HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-13 Bd Comm. Minutesj-- • • 1 MINUTES UAY BOARD MEETING 311 N. LINN STREET AUGUST 29, 1977 7:00 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Mikelson, Tom Conway, Selma Connor, Roberta Patrick, Jeff Schabilion, Gretchen Holt, Al Horowtiz, Dennis Hedges, Mary Larew, MEMBERS ABSENT: Al Bohanon, Diane Dennis, Leisa Fearing STAFF PRESENT: Jim Swaim ITEMS PRESENTED TO THE BOARD Mikelson: Introduce Gretchen Holt Mikelson: Approve minutes from previous meeting Swaim: Monthly report Swaim: Open House Mikelson: United Fund request Swaim: Insurance Swaim: Meeting in Washington D.C. Swaim: uutdoor music Horowitz: Winter workshop Swaim: Title XX funding Connor: Upkeep 1. Tom Mikelson introduced Gretchen Holt the new City appointee to the Board of Directors. Leisa Fearing has requested to be replaced on the Board due to her busy schedule she does not have time to participate . Thank you Leisa for your interest and time. 2. Al Horowitz noted an omission on the minutes from the previous meeting and requested a correction. The Board held an executive session during the meeting in July which was not noted in the minutes. The minutes were then approved as written with the addition of the above. 3. Beginning with the August meeting the Johnson County Board of Supervisors will receive a copy of the board minutes, also the monthly report and a fi- nancial report will be included as a regular report. 4. The Board discussed having an Open House at the suggestion of Jim Swaim. Since the Open House last year was so successful there was great enthusiasm for the project. On Wednesday September 21 from 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm the UAY Staff and Board will gather to meet the public. Jim Swaim was appointed as Publicity Chairman and Mary Larew is in charge of refreshments. 5. A great deal of discussion arose over the feasibility of printing a brochure describing UAY's purpose, goals and achievements. Jim was asked to get production estimates for the cost of printing before we go ahead with the project. N. 0 0 6. Tom reports a request from United Way for two people to help solicit funds since we are a funded organization we have an obligation to aid in this endeavor. Tom Mikelson and Dennis Hedges agreed to attend the United Fund meeting and solicit contributions. 7. Jim reported the purchase of Comprehensive Liability insurance from Dale Eberhardt for $117.00 , the carrier is Assurance Association of Iowa. Also Workmens Compensation coverage has been arranged at the cost of $270.00 annually. Blue Cross is to be provided for all full time staff personnel. 8. Jim reports the convention in Washington, DC on October 29 called "Standards and Goals for Juvenile Justice" which he would like to attend. This cost will be partially paid by LEAA funding. It was moved by Al Horo- witz, seconded by Jeff Schabilion and unanimously approved for UAY to sup- port the portion of the trip now covered by LEAH. 9. Jim asked the Boards opinion of co -sponsoring with CEEC a fall outdoor music festival. There was great enthusiasm shown for the project and approval was given to go ahead with plans. 10. Al Horowitz mentioned that the survival course winter workshop will be held from January 3 to 9. He suggested that staff and board members might,be interested in attending and will check for further details with Bob Brown. IL /lel'( Y, VC (• 11. Jim asked for and yet the OK from the Board to apply for Title XX funding for augmenting our existing program. 12. Discussion arose concerning the addition of youth members on the Board. Jim agreed to provide a list of possible youngpeople. With the loss of Leisa and Diane there are no youth members serving at this time. Once again the Board emphasized the desire for a person or persons with a background of involvement as a client. 13. The next Board meeting was set for October 3, 1977 at 7:00 p.m. 14. Selma Connor expressed the hopes of the Friends that UAY personnel would help in cleaning the sidewalks in winter and cut the grass in the summer. Q.Respectfullu submitted, Mary Ldrew, Secretary UAY Board of Directors I E n u UNITED ACTION FOR YOUM MONTHLY REPOH JULY I July was the first month under the new city contract. Much more of my time was spent on administation than in b previous months. Peg McElroy has set up the books and is teaching Scott and me the 'things necessary to maintain the finances on a daily basis. A new system of record-keeping related to services was developed. The new system was needed to b distinguish county outreach from city outreach. Although the county program will not begin until August 1, we are using the new system to see if it will be effective. Finding insurance and finishing our tax reports also took a great p deal of time this month. r CO Larry and I have agreed to set up a parents' education O group this fall at the HACAP office. The sessions are entitled "Adolescents and the Family,, and will run five weeks d' beginning this fall. Publicity and registration for the N sessions will be coordinated by the HACAP staff. N Lr) Both Larry and Susan had renewed energy for the month of July after vacations in June. Both have had to work with some extremely difficult cases this month and needed the extra energy. Susan is working out very well especially in O coordinating her work with other agencies. We are working closely with the 'Billowcreek Center (mark IV) in developing county outreach and accepting referrals. V The county outreach program was approved for pre agreement, meaning we can begin the project August 1, prior (0 to•final,4pproval by the state.. The expansion seems a 3 natural development of last years efforts and we are looking O forward to working in the expanded area. Plans for August include taking clients to the county fair and preparing for the new school year. We are also U working on a program of staff development for the outreach 47 aides. Last but not least, I'm looking forward to my vacation and ,paternity" leave. X Jim Swaim O Director JULY TOTALS Seminars 0 Youth Crisis Interventions 41 Youths Receiving Counseling 71 Youths Receiving Follow -Up 101 Referrals In 9 Referrals Out 1 united action for yout alternatives for young people 0 0 MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Lehman, Kammermeyer, Blum, Jakobsen, Ogesen, Cain, Vetter STAFF PRESENT: Schmeiser, Boothroy, Kushnir, Child RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL: 1. To approve S-7736, final plat of Pepperwood Addition, Part I, located west of Taylor Drive and south of the K -Mart area, contingent upon approval of the legal papers by the Legal Staff and the submission of signatures of the utility companies prior to consideration by the City Council. 2. To approve S-7742, final plat of Pepperwood Addition, Part II, located west of Taylor Drive and south of the K -Mart area, contingent upon approval of the legal papers by the Legal Staff and the submission of signatures of the utility companies prior to consideration by the City Council. 3. To approve S-7739, final plat of Wendram Bluff located north of Linder Road and east of Old Highway 218 (North Dubuque Street) in Johnson County contingent upon: (1) a waiver of the length of the cul de sac, and (2) approval of the legal papers by the Legal Staff. REQUESTS TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR INFORMATION OR STAFF ASSISTANCE: None LIST OF MATTERS PENDING COMMISSION/COUNCIL DISPOSITION: 1. P-7317. Creation of a University Zone (U). 2. P-7410. Creation of a Mobile Home Residential Zone (RMH). 3. P-7403. Revision of M1 and M2 Zones. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTIONS TAKEN: Chairperson Cain called the meeting to order and asked if anyone wished to discuss items not included on the agenda. No one responded. Cain asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the meeting held on August 18, 1977. Cain suggested deletion of the following words on page 3, third paragraph: " .. as outlined by Doug Boothroy with the deletion of requiring a waiver of the special assessment" and substituting the words " . as outlined in Recommendation N1 to the City Council on page 1 of the minutes." The minutes were unanimously approved as corrected. S-7736 and S-7742. Public discussion of a final olat of PeDDerwood Addition Doug Boothroy, Assistant Planner, explained that Pepperwood Addition had been divided into Parts I and II. With the exception of getting signatures of the 3639 1 -2 - utility companies and completion of review of the legal papers by the Legal Staff, all deficiencies and discrepancies had been corrected, he said. Don Schmeiser, Senior Planner, said some concern had been expressed by the Staff regarding the location of sidewalk easements. When sidewalks are installed in the center of a 10' easement located between two individual properties, there is a potential problem in determining whose responsibility it is to maintain the sidewalks and the right-of-way next to the sidewalks. The subdivider is given one year after approval of a plat to install sidewalks, he said, and if the sidewalks are not installed at that time, there is a lien against the property. Therefore, the Staff has suggested the possibility of offsetting the easement so that sidewalk maintenance would be the responsibility of one property owner rather than two property owners. Steve Victor, representative of Southgate Development Company, felt that offsetting the easement would place too much of a burden on one property owner and preferred sharing the responsibility of mainte- nance between two property owners. He also noted that by offsetting the easement, the City would be giving up some control over how close to the sidewalks greenery can be planted. Tony Kushnir, Assistant City Attorney, stated that experience with sidewalk installation and maintenance had often been a "legal headache". Commissioners asked that consideration of the location of sidewalk easements be placed on the next informal P&Z Commission agenda. Because Parts III and 1V of Peppeiwood Addition will later be filed, Steve Victor expressed a desire to have a policy statement from P&Z regarding sidwalk easements. Blum suggested as a possible method of dealing with the problem the location of an easement on two properties but installation of sidewalks on only one lot. Commissioners unanimously recommended to the City Council approval of 5-7736, final plat of Pepperwood Addition, Part I, located west of Taylor Drive and south of the K -Mart area, contingent upon approval of the legal papers by the Legal Staff and the submission of signatures of the utility companies prior to consideration by the City Council. Commissioners unanimously recommended to the City Council approval of 5-7742, final plat of Pepperwood Addition, Part II, located west of Taylor Drive and south of the K -Mart area, contingent upon approval of the legal papers by the Legal Staff and the submission of signatures of the utility companies prior to consideration by the City Council. Commissioners noted that the motions were made with the understanding that the developer will install sidewalks along easements. 5-7739. Public discussion of the final plat of Wendram Bluff located north of Linder Road and east of Old Highway 218 (North Dubuque Street) in Johnson County; A[ A— t �..a.--. n,,o,'17. .. J-.. •--. in,' ,7" Boothroy stated that the legal papers were resubmitted and review by the Legal Staff had not yet been completed. Commissioners unanimously recommended to the City Council approval of 5-7739, final plat of Wendram Bluff located north of Linder Road and east of Old Highway 218 (North Dubuque Street) in Johnson County contingent upon,: (1) a waiver of the length of the cul de sac, and (2) approval of the legal papers by the Legal Staff. M -3- • Commissioner Ogesen reported on the August 30th City Council meeting. Commissioners asked that a memo be sent to the City Council noting that changes to the Sign Ordinance proposed by the PITZ Commission had been referred to the Legal Staff for preparation of an ordinance incorporating the changes. Kushnir stated that the heavy workload of the Legal Staff had prevented the preparation of the ordinance. Commissioners expressed a desire to review the ordinance before referral to the City Council. The meeting adjourned. Prepared by: Sherry Child DCD Secretary Approved by: lfl Jud t�v a Vetter, P Z Secretary J MINUTES IOWA CITY PARKS & *ECREATION CENTER �- AUGUST 24, :1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: RECREATION COMMISSION ROOM B Boutelle, Cilek, Crum Stockman, Thayer McLaughlin, Moore, Powell, MEMBERS ABSENT: Mascher STAFF PRESENT: Flowers, Hauber, Howell, Lee, Showalter RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL: 1. That the Parks and Recreation Commission expresses to the City Council its disappointment in actions taken by the Council regarding the Windsor Heights Addition. RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE STAFF: 1. That the Parks and Recreation Commission recommends that there not be any entrance from Hickory Hill Park into Oakland Cemetery. 2. That the Parks and Recreation Commission recommends investigate.the property southwest of the end of Sunset report back to the Commission at the next meeting. that Showalter Street and UMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTION TAKEN: The Iowa City Parks and Recreation Commission met in Regular Session on August 24, 1977, with Chairperson Stockman presiding. Boutelle moved and Cilek seconded that the minutes of the July 13, 1977, meeting be approved as written. Unanimous. Discussion of an access to Hickory Hill Park from Oakland Cemetery. An access to Hickory Hill Park from Oakland Cemetery was discussed with Hauber.indicating that the comments she would make would be those of herself and the Cemetery crew. (A map outlining various proposals is attached). She reported that, when the former entrance into Oakland Cemetery was closed due to the opening of a new section in the cemetery, much vandalism bad occurred and numerous complaints had been received. Alternate routes into the park from the cemetery were discussed and Hauber concluded by stating that she and the Cemetery Staff would prefer no access to the park through the Cemetery. Stockman indicated that she had received many complaints regarding lack of an access, but that the Commission should consider the current separ- MRtion of uses between the park and the Cemetery. Following discussion, cLaughlin moved and Moore seconded that the Parks and Recreation Commission recommend that there not be any entrance from Hickory Hill Park into Oakland Cemetery- Unanimous. 36y� L Minutes Page 2 August 24, 1977 Discussion of land acouisition. 0 Regarding land acquisition, Showalter reported that the proposed Happy Hollow addition was on hold at this time. Ile also reported that the City Council had voted to approve the preliminary plat of the Windsor Heights Addition adjacent to Hickory Hill Park, but that the access road would not go through the park. He expressed concern over runoff from the development into Ralston Creek. Showalter indicated that the money allocated for land acquisition must be re -allocated if it is not spent. Following further discussion, McLaughlin moved and Crum seconded that the Parks and Recreation Commission express to the City Council its disappointment in actions taken by the Council regarding the Windsor Heights Addition. Boutelle, Crum, McLaughlin, Moore, Powell, Stockman, and Thayer voted aye with Cilek voting nay and Mascher absent. Motion carried. n LJ Showalter suggested that the Commission look at the possibility of land acquisition in an area southwest of where Sunset Street ends south of Benton Street. Ile will bring maps and a recommendation to the next Commission meeting. Boutelle suggested that Showalter's recommendations regarding land acquisition be based on more facts and related to an overall plan. Showalter responded that there could not really be an overall plan for park land acquisition until the Comprehensive Plan is completed. Thayer moved and Cilek seconded that the Parks and RecreatioO Commission recommend that Showalter investigate the property southwest of the end of Sunset Street and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. Unanimous. Showalter indicated that the owner of 'triangle Place might dedicate a portion of that land to the City. Stockman requested that if the dedi- cation is proposed, the matter be brought back to the Commission for its consideration. Discussion of parks and recreation issues as related to upcoming City Council elections and plans for a new library. Cilek suggested that the Commission make its issues known during the upcoming City Council elections and that perhaps it should contact the League of Women Voters regarding getting some questions on that group's campaign questionnaire. Stockman requested that Cilek pursue those ideas and report back to the Commission at the September meeting. Cilek also suggested pursuing the possibility of getting some recreation facilities (i.e. theater, media room) included in the plans for the new library or at least pursuing the possibility of having some initial input into the library plans. Showalter will explore those possibilities. Discussion of election of officers. • Stockman reminded the Commission that election of officers would be held at the next meeting and pointed out that the terms of Mascher and herself expire in December. 0 0 Minutes Sk:Igo 3 ugust 24, 1977 Discussion of Leisure Needs Survey. Showalter reported that the swmnor I,eisure Needs Survey was completed and that the Commission members would receive copies as soon as it was printed. Lee indicated that people responding to the survey were 960 favorable toward department activities and programs. Discussion of cooperation between the City and the University. McLaughlin indicated that he would be discussing areas of cooperation between the City and the University regarding recreation activities at the next meeting of the University's Recreation Advisory Committee. Of specific concern was the lack of joint sponsorship of the recent Johnson County Tennis Tournament, in which the University indicated it did not want to participate. I; Director's Report. Showalter indicated that the Mercer Park tennis court lights are operating but that there were pole defects at the City Park courts. The City Dark court lights should be operating by the end of the month. The ,lighting fee will start when all lighting is completed. He also reported that the ramp is completed at the west entrance of the Recreation Center and that the contract had been let for the Mercer Park ball diamond Lights. Those lights should be installed by December. Showalter stated that Neal Berlin had requested that a user survey be run at the Recreation Center this winter and that arrangements had been made for a Recreation class from the University to do the survey. Iie also indicated that the Elm Grove tennis courts are in operation and Moore stated that the courts were being used often, but that the play equipment in the park was shabby. Showalter responded that, if the park were being used often, better equipment could possibly be installed. Showalter reported that the Park Division Staff would be hea in maintenance of the downtown plaza. He also indicated tha had had input into choosing plant materials for the downtown also reported that Howell would be constructing a 35' x 35' area with a rally board south of the tennis courts at Mercer Discussion of recreation activities at Hawkeye Court. vily involved t the Staff area. Ile surfaced Park. Lee reported that there was a possibility that the University would be providing recreation activities at Hawkeye Court. lie stated that if he University does not provide activities there, the Staff could go ack this fall with activities on Saturdays. 0 0 Minutes Page 4 • August 24, 1977 Discussion of Iowa Recreation and Parks Association Convention. Showalter reported that the State Convention of the Iowa Recreation and Parks Association would be held on September 20 in Sioux City. He urged Commission members interested in attending to contact Bob Lee. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ellen R. Flowers, Secretary • C) 2 1 Outlots Outlots N U: 14 r, 3 4 iu s� w v v HICKOPHILL AREA entered via Conklin Lane 15 19 Fern -M. ' land 24 C) 23 m n n 21 d .` 22 20 a"F: u L`rive C, HGraceland . Glem Fair- view Direc 0 Oak Gr Green .1 Proposal • *OD,TH — .... --St.Joseph'b utder section 2 3 Welfare i7 ' 5 4 •F yJ Deeded t a' 14 oBodies 6 Oakland's Office BROIVtJ ST. t tAn r 13 N 28 25 x., 26 n co 11 10 9 0 o 30 m o a, n rH 7 �• 29 27 of 12 :,'•�. RONALDS ST. C) 2 1 Outlots Outlots N U: 14 r, 3 4 iu s� w v v HICKOPHILL AREA entered via Conklin Lane 15 19 Fern -M. ' land 24 C) 23 m n n 21 d .` 22 20 a"F: u L`rive C, HGraceland . Glem Fair- view Direc 0 Oak Gr Green .1 Proposal STAIT RGPDIfr To: Planning and Zoning Commission Item: S-7736. Pepperwood Addition, Part I MWERAI, INFORMATION Applicant: Requested Action: Purpose: Location: Sizo: Existing land use and zoning: Surrounding land use and zoning Zoning history: Applicable regulations: 45 -day limitation: 60 -day limitation: SPECIAL INFORMATION Public utilities: Public services: Transportation: Prepared by: Doug Boothroy Date: August 18, 1977 Southgate Development Company 1902 Broadway lown City, Iowa 52240 Approval of a final subdivision plat. To establish 87 lots for single family residences. West of Taylor Drive and south of the K -Mart area. Approximately 26 acres Agricultural and RIB North - undeveloped and C2, South - agricultural and RIA, Bast - duplexes and 112, Wcst. - agricultural and RIA. September, 1970 -- rezoning application for RIB approved July, 1977. Subdivision requirements of Chapter 9.50 of the Municipal Code and previsions of the Storm Water Manage- ment Ordinance. 9/12/77 9/27/77 Adequate water and sewerage service are available. A potential problem in the capacity of the sanitary sewer could exist at a higher density of development than proposed. Sanitation service and police and fire protection are available. Access will be provided from Sandusky Avenue and Keokuk Street. -2 - Physical characteristics 'ropography is gentle to rolling with maximum slopes of 10 percent. ANALYSIS 'I'hc preliminary plat of Pepperwood was :ippruvuJ by the Planning and Zoning Commission and by Council at their regularly scheduled meeting on August 8, 1977. The final plat submitted by Southgate Development, Inc. is on a portion of the preliminary plat previously approved. The Staff finds the subject plat to be in substantial compliance with the preliminary plat. RfCO1,51IMA'I'IONS The Staff recommends that consideration of the final plat be deferred, but that upon revision of the plat incorporating the deficiencies and discrepancies noted below and review of the legal papers, the plat be approved. DDPICIENCIES AND DSICRGPANCIBS 1. The Storm Water Detention Area should be shown and dimensioned with respsect to lot lines. further, a note should be provided that no structures are to be allowed within the detention area. The radius of the turnaround I'or Apple Court should bo indicated. 3. Briar L:nc and Sandusky Avenue should he renamed Brim Drive and Sandusky Privc. 4. The survey marker notes are turned around and need to be corrected. I Approved by Icnnis V p i Kraft Community Development r79RK p W TW . I' � ' �I ,• `fit ...i M'V • --- /� R i T REQUEST AREA o•N C1151G cr \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ 1 t FILE / 4 690 1200 1820 NUMBER: NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE :1 :660' $- 7736 cl lu:d sueveyor / ' I \ i � : � /'brr..m L�mll J Slarm.eio sr...7a. A'n , .'. :', � � • •I �/ 1 `=ate'`` .._ ,I I •� � U �4 v r r ' .•r u.i.:.. r i I, i ' ••;r tl�r. Cur1'i C7niiviu�T i C:i-Wf C ii jt^\� 87 -.70: j a7 I' ciit H ••_• �.... _____ //� : �''r •' ;� iso reL•uL.%rwv � • •• �', •.. Y-+F ' •',' i•�', ,, ..ti_ J'�i r• /'� I •rl. •, RMIR. r0Y t 1tulI jrt }••L-..•�';•t ,�r j2 r I6140 ! rt .. 3 r it �_ \` JJ "•'•'/ ' } •Jq/ ".:9' �0• /"' / la9and 1. 00 ' ::,.••• •610••� C\\ JJI••/H ! ,'4, r 73:�.. i• I 6B 77,^x. LV b.. 1 f!c• a m n+.nL i /jjj w L.r. LYN a r :+3. . / '. •./. J, // % /'., :, 6 / 6 t`•• er.r.Rw r.ur, w nn .. 07 If 6 r< 19 43 I• • 67 ... 1 ! •r i ,'•. � . i � n.•. i •.. t 0 .T'IRThu L "S—i:r£.'Fi+7 ii: L I to \ ;1 y. 69 •1 73 a/�\ / a.. 1 • . :I. C n x' t9 't i. 66 I I 'I I ;I• /' �J 20' 1f i ty .II 1 ]0 ik 7J i �I• •$ ��_ •' I 17 L••.^1T " 21 5 If 16/ 2d 10 22 x:I 71 I' 72••• / I i'. r .� 6 •\ . r R rr 2i 7 :/.; a.� • ... J s� .4 o p. A... 12 -7 61•• 60 d. , / �. 76 I II � � <•i+• .r 19•, P4::'•'r..} r . DY . .�' mv,rN..P;•.,,,t � r,er trot :•.. •..• • 0 STAFF REPORT To: Planning and Zoning Commission Prepared by: Doug Boothroy item: S-7739. Wendram Bluff Date: September 1, 1977 GENERAL. INFORMATION Applicant: Requested action: Purpose: Location: Size: Existing land use: Surrounding land use: Applicable regulations: 45 -day limitation period: 60 -day limitation period: SPECIAL INFORMATION Public utilities: Public services: Transportation: Haywood Belle 2951 South Martin Luther King Drive 01602 Chicago, IL 60616 Final plat approval To establish 32 lots for single family residences North of Linder Road and east of Old Highway 218 (North Dubuque Street) in .Johnson County approximately 39 acres Undeveloped North - Iowa River Fast - undeveloped (Lime Kiln Farm Estates Addition South (across Linder Road) - Interstate 80 West (across Old 218) - Partially developed with single family residences Subdivision Ordinance provisions of Chapter 9.SO of the Municipal Code. 9/18/77 10/3/77 No public utilities are proposed. Sewer service will be individual septic systems. Watermains will be installed to City specifications but privately owned and maintained. The only public services that would be provided are police and fire protection from or through the County. Vehicular access to the subdivision will be provided from Linder Road. 3 650 1 0 I -S773q 6ez 54 LIND RU Ica 0 VVA e,r� 14 e I