HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-11 Bd Comm. MinutesMILROFIL14ED BY JORM MICROLAB MINUTES JOINT CPCC/P&Z MEETING MARCH 2, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM CEDAk RAPIDS ANU UES hlu iFlu, :vv :. PLANNING li ZONING colsIISSION: Members Present: Lehman, Blum, Jakobsen, Ogesen, Cain, Vetter Members Absent: Kammermeyer 1, � COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COORDINATING COD4fITTEE: 5 Ferret, Neuhauser Members Present: Jakobsen, Blum, Ogesen, Vetter Cain, Members Absent: deProsse Staff Present: Kraft, Milkman, Martzahn, Garrett, Ryan, Fisher SUMMARY OF THE MEETING: Blum called the mKraftgbeganorder discussingsted Dennis Kraft the ComprehensivetPlanoutline Land Use Map. He of the meeting. changes 1 of commentsthe frommap thereflected members ofthe CPCCk otherof citizens and ethe Staff. CHeCstated as a rthat t nts and recommendations so the purpose of the meeting was to get any further comments , that the map could be put on file in the City Clerk's Office on Monday, March 6, for the public. Kraft then explained the Comprehensive Plan text drawn e by the Staff. ealiech pointed i out that it had been prepared in sections and gave a bref discussion of each section and its goals and objectives. A discussion of the Plan followed. questioformed tlum hat askedit if there y re any fur approvether the minutesnofftheor Kmeetingraft dofnJanuaryt25.CoPerrot indicated that there was a spelling error in the name of Barry Mokensen. lie stated that it should read "Ilokanson." Blum asked if there were any further comments or any other corrections and called for a motion. Jakobsen moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Vetter and carried unanimously. Kraft stated that all future meetings of the CPCC would be held jointly with the Planning and Zoning Commission to expedite matters. Blum proposed that the meeting direct its attention to the draft text of the Comprehensive Plan and stated that he thought the Committee should adopt each sub - ask for votes to agreed of thatthe thislan as it would be theeup formatdIle the Committee would follow.adopt. It was Kraft indicated that there would be some reorganization of the Plan, but only in the wording and not in its substance. 5 ! r"'OFILMED BY JORM MICM�LAB C!9IAv DAt'I nt • PCS MOVIES I;1Il:RUFILMEU BY JORM 141CROLAB Joint CPCC/P$Z Meeting March 2, 1978 Page 2 LEDAk RAPIDS MID ULA IUi:iL�, ;UV+1 The Committee then reviewed the Plan in detail. Ogesen stated that the word "all" in paragraph 1 (page 3) Citizen Participation should be eliminated. It was omitted. In paragraph 5 (page 6) UL of the Com rehensive Plan Documents, the following sentence was added: "It will a the responsibility of the Planning and Zoning Commission to review and update the Plan and make recommendations to the City Council." In the second paragraph of page seven, the word "seven" was eliminated. Blum asked for a vote on the first subsection of the Plan. It was unanimously approved. On page eight the word "watershed" was inserted in the first sentence and punctuation was changed in the first paragraph under Findings. On page 9 under Objectives, the first item was changed to read "Encourage relocation of incompatible or inefficient uses." Item 2 was changed to read "Reevaluate zoning districts in neighborhoods where conflicts exist." Item 4 the word "condemn" was changed to "acquire". Blum then asked for a vote on adopting Subgoal A and it was unanimously approved. On page 10, Subgoal B, the words "prime agricultural land" were eliminated. Under Objectives 1, t e words "school sites" were removed, and number 2 was eliminated. In the first paragraph on page 11, University/Vet's Hospitals was changed to "Health Center Campus" and "South Riverside Drive commercial areas" was added in the fifth sentence after Industrial Park. The Subgoal B section was adopted. In the first paragraph of page 12 at the last line, the word "then" was inserted between can and be. Under Objectives of Subgoal D, paragraph 3 was changed to read: Locate low intensity land use Of as single-family residential) along local streets. On page 13 under Objectives, number 2 was eliminated. On page 14 in the first paragraph, the second sentence was omitted and the word "which" was inserted between limitations and utilities in the fourth sentence. In the second paragraph, the last sentence was changed to read: "Areas within the city which cannot be efficiently served by Iowa City sanitary sewers must be developed at very low intensity." Under Subgoal FF, number 1 under Objectives was changed to read: "Zone areas within the city which cannot be served by sanitary sewers for low intensity uses." On page 15, number 2 was revised to read: "Discourage the use of lift stations." Number 3 was changed to read: "Discourage new development at intensities which cannot be adequately served by existing or proposed city services and facilities." Number 4 was eliminated. 141CROrILMED BY JORM MICR�LAB rrnnr P.v Inr • ire, ainr:rs hliLIiUiILMLU BY JORM MICROLAU .Joint CPCC/PP,Z Meeting March 2, 1978 Page 3 CEDAR RAP105 AND JL:, HUTA-1 Page 16, Subgoal�O under Objectives, number 2 was changed to read: "Require buffers between incompatible land uses." Number 3, the word require was changed to "encourage", and number 4 was eliminated. Blum then called for a vote on the section entitled Future Land Use and it was unanimously approved. On page 17, the sentence reading: "In addition, the Iowa City Council has adopted a policy of moderate growth." was eliminated. On page 18, the words "agricultural land" were eliminated from the last sentence of the first paragraph. Under Subgoal I, Objectives, number 2 was changed to read: "Designate areas for housing adjacent to employment areas." Number 3 was changed to read: "Encourage energy efficient development practices and patterns." In number 4, the word "provide" was changed to "designate" and "as an alternative to" was inserted in place of the words "instead of". Blum called for a vote on the Future Land Use section and it was unanimously approved. The Committee then began a discussion on the Transportation section of the plan. On page 20, under Objectives, number 2 was changed by eliminating "Begin a program". Number 5 was eliminated and number 6 was revised to read: "Coordinate and develop transit systems." On page 21, under Objectives, number 1 was revised to read: 'Build a northern cross town through street." Number 2 was eliminated. Number 3 was changed to read: "Provide improvements which ease the flow of traffic." Number 4 was revised by changing the word "develop" to "designate" and inserting "in and around" in place of "for". A further discussion of the transportation section followed. It was agreed that the Staff would rewrite the section and resubmit it to the Committee. Residential Neighborhood Impact was the next section to be discussed. On page 22 under Objectives, number 1 was revised by omitting the opening phrase "develop traffic diverters" and inserting "discourage through traffic." In number 2, the word "re- quire" was added to the beginning of the sentence. Number 4 was eliminated. In number 5 the word "permit" was omitted. The Residential Neighborhood Impact section was unanimously approved. Blum then asked for a discussion on Bikeways and Walkways section of the Plan. On page 23 it was decided that number 2 under Objectives would be revised by replacing the words "review and amend" with "set". Num er 3 was eliminated. Blum called for a vote and it was unanimously approved. Id ICROFILMED BY ` JORM MICR46LA6 ff DhR Rlrl �°. '.ra r.l01aC° ryJ 14ILROFILMLO BY JORM MICROLAB MINUTES IOIVA CITY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MARCH 8, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS CEDAR kAPIUS AND ULS IiuihL, MEMBERS PRESENT: Fowles, Hughes, Harris, Conlin STAFF PRESENT: Ryan, Schmeiser, Fisher, Boothroy, Edberg FORMAL ACTIONS TAKEN: 1. To grant the variance requested by Edgar L. Colony to reduce the minimum area requirement for a Planned Area Development plan to develop a tract at the north- west corner of Rochester Avenue and Seventh Avenue extended under the provisions of a PAD. 2. To uphold the denial of a building permit to James E. and Kathleen Murphy for construction of a building at 705 and 711 East Church Street and 532 North Dodge Street. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTION TAKEN: Chairperson Fowles called the meeting to order and asked Ryan to call the roll. Conlin was absent. It was noted by Ryan that Item 1 on the Agenda (V-7713) had been withdrawn and would not be dealt with at the meeting. V-7801. Public hearing on an application submitted by James E. and Kathleen Murphy or an interpretation of Section 8.10.4D (Moratorium Ordinance) of the Zoning Ordinance and its relation to the application for a building permit for 705 and 711 East Church Street and 532 North Dodge Street. The Chairperson asked if anyone present wished to address the Board on this item. James E. Murphy, 633 Reno Street, Iowa City, came forward and stated that he was appealing the Moratorium Ordinance because it was causing him financial hardship. He explained that his business was small and the uncertainty of when the new zoning ordinance will take effect, what kinds of businesses will be allowed, and what will be restricted was causing him to "lose at least 5% every six months." He stated that another problem was maintaining a business for which he had no use. He noted that if he had the house torn down, and was not allowed to rebuild, he would be stuck with an empty lot on which he would have to pay taxes. The taxes, insurance and utilities were already costing him over $2,000 a year. Chuck Mullen, counsel for the Murphys, also addressed the Board. He stated that he would like to give the Board some background from a legal standpoint. He stated that some persons had questioned the good faith of his clients because their application was filed on the day the Moratorium Ordinance was passed by the City Council. He assured the Board that they had acted in good faith and had incurred expenses prior to the application for the building permit. 1•IICROMMCO BY i DORM MICR+LA6 rr[)AI? PAPIP; . 'SIS h101aI.S WE MiC(UFILMLD BY JORM MICROLAB Iowa City Board of Adjustment March 8, 1978 Page 2 CEDAR RAPID:i AND ULI) :'iUU+L, Mr. Mullen stated that he had received a copy of the Staff Report and that he agreed with the three cases cited by Angela Ryan of the City Legal Staff but they were not relevant to the particular matter before the Board. He stated that a Moratorium Ordinance is not a zoning ordinance and therefore it was not a matter of vested rights. Mr. Conlin arrived during Mr. Mullen's presentation. Ryan asked for an opportunity to reply to Mr. Mullen. She maintained that the Moratorium Ordinance was a zoning ordinance and the vested rights cases did apply. Mr. Mullen maintained that his clients were not arguing over the vested rights aspect of the application but were protesting the denial of the building permit be- cause the application had been made before the Moratorium Ordinance had been passed. Ryan explained that the application had been filed the afternoon the City Council had passed the ordinance and that the ordinance was published the next day and became effective. She noted that the application was file stamped 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon and the City Council met at 7:30 p.m. that night. She also pointed out that there was a public hearing on the ordinance which had been announced in the media two months previous to the date it was held. The Board conferred with Ryan on whether the matter should be deferred to give the members time to consider the situation. Ryan stated that this would be acceptable, but the Board's decision would have to be made in public. Murphy stated that he would rather have a negative decision than to continue with the uncertainty. He informed the Board that he appreciated its wanting to take time to decide, but he wanted to know that night so that he could make certain decisions regarding the property. Harris moved that the Board defer the item to a special meeting which would be held in two weeks. It failed for lack of a second. Conlin made a motion that the Board grant the interpretation and allow the permit for the issuance because he believed the landowner has a just right in the property. Fowles seconded the motion and asked if anyone wished to discuss the matter further. Conlin asked if the property could not be put to a higher and better use in terms of City taxes and noted his concern because City taxes were down, and by not allowing the permit to be issued, the Board would be contributing to this factor. He also indicated concern about a possible lawsuit. He stated that he felt the Murphys should be given the benefit of the doubt. Ryan stated that the Murphys could appeal the Board's decision. Fowles called for a vote and Ryan called the roll. The result was: Conlin -Yes; Fowles -No; Hughes -No; Harris -No. The building permit denial was upheld. V-7802. Public hearing on an application submitted by Edgar L. Colony for a variance to reduce the minimum area requirement for a Planned Area Development plan to develop a tract at the northwest corner of Rochester Avenue and Seventh Avenue extended under the provisions of a PAD. �•. •fir "- :41CR0r1LMro 0Y JORM MICFi+LAB MOVJFS r11LROFILIIED BY JORM MICROLAB Iowa City Board of Adjustment March 8, 1978 Page 3 CEDAR RAPIDS AND uLS iu,:+'L.,. '•Je— Boothroy explained that the application first came to the City as a subdivision called Hickory Corners. He noted that there is an existing house on the property. He went on to describe the existing subdivision and the neighborhood within which it is located. He stated that the issue in the matter was the neighborhood because all of the houses have a setback of approximately 80 feet and a house on one of the lots in the subdivision would be in front of the established houses. He stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission had reviewed the item and they were not in favor of the subdivision for the same reason. Don Hoy, attorney for Mr. Colony, spoke on behalf of his client and stated that he felt that this was a unique situation because his client was asking to come under more strict regulations. Fowles asked if anyone present wished to speak on the item. Jerry Kuhn, 1536 Rochester Avenue, came forward and spoke on behalf of the people in the neighborhood. He stated that they were extremely concerned about the type of development Mr. Colony was proposing. He felt that four units on the property would be completely incompatible with the character of the neighborhood. He stated that the concern expressed by the Planning and Zoning Commission is very important and needed to be looked at in terms of what might be done to the character of the neighborhood. Mrs. Waters, 1538 Rochester Avenue, also expressed concern for the character of the neighborhood because it would increase the density of the area. Boothroy stated that Mr. Colony could legally erect the additional houses on the property. Mr. Hoy stated that his client was only requesting a variance and that Planning and Zoning would have to approve the plan. Hughes indicated that it was very likely that four houses were going to be on the lot and if not four, at least three. She noted that the Board of Adjustment could do nothing about it except approve or disapprove the request for a variance. Harris moved that the Board of Adjustment approve a request for a variance to reduce the minimum area required for eligibility for the PAD provisions of the Iowa City Ordinance, Section 8.10.20, to apply to the subject parcel and that conditions for uniqueness and hardship are met in the circumstances. The motion was seconded by Conlin. It was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned. Prepared Approved Official filing date: RECEIVED APR 7 1978 IdICROFILMED BY JORM MIC R+LAB '! 31' PAN 1', . „rS -.101-4 1 MILkUH LMLO BY JORM MICROLAB MI NUPhS IOWA CITY PLANNING f, ZONING, COD1hIISSION MARCH 21, 1978 -- 8:00 P.M. IOWA C1•IY LAW LIBRAItY CLDAk RAPIDS AND UES i•Iui:iLs, :u+,%1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Blum, Ogesen, Jakobsen, Vetter, Lehman, Kammermeyer (arrived 9:45) MEMBERS ABSENT: Cain STAFF PRESENT: Kraft, Milkman Y/�IILI ��Ii1ttK�11R[M/1/i The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan for Land Use, Trafficways and Community Facilities subject to the changes listed in these minutes. SUMMARY OF THE DISCUSSION: The discussion began on page 47 of the Comprehensive Plan for Land Use, Trafficways and Community Facilities. There were a number of deletions, additions, and substitutions made as follows: Page 47: After some discussion was left as written. Page 48: Add to Joint Facilities Section: 114. Acquire sites for joint park/school use." Parks Section #2 should read: "Provide riverfront parks which have access to the river and serve canoeists, bicyclists, hikers, fishermen and others using the river and its banks for recreation." Under Libraries, Cultural Affairs N1: Eliminate the first sentence and write: "Construct a new library facility." Page 50: There was considerable discussion of mandatory park dedication. Lehman moved, and Vetter seconded, that item number 3 on page 50 which states "Require mandatory park dedication or payment of fees in lieu of dedication as part of the subdivision process" should be eliminated, and all other references to mandatory park dedication should also be eliminated from the text. Blum pointed out during the discussion that park dedication would require an ordinance for enactment and it was preferable to leave in the possibility of mandatory park dedication if no other means of obtaining parks were possible. Lehman stated that having the possibility of mandatory park deidcation means that other avenues for obtaining park land would not be fully explored. Vetter also stated that mandatory park dedication had proved to be a very unpopular measure in some cities where it had been tried. There was further discussion on who really pays for the park and the impact on first-time homeowners. The motion was put to a vote and failed on a 2-3 vote. �• -s��-_ :11CR01 ILI•:CD BY DORM MIC R+LAB CfDNt P.ar��l 'ire Id01'If5 MILROFILMEO BY JORM LIICROLAB Planning $ Zoning Commission March 21, 1978 Page 2 CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS ;iulNL� Page 53: Delete the last sentence of paragraph 2 beginning "To maximize...". Paragraph 3, delete word "airports" first sentence and change "mining operations" to "extraction operations." Page 54: First complete paragraph, strike the first sentence beginning "Adequate choice...". Under section "e", strike "economically" in next to last line. Section "f', second line change "most" to "some" residents. Page 55: Second paragraph, line five, strike "housing" and replace with "for groups of single-family houses". Page 56: Under Goals N3 should read "To encourage the maintenance and, where necessary, rehabilitation of the existing housing stock." Page 57: Under Housing for Special Groups 02, delete "adjacent" substitute "close." Under Housing Location N2, delete "general". Page 58: Under Neighborhood Preservation 05, delete sentence and replace with "Adopt a historic preservation ordinance." Page 59: Change #7 to read "Allow groups of garden homes and townhouses..." Page 61: Under Edge Effect of Open Space, delete the last sentence starting "Open space..." Page 66: Change Fragile Environmental Areas 96 to read: "Purchase when needed threatened fragile environmental areas..." Under Natural Stream Corridors ✓fl, the last line, should read: "...the acquisition of land or easements, or other means as appropriate." Page 67: #4 delete "active and passive." Page 68: Under Energy q4, add to the end of the sentence "where economically feasible." Under Environmental Policies: N1 change the third line to: "and by purchasing, where possible, threatened environmental areas... Page 69: N6 second line, delete "with irregular or linear boundaries." Page 71: Make changes according to the attached memo. Page 72: Make changes according to the attached memo. Page 77: Make changes according to the attached memo. Page 78: Make changes according to the attached memo, and third line of last paragraph, delete "(south of K -Mart)". Page 79: Make changes according to the attached memo. IIICROFIL1410 0lY JORM MIC R�VLAB ff nnll Ptnl n, ❑r<, !•101BFS MICRUFILMEU BY JORM MICROLAB Planning 6 Zoning Commission March 21, 1978 Page 3 CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS A(ii7,Li, Page 80: For University of Iowa, delete the sentence and substitute: "All properties under the control of the State Board of Regents." Under Agriculture, line 2 should read "There is adequate land for urban expansion in the areas depicted as agriculture for approximately 100 years..." Page 81: Delete the Urban Reserve section. Page 82: Second paragraph, delete the second sentence beginning "Neighborhood commercial centers..." Page 83: Paragraph 3, change the sentence to read "Additional commercial expansion may occur south of the U.S. 6/Keokuk commercial area, northeast of the First Avenue/Lower Muscatine commercial area, and between South Riverside Drive and the Iowa River north of U.S. 6." Change heading of last section to: "Land Consumptive Commercial (Warehouse)." Page 84: Under office Research Park, the staff was requested to expand and explain the types of buildings and businesses that would be located in an office research park. Delete the last paragraph on this page. garding Page 85: To phend of the last psentence Delete the remainderofcthee age85on theattachedparagraph on the memo. ted to te this ection to include Page 86: The staff alternatives sfor ganseastern rand lsouthern shthree bypass indicated onthemap. Last paragraph, second line, should read "A Melrose Avenue alignment around the residential areas of University Heights is intended to bypass the town of University Heights." Eliminate the sentence beginning "This bubble..." and include the sentence beginning "A diagonal from Melrose Avenue..." (That sentence is on page 87.) Page 91: Section 1 "d" should read: "Relocation and widening of Gilbert Street south of U.S. 6." Section 2 "a" should be deleted. Page 94: Eliminate "c" under Trafficway Projects and state that "d" and "e" are the responsibility of the State of Iowa. Add a new l'c" which should read: "Start construction of Foster Road." Page 95: Phase II Trafficway Projects, add "b" which should read: "Extend First Avenue north of Rochester." Phase III Trafficway Projects, add "d": "Complete First Avenue to connect with North Dodge Street." and "e": "Complete the construction of Foster Road." Id ICRaf ILRED BY JORM MIC R+LAB CEDAR NAIT" • 7-V!ff5 MICROFILMLD BY JORM I41CROLAB Planning $ Zoning Commission March 21, 1978 Page 4 • CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULA MUi11Li Ur„ Page 102: Section 3c should be added under 8-16 DU/A to include mobile home sub - After completing the review of the Comprehensive Plan text, Blum inquired whether the Commission would also see Appendix B and be able to recommend it to the Council. Kraft stated that Appendix B would be given to P$Z for review and also to the City Council. Blum specifically requested that when material goes to the City Council, a note be added that this material has not yet been recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Kammermeyer stated that presumably the Council can delete, make choices, and make minor changes in the text of the Comprehensive Plan without the Planning and Zoning Commission having to review these changes. Kraft stated that this was the case. Blum then requested that all in favor of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan for Land Use, Trafficways, and Community Facilities, and for recommending to the City Council the adoption of this Plan say "Aye." The vote was 5-1 in favor of adoption of the Plan. Lehman voted no because he did not approve of the mandatory park dedication items that were in the Plan. The meeting adjourned at 10:06 p.m. Prepared by 11 w� r(tu,,a. Marianne Milkman, Asst. Planner Approved by ` XA�CI UAML JOITKammermeyer, Pf,Z Secreta y\ ,•. •� 141CROrIL14E0 BY JORM MIC ROL.AB rrllAR P�I`!�5 • 'lf°51O1•ICS divisions with a minimum size of ten (10) acres. Page 103: 3a, line N4, should read "such centers typically..." 95 Warehouse Commercial should be changed to "Land Consumptive Commercial (Warehouse)." Page 104: Delete "e" Unclassified Development Area. Rewrite "g" University of Iowa, appropriately. Page 115: Third line, delete; fourth line, delete "Iowa City School Board." Page 123: Last line on the page should read: "Limited commercial uses may be permitted." Page 124: Delete "Unclassified Development Areas." After completing the review of the Comprehensive Plan text, Blum inquired whether the Commission would also see Appendix B and be able to recommend it to the Council. Kraft stated that Appendix B would be given to P$Z for review and also to the City Council. Blum specifically requested that when material goes to the City Council, a note be added that this material has not yet been recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Kammermeyer stated that presumably the Council can delete, make choices, and make minor changes in the text of the Comprehensive Plan without the Planning and Zoning Commission having to review these changes. Kraft stated that this was the case. Blum then requested that all in favor of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan for Land Use, Trafficways, and Community Facilities, and for recommending to the City Council the adoption of this Plan say "Aye." The vote was 5-1 in favor of adoption of the Plan. Lehman voted no because he did not approve of the mandatory park dedication items that were in the Plan. The meeting adjourned at 10:06 p.m. Prepared by 11 w� r(tu,,a. Marianne Milkman, Asst. Planner Approved by ` XA�CI UAML JOITKammermeyer, Pf,Z Secreta y\ ,•. •� 141CROrIL14E0 BY JORM MIC ROL.AB rrllAR P�I`!�5 • 'lf°51O1•ICS MiL1<0FiLMLD BY JURM MICRDLAB CEDAR RAVIuS AND Aj lUi;+L, City of Iowa Cit, MEMORANDUM DATE: March 21, 1978 TO: Iowa City Planning and Zoning Commission eta/ FROM: Advanced Planning Staff A M 6(- +F SC RE: Technical Corrections to "Explanation of the Map", Comprehensive Plan Text Following are changes in the text necessitated by changes in the Map which should be inserted into the Comprehensive Plan Text. Page 71, delete the first three (3) paragraphs and substitute: The overriding concept in preparing the new Iowa City Land Use Map has been to encourage compact development within portions of the Willow, Ralston, Rapid and Snider Creek Watersheds. These areas can be efficiently and economically served by the proposed sewage treatment plant, and other City services and facilities (existing or proposed). In addition, the provision of parks and open space, including linear greenways, and the allocation of development in- tensities will serve to protect the environmental quality and to assure a healthful environment. The area of the Map within the dotted blue line is the focus of this Plan. This area, if fully developed and redeveloped, could represent a total population of 95,000, which would be an increase of 45,000 over present population. This amount of growth is not expected to take place within twenty (20) years (projections sug- gest the growth of 500 persons per year should be expected). Areas of increased densities within already developed areas are not likely to be redeveloped completely within a twenty (20) year time frame. Consequently, many areas will be lower in density during the twenty (20) year period then the Map indicates. Meanwhile, unde- veloped areas will provide greater location opportunities for de- velopers and home -buyers. Page 72, first complete paragraph, add the following sentences after the third sentence: The shaded residential areas on the west side indicate areas where the ability to provide sanitary sewer service with existing facil- ities is questionable. A study by the Public Works Department, now underway, will determine the existing capacity and provide recommendations for serving this area. 141CR01 ILI4[m BY i JoRM MICR+LAB I PAILROFILMLd BY JORM MICROLAB -2- LEDAR RAP1us Aral DLA AUi;iL�, :J';,, Page 77, last paragraph. The following changes should be made: Second sentence: Change 280 acres to 315 acres; change 40,000 pop- ulation to 45,000 population. Omit third and fourth sentences and substitute: The 270 acre community/city-wide park shown on both sides of the Iowa River (southeast of the airport) in accordance with the recom- mendations of the Iowa River Corridor Study by Stanley Consult the, a 40 acre park along the Iowa River on the peninsula (opposite Coralville Dam), and an addition to Hickory Hill Park will provide adequate additional community and city-wide parkland. Page 78, second paragraph. The following change should be made: Second sentence: Change 4,000 persons to 6,000 persons. Page 78, omit last paragraph and substitute: Elementary school/park sites are located: on the peninsula; along Willow Creek south of Benton; along Willow Creek west of West High School; west of Weatherby Park (south of K -Mart); east of the pro- posed sewage treatment plant; southwest of Bon -Aire Mobile Home Park; and north of Hickory Hill Park (along the extension of First Avenue north). Page 79, omit paragraph and substitute: The southwest intersection of Rohret Road and Mormon Trek Blvd., and an area between Hickory Hill Park and A.C.T. are potential junior high school sites. Each junior high site is approximately 40 acres in size. Additional acreage for park land is not needed at the Hickory Hill junior high site as the park and school site will be linked with a greenway; five to ten acres of neighborhood park will be necessary at the Rohret Road junior high site to serve the surrounding neighborhood. Page 81, omit Urban Reserve section. Page 85, last paragraph, add the following paragraph: The location of the interchange between U.S. 218 and Highway 1 is shown as being flexible. A trumpet interchange which would directly align with the intersection of Highway 1 and Mormon Trek Boulevard is preferred, however a diamond interchange with Highway 1 west of Mormon Trek is acceptable. � �i 111CROFl LI-0En By i JORM MICR46LAB rrrpAP 14IL,RO�ILMLD BY JORM 141CROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND UL's i'UL:iL�, !JV r MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING G ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 23, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Lehman, Jakobsen, Kammermeyer, Vetter MEMBERS ABSENT: Cain, Ogesen, Blum STAFF PRESENT: Bowlin, Schmciser, Boothroy, Fisher RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL: 1. 5-7809. That the final plat of Barker's Second Addition, located west of Highway 1 and south of the City limits be approved subject to receipt of the signatures of the registered land surveyor and the utility companies, acceptable legal papers and an acceptable agreement of voluntary annexation. 2. 5-7810. That the final plat of Barker's First Addition, located west of Highway 1 and Dane's Dairy be approved subject to obtaining the signatures of the registered land surveyor and the utility companies and appropriate legal papers. 3. That the revised Large Scale Non -Residential Development plan for Southway Park be approved subject to obtaining the signatures of the utility companies. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTION TAKEN: Jakobsen presided at the meeting in the absence of Chairman Blum, called the meeting to order, and asked if anyone present wished to discuss any item not included in the agenda. No one responded. Consideration of the minutes of the meetings of January 5, 1978; January 19, 1978; February 6, 1978; February 9, 1978; and February 23, 1978. The minutes of January 5, 1978, were unanimously approved as presented. The minutes of January 19, 1978, required an amendment to note that Blum and Kammermeyer were opposed to the Large Scale Non -Residential Plan of Flamer Lanes. The minutes were approved as amended. The minutes of February 6, 1978, were unanimously approved as presented. The minutes of the meeting of February 9 were corrected to indicate that Cain was absent and all of the comments attributed to Cain were in fact made by Vetter and that Jakobsen's name had been misspelled. The minutes were then approved as corrected. On the minutes of February 23, 1978, Jakobsen noted that her name had been misspelled and asked that the following sentence be inserted on page 2 of the minutes in connection with the Prairie View Estates, Item 5-7802: "Jakobsen complimented the developers on their cooperation on the design of the plat and added that her negative vote was based solely on the street design." The minutes were unanimously approved with the noted correction and insertion. Z-7802. Public discussion of an application by Gary Abrams to rezone 1.4 acres presently C2 to R3B, located north of 412 South Gilbert Street; 4S -day limitation period: 4/2/78. t!11CRor1LM10 By JORM MICR+LA6 f!'I1AP I'A('Inc, n!ch101!:CS MMM ILMEU BY JORM 141CROLAB Iowa City Planning $ Zoning Commission March 23, 1978 Page 2 CEDAR RAPIDS ANU uLS iw:ILS, .'je... Z-7803. Public discussion of an application by Sam Abrams to rezone .7 acres presently C2 to R3B, located at 408 South Gilbert Street; 45 -day limitation period: 4/2/78. The two items were considered jointly by the Commission as the developer intended to develop both lots jointly. Jakobsen asked if anyone present wished to speak on these two items. John Willets, an engineer for the project, came forward and stated that he was speaking on behalf of the applicants. He stated that they would waive the 45 -day limitation period and requested that they consider rezoning the area to CBS rather than 113B. Willets presented a letter waiving the 45 -day limitation period. Vetter made a motion that Z-7802 and Z-7803 be deferred until the next meeting on April 6, 1978 and that CBS zoning for the tracts be considered. It was seconded by Kalmermeyer and the motion was unanimously carried. 5-7809. Public discussion of a final plat of Barker's Second Addition, located west oP Highway 1 and south of the City limits; 45 -day limitation period: 4/6/78, 60 -day limitation period: 4/21/78. Jakobsen asked if anyone present wished to speak on this item. Boothroy stated that the plat had several deficiencies and discrepancies and that the attorney who was handling the matter was out of town on vacation. He noted that the Staff had informed the attorney that a voluntary annexation agreement needed to be provided. Boothroy noted that the signatures of the land surveyor and the utility companies had not been obtained and that the legal papers were not quite in order. lie also pointed out that the legal papers contained a few typographical errors and needed to be reworded for clarity. Jakobsen asked Boothroy if he would recommend that the matter be deferred until the next meeting. She stated that she would prefer to wait because of all the problems. Glenn Shoemaker, an engineer speaking on behalf of the developer, came forward and stated that the Second Addition was in the County and if the plat was not approved by the Commission, the project might have to be delayed for a month or two because of the coordination of city meetings and county meetings. lie requested that the Commission approve the plat subject to whatever conditions it deemed necessary, so that the developer could meet with the County Board of Super- visors at its next meeting. He stated that the agreement to annex was well under way and that he did not know of anything major which might hold up approval. U4 was a reeable and that the attorney was drawing Boothroy stated that every, ing g up the agreement. Vetter asked Bowlin if such an action would be proper. Bowlin stated that there would be no problem if the motion were worded to indicate that approval was subject to the presentation of acceptable papers and the voluntary annexation agreement. Schmeiser pointed out that City Council would not act unless all of the contingencies were taken care of. Lehman moved that the item be approved contingent upon receipt of acceptable annexation papers, signatures and acceptable legal papers, all of which must be acceptable to the City and the staff. Jakobsen asked Bowlin if he saw any problems with the annexation agreement coming back to the Commission. He stated that he thought that City Council would want the Commission's opinions and recommendations concerning annexation. Jakobsen then called for a second to the motion. Vetter seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. 141CRDEILMED BY .1 JORM MICR�LA6 rrnnn o.v l • Irl I4nINFs MILROFILMLO BY JORM 141CROLAB Iowa City Planning F, Zoning Commission ilarch 23, 1978 Page 3 CEDAR RAPIDS AND DES I•IuINLi , 'J++ 5-7810. Public discussion of a final plat of Barker's First Addition, located west of highway 1 and Dane's Dairy; 45 -day limitation period: 4/6/78, 60 -day limitation period: 4/21/78. Boothroy indicated that this item was subject to the same deficiencies and contingencies as 5-7809, i.e., signatures of the utility companies and the land surveyor and appropriate legal papers. He noted that all the other requirements had been taken care of by the developer. A discussion on the item followed. Jakobsen asked Mr. Shoemaker if he had any comments on the item. He had none. She then asked if anyone on the Commission would like to comment on the item. No one responded. She called for a vote on approving the item subject to obtaining the signatures of the utility companies and the registered land surveyor and the legal papers being in order. It was carried unanimously. Review of a revised Large Scale Non -Residential Development plan for Southway Park and the revised Tree Planting Plan. A discussion of the plan followed. Schmeiser stated that the staff was recommending that both be approved subject to the utility companies' signatures on the plan. Jakobsen then asked if there was any discussion of the item. No one responded. She then called for a vote approving the Tree Planting Plan as presented. It was unanimously carried. She then called for a vote in favor of approving the plat for an LSNRD plan for Southway Park subject to obtaining the signatures of the utility companies and the registered land surveyor. It was carried unanimously. A discussion followed on whether Ogesen and Lehman could remain on the Commission through the completion of the Nei: Zoning Ordinance. Jakobsen stated that she would like them to stay on if it could be done but was concerned about the legality of the situation. She requested Schmeiser to write a letter to the City Council concerning this matter. Kammermeyer noted that it would not be desirable to change members in the middle of the consideration of a new Zoning Ordinance. The meeting was adjourned. Prepared by George Fishcr, Sr. Cler /Typist 8 eh Approved by �. �' I,uti<,t�tQhctcQc� Jo Kammermcycr, PF,Z Secretary V 14ICROFILMED BY JORM MICR61-AS NDA^ PANM • Pl' VIt71'.S MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB MINUTES IOWA CITY BOARD OF APPEALS APRIL 6, 1978 ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Buchan, Kohl, Miller. MEMBERS ABSENT: Frantz. STAFF PRESENT: Bowers, Kushnir. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN CEDAR RAPIDS AND DLS 14Ui:iL., Chairman Kohl called the meeting to order and the roll call of the members was taken. It was moved by Miller, seconded by Buchan, that the Minutes of the March 3, 1978, meeting be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously. Frantz absent. Chairman Kohl opened the floor for discussion of Old or New Business. Staff member Kushnir presented the Board members with Ordinance 77-2851, entitled An Ordinance For The Establishment of A Uniform Administrative Procedure For The Enforcement of Various Municipal Ordinances. He also presented t7h—em—WirtF a document entitled h�als Board, which are excerpts of various building codes dealing with appeals boar Mr. Kushnir then gave the Board an explanation of these documents and provided verbal comments on the Boards powers and duties. There being no further business, Chairman Kohl entertained a motion for adjournment. It was moved by Miller, seconded by Buchan, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. This meeting was not recorded on tape. Approved by Lloyd E. Kohl, Chairman i Prepared by A c " Glenn R. Siders, Secretary 68y r� • K �^141CROMMED By JORM MIC Rd1L A0 rrpAP PAN` ^CS "I(WiFS MILRUFILNEU BY JORM 141CROLAB CEDAk RAPIUS AND UL's IUitILJ Jew CITY OF IOWA CITY CIVIC CENTER 410 E WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354:180D NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING COMMISSION: HOUSING COMMISSION One vacancy - Three-year terms May 1, 1978 May 1, 1981 Duties of the Housing Commission members include investigating, studying, reviewing and analyzing the housing needs and the meeting of such needs within the City of Iowa City and investigating and determining if slum areas exist or other areas where there are unsafe, unsanitary or overcrowded housing conditions, and studying and investigating and making recommendations relating to the clear- ing, replanning and construction of slum areas and providing dwelling places for elderly persons and persons of low or medium income. Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. The selection and appointments to this Commission will be made at the April 11, 1978, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. The actual term will begin May 1, 1978. This will allow the appointees to attend meetings of the Housing Commission in order to become familiar with the duties of the Commission before assuming full responsibility. Persons interested in being considered for these positions should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. n,f,,dU eOlsEzi . s ••`Y r— ;41CROf ILMED By i JORM MICR�LAS frD�C Itn r;n� of°. F101!1F` 110 Mil.tWi IU -U BY JORM NICROLAB CLDAR RAPIDS AND uiS CITY OF IOWA CITY CIVIC CENTER 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180D NOTICE THE CITY OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING COMMISSION: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 2 vacancies - Five-year terms May 1, 1978 - May 1, 1983 The duties of the Planning and Zoning Commission members include making or causing to be made sur- veys, studies, maps, plans or charts of the whole or any portion of the municipality and any land outside which in the opinion of the Commission bears relation to a comprehensive plan; also in- cludes recommending to the City Council from time to time amendments, supplements, changes and modi- fications to the zoning ordinance. Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. The selection and appointments to this Commission will be made at the April 11, 1978, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. The actual terms will begin May 1, 1978. This will allow the appointees to attend meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission in order to become familiar with the duties of the Commission before assuming full responsibilities. Persons interested in being considered for these positions should con- tact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Wash- ington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. —Raloc� 09eso-0-) sit C&,kM4A4 _��•w MICMIUILD BY i JORM MICR46LAB rFirw i,wii, ^ft Mnl'!L` 692