HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-01 Council MinutesMINUTES OF OFFICIAL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL NOVEMBER 1, 1977 The cost of publishing the following proceedings & claims is $ . Cumulative cost for this calendar year fo— r std publication is $ Iowa City Council -Executive Session.—_9576T-By Selzer, seconded by deProsse, to adjourn to executive session for discussion of appointment to the Bd. of Electrical Examiners. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Perret absent. 7:15 P.M. Moved by Vevera, seconded by Selzer, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously, 7:25 P.M. Iowa City Council, reg. Council mtg., 11/1/77, 7:30 P.M., at the Civic Ctr. Councilmembers present: Balmer, deProsse, Foster, Neuhauser, Perret, Selzer, Vevera. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Harold Bechtoldt appeared and read a statement cont. FY518, especially action taken by the JCRPC's Citizens Advisory Transp. Comm. Moved by Perret, seconded by Foster, to receive and file the statement. Motion carried, 7/0. Wayne Begley pre- sented a chronology of events and interrogatories taken cont. the litigation on 902 N. Dodge and discussed the status of the proceedings. Mayor Neuhauser proclaimed the month of November, 1977, as Epilepsy Month. Moved by Foster, seconded by Balmer, that the following items and recomm. in the Consent Calendar be approved and/or adopted as presented: Approval of Off. Actions, reg. Council mtg., 10/18/77, subj. to correction, as recommended by City Clerk. Minutes of Bds. & Comms.: P&Z Comm. - 10/20/77; Housing Comm. -10/14/77; Comprehensive Plan Coord. Comm. -10/13/17; Resources Conserv. Comm. -10/11/77; Parks & Rec. Comm. -10/12/77. Permit Res., Res. Bk. 42, as recomm. by City Clerk: Res. N77-425, p. 832, Approving Class C Beer Permit application and Res. #77- 426, p. 833, Approving Class C Beer Sunday Sales Permit application for Dividend Bonded Gas. Res. N77-427, Res. Bk. 42, p. 834, Accepting Storm Sewer and Paving for Hawkeye Hgts. as constructed by Knowling Bros. Contracting Co. of Coralville, Ia. Motions: Approving disbursements for period of 9/1-30/77 in the amt. of $1,108,028.33, as recomm. by Finance Dir., subj. to audit. Approving Abstract of Election for the Iowa City Mun. Primary Election of 10/18/77, received from Johnson Co. Auditor's Office. Motion to set public hearing on 11/22/77 on final planned area dev. plan of Ty'n Cae Add., Pts. 1 & 2. Correspondence: .Johnson Co. Mutual Aid Firemen's Assoc. re serv. to Univ. Hgts.; Ruth Becker, re bicyclists; petition for Iowa City residents re use of Clinton St. modules of Iowa City/Johnson Co. Arts Council; referred to City Mgr. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Mayor Neuhauser announced the following vacancies with appointments to be made on 12/6/77: 3 vacan- cies -3 -yr. terms ending 1/1/81 on Human Rgts. Comm.; 1 vacancy -unexpired term ending 12/31/78 on Bd. of Appeals; 2 vacancies -4 -yr. terms ending 1/1/82 on Parks & Rec. Comm; and 1 vacancy -unexpired term ending 1/1/79 & 1 vacancy -5 -yr. term ending l/l/83 on the Bd. of Adjustment. Moved by Selzer, seconded by Perret, to appoint Ferrell Turner to the Bd. of Electrical Examiners & Appeals for a 4 -yr. term expiring 10/26/81. Motion carried, 7/0. Public Hearing was held on the proposed Ord. Amending Sec. 8.10.4 of the Mun. Code of Iowa City by Enacting an Interim Ord. (Northside Bldg. Moratorium). Planning and Zoning recommendation, 3/1, in favor of the moratorium, was noted. Persons appearing in favor of the Ord.: Ken Hubel, for the Northside Neighbors, Jeanne Smithfield, Ira Bolnick, Rev. Bill Eckhart, Bea Davis, Gertrude Englert, and Atty. Bruce Washburn, representing Northside Neighbors. Persons objecting were: Kathleen Murphy, Atty. Wm. Meardon, Atty. J.P. White representing Tom Scott, and Allen Wolfe. In addition Edgar Folk, P&Z Commr. Dick Blum, Caroline Embree, Bill Terry, Woody Stodden appeared. City Atty. John Hayek responded conc. the authority of Council and the legality of the moratorium, and discussed the amendment regarding duplexes suggested by Council. A substantial majority of the overflow audience indicated favoring the moratorium. Four persons owning property opposed the moratorium. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Foster, that the rule requiring that ords. must be considered and voted on for passage at 2 Council mtgs. prior to the mtg. at which it is to be finally passed be suspended, that the 1st & 2nd consideration and vote be waived, and that the ord. be voted upon for final passage at this time. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Foster, to amend Sec. 2(D) of Ord. filed on 10/14, by the addition of the words, 'or the conversion of single family dwellings to duplexes,' between the words 'dwellings' & 'and the repair'. Motion carried, 7/0. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Perret, that the ORD. H77-2868, Ord. Bk. 12, pp. 202-203, AMENDING CHAP. 8.10, THE ZONING ORD. OF THE MUN. CODE OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, BY LIMITING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN A DESIGNATED AREA FOR A MAXIMUM PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS PENDING THE ENACTMENT OF A NEW ZONING ORD, as amended, be finally adopted at this time. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Foster, seconded by deProsse, that the following correspon- dence & statements presented in reference to the Ord. be received and made a part of the record: Atty. Wm. Meardon, representing Consolidated Properties & Wayne Kempf-Ken Albrecht; Ellen & Alan Widiss; Kathleen Murphy; Atty. Charles Barker, representing Allen Wolfe; and John J. Meyers. Motion carried, 7/0. Moved by Foster, seconded by deProsse, to adopt RES. N77-428, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 835-836, ESTABLISHING FAIR RE-USE VALUE FOR CERTAIN URBAN RENEWAL PROPERTY (Parcel 101-2). Affirmative roll call vote was unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. After discussion, it was moved by Vevera & seconded by Balmer, to amend the Res. as requested by Don Slothower,& Bill Gilpin. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Perret, seconded by Foster, to adopt RES. N77-429, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 837-838, ADOPTING POLICY ON DIRT & GRAVEL STREETS, as amended. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Selzer, to adopt RES. N77-430, Res. Bk. 42, p. 839, AWARDING CONTRACT FOR MORMON TREK IMPROVEMENT PROJ. TO Metro,Pavers, Inc., Iowa City, subject to concurrence of the Federal Highway Admin. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Selzer, to adopt Res. k77-431, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 840-842, AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS IN THE IOWA CITY AREA WITH THE RAPE VICTIM ADVOCACY PROG. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 1/0, all Councilmembers present. Linda Maguire, Rape Victim Advocacy Prog., appeared. Council concurred that the second payment would be made on 1/1/78. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Foster, to approve the application from IA-ILL Gas & Elec. Co. for construction on hwy. r-o-w. Motion carried, 7/0. This will allow installation of a high pressure gas main near the Veteran's Hospital. Moved by Foster, seconded by Perret, to authorize the City Mgr. to request the consultant, Zuchelli, Hunter & Assocs., Inc., to assist the City in negotiations between the City & Urban Renewal redevelopers as detailed in Task 17 of a contract for technical servs. for the City-Univ. Urban Renewal Proj. I of 9/7/76, as amended on 7/26/77. Motion carried, 7/0. The Bd. of Elect. Exam. & Appeals appeared before Council conc. the City Mgr.'s memo dated 10/25/77, re the upcoming appeal hearing for ACT submitted by Spitznagel Partners Inc. conc, elec- trical plans. The Bd. members were assured that they had Council's full confidence. Commr. Robinson read a statement. P&Z Commr. Dick Blum pointed out a mistake in the agenda concerning the prel. plat Oakes Meadows Addition and asked Council to consider a P&Z Res. conc.the street at the next informal mtg. Council will discuss this subd. at the next informal session. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Foster, to adjourn the mtg. Motion carried, 7/0. (10:40 P.M.) For a more detailed & complete description of Council Activities & Disbursement, see Office of City Clerk and Finance Department. s/MARY NEUHAUSER, MAYOR s/ABBIE STOLFUS, CITY CLERK 11/15/77 Su mined for publication on 11/10/77p. C�'`�`LX�" M*ES OF OFFICIAL ACTIONS OF COS OCTOBER 18, 1977 The cost of publishing the following proceedings & claims is $ . Cumulative cost for this cal- endar year for sa publication is $ Iowa City Council, reg. Council mtg., , 7:30 P.M., at the Civic Ctr. Councilmembers present: Balmer, deProsse, Foster, Neuhauser, Perret, Selzer. Absent: Vevera. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Ken Hubbell, Atty. Bruce Washburn for Northside Neighbors, Atty. Ralph Neuzil for Schintler Bros., & Wayne Begley appeared. Atty. Hayek advised that, if they desired, Council could amend the Ord. so that as a matter of policy when an appeal is filed on the matter of issuance of a building permit, the permit would be revoked and a lawsuit started. Hayek advised that he was in complete agreement with actions taken by Asst. Atty. Angela Ryan on the matter. Moved by Foster, seconded by Pe•rret, to direct the legal staff to revoke the building permit in question until the review by the Bd. of Adjust. Developer Schlintler agreed to present a written statement that they would not proceed further than installation of footings and foundation until after the review by the Bd., and the discussion by the 3 parties, the neighbors, the developer and the City Staff. Mayor Neuhauser proclaimed the month of October, 1977, as Salute to Iowa City Industry Month, and 10/24/77 as United Nations Day. Steffi Hite appeared re the Weir letter on the consent calendar and presented a statement of rebuttal. Contractor Grell outlined alternatives for correction of the septic tank problems and agreed that if plastic could be used, he would have a lift station installed by 11/7/77. There were no objections from Council, as long as P.W. agreed with the materials and plan. Pam Weir also appeared. Moved by Selzer, seconded by Foster, that the correspondence from Hite and the Northside Neighbors be received & filed. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Perret, that the following items and recomn. in .the Consent Calendar be approved and/or adopted as presented: Approval of Off. Actions, reg. Council mtg., 10/4/77; subj. to correction, as recomn. by City Clerk. Minutes of Bds. & Comms.: Resources Conserv. Comm. -9/27/77; Human Rgts. Comm. -9/26/77; Comprehensive Plan Coord. Comm. -9/22/77 & 9/29/77; P&Z Comm. -10/6/17. Permit Res., Res, Bk. 42, as recomm. by City Clerk: Res. N77-403, P. 801A, Approving Class C Beer Permit & Res. N77-404, p. 802, Approving Class C Beer Sunday Sales Permit for Kirkwood 76, 300 Kirkwood Ave. Res. #77- 405, P. 803, to Refund Portion of Class C Ler License Fee to The SerendiplPub, 1310 Highland Ct. Res. #77-406, p. 04, Approving Class C Liquor Control License for Bart's Place, 826 S. Clinton. Res. #77-407, p. 805, Approving Cigarette Permit. Motion to approve disbursements for 8/1- 31/77, in amt. of $3,321,769.47, as recomm. by Finance Dir., subj. to correction. Correspondence: Leo Fitzgibbons, re Parcel 81-1, Urban Renewal property; Pamela Weir, re pollution problem along with a copy of letter from City Eng.; referred to City Mgr. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Re the P&Z recomm. on Mt. Prospect Addn. IV, previous action on submittal and storm water management ord. were discussed. Commr. Ernie Lehman appeared. Moved by Vevera, seconded by Selzer, that the staff prepare an ord. repealing the Storm Water Management Ord. Roll call: Ayes: Foster, Selzer, Vevera, Balmer. Nays: deProsse, Neuhauser, Perret. Motion carried, 4/3. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Selzer, to adopt RES. #408, Res. Bk. 42, p. 806, TO AUTHORIZE CITY MGR. TO PURCHASE PROPERTY FROM IOWA CITY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (REGINA) + FLOODWAY EASEMENTS FROM OTHER ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. City Mgr. Berlin explained the proposal. Public Hearing on the Housing Occupancy & Maintenance Code was held. Housing Comm. Steve Lombardi, Harry Baum, & Robt. Johnson, for I.C. Apt. Owners appeared. Moved by Selzer, seconded by deProsse, that the correspondence from Baum & Lombardi be received & filed. Motion carried unanimously. A majority of Councilmembers agreed to delay consideration of the Ord. until after 11/7. Moved by Perret, seconded by deProsse, that the ORD. TO AMEND ORD. #75-2783 + #77-2826, THE IOWA CITY MUN. ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCE ORD. BY REQUIRING DISCLOSURE OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO AND EXPENDITURES BY A POLITICAL COMM. FOR THE AMT. AN INDIVIDUAL OR COMM. CONTRIBUTES TO A POLITICAL COMM. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING OR OPPOSING A BALLOT ISSUE be considered and given 2nd vote for passage. Motion carried, 4/3, Vevera, Balmer, Selzer voting 'no'. Roll call: Ayes: Neuhauser, Perret, deProsse, Foster. Nays: Selzer, Vevera, Balmer. 2nd consideration given 4/3. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Selzer, to adopt RES. #77-409, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 807-809, TO APPROVE FINAL PLAT OF THE VILLAGE GREEN SOUTH. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Selzer, seconded by Balmer, to approve the request by Hy -Vee Food Stores, Inc., for an intersection with Hwy. 6 Bypass. Motion carried, 5/2, Perret & deProsse voting'no'. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Balmer, to defer the RES. TO APPROVE THE PREL. LARGE SCALE NON- RESIDENO PLAN AND PREL. PLAT SUBMITTER HY- VEE FOOD STORES, INC. for 1 wk. Motion carried, 7/0. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Perret, to adopt RES. #77-410, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 810-811, AMENDING PAYRANGE FOR CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL, RES. #77-215 FOR CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Foster, to adopt RES. #77-411, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 812-814, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF INTENT TO ACCEPT PROPOSALS TO PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP CERTAIN URBAN RENEWAL PROPERTY. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Foster, to adopt RES. #77-412, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 815, ACCEPTING THE FY78 ASPHALT RESURFACING PROJ. as done by L.L. Pelling Co., Iowa City, Ia. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Selzer, seconded by Foster, to adopt RES. #77-413, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 816-817, ACCEPTING COLLEGE/DUBUQUE MALL STORM AND SANITARY SEWER PROJ. as recomm. by Assoc. Engrs. and as performed by Dave Schmidt Constr. Co. of Cedar Rapids, Ia. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Foster, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. #77-414, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 818, ACCEPTING MATERIALS SUPPLIED UNDER CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE JEFFERSON/MARKET SIGNALIZATION PROJ. as performed by Roger L. Brown Sales Agency Inc. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Foster, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. #77-415, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 819, ACCEPTING PAVING AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PORTION OF BRAVERMAN CTR. ADDN. (Lots 1, 2, & 5; formerly Lots 1 & 2 subsequently redivided). Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Foster, seconded by Balmer, to approve the application from Charles Hippee for constr. of the Hwy. r -o -w. Motion carried, 7/0. This res. authorizes a permit for a curb cut.on Riverside Dr. for the McDonald's development. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Selzer, to adjourn the mtg. Motion carried, 7/0. (10:30 P.M.) For a more detailed & complete description of Council Activities & Disbursements, see Office of City Clerk and Finance Department. s/MARY C. NEUHAUSER, MAYOR s/ABBIE STOLFUS, CITY CLERK 11/1/77 Submitted to newspaper 10/27/77. COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF COUNCIL ACTIVITIES OCTOBER 18, 1977 7:30 P.M. Iowa City Council, reg. Council mtg., 10/18/77, 7:30 P.M., at the Civic Ctr. Councilmembers present: Balmer, deProsse, Foster, Neuhauser, Perret, Selzer. Absent: Vevera. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Schreiber, Stolfus, Kucharzak, Ryan, Schmeiser. Bd, & Comm, members: Lehman, P & Z; Lombardi, Housing. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Minutes recorded on Tape #77-32. After considerable discussion with City Atty. Hayek, Ken Hubbell, Sr. Planner Schmeiser, Housing & Insp. Serv. Dir. Kucharzak, Atty. Bruce Washburn for Northside Neighbors, Atty. Ralph Neuzil for Schintler Bros., & Wayne Begley, Atty. Hayek advised that, if they desired, Council could amend the Ord. so that as a matter of policy when an appeal is filed on the matter of issuance of a building permit, the permit would be revoked and a lawsuit started. Schmeiser explained that the tree ord. does not apply to alleys. Hayek advised that he was in complete agreement with actions taken by Asst. Atty. Angela Ryan on the matter. Moved by Foster, seconded by Perret, to direct the legal staff to revoke the building permit in question until the review by the Bd. of Adjust. Developer Schlintler agreed to present a written statement that they would not proceed further than installation of footings and foundation until after the review by the Bd., and the discussion by the 3 parties, the neighbors, the developer and the City Staff. Mayor Neuhauser proclaimed the month of October, 1977, as Salute to Iowa City Industry Month, and 10/24/77 as United Nations Day. Steffi Hite appeared re the Weir letter on the consent calendar and presented a statement of rebuttal. Contractor 6rell outlined alternatives for correction of the septic tank problems and agreed that if plastic could be used, he would have a lift station installed by 11/7/77. There were no objections from Council, as long as P.W. agreed with the materials and plan. Paan Weir also appeared, requesting that the alternatives be presented in writing. Moved by Selzer, seconded by Foster, that the correspondence from Hite and the Northside Neighbors be received & filed. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Perret, that the following items and recomm. in the Consent Calendar be approved and/or adopted as presented: Approval of Off. Actions, reg. Council mtg., 10/4/77; subj. to correction, as recomm. by City Clerk. Minutes of Bds. & Comms.: Resources Conserv. Comm. -9/27/77; Human Rgts. Comm. -9/26/77; Comprehensive Plan Coord. Comm. -9/22/77 & 9/29/77; P&Z Comm. -10/6/77. Permit Res., Res. Bk. 42, as recomm. by City Clerk: Res. #77- 403, p. 801A, Approving Class C Beer Permit & Res. R77-404, p. 802, Approving Class C Beer Sunday Sales Permit for Kirkwood 76, 300 Kirkwood Ave. Res. H77-405, p. 803, to Refund Portion of Class C Liquor License Fee to The Serendipity Pub, 1310 Highland Ct. Res. • • Council Activities October 18, 1977 Page 2 #77-406, P. 804, Approving Class C Liquor Control License for Bart's Place, 826 S. Clinton. Res. #77-407, p. 805, Approving Cigarette Permit. Motion to approve disbursements for 8/1-31/77, in amt. of $3,321,769.47, as recomm. by Finance Dir., subj. to correction. Correspondence: Leo Fitzgibbons, re Parcel 81-1, Urban Renewal property; Pamela Weir, re pollution problem along with a copy of letter from City Eng.; referred to City Mgr. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Council noted recomm. from the Resources Conserv. Comm. that the Model Code for Energy Conserv. in New Bldg. Constr. be enforced by the City by requiring all applicable profs. to be certified in compliance with this code by registered architect or engineer, and P&Z Comm.'s recomm. for Council to include Mt. Prospect Addn., Pt. 4, on list of subdivisions submitted to Council which were to be exempted from require- ments of Storm Water Management Ord. and to approved the application submitted by Iowa City Warehousing, Inc. for a LSNRD plan of Lot 3 of Auditor's Plat, No. 32. Re the P&Z recomm. on Mt. Prospect Addn. IV, previous action on submittal and storm water management ord. were discussed. Commr. Ernie Lehman appeared. Moved by Vevera, seconded by Selzer, that the staff prepare an ord. repealing the Storm Water Management Ord. Roll call: Ayes: Foster, Selzer, Vevera, Balmer. Nays: deProsse, Neuhauser, Perret. Motion carried, 4/3. Balmer commented on the article "More for Less", in regard to New York City financial problems and commended the Iowa City Staff for being fiscally conservative. Selzer requested that Mr. Hunter be scheduled to talk with the Council on economic dev. prog. He also noted arrangements which could be made to annex Ernest Horn School to Iowa City so that fire protection could be provided. Univ. Hgts. Council would need to concur. Mayor Neuhauser advised that she had been asked by the US Conference of Mayors and the State Dept. to observe, at Israeli govt. expense, urban programs and dev. in Israel on 11/12-22/77. The City Atty. had advised there was no conflict of interest. There were no Council objections. Perret advised Staff of broken sidewalk, with no barricade, at Seville Apts. on Benton St. He also called attention to a potential problem re Iowa City residents in using the bus if it does not stop in Univ. Hgts. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Selzer, to adopt RES. #408, Res. Bk. 42, p. 806, TO AUTHORIZE CITY MGR. TO PURCHASE PROPERTY FROM IOWA CITY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (REGINA) + FLOODWAY EASEMENTS FROM OTHER ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Council - members present. City Mgr. Berlin explained the proposal. Public Hearing on the Housing Occupancy & Maintenance Code was held. Housing Comm. Steve Lombardi noted several concerns. Harry Baum made • 40uncil Activities October 18, 1977 Page 3 comparisons with the Landlord/Tenant Initiative Ord. Dir. Kucharzak was present for discussion. Robt. Johnson, for I.C. Apt. Owners, requested delay in consideration of the HM&O Code until after the 11/7 election. Moved by Selzer, seconded by deProsse, that the correspondence from Baum & Lombardi be received & filed. Motion carried unanimously. A majority of Councilmembers agreed to delay consideration of the Ord. until after 11/7. Moved by Perret, seconded by deProsse, that the ORD. TO AMEND ORD. H75-2783 + q77-2826, THE IOWA CITY MUN. ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCE ORD. BY REQUIRING DISCLOSURE OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO AND EXPENDITURES BY A POLITICAL COMM. FOR THE AMT. AN INDIVIDUAL OR COMM. CONTRIBUTES TO A POLITICAL COMM. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING OR OPPOSING A BALLOT ISSUE be considered and given 2nd vote for passage. Motion carried, 4/3, Vevera, Balmer, Selzer voting 'no'. Roll call: Ayes: Neuhauser, Perret, deProsse, Foster. Nays: Selzer, Vevera, Balmer. 2nd consideration given 4/3. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Selzer, to adopt RES. N77-409, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 807-809, TO APPROVE FINAL PLAT OF THE VILLAGE GREEN SOUTH. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Selzer, seconded by Balmer, to approve the request by Hy -Vee Food Stores, Inc., for an intersection with Hwy. 6 Bypass. Motion carried, 5/2, Perret & deProsse voting'no'. P&Z Conmr. Lehman appeared. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Balmer, to defer the RES. TO APPROVE THE PREL. LARGE SCALE NON-RESIDENTIAL PLAN AND PREL. PLAT SUBMITTED BY HY-VEE FOOD STORES, INC. for 1 wk. Motion carried, 7/0. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Perret, to adopt RES. N77-410, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 810-811, AMENDING PAY RANGE FOR CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL, RES. #77-215 FOR CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Foster, to adopt RES. N17-411, Res. Bk. 42,pp. 812-814, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF INTENT TO ACCEPT PROPOSALS TO PURCHASE AND REDEVELOP CERTAIN URBAN RENEWAL PROPERTY. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Foster, to adopt RES. N77-412, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 815, ACCEPTING THE FY78 ASPHALT RESURFACING PROJ. as done by L.L. Pelting Co., Iowa City, Ia. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Selzer, seconded by Foster, to adopt RES. N77-413, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 816-817, ACCEPTING COLLEGE/DUBUQUE MALL STORM AND SANITARY SEWER PROJ. as recomm. by Assoc. Engrs. and as performed by Dave Schmidt Constr. Co. of Cedar Rapids, Ia. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Foster, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. N77-414, Res. Bk. 42, pp. 818, ACCEPTING MATERIALS SUPPLIED UNDER CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING • Council Activities October 18, 1977 Page 4 OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE JEFFERSON/MARKET SIGNALIZATION PROJ, as performed by Roger L. Brown Sales Agency Inc. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Foster, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. N77-415, Res, Bk. 42, pp. 819, ACCEPTING PAVING AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PORTION OF BRAVERMAN CTR. ADDN. (Lots 1, 2, & 5; formerly Lots 1 & 2 subsequently redivided). Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Foster, seconded by Balmer, to approve the application from Charles Hippee for constr. of the Hwy. ro-w. Motion carried, 7/0. This res. authorizes a permit for a curb cut on Riverside Dr. for the McDonald's development. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Selzer, to adjourn the mtg. Motion carried, 7/0. (10:30 P.M.) MKRY C. NEUHAUSER, MAYOR BRIE STOLFUS, CITY CLERK 1 0 • INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION OCTOBER 17, 1977 INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION, October 17, 1977, at 1:00 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Tape-recorded on Reels #31 & 33. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Neuhauser, deProsse, Selzer, Balmer, Foster, Perret, (1:10 PM) Absent: Vevera. STAFFMEMBERS PRESENT: Berlin, Stolfus, Schmeiser, Schreiber, Brachtel, Plastino ZONING APPLICATIONS Hy -Vee Ron Pierson from HyVee made a presentation regarding their request for an access cut to Highway 6. They agreed to pay for the road to Highway 6, for the traffic light at the intersection and the turn and stacking lanes, and will move the drainage off that area. Larry Snittger explained design for the intersection. Public Works Dir. Plastino noted the staff objections to the project. Scott Barker, Attorney for Fleetway and owner Charles Scott appeared. Council discussed condemning the Greb property for extension of Hollywood Blvd. Three Council members favored Hy-Vee's proposal and three did not want an access to Bypass 6. Mt. Prospect IV Final decision concerning storm water management ordinance nc compliae will be made at Tues. formal meeting. Village Green South Revisions have been made to eliminate the 40' dedication. NORTHSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION STUDY Kevin Laverty, for Project Leader Douglass Lee, presented slides showing the positive and negative aspects of the neighborhood. Elaine Baxter discussed the Historic Structures Inventory, and gave some data on setting up a Historic District. Vicki Williams presented the report on Neighborhood Site Improvement Program. No cost/benefit analysis was made. Council pointed out that this information as presented would be helpful. AUDIT -ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FY '77 Dave Johansen, McGladrey, Hansen, Dunn & Co. CPAs, was present for discussion of their recommendations and comments. Finance Director Rosemary Vitosh explained that the one million dollar deficit in Capital Projects was because the City did not receive the UMTA Grant reimbursement until July. In the General Fund, the Year End Balance of $806,000 was close to what the Staff had projected. Two corrections were noted: 1) on the second page of the CPA's letter, Point H6, the year should be 1976 (line 3), 2) on page 40 for FY76, the Ratio of Iowa City to Toal should be 35.6. There was a short discussion of Conflict of Interest and accrual accounting. AIRPORT COMMISSION -MASTER PLAN Commissioners Peterson, Phipps and Embree were present for the discussion. Peterson explained the status of the master plan and its purpose. They are proposing to make the airport accessible for business jets. Arguments for and against were pointed out. 0 CITY PLAZA AREA DESIGN REVI 0 City Manager Berlin pointed out that the detailed information of the design for the Plaza area had been presented, & if there were any variations or problems, this was the -time for Council input. Jack Leaman outlined the final design scheme on the drawings presented. The dry focal point had been redesigned using the Purington paver bricks with granite strips, with a granite center square. Showalter & Hauber had reviewed the selection of trees. Changes had been made in the recommendations for lights. Capacity & expansion for bike racks was discussed. Several Councilmembers still had concerns over the design of the kiosk. Leaman will discuss this with the Design Review Committee. The placement of telephones was changed, and vandalism and design of drinking fountain (accessible for handicapped) was pointed out. Coordination with the private group concerning timetable for focal point will be provided by Leaman. Access to the Apple Tree has been provided. After the final working package of drawings is completed, and reviewed by staff,the project will be bid for construction, probably in mid-December. Regarding negotiations with the Utility Co., Glaves advised that they need to know where to install the stub utilities services for the lease spaces. There is still a problem of switch gear locations and transformer locations not on the Plaza, but in or off of alleys & other parcels particularly in the quadrant to the north and east of the center section. A section of space will be allocated for the power company on the proposed Library lot. Construction for the College Block Bldg. was discussed. Old bricks removed will be used or saved. Some water services will be replaced next spring. EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved by Perret, seconded by Foster to adjourn to executive session for discussion of land acquisition. Roll call vote, all members present except Vevera. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Stolfus, Kraft, Vann, Sheets, Plastino, Showalter and Parks & Rec. Comm. Chrp. Glenn Boutelle. Moved by Foster, seconded by Balmer to adjourn. Motion carried, 6/0. 5:10 P.M. AGENDA Energy Coordinator A job description will be provided for budget sessions. I' Fire Protection -Ernest Horn School City Manager Berlin suggested determining if the School Board would annex the property to the City. There were no objections. Economic Development It was suggested that as urban renewal is underway, Council could now look at the strategy for economic development with the consultant, (Hunter). Complimentar Bus Passes It was noted that the passes should be given to wherever the a come Wagon goes, but not passed out in the dorms. The Arlington, Va. ordinance will be investigated. A licP,iion form for use of City Streets and Public Right -of -Way. The City Manager was asked to simplify the form. Article Mayor Neuhauser called attention to the article "More for Less" in the packet. It was noted that the Housing Inspector slot had been vacant for 3 months. There was concern that the Housemoving Procedure was cumbersome. The Clerk advised that the date for Housing Application would be moved to the 22nd. There were no objections. Meeting adjourned, 5:30 P.M.