HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-31 Agenda t] t] 0 -, 13 , l' IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL \ AGENDA \ 1. I i , REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 31,1992 7:30 P,M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER 410 EAST WASHINGTON &""."......-....".;.-....,.-.. ""'~- ,- .,., -',,,.,..,,', .' t] t] 0 " q- AGENDA IOWA CITY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. MARCH 31,1992 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Ill...;.... M:Cf. -1/ ')1\-... )GflU~ ,Q..I,y Ita.v ,JA",.. ~'"ISI''' !' ITEM NO.1. CALL TO ORDER. ROLL CALL. ~lluJ~.Ao :101 ~ t/".w.J ITEM NO.2. MAYOR'S !lROCLAMAfloNS. s..A,~ a. Th! GluI !9W' City Smoka.Oul Wook - March 30.Aprll 3. 1882. ond 1M arOllloWI Cily Smoko.Oul DIY - April 1. 1882. b. Wook ollho Young Child - April 5.11. 1882. \ c. fllr Housing Monlh - April 1882. ITEM NO.3. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED OR AMENDED. I. Conlldor IPproYl1 01 Olllclll Council ACllon. 01 1M rogullr mOollng 01 March 17. 1992.11 publlshod, .ubloCIIO cor roc- .-:--...-.--....----'-..-..-.'..- lion.. " rocommondod by lho Cily Clork. b. Mlnulu 01 BOIldl Ind Commllslonl. , I 111 CommlnlO on CommunllY Nood. moo ling 01 Jlnuary I 22, 1982. ! , 121 Commlnoo on Community Noodl moollng 01 Fobrulry 25, 1982. 131 Ccmmlnoo on CommunilY Noodl mooting 01 Fobrulry 28. 1882. 141 Mayor'. Youlh Employmonl Board moo ling 01 Fobru- Iry 28, 1892. 151 CIvil Sorvlco Commllllon moollng 01 Mlrch 2,1992, 181 Alrporl Commission moollng 01 Fobruary 18, 1992. 171 Boord 01 exlmlno,. 01 Plumbor. moollng 01 Fobrulry 19,1992. 181 Boord 01 EMomlnOll 01 Plumbor. moollng 01 Mlrch 23, 1992. 191 Rlvorlronl ond NllUIol ArOOt Commission mODling 01 FobruolY 19, 1992. / - ~ ~ .... l . r - t-, ~-, ,-, =, ,-. _' ,_, 1_' ,_ , ...._~~\l~.(~~<~-_..,_._. - "2a pag~ 1 Courtn~y I (R~ads procl: :nat.tonl Do we nave someone here to accept tnlS proclamat.ton? KUbby I There are a fewacuvlues I don't kno..... Daryllf you want to descnbe ...i ~." '::~som" of tn~ acuvlues ..i1a~ ~e gomg on tnlS .....eek t;..g J~ _...~.!tlo'.'!a City COmmU!l1t7 S(Mol Dlstrict,lJmtw ....cuon for Youtn We have a number of acuvlues tnat are plannw tnrough many of tne hospitals In tne community We Will have Smoker Survival Kits available for people m certam areas across town at tne malls and employment agencies and som... of tne school bUildings ....nd .....~'re also provldlfig some ~ucatior. In tne schools tnis week tnrough tne S~rvlCes onere<! by H~altn Sciences students. ....nd llhink a111fi all we're off to a good start Kubby / I think tnat tnere are some butlllns in tne back of tn& room tnat just cam& in. If anyone would like an Iowa City Smoke Out button, feel free to take one l r ,L-' \-, ,-, -, Cl _' ,_, U ,= '-' / . "2b page 1 Courtney I (reads proclamauon) And we have someone to acc<>pt tnlS prOClamation. too' Rutn Allender I Owner Idlrector, I.1ttle Schoolhouse Thank you Mayor Courtney and counc1l memoors lor proclaiming April 5-11 tn~ Wwk ot tn~ Young Child. On behalf vI Hills Bank and Trust and the Iowa ASSO<:latJon lor tne EducatJon ot Young Clll1dren, Iowa CIty Chapt.9r. 111 bneny outline some 01 tnecurrent events coming up SaturdaY. April 4 lrom Y:30-1200 tne Sycamore mall Will hold a Children's Resource Fair Ar~a daycares and pre-schools and otn~r child related organizations will provide hands on activities. Tuesday Apnl 7, a ChIld care appreclatJon luncheon Will be held at tne Universitj: Atllletic Club. Wednesday, April &, has Childcare Workers AppreciatJon Day HlIls Bank and Trust Will be hosting a reception honoring ~ople Who are committed and involved Wltn young children and children's issues. This reception W1ll lle Mid at Hills Bank and Trust at 1401 S. GlIbert Str*t at 5:45-6:45 PM Sally Stutsmann, tne honorary Chairperson, will be introduced at tllis tim~ We invite tne public to attend tne resource lair and also view the artwork display..u at Sycamore Mall, Old Capitol Center, and Eastdale Pla::a Thank you tor your time, and once again, tnank you tor your proclamation. Courtney I Than!:. you. ..~~--'--_--.l""''''~'''''''''---_._'. I I 1 I I 1 i f] t] 0 e ,? Agondl 10WI CilY Clly Council Rogullr Council Mooting March 31,1992 Plgo 2 1101 Humin Righi' Commllllon mooting 01 March 23. 1992. 1111 BOIrd 01 L1brlry Trulto.. milling 01 March 19, 1892. 1121 Pllnnlng Ind Zoning Commilsion moolmv 01 M;ieh 18,1892. c. Pormll MOllon. 01 Rocommondod by 1110 Clly Clork. III Contldor. 1T,011on Ipprovlng I Cia.. 'C' Liquor L1conlllOt Klny H.wk Co., Inc., dba TM Kllly H.wk. 1012 ailbort CI. IRenow.1) 121 Conlldor. motion .pprovlng I Clm 'C' Liquor Uconll lor So..on'. BOIl, Inc., dba Soo.on'. Bolt, 325 E. Wllhlngton. IRonow.1) \ 131 Conlldor I mOllon Ipprovlng I CII.. 'B' Boor Pormll lor M&T InYOllmlnl., Inc., dba Happy Joe'. Pin. . Ico Croom Plrlor, 225 S. aUbort. IRenowol) 141 Consldor I motion Ipprovlng . Clm 'C' Boor Pormll lor COOl III Marl, Inc.. dba C Mart 158, 808 S. Rlvorlldl Dr. lRenowl1) MOllon.. III Conlldor I motion 10 IpprOVI dllburlomonl. In lho Imounlol 18,405.318.85 lorlho pGllod 01 Fobrulry 1 Ihrough Fobruory 29, 1992, II rocommondod by Iho Flnlnco Diroclor .ublocllo ludil. o. RlIOlullon.. I \ I d. ~ 111 Consider I rosolutlon Idopllng Iupplomonl numbor 52 10 Iho Codo 01 OrdlnlncOl OltM CIIY ollowI Clly, 10wI. I. SOiling Public HOlrlng.. III Conlldor 'Olllng 0 public hlorlno on April 14, 1992, 10 hoar commonl. Irom Iho public rlgardlng Iho roc. ommondallons by Iho Commllloo on Communlty NoedslCCNI on tho uso 011992 CommunllY Devolop. monl Block aronllundl. ..~""'''. [I 0 c, a 3 <' Agondo 101'11 Clly Clly Council Rogulll Council MeoUng March 31. 1992 Pegl 3 Commonl: On March 18, 1992, tM CommlllO' on CommunllY NOld. mOl .nd lormulllod IOCommOndl' tlonl lor projoCl' uJlng 1992 CDBa lund.. Tho project r~I;I)IlI/!\4M3t1Q1\.J end edditlOll4lInIClmal~ roglrdlng lho lundlng loqu.1It will bo lorwlldod to Council In advlnco ollho publlo hilling, g. AppllcllIon. lOt UIO 01 SIIOtll Ind Public Ground.. 111 Appllc.tlon 110m Wondy Toman lOt lho March 01 Dim.. Wllk AmlrlCI 10 bo Mid on MlY 3, 1992. (Ipprovldl 121 Appllcltlon from lho 10WI Clly PoIlco Dopallmonllor lhl 101'11 Spaclll Olympic. LIW Enlorcomonl TOtch Run 10 bo hold on April 11, 1992. Ilpprovodl i 131 AppllcllJon 110m Opal KIMlrd lOt permllslon 10 , , ) ---.,....-..-.--..-....-.----.--..--.. -- "I dl.lllbulo VOlorlnl' Popplolln low. Clly on May 15 i and 18, 1992. Ilpprovodl i , 141 Appllcltlon from Thl Unlvoltlly 01 10wI Actlvlll.. I I ThOlIPY Doplllmlnl 10 havo Iho Ronald McDonald Houlo WolklRun on MlY 9, 1992, Ilpprovodl g, Appllcltlonl 101 Clly P1m UIO Pormll', i, i I 111 Appllcollon Irom Boho'l Filth olIoi'll Clly lor perml.. ,'on 10 101 up 0 loblo on City Plm on SlturdlY, Mlrch 28, 1992,lrom which 10 dlltrlbull Iroo IItoro- turo. Ilpprovodl 121 Appllcollon Irom Eric Boco 101 pormlulon to lot up 0 Ilblo on Clly Plm during Iho parlod 01 Mlrch 18.22, 1992, 110m which to dltlrlbUIO IItorllurl Ind Iccopt doni lions 10 bono III Big Mounllln Support Group. (Ipprovod) 131 Appllclllon Irom Lolln Amorlcon Humin Rlghll Advoclcy Conlollol pormlsslon to .01 up 0 tlblo on City Plm during tho porlod 01 Mlrch 17.23, 1992, Irom which to dlll,lbuto Inlormollon Ind ollor crill' lor donotlonl, (Ipprovodl ;,.......' o [I CI e L{ Auonet. low. Cily City CMCd Rogw, CMCiI PMollng Milch 31, \992 P.uo .. ApP/ic.llon Irom L.lln Amorlcon Human Rlghll Advoc.cy ConlollOt pormllllon 10 101 up 0 Ilblo on City ""I dUllng lho porlod 01 Milch 23,3\. 1992, from which 10 dilllibulo Inlormollon Ind 01101 CIIIII lOt dOl\ltl~ l.pP'lMdl ..&:tJ I /J.\(J ( 141 rt'b1') %. I , ! - j ITEM NO. ... Aik...tJ.lI,I. II. ~/4 END OF CDNSENT CACENDAR PLANNING AND ZONING MAneRS. I. Conoldollonlng 0 public hoorlng 101 April 14, 1992, on In OIdlnonco .monding 1M Zonlng Ordlnonco by chonglng Iho I.nd UIO rogullllon. 01 51\ S. Madilon SI.lrom P to CI.I. IZ- 9\011. Commonl: AIIII March 19, 1992, moollng, by a VOID 014.0, lho Pllnnlng and Zoning Commllllon rocommondod Ipprovll 01 a Clly.lnlllllod propoIIllO rOlono Iha .ubloct prlVIloly- ownod proporty Irom lho P, Public Zona. 10 Iha CI'I,lnlon.lva Commorclll Zona. ThI. rocommondOllon I. conllllonl wllh lho 11011 rocommondollon. ACllon: /1'4 J 4. f' --------r-.... \ , Ilea dr...J b. Consldollonlng a pub/Ie hoarlng lor April 14, \992, on on ordlnonco Imlndlng lho Zoning Ordlnlnco by Imlndlng Soctlon 38.78111121 roglrdlng porlormlnco Ilondord.lor bulk .1001gO olllommlblo liquid. and chomlcll.. Commont: On March 19, 1992, by I vOII 01 4.0, Iho PlIMlng ond Zoning Commission rocommondod Ipprovll olin omondmonl to OMompl Iho Zoning Ordlnonco rogullllon 01 undorground bulk Ilorogo olllommoblo IIquldl...oclolOd with IUlomobllo .O/vlco mllon. Ind gorlgo.. Tho locollon. 01 Iho.o IICllillol Iro prolonlly rogulolod by Iho Unllorm Flro Codo. ACllon: ~tD oIL {llli'~ r; t] [I 0 e 5 Agond. low. Clly Clly CMd Rogullt COIMlClI Mooting MArch 31.11192 P.go 5 c. PublIC holtlng on lho propolod NOflhgalo Corpot.IO Plrk Urban Ronowa' Plan IOf I plopolod urban ronowalllo.ln lho Cily ollowI Clly, low.. Cll!I!mtflt: fllf th! 1!Ut1!!!" 01 tSl!bll.!hIng !II oll!ee eom,"x on I uacl olllnd locllod 0111 01 1M HlghllndltlM on tho norlh aldo 01 NOflhgllO Drlvo. Soulhgllo Dowloprnonl Ind Ryan Conluuctlon 01 MiMl.poIll NW roquollod tNtlox lncIomonl rlnlnclng bo ulod 10 IlnInco pori 01 1M dowlop. monl. PlOIoqulsllO to lho oll.bUlhmonl 01 lOX Incrom.nl Iinlnclng, lho Clly mUll .doPI .n urbln ronow.laro. Ind In urban ronowal plln IOf lho 1101. AI III IOgullt moo ling 01 MArch 19, 11I92.lho low. Cily Pl.Mlng.nd Zoning Comml.. alon, by . VOIO 01 4,0. lound tho NOflhgllO COfpotllO Pllk Urban Ronow.1 Pl.n 10 eonlOfm wllh lho 1989 Upd.IO OlIN low. Oly Comprohonslvo PI.n. Action: \:\.D 11M II ., iJ I.".. ",,(1 I , '1~. '15 ConsldOI I rOlolullon dOlormlnlng In 1101 ollho CIIY 10 bo In oconomlc donloprnonl 1101, .nd INI lho IOheblllllllon, ConlOlYlllon, rodowloprnonl, dovoloprnonl, Of comblnallon lhorool, ol.uch Drool. noClllory In lho Inlor011 01 1M public hoallh, nloty Of wollaro ollho roaldonll ollho City; doalgnal- Ing luch Irn OIlpproprlOIO IOf In urbln ronaw.1 prO/OCI; Ind .doPllng lho NOflhgolo COfpotOIO Plrk Urbln RonawII Pion IhorolOf. , I d, Action: Commonl: Dopending on commonll rocolyod lllho publlo hoarlng on Ihllllom, lho Council may conlldollho rololullon Ipprovlng lho Urban Ronowll Plln. ~J~ 'JJ6{) ~ o. Conlldol In ordlnanco providing lhol gonorll property lUll lovlod Ind coIloCIOd ooch yoor on In proporty IOCllld wllhln Iho Norlhgolo Corporolo Pork Urbln Ronowll Pro/leI Arol.ln Iho CIIY ollowI Clly, Counly 01 Johnlon, SIOIO olloWI, by ond lor lho bono III ollho SIIIO or 10WI, Clly ollowI Clly, Counly 01 Johnlon,lowo Clly CommunllY School DllulCllnd olhor llxlng dllUlcll, bo paid 10 I .poclol rund 101 poymlnl 01 prlnclpel Ind InlorOlI on loan., monlo. Idvoncod to on Indoblodnou,lncludinO bondlllluod 0110 bo IlIuod,lncu"od I I I r I I j.'. t] [I 0 l~' b Agondl 10wI CIIY City council Rogulll Council Mealing March 31.1992 Plgo 8 , ,. by I4ld CIIY In COMOcllon wllh I4ld urban llnowol rodovelop. monl projoct. IFlrl1 conlldorlllon) Commonl: Consldorlllon Ind IdOPllon 01 Ihll ordlnlnco would OIIIb1lsh I Tu Incllmonl FInInclng (11FI llIogllm lor Ilia HCflhO~IO CllIpgll!9 p~k Urbln Ronowll Pr~1 AI... Tho ordlnanco diroclt In 11M Inclom,nlIlvellllOl10 be mldo IVIUlblo 101M Clly lor/Opeymont 01 projocllolllOd o.pont- 01. Tho II. Inc/Omonl dorlved ',om lho propolod 1lI~1 would bo ulod 10 r0111l lho prlnclpel ond Inlor011 on I UOO,OOO bond ond 10 pay lor lho odmlnllUlllve COlli Incurrod In lOlling up tM progrlm. ACllon: ~~'1Al./' ItJ It 1111 ~d& I. Public hoorlng on In ordlnanco Imondlng lho Zoning Ordl- nanco by chonglng lho UIO logulollont olin Ippro.1rnl1O 27 IC/O IIICI 01 Ilnd loeolOd on 1M norlll sIdo 01 Roehollor Avenuo, 0111 01 SI. Thomll COUII,Irom ID,RS to OPOH.5, I prollmlnary PloMOd Doyoloprnonl Housing lPOHI plln lor Roehollor Hill"loWI Clly,lowo. IZ.9110 Ind 8.91281. tJ J. 9"3$ Commonl: AI III mOollng 01 March 5,1992,Iho PlIMlng Ind Zonlng Commllslon, by I YOlO 01 4.2 lalblon Ind Clorkl vOllng nol, /Ocommondod opprovol, lublocllO condlllont. 01 o propolOl Iubmlnod by Bill Hoppollor 0 prollmlnary PleMOd Dovoloprnonl Ind Llrgo SCllo Rosldonllol Ooyoloprnonl pion known u Roehollor Hilll, I 32.unll, losldonllol doveloprnonl loeolld on Iho lubloCI IIICI. Tho Summary ROpofl, dllOd March 19, 1992,lnd Includod In lho Council peckOI,lnclud.. Ihl Commllllon'. rocommondlllon, Tho 11I11 rocommondo. Ilon.lncludod In lho roporl dOlod Docombor 5, 1881 Ind In I momorlndum dOlod Fobruary 20, 1992. Indlcolu 111110 coneornl logardlng lho dovolopmonl OIIIUOOI nolwork In lho A I nOllhool1 pOlllon ollho ClIY. ;~ . ~ '.."---", \ ] I ACllon: ~/11) ~/tA.J / /1~11J I' hh'1'P 1~I"Jbl/d~-"C..:...- I!t~. I . I I' C:C:("0>I1";;" .....l\IJ} ~II '/~"/..; ;&-.., 11. '/I-6,,~ (d(J a'J~ ~({)J jJ,tlC fI,~ '( ~/1ii;,I.V th. Vir ad"!,,) l r r , , i-' i-I ,-, -1"-' '-' '_I U ,~ I .4 1 pag.. ~ Courtney I I open tn" ph ,)fi tllls I~m Any .;omm"nts) Tom Walsbl Pr"sld"nt Board ot Directors ot Iowa Histone Preservauon Alliance I'm a resld..nt 01 rural Iowa City In a prevIous eXlsten.;~, I was a reporter wIIo spent 5 1/2 y..ars .;ovenng city council m..etJngs, and I read 111 tomght's pap..r that tnlS IS an Issue tnat's alNady b....n d&Cld..<t But [ kno....., p~rhaps better tnan you do, tnat not everytnlOg you r..ad 10 tn.. newspa~r IS true, so we'll plod ahead here The Alhance IS a state-v.nde n"twork of hlstonc preservatJomsts tnat now mcludes more than 200 memwrs In 50 ot Iowa's 99 .;ountJ~ We have a groWIng membershlp tnat Illcludes individuals and orgamzations tnroughout tne state wIIo colle.;t:vely share a concern tor the preservatJon of Iowa's historical landmarks Among our organizational members IS tne Friends of Historic Preservation OrgamzatJon ot IC. My pres~nce here tonight on behalf of tne alllance is an Indicator tnat tn~ handling of tnlS rezoning request an Its effect on the future of historic Blultwood extends well Myond Iowa City No..... for some months now tne Historic Preservation AII!ance has watcl1ed quietly from tne sidelines as Histone PreservatJonists hav~ work~ to protect trom demolition tne Bluffwood property tnat's bemg threatened by tne Rochester Hill rezoning applicatJon being discuss~ here tonight The Alliance was ho~ful as were local preservatJonists tnat tne multiple and complex issues involv~ III a tnreat to a landmark ot tnis stature would be tnoroughly discussed and hopefully resolved at tne P and Z level. As you folks know, tnat didn't happen, What did happen procedurally was irregular at worst and confusing at best. The P and Z Commission's hearing was held on March of 1992, It was tne commission's hope and tnat of those attending tne h..aring, tnat tne basis of discussion at the hearing would be a legal opinion from tne city attorney concerning tne city's options in terms of requiring tnat this historic property be preserved as a condition of tni' zonmg change, What in fact occurred was this: as the planning and zonlllg me..ting progr..sSed the chairman of tne commission, Tom Scott, and tne city attorney, Unda Newman Gentry, were meeting in a non-pUblic setting in and ante room discussing, if not drafting, what tne findings of tact ot tnis legal opinion would be, The chairman later emerged trom tn~ session, not with tne legal written opinion dated March 5 tnat each ot you has subsequently received trom tne city attorney, but witn notning more tnan notes on a l.;gal pad And from his own notes, Torn Scott ouUtned in more tnan OM Version, -..---r---: l ~ r L-' l:-,. (', =1 ,j~ ,_, ,_, u\ ,_ - II ~! -pag~ 2 tn~ Sp~ll1CS of tn" bndlngs vf tnat l.;gal 'oPlnlOn IIv..... WlUlVUt '.!k b"ndlt ot bemg able to rtoad. ro;ovI"w or discuss tne sp.;cll1~ lSSUtoS raised m tnat actual OpiniOn, tile p h continued and tne planmng and ::omng comlIDSSlon was subs"'luently asked to vote to approv9 or deny tne :onmg request. OV9r th9 ObjectJons of planning and zonmg commiSSioners Gibson and Sally Dierks ....'110 both expr"5SoM concern over not havmg adequate t.tme to study tne ttndlngs of tact outllnoM ...erbally by tne COlIUlllsslon's chairman. This matter was dropped m tne lap ot tne City counCil on a ~-.; vote tor apprOVal It was only after tne tact tnat tnose attending tn.;> ph. w~re given tne opportumty to reVltoW tne legal opmlon Glv~n tne unusual way in which tne legal opinion was Issued, the Alliance f""ls tnat tne public was not afforded an open, tair, and ImpartJal airmg of the Issues addr"5sed by tne rezonmg applicatJon and tne SUbsequent legal opinion [n short, tner.. was no meaningful p h. The plannmg and zonmg commiSSion prematurely closoM dISCUSSIon of tne Issues and optJons, Including an option discussoM In tne legal Oplnton, that ot moving the structure to anotner location. It's tne pOsition of tne Alliance and that ot many local preservationists concerned ....itn tnlS Issue that moving thIS structure is not an option sensitive to tne public need of preserving historic structures. A need tnat eXists despite this rezoning applicatJon. not be.."3.use of it This is not just another old bUIlding. This is a Site of local, state, regional, and perhaps natJonal slgnll1cance. ThiS IS a site tnat IS inseparably UnkoM to its surroundings. Moving tnus structure to anotner location to pr"5erve it would be like moving tne statute of liberty from New York harbor and r..locating it to Central Park It tnat happenoed would the Statute of Liberty retain It'S historical and cultural significance? I tnink not. And like Bluttwood, the structure and its setting are inseparable. In some ways this is a buyer bewar~ Sltuation. The developers were p..rhaps unaware when tney acquired the property that what tney were acqUiring was a diamond In tne rough This IS not just anotner old bUllding. This is a gotnic cottage InsplroM by tne work of A J Downing. An architect who may not be a housellold word like Frank Lloyd Wright but Whose work, non~ tne l~ss. remams significant [n your packets you have received copies oi a lo;otter rrom tne Hlstonc Preservation Bureau of tne Slate Historic SOC1.;>ty of Iowa In tnat letrer Ralph ChrIstian indicates that not only IS Bluft.....ood is eligible tor listJng on tne National Register of Historic places. He susPt'Cts It IS eligible tor listing as a National Historic Landmarlt That IS the same deslgnatJon as atlorded Old Capitol, as afforded the Whit... House. and aftorded tn~ Statute ot Llb(>rty That IS why stat(>~nd national ')rgalllzatlons Ilk.;> the 10'''''-1 Histone Preservation Alliance and I1ke the Nat.I')ml TC'Jst t"r Histom PreservatJoll I'; I.-' i-I I-I -, CI '_' ,_, ,_, ,= I . ~I pag.. ~ hav'? taken an mtforest m tlUs rt'zonmg appllcat.tvn Wt' art' n...rt' b"'.d'JSo;. It IS cntJcal tnat ~ landmark not W ,jt'stroyed What 1 am askm% Y'Ju tOfilght IS tlUs As a l1rst step lfi assunng a tnorough diSCUSSion 'jt tll.. ma.ny 1..U...; lnvolV'~ h.r.... I would .ugg".t th.lt til... "::lty ..::ounGl1 wnd tiu~ matter back to tll& P IZ Comm tor n..w ph Wltn a llmlted purpos~ 01 havmg tn.. tmdmgs ot tact adopted on March )tn presentw to and discussed by all concernw In so domg. tn~ council should send a clear and strong message that the purpose o( tnlS new ht'armg IS to tully explore all tne options mcluding tnos~ deVised literally ffi1nuted wlore tne Commission IS asked to vote on tne rezofilng appl1catJon I .....ould hope tnat tne councll would agree tnat tho> stakes here are too lugh tor the decIsion to be made WIthout tne benefit o( discussion o( all the Issues and optJons This rezoning application has come to you prematur'?ly It is tn.. responSibility 01 tne P IZ Comm to field diSCUSSion and crystal1ze tlle issues. This hasn't happened In lact, It is our understanding tnat tne site plan tor tnis project, WhiCh had changed Inany tJmo?S smce the rezonmg application was first liles, has Changed again Since tnat March )tn P IZ action. In short, what you see belore you tofil~ht is not wIlat you are likely to get Please sen tillS request back to P i2 tor a new p.h. Thank you, Kubby / We had an otlicial request by tne Historic Preservation Comm. to do what you just requested and we talked about It last night and tne majority declined to choose to send it back to P IZ We have discussed tnis, Nov / Mainly because w~ telt this is a compl~t.t p.h. today The council has tn~ final say ratner tn"n the P IZ Comm Tom Walsh/I understand that but I tnink you would find members of your own PIZ Comrn. tnat le&l strongly tnat tnere has not been an adequate p.h. o( tne issues on tnat level lust because how tnis was handled procedurall, I tnink tnat is a problem. I think your best bet IS to take a step backwards and get it resolved at tnat level betore kicking it up to this level As I said, tne stakes are just too high Larson/ What you ar.. saying mak~s a lot "t sense I want to try to cl~ar up some ot the record just so people don't get tne Idea tnat tne deCision was made. That that was lust a mistake In tne pap..r tonight What was d..clded was Historic Pres"rvation Comm has asked tnat we send It back Last night it was or,,, ot tnos.. tnmgs where tn" malonty ot ,:ouncll didn't teellike we'd gain an,'tllmg My vote not to send It bacK "'-'as because 1 don't tninK P IZ is going to change tnelr minds whetner tney list..n to people tor five w'?eks or tlve mlllutE's and I'm not r..ally ,:onCeCllE'd about t11.;.ir r..commendatJon III tnlS matter What 1 am ,~oncE'rnE'dabout IS tnat l r --, L-' \-, '-I -, 1,-' '_' I_' U =' ,_, " ~f pag~ ~ tn~r~ IS an ad.;.quato; publK h~anng 0/ tn~ kInd you'r~ talking about Wh~r<! all tne Issues are discussed And I hop~ tnat tnat occurs tomght. If It. doesn't haplNn torngnt. tnen It'S no problem to m~ to send It back to p iZ I lust don't t111nk that's helpful to tnose Who want to preserve tne house I don't tnlllk plannmg and zonlllg IS gomg to change tnelr mind, IS all I'm tryIng to say One of tne two P /Z commlSSlOMrs tnat wanted to have more discussion about It was at our informal meetJng last mght and indicated that that was Inde<Ki one 0/ thelf probtems WXthlt was that It was klnd ot rushed and thE'Y didn't feel It was properly analyzed In terms of tne legal opinion and everytlung But of course the legal opmion as stated, unless it's going to be changed, doesn't really argue tor pres~rving tne house Ot tnat locatJon as one of our optJons. Now I may very .....ell choose to preserve the house on that location despite tne legal opinion. I'm trying very hard to keep an open mind until tne publiC hearmgs are all over Wltn and we've met With everybody But I (lid lust '#ant to clear up tnat the council did not decide last fight to not delay moving the house, or Indeed Whetner tne hous~ will be reqwred. :t is <!ntirely possible that tne council Will vote two weeks from tontght or at somE' point to deny the rezoning on the basis ot the fact tnat they want tne house Where It is. I just d(>n't know and norody's counted noses. I don't think people have stated ho..... they're gOing to vote on It But I did want to mak~ sure the pUblic understood that this Issues not over by any means and won't be over tonight Walsh/ Thank you. Ambrl/ Tom, I have a question please Walsh/ Yes, sir Ambri/ If the house were retained In its present location, have you inspected tne piece of property up close 7 Walsh/ No. I haven't. I guess I would be trespassing. Ambrl/ Well, I have, so i trespassed. I've looked at a lot of property Ul my life It would require a great deal of expense to make tnat not only something t11at we'd all be proud of. but lust to make It safe tor people who may want to come and look at it. Who do you el\l'ect would have the responsibility of paying for tne rehab? Walsh/ Whoever the new owner may be. There's absolutely no requirement If tne property w..re to be added to tne NatJonal Registry of Historic Places, that it be renovated or restored in any way. TherE' would be absolutely no. Ambrl/ Sir, I would recommend tnat you trespass I tnmk!vlr Happel Will give you permission. Just drive down tnat lane, get out of your car, walk around, look tnrough tne broken WIndows. and really tnspect tnat piece 0/ property I . r . L-' ~-,.. I-I -, , ,_, ,_, I_' =' , " ~I pag~ 5 Walsh/It would obvwusly ~ tne r~sponslbll1ty )1 ;.,1lo~v~r tne )wn~r may b~ But I don't tnmk tnat demoltshmg or removmg the bUlldmg should b~ allowed to preclude tne opportunity tor a n~w buyer to srep forward and somoon9 Willing to SUlp lorward and mak.. tn.. kind ot mv..stment nec&5sary. Iowa City IS a hot b..d olmt.lrest and actiVity m hlstonc observatJon. ThiS IS, as I k~ep saymg over and o".~r, tnlS IS not lust ann old buIlding. This IS a very umque property Which IS Why people ar~ commg out of the .....oodwork to try to save it And I tnlllk pe<lple who are aware 01 tnat may be Willing to make tn~ lund of mvestments necessary. In fact II tne building is pr~served on Site and does become eltgible for tne National Register, tnat makes tn~ property eltglble for vanous kinds of grant programs and matching funds that are available tor doing tnat kind of work Which would reduce tne cost to tne home owner. Everytning trom grants available through the state of Iowa, to grants available through the National Trust for Historic Preservation, to Federal Income Tax Credits There are all kinds of optJons. What I guess I'm saymg is. Ambrl/ You seem to be th~ autnorIty so I haven't found anybody else to ask yet, this one question has never been broached I got tne impression tnat It was to be tne responsibilIty of tnose pe<lple who own tne property now II tney have agreed tnat It will stay, then It's th~tr responsibility to rehab It and refurbIsh it and make It look lIke it was in 1875. Walsh/ No. I'm not aSkIng anyone to do anything but not demolish and not move the existing structure. At tnIs pOint all I would like to do Is buy tJme and buy options, to explore what can be done with tne property. But once it's gone, it's gone and once it's removed trom the sire, you've removed any historical signtticance of the property which by nature ot AJ. Downing's work Is inseparably lInked to It's surroundIngs. The plantlngs, tne landscaping is part of tne package. As far as the National Register is conc~rned, onc~ a property is moved, it 10s&5 its hIstorical significance. It will never be ellgible for national registry or any of tne kinds of SUbSldi~s or matching fUnds tnat I've descrIbed. Horow/ Tom, it the prop~rty is thoroughly documented, and tnen applt~d tor trust standing, and th~n demolished, does It retain, does t1lat property, does the place that it was still retain tile deSignation as a historic site? Walsh/ No. RIght now m fact, by virtu" ot Ralph ChristJan's letter from tne StaUl ot Iowa, which indicates hiS opinion that the property is eligible tor listing on the National RegIstry, tnat makes It eligible tor som.. ot tneso? grant programs So tne eXisting buyer, even Wltnout havmg to lump tnrough tne hoops and tne paperwork requiro?d to have tne Site a~. " tho? building added to the National Register. (an mak'! appltcation to tIl'! stat€' of I.owa t.or an HRDP grant tor r~storation or renovation Once tne '\..' L-' L-' 1-' -/- :, ,_, \ ,_, 1_' _ ,_ " 'if pag" 6 propHty's demvllshed. th"re s nvtnmg l"tt to b.. ,j",slgnaW as l NatJvnaJ Histone Landmark Theres nothing tnat would preclud" tne own~r. "v"n If tne building were lIstOO from demollshmg It The only thing tne law precludes IS federal money being used to assist In tne demolition of a Horowl Well, no That was my poUlt. It It g"ts deslgnatJon, but then It IS demolished and It'S already ~n totally docum"nted. tn"n It stJllloses that. Walsh/lt dO\?Sn't maU<;or The owner coulO;! go and put yellow alummum siding on It There are abSOlutely no conditJons on What an owner can and can't do Wltn a Register listed property I know, us Ilistonc PreservatJonlsts here know, we lay awake and worry about tne fact tnat Mr Happel understands tnat he coUld solve tnlS problem, If he views It as a probl~m, Witn a 1/2 gallon of keros"ne and a book of match"s. Ther,,'s notning to pr\?Clude him from burning tnat property to tn~ ground, and gHtJng all of us bUilding huggers of[ his back. It's our hope tnat he under;tands, tnat he's dealing Witn a cultural asset And one not to be consider<?<l llghUy As I say, I'm not overstating tne cas" and comparing tnis prop"rty to Old Capital or the Statute of Liberty No it retains and is capable of tnat kind of significance. And I just hope tnat the cool"r has preVailed and that we are able to shed more light than h" on tllls Issue. And tnat it all gets resolved in favor of th" property. Saving a bUilding llke this is what this is all about. Thank you Larson/ I have one question for anyone that BUl's questJon brought up Anyone that was planning on sp"aking anyway that has some expertJse on tnis and tnat could address this if tney would like I tnink tn'? financial aspect of WIlat Bill was saying is if anyone has any expertJse on how much it would cost to restore it to a point WIlere it would be a living dwelling that is also historically correct. I am trying to figure out how much is involved financially In terms of - I know how much tne profit tne developer can expect from th'? d~velopment tnat he IS gOing to put on tnat site. Or tne unit or tne two unIts. I don't know how much it would cost to restore tnis house or WIlat It would be worth in its restored condition. It seems to m~ tnat's still a house that could be llved in. and it seems to me tnat tnis is a commumty that has a k't of peopl'? tnat like to 111-" In houses like that. But I don't have any Idea WIlether it's a $100,000 to restore it or $50,000. It anyone has any ,,::p~rtise m that ar~a. I'd appreciate it. Nov II don't Imow if anyone does I went and looked at It ....,tn jane and she said that the architects hadn't given h'?r any numb'?rs yet Larsonl No But i know tnere's a lot of people III the .;omlWJllHy that are familiar with its conditJon and might have an estJmate about tnat I .. r CI ~-, 1-' ~ -/- - ,_, ,_, 1_' _, _ '" 'if pag<< 7 Sandy Eskin/ Woodlawn Do you want us to sign In' I r<<ally don't ha\'e ans.....olrs, but 16-t mol sa}' that 1";6- ~6-n tnrough tne hous" W1tn tn" gv.xi graces of Jane McCune For a pr..servatloIllSt. tne house IS perf~t We'foi> not talking about restonng It to a pnstJne condlt.ton, or eV~n UVlng In It 1 can imaglM given tnat It has, tne house IS situated amongst a PUD development, that tne O1-\.'Ilers of tl:~ prop"rty If It was to stay o....'IlW like it IS would, or Wltn tne help of tn~ commullIty or somehow, ,^""uld maintain tne fa~ade, tne outside It really IS In a lot better shape tnan some houses tnat I have put money In and people do live In It's In fine shape from a preservationists point of view It's In even better shap9 In tnat it's in wonderful situated site and there's a poSSibility of retrieVing tne garden With some study and all. I don't tnlllk tne preservatJolllst point of view is tnat we're looking to return It to a prlstJne state Uke a Grant Wood painting and you s* tnat little house In tlle palntJng, you're not thinking that that's ready to mov<< into, You know Il as a symbol and a sign of a former time and a style It doesn't have to be pnstine But also It could be useful to tne developers If tney were to maintain It as a historic site and allow tne garden to be rehabilitated and tne outside to get a good coat of paint and some roof repair, tnat they could use It as a garden house or maintenance house, or SlIme oftice during construction. They can use that building usefUlly as part of their own plan. I think L'ley should also rise to tne occaSion knOWing that tney have a gem tnere, to change tne name of tne development to Bluffwood, and to reflect some of tne lines of the building in their soon to be built condos. We have a good eJl3mple of that. Jim Clark did tnat very thing when he built a famous Clark Apartment over here on Gilbert across from the mansion. People said, My God, you aren't going to put one of those apartments on tnat block? He then In terms of design, added some det'llls In tne cornice of tne bUilding and it was very successful. So successful It has been copied by other apartment houses around town. We're tllrough perhaps with the mansard roof period because of tnat. D~sign, It's lust tn~ Une of tne roof and tne shape, not tne condo "''Quid lack the amenities of a modern building; it would actually be enhanced Be part of a Significant natJonal site. The original cottag~ could nestle in and fit Witn the new system. So we're not aSking for outrageous el:penditures, simplY maintaining the building modestly That's really aliI have to say 1 don't have any dollar figures for tnat L-' ~-, n -I U . U U I_I =' -, . 4f page (\ Marclo? Roggowl I did not .:orne hero? to 'poi'ak but SlOe.. tno> ,~u"$t.t0n ,jld come up about tn~ c<<st of how mucn It would (ost to r..stor.. tnat property. I tnought It only fair to telll'ou tnat I had a Did on tnat a !e',' yo?ars age Som.. of you may know that I was VMY .:Ios.. to tllat hous.. for a long, long, long t.tmo?, and 1 guess If an}'body might kno..... hO.....lt r.;.els to \.'alk tnoso? green acco?s, it'S me ~nd a few otn;;.r p<lOplo? and somt' of tno?m In tltis room. That house IS a wondo?rful ple<:P. of magic f Itved In Rl\'er Heights onc~ and I said wbo?n you crossed tn~ bndge to go to Riv;;.r Heights, all of tne cares of tne world .....er~ behmd you, and you wp.nt out to Rivo?r Heights and you walked and It was wonderful When you turn down tne lano? of tnat house, of tnat settlo?ment tno? caro?s of the world are lo?fton Rochester Avo?nue. And u you want to go and find some po?aco? In tlus world, you go to tno? end of tno? bluff, and you look at tne deer and yOU count tnem Sometimes tnere aro? 25 or 30 at tne o?nd of that pasture When it camo? to the hOuso?, tne house IS totally livable I have not ~n tnere sinc~ lllll Happ.;1 clost'd on tnat propoi'rty, but I spoi'nt tlv~ y",ars tnere prior to Probably on a evo?ry otner day baSIS. Tho? hous'O' IS completely habitable. [ don't know .....ho broko? wmdows I don't kno..... wbo has destroyed it since it's been owned. But [ know tnat it was pur"ly functional and Wo? had wondo?rful events there and many dignitaries from all over tne United States there They never so?eme<l to obJe<:t to tne the living standards of that house At a point of tJme in my Itfe, I really had contemplated moving to tnat property, if we had bet'n able to purchase it. In fact, .....e had an option to purchase tnat ground. About four or five years ago, some plans were drawn to add on to tnat hous~, make it one of tne most spectacular homes, I think, In Johnson County. It's easily done The architects plans are all done. In fact the previous owner has hold of tnose plans, It could be a gracious st'tting. I'm not sayin~ tnat Bill Happo?l plan is not a good plan. That area up there, In fact we had looked at It to do, for example, single family homes, but close in for retirement vtllage, down tlle lane to get to that house But there are two wonderful building sites at tne end of that lane. One wbere that houso? Sits and tn"n anotner one off to tne east of that site It would be a very big disaster for Iowa City to lose tnat property The family wbo owned that prop"rty prior to selling it to Bill Happel supplied a fnend "and I wltn a lot of maoorlals and books tnat had been written by tne family, and about how tne grandfatno?r had bUilt a sleigh 10 that home In fact, he built tne sleigh in the middle of tho? wlntH and M (ouldn't get It out because he forgot to me~suro? tllo? door Tllo?!'.. art' memono?s aboundmg in that home Tho? gardens are incrediblt' Tho? spirea ar.. natural And the I 'I " ,---- CI t-I ,-, -/- c, '-' -' '-' - - " ~r pag~ 9 ~v~rgr~n tr.;.o?s are maleSt.lC I hav.. no!'Ver m my lit.. Wltn"SSe<! spnng as 1 ha~'e WItnessed on tnat property The redbud trees are gorgt'Ous And I tlunk tnat anybody WIlo has not walke<! tnose woods and WIlo has not walked tnoo€- ~vergreens Meds to go out and do so before you're condemning 150 year old eVHgrei'nS to boo toppled I tnmk tnat bill's plan could be revised to pri'serve tnat !louse I tnlnk that tnat IS a landmark And until you'Ve walked out and you've lOOked at it, you \';on't appreciate It As far as, 1 was readmg a report lust a mmute ago and I tnank Larry for sllanng It witn me, last spring I got very upset because 1 w~nt down there and saw tnat all of tne grass had been mowed and tne wetlands had been mowed. Now tne only reason that would come to pass because ( am not one of tnose people WIlo woUld normally would just freak out on tne fact that wetland had been lowed, but I am on tl1e Iowa Association of Realtor's LegislatJve Committee and m fact I'm PolitJeal Affairs Chairman for the Iowa Association of Realtors One of tne main Iss')es b<?lore this year Is tlle wetlands Issues And I happen to be the person who Is in charge of how tnooe issues are- addressed as far as re-al ~state is concerned. And WIlen 1 saw tnat tney had been mo",'ed, I tnought that IS It fair that one developer gets by witn mowmg tnem, when my good friend, Carol Barker, was not able to do her subdivision because of wetland issues and was at a grave expense. So When I read In the report tnat not only tne Wild flowers, but 1000's of evergreens were destroyed, but lneftectively enforced are the MW ordinances, " g- 34 79 regarding excavating and grading control I got just a little mltted, because you see 1 sit on the bUilding board of appeals for Iowa City too And for hours and hours and weeks and weeks, I was called to serve on tnat board and to enforce and to adopt tnat grading and environmental study Then I was asked to attend 5-6 P 12 meetings, WhIch I did until midnight to make sure this endorsement is ~ntorced, or tnlS ordinance .....'ent through. So I guess, you know, When you ask tne pUblic to come and serve for you on commiSSions and boards, and develop ordinances tnat tnis city council pas>e;, and tnen one developer has to pay dearly for it, but tne other one does because tne)' can't enforce it, I guess 1 find a real problem with It KUbby / There was, I don't understand tne j:'0mt about tile grading and excavating ordinance. There was mOWing, but tnere was no grading or fill. There will have to be. They will need to have tnat engineered grading plan or fill plan befon' us before a permit IS Issued so they will have to do tnat and we are very aware of tnat Larson/ I don't know what report ~!ou read, but Y01) may have read a letter from a cltJzen, and hiS opmlon as to wlHt happened There's some difference of opinion about what happeno?d There's no doubt that we' ilke Ci 0 tJ ~ b ' -. . ~l page 1 '.' I '1' i I I' i I !",. to see full "nlorcem"nt .)t tn" gradmg 'Jrdman,;" !t 'HaS 3 hard lought batt!" Roggow/ Wh~n I called and aske<l about It. I ...."as told It would not b" "nl,)r,.-.;! becausol tn..r& .....as notnmg tnolY could do aMut It KUbby / Th..y don't gat a parmtt until wa hav~ tn~ ~n8me"red plan And tnan we nwd W Inspect to b.. ;ur~ they'r~ b..mg lollowed Larson/ That's my point [ clon't tlunk tnat statement's qUite accurate Roggow/ Was tnere a Hne plac<'d on me ~ple Who mow'.'d tlw wetlands last y..ar? Larson/ Weill ...."as talkmg about tne vlolatJon 01 tne gradmg ordinance The mowing ot tne wetlands was appar..ntly a mIstake Roggow/ Was there a lin~ placed on tne person Who mow€<! tne wetlands) Larson/ No Roc.,gow/ Have th~re been In otner cases? Larson/l don't I'.now tt tnere have been any OtnH vlolatJons 5e<ause I was talking about the violatJon of the grading perout and tlle erosIOn control tnings. I know tn~y hav" boeen trying to enforc~ that That person at least tnought tnere was a VIOlation at one time and it was not noticed. It has OOen the suble<t for some comment In counCil about tnat particUlar development whiCh is a different. I lust didn't want to confuse people about whether tnere was grading dOM on tnis site yet Roggow/ That's a separate issue It's part of It but also It'S two told. Altnough I'm not a member of historiC preservatJon, it's one commission I don't SIt on, I would deepl}' encourage each of you to got look at tllat house To enjoy the quiet times out tner~ if you can get by witn Mr Happ~l's agreement to do so and not be trespassmg because. Mr Ambrisco. It'S a wonderful house. Courtney/ Any on& ..lse have comments on this item? 1': Doug Russell/ ChaIr, Historic PresecvatJon Comm. I want to ask you to do two things tonight One of tnem according to tne papers I1as already been decided. [ like to ask pu to defer tniS matter of tn~ 5luttwood rezoning back to tn.. P/Z Com.n. [am aware of tnr.... meetings tnat you hav" had about this property. The lirst two meetings. Which \~€'r., qUIte lat", tne issue on tne tloor was Wh~tner to defer t.l1e issue t~ ':. !:.ter meetJng. It was not a fUll hearing on tne merits. The tnlrd m""ting is tne one Which Mr. WalSh described wh"re tne l"gal opinion was not available m advanc" in writing tor study and for comment at the phI tnmk It would be economical of tne city counctl's time to send tnis back to tne Comm and IH all the issues air there so that th" councIl can ha',,, a mor~ m[orm"d opinion from tne P n (c,mm 1 think it do.." mak" a ,jtffer"n,;., 11,;w mu':h I' t-, L-I l-t -,-, -I _' ,_, 1_' _ -"t : pag":,, . I t 1 tun" tn"y Sf","llJ '-I1Ullt l)~aus" ; '111n!; y"u WlJI ~.,.~ l b"tto,., ,j",m,;.n from tnem tne more Ume tney spo;nd Wltn It anJ tn~ more vw..., tno:y ht'ar about It It tne city councU Jo.;os not want to s<lnt It back to Ulo: P IZ Cc'mm. tn"n I would urg" tne cIty ,ouncII to vo~ tills Jown to.;wus.. Iowa CIty', hlstom prop~rtJ"'s are gOing to 'lamsh one by ,:,n'i' Stnc~ urban renO:...."al, .....e hav~ n~ver had a mass destructJon ot bUllalngs We'Ve barelI' lost a blo-:k at one t.Ime. It has ~n one by one And What WIll happo;n IS Ulat m two years or flve Yl'ars or ten years you WU1 find that It IS not lust one house mIssing n'i':..:t to a .;hur.;h on tne north sid~ but tne whole blOCk You WIll hnd tnat It IS not lust one landmark mIssing like Blutl.....ocd but many otners along tnt' way It IS not enough to k*p tne court house and Old CapItal to k*p Iowa City's histone heritage-archite(tual h~ntage This IS an unportant bUilding. And It does have Slgmhcance beyond lust Iowa City In Iowa CIty money can be found to rehabUitate a hous'i' like tnlS by a new owner. I don't tnink tnat is tne problem Th~ problem IS IS tne government has to allo.....tt to happen. And I tnmk If tno: cIty councU WIll 'i'ither send tnlS back to the P/Z Comm. for reconslderatJon or If you WIll vote it down and effect make the d~velo~r and tne PIZ Comm begm agam, you WIll be dOing tne right tIl.lng to help US preserve tnlS building. Tho: Historic Preservation Comm believes that tne building can be preserved In Its present location in harmony W1tn Ulo: dev>?lopm"nt and we can't see any reason Why tnat shouldn't ~ so So we ask you to do on" tlling or tne otner but !)Qtil for tne same purpose-to pro:serve tins bUUdtng. Thank you. Nancy Sieberling/ 20'119 Black Sprmgs Circle As you alr"ady know because I have conveyed to you tnlS l~tter from ProCo:ssor Tatum, I would like to read just ono: paragraph Crom Ulat be.;at..so: I think In tho: context oC WlIat you hav" already heard Crom others here-tnis has an unusual signUlcance Especially since It comes Crom tne >?ast I attended a conCerence In New Jersey at WhiCh I had o<;casslon-actually I was invited to make som>? comments on Bluffwood Th~se people are members of tile Garden Conservanr.y The conC"renr.e was r~lated to historic landscape preservation It was extremely Intere,ting to me to hear such a response from an audience. Her.. I ...."as out in Iowa. They hardly know where Iowa IS But tJley were fascmated by the fact Ulat here was tnlS histone SIte related to A J Dowmng and Uley were very helpfUl in trYing to otter, suggestJons, and Ideas and support But tile man WlIo cam" up t.o me afterwards who introdll(ed himself as Georg.;. Tatum I know hIm b~(aus" ne IS a colleagu., of R0b.;.rt Alexand..r, h..re I. ~ r t-, L-' I-I -, H-' _, ,_, u =' '- . ~f pag;, : ~ In town and a natJonaUy Immm~nt ar,hlto"-.tural hlst.:nan ....rd h. ~l.j to me, If you "1111 give mot a llttl" t.Im;, I '..;Quld 11k.. r.o w.lk to you Wcausot ~rh3ps I (vuld hotlp you .'\Ild 0" did wnte m~ thl; l;,tkr and: Will read OM parae;raph for tn" botn"ltt of p.;<:'pl.. h~r" iR..ads fnm letter) CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 93- 35 SIDE 2 Siebotrling/ When tnat kmd of tnmg com~ trom tne "ast ':oast wllotre tney are very responsive to historIC bUlldmgs-1 tnlnk tnat It IS sometnlng ~at perhaps here In Iowa City we n~ to pay a little attentJon to I tnink, also, tnat It ,",,'Ould 00 a very really remarkabl" ":'P~rience for you to have a ~hance to come out and VISit tne Bluffwood site I would like to mVlte you and have a tour ot It Wltn some otner people wllo ....,ould give you some inSights into tne tne kmd of tnmg tnat IS represented by tnal So, maybe If I .....ould ClCculate d paper. you could sign up for tne tour It would certamly bot arrangoi'd at your ~ouv;,ntence 1 woul,j llke to just mentJon a couple of tlUngs tnat are on personal ot,,"presslons of my feellngs about tnis about Bluflwood It IS an example of visuahzing and realiZing personal goalS at a chosen way of hfe Rellecting tne aspiration of people living here In Iowa City at tne leading edge of tnell' time in tne 1870's Iowa CitJans today reap b~neltts and encouragement in tne creative ideas, insightful planning, and tne civic accomphshments of tne 19t1l century p~ple hke tile HaddockS Tlley remmd us tnat .....e can plan better and r~ap r~warding personal b~n€"!its now wllile creating a legacy to 00 valued m tne future H Bluffwood IS perCotlvoi'd as irrelevant affemura, subject for destruction, we shall be all the poorer in sell esteem and dimimshed in trustJng our mnate creatJve potential Thank you. Larson/ Just for tne beneltt of tn€- otner people. 1 tnmk all tile counctlmembers have been there Horow/ Wen, not as much as s!le IS talkmg about I am assuming that part of the tour would includ~ some ot tne garden Larson/I hope you all pay spoclal attentIOn to Nancy's comments because wllen she de11vered tne Tatum letter on Sunday afternoon, she had to put up witn tnot fact tnat I was still In my bathrobe .....at.:hmg tv. at 2 m tne afternoon It was quite a ple~" of work tnat she had to go tnrough Tom Baldrldgotl Doing tne pUblic w;k, Randy, has never b"en d"scrlbe1 as being easy or pleasant ~-, ~-, I-I - -, CI ,_, ,_, '-' :r .. ~i page 15 You have Mard Irom otners Who hav., ,j"scnN-d tne sltuatJon much more eloquenuy and knoWl.;o(:\g"able tnan I can I am h"re as a natlv" Iowa Cltian to urge you to preserve tnlS cottage ')n Site Wh.;n It IS gone. as Tom Walsh 5ald, It IS gone. The city has changed consld~rable much 01 It lor the better Some of It not But once we have lost sometnlllg 01 slgrntlcance as this IS, ObViously from What has been describW. It IS gone and I .....ould urge you to, as our ag~nts. to take tne appropnate steps to insure that that dwsn't hap\*n Thank you Bill Happel/ "2355 Willo..... Brook Lane One of tne develo\*rs of 2300 Rochester. This ev"ning I have heard again from tne citizens of Iowa City WIth regard to the historical value of tne home on 2300 Rochester I would at this time llke to deter my comments on tnat and go tnrough the development as .,'e proposed before the city council. At the end I think ....." can discuss furtner the major topiC I haven't heard anyone get up and really speak. about tne development. What you have t>efore you could be one of the most outstanding r~sidentJal developments 10 the Midwest. Witn only 32 upscale condo units on a total of 27 beautiful acres Wltn the treed hill. slopes to three sides that re<illy provide beautiful vistas for the residents that WIll be residing at Rochester Hills. I really believe and I am beginnmg to believe It more as I hear the comments from the p~ple that have spoken before. That It Is trUly a unique site. (READS MARCH 31, 1992 LETTER) Horow/ I have one question and that is at any time n your promotion lor this sulY.livlsion did you entertain tile tnought of enticing those people who would be interested in retiring and renovating a historic site. Deliberately entiCing someone WIlo would want to take It up, renovate It and live there as a retiree Happel/ You are taiklng about tne historic house I want to address that in my next statement but on tne otner issu~s-were tnere any questions. Larson/ My only question is not about this development. It looks beautiful and I think it would really be a tr"asured place to live. What .....ould happen. I am worried about Phase II or going down tne ravine to tne nortn and mayb~ how tnat connects to tne staff concerns of getting collector streets in tnat quadrant of the city Happel/I guess I didn't make tnat clear. Since another change has been made And when I said 32 units over the entire 27 acres. there IS no planned development in Phase II at tnis ome It IS my plan at tnis time l r L-' ~-I 1-' ~, 1,-' ,_, ,_, U -, '-' . 'it pd&~ h to s~ll tn.. ~ntJre 27 acres to tho? 3: urute ondOIDlntUm aSSO-:lat.lon They Will OWlllt and WIll have lurlsdlctJon over What happens to that In tne future. KUbby /It Is very common for a home ownllrs aSSOClat.lon to decide to bE-Come d~velop.ers. Happ.el/Ilo As a matter of fact, tnose tnat 1 have discuss...:! and have s*n this prop.erty, one of tn",ir Wishes is tnat tney would hop.e that-tney understood tnat posslbtlity, from a finanCial standpoint, may have to take furtner development, that you can only go so far In tne least amount of densit}. to pay for tn~ projE-Ct Understand you may hav~ to develop tnat but tneir choice would be to leave It undevelOped and I tnlnk that Is the way It should go. It should be undeveloped. Larson/ What I don't know IS how far over tnat northern drop off- Happ.el/ Goes over to tne creel:.. 27 acres goos to tne creek and tne creek meanders a liWe bit It is not a true prop.erty line. It goes tnrough tne creel:. area. It tnere is no other questions on tnose issues, I would like to discuss tne house. It seems like tnat is numwr one on everylX>dy's mmd. We took posseSSion on August 3 and we have attempted to preserve this home. I have been, as mentioned earlier tonight, I had every right to torch the house. Immwlately upon possession and wMn the renter moved out the police were notified tnat this was a vacant house and .....e were tol1 that they would on their rounds, periodically, drive tnrough the lane and chE-Ck the house. Even witn this precaution we did have some vandalism in August. Somebody broke in. tak~n some of th~ batnroom fu;tures, broke some windows, so tnere has been some Interior damage. (READS FROM LETTER) Are tnere any questions for me at tnis time. Nov / Can you tell me where is Willow Brook and Caymen Point Happel/ Willow Brook Point Is the development on the corner of Benton Street and Mormon Trek, .,.,lllch is a seven butlding 26 unit. Caymen Point, runs between Washington and Court just prior to Scott Blvd on tne east side. And tnere are five butldings And 20 units tnere. Nov / Neither of tnose sights are comparable to the ones you are dealing with today, right. Happel/ No. They won't be in tne same pric,," range. Willow Brook Point, .....~ have had some really fme compliments on that On tne corner, tne water retention area serves as a large open spac,," The prOblem tnere with the flood plain area Most of those condominiums, all but four of tne units are butlt on tne Hood plaID tner~ So th~y do not hav~ L r, L-j ~-, n ~, " '_' ,_, U I . 'If pag~ 15 bas..m"nts, But tnat was a Jlff1cult pl';';~ A pr'lp"ny to J~V"lop 1nJ It has ~n very successful and It did not de~norate tn.. n~lgnborhood The pnce of tne homes on S~n'~r, McBnd~ and arvund nav" gon" up In tne last two years Nov I But you are dealing Wltn large tr*s, <?stablish.-d landscaping, tn€' kinds of tnlngs tnat you did not nav~ to sell otner condonumums, correct? Happell Correct. Nov I So Considenng t.he (act that you are c€'aUng W1tn a fairly dlf(erent Sl~, Why IS it Inconc~lvabl€' tnat you might not also d€'al Witn a difterent style o( structur" Happell The structur€' is different, Naonu It IS not tne same Nov I You are saying tnat someone Who wants to live In tne condominium vrould not want to liv€' in an older structure Happell No, I didn't say tnat. Nov I Why tnen would tnls house not lit In here. Happelll said the person Who might want to Itve in that structure may not want to w a part of a condomlmum aSSOCiation, It Is a difterent lif~ style, I have had people come to me, start to inv~stiga~ condominium living and as soon as I tell tnem tnat I am not sure What it IS going to be-at Rochester, I am speaking no..... of Willow Brook€' Point. That after tlleir pet passed away, tney couldn't ~~plac~ It. They couldn't do that. That tney couldn't plant outside of their bUilding Without approval from tne board of directors, Those types of tnIngs that go along -tney just vrouldn't live there, So t!ley .....eren't sold on condommlum Itvlng Nov II do understand that. But I do tnink tnat someone who understands condominium living and would prefer condominium living would not necessarily rule out living in an older house Happelll agree, That is not What I said. Nov II vrould like us to think that .....e could pursu€' that idea and try to get this !louse for somebody Who really Itkes tnat kind of living and tnat kind of house. Happel/l appreciate tnat. Kubby/lf tn€' votes weren't tnere to have a d€'velopment go as is cummtly platted and that there were enough votes to want tile house to stay, vrould it be pOSSible to put €'noug!l umts on the land WltnOUt tearing down any of tnose males tic trees To have enough umts on ther.. to mal:e it feasible for you to go forward Happell Could we go forward Witn tnlS plan Kubby I Could you add mor~ units somewhere else With shlttlng some tllings around ,-, ~-, I-I L/ ,:' 1_' I_I '_I I _ " .f pag~ 1 f) Happel/ Sur~ Th",re would b-. $(,m", lunlt4110n, ~nd .ondlt.lon, but- My concern IS as I 1001; around torught and tne same tlungs through my P/Z phI haven't heard. ot the people that have shown an mterest. tney ar.. not down her.. trymg to ;ave tnlS hous.. They hav.. mdlcat,;d to me tn..lr conNrns. My conc..rns ar.. IS tne PNI...:t gOing to be succ"ssful Wltll or WltllOUt tn~ house I hav" notllmg against tnlS house I am not an histone autllonty I am taKmg tnese people's word as a gIV;>O. And It IS hard tor me to be hon..st Som.. of tn..m ar.. talKing about people from New YorK Who ar~ giVing tnelr opinion on som..tnmg tn~y have nev~r se~n [don't know I am trom Missoun. a little bit. I want to be sh"wn sometlung. But.....e are lIsterung to and .....e need a lot ot I~tters and documentation from peopl~ who llav~n't !).;en on It and so [ have to take tneir word for it because I can't refute It. I am no ~xpert. 111 door have done everytlung. I hav~ been told tllat I am a dummy I should have torched it last fall That IS not the way I am I have to look at myself in the morning And I really telt tnat I have done every tiling possible In the past four or fiv~ months ThiS IS not sometlung tnat lust happened two .....eeks ago at P/Z ThiS has ~n going on smc~ November. I defer tllrough P/z three or four tJmes Believe me we have given tnlS a lot of tllought Kubby / And for tne steep slopes tnat are ther.. and tne gorgl?Ous big tr..es tllat are tnere-you have done a fine lob You have done wonderfully in terms of the enVironmentally senSltJvity ot tne area [t could have been real different witn someone else dOing thiS [am v~ry appreciativ~ of tllat aspect. Happel/I think the sensitivit}' ot tne flood plam. And I am all for walkways tllrough our areas. We are tne tlrst to give easements across tnat water way conservation for potential walkways. And w.. were happy to do it. I'd love to see it eJ."t.ended Why It didn't happen last year, two years ago-I don't Know. I asked tne same questJon Why didn't tnlS house come up tnat is so valuable tnree years ago It IS coming up now I am tile cause. I'll brunt tllat But It It were so valual'le 'A>here were l.ll~y tllree y..ars ago talking about it Horow/ This is something tllat [ ha"e heard [rom a number ot clttzens who are frustrated in the same vem as to why thmgs se~m to happen at the [ [tn hour Why some p[annmg could not have taken part ot tnlS. It IS und~rstandable because truly untJI an owner wants to do sometnlng W1tn a parcel tnere IS not much mterest m What IS gomg on Altnougll, my questJon right now to HlstoW Pres..rval.lon (omm dnd tne All1anc~ IS i[ tn~re is som~ way t0 aV')ld havlllg tlllS happen 'A~tll al\')th~r parcel !'om~Wh~r~ in Iowa City or m the area I (an .;ommi!'~rate with your L-' t-, 1-' q -/- l.:.r ,_, ,_, , _ " 'tt p3~" : ~ I' ! I ! i i trustratJvn ""Itn thiS But I ~(,,:, '....:01.[1.:1 Ilk" ~.:' ;0;.;. It tn"ro? lin . ;0m" W'3Y vt reachmg .)ut, ;,specIally In :""''3 ':Ity wher.. we j,. nave (010U1al art historians Whetner tn"y ar"n 1 som" p.wpl" "ut tn"r" '.vtIv lust hav" tv b""n sold on tn~ concept y"t vt condo l1vmg and specl!1cally tor r"novatJng som~tnmg tnat has tne potenual tor wmg a landmark 0n deSignated house Happel/l ...."Quld lik~ tomght to make on" more step torward If I could I haven't got a tUll reaction trom councll out I don't want to assume anything. But I think w" are movlng- I thInk most of you would lik" tne proposal but hav~ great concerns about constructJon I may 00 wrong I hope I am not As anotn"r alvernatJve and ool1eve my. JaCkie and Jan" and I hav" I don't like to bnng rmanClal probl"ms m but tner~ is a lot of risk involved, b"li~ve me But we are all sensltJve and Jackie and Jane much more tnan mys~U. But as another alternatJve Wltn no guarante"s, w~ .....ould meet privately Wltn representatives of tne Historical Pr;,servatJon and any members of councll and planning staff tnat have a particular interest, and would really appr~iate It It tne council was represented, to explore an alternatJve to keeping tills house as a condo unit under developers conditions. These conditJons are imposed to protect the condo association which m return WIll prot~t tne investJnent of the owners and the developers I would suggest tnat tills meeting take place at tne earliest poSSible date thiS meeting would 00 to explain our position and r~elve feedback from tnose attending The meeting would be ot exploratory nature tor solution to tnis problem prior to next council meeting. Nov / That's an excellent idea Thank you Happell Thank you, very much Nov/ Before we get to tne end of tne p,lI., Marian, can we have the correspondence tnat I gave you put mto tills? Karr I The correspondence is the four letters diStributed, we should accept Into Ule ph. Nov 1111 move tnat w~ accept th"m into tn~ ph Horow/l'll second, Courtney / Moved and seconded to accept tne correspondence mto p.h Any discussion? All in favor? Opposed? Motion passes Kubby Il'm interested m hearing from people abvut how tne house and tbe site will retain Its histone value WlUI the condos around It. and any kmd r I t-, t-, 1-' ~ I U U ,_, U -, -, " if page I 3 'J! (hange lfi tne View from tlI~ hous.. or from tlIe r,:,ad '.0;) mal:e tnat clear, If anyone has any ,;omments about tnat. I 'ct love to h..ar Jan Nash! It I und~rstand your qUotstJvn. Irs to talk about hv..... tne notW .:onstructJ'On surrounding tne current house would aff.;ct tn.. Int.tgnty, tne hlstoncal 'Or archl~tu.a1 slgnlflcanc.. of tnat ;It... Irs my f....ling that new constructJon, new developments, chang.;.s are always present and al;...ays encroachmg on nlstonc Slt"S And If you know tnat. anticipate It, tnen you seek to mltJgate 'Or reduce the lffipact Y'OU can.t stop tne change c'Ompletely Irs gOing '0 happen. So then you s....k to figure out how to reduce tne Impdct and preserve wllat tne hlstonc Site can tell you. in tnlS case tne tradltJonal hlstonc view of tills house has bolen fr'Om a long distanc.. away from It. The pUblic has Mv..r oo..n allowed to go up clos.. to tills Always 'Oft sat on a Ian.. off tne main road. So I start from the posltlon 'Of how do you sav.. tnat traditJonal historic vista of tlus hous.. Well we know ne..... constructJon Will probably inevitably occur between tne house and Rochester So I tnen lOOk to an angl~ approach A view of the h'Ous.. fr'Om an angl.. And I started Iowa City W<:aus.;. tne Iuwa City to Eluffwood corndor wouid have been the traditional way of coming and going fr'Om tne house for most people. The focus of tnlS house IS towards Iowa City Not towards West Branch or tne interstate or anywhere else When you are comlllg up R'OcMster Ave, Bluffwood appears on your left and Y'OU look across a ravine and tnere are mature trees tnere-evergreens and otnerwise and I think tnat tnat view as looking over a ravine as It d'Oes is a very preservable view. Granted the change in trees will at times alter tnat view. If you know tnat new constructJ'On IS inevitabl€' That fact tnat there will be new construction from the house then sweeping on towards Rochester doesn't impair tne Significance 'Of that site because th..r.. is a traditional preservable view What you are tall'.ing about are questJons about integrity And t.he NatJ'Onal Historic Register addresses those questions of integrity. And tn'Ose become real factual issues of taking a I'OOk from all angles and seeing how much cllange is taking place. It is my opinion that tne question of integrity tnere can be satisfies by tnis preservable view Kubby I So even tn'Ough tne view from tne fr0nt and from the back from one side would be impacted uP'On and tnere would be bulldings acr'Oss the street and behind it That because tne view could be saved that IS Significant enough to keep ~nough lfitegnty- It would retain Its value as a historic landmark Nashl Exactly. The 'Old Capital. whenlt "',as bUilt. \,,-)S not surrounded by OZarts buildings. which it IS now Th'Ose were built at tno? turn of tnE' - L-' L-' ,-, q C ,_, ,_, ,_, I _' "~f pag", l'! c~ntury Th.. Old CapItol. th..;urroundIngs hav.. ,:hang€'<! but tn~y are set back enough tnat we have 'll~ Vi....... of tne Old Capitol '{ou ha"~ to antJclpate tnat change "'Ill occur It IS IMvitable Kubby I It tne house wer", added on to, ..Itner ,\11th tnese plans tnat ....."'re spok",n about or even lust a garage put on there could tnat tnen break tne Integrity 01 the structure Nashl That depends upon ho..... tne additIOn I:' deSIgn€'<! HIStorIC Sites, historiC structur~ can be moo!!l€'<! by addltJons and th..re IS a whole set of gUIdelines. ThiS IS a diSCUSSion tnat IS In th.. preservatJon world tnat IS talked about a lot What you do IS you deSIgn and addlt.lonal that IS compatJble Wltn tne ongmal architecture and at tne same tJme you make It a distinction so tnat passerSby know that It IS not part 01 tne original architecture Nov I Doesn't tnis house have an addltJon on It now It doesn't look like It IS entirely 1375. Nashl Behind tile house tIlere IS a summer kitchen W!llch I am pretty sure IS original. WIlliam Haddock writes about tnat they built tl1is sleigh t.':lat b~e too big to get out. They bUilt It m tne summer kItchen because it was Winter and tne summer kitchen was the warmest place to spend hours late into the night building it The thing that I am unsure about and I have only b%n to tnere a couple of tJmes and I was looking at a lot of tnings The tning I am unsure about woUld M tne breezeway That portion of the hOuse between tne house and tne summer kitchen I am not sure wMtner that is original or not. Larsonl I think a lot more is preserved even if the development is built up around it tnen just that soutnwest vista wnere tnere is also the feeling if people walked out behind tnose evergreens and looked out over tne valley 120 years ago. What I hope can happen and I appreciate very much Jackie and Jane and Bill producing tnis idea to work towards It. Is that we can nave tnose 32 units out tnere so that all of those people living tnere can walk past tnat house and through tne evergreens and stand over the ravine and look ot! towards 10"''3 City and look off towards wnere tne lake was and think The more tnings change tne more tnings stay tne same som~times. And th~y can have the same tranquility that tnose people dId in 1375 I think you can tlnd one buyer in this community for that house. Restore it That would be able to communicate and live m harmony W1tn tne p~ple in the condomimums and I kno..... tnat group 01 tnree people can tind somebody llke tnat I want to be on tnat committee when you get It togetner r I . - - L-I ~-, 1-' i , I..... . '-' '-' '-' -, '-' . 'if pag~ 20 Nash/ I would Ilk.. to mak~ .)11.. last ,:"mment m .;onn.;o<t.Ion W1tn that Every tJme I hear Mr Happel descnbo; his ,;l1..nts On" I tnmk It IS great that he has got a l1st of clients waltJng It IS a wondertul spot Who wouldn.t want to l1ve out tnere But I also tnllll<. tnat Ul Iowa City, by hiS description and hiS market research has shown hun tnat tn.. .;l1ents-hls cl1ents tnat are l1kely for tnlS development are lust exactly the kllld ot clients that would ~ the history III tnlS cottage as an enhancement to tlus development I Uunk It could be a real oPP'Jrtumty for tnlS development ratner tnan a burden Larson/It is certainly gOing to make It umque, Blll sandy Eskin/I'm just cunous-I'd like to tnlnk of It as a hous~ tnat S()meon.. would llve in it It IS really ratner small and It tn~-t.he kitchen IS out back. But as a garden or as a natural Site tnat It could be preserved as tne JOint ownership As it were a tree or a garden tnat It would be artltacts-eitner shared ownership by all the condomlmum associatJon members ...'ho could sllar~ tn~ view or walk the bluff or tnat perhaps and tnis is just sometning I invented While sitting here, is the owner of the house itselt could ~ a histonc preservation assoclatJon who would care and feed tne house in tne setting as the otner units are owned III the condominium are owned by CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 92 - 36 SIDE I ESKIN/Cate and feed tne house and allow is to sit tnere as a histonc building so tnat we .....ould be talking about livmg In It and finding suitable tenant for it But that as a lot of otn~r or a few otner historic sites-they are simply a site and they are not- I say Plum Grove IS a building that is preserved for its historic value and no one lives there and we can approciate it for wilat it is. Kubby / Sounds like that IS anotner perspectJve to have represented at a meeung Larson/ Lots of options. McD/ Me Mayor, witn Mr Happel's suggestion, I thought it was an excellent suggestion tnat developers are Wlil1ng to sit down Wltn tne various interesOOd parties and el-;plore some options or to see wilat otner options might be out tn..r... I think at tnis time we might want to consider continuing tnis p.h. and give tnem an opportunity to see wilat If any alternatives would b.. available and tnen we can come back to It at our meeting tn a couple of .....eeks Larson It doesn't necessary delay mythmg to haw 'he p II .;on\!Ilued I ~ r. - . . L-/ L-I '-I ~, -, . ,_ U 1_' I , Courtney I moved and s~onded (McDI Ambr) to continue tne ph to tne April 14th meetJng Any discussion All tnose m favor (Ayes) Kubby I Bill, you won't have a problem getting a fe..... city council members int&rested in meetJng witn a group ol poople Happell Put stall in charge of coordmatJng Kubby II would be Interested, too, Momca- Gentry I Not more than lour Kubby I Not more tnan tnree Horow/...out of town. .H f-age 2 1 --~",..-.._-"'-"'--'----'_. rl rl n LI A - -. - - , ~ ' Agondl lowI Cjly Cily CMCiI Rogwl CMCll Moollng March 31, 1&92 Pogo 7 g. Public hoarlng on llO.oIullon oUlholll1ng 1110 Ind convoyar\Co 01 Cily ploPOrty,lo wll, I 18.1001 wldo IDoy locllOd belwoon ROOllVOl1 Stroot Ind 1M IIOIlh.lOUth Inoy WO'I 01 Maggard SIIOIl. immociilloiy lOUth 01 Ind nming iho 124.1 D looi length 01 LOI 8, P.J. Rogln'l Socond Addillon, ond IIOIlh 01 thllowllnlOlllllo RlilwlY rlQhl.ol.w.y. IVACUOOOII Commonl: Thll Inoy II unlmprovod Ind doo. nOI provldl ICCIUIO Iny olhol proporty. An ollar 10 purcllllo IhI. Inoy 11I1 bean IUbmluod by Robert A. Oppllgor, lho Idlecont proporly ownel. 1<< ".000, Tho oppllconl 11I1 oglOod 10 1111III0 In olhol COlli I..oclalod wllh tM 11,",101 01 owner- ahIp. 51111 IdYllU thol ",000 II I IOllwblo lining pilei " tho Ippllclnl will be IOqullod 10 provldo I mlnlmOOl 01 I 18.1001 wldo ulilily Ind podo.trlln Ice... ....monl running lho longlh ollho Inoy. \ . , ACllon: \'\" hit'" 'Y/~.IAt.t " - . f.--.-'~ . '~ , , , I ; ! i i .' JJ. &5:)~ h. ConsIdol In <<diMnco mallng I 18.1001 wldo IlIoy locllod betwoon ROOlovol1 Strool Ind lho IIOIlh,.OUlh IlIoy WOII 01 Maggard Stroll,lmmodllloly loulh ollnd running 1M 124.18 loollonglh 01 LOI 8, P.J. Rogln'l Socond Addition, Ind IIOIlh ollho 10wI InlolllllO RollwlY rlght.ol,wlY. IVAC02.oooll ISocond consldorlllonl Commonl: AIIII moollng 01 Fobruory 20. 1992,Iho Planning and Zonlng Comml.slon rocommondld, by a 7.0 YOII, IpprovII 01 I IOquGlllO maio lho lubloCI alloy condlllonod on lho Ippllclnl providing. minimum 01. 18.1001 wid. ulillly Ind podOllrlln ICe'" OIIomonllunnlng lho longlh ollho IlIoy. Tho Commllslon"/Icommondollon II conllllonl with lho .1011 roporl dOlod Fobrulry 20, 1992. Tho Ippllclnl hit roquellod upodilod conlldorollon OllhllllOm, ~:ft ~:;:' M~~':lc ~ ACllon: ., --,-~.-~'''---''-''''- - ...- '-.-, . . I , , ; i I ! I ;',', J.;;,~:,.',.~.-..~'.'^' . [I '." 0 CI y q Agond. low I CIIY CIIY CouncU Rlgulll Council MaoUng March 31.1992 P.go 8 '1;1, 'II. I. Conlldol . ruoluUon IUlhoIlrlng 101. Ind convoy.nc. 01 Clly property. to WII, I 18.1001 wid. .noy lacllod bolwHn Rool.vall SIIOOl Ind lho IlOflh'lOUlh alloy W'II 01 Magglld SIIOOl, lmmodi'loly lOUlh 01 end l\mlno lilt 124.1 g 1001 longdl 01 LOll. P.J. 1I0g.n'. Becond AddiiiOn, ind north ill lilt lowllnlarllllf RaUw.y rlght.ol,wlY. IVACUOOOll AcUon: Commonl: Sao 110m. g and h lbovo. ~ J Ihl(/, I ~ \ !/,t(J I. Public Iltorlng on In ordinlnco Imonding ChoplOl 38, onlltlod .ZonIng Ordinlnc.. 01 lilt Codo 01 OrdlNncol ollowI Clly, 10WI,I0 permltloolOd pa/klng by IIlif1lout InI1ltutlOllt lacllld In RM.I45 or PRM ZO/IOI. Commonl: AIIII moollng 01 March II. 1892,IIltPllnnlng end Zoning CommIlslon recommondod, by I VOIO 01 5.1 ICook vOllng nol. IpprOVI' olomondmonlllo lho RM.I45 ZOllO Ind lho PRM ZOllO POlmJlllng, II I provlalonol UIO. lholllUgloul 1nI111Ullon. with porklng 11111 odlllng prior 10 Match I, 1892,Iacolod In In RM.145 ZOllO or PRM ZOllO wllhIn 300 1101 oIl commorclolzOI1O mlY 1011. up 10 Ind 1nc1ud'1/1Q IWOo Ihlrd. ollho parking IpaCOtIn IholO oMlll1ng porklng 11111. Tho Commllslon'. IIcommondollon II conslllonl wllh lilt mil rocommondallon 100Iorlh on Milch 5, 1982, Action: ~n YffJ} ) k. Conaldolln ordlnonco Imondlng CMplor 35, onllUod .ZonIng OrdlnofICl. ollho Codo 01 OrdlnoncOt ollowI Clly,lowl, 10 pormlllOllod plrklng by lollglout Inllllullonllacllod In RM. 145 or PRM ZonG'. IFlrl1 consldollllonl Commonl: Soo Itom I, lbovo. In I '01101 dllod March 12, 1992, Kovln Monlon, on bohaU 01 Gloria Dol LUlhorln Church, IlquOIII oMpodllOd conlldorlUon ollhll ordlnonco. ACllon: "JJt.JJ / Alii' Is/' dll/ If ../Pv f/rAJ ~% ~ n n n l-=r j,-' . - - - - '-' "<\1 page I Courtney I opi'o tne ph Do you ,have any comments on tnlS I~m' Kubby I We had asked for som~ mformatJOn last rugnt abOut II W~ are re.:elvmg any luod 01 propi'rty tax on some prorated WS1S wnen a ta7.-'?xempt property IS havmg d~'1Jble usage as ~ommemal use Old ',;e tlod out anytnlog? Gentry I Yes Courtney I Yes, we did find out Gentry 1110 y"s W~ did flnd out informatJon Monica and I talk,;,:! to Dan Hudson. And tne amount IS so IIUfilscule, and It IS also Dan's assessment that by and large, the lot IS there for tne use and purpose of th~ church and it's only incidental tnat it is leas.;.:! for mon.-tary purposes for a portion of tne week. And it's really not ~nough dollars and cents-wis~ to Kubbyl To make it worth tne administratiVe? Gentry I However, in the instance where tne property, some pro~rty is owned that has a 1I0use on it that is rented. tnat pro~rty is not tax~xempt and does pay property taxes. Kubby I okay. Thank you. Gentry I But it probably could b~ argued it someone wanted to raise it Roy Wingatel Pastor, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. 1 check.;.:! with our executive Commi~ last night It is our Intent to voluntanly make payment I don't know If you'd consider it tallation or Simply contribution !:Ubby I We take contributions. wingatel But W~ do recognize that it w~ r'lC~lve income from it, then we really have a responsibility to tne city for it Kubby I WeU, I'd love that to be kind of a graceful challenge to any otner religious institution who choos..s to lease out their spaces I think. tnat's a fair and wonderful tnlng. wingate I The Association of Religious Leaders IS meeting at Gloria Del tomorrow morning and l'lI report tnat to tnem Horowl rather tnan graceful, suggest grace-filled. and..", II that gets anyUling. couldn't resist it Larsonl Se~ if tney're willing to tithe us, Pastor Courtney I Any other public comments on tnis I~m 7 Close the p.h. ~ r: "'il<. page 1 1-/ ~-, 1-' 1=, " '-' '-' '-' - Courtn",y I movlld by McD se<onded by Ambn Discussion. l:ubby I I ju.t w.>.ntoxl to m~k.. on.. qUick comm..nt ~u... of tn.. parktng situation do\o'Jllto\o'Jll, I think that tills dual '.lS& ot property IS a common sensical thing to do I do have som& pn!lOSOphlcal problems about no payment In lleu of taxes. The voluntary payment I tnlnk IS a wonderful option that Gloria Del has decided to ex~rC1S'" and I hope that otllers will follow suit. It mak~s me feel much more comfortable vOUng for tills witn a smile. I guess J should smlle Courtney I Any other diSCUSSion? Horowl One thing. I think, didn't we ask for a Change- ill tn€' fact that, well, It'S rellglous institutions, 'cause that gets around churches, right? Kubby I Right. Horowl Thank you. Courlne-y I Roll call. Ordlnanc~ PaSS&S first conside-ration. 'I I .';"'-;e"'" [I [I C, S e Agondl low. Clly Cily CMCU Regulll CMClI Mfoling MMch 31,1992 P'1I0 8 fJJ. !'j,)!J I. ACllon: m. ,\ Conlldol .n ordinAnco vacating portion. 01 Clpllol, B1oomlng. ton, Ind D.venporl 111011.. (V.91 0 lllSocond contldollllonl C~; AI ItJ 11144\1ng 1)1 F4bnwY e, 19\12, tho PlaMIng Ind Zoning CommIlslon IIcommondod, by I VOle 01 8.0-1 laib.on Ibllllnln,jl, IpprOVI' 01 I IlquolllO VIClle porl/onl 01 Clpllol. Bloominglon Ind D.venporl 111111', lublocllO lho Igrllmontt lpoclllod In lho 101111 Irom Richerd albion. dllod 'obtUlry 11, 1892. Tho Commllslon'l rocommondlllon I. conslllonl W:lh INI 01 tho 11I11. Common" rogordlng lho ptopolod vaclllon wer. IIcolved by 1M CMCII.II" March 3, 18112. and Much 17. 1992, public hoorlng. on Ihlllllm. TM Ippllc.nl hot roquollod oMpedilOd consldorlllon ollhl. ordinAnco. \ ~l~ (.J 1~ f"., /J""# ,~~AJ % 2~('f A,~i Add (Ju/lla2)Jtf{/ 1j; Consider I rocommondlllon 01 lho P11nn1ng Ind Zonlng CommIlllon Ipprovlng lho roquOlI 10 rozOne . 1.99 Icro percol, locllod In Frlngo Alii 1. IPproMlmaloly Iwo mllOl lOUlhwOII allow. Clly on lho north sldo ollowI HlghwlY 1 Ind .pprOMlmlloly Ilvoo'olghll 01 I mllo WOII 01 III Inlorloc, tlon wllh London Avenuo In Unlon Townshlp Irom AI, RUllI, 10 RS, Suburbln Rosldonllol. ICZ.92101 ,- , nnj_"'_" Commonl: All" March 19. 1992, moo ling, by I VOIO 014.0, 1110 Pllnnlng Ind Zonlng Commllllon rlcommlndod IpprovII 01 I propoIII lubmlnod by Mlchool Sllmmollo rozono Iho property 10 permll contllucllon oIl Ilnglo.flmlly rOlldonco lor allrm lomily purPOIII. Tho Commllslon'. roconlmondlllon I. conslllonl wllh 'ho Frlngo ArOll polley, SIIII concurl wllh Ihll 10commondlUor Action: --1lJl(b / ;,It"(J (% tJtt.ft ~ ~llt&~ % L I L-' 1-' ~- -/- u ,_, u =, - "'1L page I Courtney / Courtney / Moved bY McD. seconded by Ambn to collaps.; tne readmgs Discussion. Kubby / Nice lob, John Horo...../ Yeab,ll1ce lob Courtney I roll call Moved by McD. seconded by Ambri for Unal consideratJon Discussion. Ambrl! i have on~ statement that ['d like to make Daryl!'ve had not a lot of phone calls or stopping me on tne street or anytning, but there .....-as a little bit of a misconception that came about eitner tnrough tne diSCUSSIons at council table or tne media. Market Street is sWl going to b9 passable. people are still going to b9 able to get to tne lo.....-a Memonal Umon Nov I And Jellerson street Ambril And jetlerson Street Those good citizens out tnere who've called me and have expressed concern about that, 1 lust .....-ant to allay your fears. There will sWl b9 tne same passageways to and from tne riv~r area. Larson/ There will be :l 2 ~ toll. Ambril I don't kno..... about that Courtney / I would also say that several of us were at tne meeting last week with tne- downtown association wllere tney discussed some of tneir concerns about the parking and ramps and on the street and the loss 01 some parking spaces here. They did issue a rather specltic challenge to tne university to have further cooperation to tlnd spots for the students to park. It .....-as an interesting discussion. Any other discussion? Roll Call. Ordinance is adopted. - .--~_.__...,.,.~...-...........'''-~.P--~''-'...'. - , \.,... . [I CI t] S '~ . '-"., Agondl 10wI Clly Cltv Council Rogulll Council Mooting March 31, 1992 Plgo 10 ITEM NO.5. PUBLIC DISCUSSION. ilL ;140 \ 1k-... 'I: q n tl.fftl~ ,... "~ 't1.!J.D ITEM NO.8. ... .-...-.._-_.._,.,~- , PUBLIC HEARINa ON PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM Of CONTRACT AND ESnMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THI EVANS STREET BRIDaE REPAIR PROJECT. ) Commont: ThI. proJoct will provldo 101 tho ropllcomont oltha 101C1.., wlngwllI., handrlil. Ind Ildowolkt on lho EVln. Stroot brldgo llano with tho rop/lcomont ollho IpprOlch povomontond Ildowolk including Improyomontt 10 tho I100mWO(01 drolnogl 111M brldgo 1110. Tho Englnoor'l conltrUCllon COlt olllmoto I. "38,000.00. ACllon: .JNJ .a/tr.v f ITEM NO.7. q:J. '1'1 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVINO PLANS, 8PECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUC. TION OF THE EVANS STREET BRIDal REPAIR PROJECT, ESTABLISH. INO AMOUNT OF BID SECURITY TO ACCOMPANY EACH BID, DIRECTINO CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND FIXINO TIME AND PLACE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS AT 10:30 AM ON APRIL 21, lB92. ! Commont: Soo commont obovo, Action: ~uA'6. 'Q..b.~U ~D 1-' t-I '\-1 ~- C '-' -' '-' =, -' "5 pag~ 1 (ourtn"y I Till; I; a ;pvt vb tli~ ag""uJa [vr anY::1"" tc aH'r,)a.:n th" .,.lm':ll ~nd talk about any Items tnat ar~ not mclude<:! ,m tne agenda 1 would ltl:.~ to r~ad a letter t1rst ot! tnat was requ""stw to be put In at tnl. p.>mt 01 tn.. ag,,"da (read's Zpagh&tti Dinner letter) ThIS IS Irom Joel May~r's, pr~stdeut !rom Local 16. tne Poll~"man's Assoctation Nov/ Would you r.,.~at th.. Um.. and place,lust to emphasIZe? Courtney/ this IS Friday, Apnl 3, Utis Friday, 430-!lPM, Southeast Jr High Anyone els& have Items not on tne agenda/ Ma.v; Yocum/I had a nice trip in Soutn Amenca. And since I got bacK. I wanted to find out what .....e.d wtter do about a IiW~ house 1 have down tne south end of town You people condemne<:! my hOuse down there In tne Shower'S Addition and through my renter out and everything like that Threatened to, I mean had the police threaten to put me and h~r botn in jail if she didn't get out. So now I want to put anotner house in there. You guys took a bunch of my grocery money whenever you condemned my house and threw her out of there. Now. I'm back. I had a mce trip in Soutn America. I'm back and I want to get something don~ there. What have you decided? Courtney! I don't believe w~'ve had any discussions since you were here last May Yocum/ I don't doubt that Okay I stop~d In today and I gave you people, I gave a copy of the engineer's report over to the BUilding DeparUnent down tnere. I understand they lost that so I stopped by today and told tne engineers down there to mak~ me a new set of tnat so I can get it to you if you want me to. Horow! What is it? A set of plans for what, tnough? For moving tne house? Getting rid of the house? Building a new one or what? Larson! I don't know If we want to. This isn.t a council matter If stat! wants to respond to tne question. Yocum! What do you mean, you don't think it's a council matter? Larson/ It's not a council matter. Yocum! Listen. Any time tne council is the boss In tne City, or :s supposed to 00. Okay so whenever you're dealing Wltn sOffi"body's ~ r L-' t-, ,-, C 1,-, '-' -' '-' -' '- . 5 page 2 l1v~llhOOd, tnat happens to W, and tn,; ';vuncllls tn" .;ommand oV~r tnat, tnen UUs IS Where I should b" talking and tnlS IS Wh"re you should 00 listenmg to me- Larsonl That do"sn't happen to be my r"adlOg of What councll does W" set policy. UUs IS a stat! matter We don't hav.. any stall mformatJon on It I'm W11l!ng to let stal! r..spond to you, If tn.. mayor "'''ants to, but tnere's nothing before tne- council to dectde We don't know anyUUng about What you are talking about Y.xuml You mean you hav,;n't heard about tn,; hous€' tnat I nav~ down the- soutn end of town? Courtney I Really ma.'!, the council has r..sponded to tnlS We ha~'e ordinances In place, Yocum/ You have What? Courtney I We have ordinances m place. They've been tner.. for many years t!l(,' house violates those ordinances and we have informed you of tnat, tne councll has not expressed any Wish to change tnose (,':dtnances to accommodate you. Yocum/ I'm not asking the councll to chang~ any ordinances, I brought a copy of the engineer's report to tne city manager's ottlce or to tne department down there Where you have to turn them in, and it got lost Now I have a copy of tnat now. I ordered tne engineer to give m.. another copy of it, Now Who's, [ understand you people've been moving some houses since I've been gone. You haven't had any trouble witn tnem, have you? So if I had an engineer to inspect this house and he approved it. and so now What, I want to know what you peopl,;, you're still not going to let me move the house? Is tnat your attitude? Courtney/The city staff has informed us the house is In violation of our ordinanc&s. It you wish to challenge tnat, I tnink it's a legal matt..r now, Yocum/ Did you send me a copy of tnem violations? Atkinsl You've b&en h..re at least three dlfter..nt times on tnis to my r.noWledge, Max. To tne best of my knOWledge, we've given you all the correspondence that's been generated Since you left last time and informed us you .....ere going to be gone, I haven't taken any further action, and to my knowledge tne bulldlng Inspector llasn't Changed tnelr opinion, Yocuml The last tning I remember, is you told me, I gave you J copy of, not you but to th.. department down tnere, I gave tn..m a copy of tne engineer's report, and th..y lost it - - - - - '.... II ~I II l , '"" /I I I t I -, I - - 100- - " 5 pag~ 3 AtKlns/l don't Know anytnmg about tnat Yocum/I do And you peopl~ has t.Ied m.. up all thl. time You tnrew my renter out of tne litU€, house Wher~ I am to put this Now tnlS hous~, If tner<n any violation in tnl~ lIttl.. hou~.. tnat now, 1 Will bnng It up to cod.. ~lc.N 1 attempt to r€'nt It out or anything like that. And the house IS structurally sale It's been, and I'll get anotner copy and bnng It to you people Irom tne engineer Now is Courtney/It the house IS brought up to code and .....i: do a remspectJon and it passes, is tnat the procedure 1 Atkins/ I'm assuming that's tne procedure No..... you'll recall tnat Mr. Rummelhart was in here shorUy after Max left and gave a letter, at least a copy of a letter to US, tnat indicated tnat he was instructed to do certain things. Yocum/ He gave a copy of the letter to m..? Atkins/ He gave a copy of tne letter to us, Max He said it went to you Yocum/ Who done this? Atkins/ Rummelllart Yocum/ Mr. Rllmmelhart? Atkins/ Yep. Yocuml can you get me a copy of tnat letter? Atkins/I'll see What I can do. Yocuml How qUiCk will you have this done? And When can I e::pe.:t a copy? Kubbyl That was in a packet. We can track it down pretty quick We can track It down fairly quickly. Yocuml That'd be great. What do you call pretty quick 7 Courtney I Do you have that on tne tile? The city clerk can have It for yOU tomorrow Gentry I We can have it tomorrow. It's in my otrice someWhere. Yocum I But he brought you What? Rummelhart brought you What? Gentry lIt's a letter, Max, telling you to remove the house immediately And It went out about three montns ago Yocum/ Well I just talked to mr Rummelhart today, and ( don't really have any problem except that, witn Mr Rummelhart or anything like Ulat el:cept the pressure from the city council, the city manager ratner, that is tnat's gOing on 'bout tnis IitUe house Gentry / We can get you a copy of tne letter. Yocuml Okay. But he wants you to, he wants me to move tne house immediately? ... ~ .. r r- ...... - ..... - ... - L-' ~-I 1-,' C, ,0 u ,_, 1_ _ =' . 5 page 't Gent.ry/ Um-lIuh Yocuml But you people don't .....ant me to move It Where I want to put It, dQ you? Now IS tnat tne sltuat.lon I'm up agamst' G~ntry II t!llnk tnat was l1tJgatod Yocum/I told you peopl'.! that l! tner'.! .....-as anything wrong WIth tne hOuse tnat Isn't up to code, tnat I'll bnng It up to cod.. OOlor.. I atti'mpt to p:Jt anybody m It or anything like tnat And 11111ave It Inspected GentrY/As I rllCaU, it .....-as litJgati'd D'.!t.....een you and Ann m court Yocum/ What? Gentry/As I recall, It was litJgated Witn Ann Burnside prosecuting It m court about five montns ago Yocum/ In court? About tne house? Gentry/ Um-huh. Maybe it's another one McD/ He's not talkmg about tne same house Courtney/It's a little hard to keep up W1tn all ,our houses, Vlalt Max, we're not going to deal Witn tnlS at tne- city council level. This is legal and staff matter And we're not gomg to chang~ any 01 tne ordinances. Yocum/I'm not asl:lng you to change any of tne ordinances I'm just asking lor justice. Can you get a little of tnat out? Courtney / No. We're not doing anytning. It's in tile legal system and in the staf! lor insp€'CtJon, 11 YOU'd want to bring It up to code Yocum/ tnen maybe I'd better ask somebody to get an InJunctJon agamst tne dty to stop them from interlering Witn my livelihood Courtney/ That's exactly wnat I just told you. It you .....-ant to take legal action, take it, Max. We're- not doing anything tonight Yocum/ I'm not asl:lng you to do anytning tomght Courtney/And we're not dOing anytning tomorrow on it. Kubby / But we'll get a copy of that letter to you, and it you can get another copy of y.,ur engineer's report to tne City, maybe what we need to do IS ask staff is when you get tnlS, Max can be told specifically wnat lie needs to do, so it's clear and it's in writing, and Max get a copy and we g'.!t a copy. I would lfke that to happen And make- sure tnat he gets it Yocum/ i understand that you guys, of course time do'.!sn't m..an any more to you tnen Sunday does to a hog, about me g\?ttJng tile- house out of t11~re. And so but I tnink tnis is one of tne leverages tbat you're trying to pull on me to ge-t me- to tear the house down Courtney / No one is trymg to pull any leverage. It you abide by tne city - -~ ~ 1 'j I' ,I i I I I I j t. I ~-, L-I I-I L'= q ,_, ,_, 1_' _, " 5 pagt' 5 laws, you ,an movt' tnt' hvus.. In tnat slmpl" I I..s..nt d l..glt.lmat.: complalOts tnat Illlght be approachablt' to city ,0uncll wmg pushed aSld.. so tnat you can bnng a matthr wtore us tnat IS not a my counc1l matthr II you abld.. by cIty law, you <an mov.. tn.. hou... Yocuml That's WIlat I've tnO?d to do I brought a copy ot tn" Courtney I You did not do tnat Yocuml I had an engineer Inspect tne house and brought a copy to you pec>ple and you lost tne copy down m c'lty hall !tUbbY I It's not an engtn~r's report tnat W~ look at We look at our tnS~tor's, because tney kno..... our code Yocuml You look at What? Courtney I We're not gOing to accept your engineer's report. We Wi1llns~t It and If it passes to our satistactJon. Yocuml WHO? Who are you gOing to have to mspect It? Courtney I tne same pec>ple tnat Inspect all the houses. Yocum I No The one that Inspecth<.l it before reSigned He isn't W1tn us any mor~. Larsonl Well see It we can dig up a housmg ms~tor someWhere on the city staft. ..., Yocum/ I hope you don't have tCr.l~i; too deep, because I l'.now tnere's some that you might have to, but I hope tnat you don't have to get too deep. Well. 111 give you a little time, but we're gomg to do something. Courtney I I suggest you tlnd a good lawyer Yocuml Huh? Courtney II suggest you find a good lawy~r or bring the house up to code. Yocum I That's wtlat I told you I'd do, but there's no need to bring it up to code until I move It And I'll bring it up to code I've otfered to do that. What else do you want? Courtney I I want you to sit down so someone els" can hav" a chance. that's what I want. Yocum.' What? Courtney I We've been tnrough tnls. I want you to sit down so someone else can get a chance to talk tonight Yocum I thank you very much Courtney / You oot. Any otl1er Items for public discussion tnat are not included on the agenda? Chair declar"s a five m!nu~ break - - - c, U U U b '-' . "I) page I (ollrtn~y! 0p"n tn~ ph ....ny ':-.'mm~nts ,;>n tlus Item Joyce Barrett/ Mem~r vi :he Ie Histone PreservatJon Commission and I am the Woodlawn representative for tnat Comnusslon First I want to say tnanJ: you Because tne ,lty ongmally presenW a plan for tne bndg9 railing tnat ....'as sometnmg that was pr~tty av.'ful, honzontal, four by four. mHal b~am and the Historic PreservatJon asked tnem to redesign tne rall1ng to b9 mor.. compatlbl.. Wltn tlle Histone District-Which th9Y did Which cost tnem money and a little bit mor~ time but W~ r9ally appreciate tne sensltJvlty that was drawn m to redesign this rallmg. I appreciate tnat. And I would also "ncourage the city to consider using tnis railing or something sinular to It m otll~r residentJal neighborhoods ratner tnan a raillng tnat belongs on a highway by-pass. In addition, as a neighbor of tne neighborhood, I Iorould like to say tnlS bridge IS pretty cute and quaint tne way It is and I understand tnat contemporary engin~ring doesn't allow us to mamlam all of that but It do.;s have a lot of concrete in It and l! there are any additional am.;nities tnat can ~ added to this because it is in a histonc district A little bit mor9 green space or a little bit more less concrete we .....ould really appreciate that too, Thank you. Kubby I Is there a way of dOing th~ concrete and then doing some kind of rock facade on top of tne concrete to make It look a little bit more- Atkins/I suspect y iU can do anytnlng you want However, It IS tne price you have to pay I know Ulat the railing-Denny and some staff spent some time on the railing because I was talking to Chuck' about It the otner day and it is a substantial cost to put in that e},.tra ralling but I tnlnk Joyce was correct. It Is gOing to be far more attractive for the neighborhood. Denny Gannon/ Could you explam ....1/1at you mean by rock facade I don't undorstand. Kubby / Just sometnlng tnat looks like tne Whole tnmg Like limestone So tnat maybe not tne Whole tnlng IS not llmestone but tne concrete is hidden by some kilne of rock layer on tne outside or it Gannon/I still don't know what you mean larson/ Can you make It look like l1mestone even tnough It IS concrete Gannon/like he retaining wall at Oakland cem~tary Sometnmg tnat would be an ..xtra. It is exp9nsive because you could to put tnat m your forms You got to tJo;> re-rod m the mslde or your forms and tnen you have got to 'librate that concrete ! t will cost more f.ubby / Can you give us an estimat~ of much mor" tj,? YOIJ thml: to r9ally go r..searr.h tnat ~ r ,- .........- - .... - . - . L-' ~ I L' h ! . '-' '..J '-' - .. par;". 2 Gannon/ C.:.ul,j -i'X,...pt ~e n".:rt Item Y')IJ lIe ~':'mg t" n... lP!=""mg plans loa sp.;<:s Kubb~'1 It we wanW to ,hange UUs It IS someuung tnat ',,'~ ,ould. Wh.:lt does It do to us to d"t"r tnlS ONs It caus" a problem Gannonl Sets constructJon back at l"ast anotner two we.,>!:s We got to chang.. tlle specs We got dates In tnere about startlng ,onstru,t.Ion It IS lust gOing to pUSh everything back a couple of w%ks KUbby I It is not Ilk.. It IS such a huge prole<:t that It stJl1 couldot get done Wltnln a reasonable time trame Gannonl That is right Nov I CUrrent construction season IS What I would call .) reasonable tim~ trame, nght Kubby / I would be Inter~ted In seetng What tne pme ditterence IS. It It is exorbitant, maybe tnere IS somet.lling less to break up tne concrete ....,tn tne texture but not domg tnat. extensive ot tnmg Gannon/ I need to ~.now What you want Do you '....ant sometnlng like tne Oakland cemetary retaining wall. KUbby I I don't kno..... I don't know What tne optJons are Gannonl That looks like l1mestone bl<xks but tnat IS solid concrete And we are talking about tne ....'ing walls, right Okay Atkinsl Can We go ah..ad and op..n bids and tnen negotJate a Change depending upon tne cost Gannon/ We could do tnat, yes We could open bids and tnen ask them what it would cost to do tnat. We could bring tnat to tne city council Ambr / I want to know from tl:e Chair It tnlS is a consensus by tne majority of council to do tnis. Horow I If we are opening the bids to see what It IS going to cost Just by dOing tnat certainly tne pr<xurement process would let us know how much more we are talking about I would be interested in exploring tnat option. Be open. It it were not exorbitant Courtney I Change in railings has gone a long 'mys tIlwards making thiS a better looking bridge. I just as soon good ahead WlUllt Kubby I I .....ould like to look at tne options Nov / I would like to look at it also Ambr I Go ahead with it as is, McDI What aro> we d....IJing Courtney I RedeSign tne bridg.. or not Horowl No. KUbby I Unfair statement We are as!:mg t.o 50e how much extra It would :ost to have a dltterent texture on tll~ ';Ollcr"'t." -- ~ - ] r L-' ~-, 1-' L -, . U ,_, U I_' C ' -oj pag~ : 'I II I 1 l , 1 i' I Horo.....' Go ah,;ad W1tn tn,; r.;-gu!ar ~ld(\mg "r'jo.~;s '''"I'"'': '~m~ H.d ....;n,;H they are Ul.:-re.ask to hod <jut how mu(h m,;.r~ It .'>5ts .~n,11! It ....l~r~ .) non exorbitant amount Go fvr It Larson/I don't tnlnk mat IS where Stev~ olfere<1 a ;OIUtJOH w. ~an t go asl: all tn" people thai ISSUl?<! bids. how much tno?y wouldldd on lor that 'W1thout AtkinS/ I am saymg opo?n 'lP t.no? bids : am saymg tne selo?<:W bldd..r you would go to Larson/I .....ould ratner ask the sele<:tl?<! bidder llow to make It more attractive and tind out the cost of that Kubby / That IS very saUSfactory to look at It ~us" ",'" <:an say 11, McD/ You are not going to have to s~nd a lot ot ~xtIa tJm.. Gannon/ No. With this method we .....ould go ahead-",-ould be no changes on tn.. plans or tne s~1l1catJons Bid It as d~slgned And tnen when W~ "''QuId get tne lOW bid, which would M-tne bids would b.. tnre~ wwks from today. The award would be another week past tnat So on.. montn from now.....e would have tne award of tne proJect, tile low bidder And then after that w~ would have a .;onttactor tnen .....e would negotJate With them as to what tne e>:tra costs would be McD/ As long as we don't have to defer tillS and as long as we can keep moving ahead, As far as just asl'.ing tnem what the ditler..nce In pnce would toe is baSically wIlat you are saying, Courtney/That is tine MeD/1 don't hav.. a probl..m with tnat Gannon/ Then w~ would send it to the coun~11 and you guys would decide If you want to do tnat or not MeD/Okay So tne project would keep moving on schl?<!ule Okay Courtney / Any otner comments on tnis item Sandy Eskin/I appreciate you talking abOut tne texture of the cement wcause I think that could make a lot of difference on Whether It looks lust Iil:~ a cement wall or has a littl~ character to It 1 was gomg to ask tor anotner amendment but maybe you ~ould ask tne same question afwr you have a low bldder-tne sidewalk Is deSigned to be eig\lt f~t wide of cement II you look at tn~ eXisting bndge, tne one tnat IS being replac~d It has little bit narrower tnen tlle eight foot Wide sidewalk It IS broken up by \laving tne green strip along tne road actually extends all tne way across the bridge today even though It IS over tne water and has been cut Into tne cement It has been laid '..ntn sod I didn't really notlc~ untJl toda~' tnat tnat really IS sod over tne bridge and It we could have tnat same atlect returned I am not asking to ~hange or to not go ahead witn tnlS bu t if you are asking the bidder what It would cost to put a little groove In It Then you .;ould lay some sod In Vole ("'lId ask tnem tllat also You might /,-, L-' 1-' IL, =/ U U 1_' ~ - "6 pag~ ~ lustdnv~ by tnat bndg~ It has ~n so .....~ll bl~nd;,.j m tnat you dont notJce It. You have moved from being on tnE> road, crossmg tn" bndg.. then you are oft tn~ bndge and tnen back on to tne solld turf because tnat little gre.-n spac.. follows you nght along tn" sld"waIk tn"rot. As long as .....e are asking I would ask for it But I appreciate tn~ city going to thE> trouble of changing tnE> bridge deSign I think you are nght tnat tnat design Is sutricienUy senslU'le that it might be used 10 otner resldentJal areas as opposed to tne Hwy "ao look tIlat tney were trying to promote Thank you. Courtney I Any otner comments. Close tile pUblic hearing. I" , , [I [I C' b If Agondo 10wI Clly Clly Council Rogullr Council Moollng March 31. 1992 Plgo II ITEM NO, B. PUBLIC HEARl NO ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO CHAPTER 24, ENTI. TLED 'MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANC. ES OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, BY ADDINO 24.8. 24.7, AND 24.8 REQU!R!Ng EMPLOYEE EDUCATIDN,AND PROY\DlNg PENAL nu FOR VlOLAnONS THEREOF. ITEM NO.8. Commlnt: AlII. 1111 Clly Council moo ling. 1M CMCU Indlcolod II wlnlod oddillONllImo 10 conlldor lho cu"onl droll, dllod March 17, , 992. Tho publiC hoorl"ll WII conllnuod IOf odditlOlllI dllCulllon. Stoll hot ploPllod I 10POIIIO momo, dOIC,lblng OMpaCIOd onlOfcomonl Ind Idmlnlllrotlon manors, ACllon: .~ '1til1) 'nD MtU (t~ft.o.lC.o CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDINa CHAPTER 24, ENTITLED, .MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIDNS. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, BY ADDING 24.8,24.7 AND 24.B REQUIRING EMPLOYEE EDUCATION, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF (FIRST CONSIDEnATIONI. \ I \ Commonl: Soo 110m '8 Ibovo. Illho Council wllho. 10 procood with nrsl conlldorollon ollor public hoorlng, II mlY do 10. ITEM NO, 10. ACllon: ~wiJ,j IjJ- C.v'"-1J ~ if.;,,) !h~ PUBLIC HEARING ON A RESOLUTION CONVEYINO, BY WARRANTY DEED, LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 63, IDWA CITY. IOWA, TO O,W,O. INVESTMENTS, Common\: In Docombor 1983, Iho Clly 01 Iowa Clly Ind O.W.O. InvOllmonl1 onlorod Inlo I PurchllO Agroomont, whoroby lho Clly lorood 10 lolllho Old Public Library ILol1 3 Ind 4, Block 83110 o.w.a. Invoslmlnll. Tho City .old Iho Old L1brlry 10 a.W.O.ln 19S3. Tho purchoso Igroomonl olso provldad In option 10 O.W.O" lorlho purchoso ollho Old Llbrlry porklng 101, LOllI Ind 2, Block 83. o.w.a. mrclsod II. option, Ind II now rOldy 10 procood with rodoyolopmonl. Tha CllY'1 ro.olullon 01 Inlanllo convoy WOI pOllOd Milch 17, 1992, wllh public halllno .01 lor MOlch 31, 1992, Allor public hOlling, Ihll rosolutlon .011 Iha Ilogo lor flnol clollng In oorly April, 1992, II provldod by SIOla low. a,w,a, InvOIlmonlS hos provldod Information concornlng .occountlng' ollnvoslmanls for Iho Old LlblOry, Ind hOI ~ I i-' ~-,'-- I-I h C, ,_, ,_, I_I _ _ "0 pag~ 1 ':ourtn..y I Tlus IS a (ontJnuatJon 01 a pr.....lOus p n R..-op.;n! p h B..ll~...", we ha...e a r....lsed ordmanc" In fr,'nt ')1 US tonight Would you l1ke to hlghllght It tor us Gentryl y~s. We'...~ taken out all references to .mploye..s of vending maclun.s haVing to sign tne altldavlt SWl requlr.. a busm<5s all1davlt to b. signed by both tne bUSiness and tne vendmg (ompanl&s And tn~ busln"sses tnat sell via ...ending r.ompames Kubby I So lust tn.. bUSiness owner signs vs busmess owner and- Gentry I And .....e are baSically. 'HItn r&SP"Ct to tne altldavits reqUinng-only altldavits of tne employe&S workmg for pUblic accommodatJons to sign tn& alCidavlt for tnose Who sell on a one to OM transaction. Kubby I When you say public accommodation, you m&an a store Where you can go In a bUY cigarettes from a body vs. a maclune Gentryl PUbltc accommodatJons would ellmmate places like SMllor Globe It would mean bars, r&Staurants,notels. anytnlng-gas statJons, qUick trlps- anytnlng under tne ciVIl rights law Wher" a business op&ns Itself up to tne public and invites tne pUbltc In. Larson/l just want to say is tnat th& only reason tnat I am willing to vote for it in it's ...ersion tnat Isn't as strong as What I wanted was because we are gOing to ask tne police dept to start enforcing some of tne state law provisions about the vending machines being Within tne Sight of tne people who are dealing Witn tne cash register and stuff. I tnought I would get that education process started tnat will send a letter out to permit holders and to establishments tnat have vending machines that tney don't carry the permit for. I hope peopl~ g.t tne word tnat Iowa Cit}' is gOing to start enforcing these laws so minors can't bUY cigarettes out of machines or any other places. I tnink that is a good tnlng over due Gentry I And we have attar.hed copies of tne two difterent altldavits to tnis version. I think that Is precisely What you asked for last night Courtney I Any public Input on tnlS Item Close the pl!. I r 1- ~-, ~-I ,-, I L '-' '-' '-' '=' '-' "<l Courtney I Move<:! by McD, se.;onde<:! by Nov DISCUSSion !:Ubby I LIke Randy, I ....'as In favor of tne more reslnctJve "erslon .....here employees, where vending machlM IS on Sl~. has to sign It Even tnough It might be a hassle, tnat tnat IS just kUld of a pme of domg bUSiness If one of tne ways you are In busmess IS to s~1I clgarH~s But tnlS IS satJsfactory to me I am glad tnat .....e are moving ahead on tills In a real positive way I am appre.;lative of councll of puttJng tnis togetner so that It could be in conlunctJon Witn tne Great 10....'a City Smoke Out Week It sends a nice packag~ of mlormatJon out to tM public and a nic~- sometnlng IS gOing to be done. Make sure tnat you are not selling cigarettes_ Courtney I Any otner discussion Roll call- Ordinance passes !lrst conslderatJon- ",. r. f I.' I I ! ! fl rl ,-, h ,-, - - - - Agond. 10\YI Clly Clly C~~ RogulOl councU MGOllng March 31.1992 P.go 12 I' IDIOO<I 101M Clly'l conllnWlD UH ollho poIkIng 101 ., I ptlklng I.cllily 101 ,PplO.Jmlloly Ii. IdditlOlllI monlM. SlOll,ocommondl Ipprov.l. Action: ~ CMlIV af~(t'~ ITEM NO. 11 . 9J. '1& CONSIDER A RESOLUTION CONVIYINa, BY WARRANTY DEED, LOTB 1 AND 2. BLOCK B3,IOWA CITY, IOWA, TO O.W.O,ltMSTMENT8. Ii ~ Commonl: SlIllOm '10 .bovt. 9J.J(. I ACllon: \ A,~/.I ,JI"", I ~td' % ITEM NO. 12. ~tw ,. Rt.;,) I ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES. I. DOIlgn Rovlow CommilOO . Ono vlClney 101 In Indofll'lill 101m, laoOlgo Nlglo lOalgnod,1 BOI,d 01 E1octrlc.1 EM.mlno" Ind Appo.l. . Oneo vlc.ney '01 I prolmlOlllI oloctrlcol onglnoOlIOl.n OOOMplIOd to,m ondlng OClobol 28, 1894. lMolvln SchwoollOllgnod.1 . . , . \-~ ---;- b. ITEM NO. 13 . ThoIO .ppolnlmontl win be mldo Illho May 12, 1992, moollng oltM CllY COIIlCll. CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION. JuJ (/;;,) l r I - L-' ~-I I-I L 0 '_' ,_, I_' ,=, I~' "II Courtnt'Y Ilvlove<l by Ambl .,.,..;onde<l by HQlow OI;"u5:;l(,n Ambr II havo? on.. commo?nt 1 want to mako? about It. Darr~l. The casual observer of What we for here at councIl might navo? tne Impression tnat tnlS Issue IS somo?tnlng tnat has lust come up before tnlS City councIl As th~ pnnclpl~o lllvolv.;.d know ~nd a; tilO ph. .taM, till. tran;action occurred In DE<~mber of 1933, llIll~ yo?ars ago. I thmk W1tn tno? exceptJon of Mr McO tne otner SIX of us wero?n't on It. I r~member tnlS happening Whetner or not tnls council or any counal would have come up WIth the same deciSIon, [ have no way of knowmg nor Am I trYlllg to be Judgmental or render an opmlon on what tnat council dId I do want tno? pUblic to know tnat tnlS nas been done for almost nme years And all tnlS council is doing is fulfilling a legltJmate contract WIth tne Glasgow family and don.t call me about it bE<ause we are lust doing What bas to be dono? It Is ono? of tn..se things.. What w~ are dOing is what we are legallY obligated to do and Whetner It IS I '1' I I I i I CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 92-36 SIDE 2 Ambr / Just let It all play out McDI Follow up on a couple of different tnlngs since I dId vote on tnis at that particular time. What Mr Ambrlsco is saying is correct This contract was actually signed in '33. And it, for one reason or another, It Is now tnat It's being exercised. That Mr Glasgow, who purchas;;d the property back then could've exercised his right to develop It at tnat particular time. But Instead tne dE<lslon Is being made now to develop It and I agree Wltn Bill tnat from What we have seen of the plans it lOOkS Iik~ it IS going to be a very nice structure put on tnere. ThIS didn't-Isn't just happening. This council is honoring a contract that. was signed It. and [ WIll just. very briefly state tne rflasonlng at that. particular time. I was tne otner council members, if I can sort. of summariZe tne tninking for tnem-that we entered into this contract was that when tne bond Issue was put fortn to build tne new library tnere was-tne cour.cll at tnat time did make a commItment to tne pUblic to return tne old library and tne lot tnat .....e are talking about at the moment bac\(. on tn.. tax roles ThiS IS what sort of prE<lpltated tne writJng of tnat contract Once tne new library was t1nlshed and negotiations had started as far as tne selling of tnat particular property The counCil at tnat time felt tnat tney ad made a commitment to tne publiC tnat If tne bond issue passed for the new library that tnat property ~~oul,j be ~: ',/,-/ l~-' n h cl '-' _, - -- 'J " II page Z returned to tne tax roles and tnat Is e:tacUy what transpired at that time and why tne property was actUally sold. And, again, It has taken a few years for the contract to be exercised but that Is what is happening tonight nine years later, Courtney I Thank you. Any other discussion. Roll caU- Resolution Is adopted. L-' L-' I-I -, /.-, I I_' ,_, I_I , U . 13 page I Courtn~y I City CouncillntormatJon Kubby /Y es I have a bunch of little small items. T....'\) of tnem are events tnat I wanted to let people know about. One is on Oct 4, a Saturday It is a fund rai"r tor tn~ Fr~ M~ical Clinic. DoxBig Band, 7:30-10pm at Old Brick. I have one ticket left for sale. McDI April 4th KUbby / April 4tn. 7:30-10 at Old 8riCk..8ig !land Music Other event is the third annual intertribal pow wow, April 10-12tn at the Iowa Recreation Building Secondly. I wanted to make a fe..... congratulations on the Midwest LIving Magazine's awarded different groups in Iowa City some awards. The Environmental Advocates Neighborhood Block Program was one of 20 winners in wllat was called the Home Town Pride Awards. There were 550 volunteer projects that were competing for tnese awards and tne Block Program won one of them. What they do is to help people in their neighborhoods learn about recycling, how to precycle, how:.o reduce tne amount of waste they create and how to get tneir stuff to our drop off bin. Secondly. in the historic preservation category. tne Iowa City Public LIbrary won a place on their home pride award for the program Tell Me Your Story...wanted to recognize tnose projects. I kind of wanted to do a congratulations to ourselves because before this meeting we experienced tlle end of three years of discussion and struggle to do. some regional cooperation Witn tlle mapping project with tne county and we made an agreement and voted on a contract for tne mapping project It was hard but we did it and hopefully the next one won't M so hard. Finally I wanted to wish a sad and happy farewell to Shawn Hubbel wllo is going to Wyoming...! wish you well. Ambr / I want to report on probably some of the more important significant business of tne year. Carly and I were down observing tne esteemed Chicago Cubs in training and we have concluded tnat this is tne year... I was digging tnrough tnis paCket of two weeks ago and I couldn't help but note this letter that we received and I have full a'l'<lreness of the admonitions and chiding tnat w~ receive from tne city attorney, so I will couch my remarks quite a bit. This has to do witn a letter to the mayor and city council from heritage Cablevision. This is one of tne series of correspondences we've been receiving from that fine company prior to the re-franchising agreement telling us how great tney are Heritage Cablevision, a L-' L-' 1-' , , '-' '-'. '-' , , ... 13 page 2 TCI company. IS pleased to Inform you tnat w'e have been award...1 th.,. national cable teleVISion aSsoctation's seal of good customer service acknowledging our success In bUilding and maintaining a dlsungU1Shoo record of quality customer service. To any of you who are Io.'atclung us tofilght, 1f you have been called as part of tlus survey to declde tn~ lugh quality of service, please l~t me kno..... ~cau~ tnat's not the feeIillg that I was getting all during the campaIgn l:lst year ! always tnought tnat tne people who give out more a"'lards to one anotller .....ere, number one, tne Insurance group, every conv~ntion you go to, here Bill, her~'s one for you. you sold a policy And tne otner group is tne newspapers Nice gOing Sha....-n. you wrote a story, here's an award. So I tnink what we have here is your self serving l~tter I say that's fine, tney got an award but lighten up a little bit. We .....eren't born yes~rday Also late one e-v"nmg Carly and I did catch the tape of th~ council meetJng on your day, John On St. Paddy's day. march 17 And must say, tnat Carly looked at me and said, I'm glad you weren't tnere. It had to do Witn a citiZen really coming down pretty bard on my co-councilors, and I' not sure how I should have reacted to tnat if I were in tn... scene. I know across tne county now 1o.1tn what's happening in Washington, cbeck l:.tting, etnics, morals in tne various state hC'uses across tne country, tnat tnere is an awful lot of disgruntled citiz...ns out tnere witn their elected officials. And all I can some of you citizens of Io"'la City, I'm very very proud to serve Witn tlus city council because I have all the members of tile city council for tne last nine years. TMy bave WitllOUt exc...ption have been people ....1tn high standards who only have one thought and one purpose In serving your city and that is to do tne very very best tnat tney could for tneir community. As I say, I am just qUi~ proud 0 tnem. There are peopl" out tnere who still feel tnis urg... tllat tnat are disgruntled and tney want to tnrow the rascals out or tbey just want to vent tneir spleen. I want you to call 1-800426 1112 and Go? Jerry Brown WIll take your call Horow / Good tnlng you weren't tnere Ambr/.. Kubby I I am a First Aid Trainer . Horow I I would like to get back on track- At tlle beginning of spring br...ak some of us had tne priVllege to at~nd a seminar on tne future aspect of childre-n in our cities TheNat. Leag. of Citi...s put on a work shop round table to which tne City of Cedar Falls and Champaign Urbana, Wat"rloo, Davenport, L-' ~-I 1-' -, :, '-' ,_, ,_, .' '- " 13 page 3 Iowa City m"t W1tn a school board and memMrs of CbamMr of Co=erce and dIscussed issues about tne chlldren. FuturlStJC looking In a way "'"e have blinders on in terms of ho..... we loot at our City, what polley we can mak...look to tlN futur.. in wrms of bow our chUdNn and our schools can 00 r&deslgned. How .....~, as el&cW officials can support the children. I tnought it was a very mterestJng session 1 was proud of Iowa City Ho~ we can do more for Iowa City McDI Would lik" to echo tn wishing ShaMl Hub~1l 1'1<111. pleasure working witn you.. Courtney I Wanted to also say a lItUe something about Shawn. Not only is he moving on to anotner territory, It is a considerable promotJon. He is not going to be just a reporter..js going to be a managing editor for this pa~r. Bit smaller town. Only publish a couple times a week. W",U deserved promotion. Good luck Shawn Hubb.;>l1/ Always felt that reporters shOuld be read and not seen...com~l1ed to respond It has been my pleasure to cover you.. diversity on council is a strong point, not a weak potnt t] [I 0 .-, 3 Agondl 10WI Clly Clly Council Rlgular Council MaoUng March 31,1992 Pogo 13 ITEM NO. 14 . REPORT ON ITEMS FROM THE CITY MANAaER AND CITY ATTORNEY. ,. Clly ~M9'" "(j.. \ b. Clly AlIolnoy. -(), CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF WATER EA8EMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND THE RESIDENTS OF BELLA VISTA PLACE IN IOWA CITY, IOWA. Commlnt: During April 1990, lho Public Work. DopartmOnllO.pondod 10 wltor mlln problom. In tho Bolio VI.IO Ploco nolghborhood. TM DopartmOnllOplocod Iho onlllO wIlor main Uno boCOUIO 01111 rapidly dllorlorlllng condition. Tho Clly did nOI haYO In OIIomonl agroomont within thll nolghborhood: howlvor, lho lotldonll Igrood 10 grlnllho Clly walor main 0II0mlnlt. ThI. Ictlon will eccopt tho OIIomonlt. ACllon: )u fj/ Al't./, ( I I ITEM NO, 15. "". "'I I I H~Jr % CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINa THE MAYOR TO SiaN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN ADDENDUM TO THE LEASE. BUSINESS PROPERTY BETWEEN TltE CITY OF IDWA CITY AND DAVI8 BUILDING PARTNERS FOR THE SUITE, FIRST FLOOR CENTER, DAVIS BUILDINa, 322 EAST WASHINGTON 8TREET, IOWA CITY, IOWA, TO' PROVIDE FOR THE LEASING OF ADDITIONAL SPACE. ITEM NO. 18. q~. ~ I ),;,1 :-;.<';'. ..;"..,~.. " Commonl: lowo Clly Hou.lng Authorlly curronlly 1001Ot1lrlllloor olllco IplCO In tho Davll Building. Houllng AUlhorlty olllco I. In nood 01 addlllonll olllco IpOCO. An Iddlllonol 820 .quolO 1011 In thl iranI ollho building II Ivoiloblo April 1, 1092. Dlvll Bulldlno PlrtnOrl hit ollarod 10 10010 Iho 'pICO 10 Iho Clly ollowI Clly II I cost 01 '875.00 por month. Tho COli ollho Iddillonol .paco lor Iho Ihroo month., April to Juno, I. '2,205.00. COil 01 romodoUng will bo Ollho uponll olthl Houllno AUlhorlty. 51111 rocommond. Ipproval ollho ro.olulIon. t] t] 0 .-, '~. . , Agondo 10wI Clly City Council Rogullr Council Mooting March 31.1992 Pogo 14 AcUon: -h'I.IJ / iA!/J , ITEM ND. 17. '/J. 1'>1 ~6&r ,% CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TD EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO AnEST A SUBORDINATION AaREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY,IOWA AND THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 510 SECOND AVENUE. Commonl: Tho City', Houllng RohebllillUon Progrlm W4I conllclod by Iho UnlvortllY ollowI CommunllY Crodll Union, roquolUng lhellho Clly IPprOYO I SubordlnlUon Agroomonl lor tho ownorl II 510 Socond Avonuo. Tho ownoll 01510 Socond Avonuo rocolvod '5,000 In Iho 101m 01 I 1110 lion Ihrough tho CIIY" Emorgoney Ropalr Progrlm. Tho Unlvorllly ollowI CommunllY Crodil Unlon I. ObOUllO loon tho OWnol t72,OOO 10 IOlInoneo Iholr o~IIUng morlglgo. Tho Ippr,lsod yoluo I. t92,ooo, which provldo. onough equllY 10 covor Iho CIIY'I 10cond lion pOllllon, which WI' Iho CIIY'I orlglnol pOlltlon. ACllon: ~&..L/Jl\ c.1J.- T % a{tu .....) jI) I ITEM NO. 18. CONSIDER A RESOLUTIDN AUTHORIZINa THE MAYOR TO SiaN AND THE CITY CLERK TO AnEST TO THE RELEASE OF A PROMISSORY NOTE EXECUTED FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 510 SECOND AVENUE. qa.&~ Commonl: Tho ownoll 01 proporly locOIOd 01 510 Slcond Avonul rocolvod oddillonll IIslSllneo lor omolgoncy ropllr lhrough Iho City'. Houllng Rohlblllllllon Progrlm In In Imounl 01 f353.00. Slnel Iho ownorl aro rollnlnelng IholloMlsUng mOllgogo Ind hlvo mldo I roquoll to Iho Clly 10 .ubordlnllo Ihl primary rohlb lion "5,0001, Iho ownorl paid olllho lOCond lion 01 t353.00 on March 20, 1892. Action: 1J.f1J / ~/AIII"tJ 'lltf) ~ . ITEM NO. 19. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINa THE MAYOR TO SiaN AND THE CITY CLERK TO AnEST THE RELEASE OF A MORTOAaE REaARDINO A PROMISSORY NOTE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3030 CRElaHTON. ~. e.~ Commonl: Tho ownoll 01 proporty locolod 013030 Crolghlon rocolvod I IIvo'yoor, 3% Inlorosl loon In tho omounl 01 two thouSlnd two hundrod olghlY dollars U2,2801lhrough tho CIIY'1 Houllng Rohoblllll' .,-' t] t] 0 ,-, 5 Aglndl lowI Cily Cily CMCd Ragul.r CMCil Moiling March 31, 1992 P.go 15 lion Olllel on July 9, 1991. TM llheb 11I11 hel rocolvod I roquoll from lho ownorl .Iklng lor I IIlmo ollho mOllglgo. On Morch 13, 1892,Iho ownorl paid 011 1M b4llneo 1.1,858,591 ollho lOin. Slneo payoil hn OCCUlllci, lno Cily con now rolmo tho mortgogo. AcUon: -4JNtJ.J//lAUJ ITEM NO, 20 . 1J'B" 1/ ~",,~~/) f() CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SiaN AND THE CITY CLERK TO AneST A 8UBORDINATION AaREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND HAWK EYE STATE BANK FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 412 DOUaLASS COURT, Commlnt: Tho CIIY" Housing RohobUilollon PrOGram WII conloclod by H.wkeyo 51110 Blnk roquoltlng Ihltlho Clly Ipprovo 0 lubordlnlUon IgroomonllOltho ownorl 01412 Dougl... COUll. Tho ownoll rocolvod .3,000 In lho 101m 01 0 1110 lion lIuough Ihl Clly'a Emorglncy Ropoll Proor.m. Howkoyo SIIIO Blnk will make I loon 10 Iho ownor In Iho Imounl 01 .43,450 10 rollnlnco Iho oxllllng mOllgogo, Thl OpprlllOd valuo ollho properly II t53,OOO, which Idoqulloly covorl Iho CItY'I lion In I 10cond poslllon. Tho CIIY" plovlous poslllon WDl 01.0 Ilcond 10 tho prlnelpalllon. ACllon: /J,lI.tj ill (. (J , \ ! .~~ ITEM NO. 21 . ~ CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINa THE MAYOR TO SION AND THE CITY CLERK TO AneST THE RELEASE OF TWO LIFE LIENS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1024 SIXTH AVENUE. Commonl: Tho ownor 01 propolly locOlod 111024 Sixth Avonuo Iwlco rocolyod mflllnco lor omorgoncy IIpolrt Ihrough Iho CIIY" Housing Rohlbllilollon Ptoorom lor I 10101 Imounl 01 .4,481.00. Tho Rohob 11I11 WI' conloclod by Byort & Hoppol RoallY Informing 11111 Ollhl upcoming IIII ollho proporly. On March 20, 1992, .4,481.00 WI' paid blck 10 Ihl City; Iho lion. cln Ihoroloro bo rololsod. AcUon: ~./ 1/" (!Atnl- [" t] [I 0 ,-, b Agond. 10wI Clly City Council ROOul., CMCU MoolinG March 31, 1992 P.go 18 ITEM NO. 22 . CONSIDER A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CONVEY AND TO AUTHO. RIZE THE MAYOR TO SiaN UTILITY EASEMENTS TO PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES FOR UTILITY SERVICES IN CONNECTION W1T1t THE DEVELOPMENT OF 451 RUNDELL STREET. 'i.I, Be. Commonl: Tho Housing Rohab ollieo, In conjuncUon wllh Frlondl 01 Hlllorlc PrOlorvoUon, hot I.~on on I prOjoClto movo. IOhabllilllo, Ind lIa, 10 I CDBG.ollgib/o low.mod Incomo Ilmlly, lho houlo cUlronUy localOd 1\ 703 Bowory SIIOOl. TM Clly.ownod 101 whoro Ihll haulO II 10 bo movtd 1451 Roodon sUlon cUlrlnlly lick. ulillly momonll, Ind .1 pall ollho dovoloprnonl Ollhll plOIOClluch momonll mUll bo glinted 10 ulilllY companlu. Action: ~I.'I \ ~ ~UI I'tI ITEM NO. 23 . /iJ.M CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINa EXECUTION OF A SPECIAL RELEASE FOR PORTIONS OF WEST SIDE PARK ADDITION, ,., Commonc: Tho SoplOmbor 1881 condlllonal rozonlng 01 I porUon 01 WOII Sldo Pork Addillon clOolOd polonllllllon. on In ollho rOlonod lOll from In obllglllon 10 dodicllO Ind ConlllUCl cOlloln wllkwlYI Irom WOII Sldo DIJvo 10 lho nOllhwOlI ond norlholll Cornoll ollho Iubdlvl. lion. Tholl polonU.lllon. hlvo h1ndorod tM 1110 Ind lIr.lnclng 01 .ppllclnl'l proporly. Tho lpoclol rolOllo IUlhorllOd by IhlllOlOlullon 11001 III 1011 Irom lho polonll.lllonl wllh lho ucopUon ollholo 11M lOll locIlod In lho norlhwOIllnd norlhoOlI cornorl ollho lubdlvlalon, OVOI which lOll lho WOI~WlYI would run. ACllon: .:Ji!1J)A1x.6 \ i I ITEM NO. 24 . J(t&,J6 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINa A8ANDONEDBICYCLE SALE TO BE HELD ON MAY 3,1902, ....!1 i:...b.\} Commonu Tho IMuollllo ollho Iblndonld blcyclo. will bo hold In Ihl Chluncoy SWln Plrk on May 3, 1982, III :00 p.m. Tho blcyclo. will bl romoyod from IlOIOgO 10 tho plrk In hour boloro Iho ,ucllon 10 bo vlowld by Iho public. Action: -!kupJl"d ~/UN/ % i..';< , Cl [I 0 .-, ~I Agond. 10wI Clly CIIY Council Rogul., Council Moollng March 31,1992 Pogo 17 ITEM NO. 215 . CONSIDER A RESOLUTION DIRECT1NO SALI Of all.ooo.OOO ESSEN. TIAL CORPORATE PURPOSE aENERAL DDLlOA TION BONDS IN ORDER TO PROVlgl FYN!)3 TO PAY COITI 0' RtFYNDI.HQ mil CMWl! rORTION OF THE 18811 AND 1888 aENERAL 08L10ATION BONDS, Commonl: SOllod Bldl on lho 1110 oltholO bondl WOII rocolvtd II 12:00 noon on Malch 31.1882. ThIt10101ulJon IlIllltund conllrm. tM .Cllonl 01 tho Flnanco D1rOCIOt In lho dOIO/mlnallan 01 1M mOil Ilvorlblo bid. ACllon: ~ oct~.) /I r.fA...~ n:-M.IJ ITEM NO. 28 . CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINO AND PROVlDINO FOR THE ISSUANCE OF all.ooo,OOO ESSENTIAL CORPORATE PURPOSE aENERAL 08L1aATION 80NDS AND LEVYINO A TAX TO PAY lAID BONDS, i I I , - Commonl: Thll rololuUon provldu linll oUlhorlrlllon lOt 1M Inuonco ollho bond.. Action: \1f tJ.~.I.ituJ ~,I.+A;4 -6,;.,,.) ITEM NO. 27 . 1~' M CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTIlORIZINO EXECUTION OF AN AOREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND THI JOHNSON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT FOR THE LEASE OF SPACE AT THI IOWA CITY SENIOR CENTER FOR AN ADULT DAY CARl PROaRAM. Comm.nl: TM Sonlor Conlor hot ronlod lpeCO 10 lho V1s1llng NUllO I' Anocl.Uon lorlho purpolO 01 providing In .dull doy c./o progr.m .1 Iho Sonlor Conlor. Tho progr.m will conllnuo 1111 ho.1n 1M pelt, bul OllOCllvo April I, 1892, lho progr.m will bo odmlnlllolOd by lho Johnson Counly Ho.llh Dopellm.nl. ThoIOIOIO, 0 now 100.0 wllh lho Johnlon Counly HOIllh Dop.llmonl, loll owing Iho 101m. 01 tho Otlglnol I.... Wllh VNA Ihould bo onlorod. ThllloDlo will permlllho conUnu.. lion 01 . v"u.blo program 10 Iho lonlor ell Iron. ollhll communllY. SI.II rocommondl .pprov.l. AcUon: J1~IIj,'H b )}C.I) '% ITEM NO. 28 . ADJOURNMENT. ~J&i/ )}I (,t( It). '.J~ / .11/ . a.f(J~ i .; , , ! ~ ; , ...."."".......- ..~ t] 0 0 .-, 13 City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM DATE: "nch 21, 1992 TO: City Council filt)i: CIty "'lIIgor RE: Work SessIon Agondls Ind Keetlng Schedulo /IIrch 30. 1992 IlondlY 6:30 . 8:30 P.H, CIty Council Work Sosslon . CouncIl Chllbors 6:30 P.H. . Rovlew zontng IIttlrs 1:00 P,H. . Divis Oulldlng Leise. HousIng AuthorIty 1:10 P.H. . Land Acqulslllon . Policy 'or Affordlbll HousIng 1:30 P.H. . G,W.G. Presontltlon . Old Llbrlry Lot Olvelopment 1:45 P.H. . Clglrette Ordinance 0:00 P.H. . Council .gendl, Council tl", Council commlttel reports Harch 31. 1992 TUOSlUY 5:00 P.H. . Joint Con'eronce BOlrd Hooting. Johnson County Board RoOlll 1:30 P.H. . Regul.r Council Hoetlng . CouncIl Chl.blrs 1 , -',>-- ~prl1 8. 1992 4100 P.H. WedllMdlY . Joint Heetlng 0' the low. City City Council Ind tho Johnson County Oo.rd 0' Suporvlsors . Senior Canter Assembly RoOlll PENDING LIST Appolntmonts to tho Airport Commission .nd P.rks .nd Rocre.tlon CommIssion. April 14, 1992 Appointment to the Hum.n Rights Commission. AprIl 20, 1992~~ Appointments to tho Ooslgn Review Commtttee ond Bo.rd o,f(~~mtnors of' p~ . H.y 12, 1992