HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-26 Award ., " 1iw!.i1!1. I, r .',. -. 'A(} , '(fC " ,. Contact Pemon: Puwose: Essay Subject: Ideas: Identify: '" , .' "t . '-'1" '. '~ ,~. ".> , . :.1, , ~___........." '"" ~,. ... _". 0.. .__ ESSAY CONTEST IOWA CITY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Alice Harris, 356-5022 To celebrate African American and Womens History through an essay contest. To increase awareness of Human Rights issues. A Hero For Our Time. A Civil Rights, Human Rights or Women's Rights Activist How was this famous civic leader, past or present, a hero and what lessons can we learn from them for our daily ~ves? Research their life and contributions and what characteristics about them were heroic. The extent we can model our ~ves in the quest for justice and human rights. Enb:y Categories: L 2. 3. 6th and 7th grades 8th and 9th grades 10th, 11 th and 12th grades NOTE: J3nb:y Format: Send to: i: l ,I, (" \ ',~ Criteria for rud~g: ,/1 (':.s; 1 ' Judging: , I , i Pri2es: , I II~ i II Deadline: ~l, \j '1;~[ ,:~~ I': __ '\ C'= ; 0 ') > _._---_._-~-- Only ~ finalist may be submitted from each classroom. A teacher with five classes may submit five different essays. Individual students may submit only one essay. L 2. Each essay should be no more th~n 600 words. Type or write in black ink on 8-1/2" by 11" white paper. Iowa City Human Rights Commission 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 . Good research skills and problem solving abilities. Effective use of descriptive language. . Level of interest and historical value. Correct punctuation, spelling, grammar, neatness. Winning essays will be chosen by a panel composed of Iowa City Human Rights Commission Commissioners. _ First pri2e will be awarded in each of the three grade divisions. Pri2es will include books and certificates of achievement. . The three winners will be honpred by the Mayor at the City Council meeting in April. - All winners a!1d teachers will receive a photograph of the event. Essays musl: be postmarked no later than Friday. March 11. 1994. '~3 .. .~---~-" ' ',O.-,;.),H' "-.' '~""'--"- ",,'", I,' ,,-, . , , ...-.............-- ~. ,- G> " I", ' , , 'j t:. " ~) ,Iti " ;\, . \"', ' ~~N . ,......"'"'.....11.. ' ". "'"\:,, -,.."1 ' .. , " , ~. . ~ . . u' .___, , , - _ _ . hi('\et A. C~i S~ olM ., ......,,,,.,.',, " S h,r \ey C~'I~~o\m, WQ., ~ the ..,.__,__,,_.__...,~ (t~t b \~~K._ w,O m~ 1') ,-to> be Q\ e" te,~ -----,,----,+0, -. f.te",U():1e~ 5to.~e-s C~t)s\re55,~e- ....._.... .w0.5 Q\5-9 itlne. \'~6t ~a()<u:J'n;1e Ill" _ __....__.__," b\~C.\\~Tc. rUIn ,0'- If r@ ~ ,de 11 to " ",_.",,'''h...', ' ", ~ h,ir.\e.y<:' '\'\:5 ha.\VrY;)', W 0 ~ ~~r n --,----..,.).Q,.J 9,.::LS.!__Sb,e ..'" Qtt~Y)e~ _ ,Q ~r'c()'t\lyn -_""_mon,...,,,Slfk....n 1'3'n ,.~c,h~D~ rt'r,en 5ne.~ref)'t : ""._.,,"...._.. "to BrQ,<?k1yn c: Q\\-e~e ~ C:0here~be' ________~~LYle~t-Q,-~.. EL; t>- __:9o~ie I o8Y' ~ he Q _ ___tl1el\llWeOt. Jg?JColu lI')~iG. Uti; u(s,:~ ! .....--c.JJ~~:~-(~h~Se~~rl~r:.! dll ~~ ~::riQ9 ._,..",. . r. . n ' ~ ~ b, -.. , n ~,t . Or'l e.o.{'\~ educ..,o..~~Cln on~ c~:;'d welra('\~ ., ,."..,,_,,_ "" , Sh\;('\ey"t,h;~~O~r'iI)1WC\l~ ue,..,y i~ " --,,,., "_,_....\()teres~~.,,,{-~,J~e ~.Ot~01 (J h ;\YI Q:n~ ' tJo.,.,t~ ~~, 'be,,' n a ~"o~:,f 1~'" 4J oe,/re~ ,,' "",,,._..,". , ,~h:~, CA~l~, ",rcga'\ 1)j., m:G.'A e:.- ~\ ehG.1m() e J 5'0 . . ---.. .. s be.ell~f'e.& . ~~~ TlCS,l ~ e. W Q.A _h' "h,___,.8 \ec~eo J-,o..t~e.l.'Uec.-J /"d< S~'e, ~el\'lb1y ~.'h'''__h' ' _ t'~e~~~~,~ou.se. ,~,~,~~'~.n'I(1~ b; Il~ " ;'..__.___ . -6,'~ Y\e,~, ;014'~, 'ne ,\.~wJ.I'f\, ......,.1 ~'~~:6 he W~$ "'..__..,._., ,C~~'~n, g,~J.. .t~:~"'~b)e~oc.r~tiG cend~~te , ,.",.' , C~-_ ~.d -. --.,v'o,)':. "; '" ~lj, ~D, " . ,. }Jr..~j ,,~\ , I \ i , I , i 1 I. :1 I. i I! I I i I , i' , II' j j i Ii , II I, .. :1 '~, ; j'..":'A i , I ! ~/\..~/ ", f,: ! l;~~~~,'" ,.~h1 :'t~; ',C'" ~".-O -.. , , . ' -- , . r I , , . ~t \~i,. ,.."1 ' .. . , . ..... ~. . . .:! ' ......._.L. ........_ - d:Q f\~;~'\C~ c:rt.C) ~~.r,\~,..~;tS( ,'I;'M) ~~ i9~:~~7 :g~el'~,~:shelE.~:~edd~4-b.0.Lh~O ~ q IlL CO()3re~6, mO;\~(\(f~ ,.~~r 4-~e ~;t~~ b\q~~ WOi'n;~\f"f) +0 ~~gl~ca. I" CO n8~e~St \ If)~ter ~er- ~o.7fJ re -elec:.t;of/,Sh:rlo/ C~\shO In') WQnfed t.O +C\\~€.. 'n er 1..~C('(j~.~~e. ~<O(" -\-'~e. rt~~~~, "~Qllpeol?1;'e. '-0 n, f.\~e~. \ '~(J e\\ '&. an ~ ~()(.JC\ r 1. 0 ~ \ 9 7 a I ~ hi rl eyCh,' QhQl\ 01 :5q ;6, II' 1. her-~k; ~ ~c \ ~ rif. f'r'\: ,y ~ ~ ~ C\ c~ /') ~ I J 0\+ e.. +0 F' t he Pre~ t~ ,ent' 0 ~ +~e. U n ;te.d ~ta+e~~J She @\'Of\lt WI1'r) T''ne,' nQimiJr~~q;tl,,;+-A & n e. rho.,o'€. 01, fil\ i rt.'\? r'e ~i ; u' eL 'f, h,~: w " fl)~ , S ~ {("" \ ~'L C.I ry;' ~ ~:QJ \ ~i ';;, IJ; ~ e ; ~ , c..h,....o (') 'Ie t e& I n\ be rh)~; Oi l~ 'f;I .Q.jio1 ( I: I") ~m"~~~J>,, }:'Y) 1 q 7'~'r$h e'\ ,?,1' J ~bc,u + n,er f'Uf) ~:\'J~r ,', f'I"$;' ~pJ ; n 1, ~ I' ~~ ~ \:\ b; " . rJ 1- ter ~ 'S.u ~ Ctfs,s.. ~\ ~l~t""~'~ 'n Y~OI.f".j , I Nl ,c..,~? ~ r1~ ~" .:S"h e f"et. ur I')!€: <1\ t a, ~ ~'.~'u ~o. ~l e.in, ,()\ \'1 'L3. T~d C\ Y _ ~~ e.. I ~ q,. IJ "'teC>.c'n(.f' Gi,+.. rnt~ He>, \o~ e.. Htb/m) ~,l"\: f'l~h+([ Q,~ -r'ne. rj8~+~ .9$ 0. \I f-3~~'~ Ie. I Q"n,~ ~~~: ~ " ~~ij €.. +~~~u.6t:o..t.rY1;o'~Q t.oJha+ ~~!f\~!S~',:,~ "" '~~'(~~I~' l\o/~~~~,b,;It.y~o~~b~ Ci~!i+~~I.Jq:~?-, 'U1'.iff,\ e.. Y') en \Q;I1." I ~ !i)idl i;"'ry')... : (,,-<().!A6 U~y''f(f';\C..ff~ I "Oos:l) ,,:,: :~'.I'O: . +0 ~6~\~..t~~+ 0 :c!o ~,.+.ho..t,!"', h d,..M9:!~ ~'h'o,:\- iY:bl>::\ \,~&\\ \:~e' ~~ '33 - ~ "',- - 0); , . ~IS' ~ 0 ;' j '" . , '~l\ I .\" " , '~'Y . . _.._~ --_..;...: """~' ''-.'~"" .u,........c.~._,.,.~_.._ ;...... ~ ' . H tannle LOu amer ( Human Right) Human rights Is a right to do almost anything you want.llke go to any school you want. " Free speech" means, say whatever you want to say.like. i want to be able to go to any place in the United'States of America Instead of only staying In Iowa.ilFreedom," You don't have to be a slave or a person I~ho Is told they have to stay here. They can go anywhere. Fannie Lou Hammer was born In 1917,ln Rulerllle MIssissIppi. She had twenty brothers and sisters. She was the" FIRST LADY OF CIVIL RiGHTS." .,"', ( .\ (-. \ \ I ~ I I" She went to school tIll slxthgrade. Whe~ she was twenty-four she married. They moved to Sunflower County and became share croppers. , , in 1962.Fannle Lou got Involved In the Civil Rights movement. She and seventeen otnets agreed to go to the county court house to register to vote, They were asked twenty-one questlones. One was, " copy and I nterpret a part of the Mlsslslppl Constitution." They all failed. Fannie Lou left and said. " I'll be back again and again t III I pass." 'J,' On the way home the driver of the bus was pulled over and , ~, Ii, ~l J r ",~,,!~,~ '..;, {;, 81~ 'L' given a ticket for S100.00 for driving the wrong color. When she got home her emp I oyers sal d, "We are not readY for th I sin Mississippi." "~dldn't vote for you.I tried to vote for me." ('- --- , 0 ':'.:, ..----.---- J ~', --= 'f- -- )d 0' ',,' " , " , ' , . . """ :.".' " :. " , ....."._,..." ,\ , ~. . - ~33 ,,','\', "I"" . ".1, IS CD' . 10,. ~ " ' " , " ~t ~\", .- , 'I ,,' .. , . '.' " , , , " ;" "; .' .' _-,,'4'_" ..,.. _'.'~-'. ,:.' "... ..,0: ...,.- ..,. '.'_~._. ...-;."~._,j.'-_.:.., .,1 I I I I I . I I I I r~. :\,(1) ", J,; ~~<l~!'..' :~; 'w i:,[,",l, ',' '....\tr.....,..-. .......,... ,Y"- 0 ~~~-_._- -,~_.__..,~._"'- ~.".......;._,.........,....;.._..... eh~ sala. Th~y w~ce torc~d out ot theIr hom~. theIr ~mployers too~ their furniture ana their car. Her life became a livIng hell. In 1963. she finally passed her voter test. She went back home and was arrested by pollee men who said II We're going to make you wI sh you \;ere dead. II They made two black men beat h,er. Her bOdy was hard so that made them thlnkshe was dead. she later heard a plot that they were going to kIll her. Then Dr,Martln Luther King Jr. heard what happened. He got two men to get her ou t of Jail. In 1970. she was given awards and cItations. She had fulfilled her life long dream: Fannie L. Hammer raised over one mil Ion dallors for Sunflower County, and she establIshed a 680 '. acre complex to house and feed the poor of all races. She later started a Day Care Center for the children of workIng MOTHERS. She died In 1977. " THE"END BY HEATHER ROBERTSON G 9V'Cld e ~I,' " ~'- ,~ ;J:,/p':.,"::.,'\':'..,,,.,.,' " ' -.,'",0, , I ~. . .- '." I i ] I I I . ' I ,."" ~33 5'5"':: 10: ..:.~, .....',... ....". .' , . :~t<t: ' ;J\ " '~. . .. , ' .. ....' ,'" ..,t , ' " '.,.,. ~. . . , . ~.....,..,' ,_.' ." '," , ,.,', .;, ..... .'._. _'""c.>~.....~~._,__.., , ,-,-_,.__"~"_,,,'~,,,,-,,"','" .'~ ,..~ , - Amy 11i-tS"ClLlj &.fl. l..j'.at , , , I ~'. · : I ' II j '~',/, \"....~ " " ' ,1 WhCOf~ Goldbe.r~ , Whoop; Go Idbe.rj WOoS ,~o rn kJ; +h +h~ bl'f'"thllo.rne Ko..rell JO~(\SO(\ UIl Novern\o'0'f \ 3) 1919, ~ Y\ New York (,~tY Grow; I'\~ uf ~ n fA. New Yo r-K c..; i-1 ~DU~~I\~ \fro~e..(JJ 5~e to..c.e.d the, c..1-\G\\ I e~J e.6 of rJxslXi a- Cl re..o.d I n~, d~5o("de~ dfu,iJJ cL~VOfc.e) $;~9Ie f'Ylo+hel'- ~ood) CtY/cl po'Ve.(ty oj I be.~(e $h,~ Was +cv<:'f\+Y Y€..C\.fS 0 fJ, #o.UIY'\~ Jone +h,ou0~ ~Cl('d -f;rnes herjeJt)lJ~F'\ u:s~s ~e.l cu~.-+;nq ~Dd. <::"0 M-e.dy 0..:5 a. LVClY of I~H; n9 C~;ldre~ ~now flu+ +~€.,r~ ().(e fG5;~Ve.. WO\Ys +0 r: n~, 5o\u1ic>n S +0 I: t-e./-S ff'o'olem~,She :0fre.5seS ihQ. : Ii)Pol"+o..(,ce. 0t rec..o~l\;z:,:~nJ +he ; n~lue~c~ at CJ 11(::5 to.<n; Iy O:hd ~'Is+orj. \VhCJdF' ~G\S oJWo.Yj r~r'r\embE:.r-e..d ~-t. po-.r+ ~e HudSo/i. ~u~ ld ;" Ne~ YClrk c~ tY fl~yed ;" htr \,rt. xi c.co.s 0-.,' (,omrnul\;+Y c..e.f\+~( , fhC\+ ~",ve. h~r 0:- pla..ce. -b ')OIc.LY (AY)~ ~e.o-('n o.bou+ +heO\.-\-~I.:r+ 1.0CI.5 there. -thoJ 5h~ S+o..r~ e.d. ~-t(, Lu~y +0 bec..orn', rJ,\ 0.. sto-.\. Frof)J N'iv.J Yor-k to Co-. \: tDln;&. Whoop; +ro-.v~le.d +he roo..d to ....-! " , { : .,~ ' (J ,\ I ~ '~,>' ~T' ,I . , " ;l'~"~i i "I ~'l ~," ~~~ :';C:; . ''- ,,,',' ,', Cf33 ),'",'~' -'" ", '''',";''''';' ',' "T,~"" 8 0':, ,., ", ... ~ U , , '([" ,...,n,~- ~"", , 0 ' , . ' ' " ' , " , , . . . ' ~ "'. . -- . -_.---~----~- , '.; ,.,0 . ",:..' ',:;' ,:" , . T , ,::li;';I[i~,. ..'j . ,,- I,: .i'\\ (-1 \ \ ,.~ r-~1 f " i ~ , I i, I I I i ~'. , I ~' \,-J \..... .,,', \ . .,' 'I,ll'" ""I j~lr~,!~ ""t' ,~. ~ ~.' " , " -' fC- 0 , . .' . t'" . .. " , : ~~~ ,"j. ' ".j , , . ,~. ~ . ,',' ,",' , '~ . , , ",,'':'''.'.,.'~.o:;'"'''''';''''''_'''''''''w;.'_'''''''_'''_'___~._. I , I ~. . " u. _"'_.R" .," ..~ ...",.~.._._..,~._._.:':~_"_.. . , I' '33 ""'~1'5' .1 tt b ec..o vii ~ Y) J 0-.. S+CI. 'I. $ h ~ h 0. S r P-c. e:, v ~,cl.. r~c..O~Y\\-\;Of\ os OS\ e.l\+-ertO\;(\e.r ;h C-,OfY)\:.-'cty (i\nd dro.Mo-'. In /qo/CS She. Won C\'(\ 05 C'.-G\( 0..5 be6t $uFFor+:nq Q.c..+re..:5S :n \\c,.hosfJ: Ih Ig ~~ She J CAJo..S I\Omd\~~Q.~ -rOY he.s + C\C+fess : 1'\ "'The" t,C) lor PU(f,\tt She re..c:e;v~d (). Go\d~f\ Globe CJ-.LUGtfd ; t'\ 1925. I~ er ow" bla.cK peope ~ ",Ve ~~r +t,e fv A A c r rrna.~e. O-LUG\vd ir\ 11gto)lq~~)lr~q)/1rDJ ~0d Ir? I. S~e h\c61 n::ce.Yl+ Iy h C\5 5fo.(,e,d ;r\ \'5;5fer Ac+ One'/ C\.\1d \\5 ;5+e.r Ac.+ Two~ W h ocp; US€.5 h~y to- \ ef\1 iAS C\ '(\ C\. c.. + (eSl +0 fw (, h, c..o IY1fC\.6'5 :0 II tof' O+h~'( P€orle. t:o-.c..h of ~0hoof;~ OWn C"reo. +ed. Q.~~fG\.c.Ae.r5 +' O"c.es ' Jr-~+ d;rr:~()I}y Qt\d ;" hiS or ~.e(" OvJ(\ Wo-y ~~I"\Js 0.. ~'I 1-0 cLeo.\ w; +K +1-....0..:+ d; 9.r;c.u I +,Y As one. Who Once I ;V~~ Oh ,welrClfe. C\flcl 5+r()J~\~d +0 f(Aj re.n t) \vhoop', n CLV o.~ Ci.. 5+0.(- tuorks tOI SoC.ioJ Go..use..:) o..nd protnO+e-s' rGtc..;C\.1 h Ctf"rnonj' Her ~. ,f- - 1,)"',",--,'..,7'.._..'....":..,",.."..,,......,, " '0".. ":,,, "\ '" ,,' ,.".,. 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W~cop~ 's fne. :5So..Je. +0 ~o.cJ~ of u.5 ~..~( Inj olle Ot 1,'fe.'S choJl~n6es. " -'.L, '.' '" ,,,r " i- , ' . '.'. I "'i",,:,;':.\O,;\'Ll~:.';:i:":" ':':" """"", , ' . '33 " ,S'S":-ICi: "" .....,','1.".. "",,~'_.'. -'.t.:.'.: ~jz( '., i'~ ". , ,"-:" J): r' ~ r~ 11 I ' I I ' ' , 0\ , , , I I II r' . ' " , . ' I ' '1J,,/}, , , "'~' \ :n,~, ~~l 'I ' [~~.,I,', ',' ..\"~~, -"'; :co 'J", ., --, .' , , , , ,I . i , I i.. " -' ">~~:"\;";1 ' ,0' ',> , , .,,~, . ~. 'i , "~. ~. , .1. , '. : ~' ,';'.' . ",,;',~'::,.~". ....,~.":.....~...."'.~..,, _;.:_..:--.J.;;.~~ _... ".'~' ....., " . . '.....-_h."....,""".."':.....~.._'-',,.._...,~__..:_.-., .. _ _"._..___.~"...~_._.,~....'-.._...._...M.K___..__"___..m . HUMAN RIGHTS The person whom I look up to isn't a famous person, but he is a person I admire. His name is Clarence Larkens. He is a Sargent Major in the Army. The reason why I look up to him is because of his outlook on life. Every February Clarence volunteers to go to schools to talk to kids about Martin Luther King, Black History, The Civil War, civil rights activists, and other important Issues. Clarence also teaches the the importance of treating EVERYONE with respect and dignity, and not to judge people by their skin color. And to also treat male, female, different looks, and the rich and the poor with the same respect. Clarence says, we must learn to except people for their accomplishments and personality. The reason Clarence goes into schools is because, he thinks that parents, television, and peers influence what children think. He thinks when others' think for children then they, don't get a good outlook on life. When children start to make their own choices then we are one step closer to peace. I thin~ "Black History Month is a good idea, because children aren't just learning about famous black civil rights activists, but about peace and treating others the way you as a person and not a race would like to be treated. \.1 By: Erika Marshall ! -'f. Dedicated to: Clarence Larkens 't.' " , ,: ~=:-":'T-' .- ..,'..,,','. : '33 J' ,', .:,';,':c..,...':':;_.'''''''''''.:,~''''''('' """'f""Y' ' .'"0'," ." i'O ,,::,,',.,' .,:"," , ' , ,') r;.. ',,' ': . ,'.. .".... . '. ....} . ,,' ','. '7'~' .::? ','. "'...: ..,.-,' ,...' , ;'"