HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-05 Proclamation1 CXT l�j. 03r XOWA CxzM PR OC:GAMATZON the success of Scouting for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorers depends upnn our ram- munibg organizations, and 3Ah�e rr a s , there are 350 churches and synagogues, schools and parent -teacher associations, service and fraternal clubs, and other community organi- zatinns that have been chartered in our area by the BOB Scouts of America to use the Scunt- ing program, and t10h�r�as, the 7,000 volunteer leaders selected bg these chartered organizations are performing an out- standing service far18,929 hays and young men and women, and iUh a ra a s , the Blid-Imua Council of the Boy Scouts of America and its corps of dedicated volunteer leaders are providing necessary support to the leaders of the 960 Cub Scout Packs, Bog Scout Croups and Explorer Pnsts, 33uw, > h,er�far,e I, Jahn McDonald, Mayor of the Citg of Iowa City, Imoa, do hereby proclaim September 19, 1989, to he CHOOC NZORT 3rOg SCOil'OXNG in Iowa Cibg so that our citizens will benefit from the charter building, citizenship train- ing and personal fitness programs nffered by the Bog Scouts of America. Signed in Iowa City, %moa, this 5th day of September 1989. CZTU PJB- 200A CXzg PROC>CAMATZON i h'!:ra a s , our founding fathers, in order to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity, did ordain and establish a Cnnsti- tution for the united States of America, and it is of the greatest import that all citizens fully understand the provisions and principles contained in the Constitution in order to sup- port it, preserve it and defend it against encroachment, and lair a rs= a s , Constitution Meek provides an npportunitg for all Americans to learn about the achieve- ments of nor founders and to reflect on the rights and privileges of citizenship as well as its attendant responsibilities, and illh a rie a s , the week of September 17 through 23 has been designated as Constitution Meek bg proclamatinn Of the President of the united $totes of America in accordance with Public Law 915, Xxx w, ahar��arm, I, John McDonald, Mayer of the City Of Iowa City, Iowa, be hereby proclaim the week of September 17 thrnugh 23, 1989, to be C0x0TxZUTx0x WEEK in Iowa City and urge all citizens to pay special attention during that week to our Federal Cnnsti- tutinn and the advantage of American citizenship. Signed in Iowa City, Iowa, this 5th day of September 1989. pel_4G I.1 CZTU m� XOWA CXzU PROCCA l ATXO' N il)h a ra a s , the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs by members of nor society has reached epidemic proportions and has continued to cause both health and social problems far mang citizens of the State of Iowa, and 011 IP—' ra a s , the substances - alcohal•and other drugs - cause direct and indirect problems far all groups of Iowans, but especially for families, and iDh a ra a s ,• the ultimate responsibilitg for the reduction of future alcohol and drug abuse lies with the family, schools, and local communities to help these groups of Imoans search far alternatives, develop their Own capabilities to resist peer pressure, handle difficult decisions, and cape with human problems without turning to alcohol and other drugs, and 10ha ra a s , education of nor young citizens is nor most viable resource in the war against substance abuse as enforcement of drug laws alone cannot provide a meaningful solution, Nxxw I, John McDonald, mayor of the Citg Of Iowa City, Iowa, An herebg proclaim the month of September 1989, to be i\i AR3EN3E.%0 MONTH in Iowa City and urge all citizens of this cam- munity to strive for a better understanding, greater concern, and renewed efforts to reduce and prevent the causes of alcohol and drug abuse and to search individually far more positive ways to feel Band and deal with problems than by turn- ing to alcohol and *bas. Signed in Imva City, Iowa, ����� ' I this 5th day of September 7989. I 1047 CXTM 03r 2OMA CXTU PR0CCAMAjLr2c0Tq 1Ah� ra a s , the D.A.R.E. Program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is beaching our young people the importance of staying drug-free bg giving them the skills they need to resist the peer pressure to bry drugs and alcohol, and 3Uha ra a s , the D.A.R.E. Program was started as a cooperative effort between the CDs Angeles Police Department and the Cos i Angeles Unified Schon, District in 1983, and is now taught in more than 50,000 I I class - roams in 48 states, Department of Defense Schools worldwide, American Samoa, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and MIT a rie at s , president George Hushhas declared September 14, 1989, as National D.A.R.E. Day, and i1lh� ra a s , we wish to support the efforts of our own Police DepartmenRelations and CathU 0 ckenfgls, the Officer, Officer, inparticular, i in combatingthe rising tide of drug abuse bg developing the D.A.R.E. Program in lama City, ate+ �h�r efar,e , I, John McDonald, Magor of the City of lrwa City, Iowa, do herebg proclaim September 14, 1989, to he 3D.A_}2_E:_ 3DS►IJ in Iowa Citg in order to emphasize the importance of our ynungsters growing up in a drug-free environ- ment and to make our citizens aware of this very important program. AMOR �1>alt�ed in xawa 1t;A, xnwa, phis Soh �a of $ap.r,ember 1989_ /T�9 i, jl i i t I i I I I! i