HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-04 RecommendationII City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Date: October 30, 1986 To: City Council From: Karin Franklin, Senior Planner Re: Conditional Use Permit - Butler Farm Sand/Gravel An application has been received by the County for approval of a conditional use permit to establish a sand and gravel operation along the Iowa River, north of the I-BO/Dubuque Street interchange (see plan attached). The City has been notified of this application because the permit is for property within Iowa City's two-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction. According to the Johnson County Zoning Ordinance, if the City Council votes in opposition to the required permit, the permit can be approved only by an extraordinary majority vote of the Board of Supervisors. The matter is brought before you to establish a record of the Council's position. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the requested permit at the regular meeting of October 16, 1986, and recommended denial based on three issues: 1. The proposed use is a large scale commercial or industrial project and is inconsistent with the development plans proposed in the Johnson County/Iowa City Fringe Area Agreement which indicates low to medium density residential use as appropriate for this area with the possibility of accessory commercial uses; 2. Slow-moving trucks exiting from the site onto Dubuque Street (Old Highway 218) may create a traffic hazard; and 3. The proposal may directly conflict with the City's adopted policy to preserve and enhance the entranceways to Iowa City. bj4/3 01A BUTLER FARM SAND/GRAVEL i �i i, f �I j, BUTLER FARM SAND/GRAVEL f i i i i i BUTLER FARM SAND/GRAVEL -�.L a E :AI,S,_1l tL' II`G OtlPd C.m � LOCAT/oN �I%AP SCA, , + /" + 2, 000' -t I I. -I November 4,1986�Y To the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of JOHNSON COIRITY , IOWA RE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DEVELOP A SAND AND GRAVEL QUARRY '•"- FILE # CU 86o5 WE , ERNST AIJD ANNEGRET HIERSGHBIEL , ARE IDNOTII4E RESIDENTS OF JOHNSON COUNTY LIVINGWITHIN1 000 FRET OF THE PROPOSED GRAVEL OPERATION SINCE 1962. .y WE HEREWITH PETITION THE JOHNSON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPL•'NVISORS TO DENY PL'RMISSION .. TO DEVELOP THE SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS 1) AIR POLLUTION AND HEALTH HkZM. IN GENERAL . FOR MANY YEARS WE ARE WITNESS TO A HUGE DUST CLOUD RISING :OVER T 2) QUARRY DURING THE SUM14ER MONTHS DRIFTING INTO RESIDENTIAL NEIGHS THE NOAQH AND EAST CAUSING AIR POLLUTION AND RFALTH XAZA ."IT THE OPERATION OF A QUARRY ENTAILS NOISE POLLUTION WITH BOOMS FROM BLASTINO;:i FACT THAT EXCESSIVE CHRONIC DOST EXPOSURE CAUSES RESPIRATORY PRC .. ALLERGIES . I AM NOW SUFFERING FROM HEART DISEASE AND RESPIRATOR PENETRATING INTO YARDS AIJD HOMES OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD . THIS, WE AND WONDER HOW MUCH THE CHRONI'I EXPOSURE IN MY CASE CONTRIBUTED' DETRIMENTAL, INCONSISTENT WITH AND NOT CONDUCIVE TO NEARBY RESIDIIfl'IAL ZO11Ilp .:I - PROBLEMS. ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIONAL QUARRY AS PROPOSED WOULD SU ENHANCE 'siEXISTING DUST PROBLEM AND DOES CREATE ADDITIONAL POT "NORTHERN CORRIDOR CONCEPT" HA,RDS TO THE LEAST , TO MYSELF IN PARTICULAR, AS WELLAS TO LOCA < ..: IN RECEIIT YEARS, THE "NORTHERN CORRIDOR" HAS GROWN INTO A REGION sYNoi'mpoc IN GENERAL . 2) NOISE POLLUTION THE OPERATION OF A QUARRY ENTAILS NOISE POLLUTION WITH BOOMS FROM BLASTINO;:i ,SONIC AND A 0014TINOUS ROARING SOUND OF HEAVY MACHINERY, HQUIi'1A M AND TRUCKS PENETRATING INTO YARDS AIJD HOMES OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD . THIS, WE DETRIMENTAL, INCONSISTENT WITH AND NOT CONDUCIVE TO NEARBY RESIDIIfl'IAL ZO11Ilp .:I "NORTHERN CORRIDOR CONCEPT" IN RECEIIT YEARS, THE "NORTHERN CORRIDOR" HAS GROWN INTO A REGION sYNoi'mpoc WITH QUALITY LIVING CONDITIONS IN THE IOWA CITY AREA . THIS CONCEPT WA8 INITIATED, PROPAGATED AND LEGISLATED 13Y THE JOHNSON COUNTY GOVERNMENT . WE RESPE(WULLY PETITION THE PRESENT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO HONOR THAT COMMITMENT A14D PRESERVE THE RESIDENTIAL CHARACTER OF TI03 AREA AND DEH! ,- THEE/ ESTABLISHMENT A�D[DITIONAL QUARRY IN THE REGION . /OF�A14 / ^? E i % `�... . ERNST ALBERT HIERSCHBIEL ,. ANNEGRET HIERSCHBIEL ROUTE 6 BOX 254 �' D D31 COPY;TO,: IOWA CITY LUNCIL IOWA CITY, IOWA �� r , • l 31986 '%'` sl 351 5916 MARIAN K: KARR' '_� CIN CLERK (1) 5� We, the undersigned, petition the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to deny the request for a Conditional Use Permit for a sand and gravel operation by Bruce R. Glasgow, 834 N. Johnson, Iowa City, IA 52240 (File Nr Cu 0605). The reasons for our petition are the following: 1) The access road to and from the proposed operation joins N. Dubuque a few hundred feet north of Linder Road in a sharply curved part of a two-lane highway. In our opinion this will aggravate an already very hazardous traffic situation, not only for people entering and exiting Linder Road, but also for joggers, bikers and the general. commuter traffic on North Dubuque. The access road will presumably be used by heavily laden, slowly traveling gravel trucks. These trucks will augment the already considerable truck traffic from the quarry north of the Iowa River, and causing a dangerous bottleneck in the general vicinity of Linder Road. Furthermore, the newly imposed speed limit of 35 mph would, even it were not disregarded, still not circumvent this specific type of traffic hazard, especially under conditions of low visibility, glaring sunlight or inclement weather. 2) Even though the proposed site lies within a flood plain Ahat cannot be developed for residential use, and even though there are in existence plans to eventually develop the surrounding area residentially, we . feel that the envisioned large scale commercial operation is contrary to the spirit of the Fringe Area Policy Agreement, in that it will destroy, for an undetermined time, the present residential character of this fringe area. . / 7?X a] i Petition vs Cu 0605 Address: of rte., , G - �. I 67 s97 I i �Ss � Lek , PI � J /-2foL Petition vs Cu 8605 Name: I 1 J Address: wi -I i Name: Petition vs Cu e6os Address: W7 is m Petition vs Cu 6605 Nome: , Address: �l b C/2VTt. `..5�)O7A.�I- 3' / I(10 �tiCA �n At Cn No i� (fj� % X6,6 ,ice. «G,�ti. rJ4 /790Z -I ) S psi 2 TG I ✓. xaco --zyu C.4 � `..5�)O7A.�I- 3' / I(10 �tiCA �n At Cn No i� (fj� % X6,6 ,ice. «G,�ti. rJ4 /790Z -I Yom•. -lie .4 Petition vs Cu 0605 '. Name: ,. Address: F -2e. Ae- Ice 77 G73� a�rr. p al Bo) 8�I Petition vs Cu 8605 Name: Address: I f 79•Z Wi i Petition vs Cu 8605 r Nome: Address: �g) 0 A e.. � h.T� /,4 �.; OM1. �&g4)1� /?fat Petition vs Cu 8605 Name: Address: // PFAFS „ �.r a _�/u/ � �'. iii..• .u...// 'r wi i Petition vs Cu 8605 Name: Address: 'Pal 9hUIC Petition vs Cu 8605 Address: lay) /_o 77 0/61V GI42 EL(7 !, F S / 7foL Petition vs Cu 8605 i Name: Address: y75 /5V /S/, /Sal �1G9� // l�//ri�IlrZU /syr '12Cr u � �P,, vl e+J P I n / 7 9.Z M City of Iowa City MEMORANDUM Date: October 29, 1986 To: City Council From: Patt Cain, Associate Plannerppld�d Re: Design Review Committee Recommendations on November 4 Meeting Agenda The attached drawings illustrate signs that the Design Review Committee recommended for approval at its last meeting. The Committee's recommenda- tions are included in the Council's agenda for the November 4 formal meeting. HERBERT HOOVER HIGHWAY HISTORICAL MARKER This sign would be placed at the west end of the Iowa Avenue island at Clinton Street to designate the west terminus of the Herbert Hoover Highway. The sign would be made of cast aluminum, 18"x24" in size, and mounted at eye level on a post. The attached copy of a page from a catalog shows the type of sign (illustration 23) and a separate sheet contains the proposed text. TECHNIGRAPHICS SIGN The attached line drawing depicts the sign proposed by Technigraphics to be placed in the panel above its outside door in Plaza Centre One. Note that the "Technigraphics" logotype will be outlined in blue, not solid blue. bj3/7 THE SENATE AND I4OUSE OF RI.PRI.SENTATIVF.S OF '1111. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ENACT INTO LAW JULY 18. 1979 NATIONAL RI{C0CNI'I'10N DAY Al 1111. FIRS[ FFRI. MONY 111 I.[ION III" \111 ® PRISONERSO F R. �I- THOSE MISSING IN ACTCT ION, Y ARU THOSE %I DIED IN PRISON CAMPS 1— INI. YUOY 1, n.41.11 Ix pnnuY YI FRNF.ST WILLIAM NFLSON IN 41YORY Of 1N[ ly6f MERCERSBURG ��Iw ALUMNI ll ,VI IIU iM1 IMI IN 11114tIRVICL OI 11111E COIIN IRI VIETNAMF.SF CONFLICT 94• 1975 HHH THE HERBERT HOOVER HIGHWAY THIS SITE IS ALONG THE ORIGINAL ROUTE OF THE HERBERT HOOVER HIGHWAY, A 42 -MILE SERIES OF LOCAL, STATE AND COUNTY ROADS THAT RUN BETWEEN THE FOOT OF OLD CAPITOL IN IOWA CITY AND THE CEDAR COUNTY COMMUNITY OF LOWDEN. THE HOOVER HIGHWAY WAS DESIGNATED IN 1923 BY THE IOWA HIGHWAY COMMISSION AS A TRIBUTE TO THE FAMINE RELIEF EFFORTS OF HERBERT HOOVER. BETWEEN 1914 AND 1923, FOOD RELIEF PROGRAMS ADMINISTERED BY HERBERT HOOVER FED AN ESTIMATED 318 MILLION VICTIMS OF WAR AND DROUGHT IN EUROPE AND THE SOVIET UNION. IN 1928, FIVE YEARS AFTER THE HERBERT HOOVER HIGHWAY WAS ESTABLISHED, HOOVER WAS ELECTED 31ST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE HERBERT HOOVER HIGHWAY PASSES THROUGH WEST BRANCH, HOOVER'S BOYHOOD HOME AND THE SITE OF THE HERBERT HOOVER PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY -MUSEUM. 9 ® -I-- 0n �. L Mai� d o ao�� p COPYING PRINTING WORD PROCESSING LZ GRAPHIC DESIGN TYPESETTING REPROGRAPHICS50, 8,q„ LOGOTYPJ = blue f3�lzDrR S GOPY = oold BASE 9"u)AI rD MA-r6N Bvi��iNG FurFlL/o2 I i 9 ® -I-- 0n �. L Mai� d o ao�� p COPYING PRINTING WORD PROCESSING LZ GRAPHIC DESIGN TYPESETTING REPROGRAPHICS50, 8,q„ LOGOTYPJ = blue f3�lzDrR S GOPY = oold BASE 9"u)AI rD MA-r6N Bvi��iNG FurFlL/o2 I