HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-11 Transcription#2 Page 1 ITEM 2 CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 8, ENTITLED "POLICE REGULATIONS," CHAPTER 1, ENTITLED "CIVIL EMERGENCIES" TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO MANDATE EVACUATION IN THE EVENT A CIVIL EMERGENCY IS PROCLAIMED. (ALL THREE READINGS -PASS & ADOPT) Correia: Move that the ordinance be adopted. Wright Second. Karr: And we have language...we need to collapse the... Correia: I move that the rule requiring (mumbled) final passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally passed be suspended, first and second consideration be...vote be waived, and that the ordinance amending Title 8, entitled Police Regulations, Chapter 1, entitled Civil Emergencies to authorize the Mayor to mandate evacuation in the event of a civil emergency is proclaimed be voted on for final passage at this time. Wright: Second. Bailey: Moved by Correia, seconded by Wright to collapse (mumbled). Discussion? Roll call. Correia: I move that the ordinance be finally adopted at this time. O'Donnell: Second. Bailey: Moved by Correia, seconded by O'Donnell. Discussion of the ordinance? Correia: So, my question is how will we know who makes the determination or (mumbled). Lombardo: I think, um, as we prepaze for this, and we're looking for almost aside-by- sidebasis (loud noise on mic) emergency response, and looking at a number of factors that would contribute (mumbled) height of the levees and the water come rushing through, waiting until that critical point is not a good idea, because then (mumbled) also our responders. Um, so there'll be a number of factors and... and collectively then if we feel that an area is in imminent danger, then we would (mumbled) Mayor and explain the circumstances (mumbled) enough time to allow for full evacuation and securing of utilities in that area. Wright: What (mumbled) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council Special Formal meeting of June 11, 2008. #2 Karr: I can't pick up. (several talking) Page 2 Dilkes: The ordinance in front of you, uh, states that (mumbled, loud noise on mic) police officer to evacuate (noises on mic) and the reason that we did that is because, um, (mumbled) that's the only way to have an immediate response to that (mumbled) somebody in that situation. (loud noise on mic) (several talking) Fosse: Roger Jensen and I and the whole team have been looking at that, and we're looking at getting enough advanced notice, hopefully a lot of people will be out of there already and secondly, having transportation available for people, uh, not necessarily belongings, but people, to get them out so (mumbled) O'Donnell: And then it becomes our responsibility to secure the area, right? Fosse: Yes. We'll be working with the police on that. Bailey: So we have the ability to use those transit, our buses, and other resources... Fosse: Yes, we'll either use our transit or (mumbled) Wright: I hope there'll be some accommodations for folks with pets, should that come up (several talking) Correia: ..Red Cross Shelter is currently housed (mumbled) Wright: Right, I know they're allowing pets, but (mumbled) transit with (mumbled) Fosse: We'll check that out. Bailey: Well, and I think there's some federal requirement now (mumbled) Wilburn: There are also several private entities in town that are making allowances. Oaknoll is, uh, accepting seniors with pets and (mumbled). Bailey: And our animal shelter has set up a fostering program for people who need to use that, as well, so...but your question about evacuation, I think it makes a lot of sense to get them out of there. Fosse: Yeah. Wright: (unable to hear, several talking) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council Special Formal meeting of June 11, 2008. #2 Page 3 Bailey: Other discussion, questions, concerns? Hayek: What does Johnson County have in this regard, if anything? Dilkes: I...I talked to, or I communicated by email with Andy Chappell at the County Attorney's office, and the question has been posed to him by the County, and they...he has prepared a Governor's Evacuation Order. The Governor has, by Code, the right to...to, uh, declare a State of Emergency and order evacuation. Um, and so I think that their plan is to ask the Governor to make that declaration. Um, we talked about that issue, um, at the staff level today and knew that that was an option, but decided that it would be faster to do it this way and be in control of that at the local level, rather than dealing with the Governor's office, but I think that is the route that the County will go if they have to. Wilburn: If I could add too, during the tornado, um, just a declaration of a State of Emergency, there was little timing, question...sequencing thing, um, when we met, got together, and uh, there was just some question as to whether or not Iowa City (mumbled) County Supervisor, and so, um, it all happened, but I...I support this, because I think timing can be everything, I mean, you know, this is one of those things you literally see the tide coming (mumbled) not to make a pun about it, but, um, in order to get people moving, and sequencing equipment and those type of (mumbled) the Mayor would be enabled to deal with it I think the better. Bailey: Other questions, discussion? Dilkes: Just one thing I wanted to make you aware of, because you may (mumbled) sent out a communication to all city council people, mayors throughout the State, referencing a section of the State Code which says that, um, the Mayor, one of the duties of the Mayor is to, uh, take command of the police and govern by proclamation, upon a determination of (mumbled) it was my, um, conclusion that (mumbled) Charter which doesn't give that power to the Mayor (mumbled) in all those questions so I thought it was best (mumbled, several responding) smaller cities (mumbled). Bailey: Any other discussion? Hayek: We need to do this. Bailey: Okay. Roll call. Item carries unanimously. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council Special Formal meeting of June 11, 2008.