HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-12 Recommendation ~\~ rl I:' t] ,-, :/' - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 0.10: ....y 8, 1892 To: J., il JIJ., City CN'd ,f Ntt-t,p/-J K.rIn FI.nlIin, DltoclOl, Depl. 01 P1'~ NOfthoul Alo. SIIOOI NOIWOlk.........' r Flom: Ro: All'" Aptll 27 wOIk "Ialon of lho CMCU, wo hod lomo dilCuaalon of lho 11.11'1 plOIlOlll 10 ocqulll rlghl.of.w.y 0011 of lho RochollOl Hilll plojocl. Thll Ilghl.of-w.y 'Ilnlondocl 10 complolO. log of lho 111001 IIOIWOlk In Ihll 110.. Tho Council llquollocl InfOlmollon on how Ihll ptrtlculll .llgnmonl wu cholOn .nd If onwOMlOnIOI 111"'1 hod beon I.kon 1n10 cOlllldolltlon. Enclo..d II . momo which o.p/,'nl lomO ollho I.CIOlI lhal wonllnlo lho .1.11'1 .nd lho Pl.nnIng .nd Zoning Commllalon'l dolibolltlonl on .n 'PplOprIJIO 111001 IIOlwOlk In lho NOII"'oll Ato.. Allho limo Ihll momo W'I drallod . doclalon had nol boon modo onlho ploper IflgMlOnl fOf . 1"001 connocllng RochollOl AVOM 10 lho 1I0.llOIlh of Rolllon ClOok. Subloquonlly, lho Pl.nnIng ond Zoning Commllalon CholO lho .lIgnmenl option 0011 of lho Rochollot Hil11 plO/OCI. II II In In 01101110 onl"'O comP/lllon of .n opplopll.IO .11001 IIOIWOlk In Ihll ".., Ilvough moons IholllO mOlo olloctlvo lhon lho dovolopmonl plOC..I, lhal WO 0'0 luggOll1ng Ilghl.ol.woy oc~a1t1on Ollhll limo. """"' /()3/ \ --.--r- 1 I j I I i I ! , I , I t] '~' 0 ,-, 'i City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Dalo: Janull/Y 16, 1992 To: Planning & Zoning Commission From: Robort Miklo. Assoclalo Plannor I I Ro: Z'91 10 and 8.0128, Rochollor Hills Slalf has propared an analysis olaltomatlvo Iocatlonslor altrool bolWOon Rochoslor Avonuo and tho lIoa north of Ralston Crook (100 attached skotch map). Tho doclslon 10 oxamlno tholO lour Iocallona was based on lopographlo constralnts, tho amounl 01 grlldlng and rllllng loqulted, and avoidance 01 malula troos and tho hlslorlc structuro on tho Rochoslor Hills proporty and tho mllfgaUon 01 disturbance of wotland IIOas. In lorms 01 onglnoorlng for tho constructJon 01 tho lolld, no ono a1tomatlvo slands oulas being Idoal duo 10 tho rugged lopography oach a1IOll14l1vo win requlro oxlonalvo oarth movlng. Howovor,ln addlUon 10 onglnoorlng concems thoro 810 pros and con. IOlaUng 10 tho design of tho artorlal.conoclor strool syslom which Is associated with oach a1tomatlvo. 1\ Is hopod thai analysl. olthoso lactoll wUllolId 10 tho cholco ollho opUmal aIIomatlvo In toms of onglnoarlng concem. and Issuos rolaUng 10 tho timlng and ovoral devolopmonl 01 a IlIaol notwork. A doscr1ption and dlscusslon of oach altornatlvo follows. Tho factoll evalualed 101 oach allomatlvo Indudo slopos of finlshod roacmaYi sight dlslance; onvlronmonlallactors; lolallonshlp 10 tho strool notwork; and timing. AI tho Commlsslon'slnlormal mooting on January 13,Iurthor Inlormatlon Including maps and drawings showing tho amount of grlldlng lequlred lor Oach will be avallablo. . Allolna\lvo A Tho gonorallocatlon 01 tho rolld proposed for tho appIlcanr. devolopmonl, buill continuos northward to Inlorsocl with Hickory Trail north 01 Ralston Crook. . Slopos: Tho finlshod s1opo 01 a stroolln this IocaUon would bo 10%. Although lhIa saUsflo. tho maximum Ilopo pormllled by tho lubdMslon rogulatlons lor a conoctor sllool, Ills nolldoal. Whon compared to tho othor altomatlvos, this location has tho stoopost slopo for tho flnlshod roact.vay. . Slghl distance: Tho light distance 01 this location Is currontly nol satlslactory. Tho slghl d1stan~ can be Improved with grading adjaconllo Rochoslor Avonuo. Furthor analysis I. noodod to dolormlno If such grading Improvomonts would losultln adoquato slghl dlstanco. . Envlronmontal factoll: As with all tho altornativos, a consldorablo amount of nil would bo roqulrod for this a1tomaUvo. Whon compllod 10 tho othor altomatlvos, thl.locatlon would roqulro Iho mOil amounl 01 culling. , Rolatlonshlp 10 IlIeet networlc Given Its location, approxlmatoly hall way betwoon Flrsl Avonuo and Scoll Blvd., this allornatlvo II In a goed location In torm. 01 functioning as a colloclor Ilrool for tho northoast portion of tho city. . Timing: Glvon tho lacllhallho City Is currontly rovlowlng Iho proposal In this location, would Indlcalo that a Itroot could bo conltruclod through this aroa rolatlvoly soon. 1()3/ rl ,:' [I ,-, 5 - AIIIIl\IUvo B: SImIM 10 AlIomaUvo A. but 1110 road would ltavol to tho northooslthrough 1110 cQw IocIIod oasl ollho RochoSIoI HIli allo. . SIopot: Tho ftnIlhod IIopo oIl 1~0011n Ihls Ioc:atlon would be IllghUy IoIlIh4n 10%- AI nolod Ibovo, IhII mooll mlnlmlm roqulromonll built nOlldolll. . Sight dlllnco: Tho IIghl dlltanco IlmIlAllona Idontillod In AllomlUvo A apply 10 thls 1IIomIIIvo. , EnWonmonlllllclotl: Thlt aJIomlllYo ,.rOlIoll culling lIIan AItomallvo A. , ~ 10 ~eel ne~ S#r.bt 10 MwlUYi A, lItli li i good location lor a lltOOllWlldl would lunctlon II I coIoclor IltOOL . TlrImg: Tho Ilm/ng ollhl. aIlomallvo would bo IlmiI4r 10 Allomallvo A. Alltll\lUvo C: Through 11I0 cQw, alii 0111IO Rochollor Hlbll1o. , SIopoI: Tho llnIahod IIopo oIl .11001 In IIIIt IocaUon would be approxlmatoly D.36%. Although not ldoal,lIIo IIopo lor llInlahod rollCtNay al11I11 IocaUon would be bollor than IIlo IIopo lor AlIomallvo. A IIld B. . SIghI dlllnco: Tho IIghl d1114nCO II Idoqualo lor 11111 DltomaUvo. . EnWOMlOnlallae1OlI: Allhough 1110 amounl 0111I roquIrod lor IIIIt a1lomallvo II COmpIIIblo 10 tho olhor Dltomallvol,lhoro It an Imb4Ianco bolwoon Iho amounl olllll and cullWlg roquIrod . moaning thai a colllklorablo amounl 01 nD would havo 10 be broughllo Iho alia: from othor IocaUon.. n Ihould be nolod lhal ovon aIIor a COIlIIdorabIollTlOWll 01 iii, thoro wll be UIllo dovolopablo land within tho draw. Thu., .11 WlIkoly lIIatl dovoIopor would go 10 tho O-ponIO 01 nlllng tho draw 10 build I road. . Rollllolllhlp 10 Iltool not.vork: ThIs alIomaUvo II lOll appropl!alo than AllomaUvo. A and B In Iolllll o11ll101aUo1llh1p 10 tho Iltool nolwork. . TlrImg: Tho IfmIng olthlt DltomaUvo II unknown. BocaulO ollho ditllculty 01 dovoloplng Ihrough Iho dtaw, dovolopmonl ollhll aIlomaUvo II unUkGly an)1Jmo loon. AlltmaUvo D: On tho IIIId tldgo on 11I0 SmIth property, nOllhwosllowardl RaIIlon Crook. . SIopot: Tho IInlIhod Ilopo 01 I I~oolln thll IocaUon would be 9%. 01 aU tho allomallvol, 11I11 II tho mOil gradualllopo. . SIghI dltanco: Tho IIghl d1114nCO II adoqualo lot 11111 IllomoUvo. , EnWonmonllllactor.: ThIs aItomallvo would roqulro tho Ioul amounl 01 n" and cullWlg. . Rollllolllhlp 10 Iltool notwork: 01 aD Iho III0maUvOl,thll II tho 10011 doslrablo In 101llll 01 III IOI4Uolllhlp 10 tho 111001 not.vOlk. . TIming: Tlmlng ollhl. dovolopmonlll unknown. WIlon oxamlnlng any 01 111010 aItomallvo., 1110 oVOflln 111001 notwork noodod 10 SOIVO thl. dovoloplng potllon 01 tho city mUll bo consldorocl. Rochollor Avonue II an arlortal s~oollocatod 111110 lOull1om boundary 01 tho northoosl8l0a 01 tho city, It II doslgnod 10 carry largo volumos 01 lIaIfIo willi II low Impodlmonlt (such as on's~ool patWng, Iharp CUIVOS, and lido IrleIfon lrom drIvowayt and minor Iltooll) as pos.lblo. It Illmpotlanllt1altho CDpDclly 01 I~ools such as Rochollor bo dlmlnlahod II UlUo as poaalblo by 11I0 dovolopmonl 01 adjoconl propolly. 11115 capacity Illmpodod, molorlall who gonorally would UIO Rochoslor Avonuo 10 lIavolthrough this aroa 01 tho city, wiD lOok ollomoUvo roulo.through nolghborhood llrooll whIch DlO nol doslgnod 10 carry .uch Irllflo. II arlorlll s~ool capacity It UMOCOSlllrl'y dlmlnlshod by allowing Individual drtveway lecol. and local s~oOllnlolloctlon', II will haslon tho nood lor capllallmprovomonls 2 /fJ31 Cl I:' I] ,-, b 10 Inctouo CIjIICIly with IdcIlIonII tann. For 1hI1 reUOll. llIIt 11II long ICt.<<4Iod IhIIICCOII 10 IItotlall~oolllhould be ImIIoclIo coIoctot lltOOllnlofHdonl. Tho coIodot nootlln turn ptoWIo I=U 10 local noollllld OIvtwayalOf '"*' dovGIopmonlllO lhIllldo IrIctlon on 1II0000011tooll IIltl1nkNzod. eoloctot 1110011 Ihould be IocIIod 10 tIlIl nIftc 110m lalgo IIIU 01 dMlopmonl CIII be chInnolod 10 lhtm IIld Ihen onlo II10rlII I~"II. ThII pIInclpGIlI ~ .... COMIdotlng tho tpICIng 01 coIoctot .lreoll. h II boll 10 IflICO coIoctot IlreotIlo mlnktQo tho llIIIttt 01 InlotlOdonl with II1WI I~"II. In IAlI'fIng Iloso pIlIqlIOIIo tho nortloulllll 011110 diy, lit 1IIIIlbo, of IIIttIl, IncbIng cui- do-lICIlIld cttmayIlo lI\IfOr elMlopmonll, VIt1IdIInIotIoct YlIIIt RochOIlor A'I01MlO IhoUd be lmIIod. AIolmg. ..1101 of aAodo.1lCl1o Inlolltd YlIIIt RochOIlor Ave,.,. wi cImInlah III ClplcIIy, and w11l1loct Iho MlclIon of Illo OYGrII.~..1 no~ In 1hI1 pili of Iho cIIy, GNon tho lopogIIphy 0I1h1111011t1d tho IPIlbIlon of Iho lboYO.notod pMqliel, tho moll IpptOpI\alO I~OOI not.wt1c lOf lhIIlIIl WOIlId COIlIIII of IImtod nlnbo, of IItOIII ptO_ 'CCOIIlo tho conllll polllon of Iho nolghbolhood with IIlInlomal coIocIot I~ool ptovfdlng ICCOII 10 aAodo.1ICI ~ RYoIl4ltho 1ldg0l or YIIoyIIrom Iho WInlty 01 Rlllton Ctoclk. "",...- 3 /031 i I I .r I -t..-. [I I~I t] .-, ~, ~~101\\\JO~~~.'~'~.-)~( I' \ J~~l('; '\ ~~'U I ~~ ~ ) \ ~~J1h ~~ 9\ VI ~ '\''''' ~lJ _,~ "- (,' \ ~\~/.~lf r"J ~-~ :n" ~~~\~ '.' - ~ .. ~'-:-'I,dJl~~~"r'fr-': ../.~ '( I~~'~ \\~~ ~ ~ _'-'~ ~ € ~ ~~ ~ '" " l'\ ~ , ~. .. I ~'9 - , '( ~. · " '\ rlJlI lI' \\ ~ ,.:' f{~'1 rr .- ( ~ 1 In ' U" r\.. . \~ \ j~\.... ",- ""\ ' l. ;l'll' f'- ./. ~ ' ~. '\~ ;~A:: ,1.0 V Jr-~ ,. .-.~... ~" ~~..: .... i;'" J ~ ,.... ..' .. ./ .Il~...' ~~,\.. '\..~ ~ \ - f"j .. ~ .... " , g~ I"" )~ IF . , \J,,'~:\. '\ ~ " "'I ~: S"'~\'11i:1.:..~ ~~i~.cL (,C!~ I~ ,,~ ~ (\ f ~W\\~ '~~~!~~ ~1J.i [.~~ .~ \ "~\~~\~ ~I~ ') , - ~\'Y"dl~ -'~ ~~.. '\\\ ~ r/..J^~ I 'l' . l\~ ~ ~ - ~~ n-~' ~ ..;;:::;...~ rf .. ~~~ "'1\1\ 111I ~ ~oJl '~~~V,~~V~ I l' ~ II:\G ~ · I" ,I. ,,. ~\.~~"})(-- · N. ~ W.Xi ~ \: \ ~c d. ,..l\,'\.~ ,~~ J . ) M'~ ~ ' '^" J \ \ )I.~~\)\\~:J ) , " .. .of ~ , _\' B" ;c ~.._~ '~~} 'II' .- _ ~ II ..f 0 ,/ " I rJ: ~~Iornlllvo C ~ "- . ~\ \ ~ 2000 Roellosl.! A~t ~ l' ~ '/1 l j //1 800 II :"r b. J~ ~~~ ~ \ .. "" n t~1 [I ,-, 13 - City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM 0010: Apllll0. 1992 Planning & Zoning Commllllon ~,/'.. U /J1l I Ko,ln Flanklln, DlroclOf 01 PlaMlng & commU1l!.~Dtve'- ~l('Yf'(~ Chuck Schmodoko, DlloCIOf 0' PubllQ WQf~!l (. f.<1, Ro: ACCOIIIO NOflhoalllowa Clly In lho Norlhoul A,oa SludV ollho Complohonslvo Plan Ipp,B2-831 and In discuIslOIII 01 dovolopmonl ploposoll on RochollOI Avenuo oVal lho 1..llwo yoa'I, lho provlslon 01 I colloctor ItroOlllom RochollOI Avonuo 10 norlh 01 Rllllon Cloak hOl boon consldolod. It hOl boon oglood thelluch I 11100111 nocOIso,y lor public saloly 1000onl,I0 Ivold In ooduo Ilollle buldon on HlckOfY Tlall, Ind 10 onablo IUllhol dovolopmont In Ihll oral. To: F,om: Wllh complollon ollho dobalo ConcOlnlng Iho Rochollol HiIIl prOIoCl, an IIIgNnOnl which lunl Ihrough Iho d'lw to lho 0011 01 RochollOI HiIIl WOllOloclod Illho prolollod IlIoot locltlon by lho Planning & Zoning Commllllon. Evolulllon 01 polonllll IlIgNnOn11 by lho Dopl. 01 Public Works 1110 concludod lhellhlllocltlon wOIlho boll oIl lorlol 01 dilllculllllgrvnonll In Ihll hilly port ollho clIY. Thll ovoluallon WI' bOlod on Ichlovlng lho loalllloop g,odo Ind tho 10111 onvl,onmonlol dogradollon. To muro lulllclonl OCCOIIIO Iho NO/lhooll Aloa In lho plcpor local/on and 10 onablo lho loglcII plog,olllon or g,owlh In Ihll po'l ollho cllY, wo Ira lUOgOlI/ng lho Planning Ind Zoning Commllllon locommand 10 Iho City Ccuncll lhellho Clly ICqullO lho nocmlry Ilghl' or.woy 10/ 0 Illaot 10 lorvo II 0 .ocondary moon. cl accOlllo tho NOflhoa.1 Aroo. "Iho rlghl,of.way COMOI be ICqUllOd Ihrough an Ilm'l longlh tranlacllon, wo would IOcommond condamnatlon. Thll oCllon would be conllllonl with Iho policy logardlng secondolY acml ond lho UIO 01 omlnont domain 1IIIod In Iho Camplohonllvo Plan Ipp.67oG81. Tho 111001 location .oloclod Illho boll allolnal/vo IOf an ollocllvo 111001 nOlwO/k, YOI bocouse 01111 local/on II unllkoly 10 be cholon by Iho prlvolo loclor 01 POlloI 0 dovolopmonl plC/OCI, Duo 10 lho oMpenlo 01 filling Iho d,ow lor Iho rood Ind 10 CIOOlo dovolcpablo lOll, I IUlulO dovolopel ollhllland would plcbobly choolo olhol ollgnmonlllhol WOIO 101llolllfacIOfY 10 fulfill public PUIPOIOI. Wo con onllc/pato, IholofolO,lhollnlo,vontlon ollho Clly will be nocmalY at lomollmo 10 roollzo complotlon of Ihl. log of Iho IYltom. Tho .1011 foolslhel now I. lho limo 10 movo low old onobllng Iurlhol dovolopmont ollho NorlhOOl1 AlOa. Conllllonl wllh lho policy nClod, compoCI and contlguoul growlh will be oncoulogod: IhO/o II domand IOf Iho Iype 01 housing cpporlunlllOI Ihll 0/00 would plovldo: and Ihllll 0 dOllrablo location 10 comp/olO Iho publIc 11I001 nOlwork. 1111 oUlrecommondatlcn Ihal only Iho public Ilghl.ol.way bo acquired allhl. tlmo. Whon Iho prlvalo lOci or Illoady 10 plocood wllh davolopmonl, lulIlclonl r'ghl'ol.way will be In placa 10 laclllllto IU'lhar Iubdlvlllon. Tho COlli 01 conlllucllon cr Iho ItroOI.hould Ihon bo borna by olllho bonofltlng portlol. Wo will Inond your work oosslon Monday night 10 discuss Ihll plopolIl with you. co: Clly Council SIOVO Alklnl bc4.2 If) ~ \ , i i I I I I , i