HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-23 Bd Comm minutes (; MINUTES IOWA CITY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS DECEMBER 13th, 2006 -5:00 PM EMMA J HARVAT HALL -IOWA CITY/CITY HALL APPROVED CALL TO ORDER: Carol Alexander called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Shelangouski, Ned Wood, Michael Wright, Carol Alexander MEMBERS ABSENT: Karen Leigh STAFF PRESENT: Sarah Walz, Sarah Holecek OTHERS PRESENT: John Beasley RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL (become effective onlv after separate Council action): None CONSIDERATION OF THE NOVEMBER 16-and NOVEMBER 27.-2006 MINUTES Wright said that On page 15 of the November 161h minutes, one variance was written as V AR05-0001 instead of VAR06-00001. MOTION: Wood moved to approve the November 16 and November 27, 2006 minutes as submitted. Alexander seconded the motion. The motion was approved: 5:0 APPEALS APL06-0004 Discussion of an application from John Roffman for an appeal of the decision made by the Historic Preservation Commission to deny a Certificate of Appropriateness for a proposed building to be located in the Neighborhood Stabilization Residential (RNS-20) zone and Conservation District Overlay (OCD) zOne at 923 Iowa Avenue. Walz noted the correspondence from the office of John Beasley, which was provided to the Board of Adjustment and stated Mr. Roffman's request for a rehearing regarding the appeal of the Historic Preservation Commission's denial of Mr. Roffman's request for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Alexander read the correspondence from Mr. Beasley out loud. Holocek noted the 2:2 vote from the November 161h Board of Adjustment meeting. Holecek said that those members of the Board who made the "No" vote may make the motion to reconsider the appeal. Holocek said that anyone On the Board may second the motion. Wood asked for ciarification. Wood asked why Mr. Roffman's appeal proceeded if the applicant knew that the full Board of Adjustment wouldn't be there. Walz said that applicant did not know this. Walz said that while the Board knew that the full Board would not be present, the applicant did not know. MOTION: Wright moved that APL06-0004, discussion of an application from John Roffman for an appeal of the decision made by the Historic Preservation Commission to deny a Certificate of Appropriateness for a proposed building to be located in the Neighborhood Stabilization Residential (RNS-20) zone and Conservation District Overlay (OCD) zone at 923 Iowa Avenue, be approved. Wood seconded the motion. The motion was passed: 4:0 Board of Adjustment December 13, 2006 Page 2 OTHER Alexander asked about the new member of the Board of Adjustments. Walz infonmed the Board that the new members name is Edgar Thornton. Walz said that she has spoken with him on the phone but she has not met him person. Alexander asked if Thornton would be attending the January 10th Board meeting. Walz said yes. Shelangouski asked if there will there be new evidence regarding Roffman's appeal at the January 10th meeting. Holecek said that it is a new hearing so there can be new evidence. Beasiey requested minutes be provided to Thornton before the next Board meeting. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT INFORMATION None ADJOURNMENT Meeting is adjourned at 5:15 pm sJpcdlminutes/boa/20 06/12-13-2006 .doc I I , , Board of Adjustment I Attendance Record I I 2006 I I I i I Term I Name Expires 01/11 02/08 03/08 04/13 05/10 06/14 07/12 08/09 09/13 10104 11/16 11/27 12/13 Karen Leigh 01/01/07 X X OlE X X X X X X X X X OlE ! Carol Alexander 01/01/08 X X X X X X X X X OlE X X X i Michael Wright 01/01/09 X X X X X X X OlE X X X X X , I Ned Wood 01/01/10 X X X X X X OlE X X X X OlE X i I , M. Shelangonski 01/01/11 X X X X X OlE X X X X X X X I I i I Key: i X ~ Present o ~ Absent OlE ~ Absent/Excused NM ~ No Meeting CALL TO ORDER: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: POLICE CITIZENS REVIEW BOARD MINUTES - December 18, 2006 FINAL/APPROVED IJ;[ Chair Michael Larson called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. Candy Barnhill, Elizabeth Engel, Loren Horton Greg Roth Staff Kellie Tuttle Legal Counsel Catherine Pugh None RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL None. CONSENT CALENDAR OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC DISCUSSION BOARD INFORMATION STAFF INFORMATION EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Barnhill and seconded by Engel to adopt the consent calendar as presented or amended. . Minutes of the meeting on 12/05/06 . ICPD General Order 89-02 (Department Disciplinary Philosophy) . ICPD General Order 99-08 (In Car Recording Devices) Motion carried, 4/0, Roth absent. Citv Code Section 8-8-6(E) / Policv & Procedure for extension requests -Motion by Barnhill and seconded by Horton to table the discussion until legal counsel was present. Motion carried, 4/0, Roth absent. None. None. None. None. Motion by Barnhill and seconded by Engel to adjourn into Executive Session based on Section 21.5(1 )(a) of the Code of Iowa to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that government body's possession or continued receipt of federal funds, and 22.7(11) personal information in confidential personnel records of public bodies including but not limited to cities, boards of supervisors and school districts, and 22-7(5) ----_._--------~--_..__._------_._---_.._---------_..~.-...-------..--.---.-----'"-.-.----.---..----.- PCRB December 18, 2006 Page 2 police officer investigative reports, except where disclosure is authorized elsewhere in the Code; and 22.7(18) Communications not required by law, rule or procedure that are made to a government body or to any of its employees by identified persons outside of government, to the extent that the government body receiving those communications from such persons outside of government could reasonably believe that those persons would be discouraged from making them to that government body if they were available for general public examination. Motion carried, 4/0, Roth absent. Open session adjourned at 5:38 P.M. (Larson present for discussion of #06-04 and left the meeting due to a conflict of interest for #06-03.) REGULAR SESSION Returned to open session at 6:36 P.M. Motion by Horton and seconded by Barnhill to set the level of review for PCRB Complaint #06-04 to 8-8-7(B)(1 )(a), on the record with no additional investigation. Motion carried, 3/0, Roth and Larson absent. MEETING SCHEDULE . January 9,2007,5:30 P.M., Lobby Conference Room . February 13, 2007, 5:30 P.M., Lobby Conference Room . March 13, 2007, TBA, Lobby Conference Room . April 10, 2007, TBA, Lobby Conference Room ADJOURNMENT Motion for adjournment by Horton and seconded by Barnhill. Motion carried, 3/0, Roth and Larson absent. Meeting adjourned at 6:38 P.M. POLICE CITIZENS REVIEW BOARD ATTENDANCE RECORD YEAR 2006 (Meetin2 Date) TERM 1/10 2/14 3/21 4/11 5/9 6/12 7/11 8/8 9/12 10/10 11/14 12/5 12/18 NAME EXP. Candy 9/1/07 X X X NM X X X X X NM X X X Barnhill Elizabeth 9/1/08 X OlE X NM X X X X X NM X X X Engel Loren 9/1/08 X X X NM X X X X X NM X OlE X Horton Greg Roth 9/1109 X X X NM X X OlE X X NM OlE X 0 Michael 9/1/09 X OlE X NM X X X X X NM X X X Larson KEY: X = Present 0 = Absent OlE = Absent/Excused NM = No meeting --- = Not a Member MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION DECEMBER 13,2006 I][ FINAL I MEMBERS PRESENT: Craig Gustaveson, Judith Klink, Margaret Loomer, Ryan O'Leary, Matt Pacha, Jerry Raaz, Phil Reisetter, John Watson, John Westefeld MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Terry Trueblood, Mike Moran, Terry Robinson GUESTS PRESENT: Del Holland RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL: Moved bv Raaz, seconded bv Klink, to support the proposed capital improvement plan as recommended bv the CIP committee. Unanimous. Move bv Pacha, seconded bv Westefeld to recommend adoption of the Recreation Division fees and charl!es forFYOS and tentative proposals for FY09 and FYIO as presented. Unanimous. OTHER FORMAL ACTION TAKEN Moved bv Klink, seconded bv Pacha, to approve the November S, 2006 minutes as written. Unanimous. Moved bv Reisetter, seconded bv Raaz to elect Matt Pacha as Chair and John Westefeld as Vice-chair for 2007 and 200S. Unanimous. PUBLIC DISCUSSION: No public discussion. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED RECREATION FEES AND CHARGES FOR FYOS: The commission was provided with a draft of the Recreation Division fees and charges proposed for FY08 and tentative proposals for FY09 and FYlO. Trueblood reviewed the proposed fee increases with the Commission. He noted that there were 67 increases out of 94 fees with one drop in fees. A question was asked about the swim pass fees, and why they dropped significantly in FY05. He explained that at that time it was determined that our pass fees were considerably higher than most others around the state, so the decision was made to reduce them and freeze them for a period of time. Small increases are being recommended for FY08. Parks and Recreation Commission December 13, 2006 Page 2 of 6 Raaz inquired about low income discounts. Trueblood noted that we do offer a 50% discount on most recreation programs to those who qualify. Moran noted that the low income guidelines are based on 130% of the poverty guidelines, which is the same criteria the schools use for their free/reduced lunch program. There is a simple form filled out by the customer at the time of registration. These forms are randomly reviewed for accuracy. Moved by Pacha, seconded by Westefeld, to recommend adoption of the Recreation Division Fees and Charl!es proposed for FY08 and tentative proposals for FY09 and FYIO as presented. Unanimous. UPDATE ON PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET, FY08-FYll: Trueblood directed the Commission's attention to the priorities included in their packets. He noted that the Butler Bridge Pedestrian/Bike trail was added to this list conditionally; the project will proceed only iffederal funds are approved. O'Leary asked about the status of item #74, Chauncey Swan Fountain, on the Capital Improvement unfunded list. Trueblood noted that this is the old fountain from City Plaza. It is in storage at this time, and to make it an operable fountain again is quite costly. Trueblood noted that the Court Hill project is funded largely by state DOT funds. As such Trueblood stated that the project would begin later than expected, probably next fall. Del Holland noted that the neighborhood meetings regarding the trail have gone very well with much support from the community. The Commission asked that a letter be drafted to the City Council, which explains the importance of the Commission's highest ranked capital improvement request. . . construction of a pedestrian/bicycle bridge from Rocky Shore Drive to Peninsula Park. Moved by Raaz, seconded by Klink, to support the proposed capital improvement plan as recommended by the CIP committee. Unanimous. CONSIDER NOMINATION OF OFFICERS FOR 2007: Gustaveson indicated there had not been a nominating committee officially appointed, as has typically been done in the past, but also noted this is not required. He spoke with outgoing Commissioner, Judith Klink, and received concurrence from Pacha and Westefeld to present the following slate to serve two-year terms: Chair - Matt Pacha; Vice-chair - John Westefeld. He noted that if the Commission was uncomfortable with this approach, a nominating committee could be appointed at this meeting, with a slate to be presented at the January meeting. -"_._-,,-_._-_._-----_._._-----~_._--_._--_._-'-----_..-,', ------_._--"_._,_.__._._.._-----_."--~.". - ,..-----.........-.........-.,." - ".- ---..-.--,..,.- --------.---,----'''---------...--..-.-. - - - ---.-- Parks and Recreation Commission December 13, 2006 Page 3 of 6 Moved bv Reisetter, seconded bv Raaz, to elect Matt Pacha as Chair and John Westefeld as Vice-Chair for 2007 and 2008. Unanimous. RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING COMMISSIONER, JUDITH KLINK: Judith Klink presented the Commission with an outgoing speech that included her thoughts on her past terms on the Commission. Some of the projects she highlighted included the changes in City Park, and noted that while the boathouse proposed for Terrell Mill Park will make this park more crowded she hopes that the joy of boating on the river will compensate. She also mentioned the construction of the skate park and how her students had written papers on the joys of skateboarding and how the sport has helped many kids find new focus for their lives. She talked about the popularity of the bocce courts, and how the placement of the angel statue has not attracted the negative attention she feared it would, and it was good that the memorial policy was a result of Commission discussions about the statue. She was thrilled to support the addition of the Riverside Festival Stage. She was involved with the early talks about the Peninsula and Waterworks Parks. She mentioned that while the dog park and disc golf course had not fit into her vision of fields of prairie grass, both have obviously been a great success. For the future she would like to see placement of some shaded resting points at Waterworks Park. She stated that she is very happy that the Butler House has been preserved and is excited that perhaps some day it will become a nature center or perhaps a place for weddings. She would also like to see the log cabins in City Park restored. She noted her pleasure in having Harlocke Hill Park in her neighborhood and would like to see a trail placed between Harlocke Hill and Benton Hill Parks. The refurbishment of Brookland Park has been a very positive change as well. She stated that her involvement on the Commission has made her more aware of what goes on in other parts of the country. She talked about the European pedestrian and bike trails and their swimming parks and hopes that we can learn from them in our future endeavors. She feels that the purchasing of the Sand Lake Recreation area was a fabulous move. She would like the city to consider the Roadside Trust Fund for prairie plantings for the edge of Waterworks Park along the interstate. She discussed how pleased she is with the Parks and Recreation staff and voiced her support of the need for more staff. She would like to see the relationship between the Iowa City School District and the City continue to improve. She mentioned that other highlights during her eight years have been meeting and getting to know Marilyn Kriz, and shopping at the Farmer's Market that Tammy now organizes. The annual tour was always something she looked forward too. Art in the park has been a super program and the visit of Mr. Dane and his son and the news of their future donation of parkland close to the airport is very exciting to her. She commented on how attractive the Recreation Activities guide has become. She would like to see more of the Commission achievements publicized. Klink has recently joined the Arthritis Foundation Water Program through the Recreation Division. She has met recently with staff regarding garlic mustard where they discussed their plans to educate people and recruit help to combat it in the parks. She distributed a hand out on winter treatment of garlic mustard. She thanked the staff and fellow commissioners, present and past, for a very good eight years and feels that she has given so little but gained so much. Trueblood presented Klink with some parting gifts and a certificate for her service. He expressed his appreciation for her years of service. Gustaveson also spoke and reiterated his appreciation for her work on the Commission. Parks and Recreation Commission December 13. 2006 Page 4 of 6 COMMISSION TIME Westefeld thanked the Commission for their flexibility with his schedule over the last several months. He noted again how wonderful the Peninsula and Waterworks Parks are, and mentioned how proud the staff should be for these facilities. He thanked Klink for her years of service on the Commission as well. O'Leary mentioned how attractive the Recreation Center windows are. He also noted that the refurbishing project at Brookland Park looks exceptional. He reiterated his great desire to see the boathouse, if constructed. open for public use feeling that this will be a wonderful asset to the community. Pacha thanked Klink for her years of service, the many good discussions and her team player attitude while serving on the Commission. He also mentioned that he recently spoke with a University staff person who seemed to be pretty certain that the developers ofthe boathouse will be encouraging public use of this facility. Loomer also stated her support of making the boathouse open to the public. She also thanked Klink for her time and hard work on the Commission. Raaz brought copies of a couple of newspaper articles. One article talked about the hiring of RDG Design to develop a Master Plan for North Liberty. He also shared an article stating that the City will be contributing $63,000 towards a recycling master plan. He felt encouraged that there may be funds available for the help in developing a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. CHAIR'S REPORT Gustaveson, at the request of an Iowa City bicycle club, asked if it is possible to donate money to the Foundation and earmark it specifically for trail construction. Trueblood said that thi's is possible. Gustaveson also noted that in a recent conversation with Regenia Bailey he got the impression that it was the general consensus of the City Council that they too would like to see the boathouse open to the public. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Trueblood again thanked Klink for her eight years of service on the Commission. He also mentioned that David Bourgeois is the newly appointed Commissioner. Waterworks Fishing Pier: Design work is proceeding and nearly complete. Festival Stage Proiect: Trueblood announced that the public hearing and approval of plans and specifications for the Riverside Festival Stage improvements project is scheduled for next Council meeting on January 9,2007. Bids will be opened January 31, 2007. Parks and Recreation Commission December 13, 2006 Page 5 of 6 Brookland Park Re-develooment: This project is near completion with installation of the shelter and playground to be done in-house. City Park Waterline: This project is complete, Robinson noted that this will make for much more efficient filling of the pool next season as well as improved water pressure throughout the. park. Holidav Farmers Market: This event was a great success; Tammy Neumann reported that one vendor noted that her sales were higher for that one day than they are for a month of regular markets, Neumann noted that the plan is to schedule two Holiday Markets next season. Attendance was estimated at 700 to 1,000, Water Pipe Breakage: There was a water pipe that broke in the Recreation Center on Friday, December 8, This was believed to have been caused by exposure to the cold during construction. Cell Phone Tower: There are no new developments on this at this time, Trueblood noted that there is a committee in the process of developing a policy for cell phone tower placement so does not expect any movement on the Verizon request until that plan is complete. Disc Golf: The disc golf volunteers have built a very nice kiosk at the course. ADJOURNMENT Moved bv Reisetter, seconded bv Pacha to adjonrn the meetinl! at 6:25 p.m. Unanimons Parks and Recreation Commission December 13, 2006 Page 6 of 6 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE RECORD YEAR 2006 TERM NAME EXPIRES 1/11 2/8 3/8 4/12 5/10 6/14 7/19 8/9 9/13 10/11 11/8 12/13 Craig Gustaveson 1/1/07 X X X X X OlE OlE X X NM X X Judith Klink 1/1/07 OlE X X OlE X X X X X NM X X Margaret Loomer 1/1/08 X X X X X X X OlE X NM X X Ryan O'Learv 1/1/10 X X X X X X X X X NM X X Matt Pacha 1/1/09 X X X OlE OlE X X OlE X NM X X Jerry Raaz 1/1/08 X X X X X X X X X NM X X Phil Reisetter 1/1/09 OlE X OlE X X X OlE X X NM X X John 1/1/07 Watson X OlE X X X X X X X NM X X John Westefeld 1/1/10 X X X X X X OlE OlE OlE NM OlE X KEY: X= 0= OlE = NM= LQ= Present Absent AbsentlExcused No meeting No meeting due to lack of quorum Not a Member c:[ MINUTES Iowa City Airport Commission December 14, 2006 Iowa City Airport Terminal- 5:45 PM FINAL Members Present: Randy Hartwig, Chair; John Staley; Janelle Rettig; Howard Horan, Greg Farris (arrived at 5:49) Staff Present: Sue Dulek, Michael Tharp Others Present: David Hughes, Earth Tech; Jay Honeck; Phillip Woolford, Jet Air; Rick Mascari DETERMINE QUORUM: Chairperson Hartwig called the meeting to order at 5:47 PM. RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL: Item B.a. - Aviation Commerce Park; Recommend to City Council to accept offer for Lot No.5 of the North Commerce Park, by IWI Motorparts. Item B.b. - Resolution amending listing agreement with Iowa Realty; Resolution A06-29 approved extending the listing agreement for one year and adopted the latest pricing model. Commission recommends City Council accept the proposed agreement amendment. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 9, 2006, MEETING: Hartwig noted that on the first page of the minutes, about halfway down, where it says, "Hughes stated they did have maintained contact. . ." that this should be ". . . did maintain contact." Also noted was on page 2, under c.z., there it stated".. .he asked for a move...", that this should be ".. .he asked for a motion." On page 3, 7 lines down, where it states "...Tharp stated that he spoke with Blum...", that it should have Blum's first name, Dick, added. Hartwig also noted that at the bottom of this same paragraph, where it states "Rettig asked the other Airport Commission members if they are all in consensus that they are not. . . ", that this should state something to the effect that they are not interested in that entire parcel going to this. Rettig stated that perhaps it should say "commercial development" or "private commercial development on all 63 acres." Also, right above this, where it states "...which Horan responded that he feels once the 7-25 project.. .", that the second "he feels" should be removed. Rettig noted that on page 4, where it says". . . Tharp stated that Roof does plan to hang up his maintenance shop plague," it should be reworded to say Roof closed his maintenance shop. Hartwig noted that "plague" is wrong, and he feels they could reword this to say "Roof discontinued his business." Rettig also noted on page 5, at the bottom under Commission Members' Reports, that it needs to be clarified that it is the University Gothic Tower that will be pink and blue, and not the Airport's tower. Staley noted that under J, Subcommittees' Reports, it states "Cleaning Committee," and he asked if this shouldn't be "Company." Airport Commission December 14, 2006 Page 2 of7 Staley moved to accept the minutes of the November 9, 2006 meeting as amended; seconded by Horan. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC DISCUSSION: None. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/ACTION: A. F AAlIDOT Projects - Earth Tech - David Hughes a. Runway 7/25 - Hughes noted that everyone should have received his update in their packets for this meeting. He noted that they are "behind the scenes again," versus actually being on the site. Hughes gave the Members updates on various proj ects, such as the obstruction mitigation project. Currently, they are identifying property owners that will be affected by this, and then they will need to contact those involved. Hughes stated that they are also working on the approach survey and will be getting this information to the FAA shortly. Hughes stated that they have received recently some good news from the FAA regarding upcoming projects. The Project Initiation letter arrived to begin planning work on the runway extension paving. Hughes next addressed the south area taxi lanes, stating that they did get their field survey completed on this. Regarding T-Hangar A rehabilitation, which is a State grant, Hughes stated that they need to get this survey completed still. Hughes next addressed the north area and the State grant for those taxi lanes. He said the contractor has completed his punch list, made repairs to the hangar, and now the Commission needs to accept this project as complete. Rettig asked if AIP-IO was part of a grant or not. Hughes stated that this was part of the Environmental Assessment portion of a grant that was done several years ago. The discussion continued with Members asking various questions of Hughes. b. Taxi-lane North Tee's and Parking Lot Rehab - (see above discussion) i. Consider a resolution accepting the North T-Hangar Taxi lane and North Parking lot rehabilitation as completed. Rettig moved to consider Resolution A06-28; seconded by Staley. Carried 5-0. c. South Aviation Development - (see above discussion) d. JJR Davis Drainage - Hughes noted that some time back, Davis requested a drainage easement to get to their basin. Since this initial request, Hughes stated Davis has reexamined this and now possibly may want to purchase this property. Once the runway is extended, Hughes stated that this area would not be required for a safety area. Members asked for Hughes to point this out on the map for better clarification. Hughes explained the area in question and how the drainage is set up in this area. The topic ofleasing land versus selling it was briefly discussed, as well. Hughes continued by explaining the Airport Commission December 14, 2006 Page 3 of7 Willow Creek situation, stating that this study will be completed some time in late January. Rettig asked questions of Hughes regarding the stormwater runoff laws, stating that they need more information on this issue. Hughes stated that the FAA will not release the land until the extension work has been completed. B. Aviation Commerce Park - Hartwig stated that he would like to defer this issue, as Harry Wolf will not be arriving until later in the meeting. Staley moved to defer Item B until Harry Wolf's arrival; seconded by Horan. Carried 5-0. Harry Wolf arrived at the meeting. He stated that he has some news for the Commission. He presented a new plat of the Commerce Park, stating that it is a consolidation of two plats and is what they are using for their marketing purposes. Wolf next addressed the purchase offer on Lot No.5. He explained how the pricing was arrived at for this parcel and what the buyer will be obligated to do. He stated that he recommends approval ofthe offer. (TAPE ENDS) Discussion continued with Rettig asking how this one sale will affect the Airport's revenue, and how it will affect the Airport's rental agreement with the School District. Rettig noted that of the parcels, thiS was the only one that had revenue generating activities that would disappear with the sale. Members discussed the budgetary effects ofthe proposed sale. Rettig stated that the revenue from the leases on that parcel had been figured into 2008's budget and would leave a shortfall if there is nothing to replace it. Members continued to discuss the effects of having movement on the land with regards to the airport's budget. Wolf responded to Members' questions regarding the potential buyer for this land. Hartwig noted that at the public hearing set by city council for this sale offer, the Commission would have another opportunity to stress their concerns regarding the effects of the sale on the airport's budget. Rettig stated that she is in favor of selling this lot, but wanted her concerns regarding revenue to be noted. She also noted that they would need to actually sell off more than half of the land before the airport would get any money from these land sales. a. Recommendation to City Council on purchase offer for Lot No.5 of the North Commerce Park by IWI Motorparts - Horan moved to recommend to the City Council acceptance ofthe purchase offer on Lot No.5; seconded hy Farris. Carried 5-0. b. Consider a resolution approving amendment to listing agreement with Iowa Realty - Hartwig stated that this is in regards to the listing agreement they currently have with Iowa Realty. Wolf briefly explained the wording and pricing model issues on this. Rettig moved to consider Resolution A06-29 approving amendment to the listing agreement with Iowa Realty; seconded by Horan. Carried 5-0. Airport Commission December 14, 2006 Page 4 of7 C. Grass Runway - Tharp stated that since the last discussion on this, several issues have arisen, one being that they would eliminate most of the profitable farm land that they have, if they were to put in this grass runway. He continued, stating that if the Members decide to proceed with this runway, it would not be until the spring of2008. This would give them time to discuss the impact with those involved. Rick Mascari spoke to the Members regarding this, stating that there is a very low percentage of pilots who would use this strip. He questioned the expense of creating this runway, versus opening up 18-36 again, which he feels would be a much more usable runway. Horan stated that he would like to continue looking into this issue, with perhaps another location working better. The issue of the ASOS location was also discussed and how this plays into the location of runways. (TAPE ENDS) The discussion continued with Members discussing the southern portion of the Airport property and how they want to handle the development ofthis area. Staley asked Tharp to point out the areas that are farmable now and what they would lose by adding a grass runway. The discussion turned to the history of various runways. D. Jet Air Management Agreement - Hartwig stated that he has discussed this agreement with both Philip and Harrel. Rettig asked if this agreement would begin in January and run for a year. Hartwig stated that the Members need to decide if they want the agreement to run on a calendar year or the fiscal year. Rettig moved to accept the Management Agreement as written; seconded by Horan. Discussion then continued, with Dulek noting that the Risk Manager will have to give approval on this agreement, as well. Staley moved to amend the motion to state, "Pending approval by the Iowa City Risk Manager, that Item 5 is acceptable." Seconded by Farris. Carried 5-0. Hartwig stated that they now need to vote on Rettig's motion. Motion carried 5-0. E. Parking Policy a. Consider a Resolution adopting Parking Policy - Staley asked for clarification on the actual Resolution, stating that in one part it says "Iowa City Municipal Parking Policy," and in another it states "Iowa City Municipal Airport Parking Policy." He asked if they were adopting the City's parking policy. Members agreed that it would be the "Iowa City Municipal Airport" policy. Members asked Tharp questions regarding his research into what other airports do in regards to parking policies. The discussion continued, with Rettig asking various questions about how this policy will be implemented, and stating that they need to work on the signage somewhat. Tharp also discussed long-term parking issues with the Members. Changes to the parking policy were discussed at length, with Members deciding that anybody parking for more than 14 days is to park in long-term parking, and not in front of the terminal; and also, the Airport needs to Airport Commission December 14,2006 Page 5 of7 give permission to the person wanting to leave a vehicle that length of time. Next, various wording for the signage was discussed by the Commission. (return to Item B - Aviation Commerce Park) F. Janitorial Services - Farris spoke to the Members regarding the submitted proposal. He stated that they had three proposals submitted, and that the decision was made to stay with Midwest. He explained some of the additional items in the proposal that are not currently being done. Tharp fielded Members' questions regarding this proposal and what currently takes place, as well. Rettig asked questions regarding the budget and this increase in janitorial service. (TAPE ENDS) Members continued to ask questions regarding the cleaning of various areas within the Airport. Rettig stated that she feels all areas that are the Airport's responsibility should be cleaned and maintained in this agreement. a. Consider a resolution accepting the proposal submitted by Midwest Janitorial Services for janitorial services at the Iowa City Municipal Airport - Rettig moved to consider Resolution A06-30 accepting the proposal submitted by Midwest Janitorial Services- pending clarification of the typographical error; seconded by Staley. Carried 5-0. G. Airport Operations: Strategic Plan-Implementation; Budget; and Airport Management - In regards to the Strategic Plan, Hartwig acknowledged the work of Tharp and Farris on the newsletter, and stated that the City Manager commented favorably on this. In regards to the Budget, Rettig asked where they are in the FY08 Budget process. Tharp noted that he and Hartwig met with the City Manager last month on this. Hartwig stated that they explained why they are requesting what they are, and that next will be a City Council meeting where all of the Commissions and Boards meet with the Council to explain their budget requests. a. 2006 Annual Report - Rettig stated that she has a suggestion for an addition to this report. A brief discussion ensued, with Rettig stating she would read through it again and make any additional suggestion. H. Subcommittees' Reports - Farris stated that he has not been able to do anything further on the viewing area project, but hopes to have some information for the Members in the next few meetings. Hartwig noted that he needs to talk to Parks and Rec about this area, as well. I. FBO Staff Report - Hartwig noted that this is an opportunity for Jet Air to address the Commission. Woolford spoke to the Members regarding the self- Airport Commission December 14, 2006 Page 6 of7 serve pump and the problems they have with it. He stated that they need to upgrade this pump, and he briefly explained the advantages ofthis. Woolford stated that a new dispenser would be able to handle both A vgas, which was currently provided and Jet fuel, should the Commission want to have a self- service Jet fuel dispenser. A discussion ensued, with Members questioning the cost for this replacement. Rettig suggested that they look into grant funding for this project. (TAPE ENDS) COMMISSION MEMBERS' REPORTS - Hartwig stated that he received a letter inviting them to the opening of the Mormon Trek extension this coming week. He stated that anyone interested is welcome to join him at the intersection of Dane Road and Mormon Trek for the ribbon cutting. Rettig stated that she would try to make this. Horan stated that he shared some photos with Hughes on the grading project and would do so with the Commission, as well. Farris thanked Tharp his work putting the newsletter together. STAFF REPORT - None. SET NEXT REGULAR MEETING FOR: January 11, 2007 at 5:45 P.M. ADJOURN - Meeting adjourned at 7:56 P.M. Chairperson Date Airport Commission December 14, 2006 Page 7 of7 Airport Commission ATTENDANCE RECORD YEAR 2006 (Meetin2 Dat e) TERM 1/12 2/9 3/9 4/13 5/1 5111 5/31 6/8 6/16 6/23 6/27 7/13 NAME EXP. Daniel Clay 3/1/08 -- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- --- --- Randy Hartwig 3/1/09 X X X X X X X X X OlE X X Greg Farris 3/1/07 0 X X X X X X X X X DIE DIE John Staley 3/1/06 X X X X X X DIE X X DIE X X Howard Horan 311/08 X X X X X X X X X X X X Janelle Rettig 3/1/12 --- --- X X X X X X X X X X 7/27 8110 9/14 9/18 10/12 11/9 12/14 ............. Randy Hartwig 3/1/09 X X X X X X X Greg Farris 311/07 DIE X X X X X X John Staley 3/1/10 X X X X X X X Howard Horan 3/1/08 X X X X X X X Janelle Rettig 3/1/12 DIE X X X X X X KEY: X = Present o = Absent DIE = Absent/Excused NM = No meeting -- ~ Not a Member -_._--~-~.~.__._--------~----_._----'---_._._-_._-----_."'_.._------_._._-------_.-.._.~----_._---_..__._----.,'- c:: MINUTES Youth Advisory Commission December 6,2006 -7:00 P.M. Lobby Conference Room, City Hall FINAL Call to order: Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Ziegenhorn, Keranen, Stubbers, Nelson, Kamps, Subramanian Excused Members: Bleam Others Present: City Council Liaison Correia, City Clerk Karr, Members of Teens Against Alcohol and Drugs (TAAD), commission members as of 1/1/07 Lin Weeks and David Segar Approve minutes: Moved by Subramanian to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, seconded by Stubbers. Approved unanimously 6-0. Motion to support Late Nil!ht Bus Service: Baeth was absent and thus unable to present additional numbers and statistics. No motion was made at this time. It was determined that he would be invited to the next meeting. Summer of the Arts Update (Keranen & Subramanian): Keranen said that it was important to commit to a country for the Global Village as soon as possible. Kits are available for certain countries that will help with the project. Keranen proposed choosing a country that has a kit already made. Subramanian proposed choosing Ghana, as a kit was available. All members expressed interest in Ghana and Karr said that she would notify Deb Greene (who is in charge of the Global Village). Kamps questioned whether or not she and Subramanian would stay involved with the project, as their terms expired on 12/31/06. Correia said she would like for them to stay involved. A sub-committee will be created to work on the project in January 2007. A budget and required materials will need to be prepared by March. Keranen and Subramanian said they would attempt to contact local people from Ghana. Discussion ofbudl!et requests FY08 (Julv 2007-June 2008) (Correia): Correia brought up several projects that Y AC could pursue. These included setting up a recycling program at the youth sports parks and hosting a youth leadership day in 2008 or 2009. Karr suggested including money for the Global Village in the budget in order to buy food and craft materials. Keranen suggested an alcohol awareness campaign. Keranen also mentioned Bleam's idea of mini grants for local students who want to do a youth-lead community project on their own. Correia also proposed a multi-generational, Youth Advisory Commission Minutes December 6, 2006 Page 2 alcohol free, social event. Also proposed was a scholarship for high school students who choose to stay in Iowa for college, money for the proposed Summer of the Arts film festival, a volunteer fair, and money for the webmaster (for creating the Y AC website). It was decided not to request funds for an alcohol awareness campaign for an alcohol free event after TAAD's presentation later in the meeting (see this section ofthe minutes). After much discussion, it was determined that the following budget request would be submitted to the City Council for consideration: $3,000 -Mini Grants $ 500 - Global Village $ 200 - Website $3,700 Update on website (Nelson & Kamps): At the time of the meeting, Bleam had not submitted a picture for the website, but it was decided by the commission that the website would go live as soon as possible. The video prepared for the Youth Civic Engagement Policy Forum would be added at a later date. October 4th Public Input Session / Focused Discussion Wrap Up: Teens Against Alcohol and Drugs presented a power point about their newly formed City High School club. Several of their members had attended the 10/4/06 public forum meeting. They have received a federal grant of $1 00,000 and wish to spend the money on a media campaign against the use of alcohol and drugs among drugs. Because they do not need additional funding from Y AC and are already pursuing activities that Y AC had considered, the commission decided not to request funding for alcohol and drug related activities. The Commission instead decided to work with T AAD if they needed any assistance (Keranen proposed working with the club on an event). Ziegenhorn, a City High Student, volunteered to be the Y AC liaison to TAAD. View video prepared for Youth Civic EDl!al!ement Policv Forum: A video featuring Keranen and Subramanian was viewed. This video was about how Y AC was formed and was presented at the Youth Civic Engagement Policy Forum earlier in the year in Des Moines. The video will be added to the website. Public Discussion: The new members of the commission were introduced. David Segar and Lin Weeks will begin their terms on January 1, 2007. ~._-~------_._--_._----------_.~---'---"-~------~-- Youth Advisory Commission Minutes December 6, 2006 Page 3 Announcements / Invitations Subramanian proposed that meetings be more frequent so that the commission could move faster, have more momentum, and have shorter meetings, instead of one long Commission meeting. Correia said that this problem could be solved by the formation of more subcommittees. Karr said that the meeting schedule would be discussed at the first meeting of the new year. Subramanian and Kamps received certificates of service. Their terms expire on 12/31/06. The next meeting was scheduled for January 17, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. Keranen moved to adjourn the meeting. Stubbers seconded this motion and it was carried unanimously, 6-0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Minutes prepared and submitted by Ziegenhorn. ATTENDANCE RECORD I YEAR 2006 I (Meetine Date) TERM 3/23 3/30 4/13 4/20 5/25 6/14 7/10 8/14 9/6 10/4 11/1 12/6 NAME EXP. Audrey 12/31/07 X X X X X X X X X X X x i Keranen Sarah 12/31/07 X X X OlE OlE X X X X OlE X X I Ziel!enhorn I Subha 12/31/06 X X X X X X OlE X X X OlE X Subramanian I Elyse 12/31/06 OlE X X X X X OlE X X X OlE X Abboud I Kamns Maison 12/31/07 X X X OlE OlE OlE 0 OlE X X X OlE Bleam Jacqueline 12/31/07 X X X X X X X OlE X OlE X X Stubbers Michael 12/31/06 X X X X X X OlE X X X X X I Nelson I KEY: X = Present o = Absent OlE = Absent/Excused NM = No meeting i --- = Not a Member I I I