HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-28 TranscriptionJanuary 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 1 January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session 6:45 P.M. Council Present: Bailey, Champion, Correia, Hayek, O'Donnell, Wilburn, Wright Staff: Karr, Helling, Dilkes, Trueblood, Yapp, Ralston Other: Volland, UISG (Problem CD -recording is very hard to hear due to garbled sound and background type noises) Dog Pac Revenue Sharing Agreement (IP4 of 1/24 Info Pkt): Trueblood/ In your packet you received a copy of the agreement that we have with Dog Pac (unable to hear) I also included a cover memo, kind of explaining that two- year agreement (unable to hear) provision that we could review after (unable to hear) At any rate, I'd certainly be happy to try to answer any questions that you may have. Champion/ (unable to hear) is that correct? Trueblood/ (unable to hear) Champion/ And do we maintain the dog park, or does Dog Pac? Trueblood/ We do the major maintenance (unable to hear) Bailey/ Other questions for Terry? Hayek/ (unable to hear) Trueblood/ (unable to hear) I don't really have monetary figures (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) Trueblood/ (unable to hear) I'll follow up on that, but I believe they might be (unable to hear) fundraising and development (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Thanks for being here. Council Appointments: Bailey/ Okay. (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 2 Bailey/ (unable to hear) Wright/ Well, we don't have anybody else to (several talking) Correia/ What's the difference? Bailey/ I wasn't able to speak with him; I just called yesterday (unable to hear) Champion/ I think it's (unable to hear) very active in historic preservation (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Champion/ Yes. Bailey/ Okay. Hayek/ Does anyone know, uh... Champion/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ Yeah. Wright/ (several talking) Champion/ Oh, one at large. Oh. Wright/ (unable to hear) Chicago area (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) as the at-large and then (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Champion/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ Telecommunications (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay, and so then (unable to hear) Telecommunications, two vacancies. Hayek/ (several talking) (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 3 Bailey/ Person who doesn't live in Iowa City is not eligible (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) (several talking and laughing) Bailey/ All right. (unable to hear) JCCOG... ECICOG Appointment: Yapp/ Yes, the reason we wanted to bring this to you tonight is that traditionally, uh, this JCCOG (unable to hear) Dee Vanderhoef (unable to hear). This seat has traditionally been filled by an Iowa City City Council, uh, although JCCOG does not do much work in Iowa City, Iowa City is, uh, one of the main funders of (unable to hear), um, I also believe, as I noted in the memo, I believe the City of Iowa City has benefitted from cooperation with other elected officials on the JCCOG Board by this appointment. The JCCOG Board will make the appointment (unable to hear) however, uh, traditionally someone from Iowa City has been nominated. Bailey/ (unable to hear) middle of the day, at 1:00, around 1:00. (unable to hear) Are you interested? (unable to hear) Yapp/ They do, they have a (unable to hear) (several talking) Correia/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) (several talking and laughing) Bailey/ So... Yapp/ ...at the JCCOG Board meeting willing to make that nomination. Champion/ Well, I'll nominate her. Bailey/ You can nominate her and then somebody else has to second that, yeah. (unable to hear) All right. Bicycle Friendly Communities (IP3 of 1/24 Info Packet): Yapp/ In 2007, JCCOG staff applied for a Bicycle Friendly community designation, uh, on behalf of the City of Iowa City. Iowa City received an honorable mention, uh, but not a full bicycle friendly community designation. (unable to hear) included a variety of demographic and population (unable to hear) and then the second part of the application was, what are the things that Iowa City has been doing to try and make itself more bicycle friendly, and we outlined those things in the memo. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 4 The League responded (unable to hear) Iowa City did not receive a designation with a list of (unable to hear) that they recommended. (unable to hear) around the country (unable to hear) as well as three more specific recommendations (unable to hear) Number one, they stated that Iowa City should implement a comprehensive bicycle plan, and this is one of the difficulties with the application, in that Iowa City does not have astand-alone bicycle plan that we could provide to the League. The policy decision years ago (unable to hear) working with neighborhoods (unable to hear) as opposed to separate planning documents. I believe that if Iowa City were to receive the bicycle friendly community designation, this would be the main thing to do, to (unable to hear) in developing a bicycle plan, uh, and then...then eventually giving that to you for adoption. Number two, they suggested that Iowa City increase the number of (unable to hear) bicycle facilities. Iowa City specifically has invested more in (unable to hear) several years ago got away from designating second bike lanes, due to some, uh, bicycle advocacy. (unable to hear) Number three, that Iowa City should increase bicycle education opportunities, and (unable to hear) ...stated that we should increase working with (unable to hear) to education motorists and bicyclists, and not a role that the City has had. Driver's education and bicycle education in the State of Iowa is now done through private industries, um, (unable to hear) Recently we advocated to the State Legislature to require bicycle (unable to hear) successful in that. That was, uh, last year to include (unable to hear) So at this time, I guess I'd like to hear your questions. Bailey/ Is the bicycle coalition (unable to hear) Yapp/ Currently, the Iowa Bicycle Coalition, uh, I know they do through the (unable to hear) with elementary school children. I'm not aware of...of whether they do what with adults. Bailey/ Okay, so that would be (unable to hear) okay. Yapp/ And I believe (unable to hear) they have contracted the school district, Iowa City School District? (unable to hear person in audience) to work with the kids (unable to hear) Bailey/ You're going to have to be at a mic if you're going to....okay. Yapp/ They have contracted with the Iowa City School District to work with the elementary (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay. (unable to hear) Correia/ ...interested in the (unable to hear) Yapp/ At the JCCOG (unable to hear) and it would be a logical addition to that (unable to hear). It would be somewhat of a (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 5 Correia/ Well, integrated, well, I guess my question (unable to hear) is if the (unable to hear) Yapp/ (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) have people commuting, um, outside Iowa City (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) included bicycles. Hayek/ (unable to hear) Yapp/ (unable to hear) however, it is (unable to hear) continuing to pursue it. I think there are some bicyclists in the community that do not feel their voices are being heard, necessarily, and going through a planning process is a way to, uh, allow communication to take place, in (unable to hear) did not realize, for example, that Iowa City (unable to hear) several times a year I get calls, why doesn't Iowa City (unable to hear) would be positive. Bailey/ Well, and also when I look at this list, I absolutely think Iowa City needs to be on this list of cities of the bicycle friendly communities. (unable to hear) Hayek/ I'd like us to be on this too, but I don't know if it (unable to hear) staff time to get us there. (unable to hear) interest is (unable to hear) more lanes and you know, (unable to hear) different approach, and I guess if there's (unable to hear) policy change and all of the resulting (unable to hear) get us there (unable to hear) Wilburn/ I would put forward, uh, something to consider, and I would be supportive of inviting the other members of the (unable to hear) bicycle communities to help develop that plan. There's uh, in the (unable to hear) people look to go to places where it's known that they're bicycle friendly, and um, that, both that education and (unable to hear) can be (unable to hear) positive light, um, beyond what the city is doing and would be doing, um, it will include perceptions that we are doing this together, as opposed to (unable to hear) anything, and I would be willing to, uh (unable to hear) 20 miles of some (unable to hear, several talking) in the middle of the (unable to hear) I put out a Iowa City bicycle 20/20 plan (unable to hear) people together to have a conversation about developing the components of that plan, I would be willing to go (unable to hear) for that group, in collaboration with staff, if (unable to hear) I would make use of (unable to hear) with that dialogue, and (unable to hear) that's something that I would be willing to, uh, do in my spare time (unable to hear) couple three meetings. Bailey/ (unable to hear) Yapp/ (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 6 Bailey/ (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) facilitate this meeting (unable to hear) think we need to find out (unable to hear) opportunity, as well as opportunities (unable to hear) Yapp/ (unable to hear) newcomers. Wilburn/ (unable to hear) about the, uh, change in policy, but we certainly participate in other areas with comprehensive (unable to hear) but we have certain policies that we do in Iowa City that (unable to hear) and an example of how it might lead to (unable to hear) policy, which we did here, and then it ended up at JCCOG, as well, so there's the potential I think for that. Bailey/ Are there many other sort of budgetary implications besides staff time (unable to hear) Okay. Yapp/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Bailey/ (unable to hear) beginning to really see what we can provide (unable to hear) regarding that, but (unable to hear) Wright/ This is also a good time (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) Yapp/ (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) Yapp/ (unable to hear) requiring all the cities to follow (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ (several talking) (unable to hear) Yapp/Designation does (unable to hear) maybe you'd go to a (unable to hear) Bailey/ Is there a consensus this is something we want to pursue? (several responding) (unable to hear) JCCOG (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 7 Yapp/ In the meantime, we will approach the other communities through our regional (unable to hear) and get a feel for whether they would like to be involved. Thank you. Bailey/ Thank you, John. Panhandling: Bailey/ The next item, on panhandling. I asked for this to be put on. This is a result of (unable to hear) as well as some downtown studies, and this is an item that was brought up. (unable to hear) talk about (unable to hear) So, Eleanor (unable to hear) (several talking) Dilkes/ You haven't had any discussions about this, and I don't know (unable to hear) but I wanted to give you a sense of what the (unable to hear) First Amendment right and (unable to hear) just because it's a First Amendment right doesn't mean that you can't place any restrictions on it. Um (unable to hear) downtown is a what you call (unable to hear) place where people have historically (unable to hear) if you want to place restrictions on the (unable to hear) you can do so, but they can't be (unable to hear) government interest (unable to hear) I wanted to give you just a little bit of history of the, uh, (unable to hear) ordinance. (unable to hear) 1994. Before 1994, Iowa City (unable to hear) all begging and (unable to hear). (unable to hear) the City Council enacted what I would call a very bare-bones (unable to hear) panhandling, and (unable to hear) conducted in confined spaces (unable to hear) privacy of others and when it's conducted in an area (unable to hear) or otherwise create a (unable to hear). (unable to hear) in 2007, there was a proposal from the Police Department to prohibit, um, all panhandling (unable to hear) people who stand in the median and that kind of thing, (unable to hear). So that (unable to hear). So, in looking at these different components (unable to hear) you need to think about what it is you're trying to prevent, what's the governmental interest at stake, (unable to hear) panhandling, I can give you some of the interests (unable to hear) that have been found to be credible by the Court. (unable to hear) vehicular and pedestrian traffic, um, protecting the public against abusive (unable to hear), preventing harassment and intimidation, um, (unable to hear) feel like they can't escape (unable to hear). Another thing that you want to think about is what (unable to hear) prohibit. (unable to hear) prohibited only vocal (unable to hear). (unable to hear) voice request, but (unable to hear). (unable to hear) request in person (unable to hear). It includes (unable to hear). Okay, so, (unable to hear) upheld and (unable to hear) Examples of (unable to hear) upheld and (unable to hear) public transportation (unable to hear), sidewalk cafe, (unable to hear) right-of--way. And, it's going to be very difficult to (unable to hear) Supreme Court (unable to hear). Champion/ (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 8 Dilkes/ So you need to think about what it is that (unable to hear) and what (unable to hear) you want to put in place to do that. Here's an example, (unable to hear) say, okay, our interest is with (unable to hear) pedestrians and vehicles, and then (unable to hear). And (unable to hear) very broad restrictions. The difficulty with enforcement and the ordinance that we've (unable to hear) vehicles, um, is that if (unable to hear) solicit (unable to hear) including the privacy of others, etc. (unable to hear) stepping into the traffic (unable to hear) so and (unable to hear) easier it is to enforce, and (unable to hear) I think that the (unable to hear) feel intimidated in close quarters (unable to hear). (unable to hear) communication (unable to hear) prohibit, um, maybe prohibit (unable to hear) If you do (unable to hear) other places (unable to hear) Bailey/ What would be an example of a confined space? (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) bus stop (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay, okay. Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ Yeah, the vestibule. Wright/ (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) enforcement nightmare (unable to hear). (unable to hear) like the Ped Mall, rather than a specific area. (unable to hear) I continue to believe, it's an accident waiting to happen (unable to hear) with... and knock on the window (unable to hear) intimidated when they're (unable to hear) Champion/ But you could say you can't (unable to hear) (several talking) O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) but that means that you couldn't sit in front of like (unable to hear) and panhandle. I think the panhandling on the Ped Mall (unable to hear). I do (unable to hear) by their doors, intimidating people who don't want to go in there (unable to hear) But, there are... Correia/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Correia/ Well, no, I mean, I guess what I'm saying (unable to hear) besides sitting. I can see somebody doesn't like (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 9 Bailey/ Right, and that's my (unable to hear) but I can understand how some people might feel. Champion/ Especially people who are older. Bailey/ Yes. Champion/ (unable to hear) (several talking) (unable to hear) but even young teenagers (unable to hear) I like what (unable to hear) but I don't want to say you can't panhandle on the Ped Mall. That's a huge area. (several talking) Correia/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) panhandler or (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay. (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) (unable to hear) also talk about an area (unable to hear) correct? I mean (unable to hear) see where that would be an area (unable to hear). When you think of our downtown area several talking) Hayek/ (unable to hear) 10-feet, but (unable to hear) 20-feet, then (unable to hear) Ped Mall (unable to hear) within the Ped Mall, in the middle, (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) public is (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) intimidated and (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) into that business (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Correia/ (unable to hear) Ped Mall (unable to hear) benches, um, planters, is that... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 10 Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Dale? Helling/ (unable to hear) fire lane and then (unable to hear) probably 16, 18 feet, I would guess. Somewhere in that neighborhood, I'm not sure, but (unable to hear) fire lane's pretty close to one side, uh, (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Helling/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Ped Mall, rather than (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) one of the recommendations is to address panhandlers. Did they have any (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) have read that multiple times. Wright/ (unable to hear) panhandlers in a particular area. (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Ped Mall and on the corners. I don't (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) middle of the Ped Mall area. (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) sit at the benches and relax are going to (unable to hear) (several talking) Wright/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) services that are available (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ What are we trying (unable to hear) Correia/ (both talking) (unable to hear) in the country, and so I guess (unable to hear) what does this say about the people in the community and what their needs are (unable to hear) I think that's taking a comprehensive look (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 11 Correia/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) ordinance (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) that cities have addressed this issue (unable to hear) some cities have (unable to hear) so there is (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) it's good to understand that (unable to hear) I guess I'm saying that (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) if we don't answer questions and get information from all community partners (unable to hear) Champion/ I think (unable to hear) particular businesses and (unable to hear) that's not what they're interested in at all. (unable to hear) panhandlers are actually (unable to hear) or you can say (unable to hear) I think (unable to hear) I disagree with (unable to hear) so I think that the problem...I don't think (unable to hear) a lot more panhandlers. (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ Is the problem panhandlers or aggressive panhandlers? Champion/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) intimidation and safety (unable to hear) and um, so (unable to hear) enforce some of these other (unable to hear) and so I'm just wanting to (unable to hear) Hayek/ I don't have a problem with that (unable to hear) but I still think you've got to (unable to hear) and...and, you know, (unable to hear) got to be really (unable to hear) all day long, um, and we've got to (unable to hear) and I think we can do that in a way that (unable to hear) and that sort of thing. I really think we've got to have some sort of panhandling policy. Bailey/ (unable to hear) and then (unable to hear) information and having (unable to hear) suggestion about how to (unable to hear) (several talking) Correia/ (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 12 Bailey/ That would be good. (unable to hear) address this issue because (unable to hear). What's the other side of it? (unable to hear) Okay. O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) talking about distance. Champion/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) tape measure. (unable to hear) right in front of Herteen and Stocker (unable to hear) not happy with. (unable to hear) (several talking) Wright/ (unable to hear) can't keep people from sitting on the bench (unable to hear) (several talking) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) (several talking) you can't prohibit it (unable to hear) Wright/ I think if (unable to hear) doesn't put (unable to hear) Ped Mall and (unable to hear) (several talking) Bailey/ No (unable to hear) 10-feet from a sidewalk cafe, correct? Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ And then (unable to hear) anticipate that (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) (several talking) a majority of you that want (unable to hear) Bailey/ Is there a majority that agrees in (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) safety concern, and (unable to hear) left on Riverside Drive, and (unable to hear) it's a safety issue. Bailey/ (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) instance, safety as your interest, and (unable to hear) we have (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 13 Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) prohibit it in the middle of the street. Wilburn/ (unable to hear) pan handling in the median, um, there's a couple things going through my mind. One, you can prohibit it (unable to hear) um, within the existing ordinance (unable to hear) they can be, if they're (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) safety (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) or whether you say you can't do it (unable to hear). (unable to hear) going through my mind (unable to hear) more problems in terms of safety and traffic flow (unable to hear) some non-profit, on Riverside in particular (unable to hear) standing over by one of the grocery stores (unable to hear) Shelter House build on a site where they (unable to hear) part of their proposal, to allow (unable to hear) where they can't now. If we can't (unable to hear) move on that aspect of panhandling (unable to hear) uncomfortable with panhandling (unable to hear) or some mental health issues going on or (unable to hear) that type of thing, but you know, uh, there are people (unable to hear) to panhandlers, which is why (unable to hear) Wright/ There's almost an education issue here (unable to hear) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) maybe part of...if an ordinance does come out of this, maybe part of it would be to (unable to hear) the public that if you (unable to hear) broader community impact in terms of (unable to hear) homelessness and poverty, then (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) panhandling downtown (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Correia/ (unable to hear) or be good if (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 14 Helling/ (unable to hear) non-profits, and they can't sell things specifically but (unable to hear) and can't block the fire lanes, but (unable to hear) doing for years and years. Dilkes/ (unable to hear) walkway, I think (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) looking at distance (unable to hear) I mean, are people also interested in the manner in which (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) bring back some more specific (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) intimidation (unable to hear) and so I would be interested (unable to hear) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ Given everybody's (unable to hear) tell Eleanor before she drafts this (unable to hear) I think it's easy to talk about (unable to hear) Wilburn/ Well, I think clearly if someone is (unable to hear) Bailey/ Right, I agree with that. Wilburn/ (unable to hear) different things in that I don't know that it's (unable to hear) panhandling going on (unable to hear) you know? So I would have a concern, um, that (unable to hear) problem with panhandling, by (unable to hear) Ped Mall (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) but not for (unable to hear) Bailey/ Well, it won't (unable to hear), but... Dilkes/ (unable to hear) four of you, then (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) make sure that we do some (unable to hear) and see if we can (unable to hear) ends up (unable to hear) look at some type of (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) homeless board, and (unable to hear) that's all well and good, but (unable to hear) would be helpful. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 15 Champion/ (unable to hear) are homeless. Correia/ (unable to hear) local Homeless Coordinating Board. Dilkes/ (unable to hear) (several talking) (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) municipal infraction, which (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay. Dilkes/ (unable to hear) whole different (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) how clear it is to enforce. O'Donnell/ There's more than one business downtown that's complained about this (unable to hear) (several talking) Bailey/ (unable to hear) that's what we're attempting to do here. So... Dilkes/ (unable to hear) ordinance (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay, thanks, Eleanor. (unable to hear) break. Agenda Items: ITEM 2 OUTSTANDING STUDENT CITIZENSHIP AWARDS -Lucas Elementary Bailey/ (unable to hear) if that's acceptable (unable to hear) (several talking) Other agenda items? That's okay, really. Okay. I'm going to keep moving then. Hayek/ What agenda are we talking about? Tonight's or tomorrow night? (unable to hear) (several talking) (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) ITEM 8 RENEWAL OF CLASS C LIQUOR LICENSE FOR ONE POOR STUDENT INC. DBA ONE-EYED JAKE'5,18-20 SOUTH CLINTON STREET. Hayek/ Number 8 that I'd like to talk about. Before we wrap things up, I want to tell you guys, I'm going to recuse myself from this tomorrow night, and here's why. (unable to hear) law partner (unable to hear) to defend (unable to hear). (unable This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 16 to hear) but yet there's this connection and I talked to Eleanor about it and we're of the opinion (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) law firm was hired to defend (unable to hear) (several talking) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) good idea (unable to hear) (several talking) Wright/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) decided by the State. Dilkes/ (unable to hear) if they appeal, they stay in business. So... Wilburn/ (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) immediate appeal. (unable to hear) Bailey/ Connie, did you have a comment? Champion/ (unable to hear) Fire Chief (unable to hear) I understand about the hole in the wall (unable to hear) many, many (unable to hear) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Champion/ Okay. Dilkes/ (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 17 Champion/ Okay. Dilkes/ (unable to hear) significant safety issues (unable to hear) Bailey/ Other questions or comments about (unable to hear). Okay. Other agenda items? ITEM 10 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND FIRST AMERICAN BANK, IOWA CITY, IOWA FOR PERSONAL BUSINESS PROPERTY LOCATED AT 136 SOUTH DUBUQUE STREET, IOWA CITY, IOWA WITHIN THE BUSINESS OF THE WEDGE DOWNTOWN, INC. (DEFERRED FROM JANUARY 15) ITEM 11 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN AGREEMENT CONSENTING TO THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE LEASE OF GROUND FLOOR COMMERCIAL SPACE IN THE IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING FROM LEADING EDGE ENTERPRISES, L.L.C., D/B/A NEW YORK NY DELI, TO CAPANNA COFFEE, INC., AND AMENDING THE LEASE TO ADD 210 ADDITIONAL SQUARE FEET TO THE LEASE, AND ASSIGNING RENTAL RATES FOR OPTION PERIODS. (DEFERRED FROM JANUARY 15) Dilkes/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay. (unable to hear) (several talking) Council Time: Bailey/ (unable to hear) Okay, council time. Correia/ (unable to hear) inclusive communities (unable to hear) held on Saturday, April 12`". They have invited (unable to hear) and she is a Professor (unable to hear) Columbia University and (unable to hear) and so (unable to hear) could support (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) (several talking) (unable to hear) Okay. (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) it would be able to support (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 18 Bailey/ (unable to hear) Correia/ (unable to hear) Helling/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay. (unable to hear) Dale, can you (unable to hear) suggestion that we might be (unable to hear) Correia/ I'm just wondering (unable to hear) Saturday, April 12`" (unable to hear) Bailey/ Right (unable to hear) (several talking) Helling/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay. (unable to hear) Other Council items? Wright/ I just want to give Council and Dale a (unable to hear) proliferation of (unable to hear) popping up all over the place and (unable to hear) (several talking) (unable to hear) pop all over town (unable to hear) O'Donnell/ (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) sign ordinance (unable to hear) small signs (unable to hear) not be permitted (unable to hear) about your neighborhood (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) Helling/ (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) is up for rent. Bailey/ (unable to hear) Okay. Helling/ (unable to hear) complaint basis (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) letter went to (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Wright/ (unable to hear) Helling/ (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 19 Wright/ (unable to hear) Helling/ (unable to hear) handful of agencies (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) in some cities, and some countries, to ban (several talking) (unable to hear) think about that. I think, I hope (unable to hear) (several talking) biodegradable plastic bags (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) co-op and a number of stores (unable to hear) that specific (unable to hear) Bailey/ Are there other people who would be interested in discussing this? Champion/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Bailey/ (unable to hear) (several talking) (unable to hear) (several talking and laughter) Wilburn/ Just an FYI (unable to hear) leave for (unable to hear) that afternoon so I won't be able to make that (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) (several talking) Wilburn/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) Bailey/ Okay. Hayek/ (unable to hear) subsidies or stipends for electronic stuff (unable to hear) earlier sort of technological (unable to hear) talked to Mike about it (unable to hear) (several talking) Bailey/ (unable to hear) Hayek/ (unable to hear) policy. Wright/ (unable to hear) Champion/ (unable to hear) (several talking) (unable to hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008. January 28, 2008 City Council Work Session Page 20 Bailey/ (unable to hear) other people be interested in looking at our technology policy (several talking) Okay. Any other items? Community Bailey/ (unable to hear) Any other (several talking) budget on here (several talking) (unable to hear) Thanks everybody. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council work session meeting of January 28, 2008.