viII .Iso help proYld' th, nlcesslry qUlntlty 0' vator to IIlntlln tho discharging now Into Itallhye Harsh. On August 9, 1991. Prosldont Bush proposod ntv EPA rulos goyornlng votllnd doyoloplOnts. Tho lOst controyerslll ISPOCt vas changIng tho doflnltlon 0' votllnds to Includo only thoso IIhlch hlYO stlndlng vator 'or It 10lst 15 days, or fully saturltod soIls for It 10lst 21 days. during tho' growing soason, ..",,-1- Proll.lnlry OStt.ltOS Indlcato thlt Darhlps,...~hi..rono.hllf of tho nations 1I0tlands lIOuld bo derogulltod by this rodoflnltlon. Tho U,S. rlsh Ind VIldllfo Sorvlco rofusod to sign orr on tho proposod rulos. cllllng tho. 'tochnlcllly Indofonslblo.' EPA dlroctor Vlllla. Rol"y Is stilI sooklng IIIYS to rovorso or modlry tho proposal. Tho Hltlonll Rosolrch Council (1991) Issuod I roport urging tho foderll govorn.ont to not only prosorvo oxlstlng 1 . . ;I J . 531 /' . - - , - , 1 - - , - - . .2 , . wotllnds but to rocllll Iqultlc ecosystels (of ..ny types) which h.vo boon d.A1.g.d or d.stroyfd. If tho OUlh propos.1 It.ndl flnl It the fedor.1 lovel Ind Is endorlod locllly by tho City Councl~then I koy consldor.tlon for tho wetllnds of tho study un will bo the fanllng quostlon. If tho vltllpolnt II lfhlt tholo wotllnds orlglnllly woro, Ind could bo rostored to Iglln by plugging tllos Ind dltchos, then lOst 0' the wotllnd Irels (both '0' Ind 'C' qUlllty) In tho study Irol would still be cllsslfled II wetllnds. If the viewpoint Is thlt of tholr present condition only, with Irtlflclll drllnlgo In pllCO, then IOlt of tho 'C' qUIllty wotllnd Irels would problbly not bo wot enough, long enough. to qUIllfy. Addltlonll federll rule chlngos Ire to bo Oxpocted Ind lfhon tho tllo cocos to consider Ipplylng thel to tho SycllOro Street study Irel, soco polltlcll coeprolllo will undoubtedly be necesslry. Ono Ipprolch to such cOIprO!lse would b4 to tiki I Pirtentlgo of no.not lOIS, lfhlch would It 10lst Illow I unl'Onl proscription to be Ipplled. {T411 " ~ ":J" "'~' . 11/",1 """ (J"'''' ~,,,. 1',,1.., ";; ("ph.",,';) ",f:J.'" ."./~,t ,3~ . - - - ... , I - - - 1 , . .' . ' ,~.:I7' If tho CIty Council favors the lInear park concept and Is Incllnod to use a porcontag. of no,net.loss IS I basIs for obtaInIng the land, the followIng porspoctlves should be IIOng those conslderod for deteralnlng thIs percentage: ~ Tho orIginal votlands held shallow layors of surface wator plus saturated soIls for extended perIods of tIlt, which allowod consIderable quantltlos of ,/ groundwaltr recharge. Prmnt agrlcullural practlm( tilIng. ditchIng and ", bare soll~qUlcklY transfer IUch of thIs water Into tho stroals for dIsposal. Future suburban dovolopaont, with oxtonslvo Ilporatablo surfacos (roofs, drIveways, roads and parkIng lots) wIll convort ovon IOro raInfall to surface wator. lho yolUIIs of groundwator rochargod under thoso 3 conditIons can bo ostllatod, as can tho lIOunt that would bo rocharged In tho proposod linear park. Ono porspoctlvo for decIding on park slzo could bo tho lIOunt of 9rGUn~ator recharge thlt cln ht obtllntd. Whllo orlvlnll rechlrgo yoluees cannot be rO'lttalned. It would bo deslrlblo to obtaIn IOro than presently IVllllble. HydrogeologIc lOdelers can use canned cOlputer progrlls to estlllte these Yllues. The luthor cln Ilso .ake such calculltlons usIng tho orlglnll (1955) Thornthwllt IISS blllnce IOthod (consIdered In old. fashioned approach by lOst lOdern hl.tech lOdelers). Lwl The landowners/deyelopers hive an oblIgatIon to provIde stona wltor runoff retentIon arols. They lay also hive obllgltlons to pro serve wetland IrelS, dependIng upon doflnltlons and laws In effoct It that tllo plus tho CIty CouncIl's Intorprotltlons Ind requlremants. H~wover, boyond a certlln porcontago, such requIrements could constItute I 'tlklng', whoreln tho landownors hlvo been doprlyed of a reasonlblo roturn on their Invostmont and can suo for compensation at markat value. The City Attornay can probably ...., 53q , I I I I, . - - - - . I , - - - - :u- offor In opinion reglrdlng ~hlt porcontago would constltuto 0 'tlklng', Tho nrv Whl.porlng KIldow. .ubdlvl.lon lIght .1.0 ..rv. .. . porcont.ga raroronc. beCIUSO both I .tOrl wat.r rotontlon basIn and a plrk Irol WIS 'voluntarlly' provldod to the CIty wIthout a 'takIng'. I!ill11L Hany sp.clos of natlvo anl.al. hay. IlnllUl Ir.1 roqulro..nts .nd those lIght 1110 bt usod II I r.f.ronc. for Ylewlng potontlll llnolr park Ir.a. For mllpl., a mont Itudy of grassland blrdl In northorn 1111noll (Iltrktrt, 1991) Indicated that tho bobolInk, layanna splrrow, grlsshopper splrrow Ind Ilenslow'. sparrow all requIred It 1llSt 25.75 acres of grassland., while the upland Ilndplper Ind the nor thorn harrier rtqulrod In excosl of 75 Icres, In general. llrgor anllals Ind thole at tho top of tholr food chlln require lOre spice. On tho wost UI CllpUS, tho brushy rallrold rlght-of'wIY between HOnDOn Tfik and GfiililiWd DrlVi (OfiS the daytlli habitat (Oyef (Of I slIall heril of 1-2 doz.n d..r. At night thoy ,xplnd tholr rlngo out onto Flnkblne Golf COUrsl, tho Ithl.tlc flolds and neighborhood yards. 'If enough brushy mas Ind thlckots w.r. presont, the proposod linear plrk light 11.0 support I slall deor horde Hany resldonts would flvor occasionally soelng a deor grlzlng In their backylrd It dusk or knowing thlt I dot Is rllslng I fawn In I cortlln thlckot. Ilowoyor, SOlO proble.s can accompany suburbln door. GrazIng In flower beds will be I concern to SOlO residents Ind once every few years, on I late tlmlller oyonlng, I hOl1lOno.prllGd buck wm crash Into I passIng m. OUr reglonll wlldllfo biologIst, TII Thompson, cln offor Iddltlonll suggestIons on tho fluna likely to Inhabit d'fforent slzos of plrk under dlfferont Ilnagolont conditIons. Corridors aro Ilso Ilportlnt. Tho west UI herd Is undoubtodly In outbreodlng contact with the herds In the Clmp Clrdlnal Irel to tho west. Slllllrly, If I herd Is to prosper In tho proposed plrk It ~3L/ f , 1 - , ,- Is IlIlllorhnl thal the park utend to tho IIallkeye Harsh arta for outbroodlng. Hany SillIer lIOl1and anlllls have sllllar roqulrtlOnts, and connocllon lo IIallkeye Harsh Is Illlorlanl. If the park Is to be dOlln.tod by grasslands, wllh fire ..n.gOlenl, a p.lr of porllOter lr'lls serving as a flrobreak Is definitely recOllOnded (see Drake, 1991, for dolalls). [yon If the final go. 1 Is dOlln.ted by 'uRlanaged' vel woodlands and Sh"lb thlckels, a perllOter lr.ll sysl.. would be a prvdtnl precaullon for accldlnlal fires, Ispoclally In the early years IIhore veeds and gr.sses will be Ibundanl bofore thlY blcOlO shaded oul. ~ If a suburban area has sufflclenl lralls and blktllays plus slrvlces avallablo, lhe clllzons will be lOre Inclined to uso this IOdI of lransporlallon for local lravel to school, s..ll scalo shopping, vlslllng nlarby parks, Ilc. In glnlral, this conlrlbutls lo a healthy llfoslyle, holps roduce lrafflc, gasoline consuapllon and air pollullon plus pulling lOre IOnlY Inlo lhe local econ~ (bike shops, Ilnl,.arls, ---). The UI OopartlOnl of Urban and Regional Planning can probably offer suggosllons on IlnllUl lhrosholds lhal lay be noclssary lo slllUlale this lype of dovlloplOnl, Including park area plr porson, lrall length plr populallon, local slrvlces reqUired and lhelr proxlllly (how far will sOlOone bike to piCk up a pizza If Il Is convenlenl?). B.wl11w The Corps of [nglnoers .usl .ake Ils own dellneallon of the lIol1ands In tho sludy area and deteMllno quality by tholr own standards. As notod earlier, lho fodoral regulalory procoss Is prosontly In a stato of flux, . drlvon by political doflnltlons, and It Is difficult to antlclpato IIhat criteria wl11 bo In effect, oven a fOlllOnths frol nOli. IIolloyor, tho 1000l 63q :...... 't -lie ", 'I '-. ~ ,I" ...... " ~.. . '. t -.--. "...~.", ~ , . , I _ _, - rlprlslntatlvls of thl Corps arl InYlroNllntally avarl and It Is antlclpatld that thoy wIll glnlrally .grll th.C thl proposed lfnlar part rlprlsonCs an IlprovIIGnt, InvlroRllntally, oVlr prlslnt condItIons and thlY viII probably fayor such dlYIlopaont. rroD thl plrsplctlYI of thllr roll of guardians or tho nations' watlrs, thlY light also wish to offlr SOlI aCrtagl rlcOlllndatlons. Thl flvl plrsplctlYIS outllnld abovI should colllctlYlly hllp shapI thl CIty CouncIl's Ylovs on thl cQIProDlsls controlling thl slzl, configuratIon ..., '"/" " I, It' JAd dlYIloplOnt~of thl proposed llnlar park. '...."-."""'....,;.,'.,.."......,'~,.... 1 . )(1. 53~ : , i i I I . - - 1 - ., I _ _ - . I I . illWIlill.WuI COW'rdl" LH, Cartor V, Gol.t rc .nd laRo. El, 1979, Classification of votlands and doop vator habitats of tho Unltod Statos: U.S. rlsh and Wlldllfo Sorvlc., orflco of BiologIcal Sorvlcos, Washington DC, Pub. Ho. rwS/OBS.79/3I, 107 p. Dr.ko LD, 1991, Evaluation and I1nag.lOnt of watlands at Whlsp.rlng Hoadows subdIvision, parts 1 & II, lova City, Iowa: Roport to Iowa City City Council, 34 p. Eggors SO and R..d DH, 1985, Wotland plants and plant COllUnltl.s of Hlnnosota and WIsconsin: U.S. A~ Corps' of Englno.rs, St. Paul DIstrIct, 201 p. r.doral Int.r.goncy COIIltt.. for W.tland Oolln.atlon, 19B9, rodoral Hanual for Idontlfylng and D.llnoatlng Jurlsdlctlon.l Wotlands: U.S. A~ Corps of Engln.ors, U.S. EnvlronlOntal Prot.ctlon Agoncy, U.S. rlsh and Wlldllf. S.rvlc., and U.S.D.A. 5011 Cons.rv.tlon Sorvlce, Washington D.C. Coopor.tlve t.chnlc.l publication. 75 pp. plus appendices. H.R. Gro.n Co., 1991, Ccepreh.nslve Wator Supply HanagolOnt Plan, Iowa CIty, IAI Roport to Iowa City, chapter V addross.s groundwater SupplIes. Hatlonal R.search CouncIl, 1991, RestoratIon Of Aquatic Ecosysteasl Scl.nco, Technology, And Public PolIcy: COlllttoo On Rostoratlon Of AquatIc Ecosyst.as, HRC, Hov, 1991. Sch.rmerhorn EJ, 19B3, SoIl Surv.y of Johnson County, lova: U.S. D.pt. of Agriculture and others, 251 pages plus photo laps. WisconsIn DI/R, 19B5, WisconsIn W.tlands Inventory: Wlsc. OUR, 5 p. 531 , ' - - -- . I - - APPEllOlX I SOHE NATIVE DRY PRAIRIE SPECIES l'ldphnt Big Blu.lt.1 Grill llttl. Blu.lt.. Grill Prllrl. Thllbltwt.d Puqu.rlOlltr Puuytm Lyr..l.lv.d Rockcroll Rock Slndvort Bmh VOl'llllOod Whorl.d Hllkwo.d Short Gr..n Hllkwlod Azurl Alt.r P11. PlnlltllOn SIlOoth Al ltr ArGillic Alt.r Whit. Upland Alt.r V'lt.rn Sllv.ry Alt.r SldoOltl Grill Grill Down y.llow Pllnt.d Cup Fals. TOldrllx Prllrl. Cor.oplll Illlnoll Tlcktr.roll flcworlng Spu~t Pralrl. SIlOkt Hock P.nnyroYll P11. Purpl. Con.rlow.r Cruplng Phlox Rigid Sunnowor DoI/llY SunnoWlr Jun.grm FI h. Bonmt Cylindrical Bllzlngltlr Groovtd Flu Hlrrow.l.IYod Puccoon Vlld B'~lIOt Gr.ln Huhly Grill CGInOn Ev.nlng Prllrol. longltllk.d Plnlc Grill Hllth Alt.r Purpl. Pralrlo Cloy.r Till Ground Chlrry llnco.l.avld Ground Charry Prllrla Clnquaroll Pralrl. Turnip Pralrl. Rom Hairy Ru.lla Sllll Skullclp Blul..t. Grus stlrr Goldonrod Prairie Drcpseed Httdl.grus HOlry Vlrvaln Arrow.lllyod Vlollt ,,,~,'."p" '0"-' _ 1 . ).t. ' 63~ - --- --- --------- -- - - -' - - -- --- ~ -,' ,- . - I . . .' ,~ .... ' - ,- ... ... ~ " ' '" 'h', .,j~~&~~, ;411 J ~(~ ~.'.'~ IrJ '.iolJ?" . j I.i :,o":f ~ti I.' ~1 ~, {;r:t;r~/~i '4.. ~f~W'~~f\~~ · r.,,;'4J~:' .~"~?n~ 'I; I'H' I JlIl!l'~ 1t~1 l>>'f:o"~~'." ~ ~'o./~l ,/,;l'l"lh 'f~'{l ~.l~' ~ I '~/~~'l l'~' i/~~' "'~{. l~~" , 11. l' ..;iJ ~'~';/~~Ib.i ,'" f" I . ~", t. "'1' ,1.,1 i' '~Il. ~n.lJrn!",'I. '-',' ''I ~ oJ-.1 ,.' ),~tf.1 So-. :..:~ t. ~ it \.IJ / ...., ,~ . ", ~...~ .!" ' ~ 1: ,.,J" 1,f.J,'.'.' ,;,,' \olfl'. "/' I ,\~, . f (! ,!,' ," ..:"i.~, fJI,. ..... ' .~:. 77'" ' ..to tHo ~ ,~I~~"JJ , . \' ".: :' /' r, r' 1'1 r "', ' 'S,-l.l.-' \..: ,,~,,: 1 ~" .(h 1"1~.' I' l~"'\ .f, I , k ,"~' I,,. '- :'~.'" ':~:t lIlt "" ~. 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