HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-11 Bd Comm minutes2b 1 Iowa City Public Library BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes of the Regular Meeting January 17, 2008 FINAL APPROVED Members Present. Linzee McCray, Thomas Dean, Michael Cohen, John Kenyon, William Korf, Thomas Martin, Mary New, Meredith Rich-Chappell (joined at 5:05 pm), Leon Spies Members Absent: Staff Present: Barb Black, Maeve Clark, Susan Craig, Debb Green, Heidi Lauritzen, Patty McCarthy, Elyse Miller, Hal Penick Call Meeting to Order. McCray called the meeting to order at 5:03 pm. Guests Present: Doyle Landry Public Discussion. Doyle Landry commented on the 1/13/08 Iowa City Press-Citizen article about encouraging reading. Landry advocated programs in which leaders and other professionals read to/with youngsters to underscore that strong reading skills lead to a better life. He offered to help the Library. Craig asked for Landry's contact information and New appreciated his willingness to help. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the Regular meeting of December 20, 2007 were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by New, and seconded by Kenyon. The motion carried 9/0. Unfinished Business. FY09 Budget Discussion with City Council. City Council will meet with Boards and Commissions January 23, 2008. The Library Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for 8:45 pm. McCray felt a case should be made for the additional ten hours for the Webmaster and Maintenance Worker positions and for using the increase in rent income for the replacement funds. There was agreement that this should be done. A question had been raised regarding the increased funding from general fund revenue. Craig distributed new figures that demonstrated revenues had been significantly underestimated in the draft budget. Martin stated we have been responsible and identified revenue sources knowing the City's tight budget this year. Encore Software Purchase. This purchase was requested, but not included in the FY09 budget. The Vendor is set to change to a subscription basis and will honor the quote that we received from them last summer. New asked if this purchase was for a new system. Craig explained that the Encore software is an interface that will enable patrons to search the Library's catalog as one would search Google. Craig recommends purchasing the software. Spies moved that the Library purchase the Encore software module and Kenyon seconded the motion. Motion passed 9/0. Lease Space. The reassignment of the lease was on the City Council agenda but was not included in the packet for the Council for the Tuesday meeting. It will be addressed at the next Council meeting. New Business. FY08 Strategic Plan Report. Staff have completed asix-month report on the FY08 planning goals. Cohen asked if Craig had any particular concerns. Craig said that the plan was mostly on track. Kenyon asked about adding the collection plans to the website. Martin asked about offering programs to adults over 55 and the possibility of having the Friends Foundation help sponsor such a program. New said the Michael Pollan event was a great collaboration with New Pioneer Food Coop and Prairie Lights and it was a great community event. McCray asked about the Mercer Park deposit collection. Library Board Policy #809 Conduct in the Library. This is a regularly scheduled policy review. Several changes are recommended, including information about the use of security cameras. A statement about the ability of a banned individual to appeal the ban is included on the recommendation of the City Attorney. Rich-Chappell asked about how many warnings are given before a patron is asked to leave. Craig explained the escalation process. Spies asked who had access to the photographs. Craig explained that photographs are only shared among staff and are not available to the public. However, she believes they are a public record and could be requested as such. Martin asked about how the age of six came to be used as a guideline in the policy. It was explained that a six year old can ride on the' bus in Iowa City unattended. Martin made a motion to approve Policy #809, Conduct in the Library as revised by staff and Rich-Chappell seconded. Motion passed 9/0. Library Board Policy #813 Unattended Children. This is a regularly scheduled policy review. Dean asked about Section 813.4 and how often staff have had to locate a parent/caregiver for a 6-9 year old who violated the conduct policy. Staff said this is quite rare. Cohen moved to approve Policy #813, Unattended Children as revised by staff. Dean seconded the motion. Motion passed 9/0. Staff Reports. Departmental Reports: Adult Services. Meeting Room A projector has been fixed, installed, and is running. Circulation Services. Information Services. Development Office. McCarthy stated that to date, $50,000 has been raised in the annual appeal. The annual Spelling Bee is coming up; the deadline is next week. Martin discussed the Foundation Board's strategic planning retreat led by Jim Swaim and Janie Jeffries. Miscellaneous. President's Report. McCray thanked the Board members who will compete at Iowa City Spells. She offered congratulations to Craig on the birth of her new grandson and Kenyon on the birth of his son. McCray thanked Craig for her 30 years of service to the Library. Announcements from Members. None. Committee Reports. Foundation Members. Communications. None. Quarterly Financial Reports Second Quarter Receipts. Second Quarter Expenditures. Second Quarter Gifts and Bequests. Quarterly Use Reports Six Month Output Measures. Six Month Circulation by Area and Agency. Six Month Circulation by Type and Format. Disbursements The Visa expenditures for December 2007 were reviewed. A motion to approve the disbursements for December 2007 was made by New, and seconded by Spies. The motion carried 9/0. Set Agenda Order for February Meeting. Library Board Bylaws Library Hours Adjournment. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Spies, and seconded by Rich-Chappell. The motion carried 9/0. McCray declared the meeting adjourned at 6:28 pm. Respectfully submitted, Elyse Miller Board or Commission: ICPL Board of Trustees ATTENDANCE RECORD CALENDARYEAR 2008 Name Ex m 1/27/08 2/28/08 3/27/08 4/24/08 5/22/08 6/26/08 Michael Cohen 7/Ol /13 x O/E Thomas Dean 7/01 /09 x x John Kenyon 7/01/13 x x Bill Korf 7/Ol /09 x x Tom Martin 6/30/1 1 x x Linzee McCray 7/01 /09 x x Mary New 7/01 /07 x O/E Meredith Rich-Cha el 6/30/11 x x Leon Spies 6/30/1 1 x x A. KEY: X =Present O =Absent O/E =Absent/Excused NM = No meeting Res =Resigned 2b(2) IOWA CITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2008--5:30 P.M. FINAL CITY CABLE TV OFFICE, 10 S. LINK ST.-TOWER PLACE PARKING FACILITY MEMBERS PRESENT: Saul Mekies, Hans Hoerschelman, Brett Gordon, Gary Hagen MEMBERS ABSENT: Margaret Wieting STAFF PRESENT: Drew Shaffer, Mike Brau, Bob Hardy OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Grassley, Josh Goding, Susan Rogusky, Michael McBride, Laura Lowe, Beth Fisher, Barbara Hackman, Damon Shutt, Kraig Kelly, Sandra Grzybowski RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL None at this time. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Hoerschelman said that there is a web site, www.speedmatters.ort; that is gathering data on Internet speeds and provides data on individual communities. Hoerschelman said the City might wish to lobby the FCC and Congress on the need for increasing Internet speeds. Mekies reported that he made a presentation to the City Council during their budget hearings on behalf of the Commission. Mekies said he emphasized that Iowa City is in an unusual position of having seven access channels, that there are court cases challenging franchise fees, and that the reserve fund is a 1-year backup in the event funding from franchise fees comes under a challenge. Mekies urged the Council to revert to previous policy and not subsidize the general fund with $100,000 from franchise fees. Grassley reported that the transition to providing a digital simulcast in which both a digital and analog signals are provided should be complete by the end of February. Subscribers may notice a better quality picture and will experience no disruptions or other changes. The check for PATV was cut on January 24 and should be received shortly. A check correcting franchise fee payments for fiscal year 2007 was recently sent to the City. Mediacom has been having discussions about making programs from access channels available on the free video-on-demand service. Shaffer said he had talked with Mediacom officials about this idea and had sent them a DVD with some programs 2 months ago. Grassley said that if community organizations would like to have a presentation on the changes in cable services he would be willing to do so. The library now offers a service in which patrons can download books on audio. As part of an experiment with the vendor they are offering video streaming for download. At this point some of the "One of a Kind" programs, the Project Green gardening programs, and the annual spelling bees are available. Shaffer reported the City Cable TV Office sent $7,500 to the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) to help support the legal challenges to the FCC Second Report and Order, which could change the terms of franchise agreements now and at renewal. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hoerschelman moved and Gordon seconded a motion to approve the amended December 17, 2007 minutes. The minutes were approved unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF COMMISSIONERS Hoerschelman said that there is a web site, www.s~eedmatters.or~ that is gathering data on Internet speeds and provides data on individual communities. Hoerschelman said the City might wish to lobby the FCC and Congress on the need for increasing Internet speeds. Mekies reported that he made a presentation to the City Council during their budget hearings on behalf of the Commission. Mekies said he emphasized that Iowa City is in an unusual position of having seven access channels, that there are court cases challenging franchise fees, and that the reserve. fund is a 1 year backup in the event funding from franchise fees comes under a challenge. Mekies urged the Council to revert to previous policy and not subsidize the general fund with $100,000 from franchise fees. In addition, Mekies compared the level of fiber penetration to other countries noting that the United States falls below a significant number of countries. Hoerschelman said that the graphic used by Mekies which showed the cable TV budget cuts at a much higher rate than other departments during the initial budget adjustments clearly demonstrated the disparity in treatment. Hagen asked if the Commission might request an explanation from the Council on their rational. Shaffer said the Council doesn't typically respond in writing. Hagen said that it might be appropriate for a Commission member to request such information in an email. SHORT PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS None. CONSUMER ISSUES Shaffer referred to the complaint report in the meeting packet. There were a total of 12 complaints. With one exception all complaints that could be resolved have been. There were 3 complaints that HDTV converter boxes were not available and 3 complaints regarding the lack of carriage of the Big Ten Channel. HDTV converters are now available. Mekies said Mediacom and the City Cable TV Office web sites should have information on them regarding converter boxes to help inform the public. MEDIACOM REPORT Grassley reported that the transition to providing a digital simulcast in which both a digital and analog signals are provided should be complete by the end of February. Subscribers may notice abetter quality picture and will experience no disruptions or other changes. The check for PATV was cut on January 24 and should be received shortly. A check correcting franchise fee payments for fiscal year 2007 was recently sent to the City. Hagen asked if information on the changes Mediacom is making might be included with subscriber bills. Grassley said he will forward the idea up to Mediacom officials. Grassley said that Mediacom is considering publishing a newsletter for subscribers and asked for ideas for stories. Mediacom has been having discussions about making programs from access channels available on the free video-on- demand service. Shaffer said he had talked with Mediacom officials about this idea and had sent them a DVD with some programs 2 months ago. Gordon asked about the shortage of HDTV converters. Grassley said Mediacom had difficulty in getting enough boxes from Motorola and had contracted with another company on a test basis. That test worked out and now HD converters with a digital video recorder are available to subscribers. Grassley said that if community organizations would like to have a presentation on the changes in cable services he would be willing to do so. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA REPORT McBride reported that the University channel remains quite busy. The dance marathon for the Children's Miracle Network will again, for the third consecutive year, be broadcast live for the full 24 hours. KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE O'Brien was unable to attend but provided a written report. PATV REPORT Goding distributed minutes from the last PATV board meeting. Goding reported that PATV is redoubling their efforts to find alternative funding streams. The next guidelines workshop will be Feb. 2 from 12-2, the next digital editing workshop Feb. 17 from 12-3, and the next board meeting Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. Studio workshops are by appointment. SENIOR CENTER REPORT Rogusky reported that the program "Race for the Presidency" is being cablecast and the Des Moines Register asked for some of the footage from the program for their website. Senior Center Television received a request for information from parties out of state interested in starting public access operations. Several programs were sent to them. The Spanish-speaking program is progressing well. LIBRARY REPORT Fisher noted that the Library channel quarterly report was included in the meeting packet. The library now offers a service in which patrons can download books on audio. As part of an experiment with the vendor they are offering video streaming for download. At this point some of the "One of a Kind" programs, the Project Green gardening programs, and the annual spelling bees are available. IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORT Lowe reported a number of new programs were cablecast over the past month including an Education Exchange program with an award winning physical education teacher. New music programs from West High and Northwest Junior High were also cablecast. A training program for in-house use was also produced. The fourth quarter report indicates that school board meetings are cablecast most frequently with Education Exchange and the District Parents Organization meetings being the next most frequently played programs. The school district received a grant to teach teachers how to use video and other technologies. This will allow teachers to in turn teach students how to use video equipment. CITY MEDIA UNIT REPORT Hardy reported that the City Council budget meetings are being carried live on channel 5 and streamed live on the City Cable TV Office website. The meetings last about eight hours and are carried in their entirety. Hardy has been working on upgrading the City Council chambers including the installation of new multimedia equipment. The Community Television Service has been busy. New programs are sponsored by Friends of Historic Preservation, the National Alliance for Mental Illness, and the AARP. Anew episode of the Legislative Forum will also be shot. The ``Community Voice" is working on programs on the neighborhood programs and public art. CABLE ADMINISTRATOR REPORT Shaffer reported the City Cable TV Office sent $7,500 to NATOA to help support the legal challenges to the FCC Second Report and Order, which could change the terms of franchise agreements now and at renewal. Three applications were received for the 2 vacancies on the Commission in March. Hagen reapplied. Shaffer will be participating in two upcoming workshops-one on marketing access channels and one on new technologies and programming. CITY CABLE TV DIVISION BUDGET PRESENTATION Mekies noted that this item was discussed previously under Announcements of Commissioners and added that the power point presentation he used was sent electronically to City Councilors. BIG TEN NETWORK TALK SHOW Shaffer reported that he had received a confirmation from the University of Iowa that they will participate in a program with Mediacom to discuss issues pertaining to Mediacom carriage, or lack of carriage of the Big Ten Network. The program will be taped at PATV Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. FCC UPDATE Shaffer reported that the law firm of Miller, Van Eaton has been working with national organizations including the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, the Alliance for Community Media, and others in an injunction concerning the FCC Second Report and Order on Franchising. The challenge of the first Report and Order has been remanded back to the FCC. Oral arguments on the Second Report and Order will take place Feb. 6. Meetings are scheduled to determine the next step beyond the appeal of the orders. CTG UPDATE Shaffer reported that he met with the Community Television Group and talked about ways to strengthen the access channels and how they might work together to enhance their position in the community. ADJOURNMENT Hagen moved and Hoerschelman seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. Adjournment was at 7:01. Respectfully submitted, Drew Shaffer Cable TV Administrator TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 12 MONTH ATTENDANCE RECORD 01/01/03 to CURRENT Meeting Kimberly Saul Meikes Brett Castillo Terry Smith Jim Pusack Date Thrower 6/2/03 x x x x x 7/28/03 x x x x x 8/25/03 X X X X 0/C 9/22/03 X X X X O/C 10/27/03 x x x x o/c 11 /24/03 x x o/c x x 12/15/03 o/c o/c x x x 1 /2/04 x o/c x x x 1 /26/04 x x x x x 2/23/04 x o/c x o/c x 3/22/04 x x x x x 4/ 26/04 X X X X O/C 5/24/04 x x O/C x x 6/28/04 X X X O/C X 7/26/04 o/c x x x x 8/26/04 did not meet did not meet did not meet did not meet did not meet 9/27/04 X X X X X 10/25/04 X X 11 /04 Did not meet Did not meet Did not meet Did not Did not meet meet 12/20/04 X X X X X 1 /24/05 X X X X X 2/28/05 X X X X Gary Hagen 3/8/05 X X X X X 3/25/05 X O X X X 4/25/05 x o/c X X X 5/23/05 X o x_ vacancy X James Ehrmann X x Bebe Balantyne x 6/27/05 X x X X X X Michael Chritians 7/25/05 O X X X X 9/26/05 0 X X 0 X 10/31 /05 X X o/c X X 11 /28/05 X X X X X 1 /23/06 o/c X X O X 2.27/06 X X X 0 X 3/27/06 o/c X X John Weaterson X X 4/24/06 X X X X X 5/22/06 0 X x/o 0 X 6/26/06 0 X Vacant 0 X Nick Parker 7/24/06 x x x X 8/24/06 X x M. Wietin o/c X 9/25/06 x x x 0/c X 10/23/06 x X x o/c X 10/30/06 x x x vacant X 11 /27/09 X X X X 12.18/06 X X X X Brett Gordon 1 /22/07 X X X X X 2/26/07 X X X X X 3/26/07 Vacant x o/c x X 4/23/07 Vacant X X X X Hoerschelm an 521 /07 X X o/c X x 6/26/07 X X X X X 7/23/07 X X X X X 9/24/07 X X o/c o/c X 10/22/07 x x o/c o/c x 11 /26/07 X X X X X 12/18/07 X X o/c X X 1 /28/08 X X o/c X X 3/3/08 X X X X x (X) =Present (O) =Absent (O/C) = Absent/Called (Excused)