HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-13 Correspondence-N PFrr_?117r� 4 1979 530 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, Iowa March 7, 1979 Mr. Neal G. Berlin, hlgr. Administrative Offices Civic Center Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Berlin, I I would like the Council to take note of the parking situation on Johnson Street between Iowa Avenue and Jefferson Street. Prior to the Odd -Even parking ord- inance, parking was restricted to the east side of the street. While this caused some congestion, I was at least able to get my car out of my driveway which exists on Johnson Street. During the hours between 11 P.M. and 8 A.M. I now find it impossible to enter or leave my drive since there are cars on BOTH sides of the street. I have found calling the police was to no avail. While the officer agreed that "----I have a problem------" , there was nothing he could do. The exit I TRIED TO MAKE AND COULD NOT WAS AN EMERGENCY.... so I had to call a cab. I ask that you please direct the traffic department to look into the situation. Please act soon. I AM TRAPPED IN MY OWN DRIVEWAY. Vruly ours J E _ Connie M. Keeling CMK MAR L 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) / MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MONIES S06 I' � March 16, 1979 �n V v Ms. Connie M. Keeling 530 Iowa Avenue VVV Iowa City, Iowa 52240 i Dear Ms. Keeling: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager cc: City Clerk bj5/3 r - - MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES /9� +0- THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IOWA 52240 Pholographk Servkc March 7, 1979 Mr. Neal Berlin City Manager Administrative Offices Civic Center Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Berlin: :CEIVED I1";? 3 1919' This letter is intended to be a formal complaint about the new alternate day parking policy on Johnson Street. Our drive- way is situated on Johnson Street between Iowa Avenue and Jeff- erson Street. We find that the new policy effectively renders our driveway unuseable between 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Previously, when parking was banned on the West side of Johnson Street, we could enter and exit with no trouble. Now, cars park on both sides of the street between 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m, and sufficient clearance is NOT available to swing into our narrow driveway. Imight add, parenthetically, that we had applied some years earlier for permission to widen the driveway and were refused on the grounds that we had room enough The situation, as it now exists, is intolerable, as one of the City Policeman'l appealed to for assistance this morning agreed. I hope for prompt resolution and a simple remedy to our Plight. Thank you for your cons I remain LMK;ddr cc/file tion concerning this problem, s.eanne Keeling 530 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, Iowa MAR 11 1979 AVE31 7Y COLFUERK � ➢CMC r -- MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES So 6 March 16, 1979 00%, Ms. Leanne Keeling 530 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Ms. Keeling: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager cc: City Clerk ✓ bj5/3 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MORIES SO6 March 7, 1979 Iowa City, Iowa Members of the Council: 8 1979 MAR U 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) Many citizens feel frustrated over the present parking ordinances as some members of the Council must feel over they Freeway 518, While citizens and Council members each feel that their know what s bst rconsideredopin nionsare nignored and inthe plabeled lthe eproduct Of misguided souls by the decision makers, members of the CouncilI ask you, the , to show more consideration to reasoned j opinion than the Iowa Department of 'Transportation has shown II to you. In terms of democratic philosophy and optimum decision making, the burden of finding proof as to the wisdom of an ordinance should be on the legislative assistants prior to legislative debate. The city staff should be required to fully research the implications of ordinances prior to their enactment rather than subsequent to their promulgation. Citizens should not be compelled to form pressure groups to protect their rights. surveIsuggese tst hat each block currently regulated should be scheduled opported unitysa nd should be thegtraffic engineeraand a Council representative. "ntil such an investigation is under- taken, the disputed ordinances should be suspended. If the present ordinances were staffed out, then the question broadens from should the ordinances in dispute be retained to include, was the staffing adequate? The person or persons suggesting the present ordinances should be reviewed as well as the methods and bases for their decisions and ons havemhad dtolsuffer the lembarrassmentthat �n in order to justify a recently approved ordinance. (You are to be commended on any reconsideration granted). � Finally, I ask for reason and compassion by the members of the City Council. Please consider the costs of the ordinance -- the artificial lack of parking spaces, the wasted g time value of citizens and comparas, and the e these costs to the benefits. It is my ordinances lare baldetriment yto the ou lcommunityfinthatathlapresent rge. Once again, prespectfully, Jimtkersloot Apt. 6, 720 N. Dubuque St, 506 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS- DES NOIRES March 16, 1979 Mr. Jim Donkersloot 720 N. Dubuque St. Apt. 6 Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Donkersloot: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager / cc: City C1erkV bj5/3 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 6101HES S06 . , 8 1919 Sally A. Smith 219 S. Summit Iowa City, a 52240 March 2, 1979 N. G. Berlin D City Manager (J D Civic Center MAR C 1979 Iowa City, IA5224o ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) Dear Sir: Recently alternate -day parking has been established on College, and Parking on Summit has been eliminated on weekdays between 8:00 am -5:00 pm. These regulations have drastically reduced available parking space, already a aemirprecious resource in this area. For the following reasons, these restrictions should be removed. Insufficient off-street Parking. This is an area in which older houses have been converted into multiple -unit dwellings. Existing off-street parking in inadequate, and there is no available apace to construct more. Safety. In a town as poorly -lighted as Iowa City, it is not safe to have to walk three blocks after dark from the nearest parking space to one's hone. Conservation of en_ orgy. Especially in cold weather it is harmful to a car to.ran it Just long enough to find another parking place. Driving far enough to warm it up is a needless waste of gasoline (969-9f/ gal.) and time. IoweyCity has convenient, inexpensive bus service. Many People would leave their care parked and ride the bus. However, since they must move their cars anyway, it is easier just to drive to work or class. Neceeaity of having a car. Convenient as the buses are, no one relishes carrying two baekete of laundry as well an detergent on one, to say nothing of a large bag of groceries and a carton of pop bottles. Buses stop running at 10:00 pm, while most libraries are open until later. Since buses do not run on Sunday, it would be very difficult to go to church. I, for ane, do not have access to a stove, so I must go to a M MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110111ES 506 restaurant or to a friend's house if I want hot food.. Neither are within walling distance. Future crow With the elimination of the parietal rule, even more People with even more care can be expected to live off -campus. More, not fewer, parking spaces are needed. Impoverishment of students. Before I moved to Iowa City, I had received one parking ticket. The amount I have paid in parking fines and towing charges since I have been here would keep Cleveland solvent. Lack of necessity for restrictions? College is wide enough to accomodate parking on both sides of the street, and Summit between Washington and Burlington is not a busy street; in fact, one block is paved with brick. I have driven considerably in the area (usually looking for a place to park) and have never found traffic intolerable. Theme new parking restrictions are causing a hardship for everyone without helping anyone. Please eliminate them. Sincerely, r - IIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110HIES March 16, 1979 00V V Ms. Sally S. Smith 219 S. Summit Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Ms. Smith: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and Placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager cc: City Clerk bj5/3 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES I-0oIRES S'06 RECEIVED M:1 8 1919 .larch 6, 1979. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Iowa City Council: The following are my comments regarding the new parking plan which prohibits parUng on both sides of certain streets between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Mondays through Fridays. Sheridan Avenue is included in this group, and sighs were put in place here on February 21. 1. In my opinion this parking plan is a failure because it is so discriminatory and unfair. On practically every residential street in Iowa City, with the exception of through streets such as Burlingtona Muscatine, parking is permitted on at least one side of each street for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But parking is prohibited, Mondays through Fridays, on both rides of the streets with the 8-5 No Parking,signs between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. ( 2. This pew parking plan is a failure because the Traffic Engineer ( forgot the disabled, the aged (85-95) and the elderly (65-84). He forgot 1)( that many in this group need outside help if they are to be able to live independently in their own homes. Those outside helpers need places to park, and so do the relativess and friends who come to visit during the day. 3. The new parking plan is a failure because the Trafic Engineer forgot that it would be im;tvesible for householders to keep their properties in repair and meet emergencies if plumbers, furnace men, roofers, and all other service peoplh are not permitted to park on one side of,the other during their regular working hours of 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. when called to a: job. 4• The new parking plan is a failure because the Traffic Engineer forgot that on Sheridan Avenue the traffic needs to be slowed down instead of being speeded up, for the safety of the children who cross on their way to Longfellow, -School. Since the 8-5 No Parking signs have been in place Sheridan Avenue has been a race track, five days a week. On week ends there isn't as much speeding. A few parked c-irs can keep the speed at a safer and more legal level. 5. The new parking plan is a failure because the Traffic Engineer forgot that the removal of snow accumulations, street cleaning and refuse collections could be facilitated just as casilY. and effectively with the Calendar Parking plan - and without any unfairness or injustice. There is not a great deal of traffic on Sheridan Avenue, and there will be even less after the concrete approaches to the new Court Street bridge are in. The flow is smooth. Trial runs on Sheridan show that a motorist, traveling at the legal speed of 25 miles an hour, going from Summit Street to Seventh Avenue, can save approximately two minutes if there are no motor vehicles parked along the way. Continued on Page 2 MAR 8 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110111ES Sa,6 Council, Page 2 - 3-6_79 WHICH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT? That each motorist, traveling 25 miles per hour, ) eave,$pproximately two minutes ) each time he travels the length of Sheridan Avenue - _ r_ _ OR I sayy that everything should not be for the motorists. ( That the residents of Sheridan Avenue (including, of course' the ( disabled and the senior citizens) be permitted to park on one side of the street for 24 hours of the (day, 7 days a week, the same as is being permitted on practically ( every residential street in Iowa ( City (except through streets and (! those with the "No Parking 845,, ( signs). That plumbers, furnace men , ( roofers, and all seyice people, ( be permitted to pax'I�' one side of-' Sheridan Avenue during their regular working hours of 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. (Along with anybody else, Of course.) That speeding is discouraged on Sheridan for the protection of ,the children attending Longfellow School. A few parked motorr ( vehicles along the way definitely slow down the speed on Sheridan. I hope I have been able to help convince your Honorable Body how unfair and bow unworkkble that No Parking 8<5 regulation really is. suggestionMY and that pakingbe1Permitted aonNthe anorth rking sidesof Sheridanmuntilosuchvtime' as you have decided whether or not Calendar Parking will be on a 365 day a year basis. M 1530 Sheridan Avenue MCROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MDIrrEs Nnrch 19, 1979. To the Honorable Muyor and Members of the Iowa City Council: During the 46 years that I have lived on Sheridan Avenue it never has been used for storage of cars as practically all of the buildings on this street are one family. Up ' until the NO PAR'f.ING 8-5 signs were put in place there were not very many oars parked on Sheridan (except when the alleys were drifted phut) during the day, most of it being abort term. One of the worst things about those No Parking 8-5 signs is that it has made it easy for the motorists to violate the speed laws, and they are doing just thaty and to the extent that lives are endangered. Sheridanr is just one block from £bngfsllow School, and there are no school crossing guards and no Stop Signs. A few parked cars on week ends slowr the cars down. Those NO parking 8-5 signs could eventually mean.a run- down neighbor- hood, because, if left in place, it would be extremely difficult and expensive forrhomeo,nera to keep their buildings in repair. With parking prohibited on both sides of Sheridan from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., those are the exact hours when service people and:business people do their work. Prohibiting parking on both sides of the street during those hours is unfair to both the home- owner who has work to be done, and to the person who is ready and willing to do the work but cannot because the sign on the street says he must not park on either side of the street during his regular working hours. There is nothing on Sheridanr,�Avenue that would justify such extreme measures as prohibiting perking on both sides of this ctreet during the day when some street parking is needed the most -- most of it short term. What the people on Sheridan would like to have done is for the NO PARKING 8-5 to be removed and parking permitted on the north side, the same as before the signs were put in place. Snow removal and street cleaning could be treken care of in the same way as on the other streets where parking on the same one side is permitted. Calendar Parking for Sheridan Avenue is entirely out of the question because of the many hours of ob:.nge-over time when parking would be permitted on both sides of the street. C ) II '1 1530 Sheridan Avenue Ul t4AR 1 91979 L ADBIE STOLFUS CITY CLERK MICROFILMED BY •JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES r40IRCS RECEIVED 11A, 81979 s 6 march 5, 1979 9 To: City Council t Iowa city I Re: Parking Regulations Dear Councilpersons: i The arbitrary decision of the Iowa City council to limit parking on city streets from 8 a.m. until 11 p.m. is totally unacceptable to city residents. The reasons that have been given for such a severe restriction are insufficient. Pour justifications have been used: (1) To facilitate snow removal; (2) to facilitate street j maintenance; (3) to facilitate garbage pickup; (4) to i prevent storage of cars on city streets. -i These reasons are not sufficient to justify the new restrictions. Snow only occurs during the winter and is rarely as bad as this year. Street cleaning is done only about once a month in residential areas; other street maintenance will usually take more than one day, in which case special signs would have to be posted anyway. Garbage pickup is not done on a calendar basis, so calendar parking will not help enough to justify the 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. restriction. Garbage pickup is not done after 5 p.m. anyway. There are already ordinances against storage that could be properly enforced if that is such a problem (which raises the question of whether or not anyone knows how big a problem it is). A perhaps reasonable alternative and one which would accomplish all of the goals laid out above, would be an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. restriction during weekdays only. It is particularly offensive to residents who have no alternative but street parking that these new restrictions be in effect 7 days a week. The only possible objection to this alternative proposal is that snow removal might be done up until 11 P.M. with the current regulations. However, there is not a sufficient traffic problem during the day on iresidential streets to prevent adequate snow removal between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. i Other objections outweigh the problem of snow removal anyway. Single women who have to qe out and move their cars at 11 P.M. are being put into a needlessly dangerous situation. It will also be difficult for them to get a parking place near their apartment if they come home before 11 P.M. The daily inconvenience and danger forcedimou n the D MAR 8 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) S06 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101MES residents with no alternative to street parking is not justified by the reasons given for the new restrictions. Ile propose that the council immediately suspend enforcement of the current regulations, especially after 5 p.m. and on weekends, until more adequate regulations can be posted. M. >70t/.IQrcl WEiw�iE•S Oie6) 6k 211- _e -/c rel,_ DAv.Tb F]•/ iiA r� If I &ffo' Ise Sincerely, City Residents 7,. / _e-A� 17_A . - 7/ /6F• f 7z i 1D 33 Scueti�� fiV�C 2 t I L wf"-, fr I, poi (,( S, J1u la,� �2 6 Lq x.73. S• ,�a.¢ �`l 3 �zl �rwl� MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIRES MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101?ICS Von'March 16, 1979 V Ms. Della A. Grizel 1530 Sheridan Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Ms. Grizel: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday i afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, j Neal G. Berlin City Manager cc: City Clerk ✓ bj5/3 I j j MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVIES soz MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES 03 C�j is .� G� , (f h Cl 9' GLCti�2 GYy�h 61 1 � �-7?!� O� I �i�YhGG�V' '"��nn�' %��p !G✓l(� v/ G��"� �/Clil�y �Pr�".�i� �, / Gil, ,i,.) �i,i•4,y�!^L1 • L, li4 � ( llil'tiGo-�✓`Z J�.G' p�t✓I %6Z6� Z,1ki ry- , Z�7 � G 13 N. Vow BI;PP�) 1 3 3 8- 73 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES I March 16, 1979 Q� Mr. Michael D. McCoy 613 N. Van Buren Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. McCoy: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager / cc: City Clerk ✓ b j 5/3 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES m ' T am uN,�t,r4 \Y\ Cc(`C2C h aF \YC 'Tos ' o� kJOAQc n� �coA� Poc Stix., cew�cual M4°.- i& \� Ci_ i �•rc �- ��c S. �n fie.. 'Z avn, �r \,6 (s oo ys,,a `L'•OG—\\'.mJ �d q\3o ro sn� MAR r 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS cmc CITY CLERK (3 ) S I S06 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIIICS March 16, 1979 Mr. Robert Dahlberg 23 Caroline Court Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Dahlberg: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager / cc: City Clerk ✓ bj5/3 r - - MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MO RIES 1.1"06 RECEIVM � r I `yak unov L - U�, i71a� 3-S ?11,0 to U, tv -fir(, .,GR(.v, w Mt 4& mfc, at le"S) mce A�kAot /'�GGn14t.a�Pit. C� W Yovfn �-ue � r MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS.DES 110114ES ,-Sa6 March 16, 1979 Ms. Lisa Veach 804 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Ms. Veach: placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and because the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatof ives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager / cc: City Clerk bj5/3 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES IIOIIIES iia SoAye RECEIVED NA2 71979 lowerGi �C, ON � 5 ,�jCA i l0 E . we a h , ncJ4crn MAR 7 1979 1 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3 Oeac S'.CS " Nee'E, �cd - �'r�— CcMv'CYiip.t�.i- �cic �vec� CO.c Owr�.c tc� 4h� acP�i bv.k a\�o mc,��'e- �hsL ^eic�boC hood ex.-�cemel� �,� ecau�s bac t loc nwmb-ec o Wilmer\ (,,ma c 5t s�c\e hc, s lm�� bei r KmoWr cis 0t LIVOL�l� cue. d -5tc< c �r� n e w z i,r5 nvx-u horm� GS -kr oj.a,<`�c avec\. �occed �� v,ic,_1k �evecu..l blocks Scam \�e`c c�� s 1 v 1�c i c ci odc5. -T h(e 3,c`p. cry be5,� � &,\r\4 J �,� "NJo Pa<k��� ° e>-\u�� L✓v.c.c>rs �70hn5m�i uj -btC bol, ,l S�O (- o- t� , C\CQU r e,,lcm� FA ++ARM � FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101RE5 .5O6 �G �i S Cts �o all PcM<- CC�CS TY) tice�c C�t� CournC; l �,� l► GecCNN'33% o -ac ro MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIBES March 16, 1979 Ms. Nancy Selden 804 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Ms. Selden: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager / cc: City Clerk/ bj5/3 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES IIOIRES 506 RECEIVED :N:` 71979 March 6, 1979 Robert Rogers Rabbi Jeffrey Portman 1202 Marcy Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Mr. Neil Berlin City Manager j Civic Center Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Berlin, We live on the corner of Marcy Street and Ginter Avenue and we can't understand why the city has decided to establish odd and even parking rules in this neighborhood. There is very little - traffic on either street and hardly enough cars owned by the residents to warrant such restrictions. Moreover, many of us do not own garages and the daily changing of our parking spots is an added inconvenience - besides which, these signs are an eyesore. To put it simply, drive by and count the number of cars that travel the road, you might be able to count them on one hand. In a lighter vein, with all the accumulated snow on the sides of the streets, how did the workers who hammered in the signs know where the grass ended and the roads begin? And furthermore, I why didn't you wait till Spring? Please reconsider. Thank you. int, �` .4 Robert R ��s�—�� Rabb' tey f�ortman i MAR 7 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) I h 506 MICROFILMED BY '1 JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIRES March 16, 1979 C% U Mr. Robert Rogers Rabbi Jeffrey Portman 1202 Marcy Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Rogers and Rabbi Portman: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and Placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager cc: City Clerk bj5/3 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES sob Mr. Neal Berlin, City Manager -Iowa City, Civic Center, Iowa City,Iowa 5224o Dear Mr. Berlin: F�*"E1t'E01?:1:� 19^; March 6, lg79 I would like to put in a good word in favor of the new calendar parking system apnroved by the city council for streets in the northeast section east of the Iowa River. I have lived on the northeast corner of Iowa Avenue and Johnson Street for man;.- years. During recent years, autos have been parked solidly along the curbs on Iowa Avenue in front of my home and on Johnson street along the side yard, for seven days a week during the entire year, except for the Spring and Christmas university holidays. This has caused several constant problems. The parts of the street where cars are parked regularly are seldom or never cleaned because the street sweeper is confined to the lane of trpffic only. In winter, the snow is never cleared from the parking areas and this winter has been the first time that the city erected the emergency "no narking signs in order to clear the snow from these areas. Many university students who live in rooms and apartments in this area, fairly close to the camnus, do not move their cars from Sundays to Fridays and even longer so are using the streets for car storage. Some of the permanent resitlents in the area without their own driveways have difficulty in getting furnace, plumbing, nhone and other types of repairmen to come because there is seldom a place for them to park. I hope the city will permit these types of vehicles to park for limited Periods of time on the "open" side of the streets where calendar parking is in effect. for think the movementof correct , that rstreets are ofeautomobilesignod arily To me, calendar parking in my area Provides for much safer streets, moves the heavy traffic much more expediently, affords us cleaner streets the ,year around, and prevents the long storage of autos along the streets. The advantages of calendar parking on streets in my area far outweigh the comnlaints of those who only want to have a place to park their cars. C_ Since , rely ,yours, ,16, 7 i Edwin B.GAven EAvenue D 604 Iowa enue MAR i 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) SD MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES March 16, 1979 ^\\ )JJ Mr. Edwin B. Green 604 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Green: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the parking situation in Iowa City. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Your supportive comments are certainly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager / cc: City Clerk bj5/2 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES .SOG i RECMVFD 71^' i ' Crud ✓YwV � w `. tiTv �i U .l�w� �cxuq^ti�u4U'` �c �✓t32 .',b7L(ri I GL Vci��i c0u �a,��1{ LCLxCC ,l/✓�� �C�' _�L� p �...�r1,UGti, ;llL,✓���� .�vcu���a� � .�G �J �v%iy�C� <,tjyJ_4✓Pi.�cbL% (,�-� ��, Yl✓C�<.C��w�x' U �f Lprn� GtyiY�'�2 :t� L tSt.i, Gl�l �' ��S n' n21V'ktlQ� �lL �LAJ ON-) u�-U-QC7J.CLI.`' c� ,.�Oa`L• iCl� Cj�- G;�G Gr., l � 2 P ti6vz, G-(wvo ) I �,G.,t1o::�.Y ..�,� ��,�.� w�� c�ri.LvvrGrs�, fir,,-(� •� cr,;1v /,9V o.,GL. L��v SS r ' ti G Gi✓` �, : t -u.%(,) G�b/uLV C} 4 J eL) CGItCI�/)Lf �C. p // c MAR 1970 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) SO6 / MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIOS•0ES MOINES March 16, 1979 Ms. Karen Peterson 804 Iowa Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 i Dear Ms. Peterson: i At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives i that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. I Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. I Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager / j cc: City Clerk bj5/3 1 LSOb FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES o G� �:)">1aLi o-,., nus` C/J � 6 � `1Vli�\ • v c�iL I v" balls y%lr�vt jC(n-� 6i•.enX�ii+u- 1 /�/l.C.. Q',L.i"LS•�U��•t,[,., lJ 7 ®lti �.�-•G., 6.1;•un.J �L'.¢,v,L,J,.�p.�. , wtt h -G,--- 0�-a /-a3`f P , "-t n3nl a a'3 . -UL -LD L, &I � LAO�g U-a SCLC t `o A� . �or"u ck—u , ...�I. QJI .C.-l'.YtvW , n���,,AL.,. ,.1. F/(�5'�-h.�• /��//Q�i LL.. ..vQkk\ „�(�v( to /Ym""( (�^� � ,L..u..atc.�lltA. �✓V�" GY..rr.c��4-µ-c.c._ �LO'i�/, tiu.L�t�LilU-�.fw�1 .inl._^ Q n ',�tsLguQa l.L.� b -ULL a o, .,mow cru c �ti cL, ~/o E06 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DCS MOINES March 16, 1979 Mr. Marshall Hunter 704 Ronalds Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Hunter: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the parking situation in Iowa City. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Your supportive comments are certainly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager / cc: City Clerk bj5/2 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES ,55-06 �� lJ 19 7y i f ct 3 IX GX�lele2 FIICROFILMEO BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES ilolrlLs i MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1901NEs A. F. o' 1402 1407 D.vmporl Slnel low. CityZ Iowa 522/0 MICROFILMED BY DORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS - DES M01RCS March 16, 1979 0G 2 G'0 Mr. &Mrs. A. F. Rittenmeyer 1402 Davenport Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rittenmeyer: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the parking situation in Iowa City. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Your supportive comments are certainly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager cc: City Clerk ✓ bj5/2 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110111ES Sob RECEIVE] N R 51979 �� C°ct����zt.7a2Yo D Iti1ARo '5 19'79 D STOLFUS CITY CLERK. 506 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES M011lCS I i I I March 16, 1979 CC"/ Mrs. Louise Levine 419 S. Johnson St. Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mrs, Levine: At its regular meeting of March 13, 1979, the City Council received and placed on file your letter regarding the problems encountered because of the new parking regulations. The City Council will consider alternatives that may alleviate some of the problems at the informal meeting on Monday afternoon, March 19, 1979. Thank you for expressing your concerns to the Council. Sincerely yours, i i Neal G. Berlin City Manager cc: City Clerk bj5/3 i I I MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES 6 RL .Cj%1rr (T !1pP March 6, 1919 To The Iowa City City Council: I wish to register my protest regarding the new garbage collection procedures, which requires that all pickups must be made from the street. This means that most of us who live in the older sections of town must carry our garbage a full half block in order to have it collected, often down anumber of steps! This is a real "killer" for older people and those of us with bad backs. The ggvrbage sits out on the street for a number of hours, with the possibility of some of it blowing away into gront yards. After the collection the empty garbage cans sit there for a few more hours, making for a very unsightly neighborhood. The garbage trucks clog uo the already narrow streets, slowing traffic. The garbage collectors often have to wend their .way around parked cars to nick up the trash, whereas this was not necessary in the alleys. I see absolutely no merit in this pickup change, except when alleys are full of snow, and I •could urge you to return to alley collections. Sally Smith 218 Fairchild 719 MAR 7 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) / MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RARIDSOCS 1101twE5 sor I City of Iowa City MEMORAND JM Date: March 5, 1979 To: Honorable Mayor, City Council Members and Neal Berlin, City Manager From: Iowa City Human Rights Commi ion Re: Linda Eaton In its advisory capacity, the Iowa City Human Rights Commission, in a memorandum dated 24 January 1979 cautioned the City Council that any action regarding the Linda Eaton situation be consistent with affirmative action/equal opportunity practices and be non- discriminatory. Since the Commission is still awaiting a response to its memorandum, we further request that the City Council clarify the role they feel the Human Rights Commission should take in this particular case as well as in subsequent discrimination cases regarding City employees. As you know, the Commission is empowered, in Section 10.2.2(H) of the City's Human Rights Ordinance to make recommendations regarding the City's affirmative action program and to offer assistance in insuring that fair employment procedures are practiced by the City. bjl/28 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIRES March 16, 1979 Mr. Mace Braverman, Chairman Human Rights Commission City of Iowa City Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Commission Members: Your memorandum of March 5, 1979, to the City Council concerning Linda Eaton has been received and noted by the City Council. The last para- graph of your memorandum makes reference to the human rights ordinance, Section 10.2.2(h) which relates to the making of recommendations re- garding the City's affirmative action program and offering assistance in assuring that fair employment procedures are practiced by the City. I have enclosed a copy of my press release of January 26, 1979, which speaks directly to that issue. You will note that on page 4 it is suggested that the Human Rights Commission will cooperate in accordance with the relevant provisions of the human rights ordinance. I would be pleased to discuss this matter with you. Sincerely yours, Neal G. Berlin City Manager jm3/25 cc: Pat Brown MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES 1101NES ;, ,City of Iowa City Date: March 7, 1979 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council From: James Brachtel, Traffic Engineer L j Re: Parking Prohibition on Governor Street As directed by Section 23-16 of the Municipal Code Iowa City this is to advise you of the following action: ACTION: Pursuant to Section 23-234 of the Municipal Code of Iowa City the City Traffic Engineer will direct that signs be removed from the east side of Governor Street between Bowery and at any time inthe area described above. This act so iontwis to llrbettakenionn or shortly after March 21, 1979. COMMENT: Evr/) K I t6 H The City Council has suggested that newly installed "8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday -Friday prohibition in the area described may be inappropriate. This portion of Governor Street in this area is 31 feet wide and is one- way north. The 31 foot width does allow for two lanes of northbound traffic and one lane of curbside parking. The Traffic Engineer concurs with Council's judgment in this matter and will proceed accordingly. The action described above could be taken prior to March 21, 1979, should City Council direct. jm2 (�oi�M MAR - 1979 ABBIE STOLFUS, CMC CITY CLERK (3) MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES I40INES 309 I CITY OF IOWA CITY 1 CIVIC CENTER 410 E. WASHINGTON ST IOWA CITY IOWA 52240 (319) 354.180D NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING BOARD: BOARD OF APPEALS One vacancy - Unexpired Term March 13, 1979 - December 31, 1979 One vacancy - Three-year Term March 13, 1979 - December 31, 1981 It is the duty of members of the Board of Appeals to hold appeal hearings on matters concerning mini- mum housing standards ordinance and the uniform building code. Members must be qualified by exper- ience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction. Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified electors of the City of Iowa City. The appointments to this Board will be made at the March 13, 1979, meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Persons inter- ested in being considered for these positions should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Washington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. 516 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES CITY OF IOWA CITYCIVIC CENTER 41 - ���- � O E WASHINGTON ST IVW/\ CITY IOVVA 52240 (319) 354.18CO NOTICE THE CITY COUNCIL OF IOWA CITY IS CONSIDERING APPOINTMENTS•TO THE FOLLOWING COMMISSION: i BROADBAND TELECO1414UN I CATIONS COMMISSION 1 vacancy - One-year term March 6, 1979 - March 6, 1980 2 vacancies - Two-year terms March 6, 1979 - March 6, 1981 2 vacancies - Three-year terms March 6, 1979 - March 6, 1982 i The duties of the Broadband Telecommunications com- mission include serving as a review board to resolve disputes between any subscriber or potential sub- scriber and the cablevision company; reviewing and auditing reports by the cablevision company to the City as required by the Cable Television Ordinance; working with the public, the media, the City, and the cablevision company for the purpose of making recommendations on various issues; engaging in other activities pursuant to the effective monitoring and evaluation of the CATV system in the City. I Iowa City appointed members of boards and commis- sions must be qualified voters of the City of Iowa City, I The appointments.to this Commission will be made at the ;March $ ;1979; meeting of the City Council at 7:30 P.M: 116-ihii"Council Chambers. Persons inter- ested in being considered for these positions should contact the City Clerk, Civic Center, 410 East Wash- ington. Application forms are available from the Clerk's office upon request. Sw�dwa 1,�� 1047 LJooclLaw>v WaohbA.L h 120$ .,tll.ti vx., -nu£ . W. LUa A. TERM 206'i�ahlcZ4 oad 311 Waolf ,4.uE.. S17 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES March 6, 1979 BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION - one vacancy for a one-year term beginning March 6, 1979 and ending March 6, 1980; two vacancies for two-year terms beginning March 6, 1979 and ending March 6, 1981; two vacancies for three-year terms beginning March 6, 1979 and ending March 6, 1982. William Merrill Dennis 1110 North Dubuque #306 Peter Elsea 315 Ellis Ave. Sandra C. Eskin 1047 Woodlawn Marilyn Jean Levin 1514 Spruce St. Jean Madsen 1315 Whiting Ave. Ct. Robert Pepper 311 Woolf Ave. Michael Sigrin 903 E. Burlington St. Richard A. Tauchen 3353 Tulane Ave. Thomas G. Gartland 922 North Dodge St. Bruce Washburn 1208 Ginter Ave. William 0. Terry 206 Park Road Terry Kelly 130 N. Madison St. David A. Russell 3029 Radcliffe Ave. 11 MICROFILRED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES S17 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After Council eviewscaall applicationsodurngnthehinformal aworktsession. Theperiodhaappoinitmen�tties announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILI 'ADVISORY NAME DINNIS, W OCCUPATION Ret PHONE NUMBERS: R EXPERIENCE AND/OR F, SLcgncary/colli:, CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE `4 ONE --YEAR PERIOD. on TERM ? 1110 N. Dubuque # 306 None THIS POSITION: educational innovation research WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? superficial/hearsay WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? _ wide background in educational communications, liaison channels with Federal, state, and other agencies bringing to bear on innovative cable TV. Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES T_NO (none unlessersonal p projects are iml.lemented) Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? _YES _NO If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? _YES _NO If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to beons lredpu fork fu;i e vacancy? YES NO JAN 2t4n1ff# 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES NOIRES ADVISOxY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION .cM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City, The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal Werk session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE FEB 22, 1979 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAMEBroadband Telecommunications TERM Any NAME Peter Elsea ADDRESS 315 Ellis ave OCCUPATION Audio Specialist EMPLOYER University of Iowa PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE 351-2723 BUSINESS 353*. 4313 EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: My position as technician at the School of Music Electronic Music Studios has given mew much experience in bringing sophisticated technology and naive users into productive relatinnships. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? Only as outlined in the handout; T am familiar with the realities of operating complex electronic systems. WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? I_can hal, mnlro please Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project ck or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A,22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will conflict of interest? —YES ANO you have a Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? -YES If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? _xYES NO AUBIE;:;TOLI=US If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be considerc9Tf�ilCiV-M vacancy? x YES —NOure January 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MUIRCS RETAKE OF PRECEDING DOCUMENT i JORM MICROLAB TARGET SERIES MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES !10IMCS 0 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30- day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE danuary 25 io�o 'ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME Cable Television Commission TERM ? NAME DENNIS, WILLIAM MERRILL ADDRESS 1110 N. Dubuque N' 306 OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYER Kone PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE 319 - 338 - 8861 BUSINESS EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: SLcgnaary/collere teaching, secondary administration, educational innovatlon -�- research WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? superSicialAearsa Y WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? wide backeround in educational communications, liaison channels with Federal, state, and other agencies bringing to bear on innovative cable TV. Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES ANO (none unlessersonal P projects are iml.lemented) Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? _YES _NO If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? _YES _NO If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be vacancy? YES NO �onsiLreda for fie JAN An%fff 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No X b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? I Yes # No Senior citizen (AAh.") monthly bulletin C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? hesiduol control. of Yes + No. projects initiated by former teacher ass'n. If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. Throughout the fifties, sixties, and seventies I was operative in Lducatiunal innovation, first under Educatiunal Developments, later under Great itivLr Schoolmasters. With the latter, I initiated two taled TV prugrams (Development of the Hurn, School Bands nide the Delta (rueen), lobbied Federally for increased educational. programming for cable TV, develoi.ed sys'ems for lmblic rLsl.onse/voti.rg on radio/TV. liuth Lducatiunal Developments and Grunt Diver are terminated but I continue to coordinate and promoted projects cor.tim drL and developing u,,an matcri^ls :,nd cuntnrts made under aus;dcen of Loth thi. former. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 14oInES ADVISOKY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION , .iM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE FEB 22, 1979 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAMEeroadband Telecommunications NAME Peter Elsea OCCUPATION Audio Specialist PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE 351-2723 TERM Any ADDRESS_ 315 Ellis eve. EMPLOYER University of Ipwa BUSINESS 3531, 4313 EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: My position as technician at the School of Music Electronic Music Studios has givpn mew much experience in bringing sophisticated technology and naive users into productive relatinnships. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? Only as outlined in the handout; T am familiar with the realities of operating complex electronic systems. WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? I can help make distinctions between nrohlemn raiaerl by the rATU romp ny and those caused by unrealistic expectations Alen. T feR1 T rRn help HA ign (please see back Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES xNO 1-�0.11'(�)� Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? x YES _�,N�I If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? xYES _NO A[361E l OL{= US If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be cons i der4p%pmure vacancy? x YES _NO January 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES M0111ES a wnrkable puhlic access program (particularly the user instruction proceedures). Thirdly, having a wife who is blind will enable me to realistically monitor the effectiveness of the proposed information for the blind channel. r MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES hio1RC5 0 STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable- Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any j parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes No x b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes y_ No _ C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? i Yes x_ No. If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. b. My brother (not a dependent relationship) is an employee of The Cedar Rapids Gazette. c. I am employed by the University of Iowa in a position (the school of music) remote from any UI department that Is likely to have dealings with the CATV company. IIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE Jtrl Z.o i l4 7 7 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME 7e(econtwlKNrk:AhyOAJ;PTERM X41 NAME _54-N p&W o . 6r3K4lN OCCUPATION _Hw+SFK659 PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE ADDRESS 10Y7 (,,/oogf/Q wry EMPLOYER — BUSINESS — EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: Served on the original Iowa City Mayors Cable C:ommunlealions Commilloo IP72-75. whirh Investirraterl and ra. ria ., ..,.- _,____. r-evrewea ana proposed potential uses of a cable communication system as a tool to benefit community comm mina+t u;r WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? I have reviewed the Telecommun- ication Ordinance statement of Duties and Responsibilities delegated by the Council to the Commission. WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? I have the wlllin ness to devote considerable time and enerev in active participa ion n s miss of the Ordinance and the work of a telecommunication system. ons Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES NO 111 OIC 3 Knowingthe length of term, A �y g r� 9 afire ou wiIIin to serve this term? YES NO II I' I'' EP If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? �( YES NO ��r"1_ ..i'�79 If you are not appointed for the current vacant do A13DIE STOLFUS vacancy? YES _NO Y. You wish to be conside�dYfd'sLi3RfUture January 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS.D[.0 Moln[S STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No ( b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No X C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa I Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes _ No, _CX If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101r1ES ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FUHM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE February 27, 1979 Iowa City Broadband, ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME Telecommunications commission TERM 3 yrs. or less NAME Thomas G. Gartland ADDRESS 922 N. Dodge Street OCCUPATION Trade s Industrial Educational Prnoram DnVe Inner EMPLOYER Xirkweoa rcm .._ty �or�rnr PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE_ 737_992e BUSINESS :398-5688 EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: 115 a Ornnram developer a d a former in tructor,v ad exi2erience us no elevision as an educational tool, I think-=�!.Qvisionis a variation that increases television's WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? what I have read in the j vacancy announcement. I WHAT CONTRIDUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? Because I feel this tYRe of communication can be anim ortant educational, informative, and entertainment medium, I am willin2 to expend time and energy to help insure its success. Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether I or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES x NO n YES NO Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? x YESFFEB-9 NOI _� If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? x 9 ':i79 _ If you are not appointed for the current vacancy,do ABBIE cSTf*"! vacancy? x YES —NO You wish to be consideEddYfGr.ra"future January 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOInCS STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable. Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes No x b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes No x C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes No. x If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. V FEQ? L�, 3'973E u ABBIE S i OLFUS CITY CLERK MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVIES T ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION huRM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE 2/24/79 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME Broadband Telecommunications TERM 3 year NAME Terry Kelly ADDRESS 130 N. Madison St. OCCUPATION Coordinator, Rape Victim Advocacy EMPLOYER University of Iowa 351-4804 Program 338-4800 PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE BUSINESS EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: Through my work I am very familiar with the Iowa City area and the needs of many people in the community --I have also produced public service videotapes and worked extensively with all forms of the media. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? none --other than it being an important advisory committee in order to insure quality and efficient services for telecommunications in the Iowa City area. WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD APPLYING)? I feel that I am aware of many of the needs of citizens in STATE REASON FOR ommunity and I also believe very strongly that responsible media in any commmunity is a vital part of the c Bmunit ' need SpecY�ic atonMuld be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legalept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES X NO 9C O F D Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? x YES , �'!'!O 1 ;,,/� I f you are not selected, do you want to be noti f ed? AYES _NO A B G I E S i O LF U S. CITY CLERIC If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be considered for a future vacancy? _AYES _NO MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DEs MONIES January 1979 STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No X b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No x C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable — Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes _ No. x If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. / MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES ROIRES ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION fuRM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE _Ild y! 7 c/ I ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME dad &I'd T�ci.�n�mun,iufi�n TERM NAME M,9PII 7& -AA) Lf1//,0 ADDRESS -5�r.e OCCUPATION reCfet r," goer,a)01 r /is EMPLOYER -L, o�c -Tolie PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE 3.3 q -3 8 i D BUSINESS - _- j j$ -SL/ y EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: •1;n e WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS 00 YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? /,,/u L� yam,: Lo,l /ems ,q r[/ 017147 u// / � n a. A a�Y/ss -� 6eyel Gl.>7� a� I/ LJJJ Yfi Qi A& a ARGC' SLL /,S Tii sarc� ,Gi1D<</�t iFci£ w You 47 C?7,;L/ . §pecific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal' project or n defined n Chapters ct o inter P of the Code of Iowa. Should you k.' Wr1 �iul:vep,� or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dep W 1 ou ave D conflict of interest? YES � NO JAN?_ 9 1979 Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? YESNO If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? YES _NO CITY CL'ERI( If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be considered for a future vacancy? -4YES _NO January 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•D[S IIOIDES /l� �) •�.-t • � yr STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "Yes" answer to an y of the exclude you from consideration forapp questions will band Telecommunications not necessarily Broad - assist Commission PP°intment to the Iowa City groad- exist our Legal Department in Hoever, the information consideration. °f interest determining whether or will which would preclude Your further may Are you or is any member of your immediate famil Pendent upon you: y or anyone de - a. An empl°Yee of or a stockholder in either Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc Parent Mawkeye Cable - manner affmjaated with aor n�d�ary thereof, or in or any Y of the above? any other Yes b.No An employee Of or a stockholder in any radio station or news the Iowa Publication peratin or television serving° g in Iowa subsidiary City area or of any parent City or any of the above? or in any other manner company or affiliated with Yes No C. An employee, stockholder, Partner, corporation or business which has or is significant °r Proprietor of any Hawke Contract or business likely to have a Ye Cable - Vision Corporationor with either Cablevision Inc., or a parent or thereof? Eastern Iowa company or subsidiary Yes -- No. If YOU ase arse redexp"Y et" toany Of the above questions include using additional paper if necesease sary, VA MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIRES ..M ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION I5 A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR /PERIOD. DALE a, -I_ 8, / I ? el ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME NAME ITiv� _ADDRESS�jf� OCCUPATION /A. &W -AA /Yf LGa9,[aL..ty EMPLOYER 6114 PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE .) J - 3 90 % BUSINESS 2J-1-00 G �— EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: %L - i . ..w. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO APPLYING)? %t"- .i l..L1yr(2 all 1 `C utrm/1 SE 0 I;ADVISORf BOP FEEL YOU CAN MAI TO A� �A fiA�C ADVISORY -BOARD 1: 'It ,�'. TE REASON, FOR J C)fO /�r7/✓A/re-�; Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict -of interest 16'Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES �NO (� 11 (ti DD , Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? YES J —�E�9I ..1979 If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? RYES _NO AUDITL S ILEi-OLUS If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be cons i��r dCfor Ra future vacancy? _YES _NO MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DrS MPI ES January 1979 STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No X C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes No. 'X If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES 140MES ADVISunY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION M Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future, Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE 17 February 1979 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME Broadband Telecommunications Comm. TERM NAME Robert Pepper ADDRESS 311 Woolf Ave.. I.G OCCUPATION professor EMPLOYER Univ. of Iowa PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE 337-4296 BUSINESS 353-4404 EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: Member of the City's Cable Advisory Staff; Member of the Mayor's Cable TV Committee, Madison, Wisconsin;Conslt uant to he Governor's Task Force on Cable Communications, State of Wisconsin; consultant and advisor to municipalities on the franchising and regulation of cable communications; *advised the Commission on cable and citizen rights WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? I helped draft the ordinance creating the Commission WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS 00 YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? Having had experience in similar situations, I feel I could be of help in escaDiisning the Commission, its procedures and guidelines, and in interpreting the new cable regulatory ordinance. Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of i terest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES NO Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? YES N1 [j If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? X ,,// YES NO FEB? 11979 ABBIE `,( 71.'r-U�o If you are of appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be cons ide6flYfruLEMuLure vacancy? are _NO January 1979 FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES nolrus i STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No x b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No _X C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes x No. If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. I own 300 shares of Scientific Atlanta (out of 2.6 million shares outstanding), a public corporation listed on the American Stock Exchange. Scientific Atlanta is a supplier of electronics equipment and has had contracts with both ATC and Cox in the past and,I suspect,will have contracts with these two companies in the future. Either company will likely purchase Scientific Atlanta equipment for the Iowa City system, AOLI CITY CLUM, MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES 1- > ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE OROPPFD FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. Iowa City Broadband: Tel.erommunication; . ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME Commission NAME Michael Sigrin OCCUPATION artist -writer PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE 319 338 9104 2/13/79 TERM 1-3 yrs. ADDRESS 903 E. Burlington St. owa city EMPLOYER —,.I a -MPI oyod BUSINESS EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: Master of Fine Ar1-c DPnrap (t97F,t u i ..0 r-..- in Photography/Multimedia (in lud e film and video) Freelance script writer. Credits includes "Iowa 2000't Former Director of central Iowa Art Association (Marshalltown Iowa) Iowa CitV resident since 1971. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? Have read Ordinance 4 78-2917 and have some prior knowledge of cable television service. Recently com- pleted a study of the television production facilities at the University of M nnesota$ Minneapolis. WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? Am interested in seeing that cable television maintain high programming standards andultimately be beneficial to the Iowa Cit commu- ne y, par ecu ar y roug pu c access. Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES x NO FI DD L ? Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? x YES B 1 5 19279 If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? x YES _NO ABBIE STOLFUS E If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be consid irt)%!' �� future vacancy? x YES NO January 1979 MICROFRMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 11011JES Resume Writer/Asset Director Photographer Art Administration Present Address Permanent Address Michael E. Siarin 903 E. Burlington St. Iowa City, Iowa 52240 319 338 9104 same as above °�r[ L' FL , 1 *5 1979 iA.;U!E STOLFU CITY CUP— Education M.F.A. M.A. Univers it or Iowa Iowa a �� 6/73-9/76 Independent Study Program in Photography, Mult media (in- cludes Film and Video) and Contemporary Art History. Re- search in origin of the Cinema, E.J. Marey, Marcel Duchamp and the History of Film and Photography. 1976 1971 New sono" ror aociai araCaccni Advanced Filmaking/ Arnold Eagle Commercial Photographic Processes/ Dan Balliotti Non -Silver Photographic Processes/ Marvin Hoshino 9/63-2/67 B.A. Penne lvania state umver2ic �u-L�r �_� .o -_ Art and Architectural History. Stud o work In Photography, Painting, Architectural Design Employment Central Iowa Art Assn at Fisher Cente Marshalltown Ia. 9/77 to -Dl-rector/Administrator of private, non-profit art organization present with 25 yr. history. Community responsibilities include devel- opment of municipal funding, grantwriting, Spring Arts Fair, cultural programming including concerts, artist -lecture series, films and exhibitions. Also curatorial work involving extensive ceramics collection, publication of monthly newsletter, in- volvement with local media and considerable public relations•# n".11. a+1. wu v.+.. _...-..-_ __--- - 1978 Consultant. Development of "Art of Film" series consisting of six feature films open to the public and design of a three credit course in film appreciation. Moderator for "Art of Film" series. Scriptwriter/Freelance. Completion visual film strips on solar energy. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIRES two commercial, audio - 9/76-8/77 Michael E. Siarin .-----_-���� —reccor. completion of three shooting scripts including Resource Action Program Funding Proposal, "Iowa 2000" (A State project involving problems anticipated V th n the next 25 years) Staff Benefits 6 orientation (Revamping of the University,s Orientation Program ----•1�� councii-noarg of Di 11/76-8/77 Elected position. Procurement and disbursement of local, State and Federal funds within the local community. Grant writing and exhibition design. 1970-4 Owner/Director. Complete administration and aesthetic di- rection. Specialized in photo -sensitive materials including photography, photo -lithography, films, etc. Sales and work shops, public relations with artists and public. 1970 Asa Museum of Contem ra Crafts 29 West 53 d St New Yo C t' etant to Ray Pierotti on "Photo-med a" PYh h;t;ww 9/68-70 1967-8 'beaching Experience 1/72-6/74 12/73-6/73 .4...� para, uarector. Production assistant, Photographer, researcher, video and camera work, Brownsville, New York. Sy Cash, Supervisor. --n-�r•v• w yanaer ana intermediate classes. Consultant on development of program in the Visual Arts. David Hanson, Head, Department of Film and Photography. ��. �vaavpmenc or Video cameraman on special projects. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MD FTICs program. EDUCATIONAL PLACEMENT OPFIC6, C•IWEnt Hall, The University of Iowa, Iowa OFFICE M fS PP't L'nndidale's Name Yiehael E42 e Sigrin Concerning Training or Name of Reference her• '11111srd Boyd Experience al The University of Iowa Candidate's SignalDates 9/76-3/77 ure .. sier of the can'tliah"s right gaacceee to this reference; II MI aveThbilaMe Mgnalum Mu cendidale.eomtltuNe a walvsigns{, the nbreace will M mai I am pleased after the excellent oexperience write in s1 have had upport of Mwith1himewhileSigrin working on the IOWA 2000 project, of which I served as chair- person. Mr. Sigrin prepared the script of a media presentation to be used at the regional meetings to introduce the program and its objectives to the participants. His work was outstanding both in terms of quality and promptness. He was responsive to suggestions and interested in and appreciative of others' thoughts. My colleagues and I found him cooperative, serious, creative but realistic, a pleasure to work with him. it was Universi£ tvsimr/ori...... Willard L. Boyd President, University of Iowa . .NAmC 7YPF.f)..... .......................... Iowa City TITLE \........................ 4/4/77 ADDBFSi ............................. ....................DAT{......... MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110INEs THIS REFERENCE WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE CANDIDATE IF HE/SHE SHOULD REQUEST TO SEE IT CANDIUATE SUOULD TYPE IN TOP SECTION To be returned directly lir BEFORE GIVING THIS FOR51 TO REFERENCE, Educational Placement Office WRITER SHOULD TYPE IF POSSIBLE CIOI East Hall The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 52211 Candidate's Name ,_Ml hael li. Sierin Name of Reference .Art, Rn Rnnhnlm, Concerning Training or Experience of University of Iowa Date& 6/72-8/76 In order to serve the best Interesh both of candidates and educational Institutions, this office desires to sevum reliable Information concerning the ab W, and accomplishments of those who are registered with It. According to the capacity In which you know this parson tas teacher, employer, supervisor, el will you comment bilefly on those lualitlea witch In your judgment arc pertinent. (SuggesteC polnls: echolsrslJD judgment, responsibility personal , suelat Suul ills,, speech health , attitudes and Interests, canners lion, adaptability, polenllal, creativity, etc.). Tbb evaluation will be reproduced In credent made available to employing olllclal.. M chael Sigrin is an impressive individual artistically and intellectually, While_ art authentic artistic vision need not be accompanied by a theoretical structure and an historical perspective, Mr. Sigrin possesses these, and they in no way interfere with !ho inpact imd authenticity of his work. Ile has produced some photogranhic i.mapes which I have found moving and memorrrble though they are in art idiom which departs from rany of the established conventions of art photography; more than that, I have seen the imperatives of his work cause some of his teachers to expand or redefine some of their notions about photography and art, and this is the !!lark of an exceptionally strong artist. Personally, tor. Sigrin is concerned and communicative. He is open to the work and ideas of others yet he takes a stand for what he believes in. He possesses considerable savvy about the world outside the university and is a sophisticated and articulate person. 1 recommend him most highly for any teaching or art -related position. He has the potential to be an exceptional teacher because of Itis artistic accomplishment, strong and varied background, and intellectual strength and integrity. SIGN,Ali�� Arthur us ne bauum - INATITM ION Ii Aunistant professor (11972-75) School of 6PAl;endlMM ,Aistory University of �`O'we AUURF.SS MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROIAB CEDAR RAPIDS -Dr.!; MO MES Diarch 18, 197e DATE Marillalltalan cLimr,j-+Rp nl�liran Ceulral louw s Daily NewsParer MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA 50155 May 5, 1978 To Whom It May Concern: We of the Times -Republican staff have come to know Mike Sigrin as an ardent worker in behalf of the arts in the short time that he has been in Marshalltown as director of the Central Iowa Art Association. He has a good sense of promotion and knows how to weld diverse community groups into cohesive action units in behalf of his agency. He has a keen perception of community !politics./ I personally have worked with Mike as he aided my Kiwanis Club in an art/courthouse fund raising effort that produced 825,000 for residents of Marshall County, Iowa. Mike has had a significant role in the protect. I am sorry to see him leave this community. Sincerely, n Wendell R. Benson Managing Editor R A D 1 0 STATI ON K F 1 B, 1230 0 N YOUR DIAL ii MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIOS.0C5 140114ES ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE January 26, 1979 ADVISORY BOARD OMMISSION NAME Broadband Telecommunications TERM 2 years NAME Richard A. Tauchen ADDRESS 3353 Tulane Avenue OCCUPATION Field Manager Customer Service EMPLOYER H. J. Heinz Co. PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE 354-4198 BUSINESS 351-1083 EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: Work in precinct and county level of political party. Work in collego with Student Union Board activities and one year as vice chairman. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? To be initially staffed and serve as an advisory capacity to City Council on Broadband Telecommunication questions WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? Interest in local government and to bring a fresh outlook to the commission. I feel I could represept all people in Iowa City. Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? YES X NO Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? X YES I — A E n If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? X YES _NO JAN3161 1979LLJI If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be considkrdbilf Sal yfp. vacancy? X YES _NO J�10dfi �dQP1Y• MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101REs 1' KICIIAP0 A i STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may 1 exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any Parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes No b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No X C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes _ No. If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. I MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES TAS; dclJ ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting, Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE February 28, 1979 Iowa City Broadband ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME Telecommunications Commission TERM 3 years NAME William 0, Terry ADDRESS 206 Park Road OCCUPATION Real Estate EMPLOYER Self PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE 337-3617 BUSINESS 351-8339 EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: The past two years I have been a member of the Parent Advisory Board to the Superintendent of Schools, this year as chairperson. I am also president of the P,T,O, at Central Junior High, Both of these positions terminate at the end of this academic year, I have also served on both the regulatory and advisory boards at our church. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? As this is a new board m knowledge basically consists of news media releases, Because o s infancy am WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? I feel I possess the patienc�c, ctivity and am willing to devote time to developing an a ec ve a ecommun ca ons Advisory oaroara as wi as u ng a solid foundation for future Board members, Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as define? in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal DepWijl Yu Have a conflict of interest? YES x NO u k C - i Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? X YES rN61AR 1 1979 If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? X YES _NO ABBIE STOLFUS CITY CLERK If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be considered for a future vacancy? X YES _NO January 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•Dcs MoInES STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes No X b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other planner affiliated with any of the above? Yes No X C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes No. y_ If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. , MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION FORM Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. [lie City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE Eehrnary 97, 1979 ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME nrnarlhanri T,. I nrnmmitn i rah i nn TERM 1 or 7 years NAME _l1ruce IJaahhurn ADDRESS 1200 Ginter Avn, OCCUPATION 11ttornnv EMPLOYER Diehl & Washburn PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE :i:i'/-:i'JJ1 BUSINESS 351-2277 EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: I grow up with T.V., and know the difference between good T.V., which I like, and bad T.U. I also have a healthy respect for the First amendment and know better than to try to impose my taste on the media. I have practiced in front of City commissions and have some idea how they function and a have experience reading, interpreting and working with ordinnces. WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ADVISORY BOARD? Since this is a new Commission, I have no present knowledge other than what is in the ordinance and the advertisomont for applicants. WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? Ply response to the voxperioncc/activities" question abuvu roflor-tn what I feel 1 can contribute. My reanon for applying is thnl: I br..liove broidliond tolocommunicntions are nn extremely important community facility, and I would like to help make sure Iowa City grits tho bast. Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict of interest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES X NO (� Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? _YES z FN9 F If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? X YES NO E02 8 :919 A 8 B I E ZSTCLj-'IIIIS If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be consicLerro 6EL' uLure vacancy? M YES —NO January 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 11011IES STATEMENT OF INTEREST Lej. J f, lF.(� L rL cSJ�L c. -f(. A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes No X b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes No X C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes No. X If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. FEB2 8 1979 A95rF U S ITY CLERK MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110Ir1Es ADV1. .,Y BOARD/COMMISSION APPLICATION '1M Individuals serving on Boards/Commissions play an important role in advising the Council on matters of interest to our community and its future. Applicants must reside in Iowa City. The City Council announces advisory board vacancies 60 days prior to the date the appointment will be made. This 60 -day period provides for a 30 -day advertising period and a 30 - day training period for new members. The training period allows new members to become familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the advisory board before becoming a full voting member. After a vacancy has been announced and the 30 -day advertising period has expired, the Council reviews all applications during .the informal work session. The appointment is announced at the next formal Council meeting. .Appointees serve as unpaid volunteers. All applications must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than one week prior to the announced appointment date. THIS APPLICATION IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT AND AS SUCH CAN BE REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL NAMES WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE LIST AFTER A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. DATE ADVISORY BOARD/COMMISSION NAME %' •,:,, /, „,::,:r, ,.'I , •,Cr. n,ryTERM :tel (/,'••%('" `. /; ,:Ind NAME I)ei,.,.I A. 7/2/'>Sr // ADDRESS.;, OCCUPATION :ihcr•/ L)/a/,,(/-l/!'wli; /C'r EMPLOYER -/.-,/,r (•/r (r/n/nan(/' •S//...'//�/.,( PHONE NUMBERS: RESIDENCE n' ' 6- /J• ,j' BUSINESS '1'i•I' - orf' S S'� EXPERIENCE AND/OR ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU FEEL QUALIFY YOU FOR THIS POSITION: ('� ,n/,,,d/,=<: r,/,_</!i ✓ .�(;/l,l,—J,:,;•r. /� /r� / % 7�- -l�'r /lr�J(r/I!/'��!/,/,�(, G // � ,�././ c,vr•//l•, ('�.f �• %-fir .1/p•If_t/L/I)/117/ J/r'P. /`% �.{� c./d� NJlL/( :,(/J r.n� (/'Slr /c� _. i IN (.(,-/a'(", (//� /C//, r'7, •./ ///('C�//' l/7/ r'!� 7//j //'//l/Jl (//i/(A �JCi/. (rz/!/!!i//C'• i�'(J/// n7/ ' i/1(�! (!l//I( /r!/i lr� /l/l!•,J ,/i r7/ r/ _ WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT NO OF THIS ADVISORY BOAR/D? .C' /.•//( �. L r/,,li(.:ZzJr;y //I!' l/.S /h•7/: `r/�'i�//!.� .,/ /�)J•� "/l,/1//ilr lrl / I I WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN MAKE TO THIS ADVISORY BOARD (OR STATE REASON FOR APPLYING)? /a r //•'a T/.'r''S ,J/ f ,'r/l: / P'!/rrt ,i//r•//!// %/<(: (//J!/ / r( �,1 � __ �•'tlC C.' Nr, ! :'I (` lL, /`/ (i .l./ /�(% �•/!r J• / ./,, '.I l'!G/ /r/ /•h I i'l'['r,,. Specific attention should be directed to possible conflict of interest in Urban Renewal project or as defined in Chapters 362.6, 403A.22 of the Code of Iowa. Should you be uncertain whether or not a potential conflict ofnterest exists, contact the Legal Dept. Will you have a conflict of interest? _YES NO Knowing the length of term, are you willing to serve this term? RYES J L D U MAR 2197/9 If you are not selected, do you want to be notified? AYES _NO ABBIE STOLFUS If you are not appointed for the current vacancy, do you wish to be considgpgl fDICEiXlluture vacancy? YES _NO January 1979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MoinE5 ICJ' . 6P. u-.r_a..e � STATEMENT OF INTEREST A "yes" answer to any of the following questions will not necessarily exclude you from consideration for appointment to the Iowa City Broad- band Telecommunications Commission. However, the information will assist our Legal Department in determining whether or not there may exist a conflict of interest which would preclude your further consideration. Are you or is any member of your immediate family or anyone de- pendent upon you: a. An employee of or a stockholder in either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation, Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc, or any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No I b. An employee of or a stockholder in any radio or television station or news publication operating in Iowa City or serving the Iowa City area or of any parent company or subsidiary thereof, or in any other manner affiliated with any of the above? Yes _ No C. An employee, stockholder, partner, or proprietor of any corporation or business which has or is likely to have a significant contract or business connection with either Hawkeye Cable - Vision Corporation or Eastern Iowa Cablevision Inc., or a parent company or subsidiary thereof? Yes _ No. L If you have answered "yes" to any of the above questions, please include a complete explanation using additional paper if necessary. I ' h4AR 2 iM ABBIE STOLFUS, CITY CLERK MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES ,.Ity of Iowa City- MEMORANDUM ity MEM1ORANDUM Date: March 8, 1979 To: City Council From: City Manager Re: Broadband Telecommunications Commission Applicants This information concerning candidates for the Broadband Telecommuni- cation Commission is a composite of suggestions from Connie Tiffany and the City Manager. The Manager 'recommends that the Council give prefer- ence to the following candidates: (the order of listing does not represent an order of preference with the exception that it is important that Bob Pepper be appointed). 1. Bob Pepper - Obvious professional background and expertise. Pro- vides continuity from initial ordinance work through franchise. Liaison with the University. 2. William Tier r - seems to have a good cross section of community interests without excessively one-sided interest in cable. Busi- ness and education background. 3. Marilyn Levin - knows the community well through recreational and cu tural act vities. Has worked with senior citizens and arts groups. Is an excellent hard-working contributor and will likely be a good tie to many user groups. Education in related field. Liaison with City departments. 4. Bruce Washburn - active in the community and interested in the med uum as a consumer. Would be an asset to protecting 1st Amend- ment aspects. Does not have an excessively one-sided interest in cable. 5. Jen Madsen - knows the community through local political activities and long term involvement. Brings a different orientation. Strong representative of community -at -large. 6. Sandra Eskin - good background and involvement with cable TV. Would act vely protect its community benefits. Service on original Cable TV committee. 7. David Russell - good background and related to educational com- mun ty. ou d provide liaison with school district. cc: Connie Tiffany bc3/2 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MoltIrs S)7 f � �///(//J�/��� V • CIVIC CENTER. CII, I WASHINGTON 57. IpWACR354.,w S}ZIp i !! Board of Library Trustees Attn: Randall Bezanson, Pres. 114 Post Road I Iowa City, Iowa 52240 i I I Dear Mr. Bezanson: The attached resolution was adopted by the Iowa City City Council at their regular meeting on March 13, 1979. It creates an official bulletin board for City agencies, except the Library Board and the Airport Commission. An official bulletin board is needed to comply with the new Open Meetings Law. Council directed that you be advised of their action, so that you could take action by your Board of Trustees. The bulletin board or place of posting must be at a place of promin- ence and easily accessible. (See 28A.4(1), Iowa Code) Each agency must designate a location at its principal office, or if none exists, at the building in which the meeting is t 28A.2(1), Iowa Code) o be held. (See You rs very truly, l us C zmi City Clerk cc/Eggers 5.2.3 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB r.EDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIRES I CIVIC CENTER. 410 E WASNINOTON ST. q/���%/ KI IOWA 19- 10160511/0 �u��(�i((�� `I ��/� 719851.1900 t Iowa City Airport Commission Attn: Chrm. Garry Bleckwenn 205 N. Post Road Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Dear Mr. Bleckwenn: The attached resolution was adopted by the Iowa City City Council at their regular meeting on March 13, 1979. It creates an official bulletin board for City agencies, except the Library Board and the Airport Commission. An official bulletin board is needed to comply with the new Open Meetings Law. Council directed that you be advised of their action, so that you could take action by your Commission. The bulletin board or place of posting must be at a place of promin- ence and easily accessible. (See 28A.4(1), Iowa Code) Each agency must designate a location at its principal office, or if none exists, at the building in which the meeting is to be held. (See 28A.2(1), Iowa Code). Yours very truly, Abbie Stolfus CMC City Clerk cc: Jones MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES I40HIES S23