HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-07 Bd Comm. MinutesMlt,iwr lLMLU BY JORM MICROLAB COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS JANUARY 26, 1978 -- 12:00 NOON CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM CLDAR RAPIU`, A110 Ub COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Baschnagel, Clark, Dennis, Hall, McCormick, Purington, Rock, Swisher, Patrick COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Amidon, Braverman, Cilek, Hibbs, Pecina CITY STAFF PRESENT: Vann, Wilkinson, Milkman, Sheets SUMMARY OF ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. Vann discussed the revised 4th year CDBG budget. The revisions are the result of the identification of additional sources of funding (Urban Renewal land sale proceeds, Rehab loan proceeds, reprogrammed funds, R-14 close-out proceeds). The attached chart shows the budget as approved by Council on December 20, 1977; the additional funds to be added; and the budget as recommended by the staff. Dennis moved, and McCormick seconded, that the revised budget be approved as presented. The motion failed 2-7. Dennis moved, and Patrick seconded, that $50,000 from Contingency be placed in community planning to develop more detailed information, goals and objectives for individual neighborhoods or areas of Iowa City (i.e., detailed analysis of trafficways and their relationship to the Longfellow School area, and correlating the University's Northside Neighborhood information into a workable, implementable plan). The motion carried unanimously. Swisher moved, and McCormick seconded, that the 4th year CDBG budget be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Vann announced Ron Bohlken's resignation from CCN. It was pointed out that three positions expire on March 1 (Amidon, Dennis, Swisher). These people were reminded that they must reapply if they wish to continue serving on CCN. 3. Sue Sheets, Redevelopment Specialist, presented the Housing Assistance Plan goals and objectives for FY 178. The Housing Assistance Plan is made up of four main parts: Table I: Survey of Housing Conditions Table II: Low Income Housing Assistance Needs Table III: One -Year and Three -Year Goals for Providing Housing Assistance Table IV: Locations for Proposed Low Income housing Changes in this year's goals as compared to last year's goals involve an increase in housing assistance for low income families. In the past, a concerted effort was made to provide housing for the elderly, a high priority among citizens -; atcrsoruiaea BY ' JORM MICR6LAB rrnnc par:r,,. nr�, wnr+rs 24q 11IL,ROf ILMLO 8Y JORM 141CROLAb Committee on Community Needs January 26, 1978 Page 2 • CLUAR RARIUS AND and Council members. With the elderly housing project finished and two other projects being developed, planning efforts are being directed toward meeting goals for assistance to low income families. During the next program year, the Housing Commissioners and housing staff will work together to promote housing alternatives for low income renters and low income owners through proposed new construction and a continuation of the housing rehabilitation program. 3. The meeting was adjourned. Sandra S. wi l inson MlUr(0FILMED BY DORM MICROLAB CLOAR RAPLOS ANO uLS cel 141CROFILMED BY DORM MICROLAB CEDAR VAPM(� • PfS IMPIFS Council Reprogrammed Addition to Budget Staff Recommendation12_P0-77 Approved into same 1-30-78 account Hsg. Rehabilitation $272,000 0_ $200,000 $ 472,000_0_ 96,400 Hsg. Code Enforcement 96,400 220,000 -0- _0_ -0- 220,000 Neighborhood Site Improvements Ralston Creek Flood Control North Branch Improvements 686,000 0 589,306 74,694 1,350,000 South Branch Improvements prev. budget Energy Conservation prev. budget 41,000 -0- 41,000 Arch. Barrier Removal 55,000 -0- -0- 250,000 55,000 750,000 Senior Center 500,000 -0- Completion of Urban Renewal prev. budget 262,1000 _0_ -0_ 262,100 29,000 Downtown Redevelopment (UR) HAP) 29,000 155,000 -0- _0_ 155,000 Administration (incl. 13,530 -0- -0- 13,530 Human Needs Plan Subtotals $2,026,930 $892,406 $424,694 $3,444,030 103,070 -0- 138,173 241,243 Contingency TOTALS $2,130,000 $892,406 $662,867 $3,685,273 cel 141CROFILMED BY DORM MICROLAB CEDAR VAPM(� • PfS IMPIFS K4 uiWi iLAU BY JORM 141CROLAB MINUTES RESOURCES CONSERVA,.JN COMMISSION JANUARY 3, 1978 4:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER CONFERENCE ROOM LLDAR RARIUS AHD MEMBERS PRESENT: Angerer, Denninger, Hotka, Houck, Stager. STAFF PRESENT: Plastino, Tinklenberg. RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL The Resources Conservation Commission has approved the attached Resources Conservation budget proposal and recommends it to the City Council for their consideration. REQUEST FOR STAFF ASSISTANCE The Resources Conservation Commission requested that the staff contact the people who had expressed interest in the Pilot Recycling Project, but were not in the project area, to obtain assistance in conducting a promotional telephone campaign to increase the resident participation in the project. The Resources Conservation Commission requested that the staff obtain more publicity on the recycling programs being carried on in Iowa City. The Resources Conservation Commission also requested that the staff conduct a random telephone survey of Iowa City residents to find out what percentage of the people received the Energy and You found�helpfulwhat l,eandcwhatnts theyhexpected in,ithbutarts didn'tefind. and SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTIONS TAKEN Pilot Recycling Project Dick Plastino reported that 75 households returned the preproject survey out of a total of 125 letters mailed out for a response of 60%. 97.3% indicated they were willing to recycle their aluminum and steel cans while 2.7% were not willing. He also reported that Dewey's Auto Salvage was taking the cans as is without any cleaning or crushing necessary. On December 9, 1977, 67 stops were made for both aluminum and steel cans and 13 pounds of aluminum and about 50 pounds of steel was collected. On December 19, 1977, in 13 stops, undssteel s of aluminum cans were collected and in 33 stops, pounds cans were collected. On December 26, 1977, in 3 stops for aluminum, 2 pounds of cans were collected and in 7 stops for steel, 3 pounds of ans were nuary 2, for aluminum andc11 stops for lsteel, 30and a11 poundslwerstops e collected respectively. Z.NS VIICROf ILIdCO By JORM MICR(�LAB f1'OAP PAo:n. . 1)r5 eN91S HiutOtiLALL' BY JORM MICROLAB -2- LLDAR RAP IU�) A;IU OL�•�: As a result of the declining participation in the recycling project the Commissioners felt it would be good to have interested citizens do a telephone campaign to get the participation rate up again and find out if there are problems with the project. They also felt additional publicity on the two recycling programs should be obtained. Plastino also reported that in the newsprint recycling program City Carton has collected approximately 2-3 tons per day and that the price now is about $100 per ton. CIVIC CENTER HVAC SYSTEM Referring to two manuals entitled "Total Ener Mana ement" and "Energy Conservation Retrafit for Existing pug, u lic and Inb LILUtid Facilities Plastino proposed a four step procedure for dealing with the RVAC system: I. Compilation of Present Energy Consumption Data. II. Building Survey and Engineering Appraisal. III. Implementation. IV. Monitoring. Plastino reported that $88,000 has been allocated for correcting the HVAC system and no more will be allocated in the foreseeable future. He noted that there did not seem to be any consulting engineering firms with very much experience in this area. Denniger pointed out that the RCC has recommended that when the design study is done that the building should be brought up to compliance with the Model Code for Energy Conservation and that the proposed Resources Engineer could do this study at a considerable savings to the City. BUDGET . Stager moved, Houck seconded, to approve the budget and recommend it to the City Council for their consideration. Approved unanimously. ENERGY CONSERVATION WEEK As a follow-up to the Energy Conservation Week the Commissioners felt that a random telephone survey of Iowa City residents to find out what percentage of the people received the Energy and You flier, what the recipients thought of it, what parts they found helpful and liked, and what they expected in it but did not find. The Commissioners felt that it would be beneficial to include the case studies of the Houck and Bolnick homes in the next flier. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Roger Tinklenberg. John Houck, Secretary. 4 ^' T :41CROI ILI•ILO 0Y DORM MICR+LA9 rrnAP pnr!a' . aI5 Mnl4fS M ILl Wi IL'1Lu BY JURM I.11CROLAB • LEDAK RAPLJS Ail'U UL. 'w. i -, •JI, MINUTES MAYOR'S YOUTH EMPLOYMENT BOARD CHAMBER OF C09 FRCE JANUARY 17, K lley Johanson and Kiefer MEMBER' Darnell, e MEMBERSAB ENT: Barber, Ilolzhammer, Karegnn, Larson, Schreiber and Nelson ACTION TAKEN SUMMARY OF DISCUS FORMAI' e sited and disc Changes in the FY79 budget were ussed• An increase occurred in the FY79 budget in the areas of staff salaries and benefits. There was some discussion about whether or not we are require to pay because the funds are revenue sharing. The city attorney, minimum wage John Hayek, will be contacted about this. ng the length of time one There was some discussion about possible limit" can be on Mayor's Youth, therefore, allowing for more youth to be able to take advantage of the program. Youth progress and expenditures report was given. - Rodger Darnell went over the responsibilities of the staff for Earnhe to pet up an account at no charge to the So Car no one is on the Earn-lt program. tie also tntur^ud..us that the and employment in private First :in tic•nal B.I,k is willing about this. program. There was some concern as to legal age business. 11e will 6e contacting the County attorney uary 28, 1978 nti¢:00 P.M. at the Chamber The next meeting will be Fehr of commerce building. DC/LF ~� MICROMMEO BY i JDRM MICR6LA6 ('fpAP PAIT)'. . '1(S MOIRES -14 Miu(W ;Lwc.0 by JORM M;CRULAYI LCUAi< kAPIU� ANO JL, CITY OF IOWA CITY CIVIC CENTER 410 E WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.1800 NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDER- ING AN APPOINTMENT TO THE FOLLOWING BOARD: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT One vacancy - Unexpired Term March 14, 1978 - January 1, 1981 Duties: In appropriate cases and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, make special exceptions to the terms of the ordinances in har- mony with general purpose and intent and in accord- ance with general or specific rules therein con- tained and provide that any property owner aggrieved by the action of the Council in the adoption of such regulations and restrictions may petition the said Board of Adjustment directly to modify regulations and restrictions as applied to such property owners.It can only act pursuant to the zoning ordinance. It has no power to act upon any ordinances other than the zoning ordinance. It cannot grant a variance unless specific statu- tory authority provides for granting a variance. Variances granted under Iowa Code, Chapter 414.12 (3) and Iowa City Municipal Code 8.10.28H l(d) may only be granted in the case of "unnecessary hard- ship." The hardship must be substantial, serious, real, and of compelling force, as distinguished from reasons of convenience, maximization of pro- fit or caprice. Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. This appointment will be made at the March 14, 1978, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Persons interested in being considered for this position should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. 260 M ICROFILIdf.D Be ' JORM MICR,0LA6 rr!AR PAT !W mi�iiui lLilLu BY JURM 111CRULAb CITY OF • LLUAd RAP I Ju) AND uL OWA CITY CIVIC CENTER 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180D NOTICE THE CITY OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING AN APPOINTMENT TO THE FOLLOWING COMMISSION: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION One vacancy - Six-year term April 1, 1978 - April 1, 1984 Duties: Approves all entrance and promotional examinations used by the City of Iowa City; holds hearings involving employee discharge or reduction in rank or compensation and ascertains to the best of its ability the facts of the case. After weigh- ing all evidence, takes action as provided in Chapter 400 of the Code of Iowa. Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. The selection and appointment to this commission will be made at the March 14, 1978, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. This will allow the appointee a brief period in which to become familiar with the duties of the Commission before assuming full responsibility. Persons interested in being considered for this position should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. 260 141CR0(ILM10 By JCRM MICR +LAB nnr nnrinC .yrs '40eirS Mini<JI IL;4Lu BY JORM MICRULAB CIVIC CENTER LLUAtt RAPIu� Mill) JL- '1�, .. OF IOWA CITY 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180D NOTICE THE CITY OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING BOARDS: BOARD OF POLICE TRUSTEES and BOARD OF FIRE TRUSTEES Two vacancies - (one for each board) Four-year terms April 1, 1982 It is the duty of members of the Board of Police and Fire Trustees to administer the pension funds and assure that all business concerning the pen- sion fund is handled according to law. Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. The selection and appointments to these boards will be made at the March 14, 1978, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. The actual terms will begin April 1, 1978. This tolbecomewthe familiarowithethe dutiespofiod theiwhich boards before assuming full responsiblity. Persons interested in being considered for these positions should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. I4ICROFILMCO BY JORM MICR( LAS Ffl1AP IW In'. • TF MOIIIF`, 2(D0