HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-09 Bd Comm. MinutesMINUTES DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DECEMBER 13, 1978 -- 4:00 P.M. RECREATION CENTER MEETING ROOM "B" MEMBERS PRESENT: Lafore, Seiberling, Sinek, Lilly, Summerwill, Haupert (4:20) MEMBERS ABSENT: Wegman, Gutheinz, Wockenfuss, Alexander STAFF PRESENT: Keating, Conklin SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Chairperson Lilly called the meeting to order, and Keating explained the purpose of the meeting was to approve the design plans submitted by J. Bradley Rust Associates for the First Federal Savings and Loan Building. The building will be a two-story structure with a basement located at the northwest corner of Dubuque and Court Streets. The lower exterior of the building will basically consist of oxford iron, spot brick with the upper exterior being panels of exposed aggregate. The trim around the windows will be a bronze tone. The panels around the doorway is a facia system which is annedized aluminum and will also 'be a bronze tone. Seiberling asked if there were going to be any signs con- nected with the structure. Keating said the sign has not been designed yet, and the approval of the parking area design will be withheld because the architect has failed to comply with the tree ordinance. All that is needed at this time is the approval of the building design. Also the number of stacking spaces in the.parking area has not been fulfilled. The site plan will be reviewed at another date, Construction of the building should begin in the spring of 1979. The drive-in facility will be located next to the Rebel Hotel. Summerwill moved to approve the design with the reservations of the planting, lighting, and the I signage designs. Haupert seconded, unanimously approved. A.question was raised as to whether or not there were changes being made on the Old Capitol Centre Mall. Keating said he did not know at this time of any changes, but if any substantial alterations are made they would have to be approved by the Design Review Committee. Lilly said she heard the pre -cast concrete was going to be changed to brick. Lafore felt changing to brick would be an improve- ment. Sinek commented that he thought the original plans using the pre -cast concrete would be more compatible with the Penecrest. The change to brick, how- ever, may be a carryover from the downtown stores. Seiberling asked what requirements for building distance to the Old Capitol were and how Jim Clark fell. Lafore said the accident was due to the location of the utility lines. Seiberling felt the design for the Old Capitol should have i been adopted to run sideways and not downward. Lilly wanted to know the procedure for review of design plans. Keating explained that there was no requirement in the ordinance which states the builder has to i present their plans before the Design Review Committee for approval, however, the staff has requested Glen Siders, the City building official, to inform the Committee of any design plans submitted to the City. i The Committee questioned if they would be involved with approving the design of the City bus shelters. Keating said any suggestions should be directed to Sue Sheets, the planner working on the Neighborhood Site Improvements. Sue has the name of the company that the University purchased their shelters from, if shelters like the University's are recommended. The Committee asked if Sue 2 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIIIES MINDTES DESIGN REVIEW COtM1ITTEE DECEMBER 13, 1978 -- 4:00 P.M. PAGE 2 i would be available to discuss the design of the shelters at a meeting with the j Committee. Keating .said he would ask Sue to attend a meeting to discuss the shelters. Summerwill reported on the meeting with the City Council which discussed each Committee's goals and objectives. There was recognition from the City Council that the Design Review Committee was a valid Committee. One I of the suggestions Sumnerwill made was to have a member representing the �. Planning and Zoning Commission at the Design Review meetings. Dick Blum, Chairperson for the Planning and Zoning Commission agreed to the suggestion. The minutes for September 27 and October 4 were discussed and approved unanimously. I There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. j Julie Conklin, Se forlerkTypist r` 1: -a Yn MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES 0 kr i I i i I j MINUTES HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION DECEMBER 18, 1978 7:30 P.M. ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Woodard, Braverman, Marcus, Costantino, Munzenmaier, Kuhn MEMBERS ABSENT: Gilroy, excused STAFF PRESENT: Zukrowski, Allen, Ryan RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL• None RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY MANAGER AND STAFF: I. Because interpretations in the State Statute are still unclear as far as what differences must be implemented into the local ordinance, Ryan and Zukrowski want to continue working on the ordinance, especially since these differences were discovered after the November commission meeting. As a result, the ordinance will not be ready January 1, 1979, which is the effective date that the State Statute takes effect. Ryan was asked what the procedure will be for filing complaints. Ryan saw no adverse effect in filing a complaint but was asked by the commission to ask the State Attorney General's Office about accepting complaints under an invalid ordinance. Zukrowski is to write a letter to the City Council regarding the reason for the delay of the local ordinance being put on the agenda for their review. Zukrowski is to explain about the input received regarding the unclear interpretation of what the local ordinance must adopt in their language from the State Statute. 2. Ryan is to give the Commission input on any decisions that the legal office might receive on the Supreme Court case regarding affirmative action in employment, and a charge of reverse discrimination filed by a white male against an employer. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT DISCUSSION: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The November 27, 1978 minutes were approved and accepted. Zukrowski introduced Carla Marcus, the new Commission member appointed by the City Council on December 5, 1978. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES I40114ES 91 Human Rights (Mission December 18, 19/8 Page 2 Commissioners discussed the following items: 1. Woodard announced that even though it was not on the agenda, the nomination and appointment of a vice chairperson needed to be done. She stressed that it was particularly important because of a case which the complainant had agreed to conciliate to, and the signature of a chair and vice -chair were necessary to finalize the agreement. Constantino nominated Braverman and Munzenmaier seconded. The motion carried and Braverman will serve as vice -chairperson until at least February, 1979, when the next elections will take place. 2. A letter of response was received from Thomas Mann regarding questions that Zukrowski had written to him about in October and November, but the letter answering some of the questions that the Commission had was not received by Zukrowski until after the November, 1978 meeting. Therefore, Zukrowski and Ryan will delay the local ordinance being put on the City Council's agenda because of the need to review the ordinance in more detail based on the responses that Mann gave. For example, Mann felt that the clause in the State Statute regarding the right to sue was a must and has to be implemented into local ordinances, which is something that Zukrowski and Ryan had seen no need for before the letter was received. The staff will continue working on these interpretations. 3. Woodard announced that the City Council will be appointing four new Commission members on December 19, 1978. Zukrowski had mailed the procedure and the draft of ideas she will be implementing for new Commissioner orientation. 4. Zukrowski passed around a copy of a letter sent to the newspaper columnist, "Dear Abby", in response to an article which deals with a prospective employer asking female applicants about their personal family plans. 5. For the Commissioners' information, Zukrowski informed them of the new development regarding health insurance policies and the fact that the policies do not have to pay for elected abortions in pregnancy cases. However, if any complications arise because of the abortion, the insurance must pick up the cost for those complications, but not the cost for the actual abortion. Zukrowski is to take a look at the local ordinance to see how it related to pregnancy leave, seniority status while on pregnancy leave, and abortions. 6. Zukrowski was asked by a citizen why she did not have jurisdiction to handle complaints at the University of Iowa. The local ordinance has very broad language that would seem to cover the University in its boundary, however, Ryan pointed out that the University as well as MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES Human Rights Clission December 18, 1978 Page 3 other schools are more or less exempt from the local ordinance because of a law in the State Constitution. 7. The Civil Rights Specialist Staff report for November and December were distributed. The Commissioners also received copies of the minutes for the University of Iowa's Human Rights Committee meeting for November 8 and December 6, 1978. Other materials distributed were the Commission's December Newsletter, and copies of Labor Law Reports. The Commissioners discussed several suggestions on how mailing costs could be cut down, and it was finally decided that the only way to achieve a cut down was to only mail information once or twice per month, unless it is an emergency item that everyone must be aware of as soon as possible. A. CHAIRPERSON'S CORRESPONDENCE: Woodard met with the City Manager on December 1, 1978 to discuss the vacant Human Relations Director position. Basically, she said that she brought across the emphasis of having a Director in Human Relations and the City Manager assured her that he had planned on advertising the position .in the very near future to be consistent with the job description used in the past. Braverman will be on the interviewing panel and the possibility of one other Commissioner being appointed to the panel is still to be decided by the City Manager, based on the number of department heads that will also be sitting in on oral interviews for this position. B. CHAIRPERSON'S RECOMMENDATIONS: An additional staff person being added to the budget requests was also discussed with the City Manager. When the Commission's budget comes up on the agenda, (a definite date is not known yet) Woodard would like at least one Commissioner to attend to answer any questions, give input and support the request. C. COMMITTEE REPORT: Affirmative action. Braverman had no plans as of yet for an area employers' meeting, but will have more input for a meeting after the winter weather is not as severe. April, 1979, was mentioned as a good time to begin planning procedures. D. COMPLAINTS: 1. Munzenmaier had written to the EEOC regarding a case in which he felt the complainant was short changed because, in his opinion, there was a definite case of probable cause. His questions of concern were forwarded to the MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES I90INES 1 Human Rights 6�lission December 18, 19/8 Page 4 Director of the St. Louis District office to review and discuss the processing of the charge and brief him on the new charge procedure. Munzenmaier will call the Director to discuss this case further. Zukrowski informed the Commissioners that she had sent a letter to Thomas Mann expressing her concern because she sends the State updates on a monthly basis regarding status of cases; and why it is necessary to give out information on the same cases they were apprised of earlier for a second time? Mann responded to this letter on December 6 apologizing for time lags, and expressed that he hoped that failures of the past do not stand as obstacles to future mutual assistance. 2. Cases Pending: a. E/S, 9-18-7808: response has been received. b. E/S, 8-18-78-7: report has been drafted but is not finalized yet. C. PA/R, 5-15-7802: complainant signed conciliation, j but respondent was not at same meeting. A letter has ! been sent to the respondent giving 10 days to reply. A meeting has, been set for December 27, 1978. d. E/S, 2-10-7801: complainant received notification of no cause finding, Zukrowski has not received any appeal, but complainant still has a few days left. 3. New Cases: a. E/R, 11-29-7809. 4. The Iowa Civil Rights Commission sent a representative to review case files. i 5. Cases to be Monitored: I a. E/R, 4-6-7705: Gilroy was absent. As far as Zukrowski knew, no monitoring had been done yet. b. E/R and SO, 9-23-7810: Gilroy, Kuhn. Monitoring had been conducted and a summary had been placed in the case file. E. OTHER: Woodard and the Commissioner thanked the staff for their support throughout the year. i The January meeting was set for January 22, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. The agenda setting was set for January 12, 1979 at 4:00 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. r -- MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES I40INES 1 MINUTES ; IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION DECEMBER 6, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Gilpin, Knight, Baker, Sokol, Boutelle, Kroeze, Fahr Fountain, Neuzil, Vetter, McLaughlin r -- MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1401NES rd STAFF PRESENT: Milkman, Conklin I SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: The meeting was brought to order by Vice -Chairperson Bill Gilpin. New members, Richard Baker and Pat Boutelle were introduced. Gilpin stated that since Donna Epley's term has expired the Commission needed to elect a Chairperson and a Vice - Chairperson. Fahr moved to elect Gilpin as Chairperson, Kroeze seconded, vote unanimous. Sokol moved to elect Bernie Knight as Vice -Chairperson, Fahr seconded vote unanimous. The minutes for November 1, 1978 were discussed and approved unanimously. For reports of old business, Gilpin read a letter from Garry Bleckmann, Chairperson for the Airport Commission, concerning the Airport property. The letter stated that Hartwig Motors had withdrawn their proposal to lease the property and no one wants the land at this present time. Bill Tucker, representing the Airport Comm- ission 'and 'John Hayek, representing the City, are currently discussing the owner- ship of the property. Knight was concerned about the river buffer zone in this arca: She feels the City is moving service and maintenance buildings and equip- ment into the zone. Milkman,reported on the Wagner -Murphy Annexation stating that land adjacent to Highway 218 has been annexed, but not the pond behind the Gordon -Russell crushing operation. Gilpin felt the Commission should make an effort to aquire any land adjacent to the river for dedication. Knight contacted Loren. Horton of the Historical Preservation Society about the possible historical designation of Napoleon Park and some other areas. She said Horton felt this was a good idea and he would investigate the nossibilitics. Knight also contacted Margaret Bowers who said it might be possible to obtain some funding under the Grants and Aids Program. Knight reported Bowers would be willing to attend a Riverfront Commission meeting. Fahr suggested discussing this matter at the joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission. Fahr felt Terrill Mill, Napoleon Park, Sturgis Ferry, etc. should retain their current status. Milkman said the main concern at present was possible development of Sturgis Ferry Park. Gilpin commented on the construction of the old trading post in Napoleon Park. Fahr was concerned that people would not use this area. The Commission members agreed that further information was needed about the whole issue of historic designation. Gilpin reported on a letter from the City Council informing them of the resignation of an Assistant Attorney. The letter listed priorities the staff would be working on and asked Committees to respond to the priorities. Gilpin called John Hayek and reported the Commission's number one priority was the River Corridor Overlay Zone Ordinance. Gilpin explained that at each meeting members of other Commissions were to give reports to the Riverfront Commission. Pat Boutelle, representing the University Planning Committee said there had been some discussion on a bike path along the r -- MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1401NES rd r MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION DECEMBER 6, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. PAGE 2 cast side of the river. Fahr felt that the hike path by Hancher was adequate and one paralleling North Dubuque Street on the cast side between Park Road and the Music Building was not needed. No other reports were given at this time. Fahr reported on the North River Corridor tour. lie explained to the new members the tour was organized by the Johnson County Regional Planning Commission which is working on a plan for the area. Fahr felt the tour was extremely interesting. He observed that the housing developments were not well planned for sewage disposal because the raw sewage runs into the river in many places. He also noted the extent of the developments and the fact that many residents were employed in Cedar Rapids. Fahr suggested keeping a close watch on this area. He suggested that coordination with Linn County was important. Knight said she was utterly appalled that the sewage is draining into the river. She also indicated that there were _ problems with the upkeep of the roads. Milkman pointed out the vast area of land adjacent to the reservoir and the river is all zoned rural-residental. Unless the land is down -zoned, this land will be built upon. Gilpin gave a brief review of his meeting with the City Council. The meeting dealt with the Council's and the Board/Commissions' goals for 1980. Gilpin ex- pressed the Commission's feelings to the City Council concerning the need for River Corridor plan implementation. The City Council said the Commission was in I a good position to make changes and encouraged them to do so. Gilpin suggested having a joint meeting with Parks and Recreation Commission and the Director of Public Works. The Commission agreed to meet with Parks and Recreation on Tuesday, January 9, 1979 in the Recreation Center. i Milkman felt it would be important for members of the Riverfront Commission to j attend City Council meetings, especially the public hearings on the budget. Gilpin explained that in 1977, $200,000 had been allocated to the Riverfront Comm- ission for land acquisition along the river from the CDBG budget. The money was then reallocated to Urban Renewal. Gilpin suggested a letter should be sent to the City Council requesting information on the $200,000. Milkman said that HUD regulations have changed since 1976 and it may not be possible to use the money for riverfront acquisition now. Sokol moved to send a letter to the City Council i on this matter, Baker seconded, unanimously approved. Milkman was asked to report on the Land Acquisition Workshop. She said basic- ally methods of obtaining land from the private sector were discussed. A lawyer presented details of tax breaks for donation of land, easements, bargain sales, etc. Gilpin brought up some new business concerning the subject of the City Park boat ramp saying he felt it ought to be rehabilitated. If the ramp was patched up it would be useable for emergencies, but would not encourage large boats to use the river. It was understood that Parks and Recreation did not wish to encourage use of the ramps in the City Park because of traffic problems generated. It was generally felt that the stretch of the river between Iowa Avenue and the old Coralville Power dam was best suited for canoes and inner tubes. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Julie Conklin Senior Clerk/Typist MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES I ��biIN f'1 J MINUTES IOWA CITY HOUSING APPEALS BOARD NOVEMBER 9, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT. STAFF PRESENT: Smithey, Giblin, Graham, Owens, Pollock Klaus Burke, Barnes SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN: Burke presented documents appointing members to the Appeals Board. Members discussed original appointment of Board members. Pollock said she would prefer alternate status. All other members were designated as regular members. Citizens appearing at the meeting introduced themselves, and were sworn in. BOARD TO CONSIDER CASE OF MR. JAMES SCHULZE - PROPERTY AT 320 E. DAVENPORT. Burke reviewed procedures followed in the case. Barnes explained the conditions she encountered at the premises and reviewed contested items individually. Barnes outlined occupancy of the building and reviewed code requirements. She established that tenants had limited access to three separate units respectively. Mr. Schulze responded water heater is contracted to be moved to furnace room. He said former owner informed him that dining room alcove was adequate and that property was satisfactorily listed as a duplex. Mr. Schulze referred to occupancy certificate signed by Mike Kucharzak. Mr. Jones (prior owner of the house) related discussions he had had with inspectors while he owned the buildings which concerned number of kitchens in use. He said light switch is convenient and Schulze said light is always left on anyway. Schulze objected to use of family definition in interpreting occupancy. Burke pointed out that the old code made it difficult to determine occupancy since "family" and "kitchen" were not defined. Attorney Ryan said that all definitions in the present code, including family, are used to interpret the Housing Code. Board members discussed the items under consideration including the jurisdiction of old and new code, the fact that there are no grand- father sections in the code, and the clarification of the present occupancy as eligible for classification as a three multiple dwelling. Burke reviewed definitions concerning dwelling units and rooming units. There followed some discussion of the locations of various lighting fixtures and switches in the building. Chairman mentioned that both parties could go to court and contest rulings of the Board. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES I40111ES 2 i Graham moved that the Board uphold item #3 as numbered in the Violation Notice (water heater). Owens seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Graham moved that the Board uphold item #4 (dining room window area). Owens seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Graham moved that item #5 (light switch) not be upheld by the Board. Giblin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion clarified that Mr. Schulze contested item 2, page 2 of the violation notice concerning occupancy of the building. He continued his objection to the definition of "family." Mr. Schulze said he understood the violation as cited. Graham moved to uphold the citation of 9.30.10.A (lack of multiple dwelling permit). Pollock seconded. Motion carried unanimously. BOARD TO CONSIDER THE CASE OF MR. THOMAS MARTIN - PROPERTY AT 223 S. JOHNSON. Burke presented the city case and Barnes recounted her observations of the property as relating to each contested item. Barnes presented photographs showing some of these items. Mr. Martin responded that the porch floor should give, and that he would get a fire extinguisher. He said he would probably paint the side of the house in the spring, and also stated smoke detectors are on order. Martin said he felt resentful that some of the cited items were written up because they were not dangerous. He said switches are safe and there was nothing wrong with the bathroom. Burke explained to Martin that the inspector must cite any violation encountered at the time of inspection. Burke also commented on light switches and sanitation concerns regarding bathroom floors. Martin said that the code could not be enforced retroactively. Ryan responded that there are precedents to cite such codes without "grandfather" waivers. Chairman asked for comments from the Board. Graham reviewed violations as he interpreted them after inspecting the property himself. There was lengthy discussion about location of switches, and safety of their use.. Pollock suggested painting be postponed until spring. Burke advised the Board that the Inspection Division already follows such a policy. j Pollock moved that the Board uphold all orders of the Housing Inspector. Giblin seconded. The motion failed: two in favor, three opposed. i It was decided to vote on citations item by item. Owens moved that order #4 (protect exterior wood) be upheld. Pollock seconded. Motion carried unanimously. r MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 6101NE5 3 Graham moved that order #5a (porch flooring) be upheld. Owens seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Graham moved that orders #7 and #8 (fire extinguishers and smoke detectors) be upheld. Owens seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Graham moved that the Board uphold order #9 (light switches). Pollock seconded. Motion carried: three in favor, two opposed. Pollock moved that order #11 (bathroom floor) be upheld. Owens seconded. Motion carried unanimously. BOARD TO CONSIDER CASE OF MR. JACK YOUNG - PROPERTY AT 1606 MUSCATINE. Burke reviewed information contained in the staff report concerning conversation with Mr. Young and the owner's subsequent consent to allow inspection of the property. Additional exhibits were presented to complete the staff report, including a letter from Mr. Young's attorney which requested court orders prior to inspections. This letter was received after the inspection in question. Mr. Young's written request for a hearing was examined and Mr. Young said he was contesting the entire order and not the individual items. Mr. Young apologized for missing the first inspection appointment and said he would ask for court orders routinely before inspections. He said tenants ready to move out of his buildings complain to the Housing Office. Young responded to Smithey's question that he wanted a retroactive court order for this inspection, and that he was not.appealing individual violations. Mr. Young objected to the city bureaucracy, said his avocation is to manage his few buildings, that he buys fire extinguishers by the dozens. Ryan explained the city's position that the notice was valid since Mr. Young consented to the inspection. Graham agreed with Smithey that Mr. Young was not appealing individual items. Burke said the staff requested the Board uphold the validity of the Notice of Violation. Graham moved that Housing Inspectors complied with procedures outlined in 9.30.3.A and and that orders in the Notice are to be upheld. Owens seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Burke presented minutes of the previous meeting of the Board. Minutes were accepted without correction. The Board again discussed the Evans case. Graham moved to rehear the case at the next regular meeting of the Board. Giblin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. r - MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS DECEMBER 6, 1978 -- 12:00 NOON RECREATION CENTER MEETING ROOM "A" MEMBERS PRESENT: Swisher, Braverman, Tadlock, Patrick, Owens, McCormick, Hall Amidon, Casserly, Clark, Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Carter, Pecina, Horton STAFF PRESENT: Milkman, Vann, Conklin, Kraft, Keating, Martzahn GUESTS: Kim Summers, journalism student SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: The meeting was brought to order by Chairperson George Swisher. The minutes of October 26 and November 1 were discussed and approved unanimously. Vann.commented on the status of the 5th year Community Development Block Grant application, stating that.no decisions had been made by the City Council at this time. Monday, December 18, 1978 the City Council will finalize their decisions. Staff people are presently writing up the goals and objectives for the proposals. Vann felt if Spouse Abuse and Housing for Transients are funded, more than the $50,000 recommended would be allocated, because, it would be difficult to pur- chase and rehabilitate a structure with this amount. This would result in a reduction of the Contingency fund. Hall said at one time it was suggested to combine the two programs. Vann felt this could be an alternative to the sit- uation. She felt the Nelson Center would most likely be funded since it had been funded previously. Patrick stated that there is a great need for these programs. Vann commented on three different types of funding available last year. .First,.the 4th year funds, secondly, carryover funds, and thirdly, pro - cedes from the sale of Urban Renewal land. The sale of Urban Renewal land was not included in the CDBG budget this year because a large part was budgeted last year. There are still many political decisions to be made concerning the sale of the remaining Urban Renewal land. If the land is sold, the money from the sale will revert to CDBG funds. A question was raised as to whether or not the money from the sale of the old Library would be put into CDBG funds. Dennis Kraft, Director of Planning and Program Development, stated that this was currently being investigated, however, money from the sale of the new site (Urban Renewal land) would revert to CDBG funds. Bill Keating and Debra Martzahn were present to inform the Committee of the "Small Cities" Grant application. Keating explained that the "Small Cities" Grant would be a possible funding source when CDBG money is discontinued. The Department of Planning and Program Development, surveyed several neighborhoods for possible rehabilitation under the program. The neighborhood chosen for the "Small Cities" Grant is the Armory area. Extensive flooding from the Ralston Creek and the concentration of low and moderate income families were the pri- mary reasons this neighborhood was picked. There are 22 single family and apart- ment dwellings and 21 businesses in the area. HUD could possibly grant two million dollars for a three year program. The application should be completed by the middle of January. If the application is competitive with other appli- cations it will be funded. If HUD feels the money should be allocated to Iowa City, the preliminary planning will begin in the fall of 1979. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOVIES M. MINUTES COMIMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS DECEMBER 6, 1978 -- 12:00 NOON PAGE 2 Martzahn stated that the City's Ralston Creek Consultants, Shoemaker, suggested widening the Ralston Creek channel so flooding would not be so frequent. Only sketches have been discussed, but the consultants feel some buildings may have to be relocated. Funds for such would be available. One of the problems south of Benton Street is the back-up of the creek. The consultants feel that when the new sewage treatment plant is built a pump from the old plant may be used to curb this problem. This area is designated as land consumptive commercial which would be an appropriate use once the flooding is reduced. At this point, it is not know how many single family buildings would have to be relocated. Some of the housing is in such poor condition that it is felt it would benefit the residents to relocate. Braverman asked if there was a more needed area than the Armory area for rehabilitation. Keating replied there is only one other problem area worse than the Armory area, this area is south of the sewage treat- ment plant and consists mainly of commercial businesses. If action is not taken in the Armory area now, it may be 5-10 years before funds would be available to carry out the program. A joint meeting on January 3, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers is planned with the Committee on Community Needs, the Ralston Creek Coordinating Committee and the residents of the Armory neighborhood. This will be a regular monthly meeting for CCN. Swisher said he would like to see two or three people assigned to the ongoing CDBG programs to create subcommittees of CCN. The purpose of the subcommittees is to monitor the programs so the Committee can keep on top of the projects. The Committee agreed on this idea. Reports will be given at meetings every month. Committee members assigned to the programs are as follows: Northside Site Improvements Ralston Creek Pat McCormick Jim Hall George Swisher Code Enforcement Housing Rehabilitation Patrick Tadlock Pat Owens Roberta Patrick Senior Center Energy Conservation Kent Braverman Irl Carter Mary Ellen Clark Milo Pecina Eve Casserly Horace Amidon i Milkman suggested contacting the project director for each program for information. Swisher asked people not to get involved with only one program and exclude them- selves from the other programs. Swisher informed the Committee on Community Needs of Curtis Purington's resigna- tion from the Committee because he has relocated in Davenport. hall moved to send Curtis a letter thanking him for his services and hard work while he was on the Committee. McCormick seconded, Unanimously approved. Swisher suggested thanking Kent Braverman for arranging the sound track for the slide show. McCormick moved and Patrick seconded this motion. Unanimous. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES n MICROFILMED BY I JORM MICROLAB Eti CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS DECEMBER 6, 1978 -- 12:00 NOON i I PAGE 3 Swisher wished to give thanks to the people who worked the slide showat the Mall Members giving their time on Saturday, September 30 were: Horace Amidon, Milo Pecina, Pat McCormick, Pat Owens, and Mary Ellen Clark. Swisher stated that the Committee needed to elect a Vice -Chairperson. Patrick moved to elect Horace I Amidon as Vice -Chairperson, Hall seconded. Unanimous. Milkman asked the Committee members to refer to Sue Sheet's memo which is for the Committee's information. If there are any comments, the members should direct them to Milkman or Sheets. Ij Hall asked that updated addresses and phone numbers be sent to all members of the Committee. Milkman said a questionnaire would be sent out with the minutes of, this meeting asking for demographic information. Milkman recommended that the Committee read the minutes carefully because they indicate CSW to the City Council what the members discuss. , There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Julie --11hli (n Senior Clerk Typist l i L 1 I. i i MICROFILMED BY I JORM MICROLAB Eti CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 1978 7:30 PM AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT: Bartley, Bezanson, Farber, Kirkman, Moore, Newsome, Ostedgaard, Richerson MEMBERS ABSENT: Hyman jSTAFF PRESENT: Eggers, Ingersoll, Spaziani, Tiffany, McGuire, Kelley, Carter, Craig OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Burrow from KXIC, John Benz from HLM Summary of Discussion The meeting was convened at 7:40 PM by President Bezanson. III Minutes of the October 12 Informal Meeting and the October 26 Regular Meeting were approved. Richerson/Newsome. The November 1 disburse - ments'were approved. Moore/Newsome. The November 15 disbursements were approved.Richerson/Newsome. Director's Report attached During the President's Report, the Director was asked to furnish a sketch of the various computer companies which might be compared to the vendor under consideration for library automation. i Carol Spaziani, Community Services Librarian for the Iowa City Public Library, reported on some general information needs in Iowa j City and how. (given the support staff) ICPL could meet these needs. All are being done by other public libraries and all relate to the Iowa City Public Library's long-range goals. Four examples of the kinds of enlarged information services needed are: 1) a center for information on continuing education opportunities; 2) a human resources file; 3) a child and family resource center and 4) in- formation and referral (I & R) centers for social services. There are now federal requirements for I&R services and there are several agencies in Iowa City giving some I&R service. It would be more economical for the taxpayers if a central community institution were to handle I&R. There are also some inadequately supported agencies in Iowa City trying to provide a human resource file and a resource center for child care groups. The Iowa City Public Li- brary would not seek designation as an I&R center unless funding sources were willing to pay for the service. i Connie Tiffany, Audiovisual Librarian for the ICPL gave a brief summary of how the election for Cable TV is shaping up. j After a franchise is awarded by the City Council, a broad -band com- munications specialist will be hired with the revenue generated by cable TV for use by the City. The Board listened to John Benz from Hansen Lind Meyer. He distributed 7 FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101NES MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD .,F TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING - November 16 1978 PAGE 2 two preliminary building schedules for Board consideration. He said Art Cochran of Hansen Lind Meyer will work as the coordinator and overall manager after the design phase is completed. The Board briefly discussed pros and cons of hiring a Construction Manager in order to use a Fast Track schedule, and then decided to table the discussion pending further research. Benz said Hansen Lind Meyer was going ahead with plans although the contract is yet to be negotiated. There is a need for soil borings and a site survey. President Bezanson, after much discussion of the proposed FY 1980 budget, recommended three points: 1) staff resources needed to support planning for a new building and automation; 2) staff re- sources needed for computer conversion; and 3) the possibility of ilonger hours four months after computer conversion (hopefully January, 1980). He said it was important to make the point that an already understaffed service cannot take on the tasks of plan- ning a new building and conversion to automated systems without some additional resources. The Board approved the proposed budget with the recommendation that all additional staff be added for the full fiscal year. Richerson/Bartley. The Board adopted theproposedpolicy on displays and the waiver of liability form for items displayed. Newsome/Richerson. The President stated the need for.the Board to organize around an efficient decision-making Building Committee. He outlined,a structure which would divide the Board into three Building Committees. Board members were asked to consider this proposal and give him feedback. The Director requested Board approval to use some of the remaining library planning funds for personnel to aid in new building planning through this fiscal year and to use up to $2000 to employ an AV consultant to work with Connie Tiffany on the building and equip- ment plans and specifications. The Board approved the request. Newsome/Ostedgaard. A Special Board meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, at 4:15 in the Auditorium. The meeting was adjourned at 10:23 PM. Kirkman/Bartley. Respectfully submitted, QQ Susan McGuire Recording Secretary MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 140PIES ("1 DIRECTOR'S REPORT LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING November 16, 1978 Referendum wrap -u The letters, flowers, telegrams, telephone calls and personal congratulations continue to flow in. Library users seem to be enthusiastic and excited about the prospect of the new building. I think it is important that we continue to keep the public informed' of the plans and progress towards the new library. We will bring together all the clippings and handouts from the campaign in some kind of scrapbook and give each Board member a copy. In my opinion not enough things have been said about the impor- tance of the contribution made by the Library Board to the success of the referendum. Each of you spent hundreds of hours in planning meetings, on the phone, speaking before groups, delivering brochures,, raising money and talking to residents personally at your job, at social affairs and meetings, at the M011, even on street corners. i The staff and I are very proud of you and very pleased to be working with you. Automation Donna McBride of CLSI will be here on Wednesday, November 22 (note: date has been changed to Thursday November 30) to demon- strate the public catalog terminal of the LIBS100 system. We will be negotiating a contract with them soon so should plan on a Board meeting to review the plan, the system and the company. Information and Referral/Cable TV The reports from Carol Spaziani on Information and Referral and from Connie Tiffany on Cable TV should help bring you up-to-date on two matters that could have long-range implications for the library. There are many expanded information services that the library could provide. They would be closely related to what we are already doing and to the Board's long-range goals and are needed by the community. We should be ready to prepare a proposal to get new kinds of monies to fund them if the opportunity arises, or to try to pre- vent the city from funding a new agency to do what we may be able to do more effectively at less cost. Gearing up for Planning a New Library for Everyone The tasks that now face the staff (and the Board) are monumental. All the planning which we couldn't afford to spend time on until we had a successful vote must now be scrunched into a few short weeks. With your approval I will be using the balance of the li- brary planning money to increase the time available to the staff to spend on library -planning matters. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING November 21, 1978 4:30 PM AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT: Bartley, Bezanson, Farber, Kirkman, Newsome, Ostedgaard, Richerson MEMBERS ABSENT: Hyman, Moore STAFF PRESENT: Eggers, Ingersoll, Tiffany, McGuire OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Burrow of KXIC Summary of Discussion: The meeting was convened at 4:37 PM by President Bezanson. Kirkman gave a'presentation of planning steps for the new building which need to be considered by the.Board. He empha- sized the need to give continued satisfaction ,to a broad base Of community users. He said that future needs must take priority over current fads. He felt very strongly about the importance of the design development phase. i President Bezanson said the purpose of this meeting is to determine the internal organization of the Board. A legal authority structure is needed for decision making. Anqie Ryan will be the Board's legal City representative. The entire Board is the legal authority, but may delegate authority to its Committees. These committees however, bear responsibility to bring matters to the attention of the entire Boardwhen necessary.. A good indica- tion of this necessity would be if a committee,could not reach 'a concensus. There will be three building committees structured as follows: A. Building Committee Nl (Planning & Construction of PhysicalPlant) 1. Bezanson (chair) 2. Moore 3. Kirkman 4. City representative (City Mgr.) 5. Eggers This committee will be the parent committee to the other two and will perhaps carry the greatest authority. It will meet on a regular basis, at least every week or two. The first meeting scheduled is for Wednesday, December 6, at 4:15 PM in the Director's Office. r - MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIRES MINUTES - Libr^• Board Special Meeting, 11-21-78 Page 2 B. Building Committee #2 (Equipment, Furnishings, Service & Policy Changes) 1. Richerson (chair) 2. Ostedgaard 3. Kirkman (liaison with Committee #1) 4. Farber 5. Eggers The first immediate consideration for this committee will be to set up criteria for deciding whether to hire the Library Consul- tant (Rohlf) or HLM as the Interior Designer. This committee was instructed also to be aware of the importance Of staff input and of the need to work closely with the Director or other staff representatives as needed. A first meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, at 4:30 PM in the Director's Office. C.. Building Committee #3 (Private Gifts & Public Information) 1. Bartleyo(chair) 2.: Newsome ;3. Hyman 4.' Farber (liaison with Committee #2) 5. Eggers This''committee is to generate a set of ideas of programs and special needs for which further funding and support would be necessary. A`first meeting was scheduled for Monday, November at4:30 PM in the Director's Office. A suggestion was made that the FRIENDS Of ICPL be offered representation on Committee #3. The President said that voting members should be Board members but that each Chairperson would decide on other representation, and would coordinate all matters with the Director. The:Board decided to authorize these three Building Committees to exercise -such authority as is necessary to carrying out their responsibilities in their assigned areas, with due regard to, the full Board's responsibility for basic policy decisions. Bartley/ Newsome. If legal questions arise,_.either Bartley,or..Bezanson should be consulted. - The Board voted to authorize the hiring of an Audiovisual Consul- tant; Dr. Harry A. Herbert, with payment not to exceed $2000. Kirkman/Bartley. The Board voted to reschedule their Regular Meeting in December to Tuesday, December 19, at 4:15 PM in the Auditorium. Kirkman/ Richerson. r - FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 140114ES r) MINUTES - Library Board Special Meeting, 11-21-78 Page 3 A suggestion was made that future Library Board and Committee imeetings be taped. i The meeting was adjourned at 5:47 PM. Farber/Newsome. Respectfully submitted, I i KLn 6u Susan McGu re, Recor ing Secretary I MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES MINUTES or HOUSING COfM4ISSION December 6, 1978 Crnmission Members Present: Klaus, Owens, Graham, Smithey Staff Present: Seydel, Sheets, Flinn, Kucharzak Guest: Eleanor Guzzio, Hanes, Inc. I. M1NUPES: Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved (4/0). II. COORDIIIATOR'S REPORT: There were 325 units under lease in November. As of December 1 we paid rent on 328 units, and it is anticipated that there will be 2 late starts. Public 11ousing - Looking better at this time. Have owner-siqned options for 23 units plus city -owned sites for 11 units. Have Council approval to submit two other city -owned sites which are low -priority sites do to location in flood plain. Have identified sufficient sites for 48 units and will submit all to HUD by end of next week. Vital House - Have final camtitment on mortgage. hopefully will have building permit and pilings in by end of December. Ecumenical Housing - still working on air rights. Legal Notice to Families who Lived in Public Housing Projects operated by the Iowa City Housing Authority or lived in public housing projects in any other city between March 16, 1971/September 26, 1975. Commission members apprised of foregoing legal notice from I=. Notice published in Press -Citizen December 4, 1978 and posted per Court Order as well as letters and Notice anCt Claim Forms sent to eligible tenants. Release of Names to School District - Annual report to School District includingnammes of children, addresses, age of those livinri blic housing. Local school district receives an allocation for each pchild enrolled in that district. Klaus moved Lyle be authorized to release required information to the school district; second by Owens. Notion carried 3/1 (Graham dissenting). III. Housing po_ licy plan Status Report by Sue Sheets - Commission advised by Sheets that HUp in Kansas City has already approved Housing Policy Plan. East Central requesting updates for political acceptance; only required to update biannually. Should direct efforts now to whether or not to put together Housing opportunity Plan, Performance Report and Housing Assis- tance Plan. Deadline for this years Housing Opportunity Plan ends January 19, 1979 which precludes one for this year, but should consider for next year. j Performance Report will be discussed with Chair table in Housing Assistance Plan which deals withman. Are changing fourth appropriate locations for construction and rehabilitation for housing. r MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 140114ES i i Housing Commission 12-6-78 Page 2 V. Hanes, Inc. Report by Eleanor Cuzzio - Goal: Adequate code level housing at prices people can afford. Program includes following: 1) Rental (lousing (counseling/mediation service), 2) Home Mainten- ance & Repair Counseling Service, 3) Home Ownership: Integrated program of Counseling, Acquisition, mortgage money, maintenance I skills and utilization of rehab credit for dompayment. 4) Central Clearinghouse for locating units and emergency housing. I VI. Report - Director of Housing & Inspection Services, Mike Kucharzak: Kucharzak reported that Council had appointed a new member to the Commission namely Doug Hillstrom to fill vacancy. Kucharzak distributed Memo to City Manager and City Council regarding Rehabilitation Program Changes and discussed recommendations contained therein. Commission input requested regarding Commission serving as Task Force to Rehabilitation Program or reactivation of Advisory Commit- tee. Concensus of Camnission to proceed with Task Force comprised of members of Cammission and recipients with recommendations presented to Housing Commission for action. Graham and Klaus will represent Commis- sion. Questions were raised regarding suggested modification of Housing Code as it pertains to 1) Model Lease and 2) Check -lists for tenants. VII. CCN Report - Owens reported 1) No formal decision from Council on allocations, 2) Meeting set for 18th, 3) Small Cities Grant Program involves Armory Neighborhood project, and 4) sub-camnittees are sup- posed to monitor monthly utilization of. Block Grant Funds. Will re- port further at next Commission meeting. VII. Housinq Policy Plan - Graham suggested making a presentation to City Council regarding update of Housing Policy Plan and reoommendating action that might be taken. Graham will contact Sheets and coordinate with her report to Council. Coordinator's Office requested to attempt to secure additional copies of Housing Policy Plan for each Council member. VIII. Chairman's Report - Chairman Smithey reported briefly on the NAHRO Convention in Seattle. He reported most important benefit was "rubbing elbows" with people in the same line of work, other commission members, etc. That the conflict between HEN and HUD was discussed with many concurring that Housing is a major social problem. IX. Adjournment - moved by Graham, seconded by (hens. Approved 3/0. Approved by: Jerald w. Smithey, Chairperson U MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES k, MINUTES FOR PUBLIC MEETING COMMI'T'TEE ON C=4UNITY NEEDS RALSTON CREEK COORDINATING COMMITTEE ARMORY .AREA RESIDENTS JANUARY 3, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS MEMBERS PRESENT:. Owens, Horton, Hall, Swisher, McCormick RALSTON CREEK COORDINATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Kavanaugh, Hall STAFF PRESENT: Vann, Kraft, Keating, Martzahn, Milkman, Conklin i ARMORY NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS: 11 GUESTS: Larry Padgett, Ed Brinton, Shoemaker Haaland SUDAIARY OF DISCUSSION: George Swisher, Chairperson for the Committee on Community Needs, brought the meeting to order. Swisher explained to the audience the role of CCN and how the members were appointed. He.stated the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposals for improvements in the Armory area with citizens, and to answer any questions they might have. Julie Vann and Dennis Kraft were present to explain the preliminary proposals for the Small Cities Grant funding. Kraft explained the three year time table, the boundaries of the Armory area and the improvements which are intended to be made. Ile indicated that these were preliminary proposals not yet approved by the City Council Kraft explained four cumulative levels of improvements to provide a solution for the Ralston Creek flooding as follows: N1 - to acquire the badly deteriorated structures in the area, N2 - to make 'improvementsof the Ralston Creek channel (closure of Benton Street is neccessary for this level), M3 - to reconstruct the culvert and raise the elevation of Benton Street (this would - allow -Benton Street to remain open), Hq - the redevelopment of•the entire block between Benton and Kirkwood Streets (each level of improvement includes the projects in the previous level). Ed Brinton, for Shoemaker-Haaland Engineers explained the consultants recommend- ations for improvements to Ralston Creek. The two main reasons for flooding are the narrowness of the outlet channel and the low level of the Armory area land around the creek. Improvements would include widening the creek channel to improve the outlet flow, building a new railroad trestle to elevate the railroad further and the removal of the culvert on Benton Street to help ( widen the channel Vann noted there are five project goals and costs: acquisition, relocation, demolition and clearance, Ralston Creek improvements, and administration. She also explained the relocation benefits. George Swisher introduced the members of the Committee on Community Needs, and the Ralston Creek Coordinating Committee. He then asked for questions or comments from the audience. Ron Johnson asked if the program would be put into effect if not all the money was allocated. Vann said up to $2,000,000 was available, but if not all the money was allocated, priorities for improvements would have to be chosen. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES 9 R A MINUTES FOR PUBLIC MELTING JANUARY 3, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS PAGE 2 I Johnson felt the private sector could build up the neighborhood. Vann commented that many people were not financially able to develop the area. Dick Callahan inquired how far west the creek bed was going to be moved. Brinton answered that the west creek bank (not the creek bed) would be moved less than 100 feet. Callahan then stated he felt the project was worthwhile and it was time to get something accomplished to alleviate the flooding problem. He thought the solutions were great. Bruce Glasgow wondered if new construction in the Armory area would be allowed while the application was pending. Kraft commented that at this time the topic had not been discussed. Glasgow asked if the Small Cities project would be under the Storm Water Management Ordinance. Kraft said he assumed the project would be, but he would check with Gene Dietz, the City Engineer, and would provide a definite answer at a later date. Glasgow inquired what would be done with the land acquired by the City after the improvements are made. Kraft said the land would be sold and the money would revert back to the Block Grant Program. Johnson wondered if the City would take only a portion of some lots. Kraft responded that the City would not create unuseable property, therefore, the entire .lot :would be purchased and he added it would be doubtful if previous property owners would retain the same land they sold. Glasgow wondered whether I property owners could retain title to property being cleared and filled. Kraft said he would look into this matter. Marie, Alexander questioned if actual houses could be relocated. Vann explained if the structure was strong enough to be moved it would be an alternative to demolition. However, it would be less complicated if the staff helped the residents find replacement housing and the resident receive relocation payments. I Glasgow rC4uested the extension of the storm sewer on lot 22 in the Armory area to the creek. Vann explained the Small Cities pre -application document was available at the City Clerk's office and at the Public Library. City Council will hold a Public +I Hearing on January 9 to receive comments from the citizens concerning the Small Cities proposals. Vann asked citizens present to aid the staff in correcting any errors of ownership and to update information on the maps. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. � i Julie Conklin, senior Clerk Typist MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES E 1 L9)0\ r ,7 MINUTES IOWA CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RECREATION CENTER ROOM B DECEMBER 6, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: Berry, Boutelle, Cilek, Crum, Hayek, Hillman, McLaughlin, Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: Thayer STAFF PRESENT: Bowlin, Howell, Lee, Showalter GUESTS: Mary Abboud, Mark Jones, Al Knudsen, Tab Ray RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL: 1. That the Public Library parking lot be preserved as public parking. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTION TAKEN: The Iowa City Parks and Recreation Commission met in Regular Session on December 6 with Chairperson Boutelle presiding. The minutes of the November 8 meeting were approved. �. Committee appointments. Boutelle made the following committee appointments for 1979: Riverfront Commission, Jim Berry; Ralston Creek Coordinating Committee, Betsy Hillman; Committee on 1, ,Community Needs, Trudy Ward. Boutelle announced that there would be a joint meeting on January 10 with the Riverfront Commission for approximately one hour to discuss future plans, capital improvements, etc. I, Miscellaneous discussion L Showalter announced that the Solnar property, 40' x 120', had been purchased as an addition to Reno Park. He said that the budget hadn't been finalized yet and that it would be discussed at the January meeting but didn't foresee any problems. Lee announced that a 20 person delegation from the Waterloo Recreation Commission had visited the Recreation Center on December 4. They are making plans to expand their Recreation Center. Discussion of the Recreation Center parking lot. Assistant City Attorney Bob Bowlin was present to discuss the Recreation Center parking lot. He went into the past history of the parcel and the recent court ruling. The future of the Public Library parking lot was also discussed with * Staff stating that many Recreation Center users park in the lot. McLaughlin moved and Cilek seconded the following recommendation to the City Council: That the Public Library parking lot be preserved as public parking. Unanimous. • MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB, CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES 10 r I i is I` i L Showalter announced that the Solnar property, 40' x 120', had been purchased as an addition to Reno Park. He said that the budget hadn't been finalized yet and that it would be discussed at the January meeting but didn't foresee any problems. Lee announced that a 20 person delegation from the Waterloo Recreation Commission had visited the Recreation Center on December 4. They are making plans to expand their Recreation Center. Discussion of the Recreation Center parking lot. Assistant City Attorney Bob Bowlin was present to discuss the Recreation Center parking lot. He went into the past history of the parcel and the recent court ruling. The future of the Public Library parking lot was also discussed with * Staff stating that many Recreation Center users park in the lot. McLaughlin moved and Cilek seconded the following recommendation to the City Council: That the Public Library parking lot be preserved as public parking. Unanimous. • MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB, CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES 10 1 Minutes December 6, 1978 Page 2 I� Discussion of Sturgis Ferry Park. Bowlin then discussed the Sturgis Ferry Park situation giving past history, etc. Showalter reported a conversation with Mary Hartwig in which Hartwig said they were no longer interested in leasing any land in the Sturgis Ferry area on the east side of Highway 218. i Distribution of pool report. Bob Lee passed out a pool expenditure report comparing 1978 with 1977. The.meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �i1Clo � r, Dennisllen., E. .,'Floowalter Ellen R..;Flowers, Secretary Xil MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES IIOIRES