HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-26 Appointment \ V^' t] 0 :1 e ' , ..~....-..,-"'....... ~ , . .I. ~ (~' ..,,~ CITY OF IOWA CITY \ \ ~ THE CITY COUNCil. OF ~A CITY IS CONSIDERING AN APPOINTMENT TO THE FOllOWlNO BOARD: BOARD Of ~DJUSTI,IENT One WCI/'tCY . Unelpftd TIIm lolly 28, 1"2. JIIllIII'f " 1891 Dulltl: In ~I CUll end I. to ~. condClona IIld llIfO\IIIdl, m>>.. ~ .lQPIlonIto I/lt lllll\l 0I1hI onllnIncllln Nnnony IIUI gttIIIII puIpOIIend WIIllIlld In 1IXllIdw.1IUI 0fM/Il 01 ~Ic ""'llIIIItIn COIUNd IIld pIO'Iidtd lIIIllIft PfOIlIItf OWIIIIlOOrIMd ~ ""lCIion 01"" CoIMd In Ihlldop1ion 01 1UCII_1onI end IIIlIklIonl m" ptlilIon IhI fIij IIoIId 01 ~ drlCltt 01 modlt lIOuIIllonl end IIIlIklIona II IjIplItd to ludl pI09IIty GWnIll. . CIII onIf ICI punUll'tlto IhI ronIng 0IdNnct, . hu no powII to ICl upon 11ft OIdNncIl.lhIn IhI ronIng 0IdnInc., . CIMOI Orlllll vuIIrtcI \IlI..11pICilIo l\IIutoI'f ludlotft provIdlllor O'andng I VIlIattc., VWnctIOllllttd undl/Iowl Cod', ChlptI/4f4.12(3) IIld Iowl Ciy M~ Cod. A".IO,2IH l(dl m" onIf be orllllld In I/lt CUI 01 'lMICI""Y 1IIId""" ThlIllldIl1~ mutt be IUbIlIIIdII, ..rtoua, rill, IIld 01 COftlpIIrig Iorct, II ~llngiAll1td lrom llUO/II 01 COIlVInlIncl, mulmlullon 01 plCfl 01 CIpIIc.. Iowl Cft IjlpOnlId mlmbtll 01 boIIdl IIld commlulona mutl be ''9tllt .Itdotl 0111I. Cft 0I1ow1 Cily, Th. Solid 01 Adjultmlnl mltll 'III IICOnd WldlllldlY ofllCll monlll II 4:30 p,m, ThlI ippOlnlmllll wi be mid. 1111I. M.y 21, 1 "2, 1llIIlI/IO 01 III. Cily Counclll 7:30 p,m, In III. Councl Chamberl, PII1OlI1 Intl/.etld In btIno COIIlIdtrtd lor lllla poI'ion lhout! COftlICIIII. CiIy CllltlII IhI CMa Cent." 410 e. Wuhlngton SIII.L ~leIlion lorml "' IVIWlIt lrom III. CItItl'1 olfle. upon requ'IL "" 'All UIMI~G'O~ 111111 0 IOU '''1. '004 "'''''"101111' II....... '4\ 11111 ",,,,,, /ISj. i i l i I I I '-I CI :1 e I? K.IOII J FOlIA 101 1 I K4y Z6. 199Z IOAlD or ADJUSTKENT . ane vlclncy . Unoxplred Tera K4y Z6. 1m . January I, 1996 IlIch VOlel..nl 1640 lIollyvood Blvd. 115J.. I , , , , \ ! \ ---1-.- . I , . . II o 0 :1 e, 3 . Cll' OF IOWA Cll' . ADVISOR' 10ARD/CGHHISSIOH APPLICATION FORM Iftd"'d~lh ur,hl9 on lo,rdl/Comlnloftl phI 1ft l'llort'ftt rol. 1ft 'dvhtllQ the Co~ncll on NtWI of 'nUrm to our COf1l!Un'tllnd Its f~ture, Appltcutl Mt rnld' In low, Cltl. The Cltl Council ",nounctd Ad,hor, l4"d/Cornl"ton vmncln 90 d,,1 prior to the d.t. th. ,ppo'nt..nt will bt ..d.. Thll period protldel for, 30.dll .df.rtll'ng perIod .nd . 6O'd'l tr.lftlnO ptrled for n", ..rl. Th. tralnlno ptrled .I1M n'lIllltlttrl to b.cOllt f..n lar IIlt1l the rtlponl Ibl lit In 'nd dut Itl of the Idvhorl bolrd/coml" Ion befort beCOllt"9 I f~11 vot InO _er, Afttr . vte,nCl "'I be.n ,""6IlnCt4 "'d the 30'dl1. Idverthtno ptrlOd hit tlplred, the Council rtflM III .ppllutlonl durlllQ the Infor..1 1I0rk Imton. Th. Ippolntlltnt h ~~n(t4 .t t~t ~lt for~1 C9Y~cll ~,t!ftg. lpp~lftt"$ $,rv, 4$ unplld volunteer.. Council pr.f.rl th't all appllcatlonl _It be lublltttd to the Cltl_Clerk no liter th,n on. IIttk prior to tIl. ",nounctd .ppolntJItnt dlttl. ",.usa-a.UCK '11lX!Pl~ THIS APPLICATION IS A NILIC OOC\llENT Ala AS SUCH CAll BE REPRODUCED AIG DISTRIBUTED FOR THE MUC. THIS APPLICATION IIILL BE CONSIDERED FOR 3 HONTHS ONLY AHD AUTOAATlCAm CONSIDERED F6R ~~ VACANCY DURING THAT TIHE. ADVISORY 8OARD/CDHIISSIOH /WI[J.I.t~ .r ^1lJ.n-0\c.li KAIiE~ i oqIiLIA1l~ ~IE ADDRESS ~ 0 LL Je. ~ II lour hoDt addr'II (lllttd lbov'l IIlthln the corporat. 1IIItl of lowl Cltl1 ..1ts OCCUPATlON~L tanH ~ [HPt.OYER 2.1' c;..,,' PHONE MJIIBER: HOIE--1l11J~ BUSINESS EXPERIENCE AlCI/OR ACTIVITIES ll1tICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YDU FOR TIllS POSITION: ~ ~ '1l!!.I:s. 1- 1loI~ l.H...... ~lo -em.~ lI,Jc. .mt-1Ju: Aln'~)' t11 ~rtJ~~ ,~ "\all 1C11~'t14" t ~""U.IA" ~ kAt ~LutlQ ".a T, )~"'4 .....1-1 JA~1>4 .)'T1I .4Ll. 'flJp.< .s: ~JA CI't'J. ;r "'" /11./- fM'aa.a.1 ..."'...... tI "' l~ k. ki .l( ~ otl , lalAI~ "_,,,," ~ ~ \/lIAT IS YOUR PRESENT KHOII\EDGE OF TIllS ADVISORY BOARDl ;t t,,""'" r~llll. \J~ ~al""l .~ "TtlC c:.,....,Tm 1I1c1.<.~ . :t Ite!! 1';' 1'U'lno~'" .Il tILJullttolf ~~, ?t.~lIMGC \/lIAT CO~TRIBUTIONS DO YOU.FEEL YOU CAll MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? J ~ .% CAol Lao!:. .n' l'~ ~, ~ A.ol I~I"& t <;" t.MH~ '~"I''T' ;s. \lAVe. A~I 1.14llC eJ"1 tMi:r"'. .C J;Ftr1~. :r. "1.4' J,,~ l.JtIlo -r. lo!.A,kl:: " c.~It~ -r. owt. 'iii, Sp.clflc att.ntlon Ihould be directed to poulbl. conflict of Int.mt II d.flntd In Ch,pters 362.6, 4D3A.2Z of the Cod. of low,. Should IOU be uncertain wh.ther or not a pot.ntlal conflict of Int.mt ..lItl. contact the L1911 D.partm.nt, WllI'lOU have a con'llct of Int.r'ltl _____yES ~NO If IOU are not I.I.ct.d, do IOU wlnt to be notlfl.dl ..Jt.YES ~ 00 IOU curr.ntll I.rv. on anoth.r Iowa City Board or Commllllonl .---:YES ..Jt NO It hal be.n Counctl policy not to pormlt an Indl11dual to lerv. on two 80ardl or C~mmtl. Ilonl at the UilII t tilt, . Jun. 1988 IIS~ n fl :/ P y - - - - Rlell VOOI!I.WQ. CR.!I CRI . . D,S. Doqroo, unlvorllty of Illlnol1 Rural Roal Eltato Apprallal School -- 1975 Iowa Roal Eltato 11conlo -- 1976 Graduato, REALTORS Inltltuto (GRI dOllqnatlon) -- 1980 Cortlflad ROlldontlal Spoolalllt (CRS dOllqnatlon) -- 1985 NUloroul courlol In roal o.tato flnanclnq, appralllnq, lalol, aanaqolont, and lnvoltlont analYll1 Iowa cIty Board of REALTORS. EducatIon Co..lttoo (1980-1986)' Publlc Rolatlonl co..lttoo Chalraan (1990)' Socrotaryl Troaluror (1986)1 Vlco-Prolldont (1987)' Pro.ldont- Eloct (1988)' Prolldont (1989)1 looal roprolontatlvo to tho Iowa Alloolatlon of REALTORS (1985 , 1988)' Board of Dlroctorl (1984-1985)' Grlovanco Co..lttoo Chalraan (1991)' Budqot/Flnanco COlllttoo (1986-1990) Iowa Alloolatlon of REALTORS, Profolllonal Standardl Co..lttoo 1984-1990 (Itato chalraan, 1986) REALTOR-of-tho-Yoar Award, Iowa CIty Board of REALTORS -- 19S4 REALTOR-of-tho-Yoar Award, Iowa Clty Board of REALTORS -- 1989 (only porion to ovor roco vo thll award twlco) Alloolato-of-tho-Yoar Award, CENTURY 21 Eyaln Roalty -- 1986 Hoabor of tho CENTURY 21 Hl1110n Dollar Club Cortlflod al a Profolllonal Standardl Prooadurol Inltructor by tho NatIonal Alloolatlon of REALTORS HOlbor of. Iowa CIty Ooard of REALTORS Iowa Clty Hultlplo Llltlnq sorvlco Iowa AI.oolatlon of REALTORS Natlonal Alaoolatlon of REALTORS REALTORS Natlonal Harkotlnq Inltltuto Iowa CRS Chaptor Iowa Clty Aroa Chalbor of COllorco Sunrllo optl111t Club \ IISJ. \\'D, n n :, P ,; - - - - - .,........<.",...,. ,,' ,,:~_.- ~ CITY OF IOWA CITY IlllW THE CITY COII'/(II. Of tfNiA CITY IS COHSlO(IUIICI AN AP. POINTM[NT TO TltE fO\.LO\WlCl COM/.llnl(; COMMlnf' ON COMMUt~TY IlflDS One VIWC'I ' TlwH.y.llll1m JoJy " 1m, JoJy I, 'I" It I. lilt eMy 01 1llIII\btI. 01 lilt Common.. 011 CommIIlty Hlldl 10 COOIdlNl. COIIVIlII'C.tllOll CIIIMIII btlWltft 0'0\411 I/'td 011/11I1 01 low. City I/'td lilt Clly COlIlCIIII'td 1I1111nd lhlll 10 lllpon~ lllpond 10 p11lO'1tII p10l101II1 II toIuIfOIII dttigntd 10 ,""I lilt COIMlItity'l NIdi, TtIt CCN ,""lIltIt 10000h Wtdntldly 01 IICh monIh 1\ 1:30 p,m, Iowl Cily Ippoinltd membt11 01 botIdl I/'td commllllOlll mull bt tltQoblt tltclOlI 01 lilt City 01 Iowl Clly, 'lNllppoInlmenl w.btllltdt II lilt Mly 2&, 'lIZ, me'l' Ing 01 lilt Clly COlIlCII117:30 p,m, in lilt COlIlCII C/IimbIfI, PtrlOllllnllfllltd inbcinO contidtrtd fOIlNI POlillOll ~ COIlIlClltIt City Clerk 1I1t1t CIvic CtIIllf, .'0 E. WIlli, Inglon 5I1HI. AppIoCIllOIl IOIml III Ivttbblt I,om lilt Cle,k'l olllc. upon 'tqutll, "' '''' .""IU'O~ '11'"' IOU (lit, IOU 1"....111.111'1 ".'."., 'U 11111 '11,"" 1/!3 ,I \ \ I I I " nn:/eb - - KAI..I 4 'filii.. 1 6 KAy 26, 1992 COIOIlnEE ON COlOlUlfITY HEEDS . On. vlclncy . Thr..-yur tal'll July I, 1992 . July I, I,,~ KArla E. Snider 300 Mllro'l Court (hll I.rv.d lVO rull t.nIA) I ' i j " '- ",,"-'" ,. ~~" ,-..' -, . 1163, . I 1 , , , \ . , ) . .'. of it t] t] :1 I~' ~, . , CITY Of 10llA en, . ADVISORY IOARD/COHHISSI6N APPLICATIDN fORM IlIdhldulh 1tr111l9 on Bo.rdllCnllllonl phI In l'4lortlnt rol. In 'dfllt/IQ the Council on ....tt.rl 0' Inttrtlt to our co~nHl .nd Its 'utur.. AppliCAnts Il1IIt rtlld' In lVII' CIt,. Th. Cltl Council II\nOllnc.d Adfllorl 8o.rd/Comtlllon fIClncl.1 90 d',1 prior to the d.t. tll. .ppolntltnt viII be ..d.. Thll p.rlOd prOfld.1 'or. 3D.d" 'df.rtlll/IQ p.rlOd .nd . &God', tr,lnlno period 'or ntv fttfC.rl. Th. tr.lntno perIod .110Wl n.v..re.rl to b.cOllt ,..Illtr vHh the rtlponltblllt ItI .1Id dill ItI 0' th. .d1110rl botrd/cOlllll1I ton bt'or. btco.tno . '1111 vot InO Clttter. Arter e me~cl ~,u tnn .MOIlIICf4 .ild t.~. 3o-d.1. ~mthtno Pfrlild IIn fiptril1. tilt Council rttlM ,11 .ppllcattonl durl/IQ th. Intor..1 work Itlllon. Th. 'pjlotntment II .nnounced ,t the n'it 'orllll Council nt.ttnO. Appotnt"1 I.rf. .1 unp.ld volunt..rl. Council prt'm th.t .11 .ppllcatlonl IllUlt bt lublltttd to the Cltl CI.rk no liter th,n on. v"k prior to the .Mounced .ppotntJItnt dlttl. auu:USl',lU(.lIIU(1I( THIS APPLICATION IS A AlBLlC DOCIIIEHT AND AS SUCH CAlI U AEPROOUCED ArID DISTRIBUTED fOR THE PU8t.IC. THIS APPLICATION WILL U CONSIDERED fOR 3 HONTHS ONLY AlID AUTOHATlCALLY CONSIDERED fDR AllY VACANCY DURING THAT TIllE. ADVlSDRY BOARD/COHIISSION M C01'l\/II t r (.11'''',. ~ tll/<TEAH ":'.fJ~ / t "J r M&lt;S f )'>l/'d..l' HOlE ADDAESs3~o It ",.O~.(, ('....f't' II lour hoet tddrm (lilted lbovt) within the corporatl It..HI 0' 1011. Cltl? J' oS OCCUPATION ).""" ",;(, EMPLOYER - . PHONE IMIBERI HOlE 3 ~ 0 / J.~r BUSINESS EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES \MICH YOU fEEL QUAlifY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: 1 A.II" J,t r n elf! ~eN r.. ~~ ,2.rf-..'n.~)~~ :....;..J.~?'il,r )/dvr ~:"L,I ,'., ~c~" Sf ~,n.t' 011.&." ~ fL~ ~~" ,r.1J".' t ~~'JJ~~~ fJJr,,,...Ia't"l .~ 7,'t,llfj. ;.ul'",~/, .J ",:~/~;",,,, "t.tll,' 'J~'. !~lfJl/ )"1('. :. ,.II' (I. ,It ," " ,.. .t ,.' " . 1.,1 . I "" ..n., I I ", ; ! p;,' ~! r-, i IlllAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU .fEEL YOU CAlII'oUE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REA SOlI FOR '""" Il ~, APPLYINGI?11h,',," 1 t... )" A,lr~,.,1 /1'1 1l('~I"'J;J". I ~frIAlr~'~ y. t I J. ^ "l' '/ 'J tJ I. , ^ II . < "","'et' '~'"'fll. ',.,,lI' II'"':' . .';' .' ''I', ",U '1r~ ,,','1, '.. to: t. .i~ ,\" j,~ Specltlc .tt.ntlon Ihould bt dlrtcttd to pOlllbl. con'lIct of Intertlt u d.tlned In I~' Ch.ptm 362.6, 403A.22 of th. Cod. 0' 10111. Should YOll b. unmttln lfh.th.r or not I I", potent I. I con'ltct of Int.mt 'X2J1 II conttct th. LI/J.l Dlplrtllltnt. Wtll you hm I'" conflIct 0' Int.r.st? YES' NO : - . lr It IOU tr~,ilot ,1t.1tct'd, do IOU wlnt to be noWI.d? ...:LYES --"0 ~ - .~ , 00 IOU curr.ntIY'I.rv. on Inoth.r 10111 City BOlrd or Commtlslon? _YES ~ NO J , \ It hU bUIl.Councl1 pollCl not to permtt In Indtvldull to 11m on two 80ardl or COl!11lho ~\ Ilonl'.t the 11~.ttmt. .~ : ~ Jun. 1988 /.~. '" .. ~ y' n53~ T IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? {f(' N I; Y"" ~~' \ f \ \ , n rl :, ,:r A - - - - - IQW nc CITY COUtlCl. Of w:rNA CITY IS COI/SlI)(JWfQ AI, AI'l'OlInl.llH' '0 ,1tE 'OlLO\W1Q ct)I,U.lImr: DU!OII NVIfW CDI.Il.llnf! 01'4 vlWC't . ~Intl It'"' MIy 12.1112. - JIlt lIulltl 01 lilt INfIlbItI 01 lilt DtI9l IIfvit;w ConwMI" irlWlt IflCOIIIftlO I/'tll plOIllOlWlg lilt ICCtOl' iWty, 'lltlCMt'4ll, coIltl/Wtfltll I/'tll ..,..,11 dtl9l CO/Il9I....." oINW COIIIIMIIOII I/'tll ,lN04l1llOf\ bol/l ~ I/'tll pnv.l., lVllNn I/'tll KtKentlO 1/'4 ctnIfll buIi' Nil '-11nCl 01 low. c.IY: 10 ItWW plt6fn;t\IIy plw I/'tll dtv~ I/'tll COIIIIMIlOfI in bol/llllt pnvll.1/'tll ~ HC\OII; 10 INU llCOII't/ntfldIllOfII 011 1/'4 1ICh11C11I1l. MI\IlI1lC I/'tll ..,..,.. dtl9l'l9IC\l 01 .. proooMd M'C I/'tll priv.tI ~1fntflI1 vm/lin I/'tll KtKentlO 1/'4 Clfllfll IluIinIIl dlllllCl Itdf..1otlmI1Il 1111. low. 0" IOOQitllId 1NfIlbIt.01 boIIdll/'tll commilllonl InUII -. ~ ellClOII 011/'4 0" ollowl 0". TN. ~ WlI -. IIIIdt 111/'4 MIy u. tin, InttlilO 01 \Ill 011 COIIlClIII 7:30 p,"" in \Ill COIIlClI CNmbttI. I'IrIOlllInlIfOlltd In bfjng contidttld 101 WI IlOtiliOn ~ COIlllCI \Ill 0" CItr\ II \Ill CMc Centlf. 410 t W.tNnolOll Sit"" ~1lOfI '01"'111' avlillblt lrom I.... Cltt~'. olllC' _ lequtll, i I I ! I ~;A r , "...T. \ I , ' //5'11 o t] :1 e ,~ 'lA1," 4 FfNl," 5 lIAy 12, 1992 D!SIC1I .!VIEW ~In!! . On. vlClncy . Ind.flnlto Ul1I lIAy 12, 1992 . ... be-tel' to 5/~/9~ Cordonl AvrllOvlc Povlovlc 7 lloolf Annu. , , 1 IIsi! .' \ I ! \ , . , ,,' nO:/90 - ADVISORY 80ARDICO~JlISSIOIl APPLICAfIOII FO~ Indlvldu~1s sorvlno on 80~rds/C()lJ~ISllons pl~y an l"1lortant rol. In adtlslll9 tho Council on IlI.IUers of Interest to our CO"I:NnHy and Its future. Applicants 'ust mid. In IOw~ CIty. "he City Council ~nnounced Addsory 80ardlCO"llllulon vmnclu 90 d~1J prIor 10 lhl d'Le the ~ppolntment wIll be m~de. This p.rlod prOtldes for. JO'day 'dt.rtlllnq p.rlod and a 50'day tr.tnlno perIod for new members. Tho tr.lnlno perIod .1100l n.w m.mb.rs to becomo familIar with the responllbllltles Ind duties of the .dtlsory bO"d/coll1~"slon bofore becomlno . full votlno member. After. vacancy hu been announced and the JO.day.dmtlslno period hu ..plrtd, the Counc II reviews a II app IIc.tlons dur tnq the Infgral4l l/or~ un Ion. Tht .Illlolnt~nt Is announced at the next formal CouncIl meetlno. Appolnt.es s.rv. al unp.ld ,olunt..rs. Council prefers that .11 applications must b. subnlthd to the CHy Clerk no later than one wuk prIor to the announced appointment dates. /Pt;wrUSErA~8LACJ("IHJt' PEN:'I . THIS APPLICATlOII IS A PU8LIC OOeUHEIlT AIlO AS suell CAli 8E REPROOtlCEO A/Ill OlSrRIBUIEO FOR TItE PUBLIC. TIllS APPLICATlOII \l/LL BE COllSIOEREO FOR J /lOll/liS OllLY AIIO AUrOMflCALLY COllSIDERED FOR AllY VACAI/CY DURJlIG mAT TIllE. ADVISORY BOARO/COtrf/SS/OII /IAHEJ2~~lalJ ~ll'uJ c;,~I';4llfCe:. rEAlI IfJDf'l"lfJl~ /'AIIE Gc(lP~~A AVfl~DVll ~Vl.OVle IfDIIE ADDRESS 7 \V60L.r IW~IJIJD Is your home address (lIsted .bove) wIthin the corporat. limits of low. City? OCCUPATIOll--l.~C.+lTe:.C::T EHPLOYER Tilts UlJlVe~~ ~,. I"..,,.. PHO/IE /IUMBER: HOllE (~I~) ~~1 -'07e5. BUSII/ESS (~I'J) ~35-1?J'5 EXPERIEIICE AIID/OR ACTIVITIES IIIIICII YOU fEEL QUALifY YOU fOR nlls POSlTIO/1: ~ f!"''=- le.I III e;e. e I 197' ~ ~~~~ . tN~,~Cl _TIM!- Iwo~~ 1~~IV.6~ ~~~;; I\!~~\e ~~. M't-, ~\6tJGt ~ l't.btJtJlM1, oe~lI-'lllU'W~DfJ, I}4..'" ~". ~\U~ C~IOP .t>/JP '11lt5 DlMlI.CplleJ5tf' 'IlI~ o.HI'I1"f].6~1J'AlaMe:w~l(.~ l1It.ULJl~ fP !cw..... ClJp~IJ~H 1IJ~f(,~ ~ ~ !'If) PlfSQf~pbAJ IJJ P~AlI.v(J: IlHAT IS YOUR PRESEIIT K1/DIILEDGE OF TIllS ADVISORY BOARD? OAlt..Y T1ifl'C..YJJ~ 1111111 'm.... ,PHUJ~of'H-1! Tf) P/l()).(~ A~TJ'f;{l(:.. ~A.t..A.}J~ />JJrc4~R401. ~~41U "I 0/' iJew A}JD Dt.D tl)AJ~tp,U~IN IIJ IIR~AJ Y"i.M/C :ICwA CI . III/AT COIITRIBUTlOI/S DO YOU .FEEL YOU CAlI lIME TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STArE REASOI/ rDR APPLYIIIG)? I~L,.\eve; ~ &)cpt;ale~ce I/J f},b~,.u/dJQ ;lAJO My IWIJWUJ~ Cl" ~l,. 1),6 H~~I... p''Il/1! (n;l""~'DP liJ 1'('5 111~~ltnJ. Spoc I flc a t ton t Ion shou Id bo d I roc tod to pass I b 10 conf IIct of Intorest as de fined In Chapters J5Z.6. 40JA,ZZ of tho Codo of 1000a. Should you be uncert.ln whether or not a potentIal conflict of Intorest ex~lsts contact the Legal Department, 11111 10U have a conflict of Interest? YES /0 , - If you aro not solocted. do you want to bo noWledl 0es 110 - - 00.. , currently servo on another Iowa CHy Board or Conlnlsslonl _YES ~'O It hIS boen Council polley not to pormlt an IndivIdual to IOrVO on two Boards or Conlnls. S Ions at tho same time. Juno 1909 /lsl/