HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-28 Minutes NumberedmO.ROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB • CEDAR RAPIDS AND DLS MW NLs, l)ew COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF COUNCIL ACTIVITIES MARCH 28, 1978 7:30 P.M. Iowa City Council, reg. mtg., 3/28/78, 7:30 P.M., at Civic Ctr. Council - members present: Balmer, deProsse, Erdahl, Neuhauser, Perret, Roberts, Vevera. Absent: None. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Hayek, Stolfus, Schreiber, Kucharzak. Mayor Vevera presiding. Minutes recorded on Reel n78-9, Side 1, 73-1710. Moved by Perret, seconded by deProsse, that the following items & recomms. in Consent Calendar be received, or approved, and/or adopted as presented: Approval of Off. Actions, reg. Council mtg., 3/14/78, subi. to correction, as recomm. by City Clerk. S(� Minutes of Bds. & Comms.:'Design Review Comm. -3/15/78; 5LP & z 3 e6 z Comm.-3/9/78;?Bd. of Adjustment-12/19/77;HParks & Rec. Comm. -3/8/78; 6Comp. Plan Coord. Comm.-2/22/78;6United Action Youth.Bd.-3/8/78; i rd S -(Library Bd.-2/23 & 3/9/78. r� Permit Res. recomm. by City Clerk, Bk. 46: Res. 78-103 p. z10, Approving Class C Liquor License & Res. 78-104, p. 211, Sundav 567 Sales for Towncrest Inn, Ltd., 1001 Arthur. Setting PubliLns, Bk. 46: Res. 78-105, p. 212, on Plans, ., s Specs., etc. for Bridge Improvement Program for 4/4/78. RRQ as78-106, 56 9 p. 213, ser public hearing on blidge_t r -timate for FY 79, it exceeded a 7% increase, for 4/4/78. for reply: I.ludith Felder & 5 70 Correspondence referred to City Mar. P Y: Z SyY 7,John Thompson re no -smoking ord.3Edna Franz re City land use. r >2 yIor n Hickerson, various topics.1N*RJh.sidE v6'0b&gh3 "VA ,00dj y Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Mayor Vevera announced the public hearings set out above. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Neuhauser, to set a public hearing 4/18/78 on re- zoni for Ilgner-Murphv Foundation tract from A2 -County Resort to City M1 & Cl Zones. Potion carried, 7/0. This property is adjacent to south- erly City limits and on east side of Hwy. 218. 57co.{.�� 'ReP° P&Z Conm. recomm. approving gLel. & final plat for`r`�esubdivision of 6-45" Lots 1-24 im)erwood Addn., Parts 1 & 2 was noted. Y ''�14IC.nOFIWED BY JORM MICR+LAF3 M)AP • PES 140111E5 MICROFILMLD BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND uLS ;!U111u, ..ouncil Activities March 28, 1978 Page 2 Moved by deProsse, seconded by Perret, that the ORD. AMENDING ZONING CODE OF IOWA CITY, BY ADDING DEFINITION OF ELDERLY HOUSING AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ELDERLY HOUSING IN CB ZONE TO SEC. 8.10.3 & 8.10.19, be considered and given 2nd vote for passage. Motion carried unani- mously. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. E76 Public Hearing was held on proposed ORD. ESTABLISHING A HOUSING OC- CUPANCY AND MAINTENANCE CODE Citizens appearing included: Ira Bolnick, 525 Iowa Ave., & at reopened hearing later in the meeting: Larry Svoboda, 9 Wellesley Way; Bob Johnston, 416 Koser; Dick Qatarm an, 632 S. Dodge. S7 7 Public Hearing was held on proposed lease agreement re property leased by USA at Iowa C9ty Airport for Army Reserve Ctr. City Atty. Hayek in- formed Airport Comm. Caroline Embree tat is ease was necessary to complete the Ham_. 218 widening project. S'78 Moved by deProsse, seconded by Perret, to reappoint Nancy Seiberling as Trustee of the GREEN fund, as recomm. by Project GREEN. Motion carried unanimously. LAA*_-,,,„ ll?td�.b"ta 579 Councilman Balmer requested a sched. of the vacating of the Clinton St. modulars. He pointed out an error in Dietz memo re Corrid r Sewer, de- scribing location. City Mgr. Berlin advised that it was on Capitol be- tween the railroad overpass and Benton. .4'80 Councilwoman Neuhauser called attention to the Poli a Chief Miller's memo re adaption of animals, and suggested that the policy be made clear. Berlin stated that adoption is not encouraged. Neuhauser also asked for information on the Urban Revitalization Bill from the Governor, to discuss at informal session. Councilman Perret reported on the meeting held Sat. with area legis a - tors Small & Hargrave, where bills re LOLLective Bargaining, Road s Tax Increase, Onen Meetings Law and Hotel-hfotel Tax were discussed. An April 21st meeting will be held for input on proposals for the next legis- lative session. Councilman Erdahl related problems of Moped owners con- cerning parking. He also advised that a panel discussion would be held on 3/29 at 7P.h1. on the implications of the sexual abuse provisions of the new criminal code. S8 2 Moved by Balmer, seconded by Perret, to adopt RES. 78-107, Bk. 46, p. 214-216, DECLARING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRES ISSUANCE OF 17 TAXICAB CERTIFICATES for Yellow Checker and toper Cab Cos Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. s 82 A Moved by Balmer, seconded by Roberts, to adopt the RES. AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT OFFER FROM USA RELATING TO PREPARATION OF.J ASTER PLAN STUDY OF AIRPORT. Airport Commissioner Caroline Embree appeared objecting to va ous provisions in the study & application for grant. r — 141CRor IL14Cn BY I JORM MICR+1-AB (f 1r1P PAVI T, 9f 'If°, MILROFILMLD EY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS MUi:4-, uvlll Council Activities March 28, 1978 Page 3 Comm. Chnn. Gary Bleckwenn favored application for grant for Master Plan Study. Comn. Jan Redick suggested asking for extension of 4/12 dead- line. After discussion, it was moved by deProsse, and seconded by Erdahl, to table the Res. until resolution of the matters questioned, no later than 4/12. Roll call: Ayes: Perret, deProsse, Erdahl, Neuhauser. Nays: Roberts, Vevera, Balmer. Motion carried 4/3. Moved by Neuhauser, seconded by deProsse, that the ed to take action to check if an extension of the deadline was possible, and to inv" Ligate the procedures that can legally be taken. Upon roll call, Vevera, deProsse, Erdahl, Neuhauser & Perret voted 'aye.' Roberts 3g3 & Balmer voted 'no.' Motion carried, 5/2. Moved by Neuhauser, seconded by deProsse, to table the RES. AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, AND __. ROBERT KIMBALL & ASSOCS. FOR IOWA CITY AIRPORT MASTER PLAN STUDY. Roll call: Ayes: Vevera, deProsse, Erdahl, Neuhauser, Perret. Nays: Balmer, 58y Roberts. Motion carried, 5/2. Bob Johnson asked for a reopening of the public hearing on the proposed Housing Occupancy and Maintenance Code, which was granted by Council. Citizens who appeared are listed under the earlier descriptive paragraph. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Neuhauser, to adopt RES. 78-108, Bk. 46, pp. 217-223, AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR S. GILBERT ST. RELOCATION WITH IOWA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION, (M-4051(1)--81-52; Agree- ment 078--F-040). Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Council - members present. Moved by deProsse, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RFS. 7g-109, BY.. 46, pp. 224-226, APPROVING OFFICIAL MUNICIPALITY REPORT FOR M ET CONSTR C - TION PROGRAM. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Councilman 386 Erdahl absent from the room. Moved by Balmer, seconded by deProsse, to adopt RES. 78-110, Bk. 46, pp. 227-228, APPROVING OVERWIDTH PAVING AGREEMENT IN,PFPPFRWOOD. PART_L Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Erdahl absent from the room. City Mgr. Berlin commented that $85,000 had been allocated in FY'78 Budget for overwidth paving, & budget minutes show that Council asked S8 7 staff to look at alternatives to overwidth paving in the coming year. Moved by Balmer, seconded by deProsse, to adopt RES. 78-111. Bk. 46, pp. 229-230, APPROVING 9VERWIDTH PAVING AGREEMENT IN RE:PP KOD. PART II. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Erdahl absent from the room. .SFl1� Moved by deProsse, seconded by Balmer, to defer the Res. approving overwidth payj= agreement for resubdivision of lots 1-24 ofhienvood. Parts I & 11. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Erdahl returned to the meeting. Y... _�-_OrILMED BY JORM MICR+LA6 C17AP I+AP I,'. , nfS MOIN(5 MICROFILMLU BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND OL'� F101PIL,, !U— Coun..,1 Activities March 28, 1978 Page 4 Moved by deProsse, seconded by Perret, that the ORD. AMENDING ORD. 77-2835 BY PROVIDING FOR DESIGNATION OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES & CLARIFYING TIME LIMITATIONS FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING IN CERTAIN LOADING ZONES BY REPEALING SEC. 6.15.03.A & 6.01.09 of ORD. 77-2835 & ENACTING NEW PROVISIONS IN LIEU THEREOF be considered and given 2nd vote for passage. Motion carried unanimously. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, 390 all Councilmembers present. City Atty. Hayek recomm. starting with the 1st consideration of the new draft of the 6g6,PROHIBITING SMOKING IN DESIGNATED PLACES IN IOWA CITY; REQUIRING ENFORCEMENT BY PERSONS HAVING CONTROL OF THE PREMISES, & PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF ITS PROVISIONS. Moved by Perret, seconded by Erdahl, that the above ordinance be considered and given 1st vote for passage. Citizens appearing were Stan BlDouglas Ct. 113 E. Prentiss; carol Freedman, student, and ],erre u , Moved by Neuhauser, seconded by deProsse, to amend the Ord. by deletion of Sec. 7, Penalty on Violation. Motion carried unanimously, 7/0. Motion carried to consider, 5/2, Vevera & Balmer voting 'no.' Roll call on 1st vote for passage, Roberts, deProsse, Erdahl, Neuhauser, Perret -!1 C. voting 'aye.' Vevera & Balmer voting 'no.' Motion carried, 5/2. Mr)ko -Rawl M. rtc Peu,oed "No Sn+0k4y Oltaf. " Moved by deProsse, seconded by Balmer, to adjourn the meeting, 9:45 PM. Motion carried unanimously, 7/0. ROBERT A. VEVERA, MAYOR ABBIE STOLFUS, CITY CLERK. Y.. iucii ,ILMCn BY t JORM MICR+LA9 CFDAP PAPIO° , DCS IdnIHCS MILRUFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND uLS ?luck.,, lU';11 City ®t Iowa City DATE: March 24, 1978 TO; City Council FROM: City Manager RE: Material in Friday's Packet Copy of letter from Mayor Vevera to Governor Ray regarding the Urban 3-9.2 Revitalization meeting. Copy of letter from letter from Mayor Vevera to Robert Harpster of League S93 of Iowa Municipalities regarding House File 2255. Copy of Mailgram to Council Member Mary Neuhauser regarding invitation to 59H White House. Memoranda from the City Manager: a. Staff Training 59S b. Addendum, City Plaza Project S 7 6 c. Land Sales Pr r> - Parking Lot, Block 103 59 7 Memorandum from Paul Glaves regarding regulations governing City Plaza. 598 Copy of letter from Paul Glaves to City Plaza merchants regarding the construction of City Plaza. Memorandum from David Lundquist regarding the Regina property. 6'00 Memorandum from the Chief of Police' regarding calendar parking. &0 / Memorandum from the Chief of Police regarding the publication of pet lists. 60�2 Memorandum from City Manager regarding transit marketing. 603 Memoranda from the Department of Public Works: a. Finkbine Bikeway Snow Plowing e"0'� b. Corridor Sewer Projects/Capitol Street 661.5" c. Ames Refuse Derived Fuel Project 6 06 Copy of letter to Johnson County Regional Planning Commission from IDOT regarding Highway 518. 6 0 7 Monthly reports for February for the Departments of Public Works and Community Development. 609 Minutes of staff meetings of March 22, 15, 1, and February 22, 1978. 60 9 Material from Johnson County Regional Planning Commission Nluuieo of 3�8�78 Comprehensive Plan. (0// o0 � tdICROCILMCD BY JORM MICR+LAB UPM N,M1PIP` OFS ?1019 C`. 610 (tiezi pAgs) f4ICROFILMED BY JORM 141CROLAB • CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS MUINL�, iUWA COUNCIL PACKET OF 3/24/78 Page 2 MEMO FRObI ASST. PLANNER TO P $ Z CONN. RE STAFF RECOMMENDATION ON WAGNER-NIURPHY FOUNDATION REZONING $ ANNEXATION REQUEST BROADNAY STREET AGREEMENT - Peppenaood Add., Pts. One &nio v 14morILMEO BY JORM MICR+LAB rrnna MIM • nrs MOVIrS to /;2 613 r41CROFiLMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND D"LS ;-WiNL�, !Jvi- a i a �a n «•^� rr � '��' h i a p t ; j DATE: March 24, 1978 TO: City Council FROM: City Manager RE: Material in Friday's Packet Copy of letter from Mayor Vevera to Governor Ray regarding the Urban ,5-92 Revitalization meeting. Copy of letter from letter from Mayor Vevera to Robert Harpster of League 593 of Iowa Municipalities regarding House File 2255. Copy of Mailgram to Council Member Mary Neuhauser regarding invitation to 5-9,V White House. Memoranda from the City Manager: a. Staff Training 59S b. Addendum, City Plaza Project S? 6 c. Land Sales Price - Parking Lot, Block 103 5"77 Memorandum from Paul Glaves regarding regulations governing City Plaza. S9 8 Copy of letter from Paul Glaves to City Plaza merchants regarding the construction of City Plaza. Is Memorandum from David Lundquist regarding the Regina property. 6700 Memorandum from the Chief of Police regarding calendar parking. 60/ Memorandum from the Chief of Police regarding the publication of pet lists. 60�2 Memorandum from City Manager regarding transit marketing. 603 Memoranda from the Department of Public Works: a. Finkbine Bikeway Snow Plowing 60-/ b. Corridor Sewer Projects/Capitol Street 6 oS c. Ames Refuse Derived Fuel Project 6 06 Copy of letter to Johnson County Regional Planning Commission from 1DOT regarding Highway 518. 6 ° ! Monthly reports for February for the Departments off Public Works and Community Development. I•linutes of staff meetings of March 22, 15, 1, and February 22, 1978. 609' Material from Johnson County Regional Planning Comnission 610 FfINLLltd 1 .3/3/73Comprehensive Plan. (0// (ucxl pagfi) Y.. MICROFILMID BY r JORM MICR+LAB f FOAP PAP!T !1f5 MOMFS MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB COUNCIL PA( Page 2 rtcr t� BR( • CEDAR RAPIDS AND UES HUINCS, lUvlA