HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-11 Council minutes ~::,.,;\'i';; (-, COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF COUNCIL ACTIVITIES JULY 11,1994 , ':.. Iowa City City Council, special meeting, 6:20 p.m. at the Civic Center. Mayor Horowitz presiding. Council Members present: Baker, Horowitz, Kubby, Novick, Pigott, (6:25 p.m.), Throgmorton. Absent: Lehman. Staffmembers present: Atkins, Helling, Gentry, Karr, Burnside. Council Minutes tape recorded on Tapes 94-88, Side 2. Moved by Novick, seconded by Throgmorton, to adjourn to executive session to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation; and to discuss the purchase of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property. The minutes and the tape recording of a session closed under this paragraph shall be available for public examination when the transaction discussed is completed. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 5/0, Pigott, Lehman absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried and adjourned to executive session, 6:20 p.m. Council returned to open session 6:55 p.m. Moved by Kubby, seconded by Novick, to adjourn 6:55 p.m. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lehman absent. .. I ';:: \ ( 1-,"' .r, 72''<<~ ~". , :' I ~ e';' -'" -_ Mar n K: Karr, \9;itvplerk::; ,I " '. , r7; \:)'(/ ,',l, r\'~"~ "\ m"",~ , " ;~~ I ~ I I I " . 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'~ , ,', . ~ . ,.'i , :"'.., . :.\, ".... "~._.' ,.l..__'.~ ..., _......_._. ...._,..<..__.._....._'. _.....~, .~...... :_"':.~'';'''''''''4~~ .., I\J-o. City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM (" >'>l p ! i , : i 3. I. \ I ~ ",I ~ ~~,; PI r:~ , , :([" 0 Date: July 15, 1994 To: Mayor and City Council From: City Clerk Re: Council Work Session - Economic Development, July 11, 1994 - the Civic Center Conference Room. Mayor Susan Horowitz presiding. Council Present: Horowitz, Baker, Kubby, Novick, Pigott, Throgmorton. Absent: Lehman. City staff present: Atkins, Helling, Gentry, Karr, Franklin, Schoon. ' Others present: Bolkcom, Lacina. Tape recorded on Reel 94-89, All; 94-90, Side 1. Economic Development Discussion Reel 94-89, Side 1 City Manager Atkins presented issues associated with the City's economic development policy as outlined in his July 5, 1994 memorandum regarding Economic Development. Atkins asked City Council for direction on what is the role of the City Government in the Economic well being of our community. ' 1. Review Current Participants in Economic Development Activity. Atkins explained that the current City policy is that the role of the City Government is primarily a support or secondary role. Atkins stated that business recruitment initiatives in our community rests primarily with ICAD and the City pays them money to represent City interests. Kubby raised concerns that City Council does not give any direction to ICAD. 2. Economic Development Policy as Part of the Comprehensive Plan. Atkins stated all of the players involved with Economic Development need to be aware that the Comp Plan is an expression of the community policy and the Comp Plan can serve as identification of local preferences. Atkins noted the Comp Plan is now under review and various boards and commissions will prepare a policy recommendations and submit them to Council as part of the Camp Planning process. Atkins reported the Task Forces are currently involved with the Comp Plan update and have stated there are three very ,critical factors; the City needs to look at ,its existing industry, as its strength and the City should create opportunities from within and they question the importance of the overseas involvement; and the Economic Development Agenda is far broader than just job creation. Other factors associated with Economic Development are social, environmental and fiscal. Statewide Economic Development Policy. Atkins stated the State has two strategies: 1) the need to create business networks - groups of businesses having similar or specialized n'eeds in a supplier market relationship and 2) most of the towns in Iowa are too small to have any kind of economic policy on their own so they need to be considered in conjunction with other communities. Atkins stated the ICAD does serve ....; ~. . .. CD J.! '. ' -- ~ -- . il ',.,.., ''',''"":'''''''-,' ,"0, '. ", .:," ,. . ',,-,.' "'--' ..' "../" .'" ",., .,::::;,, , : ' ",., 1" -;;l~ :15 ,,10; ,..."le,':;--} .:. .~a;n' . ' !, r\ " ',;\ . "r' . .",'", .' ., ,'-.' , 'M..,' -',' - -.-..::' " July 11,1994 Work Session 2 Revised 7/19/94 that purpose somewhat. Atkins stated the State Policy involves high paying jobs, standard of living, and the income of our citizens as major issues for economic development. 4. Economic Development Initiatives Under Way That Are Beyond Direct Control of City Council Policy. Atkins provided information about public and private initiatives that impact Economic Development. Kubby referred to current participants in Economic Development activity and stated the public and consumers should be involved. Atkins responded that in the economic well being vision statement one of the goals that they have adopted is "to the fullest extent practical, promote awareness of City's Economic Development projects through public forums." Throgmorton stated that the City needs to diversify the types of people involved in Economic Development * and consider developing a different forum within which they can argue and debate the nature of economic development. Kubby stated there should be a policy statement that we have greater consistent participation and direction. Horowitz stated that she would like to know the pros and cons of getting greater public involvement. Novick stated that the City will receive public input during public hearings before Council adopts policies. Atkins reviewed the following handout: what is the role of City Government in the Economic Development (economic well being) of our community. Current Policy. Atkins stated that the current policy includes support/secondary role; others do it on our behalf; provide traditional public services; and encourage private sector initiatives. More Aggressive Policy. Atkins explained that a more aggressive policy is a matter of degree; the City needs to tell the parties representing the City's economic interest what the City wants; it may require more independent action on the City's part including recruitment and public expense. r Greater Control Through Stronger Policy Pronouncements. Atkins stated that Iowa City needs to qualify and establish expectations with issues related to Economic Development; tell clearly what we expect; tell how we are willing to accomplish economic development and that the City's expectation level will rise accordingly when the City participates financially. , ,,~ '" I Even Stronger Policy Pronouncements. Atkins explained the City will plan to do more and more ourselves; create opportunities such as a municipal industrial park which will allow the City to accommodate industrial development; preserve zoning opportunities; establish local preferences; leave overseas initiatives to others, such as the University of Iowa and Cedar Rapids; and influence regional and corridor plan.' ..' , I \ I ~ Recognize Others Will Act Independently. Atkins noted that other entities mayor may not seek the City's involvement and that ICAD and the State economic policy occurs through their institutions. Kubby suggested the City could behave in a way to coordinate and communicate better. Horowitz stated that once the University of Iowa and other cities know what Iowa City's policy is in terms of developing internally within the city it might be that Iowa City can supplement something that other communities have planned. '~~ :~; 1 ,~, ", '--~"-""~m~i ", .. ,~-_. ~ . )' "-, i:: .:., :.,' ,,,,,,,.'.,, .,..,', . '. - "~1r..:n~' - ~ -~~,' ... o. , ~ I ~. . '" .... Q ! .j J>~~ " I' 'it;. l~' ~) " "I' "', y , .0,." ,..,1,.,-,.,' ." .. '. tID~ ~\ " .,-.- 1 -'\ r I \ \ ~ " : I I , I : I~ Ii'; : I ~,\J ';/ :,'l,;~,'" ", " All/' !.,;ll ~. 'I~ '-0- ,(l7 I"~. .' " j .' . .'~! ~ \ I . '.' ~ . ',' , " ~. . , .. "-'" ...:'~.~ :.. .. -. . ......., '.,..,.. . ,... .~.' ...----..... ."..., . "~ ..; :, . '. ..-"...,,--,..-------. ,.- "-"~~' '" 3 Revised 7/19/94 How Best to Express Your Policy. Atkins stated that the City's economic development policy should include the economic well being component of the comp plan; the capital plan and public investment including infrastructure, quality public services and industrial park; zoning including legislative and regulatory initiative; communicate policy positions to other economic development players; and establish and articulate expectations. Throgmorton noted that the the list should include financial incentive. Throgmorton stated that the City ought to take a more active and aggressive role in economic development, provide a clearer statement of expectation, and establish some kind of fo- rum/process for discussing and arguing through disagreements about whether to grow, how to grow and if we grow, how much. Atkins stated that 81 citizens and Task Force already debate issues relevant to economic development. Throgmorton suggested that a commission on sustainable economic development, such as a seven person body with diverse representa- tion, be established to argue about what the City's policy should be and to collect information about the City's current circumstances. Novick stated that the general economic development policy is a Council policy and not something to delegate to a commission. Kubby stated that a citizen's group could establish standards of criteria, and do evaluation and research to find out about companies. Throgmorton stated that a citizen's commission could analyze the City's existing economic development problems or set of opportunities. Pigott suggested making a list of what the options for public participation are. Novick emphasized that policy decisions are not the kind of thing that should be delegated to a commission. Baker noted that City Council is a form for public participation and the public participates in Council deliberations. Throgmorton stated that a public participation process could help to probe the meaning of the I idea of sustainable economic development. Response to Horowitz, Throgmorton explained that sustainable means nurturing development to provide quality living and working conditions over generations without undermining the area's physical and social systems of support. * Kubby stated that the City needs to be more aggressive by establishing criteria and then going and looking at what kinds of businesses are expanding that meet those criteria. Atkins stated, the City can telllCAD they want a more aggressive marketing of local preferences. Horowitz said that she does not see ICAD as being aggressive and promoting local industry. Atkins stated that one of the goals of the economic development well being task force is to encourage the creation of business development clearinghouse a network that would assist individuals pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities. Council discussed industrial parks. Kubby stated that she would only support a City owned industrial park if there were criteria. Horowitz suggested an industrial park with parallel office research park. Pigott questioned whether an industrial park would provide better jobs for underemployed and jobs for lower income people or unemployed people. Throgmorton stated that he doesn't see how Council can make any kind of determination about whether they want to have an industrial park without having reasonable sophisticated analysis and some form of continuing public commission to help advise Council. Horowitz stated that if any commission were to bring a recommendation to the City Council, the Council would probably want to go back and reo discuss just exactly what that commission had discussed. Throgmorton emphasized that Council does not know what sustainable development is all about and what it means for the City. Pigott said he did not know if an industrial park will employ a higher educated work force. Kubby asked if an industrial park would provide jobs and create the kind of standard j .! j"'..--,'.....' . ...... , I ' ., , ,,' .' :;/:\', .,.. ,<,"," ,.~', ,..,.. ~',... .",-. =r -~~ I )5, .. ,. "'.\.."...1 ".' 10; '" po __J o &~: ,\ - ' , ! r~ > ~ , I . I : /, i " II \1. \'1 , ~ :.~ ,>, ,; t:.,,' ',.:\ ~I,; L C'- , 0 " .r,' ""'--... . ' :r - c{lf I,".'. :15 " I', " ~ . , . ~t:\', ' - '... ~ '.... , "", . ;;'. ....- --.-_.'. ._~"""-,,",",,:...,,,......:- 4 Revised 7/19/94 of living that they want. Kubby suggested figuring out some kind of flexible industri- al/research park zoning so that the land could be used in a flexible way. Atkins stated that more facts, figures and information are needed. Atkins stated that the City has not communicated effectively what their position is. Novick stated the City also needs to communicate what they don't want. Kubby questioned how the City can establish a trend so that people who are underemployed can shift around and people who are unemployed can move into those jobs that are just left. Kubby stated that she has information that says for 100 new professional jobs there are 20 new retail establishments and for 100 new manufacturing jobs there are only 7 new retail establishments. Novick referred to Atkins' July 5, 1994 memorandum, last page, policy statement, definition; basic sector. Novick stated that the basic sector definition of economic enterprise that imports dollars to the community and exports goods and services deals with manufacturing and nothing else. Throgmorton suggested the University fits that definition because the export information in return for money. Atkins noted that the University handles 150 million * dollars worth of research and that the University is considered the basic sector. Throgmorton noted that Iowa City imports 97% of its energy used in Iowa City. Horowitz asked Council what should be Council's participation in economic development. Horowitz stated that she sees it more important to establish Iowa City in terms of how it might be more proactive in looking at industries that we have and are able to showcase. Horowitz suggested creating a video to showcase examples of the industries that could be taken to Japan. Horowitz emphasized that Iowa City should toot its own horn. Throgmorton noted that the 30 second TV promotion by the downtown association was quite wonderful. Pigott stated that it is an important part of elected officials' position to be proactive. In response to Baker, Atkins stated that staff is involved in economic development activities by virtue of their position. Atkins stated that he would like to put together the economic development policy so he can represent Council's collective interests. Horowitz stated that this Council has not had any clear sense of direction. Horowitz stated that she represents Council and there is no way she will go off into left field unless she knows that she has everyone behind her. Horowitz asked council if they would like the City Manager to be more aggressive and out reaching. Throgmorton stated he needs to know what the policy is. Atkins stated that his role with regard to economic development has been very clearly articulated to ICAD. Atkins stated that his position is a reactive position. In response to Horowitz, Atkins stated that his sensitivity towards economic development opportunities will increase as a natural outgrowth to the communication process. Horowitz emphasized that she would like the City to be more aggressive in anticipation of the Avenue of the Saints. Throgmorton stated that if the City relied solely on staff to provide Council with recommenda- , tions about what is the criteria and economic development policy Council will be forcing them to resolve the kinds of conflicts that are out there in the community. Throgmorton stated that Council should structure a process whereby people in the community present different argument about what policy should be and use that input in deciding policy. Horowitz stated that expediency is needed in economic development issues. Baker stated that in the business world perception counts and if the perception is that there are too many road blocks and hurdles businesses will go to the next easier spot. Horowitz noted that this Council has a tendency to, no matter what staff recommends or draws up for Council, to rearrange it. Kubby stated that Council makes hundreds of decisions and most of the things there are . 1 '- ,), " ,.,.0,.'","> :"'" ,', ' ~. . Co @) I.!, "<. ,lOi ",-.,,",1 . . . ~i: .;'.: , '. ~..:; . "I , , , I.,',',r,.",:,t iili'" !~'~' " !i !ilt_, Lw~ . , ("I,'" ,I 0 'l' , .~, "'::', ..:.,...~.__ A. 5 hardly any discussion. Baker stated that on big things Council hasn't clearly established a ' , direction. Council agreed with Throgmorton's suggestion to instruct staff to draft an economic policy statement for Council, to recommend a series of possible ways to involve the public in the process, and ways to communicate that policy more effectively. Throgmorton stated that staff could recommend criteria the Council could use in making specific decisions. Throgmorton also asked that when looking at the public participation process that staff looks at the idea of sustainable economic growth commission. Kubby suggested that a revolving loan fund be considered. In response to Kubby, Atkins stated that if Council members have other ideas to send them to him. Horowitz asked if Council wants to consider a combination research industrial park. Atkins stated that he will prepare a memorandum for Council. STAFFED RECYCLE CENTER DISCUSSION Reel 94.90 Side 1 Novick referred to the memorandum regarding the staffed recycle center. Kubby stated that she does not like the method of silence means it/s okay. Atkins explained that staff felt council wanted a staffed recycling center and prepared the memorandum for information. Kubby stated she would like something on the agenda for 30 seconds. Novick stated that if Council wants to organize it differently more than 30 seconds of discussion is needed. Atkins ,stated the intent of the memo was to inform Council where staff is going and unless Council felt strongly staff would proceed. Horowitz announced that the July 18th meeting is scheduled at 5:30 p.m., 19th at 6:00 p.m., and 21 st at 5:15 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. clcrk\cc7-11.lnl .".. .--~ ,'\. 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