HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-01 Council minutes1 INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION January 3, 1983 INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION: January 3, 1983, 4:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Balmer, Dickson, Erdahl, Lynch, McDonald, Neuhauser, Perret. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Helling, Jansen, Knight, Franklin, Hencin, Carroll, Karr, Hayek, Hauer, Kucharzak. TAPE-RECORDED: Reel 82-24, Side 1, 282-2072. APPLICATIONS TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 282-375 Rezoning 655 Highway 6 Bypass East-Fleetwav Stores Public hearing will be set for 2/1/83 on change from M1 to C2. Staff and P & Z Commission recommend approval. Neuhauser noted the number of rezoning recently and questioned whether they couldn't be done all at one time, instead of store by store in the same area. Knight will investigate, draft of Comprehensive Plan recommends whole area zoned commercial. Vacated ortion of Maiden Lane Knight commented on the history behind this public hearing. Appraisal price for the property was $26,500, current offer of $10,000. Immediately after the public hearing, item number C, is a resolution authorizing the sale. Unless there was strong opposition at the public hearing, Knight recom- mended action be taken to approve the sale. Knight noted the problem with access if the area were sold to someone other than the current bidder. Ord: rezoning 505 Burlington Street (Rosebud) Knight noted the letter from the applicant, John Moreland, requesting the reading be waived and the ordinance adopted at this meeting. Moreland present for discussion. LSRD Iowa Illinois Manor 505 Burlin ton Street Franklin explained that P & Z ded recommenapprove w t a waiver o showing existing contours. A sidewalk along Van Buren and easement for public access and water line underneath the sidewalk is being provided by the applicant. Sanitary sewer is being moved at City request to avoid infringement. Franklin noted the ordinance rezoning the property must be acted upon first, the readings waived, and then this resolution considered. HARRISON STREET VACATION 375-760 Supervisors Sehl, Donnelly, Myers, Langenberg, Ockenfels; Architect Roy Neumann; County Atty. Pat White present for discussion. Neumann presented plans and lay- out of proposed tr-level administration building. The Court House.would be used to house the County Attorney and other court related functions. only. The County requested Harrison Street be vacated for construction. Councilmembers discussed the parking problems surrounding the Court House and the impact of closing the street on three private dwellings on the street. Balmer expressed concern re the rental properties and the shortage of parking. Lynch requested an appraisal be done on the street and Councilmembers agreed. County Atty. White distributed a draft Memorandum of Agreement re real estate that would need to be signed by the City and County to enable County to proceed with further plans with Neumann. The proposal will be routed to the City Atty. and other staffinembers for review. The City Manager stated the matter should be ready for consideration in two weeks. Neumann will furnish the City with set of plans for review. Also discussed was Cthe matter of County offices in the former Sabin school building. I• 4 141CROFIL14E0 BY i �.1 -"JORM--MIC REIL A9" 1 ` CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOVIES i T f Page 2 BLOCK 64 HOTEL/DEPARTMENT STORE PROJECTS (Hauer, Hayek) 760-1065 City Manager Berlin advised Council of two aspects being requested for considera- tion by Mr. Beck representing Hilton. The first one involves the possibility of re -configuring the department store to allow for 25 additional feet for the hotel. If this could.not be done without re -bidding the parcel Mr. Beck would like to proceed without the change and develop. A Coordination Committee is being held Wednesday night to discuss this in relationship to today's opinion by Atty. Hayek. The.other aspect is the request by Beck to enter an agreement with Armstrong's to transfer their interest in the department store parcel to Beck (Hilton), they would then purchase the store site and enter into an agreement with Armstrong's that would allow Armstrong's the first right of refusal on the development but would also allow Beck the right to proceed to attract other department stores. Atty. Hayek stated that he did not think the City could legally permit either request in the fashion proposed. He and the City Manager recommended the preferred developer be named for the hotel site and that a letter be sent to Armstrong's giving them 30 days to act affirmatively on the Parcel 64-1a or the City could terminate the j preferred developer designation. Consensus of the Council was to proceed with the naming of the hotel developer and to write a letter to Armstrong's re the preferred developer designation. CENTRAL JUNIOR HIGH PROPERTY (Kucharzak) .. 1065-1727 Supt. David Cronin, Atty. John Cruise,"School Bd. President'Lynrie Cannon, and Architect Roy Neumann present for discussion. City Manager Berlin outlined two possible alternatives for resolving the ownership question. The first alternative would have the City use its power to control the use of the property and decide there is a "public use" for the south half of the property. The "public use" could be congregate housing for elderly too frail to live alone but not in need of nursing home care. The school board can take bids on both halves, specify that a bid -for congregate housing on the south half will be preferred over others, and take the highest bid for the north half with the only limits being imposed by City zoning laws. The second alternative is for the City to buy the south half from the school board at a discount. The City could then re -sell the�orooerty for development, of congregate housing. Majority of Councilmembers present favored the first alterna- tive but would consider the second if the first doesn't work. Housing Director Kucharzak and Architect Newmann presented preliminary plans on a congregate housing building that could be built by a private developer on the south half of the property. HUMAN SERVICE AGENCIES The Mayor reminded those present of the upcoming joint City Council/County Board of Supervisors public hearing on funding of human service agencies to be held on January 19th. The format would be similar as in the past with each agency giving a brief 5 -minute presentation followed by questions. I i 141CROr ILMED BY -JORM-MICR6LAE3 --- _1 CEDAR RAPIDS DES MOINES / Page 3 CITY CLERK POSITION (Carroll) 1727 -End Consensus ofCouncil was to advertise as per Human Relations Director memo of December 16, 1982. Advertisements would run for three weeks in 2-3 major Iowa newspapers and notice of the vacancy would be sent to City Clerk's offices in the top 15-20 Iowa cities. Councilmember Lynch and Mayor Neuhauser will serve on the interviewing committee. Carroll will serve as a non-voting member. Salary and residentency requirements will be discussed at a later time. COUNCIL BUSINESS (Hencin) 1. Balmer questioned the 3 -year timetable for item #10, Lower Ralston Creek property and requested the time be shortened. Consensus of Council was to shorten to 24 months. The change will be made in the Prospectus and other bidding information. Majority of Councilmembers also agreed to bid Elm Grove Park with the other parcels. 2. Balmer requested an update on the Iowa -Illinois franchise. City Manager will schedule discussion for next week. 3. Erdahl announced he would be unable to attend the informal scheduled for Monday, the 10th. Meeting adjourned to executive session, 6:55 P.M. MICROFILMED BY I -JORM`MIC R,4 B` (I CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES I I EXECUTIVE SESSION January 3, 1983 EXECUTIVE SESSION: January 3, 1983, 6:55 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Balmer, Dickson, Erdahl, Lynch, McDonald, Perret, Neuhauser. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Helling, Karr, Vitosh, Jansen, Carroll, Rynecki . TAPE-RECORDED ON REEL 82-27, Side 1, 2230-3217. Moved by Perret, seconded by Dickson, to adjourn to executive sessions for two reasons under Section 28A.5, 1) to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure woule be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation, and 2) to discuss as a public employer, strategy regarding collective bargaining with City employee organizations; as . such discussion is emempted from the provisions of Chapter 28A according to Chapter 20.17(3). Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Council - members present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Moved by Perret, seconded by Erdahi, to adjourn, 7:50 P.M. The Mayor declared the motion carried, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. i MICROFILMED BY (L - _D0RM-'-MICR46CA6" CEDAR RAPIDS DES MOINES T, EXECUTIVE SESSION January 4, 1983 EXECUTIVE SESSION: January 4, 1983, 7:55 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Balmer, Dickson, Lynch, McDonald, Neuhauser, Perret. Absent: Erdahl. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Helling, Jansen; Boyle, Carroll, Rynecki, Karr. TAPE-RECORDED ON REEL 82-27, Side 1, 3217 -End. Moved by Perret, seconded by McDonald, to adjourn to executive session to discuss as a public employer, strategy regarding collective bargaining with City employee organizations; as such discussion is exempted from the provisions of Chapter 28A according to Chapter 20.17(3). Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Erdahl absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Moved by Perret, seconded by McDonald, to adjourn, 8:20 P.M. The Mayor declared the motion carried, 6/0, Erdahl absent. J MICROrILMED BY �l } DORM --'MIC R¢G'40�1 CEDAR RPM • DES MOINES INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION JANUARY 10, 1983 INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION: January 10, 1983, 4:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Mary Neuhauser presiding. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Balmer, Dickson, McDonald, Lynch, Neuhauser, Perret. Absent: Erdahl. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Helling, Jansen, Karr, Franklin. TAPE-RECORDED on Reel 82-26, Side 1, 1-1457, City Manager announced the starting time of the Iowa game had changed. Consensus of Council was to meet on Saturday as scheduled, but to move the starting time to 7:00 a.m. Schedule will be adjusted accordingly. FY84 Goals and Objectives were discussed (see attached). In addition to the objectives listed on the Council Program Division Statement, 12 other tentative objectives we not included as a result of Council's informal discussion. Items wh?ch were discussed but not included on the PDS include the following: 1. Adopt transit policy - this will be accomplished during FY83. 2. Increase police protection through additional staff and/or other alternative methods - decisions in this regard will be made in conjunction with preparation of the FY84 budget and will be accomplished this year. 3. Define space needs and adopt plan - it was not anticipated that decisions in this regard would be made during FY84. 4. Urban amenities - downtown improvements (Dubuque, Linn, Clinton, Iowa Avenue) - these items will appear and be discussed as part of the Capital Improvements Program. 5. Review/implement Bike Plan - review will occur during FY83. Decisions regarding implementation will occur some time after that. 6. Develop policy for park acquisition - decisions regarding any policy change will occur prior to FY84. 7. Form intergovernmental committee to address common concerns - this has essentially been accomplished as a result of the Council's recent meeting with the County Board of Supervisors. 8. Utilize vacant urban renewal space while awaiting development - It is hoped that property will be taken down by the potential developer prior to or soon after the beginning of FY84, thus making this objective unnecessary. 9. Improve information and understanding regarding operational delays in dealing with such delays - Council did not feel this was a necessary priority to state as a specific objective. 1111 i MICROMMED BY l - JORM--MIC R;LAB CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES i /� 10. Improve public relations by staff in dealing with the public - it was not felt necessary to make this a specific objective and it was noted that City staff relations with the public appeared to be very good. 11. Selective implementation of Melrose Corridor Committee recommenda- tions - this will be included in the Capital Improvements Program. 12. Develop informal guidelines regarding closed meetings - it was not felt necessary to make this a specific objective. Meeting adjourned 6:35. 2 10. Improve public relations by staff in dealing with the public - it was not felt necessary to make this a specific objective and it was noted that City staff relations with the public appeared to be very good. 11. Selective implementation of Melrose Corridor Committee recommenda- tions - this will be included in the Capital Improvements Program. 12. Develop informal guidelines regarding closed meetings - it was not felt necessary to make this a specific objective. Meeting adjourned 6:35. 3 J FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM: POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIL PURPOSE: PROGRAM DIVISION STATEMENT DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL /9 The City Council is a representative body elected by the citizens to formulate City policy and provide general direction to the City Manager for implementation of that policy. CITY COUNCIL GOAL: Maintain and establish policy for the City administration to ensure effective planning and efficient operation of all facilities, services and public improvement programs consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: 1. Seek alternative sources of revenue (other than property taxes). Emphasis will be toward passage of local option tax legislation in the State legislature, if not already passed by June 30, 1983. The City Council legislative Committee, the Finance Director, and the Assistant City Manager will pursue this. 2. Maintain current level of basic services. The City Manager will ensure that current levels are maintained. 3. Develop long-range fiscal policies. Overall long-range policy to be refined to more detail. A projection update will be provided for Council during the first quarter of FY84 for consideration during the FY85 budget review. This will includea fall -back position for the City in the event of significant cutbacks in Federal or State funding. The City Manager and the Finance Director will be responsible. 4. Review service delivery to identify improved methods. This is an ongoing function of the City Manager to be achieved in conjunction with efforts of department and division heads. ' 5. Minimize property tax increases. This is an ongoing responsibility of the City Manager and the Finance Director when preparing budget recommendations for the City Council. i HICROFILMEn BY i DORM""MIC CEDAR RAPIDS DES MOINES A 0 � � 1 i i NEW OBJECTIVES: 1. Obtain funding for wastewater treatment plant or identify alternatives for ten year interim. Possible interim alternatives to be presented to Council by September 30, 1983. This is the i responsibility of the Study Committee, the consultant (Veenstra b Kim), and City staff. 2. Implementation of new zoning ordinance. It 1s anticipated that this ordinance will be completed jgst prior to or soon after the beginning of FY84. Implementation during FY84 will be largely the responsibility of Planning and Program Development and Legal staff. 3. Development of urban renewal land. Motel construction to begin first quarter at which time the status of the parcel for a Department Store will be presented to Council for review. This will be coordinated by the City Manager. i 4. Execute Urban Fringe Agreement with County. i This should be prepared and executed no later than September 30, 1983, as facilitated through the Planning and Program Development and Legal departments and Council representatives Erdahl and i McDonald. S. Begin implementation of Economic Development Policy. Council will be provided with proposed action steps no later than September 30, 1983, by the City Manager. ! 6. Complete decisions regarding new Iowa -Illinois Gas 8 Electric Franchise. `J Recommendations from the Council representatives (Perret, Dickson) and Legal department to be discussed and issues resolved no later than a time which will allow this item to be placed on the general election ballot in November of 1983. l 7. Identify solutions for dealing with downtown parking. Council to decide general direction these efforts will take during the first quarter of FY84. The City Manager, Public Works Director, and Finance Director will be responsible for providing information and alternatives consistent with this time frame. B. Improved communications with Boards and Commissions and recognition of their accomplishments. Alternatives include a recognition banquet (City Manager to explore funding alternatives with Chamber of Commerce), more effective use of Cable Television for Boards and Commissions (City Manager and appropriate staff to explore), and implementation. of a policy to insure timely communications of i MICROFILMED BY '- �' ----,,.- `, `JOR M --'MIC R4ILAB'- .I L CEDAR RANDS • DES MOIRES I •rJ � J Council decisions or considerations to specific Boards and Commissions (City Manager to develop and implement). 9. Begin Benton and Riverside Drive improvements. Construction to be in progress during first quarter of FY84. Public Works Director to monitor progress of 1DOT on this project. 10. Build better communications with University of Iowa students. Initial communications with student organizations will be made by the Mayor. 11. Subdivision ordinance. To be developed by staff following completion of the new Zoning Ordinance. Primarily the responsibility of Planning and Program Development and Legal staff. Completion by the and of FY84. 12. New swimming pool. Mayor Neuhauser and Councilmember Balmer will explore options and report to Council by December 31, 1983. 13. Historic Preservation. Historic Preservation Commission should be appointed prior to beginning of FY84. Planning and Program Development staff will be responsible for implementation of the Commission function during FY84. 14. Facilitate development of 200 new housing units. This is primarily contingent upon activity in the private sector. Council and City Manager will engage in efforts to facilitate this end. 15. Review Council goals and objectives at 4 to 6 month intervals. This will be accomplished through summary quarterly reports and the scheduling of informal review sessions by the City Manager. 16. Facilitate construction of additional congregate housing. Council and staff will continue to explore alternatives with the private sector and other governmental agencies depending on available funding programs and potential construction sites. 17. Emphasize Energy Conservation in new developments. Planning b Program Development staff will coordinate with the Planning b Zoning Commission and the Resources Conservation Commission regarding incorpopating energy provisions into the new subdivision ordinance. iF CROFILMED BY --'MIC"LLAei-APIDS • OES I4O1NE5 1� 18. Implement information program about City functions. The City Manager will continue to explore alterntives for a written or video produced Annual Report for Iowa City, as well as other cable TV related options. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: City Council policy is carried out by all departments under direction of the City Manager. Achievement of specific objectives is measured in the performance of departments/divisions individually and collectively. 141CROFILMED BY _I JORM--MICR#LAB'- j CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES 1 J C i. MINUTES OF OFFICIAL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL - 1/18/83 The cost of publishing the following proceed- ings & claims is $ Cumulative cost for this calendar year for said publication is Iowa City Council, reg. mtg., 1/18.83, 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Councilmembers present: Balmer, Dickson, Erdahl, Lynch, McDonald, Neuhauser, Perret. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, to adopt RES. 83-5, Bk. 76, p. 7, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR WALTER EVERMAN; RES. 83-6, Bk. 76, p. 8, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR GEORGE WOOD; RES. 83-7, Bk. 76, p. 9, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR DONALD WALTON; RES. 83-8, Bk. 76, p. 10, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR PAUL NUTT. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the resolutions adopted and thanked the employees for their many - years of service. Mayor Neuhauser announced the addition of a Class C Liquor License and Sunday Sales for Jasper's to the Consent Calendar. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perret, that the following i items and recommendations in the Consent Calendar i be received, or approved, and/or adopted as amended: Approval of Official Council Actions, 1/4/83, as published, subject to correction, j as recommended by the Acting City Clerk. Minutes of Boards and Commissions: Planning & Zoning Comm.-11/4/82 & 12/2/82; Parks and Recreation Comm.-12/15/82; Housing Appeals Bd.-12/13/82; Human Rights Comm.- 12/13/82; Design Review Comm.-1/5/83; Hotel/Department Store Coordinating Comm.- 1/5/83; Committee on Community Needs-1/5/83; Housing Comm.-1/5/83. Permit Motions and Resolution as Recom- mended by the Acting City Clerk: Approving Class C Liquor License for Smith & Company, 1210 Highland Ct. Approving Class C Liquor License and Sunday Sales for Simmy's, 208 N. Linn. Approving Class C Beer-Wine License refund for The Breadline, 325 E. Washington. RES. 83-9, Bk. 76, p. 11, ISSUING A CIGARETTE PERMIT. Approving Class C Liquor License and Sunday Sales for Jasper's, 18-20 S. Clinton. Motions: Authorizing the City Engineer to sign an application for the use of highway right-of-way for the installation of guardrail by the City of Iowa City, south of Highway ' 6/218 just east of Valley Avenue. I i i 141CROFILI•IED BY \� JORM"'MICR6LAB__ LCEDAR RAPIDS DES MOINES r - -- I h MICROFILMED BY r 1 ,..•„ JORN1"MIC R�CAB-� --� ( CEDAR RAPIDS •DES MOMJES 1 Official Actions Resolutions, Bk. 76: RES. 83-10, p. 12, January 18, 1983 ACCEPTING THE WORK FOR THE FY83 ASPHALT Page 2 RESURFACING PROJECT AS CONSTRUCTED BY L.L. PELLING COMPANY, INC. OF IOWA CITY, IOWA. RES. 83-11, p. 13, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND ACTING CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENTS TO THE STATE GRANT AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY THE COMPTROLLER OF IOWA FOR PAYMENT OF THE GRANT AMOUNT BY THE STATE. Correspondence: Mary C. Panther and 15 other signatures from residents of North Westminister re problem with surface water. The City Manager will reply after investigation by Public Works staff. Chairperson of the Committee on Community Needs expressing appreciation for the excellent work of the City staff. Lorna Mathes objecting to change in zoning of property at 109 S. Johnson, City Manager will reply. Letters re the proposed changes in the i Human Rights Ordinance: Margaret and Kenneth MacDonald; Paul and Roberta Johnson; Lorna . Mathes; Stanley Cross; Rebecca Arbogast, Emma Goldman Clinic; Patricia Sheppard; Barbara Davidlow; Nancy Combs; Mary Wyckoff; Kay Tippery; Cyndie Jackson Franklin, Hillcrest M Family Services; Jeanne Porter, Protection and Advocacy for Developmentally Disabled Persons; Benny E. Leonard, Systems Unlimited, Inc.; Mike Townsend, Goodwill Industries; j Thomas Mikelson, Unitarian Universalist Society; Michael Blake; Verne R. Kelley, Mental Health Center; Carol Thompson, Iowa Department of Social Services; C.F. Kent Mark Hamer, representing Greater Iowa City Area Apartment Association; Norman Bailey; Steven Hedlund; Iva Hilleman, Rentals by Ivette, Inc.; Robert Osmundson; Kenneth E. Larsen; John Hayek; Edwin K. Barker; Ted N. Kjaer. Memo from the Traffic Engr. re loading zone for Preucil School of Music, 524 N. Johnson. Applications for Use of Streets and Public Grounds: Jeffrey Renander for permis- sion to picket in front of Emma Goldman Clinic on 1/22/83 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, approved for 10-12 persons. Emma Goldman Clinic for permission to use Blackhawk Minipark and to march to Old Brick on 1/22/83, approved. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion to consider the Consent Calendar carried. I h MICROFILMED BY r 1 ,..•„ JORN1"MIC R�CAB-� --� ( CEDAR RAPIDS •DES MOMJES 1 Official Actions Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perret, to set January 18, 1983 a public hearing for 2/15/83 on the 1983 Comprehen- Page 3 sive Plan Land Use Update. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. A public hearing was held on the proposed rezoning of Lot 26, Lyon's Second Addition, from C2 to R3A; located east of Van Buren Street, north of Bowery Street, west of Johnson Street, and south of Burlington Street. Atty. Cruise, representing the owners (Furman and Nagle), appeared requesting approval. A public hearing was held on the proposed rezoning of certain property located in the south- east quadrant of the intersection of Gilbert and Burlington Streets (Dorothy Maher property) from C2 to CBS. No one appeared. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, that the ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF GILBERT AND BURLINGTON STREETS (DOROTHY MAHER PROPERTY) FROM C2 TO CBS, be considered and given first vote for passage. Staffinember Knight present for discussion. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. A public hearing was held on the proposed rezoning of Lots 3 and 4 in Lyman Cook's Subdivision which are owned by the City of Iowa City and located north of Ralston Creek Village and east of Gilbert Street from C2 to CBS. Moved by Balmer, seconded by McDonald, that the ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 3 AND 4 IN LYMAN COOK'S SUBDIVISION WHICH ARE OWNED BY THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND LOCATED NORTH OF RALSTON CREEK VILLAGE AND EAST OF GILBERT STREET FROM C2 TO CBS, be considered and given first vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. A public hearing was held on the vacation of a portion of the alley directly east of Lot 4 in Lyman Cook's Subdivision, Outlot 25. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Lynch, that the ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE ALLEY DIRECTLY EAST OF LOT 4 IN LYMAN COOK'S SUBDIVISION, OUTLOT 25, be considered and given first vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. A public hearing was held on the disposition of Lots 3 and 4 in Lyman Cook's Subdivision, Outlot 25 and the vacated portion of the Outlot 25 alley adjacent to Lot 4. I� MICROFILMED BY i L -JORM" I -MICRfLB CEDAR RAPIDS DES14 J Official Actions Moved by McDonald, seconded by Balmer, to j January 18, 1983 adopt RES. 83-12, Bk. 76, p. 14, AUTHORIZING AND Page 4 DIRECTING THE SOLICITATION OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE LAND FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT ON LOTS 3, 4 AND A PORTION OF VACATED ALLEY IN LYMAN COOK'S SUBDIVISION OF OUTLOT 25 ORIGINAL TOWN. Balmer questioned the procedure being used on bidding the property prior to the rezoning becoming final. Staffinember Hauer present for discussion. After discussion, consensus of the Council was to have the Prospectus reworded to indicate rezoning is in progress. Affirmative roll call vote on the resolution unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Erdahl, seconded by McDonald, that the ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BY CLARIFYING THE LANGUAGE REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS, ADDING A PENALTY SECTION AND PERMITTING THE FINAL PLAT TO INCLUDE PART OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES ONLY, be ! considered and given first vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all i Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. A public hearing was held on the disposition of the Old Public Library (Block 63, O.T., Lots 3 and 4) to GWG Investments. Atty. Cruise appeared representing the developers. Rev. Bob Welsh, 2526 Mayfield, appeared urging Council not to authorize the sale of the old library at this time. Individual Councilmembers expressed their views. Moved by Balmer, seconded by McDonald, to adopt RES. 83-13, Bk. 76, pp. 15-21, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH GWG INVESTMENTS FOR LOTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 OF BLOCK 63 ORIGINAL TOWN (THE OLD PUBLIC LIBRARY AND ADJACENT PARKING LOT). Individual Councilmembers discussed provisions of the contract. Atty. Cruise appeared. Staffinember Hauer present for discussion. After discussion, moved by Perret, seconded by McDonald, to amend the contract on page 2, provision 8, re Parking Lot Lease Terms, to include the language," for period of time not to exceed 12 months from the date of execution of this contract" after the words "desired for lease" at the end of that section. The Mayor declared the motion to amend the contract carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous on the resolution as amended, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted as amended. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, to accept the recommendation of the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to reappoint Michael Kattchee 1 MICROFILMED BY 'DORM'"MIC R(JL A:B" + LCEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES I Official Actions to the Senior Center Commission as a representative January 18, 1983 of Johnson County for a three-year term ending Page 5 12/31/85. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmember5 present. Councilmember Balmer requested an update on the status of Highlander Sewer Agreement. City Manager will discuss with the City Attorney and report back. Dickson questioned the intersection of Highway 1 and Sunset Street re lighting. City Manager stated a memo would be in this week's packet. Neuhauser reported on a recent phone call from Governor Branstad's office re non -budget recommendations that will be forwarded to the Legislature. The Governor is interested in the local option tax; fair play requirements; expanding the use of industrial revenue bonds for research facilities; and asking the Advisory Committee on Inter -Governmental Relations to investigate tort liability and see if there is a way the liability could be lessened. McDonald requested the Urban Fringe Committee report be scheduled for the A informal Monday and that the Council review the agreements reached at the meeting in January. Erdahl questioned whether a letter had been sent from the Committee to Johnson County Zoning Commis - Sion. City Manager will investigate. Erdahl also questioned the present status of the Planning and Zoning By-laws. City Manager will report back. Recommendations of the Housing Commission noted as follows: (1) that an application for 25 additional units of Section 8 Existing, and that an application for 100 units Elderly Public Housing be prepared. No action by the Council is required at this time. (2) that the unencumbered monies returned from the sale of public housing land that was earmarked by CCN for River City Housing Collec- tive be given back to the Housing Commission for further recommendation. City Manager will notify Collective re discussion. (3) The Housing Commis - Sion supports the City Council response to the School Board on the disposal of the south half of the block of Central Junior High for congregate housing and further recommends that the bidding documents for disposal of the site also consider 202 Elderly Housing, if an acceptable developer for congregate housing cannot be found. (4) That if no private developer comes forward to purchase the pipeyard parcel, the City consider it for 202 Housing. Recommendations of the Design Review Committee noted as follows: (1) The Design Review Committee recommends approval of the project plans for a building to be built at 320 South Linn Street. The Design Review Committee recognizes the builder's i MICRON VED BY ! JOR M "MIC RALAB�� % CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES Official Actions intent to keep the exterior relatively innocuous it January 18, 1983 relationship to the adjoining structures, as well Page 6 as the builder's intent to use little or no signage on the proposed structure to keep it inobtrusive in the surrounding residential neighborhood. (2) The Design Review Committee recommends approval of the design plans for 13-15 South Dubuque Street. Further, the Committee would like to note its enthusiasm for the very professional design. The Committee hopes the design for the new building will serve as a stimulus and a guide for renovation work performed on other surrounding buildings. Recommendations of the Hotel/Department Store Coordinating Committee noted as follows: (1) The Committee endorses Hilton -Iowa City Partners as the preferred developer for Parcel 64-1b, subject to written confirmation that this bid is not dependent upon receiving an extra 25 foot width on the eastern boundary of the hotel parcel. (2) The i Committee would like to indicate that both bids for the site (Hilton -Iowa City Partners and Integra - Built) were very strong and financially capable bids. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Dickson, to adopt RES. 83-14, Bk. 76, pp. 22-23, DESIGNATING HILTON-IOWA ED DEVELOPER FOR IURBANARRE RENEWAL A64- bHE (HOTEL)INj DOWNTOWN IOWA CITY. Vernon Beck (Hilton -Iowa City Partners) and Don Staley, Jr. (Integra -Built), and staffinember Hauer present for discussion. Councilmembers emphasized the importance of the pedestrian access on Dubuque Street. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted and noted appreciation for two very good hotel bids. Moved by Lynch, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. 83-15, Bk. 76, pp, 24-36, REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $250,000 IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (GENE KROEGER PROJECT) OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE, CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSAL TO ISSUE SAID BONDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT. Moved by Perret, seconded by Balmer, to approve the design consistent with the recommendations from the Design Review Committee. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Council -members requested a review of new construction/remodeling plan be scheduled at an informal Council meeting before action is taken on industrial revenue bonds in the future. Affirma- tive roll call vote unanimous on adoption of i MICROFILMED BY DORM---MICRdLAB- CEDAR RAPIDS DES MOINES I / i \ j J \ i / K Official Actions resolution, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The January 18, 1983 Mayor declared the resolution adopted. Page 7 Moved by Erdahl, seconded by McDonald, to adopt RES. 83-16, Bk. 76, pp. 37-49, REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $750,000 IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (THE WILLIAMS COMPANY PROJECT) OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE, CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSAL TO ISSUE SAID BONDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT. Moved by Erdahl, seconded by Dickson, to approve the design consistent with the recommendations of the Design Review Committee. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous on adoption of resolution, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perret, to adopt RES. 63-17, Bk. 76, p. 50, ESTABLISHING A FARE POLICY FOR IOWA CITY TRANSIT. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Councilmember Balmer recalled the Resolutions of Commendation that were adopted earlier in the meeting and noted that three individuals from the Water Division represented 74 years of combined service. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Perret, to adjourn, 9:20 p.m. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. A more complete description of Council activi- tis is on file in the office of the City Clerk. C. VjW)iA"s/MARY C. NEUHAUSER, MAYOR s/MARIAtJ KARR, ACTTTING CITY CLERK i Submitted for publication on 1/28/83. j _ ) MICROFILI4ED BY JURM' Rd►C,4B 1 CEDAR RAPIDS � DES MOINES � ! r MINUTES OF OFFICIAL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL - 2/2/83 The cost of publishing the following proceed- ings & claims is $ Cumulative cost for this calendar year for said publication is Iowa City Council, special meeting, February 2, 1983, 4:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Council - members present: Balmer, Dickson, McDonald, Neuhauser, Perret. Absent: Erdahl, Lynch. Moved by Perret, seconded by Dickson, to set a public hearing for 3/8/83, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers, on an ordinance amending Chapter 8.10, The Zoning Ordinance of the Municipal Code of the City of Iowa City, Iowa, by rezoning the entire R3A area of Manville Heights to RNC -20. The Mayor stated that this action would prohibit the issuance of building permits in the area for 60 days, it would allow the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council to consider whether the area in question should be rezoned from R3A to RNC -20, and it would allow proponents and opponents a fair oportunity to present arguments at the public hearing stage. She noted that the action does not stop construction on legally issued building permits or make R3A uses non -conforming. Atty. William Lucas, representing Furman and Nolan, appeared and voiced opposition to the setting of a public hearing. The Mayor declared the motion setting a public hearing carried unanimously, 5/0, Erdahl and Lynch absent. Moved by Perret, seconded by Balmer, to refer this proposed ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation and that the rezoning being proposed is pursuant to Code Section 8.10.32(A) whereby Council on its own motion may rezone or propose an amendment to the zoning ordinance. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 5/0, Erdahl and Lynch absent. Moved by Dickson, seconded by Perret, to receive and place on file the correspondence from Atty. William Lucas, representing Furman and Nolan. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 5/0, Lynch and Erdahl absent. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Perret, to adjourn, 4:07 P.M. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 5/0, Erdahl and Lynch absent. A more complete description of Council activi- ties is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 11L1" C. -ULu, L&U4tus/MARY NEUHAUSER, MAYOR s/MARIANJKARR, ACTING CITY CLERK Submitted for publication on 2/11/83. i MICROFILMED BY _ 11" -DORM -MICR6LAB__ CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES j /� COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF COUNCIL ACTIVITIES JANUARY 18, 1983 Iowa City Council, reg. mtg., 1/18.83, 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Councilmembers present: Balmer, Dickson, Erdahl, Lynch, McDonald, Neuhauser, Perret. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Helling, Jansen, Knight, Hauer, Karr. Council minutes tape- recorded on Tape 82-25 Side 2, 789-2465. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, to adopt RES. 83-5, Bk. 76, p. 7, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR WALTER EVERMAN, in recognition of 35 years of City service; RES. 83-6, Bk. 76, p. 8, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR GEORGE WOOD, in recognition of 31 years of City service; RES. 83-7, Bk. 76, p. 9, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR DONALD WALTON, in recognition of 24 years of City service; RES. 83-8, Bk. 76, p. 10, RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR PAUL NUTT, in recognition of 15 years of City service. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the resolutions adopted and thanked the employees for their many years of service. Mayor Neuhauser announced the addition of a Class C Liquor License and Sunday Sales for Jasper's to the Consent Calendar. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perret, that the following items and recommendations in the Consent Calendar be received, or approved, and/or adopted as amended: Approval of Official Council Actions, 1/4/83, as published, subject to correction, as recommended by the Acting City Clerk. Minutes of Boards and Commissions: Planning & Zoning Comm. - 11/4/82 & 12/2/82; Parks and Recreation Comm. -12/15/82; Housing - Appeals Bd.-12/13/82; Human Rights Comm. -12/13/82; Design Review Comn.-1/5/83; Hotel/Department Store Coordinating Comm. -1/5/83; Committee on Community Needs -1/5/83; Housing Comm. -1/5/83. Permit Motions and Resolution as Recommended by the Acting City Clerk: Approving Class C Liquor License for Lorna K. Smith dba Smith & Company, 1210 Highland Ct. Approving'Class C Liquor License and Sunday Sales for Coslow's, Inc. dba Simmy's, 208 N. Linn. Approving Class C Beer -Wine License refund for The Breadline, 325 E. Washington. RES. 83-9, Bk. 76, p. 11, ISSUING A CIGARETTE PERMIT. Approving Class C Liquor License and Sunday Sales for Four Cushions, Inc. dba Jasper's, 18-20 S. Clinton. Motions: Authorizing the City Engineer to sign an application for the use of highway right-of-way for the installation of guardrail by the City of Iowa City, south of Highway 6/218 just east of Valley Avenue. Resolutions, Bk. 76:. RES. 83-10, p. 12, ACCEPTING THE WORK FOR THE FY83 ASPHALT RESURFACING PROJECT AS CONSTRUCTED BY L.L. PELLING COMPANY, INC. OF IOWA CITY, IOWA. RES. 83-11, p. 13, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND ACTING CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENTS TO THE STATE GRANT AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE DOCUMENTS i MICROFILMED BY 1. `JORM-MIC Rb LAO` -, CEDAR RAPIDS • OES JDIAES j J - rr Council Activities January 18, 1983 Page 2 REQUIRED BY THE COMPTROLLER OF IOWA FOR PAYMENT OF THE GRANT AMOUNT BY THE STATE. Correspondence: Mary C. Panther and 15 other signatures from residents of North Westminister re problem with surface water. The City Manager will reply after investigation by Public Works staff. Chairperson of the Committee on Community Needs expressing appreciation for the excellent work of the City staff. Lorna Mathes objecting to change in zoning of property at 109 S. Johnson, City Manager will reply. Letters re the proposed changes in the Human Rights Ordinance: Margaret and Kenneth MacDonald; Paul and Roberta Johnson; Lorna Mathes; Stanley Cross; Rebecca Arbogast, Emma Goldman Clinic; Patricia Sheppard; Barbara Davidlow; Nancy Combs; Mary Wyckoff; Kay Tippery; Cyndie Jackson Franklin, Hillcrest Family Services; Jeanne Porter, Protection and Advocacy for Developmentally Disabled Persons; Benny E. Leonard, Systems Unlimited, Inc.; Mike Townsend, Goodwill Industries; Thomas Mikelson, Unitarian Universalist Society; Michael Blake; Verne R. Kelley, Mental Health Center; Carol Thompson, Iowa Department of Social Services; C.F. Kent; Mark Hamer, representing Greater Iowa City Area Apartment Association; Norman Bailey; Steven Hedlund; Iva Hilleman, Rentals by Ivette, Inc.; Robert Osmundson; Kenneth E. Larsen; John Hayek; Edwin K. Barker; Ted N. Kjaer. Memo from the Traffic Engr. re loading zone' for Preucil School of Music, 524 N. Johnson. Applications for Use of Streets and Public Grounds: Jeffrey Renander for permission to picket in front of Emma Goldman Clinic on 1/22/83 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, approved for 10-12 persons. Emma Goldman Clinic for permission to use Blackhawk Minipark and to march to Old Brick on 1/22/83, approved. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Councilmember Balmer noted the minutes from the Housing Appeals Board and questioned whether a person granted a variance for a violation was inspected again for that same violation. The City Manager replied they were not. Councilmember Perret questioned which project was involved in the resolution 3e(2). City Manager informed Council it was the River Corridor Sewer. Councilmember Erdahl noted the letter from Mary Panther re the surplus water problem on Westminister and requested Council follow- up. City Manager reported the matter had been investigated and work could probably be done with existing funding. If additional monies were needed Council would be notified. Erdahl requested a copy of the memo re solution be sent to Council and to area residents. The Mayor declared the motion to consider the Consent Calendar carried. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perret, to set a public hearing for 2/15/83 on the 1983 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Update. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. A public hearing was held on the proposed rezoning of Lot 26, Lyon's Second Addition, from C2 to R3A; located east of Van Buren Street, north of Bowery Street, west of Johnson Street, and south of Burlington Street. Atty. Cruise, representing the owners (Furman and Nagle), appeared requesting approval. 7 I i MICROFILMED BY 1_ 'DORM "-MICR46LAE3 1 CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES f J Council Activities January 18, 1983 Page 3 A public hearing was held on the .proposed rezoning of certain property located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Gilbert and Burlington Streets (Dorothy Maher property) from C2 to CBS. No one appeared. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, that the ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF GILBERT AND BURLINGTON STREETS (DOROTHY MAHER PROPERTY) FROM C2 TO CBS, be considered and given first vote for passage. Staffinember Knight present for discussion. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. A public hearing was held on the proposed rezoning of Lots 3 and 4 in Lyman Cook's Subdivision which are owned by the City of Iowa City and located north of Ralston Creek Village and east of Gilbert Street from C2 to CBS. No one appeared. Moved by Balmer, seconded by McDonald, that the ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 3 AND 4 IN LYMAN COOK'S SUBDIVISION WHICH ARE OWNED BY THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND LOCATED NORTH OF RALSTON CREEK VILLAGE AND EAST OF GILBERT STREET FROM C2 TO CBS, be considered and given first vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. A public hearing was held on the vacation of a portion of the alley directly east of Lot 4 in Lyman Cook's Subdivision, Outlot 25. No one appeared. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Lynch, that the ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE ALLEY DIRECTLY EAST OF LOT 4 IN LYMAN COOK'S SUBDIVISION, OUTLOT 25, be considered and given first vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. A public hearing was held on the disposition of Lots 3 and 4 in Lyman Cook's Subdivision, Outlot 25 and the vacated portion of the Outlot 25 alley adjacent to Lot 4. No one appeared. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. 83-12, Bk. 76, p. 14, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SOLICITATION OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE LAND FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT ON LOTS 3, 4 AND A PORTION OF VACATED ALLEY IN LYMAN COOK'S SUBDIVISION OF OUTLOT 25 ORIGINAL TOWN. Balmer questioned the procedure being used on bidding the property prior to the rezoning becoming final. Staffinember Hauer present for discussion. After discussion, consensus of the Council was to have the Prospectus reworded to indicate rezoning is in progress. Affirmative roll call vote on the resolution unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Moved by Erdahl, seconded by McDonald, that the ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BY CLARIFYING THE LANGUAGE REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS, ADDING A PENALTY SECTION AND PERMITTING THE FINAL PLAT TO INCLUDE PART OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES ONLY, be considered and given first vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the motion carried. d MICROFILMED BY JI'—JB ORM"-MICROLA' CEDAR RAPIDS DES MOINES I /� .I Council Activities January 18, 1983 Page 4 A public hearing was held on the disposition of the Old Public Library (Block 63, O.T., Lots 3 and 4) to GWG Investments. Atty. Cruise appeared representing the developers. Rev. Bob Welsh, 2526 Mayfield, appeared urging Council not to authorize the sale of the old library at this time. Individual Councilmembers expressed their views. Moved by Balmer, seconded by McDonald, to adopt RES. 83-13, Bk. 76, PP. 15-21, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH GWG INVESTMENTS FOR LOTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 OF BLOCK 63 ORIGINAL TOWN (THE OLD PUBLIC LIBRARY AND ADJACENT PARKING LOT). Copies of the contract were distributed. Individual Councilmembers discussed provisions of the contract. Atty. Cruise appeared. Staffinember Hauer present for discussion. After discussion, moved by Perret, seconded by McDonald, to amend the contract on page 2, provision 8, re Parking Lot Lease Terms, to include the language," for period of time not to exceed 12 months from the date of execution of this contract" after the words "desired for lease" at the end of that section. The Mayor declared the motion to amend the contract carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous on the resolution as amended, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted as amended. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, to accept the recommendation of the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to reappoint Michael Kattchee to the Senior Center Commission as a representative of Johnson County for a three-year term ending 12/31/85. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Councilmember Balmer requested an update on the status of Highlander Sewer Agreement and urged City proceed and be ready if a worthy applicant would appear again. City Atty. Jansen noted interest was still there. City Manager will discuss with the City Attorney and report back. Dickson questioned the intersection of Highway 1 and Sunset Street re lighting. City Manager stated a memo would be in this week's packet. Neuhauser reported on a recent phone call from Governor Branstad's office re non - budget recommendations that will be forwarded to the Legislature. The Governor is interested in the local option tax; fair play requirements; expanding the use of industrial revenue bonds for research facilities; and asking the Advisory Committee on Inter -Governmental Relations to investigate tort liability and see if there is a way the liability could be lessened. McDonald requested the Urban Fringe Committee report be scheduled for the informal Monday and that the Council review the agreements reached at the meeting in January. Erdahl questioned whether a letter had been sent from the Committee to Johnson County Zoning Commission. City Manager will investigate. Erdahl also questioned the present status of the Planning and Zoning By-laws. City Manager will report back. Recommendations of the Housing Commission noted as follows: (1) that an application for 25 additional units of Section 8 Existing, and that an application for 100 units Elderly Public Housing be prepared. No action by the Council is required at this time. (2) that the unencumbered monies returned from the sale of public housing land that was earmarked by CCN for River City Housing Collective be given back to the Housing Commission MICROFILMED BY 1. - "DORM-MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS DES MOVIES / •1 I r Council Activities January 18, 1983 Page 5 for further recommendation. City Manager will notify Collective re discussion. (3) The Housing Commission supports the City Council response to the School Board on the disposal of the south half of the block of Central Junior High for congregate housing and further recommends that the bidding documents for disposal of the site also consider 202 Elderly Housing, if an acceptable developer for congregate housing cannot be found. (4) That if no private developer comes forward to purchase the pipeyard parcel, the City consider it for 202 Housing. Recommendations of the Design Review Committee noted as follows: (1) The Design Review Committee recommends approval of the project plans for a building to be built at 320 South Linn Street. The Design Review Committee recognizes the builder's intent to keep the exterior relatively innocuous in relationship to the adjoining structures, as well as the builder's intent to use little or no signage on the proposed structure to keep it inobtrusive in the surrounding residential neighborhood. (2) The Design Review Committee recommends approval of the design plans for 13-15 South Dubuque Street. Further, the Committee would like to note its enthusiasm for the very professional design. The Committee hopes the design for the new building will serve as a stimulus and a guide for renovation work performed on other surrounding buildings. Recommendations of the Hotel/Department Store Coordinating Committee noted as follows: (1) The Committee endorses Hilton -Iowa City Partners as the preferred developer for Parcel 64-1b, subject to written confirmation that this bid is not dependent upon receiving an extra 25 foot width on the eastern boundary of the hotel parcel. (2) The Committee would like to indicate that both bids for the site (Hilton -Iowa City Partners and Integra -Built) were very strong and financially capable bids. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Dickson, to adopt RES. 83-14, Bk. 76, pp. 22-23, DESIGNATING HILTON -IOWA CITY PARTNERS AS THE PREFERRED DEVELOPER FOR URBAN RENEWAL 64-1b (HOTEL) IN DOWNTOWN IOWA CITY. Vernon Beck (Hilton -Iowa City Partners) and Don Staley, Jr. (Integra -Built), and staffinember Hauer present for discussion. Councilmembers emphasized the importance of the pedestrian access on Dubuque Street. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted and noted appreciation for two very good hotel bids. Councilmember Dickson thanked members of the Hotel/Department Store Coordinating Committee for their work. Moved by Lynch, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. 83-15, Bk. 76, pp, 24-36, REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $250,000 IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (GENE KROEGER PROJECT) OF THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA, DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE, CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSAL TO ISSUE SAID BONDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT. Gene Kroeger present for discussion and presentation of plans. Moved by Perret, seconded by Balmer, to approve the design consistent with the recommendations from the Design Review Committee. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Council - members requested a review of new construction/remodeling plan be scheduled at an informal Council meeting before action is taken on industrial revenue bonds in the future. Affirmative roll call vote 1 ' FILMED BY y "�JORMRO MOCROLA13 l 1 1. CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOVIES ' I J Council Activities January 18, 1983 Page 6 unanimous on adoption of resolution, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted. Moved by Erdahl, seconded by McDonald, to adopt RES. 83-16, Bk. 76, pp. 37-49, REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $750,000 IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (THE WILLIAMS PLICATION OF NOTICEYOFR INTENTION TOPOJECT) OF EISS E,CITY OCALLINGF IOWA CA PUBLOICADIRECTING H ARING ON PROPOSAL TO ISSUE SAID BONDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT. William Musser and Richard Hansen present for discussion. Moved by Erdahl, seconded by Dickson, to approve the design consistent with the recommendations of the Design Review Committee. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. Affirmative roll call vote of Councilmembers present. n�The Mayor declaredadoption the resolutionadopted U, all Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perret,.to adopt RES. 83-17, Bk. 76, callOvoteESTABLISHING unanimous, 7/OR all Councilmembers LICY CITY presentSIT. Affirmative roll Councilmember Balmer recalled the Resolutions of Commendation that were adopted earlier in the meeting and noted that three individuals from the Water Division represented 74 years of combined service. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Perret, to adjourn, 9:20 p.m. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 7/0, all Councilmembers present. �Y.,:�«;�arrr:�rF�l�:ayncll:a MARIAN KARR, ACTING CITY CLERK }' I r 141CROFILIDJIE� `"-- JORM.--MI CEDBR RAPIDS ,I J ,\ COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF COUNCIL ACTIVITIES February 1, 1983 Iowa City Council, reg. mtg., 2/1/83, 7:30 P.M., at the Civic Center. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Councilmembers present: Balmer, Dickson, Erdahl, McDonald, Neuhauser, Perret. Absent: Lynch. Staffinembers present: Berlin, Helling, Jansen, Knight, Hauer, Karr. Council minutes tape-recorded on Tape 82-25, Side 1, 1-356. Mayor Neuhauser announced a change in item #4K, setting a public hearing on an ordinance to establish a moratorium in the Manville Heights neighborhood. After discussion at the informal meeting of 1/31/83, consensus of Council was to set a public hearing for March 8th on an ordinance rezoning the entire area to RNC -20. A special Council meeting will be held at 4:00 P.M. on February 2, 1983, to consider setting a public hearing on the rezoning. Mayor Neuhauser proclaimed the month of February as Heart Month and presented the proclamation to Betsy Sarr, President of the local chapter of the American Heart Association. She also proclaimed February 14, 1983, as Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Day. The Mayor announced the addition of a resolution setting a public hearing on the transit facility project to the consent calendar. Moved by i Perret, seconded by Dickson, that the following items and recommendations in the Consent Calendar be received, or approved, and/or adopted as amended: Approval of Official Council Actions, 1/18/83, as published, subject to correction, as recommended by the City Clerk. Minutes of Boards and Commissions: Civil Service Comm. -1/5/83; Airport Comm. -1/12/83; Human Rights Comm. -12/20/82; Riverfront j Comm. -1/12/83; Planning and Zoning Comm. -12/16/82. RES. 83-18, Bk. 76, P. 51, TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2/15/83 ON PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE IOWA CITY TRANSIT FACILITY PROJECT AND DIRECTING ACTING CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SAID HEARING, AND DIRECTING CITY ENGINEER TO PLACE SAID PLANS, ETC., ON FILE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. Permit motions and resolutions as recommended by the Acting City Clerk: Approving Class C Beer Permit and Sunday Sales for QuikTrip Corporation dba QuikTrip #509, 225 S. Gilbert. Approving Class C Beer Permit and Sunday Sales for Hy -Vee Food Stores, Inc. dba Hy -Vee Food Store #3 and Drug Town #2, 1201 N. Dodge Street. Approving Class C Liquor License for Vanessa's of Iowa City, Inc. dba Vanessa's, 118 E. College Street. RES. 83-19, Bk. 76, p. 52, ISSUING DANCING PERMIT TO THE CROW'S NEST. Motions: Approving disbursements in the amount of $1,734,614.74 for the period of December 1 through December 31, 1982, as recommended by the Finance Director, subject to audit. I IdI CROFIUdEO BY JORM--MICROO LA13 _ L' CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES Ji 'ouncil Activities February 1, 1983 Page 2 Authorizing the City Engineer to sign an application for highway right-of-way for utilities accommodation to Northwestern Bell Telephone Company along west side of Highway 1, south of Sunset Street. Resolutions, Book 76: RES. 83-20, pp. 53-54, ACCEPTING THE WORK FOR THE PETERSON STREET INTERCEPTOR SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION AS CONSTRUCTED BY DAVE SCHMITT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. RES. 83-21, pp. 55-56, ACCEPTING THE WORK FOR THE SANITARY SEWER FOR THE TURNKEY HOUSING PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 22-4, IN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AS CONSTRUCTED BY KNOWLING BROTHERS CONTRACTING COMPANY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA. RES. 83-22, pp. 57-58, ACCEPTING THE WORK FOR THE DOWNTOWN PARKING FACILITY RAMP B, BLOCK 64, IOWA CITY, IOWA, AS CONSTRUCTED BY KNUTSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. i iCorrespondence: Mercy Hospital re Central Junior High, furnished to Council 1/14/83. Petition from residents of Manville I Heights re rezoning, furnished to Council 1/21/83. Armstrong's re I development of Parcel 64-1a, furnished to Council 1/24/83. Dale j Sanderson re storm sewer problem on old Rock Island stockyards, li referred to the City Manager for reply. William C. Lucas, attorney representing John Nolan, re proposed rezoning of area in Manville j Heights, City Attorney to report to Council re this matter. Memo from Traffic Engr. re barricade at east end of Melrose Avenue. i 1 Memorandum from Civil Service submitting certified lists of applicants for the following positions: Clerk-Typist/Housing & i Inspection Services; Senior Plant Operator/Water Division; Service Maintenance Worker/Water Division; Assistant Superintendent/Water f Division; Treatment Plant Operator/Water Division; Maintenance Worker III/Water Division; Maintenance Worker II/Water Division; Maintenance Worker III/Streets & Sanitation Division; Mass Transit j Operator/Transit Division; Maintenance Worker I/Water Division; Assistant Treatment Plant Operator/Water Division; Maintenance Worker I/Streets & Sanitation Division; Maintenance Worker II/Streets & Sanitation Division; Associate Planner/Planning & Program Development; Maintenance Worker II/Parking Division; Parking Cashier/Parking Division. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried and repeated the public hearing as set. A recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to adopt the 1983 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Update, noted. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, to set a public hearing for 3/1/83 on the final PAD, LSRD Plan, amended preliminary plat and final plat of Walden Ridge, Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lynch absent. Moved by Perret, seconded by McDonald, to set a public hearing for 3/1/83 on the amended preliminary and final PAD, LSRD plan of Ty'n Cae Part 2, Lots 91 and 92. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lynch absent. 1 MucaoruraEo BY 1' 'JORM---MICRd/LAB'- CEDAR RAPIDS DES MINES i 1 I � � 1 Council Activities February 1, 1983 Page 3 i Moved by Perret, seconded by McDonald, to set a public hearing for 2/15/83 on the vacation and disposition of Sunset Street and the frontage road between Highway 1 and Bryn Mawr Heights, Part 13. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lynch absent. A public hearing was held on the proposed rezoning of certain property located at 655 Highway 6 Bypass East and known as Fleetway Stores from M1 to C2. No one appeared. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, that the ORDINANCE REZONING LOT 26, LYON'S SECOND ADDITION, FROM C2 TO R3A; LOCATED EAST OF VAN BUREN STREET, NORTH OF BOWERY STREET, WEST OF JOHNSON STREET, AND SOUTH OF I BURLINGTON STREET, be considered and given first vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 1 Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perret, that the rule requiring ordinances to be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally passed be suspended, the first consideration and vote be waived and the ordinance be voted upon for second consideration at this time. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Perret, that the ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF GILBERT AND BURLINGTON STREETS (302-314 SOUTH GILBERT STREET AND 417 EAST BURLINGTON STREET) FROM C2 TO CBS (Dorothy Maher property), be considered and given second vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote on second vote for passage unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the ? motion carried. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, that the ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 3 AND 4 IN LYMAN COOK'S SUBDIVISION WHICH ARE OWNED BY THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND LOCATED NORTH OF RALSTON CREEK VILLAGE AND EAST OF GILBERT STREET FROM C2 TO CBS, be considered and given second vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Moved by Balmer, seconded by Dickson, that the ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE ALLEY DIRECTLY EAST OF LOT 4 IN LYMAN COOK'S SUBDIVISION, OUTLOT 25, be considered and given second vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Moved by Balmer, seconded by McDonald, that the ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BY CLARIFYING THE LANGUAGE REGARDING ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS, ADDING A PENALTY SECTION AND PERMITTING THE FINAL PLAT TO INCLUDE PART OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES ONLY, be considered and given second vote for passage. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Moved by Erdahl, seconded by Perret, to lay on the table the setting of a public hearing for 3/1/83 on an ordinance to establish a moratorium for six months in the Manville Heights neighborhood. The Mayor declared MICROFILMED BY 1. JORM--MICR6LA9" 1 j CEDAR RAPIDS • DES 1101RES t ! / i i / � 1 ,ouncil Activities February 1, 1983 Page 4 the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lynch absent. Mayor Neuhauser reminded Councilmembers of the special meeting scheduled for 2/2 to consider setting a public hearing rezoning the area. Casey Mahon, 226 McLean, appeared and thanked Council for their consideration re Manville Heights neighborhood. Mayor Neuhauser announced the following vacancies on Boards and Commissions: Housing Comm. - three vacancies for three-year terms ending 5/1/86; Planning &Zoning Comm. - two vacancies for five-year terms ending 5/1/88; Mayor's Youth Employment Board - two vacancies for three-year terms ending 4/15/86. These appointments will be made at the 3/15/83 I meeting of the City Council. i Moved by Dickson, seconded by erret, to for a app term endiS. ng 3/13/86.Segrin, 232 band TheTMayor decelecommunlaredons theCommission mot ion carriedlunanimously,, 6/0, Lynch absent. Moved by Perret, seconded by Dickson, to reappoint Joseph Tiffany, iii 1606 Morningside Drive, to the Airport Commission for a six-year term ending 3/1/89. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lynch absent. i Moved by Perret, seconded by Erdahl, to appoint Peter Fisher, 1211 Ginter Avenue, to the Board of Adjustment for a five-year term ending I1/1/88. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lynch iabsent. Moved by Perret, seconded by Dickson, to appoint Steven Stimmel, 3005 Cornell, Stephanie Suttles, 350 Hawkeye Ct., and reappoint David Leshtz, 1411 Sheridan Avenue, to the Committee on Community Needs for three-year terms ending 3/1/86. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lynch absent. i Councilmember Erdahl noted the years of service on the Board of } Adjustment by James Harris and on the Committee on Community Needs by Sandra Lockett and Janet Cook and requested the Mayor send letters of appreciation. McDonald requested an update of the projected schedule for purchase of bus shelters and placement, specifically Westminster and Court. City Manager will report. McDonald also questioned the procedure for having vehicles towed out of privately owned commercial parking lots after hours. City Manager stated the police would take care of the matter. Councilmembers suggested that the posted sign include the towing cost. Perret briefed Council re trees on private property being removed and that an ordinance requiring a permit had been repealed in 1979. He noted that in addition to large older trees downed in the Manville Heights area this past week, the railroad was clearing trees along the right-of- way. He expressed concern re City trees in Brookland Park. The City Attorney will investigate and the Mayor will write a letter re this matter to the railroad. Neuhauser requested a list of possible projects for civic groups be compiled for distribution. Dickson reported on her recent j visit to the Police Department and was impressed with the back-up system. Balmer inquired as to when Council would be receiving re water billing r" 1, MICROFIL14ED BY -JORMR�CAB- - ' CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOMES i Council Activities February 1, 1983 Page 5 procedures. City Manager stated a memo was upcoming. He also requested information re the status of the Central Junior High property. City Manager stated that Friday's packet would contain a memo. Balmer reported on the latest meeting of the Wastewater Treatment Committee and the Task Force on Convention/Tourism. Moved by Erdahl, seconded by Dickson, to adopt RES. 82-23, Bk. 76, p. 59, RESCINDING THE DESIGNATION OF ARMSTRONG'S INC. AS THE PREFERRED DEVELOPER FOR URBAN RENEWAL PARCEL 64-1a IN DOWNTOWN IOWA CITY. Perret questioned whether Armstrong's could be required to pay more than the deposit for architectural fees, etc. as set forth in the contract. Staff will report back. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. 83-24, Bk. 76, pp. 60-61, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF WARRANTY DEED FOR CONVEYANCE OF THE OLD PUBLIC LIBRARY SITE, LOTS 3 AND 4 IN BLOCK 63, IOWA CITY, IOWA. Atty. Cruise, representing GWG Investments, present for discussion. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted. Moved by Perret, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. 83-25, Bk. 76, pp. 62-64, ENDORSING THE MODEL CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND AUTHORIZING MEMBERS OF THE IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION TO ACQUAINT LANDOWNERS, WITH PROPERTY ABUTTING THE IOWA RIVER, WITH THE EASEMENT AND TO ENCOURAGE THEM TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CONSERVATION MEASURE. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted. Moved by Perret, seconded by Balmer, to adopt RES. 83-26, Bk. 76, pp. 65-67, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RELATING TO FUNDS FOR PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT 22-4. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted. I Moved by Balmer, seconded by Erdahl, to adjourn, 8:40 P.M. The Mayor j declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0, Lynch absent. ..VA0J-1-, C. `R-LL� MARY C. IQUHAUSER, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIAN KARR, ACTING CITY CLERK f i 17 Informal Council Discussion January 24, 1983 Informal Council Discussion: January 24, 1983, 4:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Mary Neuhauser presiding. Councilmembers Present: Balmer, Dickson, Erdahl, McDonald, Neuhauser, Perret. Absent: Lynch. Staff Present: Berlin, Jansen, Boothroy, Karr, Schmeiser, Franklin, Vitosh. Tape Recorded: Reel 83-2, Side 2, 1-882. Manville Heights Moratorium Neuhauser related that a petition had been received from the residents of Manville Heights requesting that the Planning and Zoning Commission proceed with a recommendation on the rezoning of the property in Manville Heights, east of Beldon Avenue. Boothroy stated that Planning and Zoning has prepared a recommendation which will be presented at the 1-31-83 Informal Council meeting to put a moratorium on the area. The moratorium will be on the 1/31/83 meeting agenda for both a public hearing and an i ordinance. William Lucas, attorney for Manville property owner John Nolan (204 MacLean Street), raised legal questions concerning the presentation of the Manville Heights petition. City Attorney Jansen stated that there should be no problem having a public hearing. In response to questions from area residents, staff stated that there was nothing at this time to prevent a construction permit from being issued. A Manville Heights resident expressed concern about a tree being cut from the disputed { property. The Council discussed a general building moratorium on any area under consideration for down zoning. Many legal questions are under consideration by City staff. Urban Fringe Committee Report McDonald related that Area 2 was discussed at the last meeting and the recommendation was by consensus. If both the City Council and the Johnson County Board of Supervisors concur with the recommendation, the Committee will go on to Areas 3 and 4. Boothroy warned that the recommendation is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Update. Franklin noted that Planning and Zoning recommends that the Council leave open the possibility that neighborhood commercial be established south of I-80. Council expressed approval. There was a general discussion about where commercial development be allowed around interstate interchanges, especially around the I-80 and Dubuque Street interchange. Erdahl stated that the Council should direct its representatives on the Committee to recommend one place for commercial development around the Dubuque Street interchange. The Council agreed that the recommendations should be adopted at the next regular Council meeting and forwarded to the County. Areas 3 and 4 will be discussed by the Committee next. Franklin said that the alternatives for the Area 3 recommendations are no longer valid in the context of the Comprehensive Plan. The Committee needs to know the feelings of the Council before they consider the issues. The City will defer to the County on non -controversial areas. l 1 141CROFIL14ED BY l JOR M'" -MIC ROLA B- 1 CEDAR RAPIDS DES MOINES i - - - - I - F Berlin noted that unless the Council objects, the City staff will forward information on the indictments concerning the Iowa Beer and Liquor Control Commission for their consideration. FY84 Budget Vitosh stated that a public hearing was originally scheduled for February 15. On January 31 discussion on the CIP is scheduled. In order to have a public hearing on February 15, it would have to be set at the February 1 Council meeting. Then the Budget isn't finalized until the February 7 meeting. After discussion Council agreed to set both the public hearing and approval of the Budget for March 1. Therefore, an approval is set for March 8. Planning and Program Development Budget f a. Administration (pg. 63). No discussion. t b. Urban Planning (pg. 68). The City Manager will have a memo to the Council shortly on the $40,000 allotted for economic development. C. JCCOG (pg. 241). There will be a footnote in the final budget stating that JCCOG is not a division of PPD although it does share } the same support staff. d. CDBG (pg. 241). In the Housing Inspection memo from Mike Kucharzak 1 the figures are based on the total increase in the budget this year. When the revenue is backed out of the fees, there is an amount left to be funded which can be split between a block grant and either the general fund or property taxes. The incresae in fees mentioned in the memo does not include enough to fund the proposed additional position. There is assumed to be a 10% increase in revenue based on increased rates. The figures previously submitted to the Council do k not include the additional increase for the extra position. Berlin will confirm all figures. Other Budget Items a. Equipment (pg. 269). The schedule was revised to keep the capital outlay under $400,000 by delaying equipment purchases until later years. The Council discussed the lack of alternatives to buying a new bulldozer. The City has $2,000,000 invested in 261 pieces of equipment. The compressed natural gas program is barely working out j because of mechanical problems with the compressors and the way they were initially installed. More diesel vehicles are being used. Propane is being considered pending assurances that manufacturer's vehicle warranties wouldn't be voided and the City wouldn't be liable for violations of Federal Emission Standards. Some of the vehicles currently in use were purchased before the preventative mainteannce program was instituted but by FY87 or FY88 all equipment will be under the program. Superior results are occurring now because of the preventative maintenance program; more diesel equipment; and buying dual-purpose equipment. For example, dump trucks which can also plow snow have nearly twice the life cycle as dump trucks which are not designed for snow removal which is used that way anyway. 411CROFIL14ED BY I' 1 -DORM -MICRdLAB_l 1 L% CEDAR RAPIDS • DES M0I4ES 3 b. The money budgeted for snow removal overtime pay is budgeted in the Streets budget under chemicals and surfacing as well as overtime and services and charges. C. Personnel. There is a general recommendation for a 6% salary increase. The salaries shown in the memo on department head salaries are the midpoints of the salaries compared with actual salaries in other cities. Comparison of the actual salaries of Iowa City department heads with comparable positions in other cities were discussed. The Public Works Director and Transit Manager are newer and therefore haven't worked up towards the midpoint of their salary range yet. Other communities have financial problems which have held salaries down lately. The long tenure of many positions means higher salaries but also higher effectiveness on the job. The bonus system allows for a bonus of up to $1000 and recognizes special effort or projects rather than merit. The division or department head nominates someone for a bonus and the City Manager makes final decisions. The merit increase is a maximum 2% and is awarded by a supervisor. A bonus is a one-time payment while a merit increase is incorporated into the salary structure of the employee. The Housing Inspector Director was hired from the private sector and has distinct duties in federal housing programs unlike HIS Directors in other communities. It was noted that overall Iowa City has a high quality of employee with a low turnover rate which accounts for higher than average salaries. Next Informal Meeting Agenda i The City Attorney evaluation is scheduled for the next informal meeting I and has been requested for an executive session. The evaluation will be a basis for discussion rather than a hard and fast rating system. The Conference Board and CIP discussion are both scheduled for the next meeting as well as items from police, water mains, and additional informa- tion in response to requests. Council Business 1. The Human Services meeting is Wednesday night. Neuhauser noted that the agency budgets are very high and must be carefully scrutinized, especially in regards to administrative costs, rents, etc. Some i merging might result in a savings. 2. Neuhauser stated the legislature should be made aware of the urgency of the proposed bonding bill and also noted their interest in changing the collective bargaining law and in eliminating binding arbitration. I 3. Council discussed state law in regards to receipt of gifts and whether the City should pay Councilmember's expenses to dinners and other similar events. IIICROFILI4ED BY JORM -MICR46LAB Lj CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES I // JI 1 MINUTES JOINT HUMAN SERVICES COUNCIL JANUARY 26, 1983 Joint Human Services Council: January 26, 1983, 7:00 P.M. in the Small Courtroom in the. Johnson County Courthouse. Mayor Neuhauser presiding. Councilmembers Present: Neuhauser, Balmer, Dickson, Erdahl, Perret, McDonald. Absent: Lynch. Johnson County Supervisors Present: Meyers, Sehr, Ockenfels, Langenberg, Donnelly. } i Staffinembers Present: Berlin, Helling, Karr. Tape Recorded on Reel 83-1, Sides 1 and 2, 822 -End, 1-10. i f Agency presentations were given. The following agencies and agency representatives appeared: Big Brothers/Big Sisters - Janet Martin, Margaret Passeri. Crisis Center - Intervention - Ken Kauppi. I Crisis Center - Emergency - Pat Gilroy. fMayor's Youth Employment - Peg McElroy, Greg Bromwell. j Rape Victim Advocacy - Karla Miller, Kristin Summerwill, Laura Lovell. Domestic Violence Project - Pat Meyer, Lisa Edwards, Cindy Parsons. Elderly Services Agency - Lucy Luxenburg, Stan Good, Roberta Patrick. 4 i United Action for Youth - Jim Swain. MECCA - Art Schut. I Red Cross - Larry Belman, David Sealey, Henry Herwig. HACAP Neighborhood Center - Dan Maniccia. Youth Homes - Ron Henderson. i Community Mental Health - Verne Kelley. I CAHHSA - Kathy Kelley, Michael Derby. Free Medical Clinic - Nancy Clark, Colette Brodersen. I, 141CROFILMED BY -JORM---MICR#LA9` CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES l 59 Joint Human Services Council J January 26, 1983 Page 2 Willow Creek Center - Diane Pepetone. The Council and Board of Supervisors determined that a small group from both bodies was needed to focus on human service agency concerns. Items to be addressed would be new agency guidelines, areas of duplication, budget guidelines for next year and possible agency 9ion Representatives from the Board, Council, and United Way would serve on the i p subcommittee. Initially, M. Neuhauser, D. Sehr, Mary Ann Volm and Cheryl Mintle will meet with Carol Thompson (Director of DSS). 1 Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. 6i f e C MICROFILMED BY -JOFIM---- MICR46LAB._ CEDAR RAPIDS DES MOINES /� INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION JANUARY 31, 1983 Informal Council Discussion: January 31, 1983, 4:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Mary Neuhauser presiding. Councilmembers Present: Balmer, Erdahl, McDonald, Dickson, Neuhauser, Perret. Absent: Lynch. Staff Present: Berlin, Helling, Jansen, Karr, Boothroy, Knight, Vitosh, Schmadeke, Farmer, Lundell, Moen. Tape -Recorded: Reel 83-1, Side 1, 103-805. PLANNING AND ZONING a. 1983 Com rehensive Plan -Land Use U date. There will be an informal discussion at the 2/8/83 Informal Council discussion. The Comprehensive Plan as presented is not in final form in regards to maps. b. Walden Ridge, Parts 1-4. No discussion, no objection to holding a March 1, 1983, public hearing. C. Ty'n Cae, Part 2. This will go to Planning and Zoning Commission on February 17 and developer requests that a public hearing be set in order to ,expedite approval of the amended plan. If the Planning and Zoning Commission doesn't act on February 17, then the public hearing would have to be rescheduled. No discussion. d. Vacation of portions of Sunset. This property was acquired by IDOT and they have no objections. The application was by a Bryn Mawr Heights resident. This vacation is part of the R.O.W. that is excess to normal R.O.W., used during construction. If vacated, the property will be appraised and sold. By the time it is sold, the IDOT will have relinquished their rights to the property to the City. e. Fleetway Stores Property rezoning M1 to C2. Council stated in a previous meeting, that such requests shouldn t be considered singlely. f, Lyon's Second Addition rezoning C2 to R3A. Neuhauser noted that although the applicant has requested waiver of the second and third readings, there seems to be no reason to hurry it through. g. Rezoning S.E. Quadrant of Intersection Gilbert and Burlingto C2 to CBS. This is first consideration beause of tech m cal error in previous reading. If the Council wishes to rezone this together with the City Pipeyard, first and second readings should be done at the same time. No discussion. h. Lyman Cook's Subdivision rezoning C2 to CBS. This is a second consideration. N discussion. +Ir 7 I i MICRUILMED BY -JORM'MICR#LAB CEDAR RAPIDS • DES I40IIJE5 i i �1 INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION JANUARY 31, 1983 PAGE 2 i. Cook's Subdivision, Vacation Portion of Alley, Second consideration. No discussion. j. Subdivision Ordinance Amendment. Second consideration. No discussion. k. Manville Heiqhts Moratorium. Staff has prepared a proposed schedule; an ordinance; and legal description. questions were raised about having a public hearing rather than a moratorium and about the effect of the zoning ordinance. The effects of a moratorium vs, only the zoning ordinance were discussed. The moratorium will allow RNC -20 construction permits while rezoning consideration will block all construction permits. AGENDA 1. Item 12. Model Conservation Easement. M. Moen amplified on the resolution and its effects and answered Council question. 2. Police Department staffing levels discussion was postponed because of the absence of L. Lynch and Chief Miller. CIP Berlin explained that the CIP includes projects previously included as part of the CIP plus projects recommended by departments. Berlin makes a final list for Council consideration. I The Benton/Riverside Intersection is in the acquisition stage and is due for May construction. Scott Boulevard Paving is an extension of Scott Boulevard Project and takes advantage of FAUS funding. The First Avenue Culvert is consistent with the North Branch Dam Project schedule. Railroad Crossing Improvements nearly completes the repair of bad crossings in Iowa City. Iowa City, CRANDIC Railroad, and State of Iowa split the costs. The Melrose Avenue Paving Improvements is the widening of Melrose to the highway and includes FAUS funding. IDOT can still be approached about funding. The Rohret Road Paving Improvement will not be done by developers because it is existing City R.O.W. Alternatives for funding including FAUS were discussed. The project is several years away. Melrose Court Improvement might be funded by special assessment. The Alley Paving Improvement in Lyon's Second Addition has been approved. Dubuque Road Improvement will go all the way to Bristol Drive, making it safer. The Kirkwood Circle Improvement Project was initially presented to CCN by the neighborhood. This project only benefits residents and therefore will be funded by special assessment. The Dubuque Street Improvement Project will extensively use FAUS funding, which might require 45 foot street width. Trees will have to be removed to allow widening. Alternatives will be researched. The Keokuk and Sandusky Paving will take place in the next year. Foster Road, east and west, have been previously discussed. The Iowa Avenue and Burlington Street Bridges will depend on Federal funding availability to IDOT. The Dodge Street Bridge Deck Repair will be needed by 1988. The Benton Street Bridge Repair will be done at the same time as the Benton Street/Riverside Drive work to minimize downtime. The Rocky Shore Drive Bikeway has been previously discussed. North Dodge Street and Creekside NSA Sidewalk construction and repair are both part of the Block Grant Program. The Villa Park, Mercer Park. and Willnw r.rpak Siriawn Ur ann;nrre INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION JANUARY 31, 1983 PAGE 3 discussion about whether the sidewalks are necessary for safety reasons. The CBD: Clinton Street Project will not be done next year. The Council discussed doing the planning this year and considering whether Linn or Clinton Street should be done first. The Black Hawk Mini -park Rehabiliation involves making the mini -park a permanent part of the City Plaza. The Ralston Creek Channel Improvements (Creekside Area) is a continuation of the Ralston Creek project. The Napolean Park Restroom Project should be funded from private and public sources. Miller, Aber, Caroline, Scott, and Foster Road parks are all neighborhood parks with none scheduled for FY84. The Salt Storage Building will use some of the proceeds from the sale of the water pipeyard as will the old transit garage acquisition. The busfleet expansion/replacement is consistent with previous discussion. The T -hangars construction is scheduled to be financed by General Obligation Bonds but Industrial Revenue Bonds might be an option. The North Corridor Sewer and Taft Speedway extension isn't scheduled until 1987. The Rundell and Dearborn Storm .Sewer Project is scheduled for financing from a Block Grant and General Revenue Sharing. The Council discussed using more Block Grant money. The Eastside Water Storage Tank has been in the plan for several years. There are occasional pressure problems on the east side E currently. A lengthy discussion followed about the growth potential in the area and the potential need for an east side water storage tank. The storage tank could be put onto the CIP pending list as well as adding office space and parking facilities. Building in stages can be considered for a new fire station in order to reduce interest paid. The possiblity of adding the Iowa Avenue restoration (replacing the parking with a boulevard) to the pending list was discussed along with the option of underground parking. Agenda/Council Time !' 1. Item 6b. There are two unexpired terms on the Planning and Zoning Commission with at least one of them to be filled by a home owner. i 2. Item 11. Part of the proceeds of the new library bond issue were used to reimburse the Block Grant program. Then when the bond issue for the new library was closed out, the bond issue was reimbursed with a loan from the general fund. 3. Item 7a. There was a brief discussion about potential conflicts with Sandra Eskin on the Broadband Telecommunications Commission because of her husband's business connections with ACT but the Council felt that she wouldn't be affected. The Council felt that since there is another qualified applicant (Mike Seagin) they would rather not reappoint Eskin because of informal Council policy of appointing new applicants if qualified. 4. Item 7c. Peter Fisher was nominated to the Board of Adjustment. 5. Item 7d. There were only three applicants for the three vacancies on CCN. 6. A proposed public hearing on the new transit building was discussed briefly. Moved by Dickson, seconded by Perret, to adjourn to executive session under Sec. 28A.5f, to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose i { 141CROFILI4ED BY ; 11_ JORM-MICROOLAB I CEDAR RAPIDS • DES M0INES I /� INFORMAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION JANUARY 31, 1983 PAGE 4 appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that indifivual requests a closed session (City Attorney evaluation). The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6/0. After executive session, the Council again returned to open session, the Mayor stated City Attorney Jansen creates good will with citizens; is a good negotiator; completes work in a timely manner; is straight -forward in replying to questions at Council meetings; has a can -do attitude; has political savvy and is accessible to citizens. The Mayor requested he work on better communication with Council; inform them on all new cases of importance; request time on agenda to inform about decisions and appeals and prepare a pending list updated quarterly. She also announced new salary figures of $47.00 per hour (for office work), $52.00 per hour (for litigation work). MICROFILMED BY - f - I-1'"" JORM'_MIC R#LA8 CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES I 0 s -i/ EXECUTIVE SESSION JANUARY, 31, 1983 EXECUTIVE SESSION: January 31, 1983, 7:10 P.M. in the Conference Roan at the Civic Center. Mayor Mary Neuhauser presiding. COUNCIIMEAIDERS PRESENT: Balmer, Dickson, Erdahl, McDonald, Neuhauser, j Perret. Absent: Lynch. 1 I 1 STAFFMEQBERS PRESENT: Jansen, Karr. i TAPE-RECORDED ON Reel #28, Side 2, 1-436. Moved by Dickson, seconded by Perret to adjourn to executive session under � Section 28A.5f, to evaluate the professional competency of an individual i whose appointment, hiring, Performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. The affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 6/0, Lynch absent. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Moved by Perret, seconded by Balmer to adjourn, 8:30 P.M. The Mayor declared ( the motion carried, 6/0, Lynch absent. t 4 1 1 - f I i l i j 4 i1 ` rte___^--'__-_"-"- ....--.•�-� /" L 141CROFIL14ED BY � •`` I 'JORM"-MICR¢1,48` - L CEDAR RAPIDS • DES MOINES