HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-16 Bd Comm. MinutesMINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1978 4:15 PM AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT: Bezanson, Farber, Hyman, Kirkman, Moore, Ostedgaard, Richerson MEMBERS ABSENT: Bartley, Newsome STAFF PRESENT: Eggers, Craig, Ingersoll, McGuire, Spaziani OTHERS PRESENT:. Carol de Prosse, Donna McBride, repre- sentative of CL Systems Incorporated (CLSI) Summary of Discussion The meeting was convened at 4:27 PM by President Bezanson. The Board presented Carol de Prosse with an engraved pendant as a gift of appreciation of her work as the referendum campaign chairperson. Minutes of the November 16 Regular Meeting and the November 21 Special Meeting were approved. Kirkman/Ostedgaard. The December disbursements were approved. Kirkman/Ostedgaard. Director's Report attached. The Board authorized the signature of Board President on the collective bargaining agreement Letter of Understanding regarding scheduling policy at public service desks.: It will go into effect January 1, 1979, and will allow preference in staff scheduling based on seniority. Hyman/Moore No President's Report. Building Committee #3 reported that they met with Darrell Wyrick, Director of the University of Iowa Foundation on December 15, 1978. He recommended attempting to get large private gifts for specific new building needs and felt that one or two large gifts were the best publicity for getting other gifts if the need for the items were well presented to the prospects. Wyrick offered to continue in the role as consul- tant to the committee. Building Committee #2 recommended that Robert Rohlf, Library Consultant, be hired in some capacity as an interiors consultant, either independently as per his proposal or in some relationship worked out between Hansen Lind Meyer and Rohlf. The recommenda- tion was based on Rohlf's expertise and experience. M MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIIIES MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING - December 19, 1978 PAGE 2 Donna McBride, CLSI representative, fielded questions from the Board regarding the CLSI computerized circulation system. Director Eggers and she met with Gary Wicklund, a University of Iowa College of Business professor and consultant in small com- puter systems earlier the same day. Wicklund approved of the contract and the system, and offered to confer with the legal department in any specific item in the contract. Eggers was commended for her written report to the Board. There was some discussion regarding the maintenance terms of the CLSI contract. Donna said the "up" time national average is 96% and that 85% of the maintenance calls are software prob- lems resolved via telephone. The Director recommended the laser/scanner over the light pin device. The Board approved a motion that would give Bezanson and Moore the authority to sign a contract with CLSI on behalf of the Board subject to review by the City's Legal Department if there were no material changes in price or terms of contract. Richerson/Farber. Approved, 6-1, Hyman opposed. After discussion the Board approved the following resolution regarding a contract for architectural services between Hansen Lind Meyer and the Iowa City Public Library Board of Trustees: Resolved: that the Iowa City Library Board of Trustees authorize Randall Bezanson, President, and Roz Moore, Vice President, to sign on behalf of the Board a contract for i architectural services with Hansen Lind Meyer, as long as the terms of the contract are substantially the same as those contained in the draft contract appended hereto, including the following: that the total cost of architectural ser- vices provided in the contract, including basic services, interior design, graphics, and cost estimation, but excluding other additional services provided as options in the con- tract, not exceed $202,500.00, net of $5,000.00 payments already made to the architect; that the Board have an option to separately contract for interior design services with a reduction in total price of not less than $13,000.00; and that the Board have an option to separately 'contract for j cost extimating services, with a reduction in total price of not less than 34,000.00. The authority granted herein shall terminate on Jar)uary 5, 1979. Kirkman/Hyman. See attached for copy of Draft Contract. The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM. Respectfully /submitted, .�11 �l C1(,GU:R� Susan McGuire Recording Secretary MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES IIOIIIES DIRECTOR'S REPORT LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING December 19, 1978 Personnel Two relatively long-term employees resigned this month: Steve Grove, Circulation; Tom Lunkley, Serials. Valeria Gogel after 10 years in the Children's department has transferred to the Circulation department and Nancy Rowley, a work/study employee in Information has taken the opening in Children's. Roger Pepple transferred from Circulation clerk to shelving aide. Grant Appli_ c_ a_ tion We are completing work on the 2 -year $77,000 grant appli- cation to the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education administered by HEW. The preliminary proposal is due 1-9-79 and we will know by 2-16-79 if we will be invited to submit a full proposal. The purpose of the pro- ject is to provide a field test of innovative access modes for audiovisual resources in public libraries, especially to improve access to life-long learning and information resources for people characterized as print -disadvantaged because of physical, mental, social or usage barriers. It includes the purchase of a substantial amount of audio- visual materials and equipment to supplement that scheduled for equipping the new library. Senator Culver's office has been working with us on this application. Connie Tiffany is the principal author of the grant and would be the project director. Side Letter to Union Contract The letter of understanding regarding scheduling of library personnel at public service desks agreed to in the contract i has been negotiated and is ready for signature by the Library Board President. This is a procedure which allows I the most senior person in the department to have first choice when making evening and weekend schedules. The regular schedule will be revised three times a year.-- the same as I in the past. The procedure provides an equitable way to set up the schedule without endangering the supervisor's right to decide basic staffing needs and policies. I MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 14011JE5 MINUTES COUNCIL OF ELDERS MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: Myldred Strong, Miriam Tompson, Lawrence Carlton, Ruth Muer, Leo Cain, Don Shaeffer, Huck Roberts, Lee Poynter, Agnes Kuhn, Marsha Musgrove, Cora Pollock MEMBERS ABSENT: Wilma Kincaid, Alvin Logan, Grace Lane, Jeanette Moore, Bertha Harms, Judy West STAFF PRESENT: Bette Meisel GUESTS: Mary Rock, Gladys Scott, Kay Cain, Jeanne Snow, Tim Braddow, Joann Lewis, Linda Hirsch The meeting was called to order by President Cora Pollock at 1:40 P.M. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. REVIEW OF MEETING WITH NEAL BERLIN, CITY MANAGER Through discussion a better understanding of the procedures was gained. A fuller understanding between the agencies and the City was accom- plished. Many problem areas were cleared. A concern was expressed at: 1. The seeming contradiction between the City's desire on the one hand to be solely in the position of landlord and on the other their intention to monitor programs as to need and quality. 2. The fact that the director of the Senior Center would be respon- sible to a Senior Center board and to the Director of Parks and Recreation. It was felt that the interests and perspective of the two groups might be different enough to cause confusion and dissat- isfaction on the part of the users of the center. 3. The failure in communication between the City and the service providers. The service providers felt that they had been asked if they would like to have space in the center, but had never been told that they would have space there. 4. The lack of assurance that provision would be made for possible expansion of space through the addition of a mezzanine at a later date. STANDING RULES OF THE COUNCIL OF ELDERS Presentation was made of a preliminary draft of the Standing Rules. Discussion involved clarification of the purpose and meaning of the rules. Points discussed were: i MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES ;A j 1. If the service providers had their own group at the center would they, or should they, also be represented on the Council of Elders. 2. Should there be more effort made to encourage other cities in the 1 county to be represented on the Council of Elders. 3. Should membership continue to be representatives of organized groups or should it consist of interested elderly people who are not necessarily representing a particular group. 4. Should those -eligible to vote for the Council of Elders slate be anyone who is retired or people aged 60 or above. Further discussion, and possible changes in the rules, will occur at the January meeting. Final approval to occur by vote at the February meeting. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR THE DIRECTOR OF THE SENIOR CENTER Suggested job descriptions for the director and program supervisor which had appeared to the Title V and Title III grants were distributed. Members were asked to consider these and to make recommendations at the January meeting concerning the qualities, training, duties, etc. they consider appropriate. Respectfully submitted, Lawrence Carlton, Acting Secretary. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MONIES LO Cb o_` v cl q 3 0 N b UNITED ACTION FOR YOUTH BOARD MINUTES November B. 1978 5815 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENTS Dennis Hedges) Al Bohananq Tom Conway, Mary Larew, Roberta Patrick, Jeff SchabiIion (by proxy) MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Rose, Karen Sixt, Hanne Rierholaer, Selma Connors, John Jenks STAFF PRESENT: Scott Hayward, Ethan Fox, Craig Engel, Susan Duval Jean Grabam, Larry Schmidt, Jim Swaim, Peg McElroy VISITCBSs Neal E4;rris The meeting was called to order at 5:30 by president Mary Larew, who introduced to the board Neal Moriis, a consultant at the Psychiatric Hospital and a prospective board member. The previous minutes were amended to include the appointment to the finance committee of Mary, Jeff, A1, and Jim. The minutes were then approved with Al moving and Tom ascending. The question Of who receives UAY board minutes was discussed. Tom moved that the Coralville mayor should receive a copy along with the monthly reports. Al seconded and the motion was passed. Dennis then moved to approve the September service report, Roberta seconded and it was passed. Tom moved to approve the September and October finance reports, Al seconded and it also was passed. Peg, the UAY accountant, gave a report on John Seward's recommendations included in the audit which read as follows: "1) Bank statements were reconciled monthly, but the cash balance per books wasn't adjusted for July through September, 1977 to the reconciled book balance. The Purpose of' -the bank reconciliation is to not only detect errors on the bank's records, but to also detect errors in the recording of receipts and disbursements per books. Any necessary ahjustments should be made when the bank statements are reconciled. 2) Currently expenses and recipte are being kept in one general ledger and adjusting entries are used to record the expenditure and receipt of funds from the specific grants. Subsidiary ledgers for each grant should be main - tined and all receipts and expenses should be reorded directly into theme ledgers as they occur. " These recommendations have been implemented. There was extensive discussion of Peg's report concerning the refund Of F.I.C.A. for the third and fourth quarters of calender 1977v P�' 78, The remaining $829.74 principle amount (employer's share) will be united action for youth alternatives for young people MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES I101NES V BOARD MINUTES - uAY -2- Nov. 8, 1978 Iretained in the UAY operating fund for the specified use as staff development funds. Al made the motion, Dermis seconded, and it I b passed unanimously. Jean gave a brief report on the Young Arts Workshop. r` pRoberts reported on the Open House progress and will contact other board members for help with refreshments. It was also reported that about 75 invitations have been sent out and a 15 minute show about the Arts Workshop will be broadcast on XXIC Sunday. 0` Ethan reported that he was invited to a national symposium in Wahington D.C. the first week in December. He was invited to evaluate the symposium by the director of Headrest, a runaway O service in California. 11 N Jim reported on possible membership in the National Network of N Runaway and Youth Services. He will pursue further and report back. LO Dae to the time needed to deal with Fy 80 programs and budgets, 3 a special meeting will be called within the next two weeks. Board members will be notified of the exact time. O The meeting was adjourned at 6s45 p.m. r r Respectfully submitted, U Dennis Hedges, Secretary 3 DAY Board of Directors O wAio �} Cs O, CC) X , O .0 united action for youth alternatives for young people MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES IIOINES MI NU ES IOWA CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 21, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Vetter, Blum, Cain, Jakobsen, Kammermeyer, Ogeson MEMBERS ABSENT: Lehman STAFF PRESENT: Boothroy, Conklin, Ryan, Brachtel i RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL: 1. 5-7840. That the final plat of Meadeville Subdivision located two miles southwest of the City limits on Rohret Road be approved. 2. That the vacation and disposition of Harrison Street from the westerly right-of-way of Capitol Street to the easterly right-of-way of Madison Street be approved. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: The minutes of December 7, 1978 were adopted as amended unanimously. 5-7836. Public discussion of the preliminary Planned Area Development Plan and plat of Court Hill -Scott Boulevard, Part 7, located northeast of Amhurst Street and west of Scott Boulevard; 45 -day limitation period: waived, 60 -day limitation period: waived. Blum asked if anyone present wished to comment on this item. Harold Hansen, 159 Oberlin, objected to running the traffic from the 16 multi- family units onto Oberlin Street. Hansen felt Oberlin Street was too narrow i for this amount of traffic. Jerry Zinn, 150 Oberlin, said there is neighborhood support for this type of development but that the neighbors had a great deal of concern about traffic being dumped onto Oberlin (a local street) and wished to see the traffic routed to Scott Boulevard. A question was raised as to why the traffic could not be routed to Scott I Boulevard. Blum commented that Scott Boulevard was a secondary arterial street which calls for access in a manner that is limited. To allow private drives to access Scott Boulevard would be inconsistant with the Comprehensive Plan and the City Council policy. Loren Hershberger, Hallmark Homes, presented to the Commission a notarized petition signed by the neighborhood residents to request traffic be routed to Scott Boulevard. There being no further discussion or action, Blum recommended this item be placed on the agenda for action at the January 4 meeting with the understanding that the staff will put it on the City Council agenda for the January 9 meeting. i i 5-7840. Public discussion of the final plat of Meadeville Subdivision located 9z MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES 1101HES 0 MINUTES IOWA CI'T'Y PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 21, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. PAGE 2 two miles southwest of the City limits on Rohret Road; 45 -day limitation period: 1/18/79, 60 -day limitation period: 2/2/79. Blum asked if anyone present would like to discuss this item. Boothroy said the staff Recommended the subdivision be approved subject to the signatures and the revision of the legal papers. Boothroy noted the only change was lot lines 4 4 5 were moved for better placement of the septic tank systems. The Commission recommended to the City Council the approval of 5-7840 with the provisions that the proper signatures are affixed and that the legal papers are revised. Unanimously approved, 6-0. Discussion of the vacation and disposition of Harrison Street from the westerly right-of-way of Capitol Street to the easterly right-of-way of Madison Street. Blum said the Commission previously approved the vacation of Capitol Street and the Board of Regents approved a property change between the University and the County. The Commission agreed that the vacation of Harrison Street was a better alternative to the vacation of Capitol Street. Blum asked for comments from persons present. Cain asked if action should be taken to rescind previous action taken. It was unanimously approved, 6-0, to recommend to the City Council the vacation and dedication to the County and then the University, the portion of Harrison Street from the westerly right-of-way of Capitol Street to the easterly right- of-way of Madison Street. (Ogesen moved to rescind the previous recommendation I of vacation of Capitol Street, Jakobsen seconded, unanimously approved, 6-0.) OTHER BUSINESS: I Discussion of the closure of Melrose Court. Blum explained to the audience the responsibilities of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the order of a public discussion. Mark WOlraich, 410 Melrose Court, felt the memo from Jim Brachtel did not mention Melrose Court was a hazard to both motorists and pedestrians. He felt that although the closure of Melrose Court would cause additional traffic on nearby streets, it would not be as hazardous. Another problem, he said, would be discontinued use of a southerly access to the nthlot.ic events nt the University of Iowa, however, an alternative route could be Riversido and Grand. Wolraich strongly encourages the closing of Melrose Court. Mrs. Bergmann, 124 Grand Avenue Court, supports the building of a Melrose Diagonal. jMr. Bergmann, 124 Grand Avenue Court, felt the University should share in the expense if the diagonal is built. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES MINUTES PLANNING AND Z014ING COMMISSION DECEMBER 21, 1978 -- 7:30 P.M. PAGE 3 Janet Hoffey, 350 Melrose, asked what the traffic impact of closing Melrose Court would have on surrounding streets. Jim McKrager, asked if the City Council will make a decision to close Melrose Court before another alternative route is established. Blum stated there has been no decision at this time. McKrager questioned the methodology of the Traffic Engineer's report. He felt the Commission should be informed as to the basis on which the assumptions were made with the report. He also felt the tables in the report were not clear and asked that they be clarified for everyone. .Jim Brachtel, City Traffic Engineer, explained the report to the Commission and the audience. Paul Huston, 223 leucon Drive, said he did not want the traffic to be diverted to Lucon Drive. Ile suggested an alternative route by connecting Byington South to Myrtle Street. Leo Baughtenback, wanted to know if the Commission had received the traffic report of 9/14/78 because he felt the traffic was not bumper to bumper and therefore not as hazardous. At this time the Commission had not received the report. John Redick, 402 Brookland Place, supported the closing of Melrose Court only if traffic did not precipitate pressure on Brookland. Ile said connecting Brookland Drive to Lucon Drive would not solve the Melrose Court problem. Helen Brom, 409 Melrose Court, supported the closing of Melrose Court and asked for a clarification of the Planning and Zoning Commission's responsibilities regarding the closing of Melrose Court. Blum responded saying that safety is a factor that is taken into consideration by the Commission when it looks at street patterns, but that their primary concern was with the overall problem of traffic circulation in the area. A question was raised as to when action would be taken on this matter and if a river crossing would be built. Blum said January 4, 1979 action will be taken but at present there were no plans for a river crossing. Another question asked was if the Commission could give any facts of the DOT's five year plan on the University's property. Blum said the Commission could not respond at this time, but if there were complaints concerning the DOT plan they were to be directed to the State Board of Regents. Cain asked to receive copies of the letters, traffic count report and memo of October 2 which went to the City Council prior to the next regular meeting. Don Schmeiser, Senior Planner, was present to report to the Commission on the progress of the Zoning Ordinance. Ile also told the Commission the staff Intended to complete the new Zoning Ordinance before submitting it to the Commission for their review. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOIRES MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 21, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. PAGE 4 Cain suggested writing a letter to the University of Illinois to inform them no one from the Iowa City Planning and Zoning Commission could attend their conference (North Central Regional Development in Iowa) because of a policy adopted by the Iowa City City Council which prohibits travel to states which have not passed the ERA. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Written by: Approved by: MINUTES i IOWA CITY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 4, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Blum, Cain, Jakobsen, Kammermeyer, Lehman MEMBERS ABSENT: Ogesen, Vetter I STAFF PRESENT: Boothroy, Ryan, Schmeiser, Wilkinson RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL: 1. S-7814. That the preliminary plat of Regency Gardens, Part I, located west of Mark IV Apartments and south of the Westwinds development be approved. i j 2. S-7836. That the preliminary Planned Area Development Plan and plat of Court Hill -Scott Boulevard, Part 7, located northeast of Amhurst Street and west of Scott Boulevard be approved, 3. S-7838. That the preliminary and final Large Scale Non -Residential Development plan of Lot 2 of BDI First Addition be approved contingent to an additional fire hydrant being included on the western side of the property. 4. S-7842. That the final plat of Woodland Hill, Part II, located one and one half miles north of the Iowa City corporate limits and east of Highway 1 via a county road be approved subject to the following contingencies: (1) that the 50 -foot utility easement be deleted; (2) that the signatures of the utility companies and the Registered Land Surveyor be provided; (3) that the street requirements of the rural development standards be waived; and (4) that the legal papers be revised. REQUESTS TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR INFORMATION OR STAFF ASSISTANCE: I. That the Planning and Program Development staff, as well as the Public Works and Transit staff, review Mr. Blum's proposal regarding the Melrose Avenue traffic problems; and that the University be contacted regarding this problem. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN: Blum called the meeting to order and asked if anyone present wished to discuss any item not included on the agenda. No one responded. Blum then called for consideration of the minutes of the meeting of December 21, 1978. Because the minutes that were mailed to the Commissioners had not been reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary, Blum suggested that action on these minutes be deferred until the next meeting. This suggestion met with the approval of the Commission. IM MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES FIOI:IES Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1979 Page 2 S-7814. Public discussion of a preliminary plat of Regency Gardens, Part I, located west of Mark IV Apartments and south of the Westwinds development; 45 -day limitation period: waived, 60 -day limitation period: waived. Boothroy presented an overlay of the area and explained that the deficiencies and discrepancies listed in the Staff Report have now been corrected and that the staff recommends approval. In answer to a question regarding the size of the lots, he stated that the lots would be large enough to accommodate a tri-plex unit. There being no further discussion of this item, Blum called for a vote on the item. The vote was unanimous with all Commissioners present in favor of approval. S-7836. Public discussion of the preliminary Planned Area Development Plan and plat of Court Hill -Scott Boulevard, Part 7, located northeast of Amhurst Street and west of Scott Boulevard; 45 -day limitation period: waived, 60 -day limitation period: waived. Boothroy presented an overlay of the area and stated that the plan has been revised. He explained that the overlay did not show the revised streets but that the revised plan was basically the same. Blum expressed concern regarding the amount of traffic that would be generated by i rental units versus traffic generated by single family units. Boothroy stated that while there would be some difference in the amount of traffic generated he didn't think that difference would be too significant. Jakobsen asked for clarification of the legal opinion presented in the memo from Angela Ryan. Ryan explained that the City has the authority to require the developer to assume the costs of the subdivision as it relates specifically to his activity but that the City could not require him to assume the costs of a secondary arterial. Bruce Glasgow, the developer, stated that he would still like to have access from the apartments to Scott Boulevard. There being no further discussion on this item, Blum called for a vote on S-7836. Approval of the preliminary PAD plan and plat of Court Hill -Scott Boulevard, Part 7, was unanimous. S-7842. Public discussion of a final plat of Woodland Hill, Part II, located one and one half miles north of the Iowa City corporate limits and east of Highway 1 via a county road; 45 -day limitation period: 1/29/79, 60 -day limitation period: 2/13/79. Boothroy presented an overlay of the area, explaining that the technical problems have been corrected. He stated, however, that the signatures of the utility companies still need to be provided and that the legal papers are still being revised. He further stated that the approval of the plat should be subject to a waiver of the street requirements of the rural development standards. Blum asked if anyone present wished to discuss this item. Dale Sanderson, attorney MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES :4o RTES Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1979 Page 3 for the subdivider, asked several questions regarding the stormwater detention facilities. Specifically, he was concerned with whose responsibility the maintenance of such facilities was and who was liable in case of accidents or drownings. Blum stated that the Commission felt that if the subdivider assumed the expense for constructing the facilities that the subdivider should be responsible for its maintenance. He further suggested that Mr. Sanderson take his concerns regarding the stormwater detention facilities to the City Council. Blum called for a vote on the final plat of Woodland Hill, Part II, subject to the following contingencies: (1) that the 50 -foot utility easement be deleted; (2) that the signatures of the utility companies and the Registered Land Surveyor be provided; (3) that the street requirements of the rural development standards be waived; and (4) that the legal papers be revised. Commissioners voted unanimous approval. S-7838. Public discussion of a preliminary and final Large Scale Non -Residential development plan of Lot 2 of BDI First Addition; 45 -day limitation period: 1/11/79, 60 -day limitation period: 1/26/79. Boothroy explained that after discussions with the Fire Chief the developer has iagreed to include an additional fire hydrant on the western side of the property. Blum called for a vote on this item. All Commissioners voted unanimous approval of the preliminary and final Large Scale Non -Residential development plan of Lot 2 of BDI First Addition contingent to an additional fire hydrant being included on the western side of the property. Discussion of the closure of Melrose Court. Mr. Blum presented an overlay and proposal that he has formulated for consideration regarding the Melrose Avenue traffic problems. His proposal included: 1. Enlarge intersection of Grand Avenue, Byington Road to allow two turning lanes to the east. 2. Turning motions at top of Grand Avenue allowed from both lanes to south -- South Grand Avenue one way south from point 2 to Melrose Avenue. 3. Design bus access lane to south side of Grand Avenue west of Grand Avenue Court. No eastbound allowed in this section (or) bus stop in front of Athletic Offices. No parking or stopping at any time on Grand Avenue. 4. Widen Melrose Avenue to four lane -- Stadium Road east to South Grand Avenue. 5. Melrose Avenue one way east to Byington. 6. Four way stop -- Melrose Court at Brookland Park Road. 7. No turns between eastbound Myrtle Avenue and east bound Greenwood. 8. No eastbound exiting from dorm access on north side of Grand Avenue. 9. East bound bus stop on Grand Avenue Court which would be one way northbound. A copy of Mr. Blum's overlay is attached to these minutes for reference. Blum explained that he felt this proposal would create fewer problems for fewer people at less expense. He further explained that he had sat in the Melrose Court MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110 RIES Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1979 Page 4 area several days to observe traffic patterns and had concluded that Melrose Court could provide an emergency escape valve for emergency vehicles from the hospitals. Blum asked if anyone present wished to discuss the Melrose Court item. Mark Wolraich, 410 Melrose Court, stated that a lot of traffic uses Melrose Court to avoid the light on Grand Avenue whether there is a lot of traffic congestion or not and that he would prefer to see Melrose Court closed as a through street. He further stated that he felt that the problem was a question of volume rather than a question of speed. Another concern voiced by Mr. Wolraich is that the origin/destination study was done in the morning. He stated that more people use Melrose Court in the afternoon to get to and from Highway 218. Mr. Wolraich also stated that he felt that due to its size Melrose Court should not be a collector street. ' or nmstatedmeyer that a otMel MelroseoseCourtis closed. Isimilar r In answer to aquestiquestion astodwhether be ethe estreet could be closed to all but emergency vehicles, Commissioners felt that this could i be done but would be extremely hard to enforce. Another suggestion to help alleviate the problem would be to have the parking lot on Melrose Avenue exit behind the field using that a four-waystope should beeincluded linnconjunction lwith athe otherted thatsthingshe feltproposed. Jean I Walker, 335 Lucon Drive, listed several items that she felt should be considered regarding the widening of Melrose Avenue to four lanes. These included: (1) Freeway 518 is being built and will eventually generate more traffic on Melrose Avenue; sking at lanes;(3;iwithrthedhas openingeofaFreewayh518hlthereewillnue be aot blotewidned tour moreetrafficfincluding trucks; and (4) all the traffic goes to the bottleneck at Riverside Drive. She I that Grandalso ssed Avenue Courtcern risatoong the narrowuse ando hatand theAvenue inclineofthe tfor street might cause problems. Judy Sealey, Melrose Court, stated that she felt that it would create problems to funnel traffic onto Woolf Avenue to Newton Road. Specifically, she stated that (1) there were problems in turning left off Woolf Avenue onto Newton Road; and (2) there were problems in turning left off of Newton Road onto Highway 6. Thoro were lengthy discussions about another access road to the hospital, and where it should be located if such a road was built. It was pointed out that if such a road were built from Highway 6 in Coralville along Pinkbine and the railroad right-of-way it would cause even more congestion at the First Avenue/Highway 6 intersection. Jakobsen recommended that this item be considered again at the next informal meeting with the Commission taking action at the next regular meeting. This suggestion met with Commission approval. Cain moved, and Lehman seconded, that the Planning and Program Development staff, as well as the Public Works and Transit staff, review Mr. Blum's proposal regarding MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RANDS -DES MOINES Planning and Zoning Ci ssion January 4, 1979 Page 5 the Melrose Avenue traffic problems; and that the University be contacted regarding this problem. Motion carried unanimously. Boothroy announced that an airport consultant will be present at a meeting on January 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the First Christian Church if any of the Commissioners wish to attend. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Prepared by�r�ti._ Sandra S. Wilkinso , PPD Secretary i Approved by 1�0-�utiuRhLu C i Jo Cammermeyer, P$Z Secretary 11) MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES E 4 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES 4r id Spud pe_ MINUTES IOWA CITY HOUSING APPEALS BOARD July 6, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: Pollock, Klaus, Owens, Smithey MEMBERSIABSENT: Ivie, Giblin STAFF PRESENT: Burke, Calef, Bowlin SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN Chairman Smithey called the meeting to order. Minutes of the June 15, 1978 meeting were approved as written by the Board. BOARD TO CONSIDER THE APPEAL OF WILLIAM TERRY RE: 527 E. COLLEGE Burke read the staff report dated May 8, 1978 and asked Mr. Calef to report on the violations that he found on the premises. Calef stated that he had inspected the property on February 24th. in accordance with the City policy of inspecting all multiple dwellings annually. He referred to the Notice of Violation dated Parch 2, 1978 (Exhibit "A") and stated that item d3 is the violation being contested, that is that the four second floor units have individual cooking facilities but share a common bathroom. This is a vio- lation of Chapter 9.30.4B and 9.30.4C of the Code. Mr. Terry's appeal dated March 14, 1978 (Exhibit "B") was made part of the record. The appeal is based on the fact that at the time he purchased the property in 1973 this violation was not mentioned by the City staff when he requested a list of violations and that the purchase price was based on the work that had to be done to bring the property into code compliance. He also stated that this is the first time this has been cited since he has owned the property but that there has been a rental permit issued every year. Mr. Burke addressed a number of questions to Mr. Terry regarding his involvement as a property manager in Iowa City. Chairman Smithey stated that these questions were not relevant to this case and asked Mr. Burke to continue with the appeal. Burke called attention to a letter (Exhibit "C") dated June 4, 1970 to the former owner, Dorothy Handy, that cites the bathroom violation. Mr. Terry stated that he had no knowledge of the letter or of the violation at the time of purchase. Burke stated that it is the staffs opinion that the build- ing must comply either as a group of dwelling units or a group of rooming units. More discussion followed. Mr. Burke entered into the record a memo dated May 2. 1977 from himself to the City Manager and Dennis Kraft concerning the property. He concluded by stating that Mr. Calef's inspection report shows a clear violation of the Housing Code. It's the staffs belief that the sub- sequent inspections which did not cite that violation do not negate the right to cite it at this time. Chairman Smithey asked Mr. Leff who was representing Mr. Terry to present his case. Leff questioned Mr. Burke about the availability of the housing files and the inspections that had been done on the property since 1973. He pointed out that at no time was an inspector denied access to the property. The November 20, 1972 inspection report was entered into the record. Mr. Terry had used this notice to determine the cost of the work necessary to bring the property into code compliance. The contractors estimate showing Mr. Letts and Mr. Sullivans signatures was also entered into the record along with a letter from Mr. Richard Sidwell who was the realtor involved in the sale of the property. Leff stated that Mr. Terry had placed his reliance on the City staff and had done everything in his power at the time of the purchase to bring the property up to code. He stated that the cost R for the installation of bathroom facilities would be anornximarply m .nnn MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES utes - Iowa Cit -v Housing Appeals Board July 6 '97S - page 2 Mr. Bowlin commented that the 1970 violation notice was part of the P,,.Iic record and would have been available at the time of the purchase. He as;ed Mr. Calef if a building file was available and if a building permit had been issued. Mr. Calef stated that he had not been able to locate a building file for this property. Fir. Bowlin sumnarized, stated that lir. Terry's a;;eal is based on an estoppel argument and that it is the City Legal staffs position that the City should not be held to misrepresentations of law if they occur. He entered into the record a memo written by Angela Ryan detailing the city's position dated May 16, 1978. A question and answer period followed. Chairman Smithey mentioned his discomfort with the case, called for a motion. More discussion followed. Klaus stated that it is the point of having an appeals board to be able to make exceptions. Mr. Bowlin said that it is the City's position that the Board does not have the authority to make exceptions - only to interpret code. Ovens made a motion that the code violations be upheld. Pollock seconded. A vote was taken, 2 for, 2 against, the motion failed. More discussion followed. Fir. Smithey advised that the City has the option of appealing the decision if the Board does not uphold the Code violations. He stated that this was a unique case and that he does not see a health/safety problem. fir. Terry had acted in good faith and a decision to uphold would create an unnecessary hard- ship. Another motion was called for. None being heard, Smithey moved that the code violations not be upheld. A vote was taken, 3 for, 1 against. The motion passed. BOARD TO CONSIDER THE APPEAL OF HOWARD CARROLL RE: 322 E. Bloomington Chairman Smithey asked Mr. Burke to present the City's case. Burke stated that a complaint call was received by the Housing office on April 17, 1973 concerning the exterior of Mr. Carroll's premises. He explained that it is the City's policy to deal with owner occupied single family dwellings only in the case that a complaint is received. An inspection was made pursuant to the complaint and a violation letter dated 4/19/78 (Exhibit "A") was sent to Mr. Carroll. The violations include uncontrolled materials in the yard, no handrail on front porch steps, lack of or peeling paint, broken window and missing siding. Mr. Carroll's letter appealing the violation notice was entered as part of the record (Exhibit "B"). Mr. Burke submitted 6 photographs that he had taken on June 15th, when he reinspected the property. They show that the weeds and grass had been cut but the remaining violations were uncorrected. Mr. Smithey asked Mr. Carroll to present his case. Mr. Carroll stated that most I of the storage is metal and that it is not decaying. He mentioned a meeting he had attended at St. Wenceslaus Church presented by the Rehabilitation staff, and the fact that he believes that he is elibible for assistance. However, he is reluctant to pursue the Rehab Program because he does not wish to bring his entire property into Code compliance. He explained that his business is handled on the phone and that customers do not come to his home. He stated that he was ill at the tine he received the violation letter. Mr. Burke referred to a memo he had received from Maureen Taylor dated 4/21/78 which outlined the Rehab Division's contact with Mr. Carroll and the fact that Mr. Carroll had cancelled an appointment and also that he had not responded to a letter Maureen had sent to him. The nano stated that there was a question of his eligibility because of the commercial use of his property. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES t - Iowa -ity Housing Appeals Board - July 6, 197E - page 3 Burke stated that action could be postponed if he would pursue the Rehabilitation Program and a determination of his eligibility was made. Chairman Smithey asked Mr. Carroll if he would allow Mr. Burke to assist him in contacting the Rehabilitation Division and if he would be prepared to deal with the other violations in the letter. He said that he would. More discussion followed. The Board asked questions of Mr. Carroll. Chairman Smithey called for a motion to be made. Pollock moved that Mr. Carroll be requested to contact Rehab to see if he is eligible and if he is not that he be required to correct the violations within 30 days. Klaus seconded. Mr. Bowlin suggested that a time limit be set for determining the eligibility. Pollock amended the motion to require Mr. Carroll to contact Rehab to determine his eligibility for assistance and to make a comaittment within 60 days or to correct the violations himself within 30 days after determination of ineligibility Klaus seconded. The motion carried 4 - 0. i The Board then discussed setting a regular monthly time for their meetings. The second Thursday of each month at 6:30 was agreeable to the four members present. The first regularly scheduled meeting will be held on August 10, 1978. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. r - MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110IIIES 1 7 MINUTES IOWA CITY HOUSING APPEALS BOARD AUGUST 10, 1978 --- 6:30 P.M. i i MEMBERS PRESENT: Smithey, Klaus, Giblin, Graham, Pollock, Owens MEMBERS ABSENT: lvie STAFF PRESENT: Kucharzak, Barnes, Malone, Kushnir SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN: Chairperson Smithey called the meeting to order. The minutes of the July 6, 1978 meeting were approved as written. Next Smithey noted the need for a permanent chairperson and vice -chairperson of the Board. Klaus moved and Giblin seconded that Smithey be appointed chairperson of the Housing Appeals Board. The motion was approved unanimously. Then Graham moved that Klaus be'appointed vice -chairperson. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. BOARD TO CONSIDER THE APPEAL OF LARRY BRUMLEY RE: 212 E. Fairchild Street Kucharzak summarized the background and the staff report regarding this property. He noted that during an annual inspection on May 23, 1978, Housing Inspector Pamela Barnes observed the following violations of the Housing Code: 1. Lack of early warning fire protection systems in units 18, 2B, 30, and 48 (in violation of 9.30,1o.P. of the Housing Code). 2. Handrail missing on first set of steps to basement (in violation of, of the Housing Code). 3. Lack of required toilet in dwelling unit in units 2, 3, 4, and 5 (in violation of 9.30.4.C, of the Housing Code). 4. Lack -of required bath/shower in dwellin unit in units 2, 3, 4, and 5 (in violation of 9.30.4•D, of the Housing Code?. The violations were'noted during the inspection and a notice was delivered to Mr. Brumley on June 13, 1978. Brumley contested the Notice of Violation on June 17, 1978. Kucharzak added that an examination of the Housing Code definitions and sections (9.30.2, 9.30.4.C, 9.30.4.D, and 9.30.4.E) clearly support the fact that the original structure is presently occupied as an inadequate multiple dwelling structure. He further stated that the property file on this building shows that Mr. Brumley was cited on June 17, 1966 and on December 23, 1968 for the same violations now being contested. Kucharzak felt that the Housing Code had been properly interpreted and followedin citing the violations and the Board should uphold those violations. .M MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIDEs 1l� 1\ f , y J1 7 MINUTES IOWA CITY HOUSING APPEALS BOARD AUGUST 10, 1978 --- 6:30 P.M. i i MEMBERS PRESENT: Smithey, Klaus, Giblin, Graham, Pollock, Owens MEMBERS ABSENT: lvie STAFF PRESENT: Kucharzak, Barnes, Malone, Kushnir SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN: Chairperson Smithey called the meeting to order. The minutes of the July 6, 1978 meeting were approved as written. Next Smithey noted the need for a permanent chairperson and vice -chairperson of the Board. Klaus moved and Giblin seconded that Smithey be appointed chairperson of the Housing Appeals Board. The motion was approved unanimously. Then Graham moved that Klaus be'appointed vice -chairperson. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. BOARD TO CONSIDER THE APPEAL OF LARRY BRUMLEY RE: 212 E. Fairchild Street Kucharzak summarized the background and the staff report regarding this property. He noted that during an annual inspection on May 23, 1978, Housing Inspector Pamela Barnes observed the following violations of the Housing Code: 1. Lack of early warning fire protection systems in units 18, 2B, 30, and 48 (in violation of 9.30,1o.P. of the Housing Code). 2. Handrail missing on first set of steps to basement (in violation of, of the Housing Code). 3. Lack of required toilet in dwelling unit in units 2, 3, 4, and 5 (in violation of 9.30.4.C, of the Housing Code). 4. Lack -of required bath/shower in dwellin unit in units 2, 3, 4, and 5 (in violation of 9.30.4•D, of the Housing Code?. The violations were'noted during the inspection and a notice was delivered to Mr. Brumley on June 13, 1978. Brumley contested the Notice of Violation on June 17, 1978. Kucharzak added that an examination of the Housing Code definitions and sections (9.30.2, 9.30.4.C, 9.30.4.D, and 9.30.4.E) clearly support the fact that the original structure is presently occupied as an inadequate multiple dwelling structure. He further stated that the property file on this building shows that Mr. Brumley was cited on June 17, 1966 and on December 23, 1968 for the same violations now being contested. Kucharzak felt that the Housing Code had been properly interpreted and followedin citing the violations and the Board should uphold those violations. .M MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIDEs Housng AE'_�,ils Board Augu t 10, 1978 Page 2 Mr. William Meardon presented the case on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Brumley. Meardon stated that the Brumleys had been living in the first floor of the structure for almost 30 years. The second floor had been converted into 4 small efficiency apartments and two of the occupants had lived there for 17 and 15 years. In 1977 the Brumleys were issued a Certificate Of Compliance from the City of Iowa City. This certificate stated that the structure met or exceeded the minimum housing standards. Meardon further related that past housing inspectors have commented on the cleanliness of the units. Meardon said that if the Brumleys were to install the additional bathroom facilities, the plumbing cost would be in excess of $14,000. Changing the dwelling into a rooming house would result in a communal kitchen. He questioned how a communal kitchen for eight people could be more sanitary and healthy than allowing the structure to remain as it is. Kucharzak answered that it is a matter of what is a multiple unit and what is a rooming house. To be a multiple dwelling, toilet, bath, lavatory basin facilities must be provided for each unit. If the structure is to be a rooming house, the individual cooking facilities must be removed. Meardon again questioned how having a communal kitchen rather than individual cooking facilities would improve health/sanitary situation. He further argued that if the Code were so enforced, it would be a discriminatory, unfair, and unfortunate hardship upon the Brumleys. Graham questioned why the Brumleys had not corrected the violations after notification in 1966 and 1968. Brumley replieo chat he had not seen Smithey enotifications ountil checked cfile this very theythenstatedthatbecauseofmanpowershortagesinthe tpast, the City had not always followed up on the housing inspection violations. Now that the City has increased staff, there will be follow-up. Klaus asked if the Brumleys were contesting all of the noted violations. Brumley answered that they were only challenging the one concerning the bath facilities and that the other violations were being corrected. Klaus moves ,hat the Board uphold the City's notice of violation on the property at 212 E. Fairchild. Graham seconded and the vote was 5-0 in favor of approval. (Owens was absent at the time of this vote). BOARD TO CONSIDER THE APPEAL OF REBECCA EVANS RE: 656 S. Governor Street Ms. Evans was not present at the time of the hearing. Kucharzak introduced the signed receipt dated July 19, 1978 of a registered letter which notified Evans of the hearing on August 10, 1978. Since notification of the hearing had been served, it continued. Chairman Smithey suggested that the Notice of the Housing Inspector should be upheld since Ms. Evans had not appeared, and was thus ap- parently not contesting the. case. Mr. Kucharzak recommended that the case be heard in detail despite the fact that the appellant had not appeared. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RANDS -DES MOIRES Housing Appi Board ` I Auguh 10, 1978 Page 3 Kucharzak presented the background of the case. He stated that as a result of a complaint by a neighbor about the cluttered condition of the porch and yard, Housing Inspector Malone inspected the property at 656 S. Governor Street on June 30, 1978. Mr. Malone determined that the following violations existed: 9.30.8.A.3. No dwelling or the premises thereof shall be used for the storage or handling of refuse. Approximately 150 - all concrete building blocks (used), old wagon without wheels, celotex contruction sheathing (pile 24" x 6" x 611), bicycle parts, 4 tires, lumber, paper, and cardboard, located on the front porch and rear yard. Yard not maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. i Rubbish, garbage and refuse scattered throughout the yard. I Kucharzak then distributed photographs taken of the proeprty at the time of the inspection. On July 10, 1978 the Notice of Violation was served on Evans. She appealed the cited violation in a letter to the City. In the letter Evans states that the items in the yard are not rubbish, garbage and refuse but construction materials which will be used to remodel, reconstruct, and insulate the house. Malone added that he had revisited the property this date. He said that the porch had been somewhat cleaned up and the yard mowed, but there was even more lumber and materials in the yard. He presented photographs showing the condition of the property on his second visit. Kucharzak then stated that as of this date there was not record of a building permit applied for for this property. Graham moved that the Board uphold the violation. The motion was seconded by Klaus and was approved by a 5-0 vote. Smithey abstained from voting because of his knowledge of and previous dealings with Evans. During the remainder of the meeting Kucharzak explained the Housing Inspection Office's policies and procedures and answered questions by ! Board members about the office. The Board set the second Thursday of every month at 8:00 A.M. as the i meeting time for the Housing Appeals Board. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOVIES MINUTES IOWA CITY HOUSING APPEALS BOARD SEPTEMBER 14, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: Smithey, Giblin, Graham, Owens, Ivies Pollock MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Barnes, Housing Inspector, Burke, Senior Housing Inspector, Bowlin, Assistant City Attorney, Kucharzak, Department Director. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN Chairman Smithey requested his motion in the Evans case be included in the Minutes. The Board agreed. Mr. John Graham moved and Mr. Giblin seconded the motion to approve the Minutes of the Aug- ust 10, 1978, Iowa City Housing Appeals Board meeting as amended. Motion carried unanimously. BOARD TO CONSIDER CASE OF MR. TODD -PROPERTY AT 1011 SHERIDAN AVENUE Mr. Kucharzak related background of the case as stated in the Staff Report. Inspector Barnes was asked to relate conditions in the structure as she found them during the inspection. She used floor plans of the building and a profile drawing put on the blackboard to explain the present occupancy use. At present there are two bathrooms and three kitchens in the structure. Thus, three dwell- ing units have only two bathrooms. To add a third bathroom would violate the Zoning Ordinance because the building is located in an R2 zone. Mr. Kucharzak entered the floor plans and the Staff Report into the record and requested that the Appeals Board uphold the procedures and orders of the Housing Inspector. Mr. Kucharzak referred to the request for the appeal and said that the office would attempt to cooperate with Mr. Todd's financial situation. But the office will take into consideration the fact that Mr. Todd's age influences the speed with which work can be done. Thus the Housing Inspection office would be willing to work out a mutually satisfactory schedule for compliance. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN Mr. Todd said that a new tenant who is married has now rented one Of his units. He said he has not secured a permit yet and he reviewed items from the violation notice which have been repaired. Mr. Todd said he has smoke detectors on order and that the chimney is scheduled for repair. Mr. Todd responded to Mr. Smithey, saying that he felt Ms. Barnes' report on the property was fair. Mr. Todd further stated that he was receptive to Mr. Kucharzak's schedule for compliance to be achieved in one year. Mr. Kucharzak said that 93 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES 2 the Housing staff would counsel the owner concerning the zoning question. Mr. Graham asked when leases expire in the property and Mr. Todd clarified that he does not have leases at present. Mr. Graham moved that the Board uphold the Notice of Violation and direct compliance to be achieved within one year. The motion was seconded by Miss Klaus. Mr. Kucharzak suggested that the order be upheld with a compliance date of July 1, 1979. Mr. Graham amended the motion as such, Ivie seconded the motion. The Board voted on the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board recessed briefly. BOARD TO CONSIDER APPEAL OF MR. LYNCH -PROPERTY AT 407 N. DUBUQUE Mr. Kucharzak reviewed the background of this case as contained in the Staff Report, including the fact that the building was par- tially inspected by Inspector Barnes and was completed by Inspector Malone. Mr. Kucharzak asked Inspector Barnes to relate her experience with the building and her contacts with the owners. Barnes explained that floor plans are drawn as part of the routine inspection pro- cedure and that Mr. Bright, one of the owners, assisted with measure- ments during her inspection. Barnes said that because of the heat, she and Mr. Bright decided to schedule the rest of the inspection a week later. Mr. Malone performed this inspection because Ms. �. Barnes was called away by a family emergency. The violation notice was written and served and it became afterwards apparent that kitchens on the second floor are also inadequate in terms of floor space, but these were not specifically mentioned in the violation notice. The City position is that these other kitchenettes will have to be dealt with at another time. The kitchenette in question today lacks required floor space. Mr. Kucharzak also entered photographs of the bathroom into the record and displayed them to Board members. The Staff Report was also entered into the record. Mr. Lynch responded that the building has been sold to Mr. Russell McDonald and Mr. Maynard Smith. Mr. Lynch said the City inspected the building and issued permits in the past. He objects to citing a structural change at this point in time. He says the kitchen sink is immediately adjacent to the bathroom, separated only by a partition wall, and he relied on past inspections to avoid serious problems of a structural nature. He said the same principle ap- plies to the structural problems concerning kitchenettes. Mr. Lynch said he should not be penalized now by the new City Code. Mr. Kuch- arzak stated that the City does not dispute the fact that past inspections have taken place in the building. Mr. Kucharzak clarified that the floor space requirements are part of State law and that the lavatory in the bathroom requirement was also part of the old Housing Code. The omission of citation on MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES t these violations in the past has in fact allowed the operation of the building while it was in violation. Mr. Kucharzak elaborated on the codes at the request of Board member Klaus. Mr. Bowlin stated that State Code 413.42 was enacted July 4, 1919 and that the local Code follows the State rule. Mr. Graham asked to see a diagram of apartment unit M3. Ms. Barnes drew a sketch on the blackboard and included floor dimensions as available. Mr. Lynch stated that the sketch was a reasonable representation of the unit. Kucharzak stated that remedies for the lack of floor space could be worked out by the staff. There followed some discussion concerning redesign of partition walls in the apartment unit. Board member Klaus moved that the Board uphold the City's position and orders in the violation notice concerning both violations. Owens seconded the motion. The Board voted and carried the motion unanimously. Kucharzak stated that the City welcomes the opportunity to work out solutions with Mr. Lynch and with the new purchasers to achieve compliance. Mr. Lynch requested a letter from the Housing Inspec- tion office concerning the other kitchens which were also perceived to be in violation. Mr. Graham expressed his discomfort with the jurisdictional limits of the Board's responsibilities. Discussion of the case was closed. Other items of business were addressed. Inspector Burke pointed out his understanding that Board member Klaus, elected as Vice -Chairperson of the Appeals Board, was appointed as an alternate member to the Board, and suggested that her membership be revised to that of regular member. Discussion by Board members revealed confusion as to the nature of their appointments. Chairman Smithey asked that Burke research and clarify this question. Inspector Burke informed the Board of the Housing Inspection office's receipt of a letter from Ms. Becky Evans concerning the fact that she had been unable to find the meeting room for her housing appeal which took place August 10, 1978, Chairman Smithey said that Ms. Evans had called him and had submitted her letter at his request. Mr. Kucharzak pointed out that the order of the Housing Inspection office required a ten day compliance which had not yet been ac- complished. He recommended that the staff take the case to court. Mr. Kucharzak said that a new appeal would stay all further action. Graham suggested calling a special meeting to promptly deal with case. Smithey consulted the bylaws, to make a determination of the legality of convening a second meeting on the case. Mr. Kucharzak read Ms-. Evans letter dated September 12, 1978. Board members discussed their opinions concerning permitting a second hearing. Graham moved that the Housing Appeals Board schedule a second meeting at the earliest possible date subject to MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES t10INEs t 4 approval by the City Legal Department. The motion was seconded by Owens. The motion was voted and passed four in favor, one opposed (Klaus). Chairman Smithey said he would send a letter to City Attorney Hayek requesting a legal opinion and indicating the Board's inclination to provide Ms. Evans with a new hearing. Inspector Burke informed the Board that he had received questions concerning the acceptability of using plastic film instead of storm windows or doors where such are required by the Housing Code. After some discussion the Board concluded that such interpretations of the Code were not within its normal functions. Board member Klaus suggested regular followup reports concerning cases heard by the Housing Appeals Board. Other members felt that such reports might be of personal interest, but would not be neces- sarily part of the Appeals Board process. Graham suggested an orientation sheet for new members. Smithey felt that this would necessarily be so brief as to be of little practical use. It was suggested that new Board members consult with City staff and other Board members concerning functions of the Housing Appeals Board and the Housing Commission. Motion to adjourn made by Graham, seconded by Owens, passed unanimously. i MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES 1 CITY OF CIVIC CENTER 410 E. WASHINGTON ST. TZ4� I0\A/A CITY IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180D NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY i IS CONSIDERING APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING BOARD: BOARD OF APPEALS 1 One vacancy - Unexpired Term January 16, 1979 December 31, 1979 One vacancy - Three-year Term January 16, 1979 - December 31, 1981 It is the duty of members of the Board of Appeals to hold appeal hearings on matters concerning mini- mum housing standards ordinance and the uniform building code. Members must be qualified by exper- ience and training to'pass upon matters pertaining to building construction. Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified electors of the City of Iowa City. The appointments to this Board will be made at the January 16, 1979, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Persons inter- ested in being considered for these positions should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. 12.£ i RD MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVIES