HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-08-30 Correspondence . '.;0 , ,.::",'. " """t <::.,",j'I:'" " ,":'1 . :'l ~:!ii)?,":.'(,: :~:~""" ' :'.;~~ ~- ,- ~ . .~;'" , 'I..: '. . :( ." .', ':" :'( c','. ' ,,,' ", . . 0>';' "'. .', ,.;~~~ ~. ...w.... ,,',._....,..~,~, ""~..",..~,.~c':..~.,,:..~~...c. ~~b",:.,L ;~~~,;,:,.J:;"';;..:_~..,,''''''.;: d1:L:~:.,__~. c, -1..:.. ,\' ,. .' '_.c,"_~._. .'. ",,_;:c..:, L':':.:. .,:.;\~ ~~~~) . , , . , City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM I' i , , , ,. . ~~ I He: Revised Human Rights Ordinance Date: August 25, 1994 i " II . , To: City Council I I I , ,\ From: Dale Helling, Assistant City Manager ." ;~~ .'; Your agenda includes an item setting a public hearing on a new Human Rights Ordinance. While a public hearing is not required, Council policy in the past has been to hold a public hearing on any proposed revision to the Human Rights Ordinance. The attached information has been provided by Anne Burnside, First Assistant City Attorney, to help you identify the differences between the proposed new Ordinance and the old Ordinance which will be repealed when the new one is adopted. While the agenda item specifies September 13th as the date of the public hearing, Council may amend that motion on the floor to set a different date if you wish, .....;:1 .1 .\' "'1 " Among the minutes included on your consent calendar are those of a June 9th public hearing and a July 14th public forum held by the Human Rights Commission to receive public input on the proposed ordinance. Representatives from the Commission will be present at the public hearing, along with Anne Burnside, to provide further information or clarification to Council and to the public. I 'r-j ~".1 ~;,~ \, .: \\1 m I . I If)') I ',' ! i i I I I I ;! ! . j ~ cc: Human Rights Commission Anne Burnside, First Assistant City Attorney Heather Shank, Human Rights Coordinator OB.25,dh ~OIO , tt,' 0 . :..'. : l~'~","<-""M~.-,."...."'r.'"'''''''';'i'!""~,,wT''=''''' '::'I':""'i" ':''-'Cf':<:-;';;{.~:'.:'': ';j(;:':~;';L;:::\":: ,..,;:1",,'.....:'\ .,' '-"'r,'::": .:". ,.,::\,:,..::.-\~",~,''';''-~:,-;,:;:::\:/ ':,' ,[J: :::,' :;',:..:,: ....' "..'.,. II'.... .", ., ,# 5,', ,.." . :1"',:, ".*'....',~.~~(:J,I"..;\:',:.':...,'". ",' " ;'" .~"":~,.:.~:.:~:':>,:'..':',:r,"".;;:I\ . : d.' .' ....~.,,:: ,,'. .~-' ;'. ~'...',I" 'i'-Ii.' .. 'A;~'!,; ,'. ') , '. "' . .',.. '. .'. . ," ~ ,"-"",' , . ; "'. ,",:" . " . , ,.,.'.,"-_...-~-"._-_... ,... I ,( . . . .'. , . . :,.~:.:.. '.; ~',.~.;...;~.:- .~~.J,~:.':;;'.~..~,._:.;.;;.;~'.1 :~~::...",,;,,,,,,,,,"~,,;:,,,...........~.___.. _n,..'_ ~_,,~ _'~""""'".."..' "'_--;0, ',_-' n '.! L,~o''- ...-/.'.J(.... ...:.'.,;.,.,.,~"'.'. , . ~ City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM -! Date: -' , To: From: Re: August 11, 1994 Dale Helling, Assistant City Manager Anne G. Burnside, First Assistant City Attorney ~ Human Rights Ordinance: Commission's Amendment of Ordinance As you know I the Human Rights Commission recently completed their project to revise and update the Iowa City Human Rights Ordinance. The project began in 1991 in response to the federal requirement that state and local civil rights laws be revised to meet the standards of the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988 in order to remain eligible to accept referral cases from HUD. \ . The Commission began by selecting a subcommittee to review the terms of the Fair Housing law, the state fair housing provisions of the state civil rights law, and the City ordinance. Fairly early in the process, the subcommittee concluded that it was unlikely Iowa City would reach substantial equivalency with the federal act because some of the federal provisions appeared well beyond the scope of our local commission. I will discuss these provisions in some detail below. Also early in the process, the subcommittee realized the ordinance needed revision in many areas--not just in housing protection. Thus, the scope of the revision process grew to include the entire ordinance. The document which the Commission approved early this summer after public hearing is a very . substantial amendment to the prior ordinance. " ...'1 i . ) 10 ." \., .1(,' 1': \ \ ~ . . i..'. ~ The Commission has forwarded a copy of the revised ordinance which shows delBted ttouble IJno.ertln&[. language with a strike Ollt line and newly adopted language ~~. I am providing this brief outlin7 of the changes, as an aid in reviewing the document. I am also attaching a table of contents which will not be part of the ordinance, but which is a useful tool in reviewing the document. Commission members will attend the Council's session to discuss the proposal and answer questions. I. i I l ~ '11 'l~/" '.~I' '. ."'1 t!l , fI)' ,. , it \11,. . 1 ....., .. ......- .~ . ,'{ ';;)0/0 ~. ]".""""'- .....-...... ,"'" --..--.................-\-"'." "':I"~"'( . ,', ,>,:,-:,.\. ":' . ....', '0' 0:. ','.- I"'" . t ." ,.' ," '.,.:....,;".,.:,: . '} 5'.'1':' ,,: '. . '-, \'-~"- r,\~i.:,'~:...:..,:..../,,,, :', ,. . 1.,..-.-......\:'..:'.';'; ',,~. o ,'.. ;. " ';;', '~ml;,. I.' ...,." " .'"\ ,', ... . .,;> , ,"t' ....\,,' . '.' 'I, ;', , ,:.,'-' \ ....,:.. , . . '. ,'- ~'-~: ,,; "~;""'_:"',,"'-.. >..ti ..~_... .....~.._ .," _c .. _ . ......~ ..' " .. .'_-."-'..C:.'_" ..':"',:.,,_'.~,-..,.~ ...." .~,."."."._",",'-.....,;-, ...-"'._"Lh\',_.t" " r 'i. r*\ \ \ ~ ~ ~. 1 " I i.~' I ,.' I . l , ~ r~)':.'.': 1 . ~g ': i " C.-.O ,....' . ARTICLE I. Definitions. Disabilitv. The Commission revised the definition of disability by adopting the definition found in the state discrimination code, Chapter 216 (formerly Chapter 601A). This definition, in turn, is drawn from the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The new definition incorporates the concept that HIV infection is a disability. Familial status. The Fair Housing Act requires that the local law prohibit discrimination on the basis of familial status. The definition added to the ordinance was taken from the Fair Housing Act. Familv. The Commission added this definition. The prior ordinance did not define family. Sexual harassment. The Commission added this definition to the ordinance. The prior ordinance did not define sexual harassment. State, state partv, and state parties. This definition was added to clarify language added to the ordinance regarding the 1966 U.N. Convention on racial discrimination. Purpose. Construction. The Commission added language to both of these sections to incorporate goals and purposes of the 1966 International Convention on elimination of racial discrimination to the laws encompassed by the ordinance. (e.g. Iowa Civil Rights Act; Federal Civil Rights Acts) ARTICLE II. Commission, Powers, Structure. The Commission did not amend these sections in any significant way. The Commission is aware, however, that the new codification procedure generally removes similar code provisions, The provisions have been left in this ordinance in recognition that the Human Rights Commission is created by the Council, pursuant to power delegated by the Iowa Legislature in Section 216.19 2 . '--..";.-::"'. ~OIO ..",...--".,-.-.~.- .' . . '\ .~.," '. .... ~ - '. )d"';""""!.""'!A;'" :, ,..;:,_ "'-,:;,,:,.:',' S"-, .': \. . " ..., 0,"..:, .J:Y" '. ,'.., ".. (D ': .1 T'", B , Sltt, " ,'.' ',i,' ".,- ..~..' "_ ~":'.,' :;- to" ~>,.,j " I / .. ,.t' ;'" \\\~' , . . , ~~. '1 ',~ , .':! .~ . ';, , . .. , ':.'~"r ';, ".. . . ..,."".-~'.^,.:: ,:j,_;,,:,,::,_::,~,'I.:~'l:;':;'_'::'.' .;LL;...,-{~~._;;..,.,____.:._:...,' ' .r'~' (~'\ ,. ~ ""-'1 _,., '\ .,.' r :!~.:: .j ", ~ , 'I ,..( 0 'fI '. . " ' ' , - -..... -.-'-. - ..--.. . ,-,.,. ""'... ...... .'''~'.'~' ~~,."... "-'-'" < .-.", - ",- ,.~.....,...,~,,,,,~. ARTICLE III. Discriminatory practices. 1. Employment. The primary amendment to this section was the adoption of express protection from discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and childbirth during employment. This is a well.established area of law, covered by federal and state laws. The Commission adopted language from the state code (~216.6(21, Code of Iowa). 2. Public accommodation. This section was not amended. 3. Credit transactions. This section was not amended, i I I ! 4. Education. This addition to the ordinance represents a major amendment. State law presently protects the area of education from discrimination. Iowa City's ordinance has not previously addressed the area. The Commission believed this was a significant omission. The Commission has historically received a small but steady number of inquiries about discrimination in the schools, either from students or from staff. Complaints received from staff, if based on discrimination in employment, have been accepted by the Commission, and will continue to be accepted. The addition of this section to the ordinance will permit the Commission to receive complaints from students as well. I 5. Aiding or abetting; retaliation. This section was created by combining and editing two sections of the old ordinance. The substance of the sections was not changed. ARTICLE IV. Enforcement. 1. Filing a complaint. The most important substantive change to this section was to expand the time for filing a complaint from 180 days after the discrimination occurs to one year after the discrimination. This change was required for compliance with the Fair Housing Act, and was endorsed by the Commission as a step which will make the 3 , _ . ~Utl ~o'D .~i.. " .'. 1) ...........'..' ,',-_..-."..~-,._,.-'"'''' _.........,~.. ....1. ..... ....."..."..-. "". ... ""'.'.'.'" ' ,--'w.'.,.,..',.'. "._..,J\6,,':.,L>:Jj"" "",'\ '.. .... '." . .,.,.1S/.".'.P;;!. """"'1,"'-" " , .. . "':':.,:;. :'0' l:llWl\1l'. .. ./"] .~ .' ,'. ,"' 'It', "W,-. " . .' '.' " ";., "-, , ' ....M'T ".. . . : .u_,~:....:,.."'.:..,,,'~....., H.".".....~!L.,:.~_.._._ _ '"__'.. . ".... ...,.,.,.."...._..,..,..~,_.."._..... -.-..--.... . civil rights process more accessible to citizens. Other portions of this section were amended for clarity. 2. With the one exception noted immediately below, the remaining sections of Article IV., dealing with enforcement procedures were streamlined and amended for clarity, but were not changed substantively. 3. Sixty-day release. This final section of Article IV. is new. The state code contains a provision for allowing a complainant under the state code to "opt-out" of the administrative process and "opt-in" to the district court setting. This process is often called getting a right-to-sue letter, and the name describes the process. In past years, when an Iowa City complainant wished to sue in district court, the Commission had to use an elaborate and cumbersome process to remove the case from the Commission's jurisdiction and to free the complainant to sue. By adding this section to the Iowa City ordinance, a complainant can obtain a right-to-sue letter from the Commission and proceed directly to district court. This will save the Commission's time and will be much more efficient for a complainant with a strong desire to use the judicial system. Q I " ARTICLE V. Fair housing. This section is the most significantly amended portion of the ordinance. The Commission began with a copy of the existing Iowa City housing discrimination ordinance, plus a copy of the Fair Housing Act, plus a copy of the state's fair housing law, and created an entirely new Article. The resulting Article meets the mandate of the federal Fair Housing Act in most respects. I have attached for your review a checklist provided by HUD for assessing whether an ordinance is substantially equivalent. With one important exception, which I will discuss below, the amended ordinance which the Commission recommends to the Council does meet HUD requirements. I.! ,r ,t: (-', \' \ ~ , I II , I I! II W ~ (~). ~ :'m'. '1,.. ' '~" {!l ~ll' :. I .j The exception to substantial equivalency is the absence of a provision for filing suit on behalf of the complainant. The present structure of the ordinance allows a person to file an administrative complaint with the Commission. The complaint is investigated and if warranted, an administrative hearing is held. Substantial monetary and other remedies are .. 4 , ,C_~____ '- ~1. "01[- __ ~ ,. '........:...:.';::'.,..:\ :,0.,;),:;,1.,.. ...' " "..'v." ,::?, ", ,".. ," ~OI,'D , ...."...............'1'.'-. '''.~',.,.1. .....'1.'.... , . 'uO ".' 25".,', ,:';, .'., """'''''.'.:.:,!. - ~'.-" ',. ,. r:.--. p:r.~e( " .' I . ..1:', " c C~'\ ~ ,~ r':~" " -'<; ,'rL 0 " .' ,'", .. . ._-~-_.- \."1'. . ,~ .' . ~ I ,'/ ,':.'\'":, . . ".t\\" , " .. ,.:.,.... "' . ',' ,.'...: ~ .'. . , ". '"'' ".. . . '., .... <' .:' ~i ~., _',.j ,:;',:.' .:-",_'~".. '.; ,::","",,~~;,:::"'v._, ; ,_._~ "__,_.";".___,"",~"",,,,"."'l>.,.,""'.'-',..,~\.,, .""-",:,."",,,,;_,,,,,,,-,",,''''.' . , available to a successful complainant. However, this entire action is in the administrative law venue. The Fair Housing Act requires cities to permit a complainant to file a civil action in district court, rather than simply filing a complaint for the usual administrative review process. The city would be required to act as the complainant's attorney in the district court action. See, for example, ~216.17 A(1), the state section implementing this requirement: "If timely election is made...the attorney general shall file a civil action on behalf of the aggrieved person in a district court seeking relief." I The Commission did not endorse this addition to the ordinance. The Commission felt this was a matter best left to the discretion of the Council. Adoption of this procedure could have significant staff implications for the City, as the City would be required to provide legal representation to civil rights complainants. This is a significant departure from the present structure which requires the City to provide legal representation primarily to the Commission. ARTICLE VI. Domestic Partnership. This is a new Article designed to create a registry for domestic partners. The Commission strongly believes it is important to adopt this new Article, and states its beliefs in this regard in the first section, entitled "Purpose", The subcommittee which drafted the working document compared similar provisions from several cities, and modelled this Article on several of them. The Commission has not drafted registration documents for use by the City Clerk, but is prepared to proceed to work with the City Clerk upon direction from the Council. (}) i I , ,I ,~ This memorandum is intended only as a sketch of the primary changes to the ordinance. If you have questions about any of these matters, please contact me or Alison Ames Galstad, Chair of the Human Rights Commission. The Commission solicited citizen input/response at a public hearing in June, 1994 and at a public forum in July. While there were relatively few comments offered, the remarks offered were favorable. 5 ., - ~O/O ............. ,.~.s..,:l tt, ',~ ,~~,. '."'.', 'I ;', " - " .' '.",:' . ",' . .O"])"i '. ,:",. ::,;,,: ;,}:::~". ..~ ., .,,;~~;.:..,\;,.:,::..:.:~.! ' -;~7Y':': , " ;~. , . , .; ,',' '.'__ __0.._ .~_~.~...~~,~ ......_.lA'. ........,"'A1.4.~.A......"""':..""'"_..."'..~~,..l''" . The Commission will provide tile Council a publication-ready document with the strikeouts and shading removed. The Commission recognizes that this working format document is not in final form for approval. ',-\ cc: Linda Newman Gentry, City Attorney Alison Ames Galstad, Chair I I I I 1:[.. .' I.... l", , c:\wp51 \hrcmemo .. < , , 1 '. , i ",-. I .....7 r~ \ .., r I ~ I .- . I I i I I ~': I[ : ~ ., ~~;r,,; t,1 {t.) '~ t ~.' , -, ',' 6 .<. ,.~... ::so..-. I.';:' "',0 .''1~, ,- - .,.".'.r.. .,- .....>;...::1.. . . -''' '. ,~.. ,-" I .',' ,_: ~, '. '~.I ~ . lT~U}- . .-~-,~r r ~_ ~OI(J , .,.1:' ) ... ...--,.----.........--.-......-.--..-,...~-' .'\',.., ""'."':'f"H": ,,' ,".:.,io>:i:i> O:~t::'>:.'\,. .." .... 'i ' " "~5':" 8';:/ . . ," ':, :.:;,~~ '-''''',i .;:,'.:.~'~,l:;~",_..:"l:\:;.,:::,;~':,"::';/.,1::~1:::\'.':,,'."'" <" i.,j'" "~ ", '/,:~_~~.I.;~,i.,.,b~:;1< .... )', "-":~,:i:' " l\.' ~ll1!.5ll, " ":"",, ", ".; I ! ..:1 1 '.r"' .t [~\ \~ ~ ~ I I , i I i [I, I . ~d ',1 j " ~~;~',:'L' t:~ .' " ~, . I:" ., .ft ): 'I . " ' . '. ,,~':, :. :,;,.tW.'~ "' ' ',' , .- ~~ -~, 1"_ ., , ". ,~., . ,L'. . . .. '.'_'_ ^'.'"'~ '~_'''''_''-~'''~'""",',,,,''-'''_'.'_,.''_~''_'' __U'_"u___""':. '_". ," '.'t' . ._ ",__,_'____"':"_~__.'_'~_h__':'~:" -.,_ 'of. "'.",:,' Locality SUBSTANTIAL EQUIVALENCY CHECKLIST 24 C,F.R. 115,3 (al In order for a determination to be made that a state or local fair housing agency administers a law which, on its face, provides .rights and remedies for alleged discriminatory housing practices that are substantia1ly equivalent to those provided in the Act, the law or ordinance must: 1, Provide for an administrative enforcement body to receive and process complaints, i. Complaints must be in writing. ii. Serve notice upon complainant acknowledging the filing, advising the complainant re time limits and choice of forums. iii, Promptly serve notice on respondent, re procedural rights and obligations. iv. Respondent may file answer to complaint, 2. Delegate to administrative enforcement body comprehensive authority, including subpoena power to investigate allegations of complaints, and power to cohciliate complaint, and i. Commence proceedings before end of the 30th day after receipt of complaint. ii, Investigate allegations of complaint and complete investigation in no more than 100 days after receipt of complaint, unless impracticable. iii. If unable to complete investigation within 100 days, notify complainant/respondent in wri ting . iv, Make final administrative'disposition of complaint within 1 year; if unable to do so, notify complainant/respondent in writing of reasons. I 'I j'.' .,' j , , , " , I, " I I b ",I ,f' ~OIJl I , , '" '-. ~':'_;I : r.. ?ilm!l. . ',\;-:,~'-',., ,:.t'.,I,: ..-,', '....-1 , ,', , ..... ,., .. ,~ , " ..... "',, ":..-'-, , ' , , " ,;.' . ':,,'- ..- . , " .., ',c' _ . " _ ..__.._.__;_.'~_.k_"""_"""""".__"_'_'_'___ ,",;:b-..:..,.l.~,i1.._~;.i:~._.:...,.~: ":';,:...:.._ '.\ .r ;; '.\ , \ I : , I " I I ! ! I I 3 . I I . i , ,-, ; ~"~ I " I " , , , I 1 v. Conciliation agreement between the complainant and respondent shall be subject to approval of the agency. vi, Conciliation agreement shall be made public unless complainant/respondent agree and agency determines that disclosure is not required. Not place burdens on complainant that might discourage the filing of complaints, Such as: . 1, Provision that complaint must be filed less than 180 days after alleged discriminatory practice. ii. Anti-testing provisions, iii, Subject complainant to costs, criminal penalties or fees, 4. Not contain exemptions that reduce coverage of housing accommodations as compared to Section 803, 5, Be sufficiently comprehensive in prohibitions to be an effective instrument in carrying out and achieving the intent and purposes of the Act, Prohibit the following acts: ,/".....,~...J 8! l" ,.-" ; I' ,- I. "T" ' I, \ ; r: [ I"; , fl 'I' ! , I . 1. Refusal to sell/rent based on discrimination because of race/color, religion, sex, familial status, or national origin, , . Refusal to negot1ate for sale/rental based on same as above. , . 11, .. . 111, Making unavailable a dwelling based same as above, Discriminating in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale/rental of a dwelling. v, Discriminatory advertising, . lV, vi, Falsely representing dwelling as not available, vii. Coercion, intimidation, threats, or interference with any person in the exercise or enjoyment or having exercised or having aided or encouraged any person of any right protected by section 803, 804, 805, or 806, o ;~" " \' ".. . z. ~OID , , '\"V""""':',.. '0-' 'ii,' ," ,5. <', i , ".,_ ""~-:t~I:"""I-.< I.' , , " ' , ' , ,"'. , . , " ' . . ' " ' . .e.u~v"t!: . i .....~ ( ,,,,,\. r-', \) \ ~ I, I , I I !-"i I.r r I \ I ~ P'~l 7tl" , 'I' t)l l"; j "i",,' ~.I, . -~ ',' " .. ,\ ..' 1"'1 ,'.", . '..~t \ \ I ~ ,'.'\ . .~, " ~ '.' . ~.' : , ~ " .".... . .', ". .....-- ",-,,'.-~"..~~..:.,...:~_. '~';';'::""""_""~'_:'__'_-:--':"'_:':''''- protected by section 803, 804, 805, or 806, viii, Blockbusting. ix, Residential real estate-related transactions. Such transactions including: A, Making or purchasing of loans. B. Selling, brokering, or apraising. Denying access to multiple listing service, ,brokers' organization or other service. x. (b) State or local law must afford administrative and judicial protection and enforcement of the rights embodied in the law, 1, Agency must have authority to: i, Seek prompt judicial action. ii. Issue subpoenas, iii. Grant actual damages. iv. Grant injunctive/other equitable relief. v. Assess a civil penalty. 2, Actions must be subject to judicial review upon application by any party aggrieved by final agency order, 3, Judicial review of final agency order must be ina court with authority to grant temporary relief, and restraining order. (c) State/local law not required to limit applicability of restrictions regarding number of occupants permitted to occupy a dwelling, (d) State/local law may assure that no prohibition based on discrimination because of familial status applies to older persons as in Part 100, Subpart E, (e) Adequacy of State/local law focus on meaning and intent - must take into account all relevant matters of State/local law, ( f) Not adequate "on its face" if any decision making authority is contracted out/delegated to a non-governmental authority, o .\ . , ~. . " 1 . , ,!.! ~o16 , ,...~,.."."'i; :",:,0'. . ., , ,,", , '~'''' \ .".'! ".1;' ,! :'-~-' ... "~'''''' ..,..,.'....'.l'~._~...r.!~,.~~ IS , .. ;. ::,~-,\ " . '" ,.. ".', l\".. ~El'" ',':.1 .;;,." " i . 1 " t r \ 'i "~ .v.:~ . I ~: II " ~' :~~ {I' 1: ~ ", I ~: ' . , ('I: " '," , \ '~ :, , ,.+,\1: .. ',1 ,. ' .'. , , ~ , , ~ ~' . . . ., .'. ''''.'.'".,.:' ..',;' ,.., . . " . ~'I" " - ' ...........,..: ~,., ,~,~,:.......... n':!~.,_.l:; j,:."._,__.-"_._:,,.:.':":~:,~.....I~:'.-,-_~...;.....~,:._'_.:.... ' " , .' " ".. . , -' ,--..'.'....~---,_.#,_..-._.~-_.~-- . ~olD ''. ..~ 5 <:';'lo}: . """', ,. .',..L, :i,," " " ~ r Including: 1. Acceptance of complaint. 2. Approval of conciliation, 3, Dismissal of complaint. 4, Any action specified (115.3a(2)(iv) or 115,3(b) (1). (g) Commencement of action in appropriate court not less than 1 year.af~er alleged practice. Court should: 1, Award plaintiff actual and punitive damages, 2. Grant temporary or permanent injunction, TRO or other order. 3, Allow reasonable attorney's fees, 24 C.F.R. 115,3a (a) Law or ordinance must prohibit the following if based on handicap: 1, Advertising that indicates any preference, 2. Falsely representing not available. 3. Blockbusting, 4. Residential real estate-related transactions, i, Making/purchasing of loans, etc. ii, Selling, brokering, or appraising of residential real property. 5, Denying a person access in multiple listing services, real estate brokers' organizations, or other services. 6, Sale/rental or otherwise making unavailable or denying, ' 7, Terms, conditions, or privileges of salB/rental of a dwelling, (b) Discrimination includes: " ',,' ..\, :' ",," ' ,'1 ,;,. :.' .,1." " ' ',' , '. ,", .,' . . ". , ) , o , 0 ,,' , '. " .. . -' ~ - . I '::, \ ': ';:::.::. ,; " ! ,'" I ' ' , -,.' ~'. " , i'.~ '.:j ,,,,.'\ I , , , , , , I i , , ", I ,j ; '-j \.1 ';,',"1 ..'1 ::1 , j "~,. ./ : ,~ , f 'l . .1 ..... j :1 "'<~i , ,I , .1 " ......,1 I . ; .. .j , ! " j ....1 .I ..\ ,r::';~J f'.\...,'. \~ : '~\! ~, "'-:"'.,\ ?~. ! \ 'i ' (" 'I , :'I ~ i( ! , . , , , . I 11 " I ~. L I ....1t.! I , "j \ ..:%i ,I I " ,..... '::. ''',. ",>" .'j .. ~,' , ',: -", ,.~ ' .... ...." ,,' ". <,;';',:'-, ~./. "':.. , , !~ ~.,j,., " ....\....:.. " . <i" ':'.'.,'. '\ >::- :i' . ,~; .'- \ ';,' " . ;,:,:','L~:':":' .' 'I"'~ .". ,..-._~~".,,~.,.,":':.":::.:..:.o.2, '..'. "';".. '!',',' :'//(" ,':.'."',: ',"'.- ",-". .. "'. , " ,'., .:.-..;.....~~~A,,-.:;.;.J.:...,;:{.,__.. .. "'. . .' . '_' ____...n. .j,' . ....... ,..,P...,__h....;. . ''''-;'';';-'-~'- ~ 1, Refusal to permit reasonable mOdifications. 2, Refusal to make reasonable accommodations, 3. Design and construct in such manner that': i. At least 1 building entrance on accessible route, unless impractical due to terrain/unusual characteristics, "'" ii. Dwellings with a building entrance on accessible route-~ ., A. Public use/common Use portions readily accessible to and usable, B, All doors within all premises sufficiently wide, C, All premises within contain accessible route into and through; light switches, electrical outlets, thermostats, and other environmental controls accessible; reinforcements in the bathroom walls; usable kitchens and bathrooms, (c) Law/ordinance may provide that ANSI suffices, (d) Covered multifamily dwellings means 4 or more units if such buildings have 1 or more elevators and ground floor units in other buildings consisting of 4 or more units. '.1 I. ,.. ,i' . -.." :':>'\';;~;q;,I;:;;~(:~~:.:;.; ,,5i\:i~.;(I7J~"\';-'"":""" . ;,,",' ~/tJ , . '\".,';-'... _....._,.T.~_.-.,...f.b... 'it.., "', . ,;'i5 "ulb,; '. '. ,<,,:,',',tf'.'.~. "',:::,/:.~"t;,,0;,,(_'._,J't:. . . ".-- ',' ~"" -..; , J , __L i' ( (~ \ idi ': ! I I, I~ i I H ~'" ,J :'~:I':'..' ~j ~:L C'.- :' 0 f'" ... , :''':'1',' .. '" , ',>_,11, ' . -, '1)... '._,:'\\\1' , '.'1 " !( ".:;.' ~ .. . , ,', -' ..;, ''';~' _._,'~ "'.'.:.:.0 .,..,,'... ,_..: ..~_ :~'...~.: ".____.. _ '. . . .. _.._._.~~,",., ~..;....,-",.'J,"..;' ",...-"._"._._.._A_:"'_-'_. . , Chapter 18 HUMAN RIGHTS Article I. In General Sec. 18-1 Definitions. Sec. 18-2 Purpose. Sec. 18-3 Construction. Sees. 18-3 - 18-15 Reserved. Article II. Commission Sec. 18-16 Commission established; general duties. Sec. 18-17 Powers. Sec. 18-18 Structure. Sec. 18-19 Human rights coordinator; office created. Sec. 18-20 Records to be public; exceptions. Sees. 18-21 - 18-30 Reserved, Sec. 18-31 Sec. 18-32 Sec. 18-33 Sec. 18-34 Sec. 18-35 Sec. 18-36 Sec. 18-37 Sec. 18-38 Sec. 18-39 Sec. 18-40 Sec. 1 B-41 Sec. 18-42 Sec. 18-43 Sec. 18-44 Sec. 18.45 Sec. 18-46 Sec. 18-47 Sec. 1 B-4B Article III. Discriminatory Practices Employment; exceptions. Public accommodation; exceptions, Credit transaction; exceptions. Education. Aiding or abetting; retaliation. Article IV. Enforcement of Human Rights Persons who may file complaints; method of filing complaint; amending complaint. Investigation of complaints; predetermination settlement. Proceedings on complaints; probable cause. Conciliation procedures, Remedial action. Notice and hearing. Findings and order. Judicial review; enforcement. Sixty-day release from administrative process; alternative judicial proceedings upon complaints. Article V, Fair Housing Housing; exceptions. Exceptions. Additional unfair or discriminatory practices. Proceedings; housing. .--\-, -or ~',- VT . 'I" )....-.....-..-.'.'..-..--:... ';:':,0"..<::";'>'::,': '!i~;'::..".;':'.. ,'''' ',;' .\,'. .. ,,~" , ',',.",' ',".", , .. ~O,IO , p' " . 1. l;\ \iJ 'J .f ~ -'r'" '."1""" ':lr..: ,,0'..;: A.; ",) " ". '?I , ,..,\,.,~,.,. ,I;.>,.'}; ',I ,'-'". .:?-f:':!,,~::~,{:(,:. :\,:-'.T' l'Jil'Ji'lllh".".I, .' I" \ ~ .. ' , .1, -':, ' :':.~ :',"', ',~~ .' .__--:~~_.,........:...._."';...:..'_'.'""'_'<>.~~___.:.:,l..:_::' . '-;' Sec. 18-49 Additional proceedings; housing. Sec. 18-50 Effect on other law. ",""'. '. t Article VI. Domestic Partnership "" I J ~ ! :1 ! , ....1 \' Sec. 18-51 Sec. 18-52 Sec. 18-53 Sec. 18-54 Sec. 18-55 Purpose. Requirements and eligibility. Statements of domestic partnership; registration. Termination. Records. , , ., ! .,1 ',! , , I .1 i I I '.; i ..1 , I I I I I ~i"l , . J r: ~ n I ~ 1 I I ! I I I I I ,I , '1 , ./.il ~: ~. , ":.', " ,:..,~~ s .' '. . .......... ....~,/.;> o,\j1;)1!\\.':;~u;i):;[::r,">.'" ';': ':'-":i'<::'~~' ,"'::-,::- " ""';""~~~_::-;:,:,'.J~:;":/?;:~:'~:C',:,:i~"-'" ~oJO . '" ",'"',, ,t.. ".....;.,"J(l .. """-'--'--'-'l'~''''"''.''I' ... .... ..'." .,..'..;.:'\.... '[J"" .' ',.. .'.~;5"'\,'> . '" \ . ,,,,,:,., .-,.",\". ';' f.l ',.t', " .' ,I,:)"~ ':"'j':;;:;;;'_.iF;{,,",!:'i';'i\ .' ;', ", ~... ,~ .; (Lo 1 I, -- - .',:',.;..',;',', ,,' ,:"".. .. ""-':. ,.... ,..' . . ,. \("~ , .~~. (-.'\ .. \ ~\l " },~~:' /', \ .. , 1 . . . " 1 I II. i I I 'I · , . : , i iG\ ~l.,_..; \,-:;;.>' '.1" , . " f.~.'_".".I.; "'t t,. . "" -..... , {CO . ,1""1: . . ,"-~t ;.\',. " . .,'" '..' ~ , " ~ ", .......' . .' ".' ,t"; ,~..' .._-..1._ '_:~". ,:._C'..,'_"+,. ..~....~..,_:'.~.__.__,_ _ . _n __._ . ... --..-"..,....',...,.'.'.-"...,..,','..<;,,:\..', ,.;"".,.- .'.;.'::..-.:_'.'.;...:.,-'~;"':.; , \', ,. ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 18.1. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: AQe means chronological age of any person who has reached the age of eighteen /181 or is considered by law to be an adult. City attorney means the duly appointed attorney for the city or such person designated by hiFll/her. the citv attornev. Commission sJ:taIl means the Iowa City Human Rights Commission. Comolainant means a person who has filed a report of discrimination as provided for by seotioR 18 27 af this chapter. Comolaint means a report of discrimination as provided for by seotion 18 27 af this chapter. Conciliation team sJ:taIl means a team of two /21 or more members of the Commission appointed to conciliate cases on whioA ~robable eause has beeR faund in which a determination of probable cause has been made. Court means the Elistriet sOl:lrt iR aRd for the jl:ldioial Elistriet Elf this state in wffieI:l the allegeEl unfair or dissriFlliRatory ~raotiee ooourreEl, or any judge af sueh oourt if the oourt is not iR session at that tiFlle. Johnson County district court for the State of Iowa. Credit transaction means any open or closed end credit transaction including but not limited to a loan, retail installment transaction, credit card issue or charge, and whether for personal or for business purposes, in which a service, finance or interest charge is imposed, or which provides for repayment in scheduled payments, when such credit is extended in the regular course of any trade or commerce. Dependent means any person, regardless of age, who resides in a household and 1 n_, '". . "i)'" . ,,' "', " ,',.- ,"" .'. ...0 .'....... ",", '-,'''''' ",' .\' , ~'''l'' ",<);: ~OID -_......."..'T'...".,., 'o'J r.;, , . .l:J'. r , , I , i "; .1' , . I. ~'1I I"') ,0,', ',""."..',',.'. ,'" ,', " to. mm:. " "I' .....-..~ J\; c-. \ ~ , I ' \ , \ : ' I I fl.) i I I l ii, I I~, I ' , I ! I ~"'/ /i , ., .' , ',,' '''''''\'' , .. ,. '. "\-' , '\.:;.. , ., 7." " '""~')_'''-''-'M''-''' .",..",'.;~'::...,-'~~.:.,': ._ _..___~.'_R' ....~.._,_'.....__...."...C" : ,"."; ,;,-",_."'...~,,,C:"'~ _'.;---;,.,' =~'.'~','~'C~", ' who derives primary care or support from that household. Disability means: (1) The physical or mental impairment of a person which substantially limits one or more of such person's maior life activities. and the condition of a person with a positive human immunodeficiencv virus test result. a diaqnosis of acquired immune deficiency svndrome. a diaqnosis of acquired immune deficiencv syndrome-related complex. or any other condition related to acquired immune deficiencv syndrome. The inclusion of a condition related to a positive human immunodeficiency virus test result in the meanino of "disability" under the provisions of this chapter does not preclude the application of the provisions of this chapter to conditions resultino from other contaoious or infectious diseases: ill A record of havino such an impairment: ill Beino reoarded as havino such an impairment. "Disability" does not include current. illeqal use of or addiction to a controlled substance as defined by Chapter 204 of the Iowa Code. Elderly means any person who has attained the age of fifty-five (55) years. wherever that term is l:Ised in tAis ehapter. Employee ineludClG means any person who works for wages, salary, or commission or any combination thereof, and in eonteltt, tAe ten'19 also ineludes persons who are seeking or applying for employment. Employer includes all persoRs entities, wherever situated, who employ one or more employees within the city, or who solicit individuals within the city to apply for employment within the city or elsewhere. The term includes the city itself, and all other political subdivisions, public corporations, governmental units conducting any activity within the city, and public agencies or corporations. 2 'LO_ - - _~ _~ . ',0, ~,l,'i'" 'r .\ , , . ~ ~ "", . , , ' I; I , I,! ~ ~olO '~?"s""l[f . "'. ""..'-",:' ,,\ .~~.I:""; .. , . ~ . .~ J"\, ' ,'.'. : . '-~r, :\'1" . . '., . \ ."'. " .. . ,~. ,. " , , :'.,. . . ,--,0 ,I.,...~",_.;.._~,~...=.:-._..A~'.~_. :.'_ . . .____..M_.k...._.""_,,_,C-~.,~," " ,.,~"~...,o:.!.-...,'._..".:;:._.,...,..," . Emplovment aqencv means any person undertaking to procure employees or opportunities to work for any other person. Familial status means one or more individuals under the aqe of eiqhteen ( 1 81, domiciled with one of the followinq: ill A parent or another person havinq leqal custody of the individual or individuals. 121 The desiqnee of the parent or the other person havinq custody of the individual or individuals, with the written permission of the parent or other person. ill A person who is preqnant or is in the process of securinq leqal custodv of the individual or individuals. Familv for purposes of this chapter includes a sinqle individual, and includes persons who are reqistered as domestic partners and who are eliqible to obtain a certified statement of the domestic partnership from the Citv Clerk, as provided in Article VI of this chapter. Housinq accommodation includes means any improved or unimproved real estate which is used, sapable sf l3eiRfll:lssEl, sr intendeEl to be used as a permanent sr temporary ....~ (~~ , " " \ ~ ! residclRso or sleeping plaee far eRe or more persons whetl:lCJr by sale, lease, or atAerwise. ~ceifioallv inelLJdes lots suitable for sinfjle or ml:llti family residential Elevelopment. or intended for use as a residence or sleepinq place for one or more persons. Housinq transaction means the sale, exchange, rental or lease of real property or ~ housing accommodation and the offer to sell, exchange, rent or lease real property. Investiqator means a person appointed by the city manager with the consultation of I I i I I ~; \ l ' ~....I ~ :~ , J the commission, to investigate complaints filed in aosor-danos witA ~ this chapter, Labor omanization means any organization which exists for the purpose in whole or in part of collective bargaining, of dealing with employers concerning grievances, terms, or 3 ~O/O !fl~~ 0 ~~~:: ~~~ .1'. ~: I ,]." 0.<," .'.. .,'," , ,,,' .;""~t:> .,::f"',-,. .:'.......,''1''':'''': '') t. . 0( ,,) ".. I I- " r I I. , ,l.t .. " ";"'!:. '. '0'..., ) ~ ' ,,; 'I' ..i , '. ,: " I~ .- ,I,. .,-.' ". ..": " -.',.-., .,".' . ~,\_"," i r r'\ " \ ~ , ! ;. 'C" , ,.~, ,. --~ 'j";i ., " ' . .:.~t;' , ... , "\1,, . ~, .' -.. " "' , :'~' ,( ~ ,. ',.'.' , "',,", . ,",. " _,___~ ,__,~.~ ~..-,",'.' ,,,,,_,,~,).:,,,":. .,',~. ".,,~,"'_';J'-:',,_v. _'~--.;,.-.",....,...., , '.' ~ . - '.' . ." ;~.._~..:..c',.':..., ..........<':,,':::.~;. -':~ ,~.. conditions of employment, or of other mutual aid or protection in connection with employment. Marital status means the state of being married, single, divorced, separated or widowed. Person means one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, corporation, legal representatives, trustees, receivers, the city or any board, commission, department or agency thereof, and all other governmental units conducting any activity in the city. Public accommodation means each and every place, establishment, or facility of whatever kind, nature, or class that caters or offers services, facilities, or goods to the general public for a fee or charge. Each and every place, establishment, or facility that caters or offers services, facilities, or goods to the general public gratuitously shall be deemed a public accommodation if the accommodation receives any substantial governmental support or subsidy. Public accommodation shall not mean any bona fide private club or other place, establishment, or facility which is by its nature distinctly private, except that, when such distinctly private place, establishment, or facility caters or offers services, facilities, or goods to the general public for a fee or charge or gratuitously, it shall be deemed a public accommodation during such period. Public assistance source of income means income and support derived from any tax-supported federal, state or local funds, including but not limited to social security, supplemental security income, aid to families with dependent children, food stamps, rent subsidies, and unemployment compensation. Respondent means a person who is alleged to have committed an act prohibited by this chapter, against whom a complaint has been filed, as provided 8Y ~ this chapter. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment may take 4 'If- ~~, , .- ,', " . If" I ,I.!, , ;:.t]:Jizt' " " I .' , '~t \ \" "., ". , ,...; , -, . :~ ' the form of deliberate or repeated comments. questions. representations or physical contacts of a sexual nature which are unwelcome to the recipient. Sexual harassment may also take the form of conduct that has the purpose or effect of creatina an intimidatinq. hostile. or offensive environment. Sexual orientation means the status of preferring a relationship of affection or a sexual relationship with a consenting adult of the same sex, or with a consenting adult of the opposite sex. State. state party. and state parties as used in the Preamble and Part I of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 119661 shall mean the City of Iowa City. Iowa. Sec. 1 B-2. Purpose. It is the purpose of this chapter to protect citizens of the city against discrimination as defined in this chapter. Moreover, this chapter provides for execution within the city of the policies of the Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965, the Federal Civil Rights Acts, the Preamble and Part I (Articles 1-7) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All .,,-.: , r .\ (-"'\ \ " \ i~ , . : " Forms of Racial Discrimination (19661, and the promotion of cooperation between the city, state and federal agencies which are charged, presently and in the future, with enforcing these acts and instruments. Sec. 1 B-3. Construction. ~i This chapter shall be construed broadly to effectuate its purpose. and shall be enforced by the Iowa City Human Rights Commission consistent with the intent. lanauaqe, I , , . , and spirit of the Preamble and Part I (Articles 1-7) of the International Convention on the i ! ; ~', I.'\{' I' . \ I ,~ Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1966). However. the construction and enforcement of the Preamble and Part I of said International Convention shall in no event 5 ;',~~:.,:' 'ri' I!j;tf" :. .~, , 0" ".. , ..-..,_",. 'A'..' ~Olo '(=-- : 0 'L .'. ----~._---~-~ '0;)"" - M-----''''IlI', , . ~-~ '~.: , ' 10 I I i ! .j .., '10', .~' , j I J I , .,'" ~,','." ~ . .i~l' . '-",-,-,:.-- " '.. '.i ,.,. .I.' .~ ,I-"'j ",,'I , .;". '1\ .' , ,.:'f\\I,'., '. ".,.. '..'. ,~ ".', ,,'. , . '~ , , 'f: ".. '. . .. . ,. , .. . "...' " ", .....::'::..., .. ..'....',... "....._..c ",_,....h..,~"'...~..\..-_"...~\A,,_.-',..~_...;...:._~._._~,_ ,. . _. __.._...___......._..~~.n.'._'~..."...""~.:,......;""':.c:..>..a..,,,..,,,....~, ;. operate to diminish protection that otherwise exist under this chapter. the Iowa Civil , ' Riahts Act, the Federal Civil Riahts Acts. or the Constitution of the State of Iowa or the I i Constitution of the United States of America. Sees. 18-4 -18-15. Reserved. ARTICLE II. COMMISSION Sec. 18-16. Commission established; general duties. There is hereby established the Iowa City Human Rights Commission whose duty shall be to disseminate information and provide the mediation, conciliation and enforcement necessary to further the goals of this chapter and to protect citizens from .' " unfounded charges of discriminatory practices. Sec. 18-17. Powers. o The commission created by this article shall have the following powers: 1Il To receive, investigate and determine the merits of complaints alleging unfair or discriminatory practices. ... 1.-, r, .;\. (-.1 \' \ " i~ . f' I I . , " , (2) To investigate and study the existence, character, causes, and extent of discrimination in the areas covered by this chapter, and to eliminate discrimination by \ .i.1 ' education, conciliation, and enforcement where necessary. (3) To issue publications and reports of the research and investigations of the commission subject to the limitations of confidentiality. (41 To prepare and transmit to the city council from time to time, but not less often than once each year, reports describing the proceedings, investigations, hearings, decisions and I I I' ~: I' ~ other work performed by the commission. (5) To make recommendations to the city council for such further legislation concerning 6 lcm~~ ..'.'_ .. '~~ .~~ .'....... " "J "0" . '. . ..-',-"... l' ",';.".,,' ), ."., ,'.' "'_'.","""',M" ~O/O , \.m..'...,::..;.;''';?'.S 'f.lo', . - ~ '<'-.' ...\....,\.'.,1",'1 ..,~,;. ... i," ., . ".,,/", .. ...-'-" ,"" ~.:' ( ~ I i i i I \ ~ , '~:." iJ , " ~; 1fF'.==:: ' 0 i~~ .. { j' "'.'" : , "It ""," . ',.'. " ~ ' ..",.. ' " j. .-; .... , ,'..' ,,'.:' , ....,.. ".. ,'(' . . . ,._.__._..." "...M...~....-....' .C....." .:~,.-.\.;-,-"..",;:,";~":':..-\",,:_,_::,..,,. discrimination as it may deem necessary and desirable. (61 To cooperate, within the limits of any appropriations made for its operation, with other agencies or organizations, both public and private, whose purposes are not inconsistent with those of this chapter, and in the planning and conducting of programs designed to eliminate racial, religious, cultural and other intergroup tensions. (7) To adopt guidelines by which to determine whether any conduct, behavior, or action may properly be deemed a discriminatory practice. (8) To make recommendations to the city manager and city council regarding the affirmative action program of the city and to offer assistance to city departments to ensure fair employment procedures and the provision of city services without bias. (9) To seek a temporary injunction against a respondent when it appears that a .\ complainant may suffer irreparable injury as a result of an alleged violation of this chapter. 17';\ .\:;J A temporary injunction may only be issued ex parte if the complaint filed with the commission alleges discrimination in housing. In all other cases, a temporary injunction may be issued only after the respondent has been notified and afforded the opportunity to be heard. (1 0) To issue subpoenas and order discovery as provided by this section in aid of . '/..t investigations and hearing of alleged unfair or discriminatory housing or real property practices. The subpoenas and discovery may be ordered to the same extent and are subject to the same limitations as subpoenas and discovery in a civil action in district court. Sec. 18-18. Structure. The commission shall consist of nine (9) members, appointed by vote of the city council. Appointees shall serve for a term of three (3) years and thereafter until a 7 , II """ dlO 10 ...'.'.:.. ,O.2~J:,:I':""-~""''''''~':':''''''''''.''''''''''.' .".y.....:."....:.~ '5 ,.lO"'i> ., I, ',:': "''''''''''''''''''1'.'\,' "-, . .",,:~:', ~ '1''- l'1ml!l.' " .,:;.~ .' . ....,.1 .....':""....,.. ! [~)\ . l~. .'; . .,. '~.--- . , If. \.lJ \ Ii :'j ~ '! '/ (..~-.. :. 0 ')'.~ ..... '1: ',', ',~,,' " ' , .' ~ ~~ i \'1'" ....', '~:', .. ., ;", . / . ..., ., l . ~ ,,', ,\,:,:,',' , ",w.., .,_'_-'.--'..".~.,~. , .", '. . '-'-,",' ,-~,~,~ ":;..~,,..._,~:~.....:.~~;:;":..~:.. -.. .__.....; --' :." .' . ....... .~ ___.._ ':'~_..........~.~,"h 'h~"':"', .".,;:;,;',^,!'...':;";' '.'_;-.'-,,:':'~.l.-,,:""" .-' ., " successor has been appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. Appointments shall take into consideration men and women of the various racial, religious, cultural, social and economic groups in the city. Sec. 18-19. Records to be public; exceptions. (al All records of the commission shall be public except: /11 Complaints of discrimination, reports of investigations, statements and other documents or records obtained in the investigation of any charge shall be closed records unless a public hearing is held. /21 The minutes of any session which is closed under the provisions of this chapter shall be closed records. (b) No member of the commission or of its staff shall disclose the filing of a charge, the information gathered during the investigation, or the endeavors to eliminate such discriminatory or unfair practice by conference, conciliation, or persuasion, unless eaoh 6is6Iosure is made in ODnneetion with the eendl:Jot of un investiljatiDR. except as mav be necessary to conduct an investigation of a complaint. Nothing in this section shall prevent the commission from releasing such information concerning alleged or acknowledged discriminatory practices to the state civil rights commission, the United States Civil Rights Commission, the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and other agencies or organizations whose primary purpose is the enforcement of civil rights legislation. This section does not prevent any complainant, witness or other person from publicizing the filing of a complaint or the matter therein complained of, Violation of these provisions by a member of the commission or its staff shall constitute grounds for removal. Sees. 18-20 - 18.30. Reserved. ARTICLE III. DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES 8 , ' ----- .,"- .:;~,-; ".... '.' ,...., "J)"';,'.'\::;"'::""'; '\ ....>:.o',;..;',..\.}.,',. . , :.' '" ", .' ~ ::....~.::.. ,I.':':':":':: ,',' I::: -'-- ~ .. "'=~ I ".. I' I " , . i I, I i ~O/O: T'~"~'" rO"!1 .,15 U",:,: , ',., I ......I..,.J'..,...._.t' .... " _H, ,';', "~~,, ~ . " ,...C"..... ,. .k (-~.\ . ~~ J I, ". ~ I Ii I ,\ I.' 1III I I . I , I , ib : I' 1\ I I \ I J t." \ ....~... .,f I ;1..~'..I'.'j' IH 1. .':I\lJ1 ;J~ ~, . i"I~' , ~\I, '1.' " ". l.-J (. '=00 . U \ 0 \ ..;'1 , ",~t:\'t '~ ,', ',\, , " , '. , ", '-.. f" . , ,. " , ,,',"-}"";'-"",'.":""",~,,_... ..._,'_"." _..... c. . _..... _ Sec. 18-31. Employment; exceptions. (a) It shall be unlawful for any employer to refuse to hire, accept, register, classify, upgrade or refer for employment, or to otherwise discriminate in employment against any other person or to discharge any employee because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual preferenee orientation. (b) It shall be unlawful for any labor organization to refuse to admit to membership, apprenticeship or training an applicant, to expel any member, or to otherwise discriminate against any applicant for membership, apprenticeship or training or any member in the privileges, rights, or benefits of such membership, apprenticeship or training because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religious, sex, or sexual orientation of such applicant or member. (c) It shall be unlawful for any employer, employment agency, labor organization, or the employees or members thereof to directly or indirectly advertise or in any other manner indicate or publicize that individuals are unwelcome, objectionable, or not solicited for employment or membership because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. (d) Employment policies relatinQ to preqnancv and childbirth shall be Qoverned by the followinq: J1) A written or unwritten emplovment policy or practice which excludes from employment applicants or emplovees because of the employee's pregnancy is a prima facie violation of this chapter. 12] Disabilities caused or contributed to by the employee's preqnancy, miscarriage. childbirth. and recovery therefrom are. for all job-related purposes. temporary disabilities ~ and shall be treated as such under any health or temporary disabilitv insurance or sick ~ 9 ..~ - ~s ..~ -- . . - o....;J.,,'.... ~OID -.".~ 'J' ,." '\';'5"': .." Oi,:"..' l'f.' 1M "'"''(''''''''1''''' ,""'''''' '\ . '\".:' ~}:. " ......, " , (~\; \1 Jl, .' in : I I I k\ I "'t I ,\,~. _./'. ".,...- , ~~.~,~..:;...:",: ~~ , i\1 ~~, ", I' .' --" ir 0 ':.I"',j. '. '.' . "t', :-". \\ !r'~ . ,... \;., ... . , , ""'" ~.-, . . " I I I ".. . . .___...._~.._ ._.......... ... ,'. _,-,.-,"~.:,.\,."J.l"'-._ ";""""'''''_.e' . leave plan available in connection with emplovment. or any written or unwritten emplovment policies and practices involvino terms and conditions of emplovment as applied to other temporary disabilities. 19) It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit or require as a condition of emplovment of any emolovee or prospective emplovee a test for the presence of the antibody to the human immunodeficiency virus. An aoreement between an emolover. emolovment aoencv, labor oroanization. or their emolovees. aQents. or members and an emplovee or prospective emolovee concerninQ emolovment. pav. or benefits to an emolovee or prosoective emolovee in return for takinQ a test for the presence of the antibody to the human immunodeficiency virus. is orohibited. The prohibitions of this paraQraph do not applv if the state eoidemiolooist determines and the director of public health declares throuQh the utilization of Quidelines established bv the Center for Disease Control of the United States Deoartment of Health and Human Services. that a person with a condition related to acquired immune deficiency syndrome poses a sionificant risk of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus to other oersons in a specific occupation. (fl The following are exempted from the provisions of this section: (11 Any bona fide religious institution or its educational facility, association, corporation or society with respect to any qualifications for employment based on religion when such qualifications are related to a bona fide religious purpose. A religious qualification for instructional personnel or an administrative officer, serving in a supervisory capacity of a bona fide religious educational facility or religious institution shall be presumed to be a bona fide occupational qualification, /21 An employer or employment agency which chooses to offer employment or advertise for employment to only the disabled or elderly. Any such employment or offer of 10 '..!. bor. ~l. '.' ,~,. 1)",:::"';' '. . ,.:' ..... ..,,'.I.\" ", '~,,1~."'" .:.. ,'. " .. v . 0', ",'" 1'.," \,",. '1 '1.1 I . . _0/0 ."....,.."1"""".".':..' ., 'is'' " ',' 10',"\' l'i ;."",',1,,",'" '-""::;';"" ./ :-.:~, : _E" I." q. :};,....; .. .~~\;jl'l , , ;~' .', , . ,~ ", " '" ,'. ...., ;, '.::. ,." ,"_~~...:.:. ',;;C..'_l.; ~~;.':';"..t l':'\;,," ..~:.:.;;..~'~~~::' :.... ..:.:_._._ _._.. c._ ..c.' :" . ... ._________fi....--'-._.,........".. ,~...~""'.._~.._"" _ ).o,.;,......""'~"""".~..... '< ., 1 .' i . ;: i I . , '-~ -! . ,j \ ~ i , "- i J ., 1 . i .?-:--~ J.,.' (~.\ \ ~ ,~ rn! , ~ I i. : 'I --~\ (f- ,1< 0 employment shall not discriminate among the disabled or elderly on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. (3) The empfoymentof individuals for work within the home of the employer if the employer or members of his/her the family reside therein during such employment. (4) The employment of individuals to render personal service to the person of the employer or members of his/her the employer's family. (5) To employ on the basis of sex in those certain instances where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of a particular business or enterprise. The bona fide occupational qualification shall be interpreted narrowly. (5) Netwithstanding the provisions sf this sestion, J A state or federal program designed to benefit a specific age classification which serves a bona fide public purpose. shall be perffiissiele. (7) To employ on the basis of disability in those certain instances where presence of disability is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of a particular business or enterprise. The bona fide occupational qualification shall be interpreted narrowly. Sec. 18-32. Public accommodation; exceptions. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to deny any other person the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages of any place of public accommodation because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. (bl It shall be unlawful to directly or indirectly advertise or in any other manner indicate or publicize that the patronage of persons is unwelcome, objectionable, or not solicited 11 .I. ,Or,'::',,~\\,}" ' .\ ':'"'l~i?:':'_:-''' , ~'2 '.', ;',," , "" . "" ':L....,i ..'..... , , ',.1 '. '. ...." I ".. i I I I " ,f: , I., ~OJO' .,._.~~~',~.:G'~'~:,:..':~'~.:'. . .,5,~ ..O."....,.ir.'.'I.... . ":',: :. ,.: """"\'),:."1 ,"......" ;J'~~~: ~,( " '. ., , ~ i , . ' . , ....;- .L (-.\ \1 ,,~ ~ ~ :" I I i I lb II' Il ' ~ , .,', p, ~ ,~ ~!'";: " ~ , ~ . '. ....'.. . ",~t\\' -'I ,!" "',.'.'''.. ..~, . , .~,. ' .,;> ',', . .: " , .,~~- , .,;, ".. . . ' :: _ .u~_~.__~.d..".",,,.,J-"'!'-'..:.,,,.~~.-'.....",OJ,,.."w.,_.....,,..._.__.' .' because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. (cl This section shall not apply to any bona fide religious institution with respect to any qualifications the institution may impose based on religion when such qualifications are related to a bona fide religious purpose. (d) Public accommodations may be designated specifically for the elderly and disabled. However, public accommodations may not be restricted among the elderly and disabled on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, Sec. 18-33. Credit transactions; exceptions. lal It shall be unlawful for any creditor to refuse to enter into any consumer credit transaction or to impose finance charges or other terms or conditions more onerous than those regularly extended by that creditor to consumers of similar economic backgrounds because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person authorized or licensed to do business in this state pursuant to Chapters 524, 533, 534, 536, or 536A of the Code of Iowa (1993) to refuse to loan or to extend credit or to impose terms or conditions more onerous than those regularly extended to persons of similar economic backgrounds because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. (c) It shall be unlawful for any creditor to refuse to offer credit, life, or health and accident insurance because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. Refusal by a creditor to offer credit, life or health and accident insurance based upon the age or physical disability of the consumer shall not be 12 ~OI'D {c=o '....'".,.,..;, _: v '."') ".... . ....... \", 0, ':" ;..:, ". ",:"':"~:'1.;~:., :",.:.,}(,':.","':: "'~,"~". ~ ".', ~"'''''''':,-,'''''';""<c~'T:..,~rp , ,5 " ': ~ . -,' o :1, ': ., ., ",';-''';" , 0;"<' , ' :".: '. ./' ",.,."",;,-,1'.,,_"., .. " .~; ,.;. t ('"' \. ,~ r't' , " I , i' , I I '1 .k 1;'< i[ 1 1l.~r '~' t:\ pfl 1 L. c....- \. '. .. ..~-_.. ,; i '" , '.~t ,\',. , ., ", . ,', , , '-:", . "'-"':";"'" " :.1', :.".~....:~. '-+...... ..-.... - .; an unfair or discriminatory practice if such denial is based solely upon bona fide underwriting considerations not prohibited by Title XIII, subtitle 1, Code of Iowa. The provisions of this section shall not be construed by negative implication or otherwise to narrow or restrict any other provisions of this chapter. (d) The following are elcomptea fram this Sootion: Refusal to enter into any consumer credit transaction covered in this section shall not be a discriminatory practice if such denial is based on a fair and reasonable determination of credit-worthiness or ability to comprehend the transaction. Sec. 18-34. Education. 19) It shall be an unfair or discriminatory practice for any educational institution to discriminate on the basis of aqe, color, creed, disability, marital status, national oriqin, race, reliqion, sex, or sexual orientation in anv proqram or activity. Such discriminatory practices shall include but not be limited to the followinq practices: (1) Exclusion of a person or persons from participation in. denial of the benefits of, or subiect to discrimination in any academic, extracurricular, research. occupational traininq, or other proqram or activity. 12l Denial of comparable opportunity in intramural and interscholastic athletic proqrams. (3) Discrimination among persons in employment and the conditions of employment. )4) On the basis of sex, the application of any rule concerninq the actual or potential parental, family or marital status of a person, or the exclusion of any person from any proQram or activity or employment because of pregnancy or related conditions dependent upon the physician's diagnosis and certification. 13 -- -< ,-r :~= ), " ;\ ... ..... ,.," o ".. , ."A,c..",~, ~OI(J '-T"'" 'j~ ,; ~ ~) , o ., . , .. "8' ..,.;. uO" ...../',;'1 ,.. ~~ r l ".j .,;> , -'\r"" . .,'.\1:, . ..' , .. , " , ,'.,' , '. ".. . . \ ," , .' ..":.'" ".".. . .......--.,_..~"..--,-~-_...\.".""._..-...._....--- -. .-..'---'~" ..~., "",,,,:,,,,,--,'''''..-'.,'.'.,,,. ......,'g,'_.,-..".,..~.,. -.t Jbl For the purpose of this section "educational institution" includes anv preschool, elementarv, secondary, or merQed area school. area education aqencv, or post-secondary colleoe and their qoverninq boards, with the exception that this section shall not include the Universitv of Iowa or anv other educational division of the State of Iowa. leI This section does not prohibit an educational institution from maintainino separate toilet facilities, locker rooms or Iivino facilities for the different sexes so lonq as comparable facilities are provided. Nothinq in this section shall be construed as prohibitinq anv bona fide reliqious institution from imposinq aualifications based on reliaion when such aualifications are related to a bona fide reliaious purpose of anv institution from admittinq students of on Iv one sex. Sec. 18.35. Aidinq or abettinCl; retaliation. It shall be an unfair or discriminatory practice for: A I,:J 111 Anv person to intentionallv aid, abet. compel or coerce another person to enqaqe in any of the practices declared unfair or discriminatory by this chapter. gl Any person to discriminate aqainst another person because such person has either r ,. ' .k (~.\ \ \ r~ I lawfully opposed any discriminatorv practice forbidden by this chapter. obeyed the provisions of this chapter, or has filed a complaint. testified. or assisted in any proceeding '1., under this chapter. " ARTICLE IV. ENFORCEMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ! I I ',. i" ~ ~I(..J "rIi .1' j ~.\~"'."'.:~;' "m i';l"~ .,fT" , -" Sec. 18.36. RepeFt: Persons who may file complaints; method of filing complaint: amendinq complaint. (a) The followin~ prooeaures are tAe only 31:Jtherizea metAoas fer reporting a disoriminatory praotiee te the oernmission: Any porson All persons claiming to be aggrieved by a discriminatory or unfair practice within tRe !1M city Iimit5 may, by 14 ~O/O C" : 0 ':'. ---_._-~----- J ~.. :- .~' , ), . .0.,.,....,:.;'.: . .. ".:'. _,.,' .' ~ t ' .._~- ,:.'" ...........,'>....,,',..:ot..,'{".;y",. IS' 1'" 800: ."....,."...,..,/ "';' ,'. , l :J mi'lJI: . . 'A"" ! ", . .',,1. '0' , ':"'\ ':~~, : , ':: .' ~t \ Ii' " ,",,'f - ~' . .'. .: , . , '......., . I.',' . - ".. "". , ,I"~ . . , ';\ ,c,,_ ~-,:.;_:.:,._,.:..:~,---_.'~:"...~::':'!-~~"::"~.~_.. :.....,,:..-.' .' . '- _ ~...____ __._~__...__.._~..,~..,.,_.....,.-.",..",__-",,-,,:,,';,,, A....:_""'.~,,_..... '. ,',' Himself/hcrself er by his/her attorney, bv themselves or by counsel make, sign, and file with the commission a verified, written complaint which shall state the name and address of the person, employer, employment agency, or labor organization alleged to have I I committed the discriminatory or unfair practice of which complained, shall set forth the I I' particulars thereof, and shall contain such other information as may be reauired bv the commission. (bl The commission, a commissioner, the city attorney the state sivil rigRts semmissioR, ;; or any other person aware of the existence of a discriminatory practice may in like manner , make, sign, and file such complaint. (c) The commission or the complainant shall have the power to reasonably and fairly amend any complaint and the respondent shall have like power to amend such respondent's answer, at anv time prior to hearina. (dl .'\11'1' oomfllaiRt fileell:meler IRis ohapter shall be so filed within one hundred eighty i I . (1 SO) da',s after the fTHJst resent ast senstill:lting the alleged dissrimiAatory prastie&: 8 claim under this chapter shall not be maintained unless a complaint is filed with the ,,- .t ~ ,~ r::,,;-~ ., ('i I . . , I I I . ! ~ commission within one year after the aliened discriminatory or unfair practice occurred. (el A verified copy of a complaint filed with the state civil rights commission under the provisions of Chapter 216, Code of Iowa, or EEOC shall be sufficient complaint for the purpose of this chapter if it alleges either in the text thereof or in accompanying statements that the alleged discriminatory practice occurred within this city. ,.C", I'''' I' Sec. 18.37. Investigation of complaints; predetermination settlement. (a) After the filing of a verified complaint, a true copy shall be served within twenty (201 days by certified mail on the person against whom the complaint is filed. Then a eornrnissioner, IRe iRvesti€lator, or aRethor dl:ll't' al:ltRorizea membor of the eemmissioR's 15 , iC 0 - ~. -, ---~-- UJJ: _ : ',..~: "'0 ,,'-: ',-' -.'" :J..".:,...,: ,,\,::,:-' : I~::,"",' - , ,..., ," "~~.'" :,,):\:..";' ~(J 10 ....~-T~.'~" ..'...-1'0."'1':: '',{, J ,:t:". ,g. ), . ,,0,"_" ...,~;,; ...,',-J,;'.': !. ':' 0" ., -. "y: ~ ' "l~!' ;" '.: mD",; \." ., ',;> . ': "~'.:~;.~i"i' . ".". " ,'i,.' " ;.'., . ",'..' , , . .~.,... ".. ;'9 << , ,...,,',_ '_ ,~_.'.:~, :",,:,,;-.':"'. ,,.. > ,_,,~'..._.., ""':L"'",",'~"::'~~ _~_ ,__~;____..- ,.,,: . , ._ _.-~_...._._..',~ .00."_'_...,,+.,......,:.,0," ,-, ~.'..:.,,'i _:.~",,\......,.~.: (";'" ~, \'\ \; r~ I, I I I ~ . I : I I , -~ C' ',. 0 .' :, ... -,--- staff shall FRake a J3rOffil'lt iRvestigation af the samplaint. (b) A commissioner. the human rights coordinator or an authorized member of the commission's staff shall promptly investiqate the complaint. (bl Upen applisatien, tho sOFRmission R9ay issLle sUBpoenas reElLliring a I'lart'{ to al'lpear or to produoe books, aoeLlffients, ana reoords '....hish FRay be role':ant to the alle~ed dissriR9inating praotioe. The eOR9R9issian may issl:le subpoenas if it finds the fellowin~ te eo true: (1) The subpoena is neeessary te earry out a I'lLl131io hearin!jl af the oOFRFRission; or (2) Tho respondent fails to proviae iRferFRation relevant to the investi~ation ana the investigater is unable te I'lrooeed withol:lt speeifie matofials.: [Note: the power to issue subpoenas was transferred to Section 18-17.J (c) After the verified complaint is filed, the investigator shall ootermine '",hether prseal3lo oause e)(iste to belisve that the I'lerson shargea iA the seffiplaint has sommittea a disoriminatery J3raotiee ana shall file a detailed rel'lert '.vith the oit'{ atterney. after oOR9J3letion of this aeterFRinatiaR, the sit',' attorne'( shall seAd te tRe GOFRR9ission a ',vritten stateFRent af reasons as te '.'.'Rether or not I'lrol3al3le eause eldsts te Believe that a dissriFRiAater',' waotioe oooLlrrea as alleged 13'( the oOffiplainant. issue a written ,i .!- investioative summary and recommendation to the city attornev whether probable cause exists that the person charoed in the complaint has committed a discriminatory practice. lfll After receipt of the investigator's written investigative summary and recommendation reqardinq probable cause, the city attorney shall issue a written opinion to the commission whether probable cause exists to believe a discriminatory practice occurred as alleged by '.' the complainant. (el At Any time after tho initial filing of a osmplaiRt of I:Infair or disoriFRiRatory prastios, g 16 . : - ,.J.l, " ~~ ~o/o . ..' .., '),"/' II"': \..-.',.... -;""""T'''''' ,,'1'0"'1' ,. .0.", '",... . .'J5::' '.' :::',,'. .', ", .:..;..,'- ",'J,"., " .', J:.' "'., ;,'. " .'".. . . . . . ,.. .' T"'" ',....' J ~~",,~'. .,...;.- :8' . "'j"';" ., " '. '. . . ~'\,; , "~ '. -"'.'I!-" '," . '. .""-'" "' , .~. j" \:.::/" ~ .....,>~;.,' ..,; . ,." .~ __ __._ _.,"':"~_".'. .,.... ,,', "''''"." ....~.,."',,,.i.:;J.l.'.;.;..._.:.~'.,\'.,..,.:,,,\.....,._ -, .. :..:-..( "" .1,\ . . " ',-.'.::'_.'.~.......".,-.. ,...,"~,.,.'~';'-'-'_:.:;-:'.::..:,..,;;.~:J~~-,-:L,.,......,...~.., ,,___~:.,_ ~ -",1 I \ . : -'-. i , , .....7'1....... (~: ~, I ' " I \ ! ,1 I II '_.,.... ~:.f..'...".... !~ .' ',., " ~ -"'-' fr' ':'l'....O complaint is filed under this chapter. but before the investigator issues a recommendation to the city attorney, the investigator may seek a disposition of the complaint through predetermination settlement, if such settlement is in the interest of the complainant. Predetermination settlements shall be subject to review by the chair of the commission. Sec. 18-38. Results sf iR'Jesti!latisR; aetisR ts be taIleR. Proceedinas on complaints: probable cause. la) Fineling sf no proBable sa!:lse. After an investigatioR !:IRder this artiole: (1) If the investigator finds nG prebable Gause tG believe that the perseR charfjed Aas sornA9itted an t,Jnfair or dissriA9inatery ~raetiee, ans tAe city atterne'( consurs '....ith that findinfj, he/she shall re~Grt the saAge to the GornA9ission. If designates Agernbers sf the seA9A9issiGn agree tAat ne proBable sa!:lse dees 6ltist, it sAall ne#t the parties in writing by certified A9ailing, retl:lrn reseipt requestes, of the findinfjs and sf the sGA9plaiRant's right te appeal therefreA'l. If they disafjree as to nG probable sause, thoy SA all A9ake thG final deterA9ination on proBaBle Gause ami proseeel as pro'/ided in this chapter. (2) If the eOA9plainant fails te eBjeet tG the findin!l ef ne proBable sause within ton (10) elays ef reoGipt sf sush ',witten Rotiee, tAe eeA9A'lissioR SA all sloso the sase. The seerotary of tAe oGA'lrnissiGn sAall repert this fiRding te tho oivil rights eeR'lA9ission. (2) If the oGA'lplaiRant ebjeGts in writing to the finding ef RO probable oause withiR ten (10) says ef reeeipt of s!:lsh written Rotise, tAe clesifjRated mOA9bors Gf the eOR'lA'lissiaR-&hall hoar his/hGr evidenee iR S)(6sutive sessiGn. l-f-tfley-again fins AG prGBable sause te Believe that the perSGn ehargeG-l:las 17 ".. . ~OIO I , I , , -, 1 j ., I I I \ I , ! . ,I'" i i' I ='. ..,.... .. I; .... "......i,,'. '.., ::..,,' ':.~:'.(-' , ,_... ,..,.o",:{)\::; , .. 'c...... ~i',~:~,' ,. , "'-'''--''-''''-I''-"'''.''''''~.'..' ..1..... .....'.,,:' .. "" ., , ..''is'..... .[J: ,(,'~?: .. :>f; .. '.'.., ~!.' ~ .. " '..: , . l> .. .. ':\ D~'f~?-~: . ",i " ~. i f' . ~t~'.. ' ,. .,\1., .. . " ,'.' , -. ".. . . .c,_:, . . ,~...',I_~....'..;_", " , " ;~"~~"""'-_..,"-.... .._....-.~" .-"..,,,,, ....,'"..,... ,.. . "'i'.'''~-'''''.'"",~",__ . oOFl1mittes a sissriminatar'{ prastise, they sRall deslare tAe ease elased. , ."fter appeal, if they find prel3able sause ta eldst, tAey sRall prooees as provided in this ehapter. (1) If the in','estigator and sity attamey sisagree as to prllbable eause, tRe designate8 mBmbers af tAD aommissisn sRall-mal<e tRB final determination an probable eal:lse and I3roaees as prll','ides in tAis eAapter. Ib) Finding of probable OJI:lSB. After an investigation I:lRl":ler tRia artiole: (1) If tAe investigator fiAds probable Gause to believe tAat the person eAarged Aas eSfRFAitted an unbir or sisoriFAinatory waotiee, ans tRe oity attorney oonours in tAat finding, tRen tRose meml3ers af tAe osmmission designates as oOAoiliators should Fflake an indepeAdeAt e'iall:latieA as to the . " determinatioA as ts whether prabablo oauss (mists bef0f6-J3rooeediAg with o tHe oonoiliation. (2) UpaA tAe finding af probable oal:lse te believe that the person oAar€led Aas oomFl1itted a sissriminatory praotioe, a eoneiliatioA team sAall prsmptly " .L (~ \ , I~ endeavor te eliminate sue A Eliseriminatory or unfair praetioe 13". sOAfsrenoe, eOAoiliatioA, and l3ersuasien in assardanoe witA reFfledies wavides iA seotion ! .!' 1810. , ' (al After the investigator and the city attorney have made their determinations reQardinQ ~ probable cause to support a complaint, the human riQhts coordinator shall promptlv assiQn I ! , I , i I I k~ II" ~ the complainant's file to a conciliation team for determination of probable cause. jbl If the conciliation team finds that probable cause exists regarding the allegations of the complaint, the team shall notify the complainant and the respondent of the findinQ and shall promptlv endeavor to eliminate the discriminatory or unfair practice bv conference. 18 ~t ' 't;, . It 1,"\ ao/o .t~_!__ _~'-r .. :),.,., O 'J, ".' ,'. : ","'.. .."" .' " "'. ':. ';'''' ,::,"'" T' . 25 ....'.1..0..:.: 'y . '. , ' . .- ,.""',,,',' " '., "., ;''''1;;: ,',v; ~: ),'" . ' ""V~; . .. , ., ;".~ \" :, , (''''\ ~ ," " '. "~\ ~ i II.: I I '1 "'_(::, '.'1".. ,,,, ", ~' l' I. " -..., nJL.O ., " " ',',~~ !":'. . <.,t,\'", .'.'1 .,~. . '. ,.., ,;. . ,i '"., " ", .......:. 1 ' ,\., " ".. .," , , " . .,: ".' "". ,', . . ",." ", : .:~ . . .' .' .....,,~... ,_.....-.,.,.;~'~..:..;:~_,...'....... ~,..-J._..~,__~,_.,__~._.:. ,. _'_'~ .~."~.......".',..~^:.',,,..,,.,,,,,,,_:., '-". :;"'" _,.~-.;..:..':~,'>l.,.. conciliation and persuasion. kl If the conciliation team finds that no probable cause exists. the team shall issue a written findinQ dismissinQ the complaint and notifvinQ the parties of the complainant's riQht to appeal the findinq. The team shall promptly mail a copv to the complainant and to , !. the respondent by certified mail. (dl A complainant mav obiect to the findinQ of no probable cause within ten (101 davs of receipt of the written findinQ and notice. If a complainant makes a timely written request for review of the findinq, the conciliation team shall hear the complainant's evidence in executive session within thirty {~ davs of the request for review. If no Ilrobable cause is I , :. ',,' aQain the findinq after review. the conciliation team shall notify the complainant in writinq of the decision. and shall close the file. If the conciliation team finds probable cause after review. the team shall proceed with efforts to eliminate the discriminatory or unfair practice by conference. conciliation and persuasion. i I"'" I I ,. Sec. 18-39. Conciliation procedures. tal The conciliation team shall endeavor to eliminate the discriminatory or unfair practice by conciliation, conference and persuasion for a period of ninety (90) days following the i.!. initial conciliation meeting between the respondent and the conciliation team following the finding of probable cause. After the expiration of ninety (90) days, the commission may I I order the conciliation conference and persuasion procedure to be bypassed if the commission determines the procedure is unworkable by reason of past patterns and practices of the respondent, or a statement by the respondent that the respondent is unwilling to continue with the conciliation. The commission shall state in writing the reasons for bypassing further conciliation efforts, This statement shall include a summary 19 ... . .,.....,,',. ~ . '='"''''=,'',',0\',;.),,''':/':''' . , :; ;,:,,_: ~":/',..",':-:'" "'.:".':::,::..'-'- ,:;:;:.:.:::, '1 ~r,.'. ~o IlJ ...'.'..;..-.'....;."...'."".1.5"..;:, .'.I~'B}.. \ ".1 '.:" I: n' "",:,~"'_!~" Y ,.. ~ -_..:",:::":,.,-'..- ''-.,' " ~\::'i.. I" ....,' .. " , . ::.,' - .:,,\-, ., ~ - , . ' ....+,\1: .'.:' - ,1..,.... . . " .'" , 'y ,'- , , \"-:' ''',,..'',,''.'', . '" ".. :i. , . " , .. .:.___---"''''",..,.' ."...."'.'"r....'-.V..~~..",::_.. ''';l-Z~lu..,-..-,... ! ! of the conciliation effort, the principal facts as disclosed in the investigation, and other relevant reasons for the recommendation. (b) If the team succeeds in reaching a disposition agreeable to the complainant and the I I I respondent, the disposition shall be reduced to written agreement, executed by the , '! complainant and the respondent. The result shall be reported to the commission. (c) The terms of a conciliation agreement reached with the respondent may require the ''': respondent to refrain in the future from committing discriminatory or unfair practices of the type stated in the agreement; to take remedial action which, in the judgment of the , I commission, will carry out the purposes of this chapter; and to consent to the entry in a appropriate district court of a consent decree embodying the terms of the conciliation " "--. agreement. Violation of such a consent decree may be punished as contempt by the court in which it is filed, upon a showing by the commission of the violation at any time within six (6) months of its occurrence. In all cases in which a conciliation agreement is entered, the commission shall issue an order stating its terms and furnish a copy of the order to the complainant, the respondent, and such other persons as the commission deems proper. At .'~-:-."" ~'>;: ("..... '\\ ~ ~"--'\ , any time, in its discretion, the commission may investigate whether the terms of the agreement are being complied with by the respondent. Upon a finding that the terms of }".l' the conciliation agreement are not being complied with by the respondent, the commission \ ..I 1 shall take appropriate action to assure compliance. ['- J', ! (dl If the team is unable to reach a disposition agreeable to the parties, the team shall notify the commission of the result. The team may recommend: (1) no further action be taken and the file be closed, /2} the commission issue a written notice to be served on the parties specifying the charges in the complaint and requiring the respondent to answer the charges of the _.:,j' '~' iiI. ~r ,,-_...\..~ 20 ': o j'- ..,-,..;. :, /.' u,'o,;.',);. ....'..~\";;': ",'. >,". . "-.. -,::"-, "i"::' ,.',~~;: ,.',::!:": , ..\ aOID " -...'..'-..,.:'. ....c~.5"". 'lEn, , ;',. . ,', \"'~"'\'I'~"'I-" '-.1.; t[ __,l.om,' .,~ ~i... .".." , , ,.. ,ol .i;~ ';' . ., .,:; , ',' ......'.::.~:-. , "';)W:, . , "" , .......',.. , 0',"" ".' ..~. ,( I'; ~ , ... . . . '''.:J:,_ ,~._.";~..~.,,-.:..:,.,,,...~~_~.~~;__,.L;,L::~.:o . . .. .0___..0_'_'_'_"~."""".''''''~'~~'''''''''''&I.''''''''~' -",~.c~..~'_-'.,~"'.~,,__ .',. complaint at a hearing before the commission or a person designated by the commission. Sec. 18-40. Remedial Action. I I i. I !' For the purposes of this chapter, remedial action includes but is not limited to the following: (1) Hiring, reinstatement or upgrading of employees with or without pay. Interim earned income and unemployment compensation shall operate to reduce the pay otherwise allowable. , . (2) Admission or restoration of individuals to a labor organization, admission to or participation in a guidance program, apprenticeship training program, on-the-job training program or other occupational training or retraining program, with the utilization of objective criteria in the admission of individuals to such programs. (3) Admission of individuals to a public accommodation or an educational "1'<\ 1$ institution. (4) Sale, exchange, lease, rental, assignment or sublease of real property to an individual. (5) Extension to all individuals of the full and equal enjoyment of the advantages, (-' , facilities, privileges, and services of the respondent denied to the complainant because of i .:j'.!' rl the discriminatory or unfair practice, /61 Reporting as to the manner of compliance. , I'" I ., I (7) Posting notices in conspicuous places in the respondent's place of business in a form prescribed by the commission and inclusion of notices in advertising material, (8) Payment to the complainant of damages caused by the discriminatory or unfair practice which shall include actual damages, court costs and reasonable attorney fees. (9) In addition to the remedies in the preceding provisions of this subsection, the " . ,00'/ 21 ~;,,:, " r " ~OIO L_~__ L~"'.~ :1!',-,r-_ I ...:..,.,;.i.' ',::.".~>/i' ..." ,.... ....."_.__.."-''''''1'''.' " 'I'" I' .'.O/i~' '!;:-",' .,.'\ . ,,'. ".'". ...is'. \:. i .0,....'..... ,'~ .,\r~.:'.,,": >"..;1' ,>.;....... ;:-::;_>:: . -"..',( "" <~ :,:. ..r:. --.il...,., " '. . , . "'. '.....,..1".-",.,.,. f;:;~~:i:,':':; -~ ,.-" 'i I : "~ ,I -'" .; , , " , i '" , , i .' j " I 'I , I I , I ;,":"'1-...... r~ ,~, ""-f" ~ ."i,i ~i , ij r...."..__....... '" '0 " '1. ~ '.i'!"';' ': , ....,_. , .,..... :::::",~k\"t; : '.'.'1,-:. , ',', " .' .' ',,;> . '; :... .',,'" , "''''''''".! '. '.' '.", ".. ..r' . .-'~. , . __...".~:.:....:.,~;".i;.:.,.:;.IL;~i;.;;'~:jL~~:...,_,...~.....;..,_.;.,;_.:.~..:..:.._;,_, ,: "_'_~_..'''''~.''_' ." ""."'-'"'.""_..~.,.<.i,, :.'-,~ah.'.-' _ .;-...~r.,,"'~~......._~. commission may issue an order requiring the respondent to cease and desist from the discriminatory or unfair practice and to take such affirmative action as in the judgment of the commission will carry out the purposes of this chapter as follows: a. In the case of a respondent operating by virtue of a license issued by the state or a political subdivision or agency, if the commission, upon notice to the respondent with an opportunity to be heard, determines that the respondent has engaged in a discriminatory or unfair practice and that the practice was authorized, requested, commanded, performed or Knowingly or , recklessly tolerated by the board of directors of the respondent or by an officer or executive agent acting within the scope of their employment, the .....,::' commission shall so certify to the licensing agency. Unless the practice is reversed in the course of judicial review, the finding of discrimination is binding on the licensing agency. If a certification is made pursuant to this subsection, the licensing agency may initiate licensee disciplinary procedures. b. In the case of a respondent who is found by the commission to have engaged in a discriminatory or unfair practice in the course of performing ,.!' under a contract or subcontract with the state or political subdivision or agency, if the practice was authorized, requested, commanded, performed, or knowingly or recklessly tolerated by the board or executive agent acting within the scope of their employment, the commission shall so certify to the contracting agency. Unless the commission's finding of a discriminatory or unfair practice is reversed in the course of judicial review, the finding of discrimination is binding on the contracting agency. 22 " .. ~Ol() " . ,",', .. .....t; J ' ." ,,- --'''...,_.,..._..._.."''l.~"'m',''',' I' ~~ 1\, 1'. 'I '[] , ", \ ' , ":.:.,0.:<,., ,,):\ ' ,,' ,,' /~., ,0",:<' >,: ;,.-;"".::. "'.r;:' ;'.'(" ~~. .'" ;". ,.... , . 1". ,~. , ,'.. .:, .; "', '. ::;.....~r\.\.I.~ ;~ ." t' ,;.. , ;i,' ':" ;, , ' ' ... . " '.: .,::.,..'; _......._.._.,.<".':..._j_.,~...~h... ,.___.,~..';'__~'.. ;:...._._..;._.. ~..'. . I I , I .. i I I i I I ~~ II' . U) \,.:.:1:: " , . i' '1"1 ~,~"',',',',;;,',' l!' ~, , hI, ,. L_~ r~ 0 I . . ' . _... ... __ ..__.... .~. ~..~.""'...,..~_.~.. ,~,-t .,..".......,1..",..., _,.;-.J~w"''''~~" ,., c. Upon receiving a certification made under this subsection, a contracting agency may take appropriate action to terminate a contract or portion thereof previously entered into with the respondent, either absolutely or on condition that the respondent carry out a program of compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and assist the state and all political subdivisions and agencies thereof to refrain from entering into further contracts. (10) The election of an affirmative order under paragraph (2) of this subsection shall not bar the election of affirmative remedies provided in paragraph 111 of this subsection. Sec. 18-41. Notice and hearing. (a) When the commission determines upon recommendation of the conciliation team that conciliation is not possible and the case should proceed to public hearing before the commission, the commission shall issue and cause to be served a written notice: I'j) Specifying the charges in the complaint, as they may have been amended. (2) Requiring the respondent to answer the charges of the complaint at a hearing before the commission, or a person designated by the commission to conduct the hearing; Ibl The case in support of such complaint shall be presented at the hearing by the commission's attorney. The human rights coordinator or other person who investigated the complaint shall not participate in the hearing except as a witness, nor shall the coordinator or investigator participate in the deliberations of the commission in such case. (c) The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17 A, Code of Iowa for contested cases, The burden of proof in such a hearing shall be on the 23 ~OIO - .. - a.....o::: "" "',' " .' ,:, :~'..:.' ;~/,\:' .,\: ::--:'::'.-,.:'.::~' '7'~~"?";';'1]5: '..~. . ,." , '.',0,." ".".", ..', . . ~ I . ',' 1 1 J I. '-,:... <. . , '. . '1"","';', '[J" . . .' ", '. : . ',' ;",.,1",",.:.1";-;-' ..,...... '" ."','.,' :IlEiZ/!I, _' '." .. '. ;':.' I I.,,', ., . :: '''-.'~I'::'' . . .,\1:.. '; ,r .,' f ;~, ',.', I':. ." , . . '. t~...: ".. . . .- ' ',:!, ,~: .' _'.' M....'. ,_,~_.'." ,....~. ,........'_,. ._...~'-'-..___.._._,_.._ ~ _'_', " .r (L \ ~ , " . i I i I '. I .; i , ( . . _.... __,~""_,..,__.,,,,,"_"J'..'_'c.'~,, "',:",.:i"..i:i;::.\:,'-,,I!''-\ :.'__'.,,:..~"'_~_. . ' commission. Sec. 18-42. Findings and order. i (al If upon taking into consideration all of the evidence at a hearing, the commission determines that the respondent has engaged in a discriminatory or unfair practice, the commission shall state its findings of fact and conclusions of law and shall issue an order requiring the respondent to cease and desist from the discriminatory or unfair practice and to take the necessary remedial action as in the judgment of the commission shall carry out the purposes of this chapter. A copy of the order shall be delivered to the respondent and I , I I I complainant and to any other public officers and persons as the commission deems proper. A description of possible remedial actions appears in section 18-40. (bllf upon taking into consideration all of the evidence at a hearing, the commission finds that a respondent has not engaged in any such discriminatory or unfair practice, the CD commission shall issue an order denying relief and stating the findings of fact and conclusions of the commission, and shall cause a copy of the order dismissing the complaint to be served by certified mail on the complainant and the respondent. Sec. 18-43. Judicial review; enforcement. (a) The commission may obtain an order of court for the enforcement of commission I.', , orders in a proceeding as provided in this section. Such an enforcement proceeding shall be brought in the district court of the county where the discriminatory practice occurred. (b) Such an enforcement proceeding shall be initiated by the filing of a petition in the court and the service of a copy thereof upon the person charged. The commission shall then file with the court a transcript of the record of the hearing before it. The court has the power to grant such temporary relief or restraining order as it deems just and proper, and to make and enter upon the pleadings, testimony, and proceeding set forth in such 24 o :~ --. - ,-,,'. ., ,I,....,):;'. ,,0,..;:., m.._," , , ~,' . .' '.',,-, . '. '......... ,.; ..':'~; " ';)~ 10 "\" ",.....".."...,,''\::'''5' ..:,'''1''0' ':; , If, \-oJ I Ii' /, . ,I'""",,,,':,,:.."": '.'. '-.' ;\ ~",. " '. ,\ ,'. , " ,'. 'It', , ..~ \ \ f : ..'-'l, ..,1,' ',~ , I~' " ~ ,. ~ ':. "'I...: ':', . . " ~ '., '.. ~ ,.. c_ '.._.' .,.~ . ,_._,,' ,,,.' '~',---".-..,._..__....:_.~~. '__"~ __ ....;_ . .' ____., *_........',.b,_:..__'..-'-..,,'..:,..:;(:.'..-..:,..~ ....,:,..j;::..~_'.:"",,... . ~OID ....f'. :/5 \: transcript an order enforcing, modifying, and enforcing as so modified, or setting aside the order of the commission, in whole or in part. (c) An objection that has not been urged before the commission shall not be considered by the court in an enforcement proceeding, unless the failure or neglect to urge such objection shall be excused because of extraordinary circumstances. (d) Any party to the enforcement proceeding may move the court to remit the case to the commission in the interest of justice for the purpose of adducing additional specified and material evidence and seeking findings thereof, providing such parties shall show reasonable grounds for the failure to adduce such evidence before the commission. Ie) In the enforcement proceeding the court shall determine its order on the same basis as it would in a proceeding reviewing commission action under Section 17 A.19, Code of Iowa. (f) The commission's copy of the testimony shall be available to all parties for examination at all reasonable times, without cost, and for the purpose of judicial review of the commission's orders. i ~J r \ , (g) The commission may appear in court by the city attorney or a designee. (h) If no proceeding to obtain judicial review is instituted within thirty (30) days from the ~ I I I I service of an order of the commission issued pursuant to Section 1 B-43, the commission may obtain an order of the court for the enforcement of such order upon showing that the person charged is subject to the jurisdiction of the commission and resides or transacts business within the county in which the petition for enforcement is brought. . ! : i ! I I I \ , (i) Judicial review of the actions of the commission may be sought in accordance with the terms of the Iowa Administrative Procedure Act. Notwithstanding the terms of such Act, petition for judicial review may be filed in the district court in which an enforcement 25 " i"~. .<; ~i . ;i, ~~. .(.... 0." -\. " ----..~ - )"" .:.' , I" ": ;'...: ,'. , ' ;:,;./.~,:ij::~,;~., .0, ....'... .., I " "'.' . _,...~", , ') I'"~ : - I,: . '. ~ ".. .., I I , "'1 @ . " ,.).!. I i 1 0:"{... ,t. , ,/ "..'r.,"'_"""/'''''''; ~', ,-" ;. .< "...~."'.... .t ',' (-"^ l , r \' \ ~ I: " I" , I; I ., I 'I I I I " I I r I \ i . Jl . {,,:./ \.......... , '~r . ((=0 t"", .", ' ". "\\\' .'.'1, ,.:.. " ,,;'I , ,~, ,'..1 , -. . L.'-'_"-".....,',.:..:..,~.:~;,:.'..:..~_ ~~. _-'n_' _ ".. . u__._.....<<H"....'.,....... ,.,.".- ''-'''-'''L.'.::, :'.~~..!'_'.,'.., ,':',~:,"" ,'. ~ ':40/0 ? 5:";" 10\' ,.".-,1",'1< proceeding under subsection (al and (b) may be brought. For purposes of the time limit for filing a petition for judicial review under the Iowa Administrative Procedure Act, the issuance of a final decision of the commission under this chapter occurs on the date notice of the decision is mailed by certified mail to the parties. Notwithstanding the time limit provided in Section 17 A.19, subsection 3 of the Code of Iowa, a petition for judicial review of no-probable cause decisions and other final agency actions which are not of general applicability must be filed within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the final agency action. Sec. 18-44. Sixty-day release from administrative process; alternative iudicial proceedings upon complaints. (a) Conditions for release. A person c1aimino to be aoorieved by an unfair or discriminatorv practice must initially seek administrative relief by filino a complaint with the commission in accordance with Section 18-36. After the proper filino of a complaint with the commission. a person may subseouently commence an action for relief in the district court if all of the followino conditions have been satisfied: (1) The complainant has timely filed the complaint with the commission as provided in section 1 B-36(d)", if) The complaint has been on file with the commission at least sixty (60) days and the commission has issued a release to the complainant pursuant to subsection lQLQ! this section. jQ) Reouirements for issuance of release. Upon a reouest by the complainant. and after the expiration of sixty (601 days from the timely filinq of a complaint with the commission. the commission shall issue to the complainant a release stating that the complainant has a riqht to commence an action in the district court. A release under this subsection shall not 26 --,. " = -,'- I) . . " ;,' , . ,',~ I "',','::'''' ' ,"" .,,'<".1.;" '\ ,0, -- i .1' , , ".' .i'....: ',' . ,.' ',' <'. -, .' 'l-\!.i:l~:I' ~O/O __n'''!? ~ ltt .. " , , \,"1 ,':". "t' , ' .~ \\' .' "'~, ....' " i " .. , , '. '., . be issued if a findinq of no probable cause has been made on the complaint. or a conciliation aqreement has been executed, or the commission has served notice of hearinq upon the respondent. or the complaint is closed as an administrative closure and two /21, years have elapsed since the issuance date of the closure. jQJ Notwithstandinq Section 18-20, a party may obtain a COpy of all documents contained in a case file where the commission has issued a release to the complainant pursuant to this subsection. (dl An action authorized under this section is barred unless commenced within ninety (90) davs after issuance bv the commission of a release under subsection (bl of this section. If a complainant obtains a release from the commission under subsection (bl of this section, the commission shall be barred from further action on that complaint. (e) Venue for an action under this section shall be in Johnson County, Iowa. (f) The district court may qrant any relief in an action under this section which is authorized by section 18-40. The district court may also award the respondent reasonable attorney's fees and court costs when the court finds that the complainant's action was frivolous. i9.l It is the leqislative intent of this section that everv complaint be at least preliminarily screened durinq the first sixty (60) days. This subsection does not authorize administrative closures if an investigation is warranted. ARTICLE V. FAIR HOUSING Sec. 18-45. Housing; exceptions. It shall be an unlawful or discriminatory practice for any person to: ~) Refuse to sell, rent, lease, assign, sublease, refuse to neqotiate, or to otherwise make 27 , ,~. o ,0, " "''-,'"",''.'" .-...... .". . " Q ',I,t I ,.,-,..;, ,.':' 11!N~ r ,L (-' \ 1 ~ : r I- I , I I ; I i I : ! i ; I , , I ~: il , iT"j~: ',,; 11' \c," 0 " ~otb , 'Hj's ,1d; \"'1, .. , "t ".\\1:. " . ',' " , , '-. :: ' unavailable, or deny any real property or housina accommodation or part. portion or interest therein. to any person because of the aae. color. creed. disabilitv. marital status. familial status. national oriain. race. reliaion. sex. sexual orientation. presence or absence of dependents. or public assistance source of income of that person. (bl Discriminate aaainst anv other person in the terms. conditions. or privileaes of anv real estate transaction because of aae. color. creed. disabilitv. marital status. familial status. national oriain. race. reliaion. sex. sexual orientation. presence or absence of dependents. or public assistance source of income. (c) Directlv or indirectlv advertise. or in anv other manner indicate or publicize in anv real estate transaction that any person is not welcome or not solicited because of aae. color. creed. disabilitv. marital status. familial status. national oriain. race. reliaion. sex. sexual orientation. presence or absence of dependents. or public assistance source of income. (d) Discriminate aqainst the lessee or purchaser of any real property or housinq accommodation or part. portion or interest of the real property or housino accommodation. or aaainst any prospective lessee or purchaser of the property or accommodation because of aoe. color. creed. disabilitv. marital status. familial status. national oriqin. race. reliqion. sex, sexual orientation. presence or absence of dependents. or public assistance source of income of persons who may from time to time be present in or on the lessee's or owner's premises for lawful purposes at the invitation of the lessee or owner as friends, quests. visitors. relatives or in any similar capacitv. (el For purposes of this Article. "person" means one or more individuals. corporations. partnerships. associations. labor organizations, leqal representatives. mutual companies. ioint stock companies. trusts, unincorporated orqanizations. trustees, trustees in cases under Title 11 of the United States Code, receivers. and fiduciaries. 28 ~,. 0, ,'''''", :,I::, " " .III, '< .,,'"'.,'- ".. IA [\J i .i , ..",.....",., ., .' .,' 2m21k'l .. (, ..i'~ (-. \ \ f~ ,. /! " I I i l~': l'J ') " ?'.\'~-.'." 1:1 .- Ii,:' -' (-~ .~. . ... . 0 .J,. . . " ;", .;. , , "~~\~f.:. , ~: '.... ~ ", :.,'. ". . , ' _. __.______._.~.. ....'. ,,,. . ,., .,":.U"'.'_'," ,'C;. '.. ,-.'., ,'.~_ ''''.,..'~_ . Sec. 18-46. Exceptions. The followinq are exempted from the provisions of this section: ill) Any bona fide reliqious institution with respect to any Qualification it may impose based on relioion when such oualifications are related to a bona fide relioious purpose. Lb) The rental or leasinq of four (4) or fewer rooms within a sinale housinq accommodation by the owner of such housino accommodation. if the owner resides therein. (c) Restrictions based on sex or the presence or absence of dependents in the rental. leasinq or sale of housinq accommodations by nonprofit corporations. 19) Restrictions based on sex in the rental or leasinq of housinq accommodations within which residents of both sexes would share a common bathroom facility on the same floor of the buildino. M Restrictions based on presence or absence of dependents in the rental or leasinq of housino accommodations within an owner-occupied dwellinq of four (4) or fewer units where the owner occupies the premises. or some portion thereof, and actually resides therein. lfl Restrictions based on presence or absence of dependents in the rental or leasinq of housinq accommodations where the owner occupied the premises. or some portion thereof. and actually resided therein as of the effective date of this chapter. Owner. for the purposes of this exemption. shall be defined as a person having at least a fifty (50) pe( cent interest in the property. illl Rental or leasinq of housinq accommodations where seventy-five (75) per cent or more of the persons residinq therein are fifty-five (gJ1) years of aQe or older or are disabled as that term is defined in this chapter. Provided that these Qualifications are met, such 29 - . '~<)i:r . . ,0..,.,.<, ,'.. ',,,, ,:"':". () ,I,j " ~OfO ..,':-.,.."'1"'..... ,/5 {[j; . _' , "., . ',. .' ~ ' I ~I. '. " "'f ;.,--"'.... C' r~ ~ ., 1~ 1; Ii " I , II I J I' b I. I,LiI' \ '.. (- 0 .. r ~ , / , ' ',~t\\' 'f . ., ''', .. '.' ~ , ': ~ '<, ".. . , .' 'I~ ,'. . ....._ ....",....._,:...1."_..-..'-'0. ,'~'."..~._._.... ". _.._.~~ .._~ ...." ".".,',-", k".' ...... ,..<.L,O,,- a..... '.__ ;...,'....".._.... accommodations may be desiqnated specificall'l for the elderlv and/or disabled subiect to the requirements of this Chapter. ill) Housinq accommodations may be desianated specific all v for the elderlv and/or disabled. However, such housinq accommodations may not otherwise be restricted amono the elderlv and/or disabled on the basis of aoe, color, creed, disabilitv, marital status, national orioin, race, relioion, sex. sexual orientation, public assistance source of income, or presence or absence of dependents. provided that any such dependents meet the definitions of elderlv or disabled as provided herein. Desionations of such restrictions shall be made part of any rental property on file with the City of Iowa City. Desionations shall be in writinq on forms provided bv the citv and shall be in effect until chanoed. but shall applv for a minimum period of one year. I Sec. 18-47. Additional unfair or discriminatory practices. lal A person shall not induce or attempt to induce another person to sell or rent a dwellina bv representations reaarding the entry or prospective entry into a neiohborhood of a person of a particular aae. color, creed, disabilitv, marital status. familial status, national oriain, race, religion. sex, sexual orientation. presence or absence of dependents. or public assistance source of income. (Q) A person shall not represent to a person of a particular aae, color. creed, disabilitv, marital status, familial status. national oriqin, race. reliqion, sex, sexual orientation, presence or absence of dependents, or public assistance source of income that a dwellina is not available for inspection, sale, or rental when the dwelling is available for inspection, sale, or rental. '. (el A person shall not discriminate in the sale or rental or otherwise make unavailable or genv a dwellina to a buyer or renter because of a disabilitv of any of the following 30 . .,-." "'" ' .' , '" ' ~:~," ..:0".'):;,;,.: ''''', '.' ....,,:,. ..::','.:..'.. ~O/O """,,,,,-,,,,,"".""..,,,'. ".:.."11......',...,-',.....,. ~ 'j.,~.. ,- " '.. . \ ' , . }5 ... ,.'- di, : - ~ .....", ,.,..,'.J-',." '.. ..... i'.mll. ^ ,i . ': ....-....~ .L (-.\ . j" , , . ,/ .'......, . I' 'I \ ' ,[ . I: . I' . II, I ; ill ; I I I i k, 11"..1, 11'1 \ l ) \ ~~ ;.,1 'it[" 0 ~O'O r---c'.'''. )5) .. ,.'i. .. , '. ':~f:\i , .. '. H..... .,' ',' ~ '-'f . . ',". .'.. ._', ..,~... ~.; ;.' .:;.,c,.: ""'~'_~"',::.".c....._., ..~ __...._. _'.___C'-:.. -. .......__m'"".._... , -'.'....,...... persons: (1) That buyer or renter. /2} A person residino in or intendino to reside in that dwellino after it is sold. rented. or made available. (3) A person associated with that buyer or renter. 1Q) A person shall not discriminate aoainst another person in the terms, conditions. or privileqes of sale or rental of a dwellino or in the provision of services or facilities in connection with the dwellino because of a disability of any of the followinq persons: ( 1) That person. ~l A person residino in or intendinq to reside in that dwellino after it is sold, rented. or made available. (3) A person associated with that person. (e) For the purposes of this section only, discrimination includes any of the followino circumstances: ill A refusal to permit. at the expense of the disabled person, reasonable modifications of existino premises occupied or to be occupied by the person if the modifications are necessary to afford the person full enioyment of the premises. In the case of a rental. a landlord may. where reasonable to do so, condition permission for a modification on the renter's aQreement to restore the interior of the premises to the condition that existed before the modification, reasonable wear and tear excepted. ~} A refusal to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies. practices. or services. when the accommodations are necessary to afford the person equal opportunity ~o use and enioy a dwellino. @) In connection with the design and construction of covered multifamily dwellings 31 .-- , '.)".;'" ...,., ;;,.i" ...'" "'~.:)''-:''', , , ~ - - ,,0 '.~ , ".. . :._'..,.,....,.;.\....... i.! 'I'd\ ""''-':'''i.' .' .."u, ,. cr;;;,i1~ .'! .{ .r (\) ~ ,~ y;~~ t I, ) I , " I I , I. k,,' ,(I' . I : ~ ,'/,\; 71'11".' '" ~~ "1 ~'~l -\ ,~ , l...-: Co ) u . .un .. \...\ " "t' rlt : ." .~~l:1 " ',' " ~ " >"T' . _. .'.,'':';'.,..' :;,;~ .~~..,;"_"".:""':'~"''',,,~~~~,:'....._, '",.n_.__..._. _ ".. i I I I I , .' . .....~".,-".~".""""'" '..,."..... c_~.,;".,.~.,,':-".'.;_'.,,"..-.,.:',.--,... for first occupancy after Januarv I, 1992, a failure to desiQn and construct those dwellinQs in a manner that meets the followinQ requirements: IAl. The public use and common use portions of the dwellinQs are readilv accessible to and usable bv disabled persons, (B) All doors desiQned to allow passaQe into and within all premises within the dwellinQs are sufficientlv wide to allow passaQe bv disabled persons in wheelchairs. (Cl All premises within the dwellinQs contain the followinQ features of adaptive desiQn: ji) An accessible route into and throuQh the dwellinQ. OJ) LiQht switches, electrical outlets. thermostats. and other environmental controls in accessible locations. (Hi) Reinforcements in bathroom walls to allow later installation of Qrab bars. fly) Usable kitchens and bathrooms so that a person in a wheelchair can maneuver about the space. (Dl. Compliance with the appropriate requirements of the American national standard for buildinQs and facilities providinQ accessibility and usability for physically handicapped people, commonly cited as "ANSI A 117.1". satisfies the requirements of paraQraph "e". subparagraph (3). subparagraph subdivision {Cl. ,(1l NothinQ in this subsection requires that a dwelling be made available to a person whose tenancy would constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other persons or whose tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to thl:\ property of others. 32 - > - .,. . . '.....' ....,').?'... . 0.., .., , ;, I',. "~":..:::.' :,};)" ,I i- " ~O/O . ~~{,]:d: , """"".,",j ......., ):..' ,~~- :;;,' , , " '" ,~ X (~"\ \ ~ ~ i , ,'~ "1' 'l1 .. !~, ','", l)r; i~ \:;'..' ":1 -' ( '., r' "',.'i'" .1'11 ',;> "\ . ,". , "',,:' , ", '''''''T. . :.' ~, , , , I I ".. I - - ---""~ ...,.-..... "'".'- . .....,;':..',' :".',__-;;; .:..c.;J._....-,.:......:. a010 ?5"ldy . ,.""",."...." :..," (fl A person whose business includes enoaoino in residential real estate related transactions shall not discriminate aoainst a person in makinq a residential real estate related transaction available or in terms or conditions of a residential real estate related transaction because of aoe. color, creed. disabilitv. marital status. familial status. national oriqin, race. reliqion, sex. sexual orientation, presence or absence of dependents. or public assistance source of income. jg) For the purpose of this subsection. "residential real estate related transaction" means any of the followinq: (1 ) To make or purchase loans or provide other financial assistance to purchase, construct. improve, repair. or maintain a dwellinq. or to secure residential real estate. j21 To sell, broker, or appraise residential real estate. jh) A person shall not deny another person access to, or membership or participation in a multiple-Iistino service, real estate brokers' orqanization or other service, orqanization, or facilitv relatino to the business of sellinq or rentino dwellinqs, or discriminate aoainst a person in terms or conditions of access, membership, or participation in such orqanization because of aqe. color. creed, disabilitv, marital status, familial status. national oriqin, race, reliqion, sex, sexual orientation, presence or absence of dependents, or public assistance source of income. Sec. 18.48. Proceedings: housing. ,(g) The commission may ioin a person not named in the complaint as an additional or substitute respondent if in the course of the investigation, the commission determines that the person should be alleged to have committed a discriminatory housing or real estate practice. (bl In addition to the information required in the notice, the commission shall include in a 33 - - , - ~", ",.~' , ,')';'" O ,.. ';',:.' " '. '..,..': ,;... i. ',,"",.,_:",' ,;\"",',. . .." ,.\"'!,.....:....:...}I'..-.'.:',.:.,:... o I I A \1). I i: , , .! " ','j' ,. JillJ:21' ","':'"I ,. ( ',' (~'\ \\ ~ I'>~ "n " I ! I , I , I I,r /1' '( . \ ' ~. J .:;/ ....;1- , " ,h' "I' " ,~; ~,' (i'IO' ",lI' ~:~ ':~,~ , ; l__.~ (" - : 0 ' ':',',.'~_u____ .~' '1 '';> . '~~~:.'\( , .. " ; , . ,~. " . : - ~, , '.'"1' ".. . ., " '. ,I"" J-.~;..,_',~ _..~. n."" "L,''''''L'.',_,-"".-,._",'" .-_'.',~;""'.', notice to a respondent ioined under this subsection an explanation of the basis for the determination under this subsection that the person is properlv ioined as a respondent. (c) The commission shall, durinq the period beqinninq with the filinq of a complaint and endinq with the findinq that there is or is not probable cause as defined in this chapter. to the extent feasible. enqaqe in mediation with resoect to the complaint. (1) A mediation aqreement is an aqreement between a respondent and the complainant and is subiect to commission approval. (2) A mediation aqreement may provide for bindinq arbitration or other method of dispute resolution. Dispute resolution that result from a mediation aqreement may authorize appropriate relief. includinq monetary relief. Q} A mediation agreement shall be made public unless the complainant and respondent aqree otherwise. and the commission determines that disclosure is not necessary to further the purposes of this chapter relatinq to unfair or discrimination in I I . housinq or real estate. (4) The proceedinqs or results of mediation shall not be made public or used as evidence in a subsequent proceedinq under this chapter without the written consent of the persons who are party to the mediation. ,I.!' !ill After the completion of the commission's investiqation. the commission shall make available to the agqrieved person and the respondent information derived from the investiqation and the final investiqation report relating to that investiqation. 1~1 If the commission concludes. following the filinq of a complaint. that prompt iudicial, action is necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter relatinq to unfair or .. 2!~criminatorv housing or real estate practices. the commission may authorize a civil action for appropriate temporary or preliminarv relief pending final disposition of the complaint. 34 ,,, ",~i ' ",~~Q:::)Y" . ~o,o ,,' . .-----..'"' ')"S' I [J', /: \ "', ',' "~"" , ;",1 .' " }-mri:. -. -~ (:-:' [ , ,.;'\ .' (~.,\ . \t ~ , , , I ~I I I , t ! I I I j~: I l.[! ~I r ~~.."~.:,,. 6i ~~ ~~ ~ . ),n' . ....---....] G.. .,...,..... '. 0 .\ 1'-'1 ., , , ",~t ~\'I . " . , ....' , '.. ~. .. . :-, ...,.:_:'~.._:,._- ._..h~ .~....~_~. ......:-,_.._ .' ..._......~.,...~.,._._. ".. ,-..-" -.",,..,..._,', ,"':-:".V.' Ie) The commission shall prepare a final investiQative report. A final report under this section mav be amended bv the commission if additional evidence is discovered. !f) The commission shall determine based on the facts whether probable cause exists to believe that a discriminatory housinQ or real estate practice has occurred or is about to occur. The commission shall make this determination not later than one hundred l1.QQl davs after a complaint is filed unless any of the followinQ applies: 1!l It is impracticable to make the determination within that time period. 121 The commission has approved a mediation aQreement relatinQ to the complaint. (3) If it is impracticable,to make the determination within the time period provided by this subsection. the commission shall notify the complainant and respondent in writinQ of the reasons for the delay. (9) If the commission determines that probable cause exists to believe that a discriminatory housino or real estate practice has occurred or is about to occur. the commission shall immediately issue a determination unless the commission determines that the leQality of a zoninQ or land use law or ordinance is involved as provided in subsection .m. A determination issued under this subsection must include all of the followinQ: 1!l A short and plain statement of the facts on which the commission has found .!" probable cause to believe that a discriminatory housinQ or real estate practice has occurred or is about to occur. P) The determination must be based upon the final investigative report. ~) 'The determination need not be limited to the facts or Qrounds alleged in the complaint. 1hl Not later than twenty 1201 days after the commission issues a determination. the commission shall send a COpy of the determination with information concernino the 35 ~olO .1"0...'..;:.... -......r...".. . '15\ ,,,,J,"'\l,"" ....', - II ) " . .. .';'\' ,";,: ., ,I., ...... ...'./;" .' \ o. I; _~~~i'., . ; ....-..,.. ,. l' (\-'\ \ ! \:1\ ~;~ . . \ ; I' \ ./ " I I I " I : I ,i ! I , , i hi \ i J .1., \ "~/ .. .j. 1i1'; '~';' J 'r" . !;,.' '1 ~ !;ll'~ . " -.."..2 c~ 0 ~OIO j"- 25\ " ," i ., , "t' '\\" '. '~, .' .. '.'.' ~ . .~... . ,'-,;,',.;..;;., .~ --~'~.':.. . .-,"-' , election under this chapter to all of the followinQ person: (1) Each respondent. The respondent shall also receive a notice of the opportunity for a hearino as provided under this ChaPter. ill Each aQQrieved person on whose behalf the complaint was filed. (i) If the commission determines that the matter involves the leQality of a state or local zoninQ or other land use ordinance. the commission shall not issue determination and shall immediately refer the matter to the city attorney for appropriate action. lil If the commission determines that no probable cause exists to believe a discriminatory housinQ or real estate practice has occurred or is about to occur. the commission shall promptly dismiss the complaint. The commission shall make public disclosure of each dismissal under this section. (k) The commission shall not issue a determination under this section reQardinQ an alleQed discriminatory housino or real estate practice after the beQinnino of a trial of a civil action commenced by the aQorieved party under federal or state law seekinQ relief with respect to that discriminatory housinQ or real estate practice, 1!l If the commission determines that probable cause exists to believe a discriminatory housino or real estate practice has occurred. the commission may. after notice. provide for a hearing on the charoes in the complaint. The hearinQ shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 17 A. Code of Iowa for contested cases. !ml If the commission determines at a hearing under subsection (I) that a respondent has enQaQed or is about to enQaQe in a discriminatory housinQ or real estate practice. the commission may order the appropriate relief. including actual damaQes. reasonable attorney's fees. court costs. and other iniunctive or eouitable relief. To vindicate th~ public interest. the commission may assess a civil penalty aQainst the respondent. 36 .('1'1 l.d 'J"" " "i, 0:,',',:' \;,:,,:,: f ~ ..' ,,: I" , ,,:..,"; -' . . -~ ".. . - - ..".."...._,..~..-.... ; .j ". ....'i.. O. .' ,!', ,~'" ....' ,"i'.'" ~ .. ' l --'.;.;.:~ [ \ \1 \. :~ , , . " , I I ! I , I I I , I I ~: t I' \ I ~ J'I , '~:j "",'-; :':r I .._~ I';; " 'l,:.. C. \ ._-~- ~OID I " 15 r i '. , :f,\'" "., " . ,~. ., , ".' 1 ". " ':,t', ""'-~.""'.^<.... ..", -.' ,-,-.' ,_._.. noH'_ '.' Sec, 18.49. Additional proceedinQs; housino. If the commission issues an order with respect to a discriminatory housinQ practice that occurred in the course of a business subiect to a Iicensino or reou/ation by a Qovernmental aoency. the commission. not later than thirty days after the date of issuance of the order. shall do all of the followinQ: (1) Send copies of the findinos and the order to the oovernmental aQency. 12) Recommend to the Qovernmental aQency appropriate disciplinary action, Sec. 18-50. Effect on other law. fa) This section does not affect a reasonable local or state restriction on the maximum number of occupants permitted to occupy a dwellinQ or restriction relatino to health or safety standards. (bl This section does not affect a reouirement of nondiscrimination in other city ordinances. ARTICLE VI. DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP Sec. 18-51. Purpose. Ja) The City of Iowa City. Iowa recoQnizes that nationwide debate has advanced an expanded concept of familial relationships beyond traditional marital and blood relationships. This expanded concept recoQnizes the relationship of two (2) non-married but committed adult partners. Recognizing this. the City of Iowa City. Iowa hereby adopts a process to provide persons to declare themselves as domestic partners. thus enablinQ employers to voluntarily provide eoual treatment in employment benefits for such partners and their dependents. ~ This Article establishes a mechanism for the public expression and documentation of 37 . ,~~ ,._,~. 'J ' ' ,'" 'il"" . "'j.. ' , 0,',' ',,'.:' "._-,".. " ~. . [) I ! .j ld, "".'. I " ~' i: r ,.\ c-'\ \ ~ ~ rri" .'-" i ' , , , , . .1 III I i I' I ~, Il'i Ii j ~Uli \~ Yj ~;~:/ :,~', "~ ~t:' rJI ' !tJ ~: --~ {( ',' . j'l . ' " ~ J ., , "~t ~ . '.\ t..~ ,',' 1 '-. ~. '. . . "_"".. " . ~_';'_""'~"_L~' ____. '." ._,.,.,...,........_. ....-..,'T...~..'_'" c.",-,,)"'" the commitment reflected by the domestic oartnership whose members cannot or choose not to marry. {cl It is approoriate and fair that certain of the societal privileoes and benefits now accorded to members of a marriaQe be extended to those who meet the qualifications of a domestic partnership. The mechanism established by this Article will facilitate the definition of those entitled to such privileQes. Sec. 18-52, Reouirements and eli!libility. (a) A domestic partnership shall exist between two (21 adults if all of the followinQ are true: = (1) The persons are not related by blood closer than permitted under the marriaQe laws of the state. " (2) Neither person is married. (3) The persons are competent to enter into a contract. (4) The persons declare that they are each other's sole domestic partner. (5) The persons declare that they are in a relationship of mutual support, carinQ and commitment and are responsible for each other's welfare. For these purposes. mutual support means that they contribute mutually to each other's maintenance and support. ; .j .16) The persons file a statement of domestic partnership as set forth in this Article. (7) The persons aQree to notify the city of the termination of their domestic partnership, or a chanQe in their employment or residence which would render them ineliQible to register as domestic partners under this Article, Sec. 18-53. Statements of domestic partnership; reoistration. '. la) The City Clerk shall accept an application to register as domestic partners from persons who state in such application that they meet the definition of domestic partners in 38 ~OI'O " . -- ,'.O~;j",,(i, " ","," >'1";," ?5 ,i: lei. :""'-".',(..1 r o 'f .' ....,.:...., , (1 \ r.~ ! r " II : ~~ I' ' I[ ;:",,, J '!1~- X d \,-.' ~ I:" '~ ~ (- 0 , \:i "r ,,"\\1., ., ',. , ,.', 1 ,,'.. . . ,;,......;-,... '.. ..'",. .. .~:,,~ ..~~' ',:..:. ~. ....,'_._,.....,.~.o.-.._<.., c<"l",".".r,. .;,_'..".,,,........ . this Article. The City Clerk shall provide forms as necessary to interested individuals. (b) The City Clerk shall only accept applications for reQistration of domestic partnership from those persons: (11 in a partnership where at least one person resides in Iowa City: or (2) in a partnership in which at least one person is employed in Iowa City. Jc) The City Clerk shall charoe an application fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) for the reoistration of a domestic partnership. The payment of this fee entitles the person filinQ a statement on behalf of the domestic partnership to two 121 copies of the statement certified by the City Clerk. Certification of additional copies at that time or at any other time shall cost six dollars 1$6.001. These copies of the certified statement shall not be issued prior to the third workinQ day after the date of application. (d) The application and certified statement may be used as evidence of the existence of a domestic partners relationship. Sec. 18-54. Termination. (al Either person in a domestic partnership may initiate termination of the domestic partnership by written notification to the City Clerk. The person filino the termination statement must declare that: llLJhe domestic partnership is terminated; and 121 a COpy of the termination statement has been mailed to the other domestic partner by certified mail, return receipt reouested. (b) A domestic partnership terminates when the earlier of the followinQ occurs: (1) one of the persons in the domestic partnership dies; or ru ninety (90) days elapse after both partners file a notice of termination of domestic partnership: or 39 "'-iij-L-r'" .,'.6"',, ),:.>' , .' .. '. :' , "",..' ',:. .- ...' ,,~ '. '. , ..... .' ~ ,'''. :'.: : ,~.__ _-v - - <D I I ~O/O .", .....?"s",ld, ,.'""".:l,,.,.,.,', ,_.L.__, ,.... .I.~~~:S' ,. ..1',.....___.,.[\...__.... , i '...........~ c~J: ',' ~ ~ I, \ 11 " 7~ , Ii " ;Ir~. I,~_.--__?_--- " j .' , 'It" '"-w.; ... ,... ,'. , .' ".". 1 . '~~ . . ---~!~~ .:~-"' . (31 ninety (90) days elapse after one partner files a notice of termination of domestic partnership and provides the City Clerk proof that the notice of termination of partnership has been mailed to the other partner at the last known address. or that the partner cannot be located or refuses to accept the mailed notice. A oroperly mailed notice which is returned as refused or undeliverable shall be adeouate proof. M If any of the criteria under Sec. 18-52 cease to exist, the parties shall be ineliQible for any benefits based upon the domestic partnership unless otherwise provided by law or the employer. j,dl. When an employer permits or provides benefits to the domestic partner of an employee. the domestic partner may be elioible to continue to receive benefits for a period of sixty (60) days after the death of the employee. The employer shall Qive the domestic partner written notice by U.S. mail, postaQe prepaid, at the address provided by the employee statinQ whether such benefits are available to the partner. Said notice shall state the date on which oroup benefit coveraQe. if any. terminates. and shall state the right. if any, of the domestic partner to transfer benefit coveraQe to a non-Qroup plan without lapse of coveraQe and without providinQ evidence of oood health. ill No person who has reoistered as a domestic partner pursuant to Section 18-53 of this chapter shall be eligible to file a new application for reQistration as a domestic partner until ninety (901 days have elapsed after the domestic partnership has terminated. Sec, 18-55. Records, The City Clerk shall maintain records of domestic partnership statements. showinQ the name and address of applicants for domestic partnership, and the date of application, certification and termination of domestic partnerships, . 40 -"'--.-- .'~ - j)'...' 0'"", ,i",", '... "I -,\." .1:, - ~' . " .!. ~O'O "---1"',00"',, 8 ' i5" uCj; .,'",...,..,.,--.' ,', . ~<- . . .;' ..:, -" ~. 1.-': .J:;" . ,', .'~ . " . 'i.,. :;>"'.\1; . . , . . ~ .' ....,,' -.. -,.,,/,.,", . , '. "', .' . -, " ' ,__.._........'-".',' ..'......,~_.."',,.""',,"~.u..~~,._ ...._ _,-,__,___.-_.... .~."',, 'i.:.:~,;. '._.',' '.-...:o'_"'-'''... .._ .~,..'_::.._.h.. , I l 'J-""1 ;'\\)J'-., (" [, (;;~ , \ .' I'~ , , I ! i ' , ~ I t!l" L~ , . ,.,< ! , ir'~' ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL As used in t 's chapter, the following terms shall have the <~, , . '. . ..____._ _..._.. ..h__...~.'__m.__:..._.. .......,____: AQe means chro ological age of any person who has rea hed the age of eighteen (18) or is considered by la to be an adult. City attorney means t e duly appointed attorney f r the city or such person designated by Riffi.I~ f9J;;$!]:;,'~UgEQ~yl Commission sRall means t e Iowa City Huma Rights Commission, Comolainant means a perso who has file a report of discrimination as provided for by sestisA 18 27 sf this chapter. Complaint means a report of dis imin tion as provided for by seotion 18 27 af this chapter, Conciliation team 5RaII means a t am of two (2) or more members of the Commission appointed to conciliate c es Court means the . the alle~sell:lAfair sr elissri in : g,9:Hn~QpjRgHPt,yllgL,t!4fm;gg~:1:tgf;1:fB~;g:tYl~:;qtng:<<~! Credit transaction m ns any open or closed end c edit transaction including but not limited to a loan, retai installment transaction, credit ca issue or charge, and whether for personal or or business purposes, in which a serve, finance or interest charge is imposed, or hich provides for repayment in scheduled ayments, when such credit is extended in he regular course of any trade or commerce, Dependent means any person, regardless of age, who resides in a'household and 1 ~OID ~. I I , 1(:) ,I '. .!. -- ..-- , ' ':- , '. .- r'],--}::::'::~'-"":\,.""':'"''''''''''''''r..-,,-,';'''"0'1;':;",' ",,0.." ','"'' " ')5 ',,'~-"',',' ";!~~'I_!~'/<:'::'" >' ,'. 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'- ::..'.'-'., ,;,-,;';-~.'.,.: >~;~-~:,,: i.::~""";.;;~":':.,.,,._._,__~."~._.." _ . means any person undertaking to procure employees ,6r , i / opportunities to ork for any other person, / ~~~ltl~l!i~t:"~,'~\\lmg~p;~;;g;gmIB[im9tg!!ihq!xI~H~!gilQaggt;,)!Qgi~~:dgM\!.I~t'I~~ni!m?r g2n1!gi!gql?t,!tgiRB~I;9ltn~i.\!.2!!qim~l: IJli;:litll,l?I!B~f~ntiRfj;~9R,::en!p~t~2P;lg~yl:B~tt~Q&!:!gU~f2gM:lI1;tb;~j!i1':;,;jRH~!i,@rjImiR!yjgH~lgl :(gli!!:tlIffibgi~g~~!Q9~gl:;g!iKi;:!R~r~i1!1;9rj!ggtgthi;~;;Bgf~gBtti~M1D.~I;:H~t2gM!Bflllb~Ilflq!yIRH~!;gf in~lvlqQ~!~J:li,f.tlItfi~lirttF~,TR~rml~#12D!2!!fi~11RArgQF1R~j:e'i,gt!R~r~9Q\1 .!~lIllll::I8jip.~r~:9nliggl!~lRr~~::'BtlIqtil~1!W1ffjslRE28~~~;19f'~;~'RH{ID~!!~~~m9:H~lg9M12Iltng !Q~ly.!gQ~Il2@lQqiylgQ~!~~1 ~~\T1lly:tg~'BQrRR~:~~!;9if:1191"qg~RF~!!nRIHg,:"j~~\9ijJ~jlDgl:YlgU~lt!~Q'g:iQ91H9,~~1! p~tggfl~Iwl!9I~t~Ir~~!~i~t~g.~~lgRm'lB.lR~[!D*~:~Qg,l:Yifigl~r~i~.!!Q!RI~lt21QR!ijlBI~;@gftm~~ ~!~1~m~nt:gf:!f!~!:ggm~~U9~B~r1n~K~fiIRit~gm;r,;:~:;~!]Yl:@!~tRI11~~!Rtgyt9gg!!Q1I~~iB!~!~~!19ltflli!~ Q,g~Rt~hl which is used, . pI, Housinq accommodation' ans any improyed or unimproved real estate !Df.g!i~~g:lf9t;Q~~I~~;~::t~,~.I#~n'~;9t.~!~~P.1hQ!B!~!i~j\tp9h~:9R!Dtgfq.p~t~2n~j Housin transaction means the sale, exchange, rental or lease of real property or housing accommodation nd the offer to sell, exchange, rent or lease real property, Investiqator me ns a person appointed by the city anager with the consultation of the commission, to i yestigate complaints filed' . Mhg:~r this chapter, Labor or a zation means any organization which exists or the purpose in whole or in part of collect' e bargaining, of dealing with employers concern'\ grieyances, terms, or \ 3 ~~,_.,. =,1 j-.."'....,."..'.'...'..',....'.,' ~. "..... '..' ;', " . \ ", 0 ,,' ."!' , '.-, '" ',', '<~~" _:S',::."" -' ,< ',' .-,'. ".' -, " ".. . , ',' -,-. I I , ' CD ! .1 , /" I I . " . ',~ ..'::::ai.ifi j' ,"~ " f; r") \1 ~ I', I , I i . , " , I II i I · i k~ II" ' Il' , ~ wf " .. --1 rr :~ 0 " ;-'j '" , . "t ""',i.' . , '. '. .... ~.... . ~ " , "'.,., . .......,_.;....,.c'...,...,...._..,.._... ......~~:.~~.,:. conditions of e ployment, or of other mutual aid or protection in connecti n with employment. ' Marital stat s means the state of being married, single, divor, ed, separated or widowed. Person means 0 e or more individuals, partnerships, sociations, corporation, legal representatives, trustees receivers, the city or any board commission, department or agency thereof, and all oth r governmental units cond cting any activity in the city. Public accommodatio means each and ever place, establishment, or facility of' whatever kind, nature, or class hat caters or off rs services, facilities, or goods to the caters or offers services, facilities, 0 goods to the general public gratuitously shall be deemed a public accommodation if th a ommodation receiyes any substantial governmental support or subsidy, Publ' accommodation shall not mean any bona fide private club or other place, establish ent, r facility which is by its nature distinctly private, except that, when such di tinctly prl ate place, establishment, or facility caters or offers services, facilities, or goo s to the gene I public for a fee or charge or gratuitously, it shall be deemed a public ac ommodation durin such period. Public assistance sou ce of income means i come and support derived from any tax-supported federal, sta or local funds, including but not limited to social security, supplemental security in ome, aid to families with dep ndent children, food stamps, rent subsidies, and unempl yment compensation. Respondent eans a person who is alleged to have committed an act prohibited by tiiW:!df this chapter. :.;".;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.,,:,~. this chapter, again whom a complaint has been filed, 'a~1~lt,9tm,qt~gx,gJ~9.flmld~1!RbJIll~[Killh~t~~~m~nf:im~yl:f.~K~ 4 j'......-',..'.....'.'..,'.' . .' " ','" ....:...,:"::.., '\ ,.:/01 ';i:, ' ..:.. ' .".' !I',"" '.' ,. " ~. . '.. iIIlIIo b ; .! ao 10 """.'f'...... 8 ~SlO, ,. .".'.. ~,." " . ,...: .' ,'. ., " " lI!Jii:fJ' y'\, . . \~. : ~f\. I . '.1 '~ , '.' ., , .". ',._';i. , .'''.,.' . ;.", . ,......"..~..:,~.,._...~~1\_~:.._:., = gmM;:~mg!t~R9i;fng\\,qrmiiRfi@Rft9m9ti;ltl~!;la~lllIfigi;1?UrR,qigiiRM~lrg2!ii9plW:;,:~!!Q'~!:~n lfil!mla!UfiQlilfig~lf~l::;Fig~~n~IM~ll~ngJ[q9:iEIQli Sexual orientati n means the status of preferring a rela 'onship of affection or a sexual relationship with consenting adult of the same se , or with a consenting adult of the opposite sex. !litg[Q~1!9Q;~!Y,RQM~vl[9D;l9u!lh~Jlmln~li9QIQtt~!I:"qri~H!16~Rl~IgIKqrJmin~1tgQ!Im,g~~r ~b,~U;\m~~;QltD.~!q!1Y;Rli!,gi~ll@!!Yl;lTyt~i; Sec. 18-2. Purpose, It is the purpose of this chapter 0 protect citizens of the city against discrimination as defined in this chapter, Moreover, i chapter provides for execution within the city of .;...~... 0, {' ..:;\. I (-'"\ ' \\ ~i .~ r. (\ I ' the policies of the Iowa Civil Rights ct of 965, the Federal Civil Rights Acts, toE Rt~~:mm~!~Dmg~r1l!I8m19J~~;lmZrr:!IIQgJtltgK~tlqQ~m@aQM~Ql!gQ,;:gn:ffi~!~l!;mltl~!IQQllaf!~8Il Eofm~I:9ffa~c)aFl:~f~cHmjhiltlqrrWg6~L and the omotfon of cooperation between the city, ........,......-......~;~..,i;.,.....;.:.,;w;......-......;.;.;.......;'.....','1;.........;.:.;.:...........;.....;......,......;...;,..;.....;.......,.........................;...;.:','1. state and federal agencies w ch are charged, pre ntly and in the future, with enforcing ~ these acts ~ngiJfi~![gffi~UiW' ~M,gjllil~~!1;lgQfii!i,9!ign~ jjtiJ~lRn~Rt~rl~n',l,R~IQ9,tl~itQ~gX~lQ,~9!Ylg!:~tl~8!y~,:~!!~iRQmS~~ll;~Dg;~b:~JlIR~ ~dfprS~#.;,RYm~1!9W~RJty.1H9.m~D,m1Q.ti!~'8gmmi~~taQ;#:gu~:!l~Qt\wllulffj,~nnt!:nlHl~g~g~9.;~I: ~ng~p.l[i,!gtltl~:ee]np.!~I;~:Qgle~~m::!~n.1Rl~~i1.tt!1:9fi;!fi~;ltitgrg,Jtgn~mgRny~QI!QglgD;;$tl~ ,gJ!mi@Vgn;9Il&11Jgfffi~gt8~9i.~mPJ~9nmrp.~!lg.Q,Jlg~~J;i:;iffl2yt~y~,:itn~:8QQ~trP9!i9nl~ng ~nfR[9~m~hE9fQ~gt9~m9J9,;?hgie~nll,;2t;:*ffiIg,Tijt~tn~1!PD~li9QDy~DtDi~fj'~mii.hliD9.~y~dI 5 Jf: 0_ --'--uu,u ... "~ ' - ,0, ".')'::,::':'<' .." ) .-.t:I ,: - f" . , , ' ! .! ~OIO ~\'S-'\ 10., "'1"":"")"'. ,j,', , ..,;:.'.. '.j": ;--. ,.,'1 ~..,. ".... , ': ;':.~:".., : .; .h.;l,~' "'. " ., , " ,..' " " ,'.... ~. , , ,. , ~' , " ~;I ". .. , ,j gR~R~t~ag;iqL,,::Q.l~g;prRtsR!!Ri1;!nqt!R!,Q~;iJ~~llg&!ffjHQg~~anm!gQ~Rt~rl!jffsI[RI#!Rlyl! alQnt~j~Efiltff~l!,'ft~r~ljmly.1E!m!!m!~:;1.9ff'Jjgf;IJ.!lwlERQmitg!tgn!:9J;\lrtgigt1IS;R!j1!9~gl9.!i:!R~ ;~qft#ilIUgn~i;Qf.1tfl,~;i:!;91.tgg\Rt&1~,~lBti;~ln~ilg~f Secs. 18-4 - 1 -15, Reserved, ion established; gener duties. There is hereby establis ed the Iowa City uman Rights Commission whose duty shall be to disseminate informati nand provid the mediation, conciliation and Sec. 18-17. Powers, A \::J enforcement necessary to further t e goals f this chapter and to protect citizens from unfounded charges of discriminatory The commission created by t 's a 'cle shall have the following powers: (I) To receive, investigate and de merits of complaints alleging unfair or discriminatory practices. ri ,,! ("1 \ \ T. I (2) To investigate and study e existence, cha acter, causes, and extent of discrimination in the areas cered by this chapter, and to eliminate discrimination by ',.i, education, conciliation, an enforcement where nece sary. (3) To issue publication and reports of the research a d inyestigations of the commission subject to he limitations of confidentiality, (4) To prepare and ransmit to the city council from time t time, but not less often than once each year, re orts describing the proceedings, inyestigati ns, hearings, decisions and other work perfo med by the commission. mmendations to the city council for such further legislation concerning \ ' 6 C" - '" ._~-' >: - aO\o ' . __~ '),..,;:::~..."".<,.,;-',"".. ."'.,'",;,.".,.::,.:;"',:.:::..,.,'1'"1::,::., "1'0'"'''1> , .,' "..',..'..O...,~, }S:,; <> ", ',' . 25'.'T.". ,\ .- - ," , " " '" "...,,'.,.., " I' 0' '., ;' .-.'....[ ','\",. ~~ .'. i..... :. ~ --,.,......-..,.....:.. (7 ..\ r-'\ \\ \ ~ r~ I i I I jb. l J '~L'l. \'\'~-' , ~;_'Ci,; S,I~~ Ii" "t~ :fe,'" 0 ". '.. Vi' ': ., , "."..'.. '.,' , :~h'\'I' '. ",'" .. ~ ..... , " ...... J:.",."._...,...c."..J.,....."'_.i'"_,_~lt~_. _.._ ," ~, .......-...-._._-_.-.~._~--_._, - . discrimination as it may deem necessary and desirable. ~~, ' \ (61 To cooperat , within the limits of any appropriations made for its operation, with other agencies or rganizations, both public and private, whose p' rposes are not inconsistent with th se of this chapter, and in the planning an conducting of programs designed to eliminate acial, religious, cultural and other int rgroup tensions. " I ~. . \.. ' , .' , _._.__._--'~ I (7) To adopt guideline by which to determine whethe any conduct, behavior, or action may properly be deemed discriminatory practice. (81 To make recommenda 'ons to the city mana r and city council regarding the affirmative action program of he city and to of er assistance to city departments to ensure fair employment procedures an the provisio of city services without bias. I ' I I I , complainant may suffer irreparable jur as a result of an alleged violation of this chapter. A temporary injunction may only be i ued ex parte if the complaint filed with the commission alleges discrimination' ho sing. In all other cases, a temporary injunction s been notified and afforded the opportunity to be heard, (1 01 To issue subpoenas a order discoyery s provided by this section in aid of investigations and hearing of alleged unfair or di criminatory housing or real property practices. The subpoen s and discovery may be 0 dered to the same extent and are court. subject to the same Ii itations as subpoenas and dis overy in a civil action in district The com ssion shall consist of nine (9) members, a ointed by yote of the city ees shall serve for a term of three (31 years a \hereafter until a 7 council, Appoi - -- ~.~~ ,..;),. , .' " .. ~ '-. ..., ,,' -' . . , ....0:"....",:" ' ':",;,.,...,. ' (r?:':,> , '", I, , ' , I' I , ~OIO "..";.'....r'~'..'.I:r]"i:, , I..L. '" , " ' j . . ,," ~.:..-.\ c' ~ ,,. '; ,.... . .... ',.,'-'" .,;",'1 ~' \,', ' '; ,', . "';-"",. . ':':""'~ht'I~;.':-:,' .. .:,"" ""./ . - ,.,,' . , , . . . , '" .' " . . ";....~ ~,.,..,.:...: ,'~_~..., ::~.;;" ,~u,_'-~ ~~:..:,<\' ""~':", ,-' ....~'~~ ~___ _.:_ ... . , . ....,. "~'.:;.'_":~':'::'_---~~'_'~.~'" r r~ \ Y:<r'~ I" . I , , 1 ~ , I , 11" I I j C" ,. 0 ;~". --- -, ,~. '1! , , .' . ..1 , , ~' ~ '.-' , ' ... .-.---.---...........-..;...------- '-----,.,. - ..-..-...- successor has bee appointed, Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. Appointments shall take into consideration men and women of the various racial, religious, cultural, soci I and economic groups in the city, Sec. 18-19. Reco ds to be public; exceptions. ' (a) All records of the com 'ssion shall be public except: (1) Complaints of crimination, reports of investigati ns, statements and other documents or records obtained I the investigation of any ch rge shall be closed records unless a public hearing is held. (2) The minutes of any se sion which is clo ed, under the proYisions of this chapter shall be closed records.' shall disclose the filing of a charge, the information gathered during the investigatio or the endeavors to eliminate such discriminatory or unfair practice by confer nc conciliation, or persuasion, unless eaeh . . ~%g~R~;:~%lm~wlp~ agg~~~~rMi1R::S8QSHq!;;~il!lijMg~fJ~~fi',;:19.f;;~19"g:tjjRI~1't.\1 Nothing in this section shall prevent the commission from releasing su h information conc rning alleged or acknowledged discriminatory practices to the tate civil rights commis 'on, the United States Civil Rights Commission, the Federal Eq I Employment Opportunity mmission, and other agencies or organizations whose pri ary purpose is the enforcement f civil rights legislation. This section does not preyen any complainant, witness or other pe on from publicizing the filing of a complaint or the matter therein complained of, Violatio of these provisions by a member of the co mission or its staff shall constitute grounds for removal. - 18-30. Reserved, ARTICLE III, DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES 8 , :"_,,< -z ,. 'J',",'" ~- .,..,' O,,';,:';n:;":;~, .'. '\ .,'.:.":,:..~):',<.,,:, - " ' -~. . .. :. , >" I' I . I ' I " (D , , i , " ':., ~O,O. ."..... ,',;:..:.,',' ....,.,..,.....,....~"..,",r..,."'.n,,',,,,'.",' 8, ,,'1\,'," .. ,.,,' "'25')(1.0;: . . I ','.;" ,..:.i:~:.,; ~;. ." , jT~ " . ' ..': ./7" " [: ..1.\ (-', \] ~ ~ I, ' " I : I I k, Ii" Ii ~ '~"i :l,~: . .;, 't,:il,,'~.l '1M '. ~~ '", l,_~ Co ,1":'1 " ., , , . "t' ~ . \ \ J. ~ . ~. , .. .' ,.:, '...,' .,' , .,'. , 1 ~. . . - ---_....._.-._.._-~..._---_._....~..,,- ....,........ .._~,"..,',.,." I '..' ,.~."..--'.,.'c~" _.~'.,,___,',.,,~., Sec. 18-31. Employment; exceptions. (al It shall be u awful for any employer to refuse to hire, accept, register upgrade or refer r employment, or to otherwise discriminate in empl ment against any other person or to 'scharge any employee because of age, color creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual (b) It shall be unlawful or any labor organization to refu to admit to membership, apprenticeship or training an applicant, to expel any ember, or to otherwise discriminate against any applicant for m mbership, apprentice ip or training or any member in the privileges, rights, or benefits f such members p, apprenticeship or training because of tional origin, race, religious, sex, or sexual (c) It shall be unlawful for any em loy ,employment agency, labor organization, or the ,1 r employees or members thereof to di ctly or indirectly advertise or in any other manner indicate or publicize that individual ar unwelcome, objectionable, or not solicited for employment or membership bec se of ge, color, creed, disability, marital status, national !2!!2YifQ~i It!i5Ewt!g~tigE;g%lr!n~t!~D1P!9,xm~Qh"qlt9Y:QrlBr~91.!#.~;iiB!sft::g8EIgg~~~itf:gm ~mpmYm~B!!~BR!!R.~Bf~,r:g!jjB!Qy~~~p~g~y:~~il,IGgI~mpmM~~1~!,pr~~Q~6RiYlmi(~]Rt1m~i!t~gI9 y@~~!gn:qf.!ni~!;qfi~p"""r!' ig.l-!RI~~p!HJf.~g~g~~gI9figRQ!ngQt~g:t9;PY:t'ijl:~JnpIRx9~!~lRr~~:Q~ngyljlml~Q~[fl~'Ii~t. qnHgpifmi~hi!:rK'Y~r%tn~t~trRm~r~iIf9rl~nrm,Ptr~!~t'gleHrR9.~~~111~mBg't~:fYI:~!~~~m!i.g~ ~Q9,~n~mg~;lt~!~g.1;~.~~ggn;iy:ti9~e!QYh9~!lhl:gtilfk!jjE:g,tyj;gJ~:~gmfYlili&yX~Qq~I;gE~(9.g 9 ) r-.~ .....jw- ! .! '. ~OIO ........".....,..~.. ._~~.._" . ,\Oi"..,il" ,"'" . . ,.. :,::".'. .,-,'," :10, , '.' ,..,.".....1",';' '..'''T.....' , IS ..'.,,' Ii. ,l'~U~:~ . ,. . ~ ," '- ;', .,;-:-.. .t'" r"'~ \t ~ ~'~r I , I " I! .c___~_ ,,;'''1 " , ' '.~t \ i'i' , ".',\,\ .... .. ';'" ., " ...,,';...:~' ;'. ' ~ ,....;. . , :.l.~. lii~y~iB!gn:@M~1!~Bl~:lln!;ggnn&,€np;q!ll!ni~mp!QMmgD.ilI!gfi!~;QxlYiHn~gIguIgn:,'li~tl ~mR!g&m~lli!.IRqagl~~'L:"gIIp.t~R!ig~~:lIgMg!Mlfi%!:t~fm~!:~ngi;9PP31t19:I1*i9f!~m:"gxm'i,QFI@g @eB!I~:~lag!.Rtnel14~mRgt~t1R!%gID!1!i.~~,!) :(~:~!:,!ill~;lli~~!I;lpglHnt~~fB!l!eil~:"XiB~f~en;itgI~,gJl9!t!2firggP!r~!~ii;~!!ign,,~12ili;Rt;:~mRI9MmgntiR! ~Qxj~mR!gMg~119;tltBIR~R~pfty~i:~:':RI9Y2~~1i.t~~t!tgfliB~lBfs~!QR~11PAfQ~I;mnlag9ylitgJtQ~ fiY!n~,ilint!ilgQ9q~flg!~ngxty!f,9~fih:!!t~t~~ro~Ul!P~fl~gQ!~nli*::,:B!,RY~fti.!mgl,gYm~!l] @Q~ngMI!1~R;9f;!2fQijm~@!!go!!;;gN1fi~tt;;:mRJgygg~1!;~Qggr.~;);;9fr;,.;:gm.ggr#JI~n:@i.~n:gme!9Mggi1Rl Rtq~Rggt.1M~iglDe!2Mggllg9.ffig~lnln~!gID!gMm:~nfi!!R~xl!;gnr,~'iliglJ!~a91~g;RmR!gx:gg!qf prg~e~gnyg!:&Ji!B!Ryg~;;inlr~lEfgft9rl!~gL'ffi.t~~lfg~f:tg,~K;g!Rt~~~iliggIRfltn:gI;~gl!~gqMj[fgI~tls hEm~Q;lmIi!E1igqgflgJgU9Xl&mg~i\tt~ijet2n!,'t~#!@;mh&e(2B!.~!t!1'n~l;9tt1Q!~I;RYrY;Qn~PEqe!;QRt ~Rp.]yiltlng;:~~@lg::gBlg~m!2!g~I~~:;gglSrmliligj~Q:ltig!glt~gtgfl;2f!RHg!ig;fts~1t.hW!gglijfg~ InUtg~n:tftg!9.1m~~1!9nI9f~g!8g!lngml&~!yPII~9!RM1nglg;~gtgDi.tgt!mlig~~~:!R2nt.f91J.@fjffillig (f) The following are exempted fr? the provisions of this section: (11 Any bona fide religio/~ institution or its e cational facility, association, corporation or society with re 6ect to any qualifications for employment based on religion when such qualifications ar related to a bona fide religio purpose. A religious qualification for instructio al personnel or an administratiye fficer, serving in a supervisory capacity of a bona fide eligious educational facility or religiou fide occupational qualification, (21 An emp yer or employment agency which chooses to 0 fer employment or advertise for em oyment to only the disabled or elderly, Any such e loyment or offer of 10 ~_ -L:L_ ~.- " ~," ')'' . ,. . '.', "<'.,"-",.,'.' "'" 0" ",,, , ','" .:,""".'.''' ';1", ,. , ,'", ",' ,..J. t,:' ,:\ ~. . I I i I,! ~o\~ ":-"---'12'5'~:: "I:'tj'..: .' \, ".:....."....,....,"1.'.' , ,',,, .' ~. ;~. zi!~1i!il::: i ': '4"" . i , , ...."'7"': ,(; (-~' \ \~ ,~ r":"'~ u c " 0 'I . __._.___. ~O\\~ "-"'!;'s ",1'0',; ""';'""I,;".'..'t" " ,1"'1, , " , "t" ".\'\'". , '. . '.". / .."".... , ,'. , , ',..:' , . '~..,:' . . . +-~'-~:~.~'.:~ ,: , .._._-_.~ -"~.'.---+I--"-.._+-'- - employment shall not discriminate among the disabled or elderly on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, rital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or, sexual orientation, I (3) The emplo ment of individuals for work within the ho / of the employer if the employer or members of . th:~ family reside therein durin such employment. service to the person of the employer or members of . fff"""".,.""'..",,."f""',",.,,""v" f 'I ,,~}~mpOY~hli ami y. ,...,..........,.."..............-......,.,....."W...NUN, (5) To employ on the ba 's of sex in those cer, ain instances where sex is a bona business or enterprise, fide occupational qualification reas nab,ly necessar to the normal operation of a particular narrowly. (61 . , A state or federal program designed to benefit a specific age class if a 'on which serves a bona fide public purpose, shall ae l3erFflissiale, m To employ on the basis 0 of disability is a bona fide occupati nal qualificati reasonably necessary to the normal Sec. 18.32, Public a operation of a particular busines or enterprise. Th bona fide occupational qualification shall be interpreted narrowly, (a) It shall be unlawful for ny person to deny any other enjoyment of the goods, ervices, facilities, privileges, adv tages of any place of public accommodation becaus of age, color, creed, disability, mari I status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or exual orientation, (bl It shall be unla ul to directly or indirectly adyertise or in an other manner indicate or publicize that the atronage of persons is unwelcome, objectionabl ,or not solicited 11 - - " .,' ."" .' ".',' '_:. .' '.'." ,q,.,)\;"" '..--,"."'..' .,";";'\ ',' ,'. '. . . . ....' " ~. . , , _. I I 1 j , I I , I D I ',I" ' .. , , ~OID .' .'h~"?'5',:.'l[5i ,,"-,"'''-''.!". ., . ,:~' ;r. " " i " !a~ " ..~ -, . ""\' " . ~ ," . f , ", . , ".1..:".":,,. ...",,,.::.,-_,.~,:J~~':H_'" , , .--.---.,..-----.--,-.. +-.-.,-.. because of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, ace, religion, sex, (c) This sect n shall not apply to any bona fide religious instit~'on with respect to any qualifications th institution may impose based on religion w In such qualifications are related to a bona fl e religious purpose, (dl Public accommod ions may be designated specific! Iy for the elderly and disabled. However, public accomm dations may not be restricld among the elderly and disabled on the basis of age, color, cree disability, marital st {us, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, Sec. 18.33, Credit transa (a) It shall be unlawful for any credi r to r use to enter into any consumer credit transaction or to impose finance charg r other terms or conditions more onerous than those regularly extended by that credit r 0 consumers of similar economic backgrounds because of age, color, creed, disabili ,mar al status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation, , J r-" \ \ (b) It shall be unlawful for any rson authorize or licensed to do business in this state pursuant to Chapters 524, 53 , 534, 536, or 536 of the Code of Iowa (19931 to refuse to loan or to extend credit 0 to impose terms or con itions more onerous than those ,/,:'\1 f~""'r , ' i regularly extended to pers ns of similar economic back rounds because of age, color, " creed, disability, marital tatus, national origin, race, reli 'on, sex, or sexual orientation, (cl It shall be unlawfu for any creditor to refuse to offer c edit, life, or health and accident insurance because 0 age, color, creed, disability, marital sta us, national origin, race, I I i k, ii" II \'t \~,<:i ., religion, sex or se al orientation, Refusal by a creditor to off r credit, life or health and accident insuran e based upon the age or physical disability of t e consumer shall not be 12 ,,' '~;~',' '~'l ' , I~ ,<< " ;C 0 ____ ~-~_. , ",- . :), ,.",..-.','-_.,.,.."..\ ,'" ,.0.,,', ,:.., , , ". . . : .'.'. ,,' r' ' '.i'" ~ ,. '" ,'; Ii. - . '..do. ~. A,_ "" .. I I.' ~' i " i .r'" (-'r. ~, ~ 'fT t'~ , I' : " Ii " .rr...... '~"-~ r'l .' . '. t::\1 "\ , ,~, ., , ~ "- . '. . _._"l.T.:.-,.',:; '::.~ ,.".,~;. .,.. . " .._. ..__._...._.....__"_.'.,_'.r" '" _W'"h',_",,~,,_ ..".. ,-..__~.' . . ~o '0 "'r-"'''''' ,l5' >...,\."'........:..R;.;.'''".'~..,..__.___... . , an unfair or iscriminatory practice if such denial is based solely pon bona fide underwriting c nsiderations not prohibited by Title XIII, subtit 1, Code of Iowa. The provi 'ons of this section shall not be construe by negative implication or , otherwise to narro or restrict any other provisions of t is chapter, (dl . : R usal to enter into any consumer credit transaction covere in this section shall not e a discriminatory practice if such denial is based on a fair an reasonable determi ation of credit-worthiness or ability to comprehend t,he transaction. ~~$!!)l:~t~ftj!EYyg~tlgtl;f Jg!:!It;I*h~m;R~!@.nIHQf~lMgrIgl~Qti.mL~tRr~:iir~8t.!9~;t9ti:~9:Y;~9.MR~11gn~JI!!n~,t!!.9!lgn;;lg 9.1~,9mni9,~!sipQ:;ttlS;:R~~I~:g!I#,~~;IqgL,.;9f~S9.f!9.I~~Rn.!tyi;!m~r,I1~J!~s~Ul~!;lli,~1!gn~l!gf!Qln!1 f~,s~!@~H~lgn!:@~x!:IQt~~~H-~!iQrlgn!~,!g,.ll.nt~:QY;:Rr9~I~mI:gt;!~8t!ylty!I!~gRQIB!~8timln~lRrM p.r~El1Ei~Iin~nHng.!E9.~;;P9S1;n91";RSJm!f~i~,;:'g;ln~1\tRRg!!fu'ijIRr;qEtl:g~*:; Qr~HR.)~1~t;J9g1~9n!TI1D~1I9,tl4'i~Qy.ii,~s~gi~mlsl;:xtri~gH-fr19E1~f!!r~~g~;rgnijI9'g'ggP;~tI9Q~! lr~lQmlii.lgti19m~rIRt9QE~mt'i;~:911Xl!y;: jgll!;RgQ!~ltgfi9gffi,~r~~lg!gpRq~g9!!YHQmn,;impr~JII~n,~,1!nSgr~gD9tl~f\9'i~lnmtlg Rtgijr~m~i1 l~lHP,l~?inm!Q'Jg9:::~mgn9P~r~gn~i;IQtgffiBIP;xffi:QU,~ng;:Xn~lE:RD9.J!!gn~iII?! ~iirRmYm~Qn !~miQQiiH,J?~,~@ilgti%~x!:!Q~i:~ppn?i~1!9n:9fj(~fiYllrg!~i*gn9:qrmrrQ!tft~:~?ilg~!I9r ii9X~hi!~I::B~rgQrJPf@.ffil!YI:g[;m~rIl~Il~t~lg~i);9tiiij:I#,~t~Qnmgmlfi:i:~*EIH~!gn;i:itn~ny;;p~f[RQjtlgm ~hYRrgijt~m,9j[gFY.!XygrI~mp!gYm~nXig.~s~,g!~;9fllir~Q'Q~ngYi:fJ:r~!lt~B;q9g9!l!RQ~ g~P,~hg~DJlq9.,nitlt~:phY~ls!~h,!~:9i@.ijh,9,~!~:~hg:lls~n!t.!8~lJeQ! 13 .... - ~ ~-- - ~"" j,",',.".""-".;',"... "0."'.:"" . ,',,',,'. ."..",}i .."., " .,,' . , " I' I 8"'i uO, .."t, .j,' -- '.':-'.,\ , ';' "~' ';" "...;..".,...-,-,;,:" 'i , ,> , ( ../,.\ r: \ , .d , , M , i r.~ I!" I l\ ~ ,...~ '~~~; I~~ ii ~ ". I.j' ~r '. L~ :co ", ',0' r"\' " , , , ',~t \ 'I" , , . , ,~ '~ '. " ,., " ','.,r, "', "., .' ';". _;.~..:,.". ,I,.c'. ..., , ' . , " , ' " ,', "I',' , . .." :.!' ".:""'_.I'4':"''-''''~'~'''.__,_,:____ _'___,,:: ;~, ~ . . ~. '-' . , _. .__.__._.__.....~'" _. ,,_,'_.A'" .w..~..,..___,__ ___ ~__~__..~_ (B!IIi!19r:!!i~:~teg~~lI9,f!t,@!~:f~~;9!lgrnmi~9;q~tlgQffiljIlD~f!~Hllgnjiil!99!9:tm~1~nY!g,E~~9mgg!l: ~1~mgij]~Dy:jl~,qgngAryl:::9i1m~f.Qli9Il~ri~1~2Vp';gJli~Eg~';~EMEitI9n!~~9gRMI1RfH8g~1~~lqg;fig~mi Qg'!t~~~;;:~:fig:;ffisi;;;";g&PffiIQQi;8g,~tg~l1iYt!,!nl;t!i~im89.;~B1.1gDill@~];;r.tll~i!,,~ilgJJ;;~ti~U;lug~nfis!Hqs lQgmpJ2~t~ltY;!P!i!R::;~,\gti:~nY;!91Qlr;[liggi2~t!:gn~JHltxt~J8J!l;sflrr;ii9t!tgIRfUgi~~:H IgliiwfiJ~]~~8figfjlgg~~L:;9tifjrgfiIB!lII~nJ;~gY2~t!Rn!l:Jfi~*!lHl1g'itrgilm~jfjtg!lliinQi[~~p;~ritg !gl!~jjrr~QJ.!iU~~l:tl,2:gR~f;l?:R,::~Eqrl!MIQ~!;f!RJ.li~I~~!lgr@gli:@"",,:t~fit:;~~&!~!:~9.!!pn9.'I!~ QgmR~r~ij!gf:~smtl~~I~Jgi:RE,}i1Ss~'!I!~gt!1IQ~1!D.iiIQ1~I~~':Ja.!)I[~D~!!IijliIggft*-1.f99gI~~jBfgbiml!I:Q~ :~nyjl~gfi~alqs!:f~!!~lpq:~ilfi~t!tg,:qQi[rgmHm.8g~!n~HgP'J!IJQiUqn~I[~~~ggI9Jjlrgng!;qnilglft:;~gQft ~!H:~IiUs~!.lgD~I@rlilrli!~!~g@g:I~!&9,'i:t19gr~!J~!2Q~r:,MtB:q~~iet~nY:i.2%]!!w!19fjI;ltg;mII~gmii!jna ~!qg~nt.~j[q!,9fj,IYi:9;Qg;~g*i; 1!i~nimBgilelWMfi!~m2ti:gJ~EtJm.ln~!qtIlIer,":;]g~jII9r! !1;!llI~Q~:B;~r~,gni!9i;!QtiQtlqlli~UyI~!~lll~~tb;'gmR~!::RrI@2~]g~I~Dgt,Q~L;:R~[;~gn;@eI:gBa~a~lin ~QM,;;gfj:l!1g:8r~R1ISg~i~~R!At~~II[Qt~if',gm:g![qr!,:]Q~]Rty;IRYt"~fit~Ip:Q~pt~f! Igl!~liy:,:fj;~E~grJtgigmgtImIQ:~lg(![':~lfi~H~,Dig~,ti~,~fjlir~gnI(~sQ~9.~li!~9.EQI:R~r~g!]!D~~!gl~ti:~f 1~lrg!!x:R,PRg~~fj;:~nY;~!~9tlml,',Xqr~:;R[~8tlp~f:gt~~qg~Bl~yli!hm;iEQ~pllif!jIg:~~y~g:Ilt~s prRYi~len~i:gfl!QJ~'sb;~pi~fl;9in~~!ms9l~;@gmR'~!ntt;;~~fiti#gi:grli~~I~t~gl:t@J~I1YjlfjrgE~:sgllia Hfig~I;tvj~;9QPH!~ri TICLE IV, ENFORCEMENT OF HU AN RIGHTS Sec, 1 ~.ffi;'i!lijili~ffliririll~,\Wtl9Ilm~Y;ll!~199Jfjp!i.lQtillm9!ti9m9ffIli11ll1Ig,p.:OO'Pljlnt; (al , . Ai- Any porson ~!!!'R~t~9~Q' claiming to be a discriminatory 9tlgoJ~!f practice within #Ie iDi.~ city . 14 ~- A.~_ - .", . ,''0' ..0".,),:;:,.,,' "::.', : ,:>,<.;".' ,:)::',::',"",' ," I," .. ~OlO , ,",. .. I I , i I I . ' " @' , 'J .f' [" i I ! t)' ....,.."'.....,, }5 ;\: vis;, ,..",,;,,1,..,.:;,11\ ~,<'~':I.. , ; I " f (-'\ \' \ f~ , , , , ~ I ib II" I,[ ~ ,"r~~/;;:; 1'1': {:ll ,. I!~ ,', ,( ! \ .-" ,C., ~=- .' 0 .., " . --------...- _o\~ .. ':'r"'" "I",'..,..,'; '5 0' " '), .. ,',' " ",:",;,,:,:,,},,,/,,,_, ('i'; " ....."i . '."" ,.t' ",'\1' , '. "., ,-'... ,~. , ., , ,'. , ",.j " ", . '~;., ..,: . , _'_"~":"'."._' .,...'.~~... _'_' ..._"~_.:.,...~s.,,. , ~}{!'Q~m~~!g~~IBrlpy::ggHn~~1 make, sign, and file "-, 'ssion a verified, written complaint which shall state the name and address of the person, e loyer, employment agency, or labor organization allege to have committed the discr inatory or unfair practice of which complained, s II set forth the B~mlQy1~i~!tQ!t~,Rf.i1:iQi;~!1qntRgnI~lnjl~g9.;gI9tg~~fmntl~fgK&jlgEjj~!'lm~yl:,,:It~9ulrgg:lp21!tng 81tmml~~!g.Ql: (b) The commission, a co issioner, the city attorney or any other person aware of he existence of a discriminator practice may in like manner make, sign, and file such compl into .!gl;;illQg:IQgmml~~IIiQIg'rlfQ!!iQ\gmR!~::~fill~lli~lligijMglfQ~::gl~,r:f9;,!~~~gn:ij.g!&lijngIf~!,r!1l ~mgdt\l:[Qy:;:ggmpl~l1lf:~g9l:fQ~l:fg~gen,~gm!~fi~!!;fi~ydlK~;:!tgl~Rlf9;:~m;~Q~;l~g8tl (d) .e; QmlmiJjQ9~r;fbl~ig:ti~RtWr~lli~,Ul:Q9I19~t::.IQ!~!Q,'gIYn!~&~!~lg,\i,mR(~tnI;lg11i!g,glw.nn\;,bi 99mmi~~!gn,YilmInI9n~j:Y~~t;:~fit~g;tJ:~I!~Qggiig:L'qtlmm~lPI}lj9flYQ]~IN'RrI9figgIBg~Jml~g! (el A verified copy of a complai filed with the ate civil rights commission under the provisions of Chapter 216, Co e of Iowa, or EEOC hall be sufficient complaint for the purpose of this chapter if it alleges either in the text hereof or in accompanying statements that the aile d discriminatory practice oc rred within this city. Sec. 18-37. I estj ation of com lajnts;rea~te"Ii\Eijlofilsett1ilment! 9 p P':%':"~":W:'i:';':':';'; ";':':-:"':',:'i.':';'.';';';:',':';';';"W;':''':';';';';';.,.:..,:.:.:.:.,:.:.........;.;.:.;.; (al After the filing 0 a yerified complaint, a true copy shal be served within twenty (20) 'GGieA'S days by certified ail on the person against whom the com TheA a 15 '=, .> = - J..'.-..'..".".'.,'.'.'..'...' " ' "'. .:.;:.': ".' . '\ '0 ;' .'., . ',' .. - "', ' ,', .'..:, '-,.:"<:,,,;"",.)!';" .:'.,:'::',':.', ---_ "i" ':',' ~~7 '.~ , . ~. ~., ,,' I I o I , ' !" I , , ",! .!. ':1 " _J,t:.'., .( .:.~,," ;.'" . ' ; .' .,~:i ,'1 (: --""'I ( , \: '\ ~ .'" , f.: I I I i I II., I f' .~ , , . ~~(',i~ .,' ;, , ::\.' ;, " ", ;' .' !(,,- 0 " .,";'''1 " ',',' '.':. ',::~h\"i" . ','1 ? ., , ,- "'" , . '~'f' ". ". ," '::'" , .~, , . '6IHlf.the GomplaiAt. !~!:!:i~I;9;Ri.mj.~~lgfi~r!\:tlg:ibBm~n]tr!~Qf~:;9'g9t~im~tRrlgt;!i.filqHlQ9r.!~,~g:ii~mP;~:~!9.fI*p;g ~;gmm.l~;~.lQ1It*K~1~,iti~~~~L:,tRmRI!:Mi:tBYs~li~Y1~I@hi:~ggmR!.~lfifi be trl:lo: investi€later is unable te ~FeGeed .. 'nas tAe followin€l te [Note: the power to issue subpoenas was ransf rred to Section 18.17.] (cl~ltsr.iln~;yir!!!~gIg1!mpmln!H~I~!!ig,l: the i estigator shall eeteFmine ,....hether ~rel:Jable mplaint has eemmittos a statement ef reasons as ta ,...hethe disoriminatory ~raoti . 1~~gii;!I1&.fn1~n liiY~i!!Q~!!ys:~qmm~Pl;~Qf!l,r~g':mminQ9.;ngnlltg:tti~;;:8!fYi'iplrrgy;::~ti~tfigrletqg~9!~[;E!'H~,i ~~i~1~;;tfi~f;.tfii;.e,~r.~9.Qi9tl~fW'Jlan!!,Q~1l.g:gmB!~Inf1:hA%;l.2em::;ln~fE~19.l~8t!m!P;~Jer%iR]~slLq~;tl;i (g!l!:~ff~r:r~E~!B!9fltl~;.lD:g~lm~lgE!~llltIt!~Q;idy~~t!~~tiY:~:i,~9mm~ty;I~Qg:l([~8amm'~Qij~tlgQ t~ij~r9.JQ!;j#t9P~~!~lgggJilQ~;Q!lYl~n2rQ~y~tl~!!U~~g~;~jir!ftl\I:2pltiig:Qng:l.g:~::sBmmi.*~igll 1!l~ttl~riprgp~~J9I8~:,~1~8i~t~;:19r~~!.l~M~;:g;~J~g:tl1fiin~!gt*[pr~ql':;~gq9]!rrgg.t<<~:t~!Jg~WgJBvi th~lR2mR!pln~,B11 (el M Any time fter tAe-initial filin€l ef a somplaiAt of uAfair OF 16 ~ - .',L ~n_.._ " ,:,i)' ~:.. prastiee, 'ij ...... ; I' ,.. . : ~ ..... .__ ._.._.______. m . I I I r.\ r I,. I, ' I ~otO "., ,. '-'-1-'- ',',.1"".."""'" ";:', O' '.}", ,." ',.. 5,' ,", )..,-",......,..,.._,..,...,' .. ;',~. ,::,;.,<,.'''':';'' -..: ',\ :.'}), ...:,.' ;,~:::~~; ..)~':;::':,.- ',' ,~-,::" ",\' :Z~Th~~'f", . .." , ; ~. i,. ,( ( ",~ .\,\, ['" \1 " Ib \L '( r~t,',:,,' ~, ' " .,,' -.<\ c ,',,' 0' ,>. ' ----- " }':i, ..,' . ,':":~:~t~.\'I:~" , " ' ,~;" '.. " ., ," , " ,\, ."', ., , ': '~'T' ' '- .'.~' ';', ~ , . ~. ~ ',_. ~ .._-_._~..*."-~..~_........~~..,._~,,....._~, -...." ".'*~.......,.-~ cBlTiliilfi'tHS'h il€diitifitletifhlgEfia'YeW but before the investi ator issues a recommendation .;,;,;.:.;,~:,.;,;.;,H:':::':';::':';':':':'i:';';';':':':':':', ':';:;':-:::':':';':';';';':':':':;:':';:;';';':'i;'~:':':'~m:v:':':;i:.:,:,;.~:.:.:,B;,;-:.;,;,;.:J 9 to the city atto ey I the investigator may seek a disposition of the complaint throkh predetermination ettlement, if such settlement is in the interest of the comPla.lant. Predetermination set ements shall be subject to review by the chair of the Sec. 18.38. 'A'Jesti!latiaA; aetiaA ta be taketr. BrgeRi~,"lfi!!~1~9l1~RmBt~,lgI~]jP;t&~iBt\t!RiM~;~1 has 00 reEll:Jestes, of the fiAdin ohapter. teR (1 OJ says af re 17 __ '. u_,_...., ,,' " ,10" ""J ~~ ,', ' , ,', ",-> . eve that the l3erSOA ehar!led , . ke-#le G probable eal:lso within I, ,~ . onee iR elCeel:Jtive sessioR. ~O\~ , ')r~~'--"":-':\'" " - -:' -------'1'7--.,"" ,I' ""':, , ,0" ," /5 0 I", ,',I. , ' " ,'" l , t . "tJ ,~ . \ ,. . .... I - ~ .'~ " " ','" ,,,,'I ' , ,,', !~~~.\:.:'i " ,....-~~, , r , .\ (--i \ \ '\ZI ~ ,- ";-\ I I ' , II '., i I . , I I I ,I I : ! ! I I ~, i II' ' , ' q ) \ ,;-';!; 'r'" .I, 1If'~I,,',',,',',i :l~ I'" , \,'\ .,':- t};\!:~' r " I " L...-c. ,Co \'.1 ., , ". "IW,~ .~... . , . . .~. ".... (4) (b) FimliA9 of the e8ReiliatioA. GOO 18 4G,. .' . , , arid the sit'{ attorAey . 9 ',~:itR iovo tRat the perS8A ehar~ecl nas tise by sonfererlse, 1~JiilZ~tt~tllh~iDy~~!i.~~t9~),~Dglr~:sitY~!19tD~y,i6,[Y;~iL.~9~!tfi~1flg~!~lmItl~I!#D.~;!~~~r~ttl~ RtgRqR!~l.q~9*~tR;~\!iRPRn;~1.RmR!~i.Qli:m~;QHmqn;,UQfi1'g9qrmD~!9M~h~!I!etQmpj!y:ii,~~i~lt th~99mR'~m~Ql!~;m~j9i~9ghqUJ.ql!ghil~~Mlfgt:g~~~rmIQ~Ip'.h:;Rf:RrQ~~~!.g:8ij9~:~; I!i.!!fltQ~8RngW~~i.Qhl:r~minQ:g,~:in~!lRt9R~pl~;9:ijq#~~:%i.~1~::~~:qmi.Q~i!fj~;~II~Q:~l!qQ~;Rf:lfjg g9m8!~!ntl1h~t~~m;hij,lJi;n9!!fYlP9I9gimpI~mijn!fqQ41h~;'rg~R::'Qg~Qligfln~:!f.!ngJDlii:qQg *h~!lipt2Mp!!Yi~,Q~ygrItR~!1m.!Q~tg!tQ~!gi~gt.lmm~mnY:er;;9Df~Lpr~:stiq~;;RXIS2Qf.~t~Q9:~! 18 ft"' T "'"~. '_.".~__ lr 1) . '"0",,, ,',,;:, ',.,' ....:::., ~. . I.! ~D\O I'''''''''' 15 ! Id', ".",.:,'1 . ','j __lCilI " . ,u,l, " \' ,- f , '~t: It' '.' I' . ".'....,. ,'. , , .w.... ". I .... ~.-... 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This statemen\all include a summary 19 ...==,.,..,.,,'.'.,... '.,~'~ . .. "....., , '" \ 0"')':'" ' ) '.., }:. I ~ r " " ,. ~ I , . ".\ AI \;J } -I , f"':\.: >: -0; ,"'-',,, "."!' "...-,\' :i'Bit;,~' , t' ., . J' ,. , 'f , " .,.....-:..... J . " ~I I ill'l ~,\ ,', \,}:~:t \... -~ " "...' . . . ',' ~.. . .;~.t ~\"f' . . .. " ",',.. ':~. . '., ..... . ; ~. ','.._~-.' .~ .. ..) ',' '" , "_. _._" ,_,_."._'_' _'~~'~'''_'''''M_''_'.___",_'___'''_'' . ......-.'.. , ,,--'.- -..---".,..- of the conciliation effort, the principal facts as disclosed in the investigation, and other relevant reasons for he recommendation, (bl If the team succe ds in reaching a disposition agreeable to the respondent, the disposit n shall be reduced to written agreeme ,executed by the complainant and the resp dent. The result shall be reporte to the commission. (c) The terms of a conciliati n agreement reached with t respondent may require the respondent to refrain in the fu re from committing dis riminatory or unfair practices of the type stated in the agreement; to take remedial actio which, in the judgment of the commission, will carry out the pur oses of this c apter; and to consent to the entry in a bodying the terms of the conciliation .agreement. Violation of such a conse t dec ee may be punished as contempt by the court in which it is filed, upon a showing by t commission of the violation at any time within six (61 months,of its occurrence, In all a es in which a conciliation agreement is entered, the commission shall issue an order ating ts terms and furnish a copy of the order to the At any time, in its discretion, the c mission may 'nyestigate whether the terms of the agreement are being complied ith by the respon ent. Upon a finding that the terms of the conciliation agreement e not being complied ith by the respondent, the commission shall take appropriate acti n to assure compliance, (d) If the team is unabl to reach a disposition agreeabl to the parties, the team shall notify the commissio of the result, The team may reco (1) no furth action be taken and the file be closed, (21 the co mission issue a written notice to be served n the parties specifying the charges in the complaint and requiring the respondent to answer the charges of the 20 ~olO C' , ' 0 ,~ " -.....-...-- . I .'.'. ' ", =~ ..,..,.............,...... .,o,\:~),,:;:;:,..\ :",1/ ",.......,' ,:.?\;.':':',,'~.'....;;;::::':; - , " ~. " .~ '\ . I I I "'" " , :' ,:1' ",1",'.""-,..,.~\', 'I' ,.",..,'i",' '5.'." .", '0";', " " .' ,', i':' "-'," ",,-:, . ."'.. 1 ' " '" \ ' I ,.-.. " /'" ~' Ie. ,\, , Y'i i~:Jim, ,. . "\~ . , ,:>hl'l; " oj '. ,-.. .,', , ., , , , "' ", . , ,,"..~ ,-.'t. .....,.::......:c . . ......;,....',." .': .,,:~.._,...:.~-:..__.,.. complaint at a hearing before the commission or a person designated by the commission, ,/ Sec. 18-40, emedial Action. / For the purposes of is chapter, remedial action includes tt is not limited to the following: (1) Hiring, reinsta ement or upgrading of em loyees with or without pay, Interim earned income and unemp yment compensation hall operate to reduce the pay otherwise allowable. (2) Admission or rest ration of indiv' uals to a labor organization, admission to or participation in a guidance pro ram, appr nticeship training program, on-the-job training program or other occupational t aining r retraining program, with the utilization of objective criteria in the admission of ndividuals to such programs, institution, (3) Admission of individual to a public accommodation or an educational (4) Sale, exchange, Ie e, rent I, assignment or sublease of real property to an individual. (5) Extension to al individuals of t e full and equal enjoyment of the adyantages, the discriminatory or facilities, privileges, and services of the res ondent denied to the complainant because of (6) Reportin as to the manner of com pi (7) Posting notices in conspicuous places I the respondent's place of business in a form prescribed the commission and inclusion of otices in advertising material, (81 Pay ent to the complainant of damages ca sed by the discriminatory or unfair practice whic shall include actual damages, court costs nd reasonable attorney fees. (91 I addition to the remedies in the preceding pro 'sions of this subsection, the ).010 21 G~ -~~" - : ,), o. ,.,".","""', ,:(<,',,, ", .',..'. I,'" " '..r'. .;.:,' , '\ , ~. . T :15 o ) .f /, ,'16: ," "'-'-""/".', . '"... ~' !.~....;,> ',' ", r:..':' . .! .' " ;"'l ., , ":'. " ....r, !,' . " .\, ~ , .. " . ' ~ I ""'" ,.... " , , "...,.:. :.~~.....~_.,-'. ',;..-. ....;,."-C..;.,~H.,-.'~_""~...!~_....:....,._ " ,~.. " [ r\ \1 '\~ .d , 1 I, , " I i I II : j I; i ~~ I ~. t l..,J ,~~ -- ,tr-. 0 ,~- ..;~. " ~. " . " . .., n'__'_.'__"__ _-'-...__...__..___.__.A_v._ h_.C_ ., . d .. h d. /d d . f h commiSSion may Issue an or er reqUiring t e respon ent to case an eSlst rom t e discriminatory or unfair practice and to take such affirmati e action as in the judgment of I the commission ill carry out the purposes of this chap r as follows: a, In the ase of a respondent operating b virtue of a license issued by the state or political subdivision or age cy, if the commission, upon notice to the respond nt with an opportunit to be heard, determines that the respondent ha engaged in a di riminatory or unfair practice and that the , ' recklessly tolerated y the oard of directors of the respondent or by an officer or executive a en acting within the scope of their employment, the commission shall so c ify to the licensing agency. Unless the practice is i i i i () I I, i reversed in the cour e of udicial review, the finding of discrimination is subsection, the icensing age cy may initiate licensee disciplinary procedures, b. In the case of a respondent who is found by the commission to have engaged' a discriminatory or unf ir practice in the course of performing I ,f' contract or subcontract wit the state or political subdivision or , if the practice was authorize , requested, commanded, performed, or k owingly or recklessly tolerated by he board or executive agent acting w' hin the scope of their employment, th commission shall so certify to the ontracting agency, Unless the commissi 's finding of a discriminatory or . unfair practice is reversed in the course of j icial review, the finding of discrimination is binding on the contracting a ncy, 22 ~ - ; 11-, - " .' ~() \ 0 ,'J. ""'.,...!~.5. "..[0, """"'1'\,'.""":':' .)"''''''''''''''\'' " ,011' ..:. ',;, , l ,J ~o '-.".,,-' .,,' '(;': . ,! .' i , I " , '-..-1 . i , '! , , , "'-. ~......: .r',. C-\ \. l .~.I ~ , , ~ 1'1 i ill I I , I i I I k. if,) ~..."y " ',"~~"")' \~ J . I.t f,-! ,\ Ill, I ':','" .....' ~!(L,O ., " ,-' :; '?t\~.!: '~ . -. '::,...' , ./ .'" . , '-.., , ~. . '. .'. ',' ,":',_"__.:.__,.._..__u' ;:.:',:". i. ';..:'__~:".'. "/: ;. ;,..~,' :: :~:~""_':'J...;... "~':_"'" ..~~. ...;..~....:__ '"_. ..: ..._---_.~'._..."~.._._._._.__._------- c. Upon receiving a certification made under this subsection, a c ~acting I I I , agen /I may take appropriate action to terminate a contrac or portion thereo previously entered into with the respondent, ei er absolutely or on conditio that the respondent carry out a program f compliance with the provisions f this chapter, and assist the state nd all political subdivisions and agencie thereof to refrain from enteri into further contracts. (10) The election of n affirmative order unde paragraph (2) of this subsection subsection. shall not bar the election of a irmative remedies p ovided in paragraph (1) of this Sec. 18-41. (al When the commission determi es up recommendation of the conciliation team that conciliation is not possible and the c s should proceed to public hearing before the amended, commission, the commission shall is e and cause to be served a written notice: (1) Specifying the c arg s in the complaint, as they may haye been (21 Requiring th respond en to answer the charges of the complaint at a hearing before the commissi n, or a person designated by the commission to conduct the hearing; : .! (bl The case in support f such complaint sha I be presented at the hearing by the commission's attorney The human rights coor inator or other person who investigated the complaint shall n t participate in the hearing xcept as a witness, nor shall the coordinator or inve tigator participate in the deli be ations of the commission in such case, (c) The hearing J all be conducted in accordance ith the proYisions of Chapter 17 A, Code of Iowa trfr contested cases, The burden of pr of in such a hearing shall be on the 23 - . '. ~~'''~-ll, ",:l:;i'-:::','~;:"':; ,",' SlO IP ,', ., ",.1,"........"". ,.'1""".,'1;",', ' '0" ,'J 5" ,:', ') ~ ~ ' ,.., " . '. ",.'l....\,:::!.'::;_:' .."... " 0 ,', '. . ~"""::,;.,. ',~' ,"" ~J"',, " ,; I 'I (~ ">:," (-' \[ \: ,':;OJ, '~;:oJ r~ ~ ~ , I ! , : l: II" II ' '1\ J " ,-' , " .~ -- :C'" 0 " "..\ , "t'-" , .~. "~: ;'~,l':-., ,":", ,'~.... . " . ,,' , .. ;... .... ..1 ~..~. ..;c..:,J-,.L.:';.,; ~~ ./. ~~;~~"c;~:~':"'~:~, _ commission. Sec. 18-42. Findings and order. ';-'.' ;~' , .' " , , ,,' ~ j ~, . __ ...___..,..~,...."____.n_'_'__"'_:'_'_~'____"_ . (a) If upon taking in 0 consideration all of the evidence at a hearing, the com determines that the r spondent has engaged in a discriminatory or unfair pr ctice, the commission shall state ts findings of fact and conclusions of law and sh II issue an order requiring the respondent 0 cease and desist from the discriminatory unfair practice and to take the necessary rem dial action as in the judgment of the co mission shall carry out the purposes of this chapter A copy of the order shall be deliv red to the respondent and complainant and to any other ublic officers and persons as e commission deems proper, A description of possible remed I actions appears in sec 'on 18-40. lb) If upon taking into considerati n all of the evidenc at a hearing, the commission finds that a respondent has not engaged in any such dis iminatory or unfair practice, the commission shall issue an order den ing relief an stating the findings of fact and conclusions of the commission, and s all caus a copy of the order dismissing the complaint to be served by certified mail on e complainant and the respondent. (a) The commission may obtain an ord r 0 court for the enforcement of commission orders in a proceeding as provided in his se tion, Such an enforcement proceeding shall be brought in the district court of e county here the discriminatory practice occurred. (bl Such an enforcement proce ing shall be im iated by the filing of a petition in the court and the service of a cop thereof upon the erson charged, The commission shall then file with the court a tra script of the record of he hearing before it. The court has the power to grant such t mporary relief or restrainin order as it deems just and proper, and to make and enter pon the pleadings, testimony, d proceeding set forth in such 24 , - =- . "'. '.1""- I I , ..'\ ! ,.t- ~O,~ .', , ,...,'.,-"-,'_..."" "'I" '"',"',", ' I "'" , '11:./ n . ,(, ~). '. , ,U); , ',',' ..,.. ~"",.-..l .",'. -', 'j-';';::...."...., 1l'"Qy~:,)L\' '. ., ;' . -'1' (, ,,', ~, ,. ,., ' .... .:~ C-', \ \ ~., , . .:...- r' )1.} , I.' II, I ~ '9 :l\,~~l,',',', " ". t-' ~ ~'~ ~;" ~;\ ,;,', , . .,/ ....~ ':. ~ ..t \ \' " :. - ,". "~ ; .', . '., , . .,'.';1', , .~.,., . ., __.;',l~'.'_'-.~.;,. ":;'. :,;.r.~.,..: l:"~~~.!..':'~:k~~.L'H~'-"I.._;'_:""~"--:""___l_,,.. .. , ... ...._.._-.._....~,,_.._......."'"~_...-~.._--_._.;..---- '. transcript an order enforcing, modifying, and enforcing as so modified, or. setting aside the order of the comm sion, in whole or in part, (cl An objection tha has not been urged before the commission st "not be considered by the court in an enfo cement proceeding, unless the failure or, neglect to urge such objection shall be excuse because of extraordinary circum ances, (d) Any party to the enfor ment proceeding may mov the court to remit the case to the commission in the interest 0 'ustice for the purpose f adducing additional specified and material evidence and seeking 'ndings thereof, p Yiding such parties shall show reasonable grounds for the failur to adduce s ch evidence before the commission. {el In the enforcement proceeding he cour. shall determine its order on the same basis as Iowa. it would in a proceeding reviewing c Ission action under Section 17 A.19, Code of (f) The commission'S copy of the stim ny shall be available to all parties for examination at all reasonable times, without commission'S orders, (g) The commission may ap ear in court by t e city attorney or a designee, (h) If no proceeding to ob ain judicial reYiew is 'nstituted within thirty (30) days from the service of an order of th commission issued pur uant to Section 18-43, the commission may obtain an order of he court for the enforcem t of such order upon showing that the person charged is su Ject to the jurisdiction of the C. mmission and resides or transacts business within the ounty in which the petition for e forcement is brought. (il Judicial reYiew of the actions of the commission ma be sought in accordance with the terms of the low Administratiye Procedure Act. Notwit standing the terms of such Act, petition for judi lal reYiew may be filed in the district cour in which an enforcement 25 ~,,';', '--r"I,~Llli,',."".""" . 0 " " . . . , .., . - ..-----.. ,..... "'- .~:_-~: -, '.- ','. ,- ) ,", "'.' .' -:. "..' ,0".."".,:,., " ",: /: ~,.-. !,\~~"("'-' "0\0 " ". . ~' 0" , , . 'j .!' " r'~' ,'5 " I:fo;, ......--, .. ;, ': f '. ~ .' . .\ ;;'&*1 '. ". :~ti \'i' ' , .. , , ", , ., , , , ". . '. ::.,. ._ ___.... _......c_. ,."......~'..,h.~ ",,;;' ,...C"."....~_,......'~~'"..._'"'~..........;_:_.._._ ~.. proceeding ,der subsection (aI, and (b) may be brought. For purposes of he time limit for \ filing a petitio for judicial review under the Iowa Administrative Proce re Act, the issuance of a fin I decision of the commission under this chapter oc rs on the date notice Rr9&1.~~~:nni~~91!9gm:~tg~!#!.f , !g!:t:mrr~ggmR!ijI1j!:b:ij~:::g~Q:!gQ::tl.l~wl1h;itgj@:qmm!~~!gQl~tll~j:~~I~Ily;(~~!!g~2~ ~Qglfi~lggmmm~19.;Qift'~~1~~'~gI~iit~!g~g91[911g~ls&.PJ~mgQ]iRYr4\\!~n!I;~gI8Ii.~:~~9!igD:i1ljtl:9t lQt~:~~91!9hi IR!If}g9YJlk!n:gD!~);f9tJ~,q~Q.gg[lgf:t~m~~~i!1gRPn,I~:fN8:,~~tHiY:IQ:~I:ggm:mi!l1~n]Wiijn#i~mgli Ih~i~XR,[~tIRQ!9t~Il{lMIAQJrg~y~:!Ug:millQ~1!!m.~.!!ll:JlIll1il.i9;,~lggmBI~IQ!,Sylltillfirol~gmm!~*I9rli th~,:R9mmI~:~!gtil~h'lng~y~.tg;ltft:~!9:9mpI~njijQll1~il:~I~q~~:[~:.,i!hQllfi~tl!fu~Ig2QIRmlp.~Qljn~~;i~ nQbI19!99;Q1m~ft9:~d:~.g!!,R,J:'iIQ.Ilh~tgI~Iti.9t:[q9t!Mi~;1[~!gij~~4Q.g~t!!hI~;~g!i~~9n9n1:~U!mrl91 of the decision is ailed by certified mail to the parties. Notwith anding the time limit provided in Section A, 19, subsection 3 of the Code of low a petition for judicial review of no-probable ause decisions and other final agen actions which are not of general applicability mus be filed within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the final agency action, ~~H!lil:'1I1i~i~i!~~~~~tlililI19mlni~,ijl!y~:prR:H~~~!!!f.SrQ9#yg)Ynislil,i !i!t~9r!m!n~lqllHr~gt!9gmM~!1IQttli!I,.~~p.&r.mI9j~lt~f.!M~::K~U~rt!iY,1Imfiil.i~;9qmRI~lfitilli.fi f.h~i9Rmmt~~igfiHQiiij:g:g9Rq~Dg~:;~J!;QfR:v'..qfiiljl:~;R,~;;m:~f1~t:f.OC~JR!gR~,Mlmn:il.!gI:~iigg:mBt<<1n! Yf!!tllltl~;:F;2mml~~IRn~:~;Rgr~gn!;!n~Yil~',,~,qg~nf.!y;fS2mmgng~;I:?Q;;~R!!~png;r.{r~]mtHQ::f.h~ g!,~1[1.91:199gft;g;'~migti11ff~:l!q!!9&Y!n91;p',:9:~ln,::~lh~M~!R~gg:1~~t!~f1gg1: ...,.- . .t (-', \ ,-"="'" t."..;..;..-, ,. , 1 ! I t I I" I , I i i i ~, II' t l._: \~~ ~"'J 26 -- ~(~~ ~.~ . - ',~ . ,",'.', ~..-, .,~"~)~)'~" , ~o \(J ,. . .( ! .! '. 1..'..--.. :' ')5 ' .. to, . 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"pK~f~Il~M~!ti9!~';;rg:i!hslR~nfip.fl;ji;gffil~,jngjl$;~:~n~l! ~t~!~;~,ffl,g;g~tg:gQiWhJ:gn;~fggijjR~:Kjti,'ii2~f~Q~.!nf;;~i1yn!~rmlnel~~11;~fig@!lill;%l~t~litQ:~ t1~tl!in1p.hYllgf;ln~tg,gm:g~m;:;ij~,::"I~@g}"t[n~f~ni~~9ifj!:lggM~f[~~;lt81M:;nltQl~t9JiBl1RlMn ! ,I 9.!i~Bt~rt~I):~!l!t~igllijIg[~119r!m;~;;D~YfI:~RP.H9:9J:nagrm~~1~!r~tJ9ful~~:ml;ggm~~iI8!e~EfQ:~r!Y:Btl! QJn~D';H~:qXg~Y~LQ~2g::iire~~'gt~n~f:i!tlil:q9mKf!prR~nl!&r#,Qm;:Qp~!!~tmi!t~:t~gi. Q~ffl.~I~QE,:A@iq~~i'J1~RPIJ9.~ht~:i9m9Bm~#!ip1'R~:mD'r~mR)E~gg,!Ib~lq~lgtg!t[RQn9~]labt ,~:~,ttiJi9~!l2g;~[mrN~tffi!Q~i!S!gT@,gBnt~~!tq;;e~:(tQ~Y~DI,,"':m%1 40 . .__l '1- aO' 0 ," , "",,0, jn ' ., ,,' ;.,' ".;.t' "j:':"., ..:-___n~?'"5;:I[j', , \ I ,;" ,.., ,.,.,'J., '_:'1;.~\V'~ '<::k~~ r>; ~:'~:.~'A.'::;':,t,.". ~. '. ".:1 i I ,'I " I .' , . ' ',' .. __. ___n_....-.-.-..._...._M . ------:_- !~Qj0 , SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS JULY 31, 1994 " TAXES STREET USE LICENSES FINES & FORFEITURES CHARGES FOR SERVICES INTERGOVERNMENT REV. USE OF MONEY & PROP. MISCELLANEOUS REV. 126,106.94 72,550.59 84,656.21 1,483,743.49 737,961.39 , 549,924.92 1,234,761.14 ' ============== GRAND TOTAL REVENUES ALL FUNDS 4,289,704.68 ". (' I , ".i ',: ;. i " ,,' r ,''lI (-' \ .d , ~ I" I' '. . .;", .',. Page 1 of 30 " .f:..",' . _ __- _ _ 7- !, ,0' " ,'j, ' '. - , . ._~ - ,.~.~ ' ~--- , ' " "., , " : - '., -" ~J''''--'-, .-.....,".".' ' , \ .... ::.; :.';.~,:"l,,;:.:',::: O),>:\~~~~/--:' "':;i/~/~~'r:;,;/.,<:::':',J:', :.,' \ 'c' .," . " ~"> 'i:",':/"~'~~~"'" ,:.~~':';";\;"'::t:::'::;";':;:~t/:::;,,:'.),' !\O I ~ ,",,' WIt '.'j,::f, h'; .. ",,-:--..~t-T'I~''2,,':;':s'f~(j, , . :". ',- ,:,.:.,~",,'.!.',~?..',';':r';":'j::,,~L~j~. "'--'.1'" ,( ~~' r I, I ..\ (-', ~ ,~ (.:t""~ .' :, \ . I , I , " , I , I ~ I I k: " . , ' II , xl,) '~~ tJT( " ""1' ,t:. g\ ' .,'t. . )"" '.'" . " 1 -"~ 1(' "-l<- 0 ') , ", . .~. I . :'to. ,.\\1,', , , ., , '. 1 . ,. -.-..-......-, ..-......-.-.....-.....-.....-.. ....-..--- . . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME FUND: GENERAL FUND 1ST. AVE. WASH & DRY A MCGINNESS 5120 A. M. LEONARD, INC. ABBEY ROAD DISTRIBUTORS ADJUSTING JOURNAL ENTRY ADMINS INC AERO SAW ALCO CAPITAL RESOURCE, INC. ALl-ABA AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CPA'S AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS IN AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC. ANIM.CONT.P.D ADMIN ANTENNA SPECIALISTS CO APCO ARATEX SERVICES, INC. ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY ENGINEER BAKER & TAYLOR BAKER & TAYLOR BOOKS BAKER & TAYLOR VIDEO BAKER PAPER CO., INC. BARBARA'S BAl<E SHOPPE, INC. BARRON'S EDUCATIONAL SERIES BECKLEY-CARDY CO. BEN FRANKLIN BEST BUY CO. BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS OF BIG MIKES SUPER SUBS BRANDT HEATING & BRAVERMAN DEV INC BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS, INC. BURNS, PAT BUSHNELL'S TURTLE C & H DISTRIBUTORS INC C. W. ASSOCIATES CATHY EISENHOFER 305560 CATHY OCKENFELS 305640 CEDAR COMPUTER CENTER CEDAR RAPIDS GAZETTE CEDAR RAPIDS GAZETTE, INC. CELLULAR PLUS CHARLIE'S WELDING SERVICE CHICAGO GRILL CIP FUNDING FOR JUL 94 CITY NEWS CITY OF I.C.LIB. CITY OF IOWA CITY CITY PARK POOL CITY SERV BLDG STREE -"-"-- ---.. ..- AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 148.80 LAUNDRY SERVICE 156.24 COBRA/JUN 107.81 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 548.37 COMPACT DISC 13,400.55 JON FAX CHARGES 8,235.00 MINI-COMP. SOFTWARE 395.00 EQUIPMENT SERVICE 718.04 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 720.00 REGISTRATION 205.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 56.00 PRIOR YEAR .ENCUMB. 529.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 168.40 SEWER 28.02 MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR 55.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 382.73 LAUNDRY SERVICE 105.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 1,554.66 BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) 600.71 BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) 195.75 VIDEO RECORDINGS 184.04 SANITATION SUPP. 26.25 FOOD 48.14 NON-FICTION AUDIO 280.09 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 117.80 RECREATIONAL SUPP. 326.91 OTHER HEALTH CARE 7,875.00 AID TO AGENCIES 46.80 MEALS (NON-TRAVEL) 46.50 REP OF HEATING EQUIP -6.00 RECORDING FEE 595.60 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 85.00 SAFETY SHOES 64.50 MEALS (NON-TRAVEL) 200.87 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 412.35 BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) 824.28 MILWAUKEE 859.36 ORLANDO 2,300.00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 272.00 EMPLOYMENT ADS 72.32 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 238.35 PHONE EQUIP. CHARGES 112.02 MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR -12.00 ELECT.FOR JUL./AUG 15,150.22 GEN FND NON OP ADMIN 12.68 PRINT/CIRCULATING 303.57 SEWER 2,685.46 SEWER 59.15 WATER 87.44 REFUSE/~ECYCLE Page 2 of 30 ..,,0.,),.,",",.;:' '.;;... ..'.," ~o,~ """"1"""" IS r : .! '. 10, .....,-1 , J': . .s:l~~ , I .~r>l ',\.: , ., . ",-., '., ..... , ,.. . .......".......,..-.---.-............. COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME .r; (-', \\ \ ~, ~ i '. '\ , I I : I , i I ~' " . j I II I ~, ~r ,Co _c . lV~ .: AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 54.60 4.99 -19.00 1,195.00 41,674.94 58.45 -500.00 82.50 28.00 38.52 7,423.00 1,765.00 560.00 450.24 156.53 284.00 1,175.41 9.04 1,225.30 788.65 25.10 16.00 10,500.00 -14.70 -5.83 47.4,0 2,313.00 -23.67 1,594.34 139.90 -873.16 1,312.50 40.00 441.25 -33.28 225.40 960.00 529.41 108.50 20.00 199.98 59.90 388.00 674.94 176.62 2,083.07 3,046.26 483.51 18.16 300.39 6,031. 00 16.32 Page 3 of 30 WATER BOOKS (CAT. /CIR.) PURCHASES FOR RESALE PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. PAYROLL 08-JUL-94 MISC. PERIPHERALS LAND ACQUISITION EMPLOYMENT ADS TRAVEL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AID TO AGENCIES PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. REPAIR OF STRUCTURE PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. DATA PROCESSING MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR AUDIO VISUAL SUPP. OFFICE SUPPLIES EMPLOYMENT ADS WATER/SEWAGE CHEM. GRAPHIC SUPPLIES BUILDING RENTAL AID TO AGENCIES 3 T-SHIRTS HANDICPPD PKG SIGN ELECTRICITY CHARGES' MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR DARE DONATION OTHER OPER. EQUIP. MISC. PERIPHERALS EQUIP-REP. ST. LIGHT AID TO AGENCIES COURIERS JUN REPAIR CHARGES OPERATION 293 CLOTHING & ACCESS. PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. REP & MAINT. TO BLDG COURIERS OTHER PROF. SERVICES MISC. SUPPLIES SAFETY CLOTHING CABLE TV SERVICES PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. COURIERS LOCKBOX FEES DISABILITY INSURANCE PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINT/REFERENCE PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. MISC PROCESSING SUPP ! ,j , CITY ST. FLUSHER CLARK, MAEVE CLAUSSEN CLEAN CUT INC CLERICAL RECAP COHN, GARY COLDWELL BANKER COMMUNICATOR NEWSPAPER CRAIG, SUSAN CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. CRtSIS CENTER D & N FENCE CO., INC. DAN'S OVERHEAD DOORS & MORE DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CO. DATA TIMES DAVE LONG PROTECTIVE PRODUCTS DEMCO DEMCO, INC. DES MOINES REGISTER DI-CHEM CO. DICK BLICK DIETZ, KIM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION DON FABIAN DOUG CARTER EASTERN IOWA LIGHT & POWER EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ECONO FOODS ECS, INC. ELECTRONICS CAVE ELIZABETH WENTE EMERGENCY HOUSING PROJECT, INC EMERY WORLDWIDE EMS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS EMS JUN CHARGES ENTENMANN-ROVIN CO. EVER-GREEN LANDSCAPE NURSERY FANDEL ALARMS, INC. FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. FEIGENSPAN, TAMARA FESLER'S INC. FESLER'S, INC. FIRE & EMERGENCY TELEVISION FIREGEAR, INC. FIRST IMAGE MANAGEMENT FIRSTAR NON-HIFI FORTIS BENEFITS FOX BAY INDUSTRIES INC FROHWEIN OFFICE SUPPLY GALE RESEARCH INC GATEWAY 2000 GAYLORD BROS. ,.0"..) ~OJ~ '..,..', ;..'''''f.''...',. 'J 1:., '" ,) a, .''':; 8 0, ....,...1.": '. , '. ^ JW"d'Jill' " i f . ~~, I '\"t. ~ '. ~. . . , ' '" ". :~...:, COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION GOERING -9.50 PURCHASES FOR RESALE GRINGER, RANDY 68.24 SAFETY SHOES GSI ENTERPRISES LTD 15.00 RENTALS GYRAS CART -80.00 ELECTICITY JUL & AG HACH BROTHERS CO., INC. 535.47 SANITATION SUPP. HANSEN, DENNIS 38.33 OTHER PROF. SERVICES HARNEY ICE CO. 52.20 MISC. SUPPLIES HARRY BROOKS -6.79 UNIF. PANTS ALTERAT. HARRY'S CUSTOM TROPHIES, LTD. 61. 20 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. HAWKEYE AREA COMMUNITY ACTION 1,500.00 AID TO AGENCIES HAWKEYE LUMBER CO. -155.00 ROAD OILING HAWKEYE MEDICAL SUPPLY, INC. 79.20 Fl;RST AID SUPP. HAWKEYE PEST CONTROL, INC. 1,516.50 BLDG. PEST CONTROL HELLING, DALE 157.82 TRAVEL HIGHSMITH CO., INC. 142.25 AUDIO VISUAL SUPP. HOFFMANN, AMY 40.00 OTHER PROF. SERVICES HOME CRAFTSMAN 25.64 BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) HOROWITZ, SUSAN 76.25 TRAVEL HOTEL & TRAVEL INDEX 50.00 PRINT/REFERENCE HURD, KEVIN 21.25 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE HY-VEE FOOD STORE #3 107.94 RECREATIONAL SUPP. 0 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. 322.20 WATER/SEWAGE CHEM. ICMA - RT 1,250.00 SUPPLEMENTAL RET. ICMA - RT - 401 625.00 SUPPLEMENTAL RET. ICI~ DISTRIBUTION CENTER 26.45 REFERENCE MATERIAL INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS 441,919.00 COMPo LIABILITY INS. INFORMATION ACCESS CO. 7,172.33 CD-ROM REFERENCE INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 8,679.19 BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) ~~. INMA'C 351. 68 MISC. PERIPHERALS !, l INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF 50.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS "\ INTL. CONF. OF BLDG. OFFICIALS 195.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS r-' \ IOWA BOOK & SUPPLY CO. 202.17 OFFICE SUPPLIES ,j .j \ IOWA CENTER FOR AIDS/ ARC 2,125.00 AID TO AGENCIES i~ IOWA CITY AREA DEVELOPMENT 12,500.00 OTHER PROF. SERVICES IOWA CITY COLLECTION & PROCESS 24.20 COURT COSTS & SERVo : " IOWA CITY PETTY CASH 253.27 4 BAGS KITTY CHOW IOWA CITY PRESS-CITIZEN 2,810.42 ADVERTISING " IOWA CITY REPROGRAPHICS 152.90 OUTSIDE PRINTING IOWA CITY TELEPHONE CO., INC. 2,064.25 COMM. EQUIP. REPAIR IOWA DARE ASSOC. 100.00 REGISTRATION IOWA FIRE EQUIPMENT 64.85 FIRE EXT. & REFILLS IOWA ILLINOIS GAS & ELECTRIC 34,589.81 ELECTRICITY CHARGES IOWA MUNICIPAL ATTORNEYS ASSOC 25.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS IOWA ONE CALL 259.13 IOWA ONE CALL , ~\ IOWA PAINT MANUFACTURING CO. 33.40 PAINT & SUPPLIES , , I I'. t I IOWA PAPER & CHEMICAL 481. 36 SANITATION EQUIP. , I , ! IOWA STATE BANK - FICA 55,172.69 FICA i I ~l.J IOWA STATE BAR ASSOC. 230.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS ''fd IOWA STATE PRINTING DIVISION 350.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS p IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY - CM 150.00 REGISTRATION , ,.~i IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY -CM -30.00 REGISTRATION :1, ~ !It' IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY C/O FIRE 25.00 TRAINING FILM/MAT. 't" Page 4 of 30 1" . I~' .' ~O/~ {...~, "- , .1,' ~~ -..- ~ ,0 ' ] I"" ~d, ' S }, 'c' " "" ~------~------_. .\'linlB1I (' a ! ! I I I I ~ , ;'~' 'Ii r .' ~. ,", ;'-. l'~ . y \ ., , '.~h ',,- , -. ..\. ~ '.'." ""'" ,'. . , . ~. . n_....._._'. ...._._.... _.__.__._.___. ...__ ... '~ COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME IPERS J R PAINTING & DECORATING, INC JACK'S DISCOUNT, INC. JACKS DISCOUNT, INC. JAMES A DOHERTY CO INC JAMES GRIFHORST JARNAGIN JEHLE, KELLY JIM PUMFREY JIM PUMFREY 304103 JIM PUMFREY 305650 JIM'S INSTRUMENT JIM'S REFUSE SERVICE CORP JMI CORPORATION JOHNSON COUNTY AMBULANCE JOHNSON COUNTY RED CROSS JOHNSON COUNTY SHERIFF JOHNSON COUNTY TREASURER - SD JOURNAL ENTRY JOURNAL VOUCHER JUN LF CHRGS-JUL1 BILLING K MART #4315 KARR, MARIAN KEL-WELCO DISTR., INC. KELLY KOCH 303919 KENT ADHESIVE PRODUCTS CO KEVIN HURD 306371 KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER KINKADE, JULIANNE F. KNOCK, GERALD KOALA CORPORATION KREI, BRIAN LANDAUER, INC. LANG, TINA MARIE LANTER COURIER CORP. LAWRENCE BROS. AUTOMOTIVE LAZY RIVER RD CART LCI INTERNATIONAL LCI INTERNATIONAL* LEARNKEY INC LEFLER'S SCmqINN CYCLING & LETN LEWIS SYSTEM OF IOWA, INC. LIB-ADMIN LISA GOODMAN 303762 LITERACY VOLUNTEERS OF AMERIC LRP PUBLICATIONS MAREK, HEATHER ANN MARK II ENTERPRISES/DICK ESTE MARV'S GLASS' MAYORS YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROG - MC GINSBERG JEWELERS o AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 30,348.67 613.00 119.99 204.85 559.78 -10.00 -9.50 41. 99 -3.19 408.20 688.72 58.20 815.00 680.31 138.35 1,050.00 50.00 144.00 77,415.45 116,546.15 2,608.59 537.75 87.50 94.39 112.27 153.70 552.00 98.00 300.00 100.00 79.00 45.23 119.43 5.00 21.13 44.16 -5.00 807.24 675.45 1,217.00 43.00 488.00 145.00 -22.95 165.00 19.14 150.00 5.00 15.00 144.00 8,750.00 -172.86 Page 5 of 30 IPERS REPAIR OF STRUCTURE PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. AG MATERIALS PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. DARE DONATION PURCHASES FOR RESALE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PHONE C~LL REIMB. N GLENN CO OVERLAND PK KS GRAPHIC SUPPLIES REFUSE COLL. CHARGES MICROFILM FIRST AID SUPP. AID TO AGENCIES SHERIFF FEE CARE OF PRISONERS CR FROM #13220 JUL BCBS JUN LF CHARGES FILM TRAVEL TOOLS AMES MISC PROCESSING SUPP CHICAGO REGISTRATION INSTRUCTOR/OFFICIATE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE TESTING SERVICES WITNESS FEE FREIGHT . OTHER LUBRICANTS ELECTRICITY JUN LONG DISTANCE CALLS LONG DISTANCE CALLS PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR CERTIFICATIONS FINANCIAL SERV & CHG CUST SVC CTR REFUND AMES BOOKS, MAG., NEWSPAP SUBSCRIPTIONS WITNESS FEE LIBRARY MATER. REP. GRAPHIC SUPPLIES AID TO AGENCIES LABOR ,.,0""". I , I , Q , ' i.! ~()/~ ---- .." I" I~ i'in:~ ,< , , .,~ C~' \ \ ,~ f/..,""'! J ' ., , I I I , I., , ~. " . Ii , I \.1 \ , " " , :,~'~l~:.;, ;~~ .' ~)" . WLIIIt. t': ~~I L_, ',(~~ , ,', . ., , '.~t I' 'I ; ',\': , '. ,.~:.___,...,_._.. c.. 'i.' , ... . . - COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME MCC MIDWEST MCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY MCMARTIN, ED MEADE, JARRET MEDICAL ASSOCIATES MERCER PARK POOL MIDWEST CLSI USERS GROUP MILLER MINNESOTA SPlAA MODERN BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC. MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF MORNING PRIDE MANUFACTURING, I MOVIES UNLIMITED MPC NEWSPAPERS MULLER PLUMBING & HEATING MUNICIPAL ATTORNEY'S DIGEST MUNICIPAL FIRE & POLICE MUSICAL HERITAGE SOCIETY NALAA NATE HOPKINS NATIONAL BY-PRODUCTS, INC. NATIONAL CAPTIONING INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GOVT. NATIONAL RECREATION & PARK NAZDAR/KC NDOA 7TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS OF NEUTRON INDUSTRIES INC NGUYEN, MAN MINHKHAC NIXON, DAVID NORTH LIBERTY FAMILY HEALTH NORTmvESTERN m~IVERSrTY OMAHA WORLD HERALD ON LINE COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC OSCO DRUG OVERLAND PARK FIRE DEPT PACE PANTHER UNIFORMS INC PARKS & REC PAUL F GERHART PAYROLL RECAP PAYROLL RECAP J PETERSEN IRON & METAL PHOTO ID CHARGEBACKS PITNEY BOWES PLAY STATION PLEASANT VALLEY NURSERY, INC. POOL TECH INC. PRAIRIE LIGHTS BOOKSTORE PRESTEGARD, KEVIN PROFESSIONAL MEDIA SERVICE CO PROTECTION PRODUCTS CO. .. AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1,183.20 134.88 100.00 70.00 2,056.00 838.04 260.00 -9.50 150.00 374.12 17,033.14 20.96 24.49 267.00 811. 69 50.00 57,511. 29 28.83 10.00 -18.59 175.00 109.00 245.00 63.45 87.10 150.00 11,250.00 191. DO -132.39 555.00 424.00 390.00 162.68 255.50 42.72 143.00 71. 70 113.50 96.10 1,014.12 1,040,192.49 107.41 48.00 187.80 319.00 509.00 62.55 204.00 130.55 88.87 116.93 123.08 Page 6 of 3D -- PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) UNIFORM ALLOWANCE SAFETY SHOES PHYSICALS SEWER REGISTRATION PURCHASES FOR RESALE REGISTRATION COMM. EQUIP. REPAIR LAND ACQUISITION SAFETY CLOTHING NON-FICTION VIDEO OUTSIDE PRINTING REP OF ELECTRIC/PLBG SUBSCRIPTIONS OTHER BENEFITS COMPACT DISC BOOKS, MAG., NEWSPAP 2 T-SHIRTS @5.90 TECHNICAL SERVICES OTHER OPER. EQUIP. DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. REGISTRATION AID TO AGENCIES PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. CITY VEHICLE RENTAL TRAVEL PHYSICALS REGISTRATION EMPLOYMENT ADS CD-ROM REFERENCE FILM PROCESSING REGISTRATION PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. UNIFORM CLOTHING BUS RIDES OTHER PROF. SERVICES PAYROLL 08-JUL-94 MAY-JUN PAYROLL' PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. JUN/JUL PHOTO 10 COMM. EQUIP. REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS AG MATERIALS PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) UNIFORM ALLOWANCE NON-FICTION VIDEO PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. Q, ., ! .! , ,",' OJ':' ~~!~I-" ' B IS' uO; , '\ " .' '",-,') . '.f .' ,\ tamBa' ,/- , ( " (~'\ \ ~ . \ I, " i I I I , ! I ~, I' i[ !. ~" \,~/ "i' - L_~ (~o" i"', " ., , . ~~:\" , .. " . .,.,." ; ~. ".. ...~-;~~ - ~ .. ...-. . ",' '" \ . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME PUBLIC BROADCASTING SERVICE PUMFREY, JAMES QUAD-CITY TIMES QUALITY BOOKS, INC. QUALITY CARE QUALITY ENGRAVED SIGNS QUALITY TEXTILE PRINTING R J WINKELHAKE 306699 R. M. BOGGS CO., INC. RADIO SHACK RANDOM HOUSE ELECTRONIC RAPE VICTIM ADVOCACY PROGRAM RECORDED BOOKS, INC. RECREATION RECREATION SUPPLY COMPANY REED REFERENCE PUBLISHING REGENT BOOK CO., INC. REMARKABLE PRODUCTS INC REYNOLDS, RAY RINGER, IJU(EETHA RIVER CITY ENGRAVERS ROBERTS ROBERTS, STEVE ROE HEATING & AIR S.E.FIRE STATION SCHUMACHER ELEVATOR CO INC SCOTT GOOLSBY SECRETARY OF STATE SERVICEMASTER SHAY ELECTRIC SIERRA MORENO MERCANTILE CO. SKILLPATH INC SOUTHGATE DEV CO INC SPECIALIZED SYSTEMS INC ST LOUIS POST-DISPATCH STEINDLER ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC STERLING CODIFIERS STIMMEL, ANDY STONE CITY QUARRIES STOREY COMMUNICATIONS SUSAN WALSH 305711 T.F.ORGAN TASK FORCE TIPS TECHNIGRAPHICS, INC. TELECOM*USA PUBLISHING CO. TENNIS SERVICES OF IOWA, INC. TERRA TECH INC TEXWIPE COMPANY THOMAS, SUSAN THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP THORNDIKE PRESS TOM HANSEN 302940 .......... . " ~X~~~ - ~(J/~ 1" ,','. , IS' AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 108.45 NON-FICTION VIDEO 78.18 TRAVEL 185.00 PRINT/REFERENCE 287.56 BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) 30.70 EQUIPMENT SERVICE 28.25 OUTSIDE PRINTING 431.90 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 502.75 ST PAUL MN 1,584.02 REP OF COOLING EQUIP 27.95 AUDIO VISUAL REP MAT 28.95 BOOKS, MAG., NEWSPAP 3,000.00 AID TO AGENCIES 478.55 FICTION ON TAPE 313.61 BANK FEES 123.73 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 1,720.81 CD-ROM REFERENCE 10.19 PRINT/REFERENCE 15.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 109.34 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 100.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 9.64 PAPER SUPPLIES -7.90 PURCHASES FOR RESALE 257.66 TRAVEL 92.99 REP OF COOLING EQUIP 65.14 SEWER 241.57 REP & MAINT. TO BLDG -23.60 4 T-SHIRTS (XXL) 60.00 NOTARY BOND 3,683.50 REP & MAINT. TO BLDG 4,145.52 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 155.85 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 534.00 REGISTRATION -162.00 MARKERS 136.27 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 151.50 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 40.00 MEDICAL SERVICE 1,067,50 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 70.00 SAFETY SHOES 282.50 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 15.25 BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) 325.00 AMES -165.00 CONCRETE 120.28 MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR 586.91 GRAPHIC SUPPLIES 315.27 PHONE EQUIP. CHARGES 1,853.36 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 61.35 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 147.74 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 100.00 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 219.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS 246.99 BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) 62.50 TOM HANSEN Page 7 of 30 , ')" ",., 0.,,_ ,:,", ~. . , .- i.! i I I , i I, I ~' "', 0, , , ",'j l~:~:!::::':>~' ",:; . '-"1.,.'-' :..",,: ': , , I -, i "I , , j , "i i " " , i .".) . . ," --""f I ! :j "':, I ; , , I , i (~q .\ ~ \ l , .1 T' 101 I I i i I i : I I I'll" I . \ . .~:f/. ,;c-~__,_ ,. '. i':;:\~\I,\." '. ",j '" VENDOR NAME 1"-;",' . ,'. . , ,,' .' '-~.' ," ,.,. .1" '''''' : . ". .' " " " . . .u._._____..__.._."_._. , ." " - ---''"-_.;.._._..._--.......~.._.----.._-._-_._~_.._,_.__."..- '. . ~. .",",",.'.. COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 TOM HANSEN 306340 TOMAHAWK LIVE TRAP CO TOYNE'S IOWA FIRE TRUCK TRAN FRM POL TO MY/WAGE MATCH TRANSITIONAL TECHNOLOGY INC TRI-STATE SIGNING INCORPORATED U OF IA. U OF IA. CREDIT UNION U OF IA. HOSPITALS AND CLINICS U OF IA. HYGIENIC LABORATORY U OF IA. WORK STUDY U S WEST COMMUNICATION T-1 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS U. S. POST OFFICE UARCO UNIFORM DEN, INC. UNITED ACTION FOR YOUTH UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNIVERSAL GYM EQUIPMENT UNIVERSITY CAMERA UPS JUNE CHARGES URBAN LAND INSTITUTE US WEST DIRECT USTA VARIOUS VIDEO KING WHOLESALERS VISA VON BRIESEN & PURTELL, S.C. W.SIDE.FIRE STATION WEST PUBLISHING CO. WILBURN, MONICA WILSON CONCRETE CO. WORDPERFECT CORP WORLD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DIR WP CHARGEBACKS FOR JUL YELLOW PAGES YUCUIS, BECKA ZEE MEDICAL, INC. ZEITGEIST FILMS GENERAL FUND M.~ . oj' ,', : ".,'.". .... """,. , : '.' . FUND TOTAL r;f'F---:- " 631.11 OVERLAND PK KS 84.46 ANIMAL SUPPLIES 500.00 SAFETY CLOTHING 111.79 MY WAGE MATCH 124.20 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 117.60 RENTALS 390.25 WORK STUDY WAGES 100.00 TECHNICAL SERVICES 150.15 MEDICAL SERVICE 65.00 TECHNICAL SERVICES 494.81 WORK STUDY WAGES 382.16 LONG DISTANCE CALLS 88.32 LONG DISTANCE CALLS 5,000.00 POSTAGE 575.00 FORMS HAND , EQUIP REP 248.49 TECHNICAL SERVICES 4,500.00 AID TO AGENCIES 300.00 FREIGHT 11.90 MINOR EQUIP. REP MAT 148.89 FILM PROCESSING 67.41 JUN UPS CHARGES 28.95 BOOKS, MAG., NEWSPAP 109.60 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 374.75 RECREATIONAL SUPP. -29.50 RECREATIONAL SUPP. 82.82 VIDEO RECORDINGS 1,371.89 BOOK/CASSETTE 7,824.68 OTHER PROF. SERVICES 113.54 REFUSE 134.00 BOOK(S) 42.78 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 944.16 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 106.00 SOFTWARE 25.00 PRINT/REFERENCE 342.28 JUL WP CHARGES 196.00 ADVERTISING 107.29 CONSULTANT SERVICES 103.25 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 86.50 NON-FICTION VIDEO AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ============== 2,160,787.62 Page 8 of 30 ],...",.""..:",...,..,.., , :' ''''~'' .~>'.:,,', ,',' /:,,<..- i'".:,":i/ -,', ".~3~':.'~' ':?',':: ~ ;""j" ""0"",, <<"'",,,' ';" ~I ":,,,;.," ',', '.',' : ,I < ':"....~. ,~.<,!':\(.:::>,>::<."~':';:. , ~o J).,. "'.,:, . ... .~.~'I , ", ..": ...,--..'?~5'..:: : I GY .,;':.._';..'........../,'.,"1, . ' ,1lIT;;>'j " , ., , . ~l. 'I .\,~ . ,,~, ",I ~ '. ~. . " , ., ~ : - .-..... ' .. . ..' '.. I' I COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME' AMOUNT DESCRIPTION FUND: CAPITAL PROJECTS ADJUSTING JOURNAL ENTRY 254.28 JUN FAX CHARGES AHLERS, COONEY, DORWEILER, 9,024.18 CONSULTANT SERVICES BERGMAN, TOM 75.00 APPRAISAL SERVICES C.R./I.C.RAIL.CO. -337.50 REIMB.RIVERFRONT DR CIP FUNDING FOR JUL 94 98,318.40 1990 GO CR/IC RAIL CO 337.50 REIM RIVERFRONT DR D & N FENCE CO., INC. 275.00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. DALTON TREE SERVICE 180.00 CONTRACTED IMPROV. DIERKS TREE TRANSPLANT INC 375.00 NURSERY SERVICES DRESSER DECORATING DEN 18,963.50 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. EVENSEN DODGE, INC. 21,533.30 CONSULTANT SERVICES FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. 15.50 COURIERS GATEWAY 2000 2,910.00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. HAYEK, HAYEK & BROWN 10,367.64 ATTORNEY SERVICES HOWARD R. GREEN CO. 1,165.02 CONSULTANT SERVICES IOWA CITY PRESS-CITIZEN 138.14 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS IOWA CITY REPROGRAPHICS 305.88 OUTSIDE PRINTING IOWA STATE BANK - FICA 879.96 FICA :0 IPERS 614.98 IPERS ; JOURNAL ENTRY 162.71' JUN DUPLICATING ! JUN LF CHRGS-JUL1 BILLING 372.58 JUN LF CHARGES LCI INTERNATIONAL 10.35 LONG DISTANCE CALLS MMS CONSULTANTS 297780 550.50 OTHR PRO SER/PRIO YR MMS CONSULTANTS, INC. 17,B05.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES NNW, INC. 2,660.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES / NOELS TREE SERV 299543 1,050.00 TREE TRM/REMV PRI YR , PAYROLL RECAP 11,502.80 PAYROLL OB-JUL-94 .\ PLEASANT VALLEY NURSERY, INC. 223.45 NURSERY SERVICES \ RAINES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1,352.66 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. " REPAY LOAN TO 16112 & 45320 373,500.00 REPAY TO 16112/45320 ! .j \ ROY R FISHER INC 150.00 APPRAISAL SERVICES ~ SHIVE-HATTERY ENGRS & ARCH INC 35,995.65 CONSULTANT SERVICES ! SHOEMAKER & HAALAND PROF. 8,590.35 CONSULTANT SERVICES STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC 65,920.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES ,', TECHNIGRAPHICS, INC. 74.70 OUTSIDE PRINTING TRANS CASH BALANCE 564.60 TO 89 GO 39600 TSCHIGGFRIE EXCAVATING 9,400.18 CONTRACTED IMPROV. U OF I DEPT OF ANATO -1,019.60 BENCH U S WEST COMMUNICATION T-1 5.06 LONG DISTANCE CALLS i UPS JUNE CHARGES 5.41 JUN UPS CHARGES I VAN WINKLE-JACOB ENGINEERING 555.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES . i I If VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY 149.15 SURFACING MATERIALS Ii. WP CHARGEBACKS FOR JUL 146.43 JUL WP CHARGES , , II ZEHR, FRED 680.00 WITNESS FEE ~ -------------- " -------------- CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TOTAL 695,802.76 " "{~ I~:: , Page 9 of 30 "J,!! -' ~O,~ C ,~~ --,. """ ".,;]'':'' '. .." 'I I d: '" -_!? 0 'JS -- .. .. , ,,"',',..,,'/ " , ^ !~niri' " . '-~t ~ \',: '>I, . n\ , ,'. ' -""f '..' , , .... . . __._n.........__.._._......._.. . _..._..._ COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME FUND: ENTERPRISE FUNDS j (~ \ A G EDWARDS & SONS INC A. Y. MCDONALD MFG. CO. ACCO UNLIMITED CORP. ADJUSTING JOURNAL ENTRY AERO SAW AHLERS, COONEY, DORWEILER, AIRPORT COMMISSION ALL AMERICAN CONCRETE INC AMERICAN PUBLIC TRANSIT ASSOC. AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC. AMERICAN RECYCLING SERVICE INC AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOC. ARNOLD SCHWECHTER TRT ARNOLD AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO AXIAL INDUSTRIES BANKERS TRUST BAXTER SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS BAY, RUTH BENTON MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOC. BETTY J NUTT TR BLACKHAWK STATE BANK BOND ESCROW BRINTON EDWARD CEDAR RAPIDS AND IOWA CITY CEDE & CO. CEDE & CO. * CELLULAR PLUS CHEMICAL BANK CIP FUNDING FOR JUL 94 CITY OF IOWA CITY CLERICAL RECAP COCHRANE COMPRESSOR CO. COLE CONSTRUCTION INC COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC. COPE PLASTICS INC CRAIG MEACHAM CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. CRYSTAL CLEAR CULLIGAN/UNITED STATES WATER DALY, JIM DEBT SERVICE TRANSFER DEPOSITORY TRUST CO. DEVOE, PHILIP E DI-CHEM CO. DICK GRELL & SON'S CONST., INC DOLLMAN, BILL DONALD BROGLA AND MARGARET DREW INDUSTRIAL DRUIVENGA, PAUL v& I) , I iG II [I 1\ ~" J il~" '~' IJi' It. ~ ~t___ ~~. '. ""f- , ,:r- AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 5,000.00 10,101.30 323.40 1,026.14 1,385.00 253.04 374.20 14,696.25 3,779.00 189.00 2,964.18 395.00 50,000.00 328.30 134.64 25,000.00 365.91 15,468.75 15,468.75 5,000.00 843.75 -338,625.00 -156.24 1.00 35,000.00 1,205,000.00 14.77 100,000.00 -9,371. 03 419.44 988.22 672.55 10,765.00 117.70 557.00 70.60 198.00 260.30 12.50 42.00 391,232.41 68,757.50 10,312.50 547.00 150.00 176.56 10,000.00 6,221.40 85.00 Page 10 of 30 =~ REV BOND PRINCIPAL PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. JUN FAX CHARGES PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. ATTORNEY SERVICES SEWER OTHER REPAIR & MAINT DUES & MEMBERSHIPS DUES & MEMBERSHIPS PURCHASES FOR RESALE REGISTRATION REVENUE BONDS PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. REV BOND PRINCIPAL PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. REV BOND INT REV BOND INT REVENUE BONDS REV BOND INT REV BONDS SINGLE BC FOR JUN LAND RENTAL REV BOND PRINCIPAL REVENUE BONDS PHONE EQUIP. CHARGES REV BOND PRINCIPAL AIRPORT OPERATIONS SEWER PAYROLL 22-JUL-94 MINOR EQUIP. REP MAT CONTRACTED IMPROV. MISC. PERIPHERALS BLDG. & CONST. SUPP. AMES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS LAB. CHEM. & SUPP. SAFETY SHOES TO 85 REV BOND SINKG REV BOND INT REV BOND INT FLUORIDE OTHER REPAIR & MAINT TRAVEL REVENUE BONDS PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. SAFETY SHOES , I o , , , , , " i 'J I 0, 'ld' , " ., ,'.,.,. ,-,. " ,'.' ~o,~ 'd.,'.."" ''''I"' ....' is " ,10, . "":'::'" ;"" '\ ;" I ~":il "r' ." \,\1,', , , ., , ~ ~. . - COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION VENDOR NAME REV BOND INT SANITATION SUPP. OTHER FUELS PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. NEW YORK A V'EQUIP. REPAIR JUN REPAIR CHARGES OPERATION 293 SAFETY SHOES PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. COURIERS REV BOND INT REV BOND INT SAFETY CLOTHING REV BOND INT REV BOND PRINCIPAL REV BOND INT REV BOND INT DISABILITY INSURANCE PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. ALUMINUM SULFATE PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. ADVERTISING REPAIR OF STRUCTURE REP OF ELECTRIC/PLBG PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. REVENUE BONDS PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. FIRST AID SUPP. BLDG. PEST CONTROL ATTORNEY SERVICES PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. FILM PROCESSING BANK CHG CARD FEES REV BOND INT PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. CHLORINE SEWER REGISTRATION CLEANING SWEATER LEGAL PUBLICATIONS COMM. EQUIP. REPAIR LANDFILL USE CONTRACTED IMPROV. ELECTRICITY CHARGES IOWA ONE CALL PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. DUES & MEMBERSHIPS REV BOND INT FICA IPERS 1,675.00 9.90 164.76 3,211.75 903.00 21. 66 127.00 33.28 70.00 36.00 11. 50 156.25 2,931.25 59.90 1,675.00 5,000.00 1,787.50 168.75 1,686.80 2,966.00 8,870.52 200.00 200.00 200.00 157.65 3,560.00 1,476.15 10,000.00 712.90 291.10 183.60 95.00 378.00 17.45 86.68 162.50 117.88 2,058.10 935.17 150.00 52.91 8;99 754.50 36.00 22,323.84 48,159.82 518.27 3,750.00 50.00 1,007.50 25,961.73 18,589.04 Page 11 of 30 DRUKER, B.B. EAGLE FOOD CENTER #220 ECONOGAS SERVICE, INC. ECS, INC. ED MORENO 303104 ELECTRONICS CAVE EMS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS EMS JUN CHARGES EXLINE, DAVID FASTENAL CO. FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. FEDERAL HOME LOAN FEDERAL RES. BANK OF CHICAGO FESLER'S, INC. FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT LUBBOCK FIRST OF AMERICA BANK FIRST TRUST FIRSTAR BANK DES MOINES, N.A. FORTIS BENEFITS GATEWAY 2000 GENERAL CHEMICAL CORP. GENERAL PEST CONTROL CO. GERARD ELEC 305571 GERARD ELECTRIC INC GINGERICH WELL & PUMP SERVICE GREATER AMERICA DISTRIBUTING HACH HARRY STRUM HAWKEYE COMMUNICATION HAWKEYE MEDICAL SUPPLY, INC. HAWKEYE PEST CONTROL, INC. HAYEK, HAYEK & BROWN HELGET MEDICAL SUPPLY HENRY LOUIS, INC. HIS HOME STATE BANK HTM SALES, INC. HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO. IC LANDFILL IOWA CHAPTER IAPMO IOWA CITY PETTY CASH IOWA CITY PRESS-CITIZEN IOWA CITY TELEPHONE CO., INC. IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IOWA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION IOWA ILLINOIS GAS & ELECTRIC IOWA ONE CALL IOWA PAINT MANUFACTURING CO. IOWA PUBLIC AIRPORTS ASSOC. IOWA STATE BANK & TRUST IOWA STATE BANK - FICA IPERS I , , 10' I' I , , , ,.\ \ " \ ~ I I" I I , .! k' : . : i ~'l., \',~- '~ ~'~~ ',' '< .,',; a ::~\o 1"'["" L. ~o.,~ \" ' 'i c.:. .. ~) 'I " .. 0; oJ' ~:.. -. ~t~~ .", -- - , , .. - ~ "----- lE-:W2i! ' . , ., , ,'. . .t\,\I:, .. , -. ~' . . :~ . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION JACKS DISCOUNT, INC. 125.57 MINOR OFF EQUIP/FURN JIM'S REFUSE SERVICE CORP 407.50 REFUSE COLL. CHARGES JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. 277.00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. JOURNAL ENTRY 73,295.96 JUN DIVISIONAL SERVI JOURNAL VOUCHER 50,439.08 JUL BCBS JON LF CHRGS-JUL1 BILLING 58,848.89 JON LF CHARGES K MART #4315 55.13 MINOR OFF EQUIP/FURN KCJJ RADIO/RIVER CITY RADIO 235.74 ADVERTISING KELLY HEATING SERVICE, INC. 105.00 REP OF COOLING EQUIP KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE 70.00 REGISTRATION KNEBEL WINDOWS 167.15 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. KRAY & CO 20,000.00 REVENUE BONDS LANDFILL 4,707.02 SEWER LANGERAK, ELIZABETH 675.00 REV BOND INT LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 114.29 PRIOR YEAR ENCm~B. LCI INTERNATIONAL 203.87 LONG DISTANCE CALLS LEWIS SYSTEM OF IOWA, INC. 342.50 FINANCIAL SERV & CHG LINWOOD MINING AND MINERALS 1,484.72 HYDRATED LIME MAXINE R PHILIPSBORN & EDWARD 25,000.00 REVENUE BONDS MCLEOD TELEPHONE SYSTEMS CO 1,269.00 COMM. EQUIP. REPAIR MEHESAN, THOMAS 1,675.00 REVENUE BONDS MELLON BANK NA 337.50 REV BOND INT MERCANTILE BANK, N.A. 13,598.75 REV BOND INT MERIT ELECTRIC, LTD. 65.10 REP OF ELECTRIC/PLBG MISSISSIPPI LIME COMPANY 1,201.43 HYDRATED LIME MMS CONSULTANTS 297780 -550.50 OTHR PRO SER/PRIO YR MUNICIPAL PIPE TOOL CO. 24.95 MINOR EQUIP. REP MAT NATIONAL BANK OF WATERLOO 673.75 REV BOND INT ..-- NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING 2,011.95 TECHNICAL SERVICES " L NEWARK ELECTRONICS 26.06 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. C'C:'\ NOELS TREE SERV 299543 -1,050.00 TREE TRM/REMV PRI YR \ \ NORTHERN MICHIGAN BANK 20,625.00 REV BOND INT NORWEST BANK IOWA, N.A. 2,785.00 REV BOND INT ' ,i ~ 11 OLD CAPITOL CAB CO. 1,203.00 OTHER PROF. SERVICES t~~t=", OVERTON, ROGER 80.00 SAFETY SHOES Ii, ' I, PAYROLL RECAP 344,062.84 PAYROLL 08-JUL-94 . I PLEASANT VALLEY NURSERY, INC. 12.00 AG MATERIALS I" POLLUTION CONTROL 808.85 WATER ,JUN 94 , ' QUALITY ENGRAVED SIGNS 12.75 OFFICE SUPPLIES R. M. BOGGS CO., INC. 54.84 REP OF HEATING EQUIP RADISSON RESORT VAIL 384.48 TRAVEL RADIX CORP. 1,931.58 MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR , RAINES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 152.75 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. , ~, I READLYN MUTUAL INSURANCE 325.00 REV BOND INT REYNOLDS STATE BANK 2,600.00 REV BOND INT ,I'. I ,! j RICH & ASSOCIATES INC 4,579.74 ENGINEERING SERVICES , I SCHIMBERG CO. 803.07 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. ~1j SCHOENBECK, JERRELL 325.00 REV BOND INT \~ -:-- ,p, ' SCHUMACHER ELEVATOR CO INC 557.83 REP & MAINT. TO BLDG ,r. SEATTLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 843.75 REV BOND INT, f~ SEELMAN CONSTRUCTION 706.00 OTHER REPAIR & MAINT 0,,11' SHAY ELECTRIC 341.25 MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR '~:l I' '\\., , Page 12 of 30 .-..",\ ~O/~ r~~~ ~ ~ '0) .. ",' f" ~d, 'j :)' " " ' ".,' .J ~:'.. ~ -- ,"' . .. , I ';~" .. ~{ 1 " ,..'" '. ~', , . . . : . '. . ... .., . ..'.. ~ '. .,_.,:~_.;__..,_._ ....,._,____._.;.,..~_____;..___.;..._:_.~_..A.........:__..:........_. '... .. 1 , I ,',1 ,...: COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 i:,._, -.! VENDOR NAME SKILLPATH INC SLUTTS, KEVIN SNYDER, BARBARA STATE STREET BANK & TRUST STEIN L R STEPHEN J PETOSA STEVEN JULIUS 303894 SUBURBAN NATL BK PAL SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS THIES, MARK THOMAS, JON U OF IA. U OF IA. BUSINESS OFFICE U OF IA. CREDIT UNION U S WEST COMMUNICATION T-1 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS UNITED MISSOURI BANK NA UPS JUNE CHARGES V J NUTT TR VAN METER CO. VAN WATERS & ROGERS, INC. VARIOUS , BOND OWNERS VER PLOEG, STANLEY VIDEO TOASTER USER VOSS PETROLEUM CO., INC. W. W. GRAINGER, INC. WAYLAND STATE BANK WEF MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS WESTLINK PAGING WP CHARGEBACKS FOR Jut ZIMMER & FRANCESCON INC . i '\ " , , .,~. ' , ,'I ,) " <'I. "'1 ..\ ... ! ,! ; i r~~ (~: ~ I ~' I ' I , I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS FUND TOTAL I . . ;([L-O~ .- ',.i..." ' ~. :":\. ,:,',:1 ... , , .,....;...,.., AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 99.00 REGISTRATION 35.16 SAFETY SHOES 162.50 REVENUE BONDS 8,672.50 REV BOND INT -100.00 4MB USED SIMMS 5,000.00 REVENUE BONDS 748.95 FT COLLINS 80,000.00 PRINCIPAL PMT 110.00 REFERENCE MATERIAL 85.00 SAFETY SHOES 68.19 SAFETY SHOES 530.70 WORK STUDY WAGES 195.40 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 225.00 TECHNICAL SERVICES 99.28 LONG DISTANCE CALLS 7.78 LONG DISTANCE CALLS 162.50 REV BOND INT 31.66 JON UPS CHARGES 5,000.00 REVENUE BONDS 215.88 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 2,660.00 CHLORINE 1,333,516.89 REGISTERED BOND INT. 337.50 REV BOND ,INT 36.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS 45.00 GREASE & OIL 191.31 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. 25,000.00 REVENUE BONDS 120.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 26.85 PAGING 154.64 Jut WP CHARGES 5,742.69 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. ,i'A' -------------- -------------- 3,928,518.91 Page 13 of 30 ~()/:t, " ~; ..,.,..... ,", , I,; "".," 0 ,;h:l:;Ji:~7:'7:2-:\ ,',,'''' II""':" ,)\,:""""",:", . .', ':;'" , , ' .'.,." ,. ..,~.:,':."".\::;,'{.,.\.\;' .<:':':":::<-,:' ,~.'..L:;"':'i "{ ......."...._,.,-',',...\-, ,.......,-"",'1', '\/, ',,',' ,'.,,;',..,0:. '0" , ' . ~'t ',:J.. ,:.-" ,"'" :.:\', .,.t,5'" "/. o .,', '_' "'.. _':'1 ~": ~\)"L';t.,....r.:_;:\, '''',,''.:'- '- . ' " ~_J " " . . _,' I ,i. , "t ."\\:" , , ., , '.. -.';-"":" , ", ".' '.'C. _..,-",~, _..._..,:~...:.........,,~. ._~. ,_'_.,__..~~_" _. , . ~' . , ' ... ._..-..._.....-_.~ ,..- COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME FUND: TRUST AND AGENCY J (~ \ " A. W. INSURANCE GROUP, INC. ADJUSTING JOURNAL ENTRY AERO RENTAL BAKER & TAYLOR BENNETT, ASTRID HILGER BOWERS, MICHAEL BUC'S CHIVERS NORTH AMERICA CITY NEWS COPY EXCHANGE CUSTOMER DENNIS, NIKKI DEPOSITORY TRUST CO. DICK BLICK DONATTI EBLE MUSIC CO. ECS, INC. ENDRIS, KYM FARNER-BOCKEN COMPANY FORTIS BENEFITS FROHWEIN OFFICE SUPPLY GREEN, DEBB GREEN, MIKE GRINGOS MEXICAN RESTAURANT HARRY'S CUSTOM TROPHIES, LTD. HAVERKAMP, MIKE HILLS BANK AND TRUST CO HOSPERS & BROTHER PRINTERS IKERD, COLLEEN INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES IOWA CITY PETTY CASH IOWA CITY PRESS-CITIZEN IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY IOWA STATE BANK - FICA IPERS JOB SERVICE OF IOWA JOHNSON COUNTY TREASURER JOURNAL ENTRY JOURNAL VOUCHER KHARE, PHYLLIS KLAUS, KATE FRANKS LCI INTERNATIONAL LONGFELLOW ELEMENTARY HAAS, JANET MARCIANO, DANIEL MATSON, OWEN MAYOR'S YOUTH MCFERREN, CLARK MILLER, LINDA ".., r-'~"~, I, , I ! I : I I ,~ ! I II j ..' ... ."1!. ,\: {" lit!, I" , !fr,',~"'"---" 0 ,~'--.:: , ~,- IU AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 100.00 396.20 39.90 39.61 64.70 230.94 25.50 79.85 106.39 120.00 .35 105.00 1,617.50 29.60 -16.00 56.35 243.00 55.00 71. 97 109.19 13.67 10.00 100.00 25.00 142.60 50.00 179.48 15.75 79.10 25.30 31. 37 39.00 500.00 3,989.93 1,791.40 48.86 55.50 633.27 2,264.03 150.00 283.80 47.48 1,750.00 19.90 900.00 50.00 -l,O~3.76 29.68 54.39 Page 14 of 30 ~ . OTHER INSURANCE JUN FAX CHARGES MISC. SUPPLIES BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) TECHNICAL SERVICES FOOD MISC PROCESSING SUPP BOOKS (CAT./CIR.) PRINT/CIRCULATING DATA PROCESSING POP REFUND TECHNICAL SERVICES REV BOND INT GRAPHIC SUPPLIES PURCHASES FOR RESALE RECREATIONAL SUPP. PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. TECHNICAL SERVICES FOOD DISABILITY INSURANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES PAPER SUPPLIES TECHNICAL SERVICES MISC. SUPPLIES RECREATIONAL SUPP. OTHER PROF. SERVICES ADVERTISING MISC. SUPPLIES LOCAL MILEAGE BOOKS (UNCATALOGED) COMPUTER SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTIONS PURCHASES POR RESALE FICA IPERS OTHER INSURANCE MISCELLANEOUS JUN DIVISIONAL SERVI JUL BCBS OTHER PROF. SERVICES MISC. SUPPLIES LONG DISTANCE CALLS AID TO AGENCIES MEALS (NON-TRAVEL) OTHER FURN./EQUIP. TECHNICAL SERVICES GINNY FAX REIMB. LOCAL MILEAGE LOCAL MILEAGE 0" 'J', ',..,...;',..'::....," '\ ",' " 1.;.0'. >.c..'. s:.'- "~' ,'.:;'" . >"r A \Y ,!.j I, ' I '4 I I ~(J/~ 1'..0""';1,',',"".,':' ..'........r'..'" , i5' .."'",..,'., :, , " 't. -,,: "!:" ~~":Yr,-:.'~,'.,, '. ,'..... .......... .. ,",.,. " ," ',>". i...,".'._'. . .".. -_.__.~.-..._-.~.....-..._...._~-_._._----"-'- COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME ' AMOUNT DESCRIPTION , , NATIONAL BANK OF WATERLOO 85.00 REV BOND INT :. :\" O'MEARA, BEN 99.71 LOCAL MILEAGE PAYROLL RECAP 50,738.47 PAYROLL 08-JUL-94 PEPSI-COLA ,BOTTLING CO. 449.22 FOOD PIGOTT, INC. 262.00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. QUALITY ENGRAVED SIGNS 12.00 OUTSIDE PRINTING QUALITY TEXTILE PRINTING 423.30 OUTSIDE PRINTING . i ROFFMAN, JOHN 50.00 BUILDING RENTAL SEIBERLING, NANCY 100.00 BOOK(S) SINCLAIR, ANDREW 200.00 TECHNICAL SERVICES " SOUTHEAST JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 300.00 AID TO AGENCIES STEPHANIE BAILS .30 POP REFUND I TECHNIGRAPHICS, INC. 152.92 OUTSIDE PRINTING ! TIMOFEYEV, OLEG 250.00 OTHER PROF. SERVICES .. j TRAW, A K 42.00 MISC.' SUPPLIES U OF IA. 93.20 WORK STUDY WAGES 1 U S WEST COI~ICATION T-1 22.60 LONG DISTANCE CALLS ,] U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS 5.51 LONG DISTANCE CALLS , ; 'j UNITED ACTION FOR YOUTH 630.00 BUILDING RENTAL ! UNIVERSITY CAMERA 94.95 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. , VARIOUS -53.25 PURCHASES FOR RESALE , .1 VARIOUS BOND OWNERS 1,302,837.50 REGISTERED BOND INT. i VISA 105.77 PAPER SUPPLIES , VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION 152.10 DISABILITY INSURANCE i ..-.j WAL MART STORE 01-1721 6.64 FILM PROCESSING " WP CHARGEBACKS FOR Jut 754.06 Jut WP CHARGES , I XEROX CORP OFFICE EQUIP. RENTAL , 175.77 , \ YOUTH HOMES, INC. 1,300.00 OTHER PROF. SERVICES i' '~ ============== .' r: TRUST AND AGENCY FUND TOTAL 1,374,960.57 \ '\ ~ [:~;,;..,...,.;' I I...' ,," ":'J' . " ';\~G ',,! ," .0'.,.. , "'~ ' '.':",,':"'-:" - -,\-, \' "".,c'..,.,>,;,:,;,~' all'::;'']'> '7~,j,7;-:..';.'\, , ";..",',..",,,,'..', ,':.,' ''('''''''/',,;,''''' , " '.',..... '~~'" "1~...-, ,!,l:~U'_';-'-?,;::i;...":,'Y",:,: ' ~o,~ .' .' :'.:7..~-,c'...,~'.T:C"'c' ':' ""0" "i~ .,"',,' ,',',', ""'tiS"" ""ii "; '. ":':~:"~""':'{'~:"":;:;:;:~<I,.:"~-.A::,, ~. I I, ,i , ~ .,~ Page 15 of 30 . :. (ll::. .,:,:.'.:::;;. 'li'." " -,';...., ";,_.' ." '>"':":'.'-,,,,,~:'.F"j', - \"" ,.,:,::, - t~~~j " ,\ . , .' , ',:t\ , "~"~I , , '-. :! ' ,'.' , . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME r~ I , l ,.;.\ (-'\ \ , \ \: i~ , , , i FUND: INTRAGOVNTAL SERVICE #403 JEFFERSON COMPANY #522 SOUTH CLINTON STREET #631 S. VAN BUREN ST. APTS. #633 PARTNERS #650 SOUTH JOHNSON RENTAL ACCT #A.M.K. #AGUSTA HOUSING AUTHORITY #ALBERTSON, GARY E #ALBRECHT, WILLIAM #ALLEN, OPAL M #ALONZO, RICK #ALPINE APARTMENTS #AMBATI, NARAYANA #AMSTER CORP. #ANDERSON, BARBEL #ANDERSON, LEO & SUSAN #ARANGO JOSE #ARENDS, MARCIA #ASI RENTALS #ATLANTIC LAKESIDE LIMITED #AUGUSTINE JUDY #B & B INVESTMENT CO. #BAILEY, E NORMAN #BARDACH, JANUSZ #BARKER, CAROL #BARNES, PEARL M. #BAUGHMAN, MADLYN #BAUGHMAN, NORMA & RALPH #BAUM, GERALD J #BAUMERT, JEAN #BEASLEY, MICHAEL #BECKER, TERRY #BEER, MARTIN T #BELL, CHESTER #BELMONT APTS #BENDA, JOSEPH #BENDER, ROBERT J. #BENICIA HOUSING AUTHORITY #BERNALILLO COUNTY HSG DEPT #BETTE LANE APARTMENTS #BEUTER, LEO & MARIE #BEYHL, ROGER #BIRD, DAVID #BLACK, DAN #BLACKHAWK PARTNERS #BLOYER PROPERTIES #BODE, DWIGHT GREGORY #BOEDEKER, HERMANN #BOLLINGER, BEVERLY " I I I , I I i i I I ~: I I' I' ,I II ~~ ~.. j :'j~:~/ '(I,' ~:i ![~ t'l}'l'l' ... , ".\ L_- c_~ _.IHi! . ~ ~ '~ 1- -- AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 194.00 246.00 212.00 453.00 1,954.00 357.00 197.00 251. 00 215.00 -237.00 207.00 402.00 1,083.00 327.00 251. 00 308.00 29.00 109.00 751. 00 11,406.00 41.00 441. 00 247.00 481. 00 1,308.00 178.00 800.00 137.00 359.00 357.00 264.00 337.00 415.00 356.00 174.00 344.00 385.00 304.00 143.00 497.00 388.00 291. 00 517.00 460.00 365.00 827.00 406.00 242.00 290.00 Page 16 of 30 l_ LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS . LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS ,. . : .! . ~O/~ T" :/S ')':'.'. "0'",.,,.,.' ,10" ., "','j .~}J(1: ...:--....; " ,~ (-'\ \ \ \i ~ 'i"~~ I ~ ! [ I I I ~f:')~. ,,' ~i' ~}.I . t.l~'1 ~, .1<.., , -......- "" . ',\ .' . 1"", ., . " '\. ..r\~'i" , , ". '.... , , ~. . . LANDLORD RENTS 'LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME #BOSTON WAY APARTMENTS #BOWERS, R. STEVE #BREAZEALE, RICHARD #BREAZEALE, RICHARD DBA CONCOR #BREESE, DONALD #BREESE, DONALD ALLEN #BRENNEMAN, MIKE #BRENNEMAN, SUE % JOANN BARR #BREWER, LARRY C/O DAVE CLARK #BRICKER, JOHN #BROOKER, RICHARD #BROliN, LYDA #BRYANT SHANNON #BUSS, ANNA #BUTLER, JAMES #BUTTS JEANINE #BYRNE, BERNIE #C & M INVESTMENTS #CAHILL, TOD R #CAMELOT COURT #CAMP, DAVID W. #CAMPBELL, ANN #CANNON, TOM DBA SC APARTMENTS #CARLSON, MARTHA K. #CARY, PHIL #CHALMERS-NEUBAUER, IRENE #CHRISTIAN, PAUL & DORIS #CHWANG, ALLEN #CITY OF BOULDER #CITY OF DUBUQUE #CLARK, STEVE #COLONIAL TERRACE #CONDO COMPANY #CONNER, JUDY #COOK, VINCENT #COOPER JR., ORRIS #CORAL RIDGE APARTMENTS #CORALVILLE SALVAGE #CORONET APARTMENTS #COURT HILL APARTMENTS #COWLES LISA #COYLE, PAT #CRESS, DANIEL #CTY OF RIVERSIDE HSG AUTHORIT #CURTISS DEAN #CUSHING, PATRICIA #D & R RENTALS #DAHLEN, CRAIG #DAHLEN, MICHAEL & JANET #DAKOTA COUNTY HRA #DALLAS HOUSING AUTHORITY #DAVIS, JAMES o AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 714.00 395.00 2,139.00 441.00 259.00 395.00 72.00 244.00 342.00 285.00 83.00 323.00 12.00 433.00 343.00 50.00 331. 00 332.00 388.00 219.00 616.00 76.00 1,080.00 206.00 245.00 259.00 362.00 361. 00 1,319.00 384.00 290.00 313.00 3,550.00 382;00 276.00 334.00 4,535.00 153.00 736.00 1,900.00 39.00 376.00 1,003.00 385.00 4.00 250.00 400.00 370.00 603.00 265.00 600.00 416.00 Page 17 of 30 I.! ,0'" ~OJ~ ,.,...'I~'5" fOr , ,,'..''''.-...,-1'. " ' ,\ ~'. " \' 'I ., , ":~; , , ,\'" .\, .. -. .C....;" .".... ,_...._,..:;. ~~._.. ._H.... d,..._.,_~_.,- "..... ...."..... ,.... , . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME i ,,\ (-.\ \ \ ,~ ;-:;';':';:1 , , , , '. #DAVIS, RICHARD & KARLA #DE BRUYN, WILLIAM #DEMEULENAERE, PAUL & ELLEN #DES MOINES PUBLIC HSG. AUTH. #DETWEILER LISA ' #DETWEILER SANDY #DETWEILER,IVAN OR PATRICIA #DICKERSON, MARGARET #DITTBERNER, MALINDA #DONALDSON, WILLIAM #DORMANN, HAL #DOWNES, GREG & SUMMERS, DAN #DOWNES, GREGORY J. #DUBISHAR, MELVIN #DUFFY, LOIS #DUNCAN, JAMES #DUNNE, MIKE #E & M TRUST #EASTLAKE PARNERSHIP #EASTLAKE PARTNERSHIP #ECKSTROM, THOMAS L #EDWARDS, CHARLES #EDWARDS, MABEL CONSERVATORSHI #ELAM, ERVIN #ELLIS, GENE #EMERALD COURT APARTMENTS #ENFIELD, ROBIN #ERIN ARMS PARTNERSHIP #ETZEL, STEVE #EVANS, BONNIE #EWALT PAT #FAITH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST #FAMILY HEALTH CENTRE #FITZPATRICK, GARY #FJELSTAD, DAWN #FLYNN, TIMOTHY M. #FOLKMANN, DAN AND KATHY #FOUNTAIN, LARRY & KATHLEEN #FOX, ROBERT DBA EDON APTS #FOX,ROBERT #FRANK FLEMING RENTALS #FRANKLIN, JOANN #FULTON, DANIELLE #GALLOWAY, JOHN #GARVIN, RICHARD L. DBA #GEMAEHLICH, DUANE #GERGIS, SAMIR #GHODSI NEWSHA #GILBERT MANOR #GILPIN, EARL #GINGERICH, MIRIAM #GOEDKEN, SCOTT " , , i , I I ~, 'I' I, ~ ~":, '~r ," I~: 1':1" ~~.' ','. , 1..-" '. .Ir,'" , 0 ~ ~l.__ -- 1---, AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 198.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,405.00 LANDLORD RENTS 287.00 LANDLORD RENTS 138.00 LANDLORD RENTS 3.00 UTILITY REIMB. 41.00 UTILITY REIMB. 545.00 LANDLORD RENTS 10.00 LANDLORD RENTS 364.00 LANDLORD RENTS 393.00 LANDLORD RENTS 214.00 LANDLORD RENTS 464.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,859.00 LANDLORD RENTS 376.00 LANDLORD RENTS 360.00 LANDLORD RENTS 384.00 LANDLORD RENTS 324.00 LANDLORD RENTS 401.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,928.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,868.00 LANDLORD RENTS 237.00 LANDLORD RENTS 277.00 LANDLORD RENTS 207.00 LANDLORD RENTS 451.00 LANDLORD RENTS 268.00 LANDLORD RENTS 411.00 LANDLORD RENTS 795.00 LANDLORD RENTS 449.00 LANDLORD RENTS 173.00 LANDLORD RENTS 209.00 LANDLORD RENTS 16.00 UTILITY REIMB. 428.00 LANDLORD RENTS 192.00 LANDLORD RENTS 213.00 LANDLORD RENTS 105.00 LANDLORD RENTS 418.00 LANDLORD RENTS 669.00 LANDLORD RENTS 438.00 LANDLORD RENTS 790.00 LANDLORD RENTS 7,285.00 LANDLORD RENTS 186.00 LANDLORD RENTS 245.00 LANDLORD RENTS 4.00 UTILITY REIMB. 325.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,364.00 LANDLORD RENTS 192.00 LANDLORD RENTS 575.00 LANDLORD RENTS 47.00 UTILITY REIMB. 1,858.00 LANDLORD RENTS 182.00 LANDLORD RENTS 625.00 LANDLORD RENTS 477.00 LANDLORD RENTS Page 18 of 30 T" ."..,'," ' ',0/ ;' ",) - . ...:,.'.' ~. . I' r (:) , , i ,:1 ~O(~ .....-..,. SS' : l b\ ,.' ',"','1'," ~~ /.~ , r /.:.;;\ r \ \, \ ~ . r. ~ " I I I , I ; I , I , ; I I i~, 11' I, I ~~ \~;! ~~~..~ ;~~.I I l.-; ., ,( ,I' i ,;, , '~r...\':,;. . '. . :~ ~ -'.;,-.~.,..'.., .'..'.,,' '. ,.;".~,..--.-'.,--...."..".. ~, , . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME #GOOD, MRS. NOVELLA #GOSS, RUTH #GOUSHEGUIR EZZATOSSADAT #GOVERNOR PROPERTIES #GRANDVIEW COURT APARTMENTS #GREATER IOWA CITY HOUSING #GREEN PRAIRIE CORPORATION #GREGORY, DON #GRINGS BETH #GRINGS, JERRY #GUSTOFF WILLIAM , #HAESEMEYER, CRAIG #HAIGHT, MIKE & POLLY #HALTER PAMELA #HAMM, DONNA #HAMMER, MAXINE E #~mES, SHARON K. #HANSEN MARCI #HANSEN, C SUE #HANSON, ROGER #HARDING, MARK #HARROLD JAMES #HAUG, EDWARD J. JR. DBA H & H #HAYEK REAL ESTATE ACCOUNT #HEALD, TED % THOMAS REALTY #HEALY, PAM #HEATH, CHARLES #HEINLE, JACQUELINE #HEISTAD, MARK #HELMER, RAY #HENRY, JOHN #HILL, RON #HOBBS SR., RONALD & DEBBIE #HODGE, MIKE #HOGAN, MICHAEL OR MICHELLE #HOLIDAY RETIREMENT ASSOC. LP #HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY #HUNTER, DR. WILLIAM #HUSTON PROPERTIES #IOWA LAND CORP DBA IOWA LODGE #IRVIN, DAVID #J STREET APTS % KEN W WEBER #JACKSON SQUARE ASSOCIATES DBA #JAFAROUR ~~OUD #JANSEN, GEORGE #JARRARD, DAN & DEBBIE #JENSEN, CHARLES #JOHN'S GROCERY #JOHNSON M.DUJON #JONES. JULIE #JONES, MORGAN #KABELA, ROBERT .q".... Co . _:=.~~ AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 256.00 419.00 3.00 397.00 5,876.00 3,326.00 208.00 732.00 54.00 427.00 15.00 426.00 1,139.00 15.00 301. 00 410.00 464.00 6.00 571. 00 418.00 562.00 22.00 1,263.00 524.00 433.00 372.00 1,557.00 366.00 446.00 829.00 346.00 260.00 319.00 898.00 59.00 508.00 320.00 751. 00 363.00 250.00 37.00 593.00 1,604.00 27.00 234.00 246.00 97.00 765.00 30.00 15.00 861. 00 344.00 Page 19 of 30 LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REmB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS ' UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS UTILITY REIMB. UTILITY REIMB. LANDLORD RENTS LANDLORD RENTS ,'oJ1J,',,:,..,:'. "I' ,.-".,.J .",,,',' .. ~. . H",:._"'___n. ~() I~ , . ". ,.', '~" .. """""1""""'" )5' I' ! b I.! 10, .... .' " ,\ . .1'~~D1.' .: " ( . .'.~ ~_. \ , ~ , , I', , Ii I I I i! , i !~ I. i[ ,~ i~ P .., iJ. (~ ,~ ~, ~: ~ i, .\ , ," ~ ., , ..-.1\\1,', . '.. . .~. "', ' , , '. ,.' , ~. . . ,.". . . -'...., ..-." "..- .,.._"...-_:..-..{:,..~,..,",- -"..... COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION #KACENA APTS 1,117.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KAMIT LEASING DBA 248.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KAMMEYER, GREG & BECKY 249.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KAMPFE, DR. LANNY V DDS 800.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KATE, M C, RENTALS 261. 00 LANDLORD RENTS #KELLER, MILDRED R. 168.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KEMPF, LESTER 288.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KEMPF, NICK DBA GOVERNOR-DODG '363. DO LANDLORD RENTS #KENNEDY, JOSEPH & WHITE,DENNI 413.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KIM, KWANG 739.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KJONAAS, MERLE 400.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KLEIN APARTMENTS 258.00 LANDLORD R~NTS #KLINE, BETTY J. 328.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KLOSTERMAN, HENRY 696.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KNAPP, L. LOUISE 276.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KNOLLRIDGE GARDEN APARTMENTS 557.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KNORR, GEORGE 944.1j0 LANDLORD RENTS #KOEHLER, MICHAEL 352.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KRAMER, JOHN D. 463.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KRATTET, RICHARD 349.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KROEGER PROPERTIES 555.00 LANDLORD RENTS I IG #KRON, ED 24.00 LANDLORD RENTS #KUNCL, ADELAIDE 178.00 LANDLORD RENTS : I . #LACINA, DUANE 633.00 LANDLORD RENTS I #LANDES, KENDRA AND/OR JEFF 403.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LEACH RANDY 22.00 UTILITY REIMB. #LEAHY-SHEETS PARTNERSHIP 1,009.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LEDVINA, ALMA 236.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LEE BROTHERS INVESTMENTS 57.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LEHMAN, KIMBERLY ARTEL 370.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LIFFRING-ZUG, JOAN 203.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LIGHTHALL, WILLIAM & SANDY 437.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LINCOLN HEIGHTS INC. 278.00 LANDLORD RENTS ! .j #LINDER, GRACE H 397.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LINDGREN PROPERTIES 251.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LIPSIUS, MAXINE RUTH 134.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LITTLE, TERRIE 1.00 UTILITY REIMB. #LLOYD, OLIN 918.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LU, CHARLES 1,093.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LUCAS RENTAL ACCOUNT 312.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LUMPA, DEAN 157.00 LANDLORD RENTS #LYMAN ASSOCIATES DBA RALSTON 1,885.00 LANDLORD RENTS #MABJJ ENTERPRISES 492.00 LANDLORD RENTS #MADDEN, ROD 377.00 LANDLORD RENTS #MADDIGAN KELLY 16.00 UTILITY REIMB. #MAHER, MIKE 408.00 LANDLORD RENTS #MAILLIARD, MICHAEL 408.00 LANDLORD RENTS #MALMBERG CHERYL 14.00 UTILITY REIMB. #MARSHALL, BERNARD A 225.00 LANDLORD RENTS #MARY O. COLDREN HOME FOR AGED 184.00 LANDLORD RENTS #MCCOLLISTER, EDWIN 472.00 LANDLORD RENTS #MCCREEDY, BILL 288.00 LANDLORD RENTS Page 20 of 30 r".,'".',"~ '". o o ~O/~ " '...-:."..1.' :IS 'l"i, o ,:~t,~;.:,j " " , " ., , , '~' ....\1.'. , " '. " , " . __ ~ ,). + ','."'C., '. ~ . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME ,'-~-.. #MCDERMOTT, EDWARD,J #MCDONALD, CHESTER #MCKEEN, MRS. PAUL #MCKEEVER KENNA #MCKILLIP, JUDITH #MEANS, DUANE #MEIER, DALLAS #MERCY FACILITIES, INC. #MEX, OTTO T & CLARA A #MILLER & HAWKINS #MILLER, ARDEN #MILLER, GLENN H #MILLER, JAMES R #MILLER, STEVEN #MOD POD INC MANAGEMENT ACCOUN #MOORE, JERRY R. #MORRISON. JOAN #MULFORD, JAMES G. #MUSSER, JERRY #MUSTON, RAY A & LINDA K #MUTCHLER, LINDA #NATIONAL MGMT CORPORATION #NAUMAN, RICK #NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS OF #NEPTUNE LAND COMPANY #NICOLAj NINA #NISSLEY, EUGENE W. #NORRIS, CARL #NUNNALLY, ELIZABETH #NYLAN INVESTMENTS #OAK PARK RENTALS #OAKES BURLINGTON RENTAL #OCALA HOUSING AUTHORITY #OLD GOLD COURT APARTMENTS #ORIGINAL TOWN COURT #OUTLOT, 25 ASSOCIATES DBA #PAYRAVI, BIBI #PENNINGROTH APARTMENTS #PENTACREST GARDEN APARTMENTS #PETERSON, JACK #PHELPS JULIE #PICKERING, JAMES #PIPEYARD PARTNERS DBA RALSTON #POOTS, ALLAN & ASSOCIATES #POWER INVESTMENTS #PRICE, DEAN DBA GREYTOWNE APT #PROSSER, BARBARA #PUGH RICHARD #RA1STON CREEK VILLAGE APTS. #RANSHAW, DAVE #RANSHAW, JULIE #REBEL PARTNERS I ~, ! I. . " I Ii! :;'l .. '. . ~':.' '\1 , !f. ! ,1 ' t,~,Wi1, ~,',' Fl~~ (~~ 0 '~~'=___" _ A,'" .. '...- AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 230.00 , LANDLORD RENTS 220.00 LANDLORD RENTS 707.00 LANDLORD RENTS 5.00 UTILITY REIMB. 245.00 LANDLORD RENTS 292.00 LANDLORD RENTS 134.00 LANDLORD RENTS 277,.00 LANDLORD RENTS 357.00 LANDLORD RENTS 290.00 LANDLORD RENTS 358.00 LANDLORD RENTS 962.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,267.00 LANDLORD RENTS 182.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,678.00 LANDLORD RENTS 2,036.00 LANDLOR~ RENTS 390.00 LANDLORD RENTS 299.00 LANDLORD RENTS 365.00 LANDLORD RENTS 365.00 LANDLORD RENTS 213.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,182.00 LANDLORD RENTS 402.00 LANDLORD RENTS 3,335.42 AID TO AGENCIES 297.00 LANDLORD RENTS 271.00 LANDLORD RENTS 345.00 LANDLORD RENTS 143.00 LANDLORD RENTS 715.00 LANDLORD RENTS 367.00 LANDLORD RENTS 264.00 LANDLORD RENTS 204.00 LANDLORD RENTS 69.00 LANDLORD RENTS 515.00 LANDLORD RENTS 747.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,403.00 LANDLORD RENTS 395.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,473.00 LANDLORD RENTS 341.00 LANDLORD RENTS 183.00 LANDLORD RENTS 43.00 UTILITY REIMB. 669.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,444.00 LANDLORD RENTS 181.00 LANDLORD RENTS 197.00 LANDLORD RENTS 1,507.00 LANDLORD RENTS 425.00 LANDLORD RENTS 16.00 UTILITY REIMB. 3,918.00 LANDLORD RENTS 375.00 LANDLORD RENTS 343.00 LANDLORD RENTS 160,00 LANDLORD RENTS Page 21 of 30 ~. . \l l. , ! ~O/~ 'I' " t'S' .. "Oil'-:.' 10 ,,' ' " .C.l11i;tl:J ,\ . . .' , , . ~t: I' '," , , ',' 1 -" ~' . . . "-,,".:;.._).';,:.,, COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION #RENDON, JORGE 490.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RICHARDSON, CARL J 350.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RIGGAN, JIM 710.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RIOS CYNTHIA 59.00 UTILITY REII1B. #ROBERTS, ROLAND 366.00 LANDLORD RENTS #ROBERTSON, CINDY M. 402.00 LANDLORD RENTS #ROBERTSON, DAVID W 186.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RODGERS, KYLA K 620.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RODRICK, CLAUDINE 276.00 LANDLORD RENTS #ROGERS, TOM 394.00 LANDLORD RENTS #ROOSTA HASSAN 44.00 UTILITY REIMB. #ROSHEK, MARVIN 390.00 LANDLORD RENTS #ROYAL INVESTMENTS 3,337.00 LANDLORD RENTS #ROYAR, KENNETH 445.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RUKA, GARY A. 611.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RUMMELHART, IVAN C. & BLANCHE 217.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RUNDELL INVESTMENTS 460.00 LANDLORD RENTS #RYAN, TERRY L & MARY K 235.00 LANDLORD RENTS #S & C RENTALS 252.00 LANDLORD RENTS #S & M PROPERTIES 365.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SAND ROAD INVESTMENTS 429.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SCHEETZ, RAYMOND & ANNE 431. 00 LANDLORD RENTS #SCHELLIN, ANGIE 349.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SCHELLIN, DETLEF 467.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SCHNEIDER, ~1AYNARD 336.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SCHOTT APARTMENTS 225.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SCHWACH, MIKE 455.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SCOTCH PINE APARTMENTS 348.00 LANDLORD RENTS ....-.~... #SCOTSDALE APARTMENTS 407.00 LANDLORD RENTS " #SCOTT, RUTH H 355.00 LANDLORD RENTS .k #SEARSON, JAMES L. 367.00 LANDLORD RENTS (-'\ #SECURITY INVESTMENTS ASSOC. 353.00 LANDLORD RENTS \1 #SEERY, CLYDE 383.00 LANDLORD RENTS ~ #SEMLER APARTMENTS 425.00 LANDLORD RENTS "'~ ,~ #SEMLER BUILDING 347.00 LANDLORD RENTS ..,....- ,. (\ i' "~ #SEVILLE APARTMENTS 2,133.00 LANDLORD RENTS I \1 #SHAPIRO PROPERTY 269.00 LANDLORD RENTS I; #SHAW, JIM 313.00 LANDLORD RENTS I' ii' #SHERIDAN, GERALDINE 371.00 LANDLORD RENTS I II #SHIYYAB MUATH 44.00 UTILITY REIMB. I I #SHRAMEK, LOUISE 297.00 LANDLORD RENTS . i I #SIMPSON, MARILYN J 269.00 LANDLORD RENTS , i , #SJRE YOUNG FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 511.00 LANDLORD RENTS i : i #SKARDA, VAL 231.00 LANDLORD RENTS '. #SKAUGSTAD, MARILYN & CHARLES 226.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SKOG, CLARENCE 350.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SKRIVER, GENE 338.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SLAGER, GARY 2,311.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SMITH, ALTA 426.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SO-LYN PARTNERSHIP 100.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SOHM, JOHN & MARGARET 426.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SPIVEY, PAULINE 176.00 LANDLORD RENTS Page 22 of 30 ~Ol~ C'- :- ~, ,,'0,)' ... .....-. r""'" ~th ' \ , 0 )5 . ,~.., . -- " '.... ,.;. , ' ----.--- " COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION #STEVE, DAVE 231.00 LANDLORD RENTS #STEVE, KATHLEEN 71.00 LANDLORD RENTS #STIDHAM, OLEN 206.00 LANDLORD RENTS #STILES, J H 245.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SVOBODA, LARRY 78.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SWARTZENDRUBER. DON 345.00 LANDLORD RENTS #SWENKA, BONNIE OR GLENN 401. 00 LANDLORD RENTS #SYCAMORE APTS 487.00 LANDLORD RENTS ~ #TAYLOR, PAULINE 684.00 LANDLORD RENTS r. #TEWFIK, HAMED DBA ALEXANDRIA 730.00 LANDLORD RENTS #THAYER, KEITH E. 141. 00 LANDLORD RENTS , #THE CHICAGO HOUSING AUTHORITY 423.00 LANDLORD RENTS #THOMOPULOS, GREGS & METTlE 262.00 LANDLORD RENTS #THOMPSON, CHARLES 491. 00 LANDLORD RENTS #THRELKELD MELISSA 14.00 UTILITY REIMB. #TINKEY, DELBERT 146.00 LANDLORD RENTS #TOMLINSON, CLAUDE 268.00 LANDLORD RENTS #TOMPKINS TONYA 26.00 UTILITY REIMB. #TOMPKINS, PAM 365.00 LANDLORD RENTS #TOMPKINS, ROY 2,809.00 LANDLORD RENTS #TOWN & CAMPUS APARTMENTS 2,253.00 LANDLORD RENTS #TOWN OF NEWINGTON 539.00 LANDLORD RENTS Q #TRON URSULA 21. 00 UTILITY REIMB. #TROTT, NEIL 774.00 LANDLORD RENTS #TUNG, HAl-NAN 365.00 LANDLORD RENTS #UNIVERSITY OF IOWA 7,081.00 LANDLORD RENTS #UPADHYAY, SUSHIL 462.00 LANDLORD RENTS #VALENTINE, RICHARD L 582.00 LANDLORD RENTS #VALLEY FORGE APTS ' 405.00 LANDLORD RENTS , #VAN BUREN INVESTMENTS 283.00 LANDLORD RENTS " r I, #VESELY, ARDEN % HAWK REALTY 739.00 LANDLORD RENTS .\ (-.' #VILLA GARDEN APARTMENTS 12,309.00 LANDLORD RENTS \ #VOPARIL CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 273.00 LANDLORD RENTS I _! " \ #WAGEHOFT, RAY 636.00 LANDLORD RENTS ,hl #WAGNER, JAMES R 565.00 LANDLORD RENTS ~.'.- " , #WAGNER, JOHN C 422.00 LANDLORD RENTS , , #WALLERICH, JOHN, 332.00 LANDLORD RENTS #WALTERS, CLIFFORD 581. 00 LANDLORD RENTS ~ I #WARD, RANDY 209.00 LANDLORD RENTS #WATERS, LARRY 164.00 LANDLORD RENTS I #WELSCH, CLAYTON 221. 00 LANDLORD RENTS I #WELSH JR. PAUL 441. 00 LANDLORD RENTS : I #WENDEL SHANNON 10.00 UTILITY REIMB. i , #WENMAN, BONNIE 382.00 LANDLORD RENTS I , I , i #WESTGATE VILLA APARTMENTS 425.00 LANDLORD RENTS I ~~ #WESTON, KAY ROGERS 241. 00 LANDLORD RENTS I I' t i #WESTPHAL, PAUL OR BELINDA 84.00 LANDLORD RENTS ~ #WESTWOOD APARTMENTS 791. 00 LANDLORD RENTS #WHITE, KAREN 197.00 LANDLORD RENTS #WHITESELL, DENISE 284.00 LANDLORD RENTS . r", #WICK, ROBERT 137.00 LANDLORD RENTS '~~ #WIGGINS HERMA 41. 00 UTILITY REIMB. il~~ Page 23 of 30 4o/~ .-" ....,...._.... ,..,.1"""" ,', ~ Ct. 0 o ',,' '') S " i" '..' ~ .. , , lJi']ja!" i ; l <I)' 01\ I .~ .: n' , 'i.' , -" ~' . . u_. ...._......_....a.. ::rmm' ,~...... " ' ( , r"'\ \ \ ~ iI~ '" J " I 'i " i I- Ii I! II: : J Ib 'I' I i I i ( I I 1 ;",~" '. .;, , ''lo,'~''''~I:'': ';', 1!i t:f'~" t' ~JFI,~,. . ....-........... '.(C-=-,o " " I ,,' . ~t \ ',' . .\" ,;. '. , ',. .' , - .~--'- !....;."....,.;.~. ,,' ..... -.. ,......~." ,-'-" -. -, "",' , .-' '. . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME #WILLIAMS YVETTE #WILLIS, LEDUNG #WILMOTH JAN #WORBY, VALERY #YEGGY MAXINE #YEGGY, BERNARD #YODER, ARNOLD #YODER, EARL, DODGE ST APTS LT #YODER, EARL, FY RENTALS #YODER, J D #ZENACK, NATHAN C/O THOMAS #ZENACK, NATHAN DBA HOLLYWOOD #ZOOK, VERNON & MARGUERITE #ZUBER, LARRY %BARNHART, LYNDA %CARLSON, SCOTT E %CARROLL, JOYCE E %CRAIG, SUSAN %DENNEY, CHARLES H %DYER, LINDA %EISENHOFER, CATHARINE %FARNSWORTH, BETTY J %FLINN, CAROLYN J %GREEN, THOMAS H %JUSTICE, CORVIN C %KRIZ, MARILYN R %MIKLO, ROBERT R %NASBY, STEVEN P %SUNSHINE, DIANE B %SURRATT, JAMES E %THOMAS, JON C &CARROLL, JOYCE E &COFFIN, CYNTHIA &CRAIG, SUSAN &EDWARDS, CHARLES F &EISENHOFER, CATHARINE &FARNSWORTH, BETTY J &FISHER, DAVID M &LIPPOLD, KATHY E &MAURER, ANN S &MORENO, EDWARD A &SHEETS, CYNTHIA &WYSS, RICHARD D A MCGINNESS 5120 A T & T - LD ADJUSTING JOURNAL ENTRY AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC. ANGELA KIMBER BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD BREESE PLill1BING & HEATING, INC BRENDA D.MILLER CAMPBELL SUPPLY CO "~_" AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 138.00 UTILITY REIMB. 573.00 LANDLORD RENTS 11.00 UTILITY REIMB. 454.00 LANDLORD RENTS 21.00 UTILITY REIMB. 347.00 LANDLORD RENTS 970.00 LANDLORD RENTS 901.00 LANDLORD RENTS 776.00 LANDLORD RENTS 700.00 LANDLORD RENTS 3,407.00 LANDLORD RENTS 872.00 LANDLORD RENTS 278.00 LANDLORD RENTS 205.00 LANDLORD RENTS 100.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 225.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 236.49 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 192.50 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 300.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 260.80 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 108.68 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 53.20 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 376.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 300.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 39.50 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 110.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 148.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 204.41 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 46.30 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 37.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 120.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 44.23 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 192.31 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 300.04 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 801.37 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 168.00 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 192.31 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 166.52 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 10.20 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 192.31 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 46.15 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 20.38 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. 76.92 SECTION 125 REIMBUR. -156.24 COBRA/JUN 104.93 LONG DISTANCE CALLS 760.60 JUN FAX CHARGES 63.00 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS -38.00 PH MOVE-OUT 286.60 DENTAL INSURANCE 160.05 REP OF ELECTRIC/PLBG -27.23 TRAV.REIMB. 67.22 TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP. Page 24 of 30 ,,0, )', ,H.""'.:, :"",;.:.....".::,:..:;"" ~. . - ~ '0 l'. I: ;.; ~ i.! ~c /1- j's: ~d< . . ..... ~ -;.' I , ' " ;' , ~~;:-Sl ::r:" , .. ., . -. ..': ' " ~ . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME , r ,\ ,--..~ I I \\ , I \; i1;1 I I I- I I I CATHY EISENHOFER CATHY EISENHOFER 305560 CATHY OCKENFELS CATHY OCKENFELS 305640 CITY APPLIANCE SERVICE CITY OF IOWA CITY CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. COACH CRAFTERS INC COBRA/AARON WINTER COBRA/ANGELA MCGINNE COBRA/ANGELA WRAY COBRA/CHARLES MOTTET COBRA/DAPHNE FUHRMEI COBRA/DARREL KUENSTE COBRA/DORA MUMFORD COBRA/GEORGE WOOD COBRA/JOHN DONOVAN COBRA/JOHN NEUZIL COBRA/JULIE LORENCE COBRA/KATHERINE WOLT COBRA/MARY DELL HINT COBRA/MATT BRACHTEL COBRA/MICHELLE KEATI COBRA/NEANA SAYLOR COBRA/NORA ECKARD COBRA/ROBERT WOLTERS COBRA/SARA WELLS COBRA/TED SEDLACEK COBRA/TRACEY PRINTEN CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS CONTROL SYSTEMS CRAIG MEACHAM CTY.SERV.BLDG CAR WA D & D CARPET CARE DAVID L. JOHANSEN DAVIS BUILDING PARTNERS DURAMETAL CORPORATION ED MORENO 303104 ED MORENS EISENHOFER, CATHY EMERALD CT APTS FINANCE CHARGES FOR JUNE FIRST IMAGE MANAGEMENT FORTIS BENEFITS FOUNTAIN'S TRANSMISSION H. J. LTD. HEATING AND AIR HANSEN, THOMAS HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE HAWKEYE PEST CONTROL, INC. HAYEK, HAYEK & BROWN HAZEL SESSIONS HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS INC , I I ; I"~ , " I !'- , I 't I ~ :t~~"'" f ]n\ ;..; .;'0 :':i "~ ?:' ~?~:I., I 1.....-.... ,J'~""""""""""'-"'-"" .....' ',=."....- (0 ,____ __ AMOUNT DESCRIPTION -19.97 -824.28 -196.59 -859.36 70.00 -3,452.35 69.90 143.05 -468.72 -156.24 -156.24 -167.90 -167.90 -156.24 -164.02 -65.82 -11. 66 -65.82 -167.90 -312.48 -65.82 -156.24 -156.24 -456.45 -65.82 -312.48 -167.90 -11.66 -167.90 103.23 1,465.89 -70.60 155.22 540.00 15.74 27,150.00 116.42 -903.00 -175.00 844.25 -289.00 760.61 130.40 430.73 80.00 362.56 631.11 114.44 837.00 891. 67 -458.00 1,575.00 Page 25 of 30 TRAV.REIMB. MILWAUKEE TRAVEL REIMB.95-01 ORLANDO MINOR EQUIP. REPAIR BC/BS EDUC./TRAINING SUPP. ' BUSES JUL COBRA JUL COBRA JUL COBRA AUG BC/BS JUL SNGL BC/BS AUG BC/BS JUL COBRA JUL MEDICARE SUPPL JUL SINGLE DENTAL AUG MEDICARE SUPPL JUL BC/BS AUG COBRA JUL MEDICARE SUPPL JUL BC/BS JUL BC/BS AUG FAMILY BC AUG MEDICARE SUPPL AUG BC/BS JUL COBRA AUG DENTAL JUL COBRA SAFETY CLOTHING PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. AMES . REFUSE REPAIR OF FURNISHING FULL AND FINAL SETT BUILDING RENTAL BUSES NEW YORK RETURN TRVL ADVANCE TRAVEL ADVANCE REFUND HAP LOAN INT - JUN MICROFICHE DISABILITY INSURANCE VEHICLE REPAIRS REP OF COOLING EQUIP TRAVEL ADVANCE LIFE INSURANCE BLDG. PEST CONTROL ATTORNEY SERVICES REFUND JON. HAP REGISTRATION ~' . "', M i.:l ;~ h,,~ ~ ~ ~ a.() It ~:~ ' 10, o ,): ,,', .,' sgk!' .. ,\ , . " , '.~~ \ 'l '\'.. 'i .. ., , ..... , .;.':' , .. . . .'...- '.'-.. ...-...., :"-' ,..~ COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION HENRY PRATT COMPANY 4,004.90 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. HURD, KEVIN 552.00 TRAVEL ADVANCE I.C.HOUS AUTHORITY 77.92 REFUSE I.C.HOUS.AUTH. 94.96 SEWER I.C.HOUSING AUTH 77 .00 REFUSE IA CONV & VISITORS B -1. 05 FUEL TAX IASD HEALTH SERVICES 123,918.51 DENTAL ADM FEES IC CITY ASSESSOR -92.03 GAS (CO ASSESSOR) IC COMM SCHOOL DIST -7,648.84 3 FUEL CARDS INSURANCE DIVISION OF IOWA 200.00 FILING FEE IOWA BEARING CO., INC. 357.95 BUSES IOWA CITY PETTY CASH 1.00 REIMB.OV.B.MILLER IOWA CITY PRESS-CITIZEN 47.32 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS IOWA CITY TELEPHONE CO., INC. 242.00 COMM. EQUIP. REPAIR IOWA DOT AIR & TRANSIT DIV. 7.40 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL IOWA ILLINOIS GAS & ELECTRIC 1,275.66 ELECTRICITY CHARGES IOWA STATE BANK - FICA 5,865.59 FICA IPERS 4 , 312 . 17 IPERS ISB 40.00 WIRE FEE J. P. GASWAY CO., INC. 980.85 PAPER STOCK JACKS DISCOUNT, INC. 19.89 FILM JE 7008 26.04 JUN DIV SERVICE JEANNE NUNLEY -30.00 SC #35809 REPAY JEFFREY S. BITTNER 3,700.00 FULL AND FINAL SETT JIM PUMFREY 304103 -408.20 N GLENN CO JIM PUMFREY 305650 -688.72 OVERLAND PK KS JIM'S REFUSE SERVICE CORP 407.50 REFUSE COLL. CHARGES JO CO ADMINISTRATION -342.88 GAS (HEALTH DEPT) JO CO AMBULANCE -535.18 DISEL FUEL , JO CO SEATS -7,306.10 DISEL FUEL [ "'1 JO co SHERIFFS OFFIC -4,246.37 GAS (DISASTER SERV) r~' , JOHN. CO. TREASURER -10.00 TAX REF.OVERPAYM. , JOURNAL ENTRY 13,992.02 JUN DIVISIONAL SERVI " \ JOURNAL VOUCHER 23,432.49 JUL BCBS ~ KAREN PRINGLE -25.00 REPYA SC #35226 ,'- , , I. KEITH, JAMES 70.00 SAFETY SHOES KELLY A. BROWN 449.30 FULL & FINAL SETTL " KELLY KOCH -32.73 TRAVEL REIMB. I KELLY KOCH 303919 -112.27 AMES KEVIN HURD 306371 -552.00 CHICAGO , I LAURA LAMB 14.99 RX. #638253 REIMBU LAWRENCE BROS. AUTOMOTIVE 304.92 BUSES : I , , LCI INTERNATIONAL 113.80 LONG DISTANCE CALLS I LEONORE KELLY -50.00 REPAY SC #37202 I' I I ~, LINDSEY SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, INC. 145.00 MICRO-COMP. SOFTWARE i (. LISA GOODMAN 303762 -165.00 AMES , I U'2 LUCCHI, MARY 36.32 REP & MAINT. TO BLDG MARION IRON CO. 275.84 MISC. SUPPLIES \,~ MCCABE EQUIPMENT, INC. 451. 99 GENERAL EQUIPMENT MEACHAM, CRAIG 86.00 TRAVEL ADVANCE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES 312.00 ACCT. #3268 MERCY HOSPITAL 1,575.80 PATIENT #441244231 Page 26 of 30 -' ,:C'~ '-- -> ~~ r ): " )'\'" " ....,., ;',.-'." .". . 111" ~ , ,,0" :." ,(,,'- " ~. . I I I I G> I I' I ' I I.l ~(J I~ :"'....'..r".'.. 15 f' uO: "'...0....'.,.:. . " ~'1' , \' , ., , " ~ t \ f .\ '~ ..... '-. ._,,,..:.t..,:... .... .~, , ~' . . " .. COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME ."--~ MICHAEL DOODY MICHAEL J. BRADY MICHELLE N. CROY MMS CONSULTANTS, INC. MODERN BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC. MORAN EQUIPMENT CORP NEW METHOD EQUIPMENT CO., INC. OCKENFELS, CATHY OVERNITE TRANSPORATION CO PARKS & REC PAYROLL RECAP PAYROLL RECAP J PECK, DEBBIE PLEASANT VALLEY NURSERY, INC. POWER BRAKE & EQUIPMENT CO PUMFREY, JAMES 'QUALITY CARE R J WINKELHAKE 306699 RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL CARPET REZAI ROSE ZADEH SENECA CORP. SHAY ELECTRIC SIMON-DUPLEX, INC. SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP. SONJA LEAHY SPRINT CELLULAR STATE OF IOWA STEINDLER ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC STEVEN JULIUS 303894 SUBURBAN NATL BK PAL SUSAN WALSH 305711 TEL CORRECTION THERMOGAS CO OF IOWA CITY TMC OF IOWA CITY LTD TOM HANSEN 302940 TOM HANSEN 306340 TOM WAGNER TRI STATE TURF & IRRIGATION U S WEST COMMUNICATION T-l U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS U. S. POST OFFICE - ACCT 44 U. S. POST OFFICE - METER UNIV HEIGHTS CITY CL USF&G INSURANCE VAN GUNDY, DEB VERMEER SALES & SERVICE, INC. VOSS PETROLEUM CO., INC. WAGNER PONTIAC-JEEP, INC. WALSH / SUSAN WENDY FRANTZ WILLIAM P. GILPIN WINKELHAKE, R. J. " i . ,,\ ' -', ( \ ~~_\ "I' \ , ' , I, I" i I I ! ~, . I' I, , I ~,';'" Pf ::i"f.~~ll: g~~/ F*.~l --" \ c-. \ 0 . ' ~------- :: ' AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 12.19 10.78 713.21 7,908.27 117.11 56.01 458.85 1,060.00 83.16 -1.10 77,768.18 -107.41 72.64 3,186.00 8.94 688.72 839.00 -502.75 150.00 -216.52 363.16 39.00 63.13 166.90 125.13 20.95 960.92 40.00 -748.95 -10.00 -325.00 3,967.76 45.72 1,595.23 -62.50 -631.11 263.86 234.19 58.59 9.56 12,000.00 10,000.00 -82.63 434.00 930.00 156.32 1,424.97 8.72 325.00 4.00 467.00 505.00 Page 27'Of 30 RX #6641878 REIMBU RX #6652084 REIMBU REIMBURSEMENT FOR ATTORNEY SERVICES PHOTOCOPYING SNOW REMOVAL EQUIP. GARBAGE TRUCKS TRAVEL ADVANCE BUSES FUEL TAX PAYROLL 08-JUL-94 MAY-JUN PAYROLL REP & MAINT. TO BLDG PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. GENERAL EQUIPMENT TRAVEL ADVANCE OTHER REPAIR & MAINT ST PAUL MN REP & MAINT. TO BLDG LABOR DIESEL FUEL REP OF ELECTRIC/PLBG FIRE APPARATUS TOOLS 1/2 TRANSCRIPT - M TELEPHONE RENTAL AUTO-PHYS DAMAGE-COL ACCT. #72520 FT COLLINS WIRE FEE AMES FROM 8211 TO 8845 FLUIDS GASES & OTHER REP & MAINT. TO BLDG TOM HANSEN OVERLAND PK KS REIMBURSEMENT OF R GENERAL EQUIPMENT LONG DISTANCE CALLS LONG DISTANCE CALLS POSTAGE POSTAGE GASOLINE AUTO-PHYS DAMAGE-COL REP & MAINT. TO BLDG GENERAL EQUIPMENT GREASE & OIL AUTO & LIGHT TRUCK TRAVEL FULL & FINAL SETTL FULL & FINAL SETTL TRAVEL ADVANCE I , r. t, t ~, [ r' ri i i'I,1 I , o ,).. I , , , ~CI~\ ..~\~, 10', )., J,'.. ~\t",~:i:',~{';:,-r~,':-~'>:' . ' .. :..::^;::~!", '''::,' . ".' .' ~ ' I.', ..' <~, ,!{ .. ." ______~~_._........................'...._~......._..~v______.. '. \ COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 I,; VENDOR NAME WP CHARGEBACKS FOR JUL XEROX CORP ZIMMER << FRANCESCON INC AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 27.90 JUL WP CHARGES 972.02 OFFICE EQUIP. REPAIR 3,430.00 PRIOR YEAR ENCUMB. ======---=== "" \ INTRAGOVNTAL SERV FUND TOTAL 578,117.47 SPEC ASSESSMENT FUND TOTAL -200.00 FUND: SPEC ASSESSMENT FUND GERARD ELEC 305571 -200.00 ADVERTISING ------------ ---------- -I , , t ~ \ \ ~ , , , ,i:, " ~ ~ . - I I , ~,,'. '1 ~, c' ~. ' ': . ,'. - \~O/~, ,,',', ~\, .."',,.,.........,....,.,., ,......"..~.,..._, ..'...'.--..'Ti-.,...',' :'1:,"",:;1, ~'.,..",',:i;,();i,i,L~,:;,,;:;i:~,;'r';'!;,:,',;I;),,'.'.,.,. "',' ","'..".'.,':', ,.' ',':,..~',~,.t'..',:!,:;,g;ir Page 28 of 30 \ , ,Eo , ';""', , ... - ~ ",'. .',".'.,.".~-'j'0"'" '. ._.'.........,.,',.,c."....,." ,',-, " I' .' 'P',' ,..",." ',' ' "..,", .. .. .. . "_-"':" '."-':,''''''',' , ' , '.' !; :<"(I'~ - _.~- - ,...---- ,\. . ,~, " ~~ r \ ~ T .1 , I I I ! I ~', Ii \S:~ "~ " 1~:~~'.' f,,1 ~M f.!, l,j .~C_o , ' ., ~ i ;' I . ., , ':t :,~ I" . ., . ". , ~. . . .. ,.0," __ _ __ ~... . COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME FUND: SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ADJUSTING JOURNAL ENTRY BACULIS HOMES INC BEA DAY PLUMBERS BERGMAN, TOM BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD BOWERS, PAUL BRIGGS INC BRIGGS, INC. CARLSON, MCCLURE, & MCWILLIAMS CIP FUNDING FOR JUL 94 COLE EXCAVATING INC CREATIVE IMPROVID~ENTS CROWN ELECTRIC DOLEZAL, HELEN EIFLER, DAVID AND ELDERLY SERVICES AGENCY FARMER, WILLIAM FND TRANS FOR POLICE & FIRE FND TRNS FOR POLICE & FIRE FORTIS BENEFITS FOX, KAREN HAGANMAN, CHRIS HAWKEYE WASTE SYSTEMS HERSHBERGER, CLYDE IOWA CITY PETTY CASH IOWA CITY PRESS-CITIZEN IOWA STATE BANK & TRUST IOWA STATE BANK - FICA IPERS JOURNAL ENTRY JOURNAL VOUCHER LAMMERS CONSTRUCTION SERVICE LAMMERS CONSTRUCTION SERVICE * LCI INTERNATIONAL MARY O. COLDREN HOME MCNABB, ESTHER MILKMAN PHONE MORGAN, VERA MULLER PLUMBING & HEATING MUNIC FIRE & POLICE NAGLE LUMBER CO. PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. PAYROLL RECAP PRYBIL ENTERPRISES REISETTER, PHIL AND KAREN ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION AND STEVE LONG TEGGATZ, LOREN -. 1 --. - - AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 244.78 JUN FAX CHARGES 376.29 LAND RENTAL 607.40 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 60.00 APPRAISAL SERVICES 445.70 DENTAL INSURANCE 99.00 OTHER PROF. SERVICES 120.00 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 8,484.00 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 2,800.00 APPRAISAL SERVICES 28,590.89 RUT 1,545.00 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 3,050.00 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 41.47 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 515.12 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING 1,580.00 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 906.92 CONSULTANT SERVICES 230.73 PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUGS 28,107.94 FIRE RETIRE FUNDNG 30,653.35 FIRE RETIRE FUNDNG 86.29 DISABILITY INSURANCE 240.00 CONSULTANT SERVICES 16,000.00 NON-CONTRACTED IMPR. 392.40 EQUIPMENT SERVICE 244.59 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 25.20 COPIES FOR LIB. 83.96 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 27.00 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING 1,176.97 FICA 760.73 IPERS 425.59 JUN DUPLICATING 4,701.91 JUL BCBS 1,773.50 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 4,585.00 BUILDING IMPROVID~ENT 31.24 LONG DISTANCE CALLS 1,859.64 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 438.30 HEALTH INSURANCE -.64 PERSONAL PHONE CALL 480.97 SURVIVORS BENEFITS 350.00 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT -2,512.14 AUG. FIRE PENS DENT 19.50 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 281.49 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 15,564.48 PAYROLL 08-JUL-94 75.00 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 515.87 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 556.82 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 1,846.31 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT -1.41 PHONE CALL 122.44 PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUGS Page 29 of 30 , l':\ \.:;1 I.! , , ::),,':':',':'''''' ," ,'.,0 ,.,:'.', 1::/' " '. '.. .' !.~"" ,. :,.) '::,' . ' ,1'" ~,~ ,."..",....""....' "r'....' , IS' I'" 0', ",1.(., ~,~~,);;::' ,: ' , , , , '1 . , .. I i I , ,; r ~ \ l&~ ! ' I ' i ~ I I ! I, 1 I r. ~ ~t; " ~~/,','" ti.ll'. ~I l'~ U " ""',t;:,';"; 'It', . " ~~I:J ~y. . ..' " . '~'.. :, ,.' "'. , . ':. ..\ . ,,'., . .., ," " ..'. ,'- .' :......~"--.__:.~"" _.""......,,,.\....:.,.::..,.,._'...,j.."',"~.....\,.:,,.';;ji,;~';;..:;.'!.Z:-:;j~.....;.,-:.../.,:,~\.~ :, ,:;'" . '-;',. ...... COUNCIL LISTING JULY 31, 1994 VENDOR NAME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 510.00 MYEP STIPENDS 15.17 LONG DISTANCE CALLS .84 LONG DISTANCE CALLS 1,568.34 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT -10.49 REIMB 4 , 549 . 78 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 15,681.60 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT' 620.02 JUt WP CHARGES 314.21 CONSULTANT SERVICES TRAN FRM BLOCK GRN TO MYEP EX U S WEST COMMUNICATION T-1 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS WAGEHOFT HOME & LAND CO AND WILSON 1521 BROADWAY WOLF CONST., INC. WOLF CONSTRUCTION INC WP CHARGEBACKS FOR JUt YUCUIS, BECKA ====--====== ," SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TOTAL 181,859.07 ============= GRAND TOTAL 8,919,846.40 Page 30 of 30 ~, ",,;.., "',!" ",,'<.,. '.:':",'....... ',.': :, ',: ,"" '.....'..-..<,.; . ,., - , , ,'" :,. ". '\ ',:", .,>:,.:;.: (, '. ..,.,',"Ji,:;;t'pr."..~,",~7;.".-"~'.:T..'.' ..":0",....,..,, ,'''', ',.,,",' ',' " .' :,..:."".". ",,,,,,,.," ,//",::\::,-::",::\:(~;.'-~,)::;":,,;...,;,:>.'~:,,:,,, , ,.,< '1.,'" 'C' 0' '--,i:.'/ '.':"'.'..':','" ' ,,, "', -,', I" I, " ,. ',; (D ~ 'j,,' _". <,,,,.1:; ,",i:,""', '~.I~;.~ JI ,: ' "','(' ',', 'I"'., ','" "','5""" 0, ',: '." ' '" ':(; ':;. ., ""' ,,' :. ; ""/" .'-~.i I,'"~":,,,, ,:-(: .'-'.-- ~i~{..~ l' ,..,-,1. '., , '-:, ",,-.- .... _ ~4__"_""'" \'-"~ . \ \ "- ) \) (j,', \ . ..J " ;......,~~ ..l,,\"':,, r'\ l .t-....{- ,\ . ' ~ AJ (-~ \. __ 0 " ,~i'Y- '" '<<~'.' " .~\\-!:/ " . " ,~ , ,', , ,", ,,',).' ' , ' ,~ . . , I ~. . ,."'","',,' """"',c"","""',.. ""..._,,--. 'I , :tOl' "i,:,:,,"",,::,\r'::"'-'T,r-5'i-"'fO':'i~\ .(.. I ,'~~ , " ','" ".,.. ~. .",., ,-,.,,. August 22, 1994 ,.. i I E' r,'. t~Q , :", ~ ~ Ii J~~"1 ';-1' ',:v 94 ~UG 24 PI~ \: 33 CITY CLEm, IOWA CITY. IOWA Mayor Susan Horowitz Iowa City Council Members 410 E. Washington Street Iowa City, IA 52240 Dear Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council, I would like to take this opportunity to fonnally request your consideration of a tax abatement plan for the near southside CB-5 zone, I am aware that in an earlier vote the Council came to no majority on the question of abatement without a parking impact fee. Let me state for the record that tax abatement is vital to our proposed hotel deyelopment project at Dubuque and Burlington Streets. Certainly the quality of the project, the timing of the project, and in fact the decision to deyelop the project at all hinges on the decision by Council to proceed with a tax abatement plan with a modest impact fee. We haye recently become aware that our proposed site (as well as a number of other sites in the proposed abatement zone) will require a major expenditure to insure proper cleanup of contamination due to fonner uses on this site and others in the area, It should be noted that cleanup is projected to be in the $150 - 250,000 range. The necessity for cleanup is certainly based on what is good for the general public and we in no way intend to ayoid this issue. But the economic reality is that deyeloping any project along Burlington Street is going to require an added major expense. In addition to the consideration of abatement in general, we would also request some consideration or discussion be deyoted to how and when impact fees will be paid. It seems logical to me that the payment of impact fees could be collected in installments, just as any other special assessment might be. We would also expect to haye some discussion with you relating to the fact that as a hotel we will already be paying a large fee to the City for parking allocation in the City ramp across from the project. It seems like a kind of double indemnity would be created unless some credit be giyen for parking expenditures either in the adjacent ramp or in the ramp to be built in the near southside area, We look forward to your response and further questions and discussion on this matter, We feel strongly that $16 million dollars in near tenn deyelopment rides on this question. My understanding is that the Hieronymi Square project has also indicated a willingness to accept a reasonable parking impact fee, The citizens of Iowa City will certainly benefit greatly from this kind of growth and Iowa City will continue to be viewed as the most progressiye of communities -- the great place to live and do business that we know it to be, Sincerely, /~ h. ;14..,/,-, Keyin Hanick for Hotel Partners/SOD S, Dubuque ":'l~ '.'. ': ~ ~ ).,.,"".........".,....," " . _>.-" . '::,'_,:""i, -:,:;,;<:.'i':':,':"',"<~""'~'\<'-,'-' ':' , ,0"", '\.. '" , , "I,.' .,1 ';',::;~> )!'":,,..;,:',,:,' " ,',1~'__ ;'. ,- " ",' - . ' i i r i , i I' I , : , ' I 1" "J.\ ~ ''':.-'~'. ."K ,:. '" ~', ,. .i~~<,,,,': !. ~./ 'to'" 'j: :". :':::':\r'~'~'r,i,' ' .. ~ , .. " " ;" ., , ;~. ','''' 1 ". .. '-~: r I , I . '. , , ' . " . , ,J_'; ~". ,_, ,:,~_,,:~~,',,';,~:~::;:::'_;;;.L ~...,~ '.'.:c~..o.L L:~.,~~,~,t~'.J'.~; :,::.I;..': ''.~L'~:u:2~~i;i;.,'.'' '..:..:.:.:.;~Ll;.L::".~J:,"-,~(;.iJ.';.';"'.'~.J::''<;~;'::'':';'d,,,,,.:.:-lf..:,~~.~L~~'~~_ :,.;j;.:..::;,.~:: \\o.\~~ 10, , 6 ,..-.:~ l" I, , ,j ..'.... . r'" \1 \~ ~ liTl II J . "': : , I I, I ill I r' I I ", I \ j "~(,.; ,~~ , ,', - " ',,; 'fr" 0 '1,. . ,"'"'""..co"..c,.,,, ''',''',','~"o,'','~._._.:......__._......, '. r , Flt,ED 9l! AUG 211 PI1~: 32 HIE RON 'i MUS PAR T N E R S CITY CLElm Suite Eight, 328 South clinton Street IOWA CITY, IOWA I 1 P. O. Box 288, Iowa city, Iowa 52244 August 24, 1994 To: The Mayor and Members of the city Council, Iowa city, IA Subject: Reconsideration of the Near Souths ide Commercial Urban Revitalization Plan It is our understanding that the developers of the Hotel project proposed to be built on the southeast corner of Burlington and Dubuque streets have requested the same ten year decreasing percentage tax exemption that we asked for last November in connection with the Hieronymus Square project. We do hereby respectfully ask again for tax abatement and further that you fully reconsider the issues of tax exemption and parking impact fees as quickly as possible. I We have not changed our view that a parking assessment is counterproductive and will likely result in less development, both in quantity and quality, in the CB-5 Zone. However, we are willing to pay a reasonable parking assessment or impact fee if that is what it takes to get Council approval for Hieronymus Square with tax abatement. Our plans remain the same as we outlined in our report to you in April. The building we have proposed for the site is the building that should be built. Contrary to any rumors you may have heard, \'le have not considered building a smaller building. It is far better to build nothing than to build a lesser building that would occupy the corner for the next fifty years and make no real contribution to the future strength and vitality of the downtown. I,!, Hieronymi Partners JI' ~ Wi.~ronYrnus "'.~QI1 , ,'.., ;.. - " ,..".-"''''4.'''' ..".'.."...,..,..'''.''.'..=' -'~..rl.'...,.-' '..,I' .' ..., "'i',', I '"...'".,",.''''',,,'..',,,,,,,,:.',,,,,,',';..'','' '[]'" ,-":'/'.',, ':_,':.,-, 't,:,;-""""":. \, ':",,' "",;' '5.:',",',>,\, ""''-' ,,~: ,'..,:,;,..',O.~;:,:I;.".I"'\,.'-\.., ' . ,t, . .t, J" ,. " ,,--,: :.-'" :!",: ;,', ,- " ,'.. " ," '. ;, ':"";' ',:;,,/:,',.,,':r,<:":_. , ," , .' ",."-".,",,. ~~)!, ,\~ , '" ::.--.~;! . , .. , ,''f L\ (I\l ?~ 'I U E:' ! I 17'" 10' f' s t~" !i~:. t~ '.J FROM: The City Council of Iowa city John Rununelhart 91, AUG 23 PH I,: II CITY eLERH IOWA CITY, IOW,\ I I TO: " RE: Using money from city's water charges only for water treatment facility DATE: August 23, 1994 "1 . j i , , . I r " [ I would like the councilors of the Iowa city council to place the following proposed ordinance on its agenda for the next regularly scheduled city council meeting: 'j' To be adopted as part of Chapter 33 of the Iowa city Code, Article V, Division 4: -! i I The proceeds of charges collected from users of Iowa City's water service shall be used only for said water service, limited to what is essen- tial for the operation, maintenance, replacement, expansion, and debt service of the city's water treatment facility. Any other usage of such pro- ceeds shall be in violation of this ordinance. " 'I i I i 'j " I I Requested and filed this 23rd day of August, 1994. i , , 1 ..r: /,'" I} r~ \ ,.-' ~~' ,.....r , : STATE OF IOWA ) ) ss: ) JOHNSON COUNTY I r. I I I I I'" ~ ",P j On this 23rd day of August, 1994, before me the under- signed, a Notary Public inJand for the state, personally appeared John Rununelhart,/tO'me known to be the identical person named in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his voluntary act and deed. NotSy ~~ i-j~~nd for the State of Iowa M:65B1992.mem E, L VNN HUSS Ilf COMMISSION EXPIRES JANUARY 14,1997 .','" ~O/V " ',I ,,' '. ' .,:.. "-~' .-' ..,c. ,,~'~,.I'. l[l.......,.."'.)'t...~'"..t:...;.r--'~,...,~'~~...I"',.~'~..11'f;~)wt~rr.',.,'I"';"l"Io'~"Tf~~S:I"\'i~.'1"'" 'I '." r.. ,,' " ),'",0.:;',\:) ,.~\;j'<t'c"\' ",., " >' '" 'C,j'S"i,!,. ..('1:\ , ,_ .' ''','' '. '~'1~' . \'....,.'..,...,'''<..~-l:':' ~,_ "..., , " I{;, .,', 'I, . .U....\ ..'~' . , .';.': .~ ' '."-' \,1 '..: '.'-' .'~.'. ".' "", , . . :,;." -, ,"; ". :.~, ',::,> '.-.,.\. _;:.....'... '.'\' 'f[ .:r,. ". o , " ." , ,. ,di3 ^ f I) " ~\ Q\ J) , .' '..-' .(; - ,( (-''\ \ \ ,~ r-~....-, I, " , I I 11 : k. ~ , , !: ~t ;. '1' \" ' ;',.1. ir'ft~ f,'i1 ifl.. -- 'r~~ '\ ~o, " -."?5 " 10; ..r"",,','-,' ~ I " I " '''~l :,\'1 ' .' , ',' " ~ ",' .-...., . RECEIVED AUG 17 1994 August 15, 1994 Susan Horowitz \D City of Iowa City Civic Center 0 J::" :b 410 E, Washington Street <CJ c::: "'01 ).~::j G") Iowa City, Iowa 52240 ~-< - C'I"..l':Q -.,J ~~ -t(} J Re: Parking :<r \) r,.L"~~l _rrJ - J:: .... 0::0 N :"'] :;;::A .. '...~ Dear Susan: )> en 0'1 I am writing to you as a private citizen and not on behalf of Hills Bank and Trust Company, Howeyer, some of my comments may inyolve my impressions which I have gathered because I happen to work in the downtown area at Hills Bank and Trust Company, The primary purpose of this letter is to express concern regarding the decision to begin enforcing parking meters at 8 a.m. Monday through Saturday, I am opposed, I am opposed for seyeral reasons, First, often times we would haye customers who would come downtown and meet with us prior to 9 a.m. and we told them that there was free parking. We belieye this will hurt our business in the downtown area since now our customers will need to "feed the meter" and our customers will have the possibility of receiying a $3,00 parking ticket. Second, many of our employees enjoy coming to the downtown area for meetings and we would often times meet at 7:30 a.m, until about 9 a.m, Howeyer, with the parking meters enforced at 8 a.m. I am assuming these meetings will decrease. In both of these situations, I think this will be a loss to the downtown business community. First, many of our people would stop at places like Bruegger's Bagel Bakery, Barbara's Bake Shop or Candy, Malts and News to buy a bagel, donut, or obtain a cup of coffee. Second, and of equal importance, many of these people would do some "window shopping" since they are in the downtown area and had some free time to look around. I would recommend that the decision to enforce the parking meters at 8 a,m. be rescinded, My concern is that the downtown business area needs to encourage people to come to downtown Iowa City as often as possible, , . -~" - ).'...,'..," 1_ "."~..,.,.i..,,. 'i-" a.;,.' ,;?", ' " : ' :":',"- ~' . ~;~ l!i, o I : .j '.:::":~';V:'-,., S'Ill1lI!Ii"", ..'('..... . ",-,',' '.. . :>'..;.::~'\ " '.:' " , ~'.'. , I i'. , :" ""'~ . ' ".. , ' ' , '. . ,';.-, , ! ~ -:; . 'i' ' : "(~~2~.2~~:~;~::~:_:...i~:;sL:~:~j.:::l;~:~':;~2'~~:~"-;';2.;~,:t':::SXj~~J~~'~~~~~~:~26;~i' :,::~'::i~C.t~1~~.L!~~,~~'i~~:~~'~';i~;;~'.:):~.:~2'::;{~L"~'~'J.i-..,.:;L;.;,;.;..~~.~~;:.,;.:.c':::~'~:":':;.'\:;~:;;~~,,~--:':':";~ll,;;;.:.l':~'~:.i'~'fr~'-~"~,',;~ ~," ,',' , '1' . '.~ "t~ ',: .',; '{ I I haye a general concern that the downtown business area may be less attractive to the traditional retail shopper than it was 15 or 20 years ago, I belieye that a strong downtown retail area is important to a community, My concern is that the downtown area needs all the help it can get. The decision to enforce the parking meters at 8 a,m, on Monday through Saturday I think will discourage businesses like ours from haying morning meetings, .';. If you have any questions, please call me, Sincerely, ~ Thomas J, Cilek , ';" I ,'I l \ , ~' ,.... .. I I , I lO &" 0 ;t>o :::;n c: '"U'i P::j en ....... n--<: ...J i"" -in ;-(r 'Fi! -0 ~, _rr1 :ll: ,jij\l 0::0 :;:;.:r~ N ' , wt;;A ':4.1')' .. ~ UI 0"1 , I I i I II \ ~ ~~ 11] .!' ',f(-' " ' :,Lcu~ un" 1 , , .--i;~ ::' " '!, ;':,.'-,'",'::::i;:. , ,,,,,' ~:,.:"".' ;\' ~,::.:J'~,>:, l"=v,..n..'.'...,....,..'_"~_'n..'n'T...'" "', ,\, Q:,::xT,' '\W':'\',.':.,""";,,""... """"""il':I":'i":"i)~5/<';', ft';: . ,.'... ,...~ ..1,,,..1.,_....,,, ."'" " "'" rl. ',,' ..LJ,/'., . .,;1:;' '., :, ':: ,"! ":, I !,: ',."' :',," .-: ;' '; , .', . ! " , ".- ,.', " :; ;:.." .,.~.,;.. .... "',, .' I': \ /. ~ ao I' , '-:.., ':! ", .-..,....,'..,.... '.. ',1 "'-, ;.,..'.,'.....,--' " :',,;':'>: , !.."".' ... '. ~ ,', .': '",' r. '. ~"t" . '.I: ,.... ,'/';.. .".",; .\.,' , '-,.1 ,"~I '" . .:.~~ ~\'I.;t -, . . 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August 12, 1994 (t" r' F\L~:,~) 9l\ ~UG 15 P~\ 3149 CITY CLERt\ IO\t~A C\1'{, \OW.b. 21 Denbigh Drive Iowa City, Iowa 52246 Mayor Susan Horowitz City Council Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mayor Horowitz: I live in southwest Iowa City and I am very dissapointed that the Iowa City Council appears to be against the Camp Cardinal road extension to Melrose, Tills is probably one ofthe most needed roads in the area, I would like to list some of the reasons I believe it is necessary: 1. Mormon Trek Road is the only feeder into Coralville (or only feeder into West Iowa City from Coralville) and is overly congested during rush hours and University athletic events, 2. Iowa City School District buses are forced to have students spend an extra 10-15 minutes riding school buses just between West High and Northwest Junior High because of the congested Mormon Trek traffic, (State law limits time that students can ride buses to & from school) 3, This route would add a safer route for West High School students should they walk home from school to Coralville, 4, Presently Northwest Junior High uses many of the West High School Facilities, this would allow a quicker and safer route, For instance, Southeast Junior High runs to City High for track practice while Northwest Junior High runners don't have a safe route to run to West HS, 5, Increased safety that new route would provide: a, Emergency vehicle access during congested period on Monnon Trek, b, Reduce congestion at Highway 6 intersection & Mormon Trek, c, Alternate route during construction and flooding, 6, While you list your concern was increased traffic on Melrose, I actually feel it will relieve congestion at the busy and dangerous Monnon Trek-Melrose intersection, 7. The housing areas being developed west of West High School need an arterial street going north to decrease congestion on Melrose, 8, As an Iowa City taxpayer, I believe we should have better cooperation between Iowa City and Coralville, I can't believe that Iowa City would vote on an issue that would cause Coralville to lose federal funding, Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, ()d-awW- Bob Luebke - 1......-......""" ,:,~,:"::g(:,':;: 'ji?',;r;,i':\ , 'C~~ ' .""..~~ " " ,'~ " OJ, ': " ::,' .> ~. "'\.,;.,.' : .f' I.' " .:; -" , ,', ,'-'. ''\;.'. .'.,: . " ': \~~ \jSJ RECEIVED AUG 9 - 1994 Phone 319.354.9542 RICHORD R. JONES 2801 Highway 6 East #370 BonAire Iowa City, Iowa 52240 'I' 5 AUGUST 1994 City Council Iowa City Civic Center 400 E Washington St. Iowa City, Iowa 52240 HONORABLE MA VOR AND CITY COUNCI L: ;j t .., r: , I \ .1 I recently had the fork seals on my motorcycle replaced at a cost of about $100, Now, after crossing the railroad crossing on Highway 6 Bypass, daily for about two weeks they are again in need of repair, This crossing is in deplorable condition, and has been for well over a year. It causes a dangerous situation as well, with traffic slowing almost to a halt to cross the tracl<s, and swerving to try to find a spot that is not quite so rough, I do hope that you can do something to improve this situation. .;',';" , . . . "'" v.::'l r I ! I , I I Ik It' ~ >:t \:'.l~'; ".. . - .," " ,.'.". ",."".. -';:".','-: ;" ~O~I",.;: ;'. ,,>.~", ',' . ",". . '., ,:" ',': ".~ """'J' """ :', ,.~i~~,~i:?r,_::r!::?n.::~\':...~'~'?J~:"::!l~\~!:~,:.:!'~":,'?-:r:~:.'!"!f":' :':B"O<i,:" jr~, , ' ", ,'" ", 0,....1", 'i';"..,.,', ',' , , /} 5 '\','...' ' , "', ," ',\. ::,;~~\~,://<>:",">:lj>. <<I::~';i' ,.!;i~~;>\::"~!.;l:i;','~\<..~':_:~-:',' ,:;....,,; , :". , ,:..,Jf~ . -,./,' '~':-:"~:..L,,,,,; .,,;~}, Richard A, Jones f f" ~; '~ f. :J ( , ' '., " :)", "-"'-'-' . o , ,.; .. ---- _._~--- ." " "\r", . .- '~: \,~ l:~ . ."" ""I ",~...,," '.. ,--"','; "/\. ~" , ., ,., i"j': .'; .~. " I ,,: , , , , , , ", '. , , ,'I, ~' r" .... . . '. .. -.:~ t... _._ '...~" _.,,' ::: ,_:.'~';~.. ,:.. :.: '_I.""~"""~,,,,,::,--"~:~_'.~':""..: _.. _.....;...~.--... .... .._~.~....._ ____.....~.........~.......,J."".,...'~..;~...._.. . ....-....:...---..--- I , " i I ~&... CITY OF IOWA CITY August 15, 1994 '.'1 Richard A. Jones .... 2801 Highway 6 Eas't#370 - Bon Aire Iowa City, IA 52240 Dear Mr. Jones: I've taken the liberty of responding to your recent correspondence directed to the Iowa City City Council concerning the Crandic Railroad crossing on the Highway 6 Bypass, We have spoken with representatiyes of the Iowa DOT, They haye been urging the railroad to make temporary repairs. The railroad's primary concern appears to be that the highway would need to be closed for at least two days to do even temporary work, A permanent replacement would necessitate closing Highway 6 for up to two weeks. Their problem is what to do with the traffic. It is likely the traffic would be temporarily routed to Kirkwood, a situation I suspect the neighborhood will not receiye with much enthusiasm, With this crossing out of order, the railroad would also need to route their trains up to the Amanas in order to connect with Iowa Interstate Railroad, , :1 '''-:- i', [!i~ \ ~ ,'..,-, A major sewer line extension across Highway 6 is planned; we have encouraged them at the very least to plan repairs when the sewer line crossing occurs, In other words, if we need to close the highway for any period of time, let's do all possible repair work. I am sorry I cannot giye you a quicker resolution to your concerns, We haye received similar complaints and we will continue to encourage the railroad to undertake whateyer efforts they can reasonably accommodate.' '! I Sincerely, ~ , I If:; II , ~ ~,l',I:,', >~~ ,.1, -~ Stephen J, Atkins City Manager cc: City Council bNono.,,,_ 410 EAST WASIIINOTON STREET' IOWA CITY, IOWA l2340.1126. (2191 256.l000' FAX (219) 256.l009 ~o~, (_ _ a "',, ,0 ", ,',""., , ., . . ." ..:~ ,. ___.__m.___~. IU ~'>_W-" , ,~j:T~:.~''''':':,<'' ',',' . :, ". \: ~'. :.' .':\ "r',_'- , ' ,0", ',,".' .".. 1,""""',.,, ;"..:.1-'.':'" . ~ -:;l"""';'~:;";'~.~"~~"'.':.:"'" ""'r~:,~"::I~'" ' , ' , ,'jt.:\ " , . ,4; oj,. -1'0";", . ." .', '.- ~, .' -~!:".,',,;:'; '.', rmi!lr,j ',. ,.... ^ .': ~/'Y I, '. '.~t~,\'l ',','t, .. .' ., , ,~, , "" ," ",'.;'; ~ '.~~ .,', ~. . ,.., ", .,' -, .. "..., _'... . . . ...'H. .,_ '...... .'_"~ "4"~~':~'~_ __ _ , ~;'\ (j~. . , \(\' ,J , : I 'J, .. , "\. ) ,. . ..' .,. ....._.._.4 .~ (-' \ \t, ~I """','i'''',"" ~,;"~'i\::,' ; I' I ., l ' I ! ~l _........~ (""'- , 0 ' . ' " : --.------- ~.' .._~..__.___....._~....,"'"..,.,"_.,....,_.".lo_..."..........."....."~.,."....... ''-.'' ~,_. -. . "'''_'''''_'^_'''''_"_ _'._ ....4...._. __.,._. "" f" ~~ \ t. f{;, t,~ August 9, 1994 94 ~UG \ \ Pt\ \: 34 Dear City Council Members, Y ClER\\ ell CITY. IOWI~ On August 1, 1994 at the Council's work session you\qw~ussed a Memorandum concerning Traffic Contol Alternatives from the City Manager, Seyeral members of our neighborhood association (Penny Bryn) were present and would like to address issues raised by your discussion as they affect Willow Creek Park, speeding on Teg Driye, and our request that the City lower the speed limit, install stop signs or consider other self- enforcing traffic calming devices. The discussion on August 1 had a consistent underlying theme: the potential for liability when traffic policies are not uniform in design and implementation. This theme was then merged into your general concern about excessiye rates of speed throughout the city, including that documented for Teg Driye. The tone was that of 'quick fixes' responding to specific requests yersus larger 'solutions' for endemic problems. " We haye several suggestions and concems arising from your discussion which we ask that you consider in your deliberations. First are those arising from the question of the uniform application of traffic policies and liability. The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Deyices{MUTCD) incorporates general standards designed to ensure consistency and predictabilty in regulating traffic and does not proyide for exceptions or accommodation to specific situations, The argument then becomes one of limiting and justifying exceptions particularly when the question of liability is raised, Rigid adherence to MUTCD accords priority in all instances to yehicular concerns and does not permit reasonable adaptation to local conditions. In the Council's discussion the Teg/WilIow Creek issue was cast as one of the exception swallowing the rule. We would argue, however, that the issue is a general one and arises from a failure to address and deyelop policies controlling the relationship of collector streets to parks and to residential neighborhoods as a matter of planning and zoning. From such a perspectiye for reasons of safety and pedestrian access, collector streets should not border parks in residential neighborhoods, When, for whatever reason, collector streets bordering parks are established in such neighborhoods, measures to control speed, including exceptions to the MUTCD, are warranted. There are reasonable and limited exceptions to MUTCD which will withstand scrutiny by the courts under the applicable rational basis standard and such an exception does not swallow the rule. ~ ., ~- '.- ' ~~ ~o~~ : ).."-...',..,'.....'.."'............................'l"."'...-....." ' ..' ,,0',,:' ''''\''''.'''':' ~..:, 0',:: ",'," "',',,,' ' " ",I;:,) ,', \, '. ,. , ' . . '" . ,'." ~. ,: I'. ,." I - 1 ~-:.;~:':." . i~4\'-.~'~ ". . ',:.':, .... ," , .'.. . ~' ',1 .;,'. "',' ....~.;.._.~;~~~~:.:l'.-.:;a~.~"~:;........",~...;;;::;,.;..,""~.;...~~~............,......._.......'__'______.__.___ '__ _4 .. Finally, we are concerned that the Council is succumbing to the traditional political tactic of merging a limited, managable local problem into a general category of related yet unsolvable issues - a recipe for inaction, While the issue of traffic control and speeding is acute in Iowa City, it is also endemic, not readily susceptible to the range of policy tools ayailable to the Council within the limits of available resources. We would ask that general concems not drive out specific and documented needs. ", ". Sincerely, We again request that the Council act to preserye the safety of park users by adopting one of several options for limiting speed: lowering the posted speed limit for Teg Driye; placing a stop sign at the intersection of Teg and Hafor Drives; or other self enforcing traffic calming devices. The Penny Bryn Neighborhood Association Sally Crowe, Chair Jalli ~ 1126 Teg Drive .-. ~ 'J... Lelia Helms 1945 Graslon Drive ~ (k-t~ '(1), cc: all City Council members City Staff - S. Atkins, L. Gentry, 1. Davidson, 1. Brachtel, M. Klingaman Lisa Swegle - Iowa City Press Citizen :~ 1 , C \ ,q 0 i. I ::En :t>~ n-< -in ;<r _1"'11 0;;0 -~ ~'" :P I I l ~ ".1 I' ~. :~ l ,~~ F r/,: '\ "j ,i ,( v:J J;'" > ~ /,,,," - """" ~..,." ~. , ; t '"0' FU';.n 3:,' ~ i e - 0 .. ",," , w J;:" ',d' ~o).. ~ ",1\ ,;([.,.",'.,0"'- '" ' ,', . ~.' , .~ --.- "'''',1, , ",~T".>_','.S~' " ;',:.' --~ " ;':' ,.,.".... ~"., ..- i I',~)~'_ t'. '"j >. ;'(',;,o...:i-J.' ....' ",~'4i:'i'T:',~'''r.'~~'''\'''';'':'~'''~r:''''''''''J)''.'i;...' a .'n,\;~':" .'--' I ..".,',' ",,,', , ," , , '" 5 'L;.k _ . ..,..," },~,/::,,,,,::.:,.d,,-;.'.:,':..,.:,...,.;' ,." ":. ,.,1:._,:,-""',,, '::.':'-";;".~"t::,~~,}.(r),::.'y)" .... ",,",,' ,,'.'-"j.' 't..,.:. '\',' Z!!illll!1I""" ' ...~>.'" ":, " n" Y .,'. " ' . ,:', . .'1" "\., , '.: . j"'" , ".' !: ," . , , , "', ..., ~.,:' .. , ,. ' .' . ' ~:, ,,:'. '. ,- ..';J).t;.',c,_~',~:;.';.' :~'~''-:.'''~;';: ~: :,. ",.., ..' " :~":;:;'~":1 ~.::":::",:~i",,,,:,:~~'~:: r~~~5U'~':::.L :;"~:;L.::i':U~i~~';!:"'"".~.";"3:;':i';~~~"Il';'4:"~;:;~'J;C'1";"'';;;'':';.~;'~'~';';'~l~;&C~:;''':'~''"'':J.''::'''''',,"'\''_-''''''-''''m'_'_A'_~'':''''''''''''''_ ._,--.~.,~.:,~~-- ~,.~:', . , , \) ~ \ , , \\ '< \d\~ v..) " August 11, 1994. Dear City Council Members: RE: Proposal to consider a specific Traffic Calming technique on Teg Drive/Willow Creek Park 0! ". In the August 9 Penny Bryn Neighborhood Association letter to the Council, we asked you to continue to consider the speeding problem along Willow Creek Park by lowering the speed limit. Installing stop signs, and investigating traffic calming techniques, It appears the city staff has recommended the Council consider only one of these suggestions: a stop sign, However, the City Manager stated In his July 27 memo to the Council that he would "like to point out that such a new policy and the standards to follow may not provide any resolution to Teg Drive concerns In that It is a collector street and designed to carry greater traffic yolumes," He went on to say that "not every neighborhood complaint of traffic can be satisfied to the individual Interests," We are disappointed, considering the Council had asked the City Manager to bring recommended solutions, Including traffic calming techniques, to the August 1 work session; that the Council has had an opportunity to review the traffic calming document that offered many techniques that could be applied; and that the Penny Bryn Neighborhood Association ylews traffic calming techniques as positive, We were also disappointed because we were under the Impression that the Council showed Interest In addressing the speeding problem on Teg Drive and reinstating safer access to Willow Creek Park, We would like to further note that the memo from the City Manager appears to cast the Issue as one of traffic volume only, While we are certainly concerned with any further Increases In traffic volume we wish to emphasize that our primary concern at this point Is with traffic speed, a concern that has already been amply documented by both city traffic stUdy data as well as neighbors who have taken It upon themselyes to contact you directly, We recognize It Is difficult for the Council to approve a solution when specific techniques have not been presented for their review, We have since Identified a ( specific traffic calming technique we would like the Council to consider for approval. Since our August 9 communication to the Council, we have received the attached article that describes a traffic calming technique that will be tried In Eugene, Oregon, The technique they will try has been highly successful at reducing speeding on streets In Portland, Oregon, The Penny Bryn Neighborhood Association feels It would be an excellent technique for slowing traffic on Teg Drive along Willow Creek Park, As the article states, speed has been reduced, the technique Is affordable, and neighborhood residents have been pleased, :; '\' . , Q , ; ,I Respectfully submitted, to 0 .r:- ;!:b :1E (j c:: CUi )>::j en " ~-< - '0;= N .,..... -ic:J ! :<r '"0 m _rrl :!: 0::0 '7tlU.11 .::- i'. I ~=" .. "'r.;J;O )> 0 0 I I I ~ The Penny Bryn Neighborhood Association Sallly Crowe, Chair ,t? n..Q.Q., ~ 1126 Teg Drive .-q '-- ~ \ ~r{!t~ Lucy Cholsser 1232 Teg Drive , :~~. w. I, L . I"" (", -,~ 'i' 0 '., ~- v-~ -~ aJ),.;t J .."~"~-,'.'w-_.,..,..,..,..""..I~-~~.."-..I..' ,', ,:', ~:,.' .' i,.:. 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CITY CLERI\ IOWA CITY, IOWA There's nothing like a brush with death to invigorate the senses and reawaken the spirit. When you fortuitously ayert becoming a hood ornament on a car racing down the same street on several consequent occasions however, your newfound appreciation of life is quickly supplanted by anger, Such has been my experience in the past two weeks in what has become a perilous attempt to cross Teg Driye to power-walk through Willow Creek Park. Silly me, I harbored this asinine notion that any roadway bordering a park would haye a reduced speed limit (15 mph to be precise) to ensure the safety of park users. It appears that I am not the only one clinging to such far-fetched beliefs. For the past fiye months the concerned neighborhood encompassing Teg Driye, known as the Penny Bryn Neighborhood Association has embarked upon a campaign to inyestigate various possibilities to curb a growing problem with speeding cars along Willow Creek Park. The Penny Bryn association has become ensnared in red tape. Apparently measures to deter Andretti wanna be's, from racing by the park have been meant with resistance by the City Council. It seems to be an issue of semantics. The City is reluctant to reduce the speed limit, put speed bumps, or stop signs along Teg Driye because according to the trusty Manual of Traffic Control Devices, the city could be held liable for putting much needed deyices on a street not "in" a park. Yet if one parks their car along Teg Driye the minute they step out of their car they are standing in the park. The issue of whether or not Teg Drive is actually in the park notwithstanding, one might ask shouldn't Teg Driye be giyen special consideration by sheer fact that it hugs the park? While this informatiye manual, instructs that although exceptions can be made, curiously enough the City asserts that Teg Driye does not qualify. After all it is just another neighborhood with "complaints/concerns expressed by other neighborhoods" and if the city were to respond to the needs of Teg Driye, this could serve as an open invitation to aid every neighborhood in Iowa City voicing concern. I had no idea that a street bordering a park was just like any other neighborhood, Of course that liability issue continues to linger as well, The City posits that "our concern for liability must... outweigh all quick fixes that are proposed." Seems like a reasonable assessment. Yet a lucid reading would unyeil that the city seems concerned that if they were to put any type of - . "l...'........, " 0, '", .' ., ." ::". ",' :::.,..' ,:.) :'~. ~' . ... ,I.j ~ ~\)~~ ,.,';"j,. '1":"'" "J c.. 14. '.) '10': " d__...,': " . ~) " " i i '. i I I .~. " , J . " I " , I , " i I i , , ,....~ ".. li F\ '~ ~ (: I ~ i I ! , I I . I I I ' I '. I \ ' ~ ',,';'{'j , J ~."" ':,;:.;> '~l . : . ,. :, ;, '.,; "\'\' . ~o~, '",,',.';,,' '.,',: '",':: -"'~"""""~"r"""''''' ,.",' 'I":o':<"'\!". " ,.,' , .,' · ,"/J .5'"., .', ,,\ . 'I,' .~,_ ,', ",.',.' .... . I' ,',,,'~ ';"'~"'''Il'''',l':) '.". "," ';'" ":,:. .'. '.'" ':,':":;:-':':...:."~',.'~,.::, .__.~~_.:... _ '---'''_'' ., ."""".."'....,............~_;A--.._'"'.... ~._, . _,..:;-~~,~,:.:..:..:.~..;"'.;..,..:..."".;.;....w.......:...~~:~-..~.~~:~~.:._~._~..._._.;.._..--:..-._____.._ _ __......___. ; traffic devices in an area not within the stipulations of state code regulations (already a debatable point) the city would be held liable if someone were tragically killed and the family opted to sue the city, That as it stands now there is a greater risk of fatalities without the devices is ostensibly of no consequence. But then again the human element is so often eclipsed in a yain pursuit to interpret "the law." And this is just another debate between a neighborhood and the city. A neighborhood, on the periphery of a city park. A neighborhood attempting to ensure the safety of park users for the entire city. If the image of a young power walker facing a speeding automobile does nothing to precipitate an intelligent solution to this matter how about a pint sized soccer player in host pursuit of a soccer ball gone astray, blindly dashing across Teg Driye? Natasha Ghoneim Temporary Addr s: 1104 Wylde Gr en Iowa City, Iowa 522 (319) 351-5045 C) .a: ~. .. ~:;~ b~' N OCO -", ! a 0 ::!: w- 0_ ...J": ....".. UI- ."j co >-u """" t::<e ~J,.. UJ :::l c.J:B: <<1: 0 .::r 0'\ .. (Co " , :.-~-_-...:.-...... " "'.'" ,....". ." \ "i~:y-- " , ',,' .,.'.'.,';.i:,';..?\,:.:;{;~l~((:;j"'..,;;.,':\':;"....., , , ,,' ,;',....' ,'. .. ';':"", ",",,:';';' . \ ,I , I I , I I '1'.' ". ., _...._.~:.....,,'A_____,~y.'. . '.,'1'" , "I. _:,:,;,~:.','" '"ii' '1\" ~,.. "I-:.i:\:~",;: ; ~~: :I:: ,~ " , . ~~'. " , ' , , , -' ~ ,,?"!::t;'\I~ ' ~~. . , " " ~'i';'! :', , , '. "-: !! . ....': ',,, .(. " : . ,~." ~~~'''' "''"'C"<~ .,_Li.,\"~=-;~.'..c-__.,_.L.__....-~;...,"..~ , ," . fI'~ '~ 1.0 - .t:' City Council 0 ;po "1' ~n r,:: ;P:::; G1 ;"1 City of Iowa City ""'" C"?-< - r:-:r...D Ciyic Center l.O 1 - " ' . .. -IC"? m ;.', Iowa City, IA 52240 -<I -0 "fT1 :;:: ...~- 0;1') W (~J August 18, 1994 ..e"'~ ., "I: - :P co Dear Council Members: i ! " I reside at 621 Diana Court and my property adjoins 1214 Highland Court. In June of this year, 1214 Highland Court (fonnerly Jack & Jill Daycare Center) was purchased by Adyanced Auto Service, Inc. and a site plan was submitted for the construction of an auto repair shop. When I learned that the property had been sold I visited the office of the Building Inspector and asked to reyiew the site plans, The staff who assisted me were very cordial and helpful, and they assured me that there would be stringent zoning and building code requirements that would have to be met because this was a commercial property adjoining a residential property. They recommended that I address any special concerns in a letter to Terry Goerdt. I am attaching a copy of that letter. ,';. , I, When my subdiyision was developed in the middle 1950's, an embankment was engineered between the residential properties on Diana Street, Diana Court, and Keokuk Court and the commercial properties on lower ground on Highland Court. The embankment is entirely contained within the boundaries of the commercial properties and because of the terrain has become oyer the years a greensward separating the two zones. The embankment served to prevent erosion of the higher ground, and also created a drainage swail for stonn water runoff from Diana Street and Diana Court, with this water entering the swail through the west end of Diana Court, in front of my home, Tins water flows south behind 1214 Highland Court and through the parking lot of 1218 Highland Court and on to Highland Court itself, During heavy rains there is substantial flow in this area, and during last year's flooding, there was standing water in the area behind 1214 Highland Court most of the summer. .~, " " ~ 0', \ \ ~ r! ~ Shortly after construction began on the project, the owner, Daye Power, and his brother, Dan Power (who is serving as general contractor), approached me and introduced themselyes and told me that they would be excayating the embankment to create a leyel parking area for cars waiting to be serviced, and would be putting in a concrete retaining wall and eyentually a solid fence at the lot line, This satisfied my concerns and I spent the next month watching the work progress, I was very satisfied with the shop building, which blends well with the sky and the land. I I I I i I " I' I I ~,\J, \"~I ~I'i,'.','..'~',,':,".I, 1:': W t., ..,.'; -- .,1 /,-, ,"( 0 ''','' .',','" . "..' '. '.. ,.,'",.'" .. ~ ,',.z".',-., .,",'."" ',-", .',:"r;",.,,'!;f.1 ~.' '._.' _v.d: ',' 'J-".~"''''''''''''''''"~''':'''''.''''~''r-'''''''''~'''~'''I~, '.....' , "I "," _~" """'<"1'.' "'( "..,"",..,""",..'",'""",i"'i,J""','.,' '[}' ';" '.':":':'.",::'i',:' "'..;.).~::.\< (f:'J"::;:6~',',~' '''r;i;~;.''''~;:'\"":,',:,,,>:,':,'. ,,"', "" ' ,'. ,:' ',' '. <t,,:, :,':';~'i"rJ(':::':'~~i\'}: :,"';'.' :J~" , "'1.-"".",.".-/...,\1/,:",. r\i,t,,,;,'."'_,,J",',",,,_ ,", -,,'.c..'~'\"':" '/" , .< ' ." .....;.;.-..~' .rj"'!I~" ': :':"{':',-,,;.", ':, ',;-,"...., ,', ,-,",' . ",', " '.' ";.,,,'.' ,," ..,..:<.:";.-,.....i:;!"I")~.;,~.!. ~o~~ '.f ..:. " ~'. ,\", I".'j '., " ,','..:, .\.'. ,.1.,\\, , . ;~, :...." . .' , ';..". , '. '~"" ~' , " . . , ',' , , o. .,' "" :.,.,.... .", ., .', ,.', .. . ..C_.: ~.:~ '... '..... _."..'.:,u. ',:,,::...i.~', -: ..,.:..:.4 ,..~,.,,_, ~ ,____" _....:.:..;.;C-"...,,~......... ...\..... .,~"-:., '::'J"~"",,':'....'..:.. .C.:.... ,_'-'C"........ ._...:........__ ___,~_....~~ _.~,... , ' .' .', ~"""""~'".,..,L,,..<-'.'u""-'-"k'. ..-."",.,.",,,,,:,,~ A~_..,..~~,,_ . , ,~ On Monday, August 15, machinery was brought in to excavate the hillside, and the soil removed was primlUily sand and sandy loam. The area excayated measured approximately 95 feet by 15 feet and on the high side was approximately 32 inches deep along the entire 95 foot length. The cut is 5 feet from the lot line at the northern end and 1 foot from the lot line at the sonthern end. On Tuesday eyening, August 16, a load of salyaged railroad ties was delivered and constmction began and continued past dark on the retaining wall, The wall was completed by Wednesday, August 17. I was concerned that salyaged ties were being used instead of concrete. I reyiewed the Building Code and found yery little infonnation relating to retaining walls so I went to the Office of the Building Inspector again and asked if there was an excayation pennit issued for the project. I was yery surprised to fmd out that the code required neither an excavation pennit nor a building pennit for the retaining wall. I am concerned that the fact that this excavation was occurring on the boundary between residential and commercial property did not send up a flag in Building Inspection and bring it up for special consideration regardless of code specifications or lack of them. , "I My initial contacts with local landscaping contractors has indicated that the salyaged ties are the cheapest and least pennanent material for a retaining wall, with an expected life of 7 to 10 years depending upon original condition, installation and drainage proyisions, Without code specifications and subsequent oyersight from the city Building Inspector, all details of this most invasiye aspect of the project (with respect to neighboring properties) are left entirely up to the means and inclinations of the builder. I do not want to belittle Mr. Powel" s efforts as I am confident that he will maintain the wall, I am concerned, how eyer , that the city is not empowered to ensure that this sensitive boundary is maintained to predetennined standards. ".'j r .... .r r-"\ \ " \ \ ,h" ""-' , 1 The specific issue that I would like the council to address is to reyiew and amplify the code specifications for retaining walls and establish yery specific requirements when the proposed retaining wall coincides with a lot line. I thank you in adyance for your consideration. /,', " Sincerely, tMr' 7FA i I ; I , ib l ~ Kirby E, Tenhulzen 621 Diana Court Iowa City, IA 52240 (319) 338-8085 (Home) (319) 335-0083 (Work) .. " .~"~'[,.;",'. I~~ :i.i. QI, /I'"l\ ,-' (( WI ';',' ~- '.,. . "w~ - ~O~~ )'--,....,...".,..,' ,....'...,. .."...." ',....'1"...," : "f' "',', 0:'::;;" ,.',.. ',,' if) \ 9 0> ....,t., ,::";"',"", ... ~ "": ,. "H-' I.. ..; ,:.:~ , . ~ '.. ;', , \ ' ,~ " "I '., , '.f.... ,.-, '.~j'l' . , . ,~' ,.': . 'I ',:.:1 , , , , ". ~. _....~..\.,.. "-"" "..... . ,. -'. ,;; ,,;:, .. ,.;;..::. "_ ;i::. :~:.':;; !I'/.~~ _.":,..-.';_-~__~';,,,:..:..~.>...\i.\ ',..'" t.~~,c.;;c,;,_~ .:: : ._~~ _ '--'-":"'-l.M~:~:"~_" . . . , . ..~~'. ..'.'. _... "-'.. ..~..'-,'., ---'~.''- ...."'--. ....~.:-.-,.~..~_..'. ..,- _.. ..-. r I , June 10, 1994 Mr, Terry J. Goerdt Building/Zoning Inspector City ofIowa City Ciyic Center 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240-1826 Dear Mr, Goerdt: My home at 621 Diana Court and the property at 1214 Highland Court (fonnerly Jack and Jill Daycare Center) share a common lot line, Since the daycare center was recently sold, I haye made seyeral inquiries to your office concerning general zoning infonnation and regulations that might exist relating specifically to my situation: single family residence abutting commercial property . Your office has been most cordial and cooperatiye and has allowed me to reyiew the prospectiye site plans and stmctural plans for the business that has acquired 1214 Highland Court, Adyanced Auto Service, Inc, I am yery pleased with the site plan, and the setback and orientation of the proposed stmcture should proyide minimal impact to my property I s access to sun, sky and air circulation, I will assume that your office will fully address the usual issues that arise when a commercial property is in close proximity to a residential zone, Le, noise, yibration, fume exhaust, hazardous waste storage and disposal, trash storage and collection and security lighting. I do haye some concerns that are site specific that I wish to take this limited opportunity to address before all pennits are issued and constmction begins: @' ( 1. Fencing material: The site plan included a security fence that would closely parallel the lot line that I share with this property. I would hope that this fence will proYide both a physical and yisual barrier between the properties. I share this concern with seyeral neighbors (Keokuk Court addresses) who look directly into this property from their back yards, An Iowa-Illinois easement on my property has preyented me from installing the preferred arborvitae hedge. Perhaps Adyanced Auto could be encouraged to do so, ! ':' ~ .' I " , I ! , \ :0. '. 2. Diana Court drainage: Diana Court dead-ends in front of my home and the street drains into a natural swale which is currently a 25 foot wide greensward mnning from the parking lot at 1218 Highland Court to behind Donohue-Lensing Funeral home on Kirkwood Ayenue. The site plan included a parking area that may consume a good share of 1214 Highland's piece of this greensward, replacing it with asphalt or concrete. It is important that any change to this terrain not impede the moyement of water from Diana Court to lower ground at Highland Court. I' ,', '~" b i ~(~ -, ,,- - , ~ 0 ~~.)J , " ,0", ')",,;':':""" ':': q;";fT'''';.''''''2s:1'df;. ~.:-. ,) I .. ."c.. '_" ;'..; ,';'>~:::' ~\':'~' :r'~,~~:.~. ~"",I, ,. ",,,'" ,. ,.'............ \.' ','/ '. , ~, i", , , " . ,',< , \' " ,',:, . .' ....h~((c..~:~L.....~_...-...~'~,~.t'...~.:LI...~~U1.:I>.~..:.."u.~c"C<.~..;;><~~~";'\".,.,;: , ..J , Sincerely, I, " 3. The aboye greensward is diyided nearly at center for the entire length of the property line shared by 621 Diana Court and 1214 Highland Court by a modestly abmpt change in grade of three or four feet. If constmction of the parking lot as proposed for 1214 Highland Court will require changing this grade, care should be taken to ayoid potential erosion, including resodding any area where the existing sod is disturbed, I appreciate your reyiew of these issues. It is important to note that Jack and Jill Daycare Center has been a good neighbor for oyer 30 years and we expect to maintain an excellent relationship with Adyanced Auto Service as well. Thanks very much for your help, . ' , " .,....r '. 'i I:' ',' L " " , .~ t ~ .; '". 1 ,I ! Kirby E, Tenhulzen 621 Diana Court Iowa City, Iowa 52240 338-8085 (Home) 335-0083 (Work) i I I I i , [n i " , ' r') \ ~,:'" ,,- "(') II' I , ~ I I I I'" ',..' j I I; Il ~ , 'j .' ,~ '"., 'C" - . ':,' ,0 . ,,\t ......_ -, ..,,, ',..:.".",.,","';.""', """,' : ",:;,:"">,',,,:",;',,':"::/.":'->.!":""": - -~-~ - ,.... " ~''".-: ~...~Ll;.t.,', l-"'''~'''"'''''''''\'''''P''''''''''''''',''''',"''''''''~'r'''TI''WI" "'.""" 1," ','.' '. :<:':;,,:,o,,;'o":"11$;{:'{;:(:,.J \" " ",'..' "", ""~:"2:5<Y;I.[]j ',' '~". ." ;IN'~' ,(t:':,\::t,',-;:i::/,',"\:.:,:, 'I,., ......_ ;:. ;'."1:: \~..;;';;>.~.,~~.,.rll,,!.,I},,;j, ~O~3 ") ",',,", ", '.', ";'\' ',. . ~,', :.' ,.;' ~~~~ui ,. ,- ' .. ,;~' , .': r, i. '.; . '1/ ,'.~' ~r~.\j,t t,...: .' "..' ,., , . " ..',.. .....;. , '~ , , ..:>...:. ~' . . " . ~c" _ ~;:__ ._'. "._....;.~.l...;.'.;.;..:...:;.,.:;.:'"'.;;,..~.::,~,,~;~"+~:,;:,...~..."..,'" ..~...",~\~..,.....c.")j,...,.:.-~.._..r..,..,,:....~-.....~.,...~-~,~~._.._.. . "":" \t !~\ (}, \" ) , \ (\ '; " , , /'"~::, , " .dc\ : r \ \ " \ .. ; I ! I , I I, : i I r.~ I'" ~ ), ~'~::""'::,' fl' . ~: . 1, , /t , " "~ " ~~t'\ 'c~ '" ,..'"... City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Date: August 24, 1994 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: James Brachtel, Traffic Engineer Re: Weight and Speed Limits for Trucks and Buses on Woolf Ayenue Bridge As directed by Section 23-16 of the Municipal Code of Iowa City, this is to adyise you of the following action: ACTION: Pursuant to Section 23-17 of the Municipal Code of Iowa City, the City Traffic Engineer will direct the posting of signs on the Woolf Ayenue Bridge oyer the railroad/Iowa DOT right of way so as to impose the following gross weight limits and speed limits. 23 tons for a 3 axle truck 31 tons for a standard semi truck 31 tons for a double bottom semi truck Additionally, buses must not exceed a posted speed limit of 10 miles per hour when trayersing the bridge. This action will take place as soon as signs can be fabricated. COMMENT: This action is being taken upon the recommendation of Mr. Steye Jacobsen of NNW Inc, Mr. Jacobsen has recently completed a structural analysis of the existing Woolf Ayenue bridge and has determined that the weight limits noted aboye and the speed limit for buses noted aboye are appropriate for the condition of the bridge at this time, vcl08.24,jb \1,\\01 'Al18 VlAOI mJ3l8 A.lI~ 08 :i I HV tlZ snv ~6 ';-"j j"' ~'j i ~ ;.1' "J, ~ '1.-,,; IU -- '~~- ""." ,.,.,',,'..,o.',',.,',.,').;t",." .../-., ..',r"',-,' ':'.', - .......' , :, ~', .: I . . . .\' '-' :, ~O~Li ':\.. '"--'''~''-'''.''' "'<,....,.,-.-.,::..!. ".---....:-::.:.'1 ~,~"~.i\:.,::;'. :,.',' 'i5,o; _:w .." .. " ~, !\, I',' , , i' " I r I. ,,' I',' ... , . I' ..,,'; , Oil , }, "','._',.,1:,,... ',i,.'., '" ,..~:J,'" :". ~~. ~,--.~'::-\ t\ '. lJilll73:1(" - . :. ~;...: '-:,': .' '~i;;<, ' ': ' ':. i ~ ~, . . .;._;'A\\ll :~,. ..,','.'. ".'.".\ " '.. ~ " :, '~'j:I::~':~~~::',:,'c....:...;.~..i',:":i:~::i::":4,)';'-;.i~;":;"-,;;','.~:.)~~:t~;;fi~~~:(~~.~:;;:~':"'".:;~";';':';';4~~Io."'-'Ioo.\"';"'~';;~"~~~:,~...~-u..<u~~..~:2~~w.:,,;;I.':"o.:; ....~'"V".:.~I.:'-::.:~c.~';.~l'::c:..;,'~;~;.,'~'::;.;.~::~:~;:.':~:::::;,\!'!,!;'~\::;~;i:'~"~~" ... ." oJ ~. "'.. , . ~ , .'.', v\~~~q\, !' jr, I , " , , I WILLIAM L MEARDON WILLIAM F, SUEPPEL ROBERT N, DOWNER JAMES P. HAYES JAMES D, McCARRAGHER MARK T, HAMER THOMAS D, HOBART MARGARET T, LAINSON DOUGLAS D, RUPPERT PAUL J, McANDREW, JR, TIMOTHY J, KRUMM WILLIAM J, SUEPPEL CHARLES A, MEARDON STEVEN A, MICHALEK MEAROON, SUEPPEL, DOWNER & HAYES P.L.C. LAWYERS .', 122 SOUTH LINN STREET FAX: (319) 338-7250 TELEPHONE: (319)338-9222 IOWA CITY, IOWA 52240-1802 :1' lO J..- August 26, 1994 o ~ :'iE \J c: >=i G'l 0-< ~ -10 ,.<r -0' . rn :!C O~ W ~,... .- "]:;. '~rti city council city of Iowa city, Iowa civic Center 410 East Washington street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Re: Washington Park C,,-e.,::I "'~ ~ r,'~r.'" Jd ';~"l ',':...:::; (..u Dear Council Members: " My client, Washington Park, an Iowa general partnership, is the owner of the land formerly known as the Butler Farm except for a small portion thereof located in the northeast corner which is owned by James Glasgow. This property contains valuable sand and mineral deposits which at the present time are the subj ect of a lease to S & G Materials. r( \ ;,/: ~ "1 I' \ ~ i I I i I I I ' ~ Attached please find a copy of a survey describing a tract of land which my client is willing to sell and which would appear to be of appropriate size for your w!l-ter facility together with additional land which could be used for some other public purpose as you may determine. The offer which was made for the entire property owned by Washington Park is rejected on the following grounds: 1. My client does not wish to sell the entire property, and 2. In any event the offered price is not an appropriate reflection of market value considering the location of the property as well as the mineral deposits involved. If you are interested in negotiating for the acquisition of the area shown on the attached plat, please let me know. , " ''}.,.I, WLM: seh Enclosure '. , ~b~' , '. ,", ',. ,~C 0',' ',~--~,-- t" -~=: ' "'.. "<:.'-'" ',:"':. .' ......,.'... ." ,~r-,_ ,..,'- ".:, .... , . i!. ...'_'r)l~ ': , ,,,,,"'"W-W'"''''''''''''''''''p'''''''''''"'''''''''''''r'''"''''' " "6" ,I" ,", ',," "'<.....';,."o,'/:\,L~:AJ~~r\"/[;,i;;....\"..',.,..." .'.,"'<'.' "', "',..,' '."'.2:..,5,:{i,)L~.;~ ,','.. ~ I ~ ~ ZBZB-I~C (6IC) DMDI '~1I~ OMO\ ~ 'nNI '&LNVJ:mSNOJ srm ~ r='. ^"'o~ovo""" UJI "V" .LIHlHX3 1/111 ~nu 1"45 JtA _ N:J 0""" II 0 z.... 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Currently, from our subdivisions the only walking access to a community sidewalk is via Melrose Avenue. Pedestrian access for children and adults to reach schools, bus stops, places of employment, and other neighborhoods is extremely dangerous using, Melrose Avenue, .' which has no side-shoulders in this area and carries a high volume of vehicular traffic. Due to the uncertainty of the completion of the west Melrose Avenue widening project, a temporary walkway in this area is needed. Approximately one year ago, August 1993, Chuck Schmadeke organized a meeting with Galway Hills developer - Dave Cahill, West High representative - Jerry Arganbright, and City of Iowa City staff to discuss this matter. The general consensus from this meeting was a temporary hard-surfaced walkway should be constructed due to the danger posed to pedestrian children and adults. i [ .C (- \ Subsequent to this meeting, Dave Cahill had a path for the walkway graded and made ready for hard-surfacing. Since last fall, following repeated contacts to Chuck Schmadeke's office, to our knowledge no progress has transpired with completing this project. The general response received from City staff is "We are still working on this project; I'm not sure where we are at with it now." I~ ~'-i , ' , I Ii , I , I I' , ~ I' I ,I \ \, \',~ , .9 ~I'I ,~' ~! l. We have learned from Larry Schnittjer, MMS Consultants, the projected cost for asphalting the walkway is $11,601.00. We have also received commitments from developers Dave Cahill and Mace Braverman, in cooperation with the City of Iowa City, to support funding this project. With the new school year commencing shortly, we feel frustrated that some of our children will again be traversing Melrose Avenue on bike and/or foot in order to reach West High and the nearest city bus stop. ')"';'i"'H:\ 0,'"" I'." . : '~'..'. ',:::,~ ::," -, - =-. .(-----~---~~ '1111~ "'. . '-,' . ,.c.':,'_.A.,......__... I I I @ ! .i ~o).(o "15 10', ,- ...,.,.....,..; ~;';:.':',: ~, ....' , . ," .1" . . '';".~?\'I! '., ,\ ..~ '. 'j,'.. . ' , ~. " ,". ...... :.". "'~'-'-"""""""."h"'''""". '__ '. .... ., _ .,.' / ,~. , , "'. . .. ..~ '.' . c... _,_,_,__":~,_,_,,,","''''''''''''''''.''''~''':''~''''~k. ~.__.. _.._"____~... ___..._"____:_ _.A ,n IF' ~ ~ f" I,.", ~.; ~:n ~ \i tl i ~.,. j 11:'_. t~.\' We would sincerely appreciate a timely response to Nancy Perkins, our neighborhood representative (29 Acorn Ct.) on this ma~te~.UG ?SpJdifl6~/tY, when can we expect this temporary walkway to be completi~TY ~l!m~ would like additional information regarding the need for IO~)~. (}V~lk#l~A we would be happy to provide this data. Thank you. Respectfully, !~ ,o.OJi...J (1Jl; fJ ~ . at A~dA/Cf. ~~///atl4..- 1/5"" deCr/? III ~ (7 (){~tr ~ Jc(WJljUU i I frC&lA It. ,J c- \" ' /lAd ~ '1 ~~ i~ qq~p~ ! )7Ji ~ :1 ~ ~f<Wl .1 /6\ f~ i ~ '-f.21 )JdrJj~~;L II (j J , ,p cc: Dave Cahill Mace Braverman ;'l'.:I.' 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' ~o~(, '..[".......... ,/5' "'''0''',': lct II lIII ,~ ',I . 'I , ~'~":::\:.~'><:'r.,:/,'<; "'. Zlllf,l!!I/;",,!,- ' , :- -', ,~'.'.' - \"..! ~ ',:,- . ','.:~'; . ':. . 5 Nrighborhood Centers of Johnson Count)': P,O. Box 2794 Iowa City, IA 52244 (319) 354-7989 <'.'; Mr. Ronald Henderson, Iowa City Housing Authority 410 E. Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52244 Dear Ron: .} '.\ \ Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County strongly supports the continuation of the Community Policing Program in our Broadway Street neighborhood. The police foot patrol has had a tremendous impact on our neighborhood. Last summer several know gang members and drug dealers were living in the Broadway Street neighborhood. Residents here were concerned for their safety and we started to lose tenants who were positive leaders in the neighborhood. Having a strong police presence in the area has greatly curtailed the drug activity and at the present time we are not aware of any gang activity. People of the neighborhood feel safer and more positive about living in public housing and the youth of the neighborhood have had the opportunity to interact with the police officers in a positive way. ':> ,;; ii I , I .' ,'I , , "f i i ~ I~'; "j ~' ~t.. '; c-. \' \ ~,"I ~''', ,'- I In support of your proposal to continue the Community Policing Program, Neighborhood Centers would be happy to offer space for meetings and help with the organization of the program through participation in the Advisory Council. We regret that there is not sufficient funding to continue our contract with you to offer substance abuse prevention activities for youth. We are in the process now of pursuing other funds to continue our prevention activities. We hope that we will be able to work with you again in the future. :',', " .' i , , ~, We would like to encourage the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development to give your application strong consideration. Funding for the police foot patrol is crucial to maintaining the quality of life in this neighborhood. If I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me. ',',., Si~cerely, If tvzl/i-f Cr1..Jrv~Y' Joan Vanden Berg, Executive Director ,'r, >,'" " ~O~~ 0 ":' , " ,""",,"",",';"', 'm",,~,.,"':""",,' ."",~,,";:-':(J~r .,' " . ,':"." ,:~'mw;;~r"'I<",.1"(.";,;T::,,,,,,'''J,,:'''''':'''~'F"'!;'"';:",8 '[] :: ,'",,"., .":i~\":qteYf}t:.l~!(.:.::d:,:"..,,,.:), ..'",:: '.',., ..,.",...'. ":g$/":.,.,~,.,.:"A "iF" '~', . ':~ "'j .,i,", ,',';"',:' , ":::~~--~'_':~.~'~.:::::i~:~~___~~~~'I~_~~OU. ~~~r~V}~~~9~. ''---------...n"---.1~.-~9D.j-..fh-i!2D ~~ ~~pocslw~~ . 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