HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-20 Transcription#2 Page 1 ITEM 2 FLOODING COMMENTS AND INPUT. a) PUBLIC COMMENT. Bailey: First we'll start with public comment. If you have comments specifically related to the flood incident, please approach the podium, state your name for the record, and limit your comments to five minutes or less. Crawford: Thank you, Mayor, and City Council, I'm Mike Crawford from Idyllwild, and uh, I will be very brief. Uh, the Mayor, City Manager, Jeff were at our meeting on, uh, whatever night that was this week, and uh, and uh, know that we have presented you with a petition. It's on your desk. There was a cover letter with that petition. I won't read those things you...you have in front of you already to read. I...I would make special, uh, point of mentioning a paragraph in a letter that, uh, that, uh, in addition to the petition, uh, that we ask you to review, uh, testimony for the City Council back in the late 80's and early 90's relative to decision that were made concerning, uh, Idyllwild becoming, uh, an area for development. We...we plan, so that you're aware, to review that more carefully ourselves and think that that's something that should be investigated in addition, uh, to our presenting you a petition. I would tell you also, uh, for the benefit of the Mayor and others that were at our meeting on, uh, the other night, uh, that, uh, there was a spirited discussion, uh, for about three hours relative to a resolution. We did ultimately pass a resolution with only one dissenting vote of the 92 members, and that resolution was to continue the condominium association or regime in legal terminology to assure that we continue as one unit, working with you, relative to, uh, the future of that area. Uh, in addition, we, uh, made the decision to defer rebuilding, uh, at this time, as we investigate all of the possible avenues relative to, um, what happens to that area in the future. Uh, and then relative to what we've in the midst of right now, as I think you know, remediation, the cleanup, the mold eradication, the drying out, uh, we have a contract with a company doing that. We, uh, agreed that each of us needs to be assessed to pay for that amount, and that we need to be about the business of assuring that that company is paid so that part of the project is completed. So that will be done, uh, by the end...we think in about a month. Then we'll be dealing with the other questions as to the future. So, uh, we...we came away from that meeting united which is extremely important in working with you for the future. We appreciate it very much. Thank you. Bailey: Thank you. Other public comments related to the flood? Okay, seeing none, I would entertain a motion to accept correspondence. b) CORRESPONDENCE ON FLOOD MATTERS RECEIVED FROM: Jessica McAllister (2), Susan Salterberg, Kurt This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council Special Formal meeting of July 10, 2008. #2 Page 2 Kimmerling, John and Jo Cunningham, Ana and Leonard Terry, Karen Fox, Martha Monick. Hayek: So moved. Wright: Second. Bailey: Moved by Hayek, seconded by Wright. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed same sign. Motion carries. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council Special Formal meeting of July 10, 2008. #4 Page 3 ITEM 4 CONSIDER A RESOLUTION WAIVING ALL CITY-OWNED UTILITY CHARGES FOR CONSUMPTION IN JUNE AND JULY, 2008, FOR ALL PROPERTIES (RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, OR INDUSTRIAL) WHICH HAVE SUFFERED INTERIOR STRUCTURE PENETRATION BY FLOOD WATER AS A RESULT OF THE 2008 FLOODING. Champion: Move the resolution. Correia: Second. Bailey: Moved by Champion, seconded by Correia. Discussion? Kevin, would you like to speak to us regarding this? O'Malley: Honorable Mayor, Esteemed Council. Public Works and Finance recommend this...recommend adoption of this resolution. One of the other issues we're finding out, it's difficult to, uh, find mailing addresses, or keeping up with these, uh, individuals, so to help relieve some of our extra efforts, plus their cleanup. Are there any questions? Bailey: Any questions for Kevin? Matt? Hayek: I just...two, the first is, um, by limiting this to Parkview and Idyllwild, are we omitting anyone who is in a similar situation, with some of the businesses? O'Malley: We're not limiting to those. We, uh, the... Hayek: There's the 12 commercial accounts. O'Malley: ...Stevens Drive and Gilbert Street, and Riverside, so we're trying to hit all the areas, and uh, Eric Goers in our Legal Department took some time to draft these...this so that if somebody is out there that we don't know about, and they have this interior damage, we will come to their support. Hayek: Okay. I wanted to be sure there was an open ended aspect to this, and then the second question is, in looking at the staff comment under Item 4, it estimates about $20,000 a month. O'Malley: That's correct. Hayek: So this is an anticipated $40,000 move...covering two months. O'Malley: It's a nominal amount, compared to our 26,000 customers, and between $2 million annual revenues, this should not impact our rate structure. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council Special Formal meeting of July 10, 2008. #4 Page 4 Hayek: Okay. Bailey: Other questions? Correia: Is this something we can put on a, like a public assistance grant, as.. . O'Malley: Well, we can look into that for you. Correia: Okay. O'Malley: I'm not sure it's eligible, but we can look into it. Correia: Yeah. Bailey: Connie? Champion: Um, does this also include Landfill? O'Malley: No, this does not. Champion: Okay. O'Malley: Just water, sewer and refuse. Dilkes: Refuse to individual accounts where we provide pickup. Bailey: Other questions for Kevin? Just to build on Matt's question about, um, who's included. So if somebody is not necessarily on this list, they just have to talk to your office. O'Malley: Correct. Just contact us. Bailey: Okay. O'Malley: And our water plant will go out and check the properties out. Wright: One more question. Will the people, um, the residents be notified in some way... O'Malley: That's the difficulty. We're trying to notify them. We've kind of segregated them now, and we haven't been sending any, uh, late due notices or billing information, because there was no mail delivery during that time, and so now we're just going through the process o£ ..do they have service. Put a water meter in...put a fresh new water meter in, and then see if they're going to be there to accept the notices. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council Special Formal meeting of July 10, 2008. #4 Wright: Okay. Page 5 Bailey: Other discussion, questions for Kevin? Thank you. Roll call. Item carries 6-0. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council Special Formal meeting of July 10, 2008.