HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-08-22 Bd Comm. MinutesMlCR0FIL11ED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS MUiNL>, IWA MTNIITFS CTVIL SERVICE COMMISSION August 1, 1978 7:00 P.M. Engineering Conference Room COMMISSIONERS �FRESFNT: Rill Nusser, Arleta Orelup, .Jane Anderson STAFF PRESENT: Candy Morgan, .June Higdon, Chief Harvey Miller POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL PRESENT: ,Jim Hazlett, Ron Fort OTHERS PRESENT: Theresa McLaughlin, KXTC RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL I NONE 411 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY MANAGER AND STAFF NOME RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY NONE SUMMARY OF RELEVANT IITSCIISSION Rill Nusser presided over the meeting. j Oral and promotional procedures were discussed. The current Sergeants list holds preference for two years from the date certified which is March 2, 1977. There is no current Captains list. The Commission has set September 6, IM as the date for examination for promotion to the position of Captain. i i Discussion followed. Fort Feels that an individual should serve as Sergeant before being promoted to Captain as the experience is 1 needed. Hazlett would like to see the patrolmen have n promotion available. Tie feels that his opinion is hinsed. Chief Miller suggested a time in grade and limiting to people who currently serve in the department. Hazlett suggested taking only the Sergeant and the police officer with X number of years in the Iowa City Police Department. The criteria established for promotionals on November 1976 was reviewed and discussion followed. Hazlett indicated that the Captains certification should he limited to a Sergeant or a patrolman whn had served a minimum of seven years on the department. For the Sergeant he felt no minimum years should be established in the Sergeant's position. Fort reiterated his feeling that an individual should he n Sergeant before promoting to a Captain. IV— ,��� RICROTILRED BY I JORM MICR+LAB CEDAR RAPWI • SES MOINES I V /,57 FA FllCROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIUS AND ULS HWNL>, iU+i+ -2- Fort inquired about the tests that would be used. Jane Anderson stated that they were looking at other tests now and it appears that it will he a composite of a written examination along with the personality test. Chief Miller felt that any test should have a "local flavor". Nusser reviewed by saying that it would be a composite with local flavor including the MMPI and the oral interview. At this point, percentages were discussed for certification and changed as follows: the oral interview - 40%; the written intelligence test — 20%; the personality test — 1.0%; experience, etc. — 20%; and 10% on physical/medical examination. Nusser inquired how they felt about preparing a resume and discussion followed. It was not planned to have a form to submit as a resume but that each person prepare their own. The physical/medical requirement was discussed. Candy Morgan indicated this was put in to eliminate heart problems or serious health problems. Chief Miller stated the Pension Board is reviewing the handling, of medical examinations from their perspective. Hazlett suggested that employees sign a statement upon hire stating that they will keep in acceptable physical condition. The results of this medical exam would be handled as currently, that is, the list would he certified and the medical information provided prior to the promotion. Chief Miller stated that no overtime would he paid to take a test, that it is a voluntary procedure. The times for writing tests was discussed. Hazlett suggested that 9:00 A.M. — 12:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. — 8:00 P.M. he used to give each officer an opportunity to come in to the test situation after some rest from duty. Nusser Indicated that a written resume would be requested at the time of the written examination. In the past, examinations have been pass/fall, with the exception of the oral interview. This will he changed to read acceptable or unacceptable, with the exception of the oral interview. Fort Indicated that the only variable then is the oral interview and inquired how you pass/fail experience. Candy Morgan explained that the percentages had been determined to give a guideline as to how the Commissions, in the past, have weighted the information available to them in making, decisions. Nusser stated that the percentages and pass/fail are mutually exclusive. Nusser suggested that Jim Hazlett prepare a statement regarding the continued physical fitness program within the department since he has recently attended a meeting regarding this. Chief Miller recommended that three officers he allowed to participate in the interviews for police officer. The Commission felt this was acceptable with the understanding that the officers will have no vote. The responsibility for the decision lies with the Commission. Y: ,_�•,,..�._ 141CRof IL14Co BY 1 • JORM MICR4LAB CCPAR RAPID[ ^E F. P101NES MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB • CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS MUINL�), TUNA —l— Nusser asked if the Chief would sit in on the orals for promotion. Hazlett expressed that the preference would he that no one sit in. The Commission may talk to the Chief or anyone individually or in a group to obtain information, and it was not necessary then to be at the interview. Hazlett said he felt he was speaking for the feelings of others on the department. In regard to the recent police officer examinations, Dr. Sines has not completed the MMPI results. When these are completed, Jane will request that they he sent to Nusser, then the Commission will determine who they wish to call for oral interviews. Jane Anderson is to deliver the raw data on the other written test to June Higdon. Tentative date for police officer orals is set for August 31, an alternate date is August 28. The Commission will limit the interviews to approximately 12 per day. A Sergeant's promotional examination will probably be conducted in January since the current list is effective through March 2, 1978. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M. Prepared by June liigdon 141CROFIL14ED BY i JORM MICR#LAB CEDAR RAPID< . KS MDINCS I.1 LROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS AUGUST 2, 1978 -- 12:00 NOON RECREATION CENTER -- MEETING ROOM A • CEDAR RAPIDS ANU UES MUINL:,, LUw„ MEMBERS PRESENT: Amidon, Baschnagel, Cilek, Clark, Hall, Pecina, Purington, Swisher, Tadlock MEMBERS ABSENT: Braverman, Carter, Horton,. Lombardi, McCormick, Patrick STAFF PRESENT: Vann, Wilkinson, Keating OTHERS PRESENT: Emil Brandt, Pam Ramser, Carol Spaziani j SUMMARY OF MEETING DISCUSSION: 1. Curtis Purington, Chairperson, called the meeting to order. 2. Carol Spaziani and Pam Ramser presented an update on the Human Needs Plan which is funded as part of the CDBG program. Ms. Spaziani stated that the program was started three years ago with funding going to the Johnson County Regional Planning Commission for a two year study of the needs of Johnson County. She explained that the program was initiated because the City had asked Regional Planning to do it. The planned completion of the project is due by the end of June (this was a one-time project). It is hoped that some other funding body will want to continue the funding so that the program can be continued. Ms. Spaziani stated that the JCRPC had tried to involve representatives of agencies that are already providing various services in the county. The four main areas of concern and study are: Family and Individual Life Support, Public Protection and Justice, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, and Emergency Services. Profiles done on each of these main areas along with their sub -areas are available j for Committee members to review (copies of these profiles are on file at the Library and the Department of Planning $ Program Development). These profiles give all the statistics and an analysis of unmet needs and a list of services recommended to meet these needs. Pam Ramser, Human Services Planner, highlighted the recommendations from the various subcommittees. She stated that the subcommittees are working to see if there are ways to get these recommendations implemented. (See attached summary for specific recommendations and suggestions of the subcommittees) 3. Vice Chairperson Amidon called for a motion regarding the minutes of the July 5, 1978, meeting. Clark moved, and Hall seconded, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Julie Vann, CDBG Program Coordinator, stated that staff has not yet had an opportunity to review and analyze unused FY'78 funds. She stated that what she now proposed to do regarding this subject was to have staff analyze what funds remain unencumbered. After this analysis, she will send a memo to the Committee stating what funds are available for reallocation and some ideas for their use. Also included in the memo will be a questionnaire for each Committee member to Ist9 Y• �r,i "` 141CROFILIIED BY `1 JORM MICR+LAB CFOAR BAP @5 • PFS MOPICS f,11LROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB Committee on Community Needs August 2, 1978 Page 2 CEDAR RAPIDS APIO ULS MIND, iU+.+ complete giving their ideas for priority projects, additional projects they may like to see funded, and stating whether they think a special meeting is needed to discuss these unused funds. After the staff receives these questionnaires, they will compile the responses and recommendations and prepare a recommendation to be presented to City Council. Committee members will be notified as to the date for the Council presentation and will, therefore, be able to attend the meeting to support their recommendations. 5. Hall asked for his. Vann's reaction to the meeting held at Lucas School recently regarding the moving of Ralston Creek. Ms. Vann stated that she had not been aware of such a meeting and had not attended. flail and Swisher then explained that the residents of the area were quite upset about the suggestion of the Natural Resources Commission to move the creek. Swisher asked that Committee members support the residents of the area by either attending the next Natural Resource Commission meeting to be held the end of August or by writing to the Commission. 6. Bill Keating, Planner/Program Analyst, reported on the Architectural Barrier Removal Program. He stated that parking element of the program has remained dormant until recently when work has begun to make parking spaces in the downtown area accessible to the handicapped. (See attached narrative for more specific details about which spaces will be made into handicapped parking spaces.) Mr. Keating stated that when the spaces are available for use by the handicapped, they will be marked by signs designating them as handicapped spaces and that notification will be published in the local papers alerting citizens of the need for a handicapped sticker in order to be allowed to park in the designated areas. These stickers can be obtained from the IDOT for a small fee. 7. Nis. Vann updated progress on the Senior Center. She stated that two applications for funding to be used to purchase equipment and furniture for the center had been filed. One application is for $53,234 of federal assistance under Title V and $38,666 of state assistance from the Heritage Area Agency on Aging. A copy of each of these applications is on file at the Library for Committee members to review. The funds from these two sources would be used to purchase the equipment and furniture for the center as defined by the architect. She pointed out that it is hoped that existing agencies providing services to the elderly will relocate their offices in the senior center, thus centralizing all these activities and services. At present, the plans are to develop two floors of the Old Post Office for use. However, expansion is a possibility for the future. Regarding decisions when problems or questions should arise, Ms. Vann indicated that if problems should arise regarding the building the City Council would have responsibility for deciding how to handle the situation. If problems should arise with services, activities or the program, the decision would be a group decision of those involved with the management of the center. S. Swisher asked if there were any significant things to report regarding the Kms. • �` :Y....�-- I41CROEILI4ED BY JORM MICR¢LAB CEDAR PAPI^S • PFS MINES P1ICROF1LMED BY JORM MICROLAB • CEDAR RAPIDS AND DES MUINE;, IOWA �Y Committee on Community Needs August 2, 1978 Page 3 I j I Housing Rehabilitation program. Vann responded that to her knowledge there was nothing of a negative nature to report. She did point out that there were enough contractors involved at this point to make the program successful and that, in fact, the program was advertising for another construction specialist. 9. Hall moved, and Pecina seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. i i I Sandra Wilkinson, Secretary PPD i i I i i i j i j �r 141CROFILMED BY ,{ j ' JORM MICR+L AB CEDAR R.AR104 • PCS MOINES 14ILRUFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND UES MUINL�, 101JA HUMAN SERVICES PROJECT Tasks To Be Completed 1. Participate in and facilitate evaluation of summer joint funding hearings. (July -August -September) 2. Complete financial resources study. (July) 3. Assign staff to analyze agency relationships for possible joint facility planning (to finish by deadline for County HCD applications.) 4. Write Family and Individual Life Profiles (July -August). S. Write up I & R profile - relate to need for ongoing data collection and needs assessment. (August) 6. Write up method in simple terms for agencies to do perform- ance evaluation and program budgeting. a. Get group of agencies to submit progress goa' - - £ormance measures and use as examples in wri provide forms. 7. Devise and write up description of joint hearin process and plan to switch UW to fiscal year (S October). 8. Devise and write up method and forms for ongoin lection and needs analysis. 9 Update profiles. (January) 10. Continually involve funding bodies and Iowa Cit Staff all along as these are worked out (also U Board and Board of Supervisors). 1- d OFILMED BY A 1 JORM MICR+LAB j crncn Bnrins • na �aoivr.s 7 c� •I;�✓Ur ;L1L.J BY JORM MICROLAB I.EJAk iiAPkju� ihu JL� , . INFORMATION IN FINAL PROFILE Program Development 1. Study of financial resources available in Johnson County for human needs and where they are going. 2. Study of interagency relationships. 3. Profile of existing I i R services, inadequacies, neets, etc. 4. Study of alternative methods for needs assessment and data collection. 5. Description of a recording method for plan vs. performance analysis and program budgeting to be carried out by each agency. ;IICP,01 Wll:9 NY DORM MICROLAA a '•;uan iL:ALJ BY JURM MILkULAu I,LUA,< kAt'lU� ANN UL.. Elements to Be Included in Final Recommendation Program Development 1. Joint application/hearing/budget process a. Phased plan to change UW to fiscal year b. Joint budget application form to includes 1) Performance statistics and cost per unit of service for each program or service offered by agency. b. Staff person designated.within each funding body to oversee process, participate in joint hearings, evaluate adequacy of performance measures, etc. " c. Human Services planner to assist agencies and funding bodies in implementing process. 2. Continuing collection and evaluation of data on clients and needs; evaluation and monitoring of performance o: I & R agencies. 3. Continuing collection and dissemination to agencies and public of information on services. a. Reporting system for changes. b. Annual or semi-annual update inventory. 4. C. Computer system. Continuing process to update and expand services/needs pro- files and facilitate solving of identified problems. Physical Facilities - which agencies/services serve similar clientele or have similar purposes and could benefit from joint facility. A suggested time -table and staffing plan to achieve the above. 411C1101 1LFII:U f1Y JORM MICR6LA6 INFORMATION IN SERVICE PROFILES 1. Firet eet of Family; update !if a pr*0fjljx completed 2. f ........ and X�di�id.ua iles t 0 Includa.s ate 0 umm IF es"on lot Year profiles n. Now surveys begun s.nce-studies were made. b. Progress -' on reaching solutions to deeds in profiles nn-coino needs assessment. j(:)Rr,A MAICRG)LA13 by JU01 NICkULAb uLUAn kAV;J, AIIL) ., STATUS ON RECOMMENDATIONS - 7/5/78 JUSTICE SUBCOMMITTEE Juvenile Justice 1. Outreach and Recreation 2. Employment 4. Parenting 7. Information 8. Coordination of Services The subcommittee has been meeting together with representa- tives of youth -serving agencies to discuss and plan for action on these recommendations. Meetings take place about once a month, and it is hoped that they will continue on a regular basis for some time. Four subgroups have been formed, dealing with 1,214, and 7 above. In addition, there are now four youth representatives on the Human Services Committee, and attendance of youth at the youth -serving agencies meetings is encouraged, 3. Substance Abuse This is being handled by the Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Subcommittee, with the Justice Subcommittee being advised of progress and given the opportunity to voice concerns. S. Jail Facility The subcommittee met with the Johnson County Sheriff's office and jail architects during November, 1977 to discuss concerns regarding inclusion of appropriate facilities in the new jail. A meeting is planned for the fall of this year (1978) to allow for discussion of subcommittee concerns regarding the operating budget for the first year (FYIBO). 6. Attorneys - Training in Juvenile Procedures No action to date. At some point the possibility of a 1 to 2 day training course will be explored and the legal situation as to court-appointed attorneys will be looked into. 9. Youth Survey and Representation on Boards of Directors A survey of youth may be planned during the next school year through the youth -serving agency group mentioned above. Youth representation on boards of directors has been encouraged through these meetings. :11CRO1ILMI 0 Bl JORM MICROLAB r :i. 1 ; by JORM M kOLAu status on Recommendations -2- I,tUF1N I(HYiJ� ;AiW JL., . . .. 7/5/78 30. Least Restrictive Alternative for Placement No action yet planned - to be addressed at a later date. Adult Corrections 1. Housing £or Pre -Trial Release and Probation Clients Project HOPE is currently involved in negotiations with the Bureau of Community Corrections, Department of Social Services to change its contract so that pre -institutional clients may be accepted. The subcommittee will continue to encourage these negotiations. 2. Jail Facility See Recommendation 5 under Juvenile Justice. 3. Substance Abuse The subcommittee feels that Reality X might be instrumental in providing services in this area to ex -offenders. A rep- resentative from Reality X will be encouraged to join the subcommittee to discuss this. (For further information, see Recommendation 3 under Juvenile Justice.) 4. Jobs. The subcommittee will meet with representatives.from cor- rectional agencies and vocational services to discuss voca- tional needs for ex -offenders sometime in late July or early August.' Protection of the Elderly . 1. Family Abuse a. Senior companion Program Human Services staff will assist the Council on Aging in establishing a senior companion program by preparing a news release and helping to solicit volunteers from local churches and elderly social clubs. b. Assistance in Care of Elderly Referred to Family and Individual Life Subcommittee for consideration in their profile on In -Home Support Services. c. Training for Those Who Come in Contact With Abuse or, Neglect Human Services staff will contact Heritage Agency on Aging and the U of I Gerontology Center to find out whether they would be interested in planning a workshop for this purpose. �. YIIICR0110111) 90 DORM MICROLAB .,. 'i: I, , by JURM MICROLNu Status on Recommcndatior- -3- d. Collection of Case Data on Abuse and Neglect 7/5/78 Referred to Program Development Subcommittee for con- sideration. e. Alternative Care Referred to Family and Individual Life Subcommittee. f. Alcoholism/Spouse Abuse Human Services staff will arrange a meeting with MECCA and the Aids and Alternatives to Victims of Spouse Abuse program sometime in August to discuss this area. 2. a. Victims of Crime Human Services staff will contact Iowa City Police Chief Harvey Miller to find out more about this area. b. Legal Rights A meeting will be arranged by -the staff sometime this fall to discuss the provision of advocacy services for the elderly. Representatives from several agencies and groups providing legal and quasi -legal services to the elderly will be invited to attend. 3. Nursing Homes A joint meeting will be arranged with the Family and Individual Life Subcommittee to discuss this area, after completion of their profile on Nursing Homes. 4. Medical Problems The Gerontology Center will be contacted about offering a training program on special needs of the elderly to medical personnel. This recommendation will also be brought to the attention of the Family and Individual Life Subcommittee for consideration in its profile on In -Home Support Services. 5. Data Referred to Program Development Subcommittee for consideration. tiutu!lual.a u�. J O RM MIC RO L A O i. . n.. ) ify JUV tdllkULAu �Lui,lt Mh, ivy I,a� • - ., STATUS OF RECOMMENDATIONS BY PROFILE Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Subcommittee Counseling 1. Shortage of Personnel Mental Health Center requested funds for this; additional staff therapist has been hired. Done 2. Ineffectiveness of Conciliation Services Letter to state legislators asking that they review the Iowa Code as it pertains to court- ordered conciliation in contested divorce cases; as it seems to be highly ineffective. Letter Sent Mental Health 1. Shortage of Personnel (see N 1 under Counseling) 2. Disproporationate Representation of Groups Reevaluate this recommendation at a further point in time. Substance Abuse 1. Counselor to Work With Youth Subcommittee will continue to explore possible ways of implementing this recommendation. Agencies to be involved in discussion, funding possibilities, and Currently being potential location of such a counselor will be addressed. assessed. 2. Prevention Education School officials, PTA representatives, and repre- Currently being sentatives from other relevant agencies and groups addressed with will be contacted and a meeting planned. M 1 above 3. Early Identification of Problems_ This recom- mendation will be reevaluated at a later date. 4. omvui Services The subcommittee will discuss this recommendation further to determine the relevant people to contact to assess possible solutions. • . � D11 f, 1tui IU�Iia 9�. JORM MIC ROLA6 EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE SUBCOMMITTEE Emergency Assistance to Residents 1. Assistance During Off -hours Meeting of relevant agencies held March 30, 1978. Department of Social Services, Johnson County, is looking into the pos- sibility of providing emergency financial assistance after regular office hours. 2. Disaster Assistance The Red Cross, Johnson County Chapter, has instituted a Disaster Assistance Program which will provide assistance in all natural disasters, regardless of how few people are in- volved. No further work necessary. 3. Assistance to Victims of Spouse Abuse Letter of Support for bi•11 on shouse abuse intervention sent to legislative committee and state legislators on March 8, 1978.Continued contact with Aid and Alternatives to Victims of Spouse Abuse program (Human Services Planning Assistant currently serving on Board of Directors for this program). 4. Budget Counseling Letter of support for HACAP's Budget Counseling program sent April 26, 1978. A number of ways of providing this service are being looked into through elderly volunteers, other volunteers, training sessions for volunteers through the Extension Office, and registration of volunteers with LINK. 5. Dental Care Information on the programs at the U of I Dental Clinic and through the Council on Aging will be gathered. Expansion of services of the mobile dental unit (College of Dentistry) will be looked into. Emergency Assistance to Transients During the latter part of 1977 subcommittee members were involved in develop- ing a plan and helping to secure funds to assure continuation of assistance to transients through 1978. An ad hoc committee was formed for this purpose, which included subcommittee members, JCRPC staff, Crisis Center personnel, and concerned members of the community. This committee met several times to dis- cuss and plan for the transient situation. It is anticipated that the subcommittee will meet with concerned persons this C fall to discuss the present status of the transient program and possibilities for its continuation. ra! , J017M MIC ROI_AB Mit,ROH LMEU BY DORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULA :IU,HL:-, :J'111 Status of Work: Famil and Individual Life Subcommittee The Family and Individual Life Subcommittee has been divided into two groups to facilitate work on their study areas. The groups and their subjects are: Subgroup A: In -Home Support Services, Developmental Disabilities, Nursing Homes, Home Manage- ment/Functional Education. Developmental Disabilities - Profile about completed. Nursing Homes - Profile completed by mid-August. In -Home Support Services - profile completed by end of August. Subgroup B: Day Care Centers, Day Care Homes, Foster Care, Family Planning. The information on Day Care Centers, Day Care Homes and Foster Cae will ne . Work is now onrgettingbthis minformation bined into oorganized einning by profile section. Family Planning - Profile will be developed after the above one is completed. committee may decide to combine it with Home Management/Functional Education. iatcaonuaBn By JORM MICR(�LAS n� .0 ,L%,.., BY JUkl4 II[LkULAO IAbk:< i(Al O� mill .:L , Ad Hoc Responsibilities of Human Services Planner Listed below are several projects and committees that the Human Services Planner has been involved with that do not fall under the umbrella of any of the project's standing committees. Information and Referral Efforts are being made to set up a statewide organization of In- formation and Referral providers. A constitution has been drawn up, temporary officers selected and the first annual meeting set for the fourth week in October 1978. We are on the mailing list to receive all information sent out about this and Betty Meisel, M.S.W. practicum student with the .Iowa City Department of Community Development, is working on the Publicity Committee. We need to keep ourselves informed about plans for this annual meeting and submit a list of local information and referral pro- viders to be invited. Adult Day Care A local ad hoc committee to.explore the development of adult day care locally has recently been formed. Two recent events brought this about: the City's Senior Center program development planning; and the Family and Individual Life Subcommittee's apparent doc- umentation of the need for this service locally (it will appear in the appropriate profile written by this subcommittee). Sally St. John at the Department of Social Services called the first meeting; the next meeting will be held on July 18th at the Close Mansion. Information on the group and its activities is in a file folder marked "Adult Day Care". Joint Funding Body Hearings This summer the City of Iowa City and Board of Supervisors have joined with the United Way Planning and Allocations Divisions to hear agency program requests, and, in the case of United Way funded agencies, budget requests. The Regional Planning Com- mission and project staff have been involved in setting up these hearings and attending them. The experience will be analyzed in the Fall by the funding bodies with the hope that it will be reined for next year and comments will be included in the ongoing planning process recommended by this Human Services Project. In- formation for the hearings is in the large black binder so marked. Title XX Task•Force The Regional Planning Commission is represented on this District X Task Force which meets about once a month and serves in an ad- visory capacity to the DSS staff involved with Title XX program- ming and funding. There is a file on the subject which includes ?I I1'.It�il ;LVll..l lig. DORM MICROLAO NICROI ILI4N BY DORM MICROLAFJ ,T0 MIL2OFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB F JW W K fJl J O l R I 1 IOWA AVENUE WASHINGTON STREET COLLEGE STREET w W M 0') Z W O F— O 2 m U O BURLINGTON STREET CEDAR RAPIDS AND UES MUtliLi, iWllk -34- �1F DOWNTOWN PARKING c TY Parking Lot IOWA Reserved Space ® .ER MICRDFILMED DY i ' JORM MICR+LAB CCDAR epNLnS - aft MIT r I9ICROFILMEO BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND UES MoiNL:, ;J6k EXISTING SITES AND PROPOSED CHANCES AS PER PACE 32 OF "ARCHITECTURAL BARRIER RF24OVAL PROGRAM" MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS Chauncey Swan Plaza. The existing two sites as shown on the map on page 34 can be accommodated. However, this will require significant relocation effort on the part of Parking Systems Division of the parking meter support posts. Civic Center Lot. The sites as shown on the map on page 33 are currently in sites reserved for City vehicles. It is recommended that these two sites be altered to include the existing easterly two parking spaces In the present visitors parking area. The only effort involved would be the placement of two signs designated "handicapped reserved parking." Library Lot. Two reserved stalls can be accommodated by the elimina- tion of existing stalls L-1, L-2, L-3, and the relocation and lowering of existing meter posts. Significant effort will be required from parking systems personnel for this installation. Municipal Lot. It is recommended that the two stalls shown in the municipal lot be deleted from the program. This recommendation is based upon the anticipated early removal of this surface lot. f Recreation Center Lot. Two handicapped stalls can be accommodated i I by the elimination of existing stalls LR -1, LR -2, and LR -3 and substitution of LR -1 and LR -2. This installation will require significant effort on the parts of the parking systems personnel due to the nature of subgrade in the surface lot. Washington Street Lot. It Is recommended that the two stalls programmed for the Washington Street lot be deleted from the program. This recommedation is based upon the projected elimination of the Washington Street lot from the municipal surface parking lot systems. ON STREET METER PARKING 1) Iowa Avenue 100 block redesign of I-142 and 144. This stall can be converted to accommodate the handicapped parking. However, significant effort will be required from Streets Division personnel to provide a wheelchair ramp from the parking stall to the sidewalk. 1.7hile there does exist a handicapped ramp at the crosswalk area of the sidewalk/street intersection it is felt that a handicapped user would be required to enter into vehicular traffic streams in order to access the crosswalk area. Due to the nature of vehicular traffic and the amount of congestion in this area it is felt that this is an unacceptable demand upon the handicapped user. Therefore, Implementation of this parking meter stall may require additional time. 111CROFILNED BY 1 JORM MICR6LA13 CION: RAN" • N OPIrs a r•jILROFILMEU BY JORM MICROLAB CEUAk RADIUS AND ULS MUINLo, ;Ut.. 647 2) Iowa Avenue 200 block meter number 1-214. As per the plan meter number I-214 has been programmed for reservation to the handicapped. Field investigation indicates meter 1-216 would be a more appropriate reserve stall. This recommendation is based upon right side exit from the vehicle as opposed to left side exit from the vehicle. This proposed change can be implemented with minimum effort expenditure from Traffic EnCineering and Parking Systems. 3) Iowa Avenue 200 block meter number I-195. It is recommended that the proposed use of meter number I-195 be changed to meter number 1-203. In order for the handicapped to park at I-195 the handicapped individual would be required to either "jump" a three inch curb to gain access to the sidewalk or move through a vehicular traffic lane to gain access to the sidewalk/street intersection. It is felt this is an undesirable and unsafe condition. The use of meter stall number I-203 would implement left-handed exit from the vehicle to a driveway ramp to the sidewalk system. It is felt that this location is safer and therefore more desirable. This action can be taken with a minimal effort from Traffic Engineering and Parking Systems. 4) Iowa Avenue 200 block meter number I-205. It is recommended that meter number 1-219 be substituted for meter number 1-205. Stall number I-219 will provide left-handed exit from the vehicle and direct access to the sidewalk systems. This action can he taken with a minimal effort from Traffic Engineering and Parking Systems. 5) Iowa Avenue 300 block meter number I-231. It is recommended that meter number I-229 be substituted for meter number I-231. The change will permit left-handed exiting from the vehicle and access to the sidewalk via an existing curb drop. Minimal effort will be required from Traffic Engineering and Parking Systems. 6) Iowa Avenue 300 block meter number 1-243. It is recommended that meter number I-237 be substituted for meter number I-243. The conditions for number five above are also applicable here. 7) Washington Street 200 block meter number N-68. It is recom:sended that meter number W-50 be substituted for meter number W-68. The conditions for number five above are applicable here. 8) Washington Street 200 block meter number W-70. It is recommended that meter number W-73 be substituted for meter number W-70. Curb cut conditions as noted in number five above are applicable here. An additional sign post will be required at this location. bdw5/2 141CROFILMED 6Y JORM MICR+LA9 CFDAQ PAIT)S • VE F101!11� MiI,ROFILMEU BY JORM 14ICROLAB MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 27, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS CEDAR RAPIDS AND UES MUINC3, 10w, MEMBERS PRESENT: Blum, Cain, Jakobsen, Kammermeyer, Ogesen, Vetter MEMBERS ABSENT: Lehman STAFF PRESENT: Schmeiser, Boothroy, Ryan, Dietz j RECOMABNDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL: That the preliminary and final plat of Kingdom Subdivision, located at i 1804 West Benton Street, be approved subject to filing of the revised preliminary and final plat and revision of the legal papers. 2. That the location of Scott Boulevard be established in accordance with the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has considered the various proposed alignments of Scott Boulevard, the Commission has resolved and recommends the proposed concept of an easterly alignment of Scott Boulevard and encouraes and proceedgwithhtheity Council acquisitiontoop deaii fdthelrighttoflwayad pinnthisdlocationcations SUM4ARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTION TAKEN: Blum called the meeting to order and indicated that the meeting was being held subdivision plat and the future location of Scott Boulevard. to review and consider a and final plat of Kingdom 5-7826. Review and consideration of the preliminary limitation period: 8/10/78, Su ivision, located at 1804 West Benton Street; 45 -day 60 -day limitation period: 8/25/78• Boothroy presented revised plats of the subdivision indicating that the plats had just been received but that upon a quick review it appeared as if the deficiencies and discrepancies enumerated in the staff report had been corrected except for the legal papers. After a brief discussion, the Commission recommended that the proposed preliminary and final plat of Kingdom Subdivision be approved subject to filing of the revised plat and revision of the legal papers. The vote was 6-0 in favor of approval. Review and consideration of the various alignments for the future location of colt Boulevard. Gene Dietz, City Engineer, was present to review the various alternatives for the �Szo :41CROFILIIED BY JORM MICR�LAB M)AR ?APi PFC HO CII'$ NILROFILMED BY JORM 141CROLAB Planning and Zoning Commission July 27, 1978 Page 2 CEDAR RAPIUS AND ULS MU1NL;, IUwm location of Scott Boulevard between Muscatine Avenue and Rochester Avenue. He in- dicated that soil borings were taken at locations along two alternative alignments and stated that there would be problems in locating Scott Boulevard both on, the present alignment and an eastward alignment but mentioned that it was his recommenda- tion the easterly alignment be established. After some discussion, the Commission approved by a 6-0 vote the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has considered the various proposed alignments of Scott Boulevard, the Commission has resolved and recommends the proposed concept of the easterly alignment of Scott Boulevard and encourages the City Council to develop detailed plans and specifications and proceed with the acquisition of the right-of-way in this location. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Prepared by 1 96nald S me ser, Sr. Planner Approved by Joh Kaamormeyer, P$Z Secreta i MIcROEILMEO BY JORM MICR+LAB f.FOR! @M!O$ • PFS MO:YCS ,. i 1.1ICROFILMEU BY JORM MICROLAB MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING F, ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 3, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS CEDAR RAPIDS AND UES MU1NLS, ICw.+ MEMBERS PRESENT: Jakobsen, Cain, Kammermeyer, Vetter MEMBERS ABSENT: Blum, Lehman, Ogesen STAFF PRESENT: Boothroy, Ryan, Schmeiser, Mundy RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL: 1. That the preliminary and final Large Scale Non -Residential Development Plan of Procter f, Gamble Mfg. Co., located at 2200 Lower Muscatine Road be approved i subject to compliance with Stormwater Management and to review and approval by the City engineering staff. 2. That the preliminary and final Large Scale Non -Residential Development Plan of Sheller -Globe Corporation, located at 2500 Highway 6 East be approved subject to compliance with Stormwater Management and review and approval by the City engineering staff. 3. That the ordinance regulating the location of Adult Businesses in Iowa City, substituting the words "such as" in place of "including but not limited to," be approved. REQUESTS TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR INFORMATION OR STAFF ASSISTANCE: 1. Staff assistance for determining performance standards for pools in residential areas in the new Zoning Ordinance and possibly in the existing Ordinance. 2. Staff assistance for direction on ways to solve noise/nuisance problems. SUFAIARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN: Vice -chairperson Jakobsen called the meeting to order. She asked if anyone present wished to add an item to the agenda. At this time, Mr. Walter Ziegmann of 2910 Radcliffe Avenue came forward to speak about the problems associated with private swimming pools in residential areas. Ile stated that a pool had been built five feet from his lot line. Because of the noise of the operating water filter and the noise of those using the pool, the pool has been a nuisance. He felt that the members should be aware of the nuisance problems so that the Commission could make provisions for the construction, operating, and use of private pools in residential areas in the new Zoning Ordinance. The members noted that it is a rare problem because there are so few swimming pools but agreed that it is a matter that should be dealt with. Cain then moved that the Commission request staff assistance for determining performance standards for pools in residential areas in the new Zoning Ordinance and possibly in the existing Ordinance. The motion was seconded and was approved 4-0. 0 141CROFILIIED OY , JORM MICR+LAB C@AR PANVf i[S 140R1ES 15,20 MII.WFILMEU BY JORM MICROLAB Planning and Zoning Commission August 3, 1978 Page 2 CEDAR RAPIDS AND UES MUI'iLj, :Uy ­ Along with this matter, Vetter asked if there were standards about the location of dog houses and dog runs with regard to neighboring property. Ryan answered that the matter could be looked into and she added that she had received numerous complaints about this as well as complaints on the noise from air conditioners. Vetter then moved that the Commission request staff assistance for direction on ways to solve noise/nuisance problems. The motion carried 4-0 in favor of approval. ,. Jakobsen then called for approval of the July 13, 1978, minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved as written. Next the minutes of the July 20, 1978, meeting were approved unanimously as written. Jakobsen then suggested that the order of the agenda be changed in order to accommodate those present to discuss subdivision items. The other members agreed and so the Commission considered the subdivision items. I 5-7827. Public discussion of a preliminary and final Large Scale Non -Residential Development Plan of Procter E Gamble Mfg. Co., located at 2200 Lower Muscatine j Road; 45 -day limitation period: 8/31/78, 60 -day limitation period: 9/15/78. Boothroy presented a map of the area and explained the boundaries. He noted that all the technical deficiencies and discrepancies listed in the staff report had been corrected except for the one pertaining to Stormwater Management. Jim Shive, the engineer for Procter & Gamble, was present and stated that Procter $ Gamble was in the process of working out Stormwater Management requirements. Procter B Gamble in- tends to work out the requirements with the City engineers and comply with the j engineers' suggestions and recommendations. Since enough Commission members for a quorum will not be available for future August meetings, the present members decided not to defer the matter, thus holding up construction. Jakobsen further noted that there would be sufficient time before the August 22 City Council meeting for the engineers to include Stormwater Management provisions in the plans. Kammenneyer then moved that the preliminary and final large scale non-residential development plan of Procter $ Gamble Mfg. Co. be approved subject to compliance with Stormwater Management and to review and approval by the engineering staff. The motion was seconded and the vote was 4-0 in favor of approval. 5-7828, Public discussion of a preliminary and final Large Scale Non -Residential Development Plan of Sheller -Globe Corporation, located at 2500 Highway 6 East; 45 -day limitation period: 9/8/78, 60 -day limitation period: 9/23/78. Boothroy presented a map and explained the boundaries. He noted that Stormwater Management was not shown on the plan and that the plan had not yet been reviewed by City engineers. A representative from Sheller -Globe stated that he had talked with the engineers and that Sheller -Globe was taking the necessary steps to comply with the engineers' recommendations and suggestions. The representative noted that there are future plans for overall Stormwater Management for the entire area, but at this time, Sheller -Globe will satisfy present demands so as not to hold up con- struction. Cain then moved that the preliminary and final large scale non-residential t,ctI;OFIWED BY ' JORM MICR LAB CFDAD P,'011S • u,, �IDI'iES MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB Planning and Zoning Commission August 3, 1978 Page 3 CEDAR RAPIDS AND DES MWNE�, WOJi1 development plan of Sheller -Globe Corporation be approved subject to compliance with Stormwater Management and to review and approval by the engineering staff. The motion was seconded and the vote was 4-0 in favor of approval. Public discussion of a proposed ordinance regulating the location of adult businesses in Iowa City. i Ryan began the discussion by stating that the 500 foot provision in the ordinance was used in order to bring about compliance with state law restricting liquor and nude dancing in the same structure. The members agreed that the proposed ordinance is a mild one, with minimal restrictions. Due to the number of bars in Iowa City, though, the members noted that the spatial aspect of the ordinance might cause difficulty in locating adult businesses downtown. After discussing the wording of the ordinance with respect to what should be included as adult businesses, Jakobsen moved that the Commission approve the proposed ordinance, substituting the words "such as" in place of "including but not limited to." The vote was 3-1 in favor of approval (Cain voting against approval on the basis that local ordinances shouldn't be adopted to enforce state laws which are inadequately written in the first place). Discussion of proposed revised Tree Regulations was deferred until the August 7, 1978, meeting. Discussion of the new Zoning Ordinance was deferred until the August 7, 1978, meeting There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Prepared by i1"�� / Marcia Sr. Cler /Typ1sLU t,� 6-'b ttisrl+tiu.0 �U Approved by Jo Kammermeyer, S .ecret y 141CROFILI410 0Y , JORM MICR+LAB ! CCRAR 81111" - P6 I rlr.S MILkOFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB Iowa City Airport Commission July 20, 1978 Airport Conference Room CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS Muil+u, !J-1 Present: Garry Bleckwenn, Caroline Embree, Claude Peterson, Dick Phipps, Jan Redick. Also present: E. K. Jones (Airport Manager), John Hayek (City Attorney), Carol DeProsse (City Councilperson), Bob Dautremont, Reggie Stevens, Duane Ingram, Dennis Gordon, Joe Johnston, Harold Shipton, John Munson (Iowa City Press -Citizen), Sue Neely (KXIC), Gary Van Cleve (Daily Iowan). SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTION TAKEN: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bleckwenn at 6:30 p.m. The Airport Manager presented the bills for tbecmonth of June. Peterson moved to approve the bills. Embree seconded tbtcmotion. The motion carried. Thecminutes of the June 15 meeting were read by Jan Redick. Peterson moved the minutes be accepted as read. Embree seconded the motion. The motion carried. After discussion it was decided to table discussion of the City Attor- ney's memorandum concerning the relationship between the Iowa City Airport Commission, the Airport Manger and the Fixed Base Operator until 7:30 p.m. as that time was incorrectly published by some sources as the meeting time of the Commission. The Airport Macmger reported on the following items: 1) the City de- livered truck #210 to the Airport for snow removal; 2) the City's crew has done an excellent job of mowing at the Airport; 3) during the past month the Airport received considerable damage to its lighting system; the damage is being repaired by Nate Moore; 4) the•>1INOW Airport's farm crops received j some damage due to heavy rains; 5) damage to the terminal roof due to rain is being repaired; 6) the FAA has done preliminary work on the remote radio, and it should be activated shortly. Peterson moved that the lease with the DOT for space upstairs at the Airport be executed but the term be changed to July 1, 1978 to June 30, 1979. Redick seconded the motion. The motion carried. The Airport 14amger presented a bid for shades for the DOT offices up- stairs. Redick moved that the bid of $297.57 be accepted for purchase of shades. Phipps seconded the motion. The motion carried. The Manager read Doane's mid -year management report. Copies will be distributed to all Commission members. The Chairman reported that the City ATtorney has not had time to review the leasing of Airport property. He will have a report by the next meeting. The Chairman read a copy of a letter sent by Neal Berlin to Mr. Kenneth Kinyon, spokesman for the Veteran's group, stating that unless the executed agreement is returned at an early date the City Council and the Airport Com- mission will have to conclude that the Veteran's group is no longer interest- ed in maintaining Old Jet as a memorial. Embree stated that she has learned that Mr. Kinyon is not well, and that another member of the group has been designated to sign the agreement in view of that fact. Embree agreed to inform Neal Berlin of this. There was discussion of the snow plow to be used to clear Airport run- ways. The Commission concurred that gas should be purchased at a gas station and the Commission should be billed. The truck is no longer insured under the City's policy, therefore the Commission will have to determine if the vehicle is covered under its own policy and if not it will have to be added. Redick will discuss this matter with Mel Jones. There was discussion of the history /S -.Z R, r, MICROFILMED RY JoRM MICR+LAB CEDAR RApm, . lrC rlo ff MILRUFIUILD BY JORM 141CROLAB Iowa City Airport Commission July 20, 1978 Page 2 LLDAR RADIUS AILD ULS i'!Ui!.L1, .Jd1+ of snow removal and insurance arrangements for equipment. The Chairman intAduced City Attorney John Hayek who was present to answer questions regarding a memorandum from the City's legal department concerning the relationship between the Iowa City Airport Commission, the Airport Manager and the Fixed Base Operator. Lengthly discussion followed. Embree moved to forward a copy of Hayek's memo to L. R. Kimball and Associates. Redick seconded the motion. The motion carried. Peterson moved to table discussion of the memo until a future date. Phipps seconded the motion. Embree moved to amend the motion to read that the Commission defer any further discussion of the memo until consideration of the management con- tract: the two to be discussed together. Redick seconded the amendment. After discussion of parliamentary procedure, a vote was taken on the original motion. Aye: Phipps, Peterson. Nay: Exbree)Redick. Chairman: Aye. Motion carried. Embree moved to defer discussion of the management contract until discussion of the memo is undertaken. Redick seconded the motion. Aye: Embree, Redick. Nay: Phipps, Peterson. Chairman: Nay. Motion defeated. Peterson moved that the management contract be signed. Phipa seconded the motion. Aye: Phipps, Peterson. Nay: Redick, Embree. Crair- i man: Aye. Motion carried. The Commission will try to meet jointly with the City Council on September 11 at the Council's informal session to discuss the memo. The Chairman reported on the issue of back rent owed the Commission by J. Newman Toomey. It is the Chairman's understanding that the matter is settled with Toomey's having paid the Commission $800.00. The Chairman has received a notice.to proceed on the Master Plan Study from the FAA. He read a letter from Jay Haas of L. R. Kimball and Associates which instructs the Commission to set up a public information meeting as soon as possible. Embree moved the Commission meet on September 7 for the first public information meeting on the Master Plan Study. Peterson seconded the motion. The motion carried. Embree volunteered to arrange for a meeting apace and to notify media and the City staff and to make up a press release. The Chairman will notify L. R. Kimball and Associates of these arrangements. Representatives of the firm will be present. The -Airport Manager requested permission to use the Commission's telephone credit card for business calls made in his capacity as Airport Manager. The Commission agreed the Manager should be allowed to do so and suggested he keep a log of calls made for record-keeping purposes. The Chairman stated that confusion has resulted from the Airport's being referred to as both the Iowa City Airport and the Iowa City Municipal Airport. In the future, therefore, the facility should be referred to as the Iowa City Municipal Airport. The Chairman reported that City Finance Director Vitoeh informed him that the Airport Commission funds are not presently invested. Discussion of various investment arrangements followed. Peterson and Embree were appointed to determine the best method of Investment and to meet with Vitoeh to complete necessary forms. The Airport Manager reported on the DOT's efficiency ratings of airports in the state of Iowa. The Iowa City Municipal Airport has a base rating of 83.9, a tower ability of 82.7 and a system level of 87.5. These are consider- ed excellent ratings. The Chairman noted that he was informed by Embree that according to the Code of Iowa the Commission is required to publish an annual fiscal report. The City ATtorney will review this Code requirement and, assuming it is a valid requirement, the Commission will publish a report as soon as possible, IicasrnED BY JORM MICR6LAB PIILROfILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS MUUIL:), ;UAA Iowa City Airport Commission July 20, 1978 Page 3 Peterson reported on his and the Airport Ma4er's work on the By -Laws. He suggested that Commission members examine a copy of the By -Laws they have drawn up (modelled on those of the Riverfront Commission) prior to the next meeting and be ready to make suggestions for changes. The Chairman opened the meeting for public input. Redick introduced Duane Ingram who spoke on the unav�lability of 80 octane fuel which certain types of aircraft require. Discussion followed. The Chairman read a letter from Karl Ossoinig complaining about con- tinuing aircraft noise and the danger from low-flying aircraft over his home. Discussion followed and it was decided to set up a bulletin board at the airport on which to poet letters from citizens who have comments concerning the airport, low planes, etc. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully /submitted, A.4- ` �{a,rc.r6ua. - 6e"' v Shelley Lowenberg-DeBoer MICROFIL14ED BY i [I JORM MICR+LAB CEDAR PANnS • DfMOINES [?!CROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB • CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS 14UMLS, IUaA Y CITY OF IOWA CITY CIVIC CENTER- 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180D NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING COMMISSION: JOHNSON COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Two vacancies - Three-year terms September 26, 1978 - September 26, 1981 Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. These appointments will be made at the September 26, 1978, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Persons interested in being considered for these positions should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. 1 I41CROFILMED BY :J JORM MICR+LAB CCDAR RAPID` • DF` movjr.s isy7' { I I [?!CROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB • CEDAR RAPIDS AND ULS 14UMLS, IUaA Y CITY OF IOWA CITY CIVIC CENTER- 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180D NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING COMMISSION: JOHNSON COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Two vacancies - Three-year terms September 26, 1978 - September 26, 1981 Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. These appointments will be made at the September 26, 1978, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Persons interested in being considered for these positions should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. 1 I41CROFILMED BY :J JORM MICR+LAB CCDAR RAPID` • DF` movjr.s isy7' 1•IILROFILHED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAk RAPIDS AND UES HUINL�, IUM, CITY OF IOWA CITY CIVIC CENFER 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180D NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING AN APPOINTMENT TO THE FOLLOWING BOARD: BOARD OF ELECTRICAL EXAMINERS AND APPEALS One vacancy - Four-year term October 26, 1978 - October 26, 1982 This vacancy must be filled by a professional electrical engineer. Iowa City appointed members of boards and commissions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. It is the duty of the Board of Electrical Examiners and Appeals to periodically review the Electrical Code and make recommendations thereto to the City Council, to prepare and conduct written examina- tions, to suspend or revoke any of the licenses or certificates for due cause, to act as board of appeals to hear grievances arising from a decision of the chief electrical inspector and to provide jfor reasonable interpretations consistent with the provisions of the Electrical Code. The selection and appointment to this Board will be made at the September 26, 1978, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. The actual term will begin October 26, 1978. This will allow the appointee to attend meetings of the Board of Electrical Examiners and Appeals in order to be- come familiar with the duties of the Board before assuming full responsibilities. Persons interested in being considered for this position should con- tact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Wash- ington. Application forms are available from the' Clerk's office upon request. rsy7 Y--•ey""` 141CROFIL14E0 BY JORM MICR+LAB I CIMR PAP17- Of°. 140111[8 I MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND DES MOINLS, INA 6//0/7S CITY OF IOWA CITY CIVIC CENTER- 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180 NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING AN APPOINTMENT TO THE FOLLOWING BOARD: MAYOR'S YOUTH EMPLOYMENT BOARD One vacancy - Indefinite Term It is the duty of members of the Mayor's Youth Employment Board to provide jobs at various private non-profit and public organizations for disadvan- taged youth in Johnson County. Iowa City appointed members of Boards and Commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. This appointment will be made at the August 22, 1978, meeting of the City Council at . . Per- so�nterested in being considered for this posi- tion should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are avail- able from the Clerk's office upon request. Y• �.. MICROFILMEn BY .l ', JORM MICR#LAB CF.nAR PAPIM • 16, MOINES isyJ i i i 1 I i MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS AND DES MOINLS, INA 6//0/7S CITY OF IOWA CITY CIVIC CENTER- 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180 NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING AN APPOINTMENT TO THE FOLLOWING BOARD: MAYOR'S YOUTH EMPLOYMENT BOARD One vacancy - Indefinite Term It is the duty of members of the Mayor's Youth Employment Board to provide jobs at various private non-profit and public organizations for disadvan- taged youth in Johnson County. Iowa City appointed members of Boards and Commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City. This appointment will be made at the August 22, 1978, meeting of the City Council at . . Per- so�nterested in being considered for this posi- tion should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are avail- able from the Clerk's office upon request. Y• �.. MICROFILMEn BY .l ', JORM MICR#LAB CF.nAR PAPIM • 16, MOINES isyJ