HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-01 CorrespondenceTO: City Council of Iowa City Re: Statements before the Council made ac the last City Council meeting regarding the propos Freeway 518 diagonal by-pass of Iowa City. Last Tuesday evening in connection with the discussion of relation- shipsbetween the DOT personneland personnelof the Iowa City staff, statements were made in support of the Dol' proposed diagonal 518 freeway. Among the statements made was one by Mr. Richards which brought the CACT into the discussion, although Mr. Richards' topic dealt with a petition from the residents of Liberty Township rather than the proposed Iowa City by-pass. Other statements were then made in support of the Iowa City by-pass. My purpose in coming before you tonight is to call attention to the policy statements which have been adopted by the Citizens Advisory Committee for Transportation. I believe this licy statement -Pep . the views of the Iowa City City Council. 1I wish sJm}+}e to make a.m atter of public record is �the major recommendation of the CACT action of June 10, 197kA I will now read a short paragraph from page 2 of the minutes of the Committee report; this report is available in the Johnson County Regional Planning Commission Office. The recommendation is as follows: Based on these considerations, we do not feel that the location or design of the appropriate highway solution for the 218 Corridor has been identified or evaluated. We continue to be opposed to the freeway solution identified in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement; the proposed freeway diagonal bypass does not provide sufficient traffic service benefits to override its negative land use impacts and outweigh its high construction costs. The freeway relocation of U.S. 218 south of Iowa City const'itut'es an unnecessarily costly solution for the existing and forecasted traffic problems for that segment of the corridor. 970 To the best of my knowledge, tills policy statement is still. the ♦ i_ ... , current policy of the Conmdttee, 'rote statement meets with approval of James Harris, Chairman of CACI'. 3970 HAPPY HOLL014 ASSOCIATES vs. EARL YODER, EARL YODER CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CO. and CITY OF IOWA CITY Trial date: October 19, 1977; 9:00 a.m., Johnson County Courthouse CHRONOLOGICAL SUMI•IPRY 1965 (March 3) R-2 zoning established for far north side (Ord. 2321). 1966 (Feb. 21) application to rezone Burger/Oanniod/Gerard tract to R -3B; (March 9) petition submitted to Planning and Zoning Commission asking application be denied; signed by 39.residents, including approx. 60-80% of own era of property facing the tract on N. Dodge St.; various meetings of P&Z over next six months, residents represented by John Nolan; (Sept. 7) P&Z approves application; 3 yes, 2 no, 2 abstentions. 1967 (Jan. 17) public hearing before eity Council; petition of Plarch 9, 1966 resubmitted at this time; first reading Feb. 7, second Feb. 21 (March 7 Burger Garwood/Gerard tract rezoned to R -3B (Ord. 2425); Yes: Hubbard, Nesmith, Lind; no: Hickerson; abstaining: Burger 1972 (May 27) Burger tract sold to Wayne and Dolores Kempf; trees bulldozed in summer. 1973 (Nov. 30) building permit issued for Johnson Co. Social Services building. 1974 (July 26) property deeded to to Governor -Dodge St. Rentals, partnership of LaVerne Shay, Wayne Kempf, and Kenneth Albrecht (Shay out at later date). 1976 (Summer) Kempf discusses apt. complex with 6ity staff, wants to avoid LSRD requirements; (Nov. 19) Kempf submits plans for apt. on north half of tract facing Dodge St.; later revises plans for apt. on south half; (Dec. 9) Kempf coneys north half of tract to Albrecht for less than $500, an invalid transaction; (Dec. 16) building permit issued for building on south half; construction begins about this time; on Dec. 15, W. Begley sends letter to City Council criticizing 1966 zoning change. 1977 (Jan. 10) meeting of CITIZENS CONCERNED ABOUT FUTURE OF HAPPY HOLLOW PARK; (Jan. 11) research in P&Z files; Begley tells City Council 1966 zoning change illegal according to Section 414.5 Code of Iowa, which requires 3/4 majority (not Counting abstentions) to enact, if 20% or more of property owners object; also accuses Kempf of circumventing LSRD ordinance; (Jan. 18) Angela Ryan memo; Pat Kamath represents Happy Hollow Associates before City Council; 23 letters submitted calling for Council action; Council calls for voluntary halt; halt agreed to on Jan. 20; (Feb. 1) Council decides zoning valid, won't say why;(Feb. 4) Yoder buys property; (Feb. 14) Kempf, Albrecht, Yoder sue City over LSRD; (Feb. 16) petition submitted to change zoning back to R-2; action ppstponed; (Mar. 4) City loses first round; (Mar. 7) HAPPY HOLLOW ASSOCIATES sue;. (Mar. 28) Honsell rules against City on LSRD requirements; from March to May defendents in Happy Hollow action delay; (May 11) HAPPY HOLLOW suit includes City, for failing to enforce proper zoning; (May 27) response by defendants and counterclaim for harassing (July 12) Druce files certificate of readiness for trial; (Aug. 8) Judge Ford sets trial for October 19, 1977. (Oct. 5) Hearing postponed to Nov. 9, 1977 3970 C Co y� oi: TlqE CIFK Coo L . 1N THE WSW( Cl' COURT, OF It -VA IN AND 1.011 A0 OJiW77 kePpon•fe f Iec� R, 041f;2k, Q P --e C If Atlo-et, Xewa C, - Harare 7uni&m, eL al., ) Plaintiffs, ) F�piiLy No. 43G40 VS. ) ANS'dE��ttSS b - JIw1'C:ItftO:'.�IUR1E5 '1`0 EARL YODER, at a1., ) WAYNE W31EY Defendants. ) � 000nS NOR, the above named Plaintiff and for Answers to Interrogatories states as follaws: 1. State your name and address. Wayne E. Begley 804 Ronalds Street , Iowa City 2. How long have you lived at that address? Since June, 1972. 1 '_ l- -77 .:'_ry 3. Are you the owner or tenant of that property? Owner. 4. State how far that property is located from the following parcel: The North 126 feet of the South 186 feet of Lot 50 in the subdivision of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 79 North, range 6 West of the 5th P.M., according to the recorded plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, page 1, plat records of Johnson County, Iowa, subject to easements and restrictions of record. Hereinafter referred to as a portion of the Burger Tract. approximately 1 1/2 blocks 5. State the address of your residence in March of 1967. -U9 North Dubuque Street Iowa City rr. 6. Are you aware that the Burger Tract was zoned R2 prior to March of 1967? yes 7. Are you aware that the City Council rezoned the Burger Tract and two con- tiguous tracts from R2 to R3B in 1967? aware an nttempt was made, but that it is invalid since it was not passed by an extraordinary mnjority of the Council -L- 8. If the ;uisa:r• Interrogatory No. 7 is affinnlove, when did you first learn of the proposed rezoning of these Lracts to x38? Probably through newspaper accounts in 1966, but definitely when I moved into the neighborhood in 1972, within a few days after the trees on the tract were bulldozed dow.: that summer. 9. liow, did you learn of the proposed rezoning? In 1972, through conversation with neighbors, who informed me of their strong protest in 1966-67. no no 10. Did you attend any Planning and Zoning. Comnission jw etings relative to that rezoning? 11.' Did you participate in the discussion of the rezoning with the Planning and Zoning Crnrnission? 12. If the answer to Interrogatory No. 11 is affirmative, describe your partici- pation. not applicable 13. Did you attend the public hearing before the City Council on the proposed rezoning of the Burger Tract in 1967? Wr-3 no no 14. Did you attend any Council meetings with regard to the proposed rezoning of the Burger Tract in 1967? 15. Did you retain oounsdl to protest the rezoning? 16. If the answer to Znterrcgatory No. 15 is affirmative, state the time period r' during which you retained counsel to protest this rezoning. not applicable 17. Have you everegned a lx:tition protesting sa eezoning? I have not signed a petition, but I have sent numerous letters and memos to the City Council opposing it. 18. At the tirre of the proposed rezoning were any representations made with regard to the proposed uses of the Burger Tract? Yes. 19. If the answer to Interrogatory No. 18 is affinnative, what were those representations. A plan was submitted with the rezoning application, said plan now on file in the Planning and Zoning office; it is a common practice for developers to - seek zoning changes on the basis of plans which are later abandoned. 20. When did you beeorre aware of the sale of the Burger Tract to Mr. Kempf, Mr. Albrecht, and Mr. Shay? To my knowledge no such transaction ever occurred. The property was sold to Kempf in 1972, then to Governor -Dodge St. Rentals in 1974. Subsequent transactions: One subsequent transaction was characterized by the assistant attorney on January 18 as a "sham," but this may not be the transaction meant here. ciA. Did you observe the grading of the entire tract? Yes 22. Approximately what was the date of that grading? Intermittently since 1972 23. Are you aware that there is an office building on the Burger Tract at 911 North Governor? yes 24. When did you become aware that a building permit was issued for that office building? 1973 , that is, I presume a permit was issued; since I know of several invalid permits that have been issued, it may be possible that there,., are irregularities about this permit that may yet come to light. In any event I have not researched the matter. 25. Did you protest the construction of that office building? yes 26. If the answer to Interrogatory No. 25 is affirmative, state in what manner. To residents in the neighborhood and other citizens, who again informed me of their strong protest of the 1967 action of the City Council. The location of the building in entirely inappropriate, and its architecture inconsistent with the community. 27. Did you chall• the validity of the 1967 rezoning of the Burger 'tract L that titre? If so, state when and in what miner. Yes. In 1973-74, by again raising the issue with residents in the community, who were under the impression that they had at that time exhausted the possibilities of legal recourse, an impression that later turned out to be miataken,having been misled by the City Council and staff in 1966-67ti who violated state law by passing a zoning ordinance that had been opposed by 20% of the facing property owners, without securing the necessary three-fourths majority. Unfortunately the provisions o1 the state law wede unknown to me until 1976-77. 28. Have you observed the use of the structure at 911 North Governor as an office building? yea 29. Do you intend to seek the dismantling of the office building at 911 North Governor? undecided 30. If the answer to Interrogatory No. 29 is negative, explain why. not applicable 31. Wien did you bei aware that an apartment building was to be constructed at 902-904 North Dodge? early 1977 32. Hoa did you become aware of the proposed construction? B)"hearing and seeing bulldozers at work, later by checking the building permit, which I discovered had been improperly issued, in flagrant violation of the LSRD ordinance. On the basis of my research, the City Council directed that the permit be withdrawn, although this was overturned by temporary' injunction on March 4, and a permanent injunction on March 28, which strdngly suggests that the City is incapable of enforcing ita•own ordinances. 33. At what stage of construction was the building when you became aware that this structure was'not in conformity with an R2 use classification? r - Just begun. 34. Fran the time you became aware that a building was going to be constructed at 902-904 North Dodge to the time the'petition was first filed on March 7, 1977, approximately hvv often did you pass the site in question? Several times. 35. When did you first observe construction? Early 1977. 36. uescribe the stage of construction of the apartment building on March 7, 1977. Covered foundation. 37. Describe the stage of construction of the apartment building on May 13, 1977, when the City was served with original notice. Framing etc. in progress. Even this amount would not have been completed had not the City lost the suit over the building's failure to comply with the LSRD ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Wayne Begley On this 13th day of October , 1977, appeared before me the above named Plaintiff and, being first duly scorn, executed the foregoing Answars to Interrogatories. Notaryf Public in and for Johnson County, "' t / State of Iowa FUND/ ACCOUNT GENERAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL PROJECTS ENTERPRISE TRUST 8 AGENCY INTRAGOV. SERVICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SPECIAL REVENUE TOTAL - FUNDS PROJ. TEMP. LOAN R-14 URBAN RENEWAL R-14 PAYROLL FIREMEN PENSION FIREMEN RETIREMENT POLICEMEN PENSION POLICEMEN RETIREMENT K-14 ESCROW LEASED HOUSING I LEASED HOUSING II LEASED HOUSING III TOTAL - ACCOUNTS GRAND TOTAL BEGINNING FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS $ 79,245.59 $ 33,754.14 2,736 , 282.69 2,664,519.68 1,102,004.17 (384,536.44) 323,057.92 1 113,617.77 .15 11,893.93 1,339,453.21 24,326.20 1,243,522.68 243.44 65,047.69 63,837.38 45 CITY OF IOWA CITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY SEPTEMBER, 1977 330,007.68 $ 37,070.80 132,890.38 276,358.31 24,245.18 531,808.87 1,419.76 130,226.16 747.27 $1 3,848.18 427,904.50 13,950.00 12,699.66 12,525.00 13,316.12 2,306.00 31,525.00 DISBURSEMENTS 525,835.18 233,998.25 353,841.64 27,603.79 528,885.29 389.88 400,008.45 1,226.36 13,843.51 1,237.53 10,936.07 8,945.86 25,036.00 ENDING FUND _ INVESTMENT BALANCE + CHECKING ACCOUNT BAL. BALANCE $ (116,581.91) $ 427,282.30 $(570,824.94) 70,824.94 2,635,174.82 ' 2,745,220.17 (110,045.35) 661,764.11 2,587,036.35 1,098,645.56 1,925,272.23 725,726.83 372,918.731 (381,612.86) ---(381,612.861 (7,895,14; 324,477.68 332,372.82 --- /10 717 (.F' 117,076.07 27,896.20 24,617.57 1,338,309.36 35,613.67 1,245,902.73 243.44 58,407.83 70,326.38 518,074.46 $ 461,623.66 $2,918,393.25 101.60 $2,192,882.13 $9,772,966.7 110,266.27 15,013.83 1,334,630.71 33,198.82 1,239,260.16 56,147.90 69,653.77 6,809.80 27,896.20 9,603.74 3,678.65 2,414.85 6,642.57 243.44 2,259.93 672.61, 37 $ 102,994. rR 0 0 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS SEPTEMBER 1977 GRAND TOTAL $965,845.73 DISBURSEMENTS FOR APPROVAL SEPTEMBER 1-30, 1977 GENERAL FUND Washington Park Inc. - Bldg. Rental $266,009.99 Taxes Licenses & Permits 20,981.90 23,504.02 Fines & Forfeitures Charges for Services 235,657.79 Intergovernmental Revenue 286,146.77 53,091.67 Use of Money & Property 42,774.41 Miscellaneous Receipts 489.64 TOTAL GENERAL $928,166.55 Leased Housing 33,831.00 3,848.18 Urban Renewal 48.00 HCDA 65.00 TOTAL SPECIAL $ 37,679.18 GRAND TOTAL $965,845.73 DISBURSEMENTS FOR APPROVAL SEPTEMBER 1-30, 1977 GENERAL FUND Washington Park Inc. - Bldg. Rental 1,150.00 2,150.00 United Action for Youth - Contribution 0.00 John R. Suchomel - Services 2,840.92 Ia-Ill Gas & Electric - Charges 125,00 Kennedy's - Vehicle Maintenance - Supplies 27.22 The Stillwell Paint Store McCabe Equipment Inc. - Vehicle Repairs 489.64 Cathy's Candle Cupboard - Supplies 10.15 382.53 Noel's Tree Service - Service 2.00 U.S. District Court Clerk - Service 48.00 Clerk of District Court - Fees 65.00 West Publishing Co. - Books 109.00 Medical Associates - Services Winebrenner-Dreusicke Inc. - Repair Supplies 83.17 Hilltop DX - Services 33.25 2.19 Boyd & Rummelhart - Supplies 36.20 Churchill Chemicals - Supplies 11.50 Dividend Bonded Gas - Fuel Brown Traffic Products - Supplies 2,271.68 Dept. of Highway Safety - Services K50 72,00 enneth Stock - Clothing Allowance 72,00 David Harris - Clothing Allowance 72.00 Thomas Crowley - Clothing Allowance 00 72.00 Joseph Fowler - Clothing Allowance Leo Eastwood - Clothing Allowance 72,00 Frank Burns - Clothing Allowance 72,00 Frank Johnson - Clothing Allowance 72,00 William Cook - Clothing Allowance 56.00 Kieck's - Supplies H.B. Allen Inc. - Repair Supplies 264.25 Bob & Henry 66 - Fuel 5.00 0 9 W. J. Tegler, M.D. - Services 19.00 Dept. of Public Safety - TRACIS Rental 100.00 Johnson Co. Feed & Hatchery - Supplies 150.00 Government Printing Office - Serials 2.00 Kirkwood Kwik Kleen - Services 171.38 Silver Ball Ltd. - Refund 150.00 Sonja L. Houg - Services 18.20 Sun & Fun Inc. - Repair Supplies 7.00 Hawkeye Engineering Co., Inc. - Services 150.40 Hayek, Hayek & Hayek - Services 1,259.25 Plumbers Supply - Repair Supplies 95.71 Robert Richie - Services 820.00 Robert Howell - Refund 10.00 Craig Lihs - Travel 114.30 Treasurer of Iowa - Sales Tax 296.73 Charles Bolger - Safety Supplies 15.00 U.S. Post Office - Postage 11000.00 Motorola Inc. - Equipment 3,200.00 American Public Works Assoc. - Regist. 20.00 Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Health Insurance 15,834.19 Henry Louis Inc. - Equipment 38.92 American Library Assoc. - Serials 45.75 Target Stores - Equipment 79.98 University Microfilms - Microforms 48.27 Trojan Epic/West High School - Book 9.00 Silver Burdett Co. - Serials 9.32 Regent Book Co. - Serials 16.39 Publishers Central Bureau - Cassette 14.60 Popular Science Book Club - Books 8.12 National Record Plan - Disc 5.75 Midwest Library Service - Books 4.70 L. B. Distributors - Films 264.34 John Fraser Assoc. - Slides 27.50 Iowa Book & Supply Co. - Games 16.65 Hach Brothers Co. - Equipment 485.05 Ebsco Subscription Service - Serials 8.18 East -Phelan Distributing Corp. - Films 93.87 The Dramatic Publishing Co. - Books 2.70 Commerce Clearing House, Inc. - Serials 22.07 Collectors News - Serials 7.50 Center for Humanities - Slides 129.44 C. W. Associates - Serials 8.00 Butterick Publ. - Books 75.00 Baker & Taylor Co. - Serials 83.79 Baker & Taylor Co. - Books 187.96 Bacon Pamphlet Services - Pamphlets 34.47 Attitude Development Group - Cassette 42.50 Arco Publishing Co. - Books 30.52 AMACOM - Books 8.22 Lolly Eggers - Registration 60.00 University Camera & Sound - Rental 15.00 PPG Industries - Repairs 22.45 Pitney Bowes - Repairs 93.00 Iowa Parcel Service - Freight 31.19 Ia-Ill Gas & Electric - Charges 815.41 Eastman Kodak Co. - Repairs 114.00 Bob's Radio & TV - Repairs 18.00 City Electric Supply - Supplies 12.54 0 0 Quill Corp. - Supplies 77.22 Nagle Lumber - Supplies 10.54 3M Business Products Sales - Supplies 21.50 Josten's Library Supplies 68.88 The Highsmith Co. - Supplies 13.74 Vestal Laboratories - Supplies 213.30 Paul's Towing - Services 48.00 L. L. Pelling Co. - Asphalt 3,049.30 Game Time Inc. - Repair Supplies 48.12 Wee Wash It - Services 48.13 Saylor Locksmithing - Supplies 1.30 Brenneman Seed & Pet Center - Supplies 23.93 Robert J. Miller - Refund 24.00 The Means Agency - Services 150.00 American Public Works Assn. - Book 10.41 Central Vendors Inc. - Refund 75.00 Edward Sanhueza - Refund 20.00 Communications - Services 90.00 Casket & Sunnyside - Subscription 14.00 Nancy Heaton - Travel 34.94 Int'l. Assoc. of Pbg. & Mech. Off. - Subscrip. 3.50 Current Inc. - Supplies 3.00 Bernal Kirby - Safety Supplies 15.00 Air Cooled Engine Service - Repair Supplies 58.39 Charles Carpenter - Judgment 19.00 Jo. Co. Treasurer - Report 8.00 Wilson School Supply - Supplies 41.85 Jo. Co. Sheriff - Charges 2.00 Int'l. Society of Arboriculture -Books 10.00 Landscape Industry - Subscription 7.00 Preview - Subscription 25.00 The Practical Lawyer - Subscription 15.00 Kelly Heating Service - Supplies 2.00 Janet Lown - Travel 100.00 Ed Harney Auto Serv. - Repairs 2.70 Moorman Equip. Co. - Repairs 100.98 Nate Moore Wiring Serv. - Repairs 16.72 Traf-O-Teria System Inc. - 'Services 709.75 Ia-Ill Gas & Electric - Charges 12,748.66 American Public Works Assn. - Membership 5.00 Linder Tire Repair Serv. - Repair Supplies 864.34 Stevens Sand & Gravel - Sand 224.70 Matthew Bender - Supplies 64.50 Johnson Machine Shop Inc. - Repair Supplies 125.86 Hootman Robo - Services 9.00 Dennis Showalter - Travel 99.86 Max Selzer - Travel 231.72 Krall Oil Co. - Fuel 1,529.59 Consumers Co-op Society - Fuel 6,326.00 Neenah Foundry Co. - Equipment 2,384.00 Cresent Electric Supply Co. - Repair Supp. 410.20 Iowa City Petty Cash - Supplies 42.82 Iowa City Ready Mix Inc. - Concrete 2,457.14 Monarch Business Equipment - Repairs 33.40 Commerce Clearing House - Subscription 140.00 Iowa Parks & Recreation Assoc. - Registration 210.00 Davis Publishing Co. - Books 6.50 University of Iowa - Services 9.30 Barbara West - Refund 30.00 0 0 Animal Clinic Inc. - Services 40.50 Intl. Conf. of Bldg. Off. - Fees 146.23 American Public Works Assn. - Registration 255.00 U.S. Post Office - Postage 880.00 Madison Bionics - Supplies 208.74 Barron Motor Supply - Repair Supplies 160.57 Breese's Auto Parts - Repair Supplies 151.39 Lenoch & Cilek - Supplies 180.41 Iowa Parks & Rec. Assn. - Registration 300.00 The Assoc. of Trial Lawyers - Membership 40.00 Sears Roebuck & Co. - Equipment 428.24 Cline Truck & Equip. Co. - Veh. Repairs 131.81 Capitol Implement Co. - Repair Supplies 21.86 Woody's Tree Planting Serv. - Services 175.00 Wee Wash It - Laundry Service 59.50 Wagner Pontiac Jeep Inc. - Veh. Repair Supp. 65.53 Pyramid Service Inc. - Veh. Repair Supplies 181.05 PPG Industries Inc. - Supplies 42.69 Budget Car Wash Inc. - Veh. Maint. 29.00 Union Bus Depot - Freight 30.85 Pleasant Valley Orchard - Supplies 399.81 Youth Homes Inc. - Contribution 8,000.00 River Products Co. - Rock 2,664.96 Means Service Center - Services 220.72 Red Carpet Travel Inc. - Airfare:Mose,Heaton 164.00 PPG Industries - Repairs 79.02 Intl. Assoc. of Elect. Insp. - Registration 40.00 Answer Iowa - Services 40.85 Contractors Tool & Supply - Supplies 495.02 Barton Solvents Inc. - Supplies 153.30 Iowa Glass Depot - Repairs 8.00 Eck's Pool Supply - Supplies 63.00 Eby's Sporting Goods - Supplies 8.85 Slager Appliance - Repairs 17.00 Gilpin Paint & Glass Inc. - Supplies 62.10 Strub Rocca Wldg. & Rep. - Repair Supplies 63.42 Taylor Rental Center - Equip. Rental 23.63 Fay's Fire Equip. Inc. - Services 69.75 Hartwig Motors Inc. - Repair Supplies 80.12 Standard Manifold Inc. -Office Supplies 18.54 Dan R. Fesler - Tools 6.00 Ward La France Truck Co. - Repair Supplies 36.95 Iowa City Press -Citizen - Publications 923.60 Best Rental Center - Rental 150.00 The Goodfellow Co. - Printing 536.20 Dewey's Crane Serv. - Services 150.00 City Electric Supply - Supplies 14.40 Aero Rental - Rental 10.00 Texas Highway Dept. - Services 1.75 Dept. of Highway Safety - Services 3.50 Richard Fox - Refund 22.00 City Property Corp. - Refund 13.00 Clerk of Supreme Court - Fees 25.00 Keyline Freight Co. - Freight 816.06 Lind Art Supplies - Supplies 34.56 APWA Education Found. - Registration 170.00 Am. Public Works Assn. - Registration 275.00 Shive Hattery Assoc. - Services 120.00 Little Wheels Ltd. - Repair Supplies 73.90 Hach Bros. Co. - Supplies 573.35 Linder Tire Service - Repairs 590.03 Electric-Aire Corp. - Tools 184.78 Mercury Press- Book 5.00 John Nolan - Refund 15.00 Esther Sippell - Refund 14.00 Iowa Law Review - Subscription 15.00 Gusravo Manrique - Safety Supplies 15.00 Bernard Dolezal - Safety Supplies 15.00 AAA World Travel - Travel:Berlin 74.00 Louis F. Whitney - Equipment 1,100.00 Wilson School Supply - Supplies 198.24 Hawkeye Lumber - Supplies 567.95 Frohwein Supply Co. - Supplies 138.52 Associates Capital Services - Rental 965.52 American Public Works Assn. - Membership 225.00 Johnson Co. Recorder - Services 56.90 The Human Society of U.S. - Publications 31.50 Walgreen Co. - Supplies 10.36 Johnson Co. Ext. Trust Fund - Contribution 2,805.00 R & S Construction - Refund 32.00 Nancy Derr - Refund 2.00 Steve Thompson - Services 6.05 Russell Rowe - Services 5.60 Intl. City Management Assoc. - Subscription 216.00 Johnson Co. Council on Aging - Contrib. 2,916.66 Iowa Lumber Co. - Supplies 247.90 Welt-Ambrisco Insurance Inc. - Insurance 140.00 Old Cars - Publications 6.64 University of Iowa - Services 13.26 Communications Engineering Co. - Repairs 354.47 Klipto Printing & Office Supplies - Printing 31.50 Streeter-Amet - Supplies 38.80 Sargent-Sowell Inc. - Equipment 60.87 National Fire Protection Assoc. - Supplies 164.12 Meyer & Wenthe - Supplies 30.08 The Practical Lawyer - Book 3.48 Miracle Recreation Equip. Co. - Equipment 74.48 Basic In Flow - Repair Supplies 21.04 Bankers Advertising Co. - Printing 437.65 American Humane Assoc. - Books 14.05 Animal Protection Inst. - Books 20.00 K-Mart - Supplies 1.40 Iowa Book & Supply Co. - Office Equipment 45.15 Hooker Supply Co. - Repair Supplies 8.18 Fountains Transmission Specialists - Repairs 265.00 Erb's Office Services Inc. - Maintenance 44.25 Lion Industrial Chemical Corp. - Supplies 141.49 Brookstone Co. - Tools 20.15 Int'l. Business Machines - Rental 350.62 Bob Blaha - Services 100.00 Shirley Jacobsen - Services 100.00 Barbara Russo - Refund 6.00 Ottumwa Boiler Works Inc. - Maintenance 2,600.00 Division of Motor Vehicles - Services 3.50 U.S. Post Office - Postage 75.00 U.S. Leasing Corp. - Rental 30.06 Steve's Typewriter Co. - Equipment 254.85 • • R. M. Boggs Co., Inc. - Repairs 889.00 Iowa City Press -Citizen - Publications 18.55 Pitney Bowes - Equip. Maintenance 48.00 Northwestern Bell - Charges 316.05 3M Business Products - Repairs 270.00 Iowa Parcel Service - Freight 2.15 The Daily Iowan - Publication 6.82 D & J Industrial Laundry - Services 29.40 Sitler's Supplies Inc. - Supplies 78.64 Quill Corp. - Supplies 22.44 Lind Art Supplies - Supplies 26.14 Lenoch & Cilek - Supplies 33.00 Josten's Library Supplies - Supplies 321.60 Frohwein Supply Co. - Supplies 58.04 Library Processors Inc. - Books 999.56 The Highsmith Co. - Supplies 33.12 The F -Stop - Supplies 25.78 Comiclogue - Supplies 17.40 Publisher's Central Bureau - Books 78.96 Mott's Drug Store - Books 22.10 Susan McGuire - Books 10.20 Klipto Printing & Office Supply - Books 19.00 American Medical Assoc. - Books 5.95 American Library Assoc. - Books 7.15 The Baker & Taylor Co. - Books 90.10 Natalie Slohm Assoc. Inc. - Disc 16.25 Weston Woods - Disc 180.20 Discount Records - Disc 29.20 Listening Library Inc. - Disc 41.55 John Fraser Assoc. - Films 29.95 Iowa State University - Slides 55.00 Eastin-Phelan Dist. Corp. - Films 90.85 Cinema Concepts Inc. - Films 125.15 Art Now Inc. - Slides 100.00 Silver Burdett Co. - Printing 9.62 C. W. Assoc. - Printing 10.75 A. M. Best Co. - Printing 12.00 American Alliance for Health - Printing 2.10 Warren Radio Co. - Repair Supplies 10.41 Fleetway Stores - Supplies 33.77 Elbert & Assoc. Inc. - Services 4,114.64 Johnson Co. Clerk - Court Costs 75.50 City of Davis - Book 6.00 Economy Advertising Co. - Printing 587.75 Osco Drug - Supplies 16.84 Carl Chadek - Supplies 126.00 Mercy Hospital - Services 10.80 L. L. Pelligg Co., Inc. - Asphalt 1,952.89 Pitney Bowes - Rental 81.00 Quill Corp. - Equipment 188.12 American Public Works Assoc. - Book 80.14 Johnson County Sheriff - Fees 4.50 Overhead Door Co. - Repairs 100.50 Wahl & Wahl Inc. - Cassettes 17.50 J. C. Penney Co., Inc. - Supplies 2.37 Saylor Locksmithing - Supplies 1.95 All Makes Office Equipment - Equipment 527.47 0 0 Harry's Custom Trophies - Supplies Rentals 22.90 965.52 Associates Capital Services - 7.80 lies John's Grocery Inc. - Suppentals Graham Equipment Corp. 2500.00 ,630.97 Nagle Lumber Co. - Supplies - Supplies 103.49 Rapids Reproduction Inc. 50.24 The Daily Iowan - Publication 2,041.50 Motorola Inc. - Equipment Garon Products Inc. - Supplies 275.00 Monarch Business Equipment - Repairs 204.95 187.50 Kelly Heating Service - Repairs 218.34 Iowa City Petty Cash - Supplies 32.00 New Games Foundation - Rental L. Parrott - Firemen's Food Allowance 375.00 Robert Arthur Kloos - Firemen's Food Allowance 400.00 375.00 Kenneth Irving - Firemen's Food Allowance 160.00 Drake University - Registration 110.00 NAHRO - Registration Iowa Municipal Finance Off. Assn.-Regist. 27.50 4,166.40 Northwestern Bell - Charges 31,4 9. 6 CAPITAL PROJECTS Ahlers, Cooney, Dorweiler, Haynie & Smith 4,821.45 11,189.73 O'Brien Electrical Contractors - Improve. 30.35 Iowa City Laboratory - Services Hawkeye Engineering Co. - Services 908.00 Dave Schmidt Const. Co. - Improvements 70,161.97 32,339.02 Veenstra & Kimm - Services 109.15 Iowa City Ready Mix - Concrete Northern Bank Note Co. - Services 607.84 Iowa City Press -Citizen - Publications 53 18,64 Hawkeye Lumber Co. - Supplies 9 240.34 Metro Pavers Inc. - Improvements 92 725.73 232,152.75 ENTERPRISE FUND Ia-Ill Gas & Electric - Charges 963.73 12.60 Dwayne's - Repairs 32.69 D. Peters - Refund 10.67 B. Buser - Refund 8'09 H. Rogers - Refund 11.61 J. Rogers - Refund 15.75 B. Chipman - Refund Systems Unlimited - Refund 18.29 z. Holmberg - Refund 2.64 10.76 L. Fisher - Refund 5.58 R. Hoffman - Refund 15.75 B. Butz - Refund 1'11 K. Cooper - Refund Chicago, Rock Island, Pacific R.R. - Rental 4.00 20.34 Ockenfels Transfer Inc. - Freight 2 25 Hilltop DX - Services U Smash 'Em - I Fix 'Em - Vehicle Repair 75.55 The Foxboro Co. - Equip. Repair 93.58 106.62 McMaster Carr - Supplies 0 0 Neptune Water Meter Co. - Equipment 13,636.02 University of Iowa - Registration 150.00 A. Y. MacDonald - Supplies 1,514.04 Plumbers Supply - Repair Supplies 142.20 Sieg Co. - Repair Supplies 22.22 Bernard Looney - Safety Supplies 15.00 Treasurer of State - Sales Tax 4,289.67 Blue Cross -Blue Shield - Health Insurance 40 3,340:44 S. Watkinson - Refund J. Reiland - Refund 2 57 Y. Thomas - Refund 14.52 J. Beerands - Refund 17.57 0. Stidham - Refund 12.00 Dr. M. Coleman - Refund 10.00 M. Meis - Refund 02 1.02 P. Larson - Refund 1 P. Harding - Refund 9 15 University of Iowa - Refund 4.48 Paul's - Services 25.00 L. L. Pelling - Asphalt 508.16 DeZurik - Repair Supplies 4 81 Dadco Corp. - Repair Supplies 582.25 Power Drives & Rubber Inc. -Repair Supplies 418.02 Automatic Systems Co. - Equipment Repair 373.03 Brandt Heating & Air Cond. - Bldg. Repair 19.50 Cedar -Johnson Farm Service - Supplies 96.72 Pearson's Drug Store - Services 6.20 Hy -Vee Food Store - Services 61.60 Randall's Food Store - Services .5 0 3344.50 Mott's Drug Store - Services Capitol Propane Gas Co. - Fuel 148.28 T. Williams - Refund 19.16 University -of Iowa - Refund 3.93 Muller Plbg. & Htg. - Repairs 53.14 Hamer Alignment - Equipment 10 Kelly Heating Service - Repair Supplies 4.00 Sue Swearingen - Refund Consumers Co-op Service - Fuel 1,504.19 Ia-Ill. Gas & Electric - Charges 10,508.24 Linder Tire Service - Repair Supplies 71.71 Stevens Sand & Gravel - Sand 759.49 Johnson Machine Shop - Repair 136.66 Hootman Robo - Services 3.75 447.45 Krall Oil Co., Inc. - Fuel 65.98 Iowa City Ready Mix - Concrete 18.00 Econogas - Rental Bill Grell Const. - Repairs 2,251.40 Barron Motor Supply - Vehicle Repairs 53.08 Breese's Auto Parts - Vehicle Repairs 218.17 Lenoch & Cilek - Supplies 93 Saylor Locksmithing - Repairs 2,10 Cresent Electric Supply - Repair Supplies 366.1988 M. Rabinowitz - Refund 8.7,50 W. Sherrer - Refund J. Larimer - Refund 10.00 M. Furman - Refund 16.52 Schintler Bros. - Refund 7.66 J. Roffman - Refund 7 95 M. Thompson - Refund 12.36 0 • 0. Stidham - Refund 10.76 7.6B N. Bailey - Refund 18.29 H. Hajjat - Refund 23.37 W. Burke - Refund P. Retalliata - Refund 10.00 M. Wymore - Refund 15.07 9,49 J. Knapp Const. - Refund Dr 19.98 Frantz Const. - Refund 9.91 Rentals by Ivette - Refund Capitol Implement Co. - Vehicle Repairs 78.50 Inc. Pyramid Service - oil 2.95 Union Bus Depot - Freight Utility Equipment - Supplies 3,320.81 Pleasant Valley Orchard - Supplies Surfacing Mat. 7 98 42 1'668.60 The River Products Co. - Machine & Wldg. - Repair Supp• Bontrager Strub-Rocca Wldg. & Rep. - Repairs 41.60 4.38 Means Service Center - Services 31.70 Answer Iowa, Inc. - ServicesSu lies Tool & Supply - PP 38.06 Contractors Hupp Electric Motors- Repair Supplies 1.888.32 6.40 Allied Chemical Corp. - Chemicals 9.00 Best Rental Center - Rental Corp. - Equip. Maint. 6,657.00 Control Data The Goodfellow Co. - Printing 0 94..660 Scheurman-Richardson - Refund 13 5 Happy Joes - Refund Refund 6. .445 Executrans Inc. - 41.97 Dr. Ian Smith University of Iowa - Refund 4.68 3.70 Dan Pietz - Refund 1.30 Frantz Const. - Refund 2.69 B. Ostegaard - Refund City Electric Supply Inc. - Supplies 2.31 Aero Rental - Rental 312.31 .45 15.00 J. Funk - Safety Supplies Altorfer Machinery Co. - Maintenance 49,00 Linder Tire Service - Repairs 622.00 148.50 L & R Mfg. Co. - Supplies Robert Colony Trucking - Services 1,177.00 The Northway Corp. - Repair Supplies 860 97 2 97 Frohwein Supply Co. - Supplies American Public Works AssocMembership 75.00 John Nash Grocer Co.Supplies 45 7.35.20 Douglas Deppy - Dept. of Environ. Quality - Tuitions 30.00 Steve Elliot - Safety Supplies 15.00 3,021.70 Paul D. Speer & Assoc. - Services 158.49 Systems Unlimited - Refund 14.75 D & J Indust. Laundry - Refund 48 63 Dr. D. Kadiogle - Refund 87 i 129 R. Starbuck - Refund 6.1,155.00 Iowa Lumber - Supplies Neenah Foundry Co. - Supplies 74.38 GCA Corp. - Repair Supplies 596.50 Pro Specialities Inc. - Supplies Co. - Repair Supplies 361.38 Bearing Service 23 79 Hawkeye Lumber - Supplies 0 0 Fisher Scientific Co. - Chemicals 39.17 Barker's Inc. - Improvement 67,521.60 Iowa City Flying Service - Services 120.00 Ia-Ill Gas & Electric - Charges 316.12 Shay Electric Inc. - Repairs 59.33 Northwestern Bell - Charges 7.20 D & J Industrial Laundry - Services 45.40 Doane Agric. Service - Fees 36.00 City Electric Supply Inc. - Supplies 34.81 Fleetway Store - Supplies 15.92 Hach Chemical Co. - Chemicals 112.02 McKesson Chemical - Chemicals 2,868.00 L. L. Pelling Co., Inc. - Asphalt 106.20 Thompson Hayward Chemical Co. - Chemicals 181.50 Raymond R. Scott - Services 44.00 Neptune Water Meter Co. - Equipment 3,886.92 John's Grocery - Supplies 1.80 Nagle Lumber Co. - Supplies 247.67 The Daily Iowan - Publications 26.08 Iowa City Petty Cash - Supplies 12.86 Northwestern Bell - Charges 536.86 4.291.05 TRUST & AGENCY ABC Coffee Service - Supplies 136.75 Medical Assoc. - Services 75.00 Henry Louis Inc. - Equipment 28.75 Pratt Educational Media - Equipment 616.95 Fire Pension System - Contribution 13,950.00 Police Pension System - Contribution 12,525.00 Sherman Nursery - Freight 66.30 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. - Purchases for Resale 97.35 Pepsi-Cola Bott. Co. - Purchases for Resale 87.00 Hawkeye Wholesale Grocery - Supplies 21.63 The Baker & Taylor Co. - Books 56.50 107.19 27 661.23 INTRAGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE Davenport Spring Co., Inc. - Repair Supplies Midwest Old Settlers & Threshers -Admissions 99.00 Hawkeye State Bank - Payroll Transfer 161,755.38 Richard Plastino - Travel 275.00 Carol W. deProsse - Travel 50.00 Mary C. Neuhauser - Travel 10.00 Ia-Ill Gas & Electric - Charges 482.56 Norman Miranda - Travel 546.00 Transign - Repair Supplies 76.15 Century Laboratories - Supplies 113.74 Mac Tools Dist. - Tools 24.50 B & B Auto Parts - Repair Supplies 32.15 Apache Hose & Rubber Inc. - Repair Supplies 56.70 Winebrenner-Dreusicke - Repair Supplies 107.19 Standard Stationery Supply - Supplies 111.11 Davenport Spring Co., Inc. - Repair Supplies 85.34 Iowa City Typewriter Co. - Supplies 18.75 Jim McLaughlin - Safety Supplies 15.00 Billie Hauber - Travel 120.00 Bryn Mawr Dev. Co. - Refund 800.00 0 Plumbers Supply - Repair Supplies 20.48 Sieg Co. - Repair Supplies 303.05 Claude Tomlison - Repair Supplies 100.00 David Arkovich - Services 79.92 Robert Stika - Services 85.76 Robert Howell - Refund 48.00 United Action for Youth - Refund 498.39 Ken Stecher - Safety Supplies 15.00 Treasurer of State - Sales Tax 16.70 Iowa City Coach Inc. - Services 126.60 G. C. Minter - Travel 96.00 Blue Cross -Blue Shield - Health Insurance 1,760.25 Polytechnic Data Corp. - Rental 20.00 R. Guzzo - Refund 1.02 R. Redig - Refund 5.94 R. Swigger - Refund 3.83 E. Rieck - Refund 8.31 Nostalgia Ltd. - Refund 2.54 D. Wallace - Refund 2.21 K. Croft - Refund 4.15 J. Keck - Refund 1.92 F. Ayeroff - Refund 4.63 D. Conn - Refund 5.94 G. Morgan - Refund 7.05 K. Piper - Refund 5.09 S. Semple - Refund 5.94 K. Cochrane - Refund 4.24 S. Swearinger - Refund 10.00 K. Hunt -Refund 6.91 S. Williams - Refund 3.31 T. Anderson - Refund 2.21 J. Waydert - Refund 3.91 M. Falcon - Refund 4.10 Michael Todd & Co., Inc. - Vehicle Rep. 1,132.69 Sovern Co. - Equipment 1,601.90 Mac Tools Dist. - Tools 10.55 Cindy Horton - Refund 6.69 Lucy Ganon - Refund 6.53 K. Hintz - Refund 9.00 Union Bus Depot - Services 445.96 Mary Neuhauser - Travel 150.00 Mrs. W. A. Young - Refund 8.00 Ethel Bohac - Refund 8.00 Drake Printing Co. - Books 17.00 Krall Oil. - Fuel 6,330.71 Consumers Co-op Society - Fuel 938.71 GMC Truck & Coach - Repair Supplies 8,032.74 Linder Tire Service - Repair Supplies 1.75 Kessler Dist. Co. - Repair Supplies 633.76 Johnson Machine Shop - Repairs 334.30 Hootman Robo - Service .75 Hawkeye State Bank - Payroll Transfer 27,141.97 Cresent Electric Supply Co. - Rep. Supplies 9.64 Iowa City Petty Cash - Supplies 10.18 Robert A. Lee - Travel 245.00 Mrs. Lawrence Liffring - Refund 26.00 Clement Brack - Refund 34.00 Charles Barker - Refund 1,408.00 G. C. Minter - Travel 55.00 Barron Motor - Repair supplies 1,161.04 Breese's - Repair Supplies 2,118.89 Hawkeye State Bank Payroll Transfer 159,805.12 Sears Roebuck & Co. - Tools 34.53 New Method Equipment Co. - Repair Supp. 678.51 Kar Products Inc. - Repair Supplies 506.03 Cline Truck & Equip. - Repair Supplies 72.35 Capitol Implement Co. - Repair Supplies 49.21 Candy Morgan - Travel 38.00 Sophia Zukrowski - Travel 145.00 Pyramid Service Inc. - Repair Supplies 9.90 Hawkeye State Bank - Payroll Transfer 79,202.03 Hartwig Motors - Repair Supplies 1,459.84 Means Service Center - Services 53.86 Old Capitol Motors Ltd. - Repair Supplies 145.04 Contractors Tool & Supply - Repair Supplies 35.52 Highway Equipment Co. - Repair Supplies 165.04 Globe Machinery & Supply - Tools 10.19 Hausman Bus Parts Co. - Repair Supplies 156.44 Paul Bowers - Travel 75.00 Union Bus Depot - Services 1,436.48 Best Rental - Rentals 8.00 U. S. Postal Service - Land Purchase 25,000.00 Stuart Weinstein - Refund 3.27 Happy Joe's - Refund 25.00 C. Harry - Refund 3.17 H. T. Wright - Refund 1.48 J. Hansen - Refund 3.44 R. Phelps - Refund 2.33 C. Balduchi - Refund 6.14 J. Weisburg - Refund 1.45 M. Stone - Refund 5.71 D. Pietz - Refund 10.00 S. Smith - Refund 5.55 R. Kopsicker - Refund 3.85 T. McNeal - Refund 5.55 J. Meyers - Refund 2.16 Altorfer Machinery Co. - Supplies 398.32 G. C. Minter - Travel 143.00 Little Wheels Ltd. - Repair Supplies .80 Martin's Flag Co. - Supplies 54.38 Linder Tire Service - Repairs 30.50 Herman M. Brown - Repair Supplies 516.00 Sulzberger Excavating - Refund 20.00 Commercial Car Journal - Book 5.00 Hawkeye Lumber - Supplies 17.00 Frohwein Supply Co. - Supplies 225.57 American Public Works - Membership 25.00 John Nash Grocer - Supplies 42.30 Iowa Crime Commission - Refund 4.06 Hawkland Motors - Repair Supplies 117.78 Power Equipment Co. - Repair Supplies 146.94 Sink Paper Co. - Supplies 116.32 Business Essentials Inc. - Office Supplies 134.65 Acro -Adroit, Inc. - Office Supplies 34.58 Keller -Hull Co. - Office Supplies 21.04 Koch Brothers - Office Supplies 53.78 The Drawing Board, Inc. - Office Supplies 43.45 IBM - Rental 35.15 Holiday Inn - Lodging 387.20 Marilyn Levin - Travel 20.00 Lyle Seydel - Travel 100.00 Donna Hillis - Travel 100.00 NAHRO Conference Register - Registration 200.00 Fleetway Store - Supplies 1.20 Elbert & Assoc. - Services 600.00 Economy Advertising - Services 206.10 Quill Corp. - Supplies 231.04 Julie Vann - Travel 55.00 Xerox Corp.- Rental 1,653.97 Modern Business Systems - Rental 393.31 Travel Center of Wauwatosa - Travel 1,365.00 Monarch Business Equip. - Repairs 9.50 Iowa City Petty Cash - Supplies .05 Northwestern Bell - Charges 295.98 Enrique Castro - Services 166.47 Steve Lombardi - Travel 211.00 Great Galena Tea Co. - Meals 184.80 Abbie Stolfus - Travel 51.00 497,503.16 SPECIAL REVENUE Ia-Ill Gas & Electric - Charges 75.00 Minneapolis Star & Tribune - Publications 55.90 Omaha World Herald - Publications 46.00 Credit Bureau of Iowa City - Dues 10.00 All American Inc. - Freight 16.16 Des Moines Register & Tribune - Publication 53.42 Hayek, Hayek & Hayek - Services 172.50 Meacham Travel Service - Travel: Glaves 211.00 Treasurer of State - Sales Tax 6.00 Blue Cross -Blue Shield - Health Insurance 851.90 Associated Abstract & Title - Services 206.00 Zuchelli, Hunter & Assoc. - Services 6,005.38 Print - Subscription 16.00 L. L. Pelling - Asphalt 136.05 Chicago Tribune - Publications 110.66 Stevens Sand & Gravel - Sand 458.47 Johnson Machine Shop - Repairs 139.40 Hootman Robo - Services .75 University of Iowa - Registration 110.00 Iowa City Ready Mix - Concrete 229.25 Lenoch & Cilek - Supplies 15.64 PPG Industries Inc. - Supplies 6.45 Contractors Tool & Supply - Repair Supplies 40.69 The Goodfellow Co., Inc. - Printing 416.50 Iowa City Press -Citizen - Publications 149.53 University of Iowa - Services 26,503.65 NAHRO - Membership 25.00 Lind Art Supplies - Supplies 22.45 Jo. Co. Abstract & Title - Services 25.00 Associated Abstract & Title Inc. - Services 25.00 Jo. Co. Reg. Planning Comm. - Services 2,113.68 Johnson Co. Recorder - Service .50 Iowa Lumber Co. - Supplies 53.36 ASSISTED HOUSING H8 Lawrence Hagen - Rent 61.00 Grant Pickering - Rent 106.00 Various Landlords - Rent 24,667.00 Allen Poots & Assoc. - Rent 146.00 Mayflower Ventures - Rent 56.00 25,036.00 ASSISTED HOUSING N23 Various Landlords - Rent 7,636.00 Hawkeye Lumber Co. - Supplies 65.07 Progressive Architecture - Subscription 8.50 Dow Jones & Co. - Publications 1,299.24 All Makes Office Equipment - Equipment 340.00 Technigraphics - Printing 170.00 Nagle Lumber Co. - Supplies 10.26 Iowa City Petty Cash - Supplies 22.13 Northwestern Bell - Charges 336.75 $40,579.24 ASSISTED HOUSING H8 Lawrence Hagen - Rent 61.00 Grant Pickering - Rent 106.00 Various Landlords - Rent 24,667.00 Allen Poots & Assoc. - Rent 146.00 Mayflower Ventures - Rent 56.00 25,036.00 ASSISTED HOUSING N23 Various Landlords - Rent 7,636.00 Essie C. Moyston - Refund 50.00 City of Iowa City - Charges 795.86 Beulah Fountain - Refund 50.00 George Crawford - Refund 80.00 Anna Burge - Refund 50.00 Elizabeth Mavis - Refund 50.00 Lois Roberts - Refund 50.00 M & M Investors - Repairs 184.00 $8,945.86 URBAN RENEWAL City of Iowa City - Services 5.74 R. M. Boggs Co. - Repairs 123.00 Ia-Ill Gas & Electric - Charges 48.50 City of Iowa City - Tech. Services 208.22 City of Iowa City - Services 4.42 389.88 GRAND TOTAL 11,LO81028.33 The preceding disbursements allocated by fund in the total amount of $1,108,028.33 represent an accurate accounting of obligations of the City of Iowa City. -s-Rosemary Vitosh Director of Finance tom 6lockci l johnson county oudilor commissioner of elections C4 voter regislrelion chief clerk: jim groff depulie6: helen murray lindo langenberg October 21, 1977 don riley Ms. Abbie Stolfus, City Clerk Civic Center 410 E. Washington St. Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Ms. Stolfus: In accordance with Ch. 376.7 Code of Iowa a public canvass of the tally lists of the October 18th Primary Election was held by the Johnson County Board of Supervisors. This canvass, held at 1:00 P.M., October 20, 1977, determined the At -Large City'Council candidates for the November 8, 1977 City Election. Enclosed is a copy of the abstract of votes as determined by the canvass of November 20, 1977. enc. Sincerely, i Mary Anne McDonnell Clerk - Elections F i L E 0 OCT2 X1977 „6BIE STOI_FU5 CITY CLERK 417 s clinlon • ioma city, iomn 52240 • 319-334-5428 ABSTRACT OF ELECTION .1_...n. II ....r. ..... ... ...........• Form lf0a( IS.4. 70.21, VTA0 and 2IDA.I7, Cod. of lam) a'.L:• 20th October 77 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT, onthe ......_.. day of___....________________________A.D.,19...... the undersigned — . . HaroldMD_onnelly, Chairman Pro Kern _...-- INAMER AND 11 111 Of 0111([ 01 IN( WlVASS[I SJ .............. pqn_ Sehr,__Jyhnson County_ Board of Supervisors ...... met as a____ Board of Canvassers, as provided by law, in . ...... 10-wa_.LiLy_,._Lowa______________________________ In ......... .--- Johnson ------- County, Iowa, and canvassed the election returns from all the voting precincts in said County, for votes cast at the election held therein on the. _ 18th .cicy of. October ----------- A. D., 19.77. _ City for each office on the ballot and the number of votes for and against each question submitted by said .P rimary_-_ the result of said canvass being as follows: Ic...rr,crr.,sa.dJ FOR THE OFFICE OF .... City_.Council.At-Large_. _ ___ ___ ______ __ (Four.. (A).. to•kro f raa)` IN—e.,) There were ......................... ..... --------- .-------- .--------- .-------- ballots cast, of which ' . .._._..Ira. _Bolnx.aY,-------.-----_----_ hod09l.LG(querer> Yuw wnses:? -�. , .�e ��—yi�-u,�J.votes F redineBranson -------------------------- had .l•%n�( ,r,+..�� ,id�,,.G,,:dJs..i�R�Y. 1� .votes -•----aahn_C.1aYto11---•.............___..had/�...ffr«�c��.�rn.'���-�✓'. ............. votes --_.__........ had ------ __-votes ....... aSz1.E.._Paulsen-------- .---------- hadJ? �uA, )_et�w.Gcea.v........votes Glenn_E:_Roberts_------- ------ .-had ���u�icu —r*�uC (7 aLyyLWLis ------- D----------------------------- ,-._..._..----- Robert A. Vevera - ----- .----- _ .had _7<v0_ e. frame ,1'_, j�4 �z .. __votes --••---•--------•------------ — ----.-.--.....had------ — '............ ... ..votes ------------------•-------- ------ ---------- had ------ — ------ — - --------- ................votes and---------------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ..........was/were elected. and------------------------------------------------------------------------------- was/were elected. -•FOR THE OFFICE OF_._...-.__-__-._.._.__---_-- ------ ------- -------- (_ ...___. to be elected) (NumbrJ There were . ......................... ...-.. ----------- .._....... ....... ballots cost, of which II ................................ ------------ had -------------------------------------------- votes ........ had --.................. ...— -' --- ...._ ..votes .had ........... . . —. .-._. ... ......votes had ........... . ............. ... .... ... . votes ........... I --------- ----------------- .. _...had ........ votes and... --- ------------- .. _ .— ----- -------.-...was/were elected. FOR THE OFFICE OF. 1_._:-------------- _.---.-----_. ---------- (-.. ... ....to be elected) INw�s.,J There were --------------------- ______..--..-_-_.------__..- ------ ._._. ........ ballots cost, of which ................. had -•-------------'--------------- ----- — -----votes ............. -------- ........ had --------------------------- - ------- --....votes --------------------------------------------- had ---------- ----------------- ---- --------- _ .votes ............................... — ---- _ -----had--._---------- -------------'............. votes _.- had ----------------------------------------- - --votes and ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- was/were elected. FOR THE OFFICE OF------------------------------------------------------- 1... _ _. ....to be elected) (Nu.b,) There were ----------------- -- ------- - _---------- _---- .. ..__... .._......ballots cost, ofwhich ..................................... ---.....hod --------------------- ........... -- . --...-votes ............................ ---__.._--.._...had----------•-- — -......_..._------..... -----.votes .......................... ---.._---..--..._-hod _ — --------_ -'--------• — — -------------- votes ---- --------------had ............ .............." ' ...'------.votes -- had. 'I �+ ------ . ... .votes ---- .. --,-r'- __r I•, and -------------- --•----------{ - 1•"-' ------- was/weruelected. ovR (5C1-� ABBE- ST 01_FU-4 FOR THE SPECIAL PROPOSITION: ---------------------- -------------------------- "'-""- There were ------------------------- I ...... _ _ ballots cost, of which ... .. _ .. . _ ..votes were for the proposition, and .. . .. . . . . ...... . votes were against the proposition. FOR THE SPECIAL PROPOSITION:...._..... -------------- --------- — .._----'------ ballots cast, of which There were ------------------ .,---------- votes were for the proposition, and _ .................. votes were against the proposition. -_- FOR THE SPECIAL PROPOSITION: ...... ---------•--------------------------------------------------- There were --------------------------------- ". ........ ballots cast, ofwhich .----•____________________•--_-•___.- ....... - ... votes were for the proposition, and .. _..votes were against the proposition. FOR THE SPECIAL PROPOSITION: --------------------- -- "_.- There were -------------------------------------------------------- ............... ballots cast, of which _.__..•._._____•___----- .-------- votes were for the proposition, and . . . . . . ......... . ..... . .votes were against the proposition. WITNESS our signatures, this ... 2O.th_.day of- _.9ctobet...... .. A. D., 19 77_.. (SIGNAIUM) I0111CIA1 1111111 n.v----------•------ r ,4:::-----�� ------- Canvassers .................. ... • •OP°o`�U6=LL=`�LibCfi LSry SC N LU 0 a� y r .6 E�rfio�v;o.pwet[ofioT� 4Sn of o F N EL_49j 4pCCfi 4l• ``�E LOQ C� ° 4QiI� '^ ' yp' .D Og"i°i5-.C��t2•lsa KbL 3:fi "Iv�fi c14 xw 4d �� aQ9oo 8 5B�7sB rs N �LfiECs� _0 4S E¢�E Scq CC pp% tL 7. :� aGu Nd �i=3 eb`o num o�ff `o �16 chi cx AxC al -H 0 O f'% 8 11 C E y`o p98 ` -C.8 4fie yE°`oifi �u .o P c g ;� d2sgg.do€443Lto beFFP u1c 44 Nv V G �� Q�.6x <<f� r7S915 u C `o: �8Y 0 j1 0 41 a S r 2 a1 fi e o 8%£ i' f U a .� s 0 4 . y o° 3 0 s.i -Jl b S - > o yy�$E S sF m$$ �>4 rtvi 0 V E n�.a °.„s .n u ;4 c W s U Norf �i �C�oE�fi kofip W Io- •� ar �• C ��".P eZg:T fia9-6 g obi �n$5 �T tn CL Od pfi 9ei ,°,':!'�_v?4 9', $E 'E Q•>!`c=EGo4Qay F5 a{X X20 �—Ro II Q o O 0 0 Ow Q 0 --------- to be elected) FOR THE OFFICE OF. -------------------------------------------- __-_.-- tNu.Md .. _ -ballots cost, of which There were -------------------------------------- ..-----•--------'-'-----"---'------'---'-' -----...................... ----------• ---------------------------------votes ----•-------•----•------•------•----•--•---._had — --------•---._hod ------•-----------•-- — •-----•-------•- .____votes -•-----•-•------------- ----• ----- had ---------- - -------------------------•------votes ..had ._-. ------ ............................. — votes had ---------------- — --------------------------votes -'--•---------'----- was/were elected. and------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (_-_-.--._...to be elected) FOR THE OFFICE OF -------------------------------------------------- --_. 1Nn.Gd ----- .-ballots cast, of which Thera were _....--•--•---•-•----------••-•-'--•-'-•--'------- — -------- — --•--•---- ---------•-------- ---------------votes ------------------•--•--•-----•--•--••-------hod --------------------------- -----------------votes -------•-----------------------•--hod had--'----------------------'_._...---.. ...__. _vo es ---------- had -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- votes ----._.-'-----•--•-----•-------'-----------•-had ...-----was/were elected. and---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR THE SPECIAL PROPOSITION: ---------------------- -------------------------- "'-""- There were ------------------------- I ...... _ _ ballots cost, of which ... .. _ .. . _ ..votes were for the proposition, and .. . .. . . . . ...... . votes were against the proposition. FOR THE SPECIAL PROPOSITION:...._..... -------------- --------- — .._----'------ ballots cast, of which There were ------------------ .,---------- votes were for the proposition, and _ .................. votes were against the proposition. -_- FOR THE SPECIAL PROPOSITION: ...... ---------•--------------------------------------------------- There were --------------------------------- ". ........ ballots cast, ofwhich .----•____________________•--_-•___.- ....... - ... votes were for the proposition, and .. _..votes were against the proposition. FOR THE SPECIAL PROPOSITION: --------------------- -- "_.- There were -------------------------------------------------------- ............... ballots cast, of which _.__..•._._____•___----- .-------- votes were for the proposition, and . . . . . . ......... . ..... . .votes were against the proposition. WITNESS our signatures, this ... 2O.th_.day of- _.9ctobet...... .. A. D., 19 77_.. (SIGNAIUM) I0111CIA1 1111111 n.v----------•------ r ,4:::-----�� ------- Canvassers .................. ... • •OP°o`�U6=LL=`�LibCfi LSry SC N LU 0 a� y r .6 E�rfio�v;o.pwet[ofioT� 4Sn of o F N EL_49j 4pCCfi 4l• ``�E LOQ C� ° 4QiI� '^ ' yp' .D Og"i°i5-.C��t2•lsa KbL 3:fi "Iv�fi c14 xw 4d �� aQ9oo 8 5B�7sB rs N �LfiECs� _0 4S E¢�E Scq CC pp% tL 7. :� aGu Nd �i=3 eb`o num o�ff `o �16 chi cx AxC al -H 0 O f'% 8 11 C E y`o p98 ` -C.8 4fie yE°`oifi �u .o P c g ;� d2sgg.do€443Lto beFFP u1c 44 Nv V G �� Q�.6x <<f� r7S915 u C `o: �8Y 0 j1 0 41 a S r 2 a1 fi e o 8%£ i' f U a .� s 0 4 . y o° 3 0 s.i -Jl b S - > o yy�$E S sF m$$ �>4 rtvi 0 V E n�.a °.„s .n u ;4 c W s U Norf �i �C�oE�fi kofip W Io- •� ar �• C ��".P eZg:T fia9-6 g obi �n$5 �T tn CL Od pfi 9ei ,°,':!'�_v?4 9', $E 'E Q•>!`c=EGo4Qay F5 a{X X20 �—Ro II Q o O 0 0 Ow Q 0 L 0 The Mayor and City Council CITY CLERK City of Iowa City, Iowa Civic Center Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is being written on behalf of Ty'n Cae, Inc. to request that the Application for PAD approval on Ty'n Cae Addition, Parts 1 and 2, be scheduled for public hearing on November 22, 1977. You should also be advised that we will be requesting the Council to give the ordinance the required three read- ings and to thereafter adopt the ordinance approving the PAD at that same meeting. This request is made anticipating Planning and Zoning Commission approval of the subdivision plat as well as the PAD and LSRD at their meeting on November 3rd. This plat has received Council preliminary approval some time ago and has been delayed primarily due to re- quired compliance with the City Storm Water Management Ordinance. The developer has cooperated with the various City Departments in the compliance with Storm (Pater Manage- ment but due to the fact that the area involved was one of the first major areas required to comply with Storm Water Management, that compliance necessarily consumed a great deal of time not only in the part of the developer but on the part of the City Staff as well. At this time, we believe it would be appropriate for the City Council to take into consideration the delays which have necessarily been en- countered and accordingly to act favorably upon the request of the developer to expedite the matter at this point in time. 3781 SHULMAN, PHELAN, TUCKER, BOYLE Sc MULLEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOU,. SHULMAN BNCMCR BUILDING WILLIAM V. PHCLAN P. D. Box 2150 WILLIAM M.TUGKER IOWA CITY, IOWA 32240 TucPnovE �g4-IID+ DANIEL W. BOYLC (A. EA CODE ]IB) CHARLCs A.MULLEN STCPHCN F. BRIGHT BRUCE L.WALKCR October 26, 1977 R¢HARG M.Tu.KER AEBI'E. S T OLFUS The Mayor and City Council CITY CLERK City of Iowa City, Iowa Civic Center Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is being written on behalf of Ty'n Cae, Inc. to request that the Application for PAD approval on Ty'n Cae Addition, Parts 1 and 2, be scheduled for public hearing on November 22, 1977. You should also be advised that we will be requesting the Council to give the ordinance the required three read- ings and to thereafter adopt the ordinance approving the PAD at that same meeting. This request is made anticipating Planning and Zoning Commission approval of the subdivision plat as well as the PAD and LSRD at their meeting on November 3rd. This plat has received Council preliminary approval some time ago and has been delayed primarily due to re- quired compliance with the City Storm Water Management Ordinance. The developer has cooperated with the various City Departments in the compliance with Storm (Pater Manage- ment but due to the fact that the area involved was one of the first major areas required to comply with Storm Water Management, that compliance necessarily consumed a great deal of time not only in the part of the developer but on the part of the City Staff as well. At this time, we believe it would be appropriate for the City Council to take into consideration the delays which have necessarily been en- countered and accordingly to act favorably upon the request of the developer to expedite the matter at this point in time. 3781 0 0 CAM/ lm cc: Mr. Neal Berlin City Manager Abbie Stolfus City Clerk Don Schmeiser Senior Planner - 2 - rs very truly, Charles A. Mullen Attorney for Ty'n C e, Inc. I• RECEIVE%CT 2 5 1977 JOHNSON COUNTY MUTUAL AID FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION Iowa City Council Civic Center Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Gentlemen: o� FD0CT2 511971 ,BRIE S'i01-i US CITY CLERK Box 81 Lone Tree, Iowa 52755 We, the Johnson County Mutual Aid Firemen's Association, after reading and hearing your views on the Iowa City Fire Department covering the University Heights for fire protection, feel that we would like to take this means of expressing our ideas concerning this situation. The Association was formed in 1957 to help each other in a fire situation. Over the years we have grown to the point that we feel we have the best Association in the State of Iowa. This is a big benefit to all residents of Johnson County. This is further shown in the decreasing insurance rates for fire protection in this county. Being dedicated to saving lives and property from fire, we do not feel the Iowa City professional fire fighters are part of this decision made by the Iowa City Council and City Manager. The only being who has the right to say "a life shall not be saved" is "God." It is the fear of this Association that the actions you are taking will work to the detriment of the residents of ALL Johnson County. We do not feel that fire protection of property and lives should be used as a political lever for the annexation of any area to a town or city. Your problems should and can be resolved without the threat of the loss of fire protection to University Heights or anyone else. It is the feeling of the Association that the Iowa City Fire Department should maintain fire protection to Univerity Heights without intervention from Iowa City Council and its manager. DAS/tes cc: Mutual Aid Assoc Coralville Hills Iowa City Lone Tree North Liberty Oxford Riverside Solon very truly yours, JOHNSONiohson CO. MUTUAL AID FIRE ASSOC. `,�Gvnua James David A. Smith Assoc. Vice Pres. Assoc. Secty.-Treas. Fire Depts.: Swisher Tiffin West Branch 3982. K4 131913WISOO CIVIC CENTER ,10.I WAS N ST. 5220 U/ October 26, 1977 NAYO,I MANY NLUNALISIR COVNCILNSWSNt ANN SAWLII WOLb 0313 L.G,OST1R DAVIOPERR[T 10"SEUE" ROBERT V3VLnA Mr. James Johnson, Vice President Mr. David A. Smith, Secretary -Treasurer Johnson County Mutual Aid Firemen's Association Box 81 Lone Tree, Iowa 52755 Dear Mr. Johnson and Mr. Smith: Thank you for your recent letter concerning fire service provided by Iowa City to University Heights. A copy of a letter recently sent to University Heights residents by Iowa City is enclosed. Sin ere/yours, eal G. Berl n City Manager Is 398.E 101A�/27 I .t ,illil.,thl of i ice 1".1, ct;r :n•ed of irsviu; to t•icl,l t o :.1s c l i� ,::.In t c ::i.:�,. .i,,. _� :ere of t.(iuI � tiitlliu Lite 1.ay., .-i ):. „[on tile =lreci iu,i icn 1.e I...nc Ire Lo uve the dev.;a les. Ilo.revcr -L 1'in,l thiit. voutt'. Leer:.l;; ..eli ,I.v Rent Ls ,.au76 cull right into :.,e, if' 1 ('.ill not. ::tele o!'Y li,t.,;llk — oft.ee Into ..el, ^;3•;t.,>.. ..aG, ..nuc:. :'ore dan„crous i:, t!,e ;r:1HACC oJ' ?- '111 ..t heliei:tl'inli ir•o:u "child :.I t.hout s ihIli l i.ng. ;.0.:,t al' LilcIi: .le unc e.t n:wt ;.ccr ti.a Lite ..pt ro-cnio„ ltd ole step to one .vide or tine c,L-i:er c.onl,i enn:ae x111 'e. illuitt.. I had halved that rulo:e of the oo::d I'e4"u.ic-:cl ist:. ::otild i,e included in the neve ordinance; i.heIN .:ere not. ^.,ill izb)Tk t.be dif:'i cul LY/i:.qw iIlli ty of, en I'nrci nr .:•ucr it rulca But Lo:: .:Lout it, in I'uill is crluc:rt.ion Have it outl. inert in the 1,1cyclo rnl.cs, pr in Lai in the papers, tall: about ill the :.clloolst etc Other �•tate:i and cit io;; Lilac 'ono Iliis. .U: iuc•.Lw!in;{ ;i p,i..a,l.let of re— prescutntive rule:; and rc^;ulill tor..: :'ro:.-, (Yr on. u 0 C T 2 'i 977 C ABBIC ST,OLFUS CITY CLERK BIKEWAYS WITHIN OREGON PARKS RULES OF THE ROAD In Oregon, bicyclists are required to follow the same rules as automobile drivers insofar as they would apply. Riding is permitted on any State highway except those freeways in the Portland metropolitan area posted with signs stating that nonmatoriaed vehicles are rohibitetl. t".Ln riding on a sidewalk, the right of v� Is to be yielded o desirions and an au , le signal given before they are overtaken and- patsed. Due care n raquued ln passing a sl"sIng vehicle -or one roceeding in the some direction. Ride as for to the right as practicable except on one-way streots within a city whore one should ride at far to the right or left as is practicable. i 1 .i_1 V. ;•;: rl; Road My complaint is with bike paths. They seem to be deaigoed with the alfa tomobile in mind. That Is, their main purpose seems to be to get bikes out of the way of cars, and never mind about the bikes - they're just toys [anyway, right? Some of the Ames bike paths m� riders and walkers, and that's about as sensible as permitting bicycles on Interstate 80 would be. Really, folks, bikeways make sense, but only when they're routed over existing streets and roads. If bicycle are, Indeed, back to stay, that's the way it's going to have to be. 3983 October 22, it • !" CEIVED OCT 2 G 1977 City Council Ieiembers Civic Center Iowa City, Ia 52240 Dear Council Members: We, the undersigned, would like to support the petition of the Iowa City/ Johnson County ,rts Council, that the city council allow the arts council to use the temporary building in the Clinton Street Gi�:ll formerly housing Epstein's Book Store as a centr=.1 loc^tion imperative for their fundraising project to reach the public: The sale of low cost children's art easels to the public. We thank you for your time and cooperation in considering this request. Sincerely, % ilew, ti�JlLLc AAOAL (.J 92b,�- ^l L E 0 OCT2 7!977 A3EIE S'i OLFUS CITY CLIMA 983A �• / �� CIVIC CfME. WASHINGTON BT. MA CITY IA GTY.IOWA 6]110 111 pl ]BLIBW October 27, 1977 MAYON MARYI.EUNAU,ER COUNCIL Mf MSE RE ANN BALMER CAROLYFAOOE LP FOSTER OAVIOPERRET MAX SELZER ROBERT VEVERA Mr. Michael Brien 525 Hawkeye Court Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Brien: This is in reply to the petition supporting the use of the former Epstein's Book Store by the Iowa City -Johnson County Arts Council. Since these modules have been used for a much longer period of time than anticipated when they were erected, the City Council has determined that they will be removed from the Mall as they are vacated. The modules which formerly housed Epstein's Book Store are at this time being prepared for removal from the Mall. Si R.G'/ ours, s,Neal 70 Lrr'� City Manager Is cc: City Council 3983.1 RE: Urban Renewal Contract Negotiations 1. In September, 1976, the City Council retained the services of Zuchelli Hunter and Associates to assist the City in carrying out a land disposition program.' At that time a provision calling for the consultant to provide assistance during .the negotiations which follow the bidding process was added at Council:' request.i 2. The City must negotiate and reach agreement with the designated developers of five moreparcels,;including Block 64 and Blocks 83-84, which require'a close public-private interface.' At the, informal meeting of, October 3, the'Council expressed the desire to utilize Mr. Zuchelli'to assist the City in negotiating these agreements. 3. Task 17 of the existing Contract calls for Mr. Zuchelli to offer consultation upon request, following Council authorization. A motion authorizing the City Manager to request .such consultation is being.placed on the agenda for the meeting of November 1, 1977: Such services would be requested by the Manager on an as needed basis, during.the course of, negotiations', and until disposition agreements are executed. Payment for such services will be billed on an hourly or per,diem basis, ;at the same rate as services already provided. I i PG/ssw i '